onenicebugperday · 2 months
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@vitunhienokivi submitted: Hello! I was wondering if you could ID this lovely fella (maybe a stink bug?), found in eastern Finland! It was climbing on me and then fell when I accidentally swiped it a little. It seemed a little surprised but then kept going about it's bugly business!
Hello! Yes, definitely a stink bug. Stink bugs are pretty tough so a little swipe won't have hurt it at all. This fella is a forest bug, Pentatoma rufipes.
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nylarac · 8 months
tagged by @tourniqitty!
nine people you want to get to know better
last song: the clock by johnny manchild and the poor bastards
favourite colour: blue!
last movie/tv show: dungeon meshi for show <3 and brokeback mountain for movie
sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet for sure tho i do love a mix of sweet n savory
last thing i googled: weather tomorrow (74 degrees btw too warm)
current obsession: hrmm well reading dungeon meshi was the most recent one or maybe portal revolution actually tho that was shorter lived and less all-consuming i am kind of in between obsessions now i think
last book: dungeon meshi.. if that counts
looking forward to: the release of dragon's dogma 2! and celebrating my best friend's birthday (pt 3) + new episode of dungeon meshi ok u know i said i was in between obsessions but maybe i am not really actually considering it has been mentioned so many times here
tagging: @valcadash, @leximaven, @mewto, @vitunhienokivi, @threeofswords, @maliciouscrow, @fullbrave, @rosyfinch, and @corgisenpai!
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iturbide · 4 years
I have no brain so I can't ask any specific questions but I would love to hear more about Kintsugi!! Just anything, I am HUNGRY for that good good Golden Deer content of yours 🙏 (also I hope good things come your way soon, you deserve them! 🧡)
You are very kind friend I too am hoping that more good things come soon because the past couple weeks have Not Been Kind =v=
I am still so psyched about Kintsugi though because it’s my ultimate in Golden Routes.  It’s got everything: Golden Deer base, Dimitri surviving, Ferdinand von Aegir...what more could we really ask for?
Might as well start off with a few incidental details.  First off, while ‘Kintsugi’ is technically a work in progress title, it’s one I actually like how well the association fits.  Kintsugi itself is a Japanese art form where broken pottery is repaired with a lacquer mixed with gold.  The underlying philosophy of it treats the breakage as part of the item’s history, rather than the end of its life -- and as a story, that’s what this story aims for.  Edelgard’s attack on the monastery and the war that followed was a shattering force on Fodlan...but it isn’t the end of its history.  With Claude in the lead, the Golden Deer aim to repair the damage to the nation, rather than reforging it into something entirely different the way Edelgard does.  Kintsugi as a concept really encapsulates everything that I want the story to do.
While it’s based out of a Golden Deer playthrough, with Byleth returning after five years and meeting Claude, deciding to take advantage of the monastery’s strategic location, getting Judith in the fold along with the reinforcements from her territory...things start veering off once we get to Myrddin.  That’s where they face Ferdinand, who has arrived on Edelgard’s orders to keep the bridge from falling into enemy hands...and then, rather than killing him or pressing him into their service, Claude lets him go.  Even beyond the fact that Ferdinand’s loss would give the Empire more ammo, either making a martyr of him should he die or naming him a traitor and enemy of the state otherwise...and beyond that, Ferdinand has people waiting for him.  People who need him, who take heart from his optimism and strength of purpose: letting him go will, Claude hopes, save lives (and he’s right about that).
