#vulcan legends
bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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My name is [BRUTUS] and my name means [HEAVY] so with a [HEAVY] heart I'll guide this dagger Into the heart of my enemy
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Something about having absolutely no choice in who you marry. About being literally forced by the law to spill blood - to accept this stranger as your husband over a man you truly care for or accept the fact that the man you love might die because you put him in danger. Something about risking becoming the wife of a man you've never even seen before a few minutes prior because you know anything would be better than putting your beloved in harm's way. Something about the trust inherent in that decision and in the way she speaks of it after. Truthfully, T'Pring doesn't know the captain and she doesn't know Spock. Either one of them could have taken her as their wife but she does know Stonn. She knows that Stonn will remain by her side no matter what. They made a plan together. They have an agreement which T'Pring believes will be upheld even though the plan changed with the arrival of Kirk. Stonn will always be there, always, and Stonn will be hers. Something about the language used around T'Pring: Ownership, subservience, non-personhood. T'Pring is an object that Spock can win. She cannot reject him, she has no say in the matter other than having Stonn 'claim' her instead. Even when Spock leaves after being very clearly rejected by T'Pring he says "Stonn, she is yours." as if despite her clear rejection he still owns her and is must formally 'give' her to Stonn. But the language T'Pring uses around Stonn is a break from that: "There was Stonn who wanted very much to be my consort, and I wanted him." Stonn who wanted very much to be HER consort and she WANTED him. The language here is very particular - It's not, for example: "Stonn wanted me to be his wife" - he is HERS. And she WANTS him. There's a mutual affection there and a strong trust - a trust which seems to be well founded since Stonn (though silent) stands by her side at the end of the episode. <- That might seem small but if Spock would reject her for 'daring to challenge' (again, the language is not 'because I don't want you' but more of an implied disgust at her having the AUDACITY to reject him) then it's not a stretch to assume that it'd be considered an insult in the TOS Vulcan society to NOT choose Stonn as her champion after a prior agreement. Anyway T'Pring was a woman in an impossible situation within a society which saw her as more of an object than a person and she wanted Stonn and Stonn wanted to be hers and she trusted that he would understand if she had to publicly pick someone else to ensure his life would be spared and he did understand.
#amok time#T'Pring i s....T'Pring she....-puts my head through a wall-#PLEASE read under the cut for my rambling about T'Pring in amok time pleasepleaseplease#tired of 'T'Pring is evil/a bitch' and VERY uninterested in 'T'Pring is a girlboss'#T'Pring is a person in a society which doesn't think she has the right to make her own choices who's in [love] with a man who [loves] her#back in what I'd like to think is implied to be a slightly subversive way in its mutual and fervent nature (whether the writers thought#this was a good or bad thing - who knows. We know better RIGHT??)#and yes I will stylize T'Pring's hair differently every single time I draw it HEHEHE#star trek tos#Spock#T'Pring#also of COURSE something something spock/kirk & stonn/t'pring parallels: To keep your beloved safe you have to force someone else to kill#theirs - not BC you hate him (you don't) but you don't love him either and why does HE get to have you even if you don't want him?? Why doe#he get to 'give' you to the person YOU chose?? It's not a hatred on a person level (which I wanted to portray with the 'brothers') portion#but a sort of societal embodying.#I will think about T'Pring not wanting to be 'the consort of a legend' every damn day !!!#They really could have laid it on thick in making her evil guys...T'Pau even makes a comment about Spock's 'vulcan blood is thin'#but all T'Pring says is that Spock is a legend and she doesn't want that for her life. She wants Stonn.#And you're gonna sit there and you're gonna tell her that she's wrong!??? Spock doesn't even want to be with her!! Why is she so hated!?#CAN WE FREE MY GIRL??? She did all that but it's being read in the worst faith possible!!#comix#bea art tag#star trek art#She literally says the word 'FREE'...she's TRAPPED!!!
