#vill ha
super-antelope · 7 months
Hennes byxdress ser ut som min lilla julgran jag köpte på mellandagsrean på rusta för några år sedan
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pettssonsinspiration · 6 months
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I do like the current Dodge Charger
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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lycazart · 8 months
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Gee, wonder who did that? Poor guy
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69bitterbeingz · 6 months
“are you ok” ive been listening to razorblade romance on repeat for 4 hours the fuck do you think
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dxeam-c4nteen · 6 days
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bam and kisses 💋
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godsworstson · 2 months
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the sluttiest tattoo a man can have
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anominous-user · 2 years
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incorrect flame-chaser quotes (part 10)
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muppetjackrackham · 24 days
haven't talked about chess in a hot minute but i think we need to bring back some of the synthpop arrangements from the original concept album for songs like the arbiter and one night in bangkok because whatever benny and björn put in there is better than prozac
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sage-nebula · 1 year
It's kind of funny to me that there are people who seem to be surprised when Claudia does things like depersonalize Rayla by referring to her as "[Callum and Ezran's] elf" in the Reflections short story when it's been clear from the very first episodes of season one that Claudia doesn't really see elves as people—or at least, not people worthy of basic rights or dignity.
When Runaan was cornered om the balcony and Soren was about to kill him, Claudia protested. Not because of any mercy, but rather the opposite. "We have more practical uses for this one," she said. "Tie him up!"
Earlier, Viren describes dark magic as "practical," so it's obvious what Claudia is referring to here. Runaan will be tied up and harvested for dark magic ingredients. Viren has slightly different plans, of course, but Runaan still ends up coined in the end. A fate arguably worse than death, by his own estimation.
Silly, goofy Claudia at her happiest saw an entire person as dark magic ingredients. There was no reason for that; she still had her father and brother, Runaan was dead to rights, Soren could have ended him with a single blow. But Claudia saw this person and thought, no, lets squeeze the magic out of him instead.
Claudia's actions have become more overtly brutal over time, yes. But she has always been like this. She has always had the same cruelty in her that led her to pretend to hand over Rayla's family, only for it to be a trick instead. Claudia does love Terry, but she says she loves him in the very same season that she tells Soren that elves are actually terrible and are just using him. For Claudia, Terry is the exception. One of "the good ones."
She has always been like this. Desperation has just driven those traits out more often. And it's part of what makes her so interesting.
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helmetinthabushh · 11 months
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pestorik · 1 year
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they would be so powerful...
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cityofchestpains · 7 months
jag vill ha en m&m x rongedal x jedward collab
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gramarye · 8 months
really really long post where i just talk about johan from yugioh gx thank you
im thinking about johan tonight bc i was drawing him and i wanna talk abt him. bear with me. I REALLY LIKE JOHAN . TO START THIS OFF WITH i have an official licensed johan "WHERE AM I" shirt and i adore it its really funny also i used to have like a johan pin i bought from a german anime store and it was like 8 euros but i shipped it off to my friend who is really really crazy about johan
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^johan where am i shirt
anyway johan. jessejohan. i like johan so much believe me he is my nordic scandinavian brethen i just think his writing has issues mainly that he has like no real relationships outside judai and like. i know as a gay person -- i am literally a lesbian In A Lesbian Relationship In Real Life -- that characters will become more likeable when they're queer coded bcuz its Different and its relatable. however i think his writing is kind of really weak and i quote this thing my friend said in 2022 like a lot
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HARD TRUTHS TO SWALLOW jesse is a beautiful damsel in distress and his personality outside jaden and crystal beasts is kind of nothing. i love him tho
but the most offensive thing abt it writing wise is like in season 4 when they duel against trueman sorry it was fujiwara. okay i was rewatching gx ages ago and my ex was watching it with me and it was her first time seeing it and shes a literature major and when the whole. "what is the darkness in johan's heart" scene, AFTER IT WAS ESTABLISHED EVERYONE, EVERY STUDENT INCLUDING MANJOUME SHO ASUKA O'BRIEN ETCETC has darkness in their hearts,
my ex goes "if they reveal that he has no darkness in his heart because hes such a special boy im going to be so fucking mad because hes already a mary sue" (HER WORDS NOT MINE she was so mad about johan its funny.) AND THEN THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DO
like he is literally too perfect. his only flaw is his one (1) time thing about getting lost which is never really brought up again (also its more of an endearing haha funny thing and yes i like it i have a shirt referencing that scene.) and the fact that.. he gets taken over i guess.