The next major change comes at Gronder, where the Deer find themselves on a familiar battlefield...and moreover surrounded by familiar faces.  Dimitri is alive, and Gilbert managed to rally most of the other Blue Lions to the cause; meanwhile, Ferdinand returned to make his report to Edelgard, and she brought her own forces to the field of battle.  Splitting their forces, Byleth leads the charge against Edelgard while Claude tries to talk Dimitri down...only to end up shot out of the sky as Dimitri hurls his lance hard enough to tear through his wyvern’s wing.  The only thing that keeps them both alive is Byleth’s intervention: having defeated Edelgard and sent her fleeing the field, they arrive just in time to block Dimitri’s next attack...at which point the prince freezes up, believing Byleth to be yet another ghost.  They put their sword away and offer their hand, which Dimitri tries to swat away -- only to scrabble for it as soon as he realizes that Byleth is real and solid.  That’s where the battle of Gronder ends: with the Blue Lions standing down once Dimitri effectively surrenders.
They don’t exactly join forces after that, as much as Claude very much wants to.  Dimitri is still in a bad place and agrees only to travel together, since they appear to be going in the same direction, and Claude’s willing to take what he can get.  They end up attacking Merceus together...but when the ‘javelins of light’ begin to fall, Dimitri finally buckles and joins forces with the Deer, getting both Byleth and Claude out of the blast radius before the missiles hit.
Understandably reeling from whatever the fuck that was, the joint Deer and Lion forces backpedal to Myrddin, since Merceus is rubble and can’t offer protection and Gronder has no real fortifications.  From there, Claude decides to switch gears: get the Empire to focus on the bridge, a location that they can easily fortify and stock with Alliance soldiers since it’s now in their control; while the Blue Lions and a small group of Deer (shored up by Claude’s Almyran allies) sneaks into the Kingdom to out Cornelia.  This also puts them back in touch with Annette, who had stayed behind on her father’s orders.
I could go on but wow this is already getting long so maybe just a couple final bullet points:
When Claude offers to let Ferdinand go, the nobleman immediately swears that he will not spy on his homeland for Claude.  Claude is confused because everyone knows Ferdinand would be a terrible spy.  (After a moment’s thought, Ferdinand grudgingly agrees because they’re right, he really would be).
Upon returning to the Empire post-Myrddin, Ferdinand's life briefly flashes before his eyes when Hubert rises out of the shadows like some vampire from a cheap horror novel.  The fact that Hubert offers to cover for him with Edelgard is almost enough to convince him that he really died.
Post-Gronder, Claude is stuck as a grounded infantry unit since his beloved white wyvern needs time to heal up from getting her wing shredded.  Also when they return to the monastery, meetings need to be conducted on the ground floor because if she can’t find him she cries (and since she can’t fly, it’s impossible to find him while he’s in the second-level meeting room).
Dimitri getting Byleth and Claude out of Merceus before the missile strike is arguably hilarious since he more or less hauls them out under his arms like sacks of potatoes.  This is very confusing but also they’re grateful for the assist, so they just kind of shrug and accept it.
On arriving in the Kingdom to deal with Cornelia, the first order of business is picking up Annette.  Rather than checking every room in the place where they think she is, Claude tells Dimitri to walk with him...and starts singing ‘Creepity Creep.’  Dimitri is understandably confused until a door behind them flies open and Annette pelts out and takes Claude down in a full-body hug!tackle.
Also, whenever I do get around to writing it, I fully intend to make use of the coolest little dividers to indicate changes of scene based on which character we’re following, built out of these little guys:
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fatmasc · 4 years
God can I just say that I'm so sorry that people keep clowning on that one post... It's the reason I found your blog and I'm so glad I did but like... Yikes
thanks. im sick and tired of all the galaxy brain takes on that post in general but i hate most of all that terfs got a hold of it. i try to block them whenever i see them but more keep crawling out of the woodwork
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commander-ledi · 7 years
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pilvetliikkuu · 8 years
Luin sun urlis eka et pippelitliikkuu, en tiiä miks
sitä lukee, mitä haluaa lukea
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ukitakejuushiro · 8 years
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@vitunhienokivi A h ahhhh aaahhHHH AHHHHHHHHHH A H H H H H H H H H H AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TH.... Thank you...........😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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abscessedanxiety · 2 years
i got tagged by @gorgug
rules: make a new post + spell out ur url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in ur url.
