#villain whumpee
whumporama · 3 days
Villain/criminal Whumpee who is finally captured by the government. They're tied to a chair in a holding cell, waiting for the interrogation.
Whumper walks in, a smug smirk on their face as they observe them, Whumpee's face finally revealed, no more mask to hide behind. Whumper grabs Whumpee's face, turning it left and right to inspect them.
"How pretty you are," they muse, "you could've become something, with a face like that. Such a shame it's wasted on the life you chose."
Bonus points if Wumpee didn't exactly 'choose' this life, but the government's actions forced them into it.
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whump-in-the-closet · 3 months
whumpee characterizations ? and what it takes to break them
thief whumpee: silver-tongued/ can't keep still/ uses humor as a coping mechanism-> gagged/ stress positions/ a casual whumper whose indifference immobilizes whumpee
royal whumpee: stoic/ proud/ seeks revenge after their imprisonment-> forced to kneel/ public humiliation, dragged around like a trophy, collared, branded etc/ enough scars to look like a constellation on their skin
healer whumpee: kind/ keeps up an image for the sake of others/ skilled in their trade-> pushed to the edge/ others have to take care of them/ hands or fingers so badly damaged they'll never be able to help anyone else again
innocent whumpee: naive/ trusting/ hopeful-> "no one is coming for you"/ left to die/ a whumper who twists whumpee's anger against their friends
bitter whumpee: apathetic/ shrugs off what they've been through/ exhausted-> "I'm fine." followed by collapsing/ vivid flashbacks where they wake up screaming/ refuses to fall asleep after their ordeal
leader whumpee: independent to the point of isolation/ tries to protect everyone/ mentally well-adjusted (mostly)-> set up to fail/ forced to hurt their teammates/ they come back changed, and everyone avoids them
villain whumpee: defiant/ insults whumper every chance they get/ so many failed escape attempts-> non-con drugging, left a shadow of their past selves/ conditioned to obey/ kneeling next to whumper at a press conferences
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epiclamer · 3 months
METAL IN WHUMP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The metal cuffs clamped around whumpee’s wrists—
The iron bit in whumpee’s mouth—
The steel bars of a cage keeping whumpee encaged, forced to get used to their new home—
The sound of a metal collar locking in place around whumpee’s neck—
The scream whumpee makes when a metal bat hits their ribcage at full swing—
The loose chains dragging behind whumpee as they walk—
The metal tracking chip that leaves a nasty scar on whumpee’s skin—
The cold iron tip of a whip ripping whumpee’s skin—
The gentle caress of the tip of a knife before it’s pushed into whumpee’s chest or held against their throat—
The horrible feeling of a barrel of a gun being held against the back of whumpee’s head, freezing them in place—
The agonizing heat of a branding iron marking whumpee once again—
The metal coils that spring from a taser with blinding white electricity pumping through them before they hit whumpee’s skin—
The way whumpee panics when the needle for the IV comes into view—
The groans of pain whumpee lets out as someone else stitches up their wounds—
The clicking and clanking of surgical tools being lifted up and then put back down against a tray—
The feeling of a metal exam table against whumpee’s back—
The pain of the staples used for a quick stitch in the field—
The refreshing first sip of water after rescue from a metal bottle—
The keys to whumpee’s cuffs jingling as they’re finally unlocked—
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bamber344 · 6 months
ok so superhero whump scenario:
Villain is Hero's favourite 'bad guy' to fight. Villain never really hurts anyone with their actions, and anything they steal is usually anonymously returned within a few days. The worst crime they've really committed is property damage. Hero is convinced they're just doing it for fun, as evidenced by Villain's very melodramatic and performatively cheesy attitude during their confrontations
Eventually, Villain disappears. Hero assumes they just decided to put down their cape and mask, though is a little saddened that they now don't have any real 'comic relief' in their day-to-day villain fighting.
A few months later, Hero is in Superhero's HQ when they come across a locked door they hadn't noticed before. Overcome with curiosity, they figure out how to get it open and take a peek inside.
Even without their iconic costume or mask, Hero would recognise Villain anywhere. Villain looks awful. Emaciated, bruised, scarred, curled up in a shivering ball in the corner of what Hero now recognises as a cell. How long has Superhero kept them here? And why? Hero doesn't know, all they do know is that this is wrong, and that their old rival needs their help, Superhero be damned.
