#vladora sims
didilysims · 6 years
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Regarding glitchy birthday baby syndrome, slow internet sympathy, and...some other stuff. :P Replies for @nekosayuri @penig @hexagonal-bipyramid @immerso-sims @taylors-simblr @tamtam-go92 @kahlenas @vladora-sims @salamisimmer​ and @eulaliasims​ plus 2 gifs are under the cut. 
nekosayuri replied to your photoset “A bit more playtime, and then, suddenly, it’s time to go home. Time...”
LOL Marzi is just like her mum in a way
Determined with a side of questionable people skills? I can see it. :P
penig replied to your photo “Finally Jeremy grows up. I didn’t get a decent picture of him...”
I've always found it best to just leave them alone when that happens. Sooner or later somebody grows them up.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a baby refuse to grow up, so I completely forgot about that. I was also pretty impatient to have him grow up because it was the end of the round (before I decided to add some time to visit the school) and I wanted to know what he would look like! 
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photo “Finally Jeremy grows up. I didn’t get a decent picture of him...”
So many cakes wasted! :O
I know! Silly, wasteful Sims. Have they no respect for cake?! 
immerso-sims replied to your photo “Finally Jeremy grows up. I didn’t get a decent picture of him...”
Ugh, hate when that happens.
So annoying! Babies are the worst life stage, in my opinion, and this just adds to it.
penig replied to your photoset “Natasha was having no luck with growing that darn baby up, so Leif...”
Obviously, the kid wants his whole family there.
Oh gee, and here I thought only Stella would be mad at me for forgetting to invite her. I’m soooooorry! 
nekosayuri replied to your photoset “Natasha was having no luck with growing that darn baby up, so Leif...”
What is happening? o.O
Sometimes babies refuse to grow up. Usually it’s because one or more motives is too low, but because they’re babies, you can’t check. It took so many tries to grow him up that it wore down poor Leif’s sun meter, so he passed out on the sidewalk...and took the stubborn baby with him. It was super annoying, but also kind of funny. 
taylors-simblr replied to your photoset “It’s Jeremy’s birthday, so Leif invites a few close friends to help...”
Natasha is quite an unorthodox mum, isn’t she?
Wait, you’re saying you *don’t* leave your baby on the hard floor so you can get first dibs on the cake?? o_O
tamtam-go92 replied to your photoset “It’s Jeremy’s birthday, so Leif invites a few close friends to help...”
Glitchy Baby-Birthday, Hm?
Yep. :( Sigh. 
kahlenas replied to your post “A tumblr haiku”
I mean the haiku, not internet situation :/
I figured that’s what you meant. :) Good to know my years of studying English have finally paid off with internet poetry. ;) 
vladora-sims replied to your post “A tumblr haiku”
I feel ya slow internet bud : /
*Sloooooooooowww high five across the interwebs*
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(I like how this one cuts out right before the payoff too, just like my internet, constantly resetting itself...) 
nekosayuri replied to your post “For @katatty @nekosayuri @aondaneedles and @taylors-simblr, here’s a...”
The space between roads is a bit tricky to figure out at first since it's pretty different than in Sims 2, but from memory, the roads need to be right next to each other for 1x1 lots to fit in Sims 2 and if they have 1 space between them, then it becomes 3x1 (or the other way around) I THINK. You gotta experiment with it. :D
Experimenting is the plan! 
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I just have to find some time to execute said plan...
taylors-simblr replied to your post “how do you hide your sims' queue in your photosets? Whenever I take...”
Yeah I always take my pictures in options menu. The fish and snow stay visible already, but I know that owned businesses will show as being fully restocked that way, so if my businesses look well run, that’s why :p
salamisimmer replied to your post “how do you hide your sims' queue in your photosets? Whenever I take...”
Hello! I take my pictures without the queue by going to the “options” menu and then hitting tab for free camera mode :)
Options does seem the better choice: no gridlines, yes snow, and of course no queue. And I’ll usually use that for businesses too, thanks for the reminder. I just have used buy mode + ceiling view to avoid crashing for so long I don’t even think of breaking the habit anymore. 
eulaliasims replied to your photoset
Gosh, I really love their kitchen. I never think of using posters like that in kitchens, but it looks really good below the cabinets!