A - Alien (Lebanon Hanover)
B - Bedbugs & Ballyhoo (Echo & the Bunnymen)
S - Spare Harvest (Palodine)
C - Come Heavy Sleep (Die Verbannten Kinder Evas)
E - Emerging Rats (Plastique Noir)
S - Somnambulist's Secret Bardo-Life (Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows)
S - Shadowtime (Siouxsie & the Banshees)
E - Eclipse (Kirlian Camera)
D - Disko Anksiyete (She Past Away)
A - Atrocity Exhibition (Joy Division)
N - Nine While Nine (The Sisters of Mercy)
X - Xanadu (Moi Dix Mois)
I - Incubus Succubus II (Xmal Deutschland)
E - Eviction (Linea Aspera)
T - Trees Come Down (Fields of the Nephilim)
Y - Yö Vanhassa Talossa (Belaboris)
whoo that was quite a few songs to find!! it was really fun, thanks for tagging me! 🌸
i tag @tiersup @vitunhienokivi @helmura @shy-blue-waters @bruneburg @slashpaws @tahmatussu @akainobody @dinaga @tiraether @niksunaksu89 @kissthegogo-goat-witch @mommakromp @ruohu @mytopoesianthropos @koomakaami
do this if you want to, no pressure! 🎵🎧🎶
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decaffeinated · 6 years
21 questions game
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people that you’re like to get to know better. (Don’t reblog. Make a separate post!)
Thanks @jacobsjottings for tagging me
Nickname(s): I don't really have any for my new name, but my mom uses a Finnish dialectal term for "girl" about me. I don't mind because for some reason my mind doesn't strongly associate that word with femininity despite it literally meaning girl.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 149 cm
Last Movie I Saw: I watch movies very rarely, but probably My Name Is Khan
Last Thing I Googled: "neither kids book" I was trying to find the kids book called Neither, where there's a world where only bunnies and ducks exist. Then a creature is born who's neither a bunny or a duck. It's a metaphor for non-binary people who are neither men nor women.
Favourite Musicians: Tim Minchin, Will Jay, and Lin-Manuel Miranda
Song Stuck in My Head: Bag of weed, from Family Guy
Other blogs: nope
Do I get asks?: I’ve only had one, and it was for an ask game
Followers: idek
Following: idek
Amount of Sleep: amount I need is 10 hours, amount I actually get can be significantly less or more depending on a lot of things.
Lucky Number: idek
What am I wearing?: My exercise clothes: black exercise pants (I have no idea what they're called in English), blue socks with a pineapple pattern, and my favorite bands t-shirt.
Dream Job: translator
Dream Trip: Islay, Scotland
Favourite Food: Sweet potato fries
Play any instrument? Yup, piano and ukulele. A little bit of guitar and maybe ocarina in the future.
Favourite Song: right now it's probably My Wiener, by Ty Turner and Jurnie Jonae
Random Fact: I have hydrocephalus, which is why I have a shunt in my head that had a temporary blockage recently.
Describe Yourself in Aesthetic Things: knitted socks, a red fleece blanket, eyeglasses, green hair and clothes.
@my-autistic-things @dovewithscales @saltviktorius @samoililja @slightlyaggressiveaffirmations @edda-for-dummies @floccinaucinihilipilificationa @mytopoesianthropos @sairaannopeeorjapoika @radikaalivittusaatana @gallusrostromegalus @garrettauthor @hobbagobwin @itsabirbthing @ramboknits @thatsthat24 @unnamedculprit @vitunhienokivi @velivelho @abscessedanxiety @wheezytumblr
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21474 · 6 years
Mun tietääkseni sun pitäis olla kesällä oikeutettu toimeentulotukeen koska et saa opintotukea etkä voi nostaa opintolainaa? Tai niin se ainakin mulla meni aikasemmin
TBH mulle muuten tuli uutena tietone et opintolainaa ei saa kesälle.
