#wants me to watch wipeout again
cathers-world · 9 months
Wilbur NSFW alphabet
Warnings:NSFW (duh)
Not proof read!
A: After care
So sweet will cuddle you give you kisses gets water makes sure you use the bathroom<3
B: Belt
I SAID IT ONCE ILL SAY IT AGAIN (and maybe write a one shot about it) he will spank you with his belt and if your bad spank you on your clit
C: Cum
loves loves LOVES cumming in you likes watching his cum drip out your pussy AND WHEN YOU SWALLOW IT UGH
D: degration
Will call you his pretty little slut, whore, doll, and cum slut, things like that
E: expedition
Will take you anywhere but would rather your house/apartment
F: Face fucking
100% will make you faint by shoving his dick down your throw for too long, also because he has his weird taste thing if your self conscious about like “tasting bad” he would feel bad that you felt that and he wouldn’t really care about what you tasted like he just wants to eat AHHAAHHA
G: glutton
HEHEHEH like the other he would go DOWN just eat you up like a little cupcake
H: Hair
This is a silly one but I’ve also said this but pushing his hair out of the way as he’s rearranging your guts and just seeing his big ass four head-
I: intimacy
I feel like he would wanna go out for a little bit till you guys fuck
J: jiggle
HE WOULD LOVE CHUBBY GIRLS (I’m DEFINITELY not chubby and biased) but like seeing you cubby bouncing just AHHH
K: Kitten
This is a me directed thing, if you couldn’t tell by my user name my full names Catherine and so I sometimes go by Cat and just like him calling me kitty/kitten<<<<333
L: Length
He’s long have you seen the Tom Simon’s total wipeout vlog LIKE OMG FUCK ME TILL I CANT BREATHE
M: Minutes
I feel like the longest would be 1 hour because he doesn’t wanna hurt you
N: Neck
O: Outside
Like I said he likes the privacy of your own home, but like if you had a garden-
P: Punishment
Like I said belt, but this is a little dark but like waterboarding- idk just him filling up the sink pushing your head down in the water and fucking you
Q: bitch tf starts with Q
R: Ruin
Would have a Ruin kink I don’t remember what it’s called but you know what I mean
S: Spit
On your body in your mouth on your pus-
T: Teeth
Will bite your neck and maybe clit
U: Uncut
… yeah
V: Vagina
He loves yours<3
W: Whimpering
I don’t know what to do the the last three (sorry)
Hope you liked it
Feel free to send in requests!!!
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yesimwriting · 1 year
One of Them
A/n Just a little thing I wrote up that’s set up to have a part 2. This is inspired by the scene where Ethan talks about being excited to kill Chad,, but this is more of a set up and in part 2 we’ll see that lol
Summary: Ethan picks the worst time to develop a crush on one of the core four’s best friends. Especially when said best friend has been spending extra time around Chad. 
You swear you can feel the base of the music vibrating in your chest. Thump. Thump. Maybe it’s shifting the beat of your heart to match. Or maybe you should stop refilling the red solo cup in your hand before you can piece together how you downed it. 
Halloween weekend and a fraternity. Dangerous enough combination.
Blinking hard, you force your eyes to focus. You may not be sober, but at least you’re not so drunk you think you’re invincible. A bar some of your friends have surpassed...Tara brushed past you and barely mumbled a ‘sorry, getting more beer, you want anything?’ If you had felt any better, you might have told her to slow down.
When your vision refocuses, your eyes land on a familiar figure. Chad. It only takes you another second to find Ethan right next to him. Chad looks up and waves you over. 
Ah. The realization that you’re about to be around Ethan again makes you down the last of what’s in your cup. So much for pacing yourself for the rest of the night.
You walk over casually. Unfortunately for you, the rush of additional alcohol paired with the toxic waste zone that is the ground of the fraternity makes your shoes lose traction just as you lose balance. You slip. 
“Woah...” Chad’s hand is warm and steady on your waste as he saves you from a total wipeout. “You might want to mix in some water between the shots those sorority girls keep getting you to do.”
Normally, you’d feel awkward, but Chad’s so inherently nice it doesn’t come. Sure, the alcohol’s helping, but at least half of your sense of ease comes from him. You half grin. “Where’s the fun in that?” Chad doesn’t let go of you until you’re clearly stable. “Kidding. I promise I’m trying to ease up.” 
He briefly raises his eyebrows like he doesn’t quite believe you. “Sure.” 
“You’re one to talk, Ethan and you have been drinking since before we got here.”
“It’s called pregaming.” 
Ethan tilts his head slightly, “For the record, I don’t mind watching you take shots with the sisters of whatever those Greek letters were.” 
There’s something almost comical, almost suggestive about his words. You’re too out of it to fully follow. “Yeah? You looking for a member of Kappa Kappa whatever Elle Woods was in?” 
Ethan blinks, parts his lips, and then halfheartedly drops his head. Is he...flustered? The display is oddly cute and you nearly laugh. 
Chad warmly bumps Ethan’s shoulder with his hand. “Nah, my boy Ethan’s looking for...” A brief trail off that once again, you think you’d be able to get if it wasn’t for all you had to drink. “Something else.” 
The spirit of over drinking must possess you, because you grin and ask, “Yeah? You more the settling down type?” It’s not violently bold, but it’s more than you usually give. More than you would have gone for if you had been more sober. You laugh to cover your regret. “That was um...more vodka than me.” You shake your head once as if that will reset the conversation. “Oh. Speaking of settling down, Chad I um...” 
You freeze, wondering if you said too much. Chad has taken to having a roommate well. He drags Ethan along and pushes him out of his comfort zone in a way that you think is good for him. You also think Ethan is good for keeping Chad a little stable. You know they’re friendly, friendlier than Ethan is with anyone else, but you don’t know if they’re close enough to talk about crushes. More specifically, the crush Chad has on Tara. The one you’ve been trying to help him think of a good way to confess because he labeled you the ‘Tara expert’ since the two of you became such fast friends.
“The project.” Nice. It was nowhere near subtle and you can’t help shooting a glance in Ethan’s direction to see that if he picked up on it. Ah--too late to keep going. “I have something that--that has to do with it that we--that I need to show you.”
Chad’s eyebrows draw together but eventually realization draws in. “Oh...yeah, I should go see what that project thing’s about.” It’s a faulty exit, but it’s not like you’ve given him much to work with. 
The alcohol turns in your stomach at Ethan’s flat expression. That was kind of an asshole move, like you’re trying to purposefully leave him out when you just didn’t want to out your friend. Chad trusted you with a secret that’s a bigger deal than it seems. Liking Tara isn’t as casual as liking anyone else because of how bonded their friend group is. The four of them need each other. It’s a situation much too delicate for an unsober you to insert yourself in.
“Hey, Ethan.” You’re already walking forward, feeling nervous about the Tara situation. You should have gotten to this faster. You didn’t like the frat guy she was with. “We’re still on for tomorrow? Studying?” 
His head tilts and you briefly wonder if you’ve somehow more awkward. “Uh--I’m not sure you’re going to be up for econ homework tomorrow.” 
“That’s okay,” you hum easily, “I’ll call you and we can figure it out, even if it’s just getting hangover food together.” 
Ethan’s confusion slowly morphs into what’s almost a smile. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll call you.”
You don’t have a way to justify how excited that makes you. Maybe it’s the alcohol. You really hope it’s the alcohol that’s making you grin like a little kid. “Cool.” 
Someone steps froward, accidentally bumping into you and reminding you of the setting. Right. Party. Tara. Weird frat guy. Chad. You turn your head and grab on to Chad’s arm to stay stable. “C’mon, we need to find Tara. Serious SOS.” 
The world shared in your chaos for a brief second. Some frat guy grabbed Tara too harshly, Chad got him to back off, and Sam burst in and tased the guy. Everyone pulled out their phones and then all it took was one reddit loser to recognize Sam. They’re all trying to leave and you’re half stranded on a couch that’s weirdly damp because you’re not sure you can still move. 
“I know you don’t want to be here but we can’t just leave her!” You hear that from somewhere behind you. Tara. 
Sam begrudgingly sighs. “I--I didn’t say we should leave her!” 
You want to defend her, the words angling themselves on your tongue. They never come out. Your eyelids are too heavy and your bones have sunken too far into the couch. Sam isn’t the kind of person to leave a friend on a sticky couch when they’re too far gone to even fully lift their head, but the reality of it all doesn’t feel relevant. 
Maybe she would leave you. Maybe they’d both come around to that. It’s not like you’re their sister or a part of their little...survivor inner circle. 
God, that’s a fucked up thing to think, even in the state you’re in, but you can’t help it. The impulse is always there. That doubt. You know why they’re all so close and there’s no way you’re jealous about what they’ve experienced but sometimes being around and knowing that there’s a distinction is hard. Especially because they’re the only people you care about. Maybe that’s why you try so hard with Ethan. You know what it’s like to be a part of it and separate all at once. 
“I can take her.” Another voice, a newer, softer voice. Almost hesitant. Ethan. “To the apartment, make sure she gets there okay.”
"I think we should just do it,” Tara mumbles, “We have to go home anyway.” 
There’s a beat of silence and then Chad says, “It’ll be easier if we send them ahead...you two seem too tense to be be dealing with her right now.”
Ugh. Dealing with. You turn your head in an attempt to lift it off the couch. It briefly works before you slump down again. “Hey.” 
“Said with love, you’re a free spirit.” 
You try again, and this time it’s a little more successful. “’Free spirit’ is what you called that girl that offered to blow you in the bathroom.” 
He sighs. “Don’t be difficult.” 
“Okay,” Sam interjects, because she knows how you and Chad get when you start bickering, “Ethan can take her, I think we need to take a second to talk about--” 
“Whatever,” Tara sighs, already walking away. She turns her head to look at Ethan, “If she’s not safe in bed by the time I get home I will fuck you up.” Sam and Chad throw her a look. “What? It’s not like we’ve known him forever.” 
You stumble into your room with an overwhelming awareness of how much you love the space. You were the last one to join the apartment, not starting school during the summer session and not finding the online roommate wanted ad before Quinn, but it feels like you could have lived a lifetime here already.
“We made it.” 
Ethan’s arm is still around your shoulders. He pulled you close to him after a stranger on the street looked at your Halloween costume a little too long and tried to talk to you. The whole thing had been awkward as the stranger kept calling after you and for a brief second you could have sworn Ethan’s eyes lose all hint of their usual warmth. You didn’t think about it, assuming it was just one of those guy, testosterone things. It should have bothered you more. But it didn’t. You felt safe, secure as you leaned into him and his warmth.
“Barely.” It’s said half teasing as Ethan lets you go to sit on your bed. He leans forward and sets down the cardboard helmet he took off on your walk on your desk.
You pretend to be more offended than you feel, crossing over to your bed and sitting down next to him. “Don’t be rude.” Nudging his arm with your shoulder, you half laugh, “I was awesome with directions.” 
He leans his weight back on his forearm. “You were...awesome.” It’s half whispered, almost begrudging and a little shy. 
You grin openly, leaning a little closer to him to compensate for his quiet town. “Thanks for...walking me.”
Ethan watches you for a second, following your lead in shifting a little closer. Your foreheads are practically touching and you can feel the barely-there brush of his curls against your skin. “Why are you whispering?” 
Like he isn’t whispering back. “I don’t know. You started it.” 
He briefly smiles, an expression that he fights against poorly. You’re left with the odd feeling that you’re winning even though you can’t figure out exactly what the game is. “I started it?” 
“Don’t try to confuse me just because I had more to drink than you.”
He holds his hands up in defense briefly before setting them down closer than they were before. His palm is flat against the back of yours. It’s so warm and certain, so much more soothing than the state you’re in. You’re still buzzed, because you turn over your hand slowly, half scared that a too sharp move will ruin all of this. Ethan lets you. He also lets you fit your fingers between his. 
For a second, you two just sit there in silence, hands loosely held together. The sound of your door being thrown open instantly turns the whole thing into something a lot larger. You don’t know why, but everything about the situation burns beyond a comfortable warmth and into something uncomfortably scorching. You push yourself to the edge of your bed and make a point of squeezing your hands on your lap as you turn to face the door. 
Tara’s standing there, leaning against the doorframe. Her expression morphs from nearly blank with shock to a much more straightforward concern. “You...” She drops her gaze to the new space between you and Ethan. “...Guys need to see the news.” 
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 24!!
my internet has it out for me personally I swear 🙃
The Bad Batch 2x04
Omega vs Wrecker 🥰 "now you owe me 2 cartons of mantell mix" they're adorable
Hunter and Echo on their door dash mission lol
when Hunter and Echo are away Tech is the designated dad hehe
Tech dramatic sigh count: 4921
Omega and Wrecker are so happy to see the riot racing 😁😁
"you wanna challenge TAY0? Tech: sure why not
"spectacled spectator" 😂
Ciddarin scaleback now I know what to put on the wanted poster
Tech and Wrecker stepping up to protect Omega 👌
Millegi giving me jedi fallen order flashbacks 👀
Jet Venim is a cool name actually
"Safa Toma Speedway is not liable for any injury, death or disintegration" Tech Wrecker and Omega: 😳😳😳 y'all I had to take a photo of Tech's face so excuse the phone pic lmao
"whats wrong with the left tunnel?" it's a surprise tool that will help us later
TAY0 crashes, Tech "this speeder is in bad shape" = "where there's a farm, there's usually a farmer" 💀
Tech and Wrecker slowly reaching for their weapons 👌
Omega is the mediator 🙌
"they're gonna hurt cid if we do nothing" GOOD
Wrecker taught her to gamble 💕
TAY0 "😯 where are my arms and legs" bro Wrecker's got them chill
Techs so done 💀 his face when TAY0 tries to tell him how to fix him lmaooooo
THANK YOU TECH !! Cid is a problematic pattern
bro Millegi is right I'd be trusting him 🙌
"I might surprise you" kriff off Cid
Tech is smarter than this droid 100%
oop wipeout 🤭
Wrecker ready to thrash the driver 😂
Tech 🤔
I'm cheering for him 🥳
lmao is this race televised on other planets ??? can you imagine like Cody or someone just watching the race and seeing Tech like that Leo DiCaprio meme 💀
The Kiner siblings went so hard fr 👑
Tech: "Its called strategy" Wrecker: 'its called losing" bro 😂😂
sometimes I play this soundtrack in my car and it feels like I go faster lmao (don't speed 👀)
"I need more speed" iconic 👑
"the speeder can't make that jump" Tech really said challenge accepted
Phee is so right he has such pretty eyes I'm smooching the animators again 😘
"I thought you were a goner" BUT HE'S NOT SEE FORESHADOWING 👀
"I'll make it up to ya" I am infuriated 😡
"watch your backs" yo take his advice he has nothing to gain from lying to you
ayyy our boy is gonna become a professional mario kart player living happily ever after on pabu am I right
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harringtonstilinski · 2 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Four: The Bite
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,200 Warnings: angst, mention of el's leg, not-so-bathroom scene with steve & robin (you'll see what i mean, lol) Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! The gang's back together!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Somehow, we got Robin and Steve in the back of the cart, Dustin and Erica sitting up front while I drove. I guess I hit a turn too sharply because I heard Steve slur, “Jesus, babe, slow down.”
“Do you want to make it out of here alive or not?” I asked.
“What is this, like, the Indy 500?” Robin slurred.
I guess we’re gonna be hearing them slur from here on out.
“It’s the Indy 300,” Steve said.
“No, dingus, it’s 500,” Robin corrected.
“It’s 300!”
“Let’s say… a million.”
They both started laughing as I quickly closed my eyes with a sigh. Guess I was going to have to use some tactics on them like I did with Steve when he smoked.
“What is wrong with them?” Erica asked.
“I don’t know,” Dustin said.
“Best to say they were drugged with some… kind of drug,” I said, looking at my brother and Erica. “Fuck, I don’t know! I just want to get the hell out of here!”
“Olivia, watch out!” Erica said.
I looked in front of me, screaming as I hit the brake while crashing into some metal barrels. Hearing groans coming from Steve and Robin behind me, I turned my head a little and asked, “You guys alright back there?”
All I received were groans in response. Turning back to Erica and Dustin, I frowned and said, “They’ll be fine,” before getting out of the vehicle. 
Erica, my brother and I rushed to the back, opening the back door, seeing Steve and Robin sitting against the grate. 
“Come on, let’s go,” I said, Erica and Dustin joining me in urging the two other teens out of the back of this thing.
Pulling Steve out first, I said to Dustin, “Take that keycard and unlock the elevator. See if it works.”
“Here goes nothing,” he said, a few seconds later.
“This sucks!” Steve said. 
“Yeah, well, you got drugged,” I said, putting his arm over my shoulders, struggling to keep him up. “God, how do I do this when you’re drunk?”
“You’re normally drunk with me,” he said, booping my nose.
Swatting his hand away, I muttered, “Stop that,” as I walked him inside the elevator. Once we got inside, I set Steve up on a table, urging the other three inside.
