#villian todoroki x reader
fatkish · 4 months
Would you be interested in doing some HCs for a mortem omega joining up with the league of villains? The league would probably be happy to encourage the more unsavory/violent tendencies in a mortem. Plus, mortem would be able to get a good rotation set up to help with heats. Dabi has a weak constitution, I'd be worried about him. On the other hand, Spinner may be packing double trouble thanks to gecko anatomy, so awkward lizard baby could be an unexpected favorite.
A/B/O League of Villains x Mortem Omega Reader
In this, the reader is a Mortem Omega who has a healing quirk. The following is about the reader and their interactions with the members and what they think of the reader and basic life within the league.
I’d headcannon that he’s an Apex alpha like his dad (something he both loves and hates about himself)
He smells like ash and wintergreen
He was amazed at the reader’s healing abilities as well as their ferocity. They can rip ‘em apart as well as they can heal ‘em
The reader heals his scars constantly but he just gets them right back
He encourages the reader to kill those who threaten the pack
He absolutely loves seeing the omega kill people
Your very protective and loyal to your pack
He’s rough and mean during his ruts. He loves to bite and smack the reader in their most sensitive areas. He’s almost sadistic in the way he’s rough
He a pretty decent mate, he’s very possessive during his ruts and marks the reader up
He loves making the reader cry and scream as he rips orgasm after orgasm out of them during their heat, he’s definitely someone to edge the poor omega
He’s an Apex Alpha but comes off as normal alpha due to his childish personality and behavior
He has a chalky petrichor scent mixed with a slight hint of pine
The reader tends to treat him almost like a pup in the sense that they’ll nuzzle him, cuddle him and try to nourish him by making him drink their milk (Mortems can produce milk if they’re with a pup. Their bodies will produce milk even if the pup isn’t their own, as long as the Mortem believes a pup is theirs, they’ll produce and try to feed them)
He considers the reader as his player 2 and is also very possessive of them
Tomura loves the omega’s attention and doesn’t mind that the reader babies him, he’ll still fuck them during his rut
Is rough and passionate in the sense that he’s more focused on his own pleasure that the reader’s
When the reader is in heat, he’ll fuck them and make them cum on his dick as he feasts on the readers milk and makes a mess of them
Mr. Compress:
I’d headcannon that he’s an alpha
He smells like charcoal and wine
He was originally afraid of the reader unlike the others. After the reader got used to him, he lost his sense of fear
He’s the most calm during his ruts, he’s more romantic and passionate and prefers lovemaking than just sex
Is very observant and focused on the reader’s pleasure during his ruts
During the reader’s heat, he’s the most focused on the reader’s pleasure and will happily use toys on them. He’ll use his quirk and shove as many marbles up into the reader as possible and makes them count each. After he’s fit as many as possible in them, he’ll make them push them out
Some marbles will get stuck so he’ll dig them out with his skilled fingers and tongue which drives the reader mad with pleasure and overstimulation
Most likely an alpha but could also be a beta
He smells like evergreen and ocean breeze
He’s sadly the most boring of the group since he doesn’t indulge in his rut (he’s a Nomu and he doesn’t really have to but can if he wants to)
He’s gone most of the time and acts more as a patriarch alpha (old alphas in a pack who lead but don’t have sex with the omegas)
I’d strongly headcannon him as a beta since he doesn’t really have a drive and is more of a go with the flow kind of guy
He definitely doesn’t realize that he kind of holds the group together as he’s the most chill and has the least powerful scent
He smells like musk and sage
He rarely participates in sex, as he does it the least out of the other males
He does have two dicks that the reader loves riding. Part of the reason why he doesn’t do it often is because twice the dicks, come with twice the sensations. He can be very sensitive mostly acts as a fill in for the reader’s heats
Surprise, or not, he’s definitely an alpha, but I also think that one of his personalities is an omega or has an omega mindset
He smells like sweet orange and mint (his scents are contrasting like orange juice and toothpaste which most find gross but to reader it’s like a refreshing drink)
He’s actually the sweetest and most passionate of the males. He loves making the reader cum and also feeds on the reader’s milk
He’s pretty energetic and has some stamina so he’s actually one of the best at helping the reader through their heat
He’s so happy that he finally has an omega to call his own
He’s not as possessive so he’s open to sharing the reader during his ruts
An Omega. Now hear me out. She wants someone to love her the way she is. Most people reject her based on her scent and it acts as a repellent for most people
She smells like sugar and blood
The reader originally found her and decided to follow her. That’s how the reader met the league, they wanted to protect Toga so they followed her to the hideout
Toga and the reader mostly sleep and snuggle during their shared heats.
They have a shared nest that’s just for the two of them
She loves how the reader isn’t afraid to get hurt and will happily share their blood with her
Loves tag team fighting and they work well together
An Omega. Most people think she’s a beta since she’s built and has a more beta like scent but don’t be fooled, she’s a true Omega
She smells like cinnamon and spruce
The reader nests with her and Toga
The reader tried to Kill Overhaul for killing what they deemed as one of their omegas
Already has her own alpha so she leaves during the reader’s heat
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chososchalupa · 20 days
Game Night //
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
shigaraki x reader
College AU/No quirks/SMAU with a splash of writing
chapter two
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Chapter one : This is Tomura Shigaraki
cw - suicide joke from Bakugo
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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4ngeldusstt · 2 months
A/N: a draft i didn’t know i had on my notes app lol
Warnings: strong language, violence, abusive behavior, toxic relationship, alcohol (please tell me if i’m missing any)
Word count: 689
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You’ve been waiting in this hotel room for what feels like hours, sitting anxiously on the bed, Dabi left after he dragged me from the party we just were at, without an explanation, he was pissed for sure but still didn’t know why.
You finally heard the door unlock and fear started to crawl all over taking control of your system, running to the bathroom and locking the door before he could face you, hearing a glass bottle smash against the wall shattering into a thousand pieces followed by him yelling, when Dabi was drunk and angry was not someone you wanted to deal with or be near of.
“open the fucking door” he was forcefully hitting the piece of wood that separated the both of you. “I said open. The. Fucking. Door.” you were now hiding in the bathtub knees to your chest trying to keep your sobs as quite as you could. “You are just a fucking slut, you think I didn’t notice huh? Flirting with that fucker at the party? That’s what you are, a fucking cheating slut.” the last word came out of his mouth with an amount of rage you didn’t knew he had in him, followed with a loud punch at the door making you jump.
That’s why he draged you back all pissed? Because he thought you were flirting? You started to recap what happened at the party, a guy came up to you, yes, he attempted to flirt, yes, but you said that you had a boyfriend, Dabi’s sight was on you at all times, you even pointed at him to show the guy who you came with. He apologized and left. Thats all, but he didn’t leave you no time to explain, after that he just came up to you and dragged you out.
You felt anger starting to build up, finally opening the door, now facing a drunk, angry Dabi. Your face was completely soaked from all the tears, “listen to me, I was not flirting with him, he flirted with me and I said I had a boyfriend and I even pointed at you he apologized and he fucking left, don’t you fucking dare to call me a bitch, a slut and a fucking cheater cause I’ve been nothing but fucking faithful to you.” Not knowing where you got all that courage to scream back all the words that were locked up inside of you, not caring anymore about the consequences just wanting to speak your truth and stand up for yourself.
