#was ever really able to process it. especially considering the pressure that was there to 'make up my mind' sooner rather than later
omo-queer · 7 months
hey V, I don't want to be invasive so forgive me for asking. how are you edging/ruining/ theoretically able to cum, all without touching? asking as someone who has only ever been able to finish with a specific toy and no other method lol im curious and also a little jealous!
thanks for the ask! this isn't too invasive, so no need to worry!
it bears noting that i am able to get myself off pretty easily with my own hands but i also have a right hand like a vibrator (and that's not really an exaggeration... people have alleged my hands are magic. i blame rhythm games and a body that hasn't always been the most interested in going over the edge by hand.)
the key components (for me) to being able to go over the edge without any genital contact are audiovisual stimulation, pressure, and tension. here's a summary of what works for me on these:
audiovisual stimulation—this one's simple. my brain really enjoys seeing and hearing people being penetrated, especially if they're getting off, and i feel almost a sympathetic response. i think this is related to the way some people can get off just from topping someone with a strap, although the strap does absolutely give some pressure with each thrust so that might be considered an "easier" variant of what i'm talking about doing (easier in quotes bc none of this is particularly easy to do the first time.) normally i don't watch that much vanilla porn (or really too much video pornography at all if i'm honest) but the easiest source of this kind of stimulation for me is watching simple amateur videos of people riding dildos. sound really helps. them having a real orgasm really helps.
pressure—this one is a little trickier, but it's got a few contributors. the more i need to come, the more "pressure" there is in that sense. (thank you, denial kink.) the fuller my bladder is, the more pressure there is from that side. (thank you, piss kink.) if i'm wearing tight pants and/or underwear or i'm under a blanket that comes into contact with my genitals that's another way to make the barrier to entry easier, although to get a perfect ruin i make sure to remove anything that was in contact as i pass the point of no return. that said, clothes and a full bladder both make the process easier, but i can get over the edge without either.
tension—this is the most difficult one to get right, i think. what i do, as i get more aroused, is roughly equivalent to kegel exercises, although i also tense certain muscles in my abdomen that i don't believe are part of the pelvic floor. this should work somewhat with any type of anatomy (and i'm aware of people who have hands-free orgasms with the two most common genital configurations,) as most people have some partially or fully internal erogenous tissue full of nerve endings that, when pushed on from the inside, is sexually pleasurable. this won't feel anywhere near as intense as direct stimulation, and i find it takes a while (and particularly good audiovisual material) to even reach the point where it feels like i could go over the edge. it also bears noting that the first few times i did this, even though i have damn strong pelvic floor muscles, i still ended up sore the next day like i was working out. don't hurt yourself, but figure out what muscles you can tense and release over and over that your body feels some slight pressure from. sometimes i find little thrusting motions with my hips help, though i try not to use these in combination with a blanket or anything because i think that would count as humping.
so basically, you're trying to get your brain so worked up that the idea of real stimulation is enough to get it to go over the edge, and at the same time do everything you can to go over the edge without touching your genitals (or, if you're a weirdo purist like me about the idea, doing things you consider "cheating." for example i avoid grinding my thighs together, humping things, anything that gives direct stimulation to my genitals.) of course, every body is different—and considering that the most important of this is about tricking the brain, every brain is also different—and so your mileage may vary. there's (of course) nothing wrong with you if you can't get this to work, and the first couple times i tried for it i couldn't manage it myself.
for the easiest setup and again this isn't easy the first time you do it, find the audiovisual material that works best for you, bring yourself right up near the edge in the way you would normally masturbate but not to the point of no return, and remove stimulation. then try your hardest to come by flexing and tensing muscles. if you get too far from the edge, bring yourself back up and try again. if you have other parts of your body that are sensitive to touch, you can lean on that a little (e.g. neck, nipples, thighs but not too close to the genitals) you can put your hands to work on those, although in my experience none of those are fully necessary either.
feel free to ask any questions this raises! i'm amenable to DMs, or if you're asking from a blog you don't want known (or just don't like DMs) you can also pick an emoji to send anon asks with! i have a list of taken emoji in my pinned, so you can pick anything that isn't listed there. i would love to hear any experiences you have using this info, and would be glad to give more details if they would help.
