#warning for demo spoilers
zevzevarainai · 7 months
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Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth Demo - Calling Poundmates
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brutermonger · 9 months
The cinematic cutscenes are damn nice 👍👏
I wouldn't mind watching a full action cgi movie or series in this style. I kinda miss when Final Fantasy were doing those.
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demonir · 3 months
ill tell ya rn fellas the request im drawing rn is super cute im having fun drawing the small details
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melodic-haze · 20 days
remote vibrator in public w sub robin?? 👀
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Robin x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Exhibitionism, mentions of corruption, semi-public sex mentions at the end
☆ — NOTES: Wait I didn't even realise I had essentially already done this oh my god 😭😭😭😭😭😭 anyway is a cheeky Robin ooc I wonder if it is..........my bad gang I actually haven't finished Penacony yet 😭 ik like spoilers
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Such a move spells TROUBLE for a universal celebrity like her.............good thing she likes the trouble you put her through ☺️
You've seen how she dedicates herself to her multimedia craft, putting her all into performing arts for the sake of inspiring people and making everyone happy. Now, you want to see how she does with.......performing for a different reason :3
"Such a risk would be much more trouble than it's worth, you know."
"If it's 'so much trouble', then why are you smiling like that?"
"Maybe I just find your request amusing. You know that the press are determined to spot anything that may give them a good scoop."
It's not as if Robin was wrong—a cosmically-famous figure like her would be risking the possibility of complete and utter ruination with such deviancy, along with.. well, having to face her brother. And The Family too, but mostly her brother. She had the right to be worried.
..But, well, she doesn't really seem to be worried right now, despite her words. If anything, the expression on her face as she leaned on the wall and the slight fluttering of her wings showed a different feeling.
As if she were the cat that got the cream.
"Uh huh," you leaned back on the chaise with a knowing look, eyes narrowed and arms crossed, "what I know is you're not saying no..."
She lets out a false sigh as she pushed herself off the wall to head to you, "Aw, I thought I led you off my trail."
"Like you do with the press? Oh, please." You rolled your eyes, "I know you much better than that."
"You seem so sure."
"Am I wrong?"
"Mm.. no, I guess you're not."
Then she sits down on your lap and wraps her arms around your neck, the wings on her hips wrapping themselves around the both of you like a barrier that separates you from the rest of the world, "And neither are you wrong about my lack of your refusal."
Your hands snake themselves over to your lover's waist.. before moving down further and lightly squeezing her ass, "So that's a yes?"
"Mhm," she hummed, her voice reduced to a raspy whisper, "I could never resist you, sweetheart."
"What a coincidence—I could never resist you either. Must be a Halovian thing, with that halo of yours."
"Haha, who knows."
And that leads on to your present situation: Robin, as an important member of The Family and a famous singer, was invited to a gala as a special guest. Naturally, she attended and was thankful that they allowed her to invite a plus-one. Considering that Sunday had his own invitation, you were practically the most obvious pick out of everyone she could've chosen, both because you were her most important person.......and because this was a perfect opportunity for the both of you
So here she was, clinging to your arm as you talked to some.. some random who was (unsurprisingly) one of Robin's fans, one that's REALLY obsessed with her too, apparently. And really, she wasn't sure whether to thank you for giving her a different thing to focus on or silently plead to you somehow to cut it out, but she essentially clamped her mouth shut for most of the time you were there, not actually trusting herself to let out a coherent sentence
Not just with that one guy too, you do this through the night—your hand mostly in your pocket as you manipulated the controls of the vibrator within her, usually during inconvenient moments to mess with her a bit
During times you're left alone with her as everyone else goes to do other things and talk to other people, you taunt her of how if she doesn't hide it good enough then people miiiight start suspecting something's wrong ☺️☺️ and she wouldn't wanna ruin her career like this, would she ☺️☺️☺️☺️ oh that'd be such a huge shame ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
At first she does actually taunt you back, lightly boasting to you that it takes a lot more to faze her and that it's sweet of you to try...........but as the night progresses you find that she fires back at you less and less, your favourite songbird getting increasingly more quiet, just like how her panties are getting increasingly wetter. But she bares with it with a smile anyway, disregarding the rosy tint in her cheeks as simply applying too much blush HAHAHAHA
It's not just when you two are together either!!! You've both made sure that the toy has a big enough range that you can walk around without the connection being severed from the distance, so it was rather easy for you to manipulate it even while you were away from her. Oh, and how FUN it is, esp when you see her try to look around for you as her wings flutter restlessly
It's actually rather impressive to watch though—even when the night toiled away and it got increasingly harder for her to stop herself from cumming herself silly from sheer frustration, she keeps herself in check. It's almost as if she were completely unbothered, acting the perfect part as a beautiful socialite at a grand event as she sang with (very false) confidence. You would've been fooled......if it weren't for the fact that she had telepathised her need for you to just bend her over somewhere and fuck her dumb instead of letting her continue with this toy inside of her. You almost feel bad
Keyword: almost, especially when you decide to get braver and mess with her a liiiiittle bit more. And she would've been fine with it!!! At least, if it weren't for the fact that this was with HER FUCKING BROTHER LOL
Halovians, the musical and emotional creatures that they are, can probably communicate via special frequencies right?? At least, that's my personal hc, like you can't actually use a radio to intercept it and listen in bc it's like a Halovian-specific kinda thing that can only be read through their halos. Idk how they work lol don't sic me
Anyway through that logic, I feel like Sunday picked up signals of distress from his little sister. He's probably more sensitive to her frequencies too, with how yk. They're related. Like sharing genetic code except it's like if you look at a sound visualiser and see multiple lines at once and the Oak siblings have that one similar line or smth. So he can tell that SOMETHING is wrong with her, just not what specifically (esp when Robin's probably trying her best to block out signals of her lust from ever notifying her brother that smth more is happening)
"Are you certain you're feeling alright, Robin?" Sunday's voice held a sense of urgency and protectiveness, as expected of the one that had been there for her as the one constant before she had left Penacony, "I can tell that something is off.. and your feathers are a bit ruffled."
The worried emotions he had sent to Robin, along with a request to pry into her psychical wellbeing, didn't help the singer at all in terms of calming down—the possibility of her beloved brother becoming unwillingly privy to the fact that her inner workings are so utterly perverse and corrupted scares her. The fact that you had slowly switched the vibe's speed between an agonisingly slow pace and an upward climb as the exchange went on added to the torture.
Though compared to the rest of the night, this time actually felt like you were taking mercy on her, with the way you hadn't decided to suddenly ramp the intensity up out of nowhere.
(And there was that twisted feeling inside her that actually liked the thought of being an R-rated spectacle in front of all these people around them still threatening to take her focus away.)
To keep up the charade as she continued to block Sunday's attempts in peering into her enotions, she could only do what she did best; perform. So she nods her head with a smile, though the latter action didn't really need that much acting, "Yes, I'm feeling alright. I appreciate the concern, brother, but nothing's wrong. Perhaps it's just exhaustion—I don't know how you.. mm.. how you deal with it all the time."
"I could say the same to you," he reciprocates her smile, if a tad bit crooked from his worry, "I think it takes a lot of inner strength, to take on the attention of a universal crowd. Luckily, I know you can more than handle it."
The blue-haired sibling hummed, her smile widening from her brother's confidence, "It's because I know I have you to fall back-- on..!"
The grey-haired sibling furrowed her eyebrows in turn at the sudden yelp, "Are you quite sure you're okay..? You're worrying me, dear sister."
Yeah, no, she couldn't carry on such a conversation like this.
Another nod as she digs her nails into her palms in an effort to redirect her thoughts from the overflow of slick in the apex of her thighs, "Y-Yes, I'm fine... I think I just need to take a walk around to.. calm myself. I feel rather warm."
He doesn't reply immediately, leaving Robin in suspense. Could he have figured it out?
..Turns out no, as he lets out a small sigh, "Alright, just remember to tell me if something's wrong, yes? I don't want your comeback here to be an unpleasant one."
"I will, thank you."
She turns around in a hurry—though not that much of a hurry, lest he either gets more suspicious or she somehow makes the toy's effect worse—and leaves, making a beeline for you before grabbing onto your wrist and dragging you off before you could say a word (though the small smirk on your face said all you needed to say).
And Sunday clocks the two of you leaving the main hall together with a raised brow. His initial instinct is to go investigate himself—he knew better than to believe his sister's act, of course... But he thought better of it.
He had an inkling that perhaps this wasn't something he should involve himself in.
And his gut feeling was right, esp when Robin dragged you out and into the first private, empty room she found, pushed you down and started grinding onto your lap like a bitch in heat 🥰🥰🥰🥰
People are going to talk for a WHILE about your sudden disappearance, the both of you KNOW this very well, but right now? Robin doesn't gaf, not when her mind's been reduced to a horny mess as she begs you to finally get her off yourself. Whether you do or you DON'T??? Up to you LMAO
Either way, it's DEFINITELY something unforgettable........and dare I say, tellingly exposing of what your songbird likes 🫶
"Why do I deal with such risks again?"
"Because you love me?"
"..Mm. Yes, that's true."
"Wait, really? That's giving me too much power, birdie."
"And that's perfectly fine," her lips curl into a light grin, "There's nobody else I'd rather obey."
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kleinv01 · 2 months
you can download it on itch.io now here, and to see the comprehensive content warnings you can visit this link. (SPOILERS)
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here's some things you can expect in this update: (READ MORE)
- STORY PROGRESSIONs. continuing on which route you've entered in the demo, you can either progress the story with klein/yael's focused route. depending on reading speed, each routes are approximately 30~1 hour long. i would personally say klein's route is significantly shorter than yael's (i'm sorry klein enjoyers) but again it is dependent.
this update includes 2 new CGs (variations not included)
more player choices
more al screentime for al enjoyers /silly
but what if i went for the 'secret ending' in the demo? can the story continue from that?" no. the 'secret end' is basically a ||premature game over|| ending for the MC lol, however, in this update- you are given a little more context as to why this ending is even included to begin with. you'll also know why you can't continue the game if you went for this ending in the earlier version.
- visual polishes/improvements. new titlescreen, minor sprite edits, and more! a lot of the items mentioned in the game are now illustrated to give players a better visualisation of what they should look like.
- general UI polishes/improvements. changes are not very visible, however, i did made an effort to try and make the UI more aesthetically pleasing, accessible and consistent within the game's art style/aesthetics!
- EXTRA CONTENTs. you can unlock 2 different titlescreens based on the choices you made in the game, and also 2 small easter eggs (which i will not reveal on how to get them, for now, at least- LOL)
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if you encountered any problems, please do contact me! it would also be deeply appreciated if you can fill out this feedback form as it helps me to improve the quality of my games and give better experience to players. but please, don't feel obligated to do so! < 3 to know people enjoying what i create already means the world to me.
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sinclairstarz · 3 months
will: youre never going to win, vecna!! I will defeat you, once and for all…
vecna: HA HA HA! You and what army..? 😈
*distant yelling getting louder, the ground shaking a little*
will:.. this army.
*the rest of the gang rides in on demodogs, which dustin has befriended and trained, in slomo. while theyre doing the cool slomo walk towards the camera, robin trips on a vine*
robin: sorry!!
vecna: o_o
*the party stands strong by will’s side*
lucas *cracking his knuckles*: okay, vecna… we can do this the easy way… or the hard way.
*the demodogs growl angrily*
vecna: heheh… nice… puppy….
*big final battle scene*
vecna, defeated: but.. but you’re just a group of kids..
mike: that may be, but we’re stronger, because we have something you’ll never have.. the power of true friendship.
*they all exchange happy smiles*
robin, tearing up! aw i love you guys.. so much!! *blows her nose in steve’s shirt*
nancy: maybe… the real light was the friends we’ve made along the way.
el: that’s right. were a team.. a party.
steve: UMMMM did I hear PARTY?
robin: i think i feel a song coming on… hit it, dustin!!
*cuts to a big party in the woods, with everyone dancing. Party Rock Anthem starts playing over the scene. murray is dancing with karen and there are demo-creatures all dancing with the party.*
will: omg!! this is my jam!! PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT
mike: its actually party rock IS…
*tender emotional music playing*
*ted approaches dustin, who stops dancing.*
dustin: ted.
ted: dustin.. i’d like to apologize. can you ever forgive me?
dustin, smiling:.. i already have, man. now lets party!
*vecna is sitting in a chair in the corner with his arms crossed, scowling.*
will: aw, get in here!
vecna: absolutely not.
will: … then why is your foot tapping to the rhythm?
vecna: it isn’t.
will: friends dont lie!
vecna: …drats.
*will pulls vecna’s arm and vecna starts dancing with them. steve watched then turns to look at the camera.*
stve, shrugging with a smile: well. we’ve all seen stranger things.
*fade to black*
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
[Spoiler warning]
I have so many thoughts right now....We knew Sephiroth was good person before, but seeing him interact with other people in the demo, he had a sense of humor, was encouraging and HIS CLEAR DISDAIN FOR HOJO MY GOD. Him slashing the incubator tubes because he was against whatever the fuck Hojo was pulling spoke volumes of his character before the incident. And don't even get me started on the incident. The library scene did a fantastic job of showing why and how Sephiroth lost his mind. Honestly, with the shit he found out, who wouldn't?? That man was holed up in there for a week slowly losing touch with humanity as he found out that his entire life had been a lie. The Nibelheim fire was absolutely horrific and it did a great job at showing just how terrible of a tragedy it was. Sephiroth's cruelty and ruthlessness as he slaughtered people who were already suffering made me lose it. That man was pushed over the edge and be became a monster. And then there's the entire sequence of Cloud hyper-focused on looking for his mother and making sure she was alive. That made my heart ache, especially her last words to him (which we all know Sephiroth recites to Cloud when we first see him in Remake) UGH. This game will be the death of me. The 29th cannot come soon enough 😓
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alastor-simp · 5 months
Antidote☠️💉 - Angel Dust x Powerful Reader Part 1
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⚠️Warning- This story contains mentions of abuse/sexual themes, so be warned if this makes you uncomfortable. This story is gonna contain some spoilers from Episode 4 of the series⚠️
Twirling the martini in your hand, you let out a sigh. You were sitting at the bar in the Hazbin Hotel, completely bored out of your mind. Your name was Y/N, or Morana, the frost demoness overlord that resided in Pride. Having arrived in Hell a few years ago, the power you wielded toppled over numerous overlords, causing you to be truly feared by those who attempted to threaten you. While you did possess unyielding power, you never used it for sadistic satisfaction, only in means to defend yourself. The true side of you was a compassionate demon, wanting to help those under dire circumstances, and also defend those you loved dearly. How you arrived at the hotel, was during one of your walks down Pride ring, and listened in to the 666 news. The broadcast was focused on Lucifers own daughter, Charlie Morningstar. She was going on about her hotel project that wanted to help rehabilitate demons, making them able to be forgiven to ascend to heaven. The sentiment touched you greatly, while the other demons around you, found it completely ridiculous and went on about their day. In fairness, redemption was not an easy thing to accomplish, and you had committed many sins in hell, that left you with no shot to go up to the golden gates. However, there were demons that either landed in hell for unknown reasons that didn't qualify as sin or wanted to make a change in their current life. Feeling for the kindhearted princess, you decided to head to the hotel, wanting to offer any services you could provide.
Charlie and Vaggie were shocked having seen you at the door, not expecting, not one but TWO overlords coming to the hotel. Charlie had heard the stories about you, but she saw purity in your eyes, and was ecstatic when you offered to help. Vagatha, immediately, pointed the spear to your throat, expected honesty, since you were almost on the same scale as Alastor. She saw no deception when you further explained yourself to her, resulting in her trusting you, but barely. Charlie then introduced you to everyone else that was residing in the lobby.
Laying on one of the couches appeared to be an 8 ft spider-like demon, sporting a semi-revealing outfit with pink gloves and black heels. Based on how he presented himself, he was very confident in his looks. His response to seeing you was a toothy smirk, along with a wink. It caused a bit of pink tinge to your cheeks. You responded back with a smile and wave, as Charlie kept dragging you by the hand. Simply adorable was your thoughts when you saw the little bundle of excitement, speed towards you, smiling wide and hopping with enthusiasm. She commented how pretty you were, before darting to catch the bugs with a needle. Catching a flash of red in the corner, your irises spotted Alastor the radio demon. You had come across him during your time in Hell. The both of you had no beef thankfully. You knew the power he wielded and treated him with respect, despite not enjoying his methods, but he was a gentleman, and that earned points in your book. Alastor assumed you were a power hungry overlord when he saw you near his turf, and couldn't wait to broadcast your screams in Hell. That idea diminished quickly, after learning how charming of a demon you were, and showed no fear when meeting him, acting very cordial with him. "Highly unusual" he thought since many demons feared him on sight, fleeing like cockroaches. He now considered you a very good companion, which wasn't easy to accomplish, so consider yourself VERY LUCKY being in Alastors good books. The last demon, was a anthropomorphic cat demon, standing near the hotel bar. He was guzzling cheep booze, before stopping when you introduced yourself. A head nod was his response to you, as he went back to drinking. Vaggie was able to tell you his name was Husk, and he was a bit of a grump.
Your arrival occurred a few months ago, and you had managed well in the Hotel. True, it was a bit difficult to get new demons to come, but like Charlie, you had many inspiring ideas to help, which Charlie greatly appreciated. Sir Pentious was the new addition to the group. He was very fearful of you since you had roughed him up a bit in the past when he was going around blowing up everything with his blimp. You appeased him, saying that you were here to help and that you would not fight him again. Well, he was very grateful for that. He was a bit of a dork, but he had a soft heart underneath that "wannabe overlord" persona. The relationships you built with everyone only grew over time, and you considered them all family, despite being very dysfunctional. Back to the present at the hotel bar, you were observing Charlie and the others, minus Alastor, watching one of Angels most popular films. It was obvious it was highly inappropriate so you decided to skip seeing it, but you felt rude to just leave the room, so you stayed around.
