#victory SC
raajjeproject · 1 year
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Victory Vs VB 2009
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itsbenedict · 1 month
hell yeah i got the Sentry ai working! the enemy phase is now automated, and enemies will stand still unless a unit of another faction is in range (in which case they will move over to it and attack with the appropriate weapon).
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(this did... not take four days. i was in Boston for the TWRP concert over the weekend.)
currently if multiple units are in range, the target is random, so i need to combine this with target selection- grabbing combat predictions and choosing which enemy they can do the most damage to. i think i'll want... Stupid (random target selection), Normal (decides based on how much %damage it can do to each target), and Smart (takes retaliation damage into account). plus maybe, like... a Risky slider? where 0 is "multiplies out all damage calculations by hit and crit rates for average-case estimates", and 1 is "ignores all accuracy modifiers and goes purely based on maximum potential damage", in case you want enemies that'll take the moonshot to take out player units. (also a Headtaker modifier that'll make them prioritize going for the Lord unit or whatever else would end the map, even if the damage prediction is worse.)
a strategy layer on top of this is... probably overkill, for fire emblem AI? like, i could try and implement a virtual tactician that considers groups of attackers necessary to take out particular targets by ganging up on them, with expected value weighted by distance and movement projections to estimate how likely it is they'll be able to attack simultaneously... but that's hard to implement and a level of meanness i doubt designers are going to necessarily want (especially when you can accomplish basically the same ends through level design.) idk if actual FE games even use such a system- the AI is typically pretty dumb and predictable.
once i have target selection, i'll just need... "move towards specific objective" for defend maps or bandit looting behavior, and "select a target from all units on the map and move towards the best combat prediction" for units that are currently out of range but need to aggro the player.
aaaaaand behavior for enemy healers, which should probably be generalized so dual healer/attacker enemies can weigh "heal ally" and "attack player" against each other... and something to determine what should happen when a mounted/Canto enemy has movement left over after attacking... and timed behavior changes so sentry units can go aggro after a certain turn or event trigger...
...but those ones aren't an immediate priority since they don't have relevance to this month's goal of recreating FE9 Ch1 through the GUI.
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Headcanon #807
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Fermented and alcoholic drinks are not a thing in the Mao Mao world. The closest equivalent would be Mao Mao grinding up catnip into powder and mixing it into any drink.
(Submitted by @Anon)
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
second video update for those asking (also content warning bc we're going to be mentioning s*xual assault):
so in one of the next 3 chapters of Jill's book she goes full victim blamer in regards to women asking to be assaulted with what they choose to wear and i want to deal with that topic appropriately obviously. so i've filmed a few times just trying to get that just right as far as tone, I'm being overly picky but I just really want to be happy with how I address that topic so I tried again last night and I am currently picking through that rant to see if it just clicks better.
Anyway all that to say yes it's still coming!! There is just a ton of sensitive subject matter that I'm taking extra care to present in the right way, thank you for your patience 😊❤️
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rougeandrubies · 2 years
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youre doing great honey
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the funniest thing in this south carolina primary debacle is everyone pretending like this is some gift to black voters and not a gift to james clyburn specifically that puts a lock down on his power at a time where dems are FINALLY opening up to new leadership. south carolina is a dumb as fuck choice for the first primary state lol
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operationrainfall · 2 years
oprainfall Week in Gaming: Oct 30 - Nov 5
oprainfall Week in Gaming: Oct 30 – Nov 5
While we here at Operation Rainfall love covering the latest in gaming news and sharing our reviews of titles new and classic, we also just enjoy playing games in our downtime. So with that, sit back, relax, and check out what the oprainfall gaming crew have been up to this week! This week a demo for Witch on the Holy Night was released, so being the huge Type-Moon fan that I am, I had to try it…
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usnatarchives · 4 days
General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s original "D-day Statement to Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force.”
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General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s original "D-day Statement to Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force.”
The National Archives holds a multitude of records related to #DDay and its surrounding events:
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raajjeproject · 1 year
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Victory Vs VB 2009
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
Armin's Role in Levi's Choice, and the Threat of Erwin's Corruption and Mental Degradation:
Alright, boys and girls, I'm going into this again, because I want to focus specifically on an aspect of Levi's choice in Shinganshina which, sadly, I'm reminded over and over again by people, is widely misunderstood or flatly ignored, and that's both Armin's pivotal role in Levi choosing as he did, and also, Erwin's own impending mental and moral collapse.
People often accuse Levi of letting his personal feelings for Erwin get in the way of making the "right" choice that day in Shinganshina, and they support this claim by making the further claim that Levi hampered humanity's chances for victory by letting Erwin die, Erwin being the great leader that he was, etc, etc... This view is shared, not unironically, I think, by everybody's favorite AoT character, Floch, who we know is a bastion of human empathy and understanding (insert sarcasm here). Because if we should believe anybody about what was really motivating Levi that day, it should be Floch, (insert further sarcasm). But I say no to these accusations, because they're undeniably refuted by what transpires in the panels of the manga itself.
Now, lets look at these panels, because we're going to analyze and break this down:
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Erwin admits to Levi here that seeing what's in Eren's basement, "learning the truth about this world", as he says, is more important to him than humanity's victory. And Levi's response to that is to say "Fine. Erwin, I'll trust your judgment.". Meaning that he's trusting Erwin still to do the right thing, to make the right choice, and should things go south on them, and humanity's victory is compromised by Erwin's judgement-call, then the responsibility for that will be on Erwin and Erwin alone. Levi is both reaffirming his trust in Erwin as a leader, while also acknowledging that Erwin is suddenly, uncharacteristically, threatening to compromise the mission of the Survey Corps for selfish gain. Something which goes against every belief Levi has ever held about Erwin as a leader and a man. Levi's anger and frustration is rooted in that shaking of foundation, in the uncertainty that he now has to confront about Erwin's fitness as a leader.
What's important to remember about Erwin and this moment, is that it isn't the first instance in which he's prioritized his own, personal dream above humanity's victory. He did so as well when he orchestrated the military coup, overthrowing the nobility. Erwin admits this to Zackely, when he confesses that he isn't sure if overthrowing the nobility was really the best move for humanity, and we start to see the first cracks in Erwin's otherwise impenetrable armor.
His insistence, here, that he'll be going on the mission to Shinganshina, is the second instance in which he's placing his own, personal dream above humanity's victory.
Where before Erwin had never once compromised the SC mission for his personal dream, he's now done so twice, in short succession.
Levi, before this, had spoken with Kenny about dreams, and dreams ability to corrupt and compromise us as human beings. And we're seeing that in action here with Erwin. His dream has begun to corrupt him.
But Levi doesn't realize yet how deeply the corruption in Erwin has begun to take root. Hasn't, in fact, yet accepted that corruption in Erwin at all. He's beginning to suspect it, but he still believes in Erwin as a leader. He still trusts his judgment, as he says. He's still deferring to Erwin's judgment over his own instincts.
And Levi won't realize how deep the corruption in Erwin goes, and won't accept it, until the pivotal moment of decision, up on the roof in Shinganshina.
Now let's talk about these panels, because these are vital in understanding what Levi decides next.
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The juxtaposition here of Erwin, Armin and Kenny means everything.
Levi remembers asking Erwin what happens next, once he discovers what's in Eren's basement, and Erwin admits that he doesn't know. All he knows is that he wants desperately to see what's in that basement, and after that, he has no idea. There's no grand plan, no further motivation, no vision for the future of humanity.
Then Levi recalls Kenny's words about dreams, "they couldn't keep going unless they were drunk on something", and this memory is followed by Levi's looking over at Armin's charred body, with Kenny's words ringing in his head "They were all slaves to something. Even him.". We then see Erwin's hand lift up, symbolically smacking the serum away from his arm, and he begins to ramble incoherently, lost in a memory of asking his father how he knows humanity doesn't exist beyond the walls.
It's in THIS moment that Levi realizes that Erwin hasn't been released from the grip of his dream. In his delirious, dying state, it's exposed as the thing that still drives Erwin forward, the thing that still matters to him most. His dream still has him shackled. His dream is still corrupting him.
Again, we've already seen this corruption begin to take root and manifest in Erwin making decisions which directly compromise and endanger humanity's victory, first in orchestrating the military coup, and then in insisting on being in Shinganshina himself.
Levi recalling Kenny's specific words "They were all slaves to something. Even him." is him realizing that Erwin is a slave to his dream. That he can't and won't be able to let it go. He recalls having to order Erwin to do so, to "give up on your dreams and die for us", and then Erwin thanking him for that. He realizes Erwin thanked him because Erwin knew he wouldn't have been able to make that right choice on his own. He realizes that if he hadn't made the choice for Erwin, Erwin wouldn't have been able to give up on his dream. Instead, he would have given in to the corrupting force of his dream, and chosen it over humanity. Just like he did the night before, when he refused to back down from his insistence that he accompany the mission. When he refused Levi's request for him to stay behind.