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deep vein thrombosis
The first thing Will felt as he came out of his daze was pain. Sharp, exacting pain stabbing away at his calf, like searing hot needles being pumped in and out. The second thing he felt was the cold infirmary floor coming up to meet his hands as he fell, knees buckling. This was a familiar sight for the med staff of Camp Half-Blood: one of them falling to the floor, dazed and confused and aching. The manipulation of human flesh took its toll, no matter how skilled you were.
Will, especially, was more than used to this. It was almost comforting, in some strange measure. The shake in his legs as he pushed himself up, the pallor of his sun-kissed skin as he squinted at his hands, willing the glow to die down— it was all a sign of a job well done. Of a job he could be proud of. Of course, many-a-patient would argue that he could be proud of any job, and he would just nod along happily. Of course William Solace could be proud of his work, it was in his name after all.
The dizzying rush of being in the infirmary, the ever-changing tide of medicine, the blood rushing in their ears— he knew, acutely, how much of a comfort it all was. He knew how much they relished being taken care of down to the marrow, down to the cell, because the infirmary was never empty. He would not venture to say that campers got injured on purpose, because he knew the bitterness that would seep into his work, crawling up their arms and legs like streaking lymphangitis, like rabies working its way through neuron after neuron.
Besides, he considered as Kayla whisked away the nameless patient–Will would remember their name eventually, when he remembered that he cared enough to bother–, no one actually enjoyed getting rendered apart limb by limb. And they certainly knew better than getting injured for the sake of a day off. Everyone knew the aftereffects of Will’s healing.
It begins like this: emptiness. Blood absent where it should be present, the gaping hole left by a horn or tusk patched with no warning to the nerves, absolute and perfect reconstruction. Too perfect, Will would deign to argue, but that was his father’s jurisdiction. Will just enacted his will.
Then came the second struggle: remembrance. There was a moment after every trip to the infirmary, with blood pooling on Will’s scrubs, where the patient’s nervous system remembered. Then the screaming began, the misfiring of neurons trying to alert a response to something that had been removed. For one, he had gotten used to filtering out the weeping and begging, focusing on mitigating the wrongful inflammation that threatened to undo all of his hard work.
And, finally, like a decrescendo to the awful opera that is Apollonian healing: pressure. It was like the desperate, franting beating of the heart under tamponade; the stinging of a broken leg holding up your body weight; the bruising pressure of water on the brain. It was a task for both the med staff and the patient, really. Will and Kayla and Austin could not do much to release the pressure–there was no blister to drain, no bubble to pop, and certainly no surgery to be done–, so they just gave the not-so-happy camper a dose of ibuprofen and took a hit themselves.
Then, in the end, solace. Their nerves would realize there was nothing–at least, nothing that would kill–amiss, the pressure would dissipate, and the med staff would be able to release another patient.
It was a perfect progression. Perfect enough that Will could impose a diagram of bone stitching itself back together naturally and be none the wiser. Only he was wiser, and, swaying where he stood, he dimly wondered why that wasn’t his healing progression.
Why didn’t William get the easy, predictable healing process that he bestowed upon everyone else? Why did the pressure never dissipate, why did he never wean off of fumes? Why did the hurt never disappear, why did his nerves never stop firing, why did he have to fight through the shaking in his hands to clean up splotches of blood on his brand new scrubs? Why did he have to learn to embroider ceremonial shrouds? Why did he have to return to an empty cabin after days in an overflowing infirmary? Why did he have to stand still for hours upon hours, craning his neck during surgery and deliveries and healing incantations? Why didn’t he have compression stockings, at least?
He treated deep vein thrombosis; he didn’t want to develop it.
Will could alleviate it in a matter of seconds, of course–it was just a quick anabolic hymn, or maybe a lysosome hymn–, but that didn’t erase the hurt. The pressure. The cardiac tamponade, the lurching of his stomach, the phantom limb pain that wasn’t really there for a limb, but it might as well have been.