He was stunt, not expecting for you to open the door nonetheless speak to him like that, it was almost as if he got sober the second he saw your face. He was now fully aware and ashamed. “I-I didn’t know, I thought- baby, I’m- please forgive me.” He was in a loss of words not even knowing how to fix the amount of damage he just caused.
Sitting on the edge of the mattress, resting his face in between his hands, was he.. crying? Dabi, the oh so badass villain, the one that didn’t back down for anyone was breaking in front of you. “You didn’t even give me time to explain, you just went off on me, I- I thought you were going to hurt me.” Your voice laced with a softness he didn’t deserve right now, you just couldn’t be with him after his. “I think it’s better if I go, take care of yourself Toya and don’t do anything stupid.” Just like that you grabbed your heels that were scattered across the floor and left.
He knew it was over, he didn’t want to accept it but understood your reasons. He wasn’t planning on letting you go that easily, you are his missing piece, you keep him sane and grounded, you are his reason to breathe and to be alive, everything he does he does it for you. It was not going to be easy but he was going to regain your trust back, little by little doesn’t matter how long it takes him but he can’t fathom a life without you.
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rat-typewriter · 3 months
Hating Weddings | Dabi x Reader
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SUMMARY: Just hours before you’re due to marry a man you don’t love, Dabi comes to change your mind; as it turns out, you don't need too much persuasion. WORD COUNT: 2.3k
You sat, staring at your reflection - the stylist nervously tried to meet your eyes in the mirror. She had spent three hours - and quite possibly half the world’s supply of hairpins - drawing your hair into the elegant
“It’s lovely.” You said, attempting to mask the disappointment in your voice - but judging by the way your soon-to-be mother-in-law rolled her eyes and huffed, you were still a bad liar.
Over the year that you had known the woman, the only thing you seemed to have in common was a mutual dislike for one another. You were not the sort of bride she wanted for her son; maybe it was the way you didn’t fall over yourself at the opportunity to spend time with the beyond dull boy - or maybe it was the way that XYZ. Either way, she had really mastered that expression of distaste she wore (which you could only imagine was paired with her envisioning you being run over by a bus). But she tolerated you nevertheless and you did the same for her. Engagements like your own were rarely anything to do with love or feelings or whatever you wanted - they were strictly business.
Quirk marriages were much more common than most people would’ve liked to believe; they paid well too. You’d been found by the guy’s father - an owner of a wealthy demolition company - who knew your quirk would be an invaluable asset to their business. It wasn’t the life you had imagined for yourself, but at least money would never be an issue for you again.
“Thank you,” You smiled sympathetically at the stylist, who seemed unable to exhale fully - glancing between you and the other woman with wide, doe eyes.
She seemed to relax a little before your mother-in-law took her by the elbow and pulled her into the doorway - as if standing a few feet away suddenly made you incapable of hearing their hushed voices.
Shutting your eyes, you exhaled slowly - as if, with enough determination, you could expel the tightness in your ribs through your breath. Your legs buzzed with adrenaline that only seemed to worsen as the ceremony drew closer and your head was starting to feel slightly too light for the rest of your body - as though a strong wind would dispel your skull into a wisp of smoke.
Just as you began to half-heartedly wonder if you might be about to vomit: your phone buzzed. The text from an unknown number flashed up on the screen.
Last chance.
Quickly, you swiped the message away - averting your gaze, instead focusing on the colours of nail polish picked out for you. You had no idea that there could be so many shades of white: eggshell, light ivory, pearl, fresh snow, bone china, chiffon, porcelain, dark ivory-
I’ll be outside in twenty-five.
You stared at the text, your legs becoming more restless than ever. You could practically hear his low voice and smug tone in the sans serif. He was so sure of himself; so arrogant. Who did he think he was? Expecting you to follow him wherever he went, well over a year after you’d told him that you were giving up work with the league of villains. Expecting that you’d just abandon everything you’d worked for - to build a new identity and to cover your tracks so you could leave it all behind - just because he goddamn asked.
It was only as your fiancé’s mother reentered the room - meek hairstylist in tow - that you tore your gaze from your phone.
“Don’t do that with your face.” She scoffed and you were suddenly aware of your deep scowl. Despite trying to relax your expression, you still felt the hot redness in your cheeks.
She continued, “Plenty of girls would kill to be where you’re sitting. I don’t see why you have to go and spoil it for everyone else.” She turned back to the stylist and resumed her string of complaints and general dissatisfaction, occasionally jabbing a finger in your direction.
You tried to follow a string of deep breaths - in and out, in and then fucking out - but Dabi’s stupid, snarky voice still rang in your mind.
The pair of you had always argued like your respective lives depended on it. To the untrained eye, strangers would have assumed your relationship to be beyond dysfunctional - but insults and generally winding each other up was just how you both communicated. It ranged anywhere from flirty teasing to pettiness to flat-out screaming matches - but it was never truly malicious. Even after the most seemingly brutal throwdown, you both continued like nothing had happened - with a casual Do you want takeout tonight? or a simple See you later, babe and a peck on the cheek. Somewhere along the way, being at each other's throats became being more-or-less joined at the hip. And as quick as you were to poke fun at one another and compete - you were still (literally) partners in crime and made a killer team.
Leaving him was one of the hardest things you had ever done. But it was a decision you had to make.
Again, the phone buzzed - sliding across the table a little.
Now or never.
You exhaled - biting back a smile - the fucking cheek of this man. You were tempted to text back Now-or-never my ass, but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of a response. Now or never had become a secret between the two of you: a reference to your first meeting that you’d drop into as many situations and missions with the league as possible. He’d shouted it from the street below, trying to convince you to take the leap out of a fourth storey window after him; you’d whispered it in his ear while pressed up against him, hiding between shipping containers. It was a prayer to your relationship; a promise. All referencing that first chance meeting.
You stumbled through the snowy alleyway, still reeling from excitement - and, now that you thought about it, smoke inhalation. You hadn’t burnt something like that in a long time. Probably ever. Sure, as a child you scorched the odd tablecloth and spent your awkward teenage years nervously causing whatever you held in your hands smoke haphazardly - but to truly, completely burn something: that was new. You were fed up with lighting people’s cigarettes and melting their frozen car doors and listening to the frankly endless (and sub-par) swathes of spark-based pick up lines. For once in your goddamn life, you got to burn something.
The night air was freezing; turning your breath to fog in the dark. Despite your blackened clothes and singed hair, the cold numbed your fingers and you were suddenly very aware of your choice to wear flip flops in February. You had only meant to make a quick trip out of your flat to the shop downstairs; had you known that you were going to be making your debut as a record sprinter, you probably would have chosen something a little more robust. Each step through the wintry slush left your feet dripping and even in the dim, yellowy light of the alley, you could see your toes beginning to turn blue.
Hopefully this place wasn’t too far - if it even existed.
You reached a metal door - dented and dimly lit by a flickery yellow light over the frame - and, before you could convince yourself otherwise, knocked. Do you knock at a villain’s hideout? Stepping back from the door, you steadied your breathing - a group of drunken men walked past the opening of the alley, shoving each other and slurring.
Was this even the right place? You rarely found yourself on this side of the city and your melted phone had about the functionality of a deformed paperweight. Conversations with odd people in stairwells or strangers smoking out the back of the kitchen where you worked were all you had to find the league of villains. Conversations with people that you really shouldn’t trust.
The clunk of bolts being undone, followed by the scrape of metal-on-metal pulled you from your thoughts. Hinges groaning, the door swung half-open.
