#for when lavender wakes up 🥰
gilliebee · 11 months
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
Okay, so this is a little inspired by @dazzle02's post right here. Enjoy! 🥰
"Let me move in with you," said Evan.
And Tommy looked up at Evan.
There wasn't anything particularly special about tonight. Neither of them had that bad of a shift the day before, all things considered. It was after dinner. They were both in pajamas watching Shark Week. Besides Shark Week, there wasn't anything life-altering or important that would have made Tommy remember this lazy Thursday night.
But then again, something amazing always happened with Evan around.
Life-altering was Evan's modus operandi.
They met when Tommy was flying them into a hurricane. They got together after Evan maimed one of his best friends. Their second official date was at a last-minute hospital wedding when the original wedding had been canceled.
Dating Evan was nothing Tommy had ever experienced before.
And Tommy never wanted to stop.
"What?" Tommy laughed, not sure if he heard that right.
He was staring up at Evan. His head was in Evan's lap and Evan just - he kept playing with the curls in Tommy's hair; staring down at Tommy like he never wanted to look away from Tommy as he said, "Let me move in with you."
And it harkened back to that beer Evan still owed Tommy.
That Tommy was never going to let Evan give him. No, Tommy loved the idea of still being tied like that. To forever joke about the beer Evan still owed him.
"You want to move in with me?" asked Tommy.
And it wasn't that Tommy was against it. The moment Evan brought it up, all Tommy wanted to say was yes, yes, of course, Evan, yes.
They had only been dating maybe four months at this point. Tommy wasn't against the breakneck pace Evan seemed the most comfortable in, but at the same time, that was a big decision. And that wasn't to say that Tommy didn't believe that Evan would want this, but it was always good to be absolutely sure.
"You've got a kickass garage. You've got the best beer in town. I heard a beast lives here. Why wouldn't I want to too?" asked Evan.
Tommy snorted.
"Tommy, I hate my loft. I hate my fucking loft. I got it with my girlfriend Aly because she liked it, and then she almost immediately broke up with me. I haven't been able to decide on a damn couch in that place. I don't know why I have two balconies," said Evan, "But none of that is even why I'm offering this."
Tommy laughed.
"Tommy, I - I miss you," said Evan with all his heart; a little broken.
Tommy reached out; placed a hand on Evan's cheek.
"Evan. I'm right here," said Tommy softly.
"I miss you when I wake up and you hadn't slept over. I miss you when I try out a new dish and you're not there to taste-test it. I miss seeing you just randomly reading Chef's Choice or The Dos and Donuts of Love or - or How to Find a Princess or Better Than People or The State of Us on your couch whenever I walk into your house with the key you gave me. I miss the lavender you insist on making your house smell like. I miss you when I get in my car and realize we won't be carpooling. That you won't insist on driving and I won't get to play you music as we start our drive early so we can take a scenic way to my work or yours. I just miss you. All the time. I want to fucking live in your pocket. Which is a lot. I know. But I want that. I want you. And I'm so sure you want that too."
And okay, if they were being honest.
"Evan, I - I wake up and it feels empty if you're not here. If you're not sprawled on top of me when I wake up. If you're not laughing and insisting that we take a shower together. That if we do, we'll be saving water. Despite the fact that you know full well that it takes double the time with how distracted we get. I miss you when I walk up to my coffee maker and you're not there to play the 'guess how Tommy takes his coffee' game that I think you're failing on purpose at this point - "
"No, I'm not," said Evan like a liar.
"Oh, I know you are," laughed Tommy, "But I kind of love that because it's still fun. And I miss you when you're not there to get into my Mustang with that jerry-rigged contraption of yours that somehow forces Bluetooth to work on my stereo. And how you keep showing me all these new and amazing songs I never would have dreamed of finding on my own."
"People are sleeping on Kehlani," said Evan.
"Yeah. I know," agreed Tommy, "And - and I miss you when I don't get to kiss you goodbye and hear you say you'll see me after your shift. And I miss you when you're not there to pick me up or if I'm not there to pick you up and you kiss me hello and ask how my day was and tell me all about yours. And I'm not saying we need to be glued together. But I am saying that every moment I get with you makes my whole day better. My week. My month. My year. My life. And, uh. I don't know, maybe you owe me moving into my house."
Evan laughed.
"Oh, I owe you now, huh?"
"I mean, you offered. Pay up. Move in."
Evan laughed harder, leaning down to kiss Tommy. And it was an awkward angle, and the kiss was a bit messy, but it left Tommy breathless; left Tommy swimming in overwhelming yes.
"Okay. I guess I'm moving in," said Evan happily, his smile soft and so excited.
"Yeah, you are," said Tommy as he pulled Evan back into another mind-blowing kiss.
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bruisedboys · 2 years
Knives out: ∗ 63﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  sleeping  in  receiver’s  bed . With James Potter
Congratulations on 3k, you deserve so much more though! Love you and your work! 🥰
thank you baby! love u endless amounts xx
summary: james finds you in his bed after rugby training
fem!reader 0.8k words
James gets home from rugby training and sees your shoes on his shoe rack. He blinks. Your black converse with the red hearts, sitting amongst his sneakers and dress shoes.
He grins. He’s happy you’ve let yourself in. Happy you’ve used the key he always urges you to use when you want to turn up unannounced. He just feels bad he wasn’t here to welcome you.
“Y/N?” He calls quietly. He doesn’t want to scare you though you’ve probably heard the front door open.
You don’t answer. He hears the gentle thrum of the dishwasher and follows it to the kitchen, hoping to find you there. It’s empty. And clean, he realises. Cleaner than he’d left it before training. All the mugs in their place, new fruit in the fruit bowl, his dishes from yesterday and this morning done and drip-drying on the bench.
He ventures into the living room and finds it just as empty but also just as clean. You’ve even put flowers on the coffee table.
The last place to check is his bedroom. He pushes the door open and feels like he’s been punched in the gut.
There you are. In his bed, on his side. Fast asleep, you’re lying on your stomach, one arm bent at the elbow and the other stretched out next to your face. The sheets bunch up around your lower back, your hair fanning out over his pillows. You look very comfortable.
James tries to be as quiet as possible as he puts down his bag near his dresser, and then tiptoes over the carpet so he can sit on the bed next to you. Up close you look even lovelier. Half of your face all squished into the pillow. Your lips parted as your breaths come deep and heavy. Your back rising and falling slowly. Eyelashes kissing the skin under your eyes.
He tries not to touch you, he really does. But you’re just so pretty, practically begging to be touched. It’s hardly his fault.
He drags his fingers over your cheek, down your jaw. Your skin is as soft as it looks. You smell like honey and lavender. Sweet. He’s about to lean over and kiss your cheek when you stir. Your mouth twitches and you heave a deep breath through your nose.
“S’that you, James?” You murmur. Your lips stretch into this soft smile that makes James’ heart hurt. He doesn’t feel so bad for waking you up as he should.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he says, cupping your jaw with his palm, his fingers planted behind your ear, roaming into your hair. “Sorry for waking you up, lovely.”
You blink yourself awake slowly. Your eyes appear and James feels a hundred times more lovesick than he already was. You roll onto your back, then look up at him and beam.
“Hi,” you say, your tone bright but your voice rough. You ignore his last comment. He’s pretty sure you don’t mind being woken up. Not when it’s by him.
“Hi, baby,” James says back, equally fond and twice as lively.
You sit up with an aching groan and James thinks he should move to make space for you but he doesn’t want to. He stays right where he is, and when you sit up your chest presses against his arm. You’re warm. You take the position to your advantage and hook your chin over his shoulder.
“I missed you,” you say, your lips right near the skin behind his ear. James can’t help the shiver that runs down his back as your lips graze over his skin. You smile like you know how much you affect him.
“I missed you more,” he says, argumentative. He turns his head so your lips are in line and kisses you sweetly. You’re warm and soft and you smell so lovely. He’s sure he doesn’t smell as good as you do. Probably like grass and sweat. He should take a shower.
When he pulls away the words are already on his lips. “You didn’t have to clean my house, you know,” he tells you. He reaches down to grab your hand and weave your fingers together. He wants to have you this close forever.
You huff, your eyes on your joint hands. “Yeah, I did. I wanted to do something nice for you. Surprise you when you got home.”
James grins. “Consider me surprised,” he says, craning his neck to dot a kiss to the top of your head. “Thank you, angel.”
You twist so you can look up at him, a smile stretching across your lips. James is only mildly surprised when you steal your hand away to wheedle both your arms around him in a hug, awkward in its position but nothing short of utterly fond. James slides his hand up your back and into your hair.
You squeeze his waist tight. “You’re welcome, Jamie.”
James thinks he might cry from how much he loves you.