Ha ha, the poster mostly went there because it was carried over from their old place which had more wall space in the kitchen, and under the cabinets was the only place it would fit here. But I thought it worked. Thank you for the compliment too. :) 
immerso-sims replied to your photo “That’s it for this farming household! Next time I’m sure they’ll get...”
I loved their round so much!
Yay! I had so much fun with this family, so I’m glad I’m not the only one. :) 
taylors-simblr replied to your photo “That’s it for this farming household! Next time I’m sure they’ll get...”
Aw Jeremy looks so much like his dad :)
Those plantsim genes are strong! And cute, so it’s okay.
penig replied to your photoset “Round’s over…have some captioned outtakes! ”
I vote you keep the photobombing scarecrow.
I wish I had! He didn’t look great in that position once zoomed out (too hard to line up the faces), but he might have worked off to the side. Especially great if he could have been in some dancing or scaring pose too...but I was quickly losing patience with that photoshoot. :P 
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strangetomato · 3 years
I got tagged by @katatty. Thank you for thinking of me! :)
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better, or reconnect with.
Last song:  It was my SO's recreation of Like a Virgin from scratch in GarageBand, complete with his ridiculous/amazing falsetto. I made him play it for me again just now. It’s adorable.
Last movie: I really don't watch many movies anymore, I must admit, for whatever reason. (It feels rushed compared to other fiction forms where I can spend more time once invested?) We recently watched Charlie Brown's Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas! with the little Tomatoelings. The last "grown up" movies were probably Pride and Angry Inuk, and that was ages ago now. They were both great. I recommend Angry Inuk especially, because everyone needs to learn why the commercial (yes, commercial, not subsistence!) seal hunt is vital to the well-being of the Inuit people. Just watch it, it says it all far better than I could ever hope to.
Currently watching:  We just finished watching The Queen's Gambit, which was great! Talk about eye candy! So visually appealing. The first few episodes I was unsure of the magic realism "magic green pills" stuff, but it found its footing after that. I like the idea of limited series like this. Far preferable to movie-length to me. Anyway, I really enjoyed this.
Currently reading: I just finished reading To Be Taught If Fortunate by Becky Chambers. I'm a huge fan of her work and this was a bit different (not quite the same feel-good sci-fi I was used to), but I enjoyed it very much. There was one scene that punched me right in the gut as far as my weaknesses for upsetting things go. Not worthy of a trigger warning, but watch out if you (like me) are not up for that right now. It has some well-handled mental health stuff. I also highly recommend her Wayfarer Series. I've also been reading through all of Octavia E. Butler’s work recently, which is fantastic. Some is certainly heavy and contains triggering material, so look out for that, but it’s well worth it.
Currently craving: These Norwegian Christmas Butter Squares I made! Please, please try them if you are even remotely inclined to bake, or to eat tasty sweet, buttery things. I found this on tumblr earlier in the year when I was quarantine baking like everyone else. They are amaze-zing. And perfect for the holiday season; it's right in the title! Note: I ate the last two while drinking coffee and writing this post. 
I will tag @pixelcurious, @w-sims, @nimitwinklesims, @veetiesims2, @whattheskell, @vladora-sims, @deedee-sims, @lauramsims, @pleasant-lives, @timberwolfoz. No pressure!
And also anyone that wants to! Do it if you want to. :)
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nerianasims · 5 years
Inspired by @vladora-sims, for your consideration: Blackadder played by Rhett Hart, the Prince of Wales played by Junior Mann.
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penig · 5 years
I was tagged by @yandereplumsim
We’ve seen the Get to Know Me post going around and it’s really cute so here’s one for us Simmers that’s more our style.
Family size at the start:
Varies. Like, a lot. Since I’m a rotation, all-neighborhood player, and also since I make neighborhoods for sharing, I need to have multiple families (at least five) and having them all be the same kind of family would be so, so boring. I probably start fewer single-sim households than other kinds because those are pretty boring by default, too. And I don’t do boring in games. That’s the opposite of games. So anywhere from 2-10 (counting pets into the total).
The Lifespan of my sims:
Hard to get a fix on this as I have never played a full generation to the death of the last one. In Drama Acres, Strangetown, and my full-game Widespot I give sims elixir and aging-off days when I feel they’re called for. In other game configurations I’m experimenting with aging mods. The Retro folder has Hat’s It’s the Proportion mod in it, and I’ve also got Phaenoh’s Let Kids Be Kids and thinking about when and where I might want to try it.
