#vulture anon
fig-andthesigfigs · 20 hours
vultures, yea or nay?
- vulture anon
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strawberry-s0ap · 1 year
id love that!! (a series for stardew valley that you mentioned) :} ive been playing a bunch of it too, my favorite 2 characters is elliott and sebastian. is haley your favorite? ^v^
two people said they’d like it, im making it now whether anyone else wants it or not >:)
haley is definitely one of my favourites and she’s my fav bachelorette for sure! i also really like harvey, emily and leo :)
anyone who is reading this you are legally obligated to tell me your fav marriage candidate/lh
hope you’re well vulture <33
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antiendofictives · 3 months
i hate it when people say that i hate my family and that i want them death, like i love my family even if we parted ways in a bad maner i dont wish for them to die - vulture form 🌌🩷 anons system
im so sorry that people say that, that's just so rude
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seeking advice and support
what should i do if my support system is suddenly crumbling and I have no one to turn to? i have bpd and cptsd among other things and lately there's been a bunch of shit happening in my friend group that tore the group in half. another friend and I were complaining about feeling isolated and ignored in the group, especially around one person, and we waned to leave, but the toxic isolating person wouldn't let us without spreading lies that we were threatening her.
eventually the situation started to cool down so I sent a message to a neutral friend just stating what I felt as I hadn't actually expressed what I wanted or how I felt, I had just stuck by my other friend's side as they were being harassed. i explained that I didn't want to stop hanging out with everyone, just the toxic person, and that I didn't want to talk with the toxic person unless she apologized for the harm she caused and started to make a genuine change.
that neutral friend passed along that message to the toxic person and I received a very long, very nasty text essentially stating that she wasn't sorry and calling me things like a pick-me, manipulative, attention-seeking, etc., mostly for. mundane things such as... crying a few times at lunch and asking my friend group for a bit of support while going through rough patches.
i immediately shared the message with my best friend who got pissed at the toxic person but then this morning sent a copy-pasted text to the 4 of us most involved in it telling us he wasn't taking sides, that everyone's messages were reasonable, and that everyone needs to stop talking about it because it was making it worse.
he told me several times earlier that I'm not a bad person and she was lying, and he said this morning that the message wasn't meant to be an attack, but I still feel a bit hurt and betrayed. i didn't actually do anything; I hate drama and never fought or tried to escalate things. i was done with the situation and just wanted to tell the neutral friend what I felt and that I wanted to maintain a friendship with them.
i just don't know what to do. i went from having a loving, secure friend group of like 7 to now maybe 2 friends. one of them being the one I was defending - who I love to death but isn't great at support - and my best friend who sent that message this morning. i feel like I can't show my emotions or ask if he believes that I'm manipulative because what if that's being manipulative? but I can't hide my emotions because not only is that. incredibly unhealthy but that also might be manipulative. I've been spiraling as a result of what that toxic person said as being abusive and as horrid as my abusers is one of my biggest fears and something I regularly panic about (ableism towards bpd from people doesn't help at all). i don't know how to reach out or if I even can, and I can't just make new friends as I find that extremely difficult and it also takes months or even years for me to be able to trust and open up to someone and get past "polite acquaintance conversation" mode.
please tag as "vulture anon"
Hi vulture,
I'm so sorry about what you've been going through. Especially when you have BPD or CPTSD, needing to cut ties with toxic friends can be especially challenging. It may help to remember that you deserve to have friends that respect and support you, and it's better to have no friends than toxic ones that enable or defend each other for things they're being rightfully called out for. It sounds like the things you communicated were reasonable, and the friend you thought you could confide in was merely an informant to the toxic friend, who responded very poorly.
Honestly this is not a situation you deserve to be in. Not only being around the toxic friend, but the friends who defend them. Your toxic friend can say it wasn't meant as an attack, but if they genuinely meant no harm then they would've understood that their intent doesn't change the impact, and they would've taken accountability for how it affected you anyways. Instead, by saying it wasn't meant as an attack, what they mean is they don't feel like you have the right to be hurt, but you do. Personally, if a friend passed along our conversation to a toxic friend, not caring about how I would be retaliated against, I would cut off both friends, as hard as that is when you struggle with a fear of abandonment. But it's important not to let your fear of abandonment be taken advantage of.
It doesn't sound like you're in the wrong whatsoever here. If you chose to cut off these friends they make you feel like you're making the wrong choice, but at the end of the day, you don't deserve to be around people who mistreat, guilt, and manipulate you.
I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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dirtyvulture · 3 days
As I come back to your inbox, I'm leaving presents for the horndogs ;) pairing: g!p natasha x fem! reader
No one knows the two of you were inside a secluded room somewhere around the compound, not until Tony (fucking) Stark noticed it.
"Where's your daughter, Nicholas?" Fury answered, "I'll do you one better. Where the hell is Romanoff?"
