#warning A NGST
unhinged-reader-36 · 10 months
thinking about simon riley who’s in love with his emotionally unavailable fwb!reader….
cw: light ngst, idiots in love, whiny simon ghost riley, hurt/comfort?
simon riley who has to hold his confession whenever you ride him so good, he gripped your hips so hard till it bruised.
simon riley marked your soft neck and round tits because it’s a reminder that you are his and his alone, even though you’re not his.
simon riley who’s so disappointed whenever you refused to stay the night after a rough fucking session, he insisted on cuddles night with you but you refused because it’s not in the agreement.
“please, baby? stay the night f’ me?”, simon holds on your arm tightening as he begs you to stay for the night. he hopes you agree but apparently not.
“simon, you have to stop whatever this thing are or else i will stop coming.” you warned him, annoyed at the whole ordeal.
you rolled your eyes at his whining antics, hoping that he would stop trying to climb to your walls that you’ve built ever since the harsh breakup that happened years ago. you refused to love again.
therefore, it results to meaningless sex with anyone, but now you have a friends with benefits exclusive agreement with simon riley, the cold brooding man that you met in the bar after your breakup with your partner — ex partner.
simon stood up immediately, stark naked, seeing you wanting to leave so badly, he’s only vulnerable whenever he’s with you, he can’t help loving someone so unreachable like you.
simon immediately put on his boxer and ran to his front door, wanting to walk you out, begging for you to stay actually — but yeah, you’re the emotionally unavailable person that fucked him so good, you also confused his feelings so bad.
“bye, simon.” you kissed him on a cheek and he got flustered immediately, “you sure you don’t want to stay? i have your favourite ice cream in my fridge if you want….” he trails off, hoping that you take the bait.
you rolled your eyes and smiled softly, “ugh, fine.”
that’s it bye.
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bucklemonster2 · 3 months
POEM Standing on Edge
4.66 Standing on Edge 30/06/2024 By Emilia Sameyn Desmet
Warning: Themes of Depre''ssion, Sui''cide, Dy''stopia And Ab''use
We Stand on The E''dge
Pointed Fingers
Acq''uisitions Shouted
We Stand on The E''dge
Outcast to Antagonist
Another Vi''llain of The Week
Paranoid World of F''ear
Only breeds Pr''edators and P''rey
And Here we Pray
On the E''dge of M''adness
The E''dge of M''alice
Please, we Beg
4.66 Staande Op De Rand 30/06/2024 Door Emilia Sameyn Desmet Waarschuwing: Thema's over De''pressie, Zelfd0ding, D''ystopie En Mi''sbr''uik Wij Staan Op De Rand Wijzende Vingers Besch''uldiging Schr''eeuwend
Wij Staan Op De Rand Van Eenzaat tot Sl''echterik
Weer een Sch''urk Van De Week Para''noïde Wereld Van A''ngst Kweekt Enkel R''overs En Prooien Hier Smeken Wij Aan De Rand Van W''aanzin De Rand Van Kw''aadheid Alstublieft, Wij Smeken Duw
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nayladoodles · 7 years
Hamilton Angst Promt #1 (from my other account)
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👻= Death
Non Canon version of the Reynolds Affair where Hamilton is actually a loyal husband and refuses the affair but maria won't listen. When he runs out of money a fake pamphlet is published with a forged signature. Everyone detests Alexander and he becomes depressed.
All Characters belong to Lin Manuel Miranda except Madilton (ship name but hey), Cattivo and Simon. (who are all senators).
     Alexander's POV:
My hand shook as I hastily scrawled my speech for the debate later this afternoon; I don't wish to have all of the angry eyes boring into my back again but alas I am required to attend. As the hours passed I had managed to push the negative thoughts to the back of my mind praying to god that those dark thoughts would not plague me again until after the debate. Once my speech was written I returned to my previous task of preparing the original pamphlet about the Reynolds Affair. I refused her, I did NOT consent to it yet....everyone blindly believes I willingly cheated on Eliza. A man can only take so much hatred before he cracks and I have long since buckled beneath the anger and hatred. My children yelled they'd rather be without me, my wife won't let me explain and my friends are unresponsive. I just want the truth to be told so I can finally escape this personal hell of mine. As I finished fixing the last few smeared letters my office door swung open, "Hamilton." I felt the temperature drop slightly and saw Senator Madilton and his two fellow senators blocking the doorway,"If it is not a dire issue please leave me to my work." I said carefully hiding the pamphlet beneath mt speech. "Hamilton all you do is work." Senator Simon said. "You should rest." I narrowed my eyes, "Don't act like you suddenly care." I spat angrily trying to force the burning tears to hold their position behind my eyes. "Such harsh words." Cattivo purrs. "Leave me be!" I said getting upset not in the mood to deal with their scorn.
  "You think that the truth will save you Hamilton? You think you can escape what is already published?" Madilton said coming closer. "I cannot undo what YOU have done no, but I can tell America what REALLY happened... the parts of that affair that you left out." I spat back tears starting to escape down my cheeks. "Look at you crying over nothing! What did Washington see in you?"
I gripped my sleeves my own insecurities rising to the surface once again. "Your wife doesn't want you and neither does your family or your friends. face it you're alone." I trembled shutting my eyes tightly as tears dripped off of my chin. 6 months of endless emotional torture, of endless glares and angry whispers as I walk the streets. "Just leave me be please." I said brokenly. "What authority do you have to make a such a request?" Cattivo jeered. "This is my office." I replied. "You don't sound so certain of that." Simon leered. "Regardless you need to join us for the debate. Do dry your tears Hamilton, you look pitiful." Madilton and the other two left me there to scramble for my speech and follow them to the Congress floor.
"Why is Hamilton here?" "That creole bastard has no place in this room after what he has done." "No one needs his loud opinions anyhow." Washington called order, "Hamilton you first." I read my speech pausing and stuttering as the senators whispered angrily among themselves. I finished my speech and waited for a response, "Jefferson, Madison if you please." Washington said and I sat listening to them both not bothering to correct them as my own dark thought consumed me. The debate faded into the background and their words sounded far away; I truly am alone. I felt tears burn in my eyes as the horrid memories of the past 6 months came to haunt me. Eliza burning all of the love letters that took me hours to write and send, my son and daughter screaming that I'm not their father anymore, being slapped by Angelica…
"What no witty response Hamilton?" Jefferson said.I slowly came back to the present and looked away from him not saying a word.
"Y'all managed to break him?" Jefferson said. "Own up to your infidelity and stop crying about it Hamilton." Simon spat. "Yes and while you're at it leave your position!" Another senator shouted. "We don't need you or your financial systems." I curled into myself tears burning in the corners of my eyes. "That is enough!" Washington spat, "We do NOT bring personal matters onto the Congress floor." I trembled clenching the armrests of my chair tightly my knuckles going white. "Now. Does anyone have anything to say in regards to either side of the argument?" Washington asked. "Hamilton is wrong." Madilton called. "Why so?" Washington pressed. "He can never be correct." Washington sighed rubbing his temples. "If none of you have anything backed by logic about why my secretary is wrong be silent." "But sir-" Madilton said. "Silence." Washington said coldly. I tried to recompose myself but all I could hear was the jeering of the senators. "Hamilton?" Jefferson said. "Son?" Washington's voice echoed slightly. "D-don't call me son..." I replied my head throbbing as tears began to once again slide down my cheeks. "Alexander!" Burr shouted as I gripped the chair tighter. I faintly heard Washington call recess not realizing two hours had passed. I stood mumbling excuse me ignoring the concerned calls of my fellow politicians and father figure. I cannot take another day of this...
I briskly walked to my office pushing the papers off my desk grasping the pamphlet after signing it properly. I walked to the publisher and handed him the money I'd saved saying, "Run it for tomorrow please." He nods and I smile for the first time in months. I go back to the white house sitting in my office pulling out the broken quill I'd hidden earlier in the week. I unbuttoned my cuffs sliding my sleeves up staring at the scars. "What does Washington see in me..?" I whispered pressing the sharp edge of the quill shaft against my arm and slicing the skin watching blood rush to the surface of the cut. I scratched my arms more, "I am useless, loudmouth bother...not worthy of this position...I don’t deserve my wife....or family..." I stopped after five lines were cut on each arm and grabbed the black rag I had to clean myself up not bothering with lunch. Trembling I wrapped my arms and returned to the floor for the remaining hour of the meeting.
Burr caught my shoulder as I walked in, "Alexander?" His tone held barely restrained worry. "I'm fine Aaron." I lied sitting back down. The session ended earlier than usual on account of myself and Jefferson agreeing for a change. As soon as we were dismissed I excused myself wanting to prepare for tomorrow. I went to my office pulling the farewell letters to my friends and father figure. I had already mailed John's and that for my friends in France making sure it would reach them with haste and Burr's awaits him at the front desk of the hotel he was staying in during the summit. I left the letters for Jefferson, Madison and Washington on the desks in their offices. I walked back to my own office going to my bookshelf and pulling a hollowed encyclopedia from 1700. I pulled out the money I'd stashed away from Madeline and Michael to help them return home to their mother and father on Nevis. The money was tied away with a knot only the native island people could untie and the rope is much too thick to cut. I smiled satisfied with my farewell and flagged down a carriage to take me home as I refuse to give the scathing senators the satisfaction.
I arrive home long after my family has gone to bed and quietly slip upstairs to Philip's room. I smile at my son whispering that he'll blow everyone away someday before kissing his forehead watching him smile. I visited Angie next brushing her shirt from her face and kissing her forehead whispering that she will always be my precious flower princess. I tiptoe to Angelica's room and sit beside her, "I know you won't forgive me but know that I respect you so much for sacrificing your happiness for Eliza." I smiled and kissed her cheek gently slipping to my bedroom last. I saw Eliza asleep her eyes red telling me she's been crying. I gently stroke her cheek careful not to wake her up and whisper, "I don't deserve you Eliza...I..I never felt that I earned your heart. Please take good care of yourself and the children. I wish I would have listened to your pleas Betsy. I love you." I pressed a chaste kiss to her lips before slipping back to my study. I pulled the rope necklace from the closet standing on my chair to string it over the exposed eve and trying it off. I climbed down carefully picking up the farewell letters for my wife, sister-in-law and children before climbing back onto my chair pulling to rope around my neck. High ceilings...I never thought I'd be so grateful for them. I paused my feet at the edge of the chair. I laughed softly, "Why am I hesitating..?"
I closed my eyes and breathed deeply feeling tears spring to my eyes as memories came flooding back: The bar where I met my friends on my first night in New York, humiliating Seabury and making the Brit cry while my friends cheered, pulling a prank on Burr while drunk and regretting it later, the accidental kiss that Laurens and I shared during the winter in Valley Forge due to me slipping on ice, becoming Washington's right hand man, meeting Eliza at the ball in 1780...god we were both helpless, writing her letters and asking Peggy for advice also Laf and Hercules laughing at my flustered nature, marrying Eliza and then discovering she is pregnant, winning the war and meeting Philip, becoming Secretary of Treasury, Angie being born, Madison, Jefferson, Burr and I becoming a political quartet that shares lunch at a tiny diner...finding out what Jefferson does in Monticello...that was a fun trip...the engagement of my two best friends... their wedding will be grand I'm sure.
 I open my eyes tears running down my cheeks and see that it is getting light out wondering how long I was reminiscing. As the sun peeks over the horizon I smile the good memories warming my broken heart. I think of the good times for a short while longer my smile widening. I take a deep breath and quiet fills my mind for the first time in years. I hear the birds singing and whisper of the breeze outside. I take one last breath reveling in the serenity and then I let myself fall watching the world slowly fade away the letters still clenched in my fist.
