#wailing bc out of uniform they all look like they just collectively crawled out of an old macy's catalogue sdfsghfdh
gilliebee · 11 months
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queerbutstillhere · 5 years
Hey prompts lover, how about Jon gets turn into a toddler and Damian has to take care of him. Cue baby Jon letting his feeling out from in his little toddler way and Damian thinking they are just baby talk although he wants to believe them + batfam finding this situation hilarious
(Well hey ;) lol, your prompt is my command! This one ran away with me, so it's pretty long lol. So long, in fact, that I had to edit it bc Tumblr told me it was too long. Enjoy!)
"This is why i don't hang out with you, Batson!"
"Robin, look, I'm. Sorry!" Billy whined, trailing after him.
"Shush, Kent."
"Me hungry!"
"I understand," Damian bit out.
Then he yelped as a sharp pain came from his scalp. He shot a glare over to the toddler on his hip.
"Do not pull on my hair."
The toddler pouted, leaning in and pushing his face against Damian's neck.
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
"I don't know, Billy, you're the one with the magical powers, you figure it out."
"Damian, that's not fair."
"Not fair?! Billy, my best friend has just been turned into a two year old!!"
The teen caped crusader flinched away, looking away from Robin's deadly glare.
"Go figure out how to fix this, Batson," Damian grumbled, jumping in the batmobile which he had just summoned.
Billy's protest was shut down when Damian snapped the lid of the car and zipped away. Jon was sat in the passenger seat, gripping tightly to the door and staring out the window.
"Wee!!" He exclaimed, looking back at Damian with this huge grin.
Damian almost smiled back, but instead focused on the road. He was headed to the batcave as he tore through the late night traffic, keeping an eye on Jon at all times. When he got to the cave, he hopped out, picking Jon up and balanced the Supertoddler on his hip. One think he had learned through his years of being Robin was how to handle kids. He wouldn't say he liked it, but he knew how to do it.
"Oh god, he's becoming you," a voice came from across the cave.
Damian looked up, searching for the voice and found Tim on the platform by the batcomputer. Jon pointed and made a high pitch noise that caused Damian to flinch away.
"Damian. What is that."
He looked even further up and found Bruce hanging from the rafters, sealing a hole in the wall.
"It's a toddler, father. I thought you of all people would know what a toddler was," Damian snarked back.
He pulled off his mask as he walked up the steps towards Tim. Jon whined and wiggled, chubby arms wrapped around Damian's neck.
"Where's my phone?" He asked Tim, walking over towards the table they usually left things on.
"I think you left it upstairs to charge, didn't you?"
Damian grumbled in response, grabbing Bruce's instead.
"Hey-" Tim started to protest.
"Batman!" Jon squealed, pointing as Bruce dropped down near them.
"Shh," Damian gently shushed him, bouncing him slightly to adjust his position on his hip.
"Damian?" Bruce questioned.
Damian just found the proper contact and was preparing to call it when Jon started floating out of his arms. With a sigh, he reached out, grabbing the red cape still attached to the toddler.
"Oh my God. Is that Jon?!" Tim exclaimed, eyes wide.
"Hi Tim!" Jon said in that little toddler voice of his, waving from his now upside down position.
"Kent. Come down," Damian ordered.
"Me fly!"
"I see that. Come back down here."
The toddler just stared at him.
When he still didn't stop floating, Damian reached out, grabbed his little legs and pulled him back down.
"What happened?" Bruce asked cautiously.
Damian sighed and began to explain how they were helping Billy and then something to do with magic happened and next thing Damian knew, Jon was a baby.
"And he still has his powers."
"Some of them, at least."
Tim was snickering, shoulders shaking, hand clamped over his mouth.
"You think this is funny?" Damian snapped, staring at him.
"I think it's hilarious!" Tim busted out laughing, which caused Jon, still floating to start giggling.
Then the toddler started falling. Damian easily caught him, pulling the toddler to his chest as a surge of fear shot through him.
"Well, you should probably call Clark."
