#villian aizawa
serxinns · 2 months
I was wondering if you could do one with a Child Y/n where they get kidnapped by the league of Villains and class 1-A and some heroes like hawks, Midnight, Eraser-head, go and save them? And since Y/n will be a child, I would kindly ask all relationships between everyone to be completely platonic.
Sorry if this takes up too much of your time! And remember to take care of yourself
Ofc! Honestly love these types of tropes!
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"Ahhh someone save me!" Eri dramatically said as she fell to her knees as the toy Dino roared in terror, "Don't worry I'm here!" As you jumped in front of the Dino with a red cape and a toy sword you swished your sword at the dino and it roared in terror once more you swished it a few times until it was down on the ground, "Yay y/n your my hero!" She cheered as she tackled you with a hug as you both giggled "That was fun big sis! You wanna play another game!?"
Eri thought about it for a second and excitedly nodded she loved playing with you, she felt like she wasn't the only kid here! Ever since Aizawa took you in at 1st she was a bit jealous thinking you were gonna take all the attention from her but realized that wasn't your intention the way you would always offer your toys, the way you broke a piece of a snack and shared it to her, the both of you quickly bonded over time
But ever since aizawa gave her the task of: "being a big sister and always protect each other no matter what," those words were craved deep into her mind and became a new Goal in her life and it was to be your protector!
"Let's hide and seek!" You said jumping up and down in excitement "Eri nodded "ok you go hide somewhere! I count!" You quickly nodded as she turned around and started counting "1...2...3....4" You looked around trying to find anywhere to hide but there wasn't any hiding spot fitting your expectations,
you then started to panic realizing Eri was halfway finished with her counting, you then looked over to the door you knew Mr grumpy (aizawa) told you that you were allowed to go out until He protested any of his classmates were there to pick you up two up, but you really wanted to win so you quietly opened the door looking back to see if eri heard but she kept counting you quick shut the door and dashed off to find a new hiding spot,
"17...18..19...20!" Eri excitedly looked around trying to find you she looked in the toybox, behind the giant stuffed bear in the corner, behind the books on shelves, and even behind the couch, the longer she tried finding you in the room the more worried she got..she tore up the once tidy room with toys and books all over the floor she frantically tried thinking where on earth could you be hiding then she realized...
You went out out the door...
You giggled as you tiptoed across the school hall looking everywhere for a hiding spot you spotted a bathroom nearby you giggled mischievously and went inside you plopped slowly into the stall shut the door and stood on the toilet Seat making sure nobody would know you were there, you then waited confidently thinking about your victory in your favorite game! that was until you heard an explosion followed by students screaming in terror and fear
"Attention students we are having a lockdown this not a drill get to a safe place and lock your classroom doors"
You froze in fear you desperately tried to open the door but you were too scared and small you then curled up on the toilet seat and started crying out for Mr grumpy or any one of his classmates to save you...
Aizawa was running past the panicked students calling out your name, Eri came into the class crying and blabbing stuff the class tried calming her down her making her slow down so she could speak Cleary and also noticing you weren't with her like you normally would "Eri what's wrong wheres y/n?"That made her cried loudly frantically pulling the green hairs shirt out the door pointing
"they *hic* w-went o-out...while we *sniff* were playing and I-I tried looking for them but they weren't there!" She then broke down in sobs repeatedly saying sorry to everyone they looked down at her sorrow and pity Mina picked up the crying girl trying to soothe her while others like Hakagure, ojiro, Koda, and Tokoyami all surrounded her reassuring her it wasn't her fault Aizawa then quickly told half of his students to go looking for you while the others stay and comfort eri
It felt like hours in the bathroom you wanted to come out but were scared a villain would come to you there you were curled up, shivering and crying helplessly in the bathroom.. until you heard some footsteps and giggles you froze quickly covering your mouth you shut your eyes tightly afraid of what happening next...
"Y/N!?" Aizawa ran down the hallways frantically looking in all directions destroying each classroom thinking of the worst possible scenarios, izuku, ochako, tsuyu, momo ,todoroki and kids were calling, cooing, and offering you our favorite things desperately trying to come out while Bakugo was making empty threats telling you to come out to hide his worried voice demanding kiri, sero,mina,Denki, and Jiro to look faster
Present mic and midnight were also searching for you midnight gently cooing at you to come out while Hizashi was making corny jokes that would make you laugh atleast to let him know where you are but no progress was made so far
Where on earth could you be?
Toga was skipping across the hallway humming her favorite tune as she passed a bunch of unconscious and injured students passed out she was bummed that she couldn't kill them due to Shigaraki's Orders but she was lucky to have all their blood for later! After she collected blood from a girl with a fire-breathing quirk she skipped along the halls for her next victim until she heard a sniffle in the bathroom
She stopped humming for a moment to make sure he heard again and there was another sniffle and a whimper she smiled wickedly "Is it another student with yummy blood?" She thought as she carefully sneaked into the restroom. She carefully opened each stall reaching the middle one she heard the sniffling in there she gently tried opening the stall but it was locked "G-Go away evil villian! I-ill use my quirk on you.."
Toga peaked through the stall seeing you holding out ur hand as if you were about to activate it she giggled softly "Hey now im not gonna hurt ya pinky promise!" you thought about it for a moment a pinkie promised is a very strong trust and the girl seems nice... you hesitated for a moment and decided to unlock the stall door it slowly creaked open revealing a blonde-haired girl with space buns with a beige school uniform, smiling at you revealing her sharp fangs
"S-she doesn't look that scary," you thought as the two of you stared at each other for a while Toga was restraining herself from wanting to scoop you up and hug you so tight! You were just so small and cute that you barely passed half her leg, "come on you wanna come with me?" She turned her body around and crouched on one knee as she offered you a piggyback ride, you nodded excitedly as you climbed onto her she lifted herself up "Hold on!" As she dashed across the hallway turning left and right trying to look for her crew
After a few minutes of running, she spotted Kurogiri and Shigaraki "Ugh finally your ba- toga why is that a child on your back" shigarkai said starting irritatedly at you while you stick your tongue out "I found this little one in the bathroom stall all scared then I decided to keep it!" Shigaraki and kurogiri stared in silent as they watched Toga pinched and played with your cheeks while you were pushing her away puffing your cheeks up in anger
"That was when a raging Aizawa came crashing down the hallway and in his horror seeing you on the villain's back surrounded by the villains "y/n..." he stared in disbelief Shigaraki took notice of this and smiled maniacally "Hi Mr grumpy!" You said lazily yawning in the process "awwww they're all tuckered out" Toga giggled as she pinched your cheeks
"Matter a fact.. this child will be useful for us.." Shigaraki then held your sleeping forming on the shoulder "Kurogiri teleport us outta here.." "NO!!" Aizawa eyes glow red as he tries to use his capture weapon but flames block his path the other classmates hear the commotion and run to their teacher's side "Y/N SAN!!" izuku runs towards the flames green veins covering his whole body Just when he launched towards the group of villains they disappeared in the portal with you...
