#victim of the alt right pipeline
puppybearuniverse · 4 months
thinking about the tragedy that is never truly getting to be close with my family. i feel guilty about it sometimes. but then i remember how hard I've tried, my entire life, to connect. and i remember the things they did to me in return. and i remember that it's okay not to have a relationship with them.
#especially my sister. we were so close when she was younger.#then she fell down the alt right pipeline#then she got better! and we got along really well!#and now she lies and schemes and manipulates like it's her job. almost everyone i know fell victim to her wake in some way#and it sucks you know? because i feel like i knew her heart. but one day she just changed.#trying to kill me for having a friend over while she was at work was my last straw.#i spent years and months begging her to spend any amount of time with me. and when she entered her manipulate era i tried to distance#but i still felt so much love for her. i still felt the need to have some connection.#and then came november. after a month of me being gone - one of the first things she did was try to kill me.#because i had a friend over. while she was at work.#now i feel a dislike for her like i would anyone who acted so horribly.#i feel disgusted when she talks to our mother all sweet like she doesnt lie to her every day.#growing up she was the favourite and anyone can tell.#as an adult she uses that as best she can.#she's been watching total drama lately. i can hear it from her room. it used to be my favourite show when we were young.#i wonder if she remembers. i wonder if she cares.#it's so strange to feel the way i feel about all of this.#i want her to mourn our relationship the same way i do. i want her to remember that i tried and she had every chance to reciprocate.#i don't know. it's all so complicated. and sometimes it still hurts.#wiggle
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protectcosette · 1 year
sn*pe defenders are so fucking funny he's not a good person just bc he's at the top of your kin list
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uptownthots · 7 months
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sasch1sch · 11 months
reminder that terf rhetoric at its core is just straight up fascism. i'm not even kidding or exaggerating.
dehumanising, caricaturing us as perverts and groomers, spreading conspiracy theories about a "social contagion", reducing our identities to "dangerous ideology that will lead to the downfall of society", fabricating a "common threat", conspiracy theories about a small population of people controlling the media narrative, calling us inherently unnatural and predatory, spreading fear, all of these were tactics that ultimately led to thousands of queer people being murdered by the nazis during the holocaust.
the rights the lgbt community fought so hard for are fragile. they can be taken away in an instance. if we let fascism happen right under our noses, all progress people have risked their lives for can be undone. this goes for all marginalised communities. never underestimate fascists. trans people are just step one, they are the current wedge issue used to radicalise people. dont fuckin fall for it.
at best terfs alienate trans people out of sheer misinformation, at worst they actively cause physical harm by fighting for restricted healthcare, ridiculing, harassing and doxxing out of hatred and disgust. you can dress the movement up as progressive as you want but if the literal alt right is fighting by your side for the same cause then you seriously need to revaluate your values. your views are directly responsible for anti trans violence.
make no mistake: violence is on the rise, it has been for decades. we are victims of harassment, physical, verbal and sexual abuse and even murder. if you actually believe trans people are the perpetrator of violence, you are flat out wrong, its the opposite.
i do not think all "gender critical" people have malicious intentions. trans people have been instrumentalised by the right for their propaganda by fearmongering, but its never too late to unlearn these biases. this is why i believe we should treat the terf pipeline like any other harmful pipeline such as the alt right or incel pipeline. its a gradual development which can be countered at each step. still, we should treat these people with compassion, as long as it is returned to us.
not all people with bigoted ideals are inherently bad people. sometimes they are simply misguided and just need to be educated about certain topics. information and respectful conversations are key here. in this case, they should be reminded that trans people are not the monsters they get potrayed as in the media. we are human beings, capable and worthy of so much love, full of passion and beautiful inside and out.
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boy---interruptedd · 6 months
Alfred's Playhouse Commentary.
Alfred's playhouse is a vent show I recently discovered made by Emily Youcis. I will be addressing the actual content of the show before I move on to my opinion on Emily herself so please hold fire until the end because I KNOW what you're thinking.
(Not all these themes are discussed in my post but you should be aware of these before watching the show)
Alfred's Playhouse features main character Alfred, who is a dog described in the introduction song as desperately attempting to escape his painful reality. I agree that it is genuinely disturbing, but I'd like to address its vague poignancy and how it deals with its themes.