They’re more on the long side than the short one, though. I want a sense of satisfaction and completion along with the sadness when they die. It’s a big part of the escapist function of gaming. I’ve lost more people long before they were done than I’m going to think about right now. I don’t have to do that with sims.
Favorite family I have played:
“Favorites” isn’t a concept I believe in wholeheartedly, but you see those two in my avatar? Ernest and Sage Ann (Onions) Munny? They taught me this game and introduced me to the full depth of characterization it’s possible to get out of it and I love them. So much.
Am I a Malevolent or Benevolent God:
Benevolent, mostly. When I have a strong motivation to do something they find unpleasant (cf killing Vidcund for the GS Uberhood Challenge, killing Angel to trigger Widespot’s mess) I feel bad about it. Cruelty to the helpless is the worst, and it doesn’t get more helpless than sims. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t real and can’t feel it. Cruelty lies in the doer, not the victim.
What I like best about the current version of Sims I play:
Ever since I started making stories and began grasping after the technical aspects of it (so, about five years old), I’ve yearned to write a community story in which the reader could see how the individual arcs and choices and events of a whole bunch of associated characters intersected and created a larger coherent story. But if I try to do it in my usual medium it quickly gets large and cumbersome and anyway there’s no market for it.
In Sims 2, it’s the default mode! I don’t need any other versions, thank you.
What I am most anticipating for the current version of the Sims:
I know nothing about the current version of the sims except that conversions from it are usually absurdly high-poly and the hair looks awful. I don’t anticipate a thing from it.  Y’all have fun with it if you want, I’ll be back here with the game that satisfies me.
As is my habit with these, I will tag the last ten people in my activity feed, skipping over the outliers who’ve got nothing to do with simming but just stumbled onto a Good Omens post, and paying no attention to whether or not you may already have done it. No pressure on anybody, if you don’t like this stuff don’t do it, if Anxiety knocks don’t answer. Let’s see here:
@squeezleprime, @simaddicted-sue, @mysticsims2, @nerianasims, @beauonther-blog, @strangetownies, @megadevotedlyfuriousbouquet, @cindysimblr, @andrewgloria, @vladora-sims
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jacethegaymer · 6 years
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Rules: Pick any character/sim and post a pic of them when they were younger, and now! The younger version can be from your story, or not (if you started your story when your OC was already an adult, etc.) Then tag some friends to do the same!
I was tagged by @roguebotanist thanks! :)
The first one was Jonee as a teen!
Jonee Ramona Dell in 1997 17 years old living with her brother in the apartment of Veronaville! She was single and a fashionable nerd. Often been bullied in her Junior and Senior year due to her parents being divorced and her only living with her brother and people claiming she ain’t cool. And everyone said she was very weird cause nobody in the 90s where she lived and went to school with no one believed aliens exist and that really pissed her off so bad. So in the 2000s she moved to Strangetown
Now Jonee Ramona Curious In 2018!
Married to Pascal Curious and with 7 kids right now. And Living with her twin brother and her brothers wife (because Her brother needed help raising the kids) and the family tree is now huge! She is the first celebrity to live in Strangetown cause her reputation is amazing! She is friends with every Premade in Strangetown!
Tagging @kristalliankka @vladora-sims @holleyberry @ajaysims @glabeglarn @moocha-muses
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kayleigh-83 · 7 years
Some replies :)
@dramallamadingdang x 2 @vladora-sims @frottana-sims @littleblondesim x2 @lovelysimlife @sterina-sims @didilysims @crystaldollhouse
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset “Happy birthday Henry!”
He's quite a pretty boy, isn't he? :)
He IS! He was so stinking adorable as a child I hated to age him up. And now as a teen, he has this look that makes me feel like he’d fit right in with some kind of British invasion pop boy band. 
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset “Making the carpool wait while you play in the leaves. #justsimthings”
Some things are far more important than working. :)
I agree! :D
vladora-sims replied to your photoset “Heidi and Selene are one of the cutest couples in my game.”
Matching pajamas : )
Eeee I know, it’s so adorable I’ll get a toothache!
frottana-sims replied to your photo “Three Elder Conversions for TS2 Good news everyone! I learned how to...”