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Ex-Villain angst
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Ex-Villain from a crime family that has to watch and participate as their family is taken away by the heroes
Ex-Villain who spent their villain years chasing the approval of their mentor/villainous idol/villainous loved one, only to find themselves 'redeemed', now chasing the approval of the heroes
Ex-Villain changing their behavior, but never getting better. In fact, they're not sure they've ever felt worse
Ex-Villain only ever being seen as that, an Ex-Villain
Guilt tripping, so much guilt tripping. They don't even argue anymore, they just give in.
Nobody wants a villain, Ex-Villain is rejected almost everywhere, which can make it easier for hero organizations to keep them under control because they have nowhere else to go.
Ex-Villain losing sleep over their past, unable to think of anything other than what they've done wrong
Ex-Villains dyeing or cutting their hair and changing their appearance until they're unrecognizable, because maybe then they can at least pretend they're a different person now
Ex-Villain who still suffers with violent impulses, unable to ever get help for them because admitting they have them would make everyone distrust them
Ex-Villain who learns the hard way that that 'power of friendship' thing only applies to people the heroes like
Ex-Villain who's trying, they really are, but find it increasingly difficult to believe it'll ever actually make a difference
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shywhumpauthor · 6 months
You Can’t do This
Cw: kidnapping, restraints, torture, mentioned mouth/eye whump (doesn’t actually happen), non-con touching, knives, threat of asphyxiation/choking
“Wait- wait,” Villain sputtered, the words tripping over their tongue, snagging in the back of their throat. “You can’t- Hero, this is illegal- you can’t do this!”
They twisted their wrists against the restraints that bound them to the chair, flexing their fingers to try to relieve a fraction of the pressure. The movement only pushed the cables deeper into their skin, dragging a hiss from their clenched teeth.
A warm hand wrapped around their neck from behind, turning their exhale into a wheeze as their head was shoved against the back of the chair.
“Since when have you cared much about what’s legal?” Hero responded, amusement adding a drawl to their words. They circled the chair, grip on Villain’s neck adjusting so their palm lay against the villain’s wind pipe, fingers digging into the sensitive skin on the side of their neck. Just enough pressure to fear, for Villain to feel the threat of their airway being crushed, but not enough to cut off their breathing. Not yet.
“He-Hero, this isn’t funny, stop.” Villain grit out, shrinking as far back as the chair would allow. Hero only pressed closer, moving in so their legs were on either side of Villain’s, their ankles bound to the chair legs.
“Was it funny when the roles were reversed? All those nights I spent tied up in your basement, bleeding and cold? Was it funny then?” Hero hissed, their other hand raising to Villain’s face with the speed of a strike. Barely in time, Villain braced themself, only for a warm hand to press against their jaw, fingers brushing over the curve of their cheekbone. The touch was stark against the chill in the air, a misplaced comfort—artificial. Hero’s stroked their thumb below Villain’s eye gently, before coming to a pause with both hands cradling either side of Villain’s face. “Was it?”
“No, no Hero, it wasn’t,” Villain’s voice wavered now, threatening to crack. “You can’t do this, you’re s’posed to be the good guy-”
Hero stepped back suddenly, tearing their hands away from Villain’s face like their skin had turned toxic. Villain tried to ignore the ache that swelled in their chest as the cold air drowned any remnants of the warm touch in moments.
“I guess I am, aren’t I? The ‘good guy’?” Hero repeated, turning their back to Villain. They stepped to the side of the poorly lit room, to something that resembled an old workbench, their body blocking Villain from seeing what they were doing. “I wonder what the press will say about your sudden absence. They’ll publish anything I tell them to, you know? I could feed them some story about you fleeing the city, the country even, and your name would be forgotten in a week.”
Hero turned around, bracing their palms against the workbench and leaning back.
“Everyone always believes the good guy, don’t they?” Hero shook their head. “No one cares about another pesky street criminal, do they? All they care about is Supervillain, the papers would move on from you the next day and you’d be forgotten. You wouldn’t even get one of those ten year follow-ups.”
“Hero, let me go. You can’t do this. You can’t,” Villain twisted their arms against their restraints in one last pitiful attempt to free themself, accomplishing nothing but to make Hero chuckle.
