#voldemort screaming inside his head to make harry shut up and harry’s like >:3 no
soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
listen i get ppl are deeply into the whole “voldemort is far more powerful than harry”-thing because yeah, he is, but i also think harry should be allowed to bully him extensively. ‘powerplay this’, ‘powerplay that’ no! harry has no urge to be more powerful than voldemort! harry just wants to bully him!
doesn’t matter if harry ends up on his arm or through some convoluted fanfic logic in his head during the events of the series after he passes. harry’s sole goal is Ridicule The Dark Lord. he reminds voldemort daily that he got beaten by 1) a baby, 2) an 11yo boy with fire hands (apparently), 3) a 12yo boy with a sword and one (1) fang, 4) a 14yo boy who could run really quickly, and 5) a 17yo, malnourished, exhausted boy with a borrowed wand. he tells voldemort repeatedly that vee’s 15yo self bragged to harry’s 12yo self (no sword or fang yet) that he decided on his name change via anagram, like it’s cool. he reminds voldemort often that “lord flight from death” is a bit on the nose for a new name. he always says that whatever voldemort does is “no friend behaviour”. he tells voldemort things like “you know all of your followers except bella and barty would sell you to the devil for one corn chip right” and voldemort, without fail, will think “NO. THAT’S THE THING I’M SENSITIVE ABOUT”. he’s yelling “HA CRINGEE” about everything voldemort does. it’s devastating.
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dracowars · 3 years
Ooooh! Requests are opennn
Can I have a Tom Riddle x reader where they both live in the same orphanage and Tom isn't gonna become Voldemort because he has Y/N. But his personality isn't really different either. He and the reader are best friends and one night the reader wakes up with a migraine while in the orphanage. She goes to Tom for help. They can't do magic out of Hogwarts so Tom has to help her the muggle way. And it's just really fluffy. You don't have to do it, I just missed you, that's all.
THANKSS (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
knight in shining armour | tom riddle
pairing: tom x reader
word count: 1,6k
summary: where tom helps y/n
a/n: i loved this request so much, i'm glad i finally found the time to finish it <3
warnings: cursing
universe: harry potter
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Tossing around several times, you just cannot seem to find peace, your creaking bed pushing against your back uncomfortably and the air in your small room feels stuffy. Vehemently, your body defends itself against the sleep your body actually needs quite badly. It is your head, however, that keeps you from drifting off into the dream world.
The headache had already started this morning when you woke up and your head felt extremely light. Of course, you spent the day like any other day and did not listen to your body’s signals and warnings. And now you are lying here with the worst headache ever while a thundering storm is passing by outside.
Huge raindrops patter against the only window in your small room and the lightning bolts that keep flashing across the dark night sky illuminate the room for a few seconds before it is shrouded in darkness again.
Sighing, you turn around again, the mattress giving way under you, and place one of your legs over your blanket. You stay in this exact position for several minutes until you finally cannot stand it any longer and straighten up completely. Tiredly, you look at the clock above your room door to check the time.
Past midnight, great.
Reaching over to your bedside table, you pull on the string of your bedside lamp, which immediately bathes the room in a warm light while you sit of the edge of your bed. With your elbows resting on your thighs, you run your hands across your face. How badly you would like to just scream very loud right now, but unfortunately that would wake up the entire orphanage. And honestly you can imagine nicer things than having to explain your scream to several children and supervisors.
However, at this moment it occurs to you what or – to be more precise, who – can help you now.
Slipping into your soft slippers, you finally get up and stretch yourself, your bones cracking a few times from the extremely uncomfortable mattress. You sneak towards the door and pick up a candle that you light with a match on the way. Carefully, you open the creaking door and peer out with your head to make sure that nobody is walking around the dark corridors.
As soon as you are sure that you are alone, you step out into the cold hallway, which is only occasionally illuminated by the light of the streetlamps outside and the lightning bolts. Precisely estimating every step you take, you move across the loud wooden panels that have already seen better days. Holding the burning candle in front of you, you take a closer look at the room doors and the numbers written onto them. Even though you are positive you would also find his room with your eyes closed.
Arriving in front of said door, you put your ear against it first and listen, waiting for some noises from the inside. But when you do not hear anything, you softly knock on the door before opening it, greeting you with a loud creak as well. Quickly, you close it shut behind you and your gaze falls on the room, which looks confusingly similar to your own. Just like every other room in this orphanage, to be exact.
“Tom?”, you softly whisper into the silence, waiting for an answer in vain as you come to quickly realize that he is asleep in his bed, snoring quietly, his wand tightly in his hand. A small smile creeps onto your lips at the sight of his messy hair. He would never voluntarily show himself to anyone like this.
Sitting down on the edge of his bed, you tap his shoulder carefully, but again he shows no reaction. A little frustrated, you roll your eyes. He has always been a deep sleeper.
“Tom”, you repeat his name, this time a little louder, accompanied by a rather rough shake on his shoulder. Finally, this has an effect on him when he slowly begins to move, apparently finding his way back into reality. Before you know it, however, his wand is directly pointed at you.
“Wow, cowboy. Calm down, it is just me”, you giggle and raise your arms in fake surrender. As soon as Tom recognizes you and your voice, he lowers his wand with relief and lets himself fall on his mattress.
“Let me sleep”, he grumbles, obviously offended that you disturbed his sleep.
“Tom, I am here for a reason”, you shake your head in disbelief as he tries to fall asleep again, although he did not even seem to wonder why you are suddenly standing in his room in the dead of night.
“Leave me alone, Y/N. Can that not wait until tomorrow?”, his rough, sleepy voice sounds through the room, and he does not move again, his back facing you.
“No, it cannot wait”, you reply, a little annoyed by the way he talks to you. “I have a terrible headache and do not know what to do about it.”
After those words leave your lips, he abruptly moves and turns to you, his eyes narrowed to take a closer look at you in the darkness which is sparsely lighted up by your dim flickering candle. It takes him a moment to process all of it before he finally points his wand at you again.
“Do not worry, I can fix that”, he states, but before he can even think of a spell that might help you, you snitch his wand from him in shock.
“Are you crazy?! We are not allowed to use magic in the muggle world, you idiot!”, you snarl at him while he can only look at you in utter disbelief that you could get a hold of his wand so easily. “Do you not think that I would have helped myself with magic a long time ago, stupid?”
“Well, if you really want to do it the harder way”, Tom rolls his eyes and takes his wand back before he gets up from his bed with you. “I heard about a miracle cure created by muggles. It is supposed to work wonders against any kind of headache. Come on.”
Feeling grateful, you follow him out of his room and into the hallway, where you slowly move down the stairs. Before you can reach the ground floor, however, Tom hastily pulls you up and to the side, hiding your figures behind a corner. He supports his hands next to your head against the wall while his chest is almost touching yours, you would only have to inhale once, and your bodies would meet. But you are much too frightened to breathe, holding your breath for unknown reasons until you also perceive the echoing footsteps that Tom noticed long before.
“Shit”, you quietly swear under your breath, but Tom immediately presses his hand to your mouth in order to silence you. At this exact moment, one of the supervisors comes running up the stairs, not realizing that two of his proteges are almost right next to him past curfew. Inwardly praying that he will walk the other way as soon as he reaches the top, you close your eyes and try to be as silent as possible.
A sigh of relief escapes your throat once the steps finally fade away in the other direction and Tom takes his hand from your mouth.
“Well, that was close”, Tom breathes out heavily, also relieved, and a smile immediately plays around his lips when he looks at you. It is just like in the old days when you were kids and scurried through the building together every night, always looking for the next adventure.
Taking your hand in his, he quickly pulls you behind him as you go down the stairs now. At the next corner he comes to another halt, causing you to accidentally run into his back, which he only comments with a shake of his head and a gentle chuckle. Once he made sure that you will not make any more nightly acquaintances, he pulls you with him and into the small, run-down kitchen of the orphanage.
Immediately, he fills a glass with water and searches every cupboard for his so-called ‘miracle cure’. Triumphantly he holds a package in the air when he apparently found what he was searching for. Intrigued, you inspect the packaging while Tom takes out a white pill and throws it into the glass with water. The small pill begins to dissolve in the water with a hiss right away.
“Drink this. Completely”, he orders you as soon as the pill has completely disappeared. After thanking him, you take the glass and then drink the fizzing brew. To this day, you do not understand who thought it was a good idea to make medicine taste absolutely gross and disgusting.
“That is inedible!”
“Well, then next time you better make sure that you do not stress your body to the limit! Of course you will get a headache then”, Tom replies to you, annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest when he apparently notices that his words sounded like he was actually worried. But he is Tom Marvolo Riddle, he does not care about anyone.
“Are you worried about me?”, you ask in astonishment after you managed to empty the glass with one big last gulp. You look at him with one eyebrow raised, the corner of your mouth lifting slightly. It if were not that dark in the kitchen, you could swear you see his cheek turn red.
“Stop imagining things”, Tom playfully sticks out his tongue and gently snaps his finger against your forehead.
“I would not dare”, you giggle and place a tender kiss on his cheek as a thank you before you take his hand in yours and lead him out of the kitchen.
“Thank you, Tom. You are truly the best!”
“For you, always.”
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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cedric diggory x fem!reader
part two: Dreamiest Boy in School.
warnings: smut, shower sex, swearing, oral (female receiving), masturbation.
If you are not comfortable please do not read.
summary: Cedric’s been in love with you for years. What will he do when he catches the reader moaning his name after a quidditch game in the prefect’s bathroom. Fluff at the end.
a/n: characters are 18+ and it is fully consensual.
word count: 4.2k
Cedric first met you in his fifth year when he’d first been appointed captain of the hufflepuff team, it was your first time trying out despite also being in your fifth, but it was no secret that it wasn’t your first time on the pitch. You were a natural, blocking quaffles with ease, letting none enter the goal. Your movements were smooth, elegant, but forceful, effectively getting the job done, but truly showing off the art of flying. Cedric had to forcibly pinch himself after you touched down. 
Today was a rough game against gryffindor, It went on much longer than it needed to with Ms. Pink Toad calling random people from the pitch and ‘hem hemming’ every time someone managed to score a goal. When Cedric had eventually caught the snitch, he had to deal with a ten minute long speech from Umbridge speaking of his bravery and strength, he cut it short after she began to run her hands over his face.
Now came Cedric’s favourite part of the game, his friends had already congratulated him on the win, but he was close by you and your friends as you touched down from the goal post. You were distributing high-fives to everyone, even throwing Cedric a quick thumbs up before running to your gym bag and taking a long sip from your water bottle. Here it comes, your pupils glance from side to side, scanning the area before grabbing the hem of your jersey to dab at the sweat running down your face. No one on the team cared you did this, but you still felt weird randomly pulling your jersey up to clean off your face. You did this after every practice and game, and although he didn’t mean to intrude Cedric found himself gazing at you often.
Cedric takes his bottom lip into his teeth as he looks to the grass beneath him, his thoughts running wild. He pictures what it would be like if he was the one pulling at your shirt, slowly pushing it up your gorgeous body as you beg him to take it off, rolling your hips desperately against his. The seeker’s pants were starting to get a little more constricting at the thought.
Ever since his first time seeing you at the pitch, he’d find himself thinking of you this way a lot. His name spilling from your lips, mouth agape, legs quivering. It kept him awake often, thinking about you. Imagining the feeling of your lips pressed to his as he rocked his hips in and out of you. He didn’t appreciate the sinful thoughts encasing his mind every time he saw you, it drove him insane. Any time you licked your lips, shook out your hair, smirked or even simply laughed, he’d have to excuse himself to rid of the heat from his face.
It was even worse the two of you had become close friends in the last two years, you were the person to help and train him for the triwizard tournament, working out with him often and supporting him through his challenges, also being his unofficial ‘date’ to the ball. You pushed him well, preparing him for the physical challenges that lay ahead in the contest, but only having his crush grow as you worked by his side and hugged him good luck. After he won, you were one of the first people he went to after his father. You had jumped into his arms and held him tight as he recounted the story of how Voldemort had stunned him and Harry had saved his life. Upon finishing  the story, you had kissed him on the cheek and whispered.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do if you were gone.”
He knew then that he was never going to let you go.
Cedric did his best to put your friendship first, reminding himself of your platonic status and your great history. He couldn’t jeopardize it all, even if he fancied you. Running himself a cold shower after stripping down his robes in the prefect’s bathroom, he tries to place his thoughts in a different headspace. He ignores his surroundings as he tries to rid himself of the dirty images, letting the cold water stream onto his face. It was practically useless, his mind drifted back to your lips pulled between your teeth or how your lips felt against his cheek after each hit of cold water. With one small thought, his arousal and need grows.
Sighing quietly and shutting the tap off, the hufflepuff head boy wraps a towel around his waist as he picks up his bag to begin getting changed. Halfway to zip open his bag, he can hear a shaky voice calling, not to far away.
“Oh f-fuck Ced.” 
Body immediately going rigid, the wide-eyed boy regains his train of thought and remembering where he is, glancing around the showers. The voice was so familiar, close.
So... dream-like. Sifting through his memories to match the voice, he thinks of people close to him that were also prefects or head girls, the only person to came to mind was you, but that was impossible. What were you doing saying his name so beautifully.
“Faster, please.” The voice rang out again in a softer mewl. The brunette’s cheeks light on fire as the voice finally registers in his ears, no doubt it was your soft cry. Despite his better judgment, Cedric needed to check this out. To make sure he wasn’t just imagining your voice begging for him.
As he approaches the shower he hears the voice from, he can hear a heavy pant and a shower getting louder. Standing before the closed curtain. His hand hovering over top the thin material, he mentally debates this, perhaps he was wrong. He might’ve misheard, and the he’d be barging in on a random girl. Pulling his hand away he turn to leave, but another moan perks his attention.
“F-fuck Cedric, I-I’m gonna c-cum.” A quivering whimper, cries his name again.
He’d heard you say his name about a million times, cheering him on, talking to him, laughing out his name. That was you inside, about to cum to his image.
Not able to take it anymore and he rips open the shower curtain, his cock springing up under the towel and pure desire taking over his senses. There you were, damp hair streaming down your shoulders, leaning against a wall with one hand on your breast and the other deep between your legs, pushing in and out at a rapid pace, practically sobbing for release.
“Are you masturbating?”
You barely register the soft question, but as your eyes open they instantly flash with horror and you immediately pull your hands away from your body, meeting gazes with a wide-eyed Cedric. A flood of embarrassment consumes you, he must have heard you. Merlin, you felt disgusting.
“Oh my gosh Cedric I’m so sorry!” You apologize frantically, rushing to grab your towel and cover yourself as tears of self-consciousness begin to well in your eyes. “I didn’t- I’m so sorry.” You try and push him out of your way, but Cedric will not let you pass, his grey eyes still staring holes into you. Agonizing seconds pass as he simply looks you down, your head swiveling around to look anywhere but his stoic gaze. 
Finally smirks in amusement, Cedric reaches over and takes your chin in between his fingers, forcing your head up to meet his eyes, you ready yourself for a lecture, or maybe screams, but it doesn’t come.
“I like the way you said my name.” Cedric teases, pushing you back into the running shower.
“Hands between your thighs and on your breast, were you thinking about this?” Cedric purrs, pushing you against the smooth wall and pressing his chest against yours, slowly rocking his hard on against your sensitive clit with the rough towel around his waist. 
“Imagining me taking you in the shower, fucking you against the wall and whispering dirty thoughts into your ear?” He continues in a low voice, continuing the gentle rock of his hips.
Your mouth drops open at Cedric’s reaction and the waves of pleasure clouding your senses. “Answer me.” Cedric growls, pushing harder against you and encasing you in his arms, his elbows by your head and his forearms against the wall. “Y-yes, I-I was.” your soft voice breathes out. “Yes, who?” Cedric grins, his eyes growing dark with lust as he watches you writhe beneath him. “Yes Cedric.” You moan as the toned hufflepuff continues to roll his hips slowly, an approving smirk spreading on his lips. 
 “You don’t know how long I’ve wished to do this love.” Cedric begins to nip at your neck, sucking and kissing around until he finds the spot that makes your breath hitch. You bite your lip to suppress the upcoming moan.
“Stop.” Cedric’s needy voice growls at you. “The only one who’ll be biting those lips is me.” He states, desire lacing every word.
Roughly pushing his lips against yours in a heated kiss, his warm tongue swirls around your mouth, drinking in your intoxicating taste and gliding his rough fingertips up and down your body, memorizing every curve before coming to rest on your hips. Your teeth clash, pleasure and heat travel to your core, fueling your arousal as a hard member prods at you from under Cedric’s dangerously low towel. 
“Besides, I want the whole castle to know you’re mine.” The grey-eyed hufflepuff bucks his hips into yours again making you squirm. “C-Cedric!” You cry out, wrapping your arms around his muscular shoulders and digging your nails into your champion’s back, the steam in the shower clouds your perception even more, all you could sense was Cedric’s body against yours, every muscle every scar. Cedric’s teasing lips pull up again as you begin to ramble.
“I-I need you.” you beg nervously, grinding your hips against the soaked material of Cedric’s towel.
“Would you like my fingers or my tongue love.” Cedric’s cool digits brush the inside of your thighs, you nearly jump at the feeling. “Both.” You manage to whimper out as Cedric’s hard stare bores into you.
“Dirty girl.” He smirks teasingly, his voice smooth as satin and dark as sin. “Beg for it.”
You could feel your arousal growing at Cedric’s words. You’d never seen him as the type to wish his partner to beg, but Merlin you weren’t complaining.
“Please Cedric, I need you. You make me feel so fucking good, please don’t stop, let the whole castle know who I belong to.” 
Your champion’s eyes go from a piercing grey to almost black as lust and arousal course through his veins. He slowly lowers himself to the ground, pressing kisses all the way down to where you needed him most. Cedric takes his time spreading your legs apart and kissing up your inner thighs and blowing on your clit, sending shockwaves up your trembling form. He looks back up at you as he leans forwards and licks a stripe through your folds and begins to swirl his tongue around your clit. Your thoughts run cold, all that consumes your mind was the ecstasy running through your veins, Cedric flicking his tongue around your sex, fucking you with his tongue and lapping hungrily at your sweet juices.
“Oh fuck Cedric, please don’t stop.” Your mewling voice begs needlingly, breathing heavily to keep yourself from falling over. 
Cedric smiles into you and slowly teases his fingers around your entrance, tracing along the edge of your slit before sinking two long digits into your wetness. spots flash in front of your eyes as your head falls back against the wall. Cedric pulls and pushes his fingers in and out of you at a quick pace, twisting them around and bending slightly as your walls grow tighter around him. He uses his body to keep your legs from doubling over in pleasure and continues to ravage you with both his tongue and fingers. flicking and sucking at your bundle of nerves while thrusting his fingers in and out of your core. A familiar knot begins to form and you dig your hand into Cedric’s damp hair, pulling him closer to you and desperately rocking your hips against his face, desperate for any more friction he could give you. Cedric chuckles at your moaning form. Sending even more delicious vibrations to your sensitive clit, as moans mix with longing cries of your lover’s name. Cedric pulls his mouth away, bringing himself to a standing position, still burying his fingers in you, replacing his tongue with his calloused thumb to massage your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“You don’t know what you do to me darling. How does it make you feel that you give me a hard-on every time you lift that shirt up to wipe your face? Every time you bite that gorgeous lip, or flip your hair you’d have me wanting to bend you over and fuck you senseless.”
You try and respond, but the pleasure Cedric was giving to you was all your mind could take. The sound of his fingers pounding into your wet core and Cedric’s deep pants were driving you insane. You can only moan in response and crash your lips against his again. You can taste yourself as Cedric dips his tongue against yours, nibbling on your lip and picking up his pace with his fingers. A familiar knot forms in your abdomen and you have to pull away from Cedric’s lips to moan and arch your back even more, you can feel your walls clenching tighter against the rough fingers pounding in and out of you.
All at once the knot snaps and waves upon waves of euphoria washes over you and consuming your vision in white. Crying out Cedric’s name over and over again, the brunette helps you ride out your high, continuing to pulse his fingers in your clenching hole and kneeling down again to lap up your juices as you moan out and rock your hips gently, Cedric’s cock begins to twitch like mad watching he waves of cum spill from your core, but he takes his time, savoring every drop of your sex.
Cedric is practically beaming with pride as he stands again, holding the back of your head in his large hand. 
“So sweet love.” He smirks, wiping a drop of your cum off of his bottom lip with his thumb and licking it off slowly, keeping direct eye contact with you. Your face was red, your legs quivering, and deep breaths sounding from your lips.