Everyone else watched the scene in disbelief Mina formed tears in her eyes as everyone else just stood there stunned about what just happened
Your eyes slowly started to open as you were covered with a rabbit print blanket and laying on a slightly worn-out mattress you looked around to see that you were I'm a dimly lit room with a crappy but surprisedly worked nightlight and a stuffed plushie right beside you
You then opened the door to see the blonde girl skipping towards you with a man in a full-body suit "Hey you're awake!" She said excitingly with the man still observing you "Did you enjoy your nap? Little one" the masked man said "W-Where am I? Where's grumpy man" Toga giggled at your fear
"Why ur in the league of villain base kid you didn't realize that sooner?" Dabi nonchalantly said already irritated with your presence "Dabi! Don't be so mean! They only a kid" she said glaring at the male as dabi rolled his eyes "why we are the league or villians not the league of a fucking daycare what does Shigarak want us to do with a smelly brat anyway"
"hey, I'm not smelly you are you purple man!" You protested "You better watch that tongue kid before you turn to ash" he then glared at the kid twice and Toga snickered "Aren't you already about to turn?" Thats when both Toga and Twice start busting out laughing and which Cleary pissed Dabi right off luckily if it wasn't for Twice holding him back
Shigaraki watched the chaos unfold while Kurogiri got him another drink he requested There was an awkward silence between the two until Kurogiri spoke up "So what are we gonna do with the child?" Shigaraki thought for a moment about Kurogiri's answer and spoke up "I don't know yet but it seems like the heroes seem to take a liking to this brat do we just use them as bait for now" Kurogiri hummed as he was making his master another drink
Suddenly out of nowhere, your quirk activated making Dabi fly across the room landing on a wall with a harsh thud all the league members stood silent at the scene "Take that, you stupid burnt man!" You shouted in victory, "Hmmm Kurogiri changed of plans I think I gotta better idea.." Kurogiri hummed in amusement "I think we're gonna keep them.." Shigaraki said with a wicked grin as Toga and twice cheered in the background and Dabi groaned in pain in response
During the days your stay with the LOV, it's been fun but chaotic, to be honest, Toga would show you all sorts of knives in her collection and the type of blood there is she entertains you by drinking their blood and switching into some of your classmates impersonating them making you laugh
While twice would give you piggyback rides throw you up in the air and clone himself throwing you around to his clones like a ball or playing hot potato Toga would occasionally join in with the two of you
At 1st dabi saw you as a little nuisance but the more he spent time with you the more "bonding" the two of you did he would annoy you by putting stuff out of your reach until you threw a tantrum, if you annoyed him too his breaking point he would just throw you to one of the members which earns a lecture from Toga or twice
but he would show a BIT of his soft side like when you were feeling homesick and cried he offered you a cigarette to ease down ur nerves ofc Kurogiri saw this and immediately took it away and gave you a lollipop but you were still sad so he just rubbed your head
Shigaraki and Spinner would play games and you would carefully watch them 1st they would push you away saying it's too inappropriate for you but they eventually give in since you always sneak behind them and watch Spinner would occasionally put you on his lap so you can see better and even give you gaming tips here and there even tho you won't remember
But for the heroes not so much Aizawa and the teachers have been searching day and night restlessly trying to look for any clues to your location Aizawa's eyes were forming dark circles around them, present mic wasn't as chipper as before and midnight was as bit more bitter all might was the only sane one for everyone's sake but he still misses your presence...
Class 1a wasn't really any better since they also became more gloomy they all blamed themselves for your kidnapping especially the dekusquad and the bakusquad izuku felt the worse since he thinks she should've worked faster to get to you but that doesnt mean they were determined they all thoughtof a plan and sneak out to go and rescue you themselves even if itngets them in trouble or worse expelled they just want you to be safe,
Eri on the other hand slowly started to get gloomy and lonely and regress mentally back to her old ways when she was with Kai, she would bite her nails until the point they were low enough that she would occasionally have nightmares and would cry to Aizawa or Mic which they'll soothe her reassuring it wasn't her fault but the guilt and shame keeps haunting her over and over again...
heck even Hawks and Miriko started to change for the worse Hawk has been avoiding his fans and fangirls to focus more on her work and has become more sassy to anyone he just wanted to find his little birdie while Miriko was more determined restless and furious to find those group of villains
As tried and exhausted they may all be but remained determined to find you they needed to find you they can't imagine what those disgueting villianw are putting in your small pure little head!
"I win!" Toga said as she put her candy avatar on the board and made it to the Candy Kingdom as well to celebrate with her, "No fair I was so close!!" You cross your arms and puff your cheeks out Shigaraki'a candy avatar right behind you "I would've won if I didn't have to spin again to get out of that shitty licorice jail" Shigaraki grumbled "I think I burnt my candy person" Dabi shrugged watching the plastic candy person melt with a shit-eating grin on his face
"What should we play next?" you said jumping excitedly while you were on twice lap "Uno maybe or snakes and ladders?" Shigaraki suggested, "What about guess who?" Spinner added another suggestion Toga was about to make a suggestion when they all heard a knock on the door the league all stared confused and a bit cautious to not move a muscle
"Who's at the doo-mhpm!" Twice hand covered your mouth and used his other to do a hush signal you tilted your head in confusion as all members were staring at the door intensely ready to tear and kill anything and Anyone thar to came passed that door everyone stood in silent as there was another knock again
The members looked at each other while Shigaraki look unamused
"Do they really think they can do that shitty trick agai-"
The wall was smashed open revealing pro heroes such as Endeavor, fatgum, hawks, Mount Lady, and Aizawa and a hoard of police officers on the ground surrounded the area it was a one-and-stare battle between the pros and the villains
Not even a few seconds everyone started going at it using their quirks to defeat them while Hawks quickly grabbed you in your arms and tried to fly you to safety but was stopped by an old friend "Where do you think you going with the brat birdbrain" Dabi threw a fireball at Keigo as he barely dodges it "taking this kid home where else?" Keigo said in a teasing yet serious tone while you were busy playing a single red feather
"The kid belongs to us now Keigo if you kindly just give them ba-" "Fat chance charcoal" the winged hero cut off his sentence now holding a large feather-like sword in his hand dabi shrugged and Dabi threw blue fireballs hawks quickly saw Aizawa and as he hate to do this but he cared more about your safety "ready to go to Mr cranky kid?" You nodded excitedly hawks smiled then yelled out to Aizawa as he threw you towards him
Aizawa quickly saw and used his capture weapon to grab you quickly and you were now back in his arms quickly checking for injuries "You ok kid?" "Yep! I had fun! With my new friends" His gaze softened at your bright smile "No kid, not new friends they're the bad guys in your class and Eri are your friends " "Nuh-uh! They're my new friends we played lots of games and I even learned a bunch of new things!"