Gods help him, William Solace may have just passed out right then and there, feeling as if a blood clot had just shot up to his brain. Lodged in his heart. A step forward. Then another. Get the blood pumping, pumping, pumping— there it is, clarity. The ash-grey of his skin, the faint golden glow of his hands. Clarity, sunlit and burnt.
“Camper from Hypnos’s cabin!” someone called, stumbling over the rickety gurney’s uneven roll. “Hit their head pretty hard during rock climbing, but there’s no obvious signs of damage. Conscious, alert, and oriented.”
He sighed, snapping on a new sterile pair of gloves.
The first thing he felt was dazed pain.
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faithinlouisfuture · 5 months
Louies' 2023 Wrapped Tag Game
(Rules: Answer the questions below and tag at least 3 people!)
Thank you bestie @berlinini for tagging me 🤍 sorry i’m so late on this, work’s been kicking my ass, here we go though!
favorite walls song: this year; don’t let it break your heart
favorite fitf song: impossible to pick just one but right now; holding on to heartache (which is funny considering my fav off of Walls this year)
most played song on Spotify by Louis: Written All Over Your Face (ok whore)
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favorite louis lyrics: that’s actually an impossible task because there’s WAY too many! but “there’s endless versions of the thing that keeps me drifting back to darkness” hits home in a way that i can’t explain in words
louis life lesson: it always remains the same; picking yourself back up after facing hardships, seeing the possibilities and positives in a difficult situation; basically strength & resilience
favorite louis outfit: oh that’s unfair, my little fashionista kills it 99% of the time so i have a list of favorite 50 outfits from 2023 but for the purpose of this game we’ll narrow it down to three (and it’s not even top three just three that i loved)
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favorite tour show: there were so many good ones this year (Phoenix, Austin, Houston, LA, Philly, New York, Bologna, Paris, Antwerp, Vienna, Łódź, Sheffield, Cardiff, London) but the way that I felt physically ill after fitfwt: Columbus might need to be studied for science; the whiplash from the stark difference of him during the show and him post show was entirely TOO MUCH
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favorite public appearance: has to be the RS Awards; the slutty custom-made fit, the main character energy throughout, the confidence, the glow, the ever present eloquence with which he spoke about his work and his successful af year, just him him him <3
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favorite AOTV scene: once again there’s so many; that scene where louis’ recording Saturdays and we get some insight into his thinking and his process, the montage of louis with band and crew having an absolute blast while All This Time plays in the background, that one scene where JD is helping him put his hoodie on after he broke his elbow 👀 the last few minutes of the movie where we hear him say the words “i do feel like i deserve this” 🫶🏽🥹 and so so many more actually
favorite band or crew member: favorite three :p are Krystle, Steve & Joshua! special shout out to Joshua for going above and beyond this year honestly! that man carried lthq on his back!
favorite picture: another unfair question but i won’t cheat and post one of my absolute most favorites from this year because it’s like the energy of his shows captured in one moment (i found out on twitter that the hand in his hair belongs to a desi louie which was like the cherry on top)
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something that you are looking forward to in 2024: the fitfwt latam shows!!! there is nothing else like the energy the latam crowds bring, which in turn brings out the absolute best (and most unhinged) in louis and his band too, so definitely looking forward to that! and the festivals!!! can’t wait to see him shine in front of the world <3 hope against hope to be a part of it if things work out 🤞🏽🕯️
one wish for Louis (or Louies) for 2024: 🍑🐧🎧 sighting! kidding (not really)! honestly though, growth
growth in this fandom’s level of maturity (with the addition of lots more people who are here for louis’ art and not his personal life), growth in the markets he’s able to capture, growth in the places he’s able and willing to tour *cough*ASIA*cough*, growth in the ability of his teams especially his social media and PR teams, growth from Louis himself in regards to him being open to trying new things
i don’t know who all has done this! but i’ll tag some people just in case (no pressure) @noraincsl @timidlouie @poekitty2020 @stormyhale @louveyous
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amethystina · 3 months
I just saw this on X (formerly known as twitter) and I immediately thought of you. And I don't know why I had the urge to send it to you, so here it is.