For a moment, it was as though it had opened by itself; breath caught in your throat you stared into the unlit building - but a few feet back from the doorway, the shape of a person shifted. His voice was low and gravely when he spoke.
“Coming in?”
Opening your mouth - vaguely aware of your brain screaming as you sprint back down the alley - you managed a hoarse Uhhh.
Another moment passed, the quiet filled by your soft breath turning to fog. A van rumbled past on the road and you caught yourself glancing back, watching as it rolled by.
“You’re letting the cold in.” He said. “Now or never.”
Oh, fuck it. Turning back to the door you laughed weakly - sounding like something between a cough and a sore throat. “Suppose it better be now then,”
The stranger stepped back and a yellowy strip of light crossed his face, illuminating his features. His skin was littered with scars - you recognised them as burns. Over the years of not being able to control your fire quirk, you had plenty of your own. But beneath them he was young, no older than you.
His eyes crinkled slightly and he grinned - which sent jolts of fear and excitement through your chest again.
“Come on then, sparky.”
It was the eleventh time that your phone buzzed - two minutes before the ceremony was to start - that you gave in.
You jumped out of your seat, the bridesmaid (who you barely even knew) and had been fixing your hair stumbled back.
“I- Uh,” you stammered as the other bridesmaids turned to stare at you. “I’m going to the toilet.”
And you took off.
You stumbled out of the door and down the hallway in eight layers of tulle and shoes that were horrendously uncomfortable. You took a left, then a right, then a left again - until you found an open window.
Good enough.
With no further thought, you forced the window as wide as it would go and shimmied through - tumbling out and into a bush.
As you attempted to pull yourself out and untangle your stupidly poofy skirt - which had caught in the branches - you heard a familiar laugh.
“Wow. Bit desperate to leave are we?”
You whipped around, finding yourself face-to-face with Dabi.
“Didn’t think you missed me that much,”
You opened your mouth, but no words came out and your brain was suddenly empty. Butterflies erupted in your stomach - the boy who you hadn’t seen in over a year was still able to make you nervous.
He grinned - oh how you’d missed that - and laughed again. “You look gorgeous, Doll.”
“Thanks, I’ve always loved the dragged-backwards-through-a-hedge look.” you said, dryly, before adding. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
He stepped forwards - rolling his eyes; offering a hand to pull you out of the bush. “Oh, how you flatter me.”
Accepting the hand, you let him heave you out of the bush - pulling you far closer than necessary. You stood practically against his chest, having to crane your neck slightly to look him in the eyes.
You swallowed and felt your face grow warm.
God, he knew just how to make you feel sixteen all over again.
“I see you still like to leave everything until the last minute.” He said, glancing down at his watch. “I texted you ages ago.”
You scoffed. “An hour at most–”
“–Two hours.”
You glanced at his watch. 10:59. “I’ve still got a minute - there’s still time for me to marry that guy!” You threatened, unable to hide your grin. “Don’t test me!”
He raised an eyebrow. “Just curious - with or without the dragged-backwards-through-a-hedge look?”
“I’ll do it.”
You narrowed your eyes, holding his gaze: both locked in a semi-serious staredown. Standing there, his dark hair falling into his eyes; his arm around your waist tightening every-so-slightly, was the person you had thought of every day for the last year. At night, as you stared at the ceiling he had been the one that you wished was by your side. At every fancy dinner and business party; every dress fitting and stupid, stupid charity ball that you had gone to with your husband-to-be - you had wished he was holding your hand.
And now he was here, holding you close. Staring you down like an asshole.
"I've missed you." You blurted out. It came out slightly disjointed and stilted, surprising you both a little. He glances down at your lips.
He smiled - with only a hint of his usual smugness. "I've missed you too, Sweetheart,"
He leant down, quickly kissing you. It wasn't long or passionate or hot. Just a regular, discrete peck on the lips.
But, God, did it make you fall in love all over again.
The sound of a door opening and voices flooding into the street came from around the corner. Dabi took a step back and turned to you with that slightly-terrifying, but oh-so-exhilarating grin.
“What do you say we get out of here?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He extended his hand to you, faking a courteous bow and in return you grinned and curtseyed. Giggling slightly, you put your hand in his and he pressed a brief kiss to your knuckles - winking up at you.
"Touya Todoroki, I never knew you were such a gentleman!"
"If you ever tell anyone, I'll have to kill you"
For a moment, his tone is so serious that you almost believe him; even more worryingly, you don’t seem to care. But then he smiles and tugs on your hand.
"C'mon, I hate weddings."
"Me too." You giggled.
With your hand in his, you both took off running.
NOTES: This is actually a rewrite of something I wrote last year to try to ease me back into writing! I've missed it sooo much over exams but ngl when i sat down to finally write again the absolute DRIVEL that came out of my head wasn't worthy of seeing the light of day. Please send over any requests you might have!! im desperate for some inspo atm!!
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queen-of-hoshido · 2 years
Toga: I told Y/n that their ears turn red when they lie.
Dabi: Do they?
Toga: No.
Twice: Then why did you tell them that?
Toga: Because I can do this.
Toga: Hey Y/n! Do you love us?
Y/n, with their hands over their ears: No.
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blurbios · 2 years
Being Dabi's Doting S/O
warnings: food mention
other: gn! reader, fluff
part 2 of League of Villains' Doting S/O
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Dabi wasn’t used to someone caring about him, like at all. He had grown so comfortable being alone and even with his new found companion group of the league, he continued to build up his walls. When he met you he knew he wanted you close, but he didn’t quite know how to get you there. Luckily enough, you grew fond of him fast, despite his attitude. He had always seen you asking whichever member it was how their missions went and if they needed anything from you, he hated how you never did it for him. You always wanted to, you wanted to rush to the door when he came home, but you figured Dabi would just poke fun, like he always did. He was emotionally lacking, so whenever he felt his mask slipping he opted to default with rude comments. You knew deep down he didn’t mean any of it, but it still stung sometimes and it definitely made you hesitate whenever you were around him.
However, you finally grew tired of the awkwardness and decided to do something about it. He was in his room, you hadn’t seen him leave it since he returned the night before, surely he was hungry, thirsty, something. You went into the kitchen to see what leftovers there had been from the lunch Kurogiri had cooked for the gang and made a plate for him. You made sure to grab a bottle of water too and began making your way to his room. When you got to his door you realized your hands were full, “Dabi?” You said, leaning towards the door. There was a long pause before you heard some movement on the other side. Another moment passed, it felt like a lifetime, you grew nervous and your stomach dropped. What if you woke him up? What if you’re just bothering him? The door opened, he didn’t look like someone who had a full night’s rest, he looked drained. You felt his eyes on you, so you lifted the plate and drink up slightly, hoping to shift his focus.
 “You trying to poison me or something?” 
You shook your head, “I haven’t seen you leave your room, I figured you’d be hungry. I mean you need to eat something, your body needs it—“ 
Your ramblings were cut short by a deep chuckle. “You’re keeping tabs on me now, huh?” 
You fought back a smile, “Please, just take care of yourself Dabi.” He grabbed the bottle and tossed it on his bed. As he grabbed the plate with one hand, he ruffled your hair with the other. 
“Why take care of myself when I know you’d do such a good job?” he teased. You’ve never seen him like this, yes he was still poking fun, but he was relaxed, the air wasn’t filled with tension. He’s only ever flicked your forehead in the past, so this was new. The interaction warmed both your hearts, and marked a new era for Dabi, one where he let you in and never let you go. Needless to say, you began to ask him how his missions went whenever he got back, you made sure he ate, and most of all, you made sure he knew that someone cared about him.
