#wahoo i finally got his face right... kinda
cilant-lis · 4 months
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an aloth to accompany the pallegina from a few months ago
anxiety personified (he's just like me fr)
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[[Alright so I'm new around these parts, may someone pleaaaase sum up the juicy lore for me?]]
-grateful anon
[ominous bell toll]
[It is time (lore summary time)]
[and. and this time. WE'RE GOING OVER ALL THE LORE!!!!!!!!] [i'll probably pin this so people can find the lore easily]
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[LORE UNDER THE CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
[Alrightttt so. IMPORTANT BITS!!]
[gangle has an ai version of herself thats meant to represent her subconscious: "s-gangle" who is currently .. missing right now]
[gangle used to be friends with kaufmo (before he abstracted)] [related comics and art here:] [comic, art, art,
[gangle hates an anon named "hammer anon" who has attacked her multiple times] [i'll cover that momentarily]
[i'll also include some other blog lore at the end, but right now we're focusing on gnagle lore!] ------
[so, starting off from the very beginning: the first important event was when gangle borrowed one of jax's keys, secretly accessing kaufmo's room. she wanted to find a way to move on from what happened. it did not go well . heres the series of comics relating to this: comics here]
[kaufmo's blog got introduced around this time, making gangle freak out (because she couldnt really comprehend the fact that kaufmo was just. back] [but she didnt want to deal w/ her emotions, so she forced herself to wear her happy mask for an extended period of time] [which, according to blog lore, kind of helps suppress her emotions]
[anyway, obviously thats a horrible idea] [so she kinda suffers for the next few asks] [like this ask, this ask, this ask, and this ask!] [yeah turns out the mask aint holding up very well. uh oh.] [yikes.]
[this is where hammer anon comes in! in this post, he breaks gangle's mask, resulting in all her emotions flooding in (this post). wahoo, i suppose? (not really)]
[the anons comfort gangle in this post, and eventually she recovers. yay!] [gangle is happy for a bit] [shes watching over kinger's fortress while he erm. goes through his own arc (here)] [anyway while watching over the fortress she has movie night! which results in this art here]
[unfortunately. another arc happens. Jax literally abstracts! thats right. jax abstracted. gangle is. not feeling great about it! (comic)] [so yeah]
[unfortunately for gangle, things get worse when hammer anon decides now is a GREAT time to see if gangle has a third mask!] [art here!] [so she erm. flees! to the ferris wheel !] [cause remember, this may be a circus but theres also the fairgrounds!]
[anyway. gangle is cornered. and over the course of some asks impending doom slowly approaches her!] [related art here, here, here, and the comic begins here!]
[anyway. yeah! turns out! there is no third mask. which glitches gangle. yikes. whoops.] [shes out cold for a while] [and one of the anons takes her inside so she can rest (art here)]
[gangle eventually wakes up (art here)] [and has a bunch of errors all over her face! cause. you know. her masks.] [she freaks out a bit over it but dont worry she calms down eventually]
[also, not exactly lore important? but someone decids to taunt her for being a coward n such so she throws a fish at them in this comic]
[one extra thing as well: erm. jax DIED. like not even abstracted hes straight up dead due to one of the abstractions named dyno. yeah.] [or well he WAS dead at this time]
[caine is informed about what's happening, but unfortunately he isn't able to do anything about it (art here)] [honestly, gangle's tired of all this (especially considering the literal ai who runs the circus cant do anything to help) so she heads off to the lake. and SURPRISE!!!] [zooble appearance]
[heres the series of art/asks] in chronological order] [art 1, art 2, art 3, art 4, art 5, art 6, art 7, art 8,] [theres also a little break inbetween; one of the anons attempts to fix gangle's mask (it goes horribly wrong) related art here and here] [anyway continuing the zooble arc] [comic 1, comic 2, comic 3, comic 4, comic 5, and the animated finale]
[smth funny thats unrelated to lore- a CERTAIN ANON (cough) /silly was predicting all of my story ideas. (art here)]
[one more important thing regarding zooble: abstragedy/google ship is not canon, please don't joke about it/talk about it-] [im pretty sure zooble's mod is uncomfortable with the ship] [so.. yeah!]
[now: smth i'd like to mention, there were 2 story arcs before the finale of the comics related to zooble:] [the computer files arc and s-gangle's introduction arc]
[the computer files thing was a little event i set up for everyone, where they could look through gangle's character files] [heres 2 silly asks that aren't lore related: 1 and 2] [ANYWAY lore related stuff! heres some of the important stuff: C&A, The Magician, and Memories]
[the one of the most important things though, from the files, would be the logs:] [here is log 1, log 2, and log 3 (with some art!)]
[anyway, s-gangle.exe is booted, and bam! s-gangle is introduced! (<- link here)]
[most of the asks are normal, but heres some lore important asks: flowers 1, flowers 2, copycat, red, poem (the poem ask was made around the time gangle returned)]
[anyway! wahoo, after a while, gangle's back, and she now has to deal with All the Anon Chaos that's happened. poor gangle] [anyway. heres the important stuff!: an anon decided to curse s-gangle with a physical body, resulting in s-gangle immediately running off (comic here)]
[and.. theres also some silly stuff going on with the kaufmo blog. for context; during the jax dying situation, kaufmo used the chaos as a chance to escape the cellar and hid in his room for a while]
[kaufmo, learning about the whole "error" situation with gangle, wants to do something about it. (comic here)] [andd.. heres the final part relating to that! (comic here)]
[apologies about the final section of lore, especially the kaufmo part, considering it had to be rushed on christmas day due to the ask i recieved]
[and. y.y eah. thats everything! i'll try to actively update this lore as time goes on. wow this is a lot.]
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enzie-ki · 1 year
glad we've got another furry lady (Gelly) to replace hyang-hui
If she hurts my baby I will break her acrylics
and also her spine
Pil Kwang and Mun are really just stranger things-ing it right now and I'm all here for it
It's giving eleven vs one but better because I like this show
Ah yes the power of a promise made you stronger good
how dare that man try and shoot chairman Choi if I snatch your weave this second
Gelly please stop with the scratching
So many problems would be stopped if people used their teeth as weapons
Getting choked? Bite. Getting held down? Bite. Jeok Bong I know you're new but please just bite her
(he was kinda cool though)
oh damnit I forgot about the other Chinese counters
Chairman Choi you better thank Mun for saving you from that bullet
mo tak coming in with the tango disc pop off king
oh no jeok-Bong are you good
my poor baby noo
Pil Kwang why are you naked Pil Kwang why are you naked I don't care you just got out of the bath WHY ARE YOU NAKED PIL KWANG WHY ARE YOU
excuse me what is this wet monkey looking thing
you look like you smell of bin juice and petrol
oh I really hope he doesn't get possessed but I have a very bad feeling he will
I swear if its because his pores are clogged that his power stopped working or because he got punched I will cry
Jeok-Bong's dad stop comparing your son, that happened to me and it was BAD
My poor baby UnU
ayo why does this man have so much blood in his nose
Aww him and his dad are bonding again finally
This is so wholesome I'm going to cry
No because tell me why Mun has such a good fashion sense
And Mo-Tak too
And Ha Na
All of them actually
Gelly I regret to tell you but that steak is raw
I hope you get food poisoning
Mo-Tak please relax you're like three 9 year-olds in a trench coat
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conduitandconjurer · 2 years
Hi Klaus! How did it feel to learn you are immortal?
