#was I too lazy to get out of my bed and go to my computer and open photoshop?
its-your-mind · 6 months
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shibalatte · 7 months
#i feel so useless#i literally do nothing other than indulge in impulsive behavior and ignore my problems#i feel like i can't do anything because what is there to do that would matter#i cant get myself out of my room or my house anymore#all i want to do is sit down at my computer and play games#i can't find a reason to get up and do something#everything feels out of my control because if i can't even get out of my house to go do something with my boyfriend#then how am i supposed to have motivation to get up in the morning and do something productive#i can't do anything helpful without being asked#i cant help with anything because i just lock myself in my room all day and dedicate myself to making a 20 year old game look nice#all i can do good is make old games look nice#and i only do that for myself#i don't want to remain like this forever#but i can't tell if im too lazy or too afraid to even try#i want to be with my friends#i want to be with my boyfriend#but all i can do is rot#and rot#and continue to rot into my bed and my desk chair until i'm far too unfit to even walk by myself#i don't want to become like my other family members#i want to go outside#i want to enjoy my life#but no matter how hard i try i can't seem to find any way to get myself up to do something#i used to be productive#i used to have a life#i used to go outside#i've just turned into a lazy#pathetic#shell of what i was before quarantine#the only things that make life worth living are my partner and my cats and my computer. i cant get myself out of this hole and its so hard
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yestrday · 7 months
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— YANDERE! MALEWIFE! GENSHIN AU part one | two | three | four
⇢ alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno
introducing ! at the altar decorated by the blooming lotus flowers, your wrist is bound to your husband with a red string and a promise of togetherness. while the people dance and sing in celebration of the newlywed, his eyes are on you and you only— possessive through and through, even in parabandhana.
[ surpriseeeeeeee yea you did not expect this did you yeah neither did I. i just sat on my computer and decided to be productive. also did not include baizhu and mika for now cuz I got lazy. ]
warning ! yandere behavior, drúgging, manipulation, mentions of locking you away and múrder
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— ADMONISHING INSTRUCTION. alhaitham | الهيثم
[ “sure, sure, i’ll clean up after you go. hm? i’m not being lazy at all, just enjoying my peace and quiet.”] 
⇢ my boy is living the dream life. no nosy seniors, demanding bosses, and curious co-workers. just him and his hardworking partner and the freedom to do his research at his own time. when you’re around, he tends to slack off (though he denies it) but he does his part of the chores anyway, so you don’t really have any complaints. he’d already been living the cushy life before, but now this lifestyle is more than comfortable.
⇢ he helps you out with your work when he sees you struggling, and he lets you use him as a soundboard to work out solutions. sometimes even lets you complain. keyword: sometimes. most of the time he’ll distract you with a movie or just bring you to the bed so the two of you can read a book together. unfortunately, his tolerance towards whining is very low (reminds him too much of a certain blonde), but he still loves you enough that he’s willing to let your stress out through other means.
⇢ marriage seems to have made him a bit of a romantic, though he’ll tell you that he’s stayed the same as he was when he was still your boyfriend. whenever you’re squinting at your computer screen in frustration, you’ll be caught offguard when he presses a tender kiss to your temple and sets down a mug of coffee next to you. or while you’re talking about something or another as you eat, he’ll clasp your hands in his and press a chaste kiss to each knuckle. these gestures has you blushing and stammering all the time, reverting you back to the naive student you were when you met him. this makes him a bit smug, so you often hit him in embarrassment.
⇢ he would never look down at you. marrying you means he has acknowledged you his equal, and to be fair he doesn’t really have a habit of looking down on others. however, when he sees some pesky flies fly a bit too close, he often gets too full of himself. someone trying to smooth talk you at the cafe? haitham’s not one for pda, but he’ll wrap a sturdy bicep around your waist and watch as the poor thing trembles from his gaze. 
⇢ haitham doesn’t always tell you this, but he admires you for a lot of things. but sometimes you get a bit too… irrational, and he knows that he has to be the one to bring you down sometimes. you’re not a kid, so you should know better. besides, haitham’s always been the more rational between the two of you. sometimes bordering on…heartless, but you never tell him that. you don’t have the heart to.
⇢ he’s often the decision-maker, most of the time not even asking you what you want. he says it’s not about want, he has to take the rational decision for the both of you. you’ve always been a little… dull. it’s an endearing trait, but it’s something that has to go away as you both age. he sees the hurt flash in your eyes when he tells you this, and he thinks he can make up for it with a gentle kiss between your pretty eyes. he loves you like his equal, really, but sometimes (most of the time) you need a good talking down to.
“so you’ll continue to let your brother exploit you, despite everything he’s done to you in the past?” haitham shuts his book and stares at you with a seemingly bored gaze. “you know you don’t need to give them that solicitation, right? he’s not worth it.”
“it– it’s not about him, haitham, believe me!” you plead with him. “i’m, i’m doing this for his wife, okay? she doesn’t deserve to deliver a baby in his dingy apartment with no professionals around. it’s not fair! just because my brother was a díck doesn’t mean she deserves the cold shoulder too! have some compassion for once!” he rolls his eyes and gets up, towering above some good inches. his eyes look down at you, but his hand rests heavy on your shoulder as if trying to calm you down. “it’s not about compassion, dear. it’s about being rational. once your brother sees you softening, he’ll start asking for more and more and more and well, we know what kind of person you are.” you open your mouth to retort, but he shakes his head. “you’re too soft, [y. name]. chasing around the affection of others… you don’t have to do that anymore.”
[ “this is for the both of us. i’m sure you can’t tell now, but sooner or later, you’ll thank me.” ]
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[ “you’re the — hic!— the best thing’s that ever happened to me! of– of course i’m crying! i’m not heartless!” ] 
⇢ for kaveh, your marriage was both a blessing and a cause of distress to him. a blessing, of course, because what sane man would not want to get married to you! his darling, light of his life, the one who tolerates his flaws more than any other person on teyvat! but at the same time, he can’t just let you shoulder his burdens! he can’t give you the luxury you deserve to have, you don’t deserve to be saddled with his debt, it’s– it’s just not fair!
⇢ with kaveh’s sense of aesthetics and talent for architecture, you two will have the prettiest home around! it is a must for this architect to gift you with the prettiest home you’ve ever laid eyes on. sure, he can’t give you the grandiose mansion that you deserve even with both of your savings joined, but a master architect will make the most of what he has. this is the place where he’ll make memories with you, where you’ll grow a family and your chi… children (?!??!!!!) will live. it has to be as beautiful as you.
⇢ complains like you’d never believe. he’s always been chatty, but he gets even chattier after a disagreement with a client or a run-in with a certain someone or when he hears whispers of your horrendous workplace. to anyone else, his overdramatic flair might be a bit too much to handle, but you can’t help but listen with amusement as your husband drones on and on and on and embellishing his rants with over-the-top remarks. nevertheless, in the case that you do get weary, just press a kiss on his lips— it will surely leave him an incoherent mess in no time.
⇢ a bit too eager for your praise. it’s not like people don’t praise him all the time, but it’s only your approval that he cares for. when he makes a meal that he’s proud of, he’s squirming nervously in the seat across you as he watches you take bite after bite. when he finished his part of the chores, he tends to be a bit clingy with you as he tries to fish for compliments. it’s your choice to cave in so easily or play around with him, but when you do utter a compliment, know that you’ll be left with a gooey pile of mush cuddling into you.
⇢ on the other hand, kaveh absolutely cannot handle fights with you. fighting is a normal thing between couples, but he gets so absolutely wrecked it’s unreal. your look of disappointment, the glare you gave him, the fed-up sigh when you push him away and say that you need some time away from him… they all drive him insane. he curses himself, wondering why’d he have to go and open his stupid mouth and fuck everything up. you’re not wrong, never wrong, and it should be him to take the blame. the longer the fight, the more his wellness and self-confidence cracks. it’s a common sight to see him groveling on the ground, for your forgiveness, begging for you to notice him again. the sight is so pathetic that you can’t bear to look away.
⇢ the most insecure husband to ever exist and grows even worse with every fight you two might have had in the past. anyone who approaches you has him tensing up and tightening his grip on you, but a raised brow from you has him reluctantly loosening his grip and shamefully looking away. he’s plagued with thoughts of you leaving (because why would you stay with a wreck like him?) and overthinks every friendly gesture you give towards anyone who isn’t him (is that how you smile with someone who isn’t a complete fool?). he’s a pushover and craves your love and attention the most. if you love being an asshole and having someone completely around your finger, there’s no perfect husband to get more than kaveh.
“kaveh…” you start hesitantly, brows furrowed as you put a hand on his shoulder. “kaveh… there’s really no need for you to do all this.” but despite your gentle words, it only makes kaveh flinch and bury his weeping face even more into your chest. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” he keeps whispering with a voice ragged from the amount of apologies he’s repeated. “i won’t do it again. whatever i’ve done please just forgive me. i can’t, i can’t stand it!” he looks up at you and that pretty face of his is ruined with tears. “please come back to me. you don’t have to sleep at that inn anymore. i can’t handle you not being with me anymore.” your grip on his shoulder tightens, and your expression seems to twist between a grimace and guilt. the only reason you stayed at an inn was because you were a coward, and you couldn’t handle watching kaveh break down as he beats himself up for a mistake that you caused. this fight was your fault to begin with, but the only one ruined was the innocent one. “i… i forgive you, dear,” you hushedly whisper, with the audacity of a man who did nothing but take advantage. “i forgive you. no matter what you’ve done.” and when he brightens up and smiles so prettily, your heart squeezes in your chest as he pulls you into a kiss sweeter than you deserve.
[ “wh… what are you apologizing for…? there’s no need to look at me like that…! you can blame me all you like!” ]
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— VERDANT STRIDER. tighnari | الطغنري
[ “once again, i told you not to eat your boss’ baking! no, i don’t care if they looked nice! they. are. poisonous!” ]
⇢ he’s more at ease now that he doesn’t have to tolerate idiots who think eating poisonous mushrooms recklessly count as experiments or co-workers who tell him stupid jokes all the time. it’s a less stressful environment now… at least, that’s what he thinks. so why do you keep coming home barely alive?! you’ll find tighnari fussing over you and nagging at your office’s poor working environment.
⇢you’ll have the prettiest garden in the whole neighborhood, if not the whole world! the research data he can acquire from the plants in his backyard is limited, so it’s mostly a hobby of his. of course, he doesn’t just grow whatever there! there’s tons of medicinal herbs growing there and there’s a shed you both built where he can experiment wherever he likes. whenn you’re off work, you like to idle the time away in the garden while tighnari is hard at work on another of his concoctions. simply admiring his focused face is enough to put the stress of work behind you, and you think it’d be prettier if you tucked a flower behind his ear. but you never learn, do you? he launches off to another lecture about why you shouldn’t pluck flowers thoughtlessly while you daydream about his pretty face.
⇢ please please please don’t bring him to any work parties, lest you want to see the entire world burn. he still has that dry sarcasm that you oh so love, but he’s ruthless when it comes to your boss and your more unpleasant co-workers. if any of them try to act chummy with you, he immediately raises a brow and gives them the side-eye. he combats whatever fake-ass comment they have with a dry retort, leaving you panicking and trying him to stop it. but no one stops tighnari in verbal combat, and before long he’s revealed your boss’ and co-workers' vulnerabilities and have them deflating like a balloon.
⇢ tighnari always knows how to make the perfect brew, his teas always the perfect blend of both taste and remedy. it’s too bad though, that you always fall asleep before you can manage to finish a single pot. whenever you awake from a tea-induced slumber, your body feels strangely heavy but you can’t complain about the sleep. your husband is always the first thing you see from these naps, his fluffy tail wrapped around your legs and his big eyes staring intently at your face.
⇢ whenever he mixes in the drugs in your food or tea, tighnari’s tail swishes back and forth as he begins thinking of your cute expressions while you’re half-sober. sometimes he doesn’t put the usual dose and instead just halves it, just to see you flailing to get a grip on your senses and reaching out to your oh-so-innocent husband for help. he often chastises himself for this… dirty behavior, but the devil in his mind gleefully reminds him that this counts as research. the test subject just happened to be his trusting partner for life.
⇢ tighnari isn’t above imprisonment. it’s less for the thought of protecting you and more for his personal benefit. he likes to tell himself this is strictly research, but he can’t deny the awestruck look on his face as he greedily eats up every expression of your drugged face. when you grasp onto his clothes and lean on him for support… it makes him shudder with delight. you’re so cute when your system is laced with drugs, and even cuter when you look at him like he’s your entire world. he wants you to rely on him… and in turn, he wants to abuse that over reliance.
“you look better like this,” he murmurs as he brushes your freshly bathed hair. your figure is slumped in your chair like a doll, which isn’t far from the truth from how he handles you like one. he holds you gently, like porcelain, but you don’t react. you are too knocked out from the dose he had slipped into your tea awhile ago. he leans into your face, tutting at the dark circles under your eyes. “look at this… clear neglect of your health. i keep telling you to sleep, but you never listen to me, do you?” he sighs before focusing his attention back to your hair. “you’re so stubborn sometimes, you know. i barely know what to do with you.” he spends the next few moments in silence, rubbing cream into and ointments into your face. you smell slightly of lemongrass now, thanks to the bath he’s given you. tomorrow when you wake up, you will marvel at the softness of your skin and the clearness of your mind, before you throw yourself into another week of overwork. like always. tighnari regrets giving you the sleeping drug now. maybe he should’ve added a dose of the aphrodisiac drug he’s just finished. with the way his feline eyes zero into your blissful face and the eager swaying of his tail, he can just barely hold himself back now.
[ “aaah, i’ve run out of your meds again. oh, don’t you worry, i’ll make you some more. it’s nice how your body is so… receptive to my medicine ♡” ]
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— JUDICATOR OF SECRETS. cyno | κύων 
[ “... we’re married… …what? i honestly didn’t think i’d come this far.” ]
⇢while there’s no other man you could imagine to spend the rest of your life with, you’re inwardly groaning about the amount of dad jokes you have to put up with later on in life. sure, you love cyno’s goofy lil personality, but you think you can only take too many stupid jokes before you go crazy. you voice this concern to cyno, who just gives you a reassuring hand on your shoulder and says he can handle you just fine if you do. you’re not quite sure what this implies.
⇢ quite sulky, but he refuses to own up to the fact. sometimes you get a little distracted with one of the neighborhood children, start chatting up one of the kind neighbors, or meet one of your co-workers. you tend to get a little bit distracted by them, and while cyno believes that he’s not overly bothered by this, he admits that he is a little bit miffed about you not paying attention to them. he also gets pouty when work starts taking up of your time and you start to neglect him, so expect him to just shut the laptop close and demand you to eat dinner with him without rushing to get your job done. 
⇢ he used to scare the neighborhood kids away with just one look and you always had to comfort him and pat him on the back in sympathetic understanding. “maybe you’ll get them next time,” you had joked, handing him an ice cream as he sulked on the park’s bench. “one of your jokes should do the trick.” you really shouldn’t have suggested that, because after another trip to the park he stared those kids down with his same stoic expression and cracked one of the corniest jokes known to man. every kid looked at him like he was stupid. now no one takes him seriously. well, at least they like playing with him now???
⇢ overprotective, like over overprotective. he knows you can handle going outside the house on your own, and hell, he might have no qualms with your workplace. but the more you complain, the more paranoid he gets until he’s staking out the site for himself. touchy co-workers? cruel bosses? he could easily have their corpses fed to the dogs. he is a protector of justice, after all, and what is justice but not killing those who lay a hand on their partner?
⇢ it’s not very easy to just push him over the edge, but he can and has the will to lock you away. it’s the modern world, no one’s going to have it out for a salary worker slaving day in and out for a corporation, but still. he’s made plenty of enemies when he was still in the force and there’s a paranoia eating at him whenever you go out of the front door. when he does lock you away, he’s as gentle as he can be, even with the stench of blood all over him. this is all for your sake after all, and he couldn’t bear to see you hurt when he had the power of protecting you.
“cy,” you huff in exasperation, looking up from your laptop as he glares down at you from behind it. “what in the world are you talking about? they’re my co-worker, my superior. you can’t just tell me to stop talking to them. i need their help!” “what help could you possibly need from them when you have me?” he huffs back, crossing his arms. “i’m telling you. they’re dangerous. i… i just know it, okay?” “what could a retired general possibly know about handling excel sheets?” when his face falters, you sigh and shut the laptop closed. “look, i know you just want to protect me and i appreciate that, really. but come on, cy, don’t be unreasonable.” the pressed line of his lips tells you that he has something against being called that, but you press on. “the company does background checks on their employees. it’s safe, i promise.” you press a kiss on his cheek and smile at him. “sit here and calm yourself down, okay? i’ll handle dinner tonight.” he watches your back as you disappear into the kitchen, humming a bright tune that offsets the stormy look in his eyes. he could tell you all about his time in the workforce— the violations he’s made, the blood on his hands, and the enemies he’s made— but he won’t. not if it means breaking this beautiful life he’s created with you. but that’s okay, that’s fine. he’s been trained to adapt to the situation and to work with the shadows.