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comicchannel · 2 months
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Marvel Legends Series Build a Figure X-Men Vulcan Hasbro F3690
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/49HZJsu
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3W3g4on
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sgtwhiskers26 · 4 months
Older obscure Star Trek fanfiction for a legend
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Gary Graham
Ambassador Soval
age 73
In my attempt to honor a fantastic actor and person and everyone’s favorite grumpy Vulcan ambassador (sorry, Sarek, but this isn’t about you), I will share my favorite Fic’s of Soval. On my persistent searching, I noticed early fic writers believed Soval to be T’pol’s father. It doesn’t fit in the stories I am sharing with you, but it’s an interesting fact nonetheless 
Please tell me what you think about the stories, the characters, and the actor in the comments.
These are two one shots 
That I believe, expressed the best Of Soval
The first one Is The Admiral's Gambit by LadyRainbow on fanfiction.net 
Two friends of two different species discussed The importance of varying viewpoints 
This second story Is Just Takes A Little Longer by turbomagnus on Ao3
Fear is an important survival response, and don’t mess with an engineer when they are working 
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kraftykelpie · 1 year
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Random Vulcan dude
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mistresslrigtar · 2 months
Today was a fun day on Tumblr. Enjoyed sharing all my future WIPs, and eventually writing ALL of them.
To end the day, I leave you with a pic of Oliff. He stuck me as being of Vulcan descent. Can we get a LoZ/Star Trek crossover?
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ahkeb · 2 months
WHAT is this guy's DEAL!
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arkaluca · 2 months
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Wheel Spin Sunday doodles so far 🐔🔥🎨🏎️💧
I’m trying to keep up with drawing at LEAST once a week and getting more comfortable with exposing myself a bit, even with the doodle process 🎨👀💦. If you’d like to check out the streams, i hold Wheel Spin Sundays on (obviously) Sundays at 11:55 AM PST. I usually just play music with the mic off so if u like chill settings and wanna draw along or relax stop on by during streaming hours ✨👋🏼✨doodels #digitalart #characterstudy #Hawks #Vulcan #JordanCWilde #Varrick #myheroacademia #fireforce #obanstarracers #legendofkorra
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timmy zahn said i am going to borrow from star trek and dune extensively. and no one can stop me
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enarratives · 1 year
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You know what they say about playing Yuumi too much. - No...? If you play Yuumi too much, you BECOME Yuumi. - That's literally so stupid. Dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.
It's YUU & MI Forever - Evil Geniuses Emote Promo 😺
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biblioflyer · 1 year
Zhat Vash and the Romulan Diaspora, Picard s1e2 Rewatch.
The timeline of the Romulan separation from Vulcan becomes even more murky and shrouded in legend and propaganda. Continuity complaints abound but "canon violation" often really just means "I don't like this, it is silly and dumb."
This is part of a series of essays reevaluating Star Trek Picard and interrogating the widely held fandom criticism that Picard made the Federation into a Dystopia.
This is the episode where we learn the name Zhat Vash in an info dump by Laris and Zhabon. Intriguingly and perhaps problematically they are described as having been active for thousands upon thousands of years. 
This doesn’t line up very neatly with the hazy info we have on Romulan history. The exodus of Vulcans who rejected Surak’s teachings was only supposed to have taken place circa 470 CE when “those who marched beneath the Raptor’s wings” lost a struggle for domination of Vulcan society and left for the stars. 
However, if the people who would become the Debrune and the Romulans could leave Vulcan in the first place and feasibly make an interstellar journey, that implies that Vulcan had had at least rudimentary interstellar travel prior which does not preclude a group of explorers who would become Zhat Vash stumbling across the Admonition and bringing its anti-Synth warning back with them.
Scrutiny of Memory Alpha to refresh my memory of what has been canonically established about Romulan and Vulcan history also brought up an interesting detail: Vulcans may not actually be from Vulcan. 
In a TOS episode Spock actually speculates that a powerful telepathic species they encounter may actually have been ancestors of the Vulcans. Thus there is another possible vector for Zhat Vash to have been introduced into Vulcan and Romulan societies in that Zhat Vash may actually predate both civilizations.
At the risk of deviating into fan theory territory, I do have to wonder if this all adds extra texture to the Romulan / Vulcan split wherein Zhat Vash may have played a role in heightening tensions between the two over concerns that a rejection of emotion and the embrace of pure reason would lead the Vulcans to ultimately dismiss concerns over artificial intelligence as illogical products of anxiety over AI being hostile, uncontrollable, or a moral hazard of some sort. 
It's also possible that tales of Zhat Vash have grown across multiple retellings and they were only founded after the schism. 
