#walon vau and fixer
cienie-isengardu · 1 year
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Fixer: Sir, are people always so illogical or I'm the weird clone here?
Vau: You're perfectly fine, Fixer. It's people who are weird.
Fixer: mhm
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corrie-guard-things · 1 month
Taught myself how to use the animation feature on CSP just to do this (inspired by this post by @alabyte)
it's unpolished af but idc i love them
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mrbubblyurchin · 22 days
My thoughts on Imperial Commando and Republic Commando as a whole
So, I started and finished Imperial Commando on an eight hour plane ride last night. This means I am done with the series overall and this will be me going over it and the characters. But let’s discuss my thoughts on this book first
Needless to say, I was disappointed. It’s not that it was bad or anything, it just wasn’t as good as Order 66 in my opinion, and, of course, even though it’s the last book of the series, the series was left incomplete, leaving me a bit disappointed in the end.
The author obviously planned on writing more Republic Commando books after this one, with how the Jusik and Arla plot line was set up, how the age reversing was going, and how Darman planned to kill the Jedi, but obviously, the sequel was never made, and thus, the overall story feels incomplete. But, enough about that. Let’s talk about RC as a whole.
Oh, and I’ll be completely omitting Karen Traviss from this conversation. She as a person has nothing to do with the plot or characters, which are the things I will be judging today. If you have a problem with me talking about the actual book and not ranting about the author who wrote it, then too bad. 
Let’s start off at the beginning. With Omega. Omega Squad was definitely a pleasant surprise for me. I enjoyed each of their characters and liked how most of them found peace in the end. That being said, I do have some notes.
The biggest is Atin. I feel like after Triple Zero he kind of fell into the background besides when he married Laseema in Order 66. (And his relationship with her fell into the background as well) And he felt practically invisible in Imperial Commando. And I get why Niner and Dar were more in focus for that story, but it would’ve been nice to see some Atin. Also, he’s he only OG Omega member who’s POV we never got to see. 
Next up, Niner. Niner got two POV’s in the series, in both the first and last books. And those books were where I enjoyed him the best. Niner was a solid leader for the squad, and was loyal to them through and through, especially in his friendship with Darman. He didn’t fade as much as Atin, but I still wish he had been a little more prevalent throughout the series.
Then we have Fi. Fi is my favorite from the squad still, and I love seeing him whenever he appears. His one liners are great, and to be honest, he’s kind of the opposite of Niner here. He was very prevalent for books 2-4, but fell into the background in the first and last book. He still appeared more than Atin in book 5, but I barely recall even seeing Parja. (Which was sad cuz I loved the two of them together)
The last of the OG Omega, Darman. Dar is definitely a strong character, and he has a very heavy theme of being used, manipulated, and lied to throughout the books. By the Kaminoans, the Jedi, and even Kal, Etain, and Niner at times! His mental resolve to protect Kad at all costs is what is barely keeping him together after Etain died, and while he does resolve to hunt Jedi at the end of the book, it’s a nice full circle moment to see that while Darman thought his one true purpose at the beginning of the series was to be a soldier, he now sees he was destined for a greater one all along. Being a father. 
Next let’s move on to Ordo, Corr, the Jedi, and Mandos. We got a LOT to cover here.
Ordo- Ordo is definitely one of my favorites. Him and Besany are cute and great and I love both of them. I like all the moments he gets throughout the series. However, I do think he was focused on a little too heavily. While I do wish some of the other Nulls like Jaing, Prudii, or Kom’rk had been given some time to shine, I still loved Ordo and I think he’s great. (That being said, I will be omitting the rest of the Nulls because I really only know enough to talk about Mereel and A’den for a couple sentences)
Corr- A really sarcastic, witty, and funny guy that did not deserve what he got. Losing both of his hands was tragic, but, with lost flesh, he gained a new family in Clan Skirata. He was a nice addition to Omega after Fi had to leave, and I liked him a lot. (He and Jilka were pretty cute in book 5)
Etain- So… Etain. I like her, I really do. But sometimes, there are some choices that I cannot get behind. (Like how she purposefully went behind Dar’s back to get pregnant in Triple Zero) But even still, she is a good person, and she just wanted to be a good mother to Kad and live a happy life with Darman, and she didn’t deserve to meet the end she got.
