cakesplice · 2 years
...posting vday art tmrw :ppp
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arachnidsconquest · 7 months
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Didn post day twvo yesterday BUT I DO HAVWE IT DONE. Im already doing better than i did vwith erisol vweek...see guys i can complete drawvings for three days in a rowv i promiseeee
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edraculation · 6 months
crying forreal. all my sysmates fucking hate me so i havwen't talked to anybody in wvhat vwas actually like a fewv vweeks but felt like months in comparison to howv long i'vwe existed
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volatilemariner · 1 year
#ey yo you should get some ink bro
... y'knovw.
i don't knovw if i could...? i mean, any injury i sustain goes avway after a vweek at most. i just hawve to assume it'd be the same for a tattoo.
afraid i'm stuck like this, chief.
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chironschariot · 10 months
I spent a vweek expelling vweakness from my 6ody. zz:::)
nowv i vwill just kill people vwho vwrong me in anyvway shape or form.
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casanovasadmiral · 2 years
Oh!! I wonder what everyone thinks of the vantases- Vanti? Uh Karkat, Kankri and Signless
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He had to clear his throat- avoiding eye contact.
Sylvas' death wwas.. a shame. And wwhile i cant add too much on the topic because She is alwways wwatching, evven she couldn't deny that he wwas a force of nature. or that she was jealous of him in her owwn fucked up wways. but that is all I can tell you.. I did what I could.
kanny is probably one of if not my closest friend. vwe talk daily, hang out at least once or twvice a vweek. go out all the time. i hawve a lot of respect for the guy and lovwe him to bits- platonically.
really had to shove that 'platonic' in there, huh cro? Eridan:
he might be the biggest thorn in my side most of the time, but kar is reliable. hes real wwith me- has been and continues to be one of the better people in my life, wwanting me to be better too. i'd givve kar the wworld, and it couldnt compare to wwhat hes done for me.
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wvorstlydrawvncronus · 5 months
hi guys i feel like i must say that i lost my stylus i may be slowv ansvwering asks until i find it, plus a lot of homewvork this vweek ill get to it as soon as i can/may hawve to do traditional art 🙏 also mayhaps forgot i had this blog aha i havwe too many my brain dies sometimes //
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petnews2day · 7 months
Hardworking courthouse cat never rests in rodent-catcher role
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/VweeK
Hardworking courthouse cat never rests in rodent-catcher role
Mr. Jingles is the official mouse catcher and full-time resident of the Henderson County Courthouse in North Carolina. (Photo: WLOS Staff) HENDERSON COUNTY, N.C. (WLOS) — When the historic courthouse in Henderson County started major renovations 11 years ago, they discovered a rodent problem. “This being an older building, there was a rat problem and […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/VweeK #CatsNews
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greasedupclown · 11 months
@trembliingarmageddon2 replied to your post “What's is happening my felloWV gaymers?”:
2pent the whole day gamiing and my back ii2 payiing the priice for iit wbu
​you should do some stretches.
and im doin' motherfuckin' aight lil guy. zz:o) haVWin a good VWeek so far.
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xelpineda126 · 4 years
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Jihyun Week 2020
Day 2. Cafe
Who said that Jihyun couldn't be a (very cute) maid in a café?
It was all I could think about lol srry
I'm not really into coffee or cafe shops
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reifromrfa · 5 years
2: Midnight, A V x MC Reset Theory fic
Hello! It took a while but here it is! 
Happy birthday to the sweet angel/dad of the RFA, Jihyun Kim! <3
I’m not sure if this counts as an entry for @vweek​ but I thought to finish this before the day ends (at least, for me here in the Philippines!) It’s a bit long but I think my V writings will always be the longest ^^; Haha and it probably won’t make too much sense until the next chapter/s, but I hope you still enjoy reading it ^^
If you haven’t read Chapter 1, read it HERE
Without further ado, here’s Chapter 2, Midnight!
Warning: Sin ahead~
The mint-haired artist watches in silence as she steps into his home studio, the space where he keeps all his paintings. He opens the lights for her and her beautiful hazel eyes widen, those lush lips parting as she takes in all the canvas in the small space.