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a/n: i was unsure how to write dabi because i feel like everyone has a specific version of him in mind, but i hope my version doesn't butcher him too much
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ohitsjustgen · 1 year
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You hear the window to your bedroom open so you glance at it not too alarmed knowing that it's probably someone you know personally. It was Dabi.
You and Dabi have been having a problem trying to figure out what you guys mean to each other. So you both settled that you're "Friends with Benefits". Which is fine by you. Mainly because your ex has treated you like shit for the past 5 months and you needed a person to help you in your time of need. (Time of need meaning getting knocked up).
As Dabi is climbing into your window you look at him noticing something is off. Even under the moon's reflective light you could tell he was a bit wobbly and wonky, and has a pinkish hue to his cheeks and forehead. You suddenly add 2 and 2 together when you notice a bottle of booze rocking in his hand.
Anyone homeee~? Yells Dabi slightly slurring at his words. He leans against the wall. You walk over to him and caress's his cheek. "Dabi? What are you doing here? You would usually warm me before you decide to come?" Dabi blinks at you and glances at your hand that is placed on his cheek.
"Hello, pretty I'm just having a drink, thought I'd stop by and visit you!" His words were barely audible but I got little snippets of it piecing words together.
Dabi looks at you with a tired look in his eyes and leans closer near your ear mumbling something about your hair being soft.
You glance at the half empty bottle in your hand. "Yea your hella drunk" You swiftly walk over to your window to lock it, hoping no one had seen him come in. You then take the bottle of booze and throw it away. Making Dabi a little sad in the eyes. Chaperoning Dabi to bed, you push away the stuffed animals that spread onto your bed and let the man lay down. The man groans and rolls onto his back.
"Come here and lay with me pretty girl." The raven hair man says stretching out his arm to look for your thigh.
"Dabi stop, you don't mean that, you're just drunk talking" You say as you get up to head to the restroom.
Dabi has stated many many times before that what you guys have going on doesn't reflect your feelings. It's just a mere hookup is all. Although you said you agreed to those terms, you just couldn't help but to catch feelings for the handsome man. (Whoopsie #1)
You begin to walk to the bathroom to grab 2 Tylenol pills and a warm washcloth. As well as grab a cup of water from the kitchen. You then return back to where the man lay placing the items on the night stand next to the queen sized bed.
"I'm not drunk talking! I'm serious. I've wanted you ever since we've started this whole charade"
You ignore his comments and attend to nurse him back to health. "Are you hungry Dabi? I could make you something to eat to ease the hangover once it comes." You ask symptomatically looking into his cerulean eyes.
Dabi's eyes soften as he nods. "Yes please that would be great~" As he nods he attempts to lean over to give you a small peck on the cheek. But ends up tumbling off the bed instead due to his inebriated state.
"Tch" is the only sound that comes out of your mouth. You lean down to help the man back onto the bed. The sound of soft snoring hits your ears and you realize he fell asleep (Pun intended). You tuck the man under the blankets and place the man onto his side making sure none of the contents of the drink comes up to choke him.
You kiss the man on his cheek admiring his beautiful features.
"I love you Dabi"
A small smirk forms onto the man's face as he whispers the words back; "I love you Y/N"
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animestsstuff2 · 2 months
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ProHero Hawks x Fem Villainreader
Part 5
Master list here!
Content warning: blood, bruising!
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“H-Hawks!” His head turned as he spotted your bright white wings in the dark sky. A small smile settling on his face as you landed on the rooftop beside him. You sat down on the ledge, dangling your legs over with him.
“Hey Angel, whatcha’ up to?” He asked, staring ahead at the city, ignoring his increasing heart rate and warm skin.
A routine now settled between you both ever since the first night Dabi requested you go out to find Hawks. A routine that you both enjoyed but hated. You loved being able to just be out, to just stretch you wings and see things without Dabi hut hated why, hated how you would be made to ask Hawks specific questions, hated that this pro hero wasn’t a good guy. He couldn’t help you.
“Any crime tonight?” You asked glancing over at him and ignoring your own beating heart. The feelings that were settled deep in your stomach refused to leave and only grew. It hadn’t been long into this routine. A few more days before it would end but something about Hawks drew you to him.
“Nah, pretty quiet night” He yawned, tipping the remnants of his coffee can into his mouth. “What about you Angel? Anything nee in the League?”
“No, not really- well, actually we are mean’t to be leaving this city soon” Hawks feathers bristled as he shifted his earphones around his neck.
“Yeah? Forgot about that actually. Dabi mentioned it a while ago” He lied. His head turning to you as he smiled softly. Your heart skipping as your cheeks darkened.
“Y-yeah? We are heading to Deika city” You stated dumbly, very dumbly.
“Deika city! Thats the one Dabi mentioned though he never said what for. He did want me there, do you know why Angel?” Hawks prodded, you shook you head softly.
“No sorry Hawks. I don’t know why he wants you there but I know its because All for One has left something for Shigaraki to help him” Hawks just nodded cooly. Your mind elsewhere and missing the click of his phone.
“Hmm thats okay Angel. I haven’t heard from Dabi in a while y’know. You think you could mention to him about meeting up?” Hawks asked. His head turning back to gaze down on the city.
“Yeah sure! Um, do you have a place in mind? Or just want me to say to Dabi to contact you?” You asked feathers flittering behind you as the wind picked up.
“Hm? Just ask him to contact you- oh! I know. You have a cellphone yeah?” Hawks asked now turning back. You opened your mouth but the words stuck to your throat as you tried to conjure up a plausible lie.
No hawks! I do not have a phone actually! Dabi keeps me against my will and therefore i am unable to contact anyone.
But before you could force a lie out his headphones beeped. He flicked his visor down which now had a screen displayed and stood up sliding his headphones on and turning to you. He waved a quick goodbye and shot through the air not wasting another moment. You stared in slight awe at the swiftness of the Pro-Hero.
You were still out. You weren’t ready to go back yet nor did you want to. Your wings lazily kept you afloat in the air as you looked at the lit up city below. You wanted nothing more than to drop down and venture through the streets, window shop all the closed boutiques and grab a snack from some 24hour store but Dabi would kill you if you dared.
You scanned the sky before you. You were honestly hoping you’d see Hawks again, especially since Dabi wasn’t happy that you hadn’t got much information out of the hero yet. Your hooded eyes darted about once more. A yawn breaking your lips apart when a flash of red zoomed by.
Your eyes widened and your wings flexed as you followed the red flash that was slowing down, staggering and almost looked to be falling. You moved quickly, wings soaring against the air as you dropped to the red and yellow blur that was Hawks.
You seen now, seen that his wings were small barely there and definitely unable to support himself. His face was bruised and bloodied. His clothes torn. Your hands reached out and grabbed at his jacket. The weight of the pro almost caused you to fall with him but you pushed through, flexed your wings further and flapped harder.
His eyes widened as much as they could with the swelling skin at the angel above him—you, Angel. You had saved him from plummeting to his death. He watched you struggle and forced himself to wake up, to help you as much as he could. The last of his feathers left him, plumes falling away and zipping round to you.
A gasp left your lips as they filtered in with your own and gave you strength. The feeling was foreign and odd as you could almost feel the connected tether to each individual red plume. They clung to your white ones with support and allowed to you lift both Hawks and yourself. It took some struggling but you were able to pull him against your chest. Your arms wrapping tightly around his chest and under his shoulders.
