#vine guy
the-deadrobin · 4 months
Just found out Thomas Sanders has a Tumblr account and I'm gonna add that to my list of people-i-did-not-expect-to-be-on-tumblr-but-in-hindsight-it-makes-sense which only has one other person: Neil Gaiman
Edit: Archer guy that's on YouTube is also on Tumblr. That's neat. That's also no.3 on my list.
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erinhime83 · 1 year
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Its that time again for some Division designs!  I sort of go derailed from doing these thanks to the WfS rewrites, but I am determined not to wait another year to do the Cataclysm sequel, so here we are.  Three months out and me freaking out about the last couple of design pictures I need to do, lol.  These are simple and easy to do once I start on them, and they look neat, but it’s just the getting started that gets me, lol.
So these two are the first minor characters that I’ve done.  They sort of straddle the line – they’re not important enough for me to consider being major characters, but they’re not shoved to the back burner, so to speak.  But the fact that they are minor characters is probably why I was dragging my feet, since I had to figure out their style and all.
So first we have Felix, whose the second in command of the Lolita team, so he’s featured quite a bit.  When I first created him, he was supposed to be someone who simply did not like Nova for whatever reason.  He was supposed to be pretentious and an ass, thinking her newbie status was going to get in the way.  He’s still a bit pretentious, but as soon as I started writing him, all aspects of him being an ass disappeared and he somehow gained respect for Nova and I started to like him.  I mean, considering he’s on a lower tier team by choice would sort of suggest that he’s not completely full of himself.
He’s supposed to serve as the more grounded team leader, the one who understands their situation rather than be mad about their status.  They should be a top tier team, none of them truly want that, because they have seem how pretentious and annoying those teams can be.  Felix was drafted to the same team Astrid was on when they first started, and he’s like the only person who doesn’t view her powers as creepy and villain material, which is why he agreed to join her when she started her team.
I do see Felix as being a bit fashionable – he and Astrid have similar tastes – so I sort of slapped something hipster-y on him and I sort of like it?  It suits him, in any case.  The rest of him’s so dark that the green just pops, lol. 
As for his Storm King uniform, I didn’t design it, sadly, but it looks so much cooler than anything I would have come up with.  Granted, being as self-important that he is, you’d think he’d have a more complicated and expensive uniform, but I guess he just figures to stay on the level’s he’s at, and hey, what works, works.  He looks cool, and that’s all that matters.
The next one is Ethan, who is a fun character to think of scenarios with.  Too bad I couldn’t put them all in the first book, lol.  I’m not sure where the idea came from originally, but I loved the idea of the rest of his team claiming that his superpower was ‘laziness’ because he didn’t want to do anything, and also that he was forced to join by his parents.  And the idea that Blake is basically his keeper, frustratingly trying to get him to do anything.
But the thing is his power is super cool and useful and unusual.  Blake feels he has potential, which is why he keeps pushing him, and Ethan isn’t completely disinterested in the idea of being a hero, or else he wouldn’t listen.  It’s mostly that Ethan is a bit of a loner who would rather be doing anything else, but he’s slowly warming up to the team and the idea of being a hero.
And then the fight at the gala happened, and he had his first real taste of being a hero, and, well, Cosmic Star herself complimented his powers, so now he’s making more of an effort.  (Blake is a little worried that Ethan might be scooped up by a better team now that he’s Making An Effort, but he doesn’t need to worry, since Ethan wouldn’t want to acclimate to a new team.)
His style seemed easy enough – I ended up aging him down from what I originally had him at so he was younger than Nova, and sticking him in skater teen fashion just made sense.  It works well with him and his personality! 
AND THEN there’s his redesigned uniform.  I had always planned on Ethan getting a little more serious after Cosmic Star complimented him, and I realized last year that it should mean he has a new uniform, so I had to go and actually think about what he’s wear.  I’d imagine his parents were still the ones who designed it for him, lol.  It’s simple, but he looks really cool now.  Definitely more like a hero than some dude who threw something together.  I really like it.
So yeah, the first of the minor characters.  So more should be coming soonish, just so I can get all this done and over with.
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triona-tribblescore · 11 months
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He's a little silly but we support him all the same <3
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taeiris · 3 months
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in honor of our first byler set leaks and pride month
i present to you: the romantic goth byler i was yapping abt
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saturdaysky · 1 year
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you lose sight of it, somehow, when you consort with gods: how fragile mortals are, and how precious.
[gale of waterdeep & my pc, mayhew of nowhere in particular]
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matchstique · 10 months
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Country roads~~~
take me home~~
@onionninjasstuff ‘s dtyis ft. the villainous pb & j duo
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ohbother2 · 8 months
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Episode 2 in a nutshell
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noxx-33i · 6 months
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i had a thought....
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veearrifarrariboom · 7 months
Neon Void chapter 22 spoilers.