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Klaus's eyelashes flutter, in the face of a question that chips away so comprehensively at his reason to exist. He inhales, and then hesitates. Green bottle-glass eyes--ironically the mossiest, most verdant, most life-evincing of all colors on earth--grow distant with contemplation. It's the best way he knows how to cope with fear, or rage, or grief: distance. Flight. Numbness.
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Eventually, that high, reedy, naturally tremulous voice ventures out audibly.
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"...I think....it. Felt bad and good."
A hand--branded in "goodbye"-- travels to his chest. Then the other, branded in "hello." Two poles on the existential plane, but both intimately entwined with who he is, and what he can do. Fingertips rub the now-unblemished place dead center of his chest, where Stan's lance accidentally impaled him. He wanders backward in memory, and visualizes himself in front of that mirror in Obsidian's hotel room. Horrified, awed: smiling.
"Because....I've never really wanted to just be the guy who talks to the dead. And knowing how many times I've been one of them...and it didn't stick...it was good...it meant I'd made mortality my bitch, right? Like wahoo, I found the ultimate cheat code, who could stop me now? I had more value, more...power, than any of my siblings, than my father, ever gave me credit for. But....I didn't really....want...? To make anything or anyone my bitch. I just wanted to feel safe. And. Have room to stretch. Like, metaphorically. I wanted to knit, an' marry my brother and his new girlfriend, an' make friends from enemies, an' be the fun uncle, an' have a reason to be alive that was just mine an' nobody else's, an'....know my own mom well enough that I could be sure I had real value. And maybe be like her someday. I mean, seriously. What contradicts death more than motherhood, after all? I have her eyes. I can start there, yeah....?"
And the moment he knew it, he realizes, wasn't the moment he first learned of his immortality. It wasn't even all the times he got struck by cars, Reginald's latest act of masturbatory empiricism. It wasn't all those times he felt his tissue, bones and muscles and organs rupture, splattered on the unfeeling windshield of some stranger's semi, or Prius, or ice cream truck, or cab. It wasn't even in the cemetery, when he became a radiant human angler fish hook to a thousand ghosts, incinerating them on contact.
No, it was in the White Buffalo Room. It was when he chose to use the very ability that's traumatized him since birth, to defy another person's plan for his existence.
His hands travel a little lower, absently, to that second experience of brutal impalement.
"I died hoisted up on a pike like some kind of crucified agnostic Jesus....watching the universe become Nothing. And I don't mean...like...'hey something used to be here, and we can feel that, like an eulogy fer existence.' I mean NOTHING. I mean like, palpable absence, like never-had-been. Oblivion. Like the name of the place we all went next. I watched that and I knew I had to let Death temporarily define me, so that I could escape it. So that I could have a chance to be....more than friggen' ...Persephone. And. I. Think it was hard to face that I'd found my calling. I didn't even want to resuscitate.
"Cause. I'd finally figured out who I wanted to be, independent of my family an' my addiction an' my self-thwarting downward spiral....and there was nothing to go back to, no life to have. It was all Absent. It seemed so goddamn bitterly unfair. But I got over it pretty fast. So I could help my brother say goodbye to someone. So I could hold the door open and help grief find resolution. Y'know? Like I never got, with Dave. If I lived no matter what, I could make sure no one else ever felt as shitty and alone as me. And that's kinda where I've landed, with all this. That's how I feel, now."
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"Prob'ly sounds surprisingly ....cheesy, to you, but. Uh. 'Walk around in my shoes fer a bit,' and all that jazz."
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kutiebug-kuddles · 4 years
A question person kimbap.
Say the guys are just hanging out with their friend, nothing needs done today, total laying about do nothing day, what would each of the boys do?
Bonus points of its embarrassing
Free Day! (Pt.1)
Platonic / GN / Leo
Warnings: light cursing (if you consider a “hell yeah” cursing)
A/N: thanks for being one of my first asks!! This ask was pretty open-ended, so I tried to think of some more original scenarios. I realized that this was going to be an Uber-long post, so I’m splitting it into parts both for efficiency and content, wahoo. I’m still kinda new at this, so I hope it won’t disappoint!
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it’s a schedule-clear day, and you know what that means— no missions, no chores, and all the time to practice new skateboard tricks! “Hey check it out, I’ve been waiting to try this move I’ve been practicing in my mind, and when I nail this your brain is going to explode!”
“ ‘Practicing in your mind’ ??”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Standing atop the half-pipe, He takes a deep breath and gains enough momentum to go shooting into the air. The board began to spin in all different ways-
Leo was right, this was insane. If he managed to land this??!!?
Up! Down! Left! Right!- He went upside down! — How was he even staying in the air this long??
He did a 360 as he hit the zenith and- did he just do a backflip? Off of a skateboard??? In midair?????????????????
Leo shouted, “ohOHOOO YEAH!” as he pulled off the final backwards landing.
That was until he was cutoff by an uneven plank of wood on the vert and went flying face-first into the opposite side of the half-pipe.
The entire room, including you, cringed back in unison followed by sympathetic “oooh”s . “Oh yeah, someone’s brains definitely exploded.”
“Shut up, Donnie”
You helped him up as he shook off. “Are you sure you don’t have a concussion?”
“Concussion conschmutchen, it happens all the time!” You raised your brow at him, making him shrink back, rethinking his actions.
“.... did it at least look cool?”
You waited a moment before snorting and cracking a smile “Yeah, not gonna lie, that was pretty freaking cool.” Fist-bumping, you both laughed “You want to do it again, don’t you?”
“Hell yeah!” he paused with a mischievous grin, “You want to learn how to do it, don’t you?”
“Hell yeah!”
You two spent the rest of the afternoon trying (and failing) to recreate what Leonardo dubbed “the Hamato Supreme”. Leo definitely got close, but since your only experience skateboarding was a regular ride every now and then it’s safe to say that at the end of the day you both probably had a ton of weird bruises, but being able to point to one and recall the laughs and stupid goof-ups you shared was all worth it.
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butididnottried · 4 years
So, after a few weeks i'm finally at the finale.
The Phoenix King
Excuse me, mister phoenix fire bitch king Ozai, sir, your enormous ego makes me cackling like a kindergardener that just heard a swear word. This man is just insufferable. But yeah, he is a human being (and once he was an innocent (cute?) baby) and Aang is right with not wanting to kill him. Like, they really never talked about this, and they all act like it's one of the easiest thing to do. I know that fandom likes to jokes about how Toph and Zuko we're killing people and the rest of gaang was more than oblivious to that, but seriosusly, none of them - and i mean all gaang - never killed not even a one person. Probably. As far as i know/remember. I realize that fate of the whole world is lying on their backs, but i also know that they know better than to shaming Aang not wanting to be a murderer and they fuckin know that they're not helipng with such agression.
