#w: the oathkeeper
haunted-xander · 6 months
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I made two custom brushes for this btw. If you even care
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teamaerialcombo · 5 months
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sketches i did on a magma w/ my buddy o' pal @kojitheopossum :3c
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ilynpilled · 1 year
is there fr discourse over hyle hunt man u all r bored as hell
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{My room as of 2k15~ Timeframe} featuring walls painted by Parent (The color is actually more of a muted "rose" pink.)
(The chest was actually bought on Clearance I think it has a small defect near the top {mis-aligned} which could have been why)
+ Featuring my Oathkeeper key-blade (bought at a con pre-2k20)
The desk lamp was also found second-hand.
by @koushirouizumi / @izzyizumi
{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT re-produce under ANY Circumstances!} (I do NOT allow re-production of any of my personal pic{s})
#koushirouizumi room#koushirouizumi pic#koushirouizumi own#koushirouizumi no rb#koushirouizumi personal#koushirouizumi fav colors#oc: hikaru#(I want to think this is partly what Hikarus room looks like Too)#(Except Hikaru will have even comfier + fancier + cuter furniture than me)#(like Usagi or Sakura's rooms)#(I do like my Key-blade best Tho)#(I was really excited to find it and it was the last one they had in stock and only Oathkeeper I ever saw in person at cons)#(It has the older Star keychain on end too and it's detachable!!!)#(I always meant to use it for a Namine and possibly Sora too cos-play but never got the chance before 2k20 Happened)#(Dad helped paint the walls!)#(Mom found my lamp secondhand and it barely cost us much at all but we did have to fix the wiring a little)#('Fortunately' Dads' good at that since Dad was literally an electrician before being forced to retire)#(Yeah)#(but it was really neat Dad helped me with redoing my room because I only do this like once every 10~ years so far)#(This chest is probably going to remain w me for the rest of my lifetime at the rate my home locations are going s IGH)#(I almost never actually get to replace furniture except when I outgrew childhood furniture so this was Eventful for me back then)#(My 'desk' is also a very small secondhand desk that has just enough room to sit at but at least it's cute)#(I liked the effect the lamp has on the walls when light's turned off it's perfect aesthetic to me)#(In actuality not all the walls are pink we didn't fully 'finish' the room that way but I don't mind I like the balance)#(This was Drafted for years I actually took these few years back around Quarantine but wider fan-bases had become almost intolerable)#(I'm only just feeling comfortable posting personal pic{s} again)#(but yeah like friendly reminder I Am A real Human Being)#(If ppl ask stuff like 'fav colors?' 'what color would your Crest or Digimental or D3 be?' 'what IS your Crest' I'm answering Honestly)#(I do have my preferences! I make them pretty obvious over time negl)#(Most of my Crest and Digimental and D3 inspirations were decided on LONG before Tumblr came into existence & became ~Popular~)
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hubristicassholefight · 11 months
Swordswoman Showdown 3rd place
Camilla Hect (The Locked Tomb) vs Brienne of Tarth (A Song Of Ice and Fire)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Camilla art by @friendamedes, used with permission
Propaganda below cut
trained w a rapier & knives. practical. handsome. extremely efficient and capable.; she’s my boyfriend and I love her. Please vote for cam she is my life
Gideon Nav uses one very large sword in defiance of the expectation that a cavalier should use a rapier, but Camilla Hect instead uses two. Just as much defiance of social expectation, twice as many blades. The reveal of her specific brand of swordiness is the heart of one of the book's most iconic lines: "Cam? Go loud."; In the spirit of the laconic charm of the Warden's Hand I will simply say "Camilla's competent."
She prefers two short swords but has been know to wield a rapier and other such bladder instruments; She also loves to organize spreadsheets
Go loud.
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
I'm going to put some propaganda for Brienne, because she deserves the world.
Some people have been quoting the "no chance, no choice" in the tags, but for those that don't know it comes from this scene:
...she could hear the faint clink of swords and mail from beneath their ragged cloaks. She counted them as they came. Two, four, six, seven. (...) Brienne sucked in her breath and drew Oathkeeper. Too many, she thought, with a start of fear, they are too many.(...) Brienne tried to keep the fear from her voice, but her mouth was dry as dust. The children, she thought. The door to the inn banged open. Willow stepped out into the rain, a crossbow in her hands. The girl was shouting at the riders, but a clap of thunder rolled across the yard, drowning out her words. As it faded, Brienne heard the man in the Hound’s helm say, “Loose a quarrel at me and I’ll shove that crossbow up your cunt and fuck you with it. Then I’ll pop your fucking eyes out and make you eat them.” The fury in the man’s voice drove Willow back a step, trembling. Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. “Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me.”
This is basically one of the most badass and awesome moments of the series... because here, Brienne is not guarding a King, vanquishing a great Evil Lord, or fighting a big glorious battle... this is an inn full of orphans being attacked by raiders, children whose lives really don't matter in the great scheme of things. If they were all to be killed, nobody powerful would really care, no history book would write their names.