Thank you so much! We all need more of them! :3
I’m so glad you like! There will be more very soon, now that I know I can do them I’ve scoured Body Shop for styles I think would work for elders!
littleblondesim replied to your photoset “15 Recolours on Isotopia Rug Mesh (TS2) Thanks to the wonderfully...”
these are fantastic!
Thank you! I’m glad you’ll enjoy them! :) 
lovelysimlife replied to your photo “Honeymoon destination.”
So pretty ❤️
Thank you! All the credit goes to the amazing CC creators who made it possible haha it’s really just showcasing their work to make our games look so good these days!
sterina-sims replied to your photoset “Eric and Rosalie’s quick little wedding in his parent’s yard. They’re...”
large households are much more fun, but sometimes, I get a little overwhelmed, lol!
I know what you mean, but it’s almost invigorating that way! Never a dull moment ;)
littleblondesim replied to your photoset “Naomi and Nadine’s birthday came up, time to enter adulthood! Instead...”
I love checking resemblances, too!
It’s so exciting in such a nerdy way haha I love seeing family traits passed on in this game.
didilysims replied to your photo “Uh oh…. we know what that means …. (besides the fact that they clearly...”
Food poisoning, right? Shouldn't have gone for that mouldy salad. ;)
Oh yeah, that must have been it ;) 
crystaldollhouse replied to your photoset “Naomi and Nadine’s birthday came up, time to enter adulthood! Instead...”
Beautiful family!
Thank you! <3 I can’t wait to see the next generation. I’m getting as far as I’ve ever been in generational play so it’s getting pretty exciting!
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strangetomato · 7 years
Because of you, I've learned a new word! Compersion! Also, don't recall if I ever saw it or if my memory fell out but what are they in a group for?
Nice! I’m always happy to learn a new word, so that’s good news to me. :) The group is a mental health/illness peer support group. mdpthatsme replied to your photo “Compersion. I’m like the King of that.”
THANK YOU! :D san-myshuno-dreamin replied to your photo “I’m sorry, friend. :P”
The king sought guidance from the Watcher? hehe
Haha! Perhaps. I was also thinking he might be looking up and wondering why they’re all in this weird set location again. That moment every simmer has (or is it just me?) where they start to wonder if they’re becoming self-aware. lauriempress replied to your photo “(part ten) Don’t do this, she thought, but then resisted. No, that...”
Oops I got mixed up about who Ripp's night was being shared with. My bad.
No worries. :) I suspect you weren’t the only one, just the only one who admitted it. I was hoping to play with expectations there a little. ejsims replied to your photo “(part ten) Don’t do this, she thought, but then resisted. No, that...”
Sounds like they really need to bring Johnny into this conversation.
No doubt. *nods* I probably won’t rehash it, but rest assured that will happen eventually. pleasant-lives replied to your photoset “(part nine) Downstairs, Ripp was consoling himself with a bag of...”
Lol. I'm like Rip
Guilty as charged. :P In the both the chips and the not wanting to share my chips. And also the sulking, I’ll admit, though I’ve been getting much better at that over the years. wickedjr89 replied to your photoset “(part nine) Downstairs, Ripp was consoling himself with a bag of...”
Aww poor Rip :(
Ripp appreciates your sympathy. lauriempress replied to your photoset “(part nine) Downstairs, Ripp was consoling himself with a bag of...”
Hmm, from that last line it sounds like the one he really needs to talk to is asleep upstairs.
We mention this above, but I was thinking that the fact that he said this line to her would reveal the truth about whose night it was supposed to be, but I don’t think it really came through clearly until the next post. *shrugs* Oh well. thisisej replied to your photoset “(part nine) Downstairs, Ripp was consoling himself with a bag of...”
Ohohohoho! *insert surprised Chris Pratt GIF here*
Though I do think you figured out whose night it was, right? :P I like this reaction. A lot. :) penig replied to your photoset “(part nine) Downstairs, Ripp was consoling himself with a bag of...”
Not like Ripp to be pissy, but he's also dealing with Dad feelings right now.
Ripp can definitely have his moody moments. The Dad feelings bring out the defensiveness, for sure. Getting into that head space probably takes him back to a time when that was his only recourse. holleyberry replied to your photoset “(part nine) Downstairs, Ripp was consoling himself with a bag of...”
Looks like this is going to take more than just an apology. Maybe something they'll have to journal out and talk about in group.