Third Person:
Philip woke up when the sun filtered into his bedroom through the gap in the curtains; he swore he heard his father last night but his daddy is in DC for the summit why would he come home? The 10 year old slipped out of bed walking to check on his sister who was also awake. "I had a dream about daddy..." Angie yawned. "me too" Pip said. "Maybe daddy came home?" Angie said hopefully. "I miss him" Pip hugs his sister because he misses their daddy too. "Let's check his study you know how mama feels about them sharing a bed." Angie nods and they run to the study pushing the door open.
Angelica is woken with a start when a loud scream echoes from the study where her brother in law usually hides refusing to come out unless the house is asleep. She jumps out of bed hurrying down the hall tying her robe. She walks in looking at her niece and nephew, "What is all the fuss-" The words die when she looks up following the children's horrified gazes. her brother in law hangs from the ceiling his neck broken at an odd angle a serene smile on his face and tears drying on his cheeks. "Oh dear God..." She pulls the children to her feeling them shaking and crying into her robe. She then notices the letters poking from his fist carefully pulling them out. She tears open the one addressed to her feeling tears sliding down her cheeks as she reads it
My dearest Angelica,
I cannot apologize enough not that it will repair the damage done but I want you to know this: I respect you so much for being a strong woman willing to sacrifice her happiness for her sister's. Thank you for introducing me to Eliza all those years ago. Thank you for trying to reason with this stubborn fool and I deeply regret that our last months together were spent in pain. I hope that someday you will forgive me for being a fool and putting my work first. I always hated living off of others even though one summer would have done me no damage. I will always admire you Angelica, never forget your promise to make Jefferson include women in American rights. Stay strong and keep fighting. take care of Betsy and the kids for me.
with love and regret
She wept bitterly for never seeing how much pain he was in. She handed the letters addressed to Pip and Angie to them before shooing them back to their rooms. Using the chair she pulled him down from the noose and threw the wretched rope necklace across the room; she sat beside him her tears falling onto his cooling flesh. "Y-You are forgiven." She walked out and sank against the wall her body shaking with sobs. Eliza finds her this way when she wakes up. "Angelica what ails you so early in the morning?" Eliza looks at her trembling sister concerned. "Oh B-Betsy...." Angelica sobs. "What is it?" Eliza asks so Angelica leads her inside the study watching her eyes go wide. "N-No he can’t b-be..." Angelica nods another sob escaping her as she shakily points to the knotted rope. "Alexander...my poor Alexander..." Eliza sinks to her knees beside her dead husband tears falling onto his face. "He left this for you..." Angelica hands her the golden sealed envelope from the desk. They open it and what they find causes fresh tears to rush down their cheeks. Alexander left a copy of the original pamphlet, money for Pip to further his education and the sweetest letter of apology and farewell Eliza ever read. She grasped his cold hands, " Y-you are always forgiven d-darling..." She wept resting her head on his chest realizing he had come to say goodbye last night, the kiss was not a dream.
In France Hercules was in tears when Lafayette and his grandmother returned from the bakery. "Hercules what ails you mon chou?" he handed the letter to his fiance words escaping his grasp. Laf's eyes widened, "N-non?" Hercules nods showing him the money that had been enclosed for their wedding. "God why!? He h-had so much to live f-for..." Laf sank to his knees sobbing Hercules joining him on the floor holding him as they wept.
In South Carolina John had just returned for the evening when a letter was pressed into his palm by his sister who was crying. he saw the seal wondering why she was so upset. "J-John that's a death s-seal... it means the sender is going to commit suicide. M-my friend sent me a similar letter last year." "Death seal?!" John tore open the letter a small sum of money falling onto his lap along with a locket. he stared at the items for a moment before unfolding the letter with shaking hands.
  My dearest Laurens,
I wish the best in your adventure to recruit your regiment. I know you will do well and prove the worth of we people of color. I wish I could have kissed you farewell one last time like that once in Valley Forge. I enjoyed it too much and that feeling still lingers as I write this. I wish you a happy wedding with Martha Manning. She truly is perfect for you. I wish you good life and prosperity. I wish i had the courage to give you this locket sooner...and the money is for your men. The bells and whistles we jokingly discussed months ago. I bid thee adieu dearest.
With love and flourish
A. Hamilton
Laurens wept as he opened the heart shaped locket finding a small music box inside that played his favorite tune. It was engraved ' To my dearest John'
"He'll be here he's j-just..." Jefferson's voice cracked. "He's gone Thomas. I know Alexander would not do this if he were not serious." Burr said tears sliding down his cheeks. "J-Jesus Christ..." Madison sunk onto the couch trembling Thomas sinking down beside him as the trio wept.
Washington re-read the letter from Alexander several times until tears blocked his vision, "Why...son…? There was so m-much more you could have done for this country…"
The next day the original pamphlet appeared on every doorstep across America along with the news that the Secretary of Treasury had committed suicide early the previous morning. The nation was silent as the people realized that the poor man never deserved the harsh treatment. The Reynolds were arrested and jailed for life and the senators had oddly vanished. Madeline and Michael wept the hardest realizing they could finally go home but it felt hollow because the man who gave them the chance was not here to be thanked. The nation mourned the loss of Alexander Hamilton. The one man that proved beyond the shadow of doubt that even orphan immigrants can make a difference.
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sourwolphs · 3 years
Like an Animal - Bucky x Reader (5/8)
Read on Ao3 (for better interface + formatting)
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Summary: Reader is an enhanced Omega kidnapped by Hydra and trapped in a cell with Alpha Bucky Barnes. Tags: A/B/O, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Steve Rogers, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending Warnings: Rated M A/N: Angst ;) And Bucky being cute as all hell. Leave a comment on Ao3 if you’re enjoying!
The sound of Bucky’s door slamming down the hallway resounded like a thud in my chest. At the risk of sounding like a hopelessly romantic, dopey-eyed Omega, it felt like something cracked inside of me.
For the briefest moment in the lounge, I had caught his scent— that Alphacomforthomesafe scent I’d searched for for weeks. Just a hint of it had sent a jolt of electricity, hope and relief through my entire being. We’d locked eyes— his facial expression carefully blank, beard unshaven and growing long, hand gripping white-knuckled into the strap of his duffle bag, before he had fled to his room— leaving behind the confusing, raw scents of guilt and despair behind him.
Natasha and Steve both looked to me in concern, before engaging in a silent conversation through their facial expressions. Both smelled overwhelmingly of unease, but neither said anything to abate the awkward tension suffusing the room. Steve gave a lame excuse for Bucky, looking bewildered as he did so— something about the other Alpha having a rough few weeks, but I quickly bowed out of the lounge, retreating back to my apartment to process the heartbreaking fact that he’d been away, and now that he was back, he clearly wanted nothing to do with me.
Maybe he was just shy, I thought, self-comforting. But he hadn’t been shy in that cell. He’d been quick to introduce himself, to alleviate my fear by baring his throat to me.
Maybe I’d made him uncomfortable. Had I made him uncomfortable? It’s not like I could stop myself from falling into a sympathy heat, especially under the influence of an Alpha purr.
Then there was the other creeping, dreadful thought that had been plaguing my thoughts for the past few weeks: Maybe he already has an Omega.
I hadn’t smelled one on him in that cell, hadn’t felt a bond mark on his neck, but both could have been hidden under the scents of rut and fear, and the filth of our surroundings.
I even briefly worried that he was Wanda’s mate, since I’d never met the Alpha she always spoke about with a soft and wistful smile. But when I tentatively asked after her mate later that night during our evening Full House marathon, she had given me a sad smile and told me he was working off-world.
I barely slept the night after Bucky came home. Knowing that he was just a floor away made the longing even harder, my Omega anxious and desperate for comfort. I shuffled through a hundred different explanations— each more frustrating and heartbreaking than the last— for why he’d been away for so long, why he’d reacted the way he did when he saw me, why his scent had reeked of guilt and sadness.
But above all— my Omega worried viciously whether he was okay. The connection I felt to him burnt bright and hot within me, tugging at my heart. Find Alpha. Comfort Alpha.
I tried my hardest to bury my thoughts deep down, feeling like a crazy person. Bucky barely knew me, and here I was lying in bed, staking a mental claim on him like some feral, unsocialized Omega. For all I knew, he was snuggled up with his bondmate, recovering from the turmoil of our kidnapping in his or her embrace, thoughts of me all but forgotten.
The next day, I moved tentatively around the compound, bracing myself for an interaction. I’d run through one hundred potential scenarios in my mind— one hundred introductions, one hundred apologies, one hundred questions I wanted answered. But one day stretched into two, stretched into a week, without anything more than a flash of his retreating form as he exited the gym before I entered one afternoon.
Despite his intentional or unintentional attempts to avoid me, he couldn’t erase his lingering scent, which tucked itself into every available corner of the compound, driving my Omega insane with want and worry.
Rationally, I knew that the compound smelled like everyone— like determined Steve after a boxing match, like Sam’s bubbly joy over breakfast, like Wanda’s gentle concern, like Natasha’s smug laughter, like Stark’s curiosity.
But even knowing that I could smell everyone didn’t stop my Omega from catching his scent in every room— musky, heady cedar, warm and inviting campfire. It was maddening.
On top of the Alpha scent that left my brain in a muddled haze, there was also the situation with the gifts.
They weren’t really gifts. But, I didn’t know what else to call them.
The first one appeared three days after Bucky returned to the compound.
When I shuffled out to the kitchen around six am for a coffee and some eggs with Sam, I found my favorite mug (a cute green ceramic one made to look like a tin camping cup) already set out on the countertop, along with a spoon, a pot of sugar and a folded napkin. Next to it, the coffee pot was spitting out the last few dregs of brew— fresh and hot.
At first, I thought it was Sam who’d prepped the coffee for me, and a warm smile spread across my face at the Beta’s sincere care and friendship. But then he appeared ten minutes later, still in his camo pajamas, yawning and rubbing sleep from his eyes, and I frowned. Sam and I were the only early risers around here, as far as I knew. But maybe he’d fallen back asleep after getting up to make coffee.
The next day, my yoga mat was missing from its usual spot tucked high into a cubby on the wall in the gym. Figuring I’d left it in Natasha’s training room, I headed in that direction, only to find it rolled up neatly right outside the door, along with a massive, full water bottle and a charged pair of StarkPods. Weird. These Avenger Betas sure do let the hero thing get to their head, I thought. Sure enough, Natasha was already inside, balancing in a graceful arabesque as I readied myself for yoga. I thanked her with a smile and nod, which she returned.
The day after that, Steve and I got way too riled up on our morning run with Sam, and I tried to outpace him (failing, spectacularly) one too many times, causing me to have to limp back home with blisters on the back of my heels from my running shoes. After a shower in my room, I nearly tripped over a little pile of blister bandages and antibiotic cream sitting outside my door, which I snatched up, eager not to have to poke around the medbay for something as simple as band-aids. Even Steve was getting in on this babying nonsense, I thought. Maybe I wasn’t hiding my distressed Omega scent as well as I’d thought, moping around after Bucky.
Later that week, I meandered down to the movie room for another previously scheduled watch party with Sam. I got there about 20 minutes early, planning to stake out my favorite spot before the others arrived, but I found Wanda already in the movie room, flicking through channels on the projector-TV. She was working her way through a bag of crispy Gozinaki— her favorite sweet snack from her childhood in Sokovia. Steve always made sure to keep bags of it stocked in the common kitchen, attentive Alpha provider as he was.
In my usual spot on the shaggy brown couch rested a fluffy, folded plaid blanket, with a pair of soft gloves on top.