“I’m not done with you yet darling.” Cedric drops the towel from his waist and boxes you in his arms again.
“You won’t be able to walk when I’m through with you.” The toned seeker teases in a dark voice.
Feeling his length against your stomach you bite back a moan, fuck he was big. You were unsure what to do, but taking his twitching cock into your hand, you pump his length experimentally, receiving a soft moan in return. Picking up the pace, you spread the precum on his tip as a lubricant. Working your hand against him, he reconnects your lips, a soft whimper flowing from Cedric’s lips. You keep using your hand to pleasure your champion, but Cedric can’t take it anymore.
“I need to be inside of you darling.” Cedric rasps, reluctantly pulling your hand from his throbbing tip and wrapping his arms around you.
Without hesitation you leap up and wrap your legs around Cedric’s hips and he presses you against the wall for support.
“Ready Love?” Cedric smirks, his hands squeezing your ass and cock teasing your soft folds.
“Shut up and take me Diggory.”
Cedric wastes no time sinking into you, slowly at first, letting you adjust to his thick shaft, small grunts sounding from your lips as Cedric sink deeper.
“You’re taking me so well darling, f-fuck.” Cedric groans, sticking his head in the crook of your neck, nibbling on your sensitive skin and squeezing your hips.
Tears prick in your eyes as Cedric bottoms out in you, burying your hand in his wet brown curls you whimper at the feeling of being so full.
After a couple moments the pain turns to pleasure and you shimmy around motioning to Cedric it’s okay to move. The brunette begins to thrust in and out of you, slow at first, but soon finding a rhythm, pulling in and out of you in a quick pace, thrusting out to almost his tip before burying himself to the hilt inside you once again.
“Faster Cedric.” your pleading voice gasps and pleads.
Cedric obliges, snapping his hips back and forth to the point you see spots in your vision and you’re dragging your nails down your champions back. Cedric frantically presses his lips against yours again as he groans loudly. You swallow the moan in the kiss and cup your hands around Cedric’s defined jawline, pulling him closer and clenching your core in surprise as he pushes his thumb to your clit.
Your reaction pulls another breathy moan from Cedric, but his thrusts don’t stop. He continues to pound into you, his desire out weighing any tiredness that should’ve been.
Your loud moans only egg him on further. Your sinful, desperate pleas for more drive him insane. Arching your back and rolling your hips, Cedric pounds even further into you.
“Fuck Cedric, right there.” Your loud beg cries out and Cedric smirks, slamming his hips into your spot over and over again. Screams of pleasure and sighs of satisfaction fill the air. Wet sounds of skin on skin ring throughout the large bathroom as Cedric sinks deep into you with each needy thrust.
Parting your lips, another choked moan is pulled from your lips and your vision goes blank once again as your coil snaps and your grip tightens on Cedric. Your champion doesn’t stop, his thrusts are still merciless and needy, but as your slit clenches his cock in a tight hold, his thrust becomes lazier and he can feel his release coming soon.
“You make me feel so good Ced, I’ve had my hand in between my legs thinking about this for so long, o-oh fuck.” You moan in a teasing voice against the brunettes ear. You can feel Cedric’s upper body go rigid as he uses the last of his strength to snap his hips into yours like his life depended on it. Your dirty talk making him imagine your naked body lying on your bed, moaning out his name, probably only a hallway away from him. Years of lust and love fuel his next thrusts. Every time he’d painfully gotten hard because of you, every time he imagined you underneath him and making you scream his name in ecstasy was all coming true and groaning your name into the crook of your neck he snaps his hips in a desperate thrust one more time before releasing all over your tight walls, his body pulsing in euphoria sending shockwaves of pleasure through his entire being.
Your eyes roll back and your legs jolt at his powerful stream, thanking Merlin you had taken the potion to help with cramps not too long ago. You begin to roll your hips lazily to help Cedric ride out his orgasm, your core practically numb with pleasure and your entire body exhausted. Cedric is panting heavily, his hand buried in your hair and his other still supports your body. He gives your bum a small squeeze, your body still against the wall and his still pressed to yours in support, letting the warm water from the tap relax your tired muscles and wash the proof of your pleasures off of your legs, while still intimately connected.
Cedric smiles as he looks deep into your eyes, still panting heavily, but now with nervousness and a slight anxiety. He couldn’t keep his true feelings from you any longer.
“You know I love you right?” The hufflepuff head boy confesses, running a hand down the side of your face.
“I’d hope so, considering you just fucked me senseless.” You giggle and wrap your arms around Cedric’s toned shoulders. 
Your giggle dies down to a grin and a pink blush makes it’s way onto your face as you look down to see the two of you still connected
“I love you too.” You smile earnestly, a smile playing on your lips and you press a kiss to Cedric’s pink cheek. “I’ve loved you since those days in fifth year when I trained with you, you don’t know how relieved I was you survived, and with Umbridge around I thought I might never get the chance to confess.” Your emotions come through and Cedric has to blink the pure happiness from his eyes to respond.
“I’ve loved you since the moment you came rushing into my arms after the maze, I had a crush on you before, but i’ll never forget when you said those words, I knew I’d never let you go.” Cedric’s smile falters a bit as your stare drops to his lips.
“C-can I kiss you?” His face grows closer to yours.
“Didn’t ask for permission while you were cumming in me.” You tease, peppering kisses all around Cedric’s handsome features as his face grows hot in embarrassment.
“I-Is that a yes?” He murmurs hopefully, your soft lips trailing down his jawline.
You smile and press a kiss to the corner of Cedric’s mouth.
“As long as I can be your girl.” You giggle.
Cedric immediately pushes his lips to yours in a more delicate, but wanting kiss. Taking his time now to show you his adoration and care for you. The sounds of your lips molding together sounding through the large shower. Cedric runs his tongue through your mouth again, slowly this time, sighing at the taste of your after-game drink and the light taste of strawberry chap stick that remained on the inside your lips, begging to be found and appreciated.
As Cedric continues to ravage your mouth you run your hands up and down his chest and abs, taking deep breaths of his autumn like scent. Campfire, vanilla and honey were the most prominent, while his aftershave also offered a sharp, wood like smell.
“I love you y/n, so much. It would be an honor to have you as my girl.” Cedric sighs against your lips, placing one final peck before pulling away and grinning like a little kid. A smile begins to form on your face.
“Hey, did you think you could, you know.” You awkwardly motion down towards where you were still intertwined. “My legs are kid of sore.” Cedric’s eyes widen in realization and he nods frantically, apologies spilling from his lips as he slowly pulls out of you with a small ‘pop.’ Cedric lowers your feet to the ground and begins to back up, but the sudden weight removed from your body made your legs forget how to move and you crash into Cedric’s chest again.
Your legs felt numb and you couldn’t get them to move properly without falling. Cedric does his best to hide his pride as your lips pull into a frown, but a small smirk emerges as he bites his lip to stop it. He glances down and also notices the small purple love bites littering your neck and he almost beams.
“I hope you’re happy with yourself Ced, I can’t walk.” You roll your eyes at his useless attempt to stop his smile.
“I am, and I must say you look absolutely ravishing sporting my love bites darling.” He grins darkly, but a light chuckle breaks free.
“Alright let’s get you dressed, come on.” Cedric turns the tap off before leaning over again and catching your legs in his arms, carrying you bridal style out of shower, grabbing your towel and gym bag on the way out.
Placing you down on a bench, he grabs his own fluffy, white towel from his bag. Using it to pat your hair and body dry, making sure to get every inch of your body, and being careful around your intimate parts as you winced often. Grabbing another school-provided towel, he pats his upper-body dry before tying the cloth around his waist. Shaking out his damp hair, he grabs your bag and places it next to you.
“Do you think you can do it yourself darling?” His voice is filled with concern, but you nod and zip open your bag. Cedric turns to his own clothes and after tugging on a pair of boxers and sweatpants, wipes his hair dry before throwing on a t-shirt.
He turns to see you in a black sports bra, tugging on a pair of black tights, but unable to get them up your bum. Cedric smirks, walking over to you and pulling you up, holding you against him as a support while you finally get the leggings on. He sits you back down before pulling a jumper out of his bag and slipping it over your head.
The sweater seems to swallow you whole and it takes a moment to find the holes for your arms. You thank Cedric and sigh at being engulfed in Cedric’s sweet scent, pulling the jumper over your nose and smiling in content.
“You look better in my clothes than I do.” Cedric smirks happily, pulling you up again and interlocking your hands.
“Well in that case I guess I’ll keep it.” You grin, slipping on your sneakers and following Cedric out the prefect bathroom to the best of your abilities, having to stop often due to the aftershock of Cedric’s desperate pounding. Finally resorting to Cedric carrying you once again. Thankfully Dolores and her goons seemed to be missing from the scene.
Finally making it back to the hufflepuff common room, Cedric sneaks you into his dorm and closes the canopy around his four poster bed. Breathing out in content, The head boy cuddles you into his chest and wraps his arms around your torso.
“Can’t believe you’re actually here on my bed with me, I’ve only dreamt of this.” Cedric murmurs giddily, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your nose.
You snake your arms around Cedric’s broad chest and cuddle closer to him.
“I’m never letting you go, you know that.” Your champion teases, kissing your hairline.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You reassure, closing your eyes tiredly and slowly drifting off, exhaustion from the day's activities getting to you.
Cedric peers down at you a happy smile resting on his lips as he too yawns and relaxes into his pillow. This day couldn’t have gone any better. He won the game, fucked you in the shower and now he’s cuddling you in his bed. His blush reappears onto his cheeks as your breathy moans engrave themselves into his brain, but pride takes over as he reminds himself it was him who made you moan like that. Peppering kisses on your forehead he finally closes his eyes and replays your evening with a small smirk.
This is my first time writing smut so tips would be appreciated!
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nocturnememory · 4 years
this softness (a knife, a knife, a knife)
 I was with you, he says, with his fingers ghosting along her scar. Right here, always.
She’s curled up against his side, Tales of Beetle the Bard, sits splayed open on the other half of the bed, but there’s no story she likes hearing more than the one he’ll tell her and only her, in the low light of her bedroom, half-asleep and pressed up as close as she can get to him.
Prompt: This is two prompts mixed into one, hopefully that works out for both prompters... the first was “What if Voldemort won the first war but harrie still ended as a hocrux?! Their life and story then. Would he watch over her as she is raised? Maybe care for her more or less?“ and the second, “How do you think Voldemort would raise Harrie? If he took her or kidnapped her from her parents instead of trying to kill her.”
This doesn’t quite match up with both exactly, but it merges the two together because I think they were too similar to not meld together into one prompt.
hopefully the two prompters enjoy it anyway!
Warnings: Underage, age-gap, Voldemort raises Harrie, Minister of Magic Voldemort, morally grey!Harrie. Pureblood rhetoric/prejudice. Pureblood culture/beliefs.
This is definitely pretty dark and like, very very morally complicated. Don’t be fooled by the fluff in the first part. If you’re at all sensitive to underage/age-gap stories, this one is definitely not for you. While I’ve done my best to keep it from being squicky with grooming, there’s definitely still going to be threads of this story that cross like, a lot of boundaries.
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this softness (a knife, a knife, a knife) 1/3
                  Outside of her cupboard, there’s a knock on the front door of Privet Drive.
In the kitchen, a chair scrapes back, her uncle grumbles and mutters about dinner time and no good nuisances. His footsteps are heavy and thundering as he passes by her cupboard, blocking the striped, reaching light from the slats for a moment as he heads to the front door.
His footsteps fade as he turns the lock and yanks the door open, his voice sharp and hard. “Do you know what time it is? What kind of f—”
There’s a thump and a sliding sound, like something heavy being pushed across the floor. Like when Aunt Petunia has Harrie vacuum the front room and she has to push and push the big couch back to get at the dust underneath.
The light to her cupboard gets blocked again, that sliding noise louder and louder like whatever is being pushed is sliding right past her cupboard door along the strip of carpet in the hallway.
Beneath that noise, just beneath it, something gurgles and gasps.
And then, there’s a scream. A thump, more thumps, something breaks and shatters and underneath it all, that choking, gasping gurgling sound.
Harrie huddles into the corner of her cupboard with her knees to her chest and her arms shaking, clutching at her little tin soldier in her sweaty palm.
No one ever looks in her cupboard, she tells herself, they won’t find her in here. She’s safe in her cupboard, she’s always been safe in her cupboard.
It gets louder, the thumping and gurgling and screams outside of her cupboard and Harrie tucks her head into her knees, squeezing her eyes shut—
It goes quiet.
Her ears strain and she pulls in a breath and holds it, trying to hear what’s going on in the kitchen.
There’s a drip, drip, drip… and Harrie swallows, turning her head towards her cupboard door, watching the light stripping through the slats, her heart thundering in her ears as she holds her breath just a little bit longer.
Drip, drip, drip.
Like spilled milk over the edge of the kitchen table, she thinks, or juice from one of Dudley’s tantrums that Harrie always has to clean up, girl.
Drip, drip, drip.
Shaking, she hears footsteps, a pair of shoes over the hard kitchen floor turning into softer steps on the carpet in the hall. Steady and slow, coming towards her; they sound too heavy to be Aunt Petunia’s, but much too light to be Uncle Vernon’s.
A stranger, she thinks. It’s a stranger in the house, isn’t it?
She huddles smaller, hugging her knees tighter as the footsteps stop in front of her cupboard; it blocks some of the light, the pair of legs just outside of the door.
Her heart pounds, wild and unsteady and so loud in her ears it sounds like Dudley jumping on the stairs above her head. Thump thump thump.
The latch slides and drags back in a metallic scrape.
She goes cold at the same time something hot burns through her stomach and— and she feels— she feels—
So angry. So angry, her palm’s slippery and hot and it was over too quick, too quick, should have taken longer. Drawn it out. It’s clawing at her insides and— and the knob turns and the feeling cuts off, sharp and sudden enough to make her hitch a little breath.
The door pulls back.
A man crouches down slowly, he’s tall and big and fills the little, angled doorway of her cupboard up until there’s barely any space left.
He holds his hand out, it’s red and shiny, even in shadows of her cupboard.
“Hullo, Harrie,” the man says with a careful, slow smile that makes her feel…makes her feel…
It makes her slide forward, unfolding from her tucked-up, tight huddle in the corner, makes her slip her hand into his sticky one so he can pull her out towards him until she can tuck her head into his neck and wrap her arms around his shoulders and cling onto him so tight she thinks it has to hurt him.
But his fingers are long and warm as they push into her hair to cup the back of her head as his arms wrap around her like they’re swallowing her up in the size of them; his voice is low and warm and she can feel it inside of her chest, her belly, the clench of her knees digging into his ribs, trembling to cling on tighter and tighter and tighter.
His head turns into her shoulder, his chest shifts against hers as he breathes out, long and slow and warm over her skin, his arms tightening just a little bit more around her.
“I’m sorry it took me so long.”
                                                                            She’s so much smaller than he expects.
He doesn’t burn the house down, no matter the desire to wipe the filth of that family off the face of the Earth like God’s hand coming down with a vengeful flood.
No, no. That’s almost kind, isn’t it? Fire purifies in so many ways, and they deserve to die like the bugs they are. A smear of gore on glass. Crushed beneath his palm.
He seals the house and leaves them to rot.
The girl, his girl, breathes gently against his neck, her cheek soft and warm, her arms lax over his shoulders. She hasn’t spoken yet, but she knows him.
She knew him as soon as she saw him.
In a cupboard. A cupboard. (He killed them too quickly, too easily. He should’ve taken his time taking them apart. Chained them to a rockface and picked at their organs and bones like a vulture. Left them to be gnawed on by rats and birds a little more each day.)
His girl whimpers at the heat of his anger and irritation, and he ducks his head and presses his lips to her forehead, his voice low and easing, shh, sweet girl, it’s alright.
She weighs nothing, and it’s his own fault for being so caught by it. She’s taken up so much space in his mind for years that the reality of her, no matter that he knows she’s nothing but a four-year-old child, leaves him staggering to process it.
He’s been hunting for her for so long. Four years since he knew about the idea of her. Three years since he’s known her, known her voice and her face in flashes, known her hunger and her tears, known the terribly rare sound of her laughter. (Once, just once, a kitten-lick on her palm, a stale house with an awkwardly-kind old woman surrounded by cats who fed her stale cake.)
A squib, he’d found out later, a kind old fucking squib faithful to Albus. She’d lived only long enough to seal her own fate. (A terribly small girl, she’d said around her tea cup, her eyes glassy and unfocused, I’m not sure they treat her very well but—)
                                    When he was a boy, he imagined that when the day came that he and Albus came wand-point to wand-point, it would be bloody and beautiful and biblical. The battle of Armageddon; the orphan boy and the false king.
(His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.  He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.)
A final stand that would raze Britain to its foundations and let the victor rebuild it in whatever image they chose. A fanciful, violent dream shaped by a boy sculpted by his childhood. Verses twisted to fantasies. Recitation twisted to conception.
It would have been something.
But now— now Albus has fashioned himself a noose of his own making and it tightens by the hour. Inches tighter by the minute. There will be no crowns and no battle, no fire and no brimstone.
There are bruises on her and she weighs nothing.
                                      He holds her through the twist of Apparition, carries her into his estate that’s been sitting empty, sitting waiting, sitting ready for the moment he finally found her.
He peels her out of her too-large muggle clothes and sinks her into a bath so overloaded by bubbles from an overeager house-elf that she nearly disappears into them.
The house elves send food and Harrie picks at apple slices with peanut butter and sliced fruit with slick little fingers.
He sinks himself onto a conjured stool beside the tub and does not even once think about what anyone would think about Lord Voldemort sitting at the side of a child’s bathtub.
Instead, he rolls his sleeves and pulls bubbles into little animal shapes to move around her head. Sends an Erumpet charging through a bubble-boulder, a snake winding over her head, a little fluttering pixie that blows bubbles out of its little bubble mouth.
Her laughter is sweeter than that one echoing sound of it he heard once in his chest— sweeter than any sound, in truth, in all the years he’s been alive or a shade or something caught between the two.
Harrie laughs and giggles and soaks until she’s pink and pruned, until all the filth of those muggles is nothing more than dirt sinking down the drain.
After, when he plucks her out of the tub and wraps her in a too-large towel, she stands between his bent knees and shivers in the chill outside of the tub, the fluffy thick, white towel tugged up to her mouth as she blinks at him all wide-eyed and green; hopeful, resigned, curious, cautious.
“Are you real?” she asks, her voice small and muffled as he rubs his hands briskly over her shoulders and back to warm her up again.
His anger is a sudden and ice-cold dagger inside of him. Harrie's brows furrow and her body tightens, shoulders tensing, pulling the towel higher and tighter until its right under her nose.
He reigns it in, swallowing it down and resumes rubbing over her shoulders and back. “Yes, I’m real,” he says, as light and easy as he can manage. “Do I not feel real?”
She shrugs her little shoulders and leans into him, tucking her head against his shoulder. She’s warm and damp and he can feel it soaking into his clothes slowly, but he wraps her up in his arms and lets her burrow closer, still clutching at the towel but pressing herself into him.
“I’m real,” he says as her hair soaks his shoulder and she turns her head and presses her cheek against his chest. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time, Harrie.”
She’s quiet, her body slowly easing in his arms as her shivers subside. “You promise you’re real?”
“I promise.”
                                     (Albus has lost the right to be remembered. He’ll be no more than those muggles dead in Four Privet Drive, a smear of bug guts on glass.
He’ll leave the man to rot in a field, he thinks. 
Nothing but dead and rotting meat.)
                                                                                               I was with you, he says, with his fingers ghosting along her scar. Right here, always.
She’s curled up against his side, Tales of Beetle the Bard, sits splayed open on the other half of the bed, but there’s no story she likes hearing more than the one he’ll tell her and only her, in the low light of her bedroom, half-asleep and pressed up as close as she can get to him.
He’s warm and so big and Harrie never feels like she can get close enough, no matter where she tucks her head or how hard her hand curls into his shirt. His heartbeat is steady and familiar, even when it wasn’t. Even when she isn’t sure she knew his face, she thinks she always knew him.
I had to put myself back together, he’ll say, with his fingers on her cheek or her scar, his voice this low-rolling thing that fills her up so nicely, rumbling out of his chest and into her. You were my little guide in the dark for all my scattered parts.