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ficsbb · 7 months
Hello lovely!! Could you write something about John Wick with a really girly/hyperfeminine reader? I think he would love someone who’s just a total softy and a ray of sunshine. The type to always have flowers around, read fluffy romance books, and has a 10 step skincare routine. I think john would totally spoil her too 🤭🤭 maybe there’s a little bit of an age gap and she loves to tease him about being an old man 😅 idk I just want this man to have a sweet little starburst of a person to treat him right ❤️❤️ illysm 🥰😘
Thank you for the prompt!!! I hope it's to your liking, and I'm sorry it took so long 🫣🌺
》 Pairing: John Wick x Fem!Reader
John is skilled in many things, most being steering clear of big crowds and handling insanely dangerous weapons, but trying to handle two mugs of hot coffee while shooing the pup away is becoming... a task. He climbs the stairs and makes it to your shared room. The door is open slightly, and he catches you sitting in front of your vanity. Small vials, dried florals, makeup palettes littered all over. He doesn't know what half of it is, but he knows it smells like vanilla and lavender. It smells like you. Your eyes catch his, and he smiles as you bubble over with giggles, "Hey, you. Let me help." John nods and leans down to kiss the tip of your nose. "Watch me put on my makeup?" He smiles and says, "Of course."
He watches as you mingle with his acquaintances, your laugh infectious and distinctive. He notices how the younger men look you over and a small spark of jealousy gnaws at him, but he knows it's ridiculous. "Are you alright?" John is startled by your voice and nods quickly, "I'm alright, yeah." You know he isn't, so you grab his hand and lead him outside for some fresh air. "What's wrong?" You ask and watch him look at his hands, avoiding your eyes. You don't push. Rather, let the sound of the wind and low voices of people passing by fill the air until he speaks up. "Are you sure you're okay with me?" He asks, and the question confuses you, "I'm- I- look at these grays." John is taken back when you laugh out loud, uncontrollably. "John," you start, bringing your hands to his face, "your grays don't bother me one bit. I love you, silly." You reach up to peck his nose. He shakes his head and pulls you in for a languid kiss. "Now let's get back so I can show you off." You watch his back straighten, and he follows you inside.
You wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast. It makes your stomach grumble embarrassingly loud. You find yourself out of bed, rinsed, and ready to head downstairs. "Good morning, pretty girl." John's voice is raspy and still full of sleep. He sets your food in front of you and watches as you take the first bite. "I have something for you." He reaches into his jacket pocket, draped over a kitchen chair, and places a small rectangular box on the counter. Your eyes light up, excited. "What's the special occasion?" He cocks his head to the side, "Since when do I need an occasion to spoil you with gifts?" You don't argue with that and open the box. A beautiful gold anklet with charms is settled into the velvet interior. "John, oh my goodness.." He smiles wide, delighted to see that you like it so much. "Let me." He takes it and kneels down in front of you, propping your foot on his knee to clasp the anklet on. "It fits perfectly, thank you!" You feel flushed when he kisses your foot. "So beautiful." He rises and kisses your lips, leaving you in a daze. "John, you really spoil me." "Not enough." He says and kisses you again.
A full day of shopping usually consists of John watching you pick out pretty things and ask him if he likes it for the bathroom, bedroom, on your body etc. It makes his heart swell. Bags full of fresh new linen and candles, both of your favorite snacks and foods are littered in the trunk of the car by early evening. After settling down, John coming down to the living room, he sees you sitting on the couch. Your legs are tucked up under you with a blanket draped over your shoulders and a mug of something warm in your hands; the steam obviously tickling your nose as you bring it up to your face to take a sip. "May I join you?" You nod and make room. The volume of the television is set low and it starts to lull John to sleep, but before his eyes completely close, he looks over at you. Your eyes set on the rom-com and your hand intertwined with his. "You okay?" You ask him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. John sighs and closes his eyes, "Yes. Perfectly okay here with you."
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stvharrngton · 2 years
my girl
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a/n: requested by my bestie @sweetiestevie pls accept this as a christmas present 🥰 hope you enjoy <3
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: dad!steve and mom!reader, lots of teeth rotting fluff, doting steve
summary: reader missed having steve’s undivided attention
taglist: @sweetiestevie @dukesmebby
You only had to make it to Friday.
Late night confessions in the dead of night under the sheets, when you daren’t move a muscle in fear of waking the kids. Confessions that lead to Steve making you a promise, a promise to drop the kids off at Robin’s after school on Friday.
You had told him you missed him, missed having his undivided attention. You loved your kids, the life you’d made for yourselves, but you were still those same lovesick kids who fell for each other all those years ago.
It was hard sometimes, going through the motions, doing your best to pull it together to be a good Mom to your kids. When in reality, all you wanted to do was curl up in Steve’s lap and never leave.
So when you looked at him all guilty and sad, mouth downturned in a frown and told him that you missed him, Steve did what Steve did best. He wrapped you up in his arms, warm and tight, lips pressed to your temple as he spoke softly,
“We’ll spend some time together real soon, honey, I promise. I’ll take care of you.”
So when Friday finally rolled around, you both pressing big kisses all over your girls’ faces as you dropped them at Robin’s, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. You urged Steve to step on the gas, wanting nothing more than to get home and have your husband all to yourself.
Steve clicked the door shut behind you both, his warm palms resting on your waist, “So, what’s on the agenda, Mrs. Harrington?”
A soft smile tugged at your lips, your shoulders shrugged in a slump, “Dunno,” you pondered, “jus’ wanna be with you, Steve.”
“Yeah? Does my girl need me to look after her?” He asked, one hand coming to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing over the skin softly.
You mustered a nod, shy and yearning. Big doe eyes blinking up at your husband, eyelashes fluttering innocently.
“How about,” he started, Steve’s voice soft and comforting, “I run you a nice warm bath, hm? Then we can both get in our pj’s and ear dinner on the couch with a movie?” Steve leant into you, his nose brushing along your own, “Like old times?”
“That sounds nice.” You whispered, eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of Steve being close to you.
“Alright then, c’mere, pretty girl.” Steve hushed with a smirk, scooping you up in his arms earning a squeal from you.
Steve carried you up the stairs bridal-style to your bathroom, setting you down on the counter, his lips capturing yours in a sweet kiss. Leaning down to turn the taps, adding your favourite bubble bath and salts, a mixture of vanilla and lavender filling the air.
You watched with a full heart as Steve hummed to himself, fingers skimming through the water to make sure the temperature was right for you. Your husband turned to you, wet finger poking you on the nose affectionately. “It’s all ready, babe. Want me to stay with you?”
“Will you?” You asked, fingers thumbing the hem of his t-shirt, “Please?”
You felt silly for asking. You knew Steve would do anything you asked, no matter how small or big. The man living to simply please you, to dote on you hand and foot.
“‘Course.” He simply responded, his voice calm and reassuring, “Lift your arms, honey.”
Obliging to Steve’s demand, you lifted your arms above your head as he lifted your shirt from your body, lips pressing soft kisses along your shoulder. Steve snapped the clasp of your bra single-handedly, letting the garment fall to the floor. You clutched at his broad shoulders as he helped you out of your jeans and underwear.
Steve clutched your hand tightly as you stepped into the warm bath, your body sinking into the hot water. All the tension seeping out from your body into the water. You sighed contently, head rolling back to rest against the edge of the tub.
Sitting on the lid of the toilet, Steve watched you with loving eyes. Gaze full of fond and yearning. He reached out to take your hand in his own, fingers lacing together, thumb grazing over your own.
You longed for moments like these with Steve, craved them actually, moments where the house was quiet and still. When the silence between you both was comfortable and safe, being able to just enjoy each other’s company in peace.
Steve brushed the hair back from your face, heart growing in size at the relaxed look painting your features. Steve loved nothing more than to look after you, to take care of his wife; his best friend. Forever the doting husband.
“Baby?” He asked softly, so as not to disturb you, “Can I wash your hair?”
You nodded gleefully, a grin plastered across your face at his proposal. Steve chuckled at you in response, leaning down to press his lips softly to your forehead.
“Alright, sweet girl, lean back f’me.”
You did as he asked, your eyes fluttering closed as you leaned back into Steve’s touch. A pretty little sigh leaving your lips as you felt the warm water cascade over your scalp.
Steve’s fingers massaged your crown, rubbing in your shampoo just perfectly. Your cheeks flushed a tinge of pink as a quiet groan escaped your throat at the feeling. You were in heaven. Total bliss washing over you.
A little whine left you as Steve removed his hands from you after rinsing, your husband chuckling to himself, finding it so endearing. He leant over you once more, his lips brushing against your forehead before they ghosted over your lips.
