#vtuber drama
mildlylesbian · 7 months
The thing about the current DokiBird/nijisanji shitshow is that... in no world is having your talents host that livestream a good idea. Even if nijisanji was 100% in the right, that still would have been the worst PR move in the history of PR moves.
Not only did you basically confirm who the bullies were, but you also put a target on your two most subscribed to Vtubers because they simply existed in that video.
If they did that willingly, I have no fucking clue why nijisanji allowed it cause it was a stupid fucking move. If nijisanji forced them to do it, THAT'S EVEN WORSE, it's an even stupider fucking move.
I could go on for hours about this shitshow, oh my god. No one in that company knows what the word 'damage control' means.
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ralluincy · 2 months
This is going to be my first ever real post on any social media and most likely my last, a streamer who I’ve watched for years now has almost been entirely deplatformed everywhere.
Their name is taigaxholic on twitch, which is their last platform, but they’ve deleted every vod they had.
For a few years now they have been constantly harassed by stalkers for pretty much no reason beside denying having sex with them.
And because of that they have been harassed multiple times and have had fake allegations thrown at them, mass reports, death threats, bad faith videos and etc, going their way for years.
Taiga has lost just about everything to these creeps and has had multiple breakdowns and depressive bouts because of such, and now not only has both of their YouTube channels been taken down, their Twitter and TikTok have been taken down also.
Not only have all their ways of revenue have been taken away, but also ways of spreading this information leaving them nothing.
Not only that but every time they try to make a new social media (twitter, instagram, Bluesky, TikTok, etc) taiga’s stalkers mass report it taking it down almost instantly.
I’m making this post because 1. I’m worried about taiga’s mental health and 2. I want to raise awareness of this situation, and gather support for them in any shape or form, whether it’s donations or just general support.
I can only hope that anyone can see this and help Taiga out.
(Sorry if this sounds scattered brained, I wanted to make this quickly.)
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byyliss · 7 months
Been watching a lot of videos (particularly from kenji) about the Nijisanji situation. And let me just say: fuck all the vtubers that recorded those statements for the company.
Look, i get it. Njisanji probably has them on a chokehold and is making them say those things, but still, Vox and all of the others arent stupid, they KNOW that their boss is using them as a meat shield, they KNOW that this is gonna fuck up their reputations. And yet they are still with niji's hand up their asses and being used as puppets to tell Dokibird/Selen that its her fault and shes the bad guy when she ATTEMPTED SUICIDE.
They all have a big community, they can leave and be independent, just streaming without a model until they get a new one. But instead they are putting paychecks over someone's life.
That company is rotten, so many vtubers are probably being bullied there like Selen, and here we have 3 big names of it trying to get the company off the hook. Its disgusting
I used to be a fan of Vox....i genuenly lost all my respect for that guy
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melodyburst · 9 months
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Always be careful who you trust. The vtuber community is toxic and you can never be sure people are really what they say they are.
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written-with-wisteria · 7 months
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mr-mcnuffin · 7 months
the whole dokibird situation being blown up as it is, is wild to me that fact that the public knows there is documents existing is the fucked up thing imo like obvs dokibird was going through some shit even if it just turned out to be mental health shit, we (the public) shouldnt know that documents exist like this. out of all the issues this one thing is the most tangible thing that is a problem to me, it really highlights nijisanjis fucked up communication. i really hate the speculation type bs bc there are real people behind those vtuber models and borked pr statements or w/e you want to call them. sorting out whats what through lawyers wouldve been better for literally everyone in the situation. they're basically fancy mediators in a way.
honestly the document thing being mentioned and not having been shown at all to the public is what pisses me off the most. feels so dirty like its being held as something that is purposely obscured as if to generate speculation on its contents. it's kinda funny how it's hurt nijisanji the most even though they're the ones who brang it up.