She doesn’t like the idea of him being apart but in her mind he’s like a puzzle and she’s piecing him back together with her own little hands, fitting all his edges into hers the way her still-bony knees and elbows fit so nicely into the warmth of his chest or under his arm. The way her cheek will fit hotly against his shoulder and she can hear that wave-like whump-bump of his heart that always reminds of her when she was in her cupboard and it was dark and empty but not so empty at all. When she’d shut her eyes and plug her ears to cover the sound of the Dursleys forgetting about her. In the quiet, in the press of her palms, she’d hear that ocean-like sound, whump-bump, whump-bump.
It’s her favourite place to be, listening to that sound inside of him; her ear pressed up against his shoulder or chest and she thinks he knows it, too, because sometimes he’ll slide his hand over her cheek until it covers her other ear, until the world fades away and there’s nothing but that sound. Nothing but the weight of his palm, his fingers in her hair and his thumb tracing slowly over the edges of her scar.
                                                                                              There’s a man kneeling on the floor, and he’s bound in shackles and he looks at Harrie with the saddest look Harrie’s ever seen, like those dark paintings she’s seen hanging on the walls in the Malfoy’s long hallways, their faces twisted and dark.
The man in front of her and Tom says her name like it’s something other than just a name.
“Harrie,” he says with a face that twists almost painfully towards tears. Harrie, I’m so sorry—
She doesn’t know what he’s sorry for, but one of the Death Eaters standing next to him yanks a thick silver chain that’s attached to a thick silver collar around his neck and the man grits his teeth as his eyes flash yellow and something growls low in his throat as he winces in pain.
Tom carries her as he walks in front of the man, but there’s a smile on his face just for her, and in her ear he says: he thought he could hide you from me, like it’s a funny little secret just for them.
Harrie almost laughs, burrowing her smile into his chest instead; she doesn’t think it’s the right place to laugh, it’s too cold and tight in the room. It doesn’t feel right. But it’s funny all the same and she feels it bubble inside of her because—
Because Tom hunted giants for her, she knows the story; she was hidden away like a princess in those adventures in her picture books.
The half-giant came thundering through the rubble and stole you away from the battle right when I’d finally found you.
The giant had been the one to leave her with the Dursleys, Tom said.
Sometimes, Harrie thinks she remembers it, this cracking roar of a sound that she thinks must’ve been the giant; she remembers being carried so high up that it must have been something very tall carrying her.
He was the key to finding you, he’d tell her whenever she asked for the story, and I fought him until he fell like a great, old tree and then I cracked him open until he spilled all those terrible secrets in his thick, giant head.
It’s silly, she thinks, that anyone could think Tom wouldn’t find her. The man kneeling in front of them should have known better.
“This one,” Tom says as he shifts Harrie in his arms and walks around the chained man. “Was one of Albus’ most loyal little dogs. But he’s been hiding away in the muggle world, hasn’t he? Like the little traitor he is.”
The last comes out sharper, harder, and Harrie feels Tom’s anger in her belly; sometimes she’ll get echoes of it when he tells the story but it’s brighter now, more real.
It isn’t just a bedtime story, she knows, no matter how many times she asks for him to tell it. She knows it’s all real.
Tom fought giants for her.
“Not even a dog,” Tom says and then he smiles again and presses it into Harrie’s cheek until Harrie looks at him and wraps her arms around his neck and drops her cheek to the thick of his shoulder to watch the bound man from the comfort of Tom’s heartbeat beneath her ear when he pulls back.
“No, not a dog,” he says lightly. “But we’ll let him find himself, won’t we, sweet girl? We’ll show him what sort of beast he truly is.”
The man swallows and jerks in his chains, his eyes closing as his shoulders slump. “I’m so sorry, Harrie.”
She frowns and fiddles with a button on Tom’s shirt, blinking at the man; she doesn’t know what to think about him, only that he’s awfully silly for thinking Tom wouldn’t find her, and must not be that smart to think he could hide.
Tom’s very, very good and Hide and Seek. He always finds her.
“It’s a full moon tonight,” Tom says lightly. “We should go to the beach, shouldn’t we?”
Harrie sits straighter in his arms, glancing at the other man. She doesn’t think Tom means to bring him along, they usually only go to the beach together but… “Just us?”
Tom chuckles and nods. “Just us. He’ll be much too busy tonight, I’m afraid. He’s been cooped up and hiding for so long, I’d imagine he needs some time to be himself, hm?” he pinches her side, his smile growing at her laughter before he turns his head to look at the other man. “And he must be quite hungry, I’d imagine.”
                                                                                                           Nagini, Tom tells her, holding her in the waist-deep water along the edges of the lake as the snake slides through the waters around them like a glimmer of dark oil just under the surface. She’s big and long and endless, circling Tom’s waist, brushing slickly against Harrie’s toes where they dig into his hip.
She isn’t sure if she’s afraid, because Tom’s with her and nothing bad will happen to her if he’s there, she knows, but she clings on a little tighter to his shoulders, peering down into the dark waters, the sun above them lighting only the first few inches, just enough to see the metallic, colourful scales along the snake’s skin as she circles them.
Tom walks further into the water, until it laps coolly over her waist and his stomach and she’s only half-listening but ever attuned to his voice in her ear.
Naga’s prefer the water, he says, but Nagini loves to hunt in the fields. Fat cows and wild deer, the bigger the better. She’ll squeeze and squeeze, he says, his arms tightening around her, until they fall asleep, and then…
He pinches her side and makes her squeal out a laugh and slosh the water around them as he sinks them up to their shoulders.
She’ll bite them, quick and sharp, sinking her venom into them.
You’d be nothing to swallow up, he teases, a little mouthful. A little appetizer with sharp little bones.
You wouldn’t let her eat me, Harrie insists.
No? he asks, with his crooked smile that makes her whole tummy do this happy little dance and makes her grin back as she shakes her head, the damp edges of her hair flying around them.
I’m not food.
Aren’t you? he says, with a laugh as he takes her hand in his and moves it out into the water to stroke over Nagini’s winding scales. What are you then?
Yours, she says and his grin is wide and so happy she can feel it, like little bursts along her insides.
You are, he says and brushes his nose over the soft of her cheek before he lets out a little snarl and bites her cheek lightly. You’re mine to eat up, aren’t you?
Harrie squirms in his arms, giggling at the scrape of his teeth over the soft of her cheek, before she bites him back, snapping her little teeth at him, her nose scrunching with a growl. No. I’ll eat you. She says and wraps her arms around his neck, tighter and tighter. Like Nagini, she decides, I’ll swallow you up.
He laughs into her shoulder, and she barely pulls in a breathless squeal of surprise when he dunks them both into the water, Nagini winding around them, her voice as smooth as silk.
Hello, little hatchling. He’s been hunting for you for ssso long.
                                                     The door creaks open and he glances up, even though he already knows who it is, sneaking into the room. Though, he thinks, sneaking isn’t quite the word for it.
His girl slips sleepily into his office, clutching a throw blanket from her bedroom around herself, her hair wild and her eyes heavy with sleep. Her bare feet quiet little pats in the lull in the room, the blanket dragging behind her like a cloak.
Abraxas’ lips turn up at the sight, hiding a smile in the way he leans on his elbow, his fist just covering his mouth. Bellatrix’s jaw tightens in irritation, as young and too eager as she is vicious and cruel.
Severus watches the girl, his mind carefully, perfectly blank.
Harrie stumbles up to his side and he turns in his chair, letting her clamber onto his lap, pressing her warm cheek into his chest as she curls up in her blanket. She grabs at his arm, dragging it over her middle, a soft little pout in her lip.
“Spoiled girl,” he whispers before shifting her, settling her more comfortably on his lap, listening to her little inhale and sigh, feeling the curl of her hand into the front of his shirt, holding onto him.
She’s asleep in moments, the gentle hum of her mind always at the back of his, fades into a soft, blurry thing full of contentment.
“The papers are already running the story,” Abraxas continues after clearing his throat and schooling his face. “The attack on the Ministry will be blamed on the Order. I edited the article myself, malcontents targeting Purebloods and Minister Bagnold, who so recently and tragically lost his wife to the very same violent insurgents.”
“How terrible,” Tom smiles, feeling that same contentment that comes with Harrie’s steady heartbeat against his. “I look forward to tomorrow’s paper.”
                                               Albus dies alone a week later. A poisoned candy rotting away in his stomach.
(He lets them bury him and lets them mourn. He takes Harrie to Italy for the week and lets her press gelato-sticky kisses to his cheek in the heat of the Italian sun and the salty spray of the ocean. He’s never been partial to lemon, but he smiles around glass after glass of Limoncello and laughs at the face Harrie makes when she insists on tasting it.)
Lemon has never tasted better, he thinks.
  (He digs him up when they get back. Strips him naked before dumping him in a field just outside of Hogwarts wards. No final words, no victorious speech; Harrie’s waiting for him already, tucked into his bed no matter how many times he carries her back to her own.)
 Victory, Tom realises, looks entirely different now:
Sleep-warm cheeks, bony knees in his ribs, a little reaching hand that curls around his finger. 
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Not Like Him
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Request: Yes / No Helloooo, I love your writings!! 💗 I was wondering if you could do Maybe a Voldemort X hufflepuff daughter reader who didn’t know she was related to him (she’s an orphan) until 4th year when Voldemort came back (let’s say she was friends with Cedric). Everyone hates or is scared of her, she was friends with the Golden Trio & everyone else (until they left her). Then in 5th year she joins the DA and proves herself to them by saving Sirius (cause my bby can’t die 🥺). All platonic pls ❤️ Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
Voldemort x Fem!Daughter!Reader
Word count: 1859
Warnings: Hate and death. 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I was abandoned by my parents when I was just a baby. I grew up in an orphanage, Wool’s Orphanage to be exact, but when I was eleven an old man came to the orphanage asking to speak to me. 
“Y/N, there’s a visitor for you.” Amelia said. She stepped aside and a very old looking man walked in. 
“How do you do, Y/N, my name is Albus Dumbledor and I was hoping I could talk with you.” He said. I looked at Amelia and she just smiled and nodded. 
“Alright.” I said and he sat on a chair next to my bed. 
“Are you a doctor? Mrs said she wanted to get me checked, said some odd things happen around me.” I asked curiously. 
“No, I’m a Professor.” He said with a smile. 
“A Professor?” I asked, confused. 
“Yes at Hogwarts.” He said. 
“Hogwarts? I’ve never heard of that school before.” I said with my brows furrowed. 
“Well dear, it’s a school of magic.” He said and I looked at him like he was mad. 
“You can do this, can’t you Y/N? Things other children can’t?” He asked. 
“Things have moved without me touching them, animals listen to me without training, a-and…” I paused, my eyes getting teary. 
“What is it?” He asked. 
“A few people that have been mean to me have gotten hurt, but I swear I didn’t do it! I would never want to hurt them!” I said. 
“It’s alright dear.” He said and placed his hand on my shoulder. 
“Who are you?” I asked. 
“Well, I’m like you Y/N. I’m different.” He answered. 
“Can you prove it?” I asked. Something started moving in my wardrobe and I looked at it scared and confused. 
“I think there’s something in your wardrobe trying to get out Y/N.” He said. I walked over to it and opened it. There was the little bird that I’ve been secretly taking care of since I found it with a hurt wing. I picked him up and set him down on my bed. 
“I understand you are trying to help this bird Y/N, but he belongs outside.” He said. 
“I was just trying to heal him.” I said. 
“I know.” He smiled. 
“At Hogwarts you’ll be taught not only how to use magic, but how to control it, you understand me?” He asked. 
“Yes sir.” I said and he smiled. 
“Then I shall give you some wizarding money and you shall buy your supplies when the time comes.” He said and gathered his things to leave. 
“Sir?” I stopped him. 
“Yes?” He asked. 
“I can speak to snakes as well, is that normal?” I asked. 
“No.” He answered and I bit my lip. 
“Then maybe I am mad…” I said. 
“You’re not mad dear, it’s just not common amongst our people.” He said. 
“Really?” I asked and he nodded with a smile. 
“I’ll be sending you a letter and informing your carer that you will be going to a special school.” He said and I smiled. 
“Thank you sir.” I said and he returned the smile. 
Exploring the wizarding world was interesting. Professor Dumbledor told me I should go to Diagon Alley and gave a map showing me how to get there. He said everything I’d need would be there. I got all that I needed and saved my wand for last. I walked into the shop that was called Olavanders and smiled at the elderly man.
“Hello sir, um I need a wand for my new school.” I said and he smiled. 
“Lovely, let’s see which one is right for you.” He said and picked up a few, but none seemed to work well. He picked up a new one and handed it to me. Something about it just felt right and it did exactly what I wanted it to do.
“Interesting, very interesting.” He said. 
“Sorry, but what’s interesting?” I asked. 
“That wand is very similar to another wand I sold.” He said and I thought I saw some fear in his eyes. 
“Then perhaps I should get another one?” I suggested, but he shook his head. 
“The wand chooses the wizard dearie.” He said and I bit my lip. 
“Oh, well thank you for your help sir.” I smiled and he returned it. 
“Of course dearie.” He said. As I was leaving I heard him mumbling about how I was interesting again. 
When I got to Hogwarts I was amazed by everything. They had a ceiling that looked exactly like the night sky, floating candles, and ghosts! I ended it making friends with a few other new students and we were all excited about what this year would bring us. I watched everyone get sorted into one of the four houses. I was nervous about what mine would be. I was told by one of my new friends that I didn’t want to be put in Slytherin, that bad wizards are made there. 
“Y/N Wool.” A teacher called and I walked up to the seat. I sat down and she placed a large hat on my head. 
“Interesting. Very interesting. You are like another student I’ve sorted in my past, yet different. You are hard to place. You could do well in any house, but I think Slytherin would be the best fit… Hmmm…” It said and my eyes widened. 
“Please not Slytherin.” I begged in my mind. 
“Not Slytherin? Are you sure? It would help you on your journey through your life.” It said. 
“Please no.” I thought. 
“Well alright then, I believe you should be in Hufflepuff!” It shouted and cheers erupted. I smiled and hopped off the stool, walking over to the table with people dressed in yellow. I sat down and a boy that looked to be maybe two or three years older than me smiled. 
“Congratulations, I’m Cedric Diggory.” He said and offered me his hand. 
“Thank you, I’m Y/N Wool.” I said. 
“Wool? I don’t believe I know that name.” He said confused. 
“Oh, it’s not my real last name. No one is really sure what my last name is. I was abandoned at Wool’s Orphanage when I was a baby and they raised me there, so my last name is Wool.” I smiled. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He said. 
“It’s alright.” I said with a smile. 
“Well if you need any help getting used to magic feel free to ask me.” He said with a smile. 
“I will gladly take you up on that offer, this is all so new to me.” I said looking around, still in awe. 
“I’ll gladly help.” He said. 
The first three years of Hogwarts were amazing. I had made so many new friends and Cedric had quickly become my best friend, he was like a brother to me. But when fourth year came around everything changed. Cedric had entered in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He did really well in the first two tasks and it even gave him a head start in the third. But when Harry returned he had Cedric’s dead body and was screaming about how Voldemort was back. I had learned that he was a very scary wizard that wanted to take over the wizarding world. He hated Muggles and Muggle-Borns. I had run down so quickly and kneeled next to Cedric’s dead body. 
“Ced, no…” I whispered and touched his body. A flash ran through my head and it was someone dropping me off at the orphanage. The cloaked figure turned and I saw his face. Voldemort. I pulled away and the flash was gone. I stumbled back and I didn’t even notice I was crying harder. 
“Y/N? What is it?” Dumbledor asked crouching in front of me. 
“I-I saw him…” I said and Harry looked at me shocked. 
“You saw him kill Cedric?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“I saw him dropping me off at the orphanage…” I whispered and looked up at Professor Dumbledor. He didn’t have a shocked expression like I thought he would, instead his face held sorrow. 
“You knew?” I asked. 
“Y/N I was just trying to protect you.” He said. 
“You knew! You knew he’s my Father and didn’t tell me!” I shouted louder than I should have. Whispers flooded through the students. 
“I-I trusted you…” I said and ran off crying. 
After that year everyone was terrified of me. Some Slytherin’s tried to befriend me, but I just ignored them. All of my friends turned on me and I was all alone. I wasn’t like my Father. I would never be like my Father. I needed to prove that. I heard my roommates whispering about a secret meeting that would be happening in Hogsmeade. I sneakily followed some people and waited till everyone was gone but Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I walked inside and they all looked at me in shock, but it quickly changed to hatred. 
“What are you doing here?” Ron growled. 
“Please, I heard that you were forming a group of sorts to teach students how to defend themselves and I was wondering if I could join?” I asked. 
“Yeah right, I’m sure you just want to know our plans so you can go and tell you Father!” Ron spit and I shook my head. 
“No! I’m not like my Father, I want to prove that to everyone.” I begged. 
“Alright.” Harry said. 
“Harry!” Hermione said shocked. 
“Have you gone mad?” Ron asked. 
“No, but I think she deserves a chance to prove herself.” He said and I smiled. 
“Thank you.” I said. 
“Come sign.” He said and I walked over. I signed my name under all the others and smiled at him. 
“Honestly Harry, thank you.” I said. 
“Just don’t betray us.” He said and I nodded. 
“I would never.” I said and left. 
At the first meeting everyone stared at me with such hate. Harry told them the situation and they just ignored me. They trusted Harry, but not me. Dumbledor’s Army was betrayed, but I wasn’t the one. It was Cho Chang and everyone hated her. They still disliked me and some even believe that I was the real one to betray them. However Harry still had some trust in me. So much so that he asked me to come with them to the Ministry to help them. The other’s didn’t like me going, but Harry shut that down. We got into a fight with Death Eaters. Harry and I were the only two that weren’t being held by a Death Eater. But the Order of the Phoenix showed up and saved us. 
“Avada Kedavra!” One of the Death Eaters shouted and it was aimed at Harry’s Godfather, Sirius Black. 
“No!” I shouted and jumped in front of him. The curse hit me and I fell to the ground. Harry fell next to me and he was crying. 
“Make sure my Father doesn’t win.” I whispered. 
“You’ll see him lose, just stay with us.” He cried. 
“I won’t we both know that… Just make sure everyone knows that I’m… not… like… him…” I said and blackness overtook me. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @softgamerking @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @in-slytherin-we-trust @accio-rogers​
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Horcrux (3)
~A little unknown secret about yourself, your voldemorts daughter, from when he was just turning into a crazy man, just as he killed Harry Potters parents you were born a year before, turned into a horcrux just like Harry, without knowing the consequences Voldemort made you into a secret.
Send Requests Here
Word Count-1403
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I picked my stuff up from the ground and looked up at the Malfoy Manor that stood infront of me. “I haven’t been here for awhile,” I chuckled looking at Draco who looked nervous, and at Apollo who walked ahead of us. “It’ll be okay, we’re fine Draco,” I whispered wrapping my free hand around him.
“Come on you two, our fathers are waiting,” Apollo said waving his hand, we followed the tall buffed man into the house. “I come baring gifts!” He shouted making me smile, I placed my stuff on the ground and took of my shoes, making Draco look at me confused.
“I’m just being kind,” I chuckled following Apollo into the dinning room, a face appeared higher on my face when we walked in.
“Ah there's my perfect daughter,” The dark lord, Voldemort, my father sadi standing up in his seat, I walked over and wrapped my arms around him.
“I missed you, so much,” I whispered, his hands slid around my back, hugging me back.
“I won’t ever leave you again darling, never ever,” Voldemort said letting me go, I looked up at him with a smile, trusting him. “Sit now, let me introduce my daughter,” he said pulling out a seat with his wand.
I walked over to Narcissa and wrapped my arms around her. “I missed you too,” I whispered in her ear making her let out a small laugh, we sat down beside each other, Draco and Lucius across from us.
“Good afternoon,” My father said, a group of people walked in, I stood up and walked over to a curly haired girl.
“I’ve missed you,” Bellatrix LeStrange cooed in my ear, She wrapped her arms around and I just admired her.
“How did you get out?” I asked letting her go and looking at her. 
“Escaped, had to come see my favorite person,” She smiled planting a kiss on my forehead. “Come on, sit now,” She said sitting down on the other side of me, Beside my father.
“Draco?” I called out walking upstairs. “Hey where are you?” I asked looking around his house, I wandered around the upstairs of the house.
“I’m right here,” Draco said walking out of his room. “Follow me, i’ll show you where you’ll be staying,” Draco suggested walking a bit further down the hallway. “You know, it sucks we don’t get to be at the meeting tonight, but it just gets to mean we don’t have to be involved in whatever their planning,” He said opening a door.