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It describes perfectly how I feel about your writing. I usually don't read ongoing fics, but if I find one really intresting I read the first chapter to have a better understanding of it and save it for when it is finished. But with 'Who holds the devil', I felt like I couldn't stop reading. Like I physically couldn't stop reading, and it was all due to your writing. Everything you write about, every detail, every emotion, and every expression is written in the most unique and intresting way I have ever read.
The reason I sometimes prefer reading over watching things is because I have the ability to imagine what I am reading and emmerse myself completly in it when the writing is done well. And you don't just do it well, you do it INCREDIBLE.
In my personal experience, you are the first writer with which I like the long descriptions of things. Because when I read them, nothing feels too long or too much, it just feels perfect for the storytelling. And I only realise that there were a lot of words written after the fact, because everything just sails smoothly.
I don't know why I had the urge to send you this 😅, and I hope I didn't overwhelm you with my unstructured oversharing on here. But I just wanted to say, you are incredible and I hope you stay healthy and happy in the future (even if you suddenly decide to stop writing this fic, there is no pressure as you have already given us a lot).
Take care 💜
I am a little overwhelmed, not going to lie, but in a good way? In that way where I don't really know how to respond because I'm feeling so many things right now, but all of them good.
I've said it before but it will never not blow my mind when I hear just how much my writing seems to affect people. Because it doesn't feel all that glamorous to me, you know? When I'm sitting there, frowning at my document, trying to figure out what word goes where. Or when I'm trying to find the right rhythm and cadence to the sentences, and capture the right emotions and imagery to tell the story I can see playing out inside my head.
But I am, of course, incredibly flattered and also very proud to know that I can have such an impact. I started writing fanfics on a whim — because I wanted to write at least one before I died — and the art of writing (or whatever you want to call it) wasn't even something I reflected on at the time. Well, tbh, I can't say that I do that all that much now, either — I just write what I think sounds nice xD
Point being, even if I've always put a lot of effort into my writing, it never really occurred to me that I might end up being genuinely good at it. That felt like such an unobtainable goal that I never even considered it. And it's been pretty disorienting to be told that I am (but, again, in a good way).
Especially since I go against a lot of the common writing advice that you see floating around. I write a lot of words — some that are definitely not needed. I use adverbs, adjectives, and whatever the heck I want. I often do a lot of telling instead of showing. I repeat things and spell things out for the readers in a way that good writers shouldn't. I do a lot of hand-holding with my readers, taking them through every step of the character's thought process and reactions. I write detailed descriptions of what the characters are feeling instead of only showing it through their actions. The list goes on.
Like, if you look at what the writing advice says, I should be a terrible writer xD
But I'm glad that I'm not. I'm glad that I can write things that move people and that the stories I tell feel that engaging. And I love being able to share them and spread the joy. It's such a wonderful feeling to know that I've made a difference somehow, however small it may be.
So thank you so, so much for your kind words. Which feels wholly inadequate to convey just how grateful I am that you took the time to write and send this, but trust me when I say that it means a lot to me. I never thought I'd reach this point, with people reaching out to me just to tell me how much they love my writing. How wonderful is that? It leaves me utterly speechless sometimes.
How is this my life?
And so far I have no plans to stop writing Who Holds the Devil, don't worry. I can't promise it'll happen quickly what with everything that's going on in my life right now (like being officially diagnosed with burnout due to long Covid — yay me) but I'm way, way too stubborn to give up. And I also love the fic and the characters too much to stop xD I want to see this through to the end just as much as the rest of you.
So yeah. Thank you again for sending this — it made my day. And you take care, too 💜
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nso-csi · 10 months
230814 Clash Magazine twitter update 'In Conversation With SHINee'
In the early days of prepping for this record, what was the group’s mentality like? Was there something very specific you each wanted from this process? TAEMIN: I think I wanted to show that SHINee is still as strong as ever. To be honest, during our promotions, I couldn’t really pinpoint our exact goal but now I feel like I can organise my thoughts and reflect on what my feelings were at that time: I still want to receive a lot of love when we’re on stage, continue to cherish what we’ve achieved, and maintain our strong bond with our fans.