Levi realizes that Erwin has already been corrupted by his dream. And he realizes that once that dream is realized, Erwin will no longer have anything left to motivate him forward, nothing to be drunk on to keep him from the further degradation and corruption of his mind. He'll no longer be the great leader and visionary he'd once been. He'll be a husk of himself, ruined by the selfishness of his dream, and the guilt he carried as a consequence. Eaten alive by his own demons.
We see this in direct contrast to Armin's burned body, and Levi's memory of his hopeful and innocent eyes from the night before, talking about his own dream of seeing the ocean.
This contrast is majorly important in understanding why Levi ultimately chooses to give the serum to Armin and not Erwin.
Because unlike Erwin, Armin WAS able to give up on his dream and die for humanity. He didn't need anyone to make that choice for him. He made that choice by himself. He willingly sacrificed his life for humanity, and willingly accepted that he would never get to see the ocean, content with the hope that Eren would get to see it in his stead.
Levi realizes, in that moment, that unlike Erwin, Armin hasn't been corrupted by his dream. It wasn't the only thing driving him forward. He wasn't "drunk" on it. He could give up on it for the sake of everyone else. He could sacrifice it.
And that plays a major role in why Levi chose as he did.
It wasn't a case of him prioritizing Erwin over humanity. It was a case of understanding that Erwin's sacrifice, in the end, wasn't self-motivated, and that his dream still controlled him, and would continue to control him, and that truth wouldn't change when he finally realized his dream, but simply leave him bereft, with nothing to shield him from the crushing guilt which had begun to seep in with the realization of his own selfishness, his increasing willingness to prioritize his dream over humanity.
It was a case of Levi realizing that Armin's ability to give up on his dream was also a marker of that's dreams purity, and Armin's own innocence and lack of corruption as a person.
It was a case of Levi realizing that where it was already too late for Erwin to escape that fate Kenny had talked about, it wasn't so for Armin. He reiterates this later on, when he talks about choosing Armin because he "had the same look in his eyes as all of you", meaning his comrades at the beginning of all of it, before they'd been beaten down and ruined by the ugliness of war and dreams.
It was as much that lack of corruption in Armin that made Levi's choice for him, as it was the corruption which had taken root in and begun to eat away at Erwin.
In order for all of their sacrifices to have been worth it, as Levi later says, it would have to have been for an absurdly idealistic world. What that means is, it would have to be for a dream that was pure and without corruption. That's the only thing that would make all of their sacrifices worth it in the end.
And Armin's dream was pure and without corruption.
The very thing they were fighting for was the purity that Levi saw in Armin. Very literally and figuratively, Armin encapsulated the ideal the members of the Survey Corps had given up their lives for. That absurdly idealistic world. A world of freedom and free will and choice.
To choose Erwin would have been a betrayal of that ideal, because Erwin was a slave to his dream. He'd become the very thing the Survey Corps was fighting against. Enslavement.
Armin was a slave to nothing. To choose him was to prove the worth of every fallen soldiers sacrifice. To choose him was to realize the dream they'd all died for.
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hpowellsmith · 3 months
Choice of Games titles in the Steam Spring Sale!
Titles from Choice of Games, Heart's Choice, and Hosted Games are on sale in the Steam Spring Sale, including games from me and my wife!
Crème de la Crème (40% off): Climb to the very top of the class at your exclusive private school for socialites! Will you study hard, find a perfect match, or embrace scandal? A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Noblesse Oblige (40% off): Spark romance amid secrets in a crumbling mansion! What will you sacrifice for love? Can you trust your own heart? A 180,000 interactive gothic novella.
Royal Affairs (40% off): At your exclusive boarding school, will you rule the roost or be a royal disaster? Court publicity, sway the fate of nations, and find love! A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Blood Money (30% off): By the power of your blood, you and your ghosts will take over your crime family! A 290,000 word standalone dark fantasy interactive novel.
Heart of Battle (30% off): Battle for love as a gladiator in this epic romance! Win glory, victory, a better life - or spark a revolution! A 220,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
Asteroid Run: No Questions Asked (30% off): captain a freighter across the Solar System and keep your mystery cargo and your crew safe in the face of corruption, cultists, and revolutionaries! A 325,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: The impossibility of man
Military record of Seventh Front battle report on Grengo IX. Present: Commander Sulva: Commander of the seventh front Supreme Commander Digon: Supreme leader of Alliance forces on Grengo IX Recording begins: *Door opens*
Alien commander: Commander Sulva reporting as ordered. Alien supreme Commander: At ease.
*Rustling as Commander takes seat opposite Supreme Commander*
SC: I first wish to congratulate you on your victory along the seventh front.
SC: If I’m being perfectly honest, the seventh was not the breakthrough we were expecting it to be. In fact, we pictured that the fighting would devolve into a stalemate for at least another six months.
C: Thank you, but if I can be truthful to you as well I had little to do with the victory. The soldiers that served under me were the ones that carried the day.
SC: Your modesty is noted, but don’t sell yourself short.
C: Believe me sir, I’m not. The humans in particular literally were the ones responsible for the breakthrough.
SC: Under your orders.
C: Yes and no.
SC: Excuse me?
C: The human contingent representative came to me the morning before the twenty seventh and told me that there was growing discontent over the length of the campaign.
SC: I was told that the human contingent was comprised of professional soldiers.
C: It is. Three hundred of the finest soldiers the Terran’s could spare.
SC: Then they should understand that this is war and things change.
C: The problem was that the human officials that recruited them had stated that their tour of duty on the front line would last no longer than six months and then they would be rotated back to their homeworld for a month of rest and reoperation.
C: They had been serving on the front line for nine months and had heard nothing of their rotation status; a fact the human representative had expressed was the root of the discontent they now felt.
SC: The navy has been hard pressed maintaining our supply lines during the conflict. Every ship capable of space flight has been put into service for ferrying supplies and reinforcements. If we had diverted even one ship to drop them off it would have offset the supply schedule and left thousands without ammunition or food or any of the other dozen necessities of war.
C: I explained as much to the human, but he said that the rank and file would not accept that and were more likely to mutiny.
SC: The human said that they would mutiny unless you gave them a ride back to their dirtball of a planet!?
SC: Why I’ll flog them until I see bone for their insubordination!
C: I also said something along those lines followed by “If you want to go home so bad, go take hill 343B and I’ll send him and all three hundred of them back first class”.
C: I then told them to leave my tent before I had him shot on the spot, to which they saluted and promptly left the tent.
SC: What is hill 343B?
C: It was the enemy nerve center for the seventh front. Situated well behind their lines, all enemy movements were commanded from hill 343B.
SC: Now I remember it. Your forces captured it on the following day if I remember your after action report.
C: This is where the confusion comes in as I never gave a direct order for my forces to launch an offensive.
SC: But your report stated-
C: That force’s under my command launched a surprise attack that broke through enemy lines and captured hill 343B.
C: It seems the human took my dismissive statement as a literal order and passed it along to the rest of the human contingent when they returned to their ranks.
SC: ……….
SC: This is some form of human humor, right?
C: I’m afraid not sir.
SC: You’re telling me the breakthrough offensive, that has all but won us this war, was brought on by humans who wanted to go home?
C: Yes sir, that is correct.
SC: How is that even possible?
C: The humans sent a small force up along the Mulgua River to the Chesikik Dam. From there they closed the floodgates of the dam and sabotaged the control panels so they could not be opened again.
C: In two hours the water level along the entire river began dropping rapidly until finally it was low enough that it barely reached past the human ankle.
SC: And then?
C: Then all three hundred humans sprinted across the river bed to the other side and took the enemy by surprise.
SC: They sprinted across the river bed?
C: Yes.
SC: And the enemy didn’t try to stop them?
C: They only had small patrols in the area as they believed the river impassible. It was a mile across after all and their scanners would have detected any vehicle movement and alerted their forces in good order. They mistook the large concentration of humans crossing the riverbed as increased water temperature just from the sheer size of them.
C: By the time they realized what had happened the three hundred humans had already made it across carving a bloody swathe through their ranks.
SC: *Silent in disbelief*
C: They stumbled upon an enemy vehicle depot along their attack, captured several dozen vehicles, and then proceeded to use them to sneak into hill 343B.
C: They called it the “Trojan Maneuver”.
SC: The what?
C: Something to do with their history about sacrificing a horse to a fish god.
SC: Any other species that would be confusing, but for humans it’s just another Tuesday.
C: Their forces pretended to attack the captured vehicles as they retreated to hill 343B and the defenders let them in thinking they were friendlies.