“We could spy on them, what's the worst that could happen?” I asked shrugging my shoulders. “If your up to it, i’m gonna do it,” I said to Draco facing him.
“I’ll do it, but if we get caught it’s your fault,” Draco said walking into the room now. “This is your room for the winter, your stuff is placed on the bed, i’m just down the hall if you need me,” He said turning away and walking out before I could say anything else.
The sun went down and my stuff was still packed in my case, shadows casted into the front yard, turning into people and walking into the house.
“Are we doing this?” Draco said scaring me, I jumped and turned around to face him. “Sorry, just this is the most excitement that i’ll get all winter,” He chuckled causing my anxiety to fall down.
“Yeah come on, i’ve looked the area out, we can stand at the top of the stairs and hear everything their saying with this,” I said to Draco pulling out a pair of ears from my bag. “Can’t tell you where I got them it’s a secret,” I laughed looking at Draco, thinking of the twins.
“Perfect, come on and be quiet,” Draco said grabbing my hand, we quietly walked to the stairs where I planned. “Toss it down, we can both listen,” He whispered, I laid down on my stomach and started letting the rope loose, hanging it just at the door.
“What are you talking about my lord?” Beatrix shouted, the sound of slamming hit the table, making Draco and I jump.
“What I mean is what I said, she doesn’t leave this house, she doesn’t go back to hogwarts, it is to much of a danger, until I know what i’m doing and who I can trust, i’m not sure who knows, and i’d rather it would stay in this room, so I know whos the rat,” My dad said, I looked at Draco and he looked at me.
“WHat your telling me is that you turned your daughter into a piece of your soul, for your own selfish doing?” Beatrix shouted again, I let go of the ear, Draco quickly caught them and grabbing my hand with his free one. “That girl should have nothing to do with what happened, Apollo, you say something!” Bellatrix shouted once more.
“I can’t say anything, we both agreed on it,” Apollo said, my heart instantly started hurting and I gripped onto my chest.
“It is final, my daughter does not leave this house, are you all clear, under no circumstances!” My father shouted.
“We shouldn’t be listening on this anymore,” Draco whispered leaning over to grab the rope but I grabbed this hand.
“I wanna know what else my father is hiding from me, please,” I whispered, Draco let go of the rope and we placed our heads near the ear.
“What if she dies huh, she is your daughter, she is the most incident one here, I mean you did kill her best friend,” Snape said making me look at Draco again, unknowing that he was in here.
“Well he shouldn’t have been so snoopy, I just wanted Harry Potter and that Hufflepuff just had to come into the graveyard with him, I couldn’t leave no witness, she doesn’t need to know it was mean either, my daughter can stay out of the clearing,” He said.
“I’m not staying here Draco, i’m leaving,” I whispered to Draco and pushed myself off the ground, before he had the chance to stop me I ran down the stairs and pushed the meeting door open, everyone looked at me, tears fell down my face. “How could you!” I yelled grabbing my wand from my robe pocket. “You killed my best friend, you turned me into a horcrux, so you’d live if I died!” I screamed pointing my wand infront of me. “I thought you changed dad, I was wrong,” I cried out.
“Put your wand down darling, don’t make me do anything i’ll regret,” My father said standing up, Bellatrix followed him up, followed by everyone else.
“I’m leaving this house, you are a bad person, and I should have never come back here, Apollo, I trusted you,” I whispered running my hand over my face clearing the tears.
“Stupify!” My father called out, I watched everything in slow motion, the feeling of wood digging into my leg made me cry in pain. “You are my daughter and you listen to me, you don’t leave this house, understand!” My father said  walking towards me. I closed my eyes, aparating to my room and grabbing my bag.
“I love you Aspen!” My father shouted running up the stairs, I stood in my room waiting for him to face me. “You leave and you can never come back, you know what side you should be one, since the day you were born!” He yelled facing me now.
“From the day I was born I was a pawn, I will destroy this curse inside me and I will make sure you die, you are not my father, you can never be!” I yelled closing my eyes, a flash of light hit me once more, the room felt warming and I dropped to the ground pain coursing through my body.
“What the hell was that!” A woman's voice shouted, my eyes shut unable to open again. “Oh gosh, there's a girl in the living room!” She shouted, her hands were placing on my stomach.
“Aspen!” Harry's voice shouted. “Oh god,” I heard him whimper. “I know this girl, she goes to hogwarts,” his hand slid into mine. “Your gonna be okay,” He whispered, my ears rung and the feeling of hands on me disappeared.
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e-of-west-glendia · 5 years
Nothing Ever Changed
I apologise in advance for my lack of punctuation. I wrote this like 3 months ago at 5am.
It's late when Remus enters the flat that he shares with Sirius. He's only 22 but the gray in his hair makes him look years older. The rain outside is pouring down and Remus counts himself lucky that he thought to bring an umbrella today. Shaking out the umbrella Remus closes the door behind him. He removes his coat and steps into the kitchen surprised  to see his boyfriend, Sirius sitting at their kitchen table waiting for him...
"Sirius", Remus raises his eyebrows "I didn't except you to be up so late".
"I didn't expect you to be out so late, but here we are", Sirius replies coolly.
Remus frowns at his boyfriends cold tone, but he shakes his head thinking he must have imagined it. Remus crosses the kitchen to where Sirius sits and leans down to kiss him-Sirius pulls away. Remus, taken aback shakes his head and looks at him. 
"Is everything alright Pads."
"Everything is fine Remus."
Confused Remus walks to the cupboard. He pulls a cup out and sets it on the counter. 
"Would you like some tea?", he asks looking behind him.
Remus shakes his head, he hadn't expected him to say yes. Remus picks up the kettle and fills it with water, staring out the small window above the sink and watching the rain fall. A cold feeling starts to creep up Remus' sleeve. The water has started to flow over the top of the kettle soaking into Remus' sleeve. 
"Bugger", Remus swears as he quickly shuts the water off.
He pours the excess water into the sink and sets the kettle on the stove turning the heat on to start the water boiling. Remus leans down to get a towel from where it hangs on the stove handle to mop up the water overflow. 
"Where have you been", Sirius asks.
The question catches Remus off guard and he bumps his head on the oven handle. 
"You heard me", Sirius says impatiently. 
"Where have you been Remus? You keep coming home at ungodly hours and leaving before the sun rises."
Remus straightens rubbing his head. 
"I told you Pads I've been working."
"On what?"
"What do you-"
Sirius cuts him off "what have you been working on Remus? Last I checked you didn't have a job." 
Remus flinches at Sirius' harsh tone. 
"I've been doing things for the order." 
"What kinds of things Remus. You're being elusive".
"It's something Dumbledore set me up to. What is this about Sirius?" 
"It's about you disappearing for days on end and not telling anyone where you're going", Sirius hisses. 
"Sirius it's none of your concern where I go"
"Oh yes it is Remus, for starters I LIVE with you."
"I'm very aware of that Padfoot I can see your coffee mugs in the cupboards", Remus snaps. 
"You're not answering my question Remus."
"And I'm not going to!" Remus says throwing up his hands and leaning against the sink. "Now what's prompted this interrogation?" Remus folds his arms across his chest and stares at Sirius who's face has started to turn red. 
"What's prompted this interrogation" Sirius says his fists clenching underneath the tables, "is you acting suspicious".
Remus sighs before turning back to the sink to wipe up the water which has no unfortunately soaked through the back of his shirt. 
"Sirius I'm not acting anymore suspicious than anyone else in the Order."
"Well you're not just anyone else in the Order, Remus. You're a Marauder."
"what on earth are you getting at Padfoot", Remus asks turning his attention to washing and drying the dishes in the sink.
"What I'm getting at is that someone in the order is working with the death eaters"
"And how do you figure that Padfoot?" Remus asks not yet quite grasping what Sirius is saying. 
"Because it'd have to be someone close to Lily and James for them to be getting  this inside information on them"
"Well I most certainly agree Padfoot but that doesn't explain why you're snapping at me."
"Well...it can't be Mary because she's been out of the country. It can't be me because I'm the secret keeper and it can't be Peter because-"
Sirius is cut off by a clang that is Remus dropping a plate into the sink. 
"Are you implying...that I'm  the traitor", Remus asks slowly and incredulously.
"What do you think Remus."
"You must be joking" Remus says turning to face his boyfriend. 
"Do I look like I'm kidding?," Sirius asks raising an eyebrow."
"You'd better be joking or else out of your god damned mind accusing me of something like that!"
"Well I mean what choice have you given me Remus! You haven't exactly been very open with me!"
"So what, the first thing that you decide is that I'm selling Lily and James out to the Dark Lord."
"See! There! That's it's!", Sirius says.
"That's what?," Remus asks furiously.
"The dark lord. Only death eaters call you-know-Who the dark lord." 
Remus scoffs and then laughs mirthlessly.
"And only idiots call Voldemort, 'you-know-Who.'"
Sirius doesn't even flinch at the use of Voldemort's name instead he asks, "are you calling me an idiot?"
"No," Remus snaps. "I'm calling you a bloody fucking moron".
"How dare you-" Sirius starts.
"How dare, I?!" Remus shouts, slamming his hands on the table his voice quivering with rage. 
"You're the one accusing me of betraying everyone I care about!"
"Do you really care about them?" 
Remus stares at Sirius in shock "Padfoot how can you-"
"Don't. Don't call me that. Not now."
Remus' anger deflates a bit and he stares at Sirius who's entire face is a blotchy red color. 
"Sirius how could you even think I would join the death eaters? In what universe does it make sense?" 
The water has started to boil now and then kettle is emitting high pitched whistling noises. 
"Why does it make sense? Why does it make sense?! Oh I'll tell you why it makes SENSE Remus it's because you're-"
Remus' temper flares again and he cuts Sirius off. 
"It's because I'm what? What exactly am I Sirius? Going off on Order missions? Babysitting Harry? Doing everything I can to make sure that you're safe and-"
"BECAUSE YOU'RE A WEREWOLF", Sirius yells at Remus standing up. The anger drains from Remus' face and his entire body slumps. Remus closes his eyes and turns away from Sirius. The kettle is now screaming in the deafening silence that follows Sirius' outburst. Remus waves his hand at it and the fire cuts off. 
"Merlin...", Sirius says quietly his face had gone deathly pale, and his eyes were wide. 
"Remus I-I didn't mean, Godric I didn't-" 
Remus holds up and and Sirius quiets. When Remus turns around to face Sirius his eyes are cold and hard. His body is tense and his breathing is harsh. He closes his eyes again for a moment before opening them and 
saying, "You really are just like your family Sirius, nothing ever changed."
Sirius breathe in sharply at what Remus says. 
"Remus-" Sirius tries, but Remus has left the kitchen and is pulling on shoes. 
Sirius reaches out to place his hand on Remus' shoulder.
"Moony, I'm so-" 
"Don't." Remus says coldly jerking his hand away from Sirius' touch. 
"Just don't." He says shaking his head. Remus grabs his coat from the rack and pulls it on. He jerks the door open and the pouring  rain starts to enter the house. 
"Remus-" Sirius begins, but Remus has already left slamming the door behind him. 
Sirius turns away from the door head spinning. He shuts his eyes before letting out a shout of rage and punching the wall. Sirius' breaths are ragged as he stares at his bleeding fist, barely noticing the blood starting to deep out of the cuts on his knuckles. He looks as if he's about to hit the wall again when he lets out a strangled  sob and leans back against the wall and slides down it. The phone rings but Sirius barely hears it. Sitting on the floor Sirius bangs his head against the wall behind him. His sobs are drowned out by the fierce pounding of the heavy rain outside and the shrill ringing of the telephone.
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Αιώνια αγάπη (DT. AU) pt.3
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03: To be tested
Summary: Going through a multitude of tests, Y/N’s allegiance is thoroughly questioned which leads to new surprises for two very mythical brothers.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst
Word count: 4320
Αιώνια αγάπη (DT Modern Greek god/frat! AU) MASTERLIST  
Thank you for being in the story: @daddygraysonsbitch as Sara Howell, and @mutuallynotmutual as Alyssa!
      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Voices, giggles, feet stompers. That’s what forced Y/N to groggily open her eyes and look to her clock. Sure, the sun is up and the birds are out on their branches singing, but when Y/N saw it was barely seven in the morning, she groaned while hiding her face in the pillow.
The chatter didn’t stop, slowly unnerving her until her hands formed fists and a rage burned within. She was definitely not a morning person and being woken up so early and inconsiderably had tipped her over into a screaming blur.
She screamed into her pillow, using her balled up fists to take her anger out on the mattress she enjoyed much better with her eyes closed. She screamed until her throat turned raw and scratchy as if she swallowed a handful of razor blades the night before. She had been up far too late as well, drowning herself in pain and endless what if’s, only fueling her sleep deprived fury.
But she couldn’t take it out on those around her. Not again. It’s how she lost all her previous friendships. She swore she’d be a good Kappa sister, not only to herself but her mother as well.
She made a promise and she had every intent to keep it.
Giving up on her slumber, Y/N rolls to her right side and turns to the window. She lets her legs dangle from the bed, keeping her head still on the pillow to collect herself. She had to put back the brave mask to bear today, knowing she can’t let people see the weakness she hides from the world. Sighing, she pushes off with her right elbow and sits up. Running a hand through her hair, she stands and makes her way to the bay window.
Looking out the window, she sees most pledges are gathered outside the house already, obviously keen on getting done with tasks of the day. While she’s not as excited, she’s determined. Y/N is determined to earn the spot she’s been given and prove everyone, herself included, that she’s right where she belongs.
Despite her will to be a good Kappa sister, she can’t help her wandering gaze as it sets on a particular window of the next door frat house. The window is open, giving her a clear view of a shirtless man sleeping on his stomach, hugging a pillow close to his chest. She squints, looking at his very thick and round ass peering under the sheet he chose to cover his body with, feeling heat rush to her cheeks. She knows it’s wrong, but she’d like nothing more than to touch the butt.
She giggles to herself, remembering watching Nemo as a kid and that “I WANNA TOUCH THE BUTT” scene, imagining herself as the curious fish just wanting to squish the big butt in her sight.
Lost in her little fantasy, Y/N shook her head slightly, reminding herself that would be against the rules and reeled herself in. She must not let the very attractive and probably charming twins derail her from all the plans she’s spent too long working on.
She pulls the curtain to change, not wanting to risk Grayson waking up and getting a free peep show. If anything, he’d at least have to pay for it and not necessarily in cash.
’Stop the sinful thoughts’, she mentally shakes herself up once more, putting on her clothes.
A pair of black jeans and a green hole sweater, the right sleeve slopping down her shoulder and revealing a bit of skin. She decides on lacing her green converse with pearly white shoelaces, to match not only her outfit but the house colors too - the aesthetic of it all to put her on the top. Letting her hair down, she puts her make up on - nothing too flashy, but enough to accentuate her eyes and give her lips a little protection from the oncoming autumn cold. A book bag for class over her shoulder and she’s prepared to take on the world.
Or so she thought.
Unlocking her door, Y/N walks down the stairs, finding the first floor flooded with sorority girls. All the girls lower their voices, looking at a very irritated Blair who approaches Y/N.
“You’re taking your sweet time this morning.” Blair folds her arms across her chest, cocking her head to the right as her eyes narrow.
“I didn’t realize we have anything scheduled for the morning.” Y/N replies calmly, trying to soothe her inner bitch and stop herself from saying things that would surely get her into trouble.
“If you stayed last night, you’d know.” Blair spat, looking Y/N up and down, thoroughly judging her outfit. She could feel the daggers Blair’s glare intended for her, but no matter how hard she tried…she just didn’t care.
“No one said it was mandatory.” Y/N shrugs her shoulders, hearing a tiny gasp from the crowd that’s gathered around them. It didn’t seem like anyone had ever talked back to Queen Bitch and Y/N had to physically stop herself from openly rolling her eyes at the current head of their sorority.
“No one said it wasn’t.” Blair sneers, turning her back on Y/N, narrowly missing Y/N rolling her eyes at her for real this time. If she hadn’t, she would have blown an aneurysm.
“Before class, we will test your knowledge.” Blair walks out, everyone filing out after her, so Y/N follows too. She stands in the front yard with the rest of the pledges, waiting for instructions.
“You’ll each get a buzzer to hold in your right hand.” Sara approaches Y/N, handing her the buzzer and connecting a small wire to her left index finger. She smiles sweetly, hoping it reassures Y/N for the round and it does.
“The buzzer is connected to a source of electricity, so every wrong answer will quite literally shock you.” A series of surprised gasps and whispers spreads like wildfire around Y/N, but she just clicks her tongue, nodding to herself.
She wondered if hazing is a thing and she definitely considered this hazing. She’s not as surprised as the girls around her, rather annoyed. Queen Bitch is definitely a mad Targaryan…No doubt left in her mind about that.
“Silence!” Blair shouts, getting a few pissed off ’shut up’s’ from the sleepy frats next door.
Y/N chuckles at the vein popping on Blair’s forehead as she shouts a couple of insults their way, deciding the frat might not be so bad after all. Hell, she’d pay good money to see what happens when they actually do mess with Mrs. Uptight.
Y/N looks up, noticing Ethan being one of the vocal ones and he certainly noticed her too for his shouting immediately stopped and was replaced with a tiny wave and a nervous rub at the back of his neck.
Averting her eyes to Blair, Y/N can tell everyone noticed that wave was meant for her alone but she won’t comment on it. In fact, she’ll pretend it never happened.
That’s the sensible thing to do, she thought.
“You have to get two answers right in every category, meaning you get ONE chance of a slip up.” Blair explains, emphasizing the words unnecessarily in Y/N’s opinion. She wasn’t impressed by Blair at all, especially not her mean girl attitude.
She started her questions, kicking two girls out right off the bat. Not only did the poor girls get shocked twice, but also cut from the sorority.
It wasn’t pretty.
The rest did pretty well, a couple of them getting shocked in the process, but none of them got more than one wrong per category.
It was finally her turn. She didn’t feel nervous, nor intimidated at all. She felt ready.
Blair stuck her hand into the bin, drawing the first category.
“Harry Potter?” She frowned while Y/N smiled, knowing she’d be set for this category. If there’s anything in this world she knows everything about, it’s Harry Potter. She spent countless hours reading every book, watching every movie and all with her mother. It was one of the things they bonded over and that always helped settle disputes between the two - every fight ending with a movie marathon and late night giggles. Ignoring the ache of fond memories flowing through her, Y/N swallowed thickly and batted her eyelashes quickly to stop her eyes from watering.
“Ugh, fine. First question is: What age do the students of Hogwarts school of magic and witchcraft get their owl?”
“Eleven.” Y/N responds confidently, noticing a crowd of more than one sorority and frat gathered for the show. She didn’t have to look for the infamous twins, knowing they’re both watching her. It makes her sound insane or self-absorbed, but she could feel their eyes on her. She didn’t understand where their interest came from, but she knew she was on their radar. It felt oddly…exhilarating, but also terrifying. She stands to lose everything if she dares to pull on that thread.
“Second question: What was the last horcrux?”
“Harry Potter himself since a small part of Voldemort’s soul hid inside him on the night he killed his parents and tried to kill him too.” Y/N smirks, watching Blair’s face turning red. Revisiting her favorite fandom and making Blair fume? It’s better than winning the lottery.
“THIRD question: What is Voldemort’s real name?”
“Tom Marvolo Riddle.” Y/N replies confidently with Tom’s signature British - muggles disgust him - accent, the crowd cheering her on. She felt her heart leap inside her chest with the support, feeling self conscious of more than just her looks.
Their looks started to burn - like a lover’s touch. She had to physically remind herself to breathe and she mentally facepalmed at the sound of her own voice.
Blair drafted the second category, smirking in satisfaction.
“Second category: Greek mythology.” She sends a glare Y/N’s way, expecting her to fail. Little did she know that is one of Y/N’s guilty pleasures. She’s always loved history and myth, but she found herself invested in Greek mythology in particular - taking interest in certain gods and goddesses.
“First question: What was Apollo the god of?” The question didn’t throw Y/N off at all. She loved the legends and the thought of it all being real. With risk of sounding insane once more, she truly felt a connection to the myths. At times, she even dreamed of what she deemed Mount Olympus.
“Not only is he considered the epitome of beauty, but he is also a god of music, poetry, arts, oracles, archery, herds and flocks, diseases, healing, light, sun, knowledge and protection of young or youth, whichever way you prefer it.” Y/N hears a loud clap before she’s even done, attracting her attention to the hollering Grayson on the porch. His smile is wide, almost as bright as the sun and Y/N can’t help but wish she could see it up front. She’s only ever saw him from afar, never up close and no matter how hard she denies it, she’d like to change that.