Hero pushed themself forwards, striding closer. It was only then Villain noticed something in their hand, slender and orange—a box cutter, they realized quickly, as the hero closed the distance between them in three steps.
“Tell me exactly what I can and can’t do, Villain? What can’t I do to you?” Their hand twisted in Villain’s hair, shoving their head back against the chair while the other flipped out the blade on the box cutter.
The words died in Villain’s throat. Their lips parted, eyes tracking the blade as Hero lifted it up to their face.
“I can do anything I want to you.” Hero’s eyes stared directly into Villain’s as they placed the blade against their skin, just below their eye. “You should be glad, your eyes look so pretty when you’re scared. Otherwise I would’ve plucked them out by now,” Hero began to move the blade to the side, putting just enough pressure to split a thin line of red below Villain’s eye.
Villain didn’t dare breathe as Hero paused, gritting their teeth against the sting as they felt the blade puncture a bit deeper. A drop of blood rolled down their cheek like a tear.
“I thought about this moment every night in your basement,” Hero muttered, pushing the edge harder into Villain’s flesh as they followed the track of the blood, drawing a half suppressed yelp from Villain as the pain suddenly intensified. “Planning out exactly what I would do to you, how I’d pay you back for everything you’ve done to me.”
Hero accented the last word with a sudden sharp twist, finishing the line to Villain’s jaw before pulling their hand back. Tears burning in the corners of Villain’s eyes, welling faster than Villain could suppress them.
“Ple- please, Hero, you can’t,” Villain’s voice trembled, any thoughts of maintaining their dignity gone with their fear.
Hero’s palm cracked against their bleeding cheek, catching them off guard. Pain like fire burned from the cut, their head snapping to the side with the force of the blow.
“This will be your only warning,” Hero began, their empty hand grabbing Villain by the chin and tugging them back to look at them. “I do not have the same reservations about your voice as I do your eyes. Another word from you, I’ll cut out your tongue and shove it down your throat and it’ll be the only food you get for a month, got it?”
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fleur-a-whump · 2 months
Overloaded (#1)
Preventative Measures
so like. this is a thing. been toying with this little guy in my head for a few weeks and like, almost nothing is concrete but I'm hoping I'll turn it into a series.
content: ex-villain whumpee, hero/leader whumper, manipulative whumper, just like a LOT of manipulation, collars/collaring, referenced electrocution, low self esteem, subtle threats, guilt trips
I've never done this before, let me know if I missed something!!
masterlist | next
Villain has finally been given a chance. A chance to prove he's more than what the whole city has always thought of him, more than what his father raised him to be. He wanted to do good in the world. The heroes were finally giving him a chance to be more than they've always thought of him. 
...or so he thought.
He gulps as he stares at the shock collar in Team Leaders hands. It's a small thing, sleek and unassuming. But he knows exactly what it is because Team Leader had shown him how it worked.  The man is currently speaking to him nonchalantly. Villain should really be listening to the hero that holds the key to a better life. But that collar... shakes Villain's faith in Team Leader. Just a little.
"Villain," the man says shortly. Impatiently. Shit.
Villain jumped to attention, nerves only growing worse. 
"Sorry, sorry! I'm just-just a little confused. I thought... I was a part of the team..." He tries to keep the heartbreak out of his voice. He doesn't quite succeed. 
"If you'd listen..." the Team Leader sighed deeply. Villain was going to throw up. 
Team Leader began again, speaking slowly as if to a child. Or a stupid person. Villain thinks he fell into the latter column. "I was just saying this will help you better mesh with the team. I'm sure you've noticed people are a little nervous with you around."
Hostile. Villain would use the word hostile.
"Given your past, everything you've done," the man drawled. Villain can't hold back a wince. 
"So, to ease their worries, and allow them to see how great I know you can be, this is just a little precautionary measure. A bit of a show."
Ryan swallowed thickly.
"So... It wouldn't be used..."
He tries to keep himself from thinking about electricity burning the sensitive skin of his throat as it shoots down his spine and into his skull to paralyze him. He's familiar enough with the feeling; he doesn't need to imagine it.
Team Leader gives him an easy smile. "As long as there are no issues, of course not."