You then rant about how much fun you had with the LOV as Aizawa nods pretending to hear but actually, he was a bit scared of villains as your friends? He was gonna have to do a meeting on keeping you extra safe with the teachers but for now, he's glad to have you back in his arms
You were then met with a bunch of shocked crying teenagers as you excitedly waved eri was the 1st to come up to you and tackled you down with a hug crying and saying she was sorry as you were confused as hell and wondering what she was talking about as your classmates alll lifted you crying and apologizing as well as you were still derided out by their sudden behavior tried to squirm out of their grip
They were glad to have you back they promised they were gonna work extra hard to keep protecting you no matter what they want the best for you even eri promised that she'll be even more careful and have eyes on you on the time as but you were an unpredictable child who touched the hearts of many hero's and villains
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liteyagummy · 1 month
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𝖰𝗎𝗂𝖾𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝖮𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 2
TW: yandere behavior, cnc, r4pe, abductor and captor, (the characters are aged up let’s just act like they stayed in dorms so everyone is around 19-20) NSFW
ignore any typos please and thank you, this is one of the longer ones so sit back and grab a snack ||fem reader nothing specified but gender and quirk
(let me know if you enjoy longer or shorter stories!)
your palms sweat as you’re nervous to walk back inside the classroom after weeks.. no MONTHS of absence.. you were unaware of all the cover ups kirishima had dished out you closed your eyes and sighed walking in the class just having a moment to discuss what Aizawa had just told them for todays lesson
Kiri right behind you, he was never going to let you guys sneak around and hide your relationship.. even before he was very open with his friends about how he felt about you just clearly never told him the plan of KIDNAPPING but.. nonetheless, your friends instantly bolted up to you, Jiro, hagakure, and midorya along with other but you weren’t too close to class A even though you transferred in your friends were mainly in class 1B but 1A was very nice to you still
“hey y/n how was your work study!” midorya said with his notebook out with a pen behind his ear
“yea! did you fight anyone outside of training??” denki chimed in
“did you learn any new moves??” Uraraka asked
“i doubt it’d be anything better than mine.” bakugo said from the side of the class having been shouting at sero about the assignment they’d just gotten.. after you looked at kiri confusedly he smiled brightly his red hair sticking up and his sharp teeth showing “y/n actually JUST got dropped off, im sure she’s tired maybe let’s ask about it later at lunch! as of now what are we doing in class?” he raised a brow as he guides you by your hips to your seat everyone seeing this, the girls giggling and the guys having a slight look of shock to their face you just sat down, even though he was lying through his teeth. he was right you were tired you weren’t used to waking up for school anymore you forsure had to get back into your routine
“we’re meeting up with class 1b, we’re going to be doing training together again.. i’m not sure why? it’s pretty random but” tsuyu said
“then again when isn’t our class assignments random” momo chimed in
“regardless we should start getting prepared we don’t want to be late and give class 1B another reason to dislike our class” ida said
after getting ready you walked next to the girls talking with them catching up as you entered the new training dome the old faces flooding back but one standing out.. who was he? you were never IN class 1b you would just meet them separately when walking around.. you’d thought you met everyone already but clearly not
“y/n!” kendo waved with a smile “where have you been girl” she asked as she put a hand on her hip to talk to you while also watching out for her classmates mouth
“oh i had- a last minute work study.. i um, since i came to the hero course late i needed to get that out of the way” you lied on your toes
she nodded “you’ll have to tell me about it! how cool is it that we get to train together “ she continues the conversation but honestly you were zoning in and out of it.. you were curious about the man you’d never seen before
“who is that” you accidentally cut her off while motioning to this guy
“oh that’s tetsu tetsu” she looked to him and then called him over, your cheeks started to get read as he was running over kirishima took a break from talking to his friends to look and see what you were up to, as he saw tetsutetsu running up to you he stood on guard
Kendo heard her classmate start to get a little too chatty, she excused herself walking straight over to monoma and snatching him up apologizing for him yet again
you were alone with this steel man infront of you.. he spoke starting the conversation off with a smile and trying to get to know you, you entertained it truthfully this made kirishima’s blood boil he tried to keep his composure not wanting to blow up here and now. why did this guy think he could talk to his babe?? you were HIS and HIS only not to be shared or easily acceded, he walked over with a fake smile and butted into your conversation, you looked at kiri then tetsutetsu.. then back again.. then again. why the hell were they so similar? kiri wrapped his arm around you “ hey babe! are you ready to train hard! not harder than me because the manly thing to do would be to train the hardest “ he smiled you nodded “ honestly i’m probably the only one who really needs this extra training “ you shook your head, kiri used this opportunity to turn you away and walk you back to their side you noticed this “i- “ you turned back to tetsutetsu who was waving with a chuckle, kiri balled his fist up as you both were away now he’d taken you back to his friends and there you were again not knowing what was going on but somehow still in the middle of the conversation what with denki and kirishima pulling you in for your input on topics here and there how could you space out
as you all stood in your hero outfits you crossed your arms waiting then a loud alarm went off you covered your ears quickly as villains ran out, but they weren’t normal villains they were teachers pretending but man were they being destructive ida and kendo were quick to call out plays and plans each class following the instructions of the most trusted
you all were off quick, you wanted to be a sidekick.. something like hawks you wanted to make someone else make their way to greatness so your training was a but different, you ran in jumping through the sky at fast speeds and teleporting in mid air getting all the play civilians out the way of harm
kirishima followed behind you using his quirk to break any rubble that flew your way as he took down the villains guarding those who you had to save, as soon as you got everyone back you were on the guard to watch them, making sure no one was harmed or injured you stood up grabbing your long swords putting some of your quirk energy into them to make the weapon more powerful, you watched the door to the safe haven that held the civilians
before you could even look over a kick was sent your way sending you down, you blocked it at the last moment but couldn’t stop the momentum, looking down at your arms where the blow had landed now being a bit of red “fuck” you mumbled as you jumped up in the tree where you had been knocked down from
You crouch on a thick branch, hidden in the shadows of the training dome’s artificial forest. Your katanas are ready, the familiar weight grounding you as you listen for any sign of movement below. Mirko, the Rabbit Hero, is somewhere in the underbrush—fast, you know it. you saw her. she was playing the villain today. You knew she wouldn’t hold back.
Your Quirk hums with energy, primed for teleportation and high jumps. A snap of branches below signals her approach. You catch a glimpse of white—a flash of her ears—before she rockets upward, aiming directly for you. Instinct kicks in, and you teleport just as her powerful kick obliterates the branch you were perched on. You reappear on another limb, high above, your senses sharp.
Mirko grins as she spots you, her relentless speed closing the distance in an instant. You teleport again, keeping her guessing, your katanas flashing in the dim light as you strike from behind. She’s fast, but you’re quicker, anticipating her every move. There’s something more at stake today—a subtle caution in your movements, a reason to protect yourself with even greater precision.
As you battle Mirko, another clash unfolds in the training dome. Best Jeanist, acting as the “boss” villain, uses his Quirk to control the fibers around him, manipulating the environment to ensnare his opponents. Six students—Bakugo, Ashido, and Sero from Class 1A, along with Monoma, Tokage, and Kamakiri from Class 1B—face off against him.
Jeanist’s fibers snake through the simulated city, creating barriers and traps. Bakugo blasts through them with his explosions, shouting, “Outta my way, you damn extras!” His relentless energy sends shockwaves across the battlefield, but Jeanist adapts, tightening his grip.
Ashido melts the barriers with her acid, clearing paths, while Sero swings through the chaos with his tape. Monoma, ever the strategist, copies Sero’s Quirk, using it in tandem to bind Jeanist’s fibers. “We need to coordinate better!” Monoma urges.
Bakugo scoffs, “Like I’m taking orders from you, copycat!”
As the battle intensifies, Tokage splits her body into pieces, scattering around Jeanist to create distractions. Kamakiri slashes through the fibers with his blades, trying to cut a path forward. But Jeanist’s control is overwhelming, and the group struggles to gain ground.
In the midst of the chaos, Tokage yells, “Bakugo, we need your explosions to disrupt him! Sero, get ready to tie him down!”
Bakugo sneers, “Don’t tell me what to do!”
Before Bakugo can argue further, Sero snaps at him, “Bakugo, focus! We won’t win if you don’t listen!”
Bakugo glares but knows Sero’s right. “Fine! But this better work!” he grumbles.
