#vintage aerial hoop
aerial-hoop · 10 months
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purple-apple-art · 3 months
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All the stars in the sky and I would still pick you as my favorite.
Pinky's favorite acrobatics are aerial acrobatics. He loves high places and keeping everyone on their toes. You might think there is no safety net, but just trust there are always Scrapies around to take care of that too. Not that Pinky needs it.
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niknak-paddywack · 1 year
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This is my art for the second day of Clown art month! Pride!! I was just gonna do a pride/rainbow colored clown, but then I got to thinking of making a couple for it, and I eventually got this. They're a play on a traditional nuclear family, but they're both vintage housewives with a beautiful daughter and a "circus peanut" son. One is the lesbian pride flag and the other is the bi pride flag. It isn't really noticable on either of them but I think it's cute that it's subtle. The weird shapes in the background is their family set of aerial hoops. The biggest circle is for the ginger clown, the heart is for her wife, the smaller circle is for their daughter and the smallest is for their son when he's old enough. They're freaking adorable I can't
Credit for the prompt list - @clownartmonth
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femmefatalearchives · 9 months
Feminine Physical Activity
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A great way to express your feminine energy is by doing physical activities or dancing. A feminine woman should also always have a talent of some sort.
The best dances/exercises to help bring out your feminine energy:
Belly dancing ( very sensual and feminine)
Tahitian Dance (similar to belly dance, but a bit more advanced)
Persian dance ( elegant, feminine, expressive, and ladylike)
fan dance (pretty, elegant, and feminine
Ballet (of course very elegant)
Samba dance (Fun and sensual)
Flamenco dance (Very fun)
Synchronized swimming (Elegant, feminine)
Figure Skating
Aerial hoop/lyra/silks (can look very beautiful, and has pole dance like moves, but will not look uncomfortable)
Burlesque (fun, sensual, elegant, vintage, and acting. A whole performance!)
Heels dance (very sensual and feminine)
Floor work (also very sensual and feminine but more on the sensual side).
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bearlyloved · 1 year
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When you see a dollie bear how do you treat her ? Does she get a say in how she's loved ? If she doesn't how can you be sure you that even love her at all ?
MAMABEAR An indie, fandomless oc stitched by Savbear inspiration taken from various media as well as vintage dolls & memorabilia as well as a passion for aerial arts such as silks, hoop & trapeze  / crossover friendly with plenty of verse to come.
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© Ryan Pernofski
Aerial [H.S.]
By Peanutboyfriend
Here is a captivating story down to every detail. Set in 1965 Malibu, CA, this adventure follows Sweeney, a pro surfer, famous aerial artist (described as Harry Styles), and an original main character who have been thrown together as lead act aerialists in a circus. This novel pulls you into the impact zone, a perfectly crafted world that is nothing short of ethereal. I chronically find myself wanting to step right into this fantasy. It is a slow burn, full of tension, twists, molten hot, sickly sweet moments, and angst.
Extra Information & disclaimers below the cut
Ever lit your favorite scented candle then fallen asleep, so it burned all night , and the notes of the wax make the air exceptionally swirly thick? Have you been high or never been high before? No worries, this book will have you metaphorically eating your favorite fruits, drinking milkshakes, wrapped up in the safest embrace while watching an uninhibited sunset from atop the softest pink clouds imaginable.
Here are non-spoiler Reviews and bonus, a Trailer
Disclaimers: Mature content - read at your own discretion. Aerial is a novel layered heavily with heavenly details, so it is for people who love to savor and read or those willing to take a leap from short books and appreciate that every paragraph is poetry.
Now for the !Kinda plot spoilers! Aerial is an accurate depiction of navigating a romantic relationship and the ups and downs of trying to create a healthy dynamic and often having to get things very wrong before you get them right.
If it moves you as much as it did me, well, then you will never be the same person again. Perhaps to be broken apart and put back together in the best kind of way.
