#veteran grillby
undertaledragonlight · 7 months
Grillby and Emburn
In this AU, Grillby is a grizzled veteran Dragon Rider. He has the typical knight's armor for attire, similar to Undyne's armor in the classic game.
Emburn is an OC, Grillby's nephew, who is a mage. His design is inspired by @fellswap-x's Grillby design, but I take more inspiration from Howl from Howl's Moving castle for his outfit design.
Both of them will be somewhat centric characters, who aid Frisk in several ways on the journey
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wdiao · 1 year
Hey, you guys wanna know a random fact?
My first undertale fancy was of Grillby back in November 2015!
It shall never see the light of day again..... buried as it is on my old account.
Despite falling out of the fandom for awhile, I'll always consider myself a veteran fan.... (I feel old just thinking about it.)
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drowninnoodles · 2 years
gerson seems to be unpopular in general, which is a huge shame considering with how popular war veteran grillbyxgaster is, you would think there would be more content with gaster and the canonical war veteran.
Tbh I don't understand why Gerson is so unpopular. He literally has more dialogue than Grillby, who doesn't say anything. And from him we learn things about the Delta Rune sign. And it adds quite a lot to Undertale itself. He's dead in Deltarune, but he also seems to be an important character, and I'm sure his character will be developed.
Especially when he became Gaster's replacement, I think we should take a closer look at him.
Besides, if Gaster is a really nice grandpa, these two would be great friends.
I have no idea where the idea that Gaster and Grillby are friends came from? I mean, I don't mind the idea, I just think more about the canon facts.
Also, Gerson and Gaster seem to have lived in similar times, so they may even have fought in a war together
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Submitter's propaganda below:
Grillby is an extremely minor character in Undertale. He runs the bar and grill in Snowdin Town, which the protagonist Frisk visits once with Sans in a neutral or pacifist playthrough. He is quite tight-lipped, and only has two WORDS of canonical dialogue which the player needs to go out of their way to find; by backtracking all the way to Snowdin at the very end of the Pacifist Route. (Those words are "......good job.", if you were wondering.) Despite this, Grillby has a fairly devoted fanbase, and fascinatingly, consistent fanon for him has emerged. In the Grillster community in particular, Grillby is often portrayed as a war veteran and one of the few remaining monsters who survived the War Between Humans and Monsters (a war which is the backstory to Undertale, but which is only told through some slides at the beginning of the game, through missable signs and through brief dialogue with a shopkeeper), the others being Toriel, Asgore and Gerson (canonically) but a popular fanon addition being Gaster. His being a monster made entirely of fire is also regularly speculated upon, with a common consensus that he was created as a tool to aid in the war effort. Common themes to fics involving him have emerged, particularly overcoming past traumas and consideration of what constitutes a person. In my opinion, Grillby still thrives as a character outside of this reasonably niche but devoted ship (~300 total works on AO3 if I remember correctly?), and I feel as though his consistent, detailed characterisation in fanfic makes him individually notable enough yet still niche enough for this tournament, rather than Gaster who, despite also only having a very brief appearance in canon, is one of the game's most popular characters.
Have you ever heard the story of Beck from Tron: Uprising? It's not a story Disney would tell you. This boy is kept alive by 5 people on tumblr resuscitating his body and not letting him be buried like disney wants him to be. he is a himbo, dom women enjoyer, snarky ass motherfucker voiced by elijah fucking wood. i love him so much
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bythebonefire · 2 years
send 📋 for me to write about my RP wishlist! || accepting
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This one would be a bit of a challenge to figure out logistically but I’d love to do more with Mobfell Wingdings before his “canon” starting point. At present, he’s already the meanest, scariest, smartest bastard in every room he walks into. He’s accustomed to toeing the line between sophisticated charm and just being deeply unsettling, and using either one to his advantage as needed. 
That said, I’m really proud of the backstory I’ve fleshed out for him. All of that confidence and swagger is hard-won, and comes after years of struggle. Forcing himself to be resourceful, forcing himself to walk away from his own ambitions, forcing himself to constantly compromise on his own dignity, because it was what his family needed from him to survive. I kind of want to do more threads with Wingdings at about that point in his life--in his late teens and early twenties--when he was just trying to scrape by and slowly killing himself doing it. 
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For the second one--I had plotted out bits and pieces of a King Grillby AU at one point. Basically a really gnarly neutral run that ended in most everybody else who generally takes the throne after Asgore’s death also getting dusted. Grillby would be... somewhere in the hierarchy, as a fairly decorated veteran of the war, but low down enough that he never expected that kind of responsibility. 