With a fierce explosion, Bakugo creates a massive shockwave that shakes the battlefield, forcing Jeanist to lose control of his fibers. Sero and Monoma act quickly, shooting their tape to bind Jeanist’s arms and legs. Tokage’s scattered body parts add confusion, while Kamakiri slashes through any fibers that attempt to regroup.
Ashido seizes the moment, dousing the area around Jeanist with her acid, weakening his defenses. Bakugo delivers a final, powerful blast, breaking through Jeanist’s control entirely.
Best Jeanist, impressed by their unexpected synergy, concedes, “Well done. You’ve shown real teamwork.”
The exercise ends with the announcement of their victory. The six students, panting but triumphant, exchange looks of pride. Bakugo scowls, though a hint of satisfaction lingers in his eyes. “Tch, you better not get used to me listening to you,” he mutters.
As the victorious team of students from Classes 1A and 1B stay on guard, the sounds of their fight ending echo faintly through the training dome. But in another part of the dome, your battle is far from over.
The clash between you and Mirko is intense, the training exercise pushing both of you to the limit
As she dodges and lunged again, you teleport above her, diving down with your katanas poised for a decisive strike. She barely has time to react, twisting to avoid the worst of it, but your blade still grazes her side. The impact sends you both tumbling through the branches, but you teleport just before hitting the ground, landing lightly as Mirko rolls to her feet.
She’s breathing hard, a grin of respect on her face. “You’re tough to pin down,” she admits, clearly impressed.
You lower your swords slightly, maintaining your focus. “Speed alone won’t win this,” you reply, your voice steady.
Mirko nods, hopping back with a look that says she’s noticed the change in your approach, even if she doesn’t understand it. “Keep fighting like that, and you’ll be unstoppable.”
As she gets away, you know the real challenge is just beginning. You’ve proven you’re more than ready for what’s ahead, your Quirk sharp, your resolve even sharper ready to hold your own in this damned class.
You make your way through the dense forest, each step feeling heavier than the last. The training dome’s artificial environment is convincing, but it’s the fatigue that’s all too real. You haven’t eaten anything today—only managed to keep down some water before throwing up this morning—but you push the discomfort aside. There’s still work to be done.
The small house where the civilians are sheltered comes into view, and you spot Kirishima at the entrance, standing guard. His eyes brighten when he sees you, and he quickly makes his way over. “Hey! You hanging in there?”
You nod, though the dizziness is getting harder to ignore. “Just checking on the civilians,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. The last thing you want is for him to notice how worn out you’re feeling.
Kirishima gives you a once-over, his expression softening with concern. “You sure you’re okay? You don’t look too great.”
You force a smile. “Just tired. It’s been a rough morning.”
He frowns slightly, still not convinced. “You’ve been going nonstop. If you need to take a break, I can handle things here.”
The offer is tempting, but you shake your head. “I’ll be fine. I’ll grab something to eat at lunch.”
Together, you check on the civilians inside the house. They’re safe, which is a relief, but you can feel your energy fading fast. The lightheadedness intensifies, and you have to steady yourself against the doorframe as you step back outside.
The sun is warm, filtering through the leaves, but it does little to chase away the chill that’s starting to settle in your bones. You take a deep breath, hoping it’ll clear your head, but your vision blurs slightly. You blink hard, focusing on Kirishima’s steady presence beside you.
“Training’s almost over,” he says, glancing around. “Looks like 1A and 1B really pulled together.”
You nod, though even that small motion feels like it takes too much effort. The teamwork between the classes has paid off, and the announcement over the intercom confirms it. “Good work, everyone. Classes 1A and 1B, please return to the main building for lunch.”
Kirishima grins, giving you a thumbs-up. “We did it!”
You return the gesture weakly, your thoughts consumed by the idea of food. “Let’s head back,” you say, your voice softer than you intended.
As you walk toward the exit, Kirishima stays close, his eyes never leaving you. “Seriously, if you’re not feeling well, let me help. I’ll make sure you get to the cafeteria, okay?”
You manage a small sigh your head throbbing “ill be fine i swear it” you softly say
He smiles, but there’s an undercurrent of multiple different emotions but the main one , concern. that he doesn’t dare voice. You’re grateful for him even letting you out the dorm today, even if you can’t quite place why you’re feeling so off. Right now, all you can think about is getting something to eat and shaking off this strange weakness. you’ve used up your teleportation for the day. one of the main reasons you hardly use that quirk
The victory in the training exercise feels distant as you focus on making it back to the main building. Lunch is next, and you know you need to refuel. Whatever’s going on, you’ll figure it out later—after you’ve had a chance to rest and recover.
After the intense training exercise, the students head back to the main building for lunch. The atmosphere is lighter, filled with chatter and the clinking of trays. You and Kirishima, freshly changed and looking a bit worn, make your way to the cafeteria. His hand is firmly on your hip, a constant presence as he guides you through the crowd.
The usual suspects from Class 1A and 1B have already gathered, their voices mingling in a cacophony of post-training relief. Kirishima steers you toward an empty table, where Midoriya, Uraraka, Jiro, and others from both classes are waiting.
“Hey, y/n!” Midoriya greets enthusiastically, notebook and pen still in hand. “So, how was your work study? Kirishima mentioned it was pretty intense.”
“Yeah,” Uraraka chimes in, “did you get to face any villains or learn new techniques?”
Bakugo, sitting with his usual scowl, adds, “Hope it wasn’t just some fluff job. Better be something worth your time.”
Kirishima, his arm around you, smiles brightly. “It was definitely a challenging experience! But y/n’s been working hard and could use a break. Maybe we should save the details for another time?”
Denki, leaning forward, grins. “Come on, just a little teaser? Was it as crazy as the stuff we did today?”
You give a tired smile, thankful for Kirishima’s attempt to shift focus. “It was... pretty demanding. I learned a lot, though.”
Jiro tilts her head, still curious. “Kirishima made it sound like you were in the thick of it. Any cool stories?”
You nod slightly, glancing at Kirishima. “Maybe I’ll share more later. For now, I’m just looking forward to some food and a bit of rest.”
Kirishima chuckles, squeezing your shoulder gently. “Yeah, let’s focus on enjoying lunch. We all worked hard today.”
As you settle into your seat, Kirishima finally releases his grip, though his hand lingers close by. The group’s curiosity remains piqued, and Midoriya presses further. “Come on, y/n, just a bit more about your work study?”
You take a deep breath, smiling to keep up the pretense. “Alright, fine. There was this one moment I fought a hero pretending to be a villain. It was pretty intense. I used some of the techniques I picked up to keep up with her.”
“Really?” Uraraka leans in, eyes wide. “What happened?”
You nod, picking up your fork. “Well, I was up against Mirko, the Rabbit Hero. She’s incredibly fast. I had to rely on my teleportation and high jumps to stay out of her reach. There was one time I was perched in a tree, and she charged at me. I teleported just before she reached me and struck from above. It was a close call.”
Jiro looks impressed. “Sounds like you had to stay on your toes. Did you use any new moves or strategies?”
You nod, keeping the details vague. “Yeah, I combined some of the techniques I’d been working on. Like using my teleportation to disorient her and then hitting her with a surprise attack. It wasn’t exactly easy, but I managed to pull through.”
Bakugo, with a skeptical look, mutters, “Sounds like you didn’t learn anything new but just got to show off your usual tricks.”
You shrug, a smirk playing on your lips. “You could say that. Sometimes it’s just about using what you’ve already mastered in new ways.”