[ “even if you don’t have a care in the world… i’ll be right behind you. wherever. whenever.” ]
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earlysunshines · 5 months
im nayeon x fem!reader ; smut!! 
synopsis: your roommate is aware that you hate her and she likes irritating you but oh no she just now realizes you’re hot and wants you so bad
warnings: kinda porn w no plot ; smut!!! ; mentions of alcohol ; hate fucking(???) ; degradation kinda ; insulting each other as they fuck yesss ; face riding ; comp sci major!reader *shivers and shakes* ; fwb-ish but not really ; nayeon is umm lowk manipulative but only if you squint , maybe? ; not proofread as always
wc: 5.1k
a/n: computer science major slander (i'm jealous) and also i don’t like the pacing but oh well maybe u guys will (i'd be such a great writer if i weren’t lazy af... )
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with a groan, you lift yourself off the bed after hearing a loud thud. tiredly, you blindly reach for your phone and check for the time with squinted eyes: 1:04am. 
a low “fuck” leaves your lips while you struggle to sit up, still hearing the impact of bodies crashing against the walls and the faint sounds of a woman and man groaning through the bedroom door.  
nayeon is home. 
this is a bi-weekly occurrence; your roommate nayeon stumbles into the apartment all hot and heavy from the alcohol that was in her system, and then you can hear her getting all intimate—against your will—with some random person she’s found at the various clubs she cycles through. to be completely honest, you don’t care for her midnight rendezvous, just as long as they don’t bother you. 
however, this night she’s bothered you greatly; you’re fucking irritated. 
just when you had finally sought solace in the arms of sleep after hours of laboring over a project, your few minutes of rest are abruptly shattered by the intrusion of nayeon. —all drunk and insatiable—who’s barging into your room whilst some average guy latches onto her neck. he doesn’t look like he knows what he’s doing, but it doesn’t matter because nayeon’s senses are too fucked to really pay attention to that. 
“get the hell out of my room.” you yell angrily towards the two. to say you were annoyed would be an overwhelming understatement, you were furious. 
“ah—fuck, sorry y/n,” she responds, voice all airy and light whilst the man’s hand slides down to play with the edge of her dress. “wrong room baby, let’s go.” she says whilst pushing the man off her a bit, much to his dismay. 
they both leave the room, still attached to each other with their hands roaming and gripping at anything. to make matters even worse; they didn’t close the door behind them. 
“fucking whore.” you scoff, falling back down on your bed and groaning.  
im nayeon is an indescribable pain in your ass and unfortunately, she also happens to be your roommate. 
for the most part, you generally pride yourself on your composure and tolerance, but living with nayeon has truly put your patience to the test. she's irresponsible and unreliable, which regularly pushes you to your limits. you find yourself frustrated sharing an apartment with someone who’s always falling hort of your expectations. she's falling far from them, really, and it’s almost impressive. 
she has a knack for disappearing into the lurking in the apartment while you're away, often entertaining friends and leaving behind a mess in her wake. the audacity she possesses to neglect simple chores like doing the dishes or tidying up after herself borders on infuriating, you’re fighting the urge to bodyslam her into the mattress sometimes. it's as though she expects the cleaning fairy to magically swoop in and restore order while you're left to pick up the pieces of her irresponsibility, maybe she thinks you’re the fucking cleaning fairy. 
living with her was hell, you don’t even know how she managed to keep up with her courses and stay sane with how she lived her life. she was a pretentious, sassy little thorn stuck in your skin. 
but still, there are two things that keep you tethered to the apartment, even if it's a bit embarrassing to admit on factor. one: the rent is cheaper, and your shared living space is nice. two: nayeon’s fucking hot. 
the truth is: nayeon is the epitome of physical allure, the hottest person you've ever laid eyes on. as much as you resent her for her shortcomings, you find yourself unable to ignore the pull of her undeniable visuals, which whispers against the urge to pack your bags and leave.  
you despised the stupid allure of her face, the way her figure teased and tempted, and the fact that she held the power to have you on your knees if she poked you in the right ways. it grated on your nerves to know that you weren't the only one drawn to her; half the campus seemed to be either enamored with her, aspiring to be her, or eager to get into her pants. and she wielded her beauty like a weapon, using her "pretty privilege" to her advantage.  
the feeling you had towards her was bitter, but the attraction you had made things complicated. 
it was easy to mask your little attraction for your pretentious roommate with annoyed comments and irritated glares, but deep inside you wanted her in ways that you could never admit out loud. countless daydreams and very questionable thoughts about her invaded your mind at the worst times possible, espeically when she was near. 
your irritation mixed with attraction was mutual. nayeon felt the same way about you; what a match. 
at first, nayeon found herself irritated by your stuck-up demeanor and seemingly perfect self. your involvement in various extracurricular activities, dedication to your studies, and honestly majoring in computer science major as a whole contributed to her initial impression of you as someone who had it all together. it was a stark contrast to her own carefree attitude and laid-back approach to everything, which built friction between the two of you. 
(nayeon could never do all of that, study for hours and keep her shit together. and god, especially watching you type for two hours straight already made her head swirl. how does someone do that without losing their shit? she wonders if you’re okay) 
from nayeon's perspective, you were nothing more than a stuck-up bitch in her shared home, always fussing over cleanliness like a relentless clean freak. it striked a nerve every time you scolded her for leaving behind a couple of dishes or a few stray bottles of alcohol. if it bothered you so much, why not just pick up after yourself instead of constantly complaining? 
despite the irritation you stirred within her, nayeon couldn't deny the undeniable truth: you were actually pretty cute for a nerdy, uptight roommate. in fact, she'd even go as far as to admit that you were pretty hot. 
nayeon has seen the people in the computer science department, most of them are men who look like they’ve never spoken to a woman or gone outside for more than thirty minutes a day. you on the other hand were quite the sight, someone nayeon would describe as “eye candy.” 
and yeah, she kind of overlooked the fact that you were her type after you had yelled at her so much, but then there was this one little moment that changed her mind. maybe she could tolerate you more. 
(maybe nayeon had to put looks first in this case.) 
some thursday afternoon, while you typically would be found either buried in books at the library or enjoying the afternoon at a café, nayeon found herself in a predicament—she couldn't find one of her favorite t-shirts. with frustration growing, she decided to take matters into her own hands and went into your room to see if it had somehow ended up there, given that you were supposed to be out.  
to her surprise, she discovered that you were most definitely home, a fact that caught her completely off guard—especially when you’re home in your room, in the middle of taking your pants off. 
she barges into your room to see you with your shirt off and the fly of your pants down, revealing some of the logo of your victoria’s secret underwear. your cheeks flush a dark hue of red when you realize she’s invaded your privacy, and you quickly cover your chest—which, is already covered since you have a bra on, but god is this whole situation embarrassing.  
after you literally push her out the door—slamming it shut with embarrassment—nayeon stands outside the door with a newfound interest.  
nayeon couldn't fathom that someone who dedicated their sanity to lines of numbers and letters on a screen could look so good. there was something mesmerizing about the subtle groove tracing down your stomach, hinting at the definition of your abs, or the glimpse of your bicep as you hastily covered yourself and scolded her for intruding, maybe even the hint of muscle on your shoulders. whatever it was—all nayeon knew was that the little mishap of you not locking the door and giving her the chance see you like that piqued her interest without doubt. 
and after seeing you half naked? the image of you, with your shirt off and the hint of your physique tantalizingly on display? holy shit you had her fantasizing a little (a lot) more than she already had been; she needed some of her fantasies to come true.  
your roommate had already been attentive to your quick—and evident—glances on her body and her lips. she also noted the subtle bite of your lips when she swayed by, your eyes barely caught her, but she noticed it all. getting her fantasies to become a reality seemed easy enough—probably—and she was determined to make it all happen.  
she knew she already had you starting to wrap around her finger, just by those observations, so it should be easy enough to get you hot and heavy, right? 
“oh look who’s finally fucking awake.” you mutter, turning around to see the hungover, marked up woman emerging from the hall.  
nayeon rolls her eyes at you like always and simply responds, “oh shut up, don’t be a drag.” 
“i’m a drag? i’m not the one barging in at one in the morning the same night my roommate stays up to actually do their school shit. not only that, but that fucking guy—” 
“was a terrible kisser,” nayeon cuts you off, pinching the bridge of her nose. “i kicked him out so can you please just—” 
“no!” you scoff, surprising nayeon with this burst of anger. you’re much more irritated than usual, which is weird. nayeon suspects that it’s because she’s never accidentally stumbled into your room, and to be fair; this was kind of intentional.  
you see, nayeon thought that if she could make you a little jealous, it’d increase the chances of you intervening. just what she wanted. 
“i couldn’t fucking sleep and i have a really important assessment today.” 
“yeah yeah, move over i need some tea.” nayeon says tiredly. upon hearing her response, you clench your jaw tightly and lean against the marble counter, gripping it with one hand tightly to suppress your annoyance. 
your roommate looks at you and a laugh slips out accidentally. after hearing that, there's probably a vein visible on your forehead, maybe your neck—somewhere. 
that was your last straw. 
angrily, you lift yourself off the counter and swiftly advance towards nayeon, pinning her against the fridge with force. the impact reverberates through her as her back meets the cold surface, while you lean in closer, your eyes narrowing with intensity.  
now, this should not be turning nayeon on—she’s going to blame it on her hangover and whatnot, and maybe the fact that whoever that guy was and whatever he did didn’t really satitate her—but it does.  
with barely an inch of space separating you, your height advantage allows you to tilt your head down, locking eyes with nayeon with a glare. the tension crackles between you like a firework, it’s thick and palpable, your look shows restrained anger. despite how furious you look, there's an unexpected allure to you, drawing nayeon in even as she senses the little reprimanding you’ll give her. 
“don’t give me that fucking attitude nayeon. you’re fucking unbelievable, you’re a fucking slut, you know?” 
“yeah?” she says, a smirk tugging at her pretty, plump lips.  
you feel your body tense as soon as you start to take in the proximity of the two of you. gulping lightly, you move yourself away just an inch, but nayeon pauses you, pinching your collar. 
“oh don’t get so timid now, you were just fuming earlier pretty.” she laughs. “keep going. this is cute, i like this. what did you call me again?” 
as nayeon's eyes flicker from yours to your lips and back again, the tension between you is like pushing down on a spring, and it’s about to pop back up any moment. sensing an opportunity, nayeon skillfully navigates her way out of the looming scolding, her allure becoming a potent weapon against your mood. she begins to weave her charm, coaxing a reluctant softening in your expression. despite your initial anger, you find yourself drawn to her, you can’t let yourself slip up, not now, not when she’s the reason you might fail your assessment. 
“you’re— you’re so... fucking irritating…” you mumble the last part of your sentence, voice getting smaller. you push yourself away from her and shake your head, trying to conceal your blush. nayeon giggles before going back to making her tea, the tension in the air like an invisible weight pressing down on you, and this whole morning might just completely flatten you down from how distracting it’ll be the whole day. 
nayeon’s relieved, at least you’re not scolding her while she dips her chamomile bag in and out her little mug of hot water. 
the day is filled with the events of the morning, with you struggling to finish various lines of code because the feeling of nayeon toying with your collar lingers, and nayeon trying to force the thought of you finally snapping in her head. 
seems like the two of you are trying to avoid the same thought, despite how badly you two want it. 
it's palpable that there’s something in the air that needs to be swatted away, and nayeon knows you’re too much of a coward to really do anything about it, so she’ll figure somethign out.  
one thing about im nayeon: she always gets her way, no questions asked, no matter what it takes. 
nayeon finds you on the couch typing away later that night, probably doing some homework. 
nayeon plops down next to you, intending to tease and push you over the edge. you turn your head after feeling the cushions under you shift, immediately grimacing once you see your roommate. 
“what do you want?” 
“what, i can’t sit next to my roommate?” nayeon questions, “i’m just going to watch tv, if you don’t like it you can leave.”  
“whore.” you mutter under your breath, quiet enough so she doesn’t catch what you say.  
your roommate lounges lazily on the couch and rests her head against the armrest. as she reclined, her hair spilled over, framing her face like a halo. nayeon's gaze wandered lazily around the room before settling on the tv, and with a languid movement, she turned to lay fully, bending her legs so they didn't intrude into your personal space. 
your jaw tensed, a visceral reaction to the sight before you. the light from the tv in the dimmed room accentuated the allure of nayeon's figure. you couldn't help but steal a glance, your attention momentarily torn away from your screen by the annoyingly captivating vision in your periphery. 
casual sweatpants adorned her figure, the looseness of the bottoms from brandy allowing for comfort yet teasingly hinting at the eye-catching curves of her terribly alluring figure beneath. the fit of her tank top—cropped just enough to expose a sliver of her toned midriff—effortlessly made your gaze linger. the fabric clung to her silhouette in all the right places, revealing the subtle contours that sent a subtle jolt through the room and your veins. you completely forgot about pretending to be irritated in that brief trance. 
the tank top, snug against her skin, revealed a gentle dip of her collarbone, an enticing invitation that you took note of. the image staying in your head even as your attention returned to your screen. a flush settled on your cheeks as you tried to focus again. the ambiance of the room, however, remained penetrated with the downplayed sensuality that lingered in the air. you huff lowly. she's winning whatever game this is without even trying. 
after typing at your laptop for a bit, you hear the faint sound of people talking in the background. you look up from the screen and see some show playing, then turn to see nayeon’s head turned toward the tv.  
shaking your head, you redirect your attention back to the assignment in front of you; the task is quite easy, but it’s insanely tedious and for some strange reason nayeon’s presence isn’t helping you. 
nayeon shifts on the couch and sits upright against the cushion, you don’t bat an eye. your roommate is sick of you being academic, she’s bored and wants your attention. needs it, maybe. 
“when’s that due?”  
without turning your head, you respond, “next week.” 
“why do it now?” 
“why do you care?” your tone is impatient. “and besides, it’s better to get things done earlier.” 
“nerd.” nayeon sighs. she scoots over and peers at your screen, putting her hand down beside you to prop herself up and when she leans over, her boob smushes against your arm a little.  
you glare at her. “aren’t you usually out? it’s a friday night.” 
she shrugs. “didn’t feel like it.” and after she scans the screen one more time, she leans away (to your dismay) and continues on with whatever drama she had been watching.  
the thought of her boob being smushed against you lingers, embarassingly it’s almost tattooed in your mind for the next half an hour. 
when you finish your assignment, that’s when you let out a big, hefty breath and close your laptop.  
nayeon's annoyingly melodic giggle dances in the air as you sink into the plush couch, surrendering to its embrace that eases the pain in your shoulders. after savoring your few seconds of tranquility, your thoughts drift to the comfort awaiting you in your bedroom, your bed, peace and quiet, being enveloped by the blanket.  
as you start to stand up, a delicate yet firm grip clings to your forearm, delaying your departure. nayeon's touch, like a sirens call, invites you to linger, gently coaxing you to stay a little longer. 
she bats her eyelashes at you. “stay here.”  
you brows knit. “why would i stay with you?”  
“watching shows alone is boring, and i know your ass isn’t going anywhere tonight.” 
you groan in response and decide to give in—you might as well lounge on the couch for a bit—earning a smug smile from your roommate. she unpauses her show and you allow yourself to ease into the cushion, then watch with her (against your will), only to immediately tense up at the scene that unravels before your eyes. 
two girls appear on screen, and they’re kissing each other.  
they’re close, kissing, and then fifteen seconds pass and boom—they’re eating each other’s mouths sloppily, groaning and everything, tongue and all. you shift in your seat when you feel a weird pulse down at your core. 
“y/n,” nayeon starts, “have you ever even kissed someone?” 
“of course i have.” you respond, crossing your arms.  
nayeon turns her head in surprise and tilts her head. “seriously?” 
“yes, is it that surprising?” 
“well, you’re always cooped up in the house and whatnot… didn’t think you had any game.” 
“i hooked up with someone last month for your information. i'm not a homebody.” 
“yeah? sure, you did.” she laughs, shaking her head. you roll your eyes at her. 
“fuck you.” you mutter, keeping your eyes on the tv and watching the two girls undress each other. “do you always watch shit like this?” 
“why, does it turn you on or something?” nayeon asks, shifting closer to you. a lump forms in your throat. 
you shoot a quick glare at her and lie, “no.” 
nayeon laughs in amusement after pink dusts your cheeks. “you seem pretty flustered baby.” 
what the fuck? 
as you meet her gaze, a wave of surprise washes over you, mirroring the hunger that burns in her eyes. nayeon's laughter tumbles from her lips, enchanting and playful, as she places her hand delicately on the couch. leaning towards you, she ignites a spark that makes your heart skip a beat. feeling a sudden urge to be closer, you subtly shift in your seat, captivated by the exhilarating simplicity of the moment and giving into nayeon’s intentions. 
“i don’t believe you.” she says. 
“you’ve never kissed someone, hell, like you could even fuck someone.” 
“excuse me?” 
she just laughs at the mix of emotions coming from you; your cheeks are dusted pink, but your tone and expression displays that regular irritated look of yours. 
then she bites the corner of her lip, finally easing into the reason she even bothered you in the first place. she leans a little closer, lips hovering near your ear lobe, and giggles again. 