They didn't tell Zuko about their plans to attack after the comet, so Zuko didn't tell them what his father want to do with the comet. And now The Avatar is missing and you have no time to loose. That's what happens when people do not talk to each other! Buuut Ozai plans towards comet sound kinda... important? Big? Dangerous? Looks like Zuko should tell the rest about that anyway.
But hell, they really wanted to wait out this whole comet thing and attacket later? Like, why?! They really expected that the fire lord wouldn't use it's power to do something crazy? Because he already conquered Ba Sing Se? And that's all? He won the war? What? Cooome on, Katara, Sokka, you're smarter than this. ):
Toph was way too happy about throwing flaming rocks at her freinds. And she moulded a whole Ba Sing Se in sand. With the earth king and his bear looking just like they look. Girl, that is some crazy memory superpower.
👏 Give 👏 Toph 👏 her 👏 life 👏 changing 👏 trip 👏 with 👏 Zuko 👏
I have a really hard time with believing that Azula is just 14. Aang and Toph are just 12? Ok. Katara is 14 and Sokka 15? Sure thing. Zukos 16? Yes. And uh, Azula is also 14. And i'm like... you lost me.
Gay disaster mister avatar tracking master be like "i know what to do" and he takes all his friends to meet a powerhouse lesbian.
The Old Masters
Welcome to the family grampgramp!
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Seriously, Paku does not deserve such precious grandchildren.
And also seriosuly, master Pianado is not that old. He's fine and middle aged. How dare you.
Bumi can bend with just his face. He can bend a whole house. And then throw a whole house. What a man. No wonder he can just like that proclaim himself as a king. Who would forbid that to him? Aaaand, do firebenders didn't knew that eclipse would take bending powers away from them? Is this some forbidden knowledge?
Uncle Iroh, i'm really start to doubting your wisdom and common sense. You really want to leave Zuko all alone when he become fire lord? I guess that since Zuko himself recognizes his mistakes and choose the right path Iroh thinks that he's ready to be responsible enough and take lead of a whole nation. Yes. Of course. ...Nooo, no no, i would never leave my baby boy like that. But i'm a dumbass and except moral support i wouldn't be much help with ruling. But an old man having his pai sho plays every day is more important. I'm let down. ):
I read how lionturtle and his gift to Aang is just an easy and lazy deus ex machina and... no? No really? Well, yes, it was easy for Aang to just being gifted with energybending and not needed anymore to kill Ozai, but it makes sense in this world and do not came out of nowhere. Aang was so conflicted about possibility that he must kill someone, that he unconsciously seeked help from spirits. The lionturtle do not came to Aang, he didn't even know that there's a human on hic back. Aang asked him for guidance and help, and lionturltle did excatly that - he helped the avatar with his dillema. Easy. Well, i'm guessing that Aang don't know yet what excatly happened and didn’t feel different. Also, Aangs moral dillema about killing another human is just *double chef kiss*. ATLA aired more than 10 years ago and even now it's rather rare to see something like that on show for kids.
But also, all these past avatars we're rather useless. You need to be more active avatar Aang. You need to bring justice. You need to do something. Blah blah blah. These are not really substantive tips. Maybe expect that aribender avatar lady. She also didn't really helped Aang with his problem, but at least she said something new and meaningful.
Into the Inferno
All these firebenders flying around like they have jetpacks is just hysterical. And yes Toph, yes, that's A LOT of fire. I also like how they used a sound of flamethrower in firebending scenes.
Banishment for you. Banishment for you! Banishment for everybody! ...aaand idk, for me Azula slipping away was a little to fast? Maybe if we saw some some scenes with her between “The Boilin Rock” and this it would hit harder/better? Idk. I don’t really feel her. And when she's drawed LIKE THAT i have even harder time believing that she's just 14.
Oh, i like so much music choice during Azulas and Zukos agni kai. When Aang and Ozai are fighting there's proper battle music, but during agni kai scenes music was sad, emotional and dramatic, not only accentuating tragedy of this situation, but also how Zukos and Azulas personal fight is different from Aangs and Ozai. NICE.
Avatar Aang
And that's why you do not mess with the avatar! Fuck him up Aang!
But lol, how funny it is that Aangs cosmic chakra was unlocked absolutely by stupid accident? Ozai that one particular thing bring wholly oh himself. And oh, Aang knew how this whole energybending works buts still was hesistant to use it because it could be too dangerous to him and he left it at the very end, if he had no other choice. Understandable.
Aang is the best avatar, there's no discussion. When all past avatars went down to absolutely obliterate Ozai and Aang standed up to all of them? NICE.
Hmmm, there's one good thing about loser lord Ozai. His hair game. This thick mane is truly impressive. It's almost on disneys Pocahontas level when it's flowing on wind. And then he got roasted by a bunch of goofy kids. Beautiful.
Yes Sokka, it's amazing that Toph invented metalbending. You have no idea how much.
Katara taken down Azula in a very smart way. Can i get a wahoo for Katara? WAHOO!
That open plot with Ursa feels... unnecessary? Do they planned comics at this point? Like, if you're not going to resolve this in the show then why even keeping her alive? I guess that this is in presupposition, that Zuko is going to find her and bring home and they're going to be all happy and nice but idk. Maybe it would felt differently for me if i didn't know how this was resolved in the comics. :/
Ty Lee was like GIRLS, and girls we're like YES. You go, you funky little lesbian.
Aaaah, it felt so rewarding and satisfying when Aang immobilized Ozai, put a whole laser show and then calmly put down this whole fire around them. Closing scenes after that we're good, but emotionally? Aangs being at peace immediately after fight bringed me peace. My skin is clean, my crops are thriving and all that smooth jazz. So good. Such good finale. I can't believe that. Honestly, i don’t remember the last time when i felt so good after finishing something.
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...and they needed to ruin it at the very last seconds. Well, not like, ruin it whole, but scratched it enough. Aang walks on porch, Katara joins him, they look at each other and blush, they see how calm the world is right now and how good and beautiful it is, they hug each other, it nice and cute and just good. And it should end right here. Because this kiss really feel like reward and it's... icky a little.
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alright well i work best under pressure so given that i now have an hour and 20 minutes before i start a voice call with someone i think it’s the perfect time to do that one video analysis so i can actually start finishing up that maya post... man i really should’ve pumped that shit out earlier, but i kept procrastinating until we got new info. then more new info. and i mean we DO have lots of new updated info, bc i have a whole thing in there about Punk girl i gotta edit out now lmao
Zane Flynt? this trailer killed me, it’s the only thing i’ve watched all day. like. on repeat.