i do think the switch around where they bamboozle fujiwara is really funny. it is a funny scene i just wish they literally didn't do it at the cost of "johan is a perfect person without any mental weaknesses when literally every single other character has some flaws" I DONT GET IT!!!
maybe he can just photosynthesize his worries into strength i dont know. does anyone remember that meme
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but really like WHAT IS JOHAN WITHOUT JUDAI!!!! why is he literally perfect and above other characters also. why could they not give him any darkness like What possible reason does that serve except me think he is BORING!!!! i do like johan btw as i said i really do. i just think his writing kinda sucks and people are way too nice on johan because he is queer coded but the fact is his writing is really weak. this isnt exclusive to johan ok i also dislike some aspects of jadens writing and asukas and so forth (naming characters i really like to prove my point) I AM CRITICAL this is just. about johan. ok.
and this brings me to the weirdo youtube essayists who only care about s3 and think its the peak of gx and yugioh in general and also. ONE SUCH YOUTUBER. WHO SAID IT IS "HOMOPHOBIC" THAT JESSE IS SOUTHERN IN THE DUB WHICH. WHAT?
you think all southern people all homophobic??? im sorry but i know so many goddamn queer people in thhe south. are you out of your mind. please blow up. LET HIM BE A GAY TEXAN you are just showing your own prejudice literally why did so many gx fans eat up "umm it was homophobic of 4kids to make him southern" they give like everyone accents. he has cowboy boots in his design. its not homophobia hes just southern and southern gay people exist. watch brokeback mountain or something
i think johan is a much more interesting character if you incorporate his manga counterpart into it. like combine him with his anime self and it'd be really fun. his bug enthusiasm in the manga is fun like he has an actual hobby and personality. ADHD bug king
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also i think personally they should lean into him being scandinavian more. ITS FUNNY. i think he should try to feed manjoume blodplättar because he looks anemic. he should open a can of surströmming around asuka (canonically very much hates food with strong smells) and she gets so upset she has to like leave the building entirely. she should get into a cultural dispute with o'brien because he thinks carola's swedish cover of mickey is better than toni basil's original
i think this and like. septembers mikrofonkåt is what he should listen to. swedish pop baby
anyway. i like johan i just think Some of his fans are insane and thats why i need to take him down a peg every now and then . in a loving bully way. also hes very gender to me dont worry about it. also TWO different people have said some variation of the "fuck danganronpa and its fans i hope komaeda marries a woman" post about him to me in different years which is so funny.