The logical thing is to run away from there as fast as she could. And yet, Brienne decides to enter an unwinnable nightmarish battle (one where she gets her arm broken and her face eaten) because is the right thing to do. She is a true knight.
Because, in the dark pseudo-medieval world of Westeros, where the patriarchal martial system reigns supreme, there is no space for someone like Brienne, she herself said it best:
"You have a noble father who must surely love you. (...) I know he would tell you that he would sooner have a living daughter than a shattered shield." "A daughter." Brienne's eyes filled with tears. "He deserves that. A daughter who could sing to him and grace his hall and bear him grandsons. He deserves a son too, a strong and gallant son to bring honor to his name. (...) I am the only child the gods let him keep. The freakish one, not fit to be a son or daughter."
And yet, despite being on the fringe of this society that doesn't accept nonconforming gender expression, despite not being able to be named knight, Brienne is still the embodiment of the ideal of knighthood. She is a true hero, who over and over decides to defend the innocents and do the right thing.
So yeah, my conclusion here is... I think she and kiku should kiss <3
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hum-suffer · 1 year
How will my story conclude (without your name beside mine)?
Jaime doesn't know what he's doing in this cold wasteland of a place, standing in the hall of dead people, being scrutinized by a dragon and a pack of wolves. His eyes flit to Tyrion.
(He's no lion. He killed father, he killed father, he kill—)
He dares a gaze on Sansa while the Dragon Queen speaks of his atrocities. She's still the same as she was four years ago, when she was his wife still. Her hair is pulled in a northern style now and he finds it gives her more life than the complicated braids of the South. Red hair that glints like the sun and feels like the fire is the only thing that shows life in this hall. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are wide as her gaze surpasses her half brother and lands on the Dragon Queen.
He misses those mornings when they woke up facing each other. Yearning curls inside him precariously like a snake dangling off a tree when he remembers the way she laughed when he made a morbid joke about his hand. He remembers gifting her his mother's emerald and silver ring, wonders if she still wears it.
(My love, he remembers calling her when she once woke from a Joffery inspired nightmare. He wonders if she remembers.)
"We?" The Dragon Queen questions him after he spills everything that Cersei did to him that broke his soul in clean pieces.
Jaime clenches his jaw. "I promised to fight for the living, I intend to keep that promise."
Jaime sees Tyrion move and his little brother's eyes twitch in the way that is a sign that he's desperate.
(Jaime knows all his tells. Tyrion learnt them all from him, afterall.)
"You're right, you can't trust him." Sansa speaks and he wants to kneel with the weight of the words that tear him to pieces in a moment. Distantly, he remembers the night she held him and kissed his forehead as he sobbed to her that he only ever wanted to save the Queen Rhaella. Remembers her telling him that she trusted him.
She continues,"He assaulted my father in the streets and sought to ruin my House and family, as well." And now she looks at him. And oh, how Jaime underestimated her power over him. Even now, even as she burns with poison for him, he would gladly drink the poison if it meant having her gaze locked on him. "And yet, he's an honourable and honest man."
Jaime feels like he can breathe again. Sansa continues, her words becoming more alive as she speaks,"I have yet to hear a single lie of Jaime Lannister, I have yet to see someone so devoted to family and oathkeeping." Sansa stands up and keeps her gorgeous eyes on his while she crosses the table and comes to stand beside him.
She's still two inches shorter than him. The scar above her lip hasn't disappeared. The bruise that he'd last seen on her jaw isn't there anymore. The bite that he'd pressed on her throat was long forgotten.
She doesn't look at him as she lifts her chin higher, and her eyes, so much like the ice he's seen on his way, are enough to freeze anyone else. "I vouch for this man, your grace." The royal title falls from her lips almost like an insult.
"As a good wife should. You did not answer my earlier question; shall I call you Lady Lannister?" The Dragon Queen hisses, sneering at Sansa. Jaime wants to slit her tongue for the tone and his hand goes to his hip, where his sword isn't. He grits his teeth and shifts, trying to shield her.
Sansa grins anyways,"My betrothal contract states that my name remains Sansa Stark, your grace. Do call me Lady Stark." Before the Dragon Queen can snarl at her once more, there's a loud tinkling sound and a child's giggle behind them.
Something brushes past his calf and Sansa almost stumbles when the child stumbles into her. She leans downward and picks up the child effortlessly, with practised ease. She has the exact red hair that Sansa does and pain and something else so cold grasps Jaime's throat that he wishes he would have died on his journey back.
Of course, she moved on. She didn't say anything clearly when Daenerys accused her of siding with Jaime because she was his wife. Even if she hasn't married, not that Jaime knows of, she may have taken another lover. As she should have. She deserves happiness, she deserves someone whole.
(He remembers thinking she was similar to his mother. He remembers thinking Sansa would have made a wonderful mother.)
The child twists in her arms and his world tilts on its axis. It's a girl, he doesn't know how old, and she has his eyes. He knows those are his eyes, he's seen them in the mini portrait of his mother that he keeps on his person at all times. They're green, Lannister green, with flecks of gold in them that ended with Tywin and Joanna Lannister.