“Heh—you really are an Angel huh, savin’ my life like that” Hawks mumbled against the skin of your neck where his heavy head rested.
Your cheeks burned at the feeling of his mouth on your skin. His hands lazily came and wrapped themselves around the small of your waist hugging closer to you.
Hawks knew he shouldn’t. He knew he could hold somewhere else, grab your arm or just keep his hands limp but he wanted to. These feelings that swelled in his chest, caused his heart to quicken, stomach to flutter and worst his bottoms to tighten. He could let them out just this once. After all he was technically hurt, technically not in a right state of mind.
“U-Um..You’re hurt! Hawks—where do I bring you?” You asked. The obvious answer was a hospital but you couldn't go there. You couldn't be seen. You sucked your lip between harsh teeth as you waited his reply.
You wanted for his response, wings flapping slower now getting used to the support from Hawks feathers and no longer feeling as though you were going to drop any moment now. Hawks brows knitted together as he felt his chest grow tighter.
Definitely a broken rib
"My place-ju-just bring me to my place" You nodded with firmness and took off. Hawks giving you muffled directions as your fingers curled into his back whilst you flew through the air.
You eventually found his place. A penthouse apartment. You landed on the roof as Hawks instructed..well more like fell on the roof. The minute your knees touched the ground you buckled unable to hold him up with just the strength of your legs. Hawks coughed at the abrupt landing and you immediately fumbled to get him back up
A string of apologies leaving your lips as you hooked his arm around your neck and positioned yourself under his arm to carry him in. Hawks only shushed you with a laugh but you could hear the strain behind it. You found his living room and gently set him down, turning the lights on. Finally getting a good look at the injured hero.
"H-Hawks you should really go to hospital!" You crouched down on bent knees before him. Your hands flying in all directions as did your eyes, unsure what injury to tend to first. He only rolled his eyes and set his head back on the sofa, spreading his legs with a sigh.
"M'alright Angel. I don't needa go to a hospital, just a few scratches" He reassured as he pulled his glove off and carded his fingers through his hair, pulling it back from his face. He put his avian eyes on you, taking you in from where you kneeled before him.
He couldn't deny how pretty you looked right now, even with only half your face showing. He just knew under that silly mask were pretty pink lips all chewed up with worry, worry that consumed your face as your brows wrinkled and eyes creased.
His hand moved before he could think to stop it. His rough thumb hooked round the top of your mask and tugged. It fell without much effort. Your lips parted and eyebrows raised as his thumb continued to smooth over your cheek. Your heart beat flooded your ears, stomach fluttered. His thumb moved just slightly down to the edge of your pink lips. You didn't mean to, it wasn't intentional as your tongue dipped out to wet the dry, cracking skin.
His eyes narrowed and his chest swelled. His skin bubbled with warmth and skin prickled as he hooked a finger under your chin and dragged your face forward. He wanted you up here, up on top of him.
You both wanted each other..until, until you realised--no, you shook your head, snapping yourself from his memorising eyes and looking away. Dabi's threat overriding what you truly wanted. Your quirk always putting him first and now.. now
You felt like you were going to be sick.
You snapped yourself from the fizzy of thoughts that bubbled in your mind and fell back onto your bum away from his hand. Your hand coming to slip the mask back up as you stumbled up. Hawks seemed to snap out of whatever it was he was under and tried to get up with you but fell back down and almost immediately the overwhelming atmosphere that consumed the both of you had disappeared and your concern returned to his injuries.
You looked around and spotted his kitchen, walking over and finding his kettle. You quickly boiled some water, found a clean washcloth and bowl. You checked under the sink and luckily found a medkit, bringing it all back to the coffee table before him.
You grabbed the warm, damp cloth and took a seat beside him. Your eyes fixated on anything but his as you gently pressed the cloth to the open wounds, cleaning both dry and fresh blood from his face. Your lip jutting out a bit as you found yourself annoyed someone would want to disfigure such an attractive man.
No--stop, don't think that. Hawks is not handsome.
He stayed silently as he allowed you to press and prod at his face. Your delicate fingers moving his face as you pleased, cleaning, wiping and disinfecting; which did sting a bit. You were eventually somewhat pleased and cleaned everything up, coming back to stand in front of him swinging your arms slightly as you still avoided eye contact.
"Thank you" Hawks low voice made you jolt a bit as you finally glanced at his eyes. They were tired and hooded as he stared back at you. A small ghost of a smile on his face.
"Y-You're welcome, anyone would have done it" You mumbled, grabbing your arm with your hand and once again turning your head to look out the large glass wall. The sun was beginning to rise.
"Maybe they would have but i'm glad it was you" His statement caused your cheeks to tinge pink as a smile broke out under your mask. Hawks liked how your eyes crinkled, at least he knew you were smiling.
"D-do you want me to call anyone? A friend..or, um- girlfriend?" You couldn't help but add that in. You were curious, thats all nothing more.
Just curious, you didn't care if he did or not. It wouldn't matter or change anyt-
"Girlfriend? No-" he laughed a bit, hand flexing up to his chest "no girlfriend unfortunately"
He eyed you a bit watching as your brow quirked ever so slightly. How your eyes widened just a bit and pupils dilated. Hawks wouldn't mind having you as his little girlfriend.
He shut his eyes at the thoughts that rushed to him and suppressed a groan. He already spoke to his doctor about these stupid primal needs that were getting in the way of his rationality but the only advice from his doctor was..
"Well, unfortunately Hawks science hasn't developed anything for people with your type of need. The best thing we have found is to just give in and find someone suited to it. It helps it pass quicker"
His cheeks burned and you noticed the sudden redness of his face, reaching a hand down. You pressed it to his cheek, catching him off-guard-when did he close his eyes? He looked up at you, seeing your brows knitted again in worry as you quickly walked off and shortly came back with a glass of water for him and some tablets.
"Take these. Do you want me to bring you to your bedroom?" You asked and Hawks glanced at the rising sun. He'd get no sleep in here with those big windows. He nodded curtly and reached a hand out.
You repeated your earlier actions, allowing him to lean on you as he guided you to his bedroom. The curtains were already drawn as you sat him on his bed and took a step back, placing the cup of water on the bedside table.
"I'll be alright, y'can go y'know" he reassured you with a small smile. You eyed him warily as he began to, well, struggle to take his top off. Pausing and wincing every few seconds as a sharp pain shot down his chest.
"Let me help you into bed then ill go" Hawks had no time to protest as you grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it the rest of the way off. A little to roughly for the weakened man and he tipped back blindly reaching a hand to grab something.
That something was you. His fingers curled tightly around your wrist and dragged you down with him. The bed caught you both with a bounce as he let out a staggered groan from your sudden weight on his definitely broken rib. You quickly pressed your hands to either side of him and lifted yourself so you were face to face with him.
"Are you crazy? Hawks I could have hurt you more!" You scolded him, completely ignoring just how close you were. Now laying between his spread legs
He just rolled his eyes at you and choked a laugh. You quickly stood back up and crossed your arms.
"Right thats it, i am leaving and I want you to rest" he waved a lazy hand at your retreating figure.
"You sound like a doting girlfriend Angel!" He yelled after you and your cheeks burned. "Gonna need my feathers back too!"
You stilled as what felt like sand bristling through your feathers caught you off guard. One by one his red plumes wriggled themselves free from their snug positions between your own plumes. The feeling was odd and sent a tingling feeling down your spin as you pushed the glass door open to the balcony and looked at the bright sky.
