#victoria chase imagine
Victoria: [looking for someone to hang out with] Victoria, scrolling through her contacts: Nathan, Taylor, Courtney, Max. Victoria, confused: Nathan, Taylor, Courtney, Max? Victoria, terrified: Nathan, Taylor, Courtney, Max?! Victoria: How can I only have four friends?! And one of them is Max!
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candyfloss5000 · 10 months
Worth the pain
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Nathan Prescott x gender neutral reader
(Poorly punctuated and not proof read)
Summary: your life and Nathan's are both fucked up in different ways, but somehow your mangled and spiralling lives have intertwined. You're closer than you've ever imagined anyone could be, but you can't face the feelings that linger around you both, because you can't face loving someone again just for them to leave you to pick up the peices afterwards.
"Bite The Hand" is the song that inspired me to write this.
Fuck Black-shitting-well academy. The only things it's brought you is more things to tell your imaginary therapist. Like fuck you were going to see a real one. You did that along time ago and the only thing it achieved was people pitying you. You don't need strangers fucking pity for your fucked up life, you already know it's messed up beyond repair, you don't need a fucking therapist to tell you that. Everyone you've spoke about your past to has either given you a disgusted look, or fake pity.
You just want to scream out everything in your mind to someone who won't give you any expression, almost like a blank wall that you can just yell and scream and cry at. That's what Nathan Prescott has become for you and sometimes, you've been that for him as well. You can just talk and talk and talk at him and he'll just sit there, seemingly not paying attention but mentally noting every word you've said. He'll only speak when you request him to, but most of the time he doesn't say anything at all. And you return the favour by letting him vent to you and listen to all his words.
Now, you're both silently laying on Nathan's bed in his dorm, your legs up agaisnt the cushions as you lay the wrong way on the bed. You just stare at the white ceiling, passing a cigarette between each other. You forgot to buy a pack and it's Nathan's last one, so you compromised. You've remained in silence, since you entered his room ages ago, waiting for either one of you to say something.
Nathan hands you the cigarette, after he took a long drag, before breaking the some what comforting silence, "Do you ever think about..." His pause causes you to turn your head to look at him, but he's still staring up at the ceiling. "Getting the fuck outta here? Just fucking off and forgetting about all this shit?"
"Every second of every day." You reply to him, as you pass him the cigarette back.
"But there's always that nagging in the back of your head to just put up with everyone's shit." Nathan speaks for them both and you turn your head to face the ceiling again. Uncontrollable dread sits in your soul, as you try to convince yourself that your past isn't repeating itself yet again. "And it always seems to out weigh the idea of finally being free." He adds to his previous sentence. "I'm gonna get the fuck outta here one day, you know?"
Your anxious mind can't help but pick up on the fact that he said "I'm" and not "we". Has he already decided that you are only a fragment of his life? You should've known better. You told yourself when you went to Blackwell not to get attached to anyone. They'd only leave like every fucker else, you had told yourself. First, it was your mother leaving you for some drugdealing asshole, then it was your childhood friend picking some over girl for you, then your older siblings moved out far away (they still don't try to contact you), which only added to your father's alcoholism. There's always someone else that's the first choice. You gave up trying to get everybody to like you a long time ago.
During your mind's spiralling anxious thoughts, you don't even notice the tear that runs down the side of your face, until a soft hand wipes it away. The physical contact brings you back to reality and you turn your head to face Nathan, who's already looking at you. The cigarette sits in an ashtray that's ontop of his bed. Your eyes stare into his ocean blue ones and you only just realise how close you are, your faces are only a breath away from one another.
"Tell me what's going on up there." He places his hand on the side of your face and slightly taps your forehead to emphasise his words, before tucking the hair that had fallen infront of your face behind your era.
You silently study his face, his blonde soft hair, his angel eyes and your eyes finally land on his red lips. You desperately want to take the leap and kiss him until your lungs begin to burn from the lack of air. You want to hide yourself in his arms, where you're safley locked away from the world. You want him to hold you so delicately, as if you'd break like glass.
You tear your eyes away from his plush lips and sigh as you can't bring yourself to look at him anymore. "I can't keep doing this." You pathetically mutter under your breath, hating the way more salty tears push their way into your eyes.
"Doing what?" Nathan's voice has dropped to a whisper as you looks at you.
"This! I can't keep loving people who leave! I can't let more kindling be added to this burning feeling inside me!" Your voice raises, but you're not angry. You're just so tired and fucking emotionally drained. You try to ignore the never ending stream of tears that flow from your eyes. "It hurts too much and I can't do it anymore!" You subconsciously grasp his shirt, as if that's enough to stop him from disappearing.
Nathan says your name, as quite as a whisper and you just stare into his eyes. The hand on your cheek moves to lightly grasp the back of your scalp and Nathan moves forward to place his forehead agaisnt your own, in an attempt to ground you to the present. "I'm not going anywhere without you. I don't fucking care if it means we travel the entire fucking world, I'm not letting you go." He vows, with such a sincere look in his eyes, a look you've never seen anyone give you before.