“Second question: Which of the gods tried to negotiate with Hades on his release of Persephone?”
“That’s easy. It was Hermes, Persephone’s and Apollo’s brother. The god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, border crossings, a messenger to the gods and a guide to the underworld. He worked side by side with Hades in the underworld.” Y/N’s eyes flicker to the frat house, seeing a very smiling Ethan whispering something in Grayson’s ear.
Not weird at all.
“Fine. Third question: Who was Chaos? Better yet, Hecate?”
“Chaos was the origin of everything and the very first thing that ever existed. It was a primordial void, which everything was created from including the universe and the Greek gods. It is believed Chaos was a female, but of course, we can’t know that for sure. As for Hecate, she was a goddess of witchcraft, magic, crossroads, ghosts, and necromancy. Many deemed her dark, connecting her to Hades but I believe it’s why they’d never work. She wanted to awaken those he had welcomed into the underworld. If anything, Hermes would be a more suitable choice.” Y/N lets out a deep breath, hoping it was enough to satisfy the harpy before her who was hoping she’d fail. She was probably praying it happens.
Blair nods, humphs and pulls out the last category.
“Kappa Delta. First question: When was the sorority founded?” Blair’s voice is void of snark, but filled with a sense of giving up. She’s aware no self-respecting Kappa pledge would ever fail a Kappa Delta quiz.
“October 23rd, 1897.” Y/N is quick with her response, awaiting the second question Blair delivers right after.
“Sorority flower?”
“White rose.” Y/N smiles, knowing she’s already passed this round.
“Our words?”
“Ta Kala Diokomen - Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest”, Y/N decided to prance, using the Latin and English for the words she knows by heart. “You passed. Congratulations.” Blair fakes a smile, getting one in return. The difference is, Y/N’s fake smile is much more believable.
Y/N finally exhaled, feeling the tension dissipate as Sara took off the shocker from her finger.
“Congratulations. A step closer to being a sorority sister.” Sara is genuine, her kind eyes showing interest in friendship with Y/N even now, before she knew her truly. A small part of Y/N was afraid of it, letting anyone in would mean she’d have to talk about all the heaviness her heart has grown accustomed to. She’d have to share the burden and she wasn’t sure anyone would like the same weight on their shoulders.
“Thanks. I - uh, gotta run to class. I suppose we will be tested some more after?” She assumed, correctly considering the excited nod Sara gave her. Sighing, Y/N smiles and says her goodbyes, turns on her heel and sets off.
Plugging her earphones, she prepares to blast some music when a hand on her shoulder startles her into a scream. Unlucky for the person behind her, Y/N’s elbow flies backwards on reflex, digging into the person’s stomach.
She turns around, meeting a bent over frat whose groans alert her.
“I AM SO SORRY!” Her voice cracks, going too high too fast.
“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have scared you like that.” He apologizes, looking up and slowly straightening up. No words leaving her mouth, Y/N stares up at the dashing man before her and her heart physically aches with his beauty.
“Consider us even.” Y/N smiles softly, allowing herself this small crime of looking into his eyes, falling in love with the swirling brown and the green ring encasing it. She wanted to see him up close, but she never thought he’d take the very breath from her lungs when she did.
He’s inhuman, godly even.
“I really like the outfit. Green. Kind of my favorite color.” He smirks at Y/N, observing her flushed cheeks with a sense of pride. He loved knowing the effect he had on her, making his job of making her fall for him a lot easier than he originally thought.
She looked down on her outfit, as if she forgot what she wore in the first place but also to hide her blush from the overly-confident frat.
“I’m Grayson, by the way.” Outstretching his hand, Grayson awaits her own to take it, letting his hand remain in mid air longer than he’d ever done so before. No girl let him wait, certainly not as long as he did now and most definitely never had he ever been rejected before. But there she is, not even shaking his hand and it bruised his ego, no matter how hard he tried to act unbothered as he let it fall to his side.
“I’m gonna be late for class.” Y/N excuses herself, forcing her legs to move away from the man she wanted to explore and not abandon. Her entire body, every cell, every molecule ached for him and she couldn’t even understand why. Not when she knew he would fuck up her entire life.
“I’ll walk with you.” Grayson follows after, deciding to let the previous incident be forgotten. He smiled widely at her, noticing her frown deepen, but it didn’t put a damper on his cheer or the light that seemed to surround him.
Ethan felt different. He was like twilight, a little darker, romantic and enticing, incredibly magnetic.
Grayson is more like breaking dawn, fresh and open, alight and angelic, promising and charming.
Both of them felt like adventure, a dream of sorts. Trouble most of all.
“Sure.” Y/N mumbles, facing forward.
“So, uh…You really know your mythology.” Grayson speaks up, half complimenting her, half prying. One of the basic information he needed is who she’s descended from. Higher the rank, stronger the magic in her blood is. Stronger the magic, lesser his chances of deceit. And he couldn’t fuck this up. Not when she’s the last one, his final chance to go back to a home he could barely remember now. It’s been so long since he last saw what he so craves for. Too long.
“I guess. I’ve always felt a want, a need to know more and Greek mythology kind of called to me.” She admits sheepishly, hoping he doesn’t find her nerdy and annoying. Once she started to talk, she’d never stop and that would be counterproductive when it’s a guy she likes.
Likes? Get it together, Y/L/N!
“What’s your favorite one? Which of the gods do you feel most connected to?” Grayson continues, pushing her for valuable information as a smile etches onto her face and he knows he’s got her in a better mood than before. He knows she’d open up. Most often than not, every of the descendants felt the connection to their bloodline, knowing their names even if they didn’t read up on the gods before. Every one of them mentioned Hermes and Apollo, the third name usually being the information he was looking for.
“Oddly enough…the same ones I was asked about today. Mostly Chaos and Hecate.” She bit her lip nervously, glancing at Grayson who stopped in his spot and his lips parted.
One part of his brain screamed about wanting to be the one to bite her lip himself, the other one screamed about the possibility of the last descendant being a direct heir of the most powerful titan Chaos who had created all the gods and goddesses since the beginning of time. And Hecate…she must have been her last living root to Mount Olympus.
“Are you alright?” Y/N stopped too, turning to Grayson completely with a worried twinkle in her eye, mirroring the worry etched in every line of her pretty face.
Grayson knew he couldn’t let her see him freaking out, not out in the open. Not yet. He couldn’t tell her the truth without his brother, not so early on. He owed Hermes a fair playing field after all they’ve been through together. If he told her now, she’d either consider him a loon or do the unthinkable - believe him.
“Yes, I just remembered I forgot a book back at the house. I’ll see you around, pretty girl.” Turning on the charm, Grayson winked at her only to get an annoyed eye roll in return.
“Bye.” She turned away from him, giving him one of his tiny waves over her shoulder, walking fast in the opposite direction.
The classes seemed to drag on and Y/N’s mood dropped with the weather. She could hear the thunder rolling in with the dark clouds. Very ominous indeed. The rain certainly didn’t help. She stood at the door, knowing stepping a foot forward would result in her immediate drenching as the rain turned into a storm, hail occasionally joining in.
“Fuck my life.” She muttered under her breath, rubbing her forehead in annoyance. Tired and hungry and now she has to walk back in the rain. Not her best day.
“Need some help?” An umbrella snaps open above her head, an arm circling around her until it rests on her shoulder. Looking up, she finds the other twin, the twilight had embraced her.
“I may or may not be trapped here, yes.” Y/N admits, pressing her lips together and peering up at a smirking Ethan.
“Very damsel in distress of you.” He points out, raising a brow before tugging her closer to him. The thunder roars as they step into the rain, walking quickly back to their houses in each other’s embrace. It’s the last thing she thought would happen today, but she couldn’t find it in herself to regret the close proximity and company she decided to keep.
Getting closer, Y/N halted with a gasp.
“What the actual fuck?!” She groaned, noticing the pledges in front of the house with no rain gear whatsoever.
“Think you’re being tested again.” Ethan whispers in her ear and she rolls her eyes at him just as she did at his brother earlier.
The testing process should last a week, so why is this my second test in a single day?
“No shit, Sherlock. I gotta go. Mind giving me a head start?” She pleads silently, hoping Ethan wouldn’t mind and with a reassuring smile and a nudge on his behalf, she runs out into the blasting rain and joins her future sisters in the muddy lawn in front of the Kappa sorority.
“Nice of you to join us.” Blair whistles, adjusting her umbrella as she remains on the stairs and away from the mud. She can tell Y/N’s already riled up, ecstatic about her drowned rat look.
“Test two: team work!” Blair exclaims, the rest of the sisters clapping in the background much to Y/N’s disapproval.
If this isn’t hazing…You can get a pneumonia out here.
“Split into two groups, grab an end of the rope in front of you and…Pull.” Blair’s wicked smile unnerves Y/N, but she can’t let her win. Not today.
“Wanna be on my team?” She turns to a kind offer, finding Alyssa - the girl she met in her bedroom on the other end of that voice.
“You’re a pledge?” Y/N raises an eyebrow, genuinely surprised for she believed Alyssa is already a sister and she didn’t even see her in the morning tests.
“Nah. Just gotta join in as a punishment for saying hi to one of the KDRs.” Alyssa’s eye roll and clear disgruntled opinion of the whole thing makes Y/N chuckle, nodding.
“Then, I’m all in.”
She grabs onto the rope, stepping up to be the first in the line. Making a loop around her hand with the rope, she sets a foot forward to prepare for the tug. She takes in a deep breath and pulls hard, with all she’s got. To her surprise, so does the rest of her group, ending in a very short, one tug sort of a victory as the other group falls face forward into the mud and screams.
“Oh my God.” Y/N chuckles, covering her mouth as she looks to the poor pledges that ended up covered in dirt and what not.
“High five champ!” Alyssa offers a hand which Y/N gladly grabs, fist bumping right after their high five.
“Those of you who carry mud for a face can leave. The rest will face their final challenge tonight. 8 PM at the bottom of the stairs. Don’t be late.” Blair looks to Y/N with the last warning, but for once, Y/N shrugs it off. Finding herself in a group hug, she lets herself feel the rain on her skin and the warmth of her sister pledges. She laughs loudly and without a filter, genuinely enjoying the moment as it is - messy, unexpected and certainly needed.
She can feel the look of probably every frat in the house, knowing they’re losing their minds over a group of girls in wet, tight, probably even see-through clothes hugging it out and dancing like lunatics on the front lawn. But she didn’t care.
For the first time in years, Y/N felt happy and at peace.
Washing the mud off her and getting dry clothes, Y/N put on a warm jumper and leggings with bunny slippers before going down the stairs…and just in time.
“Third test is the test of honor. If you pass this test, you will be welcomed into our sorority as a Kappa sister. But the test of honor is one many fail.” Blair smirks, glancing at Y/N with a devilish glint in her eyes. She definitely had it out for her, no doubt about it any longer which only made Y/N’s resolution stronger.
Clapping her palms together, a bell rung and the front door opened.
Every girl’s eyes widened, some of them salivating at the sight. Y/N on the other hand nearly had a heart attack once she spotted them both.
Ethan and Grayson, along with the rest of their frat, stood in nothing but their underwear - all of them flexing an incredibly good physique. Every muscle is defined, well rounded, strong and crawling with veins just under the surface. Most of them still wet from the rain only gave way for imagination and none of the thoughts were pure in the moment.
Blair cleared her throat, snapping her fingers for attention.
It didn’t work on Ethan or Grayson as they both set their sights on Y/N, eyeing her with their handsome smirks in place. Y/N? She just focused on her breathing and the tingling sensation in all the right places after what her eyes just witnessed.
“Each of you get a single frat to paint their bodies. Do that without hooking up and you’ll pass.” Blair states, turning her head to Y/N. “Except for you. You get two - twins come in a package deal.” Her eyes flickered between Y/N and the twins, making sure she knew what she’s in for.
Oh, shit…
      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~       ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Tags: @mutuallynotmutual @lanadeldolans @xalayx @accalialionheart @gia-kerks @historyheart  @heeydolan @heyits-claire @daddygraysonsbitch   @fallinginlove-16  @lanadeldolans @beautifulfound @thearachna-kid  @dinnerwiththedolans  @graydolan12 @justanotherfangurl272 @dxlansfxck  @godlydolans
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Fifth Year Bonus Scene 5
All right, this is the last bonus scene! Now on to Sixth Year!
Please let me know what you thought! :) The bonus scenes are all linked at the end of the chapter and will eventually be posted on AO3.
Bonus Scene 1
Bonus Scene 2
Bonus Scene 3
Bonus Scene 4
(Read more for mobile users.)
The pain ripped through him, scouring every inch and dark spot in him, going straight to his soul. It felt like someone rummaging through him and turning him inside out, albeit gently and rather gingerly and with a great sense of apology. It felt like someone pulling something out of him and scolding him gently when he tried to pull it back where it belonged.
There was no room for thinking or feeling or even moving. There was only room for the pain and the knowledge that this wasn’t okay.
Harry woke screaming, voice dying in a strangled yell when he registered the familiar surroundings of Hogwarts’s Hospital Wing and that he was surprisingly pain-free. His heart pounded in his chest, beating almost painfully against his ribs, and his breaths came in sharp, hitched gasps.
In short, Harry felt like he’d just ran an entire marathon and then decided to swim across the ocean for kicks.
“Mr. Potter!” Madame Pomfrey bustled over, checking him over quickly and with a palpable sense of worry that wasn’t normal.
Harry struggled to catch his breath, choking down the two potions he was handed. “What – what happened?” he croaked once he’d managed to get the nasty taste down.
“I’ll let the Headmaster explain,” Madame Pomfrey said quietly. “I will let him know you’re awake; in the meantime you have a few friends here to see you.”
Harry stared up at her in disbelief. She was going to let him see his friends so quickly?
Pomfrey’s lips lifted in a small smile. “You were unconscious for three days, Mr. Potter,” she said quietly. “I think in this case, an exception can be made.” She patted him gently on the shoulder and left through the curtains shielding Harry’s bed from the rest of the Hospital Wing.
Moments later, Ron and Hermione spilled in, looking a mixture of frazzled, worried, and relieved. Hermione’s hair was even frizzier than usual, a clear sign she had been running her hands through it anxiously.
“Thank God you’re all right!” Hermione said, relieved. “We were so worried!”
Harry nodded, mind fuzzy. “What happened?”
His friends shared a glance.
“We were hoping you could tell us that, mate,” Ron said slowly, frowning.
Harry shut his eyes, but the last thing he could remember was trying to enter that room filled with the screaming. “I-I don’t know. I can’t remember.” He opened his eyes. “What happened?”
“We don’t really know,” Hermione said helplessly. “But, Harry…the Death Eaters…they’re dead.”
“Not Malfoy’s dad,” Ron pointed out. “Or those other three. They’re all in St. Mungo’s, although Sirius has been saying that there’s not any hope for them. They’re all mad.”
Harry blinked. “What do you mean they’re dead?”
“We don’t know what happened,” Hermione said, sharing a look with Ron. “Just that…whatever was going on in that room…whoever was responsible…they killed most of the Death Eaters there. And…did something to you.”
Aside from feeling absolutely exhausted and sore down to his bones, Harry didn’t feel like something had tried to kill him. “What?”
Ron and Hermione both shrugged, looking uncomfortable.
“You really don’t remember anything?” Ron asked.
“I don’t,” Harry said, shaking his head. “The last I remember is that we were trying to get into that room. What am I supposed to be remembering?”
“Well, er…” Ron shifted uncomfortably. “Something pulled you into the room? And…it sounded really painful.”
“You were unconscious when the door finally opened,” Hermione said. “We couldn’t wake you up. And your scar, Harry…there was blood coming from it.”
Harry’s hand went up to his scar automatically, feeling the familiar shape. “It was bleeding?”
“Yeah,” Ron said, “but it’s still there. Doesn’t look any worse than it did before. Are you feeling okay?”
“Fine,” Harry said, ignoring the disbelieving looks his friends shot him. “Pomfrey said Dumbledore’s back?”
“He is!” Hermione nodded, face brightening. “He came back that night after everything. He tried to wake you up, too. I think they’re looking to reinstate him as Headmaster after…” She hesitated, biting her lip.
“After what, Hermione?”
Before either Ron or Hermione could say anything, someone else stepped through the curtains. Harry blinked, then blinked again, unable to believe that Dumbledore was standing right there.
“Professor Dumbledore!” he blurted out.
“Harry.” Dumbledore gave Ron and Hermione a nod before approaching the unoccupied side of Harry’s bed. And then – most surprising of all – he met Harry’s eyes. “Madame Pomfrey tells me that you are expected to make a full recovery.”
“But she doesn’t know what happened, does she?” Ron asked.
“Unfortunately, no,” Dumbledore said. “Before you ask, Mr. Weasley, I’m afraid I don’t know either.”
“What happened?” Harry asked. “How are you back? Isn’t the Ministry going to try and arrest you again?”
Dumbledore smiled, although there was no twinkle in his eyes. “Presumably so, but that was before Narcissa Malfoy found Voldemort’s body in her mansion.”
Harry stared blankly at Dumbledore, unable to believe what he had just heard. Voldemort…dead?
“What?” Harry finally managed.
“My reaction exactly,” Ron muttered, dodging the elbow Hermione sent his way.
“How?” Harry demanded. “What happened?”
“The mystery of the ages,” Dumbledore said, sighing. “I’m afraid I have no more answers than you, Harry. Only that Voldemort was reportedly found dead and covered in Dark Marks.”
That made absolutely no sense. From what Harry knew of Voldemort, he would no more tattoo himself with his own Dark Mark than he would go into a Muggle hair parlor and ask for a fashion makeover.
“…he what?” Harry asked blankly.
Dumbledore spread his hands. “He is dead – that is all I know.”
“But is he – is he really dead or is it like last time?”
Dumbledore didn’t answer, eyes flicking between him and his friends. “A conversation for another day, I think,” he said quietly. When Harry made to speak, he added, “At this point I have no clear answers, Harry, only speculations. When I have something more concrete…then we should speak on it some more.” He reached out and patted Harry’s shoulder, squeezing it gently. “Rest for now. I’m sure Madame Pomfrey has some more delightful potions for you.”
After Dumbledore’s departure, Harry wasn’t much for conversation with his friends, brooding over what had happened in the Department of Mysteries and what it meant that he couldn’t remember anything important. Only that Sirius was fine and it had all been a bloody trap because of course it was.
What the hell had been up with those orbs? Harry had taken the one Voldemort had wanted – the one with his name on it – but he didn’t know what had happened to it. Maybe it had been crushed sometime in the interim, or maybe someone had taken it from his grasp during the period he couldn’t remember.
He needed to talk to Dumbledore about it, but he had no idea if Dumbledore would even be willing to give him answers. Or look him in the eye, although he’d had no trouble doing so now.
Harry was still stewing over these questions when he heard quiet footsteps. He turned, mildly surprised to see Ginny peeking in.
“You’re awake.” Ginny sounded slightly nervous, eyes skittering over Harry like she wasn’t sure if he was real.
“Apparently,” Harry said gloomily. “What are you doing here? How’d you sneak past Pomfrey?”
“If you recall,” Ginny said, giving him a long look, “I’m actually quite good at sneaking around.”
Harry remembered that Ginny had apparently learned how to fly brooms under the nose of her family for years. If she could sneak past her mother, then Ginny could definitely sneak past Pomfrey.
“Are you feeling all right?” Ginny asked when Harry didn’t say anything else.
“If you wanted to ask me that, you could just ask Ron and Hermione,” Harry pointed out, not particularly interested in going through this entire conversation again.
“I know you said you were fine, but that doesn’t mean you’re fine,” Ginny said, biting her lower lip. “Maybe you’re not physically hurt…”
Harry shrugged. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“How do you feel?” Ginny pressed. “Do you…feel different?”
Harry stared at her. “No,” he answered flatly, “other than feeling like I went ten rounds with a troll. Am I supposed to feel different or something?” He narrowed his eyes. “Do you know what happened in the Department?”
Ginny shook her head. “I don’t,” she replied quickly. “But your scar…it was bleeding. I thought…maybe something had changed there.”
Harry thought Ginny might have answered that question too quickly. Come to think of it, she hadn’t said much at all after everything went tits up in the Ministry. He would have let it slide before, but not with what he knew now about her first year and the actual story behind the petrifications.
Granted, there was nothing about Wayne that he could pin down other than the boy was way too quiet and kept staring at him for long periods of time without blinking. Wayne also hung around Malfoy, which doubled his suspicion in Harry’s eyes.
