#waiti get to tag this as
laylaisthename · 2 years
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ILW // thinking about how MC technically never told Lincoln that they brought him back. And Im so normal about it. Spoilers for the in game text for a romanced Lincoln below!!!
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Im so normal about this.
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shekeepswriting · 1 year
A Little More Heart (2)
[Syverson x Reader]
Word Count: 2821
Summary: You head home after a night at the bar.
Warnings: self-defense related anxiety
A/N: Thank you guys so, so much for all the kindness and support. I was blown away by the responses, and I truly appreciate it so much. So I’ve decided to keep going. I hope you’ll come on this little journey with me. I took the liberty of tagging the people who said they wanted to see more (it didn’t let me add some of you, but I did try). If you’d like me to take you off the list, just let me know!
Previous Chapter
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You focused on taking deep, slow breaths as you walked along the side of the road, debating whether it was worth it to lose what little night vision you had by turning on your phone flashlight. You didn’t love the idea of not being able to see outside of the little circle of light it would provide, but you also didn’t love the idea of being hit by an unsuspecting car. 
You don’t know why you had walked to the bar in the first place. It wasn’t like you. But your cousin had called when she heard you were in town, sounded so excited to meet up with you after her shift at the hospital and promised to pick you up from the bar at 10:00. You didn’t know her very well anymore, hadn’t been a part of her life in a long time, but you’d had no reason to distrust her. 
After lingering in the parking lot for a good fifteen minutes with three calls gone to voicemail, you really hadn’t had any other choice but to start walking. In a town this small, there were no cab companies or ride shares to call. People  relied on family and friends to get them around when they found themselves without a car. And you were short on both.
Just as you pulled your phone from your pocket, headlights pierced the darkness, carving yellowed wedges of light onto the wet pebbledash road. A vehicle was approaching from the way you came. You moved even further off the road into the grass, and the driver flashed their headlights twice, acknowledging you. 
You raised a hand in gratitude as the truck rolled past you, but the light feeling was short lived as it pulled over in front of you. You sighed. 
It should have been a relief, an alternative to your long walk in the pitch black summer night, but instead it called to mind the first two minutes of every crime procedural you’d ever seen. And you really weren’t in the mood to be murdered. 
No one got out, but the cab light turned on, and you heard the passenger side window roll down. You took a moment to weigh your options, kneeling down for a moment in the damp grass as if retying your boot while you slipped the small utility knife out of the sheath you kept strapped around your ankle while traveling. You’d been raised to be prepared for the worst, especially when alone or around men. Anyone who wanted to harm you was sure as hell gonna bleed first. 
You approached the truck with slow steps, keeping your hand angled to hide the knife along the line of your thigh. 
“Now I know you didn’t survive traveling this long on your own by walking on unlit country roads at night.”
You heard him before you saw him, brows furrowed in confusion as you drew even with the passenger window. 
Sy. The guy from the bar. Under normal circumstances you can honestly say you would’ve been happy to see him again. But the current setting had you very on edge and reluctant to let your guard down.
“Not my preferred transportation,” you said carefully, looking him over.
For his part, it seemed like he was doing his very best to be nonthreatening, all the cab lights were on now, and he was leaning over slightly so that you could see his face fully lit and framed in the window. His hands were open, empty, and visible, one on the wheel and the other on the dash. 
“Everything okay? Didn’t see a car broken down, but it’s real fuckin dark out tonight.”
You blew out a breath, hand flexing around the knife handle as you tried to decide how honest to be. 
“Uh, yeah… my ride was late, and I got tired of waiting. Figured I’d get a head start.”
Sy frowned a little, eyes glancing at the rearview in search of other headlights. His fingers tapped restlessly on the dash.
“What are the chances you’d let me give you a ride?”
“Not great,” you admitted. “I mean, I enjoyed hanging out with you, but as much as we talked, we never got to topics like… your stance on murder and body disposal.”
Sy nodded slowly.
“Understood… You could take a picture of me if you want. And my license plate. Text it to everyone in your contacts.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“You’d be okay with that?”
“Hell, I’ll sit in the truck bed and let you drive yourself if that’s what it takes to get you home safely. I’m not feeling too great about leaving you out here by yourself.”
You hesitated for a moment, looking up and down the road again. Still no other cars.
Fuck it.
Sy held perfectly still while you raised your phone and took his picture, sending it to your grandma, useless cousin, sister, brother in-law, and editor for good measure. Your phone’s flash blinded you for a second as you took a picture of the license plate moments later and sent it to the same list.
“You wanna drive?” Sy asked, leaning across the passenger seat to push the door open when you finished. 
“No thanks. Are you armed?”
“No, ma’am.”
You gave a final nod before climbing into the passenger seat. Sy’s brows raised when he clocked the knife in your hand, but he chose not to comment. 
“Where am I driving to?” he asked as you closed the door behind you. 
“My grandma lives down on Azalea. I’ll tell you where to turn.”
“Got it.”
Sy pulled his truck back onto the road, and your leg started bouncing almost instantly. You forced yourself to take a few deep breaths. It was clean in here, at least. Surprisingly so. Smelled like leather and pine, without the help of a green paper tree hanging from the rearview mirror.
Sy’s eyes flickered towards you for a second before returning to the windshield.
“Anything I could be doing right now to make you less nervous?”
“Don’t think so,” you sighed. “Sorry, it’s not that I distrust you specifically, I just…”
“I know. I get it.” 
A few minutes passed in relative silence before he tried again.
“You always carry a knife with you?”
You raised an eyebrow, turning away from the window to stare at him.
“Knives. That’s what you wanna have a conversation about right now.”
He scrunched up his face in a way you fought hard not to find endearing.
“Knew as soon as it was outta my mouth…”
“So stupid,” you laughed quietly. 
“I’m just not used to seeing a woman carrying anything bigger than a pocketknife, is all.” 
“I think you might be surprised. Concealed knives may not be conventionally ladylike, but they make us harder to murder. I think it’s a fair trade.” 
“Making yourself harder to murder… Inconsiderate.” 
That surprised a laugh out of you so abrupt and genuine it made you honest-to-god snort. Sy glanced over at you with a rapidly growing grin of his own as you struggled to speak.
“So fucking rude,” you agreed through your laughter, your stomach giving a little flip as the low sound of his laughter joined yours. 
And just like that, as your laughter faded to giggles and Sy’s to a charming half smile, the tension left your muscles for the first time since exiting the bar. It was back to how it was before, back to glances and smiles and a strange level of comfort between strangers.
You felt kind of…. Well, not stupid. But silly maybe. 
“I’m sorry for, um…” You gestured vaguely backwards, and Sy shook his head.
“Don’t be. Trust me, I get it. You gotta do what you can to keep yourself safe. Not always easy to know what that is.” 
You thought about the silver chain you’d glimpsed earlier. Retired military, he’d said. Of course he’d get it.
“It sucks that you get it,” you said.
He shrugged.
“It sucks that you have to do it in the first place.” 
“Yeah…” you said softly, looking down at the knife you were now holding loosely in your lap. It was too dark for you to safely put it away. You didn’t love the idea of accidentally stabbing yourself in the leg. 
When you lifted your head again, you caught Sy in the process of looking away. Before you could call him on it, you noticed a small pond drawing closer through the windshield. 
“Take this next turn,” you said, pointing. “And it’s the third house on the right.”
Sy nodded, following your directions without comment. 
You smiled a little to yourself as you looked out the window again. Your grandmother had lived in the same house in the same little neighborhood - if you could even call it that - for your entire life. Even with the old globe streetlamps so few and far between, you knew exactly what was out there in the dark night. The road sat high, built up to avoid pooling and flooding with the frequent rains, and the houses sat far back from the road and low enough in elevation that the rooftops were barely even with the street level. The road and the properties were heavy with tall, skinny pine trees, taller than any you’d seen anywhere else. As a kid, you’d have sworn they helped hold up the sky.
Your grandmother’s house sat at the edge of the neighborhood, and a dense forest started at the back of her property line, held at bay by a wrought iron fence that circled the whole yard, complete with a gate across the driveway, blocking access to the patio, carport, and yard. It was the only house in the neighborhood with a light on by the front door, the only house still waiting on someone to come home.  
“You can stop here,” you said as Sy approached the top of the driveway.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I don’t want the dogs to go crazy and wake my grandma up.”
“Okay,” he said, putting the truck in park. “I’ll just wait up here until you make it inside, if that’s alright.”
You gave a nod, reaching for the door handle when he spoke again. 
“And I... Sorry for scaring you. Hope I didn’t make you too uncomfortable.”
“You did everything you could’ve done to make it easier,” you said with a small shrug and a smile. “And for the record… if there were more men like you around, I probably wouldn’t have to carry this so often.” You tapped the hilt of the knife. 
Sy didn’t seem to have any words to add to that, just gave you a slow nod.
The cab light clicked on automatically when you opened the door, and you took advantage of the light, crossing your ankle over your knee and tugging up your pant leg to replace the knife in its small sheath, adjusting your sock and boot to keep it stable. Sy watched the process without comment, finger tapping idly on the steering wheel and eyes lingering slightly on your ankle even after you’d pulled your pant leg back down. He cleared his throat and looked away as you hopped out of the truck. 
“Have a good night.”
“Yeah, you too. Thanks for the ride.”
“Any time,” he said, a small smile crossing his face just long enough for you to believe he actually meant it. 
 You gave one final little nod before closing the door and turning to head down the long driveway. Despite the late hour, everything about it was familiar. The smell of pine and wet concrete. The nighttime symphony of crickets and frogs. The flicker of fireflies far back near the fenceline. You took a deep breath as you approached the gate, drawing the spare set of keys from your bag. You didn’t know how long you were going to stay, how long you even could stay, but if it was “heart” your editor was after, a nice soak in nostalgia certainly couldn’t hurt.
You let yourself in the back door, the same way everyone in your family did. The kitchen light had been left on, and the dogs were already standing there waiting for you, giving soft little woofs of greeting as they crowded your legs. You gave them their required pets and scritches, hushing them as they followed you through the dark house to the front door. You turned the outside light off, watching through the peephole as Sy’s truck drove away moments later. 
As you walked down the hallway to the guest bedroom, you sent the all clear texts, assuring everyone you’d made it home safely. Almost immediately, your phone began to buzz, signaling a call from your editor Bonnie. You took the last dark corner at a jog, closing yourself in the guest room before swiping the screen to answer.
“You’re up late,” you said quietly, feeling blindly for the light switch. “Do you ever actually sleep or do you have caffeine in an IV?”
“I’m always awake when my favorite talent is in mortal danger,” she said matter-of-factly.
You smiled. 
“Favorite talent or least annoying talent?”
The staticky sigh that followed was a very intentional non-answer. 
“You made it safely to Louisiana I assume? And are not currently being murdered by a genetically blessed serial killer?”
“Yeah, I made it fine,” you laughed.
“And the genetically blessed non serial killer is…?”
“Just a local I met. He gave me a ride home when my cousin bailed.”
There was a long silence.
“And…. He didn’t murder me. For which we should both be grateful.”
“Avoiding the details. Interesting.”
“You’re a details kind of woman. The absence is noteworthy.”
“Fine. I met him at the only bar in town, and we talked for about an hour. I left alone. My cousin never showed up. He passed me walking down the side of the road like an idiot and stopped to help. Satisfied?”
“Did you draw him? I bet your readers would love him. Remember that detective you met a few months back? They lost their minds over that handsome face. Half of them wanted you to marry him on the spot.”