Yes, perhaps. Definitely some communication is in order. :) jaydesims replied to your photoset “(part seven) “But it’s my night.”
Look at that face. :(
jaydesims replied to your photoset “(part six) After checking in on the rest of the children, Ripp...”
Poor Ripp. :(
Thank you for your reactions. :) vladora-sims replied to your photo “(part eight) “Well that was nice,” she said. “Unexpected.” ...”
I love the creative discretion shots : )
Thanks! It’s a lot of fun to figure out those shots, haha! I realized after I had done these that she was getting into her pjs instead, so I could have gone with the tank instead of the bra, but there’s no way I was re-doing it. :P holleyberry replied to your photo “I was thinking about the actual details of JRO’s weekly sleeping...”
*gets out my simlish dictionary*
I appreciate your dedication. haha. Maybe I should provide a translation? w-sims replied to your photo “I was thinking about the actual details of JRO’s weekly sleeping...”
This is so adorable!
Thank you! I’m glad you think so. :) timberwolfoz replied to your photoset “(part seven) “But it’s my night.”
Awwww. :(
nicbemused replied to your photoset “(part seven) “But it’s my night.”
Disappointed Ripp is disappointed. Poor baby.
I’ll answer these together. Thank you for your reactions. :) mdpthatsme replied to your photoset “(part seven) “But it’s my night.”
Oh snap!
I like this reaction. heehee. :) holleyberry replied to your photoset “(part seven) “But it’s my night.”
I agree with Peni.
penig replied to your photoset “(part seven) “But it’s my night.”
You can share.
Yes, he certainly can. And he does. ;) pixelcurious replied to your photoset “(part seven) “But it’s my night.”
His facial expressions are PERFECT.
Thank you so much, Pixel! :D I couldn’t ask for a nicer compliment than that. holleyberry replied to your photoset “(part six) After checking in on the rest of the children, Ripp...”
Damn! My hopes have been shattered.
Next time, Holley. Maybe next time. *makes note to deliver at a later date perhaps* ;) holleyberry replied to your photoset “(part five) “Alright, let’s get you ready for bed,” she said,...”
...and then Ripp walks in.
Pretty obvious, right? :P esotheria-sims replied to your photoset “(part four) “Hey Lil, that doesn’t look like homework to me.” “This...”
The 'your other father will string me up' line made me chuckle. Gotta love Ripp.
I’m glad you like that line. :) I imagine he’s right. Johnny probably wouldn’t approve of Ripp’s rule breaking, haha. He may be a tad too lawfully good? furryjackal replied to your photoset “(part four) “Hey Lil, that doesn’t look like homework to me.” “This...”
Hahaha I love when Sims play Sims! Even mine do too.
Yeah, it’s funny, for sure. :) holleyberry replied to your photoset “(part four) “Hey Lil, that doesn’t look like homework to me.” “This...”
Oh, I wonder who it was.
It was Buzz. I actually added a little link there for a refresher, because I’m sure people have forgotten. It’s been a while. holleyberry replied to your photoset “(part one) “Aww, look. Isn’t he sweet?” “Yeah, and the baby’s pretty...”
I love their cute little house.
Thanks. :) I love that lot, too. I really ought to get them a bigger one, because they don’t really fit there anymore, but I’m so attached! holleyberry replied to your photo “(part three) “Night night, little bean. How about you don’t come...”
Good daddies are sexy.
They sure are. :) Good mommies are too! ;) holleyberry replied to your post “Okay, so story posts. It’s been a while. I have quite a bit ready for...”
Also...Yay! More JRO!
holleyberry replied to your post “Okay, so story posts. It’s been a while. I have quite a bit ready for...”
Should have scrolled down a bit more
holleyberry replied to your photoset “(part one) “Aww, look. Isn’t he sweet?” “Yeah, and the baby’s pretty...”
I'm hoping a reblog means an update soon!
I’m glad you were so enthusiastic about the update. It made me smile. :)
And one anon ask that goes with this topic, too...
                                                                                                                              Anonymous said:                                                                     
i don't get it, why did ripp get offened? why do they have a sleeping schedule (erm,,, is it a sleeping or a sex schedule?)? i have been scrolling your tumblr for a while but couldn't find anything :C            
My response:
JRO have six children and four relationships to balance. There's most likely going to be some scheduling involved. Some might leave things to chance and inclination, but many people in polyamorous relationships do this. There's a lot of communication and often a lot of intentionality. This is, of course, different for every relationship(s). But even couples do this, especially once children come into the picture.