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anyway yes i love jessejohan. send post
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mossy-paws · 4 months
Juwgen weitnew? stupid idiot mothewfucking juwgein weitnew god damn foow book cowwecting dust eating wat owd bastawd shithead idiot avataw of the whowe biggest cwown in the ciwcus waughed out of town cowboy mothewfucking juwgein weitnew
stowp pinning me whewn i tawk abouwt juwgein weitenew i hate him so much why does he have so many fucked up books why did he decide tuwu fuck awound awnd find out juwst set thewm woose iws he dead iws he a bastawd man has such a viscewaw affect own me nowt even in the woom nevew seen thiws mans face awnd i know he has the wowwds shittiest beawd get away fwom me
if i wanted tuwu get intwo heaven awnd god said juwgein weitnews waiting inside i wouwd piss own gods feet fow the sowe puwpose of getting sent bawck down
if i have tuwu deaw with juwgein weitnew speaking owne wowd in pewson own voice in podcast nowt onwy wiww i cwose the tab i wiww dewete my bookmawk out of spite awnd have tuwu wewatch the entiwe sewies again fow the expewience of being abwe tuwu skip aww the times whewn he iws mentioned ow awive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he cowwects books but i am juwst mad because i am angy
he bettew have sowme fucked up backstowy tuwu expwain thiws if hes juwst sowme wich shithead whos a fan of cweepypasta awnd wanted the iww vewsion iww gow ham
bettew have had a book make him kiww a man cuz if he didnt im going tuwu make him
episodes nowt even abouwt him. vaguewy mentioned whawt iws supposed tuwu maybe be hiws wibwawy awnd i wost iwt
whewe the fuck iws juwgein weitnew if hes stiww awive im going tuwu so deepwy wish he wasnt
cwusty owd man
iww punch weitnew awnd hiws sad fwaiw owd man twig bones wiww simpwy fwake apawt undew my epic huge meat fist awnd he wiww disintegwate untiw aww thats weft iws owne finaw book he kept own him at aww times simpwy titwed now uwu fucked up
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I’m sorry I HAD too
#Yes I did make this actually#worlds most smullosk coded post ever#…..#DUM IDIOT MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER JÄVLA DÅRBOK SAMLA DAMM ÄTA RÅTTA GAMMAL JÄVLA SKIT HUVUD IDIOT AVATAR AV HOREN#CIRKUS STÖRSTA CLOWN SKRATTADE UT UR STAN COWBOY MAMMA JÄVLA JURGEN LEITNER#SLUTA SNÄLLA MIG NÄR JAG PRAKAAR OM JURGEN LEITNER JAG HATAR HONOM SÅ MYCKET VARFÖR HAR HAN#SÅ MÅNGA JÄVLA BÖCKER VARFÖR BESTÄMDE HAN ATT JÄVLAS OCH TA REDA PÅ DET#BARA SLÄPP DEM ÄR HAN DÖD ÄR HAN EN JÄVLIG MAN HAR EN SÅ VISCERAL PÅVERKAN PÅ MIG INTE ENS I RUMMET HAR ALDRIG SETT DENNA MANS ANSIKTE OCH#JAG VET ATT HAN HAR VÄRLDENS SKÄVIGSTE SKÄGG KOM BORT FRÅN MIG#om jag ville komma in i himlen och gud sa att jurgen leitners väntade där inne skulle jag pissa på guds#fötter i det enda syftet att bli skickad ner igen.#jag måste ta itu med att jurgein leitner pratar ett ord personligen på röst i podcast#inte bara kommer jag att stänga fliken#jag kommer att radera mitt bokmärke på otrohet och måste se om hela serien igen för upplevelsen av#att kunna hoppa över alla gånger när han nämns eller lever#Jag vet inte ens varför jag hatar honom så mycket. han samlar på böcker men jag är bara arg för att jag är angy#det är bäst att han har en jävla bakgrundshistoria för att förklara detta om han bara är en rik skithuvud som är ett#fan av creepypasta och ville ha den irl-versionen ill go ham#BÄTTRE har haft en bok att få honom att döda en man för om han inte kommer att göra honom#paypal.com/IFuckingHateJurgeinLeitner#avsnitt inte ens om honom. nämnde vagt vad som kanske skulle vara hans bibliotek och jag förlorade det#var fan är jurgein leitner om han fortfarande lever#jag kommer så djupt önska att han inte var#knaprig gubbe#ill punch leitner och hans sorgliga sköra gubbkvistben kommer helt enkelt att flaga sönder under min episka enorma köttnäve och han#kommer att sönderfalla tills allt som återstår är en sista bok som han alltid höll om honom med enbart titeln#“Now You Fucked Up” på gammal jiddisch……#Jag andas inte och hyperventilerar just nu#Jag hoppas att det finns ett datum för när jurgen dog eller#kommer att dö så att jag kan göra det till en påminnelse på min telefon
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ediblebatteries · 1 year
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it is now complete !!!!! drew birthday art 4 all of my faves this year !!!!!!
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