Kirishima grins, relieved by the change of topic. “Well, whatever you did, it must have been impressive. I’m just glad you’re back and in one piece.”
The conversation shifts, with everyone eager to share their own experiences from the training. As you enjoy your meal, you let yourself relax, the warmth of the cafeteria and the friendly banter a welcome contrast to the day’s earlier chaos.
As the group finishes classes up and heads back to their dorms, you and Kirishima make your way to your “shared” dorm. The atmosphere in the hall is relaxed, filled with the casual chatter of students winding down after the day’s training.
When you finally reach the door to your room, Kirishima’s usual easygoing smile fades, replaced by a more serious expression. You notice the change, but before you can ask, he opens the door and ushers you inside.
The moment the door clicks shut, Kirishima’s demeanor shifts from jovial to intense. He turns to face you, his brows furrowed.
“Hey, what was that back there with Tetsutetsu?”
You look up, startled. “What do you mean?”
“You seemed pretty chummy with him,” Kirishima says, his voice edged with frustration. “He was all over you, and you didn’t exactly push him away.”
You quickly try to defuse the situation. “It wasn’t like that. He was just being friendly.”
Kirishima’s expression hardens. “Friendly? You were practically cornered by him. I saw the way he looked at you. I don’t like it.”
You shake your head, trying to explain.
“Kirishima, it’s nothing. We were just talking in barely even know the guy.”
His frustration doesn’t wane. “It’s not just about him. It’s about how he was acting like he had some claim over you, and it bothered me.”
Seeing his anger, you try to reassure him. “Kiri, it really was nothing. I wasn’t interested in him. He was just a bit too forward, and I was trying to be polite.”
“bullshit so laughing and talking and blushing is being polite.” he looked away growing more annoyed with the situation. “y/n don’t- make me.. do something i don’t want to.. it won’t be very heroic.” he said as he walked into the dorm more going to his closet to take his close off and change
you worried about that statement.. what did he mean..?
whatever he meant this anger needed to go somewhere.
“y/n.” he called from the bedroom..
PART 1 (part 3 coming soon)
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grrw-boy · 1 year
Damn it im gay again
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k-nayee · 5 months
❝Brave birds still fly through the fog.❞
Vespertilio M.List
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Moving towards your own station, a look of determination is set on your face.
'Time for Plan B: Do the bare minimum and go after the faux villain with zero points to say at least I tried when I truly didn't to commence!'
You take a glance at the students around you, some having faces of confidence while others looked damn near ready to drop out.
'Okay,' after a deep breath and some short stretches you walk up closer to the gates,'let's do this!'
Right as you finish your pep talk, Present Mic's voice fills the arena.
You burst into a sprint, leaving the gawking and still frozen students behind in the dust as you move further into the simulated city.
"Remember listeners, there are no countdowns in a real battle! So go! You're wasting time!"
Not even a minute later the sounds of explosions and battle-cries appeared.
You had to admit, these kids were beasts when it comes to wanting to get into UA.
One moment you'd see a 1pointer, and when you blink, it was gone; bits and pieces of metal being the only evidence it ever existed.
A good portion of your time consisted of you avoiding any robots while also dodging numerous fallen metal scraps.
With your only tasks being not being flattened or spotted, it gave you enough time to observe the 'competition'.
And truth be told, you felt bad for most of them.
While those with flashier quirks stole both the show and villain points, others resorted to finding other ways to gain points - some not at all.
Your head instinctively snaps towards the source of the angered shout.
He seemed to also dodge and avoid any falling metal while failing to destroy any of the robots.
A cracking sound echoes through the air.
You look up in time to see a destroyed robot fall back into a building, causing a big chunk to break off and tumble down.
Right above the boy.
"H-hey! Look out!" Your panicked scream makes the indigo-haired boy stop and look at you in confusion.
'Shit shit shit!'
Without a second to waste, you rush over, dodging any debris on the ground as the shadow of the falling piece of rock gets bigger.
It seemed your words were finally processed in his head when he looks up.
His eyes widen in fear, body frozen from shock.
Putting all you have in your legs, you let out a shout and jump.
The boy releases an oof when your body makes in contact with his, both of you rolling and tumbling across the concrete just as the debris hits the ground.
Your eyes are closed, heart thundering in your chest as you lay on the rapidly beating ground.
Wait...rapidly beating ground?
You immediately sit up, looking down at the boy you somehow ended up landing on.
He could only stare up at you in surprise as your arms caged the side of his head like some cliche romance story.
With a yelp, you roll off him and kneel next to his still laid figure.
"A-are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" With a quick yank, he's pulled into a sit-up position.
"I'm...I'm fine," He ignores your second question and gets up with a sigh, "just bit off more than I can chew apparently. Couldn't even avoid some falling rocks...seems I'm not hero material after all."
You notice the way his hands clench into fists as he says that.
Not wanting to deal with whatever life problems he has on his own, you began to walk away.
That is until you suddenly picture Izuku in that same position of being told he wasn't hero-worthy.
"You know you shouldn't listen to them."
He looks at your back with furrowed brows. "Huh?"
"Whoever told you those lies. That you'll never become a hero. You shouldn't give up just because some bastard tells you to do so. Quirk or quirkless, villain or hero categorized quirk. Show them you mean business. That you have a goal and plan to stick with it."
His eyes widen at your words.
For years, that's all he's been told: he would be a villain. His quirk wasn't meant for good, but evil.
To hear a random stranger finally speak the exact words he's always wanted someone to say, the fire in his heart was set ablaze.
"Hitoshi Shinso...my name is Hitoshi Shinso."
"Well HitoshiShinso," you turn to look at him with a smile, "are you gonna prove that you're more than just society's standards of a hero? Or are you just gonna quit?"
Taking his silence as an answer, you give him a wave and continue walking. "Look forward to seeing your success, HitoshiShinso! Who knows, you might be the one saving me next time we meet~"
Minutes pass of you sneaking and passing through the fake city, occasionally helping a fellow participant whenever they're in trouble.
'Eh, what's the least that could happen? Not like I'm getting graded on helping...'
You stumble at the feeling of large tremors shaking through the ground, screams and crying reaching your ears not a second later.
You immediately dash forward, sidestepping students as they run towards the way you came from.
"Run! It's the zero-pointer!" A passing person screams out as they continue to run away.
"Wait...zero-pointer?" It took a moment before you realized what that meant causing you to bounce in excitement, "hell yes! Time to start Plan B!"
Not wanting to waste any more time, you speed towards where the zero-pointer should be.
"Wha-where are you going?!"
"You idiot! Go this way!"
"You're going to get yourself killed!"
You snort at their words. "Come on! Do you really think they're going to let children get hurt in this? I bet it's not even...that...oh shit."
Your words trail off once you take a good look at what they were running from.
There in all its glory stood the zero-pointer, enormous enough to fill the entire street while its claw-like hands caused nearby buildings to crumble just by a brush.
"Well damn...I see why y'all running." Releasing a sigh, you simply turn around with a shrug and get ready to follow the escaping crowd, "Welp, Plan B is out. So let me just go and—"
Your body stiffen at the sound before you could see them.
Screams, full of panic and distress.
Eyes zooming around the area as the thundering footsteps get nearer, you finally spot them: two people stuck in its path.
With one injured in the leg, the other was there for support as they try to run away.
Fortunately, it appeared you were the only one to notice. Unfortunately, it meant they were going to be squashed by the zero-pointer.