So there’s still that feeling of pressure, even if it’s lesser these days, when you gear up to a release? TAEMIN: The album release was delayed from the original schedule, and we wish we’d had more time to prepare because time was really limited. Despite that, we were able to wrap up this promotion well. I tend to be hard on myself, but this time, I think I felt like I wanted to appreciate the moment.
SHINee have talked at various points over the years about their identity – as a group and individuals – and you explore this on Hard’s B-side ‘Identity’ with lyrics like “I want to find the original me” and “a destination to find in chaos”. Have there been times where the members experienced losing their way? TAEMIN: I’ve always tried to view myself objectively, and sometimes it felt like a trap in an endless cave. Fortunately, I’ve had really wonderful people around me, who were my greatest source of strength. I’m not sure if I can be someone who can say uplifting words to others but when I feel overwhelmed, I take walks which clear my mind and this has helped me.
As humans we’re constantly evolving; how have the members’ identities shifted since the release of ‘Don’t Call Me’ (2021), and how is this change reflected on ‘Hard’? TAEMIN: I decided to give myself a break and not to be so hard on myself. I wanted to focus more on the feelings of happiness and the positive energy that people give me from recognizing my work instead of contemplating what I’m lacking and overanalyzing my shortcomings. And because I was able to take a different approach and attitude toward this album, I was able to enjoy this promotion and feel more comfortable.
After 15 years, what – if anything – still makes you nervous as an artist? TAEMIN: The constant anticipation and expectations motivate me and heighten my expectations but, on the other hand, they can also be stressful. But this process is a significant part of my life, and the challenges make the sense of accomplishment I feel even greater.
Upcoming film aside, if there was one moment in your SHINee careers that you could revisit in-person – just because it was so amazing you’d like to experience it again – what would it be? TAEMIN: The moments I want to relive are not only from our [stage] careers but I really do want to relive those small moments when the five of us would have meals, talk, and fall asleep together.
The older we get, the faster time seems to move: Is there a new or different sense of urgency around your ambitions? And how does this compare to the early days of SHINee when, perhaps, you felt like there was also so much to accomplish? TAEMIN: I’ve achieved many of the things I’d aimed for and also experienced moments of wanting to give up. Going through numerous experiences and internal turmoil, I can see myself ageing, but the memories and records of us when we were young are vividly alive and preserved. So, personally, rather than a sense of urgency and ambition, I always want to do my best in the present and in this era.
The words ‘icons’ and ‘legends’ get thrown around too easily these days but SHINee really are both. Does it seem real for you, especially as you’re still an active, progressive group? Do you ever consider the band’s legacy and what you’d like that, ultimately, to be? TAEMIN: One of my juniors once said to me, ‘I feel like idols’ careers are extending because you continue to be active. Thank you.’ Hearing those words made me feel proud because it seems like we’re pioneering something, and when I see friends who consider me as their role model, it also helps me release all the built-up stress inside of me. Because of that, I feel a sense of motivation, I want to work even harder to inspire people, and I hope SHINee will be remembered as a group that continues to shine and remains in people’s hearts for generations to come.
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Dude stop having such a stick up your ass! You know very well what dick means, how people are using it, and why they are asking you about it. 🙄 Jesus even you have used the word cock before and not referring to a rooster either. Calling your dick a phallus and pretending you have no idea what anything to do with sex means and acting so fucking prissy just makes you look ignorant and naive. Which for the "smartest person on the planet" is a bad look. No wonder you're getting stupid cases brought to you, everyone thinks you're an idiot. Just because you supposedly don't or never had sex doesn't mean you have no knowledge of it and erased it from you mind palace. It could still be useful to know for motives, and even more so if you actually knew why people would do crazy things because of it. Get some first hand experience, it'll do you good. And don't come at me with your 'dirty animalistic rutting etc etc' excuses either. 🙄
How tastelessly expressed, and you really thought I wouldn't be able to deduce who you are? So cowardly trying to hide behind anonymity because you wouldn't dare to say such things directly to me? However it is quite obvious to me, but maybe you believed you were far away in a safe distance to not be deduced by me. Or maybe you are not being smart enough to realise your mistakes. So quite an useless endeavour trying to hide from me, because I know.