Bardan- An all around solid character. I liked his development from bright eyed Padawan to rugged ex Jedi Mandalorian, and I think his sense of responsibility to Clan Skirata and also to Kad is very important. He made sure to put others before himself no matter the consequences, a quality with several others lack. 
Walon- A hardened Mando bounty Hunter with good intentions at heart. (Probably). I mean, he did save Jilka, lend Kal credits, and he also did try to find Sev. He cares. Even if it is in his own twisted way sometimes. (Still, what he did to Atin was brutal)
Besany- Love her. Since the beginning, she was all about standing up for the clones and their rights. She cared about them as people and not as property, and she saw their differences as well, and what made them unique, and she really does love Ordo, and I think the two of them are very sweet.
Kal- Oh boy. Here we go. I know I’m gonna get hate for this. Here I go. Brace yourselves. If you need tissues to cry, grab them. 
I like Kal Skirata.
Okay. I’ll continue. I am not going to say I agree with him on everything, and I’m not going to pretend he is a saint or anything. But I like his character. He cares about his family, and he does make mistakes. Everybody does. The problem is everybody has gotten so used to pointing out Kal’s every mistake that they refuse to acknowledge anything he did right. And guess what? Kal makes mistakes. He’s flawed. He’s not perfect. And that’s the point. Characters are flawed. People are flawed. They aren’t perfect. And neither is Kal. And HE ADMITS THAT IN BOOK 5. In fact, NY ADMITS IT TOO! She acknowledges that Kal taking over the Nulls and not seeing the similarities to the Jedi taking children is arrogant! She acknowledges that! And Kal acknowledges that and his flaws later in the book! Kal is arrogant, yes, but he sees that! He knows it! So before you go around saying how Kal thinks he is some saint god or whatever. He doesn’t. And there is proof of that in the books.
So, uhh, yeah. Overall, I think the Republic Commando series was good. There were some things that definitely could have been improved upon, but I liked it. I liked the story, and I liked the characters, so yeah.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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clonewarslover55 · 1 year
Delta Squads biggest fans  Part one
The first meeting 
@papanowo had the awesome idea that the Bad Batch are huge Delta squad fans. They even made this incredible art about it! I loved the idea so much I decided to write a multiple fic series on it. 
I had too much fun with this first chapter, and I am way too excited to write the following ones! Stay tuned for those, and if you want a tag please let me know! 
This fic and the series that will soon follow wouldn’t exist without @papanowo and their incredible art!! 
Warnings: None this is just some fun and cuteness! 
Being the biggest fans of the Delta Squad began early on for Clone Force 99. They were nothing more than kids when they first heard about them.   Commandos, Null’s, and Alpha clones are all a bit older than most clones, even older than The Bad Batch.When they were still nothing more than young trainees, seeing the commandos and alpha’s pass by always star struck them. But one group more than others, a group of misfits with the same face, Delta Squad.
They first met the Delta Squad in a brief passing, when the Delta’s were leaving target practice and The Bad Batch was on their way to target practice. They were nothing more than kids, looking up into the faces of some badass teenagers.
Leading a small group of four commandos was a tall mandalorian, completely clad in black, an odd creature trotting by his side. The creature growled their way when it passed, drool hanging from its fierce jaws. Wrecker flinched when the six legged beast passed with the mandalorian, Hunter putting a hand on his brother's back to steady him. The mandalorian didn’t even seem to notice them, not even sending a nod in their direction.
Following the mandalorian and his beast was Delta Squad, the group that Clone Force 99 had only heard about through rumors. And by rumors, I mean what Tech had read after he hacked into Kamino’s systems. He always told his brothers about what he read, especially when it was about the Delta’s and other badass squads. The stories they heard about the Delta’s were always the best. From fights in the cafeteria to explosions caused by one grenade loving member, it was always something new and different with them! It didn’t take long for the Bad Batch to become superfans, Hunter secretly being the biggest fan.