“how about you prove that you’ve fucked someone, hm?” nayeon suggests, raising her brows. “that you even can.” 
your breath trembles slightly, you’re stiff in your place. 
“if it’ll shut you up then... fine.” 
she clicks her tongue, then pulls away from your ear. now she’s looking at you with a shit eating grin, you want to wipe it off her face. 
the air stilled, your breath shook, and nayeon’s hand inches to your forearm. her other hand grabs the collar of your shirt, pulling you in and your lips meet in the middle. 
she tastes like cherry, well, her lip gloss does. 
your hand finds its way to the back of her neck, pushing her deeper into you so your lips can hungrily slide and suck and gosh, everything, all of the above, both a and c, you name it. 
the last thing you had on your mind for the friday night was kissing your roommate aggressively. initially, you were just going to finish the assignment and take a nap or something, but this? it’s much better than what you had planned originally. 
nayeon practically takes your breath away after simply kissing you, just the way your lips lock makes you greedy. you groan accidentally, embarassed until you have nayeon groaning into you too, even louder for that matter. 
you pull away for a brief moment, voice a little shaky and out of breath. “is this why you bothered me? are you that horny that you wanted me to fuck you?” 
“oh shut up, it’s not like you’re against it.” nayeon’s right, you’re not. not in the slightest. 
“fuck you” is uttered from your lips before you crash your lips against her again, taking the air from her lungs again. 
the kissing quickly escalates and your tongues are in each other’s mouths. you’re both unashamedly moaning and groaning into each other carelessly, it’s funny how quickly everything escalated within seconds, the boundaries between whatever you two had dissolved like sugar in boiling water. you shift yourselves over so that nayeon is under you, both your knees on either side of her legs. you reach over for the remote to pause the two girls who were mirroring the two of you—well, the two of you started going at it after they did so maybe it was the two of you mirroring them. 
each subsequent kiss felt as electrifying as the crackle of sparks dancing in a bonfire. the more nayeon deepened the kiss the more it drove you crazy, irrationally enough to continue kissing her and slip your hands under her shirt. 
nayeon sighs blissfully as you kiss down her neck, her fingers tangle with your hair while she claws at it aggressively, and still, the pain from her grabbing your hair only turns you on more. 
“fuck,” she groans when you suck on her neck, sinking her nails into your tricep. 
“slut.” you mutter, smirking against her. “so easy to rile up.” 
unashamedly, nayeon begs and begs for you until you’re biting down on her skin, repeatedly uttering your name until you’re leaving marks that’ll have her friends wondering who ruined her this time—and this time, it’s not some person she’s run into at the bar while tipsy. 
still, she could get drunk just off of you. 
you start to undress her, starting with her top and taking a moment to gaze at her undeniably alluring figure. strands of hair just barely stick to her forehead as she gazes at you breathlessly with eyes full of lust. she moves her slender fingers to work at the edge of your shirt, urging you to take that stupid t-shirt you have on off so she can get a sight of your surprisingly exciting figure. maybe she’ll get a better, longer view of what she had seen that night she walked in on you changing. 
“fuck, why have you been hiding this?” she mutters, sliding her hand down your side. “god you fucking bitch.” 
“if i didn’t you’d be all over me, you fucking horny mess.” you spit back harshly, but the way you moan when nayeon latches her lips onto your neck completely rids of that fake, irritated tone of yours.  
nayeon ends up on top of you in a matter of seconds, thenyou’re groping her ass shamelessly as you two devour each other’s mouths again. hands tug at whatever else covers your bodies until it’s just the two of you skin to skin. everything that had just happened in the span of ten minutes was for sure ten times better than whatever else had been going on in the movie. 
you can feel her grinding desperately against your thigh as you kiss her, feeling the moisture from her needy cunt that dampens your once-dry upper leg. you palm her breasts blindly and feel her gasp against you, and then nayeon forgets how to breath when you press your thigh up and against her, adding more stimulus. 
she moans frustratedly, the feeling of just your thigh against her throbbing pussy is far from what she needs. so, she’s putting her hand on the middle of your chest and pushing you down to lay flat on your back. she bites her lip blatantly before lifting her hips away from your skin. 
you furrow your brows in confusion and begin, “what are you—” 
“shut up,” she grunts, shoving one hand in your head and gripping your hair so rough that you whimper. she shifts over so that her pussy is directly above your mouth and orders: “just eat, bitch.” 
this is something you can’t argue with her about, and fuck you’re hungry.  
there’s a meal waiting for you that you’ve been craving, you can’t just lay there and starve. 
eagerly, you lift your head up a bit to meet the aching in between her legs; she’s so wet and you’re definitely teasing her about this later—but who knows how long it will take until it’s later. 
she moans louder than ever and it surprises the both of you, it only leaves you wanting more of her, wanting to hear her when she’s at her limit. your nails sink into the flesh of her thigh as you devour ravenously, taking note of what makes her twitch more and what earns lewder noises. what earns noises that turn you on more than ever. 
it doesn’t surprise you how shameless she is during sex—clearly, she isn’t ashamed of seducing her roommate—the way she rides your face so desperately gives you enough to know how she is. 
nayeon likes when you suck on her clit, she grips your hair tighter with each “pop” sound that’s made after you release the suction. she’s easy to read, her cunt is easy to adjust to. 
“fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” nayeon moans, leaning back little while she continues to ride, head tilted back and face almost parallel to the ceiling. “god-- fuck, oh my—shit, keep going,” 
you can see her tits from your view, nipples all perked up while you grip onto her thighs tighter, feeling her shake in your grasp.  
nayeon's like an alarm clock, ticking and ticking away until the alarm rings, her cry echoing through the room, hand gripping at your hair tighter than ever as her head falls back. you continue to savor her arousal even after she came, earning little whines and whispers of your name. 
“oh, y/n, just like that...”  
you're doing all the work now, which only helps with your aversion towards her, but still, you’ve made her moan, cry—all of the above, so at least there’s something to use against her. 
and then she lifts herself off of you, letting your head rest back against the seat of the couch so you can catch your breath.  
when she looks down, all she can make out through fuzzy vision and overwhelmed senses is the puff of your lips, hooded eyes, and fucked up hair; everything about the sight of you is a product of her desires, a fantasy that’s been lingering in her mind now come true. 
“slut,” you mutter, almost breathlessly. “you’re really loud, you know.”  
“fuck you.” 
“already did.” you retort, giggling. “let’s go for another.” 
“oh so now look who’s a horny mess.” nayeon responds, moving over to sit on your lap. 
you sit up, holding yourself up with your hands placed behind you. “you just never shut up, do you?” 
nayeon smiles before tracing her finger along your skin. “do you me want to?” 
you look at her amusingly before shifting positions so she’s laying down flat on her back, with you hovering above. the two of you kiss again, nayeon savoring a the traces of arousal off you, a muffled hum of delight vibrating against your locked lips. 
she pulls away, thumbing your nipple and making you groan surprisingly. you pull away to glare at her. 
nayeon laughs, “wow, you’re so--” 
you cut her off by shoving your ring and middle finger in her mouth, she almost gags, but the way she sucks obediently is enough to tell you that she’s enjoying this. 
“you just never shut up,”  
in response, she moans with your fingers still in your mouth, right before you pull them out, skin coated with her saliva. 
you bring your fingers down to her cunt, teasing her folds. 
“let’s change that.” 
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tealvenetianmask · 2 months
So despite hating himself, Blitz is confident about sex and about work, right?
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Where did all of that confidence go? It's a fun kind of confidence that takes us along for the ride and makes us want to see what he'll do next, and I miss it. Not to mention, seeing him start to break down is a little too relatable.
I've seen a lot of good analysis recently about how and why Blitz's mask is slipping. He's been shaken to the core by everything that happened with Stolas, and now he can't maintain the facade of confidence that's been getting him through daily life.
Recent events have made me think differently about Blitz's hallucination in Truth Seekers. Yes, it shows us lots of fear of relationships- of hurting and being hurt. But the insecurity in particular is standing out to me a lot more now.
Take these quotes from hallucination-Moxxie (actually Blitz's own psyche speaking):
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First quote: "I simply follow your orders. It isn't my fault if your orders are as nonsensical as a sun tanning bed left out on the cold rainy porch of a fresh April shower."
Second quote: "you don't know what you are doing half the time and depend on me and the missus to manage your foolish flights of fancy."
I want to point out before getting into the words that in all of these frames the animation is drawn to look like Blitz is glitching out on a computer screen, with frames overlapping and stark colorful lines reverberating. It's like he's barely able to hold onto his identity. It's like he's losing himself.
Now the content of the quotes themselves-- even though Blitz's confident assassin persona is convincing, even though he frequently calls out Moxxie for mistakes and builds himself up, even though when we see him fighting, he KNOWS HE'S GOT THIS, and even though he talks confidently about his schemes, this man SERIOUSLY DOUBTS HIMSELF AT WORK.
Blitz is an improviser, and I've written before about how much I love this because I relate to it. Blitz talks through plans that sound pretty extravagant but don't have many details ironed out (and this drives Moxxie up a wall), and then he pulls them off by acting intuitively and making decisions in the moment. He's great at it. I get it. When plans are too detailed or too set in stone (at work, when traveling, in my writing), I feel seriously boxed in. I need grand vague ideas to get me excited to get going and a lack of details so that I can do what's right in the moment and avoid getting stuck. I did not outline this post. I love that this tendency of Blitz's is portrayed so positively, because in my own experience, it often gets misunderstood as laziness or unrealistic thinking.
Or *cough* "foolish flights of fancy."
So what we have here is Blitz doubting one of the very personality traits that makes him so successful in his work, interpreting it as not knowing what he's doing, and feeling like he has to cover it up. He's down in the imposter syndrome pit with the rest of us.
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masonmontz · 1 month
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heyy, how are you? :) so, since it's father's day here in brazil, i decided to do something cute for this special day
REMEMBER: english is not my first language
fluff word count: 2k
this is a bonus of pinky promise with mason and olivia, you can read it separately if you want.
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“But am I your favorite? You need to tell me.” Olivia asked Mason. You were working and they were watching Barbie and the Three Musketeers for the second time, as Olivia had become obsessed with the movie, but now she started to get bored and started asking Mason random questions.
“Yes, you are my favorite, you know that.” Mason was paying attention to the movie, unlike Olivia. 
“But you have other nieces, you swear to me that I am your favorite?” She stood up from the mattress they had placed on the living room floor, then looked at Mason with her hands on her hips and a serious expression on her face.
“I swear to you, pumpkin.” You smiled to yourself watching the two interact.
It had been three months since you and Mason had been together, and just like his promise, you were happy, but most importantly, Olivia was happy, and that was enough. It took you a while to tell her that you were dating Uncle Mason, but trips to Manchester were frequent or Mason would show up in London and sleep at your house even if he has to leave the next morning.
“Don't be jealous, Summer is your friend and Mason is her uncle.” You said, still paying attention to the computer in front of you. Olivia left Mason and went to you, holding your neck in a hug while he was still watching the movie. 
“I know, mum, but I like Mase and I want him to like me too.” She whispered, so you laughed.
“He loves you, Olivia, you know that.” You squeezed her cheek, leaving a kiss on her nose, which was a little red from the cold. Ever since you and Mason told her you were together, she stopped calling him "Uncle Masey", just because she understood that he was now her stepfather, but Mason said he had no problem being called Uncle Mason, because he was already used to it. “Go put on a coat, you're freezing.” 
You traveled to Manchester and would spend the weekend with Mason, also taking advantage of the fact that the game on Sunday would be at Old Trafford and you would be able to see Mason play. Olivia loved the days you guys traveled as she would spend time away from home and get to know new places with you. 
Not to mention the fact that Mason decorated a room for her, exactly the way she wanted. You didn't know it, but Mason and Olivia had already talked about the decoration and when you arrived one weekend, you found a decorated room. Olivia almost cried when she saw the room the way she asked. 
The room was white with pink details, butterfly drawings on the wall and a huge bed just like Olivia always asked for. Mason even put a desk for her to study and a small bookshelf with some interesting books for children. It was much better than her room in your apartment in London, and that's why it was always hard to go home when she had so many comforts in Manchester. 
Mason spoils her too much, and she is getting used to this life very easily.
“Mum, can you help me take a shower?” Olivia asked quietly, so you agreed and closed your computer, walking her upstairs to help her bathe. Olivia is an independent child, but sometimes lazy and most of the time she would ask you to help her so she wouldn't have to do everything alone. Plus, the bathroom in Mason's house is different, so she can never get the water to the temperature she wants.
“Have you and Mason picked out dinner yet?” You asked as you helped her take off the coats she was wearing. Even with the house being heated, Olivia liked to stay warm. 
“Mase said we can order pizza.” She walked past you and stepped into the hot, running water of the shower. You grabbed her shampoo that Mason had bought just for her to use, as well as her favorite strawberry soap.
Mason has always been attentive to Olivia, he never stopped listening to what she likes, what she says, and she always felt comfortable sharing everything with him, just because Mason made her feel comfortable.
“That's a good idea. Here, shampoo your hair, do you want some help?”
“No.” Olivia was thoughtful, but the day was tiring for her, as she had fun before deciding to watch a movie with Mason. “Mum, can I ask you something?” 
“Of course, honey.” 
“Can I call Mason dad?” 
You froze. You didn't expect that question coming from her, in fact, you never thought she liked Mason so much that she wanted to call him dad. You had only been together for three months, who would have guaranteed that you would be together forever? 
“He's your boyfriend now, mum, and I love Mason so much, I also wish I had a dad like my friends in school.” 
“Babe… I don’t know, Olivia. We have to ask him about this, and what if he doesn't want to? You'll be sad about that.” You rubbed Olivia's hair as she played with the water that was falling on her. 
“Oh, yes, but what if he wants me to call him dad?” She looked at you with teary eyes, and you were touched to realize that she really wanted Mason's presence in her life.
You always thought you could fill her lack of a father, but realizing now, Mason was always there for her, just like Robert. 
“Oh, babe, why did you never tell me anything about this?” You knelt down and didn't care about getting your clothes wet. Olivia came up to you with her hair full of foam, and she placed her hands on your face.
“I don't want you to think I'm sad. You're the best mommy in the world, but Mase would be a cool daddy too.” It would be a lie to say you didn't want to cry about it.
“We'll ask him then.”
✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹
“Mase, can you get me some juice? I'm thirsty.” Olivia asked Mason, who was walking to the kitchen to set the table for you guys to have dinner, and she was lying on the mattress on the living room floor again, watching Pinocchio.
“Olivia, go get it yourself.” You scolded her, knowing that Mason does whatever she wants. You were walking down the stairs after taking a hot shower, and Mason had already ordered the pizza for you. 
“I'll get it.” Mason said and walked to the kitchen, so you followed him and watched as he poured the grape juice into a glass for Olivia and took it to her. He quickly returned with the empty glass.
“You can't do everything she asks, Mason. She's taking advantage of you because you can't say “no” to her.” You were serious and Mason looked at you, shrugging.
“She just wanted some juice, love.” Mason came closer, grabbing your waist and pulling you against him. He was wearing a hoodie, just like you, and he was so warm that you just wanted to lay down next to him and sleep in the warmth.
“Yeah, juice, shampoo, bedroom, toys, shoes, clothes…” 
“Guilty.” Mason laughed and you wrapped your arms around his neck, lifting your head and kissing his lips. You sighed as he deepened the kiss, and it felt so good to kiss him that you could spend hours like this, just being around him. “Hmm, I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You spoke and the doorbell rang, so the two of you went to the living room while Mason went to get the pizza. Olivia stood up and held your hands, walking with you to the kitchen.
“May I ask?” She spoke quietly, knowing Mason was behind the two of you, so you nodded, giving her a smile and encouraging her. 
Mason placed the pizza on the table, oblivious to Olivia's nervousness, which was now transparent. She was fidgeting with her hair and kneeling on one of the chairs, and you knew she fidgeted when she was nervous. Mason served you slices of pizza while the two of you chatted randomly, and Olivia still hadn't said anything. 
“I left it reserved for you tomorrow at the game, you can stay close to Anouska, she's going with the kids there.” 
You agreed, but Olivia was still nervous and wasn't eating, you were sitting next to her, so you placed your hand over hers, reassuring your little girl.
“Mase, Olivia wants to ask you something.” You spoke for her, and Mason nodded and finished chewing before looking at the two of you, paying attention to what Olivia wanted to say.
“Mom, I got nervous.” She said shyly and you smiled, running your hands over her back and rubbing. Mason had a smile on his face even though he didn't know what it was. “Mase… Hm… I want to know if- hm… I want to know if I can call you dad.” 
You could see the shock cross Mason's face, because he clearly wasn't expecting this. Olivia also looked at him as he didn't look away from her for a second.
“What?” That's what he managed to say, swallowing hard. 
“Only if you want to.” Olivia spoke softly, and you could tell that Mason's delay in responding made her feel insecure, and she snuggled closer to you. You looked at Mason with a small smile, knowing that it was a lot of information for someone.
“For real? You want to call me dad?” Mason asked and Olivia nodded, and you could completely see it as his eyes filled with tears and he put his hands over his eyes, trying to stop his emotion.