V leans against the doorframe, a smile forming on his face. There's a part of him that's scared she'll think he's mad...worse, maybe a part of her will think he's a psycho. But what once felt like a never-ending sprint through a forest, searching in desperation for something that was always far out of his reach, tall trees looming over him, hopelessness threatening to overwhelm him...that's not the case anymore. Now he's walking through a tranquil forest, shafts of sunlight streaming in between the trees. He doesn't need to run anymore, he can stop and appreciate nature's beauty and sounds. And he's not grasping for a ghost, a smile, a voice, a memory...no.
She's here, standing in front of him. The woman with brown hair, whose face was always a blur in his dreams. If he closed his eyes, he could conjure up her silhouette, her soft voice, feel the warmth on his cheek and her hands around him. However...he doesn't need to close his eyes for MC is right here, in this room, with him. And usually, he would take his time and speak with her, have a meal with her, court her...
But seeing her tonight at the party...it's as though he's known her all his life. He tried to be polite, to go slow. And yet, a sense of urgency within him pushed away his inhibitions and shyness.
I already know you...MC. I already know you. And I can't wait anymore. I feel as though too much time has been taken from us...I wonder...if you feel the same...?
So he stands and watches as the dark clouds obscuring the sky from him are melted away by the presence of the sun. Turmoil shifts to tranquility, puzzle pieces fall into place.
Finally, she turns to him and shakes her head. "V...What...what are these?"
Taking slow steps, he approaches her, wondering if she would be frightened. But there was no fear in her eyes, only curiosity. V reaches out a hand to MC and there's no hesitation --she slips her hand into his.
They both stand in front of half-painted canvasses, each board bearing a myriad of brush strokes: gentle strokes, haphazard ones, brash and angry, subdued and melancholy. But each artwork portraying the same theme...the same subject.
A woman with long brown hair standing in the forest, in a garden. Paintings of the brown haired woman laying on a bed, her body and gaze turned to the painter. Some perspectives were strange, as though the painter was looking up at the subject, as though he was laying down close to her, on her lap. Despite the haphazard strokes on some artworks though...her face was always painted with care; it was evident in the brush strokes. In all the artworks though, the woman's bangs always covered her eyes...V remembers how frustrated it made him, not knowing what her eyes looked like, what color they were. In every movement of his brush, he put in his curiosity, his longing, his sorrow.
V turns to the woman standing beside him and his eyes crinkle as he smiles. Finally...he can paint her eyes. For there's no mistaking it; the woman in the painting is the one whose hand he's holding tightly at that moment.
"MC," he begins. She turns to him, those hazel eyes riveted on his face, her slightly parted lips igniting feelings within him that V couldn't describe; there are no words for how this woman makes him feel. "These paintings are the scenes I see in my dreams. Scenes where a young woman with brown hair is smiling at me...crying for me...caring for me...holding me and running with me. Scenes where the worry in my heart is so great, I felt as though I would burst from fear."
"I know in my heart this woman is significant to me..." V continues, watching her reaction. "I know in my heart that she is both the sun and the moon, the one who resides in the darkest of nights and yet illuminates the path so I don't stray too far from the light. The one who rises each day to remind me the dawn will come each day, the sun will shine again and chase away the demons and the fears."
"She is you, MC. The woman in my dreams...she is you."
She is still for a heartbeat...two. The silence drags on for a few more seconds before MC takes a deep shuddering breath. Her fingers clasp his tighter and she nods.
"When I first saw your photographs, my friends teased me because I burst into tears. There was a deep ache in my heart, I felt as though I was missing something. I didn't know I was missing someone. But when I saw you in your gallery...my eyes couldn't look away. I couldn't look away." She looks up at him with unshed tears in her eyes. The emotions inside her chest are threatening to overwhelm her, but MC forces them back, she needed to tell him, she needed him to know. "I haven't looked away since then. I haven't seen you in my dreams, I can't remember who you are...but this feels right.
You feel right, V."
V takes a step towards her, his heartbeat drumming so loudly in his chest he's sure the world can hear it. But that's alright. Let them know his heart is beating for the woman in front of him, the woman whose lips are tantalizingly close...
"MC," he breathes, one hand moving to cup her cheek.
"V..." her voice trails off as he closes the gap between them, claiming her lips in his own. But no longer is the kiss tentative, no longer is it the feather-light kiss from the garden. An involuntary moan escapes her as V puts both hands on her cheeks, holding her in place as he allows his feelings to consume him. His lips move passionately, driven by the burning desire to be one with this woman. MC...his MC.