“I’m just gonna get you a towel, babe, I’ll only be a sec.” Steve spoke quietly, lips finally pressing to yours in a sweet kiss.
You chased his lips when he pulled away from you, bottom lip jutting out in a pout. Just loving how soft Steve was being on you, his lips tugged up in a permanent sweet smile, his eyes bright with affection.
When he returned, you hopped out the tub as he wrapped you up in a warm fluffy towel. You knew he’d ran downstairs to run it through the dryer for a minute or two and you would surely insist that a regular towel would have been fine, that he needn’t waste electricity. Steve would insist on it though, not one to forget about the smallest and simplest of gestures.
After you dried off you both got changed into your pyjamas, Steve pulling out the comfiest, coziest pair you owned. He pulled you down the stairs, his fingers locked with your own.
You got settled in on the couch as Steve flitted around the room, gathering the blankets for you and lighting all the candles that were scattered about your living room. He laid the blanket across your lap as he leant to pinch your chin in his thumb and finger.
“You wanna pick the movie if I go get dinner on?” He asked, voice warm as honey.
You nodded as he leant to press a quick kiss to your forehead, muttering a “Good girl,” in response.
Fingers skimmed along your movie collection, stopping every now and then to ponder over a particular film. Your pointer finger stopping on a movie usually reserved for your kids but you loved it still.
“Steve?” You called out.
“Yeah, honey?” You heard something boiling on the stove as Steve clanged about in the kitchen.
“Can we watch Bambi?”
“Yeah, Bambi.” You mumbled with a pout.
Steve poked his head around the threshold of the room, “Only if you let me wipe your tears this time.”
You giggled but nodded nonetheless, “Deal.”
Once you were snuggled up on the couch, with warm bowls in your laps, Steve’s thumb hovered over the play button on the remote. You furrowed your brows together, wondering what he was waiting for.
Turning your gaze to Steve, your features softened when you saw the look on his face. It was all soft, a little sappy, a dopey love-sick smile plastered on his face. He spoke before you could ask what he was staring at.
“I know things have been a little crazy lately,” he began, sincerity and earnest lacing his voice, “and I love our little family to death but you’ll always be my baby girl, you know what right?”
Remote dropped in his lap in favour of caressing your cheek, thumb grazing the skin softly. You nodded into his touch, lips turning to kiss his palm swiftly.
“You’re gonna make me cry before you even press play, Stevie.”
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peonierose · 3 months
How are Bryce and Luna coping during the first month of being parents, and to twins no less?
”Love Me Tender“
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Luna Auclair (F!OC)
Words: 2,428k
TW: None. Mentions of breastfeeding.
Summary: Bryce and Luna are newly minted parents and weren’t prepared of struggling to put their twins to bed. Will they succeed?
A/N: Thanks so much for your ask @liaromancewriter it inspired me for two fics actually. ”Love Me Tender“ is one of them 🥰 The Title was inspired by one of the greatest artists and hot guys who’s ever lived, Elvis Presley 🩷
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It was 4:35 in the morning, and both Lunes and I were still awake. Trying to put the twins to bed. 
I sighed. 
How‘d my life come to this? Don’t get me wrong. I love our girls more than anyone I could ever love, but getting them to sleep is a real struggle. 
We put them to bed hours ago and put them on the mobile, letting pretty stars and moons go by, but their sleep didn’t last long. 
They woke up two hours ago and won’t fall asleep.
What happened to peace and quiet? One week prior, everything was great. They didn’t mention this quick transition in the pregnancy books I read. Maybe I read the wrong books? 
Well, I guess they covered other stuff, but not what to do when your kids wake you up at 4 a.m.
Luna suddenly sits up with Kehlani and walks her around the room. With Alaia in my arms, I go and get the bunnies they got from Ethan, their godfather, hoping that’ll soothe them into sleep. 
They hang onto the bunnies for a few seconds, but they’re still fussy. It didn’t work. Alaia's little face was still red from crying. 
So maybe plans c or d could work? Damn, we could really use Keiki’s help, but she’s on a field trip with her study group. 
Luna’s voice brings me back into the moment. 
”They’re not hungry, right? We changed them, and now what?“ Luna asks while I’m holding Alaia close to my chest. As I place kisses on top of her head, her soft blonde hair smells of lavender shampoo. 
I read somewhere that babies like skin-to-skin contact. So that’s why Lunes and I are basically standing in the middle of the room in our underwear. 
”I don’t know. Honestly, I’m close to crying with them. Then it’ll be a duet.“ Luna says it with a sigh. 
I exhale a long breath I’ve been holding in because I’m frustrated too. God, I‘ve never appreciated sleep more than I do now.
”What if we show them a video with marine animals? They seemed to love that last time.“ I suggested it, and I could see Luna’s shoulder droop in relief.
”Let’s give it a try.“ Luna adds, and we walk downstairs and sit down with the twins as I turn on Disney+ and select a nature documentary about marine animals, one that’ll last for at least two and a half hours. 
Soon, both twins' eyes are glued to the screen. 
We didn’t want to start them too early on screen time, but sometimes you have to in order to function as a human being and get some rest. 
After 30 minutes or so into the documentary, I saw both their eyes drooping, and they fell asleep.
”You’re a genius.“ Luna whispers, scared to wake them up.
"Well, this genius is too scared to move.“ I say frozen in place.
Luna sighs.
”Is now a bad time to have to pee?“ She says it with a guilt tinge in her voice.
I close my eyes. 
"Oh, come on, Lunes. Couldn’t you have peed before they fell asleep? What if we wake them up? Look how long it took before they fell asleep.“ 
Luna softly moves around.
”I’ll be quick, I promise.“ She says this and gently places Kehlani on the couch. As soon as her feet hit the floor, Lani stirs and starts to cry. Rosie isn’t far behind. 
”I hope your pee is worth waking the twins over.“ I'm trying to massage their little backs, hoping it’ll soothe them. 
Twins are funny in that regard. They have a special bond, especially if they’re identical twins, like our girls. 
But the downside is that as soon as one is ill or cries, the other does as well. 
They’re creepily in sync. Hopefully, it won’t stay like this forever—the crying, I mean. I know Kehlani and Alaia will turn out wonderful.
I turn to my wonderful girls.
”Why don’t you stop crying? Daddy would really like to get some sleep. So I can wake up pretty.“ 
They look up at my words and then continue crying. 
That’s when it hits me amidst the crying. I remember when Keiki and I were little, my mom used to sing to us »Love Me Tender« by Elvis Presley; it always calmed us down. Maybe we can try it with the twins. 
As soon as Luna is back from her bathroom break, I gently take the twins into my arms.
”I think I have an idea.“ I say the idea for the song is taking root. 
We walk upstairs, and Luna eyes me skeptically. 
”You know how to brew a potion that will make them sleep for seven hours straight?“ She asks excitedly. 
I gave her a sideways look. 
"Yeah, that was a little bit unrealistic.“ She shrugs, and I laugh softly. 
”Let’s try singing »Love Me Tender« by Elvis Presley.“
”Why that song?“ She asks as we reach the twin's bedroom. 
I breathed out, and as I laid the twins in their beds, I turned towards Luna, who never looked more beautiful. 
With wild hair, just in her underwear, illuminated by the light from the hallway. 
I put a strand of her hair behind her ear, and she smiled tenderly at me. It’s these moments I treasure the most, even with the twins crying. 
I pulled her closer as I told her about the idea I had. I want to reveal a bit more about myself and my childhood, which I don’t talk about nearly enough, but I should, because whether it was good or bad, memories are important to talk about. 
”My mom used to sing that song to me and Keiki all the time. Whenever we were sick, or when we were sad and had a hard time, it just always made things a bit easier.“ I explained.
Luna‘s smile reached her tired eyes, and she cupped my cheek to give me a soft kiss. 
”Let’s give it a try. I think I’ve still got my ukulele somewhere. Let me go grab it, and we’ll try singing that song. To be honest, it’s one of my favorite songs by Elvis. He was such a hot guy and so sweet. And what a voice, my god! They just don’t make them like that anymore.“
"Hey, I’m trying to save the world, and you’re calling another man hot? Shame on you, Lunes.“
”You didn’t let me finish. They don’t make them like that anymore, but you are the exception.“ She grinned. 
”You were always my favorite.“ I smiled and slapped her butt, making her laugh out loud as she went to look for her ukulele. Her laughter was still echoing from the walls, making me grin too. 
After a minute or so, Luna came back with her pink ukulele, adorned with flowers, hearts, and moons. She sat down in front of the twin beds and played the first tunes.
”I had no idea you played the ukulele.“ I was surprised to see her play the ukulele like a pro.
”I learned it along with Hula dancing.“
“Can I get this as a late birthday present?“ I imagined her in a hula get-up. The best image ever. 