I don't imagine JRO started out that organized, but as children came along, and in the interest of fairness, this was the system that worked for them. They do leave room for spontaneity and flexibility, as illustrated by R leaving J&O to themselves even though it was unplanned. Of course, he also becomes jealous, but those sorts of things will invariably pop up too (and are not always logical), which brings us back to communication.
It’s a sleep schedule, yes. :P But woohoo often goes along with that. But then again, often it doesn’t. They're certainly not doing that every single night of the week. Well, maybe Ripp would be. haha.
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jacethegaymer · 6 years
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Pascal: Nervous I swear if you beat me at Space Invaders. One more time!
Nervous:[humming] You and I are a team.
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Nervous: Wooo!!
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Pascal: Dammit man! Again?!
Nervous:[sighs] Pascal don’t be mad me. I am your favorite person even though we are not dating. Cause I am married to your son that looks like you (no seriously Pascal Jr looks like Pascal but except Pascal Jr is mean and Pascal is nice )
Pascal: Aww is that true? *he smiles*
Nervous: Yep.
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Nervous and Pascal: We make it a twwwwooooo player game!
Nervous and Pascal: Hey! Hey! HEY!
[music ends]
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Two Player Game from Be More Chill
Also this is For @vladora-sims and @cactijam since they are fan of them and ship them!
Yes they are matching anyway! It’s honestly too adorable! I was going to give Pascal a same hairstyle as Nervous but than no cause I want to keep his hair original!
And I am a huge fan of Be More Chill and the song Two Player Game reminds me of Johnny and Ripp and Pascal and Nervous. Plus me and my best friend irl Alesia! We would play Sims and play sporty games together!
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jacethegaymer · 6 years
Movie Gif Memes
I was tagged by @kaylynn-langerak :) thanks for mentioning me! (BTW some of these movies you see are the ones I watched growing up!)
Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite movies of all time. They don’t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.
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I tag @vladora-sims @slightlystrangesimmer @talesofsimverse @strangetomato @roguebotanist and @thundersims and anyone else can do this as well! :)
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jacethegaymer · 6 years
Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite tv shows of all time. They don’t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.
I was tagged by @cactijam thanks for the tag! :)
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Yeah I know it’s only 8 and some of these are Netflix originals cause I watch a lot of Netflix more than I watch my other favorite shows 😂 plus some of these shows I watched growing up and still watch them to this day!
I tag @vladora-sims @slightlystrangesimmer @thundersims @kaylynn-langerak @roguebotanist @strangetomato @holleyberry and @glabeglarn
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jacethegaymer · 6 years
20 Questions
I was tagged by @slightlystrangesimmer ! Thanks :)
Rules: Answer all 20 Questions and tag 20 people
Name: Jonee is my real name my nickname is Jojo. My sister started calling me that cause there are two celebrities named Jojo and i have no clue why she started calling me that. And now my friends call me that sometimes. Even one of my best Chorus friends called me “Johnny” by mistake and I said “it’s okay everyone gets my name confused!”
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’6 I am like the tallest in my class. Well not really lol.
Languages Spoken: English and a tiny tiny bit of Germany.
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries! Everytime I go to Walmart I get strawberries even when it’s not in season.
Favorite Scent: Lemon or Lime. I used to like apple cinnamon but I don’t like it anymore.
Favorite Color: Teal/Turquoise! I just like the color of it.
Favorite Animal: Wolves cause my granddad owns Wolves and they are friendly.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Only if it’s Starbucks Coffee XD! I don’t drink tea often. And Hot chocolate it’s okay! Good for when your sick also. It’s the steam that helps me not be stuffy.
Favorite Fictional Character: from a book I say Jonas from The Giver. He just has good personality! And when I saw the movie omg. he was just so damn cute! But that was back in 2016. XD He is still my favorite
Dream Trip: PARIS!! My room theme is Paris and I been always wanting to go to Paris! I have a Paris fathead a Paris shirt and Paris Throw Pillow Cover! And some Christmas Lights yo go with the theme of it.
When was your blog created?: Okay so this blog was created in 2016 I believe and didn’t start the Simmer Blog till late 2017.