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ive said it before and ill say it again, 3 months ago i call zane attractive on reddit and get ridiculed but then we find out he’s an irish bastard and everyone jumps on the fuck train
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elpis is looking good and not explody/teleporty, so that’s always a good sign
so the locale plus the twang immediately had me thinking of lynchwood but that’s not right
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the bar itself looks a lot like that mine area we see, so i’d be willing to guess it’s nearby, you know, if it’s an area in the game at all lmao
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like the windows are similar plus the wood
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the bar itself is giving me some mixed signals here, but im gonna bet it was taken over by the CoV from the crimson raiders (recruitment banner, but then the CoV logo is on the wall/screen over there)
That, plus the rose on the counter next to Zane seems sus
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another mine looking building in the back
also lmao
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it’s time to enter the BONEEEE ZONNEEE
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no more DAHL dumpsters? F
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okay this area looks super familiar
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that plus the varkids, this is 100% the same place as this
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which is interesting
looks like Zane’s been hanging out on Pandora for a while... kinda upset we didn’t hear about his brothers at all in this trailer, but it was still fuckin hilarious and well worth the wait
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those canisters? vats? look like the ones near the burger launcher vid hang on
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also some in the back here
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so yeah more than likely the same area
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`lines up the perfect shot`
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`completely missed both shots`
lovey, bravo, champagne, sloooow clap
anyway i’d wager this is an old dahl mining camp? probably mining for iridium
you can see the 
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conveyor belt thingie here
and also all the minecarts and rails are very reminiscent of the caustic caverns
which probably would have dropped iridium into the vat below it, if said vat wasn’t tipped over onto its side
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more shots of the building he’s in
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closeup of the rails. which, weird as it sounds, is really great to see because sometimes in bl2 and even tps when you got super close up to a texture, it wouldn’t look too hot, even on the best settings. the textures in 3 are so CRISP i love them
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varkid 🤮 i hate bugs. model looks fantastic tho! i just... hate bugs
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see the camera is flipped upside down, so miles this cultist is not falling, he’s rising- he’s being lifted up
how nice
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im getting percy jackson flashbacks here. this is 100% how clarisse shoved percy into the toilet, right?
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with the way the cultist isn’t even trying to get out im afraid zane just shoved a corpse into the dook hut. i mean all the power to ya, man
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he’s stuck
this building in the back is new
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i won’t say it
you know what im thinking
i won’t say it
i promise
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there’s also what i think is a smiley face sticker on the wall to his right
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water physics lookin fine 👌
also the way zane jumps back. bonelesspotter i know you read these, are you picking up what i’m putting down?
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see the lack of drink is supposed to parallel hi s lack of companio- im sorry hahahaaha i can’t do this
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rose. it’s a SIGN
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there’s so much going on in the background here lemme just
im sitting here like >:( because i know i’ve seen that type of wall before and for the life of me can’t remember where
my brain is screaming sanctuary
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the actual middle piece looks super familiar
is that what they attach the out of bounds turrets to? possibly.
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this bit
also it looks like there’s a dam or something in the back back?
tbh im a lot more interested in the skyway all the way at the top, it reminds me a lot of bloodshot ramparts
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cuz it also used to be a skyway
also zane is doing his pose for the main menu screen of the game
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and i would say it’s possible this could’ve been the main menu, but the cliff is different, and there’s supposed to be a boxcar/shipping crate on the right (as when u go to options it moves over to it)
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more vats! what is the deal with this mine? why is it featured so heavily in this video gearbox tell me your s e c r e t s
you’d think, with zane being the one who’s been around the proverbial block over his years, he’d be on multiple planets throughout his entire trailer. but like 80% of it is pandora. maybe the other VHs are getting featured on other planets? at least he has a reason to be on pandora outside of the main story (maybe looking for his brothers, maybe trying to piss on their graves, who knows)
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i don’t know what he’s reaching for but uh
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perhapeth the blades are activated by swinging his arm out? could be a hold over from when they were like... actual metal blades and needed to be knocked out into position
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i love that he returns the wave after shoving this guy off the cliff
it’s not like he can see you man
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go off i guess though
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some bar on eden-6 (finally! a new planet!) also i like that the theme here is zane getting into fights in bars. good shit boys
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get wrecked kid
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i really like the design of this building. i love the windows. maybe part of jakobs manor? looks like maybe it’s a greenhouse or smth given it’s in this garden/courtyard area
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which should look somewhat familiar
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looks very similar to this area, but it doesn’t look like there’s a building on the left in this shot. maybe they added it in for the trailer 🤷‍♂️
the trees behind the big one (and next to the iron wrought fence) match up perfectly tho
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i just really like this shot ngl
i love these fuckign expressions i cant
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okay im sorry here’s a smiley boy
the facial animations are so fucking good this time around
that is all i am doing.
just appreciating the new animations.
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fuck dude we didn’t deserve this man
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seriously tho, the glass is gone. idk where it went. im just gonna pretend he was practicing that one iconic Kingsman scene while talking to himself and providing us with flashbacks
also this is my new favorite reaction image
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it’s ‘perfect in every way’
you want more booze?
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what are your thoughts on the new guns?
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where’d you hide the body?
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(it’s in the dumpster)
also unlike the magic cup
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the rose is still here
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Cultist coming to see why the windows of their bar are glowing neon yellow and blue im sure
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it’s cool to know the clone can actually emote
given in the So Happy Together it was basically an expressionless blue demon
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still no cup. all hail
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some more CoV graffiti!
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i am sad we didn’t get to see zoomer in this video at all
zoomer is cute
i like zoomer
that’s all for the trailer folks
i love the implication that he’s just sitting in this empty CoV bar, talking to himself, waiting for someone to notice and come confront him so he can kick their asses.
anyway this post 100% wasn’t an excuse to rewatch the entire trailer frame by frame or anything
maya post coming soon! wahoo
also i have 10 minutes left lmao nice
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ciestessde · 5 years
SOSW Halloween: Lyoko Portal
In an attempt by the evil A.I. “X.A.N.A.” to destroy humanity, it brings several beings from other dimensions to a certain junkyard-of-a-college. Chaos ensues.
This is a "Special One-Shot Wednesday" for Halloween 2019 and includes requests from: "ghostboy1225″ @liam21134 on twitter, "GirlFish" on fanfiction.net, and several anonymous requests given through the OSW polls. (Vaguely connected to the OSW "Behind the Curtain")
Aelita and Jeremie, the two transfer students, were setting up the finishing touches on the project they'd come all this way to complete. Aelita only needed to finish entering the coordinates, and then…
Aelita paused in her typing. She turned to Jeremie. "Do you really think this is going to work?"
Jeremie only had eyes for the screen in front of him. "You want to get back to Lyoko, right?"
"Of course I do-" "Then it'll work." Jeremie reached his hand out toward the activation button.
"Jeremie, NO! Don't activate it yet!" Aelita screamed.
… But it was too late.
Before either of them could react, the portal on the wall of the university's lab whirred to life, screaming a terrible high-pitched whine and filling with unfamiliar energy.