Luna sighed.
"Really, that’s where your mind went to?“ She chastised me.
”Don‘t blame me. I’m tired and horny. And I’m not sorry.“
She shook her head, grinning. Soon the first tunes of the ukulele joined with her soft voice, and the twins stopped their crying. Too fascinated by what’s going on to keep crying. 
Yes, I pump my fist in the air; it looks as if the plan worked. Luna and I fist-bumped each other because our plan turned out better than expected. 
As the last note echoed in their bedroom, they soon fell asleep, and it looked as if we could go and catch some sleep too. 
”Thank God for our parents, who had good ideas.“
Luna nodded. 
We put on the mobile with the moon and stars spinning around softly and didn’t close the door entirely as we went to our bedroom. 
When we were lying down in bed, Luna turned to me, and I put an arm around her to pull her closer to me. 
”Let me guess you have a million questions.“ I said, and she elbowed me in the side. I laughed and kissed her on top of her head. 
”You miss her, don’t you?“
I don’t even try to act as if I don‘t know who she’s referring to.
"Yeah, I do, more than I care to admit.“ I turn around, so we’re lying face-to-face. 
”Maybe you need some love me tender too.“ Luna says this as she’s leaning into me. 
”That would be nice.“ I smiled against her lips.
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Two days later...
We’re both leaning on the kitchen counter, bleary-eyed, and with our eyes half closed. 
”This is the second time in a row we haven’t slept.“ I mumbled. 
Bryce doesn't even look up from his coffee. 
”I mean, we knew this was going in, but it still stinks sometimes.“ 
I nodded and almost missed my mug in front of me.
”Damn. I never appreciated coffee as much as I do now. I love our kids, but I’d give my left kidney for two hours of sleep. Not even night shifts are this bad.“ 
”Come on, we'll get through this.“ I tried to sound more cheerful but just ended up sounding tired. But from the smile tugging at Bryce’s lips, I could still make him smile, which is a win in my book.
I’m about to take another sip from my juice since I‘m nursing when our doorbell rings, and I just grumble. 
”I’ll go get it.“ I said, and Bryce just mumbled incoherent words. 
I opened the front door, seeing my cousin Skyler, or Sky for short, stand in front of me.
”Good morning, sunshine.“ He looked well rested, with no dark circles under his smooth tan skin. His piercing dark blue eyes shone as if he sprang from the youth fountain. It’s so unfair how good he looked compared to my tired self. 
I groaned again and shielded my eyes from the glaring sun coming inside our house.
I stepped aside, and Sky walked in. 
”Is it a good morning? Huh. It’s already morning, and the sun is shining. Gosh, I’ve lost all feeling for what time it actually is or what day.“
Sky turned my way and only raised his eyebrows.
”You’re being weird.“
I sighed and joined Bryce in the kitchen. I grinned as Bryce held on to his steaming coffee mug, half asleep. 
”I came to the rescue. I thought I’d have to send a search party after your radio silence.“ 
”Please make him stop saying words.“ Bryce groaned.
”Come on, I’m good with kids, and I’m offering to help.“ Sky grinned. 
”So they sent you?“
”B!“ I exclaimed.
”Look, man. I’m really sorry. I’m just so fucking tired.“ Bryce sighed.
”Me too.“ I joined in while taking a sip of my mango and pineapple juice. 
"Yeah, Luna too.“ Bryce said while smiling tiredly. 
”No hard feelings. It’s all good. You‘ll get a free pass. This once. I know mom and dad struggled with us; you know, we're triplets, so I thought I’d help you out.“ Sky explained. 
Bryce’s eyes were tired from being up all night helping me change the twins and trying to make them fall asleep. 
We’re exhausted, and it’s only been four months since we brought the twins home. 
Sky looked from me to Bryce.
”You guys look as if you’ve partied all night. And it was a weird theme party.“ He teased. 
"Yeah, if you count changing, breastfeeding, and getting the twins to sleep, and it takes almost all night? Yeah, then we partied real hard.“ I sighed.
And then I added. 
"Damn, breastfeeding really hurts. Who knew? I really hope the pain lessens a bit.“
”I’m even too tired to make a dirty joke about breasts and make you feel better.“ Bryce sighed and smiled softly but tiredly.
”I don’t need to know about your…uhh…anatomy. Or your female body parts.“ Sky winced. 
”Who’s being weird now?“ I smirked.
We were all startled when we heard the baby monitor on the kitchen counter squeak. 
Both Bryce and I groaned.
Sky smiled.
”You know what? Why don’t I check up on the little angels? While you guys do whatever it is you do, make out or something.“
”We’re way too tired to make out.“ Bryce and I said it at the same time. 
The fog in my brain lifted, and it hit me. 
”Wait, are you here to babysit?“ 
Sky shrugged. 
"Yeah, why not? I have the next two days off, so I thought I’d take over, and you can go and do whatever it is you’re doing.“
”You’re an angel, and I love you.“ I smiled and hugged him tight. Sky grinned and hugged me back. 
Yep, he’s my favorite cousin. At least right now. 
”She doesn’t mean it.“ Bryce commented with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I grinned, so that’s where Lani and Rosie got it from. 
”Stop being mean.“ I said this to Bryce without any real heat behind my words. 
”Sorry. If you’re true to your word, I’ll go take a nap.“
I stopped hugging Sky for a minute to give B a look.
”Not even showering?“
”I love my bed more than my shower right now.“
"Well, I don’t. So let’s hit the shower.“ 
Sky looked from me to Bryce.
”You are weirding me out. I’ll go look after the twins.“ 
”Thanks Sky.“
”You got it.“ He yelled. 
Bryce and I walked outside to our shower while Bryce mumbled and was grumpy until the water hit his face. 
When we came back from our shower and were settled in our bed, Bryce checked the baby monitor, but the monitor was quiet. It looks as if Sky is a wizard when it comes to calming down kids. 
”It’s so quiet.“ I turned to Bryce.
”What did we do before we had kids? Look at me, sounding pathetic.“
”You don’t sound, and you aren’t pathetic. It’s a new routine for us. And I guess we just have to find our balance.“
We both nodded.
Bryce drew circles on my skin, and I curled up into him, and seconds later we were already asleep while holding hands. 
Life is good when you’re with the people you love. Whether you’re blood-related or not, cherish those moments. 
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heartstringsduet · 4 months
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A present for @lire-casander in form of making Carlos go through it. Please give the wonderful chapters by the other creators a read and leave some love 🥰
TOO SWEET: For Lire with Love and Lots of Whump
My chapter summary: Carlos comes home from a therapy session to TK making breakfast and making sure Carlos has a space to talk if needed.
The sinking feeling in his stomach forces Carlos’ eyes on his plate, pink berry sauce looking red, the crêpes as sweet as cookies suddenly. He feels sick. 
“You don’t need to do this.”
TK makes a confused sound in the back of his throat.
“The big breakfasts and the lavender oil and the books you ordered,” Carlos elaborates, eyes held below TK’s eyes. “It’s so sweet of you, I’m not saying I’m ungrateful. This is delicious. Truly.” He takes a breath so he can push the rest of it out. “But that’s what I go to therapy for, right? So you don’t have to take care of me all the time.”
The other day, an elderly woman had asked Carlos to grab a can of tomatoes and his hands had shaken when he gave it to her. He’d dreamed of Judy that night, waking up with his blanket kicked away and rubbing at his mouth and then his wrists. TK had woken but he fell asleep quickly when Carlos snuggled closer to him. Here, he could breathe into familiar skin while he put himself back together.
The weighted silence that follows is all the evidence he needed for returning to the loop of self-doubt. He was supposed to get better. He was supposed to worry TK less, to not wake him up in the middle of the night with trashing or to make him leave cafés when out of nowhere, Carlos felt like he was being watched.
“I go to NA meetings.” 
Carlos’ head snaps up. It piles more onto the guilt to be reminded of how he must have been slacking at being supportive. 
[read more]
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scavengerssuccotash · 8 months
What does aftercare look like for Clint and Nat?
Depends on what kind of aftercare you’re looking for, my dear.
Was it a rough mission that left their bodies sore and aching?
If that’s the case they soothe each other’s sore muscles away in a variety of ways. For Natasha the bulk of her sore muscles rests in her thighs and legs. Clint with usually draw her a nice hot bath with some soaking salts (lavender scented) and let her decompress. Sometimes he’ll join her, especially if his back is hurting, but most times he just lets her rest in the bath and play errand boy if she needs something. Afterwards, Natasha will curl up with him on the couch with her feet in his lap so he can rub them. And oh god! His hands? If Natasha were religious his hands is the closest thing to making her believe in a god. About the time he works his way up her calves, she’s limp against the arm of the couch and almost asleep.