“Uh, yeah, I did draw him, but I didn’t keep the picture. It was just for fun. Besides, I wasn’t looking for a story or anything. It was just… bar talk, ya know? Nothing noteworthy.” You tried to keep your tone light, knowing how much Bonnie hated a missed opportunity. 
“Hmm. Well, if you see him again, maybe try and find something interesting there.”
“You asked for more heart,” you reminded her. “Which is not something I’m gonna find talking to a random guy. That’s why I’m at my grandmother’s in the first place, remember?”
“Have it your way,” she sighed. “Anyway, just wanted to check in and make sure you didn’t run into any trouble.”
“I appreciate it,” you said. “I’m okay.”
“I’ll let you get some rest, then. Since unlike me, you still sleep.” 
“Thanks,” you snorted. “I’ll have the draft of the next post ready for you tomorrow.”
The call ended before you could respond, just as it always did, and you were in the process of plugging in your phone when you heard a soft knock.
You peeked out the door to see your grandma standing in the dark hallway, wrapped in her purple housecoat and holding a small flashlight.
“Got up to use the bathroom and heard you talking,” she said in a whisper. “Wanted to say goodnight.” 
You smiled, holding your arms out for a hug. She squeezed you much tighter than it looked like she had any right to, pushing the air out of your lungs.
“Goodnight, Nana. Sorry to disturb you.”
“Nonsense,” she said. “Did you have fun?”
“Kat never came. I think she forgot. I had fun anyway though.”
She pulled back from you with a frown.
“You didn’t walk all that way home did you? Oh, that girl is getting an earful from me in the morning!”
“It’s alright,” you laughed, rubbing her shoulder. “Someone gave me a ride. I sent you a picture. You can tell me all about him in the morning.” 
“Him who?” she asked quickly. “Do you know his family name?”
“No, sorry. He said his name is Sy?”
“Oh,” she said with a deep exhale, her shoulders relaxing. “Well, that’s alright then. He’s a good boy.”
“Yeah?” you asked with a smile, trying not to laugh. 
“Oldest Syverson boy, right? Big beard?” 
“Alright,” she sighed again. “I’ll invite him to dinner tomorrow to thank him. Goodnight, darlin.”
Your eyes widened as she kissed your cheek and turned to head back to her room.
“Oh, I don’t think you need to do all of that! I said thank you!”
She kept walking as if she hadn’t heard you.
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
Thanks for reading, friends! I hope you all enjoyed it. Would love, love, love to hear from you!
Tags: @firstcashheroathlete​ @melissareadsstuff​ @juliaorpll78​ @mrsevans90​ @kajjaka​ @kebabgirl67​ @foxyjwls007​ @luckydiorxoxo​ @just-chirpin​ @deandoesthingstome​ @mindingmyownbusiness​
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themxlkyyway · 2 years
0.1 Diagon Alley
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Navigation ⋅ Main Masterlist
Warning: None :)
Word Count: 1.6k+
Copying, adapting, and plagiarism, whether in person or digitally, is totally prohibited. Please do not translate and use it as your own work.
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July 28, 1989
Two months have passed since that crazy day in the alley. I learned that Professor McGonagall taught Transformations and was an animagus so she could shapeshift into a tabby cat. She, or rather Dumbledore, who was the headmaster of the school, put me up in a room, where I could eat whatever I wanted and bathe.
— Do you have the list of what you need? — asked the teacher as we walked towards a sealed brick wall.
— Yes, I have it here. — I took the paper out of my pocket to show her. — But wherever we're supposed to go, this wall is clearly sealed.
— Take a step back, Barnes. — He tapped three times on one of the bricks, three up and two horizontally. The brick he had hit moved strangely and from the middle of that brick wall a rather large hole appeared.
— How... did you do this? — my eyes were the size of soup plates.
— Magic, my dear. — she stepped through the hole into a large street full of stores, cauldrons and people shopping.
— Welcome to Diagon Alley.
Diagon Alley? What a peculiar name. I followed the teacher's lead as I swung my head around trying to see every store. Spiders? They really are wizards if they fly on brooms. I had only heard of them from stories, they said they were bad people. Around me I could see several people my own age, maybe they were also new to this world. I was just hoping to meet someone who was just like me.
— Open the list, we have to start shopping. — said the teacher pulling me out of my thoughts, I unfolded the sheet and read:
UNIFORM First year students will need:
-Three plain working robes (black). -One pointed hat (black) for everyday wear. -One pair of protective gloves (dragon skin or similar). -One winter cloak (black, with silver clasps).
(All student clothing must have name tags on it).
BOOKS All students must have a copy of the following books:
-The Statutory Book of Spells (Class 1), Miranda Goshawk. -A History of Magic, Bathilda Bagshot. -Magical Theory, Adalbert Waffling. -A beginner's guide to transformation, Emeric Switch. -A Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms, Phyllida Spore. -Filters and magic potions, Arsenius Jigger. -Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them, Newt Scamander. -The Dark Forces. A guide to self-protection, Quentin Trimble.
1 wand. 1 cauldron (pewter, size 2). 1 set of glass or crystal phials. 1 telescope. 1 set of brass scales.
Students may also bring an owl, cat or toad.
— Come on, there is a lot of shopping to do.
We were on our way to where I would buy my uniform, we already had almost everything, only my uniform, my wand and my mascot were missing. In a cart we carried the books, the scales, the cauldron, the sets of glass beads and the telescope. We entered Madame Mulkin's store, the sound of a bell announced our arrival, and a smiling and plump witch dressed in mauve welcomed us.
— Hogwarts? — she said as she looked at the teacher. — Nice to have you here. - the teacher nodded her head.
Madame Mulkin motioned for me to follow her and I didn't move until the teacher gave me a gentle push.
— Go, my dear, it will be quick. — I nodded before following Madame Mulkin to a footstool, which she made me climb onto. She slipped a robe over my head and began to measure and mark the appropriate length.
Again I heard the bell on the door letting us know that someone else had arrived.
— I'll get you your uniform as quickly as possible, beautiful. — she said and then approached those who had arrived. — Ah the Weasleys, nice to have you here again.
With some trepidation I turned and saw a family, they had red hair, they looked like carrots. Two boys who looked like twins passed by where I was, both on a footstool, waiting for Madame Mulkin to finish with my uniform. I think I was staring at them for a while because I saw a hand move in front of my face.
— Are you all right? — one of them said. — Do we have something on our faces? — replied the other.
I shook my head apologetically under my breath.
— It's all ready, beautiful.
Without further ado I thanked him and got down from the stool with some haste, I saw how the teacher was talking to the red-haired lady and I approached her with some embarrassment.
— Can we go? — I said once I was next to Professor McGonagall. She said goodbye to the lady and then we left the store.
Our next stop was the wand shop. The store looked cramped and shabby, and above the door we could read in golden letters "Ollivander: maker of excellent wands since 382 B.C.". Already entering the store a bell could be heard ringing just like in Madame Mulkin's store. It looked like a library, but they were not books, they were thousands of narrow boxes, carefully stacked up to the ceiling.
— Good afternoon — said a gentleman with a kind voice.
I startled at the sound of the voice and the creaking of the floor. I looked at the teacher, but she was still with her emotionless face.
A gentleman with big pale eyes, they were very beautiful, they reminded me of the full moon. I gave him a small smile as I waited for him to continue talking.
— Ah, yes — said the man as he arranged a small mountain of narrow boxes. — Amelea... — the man looked behind me to where the teacher was and with a small smile returned his gaze to me. — Amelea Barnes. Nice to meet you. — I could see in his expression how he wanted to speak, but he refused to say it.
— Come on Ollivander, we need to make one more stop, this is no time for small talk. — Professor McGonagall said in her dry voice.
Mr. Ollivander cast a thoughtful glance. — Well, now, Amelea... Let me see. — From his pocket he took out a tape measure. With which arm do you hold the wand?
I've never had a wand, how would I know that? I decided to go by the hand with which I write and raised my left hand.
— With my left hand, sir... — I replied.
— Extend your arm, Amelea. — He measured from my shoulder to my finger, then from my wrist to my elbow, from my shoulder to the ground, from my knee to my armpit and around my head. It was all so fast. As he was mediating he was saying to me:
— Every Ollivander wand has a central core of a powerful magical substance. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feather and dragon heart nerves. No two Ollivander wands are alike, just as no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are alike. And, of course, you will never get as good results with another wizard's wand.
As I was processing the information he had just given me I hadn't noticed that he was no longer standing next to me, but checking among the shelves, pulling out boxes, which I assumed that inside these narrow boxes were the wands. He opened a box and pulled out a wand.
— Okay, Amelea, try this one. Ebony wood and unicorn hair, twenty-one and a half centimeters. Springy. Go on, try it, wave it.
I took the wand with my left hand, I observed the details of it before waving it around. Seeing the failed attempt, he took the wand away from me and put it back in its box to keep looking for more.
— No... Yew wood with a phoenix soul, twenty-eight centimeters, inflexible flexibility. An unusual combination.
He handed me the wand and the second I held it in my hand a warmth came to my fingers. I waved the wand in the air and some green lights appeared and hit the wall.
— Bravo, it's the right one... Well, well, well, it's quite curious...
I took the wand from my hand and put it back in its box and then wrapped it in wrapping paper while still mumbling: "Curious... quite curious".
— Excuse me, but... what's so curious, sir? — I said in a soft tone as I watched him wrap the box.
He looked up and locked his gaze with mine.
— I remember every wand I've ever sold, Miss Barnes. Every single wand. It turns out that your wand is quite powerful, but quite damaging if it falls into the wrong hands. Yew wands are the rarest to see, whoever possesses it are likewise unusual. It has the great reputation of giving its wielder the great power of life and death. — Before he could continue speaking, the teacher interrupted him.
— That's all, Ollivander, you've said too much, look how the poor girl has turned out. — she mentioned at my still and confused state. — Thank you very much. — said the teacher as she handed him the coins.
We left the place and headed towards the pet store.
— Don't pay too much attention to him, dear, she just likes to talk too much.
I nodded at her words, I tried to get his words out of my mind, but the last sentence still echoed, "They have the great reputation of giving their possessor the great power of life and death". What did he mean by that?
We arrived at a shop, Owl Emporium.
— Wait for me here, I'll go buy your owl. — She disappeared into the store. I leaned back on the cart carrying my things, waiting for her to return.
A few minutes later, the teacher came out with a cage in her hands, a small brown owl with white dots, its eyes were open yellow.
— His name is Howard, take him as a birthday present. Come on, you have everything, you must rest after this day.
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Tags: imma-too-many-fandoms
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callmebliss · 2 years
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I posted 19,025 times in 2022
That's 18,050 more posts than 2021!
713 posts created (4%)
18,312 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,666 of my posts in 2022
#life in blisstopia - 53 posts
#hashtag peer review - 49 posts
#winnifred shadow countess of blisstopia - 27 posts
#bats for sweetiebat - 23 posts
#art - 17 posts
#kitty! - 17 posts
#youtube - 17 posts
#unreality - 15 posts
#life with spawn - 13 posts
#prev tags liberation front - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if i get the promotion i’m told is coming my way and the pay increase ends up working out to this amount annuall i am going to be screaming
My Top Posts in 2022:
Taika Waiti could play Gomez Addams
2,953 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
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This is the tumblrest headline
7,847 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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And they look out so hard for the well being of the spiders AND the dolphins
26,934 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
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28,762 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A friend of mine got a copy of an old Dutch edition of The Hobbit. I absolutely agree with their assessment that this is the best cover art the book has ever had.