"Haha! What do you think you f✪✪✪✪? Starting to appreciate how good my skills are yet? I told ya let me do the next advertisement for this place, and there will be a line out the door!" Angel dust exclaimed this, laughing while laying on the couch. Charlie was flushed to her ears, but she was able to clear her throat and said that while she appreciated Angel wanting to help, she didn't want to exploit him like that. Rolling his eyes, Angel just said "whatever toots" and crossed his arms. A loud ringing penetrated the room, causing everyone to jump. It was Angel Dusts phone, giving how quick he got up to answer it. He was quick to walk away from the group, but you knew something was off, as you tried to listen to the conversation. "B-boss, You need me right now?! But I- No no, I'm not- Sigh, okay Valentino." That did not sound good. Your eyes gazed at Angel's face, and you saw the fear plastered all over it. That face was quick to disappear, and Angel put on a wide smile. "Welp. Time to head to work. Sayonara Bit✪✪✪✪" Flashing everyone four middle fingers, he bolted out the door. "Wait Angel" Charlie extended her hand out to stop Angel, but it was too late. Getting up from the bar, you placed your hand on Charlie's back, asking what was wrong. Charlie went on to explain that she wanted to finish the exercise with Angel, but now he got called away from his boss." Charlie insisted that she wanted Angel to spend more time at the hotel, but she knew he had a job to do with his current boss. Thinking of a way to help, your thoughts dissipated when Charlie came up with an idea. She would go to his workplace and talk to Angel's boss. "Charlie, I understand you want to do this, but it might not be so easy to reason with Valentino." Warning Charlie, you tried to make her change her mind but she was determined to do it. Heaving a sigh, you let Charlie go through with the plan, but you were coming along, since you figured she might need some help dealing with the moth man.
"Ah! Angel-cakes~! You made it right on time." Valentino swayed his way over to Angel, who was wearing a large fake smile, as he didn't want to upset him. "Of course, boss!" Angel winked at Val, as his body was getting dragged by him. "Wanted to do a spicy session today~. Couldn't decide on BDSM or doing 20 guys, but I figured why not both. You can handle it right, baby~!" Valentino leaned down towards Angel, exposing his golden tooth, as red saliva dripped from his mouth. Chills rain down Angels back, and he wanted to pull away, but he stopped himself. "Of course Val. You know me. I can go on forever without stopping" Angel smiled through the pain. "Excellent Angel-cakes. Now run along and get ready, and be quick about it" His sweet laced words then turned venomous, as he smacked Angels behind causing him to yelp, as he went into his dressing room. Angel was standing in the center of the shooting room, getting touched up by the makeup crew. Cameras were scattered around the room and stage lights were aiming at Angel. Valentino was sitting in the directors chair, gazing at Angel with glowing red eyes. "Now ACTION!!" The clapperboard snapped, signaling Angel to start. Heaving a deep sigh, Angel put on a smile and started doing what he does best.
(This song is such a bop and extremely heartbreaking. Credit to Blake Roman and Vivziepop for making this amazing song)
🎶I'm not above a love to cash in Another lover underneath those flashin' lights Another one of those ruthless nights Yeah, yeah, yeah I shoulda' guessed that this would happen I shoulda' known it when I looked in your red-hot eyes Spewin' all your red-hot lies Yeah, yeah, yeah What's the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself 'Cause I know you're poison You're feedin' me poison Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm livin' like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison I got so good at bein' untrue I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear I disassociate, disappear Yeah, yeah, yeah So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp Yeah, I know it's poison You're feedin' me poison I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice, and Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow Oh-oh, oh-oh Any way you want me, baby That's the way you got me, I'll be yours My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison Poison, I'm drownin' in poison I'm fillin' up my glass but it's always hollow Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison Wish I had something to live for tomorrow…🎶
Laying on the floor in his dressing room, Angel was curled up into a ball. Tears were raining down his cheeks, staining it with black mascara. He was in pain, it was clear, but he had to pull through with it, unless he wanted to suffer Valentino's wrath. A knocking was heard from the other side of the door. It was one of the crew members telling Angel it was time for the next session. Collecting himself off of the ground, he walked over to his mirror. Wiping off the stains of ruined makeup, he applied it back on. Staring at himself in the mirror, it took everything in him not to punch his reflection. Taking a deep breath, Angel put on his mask, and headed to the next session. As he made his way over to the shooting spot again, Angel heard voices from the right side of the room. Looking towards them, he gasped in shock, seeing both you and Charlie entering inside the room. "WTH were they doing here?!" he thought as he rushed over towards them. "Oh excuse me, sorry, sorry." Charlie was bumping into everyone, despite blushing as she still wasn't use to this stuff. Following behind her, you tried to look for Angel, until your eyes spotted him walking towards the both of you. "Charlie!! Y/N!! What the f✪✪✪ are you doing here?!" Charlie smiled up at Angel, saying they wanted to see him and if they could talk with his boss. "Now is not a good time! Come on, get out of here before he sees you!" Warning them to leave, Angel tried to push the both of you back outside.
"Well Well, Angel-cakes! You didn't tell me you brought guests to my fine establishment~." A seductive voice came from behind the three of you. Valentino was making his way over, swaying his hips as he walked. "Why if it isn't the Princess of Hell? Such a pleasure to meet you." Valentino bent down, while grabbing her arm, giving it a lick. "Umm hello (no thank you)" Charlie gave an uncomfortable smile, not enjoying what Valentino did. Feelings of disgust began to build up inside you at his actions. His red piercing eyes then locked on you. "Oh what a beauty! Who might you be, darling~?" Valentino had leaned closer to your face, placing his hands around areas that were a major red flag. "My name is Y/N and I prefer if you would remove your hands from me." Your eyes glowed a neon blue, as you had grabbed his arms and push them back towards himself. His eyes widen at that, and a glare flashed towards you before his signature smirk came back. "Oh feisty~. I like that in a lady." Standing back to his regular height, he moved back a little bit and gazed at the both of you. "Now what are you fine specimens doing in a place like this~?" His crimson eyes were piercing the both of you. Angel had moved to the side, gazing down at the ground. He was petrified in fear, you could see it. "Yes, sorry. I was wondering if we could talk to you about Angel." Charlie chirped up, not reading the mood clearly. Valentino placed his hands on his hips, wondering what they wanted with his number one star. "Angel is staying at the Hazbin Hotel, and we had some rehabilitation activities we wanted to do with him. We understand he works for you, but we wanted to know if it was possible if he was able to get a break for today." Charlie's smile was so angelic. You knew she was being very sincere with what she was saying. Gazing at Valentino, you saw the slight twitch in his smirk as Charlie continued to talk.
"Oh I see~ Let me discuss this with Angel-cakes privately~." Angel grimaced at that statement, as he felt an arm loop around his neck, and moving him towards his dressing room. Charlie looked at the both of them with a frown, sensing something wrong. Your emotions were rising as you knew something was very wrong given how Angel was acting when his boss was near. Pushed into the room, Angel turned back towards Valentino. "Wait Val! I didn't know they were gonna show up her-" Angels words were cut off with a backhand to his face. "You pequeña mierda! What gives you the right to bring those sluts to my club?!" Valentino kicked Angel, sending him flying across the room. "AGH" Angel exclaimed in pain, as he hugged himself, shaking in fear. Valentino marched towards him, glaring down at him. Picking him up off the ground, he slammed Angel against the wall. "Do you not remember who owns you?! I'm the one that controls you. I have your soul, or did you forget that?" Choking him, Angel gasped for breath, as the life was squeezed out of him. Valentino smirked down, extending his head next to Angel's ear. "Those little putas can't save you Angel. Besides that hotel is not your home, this is, here with me~. Now, you are going to tell those little c✪✪✪✪ to leave. Understand~" Angel was trying to pull Val's hands off, crying tremendously.
Part 2 Here
Epilogue Here - Warning Smut
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himbeereule · 8 months
Орлёнок (Eaglet)
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Орлёнок (Eaglet) is an interactive story set in a country similar to 1910s-1920s Russia. You're a member of the overthrown Imperial Family, shaping the future of the Empire by virtue of arms.
It aims to be equal parts role-playing, dress-up and strategy game, with an emphasis on romance.
Although there will be no explicit nsfw scenes, it does include graphic descriptions of the horrors of war as well as personal tragedies, so please refer to the content warnings at the end of this post.
(as the project is still a wip, this overview is somewhat incomplete and will be gradually updated in tandem with the progress of writing)
DEMO: here (v0.0.2a, 21.06.2024)
Forum post: here
Number Spelling Function (IF writer resource): here
Secondary project: @a-dying-wish-if Tertiary (mini-)project: @perceptron-failure-if Quaternary project: [redacted]
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The Empire of Nevetskiya - old, proud, and utterly dilapidated. While the Industrial Revolution has enabled other Monarchies - after a few quickly suppressed workers' uprisings - to become modern colonialist superpowers, exerting their influence all over the world, Nevetskiya is still overwhelmingly agrarian, and barely holding onto its outlying territories acquired in golden times long past.
Your Father Emperor, while ruling with an iron fist and unquestionable authority over the common people, is completely dependent on the shaky loyalty of the High Nobility, who frustrate any attempt to modernize the economy or administration, out of fear upstart merchants might, in time, replace the old Aristocracy.
When a sloppily executed coup d'etat eventually leaves your family dead and you a refugee, it becomes time you grab the reins of your destiny and amass an army to liberate and rebuild the country in the way you envision.
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(this is meant to be a concise overview - a more exiting and detailed description of features can be found in the offical Interest Check Thread post)
extensive character customization
extensive army customization - both in a strategy and in a dress-up game sense
focus on story over stats - success is determined on the battlefield, not by your character's personality
five distinct regions with a wide cast of characters
complex personality system - for example, how your character actually feels and what they show to the world are separate things
several ways to rule - will you become a traditional Monarch, a Military Dictator, a democratically elected Head-of-State, or maybe proclaim yourself a Living Saint?
choose how much modernization is needed - will you allow women to bear arms, at the cost of offending the traditionalist nobles? Introduce tanks at the cost of foreign powers gaining influence?
how far will you go for victory? A political police, mass executions and the use of special types of weaponry might give you an edge, but is your vision really worth it?
a total of ten romanceable characters
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(this naturally might contain slight spoilers)
The ROs
★ Yakov Tymofiyevich Sokolovskiy / Liliya Tymofiyevna Sokolovskaya ★
The Intelligence Director (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. As a member of the High Nobility, you've met them before - maybe you've even been childhood friends?
But even if you know them, it's hard to tell what they're truly like, as they seem to switch personalities effortlessly depending on the situation.
Their work is a mystery to seemingly everyone, but they always get results: as long as you let them act freely, no enemy agent has any chance to harm you or your cause.
Age: mid-20s
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★ Semyon Ivanovich Orlov / Selena Ivanovna Orlova ★
The Cavalry Officer (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. A war hero and renowned expert when it comes to horses, the only reason they were not yet promoted to a lofty position in the War Ministry is their pragmatic approach to new developments, which hasn't mixed well with the typically very traditionalist views of the old Imperial officer corps.
Possessing a subdued but strong charisma and deeply respected by their soldiers as a wise parent figure, they are a solid pillar of support to you, and will reliably get things done - though some people might consider the cost for that too high sometimes.
Age: early 30s
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★ Mikhail Pavlovich Voronin / Marina Pavlovna Voronina ★
The Young Visionary (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. They shot up through the ranks by impressing the War Ministry with bold new ideas for utilizing modern technologies and are hailed as a genius by many - though the older officers dismiss them as a dreamer at best and incompetent fool at worst.
With you, they hope to have found someone who'll appreciate their visions for the future - plus, their relative eccentrism has left them in dire need of a friend.
Their technical expertise might just prove to be the key to your success - if you can secure the foreign support needed to get the modern equipment needed to utilize it.
Age: early 20s
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★ Leon Isayev / Leah Isayeva ★
The Noble Academic (gender-selectable)
One of your four original companions. Born to wealthy nobles, they graduated the Imperial Officer Academy with perfect grades, and feel honour-bound to your family.
They were the one to gather your initial force of loyalists and act as your primary advisor. But their loyalty is to the Imperial system, with you just a symbolic representative - can you convince them that you and your vision deserve their loyalty beyond that?
Age: late 20s
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★ 'Little' Semyon/Selena Shvets ★
The Hero (gender-selectable)
A young cavalry officer and leader of your Southern Forces. A protegé of the "other" Semyon/Selena, they lack their cynical pragmatism, but make up for it with a firm belief in the triumph of a better world.
Some may call their optimism naive, and their personality has been mockingly compared to a Golden Retriever, but they have proven time and time again that underestimating them on the battlefield results in a crushing defeat.
Age: early 20s
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★ Nikola ★
The Rebel (nb)
Leading an anti-authoritarian peasant uprising in the West, Nikola is more likely to be your enemy than your ally - but they don't seem to care enough about politics to refrain from flirting with you, so... there might be a basis of mutual understanding there?
Their personality is pretty sweet, at least - if you ignore the fact they'll cheerfully gun down prisoners if they feel like it.
Age: mid-20s
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★ Rakhmil/Rakhilya Feldman ★
The Logistician (gender-selectable)
A member of the Western Rebel Army and best friend of Nikola's adoptive sibling, they've poured their soul (and countless nights without any sleep) into somehow maintaining the rebels' supply network in the face of their rapidly swelling numbers.
Unhappy with Nikola's carefree attitude, they might end up aligning with you instead in order to save their cause.
Age: late 20s
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★ Arseniy Matveyevich Lebedev / Amaliya Matveyevna Lebedeva ★
The Enemy (gender-selectable)
Grand Duke Lebedev, the main leader of the Aristocrat faction, stood by and watched when your family was executed. Arseniy/Amaliya is their younger sibling, and serves as military commander of his personal forces that aid several warlords in their efforts to establish their own petty kingdoms.
But they're already uncomfortable with their brother's methods, and if you can convince them that you're not actually "an incompetent little puppet who's trying to ruin the country out of arrogant delusions", they might become a very valuable ally.
Age: mid-20s
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★ Lyudmila Demyanovna Naumova ★ (f)
A minor noble who reluctantly turned into a Warlord in order to protect her territory and her people. All she wants is peace - but she'll not hesitate to fight if she believes it necessary.
Unfortunately, you can't just ignore her - all must choose a side in this war - but you have options how to deal with her. Will you subdue her by force? Or fall back on the age-old option of political marriage to secure an alliance?
Age: late 20s
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★ Jan/Jana Novotný ★ (gender-selectable, under certain circumstances)
A member of your Personal Guard who has distinguished themself and eventually rises to become its commander. Others might betray or doubt you, but Novotný only cares about one thing - your continued, unharmed existence.
And they will go to any lengths to guarantee it.
Age: mid-20s
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...will be added as they become relevant in the demo.
377 notes · View notes
holly-fixation · 5 months
Rebirth Demo Spoiler:
Sephiroth's eyes dilate right before we see Hojo.
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Which... seems familiar to me. Getting a warning, in the library, before seeing Hojo
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Man did that Halloween event matter or what
170 notes · View notes
theetherealbloom · 6 months
WHERE DO WE GO NOW? - CH. 2 | 14th Doctor
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Chapter Two: All Our Best Years Are Behind
Summary: With the TARDIS out of control, you three end up stranded on a spaceship. Unbeknownst to you all, you're not the only one on board.
Pairing: 14th Doctor x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Hurt-to-Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Possible Plot Holes, Vague Background, Aliens, Mild Horror, Violence, Past Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Timey-Wimey Stuff, Star-Crossed Lovers, Second Chance, Character Death, Mention of Su!c!de, 
Word Count: 11.7k
A/N: Tbh, this chapter took a while for me to write because of all the holiday shopping I needed to do tehe! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and as you know I thrive for feedback, reblogs and comments. Thank you for all the love you've given so far to this series and I can't wait to start writing the next chapter because I have a bunch of ideas swirling around in my mind hehe. Also, please note that English isn't my first language, please forgive me for any grammatical errors or wrong spelling etc. Love you loads!
Song: anything (demo) by Dodie
Previous Chapter → Next Chapter | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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The TARDIS collides with an unknown object, sending you and Donna tumbling through the room. Donna clings to the railing for stability, but you, unfortunately, lose your balance. As you teeter on the edge of falling, the Doctor swiftly intervenes, grabbing your waist and pulling you close. Your bodies collide in the chaotic scenario as flames and sparks whirl around the console.
The Doctor gently cradles your head with one hand, conducting a swift but thorough assessment for any injuries. Satisfied with the examination, he presses a tender kiss to the top of your head. With a determined look, he retrieves a piece of the console, swiftly making his way to the TARDIS doors. His focus shifts to triangulating your current location and time, a sense of urgency evident in his movements.
You, the Doctor and Donna pop your head out the TARDIS and you can see a bright blue clear morning sky and it seems that you have crashed into an apple tree. You look down to see a man holding an apple while looking up at the three of you in disbelief.
The Doctor, with a quirky smile, introduces you and Donna to the stranger he's just encountered. His charm radiates as he explains, "Oh! Sorry, we’re just slightly out of control. This is my fiancée, Stargazer. My friend, Donna..." He playfully gestures towards Donna, who greets the stranger with a friendly grin, "This is Donna. Donna Noble."
"Hi!" Donna chimes in cheerfully.
The Doctor, ever the quick thinker, continues, "Just dropped some coffee into the console." Donna interjects with a light-hearted assurance, "But don’t worry. He’s got a time machine, which means he can blame me for all eternity."
Ignoring Donna's quip, the Doctor turns to the perplexed man and earnestly asks, "I just need to triangulate. Could you tell me what year this is?"
The man, clearly taken aback, responds, "It’s 1666."
You and the Doctor exchange puzzled glances, your lips puckering in unison as you simultaneously warn the stranger, "Oh! Stay away from London."
The Doctor proceeds to input the year into a device, then has a sudden realization, exclaiming, "Wait a minute. Apple tree. Apple. Man holding an apple in 1666. Are you Sir Isaac Newton?"
"Sir Isaac?" to which the man reveals himself as the renowned figure who discovered gravity.
The Doctor, correcting his error, teases, "Oh! Not yet. Spoilers."
Donna, injecting some humor, remarks, "Have you got the controls set to famous or what?"
The Doctor, with a hint of exasperation, retorts, "If I had controls. Thank you."
Donna playfully engages Isaac Newton, saying, "But it's got to be said, Mr. Isaac Newton, that you, above all others, can appreciate—"
The Doctor interjects with a cautionary, "Oh, no, don't."
Undeterred, Donna persists, "You can appreciate—" and you join in, emphasizing, "Really, really don't." Donna groans and urges, "Oh, come on!"
Turning back to a bewildered Isaac Newton, she asserts, "You can appreciate—" and in unison, the three of you declare, "the gravity of the situation."