Hain toimeentulotukea mutta kela repi perseensä siitä, että mulla oli aiemmista palkoista säästössä rahaa pakollisiin laskuihin (joita kela ei suostuisi maksamaan, koska koulu- ja työmatkoihin käytettävästä autosta ei kelan mielestä tule vakuutuskuluja) ja omasta lempparisyystäni: vanhemmillani on talo ja kuulun heidän ruokakuntaansa. 
Vanhempieni talon arvo pitää mun kanssa tuista keskustelleen kela-käsittelijän mukaan ensin arvioida ja se myydä, koska tämähän on ihan vitun loogista.
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iturbide · 5 years
@vitunhienokivi replied to your post: 
Anon what the hell?? "I personally do not like this consept, therefore you shouldn't write for it", is that seriously what you're saying? Kindly throw yourself into the nearest trash can! Also can I just say personally I'd be absolutely stoked to read a fic like this! Especially written by someone like you!!
Well my friend you are in luck because that is one of my current projects in progress!  A lot of Edelgard’s alarming rhetoric started showing up early, and I really feel like it would have been more interesting to have a hand in her path and potentially push back against her, rather than being forced to go along with everything.  So I decided to see what that would look like, and so far I personally think it’s pretty interesting -- though, I will confess that as the author, I’m probably biased. 
(cut for mild 3H spoilers)
Byleth remained unsure of just why they’d chosen to guide the Black Eagles.  It was not that more of them seemed to need support, for while Bernadetta’s reclusiveness was disconcerting, Marianne’s combination self-imposed isolation and extreme self-deprecation had been far more worrisome from the outset.  It was not that more of them needed guidance, either, for Linhardt’s disinterest in all but a handful of subjects paled in comparison to Felix’s hyper-combativeness and Sylvain’s excessive flirtation (in hindsight, they felt rather bad for Hanneman, who was stuck dealing with both of them).  And it was certainly not that any of them seemed better equipped for a mercenary’s teaching style, since Caspar’s enthusiasm for combat paled in comparison to Leonie’s drive to become a fighter in the style of Byleth’s own father. 
Perhaps it had been the odd feeling of the House as a whole.  Among the Golden Deer, the students were only passingly familiar with one another, but Claude himself seemed well suited to uniting them all with his noble status lacking any airs (even if it did spark the ire of his self-appointed rival).  Among the Blue Lions, by contrast, everyone had some kind of history with their fellow students, and all had collectively chosen to rally around Dimitri in some form or fashion (supportive or otherwise).  But from the moment they’d set foot in the Black Eagles classroom, they’d felt a kind of dissonance, for despite their familiarity with one another there was no harmony between them, and no one present seemed interested in changing that (while the one who might have been able had distanced herself from her classmates entirely).
The more they came to know of their students and the Empire’s history, the more it seemed like the Black Eagle House was an exact reflection of the country it represented.  Edelgard, despite her status as House Leader (and Imperial princess), was no more than a figurehead; her fellow students (most all heirs to the nobles that had wrested power from the present Emperor) pursued their own interests and agendas.  The disunity between them all only became more obvious with each month that passed: Edelgard walked among her classmates with Hubert as her ever-present shadow, but never truly connected with any of them, reaching out only rarely (and even then, only ever for House matters) and moving on without opening herself to them or allowing them to do the same...no wonder people found her unapproachable. 
They meant to talk with her about it.  Strange as this teaching appointment was, it felt like their duty to help her connect with the other students...and the sooner the better; should the Archbishop continue assigning such dangerous missions, such distance might one day prove fatal. 