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The more I look at it the more I love it. Look at it. Look at Bilbo. He’s just a little guy
62,292 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
[I love this. My top five posts are a greatest hits of what made my dash so unusable I retreated into @callmebliss-got-swamped for various lengths of time]
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blocky-tides · 10 months
hello! spotify wrapped drabble ask game: 9 for crimeboys?
9 - punk police (unknown virus 5.) by ho99o and n8noface
heavy bass thumps through tommy's body as he weaved his way though the crowd, drifting toward the edge where wilbur stood, waitiing for him.
"wilbur! i got the goods!" tommy shouted out, stuggling to be heard of the loud music and the din of the crowd.
wilbur pulled tommy closer to him as soon as tommy reached grabbing distance, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to guide him away, further into the train yard where the pop-up show was held. the gradual absense of music made their ears ring from the loss.
"are you pumped tommy? your first time putting your first original tag down!" using his arm that was wrapped around tommy to pull him into a tight hug, almost making them fall into the sharp gravel.
"oh, piss off wilbur. you're the one who dragged me out here to put my tag next to yours because you love me." tommy drawled out the last few words, trying to escape from wilbur's grip.
after a few minutes of conversation they finally arrived. it was an unremarkable train car, almost undistinguishable from all the other graffiti train cars that sat rotting in the yard.
right in the middle was wilbur's tag. a fancy 'wilbur soot' in a glitchy font-style that reminded him of wilbur's windows 94 twitch theme. underneath it was a small row of the animals from wilbur's albums; the anvil cat, the pebblebrain seagull and the others. a few other graffiti pieces done by friends that wilbur has dragged over the years filled the canvas.
"so, big man." tommy questioned after soaking in the view, "it's your train car, where did you want me to put it?"
wilbur smiled indulgently at him, "why don't you put it above mine?" pausing before adding teasingly, "if you could reach though is the question."
"fuck you man!" tommy lightly shoved at wilbur, "i can reach! just because you are freakishly tall doesn't mean i'm not tall."
taking out the spray paint out of his backpack, bright red of course. tommy shook it listening to the satisfing sound of the metal ball rattling around the can, mixing the paint.
after testing spraying it to let the excess air out tommy started on his tag. making sure his lines were straight and that there would mild to no drip onto wilbur's old works. adding the star on top of the i as the finishing touch. stepping back he admired his work.
tommyinnit stood out in fresh bold bright red letters with a smiley face hidden in the curve of the o.
checking to see wilbur's reaction, he was surprised to see wilbur already looking back at him with an incredibly fond expression covering his face, complete with a gooey grin.
wilbur walked closer to tommy cupping his hands around tommy's face, cooing, "look at you toms. following in you big brother footsteps. you're growing up in front of my two eyes."
grumbling, feeling his face turning red from wilbur's complement. tommy quickly deflected, "shut up and hurry on taking a picture. i'm freezing my ass off here."
wilbur laughed, giving tommy's cheeks a final pinch. he let go, drawing his phone out of his pocket to take a picture of tommy's work to later send to everyone and brag.
"come on, let's go. we don't want my little brother getting cold now." wilbur tucked tommy under his coat as they turned around to leave. 
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Affordable SFO Airport Car Services: Luxury on a Budget
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Importance of Affordable SFO Airport Car Services
Traveling to or from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) can be a daunting experience, especially when considering the logistics of getting to the airport or reaching your destination after a tiring flight. Many travelers often face the dilemma of choosing between expensive luxury Airport car services SFO and the hassle of public transportation. However, there is a perfect solution that combines the best of both worlds: affordable SFO airport car services. In this article, we will explore how these services offer luxury on a budget and the benefits they provide to travelers.
Understanding the Concept of Luxury on a Budget
Luxury is often associated with high costs, but when it comes to airport car services, luxury can be attainable on a budget. Affordable SFO airport car services focus on providing top-notch transportation solutions without the exorbitant price tag. While these services may not come with all the bells and whistles of a traditional limousine, they ensure a comfortable and stress-free journey to and from the airport.
Advantages of Choosing Affordable SFO Airport Car Services
One of the primary advantages of opting for affordable SFO airport car services is the cost-effectiveness they offer. These services provide competitive rates, making them a more budget-friendly option compared to other private transportation choices.
Affordable SFO airport car services prioritize passenger comfort and convenience. With well-maintained vehicles and professional chauffeurs, travelers can relax and enjoy a smooth ride to their destination.
The chauffeurs employed by reputable affordable SFO airport car services are experienced, well-trained, and possess excellent knowledge of the local area. They ensure punctual pickups and safe transfers, further enhancing the overall travel experience.
Top Features to Look for in Affordable SFO Airport Car Services
When choosing an airport car service, it's essential to consider fleet selection. Reputable providers offer a range of vehicles to cater to different travel needs, including sedans, SUVs, and even limousines.
An efficient and user-friendly online booking system is a valuable feature of reliable affordable SFO airport car services. This allows travelers to make reservations conveniently from anywhere at any time.
Safety should be a top priority when selecting an airport car service. Look for companies that prioritize safety by regularly maintaining their vehicles and implementing necessary safety measures.
Tips for Finding the Best Affordable SFO Airport Car Services
Conduct thorough research and read customer reviews to gauge the reliability and quality of the services offered by different providers. Positive feedback from satisfied customers is a good indicator of a trustworthy company.
Don't settle for the first option you come across. Compare prices and services offered by various affordable SFO airport car services to find the best match for your needs and budget.
Some airport car service providers offer additional benefits and discounts, such as complimentary refreshments or loyalty programs. Be sure to inquire about any special offers that might add value to your travel experience.
Choosing the Right Vehicle for Your Needs
Selecting the appropriate vehicle is crucial to ensure a comfortable journey. Consider the following options based on your specific travel requirements:
Solo travelers and business executives often prefer sedans for their comfort and practicality.
For families or larger groups, SUVs provide ample space and a smooth ride.
For those seeking a touch of elegance and luxury for special events or celebrations, limousines are the ideal choice.
Making the Most of Your Airport Car Service Experience
To avoid last-minute hassles, it is advisable to book your airport car service well in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.
Ensure you are ready and waiting at the designated pickup time to make the most of your car service.
If you have any specific requirements, such as child seats or accessibility needs, communicate them to the San Francisco car service provider when making your reservation.
Affordable SFO airport car services offer a fantastic solution for travelers seeking luxury on a budget. With cost-effective prices, comfortable rides, and professional chauffeurs, these services ensure a hassle-free travel experience. Whether you're traveling alone or with a group, there's a suitable vehicle to cater to your needs. Remember to book early, compare options, and read reviews to find the best airport car service for your next journey.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Second unit of the U.S. National Air Guard receives F-35s fighters
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/02/2023 - 19:47 in Military
F-35 Lightning II aircraft assigned to the 115th Fighter Wing, Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin receive fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker assigned to the 128th Aerial Refueling Wing in Milwaukee during its initial flight to Truax Field on April 25, 2023. (Photo: U.S. Air National Guard / Staff Sgt. Cameron Lewis)
The 115th Fighter Wing of the Wisconsin National Air Guard (ANG) received its first F-35 Lightning II aircraft on April 25, making it only the second unit of the U.S. National Air Guard with the advanced fighter.
The fifth-generation fighters piloted by Captain John Lorbiecki, Major Jacob Jerzewski, Major Joe Pavela and Lieutenant Colonel Michael Koob were greeted by members of the 115th FW, friends and state and community leaders when landing for the first time at Truax Field.
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"It is with great joy and obligation that we accept today the challenge of becoming the second hunting wing of the National Air Guard with the F-35," said Colonel Bart Van Roo, commander of the 115th FW. "As we take on this new challenge, with such national and international importance, we hope to work with all of you to continue to maximize what we bring to our communities in the coming decades."
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The 158th Fighter Wing in Vermont was the first unit of the National Air Guard to receive the F-35 in 2019. The Wisconsin Guard's effort to receive the jets took 10 years. The last F-16 of the wing left the base in October 2022.
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"Our team effort was built on three pillars - the stellar and deserved reputation of the 115th Fighter Wing with years of great leadership and vision has put us in the game, in the airspace and in the areas of Volk Field, Hardwood and Ft. McCoy completed our exclusive training complex, and the 128th Air Refueling Wing ensured ready support for extended training and real-world missions," said Brig. General David May, the general assistant of the Wisconsin National Air Guard. “The three Wisconsin air bases were a powerful combination of talent, will and desire to be selected for conversion.”
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With the arrival of the first F-35 in Truax Field, the Wisconsin National Air Guard is now part of a vast fleet of F-35s from the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and many partners and allies.
“We are now at a time when national borders are no longer recognized and the international order as we know it is being tested,” said Major General Paul Knapp, Wisconsin's adjutant general. “As we engage in this new era of great power competition, the ability of this hunting wing to provide reliable combat air power of the F-35 is vital to our nation’s national defense.”
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Eventually, the 115th Fighter Wing will receive 18 F-35As, three less than its 21 F-16s.
It will not take another three years for another ANG unit to get the aircraft - Alabama's 187th Fighter Wing is scheduled to start receiving F-35 in December. In fact, just a few days before Wisconsin's ANG received its new planes, the Alabama Guard said goodbye to the last of its F-16s at a ceremony at Dannelly Field.
Tags: ANG - Air National Guard / U.S. National Air GuardMilitary AviationF-35 Lightning II
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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ofpd · 3 years
two jewish holidays where u drink on an empty stomach.
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doodleybugg · 3 years
🍐— how bout sirius suddenly transforming into a dog and shocks his girlfriend after forgetting to mention he's an animagus? and she's like "what the fuck happened to my boyfriend?" or sumthin like that IDK AHAHAHHA I KNOW YOU'LL DO GREAT MWAH
tags: slight swearing, I think that's it so enjoy :D
You were waiting, sweater hugged tightly to your shivering core in a feeble attempt to keep you warm. He better show up, you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes.
your boyfriend, Sirius Black, was known throughout the school. Him and his friends, (the marauders, they called themselves) were notorious for their pranks, their impossibly good grades despite how little they truly paid attention, and of course, their attendance. Or, the lack thereof.
As you got lost in your train of thought, a figure lurked nearby. You were in the forbidden forest, after hours at that, waiting for your boyfriend to show up for an impromptu date he'd planned. You waved and called out to the figure, and looked down to grab your bag at your feet, before running towards it.
Your eyes deceived you for every step closer you took. The once human had shrunken down, a movement you initially thought was Sirius sitting down to wait for you, but as you got closer a large black dog was leaping toward you, tongue lolling out in a toothy grin, it's pearly eyes sparkling against its black matte fur.
You almost screamed, but remembered the last lesson taught in Care Of Magical Creatures, when professor Ferox brought a (insert magical animal, I can't think of one 😭) into the class.
"Don't ever run, in fact, keep eye contact and continue forward. Loud noises are a no-go, as you'll either frighten or threaten the animal." His voice rang clear in your head as the dog took its final bounds towards you, stopping seeing the look on your face before making an odd noise, like it was breathing in and out at the same time.
"Good boy" you murmured, continuing towards the dog slowly. It seemed to like that, striding towards you, making you freeze as it's head was nuzzling your thigh.