He feels her body shudder as his tongue slides along her lips, her gasp allowing him access. Their tongues perform a sensual dance and suddenly, the room feels stifling. Reluctantly, he pulls his hands away from her face and he pulls off his coat, discarding it onto the floor. Then he freezes as rational thoughts return to him and V stops, pressing his forehead against hers while trying to catch his breath.
"MC, I...That was--"
"V, please...stop apologizing." He lets out a relieved sigh as he feels her fingers against his cheek. "I want this. I want you. I've wanted you since I first saw you."
"I feel the same way, MC...Ever since you walked into my dreams and into my life...I've longed for this. For you. I know it doesn't make sense...but love rarely does, I suppose."
MC giggles and nods, her laughter bringing a grin to the mint-haired man's face. "Yes. I love you, V. I do."
"MC..." He whispers, tracing her lips with his fingers.
"Call me Jihyun."
Her arms go around his neck and he inhales sharply as she presses her lips against his, her tongue swirling around his. His hands move to touch her shoulders, sliding across the fabric of her gown before going to her back. MC moans into his mouth as V bends down slightly and grasps her thighs. MC lets out a small cry of surprise as he lifts her to him, her legs going around his lean frame with a familiarity she could get used to.
Their kisses grow more heated and one of MC's hands tangle into his hair, gripping it gently as she moans into his mouth. V feels himself straining against his pants and he walks towards his room, his hands gripping her thighs tighter as his fingers knead her flesh.
"Jihyun..." MC says breathlessly between kisses. V sees a flash in his mind, a memory of MC calling for him, her fingers twisting in the sheets. The memory disappears and his urgency grows. Hurrying to his room, he lays her gently on the floor at the foot of the bed and he reaches behind her, fingers deftly unhooking her dress before pulling the zipper down. Meanwhile, MC starts unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his slightly toned body --she knows it's because of all the time he spends outdoors.
V's hands move to her shoulders and he slides her dress off her body. His face flushes, but he doesn't hesitate, his lips kiss her shoulders. MC moans and hurriedly pushes off his clothes before her fingers start unbuckling his belt. "MC..." He murmurs against her skin, his tongue running along her skin, the way she tastes sending an intoxicating sensation through his body. He needs more, more of her.
MC succeeds in unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants but all the air leaves her body as Jihyun takes her mouth in his once more. He deepens the kiss and MC moans against him, tingles of pleasure spreading throughout her body just by the way he's kissing her. His hands move down to her breasts and he cups them so delicately that she feels as though he's treating her like porcelain; but no...she wanted him to break her tonight. 
"Please, Jihyun..." she whispers between kisses. She feels the rumble of his laugh in his chest, that's how closely pressed they are. But when his hands begin to massage the underside of her breasts, she gasps and throws her head back. Jihyun seizes the opportunity to kiss her neck, his fingers kneading her soft breasts. When he twirls his thumbs on her hard nipples, he hears MC gasp before a moan escapes those lips. Her cries only fuel his desire and he carries MC to the bed, laying her down and taking off her shoes. Her dress is pooled on the floor, next to his shoes and socks as he climbs on top of her. Now, she's only in her lacy underwear and he has on his pants.
MC's panting hard, her eyes already glossing over with pleasure. When V positions himself over her, she thinks it's time to rid himself of those pants but he leans down. Her whole body jerks and her head snaps back, her voice goes up an octave and she grips the bedsheets. For V has one nipple between his lips, his tongue flicking the hard bud before gently sucking on it. His fingers mimic his tongue's actions with her other nipple and MC feels her underwear getting soaked.
"J-Jihyun..." Her voice is quivering as he switches positions, his mouth sucking on her other nipple while his fingers continue their ministrations. V wants to hear more from her, the sweet sound of her moans filling his room sends splashes of pleasure throughout his system. His free hand slithers down her body and he slips them into her underwear, his slender digit teasingly stroking her sopping wet pussy.
V looks up and smiles when he sees her pleasure-filled eyes looking back at him.
A flash in his memory, of MC in a white, flowing gown, on their bed...a wide bed in a different house. Moonlight streaming into their room and illuminating her beautiful form. He was unbuttoning the cuffs on his sleeves, ready to get out of his tuxedo...