Last Movie you’ve seen: Ugh damn... uhh... The Visit. I sorta hate it now.
Song you’ve had on repeat: SAD! By XXXTentacion. Ugh I can’t believe he is gone 😭😭
Favorite Candy: Skittles. I have no clue why! I used to hate skittles and now I like them!
Favorite Holiday: Christmas cause my entire family comes together and also all of my younger cousins and my sister go to my nanny’s the day before Christmas Eve to spend the night.
Last Book you’ve read: Holes. It’s a good book and our class was reading it and it’s a good book.
Favorite TV Shows: Reba, Simpson’s, And Chrisley Knows Best.
Who’d you like to have lunch with: Ashley Johnson and Eric Stirpe (my favorite writer from Telltale)
I tag: @vladora-sims @strangetomato @ice-creamforbreakfast @princesspretty15 @depictingdrew @unbridledsims @penig @kaylynn-langerak @sixamaxis @asimplevampire and @talesofsimverse Sorry I couldn’t think of 20 Bloggers. But if you aren’t tag and like to do this you can! :)
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jacethegaymer · 6 years
Autumn This or That tag
I got tagged by @shoopysims thanks for mentioning me! :)
1. “Autumn” or “Fall?
2. Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?
3. Halloween or Thanksgiving?
4. Cashmere or Flannel?
5. Cool and Crisp or Warm and Foggy?
6. Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?
7. Scarves or Berets?
8. Cinnamon or Nutmeg?
9. Reading a Book or Watching a Movie?
10. Halloweentown or Nightmare Before Christmas?
11. Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider?
12. Wool Socks or Slippers?
13. Trick or Treat?
14. Jack or Sally?
15. Marshmallows or Whipped Cream?
16. Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark?
17. Plaid or Neutrals?
18. Coffee or Tea?
19. Studyblr or Halloween Blog?
20. Red or Gold?
21. Blankets or Pillows?
22. Cabins or Cottages?
23. Scary or Spoopy?
24. Sweaters or Boots?
25. Caramel Apples or Candy Apples?
26. Hay Rides or Leaf Peeking?
Tagging @vladora-sims @roguebotanist @kaylynn-langerak @fantasticlovelysims @holleyberry @ajaysims @penig and @glabeglarn and anyone else who wants to do this tag!
Feel free to do this if you haven’t or don’t do it if you have!
And Autumn’s my favorite season cause it’s cool and breezy and I always have fun with Pumpkins hehehe yeah cause I “accidentally” put Pumpkin seeds on my cousins head since HE and my younger SISTER toke my phone last year and I chased them outside to give it back to me and it was so FUCKING cold out!
But anyways feel free to do this! :)
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strangetomato · 6 years
Replies to JRO family posts:
@htdynamicdude replied to your post “JRO Family - an introduction”:
Thank you for helping me play catch-up. Although I have seen bits and bobs of the JRO family before; this is a very informative introduction. Looking to reading more stories of this lovely trio ��.                    
I was so happy to receive this comment. :) Thank you. When it popped up in my notifications, I read through that JRO Family intro post again (which was nice to reflect on), and realized it’s an good overview of how I write/play it, but doesn’t really give any sort of plot synopsis really. It might be nice to write up all the basics like how the relationship began, the details about the children, their jobs, etc.
htdynamicdude replied to your photo
 Wonderful trio ��. Your art is wonderful as always, Strange Tomato.              
Ah, thank you very much. <3
@dramallamadingdang replied to your photo
I just love all the JRO pics you post, whatever they are. I can't even really pinpoint why I love them so much; all I can say is that they all make me feel warm and fuzzy, which is a good feeling to have. :)                    
@sprintingwithscissors replied to your photo
@vladora-sims replied to your photo
This makes me feel squishy inside :,)       
Thank you so much. :) I always aim to give myself that warm fuzzy feeling when I make their photos together, so I’m glad that comes across to others too.
Also, thank you to anyone who reblogged, especially with a message in the tags. <3
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strangetomato · 7 years
Mood Song Challenge
I was tagged by @deedee-sims . :) Thank you!
Mood can be a complicated term for me. I have regular moods, and I have mood moods. Often both! haha. Well, usually both. This week, after several weeks of elusive "balance", I've been on a gradually swell upward into hypomania. Nothing too serious (thanks, lithium!), but there. So here's a song I've always liked but have come to identify with more strongly in the last year or so. It’s also nice and soothing, for when the dial in your brain is turned up.