Dustin hit the button to go up, and I guess Robin and Steve decided it would be fun to surf on a rolling pallet.
“Hey! You look like you’re-” Robin started, Steve saying, “Surfing!” with her.
Erica tapped me on the shoulder, saying, “They seem drunk.”
“Why would they be drunk?” Dustin said.
“No, they’re not drunk,” I said, arms crossed over my chest.
“I’m a natural,” Steve said. “Babe, check this out!”
Robin pulled the pallet away from him, holding her hands out while chuckling, “Wipeout!”
They were both laughing while I bent down next to Steve, Dustin following my lead and putting his hand on Steve’s forehead before saying, “He’s burning up.”
“You’re burning up,” Steve retorted.
“Oh, my god,” I said. “Steve, shut up.”
“Check his eyes,” Dustin said. 
Sighing, I said, “I don’t need to check his eyes.”
“Why? His pupils are super dilated. Even I can see that from here.”
“Yeah, I saw his eyes after I cut the bonds, dumbass! Besides… they’re drugged.”
Steve put his fingertip to my nose, saying, “Boop.”
“Don’t boop my nose,” I said.
“Steve, are you drugged?” Dustin asked.
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana,” Steve said.
“Baby, this isn’t funny, okay,” I said. “We need to know what they did to you. I need to know if you’re going to die on me.”
Reaching up with his finger again, Steve booped my nose, laughing. 
“We all die, my awesome teenage friend,” Robin said. “It’s just a matter of how… and when.”
Looking from Robin back to Steve, I asked, “Where did you park your car? Because they’re going to be looking for us up there, and I don’t really feel like dying at 19, okay?”
“We’re 19?” Steve asked.
“Oh, for the love of god,” I breathed, dropping my chin to meet my chest.
“Can we make a pit stop at the food court?” Steve asked.
“I would kill for a hotdog on a stick,” Robin said.
“Ooh!” Steve uttered.
Picking my head up, I exclaimed, “Yes, we can make a freaking pit stop! But only if you tell me where your car is parked, high off his ass boyfriend of mine!”
“Uh-oh?” Dustin and I asked.
“The car’s off the board.”
“They took the keys. The Russians, they took the keys,” Steve said, turning out his pockets. “Like, forever ago.”
I sighed, exasperatedly, while hanging my head again, Robin and Steve both laughing. Smiling at me, Steve said, “That’s a bummer, right?”
When the elevator made it back to its top stop and the door opened, we all piled out, the two high off their asses Scoops employees enjoying the outside air… while trying to eat it. 
“Steve, can you taste the air?” Robin asked.
“I taste it! I taste it!” he answered.
“Shit,” I said, spotting two more guards coming through a gate in front of us. Turning around, I ran for Steve, grabbing his hand while saying, “Come on!” and heading for the pair of doors to our left.
“Why are we running?” he asked, Robin laughing while Dustin and Erica ushered her in before they, too, were inside the back of the mall.
“Where are we going?” someone asked.
“Just trust me!” I said, spotting a door at the end of the hall. I stuck my head out, seeing we were in the theater part of the mall, pulling Steve in the hallway while gesturing for Dustin, Erica and Robin to follow, turning to my first left.
Steve grabbed a bag of discarded popcorn on our way in, Back to the Future playing on the screen.
“What did I tell you? 88 miles per hour!”
I groaned quietly, and turned towards Steve. “I wanna see this movie so bad! You’re bringing me when all this is over.”
“Come on,” Dustin said, leading us all down the aisle to two empty seats, where we sat Steve and Robin.
“For the love of god, don’t move,” I said.
“These seats blow,” Steve said.
“Then don’t watch it.”
“We wanna watch it,” Robin said.
“Then watch it!” Dustin said.
Some guy shushed us, so I shushed him right back.
“Whatever you do, do. not. move,” I repeated.
“Fine, mom,” Steve said.
I shook my head, moving down the front aisle to sit an empty seat. Dustin sat on the floor in front of me, Erica beside me. Tapping Dustin on the shoulder, I said, “Remind me to never have kids.”
“Not even with Steve?” he asked.
I thought about it for a moment before I leaned back in my seat. “This is so not how I wanted to watch this movie with Steve.”
“What are we doing here?” Erica asked, leaning closer to me.
“Laying low,” I said. “Cooling down.”
“Like Oswald,” Dustin added.
“Oswald was found dead in a theater and shot to death,” Erica said.
“Yeah,” I said. “A week later.”
“The point is, his plan didn’t work.”
“He was set up.”
“He was just a patsy,” Dustin said.
“Tell me he’s joking,” Erica said.
“You shh!” Looking around, Erica said, “We need to get out of here.”
“Alright, Dusty, you watch Tweedledee and Tweedledum,” I said. “Make sure they don’t move.”
“Where are you two going?” Dustin asked.
“To find us a ride.”
“You sit, I’ll go,” he said, getting up and taking the walkie from Erica’s bag and walking off.
I looked down at Steve and Robin, the former munching on the popcorn. Michael J. Fox’s voice brought my eyes back to the screen. 
“Are you telling me you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?”
A few minutes later, Dustin came back asking about Double A batteries. “Oh, my god,” I muttered. “What did we tell you about the batteries?”
“I guess we’ll have to go to Plan B.”
“What’s Plan B?” I asked.
I looked down at Dustin, seeing him looking at Robin and Steve… who weren’t in their seats. “Where… are… they?”
“Shit,” I whispered, getting up from my seat, hearing their footsteps behind me. Once we reached the mall, I turned to them both and said, “We’re splitting up. I’ll check the bathrooms, you two check the food court.”
I didn’t wait for an answer as I ran towards the bathrooms, checking every single one before I stopped my hands from pushing open the ones we were standing by the entire time, hearing their voices.
“Have you ever been in love?” Robin asked.
“Yep. Twice,” Steve said.
“Who was the first?” 
“Nancy Wheeler,” he said. I closed my eyes, willing the tears to not make an appearance as he said, “First semester, Senior year.”
“Oh, my god. She’s such a priss.”
“Turns out, not really.” A single tear fell from my waterline as he slightly defended her.
“Are you still in love with Nancy?” 
“No.” “Why not?”
“Because I found someone better for me. Since Dustin’s been home, he’s been saying, you’ve found your Suzie, you’ve found your Suzie.”
“Wait, who’s Suzie?” Robin asked.
“Liv’s told me a little bit about her. It’s some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I’m not 100% sure she’s even real. But that’s not– that’s not really the point.”
“Who’s the second?”
It was silent for a moment before Steve said, “Olivia Frances Henderson. She’s amazing… been there for me since day one, knows all my secrets, knows how my homelife really is. There isn’t a single thing that she doesn’t know. Well, she doesn’t know one, but she will. Soon I hope. Once I became King of Hawkins High, we kind of… drifted apart for a while, but once we came back to each other, it was like… we never drifted. She was even there for me when Nancy broke up with me. She’s never once left my side since we… drifted back, I guess. 
“She hated my friends, but endured their presence for me. Especially Tommy H. and Carol. Liv always wanted to punch her in the face. I remember her being so excited for me when I was announced prom king, but flabbergasted when she won queen. She didn’t even want it.”
I smiled when Robin said, “Really?”
“Yeah,” Steve chuckled. “She hated being in the spotlight like that. Even when we walked the halls after…” He paused, not wanting to reveal the night he and I got together. He cleared his throat. “After Nance and I broke up. Liv and I were pretty quick to get together, but I think most people expected it because no one really talked about it. She’s always careful to say the word bullshit around me because of Nancy. 
“I never once compared her to Nance, not once. Liv’s everything she isn’t. Liv’s… been respectful these last eight months, she hasn’t rushed anything and we actually talk about things. It’s nice for a change. Like, I’m so in love with her, it’s ridiculous. I can see a future with her.
“And she’s freaking hilarious, always dropping dad jokes, saying the most random shit while we’re sitting in silence and it’s uncomfortable for her. I’ve laughed with her more than I have anyone else, besides you, of course. Liv’s way smarter than me, too. She used to help me with my homework. Because of her, I know what a hivemind is. She’s not anyone I’ve ever met before.”
I was full on silently sobbing at his words at this point. I didn’t know he felt that way. I mean, I felt the same way, but I wasn’t about to burst into the bathroom and tell him that. That was for a more intimate moment that I was dying to share with him.
Stepping back into the mall, I wiped my eyes, a smile on my face as I did so. Once this was all over, I was going to share that moment with Steve. I’ve been with one other guy, but it was only because of a stupid bet he had going with his buddies. Happened Sophomore year.
I turned around to make my way to the right when I crashed into a body that belonged to my little brother. 
Putting his hands on my shoulders, he asked, “Hey, you okay? Did you find Steve?”
Sniffling, I decided to lie to him. “No. I–I didn’t find them.”
Dustin went around me to the bathroom door, hearing Robin and Steve laughing about something. He, Erica and myself walked into the bathroom before Dustin said, “Okay. What the hell?”
“Damn, you sound like a parent,” I said. I went to the mirror to check my mascara, thanking the makeup gods that it didn’t smear. Seeing Steve approach behind me in the mirror, I smiled, turning to face him. Putting my arms around his neck, I breathed in deeply, feeling his arms go around my waist. “I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you, too,” he whispered back, leaning in to press his lips to mine in a sweet, loving kiss. 
“Hey, love birds!” Dustin said, breaking us apart. “You can suck face later. Right now, we have to blend in.” I rolled my eyes as he went to the door, slowly opening it, the four of us standing behind him before the five of us looked out of the door. “Okay. And… blend.”
We all walked out into the mall, Steve and I hand in hand, doing our best to blend in with the crowds that just came out of the theaters. 
“Well, shit that worked,” Erica said.
“ ‘Course it worked,” Dustin said. I could hear the smile on his face. “Now, we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come.”
“Uh, Hendersons?” Steve said.
“What?” Dustin and I said.
“Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house.”
Looking at Steve's profile, I asked, “What the hell did you do?”
“Well, I might’ve told them both of your full names.”
“What is wrong with you?” Dustin whisper-yelled.
“Dude, I was drugged.”
“Babe, you were supposed to resist,” I groaned.
“You tough it out,” Dustin said. “You tough it out like a man.”
“Oh, yeah, it’s easy for you to say,” Steve said. 
“You two fight like siblings,” I breathed.
“Guys?” Robin said after we rounded a corner, stopping us from walking any further.
We saw two Russian men talking with some people from the crowd, one of them looking in our direction. 
“Abort,” Dustin said, reaching back to grab my hand, the other man looking in our direction as well. “Abort. Abort.” We turned and started running back the way we came to the escalators, but they had that velvet thing in front of them, blocking anyone from using them.
“Shit,” I said. “Slide down the middle.”
Robin went first, then Erica, Dustin, myself and Steve at the end. Running toward Great Cookie, none of us stopped until we were all over the counter, hiding behind it. I tried quieting my breaths as I heard multiple guards, one of them saying something that I couldn’t understand.
It was quiet for about 15 or 30 seconds before we all jumped at the sound of the car alarm going off.  “Sweet shit,” I whispered, hearing the sound of the car crashing afterward.
Turning around, I placed my hands on the counter, pulling myself up and peaking over, seeing all the Russians dead on the floor, the hubcap spinning around until it ultimately stopped before we looked at where the car landed, the underside facing us.
Wanting to see how the car ended that way, I turned my head to the left, looking up and seeing El. Mike, Lucas, Max, Will, Nancy and Jonathan showing up behind her a few moments later.
“Fuck yes,” I whispered, a smile on a my face. 
Leaping over the counter of Great Cookie, I made my way towards their group, immediately going to hug El as Dustin said, “You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!”
Embracing El, I let my tears flow, happy to see her. “I’m so happy to see you!” I voiced. Pulling back, I smiled at her before wiping the blood from her nose, wiping it on my shorts. “That was awesome, El! I know that took a lot from you.”
Chuckling, she said, “It did. I’m happy to see you, too.”
“Ask them, it’s their fault,” Erica said, sassy as ever.
“Oh, yeah, blame it on us,” I said, keeping one arm on El, but turning to face Erica, the now twelve of us in a circle.
“It’s absolutely our fault,” Steve said.
“I don’t understand what happened to that car,” Robin said.
“El flung it with her mind,” I said, duh tone to my voice. “She has superpowers.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Superpowers,” Steve said. “She threw it with her mind. C’mon, catch up.”
“Basically what I just said,” I retorted. “And how long did it take for me to explain El to you last year?”
“That’s El?” Erica asked.
“Who’s El?” Robin asked.
“I’m sorry,” Nancy said. “Who are you?”
“No need to get snippy, Nance.” Me.
“I’m Robin, I work with Steve.” Robin.
“She cracked the top secret code.” Dustin.
“Which is how we found out about the Russians.” Steve.
“Russians?” Jonathan asked. “What Russians?”
Pointing behind us, I exclaimed, “The Russians!”
“Some of them,” Erica said.
“What are you talking about?” Lucas asked.
“Didn’t you hear our code red?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah.” Mike. “But I couldn’t understand half of what you were saying.”
“Goddamn low battery.”
“How many times do Liv and I have to tell you with the low battery?” Steve exclaimed.
“Yeah, well everything worked out, didn’t it?”
“We almost freaking died!” I exclaimed, feeling El move away from me.
“Yeah, but we didn’t.”
“But we almost did! It was pretty damn close.”
“Okay, Russians?” Lucas asked. “As in, they’re working for the Russian government?”
“What is it that you’re not comprehending?” Dustin asked.
“Is he not speaking English?” I asked.
“We have a full-blown Red Dawn situation.”
“So this has nothing to do with the gate?” Max asked.
“It’s got everything to do with the gate…,” I said, looking behind me at Eleven on the ground. “Holy shit.”
Mike was the first to jump into action, running to her and kneeling down by her side. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Erica asked.
“What’s wrong?” Mike asked, looking down at El.
“My leg, my leg,” El whimpered.
“Her leg, her leg, okay,” Jonathan said, taking the wrapped bandage from her leg.
Once her leg was visible, we all voiced our disgusts, tears springing to my eyes at seeing her leg looking like it was severely infected and… moving on the inside? It looked almost like a worm moving inside.
El screamed, and a tear slid down my cheek.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note: y'all ain't ready for next weeks chapter 😏
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 9, 2024
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dorizardthewizard · 6 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 7 - 9
Episode 7:
AGAIN they put the Shadows logo instead of the Pirates...
Well at least Mei is trying to be civil with D'jok and have a normal conversation
D'jok claiming he doesn't miss the Snow Kids >:(
I mean idk why they're tossing Mei up and down like that like, what are they celebrating XD
Aarch: We're far from ready for tonight's match, even against the Pirates!
Kinda rude they only show D'jok depressed over/ missing Mei. Surely he must miss the rest of the Snow Kids even if he won't show it? He literally ditched Mei in season 1 because Mice left, saying he's his only family apart from Maya, but now he just doesn't give a shit?
Did D'jok seriously just kiss Nikki-4 because he was reminded of Mei? Get this man some therapy
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I mean idk why you're upset Mei you are literally dating Sinedd. Although I wouldn't blame her if she assumed D'jok was only doing it to get back at her
ngl I prefer Artegor's hype speeches haha
What's with all the matches in season 3 having a goal being scored IN THE FIRST FEW SECONDS
Sorry I'm a Snow Kids supporter I swear
ooo they have Cyclops players in the Pirates team. The only chance for the Pirates to have a flux with them and be on the same level as the other teams, and they get the Cyclops. lol.
Wait, if the reason the Pirates couldn't use flux was because they're from different planets, then couldn't they use it now in this tournament? Or is it because they're all from Shiloh and it doesn't have a flux? I once read an idea somewhere that they didn't use flux because it can be tracked so they couldn't train with it, or maaaybe the Flux Society only let them play on the condition they don't use it, as their doings are a bit too opaque for their liking? Many questions.
I love Artie ditching his team to support Micro-Ice. Get you a hypeman like Artie, king shit <3
Corso kicking Artie out for potentially disturbing Sonny, they're so 💖 and in the next shot Corso is watching the TV anyway with his hands crossed like a dad LOL
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This is me btw
Why didn't Artie just go to the stadium from the start?