Silence falls once again and you're still so close to the point where you can feel each other's breath on your faces. Neither of you can help but glance down at each other's lips. Slowly but surely, your bodies move impossibly closer and your lips dance over one another.
His touch burns and stabs into your soul, but you can't convince yourself to let him go. Nathan's here and he's staying. He's worth the pain.
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touchoffleece · 3 months
My realization about Victoria Chase in 2024 after the new game's announcement and after watching more Vtubers in the past year
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Vtubing has a lot of tech stuff to go with it, Victoria is implied to be more of a modern tech fan given her chosen style of photography. She probably would have heard of this new tech for motion tracking and could have followed it. Probably even invested or paid for a higher end rig on a whim with her money and considering her connection to spending on drugs all but ended depending on what you do with Frank, and her bestie who encouraged the parties is dead, or arrested.
Victoria is also a secret huge weeb. Of course she would be following this new trend of cute anime girls, and this goes into play that most Vtubers keep their jobs hush hush or a complete secret. That's just par course for Victoria of hiding more of her hobby (anime).
Her quick wit and hard demeanor would be perfect for a streamer to entertain but keep viewers and chatters from straight out bullying her. Cultivating a community for her persona.
Honestly, I think this is my new headcanon for Victoria on the question of what or where she ends up as an adult in the workforce.
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smizzy · 1 year
do it for u
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been YEARSSSS since bts dropped and I don't see more fics than my grandma age n she pushin 90.....
Throwing parties weren't for the weak
but look where u are now
you only thought it was right since the loyl's birthday was in 2 days
Blackwell never knew how you could even spend bills like that when you weren't anywhere close to Victoria and Nathan's social class
you still came thru nonetheless after being accused of embezzlement which is most likely true
anything for Ms. Amber even if you end up in a orange jumpsuit and cuffs
she could read you like a book but she couldn't put her finger on what you were hiding
oh brother if u seen her face the night of her very own night
"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY RACHELLLLL" darn near all the cities that collectively make Oregon could've heard that
made many people wish their significant other did it for them on their birthday which most likely ended up with a break up..
the REAL meaning of "stuntin on these hoes"
everyone KNOWS who the birthday girl is
someone shares the same birthday and is currently in the birthday bash?????
sorry baby but u gon need 2 gtfo
yes u in fact did get firewalk to get on that stage and sing til their fingers get bloody and can't reach high notes anymore
just to prove how far you'd go for her and Chloe igz
you'd just be sitting in a corner booth with Vic sharing a blunt no wonder why but Rachel still had your attention in the most heart wrenching way
"God you're literally lovesick it's making me actually sick"
we all know she thinks it's absolutely adorable and if the lighting was better she'd snap a pic
maybe she did maybe not....
you'll both find out tomorrow on her insta page :3
after Victoria left and everyone seemed to calm down with drinks in their hands and swaying around.
you seen Rach coming right to you with pure fucking love written all over her face
too bad you were alr meeting her halfway like a moment in a corny movie
"I heard you're the mastermind behind all of this?"
She looked at every aspect of your face and examined your facial features under the bright red light shining upon everyone
"Only for you Rachel Amber"
That might've been the last straw for her to fully decide she wanted to get the hell outta Arcadia bay with you right now
She knew you could possibly end up behind bars before she could even wake up n brush her teeth
"Let's leave....tonight"
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pearlcscent · 1 year
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Well, did you miss me? Walk on water just to kiss me  Oh, come and get me. Drag me out, destroy me @infamous-if
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sunny44 · 1 month
Baby fever
Pairing: Mac Verstappen x Girlfriend!reader
Warnings: baby fever
Summary: Max gets the baby fever after seeing Y/n with his nephews.
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I always knew that my life was destined to follow the straight and fast line of a Formula 1 track. Since I was a child, racing cars were my focus, my passion. The idea of starting a family one day was always there, but it never occupied my thoughts. At least, not until I met Y/n.
From the first time I saw her, I knew she would be the love of my life and the person I wanted to build a future with. But we live life one day at a time, and even though we’ve made plans for the future, it wasn't something we were in a rush to pursue.
My sister Victoria gave birth to little Hailey a few weeks ago, and today we were going to meet her for the first time. She and Y/n have been messaging each other every day since Hailey was born, trying to find the right day for our visit.
When we arrived, Victoria and Thomas were in the living room, visibly tired but radiating happiness. Besides the little baby, they also had my two other nephews, who, though older, still required a lot of attention. I couldn't imagine how exhausted they must be.
We eagerly approached to meet little Hailey.
"You arrived just in time," Victoria said, her voice soft but full of enthusiasm. "She just woke up. Do you want to hold her?"
I was going to hold her first, but seeing Y/n’s eyes shining with emotion and excitement, I quickly gestured for her to go ahead.