“Aw, Wanda, you didn’t have to do this,” I said, scooping up the blanket to tug around my shoulders, my inner Omega shivering in delight at the cozy texture. Perfect for a nest, my mind unhelpfully supplied. The past couple of movie nights, I’d been complaining about my cold hands, especially after long afternoons training with Wanda left my limbs frigid and achy from the force of my abilities. Sometimes it took hours to get my skin back to a human-feeling temperature. I slipped the navy blue gloves on gratefully.
Wanda looked over at my snuggled up form and quirked a brow. “Those were there when I got here. I thought you left them for tonight,” she said curiously.
I looked down at the blanket as if it would give me an answer, then brought it up to my face for a curious sniff. The faintest scent of cedar wood hit my nose.
I felt a whoosh in my head and stomach, like I was floating away from my body, and knew I must have had a dazed expression on my face.
If Bucky had left the blanket and the gloves… Maybe it wasn’t Sam who’d prepped my coffee. Maybe it wasn’t Natasha with the yoga mat and the water, or Steve with the blister bandages.
But why would Bucky…
“I can hear the gears turning in your brain from over here,” Wanda interrupted. “I take it it wasn’t you who left that pile down here?”
I shook my head, biting my lip as I muddled through my thoughts. If I was going to talk about what I’d been feeling for Bucky with anyone, Wanda would be the least likely to judge. She was a fellow Omega, after all.
“Can I ask you something? About your mate?” I hedged.
Wanda nodded, brushing crumbs from her lap before standing to sit down next to me on the shaggy couch. “Anything.”
“I’ve been here for over a month, and I still haven’t met him. And I wonder— What does it… feel like. For you. When he’s away.”
Wanda smiled, soft and wistful. “My mate is the Vision. He is not really human, but he was programmed as an Alpha, and when we mated, he gave me his mark,” she explained, reaching up to the back of her neck to press her hand to her mating gland. I had seen the shiny silver scars before, when Wanda had swept her hair up into a ponytail off the back of her neck during a training sesh.
“Even though he is not human— he does not have a scent as you or I do— I still struggled with what we Sokovians call gajovi. It means “heart-rending,” the feeling when you are separated from your bondmate. The longer we have been bonded, the easier it is to be apart. But I still sometimes feel the ache. Like a physical pain, inside,” she offered, moving her hand to the center of her chest, the same place where I had felt the same unbearable ache for weeks.
I took a deep breath, willing my scent to stay calm as anxiety, uncertainty and confusion warred in my mind. I feel the same thing.
“Do you ever feel like you need him… to fall asleep?” I asked, cheeks flushing. Even though we had grown close, I still felt uncomfortable asking Wanda about my craving for Bucky’s purr, as it was such an intimate act between mates.
“I have a feeling we are no longer talking about Vision,” she murmured, no judgement on her face. She placed a comforting hand on my knee, and I felt some of the tension in my body release slowly. “Sometimes it feels impossible to sleep. To eat. To even get out of bed. A bond is the most beautiful and powerful connection you can have, but it also makes you vulnerable. When things are bad, I can… feel him. Through the bond. We support each other,” she explained. Wanda closed her eyes momentarily, and I knew she was reaching through her bond to feel her mate, thousands of miles away. A warm smile crept across her face as whatever she was projecting through the universe was returned in kind.
While I was undeniably happy for Wanda and her mate, my heart ached at the realization that I was experiencing the same or similar withdrawal symptoms after my time with Bucky. But without a bondmark on my neck, without the connection she used to draw soothing strength from her mate, I was drifting— alone in a sea of longing and pain.
Wanda scented my sour sadness, giving me an empathetic look. “Do you? Have a bondmate?”
I saw her eyes flick towards my neck, where a bond mark would be, knowing that she had already seen my gland void of any bite scars.
I shook my head, looking down at my still-gloved hands in my lap.
Wanda opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated. Instead, she placed one hand in mine.
I wondered, then, if she knew more than she was letting on.
“When will Vision be home?” I asked, changing the subject and forcefully shaking off my sadness.
“This month,” she said, unable to hide the smile that crept across her face.
“What’s got the lovely ladies down?” Sam teased, interrupting our moment as he stepped into the movie room with a massive, unopened bag of Cajun-spiced Lays tucked under his arm.
Steve was right behind him, looking cozy in what was probably an XXXL hooded red sweatshirt. He came up behind my couch wordlessly, wrapping me up in a huge bear hug. I laughed, leaning into him and allowing his comforting Alpha scent to wipe away the remaining tendrils of my unease drifting in the air. I’d learned quickly that Steve was generous with his affection, and extremely protective— the type of Alpha an Omega could only dream of finding. Not an aggressive and possessive knothead, but a supportive provider and protector— always there when you needed him, but never overbearing.
Just like Bucky, my brain unhelpfully supplied. I shook away the thought. You barely know him.
I could hardly focus on the movie Sam selected, some Russell Crowe action flick set in Ancient Rome. I was too lost in my thoughts, curled up in the blanket Bucky had inexplicably left for me, squished between Steve and Wanda on the couch.
If I didn’t know better, it would seem like Bucky was trying to court me with these weird offerings, like some old-fashioned, 1940s Alpha would woo an Omega with flowers and chocolates. But even if he was, that didn’t explain his flightiness, or the bond withdrawal-like symptoms I was experiencing, or the frightening possibility that it was just me suffering from them. Faulty Omega.
Either way, after my conversation with Wanda, my resolve had hardened. I had to confront Bucky, even though my inner Omega withered at the thought. I needed to know if he was feeling the same way I was. And if not? Well, then— I’d cleared the air. That was that. I’d give him his space, leaving the compound and the pack behind if I had to. Go back to being on my own.
The thought made my hands tremble.
I clasped them resolutely in my lap, leaning closer into Steve’s absurdly thick bicep for comfort. At least for now, I could enjoy this.
Bucky has officially gone insane. After over 70 years of world war, Hydra torture, memory loss, coerced assassinations, cry0 chambers, getting dusted by a purple space god and fighting a war of disgusting aliens, it was one cute but deadly Omega that pushed his ancient Alpha ass over the edge.
After their disastrous reunion in the lounge, Bucky made it his personal mission to evade Y/N at all costs. He knew he was leaving the stink of shame all over the compound— both Steve and Sam called him out on it after they’d watched him flee the gym upon Y/N’s arrival one day— but even his snarling inner Alpha couldn’t get him to soften his resolve. There’s a reason he and Steve were thick as thieves from the jump— they were both infuriatingly stubborn people.
Y/N was happy here. That much was obvious. She left behind that peppermint-and-snow scent wherever she went— sweet with her joy, sharp with her determination— and he caught himself taking deep, pathetic inhales when she’d recently left a room that he’d entered.
In the mornings, he could hear her in the common room kitchen with Sam, laughing and bickering over the smell of eggs and bacon. In the movie room at night, right underneath his apartment, his super-soldier hearing clued him in to the team’s laughs and murmurs, the musical sound of her voice— unintelligible through the floor but soothing to his Alpha ears nonetheless.
He’d watched from a distance through the bulletproof glass a few times as she’d trained in the reinforced rooms with Wanda. Each time he spotted her she looked more and more powerful, more in control of the abilities that Hydra had kept locked away in restraints when they’d met in the cell. Wanda would watch patiently nearby, her red magic coiling along her fingers in anticipation as Y/N breathed in deeply, drawing her hands up in an elegant swoop along her midline before forcing them outwards in a jab, sending a spray of deadly ice shards at the steel wall, where they left hundreds of minuscule puncture wounds. Some days, the two Omegas would spill out a gallon of water on the floor, and Y/N would lift and arc it up into frozen creations, an intricate, jagged weapon or a delicate, curving flower, leafs of ice ivy crawling up the walls or pillars of impenetrable cold built from ceiling to floor.
What tore at him the most, though, even more than her delicious scent, which lingered on everything— and enticed more than a few embarrassing hard-ons he had to flee to his room to hide— was her scent mingled with another Alpha’s.
One Alpha in particular that hurt more than any other.
It hadn’t escaped Bucky’s notice that Y/N and Steve were spending lots of time together. Steve accompanied her on her morning runs— sometimes with Sam, sometimes without— but they always returned to the common areas flushed, sweaty and smiling, pumping out happy, sated pheromones. He’d passed the movie room and the lounge more than a few times to find her curled particularly close to him, his arm around the back of the couch behind her or her head resting against his bicep.
He’d even seen her and Steve sparring in the gym, Natasha and Sam cheering and whooping from the sidelines as she held her own against his restrained moves— a punch here, a kick there, which she dodged and delivered right back. They were comfortable in each other’s space. Comfortable enough that he’d even spotted her sleeping on the red lounge couch next to Steve one day, a book open in her lap while he sketched away in his notebook, using her hand draped off the side as an anatomy study. Her red socked feet were pillowed in his lap.
That mental image had kept Bucky up for a few nights, his Alpha flushed with an instinctual, possessive rage that he shoved shamefully down into the darkest recesses of his brain.
He couldn’t be mad. Even if his Alpha was roaring at him to step forward, to stake his claim, to pick her up and drown her in his scent, to crawl into her nest and cover her completely with his body.
He couldn’t be mad because she had sized up both Alphas and made what even he knew was the correct decision. Of course she had.
Why choose Bucky— broken, red-ledgered, half-vibranium, nightmare-riddled Bucky— when you could have the human embodiment of a golden retriever? Steve. The model Alpha. A gentle, caring provider— never aggressive or out of control, always protective, supportive and calm.
Plus, super-serum aside, Steve had always been handsome. Y/N wasn’t blind.
All of that is to say that Bucky hadn’t meant to start offering her gifts. It was his Alpha instinct, is all. Some feral, competitive nature still ingrained in his hindbrain. An instinct left over from a more primitive civilization, one where he would have had to prove to his Omega that he could be the best provider.
And if nothing else, leaving her the gifts soothed the terrible ache in his chest, helped him sleep another hour at night as he lay there agonizing about her smell, remembering how her face had felt cradled in his neck.
Wondering if she was sleeping in her room alone or curled up in her nest with Steve.
He knew that what he was feeling, what he was doing, was beyond wrong. If she knew why he was leaving her these gifts, she’d feel threatened, or stalked. He would be the creepy Alpha desperate for her attention.
But his hindbrain didn’t care. Alpha will provide.
It first started when he noticed that she always left the same green cup in the sink after breakfast. So one day, he got up early to leave it out for her— alongside a napkin, a spoon and the pot of sugar— though he didn’t yet know how she took her coffee. He also started the coffee pot just in case, slipping back to his room before she woke up, machine still whirring behind him.
Then, he noticed that she always ran out of water halfway through her yoga sessions with Natasha after she almost stumbled upon him in the kitchen the few times she’d come up to refill it. So Bucky topped up a 36 ounce bottle he found in the kitchen instead and left it outside the training room. Just so she won’t get thirsty, he reasoned. He couldn’t resist leaving her the yoga mat and earbuds as well. It was nothing. Not an exorbitant expense. Just something she needed, and would have gotten for herself anyway. What does it matter that he bought them for her first?
Then, he heard Sam ribbing her about her bleeding heels after their morning run, so he scrambled to the medbay to ask Dr. Cho for bandages and antiseptic— much to her confusion, as he didn’t ever need either. He dropped the supplies outside her door before she could finish showering off her run.
Then, he overheard her complaining about her cold hands one night as he passed the movie room. Bucky had to fight to repress the growl in his throat as he watched Steve take her hands into his own, rubbing them together for warmth while she laughed. He went back to his room and asked FRIDAY to help him order a pair of top-rated, insulated gloves in navy blue— he liked that color, but didn’t know if she did— as well as a blanket marketed as “perfect for nesting,” because he has officially lost all self-control. While the rest of the pack was out, he snuck into the movie room to leave the soft bundle on the couch that smelled the most like peppermint.