“I want to.” She smiled. Mason got out of his seat and walked over to her, kneeling down beside her on the floor and pulling her against him, hugging her. Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck and it was probably the most beautiful scene you had ever seen between them. 
Mason had his eyes closed as he hugged her, but a huge smile on his face as you saw a tear run down his face. That's when you felt like you were crying too, because a tear fell down your leg.
“Only if I can call you my daughter too.” He whispered, but you heard. Olivia let out a loud laugh of happiness, and you felt your heart explode with so much love and happiness as you finally felt complete.
“Yes, yes.” She cheered and you smiled, then Mason let go of her and wiped his own eyes, looking at you next. She jumped into Mason's arms, ignoring the pizza she wanted so badly, and looked at you. You stood up and walked over to the two of them, so Mason wrapped an arm around your neck while holding Olivia in the other arm. “We are a family now.”
“After seven years.” Mason mumbled and you smiled, leaning in and leaving a kiss on his lips. Olivia smiled and left a kiss on Mason's cheek and yours. “Can you believe it? I have a daughter now.��
“It's a big responsibility, you know.” Mason rolled his eyes and you smiled.
“Thank you for this, really. I couldn't ask for anything better.” He spoke to you, then to Olivia and smiled at her. “I love you both, my girls.”
“I love you too, dad.” Mason's eyes filled with tears again when Olivia spoke, but he held back from letting them fall. “Mum, we need to move to Manchester, families live in the same house.”
“Hey, easy girl. One thing at a time.” 
“She’s right. She can't live in London while her father lives in Manchester.” 
“Calm down too, that's a topic for another time.”
“Yes, now I want pizza.” Olivia spoke and you smiled, then Mason placed her in the chair again and looked at you gratefully.
Maybe it would take you a while to move, or maybe not. No one knows what might happen the next day, but you hope things will work out forever.
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liked by masonmount, declanrice, yourfriend and 359 others
yourusername It's been a great few months 🤍
↳ masonmount Love you so much, my girls! ❤️
↳ debbiemount I miss you, great pictures ❤️😀
↳ jazbenham Can't wait to see you again, the girls miss you and Olivia 🥰
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desperate-gay · 11 months
Alessia Russo x fem!reader
a/n: she’s so bf in this photo and sorry for not doing a request, this idea popped into my head
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“Love, I’m home!” Your girlfriend’s voice echoes its way through the house from downstairs, waiting for your regular greeting which usually includes you jumping into her arms or pecking her lips.
Alessia had her monthly manicure appointment earlier today along with a couple of other errands to run. You had to stay home due to all the homework you have to grade by the end of the week for your grade 4 class.
Hearing the voice of the girl’s arrival, you slam your computer shut, place the papers on the bed, and run down the steps, surprising the blonde with your speed when you’re one second down the hall and the next jumping into her arms while wrapping her legs around her waist. She hoists you up with her hands on the underpart of your thighs and laughs at your eagerness.
“I missed you.” You mumble into her neck, placing a lazy kiss on her warm skin.
“I missed you too, darling.”
She gently places you back on the ground and grips onto your hips, pulling you into a long-awaited kiss. It’s only been a couple of hours, but that is long enough for the two of you. While leaning further into the kiss, you notice the feeling of things poking at your sides, making you place your hands on her biceps and pull away with a puzzled look.
“What?” She asks impatiently, clearly wanting to get back to the kiss, leaning back in but you stop her with your finger pushing against her lips.
“What is poking me?”
“Oh! Ya like ‘em? Thought I’d try something new.” She holds up her new acrylic light blue nails, wiggling her fingers while showing you. She usually keeps her nails short, but with her obviously doing something new, she changed it up a little. They’re long. Not very long, but longer than you would like.
You grab her hand and pull it closer to your face to examine the new nails. The blonde keeps an eye on your very concentrated face, your teeth biting your lip as you twist and turn her hand.
“You like 'em?” She repeats herself.
“Uh, y-yeah they’re beautiful, Less.” She takes in your slightly red cheeks and opens her mouth to say something, but you clear your throat before she has the chance. “I better get back to grading for a little bit, love you.”
You peck her cheek and rush back to your bedroom while Alessia stands in the same spot, wondering what the hell just happened.
She’s been honest for a few hours and you’ve been acting, well, different. When she finds her regular spot on her side of the bed, she leans over and starts peppering kisses down the side of your neck as her hand rubs up and down your leg. At first, you ease into it, but soon you quickly pull away and stand up, mumbling something about having to use the bathroom.
Whenever she tries to be even slightly affectionate with you, you pull away from her touch, leaving her confused about what she did wrong. So when you agree to have a movie marathon in the living room, she takes the opportunity to ask you what’s going on, wanting to fix it right away.
In the middle of the movie, she tries one more time, setting her hand on your thigh, but you shift your leg to the side making her hand fall on the cushions of the couch.
“Okay, that’s it! What is going on with you?” You jump slightly at the girl’s outburst and lower your head, feeling a little flustered. “Did I do something to upset you?” The older girl asks with a sad tone, causing your head to snap back up and shake it quickly.
You feel bad for constantly avoiding the girl’s touch all day, most likely upsetting her, but you don’t have any other choice. It’s an embarrassing reason as to why you’re doing it, so you try and keep it as subtle as possible which clearly didn’t work out as planned.
The blonde reaches out and grabs your hand cautiously, allowing you to pull back if you want which luckily you don’t. “Love, please just talk to me. Tell me what’s bothering you.”
“It’s so humiliating.” You groan, covering your face in an attempt to hide from your girlfriend. She gently grabs your wrists and pulls them away from your head while looking at you with a bit of a concerned expression.
“You’re worrying me here, darling.”
You take a deep breath before beginning to explain, “When I saw you got your nails done, I didn’t know how to react. They’re absolutely amazing, Less, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something I’m not exactly used to.”
“Go on.” She nods her head in encouragement.
“I’ve been pulling away from your touches because lately, I’ve been more aroused than usual, and with your new nails it’s very difficult for you to…y’know.” You trail off all flustered from your admission.
Little do you know Alessia loves your confession. Her ego going up from learning that even the slightest touch from her makes you want to jump her bones immediately, but you have to control yourself from doing so. She was wondering why you reacted the way you did when she came home and now she has her answer.
When you look up you see a grin plastered on her face, making you flush in embarrassment before her hand grabs your face and tugs you into a sloppy kiss. Her tongue slides its way into your mouth and swirls around, causing you to let out a little whine which makes the taller girl smirk into the kiss. Once you part from each other, her thumb grazes against your swollen lips as she takes in your hazed state.
“How about tomorrow morning I’ll go back to the salon and ask them to cut them shorter. I didn’t exactly think about what we’d be missing out because of these.” She wiggles her nails once again like she did this morning with a goofy smile spread across her face, making you do the same.
You pull her in for another kiss, this one being shorter and sweeter before pulling back to look at her with nothing but love in your eyes. “I love you, Lessi.”
“I love you, darling. Since we have to wait for tomorrow for my nails, there are plenty of other things I can use on you. Let’s get your cheeky self taken care of, yeah?” She gathers you up in her arms and stands up, carrying you bridal style which makes you squeak, and wrap your arms around her shoulders, holding on for dear life.
She may have not used her fingers, but she sure as hell used everything else and left you unbelievably satisfied. Maybe the nails aren’t a bother.
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iliketangerines · 4 months
lord please may i request tomas getting pegged by afab (not female) reader 🙏 mostly after they been teasing him (prob by wearing the strap under their clothes 👽) bc i just love a little frustration. i need him carnally
frustrated pleas
a/n: i lowkey forgot how to write for a moment, and i was just giving my computer the lead paint stare for a hot minute
pairing: tomas vrbada x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), pegging, blowjobs, overstimulation, praise kink
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you walked up to Tomas, hugging him from behind, and he let out a soft chuckle as he felt your familiar hands wrap around his slim waist
he was at one of Johnny’s parties, something to celebrate one of his movies getting an award, but you couldn’t really care, not when Tomas looked to handsome
he was gorgeous tonight, face free of stress and smiling bright, and he turned around in your hold to wrap his arms around your neck and sway to the music
it wasn’t really slow dancing music, no the beat was loud and obnoxious and fast-paced, but still, the both of you swayed slowly as he smiled softly at you underneath the blinking lights
you rest your head on his shoulder, turning your head to leave lazy open-mouthed kisses on his neck, and Tomas grows warm underneath you but welcomes the kisses
for a second, it’s just you and him in the room, holding onto each other gently, and then you pull away and give him another kiss before leaning in and saying you have a surprise for him when you both get back home, grinding your hips into his
you’re sure he can feel how the strap bulges in your loose bottoms, and how it presses against his thigh thick and heavy
he looks at you with wide eyes and then it crinkles into that familiar smirk of his as he whispers to you that he can’t wait
you let go of him, fingers lingering for just a moment on his hand before you disappear into the crowd once more to give your greetings
for Tomas, it feels like hours have passed, but the clock only says a few minutes have gone by
he can’t stop thinking about the promise you gave him earlier, and he shifts uncomfortably in his spot as he thinks of you pressing against him
hoping that the dim lights hide his flushed face, he converses with the others at the party and laughs at their jokes and dances alongside them
after about an hour, you find Tomas again, sipping on his drink in the corner and watching the crowd go wild as Johnny sprays champagne all over them
he spots you and perks up, eyes lighting up and shoulders straightening at the sight of you, and you smile a bit to yourself as you walk over to him
you give him a quick kiss on the lips, asking if he’s ready to go, and he lets out a relieved sigh and says that he thought you would never ask
the both of you give a quick goodbye to a plastered Johnny, a somewhat sober Kenshi helping him stand up, and the two of you leave quickly
the ride is quiet as you drive, one hand on the wheel and the other squeezing Tomas’s thigh, and he clenches his fists in anticipation
finally, you see the familiar entrance of your hotel pop up, and you park as quickly as possible before dragging Tomas out of his seat and into the lobby
the both of you are laughing and giggling, face flushed and eyes filled with something heady, as you push the elevator button
you stumble into the elevator, too excited to get him back to bed, and Tomas fumbled in with you
neither of you can wait, and you press Tomas into the elevator wall and kiss him, grinding your hips into his hardening cock
he groans against your mouth, having missed the taste of your lips, and his hands can’t stop tracing you, unsure of where to put his hands
he wants to put them everywhere on you, unable to get enough of your skin, and you can’t seem to decide either with how your lips travel from his lips to his neck back to his lips
your hands are gripping onto the collar of his button-up shirt, and he whines into your mouth as he feels your thick strap pressing firmly into his thigh
the doors ding open, and you quickly pull away, grabbing onto his hand and dragging him through the hallways
you almost drop the keycard in your hurry to get back to the hotel room, but finally, you enter and close the door behind you
Tomas can’t seem to wait either, grabbing onto your hips and pulling you in close as he smashes his lips against you
it’s a treacherous journey, walking to the bed when your eyes are too focused on drinking each other in, but eventually you both fall into the bed, the sheets pluming around you
the neither of you notice as you take off his shirt, kissing the lengths of exposed skin and humming into his skin
Tomas moans low, hands dripping onto your shirt and bunching it up between his fingers as he watches you through lidded-eyes
you don’t relent in your kisses as you slide lower and lower, kissing his chest then his stomach, and you unbuckle his pants and slide them off of him
you can see how his cock pushes against his underwear, begging to be freed, and you obey, pulling his underwear down
his cock slaps proudly against his stomach, tip flushed and leaking pre-cum, and you tease him a bit, saying that he’s already so eager
Tomas, somehow turning even redder, just bites his lip, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight in front of him as you finish undressing him
you’re still fully dressed, but you don’t seem to care as you lean between his spread legs and press a soft kiss to the tip of his dick
it has Tomas stifling a small moan as you start slow, just licking the length and slowly pumping your hand around him, and you swipe your thumb on the tip to spread the pre-cum along the shaft
it’s slow, purposeful with how you tease him, and he can’t help it as his hips buck up into your hands, looking for more friction
you look up at him with a teasing smirk and finally wrap your lips around the tip of his cock, sucking on it and pressing your tongue into the slit as your hands continue their slow torturous pace
Tomas fists the sheets, whimpering as he watches your lips stretch around the length and slowly bob lower and lower
you keep a steady pace, his cock heavy and hot against your tongue, and you’re sure there’s tears in your eyes as you try to control your breathing
but the sound of his small whines and moans kept you going until he hit the back of your throat, and you refrain from gagging as you keep on going
one of your hands go down, massaging his balls, and Tomas keens, his hips bucking unexpectedly into your mouth, causing you to pull off and cough
he apologizes, hands going to your head to cradle your face and make sure you were okay
your lips are shiny and coated in spit, and you look up at him with wide eyes, placing your hands over his and reassuring him it was all okay
besides, it was his turn now, and you stand back up and sit on the bed, pulling off your bottoms in one swift motion and revealing the thick strap that sat between your legs
Tomas gets off the bed, falling to his knees slowly, and you spread your thighs a little wider to allow him better access
his shoulders still manage to spread your legs even wider as he shuffles toward you, and he looks up at you with wide eyes before concentrating on the task in front of him
he places his mouth on the tip, suckling on it gently, and you bring your hand up and hold onto his hair, nothing too tight or rough, just holding it there as he slowly took your length
it’s a slow process, him concentrating on how his breath moves through his nose as he took you deeper and deeper into his throat
but as he looks up at you, with that pleased smile on your face and those gentle coos telling him he was doing so well for you, it was all worth it
he whines around your strap, the steady sound of him bobbing his head up and down further and further into his nose was buried into your pelvis had him grinding into the sheets for more friction on his weeping cock
so desperately did he want you, need you in him, and you pet his hair gently as his vision blurs with tears and as he keeps your strap buried deep in his throat
finally, you gently tug on his hair and pull up his head, and he gasps for air, face a mess as drool drips down his lips and his eyes are wet with tears
he asks you please in a hoarse voice, and you oblige, pulling him up to kiss you
you’re so sweet and beautiful, and he can still taste himself on your tongue, pressing his own further into you to try and taste you more
he really couldn’t get enough of you
finally, you pull away, breathing heavily, and then you tell him to get on his knees
Tomas quickly follows your orders, getting on his hands and knees for you, but then you press your hand firmly between his shoulder blades and push him down
he relaxes his arms and sinks his face into the sheets, back in a deep arch, and you praise him, telling him he was a good boy
he can see you getting off the bed and rummaging through the drawer for some lube, and you come back and disappear from his vision again
he wiggles a little bit, impatient and pleads with you, but you just give his ass a playful squeeze and tell him to have patience
he can hear you open the bottle cap and then close it after a moment, and then he whimpers as he feels the coldness of it spread on his hole
you shush him, murmuring for him to relax and be good, and you just trace the rim of his hole for a few seconds, getting him used to the feeling
Tomas takes in a few deep breaths, thick fingers gripping onto the sheets and tries to empty his mind, and you hum in content, finally pushing a finger in
he moans quietly at the feeling of you slowly thrusting your finger in and out, and he rocks his hips backward to get you to go deeper
you just keep going at the slow pace as you slip in another finger, spreading your fingers to really stretch him out for you, and Tomas lets out a choked moan at the feeling
your fingers are slow, careful, prodding around inside of him and looking for something specific, and then a shock of pleasure shoots up his spine, making him shiver
he moans into the sheets as you laugh and repeatedly bump your fingers into that spot, listening to his pitiful whines and whimpers
his hips can’t stop moving back on your fingers, unable to stop chasing the pleasure, and he lets out a frustrated plea as you retract your fingers
he’s so desperate for you, and you tell him soon as he hears the bottle cap open again
the slick sound of you applying lube to your strap has Tomas squirming in excitement, and when he finally feel the tips rest against his entrance, he bucks his hips backward excitedly
but your tight grip on him keeps him going far, and you tell him you need to go slow, to avoid hurting him
Tomas whines, smushing his nose into the sheets, but he listens to you, not wanting to disappoint
you push in slowly, letting him adjust for every inch, and by the time you’ve bottomed out, Tomas is breathless and crying
he felt so full and exhausted, like he’s run a marathon, and he’s glad he doesn’t have to use his arms to support himself because he surely would’ve collapsed by now
but you’re slow, rubbing your hand against his lower back and his ass and soothing him
Tomas breathes, telling his body to relax, and finally he does, starting to whine and move his hips to get you to fuck into him
you chuckle but oblige, hips thrusting in and out of him at a slow pace at first, and your slick hand goes to wrap around his cock, pumping it slowly
the sensation of you fucking into him while your hand wrapped around him had Tomas gasping and moaning out your name, crying out for more
and you were never one to disappoint your lover, and so you quickened your hips, setting a brutal pace as you matched it with your hand
it was all so much the pleasure, your moans of pleasure and the praises you showered him with, and Tomas hiccuped as he came in your hand so quickly
it felt like forever as he kept on cumming, staining the sheets with his release and you pumping him for the entirety of it
your hips never stop moving, and you adjust your position, making his head reel with pleasure as the tip bullies his prostate
you coo at him, rubbing his cock back to full standing, and Tomas cries out as the overstimulation set in for him
but still, even the pain was pleasurable and he found himself rocking his hips back onto yours, needing you deeper than you were
you just kept one hand on his cock and another on his hip to steady him as you fucked into him, whispering for him to cum again for you, to be a good boy
Tomas let the tears slip from his eyes as he came with a loud keen, cum only pathetically spurting out to join the stain on the sheets
it’s much shorter than before, but still you praise him all the same, telling him he did so good, and you slow your movements until you’ve stopped
slowly, you pull out of him, rubbing his backside and tilting him to lay on his side and relax, and he feels so tired
you lean down to give him a quick kiss on the side of his temple, telling him to let you take care of everything
he nodded, staring at you through bleary eyes as he watches you clean everything up, wiping up the stain as best you can with some tissues and cleaning yourself and the strap up
but finally you cuddle into his warmth, brushing the hair out of his eyes, and he wraps his arm around your waist and draws you in close
you nuzzle into his chest and tell him he did so well, and he hums, thanking you in a tired voice before he drifted off to sleep
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xxnghtclls · 6 months
Flickering Lights
Chapter 2: A Tall, Pink Haired Man
Chapter (1/3)
True Form Sukuna x Reader
For tags and synopsis, please see Chapter 1!