I love Rocket's penalty (free?) kicks so much <3 I'm sorry I don't actually know anything about football <333
Aaand Rocket's out. You guys should really have more subs. Or like, ANY subs
Gimme some Lun-Zeara action :( Y'know, just like the Rykers match, the match doesn't have to be a total wipeout to show that the winning team is good. I want the Wambas to at least put up more of a fight against Paradisia I mean, their flux is just a discount Breath anyway
I love the Pirate's acrobatic style of play, you just know these guys are parkour experts with all their running away from Technoid
Oooo that goal attempt was by red hair dude, nice to see someone else on the Pirates team strike. Hc he's twins with the goalkeeper, but where tf did their names in the wiki come from and why are they all so basic. Tbf they probably wouldn't reveal their real names anyway
Just realised there has been like zero development for Lun-Zia in terms of integrating with the team. She's from a completely different planet, they could have done so much with this but she just... fits in just like that? I know that later there's some stuff about her wanting to stay with the SK and learn the Breath but... it just feels weird to have none of that development when she actually joins the team
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Hahaha, that's not how physics works. The net is a loose material! At least in the previous seasons you could see it still spinning against the net and stretching it to its limits before falling
I love Callie accidentally showing her bias sometimes
Lun-Zia just doing cartwheels to celebrate, cute
DAN DAN DAAAAANNN... CYBORGS! Although the plot kind of treats them more like androids in the sense that they're not “real” humans
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> be me > girlfriend broke up with me by going to a different team > said ex girlfriend immediately gets with my nemesis > I leave for a new team, they're all hot girls and really strong players > turns out they're cyborgs > find out my dad is seriously injured and clinging on to life right after our first victory > they suspect the very coach I literally just started playing for > fml
Episode 8:
The Red Tigers?? When did they qualify???
Maddox why would you turn down the only chance of your team ever winning a match. Give them a flux player! Also, good feeling about the match?? Against the XENONS??? come on he can't be that naive
woah is that a new Technodroid theme song? Kinda slaps tbh
This match should be like 20-0 honestly
Fuck the Red Tigers <3 Warren, destroy them
Warren is just as surprised as I am, although honestly I have no idea how this development didn't get out to the press sooner. This is also so thrown in, you'd think there'd be more discussion or reaction on there being two Akillian teams in this tournament??
oooo seeing Warren's teleporting from his perspective is pretty cool
I was about to rant that there's no way Warren would be troubled by the Red Tigers, flux or not, but ok fair he has the resonance because of Netherball. He only played in one match though, and all the Lightnings are good players, the team doesn't just suddenly suck because Warren's having a bad day
The Xenons have a Cyclops? Ok then, would've been too OP otherwise haha
Y'know I feel like they could have done more with this whole mixed flux thing, like found more creative ways for the team members to work together. So far, nothing would change if the tournament was still single flux, well except Lun-Zia
HOW THE FUCK DID THE TECHNODROIDS EVEN SCORE A GOAL? Keeper must have gotten bored and taken a nap, fair enough
I like Warren's dignified little clap with the audience haha, he's a true champion
Not the Red Tiger's captain pushing WARREN. This is why no one likes you guys
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I'm not actually sure if that player is Woowamboo because I don't think they mention him by name, but I like to think they're bros! It's nice to see the new flux player get the spotlight and score a goal
Oooo teams we've never heard of before
I want to be at this beach party :( LOL even the Pirates are here
Rocket and Tia are so cute
Oh come on Lun-Zia you didn't really think you had a chance with Rocket? Wish they'd drop this drama and let Tia and Lun-Zia bond over something else. Last season Tia's arc also mostly revolved around Rocket so can we give her something else this time?
I like Zo-Leen just hanging with them now
Love how only some teams get the privilege of getting animated with casual clothes and not their football kits haha
Artie, after jumping an old guy that looks like Vega: we thought you were a woman!
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idk is Simbai really the only expert they can call? I mean I guess she might be renown in the field since she cured Aarch and Artegor of the Smog poisoning, but still. Aahh well since it's Sonny they probably don't have many options without alerting Technoid, that's gotta hurt
Episode 9:
Sinedd saying the Shadows will win bc they've always been a mixed flux team – I mean I guess mixed species but not flux as Sinedd had to learn the Smog. But also I'm gonna take the chance to give the Shadows points for inclusivity because they seemed to have no problem mixing the team up even before this tournament
I wonder if there was a taboo against that due to the flux wars not being that long ago, I mean the teams are already like our national football teams so most would only want to play for their planet, but it's gotta be even weirder if you switch teams and there are still tensions between your people. So this mixed flux tournament could have been a big political moment if the show explored that side more.
Ok the shading on the characters is bothering me, was it always so dark in the previous seasons? They look like they're always standing infront of a bright light.
Mark I really wouldn't trash talk Luur if I were you
Go Lun Zia!!
Guys do you think Luur would be popular with the monsterfuckers if Galactik Football were a more well known show. I mean look at his figure- (someone throws a grenade through my window)
D'JOK WHAT THE HELL, FOULING WARREN?! FUCKING WARREN YOUR IDOL WHO YOU HAVE NO BEEF WITH CURRENTLY???!!!! why are they making him do stuff like this just to drive home that he's being an ass and will learn from it like, people can be nuanced. You don't have to have him lash out at literally everyone he interacts with.
Warren: Real shame that football has come to this.
Ok this supports my theory from the Netherball episodes that Warren is obsessed with football and the integrity of the sport
wow that match ended quickly, considering how hyped up the Xenons were in the last season. I mean they played them in the finals! I wonder if season 3 split the matches like that so they wouldn't have to animate as much lol
oh I just realised D'jok is no longer number 9, he's 6. So his number upside down, heh, symbolism
Roasted by Warren, oof. This is the guy that got SINEDD to behave and work with D'jok in the All-Stars game last season, he commands that much respect from the young players but now D'jok is just being a jerk to him for no reason.
Artegor telling Aarch to try more warmth and less doom and gloom, that's hilarious
Vega's spy suit kinda slays tbh
Not Aarch realising he needs more of a social life outside of football 😭
“Last one back is a Cyclops!” THRAN THAT'S RACIST
OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE. FIRST MEI/D'JOK, THEN TIA/ROCKET, NOW FREAKING AARCH/ADIM HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE PLOT? I know it's a misunderstanding but like, what the hell. The romance drama is so bad in this season and I have a pretty low tolerance for that compared to other things like plotholes and whatever
How the fuck did Micro-Ice hear them talking from underwater
OK I like that it's Micro-Ice who gets suspicious of Paradisia with all the weird stuff going on, cute he goes up to Tia about it and she's immediately down for some investigation work despite going on about how amazing the place is a few minutes ago.
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lillywillow · 1 year
Left Unsupervised
Summary: After a night of heavy drinking, Bucky tries to piece together everything that happened. He vows never to get that drunk again
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 978
 Square Filled: U5- Never Again
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader  
 Warnings: Alcohol consumption, mentions of pain/ discomfort
 From the moment Bucky woke, he felt like he had been hit by Thor’s hammer. Everything ached, his stomach was ready to be violently ill if he moved and someone was playing the drum solo to Wipeout on the inside of his skull. Judging by the groans around him, there were other victims from last night’s festivities or zombies had invaded the tower. Bucky didn’t really care if it were the latter as long as they made his death a quick one and put him out of his misery. He tried to ask if anyone else felt like melted death but it only came out as a garbled sound. It clearly must have been enough to illicit a response.
 “Shh,” Clint hissed, clutching his head.
 “Shut up, you’re practically screaming,” Tony groaned.
 “What… what happened last night?” Bucky asked, swallowing the bile that had risen in the back of his throat.
 “Don’t you remember?”
 Bucky tried hard but there was a huge chunk of last night that was missing. Maybe if he followed the breadcrumbs backwards, they might lead a trail back to the beginning but that would have to wait until the pain behind his eyes subsided. There would also be a level of panic once he realised his metal arm was no longer attached to his body.
 By the time Bucky’s hangover had turned bearable, he was finally starting to remember what had led to him drinking so much. Tony had a little party for all you Avengers which Thor had brought Asgardian ale to. It was fun for a little while but then someone had suggested a drinking game and that was the last part he could remember. You and Bruce had wisely turned in early for the night but with the group’s last two braincells leaving them, they got rather… stupid.
 “Morning everyone,” you greeted.
 The hungover Avengers greeted you like a vampire to garlic.
 “I see we haven’t fully recovered from all the fun of last night,” you commented, making your coffee.
 “Yeah, about that… What… what exactly happened?” Bucky asked.
 “You don’t remember? No, that doesn’t surprise me. You would be horrified if you did that sober,” you giggled.
 Bucky went white. What exactly had he done? As if reading his mind, you decided to start filling in some of the blanks.
 “Let’s start with the voicemails, shall we?”
 “H-how many did I leave?”
 “It’s hard to say… between the voicemails, the text messages, and the videos, I lost count…”
 “I’ll show you them after this,” you replied, playing the first message from earlier in the night.
 Bucky: Hi, Y/N. I just want to say that I think you’re really smart for going to bed early and you’re also really pretty and…
 Sam *in the background*: Dude just ask her out already!
 Bucky: I can’t just ask her over the phone
 Sam *in the background*: Ask her!
 Bucky: No!
 *Sound of thudding*
 Bucky remembered Sam tackling him, trying to get him to confess his feelings for you. He wanted to confess, really he did but he didn’t think it’d be appropriate when he completely plastered. Bucky looked over at you to see you giving him a sly grin.
 “Nothing. Let’s move onto my favourite video…”
 Bucky wasn’t sure he liked the way you said that. He could watch in horror as you played the video.
 It started off with a little bad camera work before it came into focus on Bucky who was standing up on the bar.
 “This one’s for you, Y/N,” he slurred, pointing to the camera.
 The song The Stripper came on and Bucky started taking off his shirt. The others all cheered and catcalled and Nat cackled from behind the camera. Bucky took his shirt off and twirled it above his head before flinging it off to some unknown corner. He next tried to undo his pants and managed to get them open but then fell off the bar.
 “You okay, Barnes?” Nat called.
 Bucky gave a thumb’s up before falling back down.
 The video ended there. Bucky felt absolutely mortified.
 “Wait, so when did I lose my arm?”
 “Hold on, I think I have the video where you were showing off…”
 Bucky placed his hand on yours to stop you scrolling. Suddenly, all the stupid things he did last night in an attempt to win you over came back to him. Nobody stopped him, instead, they only encouraged it.
 “I… I feel like I should explain…” he began but you placed a finger on his lips.
 “No need. Often when we’re drunk, our most honest selves are on display…”
 “Well, I am never drinking Asgardian ale and getting that drunk again,” Bucky sighed.
 You kissed his cheek, making him look at you in surprise.
 “I thought it was cute. A little misguided maybe but I guess you needed a little liquid courage to confess your true feelings,” you baited, hoping now that everything was out in the open he would tell you what was on his mind.
 “Y/N, I would really like to take you out sometime…” he softly smiled.
 “I’d like that too, Bucky,” you smiled back. “I’d kiss you but you smell like a dumpster fire…”
 “No, no, I get it. We’ll go when I’m not feeling like death warmed over…”
 “It’s a date,” you smiled, heading off to check on the damages left by the carnage that was last night.
 Bucky was glad he could finally confess his feelings for you but he promised himself he would never get that stupid drunk again.
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marshallpupfan · 9 months
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I still haven't watched The Mighty Movie, but a friend of mine did go and see it last night. She was kind enough to answer some questions I had, and of course, I asked about Marshall (and a few other things).
I wanted to list off what I heard. I won't go into great detail because I want to keep this post short this time. However, there will be spoilers, so if you wish to avoid them, don't click "Keep reading". Otherwise...
...this is what my friend had to say.
Marshall still didn't get his pre-mission wipeout. Gee, why am I not surprised?
He got one moment of clumsiness. That scene in the preview where Chase startles him? Yup... that's all we get. Seriously??
On the plus side, Marshall did at least get plenty of use during missions/situations. Apparently, he got to solo one, and it was pretty big? She didn't give me many details about it though.
If you were hoping for Marshall to share in some of the comedic moments... nope! Rubble got most of them again. At least he got to say his "I'm good" line? But Rubble said it, too.
Some people were worried that Rocky wouldn't get much because the trailers didn't feature him much. Apparently, out of all the pups, he did get the short end of the stick after all.
Chase didn't get as much as you'd expect, either. Better than what Marshall got, but apparently not by too much.
Zuma fans might be happy though? I heard from someone else that it "takes a while" for his moments to start, however.
This film is unmistakably Skye and Liberty's movie (more the former than the latter, of course). I was told what her backstory entails, but I'll keep my thoughts about that one to myself for now.
I don't know... I find myself much less interested in the film now, especially after hearing that Marshall still didn't get his wipeout or any additional clumsy moments that we didn't already know about. While I'm glad he got a solo mission, and I'm certainly curious to find out what that's all about, I must admit, I was hoping for him to get more than just a thrilling action scene or two. Perhaps it was foolish of me to go looking for something like that in a film about Skye...
In any case, I've decided I'm going to sit this one out after all. I'll catch it later on Paramount+ in a few months, or I'll check out some highlights on Youtube.
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Clean Waves
Wipeout - Chapter 6
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Pairing: Surfer!Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: I know there was a bit of a wait with this chapter, I apologize for that but I promise the rest will be coming out much quicker. I struggled a lot with the first section of this chapter, I’ve rewritten it entirely about three times but I’m very happy with it now and I hope you guys will be too! Reminder to please leave feedback and reblog, that stuff means a lot to me and I love hearing from you guys and talking with you. As always my inbox is open too if you would rather chat anonymously. Love you guys so much, thanks for reading xx
Warnings: None
Summary: Tom’s going on vacation, which means it’s time for you to work on things you’ve been avoiding all summer
Series Masterlist
❀  ゜.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.゜❀
When you proposed a movie night, you didn’t think it’d be nearly as stressful as it was turning out to be. You wanted to do something nice for Tom and Harrison before they left, give you all a chance to spend some time together. Movie nights were chill, no cooking or major cleanup, just sitting on the couch and hanging out. Until Grace suggested making some snacks, and movie night turned into movie and charcuterie board night. Naturally you were taking it way too seriously.
The boys were making a dessert board, Grace would be in charge of savory snacks and wine, and you were doing fruit. You’d gone with what you thought was the obvious route, cutting the fruit into cute, themed shapes. You had carved the pineapples into small surfboards, the watermelons into waves, the strawberries were hearts, and currently you were attempting to cut the kiwi slices into little suns. You’d filled the blank room on the board with a mixture of blueberries and raspberries, but something was missing. The variety of shapes was good, and so was the arrangement, but there wasn’t enough color, and you didn’t have any other fruits to add to it.
“It needs something orange,” you mumbled to yourself, “I should have gotten some cantaloupe…”
“Babe the boys are gonna be here any minute, you’ve got to wrap it up,” Grace squeezed your shoulder, “It looks great how it is now.”
“It would look better with some cantaloupe,” you sighed, “Just let me finish these suns.”
“Alight, I’m gonna get the movie queued up,” she took her board into the living room with her, placing it on your coffee table before she fell onto the couch.
The boys started rapping at the door while you were arranging the last of the suns on the board. Grace ran to let them in and you took a step back from your board.
“Hey guys, come on in,” Grace smiled at the boys.
“Thanks for having us, where do you want this?” Harrison held their charcuterie board out towards her.
“You can just put it on the coffee table,” she hummed, peaking over her shoulder at you, “Hopefully (y/n) is finished with hers.”
“You’re still working on yours?” Tom flashed a cocky smile at you, “Come on love, I expected you to have yours ready hours ago.”
“Well it’s fruit, it’s better if it’s cut fresh,” you explained while he paced over to you, “Plus I need to make sure it looks pretty.”
“It looks great,” he complimented, peeking at your board while he set his hands on your hips, “Are those little waves? And surfboards?”
You nodded, “Yeah, I was trying to sort of make it vacation-ish.”
“It’s adorable,” he reached out to pick up the tray but you swatted his hands away.
“It’s not ready,” you went back to fiddling with your kiwi suns.
“Not ready?” he scoffed, “It’s like a magazine or something already. Plus we’re just going to ruin the thing when we eat it,” he grabbed the tray again, this time lifting it over your head and walking it into the living room.
“Hey!” you snapped.
“We’ve got a movie to watch, and I’ve got a flight at 6am, I can’t be here all night,” he set your tray in between the other two, “Look at that, best looking board by far.”
You were trying to stifle your smile, “Thank you.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to dig in,” he fell back onto your couch, “You ladies already picked out a movie right?”
Grace nodded and plucked a bottle of wine from the table, “I found this cheesy old horror flick, it’s about space invaders or something,” she ripped out the cork with a large pop, “Everybody want some wine?”
“You know we do,” Harrison had settled in your large loveseat, his arms thrown back over the back of the chair.
“It’s honestly impressive how you manage to take up that whole chair on your own,” Grace commented while she started pouring everyone’s drinks.
“Thank you,” he grinned, leaning forward to take a glass from the table, “I would have shared with Tom but I guess he wanted to snuggle with (y/n) tonight instead.”
“Sorry Haz,” Tom grinned at him, “You and I will have all week together though, figured (y/n)’s gonna miss me so much you know?” he wrapped his arm around you as you sat down between him and Grace.
“If you think you’re gonna snuggle up with (y/n) you are sorely mistaken mister,” Graced passed a glass of wine out to you both, “We’re gonna snuggle just like we do every movie night.”
You nodded, “Yeah, why would I snuggle with you when I could snuggle with Grace?”
