#wandanat found family
delulu-with-wandanat · 9 months
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Weird fic idea, but i wanna make like a Wandanat crackfic series where they’re a small business owners who recently opened a cafe.
Seen in the perspective of Y/n who sees them as their mothers, and they also starts to see Y/n as their daughter too. Found family typa shit😩🤌
Wanda and Nat would fight over how they want the cafe to run, and Y/n just being there like;
“Please stop and make a decision- :’)”
It’s gonna be a long casual series, which was basically just based on my life rn. Cus my boss are extremely nice and says a ton of funny shits.
Wanda and Nat, bickering like an old married couple. Y/n was just casualy taking a break at one of the empty seats. Wanda turns to Y/n and asked,
Wanda: Y/n, whenever we fight, does Tasha always raise her voice?
Natasha: I do NOT raise my voice-
Wanda: You’re doing that right now!
Y/n: I don’t think i should-
Wanda: See?! She raises her voice right??
Natasha, calmly: Y/n, I’m talking right now, does it sounds like im raising my voice?
Y/n: Uhhhhhh, no?
Wanda: You can be honest.
Y/n: Ok this is hitting way to close to home-
Natasha: You choose your mom or your dad?
(The running joke is Wanda is mom, Natasha is dad.)
Y/n af: 🥲🥹
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 4 months
Just a Little Sick
Wandanat x little!fem!reader
Summary: You're sick and your Mommy and Daddy are here to take care of you
Word count: 3K
Warnings: None fluff and comfort
A/N: I'm sick and I just want Wandanat
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In the Avengers compound, the living area was unusually quiet, save for the occasional sneeze or cough from you all bundled up on the couch, swathed in your favorite blanket. Your trusted stuffie sat beside you, offering silent comfort.
Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow herself, moved around the room, ensuring you had everything you needed. Your occasional whimpers caught Natasha's attention every time, making her heart ache.
"How are you feeling, sweetie?" Natasha asked softly, brushing your hair off your forehead. You sniffled, your eyes watery.
"Sick, Daddy," you murmured, your voice hoarse. You clutched a lollipop lozenge, the soothing taste providing a small comfort. Natasha smiled gently, adjusting your glasses for you.
"I know, sweetheart. Just rest, okay? I've got you." She tucked your blanket more securely around you.
The bond between you two was unique. In a world filled with heroes and battles, you two had found solace in your relationship. Today, as you battled your cold, Natasha's protective instincts were in full force, ensuring her little girl felt safe and cherished.
Natasha's fingers danced across the keyboard, rapidly typing up a report for Fury. Every few minutes, she'd glance over at you, ensuring you were okay. The juxtaposition was stark: the fierce warrior, known and feared by many, caring for the young, vulnerable girl who had a power greater than most could imagine.
A soft snore broke Natasha's concentration, and she looked over to see your chest rising and falling rhythmically. Smiling softly, Natasha reached over and gently brushed a strand of hair from your face, careful not to disturb you.
Taking a deep breath, Natasha continued her work, answering calls with a hushed voice, ensuring the noise didn't disturb your slumber. Every so often, she'd pause to jot down notes or sip on a cup of tea, the room filled with the sound of rain gently tapping against the windows.
Despite the pressing demands of her job, Natasha's priority was clear: ensuring you felt loved and protected, especially on days like this. The bond the two of you shared was unbreakable, built on trust, care, and a love that transcended the ordinary.
As the day carried on and Wanda came rushing in. "How is she Tasha?" Wanda asked in a panic, seeing the little one's sleeping form.
"She's got a cold. Trying to give her medicine was hell, but she enjoyed those lollipop lozenges you got. I wanted to make her soup, but I know she'd want yours more." Nat told her girlfriend. Wanda smiled, giving Nat a kiss.
"I'll get it started right away." Wanda got up going to the kitchen which was attached in an open layout with the living area.
Wanda's nurturing nature made her a perfect fit as "Mommy," complementing Natasha's protective instincts as "Daddy."
From the couch, you stirred slightly, your brows furrowing. Natasha was by your side in an instant, placing a gentle hand on your forehead. The medicine seemed to be doing its job; your temperature felt slightly lower.
A short while later, the aroma of homemade soup filled the air. Wanda emerged from the kitchen with a steaming bowl. "I made her favorite," she said, placing the bowl on the coffee table.
Together, they carefully woke you, who blinked up at them sleepily. "Mommy?" she murmured, her voice raspy.
Wanda smiled warmly, brushing your hair back. "Hey, sweetheart. I made some soup for you."
Your eyes lit up a bit, and you nodded weakly, allowing Wanda to help you sit up. As Wanda fed you the soup, Natasha couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. In the midst of chaos and battles, they had found a semblance of home and family, and she cherished every moment of it.
Natasha observed from a distance, her brows furrowing with concern as she watched you shiver from the cold sensation of the fever patch. The bond between you and Wanda was evident in moments like these—Wanda's gentle reassurances calming you despite the discomfort.
Once the patch was in place and you were comfortably nestled back under your blanket, Wanda sat beside you, softly singing a lullaby, an old Sokovian one. The room was filled with the warmth of their love and care, a stark contrast to the chilly patch on your forehead.
Natasha approached, placing a hand on Wanda's shoulder. "You're amazing with her," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to Wanda's temple.
Wanda smiled softly, her eyes never leaving yours. "She's our girl, Tasha. We'll always do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy."
"In a little bit we should give her a bath." Wanda mentions taking the empty bowls to the kitchen, Nat following behind.
"You cooked dinner, let me take care of the dishes." Nat said, putting her hands on Wanda's hips, kissing her shoulder. "Go be with our little one. I'm sure she wants Mommy cuddles." Nat mentions Wanda turning, kissing Nat on the lips,
"Thank you Daddy." Wanda whispered going back to the couch and moving onto the couch, having you lay on top of her.
Once the kitchen was in order, Natasha joined her two loves on the couch. You, now clean and wrapped in a fluffy towel, snuggled comfortably against Wanda's chest. Wanda softly stroked your damp hair, humming a lullaby as the trio settled into the quiet comfort of their makeshift family.
Wanda got you dressed in comfy pajamas and helped get your dry. “How about we watch something little one?” Wanda asked softly, kissing the crown of your head.
“Please Mommy, can watch Bluey?” You ask as Wanda gets your paci, popping it in your mouth.
“Of course we can little one.” She smiled softly, pushing your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
The soft glow of the TV illuminated the room as you snored peacefully, still wrapped up in your favorite blanket. Wanda's emotional admission filled the air with a mix of vulnerability and love. Wanda smiled, tears pricking the sides of her eyes.
"What's wrong Wands?" Nat asks, noticing her girlfriend's mixed expressions.
"I always knew I wanted to be a mom. I just never thought it'd be like this, but," Wanda looked up at Nat, the tears spilling over, "I wouldn't trade being her Mommy for anything in the multiverse or having you by my side as her Daddy." Wanda reached a hand out, Nat lacing their fingers together and smiling,
Natasha's eyes softened, and she squeezed Wanda's hand reassuringly. "We may not have expected this journey, but it's our own unique adventure, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Y/N is lucky to have you as her Mommy, and I'm grateful every day to be her Daddy with you by my side."
Wanda nodded, wiping away a tear with her free hand. "She's our little miracle, isn't she?"
Natasha leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Wanda's forehead. "Absolutely, and our family is stronger for it.”
The three girls all ended up falling asleep with Bluey playing in the background. As morning came, Steve, Bucky, Tony, and Bruce made their way down to the kitchen for breakfast finding the three girls there all the Avengers knew of the girls special relationship and your needs at times. "They probably had a long night, Wanda was telling me as we came back from our mission about Y/N being sick." Steve mentioned.
Bruce, pouring himself a cup of coffee, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Nat mentioned it to me. It's good they have each other, especially on days like this."
Tony, flipping through a digital newspaper on his tablet, chimed in, "We've all seen how strong their bond is. It's heartwarming, really. Makes the compound feel a bit more like home."
Bucky, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, glanced over at the sleeping trio. "They're a team within a team. It's nice to see they've found their place here."
Steve smiled, looking at the scene before him. "Let's give them some space. I'll whip up some breakfast for when they wake up. They'll need it.”
Steve decided to gently wake Nat first. Who stretched out, bones cracking and popping from the way she slept. "Hey I made breakfast for you three. How's Y/N?" He asked softly. Nat leaned over feeling your forehead.
"She's going to need more medicine." Nat stood up. Going to the cabinet, grabbing the grape flavored liquid medicine along with a sippy cup of apple juice. Moving back over to the other two as the boys watched their dance with practiced ease. "Baby girl, it's time to wake up." You stirred in Wanda's arms, which made Wanda wake up as well. Nat smiled, kissing Wanda. "Good morning love." Wanda smiled back,
"Mmm morning sweetie." You rubbed your eyes, coughing up a storm.
"Owwwww" you whined. "Daddy..." Nat moved back to the couch, scooping you up,
"Medicine first baby girl and then your apple juice to get the yucky taste out." You pouted, but took the medicine, making a gross face and took the apple juice and sucking it down.
"Easy baby." Wanda rubbed her back,
"Yes Mommy." You eased up on your juice.
Steve watched the exchange with a sense of admiration. Despite the challenges and the morning's routine, there was a tenderness to it that he found endearing.
"Need anything else for her?" Steve asked, referring to the medicine.
Natasha shook her head. "We're good for now, thanks, Steve. Just need to keep an eye on her fever."
Bucky approached with a gentle smile, ruffling your hair playfully. "Hey there, kiddo. You had us all worried."
You gave a weak smile, leaning into Natasha. "Hi, Uncle Bucky.”
Tony, holding a tray with breakfast plates, smirked. "I made sure there's plenty of bacon. Thought it might tempt a certain little one."
Wanda chuckled, "You know her too well, Tony."
As the group settled around the dining table, the room was filled with the comforting sounds of a family breakfast, laughter, and the unmistakable bond that held them all together.
Wanda held you close, you were nestled against her, comforted by the warmth and love of your Mommy. Natasha had gone off to shower first as the room was filled with the hum of conversation as the remaining Avengers continued their breakfast.
Steve, sipping his coffee, remarked, "We've got a briefing later today. Nothing major, just some updates on potential new threats."
Tony, scrolling through his tablet, nodded. "Yeah, I've been monitoring some unusual activity. Might be worth looking into after the briefing."
Bucky, leaning back in his chair, added, "Well, if it's anything like last time, it'll be a team effort."
Wanda listened intently, her focus shifting between the conversation and the little girl in her arms. "Just another day in the life, huh?”
Wanda and Nat switched spots so Wanda could take a shower, you whined as she was shifted around after having fallen asleep.
"Shhhh it's okay Detka, Daddy's got you." Nat ran her fingers through your hair, calming you back down and grabbed a paci, rubbing her knuckle gently over your lips first to make you open up and then stuck the paci in.
"There, there, sweetheart," Natasha cooed softly, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on your back. The pacifier worked its magic, and soon, your breathing evened out, your little chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.
Steve, observing the tender scene, remarked softly, "You two have something truly special."
Natasha looked up, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "We do. It's a bond unlike any other."
Bucky nodded in agreement. "It's clear she feels safe and loved with you both. That's what family's all about."
As Wanda returned from her shower, refreshed and ready for the day, she smiled at the sight before her. "Thank you, dorogaya.”
Natasha nodded, carefully handing over your sleeping form. "Anytime, milyy. We've got each other's backs, always."
As the meeting began, Nat kept a hold of you who unfortunately for everyone had to be awake. You never enjoyed being forced out of little space for missions and debriefing. So a grumpy half little half adult was currently in Nat's arms as the secretary of state droned on and on and on.
Natasha tried her best to keep you calm, gently rocking you back and forth while the Secretary of State continued with the briefing. Your discontent was palpable, your little space clashing with the serious tone of the meeting.
Steve, sensing the tension, cleared his throat. "If we could just summarize the main points, please. We have a lot to cover."
Tony, ever the provocateur, leaned over, whispering loud enough for those nearby to hear, "Think Grumpy Bear needs a timeout?"
Bucky smirked, "Or maybe just a nap."
Wanda, sitting beside Natasha, reached over, gently stroking your hair. "It's okay, detka. We'll be done soon.”
After hours of them being force fed information it was finally over and you were the exact opposite of happy between having to pretend to be an adult and being sick made you fussy beyond belief as everything Nat and Wanda tried currently wasn't helping so when they got back to the common room, Nat set you down as you started throwing a tantrum that turned into a full blown meltdown. Wanda wanting to intervene, but Nat stopped her. "She needs to let it out.”
Natasha's experience with you over the years had given her insight into your needs, especially during moments of distress. As painful as it was to witness your meltdown, Natasha knew that suppressing it wouldn't help.
The common room fell silent as the Avengers watched, their concern evident. Steve approached cautiously, "Should we give them some space?"
Wanda nodded, her eyes filled with worry. "Yes, but it's hard to see her like this."
Bucky, leaning against the doorway, sighed, "She's been through a lot, even for someone her age."
Tony chimed in, "Is there anything we can do?"
Natasha shook her head, her focus solely on you. "Right now, she needs us—Wanda and me. We'll handle it.”
Slowly, as the minutes ticked by, your cries began to subside, replaced by soft whimpers. Natasha approached, offering a comforting embrace, her voice gentle. "It's okay, sweetheart. We're here."
Wanda joined them, her own voice soft and soothing. "We love you, detka. Always."
You clung to your Daddy, sniffling and hiccuping out a 'sorry for being so cranky.' Nat just soothed you, "no baby it's okay." Nat spoke up rubbing her back, "you're sick and forced out of your preferred heads pace at the moment so it's expected. We still love you.”
You started nodding off, Natasha smiling at the scene as she got up, picking up the littlest Avenger. "Come on baby girl." Natasha held you close, grabbing all of your things and bringing them down the hallway.
The two loves of her life walked through the door as she finished getting changed after her shower.
"What are you two doing up here?" Wanda asks.
"Shhhh...she's finally gone down for a nap." Natasha responds, setting you on the bed. Making a cocoon of blankets and pillows, putting your stuffie back into your arms. Wanda leans down and kisses your forehead.
"Oh she's getting warm again." Wanda goes to the bathroom grabbing a cooling patch to put on your forehead, making you shiver as it got put on, but you didn't wake up, only turning over. "Nat I love her so much. She's too precious for words." Wanda spoke softly as Natasha wrapped her arms around Wanda's waist, trailing kisses up the witches neck and jaw.
"You're such a good Mommy to her. You were meant for this." Natasha whispered.
"And you are the Perfect Daddy for her." Wanda responds, turning to cup Natasha's face, kissing the older woman's lips.
"Let's go watch something that isn't Bluey while she naps." Wanda says turning on the little baby monitor so they could watch over and listen while they headed back to the common area to watch something together finally having some time for just them.
As they made their way back to the common area, Natasha intertwined her fingers with Wanda's, the warmth of their bond filling the space between them. The weight of the day seemed to lift as they settled onto the couch, the soft glow of the TV providing a welcome distraction.
Wanda snuggled into Natasha's side, her head resting against her shoulder. "I'm so grateful for moments like these," she murmured, her voice filled with love and contentment.
Natasha pressed a kiss to Wanda's forehead, her heart swelling with affection. "Me too, my love. It's moments like these that remind us of what's truly important.”
Natasha and Wanda were actually able to make it through a movie before they heard you stir. Wanda gave Natasha a kiss before getting up. "I'll get her." As Wanda was heading out she heard the whimper from you,
"Mama...?" Wanda smiled, picking up her pace just a bit. Opening the door to their shared room, you sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking a bit like a disheveled mess as she sniffled and coughed. "Mommy!" Her calling out started a coughing fit that made Wanda grab the little trash can near the bed.
"It's okay baby, cough up the yuckies." Wanda rubbed your back as you coughed up the phlegm and mucus. "That's it baby get it all out. It's okay, sweetheart. Mommy's here," Wanda whispered soothingly, gently wiping away the tears that had welled up in your eyes.
You sniffled, clinging to Wanda tightly. "I don't feel good, Mommy," you whimpered.
Wanda pressed a kiss to your forehead, her heart breaking at her daughter's distress. "I know, baby. But Mommy and Daddy are right here with you, okay? We'll take care of you."
Natasha appeared in the doorway, concern etched on her features. "Is she okay?"
Wanda nodded, giving Natasha a reassuring smile. "Just a little coughing fit. She's doing better now.”
Your two girlfriend's took care of you the rest of the night and by morning you woke up feeling much better as you rubbed your eyes. As the other two stirred beside you, you smiled down at them.
“Thank you for taking care of me, my loves.” The two redheads smiled up at you,
“Always dorogaya.” Wanda's voice full of sleep as Nat sat up and kissed your cheek. You felt so much gratitude towards your girlfriend's for always taking care of you when needed.
Taglist: @dorabledewdroop @mrsromanovaa
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jpmarvel90 · 8 months
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Don't Belong pt 1
Masterlist Natasha Masterlist
Word Count: 8392
Relationship: Mother WandaNat x Daugher Reader
Summary: Y/n is the adopted daughter of Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff. However, when science enables her mother's to have twin boys who are biogloically both of their's, her relationship slowly changes. At 17 she's ready to move out and move on, is it too late for her moms to fix things?
Y/n's POV:
When I was 6, my life was saved by none other than the Black Widow. She came in like the hero she is and saved me from the hell that was Hydra. Whilst helping me to acclimatise to normal life, we grew close, and she was a mother figure I never had. I was so shocked when she told me that she wanted to adopt me.
It was everything that I could ever ask for. She was an amazing mom. Caring, loving and always there for me. She had this soft side that not many people got to see. To the world, and a lot of the team, she had this tough, steely exterior. But I never saw that. Not from the moment she found me. I always felt safe and loved around her.
A couple of years later, Wanda joined the team and soon enough, Mama fell in love. I never saw mama so happy. They had the perfect relationship and Wanda took me on without a second thought. When I was 9, she adopted me, and I had two loving parents.
We had quite a domestic life. Tony built us a separate suite at the compound so we could still be close by for when they were needed for missions. I loved having parents that were heroes. I was so proud of them. I ended up spending quite a bit of time with Pepper when they were on missions together, but when they came home, they always had a couple of days off to spend time with me to make up for being away. It was great.
Watching them make a difference in the world, was the reason I joined the SHIELD Young Initiative Programme. I wanted to be just like my moms. Steve became a huge support to me, and alongside him and mama, I was acing all my practicals and exams.
But before that, when I was 11, our family grew. With the help of Bruce and Tony, Mom got pregnant with twins, both biologically hers and mamas. Billy and Tommy made our family complete.
As soon as Mom got pregnant, Mama told Fury that she wouldn't be going on missions once mom got into her third trimester and that after the birth they both would be taking maternity leave. She also told him that they would only ever be sent on a mission together if it was to save the world. Otherwise, under no circumstances were they to go together. They wanted to be around for the twins as much as possible and didn't want them left on their own if they had to go on missions together.
For the first couple of years, everything was perfect. But when they became toddlers, they were a bit of a handful. It meant that mom's focus went to them and slowly I became less of a priority for them.
I found it hard as I was coming into my teenage years, and I felt like I needed my moms more than ever. But I understood at the start. I was old enough that I could look after myself and the twins needed more. But it got harder when every time I tried to talk to one of them, I was brushed off, or told to speak to them later. But later never came.
Once I hit 13, I was their personal babysitter whenever they needed it. Mama told me how they were trying to make sure that her and mom still had quality time together, so had a date night or day each week. Seems they forgot about quality time with their daughter. It got to the point I was expected to drop everything to be there for my brothers. Picking them up at school, taking them to soccer. It didn't matter what I had planned, I was expected to do my job for the family. I did it without complaining, because I thought if I could prove that I was a good sister, maybe they would start to acknowledge me more.
To try and prove myself worthy, I worked even harder for SHIELD. However, now I lost mama as my training partner. She was too busy with work or the twins to help me train. It hurt when she told me that but, thankfully, Steve stepped up more than he had. He became like a father to me. I could confide in him when my moms didn't have time. Though there were still things that I couldn't talk to him about.
Now I'm 17, working towards graduating the youth programme and into SHEILD as an official agent. We have our final exams coming up and I'm doing everything I can to be ready for them. The top two initiates will get fast tracked through the system and be able to go on missions sooner.
I want nothing more than getting that chance. I need to start making a name for myself and to stop being under my mothers' shadow. Once I wanted to be just like them, to make them proud. But now I know that's not possible. They have their perfect biological family. I was just the stray they took pity on.
"You know, you could take it easy today. You're more than capable of passing these exams even on a bad day. You'll be finishing top of the class and joining us for missions in no time." Steve tells me as he holds the punch bag for me. "I just want to be on top of my game." I tell him, hitting the bag as precisely as I could.
"Have you told your moms about the date for your final practical. I'm sure they'll want to be around when you get home." He asks, making me falter with my hits. "I did, but I don't think they were listening. Although they seemed to acknowledge it, Billy was showing them his Lego at the time." I share with him.
Steve knows what's been happening with my moms and the only reason he hasn't done anything is because I made him promise not to. All I need to do is graduate and then I can get moved into the SHIELD facility and start a new life without being a burden on my family.
"You know, you should talk to them. I know you've tried, but really sit them down and tell them how you're feeling." He tries once again. "It's been years now. If they really cared for me, they would notice that they barely see me anymore. I don't even remember the last time they said I love you." I respond, my hits getting harder.
"Ok, I'm calling this. You'll hurt yourself and then you won't even be able to complete your exams." Steve tells me, stepping between me and the bag. I sigh but know he's right. "Just try for me ok. Maybe after your exams. They'll be so proud of you." He pleads. "Ok, fine." I agree. "Now go shower kiddo. You stink!" He teases me before dodging a punch I try to land on his arm.
I smile as I head up to my room. As I walk into our apartment, I see the happy family sat together watching TV. "Hi moms." I call out when I enter. They don't even turn around, so I call out again, only to get the same response. I decide to go and join them but as soon as I sit down, I'm scolded by mom. "Y/n do you have to come in here like that. Go and shower will you." She tells me off. I look to mama who doesn't even glance in my direction. "Sorry, I was training for my final exam." I explain but once again, nothing. I let out a small humourless chuckle to myself as I leave the living room. Every day, I feel more and more like I don't belong here anymore.
I did it! I actually passed! Not only did I pass, I topped the class. I think I even saw Fury smile. I'm so happy, nothing can burst my bubble right now. As a class, we all decide that we're going to celebrate tonight. We've been a tight group and it'll be nice to actually spend time together without having to study or practice.
I practically run back to the compound, smiling ear to ear. "Someone's happy." Steve calls out to me as I rush through the kitchen. "Someone might be your partner one day!" I call out as I keep on towards my destination of finding my parents. "Can't wait kiddo. Well done! Knew you could do it!" Steve shouts after me.
"Y/n, don't run!" Mama scolds me as I find them in the living room. "Sorry, but I have to tell you something that I know you'll want to hear." I apologise with a smile on my face. "Not now Y/n. We're about to head out. The boys just need dinner and don't let them stay up late." She tells me. That's when I notice that she's dressed up in her best jacket.
"I can't look after the twins tonight. Our class are going to celebrate." I explain, hoping she might ask why we're celebrating. But that would be wishful thinking. "Time with your friends can wait Y/n." She tells me without even looking up at me, too focused on her phone. "Can't one of the others watch them. Just for tonight. I've never asked before. But just this once. Please." I practically beg, but to no use. "Stop being selfish and just watch the boys." She snaps, making a lump form in my throat.
"Fine." I mumble, leaving the room and head out of our apartment. "Where are you going?" She calls after me. "To see Steve. Don't worry, I'll be back to watch your precious boys." I talk back whilst leaving, hearing her call after me.