Their dream was to always meet the Delta Squad, but they haven't yet had an opportunity.
Until that delightful day, their loaded schedules finally lining up just enough that they saw each other in passing. The Bad Batch couldn’t believe their eyes, staring up at the older teens. The commandos looked down at them, noticing the stars and awe in the young misfits' eyes. Both groups paused, the one they came to know as Boss, the cleanest and less scarred one, winked at them. He continued on after his mando sergeant, the one known as Fixer already ahead of him by then. Fixer was known by the temporary cast on his arm, which he got from an accidental explosion caused by the grenade loving Delta, Scorch.
When Boss winked, Hunter nearly passed out. As Tech tried to get Hunter to breathe, Sev ruffled Crosshair’s hair as he walked by, “Keep practicing with that sniper rifle kid, and maybe someday you'll be better than me.” His gruff voice made it sound like he growled at the words, which only made Crosshair smile more. Sev didn’t look back as he caught up with his squad, so the young misfits didn’t see the smile pulling at the scars on his face.
Scorch just gave them all a grin, shooting finger guns their way before giving Wrecker a fist bump. Wrecker squealed in excitement and shook his hand in Tech’s face, “He touched me!!! Tech he touched me!!!! I can never wash this hand again!!” And Tech just grimaced and moved away from Wrecker’s hand, “That's gross!” and Wrecker just shrugged, staring at his first in pure awe
“Yeah well, Sev talked to me, so I win.” Crosshair grinned at Wrecker, walking into the practicing room with a confident swagger. Wrecker huffed and slouched in defeat, giving Hunter a sad look when he patted his back. Hunter couldn’t help but smile, Boss winked at him!!! At him!! He hoped to be as great a leader as Boss one day.
That day they were a bit distracted during target practice, all too excited by getting to meet their heroes! They all deeply hoped they would get to see the Delta’s again, maybe even get a chance to talk with them.
It was their biggest dream, and soon it would come true.
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panther-os · 1 year
"The first inter-unit adoption was when Alpha-17's CC training squad adopted CT-7567/Rex and convinced their trainer to go along with it" is actually a common misconception.
The real first adoption was when Delta Squad's RCs adopted CC-5576-39/Gregor and got their trainer's strill attached to the younger clone so Vau didn't have a choice but to accept it.
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gratuacuun14 · 1 year
So... Imperial Commando
I'm obsessed with this series. Like, REALLY obsessed. And I was heartbroken to find out that it remains unfinished (I'm an EU newcomer who started with Heir to the Empire during lockdown, don't judge...).
Anyway, I decided to write the last book. I'm calling it Imperial Commando: Survivor's Guilt and it follows the original Traviss plan, albeit with a Sev subplot. (whoops, spoilers ig)
I'm so excited. It might take a while, because I have a lot on atm, but it will happen.
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And in the meantime, I made the cover art using soft pastels. This was meant to be Darman, but I guess since it has the blue stripe it's probably Niner in shadow-ops-IC armour. Ah well.
K'oyacyi, and see you soon!
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ace-oreos · 9 months
The latest addition to my collection of Sev-centric stories.
But there are still plenty of days where Fixer looks at Sev and wonders how they got to the point where Delta Oh-Seven - notorious for passions that run hot and deep and a tendency for troublemaking, once upon a time - tucks himself away behind a mask of indifference.
In which Fixer contemplates and remembers and learns a thing or two.