A loud bang and fire erupt from behind the three of you, prompting a swift turn to witness the chaotic scene inside the TARDIS. The Doctor hastily tells Isaac Newton, “Oh! Sorry, gotta go. Bye!” You and Donna join in, adding your farewells, “Bye!”
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As the TARDIS crash lands, Donna steps out of the TARDIS, beginning to say, “I am never ever—”
After hastily evaluating the impending disaster at the TARDIS console, you and the Doctor realize it's on the verge of erupting in flames. The Doctor seizes your wrist and swiftly ushers you outside, shouting to Donna, "Out of the way!"
Both you and the Doctor hit the ground, Donna in tow, as flames erupt from the TARDIS doors. Strangely, the U.S. Air Force song plays in the background with audible lyrics:
"Here they come
Zooming to meet our thunder
At ‘em, boys, give ‘em the gun"
Lying on the floor, the TARDIS abruptly slams its doors shut, bringing an unexpected end to the song. The three of you are panting on the floor in shock and confusion plastered on your face.
As you three pull yourself up and stand, Donna asks in disbelief and unsureness, “Is it… Is it all right? Is it broken? Is it knackered?”
With a frown, the Doctor strides toward the TARDIS doors and pushes them open. "Uh..."
Ducking your head from underneath his shoulder, you peer inside to assess the damage. The hiss of fire and creaking of objects reach your ears amid the billowing steam surrounding the TARDIS. Both you and the Doctor frown at the sight, and he utters a small, "Ooh."
Gently closing the TARDIS door, the Doctor grips both sides of the time machine with his hands. You take a step back, and Donna softly and sheepishly asks, "Is it bad?"
The Doctor presses his forehead against the blue doors in defeat, groaning, "It was brand-new."
Donna softly says, "Sorry."
The Doctor composes himself, taking a deep breath. He spins around and addresses Donna, saying, “Not your fault.”
“Yes, it was.” Donna responds matter-of-factly, accompanied by an awkward smile. “But can we fly? Can you fix it? Can we get back home?”
The Doctor grins, “We can do anything.” Donna laughs in delight.
The Doctor brandishes his sonic screwdriver and says, “Sonic screwdriver,” then pulls out a regular screwdriver, “and a non-sonic screwdriver.”
You and Donna share a laugh, and you playfully point out, “I think a non-sonic screwdriver is just called a screwdriver.”
The Doctor nods, giving you an adorable smile, “Thank you, love.”
“But if I can just reconfigure…” The Doctor starts as he fiddles with the keyhole of the TARDIS, “'Cause this old box can regenerate itself if I can just click it into gear.”
“Am I going mad, or did the TARDIS play ‘Wild Blue Yonder’?” Donna asks both you and the Doctor. He frowns and furrows his brows, “Yeah, it did, didn’t it?”
“What for?” Donna asks, and you reply, “I wonder.”
“We sang that in the choir in primary school. We’d have a little concert every Christmas, but gramps complained. He said, ‘You shouldn’t be teaching children that.’ It sounds all jaunty and fun, but it’s not. It’s the military going to war.” Donna shares as you stand next to her.
“Yeah. It’s the Air Force. The words are ‘wild blue yonder,’ which means the TARDIS played us a war song.” The Doctor frowns in contemplation but then manages to remove a portion of the keyhole. He inserts the end of his sonic screwdriver into the keyhole and clicks a button. The sonic emits a sound as the Doctor continues, “There, now... it can rebuild.”
The Doctor leaves the sonic screwdriver inserted as it continues to hum. The three of you take a few steps back as you hear the TARDIS clattering inside, shifting gears. The Doctor makes a face as he says, “Ooh. Okay? Yes?”
The TARDIS suddenly groans, and you three lean a little backward. Donna then asks, “Is it working?”
“Think so. Strange.” The Doctor comments. After a few seconds, the light atop the police box lights up blue and emits a small ding. The Doctor smiles and clasps his hands together, “There you go! Mending, mending, mending. Give it a bit of time.”
The Doctor then looks around the space you had landed, bends his knees up and down as he says, “So, now. I wonder where we are. Feels like a spaceship? Yeah?”
Donna concurs, “Yeah.”
The Doctor remarks, “Flight.”
Donna then adds, “Spaceship.”
The Doctor scrunches his nose as he shrugs, “Let’s just see.” He moves to what seems to be a door and presses the button on the side, leaving you and Donna to follow him.
“Wow! Nice!” The Doctor remarks as you enter the large, long corridor of the spaceship. Multiple shapes and sizes of grey panels surround the interior walls, while large mechanical beams hold the roof, leaving you in awe of the immense size of the entire spacecraft.
“Big!” Donna comments as she looks around, and The Doctor adds, “Very big!”
“I’d hate to be the cleaner,” Donna says as she gazes up at the high ceilings.
You then spot something in the distance, a small, white figure standing still. Squinting your eyes, you try to make out its shape and say, “Is that—”
The Doctor begins to wave his hand in the air, yelling, “Hello! We just landed. By accident. I hope that’s okay.”
There’s no response from whatever is at the end of the long corridor. Donna leans a little closer and asks, “Is that a person or a thing?”
The Doctor can’t help himself as he looks at the two of you, his tone suggesting, “We could take a look.”
Donna scoffs and points out, “Or we could stay here, wait for the TARDIS to mend itself so I can get back home. My family is waiting for me.”
The Doctor makes a face as he hums and points with his thumb, “Mmm?”
You shake your head while looking up, knowing his curiosity will always win. Eventually, Donna relents, “Yeah, all right.”
The Doctor smiles and shoves a hand down his pocket as he takes your hand in his, and the three of you walk down the massive, long corridor. Donna begins to say “Still, wherever we are, could be worse. We’ve got air. We’ve got lights. We’ve got mavity.”
You and the Doctor glance at each other before nodding along with Donna. Both of you hum and agree, “Yeah.”
“Was it me, or was Isaac Newton hot?” Donna says, and you grin wildly as you nod your head in agreement, saying, “Oh, thank the stars someone said it! 'Cause, yes, he was very hot.”
“He was, wasn’t he? He was so hot.” The Doctor said before realizing, “Oh, is that who I am now?”
You give the Doctor a reassuring squeeze as Donna says to the Doctor, “Well, it was never that far from the surface, mate. I always thought—” She’s cut off by the sudden sound of the TARDIS engine whirring, and the three of you race back to where you had landed to see it disappear.
The Doctor exclaims in panic, “No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!”
“But— What?” Donna says as she takes a small step back in disbelief. You're by the Doctor’s side as your mouth slightly opens in shock, feeling a tightness in your chest of uncertainty.
“You’ll get it back though?” Donna asks, “Doctor, you can get it back.”
The Doctor has wide eyes and a mouth agape as he doesn’t reply. Donna steps in front of the two of you, saying, “Doctor, you can get the TARDIS back, can’t you? Use the sonic.”
The Doctor’s eyebrows dip in the middle, a visible annoyance and frustration as he replies, “It was in the keyhole.”
Donna’s eyes widen, and she stammers as she tries to gather solutions to the problem you three were in. She says, “But you can whistle. You could snap your fingers. You could summon it. Just use that stupid head of yours and get it back.”
The Doctor gives her a look as he grits his teeth in slight rage, and Donna shakes her head at him, pointing a finger as she says, “Oh, don’t you look at me like that. It’s your fault.”
To which you and the Doctor give her a more pointed look, and Donna continues on, “I said, ‘Let’s stay here’. But you two had to wander off.”
You raise your voice as you say, “You wandered with us!”
Donna retaliates with her voice high-pitched, “Oh, like I could stop you both!”
The Doctor adds fuel to the fire, his voice raising, “You spilled the coffee—” He stops himself, not liking where all the blaming and pointing fingers were going. To him, there was no point, so he threw his hands in the air as he turned around, saying, “No.”
The Doctor places both hands on his hips as you let out a deep sigh through your nose as you cover both your eyes with the palms of your hands, rubbing them out in frustration. 
Donna fiddles with the lapels of her coat as she nods and agrees with a soft note, saying, “No.”
The Doctor briefly raises both of his hands in surrender as he softly says, “Sorry.” To which you also add your own, “Sorry, Donna.”
Donna steps back, and her voice shakes as she says, “No. Okay. Fine.” Then you see panic seep through Donna. She begins to pant, her eyes slightly water and rim her eyes, and her lower lip begins to tremble. “Oh— Oh, my God. Where are we?”
You and the Doctor move towards her the moment her lower lip begins to tremble, and Donna has an outstretched hand, trying not to let you two get close, but it’s no use. The Doctor grabs her hand and gives it a small kiss in reassurance. Then you hold on to grab her other hand in support as she whimpers, and she sniffles out, “Rose is waiting.”
The Doctor looks directly into Donna’s shining blue eyes as he says, “I will get you home.” Donna shakes her head, “How?”
The Doctor is serious as he says, “There is one hope. A mechanism on board the TARDIS called the HADS. Hostile Action Displacement System.” He then lets go of Donna’s hand and continues, “If the TARDIS is in danger, it goes away.”
“Goes where?” Donna asks.
“Anywhere. And it only comes back when the danger is gone. I turned it off years ago. I mean, I’d never land anywhere. Once spent three years with the Stargazer in orbit, and I thought, ‘Oh, mmm, turn off the HADS’, but if the TARDIS is rebuilding itself, maybe it clicked back on.” The Doctor explains, and Donna realizes, “But that means we’ve landed in the middle of hostile action.”
To which the Doctor replies with a somber tone, “Yeah.”
In moments like these, you remain silent, your mind kicking into overdrive as it gathers as much information as possible, desperately searching for a solution to the chaotic situation around you.
“There’s something on this ship that’s so bad the TARDIS ran away?” Donna asks, a slight quiver in her voice. The Doctor stammers, “Y-yes.”
Donna takes a moment before declaring, “Then… we go and kick its arse!” She moves to slam the palm of her hand on the button on the wall that opens the door and strides down the corridor with determination. You and the Doctor exchange a look before trailing after her.
“She was very put out. Mrs Bean,” Donna says as the three of you stroll down the long spaceship corridor. The Doctor, intrigued, asks, “Mrs Bean?” Your hand is in his, swaying with the movement of your bodies as you walk. He never wants to let you go again, now that he has you back.
Donna recounts her memory, “Head of the choir. She said, ‘It’s not a war song. It’s jolly.’ That’s what she said, ‘It is jolly.’”
After a brief moment of silence, you turn to Donna with a silly expression, “Mrs Bean?” The three of you burst into laughter at the absurdity of the last name, wondering just how unlucky someone must be to carry a vegetable as their surname for the rest of their life.
An automated voice echoes through the speakers of the spaceship, causing the pillars and panels to click and clatter as they shift and move around you three. You, the Doctor, and Donna stand still in concern, watching as everything unfolds before settling back into place.
“What was that?” Donna asks with narrowed eyes.
The Doctor frowns as he tries to understand, “Like circuits moving. Or it’s reconfiguring to become…”
“But what was that word? Fenslaw. What’s that mean?” Donna asks.
The Doctor shrugs, “I don’t know. The TARDIS translates, but now it’s gone.”
“No, the TARDIS translates for me. I thought you knew twenty-seven million languages.” Donna points out.
“I know fifty-seven billion two hundred and five, but not this one.” The Doctor says matter-of-factly, and you roll your eyes at his subtle brag. Then he tilts his head slightly, “Unless it’s Mr Fenslaw saying his name?”
Donna shakes her head, “It wasn’t that.”
The Doctor nods and agrees as he parrots back, “It wasn’t that.”
Donna turns and places her hands in the pockets of her coat, jutting her chin out in the direction where the unknown species or object stands from a distance and says, “Jimbo didn’t move. What is that?”
The Doctor begins, “Oh, wait a minute. If I’m right…” Then he steps on a button on the floor with his grey converse, and a mechanism hisses before popping up a small orange hovering transport vehicle. Donna chuckles in amusement as she moves to sit in the passenger seat on the far end.
The Doctor gives you a cheeky grin and exaggerates his accent as he says to the two of you, “Your car, milady.”
“Thank you, Parker.” Donna says with her own exaggerated accent. You sit in between them as the Doctor drives.
After a few meters of driving, the object comes into view, and you say with realization, “Oh, it’s a robot.”
The Doctor pulls the vehicle to a halt, and you three exit the cart as you stand in front of the white, round, and old robot. The Doctor then says, “Hello, Jimbo. Can you talk?” The robot doesn’t move or make a single beep, and the Doctor continues to try to talk to it as he bends down to its height, “You got basic communications, Fenslaw? Fenslaw. No?” He moves an inch closer as he slowly speaks to it, “Fenslaw.”
With no response, the Doctor resorts to knocking on the white metal of the robot’s head, and a hollow echo sounds out. The Doctor waddles a little backward as he continues to ask, “Have you got controllers listening? Hello, I’m the Doctor, this is my soon-to-be-wife the Stargazer,” you interject him by saying, “Haven’t agreed to anything, yet.” He ignores it and continues with introductions, “This is Donna. We need help. We need to—”
He’s cut off as the Doctor takes a slow and mechanical step forward, causing the three of you to jump and take a step back. “Is that it?” Donna asks, wondering if there’s more to it than the robot.
“One step at a time.” The Doctor says, and Donna spirals, “What is it? Maybe it’s an invader. Maybe that’s the hostile action.”
Then you look around the robot, observing it, before remarking, “I think it’s just old. See, look at the rust.”
“It’s primitive if you don’t mind me saying so, Jimbo. Someone got a very old robot out of storage to walk very slowly down a very long corridor.” The Doctor says before taking a long inhale, “Why?”
“Maybe… time slowed down.” Donna guesses and you and the Doctor shake your heads. You then say, “No. We’d feel it in our bones.”
The Doctor points at the robot while saying, “Stay there, Jimbo. No sudden moves.” He then tilts his head back on the cart, “Onwards?” You and Donna hum before following the Doctor back to the cart.
Donna lifts her hand and tells the Doctor, “Uh, I’ve got it.” As you climb into the cart, Donna says, “Allons— as the idiots say— –y!”
She steps on the gas, and the car moves forward, zooming along the corridor. Eventually, you reach the end of the corridor, revealing a door. The three of you move to the door, which slides open.
The door behind you slides down shut as the Doctor calls out, “Hello? Is anyone home?”
With no response, the three of you push forward. The entire room glows in cool blue light, leading you to the front of the ship where you find an empty captain’s chair and two monitors attached to the front.
“Well, definitely a spaceship,” Donna comments as she steps forward to look out the large window in the front, continuing, “If that’s space.”
The Doctor hops into the pilot’s chair, saying, “We’ve got a chair. That’s a good sign. It’s a life form with a bum.” He presses one of the switches on the control panel, adding, “If I can translate their basic one to ten, I can find out where we are. And when. And why.”
Putting on his glasses, the Doctor reads out the screen, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Now I can read the base codes. So, life signs?” After pressing a few buttons, the computer whizzes and chirps, and the Doctor frowns, “None. Just an empty chair.”
“Where have they all gone?” Donna asks, leaning forward, and you feel something shiver up your spine, as if you’re being watched around the corner.
The Doctor hums, “The spaceship seems to have powered down. Basic functions ticking over.” Then something catches your eye, and you point out on the monitor, “Oh. Someone opened an airlock door three years ago. And then it closed.”
“What for?” Donna asks with wide eyes and continues, “This whole ship has been empty for three years?”
“Don’t know,” the Doctor mumbles as he reads the symbols on the screen. Then he realizes and says, “Those numbers are lenses. There’s a camera.” As you lean a little closer to see what the Doctor is saying, you feel him tug you closer and suddenly let you sit in his lap, your entire body flooding with warmth.
You squirm in his lap and playfully smack his shoulder as he lets out a yelp, “Ow!”
You look at Donna apologetically, and she gives you a knowing smile, not letting the display of affection affect her. She hasn’t seen the Doctor this happy in ages.
The Doctor flips a few switches while explaining, “Like a drone. We can see where we are.” As the drone activates, you see what it’s seeing on the screen in front of you, and the Doctor chuckles in excitement, tightening his arms around your waist, pulling you closer as he mumbles, “Well, it’s definitely a spaceship.”
Donna asks, “What kind of spaceship?”
“Don’t know,” the Doctor replies honestly. Then the drone appears from the front of the ship, shining a bright flashlight in your direction. The Doctor moves his head to the side and uses a hand to wave, “Ah! Hello!” which you see on the monitor to your left.
“But if we’re in space, there are no stars,” Donna points out and then asks, “Where are the stars?”
“We could be inside a dust cloud or a mavity well, or—” The Doctor pauses suddenly as he reads the screen to his right, “Oh.”
“What?” Donna asks with concern in her voice, and the Doctor shakes his head, “No, it’s fine. The ship is lost. It fell through a wormhole.”
“Ending up where?” Donna inquires, and you frown as you try to translate the rest of the symbols. The Doctor sighs, “I’m sorry, Donna. The TARDIS was out of control. It’s taken us…”
“To the edge of the universe,” you say, finishing the Doctor’s sentence. The drone moves away, and Donna takes a step forward toward the glass, where a void of pitch black is on the other side.
“So, what’s out there?” Donna asks with a subtle shift in her tone, a little scared. The Doctor taps your hip to stand, which you do, and the two of you follow Donna to look at the view of the edge. The Doctor removes his glasses and pockets them as he begins to say, “Well, that’s difficult… for you because if the universe is everything, then the concept of everything having an edge is, mmm, kind of impossible. But that’s the language of 21st-century Earth, and you don’t know anything yet.” The Doctor pauses and adds, “Not being rude. You just don’t. When you discover Camboolian Flat Mathematics, you’ll discover it’s possible.”
“What?” Donna asks softly, and the Doctor replies, “That. The nothing. At the edge of creation. Absolute nothingness.”
Donna then says, “But starlight travels. You can stand in my garden and look at the light from stars a billion miles away. So, where’s the light?”
You nod to the corner and say, “Over there. It just hasn’t reached us yet.” You then point and explain, “If we flew in that direction, it would take a hundred trillion years to reach your house.”
You see Donna’s eyes glaze over and water, “That’s my family. Over there.”
The Doctor comments, “I’ve never been this far out.” He then places a hand on the glass, “To stand here like this.” He begins to softly say, “Physically. Unprotected. Right on the edge.” He then places his other hand on the glass and leans forward to observe the empty void. Absent of stars and light. He continues, “No one ever has. Not ever. Till us. And this ship.”