I make my way to find Steve. I know he'll be excited with my results. I wipe at my eyes for the few traitorous tears that fell. "So, I hear someone will be an Avenger in no time." Tony says as I walk into the kitchen. "I think I'll stick with SHIELD." I respond. I have no desire to be a full time Avenger. I'll be around to see my moms live their perfect life without me.
"I'm proud of you kiddo." Steve smiles at me, pulling me into a hug. "Thanks, old man. I couldn't have done it without you." I tell him truthfully, squeezing him tighter. "Your mom's must be proud. Especially Nat. Now's the time for celebrating." Pepper says. "Oh, I'm babysitting the boys tonight." I respond, trying to hide my disappointment. I notice that all others share a look.
They have all noticed how my relationship has changed with my moms, but thankfully, never brought it up. "We could watch them. Let you go out with your class. I know how much you've been looking forward to it." Pepper offers kindly. "Thanks, but mama said it had to be me." I reply. "Sorry kiddo." Steve says, wrapping his arms around me. "It's ok. I better go back before I get into trouble. I just wanted to tell you all about the results." I tell them.
"Of course Y/n. We're so proud of you. I can't wait to work with you." Tony pats me on the shoulder, whilst the others all give me a hug. "We'll do something together tomorrow." Steve promises and I nod. "I'd like that." I reply, taking a deep breath before heading back home.
When I get back to the apartment, both mom and mama are waiting to go. "Good, you're back. We'll be home late." Mom tells me, turning to leave. "And we'll talk about your attitude in the morning." Mama adds on with a stern look before turning to leave. "I love you." I call out after them. No response. My head drops. I really have just become the live in nanny.
The next day, I didn't have to face my moms in the morning. They had taken the boys to the park and out for breakfast. I didn't even get an invite. But thankfully, Steve is taking me for dinner tonight to celebrate the passing of my exams and my imminent graduation.
He's taken me to my favourite Italian restaurant. It's nice to have this time. Steve really has been the only parent I've had recently. I'm so grateful for him. "So your moms don't know?" Steve asks as I tell him that I've been told I can move into SHIELD accommodation in a few days. "I've tried, but as usual, I barely have a conversation with them anymore. They probably wouldn't even notice that I've gone." I admit the painful truth. "Do you think they even still love me?" I ask the question that has been haunting me for a long time now.
Steve looks at me with a sympathetic look. He reaches out and takes my hand. "Oh Y/n. I'm sure they do. They just got lost in the boys and have forgot, that even though you're a teenager, you still need them." He tries to defend them. "If you say so." I mumble, not believing him.
"Well, I have something that might cheer you up." Steve says, changing the subject. "Oh yeah, and what might that be Captain?" I ask with a smirk, making him roll his eyes. "I spoke with Fury, and he already has a mission for you. It's nothing too big, a simple in and out to get some data." Steve explains, making a smile grow on my face. "Really? Me on a mission already?" I question and he nods. "Fury would have had you on them earlier. You've been the best recruit the programme has seen. But he had to follow protocol. There is one downside though." He shares. "Oh God, don't tell me it's with my mother?" I ask making him laugh. "No, just this old man." He responds. "Really? I'm going with you?" I ask excitedly. "Yeah, you don't need me. But I wanted to see you in action on your first mission. I really am proud of you kiddo. I'm glad that I've had a front row seat to seeing you become the woman you have." He expresses honestly, taking me off guard.
The rest of dinner is lovely, and I have a really nice time. It's nice to actually have someone care about your achievements. However, that happiness soon disappears when I enter the apartment to two angry moms. "Where do you think you've been? You've not been answering your phone." Mama yells at me. I reach into my pocket and see that my phone is dead.
"Sorry, my cell died." I tell her, but that doesn't help. "So, are you going to share where you were without telling us? It's 10pm Y/n!" Mom now joins in. "I was having dinner with Steve." I share. "Until this late. Why would you be going out for dinner on a school night? Why didn't he ask us first?" Mama questions me.
"We went out to celebrate when I missed going with my class. And it's not a school night. The programme has finished now." I tell them, trying to keep my cool. "Is this about that party you couldn't go to last night?" Mom asks. "No, actually, it was having someone to celebrate with that I finished top of my class and am now officially a SHIELD agent!" I snap back, taking them both by surprise.
"You've had your final exams already?" Mom asks, stepping closer but I pull away. "Yeah, I have told you on a number of occasions. But apparently you don't listen to me anymore." I admit, feeling tears building. "You finished top?" Mama says proudly, but I just scoff. Her pride is too late. "Like you even care." I growl. "Don't talk to your mother like that." Mom tells me off.
"Like what? You haven't given me the time of day in years. Why do you suddenly care that I was out late. Was I not around to be your personal babysitter? Or were you just annoyed I wasn't there for the one time you noticed I wasn't around." I call them both out taking them by surprise.
"Y/n it was one night." Mom tries to deny more calmly. "No, it wasn't. It's always the twins this, the twins that. I have to make allowances for them in my life and stop what I'm doing to be there to babysit them. When was the last time that you spent any time with me? When did you last tell me you love me or even acknowledge me?" I shout, tears falling down my cheeks, as my parents stand staring at me in shock.
"I have worked my ass off with SHIELD so I can get in and earn my spot with them. Where I can have my own place and start a life for myself. Because I clearly haven't been a part of this family for a long time." I share how I've been feeling. I notice that both their eyes tear up. "Oh Y/n, sweetheart, that's not the case. Of course you belong." Mama tries to argue, moving closer with a shaky hand out in front of her. I don't reach out. In fact, I move away. "Well neither of your actions have shown it in the last few years." I point out, making mom cry harder. "Look it's fine. I get it. I'm not your biological child. Billy and Tommy are. I'll always be grateful for you saving me from Hydra, but you've got your family now. Don't worry, I'll be gone in a couple of days." I say sadly before heading to my room, my moms frozen in shock in their spot.
I slam the door shut behind me, locking it and falling onto my bed. I bury my head into the pillow and sob. All the emotions I've been bottling up come out. My whole body wracks with each sob as I realise, it's official. I really have lost my family now.
Nat's POV:
I feel the tears slowly falling down my cheeks as I realise that my daughter stood before me as a broken girl who thinks her moms don't love her anymore. By the time I come to my senses, Y/n is already gone, and I'm left facing my wife who is sobbing. "Have we really been putting the boys first so much she thinks that we don't want her anymore?" I say at a whisper, my voice getting caught in my throat.
"It's my fault. Things changed when I came into the picture, and we started trying for our own babies. We didn't even consider how that must have made her feel. We didn't even reassure her that we would still love her just as much, regardless of if the boys were ours biologically or not." Wanda responds.
I quickly move forward and wrap my arms around her. "It's not your fault my love. We both wanted that. Our lives are significantly better with you in them Wanda. But you're right. We should have tried harder to make sure we involved Y/n and showed her will still love her." I comfort her.
I can't believe that I've let Y/n get to this point. The day I found her in that cell, she changed my life for the better. She not only made me a mother, but she made me more human. She made me see there was more than being an Avenger. She is the reason that I who I am today. Yet I've neglected her. I got so focused on the twins that I didn't even notice how little I have seen Y/n.
"We should go and talk to her." I suggest whilst Wanda still clings to me. "She was angry. We should give her some space. Let's take her for breakfast in the morning. I'll ask Pepper to watch the boys and we can start to make this right." She counters. "But..." I start, not wanting to leave this longer than we have to. "This is our daughter we're talking about. She has your temper." Wanda tearily chuckles. "Hey!" I poorly defend. She's right though. She might not be biologically mine, but she is my mini me.
That night I don't sleep. All I can think of is every time that I blew Y/n off and decided to spend time with the twins instead. When did we stop doing things as a family? I try and think of the last time I trained with her or helped her prepare for her exams. God, how did I not even know she was taking them this week?! "Your thoughts are loud Detka." Wanda mumbles sleepily as she turns over to look at me. When she sees the distress on my face, she gives me a sympathetic smile. "She has worked so hard, and we didn't even know she was completing her final exams. She told us yet neither of us remembered or even heard her apparently. We are awful moms!" I sigh.
Wanda moves and pulls me into her embrace. "I know. I feel awful too. I'm so proud of her though. She finished top. She's just like you." She shares. "She's moving out." I realise whilst Wanda just looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" She questions. "She said she would be gone in a few days. She must have been assigned a room at SHIELD. Our little girl was ready to leave the nest and we didn't even know." I respond, another wave of sadness washing over me.
"We'll talk to her and make her see that she is still very much wanted here. If she still wants to move out that's fine, but she has to know that we love her and always have. We can't change the past but we sure as hell can make sure we change the future and how see feels." She says determined.
Neither of us really sleep. I think we regret not talking to her last night. But our tiredness soon takes over and we get some much need kip. It definitely won't do any of us favours when we talk to Y/n in the morning. She won't make it easy on us and I don't want to snap because I'm too tired.
When we eventually get up, we check on the boys and I go to ask Pepper if she would mind watching the boys. "Is Y/n not available?" Pepper asks with a humourless chuckle. "What? No, we're going to take her to breakfast." I respond, surprised at the bite to her tone. She hums in surprise. "I'll take the boys. Make sure you treat that girl. She definitely deserves it." She tells me firmly. I nod and thank her before going to get the boys.
"Everything ok?" Wanda asks me when I take Billy from her. "Whilst we've been failing to notice Y/n, I think everyone else has noticed our behaviour. It's very frosty down there." I tell her and she nods sadly. I guess we can't expect anything less.
It makes me wonder what could have happened if we didn't have everyone else around. They have clearly been supportive to her and been there when Wanda and I should have. What if she didn't have that support, would she have even still been with us?
Shaking off the thought, Wanda and I take the boys to the compound living room, where we receive a number of glares from the team that were there. Thankfully, nothing is said, but my guilt keeps on growing.
With the boys sorted, I take Wanda's hand and we head to Y/n's room. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. We wait anxiously but get no response. I try again, calling out to her this time. "Y/n, honey. Can we come in?" I ask, but once again, we're met by silence.
I look to Wanda who's got a concerned look on her face. "Sweetheart, we're going to come in now." Wanda speaks up and pushes down on the door handle. I'm surprised when it opens but that is soon replaced by shock when I see her room practically empty. There are a couple of boxes with her stuff in, but most of her clothes have gone.
I let go of Wanda's hand and quickly move into the ensuite to see if she's in there, but I'm met by more empty cabinets. Panic builds within me to know that she's gone. "Where is she?" Wanda asks as stands by the chest of draws, picking up photos that had been turned upside. She lets out a muffled sob when she sees they're our family photos. What have we done to our daughter.
"She's probably asked Fury if she could move sooner. Considering how much he loves her, I'm sure he would have done anything to get her in as soon as possible." I respond, letting out a sigh. "But she's only 17. She's still a kid." Wanda argues. "I know babe. But when she signed up, it was part of the contract that I signed as her parent. Besides, she turns 18 next week and we'd have no say anyway." I admit.
"Shit, is it already her birthday? We've done nothing to prepare for that. In fact, I'm sure we both forgot." Wanda exhales, running her hands through her hair, whilst I made sure all the photos were back upright. Though, I notice our last family photo was back when Y/n was just 15. We've got hundreds of photos with the twins, but it's been over two years since we've had a complete family photo.
Wanting to know that Y/n is ok, I grab my phone out and hit Fury's number. It rings out and I let out a sigh before trying Maria. "Romanoff." She greets me. "Hill, I was wondering if you could tell me if Y/n has moved into her room yet and if so where she's been placed. Wanda and I want to surprise her." I try my luck.
"I'm sorry, Y/n has asked that we don't disclose her room location at the moment. She has been allowed early move in, so will be in a position to share once the other agents are moving." Hill responds. "Please, Maria, I'm asking you as a friend. We really need to see Y/n." I plead, hoping she'll have sympathy on me. "And I'm telling you as a friend that how you treated your own daughter is unacceptable. Do you know why she was the best cadet to come through?" She calls me out. "No." I respond in a whisper. "Initially it was because she was trying to be just like her hero mothers. But she got even better when she was fighting to make her own name for herself to start her life over. I watched her personality change to become guarded and her walls built high. That's what you did to her Nat." She scolds me through the phone.
"I know Maria. We have fucked up more than we thought possible and we're trying to make this right. We can't do that if we can't even speak with her." I counter. "This isn't something you can just fix with a talk and a hug. This is years of you slowly neglecting her. Pushing yourself onto her is not going to help with that." Maria warns me. I know she's right. We'll end up pushing Y/n away if we're not careful. But I also know that I can't wait to fix this. I want my baby girl to know how much I love her. Despite my inability to show her these last few years.
Wanda and I spend the day trying to get any information on where Y/n might be. We get a lot of cold shoulders, and our questions often go answered. I even spend time hanging around the Shield accommodation to see if I can catch a glimpse of her. My lucks not in and I return home deflated.
When I walk through the door, a smile forms on my face as I see Wanda giving the boys dinner. "Any luck?" She asks. I just shake my head. "We'll find her." She says confidently. "When was the last time we had dinner with Y/n?" I ask, looking to Wanda who's looking at me sympathetically. "Detka, you are punishing yourself by think that." She scolds me lightly. "It's true though. She asked when we last said I love you to her. I've been trying to think, and I don't remember. How can a mother not remember when they last said I love you to their child. Have we really subconsciously disregarded her because she isn't biologically ours?" I share my thoughts, tears falling freely down my face.
Wanda quickly moves from the table, leaving the boys to carry on talking about the latest Nintendo game they're playing. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in close. "We let ourselves get lost in the boys. They were a handful and we were blessed with a daughter who was selfless and caring. Subconsciously, we took advantage of that. But that changes now ok." She responds as I nod in the crock of her neck. We really need to fix this.
It's been a few days and we've still had no luck in seeing Y/n. Wanda and I decided to go to Shield to talk to Fury today, whilst the boys were in school. I head straight to his office, knocking twice before heading in, not caring if he's busy. "Romanoff, Maximoff. What can I do for you?" He asks, moving his gaze from the laptop in front of him.
"It's been long enough now Fury. The other agents have started moving in and Y/n is still only 17, so tell us where she is staying." I demand, my tone harsh. "I can give you her room allocation, but she's not there." Fury responds, just angering me more. "Then where the hell is she?!" I shout, only calming down when I feel Wanda squeeze my hand. "She's on a mission. She'll back tomorrow." He responds nonchalantly.
"A mission? She's 17 Fury! How is she already going on a mission?!" Wanda responds before I even manage to direct my own anger into words. "She is almost 18 and finished top of her class. You knew that was a possibility when you signed her up Romanoff. She has the potential to be the best agent we've seen. She is ready." Fury retorts, but I'm still not happy. "She's just a kid, she could get hurt." I growl, worry taking over me.
"Natasha, she is far from the kid you think she is. If you still trained with her, you'd see that she can almost beat Steve in hand to hand combat and her weapons skill matches your own, if not better in some instances." He points out and I realise how little I actually know my daughter right now. "Look, I'll keep you posted when she's back." Fury concedes after a moment silence.
"Thank you. Is she on her own?" I ask but he shakes his head. "Steve went to be on comms." He replies and that puts my mind at ease a little. He loves her like his own, he'll do everything that he can to protect her. "Ok. Thank you." I say, taking Wanda's hand a heading home.
"We've missed so much Nat. Y/n used to tell us everything about her training and classes. We've created an environment where she doesn't feel like she can share with us anymore. She was probably so excited to get a chance on her first mission. But instead of us being with her and making sure she's prepared, we didn't even know she had gone." Wanda agonises.
"I'm worried that we may not be able to fix this. If her walls have gone up, they'll be near impossible to knock them down." I sigh. "You had walls once. What helped you to let them down?" Wanda asks. "Y/n." I respond, my gaze dropping to my hands. "Then we find away to be the same for her." Wanda tries to comfort me. But how can the people that caused her this pain, be the ones to pull her through.
The next morning is quiet whilst we get the boys ready for school. They asked this morning where Y/n was and that they missed her. It broke my heart. Because of our actions, not only is Y/n feeling alone, isolated, and not part of this family, but her brother might lose the chance of having their sister in their lives.
When we get home, we end up just sat waiting for any news that Y/n is on her way home so we can greet her. I want to be able to hear all about how her first mission went and actually be apart of something so special to her. I may not have shown it, but I've always been proud of her. She is talented and I loved training with her. I had always planned to join her again once the twins were old enough. But I didn't and it seems that I have missed out on so much.
Whilst I'm preparing lunch, I hear Friday's alarm go off and my ears tune in. "Emergency medical team to the landing bay. Emergency medical team to the landing bay." I don't even think before I'm dropping the knife onto the countertop. I go to call for Wanda, but she rushes in from the bedroom. "Something's wrong with Jess. I can feel it." She says worriedly. "Let's go." I say, taking her hand and rushing through the compound to get to the landing bay.
Cho is waiting, along with a nursing staff. "Is it Y/n?" I ask as we come to a halt next to her. It feels like an age before she responds. A small nod of the head breaks my heart. "H-how bad?" Wanda asks, a tremble to her voice. "Steve confirmed a gunshot wound. She's lost a lot of blood." She responds. I run my hand through my hair, my stomach in knots.
It feels like the world around me has become muffled. I don't hear the orders that Cho is giving her team. Had I been able to, maybe I would have known more about her condition. My chest feels tight at the thought of her being hurt and the chance that she might not make it.
It's not until a pair of hands cup my face, that I zone back into the environment around me. "Breathe for me baby." Wanda's shaking voice tries to calm me. But the complete fear in her own eyes doesn't do much to help. We're facing losing our daughter and she doubts the depths of our love for her.
I do my best to bring myself out of this panic attack. I can't be a broken version of myself. My wife and family need me more than ever. If I can't pull through now, I'm not worthy to be a mother. "That's it detka. Deep breathes." Wanda guides me. I take one more deep breath and stand straighter. This isn't about me.
I can see a frown on Wanda's face form as she sees me put up my own walls. I know that she hates when I do this, but it's the only way I know how to get through what's about to happen without completely breaking down.
It's not long until the QuinJet comes into sight and slowly starts to descend on to the landing pad. I feel like I'm holding my breath as we wait for the ramp to lower, and we can see how bad this is. My heart is thumping against my chest as it begins to lower, and I see Steve's face first.
Cho and her team move forward, a bed waiting, whilst Wanda and I hold back. I want to be by her side straight away, but I also know that we'll just be a hinderance to her care if we insist on being with her.
When we get a full view of Steve, I hear Wanda let out a sob beside me. He's holding our unconscious daughter in his arms. His own suit is covered in blood and my eyes instantly land on the blooded dressing on her stomach. "I tried to staunch the bleeding as best I could. But it just kept coming." Steve explains. I've never seen him so shaken up before.
He places Y/n on the hospital bed and moves out the way, before staring at his bloodied hands. Cho doesn't wait before rushing Y/n off to the medical bay, the three of us closely following behind.
"Is she going to be ok?" I ask as they start to get to work. But before she has a chance to respond, the machines start to go crazy and they move even faster to help my daughter.  "I can't answer that right now Agent Romanoff. I need to focus on Y/n, but I promise I'll keep you updated." Cho says, her polite way of telling us to leave. I'm reluctant, knowing that in this moment, Y/n is on the verge of life or death. But with a subtle tug of my hand from Wanda, I follow to watch through the window outside.
My gaze doesn't leave my daughter as I watch over as the team work to save her life. I don't notice that another person has joined us until I hear a bang from behind me. My head shoots around where I see Steve pinning Fury to the wall. "You told us it was empty! That all she needed was to get to the drive and out again." Steve growls at Fury who's holding his hand up in surrender. "I know." He responds, but Steve isn't happy when he slams him against the wall again.
"Then why the hell is she led in that hospital fighting for her life. There was a whole guard waiting for her!" Steve yells. This information makes the anger inside me grow. "You sent her into an ambush?!" I join in now, furious that he has put my daughter in danger.
"I didn't know! I'm as surprised as you are." Fury tries to explain, but Steve isn't letting up. "Talk!" Steve spits. "I had an agent scout the base for two weeks! Every report was how there was no activity. I would never have sent her had I know there was any more risk. It was supposed to be an easy mission for her first." Fury explains.
I can see the honesty in his eyes, and I know Steve does too. Fury has been like family to Y/n and I do trust he would never willingly put her in unnecessary danger. "So, either Hydra suddenly decided to man the base or..." Steve starts. "The agent tipped them off." I finish off as Fury nods. "I've detained the agent, and he broke within minutes. It was a perfect opportunity for them to fight you without back up." Fury shares as Steve lets him go. "Except I wasn't meant to go in. So, they were faced with Y/n." Steve concludes.
"I'm sorry Nat. I really am. I never would put Y/n in danger like that. I wanted her to have a successful first mission. One that would build her confidence." Fury apologises with a sincerity that he rarely shows. "I want to see him." I state firmly, to which Fury sighs. "Me too. It's because of him that our daughter is fighting for her life." Wanda steps beside me, her eyes glowing red. "Not now, not while you're both angry and worried." Fury refuses. "He could be the reason my daughter dies!" I shout at him, but he doesn't budge. "And he'll also be the reason I have to arrest you for killing him. If it's not you it'll be Wanda. I'm not letting either of you do that." Fury once again declines.
In a huff, I drop to the seat in the waiting room, my head falling into my hands. He's right. I will kill him if I get my hands on him. "Be here for Y/n. She needs you now more than ever. Leave the rest to me. I can promise that he will not get away with it." Fury orders, the formality coming back into his tone. We all reluctantly agree, and he leaves content that, for now, a homicide will not be occurring.
"What happened?" I ask Steve when the silence becomes almost unbearable. He takes the seat next to me and his gaze falls to his blooded hands. "It was meant to be a simple mission to test her hacking. I was in the QuinJet for support, and she was to go in, get to the mainframe computer and download as much data as possible." He starts and I nod along. "It was going fine, and she was doing everything by the book, clearing each room one by one. Part of me was sure she would be just like you and be impatient to get what she needed." He shares, with a small smile, making me chuckle. "Thankfully, she's a far better agent than I am." I respond, feeling Wanda's hand interlink with mine.
"It was as she got to the second floor, she said something felt off. It was warmer and it didn't smell as damp and musty. She said there were signs that this floor had been used recently. Knowing the risk that could entail, I told her to pull back and we'd get a team to help us clear the base. It wasn't something we should be doing on our own." He continues to explain, my anger towards the double agent increasing by the minute. But I also feel pride at how she was able to establish that something was wrong.
"She did as I ordered, but she was ambushed on her way out. I was already on my way in to meet her when I heard gunshots start. By the time I reached her, all the agents were down around her, but an alarm was blaring, and I knew others would be on their way. I grabbed at Y/n's arm, but she didn't move. As I moved in front of her, it was then I saw where her gaze was fixed. She's been hit. I got her out of there as quickly as I could and set the QuinJet to fly on autopilot. I tried everything that I could to stop the bleeding, but there was just so much. I-I...." Steve starts to crumble as he aggressively rubs at the blood on his hands.
I reach out and place my hands over his, stopping his actions. "I know you would have done everything you could Steve. We don't blame you. I'm so grateful that you were there to help our daughter." I try to reassure him. "I'm going to clean up. I can't sit here with...this on my hands any longer." Steve says, standing up holding his hands out in front of him.
Silence falls again when it's just Wanda and me. I want to look through the window again, but I don't think I can see them working on her. If she dies, I can't watch that. She looked so small as Steve laid her on the bed. "I had always hoped I'd be with her on her first mission." I speak up, guilt building once again. "Hmm" Wanda responds, turning to look at me. "When we used to train together, I always knew she would be one of the best the agency we would see. I couldn't wait to work along side her. My pride was overwhelming." I share as Wanda smiles softly at me.