Though the mist had long since vanished, Magdred Way remained dark and cold, all color leached from both the surroundings and the tight clusters of students and knights.  Byleth had not bothered to stay with Catherine while she ensured her target was dead; she had more than enough fellow soldiers with her to keep her safe, and they had more important matters to see to.  Weaving through the disordered ranks, they saw Hubert lurking alongside Caspar and Ferdinand, both looking nearly as pale and drawn as the Vestra heir; while the former showed interest in understanding Lord Lonato’s motives, his fellow students were far more shaken by the militia’s actions and loss of life, and Byleth wondered as they passed what they could say -- what they should say -- to explain it all when they knew too well how senseless it truly was.  The rest of the students huddled in the damp litter near the tree line, showing far more obvious signs of combat stress: Bernadetta had pulled her hood up over her head in a desperate attempt to hide, though it did nothing to soften her whimpered pleas to go home as she huddled in Dorothea’s arms (and for all the strength she tried to muster, the young songstress seemed to be clinging to her friend rather than comforting her); someone had been violently ill not far away, and all signs pointed to Linhardt, his head in his hands and his breathing still unsteady; while Petra stared blankly out at the dreary terrain, whispering something in a language they did not recognize.  
Only Dorothea looked up at their approach, nodding when Byleth indicated that they would be going soon and swiftly helping the other Eagles to their feet, guiding them toward the Knights without any prompting from her teacher.  Leaving her to it, they continued further out, until the sounds of the soldiers faded and only their own footsteps broke the heavy silence...and finally they joined the last of their students where she stood overlooking the recent battlefield. 
“Everyone was a bit shaken by the militia fighting alongside our enemies,” Edelgard remarked, her voice steady and calm in spite of the blood soaking her uniform. 
Byleth shrugged, lifting their hands when she glanced toward them.  <That is the reality of battle.>
The princess sighed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.  “If only everyone could face reality so unflinchingly.  The commoners who allied themselves with Lord Lonato believed they were fighting for a just cause.  It would be disrespectful to consider them simply victims when they died for what they believed in.”  Byleth nodded slightly, watching the rest of the students cluster together among the Knights’ ranks, a small island of black amid the silver sea.  “Still, we have no choice but to eliminate those who cling to unreasonable ideas of justice.  Even if our enemies are the gods themselves...we must never lose sight of our goal.” 
They glanced sidelong at her, puzzled by the grand scale of her conviction.  But then, Byleth had never been a religious sort, and the more they saw of this Seiros faith, the more it seemed that a fight would be necessary to change anything at all.
Edelgard seemed shocked when they nodded.  “I’m...surprised you feel that way.”  Silence fell again, heavy with words yet unspoken, and Byleth waited patiently for her to marshall her thoughts.  “...really, I’m just like Lonato,” she murmured.  “I, too, will be the sort of ruler who’s willing to risk the lives of my citizens in service of a higher cause.  It’s not possible to change the world without sacrifice.  Dying for the greater good is not a death in vain.”
Byleth stiffened, hands curling into tight fists at their sides.  But even as they turned toward the princess, they saw Catherine marching toward them at an alarming pace, and set aside their conversation to hear her out.
“Professor...I’m afraid this incident is far more serious than anticipated,” she announced, offering the slightly crumpled scroll she’d been carrying.  The seal had already been broken, they noted while Catherine continued on.  “I found this on Lord Lonato.  It’s a note that mentions a plan to assassinate Lady Rhea.  We can’t tell who sent it, so the source is suspect, but the content is too disturbing to ignore.  We must report this to Lady Rhea right away.  I hope that it’s nothing…”
Byleth nodded curtly, and the Holy Knight turned to ready the rest of the soldiers to depart...but once they were certain she would not turn (and would not see, even if she did), they reached out, stopping Edelgard from following. 
“Yes, my teacher?” the princess asked. 
They could rarely guess at their own expressions, for better or worse.  Often enough, they’d been told they lacked all emotion.  But they saw Edelgard’s brow knit in concern as they released her.  <If you think forfeiting the lives of your people is necessary for any reason, then you are not fit to rule.>
They did not wait for a response.  They merely followed in Catherine’s wake, seeking out the rest of their students and hoping they might find the words to help them in the wake of so much senseless death.