"Awh, you aren't so bad" you said softly, reaching down and scratching behind its ears, earning a playful yap from the black dog, before it circled you and took a few steps towards the castle, turning back as though asking you to follow.
And you did.
You felt somehow compelled, this dog was far too nice to be wild, but just quite scraggly enough to look dangerous. You followed it to the castle yards before somehow finding yourself on the quidditch pitch, sat in the stands watching the dog run around, almost in a trance watching the breeze run through its fur and grabbing a bite of chocolate from your bag, stolen from Remus' stash. You'd expected someone else to share with you, you knew because two bars sat in the bottom of the bag.
Oh merlin, Sirius!
You jumped up, almost ashamed, and ran through the stands of the pitch, stopping at the gate to look back at the dog, who had spotted you and was turning it's head to the side, puzzled.
"Are ya coming, boy?" You asked, before remembering dogs could talk, and mentally facepalmed as you opened the gate.
that simple movement was enough for the dog to run to you, catching up on a quick second despite how tired it looked from lapping the pitch only moments before. It blocked the gate, standing in your way, tail hitting your knees when you tried to push him.
"You.. You weirdo, my boyfriends waiti -" you complained, trying your best to move the impossibly heavy dog out of your way, getting interrupted.
and you paused, shocked.
your eyes were wide as your neck bent up, your breath caught in your throat.
Sirius looked down at you, panting and chuckling, his hair a little dirty and his eyes glistening with happiness.
"Your boyfriend's right here, you weirdo" he rolled his eyes, and you laughed before hitting him with your bag.
"Why didn't you tell me??!"
"Could've sworn I did"
And you both laughed so hard your ribs hurt, spending the rest of the night in the quidditch stands, joking and sharing chocolate.
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Why is Natalia Portman and Taika Waiti lying about Thor 4 being so gay funny? I am sick of being lied to by my favourite directors
No one lied to you. There are multiple queer main characters.
And @ the other person in our inbox about this, no the director who attempted to make a character canonically bi in the last movie and was shot down and then successfully made that character bi in this movie did not queerbait you. Jesus Christ. I don't know how many times you all need to hear that queerbaiting requires malice, but I am getting tired of saying it.
I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I'm getting very tired of fielding "is this queerbaiting" questions when the answer is clearly no, and we have explained why the answer is no several times now. I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall here. It's actually good for people involved in a movie to acknowledge that some of the characters could be gay.
Please see our queerbaiting tag for more information.
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“It’s You” Chapter 11
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Masterlist            Chapter 10 
Pairing: Obi-Wan x Female Reader 
Word count: 5.3K
Warning: langague-ish (said that in Cap’s voice.) Rena is nasty. We couldn’t love Obi anymor than we alrady do but this chapter might deepen our love for him. Angelo is the best boy. Also, slight spoilers, the scene at the end was inspired by an Ewan song where he’s sings that he talked to the moon....it’s swoon worthy and amazing. Its called “The Sweetest Gift” and it absolutely worth a listen!
Author’s Notes: I am back! Thank you to everyone who patiently waitied for an update it means a lot! Work and grad school keep me busy and I have research projects to finish up inbetween the semesters so I don’t know when there will be another update but Im going to do my very best to get it out within the next few weeks. This story is not dead, I already have the whole story planned, I just need to find the time to write. So, unless you otherwise hear from me, this story lives and is not dead. Enjoy the update and as always, thank you for reading, it meas the world. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. 🥰😊
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You dragged the wooden bucket through the water trough as you gave a heavy sigh. The afternoon sun had been bearing down on you as you had toiled around the gardens and grounds of the estate. The morning consisted of you cleaning out Summer's stall, supplying Rosita and her chicks with a clean coop and freshwater, collecting the eggs, feeding the other animals, and tending the gardens.
You straightened and braced your hands against your lower back as you attempted to stretch and crack your back. You were tired. Rena had been working you extremely hard since the night of the ball. She didn’t say anything to you, but you knew it was a punishment for trying to go to the ball in your mother’s dress after she explicitly told you that you couldn’t go. You gave a slight smile as you thought of how the night really went; if only she knew.
The sound of Angelo’s barking took you from daydreams of the Prince and yourself strolling through the Palace gardens.
“What?” You chuckled as you bent down and ruffled his ears. “I know you want to play silly boy but I have work to do. Maybe tomorrow if there's time? Deal?”
He licked your cheek and made a sound that was somewhere between a bark and a “gruff.”
“Hahaha, good boy…...Thank you for understanding. But that means you have to let me do my work today, okay?.” He gave you another kiss on the nose and you hugged him.
Picking up the bucket full of water you turned to him and patted your hip. “Come on boy, these vegetables aren’t going to water themselves.”
- - - - - - - - - - - -
You were on your hands and knees a few hours later pulling weeds and covered in dirt, still tending to that mess of a garden. Rena had taken great pleasure in watching the garden go to pieces knowing that it was once your mother’s pride and joy. She always purposely gave you other things to do and would never let you tend to it till it was at its worst state, never mind that the flowers and vegetables could be sold for money or they could support the household…that would have been too logical of a thought process. And as you had learned, spite and logic didn’t go hand in hand.
Angelo had fallen asleep under a shady tree despite his abundance of energy. He was always a good boy for you even if you couldn’t give him the attention and time to run and play.
Caked with sweat and dirt, you were so engrossed in your work that you hadn’t heard the footsteps that were approaching you from behind.
Trampling her way through the garden, Rena walked right through the vegetables, ruining some as she went. As she came to stand over you she aggressively dropped a large basket of laundry in front of you. “These need to be done for tomorrow.”
You just stared at the basket of clean, folded, white linens that you had washed the other day. Between your secret outing at the ball and all the other chores, you hadn’t had the opportunity to put them away. Confused, you looked up at her.   “I just did those the other day, they’re clean.” You parented, out of breath from all the work you had been doing, as you sat upon your knees and wiped the sweat off your forehead.
Her eyebrow arched.  “Well.” - the tone in her voice was ice cold. - “Seeing how I just plopped them down in the muddy garden, they have to be done again.”
Staring intently at you, she turned the basket upside and down.  The clean linens came tumbling down into the dirt. The once crisp, clean fabric was now covered in mud. As she watched in astonishment, your eyes grew wide and your mouth hung open. For added effect, Rena stepped on the large pile and dug her foot into them, rubbing them into the ground. Her cold eyes never left your flabbergasted face.
You couldn’t believe what your eyes were seeing. The relationship between you and Rena had always been tense at best but now….now she was outright bullying you. Sure, it wasn’t the first time, but usually, an action like this was prompted by something. Bad news, you acting out in some way (more than likely on purpose. You refused to take the actions of her and her daughters lying down) or that her daughter did something stupid, which was pretty often. This, however, was unexpected. Nothing that you could think of had gone wrong or had been out of place.
A swift emotion of fear flowed over you and you stared at the linens on the ground….did she know?
Looking up at her, her eyes bore into you. Did she know you were the “mystery princess” from the ball? Did she know you disobeyed her direct order not to go?
Turning back towards the mud-covered linens, you swallowed the bile that threatened to make you sick. …..No….she couldn’t have recognized you….The Daughter promised you wouldn’t be recognized. Plus, you knew Rena. IF she knew or even suspected that you had betrayed her and gone against her orders, she’d be doing things much worse than throwing clean laundry in the mud.
You shook your head slightly, washing the anxiety and fear away. Despite being relieved, you couldn’t show her that you were happy about something; that would be bad. Then she would know something was up.
“When do you need these by?” You huffed.
“WHAT?!” You shrieked. Her eyes lightened to an even colder stare.
Sighing exasperatedly. “There is no way I will be able to get everything done that you have me doing today and have those ready for tomorrow.”
Before you could even fully take a breath from finishing your sentence, Rena bent down, so that her face took up your whole view. She reached out and held your chin tightly, forcing you to hold her gaze. “Then I guess you will have to work extra hard, won’t you….You ungrateful brat.”
She forcefully pushed your chin back, practically throwing you to the ground, as she straightened and walked away from you.
Rasing up from position under the tree, Angelo stood and growled at her.
Stopping and turning towards you, she warned you. “Shut that mutt up before I shut him up.”
As if he understood her, he started barking at her.
“QUIET!” You snapped at him. Angelo was the last straw. If she did something to him, that would be the line that you wouldn’t hold back on and you didn’t want it to come to that if you could help it.
At your orders, he stopped barking and sat down, but he never took his eyes off Rena. The two of them seemed to be locked in a dead stare.
Arching an eyebrow at the dog, her signature look, she gave him a “hmp” as she turned and walked away.
On her way out of the garden, she strode over the vegetables again, purposely trying to destroy them.
You watched her till she disappeared back into the manner. You were alone again. Looking at the pile of crisp white linens that were now dusty and dirty, your lip wobbled.
Why was your life like this? How could your father have ever chosen such a wretched woman? He was such a kind and smart man….how could he go from choosing a woman as wonderful and good as your mother…to choosing that woman.….. It was days like this that you truly wondered what kind of spell she cast over father when they had met if had been this wretched.
Blinking back tears, you chuckled at the euphemism. She couldn’t do magic…but it made you wonder what your father saw in her.
Obviously, he hadn't meant to die….but when he did he had abandoned you with this woman, who for some reason hated you so much.
At this point in your relationship with her, you talked back to her quite a bit, refusing to take the wickedness that she aimed at you, especially when you knew of no good reason that she aimed it at you. However, while your father was alive and shortly after his death you had been nothing but kind and respectful to her…but that was before she had shown you her true colors. It was only now that you were sick of her crap.
You brushed the dirt off of your calloused knees and hands as you stood up. The garden would have to wait for another day; most of the weeds were pulled anyway. Picking up the basket and the linens, you headed over to the washtub to do the exact same load of laundry for the second time in two days.
Carrying the basket, you watched the way the sun's rays sparkled off of the fountain and the pond….golden specks upon beautiful blue…..
You smiled fondly as you looked at them…..So lovely and enchanting….like a certain Prince’s ocean eyes and coppery colored hair.
His gentle voice filled your mind as you started pumping the well to fill the tub up. The way his smooth and warm voice had spoken to you, the soul in his eyes…..if he was here right now you know he wouldn’t hesitate to make you feel better.
Knowing him, he’d probably try to help you do everything you had to do today because that's the type of person he was. Yet, you would have been happy to just have a hug from him….someone to show you kindness.
The way he had held you as he danced with you, how he gently escorted you through the garden….He had treated you so gingerly and with the respect that it had left you breathless; no one had treated you like that since your parents were alive. Even the way he had spoken to you, treating you like a person instead of less than…..Just to have that again would have put a pep in your step and made everything more bearable.
They were wrong about him….the villagers…..They called him spoiled and sheltered….They judged him because he lived in a palace and had a title given to him at birth. They thought less of him because he hadn’t been seen in public unless the moment demanded it.
You had started to think that way of him too….Just some Prince who would rather count his treasurers than bother with the common folk.
But you were wrong too. He was shy in a way. He liked to keep to himself, more comfortable with knowledge and learning. He was found of animals and like to keep his circle intimate.
You may have only known him for one evening but from everything you saw, everything that he said to you….you knew he was one of the best men in the world. A kind and brave soul….a man worthy of the title “Prince.”
You sighed, putting the first piece of linen into the tub and putting the washboard in as well.
No one could take away that night from you. In your heart you knew it was real and just as you told yourself, it would have to be enough…..and in a way, it was.
Knowing that someone as wonderful as him existed in this world and that he felt the same way about you that you did about him….that thought would be enough to sustain you for eternity.