"What happened? Why did I let myself lose sight of her. I have no excuse for treating her how I did. When I adopted her, I promised that she would always be loved and safe. Look at her now. I wouldn't blame her if she never forgives me." I lament, tears stinging my eyes. "It wasn't just you babe. We both have done wrong by Y/n and it's not forgivable. But we can work to earn her trust back and be the mothers that she deserves." She tries to comfort me.
"What if she doesn't make it and we don't have a chance to make things right? Or she does make it through, but she wants nothing to do with us?" I question in a panic. "I think she always hoped you'd eventually pull your heads out your asses." Steves voice takes us both by surprise as he rejoins us in a pair of sweats and a hoody. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused.
"Fury loves that kid. If she had asked to move out sooner, he would have allowed her too. I think part of her didn't want to go just in case you started being the loving and caring mothers you once were. Ultimately, she was still a kid and desperate to still have you in her life." He clarifies. "But she had already gone. We blew our last shot." Wanda speaks up. "Maybe you're right. But if anyone is worth fighting for. It's her." Steve points out and I couldn't agree more. I know that I'll do anything in my power to make things right and hopefully prove to my daughter that I love her more than I can express.
After hours of waiting, too scared to even glance through the window, Cho comes out of the medical room with a solemn look, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. I feel my breathing pick up once again, the thought of not being able to fix everything with Y/n becomes suffocating. It's not until Wanda grasps my hand that I find myself zoning back in.
"H-how is s-she?" I find myself asking in a quiet, unsure voice. Cho sighs and takes the seat opposite us, her hands interlocked. "Y/n suffered a gunshot wound to her abdomen. The bullet went straight through her liver. We were required to remove part of her liver, to ensure we saved her life. This was harder with the amount of blood that she lost. However, we were able to stabilise her before repairing the damage done to her liver." She explains.
"So, she's going to be, ok?" Wanda asks to clarify. "It's going to be touch and go. She's extremely weak right now and the next couple of days are going to be critical to her recovery. If she can pull through these next few days, I believe she'll make a full recovery. Though it'll take a lot of rehab to adjust to the changes to her body." Cho confirms.
I let out a small sob, knowing that she can pull through this. I have to believe that she will make it through these next few days, and we can be there to support her through her recovery. "Will she be able to return to full field duties?" Steve asks, clearly agitating Wanda. "Really Steve. That's what you're concerned about right now?" She snaps.
He turns to look at us and I know exactly why he's asking. "The SHIELD programme is everything to Y/n. To lose it after only just achieving it, that will crush her." Steve defends. "I think she would rather be alive right now." Wanda snaps back. "You just don't want to face that the honest truth is that without this programme, Y/n will feel like she has nothing, and I hate to say it, but she won't be too happy about being alive." Steve shares, an angry, yet sad look on his face.
Wanda goes to argue back, a look of hurt washing over her face. But I hold my hand up to stop her. "He's right my love." I interrupt her, making her snap her head to me. "SHIELD was the only family she thought that she had after she believed that she didn't belong in this family anymore. It will break her if she can't carry on what she worked so hard to achieve." I admit sadly.
I lock eyes with Wanda, and I see her heartbreak even further, if that's possible. "It'll take time and a lot of hard work, but I believe that Y/n would be able to return to full duties within SHIELD." Cho chips in, reminding us all that she was still in the room. "But first, she needs to get through the next few days." She reiterates, making all of us nod.
"Can we see her?" I ask, desperate to be with her and to hold her hand. "Of course. I'll be in my office, but the nursing staff will monitor her hourly." She smiles at us and leaves us to it. I take Wanda's hand and lead her towards the door and slowly push the door open. I let out a gasp when I see my little girl led in bed. She has a tube down her throat and wires attached to so many machines.
I've seen many people in this situation. But when it's your own daughter, there aren't words to describe the pain you feel. How helpless you are to make them better. All you can do is sit and watch as you wait for fate to take its course. Praying that you get your daughter back.
I instantly move to take a seat next to her bed, taking her hand in mine and holding it tightly. I notice the bruising to her knuckles, showing she fought. It brings a small smile of pride to my face.
Wanda goes to the opposite side of the bed and gently places her hand on Y/n's head. "I'm so sorry moya Lyubov." She whispers, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. "We promise we're going to make things right. We are so sorry that you ever felt like you didn't belong in this family. You'll never doubt this again!" I make promise to her now, one that I will repeat when she wakes up. Because she will wake up.
Part 2
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wandasaura · 7 months
summary — your first mistake was thinking natasha wouldn’t use the time away to tease you, your second mistake was thinking you could handle it
warning(s) — established relationship, married wandanat, smut, sexting, phone sex, teasing, fingering, nipple stimulation, degradation, praise, daddy kink, dom/sub relationship, bathroom encounter (nothing like… bad bad), begging, threats of punishment, wanda slaps r’s ass ;), the idiots banter but what’s new
authors note — i got carried away with this but hey, we got some development between wanda and r going on at least, also some insight to wandanats relationship and their dynamic + how the contract came about
you are in love universe
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♥️⊹ ˚ . 18+, men/minors dni ⁺ 𓈒 ꒰💌꒱ ♡ ・ mommy maximoff ✧
Natasha was going to be gone on business for two full weeks. You’d expected the hardest part of that fact to be how you were sure to miss her, but you were severely mistaken. When day ten came around, and she still wasn’t home, you weren’t at all surprised to find that the several notifications waiting for your attention were all from her. She’d been doing her best to keep you informed in regards to her plans and meetings, and for the most part, she’d been behaving herself well, but the first glance at her messages had effortlessly set your mood for the remainder of the day. 
Natasha | Daddy misses you, angel. 
Natasha | I bet that sweet pussy misses me too. 
Natasha | image attached 
You couldn’t help but audibly groan when you opened your iMessages. It was instinctual, you never wanted to leave her messages unanswered, but you regretted your urgency to appease her the second you came face to face with her visibly damp panties and toned thighs that had acquired quite the tan since shipping off to the tropical island just over a week and a bit ago. The deep red material that you were all too familiar with was an even deeper shade of maroon now, so damp that it molded to the shape of her labia, and the bulge of her clitoris was captivating. A throb shot through your own core as you fantasized about taking care of her little situation with your mouth, tonguing at her panties until she got so annoyed with your teasing that she tore them in two and forced your head in close, but she was a thousand miles away, and you were under strict instructions not to touch yourself without her permission. 
For a second, you questioned if Wanda had received the same image. If she had, which you were absolutely certain she did, you knew that the lawyer was rightfully hot and bothered, but you doubted she had the same rules as you. Wanda did not seem the type to submit, even if it meant appeasing her wife. After all, there would be no need for you in their relationship if she allowed Natasha to take the reins every once in a while, and you found yourself envious of the woman who could relieve herself at any chance. 
You whined at the deep ache in your core, your panties positively ruined beyond a point of salvation when another image rolled through, though this time, she’d taken away your privilege of seeing her well defined lips and clit, however, she’d replaced what you’d lost with the sight of her hand buried in the material. It was her left hand, and the diamond on the center of her engagement ring pressed against the tight materials of her panties. You’d always found it exceptionally hot to be fucking a married woman with consent from her partner, but something about seeing her touch herself with the very hand that Wanda had kissed with adoration in front of all of their family and friends was truly vulgar. She wasn’t playing fair at all, but you suspected she had never intended to make this easy for you. 
You | Daddy
It was a simple response, one that in no way encapsulated the millions of scenarios running through your head, but you had no other words to share with her. Not when you’d only just woken up and your sole interest was devouring her. You’d never been particularly good at communication, especially not when it came to sexual circumstances, but god did Natasha love to make you work for it. It shouldn’t have come as any surprise to you that she would pull a stunt like this, but you supposed your naivety was what captivated her so ferociously. 
Natasha | Yes, angel? See something you like?
You | You. 
You | Daddy, please. 
Natasha | Please, what? Don’t you have a class to get to, I wouldn’t want to make you late. Get ready for school, moya lyubov. 
Natasha | image attached
She was really playing dirty now. The unspoken promise that you wouldn’t be allowed to touch yourself felt like pure torture, but that had only worsened the blow for when the next picture rolled in seconds later. You’d half expected it to follow the saga of the others; some kind of display in regards to her dripping core and drenched panties. Would she pull them off to the side and bury two or maybe even three fingers into her pleading hole? Or perhaps she would take them off completely and give you an unconstructed glimpse of her cunt. You had been good afterall, Wanda hadn’t relayed any instances of bratty behavior to your knowledge, so she had every reason to reward you. Clearly she was not feeling generous, because the picture you were confronted with at seven o’six in the morning was of her naked chest, and just slightly off-screen you could make out the straps of her favorite lacy red bra. Her nipples were pebbled, undoubtable from the combination of her arousal and the broken thermostat in her suite, and they were a color that attempted to resemble a pinky-mauve. Her manicured fingers pinched at the left bud, but her right remained untouched and begging for the same attention. Her back was arched, leaning into the pain, and while you couldn’t see her shoulders, you could image the tanlines that graced her unblemished skin. 
You | You’re not playing fair, Daddy
Natasha | I don’t have to play fair, malyshka. I suggest you start getting ready for class, and I would think twice about trying to touch yourself before I give you permission. 
Your lips, already in a pout, had seemed to turn even more downward at her blatant disregard for your sanity. You’d just barely survived nine days without her touch and now, on the tenth, she decided to make that worse by teasing you? Even if she did decide to give you permission, nobody, including you, could make you cum the way she did. It would be foolish to even try and compete with her skills. 
You | I can always skip 
Natasha | I find out you skipped and you won’t be cumming until summer break 
Your heart plummeted faster than a free falling elevator at the implication of spending the next four and a half weeks without an orgasm, especially because you knew that just because she wouldn’t push you over the edge, didn’t mean she wouldn’t tease you and work you up to that point. She would make your life an absolute living hell if you gave her the chance, and that was not a fire you wanted to play with, not now and not ever. 
You | I’m going! 
Natasha | That’s what I thought. Good girl. 
Begrudgingly you pulled yourself out of bed and shuffled over to your duffle bag of clothes in the corner of the room. Ever since the night of the sixth day, when you’d crashed into Wanda’s arms and ratted out your professor, you’d been sleeping at the Maximoff residence. The Sokovian lawyer didn’t seem to be minding your presence, or at least, she hadn’t told you that she minded, but you still tried your best to tiptoe around her. She was always up before you, always in the kitchen when you ventured down the stairs in an outfit that was progressively getting shorter and shorter as the weather warmed. She had breakfast waiting for you most days, and if she didn’t, there was a note on the countertops that said she was already at the office and hadn’t wanted you to eat cold food. She didn’t need to know that on those days, you didn’t have any breakfast at all. On the morning of the eighth, she learned that you hate oatmeal. You’d tried your best to eat it all, or at least an amount that would appease her, but after you gagged for the third time, she pulled the bowl away from your face and scolded you for not saying something the second she put it down in front of you. It was weird. Neither one of you really sought the other out, but when you did cross paths, the atmosphere wasn’t as cold and dark. 
It wasn’t as warm as it had been in recent days, so you took full advantage of the wind and the gloomy skies to wiggle your body into a pair of black leggings and one of Natasha’s hoodies that had been left laying around. You adored the start of spring and the mid-summer warmth, but you detested the fact that when those days came, you wouldn’t get to wear the womens clothes as frequently. You supposed you could always steal some of her t-shirts, but there hadn’t been much opportunity to do so yet. 
Wanda was in the kitchen that morning, much to your delight. She wasn’t Natasha, you don’t know if she’ll ever mean as much to you as Natasha does, but you liked the simple fact that the house felt lived in when she was around. Her presence served as a distraction from the icky wetness collecting in your panties, and yes, you had changed them only minutes ago, but nothing could stop the floodgates until Natasha allowed you even the slightest fraction of relief.  
“Your wife is mean.” You didn’t bother with pleasantries, didn’t even bother to look her in the eye as you walked your way to her fridge and pulled out the pitcher of orange juice. It had become sort of a routine. Wanda made breakfast for the both of you and you got the drinks. You liked having little responsibilities, because even if you knew that you were more than welcome here, you felt the need to earn your keep. 
“My wife, huh? Thought she was your Daddy.” Wanda snorted, but the clench in her jaw was enough of an indication that she had received the same messages and wasn’t completely lost on the reason why you were pawning Natasha off so easily. You were annoyed to find that she was handling the teasing better than you. You were absolutely certain that your entire body was as jagged as a sharp rock, and petulantly, you hoped that Natasha stubbed her toe on the way to her next meeting. 
“Nope. You can have her. She’s being a tease.” You huffed, bracing your hands on the edge of the counter before you scooted back into a comfortable position against the floating cabinets. Well, as comfortably as possible with the ache between your thighs that you were trying your absolute hardest not to mess with, even though it would be so easy to cross your legs and hope to god that it did something to relieve you. Wanda seemed to appreciate your restraint, because she sent you a soft smile in return and didn’t say anything about you sitting on her counters. 
“Oh, I know.” Wanda puffed out a breath of air, the first indication that maybe she wasn’t handling the situation well, just better at hiding her frustration. “Little brat doesn’t know what to do with herself when she’s away for so long.” 
You’d never heard Natasha be called anything of the sort, and the admission of her role in the bedroom had brought back your curiosity. Deciding that you couldn’t possibly get in trouble for being curious, you kicked your feet against the cabinets beneath your dangling legs and looked over at Wanda. “Can I ask you a question?” 
“If you stop kicking my cabinets.” The lawyer looked at you in exasperation, entirely unimpressed with your fidgeting, though she wasn’t angry. You were thankful for that, because the combination of academic stress and sexual teasing had you restless in all fronts. 
“Do you let Natty top you?” You smiled shyly once the words had passed your lips, hoping that it would soften the blow once Wanda processed your question. You weren’t sure if you had a close enough relationship with her to be asking such a thing, but over the last few weeks, you’d really started to wonder how they’d even come to the consensus of opening their relationship to a third party. 
Wanda looked at you incredulously, but she shook her head anyway. “No. Why the question? You’re usually running in the opposite direction anytime we ask you something sexual.” 
As if your body was trying to prove a point, your cheeks flushed scarlet and you dropped your gaze down to your lap, eliciting a chuckle out of Wanda. “I dunno. You don’t seem the type to submit, and Natty is being a brat. Guess I was just wondering about the contract. How you came up with it and all.” 
“Have you talked to Nat about this? Seems you’ve got a lot on your mind.” Wanda hummed, her attention focused on the eggs she was scrambling, though you knew the real reason she was so focused was because she didn’t want to overwhelm you when you had finally gotten the courage to speak to her about this type of thing. She wasn’t wrong. Any other time she’d ever mentioned your sexual relationship with her wife you ran in the other direction, or you retorted with something rude just to get her off your back. She wasn’t as blind to that last detail as you thought she was. 
“Not a lot.” You protested immediately, not wanting it to come across like you were rethinking this situation. “Her ring was… very visible in the second picture she sent. You’re married. Very happily from what I’ve seen. If anyone else that I know were in this situation, they’d think I was a homewrecker or something.” 
“Is that how you feel?” Wanda frowned, her attention still on the eggs she was scrambling, but she was quickly running out of alternatives to focus on as they reached they perfect consistency. 
“No! Nat’s too in love with you to ever do something that would upset you. If you weren’t okay with her… using me… then she would’ve ended things already.” 
“Honey, we both know Natasha is not using you. That woman is just as devoted to you as she is to me, but you’re right, she wouldn’t jeopardize our marriage. The contract was my idea. You were my idea. Natasha would be more than happy to submit to me for the rest of our lives if I wasn’t okay with this, but I know that she needs the control as much as I do. We make sacrifices for our partners every day. A marriage is not a one way street.” Wanda smiled softly, nudging your thigh when she realized you were sitting right in front of the cabinet she kept the plates on. 
“Why are you okay with me then?” You frowned, having even more questions now then you originally did. Wanda had said that Natasha was devoted to you in the same way she is with Wanda. Does that mean she feels the same as you do? Are your feelings not as unrequited as you’d been forcing yourself to believe? 
“You make her happy.” There was something more on the tip of her tongue, something heavy and potentially earth-shattering, but you didn’t press her to share. She was already sharing more than enough with you, and you appreciated her honesty even if it was filtered. “Anymore questions from the peanut gallery, or can we eat our breakfast before you’re late to class?” 
“No more questions.” You hopped off the counter, grinning cheekily when you saw Wanda wince out of your peripheral vision. “Would you tell her if I skipped class?” 
“Are you sick?” Wanda quirked a single eyebrow in your direction, her hands full of plates as she carried eggs and pancakes toward the dining room table. You grabbed the pitcher of juice and two glasses, following her like a lost duckling despite knowing your way around. 
“Does horny count as sick?” You asked, only receiving a huff of laughter and a firm shake of the head as a response. 
If you thought your morning had been difficult to handle, your afternoon was even worse. You shifted uncomfortably at your desk, trying to get your cold and sticky panties away from your sensitive core, while simultaneously listening to your professor drone on and on about sentence translations and truth tables. Everytime you moved, you achieved the exact opposite of what you wanted. Your panties were so wet they clung to your pussy, and with each shift of hips and press of your thighs, a pulse of pleasure shot up through your belly and only worsened your situation. 
Typically, you sat in the very front row in all of your lectures. You were what others would call a teacher's pet, always raising your hand and answering questions, always assuring that you understood the objectives of an assignment, but today, you had chosen a desk in the back row closest to the wall. Your laptop was turned away from the student on your right, and although your notes were opened, and words had been added to the document that you’d started at the beginning of the semester, your iMessages were open just beside it. 
Natasha | Daddy wants your mouth, princess. You’d be good and give me your mouth wouldn’t you? I know how much you love to be on your knees for me 
Natasha | video attached 
You knew you shouldn’t open it, not when it was so clearly a video of her masturbating if the preview shot was any indication of its content. You knew you should just turn all of your devices on Do Not Disturb and focus on the professor, who was going over questions about the latest chapter assigned as homework, but all logical thoughts, ironic because you were currently in your advanced logics lecture, had completely fallen away from you. It had been eleven hours of teasing. Eleven hours of wet panties and sensitive nipples and Natasha’s pussy in your face but not actually. It had been eleven full hours of pure torture, and you were at your breaking point.
You closed your laptop softly, making the humbling decision to shuffle past all the other students in your row to excuse yourself to the bathroom. You’re sure it looked like you were having some kind of female emergency with how fast you were moving, but in a way, you were. Only, it wasn’t a result of a miscalculated period, but rather an evil dominant who had worked you up so horridly that you were willing to sacrifice your academics just to beg her for release. 
The private bathroom was located in the basement, you had to shuffle down three flights of stairs just to reach it, but you would die before you got caught sexting in the bathroom on the same floor as your lecture, so you hurried down to the basement and hoped that it was free. At least some higher power was looking out for you, because you found that the light was off and when you knocked on the door, nobody had answered. You squirmed your way inside, locking the door before you pulled open your messages and played the video. 
It was short, only ten seconds, but in that ten seconds you had seen the beginning of a beautiful orgasm. Natasha’s fingers hammered into her pussy, the palm of her hand making contact with her clit every time she pushed three of her fingers back into herself. Her arousal coated the digits in thick strings, and when she’d cum, when she pushed herself over the edge, you groaned aloud at not only the moan that tumbled past her lips, but the sight of her orgasm spilling around her fingers. You had seen Natasha squirt on a handful of occasions. Usually it happened when she had you eating her out time and time again. You wondered how long she’d been laid in bed for to have reached such a high, and briefly you wondered if Wanda had anything to do with it. There was not a doubt in your mind that Wanda was just as much a tease as Natasha, and the prospect of the most powerful women you know going back and forth so desperately caused another violent pang of pleasure to shoot through your core. 
You pushed your pants down, letting them scrunch together at your ankles, not caring about how they brushed against the bathroom floor. You were too desperate to mind the germs, but they would be going in the garbage the second you got back to the Maximoff residence. For now, they’d just have to be fine. 
You widened your stance just enough to get your camera between your thighs. The baby blue panties that you wore were absolutely drenched, beyond the state of Natasha’s if that were even possible. Every inch of your intimacy was a visible outline from how they pressed against you, and while you should’ve been embarrassed, you hadn’t even been touched and you were the wettest you’ve probably ever been, you didn’t care. 
You | image attached 
You | Look what you did, Daddy. 
Natasha | Oh, I bet that feels so icky, baby 
You | Please let me touch myself 
Natasha | My dirty little slut wants to touch herself in a public bathroom? She can’t even wait until she gets home? 
You | I’ve been waiting all day! Please Daddy, it aches! 
You | image attached 
You should’ve felt shame. You should’ve been disgusted with your desperation, but there wasn’t even an ounce of care left in you as you pulled your panties to the side. Two of your fingers swept through your folds, collecting arousal on the tips of your fingers. They glistened in the light, and much like Natasha’s arousal had done in the video she sent, strings of your need attached your dripping cunt to your digits. You hadn’t touched yourself, not technically at least. Your clit throbbed in protest when you narrowly avoided it, and it took all of your self restraint not to throw caution to the wind and give yourself the slightest bit of relief. You would much rather appease Natasha though, and so you hadn’t even made the briefest moment of contact. 
Natasha | Oh that does look like quite the sticky situation, baby. Why don’t you be a good girl for Daddy and suck those fingers clean 
You moaned at her words, even if they were just white letters on your phone screen. You could practically hear her voice in your head, requesting you to taste yourself for her, asking you to be good. You complied without hesitance, bringing your fingers up to your mouth, your tongue out and waiting for the treat even if you would much rather it be her you're tasting. Before you let them lay heavy on your tongue, you took a picture and sent it to her, because if you were going to be vulgar in your college bathroom, it needed to be for something. You tasted how you always do, but you forced yourself to imagine it was her lips you were tasting and not your own fingers. She loved making out after she had gone down on you, and secretly, so did you. 
Natasha | Good girl. 
Natasha | Those fingers all nice and clean? 
You | Yes, Daddy
Natasha | Good. Pull your panties back up and wash your hands, baby. You’ve still got thirty minutes left of class. 
Your jaw practically hit the floor at her response, and you whined in defeat, not wanting to listen to her. You’d been so good for her all day and she was still making you wait? What could she possibly do from across the ocean anyways? Briefly, you’d forgotten about her promise of withholding orgasms until summer break, but when that threat came back to mind, you quickly did as asked, hating that now you were even more uncomfortable. This was supposed to help, not make everything worse. 
You | I want to play, Daddy!
Natasha | You’ve been good all day baby, don’t ruin it now. Panties up, hands washed. I want you back in class in the next three minutes if I’m even going to consider letting you edge yourself tonight 
Natasha | Or maybe you would like a ruined orgasm more
You | No! Please no Daddy! 
Natasha | Then you’ll go back to class and you won’t sneak away again. 
The forty minute drive back to Westview felt like hours. By the time that you eventually pulled into the driveway and parked behind Natasha’s car, the days sunlight only lingering behind storm clouds now, your leggings were damp and clinging to your core just as uncomfortably as your panties had been for the last few hours. You were absolutely certain that if there weren’t two material barriers between your legs, that your car seats would be stained with evidence of your arousal. You’d have had a hard time explaining that the next time you got the vehicle detailed, but if that had been the case, you would’ve just burnt the entire car to avoid the looks of judgment you were sure to have received. 
The front door was unlocked when you entered, an indication that Wanda had only arrived home a couple minutes before you had. Ever since your appearance on the fifth day of Natasha’s absence, she’d started leaving the door unlocked for you, not wanting another repeat of you stuck outside. You knew it made her feel vulnerable, and at one point you had tried to tell that while you appreciated the thought, she could continue to lock the door after she got in. Wanda didn’t budge on the matter, not that you were surprised, and so you just had to accept the fact that the front door would remain open for anyone to pass through until you got inside to lock the house up tight. It amazed you how Natasha’s presence could mean so much. The woman could hold her own in a fight, you didn’t doubt that, but you hadn’t realized just how much Wanda put her safety into her hands. It only further solidified the already known fact that they were perfect for each other. 