All the love, re
All my thanks and well wishes to the writer I share a name with!
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darlingartt · 4 years
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✨black girl magic✨
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thedollfacedames · 4 years
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Host @vixendeville and Damss founder @lolabouteepresents will be cohosting our 12 year Anniversary celebration. Join us online Saturday January 23rd for an all out party with past and present performers. Enjoy singing, dance, and variety like you’ve never seen!!! #lolabouteepresents #thedollfacedames #aerial #hoop #aerialist #circus #dance #vintage #entertainment #events https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ-NPayr-gQ/?igshid=opxsmvk9dc90
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thecircusgirl · 6 years
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Vintage Circus | Nina Leen, Photographer (1949) | LIFE.com
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maesvtro · 4 years
73 questions.
i was tagged by @drunklili​ thank you so much love 💕✨ i have the q&a under the cut so i don’t clog up people’s dashes. tags are under the cut as well <3
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?? it’s okay so i guess a 5
describe yourself in a hashtag?? #clowned
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?? well, uh, idk, i guess irl it would probably be tom holland?
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?? a half of the horror twins
what’s one thing people don’t know about you?? i am very good at lying i guess? i can always talk my way out of stuff
what’s your wakeup ritual?? i just lie down on my bed and procrastinate before getting up and brush my teeth and wash my face and go to the washroom
what’s your go to be ritual?? i lie down on my bed, go on my phone and stay up til an ungodly hour before plugging my phone in to charge, play some music and pass out
what’s your favorite time of the day?? golden hour
your go to for having a good laugh?? b99 or john mulaney
dream country to visit?? the us and russia
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?? a once good friend of mine showing up at my school after leaving for britain, i think i almost cried
heels or flats/sneakers?? heels and sneakers, i am a big hoarder of sneakers, especially nike and adidas ones ehehehhe
vintage or new?? depends on the brand but both
who do you want to write your obituary?? uuuh, not answering that
style icon?? lisa manoban, margot robbie, zendaya, kang seulgi and dove cameron
what are three things you cannot live without?? the internet, family, and food
what’s one ingredient you put in everything?? i don’t put one specific thing in everything, i just put whatever i think will taste nice in that dish
what 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?? are we counting fictional characters because I can go on and on forever. Zendaya, Timothee Chalamet and Margot Robbie. I cook for my family too much <3
what’s your biggest fear in life?? losing people i love
window or aisle seat?? aisle :)
what’s your current tv obsession?? the witcher
favorite app?? my social media apps
secret talent?? i can do aerial silks and hoops
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life?? i have been on a trapeze before and i love it 
how would you define yourself in three words?? sarcastic, fun, chaotic
favorite piece of clothing you own?? a light blue vintage denim jacket my grandma owns and she gave it to my sister and i traded a black denim jacket for it with her
must have clothing item everyone should have?? a leather jacket
superpower you would want?? magic?
what’s inspiring you in life right now?? i don’t know
best piece of advice you’ve received?? more espresso less depresso
best advice you’d give your teenage self?? don’t wear that
a book everyone should read?? lord of the rings the trilogy
what would you like to be remembered for?? my achievements
how do you define beauty?? depends
what do you love most about your body?? my lips
best way to take a rest/decompress?? music and tv shows, selfcare!!