V moves down and drags her underwear off her before spreading her legs. He strokes her wet bud and MC squeals when she feels his warm, wet tongue running along her slit.
He inhales sharply when he feels her fingers tangling into his hair. Her body tenses as he rubs her clit, his tongue lapping at her. MC jerks as her body shudders, her orgasm flowing through her being. Pleasure fills her every nerve and God, he hasn't even entered her.
She wants to tell him to stop, to take off his pants so she can get a taste of him but V doesn't relent; his tongue is moving expertly between her folds and soon, he has her screaming in sweet ecstasy again. 
MC's chest is rising and falling, her breathing coming out in pants. V feels her hands reaching for his face and he rises, meeting her gaze.
"My love, come here," she says and V makes his way to her, their lips meeting for another kiss. MC can taste herself on him and it makes her feel warm. V is bracing his arms on either side of her head and MC takes the opportunity to hook her fingers on the waistband of his slacks and his underwear. She tugs them down past his hips while her tongue dances with his. When she couldn't push his clothes further, she instructs him to lie down. V complies and he expected his face to be warm, he expected to feel nervous or anxious...His first time with this woman whom he'd met only hours ago.
However, no feeling of apprehension came...only anticipation. MC took off his clothes, clumsier than he did with her dress, but V thinks it's perfect, the way his wife has little patience when it comes to him.
Wait...my wif--
MC's fingers wrap around him tentatively and V holds his breath, her touch already igniting all his senses. MC's eyes are fixed on him and slowly, she moves her hand around him. V props himself up on his elbows and watches her, his turquoise eyes hooded. She holds his gaze, making sure those magnetic eyes are following her as she licks her lips and takes him into her mouth. V lets out a soft groan, prompting MC to start moving along his length. 
His fingers grip the sheets as well, V struggling not to let his control slip away. But it's quite hard, especially when he feels her tongue swirling around him, caressing the tip. Her warm mouth feels too good, and the mint-haired man closes his eyes and leans back his head. His low groans are making her wet, and MC closes her lips around him as she bobs her head. V hisses and lets out a hushed "Ah!" before he shakes his head and calls her name.
"Darling, s-stop."
MC's eyes flick to him and she stops. V kneels on the bed and reaches for her, pulling her to him and crashing his mouth to hers once more. Emotions and sensations flood his memories and in that moment, he knew he never wanted to let her go. This woman in his arms...she's the only one capable of making him feel the way he's feeling at the moment.
As though the colors on his palette aren't enough, because she will paint his days without a brush but with her smile, her words, her touch.
"MC, where have you been all my life?" he whispers between kisses.
"Looking for you, Jihyun," she replies. "I've been looking for you."
She gasps as he lays her down on the bed once more and he positions himself between her legs. Normally, he would ask permission...like a proper gentleman would. But when he sees his own burning passion reflected in his beloved's eyes, V knows her answer. He rubs his length between her legs and MC lets out a pleased sigh. Locking her fingers on the back of his neck, she nods to him. MC's eyes widen as she feels him going inside her, his width already stretching her. The more V pushes in, the fiercer her grip on him becomes. MC moans as he pushes in slowly and V has to focus once more, her tightness enveloping him so warmly that it's hard to hold back.
"Love..!" MC exclaims breathlessly. V starts to move his hips, following a slow, steady rhythm as he tries to let her adjust to him. Being connected like this though, has him abandoning all rational thought, and the moment they're joined it's like walls fell away inside his mind.
MC's body moves in time with his, her legs wrapped around his torso as she encourages him to go deeper inside her. V doesn't hesitate, knowing his beautiful wife will grace him with her cries of pleasure once he does.
He pushes deeper inside her and MC's voice hitches, her legs tensing around him as he fills her even more, his length throbbing inside her. She knows this sensation of having him inside her isn't new, but she can't focus on anything except the waves of pleasure rippling through her as he thrusts harder, his cock rubbing against her walls deliciously.
V leans down and presses his lips against her ear, his heavy breathing turns her on even more. He's being rougher than usual, but he can't help it --this woman ignites a fire within him that can't be doused, no matter how many times he makes love to her. The need to be with her, to love her wholly, to please her in every imaginable way...it's intoxicating, a fruit he can't have enough of, a joy he can't live without.