"I was going to."
"Other then that, uh? Just keep an eye on him I guess."
Damian shot Bruce a glare. "I do know how to handle toddlers, Father."
Damian ended up changing and taking Jon upstairs after he started whining about being hungry. Alfred was in the kitchen, already informed of the situation. He handed Damian a vegan grilled cheese and had a PB and J ready for Jon.
"Alfie! Hiiiii!" Jon said eagerly, waving as he toddled into the kitchen.
"Hello, Master Kent," Alfred greeted, picking Jon up as putting him in a chair at the island.
"Me hungry!"
"Yes, and I have a fine meal prepared for you," he said, putting it and a glass of milk down in front of Jon.
The toddler grabbed the sandwich and began shoving it into his mouth. Damian watched with mild horror before beginning to eat his own sandwich. He still needed to call Clark.
"How old are you, Master Kent?" Alfred asked.
"Uhhhh," Jon frowned at him, peanut butter all over his face. "Dunno!"
"He still has all his memories and such," Damian commented. "As far as I can tell, anyway."
"Me like Dami!" Jon exclaimed, grinning at him with his peanut butter face.
"I- okay. I'm going to call your father."
Damian shoved the last bite in his mouth and then walked out, running up to his room and grabbing his phone. He called Clark and discovered the man was in Japan and simply got a "you'll have to watch him". So Damian went back downstairs to collect his toddler-bestfriend. Jon was getting tired and clung to Damian tightly, wrapping his arms around his neck, nearly choking Damian. The toddler yawned as Damian held him, chatting with his brothers, who had made their way upstairs, still in their uniforms.
"Dami," the toddler mumbled, his forehead pressed into Damian's cheek.
"Yes, Jonathan?"
"Me sleepy."
"Okay, you can go to sleep."
"You sleep with me?"
"I have work to do," Damian said, gently rubbing his back.
The batsiblings had gone quiet, watching them.
"Noooo," Jon whined, pulling away, grabbing Damian's cheeks. "You sleep with me!"
"Jon, no. I have to work."
The toddler stuck out his bottom lip and made a little sobbing noise.
"Uh oh, Damian look what you've done," Dick said, grinning.
"You-" the toddler broke off, whimpering as his eyes tearing up.
"Oh no," Damian said, just seconds before Jon started crying.
"Damian, you monster!" Tim exclaimed. Both brothers busted up laughing.
Jon, crying loudly, pushed against Damian, trying to get out of his arms.
"Jon quit!"
A loud wail met his words.
"Jonathan you're being unreasonable!"
Another loud wail. Jon shoved so hard he almost slipped out of Damian's grip.
"Damian, he's a toddler, that won't work," Dick told him with a headshake.
Damian adjusted Jon, balancing him on his hip.
"Okay! Okay! I'll go to bed with you, okay? Just stop crying! I'm sorry, okay?" Damian exclaimed, desperate to get the shrieking to stop.
Jon sobbed again, blinking at Damian through his tears, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes ever.
The toddler nodded, shoving his face into Damian's neck, hiccuping lightly. Damian sighed, looking up at his laughing brothers.
"I guess I'm going to bed."
"Night, baby bat!" Dick called as Damian carried Jon out.
Jon hiccuped all the way upstairs. Damian walked into his room, kicking the door shut behind him, flicking on a light.
"Okay, Superkid," Damian said, plopping the tiny toddler on the bed.
Compared to him, at 18, this toddler version of his best friend - normally 16 - was absolutely tiny. Like, just reached his knees. He was absolutely terrified of accidentally breaking him.
"Me no Superkid," Jon sniffled out, rubbing his snotty nose.
Damian made a disgusted nose and grabbed a Kleenex, wiping the snot. Jon just looked up at him, that bottom lip stuck out.
"Me Superboy."
"Yes you are," Damian said with a sigh, throwing away the Kleenex. He crouched in front of Jon. "We're gonna figure out how to get you changed back, okay? And hopefully before school on Monday."