Clint on the other hand carries most of his stress in his shoulders and arms. (Clint often jokes that if you put the two of them together, her legs and his upper body, they could qualify for a retirement community by the state of their joints alone.) With that said, baths hardly touch the ache in his shoulders. Showers are his go-to, along with icy-hot and Natasha’s own bone melting masseuse skills. Repetition with the draw weight he’s got might’ve given him great definition but it also aged his rotator cuffs and shoulder blade ten years. After a long hot shower, you can find him sitting on the floor between Natasha’s legs with an ice pack on each shoulder as she rubs his neck.
Or are you looking for the tumble between the sheets kind of aftercare?
In which case this came to them with much more difficulty than it did with the other kind. Particularly for Natasha. Any wonder why? The first few times they slide between the sheets, Natasha would jump out of bed, quickly throw on her clothes and leave while Clint just laid in bed still coming down from his post coital high, dazed and ultimately confused. In hindsight, Natasha’s sudden departure after taught Clint a lot about himself. Namely: how much he really did like and need the after romp cuddling. Be it some internalized misogyny, or a lack of self introspection Clint had just assumed that is what you did with your partner, so…he did it and didn’t look into it any deeper than the surface level. Turns out it just took Natasha leaving him high and dry (wet?) for him to realize that, “actually no, I think I like the cuddling!?”
Conversely Natasha dipped because she had wanted to stay, which was in of itself a terrifying epiphany to have after what she’ll testify to is the best sex ever. It was all too much too fast and god she can’t do this?! Can she? She wants to, but…
In the end it took three months, a couple of drunken blurt out your feelings kind of nights, and a close call in Mumbai for them to get on the same page.
For Clint to say, “I need to a place to land after soaring that high, Nat. I drop like a fucking stone, and it’s not a good feeling!”
And for Nat to say, “I don’t know what to do with all this, I wasn’t trained on what to do if I actually fell!”
“No one gets a manual, Tasha. You just do what feels right.”
“Us. That feels right.”
Natasha relaxes into their after sex cuddle sessions a little bit better after this. She still leaves after, only spending the nights when they drink and she doesn’t want to drive or bother with a taxi or public transport, but she stops leaving right away. She lingers long enough for Clint to be on the precipice of sleep, before slipping out of bed. Which is fine by Clint, he’s admittedly a bit of a bed hog.
About a year and two months into their relationship, the aftercare is superb. Clint gets his cuddles, and Natasha, well Natasha gets breakfast in bed now. And sometimes, when Clint’s feeling a bit cheeky he will wake her up in the most delicious of ways.
Thanks for asking, hope you enjoy! 🥰
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iovetecchou · 2 years
Congratulations on 100 followers!! 🎉🎉🎉
If you’re still doing the writing prompts, may I request fluff prompt 1 (“May I brush your hair for you?”) paired with fluff prompt 8 ("Are you still awake..."/ "It's ok. I couldn't sleep anyway.") for Sigma, please?
I think the idea of either the reader or Sigma having trouble sleeping but finds comfort in the other brushing their hair is very adorable 🥰
prompt: “May I brush your hair for you?” "Are you still awake..."/ "It's ok. I couldn't sleep anyway."
GN Reader.
700 words.
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You couldn’t sleep. I mean, how could you when there was constant ruckus coming from outside your door. Your partner, Sigma wasn’t home yet and you could never seem to sleep without him. You hated when he had to work late hours for the casino, leaving you hauled up in his suite with nothing to do but wait for him. You kicked your legs in frustration from underneath the covers when you suddenly heard the door creek open. “Darling? Are you still awake?” Sigma whispered out, kicking his heels off at the door as he approached your side of the bed.
You tossed over to his side, peering up at him from where you were snuggly tucked from underneath the covers. His face softened as he met your gaze, and he slowly brought his hands up to caress your cheeks. “I’m sorry honey, did I wake you?” He spoke softly, sitting himself down against the side of the bed as he continued to stroke your face gently. You sat up suddenly, wrapping your arms around his frame. Burying your face into his neck in the process. “It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyways. You know I can never sleep without you.” You whispered out against his neck, slowly bringing your hands down to card through his two-toned locks.
“I’m sorry darling, things just piled up today. I’m just going to brush up and then I’ll climb in beside you, okay?” Sigma brought his hands up to soothe your back as he awaited your response. “Okay but, may I brush your hair for you tonight? I think it would calm my nerves.” You blurted out. His face flushed from your confession slightly. You pulled away from his embrace to get a clear view of his visage. His cheeks were dusted a pretty pink as he continued to smile down at you. “Of course my love, let me grab the brush for you.”
A few moments later, Sigma came back now dressed in his usual pajamas and a brush in hand. He placed himself in front of where you sat atop the bed. Handing you the brush in the process as he carded through his own locks. Giving it a once over. “It’s a bit tangled today, darling. Just go easy for me if you can.” He spoke softly, as he tilted his chin straight forward. Giving you a better angle as you began combing through his knotted wisps of hair. “I will, don’t worry my love!” You exclaimed, your heart melting at the feeling of his silky locks beneath your fingertips.
Playing with his hair always put you at ease, it was like free therapy for you. Any time you were feeling restless, or just stressed from the day at hand, you would brush his hair. Sigma didn’t mind, not one bit. You see, the feeling was mutual. When he came back to the suite after a long day of work, all he wants is to be touched by you like this. All of his own personal stresses and doubts just dwindle away when he’s able to be affectionate with you in this manner.
“Maybe tomorrow, I can wash your hair for you while you take a bath? That sounds nice, yeah?” You exclaimed excitedly, the thought alone brought a wide smile to your face. Sigma flushed deeper from where he sat in front of you. He was so glad his back was facing you right now, he was sure if he saw your precious face, he would melt. “That sounds wonderful, my love.” As you finished untangling his gorgeous two-toned locks, you began braiding his hair. It was a loose braid but the colors of snowy white and lavender mixing together made your heart do a flip. His shorter pieces of hair strayed out, but that was perfectly okay.
“Thank you for that, my darling. Now let’s sleep, I want you to get a good night's rest.” Sigma whispered out, turning in his place so that he was facing you now. He crawled beside you under the covers, wasting no time pulling you into his frame. You sighed at the lovely feeling of being embraced by your love. He was always so warm, and comforting. His whole presence felt like home to you.
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thank you so much for your request!
dedicating this to the wonderful @stinkyme was thinking of you while I wrote this <3
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dreamer-329 · 3 months
my birthday also happens to fall around autumn!
as for my favorite colors, i'd have to say pink and purple lol, specifically lavender. and for flowers, i love stargazer lilies and tulips! but really i love any flowers. i also happen to have a crazy amount of houseplants.
and lol your tags are so cute, tragic that you aren't getting any cuddles lately :/ cuddles are the best
Omg really!!!!! 🤌🏼
My mum had me dressed in all pink when I was little and it made me hate that color when it came to clothing...
Omg I love stargazer lillies, mum has some in garden and near the spot we buried my dog and they're so beautiful I have some many pictures of them 🥰🥺 I've never owned a plant of any kind 🫣 but you must be a good plant mom since you have a lot 😉
Last time I got any cuddles was when my niece was 3 and she would wake up from her daily nap and loved to cuddle while waiting on lunch 🥺
Do you like cats and dogs?
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lavandevanille · 2 years
March 9th
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I was getting quite tired of waking up each day with new leaf scorch on my cilantros and only on them. So I decided to harvest them a few days early. Placed them roots and all in an old water bottle I have with some tissues and water and stuck em in the fridge so they can at least be as fresh adjacent as possible when I eat them on saturday 😊
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Some of the basil are beginning to sprout their second pairs of true leaves. With the daily rains finally easing up, I figure this would be the best time to transplant them outdoors. I actually wanted to grow my basils from seed outdoors but the storms worried me too much and now the weather is perfect for these babies!
Oh, and the chilli seedlings are thriving really happily! Didn't take any pictures but once they put out their true leaves I definitely will be sharing 😊
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With the basils transplanted and a whole unit freeing up, it was time to click in my mints! I also placed an extra pod of apple mint (not pictured) in a cup to grow for my sister. I'm so very excited at the thought of possibly having a small variety of mint babies in a month's time!