"Oh, stuff that'll never happen. Just breaking any of the rules."
Villain arched his brow, slightly dubious. "Rules.”
"Yeah, like, follow orders, don't fraternize with any of your old contacts, don't leave our level, don't work unsupervised, don't harm the team. Stuff you've been doing this whole time."
"Wait, don't leave the level?
"I mean, that's pretty obvious, bud. If we can't see you, we can't know that you're following the rest of the rules."
He nods mutely, gaze wandering. this whole thing just. He didn't know. It hurt.
Team Leader gently tilted his head up. "Villain, I'm only doing this because I trust you. I know you'd never do anything that could jeopardize your place here."
He doesn't trust that Villain is a hero though, obviously. That he's good. Because Villain could never be good. Not now. Not after all he's done. 
No, he can only hope to do good. And the only way he'll be able to do that is with the team. If this is what it takes to ease his team into working with him, if this is what it takes for him to stay, then he'll do it.
"Atta boy, Villain! I knew you could do it, man."
Villain nods, trying to give him a smile.
Team Leader moves towards him all too quickly, and he can't help the flinch. The man doesn't seem to notice—or at least he doesn't acknowledge it—and is soon once again gently tilting Villain's chin up from where it had fallen. 
Villain fights the urge to lean into the touch.
While he's distracted, Team Leader swiftly brings the collar, already disengaged and bent open at the hinges, and presses it to Villain's skin. 
Villain jolts at the cold metal and fights to swallow as it's closed around his neck.
The locking mechanism clicks right up against his spine. He can't help the shudder that trickles down his back at the finality of the sound.
"I'm so proud of you, bud," Team Leader says with a big smile and a ruffle of Villain's shaggy curls.
The tightness in his chest eases, just a little. A little part of him flares in anger at how easily he's comforted. He doesn't deserve the comfort.
But he's trying. The collar now fit snuggly around his neck, like it was made for him, is proof of that.
ps ex-villain whumpee on the hero team but whumped by the hero team is my all-time favorite trope and it is so hard to find I have finally hit the point of needing to produce my own story to scratch the itch
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whump-place · 3 months
When a Villain Whumpee is shown off at a heroes party.
They are a trophy, a symbol. A reminder to the city that it doesn't matter how bad things turn out, the heroes will always be there to save the day.
Whumpee knows they deserve it, but still.
No one can see their malnourished body under those expensive clothes the heroes got for them.
No one can see the bruises on their ribs, the dislocated shoulder that aches under the soft coat they were given.
But what's even worse.
Whumpee knows that even if someone did actually notice, they wouldn't care.
No one would care for a villain like them, after all.
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the-three-whumpeteers · 5 months
The whumpee was only ever known as the villain’s child, someone who could cause as much as destruction as their parent- but the whumpee wouldn’t ever do that. The heroes don’t believe the whumpee will be different, specially not the whumper, who decides to take the whumpee out of the equation before they can cause any trouble, and since nobody particularly liked the whumpee, they turn a blind eye at the torture the whumpee is forced to endure.
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clickerflight · 1 month
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Jasper from @fleur-a-whump's story here.
I adore villain whumpees. Especially when they were trying to change and were met with hostility!
Other Whump art list
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distracted-obsessions · 4 months
Ok, but imagine Villain/Henchman/Assassin Whumpee being found by the heroes while they raided Supervillain Whumper's lair and they take Whumpee into custody. They don't handcuff Whumpee because they aren't fighting back (either too injured or in shock) but as they lead Whumpee out of the lair, Whumpee stops.
"Did you find them?"
"Find who?"
Whumpee pulls away from them and goes deeper into the lair. Every time the heroes grab them, they get more and more distressed, saying that they can't leave. They won't leave. After a minute, they start screaming out a name that the heroes don't recognize.
Just as one of the heroes goes to knock Whumpee out, they see a child crawl out from under the stairs and run straight for Whumpee who drops to their knees and hugs the child tightly, shushing their cries and whispering soft, comforting words. "Shh, it's ok. Mommy/Daddy is here. I'm ok. We're ok. it's ok. Shh."
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secret-whump-blog · 4 months
Underrated whump trope: when the team is trying to capture a scared and desperate villain whumpee “for their own good.”
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Living weapon whumpees that attack their caretakers when they try to feed them.