"Mama," she says and he wants to cry. Sansa, his wife, his love, his redemption. A mother. The child sounds so sweet. "I'm faster than Lady Myr."
Sansa smiles for the first time since Jaime has come to Winterfell, eyes bright and a dimple under her lower lip, just as he remembers. "That's very good, dearest. But we must apologise to Lady Myr for making her run, shouldn't we?" The child nods eagerly, big green eyes looking at her.
She adjusts her hold on the child and he sees the emerald ring glinting on Sansa's third finger. He can't help himself. He takes a step forward, encouraged by the way Sansa smiles at him and the court doesn't speak against their Lady. "Hello, beautiful lady. I am Jaime Lannister, may I know your undoubtedly beautiful name?"
The girl looks at Sansa and Sansa nods before the girl's face lights up with the biggest smile he has ever seen and she looks like the picture of ecstasy. "Father!" She says excitedly, and Jaime stumbles forward. Sansa catches him, one arm holding her daughter, their daughter, his daughter, on her hip. "I am Joanna! Why didn't you come earlier?"
Jaime looks up at Sansa and there are tears in her eyes and she's a blur against his own tears. She named their child after his mother. After his mother. His mother. Mother. Mother. Mother. Mama. Mama.
Another Joanna Lannister, and Jaime promises himself that he will love her even more than he loved the previous one. His daughter.
He steals a look at Sansa again and speaks to Joanna. "I had some work, little one. But do not worry, I won't leave you now." From the moons of learning how she behaved, Jaime sees the relief dance across Sansa's face and he holds his hands out. He knows he's a stranger to his daughter but damn him he wants to be her father. "May I?"
Sansa looks at Joanna first, asking permission. Joanna nods, just as enthusiastic as she has been the whole time. She looks at his hands as he holds her and he's aware of Sansa saying something to someone that's not him or their daughter and he tunes it out, knowing she's only defending him. He tries to rest Joanna on his hip and the girl, seeming to know how much his prosthetic hand bothers him, adjusts by herself.
"You have a golden hand!" She smiles at him toothily,"I helped Mama stitch a gold hand on one of her dresses yesterday. It's really pretty, red."
"Like your hair?" He asks her, smiling at how she grips his jerkin in her little fists.
She giggles and nods,"Like my hair! The gold hand was like your hair. We all have pretty colours in our hair. Which gods do you think are in-charge of hair, father? We must thank him!"
Jaime huffs a laugh. "May I kiss your forehead, little one?"
She nods,"Mama does it all the time. She says that it's a special way of saying that she loves me." Jaime presses a small kiss on her crown and closes his eyes, willing the tears away. Hell if he will cry in front of all his enemies.
"This is my husband and I will swear upon my honour as a Stark and the happiness of my daughter, he is the most honourable man alive. I vouch for him. If he is deemed a traitor to the North by cold evidence, I will die alongside him."
Jaime turns to face the enemies and hides his daughter's face in his shoulder. He will cut each and every one of them before they touch her. Before they touch either of the ladies beloved by him.
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wekanthumethings-blog · 8 months
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odrseasonone · 1 year
Cassius Montagu Season 1
Character’s name: Cassius Montagu
Role in story: "The Dragon" (in this case literally)/Nemesis/Antagonist/Antihero
Physical description: Richard Armitage ;D
Age: 36
MBTI: INTJ (the architect)
Enneagram: Type 1 (the reformer), 1w9, 163 or 164
Zodiac: Capricorn
Overall Arc: From someone trying to hold onto and execute an impossible dream via the arrogance of viewing himself as a 'necessary evil,' to someone sacrificing themselves bc the only thing that's really necessary is that we do everything we can: there is no one, true path to a better world or a better self. From seeing himself as the last bastion of a dying dream to realizing that his only true rule is to defend the innocent, whatever that takes. Remembering his vows. Remembering selflessness.
Season 1 Arc (Step 1 of 4): from someone holding up a mask to the world (i am the sword of the queen -- but im secretly still a rider i kept my oath to will etc) to someone stripped bare for all to see -- from someone who believes he can play both roles to someone who sees that he made a choice long ago -- and now believes there was never any turning back from it
Season 2 Arc (Step 2 of 4): from someone who believes he's trapped in a choice he made many years ago to someone cautiously optimistic that he can still help others, even from his current wretched position
Season 3 Arc (Step 3 of 4): from someone feeling increasingly hopeful that he can still wield his position as a force for good to someone who has lost all faith in themselves and in this world and believes himself cursed/forsworn/truly and utterly evil and irredeemable
Season 4 Arc (Step 4 of 4): from oathbreaker to oathkeeper, from someone whose lost all hope and belief in themselves and is just looking to make the most out of a hopeless situation to someone willing to fight for what they believe in
Internal goal/desire: To be good, to have integrity, to be balanced, to be heroic
Why can’t they get it? Well, he's the watchdog for an evil empire, effectively...No, but in truth it stems largely from the fact that, no matter what he does, Cassius finds himself aligned with something he loathes. If he helps Rowena, he finds himself burning and harrassing the innocent masses he once swore to protect in the name of law and order. If, however, he abandons her, he also abandons both the dream of utopia he slaughtered all his brothers and sisters in the name of achieving, making their deaths all in vain, and secondly, he gives in to what he still believes was wrong with the dragonriders: their supposed intolerance (since he still believes atp that the lord commander was trying to destroy all magic users)
Interally-motivated external goal: To usher in an era of peace and prosperity for Aragoth, to give it the change it so needs. However, instead, he's an experiment in why the dragonriders should never get involved in politics: they have too much power.