March 10th
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Good morning to some sprouting activity! Hyssop is most eager to say hello and Lavender is trying it's best 🥰 Calendula is still dozing away but hopefully it'll peek out soon~
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
stressed — enmu, genya, muichiro
Author’s Note: exhausted but writing bc insomnia yay. 😆
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Enmu x Reader, Shinazugawa Genya x Reader, Tokito Muichiro x Reader
Word Count: ~1,200
CW: mild sexual content
Emergency Request Fulfilled: heyyy so- this is a bit of an emergency ask but you can take your time with it if you want-
I've been pretty stressed recently with school and my grades are shit- needless to say, a lot has been going on at home..
fluffy genya x reader drabble? or whatever you wanna write it as-
maybe the reader has been super stressed? honestly whatever works best,
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hii! i litteraly love your content!!
um may i request a modern au comfort Muichiro x fem!reader
like y/n is being super stressed with school work and Muichiro hates to see he's lover being stressed so he told y/n to rest and cuddle with him
you can do it if its not a bother at all
stressed — zenitsu, kyojuro, sanemi
For some reason, tea is the first thing that pops into my mind ??
Ig bc Enmu strikes me as kind of… elegant? Must be his coat
Whether you prefer hot or iced tea, if you’re stressing, then he’s tea-ing
That sounded a lot catchier in my brain vs actually typed out ☹️
Def researches various properties of herbs and flowers to best relieve you
Aka you’re drinking a lot of chamomile, lavender, and mint teas
He even makes homemade simple syrup (1:1 ratio of water and sugar; sugar dissolved into water; blends better into iced drinks vs stirring for ages)
Mint infused, lemon infused, rose infused — truly, he’s an ar-tea-st 😌
Since these hcs are modern au… let’s go w/… he helps you fall asleep by reading to you 🥺
If you can’t fall asleep listening to someone reading aloud, then my apologies 😅
Whenever he catches you: nodding off at your desk; starting another impulsive project; banging at your forehead with your palms; groaning and grunting and other displeased-w/-yourself noises
He: calmly swivels your chair around; envelops you in a firm, restraining hug (assuming you’re comfortable w/ physical touch); grabs your hands and squeezes gently (assuming you’re comfortable w/ physical touch); groans and grunts even louder What? You started it!
And once he’s caught you? There’s no escaping the Enmu Agenda 
The Enmu Agenda: Step 1, coax you away from your work; Step 2, convince you to brush your teeth and wash your face; Step 3, choose a book
Whether he’s reading your favorite childhood fairytale, his newest obsession, or a random Wikipedia article bc you’re already 98% asleep (inspired by my occasional Wikipedia rabbit hole-ing lol)...
… he 100% creates individual voices for every character, has a default Narrator voice, and lowkey makes it difficult to fall asleep/accidentally energizes you bc of how engaging and into it he gets
“You’re still awake?”
“Babe, you sound exactly like Gollum. How am I supposed to fall asleep to that?”
Always makes the bed
It’s easy enough when his day starts later than yours, bc he can just wake up, get up, and make the bed
But even when he gets up before you, even when he has the busiest of days, he somehow manages to make the bed before you crawl into it
“Do you have a making-the-bed fetish?”
“No? I simply believe it’s relaxing and refreshing to sleep in a kempt bed after a long day.”
“And you deserve to feel relaxed and refreshed.”
Lmao this isn’t exactly fluffy, but it’s my immediate thought: Genya tells you to yell at him 💀
Hear me out !!
He’s all too familiar w/ feeling stressed out, pent up, suffocated
And he just wants you to feel safe enough, secure enough, to let. It. Go.
If you’ve ever written in a diary/journal, then you’ve prob had those entries of literal scribbles/illegible, furious scrawling
That is what Genya wants to be for you
An outlet, a confidant, a haven for your deepest and your darkest
Besides, you attempting to yell at him for things that have nothing to do w/ him lead to 1 of 2 results
it feels GOOD, so you essentially just monologue everything that’s on your mind w/o overthinking, second guessing, or filtering; he, ofc, doesn’t take anything personally; by the time your brain catches up to your heart, you’ve released the majority of your tension, and he gets to kiss your forehead, mouth quirked as if to say Told you so (“told you venting would feel good”)
it feels ridiculous, so you dissolve into awkward giggling into boisterous laughing into how-did-this-start-again-?; he gets to pat himself on the back bc he’s successfully distracted you, soft gaze following the tilt of your head, the curve of your lips Laughter’s good for the soul, right? (“what are you staring at?” “you.”)
And, okaaay… maybe yelling isn’t the healthiest of coping mechanisms 🙃
But Genya much prefers an occasional hardcore venting sesh vs watching you gradually retreat further and further into whatever’s overwhelming you
He’s totally a pillow fort dude
Not just I built a pillow fort; but *gasp* You built that?! 😳😍
Genya dismantles the entire living room for your comfort and entertainment
Fun Fact: he has a bin under his bed labeled “pillow fort supplies”
Its contents include: a set of fairy lights, extra soft pillowcases, and a cotton tapestry that he tie-dyed himself (its dominant color, ofc, is your favorite color)
He tried decorating w/ real candles once, and never again
“Why does this pillow’s tassel look… singed?”
“I don’t know, probably needs to be washed?”
“Aaand why are there a ton of candles at the bottom of the stairs?”
“Spring cleaning?”
Little did he know you were only mildly suspicious of his pyromancy, and instead upset at the prospect of him getting rid of your candles 🤭
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Soft touches !!!!!
Your head on his lap, his fingers through your hair, your spine curved against his chest, his foot nudging yours, pinkies intertwined, his chin atop your shoulder, thumbs pressing gently into hips
Intimate gestures—reminders—to demonstrate his affection and attention
Muichiro’s reluctant to distract you when you’re stressed, bc he knows if you don’t finish x, y, and z, then you’ll only feel more stressed
But he’s also attuned to the subtle souring of your body language
In other words: there’s stressed, and then there’s freaking out
If you’re stressed, then he keeps a low profile: slinking in the shadows in case you slip, dinner already cooked, daily cleaning already completed
If you’re freaking out? Then he steps in
A cool palm on your nape, a feathery kiss to your ear, a quick tug at your elbow
Fleeting, promising movements of
Look at this meme w/ me
Eat this snack w/ me
Dance around the bedroom w/ me
Share this drink w/ me
Little love notes
Yesyesyes I’m aware I hc many KNY characters to be little love note givers 
But that’s bc they’re so cute and sweet and thoughtful !!
Everyone deserves to give and receive little love notes 🤗
Muichiro notices when you’re feeling particularly up and particularly down
And sometimes, he misses the moment
Doesn’t say the perfect thing at the perfect time
But he’s listening and he cares and he remembers
So he leaves you little love notes to make up for his prior brain freeze(s)
You’re going to do wonderfully on your upcoming exam. If you’d like help studying, then I’m all yours — hidden between the pages of your textbook
You mentioned missing lunch today? Come downstairs — stuck on the bathroom mirror (bc he knows you’ll have to take a break to pee ~eventually)
I’m proud of you! You’re the best — tucked into your favorite pair of socks (bc he knows they’re your first choice whenever they’re clean)
I love you. Thank you for being my partner — slapped playfully onto your back mid hug (“I think there’s something on your shirt?” “Oh? Where? Can you get it for me?” “Aha! I think you should read this.”)
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angelbaby-fics · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could send in a request???
Here it is: A very sleepy r. Trouble waking baby up from naps. Especially mornings. Just curls back up and ignores everyone. Half asleep during entire morning routine and nodding off at breakfast with like mouth full or face in the food idk. Definitely not self projecting w this lol. Steve Bucky or both idrc
Thank you if you decide to do it!! This is my first time requesting to you! 💗💗🥰🧸
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Word Count: 750
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x Little!Reader (fem terms used)
A/N: omg this was almost hard to write because i had SO much coffee today i am bouncing off the walls lol 😝 but steve & bucky are so cozy i wish i could fall asleep with them lol i think i'd have the most relaxed sleep of my life 😌🛌
“Wakey wakey, baby!”
Steve swiped his thumb across your forehead, attempting to gently rouse you from sleep as Bucky threw the curtains open. The morning sunlight hitting your face made you turn out of Steve’s grasp and into the nest of blankets, pillows, and stuffies you’d gathered up during the night. You smiled as you inhaled the lingering scent of the lavender mist that your daddies sprayed over your pillowcases before bed. With the light of the sun now out of your face but the warmth of it filling the room, you began to slowly drift away back into slumber.
Until Steve pulled the blanket off you.
“Come on, honey, rise and shine.” He whispered, still trying to coax you out of sleep as opposed to forcing you.
“Mmmmmnnnnoooooooooo…” You mumbled into the pillow, kicking your legs around, trying to find any warmth you could on the bedsheet.
Bucky came to join Steve at the side of your bed, laying his left hand across your back. The cold touch of the metal made your eyes pop open, and you squinted and blinked a few times before finally turning around with a stretch and a yawn to face your two daddies. “Ooh, big stretch baby!” Bucky said, which made you giggle a little bit.