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fractiouskat · 2 years
Fandom: Star Wars Legends: Republic Commando Series - Karen Traviss Characters: Walon Vau, RC-1207 | Delta-07 | Sev, RC-1262 | Delta-62 | Scorch, RC-1140 | Delta-40 | Fixer, RC-1138 | Delta-38 | Boss, Kal Skirata, Mij Gilamar, Lord Mirdalan (Star Wars)
Additional Tags: Walon Vau Being an Asshole, Bad Parent Walon Vau, Walon Vau's school of A+ parenting, Lil cadet Deltas, Mij is so done with everyone's shit, I might as well start tagging Vau's knife in everything, it just keeps showing up
For RepComm week on @officialrepcomm's tumblr. Day 2- prompt is Squad Lyfe / Casualty
Second-cycle cadet RC-1140 takes a tumble, and Vau is forced to vaguely attempt something resembling responsible parenting. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
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Vau: I don’t care for blood ties, they are overrated anyway - especially since I have the best family I could wish for. Here is my Pride and Joy... MIRD...  and of course my sons. All of them.
Boss: Aww sarge, thanks!
Skirata: You shouldn’t favor the strill over your boys!
Vau: EXCUSE ME, but Mird was there first and as the eldest, it deserves all the respect. Di’kut!
(Look, I know if I ended the comics with Mird-frame that would be 100% canon Vau but Boss, Fixer, Sev & Scorch deserve some happiness too :) Also, I’m pretty sure Mird is older than all of Deltas put together XDDD)
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daphne-dreamcatcher · 2 years
I don't make the rules I just enforce them
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mrbubblyurchin · 27 days
Just finished True Colors
What the heck.
Just to recap:
I ain’t ready for this.
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Hi! I love you writing! I never really thought about Walon/Jaster before, but you make it so soft?
Anyway, if you ever wanted too, I’d love to see you do anything more with Delta squad, either the four of them+ Walon, or just Walon and Sev? I feel like Delta has a lot more repressed feelings that are bound to burst at some point, and a lot of confused feelings surrounding Walon. Him as well, since he clearly wasn’t great for them as children, but he does love them in his own way.
Sorry if none of that made any sense, or you’re just not interested. Regardless, I hope you have a lovely day 😊
Hello!! Yes I came up with Jaster/Walon and I love them very much.
At the moment I'm not really in the headspace to directly deal with Walon's Fucked Up Canon Actions and how Delta deal with that and how they feel about him etc etc. HOWEVER! I have a stalled out WIP that has something I'll think you'll like, Nonny. Under the cut we go 😌
[Context: Delta have been sent to lie low at Keldabe City's Hotel Sarad, owned by the Mereel-Fetts and notably hosted by Akaani'ka "Spar" Mereel.]
“We’ll be fine here,” Boss finally decides. Hopefully they’ll be cleared to go back by the time Vau returns.
“Why do you call him Walon?” Scorch asks their odd host.
They blink a few times. “I knew him. Before. So I’ve always called him Walon.” They clap their hands. “I need to get back to the courtyard. I’m usually somewhere about. Since you have Walon’s keystone, you’re able to take the back lift all the way up to the family rooms on the fifth floor, the ones that are gated off from the rest of the fifth floor. I have a bigger kitchen, so feel free to use it. The manager, Yeva, has my comm code if you need to get a hold of me and can’t find me. Walon said you are free to explore everything, but he went ahead and locked his room so everything he put away is out of your way. I believe he is aware you can all slice locks. I’ll make sure that the keystones made for you are the only ones that can open your room. Though I believe eventually all of the squads Walon trained are supposed to receive keys. Unlikely that you’ll all be there at the same time, after all.” They have deep dimples when they smile. “Anything else?”
None of the others say anything, so Boss says, “Not that we can think of.”
They nod, hand him the keystone, a shiny piece of rock with little lines of blue that glow like electronics, and then disappear.
“What,” Fixer says succinctly, “the kark?”
They spend the next while taking stock of the place. Boss picks through the kitchen, looking for listening devices and pondering at what Vau keeps in the conservator. Things that keep well, but most of it is incredibly foreign to him. The counters are stone, a number of the cooking utensils are beskar, as are all of the knives from what he can tell. There’s a row of cookbooks, and, next to them, there’s a holo. It’s not on, but when he clicks it on it shows Vau, but much younger. He’s laughing, arms wrapped around a clone. Until it dawns on him that it isn’t a clone.