Victoria handed Hailey to Y/n, who took her with the utmost care, then sat on the couch and patted the spot next to her for me to sit beside her. Y/n held her for a while before handing the baby to me before she fell asleep so we wouldn’t disturb her.
The light weight in my arms was something incredibly significant for me, even though I had held Luka and Lio many times when they were babies, every time felt like the first.
Hailey, with her big, bright eyes, looked at me with innocent curiosity. She had rosy cheeks and a serene expression, almost as if she were absorbing the world around her for the first time. My heart, accustomed to the fast pace of racing, seemed to slow down in that moment.
Y/n moved closer to me on the couch, gently touching the baby’s arm. "She’s so beautiful, Max."
"She really is." I replied, still surprised by the strength of the emotion washing over me. There was something deeply moving about holding this small human being who was part of my family.
As Hailey moved her hands slightly, almost as if she were trying to hold someone’s finger, I began to imagine what it would be like if that baby was ours. A part of me always believed I was far from being ready to be a father, that my life was too fast-paced to accommodate something so big and important. But in that moment, I felt a shift, something I couldn’t ignore.
"Are you okay, Max?" Y/n asked, noticing the silence that had settled between us.
"Yes," I replied, smiling softly. "I’m just watching her. I'm afraid to speak too loudly and scare her."
She smiled back, but there was a deep understanding in her eyes. Y/n has always been able to read me like no one else, and I knew she understood that I didn’t wanted to share what was on my mind at the moment.
After a few minutes, Thomas entered the room with Luka, my oldest nephew, who immediately ran into Y/n’s arms. They’ve always had a special connection, something I’ve always admired. Seeing the two of them together brought me a quiet joy, something I was beginning to value more each day.
Y/n had disappeared for a little while earlier while I was still holding the baby. When Hailey fell asleep in my arms, I handed her back to my sister, who went to put her in her crib. Tom had just gone to put Lio down for his afternoon nap, and I went to find my girlfriend.
I heard laughter coming from the backyard, where a scene unfolded that made my heart leap once again. Luka was laughing, running around the yard with contagious energy, while Y/n chased him, their laughter mingling in the air in a way that made the world seem lighter.
I stood there for a moment, just watching. There was something deeply familiar about Luka, as if I were looking at a miniature version of myself. It was something we always laughed about because he looked just like me. Y/n was always amazed at how similar we were, saying he could easily pass as my son.
He was the spitting image of the Verstappen family, and seeing him so happy and at ease with Y/n made me think about how she would be as a mother.
I always knew Y/n had a special way with children, but seeing the genuine and joyful connection between her and Luka made something bloom inside me. An idea that, until then, I had kept somewhere distant in my mind.
"She gets along well with him, doesn’t she?" Victoria’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
"She really does," I replied, without taking my eyes off the scene in front of me.
"Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?" she asked, smiling as if she had caught me in the act.
"Maybe," I admitted, feeling my face heat up. "I never really thought about it before, but... I think something has changed."
Victoria nodded, understanding without needing more explanations. "Babies have that effect. They make you see the world in a different way. And from what I see, you and Y/n would make great parents."
“Thank you. She would definitely be a great mom,” I said before starting to laugh at their giggles.
The idea hit me with an almost frightening clarity. What once seemed like a distant dream now felt like a real, tangible possibility. I knew my life would never be normal, that the travel, the races, and the constant pressure would always be a part of me. But seeing Y/n laughing with Luka, I realized there was room for something more. For a family. For a future that, until then, I had never dared to imagine.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky with soft shades of orange and pink, Y/n approached me, still smiling, her face lit up by the simple happiness of the moment.
"What is it?" she asked, noticing my expression.
"I was just thinking," I replied, gently pulling her closer to me, "that maybe one day... we could have something like this."
“A house with our kids running around.” I said and she looked at me, surprised, but then her smile widened, full of love and understanding.
"You think so?"
"I know so." I said, with a certainty I never thought I would have. "And I can't wait for it."
"I can't wait either," she said, giving me a quick kiss. "Though I find it almost impossible to imagine a child that looks you than Luka. But I’m sure that if our kids look like you and we take Luka and Lio with us they’ll all look like our kids."
I started laughing as Luka continued to play around us, and with the soft sound of the wind filling the space between us, I realized that the dream of having a family, something I never knew I wanted, was becoming clearer. It was a dream I wanted to share with Y/n, a new kind of race that I was eager to begin.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“Family time”
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wwaheoh · 2 months
“Oops! You killed someone!” Victoria Housekeeping x gnReader, Angst + Comfort (Platonic)
Corin Wickes, Von Lycaon (+ Ellen Joe, + Alexandrina Sebastiane)
c/w: contains written depictions of graphic injury, blood, death, and shock (mental).
a/n: with a game with people using chainsaws, guns, guns that shoot black holes, and swords, i dont think hollow raiders are 100% safe. put ellen and alexandrina seperate since they’re not really major players in this
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As part of Victoria Housekeeping, your duty was to fulfill the orders of the Master, usually cleaning, guest service, and attending to the needs of the house. However Victoria Housekeeping also had a sort of open secret, with each member having high Ether Aptitude as well as being trained in combat, they also acted as guards to the Master and their estate. Usually it was general defense, to make sure no one breaks in or any guests get any unruly ideas and stash valuables into their coat or bag. Other times it was against Ethereals, enemies born from the Hollows whenever they were stationed within.