After a full week of secretive little offerings, Bucky was curled up on his own couch with a book, rubbing absentmindedly at his chest where the constant ache felt sharpest, when he heard someone start to turn the knob on his door.
It had taken him a few years, but he’d stopped jumping at unexpected noises like this, though he still often caught himself subconsciously scenting for threats, unable to shake the conditioned hyper vigilance. His Alpha instinct to constantly be prepared for a fight, made infinitely worse by Hydra’s torture, had gradually mellowed out with the safe reassurance of living with a pack. Knowing he had people close by who would protect him and people he would fiercely protect in return had served as a balm for his PTSD symptoms.
Bucky scented him before he saw him, but Steve slipped through the door upon finding it unlocked, giving Bucky his signature golden boy smile, before plopping into the armchair across from him.
“Hey, jerk. Are you avoiding me? Are you okay?”
Bucky felt his hackles raise as he caught a lingering whiff of Y/N on Steve and willed his expression into nonchalance. “No,” he said, before returning his gaze pointedly to the pages of the novel that he wasn’t really reading. “What makes you think I’m not okay?”
“Well, for one, you’ve barely left your room since I dragged you back here from Brooklyn, your apartment reeks like your dog just died and you’ve almost rubbed a hole through your shirt.”
Bucky quickly snatched his hand away from his chest where he’d continued rubbing circles without even noticing he was doing it. “I don’t have a dog,” he replied snidely.
His words came out a bit more venomously than he intended, and Steve’s easygoing expression faltered. Shit. He hadn’t meant to take his Alpha bullshit out on his best friend. It’s not like Steve was doing anything wrong. The problem was that he always did everything right.
“Sorry,” Bucky sighed, putting down his book and scraping a hand across his jaw, where his stubble was starting to border on a full-grown beard. Ugh. “I’m still just… processing.”
Steve gave him a concerned look, his eyebrows drawn together.
“You’re not still feeling guilty, are you?” Steve said. Bucky broke eye contact, studying the logo on the other Alpha’s oversized red sweatshirt instead. (“American University Est. 1918”— a gag gift from Tony last Christmas.)
“Buck— Come on, Y/N’s fine! Everyone loves her, and she’s doing great here. She doesn’t even talk about yo—“ Steve cut himself off, catching the grimace that flashed across Bucky’s face before he could reign it in. “I didn’t mean it like— She hasn’t even seen you, man, you’re always hiding away here or in the library.”
Bucky sighed again, tired yet begrudgingly appreciative of Steve’s attempts at soothing the issue. The other Alpha might not always know the right thing to say, but he was always earnest and honest about things.
“It’s okay, Steve, really. I just need some time, is all,” Bucky said, making a concerted effort to push out a less depressing version of his scent to mollify his best friend.
Steve gave him a tentative smile. “I talked to Fury about Y/N, by the way. Wanda told me she’s progressed a ton over the past month or so, you should really see her use her abilities in combat, it’s incredible! And Nat trusts her completely— you know she’s always the hardest to win over,” he said, his grin broadening. “I’m going to ask Y/N to join the team, officially, this week.”
The ache in Bucky’s chest ramped up, throbbing like a bass drum, but he forced out what he hoped was a convincing smile, knowing it didn’t meet his eyes. “I’m glad she’s fitting in,” he said. And he was glad. He was thrilled to know that his Omega was safe, loved and happy, that she had grown her powers with Wanda, that Steve was asking her to join the Avengers.
Even though it meant that if he couldn’t get his own urges under control, he’d need to find a new pack.
“Why don’t you come join us downstairs? Sam’s putting on Gladiator in a few,” Steve added.
For a second, Bucky really considered it. He could sit through one movie with her, after all, without falling apart at the seams. He was a freaking super soldier Alpha. He’d survived Hydra.
Then he remembered the bundle of blanket and gloves he’d left sitting on the couch a few hours ago in anticipation of their movie night and decided against it. If she put two and two together in front of the pack, Bucky didn’t think he could explain his way out of that one.
“Maybe later,” Bucky said, lifting his book up in a half-hearted attempt to look occupied. Steve could see right through him, he knew, but the other Alpha just gave him a smile and a reassuring shoulder squeeze, before slipping out of the door.
It was better this way, Bucky thought. Better for everyone if he rode this out on his own.
His Omega was okay. That’s what mattered.
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Angel - Chapter 4
alright my pedrhoes kits heres, this ones a bit shorter, kind of a filler chapter. 
warnings: angst, no smut this chapter, just pining and angst, im trying to do rach proud. 
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The next few weeks went by with you trying your best to disconnect your emotions from your situation with Max. You focused on getting your workload handled, and giving Max the best head to hopefully deflect from the fact that, as you had unfortunately found out recently, you think you were falling for Max. 
        Admittedly, you didn’t see this coming, not from a mile away. You’d sleep with plenty of men to get their money, you never fell for them, you never even really cared for them. But here you were, so totally infatuated with Max that you were starting to worry about how this might affect your work if he found out, or your living situation. You've been paying the rent at your old apartment since you started working for Max, always ready for the worst case.         And here you were, three weeks since the gala, finally on top of your work and beginning work on the next marketing campaign for Lord Industries, you hadn’t really spent much time with Max outside of work and sex, but you figured that’s how he liked it, he didn’t ask you to spend time outside of that, so you guessed he really had no interest in spending time with you outside of that.         You were sat on the phone with the marketing team in the LA sector of the company, giving them a briefing for what you intended this campaign to be.         “Listen I don’t care how hard this is for you Matilda, this is one of the biggest campaigns we're going to run this year and if you’re not up to it I’m more than happy to advise Maxwell on your capacity. Neither of us want that but this has to go smoothly and if it doesn’t both of our heads will roll. Now, can you get the networks to agree to run the advertisement by next week?” you hadn’t realised how bossy you could be until you began working as the head of the department, you didn’t like it but Max enjoyed watching you bust balls, he’d never admit it, but he found so much joy in knowing that such a dominant woman was at his mercy in the bedroom.         “Yes ma’am” Matilda's voice quivered a moment and you felt so bad, but you weren’t joking, if this campaign had any kinks you were both going down for it, and you had no intention of allowing that to happen.         “Thank you, Matilda, call me if there’s anything you need a hand with.” you called down the phone just before you were abruptly hung up on.         Truth be told you didn’t know if you were handling everything the way you should be. Jade seemed to think it would be best for you to tell Maxwell how you were feeling but the moment she brought up the idea you promptly shut it down by reminding her that she didn’t know Max. But you had to admit, it was getting harder not to tell him. Not to let it slip while he was fucking you, three words and you could turn fucking into making love, but you weren’t even ready to say those three words in your mind let alone to Maxwells face. You didn’t dare think how that would go down.         Before you could linger on the unholy terror that Maxwell would rain down on you, Sookie was bringing in more notes Maxwell had sent about how he would like the campaign to be run.         “Hey honey, you okay? you look a little stressed.” her tone was sweet but concerned, you hadn’t realised that your emotions were showing on your face. “Yeah, I’m okay I’m just stressing about the new campaign, we have a week, and New York is barely keeping up, LA is slacking and don’t even get me started on the international sectors.” you huffed out, taking the new notes from her.         “I don’t mean to pry but this doesn’t look like your stressed work face, this is new, well not really new, you’ve been wearing the same face since the gala, I just didn’t want to bring it up too soon because I figured it had something to do with Max, but I don’t know how it would involve Max,” you cut her off, she hadn’t realised that she was rambling. She tended to do that a lot. “Sookie, you’re rambling, but seriously I’m ok- wait what did you mean you figured it had something to do with Maxwell” you weren’t sure how she could come to that conclusion, you and Maxwell had only ever been respectful and professional at work, (the meetings in his office not counted, but no one saw those.)         “Oh, uhm, nothing, I don’t even know why I said that.” Sookie was nervous now, and you were damned if you weren’t going to find out why.         “Sookie, why are you nervous, what do you know?” you asked standing from your seat to walk closer to her.         “Nothing, I don’t know anything, I shouldn’t have said anything.”         “Sookie. What do you know?” you pressed her further, you were going to make her break.         “Please just, please don’t tell anyone I told you, Darius would be completely fucked if anyone found out that we talk about you and Maxwell,”         “You and Darius talk about me and Maxwell?!” you almost shouted, but it wasn’t an angered shout, more a nervous one. Why were they talking about you too?         “Yes, well, we didn’t intend to at first, but then it just sort of came up over lunch and then we started connecting the dots, well I did, Darius obviously already knew, but you knew that, and then we just sort of started comparing notes. Darius says he’s never seen Maxwell this happy and confident, and I know I haven’t known you long, but I know the look of a woman whore in love and I’m so sorry if I overstepped but Darius and I we just think you’re both absolutely crazy for not admitting it to each other. I’m sorry I'll stop now.”         Your head was spinning here. Sookie was informing you that she and Darius had been having regular conversations about the nature of your relationship with Max and now you have to try and comprehend the fact that they both know you lo-like Max, and that he likes you too. You had to sit down. You didn’t know what to say, you felt like you had been silent for hours, until Sookie broke the silence by asking if you were okay and if she still had a job. You told her that you were okay and that of course she still had a job you just needed a little time alone. And as she left you did what you’d been doing for the last few weeks, you pushed that shit down and got on with your work.         Or at least that’s what you planned to do.         By the time 5pm rolled around you’d barely made enough progress on the reports, all you could think about was what Sookie said, and trying to figure out if she was telling the truth about Max reciprocating his feelings or if she was trying to save you the embarrassment. And what you were going to do.         You took a cab home that day, opting out of driving with Darius wanting to void Maxwell at all costs. And yet, as you walked in through your door there he was, leaning against your kitchen counter. His head whipped around to look at you, “why didn’t you let Darius drive you home? Why would you take a cab?” not even a hello.         “I just needed to be alone this afternoon. The campaign is really stressing me out and I didn’t want my stress to rub off on you or Darius.” you lied, flopping onto the couch, and closing your eyes. Maxwell came up behind the couch and put his hands on your temples “Oh is my sweet angel feeling stressed, I know just what will help, come on, up.” he said coming around and pulling you off the lounge by your hands. You got up limply, not really wanting to engage Max, you really didn’t want to fuck him right now, but you felt like you had to. To keep your job, your house, your life that you’ve now become accustomed to. And Maxwell sensed this. He had a feeling for about a week that you didn’t want to be in this situation anymore, but quite frankly he didn’t want to lose you. He’d tried becoming a bit more affection, tried to show you that he appreciated you, but he knew he wasn’t doing the best at it, he’d never been affectionate, he didn’t even know why he felt compelled to keep you around, he could lie to himself and say it’s because he didn’t want to risk losing the best employee, he’s ever had but he knew that wasn’t the truth. He knew why he didn’t want to lose you. But he doesn’t believe it. How can he. He was always told that he was incapable of love. Why would you be the change? “Max, I’m sorry I just don’t feel very sexy right now. I don’t know if I can do this. I have so much work to do, but of course you already know that, and I’m not getting enough sleep, and I just, I don’t want to do this. I'm sorry.” you weren’t sure why, but your voice was beginning to shake as you said no to him. Maxwell noticed this, he dropped your hands and stood back, telling you that he wasn’t interested in doing anything if you weren’t comfortable. You sighed a breath of relief. One that did not go unnoticed by Maxwell, one that hurt Maxwell. “What was that? Why did you seem relieved? Like I wouldn’t let you say no? Do you really think that of me?” his tone became more urgent, almost angry. And it scared you. By the time he finished his sentence he was close to yelling and you flinched. “N-no I didn’t think that at all. I’m sorry I didn’t realise that my breathing would come across this way. I’ll be sure not to breathe from now on.” you were getting just as angry as he was acting. “Don’t you dare yell at me! How dare you? Who do you think you are? You do not get to yell at me.” Max’s voice bellowed out across the apartment and if his anger weren’t revving you up you would have