It’s either Fett, or it’s the glamorous Mereel who showed them up. Obviously close, and even...happy.
He’s not sure how he feels about it.
While Boss goes through the kitchen, Scorch picks the lock into Vau’s bedroom, peeking in like Vau’s going to be there with a disapproving look ready and waiting for him. Instead, the room is empty and dark. There’s art on the walls, with swoopy swirls, vibrant colours even in the darkness, and asymmetric figures. Men and women and others dancing and lounging. Some are in beskar’gam, some look to be in fashion not terribly different from the Mereel’s style. The bed frame has similar lines, carved of thick, dark wood, and the sheets are soft and dark. There’s a bed that just screams Lord Mirdalan on the floor. There are flightsuits and more varied garments both in the closets. A few of the leather jackets he’d wear when he was really tired, on Kamino.
He steals a super soft sweater. He’ll put it back before they leave.
Fixer digs into the tech, seeing how far he can get into the hotel’s systems. Not far, not without something else—he doesn’t think it’s an organic being—curses him out and about locks him out of the system entirely. It punts him to a collection of databooks and it takes him only a minute to realize that Vau wrote them. They’re...interesting. It’s a collection of linguistics and philosophy, bits of history, all how they wrap together. It’s not something he would have expected from Vau, from the brittle way he always held himself, from the snapping and the frowns. No, all of it is thoughtful and hopeful and...kind of whole.
He wonders what happened. He wonders why he cares.
Sev is the only one who wanders into the free bedroom. Their bedroom, in a way, that smells of freshly carved and stained wood. There are two double beds, just like the Mereel said. They’re both a red wood, sturdy, and when he sits down at the end of one, the one with the blue sheets instead of the red, they’re firm but with a little indulgent softness. A treat, but not one they’ll be discomforted by. He looks up at the shelves lining the walls, matching wood with matching carvings—star motifs and swirls that he doesn’t know match the bed in Vau’s room—and boxes along it. Less than one hundred, and when he counts them there are ninety seven of them. Well. Ninety six, but there’s a ninety seventh one on the bedside table. A note asking them to ferry it to Atin. He recognizes a lot of the numbers, but he stands up and pulls out the four most familiar ones.
He brings them into the living area and sits next to Fixer, who is frowning at a datapad, and passes him the box with his name and number marked on it. Fixer scowls, but he opens it. And then he just stops, frozen. Scorch sweeps in from Vau’s bedroom with a giant sweater on and he slings himself across the other two’s laps, accepting his box from Sev with an “ooo!” Finally, Boss comes over with a plate of snacks, sets them on the dark brown table that sits low in front of the sofa, and accepts his own box as he sits down in one of the chairs. Only then does Sev open his.
Credits—Mandalorian and Republic. Identification—at least three separate identities and one even has their names as Vau. Datachips—Sev’s has information for an armoury building, Scorch’s has a garage plot and a key code, Fixer’s has bank account details, and Boss’s has a list of names.
It doesn’t take them long to realize it’s people who owe Vau.
“What is this?” Fixer asks.
Boss sucks in a breath. “I think...I think this is if we ever need a new life.”
Boss has them close the boxes back up, taking only a bit of the Mandalorian credits for now, and then they all stack them back up on the shelves. In case of emergencies.
The Mereel arrives less than half an hour later, clapping their hands and offering to treat them to supper.
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arcsimper5 · 2 months
Star Wars Headcanons
Delta Squad:
*Sev and Scorch constantly get into physical squabbles, but that's all it is, a squabble. They spent enough time being pitched against each other in training by Walon Vau that they have no desire to physically harm each other. Instead, they end up having slap fights, hitting each others hands until one of them gets bored and simply pushes the other over, declaring victory.
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*Fixer has the largest and most diverse porn collection anyone in the galaxy has ever seen. It's categorised to perfection, and hidden behind fifteen layers of encryption. He doesn't even watch it much, he just likes being able to give the exact title of whatever saucy film Scorch is talking about and watch the look of utter disbelief on his brother's face.