You tried varying your writing style a bit, however the most significant characteristics are still there and recognisable to be yours, easy to identify. At least for me, quite obvious. The punctuation and emoticons are a dead giveaway.
And now to the content of your brain-dead ask: perhaps you should learn that not everyone is as obsessed with copulation as you are. Some people don't care about it and therefore don't need to know anything about it because it wouldn't significantly enrich their lives. So it is useless knowledge and can be deleted. I am above such things, everything else is just transport, I am only interested in stimulating the mind and not in such low urges. Did it ever cross your mind that maybe that's why I am the smartest person on this planet, because my brain is not clouded by those urges? While most of humans use all their brain capacity to focus on achieving their next copulation, I can focus my full capacity on more important things like cases and scientific mysteries.
I don't need to know about it personally, because I can see that it turns people into even bigger idiots than they already are, so why should I then partake in that, to diminish my intelligence to become as stupid as all those sex-obsessed primates? Motives of sexual nature are also quite clear to me without having to partake in any such activities, I also never brutally murdered someone out of jealousy but can still deduce the motive. But for you such talents might seem impossible, to be able to consider other people's perspectives. Neither did I ever say that I do not possess any knowledge of it, I do know the biological processes, but unlike you people I do not use every minute of my day to talk about it.
Oh and excuse me that I use educated medical terms to refer to anatomy instead of talking like a pleb like you. How dare I? But if you are so bothered with my use of words describing my own anatomy, how shall I call it? Dick? Cock? Did this satisfy your perversions?
Telling people to partake in copulation to 'get some first hand experience' is quite ignorant and disgusting, especially if they do not desire such things. Pressuring people into such things, absolutely disgraceful. Maybe it would do you good to get some first hand experience of thinking with your brain instead of your nether regions? But it is quite telling that your definition of idiot is someone who does not desire sex and thus ignores it, seems that for you knowledge of sexual nature must be the most important thing then.
Why don't you just get it over with and call me a prude directly, like Anderson or Donovan did? Because I know that's what you think.
Maybe educate yourself next time and do something useful instead of harassing people about their sexual perferences or lack thereof.
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anneapocalypse · 7 months
I'm always fascinated to learn about other writers' processes, so I hope this isn't too many questions! 😅 3, 11, 41, 46, 49
(For this ask meme.)
3. Answered!
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I certainly have my faves and I think it's generally pretty obvious who they are! At the same time, I like to explore new things and consider myself open to persuasion. Especially for canons with very large casts, it would be hard to limit myself to a single favorite character or pairing.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
Vincit qui se vincit by @zelroyo-blog. It's got such gorgeous world- and character-building (one of my very favorite Fallout couriers I've ever read about). When I read it I knew I wanted not only to write that well but to engage with the worlds I'm writing in on that level. Truly one of my biggest inspirations over the years (and Zel if ever you happen to see this, it's been a long time but I hope you're doing well).
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
I much prefer working on desktop or at least on my tablet for anything substantial, but the phone will do for jotting down short scenes, dialogue, ideas etc. that might come to me when I'm away from it. I can write more volume on my phone if it's all I've got, but if I'm in the middle of a larger project I just prefer to be able to see more of it at once. It's harder for what I'm writing to feel grounded in its larger context if I can't click around and see the context!
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Right now I'm doing a little low-pressure challenge for myself that I'm calling 100 Word November, with the intention of getting myself back to writing regularly after a bad year. The goal is just to write at least 100 words per day, though most days I end up writing more, and it's been a lot of fun. It's all little snippets about my FFXIV character Ariane (and in particular it's a lot of Ariane/Urianger Shadowbringers-era stuff). Very unstructured and nothing set in stone, as I really don't plan on finishing or finalizing anything until I've reached endgame.