Unfortunately it wasn’t enough for Hermione or Ron, even Ron grudgingly admitting Malfoy wasn’t as bad as he had been before. Hermione kept urging Harry to try and give Malfoy a second chance since he was trying.
“You don’t know anything?” Harry asked again, fixing her with a look.
Ginny held his gaze, sticking her chin out. “I don’t.” She narrowed her eyes. “And I don’t like that you think I had anything to do with what happened there. If you recall, I followed you there because you thought Sirius was in trouble.”
Stung, Harry dropped his eyes to his blankets. “I…sorry. That…I…panicked.”
There was a moment of silence before Ginny sighed. “We couldn’t have known, could we?” She sounded tired. “Not unless we wanted to wait. Besides…it turned out well, didn’t it?”
“I can’t believe he’s dead,” Harry whispered.
Ginny was silent for another few moments; she was studying her shoes when Harry glanced at her. Finally, she looked up. “I can’t either.”
“You don’t think he is?”
“I think…” Ginny ran a hand through her hair, tugging at the ends briefly. “I think we should be careful, that’s all. And I think Dumbledore agrees. He’s been talking with the Order about what happened.”
Harry shook his head, unable to stifle the feeling of resentment that rose at mention of the Order. They wouldn’t tell him anything, would they? They saw him as a child – incapable of making decisions about what he needed to know. And he’d just proven them right by barging off to the Department of Mysteries…
“But,” Ginny continued in a brighter tone, “he probably can’t pull the same trick twice, right?”
Harry nodded, hand coming up to rub at his scar. It didn’t so much twinge, and he couldn’t help but wonder what Ginny meant when she asked him if he felt different. He didn’t really. Just…tired.
“Yeah,” he said dully, closing his eyes. “Probably not.”
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prosnapeblogging · 7 years
Since I’m in a mood to talk about Snape and music, and someone recently posted a song that was a really great fit, here are my top 5 favorite Snape Songs™  
1. Hurts like Hell - Fleurie
Honestly? Literally perfect for Snape’s feelings about losing Lily. It expresses both love and the deep pain of loss that he is unable to escape from, and it even says that the singer doesn’t want people to know about the love they felt for the person they lost. Incredible.
How can I say this without breaking How can I say this without taking over How can I put it down into words When it's almost too much for my soul alone I loved and I loved and I lost you I loved and I loved and I lost you I loved and I loved and I lost you And it hurts like hell Yeah it hurts like hell I don't want them to know the secrets I don't want them to know the way I loved you I don't think they'd understand it, no I don't think they would accept me, no I loved and I loved and I lost you I loved and I loved and I lost you I loved and I loved and I lost you And it hurts like hell Yeah it hurts like hell Dreams fight with machines Inside my head like adversaries Come wrestle me free Clean from the war Your heart fits like a key Into the lock on the wall I turn it over, I turn it over But I can't escape I turn it over, I turn it over I loved and I loved and I lost you I loved and I loved and I lost you I loved and I loved and I lost you And it hurts like hell
2. You Will Know My Name - Arch Enemy
Another perfect Snape song, but this time about his anger towards the Marauders and life just before he joins the Death Eaters. It expresses the rage he feels at being the victim all the time, and his certainty that he will become powerful and great. Lots of rage and screaming.
The judging eyes watching me Is all I've ever known When I try to open up my heart I am ridiculed and torn apart You tell jokes I'll never get to hear Behind my back at my expense There's something inside me And I know it's good I'm not evil, just misunderstood Do you see me now? Do you hear me now? You will know my name Do you see me now? Do you fear me now? You will know my name Today I break my silence Strip you of your dignity Tear down your perfect world Your perfect lies No more jokes I'll never get to hear Behind my back at my expense There's something inside me And I know it's good I'm not evil, I'm just misunderstood. Do you see me now? Do you hear me now? You will know my name Do you see me now? Do you fear me now? You will know my name No longer invisible You will know my name Do you see me now? Do you hear me now? You will know my name Do you see me now? Do you fear me now? You will know my name No longer invisible You will know my name!
3. The Ultimate Fling - Poets of the Fall
Also another good song for Snape being fed up with being abused, specifically by James, and wanting to take action into his own hands to make him pay. It doesn’t have as much anger as the previous one, but can work for the moment Snape gets fed up and decides to fight back. Also, I think this song is lyrically better than the previous one.
Today, it's in the air again today, another incident that just went off No way, this time I will not take blame, its pretty obvious who needs to shut up Ashtrays filled with the fruits of our transgressions, here and there sarcasm overflows Do stay, I'll need this sitcom to be re-run till I get the gist of just how it goes What would you have me do Gimme a reason, c'mon now make my day Cos I'm out of cheeks to turn the other way Ask yourself just how lucky do you feel Somehow I've been blindsided by my own kindhearted notion of just who we are No doubt we'd have collided anyway with me indicted and you raising alarm First round I'll take my bows into my corner take my vows, regroup and run back again Bloodhound and of no better pedigree than what you see so you could not offend Did I act like a fool cos I didn't know what to do, when you gave me just a little bit more than I bargained for, a little too much in my hands when my hands are tied It's the ultimate fling to go frolicking, licking the muck from the soles of the boots of your pride, every time you lied
Gimme a reason, c'mon now make my day Cos I'm out of cheeks to turn the other way Ask yourself just how lucky do you feel
Gimme a reason, c'mon now make my day Spoken my pleas now someone's gotta pay Ask yourself just how lucky do you feel
Oh, yeah. Gimme a reason Yeah make my day ‘cause someone’s gotta pay
Can you gimme a reason, I’m movin' into grey Something I can hold on at the end of the day Cos I can't move on till I know what's the deal
Gimme a reason, c'mon now make my day Cos I'm out of cheeks to turn the other way Ask yourself just how lucky do you feel
Gimme a reason, c'mon now make my day Spoken my pleas now someone's gotta pay Ask yourself just how lucky do you feel
4. Run for a Fall - Epica
This song only fits if you change the pronoun from she to he, but I’ve been changing pronouns in songs to make them fit my specific purposes for as long as I’ve been listening to music, so it doesn’t matter to me. Anyways, the rest is a pretty good fit for Dumbledore talking to Snape shortly after he left the Death Eaters, or right before, and telling him about how his flaws led him to the path he went on, and how he has to come to terms with and own up to his past and what he has done.
Do not use the past as an alibi For all of your deficiencies always standing by Face your negligence, do not fool yourself Shortcomings will soon appear For weakness shows itself Blind from your success and all of the excess Deaf from the praise you had Don't cry out of self pity in forcing your way through For I will not be vulnerable to slander made by you Blind from your success and all of the excess Deaf from the praise you had In a misty veil, misplaced Where castles in the air will be No longer seen As something out of reach In time the dream will be erased So many things will never be The way they seemed And pride will have it's fall at last Her eyes fell while the shame was written on her face When she realized that her failures could never Could never be undone again You did not notice the manipulated hand That overshadowed your thoughts all those years That made you insecure You did not notice the ancient shifting sand That pulls you down into an everlasting sham You will never be able to fight Never be able to hide Run for a fall, you'd better run Blind from your success and all of the excess Deaf from the praise you had In a misty veil, misplaced Where castles in the air will be No longer seen As something out of reach In time the dream will be erased So many things will never be The way they seemed And pride will have it's fall at last
5. What I’ve Done - Linkin Park
Not a song I’m super familiar with, but I heard it on the radio recently and I thought it fit beautifully. It expresses Snape’s choice to work to change who he is and become someone better and make up for the mistakes of his past. It also expresses his desire to become better than what Lily last thought of him, and his uncertainty of whether it would work. This song is probably a bit too optimistic for Snape, since he may not have forgiven himself for the damage he caused, but I like to think that he at least came to terms with it a bit.
In this farewell There's no blood There's no alibi 'Cause I've drawn regret From the truth Of a thousand lies So let mercy come And wash away What I've done I'll face myself To cross out what I've become Erase myself And let go of what I've done Put to rest What you thought of me While I clean this slate With the hands of uncertainty So let mercy come And wash away What I've done I'll face myself To cross out what I've become Erase myself And let go of what I've done For what I've done I start again And whatever pain may come Today this ends I'm forgiving what I've done! I'll face myself To cross out what I've become Erase myself And let go of what I've done What I've done Forgiving what I've done 
Honorable Mention: You Ruin Me - The Veronicas
Surprise! There’s a 6th! This can fit into multiple parts of Snape’s life. It can work for his feelings about Dumbledore after he learns that Harry is going to die, except for the part where the loyalty ends, and it can also be seen as his feelings about Voldemort after Lily’s death, except for the part where it expresses love. This double meaning and slight stretch is partly why I didn’t include it in the main top 5, but either way I think it expresses his sorrow over being manipulated, and it’s still worth mentioning. 
Job well done Standing ovation Yeah you got what you wanted I guess you won And I don't want to hear, they don't know you like I do Even I could've told you But now we're done 'Cause you play me like a symphony Play me till your fingers bleed I'm your greatest masterpiece You ruin me Later when the curtains drawn And no one's there for you back home Don't cry to me, you played me wrong You ruin me I know you thought That I wouldn't notice You were acting so strange I'm not that dumb And in the end I hope she was worth it I don't care if you loved me, you make me numb 'Cause you play me like a symphony Play me till your fingers bleed I'm your greatest masterpiece You ruin me Later when the curtains drawn And no one's there for you back home Don't cry to me, you played me wrong You ruin me We're that song you wouldn't sing Just a broken melody You're killing me You play me like a symphony Play me till your fingers bleed I'm your greatest masterpiece You ruin me Later when the curtains drawn And no one's there for you back home Don't cry to me you played me wrong You ruin me
I may make another list, because this is far from all the song that I impose Snape’s life story onto. But, these are my favorites!
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ask-themaraudersmap · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Sirius!
Ship: Wolfstar, Jily Warnings: none Read on AO3
Sirius woke up, keeping his eyes shut tightly. With shaking breath he reached out his hand to touch for his surrounding. As soon as he felt the cold, hard stone his lips escaped a little whimper. He was here. This wasn't a dream. He was in Azkaban.
„No,“ he whispered to himself, opening the eyes slowly. The memories of the last days were flooding him. He made James and Lily pick Peter. He made them make this decision and this was what killed them. It was his fault. Because he made the wrong choice.
Sirius ran his fingers through his hair, choking on a sob. He lost everything that meant something to him. And now he was alone in this little cell. Even when having been here for just a few hours he had felt like he was going mad. The presence of the Dementors alone was already enough to drive others insane. He could hear the screams of the other inmates whenever those creatures were wafting through the corridors and heard the desperate whispering of all those who were already mad.
His stomach turned at the thought he had to stay here. What should he do out there anyway? He deserved. Both of them didn't die through his hand but he was responsible for their death.
He couldn't even be there for Harry. Even he was taken from him. “I'm sorry, order from Dumbledore,” Hagrid had said when he arrived in Godric's Hollow. Then anger and desire for vengeance got Sirius and he was up and away to get Peter. Just to watch him blowing up a street with innocent muggles.
“Why?” he asked himself quietly but couldn't find an answer for it. Slowly he got up from his uncomfortable plank bed, walked up and down through the cell. Over and over again. It should have been different.
Today was his birthday and they had decided that no matter what, they would celebrate. They would enjoy the day. They were safe and so Lily would have baked a cake. As always it would have tasted indescribable. Sirius would have played with Harry, learning him new words. 'Pafoo' he had always said. He always wanted to be with 'Pafoo'. But now all of it was over. He was here, alone with his thoughts of how it could have been. And Harry was somewhere, screaming for Mama and Dada... and Pafoo, Womy and Moomy. Again he let out a sob and dug his hands in his hair. “Happy Birthday, Sirius...”
Sirius woke up from his sleep, panting. He sat up and looked around, breathing heavily. His heart raced and his eyes widened of fear. “mh...? Sirius?” he heard a voice next to him. The blanked rustled and Remus head popped up from beneath it.
“Nightmares again?” he asked, making Sirius nod. Just a second after he found himself in Remus' arms.
“It's alright...” Remus said in a soft voice and stroked the black haired man.
“Telling from the smell Lily is making the breakfast. Should we get up?” Different from other days Sirius shook his head slightly, his body trembling, and hid his face at Remus' neck.
“It was different,” he croaked out. “Everything was over... and... I was in prison. It was my fault...”
“Hush...” Remus said softly. “Nothing happened and nothing is over. Everyone is fine.”
“No! No, you don't understand. It felt so... real. It was cold and wet and... I could remember everything that happened. He got them. He killed them, Remus. I... I was at fault!” the smaller one blubbered and  he looked at Remus full of despair. Laying his hands on Sirius' cheeks Remus swallowed hard and stroked him. “Sirius. Listen. Nothing of it happened. And nothing is going to happen. This evil wizard... Voldemort... he doesn't exist. We are fine... A bit too fine, obviously,” he added as suddenly the laughing and squeaking could be heard. Sirius calmed down slowly.
He took a look at the calendar on the wall. '3rd November 1981' was written on the paper. It was today's date. He smiled a little and took a deep breath. Remus was right. It was over. What happened in his dreams wasn't real... if so it should have happened three days ago. But now everything was alright. They had planned a birthday party and Lily had promised him a cake. Tentatively Sirius got our of the bed, took his clothes from the dresser and put on trousers and pullover. He still had that thoughts in his head, but the more time passed the less he could remember his dream.
“Sirius! It's time!” Lily suddenly called him and the black haired man looked up just to see her walking in with a birthday cake. It was huge! She put it down on the table and Sirius was beaming with joy.
“That looks amazing!” The others smiled at him. “Happy Birthday, Padfoot!” they said, but he felt like he was hearing another voice. A voice he knew from his dreams. It was cold and sharp and so the fingers felt, that were laying down on his shoulders, boring into it slowly. “Happy Birthday, Black...”
Sirius took a deep breath before blowing out the candles and pushing away the feeling inside of him. He was here with his friends. They were alive. And he was free. There was no reason to be scared.
All was well.
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xianarcissamalfoy · 4 years
Tumblr media
I can’t resist... not now. Part 3
Warnings: swearing, Cute!Draco, Dick!Harry, parental abuse, probably some more I’m forgetting
Italics is ASL
Erin looked to the door, someone she never expected to see staring right at her. Shifting uncomfortably, Erin looked away from Malfoy. He, in return, walked to her bedside, placing his hand on her cheek.
Emerald eyes met silver ones, so close in proximity that they could feel each other’s warm breath on their faces. “I thought you died.” Erin read Malfoy’s lips, though she wasn’t sure she understood. “You had me really worried, Erin.”
“What?” Erin whispered, her voice scratchy and raw. “Why?”
“Because I-“ Draco was cut off by Silver bounding into the room, jumping into his human’s lap, licking her face excitedly.
“Ugh, Silver!” Erin giggled, struggling to push over a hundred pounds of pure muscle off her face. “Oi! I missed you too!” When the attack on her face was over, Erin was soaking wet once more. “Draco can you pass me a towelette, please?” Looking up at the blonde, Erin smiled at the look on his face. A thanks was given when he handed the fabric to her so she could dry her face. “The healers told me that you saved my life.” Erin started.
“Yeah, well, I couldn’t let you die.”
“Um, Draco we don’t even know each other. Well, I know you but you don’t know me.” Draco smiled uneasily.
“I think we should change that.” Draco’s eyes fell to Erin’s lips. And just as he leant in-
“I’m so sorry, I held her as long as I could!” Hermione shrieked, an ecstatic Luna rushing to give Erin a tight squeeze.
“I missed you so much!” Luna squealed, unaware that her best friend was struggling.
“Luna, I know you missed me but I’m gonna miss breathing if you don’t let go.” Erin choked out, Luna apologizing frantically as she let go.
“Erin, please, please never do that again.” Mione signed.
“I’ll do my best.” Erin smirked. Draco looked on as different hand signs and symbols were thrown, some using the whole body. ‘This must be how the deaf and mute communicate.’ Draco thought. ‘Or at least deaf muggles.’
“I think we confused your boy toy, Erin.” Hermione smirked at the blushing Erin.
“Shut up, Granger.” Erin pouted, patting Silver’s head as Luna scratched behind his ears. “He’s not my boy toy.”
“He basically confessed his love for you in the hallway.” Erin looked to Luna for confirmation and the white headed girl nodded. The blush that was originally faint brightened and spread down Erin’s neck. Hermione and Luna shared a laugh as their best friend sputtered, placing the pillow on her face to hide her embarrassment.
“Er, what’s so funny?” Draco questioned quietly, afraid it’d be out of turn for him to butt into the conversation.
“This tomato has what you’d call a crush.” Hermione chuckled.
“Don’t day it aloud ‘Mione!” Came the muffled yell.
“How can she even hear that? I thought she was deaf...” Draco furrowed his brows in confusion.
“She can’t. Ever since first year she’s been able to tell when we’re talking. She knows us too well.” Luna smiles up at Draco. “And you too.”
“Yeah. She knows your favorite food, favorite color, favorite drink, favorite class. She knows a lot about you.” Luna admitted as if it wasn’t creepy at all.
“Um, what?” Draco looked to Hermione for clarity.
“Don’t worry, Erin isn’t stalking you. She’s just very observant. Look.” Hermione nudged Erin who took the pillow off her face. “What’s my favorite food?”
“Back in the muggle world it’s chocolate frozen yogurt with a tablespoon of coffee drizzle and rainbow sprinkles and a blow of cinnamon. Here it’s mashed potatoes with cheese and gravy and one shake of black pepper.” Erin answered without a thought. Draco was taken back with how much she knew about her friend. “And Luna hates chocolate frogs, because we all know Luna is vegan.”
“She is?” Hermione scrunched her nose.
“Yeesh, ‘Mione. Get your facts right.” Draco playfully grinned. Hermione rolled her eyes, but a smile was gracing her lips. ‘This is nice. Being with friends who aren’t fake and actually make you laugh.’ Draco thought to himself.
“However, Luna loves pudding. Vanilla bean pudding with a drizzle of chocolate syrup.” Erin continued before turning to Draco. “Malfoy here likes tomato soup, because that’s what the house elves give him when he’s sick.” Draco flushed a pale pink, embarrassed that Erin knew so much about him.
“Bloody hell, if I knew we were joining a party I’d have brought more candy!” Ron exclaimed as he walked into the room, pushing a cart (that looked an awful like the one on the Hogwarts Express) filled with different candies into the room. Harry was behind him, eyes still filled with rage that burned even hotter when he saw that Draco and Erin were holding hands.
“Ron! You didn’t have to do all this!” Erin smiled at her cousin.
“But I did, cuz. But I did.” Ron looked rather smug with himself.
“You stole it from Fred and George, didn’t you?”
“Yes I did.” Ron cracked a grin. With an eyeroll, Erin grabbed a shimmery royal blue container filled with French macaroons.
“Thanks Ron. This means a lot.” Erin smiled, popping a chocolate macaroon into her mouth, relishing the taste of the coffee filling.
Draco watched the girl, content with watching how her lips moved as she talked. Harry was glaring daggers at the blond, really annoyed with what he was doing.
“Draco?” Erin waves her hand in his face, snapping the boy out of his trance. “Stop spacing. Only I can be deaf.” Erin giggled, holding up a strawberry cheesecake macaroon. “Here.”
“Oh, no I really shouldn’t-“
“Eat the pastry, Malfoy.” Erin demanded, enjoying how he submitted immediately.
Draco’s eyes lit up in delight as he bit into the delicate pastry. The hard shell, the creamy inside; reminding him of someone he knew. It was delicious. “This is really good.” Draco admitted to the smirking Erin, not hesitating to eat the whole thing.
“Told you so.”
Things when on like that for weeks. The group would get together at lunch into corner where Erin normally sat. Erin would be either in Draco’s lap or holding his hand. To her, it was normal. To Draco, is was intoxicating. He couldn’t get enough of her. Her cheesecake and cinnamon scent, her emerald eyes that literally sparkles in the sunlight. Her gorgeous black curls. The feel of her hand in his. Her warmth, her lips. She kept him up at night, invading his thoughts.
His grades were a rollercoaster if she was in the class, daydreaming about her taking up all his time. But then she was sitting next to him in potions class. Her hand slipped into his, and he could focus. Snape noticed, McGonagall noticed, Dumbledore noticed, and so did Harry. And Harry, Harry was pissed.
“What the hell is your problem?” Harry hissed at Draco one day, cornering him in the hall.