C: No sooner had the last vehicle entered the compound did the captured vehicles turn their weapons on the base defenses. They obliterated nearly everything but the central building which housed the communications gear.
C: After that they broadcast an all clear to the rest of my forces and I responded by ordering a full offensive.
SC: *silent*
SC: Where is this human representative?
SC: I want to get their side before I decide if I want to flog them or give them a medal.
C: I’m afraid it will be a while before you c.
SC: Were they injured?
C: No.
SC: Then explain why I need to wait?
C: I had them and the surviving members of the human contingent sent back to their homeworld on the first transport.
SC: You what?!
C: I had promised them that much and they made it clear in no subtle terms what would happen if I did not honor my word.
SC: What, were they going to storm my command bunker next if they didn’t get their way?
C: ……….
SC: Oh gods they said that didn’t they.
C: Yes, yes they did. ( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)      
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hussyknee · 2 months
I don't know what's going on and I'm not sure I want to find out, but I thought the "people seeking self-determination" thing was about Palestine. Iran is very much not seeking self-determination, it's a theocratic state crushing its own people to the extent that some Iranians hate Palestine just because its government is supporting it.
In this instance, the US and its allies are absolutely at fault because they allowed their rabid dog to provoke Iran into open war, which they've been trying to do for entirely too long. But whatever happens is not in fact entirely on them (for God's sake stop glossing over all the other genocidal western nation that lent their enthusiastic support thus far), it's also on Iran because they chose this. Iran is invested in Palestine and helping Hamas and Hezbollah as a proxy war against the axis of Saudi Arabia-Israel-United States (that now seems to be escalating into a direct war) which has been the case for decades, partially because of the ethnic and religious battle lines and partially because of oil and nuclear interests. The United States and Saudi and Israel being evil doesn't mean Iran isn't also evil, especially considering two of its closest allies are Assad and Erdogan, ntm Putin. If you want to deny that they're also all genociders and despots, I can only call down all the curses of their millions of victims and their families down on your head. They matter no less than Palestinians. They matter as well as Palestinians right the fuck now, because being caught between two nuclear powers at open war is fucking terrifying for the whole region, especially Iranians. This is not a victory strike, it's an escalating disaster that might lay waste to multiple Global South countries in a myriad ways.
Someone said that the US left-wing has realized that US exceptionalism and imperialism is bad, but doesn't understand that part of it is centering the US in all world politics and conflicts and seeing the US as special in any way, including as a special evil or oppressor. If you want to be anti-imperialist and decolonial please internalise that all nation states are oppressive, artificial, post-colonial evils, that the US is just one colonizer and imperialist among many, and its fascism nothing unique. Please follow the geo-politics and news of other nations, especially in the Global South. The only special thing about the US is that it has the most military and economic power and too much influence in the Security Council, but that doesn't mean every other military power and SC member is either a puppet or a brave resistance.
Decolonization and anti-imperialism is learning to situate yourself as just one among many, just another settler colony benefiting from white supremacy, just another imperialist, just another nation state headed by power hungry supremacists. Casting every opposing power as a plucky little underdog champion is just your usual noble savage racism out in force, silencing and dehumanizing the people in those countries fighting for their own rights and freedoms.
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chikirya · 1 month
Lies of P Student Council AU
....but it's the Monad charity house and Carlo and Romeo are actually academic rivals turned love interests.
Romeo is the SC President - popular, charming, charismatic, AND a hard worker? Yes. Landslide victory
Carlo as VP - by appointment or by democratic vote too, C has his charm! Or maybe the whole school ships them too idk would be funny
P for Secretary - quiet and diligent! sec. stuff means you're running around to get paperwork approved and P seems like the boy teachers would love.
OR P as Treasurer - look we've all seen how the Gold Coin Tree only gives its fruit to those without greed need i say more.
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1918 04 Remember me - Russell Smith
Remember Me? depicts a hypothetical but plausible encounter between and Bristol F2.b of 48th Squadron, RAF and a Fokker Dr.1 triplane piloted by Leutnant d. R. Friedrich "Fritz" Kempf of Jasta 2 (Boelcke). The scene depicts Kempf zooming up and past the Bristol, catching the crew by surprise. The client was fairly specific about the attitudes and positions of the aircraft, but he left the overall composition and the choice of Bristol markings up to me.The Bristol Fighter was a maneuverable, heavily armed two-seater biplane, and one of the most successful fighters of the war. It got off to a poor start during "Bloody April" when it was introduced to the Western Front by the inexperienced pilots. Believing that the aircraft was structurally weak, pilots avoided violent maneuvers during combat. It was soon realized, however, that the Bristol fighter was actually a very sturdy aircraft that could be maneuvered as if it were a single seat fighter with rear protection. Bristol crews met with great success by using their aircraft in that capacity. By the end of the war over 240 pilots and gunners achieved ace status in the type. My choice of markings for this particular Bristol was personal. Growing up in SC I often attended the Shawfest airshow at Shaw Air Force Base located in Sumter. In my 20’s, as a budding aviation artist, I donated a painting to the 20th Fighter Wing which was based at Shaw AFB at the time. For those reasons I have had long felt a familiar connection to Shaw AFB. A few years back, though that connection became very personal. While doing some research on Ancestry I found that I had a great great grandfather who was a Shaw and who was born in Sumter, SC. I knew immediately there had to be a connection to Shaw AFB. After further research I came to find that Shaw AFB was named after 1st Lt. Ervin David “Molly” Shaw, the first Sumterite killed in the WWI & the only Sumter Aviator to die in combat. Shaw served with the 48th Squadron, RAF, British Expeditionary Force. In combat, he is credited with shooting down two enemy aircraft. On July 9, 1918, well behind enemy lines on a scouting mission, he and his British observer were greatly outnumbered by enemy scout planes and they perished in battle. They were flying Bristol F2b B-1113 at the time. As it turns out, 1st Lt. Ervin David Shaw, after whom Shaw AFB is named, was my great-grandmother’s cousin!Frederich "Fritz" Kempf was born in May 1894 in Freiburg in the town of Breisgau in the southwest of Baden-Württemberg. At age 19, he joined infantry in October 1913 and by August of the following year was promoted to Unteroffizier . After being wounded in battle and a lengthy hospital stay he applied for a transfer to the Luftstreitkraefte. Once accepted he arrived at FEA 3 in Gotha on May 6, 1915. He was then sent back to Freiburg to complete training and then on to FEA 9 at Darmstadt at the end of November 1915. In March 1917, after serving with various aviation units, he received the Iron Cross 1st Class and joined Jasta 2 "Boelcke". He scored his first victory on 29 April - a BE2c near Le Pave. His second was a Sopwith Pup on 5 June at Masnieres, then the 3rd was a Camel on 20 Oct. at Gravenstafel.He was sent to Jasta-Schule I as an instructor , returning to Jasta Boelcke in January 1918. On 8 May he scored his fourth victory, a Camel west of Steenwerke. He returned to Jasta-Schule I in August 1918 where he served until the end of the war. Although he only had 4 victories to his credit at war’s end, Kempf was none the less a respected and valued member of Jasta Boelcke. He died in August 1966.Of the aircraft that Fritz Kempf flew during his wartime career, perhaps the most recognizable were a pair of Fokker Dr.1 triplanes which carried similar
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velocitytimes2 · 11 months
Synergist (come. over.)
Rating: E Word Count: 8.7k. Pairing: Steddie
Read on ao3!
The line doesn’t flip to static, but stays on and lets Steve hear the clack of Eddie’s rings as his fingers jostle his hair and Steve wonders when he learned to discern that one specific sound. Then, oh but then. Then every noise that has ever been and will ever be is tramped out of Steve’s brain and all he knows, all he ever wants to hear again in his goddamn life is the soft groan that sounds like it’s been yanked from Eddie’s gut. “You’ll be the death of me.” - Or: the misuse of radios by teenagers in the 80's to get their rocks off.
The nightmares never really followed a discernable pattern.
And it fucking sucked.
It would be one thing if they were just replays of the events Steve had gone through the past two years. Those memories Steve had lived.
He’d fought and used his fists, and a bat, and cunning, and a jaw that ached when it got cold, all to get out of the sticky moments. The flashes of memories he had from every moment of the last three years were tamed with the knowledge that he had lived. 
He’d gotten to the other side. 
In all theorem he should come out victorious in his dreams and his nightmares. He’d seen the worst of it and at the end had been okay. He’d lived. He should be able to come out on top in the battles that raged in his head just like he had in reality. He should win.
The fucking issue is, he never did.
It was never that easy. It was never a simple replay. 