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*Boss 100% wears cologne. He'll deny it until he's blue in the face, no-one knows where he got it or what it's called, but every time he takes his helmet off, a warm, spicy, woody scent manifests. Boss pleads ignorance.
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Scorch is ridiculously good at dejarik. No-one knows how, but every time he's at a table, he kicks the shebs of anyone he's pitted against. The Deltas have used this to their advantage to get credits in tight spots before. If asked where he learnt to play, Scorch simply shrugs and says he 'picked it up'.
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Sev suffers from chronic pain in his leg. It was caused in a training accident where he broke his leg and Vau pulled him out of bacta early to carry on training. It never fully healed, and it plays up in cold weather. The others know, and sometimes Boss will slow down their pace so Sev isn't pushed too hard, though none of them will ever admit it.
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Scorch is the youngest of the group and they are super protective of him, though they'll never admit it. After his accident during training where he got his name, he almost didn't make it and was left with a lot of scarring.
They took turns applying bacta and redressing his wound, with Boss even telling Vau to leave them be while he recovered, which took a lot of guts.
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Dividers by the amazing @stars-n-spice
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clonewarslover55 · 2 years
Do you enjoy the Republic Commando characters? Do you love clone troopers and just Star Wars in general?? Well!! I have a discord server for fellow clone wars and Star Wars lovers! If you would like to join, dm me or jump into my inbox 🥰
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Rynn: I’d like to meet him—
Scorch: You’re so hot when you’re overprotective, but no I’m not telling ☺️
Scorch knows that giving Rynn that name means that she's going to hunt Walon Vau down and probably murder him. And he doesn't want her to do that.
Sev releases a low whistle as he crouches next to the massive hole in the basement floor, "That's a deep hole. I can't even see the bottom." "Well, I'm sure Rynn made sure that they're not too terribly hurt," Fixer points out, as he checks his grappling gun, "I'm more worried that we won't have enough wire to get us to the bottom." "We'll use ropes instead." Boss decides after a moment. "Better to not risk it." "How much rope do you think we'll need." Sev asks as he moves away from the hole. "Better get the longest rope they make and then double it, just in case." Fixer says thoughtfully, "Rynn won't be at the bottom to catch us if we don't have enough rope." "Worse case scenario, we have our jet packs." Boss reminds his brothers, before he turns to the rescue team, "Right, so we need ropes." An hour later, the three remaining members of Delta squad step into the dimly lit cavern deep beneath Palpatine Manor. "Now all we need to do is find Scorch and Rynn." Sev says dryly, "Hopefully they didn't wander too far." "It's Scorch and Rynn...of course they did." Fixer points out with a grin in his voice.
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Rav Bralor
Walon Vau
Fi - Marry Obviously.
Fixer - Slap Nothing personal. Count it as scientific experiment. I'm just curious how would he react.
Ordo - Party with I don't really enjoy parties and he would keep me safe and we would at least come back home quickly.
Corr - Go out on a date with He seems similar to Fi and I think I would spend some nice time with him knowing it's nothing serious. (Just to be clear - NOT in sensual way. We could go to the cinema or play video games or go to the restaurant for example.)
Rav Bralor - Push down the stairs Just because I wouldn't do it to any clone and Vau is an old man and could not survive it. I am aware she might kill me for that.
Scorch - Kiss He can get a smooch on the cheek from me. At this point I guess I just like boys with sense of humor. Next!
Boss - Invade the dreams of Just because it was the last option left. It would be similar to playing the Republic Commando Game I suppose.
Jusik - Rob I would rob his lightsaber >:)
Niner - Take a nap with He needs it. Though I am unable to take a nap during day unless I'm sick so I would at least make sure he takes his needed nap in peace.
Walon Vau - Drink tea with I hope he would tell me some stories about Deltas when they were younger. Or maybe some funny stories about Kal.
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