#wanted misc
columboscreens · 1 year
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tyxaar · 5 months
A compiled list of various severe crimes committed by one Mr Scar of the Good Times, exact counts pending. Cannibalism (Multiple counts) War profiteering Trading of Souls Grave robbing Fraud of multiple varieties Racketeering Arson (Like a lot of it) Unethical experimentation Acts of Terror Spiritual possession Contract killing Sale of human remains Ritual sacrifice Oathbreaking Violation of the real life Geneva Convention Deceptive marketing Kidnapping Desecration of a sacred place Whatever tf Area 77 had going on Insider trading Extortion Patricide Matricide Unsafe building practices Holy war Desecration of corpses Market manipulation Treason Tax evasion Murder (Lots and lots) Large-scale extreme vandalism Mass enviromental destruction Political corruption Identity fraud
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galedekarios · 3 months
gale's mossy beard bug fix
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if you have a problem with gale's beard looking mossy in the game (which is a known bug since at least patch 3 or 4), you can do the following to resolve it:
go to your nvidia control panel or your graphic card equivalent
go to manage 3d settings
set the anisotropic filtering to x16
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seabeck · 11 months
What's the professional way to say "I love sorting things bc of the 'tism"
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betweenlands · 1 month
i need you all to listen to me. you know how youtube will sometimes randomly recommend videos with like, 58 views? sometimes the stars align and the fucked up algorithm does something right.
go out there and watch a smaller mcyter. sub-100k at the bare minimum, but ideally under 10k and even more ideally under 1000 subs. bonus points if they have in the low 100s to under 100 subscribers. watch whatever video you got recommended. watch another of theirs if you vibe with it. pick a specific series of theirs that you really like. subscribe to them.
now. this is really important. leave comments on the video or series you like. do a running gag if it helps remind you to comment. and more important than that: pick a story they're telling and engage with it. draw silly fanart even if you don't have any place to share it with them. write a tiny little story and keep it all to yourself. hype them up to your friends. get excited about this person's videos. if they do have a discord or whatever, send fanart, get involved in their community, et cetera, just --
i cannot stress enough how good it feels to have at least one tiny niche thing that's your special thing. it rules. the more you can get the better, in all honesty it doesn't even have to be an mcyter it could be an itch.io visual novel or something, just pick something obscure you stumble onto and hold it close and let it tell its story.
there will always be something there.
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musubiki · 2 months
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more timeskip mochi outfits and doodles 🐈‍⬛
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purble-gaymer · 6 months
simple thoughts on meta knight and gender euphoria
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show-tunes · 5 months
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I have a lot of scatterbrained design notes for each of them but generally I wanted them to look similar to their original designs but with different themes. I also imagine that they have the same inscribing tools as their original counterparts but just use them differently (i.e. Magnificus paints animals, Leshy takes pictures of people as they're dying/about to die, I'm not sure what the magic equivalent for P03 would be besides maybe a spellbook that copies the essence of things, and Grimora's quill would either "write" code or write directly onto the hardware of robots).
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danandphilcatboys · 5 months
not to be that person but dan and phil in this video give off MARRIED energy (not that they didn't before it's just the vibes are EXTRA strong here) cause like what do you mean they facetime each other ? what do you mean dan sends countless selfies to phil when he's away ?? what do you mean dan fell asleep with phil's glasses on and HOW and WHY ??? what do you mean dan burned himself from the shower in the hotel and phil CALLED HIS MUM ???? what do you mean dan went to the same place in sweden that phil has been to a million years ago and EVEN ordered THE SAME THING ?????
(literally lord if you're reading this i am so tired can i just have a piece of what they have pretty please i am so lonely)
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wondercircuit · 5 months
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Lance and Seb doing the Aston Martin x 007 Lego DB5 challenge 2021 ft. banter, Seb dragging Lance's Lego build and Lance getting defensive.
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megumimania · 6 days
FEELINGS — art donaldson.