'Okay, I'll just grab its attention and go down another pa—' Your planning was cut off by another round of screams.
Searching for the cause, you see the zero-pointer's hand knocking into a nearby building causing some debris to crumble and fall.
Right where the two students were located.
"Are you shitting me?!"
Your heart thunders as you rush over to them, the world seems to fall into slow motion as you see them cower in preparation of getting hit.
'Think think think! It's too far to run and Zuki isn't here to take the rosary off. What can I do?!'
Body frantically moving, you pause at the familiar weight in your skirt pocket.
"Of course!"
Quickly grabbing the pouch of seeds, you grab the mini bag labeled grapes and pour the tiny seeds into your palm.
"Please let this work," with a quick mutter under your breath, you force the seeds into rapid growth and make the thick vines grow into a dome-like shape.
Not a second later, a heavy thud hits the vines.
You grit your teeth, body slightly shaking as you force the vines to hold up a little longer.
Sounds of awe come from the two students, you look up only to realize they were staring at you.
"Hi, name's Akashiya ____! Love meeting you and all," a strained smile is given as your knees began to buckle, "but I'd really appreciate it if you could leave and hide from that zero-pointer's view. Mind doing that?"
"O-oh right! Thank you for saving us, it's very manly of you!" The black-haired boy breaks out of the trance first and sends you a sharp toothy smile.
Sending him a sharp head jerk towards the direction of a couple of fallen debris to hide behind, he catches the hint and takes the injured girl away.
"The name's Kirishima Eijiro by the way!" His fading voice makes you relax in relief.
"Whew! Now that's ove—"
Your words are cut off by the sudden crash of both vines and pieces of rock.
On top of you.
Kirishima's wide eyes stare at the pile, mouth dropped open as he became a witness of a possible death.
It wasn't until he heard a few hacking coughs did he spot your disheveled form fanning away the floating dust around.
"Are you alright?!"
"Yeah!" You scratch the back of your head with a sheepish grin, "Turns out I relaxed too much after you left. Caused my powers to weaken and crash. B-but I'm fine, the rocks fell behind me. Look!"
Jumping up, you give a huge thumbs up causing the boy to let out a small laugh.
Once again, damn.
A jolt of fear travel down your spine, body shaking as you face the zero-pointer before you.
You just had to jump around like a dumbass just to prove to some cute boy that you're alright.
Not to mention your juice pack. Oh, your uneaten juice pack! Poor baby was the only thing that truly faced harm by the collapse.
Half of its contents was wasted, leaving a giant bloodstain covering the side of your skirt as the finishing result.
And so, this is how you're going to leave the world: dead with blood on your skirt as if you had the period of a lifetime.
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you back away from the metal beast only to stop at the debris-made wall behind you.
At this point, you wished everything actually did collapse on top of you when it fell. At least they can say you died saving others.
You blink at a sudden realization. "Wow. I'm really gonna die a hero. The one thing I've avoided doing for nearly fifteen years of my life. The irony I tell ya."
The zero-pointer loomed over your trembling form.
Adrenaline rush faded, your exhausted body refused to take another step.
'Move...why won't you move!' Hands clenched into fists, flashes of your parents fill your head, flashes of Izuku's smiling face, hell even a scowling Bakugo.
Your head bows as tears continue to spill from your eyes, feet glued to the ground as you accepted defeat.
Unbeknownst to you, your rosary begins to glow, steadily growing brighter which each passing second.
"AKASHIYA GET AWAY FROM THERE!" Kirishima's shrill scream was the tipping point.
The rosary's red glow suddenly cuts off.
The once healthy flowers in your hair suddenly wilt and fall to the ground. Silvery white bleeds into your locks until no strand of [hair color] is left behind.
Your eyes open, revealing a set of blood-red irises.
The slitted pupils in your eyes thin as they take in the situation around them, landing on the charging faux villain with a hint of humor in them.
"Oh? Seems to be a test of some sor—"The zero-pointer punches the spot you're standing at causing a scream of disbelief to fall from Kirishima and other examinees around.
Dust billows around the area as people began to murmur.
"Is...is she dead?"
"I never knew there would be actual deaths in these exams..."
"Poor girl."
Kirishima's pupils shake as he continues to stare at where he last saw you.
Nothing but a crater and a patch of blood as a reminder of your existence.
You saved him...
...only to die.
"Poor girl indeed," the dust clears revealing you standing a few feet away from the crater with a blank, unamused face, "not only did you try to defeat me by some measly punch, but you even wasted the rest of my lunch. Tsk tsk, didn't your creator ever teach you manners?"
The robot attempts to attack you again only to fail.
Within a blink, you appear on the robot's shoulder. "Hmm...appears not."
You avoid the grappling hand and jump onto its other shoulder.
"Let me make it clear, you scrap piece of metal."
With a small lift of your foot, you stomp on its arm, causing the metal to tear off and land on the ground with a loud thud.
You miss the gawks and gasps of the audience around you as you focus on the zero-pointer.
"I'm not one to be trifled with." You do the same to its other arm, leaving it defenseless as it stands there.
Even so, the faux villain continues to walk up to you as if it can still beat you. A small smile pulls at your lips.
"You know...I'm actually in awe. Such drive, such motivation," your smile drops, a snarl of disgust taking its place, "almost pitiful to watch. Robot or not, you will never defeat me!"
Jumping into the air with such grace, you land a kick to its head, sending the metal contraption meters away until it finally lands with a blinding explosion.
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You brush your hair back with an indignant sniff. "Just as I thought: weak..."
"TIME'S UP!" The booming voice of Present Mic fills the area.
People immediately flock towards you asking question after question only to stop with one sharp glare.
Most deciding their life is better to have, they continue towards the exit to seek help for any injuries.
"Recovery Girl is on her way, so just stay tight!"
"T-thank you for trying to help me earlier."
"Of course! It wouldn't have been very manly of me if I hadn't."
Your body stiffens. Taking another breath of air, the slits in your eyes thin once again as a sweet scent fills your nose.
'Mmmm, so there are others like him.'
Kirishima flinches at the sudden sight of you before him. "A-akashiya!"
Everything about you was different. From the change of hair color to the disappearance of the calming scent you gave off.
Your eyes are what troubled him the most.
No longer did they hold a certain kind of warmness in them, but instead pure coldness.
His body shakes as you continue to observe him, it took nearly all the self-control he has to keep himself from running away.
Especially when you grab his chin and force him to look at you.
"Yes, you will do," his brows furrow in confusion until you look him dead in the eyes, "when I faint, offer me your neck."
A flush fills the boy's face. "W-what?!"
"That shouldn't be too hard. It's the least you could do after I risked both my life and wasted my food saving you." You narrow your eyes at him, daring him to defy.
Kirishima mouth purses. 'She's right. It's the least I could do. What kind of man would I be if I can't help a fellow comrade in need!'
With a sigh, he gives you a nod despite his eyes still shining with hesitation. "Alright...I'll do it."
Just as he says that, your rosary turns back on, causing your retransformation.
He let out a gasp of awe at the sight of your red eyes shifting back to [eye color].
Silver hair turning back into its original [hair color] shade, new pink blossoms bud back into its strands with a scent of nectarine wafting off you once more.
You began to lean with a groan before falling to the ground.
"Woah!" Grabbing your shoulders, Kirishima gently sits on his knees and holds you in his arms. "I've got ya...I've got ya."