A sigh leaving your puffed cheeks as you jumped from the ledge and spread your wings out. Dabi was going to kill you. He always expected you back before the sun broke free.
You did not want to imagine the anger that was etched across his marred face. You knew how he would act. He was definitely already in your room, possibly trashed it in a fit of anger before sitting calmly on your bed. The only sign he was in any way furious would be the tap of his shoe. A tell tale sign that his patience was wearing thin.
You chewed your lip as you thought of an excuse, some lie to tell him. If you were able to believe the lie yourself. Your thoughts so caught up in your growing anxiety you failed to notice the tiny red plume that wriggled its way further into the fluff of white feathers, hiding itself.
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r2katsu · 10 months
Hi ♡ Sorry if it's confusing or oddly specific, but could you please write preferably a scenario for Dabi meeting and falling in love with a person (gn is possible) who uses a scythe and is normally very calm and quiet, barely speaks (looks super bored) until this person gets into a fight and they go CRAZY, insane, almost uncontrolable, laughing, smiling, almost scary when the danger get real? Like being in danger is pure adrenaline and FUN to this person and Dabi finds it... interesting... amusing ;b
scenario for when Dabi...
mha m.list | gn!reader | fluff + little bit sadistic (?)
tw: mentions of blood, murder, dead bodies
author's note: this is very rushed, sorry
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Witnessing a calm person’s rage will be one of the most chilling things you would witness in your life. To say you were a ruthless person wasn’t the word for it? You’ve always been the calm and collected one when it comes to mainly everything. But seeing as you were laughing maniacally as you stare down at the lifeless bodies you slaughtered in cold blood…surely you had your reasons, right? Doesn’t matter, we’re villains Dabi would say in his mind to calm himself after seeing your chilling reaction to your gruesome massacre. Then why was this new side he never saw before gave him a sense of endearment…. From all the time he spent observing you as just another member of the league he didn’t expect this. There was something amusing for him to be the only one seeing you in this state as everybody else was busy eliminating their own opponents, only him only he knew this side of you. You were enticing to say the least.
likes and reblogs are appreciated! 🤍
thank you for the ask, this was very endearing to write
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chososchalupa · 8 days
Game Night //
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
shigaraki x reader
College AU/No quirks/SMAU with a splash of writing
ch. 1
ch. 3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Chapter two : Is that a date?
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
@boogiemansbitch @lunamoonbby @ggriwm @johnnysactualgf @atomicweaselpaperapricot
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underwaterdevil · 1 year
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xkaidaxxxx · 5 months
Villain's Love
Dabi x reader
mentions: Contacting Dabi, friends reveal, the truth, Menstrual, New place.
1.8k words read part 1 ( Masterlist)
No proofread.
You attached the letter onto your bird and said, “ You know where to go.  Love you Niki.” He went flying away quickly. Mirio pushed open your door. “ You’re here!!” Neijire yelled, attacking you with a hug. You weren’t in the mood for a visit but they’re your best friend so who cares? She let go of you since you were so tensed up. “ Did the villain you were with threatened you?  How did it go?Did principal Nezu get angry and yell at you? They’re not expelling you right?” she asked. You looked angry. “ You told them I was speaking to a Villain?” you asked. She nodded. “ He was probably going to hurt you! But then I saw him leave so I thought he was telling you to warn the heroes about war or something?” she replied. “ ARE YOU STUPID!? WAR STARTED EVER SINCE THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS 1ST SHOWED UP AT UA!! YOU SHOULD’VE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT,BUT YOU CAN’T YOU LOUD MOUTH!!” You yelled wanting to slap her in the process but you held back. Neijire frowned. “ Why? He could’ve hurt you y/n. I care about you.” she replied. Tamaki closed the door and locked it. “ She had to tell the principal. It’s crucial.” Tamaki said. “ Since when do you ever comment about my decisions?” you asked. Defensively. “ What’s your problem? We want to make sure you’re doing alright. What’s going on with you? You leave the city early in the morning and come back late at night? What the hell have you been doing? Oh then suddenly you’re stuck at the hospital for 2 weeks and there’s no fucking visitors allowed?” Mirio asked. “We care about you," Neijire said with tears in her eyes. “ I’ve been great, actually Neijire ruined everything! I was tortured for god knows how many fucking hours!” you replied kicking a soccer ball you have. “ How is that my fault? I didn’t do anything bad.” she replied. “ That villain you caught me with is my boyfriend. Dabi.” you replied. The three of them were shocked as fuck. “ w-what since-what the fuck?” Tamaki said. “ We've been together for 6 months. Won’t tell you the details on how we met..it will make me relive the trauma. All I can say is he saved me from something horrible.” you replied. “You’re in love with a criminal. Y/n I think you took “ Criminal”by Britney Spears seriously.” Mirio said concerned as hell. “ Okay hold the fuck up. He treats me correctly, if he didn’t he would’ve been dead by now. I know my worth. Don’t play with me. I’m powerful, smart, kind and I have killer instincts. Our love is rational..beside the fact im a hero's daughter, hero in training and he’s a villain.” you replied. “  Cause,he’s a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this aint smart,but mama I'm in love with a criminal.” Neijire sang, You smacked her head. “Don’t try to be funny. I’m still mad at you. What they did to me 2 weeks ago..was painful. I could’ve died at any moment with my body being overworked. Being in excruciating pain.” you replied sitting down on your chair. “I’m sorry I ruined things. You really love him.” Neijire said. “ We won’t tell anyone just between the Big 4.” Tamaki said, smiling. “ Big 4.” You replied smiling. 
Dear Haru,
I’ve been missing you. Seeing Niki land on the fence in front of me made me feel joy and relief. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’ve been desperate to meet with you or even receive a letter. I got you a phone. It's for us to text..if anyone else touches it, it will self-destruct along with everything in it, so take great care of it. If it does happen I can get you another one as many times as I need. 
I’ve had love of fire within me. I won’t forget it. It’s burning brighter.
I’m upset that you had to experience that. Thanks for letting me know. I want and need to make sure you’re okay. I’m glad you’re doing better. The next time we meet I’m holding you closer than ever before. I love you my flame, more than anything. I’d do anything for my girl.
I’m doing well. Nothing has come up my flame. I’m safe. I have no kind of sickness, silly girl. I’m so honored you love and care about me, my queen. ;) I love you very much. My friends know to not mess with me. You know I’ll defend myself from those idiots. 
Hey…I know you want to know more about my past. I’m ready to tell you. It’s better to meet up. I need to do it face to face. I know you’ll understand. I’ve come to reason that there shouldn't be anything hidden between us. It’s about time isn’t it. Haha.
Also The show you told me to watch, I’m mid way into it and it's still boring, but as promised I’ll watch the entire thing! The main character is whiney as fuck. He needs a rude awakening. Does he really think he can get by that easily? He’ll be one stupid King. I swear if the ending is shitty I’m spanking you when we meet again. 
I love you baby.