In the first episode, we see what I think (as a survivor myself) to be the most accurate representation of how it feels to be sexually assaulted I've ever seen. The moment where everything is odd and numb and quiet followed by pure panic and rage.
The first episode also displays mental instability incredibly well. I've struggled with my mental health for the past six years and honestly the scenes where Alfred just rambles about essentially nothing at all, addressing an imagined audience, accurately represents what feels like the descent into madness many mentally ill people are convinced they go through. The thought that you've lost your mind is an extremely painful one and Alfred's Playhouse depicts that with surprising levels of accuracy.
Episode two, however, is essentially just this massive showcase of Alfred brutally harming himself. Though it portrays the very common desperate desire for attention many people experience when they struggle with self harm, myself included, I feel the level of gore is a little gratuitous, displaying Alfred almost bleeding to death from the wounds he's inflicted upon himself. That being said, it is a vent show so I see why Youcis made the decision. She never really made it for other people it was a way to make herself feel better. Then again, it was her decision to post it publicly.
Episode three essentially explains the whole show from a weirder perspective and honestly I don't want to go into it since I have so much to say and it's quarter past 11 at night and I have college tomorrow, but it is a good episode with the context of the show.
Overall, though it is important for assault victims and mentally ill people to have content in which they feel seen, I feel Youcis should have toned her work down a little before posting it. However, the Internet was a wild west in 2007.
Now onto Youcis herself, I feel it is incredibly unjustified to attribute her current political views to the show. She fell down the alt-right pipeline after publishing Alfred's Playhouse. This is almost definitely because of her downward spiral. It's not uncommon for groups like the alt-right to target vulnerable people like Emily. She has so clearly been crying for help for years and, though there's no excuse for her words or actions, I feel you should take her art for what it is rather than apply a made up meaning to it. The depictions of Nazis in the show - I think - are more a commentary on her childhood trauma and the themes of the show, Alfred feeling his life is dictated by someone/something else. While there's definitely better content in the genre and in general, the massive controversy surrounding Alfred's Playhouse is - in my opinion - unwarranted and really just watch it with an open mind and separate it from current Emily because she wasn't like she is now when she made it. Instead of hating on the present, understand the past and don't be overly shocked when mentally ill people do fucked up shit, especially when they've received the kind of backlash Emily Youcis faced.
Final disclaimer- I don't support her actions I hope she burns I just want people to understand things how they actually happened yk?
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brittwalfordfan · 7 months
Just btw if you see Israeli people mourning those lost in Hamas’ terrorist attacks and you respond to them with paragraphs about how the Israeli government is bad? I hate you actually. Go fuck yourself. Time and place.
If you respond to a Jewish person saying they are scared because of the very real increased threat of anti-sematism, and the fact that we feel like we are being attacked by both the left and the right, with rhetoric about how Israel is poisoning our brains, go and fuck yourself.
we are allowed to mourn while condemning the actions of Israel. Nothing about any of this is okay, and most of it is Israel’s fault, but that does not mean that sad and scared people have any less of a right to be sad and scared.
Please put energy into boosting aid for Palestine, and spreading awareness of what Israel is doing without making it a direct threat to those in mourning because of a very real tragedy.
AND TOO MY ISRAELI AND JEWISH FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS: Please please please do not feel like it is your fault the Israeli government is committing genocide. You are not your government.
if you feel like you are being harassed more because of the basis of your identity, do not respond. do not react. they want so see you sorrowful, they want you to feel like the weight of everything is on your shoulders. Give yourselves breaks from the internet, and breaks from politics.
I also implore you to watch out for any misinformation or propaganda. Check your sources, research their bias, do not let the IDF use this tragedy to influence you into becoming a patriot. Do not forget that the Palestinian people have very real reasons to retaliate, and try and gain independence from Israel. Palestine has very real and valid reasons to want to liberate themselves, the Gaza strip is essentially a genocide already. I am begging you to keep that in mind. The US supports Israel, Britain supports Israel, the largest colonizers in the world support Israel. If we want an Israel to be proud of, we have to work towards separating its legacy from one of political corruption and colonialism. We have to hold Israel accountable.