Wanda was in the kitchen, already working on dinner, when you dropped your backpack on the floor and inched your way closer to her. The desperate ache between your legs was unbearable now, and every step reminded you of your unfulfilled desire. Wanda looked perfectly put together as she stood by the stove, stirring something in a pot that you hoped was sauce for her spaghetti. Even though you couldn’t see her face from where she was standing, it was clear in her posture that she was fairing well with Natasha’s teasing. You wondered if she had taken her pleasure into her own hands at some point during the day, or if she was once again just better than you at concealing her true feelings. 
“I take it back.” You muttered weakly, stealing the glass of water that the redhead had been just about to reach for. It was cold, probably fresh from the filter in the fridge, and you gulped it down greedily. “Your wife is the scary one.” 
Wanda laughed although you found nothing funny about this situation. “What did she threaten you with?” 
“Which time!” You threw your hands out in exasperation, careful to keep hold of the now empty glass so it didn’t smash into a million tiny shards on the floor if you were to lose your grip on it. “Because at first it was no orgasms until summer break! Then it was edging! And then it was ruined orgasms! I did exactly what she asked, and she’s still being all scary and mean! She sent me a video of her cumming while I was in class!”
“Did she now?” Wanda quirked a single brow in your direction, and you knew that you had gotten your dominant in trouble simply from the way her jaw clenched at the relay of information. In the months that you’ve been in this situation with Natasha, you learned that Wanda was serious about education, a real stickler even. She always droned on and on about the importance of paying attention and taking adequate notes, you should’ve known that she wouldn’t appreciate knowing her wife had distracted you with a video of her pleasure. 
“Um, no?” You tried to backtrack, tried to save Natasha’s ass even though she had done nothing in your favor since you’d woken up that morning. Your cheeks flushed as you avoided her eye, suddenly finding the floor much more interesting than her stare. 
“Wanna try that again?” Wanda hummed, but you knew it wasn’t really a choice. You’re pretty sure that you audibly gulped as you contemplated your options, ultimately deciding that if anybody's ass had to be on the line, you would rather it be Natashas. 
“She did.” You whispered. “But she made me go back to class! That’s when she threatened to make me edge myself or ruin my orgasm.” You added, your cheeks burning a fierce shade of red as you avoided Wanda’s eye. Both women found it cute how flushed you still got whenever anything even remotely kinky was discussed. Despite her annoyance, this moment was no exception.
Wanda hummed thoughtfully, nodding her head as if Natasha’s threat satisfied her. “Good. You shouldn’t have left class at all. I’d be making you spank yourself.”
“I– Do you– Do you make Natasha spank herself?” You spluttered over your words, hardly even able to imagine the redhead on the receiving end of a spanking.  
“No. Your Daddy enjoys that far too much.” Wanda laughed, almost as if she found your curiosity insulting to Natasha. You knew she had a pain kink, that was very much obvious when she asked you to pinch her nipples harder on the rare occasion that she made you ride her strap, but you couldn’t imagine enjoying a spanking that was intended to be a punishment. “You on the other hand, start running away from her hand by the fifth spank. You wouldn’t last three if I told you to do it yourself.” 
Despite your mortification at Wanda’s admission, a pang of arousal shot through your core at the thought of receiving a spanking, especially from her. You were quick to scrub that fantasy from your brain, not even wanting to entertain it. Even if you had moved past your hatred for her, you refused to admit that she was slowly growing on you. That was just too much to accept right now. 
“Stop!” You whined, hunching over the counter and attempting to hide your face against the cold counter. Your cheeks had had a permanent flush to them all day, no thanks to Natasha, but you were certain that they were fire engine red now. Even the tips of your ears carried a warmth that wouldn’t vanish until you found some relief, but Natasha had been radio silent since sending you back to class, and you almost wondered if she would even reappear again before she turned in for the night. You would kill her if she left you high and dry like this. 
A shriek of surprise left your lips at the sharp sensation that spread through your left ass cheek when Wanda’s palm collided with it over the thin fabric of your leggings. You’d only barely managed to contain your moan, but there’s no way she’d missed the way your knees threatened to buckle beneath you. Your back straightened instinctively and your head whipped around to find her, only to groan at the smirk of satisfaction on her lips at the sight of you. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth, your eyes were dilated and almost entirely black, and your thighs, oh your thighs were the most telling. You pinched them together desperately, attempting to find any semblance of release. 
“What was that for?” You whined, your hand shooting back to rub at the spot that was beginning to ache. You wouldn’t be surprised if her handprint lingered on your skin well into the early hours of tomorrow morning. Your voice is painfully high pitched and needy despite your best efforts to keep your composure, and it merely makes Wanda laugh about the effect a simple spank has on you. 
“Who said I needed a reason?” Wanda shrugged her shoulders, but there was something wicked in her eyes. “You’ve had plenty of questions for me today, who says I don’t have my own?” 
“You could’ve just asked!” You stomped your foot, officially at your breaking point with their combined teasing. Your eyes glimmered with unbridled tears, and your core throbbed needily, but neither of them seemed too concerned with your desperation, not enough to stop at least. “I’m going to change.” You pouted, stomping past Wanda, abandoning your backpack to be dealt with later. 
Hours later, you found yourself laid in bed, your eyes wide in disbelief as you laid on your back and tried your hardest to keep your hands still at your sides. You and Wanda had eaten dinner in near silence, but the spaghetti was good, and you’d helped with the dishes afterward. Neither of you were feeling rather talkative, and that could be chalked up with the fact that Natasha had started her shit again. She poked at Wanda first, and you were thankful for the break of being her center of attention. The lawyer's phone had buzzed from where it was kept in her backpocket during meals if she was wearing jeans. Both of you knew who it was, and Wanda had reached for her phone without a moment of hesitation. It seemed that the both of you were properly whipped for the Russian, because had that text been from anyone else Wanda would’ve ignored it until dinner was over and conversations were finished. It had taken her only a matter of seconds to get into her phone, and you knew it must’ve been sexual based on the way her cheeks flushed and she furiously typed back a response. You were curious about what Natasha had sent her, curious about if you were receiving the same messages throughout the day, but you didn’t have to wait for much longer because your phone pinged next, and Wanda shot you a low warning beneath her breath. 
That had been two hours ago, and since then, Natasha had disappeared, leaving you with only strict orders not to touch yourself and the lingering promise of getting your reward soon. You were naked in the guest bed, dripping onto the sheets beneath your body, writhing in anticipation. The house had been silent since both you and Wanda finished dinner, but now the house was filled with her moans. Her moans. Wanda's moans. You’ve seen her and Natasha makeout before. You’ve heard her shakily exhale, groan aloud, you’ve even heard her curse out profanities in Russian when Natasha did something particularly seductive, but you’ve never heard her moan. That felt too intimate, too wrong, but now that you were hearing them you couldn’t deny how sweet they sounded. Was she fingering herself? Was she using a vibrator or fucking a dildo so deep into her pussy that she could feel every groove and crevice against her walls? Were the sheets wet with arousal beneath her body like they were yours, or could she somehow manage to avoid leaking like a waterfall at just a whisper of praise from Natasha? The list of endless possibilities that could be occurring in the room next to yours were driving you mad, and the longer you were forced to listen to her chase her release, only amplified the cravings for your own pleasure. 
You blindly reached out for your phone, squinting when it initially blinded you before your eyes adjusted to the light. You opened Natasha’s contact quickly,ready to plead and beg and cry for her to give in. 
You | I can hear Wanda 
You | Please Daddy, can I touch myself? I’ve been so good, please 
Natasha | Aw, is hearing Wanda moan turning you on, princess? 
You | Yes! Please Daddy! I want to cum, please! 
You almost sobbed in relief when your screen flashed with Natasha’s contact picture, and you didn’t hesitate to raise the phone to your ear after you had swiped to accept the call. Her gravely voice was soft, too soft, soft enough to suggest that she knew damn well how frustrated and desperate you were for her, and that she was simultaneously aware of how it was all her fault. You thought for a second that she felt bad for being so cruel, but there was a lingering trace of smugness in her voice that completely went against your first assumption. 
“Hi, baby.” She greeted you sweetly. You noticed that the wind was blowing past her as she spoke to you. You wondered if she was on the beach, surrounded by strangers and business partners, or if she was simply out on the balcony attached to her suite. Wherever she was, you wished that you were with her. 
“Daddy!” You sobbed, both because you had missed her voice in the last three days, and because knowing you finally had her undivided attention had worsened the moisture collecting between your legs. “Please Daddy!” 
“What do you want, baby? Use your words for Daddy.” Natasha cooed, and you fisted the sheets at your sides in frustration, writhing on the bed. 
The words tumbled past your lips without care for how you sounded. You knew Wanda could hear you from the master bedroom, but you had not a single care for your dignity as you pleaded with your dominant to let you cum. “Please! Please can I touch myself! Please!” 
“You wanna touch yourself, dorogay?” Natasha hummed, and although she couldn’t see you, you violently nodded your head in affirmation. Your babbled pleads were enough of an answer, because seconds later she was directing you to pinch your nipples for her. Despite not being the stimulation you desperately needed, you would take it, and you rolled your pebbled buds between your pointer finger and thumb needily. “Good girl, milaya. You sound so pretty for Daddy. I bet that sweet pussy is just begging for attention, isn’t it? Are you all wet, precious?” 
“Yes! Yes! Daddy please! I’m so wet! I can’t– I need– Daddy please don’t tease! Don’t tease!” You sobbed out, your back arching off the bed as you continued to alternate between your nipples and pinch and twist them at the pace you know Natasha would’ve set if she was here to do it herself. 
“Shh, shh, you’re okay. Daddy teased you all day, didn’t she?” Natasha’s voice was thick with faux pity, and her tone only worked against you as you clambered to draw in a decent breath of air whilst also focusing on her instructions. 
“Yes! Yes! Please! Please! Daddy, I can’t–, I can’t–, please!” 
“Okay baby, okay. You’re being such a good girl for me, detka. Touch your pussy baby. Not your clit, not yet. Just use your fingers, how many do you want, sweet girl? Do you want two? Two fingers in that pretty pussy?” Natasha gently guided you through the motions, and you cried out in relief when you felt the stretch of your fingers. Your pussy was gushing, crying for attention, but finally you were allowed to grant the wish it had been begging for all day. There was no slowing your pace. The second your fingers had dipped between your thighs, your pace was punishing, and though you still held the phone up to your ear with the hand that wasn’t between your legs, you were sure Natasha could hear the wet sounds that filled the air around you. “Does that feel good, baby? Use your words and tell Daddy how it feels.” 
“G-Good.” You cried out, but even with your fingers working the soft spot within your walls, it wasn’t enough. Your release was just out of reach and the only thing that could send you over the edge was her explicit permission to touch your clit, to finally give the pulsating nerve some love and attention. “D-Daddy please! My clit! M-My clit! Please please please!” Your mindless babbling seemed to have broken her tough reserve, and gently Natasha cooed her approval. 
“Touch your clit for me, baby. You don’t have to ask, you just cum when you want to. You were such a good girl today. Daddy didn’t think you could make it all day, you made me so proud, angel. So so proud. Make yourself cum, cum on your fingers for Daddy.” Natasha didn’t need to see your face to know that you were growing closer and closer to the edge, she could hear it in your moans as they spilled from your lips and down the phone line. “Yeah? You’re getting so close aren’t you, getting so close for Daddy. Cum for me, milaya. Cum for Daddy.” 
“Fuck fuck fuck! Daddy!” You cried, your back arching off the bed as you finally let the coil snap in your belly. Wanda’s moans of pleasure had increased within the same second, and your cheeks flushed realizing that Natasha’s plan all along had been to get the two of you to orgasm in tandem. “Thank you.” You croaked when you finally came down from you high, your body positively spent and your throat sore. 
“You did so good for me, malyshka.” You can hear the smile in her tone, and you melt into the blankets and sheets beneath you as you accept the weight of her words. “You sleepy, baby? You’ve had a long day.” 
“Yeah.” You whispered, hating the fact that you wouldn’t last another handful of minutes before you fell asleep on her. “Go get cleaned up, please. Daddy will be home soon, I can’t wait to see my good girl.” 
“I miss you.” You sighed softly, already starting to pull your body out of bed. You didn’t want to move, but you’d been so good all day, you wanted to make her proud down to the very last second. 
“I miss you too, angel. Wanda’s told me how good you’re being. Daddy has a surprise for you when she gets home.” Natasha promises, and had you been any more awake then you are now, you would’ve begged her to know what she had, but you merely hummed and went through the motions of brushing your teeth, going to the bathroom, and cleaning up your thighs. 
The sheets were the least of your concern, and you collapsed into the center of the bed, not even bothering with clothes as you snuggled into the blankets and let your eyes flutter closed, falling asleep in seconds with Natasha still on the line.
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lowkeyerror · 15 days
The Family Business Ch. 17
WandaNat x Reader
Word count: 5.1k
Ch. Notes: Angst, mentions of physical abuse, mentions of death, mentions of child abuse, suggestive themes, nudity
Summary: The family has a meeting to discuss the events that happened in Dragos absence. The aftermath of that meeting forever changes the landscape of the business and the family.
An: The final chapter of the series! Oh my god, I honestly can't believe I hunkered down and finished it out 😳. Thanks for being patient with me. I'm sorry if things feel rushed or out of plac, but I hope you guys like the end 💜. Maybe I'll write a smut epilogue but no promises.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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In life there are no certainties. Nothing is exempt from the winds of change; whether it be drastic or subtle. Wants and needs shift as growth and understanding occurs. These changes are often difficult and perplexing for individuals to comprehend. How can one’s life purpose be evaporated in a simple instance? What has the power to make one question everything they thought they knew? The simple answer to these questions can be found in relationships. Nothing has the power to change a person more than other people.
For Wanda, all she had ever wanted was to carry her father’s legacy; to elevate what he created, to become everything that he needed her to be, the head of the family business. She trained her entire life for this, lost her youth for it, missed moments she’d forever regret for it. Taking on her father’s mantle was the driving point of everything she did. However, now, when her dream was closer to reality she was unsure if she could accomplish it.
She hadn’t fell out of love with the business. Her drive to be the best was still there. Everything she sacrificed was a stark reminder of how much she valued the family business. Yet, the decision was harder than it ever had been before. There was finally something in Wanda’s life that was equally important to her.
The relationship she had with you and Natasha evened out the scales tremendously. Seeing her wife stress about her well-being filled her head with guilt. Knowing about the scars that plagued you physically and mentally swayed her farther away from her dream.
As much as Wanda wanted to be in charge, she also wanted what was best for her relationship.
This was all hypothetical in her head. There was a chance that she wouldn't even be considered to fill her father’s shoes. The offer could be extended in your direction. Dragos had mentioned it upon Wanda’s return, how integral you were to the business. Though she didn’t doubt her father’s words, she greatly underestimated just how important you were.
You were truly the glue that held it all together. Your mind was equipped for this line of work. Even when confronted with hard decisions you always made the right choice. There was nothing that escaped your radar, and it had saved the business multiple times. The chances of the business thriving in Dragos absence without you were questionable. If you weren't around Wanda could've lost everything that they worked for.
You gave everything you had to offer; to not only the business but the family itself. All while being selfless. There were no lines that you wouldn't cross for them. Even if it meant putting yourself in danger. The only thing that was prohibiting you from leading was all of your insecurity.
You had never even considered the fact that the business could fall into your hands. Wanda believed that was part of what made you such a good leader. It all came so naturally to you that you hardly even noticed it yourself.
If you were to decide that you wanted to run the business, Wanda could not hold it against you. To Wanda, the sacrifices that you had made were greater than her own. You deserved to have this if you so desired.
A selfish part of the red head wanted you to turn away the offer if it was presented, but the rationale part kept her in check. Wanda was having trouble deciding what she would do herself, so who was she to make such demands?
Wanda already struggled with feeling selfish for dragging Natasha into this mess. Her wife had gotten shot because of her. From the beginning Natasha was here to support her. As things fell apart Natasha’s loyalty never wavered. The spy just wanted her wife to accomplish her dreams.
Be that as it may, Natasha’s personal experience working in dangerous fields her whole life gave her a better sense for these things. There was little that Wanda could do to quell the worry in the Russian as things unraveled. Natasha had seen this story unfold many times across many identities and she was afraid.
This had been Natasha’s life as far back as she could remember and at some point she became numb to it all. That numbness faded when she saw the adverse affect it had on you and Wanda. Natasha cared too much about the two of you to watch idly as this lifestyle consumed you.
Truly walking away from this sounded like a dream to her. Natasha was ready for all of the domestic aspects of life. However, if either one of you wanted this, she could never deny you. She knew when she married Wanda, that this was the younger woman’s dream. This in a sense was her wife’s life work, and she could never deny Wanda the pay off. With you, you were so young that she would understand wanting the opportunity to experience the true magnitude of being in such a powerful position.
It was a conundrum for all of you.
“Are we ready?” Wanda asks as she parks in front of her parent's house.
Natasha lets out a large sigh, “Whatever happens in there, I love you both, no matter the decision."
You give a small smile, but it’s clear that this is weighing heavily on your mind “I love you too.”
“I love you, let’s do this,” Wanda leaves the car first. Her nerves are apparent.
The tension in the air did not dissipate upon entering the home.
Flora greets the three warmly but holds onto you a little longer than the rest. She squeezes you tightly and whispers in your ear, “Thank you.”
You squeeze her back before letting her lead you all to the kitchen.
A large feast spans the entire length of the table. You can make out bits and pieces of the Maximoff's favorites. It smells heavenly and you’re certain it tastes even better, but your nerves stop you from diving in.
Dragos sits at the head of the table picking indifferently at his food. Pietro sits to his right, staring intently at the three of you. Wanda takes a seat across from her brother and you take your place next to her, while Natasha did the same next to you.
Your hand finds it’s way into the spy's needing the help to steady your nerves. For a long movement no one says anything.
“I brought everyone some water to help you with the talking,” Flora sits glasses in front of everyone before standing behind her husband. Her hand rests diligently on his shoulder. The gesture seemingly gives him the boost he needs to start the conversation.
“We have got a lot of things to address. So let's get started. The Kingpin problem has been taken care of. He won't be threatening this family anytime soon and it's all thank to Y/n.”
You shrink as the man mentions your name, “Thank you, Papa.”
“No, thank you Y/n. Without you not only would I have lost my business, but also my life. I owe you my life. I’m so proud of you, moya ditya,” he speaks again.
Wanda shifts in her spot. Her father skipped right over her own contribution while he was away.
“You owe me nothing of such magnitude Papa. You’ve saved my life just the same. I couldn't have done any of the work alone. Having Wanda, Pietro, and Natasha on my side made things easier,” You give everyone their props.
Dragos follows her lead, “Oh yes, thank you all for stepping up when I needed you to. Your efforts will be heavily compensated."
“ The only thing I want is for you to be honest with me. What happened with my mother?” Your eyes look directly into his.
Wanda’s hand finds your thigh to give you some comfort. Natasha squeezes your hand under the table.
“Well I want to know what’s going on between my sister, her wife, and you,” Pietro chimes in.
“Excuse me?” Wanda almost gets up, but you place your hand on top of hers.
“We can discuss that after the both of you tell me why my mother is dead and why I am the last to know.”
Pietro’s face shows a bit of irritation, but Dragos decided to interfere before things get worse between you two.
“The first night you stayed here, when we found about your abusive home, I knew I didn’t want that woman near you again. So, I had some guys steak out your home. They watched for a few days. It took 4 days before she started searching for you.”
You sat through the story bouncing your leg like crazy, but your upper half was still.
Dragos continues, “She didn’t start at the school but once she got there, she began hyper stalking you. Noting your classes, trying to track your way back here, and getting too close to you.”
“We were protecting you,” Pietro defends.
Dragos holds his hand up silencing his son, “ She found her way here one night. Pietro opened the door they had a heated exchange. It caused quite the commotion. Flora and I were awoken by the screaming.”
“Where was I?” You interject.
“Here, but we assumed that maybe you were used to the noise so it didn’t wake you,” Flora adds quickly.
“Your mother put hands on my son, something I was willing to look past. However, when she tried to do the same with my wife, my willingness dwindled swiftly,” Dragos eyes darken similar to the way Wanda’s often would.
“The way she demanded you as if you were nothing more than stolen property, like she was entitled to you. It was clear she only wanted you to have something that she could control Y/n, she deserved what she got,” Pietro speaks passionately.
“Enough,” Dragos speaks calmly with an edge in voice, warning his son yet again.
Your eyes were glossy as they bored into your best friend’s soul. His temper falters under your gaze. He squirms uncomfortably, but refused to look away.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Your tone levels and as quickly as the tears began to form, they disappear.
You shook your head, “No, since he has so much to say I want to hear it from him. Why didn’t you tell me Pietro? I trusted you with parts of me that I didn’t share with anyone else. You knew that even after the years passed, I still had emotions lingering surrounding my mother. I talked with you so many times and you comforted me, you held me as I cried. Yet the whole time you knew she was dead and said nothing. Why?”
The sorrow in your eyes was replaced by a flame of anger. Your jaw clenches thinking of the many opportunities he had to come clean, but never did. The feeling of betrayal crept into your veins the longer it was silent.
“Answer me,” your hand slams on the table startling everyone.
“I didn’t want to lose you, Y/n. I regret not telling you, but how could I? I wasn’t sorry, I’m still not sorry for what happened with that woman. How many times did you come to school battered? How many times were you exhausted from staying up out of fear that she would hurt you? She blamed you for the death of your brother, when you were only a child.”
You shake your head, “That’s not enough.”
“ What do you want me to say Y/n? I didn’t think you could handle it. You were slowly recovering from the damage that she caused and telling you she was dead would’ve done more harm than good,” the blonde man grew exasperated.
You scoff, “I understand why you didn’t tell me when I was younger, but that was how many years ago Piet? I’ve grown, I changed, I matured and you never once considered telling me.”
He looks down unwilling to meet your eyes. The shame finally settling across his features.
“I just felt like too much time had passed,” he mumbles.
“We all kept this from you. It wasn't just him, “ Dragos tries to lessen the pressure on his son.
Your eyes cut over to older man, “I’m aware. I’m not happy with the dishonesty on any part of equation. It irks me that I had to hear it from Fisk. If he wouldn’t have said anything, I would still be in the dark.”
“Wanda would’ve probably told you,” Pietro says under his breath.
You stand up with little regard for the table in front of you. Wanda and Natasha watch carefully, but don’t make the move to stand yet. Your hands grip the edge of the table and you can feel your body pulse as you look at the man.
“I didn’t want to hear it from Wanda, you fucking idiot. I wanted to hear it from my best friend. I wanted the guy that I told everything to afford me that same respect in return,” each word carries more hurt than the last.
“Everything except for you being in love with my sister,” he rebuttals.
You frown, “In what world is me being in love with Wanda on the same level as you hiding the fact that my mother is dead?”
That silences him.
“Maybe we should move on?” Dragos suggest, but you decline.
No, he is in the wrong. You all are in the wrong and there’s only one person who has apologized to me. I’m not moving on until, I’ve at least heard an attempt at an apology,” you stand your ground.
Dragos nods and gestures to your seat. You slowly sit down. You feel the sincerity as his eyes find yours, “Malyshka, I’m sorry for keeping this from you. It was never my intention to cause you any more grief in life. There was no excuse to keep this from you so long. Please forgive me.”
The apology from Dragos seems to trigger something in Pietro. The defensive nature of his posture drops. You knew the man didn't want to admit he was wrong. He wanted to validate his deceit under the guise of protection.
“Y/n, I- I’m sorry for letting you down. I was just doing what I thought was right, but I never considered how that would affect you. I should've been honest with you.”
You look at the two men, taking their words at face value, “Thank you.”