It was new monsters every time; a different animal bastardized and remorphed. Mountain lions with loose maws stalking him from between cars in the parking lot of Hawkins High. Sharks jumping out of Lover’s Lake and wriggling their bodies until they grew the legs of alligators to chase and chase and chase. Monkeys without eyes raining from the trees in the woods behind his house, diving into his pool after him and tearing into flesh with fleshy, razor-fanged mouths. 
Never Steve’s flesh, though. Always the person running or swimming just a step behind him, his shouts of warning never coming in time.
And damn if that wasn’t the worst part. 
Always rows of teeth and claws striking out; blood oozing from a different person each night. Their screams the most haunting thing, the thing that kept Steve up when he heard them reverberate in his skull like they were right there. It wasn’t the blood or gore or wriggling tentacles that kept him up, shocked him back awake. It was the fucking screams.
Robin and Nancy.
Max and Billy combined as the Mind Flayer strikes true.
Mike and Will. 
El as she holds both hands in front of her, their only hope.
Eddie’s heart stopping.
Steve screaming when he found them.
Steve’s hands clawing it back to life.
Eddie not breathing even as Steve begged.
The silence that followed.
It was the screams that haunted Steve. 
They’d won, they were okay. Mostly. But he still heard their screams.
It usually happened every few nights. The nightmares pressing deeper and deeper until he’s suffocating with lungs ripped out of his body as he slams into the offending thing. Fully ready to sacrifice himself in the place of someone he loves so deeply he can’t fucking breathe. It’s Steve’s purpose in the part; it’s something he’s come to complete terms with. He isn’t smart like the younger boys, doesn’t have the uptake of Robin or Nancy, doesn’t have powers like El and isn’t willing to flay himself for the greater good like Max and Billy. He was Steve. He was strong and a bit stupid and would always – always and forever – put his body in between danger and someone he loved. 
So, every few nights the him in his subconscious would try to die in a new and spectacular way, the sacrificial lamb for the good of the people who he loved. 
It was an inevitability Steve was okay with. It had been something he’d accepted as he walked down train tracks with Dustin Henderson for the first time. That if something jumped out of the woods and screeched at them, Steve would be in between the kid and the beast. He would die there if the gods looked down and deemed that he should. 
It was an odd place to exist, the one between scrambling to survive and being willing to go belly up if it meant a friend would live to fight another day.
It was the reality Steve survived in, somehow found himself constantly enduring perils to shield the ones who were truly important.
So he lets the nightmares be a thing, lets them shock him awake, tries to dull them with weed and booze and cigarettes but that only ramps his mind up for worse, so he really doesn’t do that much anymore either. 
They’d been a plague since the Demogorgon had first burst in at Jonathan’s in fall of eighty-three. Back then they’d been vague things that Steve could wake up and chase away with a few gulping pulls from his father’s whiskey. 
Three years and too many gasping breaths later it was an expected reality. 
The sun rose in the east. 
The tides follow the moon. 
Steve Harrington can’t sleep, because any time he gets more than three hours he wakes gasping and sweat-drenched. 
It’s one of those nights; the ones where Steve can feel the terror itching to get out from under his skin as he throws his body from side to side, twisting in his sheets until the panic pulls him under completely to choke him out to the point of waking up gasping. It’s one of those nights when the walkie-talkie the kids had bullied him into keeping close to his bed snaps to life and shocks his half-asleep brain into consciousness. It’s Mike’s voice, pitched low and shaking that comes first.
“Sound off. Over.” 
Steve feels himself groan as he yanks the duvet over his head at the sound, almost asleep and chasing the calm that comes for a few moments prior to the terror taking the reins. 
“Buckley over and out.”
“Max. Safe. Over.”
“Lucas. Over.”
Steve can distantly hear thunder rolling. The rain’s been tapping its nails against his window since noon. Storms always seemed to set Mike off. Probably something about Will talking about thunder for so long.
“El and Hopper. Safe and over.”
“Dustin. Over.”
Steve knows he should answer the call, it is the right thing to do, the thing he’s always done. But. But, this night, a storm brewing in the woods and his brain heavy with the fears of what’s hiding within, he feels overwhelmed. So close to the possibility of a few moments of rest prior to the fear gripping his chest. Just another minute. Five more in the quiet. That’s all he needs.
“Will. Over.” Will’s voice is the most sleep heavy, consonants dragging and slurred together. 
“Jonathan and Nancy.” The exhausted and rough sound of Jonathan’s voice seizes something in Steve’s chest still, all this time later. Steve isn’t sure why. He'd gotten over his romantic feelings for Nancy a year prior but it still gave his heart a tug when she and Jonathan so easily fit into the box of a couple.
Least of his worries, romance. Shove it aside for later. 
“Munson, over.” 
It was sometimes still a shock, hearing Eddie’s voice. It’s the one that haunted Steve the most, when the nightmares came. Dustin screaming, begging, Eddie’s blood gurgling. 
He was alive. Everyone was alive. Steve hadn’t let anyone with him die during spring break. The sirens and the hospital and the government doctors had kept them all alive - after. Steve had got the heart started again. Cracked sternum, blood on lips. Eddie’s breathing a crackle but there.
He was close to sleep, so close to a few soft moments of reprieve. He was chasing it, head heavy. 
Safe. They were all safe, confirmed so. 
His eyelids are so heavy.
It’s his turn. He knows it’s his turn. ‘Steve, over.’ It’d be so easy, but something stops his hand, his mouth, his entire being. He’s frozen and exhausted, caught between sleep and awake and maybe he’s dreaming this, hopefully the coming silence meant he was dreaming this. Could sink deeper into bed.
“Steve?” Dustin’s voice cutting the night air, “Do you copy? Over.” Three beats. Let it g- “Steve. Do you copy? Over.” Steve counts them this time. One, two, three. “Steve!” Dustin’s voice has pitched up, worry coating it. “Do you copy?! Over!” One. Tw-
“He’s probably gettin’ all cozy with a pretty gi-“
“Ew, Eddie!”
“What the fuck man!” “Nope, nope, nope.” 
“Look dweebs, I’m just saying, there’s reasons guys don’t answer late at night and it’s usually because of-“
“I’m not having sex, Eddie.” Steve feels like he’s suffocating, so fucking done with all of this and he’s heavy with the sleepiness of insomnia that won’t fucking leave his head. “Over.”
“Steve! What the hell! We called a sound off, are you okay? Over.” Dustin’s voice has a panicked quality and part of Steve feels bad, feels guilty. Part of him wants to scream. Just because. 
“I was trying to sleep, Henderson,” Steve sighs, throwing an arm over his face, “Something you all should be doing, too.”
The line’s static fills the silence, radio silence. Maybe Steve will actually start screaming. It’d be cathartic. 
“You gotta say over, sweetheart,” Eddie jeers, and Steve can see the smile on his face like a burn on his retinas, Cheshire-wide and goading, framed by black hair haloed across a pillow. “Over.” It made Steve’s sleep rattled brain trip on itself, the ease at which he could picture Eddie splayed out summer warm in bed. 
“Yeah Steve,” it’s Robin’s voice now, “at least use proper radio protocol, come on. Over.” 
“None of you did when Eddie was talking about-“
“No! No Steve!” Dustin’s voice had the pitchy height it got any time Robin or Eddie brought up Steve’s dating life. “No talk about fornication on this line! Over!”
“Just this line that’s banned?” Eddie’s voice dripped with mirth, even in low quality and volume from across town.
“Eddie, I swear, you saved the world and-“ 
“How about this,” Steve cuts in and rolls over to prop himself on an elbow, feeling like it’s more of the right positioning to take his frustration out in, “everyone goes to sleep now. Over.”
He flops down, face smashed into his pillow, listens as the kids all trickle off, El then Mike because he’d follow her lead to hell – fucking literally – then Lucas and Max, reluctantly Dustin. Robin, wishing everyone ‘sweet dreams loud-ass motherfuckers’, until it was just Eddie who hadn’t signed off properly. And himself. 
“Hey Stevie, switch channels for me, over.”
“No. Over.” He knows that tomorrow, in the daylight, he’ll probably regret the blunt push off of his friends, but now it was taking everything in him to just choke words out. 
“Steve,” Eddie draws his name out, a whine tinging it. Ever since the recovery, ever since getting everything back to Not-Upside-Down, Eddie had been plastered to Steve’s side. An incessant little thing. Steve hadn’t minded, because an Eddie in his line of sight meant consistent confirmation that Eddie was alive. What Steve had been taught his first-year lifeguarding had worked. Stayin’ Alive, thirty pumps, copper taste of blood on his lips, chest inflate, chest deflate, a coughing body in his arms, not a corpse.
Their friendship had started with Eddie sitting in Family Video with Robin and Steve as they worked. Because apparently saving the world or some shit from an evil superpowered thing didn’t mean you could just… not work. Well, financially it did, actually. The stipend for keeping your mouth shut was astronomical. 