You slam the door shut behind you. Finally you’re home in your small apartment, still thinking about what happened in your office. Sitting down on one of your two chairs, you absentmindedly tap with your key into the surface of your kitchen table.
“Who was that?” you mumble to yourself, while your leg is wiggling nervously. “Where and… why? Four eyes and four arms, too?”
A pause.
Tap. Tap.
“HOW?” you blurt out loudly and distort your face in confusion. Your brain is so tired.
Shaking your head, you decide to get up and get a hot shower.
-Monday me- is going to have a huge problem, leaving the office like this.
“This” meaning a broken window, a crack in the floor and the wall. Your computer is for the trashcan, too. A fucking mess.
You kind of hope it was a dream, a hallucination or a lightning. Monday you will get back to your same old habit, going to work and writing emails, lists and calculations. And then Tuesday. And then Wednesday. Thursday. Friday.
You close the shower curtain in front of your face and turn on the water. Warm steamy drops are tickling your face and calming your nerves. Sleepiness washes over you with the steamy warmth and you’re quick to finish soaping you up. You let out a big yawn, as you turn off the water and step out. 
“Time for bed.” you sigh, before you brush your teeth and dry yourself. Taking your phone with you, you carry yourself up the ladder to your elevated sleeping space. The perks of living in tokyo.
Mini studio apartments.
Crawling onto the futon, you pull the blanket up to your nose. A last time you peek onto your phone, before your eyes shut themselves.
- 01:38 a.m. -
“Goodnight...” you mumble, before you fall asleep. “Stranger.”
♫ Up with the sun, gone with the wind, she always said I was lazy-
“The fuck?” you breathe into the darkness, still half asleep, as you peek onto your phone, trying not to get blind from your display brightness.
- 6:00 a.m. - 
“Ughhh shut up, Bob.” you groan, as you shut your alarm off. You must have forgotten to adjust the settings in your alarm to workweek only, after you had to get up for an out of schedule meeting last saturday. 
But, today is free.
You close your eyes and think about what you want to do today.
Get new earphones perhaps. Get groceries. Find out who…who…  
After a moment, you send another peek to your phone.
- 10:12 a.m. -
“Good morning sunshine.” you grumble to your sleepy self, before you yawn and stretch. “Sorry Bob, now you can sing.” you mumble and put on Bob Seger’s song that ripped you out of sleep earlier. 
“Travelin maan, love when I caan. Turn loose my hand ‘cause I’m goiingg.” you sing, as you’re making yourself some eggs for breakfast, checking your social media inbetween. You roll your eyes, as you read that there’s some unnecessary discourse over something unimportant AGAIN and you swear to yourself, that you’re going to delete that app sooner or later. It just makes you angry. 
Fucking idiots.
Your eggs are ready and you sit down, take a bite and text your bestie Mio. 
Oy. Akiba in 45 mins?
Good. Need new headphones. Mine broke last night.
No wonder. Get some real ones.
You huff at her text.
“No way.” you smile, as you’re putting your phone away and shove the last bite of eggs into your mouth. You need to get dressed quickly, in order to catch the next train to Akihabara. 
On your trainride, you stare out of the window across from you. Listen to the railway and see the houses passing by, the sun shining onto the roofs, before the train goes underground again. Silhouettes and moving lights run along the window.
Moving lights. Flickering lights.
And suddenly you remember last night. 
What happened?
That creature, that… man. 
How unusual he looked and how his eyes pierced through your soul. 
You wonder if you should tell Mio about it. 
Maybe not…
Maybe it was a dream or a hallucination or a lightning after all.
…That rip in space definitely.
But what if he was not?
“Excuse me, is everything alright?” an elderly woman that’s sitting right next to you asks you. 
You must’ve zoned out, looking so concentrated… maybe even, as if you’re constipated or something. 
“No, I’m fine. Sorry- I mean, thank you.” you force a smile at her, before you pull out your phone to look busy at least.
And you start to scroll on your socials. 
And scroll.
And scroll. 
And scroll.
Not thinking anything, just remembering that man’s face. Those tattoos. The nose.
Kinda pretty nose, you think as your lips turn into a pout.
Two slits in his eyebrows.
That mask.
So interesti-
Wait what?
…He is.
You get out at Suehirocho Station and walk to the next 7-eleven, the point where you’re going to meet with Mio. She’s not there yet, so you decide to walk in and buy an Onigiri. 
Only one? 
No, two. 
For later. 
Of course you open the first one immediately and bite into it. The first bite is always the best.
You love it. Closing your eyes, to savour the taste, you stand in front of the store, enjoying the bliss.
“Oy, peanut!” Mio’s voice comes up behind you. You turn around and nudge your head to her, shooting her a look. 
“What’s up?” you say with your mouth full.
“Got one for me, too?” she eyes your Onigiri.
“No.” you bite into it another time.  
She cocks her eyebrows at you, probably already knowing that you bought two and that you don’t want to share, before a little pout cracks upon her lips.
“Get your own!” you complain, before she pokes her finger into your arm. 
“I’ll get you some snacks later!” she coos.
“Fine!” complain and offer her a bite of your last piece. 
“Mwuah hah hah!” she laughs deeply in excitement, before she gulps down the whole remaining Onigiri. “I know you love me.”
“Ehhh.” you sigh, letting your shoulders sink, disappointed that she ate it all.
“Sorry.” she brushes off her hands on her jacket. “Anyway, let’s go, my greedy little peanut.” she says, before she hooks her arm into yours. “Did you cut your hair?” 
You laugh her question off, as you both start to walk into the city.
While on the search for new 5000 yen headphones, you both keep bullying each other lovingly, laugh and talk about the week. No matter how exhausting your workweek is, she always manages to distract your mind, makes you feel not as lonely. She really is the light of your week. 
You don’t really know how it came to this. To feel like this in this city of millions. You used to go out, to dance and fuck a guy every now and then. But maybe it was just the start of how you feel now. The nights of clubbing grew rare, the nights at the computer and phone listening to music grew more frequent. Because nothing could really satisfy it. This hole in your heart. Listening to music helps. Spending time with Mio helps, but only to a degree. Because you wish for a change in your life. More than work and eat and shower and sleep. More than everyday life.
However, you decide not to tell her about what happened last night. Maybe you’ve gone crazy after all. Even if you’re not, you still feel odd about it. Feel, like it might be the change you yearned for, an adventure. 
Feel like it only belongs to you.
Quickly you find some new headphones and earn a mocking joke from the side, while Mio continues to buy herself a new phone case. Huge, pink and with little glittery stones and charms.
So ugly.
“Don’t look at me like that, when you’re the one who walked around with a Hello Kitty phone for the longest time!” she complains.
“At least I wasn’t mistaken for a disco ball.” you sneer at her.
You walk to another store to get your promised snacks and after a while, when the hottest gossip is done being discussed, you catch yourself getting silent inbetween.
Because your mind wanders off.
Because you remember.
Those eyes.
Sometimes she notices and throws you a glance, but you just wave it off, excuse it with sleepless nights because of work. 
And she buys it.
At least you hope she does.
“I need to get home.“ you sigh, as you arrive at the next train-station. “I still need to get some groceries. I’m gonna gonna see you next week?”
She sighs too and stops in her tracks. You turn and look to her, seeing her face turning serious. Suddenly the energy shifts. You halt and frown at her in confusion.
Something’s wrong.
“What?” you ask. 
“I need to tell you something.” she looks to the ground and it makes you worried.
“What is it?” you poke her shoulder. 
She hesitates.
“You’re gonna hate it…” she mumbles and your heart starts pounding. You hate situations like this. Last time she acted like this, she told you she lost the one pair of very expensive headphones you bought in your life. You hated her for it, but you learned your lesson. 
Crossing your arms, you keep staring at her, almost holding your breath, trying to remember what kind of item you possibly could’ve lent her recently.
A pause.
“I’ll be on a work trip.-”
“Jesus.” you complain, as you exhale loudly in relief, rolling your eyes.
“For the next week.” she continues, a smug smirk on her face. So proud, knowing to have you fooled so good. “Coming back on Sunday night.”
You sigh.
“I’ll manage!” you exclaim snobbish into her face, but deep down, you know it’s gonna be hard. You’re not gonna see her for two weeks and you’re gonna miss her. A lot. Next to the fact that you can’t meet up with her next weekend, she’ll be busy too and not be able to text you much during the week either.
She punches your shoulder, before you grab her sleeve.
“Come.” you tug on it. “We gotta wish you a safe travel and return.” you mumble, as you drag her with you.
“Huh?” she exclaims, but gives up and willingly walks down to the underground with you. 
“I didn’t go to the Meiji shrine in a while. Let’s hang up an Ema there.” you fiddle with her sleeve, as you’re both sitting next to each other in the train towards Yoyogi Station.
“Is everything alright?” she asks and you notice real concern in her voice. 
She knows something’s up.
“I think I need to go out more, Mio.” you mumble. “If you’re not here to cheer me up, I need to see someone else then.”
“Sounds as if you’re already have someone in mind.” she jokes and you feel the heat rising in your ears, feel caught.
“Yeah.” you fake-laugh, before you try to change the topic. “Where are you going next week?”
“We’re going to have some meetings in Gifu. But also team-building events, this sort of stuff.” she says, while fiddling with her new phone case and you nod.
“Never went there.” you respond. “Tell me if it’s nice, yes?” 
“Sure, little peanut.” she smiles, before she looks back at you. You smile back before, looking around in the wagon.
“Maybe you should go out while I’m gone.” she says, making you look back at her. “Try to focus less on work and have some fun. Treat yourself.” she punches you in your arm again. 
“It’s just work after all.”
“I shall.” you hiss, while you rub your hand over the soon-to-be bruise, as the train stops at Harajuku-Station.
After a short walk, Mio and you arrive at the entrance of the shrine. It’s busy, just like the last time you visited, but as soon as you walk through the Torii, it grows calmer with each second. You might not believe, that in you’re a city of millions, when you walk through the beautiful area around the shrine. Trees and plants seal yourself off the loud noises of the streets. 
Maybe I need a vacation.
“I’m thirsty.” Mio longingly says, as you walk past the huge Sake barrels. 
You snort at her comment.
“Mio Mio Mioooo.” you squeak like a bird. “You called me greedy.”
“That’s what you are.” she chimes. “I know you still have that second Onigiri in your jacket.”
“Shut your mouth.” you smile, while you look up to see the sunlight shine through the branches of the trees, as a gentle breeze flows against your faces. It’s beautiful at this place, but somehow, a weird feeling grows in your gut. 
After a ten minute walk along the shrines nature, you arrive at the camphor trees where the Emas are hanged upon. Mio steps forward, reading some of the wishes that are already hung up. After purchasing a little wooden plate yourself, you tipple to the desks and start writing. 
For my lovely Mio. 
Please let her have the safest travel, a lot of fun and a more safer return to her little peanut.
You draw a little raccoon in the corner, since that’s her favourite animal and turn around, ready to hang it up, only to notice, that Mio holds a little wooden plate in her own hand as well.
“No! I already got one!” you wiggle it into her direction, before you hang it up. 
She steps into the corner of your eyes, hanging her own plate right next to yours. You’re about to complain that she bought an unnecessary one, as your eyes catch what she wrote.
For my lovely y/n.
Please let her have the most fun, good food and a little adventure, until her Mio returns.
“Is this for me?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Bro, it’s your name right there!” she sneers as if you’re stupid, tapping her knuckle loudly against the plate.
Your heart warms up, before you continue in a serious voice.
“You forgot to draw a cat.” 
“I cannot draw a cat.”
“Bullshit. Everyone can draw a cat.” you wave her off and turn around, only to see-
Oh shit.
You freeze in your spot, as you see that tall man from last night standing in front of the holy praying area of the shrine. His back is turned to you, but his height, his black cloak and the pink spiky hair is proof enough.
A sinister energy reaches your feet and crawls up your legs.
“What’s up?” Mio asks, as she notices how you froze in your spot, tugging at your sleeve.
Your heart starts pounding. 
Badum. Badum. Badum.
In the corner of your eyes, you see Mio catching focus on that man herself.
“I’ve never seen a guy that tall-“
“Me neither.” you mumble, while you keep staring. In the corners of your eye, you see many people walking around the mean, peeking and staring and mumbling about his unusual appearance.
He walks up the stairs, shoving a middle aged woman out of his way. She tipples, looses balance and-
falls down the stairs, while he’s stepping closer to the doors that lead to the praying area. The huge doors, that now don’t seem to tall in comparison anymore.
“Disrespectful asshole!” Mio exclaims in disgust, as an appalled gasp is heard from the by-standing people and the feeling in your gut grows into a huge lump. Others rush to the woman to help her back up, and Mio wants to go forward too, but you grab her sleeve, holding her back. You stay silent, as you keep watching the man intensely, seeing him lay his right hand on the wooden surface of the saisen-bako that’s placed inbetween the doors. People start to talk to him, try to get his attention, but he is ignoring them, concentrated on doing what he came to do. 
Your eyes are fixated on his hand, a tattooed black ring decorating his wrist. The people around him grow louder and louder, but the sound grows mute in your ears. Almost as if you’re hypnotised, you watch how the wooden surface starts to vibrate, the lines between his hand and the wood start to blur. A deep humming starts to vibrate in your ear, just like last night.
Mio notices your trance and calls you, but you hear without hearing. 
Whatever he’s doing, it has you in his grip.
Mio calls you again, louder and snips her fingers in front of your face to wake you from your trance but you keep being fixated on his hand until-
“Hey!” another man loudly exclaims and tugs on his cloak to get his attention. Without even looking, the pink haired man flicks his left hand and suddenly the throat of the other man bursts with blood and his head falls from his shoulders.
Pap.. Pap… pap.
Down the stairs it falls and rolls. Your heart drops and everyone starts to scream, as your eyes widen in horror. Blood splatters everywhere, as the head rolls and comes to a halt next to the woman, coating the holy grounds with red essence.
“Y/N!!” Mio calls your name again, now very loud and clear, making your body finally start moving.
You meet Mio’s eyes and grab her wrist, before you run towards the entrance, already seeing security guards run into the opposite direction. Other people run in panic as well, shoving you out of their way, almost make you stumble. For some reason, shortly before you can run through the huge gate, you need to turn around.
Turn around.
The time slows down.
You look.
And he turns around, too. Making your eyes meet his for the split of a second, before you turn back forward again, running through the gate.
Sirens are already howling in the distance, as Mio and you and many other people run through the shrine grounds in order to get back to the entrance you came from. Your heart is pounding in your throat and your throat is as dry as sand, as you finally reach the streets. A glance to Mio and a nod from her confirm that you will not separate your ways right now. She’ll come with you.
Zschk Zing!
You lock your front door behind you, as Mio sighs loudly, slumping down on one of your kitchen chairs.
“Jesus.” you sigh under your breath, your hands still lingering on the door-lock, your eyes staring into nothing. The image of that mans head rolling down those stairs keeps replaying in your head. 
“Gonna make tea.” Mio says, before she gets up and fills the cattle.
You blink and shake your head, before you turn around and sit down on the other chair on the adjacent corner of the table. 
You have seen some bad stuff on the internet before. Multiple times unfortunately. However it’s still different to see such things in real life.
“The police will get him right?” she asks. 
“Maybe they shot him on sight.” you mumble. “Most probably.” you try to assure her and yourself.
She hums and the kettle starts to whistle.
Louder and louder.
Louder and louder.
Until Mio takes it from the stove and fills your cups with water.
You take a sip and the warmth flows through your body, making you feel better in an instant. 
“I still got no groceries.” you mumble into your cup.
“Let’s just wait a bit. It’ll be safe in a few hours.” she mumbles into hers.
A pause.
And you ponder.
“He wouldn’t have slashed that man, if he let him do his thing in peace.” you sip absentmindedly. “Whatever he was doing.” you add and she glances over to you, cocking an eyebrow.
“If he didn’t shove that woman down the stairs, he wouldn’t have been bothered.” she responds annoyed. “Nothing he was doing can justify this.”