favorite place to view art?? museums and the city
if your life were a song, what would the title be?? “stop swearing so much”
if you could master one instrument, what would it be?? my singing ability or the guitar
if you had a tattoo, where would it be?? my inner wrist
dolphins or koalas?? dolphins
what’s your spirit animal?? harley quinn
best gift you’ve ever received?? a box of the chronicles of narnia
best gift you’ve ever given?? a jar of paper stars with my sister for my mom, we wrote messages on the paper :))
what’s your favorite board game?? uno and cards against humanity
what’s your favorite color?? blood red
least favorite color?? musty orange
diamonds or pearls?? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer?? designer
blow-dry or air-dry?? both
pilates or yoga?? aerial yoga
coffee or tea?? both
what’s the weirdest word in the English language?? cocoa, like how tf do you pronounce that
dark chocolate or milk chocolate?? dark
stairs or elevator?? both
summer or winter?? summer
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?? meat, i never get tired of meat
a dessert you don’t like?? apple crumble, don’t hate me
a skill you’re working on mastering?? not procrastinating
best thing to happen to you today?? my uncle bought back char siu after his run and i almost cried (char siu is a chinese pork)
worst thing to happen to you today?? my procrastination 
best compliment you’ve ever received?? that i’m easy to talk to 
favorite smell?? the ocean or citrus 
hugs or kisses?? boTH
if you made a documentary, what would it be about?? comics and the entertainment industry
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?? lisa’s lili film #3
lipstick or lip gloss?? lipstick
sweet or savoury?? savoury
girl crush?? oh my god so many, lisa manoban, zendaya, kang seulgi, margot robbie, lilly collins, dove cameron, and song yuqi
how do you know you’re in love?? i’ve never been in love, unless fictional characters count?
song you can listen to on repeat?? any blackpink song because yg don’t give them a comeback and i’m salty
if you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?? probably a kpop idol so see how hectic their lives are
what are you most excited about at this time in your life?? finishing my hsc and graduating
tagging!! @alinagenya, @ohwarnette, @edgarallan, @lucypcvensie, @chloexmorningstar, @mollyweasly, @florenepugh, @cecilylightwood, @highqueen, @panhansolo, @darlingfeyree and anyone who wants to do this
-> as usual, feel free to ignore :))
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clowncarecore · 5 years
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Here’s Tanshin’s Playroom!
Outfitted with an aerial hoop, a stage, gothic hints and beautiful lights, he spends almost all of his time here. I cleaned up a bit for the photo, but if you squint you’ll see Tanshin’s favorite toy, a stuffed creepy clown. He loves the creepy stuff, which makes him special in my eyes.
Normally, his toys are more visible. He’s got some paint-splattered juggling pins, a huge mat for his slapstick (which he’s recently started to grow out of, but that’s okay, Kik-Kik can easily use it), long black and white hankerchiefs, and a ton of vintage books for him to pretend to read upside-down.
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agentlereckoning · 4 years
What I think about Alison Roman
Any Gen-Z’er with a Twitter account has probably seen the latest Gen-Z Icon Controversy, i.e. the one involving Alison Roman. In case you’re not caught up on its details,  the tl;dr is that The New Consumer (which appears to be a one-white-man show of an online publication steered by a former Vox and Business Insider employee named Dan Frommer) published an interview with Alison last Thursday — an interview where Alison, when asked about the difference between “consumption and pollution” (as if there even is a material difference), said:
“I think that’s why I really enjoy what I do. Because you’re making something, but it goes away.
Like the idea that when Marie Kondo decided to capitalize on her fame and make stuff that you can buy, that is completely antithetical to everything she’s ever taught you… I’m like, damn, bitch, you fucking just sold out immediately! Someone’s like ‘you should make stuff,’ and she’s like, ‘okay, slap my name on it, I don’t give a shit!’
Like, what Chrissy Teigen has done is so crazy to me. She had a successful cookbook. And then it was like: Boom, line at Target. Boom, now she has an Instagram page that has over a million followers where it’s just, like, people running a content farm for her. That horrifies me and it’s not something that I ever want to do. I don’t aspire to that. But like, who’s laughing now? Because she’s making a ton of fucking money.”