“And an airlock that opened three years ago. And closed,” Donna says, and the Doctor pushes himself off the glass and inhales, “Yeah.”
Suddenly, a loud metal clang reverberates throughout the ship, causing the three of you to whip your heads around to see the source of the noise. You rush out of the pilot’s room, and the door slides up and opens, revealing nothing.
“Must’ve been just settling,” the Doctor says, and Donna looks around skeptically, “You said no signs of life. Are you absolutely certain?”
The deep automated voice echoes, and you watch as the hexagonal panels and large pillars begin to flip and switch, clicking and clattering before coming to a stop.
“It said fenslaw and coliss. Like a list. Or a solicitors. Or a countdown. Or instructions.”
“Or a warning,” Donna adds.
The Doctor’s brows furrow, and he puffs out his cheeks. “Slow warning,” he says as he turns around back inside the pilot’s area with you two following him.
“I think this way,” the Doctor says, spinning to the far right end of the room before entering a different section and saying happily, “Yes! Base plate repetition filaments.” He pats both of the drawers that glow a bright orange before pulling a drawer while letting out a small gasp, “Huh.”
He then pulls one of the filaments out, and it creates a squelching sound as he does, vocalizing, “If we move one up…” It drips out goo as he inspects it, and Donna asks, “Is that stuff dangerous?”
“No. I don’t think so,” the Doctor says. He moves to sniff it before sticking his tongue out on the filament, licking the goo, and you and Donna make gagging noises as you groan in disgust.
Then the Doctor shakes his head, “No.”
As he goes to put the filament back, he begins to gag and groan, clutching on your arm and you and Donna begin to panic. “Doctor! What—” You begin to say but then he suddenly stops and stands straight, “No.”
You and Donna whack him on the arm in annoyance with his little joke. He pulls the top drawer and, placing the filament on top, he says, “Clip it into the fold back. Can you do that? Take all the rectangles, move them up there.” The Doctor asks Donna, and she replies, “What does that do?”
The Doctor then explains, “The ship's on neutral for some reason. It’s just idling. We need to get it back on full power.”
He then grabs your hand and begins to drag you away from the room, and Donna calls out, “Well, don’t leave me on my own.” The Doctor spins around with you in his grip as he says, “Donna, there is no one else on board this ship.”
Donna retorts with, “Hostile action, remember?”
As if on cue, a metal clang thumps and creates an echo throughout the room, and Donna asks, “And what’s that?”
The Doctor shakes his head, “A noise.” Donna scrunches her face as she sarcastically replies, “Oh, well, you’re very helpful.”
The Doctor takes a step back with you, and Donna says, “Go on then. And hurry back. You little streak!”
“I need to find the spindle. That’s not like wool. It’s a water pivot.” The Doctor says, and you look back at the Captain’s chair. You tell him, “I’ll try and see if I can access any of the logs.”
The Doctor nods, and you walk off to sit in the pilot’s seat. You hear the Doctor exclaim at the end of the hallway, “That’s it! Can you still hear me?”
You hear Donna yell out, “No,” as you let out a little hum of acknowledgment.
“Good. Good. Won’t be long.” The Doctor says from the spindle room, and you tap the monitor, trying to understand each symbol to see if you can find out what happened during all those years this ship was lost.
You exhale in frustration, conceding defeat in your attempt to access the logs. Slouching back into the chair, you cross your arms, and a visible puff of warm air escapes your mouth with each breath. A slight shiver courses through you, prompting a tighter embrace of your own body, as you curl into a small ball. Surveying the vast empty void at the edge of the universe, there's a profound absence of light, sound, or anything discernible.
Donna enters your field of vision, and you inquire, "You alright? It suddenly got colder." She responds with a nonchalant, "Yeah, 'm fine."
"Already done with the filaments?" you ask incredulously, and Donna hums in affirmation, "Yeah."
Raising your eyebrows, you nod, "Alright then." Donna moves to stand with her back to you, gazing into the abyss. After a brief silence, she asks with a tone void of emotion, "Did you ever miss it?"
"Miss what?" you seek clarification.
"Running away with the Doctor?" She clarifies, and you lean your head back, looking up at the ceiling as you hum in contemplation. Eventually, you settle on, "I did, sometimes... The thrill, the chase, all the excitement... because I often thought to myself, 'What would I give for another run with the Doctor?' or even just to catch a glimpse of him. Then as the years went on when I..." You release a deep breath before continuing, "I realized I didn't miss any of that... I just... I missed him."
"But I couldn't... even the thought of my desires versus the entire universe collapsing. I just— I never thought I would ever see him again." You say and Donna lets you continue, “Now he’s back and… it all feels so surreal. And I fear that there’s going to be a price to pay.”
"My arms are too long," Donna suddenly declares, and you frown, "I don't think so."
"No, seriously, look!" Donna insists, and you divert your gaze from the ceiling to see her facing you. Your eyes widen as her arms appear unusually long and huge in front of you. You jump out of your seat, taking a step back, "What—"
"Star! Star, are you there?" you hear the Doctor call from behind you, and you shout, "Yeah! What about Donna? Is she there?"
Turning around, you rush to the middle of the room to find the Doctor. Donna does the same, and you both clutch each other as you watch the three duplicates move toward you. Fear laces Donna's voice as she asks, "What are they?"
“They’re us,” the Doctor says, and Donna denies it, not wanting to believe as she says, “They’re not us.”
You watch as your clones walk into the room. The Doctor's double says with zero emotion, “The notion of shape is strange.”
Your doppelganger remarks, “It limits. It is limiting.” As it waddles from the other room where Donna once was, a consuming fear sets in. “It limits. Limits everything,” you hear the Donna clone say as it walks forward. The Doctor tries the friendly approach, “Whatever shape you want to take, that’s fine. You can do whatever you want. I just want to say it’s very nice to meet you. I’m the Doctor, this is the Stargazer, and this is Donna.”
Donna chimes in, “So are they.”
As the unknown creatures move a step closer, you three take a step back to the door that leads out to the corridor. The Doctor raises his voice, “If you can just get those bodies to calm down, we can talk. That’ll be nice, don’t you think?”
“They’re looking at us like food,” Donna says, and the fake Doctor says, “Food is interesting. Because once I sort out the arms…” You watch as it stretches back to a normal size, and then it continues, “then I have a problem with the jaw.” The creature-like-Doctor’s jaw stretches down to the floor, and the three of you are wide-eyed in shock, confusion, and fear before it clicks back into place.
“It’s the knees. How many knees?” The other-Donna asks, and your non-Doctor replies, “Two.”
“Two in total, or two in each leg?” The non-Donna asks, and you hear the sound of cracking as it adjusts its knees.
The three of you take a few steps back, and the door behind you opens. The Doctor asks, “Where did you come from? You’re not part of the ship, are you? Did you come from outside?”
“We came from the nothing,” your doppelganger says as it twitches and resets her wrists while stepping forward. “We are No-things,” the Not-Doctor says, and the Not-Donna adds, “But you. You are not nothing.”
The Doctor replies, “Oh, I think you’ll find we’re quite something.” The three of you hastily jump into the transport cart, the Doctor seizing the driver's seat while you and Donna squeeze into the passenger seat as the No-Things pursue you.
Then, a menacing growl echoes from behind. You and Donna glance back to witness the No-Things crawling on all fours, steadily growing larger. Donna exclaims, “Oh, my God, they’re growing!”
“Come on!” The Doctor urges, stepping on the gas and shifting gears. Donna raises her voice, “Go faster!”
“I know!” The Doctor responds, and you feel a slight tug on the back of the cart. Turning around, you see the Not-Doctor gripping it as he crawls. You and Donna grab tools from the back as the redhead declares, “No, you don’t!”
You two start to strike the Not-Doctor's hand, and your Doctor announces, “I can’t control it!”
“You stupid big hand!” Donna yells out in anger, and it eventually releases its grip on the cart, flinging you and Donna forward. The Doctor shouts, “No, no, no, no, no, no!” The cart crashes into a hydraulic pillar but manages to regain control, only for the Not-Donna to throw its hand at the side of the cart, causing you to spin out of control.
The Doctor rips out the steering wheel, and Donna screams as the spinning comes to a halt. You watch as the three No-Things expand and become entangled in each other’s limbs, hissing and growling at you three. The engine sputters as you sit there in shock. Donna then asks uncertainly, “What are they?”
Exiting the vehicle, the cart's frame falls apart, causing a loud clatter. You turn around to see the Doctor approaching the chaotic mess in front of you, and you groan, “Oh, no, don’t!”
“We’ve got to see,” the Doctor says, walking a little forward. The metal groans under the weight of the twisted limbs and squished faces. The Doctor mumbles, “It’s strange enough my face coming back, but not this big.”
“The airlock door three years ago. That’s when they got in,” Donna states with a nod, and the Doctor adds, “No-things. No control of shape. No concept of shape or size.”
“How can they get bigger? ‘Cause you only get a certain amount of mass, don’t you? Shaun used to complain about that watching Venom films. He said, ‘Where’s the extra mass come from?’”
You then recall the chill you felt as you sat in the pilot’s chair, pointing out, “It got colder.”
Donna agrees, nodding as she announces, “Oh, yeah, it got colder for me.”
Glancing back at the No-things, you conclude, “Heat into mass.”
The Doctor builds on that, saying rapidly, “But they’re not just physical copies. They’ve got our thoughts, too. That other Star, she mentioned Gallifrey and Mars.”
“The other Stargazer said, ‘Wilf’,” Donna remembers, pointing to your copy.
“The Not-Donna asked me if I missed all the adventures with the Doctor,” you add with disbelief.
“So they’ve got our memories,” the Doctor concludes, and Donna shudders, “Okay. So they’re copies with memories and mass, but what I don’t get is why do they hate us?”
Suddenly, one of the hands drops onto the metal floor, causing a loud thump, and the three of you jump back, letting out yelps. Donna looks at it with a concerned tone as she says, “That’s my hand.”
The metal begins to creak, and you look around as the Doctor points out, “They’re getting free. We should reason with them. Try to make peace. Welcome them to our side of the universe.”
The No-things roar in anger and disgust, and you flinch. The Doctor takes a step back and remarks, “Maybe later.”
As the three of you turn to run, the Doctor points out the three hexagon panels with steps on them, exclaiming, “I know, I know. Ladder. Do you think? Maybe up there?” You see a small exit hexagon, and Donna shrugs, “Let’s go!”
The Doctor climbs first, leading the way as you and Donna follow him up. But you hear the familiar automated voice resonate throughout the speakers of the ship, “Brate.”
The Doctor groans, “Oh, not now!” The triangle panels begin to flip, and you feel each hexagon shape slide opposite sides. You hear Donna exclaim, “Doctor! Star!”
“It’s okay. I’m right here!” the Doctor says right before the panel flips inwards, and he’s out of view. You watch as Donna slides down from the ladder and into a different area of the ship. Your hexagon moves upwards and flips inwards, flinging you into the interior of the spacecraft. You let out a yelp as you land on your bum, and suddenly the three of you are separated.
Fatigue etches lines of frustration across your face as you wearily rub your eyes with both hands. With a sigh, you push yourself upright, casting a glance down the dimly lit corridor. The soft hum of glowing pipelines provides the only illumination as you traverse the hallway, the occasional hiss of escaping air and steam accompanying your footsteps. Abruptly, a door slams shut behind you, prompting a swift turn of your head. Shaking off the interruption, you continue walking forward in the eerie silence of the spaceship's metallic passageway.
You discover a ladder and descend, the metallic clangs echoing in the confined space. Moving forward, the whirring of systems shutting down and rebooting accompanies your steps. The flickering lights above cast erratic shadows, and as you exhale, your breath materializes in the cold atmosphere.
Finally, you reach a door, stepping out just as the Doctor emerges simultaneously. A moment of uncertainty hangs between you two.
You cautiously take a step back, asking, “Are you—”
The Doctor interjects, “Is it—” A shared pause ensues, and you murmur, “But it got cold.”
“I know I’m me,” you assert with narrowed eyes, and the Doctor affirms, “Well, so am I.”
Frustration flickers across your face as you lick your lips. The Doctor initiates, “Tell me, how did we meet?”
“When?” you inquire.
“The first time we met, how did we meet?” the Doctor specifies.
"At the Academy. What was the color of the sky back on Gallifrey?" you respond, then throw a question back at him.
“Orange sky and trees with silver leaves. That reflected the morning sunlight, making it look like the forests were on fire. You and I would have picnics outside of the Capitol when we didn’t want to show up for class… your eyes would shine like starlight, and I… I knew then that I loved you.”
Tears well up in your eyes, and your bottom lip trembles as you say, “You didn’t say it then.”
“I can say it now,” the Doctor pleads.
You purse your lips, feeling a wavering resolve, and shake your head, “You also hated me back then.” The Doctor shakes his head, attempting to step forward, but you take two steps back, edging closer to the door. “After what I had done. When you found out who I was and where I came from. A rift in time. A supposed observer who interfered with fixed points in time when I had to save everyone. I had to save… you.”
The Doctor begins, “You and I both know it wasn’t your fault. After the Rift, the Time War, and Mars…”
You shake your head, swallowing down your guilt as you take in the way he looks at you. It wasn't him, but the weight of the past bears down on you. Another step back, and this time the Not-Doctor grimaces and says mockingly, “You and your sad backstory. ‘Oh, woe is me! I started an entire war! I altered a fixed point in time! Boo hoo! I should have died.’ Blah, blah, blah. No wonder the Doctor left you on Earth! You are annoying to be with. And you are right about one thing, you should have died! Why didn’t you die? Hmm?”
Gritting your teeth, you head out the door and slam the button shut, running down the corridor. The echoes of harsh words linger in the cold metallic passage. Exhausted, you eventually stop to catch your breath. Sliding down one of the walls, you can't contain the streams of tears flowing down your cheeks. Quiet sobs escape, and you cup your mouth with your hand, trying to muffle the sound, the weight of emotions overwhelming you in the dimly lit corridor.
Taking a deep breath, you try to settle yourself down, a skill you've honed over years of navigating the guilt within. You've learned not to be ashamed of your survival. You did what you had to do, continuously clawing your way out of the ache, cutting through the pain to the bone. It was never going to be pretty, but deep down, you know it will always be worth it.
You bury your head in between your curled-up knees, seeking solace as you take another breath and sniffle. Suddenly, loud banging echoes from a few meters down the hall, and amidst the clamor, you recognize the voice shouting. The Doctor's frustration is palpable as the grunting and banging continue. You remain still, waiting in the silence that follows. When the noise subsides, the Doctor notices you. He comes to a stop, and as he meets your tear-stained gaze and red-rimmed eyes, you say nothing.
Anger seems to cloud the Doctor's expression, evidence of the harsh words exchanged with the Not-You or Not-Donna. Yet, his demeanor softens as he kneels to your level, whispering, "Is it you?"
Weakly, you mumble, "I think you know."
He draws you close, his arms enveloping you, and his warmth provides a comforting embrace. Placing your head on his chest, you admit, "I should have known the it was the Not-Doctor I was speaking to, but I—"
The Doctor shushes you, planting a gentle kiss on the side of your head. "I was tricked too. I'm here now, love. Wasn't your fault." Gently rocking the both of you back and forth, he eventually stands up, offering a hand for you to take and pull yourself up. Moving through the hallway, this time, he doesn't let go.
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You find another door, and upon entering, you are met with the peculiar sight of your doppelgangers and potentially the real Donna. As you and the Doctor survey the two sets of clones – one set of you and the other Donna not holding hands – the two Donnas exchange uncertain glances. One Donna breaks the tension with a comment, "I’ve gotta say, this is the biggest nightmare of my life, but… I look quite good."
"I can’t argue," the other Donna adds. The Not-Doctor then points at your Doctor, demanding, “I want to talk to you. You Not-Doctor. I know you’re a fake. I know for a fact. So I want to know why you’re doing this.”
Your Doctor frowns, “That’s what I was gonna say!”
“You should have been faster. ‘Cause that’s me, isn’t it. Fast. Am I fast? Do I talk fast? Yes.” The Not-Doctor rattles off rapidly. Your Doctor retorts, “But you’re a copy of me! You’re only fast because I am.”
“You seriously want to marry this one?” The Not-You asks, and you nonchalantly reply, “Of course you’d know. Spent almost my entire life with him, might as well.”
“Oh, well, I can’t follow any of this. And that is proof. ‘Cause let’s not pretend. I’m the stupid one,” the other Donna interjects, prompting the Doctor to squeeze your hand as he questions, “You think you’re stupid?”
The other Donna replies, “Of course I do.”
“That’s very Donna,” your Doctor says, and the Not-Doctor chimes in, “That’s so Donna. That’s my Donna.”
“Except Donna does not think she’s stupid,” you point out, and the two Donnas say, “Oh, but I do.”
You shake your head, “No. Donna thinks she’s stupid, and sometimes she thinks she’s brilliant. She thinks both. Because that’s the astonishing thing about people from her planet. They can believe two completely different things at exactly the same time.”
After a moment, Donna looks at the both of you with your intertwined hands, grinning, “Brainbox and Stargirl!”
“Earthgirl!” You and the Doctor say in unison as the three of you reunite, sharing a group hug. Suddenly, the sound of cracking fills the air as the No-things begin to stretch. The Doctor swiftly whips out a salt shaker, exclaiming, “But salt! You can’t cross salt. In our universe, it is said that vampires, demons, and ghosts cannot cross a single line of salt until they’ve counted every single grain.” He starts drawing a line of salt in front of you before lifting the shaker up, “You’ve got no choice!”
“But that’s a superstition,” the Not-Doctor says, and your doppelganger adds, “Doesn’t mean it’s true.”
“It’s a superstition, and it’s true. Two things at once,” the Doctor asserts, and the Not-Doctor attempts to call him out, “You’re lying.”
Challenging him, the Doctor exclaims, “Then walk towards me. Come on. Stop copying and make your own minds up. Cross the line!”
The Not-Donna glances at your Donna and says, “She doesn’t believe him.”
“But you said I’m stupid,” Donna points out, to which the Not-Donna retorts, “And also brilliant.”
Your Donna sneers at her copy, “Then which one is it, Donna? Cross the line. Or count.”
As if the Not-Donna couldn’t help herself, like an impulse, she gets on her knees and begins to count each grain of salt, mumbling numbers as she does. Now all that stands is the Not-Doctor and the Not-Stargazer who stands there staring at the three of you.