Why can't they get it? Many reasons! For one, he's barring his own way by seeing the world in black in white: Rowena's side vs the rebel's side. (I'm realizing that there's an au somewhere in here where Cassius simply kills Rowena and names himself king, becoming an utter tyrant, himself, in the name of peace bc he ultimately does NOT know how to rule and his pov is so black/white that he could never rule w the necessary nuance, but anyway kdsjfkdsjf anyway this would ultimately be a v tragic au with him struggling in vain to be a good ruler and instead destroying everything he believes in once again, and i cry but anyway!) For another, his life force is bound to Rowena, who we all know is evil oops. Cassius also honestly doesn't know the first thing about ruling and, while Rowena probably could have been a great ruler if she hadn't gotten obsessed w dark magic etc, she isn't doing it, its really up to Cassius and he just...shouldn't be the de fact Hand of the Queen, to borrow a term from GRRM. Finally, he's a lil bit self-destructive and yeah. Just basically he and Rowena are a deeply toxic combination atp, both to themselves and to one another.
What are they afraid of: Part of Cassius believes -- has always believed -- that he is fundamentally flawed. He can never be good -- there's something dark coiled inside of him, ready to destroy. It takes and it takes and it burns everything he touches. He's seen now irrepressible truth that its true. How can he never escape the evil within but he'll fight hard to try.
How character views the world: Cassius believes that the world is a harsh, cruel place. Only the good of idealistic people can salvage it, if they all work together to make it the best it can be through constant vigilance and perseverence and a hardened will to stand up and do it no matter what (even if that means killing everyone you've ever known and cared about see: the purge).
How character views self: Cassius hates himself. He sees his one redeeming characteristic as his resolute nature, (yet it is his tenacious hold upon this single aspect that is actually dooming him as he will not relinquish the doomed hope that Rowena once held out to him). He believes that, bc of this, he can do the hard things that others cannot, he can bear the evil he does on his shoulders bc it is a necessary evil: carving out some good for those who deserve it in the future. He seems himself as a necessary evil, but as one that will have no place in the good world to come, so he genuinely hopes to die fighting for his cause, and leave behind some good for those who deserve it.
What is his/her greatest fear?  Of being corrupt/evil, defective
Inner motivation: Want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with his ideals, to justify himself, to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone
Kryptonite: Recrimination
What is his/her misbelief about life (to be challenged ~this season)?  I can still be both! I can wield the queen's power while still being a true Rider!
Lesson he/she needs to learn (this season): He was doomed to be only the queen's from the instant he took up arms against his fellow dragonriders.
What is the best thing in his/her life?  His belief that he can still fix what's wrong with Aragoth! So, hope, however frail and misguided, given the way he's pursuing that goal, I suppose.
What is the worst thing in his/her life?  Recrimination -- mostly by himself and by Rowena. The other blows glance off of him: he's used to being maligned bc he grew up a beggar, but he knows he did wrong and his guilt is crippling -- and Rowena is and was #itscomplicated the woman he loves and hates most
What does she/he most often look down on people for?  Willful ignorance, bootlicking, dishonesty, a lack of empathy, selfishness, an unexamined life/shallowness, injustice and unfairness
What makes his/her heart feel alive?  Small, wholesome moments shared with people he cares about <3 Being trusted in and cared for by persons he believes in and loves
What makes him/her feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way? Kindness, truth, idealism, someone who comes to him, an open heart, generosity. Def Guin!
Top three things he/she values most in life?  Integrity, his loved ones, hope
What’s his/her favorite book, movie, and band? He would be a huuuuge fan of all things Tolkien and C. S. Lewis I'm ngl, total Ringer, this dude. His favorite band was def MCR back in the day lbr but now he's probs more into Hozier and The National, but he'll always have a soft spot for MCR.
Is there an object he/she can’t bear to part with and why? If Dragonriders have, like, a ring they wear or smth...it would 100% be that. His sword and at least one knife. Also the color black and brooding <3
Describe a typical outfit for him/her from top to bottom.  It's black. It's just pitch black. He's wearing black.