been terrified. But right now, all you were, was pissed. “Oh, so you get to yell at me, but I don’t get to yell back. That’s fucking bullshit Max, you don’t get to yell at me if I can’t defend myself.” “I get to yell whenever the fuck I want, I run this city, this fucking country, and you are nothing but a low-level fucking whore. You mean nothing to the world. You mean nothing to me.” Your mother always told you that words could never hurt you, but in that moment, that one sentence broke you both. Max never meant to say it, and you were never supposed to hear those words fall from his lips. But you did, they did, he did. He realised what he said the moment he said it, his face never softening as he walked out of the apartment though, slamming the door behind him. And you broke. You fell to the floor in a fit of sobs and tears, waiting for someone to come and console you. But no one did. You were alone and you were broken on the floor of the apartment owned by Maxwell. The man who just hurt you so much more than you thought you could ever be hurt. But once you were done being angry. You got pissed, angry, so frustrated that you had developed emotions for a man who was clearly using you. You rushed into your room, grabbed a duffle bag and only the essential things you need, only taking what you’d brought with you. And with that, you threw the key to the apartment on the kitchen table, and you left. With no intention of coming back. Your heart had never been heavier, but you walked the streets of dc with your head held high refusing to let some idiot man make you look as broken as you felt. And although your head was high, you weren’t paying attention when someone bumped into you, both of you crashing to the floor. “Y/N?” oh no. you knew that voice. “Hey George, how are you doing.” you said looking up to him. “Well, much better now that I’ve bumped into you. Literally.” George was one of your coworkers at Halo, although he had tried many times to exceed colleague status, he was obsessed with you. It started sweetly bringing you coffee every morning, and lunch when you forgot it, you were grateful for him, he was a really good friend and you trusted him. Unfortunately, you trusted him enough to tell him about your ex. And if he was mad hearing about how they treated you, he got even more mad after telling him that your ex was a woman. He then became obsessed with “fixing you” as he called it, telling you that if you just went on a date with a real man like him you wouldn’t want anything to do with women anymore. Clearly that line did not work. And from then on, he was obsessed with taking you out, asking you every Friday afternoon if you were free that weekend, and every Friday you made up some story about family gatherings, or parties, sleepovers with Jade, you made the mistake of telling him one Friday that you had a date. That didn’t go down well. “So how have you been Sweetness, we haven’t heard anything from you since you left us in the lurch. I don’t blame you if I could get out after all that shit with Henry and his dad went down I would too, and now you’re in charge of marketing for Lord? That’s fucking insane. You’re so lucky.” George’s voice was dripping with disdain and yet he also sounded like he was trying to seduce you. “Yeah, it’s been crazy, do you mind if we walk and talk, I’ve got to get back to my apartment.” you wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. “Yeah yeah of course, why are you out at this time anyway? It’s not safe for a little lady like you.” god you fucking hate this guy “I’m just coming from my boyfriend’s, he had to go to work and I didn’t want to stay in that big old apartment by myself, so I thought I’d head home, and it’s such a nice night I thought I’d walk.” you don’t know why you said you were coming from your boyfriend’s, but it was the first thing you thought of. “Well here, let me walk you home. Are you still in the same place?” you nodded and knowing George he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so you let him walk you home. That night you fell asleep to the thought that Maxwell truly did not care about you like you’d hoped he did. But you didn’t know that he had walked back into that apartment, he fell to his knees when he realised that you weren’t there. He fucked up. And there was nothing he could do to fix it. 
tags: @innerstrawberrypolice​ @maxlordsgf​ @mrschiltoncat​ @historianwithaheart​
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
Lucky Charms Masterlist
Pairing: Satan x f!reader  Genre: fantasy au (fluff, angst, and smut will come in later chapters) Warnings: slight gore, more to come Summary: (Y/n) is a huntress but she never asked to be. She is supposed to take after her father’s steps and become the next legendary hunter but how can she do that when she doesn’t want to harm or kill anything? Maybe her solution can be found in a unicorn who is supposed to be extinct. Chapters: 4/?
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Last updated: Tue. Nov. 24, 2020
Comment or send an ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist for this series!
☼ fluff | ☆ angst | ☾ smut/suggestive themes 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - ☼?
Chapter 4 - ☆?
Chapter 5
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yoongailrecs · 4 years
Min Yoongi Fic Recs Masterlist
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Note: If some links aren’t working, please feel free to send me a message! I’ll be adding more fics every weekend. Thanks and enjoy!
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One Shots
Rain - angst, a little fluff
“Yoongi spends too much time at the studio, leaving you to wake alone in your house all too often. But it’s okay. After all, it’s all too easy to notice the hints lying around- and the ring sitting hidden in the drawer the biggest clue of all.”
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One Shots
Baby Maker - fluff, smut
“Your husband is mildly surprised at your request when he arrives home from work, but it doesn’t take you long to convince him that a baby is just what you both need.”
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One Shots
A Boy Like You - fluff
“for whenever you are feeling low, always remember that there is a boy you know who would lift the sky for you.
{or alternatively: Min Yoongi loves you, though he never says it. He’s always been a firm believer in that actions speak louder than any words ever could.}”
Churro Chumps - fluff, humor/crack
“Hey Y/N. If I’m 130 pounds and I eat 1.3 pounds of churros, does that make me 1% churro?” -Min Yoongi, 2017
{or alternatively: two idiots with their two functioning brain cells try to make a Christmas miracle}”
Neighborly Etiquette - fluff, slight angst
“Based on this prompt [x]. You and your boyfriend live across from Yoongi’s apartment, much to his chagrin. Your laughter and dancing and bed creaking were seriously annoying him, until it stops. Then, Yoongi finds himself knocking on your door. And no, he’s definitely not there to comfort you. No way.”
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One Shots
Home for Christmas - fluff, angst
“Accompanying Yoongi to Big Hit’s fancy holiday party, you take advantage of the open bar and spiked cider to help rid you of your homesickness. Who would have thought that your tolerance for bourbon was so low?”
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One Shots
Tsundere - angst, smut
“according to the rumours, min yoongi is a bad apple- doesn’t take grades seriously, drinks as if he has two livers, a certified bad boy™. when you get paired up with him for a project, you’d never expect that someone like him would have a thing or two to teach you about life itself- and how it should be lived.”
The Singularity Theory 01 | 02 | 03 - angst, fluff, smut
“in your last year of undergrad, you find out what a gloryhole is at the expense of your final year thesis. it’s a classic example of a psychology experiment that went way, way wrong.
but how were you to know that a certain min yoongi would be sticking his dick into your life?”
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One Shots
;first and last and always - angst, fluff
“You and Yoongi broke up two months ago. It was mutual, you’re positive, but there’s one teeny tiny issue… You never told your parents, and now they’ve invited you back home for Christmas. Both of you. You can’t say no, but you also can’t bear to go alone, so you do the only thing you can think of, plead with Yoongi to come with you and pretend like everything’s okay…”
Hold Me Tight - angst
“the end of a relationship comes slowly but suddenly”
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One Shots
the things i said when i loved you. - fluff, angst, and a li’l humor
“listen to the past two years of your relationship with yoongi, as told in a series of voicemails.”
twelve minutes in tokyo. - angst, slight fluff
“Yoongi wakes up only to relive the same twelve minutes that ended in tragedy over again. He is quick to realize that this is the universe’s cruel way— or divine intervention— of deciding the fate of his relationship.”
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Drabble Requests
01 - fluff
“Hii! I'll fill your box 😂😂 So... making out with Yoongi and you're doing crazy with his marvelous tongue and he can't keep his hands off your bubble bum. Have fun ❤.”
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One Shots
siren - smut
“you’re willing to do anything to get out of having your license revoked after officer min catches you speeding for the third time this month.”
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The Early Shift 01 | 02 | 03 - smut, angst, fluff
“your coworker yoongi is always infuriatingly late. except the one time he’s much too early.”
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One Shots
Show - smut
“yoongi decides to show the boys how he makes his girl cum with his mouth alone”
the cockpile: love birds - smut, fluff
“being an adventurous couple has led you down a strange path of amateur pornography with your boyfriend Min Yoongi. you’re dubbed the Love Birds.”
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One Shots
Blow - smut, fluff
“Yoongi loves you, even if he’s never said it… but gestures sometimes speak louder than words.”
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Goodbye 01 - angst
“Yoongi watched silently as you exited the car and out of his life, but he can’t help but feel a sense of panic at the thought of you leaving him for good.”
Leave Me 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 - angst
“He’s cheating and you’re aware. You just don’t know what to do about it.”
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One Shots
tongue tech - smut
“Yoongi turns you on with that tongue technology”
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One Shots
autumn leaves - angst, fluff
“the one where you and Yoongi are lighting fall-scented candles.”
first things first. - fluff, slight angst and crack
“Both Yoongi and Namjoon deserve you, but you can only pick one. What do you do when your bestfriend, Taehyung, put the matter in his own hands, leaving you with no choice but to just trust fate?”
if the world was ending - fluff, slight angst and crack
“The soulmate system works on your side of the world, only it activates after you turn 20 years old.”
Track 2: Afterglow - angst, fluff, smut and a little crack
Part of the Taylor Swift Mixtape Series
“Gail just went to the BTS fanmeet with her bestfriend, Eunice, to see Namjoon. She did not expect that her boyfriend from Omegle will see her there – and that Omegle boyfriend is Min Yoongi.”
Sparks Fly - fluff, slight angst
“It’s Gail’s birthday in a few hours… What do you do, Yoongi?“
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One Shots
Primae Noctis - smut
“Marrying Jungkook is your greatest fortune, but before you can leave the land forever, you owe one last favour towards Lord Min. As the lord of the land, he has the right to deflower you and you will happily allow him to do so.”
She’s Testosterone 01 | 02 | 03.1 | 03.2 - fluff, crack, smut
“Drop dead gorgeous, cute and sassy - you adore your best friend. But is there more beneath the surface? Who exactly is Min Yoonji?”
The Truth Between Us 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07  - fluff, angst, drama
co-written by @gukyi​
“a book deal should be the most exciting time of your life, but there seems to be a constant and omnipresent damper on your mood in the form of a certain min yoongi, who you would just cut out from your life, if he weren’t your editor. but then, the world shifts beneath your feet, and you begin to wonder if maybe you’ve always been looking at life from the wrong angle.”
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One Shots
the way to your heart - fluff, humor
“when your office christmas party’s secret santa gives you absolutely no context on what kind of gift he wants, you have no choice but to get to know him better.”
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Wildest Moments 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 - fluff, angst, smut
“Min Yoongi is forbidden territory. And although you both know better, the two of you just can’t seem to stay apart.”
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One Shots
Teach Me - fluff
“In which you use learning a language as an excuse to tell Yoongi how much you love him.”
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One Shots
Time Skip - fluff, angst, thriller
“34D 14H 46M 57S. 55S. 40S. The soulclock seemed to be skipping numbers, counting down much faster than the other’s soulclocks were. As it began to skip minutes, Yoongi realized he needed to find you before time ran out.”
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One Shots
Dancing With The Devil - smut
“At first, Yoongi was just another handsome face with a charming mouth, stroking your ego while you laughed at his terrible jokes and topped off his drink twice as much as you charged him for. It was fun to flirt with the customers, an exhilarating game of cat and mouse that never went beyond the doors of the club. Until Yoongi.”
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One Shots
A Toast - smut, fluff
“Who cared that you had a whole wedding reception waiting for your arrival? Besides, did they really expect any less when your groom had shown up to the altar with newly dyed black hair and an undercut?”