The Rollercoaster Ride - Belle & Sebastian
Take Judy, with her bow and arrow, she's a mastermind Too frumpy for the teenage population of her time Car coat, she has a quilted jacket with a hood if it rains Big pockets for the pharmaceuticals she takes to fix her brain
*nods* Me too, Judy. Me too. I can also shoot an arrow, funny enough. But mostly the pill part. I also relate a lot to the last verse, back in my wilder days.
I'm going to tag (no pressure!) @pixelcurious, @timberwolfoz, @katatty, @w-sims, @northern-angel, @mdpthatsme, @vladora-sims, and anyone else who wants to do it.
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nerianasims · 6 years
Music test replies
penig replied to your photo “From the musical taste test here. I scored way, way low on liking...”
I apparently prefer "unpretentious" music, which when you consider that I'm almost incapable of listening to it unless it has lyrics or I've heard it so much it's carved deep grooves into my brain, is not surprising.
I was dancing before I could walk, and playing (well, pounding on) the piano before I could talk. My dreams regularly have/are shaped by music. Unfortunately I can never remember it well enough to write it down. But without music, I’d die. I wouldn’t be me, at least. vladora-sims replied to your photo “From the musical taste test here. I scored way, way low on liking...”
That was fun to take! My highest score was 'Intense'. I do like those power ballads, haha.
I love power ballads like this and this and this. But the “intense” category in the test seemed to be more heavy metal-like super duper loud guitar/drum riffs without much variation, which give me a headache these days. I didn’t dislike them as much when I was younger though.
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didilysims · 6 years
Tumblr media
...beginning with a PSA that I downloaded my Scottish terrier breed over here at MTS! (I think I added the beard and eyebrows to Fergus, and that’s it.)
Tumblr media
Everyone should adore and download Scotties, but I’ll tag @mswn @vladora-sims and @shastakiss because they especially expressed some puppy love. ;) 
A few more replies for @barbiepinklady @dramallamadingdang @nekosayuri @penig @deedee-sims and @holleyberry under the cut. 
barbiepinklady replied to your photoset “While the garden club continues to criticize all these empty plots and...”
The red hair is more surprising than the black skin unless you've change recessive gene. 😉 
I must confess...I do have a mod for equal dominance in genetics. *shame* I’m just too impatient to wait for the recessives to resurface a few generations later! Especially when I never expected this challenge to get past the second generation... :)
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset “Fergus has the entire house to himself today, so instead of taking the...”
"Fergus" is such an appropriate name for a Scottish terrier. :)
I thought so! I remember I had been exposed to some kind of Scottish-themed media (can’t remember exactly what now, because it’s been close to 2 years) when first putting him in the ‘hood, so every time I see the name I hear a very brogued “Fehrrrrrr-gis” complete with gloriously rrrrolled Rrrrs. :D 
nekosayuri replied to your photoset “Fergus has the entire house to himself today, so instead of taking the...”
Pff XD no one to cuddle up to
Aww, I love it when people more pet-savvy than I come up with these obvious-in-hindsight and adorable explanations for pet behaviour. Now I wish Sims really could cuddle with their pets on the bed, couch...anywhere really! 
penig replied to your photoset “Inspection time… Nooo, stop looking at the empty plots! Leif wants to...”
The baby doesn't care. Also, compost is free.
Darn babies, thinking the world revolves around them. :( Compost is free, but it also takes a while to, well, compost. And because I want to get this garden going now, I’d rather not wait around. 
penig replied to your photoset “Aw man, I was really digging that pirate look on you, Leif. Why’d you...”
That flamingo's going to bring his score down. It's sad to think that there's so many stray warheads out there they need somebody disarming them full-time.
I remembered the flamingo after I took that picture! It hid away in Leif’s inventory while the inspection was going. Thank goodness, or I’m sure he would have failed! 
deedee-sims replied to your photoset “Inspection time… Nooo, stop looking at the empty plots! Leif wants to...”
Maybe it'll help distracting the garden club from the empty plots XD
Ha ha, if only! :P
holleyberry replied to your photoset “Aw man, I was really digging that pirate look on you, Leif. Why’d you...”
Good luck!
He’s gonna need it... :D
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