What names or nicknames has he/she been called throughout their life?  sdlkjflkjdf omg imagine someone calling him cassie im DYING but honestly 'the queen's dog' is probably as close as he gets to a nickname
What is his/her method of manipulation? Reasoned arguments, stoic grandstanding 'we draw the line here' over, like, moral issues...not really manipulative but everyone is a touch ig??? idk he's mostly just like 'this is the way' and then he does the thing and if you want to help him, great. if not, he'll do this himself alkjsfjksf he's pr independent
Describe their daily routine.  It's brood-o'clock somewhere! Jk, jk, but do assume constant brooding. Anyway, starts his day in his super tiny, spartan cell (this is 100% his choice btw Rowena would gladly give him some lavish suite but he's like 'no. i want a cot.' alksjdfjsf anyway). He wakes up, splashes his face with cold water, puts on his clothes etc (including his sword! another item he goes nowhere without <333 this is part of why you become a murder suspect in s2, babe alsjdfj gonna add that). He eats a small repast while reading up a missive on anything going on. He gets up, further investigates whatever's up (he doesn't fully trust whoever wrote up that missive bc he aint trust like that) which generally includes soaring around w severax and probs terrifying some poor peasants. he carries out the queen's/rider's justice anywhere he feels its needed and hunts around for eggs while he's at it. ig he eats somewhere in here asjlfslkf ngl he probs forgets abt doing that until he's in an even fouler mood than usual and pr miserable alksjdff when he returns to the castle, he reports to the queen. on council days, he then convenes the council. he then carries out any tasks that need doing garenered by that and, atp, honestly its probs dinner time. he retires to his cell. His life is utterly joyless <3
Their go-to cure for a bad day? A chat w Guinevere shhhh
How is your character dissatisfied with their life? Well, in the beginning he's trying to walk two paths that literally are diametrically opposed so that's fun! He's also effectively running an evil empire which he is neither qualified to do nor believes is any good, but just feels like 'someone's gotta do this' which, like...ig ~some structure is better than none?????? frankly the whole thing is a no-win situation
What does your character believe will bring them true happiness or contentment? Dying to serve the greater good! Founding a just and good empire etc. Actually, tho, its just redemption...which does lead him to dying to serve the greater good, that brings him peace. Not the death itself. The more you know ig.
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality? He ~thinks motivating Rowena to rule, herself, is the thing. He sees himself as just holding things together until she comes back to save the world and, sure, they did some v bad things to get where they are, but they didn't have a choice!!!! and ultimately the ends justify the means, right? right?????? But the real deal would be dismantling this whole situation and rebuilding w cooperation and going back to protecting the innocent rather than tryna rule etc
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already? Cassius honestly doesn't think he's capable of saving the world, himself! he believes he's too inherently evil to ever bring good: all he's good for is fighting evil! so he just needs to give Rowena time to do it bc he certainly can't! Honestly if he were emotionally healtier, he'd be reaching out to Alex as soon as he gets ther elike 'dude! this is so broken, let's work together to fix it!' but he doesn't even see that as an option
How does your protagonist feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of? What he's doing now! If he just holds things together and holds the course, eventually Rowena will finally swoop in and do everything they talked about!!!! I mean sure its been fifteen years but that'll happen any time now, right?
moment #1: the death of his little sister
What does your character go into the backstory scene believing and how are they surprised by the outcome? A hero will come! His sister will be spared, just like in the stories!
How does your character struggle to hold onto their old beliefs? Well, no one does arrive. She dies. He even tried to be the hero but she still died, just a tiny thing, cold and scared and hungry, dying in his arms and there wasn't a damn thing he could do for her. He blames himself forever.
What is their conclusion/new belief? There is no hope but that which we make, but we need power to do it. Without that, we've got nothing. The only way to create a righteous world is to forge it -- even if all the world fights you. No one is coming to save you. This event effectively shaped his worldview, listed above.
moment #2: meeting will and becoming a dragonrider
What does your character go into the backstory scene believing and how are they surprised by the outcome? The above worldview, basically! But...Will really was a hero. He just came too late, but when he did, it saved all his siblings -- even if they later become lost to Cassius bc of it.
How does your character struggle to hold onto their old beliefs? Since this taps into an even older belief (idealism), it sort of forms this strange dichotomy in his mind about power and truth and sort of leads to this black and white pov that later so hinders him.
What is their conclusion/new belief? Now he has power. Now he can work with the Riders to create a wonderful new world! No one will ever have to suffer like his sister did, again!
moment #3: overhearing the lord commander, himself, threaten rowena for having magic
What does your character go into the backstory scene believing and how are they surprised by the outcome? Belief in dragonriders...crushed! Belief first conjured w the death of his sister reignited! Until this time he'd been defending the riders to Rowena, but now? Now he sees she was right all along!
How does your character struggle to hold onto their old beliefs? At first, he can't accept it! He d oesn't ~want to believe it, but the lord commander won't talk to him abt it! And when he tries to convince the others that there's corruption here, even Will turns his back on him.
What is their conclusion/new belief? You're on your own, kid. You always have been. No, but honestly,he's like 'i have the power. i have the will. its time to do what i was born to do: fight against evil so that the world can be saved.' But now the evil is the dragonriders.
moment #4: the purge and its aftermath
What does your character go into the backstory scene believing and how are they surprised by the outcome? He's doing the right thing and he's the only one ~willing to do it! This is what the gods fashioned him for.