Tom rolled his eyes, “Because I eat you-”
“Tom!” you flushed, making him burst into a fit of laughter while you hit his chest, “You’re a pig.”
He winked and brought his wine glass to his lips while you scooted away from him, “Hey, where are you going?”
“To cuddle with Grace.”
He gaped while Grace stuck her tongue out at him and tossed her arm over your shoulder, “I can’t believe this,” he shook his head, “I even went out of my way to get your favorite cookies,” he motioned to the charcuterie board.
“Thanks,” you hummed and wrapped your arms around Grace’s waist, “I can’t wait to eat them.”
He shook his head and scoffed, “Fine, but I’m taking the blanket,” he ripped the blanket from the back of the couch and laid it over himself, “So when you inevitably get cold you’ll have to come crawling back to me, and I’m not gonna share.”
“That’s fine Tom, we can keep each other warm,” you hummed.
Grace nodded in agreement, “Yeah, our love burns like the sun.”
You all began pecking at the boards once the movie began. It was about ten minutes into the movie when the really cheesy effects began, causing all of you to start laughing and making fun of the film. This was around the time that you started to get cold, just like Tom predicted you would. He noticed too, smirking to himself when he noticed you starting to rub your arms. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right you downed the rest of your wine and poured yourself another glass, but it hadn’t helped.
“Grace,” you whispered to her, being careful to make sure Tom couldn’t hear you.
“Hmm?” she hummed while she chewed on some pineapple.
“I’m cold,” you mumbled, glancing towards Tom out of the corner of your eye, “I want the blanket.”
“It’s our house, you can just take it.”
“Come on, you know he won’t let me, and he’s stronger than me, I need your help,” you pleaded, “You know, apes together strong.”
She bit back a laugh and rolled her eyes, “Hey Tom?”
“Grace,” he responded, not dragging his eyes from the TV.
“We’re almost out of wine, can you go grab another bottle?”
His lips tugged to a smile and he turned towards you both, “You want me to get up and leave the blanket here? Just so (y/n) can steal it? No way.”
“I just want more wine,” she said innocently.
“Sure,” he kicked his legs up so his feet were in your lap, “Well unfortunately I’m not getting up. As you can see I’m very comfortable.”
“Get your feet off me,” you ordered, trying to push him off of you.
His smile grew and he sank down onto the couch, stretching towards you so his calves were over your legs, “Oh but you’re so comfy Flower.”
You glared at him before something dawned on you, “Fine,” you fought a smirk while you spoke, “Do whatever you want.”
He smiled triumphantly and stretched his arm back back behind his head before he turned back to the film. You let him think he had won for just a second before you started to tickle his calves. He let out a startled squeal and quickly retracted his legs, curling himself into the corner of the couch.
“Knock that off,” he scowled at you.
Tom hated to be tickled, something you’d discovered during one of your early morning surf sessions.
“Aw, come on, I thought I was comfy,” you teased, reaching out a hand to try and tickle him again.
He quickly swatted your hands away, “You are never going to get your hands on this blanket now.”
“It’s my blanket,” you bit back.
“I don’t care, I’m gonna take it to Hawaii with me, might even leave it there,” he boasted.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Baby,” you commented as you pushed yourself up from the couch, “I’m gonna grab that other bottle of wine, does anyone need anything else?”
“Mind grabbing some water?” Harrison hummed, “I’ve got to drive us home, I probably shouldn’t have anymore alcohol.”
You nodded and attempted to tickle Tom’s chest as you slipped past him. He swatted you away again, demanding you keep your hands to yourself while you laughed. You grabbed the wine as well as some water for Harrison, returning with both quickly. You gave Harrison the water and set the wine down beside the nearly emptied one already sitting on your coffee table. Instead of returning to Grace’s side you sat down beside Tom’s legs and tried to pull the blanket over your own lap.
He wore a smirk again, “So you leave me to go snuggle with Grace, tickle me, and now you want me to share the blanket with you?”
“Yeah, pretty much,” you nodded.
He hummed, pretending to debate it while he pulled the blanket off himself, “Well come here then,” he spread his legs and pulled you back so you were nearly in his lap before he wrapped the blanket around you both.
You snuggled up against his chest and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You set one of your hands over his and turned your attention back to the movie. The movie only got more and more ridiculous as it went on, but it was getting harder and harder for you to pay attention. Maybe it was the wine, or how comfy you were all snuggled up with Tom, but something was making you tired. It kept growing harder and harder to keep your eyes open, and unfortunately the excitement of the alien invasion wasn’t enough to keep you awake. You argued with yourself, telling yourself first to eat some of the food to wake yourself back up, but pecking at the different foods didn’t help at all. After that failure you tried to just will your eyes to stay open, eventually giving in and vowing to only close your eyes for a few moments. Tom of course noticed your starting to drift off, the sight brought a smile to his face.
“Ah, of course,” he massaged your stomach with his thumbs, “It’s alright, wine makes me tired too. I’d be right there with you if I wasn’t so invested in the movie.”
“Falling asleep on me Flower?” he cooed.
“No,” you huffed, having already let your eyes fall closed, “I’m just closing my eyes for a minute.”
“I’m invested too,” you forced your eyes back open, “I’m not gonna fall asleep.”
“Right, obviously,” he smiled to himself.
You spent the rest of the movie in and out of sleep. At some point Tom moved one of his hands to your head and started massaging your skull, only making it harder for you to try and stay awake. Every few minutes your eyes would flutter open and he would smile, telling you to just sleep if you were tired. You weren’t able to keep up with the movie at all, every time you opened your eyes you only found yourself more confused about what was going on. You continuously told yourself that you’d only close your eyes for another minute, then you’d really force yourself to wake up again. It was a losing battle though, you just ended up falling asleep again every time. The last time you peaked your eyes open the credits were rolling and you were struck with the realization that you’d actually have to get up, something you desperately wanted to avoid. You squeezed your eyes shut again, hoping you could quickly drift back to sleep, but your friends had other ideas.
“What a stupid ending,” Harrison complained as he stood, “Guess we should probably help you clean up before we leave huh?”
Grace nodded and glanced over at Tom, “Yeah, we should probably wake up sleeping beauty too.”
“She’s already up,” Tom hummed and smoothed over your hair, “She just had her eyes open.”
Your lips instantly tugged to a frown, “No, I’m asleep,” you mumbled.
“Hey, you’re the one that’s been trying to stay up the past hour,” he laughed.
“Shut up,” you groaned.
“I told you to sleep,” he reminded, slowly tugging the blanket back, exposing your shoulders to the cold air.
“No,” you whined, reaching down to try and pull it back up.
Tom flung the blanket all the way off of you, “Come on Flower, time to get up,” you shot him a glare as you forced yourself to sit up, rubbing your cold arms. He just laughed, “Don’t look at me like that, I can’t stay here all night, I’ve got places to be.”
“Let’s just clean up fast,” you dragged yourself off the couch and started gathering wine glasses and plates, “I’m tired.”
“Yeah, we got that,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes while you padded towards the kitchen, tossing the dishes in the sink haphazardly, “Let’s just wrap up the food, we can do dishes in the morning.”
“Fine by me,” Grace agreed.
You shoved the leftovers into the fridge after a very quick clean up and gathered in your front porch way to say goodbye. It felt bittersweet, you were excited for them, but you knew you’d miss them both while they were gone, and of course you were jealous they were about to go on such a fun vacation.
“Don’t get into any trouble while you're there please, or get hurt,” Grace pulled both boys into a quick hug as you said your goodbyes.
“We’ll be good,” Harrison assured her, patting her back before he moved to hug you, “We’ll see you when we get back.”
“You too, have fun,” you smiled affectionately back at him before turning to Tom. You weren’t sure what to do, but you decided to play it safe and just open your arms for a hug.
Tom smiled and pulled you against him, “I’m gonna miss you Flower.”
“I’ll miss you too,” you smiled, “Have fun, and text me when you leave and get in and everything.”
“I will,” he promised, “Try not to be too miserable without me.”
“I’ll make do,” you laughed lightly and pulled away from him.
He nodded and bit his cheek, his eyes flickering down to your lips for just a moment before he leaned in. He gave you a too quick peck on the lips and stepped back with a smile, “Just a little something to hold you over love,” he winked.
You fought your urge to roll your eyes, “We’ll see you guys in a week.”
“You too,” he cooed back, waving as he sauntered down the driveway.
They climbed into Harrison’s car, you waited until they were out of sight to retreat to the house.
Tom’s absence was a blessing and a curse, of course you missed hanging out with him, but him being out of town meant there was nothing to distract you from finishing your internship applications. There were only two design firms in the area, and each of them only took two interns a year, so your application had to be totally perfect if you wanted a shot. An internship would be the best way for you to get your foot in the door in the design world, so not getting one wasn’t an option for you. You’d already spent hours combing over your applications, and while you looked great on paper, your actual sample designs didn’t feel right. Neither of them lined up particularly well with the aesthetics of the companies you were applying at.
After hours of staring at your design sheets in the living room and coming up with nothing, Grace had suggested a change in scenery to get your gears moving again. Which led you to gather up your things and drive to the local coffee shop, where you curled up at a corner table to scowl at your papers a little longer. It seemed no amount of caffeine or grumbling to yourself was going to inspire you.
“Ashley?” Adrien seemed to pop up out of nowhere, a look of concern on his face as he looked down at your table you were working at, “Are you okay?”
You flushed instantly, you’d seen him a few times in passing since his birthday, but been far too mortified to talk to him. Everytime he looked at you a brick wall of embarrassment smacked you in the face and you were reminded of how you’d probably ruined his party.
“O-Oh yeah, I’m totally cool,” you laughed awkwardly, “Just trying to get a little work done.”
“Right, you just looked kind of upset,” he chuckled, “What are you working on?”
“I’m just getting some applications ready,” you explained, clasping your hands in your lap nervously, “So, uh, what are you up to?”
“Just grabbing a drink before work,” he glanced back down at your scattered papers, “Those look great by the way, I’m not normally a fan of banquettes,” he tapped on one of your samples, “But that looks really nice.”
“Yeah, they’re pretty hit or miss…” you were a bit shocked at his use of the word banquette, it was something you’d ever heard from someone outside of the design world, “I can’t believe you know what a banquette is.”
He laughed, “Well I’m in school for architecture, I’ve got to know design lingo.”
“Seriously?” your eyes widened in surprise, “That’s so cool, I’m going for interior design.”
“I know,” he smiled, “You mind if I sit for a second?”
“Of course not,” you pulled some of your papers into a pile to make room for him, “I can’t believe I didn’t know you were going for architecture.”
He shrugged, “We’ve never talked about that stuff, I just know you do design because Tom mentioned it.”
“Yeah, I guess we just don’t talk much in general,” you blushed, “Do you have a specific field you want to go into?”
He nodded, “I really like hotels and restaurants, sort of the hospitality industry in general. What about you?”
“Well homes are my favorite so I’d like to go into residentials, but I’ll probably have to do some commercial work before I can get into that,” you glanced down at the mess of papers in front of you, “Which is exactly why I need to get these internship applications done, but it’s not going very well.”
“I could help you look over them if you wanted,” he offered, “I’m not super versed in design, but it’s helpful just to get a second set of eyes sometimes.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you flushed, “Or be so nice to me.”
He frowned, “Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?”
“You know, your birthday,” you crossed your arms defensively and sank into your chair a bit, “I get it if you’re mad or something…”
He smiled back at you, “It’s not a big deal (y/n), trust me I’m not angry.”
“I feel really awful about it,” you confessed, “The last thing I wanted to do was hijack your party or make a big scene, I just got really worked up. I promise I’m not normally like that.”
“And I promise it’s really not a big deal, don’t sweat it alright?”
“Alright,” you relaxed and smiled back at him, “I’d love it if you looked over my work then.”
“Awesome, you said their internship applications right?”
You nodded, “Yeah, there’s two I’m working on. I’m just having a bit of trouble making my work match their styles,” you piled up the designs you intended to submit for the one of the company's and passed them over to him, “This is the one that’s giving me the most trouble, the firm does a lot of really rustic stuff, and that’s just not my vibe at all.”
“Yeah, I get it, I think a lot of the rustic stuff gets really tacky,” he hummed as he looked over your work, “I mean I really like these, but they don’t seem very rustic.”
“Exactly,” you groaned, “I just don’t like the rustic style very much. It’s sort of the opposite of art deco, which is where I get a lot of my influence.”
“Why don’t you apply at some firms that fit your style better then?” he frowned.
“They’re the only two firms that have internship positions anywhere near us, otherwise I would,” you hummed, “I’m pretty picky anyway, the only firm I’d really be excited about is all the way in London.”
“Well there’s no harm in just applying for it is there?”
“I guess, but I’d be bummed about not being able to go if I actually got it,” you sighed, “I just wanna focus on finishing these two for now.”
“I got ya,” he set one of your designs down between you two, “If you want to make it more rustic feeling I think you could just add more. Maybe fill in the walls a bit? I feel like rustic usually implies it’s a bit cluttered.”
“I know, I hate it,” you groaned, “That’s a good idea though, maybe I could add something about the window here,” you circled it with your fingers, “A little live laugh love sign maybe?”
“That’s one of the pillars of rustic design,” he laughed, “Didn’t they teach you that in any of your classes?”
“Of course they did, the foundation of every rustic home is a cheesy sign and Rae Dunn pottery,” you joked.
“Oh god, not Rae Dunn,” he cringed and glanced down at his watch, “I have to get going for work in a few, but if you wanted to get together or something tomorrow I’ve got the day off, so I could give helping you my full attention.”
“That would be really nice actually, I’ve got work in the morning but I could get together tomorrow night?” you suggested.
“Perfect, we could get together at my place if you wanted, honestly it’s been kind of lonely there, it’d be nice to have a little company,” he licked his lips while he waited for your reply.
“That sounds perfect Adrien, I don’t think I have your number though,” you tore off a piece of scrap paper and scribbled your number onto it, “Here, just text me so I have your number and I’ll let you know when I get off tomorrow.”
“Awesome,” he glanced down at his phone, quickly punching in your number and sending you a quick ‘hi’, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nodded, “Yes, thank you so much for doing this Adrien, I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem,” he stood back up, stretching his arms as he rose from the table, “I mean I’m always up to help a pretty girl,” he winked at you before walking away.
Your cheeks flushed as he left, unsure how to feel about the small flirty gesture. You brushed it off as just teasing and got to work cluttering your designs.
There was something strange about going to Tom’s house without him, you knew it was Adrien’s house too, but it felt strange nevertheless. The house was more quiet than you were used to, and it held a much calmer aura without Tom and Harrison around. There was a candle lit on the coffee table, filling the living room with a subtle woodsy scent. It was nice and welcoming, and you were hopeful that Adrien’s help would give you the final push you needed to finish your applications.
“Well you don’t have to sound so surprised by it,” he chuckled.
“Do you mind the candle? I can put it out if you don’t like the smell,” he offered.
You shook your head, “No, no, it’s nice,” you sat down beside him on the couch and crossed your legs, “I took your advice about making things more cluttered on the rustic one, I actually think it looks a lot better now.”
“Sorry,” you laughed with him before passing him a few papers., “I just tried to fill up the space a little more, and I changed the color of the walls.”
“These definitely look more rustic, I liked your designs better though,” he hummed, “Good call on the walls, it flows a lot better with the yellow.”
“I know, I just love dramatic, dark walls,” you sighed, “The other firm is really minimalist, I got a lot closer to my normal style with those.”
“Can I take a look at those too?”
“Of course,” you dug them out and passed them to him, “I think minimalism can get really basic sometimes, so I tried to pick some really unique pieces, like with the chaise lounge here.”
“I can definitely see the art deco influence on this one. These look great, honestly I don’t think I would change a thing on these,” he beamed at you, “This one’s probably the one you really want huh?”
“I’d definitely prefer this one, I’m not particularly excited about either though.”
“You should go for some others then, like that London one you mentioned, you should be excited about your internship.”
“I can’t, I’d have to move and I still have to finish school.”
“London has amazing design schools, and a lot more opportunities than you’ll find here,” he shrugged, “Plus applying doesn’t mean you’ll get it, it’s just giving it a try.”
“But if I did get it I’d really want to go,” you sighed, “It’s a nice thought but I really love it here, I don’t want to move away.”
He plucked your laptop up from where you’d set it on the coffee table and set it in your lap, “Why don’t you just pull it up? We can just look at what the application requires.”
You hesitated, as lovely as it would have been to intern at a company you really loved, you really didn’t want to move away. The first image that came to mind was Tom, your heart ached at the thought of moving so far from him and your other friends. Astoria had captured your heart, and you were already enrolled in an amazing design program, it was the whole reason you’d moved there in the first place. London did offer more opportunities for your career, but it didn’t have your friends, or the sweet little town you’d fallen in love with. It was hard to believe you’d become so attached after only two years, but you had a hard time imagining yourself settling anywhere else now.