Spending it was an astronomical task. 
Leaving Hawkins was an astronomical task.
Sitting at home, doing nothing, was an astronomical issue.
So. Job. 
Eddie had infiltrated it, then got a job at the music and record shop that opened down the road as the town rebuilt.
Spent his lunch with Steve, watching a half hour of whatever he was watching that day. 
Steve had started to bring the movies home each night, so Eddie could watch the end with him when he came over with a six pack, a rolled joint, and two pizzas.
That turned into talking through shit movies.
It turned into Steve telling Eddie about the dreams, about why he didn’t want to sleep alone at his own home. 
It turned into Eddie telling Steve he sometimes still felt like his sides were wet, like they were still bleeding even though the scars had healed. 
Had continued with Eddie crying, a little drunk, pressed into Steve’s side, thanking him for getting his heart restarted and dragging his body through the gate. 
Had continued with Steve telling him he would have done anything but leave Eddie’s body in the fucking Upside Down.
It ended with Steve seeing Eddie every day. Spending their days off driving around or lazed in Steve’s pool or with Steve cooking dinner while the Hellfire Club met in his dining room. 
It ended with Eddie in Steve’s life, orbiting him as he orbited Eddie.
It, apparently, ended with Eddie annoying the fuck out of him over a walkie-talkie at two in the goddamned morning.
“Pretty please, Steven? I’ll never ask you for anything ever again ever and ever and-“
“For fucks sake! Will you shut him up, please!” Mike Wheeler’s screech comes through and Steve screams a groan at his ceiling, “Over!” 
Steve grapples with his walkie blindly and presses the stupid little button. “Fine. Fine! Munson. What fucking channel? Over.”
“Twenty-seven-point-two-seven-five,” Eddie’s voice is much too smug, Steve is too much of a pushover. Steve can see a clear image in his mind of Eddie curling over his radio, the smile he used in Steve’s dining room when he was DM’ing a campaign showing all his teeth. 
Steve changes the channel.
“Yes, Edward?” He asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. A beat of silence. 
A beat longer.
Steve screams. 
“I’m not doing that nerd fucking shit, Eddie, I swear, I’m not playing this game tonight, okay? D1. I’m fucking dead, or something.” 
“Did you… just make a reference to-“
“Please, Eddie.” Steve’s exhausted, his skin on too tight and he cannot. Deal. With. This.
“Bad night?” Eddie asks next, instantly knowing, voice snapping into something caring, softer. The edges are blurring. “You sounded awful.”
So, yeah, Eddie knew. Eddie knew Steve and Eddie knew about the nightmares. Eddie orbited Steve. He’d known since he found Steve screaming on his uncle’s bed, Steve unwilling to drive home in the dark because something had been prickling the back of his neck and he was scared. Didn’t want to be alone. Eddie had sat up with Steve that night, pulling out a stash he had Argyle bring from Colorado that worked quick, and let Steve suck down the entire joint himself while Eddie told him about all the nights he woke up, shaking but unable to sit up, scared he’d actually died and was stuck laying down and alone for eternity. 
They’d forged something then, some kind of comradery that only came when you’re found with tears in your eyes and holding a pillow tight to your chest. It had taken three weeks after they’d both been discharged from the hospital before Steve had tried sleeping in his own damn house again. 
“Yeah, man.” Steve scrubs a hand over his face, letting it fall to his chest with a thunk, letting his lingering animosity fall away with it. “The fucking wasp one.” Tiny bugs swarming the kids and crawling down their throats in the tunnel system, stinging their eyes and crawling between their teeth when they screamed. Rearing tiny teeth-rowed mouths back and taking chunk and chunk until blood made Steve’s feet slide on the floor. By the end of it he’s surrounded only by corpses filled with holes as the wasps turn to him in unison.
“When’s the last time you got some real sleep?” Eddie sounds tired, too, his words loose and open, voice pitched low as he sheds the persona that always got all shined up for the kids and becoming the lazy thing he spoke with when no one but Steve was in the room. 
“You first,” Steve goads, rubbing his sternum in a circle, something feeling stuck in his chest easing talking to Eddie. Eddie got it. Eddie saw him, saw it all. Eddie didn’t hide from it. Steve orbited Eddie.
“Tuesday morning.”
“Shit, Munson.” Steve admonishes. It was early in the Saturday morning hours. It really never got that bad often, not to the point of almost a week of sleepless nights. It had been months and it was getting better but not whole. In the beginning it had been bad, Eddie’s record just three hours over Steve’s when they had finally drunk themselves into oblivion on Steve’s couch, waking up slumped together, hungover but at least somewhat rested.
“Yeah Stevie,” Eddie sighs and Steve can hear it because he keeps his finger pressed on the button through the pause, “C’mon, I showed you mine. How long?”
“Slept most of Thursday, but since then it’s been spotty.” It’s easy to be candid with Eddie, he’d seen it first-hand. Seen the broken shards of Steve shattered in the aftermath of the apocalypse. He’d been there. Robin had an idea but everyone else just didn’t talk about it the way Eddie did with him. 
“You think you’re going to sleep tonight?” Eddie asks.
“Not now that I know the kids are still scared,” Steve admits, already feeling the fitful feeling of constant vigilance scratch behind his eyes, slowly understanding that Eddie wasn’t really here to annoy him. He wanted Steve the way Steve wanted Eddie right now. Someone there in the alone, in the wakefulness. Someone there to keep you warm while shaking to death under the weight of monsters and smoke and bats and red lightening. 
Two suns, orbiting, chasing, on a collision course.
“Me either. Still got some of the last shit I gave ya?” Eddie asks, and as he talks the radio rustles with his movement. 
“Yeah, Eds.”
“Roll one, smoke with me.” And Steve isn’t sure why, if it’s the need to be Very Much Not Alone Right Now, if it’s Eddie’s tone – the silent beg Steve knows is hidden there, if it’ll even help but not above fucking trying to stave off the demons, he agrees. He lets the walkie list to the side as he opens the bedside table, sitting up and starting to grind the flowers. “Stevie?” 
“Yeah man,” Steve mumbles as he licks the paper to seal it, “I’m fuckin’ rolling, Eds. Hold your horses.”
“You are the slowest fucking grinder, I swear.” It’s said with a snigger, and Steve flicks his lighter to take the first long lungful before responding as he blows it out.
“The fucking mouth on you around the kids, dude.” He doesn’t let his button go as he takes another long, slow pull, knowing Eddie will wait for him if the static doesn’t come back. “Stop making the kids think about sex, Eddie.”
“Oh, mom,” Eddie laughs when Steve finally allows the rumble of static to return, his voice taking on revelry even when tired, “you don’t think their little brains are just chugging along with pure and wholesome thoughts twenty-four-seven, do ya?” There’s a breathless laugh and then Eddie’s choking and coughing and Steve knows it’s from laughing as he inhaled, having seen it happen on the edge of his pool too many times to hear the sound and think of anything else. “Have you seen the way Wheeler looks at El? Or how Byers looks at Wheeler? Kid’s probably-“
“Eddie come on man!” Steve groans, throwing his head back. Eddie’s cackling on his end when Steve chokes on his own pull. 
“Come on, Steve, you don’t remember being a fifteen-year-old kid? Creaming your pants when you saw boobs for the first time?” Eddie can barely get the words out through his laughter at Steve’s disgusted noise, a hint of sleepless hysteria lacing it all.
“That’s fucking disgusting, Munson, what the fuck?” But Steve’s laughing anyway because Eddie’s laugh is an infectious thing, you catch it and the symptoms take over within seconds. 
“Where’d you see your first pair of titties, Steve Harrintgon?” Eddie’s giggling, and Steve has an uncensored, weed-addled urge to reach through time and space to be able to touch Eddie then, feeling the giggles shake his body. 
Collision course, creeping closer.
“Oh shit,” Steve says, holding the joint up and watching the smoke curl from the end of it lazily in the moonlight. “Fuck probably a movie? I dunno.” He thinks maybe Jaws, when Tommy had stolen it from his older brother and they’d watched it at twelve. “Maybe a Playboy I stole from my dad? Fuck, I was, I did that for years.” He’s laughing, the weight of the weed starting to press him down into the mattress on his back. 
Eddie tsks as Steve giggles, “Oh Stevie, what a naughty little rich boy.” 
“Oh fuck off, what was yours?” 
The static crackles for a few moments and Steve’s worried he’s said something wrong, the anxiety that bubbled under his skin every moment of every day after that night in the Byers’ house years ago flaring up to a boil.