How does your character struggle to hold onto their old beliefs? He still tries to persuade everyone he can! He still tries to bring them to his side, his way of thinking, his perceived truth!
What is their conclusion/new belief? He is alone. Utterly alone and, when he returns, he sees what Rowena has done, but she throws his actions in his face. Now, he's faced with reconciling it all to himself. Can it be done? What really was right? As long as he holds true to his oath to Will however, he has his honor. He has that. He is a Dragonrider still.
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serethereal · 1 year
fmk brienne missandei sibel
fuck missandei. she’s my beautiful princess and i love her so bad but she’s already married to dany so i’ll take one night w her <33
marry brienne DUHHHH literally my brave knight my beautiful prince my OATHKEEPER (niche ref…) she’s literally everything to me like…
kill sibel with FIRE. need it to be slow and terrible fucking cunt.
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wrightfamily · 1 year
oh my god. kh dq11 au
i dont have many thoughts abt kh characters going in erdrea unfortunately (im sure if i thought hard enough about it i COULD. easily.) HOWEVER. i already had thoughts about keyblades for most of the dq11 cast :3 (as in which keyblades would they have that already exist in kh im not much of a designer for anything)
i'd go with either master's defender or starlight for eleven! they just feel right to me. you could also go with kingdom key if you wanted to do a classic look!
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erik: lost memory (god i wish this was bigger) OR wheel of fate. well he loses his memory at some point but also he has a pirate costume. there are no viking inspired keyblades also fjhdsfjkds. i also think the pirates keyblade in kh2 is ugly so...
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veronica: counterpoint. it's a magic keyblade and also has a funny little hat (plus reality shifting and. well act III). hidden dragon is also a good one for her considering where you meet+its got magic boost but idk.
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serena: ever after, it's magic based and a little bit green! plus her love for romance :) also fairy harp for similar reasons, but instead of the romance bit it's because she plays a harp :)
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sylvando: lady luck. i had a hard time picking one but? idk. he grew up in a town with a casino, plus like... circus? magicians? even if he isnt technically one. but all for one isnt a bad option either considering his arc w his dad? idk im so sorry my beloved sylvando
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jade: rumbling rose. i IMMEDIATELY knew what i wanted to give jade. it's strength based, big, green, and it has a giant claw. though i think that divine rose also works beautifully with her (i included the kh1 and leveled up ux versions)
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rab: winner's proof. wasnt sure, but i thought a silly one would be good for him! its a good mix of strength and magic, but grants you 0 exp. perfect for someone who's seen everything
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i had a hard time with hendrik but because i felt like there were so many that fit him... it's either oblivion, guardian soul, ends of the earth, end of pain, or kh3's ultima. ouchie!
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jasper: actually. if i go with oblivion for hendrik... oathkeeper would be an excellent choice for jasper. but i also think you could reverse it... i can also see him with void gear OR. unbound. bc of his. you know.
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ok thats all i have for now but u are free to suggest or ask for other characters 👀
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nityarawal · 2 years
Here is ticket from Joan's farm- a violent false arrest we need expunged from record & registration sticker for excess work we did in good faith to help you Evict your tenant. I sent Joan all videos & will post testimonial Psalms & videos of court contentious drug addict lying to cops on a bribe. We can't support tenant fraud like this in nasty smear campaign. We need copies of all police reports & Joan could you spend 30 hours mediating for me since you're such a master in court & hurt me with vanity case. I need 50k in damages for harassment- your tenant smeared car w/ dog shit & stalked me. Your fidicuary duty is to your employee. I need damages for when Glen banged up Lexus in tow & this months rent today. My kids need mom at home- not raped to meet your mean agenda. Please have bank re-imburse for rents from October in Airbnb smear campaign and $10m for violent slumlordings from 3 of their employees since September. Close airbnb & all short term rentals until 40% are housed. 
This is gross capitalistic slavery & sexual assaults for gluttony!
I need my tax return immediately and County harassment over medical & IEHP to stop from Blue Shield Class Action.
My x's atty is dead.
This abuse needs to stop from IRS, bought & bribed militia/gay pedo cops.
Mom have had enough of BS. We have weather alerts & need peace. 
See if son Kyan can bring his sister and we can have DAs nationally issue RO from all court contentious Trolls on illegal bribes for gags/pleas.