And it’s one he never would’ve wanted, of course. Grillby only wanted a peaceful, quiet life, and suddenly being in charge of a grieving community of monster survivors... would be awful? Having to walk that balance between taking up Asgore’s plan of waging another war against the humans versus just... trying to rebuild, and waiting for the next human to drop in and fuck things up for them again. Closing himself off from the community in Snowdin. Falling once again into the need to make sacrifices for the greater good, like he did during the war. It’d just be a fun verse to explore I think.
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One little one for Orion, my Outertale Grillby--I have as his backstory that he wasn’t actually part of the monster society that was sent to the moon, but that he’s part of an ancient race of star-dwelling elementals that’s lived unnoticed in the cosmos since Time Immemorial. He develops a fascination with the moon monsters and through various circumstances too lengthy to get into for a meme reply, is taken in by them as a child. I’d like to do more with him when he’s a bit younger, when he still hasn’t really learned to speak their language or figure out their quaint moon monster customs (like clothes, I think he struggled with clothes for a while. Not that he’s drastically different from human toddlers in that sense). On the one hand feeling like a fish out of water, on the other everything is just so exciting and new. idk, Orion is a character I don’t do a ton with but I’d like to write more threads with him.
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wartime-undertale · 4 years
I like the stars as well, they are really nice. Have you and Grillby always gotten along or was there a time where you didn't?
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*Young monsters are young.
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mcnotok · 4 years
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Love me some monster war Grillby
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yourpersonalgrillby · 4 years
Do you have any family? Whether they are alive or dead could you share a memory you hold dear of them?
Oh... hah.  The bartender puts down the cleaning cloth and the glass he was polishing and looks down at them as if these items could answer for him.  They could not.  You see him take in a deep breath, his fires gaining hight again. He faces you again, something akin to a smile on his lips, but it wasn’t quite happy.  Of course I had family. A very loving one. Even by the fact that I was adopted, my parents gave me the gift of a rather happy childhood. I enjoyed friends, love,  safety, education, training... Everything a healthy monster needs when growing up.  Just shy of me celebrating my 100th birthday was when the war began. And my family would no longer be there when I had a makeshift ceremony for reaching the meaningful age of a hundred years in the camp. 
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firemama · 4 years
huge news: i’ve developed an Obsession with Grillby
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Burn Me To Ashes Chapter 3: Alea Jacta Est
It was late when Grillby finished his working day. After the early night frenzy, everybody had retreated to their houses in order to get some sleep, or at least some peace. Even Sans had left, much to his surprise. He was always the last one to go, finishing his bottle of ketchup and throwing some -annoying- puns at him before taking leave. He sighed, glaring eat the mess some monsters left for him to clean up. Don't be mistaken, he really loved his job but sometimes it could be exhausting as hell...
Plus, today should have been special. The letter wasn't going to send itself to the human world. Unconsciously, he patted his waistcoat pocket, feeling the two envelopes within. A wave of hesitation overtook him again. Should he really respond ? Another sigh escaped his lips while he began tidying the bar. It was pitch black outside and no sound could be heard. It was really late...
About a good hour later, everything was perfectly organized . He sat behind the shiny counter and without even realizing it he had the letter in his hands, unfolded, his charcoal eyes sliding over the curvy handwriting of his correspondent with a conflicted look. He was balancing the pros and cons again... and, lost in between the words, he didn't even heard the typical “poofing” sound of teleportation nor did he saw the eye sockets fixated on him in a suspicious expression.
-”What's this Grillbz?”
The bartender's concentration shattered ans he jumped from surprise folding and tucking the paper back in his pocket with anxious precipitation.
- “I didn't heard you coming Sans... I thought you had left for the night. Did you forgot something?”
  To say he was feeling extremely awkward was an understatement and the way Sans was staring at him didn't eased his nerves at all. There was a moment of heavy silence before the skeleton's  serious reply.
-“ No, I didn't forgot anything...” he seemed to hesitate before continuing “you acted strange today. What's bothering you friend?”
That was it. Of course Sans would have seen even the slightest changes in his behaviour. Should he tell him?.. That was a crucial question. All monsters were wary of humans but the short guy seemed to be especially defensive. The last thing Grillby wanted was to enter an argument with his friend, over some letters and a human. It was late, he was tired and needed to rest. The week had been rough and the lack of sleep was taking a toll on him. If only the nightmares could go away... But the memories were carved into his mind. He never totally returned from the front, never totally recovered from the atrocities of war. Somewhere deep inside him, he was split. There were two Grillby: The courteous bartender, taking care of his everyday routine, calm and patient , and The General who fought and killed, hidden in a corner of his soul, ready to brawl and destroy. Oh, how he hated this one, the one that remembered him of smoke, screams and burned skin. He wasn't this monster anymore, he would never be “that” again.