Cheers If You Agree 01 | 02 | 03 - fluff
“If it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t know who you were or even how to get into contact with you, Yoongi wouldn’t be posting all over Weverse for anyone to see. Not that he thought anyone would be smart enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together with how many people responded to his posts anyway.
Except you. He hoped you could.”
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One Shots
Next Door - smut, fluff
“Your neighbor doesn’t respect your complaints about him being loud, but you don’t let it slide so easily.”
Stay High - smut, fluff, angst
“You’ve to stay high to keep your ex out of your mind when he comes back into your life.”
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One Shots
make me - smut, fluff
“an ordinary sleepover with your best friend turns into anything but ordinary, thanks to your ridiculously loud neighbors above you.”
the landlord - smut, fluff
“your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.”
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One Shots
behind closed doors - angst
“after falling for your already taken best friend, min yoongi, your confession results in a less than surprising fall out. three years later, you find yourself at your own wedding, except whom the last millisecond of each one of your heartbeats is beating for isn’t the groom; it’s him.”
it isn’t love. - heavy angst, fluff
“it all happened too fast. first, he held you in his arms in the couch of your living room, and next, he had packed all of his belongings and left you to an abandoned apartment without warning. now, he’s known as suga of bts and the only way you can cross paths with the renowned star once again is to win a date with his bandmate, kim namjoon.”
tell me that you love me. - angst
“sometimes letting go is the hardest thing to do - a cruel lesson that comes crashing on the both of you when the unexpected occurs: a mutual fall out of love.”
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One Shots
Morning Star - angst
“When Yoongi fell from heaven, he never once regretted the reasons leading up to his fall. What he does regret was bringing you into this.”
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One Shots
nine months from now - smut, angst, fluff
“this was not supposed to happen. this was never in the plan. a sudden, unexpected turn of events leads you into a world of baby bottles and baby grows, it just so happens that the cause of this mess is your boss…min yoongi.”
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Drabble Requests
01 - angst, fluff
“i'm not sure if you do requests, but can you please do a yoongi drabble that is a soulmate!au? something with shooky shooky keeps on playing in yn's head on repeat and yoongi is kinda annoyed because he hears it too. but for a twist, make it angst. 😂”
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One Shots
In My Head - angst
“Yoongi is slowly distancing himself away from you, and you can’t help but fall victim to the insecurities in your mind as you can’t help but ask: why?”
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I’m Done 01 | 02 | 03 - fluff, angst,
no summary
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One Shots
Undo - angst, smut
“You were his soulmate, that part he knew well. Until one day he didn’t want you anymore. He couldn’t, when all he could see from you was light and all he felt within himself was darkness. Your love has gone cold as he retreated from you, burying himself deep in the dark. But what happened when Yoongi had to watch you start over with somebody else, when Yoongi let his selfishness gain control on him of you.”
Series/Drabble Request
Reflections 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 - angst
“Yoongi + “How could I ever forget about you" + Angst | for anon”
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Forget Me Not 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 - angst, fluff
“Yoongi + “How could I ever forget about you" + Angst | for anon”
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recyclingss · 4 years
Klaroline Fic Rec Event 2020 - Day 1: Canon-ish
Title: In the Backseat AO3 / ffnet
Author: Lila82 (AO3) / Lila2 (ffnet) 
Summary: Klaus goes on the run with Hope; Caroline comes along for the ride and does some healing of her own.
Warnings: There’s a chapter where Klaus wears swimming trunks. It’s VERY hot. I had to fan myself... Also, angst but only the best kind. 
Status: Complete
Why you should read it: Oh Lila2… the reason why I started reading Klaus and Caroline fics. If you haven’t read Paradise Circus, I highly recommend it as well. [Paradise Circus is also canon-ish! It takes place after TVD 3x15. Caroline strikes a deal with Klaus: she will travel the world with Klaus in exchange for Tyler’s life]
Anyway, onto the actual fic. In the Backseat follows our favorite couple after Caroline loses her mother and after everything that transpires in TO S2. I stopped watching TVD after season 5, and I never watched TO. But you don’t need to worry about that with this fic. Lila2 does a fantastic job at giving you all the details you need to know through Caroline’s heartbreaking POV and through the initially tense "reunion” scene between Klaus and Caroline. 
Every chapter aches in a different way. Klaus shows up on a grieving Caroline’s doorstep with Hope in his arms. He has taken Hope away from Hayley, but at Caroline’s request, they embark on a road trip to bring Hope back to New Orleans. From the first chapter, you already get the sense that Klaus doesn’t know how to care for his daughter. Sure, he loves her, but he can’t nurture her. Luckily, he has Caroline there to teach him and slap him with some cold hard truths. Klaus and Caroline are both processing their emotions. Caroline is trying to deal with her mother’s death, while Klaus is trying to learn to be a father. And throughout this short fic, we get to see them heal, grow, act as a wholesome family, and travel together from Mystic Falls to places in Georgia and Florida and finally to New Orleans. The chemistry between them still sizzles, and they’re so comfortable with each other despite not having been in contact for months and so much happening in between. You need to read this. The characterization is spot-on; the pacing is perfect; and the only issue I have is that there aren’t more chapters.
Also, there is a Camille and Caroline interaction that does not attempt to pit them against each other. It is so refreshing, and that is the last spoiler I’ll give. 
Thank you @klaroline-events and @galvanizedfriend for hosting this :)
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𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕜
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A Stray Kids Yandere!AU Masterlist
Warning! If you’re not comfertable reading this type of Imagines, please don’t read it. You have been warned.
HCS= Headcanons
People’s favourite= ✨
Author’s Favourite= 🌻
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Wedding series (F/A):
↪ Total of words: 23k+
The proposal
Bachelor party
The wedding
The honeymoon
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Yandere Reactions:
X Going shopping with their s/o (A/F)
X Stray Kids’ reaction to their jealous S/O sitting on their lap (F/A)
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jeonbelly · 5 years
〈be happy; jjk〉
pairing: jeongguk x reader
genre: angst
warnings: mentions of cheating (i mean,, depends on what you consider cheating), a very sad jungkook
word count: 1.4K
summary: jungkook knew you fell in love with one of his best friends, and even though it hurt him, he had to let you go.
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He was happy.
He had everything he had ever wanted: the perfect career that came with enormous amounts of love from people all around the world, best friends that cared about him and a girl who loved him as much as he loved her.
Well, that was before everything happened at least.
At first he hadn’t noticed all the subtle glances and longer-than-appropiate hugs she shared with him, or the way they always seemed to know what the other was talking about as if they had talked about it already. He didn’t notice he wasn’t the only one that looked at her as if she had put the stars in the sky anymore.
Until one day he started picking up on things. He shrugged them off at first, because he just thought his mind was playing tricks on him because there was no possibility that his girlfriends, the girl he adored, was hiding something from him, but still there was something that didn’t let him forget the thought that maybe, just maybe something was happening.
But then it became more obvious.
The way you had drifted apart from him and become closer with his best friend had given you away. Your secret looks and giggles during movie night were no longer shared with him, but with someone else in the room. Even when he talked to you, your attention always flickered back to him.
“I don’t know what to do.” He had sighed, plopping back on the couch in Yoongi’s studio.
“You should talk to her,” Yoongi said, turning around in his chair to look at the younger. “And him. You should talk to both of them.”
“I’m not ready to hear her say she doesn’t love me anymore.” Jungkook said, voice cracked and fighting back the tears.
“I think that might be inevitable.” He said, rolling his chair closer to him so he could squeeze his knee. “I’m sorry this is happening.”
That week, very time he saw your little interactions you shared- a soft brush of your hands, a secret smile- with him made Yoongi’s voice come to his mind saying that he should talk to you, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it, not even when his heart was breaking to see you be in love with someone else.
He knew you weren’t being fair, being with him but loving someone else, but he couldn't bring himself to confront you. He wasn't able to sit down and listen to you list all the reasons you fell out of love with him and in love with his best friend. Moreover, he didn't want to think about what would happen next- would you be with him officially or would you break things off? It's not like he could forbid you two to be together. So he just pretended he didn't notice the way you didn't kiss him anymore or the way you went to bed later and later each day.
But now, on this day that was so incredibly tiring and stressful he had had enough.
When he got to your apartment that night, he stood in front of your door for a few minutes, fiddling with the set of keys you had given him two years ago.
“I got them done for you, so you can come whenever you want.” You smiled as you handed him the two keys as he ate breakfast. “I got you two just in case you lose one.”
He swallowed the cereal and turned around in the stool to fit your body between his legs as a smile spread across his face. “You trust me enough to give me the keys to your apartment?”
You nodded and pecked his lips. “Of course I do.” You said, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you, Guk.”
With a deep sigh he took off his shoes and took heavy footsteps towards the kitchen, where he knew you would be. You were turned with your back facing him, and you hadn't noticed him come into the apartment– or you didn't care, he didn't want to know which one it was.
“I want another serving.” Jungkook states extending the empty plate to you, making you giggle and look at him.
“Another one? You already had two.” You said with a smile, reaching to grab the plate nonetheless.
“Your cooking is just too good, baby.” He said, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. “You should be a professional chef.”
“You're an idiot.” You laughed and turned your head to kiss him.
Instead of making his presence known to you he walked towards the couch where he plopped down and stared at the ceiling, waiting for you to notice him. He hated that things were like this between the two of you now, but he also hated the idea of not being with you, he had to end this though, if not now when will he do it?
“Oh, you’re here.” Your voice brought him back to reality.
He turned his head, seeing you standing there with a bowl of chips and a coke on both your hands. He only nodded at your words and you walked to sit next to him, not saying anything else as you turned the tv on and put the next episode of your new favorite series.
A few minutes passed before he had the courage to pause the the show, causing you to pout and look at him with confusion clear in your face.
“Can we talk for a second?” He asked, his voice so soft you knew immediately something was wrong.
“What about?” You asked, turning your whole body to face him properly. “Babe, are you okay?”
He winced at the pet name, he hadn't heard you call him anything but his name lately. “Come here.” He said softly, opening his arms with a sad smile on his face.
You frowned, scanning his face searching for a hint as to what his sadness was, but found none so you put your head to his chest and hugged him. He stayed quiet for a few minutes, hugging you tighter every time you tried to pull away.
“Guk, what’s wrong?” You ask once he let you go, your hand instinctively reaching up to cup his cheek.
He leaned into your warm touch, his eyes filling with unspilled tears as he looked at your worried expression. “I know,” He started, taking a deep breath before talking again. “I know you don't love me anymore.” A single tear rolled down his cheek as your hand dropped to your lap. “I know you love him now.” He managed to say without his voice cracking.
“Guk, I'm sorry.” Was the first thing you managed to say.
“Jimin is an amazing guy,” He smiled softly, making your heart break. “I would fall for him too.” He looked down and bit his lip before looking back at you. “Were you with him while we were together?”
You stared at him for a couple of seconds, not because you didn't know how to answer, but because you had never seen him so quiet and sad. His eyes weren't full of stars like they usually were and his lips weren't curved up like every time he saw you, and in that moment you hated yourself for making him feel that way, for taking away his loud laugh and teasing voice and replacing it with sad eyes and soft whispers.
“We were never together.” You said. “We never kissed or had sex because I couldn't do that to you.” A sigh left your lips as you prepared to continue. “I still love you, Guk, just not enough anymore. I'm so sorry.”
He fought back the tears as he heard your words, his heart breaking into even more pieces. “It's okay.” He lied and smiled. “Hey, don't cry. I'm fine, it's fine.” He said as he wiped a tear that was rolling down your cheek.