“Found one of my old man’s VHS’s when I was fourteen.” Steve closes his eyes to look at his mental image of Eddie, seeing him scrunching his nose up as his hands fidget. “That was an interesting damn day.” He sounds a bit short of breath when he adds, “Definitely learned that I was into one over the other pretty fucking quick.” 
Steve’s not dumb, this time, he thinks. He gets it in a second, gets it because it makes things slot together in his brain in a way that hadn’t been there before. It’s the opposite feeling of when Robin had said just as little to him. He’s not sure how or why it feels that way, now.
“Yeah?” He probes, tries for as gentle and soft he can, even with his heart rate stuttering heavier in his ribs.
“Yeah, Steve.” Eddie in Steve’s mind curls in on himself and Steve can’t have that, doesn’t want that. “Robin told me she told you and you didn’t yell.”
“I was blindsided by that one.” Steve says simply, pulls again, joint half gone.
“And not this?” Eddie’s laugh has turned sour and Steve feels pushed off kilter by that. 
“I mean, I’m not saying I expected it? But it… I dunno man it makes sense?” It feels right, is something he doesn’t say, unsure of how to even quantify it in any way except his stomach feeling settled by it all. “I’m cool with it, Eddie, if that’s what you’re fuckin’ chewing your nails over right now.” 
“How did you?” But there’s a little laugh coming back, Eddie’s voice softening back down into warmth again. 
“You do it when you're stressed.” Steve says simply, taking a deep breath, because it was that simple to him. Just part of Eddie that everyone had noticed at this point, they had to have had. Steve had. Knew the way Eddie’s teeth tore at cuticles as he watched a room he wasn’t comfortable in, always feeling like the outsider, always in motion. Knee jumping, head shaking, fingers twitching. 
“Fuckin’ Christ, Harrington,” Eddie’s breathless as he laughs at Steve from the other side of town. “Full of goddamn surprises.” 
“I contain multitudes or some shit.” Steve rolls his eyes, parroting Nancy’s words from some time junior year when things were easy and he was happy and the world hadn’t ended and he could sleep through the night and look at his pool without imagining Barb or see a blue car and not feel terror tug on his gut. 
“That you do, Stevie.” 
“I mean,” Steve feels loose, too loose because Eddie’s always giving him the good shit, and his mind is unlocking and picking up pieces he’d tossed aside haphazardly to look at later, “I get it, you know?”
“You… get it?”
“Yeah man, I mean, dudes, right?” It makes sense to Steve, so it has to make sense to Eddie, who was smoking the same shit. “Like, yeah. Guys can be hot.” The aerobics instructor comes to mind, arms that bulged out from a ripped shirt. “Girls are hot, too. But not to you. Guys are hot, but not to Robin.” It makes sense, Steve thinks. Total sense. Something he’d toyed with and rolled around in his brain for months and months now. Tried the taste of it when his parents had drug him to some party in the city and he’d immediately left after, found a bar that was dark, and hidden, and didn’t card him. It had been eye opening, not shocking when the man had kissed him. Not really. “I guess for some people it’s both.”
“O-kay,” Eddie drawls the word, stretching it longer than Steve really thought necessary as he sucks in a breath of smoke. “How about we resume this train of thought sometime else, Steve?” And there’s a shake in his voice, something that Steve hasn’t ever heard lately, in the Rightside Up. It sounds like uncertainty. Steve doesn’t like it, doesn’t like an Eddie who isn’t sure footed, isn’t commanding the room. 
“Sure.” Steve rocks from side to side gently, feeling the mattress shift under his body. “Tell me what’s got you so worked up tonight.”
“Well I just came out to you,” Eddie laughs and Steve doesn’t like that it feels more forced than their previous giggles, “so there’s fucking that.” 
“You didn’t die, Eddie.” Steve says, jumps three steps forward, knows that’s where they’re going to end up. 
They always ended up there. With Eddie shaking and scared and with Steve holding his hair back as he pukes out the demons all while telling Steve the entire time he’d been gone, heart stopped, body ripped apart in an alternate dimension. 
“Stop doing that, Steve.” Eddie’s voice is smaller, and Steve hates it, hates when Eddie isn’t laughing or smiling or full of levity and confidence. 
“No.” Steve smiles small as he says it, feels a little less hollow because he’s needed, he’s here, Eddie’s here. Two suns on a collision course. Creeping closer. Impending doom. “You’re alive, Eddie.”
“I don’t particularly feel like it right now,” Eddie whispers, voice almost too low for Steve to hear over the walkie, his ears having to strain some to catch all eight words. 
“’s okay,” Steve’s words are starting to slur just a bit, the weed finally washing over him in the big waves, full strength. Boom, crash, heartbeat slow. “What makes you feel alive, Munson?” 
“I don’t-“
Steve cuts him off, knows what to say because he’s said it so many times. “Music. Eddie, music. D and D with your friends,” he starts listing things, “what else?”
“Playing with the band,” Eddie starts, voice already more even keeled. “Watching horror movies with Robin?” Steve laughs and he feels his own flame of life flicker at that. 
“That’d make anyone feel alive, shit,” Steve responds, hoping the smile is coming to Eddie’s face, loves how it looks when it cracks his face open, like the sun finally bursting from behind the trees at sunrise. 
“Good booze,” Eddie’s got some of the old him back, clawing a bit back to normal. It had gotten easier as the time had moved forward, to get themselves back when the Upside Down tried to drag them under. “Shit, this shit? Weed and music and booze and sex.” The last word is a groan and Steve feels a flash of heat all over. 
They’d never discussed it, probably because of the elephant in the room Eddie had just shot with coming out, but now… now Steve wants to. Steve wants. It’s a terrifying realization to have with a head swimming with weed and insomnia. He has no other word for it, no clarity, but he wants. 
“Have you…. Have you slept with anyone since everything?” he asks, feeling almost wild. Because the weed’s made his tongue loose and the radio static keeps the conversation just far enough past his grip to scare him. 
Boom. Sudden impact.
Eddie’s voice has changed when it comes back through, sounding lower and headier and Steve’s lost in it. Fucking drugs. “Nah Cassanova, I haven’t. Have you?”
It would normally be so easy, so simple to turn on the typical Harrington charm to the point of casual deception. Of course, he had, of course one of the many, many dates had turned into something that sparked enough life in him for Steve to bring them back to his house where only ghosts of happiness followed him down the halls. 
But, they hadn’t. The candle that had heated his heart up, had made him want in that way had been snuffed out two years prior, something final had fractured with the bullshit and left him drafty, hollow.
“Nah, Munson, you’re the only one to see the gifts those bats left me up close and personal.” He answers, head sinking further into his pillow as he sucks on the end of the blunt, the smoke warm as it traps itself in the recesses of Steve’s lungs. He holds it there, tries to remember what falling into bed with someone felt like. Tries to imagine hips, curves, tiny waists. 
It really, for some reason he can’t find, can’t name, can’t finger, doesn’t work. 
But when Eddie’s voice comes back, fills his ears and his mind and his ribcage, Steve catches a spark trying so very hard to flicker in his chest.
“Oh Stevie, you’re a damn flatterer.” 
The breath whooshes out of Steve’s chest, smoke billowing from his lips and his nose at the same time as a laugh is dragged out from the place below his sternum. 
“How’s it feel to be on the receiving end of some of then infamous Harrington Charm?” Steve asks, giggling, loving the way the static on the other end of the line doesn’t feel like an empty space, but a comfort. Like if he tried hard enough he could feel the weight of Eddie dipping the bed beside him, warming the sheets with his skin, thigh pressed into Steve’s.
It wouldn’t be like they hadn’t been in that position before, hadn’t been high and wrapped up with one another. Save the world, see a guy die, snap his breastbone with chest compressions in a hellscape while their other friends try to convince him to drag the body – the fucking body because that’s all Eddie had been for too many fucking seconds that drug and drug and drug ­– out, finally get his heart and lungs back online long enough to hoist the limp weight through a portal… well. The idea is there. 
Steve had started the spring break with no interactions with Eddie Munson.
Now the lack of him next to Steve leaves something twisting raw and ragged in his stomach. 
“I’m swooning,” and Steve thinks he hears Eddie’s voice catch on the end of the word, imagines smoke of his own trailing out from between Eddie’s lips.
It is a thought that shouldn’t trip Steve’s brain up so much. Yet.
“Well, you’re the first in…” Steve’s own voice trails and a giggle scratches his throat as the absurdity of it well and truly hits him. “Since Nancy. You’re the first one to swoon since- since Nancy.” It’s there, out in the open between them now, radio waves drifting through Hawkins, over roofs and between the clouds. Or however the fuck radios worked, he didn’t have a clue. Didn’t need to when Eddie’s voice is back, worming its way into every sliver of open space in Steve’s head. 