“I’m sorry?”
“You know what I’m talking about. You. And Erin.” Draco blushes red, conforming Harry’s suspicions. “Back off. She belongs to me.”
“She’s not an object, Potter.” Draco retorted.
“Well you sure handle her like a vase! Always checking up after her, going to her dorm, studying with her. Making sure she’s okay and wishing her a goodnight every night.”
“I didn’t know that was illegal, Potter.”
“Do you fancy her or something?”
“I mean she’s gorgeous. She brightens my day and makes me forget. All I’ve ever wanted is to forget. She makes me happy, Potter. Even as a friend.” Harry scoffed, reaching for his wand. Draco took notice and mirrored the action. Before any spells could be thrown, Hermione ran to Draco.
“It’s Erin. She’s in trouble!”
Erin curled up into a ball in the corner, resisting the urge to scream as kicks from steel toe boots hit her body. “I cannot believe you! Falling for a Malfoy! You traitor!” Her father bellowed, Lansing a kick to her rib cage.
“And here I thought you were learning...” Erin’s mother said with no emotion as she watched the assault on her daughter. “But you did exactly what we told you not to. And that won’t go unpunished.” Of course, Erin couldn’t hear this. But her parents didn’t care.
Her father stopped kicking her and yanked her up by the hair. Erin yelped at the stinging sensation in her scalp, eyes meeting her mother’s in fear. A blade was brought to her left arm, slicing a single word ‘Voldemort’. Erin’s screams could be heard through the castle, echoing off the walls. “Stupid child. You’ll learn not to defy us, one day.” And with that, she was alone. Alone and bloody and bruised and sobbing.
“Oh my goodness.” Draco rushes to his friend, kneeling at her her side, in her blood. “Bloody hell, Harry get McGonagall or Filch or anyone! Now!” Tears fell down Draco’s face as he looked at Erin.
“D-Draco?” Eri whispered, slowly opening her eyes.
“Hey, love. I’m here.” Draco grasped her hand in his shay ones, bringing it to his lips.
“Don’t leave me. Please.” Erin whimpered, curling up into him.
“I won’t. I promise.” Draco laid a kiss to her temple, smoothing back her hair. Erin sighed, pain fleeing her senses and being replaced by the feeling of Draco.
Footsteps shook the cobblestone floors, gasps filling the air from every professor at Hogwarts. Draco didn’t bother looking back, knowing they looked exactly like him when he first laid eyes on the blood. “Mr Malfoy, you have to let her go.” McGonagall whispered softly, wand in one hand and the other on Draco’s shoulder.
“I’m not leaving her. I promised.”
“Draco, they have to heal her.” Hermione spoke up from the crowd.
“They can do it while I hold her.” Draco fired at her. “I can’t let go. Every time I do something bad happens.”
“Draco, please. I can’t heal her when you’re connected to her. Especially not with wounds this big.” McGonagall pleaded, afraid of losing one of her favorite students. Hesitantly, Draco’s hand left Erin’s, the latter’s eyes opening as she thrashed around, scared that Draco had left.
“Erin, Erin love. I’m right here.” Draco rubbed her knuckles. “I promised.” Minerva cast a spell, healing the largest wounds. Bruises were left, but everything was healed. Except her left arm. The professor nearly dropped her wand at the sight of He-Wo-Must-Not-Be-Named’s real name cut into flesh.
“Oh dear.” The professor said in shock.
“Can you heal it?” Draco demanded.
“No. A name with that much power etched into the skin of a holy one... it’s impossible.”
“A holy one?” Draco scrunched his face.
“I can heal the cuts, but the scar will remain. As will the trauma. I’m really sorry.” McGonagall quickly healed the rest of Erin, walking away to give her and Draco some space.
Draco muttered his friend’s name over and over, wishing it hadn’t happened to her. Out of anyone he cared about, why her? “Erin I’m so sorry. I should’ve been here.”
“Draco?” Erin picked up her head. Draco smiled sadly, tears running down his face.
“I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“Draco I- I can hear what you’re saying.” Erin’s eyes lit up in happiness. “Professor McGonagall’s spell must’ve healed me.” Erin wrapped her arms around her blond friend.
“I thought I lost you.” Draco whimpered.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Malfoy.” Erin pulled away, eyes locking onto the silver orbs she held dear. “I promise.”
“Who did this?” Erin looked at the ground, avoiding the question. “Erin. Erin look at me. Tell me who did this to you so I can kill them.”
“I- I can’t.”
“I can’t, Draco!” Erin yelled, her face full of fear. “Because if I do he’ll kill me!”
“Who will kill you?” Erin looked into Draco’s eyes.
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writtenwordsoffic · 7 years
A Gentle Mind - Neville x Reader
@idle-lanes @sgarrett49 @murderyoursoul @moonlight53
Warnings: Physical abuse and slight swearing
So here’s my first HP imagine. I made the reader a Ravenclaw (bc let’s face it, I’m one) but if any other requests come with other houses, I’m happy to do them. For now, since the HP universe is so vast in characters - I’m keeping requests open for only Fred, George and Neville. I am open to the idea of a Luna one with either female or male reader though.
Anyway, I hope you guys are okay with me branching out. If it gets enough notes, I will be doing other parts as well as other HP fanfics. Thanks much.
Year 1
“Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,  if you’ve a ready mind,  Where those of wit and learning,  Will always find their kind.”
When you heard those words - you knew the place for you. Granted, before that day, you didn’t know much about the wizarding world itself.
You didn’t even know that you had the ability of magic itself until your letter came.
Your mother died when you were at a young age - and while your grandmother had tried to enhance your learning of the subject of magic - it all came to a stop when she passed when you were 7.
And that’s where your knowledge ended until that night in the hall, with that Sorting Hat in front of you. Your father was your only family and had rather discouraged you from the “nonesense” that your grandmother had told you. Until your letter, you thought it was all a fable yourself.
“Y/N, L/N”. You quickly picked yourself up from your thoughts. A timid look was still upon your face as you made your way to the chair. You faced upward seeing the look of McGonagalls mouth giving you a slight smirk.
You faced the small crowd of other 1st years and caught glance at a boy. One that had lost his toad already once that night. His eyes reminded you of a similar fear you were currently feeling, but there was something about him you couldn’t really place your finger on.
It only hovered above your head as the hat screamed “Ravenclaw!!!”
And with that, you were welcomed to a table with cheers but after sitting down, all focus was on Harry Potter. And honestly - that hadn’t really changed for years.
Quick smiles were given to you while you sat down- lots of faces illuminated with glee over the event of sorting itself. Yet, you didn’t feel you quite belonged. A looming darkness hid inside of you, something you weren’t sure that belonged at that table.
Year 3
As you had finally settled with Hogwarts feeling more like a home, you didn’t really have many friends to call your own. None really. Most people found you a little bit off - not exactly carefree and intriguing like Luna in your class - but not a person to approach either. In any circumstance, you found yourself tied to you and your thoughts alone.
Just like your younger years, you always found yourself with your nose in a book. And honestly you couldn’t help yourself. All of the others had mostly grown up with magical parents. You felt too behind in everything even though you seemed you have a gift within Charms class. Over the last few years, Flitwick had been giving you extra assignments that were ahead of the class.
You found solemn in a few places - a table in the library (that was probably the best library you had ever seen), the small chair in the Ravenclaw lounge and when it was warm - a large tree that was in the middle of the grounds’ hallway.
You never found yourself lonely in a book but it was that day that the boy - Neville Longbottom, once again caught your attention.
“Off to tend to your plants again Longbottom?!”, a sneer came from Malfoys mouth as you saw him and a few other Slytherin’s surrounding Neville.
Neville just tried to ignore their comments and get away but they had surrounded all sides of him.
Malfoy gave a slight shove while grabbing a small pot from Neville’s hands - something new and fascinating to tend to for Herbology surely.
Suddenly, something inside of you sprung up. The darkness that gave power to something you liked to remain hidden. It usually reminded you too much of your father - but in that moment you couldn’t care less.
You left your bag and book by the tree as your feet quickly placed you near Malfoy and his goons.
“Oh look boys - someone’s come to save old Longbottom’s day!”, laughter occurred between the boys and Neville just stared at you - a look of defeat on his face.
“Just leave him alone”. Your words had grit to them.
“Oh boy. Look at that! L/N does speak!”, more laughter rioted them as Malfoy took the potted plant and smashed it on the ground. A wince from Neville was caught from the side of your eye.
In a moment of rage your wand was gripped, “Incendio!”.
And with that a good sized flame caught to the bottom of Malfoys cloak. His friends racing over to get it out while Malfoy whinned in fear. You made your way to Neville - his face someone stuck in horror.
“How…how did you do that so well? It’s a bit ahead of…”.
“You okay?”, you interrupted. Your voice gentle and soft.
He gave a slight nod while looking over to Malfoy. The flame still going a bit.
You rolled your eyes, and with a swish of your wand - “finite” - the flame was out.
Your growl came back as Malfoy caught your eyes, “now leave him alone”. Malfoy and his buddies ran off with your stern warning.
You looked to the broken pot below you. You bent down, “Reparo”, your voice once again gentle. You handed it back to Neville. “Sorry about your plant”.
“Thanks…”, a subtle mutter of the word came out of his mouth. You then made your way back to your tree, gathering your stuff and heading to the library. All the while, unaware of Neville staring at you, awestruck.
Year 5
With Cedric Diggory’s death still looming over the school - you found yourself starting the year hiding in your robe. You had grown to hate summers as there was no escape from your father or what he considered to be parenting. Since your first year at Hogwarts, you always made sure to stay at the castle for winter. Anything to keep you away.
The second you got to the grounds, you made it your mission to be somewhere private.
That day before you left for the train, your father had started to berate you about school.
Before you knew it, you were on floor bleeding from your shoulder from being pushed into the wall. A slight gash on your leg from a bottle he threw. You found yourself defenseless as you were still too young to practice magic in a Muggle household.
You beat your roommates to the Ravenclaw bedroom as most were still at the sorting dinner. No one had seemed to notice your limp on and off of the train.
As these weren’t magically created injuries, you found yourself only able to clean yourself up a bit. You focused on the areas, “Tergeo”, with a flick.
You had found all the dried blood gone from your wounds and ready to properly bandage.
You made your way back to the dining hall, a book in hand, every once in a while giving a slight twinge while walking.
And unbeknownst to you, there was eyes on your wounds - concern in Neville’s eyes.
Year 7
The train to Hogwarts was much different that year. Every year at school seemed to get darker - the return of Voldemort looming in the air.
The train was emptier than any year previous, as a lot parents didn’t want their children at school in fear for them.
Your situation however was different, one where any relief and escape from your home was welcomed. Granted you didn’t know yet where that year would bring you.
Slytherins and what you presumed to be Death Eaters without their masks were going through the train. You kept your nose in a book until you saw Neville stand up. “Hey losers. He isn’t here”. 
You were quite sure after last year and the loss of Dumbledore, Harry would have been quite dumb to make an attempt at returning to Hogwarts - and you had presumed correctly. 
You found your eyes on the tall boy a few booths down. Courage radiating through him. The gentle eyes you had once seen before filled with a new darkness. He slumped back in his seat after the darkly cloaked gentlemen left. Neville slightly turned his head to see who else was watching and caught your glance. His eyes met yours and for once you found yourself starting to blush. Something not typical for you as a school crush wasn’t something to focus on. He gave a smile when someone else caught his attention with discussion. But these were too dark of times to let your focus change now. 
A month had gone by with Snape’s new regime as headmaster. And with two new “professors” known as the Carrow twins - you found your natural ability fading as they had taught about Muggles being stupid and idiotic - that Mudbloods were upon the worse of the magical kind and were unworthy. Words you had heard before in your life, just not from the magical world. 
Yet you kept your head down and mouth shut until one day in Defense Against the Dark Arts - Professor Carrow (Amycus) brought in a first year Gryffindor that had gotten detention. He gave a slight walk through the rows of students and set his eyes on Neville. 
“Longbottom!”. Neville’s eyes looked up but didn’t give a response. “Stand up and face your enemy for duel”. Neville stood up surprisingly and made his way on top of the other end of the long ramp. The first year on the other side. 
“Wands ready!”, Carrow screamed as the first year had a face of terror. You glanced over to Neville, who was giving off a smirk. “Duel!”, Carrow bellowed.
Neville didn’t move - not in fear but rather in encouragement for the young boy to strike. And he did. The boy shook his hand but muttered out quickly, “Stupefy!”.
Neville’s body went to the floor a bit but he got back up rather quickly. He could have used a defensive charm easily but decided against it. Carrow got up onto the dueling area. Looking at Neville in disgust. 
“You little prick…Confringo!”, with that, Neville’s body was blasted back with a shot of blue. You were quick on your feet as you rushed to Neville as did a few of his friends. Adrenaline and anger shooting through your insides as you found yourself over Neville’s body.
Behind you, you heard Carrow laughing until his eyes went back onto Neville “Conf…” 
Luckily you were quicker, “Protego!” Carrows blast disappeared and your wand let out a large burst of air and a white cast. All eyes were on you including Neville’s. 
Neville grasped your wrist, causing your eyes to look down at him. He shook his head from letting you go any further. You gave a nod and went back down to the crowd of people. 
“Can’t fight your own battles eh Longbottom?”, Carrows eyes locked on you but you focused on Neville standing back up. “Crucio!”, and with a decent amount of sneer behind his face, Carrow started to torture Neville for a few moments. 
After he was bloody enough and twitching for his liking, Carrow stopped. Letting Neville’s body lay on the floor. “Class dismissed”. And with glee in his eye Carrow and other students left the room. 
Seamus made his way to Neville’s body as Neville started to get up. You grabbed his arm and put it over your shoulder. “Come on, I can help. Ravenclaw’s lounge is closer anyway…”.
Seamus spoke up even though he was quite stunned to your quick care to Neville. “Shouldn’t we take him to the infirmary?” 
“Nah. If we do, the Carrows or Snape are bound to find out and make it worse for him”. Seamus gave a nod as Neville gently limped a bit, still moving enough to help both Seamus and you carry him. 
“This may sting a bit at first…”, Neville gave a nod. It was Neville, Seamus and you in the lounge as others were in their rooms or in other classes still. “Ferula”, your wand guided over Neville’s body while he gave a sigh in pain and then relief. 
“I’ll go get you some water mate”, Neville gave a thanks to Seamus.
Neville tried to lean up from the couch, but you slightly pushed his body back. “Hold on there. You still have a broken nose”, he leaned back his head a bit, your hand still resting on his chest. 
“Go ahead”, his eyes met yours, a gentleness behind them. 
You gave a slight smile but quickly gained your focus back on your wand and his nose “Episkey”. You heard a crack and Neville winced a bit. However at least his nose looked a lot better. 
“Better looking?”, he gave a smirk. 
“Something like that. Now sit for a second more. “Tergeo”. Within a few moments, all the dried blood on Neville’s face and parts of his body were gone.
He touched under his nose slightly, “thanks”. He gave a slight smile while leaning up now. 
“Better?”, you had hoped your spells had worked as well as they had on your own body. 
“Yeah, a lot”, a shyness crept up on his voice while you sat down next to him.
You gave a sigh in relief as well as being a little drained. “Good”. 
His eyes were back on you as you looked at the flames at the fireplace in front of you. “Why’d you do it?”. 
You looked to him as his face had a questionable look. “Heal you?”. 
He shook his head. “No, the defensive charm…” 
“Carrow’s a dick…I was just…”. 
“Protecting me. You keep doing that…”. He gave a slight smile as he looked at your hands. 
“You haven’t needed it in a while. And Carrow needed to know that we actually know things…”. 
“Well I’m glad you were there”. He gave a smile. 
Seamus made his way back over. “Nev! You look way better mate!”. Seamus looked towards you, “you’re really good at that”. 
“Uh…thanks”, you had hoped they would just think it was raw talent versus practiced hands. Neville took the glass of water but saw as your face fell. “I better be going”, you stood up from the couch. “Let me know if any of those open back up…”, Seamus gave a nod while you grabbed your bag. Looking away from Neville, all you could think was that it was too dark of times to develop a crush.
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sinfully-romione · 7 years
Ten Seconds
Rating: M/18/E
Sins: Wrath
Summary: Ron is on a mission and confronts a nightmare.
Warning: Non domestic violence
“On the count of three,” Harry whispered as loudly as he could without warning the occupants in the flat, “I’ll blast the door in and you follow me.”
“I know. I made the bloody plan, Harry.” Harry gave Ron one really dirty look and Ron reciprocated gladly.
Harry took a last deep breath. His hands were shaking slightly, and so was Ron. The mix of adrenaline and crippling fear, charging into the unknown, always gave them the collywobbles.
They trained for this moment, countless times. They were Aurors, and damn fine ones. They signed on the magical line to do this, to capture those who had eluded them at the Battle. They signed on the line to bring about some normalcy to their world. And Ron signed on the line to quiet the screams at night, when he had nightmares of hearing Hermione be tortured or the fact he was never fast enough to save Lavender from a lifetime of pain.
But mostly he signed on the line for the git in front of him. Harry was his best mate and closer to anyone in his life, including Hermione. He loved him like he loved himself, and sometimes even more than he loved himself. The tosser didn’t know when to say quit, never backed down from any assignment, never shirked a duty to protect and never held back from rushing to protect and defend others who needed him. Ron promised one night, while completely pissed on whiskey, that he’d never let Harry rush into a situation again without him at his back. The night at the Ministry so many years ago still gnawed at his soul, where he’d been boggled and then in a moment of barmy stupidity, which he always blamed for getting a spell to the head during that fight, giving him the scars on his arms and almost up his neck. He’d let Harry down by getting hurt. It wasn’t completely his responsibility, but there was entirely enough to go around.
Ron erected the shield charm in front of Harry and Harry performed the spell and the door exploded inward. Harry went in first, avoiding spells blasting towards them. Ron hunkered down and followed, sliding into Harry with a grunt. “The bloody hell!”
Harry stood, behind Ron’s shield, and cast a gust of air, blowing away the smoke from the explosion. He ducked down again, dodging two green cast spells aimed at where he had been standing.  “I saw three MLS teams down and I think I saw our mole, too. There’s some bloke spread-eagle on the back wall and I don’t think his head tilts naturally the way it was. But there’s two others who were casting spells from the other side of the lorry.”
“Was it Avery?”
“I couldn’t tell. Mad blokes firing Unforgiveables my way aren’t how I envision my demise.”
“Yeah, my sister would crucify both of us if I let you kark it on a mission.”
“So that’s why you’re on my arse on every mission.”
Ron nodded while Harry peeked past the stack of boxes and ducked back. Two more red spells buzzed by the boxes they were hiding behind. “We have to get those wizards down otherwise they’ll burn the building down and with us in it.”
Ron pulled the mirror from his pocket, hiding down as far as he could go. “Jones! Jones, answer your damn mirror.”
“Jones here,” the dark face appeared in Ron’s mirror. “Report.”
“All MLS teams are down. Potter and I are pinned into position. Building is on fire. Two wizards at least. Advise.”
The mirror went dark for one second. Jones appeared back in it, her face grim. “Warrants receded. All Aurors are en route to scene. Hit Wizards are dispatched, eta 3 minutes.” Jones put her face up close to the mirror. “Kill or Capture Avery and whomever else is with him. Save those MLS teams at all cost. Authority granted from highest levels.”
“Sorted.” Ron put the mirror in his pocket. “Jones said warrant receded.”
“Damn. I’d hoped to capture the bastard.”
The barrels floated up in the air and Harry sprinted away, with Ron following closely. Ron turned while running and blew up the floating boxes in the air, showering them with burning wood. They slid into another stack of boxes 10 meters away, extinguishing the flames that were on the ends of their robes. “Got any ideas?”
Harry cast a bubblehead charm over both of them while Ron peeked up over the boxes and saw a lorry blocking their view. Two sets of boot clad feet rustled on the other side, towards the liftgate and Ron ducked back down. Ron scrubbed his nose while trying to get the smell of burning plastic out of his nostrils.
“Keep me shielded.”
“Are you mad?”
Ron grinned. “Quite possibly. Blame Hermione for it.”
“What are you going to do?”
Ron pointed his wand at his dragonskin jacket, adding more protection onto the scales.  He looked up and Harry gulped. “Knight to C7.”
Harry blanched in understanding. “Ron, no. I can’t allow it. There’s got to be another way.”
“The building is one fire and we’ve got 25 men down. Our lives are forfeit if they die in this fire. Now get my arse out of here before Hermione finds out I did this.”