“I don’t know, I mean career wise that’s probably the right move, but I love it here, I don’t want to be anywhere else,” you blushed, “All my favorite people are here, everything I love is here now.”
“Well you could always come back, I mean an internship is only going to last a year at most right? You could go do that and come back and open your own company, it’s not like there’s much competition around here anyway,” his expression softened and he leaned back into the couch, “Sorry, I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to get rid of you or something. It’s just that if you really like this company you should give it a try, even if you love it here, you don’t want to look back on this and regret not trying. Plus you can always just say no if you do end up getting it.”
“Yeah, that’s true…” you stared down at your laptop as you weighed your options. He had a point, you could always tell them no. Plus there was still a chance you wouldn’t get either of the internships near you. “Well let’s just check out their application, if it’s not too hard maybe I’ll go for it.”
“That’s the spirit,” he squeezed your arm in encouragement as you opened up your computer.
You pulled up the website and were immediately struck by how pretty their work was. It fit what you wanted so much more than any other company you’d ever seen, and they were very popular. An internship with them could open up all sorts of opportunities for you. The experience alone would be invaluable, and you’d be working under designers you actually looked up to, people that you could really learn from.
“Isn’t this stuff beautiful?” you sighed as you scrolled down to the career sections, “It would be so amazing just to see their process.”
“I think you’d fit right in.”
“Thanks Adrien, that’s really sweet of you,” you smiled while you read over the internship section, “This seems pretty easy actually, it looks like they want a few samples and my portfolio, pretty standard stuff.”
“Yeah, and I bet you could whip those samples up in no time. Probably wouldn’t take you more than an hour,” he encouraged.
Your excitement was growing as you read over the application details. As much as you didn’t want to leave town, imagining working there was exciting.
“I think I want to do it,” you finally settled, “Like you said, I can always just reject it, there’s no harm in trying.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” he grabbed your shoulder and gave it a gentle, encouraging squeeze, “You should pull it up right now, I can help you get started.”
“Okay,” you smiled wide and pulled up their prompts, “Pretty simple, just a living room and bedroom, their guidelines are really loose…”
“Well what are you waiting for then?” he laughed.
You pulled out a sketchpad and got right to work sketching out some simple designs.  Adrien sat beside you and watched you work, butting in every little bit to suggest something or crack a joke. It was nice working with him, and he offered a perspective you didn’t usually get from other design students. He was funny too, you were surprised by how well the two of you got along. It reminded you of his birthday party, when he’d started to open up and talk to you more, but you’d been more focused on what Tom was up to that night. It made you feel bad about all the times you hadn’t invited him along when you went out with Tom and your other friends. He’d just always seemed so shy, you’d figured he just wasn’t into parties or anything like that.
“You know I’m kind of surprised you’re so talkative tonight,” you commented, “And yesterday too. I don’t think we’ve ever talked this much.”
“Yeah, I can be kind of shy sometimes,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m sorry if I made it seem like I don’t like you or something.”
“No, no, of course not,” you giggled, “I figured you were just shy. I’m glad we’re hanging out though.”
“Me too,” his caramel cheeks darkened and his eyes darted down towards the computer, “I guess I was always a little intimidated too.”
“Intimidated?” you couldn’t help but laugh a little, “I’m not scary am I?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that,” he corrected, “I just think you’re really pretty (y/n), and you know, who doesn’t get a little scared when they’re talking to a pretty girl?”
Heat rose in your cheeks at the compliment, “T-Thanks,” was all you managed to stutter out before your phone started to buzz. You quickly cleared your throat, “Let me get that.”
Tom’s name flashed across your screen, he was requesting to FaceTime. It was odd for him to call at all, he always preferred to text.
“It’s Tom,” you explained, your eyes flickering up to Adrien for just a moment before you answered the call, “Hello?”
The video buffered for a second before his smiling face flashed across the screen. He was laying in bed, it was still fairly dark in his room.
“Hi,” you smiled at the screen.
“Hey,” he chimed happily, his voice was low and growly, he’d obviously just woken up, “How are you?”
“Good, just working on my internship applications. How’s Hawaii?”
“Amazing, it’s fucking early though,” he yawned, “Sorry, I just woke up.”
“Yeah I can tell,” you chuckled, “Why’d you call so early?”
“Just wanted to talk to you,” he rubbed his eyes and knit his brows suddenly, “Wait, are you in my house? Don’t tell me you missed me so bad you had to break in,” he smiled cockily.
“Actually, Adrien’s helping me with my applications,” you explained, “I can’t believe you never told me he’s an architect by the way.”
“Oh yeah, guess I never thought about it,” he shrugged, “Is he with you right now?”
You nodded and shifted so you could show Adriend to him, “Say hi.”
“Hi,” Tom greeted, “How’s the house?”
“Hasn’t burned down yet,” Adrien smiled back at him, “Hope you guys are having fun.”
Tom nodded in confirmation, “Oh yeah, time of our lives,” he hummed as you brought the screen back to yourself, “That’s sweet he’s helping you out love, hope you two are making good progress.”
“We are, it’s been really helpful actually, I think they’re coming along really great,” you boasted.
“Good, I bet everyone will want to snatch you up,” he yawned again, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you or hold up your work or something,” he glanced over his shoulder, “Maybe we can call later when you’ve got a bit of free time…”
“We can talk now, we’re just about done anyway,” you assured him, “I promise you’re not interrupting.”
You wanted to hear all about his trip and everything he’d been doing. Sure you’d texted a bit, but it was nice to actually get to hear it from him, and to actually get to see him.
“No, no, you should finish your work,” he insisted, glancing over his shoulder quickly, “Plus we’re supposed to head out in a few, we wanna catch the sunrise on the water.”
“Okay,” you tried not to seem disappointed, not wanting to dampen his spirits in any way, “Well I’ll text you when I get home then.”
He nodded, “Great, good luck with the rest of your applications.”
“Thank you, have fun out on the water.”
“Yeah, I’ll send you some pictures,” he promised, “Bye,” he waved.
“Bye,” you waved back before the call dropped and the screen went dark.
next chapter
❀  ゜.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.゜❀
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theowritesstuff · 2 years
Head Over Heels
Book 3 - Chapter Seven: The Bite
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Steve Harrington x gn!reader
Head Over Heels Masterlist
Summary: Steve comes to a realization while he and Robin try to figure out if the drugs have worn off.
Warnings: drugs, guns, throwing up, blood, the little monster thing in El’s leg
Steve watches all of the doors pass by from the back of the transport car, knowing that you could be behind any one of them, and he couldn’t do anything about it.
The speed of the car, and Dustin’s driving causes his stomach to turn. Whatever the Russians put in them was clearly not meant to be used before a car chase.
The car turns, making a sharp right, lurching Steve and Robin into each other.
“Jesus, slow down!” He groans.
“Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?” Robin asks, rubbing her head.
“It’s the Indy 300.” Steve says, all thoughts of you leave his mind as he can only seem to focus on one thing at a time.
“No, dingus! It’s 500!”
“It’s 300!”
“Let’s say a million.” Robin shrugs.
Both start to laugh, practically laying down in the cart connected to the car.
“What is wrong with them?” Erica asks Dustin.
“I don’t know.” Dustin turns to her.
“Dustin, watch out!” Erica tries to warn him.
The car crashes into a stack of the metal canisters, coming to a sudden stop.
Steve and Robin groan as they’re thrown forward.
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin turns to them, then back to Erica. “They’re fine.”
They quickly get out of the little car, and run to the back, unclasping the door between them and Steve and Robin.
“Come on, we gotta go, now.” Dustin ushers them out.
They both just stare at the two kids, slowly moving to sit up.
“Come on! Get out!” Erica shouts.
Dustin grabs Steve, roughly pulling him forward and out of the back, Erica doing the same to Robin.
“This sucks.” Steve says as Dustin walks over to the door to the elevator, pressing buttons.
They somehow manage to push both loopy sailors into the elevator with only minimal resistance. Robin complains about possibly getting stuck inside again, while Steve laughs and trips over nothing.
They both grin when they see a wheeling cart. Steve immediately jumps on it as the elevator shoots back up to the mall. Robin grabs onto the handles, pushing and pulling him.
“Hey! You look like you’re surfing!” She shouts to him.
“They seem drunk.” Erica raises a brow at Dustin.
“Why would they be drunk?”
“I’m a natural, check it out!” Steve raises his arms up, then crashes to the ground as Robin pulls the cart out from under him.
“Wipeout!” She yells, pointing at him.
Dustin kneels down next to Steve, and lays a hand on his forehead.
“He’s burning up.” He sighs.
“You’re burning up.” Steve shoots back at him.
“One sec, one sec.” He tries to hold Steve’s eyes open just long enough to look at them. “Steve, Steve.”
“God, no.” Steve tries to turn away. “Ow!”
Dustin lets go of his face and turns back to Erica. “His pupils are super dilated.”
“Maybe he’s drugged.” She shrugs.
Steve boops Dustin’s nose when he turns back to face him.
He softly slaps the side of Steve’s face. “Steve, are you drugged?”
Steve scoffs. “How many times dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.”
“This isn’t funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?”
Steve boops his nose again.
“We all die my strange little child friend.” Robin says from her corner of the elevator. “It’s just a matter of how, and when.”
Dustin shakes his head, and looks back down at Steve. “They’re gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrow. “Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?”
“I would kill for a hot dog on a stick.” Robin nods.
“Alright, yeah, food. Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked.”
“Uh-oh.” Steve’s eyes widen.
“The car’s off the board.”
“They took the keys.” He reaches into his pockets and turns them inside out. “The Russians, they took the keys. Like, forever ago. That’s a bummer, right?”
Steve and Robin both begin to laugh to themselves.
When the elevator stops, Steve and Robin are more than eager to get out, following behind Dustin and Erica as they walk outside. Robin sticks her tongue out of her mouth, her head tilted up towards the sky.
“Oh my god, that tastes so good! Steve, can you taste the air?”
Steve sticks his tongue out now too. “I taste it! I taste it!”
Dustin and Erica stop walking when they see the metal gate in front of them open. Russian guards walk towards them, holding guns.
“Shit! Come on! Come on!” Dustin shouts, as the two of them run back and start to push Steve and Robin towards a door.
They all run inside, Dustin closing the door behind them. They run down the hall, Erica holding Steve’s wrist, and Dustin holding Robin’s.
“Where are we going?” Erica asks as they turn a corner.
“Just trust me!” Dustin answers her.
They only run for a few minutes, stopping at a pair of doors. Dustin opens one and peeks his head inside.
“All clear.” He nods. He crouches low as he starts to jog inside and around a corner, passing a poster for a new movie, Back to the Future.
The other three follow him, Steve slowing down only slightly to grab a bag of half eaten popcorn from the trashcan. They stop again when Dustin opens the door to the theatre. He looks around, searching for any empty seats to hide in.
“Come on.” He leads the group to the front near the screen, points at the two empty seats, then looks at Steve and Robin. “You two. Sit.”
“No, no, these seats are too close.” Robin says as she and Steve sit down.
“Dude, these seats blow.” Steve says with a mouthful of popcorn.
“Then don’t watch the movie.” Dustin whispers.
“We wanna watch it!” Robin argues.
“Then watch it!” He shouts, earning shushes from various audience members. He lowers his voice again. “Whatever you do, don’t… go… anywhere.”
“Fine, dad.” Steve rolls his eyes.
The two drugged teems could only stare at the screen for so long before realizing how confusing the movie they were watching actually was. They found themselves wandering back outside the theatre, Steve pulling Robin towards a water fountain.
He gulped the water down as Robin leaned against the wall of posters.
“So like, I wasn’t totally focused in there or anything, but… I’m pretty sure… that mom was trying to bang her son.” Robin looks over at Steve.
He pulls away from the fountain just long enough to respond. “Wait, wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton’s mom?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure.” She shrugs.
“But they’re the same age.”
“No, but he went back in time.”
“Then why is it called Back to the Future?” Steve argues.
“He has to go back to the future because he’s in the past. So the future is actually the present, which is his time.” Robin explains.
Steve stares off into space for a second, thinking. “Wh… what?”
Robin rolls her eyes, and pushes Steve away from the fountain. “No, no, it’s my turn. You’ve had enough.”
Steve stumbles as he’s pushed away, but catches his footing. He looks up at the glass ceiling twinkling above him.
“Wow. Hey, Robin. You gotta check this out.”
Robin walks over and stands beside him, now looking up at the ceiling too.
“This ceiling is beautiful.” Steve points up.
“Oh wow.” Robin turns in circles, looking at the ceiling from different angles.
They both slowly start to feel uneasy, then all of a sudden nauseous. They start to come to, running as fast as they can to the bathroom, each kneeling over a toilet in a stall.
Once their coughing and groaning has stopped, they each sit silently in their stalls.
Robin looks up. “The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Is it still spinning for you?”
Steve looks up as well. “Holy shit. No. You think we puked it all up?”
Robin shrugs. “Maybe.” She can hear Steve shuffling in the next stall. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Now that I’ve got that out of my system, I’m gonna go get Y/n. Should’ve never let Henderson leave without them.” Steve tries to stand, but sits back down when he feels movement in his stomach again. “Shit.”
“I’m still dizzy.”
“Maybe you need to wait a little longer.” Robin tries to tell him.
“We shouldn’t have left Y/n in there at all, I’m not gonna wait longer to get them back.” Steve pushes himself up, but leans against the wall. “I’ll be fine.” He tries to move towards the door, but stumbles, falling against the wall near Robin’s stall.
“Will you please just sit down? You’re not gonna make it very far if you can’t even walk straight.” Robin tells him.
Steve sighs. He knows she’s right, that if he tried to get back there he’d be taken immediately. “Fine.” He grunts, sitting down in Robin’s stall. “How will we know when it’s worn off?”
“Ask me something. Interrogate me.” Robin says with a Russian accent.
Steve sighs. “Um, when was the last time you, uh, peed your pants?”
“When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw. It was just a little bit though.” She laughs.
“Yeah, it’s definitely still in your system.”
Robin kicks his shoe with hers. “Alright, my turn.”
“Okay. Hit me.”
“Have you… ever been in love?” She asks. She already knows the answer, but the drug might affect how much he’s willing to share.
“Yup, Nancy Wheeler. First semester senior year.” He points at his chest and makes an explosion sound.
“And now?” Robin raises her brows at him.
Steve runs a hand through his hair. “Now? I don’t know…”
Steve shakes his head. “No. I know what you’re thinking. You, and Dustin, and everyone else make it very clear you think there’s something going on between me and Y/n, but there’s not, okay? We’re just friends.”
Robin opens her mouth to speak, but is stopped when Steve starts again.
“And besides, even if there was any chance that they actually liked me, it wouldn’t work out. I’m a shitty boyfriend. Hell, I’m a shitty friend. I left them down there. I couldn’t protect them.” His head hangs down, his hands covering his face. “Y/n deserves so much more than Steve Harrington.” He mumbles.
Robin frowns, moving to sit next to him, instead of across from him. “Do you remember Mrs. Click’s class? We both had her for home room.”
Steve looks up at her.
“You sat in front of me. And you’d come in late everyday, with a bagel for breakfast. You’d spill crumbs all over the floor. And you asked the stupidest questions.”
“Is this supposed to make me feel better?” Steve furrows his brows.
“Just shut up, and listen to me.” Robin takes a deep breath. “I was obsessed.”
Steve turns towards Robin now. “Uh, listen Rob, you’re amazing and all but-”
“I wasn’t obsessed with you.” She stops him. She stares at the wall ahead. “It’s just… she wouldn’t stop staring at you…”
“Mrs. Click?”
“Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me. But she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair. And I didn’t understand because you were a douchebag. And you didn’t even like her and… I would go home and just scream into my pillow.” Robin shakes her head.
“But, Tammy Thompson’s a girl.”
“Steve…” Robin breathes out.
“Yeah?” He watches as she sighs and raises her brows, waiting for it to click in his head. “Oh.”
Robin doesn’t let him think for too long, quickly pulling his attention back to the conversation. “What I’m trying to say is back in high school you had people lining up to date you. People were crazy about you. But now you work a minimum wage job in a mall, slinging ice cream for bratty kids, and there’s one person that, despite all of that, is still crazy about you. If I had someone that I cared about, that cared about me, the way you and Y/n do, I’d do something about it.”
“Holy shit…” Steve leans his head back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Holy shit?”
“I’m in love with Y/n L/n…”
“Yeah dingus, I could’ve told you that.” Robin scoffs.
Steve laughs, looking back down at the wall. “So, Tammy Thompson?” He asks softly, nudging Robin’s knee with his own. “I mean, she’s cute and all, but, I mean, she’s a total dud.”
Robin turns to him, a scowl on her face. “She is not.”
“Yes, she is. She wants to be, like, a singer. She wants to move to, like, Nashville and shit.”
“She has dreams.”
“She can’t even hold a tune. I mean, she’s practically tone deaf. Have you heard her?” He starts singing, pitching his voice up, making it sound nasally. “You see me now tonight, you see me more than ever.”