“I'm sorry I did this to you.” You tried to say without your voice breaking.
He didn't answer, instead he hugged you, his tears falling freely as soon as your head landed on his chest. “I want you to be happy, and if that means you have to be with him then so be it.” His voice was strained as he spoke, which made your body to jump with the sob you tried to conceal. “Just not around me. Not right now.” He whispered as he held tight onto you, just one last time before letting you go.
He was happy, until that very moment.
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relanah-qahs · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 no.19 Title: Broken Hearts Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Prompt: Grief| Mourning Loved One| Survivor’s guilt Rating: T, Characters: Reno Words: 828
Tags: Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Guilt, Mourning, Atonement
AO3 Link.  FFNet Link
Summary: Reno reflects on his new place in the world and on his loved ones.
εγλ 0010 March 18. 9:15. Lower Junon.
Being under a city plate always elicited mixed emotions from Reno. On one hand, the undercity life gave him a strange sense of home. Standing in Lower Junon, breathing in the polluted air and the dim atmosphere from the lack of sunlight, Reno couldn’t help but be reminded of his childhood days in Midgar’s Undercity slums. But on the other, a terrifying guilt overwhelmed him. The haunting memories of the Sector 7 Plate crashing down and killing the residents made his skin crawl and his breath shake.
He was supposed to meet Rude for lunch today, but arrived far too early so Reno decided to walk around the city for a bit. It had been awhile since he last visited Junon. The last time must have been shortly after Meteorfall, when he was still clinging onto the hope of rebuilding Shinra. That hope never came to fruition, the WRO took over the needs that were once fulfilled by Shinra. Adjusting to work as a WRO Turk was a big adjustment--and it was especially difficult without Rude by his side.
It was tough for Reno to believe he was now on the side that was rebuilding the world instead of actively destroying it. Looking around, he noticed that Lower Junon seemed cleaner than the last time he was here. The stench of mako radiation no longer choked the air, instead the smell of the ocean permeated throughout. What was once barren ground now had some patches of grass growing toward the few areas where direct sunlight shone through. Even the people seemed different; locals smiled and said, ‘Good morning,’ to him, kids played out on the empty street without the look of caution or fear in their eyes. But that was probably because he was out of his Turks uniform today. Without the notorious black suits that struck fear into the hearts of the populace, the suits that parents warned their kids about, Reno was just a normal guy in his jeans and loose sweater.
What would Dad think of me now? Reno shuddered at the thought. Perhaps it was watching the children play that inspired this, or his reflecting on his new place in the world. He felt a pang of grief in his heart as memories of his father played through his mind. The good and the bad, his lively laugh and his cold, bloodied corpse. His mother walked out on them when he was just a baby, so he had no one else to look after him after his father was murdered. Veld took him in and trained him to be a Turk. Veld was Reno’s father figure throughout his teenage years. Reno loved him dearly, and would be forever grateful for the support and guidance Veld had given him. Although he understood the reason, Reno still felt genuinely hurt when Veld left. But by then he was paired up with Rude.
Through everything, Rude was always by his side. Despite his tough appearance, Rude was actually thoughtful and sympathetic--that’s where his quiet demeanor came from. Rude had never meant to work for a criminal organization like the Turks, but the cruel hands of fate had pushed them together. But Reno was glad for it. Rude acted as a sort of morality anchor when the depravity of being Shinra’s lap dogs became too much. They spent every day of nearly a decade as partners together. Until the day Rude quit the Turks to work a boring office job here in Junon. And as with Veld, Reno understood Rude’s desire to change his life, but couldn’t help but feel abandonment and loneliness gnawing at his soul.
Reno was trying everything he could to make this world a better place. But how could he possibly atone for the things he did in the name of Shinra? How many lives were lost because of his actions? All the blackmailing, kidnapping, and assassinations he performed under company orders...and the tens of thousands who were killed in Sector 7. His soul was corrupted and there was no way to make it pure, not after the havoc and destruction he caused. Reno had made the world a worse place for so many people. So who was he to try to make it better now? That didn’t stop him from trying. He joined the WRO and worked to save people and the planet--and he would continue to do so even though there was no hope of it ever evening out his sins in the end.
Reno took a deep breath and walked along the road to the freight elevator. He had a few hours before Rude was free for lunch. Maybe he would take a walk along the pier and look out into the ocean, or check out a library, or go have some coffee and relax for a bit. Reno looked forward to the day, but didn’t ignore the grief plaguing his heart.
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xbambie · 5 years
Fic recs pt 2
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Jungkook : 
“So Cold” --> angst https://minbbydoll.tumblr.com/post/188689460620/so-cold-%EC%A0%84-%EC%A0%95%EA%B5%AD-002
“Ex boyfriend JK” --> angst, series, drabbles https://spookitokki.tumblr.com/post/183729308790/exbfjk-drabble-1
“Navy Blue” --> angts, smut, HYBRID au https://aroseforyoongi.tumblr.com/post/188915613511/navy-blue-ch11
“Welcome to the Underworld” --> angst, heavy smut, DEMON au https://spookitokki.tumblr.com/post/189539522765/welcome-to-the-underworld-m
“The good soldier” --> MILITARY AU, smut, angst https://thewanderingalias.tumblr.com/post/179985979312/the-good-soldier-m-one
“A piece of you” --> smut, threesome, Taekook X reader, mature, camporn https://httpjeon.tumblr.com/post/189565042481/a-piece-of-you-taehyung-jungkook-m
“Woman on top” --> smut, angst https://heartbeatan.tumblr.com/post/187430990467/heartbeatan
“Puzzle” --> angst, smut, comedy https://kimvvantae.tumblr.com/post/189414766720/puzzle-6-m
“Good pussy” --> smut, comedy https://btsracket.tumblr.com/post/188098231663/m-good-p%CF%85ssy
“Body service” --> smut https://btsracket.tumblr.com/post/186412481648/m-body-service
“A magician’s assistant” --> smut, sex worker AU https://btsracket.tumblr.com/post/187294900278/a-magicians-assistant-m
“Gingerbread man” --> Christmas fic, smut, angst, single dad! Jeongguk https://btsracket.tumblr.com/post/189503016188/gingerbread-man-m
“Memory of you” --> Werewolf JK!, smut, angst, soulmates https://therealredraven.tumblr.com/post/187402196402/memory-of-you
“Symbol” --> angst, tattoed JK!, smut, artist https://therealredraven.tumblr.com/post/187938934327/symbol-jk-x-reader
“London Bridge is falling down” --> incest (not really), step brother JK au!, smut https://therealredraven.tumblr.com/post/188657174882/london-bridge-is-falling-down-my-fair-lady
“Hidden third part” --> smut, voyeurism, threesome, Jikook x reader https://kwrittink.tumblr.com/post/176419599999/hidden-third-party
“Missing” --> little JK! (kind of?), werewolf JK!, wild Jengguk, smut, angst https://ksmutclub.tumblr.com/post/189238881415/missing-03
“Housemate” --> angst, smut, nerd JK!, roommate JK!, https://vanillajhs.tumblr.com/post/189485383188/housemate-jjk-m
“Darkness” --> angst, smut, vampire JK! ft Yoongi https://juuzoous.tumblr.com/post/188930645080/darkness
“Ephemera” --> angst, fluff, soulmate ft Taehyung https://minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong.tumblr.com/post/181782688296/ephemera-chapter-four
“you’ve got mail” --> angst, fluff, barista JK! https://minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong.tumblr.com/post/184535149711/youve-got-mail-jungkook-one-shot
“brother’s bestfriend JK” --> heavy smut https://reveluvi.tumblr.com/post/186818017633/brothers-best-friendjungkook-x-reader-warnings
“do you want me dead” --> fluff, quidditch AU!, harry potter https://gukyi.tumblr.com/post/185441509188/do-you-want-me-dead-jjk
“calico” --> HYBRID JK & Jimin x reader, hybrid au, fluff, angst https://mygsii.tumblr.com/post/184059974148/calico-07
“Ode to the nature of romance” --> angst, slow burn, smut, violinist reader x poet jk! https://yeoldontknow.tumblr.com/post/164102450918/ode-to-the-nature-of-romance
“ABO JK x reader drabble” --> heavy smut, kinky, hot https://kittaerecs.tumblr.com/post/184641000394/a-very-short-abo-smut-im-rusty-i-dont-do-this
“clandestine” --> assasin AU!, gansgter au!, ft. Taehyung, mafia au!, smut, angst, crime https://ditzymax.tumblr.com/post/168845708967/clandestine-01
“Covet” --> smut, housekeeper reader, boss! JK https://honeyedhoseok.tumblr.com/post/140894551955/covet
“Melomaniac” --> angst, friends to lovers, musician JK!, tattoed JK!, band JK!, bestfriends https://jeonscript.tumblr.com/post/189405366999/melomaniac-m
“Backfire” --> office AU!, smut, https://mygsii.tumblr.com/post/189400870798/backfire-m
“Comfort Inn Ending” --> PERSONAL FAV, heavy ngst, smut, cheating AU!, sad, dread, feelings https://joonbird.tumblr.com/post/160523263800/comfort-inn-ending-2
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cloversdreams · 5 years
ɱყ ƒαɳ∂σɱร αɳ∂ รɦเρร
I hail from the era when we were warned over and over again not to give out personal information online. That is why you’ll never see my age in my profile.
⋘ My Ao3 account is over 90% locked so you need to be logged in to see almost all the fics ⋙
Current series I’m willing to write for: 
ʙᴜɴɢᴏ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ/ɢʀᴀɴᴅ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ ᴛʀɪɢᴜɴ ꜱᴛᴀᴍᴘᴇᴅᴇ ᴛᴇɴꜱᴜʀᴀ 🇲​​🇦​​🇸​​🇭​​🇱​​🇪​
* Ships for these and other fandoms I enjoy below cut
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Frequently used tags to consider perusing:
Prompts (writing and a scattered few art prompts)
Clovers Fate (my FGO rambles)
Cloverstwst (my TWST rambles)
Cloverscrk (my Cookie Run Kingdom rambles)
CloversFigs (pics of my figure collection)
My fics (my... fics)
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Come on by and:
✓ Talk to me about these things/Stop by simply to say you love them too
✓  Send me thoughts/headcanons about them
✓  Send me prompts for them *(there is no guarantee that I’ll write a prompt, but I def enjoy reading them!)