“So tell me. What do you want?” The Doctor asks, to which the Not-Doctor responds, “You tell us.”
“It didn’t get cold this time.” You point out, and Donna agrees, “No, it didn’t, did it?”
“Which means you’re acclimatizing. Your arms are a bit too long. Your mouths are a bit too wide. But are you stabilizing?” The Doctor inquires, and Donna adds, “Like they’re becoming us properly.”
“I just wonder why.” Your Doctor says aloud, and the Not-Stargazer singsongs, “Why?”
Donna realizes something as she says, “Because the TARDIS will come back for us. They know that. So if they become completely us, the TARDIS will come back for them.”
“Is that what you want? Escape?” The Doctor asks with his hands in his pockets. Suddenly the tone of the Not-Doctor shifts and explains, “We drifted here. In the lack of light. Passing no-time.”
Your copy continues, “But we would feel it. From so far away. Your noisy, boiling universe.”
“We want to travel there. To play your vicious games and win.” The Not-Doctor says with a grave tone.
You frown as you say, “If you existed here with no shape, no form, no purpose, then what’s made you so bad?”
The Not-Stargazer replied with eyes devoid of emotion, “The things we felt, they shaped us. Carrying across the dark. We could hear your lives of war. And blood and fury and hate. They made us like this.”
“We are more than that.” Donna spits out, and the Not-Donna says, “Love letters don’t travel very far. And neither do your lies.” She then blows the line of salt away, and you three step backward as your clones begin to have sharp teeth as they hiss and growl at you.
You feel your back against the wall, and suddenly the automated voice can be heard once more, “Stond.”
The lights flicker as the panel behind you begins to flip you three around, clicking and clattering, and Donna remarks, “That’s lucky.”
But the panel flips you back to where you were, and Donna whispers, “Or not.”
“Run?” The Doctor asks, and you and Donna agree, “Run!”
You sprint through the corridor, timing it perfectly as one of the doors manages to stall them before you re-enter the captain's area. The Doctor gestures a hand and says, “Come on!”
After pressing a few switches, a glass panel slides down from above, dividing you three from the No-things. As they stare at you three, Donna asks, “Why? I don’t understand why. What are they scaring us for?”
“Problem is, ten minutes ago they’d have ripped that door off its hinges. Now they’re just standing there. Locking into shape. Almost complete,” the Doctor comments, and Donna presses, “Yes, but if you just listen to my question, thank you very much. Why are they making us so scared? If they wanna copy us, why don’t they just sit in a corner and do it? Why terrorize us?”
The Doctor’s face lights up and says, “That’s a very good question.”
“Yes. I’m brilliant.” Donna says while bouncing on her tip toes.
“Why provoke us? Unless… that’s how it’s done. The more scared we are, the more blood pumps. Hypothalamus. Adrenaline. We think faster and faster and faster.” The Doctor says as the pieces begin to click.
“It makes us easy to copy.” You remark, and the Doctor takes a step towards the glass as he says, “Goosebumps, like braille. You’re reading us. Is that right?”
“Well, what do we do? How do we stop ‘em? Stop being scared?” Donna asks urgently, and the Doctor says, “Like the ship all ticking over in neutral. Donna, stop thinking.”
Donna laughs nervously, “Well, that’s easy for me. What about you two?”
You look at the Doctor as you pull your lips to the side, “Took up meditation for a bit, so the only one with that problem is him.”
The Doctor takes a deep breath and says, “Just calm. Just cool.”
“Yeah, I’m calm.” Donna says with a deep inhale, and the Doctor comments, “Even calmer.”
“Well, you do it too.” Donna says, and the Doctor exclaims back, “I am!”
Donna grits her teeth, “Mmm. Stop rattling me!”
“Will you two just shut up!” You say.
The Doctor softly says, “Slow. Slow heartbeat. If we’re slow, they can’t read us.”
“Okay.” Donna says, and the Doctor replies, “Good. Shhh.”
After a few moments of complete silence, Donna asks, “For how long?” And the Doctor replies, “Uh, there’s a flaw in the plan.”
The Not-Doctor decides to bait him by asking, “How can you not think on a ship full of questions? Why the empty chair?”
Not-Stargazer adds on and asks, “Why do the walls keep moving?”
Not-Doctor asks, “What are the words in the air?”
Not-Donna asks again, “Why did the airlock open and close three years ago?”
You and Donna say simultaneously, “Don’t.”
Your Doctor begins to protest, “But—”
Both of you are firm as you say, “Don’t. Stop it.”
Then a sudden loud metal clang rings out once more, and the Not-Doctor asks, “And what is that?”
“Doctor, stop thinking.” You warn but eventually the Doctor relents and groans as he says, “Let me think. Let me think.”
The No-things begin to chant creepily, “Think! Think! Think! Think!”
The Doctor moves to a few switches and buttons on the wall and begins to press and pull each of them as he says, “What is making that noise?”
The rooftop panel whirs as it slides open, revealing a glass roof, and the three of you look up, and the Doctor says, “There.”
You watch as a creature in a spacesuit floats in space with no helmet, the skull of what once was. You frown, and the metal hook clangs as it thumps against the glass. “The Captain of the ship.” You say somberly, and the Doctor adds, “Circling round and round forever. Caught in the gravity field.”
“Caught in the what?” Donna asks, and you quickly clarify, “Mavity field.”
“But why? Did they throw him out? Her out. Them out.” Donna says with a breathy voice, and the Doctor says, “Her. I wonder. Why is the captain outside? Why is she in a spacesuit with no helmet?” He turns around to face the No-things and catches their expressions, he says, “And why don’t you know?”
The Doctor moves closer to the glass as he looks at the Not-Doctor; he growls as he says, “I know that face. I know my expressions very, very well, and you don’t know. The captain did something you don’t understand, but what?” The No-things begin to say, “Tell us! Tell us! What did she do? What did the Captain do? What did she do?”
You move to stand next to the Doctor as he says, “They don’t know. They really don’t know. The questions aren’t a test. They need the answers. We’re all stuck in a system because of the Captain.” He groans as he jumps up and asks, “What did she do?”
Donna shakes her head and points out, “Well, if they want the answers, don’t tell ‘em!”
“You know what my head’s like, Donna, once I start having ideas.” The Doctor explains, and the Not-Doctor interjects, “Then I have ideas. So the captain…” Not-Donna looks at him and finishes, “Tried to stop us. But how?”
“Wait a minute.” Donna begins, “If they don’t know why the Captain’s outside… The airlock door three years ago wasn’t them coming in. That was her going out. She killed herself.”
“But what for?” The No-things ask in unison from behind the glass.
The Not-Doctor says, “She hid her thoughts.” And the Not-Stargazer explains, “So we couldn’t see.”
You watch as the Doctor’s expression turns to understanding, the final bits of information making sense in his head. His mouth opens in a silent gasp as he exclaims loudly, “Maximised automatic brain function! Oh! Well done, Captain. Because she knew. Even with a lost ship, if you were found one day, if you three ever reached the universe, you’d run riot across the stars!”
Your eyes widen in realization, adding, “And you were already becoming copies of the captain. You’d have owned this spaceship. If you’d copied her perfectly, you could’ve flown the ship home and started your war!”
The Doctor points out, “So, she ended her life to hide whatever it is she left behind. Because when she died, you hadn’t completed her. So you lost everything she knew. Gone.”
The lights flicker as clicking and clattering sound throughout the ship, and Donna asks, “What is that?”
The Doctor runs around animatedly, beginning to explain, “That captain, calm as a Zen master, set in motion to stop those three. And she took her own life so they couldn’t work out what she’d done.”
The Not-Doctor grins, “But you’re working it out right now.”
The Doctor shakes his head as he denies it, “No, I’m not. Mm-mmm.”
The Not-Stargazer smiles as she tilts her head, “Yes, you are, and so is she. Therefore, so am I.”
You bite your lip and try to calm your racing thoughts, standing next to Donna for support. Then you hear the Not-Doctor begin to say, “It’s all about slow. We don’t understand the slow, so the captain set out to slowly stop us. So the ship is slow. The robot is slow. The words are slow. Is that it?”
You see the Doctor holding it in as he bounces out the energy, and he shakes his head, “Nope.”
The Not-Doctor continues, “The words move the walls, so the ship is slowly reconfiguring to become a very slow…” The Doctor finishes the sentence for everyone, “Bomb.”
“What?” Donna asks with a high-pitched tone, and the Not-Doctor explains rapidly, “The captain set the self-destruct slowly so the words are a very slow… countdown.”
The Doctor groans out in frustration as he throws his arms up in the air, “I said so! I said countdown straight away! It’s that simple.” He sighs, “I translated the numbers. I’d never heard them out loud! ‘Fenslaw, coliss, brate,’ means ten, nine, eight.”
The Not-Doctor turns to the Not-Donna and says, “The robot.” The three of them move to the door that leads to the long hallway, and as it opens, the Doctor flicks a switch to lock it.
The Not-Doctor glares at you, “We’re as clever as you now. That robot won’t stop us!” It begins to flick a few buttons and switches by the nearby control panel next to the door. You and the Doctor move about the area, flicking switches to try to override the system they were trying to break.
Donna quickly asks you two, “So, what’s the robot?” And you reply, “The robot is the trigger. A primitive mechanical brain that those two couldn’t read, taking three long years to walk a very long corridor with one slow instruction.”
“Kaboom.” The Doctor finishes as he twists a few knobs before pressing a button, and Donna says, “Countdown. What number are we on?”
“Ratico. That’s five.” The Doctor says as he slams his palm on the button, closing the door once more, “It’s been counting down for years, but the TARDIS brought us here just in time for the final sequence! We can’t let them reach that robot. There’s only one way we can stop them.”
You move about to flick a few more switches and rapidly slam your palm against a few more buttons as the Not-Doctor, Not-Donna, and Not-Stargazer begin to rip out different wires. “What’s that?” Donna asks, and you hear the Doctor say, “I’m sorry, Donna. But the countdown needs to speed up.” The Doctor then slams his palm on the button, and an alarm begins to sound along with the automatic voice, “Vandeen.”
Donna begins to panic as she yelps, “That’s number four!”
“We know!” You and the Doctor say, and Donna shrieks, “But we’re still on board!” To which you both reply in unison once more, “We know!”
But then the No-things manage to get the door open, you hear the Not-Doctor say, “Stop that robot!” To which your Doctor says as he presses a button that lifts the glass divider, “Don’t stop that robot!”
“Could the robot just wait!” Donna says as she runs after both of you.
“That’s three!” Donna says as she pushes her legs faster to try and catch up to you. Suddenly, the Not-Stargazer turns around and hisses at the Doctor, throwing herself on him to try to stop him, but he shoves her aside only for her to attack you.
Donna slows down a moment as you wrestle with your double, and you yell to Donna, “Keep going!” The redhead nods and keeps running, following the Doctor. You manage to get the upper hand as you maneuver your weight and lock your knees to her waist, saying, “For some odd reason, this is going to be theraputic.”
You smack her across the face, tumbling off the No-thing, and proceed to run after the Doctor and Donna.
“That’s two!” Donna announces from in front of you as you feel your lungs expand and deflate while running after them. But then, you're taken down by the Not-Stargazer from behind, and you shout out in pain as you roll on the floor with her.
As you wrestle yourself to the ground, you hear the TARDIS whizzing as it floats down, playing the song Wild Blue Yonder. The lyrics and the music echo, “Off we go into the wild blue yonder. Climbing high into the sun.”
The Doctor snatches his sonic screwdriver from the keyhole and steps into the TARDIS with Donna climbing inside, pushing it forward with his foot like a scooter towards you and your double. As the Doctor and the TARDIS are in front of you, you hear the automated voice echo, “One.”
The Doctor's voice reverberates, urgent and probing, “What was my nickname at the Academy?”
“Theta Sigma.” The simultaneous reply from both you and the Not-Stargazer hangs in the air. The Doctor scrutinizes both of you, his keen eyes flickering between your faces. His next question pierces the tension, “What happened on Trenzalore?”
“Nine hundred years of battle and that’s where you were buried,” The Not-Stargazer asserts confidently, a sense of triumph coloring her words. However, your gaze remains distant, memories of Trenzalore flooding your mind, and you avert your eyes from the Doctor's penetrating gaze. He swiftly ushers you into the TARDIS, slamming the door shut.
As the flames engulf the three No-things, their screams echo in the air. The TARDIS whooshes away, leaving behind the burning remnants. The three of you huddle on the floor inside the time machine, wrapped in a comforting embrace.
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After the intense ordeal with the No-things, a collective decision is made to refresh and rejuvenate. In the soothing confines of the TARDIS, you find a moment to cleanse yourself from the recent events. The warm water cascades over you in the shower, washing away the remnants of the unsettling encounter. Drying your hair, you change into a fresh set of clothes, embracing the renewal that accompanies the change.
Exiting the room, you traverse the winding corridors of the TARDIS, making your way to the control room. The Doctor, having already cleaned himself up, is engrossed in the myriad buttons and switches that adorn the console. As you approach, he turns, a warm smile gracing his features, “Hello, love.”
With a hum, you encircle your arms around his waist, and he reciprocates by wrapping his arms around you. A tender exchange of glances unfolds as you gaze up at him. Offering a small smile, you inquire, “How did you know it was me?”
“You could never bring yourself to talk about what happened that day. Not once after that, you never mentioned it again,” he replies. Pressing your forehead against his chest, you take a deep breath, absorbing his freshly cleaned scent.
“I know you were the one who saved me and brought me to Earth after the Time War,” you admit. He furrows his brow, “How did you figure that out?”
Sighing, you recount, “The No-thing appeared as you when we got separated and said some really hurtful things... but he also mentioned you were the one who brought me to Earth. You saved me. All those years ago…”
The Doctor exhales before planting a gentle kiss on the top of your head, “You saved me. It was only fair.”
“I love you,” you declare, feeling his smile against your forehead. “I love you too.”
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"She'd almost completed you," the Doctor shared, his gaze fixed on Donna as she joined them at the console. "The other Donna was a 99.9% copy. Except I thought, 'What's wrong?' Turned out her wrist had an extra 0.06 millimeters. Obvious, really."
Donna, hands resting on the controls while you expertly pilot the TARDIS, quipped, "The devil's in the details," and the Doctor agreed with a nod, "Yeah, isn't it just?"
After a brief pause, he mused, "Oh, I keep thinking, 'I wish I hadn't done that thing with the salt.'"
Donna shook her head, dismissing it, "What, the bad luck thing? That was just a lie."
"Normally. Except I invoked a superstition at the edge of the universe, where the walls are thin and all things are possible," the Doctor explained with a slightly shaken tone. "I just got this feeling."
“What?” Donna inquired, and the Doctor, after a momentary space-out, shook it off, saying, “Which is gone. Fine. Good. Onwards.”
The Doctor moved to pilot alongside you, adjusting knobs as he continued, “So anyway. I was wondering, she said on the spaceship— That other Donna had your memory. She could remember us as the DoctorDonna. So she could see my life and my mind and my thoughts for the past fifteen years. All the time we’ve been apart, she could remember it. Can you?”
Donna blinked, contemplating, and replied, “No. It’s too much. It’s like looking into a furnace. But I suppose she had a great, big, outer-space brain. She could make sense of it.”
The Doctor nodded thoughtfully, “Yeah. Maybe.”
“Why?” Donna probed, and the Doctor mumbled, “Just wondering.”
“What did she see?” Donna persisted, and the Doctor, puffing out his cheeks, evasively said, “Ooh. Things.”
“Like what?”
The Doctor remained silent, prompting Donna to push further, “Come on. Where have you been since I last saw you? What’s happened?” Attempting to shrug it off, he nonchalantly said, “Oh, you know, the usual. Robots, chases, waterfalls.”
Donna mockingly nodded, “Oh, okay,” before giving him a scrutinizing look and asking, “But what really happened?”
The Doctor's expression turned sad and tired as he admitted, “A lot.”
Donna nodded in understanding, then turned to her friend and asked, “You okay?”
The Doctor, opting for candor, grasps your hand, affirming, “I will be.”
“When?” Donna inquires, tilting her head, and the Doctor responds, “A million years.”
The TARDIS emits a pleasant ding, signifying your arrival as it materializes. The Doctor, wearing a contented smile, notes, “Ah. There we are, back home.”
Donna strides towards the TARDIS doors, commenting, “You timed that to get out of awkward conversations.” She then rushes down the bridge, calling out, “Where are they? Where’s the family?”
As you prepare to step out, the Doctor playfully pulls you back, encircling your waist with his arms, prompting a delighted squeal, “Doctor!”
“Wait, I have a present for you,” he announces, positioning you by the console. With a gentle push, a concealed compartment reveals a new sonic screwdriver—silver and gold with an ergonomically designed handle. Overwhelmed with excitement, you bounce up and down, unable to contain your joy. Seizing the Doctor's face, you plant a passionate kiss on his lips, and in that moment, the Doctor melts into the warmth of the affectionate embrace.
“My own sonic screwdriver. Thank you.” You say to him as he gives you a grin, “Consider it as a wedding present.”
You lightly smack his chest and say, “I expect a proper proposal, Doctor.”
He kisses your cheek, “Of, course dear.”
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Intertwining your hands, you and the Doctor emerge from the TARDIS, greeted by Donna and Wilf. Donna beams triumphantly, exclaiming, “I said so!”
Wilf gasps, hand covering his mouth in shock, while the Doctor grins, “Wilfred Mott. Oh, now I feel better.” Wilfred erupts in delighted laughter as you and the Doctor approach him, enveloping him in a warm hug. The Doctor affirms, “Now, nothing is wrong. Nothing in the whole wide world.”
Stepping back, the Doctor smiles broadly, addressing Wilf, “Hello, my old soldier.”
“I never thought I’d see you two again after all these years. Oh, the Doctor, that lovely face. It’s like springtime,” Wilf chuckles, and the Doctor nods to Donna, remarking, “And Donna’s got her memory back.”
“Without dying, which I recommend,” Donna adds with a smile. However, you hear distant sirens, not giving them much thought. Wilf grins, “Yeah, well, I knew it. I never lost faith. I said, ‘He won’t let us down. He’ll come back and save us.’”
Both you and the Doctor frown, and he questions, “Save us from what?”
Donna asks anxiously, “And where’s the family? Where’s Rose? Are they all right?”