Robin throws her head back laughing. “She does not sound like that.”
“She sounds exactly like that. That’s a great impression of her.” Steve nods.
“You sound like a muppet.”
“She sounds like a muppet! She sounds like a muppet giving birth!” He starts singing again. “And if you can hold me tight-”
Robin joins him now too. “We’ll be holding on forever.”
“Exactly!” Steve grins.
They’re both in a fit of laughter when the door to the restroom slams open. Dustin and Erica storm in, looking displeased with the two teenagers in hysterics.
“Okay, what the hell?” Dustin looks between the two of them.
Steve and Robin share a look, then start laughing again, sinking further down against the wall.
Dustin shakes his head and sighs. “The movies almost over. Get up, we’re gonna try and sneak out of here.”
Steve stops laughing now, and sits back up. “Absolutely not. We’re going to get Y/n.”
“Steve-” Dustin starts.
“No. We’re going to get Y/n, and that’s final.” He stands up, feeling significantly better than when he tried to stand up earlier.
“He’s really in love with them.” Erica says to Robin, her hands on her hips.
Steve steps forward and nods. “Yeah, I am. So we’re not leaving this god forsaken mall without them.”
A smile quickly spreads across Dustin’s face. His friend finally accepting his obvious feelings for his crush warms his heart. “Alright, Operation: Rescue Y/n is a go.”
“Do we even have a plan? Because this sounds like more child endangerment.” Erica shakes her head.
Voices slowly start to get louder outside the door. Dustin walks over to it and opens it just enough to peek outside. Robin stands now as well, and the three huddle behind Dustin, waiting for instructions.
“Okay, blend.” He says when most of the theatre has emptied into the mall.
They all walk out into the crowd, making sure to stay in between groups.
Erica looks around, surprised. “Well shit, that worked.”
“Of course it worked.” Dustin scoffs. “Now we just have to get back to the loading area, and back in the elevator.”
Robin stops in her tracks as they get closer to the front door. “Guys.”
Men stand at the doors, checking ID’s of any teenagers that exit.
“Abort.” Dustin says.
One of the men turns to the group, making eye contact with Dustin.
“Abort! Abort!”
The four turn and run, pushing through the crowd in an attempt to get further inside the mall. They stop at the escalator that has been closed for the night, no longer moving.
“Come on, let’s go, let’s go.” Steve nudges the group forward.
Robin sits down on the middle section, sliding down. Everyone follows, then keeps running. They all duck behind a counter of one of the food kiosks, practically holding their breath to keep quiet.
Steve takes a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut. This is it. This is how I’m gonna die. He thinks to himself. Y/n, I’m so sorry.
Gunshots fire off, three of them. Then one of the Russians grunts something, then another gunshot. They hear gun fall to the ground, then a sigh.
Steve furrows his brows. That sounded familiar? He isn’t sure, but he knows when he hears your words.
He jumps up from behind the counter, his eyes locked onto your figure. You’ve got tears in your clothes, and blood coating your hands. You smile when you see him.
He jumps over the counter and sprints to you, wrapping his arms around you in the tightest hug you’ve ever felt.
“I’m so sorry we didn’t find you, but Robin and I were drugged, and we only barely escaped and-” the words rush out of his mouth. He frowns when he looks down at your side. “You’re bleeding.”
The Russian guards had left you to your own devices as soon as the alarms started blaring. They made it quite easy to patch yourself up and escape, most of them running around like headless chickens.
You lift a hand to his face, softly brushing your thumb over his cheek. “So are you. You’re gonna have some serious vision problems in your left eye.”
He laughs, leaning into your touch. He leans his forehead against yours, closing his eyes, taking in this moment with you.
“You guys are cute and all, but I think it’s time we find a way out of here.” Erica says.
The other three have made their way out from behind the counter. They all stand together watching you and Steve reunite, with small smiles on their faces.
Your moment is cut short when you hear more voices. A new group of Russian guards, all holding guns, runs towards you.
You take Steve’s hand, holding it tightly in your own. You’re about to take off running when you hear the sound of a car alarm.
Everyone, the Russians included, all stop, and turn to the car that sits in the hub of the mall. It was put there for some sort of promotion, behind velvet ropes. You slowly step back, pulling the group with you.
The Russians all talk to each other, shrugging and shaking their heads.
You glance up at the second floor for a moment, and see El. You sigh in relief. Her hand is held up in the direction of the car. She throws the car at the group of Russians, and into the wall behind them.
El drops her hand as Nancy, Jonathan, Mike, Lucas, Will, and Max step forward. They run down the stairs as the four of you run to them.
Dustin crashes into Mike and El in a hug. “You flung that thing like a hot wheel!”
You let go of Steve’s hand and pull Nancy and Jonathan into a hug. They both wrap an arm around you tightly.
“Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you!” Nancy says when she and Jonathan pull away.
“Sorry, I was a little occupied.” You laugh.
“Lucas!” Erica exclaims.
“What are you doing here?” He asks.
Erica nods to the four of you. “Ask them. It’s their fault.”
“True, yeah. Totally true. It’s absolutely our fault.” Steve nods.
“I don’t understand what happened to that car.” Robin looks back at the now wrecked car.
“El has superpowers.” Dustin points at El.
“I’m sorry?”
“Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. Come on, catch up.” Steve says.
“That’s El?” Erica asks.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Nancy asks Robin.
“I’m Robin, I work with Steve. Y/n and I cracked the top secret code.”
“Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians in the first place.” Steve nods.
“Russians? Wait, what Russians?” Jonathan asks, looking at you.
“The Russians.” You gesture to the men laying on the ground.
“Those were Russians?” Max’s eyes widen.
“Didn’t you guys hear the code red?” Dustin looks at Lucas.
“Yeah, and I couldn’t understand half of what you were saying.” Mike answers.
“God damn low battery!” Dustin groans.
“How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery?” Steve snaps.
“Okay, well, everything worked out, didn’t it Steve?”
“Worked out?” Erica turns to Dustin, a look of anger on her face. “We almost died!”
“Yeah, but we didn’t, did we?”
“It was pretty damn close.” Steve eyes wander back to you.
You want to calm the group down, but see El move away out of the corner of your eye. She slowly lifts her hands to her ears.
“El?” You step away from the arguing, towards El.
She groans, before falling to the ground.
“El!” You run over to her and kneel down, lifting her head to rest on your lap.
Everyone gathers around, kneeling down next to you.
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Mike’s hands hover over her, ready to do anything he can.
“My leg!” She groans.
“Her leg, her leg, okay.” Jonathan slowly peels a bloody bandage off of her calf, revealing a large lump in her leg.
It slowly starts moving around, causing El to wail. Mike keeps asking if she’s okay. You wrack your brain, trying to think of anything to do.
El screams in pain as it travels around in her leg.
HOH Taglist: @nptnewr @rishlurh @scoobiessnacks @wisdomcrys @parker-natasha @missbunsworld @eddiemunsons-lover @lilyhw1 @mrsjaderogers
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I've been getting into baseball recently, and it's got me thinking about the weird push for Americans to get into soccer. (I'm not imagining that, am I? The weird disdain you see for people who prefer football?)
A lot of people in college would tell me that soccer was the only sport worth caring about, because it's so popular worldwide. I always thought that was a funny argument. Like, why should it matter to me that I'm watching the same game as someone on a different continent? Isn't it kinda cooler if there's a wide variety of games worldwide?
Baseball is the biggest in the US, I'm sure, but it's also huge in countries like Japan, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba... and that's really cool, I think! The fact that baseball resonates so much with the people there says something small, but interesting about both the sport and the culture and history of the area. And cricket is a big deal in India and Australia - it's not a sport I care about much, but I love how there are places where people do care. I just find stuff like that so cool, and it would really depress me to think that the only metric for how much a sport should matter is how many countries agree that it matters.
Not sure if this is anything you'd care about, sorry - just, booooo to globalism, I guess! Regional quirks are good for humanity!
So, first off, if you're just getting into baseball I'd enthusiastically recommend the PBS documentary Baseball by Ken Burns. I just started getting into baseball this year too (went to my first MLB game even) and it's a really great way to learn the history of the sport and why certain players and plays and teams and games are still talked about today.
Second, in America, soccer is the little known hipster Euro indie band of sports. It doesn't matter if it's good or not, it's just unpopular enough to be cool and it's foreign, so people who want to look down on American culture latch onto it. I don't really know why soccer never caught on in the US. It can't be because it's boring or slow, because baseball can also be boring and slow, at least before they implemented the pitch clock (which I think is the greatest change the game has even seen and I probably just made a lot of people very mad lol) and that's the third most popular sport in the country. It can't be because it isn't violent like football or hockey, because, again, baseball, and also basketball because basketball players are the literal softest athletes in the world when it comes to fouls and basketball is more popular than soccer. It can't be because there's too many white people--hockey--or too many non white people--basketball.
I dunno, I'm going off on a side quest here.
You're right, "the rest of the world likes this" is one of the stupidest reasons to like something. Hell, I vastly prefer the XFL over the NFL, and me and my husband are watching Slamball later on tonight. I've watched all kinds of combat sports, and things like Wipeout and American Ninja Warrior. I've watched pro wrestling and amateur wrestling. I've watched grappling fights. I've watched figure skating. Snowboarding. Sure, many of these I've only watched once or twice, but the sheer variety of sports that are out there, some regional, some not, is a great thing. You can always find something that appeals to you. Even if it's only you and a few other people watching. One of the great things about sports is its ability to connect a room full of complete strangers for a few hours. Whether that "room" is your living room, or a sports bar, or a backyard, or a stadium filled to capacity doesn't matter at all. As long as you're enjoying something and getting something out of it, that's all that matters. The "best" sport is impossible to determine with any objectivity. The most popular sport is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what's fun to watch or play.
Besides, we all know the best sport is Blitzball anyway.
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Um Okay. I have officialy made myself cry thinking about this but. Because of circumstances known to all of us, c!Techno will never get a story again. He won’t get a finale. And because I absolutely adore causing myself mental pain, I made up a ‘canon-to-me’ reason why and the finale for his character.
So, the nuke is going off and say that Phil and Techno in the Arctic see it launch. (Look, I am playing fast and loose with the timeline of events here, don’t judge me I just wanna write angst.)
They realise what it means and as soon as Phil puts two and two together he just runs out of his house, towards Techno’s because no, this can’t be true-
See, Phil is fully immortal. Not even the complete destruction of a world can kill him. Techno, on the other hand, is only functionaly immortal. He can’t die by natural causes, he’s too good of a fighter to die in combat, he’s protected by Phil and the Blood god, so there are only very few things that could actually pose a threat to him.
One of which, unfortunately, is a wipeout of a server he’s on. The DSPM is not his home server, his code is not written into the fabric of the reality around them. Hence why he only has one life on the DSMP.
As Phil goes to run to his house, he finds him standing in the snow in front of his cabin. He immidiately tackles Techno, tears already pooling in his eyes.
‘You promised!’
He cries. Because he did. Technoblade never dies. They both knew it was a lie. And yet, whenever Phil was going down the spiral of self-hatred and grief for all of the people he’s lost during his life, Techno has been there for him. For litteral CENTURIES. Promising to stay forever.
And just when Phil let himself believe it. Just when he let his guard down. Settled into the feeling of having someone by his side, in battle and in life, apart from his goddess, it will be ripped from him.
‘Kristin seems to really want to meet me’
Techno says, a joke. He even smiles.
But it only prompts more tears to stream out of Phil’s eyes. Because it means that Techno is sure that he’s going to die.
He looks at the piglin and sees him holding out a hand, asking for a Dance. They’ve danced together thousands of times before, they only just did yesterday, on a whim, after they finished their daily work.
Phil knows that, if he takes Techno’s hand, it will be the last time he ever dances.
He takes it. They Dance, steps that they have made up during their time together, as natural as breathing. They are a little closer to each other than normal.
As they finish the Dance, both of their eyes are glossed over with tears, they’re streaming down both their cheeks. Techno smiles at Phil and says:
‘Don’t cry, angel. You’ll be fine. There’s nothing tears can do about this, we both know it. It’s just my time.’
As he speaks, he cups Phil’s face in his hands, brushing the tears away. And even though he doesn’t speak it, the words carry over in every action.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
They hold hands as they watch the nuke land. Phil stretches his wing around Techno’s shoulders, a habit of times long past. As they watch the shockwave and the bright light approach, Techno speaks, his voice thick with emotions.
‘I’ll see you at the end of the world, Phil. Because you will live until then. You will live through this. Promise me you’ll live through this.’
He’s looking at Phil now, his grip strong, desperate, but yet, even now, not strong enough to hurt Phil.
And Phil looks him in the eyes, he blinks the tears out of his own, to see him clearly, for what will be the last time.
‘I promise.’
He whispers. Techno grins, bright and full, like the sun. Like he always smiled at Phil.
‘I love you!’ Phil screams right before the shockwave hits and a bright, painful whiteness rips his best friend’s hand out of his, this time, for good.
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peonyblossom · 2 years
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Thank you so much to @wip-wipeout-weekend for hosting this amazing event! It sounds like so much fun and so much productivity hehe! I'm not quite sure how much time I'll have that weekend, as weekends are when I usually do my cleaning, but I am still going to participate as much as I can! Since the event isn't for another couple weeks, I will update this list if I finish anything before then. But without further ado:
Sadie x Ethan
Hide-and-Seek: One-shot based on an ask from June (I'm so sorry) with the prompt "cuddling on the couch, silently watching your kids play around the house."
Love Drunk: A third part to this series of mine that takes place roughly 7/8 months after part one.
Unplanned: A fic about when Sadie tells Ethan she is pregnant with their third child and how he reacts.
Jackie x Thomas
Coffee Shop AU Chapter 1: Chapter 1 of a story I've been trying to write since AUgust. It's an AU where Jackie is working at a coffee shop near HWU and meets Thomas there a week before classes start.
AME Rewrite
This is actually what got me started in writing Choices fanfic, but I realized how much time it was going to take and it made me nervous because I've never really written something like that before
But I'd like to pick it up again, so I'm going to try!
The reason I want to do a rewrite is because I want to write a version with Carson as the LI since he wasn't an option in canon.
So, I hope to finish up the first chapter of my rewrite and maybe start on the second if I have time, but we'll see!
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concernedlily · 2 years
cousins wip 5
pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
pt 4
The next day Arm asks him tentatively if he’d be willing to go back to the tower; Tankhun wants to see him. Porsche agrees, wearily: a couple of hours watching dramas with Tankhun sounds great, and he should check on Chay, who’s being incredibly cagey about when he expects to hear the results from his university interview.
“Porsche!” Tankhun screams when Porsche knocks on his door. He’s wearing a bright orange suit patterned with pink flowers which makes Porsche’s head hurt just to look at him. He grabs Porsche and is hugging him deathgrip tight before Porsche really knows what’s going on, and Porsche freezes for a second before he relaxes into it. He’s missed just being hugged; he was always roughly affectionate with Chay, and Jom and Tem and his college friends and the other bartenders, in a way he can’t possibly be with anyone at the minor family compound. And constant physical contact had been the hallmark of his relationship with Kinn. Kinn had never pushed him away, had seemed to enjoy closeness as much as Porsche does and initiated cuddles half the time. Porsche is still missing him desperately, still skin-hungry and cock-hungry for him, but he hadn’t realised how good it would feel to get back just a tiny sliver of what Kinn had given him in being held as long and tightly as he wanted whenever he wanted it.
“Sorry I haven’t been around much,” he says and tries a smile, moving aside a little so Arm can slip past him and go to embrace Pol, who’s still wearing a sling but otherwise is back in uniform.
“Call me phi,” Tankhun orders. “We’re cousins now! Or hia. I told Chay he can call me hia.”
Porsche blinks at that. He’s Chay’s hia and he’s not sure how he feels about sharing the title. It was just the two of them for so long, Arthee pulling back from their little unit as soon as Porsche was old enough to take responsibility for Chay for reasons Porsche understands now. In all the devastation it’s caused Porsche to find out that himself and Kinn and Korn are family, he hasn’t really considered at all that it could be a good thing, that it might be nice for Chay to have a bigger family, cousins he can rely on. 
It’s definitely no bad thing for Chay to have Tankhun as an ally and protector in the tower, until it’s safe for him to come and live with Porsche. After so long dismissed, left at home as the family eccentric while Kinn did the work, Tankhun is a combatant now. He might not have fought directly, but Porsche has no doubt that the news made it out of the attack that Tankhun had participated in repelling the attack on his home and family, and not in a way he and Arm had whipped up on the spot, either; it had been a planned, strategic defence. Without the distraction of the explosion when Porsche was pinned down under Vegas’ gun he’d probably be dead now, Kinn following soon after and spending the last minutes of his life destroyed by watching Porsche shot to death in front of him; Porsche won’t forget that, or underestimate Tankhun ever again. Neither will anyone else left in the tower, and they won’t mess with anybody who calls Tankhun big brother.