Dragos clasps his hands together, “ Alright, next on the agenda. I think before we get to what I had planned here, that we should talk about you three.”
Wanda speaks first, “What is there to talk about?”
Dragos can’t help but roll his eyes, “Well a moment ago it was mentioned that Y/n is in love with you.”
“Is that a problem?” Wanda’s defensiveness is akin to her brother’s.
“No, but you are married to another woman. Look moya ditya, I do not wish to be involved in your love life, but this is… a lot to digest. First you come home with a wife and now this,” Dragos speaks cautiously.
Wanda runs a hand through her hair, “I know, I’m sorry for snapping. I have no plans of leaving my wife, but I also have no plans of leaving Y/n.”
Natasha adds, “We have something unique, but it’s just as special as any other relationship. I care for both of them deeply.”
“I didn’t want to like Y/n. She was my little brother’s best friend, our age gap alone made me hesitant to explore those feelings. I didn’t want to be another person in her life to take advantage of her. I had known before I left that I had some kind of feelings for her, but I didn’t want to tell her that. I didn’t know how long I was going to be gone and she was 21, with a bright future ahead of her.”
“We had all seen something between you two, which is why I was shocked to see you come back with a wife,” Flora admits.
Wanda takes a look at her wife, “Natasha is the only reason I’m here with you now. I would not have survived those years without her. I love her and I’m sure of it.”
“And you’re ok with this?” Dragos questions Natasha.
“When I came here, I saw right through Wanda. I knew about her feelings, but as I began to spend time with Y/n I understood more. Y/n is special, I’ve never met anyone like her. So driven, so compassionate, strong-minded, empathetic. Loving her was just too easy not to do. We talked about it, it was difficult to get Wanda to open up, but once she did, we decided what to do together. It only made sense to see if Y/n was interested in us."
“And you Y/n?” Flora presses.
“I’ve always had issues feeling safe because of the way that I was raised. For a long time there was never a day I went without looking over my shoulder. Even after becoming part of this family. The only time I feel safe is when I’m with Wanda and Natasha. I can let my guard down and be vulnerable without being afraid. They’ve shown me that I don’t have to choose between being strong and being open.”
“You’re all consenting adults, and I can tell that you all care for each other. So I won’t question it any further,” Dragos supports the three of you with a nod.
“If you hurt my best friend, I will never forgive you,” Pietro glares at Wanda.
“Hey what if she hurts me?”
Pietro glances at you briefly, “She wouldn’t.”
“Last thing everyone,” Dragos takes a deep breath and looks around the table. He struggles to find the words, his wife’s hand squeezes his own
You all sit up straighter in anticipation. This was the moment that you all feared to some extent.
“Kids, I’m getting old. This whole situation has shown me that I’m not immortal. I almost lost my life more than once and I’m only here now because of this family. When we moved to this city and I decided to pursue this type of work, I knew a day like this would come. A day where I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own anymore. It has snuck up on me.”
“Papa what are you saying?” Pietro asks for clarification.
“I'm saying that it’s time that I picked a successor. I’ve thought about this for a long time now. This is not a decision I’m making in haste,” he speaks as though he had rehearsed this many times.
“ This business means a lot to him, to our family,” Flora says while comforting her husband.
“ Wanda, I want you to run the family business,” Dragos says.
Wanda sputters, “ Papa I-"
“ And I want you to do it with Y/n,” he finishes.
“You want-"
He nods, “I want the both of you to head the family business. If I’ve learned anything while running this place it’s that it is a lot for one person to do. So I thought the easiest way to combat that is by having 2 people in charge. There's no one I trust as much as the two of you. When I was in my coma the two of you were each briefly in charge, but imagine how it would be if you truly worked together on this.”
You and Wanda exchange a look and the older woman speaks, “Papa we’re flattered, honored really, but do you think we can have a moment to discuss amongst ourselves.”
The grin on his face says it all, “Of course, go chat in your old room and come back whenever you're ready.”
Wanda, Natasha, and yourself calmly walk upstairs. You all make yourselves comfortable on Wanda’s bed before anyone spoke.
“ We didn't plan for this,” you open the floor.
“I know,” Wanda says.
Natasha sighs, “So what’re you guys going to do? “
“I don’t know,” Wanda answers truthfully.
You speak softly, “I didn't know that this could be an option. I’m not going to lie, the prospect of doing it together seems more appealing, but I know we talked about leaving this life behind.”
“Is that what you want?” Natasha questions.
“I just want to do whatever it's going to keep us together,” you say truthfully.
Natasha relents, “I can tell this something you both really want.”
“ Natasha-”
“Let me finish baby, I’m never going to get in the way of your dreams. I’m not going to ask either of you to pick between our relationship and this opportunity. As for myself, I will be honest; I’m older than both you and I’ve had my fill of being in the line of fire,” Natasha explains.
“I don’t want to do this without you, Natalia,” Wanda keeps her tone gentle.
“You won’t be doing it without me. You have my full support and if I can be of any use without herring my hands dirty, I’d like that,” Natasha’s hand cups her wife’s face.
“Nat I'm willing to turn it down,” you say watching their exchange.
“Lisichka I’m not asking you to turn it down. You want this Y/n, and you deserve it. I would never take this from you. I’m proud of both of you,” she places a gentle kiss on your forehead, and does the same to Wanda.
You turn your attention to Wanda, “You want to do this with me?”
“I want nothing more,” she reaches for your hand.
You stand up and extend it to her; she did the same for Natasha.
“Let’s go start a new chapter together.”
And start a new chapter you did. Dragos retired leaving the family business in your capable hands.
Things ran a bit differently under the leadership of you and Wanda. Neither of you were willing to sacrifice certain aspects of domesticity that you dreamed of. So, it was your idea to work towards legitimizing the company that was used as a cover.
The more the company became reputable the more stock you could invest in it. There wasn’t a way completely remove yourselves from criminal activity, but Wanda worked to refine the illegal activities you were involved in.
She wanted to minimize the need for violence amongst the city. While the business still focused on trading goods, Wanda made sure to keep the distribution of those goods in mind. Wanda chose that certain supplies would go into the communities that needed them most. She began to open resources for food, clothing, and medication as a way to give back to the city.
There were still some who sought to claim power and rebel against your family, but they were not only outnumbered but outsmarted at every turn.
Eventually those long overworking hours turned into normal 9 to 5 shifts leaving you with ample time to enjoy the company of those you cared for.
“ What are you making?”
You mumble against the skin of Natasha’s neck as your arms snake around the waist of the former spy.
“Pancakes. No work today, Lisichka?”
You place a light kiss on her neck, “Nope, I’m going to be home the next few days, Wanda too.”
“She’s in the gym, if you’re wondering,” Natasha answers the question on your mind.
“In home gym was a good call wasn’t it?” Your eyes stay closed as you speak.
It wasn’t too long after you and Wanda decided to take charge of the family business, that you all decided to finally move in together. With your connections and high budget, you moved into what you could only describe as your dream home.
“Perfect call pretty girl.”
You feel your face heat at the flattery, “It’s too early to be this flirty.”
“You’re the one who came in here kissing my neck,” she rebuttals.
You whine, “Can’t help it, your skins so soft Natty.”
You trail kisses from her neck to her shoulder and back again. You continue the trail all the way up to her cheek, using your hand slightly to turn her head, before pecking her lips. She doesn’t let you slip away that easy, turning around so her hands find themselves locked around your neck. She deepens the kiss and you begin to melt.
“You’re going to burn the pancakes,” you mumble against her lips.
“I can make more,” she replies causing you to chuckle.
You pull away from her, “This will be continued later, promise.”
She pouts, but turns her attention back to the stove, “Go tell Wanda breakfast is almost ready. No funny business without me.”
You give her a salute, “Yes chef! I can promise only a little funny business chef!.”
She raises an eyebrow at you, but you put your hands up defensively.
“Don’t tell me that you can control yourself around your wife when she’s all worked up from her routine.”
It’s Natasha’s turn to chuckle, “Touché.”
You try your best to enter the gym quietly, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman in action. Your mouth begins to salivate at the sight of Wanda in her workout gear. Her breathing is labored and her muscles are bulging as she deadlifts a weight.
“I have to be the luckiest person alive to get to see you like this,” you let your presence be known.
Wanda sits the weight down gingerly, before glancing over at you, “Good morning, baby.”
“Good morning indeed,” you say shamelessly checking her out.
“Like what you see?” She bend down taking a swig of her water.
“Oh I’m utterly in love with the view at this point I can't think of anything that could make it better,” you approach her.
“No?” Wanda stands up straight so that she can be more level with you.
“Nope,” you pop the ‘p'.
Wanda gets into your personal space, lips ghosting your ear, “I can think of a couple improvements.”
If Natasha wasn’t waiting in the kitchen, you knew you’d take Wanda right there in the gym, “You drive me crazy in the best ways.”
She pulls back quickly and giggles at how flustered you are, “I think its somewhere in the job description.”
You lightly shove her shoulder, “Whatever, Nat’s got breakfast ready if you want to shower real quick and join us.”
Wanda smirks, “Care to join me in the shower?”
“I promised no funny business,” you frown but that only causes the redhead to laugh.
“My poor baby, maybe the three of us can squeeze into an afternoon shower,” she teases you.
You were about to make a snarky reply, but Wanda shimmies out of her workout top leaving you speechless. Her tights soon follow as she turns her back to you. Slowly she walks her way to the gym shower making sure to put an extra sway in her hips.
“You’re so cruel,” you lick your lips as you watch her.
She turns around and sends you wink, “All good things come to those to wait little krolik.”
You huff and make your way back to the kitchen as a flustered mess.
“ How did it go?” Natasha asks.
Instead of answering her, you march over to her and hungrily kiss her before childishly plopping into your seat at the table.
“Your wife is a menace,” you cross your arms over your chest.
“I know it’s one of my favorite things about her, “ Natasha smiles as she sets everyone’s plate at the table.
Wanda is out of the shower by the time Natasha is done and setting the table. She takes a seat across from you waiting for Natasha before she starts eating.
Once everyone is seated you begin to eat. Light chatter fills the silence as you so speak casually. After everyone is done you gather up the dishes and quickly wash them.
“Any plans for your lazy days?” Natasha asks the crime lords.
“Just quality time malyshka,” Wanda responds.
“Yep, Pietro and Monica are going to be taking care of business for us,” you add.
Natasha grins, “So what I’m hearing is I have you both to myself?”
You nod your head, “Yes mam. Might I suggest we jump straight to desert now that breakfast is over”
Wanda tosses her head back with laughter, “So one track minded this morning, little krolik. I thought I might have to fight you off in the gym.”
“Right? She almost made me burn the pancakes,” Natasha agrees with Wanda.
You roll you eyes, “First of all, you left out the part where you took all your clothes off and strutted away from me. Second of all I was just greeting the love of my life while she made breakfast. I’m innocent here.”
“Are you really?”
You hum in response, “I’ve been told I can be pretty delicate.”
The two women share a look before closing in on you. As you stand between the two redheads; doe eyes meeting their dark ones, a tingle runs through your body.
“Then I guess we should be careful with you bunny, “Wanda’s hand squeezes your waist.
Natasha shakes her head, finger resting just under your chin, “I think we should test out how delicate she is. What do you have to say little fox?”
“This must be heaven.”
The women laugh at your words, Natasha is the one to speak, “You’re adorable sweetheart.”
“Yes very adorable, but if you keep me waiting any longer I’m probably going to die,” you look at the women desperately.
Wanda lays a playful smack on your ass, “ To the bedroom.”
You let out small chuckle and run in the direction of the room. Wanda and Natasha chase after you in a fit of giggles.
Life had become kind to you over the years. Affording you times of joy and gratitude that you struggled to find in your younger years. You had a family that would do anything for you, a position of power that no one could take from you, all while keeping those beautifully domestic moments between you and the women that you loved.
You finally accepted that there was a secret strength in your delicate nature. Something that you were once ashamed of now was shown probably on your sleeve. In part you owed it to the family business, but in actuality it was all because of the family.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25 @lezzylover @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands @untoldreader @sxlfishbrokenheart @marvelgirlx @elle161989 @falloutboy-lover
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gingiesworld · 3 months
Don’t Shut Me Out
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Wanda Maximoff x GN Reader
Warnings : Ansgt, fluff
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad (if you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Y/N was always the one person everyone could count on to bring laughter to the compound, they helped Peter and Yelena with their pranks on the other members, they always ran with Steve at 5am every morning, trained with Natasha every chance they could, they even helped Tony and Bruce in the labs with their research, but most of all, they loved spending their time with their girlfriend, Wanda. The two loved to watch Wanda's favourite sit coms together, snuggled up on the sofa, the two loved to cook together. Well it was more Wanda cooking as Y/N distracted her, but as the weeks went on, that began to change. Everyone watched as Y/N had started to fade from the person they used to be, they were no longer the happy person the Avengers had once knew.
Y/N had become closed off, barely talking to anyone, spending most of their time going over files from previous missions in the briefing room unless they were on a mission, which seemed to be every time one had been assigned. Wanda watched as they started to lose weight, barely eating enough, nibbling on a granola bar here and there. Their eyes were sunken and empty, nothing but pain and despair in their eyes. Wanda watched as they had locked themselves in the briefing room once more after returning from a mission.
"They're back at it again." Natasha stated as she stood beside Wanda, the two watching as Y/N combed through old files. "Do you know what they're looking for?"
"No." Wanda told her, her eyes never leaving Y/N's form. "They won't tell me anything."
"Just give them time, Wanda." Nat spoke softly as Wanda scoffed.
"It's been weeks and they have only pushed me away! They have pushed everyone away and for what?!" Wanda spoke, frustration laced within her tone. "No one fucking knows because they won't talk to anyone. They don't even have a small conversation with any of us!" Wanda started to walk away with Natasha on her heels, not realising that Y/N had heard her every word, but their eyes still combing through the files they had found on their family, the one they had lost when they were just a child before they were thrown into the system.
That night, Wanda had done her usual routine, giving up on Y/N ever joining her to go to sleep. Her eyes combed over their side of the bed, untouched and unslept in like it has been for weeks. Jumping when she heard the door open, not expecting to see Y/N enter the room, a blank look on their face as they looked into her eyes. The tension building between them, Wanda's heart racing within her chest, not knowing what was about to unfold between the two of them.
"I heard you." Was the first words Wanda had heard them speak in weeks, their voice almost strange to her. "I heard what you said to Natasha."
"I didn't." Wanda started as she stood up and started to walk towards them, Y/N cutting her off as they chuckled dryly, looking down at the carpet.
"I know you meant what you said." They told her, no emotion in their voice as their eyes then met her own. "And I know you want things to go back to the way they were."
"I miss you, Y/N!" She spoke loudly as she stopped a few feet in front of them. "I miss the person you were, the person who I fell in love with."
"I am still that person, Wanda! I just." They sighed as they looked anywhere but in her eyes. "Right now, I have something that I need to do, something that I need to know."
"Let me help you." Wanda told them softly as Y/N shook their head in denial. "You aren't alone anymore, you have a family here and we are always going to be here for you."
"You know, I have heard those words before." They spoke sadly, their eyes finally met with hers, causing her to faulter as she noticed the despair within them. "My mother said those words to me, it was only weeks before they left me." Wanda watched as they started to pace the floor. "I spent years thinking I was abandoned, thinking that they didn't want me anymore, but that wasn't what happened." Wanda waited as they took a deep shaky breath. "They were murdered! They were taken away from me!" They had tears streaming down their face as Wanda remained in place, listening to them. "My mom, my dad and my baby brother! All three of them taken away from me and for what?! Some fucking document that my mother had kept hidden on SHIELD's behalf!! Not wanting it to get into the wrong hands!!" Wanda stepped towards them slowly, cautiously reaching out to take their hand in hers. "My baby brother was only four." They whispered. "FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD!! AND THEY KILLED HIM!!"
"How do you know this?" Wanda questioned as Y/N chuckled, moving her hand to their cheek, closing their eyes as they took deep breaths, trying to calm themselves.
"That scientist we captured." They whispered as Wanda watched them closely. "He knew my name because he knew my mother. She was sent on an undercover mission to retrieve that intel and she died because SHIELD can't protect their own agents." She watched as they opened their eyes, gazing into her own. "I just." They paused as they reached for her face, caressing her cheek, their eyes never leaving hers. "I needed to know the truth." They whispered, Wanda's own heart breaking at the pain in their voice. "I couldn't rest until I found the truth."
"Do you know who did it?" Wanda questioned as Y/N nodded their head yes. "Who?" She pressed on as they didn't answer her.
"It doesn't matter." They told her as they moved away from her, heading towards the door once more.
"DON'T DO THAT!" Wanda yelled as their hand touched the door handle. "DON'T SHUT ME OUT AGAIN!" Y/N turned around to face her, tears of her own falling down her cheeks. "I am here for you Y/N, I am always going to be here for you." She spoke firmly as she stood her ground. "Let me be here for you, like you are always there for me because I don't think I can go through these last few weeks again." Y/N waited for her to continue. "I have watched you fade away into a ghost of who you once were, you haven't really ate a meal in I don't know how long. You have barely slept if at all, I just." She took a deep breath before she continued. "Watching you fade into the darkness broke my heart because I couldn't be there for you."
"You're right." They whispered shamefully. "I thought that keeping you at arms length would make it easier on the mission."
"It wasn't a mission." Wanda spoke matter of factly.
"IT WAS MY MISSION!" Y/N yelled as they pointed at their own chest harshly. "IT WAS MY BURDEN TO BARE AND TO BARE IT ALONE!"
"YOU ARE NOT ALONE!" Wanda yelled as she stepped closed to them. "YOU ARE NEVER EVER ALONE! NOT ANYMORE! YOU HAVE YOUR FAMILY HERE!" Wanda took a deep breath before she continued. "We may not be blood or known you since birth, but we are all bound together by our own desire for justice for those who are unable to attain it." She sighed as she soon looked softly into their eyes. "You once told me that family isn't always bound by blood, but the same goal we all have to make this world a better and safer place. To make sure that other children don't go through the hardships we have faced in our own childhood, make sure they don't lose their families in unnecessary wars and battles, but those here, within this compound and this team, we are a family, of the dysfunctional kind."
"I'm sorry." Y/N whispered as they broke down, falling to their knees as they sobbed uncontrollably, Wanda following them as she wrapped her arms around them, humming the lullaby her mother had always sung to herself and Pietro when they were children. She didn't care for the uncomfortable position they were in, she only cared about being there for Y/N when they needed her. Her only goal was to make Y/N realise that they are never truly alone, that they have a whole family there who will pick them up when they need the help.
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Being in a Relationship with WandaNat…
Random Headcanons
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Wanda and Natasha were already dating when they met you: the newest Avenger recruit.
Natasha always found some excuse to train you privately with her and Wanda.
Didn’t take long for the three of you to begin dating.
The three of you love one another equally. No jealousy. Well there is playful jealousy over who gets kissed more often. You always try to balance it out.
You all love the domestic life. Natasha loves running the house. Wanda loves cooking and a bit of cleaning. You do whatever chores are left. Although Wanda and Nat just want you to cuddle with them instead.
Sleeping Arrangements: king sized bed, Wanda always sleeps in between you and Natasha. Makes her feel surrounded by love.
Favorite date: movie nights. Natasha loves watching old spy movies. Wanda loves watching sitcoms.
Natasha loves physical displays of affection. Wanda loves affirmations. You’re more than happy to meet both.
Kids? Wanda wants two. Natasha is more than happy to be a second mom. That’s how you plan to raise the kids. They’ll know both Wanda and Natasha as their moms.
Pets: Natasha adopted a little kitten and Wanda adopted a big dog. Surprisingly, the dog loves and acts as a protector to the kitten.
Life is always chaotic being Avengers but you love being able to carve out your own little paradise with these two amazing women.
Tags: @lifespectator @aloneodi @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @tokufighter @abimess @family-house-of-m
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nataliasquote · 8 months
Double the trouble | groceries | n romanoff
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Double the trouble AU
summary: Nat volunteers to do the weekly shop with two babies
Age: 7 months
warnings: none
pairings: WandaNat
note: I got inspired by a really cute baby I saw in the grocery store today
The large glass doors slid open to reveal the harsh lighting of the local grocery store. Sunday mornings weren’t too busy and being the early riser that she was, Natasha took it upon herself to complete this week’s grocery shopping. With Wanda’s carefully crafted list in one hand, cart handlebar in the other, she was armed and ready to conquer.
But she wasn’t alone. Babies didn’t understand the concept of sleeping in on weekends, so she was accompanied by two tiny terrors who were far too busy looking around from the vantage point of their seats. Nat and Wanda had purchased an extension of a car seat that clipped onto most grocery store shopping carts which made their lives ten times easier.
“Ok team, let’s do this,” Natasha muttered under her breath, eyes set on the vibrant display of vegetables located at the front.
As much as she loved any moment spent with her twins, they weren’t much company during this mundane task. Natasha still spoke to them, asking their opinion on the colour grapes she should get or how many bananas a family of four would need. Only the occasional gurgle or coo would emerge as a response, but what did she expect of two 6-month old babies?
“Mommy’s cooking up something special this week, I can sense it,” she once again mumbled, pushing the heavy cart down the next aisle. The bright coloured boxes caught Y/n’s eye and she waved her chubby fist, trying to wriggle out of the way and see. Her determined noises caught Natasha’s attention as she turned around with a bag of granola. Isla was chewing on the ear of her stuffed elephant, completely ignored her sister’s antics.
“What is it malyshka?” Nat placed her items in the cart and leaned down to hold Y/n’s hand, tiny fingers clasping around two of her own. She shook it gently, insides melting at the adorable baby giggles her movement elicited.
Y/n’s reply was incoherent but she blew a raspberry with her mouth and wiggled whilst looking at a bright box of fruit loops. She’d never tried them before but the bright characters and letters had captured her attention like that of a cartoon show. Nat followed her gaze and sighed, smoothing the fine red hairs on the top of her daughter’s head.
“You can have those when you’re older malyshka. For now, we stick to bananas for breakfast.” Y/n blew another raspberry in response, clearly fed up of eating mashed bananas every day. She kicked her feet in her onesie and wriggled from side to side, accidentally tapping her sister’s leg by accident.
One tiny nudge by a small socked foot and Isla started to cry, her tiny face screwed up, turning almost as red as the hair on her face. Natasha grimaced and smiled apologetically at an old lady who walked past, rather disturbed by the noise. Pulling the cart off to the side, Nat quickly leaned down and unclipped Isla from her seat, scooping her up in her arms and rocking her back and forth to try and quickly soothe her cries. Y/n watched them, her eyes big.
“It’s ok, big girl, you’re ok.” Natasha’s voice was soft and calm, turning the screams into whimpers in a matter of minutes. Wanda often joked she had the magic touch when it came to the girls, and although Natasha brushed it off, deep down she knew there was some truth in her words. “There’s no need for this fuss, you’re ok.” She leaned slightly against the shelving unit behind her, rubbing Isla’s back every time she felt her hiccup. “No more tears baby, no more tears.”
Y/n clearly couldn’t care less that she’d made her sister cry. She was much more interested in her feet, a new fascination she’d discovered in the last couple of days. Wanda found it thoroughly entertaining to watch Y/n just sit and stare at her foot, bewildered. With Isla more calm now, Nat carefully strapped her into her seat, offering the now soggy elephant plushie for her to cuddle. A kiss was pressed to each of their heads before Natasha sped through the last aisles, throwing in a couple of surprise snacks for Wanda to find later.
The middle aged woman at the checkout was gushing over the twins, which was nothing new to Natasha. Her twins were beautiful, both mothers loved to brag about it, and daily tasks took twice as long due to constantly being stopped.
Y/n was particularly chatty to Ruthie at the checkout, babbling away as Nat expertly packed the groceries. Isla was still slightly grumpy from earlier so she didn’t contribute to this “conversation” as she usually would.