I know for some people the fact that someone makes a document on their friends/co-workers might seem extreme or disgusting. I can't say shit about dokibirds situation bc i am obvs not her. However I have done similar things in the past to help collect my thoughts and work through my emotions around certain situations. Often I would show this document to a friend or third party to get feedback and a fresh perspective. Sometimes I would realise that the problems were just related to my own issues (stress/anxiety/mentall illness stuff). And sometimes I would realise the problems were the other person treating me like shit.
dealing with intense stress or situations is hard enough as is. ik pretty much everyone seems to be on dokibirds side rn. but some of yall need to show a little kindness to the other people involved too. being a dick to people being dicks or mishandling shit doesn't help anyone.
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randomprosho · 4 months
I saw you posting about Kenjis weird fans, and I don’t know if you’ve heard about this yet. One of his friends made a video about problems in the vtube community and then proceeded to doxx a corporate vtuber. He eventually cut it out but didn’t think he was in the wrong. He also said some other gross stuff.
I heard about that. he even said that lolicons were jealous that his pedo friends harmed children in mexico.
like, the more he talks the worse he makes it for himself. hopefully, that whole thing is over now and he shut up
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authorssd · 7 months
I lent my voice to Rima Evenstar's latest video :D I'm at the 11:28 mark of the video! Always weird hearing my voice in things because I'm still pretty shy, but I'm glad I got to contribute to it :) hope I can do more voice acting in the future!
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plasticfangtastic · 8 months
Vtuber drama be so intense... what do you mean Rushia was married to mafumafu, cheated on her husband and killes his cat to get back at him??
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uncertain3teeth · 2 years
zaion lanza from nijisanji is so fucking disgusting like fuck you you shotacon like why are you on stream saying you like little boys and when hexs response to it made my heart break AND AS A PERSON WHO HAS ALSO EXPERIENCED SA MULTIPLE TIMES IN MY LIFE THIS BITCH PLAYED A FUCKING GAME AND A CHARACTER GOT SAED AND THEN THE CHARACTER WAS IN JUST A BRA AND UNDERWEAR AND SHE SAID "no wonder she got-" LIKE YOU DISGUSTING PEASANT
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patchymoon · 2 years
nijisanji shooting themselves in the foot to the point where said foot is mangled beyond repair
wactor factor is off the charts today boys
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actualadvocacybruh · 18 days
Sad to report …
The vtubers have discovered what a pick me is and a lot of them are running with it
Been investigating after a friend in the space told me and holy shit they are legit just copy and pasting the shit Pearlythings said during he Tate riding bs
Makes sense from an economic standpoint as most viewers are young men so catering to their insecurities and depression will make them more financially supportive and more likely to keep watching this supporting ad placement
But the comments and chats are filled with incel bs and active recruitment for mgtow and red pill ideology
And one recently took a stroll through a mgtow Reddit and found about a dozen comments from Twitter and this site of misandrists saying the usual god awful bs meaning there is no way in hell they can be dragged away from that path as she just openly shit on women as a whole and actively said she hated herself for being one (chat was supportive of her being “one of the good ones” though)
Fuck me it’s so depressing to see ….
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byyliss · 7 months
bruh not even just a pay check. they jumped into a dumpster fire for 2% of merch sales and 1/4 of every stream donation 💀 thats barely anything when you consider how much youtube takes before nijis cut of all streaming profits
Exactly! From a business standpoint it makes zero sense. Look at how the company works:
- Talents barely get the money they work for
- If they want to do a project that needs to come from their own pocket because Niji refuses to help
- They are well aware that Niji will actively try to push you into an early grave if you slightly piss them off or make a mistake.
- Defending Niji without evidence just made their channels loose subscribers. I think Elira lost 4k or smth
The only reasoning I can see for them to do this is: either they earn way more than other talents due to being favorites (which would explain why they were chosen to be meat shields in the first place) OR those three have some dirt and they don't want Doki or anyone to bring it out. That's what I think is what happened to vox, doki or other talent might have some serious dirt on him and he doesn't want them to have the guts to bring it to light
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rocinoncii · 2 months
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fenriswolfmom · 3 months
You too? Be honest 🫠
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written-with-wisteria · 7 months
Nijsanji defenders made a hit list 💀
Imagine having the honor of being hated by bad people. <3
(Ofc not every vtuber in Nijisanji as done this stuff just a certain 3 and the company really piss me off.)
Them rn:
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