Nitya Huntley Rawal
God Rest In Peace:  Lori Clark Viviano
Afternoon Songs
Auld Rd. Southwest 
My Boss Is In The Courthouse
Doing Paperwork
She's Gonna Evict
Her Tenants 
Seemed Like Good Samaritans 
At First
Raped By Law Enforcement
And Their Militia
Suffering Houselessness
In A Pandemic
They Had A Litter
Of Puppies
All Could've Been Good
Nasty Smear Campaign
Sending Them Packing
Into The Hood
Half Of Me
Sorry For The Trolls
Witch Hunting My Boss
But They Look Like
Cousins Of Sarita Fischer
And Who Knows
How Many
We're Murdered
In Anza Crimes
And Facebook
Good Samaritan
Trolls Friendly
At First
Warning In Secret
Pushing Their Numbers
And Dogs On Me
Like I'm The Cougar
That Will Save Them
No- I Can't
No- Trolls No More
Grateful Lori Clark
Viviano Went Out
The Door
Barracuda Mamma
Lives Just Passed
60 Years
Then Met Her
In The Ocean
A Scuba Diving Accident
Her Daughter Seems
Good Riddance
Did She Rape Her
Another Mary
Kay Letourneau 
Nazi Ringleader
Good Riddance 
My Child
You Murdered
One Of The Last
Oathkeepers Of
And Helped Us
Whistleblow On Your 
Did Charles Viviano
Hold The Keys
To Your 
Mom's Life
Was He The Trumpleberry
Class Action Attorney
That Had Her Murdered
Or Was It A Secret
Service Bribe
Good Riddance
Old Attys
Sent To Heaven
Shark Bait
5th Dimension
Can't Wait To Read 
And See How Many
Joined Them
Rejoicing Hallelujah
Gag Orders Dead
Expired Restraining 
No Wonder Lori Clark
Was Mentally Incompetent
OD'd On Fentanyl 
Drowned In The Ocean
Hope Her Family
Had A Great Holiday
RIP Lori Clark
Take Ashby Clark
And Judge Clark
With You On Expired
Orders To Retire
In Another Dimension
Jai Guru Dev 
I'm Sorry
We Loved You
But We Won't
Miss You
The Hooker Of Court
Who Raped
My Family
And Nearly Killed
RIP Lori Clark Viviano
Rest In Peace
Because You Left
A Horrid Legacy
Rest In Peace
No One Wants
Your Body
Rest In Peace
May You Feed All
The Barracuda Mammas
Happy Thanksgiving
The Sharks
Feed On You
A Beast Of Court
A Karma It's
May God Rest
Lori Clark Viviano
With Her Epstein
May Her Children
On All Her Lies
God Rest Lori Clark
And All
The Beasts That
Raped My Children
God Rest 
Lori Clark Viviano
World Is Better
For Her Demise 
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi  Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
ancientechos · 4 years
FFXIVwrite2020 | Masterlist
No ships, character-centric: Brigid Nystrom [WoL]
Expac/Verse: Pre-ARR
Words: 362 words
They are fast, but she is faster, ripping through the trees at a pace that would make most wild predators flinch. This is her forest, and they are all the more fools for thinking they could best her here.
The sack slung over one of the men’s shoulders writhes like a fish, stoking the viera’s curdling rage.
The day had begun like any other, until they’d let the children alone for a few minutes. It wasn’t anything unusual, merely preparing a meal while the girls and boys played together. But apparently such actions had been frowned upon today.
There had been kidnappers lurking in the woods, after all.
With a practised fury, Brigid pulls an arrow from her quiver, knocks the bow in her hands. The arrow flies, pinning the first — empty-handed — man to one of the trees. Her sisters will deal with him.
The man with the sack flinches for a moment, looks back at his partner’s pleading, but even he is aware there is no going back. He simply shakes his head and continues on, though he will not get very far.
She wants nothing more than to ruin him, though she knows so long as he has that bag — now concerningly still — such a thing is unadvisable lest she accidentally hurt the young girl within. So she musters her patience; waits until the man pauses, hesitating, at the bank of a shallow river.
Bursting from the foliage, Brigid gives him no time to react. She shoves a shoulder against his back, unbalancing him, and rips his cargo from his shoulders. Tearing the sack open, she reveals Lyra to the open, her head lolling backward even as she takes in a deep breath of fresh air.
The girl is taken from her hands by another of her sisters, and without hesitation Brigid rounds upon the man, still floundering in the water.
Filthy hyur, they’re all the same, aren’t they?
Fisting her hand in his shirt, she reels him up as she looms above him.
“Now,” she snarls through gnashed teeth, red eyes burning like twin flames, “what have you done with my daughter?”
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swordmaid · 3 years
yas bitch slay meme is literally white sword tower scene
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archivedwench · 5 years
so . considern ‘ that there’s a tarth-targ relation , bri being descendant from ser dunk and his shield being in the tarth armoury , i’m very very curious on which distant targ selwyn married ( could be since her mother was never named or mentioned , but bri’s siblings were which i found v. odd ? ) or maybe it’s one of her grandparents that was the distant targ hm . 
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 6 years
I wish you would write a fic where... Bismuth and Pearl share their first kiss. (Because I’m trash)
The 5 times + 1 fic provoked by this is still absolutely happening (and I have a lot of it done, I really do!) - one of those is definitely their first kiss. But here’s one from a tiny rough excerpt of the aforementioned fic - one that includes swords, because I am predictable.
“What do you say? Wanna give it a test run?”
Pearl’s delight was palpable, and her grin was absolutely infectious. “Oh, do I.”
“Come on then, show me what you got - I’m not going easy on you today.”
The new sword flashed as it arced through the air. “You wouldn’t dare to.”