Babies secured. Groceries packed away. Kesha playing quietly through the speakers. The drive home was relatively short and Natasha pulled into the drive after only 20 minutes on the road.
Her keys jangled in the door, alerting Wanda of her arrival. The Sokovian dropped her tea towel and rushed to the door, desperate to see her girls for the first time this morning.
“How were they?” She asked, taking the car seats from Nat and setting them on the kitchen table. Both twins giggled and held out their arms, wanting to be set free from their strapped in prisons.
“A few tears but mostly good,” Natasha called over her shoulder as she brought the last of the bags into the kitchen. “Isla will probably be grouchy all day, just as a warning.”
“What happened?” Wanda unclipped Isla and hauled her out of her seat, cuddling her close despite the pout she wore. “Hello grumpy butt.”
“Little miss over here accidentally kicked her.” Natasha mirrored Wanda’s actions with Y/n, settling her in one arm whilst she placed a bunch of bananas in the fruit bowl. “She wasn’t hurt, just crocodile tears.”
Wanda pouted at Isla, rubbing her little legs. “Oh babygirl, you’re ok now.”
Y/n started squirming in Natasha’s arms, clearly put out by the affection Isla was receiving. She reached out to Wanda and started whining, hands balling up into fists.
“Baby swap,” the mothers chorused with a laugh, switching the child they were holding with expertise. Y/n gurgled happily and kicked her legs, a movement that was becoming a habit with her.
“This one’s got some power behind those kicks,” Wanda commented, holding Y/n with her outstretched arms and watching the baby kick her legs like a jellyfish. “I spy a future dancer.”
“Or ninja.”
Wanda shot her wife a glare. “I’m sticking with dancer. Does this mean you’ll finally start a baby ballet class?”
Natasha couldn’t help but laugh at her wife. Wanda had fantasised about baby ballet classes all throughout her pregnancy, to which Natasha had said no. But with two girls of their own, it had crossed the Russian’s mind more than she cared to admit.
“You already know my answer.”
Wanda peered down at Y/n, softly stroking her cheek. “But how can you say no to this?” She tilted her arms down so Natasha could see the smiling face of the baby in her arms. Y/n’s attention turned from Wanda to Nat and she cooed, letting out a squeal at the sight of Natasha.
“Don’t start using our kids as bribery now!” Natasha Romanoff had very few weaknesses, but her daughters’ faces made her cave every single time.
“I’m not! I’m just-“ Natasha’s raised eyebrow made Wanda halt mid sentence, gulping down her words before busying herself with another task. “Ok! Who wants breakfast?”
“Want me to get their bottles sorted?” Wanda nodded and gestured to the bottles drying on the rack. Both twins were slotted into their high chairs, Isla’s frown still plastered on her face. Y/n babbled at her, the usual baby talk they communicate with now heavily one-sided. As the milk heated up in the microwave, Natasha watched the girls interact and almost laughed at how comically Isla ignored her sister.
“I think we’re gonna see a lot more of this when they’re older,” she muttered to Wanda, who turned around to view the scene. “She’s really taking those 11 minutes between them seriously.”
“Trust me, when you’re a twin, those minutes mean everything.”
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
A Widow's Sunshine
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Welcome to A Widow's Sunshine AU. Below you will find everything you need to know about this project, please note this is not a set series. This is a collection of memories of Natasha & Wanda's daughter and their life growing up.
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I've broken this up into multiple categories. A section for WandaNat moments and Reader's age in groups.
Summary:Natasha Romanoff is a single mother of one. Her daughter, now 22 is starting to make a life for herself. Since the moment Natasha held her daughter in her arms for the very first time, she has never felt more love for anybody, her daughter was only 3 years old when Natasha met Wanda Maximoff. The two kicked things off quickly and eventually, Wanda would meet the little Romanoff at age 5 and a family of two soon became a family of three.
Join Natasha and Wanda as they share found memories of their daughter.
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WandaNat -
coming soon....
Reader 0-4 Years -
Wondering Nat's Pregnancy & Child Birth. Start Here.
Reader 5-10 Years -
Can't Say No Wanda spends the day with little Y/n.
Mama You call Wanda mama for the first time.
Nightmares You have a nightmare and want Wanda's comfort.
Reader 11-14 Years -
coming soon...
Reader 15-22 Years -
Coming Out You come out to your parents
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Requests -
Requests for this little AU is open, all I ask is that when requesting for this AU is that you state what age Reader is and include any trigger warnings you see fit.
Taglist -
If you'd like to be on the taglist for this AU, please leave a comment on this post. I won't remember to go to the fics comments to check so it's always safer to leave a comment on the master list.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 4 months
Moi Devochki: Chapter 6
Word count: 1692
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Moi Devochki Masterlist
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Yesterday had passed by with little event, you had chosen to stay in your room with your mates. You were tired after all you had gone through so you were content on laying in the nest and catching up on some much needed sleep while Wanda and Natasha cuddled you. They let you sleep, only disturbing you when it was meal time but even then they didn’t make you leave the room or the nest for that matter, they had Yelena bring up their meals and yours so you could all eat together.
   In between your frequent naps you’d find yourself watching Wandas sitcoms with her, or asking Nat to sing Russian lullabies to you. They truly were the best mates and you consider yourself very lucky to be able to call them yours. They of course felt the same way about you. 
   Wanda knew your heat was approaching and she knew hers would sync up with yours, just like usual. However, unlike usual there was now an Alpha involved and this excited her very much. Nat knew being around both her mates was sure to trigger her rut, she also knew she had to talk to the two of you about wanting pups yet or not. It didn’t matter to her, she could wait to put her pup in you both but she would also gladly drop everything to do with the Avengers to have a family with you both. Plus she wanted to be absolutely certain you were ok with everything that would happen during that time, she didn’t want to upset you after what Steve had done.
   You were awakened to the feeling of your Alphas hand gently caressing your hip. You smiled sleepily before turning to face her, “Hi Tasha”  you whispered so you wouldn’t wake Wanda.
   “Hi medovyy(honey). Did you sleep well?” she asks
   You nod, “I did. Did you?” you answer as she pulls you closer
   “I did too.” she answers, planting a kiss to your forehead. 
She looks down at you and you can tell she wants to talk about something but seems nervous.
   Your hand cups her cheek, “Talk to me Alpha. What is it?”
   “I know you heats approaching and I just don’t want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable. Steve really hurt you.” she answers
   You smile at her caring nature, “Tasha, being with you won’t make me uncomfortable because I want to be with you. I love you and I want to mate with you during my heat.”
   She nods, but before she can say anything Wandas sleepy voice can be heard, “I want to mate with you during our heat too Alpha.”
   Her smile becomes larger, “Of course Moi Devochki(my girls). We can mate as often as you need and I will take such good care of both of you.” She pauses for a moment, contemplating asking the question she knows needs to be asked. “Do you want pups?” 
   Wanda sits up in the nest in order to get a better look at Nat, the Alpha worries she's asked the question too soon and has potentially freaked you both out, “It’s ok if you don’t-”
   “Yes.” Wanda is quick to say, “Yes, Alpha. I want to have your pups and I don’t care if that means no more missions. I just want to have a happy family with both of you”
   She smiles as tears form in her eyes, “I’ll happily let you carry my pups dorogoy(sweetheart).” her eyes look to you for your answer
   “I want to have your pups too, Alpha.” you answer making both your mates hug you
   “I will happily give them to you medovyy(honey). I can’t wait to have a family with you both, I should probably put a down payment n the place I found for us.” she says
   “You found a place for us to live?” Wanda asks excitedly. 
   It hadn’t been discussed between the three of you but each of you knew you'd have to move out of the compound once pups became involved since the Omegas wouldn’t be allowed on missions and it was just safer for them to not be at the compound. Plus once born the pups would need their own space with only their parents around at first. So when she first bonded with you both she started looking at places to live just so she could be prepared.
   “I did. Is that ok?” she asks suddenly nervous 
   “Of course it is Tasha.” you answer, cuddling into her 
   “Where is this place? What's it like?” Wanda asks
   Nat smiles, “It’s a few miles away from Clints farm.” she answers while pulling up the listing on her phone so you and Wanda can look through the pictures
   “It’s beautiful Tasha.” you tell her
   Wanda smiles, “It’s perfect for us.”
   The Alpha smiles, proud of herself. “I’ll make sure it’s ours then.” 
   The three of you continue to lay in the nest for a few hours, enjoying snuggling while talking about plans for the house. What furniture to buy, what walls are to be repainted, what Wanda wanted for the kitchen. It was all very domestic, and gave you such a nice warm fuzzy feeling. Wanda had that same fuzzy feeling, a life with you and Natasha sounded almost surreal to her, to really get the life she wanted made her so happy and excited. Natasha felt it too, until meeting the two of you she’d never been interested in any Omegas so to be able to bond with you both and start a life with you both, it made her happier than she thought possible.
   The rest of the day passed by as most do, the three of you going about what Avengers business needed taken care of while also spending as much time with each other as possible. As the end of the day approached and the three of you returned to your shared room your Alpha could tell how tired you and Wanda were, your heat wasn’t far away at all.
   She looks at the two of you lovingly, “Do I need to tell Fury I need the next week off starting tomorrow?”
   You nod as Wanda looks appreciative, “Yes, please Alpha.”
   She immediately texts the man and informs him of the situation, and he clears her for as much time as she needs to properly care for her mates. Once she's done, she decides to pamper the two of you tonight. She heads into the attached bathroom and over to the massive bathtub that easily fits all three of you and begins to fill it with water. She pours a decent amount of bubble bath into it before making her way back into the bedroom while the tub begins to fill.
   “Moi devochki(my girls), would a nice bath make you feel more relaxed?” she asks, already knowing the answer
  “You're amazing.” is your response causing a chuckle to leave the Alpha
  “Come on detka(baby).” Wanda says as she stands and grabs your hand, excited for a relaxing bath
   The two of you enter first, your Alpha right behind you. She watches as you tenderly help each other undress. She still can’t believe she's lucky enough to be able to call you both her mates. 
  You turn to look at her, “Alpha, are you joining us?”
  “Of course I am.” she says with a smile as she walks over to you
   You and Wanda help the Alpha undress as well. Once all three of you are naked she helps each of you into the tub before getting in herself. The two of you cuddle into Natashas sides as the three of you relax in the warm water that's filled with bubbles. 
   Natasha gently washes Wandas hair, she hums as the Alphas hands lather the shampoo into her scalp. Your Alpha then moves on to your hair, a gentle purr leaves you as the works some tangles out of your hair. Nat smiles at the relaxed state she's been able to get her Omegas in, you and Wanda are practically falling asleep against her. 
   She gently nudges you both, “My Omegas, why don’t we go to bed?” Wanda mumbles something in Sokovian making you chuckle and making you Alpha give her a confused look.
   “She wants five more minutes in the bath.” you offer us so your mate knows what's going on in your other mates head.
   She chuckles, “Come on dorogoy(sweetheart), I promise our nest will be just as warm and comfortable.”
   “Mmm, ok” she mumbles, making you chuckle at her sleepy state.
   You get out of the tub and grab your towel, drying yourself off before wrapping it around yourself. You grab another towel and begin to dry off your hair. Meanwhile your Alpha is still trying to convince a very tired Wanda to get out of the bath. She finally listens and they both join you in drying off before getting dressed.
   Now in your pajamas, Natasha guides both of you to your nest. The three of you snuggle into each other as night time settles over the compound. The TV plays on a low volume as Wanda sleeps against Natasha, who is rubbing soothing circles on your back to ease you into sleep.
   Just as you begin to doze off, the scent of strawberries fills your nose. Your body was quick to react and your Alpha was nearly overwhelmed when your honey scent hangs in the air as well. She shifts in the nest, pulling both of you closer to her until you both are practically on top of her. A grunt leaves her as she begins to scent you both, her instincts winning over as the need to make it known you both were hers increases. 
   Tomorrow morning the instinct to protect and keep both her Omegas safe would pretty much be all that's on Natasha's mind. For now she was content enough that her mates were asleep with her. She knew you'd both need her to be well rested tomorrow so she settles back down and joins her mates in a comfortable sleep.
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You should make one where Wanda and nat get taken by the snap and it leaves there 14 year old daughter for her to grow up alone, later when they return there surprised to see her grow up at first they dont even recognize her because she turns out to be a cold badass. You can add some angst of her not being able to trust them and so on. But over time there family dynamic falls back but they notice y/n is hiding something because she always disappears and is seen talking on the phone. One night they think they hear talk in y/n’s room so they wait a few hours before they check it out and its y/n being super cute with her gf. she introduce her gf who helped her through the snap.
5 years is a long time
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masterlist requests masterlist
pairing: WandaNat x daughter reader
warnings: grieve, loss, pain
genre: angst, fluff
words: 2093
a/n: thank you so much anon for the request. I love the idea and I hope you like it 🫶
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
Tears. That’s all you remember. The endless crying of that night. Your moms had told you they had to leave for a while to fight an important battle. They told you they would be back. They lied. 
You remember Steve coming to your home. The home you grew up in. The home you three had lived in for your entire life. You were excited when you heard the door open. You thought your moms had returned. They hadn’t.
Steve was standing in the door opening, and the look on his face alone was enough to make you cry. So that’s what you did. For the entire night you did nothing but cry. You couldn’t believe your moms would break their promise. You couldn’t believe your moms would never hold you again. 
Steve had taken you out of your home that night. He said he wanted you to stay with him, so you would be safe. He told you it’s what your moms would’ve wanted, but you had no interest in listening to him. You didn’t sleep that night. What happened wouldn’t leave your brain. You were devastated. 
After a few weeks in the compound, you had started feeling angry. The first few days you felt numb, and you supposed feeling angry was better than that, but in reality it wasn’t.
You would ignore Steve. You wouldn’t eat or take care of yourself. All you could be was angry, and you and Steve fought all the time. After two months, you decided to leave. You were a few weeks away from your fifteenth birthday, and Steve was trying to get you excited for it, but you didn’t want to be.
Usually, you would be so excited you couldn’t sleep, but this time you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Steve talked about it non-stop, and you just couldn’t take it. What was the point in celebrating your birthday if the most important people wouldn't be there?
That was when you decided to leave. 
You found an apartment in Seattle, wanting to be as far away from the compound as you could. That’s where you lived for the past 5 years. You were 19 now, and your life was different than it was when the snap happened.
You used your training to kill. You found that killing people was the only way to ease your anger, ease your thirst for revenge. 
You weren’t proud of it. How could you? Your moms had taught you how to fight to protect, not hurt. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care, however. Your moms were gone. There was no reason in thinking about what they would or wouldn’t agree with. 
You were currently sitting on your couch, cleaning some of your knives. You had another successful assignment yesterday and you were exhausted. There was a lot of commotion in the world, and your assignments were flooding. It seemed that suddenly everyone wanted each other dead. You didn’t know why, but then again, you didn’t follow the news.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at your door. Besides Charlie, no one knew where you lived, and she wasn’t set to come home for another few days. 
Hesitantly, you opened your door, and you almost broke at the sight. 
In front of you were two people. Two people who you believed you’d never see again. Wanda gasped, clearly shocked by the wounds you carried on your face. Maybe the fact you’d grown 5 years shocked her too. Natasha just stared. She couldn’t believe it. Their little girl was all grown up, but that isn’t what shocked them the most. 
The emptiness in your eyes did. 
Wanda made the first move to hug you, and in your shock you didn’t react. You hadn’t thought this day would ever come, and now it did. 
Natasha seemed to snap out of her shock, moving to embrace you as well. 
They cried. You didn’t.
When they moved into your apartment you were quick to clean the knives from your coffee table. You were afraid of how they would react. You knew they would be disappointed, but you just weren’t ready for a lecture of them yet. 
Natasha and Wanda stayed in your guest room, and much like the night you lost them, you were awake. You couldn’t sleep, and you knew they wouldn’t be able to either.
The next day Natasha and Wanda had convinced you to move back into their apartment. They kept telling you how sorry they were for leaving, and how they wanted to make up for all the years they lost. You agreed, moving back into your childhood home. You didn’t know how you’d react if they ever were to return, but you never expected to feel so… numb.
You had lived together for a few days now, and you had a hard time trusting them. You fought a few times already, mainly with Natasha. You refused to call them mom and mama again. You just couldn’t. Wanda was just trying to be there for you, while Natasha was more set on getting answers.
You were frustrated. You couldn’t provide your moms with any answers. You didn’t have any. 
Last night you and Natasha fought again, and she yelled at you saying she couldn't recognise you anymore. You were lost. You didn’t know how to react.
All those nights you wished your moms would return to you, and wishing things would go back to the way they were. Now you wished things would go back to the way they were after they disappeared. You didn’t want to face them, and living with them again after so many years proved to be much more difficult than you initially thought. 
Most nights you spend in your room, talking to the only person that stayed the same through all of it. 
You spoke to Charlie most nights. She was the only person you had found comfort with all this time. The only person you felt you could trust, and the only person you felt you could be yourself around.
Charlie lost both of her parents in the snap as well, and when you were on an assignment one day to kill a dangerous man, you had found Charlie in one of the rooms in his house.
She was locked up, and she looked sick. You had taken her home with you, caring for her wounds. She didn’t speak much, only thanking you when appropriate. You didn’t mind much. You were happy you could still do some good. You were both 17 at the time, and you grew close quickly. 
Charlie had told you what happened. How she lost her parents and the man had taken her. You offered her to stay with you, and she agreed. You grew closer quickly, and your friendship soon developed into something more. 
Charlie was the only person you cared about. The only person you could be yourself around. The only person you loved through those years. 
Charlie had reminded you of your humanity, and she never scolded you for doing what you did. 
It’s funny, really. All those nights you spend on your own, in the bed of your new apartment, you longed to be laying in your own bed, with your moms downstairs. Now, while you were lying in the bed of your childhood home, with your moms downstairs, you longed for the nights in your own apartment. Spend watching movies and eating cheap take out with Charlie. 
You hadn’t told your moms about Charlie yet. You didn’t know how to. You didn’t know you wanted to.
Your moms were downstairs, discussing your behavior. Wanda was crying. She felt so incredibly hurt by the fact you called her ‘Wanda’ now. She missed the days you called her mommy. When you would come running downstairs all excited because you had a random thought you felt like Wanda should know. 
Her and Natasha were talking about how you seemed so closed off. So cold. How you were always in your room and how it seemed like you were hiding something.
Tonight, while you were on a call with Charlie, Natasha had decided to check on you, wanting to talk to you about their concerns. When she reached your room, she could hear you talking to someone. She decided not to knock on the door, instead opening it to see you lying on your bed, with your back turned to the door. You didn’t notice she was standing there, to captivated by your phone call.
You were giggling, and Natasha wasn’t sure when she last heard you laugh. 
Natasha just stood there, soaking up your happiness. When you ended the phone call, you told Charlie ‘I love you’, which didn’t go unnoticed by Natasha.
When you turned around you were startled, and when you released Natasha was eavesdropping you were upset. 
“I’m sorry,” Natasha told you, and you sighed, sitting up in your bed. Natasha sat at the end of your bed, not wanting to make you uncomfortable by sitting too close. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, it’s just been a while since I’ve seen you laugh.”
“I’m sorry too,” you told her, not wanting to look at her.
“I understand it must’ve been hell for you, and it must have been so confusing, even now we’re back. It’s confusing for us too. A few weeks ago you were our little 14 year old girl, and now you’re all grown up. I’m sorry we don’t know how to help you, and I’m sorry we weren’t there,” Natasha told you with tears in her eyes. 
You sniffled and shook your head. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been a terrible daughter. I was never mad at you. I’m just so angry, and I didn’t know how to handle that,” you explained to her, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Natasha pulled you into a hug, the first you’d had since the night they returned. You cried together, and Wanda, who probably heard the crying, came upstairs and sat next to you on the other side. 
You kept crying, repeating ‘I’m sorry’ until you were so tired you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. 
You fell asleep in their arms, and when you woke up, they were still there. 
You had all moved down to the kitchen for breakfast, and for the first time in 5 years, you were eating breakfast together, talking. There was no tension, no crying, no fighting and no yelling. Just talking.
“So who was that girl on the phone yesterday?” Natasha suddenly asked you. 
You looked up at her quickly, surprised with her question. “What?” you asked her confused. “Yesterday you were talking on the phone with a girl. You seemed really happy.” 
You looked at your plate, pushing the leftover fruit around on it. “We’re not mad, just curious,” Wanda told you. “Her name’s Charlie. She’s kinda my girlfriend,” you told your moms hesitantly.
You didn’t look at them, but you felt Wanda scooting her chair closer, engulfing you in a hug. “We’re so happy for you!” she exclaimed, and you relaxed in her arms. “Thanks,” you mumbled. Natasha sat down in the chair on the other side of you, rubbing your back. “Where is she now?” Natasha asked. 
“Still in Seattle. We lived together in that apartment,” you told her, sitting up straight again. 
“We should invite her over, if you want too,” Wanda suggested. You nodded. “I’d like that,” 
Two days later Charlie was standing in front of your door again, and she hugged you tight. “I’ve missed you,” you murmured. She nodded, kissing your forehead. 
When she let you go, she noticed your moms standing behind you. Natasha was the first one to introduce herself, telling her it was nice to meet her. Wanda was next, giving her a small hug. 
You had dinner that night, the four of you, and after finding out you had lived together for 2 years, Wanda suggested she should stay for a while. Charlie agreed, and you couldn’t be happier. The night was ended with movies, you in Charlie’s arms, just like all those other nights. The only difference was your moms sitting next to you, smiling at the wonderful young woman you’d grown into. 
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
HEYYAA, I have a lil drabble req for the series “Who’s Afraid of Little Old me” :33
Wanda n Bumble are at home while Nat is out doing god knows what 🤷‍♀️ Wanda has a panic attack and Bumble helps her out :33
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
No Need to Panic
Wandanat x human pet!fem!reader
Summary: Wanda and Natasha have been looking for a pet for some time, but they've had no luck until they meet you, will you be a good fit for their lives?
Word Count: 527
Warnings: 18+ due to themes, MDNI, heavy pet play, human pets, abuse, violence, hurt/comfort, panic attacks
Authors Note: It's only been like a week, but I missed Bumble and the girls! I love them so much! Please if you have more ideas for this AU tell me!
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It was a quiet afternoon at home. Natasha had gone out to run some errands, leaving you and Wanda alone in the house. The peaceful ambiance was usually a comfort, but today, something felt different. Wanda seemed more on edge than usual, her movements jittery and her breathing uneven.
You watched her closely from your spot on the couch. You had grown attuned to the subtle shifts in her mood, recognizing the signs of distress even if you couldn't quite understand their cause. As you observed, Wanda's breathing became more rapid, and her hands started to tremble. She tried to steady herself, but it was clear she was struggling.
Your instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, you moved to her side, your presence a silent offer of support. Wanda sat down on the floor, leaning against the couch, trying to calm herself, but the panic was building. She hugged her knees to her chest, eyes squeezed shut as she fought to regain control.
Seeing her distress, you knew you had to help. Remembering how you'd seen service dogs on TV, you gently nudged your way into her lap, pressing your body against hers. Wanda's eyes opened, meeting yours, and she seemed to draw some comfort from your steady gaze.
You laid yourself across her legs and torso, applying gentle pressure. You stayed perfectly still, your weight a grounding presence that helped anchor her. Wanda's hands found their way to your hair, gripping lightly as she focused on your warmth and the steady rhythm of your breathing.
Slowly, her breathing began to sync with yours, each exhale a little less frantic than the one before. You remained still and calm, your sole focus on providing her the comfort she needed. Her grip on you tightened momentarily before loosening, and you felt her muscles gradually relax under your weight.
Minutes passed, and the panic that had gripped Wanda started to ebb away. Her hands stroked your hair rhythmically, the action helping to center her thoughts. She whispered soft words of gratitude, her voice shaky but full of relief.