However this was the first time Hollow Raiders had been an issue, usually keeping away- either with much bigger scores that an abandoned building in the Hollow, but this specific building was home to a millionaire, having been evacuated due to the spontaneous expansion of a new Hollow Zone. Leading to an eager group of Raiders to break in.
It had been something you were prepared for, weapon in hand and your team close by. Miss Rina had notified everyone about the incoming Raiders, with the others rounding close to your location- being the main entry point that the Hollow Raiders were predicted to enter through.
Clashing against the large group, steel hit steel, yelling and screams as bodies were thrown several feet away and knocked out. It was feeling like a cakewalk, having been taught by some of the best in the business, it was all just following through what you had been trained for.
At least it was until one of the remaining Hollow Raiders attacked you from behind as you were catching your breath- a mistake, Mister Lycaon always tried to drill into everyone’s heads that the danger should not be deemed as passed until there were no enemies around and the rest of the team had arrived to back you up.
You fell to the ground, hitting the marble underneath with a thump- dazed as you attempted to gain your bearings. Strong hands wrapped themselves around your throat, the pressure putting your brain back into alert mode. Your vision refocused onto a cracked helmet, the image of a Hollow Raider logo shining down on you- unable to move with their weight holding you down. Attempting to pry their hands off- several desperate attempts before realizing it was in vain. Darkness crawled from the edge of your vision as you breathing quickened but became more shallow with the pressure on your airway.
As you desperately looked for the others or something to give you even a few more seconds, you felt an object at the edge of your fingertips. Tapping it closer, you grabbed onto it- something sturdy, the weapon they dropped on the ground before going in to choke you. Harsh grip, you turned as much as you can, swinging your arm and hitting them with the object you grabbed as hard as you could.
Crushing through the glass of the helmet, Hollow Raiders often worse, the weapon hit your target. It was a lot softer than you imagined, as if it was dug deep into something.
Liquid spurted out, splashing blots onto the ground. Their grip on your neck loosened nearly immediately.
Warmth trickled onto your face. The weight of the Hollow Raider that had previously been crushing you fell to the side, limp- and now unmoving.
The world was quiet. Only faintly could you hear a familiar voice yelling before quickly taking out and chasing away the remaining Raiders.
The weapon handle was still in your grip, a worn plastic grip attached to a long steel blade. It was covered in red. Underneath you and the Hollow Raider was a puddle of the same red. The pristine whites of your uniform dyed red, black a shade darker.
Then the world became loud.
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Corin had been the first to find you, being stationed closest, she charged in after quickly locking in on the enemies. Chainsaw revving to life, she spun forward, slashing at the Hollow Raiders with the battle cry of, “Ahh! Ge~et awa~ay!!” Blood spewed out- injuries that would definitely hurt but nothing fatal- or atleast with medical attention. It was one of the only good things she could recognize, having been taught how to expertly take out enemies without outright killing them, despite the very real threat her- and every one of their weapons brought.
Finally chasing out the rest of the enemies, she turned to look back at you, “Are you-” she stopped, seeing you with a lost look in your eyes. A look she recognized- having seen it on herself and Ellen before. “O-oh no, uhm,” She quickly stopped her weapon and approached, trying not to just wait for someone else to arrive out of fear of messing up helping you- but still apprehensive due to those very same thoughts.
Gently she came closer, remembering what Lycaon and Rina had done for her when she had undergone the same situation. Remembering what she had nearly done wrong with Ellen before Lycaon stepped in.
“Are you hurt?” “...” She looked you over, not seeing any blood coming out of you. “Can you hear me?” You nod. “It’s not your fault- you did what you had to do.” You stare at her, flashes of the corpse beside you flashing before you. “O-okay, uhm, Mister Lycaon and everyone should be here soon.” You perked up at the mention of the others- with everyone else here and no alive active enemies, you’ll be safe. “What happened was something bad. It makes sense for you to be scared.”
You sat there, heartbeat ringing in your ears as you struggled not to think about the corpse beside you. The corpse beside you. There was a corpse next to you. Their blood was on you. The scent of iron-
“You sit here and we’ll wait for the others. What do you want to do?” “I… want to wait for Mister Lycaon…” “He'll be here soon, it'll all be okay."
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And true to her word, the others rounded the corner, prepared to fight. However, quickly Mister Lycaon and Miss Alexandrina assessed what was going on and rushed forward. Nodding to Corin, Mister Lycaon took charge, kneeling in front of you. Corin went to Ellen to inform her of your situation. Alexandrina watched over you, sending Anastella and Drusilla to do a perimeter check. At the sight of them all, you finally broke. It felt as if your whole body crashed and you fully awoke again, tears welling up as you jumped to embrace Mister Lycaon. You were safe. He softly embraced you back, warm muscular body like a shield against anyone outside of Victoria Housekeeping to approach.