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shynerdwantscuddles · 6 months
I really swing from “erggegeegrggr I want to chew on cement hehe" to “the current political landscape has created a new era of misinformation that requires us to carefully examine our own internalized prejudices and biases lest we fall victim to the alt-right pipeline.” To "need to be shoved against a wall by some hot queer person rn ❤️” in like .5 seconds.
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ridiculoser06 · 10 months
Barbie movie review from someone who can’t string a sentence together without keyboard slamming or yelling.
How queer coded the discontinued/weird barbie’s are PAINS ME. THANK YOU GRETA MY GOD.
Allan is for the all the gender non conforming mfs but also he’s so ✨bisexual✨ HELP. Like he’s not barbie, he’s not Ken, he’s just in between he’s to kenly for the barbies and too barbie-y for the Ken’s so he’s like his own category please that’s my existence 99% of the time.
Like he’s not manly (kenough) to be accepted by the Ken’s but also the barbies don’t really pay much attention to him either???!? Who hangs out with Allan! Allan is ALONE. Allan has no one to relate to because THERE’S ONLY ONE ALLAN. He feels so fucking disconnected from both sides of the spectrum, he has no one to connect with, he’s just THERE. He’s just ALLAN. There’s only one of him he doesn’t have the same connection that the barbies have and the Ken’s have because they ignore his fucking existence.
Also I’m MAD about midge. Why wasn’t she in any of the film she and Allan should’ve been like power duo. Also barbies little sisters like do they exist. Also where do the Ken’s live? Do the live at beach? So many questions. (I think they’re gonna do a sequel, like- I’ve just got a gut feeling. I sense the sequel material yk yk.)
Weird barbie? The experience of most queer girls. Excluded ✅ Called weird ✅ Funky hair ✅
Like she knows what it’s like to be cast as the dog and the dad in games of house. She did the man voices for the Ken’s because she’s just ‘better at them.’ She made her Ken’s leave for work trips so that the barbie bffs could stay in the dream house together. She put her barbies on her disco ball and re-enacted the Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball music video. She is me I am her. She took the faces off of her dolls with nail polish remover and drew them back on with sharpies and cut up their hair and gave them Ken’s leather jackets. I LOVE WEIRD BARBIE AHAKGAHA.
But also stereotypical barbie is such a good representation of what growing up is like tho. Being a woman is so fucking terrifying. Growing up is terrifying and this movie absolutely subverted all my expectations like I thought it’d be some “we have to not let this little girl grow up! Ah- she’s 13 now she’s getting rid of her dolls, no don’t grow up you’re still young, yippee we saved the day now we can all play dolls.” BUT NO! They respected the fact that we all grow up and at a certain point we stopped playing with dolls. BUT ALSO Gloria shows the fact that a love of playing with dolls doesn’t always end for women, we still have such fond memories to look back on and some even relive those memories when they have daughters of their own.
The Ken’s are so interesting too tbf. The alt-right pipeline is so dangerous for impressionable minds (like Ken’s) and so many men fall victim to it, be it intentional or not. The patriarchy does not just hurt women it hurts men to.
This movie is such a great explanation for feminism imo, feminism isn’t to put men down because no one benefits from the patriarchy except those in a position of power.
This movie tells the story of women, and how damaging the patriarchy can be to society and tells it in such a unique, fun and beautiful way. EEK I LOVE ITTTT!!!
P.s can you tell I had fun with the text colours AGAAGAHAGAG
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turnways · 1 year
The alt right WS pipeline doesn't exist because young white boys are bullied for being white boys it's because white people don't teach their children how to examine their biases in terms of race and gender and the second anyone tries to actualy address these issue they get accused of trying to make childrne feel bad for being white and male, no matter how kindly they explain privilege.
WS is about seeing white people as the victims, you aren't preventing it by furthering that idea
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I swear people get on my nerves 🙄 I just saw a YouTube short talking about how no manner how much trauma she's went though Kat has no reason to be so "rude". And all I have to say to this is fuck off, cause what do you even mean by that?? The girl who not only watched her parnets die but also was tossed from home to home along the way got bullied to hell and back for that along with other reasons. Came back to the town she was born and raised to see it totally destroyed and almost empty. And then almost fall victim to the school to prison pipeline that black and brown kids fall to the most. How to yall except a kid to react to something like that? Not every person who goes through traumatic shit reacts the same for Kat she became closed off, kinda cold and harsh. Which she has the right too!! It's valid to for her to act that way because of how everyone treated her. Yall really just except black women and girls to take shit all the time and not have a negative pushback from to it. Fucking spare me,because of how the system and the people with the exception of a few treated her. She's a black dark skinned girl who is very alternative, and God knows how yall treat black women in alt spaces, so yeah people don't give her the grace she should be given.