"Thank you, Bumble," she murmured, her fingers gently scratching behind your ears. "I don't know what I would do without you."
You nuzzled closer, pressing your head against her chest, letting her feel your unwavering presence. In that moment, you understood that your role in this family went beyond just being their pet. You were a source of comfort and stability, a constant in their lives. You couldn’t help, but let your tail wag.
As Wanda continued to calm down, she wrapped her arms around you in a tender hug, her breathing finally steady. The two of you stayed like that for a while, drawing strength from each other. When Natasha returned home later, she found the two of you still on the floor, Wanda's arms around you, both of you enveloped in a sense of peace and mutual support.
Natasha's eyes softened at the sight, and she quietly set down her bags, joining the two of you on the floor. She placed a gentle hand on Wanda's shoulder, and the three of you shared a moment of silent understanding and love.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Russian Roulette
WandaNat x Fem!Reader
A wholesome argument between lovers leads to the best night of all of yours lives.. | 1,995 Words
Warning: Emotional W, Petty Lovers
Smut: Unprotected Sex, Rope/Bondage (N) Daddy (Intersex-N), Dick-Riding (R/W—N) Thigh Riding (W on R), Overstimulation(N), Breeding.
18+ | Minors DNI
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Natasha's not sure what started the argument, but now that she's found herself stripped bare with her hands tied behind a chair in your shared bedroom with the promise of pleasure she's not sure she cares all that much anymore. All she knows is that you and Wanda have placed a bet, and that you two were some of the most stubborn people she's ever had the pleasure of loving so this was either going to be the worst day of all of your lives, or the best night of hers; she's praying for the latter.
Natasha’s lust blown eyes tracked your bodies as you two spoke in a secretive manner, her brow raised as she tried to figure out the actual plan here, but you two weren’t giving it up.
“First round you get a minute and a half.”
Wanda nodded, “The remaining just a minute.”
“Heads or tails love?,” she smiled, even in the midst of a petty fight you still refer to her so tenderly., “Tails.,” you flipped the coin, and the smile on her face was wiped away., “Heads.”
Natasha watched as Wanda set a timer on her phone, the energy shifted as soon as she hit start, and her hands reflexively tugged on the restraints when you sauntered over to her in only your lacy white bra., "Fuck, detka.," she moaned once your wetness dripped onto her thigh as you moved to straddle her bare legs.
"A-a condom?," she whined, but you tauntingly chuckled., "Oh baby.," you lined her up with your entrance., "Let me fill you in on the bet.," you slowly sunk down onto her, wincing as the stretch was working to tear you open, and the redheads face slammed against your shoulder as she worked hard to catch her stolen breath.
"We couldn't decide who should be the first to carry your babies.," you panted against her ear, the ghost of a smirk on your face as you felt her twitch at the thought., "So, we're going to play this game until fate decides who you breed."
"Oh shit.," you could feel her shiver, and you hoped it wouldn't be long, but then the dreaded timer broke the moment, and the redhead whined as you removed yourself completely., "I'll be back.," you winked with a confidence that Wanda rolled her eyes at., "We'll see."
"Don't fret moya lyubov'," Wanda teased, her dripping cunt quick to replace the warmth that Natasha was whining over losing., "Blyad!"
"That's right.," she giggled., "Trakhni menya daddy.," she caught the redheads affected groan with her lips while slowly bouncing up and down on her thick cock.
(Fuck me)
"Can you imagine it Natty?," she swiveled her hips, causing the woman beneath her to mewl as her head flew back in pleasure., "My puffy cunt stuffed full, and dripping with your cum.," her lips traveled over her heated skin until she began to suck on her sweet spot., "Then soon enough I'll be round, and carrying our baby."
Natasha felt it when Wanda's words sent a shiver down her spine, and once her lips slammed to hers she was ready to bust, just another couple thrusts and she'd let it go, but then the alarm went off and Wanda released her hold on her., "Hold it lyubov', be strong.," she instructed sternly then removed herself.
Wanda squealed when you slapped her ass, and before she could scold you she was melting against you as your lips found hers. Natasha watched you two with rapt attention as you apparently sought to devour Wanda whole, her cock twitching, and coated in her pre-cum as she desperately wished for your lost attention.
"No matter who wins, just know I love you, and am excited to start this family.," you panted, your forehead pressed to hers while you were regaining your breath., "I love you so much.," she whispered affectionately, then her lips found yours once more for a reassuring kiss.
Breaking apart came once you heard Natasha whimper, it was pathetic really, but you two always did do a great job at riling her up., "Let the games begin again, may the best pussy win.," Wanda giggled and playfully shoved you away, causing you to turn your focus onto the desperate woman who's now humping the air.
"Hey daddy.," you winked as you crouched down, your tongue popping out so you can drag it over the throbbing vein of Natasha's cock., "Fuck, Wanda you taste so good.," you praised your other lover before swirling your tongue around Nat's enflamed tip, tasting her next., "God, Nat, you too.," you moaned, and the redhead followed as you slammed your lips to hers while sinking down on her thick length.
"Sorry we left you hanging daddy.," your words were muffled against her lips, and nearly drowned out by the sound of skin slapping., "Just wanted to give you a little show is all."
Flashes of your previous entanglement with Wanda flow through her mind, building her orgasm up that much faster as she remembers the way you groped Wanda's breasts and allowed her to get off on your thigh alone.
"No!," Natasha shrieked when the timer went off, you chuckled, but pressed a sympathetic kiss to her cheek., "Soon my love, don't hold back on your next go, fuck a baby into her.," Natasha whimpered, every single time she lost the warmth of your tight holes she was nearly back at square one. The buildup each time increased to a painful level, and she was not sure she could take much more of this.
Wanda smiled when passing you, her hand softly trailing over your abdomen as she did. When straddling Natasha this time Wanda was uncharacteristically still, her hips weren't even moving, and you could see the obvious sexual frustration in Nat's features, but then you saw them soften as she slowly gyrated and spoke.
"I can't wait to be a mama.," Wanda whispered, tears budding up in her eyes, and Natasha was quick to lean forward, nudging her nose into her cheek, and Wanda broke the rest of the distance to kiss her back, desperately wanting the comfort over winning the silly game.
In the vulnerable moment the game was forgotten for all, the two connected in front of you were making out in such a tender manner, you couldn't help wanting to be involved so your soft hands wrapped around to play with Wanda's nipples, and your lips met her back.
Wanda moaned breathily into Natasha's mouth, the combination of all your touches, and the feeling of being so full leant her into a second orgasm, she came hard on Natasha's cock, and the tiniest spurt of cum left the redhead, but it wasn't enough to constitute a win, and the forgotten timer tragically went off.
"It's okay baby, you can stay.," you kissed over the mark you left behind and she shook her head with a smile., "No, a bet is a bet detka."
With a gentle hand you helped her off of Nat, her legs shaky as she's came twice already herself, and you pecked her lips softly before taking her place on the overstimulated cock., "Come on now daddy, speed up the process.," you began to bounce on her once again, pulling desperate moans from her as she felt herself on the edge of bliss for the fifth time, it was all too much, and she was truly fed up with the game.
"Fate's taking too long.," Natasha groaned, and in a split second her hands were free'd from her restraints, and your back hit the mattress with a squeal of shock, and a squeak of springs. She pounded into you with vigor, blissfully ignoring the timer sounding off behind her., "Fuck, I'm cumming detka.," her face fell into the crook of your neck, panting harshly against your chest as she held true to her words, and you writhed and screamed as she released.
"Oh my god, yes, please fill me up, wanna be full daddy, I'm begging you!," you were in a state of euphoria you'd never experienced before. Having her seed painting your walls had the most amazing effect on you, causing you to clench around her, milking her dry as your walls fluttered, and your own orgasm drenched her cock, dripping onto the mattress.
Wanda's lip was caught between her teeth as she saw your mixed arousals gush onto the sheets. As disappointed as she was not to be in your place she couldn't deny how hot it was to see your mutual lover overfilling your pussy.
She sat patiently at the end of the California King bed, shamelessly admiring your sweaty bodies as they moved in aggressive tandem as the both of you sought to prolong the pleasure. Her plush thighs clenched in desperation, that familiar ache between her legs returned with a vengeance as she watched Natasha's hips continue to fuck you well beyond your bliss, so persistent as she pleaded for you to take it all, to not waste a single drop in breathy pants against your marked up chest. There was truly nothing hotter than a desperate Natasha.
"I promise to take it all daddy, wanna be your pretty little cum dump, full of your miracles.," you screamed, clenching around her thickness for emphasis, all of her persistent thrusting was building you both up to another release., "Fuck, detka I'm gonna—.," a moan tore from the redheads throat as she released an even bigger load into you, her hips stilled as she was overwhelmed by the sheer amount leaving her. She'd never in her life came that hard before, your organic warmth over the usual silicone layer was introducing her to new pleasures.
"Mm, thank you daddy.," you hummed as you lazily continued to meet her equally as limited thrusts., "You're welcome detka.," her plump lips pressed to yours sloppily, she suckled on your tongue in a means of distraction, her hips yet to still as she slowly thrusted, her intention to drive her sperm deep into your womb, and ensure above all else that you end up pregnant.
"Daddy?," Wanda whispered., "Baby?," it was honestly so quiet that you'd hardly heard her., "Please.," but the desperation in her voice was unmistakable, so you nudged Natasha who reluctantly released your lips and shifted her gaze over to the pouting Sokovian., "Oh my, look at you.," she rasped, the slick drenching her plush thighs enough to marvel at for days.
"Don't you worry now lyubov'.," the redhead beckoned the woman over with the crook of her finger, and guided her to lay flat beside you., "Daddy's got more than enough cum to last for hours, I'll have you both so full you'll feel me dripping down your thighs for weeks."
Natasha watched the way Wanda's eyes lit up, and she felt your excitement as you clenched around her softened cock that was quick to harden at the sensation and thoughts of the both of you being fucked senseless had her ready to pick her animalistic pace back up.
With a tenderness though she kissed you to ease the ache as she pulled out, you whined at the loss, but you were satiated after she put a plug in your gaping hole. It wasn't nearly as stimulating as her throbbing dick, but it was more than enough to make you feel full, she gently elevated you with a pillow beneath your lower back, trying to use the force of gravity to help her swimmers along on their journey.
Once you were situated she moved on to the patient brunette at your side, she hovered over her with darkened orbs, and in one thrust she slammed her cock passed her yearning hole., "Playtime is over.," she grunted as she set herself up at a quick pace., "Daddy's going to have you two blabbering disasters by the end of the night, there's no way you'll leave barren."
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natashaslesbian · 7 months
Hi! How about Nat, Yelena and Wanda stumbling over a young teen while raiding a hydra base. They take her in and try to be the family she never had. Some small angst with fluff
We Can Try
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Word Count: 1.9k
Parings: (WandaNat x Teen!Reader) (Yelena x Teen!Reader)
Warnings: Hydra and Red room mentions
A/N• this isn’t proofread as per usual lol (thank you for the request!
You couldn’t move. The straps were so tight around your waist you felt as though all the air was being squished out of you. The needle was seconds away from your skin when the alarms began, everyone scrambled to investigate what was happening, leaving you stuck in the medical lab. You pushed and pulled with all your strength but the muscle relaxers were already kicking in. It was no use, the sirens were blaring and your ears began to ring.
Upstairs, the avengers were making their way through the base. Natasha and Wanda were far ahead, as Yelena held off the last few guards. Fury had recently received new intel that Hydra was operating in a near by underground base. It was rumoured that another version of the super soldier serum had been developed and was soon to be used on human experimentations. The raid was going well, Steve, Tony and Thor had managed to distract a large number of guards outside, allowing Natasha, Wanda, Yelena and Clint to make it inside. Bruce was waiting behind in the jet incase of a code green. Clint held off more guards from a distance as the girls made their way down to the lower floor.
Yelena sprinted to catch up to her sister and the witch, having taken down a group of guards/scientists. The three of them found the medbay and waited outside. “Wanda we clear?” Natasha said. The witch delved deep into her mind to listen out for any dangers “there’s someone in there” she said, Yelena clocked her gun ready for another fight. “No no” Wanda whispered “I think they’re….they’re afraid” she said, struggling to find the words ‘test subject’ the blonde lowered her gun but kept it close to her incase of an emergency. “Okay, approach with caution, they may have already been injected with the serum” Natasha said.
Yelena was the first to enter, Wanda held the doors open for her incase she needed to attack. The two were followed by Natasha, who stopped dead in her tracks when seeing you. The agents froze as they took in the sight. A young girl, no older than 15, thrashing weakly against restraints, tears landing in a large puddle. “Hey” Natasha gently said. You snapped your gaze towards the agents and immediately switched off your emotions. “It’s okay, we’re here to help” the widow said quietly, as not to startle you. Wanda cautiously approached you, holding up her hands to show that she wasn’t a threat. “Let’s get these off you, yeah?” She said.
Yelena stood guard by the doors as Wanda removed your restraints. “Can you sit up?” the witch asked. You tried your best but your body was too weak. “Wanda” Natasha said, getting her attention “Norflex” she said as she lifted up an empty needle, labelled with the muscle relaxing drug. You felt tears stinging your eyes as you struggled to hide your emotions, your vision was starting to blur and the drowsiness was creeping in. “Alright, I’m gonna carry you okay sweetheart?” Wanda asked. “N-no please” you mumbled “we’re not gonna hurt you” Natasha calmly spoke as she slowly approached “you’re safe now” she said. “M’kay” you stuttered.
Wanda carefully lifted you from the bed, cradling your shaky body in her arms. “You’re okay” the witch cooed. “Tired” you whispered “I know sweetheart, just keep your eyes open for us, just a little longer” Wanda said. The widows led the witch carefully back through the base and back up towards the quinjet. Yelena looked back to check on you, noticing your eyes fluttering closed “Nat” she said. “Crap” Natasha remarked “let’s just get her to Bruce” she said. Wanda picked up her pase as best she could and you carried you onto the jet where she gently placed you down onto the soft bed.
It was Bruce who made the deduction to sedate you, he said it would be the safest way for him to be able to reverse any effects of the drugs you had been injected with. You were out for around 14 hours, allowing Dr Banner time to take some blood as well as treat your injuries. Wanda and Yelena took turns sitting with you and getting some sleep, Natasha on the other hand refused to leave your side.
In your first moment of conciseness, you figured it had all been a dream and when you opened your eyes you would see the same four grey cold walls. You felt the softness underneath you, it confused you. When Natasha noticed you were stirring, she instructed Yelena to find Wanda. Soon enough the three of them were at your bedside. “Sweetheart?” Wanda called. The lights nearly blinded you when you first tired to open your eyes, you screwed them tightly shut and furrowed your brows. “Y/n?” Natasha asked. You peeled your eyes open slowly to see the same three faces you had seen before you faded out.
“Hey sweetheart” Wanda said as she came a few steps closer, you tensed up slightly making the witch pause her movements. “You’re at the avengers tower” she said calmly. You looked down across your arm “ta-take it out” you mumbled when you saw the needle poking out from your hand. “It’s just medicine y/n, you’re a little malnourished and we need to get you better” Natasha said as she rose from her seat. “How do you know my name? What did you do to me?” You cried quietly as you tried to sit up. Wanda and Natasha silently cooed at you and helped you to relax slightly.
Yelena came to the foot of your bed “we just took some blood y/n, to make sure you were healthy. We ran your dna through our database just so we had some information about you” she said. “Nothing bad has happened to you I promise, I’ve been here the whole time” Natasha assured. “You’ve been asleep for a little while and our doctor took a look at some of your wounds” Wanda added. You slowly took in all of the information and asked many more questions that the girls were happy to answer. Bruce discharged you a few hours later and you took residence in a spare room next to Natasha and Wanda, you assumed that they were an item as they shared a room.
It was a lot to get used to, the plush bed and the light pouring through the window were so foreign. You sat silently in the corner of the room awaiting your next instructions. Yelena was the first to pay a visit, she brought you a delicious spread of fruit and chocolate. The widow attempted to get you to open up but you remained silent for most of the conversation. About an hour later, Nat and Wanda came to join you. You where unsure of the company at first but soon the four of you settled into a comfortable silence. “What happens to me now?” You asked, breaking the silence. The three girls stared blankly at you, “where are you going to send me?” You said. “Sweetheart” Wanda began “no one’s going to send you anywhere, this is your home now” she said. “Yeah for as long as you want it to be” Yelena added.
You pondered for a moment, your home? Could you really fit into this place? You didn’t know anyone here and this life was so alien to you. So far it seems that you can trust these women, but in the back of your head that little voice was telling you that they would never care. “Y/n?” Natasha said placing a gentle hand on your shoulder “we know what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong. All three of us came here under similar circumstances to you” she said. “You did?” You quietly asked. “Yeah, Yelena and I, we were in a place called the red room. We were taken from our families as kids and trained to be assassins. I was lucky enough to get out and a few years later, I found my sister” Natasha said looking over at Yelena. “And Wanda…” Nat began, unsure if she wanted her to continue. You looked over to the witch, “I… my brother and I, we were in Hydra, a long time ago” she whispered. “You were?” You said, feeling more connected to her than ever. “I was. Y/n I promise you we understand and I promise you that we care, we’ll look after you” she said, taking hold of your hand.
You decided to stay at the tower, and it was surprisingly easy to settle in. You got super close with Yelena and she helped you to begin finding your own identity. Natasha and Wanda were always looking out for you, making sure you had everything you needed. They were almost motherly to you, and deep down you loved their affection. Fury and his team were in the process of getting you a citizenship, he kept you out of the loop as much as he could but a problem quickly appeared.
A week later you were sat watching a film with Yelena when the red head and the witch came to see you. “Yelena do you mind if we speak to y/n privately?” Natasha asked her sister. “Sure” Yelena said and excused herself to made mac and cheese. You tensed up as soon as they sat down beside you. “You’re sending me away aren’t you?” You quietly asked. “No sweetheart we’re not I promise” Wanda said “but we do need to speak to you about staying here” she finished. In order to gain your citizenship, you needed to have a legal guardian or a parent as you were still a minor. “So what does that mean?” You shyly said. “Well, it means that someone, or maybe two people need to become your guardians” Natasha said. Both women had small smiles on their faces and it took you only seconds to understand what they meant.
“You guys?” You asked “you’ll be my guardians?” You said in disbelief. “If you’d be okay with that, we’d love to be” Wanda said. “So…like parents, like a family?” You whispered. “If that’s what you’d like sweetheart” Wanda said. “Y/n we care about you a lot, we’ve seen how much you’ve grown since you’ve been here and we don’t want to loose you” Natasha said “wands and I don’t know that much about family but we can learn. We want to be the people you depend on, the people you can talk to about anything, we want to be the family you deserve” she finished. You were overwhelmed with emotions, no one had ever shown you so much kindness. No one in the tower had seen much of your emotions, but in that moments you couldn’t stop the tears that began to fall.
“Y/n?” Wanda said, fearful that this wasn’t something you wanted. “What do you think Kid?” Natasha asked, scooting closer to you. You looked between both women, amazed at this moment. “I think, I think that we can try” you mumbled. It was mere seconds after that the damn broke and you fell into Wanda’s embrace. “Oh sweetheart of course we can try” she said. Natasha shuffled closer and wrapped her arms around the two of you. “My beautiful girls” she said. You melted into their warmth, feeling safer than you ever had before. Things weren’t certain to be smooth sailing, but with Natasha and Wanda by your side everything was certain to be okay.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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lowkeyerror · 7 months
The Family Business Ch.1
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Ch Notes: Minor character death, Near death experience, Parental Neglect/Abuse, Graphic descriptions of violence
Summary: The passing of your older brother forever changed your relationship with your parents. After a particularly brutal incident with your mother, the Maximoffs welcome you into their home.
An: It's been a minute, but I said I was coming back with a vengeance. I've already got multiple chapters of this drafted so be ready for weekly releases. Thanks for sticking around and I hope you enjoy this series!
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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Often the word delicate is used interchangeably with fragile. The only main difference is an obvious and inherent beauty that comes with something delicate. Something fragile on the other hand is viewed as predominantly breakable. Glass is fragile while a flower is delicate. Some items have a duality to them like a vase or feelings.
You were fragile.
Not entirely frail, there was some strength to your bones. It was more so from your unwillingness to be perceived as weak than anything else that kept you semi-strong. You were aware that life could be unkind, but also knew that it took pity on no one. There would be no exceptions made for you, no matter how much your mind craved it.
You were young when you learned the cruelty of life. The memory lives in your mind as clearly as the day it happened. It was summer, the sun was high in the sky, beaming down ferociously on your hometown. It was well over 90 degrees, the perfect weather for swimming. Your parents suggested that you and your brother get in the pool to cool off.
Lucas was wearing blue trunks while you had on a black and white one piece. He was 12 and you were 8, merely children. Left unsupervised, you played in water as you always had with each other.  You couldn’t swim so you always stayed on the shallow side of the pool.
After spending the majority of the day in the pool, you wanted to get out. You hoisted yourself out of the pool by the side, instead of going to the steps. You were successful in getting out of the pool. It was walking along the side of the pool that made you slip. Your head hit the cement and you felt your body hit the water.
You couldn’t recall much from there. The rest had been recounted to you more times than you could remember. You sank 12 feet to the bottom of the pool. Lucas hadn’t noticed immediately but once he did, he sprang into action.
He could swim, but he wasn’t a strong swimmer. Regardless he swam to the bottom of the pool to retrieve you. He found you there unconscious blood surrounding the water by your head. On the darkest days you speculated about the moment he knew that he was losing air.
He was only 12, but he used his strength to get you out of the water. You had laid on the cement unconscious, while your brother passed out in the pool water. By the time your parents decided to check on you, your head was resting in a puddle of its own blood on the concrete and your brother was face down in the pool.
They called 911 and by some miracle, you had survived. Lucas didn’t make it. You could never forget the look on your parents’ face when they told you. The pity in your father’s eyes and the hatred in your mother’s.
You could recall nearly every time your mother said you killed your brother. It was her favorite thing to throw in your face. She said it so much that it was hard not to believe it.
Your father would argue with her for talking to you this way. It never led to anything other than a screaming match between the two. It only took a few months for divorce papers to be filed. With the divorce papers came a nasty custody battle. The courts decided on 50/50 as your mother became the actress of the century claiming that she couldn't stand to lose another child.
Handling her cruelty forced you to toughen up. The words she spoke to you were nothing compared to the violence she inflicted against you. The bruises were endless with her. Even when you grew taller and stronger than her, she'd taken to throwing things at you.
When you were with your father things were calmer, but he worried a lot. So, you spent a lot of time alone when you stayed with him. It was better than your mother's and you were always grateful for that even though you wished he was more present.
The only thing that helped soften your reality was your friend Pietro. You met him in high school. He knew about everything. He was your only friend, the only person who had taken a liking to your semi-stoic personality. You were by no means an open book, but Pietro showed that he could be trusted. So, you found yourself telling him about your life.
He hated the way you lived. Any time he could, he’d invite you to his place to remove you from your situation. You gladly took his house as a safe haven. His family was affluent. He lived in a home with too many rooms to count. It was a stark difference from either of your parents homes. His family was also the most caring group of people you had ever known. It was evident after the first few visits that they had taken quite a liking to you.
It took you a long time to understand just how much the Maximoff’s cared for you. There was one instance that solidified how much you meant to them.
“Y/n, come over later tonight. Mama misses you, she said she'd make your favorite,” the then 16-year-old Pietro commented as you exited school grounds.
“I’ll try, but this is my mom’s week.”
Pietro frowned, “That just means you should come over earlier.”
You gave him a sad smile, “You know I want to, it’s just- you know how she is.”
His jaw clenched, “Abusive.”