“Then you must’ve only been dating blind broads, no idea what they’re truly missing.” Eddie’s voice comes with a tsking sound, the rustle of something in the background causing Steve’s brain to pop an image of Eddie lying in bed, a hand behind his head, all long lean muscle, tattoos crossing paths with scars, smoke hanging low in the air.
Steve’s heart jumps, because his brain had omitted a shirt on Eddie’s chest, had put the other boy in just boxers and socks because Steve had seen him like that. Sleepy eyes and ruffled one morning when Dustin hadn’t been able to get Eddie to answer on the walkies and Mike had pleaded Steve to drive. To make sure the gate was closed still, even though the old trailer had been gone, burned, the ashes watched over in a secure facility. The government had supplied the new one Eddie and Wayne lived in now. 
Wayne had thrown a fit when the feds had offered a house closer to the size of Steve’s, saying they could take their hush money and double it, put it in an account so Eddie could have the best doctors in the world as he healed. His nephew had tried to die for them, it was the least the fuckers could do. Wayne’s words, not Steve’s. 
Steve, however, had been inclined to agree.
Owens had a furnished trailer on the lot five days later as Eddie still lay prone in the ICU. 
His guitar had been the only thing that had gotten out of his home before the feds had hauled it off to scorch and torch the big bad evil gate. Dustin had made sure, had delivered it like a trophy to the hospital and Eddie had made the most delighted noise around the breathing tube the doctors had refused to remove until the blood and fluid had completely drained from Eddie’s lungs. 
Steve had also slept next to Eddie in that outfit. Two arched backs curling towards each other when the world got to be too much, too loud, when the backfire of a motorcycle down the road had Steve’s hands shaking. When the flapping of birds nesting outside the window had Eddie’s head whipping around. 
Bare chest, curling tattoos sliced with scars, black hair across a pillow, long fingers-
“Stevie?” Eddie’s voice shocks Steve out of the drugged train wreck his brain was hurtling towards, imaging Eddie without all his clothes. Alone. In bed. “You there, babe?” 
“Sorry,” Steve’s voice has changed and thickened and he really has nothing else to say, nothing he can say. Luckily, Eddie’s good at filling silence, pulling Steve’s brain from the sand it traps itself in on nights like this.
“Don’t be,” Eddie’s tone is still low and soft, scratched over by static, a buzz that Steve can feel vibrating under his skin. “You never got anything to apologize for, Steve.” He listens to the words Eddie gives him freely, kindly, woven in the hush of too late night or early morning, Steve’s lost the time in the haze the joint has put him under. He lifts it to his lips again, just for something to do. “Wanna know what I think?” 
Steve’s brows crease together and he forces the smoke out of his lungs to answer, “Think about what?”
“Your dry spell.” 
The laugh that is pulled from Steve is genuine this time. Eddie Munson had never met a topic that felt off limits. It had grated on Steve for a day, maybe two. Then they had had bigger shit to deal with and now… well now it felt like it was safe. Nothing flapped Eddie. He just said the thing he wanted to say, didn’t fuck with the thought of consequences. A stark contrast to how Steve had been raised.
“Fuck’s sake, fine, sure,” Steve’s still laughing when he answers, stubbing out the rest of the joint on an ashtray and turning on his side, “because even if I say no, you’ll tell me anyway.” 
Eddie’s laughing again too, when Steve releases the button and the radio is able to pick up his voice again. It’s warmer than any high Steve’s felt and he doesn’t really even try to fight that thought off too hard, tonight. 
“I think,” Eddie starts, and Steve shuffles in his sheets, shoulder popping as he pulls the blanket up closer to his ears, like if he covers his face and the walkie this conversation can keep existing in the floating place Steve feels his head is in right now. He can almost hear the lick Eddie gives his teeth as he’s getting ready to dive into something he feels will crawl under someone’s skin, “I think you just know none of those girls will touch you as good as you deserve.”
Steve’s breath hitches, high in his throat and he’s so so glad Eddie can’t hear it. Glad that Eddie doesn’t wait for a reply as he trucks right the fuck along. 
“Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, now that’s a man who deserves to be savored.” Steve isn’t sure if it’s the connection or the weed, but Eddie’s voice is getting strung out, pulling on the syllables, making the blood coursing through Steve’s heart heat up, warmth filling his ribs. He knows, in some logical corner of his brain that isn’t high, that it’s the feeling he got when Nancy had kissed him that first night they had in his bedroom. Desire, unfurling in his muscles, flush squirming its way over his skin. “You aren’t a quick fuck, pretty boy, are you? Need it nice and slow, hm? Seems like you, to want every touch savored so you can really feel it.”
It takes Steve almost too long of a moment to realize his fingers have drifted down to trail over the strip of stomach left naked from his shirt, fingertips skating over heated skin. “Christ, Eddie,” he’s able to choke out of his throat, words too tight to hide the shock in them. “You can’t just say that.” His heart had taken to speeding itself up of its own accord, blood thrumming deep in the veins. 
“Mmmm,” Eddie drawls, “I did though.” It’s coy, so fucking coy and so fucking Eddie that Steve’s lungs are punched out because yeah. He did. “Should I stop?” And there it is, the easy out, the one Steve usually throws at a girl when she pulls back for air while kissing her on his couch, more than usually praying she says yes. They all have so far. 
Steve though, Steve doesn’t want this to stop. His fingertips have tucked themselves, resting, in his waistband. His other hand is gripping the walkie-talkie like a lifeline, a preserver in the tide of Eddie Munson’s voice. 
“Should I stop, Stevie?” Eddie asks again, sounding breathless, just as gutted as Steve is, and he isn’t sure, can’t think of a moment when this switch had flipped in the conversation. It’s sudden and feels like whiplash and it’s so incredibly hot that Steve’s dizzy with need and want and a high. He wonders if the weed’s been laced, but knows Eddie’s better than that. Wouldn’t, not unless Steve asked. Wouldn’t do anything unless Steve asks because he’s Eddie and Eddie is good and all-encompassing and here, alive. He was dead and he came back to life under Steve’s hands and maybe his voice will revive something deep and dormant in Steve. 
So, Steve clicks the button on the side of the walkie and the word rushes forth. “No.” He squeezes his eyes shut and his hand presses a hot brand against the lower half of his abdomen. “You shouldn’t stop.”
“Fuck, Steve,” Eddie’s words are a breath as soon as Steve’s finger releases, then the line doesn’t flip to static, but stays on and lets Steve hear the clack of Eddie’s rings as his fingers jostle his hair and Steve wonders when he learned to discern that one specific sound.
Then, oh but then.
Then every noise that has ever been and will ever be is tramped out of Steve’s brain and all he knows, all he ever wants to hear again in his goddamn life is the soft groan that sounds like it’s been yanked from Eddie’s gut. “You’ll be the death of me.” 
The static is back now, and so Steve chases after Eddie in the ether, chases the noise, prays it comes back. “You started it, Eddie.” And he should leave it there. Absolutely should. He doesn’t. “Don’t tell me you can’t finish it.” 
Steve counts to five before the crackle of the line shifts, letting him know to anticipate Eddie’s voice. “Baby, I play to win. Always.” There’s a giggle there, something in the high that Steve’s body echoes without permission just because it feels good, it feels right, and that’s terrifying, dizzying; Steve leans into the feeling. 
“Didn’t know this was a contest,” Steve butts in, thumb brushing the hair that scatters down his stomach and into his pants, wets his lips. “What’s the prize?” He isn’t even sure what the game here is, just knows that his skin is too hot in the greatest way possible and his cock is a thick weight below the hem of sweats and it’s all due to Eddie’s fucking voice. 
None of that even touches the fact that it feels normal, feels like an extension of something they’d been circling for months, since Eddie’d gotten home and they’d taken to spending days in Steve’s pool or in a boat in the lake or on the top of the hill outside of Hawkins, joints and cigarettes and brushing fingers. 
“Interesting question,” Eddie muses, and Steve closes his eyes again so maybe he can hear Eddie’s voice better, trap it in the space between his ears. He can hear Eddie click his tongue, and the sound jolts across Steve’s nerves like a shock. “The prize for me,” he draws it out, makes Steve hold his breath and he doesn’t even know why, “would be hearing you fall apart, hear the pretty little noises Steve Harrington makes when he finally reaches the breaking point.” 
“And for me?” Steve asks, should hate the way his voice goes up and breathless and how his hand is inching down further into his pants. 
“Well, I’d think, darling, that you’d like much of the same.” Eddie pauses, doesn’t let the static come, doesn’t let go of the button, Steve waiting like he’s about to leap from the ledge of the quarry. “Is that what you want?” And there’s a touch of uncertainty there, like Eddie is coming to and Steve’s fast to jump in.