Love, Dabi
“ I’m sorry…for dragging you into this..If anything happens you guys know nothing. “ You said. “ We have each other's back no matter what Y/n.” Mirio said. “ Does anything seem out of place here?” you asked. They examined the room. Every corner. “ No. It’s all clear. Why do you have some stuff of his in here?” Tamaki asked. “ You guys need to be more observant. That's totally her boyfriend's hoodie. The beanie too. Holy shit did he get you the album set?” Neijire asked. Mirio checked out the hoodie. “He’s into emo music?” he asked. “ Yeah mostly but he listens to other genres as well. I got him to listen to Taylor Swift. Cool right?” you responded smiling . “Ugh I’m dying for a boyfriend who listens to Taylor.” Neijire said, flopping onto your bed. “ You guys in all seriousness..I really am in love with him. I never thought I’d ever fall in love.” You said putting on his hoodie. “ Do you love him that much y/n?” Neijire asked, holding your hand. “ Yes. We learned so much from each other it's insane. He made me a bit of a rebel. I won't deny that. He’s maken me feel free. He made me realize I do have more choices than the ones given to me. That it’s alright to feel good after doing something bad. I felt great kicking that rude ass, annoying, asshole of a 1st year. I know fighting with him wasn’t allowed but it felt so good, ya,know. Yes, he ended up with recovery girl but it felt good. He disrespected my and I” you replied, hugging your pillow. “ You really didn’t have to go too far.” Tamaki said. “Mhm all heroes in training need to behave but someone like him needs a rude awakening.” you replied. “ We support you if you love him that badly.” Mirio said. Tamaki agreed. Neijire smiled and nodded yes. They said their goodbyes and left. About an hour later Niki came back. You opened the window allowing him in. “Good boy. Thank you.” you closed and locked your window. As you read the letter you felt relieved that he got the memo for the LOV to relocate. You cherished all the I love yous and how he was safe. You smiled throughout the entire thing. You grabbed the phone attached to Niki and Immediately called him. 
Phone call 
He heard his phone ring and pulled it out. Answering. You both were nervous for some god apparent reason. 
Y/n: “ D-Dabi?”
Dabi: Hi my flame. I’m glad to hear your voice. I thought you'd respond in 3 days. 
Y/n: Yeah fuck that. Also don’t tease me. 
Dabi: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too. 
You started crying. Happy to hear his voice knowing he’s okay. He started silently crying. 
Dabi: Y-you okay? Wh-y are you crying?
Y/n: I’m happy to hear from you. . Why are you cr-crying?
Dabi: Same reason as you. I’m happy to hear from you. You have no Idea how worried I was about you. I couldn’t even do my job right when Shigaraki sent me out. He eventually made me stay with him at the hideout. We’re getting ready to leave. He told me to tell you he says Thank you once we got in contact. Are you really okay now? Your body doesn’t feel drained or differently?
Y/n: I’m good, okay. I’m just pissed I got my period an hour ago. It totally sucks. I know my cramps will come soon. I still have tea to help.
Dabi: Damn that does suck. If the tea doesn’t work, take Midol. Do you have some?
Y/n: I think so, If I don't, I’ll ask the girls. I need them. My breasts are swollen and it hurts a bit and back pain sucks. I don’t get fatigued so that's good.
Dabi: Yes, flame, that's good. Please get some Midol. I wish I were there. I could be your personal heating pad. Hey, do you have one of my hoodies? I can’t find one. 
Y/n: Yes I do and a beanie. Hehe sorry. 
Dabi: Sneaky girl. How did you do it?
Y/n: You made me sneaky, babe
Dabi: Mhmm yes I did. Good girl. 
Y/n: That’s me! Don’t hang up, I need to use the bathroom real quick. 
You put yourself on mute. Doing your business. He stayed on the line waiting for you. After 5 minutes you were back unmuting yourself
Y/n: I’m back. First two days are  always heavy. 
Dabi: I’m highly aware those days you’d stay over with me. You’d get up like 3 times in the middle of the night to change. We’d both ended up restless. 
Y/n: I know Hehe but you loved having me over regardless. 
Dabi: Obviously maybe soon you’ll be able to sleepover with me.
Y/n: We can sleepover at my vacation home. It’s about 3 hours away. You have to agree this time okay.
Dabi: Okay let's do it. Anything for you. 
You got into bed turning on the heating pad to help with the cramps. 
Y/n: Babe… can you stay on the line until I fall asleep. Please. I don’t want to be alone tonight. 
Dabi: Anything for you my flame.
That night you guys talked for hours. They reached the hideout and eventually everyone went their separate ways within the building. He heard your snores, even then he didn’t hang up. He slept comfortably hearing you. It’s like you were there with him.
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LOV x fem!reader (hc)
‣Shigaraki invites u over to play games in te middle of te night, like you will wake up because this man keeps spamming ur phone untill u reply and come over.
‣You have been dragged from ur room multiple times by Toga because she wanted to have a girls night with you and Magne. But instead of asking she just drags you with her.
‣Magne and Toga are always willing to give u advice about boys, however Toga's advice mainly consist of how to kidnap your crush.
‣Whenever Twice has a crazy idea to which Shigaraki says no. You and Toga are always willing to help him still do it. Like the time you stole an icecream van together.
‣Whenever ur sad mr.compress always tries to cheer u up by doing small magic tricks, most of the time it works too.
‣When ur cold u always throw the blanket ur using at Dabi, wanting him to use his quirk to heat it up. He always complains that he isn't a human heater but he still does it for you.
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blurbios · 1 year
Being Dabi’s Doting S/O (Part 2)
cw: none
other: gn! reader, fluff
follow up to this
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As odd as it still felt when Dabi thought about it, he had gotten used to you caring for him. The mission Shigaraki had sent him on was a long and tedious one, no intense fighting, but tiring nonetheless. He was absolutely exhausted, the only thing that kept him going was the thought of seeing you light up when he walked through the door. Nobody told you that Dabi was coming home that night, so you were sitting in bed, typing out an essay for some random college kid that commissioned you. You started writing papers as a side hustle after having met the league so that you could help keep the lights on in the place. You were nearly finished when you heard the doorknob turning. “Ah, you’re home! Nobody told me, I’m sorry. Should I run you a bath? Did you eat?” You rambled on and on as he walked closer to you, visibly fatigued. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back, you quickly moved the laptop from your lap, careful not to delete your hard work. 
“I missed you.” He looked up at you, his head now resting on your thighs.
“I missed you too Dabi, I’m glad you’re back.” You ran your fingers through his messy hair. “How bad was it? Because I’ll fight Shiggy, I don’t care.” You hated seeing him look so drained.
“You don’t have to do that, it wasn’t bad. It just took too long, don’t worry.” He laughed a bit at the thought of you actually confronting Tomura. 
“I always worry, you know that.” You smiled down at him, taking a second to take in what was happening. Not one sarcastic remark, not one hand swat, he was nothing but genuine. He brought your free hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on each individual digit, you could feel the smile on his lips as he did so.
“I love you, y/n.” he said looking up at you admiring your features. He still had a hard time saying it, but he couldn’t believe that you were his. 
“I thought I was supposed to be the mushy one.” You joked. 
“Maybe you’re rubbing off on me too much.” He retorted like normal. He sat up and turned toward you, taking your hands in his. “Sometimes I think you’re too good for me.” You raised an eyebrow, taken aback by the sudden sincerity. “You’re so caring and kind, you shouldn’t be around people in the league, people like me.” His eyes dropped as he felt a bit ashamed. 
“If you really think all those things, you have to tell me what I can do to make those thoughts fade.” You removed your hands from his grasp and placed them on either side of his face. “I love you, Dabi. I want you to realize that you deserve good things too.” You inched closer to his face, so he had to look at you. “I mean it, I love you, more than anything.” He leaned forward to press his lips gently to yours. You both felt heat growing in your cheeks. You felt the familiar sensation of butterflies in your stomach, the same feeling as when you had first confessed to him. He leaned all his weight on you causing you to lay down. You wrapped your arms around him as he laid on top of you. 