Everyone knew Natasha went outside to do some of her agendas for the day, yet here you are, knees and throat bruised from how long you've been sucking the redhead. Your opponent, enemy, nemesis, whatever you once declared her status in your life, now praising how good you are for her. The team believed neither of you would ever get along, knowing how many times you two argued.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" her eyes locked on your lustful ones as she thrusts herself one last time and shoots her seed down your throat before pulling out. Meanwhile, as you were about to reach your climax from grinding on her newly bought boots, she grabbed your face, insisting you to stand up with quivering legs.
With your back against a vanity and a leg resting on Natasha's shoulder, she started eating you out as if she had never eaten her lunch during the day. You saw her mouth and chin covered with your slick juices when she decided to bend you over, facing a mirrored wall. You studied your supposed dress for Tony's party, spurts of Natasha's cum covering it along your chest.
"Look at you, sweetheart, all dolled up," Natasha shifted her gaze to your hole, swallowing her thick shaft with ease. She grunts and tells you that she's about to cum real soon. Right after that, she empties herself inside you before plugging you up.
"I'll see you later, princess."
you weren't in birth control
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I was absolutely not ready for this, gdi 🍉
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thefiresofpompeii · 4 months
transitioning would have saved amy ‘i count as a boy’ pond. arthur pond — fairytale/mythical enough of a name, plus, it’s meta. if (s)he’d gotten a hysterectomy none of that (series 6) would have happened. being convinced that rory was gay throughout their childhoods would also make more sense in this case
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seabeck · 1 month
Fawn anon: here’s the fawns as you requested
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Knuckles potentially being a foodie is something I never knew I needed so much! :3 Look how happy he is!
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Oh, this? This is the face of a fluffy baby.
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fallenclan · 8 months
how many fun facts about birds do you need to edit lee into the clan bc that would be 🥺. so so funny i think . please ? mhm ? - 🪶
if i knew how to do that i would say 5 cool bird facts. any clangen experts in the chat
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strawberry-s0ap · 3 months
-vulture𓅐 (that felt good to type again)
^ this is someone i actively speak to every single day btw 🤨
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batwynn · 7 months
What? How can anyone get mad at you for liking vultures? Sure, they're not as "traditionally" elegant as eagles or hawks or other more "iconic" birds of prey, but they're very important to the ecosystem in disposing of decaying carcasses and are fascinating creatures in their own right. Especially California condors, they're downright majestic.
Vultures are super cool! I was just admiring their wingspan in a video, which was what brought me to making that post to begin with.
Because my first thought was: beautiful!
And my second thought was: wait… is it?
The second thought was that little seed of doubt that was put in place by other people’s opinions, and not correct for me. I’ve heard so many people say how disgusting they are, and like?? I didn’t even live where there’s a lot of vultures. Why are you hating on something you don’t even see or interact with, to begin with?? And the sad thing is, there is just a general hatred of things that aren’t aesthetically pleasing, and society is horribly comfortable in hating anything that’s not ‘beautiful.’
“If it is not pretty and pleasing to me, then I am just and correct to hate this thing.”
Which is just ridiculous because obviously not everyone has the same idea of what is beautiful, and they certainly do not hold the same value of beauty.
Vultures are cool af. Some are beautiful to people. Some love and value them because of their other attributes (like being a hugely important part of the ecosystem) Part of existing in a world with so many different people with different likes and interests is being considerate enough to accept that others will like something you dislike, and being thoughtful enough to let that exist without pushing your opinion on others.
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ghoul--doodle · 3 months
Vulture ily... Vulture..... (headcanoning them as dogkin because of the bone collar, I know it's a joke because of their name but like. Comfort <33)
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They could be ouppy, if u wanted them to be
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dirtyvulture · 3 months
“baby please?”
she holds you down on the bed, face being shoved into a pillow and your ass in the air
“take. it.” she says with each thrust
Ok, but Nat begging ALL DAY to fuck you and you keep denying her and teasing her until she meets your every demand, like treating you to a spa day and dinner at a fancy steakhouse.
Then and ONLY THEN do you let her take you home and completely destroy you until you can't walk the next day. :)
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libelelle · 1 year
on the topic of the Rogues you have any good pics of birds molting? 😂
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Dont worry they can still fly. Jet cant though. Heres some other birds
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Some of these are dramatic examples of juvenile molting, aka babies getting rid out their down. Please imagine baby Jet like this
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speckle-meow-meow · 3 months
Would you be able to write a scenario for ultimate spider man vulture?
Yea I'm up to the task! Lay it on me anon.
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 1 year
what is josh's best look and why is it Lolla2020.... what a moment in history
anon you're so right. say it louder.
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like what the fcuk are we actually talking about. this man is so fucking divine it drives me insane.
like the magician x santa clause realness shouldn't work and yet here i am, lusting lusting LUSTINGGGGG
@kyunisixx, kenny come back and look
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