Another pause.
“Doesn’t matter now, they probably shot him.” she sighs. 
Your eyebrows twitch at the thought. Somehow, you don’t feel like it’s true.
A few silent hours go by, sipping tea, trying to calm down. Both of you avoid to read the news, try to distract you from what just happened, talk about anything, except about what happened at the shrine today.
And somehow, it works. They probably shot him after all.
The sun sets and it grows dark outside. Mio taps on her phone.
- 10:13 p.m. - 
“I think I should go now.” she sighs. “Gotta get up early tomorrow.” 
You inhale deeply, knowing it’s the last time you’re gonna see her for at least two weeks.
“Alright.” you exhale, as you stand up and walk her to your door. “Text me when you’re at the station, k?” 
“Sure, peanut. The police is probably still roaming around. And if not they got him.” she smiles at you and leans in for a tight hug. “Gonna miss you.” she whispers in your ear and it almost makes you tear up.
What today happened was a lot for you and now you have to deal with it alone, if the distraction looses its effect. For two whole weeks.
“Gonna miss you, too!” you sniff into her ear and press her against you, before you separate.
“Stop crying, bitch.” she jokes and boops your nose. 
You stick out your tongue and with wet eyes, you unlock your front door. 
“Here you go, your Majesty. Please return safely.” you bow, trying to overact your upcoming crying-session and it makes her giggle. 
“It’ll be fine.” she waves you off and walks down the hallway. “I’m a big girl.”
“Text me!” you yell after her, before you close and lock up the door.
Zschk Zing!
Too silent.
You grab your back and pull out the new headphones you bought. In all the hectic you forgot to properly charge them, but luckily, they always are charged halfway up when you buy them. 
You sit down on your kitchen chair and go to your phone’s settings, to connect it via bluetooth with your headphones. 
It worked.
You put them on and scroll through your music library, not sure what will give you the right mood for now. If you want more distraction or if you want to cry. Already feeling an empty feeling spreading in your heart, you scroll and scroll and your eyes keep watering.
Maybe crying it is. 
Mio didn’t text yet and you hope she’s about to arrive safely at the station. It’s just a short walk anyway. You keep scrolling. Being a person who listens to almost everything, it’s difficult to choose sometimes. Closing your eyes, you tap on shuffle, letting fate decide what song to play.
But right in the moment, when the song is about to start, a loud knocking is heard on your door.
You quickly look to the door.
Maybe she forgot something.
Without turning off the music, you put your headphones on the table and tipple to the front door.
“Mio, is that you?” you call.
No answer.
You frown in suspicion, before looking through the peephole. 
And your heart drops into your socks, as you see a deformed fish-eye version of a stranger.
A tall, pink haired man.
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cloudluvrrr · 2 months
"...I'm like your mother" Dan Heng x reader
minilial - asked: "Dan Heng with lazy reader so he would always act like a nagging mother and often scold reader"
why r the ones w black hair and emo the most put together cahracters dude (and the ones i want)
-- in the afternoon - the cardigans
you two were and unlikely pair, the most lazy and clumsy person (you) and dan heng the quiet rational one on the express.
-when he sees you lazing (wtf i s that a word) around he'll wack you with paper and drag you along with him to organize the archives (yay)
"this isn't fair" you huffed organizing the information he'd given you form penacony. "just do it, you have nothing better to do" he replied reading a book on the floor. "well your reading a book!" you mocked looking over at him "because I finished all my work, what have you done besides play game on your phone?" he said looking up at you. ".." with nothing to say you returned to your work, mocking him and grumbling under your breath.
-Even though neither of you have energy you two squabble a lot
-often about you doing nothing while he does all the work
-but he loves you beneath all that scolding and hitting
-he'll show it through buying you trinkets 😜or food (both r good)
you two were cuddling in YOUR bed (bc he sleeps on the floor like a weirdo) he read a book as you loosely followed along, before he remembered something. "hey did you clean the hallway like i asked" he asked looking over at you, soon realizing you forgot and looked away. "..yes" "don't lie to me, do i have to lock your phone away again. "WHAT NO" immediately getting up to do as your told.
"...I'm like your mother, telling you what to do" he said watching you get up. upon hearing this you stuck your tongue out and went to clean the hall.
-like i said before he often wacks you on the head, or tugs at your cheek/ear.
-when everyone else is gone though he'll kiss your cheek and rub it
'you dont listen to me, its for your own good'
'your not my mom your my boyfriend'
-well more often than not he'll find you laying on the couch or sleeping, which he will drag you, and make you help him do something.
-that or he'll scold you for being on your phone too much
-and then you'll insult his phone case
-which ends up in him confiscating your phone and making you read
-but he loves you really, he can't really show it. But when your sleeping he will tuck you in and kiss your forehead. Or leave you credits to spend where ever the express is parked
-its when your awake where the problem begins
'i hate you' you grumble cleaning the windows alongside him
'you love me'
'....not right now'
this one is short and kinda bad but I HOPE YOU ENJOYED 😭
dude i got an email from my school
I WILL NO LONGER BE FREE 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 im old as fuck
im glad you guys like my shit posting and bad fics 😍
(btw can u guys tell hwen i post from my computer vs my phone
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hannyoontify · 1 month
quick ramble abt ikea shopping w jun as a couple
i rlly wanna turn this into a fic but i’m currently too lazy to get out of bed to grab my laptop so i’ll js type it out on my phone
ygs have a contest on who can find the ugliest piece of furniture (he wins almost every single time)
one time he tried to climb the showroom of a kid’s bedroom that had a bunk bed even though there was a piece of plastic that blocked off the ladder said ‘don’t climb’
he kept sliding off the ladder and plastic sign and got all pouty so you had to buy him two ice cream cones that day
insists on taking a nap in the armchairs department
jun will find the biggest armchair in the showroom and pull you into his lap and call for a ‘cat nap’
insists on ‘testing the beds’ by taking off his shoes and jumping on the beds
yells ‘parkour!’ and jumps from bed to bed until an employee tells him to get down
yeah ygs r really close to being blacklisted by your local ikea
says hi to every. single. baby. he. sees.
and he does that royal queen wave too like
forgets to pace himself and becomes overstimulated by the time ygs reach the end of the showrooms section so you have to basically drag jun through the entire marketplace and warehouse to check out
one time, jun tried to enroll himself into the kid’s daycare play area and got confused as to why they wouldn’t let a 28 year old in
‘my partner’s doing all the shopping! i’m js here to carry all the heavy stuff to the car so can i pleaseee go play in the ball pit’
but he also insists on doing all the heavy work
once ygs reach the warehouse, you’re not lifting a SINGLE finger
‘dont worry baby, your super strong, reliable boyfi- OOMF’
you end up helping him at the end but hey, it’s the thought that counts!
idk if this is a very specific childhood memory but there were these computers at the entrance of the warehouse, i think it was meant to help people find specific areas that had the furniture they were looking for
and idk if anyone knows what i’m talking abt but the unoccupied computers has a screen saver of a vide of a man in an ikea uniform waving at you and gesturing you to come over to use the computer
but every time jun sees those, he freaks out
‘he js waved at me’ ‘honey that’s a video’
tries pick a fight with the man on the screen (saying this from personal experience)
once ygs check out, ice cream cones are a MUST
ygs aren’t big on the dining hall tho bc jun insists that the meatballs make him gassy
so ygs always get a vanilla ice cream cone, and if you feel like it, a box of cinnamon rolls
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The insanity doesn't stop
This time, we're going to be looking at into the spiderverse, specifically this scene (sorry about the weird cut at the ending, I accidentally zoomed in/out lol)
Which I have gone through frame by frame..
For fun. You can see what he's doing for the most part, but I needed to share my thoughts on it.
(It's mostly me being a homosexual though... happy pride month)
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Nothing important here really I just think this little sequence of him drinking is cute. Also WHY IS THE CAN CLIPPING THROUGH HIS HAND THAT POOR GUY THAT CANNOT BE COMFORTABLE LMAO. Also what the hell is going on with his laptop who needs that many tabs open. Loving the laptop + PC combo. This boy uses so much electricity...
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Awwwww look at him. He needed a little light because his blind ass couldn't see to write his invisible notes (Me too Ganke, me too. What are you writing about though why is it so important it has to be on paper and cannot simply remain a computer file? Are you doing homework.... at this hour?)
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Also he has the same getting up/sitting down sequence!! I think that's cute too, and it's probably just the animators being lazy and not wanting to animate a billion different ways of sitting down, but, hear me out; OCD Ganke. Now, I don't know much about OCD, but I do know that people who have it tend to repeat the same behaviors/patterns every day for every single activity. This could also explain the three of the same hat thing he has going on. Now, that's just a silly little headcanon to play with, so don't take it too seriously.
Is his ass really getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (courtesy of his one billion energy drinks) amd leaving the fucking door OPEN?? BUDDY? YOUR ELECTRONICS ARE RIGHT THERE DIRECTLY IN SIGHT OF THE HALLWAY... AND YOUR ROOMMATE IS SLEEPING THERE.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
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Hehehehehehehehe aww look at him putting his headphones on I wonder what he's listening to. Also who texted him it's like 12am rn. GO TO BED (He checks it twice. It's 15 close friends reminding him to go to bed. He responded "I'm asleep dw" to every single one)
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Look at this EEPY FUCKIN GUY. OH he is so SLEEPY if ONLY there was SOMETHING he could DO ABOUT IT. Oh what's that? Put down the energy drink can and turn off my computer? What a ludicrous idea who would have ever come up with that. Pff. Psch. Apffttr. He looks like the bottom of a sting ray in that middle photo. Someone get this kid a break and also some fucking melatonin. And water. Stat. He's like a plant. Put him outside.
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Oh, look, he's finally decided to ditch his uniform that he's been wearing all day and get into something more comfy. Not the hat tho. The hat stays on every second of his life. Oh well at least he's probably a lot more comfortable. And would you look at that hes.. still wearing..... his shoes. B.. buddy you... you know you can take those off right. It's okay I promise. You got this. Is he barefoot in those too. Is he still wearing the same damn pants from before.
Do you think that while making his cup o noodles in the microwave he was playing music too loud and forgot to hit the stop button before it beeped and he just... kinda froze.... and looked up at Miles (who is sleeping like a fucking bear during the peak months of winter in hibernation. Not even a fucking jet engine could wake that boy up) and then kinda just awkwardly resumes what he was doing. Because I do. I do.
(ALSO, this is the second time his phone lights up. He does check it, I'm just not including it for sake of space)
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What is he doing in that first Pic. Clearly whatever he wrote down was important, but, like, is his computer updating? Is he just checking to make sure he input something correctly? What is this boy doing somebody please give me a 2 hour movie or a 500 page novel just on him immediately thanks
He's finally taking a brain break and... relaxing by reading comics. Not sleeping, no. Oh god no. But looking at comics. This kid has autism you cannot convince me otherwise. Who does this if they don't have some form of neurodivergency. Please bonk him on the head cartoon style for me I love him.
Also as you can tell by his million energy drinks and now empty and just juice cup o noodles, he doesn't clean up after himself ever. Maybe instead of buying a fourth computer, we invest in a trash can for your dorm. Hmmmm? Silly boy. I love it when they give teenagers teenager habits. Please give me more of this.
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This may not be 100% accurate, but take a look at how many energy drinks he goes through in one night.
The first clip is at the beginning of the scene, where most of them are unopened while there are already still five open ones (I can't figure out how to get the best picture of how many drinks there really are here while making it a collage... anyway). Since we don't see the beginning of the night, we don't know how many drinks Ganke has had prior to now, or what the interval he drinks them at is.
At the end of the clip, there are an estimates 12 open drinks total. One on the floor, two(?) By his comic, six by the right side of his computer, plus three on the left side of his computer. That means he drank 6 energy drinks in the span of however many hours we watched him for.
Bro has a serious caffeine addiction and needs to be grounded from money. ALSO, HES DRINKING THEM WARM??? BRO..
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And I know that they are energy drinks, because, well. One, just look at them. Two, how do we think Ganke manages to stay up all night doing God knows what for hours on end. We didn't even ever see him go to bed! He's still on his computer when Miles wakes up! Bro pulled an all nighter and for WHAT. BUDDY. And three: the design on the cup literally reads "ENRGY" bottom text "drink"
Drink it.
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Also them having part of their schedule on the wall is so cute too!! Do they share classes? How many? Also that says Ceramics. As per my first post of this series, if you look at the horribly lopsided bowl beside Ganke on the bed, that looks a lot like something someone who struggled in arts would create.
Who is that someone?
Well, it's not Miles. We've seen his art.
Is it Ganke?
Ganke the nerd? The Ganke among the most gifted students at Visions? Ganke who pulls all nighters and picks for on his computer often?
Hell yeah. Give him pottery. He brings home lopsided mugs and bent in bowls and dented plates for them to use instead of buying their own dishware, and Miles is so supportive of it even through the kettle he was using had a hole and leaked boiling water all over his hands. He's doing his best, he's not good with crafts. Give him a break.
Part One
Part 1.5
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Ello! Could you do Mornings with Cove, Derek, and Baxter? Fem! MC, plz!
the boys are so sappy n in love w you/mc it's SICK also does anyone else have trouble keeping their bonnet/scarf on bc i don't even bother anymore, n i alrdy tried the hair pins. it worked once n then never again i sleep like a wild animal istg ANYWAY!! enjoy anon! i'm so sorry it took so long<333
tags : Fluff, fem/afab reader (use of girl, ma'am, wife), multiple choice dialogue, every scenario has different tags bc it's easier for me that way👍, newly established relationship (derek/baxter), marrying cove
[scenarios in order of cove>baxter>derek]
synopsis : how you spend your mornings with the boys
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tags : step 3 / in between step 3-4, you proposed to cove at the end of summer, eloping, moving in together
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you're slow to wake up, rolling over and taking all the sheets with you.
you huff and try to untangle the sheets from under body and around your leg... once you're comfortable enough you pull your dangling pillow back onto the bed.
you reach over for cove, wanting to be close to your new husband.
"cove?" you finally open your eyes and search around the room. it's empty. well, save for the boxes and the new mattress on the middle of the floor where you slept together last night.
before you can call out again you hear some clinking and the sound of a sink running.
begrudgingly, you leave your nest of blankets in search of cove. it was worthless to stay in bed if he wasn't there.
first though you should wash up a bit, moving all those boxes had you so tired and you slept good.
you creep up behind cove, you already know he's heard you, but between the sizzling of the pan and the messy playlist terry oh so graciously made for you two.
determining there's not danger of one of you getting hurt by the hot pan in the case cove flinches, you wrap your arms around cove.
"oh-!" cove tenses up, putting a hand on your arm.
he laughs when you mumble "good morning" into his back, still sleepy and you almost fall asleep with your head leaned against him. cove is so comforting...
"don't fall asleep back there, i'm almost done cooking." cove's voice rumbles through you, disrupting your nodding head.
"mhm..." you slink over to the couch. it's crooked and in the middle of the room, all but thrown haphazardly in the room by the movers.
you blink, watching the trees sway and cars zoom by.
you're not in the heart of the city, but you're certainly not out in the middle of nearly nowhere like sunset bird.
"here ya go." the plate comes into view, startling you from your daydream.
you mumble your thanks, suddenly realizing how hungry you are. the meal is simple enough and made from whatever snacks and foods you took from your parents' house that are signaturely yours, but there's toast on the side and that's all that matters.
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you eat in silence, propping up your computer on some boxes and watching a video, and after you're done eating, you continue down the funny animal rabbit hole.
"this is nice." you say suddenly, whispered almost.
"hey, that's my line." cove teases and you two share lazy wolfish grins. "no~, your line is saying that i'm nice." you correct, proving your innocence.
"so i'm not nice?" cove lays out a trap and you willingly fall into it.
"you are nice, very nice." you lean in to steal a peck, to which cove takes more. when you pull away, you can't help but laugh about it, it's cute how cove always wants more affection from you.
"i'm just saying, it's nice to be with you like this." you flush, suddenly aware of how embarrassing this is to admit. "y'know, being married and living together, 'n all that stuff..." you trail off, glancing off to the side as you let cove process what you said with a flustered face.
suddenly, his arms tighten around you and you look up to see him teary eyed.
"i'm happy too!"
you laugh, reaching up to wipe his tears away. "good."
cove sniffles, his voice thick from crying but also from affection. "i really liked waking up to you today, it was.. nice."
cove's blush must have been contagious because you felt your own face get hot. "i can't say the same since you were missing, but it was nice sleeping together. and we get to do it everyday and every night."
cove laugh, looking off to the side from being embarrassed at your admissions. "sorry, i was just so happy i wanted to surprise you in bed, but you got up before i could get back."
you smile, curling your fingers in his hair. "well, we got our whole lives for that."
you could practically see the hearts popping off cove, "will you wait for me to bring you breakfast tomorrow?"
you laugh, "sure cove."
cove puffs up, happy with every second that goes by. "what do you want to eat? we can go out shopping today. i really want to try this new flavor of juice i saw a few days ago, it's strawberry something..." cove rambles and you let him go on, agreeing and adding onto the verbal list.
eventually, cove pulls out his phone to write this down and you whisper, full of tenderness. "we're being domestic again, but it's for real this time since we're living together."
cove squeaks, unable to hide his face since his hands are holding his phone tight, trying not to drop it on you. "w-we are, aren't we?" cove laugh, happy again.