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art never took losing well.
it always left him with pent up anger and frustration that he often took out on the poor rackets after each game, not stopping until the racket was a splintered, wiry mess.
but that all changed when he met you.
you were knowledgeable about tennis without having played a single game, giving pointers when needed. whilst many dismissed your tips due to their sheer arrogance and over confidence, art heard you out and eventually incorporated your tips into his games.
tennis to art was akin to a reflex, his style embodying the meticulousness and the grace of an ice skater or a swan. his tennis was enthralling to watch as he exuded a powerful gracefulness with every serve and every shot.
that’s probably why he took the losses so personally because in a sense by losing his matches he was letting you down, no matter how many times you reassured him that it was nothing of the sort.
“are you mad at me?” he opened his eyes, his gaze already meeting yours as you gently stroked his hair.
this was the art only you got to see.
doubtful, weak, soft—a world away from the stoic, focused man that was affectionately known by the media and everyone on the court as the lovechild of roger federer and novak djokovic or the future of tennis.
“no.” you replied and you meant it. you saw how the immense pressure of being great got to him, it corroded away at his innards, leaving him an empty vessel solely primed for tennis.
it was times like this that he was grateful for you. your humanity. your love. your heart.
it’s what kept him from dropping everything and deciding to live out the rest of his years off his winnings and sponsorships. the idea was always there but the fast paced nature of the tennis world never allowed it to be pondered for a single second.
maybe it was always supposed to be that way.
a mere thought.
he placed a chaste kiss on the back of your hand, rubbing it softly. “thank you.” he said, the words carrying more weight than he had expected. your gentle touches soothing him.
“for what?” you asked and in that moment art’s mind went blank. it wasn’t that you didn’t do a lot for him—you did.
but it was so hard to encompass all of that into a sentence. you deserved more than these half thought out declarations of love.
art was a man of few words and he was going to honour that. he took a shaky deep breath before looking at you with a small smile on his face.
“for everything.”
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ninjastar107 · 1 month
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A small break from the classic style to one more regular to me.
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pisscord · 8 days
sick obi-wan asks for a bucket and poor unsuspecting cody hands over his helmet on auto-pilot because “bucket”. pain and suffering follows, someone gets a holo of the direct aftermath and rex never lets him live it down. the bucket gets spaced.
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bytedykes · 2 months
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[ID: Digital art of disciples Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe. They're sitting together, Binghe with his face tucked into Yingying's neck. He's clutching her robes and she has her arms wrapped around him, one hand holding the back of his head. Binghe's face isn't visible, but Yingying has an unhappy expression - a slight frown, perhaps guilty. They're loosely shaded with a watercolor brush, and there's some bamboo drawn behind Yingying. Above them, the word "comfort" is written in quotes. /end ID]
do u ever think about the original ning yingying and luo binghe. because i do
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
Belphegor keeps his pain buried so deep, even he isn't fully aware of it. An undercurrent forever replaying the moment his sister died, as he watched her bleed from his place of safety in his twin's arms. The endless scream that lingers beneath his soul, the one that started as he fell and saw his brothers fall beside him. The heartbreaking howl that pierced high above it all when he felt his fingers close around your throat.
It's easy to act like he doesn't care. He holds it all in and sleeps it all away, never confronting the guilt, the shame, the confusion. It's better that way. His brothers will look after him still. They wake him up when he falls asleep at school or dinner, they carry him to his bed when he's dozed off somewhere unusual.
And you… you seem to think that his pact is enough. That he belongs to you now in a way that makes up for what he did to you. You could forgive him over and over again, but that can't change the way he shoves everything aside. Nobody ever bothered to ask him if he forgave himself.
It still surprises him sometimes, when you smile at him. When you take his hand as if that hand never hurt you. The most unexpected moments when you fall asleep in his arms, cozy and safe.
How could you ever trust him again? How can he trust himself with you?
Belphie loves you so much it hurts. It's like a tangled heartbeat that thuds through every other sound of suffering that's always pulsing through his fallen soul.
He knows he can never take back what he's already done. And he also knows he can never give up the way your love seems to fight for him inside himself, beating back every memory, every hurt, every nightmare.
The truth of his past will always be there, waiting to overtake him, to force him into a slumber that will help him forget. And yet Belphie finds that he can put it off a little longer than he used to. He would rather be awake with you because every time you say his name, a tiny piece of that pain heals.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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musubiki · 5 months
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cat-shaped bow came to me in a dream
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