He thought that you were wonderful, and that would be enough.
It could never be more than a memory….a dream… Prince’s didn’t fall in love with servants.
As it was, he didn’t even know who you really were. Not that it would change how he felt about you, he wasn’t shallow. And, despite the elegant disguise, you were yourself that night.
However, nothing more could come of your affection and feelings for him. It would always be just that one night.
That thought left you empty and sober, all found daydreams of that night fading away as you plunged the dirty linen into the bucket of water.
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Obi-Wan paced back and forth in front of the large and ornate fireplace of one of the stately sitting rooms that were off of the ballroom, the one he had escaped to that night after he opened the ball with the mystery princess.  
The warm glow of the fire made the scarlet colors walls, the jeweled gold of the picture frames, and the dark wood of the floor feel cozier than it normally did.
The heels of his boots clicked on the wood floor as he kept pacing, his mind seemed to spin and think in time to the tempo of his boots on the floor.
Days. three days since the ball and not one sign or whisper of the mystery princess. Tomorrow would be four.
He was becoming internally frantic and desperate. On the outside, he attempted to keep a calm and reserved demeanor, but those who knew him best knew that he was frustrated on the inside.
Every evening Anakin would return with Cody, Rex, and the guard and to his dismay, they hadn’t found her. No leads, no sightings….nothing.
No one had even seen her based on the description that he had given the guards or knew the answer to the question.
How could she have vanished into thin air? He couldn’t have imagined her, everyone saw her….so she had to be real.
No one in the village knew her. The slipper had been tried on every maid, innkeeper, duchess, and foreign princess….but not one of them was THE woman he was looking for.
He stopped in the middle of the fireplace, one hand resting on the mantle. He chewed his bottom lip thoroughly, a bad habit he picked up as a child whenever he was hard at work or deep in thought.
Was there a kingdom they had overlooked? Some foreign dignitaries daughter or niece they missed on the guest list?
Tapping his fingers on the warm marble of the mantle he stared at the ticking clock that he was eye-level with as if it was haunting him that time was slipping through his fingers like quicksand. Every second that he hadn’t found her was a second that she could be getting further away from him.
He turned on his heel and started pacing again, his hands being his back.
Did she even know he was looking for her?
She had said that she had feelings for him as well, had she meant it, or was she just being polite?
That thought sent a cold shudder through him. That would be dreadful if it were true. She was the most wonderful, and radiant creature he had ever met and it would be a cruel trick of irony she was just being polite.
He stared at the bookshelves where they had sat and chatted about the contents on the shelves.
Did she only want him for the crown? And she had run because of jitters? Or maybe she was going to come back and make a grand entrance?  
Shaking his head, starting to pace again.
No, that wasn’t her. The girl he had met that night had so charming, sincere, and intelligent……she couldn’t be like one of these jackals of the court who only wanted him for material and superficial reasons, it just wasn’t her.
Actually…..come to think of it…..why hadn’t SHE come forward? In order to be invited to the ball, she would have been a member of the kingdom or from a neighboring alley kingdom and everyone within a thousand miles knew that he was looking for her….So where was she?
Was she in trouble? Did someone recognize her and they wanted to hold her for ransom? Had someone done something to her?
That thought made him angry. He would never let anyone hurt her if he could help it….. He relaxed his tense muscles at the thought of her being in trouble…That couldn’t have happened…..
He ran his hands through his hair as he let out an exasperated sigh.
For crying out loud he didn’t even know her name?!? How could he be in love with someone whose name he didn’t even know?!
He couldn’t get her out of his mind. She was so kind, intelligent, funny. She had a beautiful smile that could steal all the light in the ballroom if it wanted to. The way her sparkling eyes looked at him.
They had talked to each other about some of their most personal memories and at the same time they had talked about nothing at all…frivolous things….flowers in the garden, their pets, books, and music…..everything and nothing at the same time.
Yet….He was in love with her. He chuckled quietly at his inner, mad ramblings. How his mind was furiously obsessing and overthinking everything…..He was in love and there was no point in trying to deny it.
He had only known her for one night, but he did. He refused to let that be enough…..there had to be more….there had to be….
The sound of the door nob jiggling made his heart stop and he spun around towards the door.
His eyes were wide with adrenaline and his heart was racing with anticipation.
Anakin sheepishly poked his head in the doorway. “Your Majesty.” He said seriously.
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and puffed out a breath of air.
“Cut the shit and come in Anakin.”
Normally Obi-Wan would have chuckled when Anakin used his formal title. But if his best friend was poking his head in the door and using titles as opposed to bursting in the room like the hurricane he was….then he knew it was either bad or they had had no luck.
“Sorry.” Anakin mumbled as he straightened, walked into the room, and closed the door behind him.
He stood in a soldier’s stance, at attention with his hands behind his back.
Yup, Obi-Wan concluded….he didn’t have good news.
“You didn’t find her did you?” Obi-Wan said solemnly.
Anakin shook his head slowly. “No…We didn’t…..”
Obi-Wan rubbed one of his temples. “How much of the Kingdom have you searched? How many other kingdoms have your men been to?”
Without any facial expression, Anakin continued to address Obi-Wan the way a Duke and General would address his future King….not the way two best friends would address each other.
Anakin hated seeing Obi-Wan like this. He didn’t like coming back time and time again empty-handed. He knew this best friend clearly liked this woman by the way he was trying to keep it all inside and remain calm….if he didn’t like her, he’d react the way he would to all the other members of the court who vied for his attention. He felt like he was letting him down every time and Anakin always took care of those who he considered close to him and Padme and Obi-Wan were the two most important people in his life…His wife and his best friend.
Anakin coughed slightly clearing his throat. “We have searched every neighboring and allied kingdom from top to bottom. Every guest that had a ticket to the ball, male or female has been questioned for information. Even members of staff or personal servants have been questioned for information. We have ruled no female out as the potential princess and we have asked every person regardless of station or gender for possible information or identification of the Mystery Princess.”
Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose. His net was getting smaller. Every neighboring kingdom had been searched and nothing. That meant there was on their kingdom left.
“What about the village? The houses on the edges of the towns? Outside of the capital? How much our kingdom have you searched?.”
“Cody said that he and his men have searched about 65% of the Kingdom.”
Obi-Wan threw his hands up in the air. “THAT’S MORE HALF?!” He cried.
Casting his head down, Anakin dropped his shoulders. “I know.”
Obi-Wan started pacing again. “This is ridiculous, madness…..How has no one in this kingdom or any other even heard of this woman….I mean…I’m not crazy right, I danced with someone…..I know she was as lovely as a dream but she was real right?”
For the first time in that conversation, Anakin smiled. “Yes. She was real.”
“Then what are we missing? What are we doing wrong?”
“I’m not sure. But if she is out there…We will find her. I’m personally moving my battalion to this kingdom now that I’m done with the others and between Cody, Rex, and Myself….Well…..One of us and our battalions has to find something. Unless something underhanded is going on or she doesn’t want to be found, then something will have to happen.”
Obi-Wan smoothed his beard as he looked at Anakin. “That’s what I’m starting to worry about….Something feels wrong…..My mind is….”
Anakin gave his friend a one raised eyebrow look. “You’re starting to get stuck in your head and spiraling aren’t you?”
Obi-Wan didn’t answer him as he started pacing again.
Smirking, Anakin finally relaxed his stance. “Oh…and we’re pacing again….Should I assume you’ve been chewing your lip too? You’re at that level of frustrated huh?”
Obi-Wan chuckled. “Bug off.”
Crossing the room Anakin stood in front of his friend so that he stopped pacing. He placed his hand on his shoulder. “We will find her Obi-Wan. She either lives in the most remote part of this kingdom or, like we’re fearing….something is up. Tomorrow I start my search with the houses on the outskirts of the northern village and beyond the forest.”
“Isn’t that the area where her carriage disappeared and the trail went cold?”
“It is”
Obi-Wan tried to ignore the slight feeling of hope that was stirring in his chest. “Then maybe we just might find something.”
“That’s genuinely what we’re hoping for…..I’m taking the northern region, Rex is taking the Southern villages. I’m sending Echo to the Western area….and I think Cody said he and his battalion are going to take the city center.”
“The Captial?” Obi-Wan questioned.
Shifting nervously, Anakin nodded his head. “Yes. I know I’m in charge of this search, but I can’t be everywhere at once. I know I can trust Rex, and Echo with my life. They are capable of commanding a battalion and searching those areas. And we both know that Cody is extremely capable.”
“Oh…no, no….it’s not that, they’re all fine men and I to trust Echo, Cody, and Rex…I’d trust them with my life….But, if Cody…if he’s going to be in the city center, just outside the Palace…”
“No.” Anakin interrupted him.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” He spoke with a mischevious glint in his eyes. 
“No.” Anakin said sternly again.
Obi-Wan tilted his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “You realize I’m the Crown Prince and I don’t need your permission right.” There was a slight hint of teasing in his voice.
“And I am the General in charge of this mission, a member of the Court, and you’re best friend….and my answer is still no.”
Obi-Wan was getting annoyed. He was about to say something but Anakin held up his hand, stopping him.
“The minute you step into that city square, all chaos is going to break loose. You’ll make things more complicated for Cody and you are potentially in danger. No one will be around to protect you.”
“OH COME ON! I’ll be in the capital city at the gates of the Palace, surrounded by Palace guards! HOW AM I NOT PROTECTED?!”
“Because….no will actually be protecting or paying attention to you…they’ll all be working, looking for your girlfriend.” Anakin sassed him back.
“Anakin….this constant protection thing, it’s getting to be a bit much…I know I’m the only heir to the throne, but I’ve fought in a war before….we both did, side by side… And I didn’t have 24/7 protection then. I understand why Cody is important, but this is ridiculous. I should be out there, with you, looking for her. Not cooped up in some ivory tower while I have someone else doing what should be….I mean…was I not the one who spent the whole evening with her? Am I not the one who is looking for her?….. No, it’s settled. I’ll appease everyone and at least stay in the village, even though I am more than capable of holding my own in a fight. But I’m going out there tomorrow. It’s been three days and that’s three days too long for my liking. And I’m telling you now if we don’t find her tomorrow, then I’ll take my own search party outside of the village and there really isn’t anything that can be done to stop me.”
Anakin knew he was right about everything.
He titled his head back and looked at the ornate ceiling and sighed dramatically. “Oh….Palpatine is going to kill me, he doesn’t like it when your out in public too much, he says it makes it too easy for the people to have access to.”
“Even more of a reason!” Obi-Wan declared. He couldn’t stand the Prime Ministers’ point of view on things and it really irritated him.  “Why shouldn’t the people have the ear of their leader? Isn’t that my job? I’m not my Palpatine, I will never see eye to eye with him or do things his way. And, as much as my father is a great ruler, I’m not him either. I’m me. And I have to start doing things my way, that way when I take the thrown, the people know what to expect. It’s settled. I’m going.”
Anakin gave him a formal and dramatic bow. “As you wish Sir.”
He put all the formality and gusto in a voice that told the Prince that his best friend was back to his joking ways. Obi-Wan knew that Anakin had his best interest at heart and was just trying to keep him safe while completing his assignment but, he was also willing to be that Anakin was secretly happy that he was joining him tomorrow. The two of them were the ultimate team, even when they divided and conquered.
Obi-Wan jokingly nudged him. “Bugger off and go see your wife.”