Wilf reassures Donna with animated gestures, “Yeah, they’re fine. They’re safe. I’ve told them to bunker down, and I’ll keep watch. I said, ‘You save yourselves.’”
Your eyebrows knit in concern as you ask, “Why? Is there something wrong?”
Right on cue, the food truck in the background erupts in flames, people shouting and screaming, chaos ensuing. More people join in the madness, hitting each other, and the Doctor queries, “What’s going on?”
The tumult intensifies, with people shouting and cursing, and Donna implores, “What is it? What’s happening?”
Wilf attempts to explain, “It’s everybody. It’s everything. They’re all going mad. Listen, you’ve got to do something, Doctor! The whole world’s coming to an end!”
As an airplane approaches, its engines emitting smoke, people scream and clamour. The plane crashes in the distance, prompting the Doctor to swiftly move Wilf's wheelchair to the front of the TARDIS, shouting, “Quickly!”
Taking cover, the four of you shield yourselves from the ensuing blast, and amidst the chaos, you can't help but wonder if the kiss was somehow connected to this impending disaster.
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@awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @matthew-lilards @a-dash-of-cinnamon @imthedoctorlove @scoliobean @allophonicmess @mirkwoodshewolf @jaziona92 @melloww-akira @crowleythesexydemon @pedrettilov3r
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The long awaited faq is here! All your asked and unasked questions at one place! I was planning on posting this after releasing the demo but I realised things here can be a somewhat puzzling for new readers. Hence, here we are. I'll just keep updating this as we move forward.
Most of the questions I have received have been related to character dynamics haha.
Warning : this is super long.
The romance and character dynamics.
1. Are we romancing a ghost here?
No. Opportunities to romance Jules take place in the past. Some of them in the form of flashbacks. A few chapters will be dedicated solely in the past for a better understanding of MC and Jules' unhealthy relationship and what took place between them.
2. Why is a dead person an RO?
I have been hesitant of labelling Jules as full fledged RO since the beginning because they are well, dead, you know. I have now settled for the term 'semi RO' since the MC can choose to never move on from Jules or healthily accept their death but choose to never settle for another person etc.
3. Is romancing Jules' necessary?
Not at all. But the MC will always be a close confidant of Jules. Other ros and characters' disposition towards you changes depending on your relationship with Jules. In fact, most routes— including Jules— are easier if the MC's relationship with Jules is solely platonic.
4. How do the character dynamics change?
That would be spoilers, but I can give you a few hints. Some ros would be hesitant of romancing the MC, most would feel insecure— especially if the MC seems hung up on Jules. MC can romance an ro, only to use them as a rebound. You can choose to go for the twin solely for the reason she is similar to Jules' in appearance and use her as an anchor. :))
5. How did Jules and MC's friendship/relationship develop?
You'll find out!
6. What was Dylan and Jules' relationship like?
Summarising it in one word— disastrous!
7. Do I have to care about Jules and be affected by their death?
The MC can be indifferent to anything regarding Jules' in the present but they will always be somewhat affected by their death. HOWEVER, you will get to choose why you were affected in the later chapters. There are plot reasons for that, trust me.
As for the past, the MC will be forced to care about Jules'. That is something which is set. Sorry about that. You can choose to change your disposition towards Jules after Dylan enters the picture.
8. So, warren has a crush on the MC. My MC is not into men. Can that somehow change?
No, sorry. Feelings are not something anyone can control but I can assure you Warren will never make a move on the MC (unless you trigger his romance route) because he would never want to put them in an uncomfortable position. He is a considerate friend of the MC before anything else.
There have been no romantic undertones in MC and Warren's friendship prior to the story taking place— despite of the MC being aware of his feelings. You can choose why. :)
I am planning on writing a serious conversation between warren and mc's who are not into men. But I don't want it to turn out too painfully awkward either. Although, even if it did, it would make sense and be in character but... I am not sure. I guess, we will have to see. I don't want to write something that will make my readers uncomfortable and be done with it. Maybe I will take advice from my audience. :))
9. What was Jules and MC's relationship?
Situationship, if romanced. Otherwise, a codependent friendship.
10. Hold up. Then, why is Dylan Jules' ex?
Jules and MC met before Jules entered into a relationship with Dylan. Romanced!Jules dated Dylan to push the MC away and also in hopes of getting rid of their feelings for the MC and also for other reasons, you'll find out. You can choose to get jealous, take it as the biggest betrayal in history or immediately lose feelings for them. :)
11. I hope the MC won't be forced to be pathetic for Jules while they refuse to put a label on their relationship and get a whole ass boyfriend.
No, not at all. You can care about Jules while also giving them hell for acting selfishly.
They realise their mistakes whether MC points it out or not.
12. I don't like Jules' romance route.
Please understand Jules is a very conflicted individual due to their upbringing and being with them can be difficult at times. It is a toxic and doomed romance trope for a reason. If that is not your cup tea then Jules romance is simply not for you. You can romance the very much alive ros and if none of them appeal to you then maybe— the romance in this story is not you.
13. I don't like [this] OR [this] is problematic.
I would like for you to consider if it is a personal preference or an issue in the writing. Some things are problematic on purpose. Especially, if you're romancing certain ros. :)
14. Regarding MC's disposition towards certain characters.
As it is evident from the intro post, the MC has a set view of some characters. That can, however, change from Episode One. You don't have to worry about this. :)
15. Are there any love triangles?
I was asked this before and my answer was no. A love triangle, in a game, for me is when both character B and C have an equal chance of getting together with A. With what I have planned that is not the case. The MC doesn't have to worry about any competition and you don't have two ros vying for attention either here. So, I'll leave this one to you guys.
1. MC, Jules and Dylan.
2. Not revealing the characters involved because that would be spoilers. :)
16. Are there any Poly routes?
No, sorry. Most ros have beef with each other. Also, too many variables. This is my first time writing interactive fiction and I don't want to get too ambitious or overestimate myself. Maybe I'll give it a try in the future. I hope that's okay.
17. Do the ros experience jealousy? Can the MC get jealous?
Yes and yes.
18. Are there any explicit scenes?
Yes. At least one for every RO.
19. ROs sexuality?
They are all playersexual.
1. Sanity.
Some present time choices— general and some specific ones regarding Jules— will affect mc's sanity. They will notice things most don't. They may begin to act out of the player's control. Character interactions and dynamics will drastically shift. So will the MC's inner monologue.
2. Major Stats.
Earlier, I had planned for the MC's strengths and weaknesses to be based on their major but I realised doing that would be stupid and make no real sense. Hence, I have decided to scratch off that idea. I am going for persuasion, deception, athleticism, intellect instead.
You shouldn't have to worry too much about stat checks since the story is more choices & relationship focused.
3. Roll the dice mechanism.
Now, just because you're good at something doesn't mean you have achieved perfection and will always succeed no matter what. Similarly, just because you're not the best at something doesn't mean you won't be able to succeed. A little luck goes a long way.
This one is huge maybe though. :))
[this feature can be turned on/off during the beginning and the stats screen!]
4. Personality stats.
They will mostly be used for flavour text only.
The MC.
1. Character customisation.
DLGOY covers the basics but I am open for suggestions. I like more customisation only if it comes up again in the story. :))
2. Insecurities.
The MC can be insecure about themselves and their physical appearance (only if the player chooses to). It doesn't mean that they are not attractive— just how they view themselves. This will be brought up in the story at times. MC can open up about it to the ros :)
3. Unreliabe narrator.
What the title clearly suggests.
Story structure.
The story will switch between two timelines. The past and the present. The former focuses on MC's childhood and relationship with Jules.
1. Why has my ask not been answered yet?
I am getting to it! I tend to edit them a lot, so it may take some time. Please be patient. <3
2. Where to submit bug reports?
Send an ask!
3. Feedback?
I am open to suggestions and criticism as long as it is polite. I listen to them all but I don't promise to implement everything!
4. Is this a standalone or a series?
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paleopinesofficial · 8 days
If you've been playing our demo during the Steam Next Fest and are interested to see which dinos lie beyond the dapplewood boulders, here is a complete list of ALL our dinosaurs! (Spoiler Warning, and Cute Dino Warning)
Play Paleo Pines on PC, Switch, PlayStation and Xbox!
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theaspsaroaceimagines · 5 months
Can We Make This Work?
Warning: spoilers for episode 6
A/N: This was requested on wattpad and is tangentially related to my fic, An Angel in Demon's Clothing, but takes place in a separate continuity.
The reader is a mortal angel who volunteered to go to Hell to help with Charlie's redemption project. Charlie and Vaggie are the only ones in Hell who know the reader is an angel, and the reader's mission is a secret that Adam and Lute don't know about.
Song is from Journey to Bethlehem.
You'd returned to the Hotel earlier than the others, overwhelmed by Consent's loud music and bright lights.  Not to mention the many, many flirtatious demons making passes at you.  So you were the only one around when Charlie and Vaggie returned from their meeting.
They returned a bit sooner than you would have thought they would.  That's the first red flag.
"You're back early!" you observe, puzzled, and approach the two demonesses slowly.
Immediately, Charlie distances herself from Vaggie, a look of panic and betrayal in her eyes.  "Why didn't you tell me you were an angel?  An exorcist?!" she wails.
You blink in shocked silence.  Vaggie is an angel?  Why hadn't you met her before you came down here?
Vaggie tries to approach Charlie, holding her hands out in a soothing gesture, but the demon princess only backs away.
Slowly, you shake yourself out of your stupor.  "Wait, what's going on?  Why are you guys back so early?"
The two shoot their gazes to you, as if they'd only just noticed your presence.  Vaggie looks anxious and somewhat defeated, and Charlie is nothing short of distressed.  Charlie runs to you, crushing you in a desperate hug, before dragging you up to the Hotel's penthouse suite.
Leaving Vaggie behind.
You're growing more concerned by the second.  "Charlie, what happened?" you ask, stumbling beside her as she continues to cling to you.
She bursts into tears, gripping you tighter.  "They wouldn't listen!" she sobs, "Adam wouldn't listen!  Vaggie's an exorcist and has been lying to me this whole time!"  She releases you, turning to pace around the suite in a tearful panic.  "And the meeting was a disaster!  The Angels don't even know what it takes to get into Heaven! And now the extermination is in a month, and Adam says he's coming for the Hotel first!"
The last bit of news shakes you to the core and you blanch.  "What?  Why?  Why would he do that?!  Is he even allowed to make targeted attacks?"  You try to calm yourself.  Panicking won't help, Charlie needs you calm.
You hear a thump, and whip your head around to see that Charlie has fallen to her knees by one of the windows.
"How could I be," she sings in a soft, defeated voice, "Oh, so naive?"  She wipes at her face with her sleeve as you approach to try to comfort her.
"Foolishly thinking there's more to this life for me," She tearfully looks out the window with a doleful expression as it begins to acid rain on the hellscape below, before glancing back at you.  "Two broken hearts," she lilts, holding a loose fist to her chest, "Right from the start,"
She turns away from the window and curls up in dejection, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms over them, "Watching the dreams that we have as they fall apart,"
You pause in your efforts, hit with the overwhelming emotion emanating from the princess you've come to know as your friend.
"This will never work," her voice sounds almost bitter as she sings, burying her face into her knees, "Even trying feels insane.  This will only hurt,"
She turns her head, looking at you expectantly, "Don't you feel the same?"
You sigh.  "I feel it too," you admit, joining her in song and making the last few steps to her side, "But what can I do?"
You kneel down next to her, gazing at her from the corner of your eye, "I'm just the stranger they say is the one for you,"
"Maybe with time," you sing, taking Charlie's hand in yours, thinking about Adam, your home in Heaven, and the second home you have in Hell, "Something will change?   Making the best of this might be the only way.
"Can we make this work?" you stand, gently helping Charlie up as you do.  Looking out the window yourself, you take in the oddly beautiful landscape of Hell.  
Charlie joins in and the two of you sing together: "Even trying feels insane."
"Maybe when it hurts," your eyes and voice harden with determination.  Things seem grim, but you aren't giving up on your mission.  Both Heaven and Hell depend on it.  You turn to face Charlie, "We'll be worth the pain."
"There are too many questions, Too little time," Charlie points out.  "Too much to ask for, The rest of my life."
You join in with her in agreement, both of you singing, "It's a mountain too high to climb,
"Too many voices filling me with doubt," the two of you can hear them: Adam, Lute, Alastor, the newscasters at 666 News, Sera, even your first patient, Angel Dust.  "Can you hear them now?"
"It's hard to have faith," you admit.
"It's hard to believe," Charlie agrees.
"Our future holds more Than what we can see," you sing together.
You take Charlie's hands, "We have to trust what we don't understand," you resolve, and Charlie joins in;
"It could be a part of God's plan."
"Can we," you sing, pulling Charlie into a dance, hoping to encourage her.
"Can we," Charlie echoes, falling into step.
"Make this,"
"Make this,"
"Work?" you finish together, before twirling around,  "I know trying feels insane."
"Maybe," you lead the princess of Hell in graceful steps, freeing your true angelic wings.  They give off a silvery shine as the two of you dance together.
"Maybe," you can see the stars, feel the cosmos.
"When it," 
"When it," God's Plan would come together with time.
"Hurts," the two of you sing with resolve, "We'll be worth the pain!"
"Can we make this work?" you pull Charlie into a hug as the two of you wrap up the song, "Can we make this work?"
You tuck your true wings away as you end your dance, sending Charlie a gentle smile as their light disappears.
"We'll get through this," you tell her, "I don't know how yet, but we'll get through this."
"Okay," Charlie breathes.
"We should talk to Vaggie," you give a gentle suggestion, "I didn't know she was an angel, either; I've never met her in my time in Heaven, but I'm sure she had an at least somewhat good reason to hide it.  Besides, she's probably having a rough time right now."
"You're probably right," Charlie admits reluctantly.
You give her a wry smile, "Come on, there's no way to fix this without communication."
So you and the princess of Hell leave the suite with a new resolve.
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king-of-fae · 10 months
Chapter One is here! 🎉
Chapter One is finally complete and out in the world! It may be rough, but I do plan to keep polishing the writing, UI, and pretty much everything as I continue so that this game becomes better and better as time goes on. If you encounter any bugs or continuity errors let me know (being a one person testing team is hard lol).
More importantly: thank you for your patience and interest and I hope you enjoy! 💕
I am putting content warnings under the cut due to spoilers! If you have any concerns please check them!
Content warnings: unlawful imprisonment, character death (MC's included)(it is kept vague, but it is still there), mentions of blood
If there are any that you believe I need to add please let me know!
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absurdthirst · 11 months
Finding the Right Note {Country Star!Jack Daniels x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9.2k
Warnings: Jack Daniel is a flirt, vaginal sex, angst, derogatory name calling, misplaced anger, mentions of alcoholism, groveling, face slapping, mentions of pregnancy
Comments: Country music star Jack Daniels strides into the bar you are performing in. Looking for an opening act for his upcoming tour, he decides you are just what he wants. Until your star might outshine his.
Co-written by @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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Jack walks into the bar, it’s bustling for a Wednesday night and he’s desperate for a drink after such a long day. His record label is giving him shit for not booking an opening act just yet. He hasn’t found the right one and he’s pushing them by delaying but damn, he’s been in the industry long enough to get the final say on who opens for him. He saddles up to the bar and orders a whiskey, thanking the bartender and once he’s got his drink, the crowd starts to cheer as the stage lights go off. It’s loud for a few moments until you walk out on stage. 
 You exhale shakily, always nervous before you take the stage, but once you start to sing, the nerves fade away. You smile at the crowd as the music starts and you begin your set.
She’s a fucking angel. Glass halfway to his lips, Jack stops, turning from the bar to stare at the stage behind him. It’s soulful and passionate. Fun and flirty once the hook drops and the beat turns up. Jack’s eyes flutter around the crowd and he nods, watching them get into the act. She’s perfect. Turning back to the bartender. “Who’s up on stage?” He asks. “What’s her name?”
The bartender gives your name and Jack turns his attention back to you. You sway your hips as you sing, putting your all into the music. Your passion is clear and you love this gig. The owner had heard you busking on the street and offered you the job as the singer for his bar. It’s a great gig, good pay, but it’s not what you want. You want to make music, tour the world, and let people hear your songs. It hasn’t happened yet, even after sending your demos in to every record company but no luck yet. You don’t notice the famous country singer sitting at the bar watching you with rapture as you continue singing.
Jack watches your performance with an excitement that he’s not felt in years. His whiskey all but forgotten as he starts to sing along to the chorus the second time around. Your energy is unmatched and he can tell you want to glide around the small stage if you had enough room. You’d be magnificent on a big stage. Your last line is belted out, giving it everything you have and it’s perfect, making you grin when the last note of the song hits and you wave your hand holding the pick up. “Give it up for the band!”
Your set seems to fly by as you sing your heart out and you saddle up to the bar once you’ve finished, gesturing for the bartender to get you your usual. “It’s on my tab.” Jack says as he sits beside you and you turn to face him. 
“Thank you. Wait…aren’t you- what are you doing in a place like this?” You ask him with a chuckle.
Jack shrugs slightly and his fingers slide around his own glass. “Was plannin’ on getting drunk, but now I’m thinkin’ about business.” He admits. “How long you been tryin’ to break out?” He asks as the bartender comes over and slides your drink in front of you.
You blow out a breath, shaking your head, “way too long. Could’ve recorded enough material for three or four albums by now but it’s hard to get big in a town full of singers.” You chuckle and pick up your drink, lifting it towards Jack. “To music.” You toast and Jack clinks his glass against yours.
“To music.” Jack takes a sip of his whiskey and takes a hard look at you. You don’t look like the typical worn out ‘trying to make it big’ country singer. Where up close the evidence of hard partying and too much alcohol is evident. “Got something I can listen to?” He asks, wanting to hear the quality of your studio session in addition to the live performance he just witnessed.
You nod, taking your phone out, and you know it’s something else for you to be asking him to listen to your music but when he’s asking you, you’re not gonna turn him down. You select what you think is your best song and hand him the phone to listen to it.
The noise in the bar is loud, but not loud enough that he can’t hear the pure potential in the music. The notes shine through clearly and he can hear the enthusiasm in your voice.
The noise in the bar is loud, but not enough that he can’t hear the pure potential in the music. The notes shine through clearly and he can hear the enthusiasm in your voice.
“Can you send me that?” He asks as he hands you back the phone. “I want to send that to my manager.”