“You’re okay, we’re here now.”
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furiarossa · 2 months
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A real haunted house attracted the attention of three very different people: Minh Nguyen, an happy-go-lucky young ghost hunter, Victoria, a warrior that has been training to defend normal people from ghostly menaces thanks to her powers, and Dr. Mad Plasmius, a cheerful, unhinged ecto-researcher. The three might find themselves working together, but what Minh doesn't know is that Victoria and Mad are not... not ghosts themselves 👀
An attack on @kimquatz's adorable character Minh and a revenge for krunchykrow at the same time!
We imagined that, since Victoria is cautious about her own secret, Mad being way more chaotic and playing around with her own secret identity, taking her ghost form more often than not when Minh isn't looking, would make her a tad nervous, while Minh would take a second to catch up with what's going on with his temporary hunt mates among the general high energy of chasing spirits in a real haunted house.
And if you want to attack us... here's our artfight profile!
★ FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapas|Pillowfort★
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What if, the second Bella cut her finger in new moon, her blood stopped smelling? Like completely stopped smelling of anything, and just stayed like that.
Presumably, the birthday disaster doesn't happen.
That said, it depends.
If Edward's spooked from the idea of Bella openly bleeding like that enough to have the realization he did in canon: that his family is the greatest threat to her that exists and Edward is not protecting her by keeping himself in her life (the excuse he'd given himself) then canon proceeds even without Bella needing stitches. Edward convinces the family to leave and we have New Moon completely unchanged.
However, if Edward's not spooked, then he likely tells himself his original canon plan which was that he'd get just enough to be happy and then leave her. This would probably coincide with graduation or if Edward really wants to put it off then after college. The point is it'd be 'later'.
Because of this, the Cullens never leave. Victoria may never get the idea for the newborn army, as Edward doesn't chase her through Latin America, and as the death toll in Forks continues to go up (as Victoria's after Bella) Edward no doubt keeps Bella on an extremely tight leash as he did in Eclipse so Bella's very unlikely to be a casualty.
Likely, the Volturi end up killing Victoria, as she kills too many people in the area. This might make things a bit awkward as they can check and see the Cullens and oh there's human Bella Swan who hasn't been turned for some reason. Either Bella gets turned right then and there and the family is spared or the Cullens get the New Moon deal of "you have a few weeks to put your shit together and fake this girl's death".
As in canon, Edward insists that they don't have to turn Bella and that it'll be decades before they notice. He also wants to leave Bella right this second (not having suffered through New Moon where he realizes he's not strong enough to leave her). However, this doesn't work as the sword of Damocles has fallen, the Volturi have insisted Bella be turned and the entire family will be killed if they refuse. Edward's outvoted.
So, Edward decides he wants to marry her and then he'll personally turn her (while not wanting to turn her at all).
The rest of the series happens except that Bella's not friends with Jacob and there's no truce where Bella's allowed to be turned. As a result, the wedding I imagine is held elsewhere, Bella's death is faked, and the Cullens prepare themselves to never come back to Forks.
Renesmee happens but probably not the trial due to relocation.
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Victor & William Rex
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 1
Those two! Never a boring day with them around. And the eye candy. 🥰
They sure love teasing Kate and their dramatic delivery is top notch. Also writing their names in the header totally made them an item 🤭
~~Part 1~~
As the waning moon illuminated the night sky above the Crown Castle with its pale light, the sound of moving chess pieces could be heard in the common room.
Kate: "The bishop can move diagonally. So, like this...?"
William: "Hmm, yes. Your memory is excellent. You haven't forgotten anything after hearing it once."
Kate: "Heh, because your teaching style is fun and effective."
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William: "You think so? I'm honoured by your praise."
(... but it's going to be a long time before I can compete with William)
William: "... by the way, Kate."
William: "Would you like to become a queen?"
Kate: "Yes, that's right. Because this is the rook...eh?"
(... what now?)
William: "Were you so engrossed in the game that you didn't hear me? I asked you if you'd like to become a queen."
Apparently, it wasn't just my imagination.
There was always a purpose to what William said and I always tried to understand it.
Kate: "...I'm sorry, William. I have no idea what you mean."
Victor: "In the literal sense, Kate."
Hearing a voice behind me, I turned around to see Victor.
Kate: "Victor!"
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Victor: "Jeez, I thought I was going to tell you myself. William is so impatient!"
William: "Heh, my apologies."
William: "Then I shall leave the rest of the explanation to the Queen's Aide."
~~Part 2~~
With a charming expression Victor took over from William.
Victor: "Kate, did you know that tomorrow is the anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the throne?"
Kate: "Yes, of course. When I worked delivering the mail, I used to see the city bustling with celebrations."