“You’re barking!”
“Probably but I owe Hermione and Mr. Brown for this. Lavender too.” Ron smirked. “Save my arse when I pull this off.”
Harry nodded, obviously unhappy about what was going to happen. “If you don’t live through this, I’m going to kill you!”
“I figure you owe me for it.” Ron flashed Harry a grin before turning back to the combatants they were facing. “If I don’t – tell Hermione I love her.”
“I’ll save your arse just so I don’t have to tell her!”
“Fair enough!”
Ron gripped his wand and apparated away.
Ron gripped his wand, focusing on the spot between the other two on the other side of the lorry, and spun. Gah, he hated apparition. Hated it with a passion but it was the only way to achieve the objective.
He landed in a heap, covered in burnt plastic and ash from the fire immolating the building around them.  The bubblehead charm disappeared during the apparition and he fought down the urge to vomit from the stench in the warehouse. Ron wiped his mouth and stopped, seeing a face mere feet in front of him, making the nausea disappear instantly.
Knocked over from Ron’s landing was a swarthy wizard, with grey hair tied back from his face. He was older, much older than he remembered but then the Wizard looked up from the box at his feet and froze. Ron knew this bastard. He owed him a blood debt, for what happened to his family. He owed the fucker for what he did to Hermione. He owed this wankstain for every single sleepless night his mum ever had.
“You, you putrid soul, you worthless parasitic lump of dragon dung!“ Ron stalked forward, forcing the other wizard backwards. "You disgusting stain on humanity! Not even a Dementor would suck your soul out because you sold it for that piss stain Voldemort.” He banished the spell aimed at him with a simple flick of his wand. “I owe you!” Ron roared and threw himself at Antonin Dolohov, using his wand hand balled into a fist to beat Dolohov. He didn’t see the dead man’s switch fall from his left hand, rolling under the scattering of wooden crates.
They fell backwards into more boxes, with Dolohov groaning at hitting his back at an odd angle. The boxes scattered under the melee, with Ron grabbing Dolohov’s hair and bouncing it on the concrete under them. “You killed them,” he yelled bludgeoning Dolohov’s head into the concrete again and again.
Thunk “Fabian!”
Thunk “Gideon!”
Thunk “Hermione!”
Ron threaded his fingers together, into a mace, and beat Dolohov in the face. “You bastard,” he swung and hit Dolohov across the face like a hammer, “you killed them.” He hit him twice more across the nose, spraying blood everywhere. “This is for Mum,” he yelled. He balled up his fists and hit him across the jaw, using both hands to pulverize the older wizard beneath his swinging fists. “This is for Hermione, you cunt,” he screamed, beating him until the Death Eater’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. Blood pounded in Ron’s ears as he beat the wizard with his fists, ignoring the wands by his hands. She had been in the Hospital wing at Hogwarts a fortnight, taking so many grotty potions it made him sick to think about how close to dying she had come – all because of the sadistic bastard he was going to kill with his bare hands.
A red spell flew by his head and he rolled off of the unconscious wizard before him. He threw a spell at Avery, missing him. Ron ducked and saw Avery fire off a spell, probably trying to blow open Harry’s position behind the crates.
Ron grabbed his wand and pocketed Dolohov’s wand and apparated the five meters to Avery’s position. He had a second left to make it before he was blown to hell.
Ron landed behind Avery, inside the shadow of the lorry. He saw around the liftgate Harry pointing his wand at his position. Ron reached out and grabbed Avery by the collar of his robes.
Harry fired off the pre-determined spell at the second set of tires on the lorry. They blew, as planned, and threw the truck up into the air. The gas burst from tanks under the compartment of the truck, much to Ron’s chagrin. “Must apparate now, Fuck, outside now, outside now,” he thought as he focused on the parking lot outside of the building. Intense heat and pressure scorched his skin as he apparated away, with Avery struggling under his hand as they departed the blast. He lurched while being squeezed to oblivion and bounced hard off of something.
“Let go of me, you fucker,” Avery growled under Ron’s prone body.
“Shut the fuck up or I will beat you unconscious, just like I did with Dolohov.”
“He’s not dead.”
Ron elbowed the older death eater under him, then kneed him in the bollocks.  The sod under him rolled his head and puked. His ankle ached horribly but not enough to stop him from kneeing the wizard underneath him a second time. “Can’t apparated without a wand, not when I beat him half to death,” Ron growled and punched Avery in the jaw. His eyes rolled back up into his head too.
“Ron,” Harry yelled. “Ron!”
Ron turned his head and saw Harry running out of the building. The fire was out and Healers in green robes were running into the building.
“I got them,” Ron said. “I did it.
“Ron,” Harry skidded to a stop a few feet away.
“Harry,” Ron’s eyes rolled up into his head and crashed off of the unconscious wizard.
“Ron!” Harry ran over to push Ron off of the other wizard and saw his elbow lying across his body at a completely unnatural angle. “Healer! I need a healer now!”
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acaranna · 8 years
Aaaaand part three. So far the writing is going good again. A bit of variation probably helped me a great deal.^^ Enjoy!
3. Ron/Draco - “I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid.”
A cloud of yellowish smoke rose above the cauldron and filled the air with the stench of rotting cabbage. Ron yelped before he covered the bottom half of his face with the sleeve of his cloak. Beside him, Draco had scrambled backwards to get away from the violently spluttering potion. Or what should have been a potion.
“Weasley! Fifteen points from Gryffindor and detention tonight at six. Now clean up your cauldron. You will finish the theoretical part of the exercise with an additional three inches,” the substitute teacher yelled from the front. She didn’t even look away from the book she had in her hands. She did, however, banish the stench with a flick of her wand.
Ron stared at her for a second before he shook his head and started to put the still usable ingredients away. Next to him Draco looked over curiously before he quietly began helping. The Ministry had assigned Professor Gregis to their school when Snape didn’t return from a gathering trip. Nobody knew what had happened, but many of the students wondered whether he had finally joined He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s side.
Two days after he’d vanished, Professor McGonagall had called him, along with Harry and Hermione, into the Headmaster’s office. Draco had already been waiting with Dumbledore. He’d been even thinner than usual and his whole body screamed tired. Ron’s heart had skipped a couple of beats and he’d opened his mouth before realising that he would out them if he said anything.
Their relationship, if it was one, was still too new to be dragged out like that. Although he suspected that Harry had his suspicions. And if Harry had them then Hermione probably knew it for sure.
Professor McGonagall had explained to them that Severus Snape hadn’t turned to Voldemort and was instead still inside Hogwarts. However, he was in a part that was very rarely used and even harder to reach. That way Harry could train in the evenings and still keep up with his studies. They had to pretend that nothing was unusual since the Minister insisted that Voldemort wasn’t back. The man had to be blind not to see the chaos that was raging around him.
Adding to that, the Minister had assigned Professor Gregis as the replacement for the rogue Deatheater. She was a ministry-loyal woman and all of the students despised her. Their lessons had turned into even more of a burden than they had been under Snape. She would walk into the classroom, give them the name of a potion and then let them figure out on their own how to prepare it. Once a week she would write a test on random ingredients and regularly deduct points from the houses. Even from Slytherin.
Ron often wondered if he could get away with a couple of pranks for that woman. He was reasonably sure that these days even the snakes wouldn’t mind it. Maybe he should write to Fred and George and see what they could come up with.
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” Draco’s quiet voice pulled Ron from a very pleasant daydream about Fred’s newest invention. The voice-induced itching powder. It only started to itch when the receiver started to talk. From what he had noticed during meal times, Professor Gregis loved to hear herself talk.
“I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid,” Ron replied without heat. He gazed quickly towards the front of the classroom. Professor Gregis hadn’t heard them.
“That’s why I’m asking,” Draco breathed, while he scraped the now gooey mass from the table. “I know, in fact, that this potion is one of the few you know how to make in your sleep. So, for you to make this much of a mess it had to be planned. Though probably by Hermione, right?”
What would have been an insult, before, was now nothing more than a teasing comment. Ron tilted his head a little and smirked in reply. After a moment he grew serious again.
“Gregis is hiding something,” he explained quietly. “We’re not sure what exactly it is yet. Both Hermione and Harry, have seen her do some rather questionable things. Me? I heard her talk to someone on the last Hogsmeade weekend and it didn’t sound pleasant at all.”
Draco said nothing for a moment. He kept working but every once in a while he would sneak a glance at Professor Gregis. There wasn’t much time left before the lesson was over. Yet the woman looked like she didn’t have a care in the world.
“So, what’s the plan?”
Ron smiled and plucked the slugs from the table. Draco had changed, even before he’d switched sides and started to bring the younger Slytherins into safety. So far they had fifteen of the first and second years in their care.
“Harry’s going to come with me when I head down,” Ron explained. “While Gregis oversees my detention, he will take a look around her office. Just look – we don’t know if she has any kind of protection on her papers. Or if she has anything in there at all.”
Draco nodded thoughtfully while he pushed the scrapeings of their work into the waste-bin beneath the table.
“I could help,” he offered. “Who knows if she’s going to stay with you the whole time? I could be close by to catch her when she leaves the room. I could ask her one of the million questions that will get her talking.”
“And she loves to hear herself talk.” Ron contemplated the thought. It was a rather good idea. A fall-back plan if their original one didn’t hold up.
“I’ll have to talk with Harry and Hermione first,” he said after a moment. “Not because I don’t trust you. They just need to know that there will be a change in the plan or an addition to it. So they can adapt and will not be surprised. If we do this our cover story needs to be tight.”
“I know that,” Draco huffed. “So, how will you let me know what they say?”
“I’ll meet you at our usual space, an hour before my detention starts,” Ron said.
Then Professor Gregis slammed her book shut. “The lesson is over for today,” she said loudly.
Ron and Draco shared one more look before they packed their bags.
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runawayjay · 8 years
The Broom Shed Exchange
Chapter Summary: Harry gets a bit reminiscent over butterbeers with Hagrid and Ron, remembers a sunny day with Ginny from his sixth year, and forms a plan that’s a bit romantic and definitely stupid.
Chapter 2 of 3, and also on AO3!
A/N: Let the pinning and fluff continue. I live for this shit. Let me know how you like, lovelies !
Harry was so accustomed to seeing the Three Broomsticks flooded with Hogwarts students, that he was a bit unnerved to see it nearly empty when he met Hagrid and Ron on Halloween.
“Hogsmeade visits been a bit rare this term,” Hagrid said when he noticed Harry’s eyes glancing about the pub. “Reckon after all that’s happened, parents don’ want their kids away from the castle!”
Harry didn’t blame them. The threat of Voldemort was gone, but the dregs of his following were not. Harry had caught himself on multiple occasions watching over his shoulder, taking shadowed and unseen paths to get where he needed, and rubbing his scar absently, though it hadn’t hurt in months. They were old habits—war habits—that he couldn’t shake. His nightmares didn’t help him adjust to this newfound time of relative peace, either. Harry no longer saw into Voldemort’s life, but that didn’t mean he’d stopped seeing the horrors he’d committed or Voldemort himself.
Some nights, they had him so shaken—trapped in echoes of the past—that when he woke and prepared for his day, he’d tuck his invisibility cloak into his jacket, just like he’d done tonight. Harry patted the sides of his jacket now, checking that it and his new wand were there, though he knew very well they would be.
“How’s McGonagall doing as headmistress, Hagrid?” Ron asked over his butterbeer, and Harry turned his attention back to his old friends.
Hagrid lowered his bucket sized tankard with a fair grin. “Never better, Ron,” Hagrid said, “never better. And that goes for the school, too, that does. Not the same without Dumbledore, o’ course…but if anyone can get Hogwarts back where it needs ter be, it’s Minerva.”
“To headmistress Minerva McGonagall!” Ron toasted with a grin as Hagrid bumped his and Harry’s butterbeers a bit too enthusiastically, sloshing the table.
Harry laughed as he drank, the butterbeer warming from his throat, to his stomach, to his core. Hagrid asked Ron about how he liked Auror training and they lapsed back into conversation. Harry listened on the fringes. He was glad to be out with them as it was certainly better than being alone in Grimmauld Place, yet he still felt alone. He felt oddly reminiscent, and he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
Harry thought about his first Halloween at Hogwarts—the first real Halloween he’d ever had—and how it’d ended with a mountain troll and two best friends. He smiled, but soon that thought was wiped away by the memory of Godric’s Hollow cemetery, and the dates on a gravestone. Eighteen years ago today, he’d lost his parents. Harry twirled his bottle of butterbeer around on the glossy, palm-worn table. He’d lost more since that night, but he gained just as much, hadn’t he? He thought of Ron and Hagrid beside him, of the Weasley’s at the burrow, of Hermione up at Hogwarts—of Ginny, happy and laughing at the Gryffindor table for the school feast. The memory of her smile in their last moment in the Burrow’s broom shed made him smile, as well.
At this, Hagrid asked, “You a’right, Harry?”
Harry glanced up from his butterbeer, the quiet sounds of the Three Broomstick’s customers coming back to him. “Yeah. Just thinking about…that mountain troll,” he said quickly, adding, “the one from first year. Remember?”
“Oh, yeah!” Ron said, grinning again with a laugh over the top of his butterbeer. “First time I ever levitated something and your wand got covered in troll bogeys. If only Hermione were here, then we could have a proper Halloween celebration.”
“And Ginny,” Harry added without thinking.
“Yeah. And Ginny. Too bad today wasn’t a Hogsmeade day for them. They could’ve met us here.”
Hagrid eyed them, hiding his growing smile behind his beard. “You boys wouldn’t be missin’ them now, would ye?”
“Absolutely not,” Ron said incredulously, though the blush across his face said otherwise. Harry laughed with Hagrid. “Still, if only the passageways into the castle were still open. Then we could sneak under the invisibility cloak and go see them. Right, Harry?”
Harry nodded at the nudge of his elbow but didn’t say anything. He’d been thinking about sneaking into the castle for weeks, but didn’t know how.
Hagrid lowered his tankard. “Even if the others hadn’t been closed durin’ the time Snape was headmaster, o’ course McGonogall would’ve closed them. Now, the only passages in and ou’ the castle now are the front gates and good old Aberforth’s tunnel paintin’—”
“It’s still open?” Harry asked.
Hagrid blanked at him, his beady eyes going round, then shook his head and beard frivolously. “Nope, no. O’ course not. I shouldn’ ‘ave told you that.”
Ron shot a sideways grin at Harry, who tucked Hagrid’s accidental slip of knowledge into his mind for later use.
“So, Ron!” Hagrid said, clearly changing the conversation in hope they’d forget. “Any news from Charlie on Norberta?”
Ron played along and Harry gladly slipped into thought again. The idea of stepping into an alley, pulling on his invisibility cloak, and sneaking through the Hog’s Head into Hogwarts to see Ginny was too tempting to move away from. He enjoyed spending time with Ron and he’d missed Hagrid lately, but thought he’d much rather spend his evening with her. At least then he’d be too preoccupied—too happy—to dwell on sad thoughts about his parents. Harry felt this daydream of sneaking into to see Ginny turn into a hollow ache of want. He sipped his butterbeer, missing her more at the prospect of being so close yet so far from her.
It was a familiar feeling and, like always, made him remember their sun-filled days during his sixth year—those blissful hours where he wasn’t Harry Potter: the Chosen One, but just Harry. At the mention in Hagrid and Ron’s conversation about the new beasts Hagrid was teaching in his Care of Magical Creatures class, a particular sunlit hour when the weather was warm made Harry smile…
 “How do you think it even got there?” Ginny asked.
 She and Harry sat by the black lake, his back against a tree trunk and her back against his chest, in an area secluded comfortably from the rest of the school. Out in the middle of the lake, the giant squid waved a monstrous tentacle and a group of first years screamed. They ran up the bank from the water’s edge where they’d been wading up to their knees.
 “No idea,” Harry laughed. “Bet you Hermione knows, though.”
 “’There’s a whole chapter about it in Hogwarts: A History,’” Ginny huffed in an excellent Hermione impression. “’Honestly, don’t you read?’”
 Harry laughed into Ginny’s hair, breathing in the flowery scent that always seemed to surround her. She laughed, too, and it was hard for Harry to ignore the pleasant rumbling he felt from her back. Unable to resist, Harry grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers. He held them up by Ginny’s shoulder as their laughs subsided to a quiet picked up by a rustling breeze.
 With her unoccupied hand, Ginny set aside their books they’d been attempting to read in preparation for exams. She turned sideways in Harry’s lap, leaning against one raised knee, and letting her legs over his extended leg. Her shoulder as comfortable as bone could be against his chest, he softly ran his fingers along the exposed skin of her inner arm, where she’d rolled up the sleeves of her uniform. Ginny rested her head on his shoulder, her nose against his neck, and they lapsed into idle, lighthearted conversation that had nothing to do with giant squids or exams.
 Eventually, when the sun had begun to move further down the sky, Ginny reached into her school bag and pulled out a few chocolate frogs for them to share. Biting off a leg, she said, “Wish we didn’t always have to stay outside all day not to be bothered by anyone,”
 “It’s been a nice day.”
 “I know, but the sunlight makes me too tired to read for my O.W.L.s. And you make it harder to concentrate on reading for my O.W.L.s.”
 “My apologies,” Harry quipped, fighting a smile. “Next time you want to steal away outside, I’ll turn you around and send you to the library.”
 “Oh, shut it. Library’s only so good for studying anyway.”
 “Common room?”
 “Too loud and crowded. And Ron’s there. He’s gotten better, but I still see him staring at us on occasion like you’re not his best friend but some other bloke he needs to protect me from. Pathetic, really. When do you reckon he’ll ask Hermione out?”
 Harry gave a short laugh, not really wanting to imagine his two best friends together. He wanted them happy, but he’d been cast between them in too many fights to be completely comfortable with the idea of them together. Turning his thoughts elsewhere, Harry suggested, “Room of Requirement?”
 Ginny lifted her head suddenly and frowned at him. His stomach flipped, but settled once she said, “Why’ve we never thought of studying in there before?”
 “This isn’t exactly studying, Gin—”
 “Oh, shut it. I’m serious, Harry. Think about it. We could ask the Room for anything—a room better than the Library but more quiet and private than the common room. It could be our space inside. And better than any empty classroom could be. No one would be able to find us. Not even on that silly map of yours.”
 Harry blinked at her. “Brilliant.”
 “I know it is,” she said, resting a hand on his jaw and sinking into a kiss.
 Harry thought her lips tasted like chocolate and he welcomed her with closed eyes, thinking about how nice the Room of Requirement might be as a private study room. He and Ginny wouldn’t be subject to Madam Pince’s glares in the Library, Ron’s stares or Hermione’s lectures about studying more in the common room, or even the occasional, distracting shouts from other students around the lake.
 “Harry?” Ginny asked against his lips between kisses.
 They could ask the Room for comfortable chairs, like their favorites by the Gryffindor common room fire, and expansive desks, like the ones they spread out on in the Library. Harry didn’t think they could ask the room for food, but that was one quick trip down to the kitchens for the benefit of hours of uninterrupted time.
 It truly could be a room of their own, with almost anything they could think of…
 “Harry James Potter,” Ginny said, louder this time as she pulled back an inch. Harry almost followed her, drinking in her kisses as his thoughts swam. He blinked and she asked,
 “Where are you right now?”
 “’m right here.”
 “No, you’re not. You’re in here,” she tapped on his forehead. “What are you thinking of?”
 Harry smiled as he kissed her again. “The Room of Requirement—our room. Whatever we can make of it.”
 “An intriguing idea, isn’t it?”
 Harry hummed in agreement, kissing the tip of her freckled nose. “Let’s try it. Tomorrow.”
 “It’s a date, Mr. Potter,” Ginny said, pulling herself up with feigned air of professionalism.
 “That it is, Miss Weasley.”
 Harry pulled her back to him into another kiss as she adjusted herself to straddle his lap. They sat together so long, engrossed in nothing besides each other, that their books and bags lay forgotten and their dinner almost passed completely forgotten. Eventually, with hearts racing and lips full, they raced up to the Great Hall in time to catch some of the last bits of food left on the Gryffindor table, their beautiful and unproductive sunny afternoon anything but a waste of time.
They never were able to test their room, however, Harry reflected. That next day he’d gone out on a Horcrux Hunt with Dumbledore and things were never that peaceful at Hogwarts again for the two of them.
Still, as Harry sipped once more from his now cold butterbeer he thought maybe their idea about the Room of Requirement wasn’t a total loss. Harry padded the sides of his jacket once more to feel the comforting lump of his invisibility cloak.
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