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AaaaAAAAA Filled another page :D um as for the chapter here’s how I feel about it:
Shakes you blows you up with my mind @sugarpasteltmnt
Also some doodles from before this mind boggling chapter came out
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bloopuoo · 1 year
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belated happy fathers day to baiken
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chewwypepsicola · 8 months
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hands that were not made to be gentle, machine made for hurting
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zitrovee · 1 year
College made me evil
i had a comic assignment for my creative writing class but im. not a comic writing guy. a funny one, to be worse. im not funny. thats what i made
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portuguese cause i forgor im brazilian and made the comic in english and posted it and then i had to post it again in my actual language wtf
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zorionbbq · 5 days
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oueghhhgh story with the eyebrows of all time
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illuminakisser · 6 months
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ok info about whats theorized to be medkits nightmare GO
Title of game : . (its a period)
Icon is the same as base game, background is the default one
The music playing is just overtime slowed down by a lot
1. MAP
You spawn on a road with sidewalks that have candles, you have a lantern in your inventory.
As you walk you will occasionally see an exit sign.
Halfway, pillars stretch up from the ground, most are normal but some are shaped like hands that reach to the sky. On top of the hands are weird figures with glowing green eyes and horns that look like something from the flaming horns series?
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(thats the closest thing i could find,,,)
At the end of the road is the default Happy Home, though with minor modifications. An exit sign is right at the stairs and pointing at the door. Tube tvs are inside the home, a giant one at the middle against the wall with two stacks of tvs in the corners. The left side has one tv off, while the others are full of red static. They don't do anything when interacted with.
Note: This sorta resembles the thumbnail for scythe's teaser.
They also look like the TVs in broker's secret room (i reached the image limit so cant show ough)
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Outside to the left and on top of the house are the same weird green eyed figures.
There are many figures running around saying various phrases,
phrases that ive seen:
"you traitor"
"do something"
"be useful"
"please help me"
"Useless support"
"Help me!"
"please just heal me"
"Please heal me"
"How's your eye?" (Idk if this is random dialogue or subspace dialogue)
Though, some of these figures are saying things from medkit ally dialogue.
Ingame dialogue phrases:
"Do I really want to work with a rebel on my team?" - Banhammer
"Hey!! Great seeing you!!" - Subspace
"How's that eye doing??" - Subspace
You are chased by an overseer eye, it can't be stopped permanently. Though, it can be halted by positioning yourself in the right area, however, it has good pathing and can jump extremely high, so you can't hide from it.
Getting caught by it results in an image showing up on the screen, this rewards you a badge the first time you see it.
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Random note: the eye is weirdly clean? im not sure if its medkit's eye or not since I remember soda saying that subspace just threw the eye away,, (not sure if this is still canon)
After this you get kicked from the game with the message "You must kill him to become him."
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The interesting thing is that this is the description of the overseer eye cosmetic.
This probably means something like "you must kill overseer to become him" or something but what does that mean who is killing overseer huh what
↑ ok theories have been made (thank u discord user ankles0560 for the medkit part)
The one killing him might be either medkit or katana.
KATANA : there is dialogue between katana and ban hammer
Ban Hammer: "You can't get involved with the business of the dudes higher up." Katana: "And who will stop me?"
↑ I will expand on this later but im eepy rn help
MEDKIT : ok the whole thing is about Medkit so the kick message is probably the overseer eye talking to Medkit,,
Soda has said that if Katana knew more about Medkit, he would kill him. This could mean multiple things but very interesting hm
Another interesting thing is the jumpscare noise, it is a jumpscare noise used in old games.
The interesting part is what it is, the noise is actually the sound of the subspace tripmine slowed down, whether this was just coincidence or because of the subspace thing is unknown, it might even be both?
Not really related to the tower but just what we know about the cult
A religious group within lost temple, not everybody from lost temple is a member of it.
It is mentioned in Medkit's phone dialogue.
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Every member of the cult is missing an eye.
Soda has mentioned that the reason why Sword's eye isn't missing is because he wasn't born in lost temple.
CORRECTION: Sword was born in lost temple, but wasn't raised in it. The point still stands that this is the reason why he hasn't lost an eye.
Based on dialogue between medkit and banhammer, it has been around for a while now. (THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME)
It is unknown what the goals or structure of the cult are currently.
They have a uniform, Medkit, Scythe, and Broker share the motif of outfits of mostly teal.
Scythe calls Vine Staff "blessed" in her dialogue with her, this is related to the cult somehow since in the same conversation Vine says "No! You and your creepy family can buzz off!"
^ According to broker, her curse is rare but she isn't the first one to have it.
They call themselves a family, and call Overseer their Father.
Overseer info:
There is barely any, but this is what we know.
They are referred to as a leader, it is unknown whether they are the faction leader or just the cult leader.
Scythe refers to him as a deity, whether they truly are one, manipulated the cult into believing they are, or the cult simply calls him a deity is unknown.
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An alternative is that she isn't talking about overseer here at all, though if that is so we don't know if she's talking about a sfoth deity or a different one. ← if it is a sfoth deity, it is most likely to be darkheart or venomshank (or maybe even ghostwalker? idk)
btw soda said this. soda wdym
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Feel free to add more info or things i missed/got wrong in reblogs or comments!!
pls do say more info if you have it im making this based on what the guys im theorizing with are saying i didnt have time to do more than 1 playthrough
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weepingalaxy · 8 months
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i their dynamic is so stupidly funny. pauling putting the L in lesbian
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They are NOT beating the gay allegations dawg 😂
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