The room was drenched in a blinding white light.
~~~ * ~~~
Harley and Bat froze, turning to look down the stairs to their left.
After a few moments, Bat looked at Harley, who was still staring. "... Don't even think about it."
Harley didn't move, still focused down the stairs. "Bat, someone could be hurt." "And if they are, it's their own fault. You know which lab that is, right?"
"... You don't." "Should I? Since when is there-?"
"Why must you gain courage at the most inopportune times?!" Bat sighed and explained, "It was designated a private lab last month. Transfer students. That's all I know. I thought maybe we could recruit them to get more funding for the club, but it… didn't work out," Bat turned and continued walking, "Whatever they're doing down there isn't any of our busi-"
He heard heavy footsteps and turned. Harley had run down the stairs.
Against his better judgement, Bat ran after him.
~~~ * ~~~
"Oooh… What happened?" Beetlejuice rubbed his head, floating up off of the ground. Wherever he was, the entire room was full of smoke. "Where's Lyds?" He cupped his hands around his mouth, "LYDIA?! YOU OK?!"
A strange moan came from his left, and further inside the room he heard a girl call out, "Jeremie! Are you alright?" "Yeah… Yeah, I'm ok."
Then… it processed: "This is the World of the Living. I'm… I'm free!" And with a shout of "WAHOO!" Beetlejuice was released upon the school.
But there was a far more pressing issue the students would have to deal with before the poltergeist.
'So… Hungry… There was… light… pulling, and then- '-Wait. This smell… 'Smells… smells like… human, but… Me?'
Danny opened his eyes- -And saw himself.
Except, something was wrong. It… it wasn't him. It couldn't be, because… The face he was looking at - was the face of a corpse.
And it… He… 'I'm just so… so… HUNGRY.'
The other Danny, having regained consciousness, stopped moaning. It smelled like Livings here… Not good. And even worse, was that… himself?
Suddenly, other-him lunged mouth-first at him! And the guy was strong. WAY too strong!
He grabbed the clone(?) by the shoulders. He was managing, just barely, to hold him back - but it was hard to focus with the two Livings on the other side of the room-!
"Ugh…" There was a Living boy - teenager? - lying not five feet from them. Great. Just… Just PERFECT!
But then, somehow, it got worse. Other Him - grew tentacles?!
They grabbed Zombie Danny around the middle, lifting him into the air and SLAMMING him against the floor! They dragged him across the linoleum, leaving deep gouges as they went - miraculously not hitting the Living Boy.
Planting his feet, Zombie Danny used all the inhuman strength in his decaying flesh to TEAR the kagune off of him.
At that, Ghoul Danny apparently decided to go after the easier prey: the Living Boy.
Who finally woke up. Will was grateful, at first, to not be in the Upside Down anymore- -But that gratefulness didn't last long.
Zombie Danny blocked Ghoul Danny's kagune just in time. But that brought him very close to Will. And Ghoul Danny wasn't the only one who was hungry.
It was like he could smell the contents of the boy's head all the way through his skull. Maybe he could - it wasn't like there was a guidebook to his situation!
Zombie Danny's options were running out. If he didn't eat a brain soon, his body really would die this time! He'd become a full ghost, not just half.
And he… He couldn't let that happen. But… And he didn't know these Livings. He didn't know what was going on. But…
He couldn't just let them die, either!
So. Danny forfeited his secret - and transformed.
By the time Bat and Harley made it to the lab, they froze. What else were they supposed to do when faced with such pure chaos?
Some of it was expected - like the two transfer students huddled and madly pressing buttons in the back of a room filled with smoke. Some of it wasn't too unusual - like the teenager panicking on the floor. Maybe he was just here to study, or was someone's younger brother, or… something.
But then there was a glowing teenager holding back another guy who had TENTACLES COMING OUT OF HIS BACK, WHAT THE HELL?!
Zombie-now-Ghost Danny screamed at the typing students, "Look, I don't know exactly what's going on, but you two seem to be the cause, and I just want you to know - I can't hold this guy back forever!" "I'm working on it!"
"Jeremie!" Aelita, her face terrified, pointed at a screen where a weird, almost target- or eye-looking symbol was glowing a bright, ominous red. Jeremie froze. "Oh no…"
Snapping out of it, he looked around the room - panicked for a moment - then started barking orders. "I don't know any of you, and you don't know me, but we don't have much time. If we don't fix this, the entire world - multiple worlds - will be doomed! So, like it or not, we need your help-!"
"Yeah whatever!" interrupted Ghost Danny. Ghoul Danny growled and, stabbing his kagune into the ground, pulled them both forward a couple feet toward the still frozen-in-shock Will. "Just tell me what to do before I lose my grip!" "Aelita! They'll need to go inside Lyoko!" "Right!"
The pink-haired girl pulled out a handful of… buttons? "Not the ghost - OR the kid!" said Jeremie, setting up a complicated-looking laptop display. "Got it."
Aelita placed one of the buttons on her head, then threw one onto Ghoul Danny's stomach. Before they could snap out of it enough to protest, she'd already thrown one onto both Bat's and Harley's heads, as well. "Transferring scan data!" Jeremie said, and the buttons glowed. The light spread through each of their bodies. "Virtualization!"
And like that, Jeremie, Ghost Danny, and Will were the only people left in the room. Danny just floating, Will looking around confused, and Jeremie still furiously typing.
"... Ok… That was different," Danny said in his echoey voice.
Jeremie seemed to finish, or at least paused to look at him and say, "There was another… guy- that flew off earlier. It's not really my place to ask, but-"
"-Hey, um…" Will stood up, trembling. Danny and Jeremie turned to look at him. "Where… am I?"
"That's…" 'Why didn't I think to ask that?'
"..." Something beeped, and Jeremie looked down at one of the screens in front of him. Typing again, he responded, "It's hard to explain, but you're basically in an alternate reality. The portal we were building- … Glitched." He paused to look Will (and Danny) in the eyes. "We'll get you back home. I promise." Looking back at the screens and typing again, he added, "But I'd really appreciate your help in the meantime."
Danny looked at Jeremie, then down at the shivering Will. "..." He floated down so his feet touched the ground. "Hey, uh. My name's Danny."
He held out his hand. At first, Will just stared at it. But after a couple moments… he took it. "... I'm… Will."
Danny put on his best smile. "Nice to meet you Will. Hey, um… How do you feel about helping me catch a ghost?"
To Danny's surprise- -Will's face lit up!
~~~ * ~~~
It had to be the oddest sense of déjà vu Bat and Harley had ever experienced. There was yet another flash of light, and they were… in a desert?
He and Harley looked… Like themselves, but… 'What the heck?!'
Bat looked like a vampire with bat wings. Harley was… a centaur? Aelita - well, she'd already had that weird pink hair before, but now she kinda looked like an elf. Danny, though, looked pretty much the same.
But… his head was clear. He wasn't hungry anymore?