I take a stance that we ought to be open to the idea that not all exposition is created equally and not all narrators are reliable. Zhabon and Laris may be our Herodotus in this scene: they’re relating what they were told, and believe up to a point, but we the audience ought not to assume their rumors about a cult operating inside or alongside the Tal’Shiar are completely accurate in every little detail.
It's worth reminding ourselves that even Picard himself does not seem to be a wholly reliable narrator either! In just the first two episodes, he repeatedly demonstrates lack of self awareness and other errors in judgment or lack of knowledge. Thus I think we ought to entertain the idea that even characters who are providing detailed exposition are stating what they believe but not necessarily providing 100% definitive facts about the setting.
At any rate, we find out that Commodore Oh, who has an ambiguous role in ensuring security from clandestine Romulan assassins operating on Earth, is herself a member of Zhat Vash. From what I can recall, even in private Oh does not “break character” which suggests to me that while it's assumed she’s Romulan, it's possible she is culturally Vulcan at least in her decision to abstain from overt displays of emotion. 
Seeing as she’s not the first deep cover Romulan impersonating a Vulcan who presumably would have to pass as Vulcan to other Vulcans, I find myself wondering if some Romulans actually did go on to develop an ascetic tradition that mirrors Surak’s teachings but is either dogmatically different enough from Surak’s tradition to be tolerated by other Romulans or is merely tolerated for its usefulness in grooming deep cover agents.
Thematically, I find that I’m kind of over the trope of secret societies with seemingly omnipotent capabilities to hide and manipulate their host civilization. The X-Files is my own personal touchstone for this trope becoming popular and the longer the show ran, the more the trope became its own problem because the more you tug on the strings of that storyline, the more answers you have to cough up as to how they do what they do and why, and the explanations often become a bit hard to believe, if not contradictory. 
Zhat Vash hiding inside of the Tal’Shiar, creating a situation where you have nesting dolls of memetically ultra effective, conspiratorial organizations just takes this to another level. 
Having said that, the trope is subverted a bit in that while Zhat Vash is feared, they’re clearly not as good as they’re mythologized as being. First off Laris and Zhabon are able to pretty accurately lay out their agenda based on scraps of hearsay. Just off of memory, while Zhat Vash’s motives will be expanded upon as the season progresses, Laris and Zhabon already have at least the broad outline completely dead on.
This represents a level of operational security that falls well below Section 31 who had managed to erase almost all evidence of their having existed sometime after the events of Discovery’s second season and most people who seemed to have had personal knowledge of Section 31 kept it quiet enough that not even the likes of Captain Picard ever apparently heard so much as a scrap of a rumor. 
Also this is a rant for another time, but I absolutely, positively despise Section 31. Absolutely nothing Star Trek Picard does corrupts the Federation thematically more than Section 31. It reeks of a refusal by the inventors of the organization to accept the core premise of the setting that a civilization that devotes itself to fairness both in equity and equality could ever endure or prosper.
Returning to Zhat Vash, as individuals Oh, Narek, and Narissa are far from perfect superspies. I remember Narissa in particular being a real problem for Oh and Narek who are far more cautious and plotting than the impulsive and rather sadistic Narissa. 
Given my biases against conspiracy within a conspiracy storylines, I do look forward to trying to rejudge Zhat Vash and whether I think it holds together better than the Syndicate of the X-Files. For now I don’t exactly hate it, but I don’t love it.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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T’Pring Evaluates the Mirror, the Reflection.
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longlivelamariposa · 2 years
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The Legend of La Mariposa - Vulcan's Challenge is now LIVE on Kickstarter! Head on over to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/longlivelamariposa/the-legend-of-la-mariposa-vulcans-challenge and grab your copy now! There's also a sticker sheet, Graps Patch and a pair of prints available as add-ons! Also, let me just take a minute to say thanks to all you folks who are still following this comic here on this, the original home of The Legend of La Mariposa. If you've been here since the start, or just followed the page today, know that I'm so grateful for your support! Fight On!!
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pearleds · 1 year
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@pearleds tags!