“Thanks Princey! See you tomorrow.” Anakin teased.
Obi-Wan hated that nickname Anakin used to tease him but he just shrugged it off.  
“Get plenty of rest, we’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
Anakin chuckled on his way out of the room. “Indeed we do. I know you’re going to drive Cody, Rex and I crazy in all the best ways….. I wonder who’s going to eat me alive first when I tell them you’re coming? Cody or Palpatine?”
“My money is on Cody!” Obi-Wan shouted as Anakin shut the door.
A sense of relief overcame him now that he was alone again. At least he wouldn’t spend another day fidgeting and pacing in the Palace, behind gilded doors and large windows. No, at least he would be out there, doing something useful and contributing to the cause. Perhaps tomorrow would be the day.
Looking at his mother’s portrait, he smiled. “Please Mom. What am I missing? What am I doing wrong? There has got to be something I’m overlooking?”
Steeping closer, he reached out and touched the edge of the frame. “You were such a positive person. So full of hope and joy and wise like Dad….I know you would have something to say right now if you were here….Oh, how I wish you were…”
He rested his head against the frame. He had to close his eye because the moonlight was shining through the window and from this angel it shined in his eyes.
He was tired. At the same time, he was so full of hope and dread. Hope that they would find her, dread that they wouldn’t. But, he channeled his father’s wisdom and his mother’s positivity….something would give eventually.
Jerking back from the frame it was as if he had been electrocuted. His heartbeat thrummed in his ears.
“Oh! You amazing women!”
Running back to the portrait, he kissed the Queen’s forehead. “Thank you” He whispered.
Bursting from the study doors, he stepped out onto the balcony and walked to the edge of the railing.
The warm air of the summer evening was sweet-smelling with the scent of flowers from the garden. Looking up, the clear, dark blue sky was filled with millions of glittering stars. The moon hung in the sky, large and full.
“Luna!” He said in a hushed voice.  
Looking around, he made sure that he was alone. He felt that this was borderline madness, but what did he have to lose at this point?
“Darling Luna….You look lovely this evening. I’m sorry that I have never really spoken to you before…Truthfully, I didn’t know that you were in the business of making friends.”
Chuckling, he shook his head. Yes, he was definitely glad he was alone.
“.....Listen, my dear….I have met the most amazing, wonderful woman…..In fact, she says she’s a good friend of hers….OH! Do you remember the night of the ball, she and I were together in the garden….Please….I don’t know how you could but please in some way or form…Tell me her name….I beg of you, please a name…any name…”
Silence followed his speech and he stood gaping up at the large orb in the sky.
He huffed out a breath as he sagged his shoulders. “She said that you were cryptic, that you kept all of her secrets. I’m sure you know that she hadn’t told me her name before she ran off…..”
Looking back up at the moon, he found new hope. “Well, listen….If you talk to her….Please, please tell her I’m looking for her. Tell her where to find me or guide me to her….In the meantime…..please keep her safe and make sure she is well. I know that you two are very close and well….as her best friend, I’ll tell you first, I love her. I know I haven’t known her for long but I do, I love her. She’s like you in a way. Beautiful, radiant, amazing…..her smile is as bright as your light and her heart is so pure….I want to….I want to marry her if I can and I promise she will want for nothing. I will take the best care of her, cherish her and be the best husband I can be. Do right by her, stand by her, protect her, as her friend I would hope you would want the best for her as do I….So please….help me find her and I promise, I will give her the world…..”
Once again, silence followed his words. But somehow, Obi-Wan was calmer and more full of hope than he had been all day. Giving the moon a formal bow, he blew her a kiss. “Thank you, my dear. I look forward to when we can speak again.”
Walking back into the palace he couldn’t help feeling silly but hopeful, he had never spoken to the moon before. He was willing to try anything if it meant he would be able to see her again.
Hope was dangerous. If they failed tomorrow then he didn’t know what he was going to do with himself. But he wouldn’t go that route…..”Cross that bridge IF you get there tomorrow.” He told himself as he strode through the ballroom, heading up the stairs towards the Grand Hall.
“Mother always was positive and clearly she’s on your side….breathe and stay focused Obi-Wan…..stay focused. Tomorrow is a new day. She’s out there and you’ll find her.”
@mrskenobi19​ @transcending-time​ @sillynilly27​ @winchester2316​ @kirstenvldfan21​ @fandomtrashwhore​ @janebby​ @thewhitedannimal​
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hopscotchandlemon · 3 years
A Little Peace - Part 3
Prompt number: 13 – “The things you make me do.”
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: Teen
Warnings/Tags: Snakes, injury.
Fictober 21 Masterlist
She locked eyes with him, lost in his gaze. Just when she had thought they might cement what-ever-it was they had going, he pulled away.
“Got to get back,” he uttered, making his way further along the path.
Exhaling loudly, she nodded her head, following him as they headed back towards the cabin. It was already lunchtime on Sunday, the hike back would take them until after dinner and then they needed to make their way back to DC so they could get back to work in the morning. Weekends always seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. She had enjoyed this one, spending time with Gibbs was special and she remained surprised he’d bought her out here. The calm serenity had soothes part of her soul, but she knew there was something he was holding back on, something she had hoped he would share with her. Old habits die hard with men like Gibbs, but she knew if there was a chance he needed to talk, she wanted to be there for him.
“Ouch!” she exclaimed at feeling a sharp pain in her ankle, as she looked down, heard the unmistakable rattle.
“Gibbs!” she called, but he was already at her side.
“That bite you? Lemme see.”
The snake slithered away from them, Gibbs inspected Jack’s ankle, finding the tell-tale puncture wounds. He got his water bottle out and ran it over the wounds. Reaching in to his pack, he bought out his first aid kit, covering the bite with a dressing to keep it clean
“We got to get you to a hospital.” He stated. Already putting her arm around his neck.
Nodding and agreeing, Jack walked alongside him, trying to ignore the pain in her leg and the panic rising through her stomach. They were about an hour walk from Gibbs’ cabin. There was no mobile reception where they were currently walking. Gibbs knew it was safer keeping Jack with him rather than going off in search of help. Once they were at the Cabin, it would be easier. However, Jack was slowing, the pain in her leg increasing. He was going to have to make her charge ahead despite the pain.
Less than a mile from the cabin, Gibbs finally got mobile reception and was able to reach out, finding out which hospital had the antivenom that was needed. Because of their location it was going to be quicker for him to drive rather than waiti for them to try and find him.  Jack was feeling the full effects of the venom, her breathing was becoming more laboured and her eyes kept closing.
“Come on Jack, stay with me. We got a mile to go. You need to keep talking.”
“I’m done talking. You talk for a change,” she slurred.”
“What do you want me to talk about?”
“Tell me about your nightmare,”
He was impressed that she still had the wherewithal to remember it. But this was Jack, she was never off-duty.
“The things you make me do, Sloane.”
So, he told her, about the dream, the palpitations the waking up in a cold sweat. Everything. He was mildly irritated that she was barely coherent enough to respond as they reached the cabin. He loaded her in his truck.  His annoyance was short lived, replaced by genuine worry as she hovered in and out of consciousness. He tried to keep a hand on her knee as he sped along the rural roads, hoping that he could get her to the hospital before it was too late. 
Tagging: @ilovemark1951 @mahc1562 @petrichor-13
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omgbigfluffwriting · 3 years
Let Me Be Myself Chapter 3: Memory Lane
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A/N: this was written for @daydreamingatnight209 for Pom’s server swap.
Summary: Spencer and Reader take a trip down memory lane courtesy of their inquisitive kids.
“Hey, Mom, how did you and Dad fall in love?” My daughter asks Y/N. I snort, remembering that it started with a dare. Y/N snorted herself. “Aunt Emily said it was ridiculous.”
I glanced at Y/N, wondering what she was going to say. This was the first time any of our quints had shown any interest in how they came to be. “It started with a dare.” Y/N finally says. “Mine, to be accurate.”
“Yours?” Our daughter echoes in disbelief which makes her siblings start listening in as well. I'm surprised Emily actually said anything on the matter.
“Yes, mine.” Y/N said with a chortle as I remember.
----- Memory Start -----
“Come on, Einstein, it's just a prediction! Most often, they don't come true.” Y/N tried to convince me as I doctored my coffee. I snorted.
“You expect me to walk into there for something I know won't come true?" I hissed. My dearest wish has never happened. I wished last year on my birthday that Y/N would finally see that her current boyfriend was an asshole. “Wow, that's actually a new low for you.” I took a measured sip of my coffee. “Why won't you take Reginald?”
She sighed. “I tried, Spencer. Every time he makes up an excuse as to why we can't go.” I rolled my eyes as I made up my mind to go with her. Reginald's continued excuses are the reason I’m going with her. I’m also her best friend...though I wish I weren't friend-zoned.
“I’ll go but Reginald’s still an asshole.” I said as I added a bit more sugar to my coffee. What can I say, I like it sweet.
“Thank you, Spence!” she exclaimed and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and thankfully, she didn't notice that my face had gone as red as my cardigan sweater. “I don't know what I would do without you.”
“Let’s hope you never find out.” I muttered before taking another sip. “Is Reginald working late tonight?” Y/N nodded miserably. He was probably cheating on her, the bastard. I’d seen him making out with his current receptionist the other night. “Come over to my place. Let's finish the Tenth Doctor tonight.”
“As much as I would love to, you and I both know he hates our Doctor Who nights.” she replied. I hated knowing that I’d be a healthier choice for her to have a relationship with than Reginald.
“Actually, who names their child Reginald? Even Elton John had the sense to change his name!” I exclaimed as we went out into the bullpen.
"Not everyone is Elton John, Spence." Y/N wearily replies as she sits down at her desk across from mine.
----- Memory End -----
“You had to coerce Dad into going?” Our first daughter asked, bringing me back into the present. Our other kids were laughing uproariously at Y/N’s recount of convincing me. “I thought coercion was wrong.”
“Honey, your mother didn't coerce me. There's actually a difference between coercion and persuading, which you’ll find out the definition of in a few years.” I said, smiling at the memory. “Besides, I got what I wanted in the end.”
"And what was that, Dad?" One of our two boys asked.
"I wanted your mother and by extension, you." I simply said as I squeezed Y/N's hand lightly to let her know I loved her. She gave me a smile and leaned her head into the crook of my neck.
----- Memory Start -----
We walked into the fortune teller’s tent. I was still highly skeptical about it. I still believe that most fortune tellers prey on human emotions, it’s a profiling turned carnival trick and that it’s not adequately rooted in science. She took one look at us, rose to her feet and bluntly asked, “When’s the wedding? You two make a lovely couple.”
Awkwardly I answered, “We’re...not together.”
She smirks at me and says, “Yet. Fate wants you two together.” I blinked in surprise at her declaration that we were supposed to be together.
After telling her that we weren't interested in a full session, we walked out of the tent. Suddenly, “Oh shit, tonight’s date night!” came out of y/n’s mouth. I raise my eyebrows at her. Twice a month, our team held Date Night, which gave established couples a chance to relax and have fun. I always volunteered to babysit Henry and Michael on those nights because I didn't want to see Y/N with Reginald.
The fortune teller came out and said, "Mr. Reid, a quick word before you and your friend leave." I nodded and went back into the tent, while Y/N went shopping since our task was completed. “You need to go to date night tonight. I'm sensing that this is the chance that you've been waiting for all year.” I blinked in surprise again.
“It’s Doctor and how did...” She pointed to my FBI ID Badge. I had forgotten to take it off when we left work.