Your gaze lingered on the floor. You heard him sigh loudly before you felt his arms wrapped securely around you. His chin rested on top of your head as he hugged you like you were going to disappear. You fight the urge to say that you were sorry, he hated when you apologized for no reason.
“I’m sorry, you know I just don't want you getting hurt,” he mumbles into your hair.
“I know,” your voice was smaller than you liked it to be. Pietro always found a way to show your more vulnerable side.
He released the hug and looked at you with soft eyes, “Be safe, Y/n.”
You nodded curtly, “I will.”
The walk home was as anxiety provoking as it always was. Dread filled your body as you approached the run-down apartment complex. You tried to be quiet as you entered your mother’s apartment.
“Well, where have you been all day?” You knew that tone indicated that your mother was already drunk.
“School,” you answered shortly, attempting to continue to your room.
“Don’t walk away when I'm talking to you,” her words made you freeze in your tracks.
There was venom in her glare as she looked at you, “Lucas would've been in his second year of college this year, if you weren't so fucking careless.”
You inhaled slowly, knowing there was nothing you could respond to her with.
“Probably would've been top of his class. He would've had friends and a girlfriend, but because of you he's been rotting in the ground for 8 years because of you.”
You balled up your hands into fists, digging your nails into the skin of your palm. You needed something to ground you, to keep you from crying as your mother continued to speak.
“If he could see you now, he would regret saving your life. You’re stupid, you’re ugly, and you’re disgusting. Still dressing like a little boy at your age, like the sinner I know you are.”
You couldn’t hold your tongue, “He wouldn't even recognize you, you drunk piece of shit.”
She slapped you, “Don’t you dare speak to me like that.”
Your cheek stung and your gaze hit the floor.
“You should've died instead. You’re hardly even a girl, we could've had another daughter.”
You couldn't take it anymore. Walking away from her, you went to your room.  She followed you, but that didn't deter you from throwing all of your things into a duffle bag.
“Where do you think you're going?”
You ignored her and continued to grab the things you cared for.  She screamed more as you packed but you didn't give her an answer. Once you were done, she was stood in your doorway with a wild look in her eyes.
“Leaving,” is all you said as you roughly pushed past her.
“Did you just put your hands on me?”
Her tone was hysterical. You kept moving through the apartment calmly.  It wasn’t until she threw a glass bottle at the wall near you that you flinched. It shattered right by your head. Glass shards flew towards your face, and you felt one slice through your cheek.
You weren’t stunned by her actions. She had done this before in her drunken rage. The glass shattering was just what she needed to get within arms reach of you. Her bony fingers wrapped around your wrist tightly. You hissed at the feeling, knowing there would be bruising.
“You aren’t going anywhere,” she attempted to pull you back, but you were stronger than her.
You pried her fingers off of your wrist. The freedom didn’t last for long as she grabbed a fistful of your hair, using it to slam you backwards onto the ground. While you were on the ground, she kept one hand wrapped in your hair as she started to stomp and kick you.
The pain was immense. You struggled against her, trying to find her hand that was holding your hair. When you found it, you grabbed her arm similarly to how she had grabbed yours. You squeezed as hard as you could, and you heard her shriek. Her grip on your hair dropped and as soon as it did you pushed the woman away from you.
“No one wants you; no one cares about you. You don’t even have anywhere to go, you worthless fucking murderer,” your mother stood still where you pushed her to. She tried to bluff you and you knew it.
“Anywhere is better than here,” you rushed for the door.
She threw one more bottle near the exit and you felt a sharp pain in your side, but you kept moving. Your entire body was burning, but you didn’t stop moving.
You let your feet carry you until you realized you were standing in front of the Maximoff’s house. Usually, you'd text Pietro and he'd get the door for you, but instead you rapidly knocked on the door before ringing the bell.
You didn't wait too long before the door swung open, revealing Pietro’s older sister, Wanda. She looked happy to see you until she noticed your state.  She gasped silently before gently pulling you into the house. You could hear the light family chatter happening in the dining room.
Wanda took your bag from you and led you to the rest of the family. Fear coursed through your veins as your heart started to pick up speed. You didn’t want them to see you like this. Wanda sensed this shift in you and spoke.
“We’re going to help, I promise,” her words were few but there was a conviction in them.
You took a deep breath and let her take you into the room with the others. When they saw you, the chatter stopped. Your eyes locked on to Pietro’s. There was a fire in his eyes as he looked at you.
His voice was shaky as he spoke, “She did this to you?”
That’s all it took for you to burst into tears. You collapsed into Wanda’s arms, and she held you upright.
“Wanda, Flora, take her upstairs get her cleaned up and prep a room for her. Pietro, come with me,” Dragos softly ordered his wife and kids.
Without much effort Wanda picked you up and carried you to the upstairs bathroom, her mother trailed behind her. Wanda sat you on the bathroom counter before rummaging through a few cabinets.
“Mama, I can patch her up while you get the room ready,” Wanda said, already prepping to help you.
Flora left the room, leaving just you and Wanda. You were hardly there; your eyes were cloudy as Wanda looked into them. She could tell you were far away.
“Y/n, I need to know where you’re hurt. I see you’ve got a cut on your face and some bruising on your arm, anything else sweetheart?”
You were hesitant and Wanda saw you fiddling with the end of your shirt. Her hands were delicate as they rested on top of yours, “You’re hurt under there?”
You nodded slightly.
“Can I take a look?” Her eyes looked into yours begging for permission.
You lifted the shirt up not only to reveal a bruise forming but a shard of glass sticking out of your side. It was like seeing the glass triggered something in you as more tears began flooding down your face.
“I’m going to fix it ok, sweetheart. You can trust me. It might hurt a little, but you’ll feel loads better after.”
The most painful part was Wanda removing the glass. Your hands gripped the counter until your knuckles were turning white. The red head talked you through everything she was doing, which gave you a little comfort. She also praised you for being as still as possible as she knew how much this was hurting. Though she imagined it wasn’t worse than the wounds being inflicted.
Once she was done, you felt a lot better. You could tell that she wanted to ask you something by the way her eyes wouldn’t leave your figure.
Your eyes locked on to her eyes. They were a soft green tone; they held a certain warmth to them. It was easy to get lost in them.
You hummed in response to her.
“Can I ask, what happened?”
Your thumb tapped the pads of your fingers and you focused on them as you answered Wanda, “My mom got mad at me because I wanted to leave. “
You saw Wanda’s jaw clench and it was almost identical to Pietro’s from earlier in the day, “She’s never going to lay a finger on you again.  We’re going to protect you.”
Leaning forward slightly you rested your head on her shoulder. She smelled good and it calmed your nerves. She let you stay in that position until there was a knock on the door.
“I brought some pajamas and towels for a shower. Do you think you'll need help or can I steal this one for a moment,” Mrs.Maximoff peaks through the door.
Wanda looked at you for an answer, “I can do it myself.”
The older woman sent you a small smile, “Very good dear. Just holler if you need anything.”
Wanda paused before she exited the bathroom, “After your shower I'm going to bandage your torso, ok? Be gentle around the tender areas.”
“Thank you, Wanda,” she smiled at your words and left at that.
When you were finally alone with your thoughts, your tears began to fall again. You let the hot water of the shower cascade down your back. The stinging sensation felt good on your skin. The words your mom said were echoing through your head. You knew they wouldn't be going away any time soon.
While you showered Pietro gave his family some insight into your life. He had told them your brother died in an accident and your mother blamed you. He spoke briefly about your father’s busy working schedule but went into details about your mother’s abuse.
Even the short version of events was heartbreaking to the family.
Flora met her husband’s eyes, “She can’t go back there Dragos.”
He nodded his head in agreement, “She’s not.”
There was a dangerous look in Wanda’s gaze, “What’re we going to do about that bitch?”
Dragos looked at his daughter with a slight smile on his lips, “We’re going to take care of her. She’s not going to bother Y/n, ever again, unless she's got a death wish.”
“If she’s going to stay here, she needs to know the truth,” Pietro said looking down at the table.
“What good would that do her? She’s already had enough,” Wanda defended.
Pietro’s glare matched Wanda’s, “She’s my best friend and we all know there’s a danger that comes with being in this household. If she’s at risk to be hurt, then she deserves to know, and I will tell her.”
“We can keep her safe without her knowing,” Wanda argued back.
“I am not lying to her,” Pietro said with finality.
Wanda scoffs, “You have for all this time, what’s the difference?”
Pietro slammed his fist down on the table, “I would’ve told her from the start if it was an option. She has barred her soul to me, entrusted me with her deepest fears and secrets, you don’t know her like I do.”
“I know she came here barely able to talk, a piece of glass lodged in her side, a cut under her eye, her entire midsection is a bruise. “
“That doesn't mean she doesn’t deserve to know the truth.”
Neither of them was backing down.
“The truth about what?”
The family shifted their attention to you. Pietro crossed his arms over his chest while looking at his family expectantly. Wanda turned her attention to her father to see what he would do.
It was actually Flora who spoke, “Y/n if you’re going to be staying with us there is something we must tell you dear.”
Pietro started, “Remember when you saw my house for the first time and asked what my parents did?”
Wanda rolled her eyes at Pietro’s prolonging of the situation, “Y/n we’re a part of a crime syndicate.”
Dragos quickly corrected Wanda, “We aren’t just a part of it. I’m in charge of it. We aren't so bad either, we do a lot for the community.”
You wanted to laugh, but they looked so serious. They were waiting for your reaction, but you were still processing. This clearly wasn't a joke.
“Ok,” was all that you could muster up.
“Do you get what we’re saying dear?”
You nodded slowly. “You’re criminals,” your eyes cut over to your best friend, “All of you?”
Pietro tore his eyes away from you.
Wanda saw the hurt in her brother’s eyes and tried to take over, “Beyond criminals, Y/n we’re the same Maximoff family that you know. We care about you and your safety. We would never let any harm come to you.”
“Do I have to be involved with that stuff?” You questioned.
The family all eyed Dragos, seemingly searching for an answer of their own. His eyes met yours, “I will never make you do anything you don't want to do. However, if this is something you're interested in all you have to do is ask.”
You took in a deep breath, before exhaling, “Thank you for letting me stay.”
Flora shook her head, “You’re family Y/n.”
For once that night you held back the tears. You let Wanda redress your wounds and then went to bed. Sleep came easier than it should’ve, you believed the Maximoff's when they said you were safe. That was the first time in your life where you felt delicate and not fragile. However, things change consistently, and life moves fast, even faster when you’re entangled with the biggest crime family in New York City.
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Blurred Lines
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CEO Wanda Maximoff x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Strap On (Wanda Receiving) Fingering (Wanda Receiving)
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic
AN: In memory of our fave Friends actor, Matthew Perry. The guy who brought us all to laughter with the best character ever. RIP Matthew Perry you awesome legend.
Word Count: 2.9k
Maximoff Industries, run by the most respected woman in all of New York, of course her recent divorce was publicized and her children were also thrown into the limelight, which made having a private life extremely difficult for her and her family. But one thing she never expected to happen was meeting her secretary's room mate and best friend.
"Who is this?" Wanda asked as she spotted the taller woman standing beside Natasha.
"This is Y/N, my bestie." Nat smiled as she introduced the two.
"It's nice to meet you." Y/N held her hand out for the brunette to shake. "You also look better as a brunette, the red didn't suit you."
"Thank you." Wanda smiled as she shook her hand. "It was my ex who preferred the red."
"Well, he is clearly stupid." Y/N smiled as Nat watched the two. "I have to go back to work." She told them both with a smile, Wanda watched as Y/N disappeared down the hall, biting her lip before she turned to Nat.
"Does she work here?" Wanda asked her as Nat shook her head.
"She had an interview with Peggy in Finances for the assistant supervisor." Nat informed her.
"Can you ask Peggy to see me in my office please." Wanda told her. "Immediately." She entered her office, only waiting a moment before there was a knock on her door.
"You wanted to see me ma'am?" Peggy spoke as she opened the door.
"The interviews from today, who is the highest contender?" Wanda asked as she looked over the schedule she had received.
"There are two who would be extremely beneficial to the company." She started. "Pepper Potts, she is fresh from being Tony Stark's assistant." Wanda shook her head no. "And there is Y/N Y/L/N, she worked closely with Norman Osborn at Oscorp."
"Y/L/N is the obvious option." Wanda stated. "Hire her." She told her as she didn't want to hire her ex brother-in-law's assistant. So the following Monday, Y/N had carpooled with Nat to work, and the two made their way up to Wanda's office. Y/N sat waiting for Ms Maximoff to arrive as Nat started to get to work, sorting through Wanda's schedule for the day.
"Y/N, follow me." Wanda told her as she walked past the two. Y/N was fast on her heels, closing the office door behind her. "I will need you to fill out these forms for me, give Nat your I.D. so she can make photocopies for our company files." Y/N nodded as Wanda spoke. "Also, you and I will be working closely together as you will soon be taking over for Miss Carter, she is retiring soon and I need a fully qualified CFO."
"Yes ma'am." Y/N nodded as she took the forms from her hands.
"I will need the forms back at the end of the day." She told her. "And please call me Wanda."
"Of course Wanda." Y/N smiled as she gazed at Wanda intensely before leaving. Wanda couldn't understand the way she made her feel. She had never really looked at another woman like this before, she didn't even know it was possible since she was forced to marry her Ex by her parents or they would have disowned her. Of course with their passing, she had built up the courage to get out of her marriage as she ran the family business.
As the days turned to weeks, Wanda found herself working late on some days, Y/N was always the one who stayed with her, working on strategy plans to keep some of the company deals that they were at risk of losing.
"Do you want a drink?" Wanda asked Y/N who only hummed a quiet yes, going over the information she had before her eyes.
"I think we need to let go of some employees." Y/N told her. "Cut back by one or two in each department. We can split the work between the remaining employees accordingly."
"I don't want to talk about that right now." Wanda groaned as she took a seat beside Y/N, handing her a glass of bourbon.
"I didn't know you were a hard spirit kind of woman." Y/N teased her, watching as Wanda leaned on the back of the sofa. Observing Y/N's movements as she came up with a viable strategy for the company's future.
"How are you single?" Wanda questioned as she watched Y/N intently, the pen between her teeth as she turned to meet Wanda's gaze.
"I guess I never really found the one." Y/N shrugged. "My ex hated my dedication to my previous job, so she left me. Well, I caught her with my old friend."
"I'm sorry that happened to you." Wanda spoke softly as Y/N shrugged.
"It's ok." She smiled as she sipped her drink. "Love isn't for everyone."
"I think it is." Wanda spoke as she placed her glass down. "There is someone out there for each of us, it's just that we don't usually see what's right in front of us."
"And what do you see?" Y/N asked as Wanda inhaled deeply.
"You." She spoke as Y/N's eyes darkened as she gazed at Wanda's flushed chest, rising and falling rapidly. "A woman with strong arms and anyone would be lucky to have you. To just be in your embrace for the rest of their life."
"Is that what you want?" Y/N asked as she leaned in slightly.
"I don't know what I want." Wanda whispered, her underwear becoming damp with her arousal. "But I know what I need." With that she closed the gap, taking Y/N's lips on her own, her hands resting on Y/N's shoulders as she moved to straddle Y/N's lap. Her hands instantly held Wanda's waist before her hands ventured up her spine, holding her close as the kiss deepened. Neither of them were drunk enough for this to be known as a drunken mistake, all they both knew was they needed each other.
Y/N lay Wanda down on the sofa, unbuttoning her blouse as she kissed her passionately, their tongues dancing together as Y/N took all control. Wanda became a panting mess as Y/N's hand ventured under her skirt, pushing her underwear aside as her fingers ran through her folds, collecting the arousal before she made tentative movements on her clit.
"Fuck." Wanda gasped as Y/N moved her kisses down, taking a nipple in her mouth as Wanda arched her back, needing more than she was getting at this moment. "More. Please." She whined. "I need more."
Y/N complied as she plunged two fingers deep inside her, watching how Wanda's face changed due to the pleasure she was receiving. Y/N's name falling from her lips as she came undone, a panting mess as she soon calmed down.
"You taste so fine." Y/N smiled as she pulled her fingers from her mouth before kissing Wanda hard.
The next day, the two needed to set boundaries, so that was what they had done in the privacy of Wanda's office.
"We can't be anything more." Wanda told her as she sat in her chair. "I've just gotten through a messy divorce and I have two boys."
"I can be mature and just have fun Wanda." Y/N smirked as Wanda chuckled. "Besides, I am not going to blur the lines, I can keep my emotions in check."
Well, the two of them thought that was the case as what started out as quickies in the office turned into Wanda staying over at Y/N's and sneaking out before Nat woke up.
"We can't keep doing this." Wanda whispered as Y/N locked the office door before approaching her. A solemn look on her face at the realisation of the feelings the two share.
"Wanda." She started as she took Wanda's hands on her own. "We can do this." She held them close to her chest as Wanda closed her eyes, allowing Y/N to pull her closer. "I don't care that you have children or an ex husband. I know I will always be third."
"Second." Wanda corrected her. "It will be my children and then you."
"I thought the company." Y/N started as Wanda shook her head. A small smile on her lips.
"You will always come before the company." Wanda caressed her cheek as Y/N smiled, leaning down and claiming her lips with her own. Her hands soon wrapped around Wanda's waist, pulling her impossibly closer, causing a moan to escape Wanda as she felt the toy concealed within the confines of Y/N's dress pants. "Fuck, are you packing?" She questioned with a raised brow as Y/N just smirked, her hands trailing along Wanda's waist, pulling her blouse out of her skirt. Wanda's hands started to undo Y/N's blouse as they sloppily kissed roughly. Y/N had Wanda on her knees in no time, groaning at the sight of her red painted lips around the silicone toy.
"Fuck. You look so pretty on your knees for me." Y/N groaned as she gripped Wanda's hair, thrusting her hips into Wanda's face. "The great Wanda Maximoff on her knees, my little cock slut." Wanda moaned at her words, her cheeks flushed and her arousal dripping down her thighs. She whimpered as Y/N pulled her hair, pulling her away from the strap, the saliva leaving a string behind as Y/N brought her to her feet. "Face the window." Y/N ordered as Wanda was quick to do as she told. Spreading her legs as she looked over the busy city below, people rushed to and from lunch breaks as she stood bare against the cool glass. Her nipplea hardened against the glass as she moaned as Y/N slapped her ass before massaging it. "Such a good girl." Y/N bit her ear as she teased her with the strap. "Give everyone a good show, I want everyone to see how good I make you feel." Wanda moaned as the toy slipped past her entrance, Y/N's hands on her hips helping her remain steady as her hands were flat against the glass.
"Oh." Wanda moaned as Y/N snapped her hips, the toy moving out and leaving just the tip inside before thrusting harshly once more.
"Keep your eyes open." Y/N told her as she groaned, fastening her pace as she fucked her. The sound of Wanda's moans and the squelching of her arousal was music to her ears, her now favorite song. "Fuck. You take me so well Wanda." She went harder with each thrust, her fingertips bruising the skin on Wanda's hips. Neither caring for the people in the neighbouring skyscraper having a show. "You have no idea what you do to me." She groaned as she pressed her body up against Wanda's. The heat building between the two as Wanda's orgasm neared.
"I need to cum." Wanda whispered as Y/N grunted at her small tone. "Please let me cum." She pleaded as Y/N's head moved into her neck, licking and biting the skin.
"Let go for me." She whispered as she pressed tender kisses to Wanda's skin. A loud moan left her lips as she came, just in time for her machine to pick up a call.
"Miss Maximoff, the twins school had called, they need to see you asap."
"Fuck." Wanda whimpered as Y/N pulled out, Wanda was quick to gather her clothes, throwing Y/N a blouse, not bothering to see who's it was. "I have to go." Wanda said as she fixed her hair. "But I need you to stay here." She reached inside her desk drawer, a set of handcuffs as she pushed Y/N to sit on her chair, putting the handcuffs on her wrist as she handcuffed her to the chair.
"What?" Y/N tried. "Wanda, what if someone walks in and sees me? I am practically nude with a strap!! And I am wearing your blouse because it is abnormally tight!!"
"Please Y/N." She pleaded as she fixed herself. "Here, I'll be back as soon as I can." She places Y/N's jacket on her lap before placing the keys on the shelf above the bourbon. Y/N groaned as she walked out, leaving Y/N alone and handcuffed to the chair.
"Fuck." Y/N mumbled as she tried to wriggle free, hoping to break the plastic arm rest. Soon giving up and counting the ceiling tiles above. As an uncertain amount of time past, Y/N was left feeling uncomfortable. Soon the phone rang and it was Wanda's voice.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, Billy had a fall and I am currently at the hospital with him." She spoke in a hushed voice. "I know I said I wouldn't be long but we are just waiting for the x-ray results. I'll see you soon." Y/N slammed her head on the desk with a tired groan, closing her eyes for a brief moment, only to look up like a deer in headlights at the sound of keys in the door.
"Oh, I am so happy to see you." Y/N smiled as she saw Nat walk in with some files.
"What are you doing here?" She questioned as she hurriedly closed the door.
"Well, Wanda and I have been having sex, for months." Y/N told her. "And we have obviously had sex earlier and now I am handcuffed to this bloody chair." Y/N gradually raised her voice as she spoke, shaking the chair with her whole body. "But." She took a breath to calm down. "The key is just above the bourbon, so if you would please uncuff me so I can get dressed."
"Y/N." Nat shook her head, an unsure look in her eye. "Wanda will be expecting you as such." She gestured to her posture. "And I can't afford to lose my job because I actually like working here. Without the sex part."
"Come on!" Y/N pleaded as she moved from around the desk, her jacket falling from her lap.
"Oh come on!" Nat covered her eyes as she spotted the arousal stained strap on. "Wheel yourself back."
"Please Nat." Y/N pleaded. "I will buy you anything."
"I need a new Nintendo Switch." She told her. "Yelena borrowed mine and we both know that I will not be getting it back."
"Sold! Now get me free." Y/N told her as Nat moved to get the key.
"So, those nights you had someone in your bedroom, that was Wanda. Our boss?" She questioned as Y/N nodded.
"Yes it was." She answered. "Now please let me out of here!" She begged. "This shirt is unbelievably tight and these cuffs are starting to hurt me."
"You and Wanda do have the same style, which is weird." Nat admitted as she approached her. "But she did look much better in a looser blouse."
"Don't you dare." Y/N snarled. "She is mine." Nat just giggled as she undone one of the cuffs, Y/N massaged their wrist before the door soon opened.
"Nat? What are you?" Wanda rambled as she looked between the two.
"I know about the two of you." Nat told her. "But please don't fire me. I can't live off of Y/N's paycheck."
"Can you sit with Billy, he's just outside at your desk." Wanda asked as Nat nodded, closing the door behind her.
"She took the key." Y/N pointed out, just a moment later, Nat opened the door slightly and handed Wanda the key. "How is Billy?" Y/N asked her as she undone the other.
"He is fine, he has a hairline fracture so nothing too serious." Wanda told her as Y/N bent down to put on her pants, soon hearing the blouse tearing causing Wanda to giggle. "I think we need to wear different blouses."
"You think?" Y/N asked with a raised brow.
"It's not my fault you are buff." Wanda squeezed her biceps as she looked up in Y/N's eyes. "But it is a bonus to have strong arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe."
"I'll always keep you safe." Y/N kissed her softly as she grabbed her jacket. "Luckily I have a spare in my office." Y/N approached the door, hand resting on the handle as Wanda spoke.
"I think I love you." She told her, a smile formed on Y/N's face before she turned around to Wanda, approaching her and kissing her softly before pulling away and looking in her eyes.
"I think I love you too." She smiled before kissing her once more before she left the office. Wanda smiled as her heart swelled at the growing love between the two of them. Love comes to us all at different times of our lives, the journey we take to find the one who makes your heartbeat rapidly and your smile grow impossibly bigger. Wanda has finally found that love in the woman who works alongside her.
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