And the cherry on top is that the person who said she "had no vaild reason to be rude" was a black man.
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fearsomeandwretched · 4 months
If you "fell into" the alt right incel Andrew Tate pipeline I'm not sorry for saying that I think you were always a terrible misogynistic bigoted person. I have no sympathy for you and I do not consider you a victim in any way
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wanderingsorcerer · 3 months
Anti-intellectualism in Occult spaces: How To Not Fall Victim To The Alt-Right Pipeline
Unfortunately in occult spaces, there is an anti-intellectual mindset that is common amongst the masses. The newest in these spaces, apprentices in their own right, fall victim to these ideologies due to them masquerading as the greater search for higher knowledge.
These teachings delve into promises of forbidden or hidden histories of the planet, and humanity as a whole. Eventually leading to Anti-semitism and then full-blown support for the fascist regimes being built within the communities.
My goal today is going to be, how one recognizes these warning signs and how to use critical thinking to counteract and break free from any internalization that may have happened due to prolonged exposure to these mindsets.
Here is a writing sample of a new article i am workshopping
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canichangemyblogname · 2 months
IDK how people are surprised by JK Rowling going full mask-off denial of Nazi crimes when she’s been a noted and proud queerphobe and antisemite for years. And also considering the fact that she has come to the defense of and keeps the company of literal self-proclaimed fascists. Her words are alarming, yes, but they do not come as a shock.
JK Rowling isn’t falling down a pipeline, she is part of the alt-right pipeline. She has spent years grooming women across the world into supporting explicitly white supremacist, patriarchal ideas, and she called it “liberation.” Not a single aspect of her ideology is rooted in feminism. She holds zero feminist ideas; she uses the label “feminist” as a shield to avoid accountability, so the detractors who critique her for her blatant misogyny, homophobia, racism, and antisemitism aren’t pointing out the learning she needs to do, but, rather, simply people who hate women. It’s a “witch-hunt” against an “outspoken feminist” instead of a dire warning about how dangerous her ideas are.
I have heard and seen Rowling’s own followers and fans make the claim that “Jewish doctors” are “transing” our children, the same accusation the Germans lobbed against doctors and Jews like Magnus Hirschfeld. To the Nazis, Jewish people were responsible for the “degeneracy” of the modern era. The Nazis absolutely targeted gay and trans people for being “degenerate,” and they blamed their existence and “degenerate nature” on the Jews.
And they did burn the archives at the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin. These are facts.
But don’t just take my word for it. Read about it at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s encyclopedia:
From the above article:
“Large numbers of Germans were opposed to public discussions of sex and sexuality. They viewed such debates as decadent, overly permissive, and immoral. Many were disturbed by the increased visibility of sex in advertising, film, and other aspects of daily life in the Weimar Republic. For many, Hirschfeld and his institute symbolized what they saw as Weimar’s overly sexualized culture.
Hirschfeld was also targeted because of his Jewish ancestry and his sexuality. This occurred even though he did not observe Jewish cultural or religious traditions and never made his private life part of his public persona. Hirschfeld even became the victim of violent right-wing assaults during the 1920s. In 1921, he was badly beaten in Munich. A newspaper article celebrated the assault and warned that ‘the next time his skull might be crushed.’
Nazi propagandists used him as a prime example of what they called degenerate Jewish sexuality.”
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thottybrucewayne · 8 months
Speaking of Do the Right Thing, here's some companion films to watch with it!