"thank you for agreeing to marry me."
cove blinks at you, surprised before he laughs. "you're doing it again."
"what?!" you sit up, grinning even though you're taking up a stance. "you've said that twice, what's that supposed to mean!"
cove shrugs, leaving you hanging. he hooks his arms around your neck, eyes full of love. "as if i'd ever say no, i mean.. i never really thought about getting married, but... well, i wouldn't marry anyone else."
you blink away tears, leaning down to capture cove in a kiss.
he hums happily, letting you slide your hand up his shirt when you get lost in each others lips before you pull away.
"let's elope."
"wh-what?!" cove scrambles, forcing you to sit up but he can't go anywhere with you on top of his lap.
"elope, let's get eloped." you repeat, suddenly embarrassed.
cove coughs, "right now?!"
you nod before you back track, "i mean.. unless you don't want to! i can wait, i'm just so happy that it came out..."
it's silent for a moment, and cove is trying to get his temperature down before he explodes..
"let's do it."
you snap your neck to look at him, "huh?"
cove is flustered and sweating a bit "let's elope.." he finally looks at you instead of his hands. "i can't wait either, and i mean.. we're going to be husband and wife anyway so, why not..?"
you grin, "okay! um- i'll get ready then." you stop, realizing there's some things that should be done before hand, "oh, maybe we should call our parents?"
cove nods, giving a strained smile. "they're gonna tease us again.."
you take his hand, "thats okay. we'll suffer together." cove pushes your shoulder with his and rolls his eyes.
"yeah, you're right. we got this."
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tags : (after) step 4, multiple dialogue choice for poc readers/readers w different hair length/upkeep
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you stir, your dream disturbed by someone shuffling and squirming and a hand on your cheek.
slowly letting your dream go, regrettably since it was just getting interesting, and blink sleepily at the mess of black hair beside you.
you groan, turning your head to hide it in the pillow.
"why are you up? it's not even 11 yet..." you grumble, slipping baxter's phone back under the pillow. it must've ended up there somehow after you two fell asleep in the middle of your youtube binge, and until you're ready to get up it'll stay there.
"just admiring you."
you smile, peeking at him. "no way, you're jus' saying stuff."
baxter looks so tender, his hand moving from your cheek to hold your hand. "i'm serious. you're the prettiest girl in the world."
a coy, wolfish smile comes on his face, "even if-
-your hair is sticking up on one side." you fly upright, covering your hair with your hands.
-your hair is kinda sticking up." you fly upright, snatching up your bonnet/scarf that came off in the middle of the night and fixing it.
-you drool in your sleep." you jump, rubbing your mouth to wipe away the tacky spit.
you huff as baxter chuckles away, "sorry i- ack!"
you slap baxter with the pillow, throwing the sheets away and running to the bathroom to wash up. "laugh it up! you're worse than me, y'know?"
baxter finally sits up, showing you his own messy hair do. it's flat on one side. you stifle a cackle.
he gazes at you softly, sleep and love softening his features. "i'm pas' that."
you don't bother closing the bathroom door, knowing baxter is slow on your tail. "you put salt in your coffee yesterday. are ya sure about that?"
you turn on the shower, letting the water warm up while you brush your teeth.
baxter finally comes behind you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek.
you hum, pleased.
baxter gazes at you through the mirror, addressing you through it. "i love you."
you feel warm, your heart skipping and beating fast at the overwhelming affection from him today. "i love you too."
baxter kisses your cheek, looking up at you through his eyelashes. "so, can i join your shower?"
"only if you behave, pepe-le-pew." you pinch baxter's cheek, grinning at how he scrunches up his face.
while you get ready for the shower, making the water warm enough for the both of you.
usually you take hot showers, but last time baxter turned red so lukewarm would have to do.
usually you take cold showers, but baxter just shook in the corner of the shower before he jumped under some hot water to warm up.
you two take showers together often, this was good bonding time for you two.
"wash my hair for me?" baxter asks, sliding up behind you.
"sure." you switch spots so baxter can get his hair wet. it's a tight fit since this shower isn't meant for two, but you make it work. it was better than the bathtub anyway, that was its own problem...
baxter sits on the stool, something you finally put in since it was straining, having to bend down every time.
"don't get shampoo in my mouth again." baxter cackles, trying not to laugh as you massage the shampoo in his hair.
"that was an accident!" you defend, "and it was your fault! you wouldn't stop laughing and talking while i was washing your hair out!"
"is that so?" baxter's suave voice echos throughout the bathroom. the sound makes you shiver.
"yeah 'that's so'! you play around too much!" you laugh and mock. "now stop talking, i'm gonna wash it out."
baxter willingly shuts his mouth, letting you tip his head back and detach the shower head to wash the shampoo out.
this gives you a good view of his face. truthfully, there are not many times when baxter is quiet, witty and flirty words always coming from his mouth, and his face is always lined with a lazy lopsided smile.
so seeing him like this, with his face relaxed and his shoulders sagging as he lets you work your hands through his hair.
"you can open your eyes now." you wipe baxter's face with your hand to get the water off his face, pushing his hair back.
baxter blinks, getting used to the change of light. he takes the shower head from your hands so he can hold your hand and he smiles, coy and mischievous. "hey there, beautiful, come here often?"
you roll your eyes, ignoring the flush coming over you. "shut up."
baxter laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your stomach, watching you.
"what're you looking at?" you feel so flustered from baxter being so soft and tender this morning.
"you." baxter intertwines your fingers. "you're the prettiest girl in the world."
you crumble, leaning over him. "can't you just say 'i love you' like a normal person.."
baxter smiles his signature lopsided grin, "nope." he says, popping the 'p'.
you two sit for a moment in silence, wrapped up in each other.
"i love you too. even though you're silly." you mumble, moving to grab baxter's face.
"i think you're helping me to look silly," he tries to smile but you're squishing his cheeks. "i love you more though."
"as if." you lean down to kiss his forehead, then his nose, which if he could, there'd be a happy tail swinging behind him. before you finally meet his lips, letting him take more than you were going to give.
"okay bax," you laugh, pushing his shoulders. "enough kisses, the waters getting cold."
his loopy, lovesick grin turns wolfish, "i'll warm you up."
baxter starts to trail his hands along your hips, going from sensual to playful as he starts tickling your sides.
you squeal, holding onto his wrists. "stop it!" you squirm, laughter echoing throughout the shower..
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tags : (after) step 4, clingy derek, reader can cook, Encanto movie mentioned (that movie SLAPPED), reader gives derek a massage
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it would be a meriacle you woke up before derek if it wasn't already coming up to 2pm.
you don't usually get up this late, but you and Derek had been up having fun and watching the sunrise just for the hell of it, that it ended up happening.
you yawn and stretch, looking at the expanse of derek's muscled back as you consider if kts worth getting up or not.
'mm, i could make him breakfast..'
now that was an idea. finally setting that as your goal, you throw off the sheets and manage to creep out the room as quietly and as quickly as possible.
you may not be the next gordon ramsay, but you at least knew your way around the kitchen. so once scrounging up some eggs and vegetables, you set onto making an omelet.
which... is harder than it looks. and the first one isn't instgram worthy for sure. looks like you'll be taking that one...
you start humming to the music you have playing quietly, swaying from side to side in place as you expertly (at least in your opinion) shimmy the spatula under the omlete to flip it.
then, right as you give a small "aha!" at your success, a sleepy, gravelly call of your name comes from the hallway.
"y/n..? where are ya?"
you bristle, looking around the disordered kitchen panicked. "kitchen! don't come in!"
you curse, taking the pan off the stove and turning off the eye quickly as you slide into the hallway. you thank derek's sleepy movement since otherwise he would've found you out already if he wasn't ready to collapse where he stood.
he blinks, rubbing his eyes. "what's going on? you need help?"
you start pushing on his chest. "no! i can handle everything here, so just go to bed, and I'll be right there, okay?"
derek laughs, letting you push him back towards the bedroom, "i mean sure but what're you-"
"nope! no questions! just go back to bed and wait for me. if you come out before i'm ready, a punishment is in order!" you nag, crossing your arms as derek gets back into bed.
you huff and roll your eyes, trying not to show your amusement. being half asleep also turns off half of derek's filter..
you lean over, roughly tucking him in much to his delight. "now stay here." you kiss his head before you run off, shutting the door 3/4ths of the way before you throw it back open to glare at him.
"i mean it."
derek laughs, his eyes droopy again already. "yes ma'am."
you shut the door and skip down the hall, hurrying to fix the rest of your and derek's breakfast before the omletes get cold.
bustling around the kitchen, trying to keep things neat as you go, but the stack of dishes in the sink and fallen egg shell you quickly pick up says there was a disaster happening here.
in the end, though, you find the nicest plates derek has here and a food tray before you plate up the food with care, even cutting and peeling some fruit on the side to go with your choice of yogurt or oatmeal, before making your way to the bedroom, humming.
you're happy you got to do something nice for derek, even though it almost went up in ruins a few times. be it from derek almost walking in, the questionably shaped omelet, or almost getting orange juice in your eye when peeling.
you somehow balance the tray well enough to open the door, and before you can give a loud and playfully formal announcement that food is ready, you realize derek is asleep.
he looks so serene, arm stretched out on your side of the bed and the sunlight hitting his back nicely.
you smile, creeping up and sitting the tray down carefully. equally as careful, you ease yourself onto the bed, petting derek's hair as you debate waking him up or not.
you push his hair off his forehead. his hair feels and looks so different when it's not gelled up in his signature style, he still looks handsome like this though, maybe even more-so.
"mmm, tha' you y/n?" derek takes your hand out of his hair and into his, loosely holding your hand.
"yeah. i made you breakfast but if you're too tired we can eat later." you kiss his hand.
derek hums, a dopey smile coming on his face. "i could eat." derek sits up, stretching with a groan and slumping against the pillows, trying to wake himself up.
you present the tray, popping the legs and situation it between you two so you can eat as well.
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"oh that's so sad, he just wants to eat with his family.." you fret, absent-mindedly playing with derek's hair.
derek hums, mumbling something.
you look down at him, thinking derek looks like an sleepy pup that thinks he's still a lap dog. derek is much bigger than when you guys were kids, something you still can't get used to some days.
"you falling asleep?" you push his hair back, showing derek's droopy eyes.
he squirms, still keeping his arms wrapped around your waist. "no.." derek yawns, burying his face into your stomach.
you laugh, tugging on little strands of derek's hair, that elicit a low, gravelly hum from him.
"okay, tell me if you want anything." you lean down, trying to kiss derek but the position just strains your neck and back.
derek looks up, peaking at you and smiling when he sees your pouty lips. he leans up, holding the back of your head as he gives you a few soft kisses that he can't help but smile through.
you smile back at him. "lay down with me.." derek purrs, his voice hoarse with sleep.
"i'm trying to watch the movie!" you laugh, derek already pulling you down the bed so you can lay with him.
"and you can watch it from my arms." derek snuggles into your neck, kissing the back of your neck which makes you shiver and laugh.
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at some point near the end of the movie you ended up falling asleep, much to your disappointment.
you smack your lips, "dang it..." you fumble for the remote in the sheets, finding it at the end of the bed, only saved by the foot board.
while you start rewinding the movie, derek walks back in.
you perk up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. "derek!" your voice is thick with sleep and your head feels cloudy still from dreamland but seeing derek makes you feel a bit excited.
"you're awake." derek comes to your side, rubbing the towel over his head. you hum, "did you fall asleep too?" you prop yourself on your knees to help derek dry off, "i slept through the ending..." you pout.
derek laughs, "we can watch it together. do you think we can start over? i wasn't paying attention earlier..." derek admits sheepishly.
you nod, then realize derek probably didn't see you before he turned around so you said yes.
while derek looks for clothes you respond to lee's spam texts about something or other.
you're in the middle of typing out another response to respond to your cousins fangirling when derek groans and sighs.
derek slumps over, rubbing his neck.
"you okay, baby?"
derek startles a bit, turning to look at you sheepishly. "yeah, i'm fine."
you roll your eyes and send a quick "brb" text before throwing the phone somewhere on the bed. "no you're not. are you stiff? sore?"
derek comes closer to you, kneeling on the rug so he can hug your waist. "a bit.. guess i've been going to hard on arm day." you both laugh.
"yeah, i don't think those guns need to het any bigger." you laugh, curling your fingers in his hair. "oh! how about i give you a massage?"
derek looks at you with wide eyes, "you can do that?"
you shrug. "i'm not a professional, but it might help. do you want me to?" derek nods, a bit too enthusiastic, which makes him blush and clear his throat. "if you don't mind.."
you shake your head and push derek's shoulders so you can stand up, "not at all, wait here.."
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it takes a moment to find the lotion, a con of having moved into a new place: everything is in an odd place.
you don't keep any oil or anything like that that would be more appropriate, so this would have to do.
derek is a bit awkward at first, but once you put on some music for yourself so you can focus, derek starts watching the animal tiktok's your friends were spamming in the group chat, occasionally apologizing for his laughter making your body bounce.
you're happy and share a few laughs and idle conversations between the two of you. you don't really know what you're doing, and mostly following a few tips from online.
derek sighs, sinking into the mattress. "that's good..."
your hands smooth over his back, spreading the lotion down to the small of his back and kneading a bit.
satisfied now that derek looks relaxed and you've done the best you can to make your lover feel better, you lean over to kiss the back of his neck. "there you go, baby."
derek hums, and you move around to lay beside him. "thank you. i feel so much better." derek nuzzles into your neck, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in.
you laugh at derek's clinginess, wrapping your arms around his back as well. "i'm glad, i wasn't really sure what i was doing."
derek starts peppering kisses all over your face, both of you smiling and laughing.
eventually, derek pulls away, having flipped you over and is gazing down at you, his eyes full of love and are a bit glassy. "thanks for taking care of me today. you're amazing..."
you reach up to cup his cheeks, "you're worth it, you need to be taken care of."
derek laughs, tears gathering on his lashes. he tucks his face into your neck, completely wrapping his body around your own. "i love you so much."
you brighten, surprised but happy with derek's declaration. that's the first time either of you have said the L-word.
"i love you too, derek."
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a/n: ….i was supposed to be working or at least working on my fic exchange fic. but yeah. i took a slightly too long lunch and this happened instead. i have no explanation except for the fact that @pyotrkochetkov and @smileysvech post about nečas all the time and his big brown eyes have captivated me. this is just pure filth tbh and just barely edited so be nice 😅
word count: 2.7k
tw: fingering, oral (male receiving), brief handjob, unprotected sex, innuendo, dirty talk, mild voyeurism - let me know if i missed anything else
summary: you get bored while martin’s playing his video game so you decide to take matters into your own hands, so to speak
You’re bored and horny - a lethal combo. It’s Martin’s day off and it’s pouring outside, so neither of you had felt the need to go out and do things when you woke up and saw the weather. After lazy orgasms in bed, you’d gotten up to get a beef stew simmering in the Dutch oven, something warm and fitting for the weather.
Martin had gone down to the building’s gym for a workout and you’d cleaned out the drawers in your dresser, leaving two full bags of clothes to be donated. But now, Martin’s back in the apartment, showered and settled in his gaming chair with his headset on and a video game on the screen.
And you’re bored and horny.
Sure, you could clean out the closet or read a book or something, but you just want more of Martin. You miss him too much when he’s traveling and the team has a string of away games coming up. Quickly poking your head into the spare room where Martin’s gaming computer is set up, you confirm that he’s not streaming. He’s just playing with who you assume are the boys and when he scoffs into the headset, “ah, Svechy, you suck at this,” your suspicions are confirmed that it’s his teammates he’s playing with.
Happy that you can execute your plan, you undress, tossing your clothes in a pile on the floor for later, and stroll into the room. Martin doesn’t hear you enter, probably because of the chatter in his headphones, and when you step around him to stand next to the screen, he does a double take and his eyes widen before giving you a once over. His gaze lingers on your pebbled nipples and when his eyes land on your bare cunt, his lips turn up in a hungry smile. You cock your head at him, smirking and allowing your hand to slide down over your stomach, fingertips barely brushing between your legs. Martin’s grin grows downright dirty and he says, “go ahead, get in there,” startling you because surely he can’t be talking to you while he’s got the guys listening. But then, after just enough of a pause, he adds, “Fishy, come on. Get in the storeroom.” and you realize he’s going to make this fun for both of you.
He raises an eyebrow at you and flicks his gaze from your face down to where your fingers are lingering, giving you a meaningful look. You take the hint and shift your hand, thumb brushing your clit and burying two fingers into your already wet cunt. A satisfied little sigh leaves your lips and you grind on your hand for a few minutes, leaning your free hand on the desk for support as your knees turn to jelly. You curl your fingers to work up the pleasure building low in your stomach, arousal dripping and making your movements that much easier. You bite at your lower lip to stay quiet.