Conditioned whumpees that beg their caretakers to return them to whumper.
Interrogated whumpees that are positive their caretakers are playing mind games.
Lab whumpees that vehemently refuse to receive any medical treatment, not even from their caretakers.
Villain whumpees that don't know how to manage emotions, and lash out at their caretakers, spitting words that really hurt.
Whumpees that are hard to care for, and caretakers that carry on nontheless.
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epiclamer · 5 months
This is the post you all have voted for… (i settled for smutty hurt x comfort since you guys were so close)
@save-the-villainous-cat happy two year anniversary baby <3
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It wasn’t the end of the world, Villain had been injured in battle countless times before and it was never a problem. But, god, there was so much blood.
They weren’t a very optimistic person by nature, but things had never looked worse for them than at this precise moment. Stumbling blindly through friendly, neighbourhood complexes and past steadily blurring townhouses. Villain could practically feel their demise impending.
“Hey there, stranger~” The criminal gulped, eyes shooting around like a cornered animal looking for an escape. “You’re in pretty rough shape to be standing on two feet…”
Their eyes locked in on a figure—somewhere at the back of their mind they were flooded with a sensation of ease, though they couldn’t quite pinpoint why. They continued to stumble forwards and practically into the stranger’s arms anyways, for whatever reason it felt right.
“Easy— Easy there, Villain… just relax I’ve got you, I’ll take good care of you, huh?”
Warmth spread through the criminal’s mind at the sound of the other’s voice, then down into their muscles before seeping deep to their bones. They blinked and when they opened their eyes again they were laying in a tub, their feet resting at the tap where hot water poured down and into the bath.
For a moment they panicked, but a hand found its way to their shoulder and grounded them back to the present. They knew that hand, they knew that touch.
“I’ve got you, baby~” They teased, grinning from ear to ear as they fiddled with the temperature to the water with their free hand.
It all came rushing back to the villain; the fight they had picked with their superior—on purpose—and whatever hope they had left dragging their feet to the hero’s house in a desperate attempt for attention survival.
Hero’s touch was warm where it laid by their collarbone, heating the skin to a feverish degree as it began stitching the villain back together. See, Hero’s powers only worked through touch (something the villain had learned a very long time ago purely on accident), but as much as their touch held only kindness, it did not extend to their healing abilities.
Because, god, did it ever hurt. Painful in some sick and horribly pleasurable way that Villain couldn’t seem to stop craving.
Their collarbone snapped back into place, the bone mending itself back together and their eyes flew open along with the sob that was wrenched from their throat. They flailed, partially to escape the hero’s torturous touch, partially to fall further into their grasp.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay… deep breaths remember?” The crime-stopper’s hand moved down their chest, giving their upper half the gift of a breath as they pained the rest of them.
The villain’s relief was only present for a fleeting moment, as they felt the hero’s fingertips trace the edges of the gash to their chest. Already the ripped skin pulled taught and their torn muscles seized up, under command of the other’s touch.
Villain knew what was coming.
They squirmed, the bath water submerging their legs in its warm embrace, Hero’s hand teasing at their wound, they couldn’t help but try and pull away. “Please—”
The hero shushed them, bringing their free hand to cup the villain’s chin. “I’ll be quick, I promise.” They pressed their hand flat against the gaping hole that should have been the villain’s abdomen, jolting them.
Villain screamed, it was dry and rugged, they recoiled from their nemesis but the only other thing there to hold them was the bath water. “Please, H-Hero, please—” Three more seconds and the criminal was sure to pass out.
Then it stopped. Before the villain could beg again, before they could lose consciousness, the pain stopped.
Cautiously, the villain’s eyes fluttered open, their enemy smiled sweetly back, fingertips now tracing the completely untouched abdomen of the villain’s. They looked normal, they looked okay, even after everything the hero had managed to restore them to their previous glory.
“You okay, gorgeous?”
Villain’s eyes met the hero’s once more, they were gentle yet somewhat mischievous. They nodded, brain completely fogged, maybe from the pain, most likely from the hero’s distracting gaze.
The area still pulsed with the ghost of a previous slash, but there was nothing, just the heat from the hero’s hands. It left a sweet aftertaste on their exhausted mind.