Your mouth falls open but you won’t turn him down. You hand the phone to him to put his number in, shocked that Jack Daniels wants your demo. You hit send and you shake your head, a chuckle escaping your lips. “I- I can’t believe you’re here and you want my music.”
“Lookin’ for an opening act for my upcoming tour.” Jack tells you, smirking at the way your mouth drops open in shock. “Haven’t found anyone I liked until now.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “you’re shittin’ me.” You ask and his chuckle warms you, “I ain’t shittin’ you baby. I wanna have you open my show.” He tells you and you shake your head, “if you want me, I’m yours.”
“You’re gonna have to play for my people.” Jack tosses back the rest of his drink and grins at you. “You ready for that?”
You nod, “I’ll do it. You tell me the time and place.” You tell him and he throws some cash down to pay for his drink. “I’ll wait for the call.” You wink and sip your drink, heart pounding as you think of what this could lead to.
For the first time in a long time, Jack doesn’t have a second drink. Instead he’s sending the song to his manager and typing out a text telling him that he’s found his opening act. When he sends it off he smirks at you. “Your entire world’s about to change, sugar.”
True to his word, you got a call the next day about opening for Jack Daniels and a few weeks later, you sublet your apartment and put your things in storage. Packing your clothes for the tour and your guitar, you are excited, practically buzzing and the first stop is Atlanta. A big city and a big arena for the biggest star in country right now. You’re checked into your hotel and whisked over to the venue for the sound check before Jack arrivals. Little do you know he’s already arrived when you’re finishing your sound check until you hear his applause. “Damn good song, little lady.” He praises and you fluster, glancing around at the crew. “Thank you. I- I wrote that one when I was eighteen and thinking the world would treat me right.”
Jack grins, propping his hands on his hips. “It’s funny how that happens, ain’t it?” He’s got his own share of problems, that is well documented in all the articles written about him. “I think that song might be the best damn thing I’ve heard for a long time.”
You fluster and duck your head, “you flatter me, Daniels. Says the five time Grammy award winner.” You scoff softly and shake your head as you fiddle with the strings of your guitar. “First big show of the tour. You ready?” You ask him as you hand the guitar off to the stage hand.
“I am.” Jack nods, smirking slightly. “Nothing like bein’ on the road. The crowds, the tour buses, the after parties.” He chuckles and waggles his brows.
You have heard rumors about his after parties. They go hard and you’re not sure you want to get involved in them every night. You’re here to get your career started and he’s one of the biggest stars in the world. You need to focus…especially when he turns those gorgeous brown eyes on you. You make your way off of the stage to give him the time to sound check and you come face to face with him when he meets you halfway. 
“You ready?” He turns the question on you and you nod, “fucking nervous but I’m ready.” His chuckle warms you and you know that’s dangerous, especially when he leans in closer to whisper in your ear. 
“You’re gonna be a fucking star, baby.” He promises and leans back. 
Your heart pounds as you stare at him and the stage manager calls out, “Jack, time to check your mics.” 
Jack winks at you, “see you later, sugar,” and he walks past you to make his way out onto the stage.
Jack’s sound check is more of a formality than anything else but he does run through one of the newer songs on his recently released album. Just to make sure that it sounds okay since it’s the first time being played in a stadium. He sees you watching him and shows off for good measure, just to let you know that he’s still got it in him. When he’s done, he walks over to you and the roadie hands him his standard whiskey over ice. “Whatcha think? Sound okay?”
You nod, eying the drink in his hand but who are you to judge? Everyone has their pre-show routines. “Your fans are gonna love it. Your new album…it’s fantastic. I’m excited to see the great Jack Daniels perform.” You smirk and cross your arms, “you got any tips?”
“Don’t show your underwear, and never let a fan come up on stage without you inviting them.” He tells you seriously before taking a sip. “Had one fan grope me and then turn around and sue me for “emotional manipulation”. Said I led her on because I was obviously singing to her in my songs and then publicly spurned her.”
You wince, “your fans are crazy.” You shake your head, having heard about his “Jack Pack” fan club. You sigh, “I doubt my popularity will lead to fans that crazy. It just shows how damn famous you are.” You tease him softly and he snorts, looking down at his drink. “It’s a blessin’ and a curse.” You can understand that. “Well, good luck. I’ll see you before the show. I better go get something to eat and glam myself up.”
“Don’t do too much more than you are now.” Jack tells you with a wink. “Otherwise you’re libel to upstage the main headliner.” You’re gorgeous and with your upbeat smile and excitement, the crowd is going to eat you up. Jack Daniels has done found himself the next country music star.
Your adrenaline is high once you come off of stage, your body buzzing as you grab the water you have waiting for you and Jack is standing there, his hands still clapping your performance. “Oh my God.” You gasp after downing the bottle. “That was - wow.”
“How’s it feel knowing you just played your first of many shows?” Jack demands, beaming at your breathless laughter and joy. He remembers that exhilaration, even though it had long since faded into the worry that he was washed up. Past his prime, despite his people saying that wasn’t the case. They were going to milk him until his teat was dry and move on to someone else.
You shake your head in amazement, “incredible. I- I never imagined - thank you.” You surge forward to wrap your arms around him, hugging him close. “I owe you everything.” You tell him and he chuckles, rubbing your back, “just make me proud.” He says and you nod, stepping back. Soon enough, he’s making his way onto stage, the crowd roaring and you watch him from the side of the sound desk, in awe of his talent.
Jack might have a little more oomph in his performance. He tells himself it’s because it’s the kickoff of another tour, that he’s energetic because of that and not because he’s sure you are watching his performance. Showing off for you for over two hours, the crowd roars as the lights dim and he walks off stage to cheers of demands for him to do an encore. He’s sweaty and red faced as he strides up to you and takes your water to drink, sending you a wink before he downs it.
Your mouth goes dry, wishing you had the water he just finished, and your stomach twists with attraction to him. His wink and the sweat coating him has you aching for him but you know you can’t fuck this opportunity up. It’s important and can make your career. Fucking Jack Daniels will be short lived. A career in music could be the rest of your life. The roar of the crowd is deafening as he finishes his encore and you watch him come off of the stage, taking the towel from the stage hand.
After the concert, Jack has his meet and greets. VIP guests who have paid a lot of money to see him, but he also goes out to sign autographs for those that waited for him. Taking time to appreciate his fans and when he spots you, he motions you over. “Ya’ll want her signature too.” He tells them with a grin. “She’s gonna blow up and you can say you met her first!”
You fluster and some fans take his word and you sign their papers. You are soon escorted by Jack’s security to the bus and you are shuffled onto the bus with a sweaty Jack. His band applauds and you follow suit, exhausted but on top of the world as the bus starts to move to the next city.
“So, how was the first show?” Jack demands, pouring both of you a drink rather than jumping in the shower like he knows he should. You have a bus, but he had them put you on his for tonight so you could get to know one another better. If you say no, there’s another bed to sleep on. He hands you the glass and clinks his against it. “To fame and fortune.”
You take a sip of the whiskey, leaning back to look at Jack as he throws his arm over the back of the sofa he’s sitting on as the bus starts to move. “To your fame and fortune.” You counter and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Yours too, sugar. Tonight was the first night of the rest of your career.” 
You smile softly, setting your drink down. “I hope so. Tonight was…it was exhilarating. The high you get off of it - I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow.”
“Nothing like it, is there?” He chuckles and sets his drink down. Leaning in and watching your eyes widen slightly. “I’ve only found one way to really burn off this energy.”
You swallow harshly as he leans a little closer, your eyes dropping down to his lips as he licks them clean of the remnants of whiskey. You bite your lip, leaning back a little to catch your breath. “What’s that?” You ask, hating how breathy you sound as your heart thumps. Your attraction to him rearing its head again.
“Find the prettiest girl I can, take her to bed and make her forget everything but screamin’ my name.” It’s not every night but often enough that he didn’t want to count bodies. But right now, his eyes are on you.
His words and his dark gaze makes you shiver and your eyes flit over to the kitchenette before you glance back at him. “You didn’t find the prettiest girl tonight to take to bed…you’re here with me?” You question, hoping you are predicting his answer correctly but this allows you an exit strategy if you’re wrong about the lust in his eyes.
“Oh but I did find the prettiest girl.” He argues, stepping closer. “Now I know that I’m sweaty, sugar, but I can shower before I get sweaty again.” He offers. Knowing that some wouldn’t like it but he feels like he is going to be taken like he is with you. Especially since you are musky from your own set.
You bite your lip, reminding yourself again of your promise to not fuck this opportunity up, especially with sex, but he’s standing there with that ridiculously sexy smirk and your resolve crumbles. You step towards him, your fingers playing with the buttons of this shirt. “Seeing as we are sharing this bus, I think the best thing to do is to shower together. However, it’s very small in the shower so you’d have to press up against me…is that something you’d be okay with?”
“Baby, I’d love nothing more than to press against you and keep pressing against you until I hear how my name sounds coming from your pretty lips.” He wraps his hand around your neck and drags you close to kiss you.
You let him drag you against him, your lips pressing against his and your hands slide up to grip the collar of his shirt. His tongue quickly slides along your lower lip and you grant him the access he seeks. Jack’s free hand caresses your waist and slides down to squeeze your ass, making you moan. Your back is soon pressed against the counter of the kitchenette and you know it’s worth the risk. Just this kiss is worth risking it all.
Jack groans into your mouth, finding it even sexier that you are matching him for passion. It’s not one sided where Jack is once again putting on a performance for someone while they melt in surprise. Your own fingers roam over his body until you are starting to unbutton his shirt and slide it off of him.
You caress his chest, sticky with dried sweat but you love it. You slide your tongue against his and his hands reach for the hem of your dress, helping you shift to pull it off of you, exposing your tits and lace underwear to his dark gaze. “Jack.” You whimper when he kisses along your throat.
“You wanna shower, sugar?” Jack asks, knowing the driver won’t be coming back to where you are and you’re the only two on the bus. Jack has a rule about not bothering him unless he invites someone on. Needing the time to unwind. His hands dip under your panties to pull them the down around your thighs.
His hands caress your thighs and you’re not sure you can wait to shower and clean off. He’s too intoxicating and you whimper when his fingers slide between your folds. “Shower after.” You decide, reaching down to squeeze him through his jeans, the obnoxiously large belt buckle hindering your touch.
Jack groans, smirking when he does. “I like the way you think. I want to see if you are as tight as I imagined you would be.” He groans again when you manage to get his buckle undone. “We’ll have our own private show.”
You reach in to pull his cock out of his tight jeans and you groan at the thickness of him. “Shit, Jack. You - that’s gonna be a stretch. It’s - it’s been a while.” You admit and let go of him so you can spit in your palm, gripping him again and starting to pump his length.
“That’s a good thing, ain’t it?” He groans, cock twitching in your hand and he doesn’t want to admit how long it’s been for him. He’s fucked plenty, but when he’s not on tour or in the studio, it’s a different story. “You want to see my bus bedroom?” He asks, unclipping your bra and pulling it off your tits so he can palm them.
You arch into his touch, your fingers squeezing his cock, and you moan when he pinches your nipples. “Yes. Show me.” You plead, letting go of him so he can escort you to the bedroom.
You run into several things, a counter, a door frame. Jack guiding you back while trying to kiss you. Eager to see you spread out on his bed. Your own fingers working on his shirt and dragging it over his shoulders.
You manage to get his shirt off just as you are laying down on his bed and you drag him down on top of you. “Come on baby. Fuck me.” You beg, the adrenaline still pulsing inside of you. “You have a condom?” You ask breathlessly.
“I do.” Jack reaches for the small built in shelf and pops the door open. Fumbling around inside for one of the many foil packets stashed there. “No warm up? Just straight to riding?”
You whimper when his fingers find your clit, “yes. Let me - I want to ride you.” You push on his chest, wanting to feel him inside of you. You don’t care about foreplay, you want the stretch. You want to feel something, you want to feel all of him. “Baby, let me ride you. Come on cowboy.”
Shucking his boots and jeans comes with a few curses and giggles but he is finally flat on his back with his cock curled up against his stomach, “come on, sugar.” He growls, reaching for your hip. “Put the condom on me and take me for a ride.”
You nod, slithering up his body to straddle his thighs and you rip open the condom. You roll it down his length and squeeze his cock. Shifting closer to line yourself up with his length, biting your lip as you start to sink down onto him.
“That’s it sugar, that’s it.” Jack pants. “Holy fuck you are as tight as a small glove on a giants hand.” His toes curl and his back arches slightly when you squeeze him inside the warmth of your velvet walls. “Holy fuck, holy shit girl.”
His words take your breath away and you gasp as you slowly sink down on him. A few moments later, you have his cock fully inside of you and you don’t move, closing your eyes for a few moments to collect yourself. “Shit. You are stretching me out, Daniels.” You declare as you caress his chest, giving you another moment until you lift your hips, starting to move on top of him.
He loves that you get right to it. Soon your hips are rolling and his own are struggling to stay put on the bed. The squeaks are covered by the sounds of the bus rolling down the road and he groans your name.
Hearing him moan your name has your body shaking. Your nails scratch his chest as you ride his cock, rolling your hips and grinding down onto him. “Fuck, Jack. You feel so good. So damn good.” You pant.
“You gonna cum?” Jack slides his hand down to cover your stomach and his thumb finds your clit. Rubbing harshly in a tight pattern to match the roll of your hips. “Gonna soak ‘ol Jack?”
You nod, shifting to lean back, your hands on his knees as you find the angle that has you tossing your head back. His thumb rubbing your clit as you grind down onto him. “Gonna cum. Gonna - fuck.” You cry out, clamping down on him and you squeeze your eyes shut as your mouth falls open.
Jack hisses, his eyes nearly rolling back at how good you feel around his cock. His thumb keeps pressing, keeps rolling and he makes sure that he bucks his hips up harshly enough to move you as you cum.
His thumb becomes too much and you reach down to grab his hand, bringing it to your chest so he can feel your thumping heart. You still for a moment, just relishing the moment and the haze of your orgasm. “Fuck, I want more.” You tell him, reaching for his hand to balance yourself so you can start to ride him again.
Jack chuckles. “Like a girl who knows what she needs.” He moans when your hand squeezes his and he watches your tits bounce. “Fuck, look at you, thought about this the entire time you were up on stage.”
To hear him say that has your pussy clenching around him, and you bend down to press your lips against his, changing the angle. “Thought about this while you were on stage. So fucking sexy. Strutting around like you owned the fucking arena. Those women screaming your name but it’s me who you wanted to ride you.” You murmur against his jaw.
“Fuck yes, I wanted you to ride me.” He groans against and slaps your ass, turning his head to capture your lips with his own again. Needing to kiss you, to slide his tongue against yours. Hoping that he can last long enough for you to cum again.
The angle you are rocking back onto his cock in has his coarse hair rubbing against your clit and it’s enough to have you panting into his mouth. “Fuck baby. So good. Feel so good.” You whine against his jaw before you kiss him again, so close to another orgasm. When he shifts to brace his feet on the bed, his cock pushing deeper inside of you as he rocks his hips up, you fall apart again. Clamping down on his cock and soaking his length as you squeal into his mouth.
Jack groans, holding your hips tight as he rocks up into you. “Fuck baby, that’s it, cream all over Jack’s cock.” He pants. “Knew you’d do so good for me. Every man there wanted to fuck you but I’m the one buried balls deep, about to explode.” He chokes out a cry a few sharp thrusts later and grinds as deep as he can. Holding still and grunting as ropes of cum spill into the condom.
You slump against him, enjoying the way he groans your name, his cock twitching inside of you. “Fuck, that’s good. So good.” You murmur, kissing along his neck, and you reach up to brush his damp hair out of his face. “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.” You tease breathlessly.
You slump against him, enjoying the way he groans your name, his cock twitching inside of you. “I don’t mind showering together. We have seen each other naked. Washing isn’t much to worry about now.” You chuckle softly and enjoy the way he caresses your back. “Plus I can’t get on the other bus.” You smirk and you caress him one last time before you shift off of him, gripping the base of his cock to make sure the condom doesn’t come off.
“Nope.” He chuckles quietly and sits up. “Although if you don’t like the idea of sharin’ a bed, there’s another you can sleep in.” He won’t make you share a bed with him if you don’t want. You might want to decompress.
You nod, “I get the feeling you aren’t one for sleeping all night and I need to be on top of my game if I am to make the most of the opportunity you’ve given me. I’ll sleep in the other bed but come on, let’s shower.” You shift off of the bed and make your way to the tiny bathroom, turning on the water and stepping into the cubicle while Jack deals with the condom.
Jack ties the condom and tosses it in the wastebasket, deciding not to do his normal routine in dealing with it. He joins you and grins as he steps into the spray with you. “Best thing after a concert is a hot shower.”
You tilt your head back under the hot water, closing your eyes as you let the water flow over you, reaching for the body wash but Jack soon snatches it out of your hand so he can begin to wash you. “What a gentleman.” You coo, liking the feel of his hands on your body.
“Easiest way to learn a woman.” Jack hums against your neck, sliding his soapy hands down your stomach and back up over your breasts. He squeezes your tits playfully. “What do you think?”
You let him clean you up, his touch playful and you realize that this is going to be a regular occurrence. You won’t be able to forget this so you’ve already accepted that you’ll be back in his bed tomorrow or the night after. “It’s fucking perfect.” You grin, leaning against him. From singing in a bar to opening for Jack Daniels…you know your life is just starting. 
“Are you serious?” You gasp, unable to play it cool as you listen to your new manager. “Yes. Tell them yes.” You squeal and your manager chuckles, promising he will deliver the message. You hang up just as Jack rounds the corner of the diner you’ve stopped off in on your way to  Houston. His hands immediately find your waist now that no one is looking and you are alone. You shove your phone into your jeans and reach up to cup his cheeks. “Guess what I just had a call about?” You ask him and he chuckles, “good news I take it?” You nod, “the best news. The label wants an album. My EP did really freaking well and they want an entire album.” You squeal and lean in to press your lips against Jack’s. 
You’re not sure what you are right now, friends that sleep together? You’ve been on tour for three months now and you’ve spent nearly every night on Jack’s bus, having sex and talking and playing music. You’ve never slept in the same bed together but you’ve grown close.
“That’s fantastic, sugar.” Jack grins and wraps his arms around you to spin you around. Chuckling when you squeal happily and kiss him again. “You’re gonna kill it. Just make sure you don’t let them push you to puttin’ too many love songs on the album. You don’t wanna get pigeonholed.”