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thecelestiallegacies · 7 months
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Rua and Vulcan taking the time to discuss the cryptic message. Rua brought up an old legend of "The Granite Falls Hermit" that supposedly lives deep in the woods. No one has found them yet though, it was treated more like a metaphor, but very interesting nonetheless. Vulcan pondered this information for some time. It was worth at least exploring, he thought, before the weather got too cold too go out.
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foone · 1 year
We build bases on the moon. Colonize the planets of the gas giants, terraform Mars and Venus, build orbital habitats around everything with enough gravity to hold it up. We invent FTL, and send ships named after dreams to every star we have cataloged. We have rulebooks and plans and endless ideas of what we do when finally we meet another spacefairing race, but it never happens. We don't hail any vulcan cruisers above the skies of Epsilon Eridani and get in no laser battles with a star destroyer in the scarlet light of Wolf 359. No one responds to our endless messages sent to the heavens.
Life? We find that everywhere. If a rock is big enough to hold onto enough atmosphere, we find something growing there. Maybe just a moss or some protokarotic slime, but there'll be something growing there. We spend centuries cataloging the flora and fauna (and everything in between) of a million stars, and never meet anyone who can say hello back.
Not yet at least. In the unending sunset of the Mu Herculis system there's the Peterson's Mermaids who are just developing language and starting on metallurgy. The vampires of Fomalhaut b have begun to write down numbers, and we expect them to have a full language sometime within the next hundred thousand years. There's no animal life on Gliese 499 d, but we have reason to suspect the clonal organism inhabiting most of the northern forest is verging on sapience. And we don't even have time to get into the theory that 55 Cancri B (the red dwarf orbiting the star Copernicus) is a living being in it's own right.
There's plenty of life to study. Lots to learn. But we never meet anyone we can greet in friendship, and there's no star gods out here in the black. We've looked everywhere.
Humanity takes decades to come to terms with the reality of the situation. But we do, of course. We can't give up now.
We searched endlessly for the ancient aliens with all the answers, who built hyperspace portal networks before our sun even burnt, and couldn't find them. We settled for locating our brothers and sisters amongst the stars, another race that had fought their way up from the trees and into the stars, and couldn't find them either.
We always dreamed of finding a parent we could look up to, or a sibling we could share the sky with. They weren't there.
Humanity settles into their role. It wasn't what we hoped for, but we'll be the big brother/big sister to the life of the universe. Not the parent, no. We didn't create them, and we don't control them, but we'll protect them. We'll help them when they fall, and let them make their own mistakes when they need to. But we're here to be the role model and the helper and the partner in crime, the one we wanted but never had.
We keep searching, of course. And our observers on a thousand planets report that there are hints of an ancient race, older than writing, mentioned in the myths of endless cultures. Gods from the skies who stopped the flood, who ended the plague, who taught them to plant a new crop, who stopped the war just as the bombs began to fall, and who led them to a new land when the star began to flare.
We investigate these rumors and myths and stories, just in case we missed the Ancients we always wanted to find. But at the heart of these stories, there's always a description of the helpers: bipedal, two arms, two eyes, no fur, no wings. And if the species has developed art and writing, there'll often be a drawing of a figure, standing alongside a local god or great leader, and nearby the legend will read "humans".
Art historians and religious studies scholars are amused at how often they give us halos. Someone even suggests redesigning our force-suit geometry to reinforce the impression, but cooler heads prevail. We're not doing this for praise or worship. We're doing this because no one could do it for us.
Millenia later after we've been joined among the stars by our sibling races, a mermaid and a vampire are idly chatting while they wait for their turn through the portal network around Fornax A. "What drove the humans to do all this? Why did they take it upon themselves to search every corner of the universe and decide to protect and shelter and guide the many younger races of the stars?". The mermaid shrugs, which is hard to do without shoulders. "I think they just wanted friends."
The vampire looks out the observation window, at the thousands of ships from hundreds of spacefairing races, waiting in line or jumping through phase gates to the other side of the cosmos. "Well, they've got them now."
There's a beep from a console, and a warning light activates as the ship accelerates towards a shimmering gate. Our children play among the stars, without fear of the dark. There's no monsters there, we checked. There's only us.
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kiscon · 7 months
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KiScon is honoured to host the Philon Awards. Established by Jenna Sinclair and Shelley Butler in 1997, they were an annual event organised by The K/S Press to honour outstanding authors and artists in K/S fandom. With the permission and support of Jenna and Shelley, KiScon is resuming this beautiful tradition.