----- Memory End -----
“But how did you two get together?” our three daughters ask in unison. I laughed. Whenever the kids were inquisitive, they were my kids. “And how did you know this would be your chance to sweep mom off her feet?”
“A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.” I stated.
“In Dad speak that means you think we're not old enough.” Said our second son. I could see the disappointment on my children's faces. I wasn't going to share everything about what the fortune teller had said to me that day.
“No, it means I haven't told your mother how I knew.” I calmly replied. “And there are some things I would rather keep to myself.”
----- Memory Start -----
I had totally spaced on Date night. I found a sexy number that I had gotten for my birthday and hadn't worn (as Reginald hated it) in the back of my closet. It was a rose-gold colored knee-length bodycon dress that showed a healthy, tasteful amount of my cleavage (which wasn't much, thankfully).
“You are not wearing that tonight.” Reginald said as he walked by my room. I frowned, bristling at the imperious demand.
“I will wear whatever I want.” I replied, deciding on the dress in that instant.
“You look like a skank in that dress.” He said and then left to make his own preparations. I ignored him and put on the dress. The moment he saw me in it, he refused to speak to me. When we got to the bar that the team was at, JJ raised an eyebrow.
“And here I thought Reginald wouldn't let you wear that.” JJ remarked.
“It looks good on you!” Penelope gushed. “Spencer chose well.” I looked at her, shocked. “Wait, you didn’t know Spencer got it for your birthday? He saw it and knew it had to be yours.” I shook my head.
“That's why he refused to put a gift tag on it.” JJ explained. “He knew Reginald would never let you wear it as we all did. How...” I grinned, emboldened by the knowledge that Spencer had gifted me this dress.
“I told him I would wear whatever I wanted.” JJ and Garcia both beamed.
“Good.” both women remarked as they took sips of their drinks. I was drinking a piña colada and despite Reginald being an ass while ignoring me, I was having fun.
He seemed to be getting into an argument with Prentiss and Rossi when I looked for him. I frowned since that likely meant he was drunk. He'd pick a fight with Bigfoot, if Bigfoot existed, while he was drunk. “Where’s Spence?” I asked. After he had finished speaking to the fortune teller alone, I tried to get him to tell me what she’d said and my best friend immediately clammed up.
“He’s here somewhere.” JJ remarked as Reginald came up to us. This surprised me as Spencer preferred sitting for his godsons rather than come to Date Night.
“We’re leaving.” He growled. “Doctor Noodle Boy is here.” Again I bristled, this time for the nickname he gave Spence.
“No, we just got here. If you want to go, go. JJ and Penelope...” I started with tears threatening to fall. Why had I not heeded Spencer's warnings about Reginald?
“I said we're going.” he restated, raising his voice. 
“Let me go to the bathroom first.” I said. He nodded and I ran to the bathroom, intending to cry my eyes out but before I got there, I was pulled into a warm, minty embrace. It was Spencer.
“Spence...” I cried into his shirt. He lifts my chin and tenderly wipes away my tears.
“F*** him.” Spencer said. “Leave him and be with me. I don't know when I'll have another chance to convince you.” Spencer murmured before kissing me on the forehead.
On a preserving whim, I decided to leave Reginald. I pulled Spencer's head down, stood on my tiptoes and kissed him just as Reginald stomped towards us. “You wore that for him, didn't you?” Reginald snapped. I gathered my courage which was boosted by Spencer standing behind me.
“We’re over, Reginald.” I said.
“We’re over when I say we're over.” he growled, forcefully grabbing my arm. “We’re going, NOW!” However, Spencer looked at him.
“I’ve been very tolerant of you up until now for Y/N’s sake. Get your hands off her before I break your fingers.” Spencer said coolly.
“Make me, *Pretty Boy*.” Reginald challenged.
“Don’t touch what's no longer yours.” Spencer hissed and broke Reginald’s wrist, ignoring his howl of pain as he escorted me away. I looked back to see cops escorting Reginald outside. When we got back to the dance floor, ironically, ‘You Shouldn't Kiss Me’ was playing. “I knew that dress would look gorgeous on you.” he whispered as he led me onto the dance floor.
We danced to song after song like we were the only two in the room. “I hate to interrupt,” Rossi said coming up to us some hours later. “But the bar’s closing.” Spencer gave me a final twirl.
“Now, how about that Doctor Who marathon?” he murmured. I beamed at him in response and nodded my head. He intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked to his car.
“Thank you.” I murmured, holding onto his hand tightly.
“For what?” Spencer asked.
“For everything. You were right. He was an asshole.” I said, twining my arms around his neck.
----- Memory Start -----
Our kids were laughing uproariously at Reginald’s wrist being broken and my admitting that Daddy was right. “It wasn't that funny.” I mumbled.
“Y/N, you rarely admit you are wrong so yes, it is funny.” Spencer said as I rolled my eyes. I was waiting for the kids’s bedtime to break some welcome news to my husband. I was pregnant again.
“What happened next?” Our kids eagerly asked in unison.  Spencer’s lips quirked into a small smile.
“Your mother broke her foot while we were on a case.” he said with a chuckle. “Not to mention the fortune cookies with dinner that same night.”
----- Memory Start -----
I fell down, my gun falling from my hands as I heard a loud crack. I tried getting up but couldn't. Prentiss directed Spencer to carry me before cautiously going into the house.  I groaned as Spencer lifted me up, held, and carried me bridal style. “How is it that now we're finally a couple, odd things keep happening?” 
“The fortune teller said Fate wanted us together.” Spencer replied as he carried me to an SUV. I groaned at his answer.
“How can you be so...blasé about all of this?!” I exclaimed as he drove to the emergency room. What happened to our man of science?!
“I knew from the moment I met you that you were the woman I’d love for the rest of my life.” My eyes widened. I hadn't expected that answer out of him. “You know, I want kids.” He said as he drove.
“Where did that come from?” I asked. Spencer said nothing. “So do I.” I admit as I keep my eyes on the road to distract me from my pain. 
Thanks to my foot being broken, I had to hobble on crutches which meant I couldn't fly. It had something to do with what Spence had done before I was hired, apparently. Prentiss arranged for me to have a ride home with JJ as I lived in the same general area. “Could you drop me off at Spencer's?” I asked, seeing Reginald on my doorstep. JJ nodded and turned around. I slowly made my way up to his apartment after she dropped me off and knocked on the door. 
When he answered, he said, “What's wrong?” as he let me in.
“Reginald is waiting for me on my doorstep.” I replied. Spencer made a disgusted noise before kissing my forehead. 
“When is that guy going to learn?” He mumbled. Then he brightened. “I was just about to order Chinese, want some?” I nodded in agreement. While we waited for our food, Spencer asked, “Doctor Who or Star Trek?”
“Star Trek.” I said as I realized I didn't have any clothes. Fortunately, Spence was one step ahead and had earlier bought me a change of clothes besides pj’s from the store. He also handed me a hoodie sweater.
“This is yours now, Y/N.” I unfolded the sweater to see that it was his Caltech hoodie. “I figured that bastard wouldn't give up.” he said as we settled down to watch Star Trek Voyager. We only had to pause it once in order to get the food and we ate in companionable silence.
When I took our dishes in, I saw a hastily written note taped on top of a couple fortune cookies. It said, ‘Doctor, these are for you and the Mrs.’
Mine read, ‘A good marriage requires falling in love many times — all with the same person.’ I agreed with the sentiment. Spencer’s read, ‘If I know what love is, it is because of you.’
“That is so true.” he murmured.
----- Memory End -----
“It’s still true.” Spencer replied as he looked at our kids who were making faces at us for kissing.
“Don’t I know it.” I replied.  “Not a day goes by without me thanking the Lord that you were there when Reginald tried to force me to go home.”
“Me too.” Spencer said, kissing me on the forehead, like he had been ever since that first night.
“Moom!” Our daughters said, embarrassed. Our sons groaned.
“Our love only grew stronger, Y/N.” my husband reminded me. I smile at the five kids, soon to be six. I couldn't keep quiet any longer.
“Come December, there's going to be a new Reid.” I announced. Spencer’s eyes widened at my news. The kids looked delighted.
“That’s wonderful!” Spencer exclaimed, hugging me. Then in my ear, he whispered, “Remember that time we had to share the same bed on a case?” I chortled.
“How could I forget?” I replied.
----- Memory Start -----
“I'm sharing a room with who, Prentiss?!” I exclaimed in shock. Prentiss had just informed me that I'd be sharing a room with my new boyfriend.
“There aren't enough rooms, so you're rooming with Reid.” Prentiss repeated, “I didn’t expect any protest considering he is your boyfriend.” She shrugged and I followed Spencer to our room. But I received another shock when we entered the room. There was only one bed. Thankfully, there was a couch.
“I’ll take the couch.” I said, not noticing that Spencer was behind me.
“We can share the bed.” he murmured. When I started to protest, he added, “We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.”
“I thought to save it for my husband.” I absentmindedly said. 
“Oh, so you think I won't be your husband? Don't worry, I’ll behave. I'm only joking.” he promised.
“I know you will. I trust you with my life so I can trust you with my virtue. Okay, we can share the bed.” I agreed. He put his arms around me. I leaned into his embrace.
----- Memory End -----
“You were the one that didn't behave.” he reminded me quietly. I grinned, remembering the rest of that night. That had been the night that the quintuplets were conceived.
“You could have said no.” I replied. I felt his chest rumble with laughter.
“I should have made you promise to behave too.” He mumbled. I laughed as he kissed my neck. 
“Mom, what happened next?” Our three daughters asked.
“I nearly lost your father.” I said.
----- Memory Start -----
Tears fell down my face. I was pregnant with Spencer's child after two months of marriage and he was in the hospital in Texas with another neck injury, this recent injury courtesy of Reginald. “Hey, you okay?” JJ asked.
“What if he doesn't pull through? I can't do this without him.” I sobbed.
“Do what?” JJ asked again.
“I’m pregnant, JJ.” I said, still sobbing. “I can't raise this kid without him. Diana won't be much help...”
“Y/N, the doctor wants to talk to you.” Emily called out before JJ could say a word of reassurance to me.
Reginald’s bullet narrowly missed Spencer's carotid artery and hit Spencer a few inches below it. I didn't need to worry about him, since he went to prison for assaulting a federal agent. I was told I could visit but was warned to not excite him as he needed to rest. Angry, I went to visit Reginald.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Reginald asked smugly.
“Your stunt. You could have killed him, Reginald. If he dies, you better believe I will be pushing for you to go to Death Row.” His eyes widened.
“I only wanted you back,” he explained. 
“How does killing the man I lo-” I pause, considering my words carefully. “How does killing the man I love get me back?” I demand. “Let me tell you something, Reginald, if you ever loved me, you will let me go. Never contact me again.” I left after that. I went home, cried, ate ice cream, cried and went to sleep.
Three weeks later, I was beginning to show when Spence woke up. The funny thing was JJ had to drag me to the hospital because I did not want to see him unconscious again.
I entered his room to see him sitting up, animatedly chatting with Luke. Luke smiled and got up. “I’ll just um...” he left.
“Spence...” I breathed in relief and kissed him. “If you ever...”
“I know, I know. You’ll kill me.” he murmured softly. His fingertips brushed the curve of my growing belly. “Are you...” he asked excitedly.
“As of yesterday, ten weeks pregnant.” I answered, just as excited as he was. 