-” Grillbz? Come on bud,what is it?”
This time, Sans' voice was sincerely concerned. In less than a minute, the usually calm and composed bartender had begun to shook, his gaze unfocused. It couldn't mean anything good.
Grillby only shook his head, taking a moment to calm down before answering in a low tone.
-”Promise me not to make a scene about it first...”
-”I... I don't like to make promises...” The skeleton's concern grew even more when he saw his friend frown. “Listen,  I will try to be as quiet as I can okay? Just answer me... You've been acting strangely since you accompanied me to the Ruins.”
Without a word, Grillby reached for the letter and gave it to Sans. He waited patiently for his reaction while his friend was reading. A moment later, he was in front of a rather disturbed skeleton.
-”Is it... Is it really from the surface? I mean, there's a barrier between us and the humans! It's impossible...”
The bartender breathed a few times before explaining his week and decision, not believing his own words. After a long debate, Sans stood up and gave him the letter back.
-”Okay... If you're sure about your decision, then I respect your choices. You're my friend Grillbz and... I might just know a way to make your letter across the barrier.”
                                                     And that he did.
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minuitdanslalune · 5 years
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hug your small skeleton for peace of mind
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ninathenope · 6 years
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Sneak peek of the next chapter, now in comic form! This took entirely too long but I still love it :D
(Transcription because my handwriting is awful)
Grillby: sans....
Grillby: if you want to... talk about it...... I am here.
Sans: It’s not important.
Grillby: if it has had such... an affect on you..... It is important to me.
Sans: I just...
Sans: I’m so tired Grillbz.
Sans: sleep doesn’t even help anymore. It just passes the time...
Sans chugs his ketchup.
Sans: I’m too old for another war. I’m too tired for more death.
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UT character wakes up in the middle of the night because he head weird noises in the house. They goes in the living-room and finds a man standing there, their TV in his hands, ready to cross an opened window with it. What does they do do?
The first part of the ask is here, with the skeletons.
Undertale Toriel - "I don't think so young man." She grabs his wrist and leads him gently but firmly on the couch. She will lecture him to death. The man won't even look her in the eyes because he feels so ashamed (and he's scared she might call the cops). But once Toriel is done, she makes him promise to never doing something like that again and lets him leave. The guy can't believe his luck.
Undertale Asgore - In 10 seconds, there's 50 royal guards holding him on the ground. I mean, how stupid are you to break inside the house of the King of Monsters? There's cameras everywhere! You will have a nice night facing Undyne screaming at you. You absolute idiot.
Undertale Undyne - One second, Undyne is in front of you, the second later, she throws you so hard you're crossing the wall of the living-room. Undyne alone is already dangerous, but Alphys is here too, and she won't risk her life. If you're threatening her, she's killing you in a blink of an eye. She's not joking. If the man surrenders, she's bringing him to the police station herself to question him aggressively. Maybe don't break in the house of the head of the royal guard.
Undertale Alphys - She squeaks in shock and screams her girlfriend name with panic. You grabs her arm to make her shut up. BIG. MISTAKE. Undyne jumps on your back, and slams your head in the wall, knocking you out. Welp, you're going to the hospital. DON'T THREAT THE HEAD OF THE ROYAL GUARD'S GIRLFRIEND.
Undertale Frisk - They shrugs and takes advantage of the fact the man is shocked to casually carry the TV to its place. They then waves at the guy pacifically. The man waves back. Wait... What? The man is so confused he leaves to have an identity crisis in the nearest parc. Frisk just closes the window. What an eventful night.
Undertale Chara - "Greetings." Chara said, eyes entirely black and leaking creepily. The man screams in fear, throws the TV at them and falls of the window trying to flee the house. They fell on the car in a loud crash. Chara called the cops and said there's a man with multiple fractures waiting in the alley. The man is confused. He's hurt, sure, but he doesn't have any fracture? Then Chara takes out a crowbar from their inventory and walks to the man with a creepy smile =)
Undertale Mettaton - He switches on the lights dramatically and gasps. "Oh boy! Look at that! This TV is a bomb!" The man just said "wait... what?" before the wall is blown away. Mettaton claps his hands, happy. "You caught that on camera Blooky? That was amazing!"
Undertale Gaster - Gaster doesn't know what to do. So, uh, slowly, he takes an egg out of his goop and gives it to the man. The man takes the egg, confused. Now you are both looking at each other blankly. Uh... What now?