Philon Awards 2023 Winners (officially announced on 5 Nov 2023, at KiScon) Short fic (word count under 10K): 🏆 Gold: Spock 🖖 by vaksur & WerewolvesAreReal 🏆 Silver: One In A Myriad of Little Dwelling Places by CampySpaceSlime
Long fic (word count 10K-50K): 🏆 Gold: Red is by spirkme 🏆 (ex aequo) 🏆 Gold: Rain Dogs by gunstreet 🏆 (ex aequo) 🏆 Gold: Milk and Honey by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) 🏆 (ex aequo) Silver: Untouched by SButler
Novella/novel (word count over 50K): 🏆 Gold: First, Best Destiny, Part Two by Ophelia_j 🏆 Silver: Time After Time by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin)
Podfic: 🏆 Gold: Communicators Can’t Scan (or, how Jim Kirk learned to stop worrying and love the Vulcanese) by 1lostone 🏆 (ex aequo) 🏆 Gold: Injured by 1lostone 🏆 (ex aequo) Silver: Interior Harmony by 1lostone
Traditional art: 🏆 Gold: Marooned? Honeymoon? Honeymarooned? by subterraneanna 🏆 Silver: Spock by the Pool by SButler
Digital art: 🏆 Gold: The Meddling Captain (Comic) by lorvee 🏆 Silver: Heaven… when I held you again. How could we ever just be friends? by BataSann
Poetry: 🏆 Gold: The Mountains I Climb by USS_Queertastic 🏆 Silver: Come Home With Me by ForFucksSakeJim
Zines: 🏆 Gold: The AOS Renaissance Zine 🏆 Silver: Legends #10 by Dovya Blacque (Ed.)
Philon Awards 2023 Shortlist (in alphabetical order of the title; shortlist based on the results of the nominations phase)
Short fic (word count under 10K):
An old earth custom by pkrosche
Can We Always Be This Close? by ForFucksSakeJim
Fatal Vision by ikoliholic
I [43M] wish to tell my friend [40M] that it’d be logical for us to get married by Smile_Edgeworth
One In A Myriad of Little Dwelling Places by CampySpaceSlime
Spock 🖖 by vaksur & WerewolvesAreReal
The Tropiest of Tropes by Spirkme
Long fic (word count 10K-50K):
already, and always by flipthebits
Catspaw of Another Kind by Borealisblue
Distance of Time by yassifiedjimkirk
Home in a Mug by Lizzy0305
Milk and Honey by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin)
Rain Dogs by gunstreet
Red is by spirkme
Reservations — A Sequel to Desire/Reserve by Herself_nyc
Social Graces by gunstreet
The Prince and The Vulcan by TonightNoPoetryWillServe
Untouched by SButler
Variations on a bitter theme by OrpheaAria
Novella/novel (word count over 50K):
First, Best Destiny, Part Two by Ophelia_j
The Promised Land by gunstreet
This Must Be the Place by gunstreet
Time After Time by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin)
to assess the equation of you by uhuraprime
Communicators Can’t Scan (or, how Jim Kirk learned to stop worrying and love the Vulcanese) by 1lostone
For the Greater Good by cookiemom6067
Injured by 1lostone
Interior Harmony by 1lostone
Mistletoe Kisses by 1lostone
Traditional art:
AOS Spock Portrait by Nic
Blooming Kiss by Purple_Enma
Marooned? Honeymoon? Honeymarooned? by subterraneanna
Spock by the Pool by SButler
Spock's Lyre by lorvee
The Golden Couple by Purple_Enma
Digital art:
A little sweet, a little spicy: k/s gingerbread cookies by PageofWands
Heaven… when I held you again. How could we ever just be friends? by BataSann
The Honeymoon Postcard by lorvee
The Meddling Captain (Comic) by lorvee
TOS Kirk/Spock in SNW Dress Uniforms by BataSann
Asleep by alainanmccoy
Come Home With Me by ForFucksSakeJim
Diamonds for You by Orabla
I’m the X (Reprise) by eigenvectrix
The Mountains I Climb by USS_Queertastic
The AOS Renaissance Zine 
Legends #10 by Dovya Blacque (Ed.)
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