And Bismuth absolutely wasn’t planning to, firmly planting her feet and shifting one hand into an axe. She swatted away the first few testing and probing strikes Pearl aimed at her, and refused to fall for any of her provocations and blatantly deliberate openings, no matter how fancy her footwork or how elaborate her cuts. Oh, but that quick, sneaky, tricky little Pearl-
A mere second of distraction as Pearl seemed to so utterly convincingly dash to her left was somehow more than enough, and Bismuth was off her feet and sprawled on the floor, left with nothing to do but stare down - up? - the blade she had so recently been working on, all the way up to Pearl’s eyes, playfully crinkled in a delightfully familiar smirk.
The next moment, the sword was gone, replaced with Pearl leaning down and pressing a surprisingly soft kiss to Bismuth’s lips.  
“It’s wonderful,” she murmured. “Thank you.”
“Wonderful yourself. Fancy new moves, huh?”
“Oh, hush, your charm won’t work on me.” The way she adjusted to lie against Bismuth’s shoulder and trace a finger around her collarbone seemed to suggest otherwise.
“But swords will?”
“What can I say? You know me too well.”
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jew-flexive · 2 years
frederick chase, legacy
thinking about frederick chase, who grew up in a family that knew about all the things everyone else couldn’t see, not because those things touched them, but because they used to. thinking about frederick chase, who’s a little too strong, sometimes, who’s a little too quick, sometimes, who has a strange aura of power that he didn’t earn but his great-great-great-grandfather did. thinking about frederick chase, who wants to be normal, who is almost normal, who is almost able to ignore the things that have too many eyes and razor sharp teeth and kill children in alleyways--but not him, never him, he doesn’t show up on their radar, not anymore. thinking about frederick chase, who is dizzingly, maddeningly grateful for his own cosmic insignificance because he knows what happens to heroes. 
thinking about frederick chase, nerdy and goofy and gangly and too smart for his own good, but more or less a normal guy once he moves out of his parents’ house. thinking about frederick chase, who graduates summa cum laude studying heroics of the human kind and gets his pick of grad schools and flirts with another TA at three am while they both pretend to grade papers and ignore their research. thinking about frederick chase, who falls in love with gray eyes and sly grins and stubborn pride and shows that by arguing and teasing and fiddling with his glasses and showing off, just a little, just to make her laugh.
thinking about frederick chase, who takes her home to meet his family, only for his sister to gasp and his father to drop his wine glass and his mother to bite her lip and his brother to watch with wide, jealous eyes. thinking about frederick chase, whose blood is almost all red, whose life is almost all safe, whose legacy is almost all forgotten, it’s been so long, who’d almost escaped completely, whose feelings of betrayal are sharp, vicious things. thinking about frederick chase, confronting a goddess, terror and anger making his voice shake, and what that must have looked like, a mortal lecturing the divine, how that must have made athena wonder and plot and plan. 
thinking about frederick chase, who wakes up exactly one year before he has to present his dissertation to a baby on his doorstep with his hair and her eyes who he knows just by looking at her is doomed, doomed, doomed. thinking about frederick chase, who lives off of coffee and ramen and hasn’t showered in a week and still isn’t even twenty-eight, who never wanted any of this, who was never asked if he did, who feels violated and alone and afraid. thinking about frederick chase, who tries to give the baby back because he knows what happens to kids in alleyways when the monsters (or the gods) are hungry and knows he’s not enough to protect her, who’s told he has no choice but to try. 
thinking about frederick chase, who keeps his daughter because none of this is her fault and gods forbid athena take any responsibility for the life she created without his consent, who names her annabeth for favor and oathkeeping and grace, who raises her the best he can even though he’s convinced he’ll outlive her, his clever little miracle child who represents every single one of his parents’ warnings and all the ambitions his brother’s ever sought. thinking about frederick chase, who reads to her and braids her hair and puts her in a playpen with a box of legos while he teaches his classes and comes back to find her building temples and shrines and skyscrapers with her chubby toddler hands. thinking about frederick chase, who knows his daughter is smarter and more powerful than him, who knows exactly what all that wit and strength is meant to protect her from and how little either will matter, in the end. 
thinking about frederick chase, who has every member of his family stolen from him before annabeth steals herself away. thinking about frederick chase, who never once blames her for it, who wants her safe, even if it that means being far, far away from him. thinking about frederick chase, who messes up and says the wrong thing and forgets, sometimes, that for all her cleverness, his daughter isn’t a mind reader and needs to be told that she is precious, that she is cherished, that she is everything he’s ever been afraid to lose. thinking about frederick chase, who doesn’t know how to raise a demigod, only how to mourn one, so he fails, and fails, and fails, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how deeply he loves.  
thinking about frederick chase, who, when given the chance, shows his adoration by brainstorming new building ideas and telling old college stories and making midnight breakfasts and shooting at titans with celestial bronze bullets. thinking about frederick chase, who grows and shifts and tries to see his daughter in real time, not only in those last moments he knows are coming, when she’s that kid in the alleyway and he’s not enough, never enough to stop the monsters from coming for her. thinking about frederick chase, who never once makes his peace with it, but works for the rest of his life to earn his own peace with her.
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