The more he thrusts into her, the deeper he goes and the higher her voice gets, her moans becoming screams until she's hanging onto him, her walls clenching around him as MC's whole body tenses. V pushes in and hits that sweet spot inside her and MC feels her vision go white as her orgasm sends her quivering, riding on a wave of pleasure that her has arching her back and digging her nails into his back.
V holds still and groans against her skin, feeling her wrapping around him, gripping him tightly. But no, he has to hold on...he doesn't want to end simply end here.
His wife collapses back onto the bed and pants, sweat beading her forehead. V kisses her cheek then her ear. He leans in close and whispers, "I love you, MC. Tonight, let me make love to you, until the stars go to sleep and the sun greets us."
His lips touch her cheek, then her ears and MC feels the tears slipping down her face as the memories come flooding back.
"I love you, MC." V whispers into her ear. "Tonight, let me make love to you, until the stars go to sleep and the sun greets us."
She's nodding and she's laughing as V pulls back and looks at her, tears glistening in his own eyes as well. This man is her husband, of course he is. In another time, they were already married. Yes...yes, that's right.
"Jihyun," she murmurs, grinning. V wipes away her tear and kisses her, holding her close to him, afraid she'll be pulled from his grasp once more but refusing to let go of her this time.
"I love you, MC. My darling...I love you."
"I love you, Jihyun. So much, I do." She kisses him again and again, two lovers reunited, savoring the sweet kisses but also basking in the moment of finding each other. She brushes his bangs away from his eyes, those eyes that she missed so much...the eyes she kept seeing in her dreams but would immediately forget when she woke.
Now, he's here, he's in her arms and she won't let him go...not him.
"I do not think I can say it enough, MC..." V gives her a long, lingering kiss and when he pulls away, he says, "I love you. Don't leave my side again, love."
"I won't, Jihyun. I won't." She strokes his cheek and smiles at him. "But I want to continue your promise now." Moving her body, she starts to move around him and V groans, her wetness allowing him to slip easily further inside her. "Make love to me until the sun greets us, please."
He takes her hand and presses his lips to the back of her hand. "It will be my greatest pleasure, my love."
They hold onto each other all night, two bodies meeting, saying hello, reliving their goodbye and expressing love in ways words never can. Her cries and his groans echo through the room and when they reach their climax, they follow it with declarations of their love. Then, the two stay in bed and watch the sunrise through the sliding doors leading outside. She lies in his arms, relishing in his warmth and nearness. It's there that MC stays until her eyes close...
...and she wakes to the empty bed beside her.
Thank you for reading!!! I’d love to know what you think <3
Haha sorry it’s soooo long and God, sorry for the cliffhanger! ^^; Happy V week, everyone! Happy birthday, V <3
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3*
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thepiscesofme · 6 years
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Vauseman Week: Day 1 - Favorite throwback (2/4)
“I wanna taste what you taste like.” - Chapman, Piper.
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newtmos · 7 years
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TMR Valentine’s Week (Day 2): Rare Pair Appreciation Day – Thomaris
"What’s going on here?” Newt asked, looking back and forth at Thomas and Aris. “Why’re you guys looking at each other like you just fell in l o v e?”
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fansarewaiting · 7 years
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TMR VDAY 2018: day 5 song lyrics
Can I clear my conscience If I’m different from the rest? Do I have to run and hide? I never said that I want this, This burden came to me, And it’s laid its home inside
If I told you what I was, Would you turn your back on me? And if I seemed dangerous, Would you be scared? I get the feeling just because, Everything I touch isn’t dark enough That this problem lies in me
–Monster, Imagine Dragons
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chironschariot · 10 months
hemo is like a little space heater.
sad and cold and havwing the vworst vweek of your life? get yourself a little pal vwho is vwarm.
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c0ldbun-blog · 7 years
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sPREAD SOmE loVe  day 7 ⏩ spread some love ⏩ :3 hi dudes @tmrvday2018 @newtmos @newtmazing i dont know u but you seem very cool so?? wow im making valentinescards and ITS NOT OVER!! i mean its just midnight in poland so i need 2 study but ill add more!! later!! also uh. day 6 later because. valentines cards r more important. 
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