Uptight (1968) Dir. Jules Dassin ||A drama based on the novel The Informer, Uptight is a film set post-MLK assassination, focusing on a group of Black revolutionaries preparing for a race war and betrayal from within their ranks.|| Like Do the Right Thing, Uptight is about a cast of young Black folks struggling with the society they live in being built on white supremacy and how they navigate that, whether it be through resistance or assimilation. Basically, it is a mediation on Black American identity (Another movie I recommend watching with this one specifically is The Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973) dir. Ivan Dixon is based on a play by the same name that deals with the same themes through the POV of a Black former CIA agent)
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Cornbread, Earl, and Me (1975) Dir. Joseph Manduke ||"High school basketball star Nathaniel "Cornbread" Hamilton (Keith Wilkes) is the pride of his urban neighborhood, and he appears destined for big things on the court and in the classroom. But a dare leads to a fatal misunderstanding when Nathaniel is shot dead by police who take him for someone who's just committed a violent crime. As police officers try to protect one of their own, members of the oppressed African-American community do what they must in order to find justice."|| This film is the one I feel has the most in common with Do the Right Thing, there are many parallels to be drawn from both Radio Raheem and Cornbread to the way cops are presented in both films. Both tell stories that are unfortunately prescient, a misunderstanding that a Black person pays for with their life is the sad reality of the society we live in. Each film also feels like a time capsule, which makes the reality that things haven't changed that much hit so much harder. Each film paints a sobering picture of Policing, race relations in America, and the demonization of Blackness.
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Higher Learning (1995) Dir. John Singleton // A group of incoming freshmen at Columbus University -- including varsity athlete Malik Williams (Omar Epps), awkward outcast Remy (Michael Rapaport), and wide-eyed Kristen Connor (Kristy Swanson) -- struggle to find themselves and adjust to newfound independence. When Remy finds acceptance among a group of neo-Nazis, tensions rise even higher on a campus already divided along racial, socio-economic, and gender lines.// John Singleton's Higher Learning pulls no punches when it comes to the depiction of the banality of evil and the alt-right pipeline years before we even knew how to define it. In the character of Remy, we see the effects of white supremacist dogma coupled with white male insecurity. Like Do the Right Thing, Higher Learning mainly focuses on race relations on and policing. I do think its view of misogyny and gender was extremely lacking and not nearly as fleshed out. (like spoiler alert the Black girl that dies in this barely was a character like she's not very well written at all) but this movie is still very much worth the watch for the discussion of race alone.
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La Haine (1996) Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz ||When a young Arab is arrested and beaten unconscious by police, a riot erupts in the notoriously violent suburbs outside of Paris. Three of the victim's peers, Vinz (Vincent Cassel), Said (Said Taghmaoui), and Hubert (Hubert Koundé), wander aimlessly about their home turf in the aftermath of the violence as they try to come to grips with their outrage over the brutal incident. After one of the men finds a police officer's discarded weapon, their night seems poised to take a bleak turn|| I first saw this movie during my freshman year of college and WHEW! It's best to go in with little knowledge on this one but just know it is a VERY hard watch. This black-and-white French film brilliantly tackles police brutality, racism, classism, and the frustrations of youth demonized by a white supremacist system.
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identitty-dickruption · 8 months
you guys do know that. excluding someone for the slightest little misspeak or misunderstanding is only ever going to lead to radicalisation, right?
like. if someone is constantly socially excluded for not understanding the rules of the game, they’re going to be attracted to anyone who comes along and tells them that they’re okay and that the majority just wanted to silence them. and the people who are most motivated to do that? conspiracy theorists, cults, and the alt-right
it may not be your responsibility to be patient with every person who says something scummy, but I’d argue it is your responsibility to imagine people generously when you’re able to. acting with generosity is good because it is quite simply good to be nice to people. but it’s also good because it’s one more barrier between another socially awkward young person being sucked down the radicalisation pipeline
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healingheartdogs · 8 months
Imani really never misses. The comparison between white veganism and the pro-life movement both using the "oppression" of perfect "victims" that can't speak as a proxy to try to make themselves seem oppressed and take a moral high ground is so damn right. This is shit we've been talking about for years on social media only to get attacked by white vegans and told we're anti-veganism for criticizing them for aligning with the alt right pipeline and holding up racism, classism, ableism, and anti-semitism in their movement.
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All of this white veganism drama really started just because Imani asked for vegan cheese recommendations, by the way. Not even because she was criticizing them (although she's very right to do so), but because they were so eager to gatekeep and show their asses when a Black disabled woman asked about opinions on vegan cheeses that melt well.
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