Groaning, he opened his eyes. He could remember what happened, of course, but that just made him more confused. Why wasn't he hungry anymore…?
Before he got a chance to ask, Aelita grabbed everyone's attention, all business. "You see that tower?" She pointed into the distance. A few miles away was a simple, cylindrical tower. "I need to get inside it. Once I do, I can fix the portal and stop XANA."
"Zana?" asked Harley.
Bat was trembling with rage, refusing to look at Harley. Harley noticed, but… Well, they didn't really have time to talk right now, did they? Lives were at stake here!
"It's what's causing all this. It's an AI that wants to destroy humanity. We thought we had defeated it, but we must have reawakened it when activating the portal somehow. But- It's so far away. And we don't have any vehicles…" "Maybe Bat can help." "Huh?" Bat looked around, searching for the source of Jeremie's voice. "It says here you should be able to turn everyone into bats. That should help you all move more quickly."
"And how, exactly, do I do that?" Bat glared at the sky. "C'mon, just try." Bat turned his head. Harley was giving him a pleading look. "..." Bat turned his face away…
… But a couple seconds later, and everyone was flying above the desert.
~~~ * ~~~
Beetlejuice was flying around the school, at a loss for where to even start spreading mayhem! As he passed by, at just below the speed of sound, someone slapped a hand over his mouth and pulled him inside a closet.
He struggled, and the hands released him. "What gives?!"
"Shhh!" Danny held a finger up to his mouth.
But Beetlejuice didn't listen. "Woah. Dude, what's with the glowing? You get bit by a radio-GHOST-ive spider or something? Ha!"
Danny facepalmed, and groaned, "Look, I don't have a thermos on me at the moment. So can we just skip to the part where you give up and agree to go back to the Ghost Zone and torment me later?"
Beetlejuice just laughed, "'Ghost Zone'? Is that a new theme park or somethin'?"
"Huh?" 'Theme Park? Wait… He's not glowing…
'Oh, crud! 'Is… Is he NOT a ghost?!'
"Look, kid, I like your sense of style and all, black and white is always in, but when it comes to tormenting people… The Ghost with the Most is always PENctual!" From out of nowhere, a giant pen appeared in Beetlejuice's hand and sprayed ink all over Danny, blinding him. "But I INK you get the idea! HAHAHAHAHA!"
Before Danny could think to turn intangible to get the stuff off of him, Beetlejuice flew out of the closet- -and met with a face-full of Fenton Wrist Ray.
"I got him!" Will was practically jumping with excitement.
Danny phased out of the wall (and the ink). "Awesome!" He tackled BJ, pinning his arms to his sides much like he had with Ghoul Danny.
BJ struggled, but Danny's grip was too strong to break. "Hey! I don't appreciate being HUG tied!"
"Dude. What's with the puns?" Danny asked, surprisingly casual.
Suspiciously, the struggling stopped. "Oh, nothing really. I just need a breath of FLESH air!" There was nothing Danny could do, then, to stop him.
BJ turned into gas - and slipped straight through his arms!
~~~ * ~~~
"Look out!" Aelita transformed back into her base form, activating her own wings, and tried to shove Bat out of the way of a laser. But she was too late.
Bat fell, everyone else losing their bat forms and landing with, thankfully, only minor damage.
They had only made it about halfway to the tower, but they were surrounded: From the air came five wasp-like hornets and three stingray-looking mantas. Then, bocking their ground-route, were several large, black, ball-like megatanks, the giant cubes-with-eyes bloks, and a few tall, spindly krabs.
There was no time for a complicated strategy. Aelita yelled, "They can't kill you, but they can send you back to the real world. Cover me while I head for the tower!" and flew off.
Bat pulled himself up. He was thoroughly pissed off now. 'First, Harley runs straight into danger - AGAIN. Then these strangers rope us into helping them. And now I get shot from behind by some BUG?!' He glared at the hornet that shot him, the one in the lead, and, acting on instinct, blasted it with a wave of wind.
Harley shot a fire ball at the same moment, and at the same hornet. The attacks combined, becoming more powerful, and all three of the monsters exploded.
Meanwhile, Danny was focused on the ground enemies, dodging their lasers with ease and slashing at them with his kagune. Hunter that he was, it didn't take him long to figure out that their eyes and the eye-symbols were their weak spots.
After that, it took him no time at all to demolish the entire swarm.
The only ones left after only two minutes were the mantas - as, after seeing what happened to the hornets, they had moved too high for any of them to reach without flying.
"Bat-" "-yeah yeah, I know," he grumbled at Harley. He was still pissed, but the only way out of here was to do as Aelita told them. He was backed into a corner.
Which just pissed him off more.
Flying up with remarkable speed, Bat got above the three mantas and blew them downwards into Harley's fire. A few seconds passed, but the monsters didn't die.
Cursing, Bat stopped his wind attack and manifested some knives. He threw them at the eyes on the mantas' backs, but it still wasn't enough.
Cursing even more, he dodged the mantas' lasers, swooped down, and grabbed Danny. "Hey!" "Shut up and just attack," Bat snarled - and dropped him right on top of the lead manta.
Striking and using the momentum to jump to the next one, Danny took them out in less than ten seconds.
And so, before Aelita even made it to the tower, all the monsters were defeated- -only for even more to show up right in front of the girl.
~~~ * ~~~
"Jeez this kid is tough!" Beetlejuice muttered, hiding behind the door of the Principal's office. Danny had flown by a few times, and a few of those times had almost caught the poltergeist again!
But BJ's plan was working out, so far. Soon, he'd truly be free! Free to explore the Living World without ever having to return to the Netherworld! … Free to spend his life with his best friend.
"All I have to do is get rid of that stupid portal, find Lyds, and I'll be set for my afterlife! And speaking of the poor fool…"
The Principal walked into his office, closed the door - and Beetlejuice possessed him. "Time to go fire some transfer students!"
Unfortunately for BJ, Danny knew an overshadowed person when he saw one. Grabbing Will and shushing him, he followed BJ back to the lab - right where Danny wanted him.
Mission complete and XANA defeated once again, the Lyoko group devirtualized RIGHT before the "Principal" walked in.
Ghoul Danny's hunger returned with a vengeance - but he held himself back. He only needed to last long enough to get back home…
"What's going on here?!" Principal Beetlejuice said.
Jeremie froze. "Um…" "It's not him," said Danny, turning visible behind BJ and setting Will down. "How long before the portal's ready?"
Aelita hit a few buttons, "It's ready whenever you are."
Danny reached an intangible hand inside the Principal, "Then NOW!" and pulled out the poltergeist. The portal came on with a soft whirr - Beetlejuice made one desperate last attempt, "UnHAND m-!" - and Danny LAUNCHED Beetlejuice through it.
The Principal was swaying back and forth, Ghoul Danny chewing on his own hand and his kagune twisting. Ghost Danny flew over and turned him and Ghoul Danny invisible. The Principal, slowly, blinked back to consciousness.