You feel someone tenderly brushing some hair from your face and let out a jumbled mass of unintelligible words.
Blinking open your eyes, everything is blurred and out of focus. The only thing you could pick up on was a scent of sweetness.
'Zuki? He's here...that must mean—'
Even with your word being soft and slurred Kirishima understood.
"U-um...here," though still hesitant, he shyly pulls you closer, giving your mouth clear access to his neck.
Feeling skin against your lips with the beating of a pulse just underneath the layer, you immediately sink your teeth in.
A glow of red directs Kirishima's attention to the rosary hanging at your neck.
Why is it glowing?
You let out a sigh of content after a few more moments of drinking Izuku's blood.
Although...something about it tastes different...
Pulling away from his neck, you blink your eyes a few more times only for them to widen in shock.
Ummm...what the FUCK is this?! This ain't Izuku!
Voice caught in your throat, you're unable to speak.
"Are you alright? Did you have enough to drink?" The concern in Kirishima's eyes causes all awkwardness to melt away.
Your lips soften into a smile. "Yeah. Thank you by the way. I'm sure you were uncomfortable doing something like this."
A spiky grin fills your view as he helps you up off the ground. "Nonsense! After you willingly saved me and that girl, I couldn't let you stay weak when I could help. Wouldn't be very manly of me."
You turn to see Izuku waving near the entrance of the gate.
"Ah..." Looking back towards Kirishima, you send him an apologetic smile and bow, "I'm sorry! I wish our time was longer, but it seems my friend is ready to go. It was very nice to meet you! Thank you for everything, really I mean it."
A blush fills his cheeks as he rubs the back of his neck. "I should be the one thanking you for everything! It's the least I could do after you saved my butt. Hopefully, we will end up in the same hero-course class?"
Despite wanting to tell him you most definitely won't end up in hero course due to lack of points, you decide on simply smiling. "Fingers cross. Who knows, we may see each other very soon!"
With a wave of goodbye, you run towards Izuku with an excited grin, ready to tell him the events of today and vice-versa.
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chippedlead · 6 months
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Villian Yashi 🔊
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homelesstravelerssp · 7 months
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Something I've been drawing on Aideku week, but I just don't like the way it looks. I don't want to post this on my main account, but it's a sp, so here it goes. And context for each of those
Day 1: paranormal/supernatural.
This is a world where quirks are not genetic, but a spirit that chooses a person for itself from infancy. After Oboro's death, Shouta was very weak, his own soul began to get lost and dissipate, and he would not even be able to undergo rebirth. Shouta's spirit loved his man very much, and in a dream he made a pact where he would keep Shouta alive, in exchange for control of the body while Shouta was sleeping and that Shouta would forget about the pact. Aizawa agreed.
no spirit at Izuku's birth chose him. When the OfA passed to him, thanks to the singularity and the ability to see past users, Izuku was able to see the spirits of patrons. This is how he learned about Shouta’s Possession, and at night he often talked with the spirit. It was with the spirit, and not the way the patron pretended to be an awake Shouta. This is Art's plot.
(And then, Izuku, willy-nilly, learns a lot of little things about Aizawa through his soul, and without noticing it gives himself away (makes coffee, gestures, phrases, sudden inappropriate knowledge, etc.). Aizawa questions him and this is how information about the sound and spirits comes out. They will start training. Over time they will become friends, and only many years after graduation will they fall in love with each other. (Shouta's spirit is also happy because Shota has started to take him into account)
Day 3: Omegaverse. Well, that's it
Day 4: Shouta's birthday
Day 5: Quirk accident
Due to the sudden activation of the quirk of a child who crashed into Izuku and Aizawa on the street, their bodies merged into one. Luckily, this only lasts a day! Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to hide any thoughts or secrets these days...
Day 6: villians/mafia
All Might truly defeated All For One. Even so, after his retirement, nations began to fall apart. Both villains, heroes, citizens, and the government began to lose understanding of each other.
Deku realized that people needed to unite. Knew it. But no good deeds or speeches helped this. And then he realized.
If people do not unite in the face of good, they will do so in the face of evil.
He issued a challenge, pointed a blade at the whole world, so that, trying to defeat him, they shared our common language. Either this, or the unhappiness, loneliness, misunderstanding and endless war that pulls towards one.
And in this he does not have a single ally. He cannot allow his love, Aizawa, to follow him, and makes him believe that he has betrayed him.
(Though Aizawa sees right through him and eventually joins >:3)
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ad0rkk · 1 year
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fatkish · 7 months
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This is my Boku No Hero Academia O.C. in her civilian clothes/street clothes
Her name is Umiko Yurito
Age: 15
Birthday: April 26
Height: “5’2”
Favorite things: animals, learning medicine, Gyoza, Mezo Shoji, nature
Behind the scenes:
Umiko has a pet parrot (umbrella cockatoo) who she named Hadeon meaning destroyer. She trains the parrot to assist her in the field as a hero by being a messenger bird as well as a second pair of eyes. She brought her parrot to the entrance exams and has been granted permission to bring her parrot to school and have him in class.
She has two pet tarantulas as well as two cats named Mochi and Ceviche.
Most of her shirts are backless or have holes for wings.
Umiko lives in a small apartment above her privately operated “underground” medical clinic where she treats people who cannot afford to go to a regular clinic or hospital. Her most often patients are villains.
Umiko’s Mother was a Medical pro hero who specialized in medicine and owned/operated her own hospital. Umiko often visits her mom’s hospital and interns there using it to order medical supplies for her secret clinic.
If Umiko’s underground patients cannot afford care she has them pay be telling her a joke or giving her information like taxes, where to avoid getting mugged, best restaurants/good food stands, how to fix a car engine or any information that could be beneficial. She also tells the villains she treats not to tell her anything that would make her have to testify against them in a court of law.
If anyone needs help drawing or designing their own OC please feel free to send me a request
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eldritchpenguin44 · 2 years
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I decide to rank Various Adult My Hero Academia characters as parents. If you think one of my choices is wrong or incorrect feel free to discuss with me otherwise enjoy. (Sidenote i didn't include Endeavor because he would be controversial no matter where I would put him)
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ljohels · 2 years
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Llego la hora
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mkendlic · 3 months
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Original Character(s), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Original Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Satou Rikidou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Shouji Mezou, Ojiro Mashirao, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kota Koji, Toru Hagakure, Yuga Aoyama, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugo Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - Character Additional Tags: Graphic Description, Eventual Romance, Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, Trauma, Badass, powerful quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, a lot of sarcasm, aizawa is a dad!!, midnight is a great mom, principle nezu is a ray of sunshine, Slow Burn, Fluff and Smut, Sexual Tension, long fic, Past Child Abuse, past trauma, Blood and Injury, Violence Summary:
As a young teen trying to figure what its like to be a normal teenager…well as normal as one can be in a world with QUIRKS! Nozomi Akumu tries to figure out, what its like to even be a student in high school. While being a pro hero at the age of 15. She’s determine to not let her past control her any longer. Will she find revenge in killing the man that destroyed her life? Or will she finally understand the meaning her parents taught her long ago? Come along on the journey that is Nozomi Akumu’s life. And find out why is her quirk so fearful.
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just-an-alligator · 2 years
BNHA - Villain!Mic AU - The Obsession
Put Your Hands Up!