This is the quote that most people who’ve followed this drama have latched onto, and I’ll come back to discussing it in a moment. I’m really not sure why the interview was published at all, other than for a publicity or financial boost during these times, because I don’t think anything worth hearing was uttered by either the interviewer or interviewee. Moments in the interview seemed either tone-deaf or trivial to the point where I wondered why they were included at all. Early on, for example, Alison laments that she hasn’t been making enough money during this pandemic. (She does not live in want of money.) Later she half-jokingly complains that her public persona has been reduced to “anchovy girl”, ostensibly because she often uses them in her cooking. (She does, and often proudly owns that fact, which makes this complaint pretty uninteresting.) But the point of this interview was meant to be, I think, a rumination on how Alison would turn her belief that she “isn’t like the other girls” into practice.
It’s a common thing to desire, I think — this ingenuity balanced with relatability, and I think seeking this balance is what propels so many people my age. Few things are more embarrassing to us than unoriginality, than being a carbon copy of someone else, yet few things are scarier than social rejection. We don’t want to like the same things as everybody else, but we want at least some people to like the things that we like. I think it’s what drives certain subcultures to exist in the first place, the way that subsections of people can congregate around something or someone, reveling in each other’s presence but also in knowing that they are, in fact, just a subsection of the greater population. 
This mentality is, admittedly, sort of what drove me to like Alison Roman in the first place. For background: the first time I cooked a recipe of hers happened unwittingly; in December 2018, I saw the recipe for the salted chocolate chip shortbread cookies that became known as #TheCookies (Alison’s virality can be encapsulated by the fact that all of her most famous recipes have been hashtagged, e.g., #TheStew, #TheStew2, #ShallotPasta or #ThePasta), but I made them without knowing that Alison was the person behind the recipe. The cookies were good (though I think any recipe with over two sticks of butter and a pound of dark chocolate is bound to be good.) At some point about a year later, I watched a YouTube video published by NYT Cooking where she made her white bean-harissa-kale stew, and I thought she was funny and really pretty and, like me (I think), had a fastidious yet chaotic energy that I always thought made me awkward but made her seem endearing. Alison’s recipes taste good, they come together really easily, and you don’t need special equipment or a lot of kitchen space to execute them. It’s why I’ve committed at least three of them to memory, just by virtue of making them so often. I liked her recipes so much that, for over three months, one of my Instagram handles was inspired by one. But I also liked her, or wanted to be like her, or some combination fo both. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be her friend, or that I didn’t aspire to her lifestyle of Rachel Comey clothes, glistening brass hoop earrings that cost 1/4 of my rent, regular trips to downtown Brooklyn or Park Slope farmers’ markets or small butcher shops where the purveyors all knew her name, an always-perfect red gel manicure, the capacity to eat and drink luxuriously and seemingly endlessly and to have the money for a yoga studio membership to help her stay slim anyways. 
Of course all of those things are signifiers of social class more than anything else. But in oligarchical, consumerist societies, what is expensive and what is good become two overlapped Venn diagram circles, and I have not yet reached a level of enlightenment to be able to fully tease the two apart. And while I would never drop $425 on a jumpsuit, no matter how pretty I think it is, I could crisp up some chickpeas, stir in vegetable stock and coconut milk, and wilt in some greens, and act like my shit was together. I liked Alison because when I first started liking her, she hadn’t yet risen to the astronomical level of digital fame that she enjoys now, and by making her recipes, some part of me believed that I would be inducted into a small group of her fans who, by serving up her dishes, telegraphed good taste.
This idea of “good taste” is a complicated and racially charged one. Alison is white; she lives in one of the whitest neighborhoods in Brooklyn (maybe even all of New York City); her recipes cater to a decidedly young, white audience. I think another reason why her dishes hold so much Gen-Z appeal, beyond their simplicity and deliciousness, is because they sit at the perfect intersection of healthy-but-not-too-healthy and international-but-not-too-international. Her chickpea stew, for example, borrows from South and Southeast Asian cooking flavors, but you wouldn’t need to step foot into an ethnic grocery store or, god forbid, leave Trader Joe’s, to get the ingredients for it. The shallot pasta recipe calls for an entire tin of anchovies, and you get to feel cool and edgy putting a somewhat polarizing food into a sauce that white people will still, ultimately, visually register as “tomato sauce and pasta” and digest easily. All of the recipes in her cookbook, Nothing Fancy (which I received as a gift!), are like this. She doesn’t push the envelope into more foreign territory, probably because she doesn’t have the culinary experience for it (which is totally fine — I never expected her to be an expert in anything except white people food), and probably also because if she did push the envelope any further, her book, with its tie-dyed pages and saturated, pop-art aerial shots, wouldn’t have been as marketable. 