Tankhun sits Porsche down and flutters around having drinks brought and cushions plumped and blinds raised to the perfect light levels. Somehow Arm looks delighted to have these pedestrian tasks delegated to him by Pol, who sits down next to Tankhun with the usual familiarity, and Porsche leans back against the soft to the point of being overstuffed couch and lets it relax him. After the minor family household, he can recognise Tankhun’s arrangements more for what they are: chaotic, but controlled chaos, not like the minor family compound which feels like driving a bike perpetually in the last second before leaning into a corner doing ninety turns into a wipeout. 
“How are the series?” he says, accepting a Virgin Mary. 
“Fine, fine,” Tankhun says. He sits next to Porsche and peers at him far too sensibly. “Not as good as the one happening in my very own house.”
“Are you going to tell me you’re sorry we broke up too? Your father seemed surprised we didn’t just keep on,” Porsche says bitterly. 
“Oh, well, Papa,” Tankhun says, looking inscrutable. “I am sorry, though. Kinn’s heart is broken. If it was any other circumstance I’d have had Arm smother you in your sleep at that other house.”
Behind him Arm looks surprised to hear this. Porsche glances at him and Arm shakes his head frantically. 
“Great to know,” he says and slumps further into the cushions. 
“He really is heartbroken,” Tankhun says, raising his chin and giving Porsche a staunch look, and Porsche remembers how happy Kinn had said his brother was when Kinn had admitted to being in love with Porsche, how immediately he’d supported them and helped sway their father towards accepting their relationship. Knowing what he knows now Porsche wishes desperately that Korn hadn’t let himself be swayed, but that’s not Tankhun’s fault. 
“I’m heartbroken,” he says softly. “But what else is there to do?”
Tankhun sighs and pulls his feet up under him on the couch, curling his lanky body up small. “I know. You have to let us be sorry, Porsche. What happened with Tawan - well, what we thought happened with Tawan, changed him. I don’t want to lose him like that again. Big brother to big brother, I know you understand that.”
It’s strange thinking of Tankhun as a big brother. Kinn is the one who acts as the eldest in almost every way that matters. But Tankhun cares about his brother, maybe even more than Kinn can given he has to think of them as a business as well as family. 
“I’m trusting you not to let him change like that again,” Porsche says. “You have to be his heart now. I’ve still got his back. I always will.”
“Ah Porsche,” Tankhun murmurs. “You’re too good for this life of ours, you know that? It’s going to ruin you.” His eyes are wet when Porsche looks at him and he takes the handkerchief Pol offers him anxiously and dabs theatrically at his eyes. 
Porsche feels ruined already, like killing that first man was a drop of ink on water and now everything in him is dark and blurry. Between the raid on the Italians and the attack on the compound Porsche doesn’t even <I>know</I> how many people he’s killed now. The person he was three months ago wouldn’t even recognise him. 
He shrugs and tries to sound matter of fact. “Turns out it was always my life, doesn’t it? If my mother hadn’t taken us away…”
Although she had. And Porsche had walked himself and Chay back in, with a good hard shove from Korn via Arthee and his debts. 
“Nice woman, Aunty,” Tankhun says. “She must have been smart, before.”
“You’ve met her?” Porsche says sharply. 
“I had my father take me up there,” Tankhun says. “Imagine! A woman living in my attic all this time! Just like the series. She has an artist’s eye. I go up every morning now to show her my outfits.”
“Okay,” Porsche says. He’s not sure it is okay, actually, but what can he do? He doesn’t live here anymore and while his prints are on the lock to his mother’s room now, it’s still under Korn’s control. He can’t order Tankhun kept out. And maybe it’s nice for his mother to have more contact; Tankhun is noisy and demanding, but he’s easy enough to deal with as long as he’s kept occupied. Although - “Does Chay know you do?” he says. “I haven’t even taken him up there yet. I didn’t think either of them would be ready.”
“Sweet Chay,” Tankhun says. “No, he doesn’t know. Don’t worry, I’m taking good care of him. You let me finish raising him up. You’ve got enough to worry about.”
“I‘ll never have too much to worry about not to raise Chay,” Porsche says firmly. 
“Mm,” Tankhun says. “Perhaps you should have a chat with him soon, then.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Porsche says. 
Pol protests from the other side of the couch, “Porsche, you can’t talk to master like that!”
“Pol, you can’t talk to Khun Porsche like that!” Arm protests from behind them. 
“Oohhhh!” Tankhun hollers, clapping his hands. “What a confusion! I don’t know if you officially becoming Kinn’s wife would’ve been better or worse for discipline.”
Porsche flinches, but he’s not going to be moved off his subject. “What did you mean about Chay,” he says. “What’s he told you?”
“You should ask him about university,” Tankhun says. He looks ridiculous and he sounds light, but the way he’s watching Porsche is anything but. “And Kim.”
“Kim - your brother Kim?” Porsche says, surprised. “What about him? I’ve never even met him.”
Tankhun tuts. “You’re as bad as your brother. You met him at the warehouse, when Chay was kidnapped. He went to help. He carried Chay out.”
Porsche vaguely remembers the guy who’d got Chay away, slender and heavily armed and not wearing a bodyguard uniform, but he’d been a little busy what with Big dying on him and Tawan’s attack and Vegas’ machinations and then almost getting exploded. “Why would he have gone to help? I thought he stayed away from everything,” he says, but the now-familiar feeling of being fucked over by Theerapanyakuls is already starting to burn in his chest. 
“Ask Chay. Another drink?” Tankhun says. 
“Yeah,” Porsche says, and rubs his hands over his face. “Add the vodka this time.”
He hears a guitar being listlessly strummed as he walks down the corridor towards the room where Chay lived, then didn’t live, then lived again, then didn’t live again, and now lives once more, and his heart twists with guilt. He’d never wanted to get Chay caught up in all this, but he had anyway and now if he believes Tankhun’s hints Chay is even more wrapped up than Porsche thinks, and Porsche - he hasn’t been the one raising Chay, not since leaving that letter behind. He needs to do better and it fills him with new resolve to sort out the minor family at least to a point where it’s safe enough to give his brother a home Porsche will never have to wake him at dawn to creep out of. 
He knocks on the door.
“Hia,” Chay says, sounding glad to see him, but - surprised. 
Porsche’s little brother should never have to sound <I>surprised</I> to see him. He’s fucked up. 
But he’s here now. 
“Porchay,” he says softly, and Chay’s smile trembles, and Porsche opens up his arms.
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rileybarber-ardn518 · 2 years
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“The moment a surfer gets wiped out and worked by the turbulence of one of the heaviest waves in the world. "This is the unseen part of surfing," says photographer Ben Thouard. "I have so much respect for both the wave and the surfers - surfing such a heavy wave is a huge challenge."
I have found inspiration in this photograph captured by Ben Thouard, it is something that as a surfer and getting knocked down by waves, it’s a small fear whilst losing your breath when you do get knocked down by a wave. 
This also captures the many shades of blue that a wave holds. 
- This photograph placed 1st place for The Ocean Photographer of the Year. 
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A surfer wipeout, as captured from below the surface. “I shot this image under the wave of Teahupo’o,” says photographer Ben Thouard. “I call this image ‘The fight’ as it visually describes the feeling of getting wiped out at Teahupo’o and fighting with the turbulence to make it back to the surface as your board drags you backwards. This is the unseen part of surfing, yet so mesmerizing.”
This is another image by Ben Thouard which really amazes me, it captures again the fear of being caught underneath the wave. It is a very thrilling photo, something that I might add the exhilaration and fear of surfing in my project design. 
-I enjoy the smoky and cloudiness of the whitewash in this image. It looks really mysterious and spooky almost as if you don’t really know what is behind it or what is lurking beneath. 
-Another link to this photo is that this was taken in Teahupoo in Tahiti which is home to some of the biggest waves in the world. My family and I love to watch the best waves caught or the biggest wipeouts there on youtube. It is actually on my bucket list to try and surf a wave there or to even just be on the side boast watching people surf. 
-The video below shows how massive and terrifying these waves are. The second scariest thing is that there is a coral reef right under it and it is very shallow, so you have to be very smart and a professional at surfing if you wanted to take on one of these waves, as if you fall, bail or get sucked in, you may be pushed on the reef below. 
But for me watching these two videos below gives me goosebumps and makes me want to leave class and head to the beach. But in slow motion, it is quite mesmerising and almost hypnotic to watch, but seeing how large these waves get is quite terrifying yet exciting. 
0 notes
marshallpupfan · 9 months
Just Some Thoughts About the Third Film
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As many of you know now, it was official revealed recently that PAW Patrol will get a third theatrical film. It's due to release on 2026, three years from now. Third movie, three years, and a certain spotted pup drives a vehicle with the number three. It just fits, eh?
Okay, maybe that's a stretch. As of right now, we still don't know anything about the third movie, it's plot, or which pup it will focus on. From what I've noticed, most fans are rooting for Marshall, as am I. Despite my complaints in the past, I want this to happen for a specific reason; to put Marshall back in the spotlight again, which I feel is sorely needed after the way the franchise treated him these last few years... ESPECIALLY during season 9. To see the TV series practically treat him like a side character for nearly a whole season was... annoying, to say the least.
Marshall headlining a theatrical film (and a good one, I hope) would surely mark a great turnaround for the pup and hopefully negate all of that. However, despite how much I want to see him be its main character, I must admit, I do have some reservations.
This isn't a rant, but more akin to a fan expressing some thoughts and concerns. This is, however, easily one of my longest posts yet, so if you're curious, click "Keep reading".
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Whenever I look back at the first theatrical film, I have mixed feelings about the way Brunker handled Marshall. On the plus side, he had some great rescues, especially when he saved all those people on that subway. And if I have to credit the film for anything, it's that I'm grateful it allowed my favorite spotted pup to actually be a fireman and put out fires. This seems to be carrying on into the sequel, thankfully. Believe it or not, the last time the TV series allowed the pup to put out a dangerous/uncontrolled fire was, no joke, all the way back in season one. Only the theatrical films, and Rubble & Crew, interestingly, seem to let him do this anymore.
While his rescues were really cool, everything else wasn't as good, in my opinion. And one of the biggest reasons I say this has to do with how Brunker handled one particular element; Marshall's clumsiness.
You all know I love that aspect of the spotted pup... but if I had to take a guess, I'm going to assume Brunker does not. The first film only gave us two brief bits of clumsiness, and both were restricted to the first twenty minutes, no less. Furthermore, he wasn't even allowed to have his pre-mission wipeout, which is arguably one of the franchise's most iconic elements. Brunker skipped over it like it was nothing. Granted, we did sorta/kinda get something else in its place, but it was given to Rubble. Sadly, I can't help but believe both of these will be lacking once again in The Mighty Movie (at the time of typing this, I haven't seen it, so I've no idea yet).
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It wasn't just the lack of clumsiness, but how it was handled that also left me disappointed. In the TV series, Marshall might get careless while playing a game and trip over his own paws, or he might slip during a moment of haste. It just depends on the situation, how serious he is, among other factors. And yet, it tends to be, for lack of a better word, natural. Marshall was excited to finally find Jake in that dark cave, wasn't watching where he was going, slipped, and he slid all the way down and kept going until he was stopped by a stalagmite and started spinning on top of it. Classic Marshall! If Chase has slipped, he likely would've only slid a little or stopped near Jake, but with Marshall, we always seem to get so much more out of it.
And in truth, his clumsiness isn't always a detriment, but often a moment of humor. It's something we've all come to expect from him over the years. He saves or helps save the day, and we tend to get a laugh or two along the way because... well, that's Marshall!
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In the theatrical films, each moment of clumsiness always seems to be specifically *caused* by something. So far, he's been "clumsy" because he was dancing in a moving vehicle, startled by a hologram appearing beneath his paws, and Chase startling him when the shepherd snuck up behind the Dalmatian with his super speed. Cute moments, but with his tumble in the PAW Patroller being a possible exception, none of these felt like natural moments of clumsiness to me. Rather, they're scenes that, arguably, could've made any of the other pups react in a similar way. What if Rocky was the one standing there when the hologram appeared? Wouldn't he have jumped, too? Or, what if Chase startled Zuma instead? Couldn't he have accidentally sprayed someone or something with his water powers?
I guess what I'm getting at is, to me, these didn't feel like genuine clumsy Marshall moments. They felt less "this happened because of Marshall's characteristics" and more "Brunker wanted a funny scene, and any pup might've reacted the same way so it largely didn't matter which one it was". Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just the feeling I get.
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Now, compare that to Marshall's appearance in "Rubble & Crew". That episode included his trademark clumsiness at just the right moments, even during the mission. They never restricted it to the first act, but rather, it was seen throughout the whole episode. Even little moments, like when he slipped while climbing into Mix's truck, left me with such a big smile on my face. His clumsiness wasn't caused by something, but rather, it happened naturally and in a way we, the viewers, expect! And these moments really made me appreciate the episode all the more, as I felt the writers took their time to understand Marshall and get him just right. If you ask me, they did a great job!
Going by the first movie alone, I don't get that same impression. Maybe things will be different in The Mighty Movie, but for now, I don't think the director seems to *get* Marshall. He might just see him as the one who "trips a lot" which is why he wrote his clumsy scenes in a way that, to me, didn't feel natural. Instead, they felt forced. Something *caused* Marshall to be clumsy, instead of something happening *because* Marshall is clumsy. There is a big difference, and I'm not sure if Brunker sees this.
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And if he doesn't, and he sees Marshall's clumsiness as something that can be turned off as easy as the lights in a room... then I fear we might be in trouble if he directs a film based on the spotted pup. Personally, I don't see Marshall's clumsiness in that way, nor do I believe that was ever the intention. I think it's something the pup simply can't help at times, and it's just a part of him he has to live with. He always gives it his best, but his paws just slip more than the others. It just happens, although it doesn't make him or his actions any less heroic.
And I don't know if Brunker sees it that way. His version of Marshall doesn't trip down the slide, doesn't get a wipeout before the mission, and only acts clumsy when something causes it to happen. Due to being unwilling or uninterested, I don't think Brunker understands Marshall's clumsiness, which in turn makes me think he doesn't understand the pup...
...and to write a whole movie based on a character he might not understand? That... is what has me concerned.
With that said, it's not like Marshall is super complex or anything, so Brunker can certainly take the time to learn more about the pup and how he's like. I just don't know if he will, as he has a tendency to shrug off stuff from the TV series. As he, himself once said, he doesn't treat most of the cartoon as canon to his films. He ignores everything after a certain point in season two, which is why the pups are discovering their Mighty powers for the first time again in his theatrical sequel. Will he try to build off what we know about the character, or will he instead pull something out of thin air again, like he did with Skye and her sudden lack of confidence about her size? Or will he pretend Marshall's clumsiness is the result of something from his past, and like Chase's fears in the first movie, will a pep talk before the finale make it magically go away? Again, I don't know.
Furthermore, I also fear things becoming too stale for film #3. From what little I know so far, it seems like The Mighty Movie, and even Skye's backstory, might share a few too many similarities with the first movie and Chase's own backstory. These films even share similarities with his The Nut Job 2, oddly. Brunker seems to be following a template of sorts, and he's sticking to it like glue. Will Marshall's movie involve more of a corrupt mayor? Will we get more adventures in a city? Will Marshall suffer from a lack of confidence due to a painfully sad backstory, too? If so, I fear people are going to start getting bored. I'd hate to see that happen, especially if Marshall is the focus. The pup has plenty of potential, if Brunker's willing to see it.
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It's times like this I really wish I was a somebody in the entertainment industry. I'm not saying this out of arrogance, but I'd like to think I possess a considerable amount of knowledge about Marshall... possibly more than anyone at Spin Master now. To them, he's just a thing in a cartoon that's helping them make money... but to me, he's a character who I've admitted before is my #1 favorite of all time. I know and remember things they've likely forgotten over the last ten years. The character has become special to me and I love him to death, whether that's a good thing or not.
I just wish I could be a consultant to Brunker, should the third or any future theatrical films focus on Marshall. Not to say I'm perfect, but I'd like to think I'd be useful with helping him decide what would and wouldn't work for the character, how the pup might react to certain situations, when and when not to add some [natural] clumsy moments, among other things. I'd even help figure out ways to push the character to help him stand out, especially in-regards to avoiding any similarities between Chase and Skye's stories in the theatrical films thus far. It's wishful thinking, I know. In the grand scheme of things, I'm a nobody, and I'll be the first to admit that. I don't have the slightest chance of this happening. I doubt anyone at Spin master or GURU know I exist... I doubt Brunker knows much of me, either (he might not like this post, so maybe that's a good thing). 😅
All I can do at this point is hope for the best... which I find myself saying a lot nowadays, it seems. If film #3 is about Marshall, I just hope Brunker takes the time to understand the character and get him right. Maybe he, too will start to see why so many of us, both young and old, have fallen in love with this clumsy pup over the years.