Jon nodded.
"I'm gonna go brush my teeth, okay? Stay here. Play with Alfred."
The mentioned cat sauntered over, rubbing against Toddler Jon.
"Dami," Jon sniffed out.
"I luv you."
Damian blinked at him, straightening.
"I. Uh. Okay."
His heart was pounding really hard. And he didn't know why. He escaped to the en suite bathroom, starting to brush his teeth. He could hear toddler Jon chattering to Alfred. Damian hastily scolded himself. He was a toddler at the moment, probably no more then three. He was just being a toddler, and toddler's didn't understand love like teenagers did. He shook his head and brushed it off.
Not that he didn't want it to be true.
After he washed his face and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to sleep in, he walked back out, finding Jon slumped on his side, tiredly patting Alfred's head. The cat just blinked up at Damian.
"Okay, Jon. Time to go to bed," he said, ruffling the kids hair before going to turn off the overhead light.
It wasn't the first time he had shared a bed with Jon. Just usually, Jon was larger then him. He got under the covers, and toddler Jon wiggled his way up to the top of the bed, crawling under the thick blankets.
"Good night, Jon," Damian said.
He fully intended to slip away once the toddler went to sleep. Instead, Jon crawled over and flopped on top of Damian's chest, getting comfortable. Damian groaned slightly, confused.
"Me sleep here."
"Jon, that can't be comfortable."
"Me sleep here!"
Who knew a toddler version of Jon could be so convincing. Jon reached up, squishing Damian's cheeks again.
"Dami, I luv you," he said again, looking sincere.
"Okay," Damian breathed out, reaching up and ruffling little Jon's hair. "Go to sleep."
The toddler scowled at him but laid back down, his little arms hugging Damian's chest. Damian sighed, placing a hand on his back, holding him still while he reached over and flicked off the bedside lamp. Then he settled on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
Toddler Jon loved him. But did Teen Jon?
Why were emotions so complicated?
Damian eventually drifted to sleep, an arm wrapped protectively around toddler Jon. This was a horribly weird situation, but he supposed they could figure it out in the morning.
He woke up to a sudden massive increase of weight on his chest. He groaned in pain and shoved at it.
"Quit pushing!"
Damian snapped his eyes open, finding Jonathan Kent, sixteen, mere inches from his face.
"Well duh, who else?" Jon grumbled, rubbing at his eyes.
"You're back!"
Jon crossed his arms on Damian's chest, resting his chin on his forearms.
"And you're incredibly heavy," Damian said, scowling now.
Jon grinned at him and Damian glared back. Then he became aware of Jon's lower half laying in between his legs, his stomach pressing on-
"Okay, get off!" Damian snapped, easily flipping his weight to one side and throwing Jon off.
Jon laughed as he was tossed onto his back.
"Aw, come on, Dames, admit it, you're glad I'm back."
Damian just grumbled under his breath. Jon grinned, reaching over and pinching his side.
"Don't be a butt."
"You need to call your father."
"Hmm. What if I'd rather talk to you first."
"What if I start crying? That seemed to work so well the last time."
Damian tensed. "How much do you remember?"
"Oh, quite a bit," Jon said, his voice dropping. "I remember your heart going crazy when I said I loved you."
Damian was opening his mouth to respond when the door slammed open.
"Damian! I think the spell wore- oh."
Both teens snapped their gaze over to Billy Batson, in Shazam form, staring at the two of them, laying in bed together.
"Well... i guess you already knew that," Billy said, stepping backwards.
"Good assumption, Batson," Damian said coldly, eyes rolling.
"I'm just. . . I'll go. Hey Jon."
"Hi Billy," Jon said, laughing to himself.
Billy quickly retreated.
"Have I ever told you that i like him?"
"Go back to sleep, Jon," Damian grumbled, kicking his shins.
He rolled onto his side, glaring at the wall. Jon laughed, and then suddenly pressed himself against Damian's back, an arm slipping over his waist.
"I meant it," he murmured.
"Wait, what!"
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