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commander-ledi · 7 years
I can't believe the first thing i see when i check tumblr is a post about an alien man's fused fingers (but i mean.. you're just saying what everyone probably thinks so)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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neekkis · 8 years
Eyyy anolle kävi tuuri, meikäperuna on non-binary ja tykkää kissoista ((ehkä liikaaki)) ja seikkailuista
Tämähän kävi nopsaa. :D
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21474 · 9 years
Aika paska homma ton huvipuiston kanssa sulla, veikkaisin tosin että jos katot niitä oiken tappajan ilmeellä niin ehkä ne jättää sut rauhaan (en tosin osaa opastaa tappajailmeeseen, mulla kun se vaikuttaa tulevan ihan luonnostaan)
Mulla on kuulemma kans tappajailme sillon kun en oo erityisen ilonen (eli vittuuntuneena). Ehkä ajattelemalla vituttavia asioita voin näyttää siltä että ei kannata mennä lähelle.
+ Ainaki viel kesälomien alus näytin linnakundilta. En tiijä oisko mun eeppinen siilini nyt liian pitkä linnakundikuumotteluihin.
Vois kyl opetella murder walkinki (ellei se sit tuu aina bootsien kans automaattisesti jo).
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iturbide · 5 years
1, 11, 27 and 28 for ask thingy!
1. Where do you typically get your ideas?
Answered here!
11. What punctuation do you love too much?
I love all punctuation.  I really, really do.  If there’s anything I overuse, though, it’s probably commas.  I don’t know why.  It’s the one punctuation mark I will pepper in somewhat more liberally than I probably should, and sometimes in places where it’s really not called for or that doesn’t follow grammatical rules.  Having a literal pause marker is really handy, especially when getting really deep into a character’s thoughts since it can be used to pace out not just their stream of consciousness but where it turns as they strike on new ideas or points of focus.  (Coming in close second is probably the double-hyphen -- I do love those breaks.)
27. Do you try to do most of your research ahead of writing (when research is necessary) or do you do it as things come up?
A little of column A, a little of column B.  It really depends on what’s being written and what needs to be researched: if I know going on that I’m going to need a certain understanding of a particular culture, tradition, phenomenon, etc. I’ll usually do that before I ever get started; on the other hand, a lot of fantasy stuff doesn’t necessarily require cultural research to get started because it’s a literal fantasy world, so it doesn’t have to exactly mirror real-world cultures (case in point: Plegia might be based on ancient Egypt, but because of the unique factors affecting the culture -- namely the Grimleal cult and their fevered quest to revive their divine -- I can’t believe that assassinations among the Grimleal hierarchy were common).  That does not, however, mean that I won’t dig around to see if something has been done in our world (like Ferox and their mandatory military service as a rite of passage).  Some things I also don’t know I need to research until I happen to stumble into it in the writing process (for example, where does molasses come from and how long has its production been going on -- I did some really niche research for Ferox okay).  admittedly, though, research is not my forte, so I seem to do more of it on the fly than beforehand oops.
28. How do you make sure your plot points are there while also making them blend in with the story?
Mostly it’s by figuring out exactly where specific plot points need to be in advance of getting the story started.  This is part of why I like to plan my stories as either chapters (for short works) or arcs (for long ones), since while my stories do tend to be heavily character-focused, there’s still a plot going on in there somewhere, and it really helps me to pace out the key plot points before getting started; especially in my looser long-form works, the major events act like my checkpoints along the way to the known ending, since otherwise it’s pretty easy to get lost, and even though I might wander I have those as guidelines keeping me on track.  Smaller items (often worldbuilding focused in my case) that add either flavor or context to the bigger plot points can be peppered in where it makes sense, and can usually be tied to what’s going on in the story, whether it’s a change of setting, a social/cultural event, or even a sudden turn of events that opens the door for questions.
Author Asks
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iturbide · 5 years
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I guess Duma misses his sister, huh?
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