As usual, only time will tell.
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Smooth Water
Wipeout - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Surfer!Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: Hey guys! Here is part two for you, hope you enjoy! I love getting feedback, it’s what helps keep me motivated, so please let me know what you guys think! Also just a side note, a few of my tags for my taglist weren’t working so if you see this and you were supposed to be tagged but you weren’t I am so sorry! Hope you enjoy, love you guys xx
Warnings: Slight angst
Summary: Tom takes you surfing and you vent
Series Masterlist
❀  ゜.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.゜❀
Tom arrived at your house at exactly 10 am to find you were still struggling to pull your hair into a braid. Currently you were seated in front of your mirror with a hair tie hanging out of your mouth while you tried to work your baby hairs into the braid. Tom was seated on your bed, laughing while he watched your struggle.
“Why don’t you come here and let me help” he smirked as you started undoing your braid for the third time since he’d arrived.
“I got it, I got it,” you insisted, “I’m just trying to make sure it’s tight enough, I don’t want the hair tie to fall out.”
“Let me help,” he pushed himself off the bed and grabbed your shoulders, “Come sit for a second.”
You sighed and let him pull you away, “Fine.”
Tom sat back down and patted the spot between his legs. You sat in between them and crossed your legs with a small, annoyed huff.
“I can’t believe you’re the one making us late,” he chuckled as he started braiding your hair.
“Well I was expecting you to be late,” you rolled your eyes.
“So sorry to throw you off,” he hummed, “Your hair smells nice.”
“Yeah it’s called a shower, you should try one sometime.”
“Really? I haven’t heard of that before, maybe you can show me,” he teased.
“Why don’t you just ask Jade to show you?” you snapped, your face flushing at your sudden outburst.
“Jade?” he frowned, “Why would I ask Jade for anything?”
“I don’t know, you two were all over each other last night,” you bit your cheek nervously while you waited for him to reply.
“What are you talking about? You weren’t even with me last night,” he knit his brows in confusion.
“I saw you guys making out on Adrien’s story,” you confessed.
Tom suddenly burst into laughter, his head falling forward against your back, “You thought I was making out with Jade?!”
Your stomach started to bubble with anger again, “I saw it with my own two eyes Tom.”
“But I wasn’t making out with her,” he wiped his eyes and fell back onto the bed in a fit of laughter, “We were playing spin the bottle and hers landed on me, I let her give me a little peck but that’s it. I would never make out with Jade, I can’t fucking stand her.”
Once again your cheeks started to burn with embarrassment, “Oh.”
“I can’t believe you thought I’d actually make out with Jade, of all people on the planet,” he held his stomach, seeming unable to calm himself from his laughing fit.
“It’s not funny Tom,” you scoffed.
“No, it’s fucking hilarious,” he grabbed your shoulders as he sat back up, “Obviously I would never make out with Jade Flower, she’s fucking awful to you, I would never do that to you,” he squeezed you affectionately before his hands returned to your hair.
“Don’t call me Flower,” you glanced down at your hands, “You mean it? You really wouldn’t go for her?”
“Of course not. I can hardly stand to be around her, and I know it would hurt you, I could never do that,” he assured you with a big smile, “I can’t believe you thought I would though, that’s fucking mad.”
“It’s not funny Tom, I was really upset about it,” you admitted.
“Is that why you didn’t come out last night?” he questioned.
“I thought you seemed upset, I didn’t want to be pushy though,” he hummed, “I’m sorry. You can always talk to me about that sort of thing though, I mean the first part of friends with benefits is friends after all. I care about you and making sure you're happy and comfortable, you know?”
You thought about what Grace had said, about you possibly starting to want something more with Tom. Truthfully you weren’t sure if she was right or not. Sometimes you could picture something more with him, in moments like this, but then you remembered who he was. It was just like Grace had said, Tom would never commit. He prided himself on never catching feelings, for anyone, the way he cared about you would never move beyond platonic.
You cared about him in the platonic sense too, and you valued the friendship you had with him above most others. He was one of the only people, besides Grace, that you’d really grown close to since moving to town. Catching feelings for him could ruin that, and then of course there was the issue of him not really being boyfriend material. Tom was nearsighted and pleasure seeking. He didn’t have a plan for the future, and he rarely did anything that wouldn’t grant him immediate gratification. You had a plan for your life, and Tom’s impulsivity would never fit into that as anything more than a friend.
“Thank you Tom, I appreciate it a lot,” you glanced over your shoulder at him, “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“You’re welcome Flower,” he grabbed your face and pressed a loud, dramatic kiss to your cheek, “And it’s alright, I’d feel the same way in your shoes.”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname, “I take it back, I’m still mad at you.”
“Come on, it’s cute,” he chuckled lightly, “I brought that pink surfboard you like, does that put me back in your good graces?”
“I don’t know, how’s the braid turning out?”
“Pretty good, it would be better if you sat still.”
“Me?” you gaped, “You’re the one that’s having a laughing fit.”
“Well I’m done now, so sit still,” he ordered.
“Bossy,” you commented.
“Just a bit,” he smirked as he pulled your hair back, “I’m almost done.”
“Thank you for doing that, I can never get it tight enough when I do it myself,” you sighed, “You wouldn’t believe how much harder it is to braid your own hair.”
“I’ll make sure it’s nice and snug. You won’t be polluting the seas on my watch,” he chuckled as he wrapped a hair tie around the bottom of your braid, tugging against it to make sure it was nice and snug, “There, does that feel like it will stay?”
You shook your head back and forth a few times before nodding, “Yeah, that’s perfect.”
“Fantastic,” he hopped off the bed and plucked your bag from the ground as he went pacing towards the front door, “You know you always over pack, you really just need a towel.”
“I only bring the necessities,” you retorted as he pushed open the door.
He peeked inside the bag while you locked up, “I’ve got sunscreen and zinc in the car, and water. You’ve got a whole second swimsuit, and a first aid kit.”
“I need the second swimsuit in case I lose part of mine, and I’m only bringing the first aid kit because I know you don’t keep one in your car, which you’re should,” you scoffed as he tossed your bag into the back seat of his old, beat up, two door, yellow Jeep Wrangler.
“In all my years of surfing I have never seen someone lose any piece of their swimsuit, but I’ll concede on the first aid kit, I should probably keep one in my car.”
“Ha,” you smiled smugly as you slid into the car. Tom always kept the doors and the top off, and although he always assured you it was perfectly safe it still made you uneasy. You always took the middle seat in an effort to keep yourself a little safer.
“I was thinking we could head to that little beach up north,” Tom placed his hand over your thigh as he pulled into the street, “I don’t really wanna run into any of the kiddos today, you know, keep it just you and I.”
“That’s fine with me,” you agreed, “I like the smaller waves anyway.”
“Fantastic, it gets a little tiring getting swarmed everywhere I go,” he squeezed your leg, “You know, local celebrity and all.”
You had to roll your eyes at the comment. The surf shack where Tom worked, Aqua Life, offered children’s surfing classes during the summer, which Tom and Harrison taught together. When he first told you he was one of the surf instructors you were puzzled, he didn’t strike you as the kind of person who’d enjoy working with kids, but he actually did great with them. You knew he was a good teacher, he’d taught you to surf after all, but he was always so gentle and encouraging with the kids. The kids adored him too, sometimes when you were out on the beach together they would come flocking over, eager to say hi or show him whatever new trick they’d learned. Tom indulged them every time and always ended up apologizing to you later, but you’d always found it too endearing to be annoyed.
“I think it’s cute when they come up to you,” you smiled, “Even though you never get as excited when I learn a new trick.”
“Would you like me to get up and cheer for you after every successful run?” he laughed.
You nodded, “Yeah I would actually, I’d find that very encouraging.”
“Oh I’m so sorry, I’ll make sure I do today,” he promised.
“You should have from the beginning, it’s not very ethical to play favorites with your students.”
“You wouldn’t have a problem with it if you were the favorite,” he glanced over at you with a smirk.
“Excuse me?” you feigned offense, “I’m sleeping with you, that should bump me into first on principle.”
“Sorry darling, Paddy’s still my favorite,” he shrugged, “You’re a close second though.”
You rolled your eyes, “I should have known, he’s way better at surfing than I am.”
“He’s had a lot more practice, don’t beat yourself up about it,” Tom squeezed one of your legs, “You’re much better than most of the other 13 year olds I teach.”
“Just most?” you raised a brow.
He nodded, “Yeah, I mean some of those kids are really good, and if we’re being honest you’re pop up could still use a little work.”
“What’s wrong with my pop up?” you frowned and knit your brows in confusion.
“It’s just a little wobbly sometimes. I think you’re still bringing both feet up at the same time instead of your back foot first,” he explained,
“I bring my back foot first,” you defended, “And I’m not wobbly either.”
“You can say that now but I’ve seen you wobble with my own two eyes.”
“Okay well I’ve seen you wobbling up there too then,” you accused.
He glanced over at you again with a big, cocky smile, “Darling I never, ever wobble.”
“Is that supposed to be some kind of innuendo?” you glared at him.
He laughed and shrugged, “I don’t know, I guess if you think it is. I don’t know what for though.”
“Well I don’t know, but you had that look on your face.”
“What look?” he questioned.
“Whenever you say some stupid pick up line or make some kind of flirty comment you think is just hilarious you get this cocky little smirk on your face. Then you open your mouth and say something stupid like ‘I like your boobs’,” you mocked his voice and to the best of your ability, it was a poor imitation but it made him laugh.
“That is not stupid,” he feinged offense through his laughter, “That’s important information that you need to know.”
“It is stupid, I already know you like my boobs, everybody does, they’re boobs,” you rolled your eyes.
“Yes but I like them in a far deeper and more intellectual way than anyone else ever will.”
“That was so stupid” you choked on your own words as you devolved into laughter.
He squeezed your leg again while you laughed beside him, “I love your laugh.”
Heat rose in your cheeks suddenly, “Thank you.”
“It’s really warm,” he pulled onto the long gravel road that led to the beach, “Your laugh I mean, not the weather. It’s just like… Inviting, and contagious.”
“Thank you Tom, that means a lot,” you nibbled your bottom lip before continuing, “Actually I’ve always been sort of insecure about my laugh. I’ve always thought it was kind of loud, and obnoxious.”
“Not a chance,” he tossed his arm over your shoulders and pressed a loud kiss to the side of your cheek, “You’ve got the cutest, most reasonably volumed laugh I’ve ever heard.”
“Well when you aren’t doing that cocky little smirk you’ve got a really nice smile Tommy.”
“But the cocky little smirk isn’t cute?” he chuckled.
“I think that’s more hot than it is cute.”
“I’ll take it,” he finally pulled into the large sandy parking lot. You were happy to see it was totally deserted for the time being, “I’ll get the boards.”
He pulled off his shirt as he climbed onto the side of the Jeep, leaving in him only some swim trunks and the small coconut bead necklace you’d never seen him without. You picked up the shirt and crammed it into your bag along with the baggy shirt you’d thrown on over your swimsuit. He passed his board down to you as he unstrapped them from the top of the car, and you couldn’t help but gawk a bit. Something about him on the water or him with his board always turned you on, you liked how excited and passionate he got.
Tom glanced back at you with the intention of passing the second board to you, but his lips drew to a smirk when he noticed you were staring, “You know we don’t have to go straight to the water,” he hummed as you took the smaller, pink board from him. He jumped down from the side of the Jeep and grazed your stomach with the back of his hand.
“I came to surf Holland,” you slipped the board under your arm and sauntered away towards the beach. 
Tom followed after you with a playful smile, “You wouldn’t even know how to surf if it weren't for me.”
“Grace could have taught me.”
“But she didn’t,” he reached forward and pinched your butt, making you jump and squeal.
“Asshole,” you glared over your shoulder at him while he laughed.
“Oh shove it, you love me,” he winked.
“You wish,” you scoffed as you set your things down by a large piece of driftwood, “Ready?”
“Not yet, we need some Zinka,” he reminded as he wiped two thick stripes of pink sunscreen under your eyes before doing the same to himself, “Now we’re ready, and we look adorable.”
You smiled, “You got pink this time?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I thought you’d like to match the board.”
“You thought correctly,” you held the board up to your cheek, “What do you think?”
“Well I think you look cute, but the light pink would have matched better, I think they stopped making it though…” he pursed his lips, “I don’t know, maybe I can pick some up when I go to Hawaii.”
You laughed lightly, “I hope that’s like the only souvenir you bring back, just a little bottle of Zinka.”
“It won’t be the only thing, but that’s the only thing I’ll bring back for you.”
“A shot glass?” you raised a brow, “Come on Tom.”
“You better bring me back something better than that,” you poked his chest and started walking towards the water. The sand was starting to burn your feet and you were eager to get into the cool water.
“I’ll bring you back something good,” he promised, “A shot glass or something.”
“Oh you’re right, I know you prefer body shots,” he winked, “Do you have some specific souvenir in mind?”
“You don’t actually need to get me anything Tom,” you curled your toes as the water washed up over your feet. The contrast of temperatures made you shiver.
“I’m gonna get you something, I’m sure I’ll see something you’ll like while I’m there,” he smiled while he watched you wade through the water, continuing to jump and shiver while you tried to adjust to the cold water, “It’s just water (y/n).”
“It’s cold,” you whined, “And it’s hot outside, my body doesn’t know what to do.”
“You’ll adjust,” he promised, “Or you could get a wetsuit, then you wouldn’t have to worry about losing your swimsuit either.”
“Wetsuits are super expensive, and not nearly as cute,” you motioned to yourself as an example.
“Well you’ve got me there, the bikini is definitely easier to get off too,” he smirked and attempted to grab the edge of your bikini bottoms, frowning when you swatted his hand away.
“You’re a perv.”
“I don’t know why you’re acting surprised,” he smiled cheekily.
You shoved him and he shoved you back, causing you to stumble a few steps. You responded by hitting him in the butt with your board. He jumped in surprise but started laughing with you. He then grabbed your board and tried to pull it from your hands. The board leash around your ankle ended up pulling you towards him too. You stumbled and squealed, waving your arms to try and catch yourself before you fell into the water. Tom dropped both of your boards and was just barely about to catch you.
“Sorry,” he chuckled lightly, “I forgot about the leash.”
“I’m not sure if I believe you, but thanks,” you attempted to stand but he dipped you back further, until the water was grazing your upper thighs and butt, “Tom I swear if you drop me I am gonna kill you.”
“I’m not gonna drop you,” he promised, “I just want a little kiss before I let you up, I think that’s more than fair payment for catching you.”
“I don’t have to pay you back, you pushed me!” you squealed again and grabbed his shoulders as he dipped you even further, “Fine, fine, just let me up.”
He helped you back up and grabbed your waist with both hands. His fingers sank into your soft skin while he leaned in towards you. Tom’s lips tasted like cheap piña colada chapstick and moved so perfectly with yours that you wondered why you’d put up any protest about kissing him. You smiled as he pulled you flush against him, one of his hands slowly sneaking up your torso. He was more than a good kisser, and the things he could do with his lips had made you weak in the knees more times than you could count.
One of your hands slipped up into his hair while he gently nibbled on your bottom lip. Happily you opened your mouth for him and brushed your tongue against his. Just as you were starting to get lost in the kiss you felt the leash tugging at your ankle again as your board drifted away from you. It was an unfortunate reminder that you were standing in the middle of an ocean, and even though the beach was deserted, it was still public.
“Tom,” you pulled away from him just as his hand slipped up over one of your breasts, “I think that was good enough for a thank you kiss.”
He nodded and licked his lips, “More than good enough darling, you’ve got the most phenomenal lips,” his thumb grazed your bottom lip before he stepped away to fetch his own board, “But we can get back to that later.”
You nodded in agreement as you plucked your board up and shoved it under your arm, “Yeah, you’ll get cranky if we miss all the good waves.”
“Obviously, I mean I can’t show off if the waves are shit,” he winked, “But speaking of doing things later, next week is Adrien’s birthday.”
“Oh, is he having a party or something?” you hummed.
He nodded and dropped his board into the water, “Yeah, he’s gonna have a little bonfire next Friday, but he wants to do it in Cannon so it’s a little closer to his hometown. I don’t know if you’d want to go with me, but I’ll drive if you want to go, it’s like an hour away.”
You pondered his proposition while you two started to paddle out, “Well I work until 7, but I could go after.”
“Great,” he beamed at you, “Grace is going to be out of town right?” his eyes wandered your figure while he spoke, “After the party I could spend the night if you wanted.”
“Yeah she’s got that concert,” your cheeks flushed and your heart fluttered at the insinuation, “I get kind of freaked out when I’m home alone, so if you wanted to stay over that’d be perfect.”
“Fantastic,” he beamed at you, “I’m looking forward to it darling.”
“Me too,” you cleared your throat and dragged your eyes back to the water, “Do you care if I take the first wave?”
He shook his head, “Be my guest Flower.”
next chapter
❀  ゜.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.゜❀
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