“Maybe I am rubbing off on you too much.” You laughed. It was nice having the tables turned, him clinging to you instead of the norm. 
“I’m so lucky to have you.” He spoke lightly into your hair as he nuzzled closer. 
“And I’m even luckier.” You placed a soft kiss on his temple. You felt so lucky that he felt comfortable with you, comfortable enough to seek you out and rest his whole weight on you, comfortable enough to be vulnerable with you, and comfortable enough to show that he loves you. You were used to him doing little things, silent gestures of love, but this was new and it made you feel treasured. After all, you were his treasure, the treasure that he was lucky enough to stumble upon, and the treasure that he would never ever let go of.
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a/n: i dont think every league member is gonna get a part two, but this popped in my head and i knew i had to do it. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh thank y’all for enjoying these lil stories i write btw makes me happy xx
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
Heeey! So I´m sorry if it is getting a little repetitive for you but like your stories of Dabi with a teen!reader are just so amazing, so like, could I request for part 2 of teen!reader seeing Dabi as a father figure? 🥹 but like being more especific on how it happen? I´m not sure if my interpretation of the story is correct but I understood that reader was part of the LOV, kind of like Toga (being a teen and all), so maybe like reader being a little too energetic or maybe like too sane for being a villain so Dabi just feels the need to protect them taking into account that he feels that he is the sanest of them all, like he literally called Toga crazy in the very episode they met, I just would love to see the same scene but with Toga like wanting to take some of reader's blood while reader is like hell no, hiding behind Dabi 😂 just think it would be hilarious and very cute to see how both of them connected with each other, okay bye and thanks :3!
A/N: Hi and thanks for the request, I'm not sure if I have anything else to say at this moment..., so hope you like it!
+200ish words.
TW: Toga mentiones wanting reader's blood.
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When you first met Dabi, the situation was less than perfect.   
You had gotten to the wrong side of the law, and you somehow ended up at the LOV’s hiding place. They had made some good points and with your life being a lot less than perfect you were ready to do something that might help their cause.   
“Do you have a girlfriend?” It took you a second to see that the speaker was a girl about my age, Toga.   
“No..., I don’t have a girlfriend...” You responded, looking around for any help.   
“What a shame, I’m sure your blood would be so delicious... But if you don’t have a girlfriend, I can have a taste! Right?”   
Toga took a few steps closer to you, and you tried to back off not finding any words until your back hit another member, Dabi.   
“Toga, look at what you are doing to them, you can’t scare any new recruits.” Dabi sounded like he was mostly bored, but still I wanted to thank him for making Toga back off.   
Toga mumbled something about unfairness before sitting back down, arms crossed.    
When everyone took their leave Dabi came up to you.   
“Don’t care about Toga, she is just a bit insane... I’m Dabi by the way.” Dabi held his hand out to you which you shook and answered with your own name.   
“Nice to meet you, kid...”   
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urfavslav · 1 year
the league of villains x gn!rich/eccentric reader, christmas themes, platonic
It's that time of year again. Christmas decorations plastered on every store you pass by. Although, this year will be slightly different then normal. Instead of spending time with family, you have decided to spend your time and wealth on an organization that you've come to know exceedingly well.
The League of Villains.
Why, you ask? Well you weren't the best of all people. earning your riches in other ways some would never think of. but that's another topic for another day. Why not spoil your friends for the holidays.
The planning;
Calling kurogiri was the first part of your plan, gotta let them know about it somehow ‍🤷‍♂️
"Hi 'giri !!" you exclaimed over the phone. "Hello Mx. (Name), What brings you to the phone this time?" He was right with his question. Most days you just prance over uninvited, put your plans out in circulation and then let them agree on what they wanted to do.
"weeeeeell i'm planning something for you all. no spoilers, teehee, anyway back on topic, I'm gonna let you know know I'm done !!"
You could hear the mist man sigh, giving him absolutely no clue to what you're doing and a possible need for blood medication. But, he just goes with it anyway much to your delight. "alright then, anything i need to do for this 'suprize' ?"
You thought on it for a second before answering. "nope ! i'm gonna go shopping soon and i'll pick y'all up." and with that, you said your departings and hung up.
Next was the shopping, to be frank, a couple of them were easy to shop for.
Tomura had gotten new pairs of gloves and video game credits, systems and games.
You got toga a few winter wardrobe pieces and a few new knifes.
You'd decided a designer coat and deck of custom cards would be nice for mister compress
Dabi, on the other hand was a mystery so a quality burn creme, money and some clothes warmer then his 'emo jacket' seemed to suffice for you.
Everybody else their own gifts that you felt suited them
Over all everybody got a large sum of money to spend freely.
A glance at your phone and you rushed to gather the rest of the presents before ordering an uber home.
Dashing around your apartment to tidy and slide the last few dishes in the oven, ordering your household andriod to finish the rest. While you raced your vehicle to the league's place.
Upon being let in by the mist man, you explained that you had a suprise waiting for them at your place. "Everybody ! yes you too tomura, I've got a lil somethin' for everybody! kurogiri, C'mon! The car has room to spare."
As everybody (some begrudgingly) got comfy in your vehicle, you were off headed right back to your place. "hey, weirdo, do you have a radio ?" Dabi had asked from the passenger seat.
"yeah. hol' on." You pushed a few buttons and a hologram radio popped up. "Just find a channel, connect your phone or whatever burn boy."
The last word he offered was 'lame', offending your choice of names to call him before some song started playing. Song requests being taken from everybody in the car until they arrived at (name's) apartment.
"WE'RE HOME !!!!" You yelled out to the general public as you ran to unlock the first door. "come in, come in !! it's warm in here." Shoving all your friends into the building. "uhhh 11th floor, door on the right, there's only two apartments up there due to 'em being huge so yeah"
Shigaraki, now leading the group to the elevator, was cautious of how empty the building sounded. "are they serious ? top floor ?" The anxiety driven scratching could be heard from outside the elevator.
"it's hospitality tomura-kun. leave it be! you coming (name) ?" toga budding into the situation at hand. A short response of "i'll meet you guys there!" was shouted back.
"up we go ! oh no.." twices split personalities chimed in as they expressed their thoughts.
Now, the condo itself was gorgeous, spacious and just breath-taking. the Christmas tree full of lights and presents. (name's) cute lil dog running around the apartment, their android house-aid taking their coats and hanging them up.
"HAPPY CHRISTMAS YOU GUYS !!!" (Name's) loud voice was booming as you came in and locked the door. "Lets do presents and then dinner !!" Dashing over to the tree you started handing out boxes and gift bags.
"for you," a red and black box for compress. "you'll like it sako. and for you." a few boxes handed to toga.
"these are soooo cute !!! thanks (name) !!" toga's soft toothy smile gracing her feline features.
All around your misshapen circle of friends you could see such a different array of emotions, none really negative though.
After gifts was dinner, everybody filling their plates with what they desired and enjoying themselves. The day was so wonderful, as you ended with hot chocolate and sweets. Setting them up for the night wouldn't be that bad ?
Christmas sleepover ! You get to cook for your friends the next morning and spend time with them ! The majority agreeing to your plans and cleaning up and cozying down to a movie as some feel asleep to others commentary on the film.
You loved your friends dearly and you couldn't imagine not having them around.
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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