That’s what’s unfortunate — that white people and white-domineered food publications have been the arbiters of culinary taste in the U.S. for centuries. I’m thinking about Julia Child, about bananas foster being flambéed tableside and served under a silver domed dish cover, about the omnipresent red-and-white-checked Better Homes & Gardens cookbook, about Guy Fieri and Eric Ripert and Ina Garten and the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen. I’m thinking about how white women have long been the societally accepted public face of domestic labor when it was often Black women who actually did that labor. It’s Mother’s Day today, and I’m thinking about how, in middle school, I’d sometimes conceal my packed lunch of my favorite dishes my mom made — glass noodles stir-fried with bok choy, cloud ear mushrooms, carrots, and thinly sliced and marinated pork; fish braised in a chili-spiced broth — so that my white friends wouldn’t be grossed out, and so that I wouldn’t have to do the labor of explaining what my food was. 
And I’m thinking of that now-notorious Alison Roman quote. To be fair, Marie Kondo and Chrissy Teigen do have large consumer and media empires, which have become profitable and which require huge teams of people to sustain. Both of them probably do have large amounts of money at their disposals. What’s weird to me is that Alison accuses both Marie and Chrissy of “selling out” because they each branded their own lines of purchasable home goods, yet Alison herself said in that very same interview that she had also done that very thing. It’s just that Chrissy’s line is sold at Target, while Alison’s, according to her, is a “capsule collection. It’s limited edition, a few tools that I designed that are based on tools that I use that aren’t in production anywhere — vintage spoons and very specific things that are one-offs that I found at antique markets that they have made for me.” I suppose it’s not “selling out” if it caters to the pétite bourgeoisie. I don’t know if Alison is explicitly racist, since I don’t know if she called out two women of color simply because they are women of color, or if she genuinely just so happened to select two of them. But that she feels like she has the license to define things as “selling out” based on who the “selling-out” behavior caters to reeks of white entitlement. 
There’s also an air of superiority with which she describes how she would market her product line:
That would have to be done in such a specific way under very intense standards. And I would not ever want to put anything out into the world that I wouldn’t be so excited to use myself.
She says this right before talking about Marie Kondo and Chrissy Teigen, accusing them of being lackadaisical and unthoughtful (”okay, slap my name on it! I don’t give a shit!”; “people running a content farm for her”) when she likely has no idea what the inner workings of either of their business models are. To be sure, it could very well be true that Marie and Chrissy have handed off these aspects of their brands to other people. But for Alison to assume that they have, and that her own business management style would, by default, be better because she would retain control, is egotistical. 
Alison ends the interview by proclaiming that her ultimate goal is to be different from her contemporaries. She says, 
To me, the only way that I can continue to differentiate myself from the pod of people that write recipes, or cookbooks or whatever, is by doing a different thing. And so I have to figure out what that is. And I think that I haven’t ultimately nailed that. And I’m in the process of figuring it out right now.
I expect that her path to “differentiation” will contain riffs on the same iterations of preserved lemons, anchovies, canned beans, and fresh herbs that she’s always relied on. I expect people will still think she’s cool, because that’s easy to achieve when her recipes and aesthetic are a series of easy-to-swallow-pills,  when she tells the cameraman not to cut the footage of her accidentally over-baking her galette, and when being a white creative and working among mostly white colleagues means that she’ll get a lot of latitude. I expect she’ll continue to sell out, which is completely fine, so long as she’ll be candid with herself and actually call it selling out. 