Steve leaned towards you, the tip of his nose brushing yours which caused you to go crosseyed and giggle some more.
“Are you ready for breakfast babydoll?” He asked.
“Mmmaybe…” You mumbled, your eyelids starting to droop a little again.
“What if I told you it's pancakes with chocolate chips and a cherry on top?” He bargained, perking you up a bit more.
“And whipped cream and chocolate syrup?”
Steve took in a sharp breath. “Ohh, I don’t know about all that. How about if you get dressed by yourself, you can pick one or the other?”
You weighed your options before ultimately shaking your head. You decided the extra toppings simply weren’t worth the effort of getting out of your comfy pajamas. Steve laughed, somewhat surprised at your decision but not wanting to fight it. He knew you had a sweet tooth and besides, he didn’t really want you to have that much sugar first thing in the morning.
“You want me to carry you too?” Steve asked, sensing you were a little smaller in your tired state.
You nodded with a smile, your eyes falling closed again as you felt Steve’s strong arms lifting you out of the comfort of the bed. You latched your limbs around his large frame, soaking up his warmth and his comforting scent. You’d almost fallen back asleep when he let you down on the dining chair. Bucky set a stack of pancakes on the placemat in front of you and kissed your head.
“Here you are, your highness. Daddy’s famous chocolate pancakes!” He said with a grin.
You picked up the plastic fork and began to dig in, a chocolate chip melting on your tongue as you sighed happily.
“I’m gonna go get your clothes out, okay sleepyhead?” Steve asked, and you nodded, not even bothering to look over at him.
The mix of the warm and sweet breakfast, Steve’s kiss to your cheek before he left towards your bedroom, the soft jazz music Bucky had playing over the speakers, and your warm footie pajamas still had you ensnared in sleep, even as you tried to eat your breakfast. Bucky was cleaning up the kitchen when he called out to you.
“How are they, bub? I added some chocolate syrup anyway, don’t tell papa okay?” He asked, but there was no answer.
Bucky turned around to find you with your head resting on the dining table, strands of your hair strewn across the plate, a snore softly escaping your parted lips. Bucky frowned just as Steve walked back into the room.
“Honey, I think somethings wrong. She fell back asleep, I don’t know why!” Bucky said with concern.
“I do.” Steve replied, smirking as he held up a book and a flashlight. “I found this under her pillow while making the bed. Looks like someone stayed up all night reading way past her bedtime.”
Bucky laughed.
“Should we wake her up then?” He asked.
“No, I don’t think so. After all, we shouldn’t punish her for reading.” Steve replied.
“But what about her hair? It's covered in chocolate!”
“Well, as the person who gave her that chocolate it sounds like that should be your responsibility!” Steve joked, his laughter finally bringing you out of sleep.
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Taglist: @babybatdani @cherryynoir @chiyongberry @simpingbutch @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @mogaruke @flthyhrts @swfpugh @mariefischer @stuckysgirl27 @stevebuckyplzfuckme @leialittleone @midnight-dreams-23 @mischiefsemimanaged
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lilahisntsadanymore · 3 years
hii, i was wondering if i could get a pansy parkinson x fem reader? if you don’t do fem gender neutral is fine! do you think you could write a gryffindor reader who’s got a kind of “frenemies” relationship with pansy, and one day when they’re making amortentia pansy can smell reader’s perfume or something? pls end it with fluffy slytherin x gryffindor gf happenings 🥰 thank you sm in advance if you do! hope you’re well 💕
Hello, thank you for the request!! It is such a fun idea, I hope you'll like this fic:) I didn't really know what you meant by Slytherin x Gryffindor gf happenings, didn't know if you meant something specific or just yknow the Slytherin x Gryffinfor vibes and stuff, I'm sorry!
Words count: 1.2k
Tw: none
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
The ending of pretending
"It was such a good match!" Harry exclaimed. "Y/n, you're a brilliant chaser."
"Thank you, but I think we won mostly because of you, you're the seeker. Oh and Ron, Ron is a great keeper." Y/n said. She was humble and never bragged about her skills even if she knew how good she is. Quidditch was something she loved, it was her passion and she spent a lot of time practicing.
The Gryffindor team was on their way back to the Gryffindor common room after winning a match against Slytherin. It was the time for an after party. All houses were welcome, they were going to party until late hours. Nobody expected Slytherins though.
"Oh no." Ron muttered when he saw Pansy Parkinson walking in their direction.
"You were the last Slytherin I would expect to see at our party." Y/n scoffed.
"You see, dreams come true, princess." Pansy mocked. "Just kidding, I came here to say it was a fine match. You're not so bad for a girl."
"A girl? Is that supposed to offend me? Do you realize you're a girl too?"
"Certainly, and I don't play quidditch. I've got better things to do."
"Like what?"
"Don't be so curious, Y/l/n," a slight smirk appeared on Pansy's lips, "curiosity killed the cat."
Out of a sudden, Ginny started poking the air between Y/n and Pansy with her broom. Both girls gave her a questioning look.
"What are you doing?" They asked in unison.
"Oh, just trying to break the romantic tension between you." Ginny announced while pretending she's struggling. The rest of the Gryffindors laughed at the scene, Ginny made it look so realistic.
"Ugh, whatever." Pansy scoffed right before walking away.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Everyone had so much fun at the party. It couldn't compare to Fred and George's parties they used to throw before they left Hogwarts, but it was great anyways. Though in the morning, the students thought it wasn't much of a good idea to throw a party on a school day.
Y/n woke up late, she missed the breakfast and was surely going to be late for the first lesson. Why didn't anyone wake her up? When Y/n got out of the bed, she noticed the only girls left in the dorm were she and Lavender. Being a good friend, Y/n gently shook her roommate in the order to wake her up.
"What-what's happening?" Lavender asked in a sleepy voice.
"We'll be late for class! Wake up."
"No, leave me alone. I went to sleep after 2am."
"Same, but we have classes. If you don't get up, I'll drag you out of the bed."
"Don't care."
Y/n sighed and grabbed her friend by the ankles. Lavender screamed when she got pulled out of the bed right on the floor.
"You didn't have to do it," she said, sounding a bit more woken up, "I'd get up eventually."
The girls started getting ready. They brushed their teeth and put on their uniforms after showering really quick. Y/n was putting on mascara, when Lavender walked out of the bathroom.
"I thought we didn't have time." The blonde girl chuckled. "Don't doll up so much, Pansy is into you already."
"She totally hates me," Y/n laughed, putting down the mascara, "it's mutual though."
"Yeah, totally."
The girls walked in a quick pace to class. The class was potions with professor Slughorn.
"Valentine's day is coming up." Lavender pointed out when they were getting close to the classroom. "When are you going to ask Pansy to be your Valentine?"
"Quickly, we're late!" Y/n avoided the topic and started walking faster, almost running. So did Lavender.
Seconds later they walked inside the potions classroom. Y/n looked around, the teacher wasn't anywhere in sight. There was only some pearly-coloured potion standing on his desk. Y/n and Lavender sat on their usual seats, behind Pansy and Draco.
Soon, Slughorn appeared in the room and started the lesson. After he opened the bottle with the potion, he asked students to gather around his desk. Y/n stood very close to Pansy, there were quite many people and everyone wanted to stand close to the potion.
"Ugh, Parkinson, how much perfume did you put on today? I can taste it in my throat!" Y/n whisper-shouted, making Pansy scoff.
"I didn't use any. Unfortunately, because it could die down that stupid smell of whatever you use for your stupid broom. And the dirt from the pitch, have you even showered after the match?"
"Don't you worry about my broom! And I showered a few minutes ago, you must be-"
"Everyone be quiet, please." The teacher interrupted the conversation. "Does anyone know what potion is it?"
Hermione raised her hand.
"Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." The girl said.
Y/n and Pansy looked at each other in the same moment, but quickly looked away. Y/n felt Lavender poking her side, she knew she probably had a big smile on her face, that was saying 'I told you so'.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Y/n haven't ever walked out of the class faster than that day. She felt so embarrassed. Harry and Ron ran up to her.
"We've heard your little conversation with Pansy." Harry announced, while Ron stood next to him trying not to burst out laughing.
"Very funny." Y/n mumbled.
"Hey, we're not making fun of you. You smelled Pansy and she smelled you, isn't that brilliant?"
"Not much. Don't we all hate her?"
"No, we never did, she's just quite annoying, that's all. You've been acting like you hate her to hide the fact that you fancy her."
Y/n groaned quietly as she saw Pansy walking in their direction.
"And here she comes." Ron said. "See you later, Y/n."
Harry and Ron walked away, leaving Y/n with Pansy. Y/n didn't know what were her intentions this time, but she felt her cheeks heat up.