On the day commemorating Queen Victoria's accession to the throne, there were ceremonies and parades, and the city was bustling with excitement at the thought of seeing her.
For the people of this country, Her Majesty was a symbol of prosperity.
Victor: "There will be a parade tomorrow, and Her Majesty is supposed to appear before the public..."
Victor: "Yet the Queen, who is vital to the celebrations, is feeling unwell."
Kate: "What! Is Her Majesty all right..?"
William: "Don't fret. Her Majesty is strong-willed, she'll recover in no time."
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Victor: "Let's cut to the chase, why don't you take part in the parade in Her Majesty's stead?"
Kate: "Why..... in Her Majesty's stead?"
Victor: "Well, opportunity like this doesn't come by often and I'm sure you'll have a great time!"
Even though his proposal was completely outrageous, Victor's excitement was enough to make me consider it.
(Her Majesty covers her face with a veil, which makes replacing her somewhat plausible?)
Kate: "Although I'm honoured to have this opportunity."
Kate: "It would be disrespectful of me to speak on Her Majesty's behalf without permission..."
William: "Then don't worry. Her Majesty has agreed for you to take her place."
Kate: "Oh... has she?"
Victor: "Yes, but on one condition."
Kate: "What's the condition...?"
~~Part 3~~
Victor grabbed the queen and the king pieces from the chessboard with his fingertips.
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Victor: "That I'm there."
William: "And so am I."
Victor • William: "Serving by your side and protecting you with our lives."
The queen and the king's pieces rolled into my palm.
Kate: "Thank you... to hear such words from Her Majesty."
Kate: "Additionally, there's nothing more reassuring than having both of you by my side."
The self-righteous king and the Queen's strongest aide; there were no men more powerful than these two.
(I need to do my best to meet the expectations!)
Kate: "Please let me take on this role."
Victor: "Yay, then it's decided. I'm sure it will be an unforgettable day for you."
William: "Let's leave the chess study for tomorrow, shall we?"
William: "Good night. Sweet dreams, Kate."
On the day of the anniversary, I was escorted by both men,
And taken to a place I had never set foot in before --
~~Part 4~~
I was in the audience room in the palace.
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Victor: "I'm pretty sure this is your first visit here."
Kate: "...Yes. You always present my reports to Her Majesty yourself."
William mentioned to me before that the Queen preferred silence and didn't let anyone get too close.
That's why only a limited number of people could enter this place.
A red carpet led to a throne in the distance, and the whole space exuded serenity.
William: "Heh, you look like a child who discovers the world for the first time, Kate."
William: "As much as I'd love to look at your curious face... there's something I need you to do."
Kate: "What would you like me to do?"
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Victor: "Shall we take off your clothes first?"
Kate: "...eh?"
I was led to the back room, then stripped out of my own clothes and dressed in the new ones provided for me.
Kate: "...um, I'm done changing."
A lace veil covered my face, diamond earrings adorned my ears,
I wore a ceremonial dress.
William: "Yes, it suits you well. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn it was Her Majesty."
Kate: "...I was surprised that it fits so perfectly!"
Victor: "Hehe, this humble me adjusted it to your size."
Victor: "Also, these shoes are custom-made to disguise your height. I'm a genius!"
Victor: "Finally, the crown to complete the look; it's going to be perfect."
~~Part 5~~
The crown in Victor's hands had an overwhelming presence all by itself.
Victor: "This crown is a symbol of glory, triumph, power ...... it has different meanings."
Victor: "Her Majesty calls it collectively the Symbol of Liberty."
Kate: "Liberty..."
He gently placed the crown on my head.
Kate: "Somehow it makes me... feel tall."
William: "That's good. Thanks to this, you will be able to see better what reflects in the eyes of others."
Victor: "Come to think of it, William has taken Her Majesty's place before."
Kate: "Huh, William?"
William: "The Queen's life was in danger. So I took her place."
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William: "Her Majesty does not hum or sit with her legs spread. It was quite a challenge."
Kate: "Hehe, I'd love to see Her Majesty Queen William just once."
William: "I might do it again for you."
(... still, it is true)
(Being at the top of the country means there are more opportunities to be exposed to danger)
Victor: "It's fine, Kate."
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Victor: "You'll be accompanied by William and I, the most powerful duo within the Crown."
Victor: "Just enjoy your day as Her Majesty."
William: "......"
(Victor is right. With these two, I'll be safe no matter what)
(I'll do my part and observe things with my own eyes)
Kate: "I'll do it!"
Victor: "Shall we go then? It's going to be a fun day."
Chapter 2
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forcemeanakin · 11 months
Adding onto ur hockey head cannons with starlet reader, imagine them going ice skating together <3 I love ice skating sm
Link to original post <3
Hiii, sorry for the late reply! I've been meaning to come back to Victoria's Secret angel!reader so bad 😭 But I've been busy with my dilf!Anakin series! If you enjoy age gap, I highly recommend my new fic (I am my own marketing team, so please forgive my shameless recommendation lmao).