Martin keeps talking into the headset, but it’s like white noise to you since you don’t understand any of the lingo. He makes a gesture with his hands still wrapped around the controller and your fingers stutter, your eyebrows drawing together in confusion because you have no idea what he wants. He grins at you and opens his mouth, wiggling his tongue playfully at you.
Your cheeks heat up and your fingers are drenched between your legs, but you pull them away - pouting at the emptiness - and hold them up to Martin’s mouth. He wraps his lips around your fingers and sucks them clean, tongue lapping at the pads of your fingertips. You shiver and he grins around your fingers, the devil. He hums, whether it’s a response to a question from the guys or a way to make you even wetter, you’re not sure and you don’t really care. He keeps your fingers in his mouth, lazily licking and sucking at him, while you drop to your knees in front of him and scrape the nails of your free hand over his bare knee. His cock is half hard under his shorts, the tented fabric a beacon for your gaze.
He glances down at you, opens his mouth to release your fingers, and says, “yeah, go ahead. You know what to do.” It’s directed at you and it’s not, his thumbs flying furiously over the buttons on the controller.
You sigh and lean your cheek against the inside of his knee, reaching for the waistband of his shorts. Martin barely moves and you wiggle the fabric down just enough to expose his cock and balls, saliva pooling on your tongue at the sight of him, huge even when he’s not even fully hard yet. You wrap your wet fingers around him and stroke slowly, gently, satisfied when he lets out a little grunt that he tries to disguise as a cough. You smirk to yourself, licking your other palm so you can get two hands on him, stroking him to full hardness. He’s throbbing in your grip, the soft velvet of his skin hot against yours.
Leaning up on your knees, you settle in between Martin’s thick thighs and he spreads them a little more so you have room, one hand leaving the controller briefly to rub the tips of his fingers against your scalp. You nearly purr at how good it feels. Martin’s cock twitches in your grip and you lean forward the rest of the way to place a soft kiss against the slit, darting your tongue out so the tip of it brushes the sensitive head. He grunts again, not even trying to disguise the noise, and bucks up slightly into your face. You tighten your hand around his base, a little warning, and suck the head of his cock into your mouth and hold it against your tongue. Martin groans and you wonder how he’ll explain the noises.
“Yeah, fuck,” he mutters. “I think we could’ve done that faster.”
You’re sure he’s talking to you, but you don’t change anything about your movements, letting saliva pool on your tongue and drool down his length so you can glide your hand over him easier. He feels impossibly thick in your mouth and you can’t wait for him to stretch you out. You never take more than a few inches of him into your mouth, even though you know he wants more, keeps flexing his hips up into your mouth. One of your hands is firm on his thigh, nails digging into his skin every time he tries to thrust his cock deeper down your throat. You keep up your fun until you can feel your arousal dripping down your thighs, pleasure coiling tight in your body. Martin rests his hands on the top of your head, the pressure keeping your mouth on his cock.
He laughs suddenly, his body shaking, and you gag a little on his cock when it pushes deeper. “Sorry, yeah, I told you the game is fun when you’re good at it,” he says and you hollow your cheeks, sucking hard at the head of his cock, pre-cum filling your mouth.
Martin’s had enough fun, you decide, releasing the head of his cock with a wet pop, strings of saliva still connecting your mouth to him. He looks down at you, frowns. You grin wickedly back up at him, slipping your body under his arms and climbing up onto the gaming chair, knees on either sides of his thighs so you can straddle the thick muscle. You’re eye level with him now and he licks his lower lip, looking down at his lap. His cock bobs between your bodies, hard and red at the tip, leaking steadily. Martin’s hands rest at your lower back, just above the curve of your ass, the cool plastic of the controller making you shiver a bit.
“Mhm,” he hums into the microphone, “let’s do a targeted entry. On my count.” He looks at you, a teasing glint in his warm brown eyes. “One,” you reach between your bodies, grasping his cock. “Two,” you slide your palm over his shaft. “Three,” your thumb rubs over the slit on the tip and he groans.
You know he expected you to sit on him at the end of his countdown, but this is for your fun, not his. You can feel his hands moving at your lower back, can hear the faint action sounds from the headset. Your hand works him over slowly and you watch, sliding closer over his thighs so you can press his cock against your stomach, showing you both just how deep he reaches inside of you. He leans down and bites gently at your shoulder, flexing his thighs under you, feeling the rush of arousal drip over his skin. He leans forward to rest his chin on your shoulder so he can see the screen better and press his cock more solidly against your stomach. It throbs against you and you shift your hips so your cunt is pressed against the underside of his cock. You roll your hips a little, getting him slick, so you can lift up on your knees and using his shoulders as leverage, balance yourself just over his cock.
The broad head bumps up against your clit, making you gasp and whine while you line him up at your entrance. Martin kisses your shoulder and you sink down on him, just an inch or so, stretched wide. Your thighs tremble and you can’t keep your moans quiet even though you cover your mouth with your hand.
“Come on,” he says, voice raspy in your ear. “I think we can take it, it’s not too bad.”
You have no idea what he’s talking about, with relation to the game, but you know he’s encouraging you to take more of him, so you sink down. Inch by inch. Until your ass is back on his thighs and he’s spearing you to the hilt. It’s hard to breathe, it feels like he’s stuffed you all the way to your lungs, your cunt stretched to the point of near pain, you legs spread wide and then wider when he opens his legs a little more. You hiccup a gasp, clenching around him.
Martin bites at your shoulder, muffling his own groan, before snapping, “go! Move, move, move.” His hands move at your back, working the controller, and you roll your hips, grinding down on him, bouncing over his cock. You’re soaked for him, the glide easy, keeping yourself as full of him as you can. Occasionally, he bucks his hips up into yours, drives his cock deeper, punches a moan from your lips.
You bury your face where his shoulder meets his neck, bouncing on him, the fabric of his shorts rubbing your ass raw, the slap of your skin against his balls surely audible through his headset. You’re dripping around him, so close, clenching around his length. One of your hands drops to your laps, finding your hard, swollen clit and working at the nerves with two fingers, sliding through the wetness. Pleasure and pressure build up in your stomach as you ride him, the throbbing of his cock matching your pounding heartbeat.
It just takes a few more seconds of his cock and your fingers until you’re gushing around him, your orgasm exploding in your body. You’re panting against his neck, your pace slowing down as your orgasm hits and your legs get tired. Martin thrusts up into you a few more times, keeping you bouncing on his lap even as he’s giving directions to the guys. Your hand is still between your legs when he comes, finishing inside of you with a muffled grunt and a hot flood. He keeps fucking up into you, pushing his cum both deeper and out of you.
You can feel his cum on your hand and you wipe it a little on his shirt, slumping against his chest. You’re exhausted now. Your eyes flutter shut, cheek pressed against his shoulder, cunt still throbbing.
“Fuck, nice,” Martin crows, startling you a little. “Good win, boys. Gonna log off and spend a little time with my girl.”
He pulls the headset away from his ear a little and you can hear a voice - maybe Svech, maybe Sebastian, you’re honestly not sure - say, “think you already spent some time with her, huh, Neci?” There’s some laughter and you blink, entire body flushing with heat.
“Ah, she’s a good girl,” he laughs a little. “Deserves my full attention.”
His hand is warm on your asscheek, patting gently. You bite at his shoulder and he pats you again, not as gently. The headset is back on his ear so you can’t hear their response, but you thought you had been quiet enough.
“Should’ve told me I was so loud,” you mutter when you feel him take the headset off completely. His arms tighten around your back.
“When did I get a chance, miláček?” He asks, nuzzling his nose against your temple. “I didn’t have a warning before you decided to use me as a sex toy.”
His hands knead at your ass, keeping you close. You can feel his cock start to throb inside of you, getting harder the more he touches you. Your hips move subconsciously over him, drawing a grunt against your temple.
“Was horny,” you mutter, gasping at the rough feeling of his fingers between your legs, pushing into your entrance along with his half-hard cock, filling you up.
“Did I not pay you enough attention this morning?” He asks, sounding genuinely concerned. He mouths at your neck, teeth scraping your skin, and you shiver in his arms.
“Just wanted more of you,” you pout even though he can’t see your face. “Miss you when you leave.”
Martin sucks a little mark behind your ear, “ah, moje sladká holčička, I miss you too.” He kisses down your neck again and your nipples pinch painfully. “How about I take you to bed and make sure you have something to think about when I’m gone?”
You can feel your body react to his words, wetness pooling between your legs again. You nod and Martin stands up, easily holding your weight and keeping his cock buried inside of you. Your legs lock instinctively around his waist, arms around his neck, and hold tight while he carries you back into the bedroom. He settles you onto the bed, kneeling in between your spread legs, hands wrapped around the backs of your knees.
“You know,” he says, lips curved in a teasing smile, “I had one of the best game scores while you were riding me, maybe we should make that a habit.”
You let out an embarrassed giggle and shake your head, “I definitely don’t need the guys hearing me again.”
Even as you say it though, the thought of the other guys listening sends a little thrill down your spine, your clit throbbing. Martin watches it twitch, carefully flicking his thumb over the bundle, making your back arch off the mattress.
“I think you liked that,” he rasps, “didn’t you? Liked the boys listening to your sweet little noises, knowing you were using me to get off.”
“Ngh- ah- no,” you manage to squeak out with Martin’s fingers continuing their assault on your clit.
He clicks his tongue. “No lying, miláček. Next time, you’re going to be even louder. Going to let the boys know how much pleasure you get from riding my cock.”
You grind against his hand, overwhelmed. “N-next time?”
Martin nods, free hand grasping the base of his cock, stroking himself until he’s hard. He bumps the head of his cock against your clit and you scream. “Good girl,” he murmurs, lining up at your entrance and pushing just the tip in. “Like that. You’re going to scream so they can hear you.”
You clench around the tip and he leans down to kiss you, driving his cock deeper, making you gasp into his mouth.
“But for now,” he says against your lips, “you played your little game, it’s my turn.”
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So I was rereading my sister’s old James and the Giant Peach book and I was struck with an idea.
Introducing…the Amazing Digital Peach!!!
If you read the JATGP book or watched the 1996 movie, you already know pretty much the whole plot.
Pomni is a 7-year old human girl who’s orphaned and has to live with her two relaxed but extremely neglectful uncles. They’re too lazy to do anything other than sit around and compliment themselves so they make Pomni do all the work around the house. They let her roam around freely but they’ll lock her in her room if she tries to go down to the shore to play with the other children.
One day, she’s doing work and comes across an old computer. She turns it on and on the screen it shows Caine, obviously. He tells her about these cool crocodile tongues that are inside a jar buried underneath where she found the computer. He instructs her on how to cook it properly and wished her good luck. Curious, little Pomni digs the jar out with her bare hands (because the dirt is really soft) and she decides to hide it from her uncles. If they find it, they’ll probably eat it and something bad might happen. She runs inside the house and to her room. It doesn’t have a lot of things in it, except for a rag doll, a gummy alligator, a king chess piece, a tragedy mask and some red ribbon, a purple bunny plushie, and a box full of random toy parts. Pomni trips on a broken floorboard and drops the jar of crocodile tongues. It breaks open and most of it spills onto her stuff. She tries to grab them (the crocodile tongues) but they’re already out of sight. She even saw a few actually crawl out of her window and towards the old ancient peach tree that was in the garden. With a bleeding foot and tears on her face, Pomni climbs onto her bed and decides to clock in for the day.
The next day, Pomni wakes up to find all her stuff gone! But she doesn’t have time to look for them, because her uncles are making a commotion outside. The ancient peach tree which hasn’t been able to grow a single peach in its entire lifetime, has started growing a peach that kept getting bigger and bigger and BIGGER. At first, Pomni’s uncles planned on eating it but then they decided to show it off to everyone else. Pomni was forbidden from going outside during the open house though, and was locked in her room. At night, her uncles send her out to clean up the mess (but they gave her an eaten chocolate bar to give her some energy). While cleaning, she noticed a hole inside the giant peach and went inside it. She climbed through the long passageway before she got to the seed, where a door was carved into it. She opened it and you can all guess what happened next. If you can’t, I’ll tell you anyway. Pomni saw all of her stuff inside the seed room, but they were much bigger and taller than her, and they seemed…ALIVE. Zooble notices her and welcomes her in the crew. Then Jax asks her to go through his endless wardrobe and get him his black leather jacket, and Pomni was way too scared to protest. He explains that he had gained sentience only 13 hours ago and the others chime in. Pomni tells everyone about the crocodile tongues and everyone’s weirdly calm with that. Once Pomni finds Jax’s black leather jacket, she gives it to him, and some rough banter between him and Kinger ensue. Gummigoo then noticed Pomni’s wounded foot and offers to patch that up for her. He takes out the tiny splinters, cleans the wound, and then bandages it with some gauze. Pomni is very grateful for his kindness and decides that she likes Gummigoo, as well as Jax because his snarky personality was entertaining. Then everyone goes to sleep, with Zooble making the beds by knitting string.
The next day, Pomni wakes up with the group cheering and hyping Jax up. Ragatha explains that Jax has razor-sharp teeth and he’s currently gnawing away at the stem that kept the giant peach from rolling off the hill. Pomni didn’t want to leave her uncles behind, since she didn’t really hate them, but decided to stay inside the room instead of leaving. Ragatha offers to carry her so she wouldn’t fall when the peach starts rolling, and Pomni agrees. She liked being held by her new friend, it reminded her of her late mother. Though the holding thing didn’t work, because when Jax finally broke the stem, the peach started rolling down the hill and the first thing Pomni did was fall out of Ragatha’s arms. Meanwhile, her uncles didn’t even seem to notice that she hadn’t returned last night and were just counting their money. When the peach started rolling, they were instantly crushed (R.I.P).
And the rest is pretty much what happens in the original book! I’m not good at drawing, so I’ll give you key design details if you ever want to make fanart of this AU.
Pomni has cute little pigtails, like this ⬇️
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She also wears a dirty white gown with short sleeves!
Jax has a little tuff of hair at the top of his head and he wears a simple black leather jacket over his overalls (you can give him sharp teeth too if you wanna stick to the razor-sharp teeth thing)
Ragatha, Gummigoo, and Gangle look pretty much the same lol
Zooble has a bit of a darker color scheme, with more purples, blues, and blacks. It doesn’t have to be specific, she does canonically mix and match.
Here’s a little fun fact: Pomni’s uncles are based off Chad and Max, Gummigoo’s friends (and apparently brothers according to the wiki). They’re not maliciously evil so I made them chill but they are kinda supposed to be problematic so I made them extremely neglectful.
Anyways, hope you guys like this! I think I’m seriously cooking here.
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slytherinshua · 1 year
QUIET, COVERS, AND YOU genre ➳ fluff. warnings ➳ none. pairing ➳ woozi x reader. wc ➳ 569. a/n ➳ from this req.
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It was so rare that Jihoon was home before you were already asleep. He stayed in Universe Factory until the early hours of the morning cooking up new masterpieces for Seventeen and other artists. You had fallen asleep on the couch in his studio countless times, and every time Jihoon always felt a little guilty about it.
One night when he noticed that your rambling about the meaning of flowers had come to a sudden halt, he looked up from his computer to find you cutely dozing off. He realized that it was already 2 am, and he should’ve made sure you had gone home long ago, but it was too late for that now. So, his lips would pull up into a soft smile and he would grab a blanket to drape over your sleeping figure before going back to the current song he was working on.
Jihoon had always preferred the soft intimacy of the evenings and night over the bustling and busy day. It might sound ridiculous to others, but he would always choose a peaceful night in the studio to any fancy date. He was glad you also favoured simplicity. That’s why you worked well together.
The nights when you would both slip under the covers of your bed at home were rare, but you loved them. It was just past midnight and Jihoon finished showering and brushing his teeth. You were drowsy but still awake when you felt the dip in the bed next to you. You reached over to your bedside to turn on the lamp to a low setting.
“You should’ve turned on a light. What if you stubbed your toe?” You scolded making him laugh.
“I know my way around this room even in the dark. Didn’t want to wake you in case you were asleep.” He shifted onto his side so he was facing you, eyes meeting yours. 
You didn’t say anything and neither did he, both of you just settling into the most comfortable position and staring. It was quiet— so quiet that Jihoon could hear your breathing and how it had synced up with his. It made him smile.
He couldn’t get the thought out of his head that you just looked so pretty like this. The warm glow from the lamp cast gentle shadows on your face, accentuating the curves of your face and the line of your jaw. You had a lazy smile on your face, resisting the urge to close your eyes and give in to sleep for just a bit longer.
Jihoon’s hand wandered until it was stroking your hair and that was enough to get you to finally give in. You closed your eyes, the feeling of his hand brushing your hair with such care and love. Jihoon wasn’t very vocal, but you knew how important you were to him from the way he held you, from the little things he did only for you. 
You could feel the tiredness slowly take over and you were already half asleep when you murmured a soft ‘I love you’ to Jihoon. You wanted him to know in case he had forgotten the last time you said it. 
His hand paused for a moment before resuming and you picked up on a quiet mumble from your boyfriend before you finally drifted off to sleep.
“I love you too. I’ve never… loved you more than right now.”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @yeonjuns-redhair,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @skz-minchan-enthusiast,, @shuabby1994,, @icyminghao
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