"Hey, so um..." Pansy started, "I guess now we both know the truth so..."
"Bit weird, isn't it?" Y/n chuckled slightly.
"Just a bit." Pansy smiled genuinely. "We can't hide our true feelings anymore, huh?"
"I guess so. I'm glad it turned out this way though."
"Me too. How about we skip some classes together?"
Pansy offered Y/n a hand, which she took. They ran outside, far enough to make sure no one will catch them. The surroundings were gorgeous, snow was all around, but the low temperature wasn't a problem for the girls.
"How long have you...you know. How long?" Pansy asked curiously.
"Curiosity killed the cat, princess." Y/n quoted the girl, making her giggle. "Since about third year. What about you?"
"Same for me. Remember that DADA lesson about boggarts?"
"Oh Merlin, seriously?"
"What can I say? You were so cute when scared and it just somehow went from there. Draco has been teasing me about it ever since."
"Well, then you'll have much to talk about after this." After Y/n said it, she kissed Pansy. In the same moment, it started snowing.
The girls pulled away and looked at each other, their hair covered in snowflakes. They were beyond happy that they didn't have to pretend to hate each other anymore.
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msommers · 3 years
⌛💼🌼 for maeve, jorina and elena! 🧡
thanks alana 🥰 // emoji headcanons
⌛ sleep headcanon
MAEVE — it's very clear to see when she's having a nightmare, especially to any nearby witchers with their ridiculous senses. the rapid breathing and increased heart rate, the mumbling, the jerking around, she has it all. she practically has a neon sign above her screaming STRESSED! SO STRESSED!! WAKE UP NOW!!! unfortunately i think she’d have frequent nightmares while under stress, poor lady has woken up far too many times with tears in her eyes and anxiety ready to boil over. 
JORINA — physically incapable of falling asleep if her hair isn’t tied back or up in some way. a bun, a braid, a ponytail—any of them will do, so long as the hair is away from her face and at no risk of bothering her while she’s trying to get her rest. she’d probably still make a minor fuss about it even after getting naughty with aleksi, when she’s blissed out and ready to sleep for a solid 12 hours but she’s Still gonna pull herself up to grab a hair tie smh.
ELENA — suddenly can’t read or hear when somebody brings up the “dogs shouldn’t sleep in their owners’ bed” topic. perdita and penelope started sleeping in elena’s room when they were puppies and never stopped, which is fine by her because she likes the occasional cuddles and the bed she has is too big for just her so they can have an entire side to themselves. who needs a warming pan or some magic enchantment when you could instead have your two dogs curl up around your feet and legs? huh?? 400 iq right there.
💼 work headcanon
MAEVE — when she moved to novigrad, maeve took the sommers business with her and bought a shop right beside her new home so that she could keep on the staff that she employed and not send them packing just because she was growing uncomfortable back in vizima. they focused more on the clothier/tailor side of the business as opposed to how heavily carden had once leaned into the armorer angle, though they didn’t outright remove such options from the shop because it still made good coin and maeve liked the idea of providing protection to folk in need. (particularly any of the folk who the eternal fire were starting to gun for, she wanted to aid them however she could and the business came in handy there.)
JORINA — she’s uh. she’s got a real problem and it’s called being a workaholic. i don’t remember initially intending for it to be a flaw of hers but it makes a whole heck of a bunch of sense and it’s something that she needs to work on after the final closing of the breach. at that point she’s been pushing herself and working constantly for like. 11 years straight and she’s gotta start letting those close to her actually break through and help her see it’s Not good for her to keep going like that. 
ELENA — i highkey think her favorite kind of work is organizing harvested flowers and herbs. she loves to heal people and firmly believes it’s what she’s meant to do with her life, but there’s something so very calming about getting to sit down, sort through and bundle up the most recent harvest. it’s probably the peace and quiet, because this is something that she can do by herself or while sat away from others and there’s no reason to bother her during it because it’s a relatively simple task that she doesn’t require instruction on after the first week of learning. no thoughts head empty only focused on tying up these bundles of lavender so they can be delivered across the city.
🌼 happiness headcanon
MAEVE — she once spent a whole day spoiling edith and amelia just because she could and it made her happy :’) i simply think they all deserve for maeve to get them some new clothes (amelia a pretty dress & edith a new pair of pants and boots for stomping around in the dirt), allow them free range at the market, and then provide a fancy meal back at the estate.
JORINA — i firmly believe one of the things she and aleksi taught asaara to do is carry things in her mouth and take them to people, and this skill was used one day by aleksi having the dog take a small bundle of jorina’s favorite flowers to her as a little surprise gift. her “blunt and strict scout leader” reputation took a hit that day because everybody nearby saw her light up like the damn sun she was so happy about it. 
ELENA — 4 year old elena thought the peak of happiness was making flower crowns and putting them onto cats & dogs. she knew no greater joy than placing a ring of daisies around a kitten’s head and watching them try to comprehend what just happened to them, her smiles and laughter were so bright about it. (she’s about to turn 23 and like? honestly?? hasn’t been proven wrong yet. still an absolute joy) 
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omg-just-peachy · 4 years
Hey ! If you're doing those really cute summer prompts , can I please ask for 10 and 11 ? You can do either or both. I don't know. But I just love the thought of barefoot Steve in Tony's space. I love soft stony. Thanks a lot
Ahh yes I know what you mean, it’s such a cute image! 🥰 This took me forever to do, so I’m sorry about that, and I hope you still enjoy this little ficlet!
(10: Bare feet. Fluff, summer mornings, early relationship banter)
Tony finds Steve out on the back patio when he wakes up. It’s not even dawn yet, but somehow, instinctively, he knows just where Steve will be on a warm, breezy summer morning like this one. 
“You could’ve woken me up, you know,” Tony says, leaning down to brush a kiss to the top of Steve’s hair. It’s a wreck, like it always is before he sees the light of day. A fun fact about Captain America that only Tony gets to see? He has the worst bed head of anyone Tony’s ever known. The guy sleeps like a lion when he’s comfortable enough to get there, and with Tony, this has been happening more and more frequently. 
Steve smiles up at him. “You looked so relaxed. I can’t believe you’re up anyway,” Steve says. “I was so quiet!” He’s sitting in his boxers with an old MIT sweatshirt of Tony’s thrown on, and there’s a cup of coffee on the table in front of him, steam still curling off of it. He can’t have been out here too long, then. 
“Yes, you’re a master of stealth. However! The bed gets cold once you get up," Tony pretends to pout. 
“It’s the middle of summer, Tony.” 
Steve just shakes his head, amused, and pulls Tony down into the chair beside him. “Coffee?” Steve holds out his own mug for him to take, and Tony cups it in his hands like it’s the middle of winter rather than the tail end of summer. The cicadas are already singing away in the trees, somehow sounding very close by and very far away all at once. 
Steve leans back, stretching himself until his feet are in Tony’s lap, resting comfortably while Tony sips his coffee.
“Penny for your thoughts, dear?” Tony asks, rubbing Steve’s feet absently. 
“I don’t know what woke me up, really. Must have been a dream,” he says, which is the closest he’s come, so far anyway, to saying the word nightmare. 
Tony’s hand stills, moving instead to stroke at Steve’s ankle. “Hmm, definitely should have woken me up,” he murmurs. 
“It felt so far away by the time I woke up, you know that feeling? Like I couldn’t quite grasp it, but I couldn’t go back to sleep, either, so here I am,” Steve says, his face a picture of calm in the dusky morning light. Tony wants to reach out and touch his hand, his cheek, the slope of his nose. Anything, really. He settles for ghosting his fingers across his knee.
“Here you are,” Tony repeats. The sun is starting to break through the clouds, a dark purple that would bend and fade to lavender and pink before the light of the day washed over them. 
Tony passes the mug back to Steve, laughing a little when he grouses that Tony drank more than half of it. 
“I’ll make you breakfast to make up for it,” Tony offers. “I think we have stuff for pancakes in there...”
“I could get on board with that. Promise I won’t have to call the fire department?” Steve’s grinning over at him now. 
“See, I was even gonna throw some blueberries in there for you, Steven, but now you lost your blueberry privileges.”
Steve does his best to look contrite. “Not the blueberries!” He pulls his legs over and back, laughing as Tony stands and shakes his head. 
“Missing out on a culinary masterpiece and he’s making jokes,” Tony says, indignant.
“Okay, okay, I’m very sorry,” Steve offers. He holds out a hand like he’s asking Tony to help him up, but instead he pulls Tony down onto his lap. “Forgive me?” Steve brushes a kiss over Tony’s lips, soft and warm and coffee flavored.
Tony huffs his agreement, letting Steve kiss him again, and the sun is out in full by the time they finally make their way to the kitchen. 
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