But yes!!! Skating together is a must! I love it as well, so I'm very bias, but I think those two would have so much fun together. I like to think that reader is already a good skater, so it's not so much a dynamic where he teaches her. On the contrary, I like to think that she would help him out more, dragging him up after he fell on his ass because he was chasing you. But the man is Canadian, so I mean, he was built for the ice.
If you are into his real-dad persona, I think it would be something reader and his daughter bond over. Throwing snow at him, racing, making snow angels. The whole deal. He would be in total bliss at seeing his girls connect so well.
But if it's just the two of them:
Snow on their beanies, thick jacket protecting you from the chilly air, nose pink. He finds that especially adorable.
"Love your nose like this. You look so cute." He gently bites it, ripping a laugh from you.
"Did you just bite my nose, mister?" You tease him, gripping the lapels from his jacket and skating backwards.
"I could bite something else." He mocks, taking control of you by your hips. You get closer, as if you were to kiss him, and just when he closes his eyes, you sprint away from him towards the snow. "Hey!"
"Come get me!"
He gets you. He gets you good.
Totally different deal if he tries to teach you how to play hockey. Gloves are out.
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glorbysblog · 2 months
My Top Five Favorite 2nd Doctor Stories
1. The War Games - Genuinely the most innovative concept in the entire B&W era imo as well as providing a great conclusion to the era and introduction to the greater Timelord culture.
2. The Mind Robber - There’s some behind-the-scenes lore about the haunted house section of The 1st Doctor Story “The Chase” that the belief that that setting occurred within the imagination would be disastrous to the concept of Doctor Who as a whole. This story proves that notion completely wrong.
3. The Macra Terror -
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THERE ARE NO MACRA! also Jamie does a little dance. I watched the animation and this was definitely my favorite animation of the era.
4. The Web of Fear - This story is a lot more important than I thought it would be. The first proper follow-up to a previous non-Dalek story with The Abominable Snowmen, the intro for The Brig, and this might be Victoria’s strongest story outside of her intro.
5. The Power of The Daleks - I was a bit conflicted on whether to put this one or The Evil of The Daleks for the unique setting and Victoria’s introduction, but I think this one wins out for me. Not just for Troughton’s introduction, what actually sells this story is the reactions of Ben & Polly to The 2nd Doctor as we see Polly quickly adapt and act jolly with the new Doctor and Ben be absolutely FURIOUS and these reactions really help to sell how groundbreaking it was even then.
I think my takes on the 2nd Doctor era fall within what most people think of as the best in contrast to some of my favorites of 1’s, but I hope you enjoyed all the same. Thanks for the support of my silly liveblogging in the past 24 hours : )
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In your Swap AU, does Rachel meet Jasper's wolf form without knowing it's him and do they have a rivalry like Lanyon and Hyde in the comic? (I kinda have a vision of wolfy Jasper making off with a tray of scones or something and Rachel chasing him)
Also I'm obsessed with the Moreau and Frankenstein swap!!! What are Moreau's ideals that they feel like the society violates? Are they 'mad science should stay mad' like Victoria or more 'every man is an island (pun intended) and collaboration is stupid'?
I haven’t thought about that part that much but I would think so!! :0 instead of hyde taking down moreau and then setting the society on fire I guess it would be jasper taking down Frankenstein and then somehow messing something up and then maybe that’s what starts their rivalry? somehow..? if anyone has any better ideas go for it XD
and hmm, that’s a good question!! I’d imagine that ig that like how henry tries to make “mad” scientists look more acceptable maybe jasper tries to do the same to the creatures he studies..? maybe not to the same extent but similar. if that makes sense. so along the lines of frankie’s “mad science should stay mad” it’s moreaus “magical creatures should stay terrifying and monstrous” and that’s where that conflict stems from.
tysm for the questions!! <3 im sorry I don’t have better thought out answers 💔💔
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arcadiabaytornado · 6 months
Thoughts on the alternate universe Victoria Chase? I get that she seems nicer than the prime version of her, but I have to wonder how much of that is her identifying Max as a future photography great and trying to kiss up to her early on.
I think the way Victoria behaves in the alternative timeline is a confirmation of what Taylor says in the main timeline.
Taylor says that, despite her bossiness, Victoria is a good friend. She was the only one there for her when her Mom had surgery, and Taylor clearly appreciates it. At this point in the game, it's hard to imagine Victoria being a good friend because we've mostly seen her nasty interactions with Kate or her frenemy interactions with Max. I think that's why the alternative timeline expands her character to show that she's more than one thing. She's not just a bully; she's capable of being a good friend too.
I think alternative universe Victoria is a glimpse of the friend that Taylor knows. It makes sense Max would see this side of her on this timeline because the game states multiple times that the only reason Max and Victoria aren't friends is because of jealousy on both sides and Victoria's nasty attitude toward people like Kate.