"Wh-what…?" He looked around at the burn and scratch marks all over the walls and floor. "Oh my-!" "Sir," Harley said, walking up to him, "You came down to investigate the explosion, right?" "Explosion?!" "There's no need to worry. No students were hurt. It was just a…" Harley stopped, at a loss for how to get out of this. The Principal's expression was turning into a glare, and Harley started to get nervous.
"-A slight miscalculation with the startup charge," interrupted Bat, "Turns out it didn't require as much energy as expected to open the portal, and that excess energy is what caused the explosion. Thankfully, no one got hurt. And, more than that, as you can see…" He raised an arm to wave at the glowing gate behind him, grinning, "The experiment was a success."
The Principal stood there, staring wide-eyed at the portal to another dimension in his university's lab, for a solid minute. Of course, Bat being down here was extremely suspicious, given his reputation, but… Grinning like a cheshire cat, the Principal went around shaking everyone's hand and congratulating them.
This probably would've continued if Jeremie hadn't expressed the desire to "continue perfecting the experiment that night." "Yes, yes, of course, carry on," the Principal said, "The pursuit of knowledge takes precedence…!"
After he'd left, the Dannys turned visible. Ghoul Danny's kagune were starting to scratch at the floor again. "Alright! Hurry up and open the portal to HIS dimension!" Jeremie did so, and Ghost Danny threw Ghoul Danny into it.
And, for a moment, there was peace.
"Well…" said Harley, "... I guess that all worked out." Bat stomped up the stairs without a word.
"..." Harley ran up after him. "Hey-"
Bat, halfway up the steps, spun around. "WHAT were you thinking!?" Harley froze. "You-... You just-..."
"..." Glaring, Harley walked up the steps between them- -grabbed Bat by the collar- -held him there for a few seconds: "I was saving people. But-" -and hugged him.
"I'm sorry I scared you."
"... "No you're not. You liar."
Reluctantly - and, he'd stress, only because they were alone - Bat hugged him back.
~~~ * ~~~
Back in the lab, Will addressed Jeremie and Aelita, "So, uh… That's an interdimensional portal."
Jeremie grinned. "Sure is!" Aelita noticed Will was shaking again. She tried to reassure him, "We can send you right back to where you were, don't wor-" "Actually," Will stammered, "I, um… Can you send me- back home?" "Huh?" Jeremie said, "I mean, that's what we were planning on- wait. You mean, you weren't-?!"
Will was shaking even more now. Danny rested a hand on the kid's shoulder. He looked to Aelita. "How hard would it be to send him home?"
The two students thought for a few moments.
Jeremie answered. "In theory, we can get his dimension's coordinates from his body's frequency, but… If we get it wrong," he shook his head, "We won't be able to fix it."
Will's shaking got worse for a second. Then stopped. He looked up. "Then…" He swallowed. "... Just send me… back where you found me."
"Are you sure?" Danny asked him. Will trembled a little, but smiled. "I know I'll get home. Someone will come for me. I'm sure of it."
"..." Aelita and Jeremy recalibrated the portal. And, with a small wave, Will walked through. Then, with one final adjustment, Danny went home, as well.
Now alone again, there were a few moments of silence.
… Aelita started giggling. Jeremie looked at her, confused, for a second.
She was looking at the portal- -the fully-functioning, interdimensional portal- -that they had built.
… He starting giggling himself.
Before long, they were hanging off each other and laughing hysterically. Aelita gasped for air. She turned to Jeremie, grinning. "We did it."
He sat up, grinned back, and just said, "Yeah. "We can finally go back."
If you liked this, please REBLOG!
You can vote for the next OSW (and/or make an OSW request) using the poll HERE  until Nov. 13th, or find the current poll on my Tumblr, Twitter, or Website!
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OSWs Master List
{This is part of my “OneShot Wednesday” project - I’m trying to write a one-shot every week that other people have requested! Original Requests one week, and Fanfic Requests the next.
While I will try to keep track of all the requests I receive regardless of how they’re sent, the best ways to send them are: A. Through the current poll. B. If it’s a Fanfic Request, through the pinned tweet on my Twitter C. If it’s an Original Request, through either my email ([email protected]), my Patreon (if you’re a patron), or my Ko-fi.
Just about everything goes – I’ll tell you if there’s a problem. But if you want to know more about how they work, you can read about Original OSWs here, and Fanfic OSWs here.
So please send me ALL the ideas!!! I will make sure to recognize whoever’s idea/request it was in the work – just ask if you want to remain anonymous.}
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iheartcarisi · 7 years
A few more of my fave Sonny Carisi moments for @do-me-carisi and whatever treat she has in store for us!!  I hope it's not to late to submit more. 
A while back, an anon asked me my top 5 fave Sonny moments and I never got around to answering. I'm SORRY!! Life has been hella hectic. So please accept this as your answer too, though I don't know if I can pick only 5 and not sure I can get an absolute fave moment because Sonny has so many facets to his personality that I love. <3
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I know a lot of people are probably going WTF? this is a fave? lol. It is and allow me to elaborate. While a lot of fans were distracted by the stache and the lame new guy schtick, I was totally fascinated with this awkward, brash character and it was in this scene that I realized that underneath all the silliness they brought him in with, Sonny was a "think outside the box" seeker of justice kind of character and was going to be hella entertaining!   I'm STILL lol'ing at Liv saying "we don't do that here"  OMG HAHAHA. OH GIRL YOU KILL ME!! Have you met YOU??  Sonny had already sized the situation up and he was dead right. That girl smelled the sympathy bullshit a mile away, she needed a man to shoot the shit with her because that's all she was familiar with. Sonny's initial instinct was the catalyst to solving the crime and right here in episode one, Sonny was right!
More faves under the cut to save your timelines ;)
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Sonny's first episode told us so much about him. We saw first off how amazing he was at UC work!! I knew in this moment that the actor who played Sonny was Uh-Mazing. Because he went from the nerdy new guy with the zeppoli's to this Creepy.as.fuck. UC John and all at once I couldn't WAIT to see what he did next!  I think maybe the director should have told Peter not to play this scene so well but I'm glad he didn't because I was hooked. But back to Sonny, in this scene he was brazen and intimidating but at the end, we saw that first glimpse of Sonny's softer side. The one who was sorry he had put that poor girl through hell in the process of solving this crime. He was sorry for that girl and it showed in his face and body language. Really if you take away the new guy joke, the stache distraction and Liv's hilarious lectures, the Sonny we know and love was there at the beginning all along, he just had to be refined a little. Sonny was a force to be reckoned with.  By Glasgow Man's Wrath and the way he treated Charlie is when I knew for sure this hadn't been a fluke 
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I love this moment because we FINALLY had a Detective that wasn't going to push his personal opinions and idealogy on every victim and every case. *WAHOO**  He disagreed with Evie's decision too but he recognized it wasn't their choice so they needed to back off. If they're within the law, he'll recognize their right to choice even if he doesn't agree with it.  The only exception I can remember to this is in 41 Witnesses when he went off on the crowd for recording instead of helping.