“Um, love, you don't look ten weeks pregnant.” Spencer said. “You look thirteen, maybe fourteen weeks pregnant...”
“Shut up.” I muttered.
----- Memory End -----
Our kids were howling with laughter at my telling daddy to shut up.  I laughed too because it had been funny.
“I was right after all though.” Spencer said as he held me in bed after we’d gotten the kids to bed. “Five children...” 
“I’d never been more terrified in my life than I was at the moment we found out I was pregnant with quintuplets.” I muttered. Well, that was a lie. I had been so petrified at the idea of raising Spencer's child on my own if he died. There was no way I could have raised all five on my own.
----- Memory Start -----
“Ready to see our baby, Einstein?” I asked Spencer the day of my second ultrasound. Spencer smiled at me and nodded as he tenderly tucked a lock of my hair back into place behind my ear. I noticed Spencer’s enlarged eyes and shocked expression first before hearing the doctor’s words.
“That would be babies, Mrs. Reid.” the doctor dryly stated as he looked at the ultrasound screen . Both Spencer and I stared at the screen in shock.
“Babies?!” I repeated dumbly, seeing a pair of fetuses on the screen.
“I was only joking! Do twins even run in your family?” Spencer exclaimed and then asked. In fact, yes, multiples did tend to appear on both sides of my family.
“They do, Spence.” I said softly. “At least they’ll have each other growing up.”
“Looks like quintuplets.” the doctor informed us. Both Spencer and I paled. That meant a high risk pregnancy.
----- Memory End -----
Pulled out of my reminiscing by Spencer's lips on the top of my head, I took a look at the ultrasound photo. “Seven, Einstein. There's possibly twins in here.” I said as I pressed his palm to my still flat stomach.
“I’m glad I accepted your dare, Y/N. Happily married to the woman I love and adore more than my own life with seven kids to boot.” We were both wrong. Later, we would find out, much to JJ’s and Garcia's amused delight, I was pregnant with triplets so we had eight energetic, bright, and happy children.
“Now will you tell me what the fortune teller told you?!” I asked in exasperation. Spencer smiled. “And don't give me that ‘A gentleman never kisses and tells’ shit you gave the kids earlier.”
“She told me that I needed to attend Date Night the night that we got together.” Spencer said, shocking me as he drew patterns on my tummy with the pad of his finger. “Why, do you regr...”
I put a finger to his lips and remarked, “If you love me, Spence... don't ever finish that sentence.”
“Your wish is my command.” Spencer said, kissing me tenderly as one of our babies kicked.
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piratesimmons · 7 years
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buckyssoldat · 4 years
Chapter 9: Wait for me
Warnings: strong language, injuries
A/N: If you wanna be tagged in this, just send me an ask or a message. Feedback is always appreciated, don’t be shy to share your thoughts on this :)
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Please, wait for me
Although I know the light is fading fast
Alice spotted Clint, Nat, and Steve being swarmed by the Chitauri, so she sprinted toward them, eager to help. Killing a few Chitauri around them, Alice found herself joined by Thor, who used to kill the other creatures.
“What’s the story upstairs?” Steve asked Thor.
“The power surrounding the Cube is impenetrable,” the Asgardian declared.
“Thor’s right,” Alice heard Tony from Steve’s intercoms, “We got to deal with these guys.”
“How do we do this?” Natasha questioned.
“As a team,” Steve firmly answered.
Thor sighed, “I have unfinished business with Loki.”
“So do I,” Alice whispered. Natasha caught her words and raised an eyebrow.
“What did you say, Onyx?” Clint asked, trying to understand if he heard her correctly.
“Nothing, just thinking out loud,” she quickly replied. “Look at that huge worm up there! Maybe someone should kill it! Well, since no one offered, here I go take care of it. Bye, stay safe!” Alice darted towards the enormous beast before the other could ask her more questions.
“Wow, nice save dumbass,” she facepalmed herself as she looked at the beast, just a few feet away. “I’m the boss, I can do this. I’m the boss, I can do this!”
Gaining confidence, Alice jumped on top of the Chitauri creature, stabbing it repeatedly in the eyes with her knives, “Die, you horrible monster! Die! Die! Die!” However, the beast didn’t die, nor did it budge. “Fuck it, I’m doing it the old-fashioned way.” Jumping down from the creature, she ran as fast as she could, so she was facing it.
“What are you doing, Alice?” Steve yelled from behind. The rest of team was staring, waiting to see what she was going to do.
“I’m gonna kill this fucking thing!” When the creature was close enough, she gathered all her strength and punched it. Tony blasted it, making it fall dead on the ground. “Fucking finally…”
Looking at her right side, she noticed the Hulk, staring at her. “Hum, hey Mr Hulk…”
“Guys…” Natasha pointed to the hole on the sky, where more of those giant worms were emerging.
“Call it, Captain,” Tony said.
“Alright, listen up,” Cap begun to explain the plan. “Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash.”
“Can you give me a lift?” Clint asked Tony.
“Right. Better clench up, Legolas” Iron Man grabbed Clint and took off.
“Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal,” Steve continued as Thor nodded. “Slow’em down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up.” Thor swung his hammer and took off, leaving Steve, Hulk, Natasha and Alice back. Steve turned to Nat, “You and me, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. And Hulk… smash!” Hulk grinned before he took off, killing as many Chitauri as he could.
“Hum, Steve, aren’t you forgetting someone?” Alice asked her friend.
“You, Alice, you will try to find Loki and stop him,” Steve explained while she frowned. “We know about his feelings for you. Thor and Clint told us before you came here. Come on, Alice. If anyone can do it, it’s you…”
Alice huffed, “Ugh, fine. I’ll deal with the evil wizard.”
Trying to grab a ride from one of the Chitauri’s pods, Alice took a big jump and landed right where she wanted. She grabbed the Chitauri that was driving and threw it to the ground. Now all she had to do was find Loki in the middle of that madness. She spotted him on top of the Stark tower again, soon joined by the Hulk. When Alice finally managed to get on top of the tower, Loki was screaming at the Hulk.
“Enough!” he yelled as he got up. “You are, all of you, except her” Loki pointed at Alice, who was just waiting to see how this was going to end, “beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature. And I will not be bullied by---” His speech was interrupted by the Hulk, who was now hitting Loki on the floor over and over again.
“Puny god,” the Hulk mocked him as he left the tower.
Alice rushed to Loki’s side upon hearing his groans. “Are you okay?” she inquired.
“Why… didn’t you… stop… him?” he gasped between laboured breaths.
“Well, you sorta had it coming. You were practically inviting trouble,” she remarked with a smile, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll stick around, but you can’t run away. I won’t let you escape. Got it? I’ll stay with you until the end.” Loki slowly nodded, and she helped him get up. “So, am I the only one not beneath you?”
As he sat on the stairs, Loki let out a laug. “You could be beneath me. I’m positive the metal man has chambers around here.”
Alice playfully hit his head. She couldn’t help but smile at the god’s dirty comment, “Maybe that can happen after all this ends…” They leaned in for another kiss, but their moment was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the rest of the Avengers.
As the team gathered, Loki, trying to composed himself, bantered, “If it’s all the same to you, I’ll have that drink now.” Thor grabbed his brother and the Tesseract to take them both back to Asgard, back to where they belonged.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us, Lady Alice?” Thor asked as the team escorted them to the bridge where they were going to go back to Asgard. “My father Odin would be very pleased to meet the lady who stole my brother’s dark heart.”
“Thanks for the offer, Thor, but I belong here on Earth,” she replied with a smile. “Besides, I need to find an old friend…”
Loki turned to his brother and pointed at the metal covering his mouth, signalling him to remove it. As Thor complied, Loki sighed in relief. “My little dove,” he said, looking at Alice, “I will come back to you, my love. Wait for me.”
“I don’t think coming back to Earth is a very good idea,” she chuckled. “But who knows?”
“Who said I was talking about Midgard, little dove?” Loki finished speaking, and in an instant, he and Thor were gone.
“So…” Natasha trailed off, “You’re in love with the god who wanted to destroy our planet?”
“I’m not in love with him Nat!” Onyx protested. “It’s just… It’s complicated.”
The team bantered as Tony and Bruce got into Tony’s convertible. “You want a ride, Asgardian princess?”
“First of all, I’m not an Asgardian princess,” Alice huffed. “Second, I got my own bike parked next to Steve’s, and lastly, there is nothing going on between me and Loki, so stop teasing me about it.”
“Whatever you say, Lady Loki Odinson,” this time was Clint teasing her, making the rest of the team laugh.
“Ugh, you’re all lucky I’m so happy this is over, otherwise I would kick your asses,” she got on her bike and turned the engine on. “Gotta go now. Fury finally allowed me to get out of the compound. Guess who’s gonna get their own apartment in Harlem!”
“You know I could have got you a place in SoHo, or Tribeca, easily,” Tony boasted.
“I’m happy that I got my own place, it doesn’t matter where it is. But thank you, Tony. I gotta go now, stay in touch guys!” And just like that, she left her friends, riding to Harlem to meet the realtor who had the keys to her new place. The only things she had were the clothes on her body, her guns and knives in a duffle bag secured on the side of her bike, and, of course, her beloved black Harley Davidson. Everything she had back at compound were just some clothes Shield had given her, nothing else.
The realtor, Camille Robinson, handed over the keys to Alice’s new apartment, wishing her good luck.
Exhausted from the intense battle, Alice sank into her new dark green couch. Deciding to treat herself, she ordered takeout for the first time in her independent like – a large pepperoni pizza.
As she savoured each slice, the flavours merging with the sense of accomplishment, Alice found herself immersed in the simple joy of a peaceful evening. The glow from the TV flickered across the room, casting a warm ambiance that contrasted with the chaos she had just left behind. For the first time in her life, she felt a sense of normalcy setting in. Life was good.
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roger-that-cap · 3 years
tagged by @parris !! thanks bestie!!
. why did you choose your url?
steve’s last name is roger, and at the time he was cap! and it kinda rhymes but tbh i pulled it outta my ass 
2. any sideblogs?
wish i had some! think i might start one for reblogging everything i read tbh 
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
this account is like a year old, but i started being active this january 
4. do you have a queue tag?
i don’t que- waiti hardly even know wtf that is souwfhourhwrou
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
 to read fanfic. literally that.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
yeahhhh it’s chris evans as infinity war steve and that was enough for me 
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
fuck i think its brand new eyes and it has like 640 notes?? 
9. how many mutuals do you have?
a nice amount! enough for a nice friend group, i think! love them all 
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
462 hehehehe 
12. have you ever made a shit post?
idk the definition of this tbh but if its just saying nonsense then look at the #lys talks and you’ll find out efihwicbwiurc
13. how often do you use tumblr?
all the time. all the time. 
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
can you spell anon? hell yes... kinda entertains me at this point 
15. how do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
tbh i’m a writer on this and i feel like if you want the author to make more stuff, it’s only fair you try to get them some exposure?? who wants to create for shadow people? i feel like the need to reblog (ifffff you are a fan of the work of course) posts are valid. 
16. do you like tag games?
yes but i literally always forget. this is like two days late i’m so sorry 
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutual do you think is tumblr famous?
@ritesofreverie and @divine-mistake . when i tell you that i literally pissed when divine reblogged my work with good comments AnD follwoed me a few weeks back- and then mae??? guys. 
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no but i do have a crush on someone up here its embarrassing
20. tags!
@ritesofreverie @divine-mistake @king-star and @buckythebeauty
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