The trait Victoria envies most about Max is how little she cares about what other people think. However, an argument could be made that if alt Max was trying to cozy up with the Vortex Club, she probably cared more about the school's social hierarchy than main Max did. That might mean that Victoria was less threatened by Max because she was conforming with the popular kids instead of doing her own thing. It's also implied that alt Max is mean (it's revealed through texts that she's thrown things at Alyssa) and she might not have cared as much, or at all, about how Victoria treated Kate.
So that's what I think is going on with alt Victoria. She's the friend Taylor has, but Max never really gets to see. Though the other interpretations that Victoria is sucking up to Max because she's higher on the hiercery are super interesting too!
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
See, first off, this is the first I'm hearing of people not particularly like his backstory. Is it a tumblr fandom thing? That's sort of neat.
Secondly, I LOVE Cradle as a character. I love how smarmy he is, I love how he plans to blackmail and extort EVERYONE he meets, and I love his stupid hand puns.
I think he serves a lot of purposes, but I think I'll stick to just 3 for brevity's sake:
He's the analogue to Victoria's worst impulses and desires that she never acts on. Manipulating people onto his side just to secure his position, cutting himself off from all his support when he needs it most because it might impede him, and chasing after the cause of his trauma for pure revenge. There are pieces of this seen in Diary!Victoria for sure, but Victoria has moments where she wishes that she could just have Amy gone, but never acts on it.
He's meant to be everything that Victoria thought Tattletale was... and Tattletale thought the same. The story puts a LOT of emphasis on Tattletale clearly having sympathy for the cluster and how she highlights Cradle as the "sane, stable one" multiple times. Even when he's going to chop her into pieces, she tries to reason with him, and he shuts that down instantly now that the mask was off. Which is fitting because HIS thinker power is the fanon!version of Tattletales, able to see weakness in people, and that aided his ability to mold himself into someone she WANTED to see (also helped by clusters messing with her power). The way he planned to use March as a manipulated scapegoat is close to exactly how Victoria imagined Tattletale swayed Taylor and Foil to "the dark side", even.
He's a fascinating exploration into a different kind of relapse than Amy. Amy relapsed because of her inability to face her guilt and acknowledge the consequences of her actions are not hers to control anymore. She ultimately finds a path to therapy by having Flashbang (with Sveta/TT/Vic helping) and Darnall get her into a position where she has to hold those realities in her mind as a responsible human being. Cradle is the opposite. He knows what he wants to do is wrong. Not just in how he plans to torture Rain to death or betray his teammates, but that he plans to purposely harm everyone who's in his way to do so. And he's fucking smart enough to know how to manipulate plausible deniability, by having his minions use his weapon first or extorting people with crises so that they can't refuse. To be clear, he has absolutely every right to be so traumatized. Absolutely valid, especially after all the effort he put into being "normal" (even though it started from a place of blackmail). But the way he parses it after is that he's upset that he wasn't rewarded for being good. The realization that karma truly did not exist, that all that effort doesn't mean anything in a world where everyone has free will, and that means being hurt.
Like Victoria says, he fucking sucks at coping.
But we got a badass fucking hand mecha, so it's a win in my book.
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punks-never-die205 · 7 months
How do you think Kid and Killer would react if their someone tells them she's pregnant? Would they want to keep it and raise it on the Victoria Punk? 👶🏻
As someone who never wanted kids, and never had any, I have to admit I don't often give scenarios like this too much thought, but!
In Universe I think they'd want to raise it on the ship. I think they'd talk about maybe having their S/O and kid stay at a base (once one was established), but I don't think they'd leave them unattended for long. Given their history, I feel like both would feel that they could more effectively protect both mom and baby directly.
Plus, I would assume, their S/O would be a capable pirate in their own right, to have been on the ship to begin with xD
I feel like Kid would hit every emotion known to man in short succession. In the end he would be okay, but like, this man raised himself canonically. Sure he had Killer by his side after a few years, but there's no hint of family for Kid.
I actually head canon the reason he's called Eustass Kid is because the villagers would grumble "Useless Kid" at him and he just ran with it. Growing up on an island that cared just enough he didn't starve to death doesn't really help someone be a dad later on.
Balanced against that though, is the super strong found family vibes of the entire crew. A collection of the misfits of misfits, working together harmoniously on a ship together. I feel like any child raised on the ship would be a collective effort.
No one would use labels like mom or dad, cause most of these people don't have positive connotations with those titles. Neutral at the best, I imagine.
That's the best I got, my mind went down a rabbit hole of story ideas, and I kind of spaced out and chased it for a few minutes XD but it'd be an interesting look at things.
In an AU though, I think Kid would make a good dad. He seems like the type to not be interested, and he probably says he doesn't want kids, but you can see him getting along with the city kids for starters, and I think if it happened despite any best practices to avoid it, he'd embrace the whole deal.
And Killer for sure. OG world or AU, I think he'd be 100% on board to be there for someone from the start. Killer just strikes me as no explanation needed good at Dad™
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