You nod, knowing you have enough material for two or three albums so it will be a mixture. “Hard to write love songs when you’ve never been in love.” You reveal and Jack frowns, “you’ve never been in love?” You shake your head, “guess I’ve kept my heart under lock and key.” You murmur, squeezing his hand to step away from him. Jack lets you go, wondering what it would take for you to fall in love. “I gotta go figure out the tracklist and - I - God, there’s so much to do.” You murmur and step away from Jack so you can start to think. His frown deepens when you rush off, making his stomach twist with unknown emotion. 
The crowd roars as Jack comes off of the stage and he’s immediately taking his whiskey from the stage hand and he strides over to you. His heart pounding and you let him take your hand to drag you towards his dressing room. “Jack? Jack? Everything okay?” You ask but he’s shutting the door behind him, downing the whiskey and then his lips are on yours.
His tongue is insistent, demanding when he kisses you. It’s not playful like before. There’s a roughness behind it that he doesn’t want to analyze too closely. You’ve already signed your autographs and he needs to as well but he’s noticed that a larger portion of the crowd is wearing shirts with your face on it. The same face he is gripping in his hand now while his other hand is starting to rip open his jeans.
You whimper when his hands shove your dress up, his cock hard and throbbing in your palm as you reach down to grip him. “Baby. Oh shit.” You moan when his fingers dig into your ass, pulling you up against him and you let him guide you over to the vanity, lifting you onto it and you eagerly spread your legs for him. “Fuck me.” You plead, needing him as the adrenaline surges through you.
Condoms are a thing of the past. Both of you have been tested and Jack hadn’t taken anyone else to bed since the very first night. Not even when you had been gone to finalize your album for a few shows where his buddy opened for him. Now though, he’s ravenous for you. Quickly pushing your panties to the side, he notches his cock and pushes deep.
You gasp when he pushes into you, making you whine in pleasure and you grip his shoulders, pulling him close so you can press your lips against his. “Fuck. I’ve missed this.” You cry and wrap your legs around his waist when he starts to move inside of you.
“Shit.” Jack groans, pressing his lips to yours just as desperately. His fingers dig into your hips and he doesn’t even hesitate, pulling his hips back to slam back into you harshly. “Missed you, missed this.” He grunts, biting your bottom lip and tugging on it.
You moan into his mouth, your heels digging into his ass as he starts to fuck you hard and fast. “Jack. Missed - oh shit - missed this too.” You whine, loving the harsh pace and desperation. The adrenaline running through both of you.
His hips slap against your thighs and he groans into your mouth. Desperate to claim you, to mark you as his, even though he has no claim on you. “Fuck, fuck, missed this tight little cunt squeezing me tight.” He huffs. “Just what I need.”
His lips kiss along your neck and you’re certain he is going to bite you but you can’t let him do that when you are supposed to have a photographer from Rolling Stone come and meet you tomorrow. You tangle your fingers in his hair and pull him back, “can’t mark me baby.” You tell him and he grunts but concedes, kissing you once more. You’re close, always are when it comes to him, and you swear it’s something in his kiss, in his touch, that makes you feel electric. “Come on baby, I need - need -“ You reach between you to rub your clit, anxious to feel that bliss you’ve been denied with his absence from your life.
Jack groans, looking down to watch you rub your clit. It’s so sexy how you prioritize your pleasure. “You gonna cum for me?” He demands, the slick sounds of his cock moving fills the air between you. “Gonna soak my cock, sugar? You feel so desperate for it.”
Part of you wants to taunt him, tell him you are doing this because he can’t but the other side of you wants to submit to him, to tell him only he can make you feel like this. “Baby, oh fuck. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me - shitttt.” You hiss, clamping down on his cock as you cry out, loving how good he feels pushing deep inside of you.
Hissing at how tight you get, Jacks thrusts get sloppy, determine to fuck you through it but he’s so fucking close to cumming himself. “That’s it baby girl, cum all over me. Fuck I love that.” He groans.
Your head hits the mirror and you watch him through hazy eyes as he starts to cum. You love it, the way his jaw clenches, the muscles in his neck tighten. You caress his neck, watching him as he thrusts a half dozen more times until he’s burying himself inside of you, painting your walls. “Yes, Jack. That’s it baby. God, you always feel so good.”
You kiss him again, dragging him back into you as you savor the feel of him until it’s time to pull back. He has meet and greets and you have to speak to your team. Jack’s tour is coming to an end soon and your label want you to start promoting your album.
Jack nudges his nose against yours and grins. “You gonna stay on my bus tonight?” He asks, even though he knows the answer. You’ve spent every night on his bus. All your lounging clothes are there in a few drawers he had made room for.
“Yeah. Of course.” You murmur, knowing it’s not even a question at this point. You really have missed him during the shows you’ve been gone, and tonight, you want more. “I want…I want to sleep in your bed.” You tell him, hoping he understands the step you are taking.
Jack hums, grinning as he wraps his arms around you. “Sugar, I promise I won’t hog the covers or snore in your ear.”
“You better not, Daniels, otherwise I will go back to my own bed.” You tease, leaning in to kiss his jaw. He hums and you lean back to pat his chest. “You’d better clean up for those meet and greets. See you in a bit, cowboy.” You wink and he groans as he pulls out of you, letting you know how excited he is to meet his fans.
Jack tosses back another show of whiskey and slams it down on the counter, his mood sour and he hates that this is the last tour. This will probably be the end of his career. Despite the numbers, the label was deciding they wanted to hold off on making another album. He can see the writing on the wall, he’s old news. Washed up and while his career is ending, it seems like yours is taking off.
You frown when you find Jack sitting at the bar backstage. It’s the last show of the tour and you need to talk to Jack. “Hey baby.” You rub his back, knowing he’s preparing for his time on stage and you sit down beside him. “Are you doing okay?” You ask and he snorts, tapping his fingers on the counter. 
“Yeah. Just mourning the last show of my career.” He says and you frown, “last show? Says who?” You ask and he shakes his head, “everyone. They love you. They adore you and I’m-“ 
You reach for his hand, “loved and adored. By your fans, by the country music community…by me.” You reveal, biting your lip as you stare at him.
Jack mistakes the adoration in your eyes from pity, shaking his head and sighing. “Naw, it ain’t in the cards for me.” He draws and reaches for the bottle of whiskey again, pulling his hand out of yours. “I’m gonna fade into the night and you will be a rising star.”
Your frown deepens at his self pity, his fate seemingly sealed by his own depression. “You are a star, you’ve opened the CMAs more times than I can count. You have won Grammys and shit - you’ve won sexiest man of the year twice. I have an EP and the label…they want me to - to go out on my own. They have lined up a few shows for me to play, get the momentum going. I am barely a mention, you are the star.” You tell him, caressing his arm, “they love you…I love you.”
“Fuck.” Jack knows that you will go on and become a huge star, and he will just be dead weight. Dragging you down and preventing you from reaching your potential. “You did it, congratulations.” He sneers sarcastically. Raising his glass in a mock salute and tossing back another belt of whiskey. “You got what you want.”
His snarky tone is one you’ve never heard before. “Got what I want…Jack. I- I was singing in a bar and you gave me this opportunity. I owe you everything but do not mistake my success for your opportunity. I am a great songwriter, a great singer. I got the contract on my own talent. You gave me a step onto the ladder but I climbed it by myself. You can sit there and wallow, drown yourself in whiskey, and what will that get you? Nothing. Maybe you are washed up but it’s from your own doing.”
“My opportunity?” Jack leaps to his feet, a scowl twisting his features into an ugly set of his normally handsome face. “Sugar, I don’t need anything from a whore who climbed into my bed.” He regrets the words the second they come out of his mouth, but he doesn’t retract them. “Get out of my goddamn dressing room and get off my fuckin’ stage. You might be hotter than shit, but I’m still the star of this show.”
His words break your heart. All those nights on his bus, talking and playing music. Those moments shatter and in their place is nothing. You stare at him and scoff, shaking your head. “You are washed up. A drunk. Good luck out there. You’re gonna need it since most of them came to see me.” You spit spitefully and back away from him, stomping out of the room and pulling your phone out. You are going to call your manager and tell him you are on for the tour. In a few months, you won’t even remember Jack Daniels.
“Jack…I don’t understand. You said you didn’t want to record another song.” His manager sounds bewildered and maybe it’s because Jack has been hell bent on self destruction since you left. After the concert he had tried to find you, only to be told you had already packed up and left. His texts wouldn’t go through, you’d blocked him. So a song is the only way he knows how to reach you. 
“I don’t give a shit what I said. I want to record a single and have it put out now.” Jack insists, staring at a picture of you that he had taken, missing you more than he could express without a beat behind it. 
You exhale shakily, nervous to perform an entire concert alone. Opening for Jack was one thing, five songs to sing, but this is an entire show. You have dance moves and new lyrics to remember. A band and back up dancers. The entire production has been a few months in the making and tonight is the first night of your tour. Your album exploded, going to number one pretty quickly and you have been swept up in success since leaving Jack in his dressing room. You stare at yourself in the mirror, remembering how Jack would drink before a show and you know you don’t want to get into that habit.
It was a pain in the ass buying a ticket to your show but he managed it. Pulling strings with the roadies he knew from his own tour, he had managed to get backstage and talk to the director of the show, convincing him that his idea would be a success. It was hard not to rush to you, seeing you all dressed up and ready to go on stage, but he didn’t want to mess up your timing and he knew he would.
You exhale shakily as you finish the song. Your encore is next and you are full of adrenaline and glistening with sweat. You exit off of the stage and grab the water, downing half off of it as you listen to the crowd scream your name. About five minutes later, you head back on stage with the band but they don’t start playing your song. You turn towards them in question when you see him come on stage. The crowd roars as Jack walks towards you and you force yourself to smile and bring the mic to your lips, “Jack Daniels everyone.”
“How’s everybody doin’ tonight?” Jack asks, fully mic-ed up and ready to go. The crowd cheers and he throws his hand up and waves but his eyes are on you. Your smile is painted on but your eyes are shooting deadly lasers at him that would knock him down dead if they could. “I know most ya’ll have heard my new single, but I bet ya’ll didn’t know I wrote it about this pretty lady right here, did ya?” He asks, and the crowd goes crazy again. “And I want to sing it to her tonight.”
You haven’t heard his new single. Having tried to actively avoid anything to do with Jack and you want to ask if he wrote a song about a whore. Your jaw is clenched, teeth gritted in a smile as Jack strums his guitar and he starts to play as the crowd settles down.
Jack pours his heart into the song, singing every note as pure as he can. The song about love and loss, failure and redemption and the everlasting hope that love would come back. He ends on the last note and the entire stadium erupts into applause.
Your blood is boiling but you can’t show that. You have to act like this is perfect and that Jack just won you over. He hasn’t. You smile and clap, deciding to end your concert there as you look at the band and make the symbol that the concert is over. You wave at the crowd and move to stand next to Jack, holding his hand as you both bid the crowd goodnight. He guides you off of the stage, guitar pressing against his back, and you snatch your hand away. “What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” You growl, raising your hand to slap his face.
Jack doesn’t stop you from slapping him, figuring that you deserve it agyer what he said. His eyes widened as his head snaps to the side from the impact and he rubs his cheek. “Sugar, I’m tryin’ to apologize the only way I know how. I’m a fuckin’ fool and I love you. I’m sorry for the hurt I caused you.”
You shake your head, stepping away from him. “You love me? Are you being serious? I- Jack - you called me a whore? Remember? Said I wasn’t good enough. I- you fucking asshole.” You hiss, shaking your head as tears sting in your eyes.
“It’s me that ain’t good enough, sugar.” Jack admits, reaching out for you and then dropping his hand when you flinch back. “I didn’t mean it, I promise. I’ve never thought of you like that. I was angry and scared and I took it out on you. Didn’t you listen to the song?”
You nod, “I- shit. I did and I- you wrote that for me?” You ask and he nods. You shake your head and take another step back. “You don’t want me. That song - it doesn’t mean anything. You don’t love me.”
“Sugar, I love you more than anything.” Jack promises you. “I want you more than I want to be a country music star. I’d give it all up and be your roadie. Or I’d open for you. I don’t care. I just want you.”
His words make your heart twist, wanting to believe him and tell him how much you love him. You still do, even after you walked out of his dressing room that night. You swallow harshly, tears stinging in your eyes. “I can’t - I don’t believe you. You were so cruel to me and you picked me up from nothing and gave me a chance then you ripped it all away. I’m not gonna be a superstar like you. How can you throw it all away?”
“I want you more.” Jack tells you, desperate for you to believe him. “After my wife and son died, I never thought love was in the cards for me again. Never thought anything was more important. And when the label said they didn’t want to make a new album just yet, I thought I was done, that they had moved on and I couldn’t handle it.” He sighs. “I’ve decided I’m gonna retire, or start my own label if needed, but I want to see you become a star. I want to watch you rise up.”
Jack had told you about the death of his childhood sweetheart and his son. A tragedy that made you cry for him and it made you love him more that he’d survived such a loss. Understanding him more than you thought possible but now you aren’t sure if you trust him. “It doesn’t matter anyway. After this tour…I’m taking a break.” You reveal. 
Jack frowns, “why? You’re just getting started. You need to take advantage. Record another album. Get back on the road.” He argues. 
You shake your head, “I need to go home…to have the baby.” You declare softly, your hand resting on your lower stomach.
Jack’s eyes flutter between your stomach and your face, in disbelief and he knows that the baby has to be his. “C-congratulations.” He chokes out, wanting to reach out for you but he curls his hand into a fist. “I- what can I do? What do you want from me, sugar? You want me to be involved? You want child support? I want to be involved, however you will let me. A baby? Really?”
You bite your lip, imagining him as a father, as your partner, but then you remember his drinking problem. “Jack…I can’t - you’re a drunk. You can’t be around a kid. I wouldn’t trust you.” You hate saying it but your baby has to come first. You’d been torn on having an abortion since your career was taking off and you’d broken up with Jack but the thought of losing the last piece of him was too much as you decided to keep the baby.
“I’ll quit drinkin’.” If that’s what it takes for you to let him in the baby’s life, he would. He would do anything. “I’ll go to rehab and pour every goddamn bottle down the drain.”
You stare into his eyes, “if you mean it, if you’ll go to rehab…you can be in this baby’s life. In my life. I love- I can’t - I love you so much and I want you to be mine but you - the drink and the music are your priorities.
“I’ll give it all up, baby.” Jack shakes his head and reaches for you. “Baby, I’ll give it all up for you. I’ll be a stay at home daddy if it means I get to have you and-“ Jack’s voice cracks. “Our baby. I love you, sugar. I don’t want to spend another minute without you.”
You let him pull you close, allowing yourself to snuggle into his chest, breathing him in. “I just want you to be there. Go to rehab and get sober and I’ll be waiting for you when you get home.” You promise, caressing his chest. “Our baby…our baby.” You grin and slide your hands up to cup his cheeks, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Jack hums, right before the sounds from the stadium registers. The call from the crowd for you and Jack. The fans not leaving and chanting your names over and over again and Jack realizes that the crew hadn’t turned off your mics so your entire conversation had been broadcasted to the concert. “Oops.” Jack huffs, unconcerned with them hearing his confession, it’s nothing that isn’t in his song. “Think we’ve gone public, sugar.”
You bury your face in his chest, slightly embarrassed that the crowd heard it all but you knew it would all come out eventually. “Do you- the duet we wrote…maybe now is the time to try it live?” You ask, looking at him while you bashfully smile.
“I think now would be the perfect time to showcase a brand new song, a duet that probably is more emotional than we ever really thought it was gonna be.” Now thinking of the words, it was everything unsaid between you while on his tour. “Are you ready, baby? We can do it if you want to.”
You nod, knowing the whole world will know about your relationship and you want to put your words out into the world before the press gets hold of it. “Let’s do it.” You say and squeeze his hand as he starts to escort you on stage. The crowd roars as you come on stage and the band watch from the sides as Jack takes the guitar and winks at you, leaning in to kiss your cheek as your fingers flex around the mic. Jack starts to play and you sing a verse each, singing the chorus together and performing the song that summerized your relationship so far.
Jack watches you the entire time, stars in his eyes as he sings. Showing the crowd and the entire world how he feels about you. He knows that it will go viral, the news and the video uploaded onto social media. But for now, he’s just singing to you.
You sing back, the crowd blurring into the background as you focus on Jack and how you feel. “I love you.” You mouth at Jack when he finishes the song. He winks at you and pulls you close, pressing his lips to yours and the crowd roars, shouting their approval and congratulations. You smile against Jack’s mouth, excited for what the futures brings. 
You sit there and look at Jack up on stage. He kept his promise and went to rehab, remaining sober from that day to this, and you watch him as he reads the prompter, dressed in a gorgeous suit you can’t wait to pull off of him later. You rub your bump and smile at him from your seat.
Jack beans into the camera, “and the winner for female breakout country artist is….” He fumbles with the envelope and lets out a whoop followed by your name. He had known you were going to win the CMT awards, he had told you that you were going to win when you had been nominated and then again when you were getting ready tonight. The other announcer claps and Jack is ecstatic as you come up and he rushes down to the edge of the stage to help you up the few stairs since you are now almost due. “I knew it was you, sugar.”
You grin, waddling on stage and wearing sneakers under your dress. Jack guides you to the podium and squeezes your hand, leaning in to kiss you softly. “Congratulations.” He murmurs and you cup his cheek, “thank you, darling.” You whisper before you turn to the microphone. “Wow…um, when I was getting ready tonight, my husband said to me that I was going to win but I didn’t believe him. It’s been a wild year. Going out on tour and falling in love with Jack Daniels, recording an album, finding out I was pregnant and getting married. This year has been the best year of my life and this is the cherry on top. Thank you for this award and I’d like to dedicate it to the man who gave me everything after hearing me sing in a bar one night.” You turn towards Jack and lean in to kiss him, “I love you so much.” The audience claps and you take the award in your hand, grinning at the crowd. “Now…you gonna take me home?” You ask Jack as you are escorted off stage.
“Always gonna take you home, sugar.” Jack presses his lips to yours and his hand caresses your stomach gently. “My country star of a wife deserves a hot bath to soak in and a foot rub by her adoring number one fan.” He coos, knowing that you will have your own kind of after party celebration. Together.
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