Speaking of...
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His entire performance in 41 Witnesses is a fave but to piggy back off my prior comment, while Sonny believes there is a line where you can't tell a law abiding citizen what to do with their life, when it comes to the law and seeing people get hurt, he's righteously indignant and it’s glorious. We all wanted to cheer Sonny on in this scene. When people get hurt and no one does anything, mouthy Sonny Carisi comes to play and I LOVE this about Sonny!
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Sonny understanding Charlie’s illness and helping him with his eyepatch with no judgement. I honestly can’t think of another detective from any of the show’s history that would have treated Charlie with the same level of kindness and understanding. (except maybe Munch) but we also got Sonny so happy to tell him that he didn’t do it. Just the entire way Sonny treated him this episode but mostly in this scene because it was all at once sweet and kinda funny (because Peter did a shit poor job putting that eyepatch back on and it makes my eye twitch every time I watch it lol)
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EVERYTHING WITH RUDNICK!!  The road trip. The breakfast scene, Sonny visiting him in prison and when Sonny cut him off in the hospital. It was perfect Sonny: humor, curiosity, snark, compassion, bravery and finally we got to see Sonny do something we've never seen him do and that's coldly use someone and cut them off like he did in the hospital scene. it was a bit shocking tbh but also human. Fool Sonny Carisi once, shame on you...fool him twice...  Nice guy Sonny goes bye-bye.
Ugh. I have so many more. I love this character so very much. There is so much to him that makes him so special and Peter’s portrayal is above and beyond.  so many great observations by others. I tried to pick ones that hadn’t been picked.
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junker-town · 6 years
LeBron James and Kevin Durant’s 2011 rap song finally was released, and here’s a review
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Both are extremely candid about their journey, but one is a better rapper than the other.
Basketball and music often go hand in hand, and nothing makes that more true than the song Kevin Durant and LeBron James recorded years ago, which just hit airwaves Friday afternoon.
In a VICE NOISEY interview with former Machine Gun Kelly producer and engineer Franky Wahoo, it was only supposed to be Durant who walked into the Spider Studios in Cleveland during the 2011 NBA lockout season.
“But then LeBron James ended up showing up and then Kevin Durant had instrumentals that he’d already written on,” Wahoo said. “At this point, I was just kinda there like ‘oh shit.’”
The track, titled It Ain’t Easy, is a candid take by two of the best basketball players on the face of the Earth, as they detail the highs and lows of making it to the top of the NBA food chain. It was published on Soundcloud, Wahoo says, because “the worst thing that could happen is that [James’ agent] Paul would take it down.”
The track, according to Wahoo, was also almost background music for NBA 2K19, but “after months of back and forth, nothing regarding the track materialized.”
Here are the lyrics to the song, with the opening verse from Durant and the second and final verse from James
“I cut me, I bleed out, dedication Hard work, sacrifice, meditation I meditate up on the goal that I’m tryna reach Grinding all the way to the top, and I ain’t tryna sleep Come and get me, come and get me, I’m an animal Cutting through your brain like I’m ————— Now I’m grown up, I got a couple dollars on me Spent a semester in school, I ain’t no scholar, homie Who with me? Who with me? [Bleep] dudes with me Shoot with me, place you on you [bleep] like Jamaal Tinsley I’m a [unclear], twice before he get around Relaxin’ in the seats to this Benz is how I get around I got the money, but that’s the root of all evil I stayed the same, but it’s changing all the wrong people Yeah, and every hater all the same I’m feelin’ like the world is Skip Bayless and I’m LeBron James Look, now I got a body full of tattoos Everybody say that I’m changin’, that is not true Same dude that you met a couple years ago Talk to the heart and you can see past the visual Look, stickin’ to the game and I ain’t out of bounds Maryland on my back, and I can carry it when I’m out of town I said Maryland on my back and I can carry it when I’m out of town
Instant reaction: Well, this isn’t terrible. KD’s from the DMV, and he kind of has that flow to him.
Favorite bar: “I got the money, but that’s the root of all evil/I stayed the same, but it’s changing all the wrong people”
DeMar DeRozan recently said he wished everyone in the world was rich so they would realize money isn’t everything. Durant adds another layer to that sentiment, scratching the surface of how his money has changed those around him, and probably not in a good way.
Grade: B+
I’m no rap genius, nor do I act like one, but K.D.’s verse ain’t that bad, man. He’s candid, from talking about his one semester at the University of Texas to the Benz he drives to the meditation that helped him get to where he is today. And he kinda stayed on beat, right?
I’ll take it.
It ain’t easy on the path I’m on But put the world on my back ‘cause I’m that strong Long journey I been on from the very start No way I die off, with this iron heart No chance to make it out, that’s what they said But look at me I’m here, [ball, set and spread?] From 602 to 747s I miss you grandma Frieda, R.I.P. in heaven Say what you want ‘bout me, but leave the family alone Or call the goons up and have ‘em freshen up the chromes I love the goons, they up in my heart ‘Cause they been down with King James from the very start Single parent, just moms, dad gone It’s all good pops, you made the kid strong Ain’t no way you can stop this kid Mama mama knew I was a star from the baby bed I had to make it out, no other option Now ain’t nothing in the world that I ain’t coppin’ Yo y’all already know what it is Now lemme just spread my wings While y’all listen to the voice in this hook sing:
Instant reaction: LeBron James strikes me as the kind of guy who could have been successful at whatever he decided to do in life. Except rap. It’s not that the lyrics are trash — they’re not trashhhhhh. His voice is just so damn deep, it sounds a little off.
Favorite bar: Say what you want ‘bout me, but leave the family alone/Or call the goons up and have ‘em freshen up the chromes
Wooo, talk about keeping that same energy. Remember when LaVar Ball tried to say LeBron James Jr. was gonna be trash? LeBron shut that down with the quickness. Family is clearly what means more to James than anything else.
Grade: C+
There were a few times where James fell off the beat, and that “iron heart” bar really put him in the negative early on. But LeBron was just as candid as Durant was. From talking about growing up with an absent father to his salute to his late grandmother, you can really only appreciate when guys are honest on these tracks.
You think that it’s easy? No, no, no What I go through. What I go through. You think that it’s easy? Easy? No. No. What I go through. What I go through
Grade: A
The vocals on this hook are really freaking good, and it’s a simple message. It ain’t easy being the best in the world at anything, especially not basketball. [Note: If you know who the singer on this hook is, please let us know.]
Rappers want to be basketball players and, for some reason, basketball players want to be rappers. It wasn’t Durant’s first time behind the mic, either. He also had a freestyle over a popular Jay-Z/Kanye West track, “What You Need.”
We see it every year with the celebrity all-star game, and every year, it seems a NBA star is dropping a mixtape. It’s a beautiful part of the culture we live in, and it’s fun we get to see some of the greats of all-time open up.
But damn, LeBron, iron heart? I got some bars for you next time, fam.
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