✕ Top///Bottom Discourse (I probably see them as verse so theres your answer, dont ask)
✕  A///B///O
✕ R///Ps
✕ Self..insert///X..reader
✕ a ngst without a happy ending
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A Destructive God Sits Next To Me
Seri x Hanadori
Shikimi x Hanadori
All the boys x moving in together for more antics
Bang Brave Bang Bravern
Black Clover 
Mars x Fana
Vanessa x Finral
Yami x Charlotte
Noelle x Kahono
William x Patri (i begrudgingly add them to the list)
All my favs x happiness
Buddy Daddies
Kazuki x Rei
Bungo Stray Dogs *
Lovecraft & Chuuya
Chuuya x Michizo x Junichiro x Mark
Oda x A Long And Happy Life
Alucard x Happiness
Chainsaw Man *
Denji x A Kiss That Isn’t Terrible
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Harvey x Roz
Ambrose x happiness 
Dr. Stone 
Ryusui x Having the World
Dokuga x Happiness
Thirteen x Happiness
Fairy Tail
Jellal and Erza
Fate/Grand Order *
Waver x Iskandar
Charlemagne x Moriarty (Ruler)
Arthur x head pats/hugs/good dreams
Doman x continuing being a chaotic thot
Tristan x Bedi
Astolfo x almost any guy
Genshin Impact
Wriothesley x Neuvillette
Ayato x Thoma
Xingqiu x Chongyun
Diluc x (Zhongli, Childe, Thoma, Baizhu, Wriothesley)
Zhongli x (Baizhu, Childe)
Kazuha x Gorou
Xiao x (Venti, Kazuha)
Alhaitham x (Kaveh, Cyno)
Candace x Dehya
Beidou x Ningguang
Wrothesley x Childe
Given *
Take-chan x Yayoi
Good Omens 
Ineffable Husbands
Great Pretender *
Hazbin Hotel
Angie x Everyone
Alastor x Most
Charlie x Vaggie
Hirano and Kagiura/Sasaki and Miyano 
TashiBashiHama (sounds like a vacation spot right?? RIDICULOUS)
Im: Great Priest Imhotep
Djoser x Imhotep
Harugo x Inaba
Apophis x Thoth
Hesyre x Khonsu
Everyone x the happiness they deserve
Jujutsu Kaisen 
Nobara x Maki
Kingdom Hearts 
Mashle: Magic and Muscles *
Rayne and the best life ever with all the bunnies
Miraculous Ladybug
Nathaniel x Marc 
Juleka x Rose
Luka x The Happiness He Deserves
Mob Psycho 100
Moriarty the Patriot 
Louis x Fred
Albert x Mycroft
John x Sherlock
My Hero Academia 
Fuyumi x Mirko
Fuyumi x Mirko x Ryukyu
TwI/nner (Twice x Spinner)
Raizel x Frankenstein
Rael x Seira
The Kids x Happinesss
Raizel x Muzaka
Frankenstein x Ragar
Raizel x Frankenstein x Muzaka
Raizel x Frankenstein x Muzaka x Ragar 
NU: Carnival
Eiden x Quincy
Eiden x Rei
Eiden x Yakumo
Eiden x Blade
Eiden x Garu/Karu
Eiden x Dante
Princess Tutu
Romantic Killer
Anzu x Tsukasa
Anzu x Tsukasa x Junta
Sk8 the Infinity 
Reki x Langa
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime *
Diablo x Rimuru
Veldora x Rimuru
Guy x Rimuru
Guy x Diablo
Guy x Diablo x Rimuru
Albis x Suphia
Benimaru x Albis
Youm x  Mjurran x Grucius
The Dragon Prince
Aaravos x being a chaotic thot
The Seven Deadly Sins
Ban x Elaine
King x Diane
Escanor x Merlin
Therapy Game/Secret XXX
Trigun Stampede *
Twisted Wonderland 
Idia x Cater
Malleus x Idia
Malleus x Cater
Jack x Vil
Malleus x Cater x Idia
Chenya x Silver
Chenya x Idia
Lilia x adopting even more kids
Chenya x being summonable
Wuthering Waves (male rover)
Jiyan x Rover
Scar x Rover
Jiyan x Mortefi
Xiangli Yao x Rover
Rover x Mortefi
Xiangli Yao x Mortefi
Jiyan x Rover x Mortefi (x anyone else thats hot)
Yhan x Rover
Rover x Changli
  Yu Yu Hakusho 
Other (series I enjoy without necessarily shipping)
D. Gray Man
Doctor Who
Dragon Ball Z
Invader Zim
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
One Day at a Time
Sengoku Basara
Star Trek TNG
Stargate SG1
Stranger Things
The Mandalorian
The Legend of Hei
Dark Gathering
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective 
Other II (I dont go here but I am still invested in these pairings)
Dead to Me (series which writers fucked everything up and I’ll never consume again)
The Magicians
Veronica Mars
The Umbrella Academy
if a polyship is listed I also ship all the individual ships that make it up ♡
italics are things I ship but haven’t/won’t write for (depends case by case)
when in doubt about a thing just send an ask. i dont bite. probably.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
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Warnings: Angst, Alcohol Addiction, Mentions of Death, Fluff,  Implied Smut, Unplanned Pregnancy
Word Count: 1,682 
Former Supernatural Co-stars Y/N, Jared and Jensen are all best friends.
They are working together again on a Dark Drama movie called Lithium Memories. 
A tale about  a widow reliving memories of her late former alcoholic mechanic husband.
Ever since Jared and Y/N played love interest on Supernatural.
Y/N and Jared share an undeniable chemistry on screen. They’ve become Hollywood’s choice for playing each-other’s love interests
Their latest movie Lithium Memories is very different from anything they’ve ever done. It take them in a new direction.
Inspired by Evanescence’s Lithium  & Within Temptation’s Memories
Come to bed, don’t make me sleep alone. Couldn’t hide the emptiness; you let it show. Never wanted it to be so cold. Just didn’t drink enough to say you love me.
All of my memories keep you near. In silent moments imagine you here.
0 notes
Second Chances Masterlist
Summary: Sisters Kassandra -Kassi- and Katherine -Kat- Morgan have known the SPN Family since the beginning. Their father was Jeffery Dean Morgan before a tragic plane crash took his life, as well as all the other passengers. They both have harbored feelings for the Winchester actors but nothing ever came to fruition. Will they get a second chance to have the men that stole their hearts as teens?
Pairings: Jared x OFC Kassi Morgan, Jensen x OFC Kat Morgan, Liam Hemsworth x OFC Kassi Morgan
Word Count:
Chapters: ?/6
Warnings: angst, age gap, pregnancy, unrequited love, each chapter will have it’s own warnings as well
A/N: So, this started off as a birthday present for one of my best friends. Hence, the random Hemsworth in the AU. I decided to share it on Tumblr. I am still working on this series. Honestly, I have been for the past couple of years. I am also in the process of rewriting the Jared portion before I get to Jensen. Jared’s portion is pretty much done, I just wanna make sure that it is up to my standards.
This Series will have 6 parts. The first 3 will involve Jared and Kassi, the last three will involve Jensen and Katherine. I hope y’all will like it! It’s one of my baby’s, so please give it a chance.
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Jared Padalecki
Let Me Let Go - 28 February 2020
Always Keep Fighting - March 2020
Family Don’t End In Blood - March 2020
Jensen Ackles
Meant To Be - March/April 2020
Broken Home - April 2020
A Thousand Years - April 2020
Wayward Squad:
@the-story-doesnt-end @ladywinchester1967 @maddiepants @dean-winchesters-bacon @snffbeebee​ @dammitsammy​ @waywardnerd67​
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peaches-and-hoshi · 6 years
WINTER 2018/2019 FIC REC [6]
PART 1 (PART 2 3 4 5 in the works)
TAGS: F for fluff, S for smut, D for character death, A for angst, ♥ favorites
i specified ao3′s ratings to clear up any confusion regardings how fluffy/smutty fics are
into the morning light by realface [YOONSEOK, teen and up, F, hobi is tired and accidentally asks yoongi out] ♥
even if it breaks down, oh better by misspamela [YOONSEOK, teen and up, F/A, some good ol’ pre-debut pining] ♥
if found please return to by misspamela [YOONSEOK, general audiences, F, hobi gets drunk in bv2]
Let the seasons change your mind by luminate [NAMGI, teen and up, F/A, enemies to friends to lovers, yoongi hates being a trainee, and hates kim namjoon, then he grows up] 
blue side by cutaepatootae [VHOPE, teen and up, F/A/light smut, Tae likes to sleep in Hobi’s bed, it gets complicated, pining, questionning of sexuality] ♥
feelings you provide by sugarlizard [TAEGI, teen and up, F, sort-of clothes-sharing? Tae keeps borrowing Yoongi’s A ring when he needs comfort]
like you like that by misspamela [TAEGI, teen and up, F, tae has been in love for a long time, it’s grown into a quiet, deep feeling] ♥
Hey Jupiter by almostblue [VHOPE, teen and up, F, hobi can’t sleep so tae keeps him company, very soft] ♥
meet me in the spring, catch up on everything by sugarlizard [MINJOON, general, F, jimin and joon meet years after bangtan failed to take off]
space by misspamela [YOONKOOK, teen and up, A/F, set years after bts disbanded, mentions of homophobia, jungkook has become a solo artist and decides to come out to the world] ♥
my best decision by madanach [TAEJIN, teen and up, F/humor, tae confesses in a spur of the moment, jin is flustered and offended] ♥
i used to be afraid of the words by raviolijouster [VMIN, teen and up, F, inspired by the vmin christmas duet that never was, where taehyung realizes a few things as he writes the song] ♥
this is the same ocean by blackranger [NAMSEOK, teen and up, F, joon wants to stay in bed and forget the world, hobs is too happy to comply for him]
lead me towards the deep end by sugarlizard [mature, S/F/A, yoongi runs into his ex on a vacation in hawaii, but also meets the nicest hotel staff]
such is the rapture of wine by blackranger [explicit, F/S, yoongi pretends to be bad at dance so hobi will teach him]
wouldn’t it be nice by ameliadebelias [teen and up, F/A, comfort fic, joon gets wrapped up in his own head and jimin gentles him out of it] ♥
we’d be good, we’d be great by marienadine [mature, F/A, college!au, pining, so much pining you have no idea, classic taekook trope of Bros who have been in Love for Years but are Scared] ♥
true love’s kiss by cutaepatootae [mature, F/A, hogwarts!au, tae gets cursed and needs someone to Save Him, please read the tags for triggers] ♥
a beginner’s guide to destroying the moon by blackranger [mature, F/A, taehyung leaves for europe to study art, jimin learns to Live Without, maybe this fic broke me in the best kind of way] ♥
this moment for life by misspamela [explicit, S/A/F, fwb to lovers, they meet on a dating app and catch feelings]
Carry Me by tiny_joon [no warnings, F/humor, college!au, Tae sends a sexy camel pic to the wrong person, read for context] ♥
it’s a beautiful thing by realface [mature, light angst, lost boys!au, kinda abstract]
130,000 won by sugarlizard [teen and up, F/humor, college!au, Tae does a kissing booth and yoongi is weak and gay, so gay] ♥
Until We Get There by sugarlizard [general, F, yoongi is bound to leave daegu but fuck if taehyung isn’t determined to follow him] ♥
i’ll wear out the words by blackranger [teen and up, F, shopping date at ikea, be careful if you’re lactose intolerent because it’s cheeeeesyyy] ♥
the wishes that are in our eyes by misspamela [explicit, F/S, everyone has some magic, tae’s is to manifest babies out of thin air, i swear the smut doesn’t involve the baby don’t worry!!!!] ♥
Long Live the Car Crash Hearts by almostblue (fictionalaspect) [explicit, SMUT/F, college!au, yoongi helps joon put eyeliner on and then fall into bed]
an uninhabited world by misspamela [explicit, F/S, namjoon has a “former” crush on hoseok and it goes as well as you think] ♥
the crystal goblet and, somehow, the wine by blackranger [mature, A/F, hobi fiddles with the idea of wearing skirts and tights feat. joon the supportive boyfriend; exploration of gender presentation]
little by little, one step two step by misspamela [teen and up, F, seokjin follows namjoon into a beginner’s salsa class, and meets the hottest dance instructor] ♥
another name for pirate treasure by misspamela [teen and up, F/humor, jin and jimin work as pirates in a theme park, many puns involved] ♥
jack i’m flying! by ameliabedelias [mature, F/humor, jinmin’s relationships through the years feat. them doing the titanic pose at every occasion]
fault lines by orbits [teen and up, F/A, and they were roommates]
(yeah i bloom) i bloom just for you by blackranger [explicit, SMUT/A/F, jihope are bitter exes, then they meet yoongi] ♥ ♥
i guess i’ll take it, heartbreaker by blackranger [explicit, ANGST/F/S, yoongi tells hobi he wants to date jin, too, and things kinda spiral from here, it’s a happy story tho there’s just a lot of miscommunication and okay it’s sad but also really beautiful] ♥♥
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