“Yes, Eddie.” It’s a plea, a reassurance, it’s a little too close to everything, but Steve will worry about that in the sober light of morning, when his head isn’t being enveloped in the sound of Eddie’s voice and the hot rise of want in his veins. When his hand finally stretches down and he takes his dick in his fist, Steve goes completely taut, a moan ripped from his lungs. 
“Holy fuck,” Eddie’s voice grounds Steve as he strokes down for the first time, thumbing the slit and catching the slick of precum that had beaded there. “That sound has to be illegal.”
“Your voice,” Steve tells him, shaking his head and squeezing himself on the next downstroke, “is a weapon.” 
 “Do you like the way I talk to you, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, doesn’t wait a second for Steve to answer as he groans and Steve echoes it, mind racing with snapshot images of Eddie in the same position as he is, splayed out in bed, sweaty and restless from nightmares and no sex, listening to Steve’s voice. “Want me to tell you how I’d take care of you?” Steve’s nodding until he realizes that Eddie isn’t here, Eddie’s hands aren’t on him, Eddie isn’t whispering in his ear.
“Ye-yeah. I. Yeah.”
“Oh my god, shit, this is-“s Eddie cuts himself off and Steve feels heavy, limbs unable to move when Eddie’s voice isn’t there. “I don’t think you know how much I want to devour you fucking whole, Steve,” he admits and Steve is breathless and never wants this moment to end. “I want to take you apart with my fucking hands and tongue and-“ he cuts himself off again and Steve whines, knows how the sentence ends but isn’t willing to fill the blanks in on his own.
“Thought you played to win,” Steve pants, his pace picking up, toes curling when Eddie comes back on and it isn’t words but a moan that Steve gets in response. He wants to swallow the sounds Eddie is making, wants to feel them against his tongue. He hasn’t been this keyed up in months, in years, maybe ever. Christ. 
“God, I want to shut you up with my cock.” And that. Well that’s something entirely. It’s debauched and crude and Steve is so into it that he has to bite his hand to keep from coming undone right then, backing off from his strokes so he doesn’t have to stop hearing the things Eddie’s telling him. “The mouth on you, I fucking swear, gorgeous. Those lips were made for it, all pretty and pink?” Steve’s breaths are getting caught in his throat now, panting little things that he can’t control as he squeezes his cock at the base, tip leaking a puddle on his stomach. “Mess up that damn hair, shit I’ve wanted to pull on it since junior history. So fucking pretty, Steve.” 
Steve can picture it, can feel the weight of Eddie on his tongue and the press of hardwood under his knees. They’re in his foyer, Eddie not being able to wait to get upstairs and Steve just sinking down to his knees because who says no to Eddie? Why would they? When he sounds like this? They’d be fucking crazy.
“Don’t-“ Steve grits out when the silence stretches too long and his squeeze on himself too hard and the whole thing too much, “holy fuck don’t stop?” He asks, unsure if he’s allowed, if he’s broken this thing between them but he hasn’t, thank fuck he hasn’t, when Eddie starts speaking again.
“You, fuck, Steve, god you’d be stunning. You are stunning, but god, fuck, I can’t, the way you’d look on my-on a bed.” Eddie’s voice pitches up and Steve can feel it, can feel the energy in his veins, can hear the energy sparking through Eddie’s, something deep in him unlocked and spilling its contents between the two of them and Steve finds himself chasing the little pieces, any little bit of Eddie he can find in the words as they static their way between houses, between worlds. 
“Do you want to fuck me in your bed, Munson?” Steve asks as he starts stroking himself again, unable to stave off the need to touch and feel and chase the heat of Eddie’s words with his movements. He means it as a joke, as a little bit of a poke into Eddie’s side, but it comes out wanting and high pitched and needier than Steve’s ever heard himself sound in his life. He can’t take it back, but he doesn’t want to and that’s a problem but it’s a problem for morning because right now Steve is on the edge of and orgasm and something that feels a whole heap bigger and he’s gripping it, clutching it, chasing it down with gritted teeth and loose lips and holy shit. Eddie Munson is going to kill him and he’ll probably say thank you at the end of it all.
“Oh my holy fuck, baby,” Eddie’s tone is so close to sending Steve over the edge and he moans to the ceiling of his room, the blades of his fan spinning around the raw edge to it. “God yes, in my bed. On the fucking couch. The back of your car. Anywhere. Steve, anywhere.” And Steve’s imagination is working overtime, popping images in his brain of every scenario and he hasn’t gone there, hasn’t done that (yet, his brain goads, yet), but he wants so deeply his balls ache and his fingers tremble. Eddie bending him over, Eddie with one of Steve’s legs over his shoulders, Eddie sprawled on a pool chair with Steve on top, hips grinding down, cock spurting spunk across Eddie’s chest-
“Holy fuck, Eddie, shit, I’m going to-“
“Yes, baby,” Eddie’s voice cradles him as Steve’s hand speeds up, breathy moans punctuated by each stroke of his thumb over the head, “just like that. Lemme hear you, please, fuck, let me hear.”
And so Steve does. The line crackles for less than a second before he’s pressing his button down, panting into the receiver and then moaning throatily, head thrown back, hips fucking his fist as cum soaks the inside of his sweats. He thinks Eddie’s name is on his lips, thinks he sobs it, the weed enough of a dampener that he isn’t sure. He sees white, toes curl into the bed as his hips chase his fingers, oversensitive and pulsing in his fist.
“Holy shit.” Is what he gets when his body calms down enough for his hips to settle, for his breathing to fill the open space and his finger to relax, letting the static fill the room before Eddie’s back. “Holy fucking shit, Steve.” He’s high enough to soften the blow of it all, the realization that Steve just came from Eddie’s voice and nothing else something that he’ll have to deal with - of course he’ll have to deal with it sometime but not now because Eddie’s pants are matching his own and Steve feels like he could float away without Eddie’s voice anchoring him - rooting him to his bed. 
“Guess I lose?” is what he finally is able to say after the line crackles for a second, his chest still heaving and hand rubbing off the cum on his sweats. 
“I think we both did,” Eddie’s still breathless, and some part of Steve is so fucking proud that he did that, but also panicking that he did that, “I, um, well, yeah. When you did.” 
He doesn’t let Eddie hear the absolute heady moan he lets out at that, cock twitching heavy in the crease of his hip and thigh. Holy shit. He’d cum to Eddie’s voice and Eddie had cum to him cumming. Steve was in heaven, this was too good.
“Fuck,” is all he gets out in response, because really nothing real had rebooted yet and his nerves were still pulsing from orgasming harder than he had in years. 
“Yeah. Fuck, Steve.” Steve is shocked when he realizes he wants to chase those words with a kiss. Wants to kiss that tone from Eddie’s lips to see how it tastes. 
So. Okay. It didn’t go away with the orgasm, the warmth in his chest and ribs and stomach. Noted. 
“You good?” He asks instead of acknowledging it all because acknowledging it didn’t feel good with the wash of weed pressing in on him. 
“Better than,” Eddie mumbles and Steve feels it too, feels his body lax enough to crave getting pulled under; to maybe close his eyes. He does.
“That was…” Steve trails off, grips at his hair before realizing how gross that was and shaking his hand away from his face.
“Hot as shit.” Eddie responds, and Steve can still see him, behind his eyelids, sprawled long limbs with tattoos, sheets kicked to the base of the bed, orgasm flush. 
Oh god. This was going to be an actual problem.
“Yeah,” he agrees, feels the word thick in his throat.
“Yeah.” Eddie echoes, voice thick, maple syrup in winter, a worn soft quilt, the most comforting thing Steve can think of when it sounds like this. “Feel better?” Eddie asks, voice almost sheepish.
“Kinda, yeah,” Steve whispers back, head swaying gently. “You know, who knew weed and cumming would relax me?” He jokes, huffing a laugh.
“Real fuckin’ bewildering shit, huh?” Eddie asks, some of the swagger coming back to his voice, coaxing another laugh from Steve. He laughed so much around Eddie. 
“Yeah man, yeah.” It’s all his brain can say, all it feels safe to say because if he starts talking he’s not sure what else will come out of his mouth. He’s high, and pumped full with endorphins and he thinks he’s a little bit in love. 
Well, huh.
He must let the silence stretch on for long enough that Eddie thinks he’s fallen asleep, because as he blinks into the dark, hoping that each time he opens his eyes Eddie will actually materialize next to him for him to reach out and get to touch (he really, really wants to touch right now), Eddie says quietly, “Night Stevie. Sweet dreams only, ‘kay?” And then static. Nothing but a long, crackling line of it between him and Eddie. 
He drifts in and out of sleep, starting awake any time Eddie talks in his dreams, thinking maybe he’d shown up in Steve’s bed after all. 
Collision course. 
No survivors. 
Steve wakes up alone. 
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