And I want to learn recipes from a chef who looks like me, and I want that chef to be “marketable” enough to achieve Alison’s level of fame. I want people of color to get to decide what recipes deserve their own hashtag. I want Alison Roman to be emotionally okay, because Twitter backlash can be vicious. And I kinda want to buy Marie Kondo’s drawer organizers now. 
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emilycrafty · 5 years
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Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Lot of Vintage Wood Circus Animals Lion & Honey Bear https://etsy.me/2LePNOU . . . . . #circusinternational #bendy #lyrahoop #cirque #dance #aerialhooptricks #aerialdance #circuseverydamnday #aerialarts #aerialfitness #circuslion #hoop #circusartist #honeybear #circusaroundtheworld #aerial #circus #aerialnation #cirqueduinsta #flexibility #aerialsilks #acrobatics #circuseveryday #aerialist #circuslife #aeriallyra #circusarts #circusinspiration #aerialistsofig via @hashtagexpert https://www.instagram.com/p/B11pCDggirC/?igshid=1qhtdjc3hkwr8
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lesliezemeckis · 7 years
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Vintage aerialist - they make it look easy #flying #aerial #emojis #showgirl #vintage #burlesque #1920 #lyra #hoop #burlyqji
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thedollfacedames · 3 years
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Who’s ready for a night of fantasy? We love being the company that brings smiles to people’s faces. Our artists do it all…Fire, aerial, magic, dance, singing, contortion, hoops, sideshow, & more!!! Whether in person or online we always have entertainment for you to enjoy. Plus we often have surprises in store ;) Check-out @lolabouteepresents page to see this beauty tomorrow. Check-out our bio to find out how we bring the Speakeasy to you 🥃 🔥 #vintage #classic #pinup #model #dance https://www.instagram.com/p/CSI3g2DLx3g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lightscameramagicrp · 5 years
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LCM Studios Cast & Crew, You’re Invited...
To celebrate Gigi King’s 430th birthday! Gigi King is inviting everyone studio-wide to a Roaring 20′s themed New Years Eve extravaganza at her mansion. 
LOCATION: Gigi King’s Home (Click here for a quick description/visuals of what it looks like)
DATE: Dec. 31st 2019-Jan 1st 2020
TIME: 9pm - 8am
DESCRIPTION: Join King for her lavish and over the top birthday celebration. Town cars are available to take you to and from the venue. There will be an endless supply of drinks and appetizers for every species being catered throughout the party as well as private chefs who can prepare you any creation your heart may desire. Each room will be decorated from head to toe to highlight a different aspect of the 1920′s. There are roulette tables and gambling down in the west wing, King’s old movies playing in the home theater, and even a speakeasy located behind a book shelf in the library where those who want to can partake with edibles and other paraphernalia and those who are openly sober are kept out. Aerial dancers twirl around in silks and hoops hanging from the ceilings while dance floors line the beach. Take a dip in the pool, take a boat out onto the water to watch the fireworks explode overhead or dance your heart out to exclusive performances from top bands and singers like Panic! at the Disco, Lizzo and LCM’s own Jacquelyn Presley. You’re not going to want to miss the party that is sure to give Gatsby a run for his money.
ATTIRE: Authentic/hand beaded flapper dresses and vintage suits will be provided upon entry.
[OOC: Now that we’ve moved to discord, we thought it would be fun to have an aspect of this New Years Event on Discord. If you’re not going to be around tonight and tomorrow, feel free to post a starter about being at Gigi King’s party on the dash. But, if you are going to be around, feel free to join our Discord Event Chat that will operate similar to a Chatzy Event (more information about how it will run etc. will be available in our Discord OOC Group). Also, all previous plot drops for the event are still in effect, so feel free to continue to play your characters out as being magically happy and overly honest.]
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