The first time Hizashi sees Eraser (his wonderful, terrifying, beautiful future husband nemesis) is on a rooftop. It was overcast, dark as the void, and if it wasn't for the glitter kids obnoxious headpiece it would have been like floating in space looking down at the star speckled universe of the city beneath them.
Hizashi has always been a hopeless romantic. Sue him. Hope is one of the only things he had going for him growing up with an obnoxious and dangerous quirk that left him abandoned again, and again, and again. He wants love, attention, stability. He wants and wants and wants so badly that he's almost sick with it. Which is probably why half his villainous stunts involve a stage and a pyrotechnic display.
Eraserhead looks at him like he’s interesting. Looks at him like he’s important. He always lingers to make sure Hizashi picks himself up after their little bouts of violence. He’s stuck to Hizashi like glue on the bad days when it takes everything he has not to start screaming until the world turns to dust around him. Let’s him rant and rave about ever little inconvenience and every trauma that has ever befallen him with a reserved yet honest care that makes him want to cry.
And he did cry that first time gentle callused fingers traced the silvery faded scars where a muzzle bit into his cheeks.
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Makes him want to wrap him up in that capture weapon of his, drag him back to his lair, and never let him go again. Never let anyone but him touch Eraser again. Every time he sees the other man covered in new injuries that he KNOWS that HE didn’t put there his possessive lizard brain jumps to attention. It makes him want to… he cuts the thought off there because Hizashi is a lot of things but he isn’t going to be the guy who hurts people because it makes him feel good.
Not unless it’s a mutual feel good~
Ahem… Mind out of the gutter Mic. Come on man.
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The point is, if there is a point at all, even Hizashi’s easily distractible brain is starting to doubt it, the point is that just months after their first meeting on that rooftop Hizashi is inventing reasons to ‘casually’ run into Eraser. It doesn’t take him long to figure out the vigilante’s patrol routes. For all that his Eraser is a terrifying cryptid that travels by telephone wire and operates with feral ambush tactics in the cover of darkness he is also a creature of habit.
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He maps the routes out and is always conveniently around if there's a villain that gets a little too violent or a hero that gets a little too handsy.
And some of them get way. too. handsy.
Like that detective gets way too close. Who the heck is that guy anyway? He’s always there now. Hizashi has even caught them having coffee together once and he almost bit off his tongue to keep from screaming.
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And there's that other vigilante that hangs around Naruhata with that big guy who likes manhandling HIS Eraser. Honestly, its exhausting trying to keep the lovey man safe so can you really blame Hizashi for sometimes going a little overboard? It's not like writing Property of Present Mic on the back of his uniform in permanent neon, glowing fabric marker (He has to thank the Auctioneer for that one its great) really hurts anything does it?
That look of righteous anger on Eraser's face was just too cute. The man might act tough, but Hizashi knows he's about as scary as a wet cat. Adorable. How can anyone be afraid of this face?
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You can't its literally impossible.
You're only saying that because you're obsessed Hizashi. It's not healthy Hizashi.
And Hizashi's going to cut that off right there because he's pretty sure bringing Eraser coffee at three in the morning and sitting quietly in the moonlight until he quietly tells Hizashi the latest instalment in the odyssey of the floating, six-legged, teleporting cat is the most healthy thing he's done in YEARS.
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Just sitting together quietly is the best he’s felt in years…
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k-nayee · 1 year
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
✿✼::゚:༅⭑ ʙɴʜᴀ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴍᴏᴋᴀ ᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪʏᴀ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ⭑༅:゚::✼✿
❝I will destroy 𝑎𝑛𝑦 who brings harm to what is mine!❞
ੈ✩‧₊ ̗̀➛ In which you, a duo-powered quirk user, reluctantly joins UA alongside a childhood friend to become a hero…sorta of.
⇢ ˗ˏˋBLURB ࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ and Author's Note
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 0.5࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ i | OUR BEGINNING
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 1.࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ ii | THE BEGINNING
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 1.5࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ iii | CHANGES
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 2.࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ iv | LET'S BE HEROS
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 3.࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ v | BEFORE WE START
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 4.࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ vi | THE FINAL EXAM
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 5.࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ v | THE RESULTS ARE IN
⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER 6.࿐ྂˏ•*⁀➷ vi | SCHOOLING [COMING SOON!]
── all rights reserved K-NAYEE 2020-2024. any and all fanfiction seen here belongs to me unless stated. please do not copy, plagiarize, translate, repost, or upload on any social media (tiktok, youtube, hell even facebook) without my permission.
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allmightytoshi · 1 year
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wolfgiselle · 1 year
Summary: Just a single moment, a single split second, and everything falls apart for no reason. Within the sound of a snap, the car crashes, lightning strikes, tragedy strikes, and people can’t even realize what’s happened until after the fleeting moment has passed. It was ephemeral, but at the same time, it was lasting, eternal, because the echoes of its consequences would continue to haunt them long after the lightning and its storm had passed. Long after the wreck of the car has been cleaned off the street.
When his quirk first appeared, Midoriya Izuku had learned that all men were not created equal. Some were born into this world lucky and others were born into it unlucky. He also learned that he was one of those born unlucky. It would be hard not to be, considering his quirk was a Jinx.
When the weight of his misfortune became too heavy to carry, Izuku was pushed over the edge. Only for another boy with a different "villain quirk" to pull him back over. Together, the both of them move forward trying to prove to the society that not everything painted in a dark light is bad.
The real question is whether or not Izuku can prove that to himself first.
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I LOVE stories where Midoriya is born with a quirk! This is one of the most creative ones I've read yet. 
There are plenty of fics that give Deku some form of telekinesis, fire, or a mixture of both. There are just as many that have him gaining a 'cannot-die' or 'reset' quirk. 'All for One' is a poplar quirk for him to get, as well (usually in stories where the villain 'All for One' is his father, of course, but this is a popular trope). 
'This' is the only fic I've read, though, where Deku (or anyone, for that matter) has a 'bad-luck' quirk. This led to some interesting quirk use and added damage to his psyche. Instead of being bullied for being quirkless, he's bullied for a villain quirk. It makes perfect sense that a  quirk that causes bad-luck would fall under that classification in this world. It would suck to be known to everybody as the personification of misfortune - on top of having to deal with the misfortune that said quirk caused.
The closest relationship in this story appears to be ShinsouXMidoriya. I'm not a big Shinsou fan, but he does seem to be very popular in fandom culture. It also makes perfect sense to set Midoriya up with Shinsou in a story where he's had to live with a so-called 'villain' quick yet still intends to become a hero. This gives them something to bond over - having such a similar backstory.  
Trigger Warning for attempted suicide. Yep. It's also one of 'those' stories. One of those where Midoriya takes Bakugou's advice to 'hope for a quirk in the next life and take a swan dive off the roof.' Thankfully, in this story his depression and attempt are being dealt with.
Also related to this is one of my favorite tropes: Bakugou faces consequences. Realistic consequences, at that. Ones that might actually lead to him becoming a better person over just punishment or judgement. God, do I wish therapy was an actual thing in the MHA universe canon. So many characters could use it.
Midoriya's friendship with Tokoyami in this fic is also worth mention. He's a character I wish more people wrote about. Then there's his interaction with Hawk's -- which has led to me being curious if the two are going to have any other meetings (because I very much enjoyed them. I love stories where Hawks takes Midoriya - or any student - under his wing. Heh...'wing', get it?)
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tiemeupbnha · 2 years
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Time's almost up, riggers & rope bunnies! Apply today!
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