“Think you can handle another round tonight?” They waggled their eyebrows in emphasis, removing one hand to shut off the water to the bath as it began to cover the villain’s stomach.
Villain glared, but only for a moment, some of their usual snideness returning to their demeanour. “Can y-you be a little nicer?”
Hero hummed, eyes glued to their own hands as they made their way down to the inside of the criminal’s thighs, their hands beginning to resume their previous healing glow even under the water. “Really? I thought you liked it rough?”
The villain’s cheeks turned red, but they didn’t have time to retort before the hero placed their hands back against their skin and shut them up with a moan.
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villainousauthor · 7 months
As the concrete and steel groans above Hero ominously, threatening to collapse further, they could only hope help would find them soon. The both of them.
Hero looks towards where they know Villain is in the darkness, wondering how injured they might be. As if somehow feeling their gaze, they speak up. "Y'know if I had to make a list of the worst ways I've spent a Friday night.."
They've been acting too calm about this, making occasional quips, and Hero knows with almost certainly Villain is more hurt than they're letting on.
"I don't wanna hear about what nights you think are worse than this. This is pretty damn bad! And you should be taking this more seriously."
Villain's familiar laugh echoes around them. "I have had worse, even if you don't believe it. At least this time, I have some decent company."
"Can it with the flattery. I can't even deal with you right now." Hero snaps, voice shaking with pure anger. At least that's what they tell themselves, not wanting to admit to the fear swirling in their chest.
They hear Villain shuffling around slightly, and they can't tell if they're moving closer or further away or if they're simply repositioning themselves to make whatever injuries they're lying about more comfortable.
"I take it you're mad at me?"
Hero rolls their eyes. "Of course I'm mad! You brought a whole building down! On top of me!" Their voice is raising, and they have to remember that they need to stay calm or risk bringing more rubble down.
"Hey, the building coming down was an unintended side effect," Villain protests, "and besides, I did my best to shield you from the collapse." This part was at least true, Hero can remember Villain threw themselves at them at the last moment, trying to cover Hero's body with their own. Hero doesn't know why, and the thought of this fact has their stomach twisting with an emotion they don't understand.
"Just... just save it. You're wasting whatever oxygen we have down here." The way the building fell luckily allowed a little bit of space around them, the what must be tons above them being held up by a few precarious beams and pieces of metal. Still, the space was tight, barely enough to lift their head up. They didn't want to worry about running out of air on top of everything else.
"I'm not worried about oxygen. I'm pretty sure I feel a little bit of air flow over here." Villain says casually, like they're commenting on the weather.
This gives a small spark of hope inside Hero. If there's airflow..."Where? Maybe someone could hear us from here!" Hero reaches over towards Villain's side of the confined space, searching for it. Instead, almost immediately, they feel something wet and warm.
"Villain...what is this?" Hero asks, voice dropping into something quiet and fearful of the answer. It feels thick and slightly sticky. They're afraid they already know.
"I have no idea to what you mean." Villain's voice sounds exactly how it does when they're lying. Hero feels anger rising in them again, though for a different reason this time.
"I'm serious, what is this." Hero doesn't miss the metallic smell and is becoming more serious. "You said you weren't hurt that badly!" They wanted to scream and punch things right about now.
Villain sighs. "I wasn't trying to worry you more. Besides its fine, I've-"
"I swear to god, if you say you've been hurt worse, I will kill you." Hero interrupts, voice shaking. This is becoming too much. Their head was swimming, they don't know what to do.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll have to face your wrath anyways if I do manage to make it out of here." Villain laughs, as if none of this worries them.
Hero resists the urge to shove Villain. "Don't. Stop saying 'if'. You will face my anger once we're out of here."
"Yes, yes, I'm sure I'll have to bend over backward to make this up to you. Not that I'm complaining." Hero could hear the smirk on their face even if they couldn't see it.
"Just... shut up. And keep pressure on that wound if you can. I'm going to keep calling for help."
Villain just chuckles, and Hero can feel their hand reaching for their own, as if to calm Hero.
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Me: *sees an asshole of a character, just complete irredeemable scum of the earth guy with no redeeming qualities whatsoever* I need to see him beaten up and sobbing his eyes out. I need to see him suffering the worst pain he's ever felt. I need to see him collapse and melt down.
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