Undertale Grillby - Uh, you know Grillby is a war veteran, right? The man tries to run to him, Grillby makes him fly and pins him on the floor with ease. Still holding his arm, he sits on his back and calls the police. He will patiently waits for Undyne to come while the man is crying like a baby because it hurts. Grillby is enjoying that way too much.
Undertale Muffet - Suddenly, a lot of spiders climbs down the window. The man crushes one of them, laughing at their stupid try to stop him. He then feels a gentle CRUSHING hand on his shoulder and meets with a very pissed off Muffet. The man can only screams, no one will ever hear you. You're going to have a nice meeting with her pet. Have fun.
Undertale Burgerpants - "Come on, man, that's the only thing that cheering my day, you can't do that!" The man laughs at his face. Burgerpants is tied on a chair and he can't do nothing to stop the guy. That's his fate. He will even be fired the next day by Mettaton because he's late. He doesn't even know why he's still trying.
Undertale Flowey - FINALLY. He can FINALLY hurt someone with a good reason. He's throwing pellets at the man until his HP reaches 1 HP. He's laughing maniacally the all time. The much fun he had since he decided to go to the Surface with Frisk. But then the noise wakes Toriel, who then lectures the both of them because killing and stealing are bad. Flowey is not happy.
Undertale Gerson - "What a brave little guy, stealing little old man like me. Want to see what little old me can do?" He then shows him his cane and beats the hell out of him. The man is begging for mercy, but Gerson is having fun, too bad. When Undyne came, she cheered him as he kept hitting the guy on the back.
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silverskye13 · 3 years
Hi hello. Sometimes I get really proud of the random NPCish side characters I throw into my fics because they need incidental flair and I have none.
Anyway, have a sneak peak of the next Tell God and the Devil chapter because I'm proud and shameless:
Ellis Shively was a great many things. He was bad tempered for one and superstitious to a fault, as his treatment of Gaster so clearly showed. He was old, a veteran miner, and worth his weight in coal. He'd seen cave ins, afterdamp, mine fires and maladies, and he claimed to have survived an alligator attack when he'd come north from the Carolinas. He was a cantankerous soul full of stubbornness, who felt entitled to his rocking chair and his pipe - and he was probably right.
But of all the things Ellis Shively was, the most important to Grillby on that sunny morning was that he was literate, he had the day off, he was human -- and he owed Grillby a favor. Or rather, he owed Grillby about $65 in unpaid bar tab fees, which was close enough.
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(💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids? uwu for all the grillbitties you feel like answering for)
Forgot what meme this was oops || Not accepting
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
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Grillby is a calm, stoic, put-together war veteran, but the one other thing he also is, is a hopeless romantic. He wears the blush of new love in a way that’s hard to miss. He smiles more, his freckles sparkle like twinkling stars, and his flames have a sunshine-like brightness and warmth to him that lights up the room. He gets lost in his own head a lot. You’ll probably catch him humming to himself as he works.
When it comes to showing affection, Grillby is all about acts of service as his love language--and the act of service he’s most accustomed to is cooking. Portion sizes at Grillby’s are the one thing that’s not always consistent, because if he’s in love with you, it’s all but spilling off the plate. The burger so massive you can barely fit it in your mouth, fries piled on with gusto, the breakfast burrito loaded up impossibly full with fillings cooked to perfection. And of course you can have seconds. You can have thirds. You can have whatever you like, he’s just happy to see you enjoy the fruits of his labor.
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
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Must one have a musical taste? Can one not simply be so drawn to the inherent beauty of all music’s ability to communicate emotion, particularly when one struggles to honestly and openly express emotion of his own in a way that feels nonthreatening and safe? 
He has his favorites, sure, but when I say he’s in love with music as a philosophical construct, I mean it. 
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids? uwu for all the grillbitties you feel like answering for)
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He doesn’t end up with them in too many verses, save my verse with @dadster-and-skelesons where he and Sans end up taking in an orphaned elemental child, and my neutral verse with @megalobonia where he ends up taking in Fuku after her mother’s death. I think he doesn’t expect that children are in the cards for him, though I don’t think he’s really given much thought as to why. He does worry a little that he wouldn’t have time to devote to a family, given how busy he keeps at the bar. 
But he likes children. He’s good at interacting with them. He’s patient, gentle, and a good listener. He was definitely Fuku’s favorite uncle, and he helped Pepper out a lot when the girl was first born as she got acclimated to life as a mother. He’d be a good dad, and I think in ships with partners who want them, he’d absolutely be down for it. 
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wartime-undertale · 4 years
Are you alright you two, especially Gaster over there. That must of hurt in my perspective
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*Gaster’s vision problems become apparent.
*Grillby mourns the past and the future.
(And perhaps a bit of foreshadowing to boot.)
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