Here's a snippet from today! Mildly spoilery for Shadowbringers.
"’Tis fascinating the myriad ways in which the fae distinguisheth—” Urianger paused, giving her a sheepish smile. “Forgive me. Many a time hath Thancred admonished me for talking his ear off, as it were.” “Urianger,” Ariane said very seriously, “this is important, so listen carefully.” She wrapped both hands around her teacup, and leaned slightly forward, and he listened with all earnestness. “I want to hear everything about the fae. Everything. Should you ever doubt my desire to hear about something, you may ask me, ‘Ariane, would you like to hear about the intricacies of the customs of the fair folk?’ that I may assure you, my dear friend, that I do in fact want to hear all about it.” Urianger’s countenance positively glowed. “Thou art altogether too kind to me, my friend.”
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evanwritesgames · 8 months
Species of Starjourn: Konogiri
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Konogiri are an ancient species that evolved from succulents on a dry, barren planet inhospitable to most forms of life. Their evolutionary history is unusual in that the Konogiri are able to trace most of their major leaps to specific environmental pressures and the biological tricks necessary to adapt to them. 
Konogiri are exceedingly difficult to kill, for example, and they attribute this both to the planet they evolved on as well as a particular species of aggressive herbivore for which they were the primary source of nutrition. Konogiri attribute their sapience to a fungal species that formed a symbiotic relationship with their distant evolutionary ancestors. This species is thought to be the basis of the Konogiri “brain”, really a decentralized network of glial cells, nerve tissue and microscopic mycelial strands connecting it all together.
Nowadays, the Konogiri have nothing to fear from other life forms on their planet. They can visit and gawk at zoos and wildlife preserves hosting the creatures that used to eat them, and still would if the Konogiri ever gave them the opportunity. Unlike other species, which might have wiped them out, the Konogiri have a sort of traditional gratitude to these predators. In their mythological tradition, the predators are often personified and take on roles similar to human trickster and Promethean figures. They are fascinated by these parallels with humans as well as other species.
Konogiri are a photosynthetic species that evolved on the surface of their planet. A few other species also evolved here, including an intermediary species necessary to Konogiri reproduction. The details of this process are carefully guarded secrets but it is known that the process takes place at night and that Konogiri ready to mate begin to flower from the tops of their heads, which is also where their primary photosynthetic cells are centralized. 
Konogiri have tough, bark-like skin that is a natural filter and allows them to survive atmospheric and aquatic conditions that would kill most living things. Their bodies are highly regenerative and they can recover from almost any injury, especially if submerged in water. To them, immersion in water is a physically and emotionally fulfilling pastime more similar to bathing than swimming.  
They require water as much as sunlight but can store significant quantities of both, allowing them to “tap into” these elements at will, which provides them with the ability they call “bursting”. It is similar, if more dramatic in terms of effect, to human adrenaline surges. During a burst, Konogiri are even more hardy and strong than usual, but it’s the speed increase that really makes the difference. Konogiri usually prefer a slow pace of life, with bursting considered a fight or flight response mainly, and can seem to both talk and move very slowly compared to some other species.
Though effectively “monogender”, Konogiri do display regional and individual differences in the usual forms. All Konogiri are a shade of green and all are bottom-heavy or pear-shaped with minor size differences. The shapes of their heads, eyes, mouths, and locations of quills and skin ridges are their primary anatomical differences.
Accustomed to fighting for survival but reluctant to strike first, the Konogiri suffered at the hands of the Nirojanni for hundreds of years before developing the military acumen and technology necessary to fight back. After this, they successfully defended their territory but also began an aggressive expansion phase where they came into conflict with a series of other intelligent species, including some ALTO species such as the Lecronians and Theramoans.
After the Second Nirojanni War, ALTO membership was fast-tracked in an unprecedented resolution that has remained controversial not only because some still harbor doubts about the Konogiri, but also because it is well known that the primary reason policy changed and obstacles were removed is that their territory provides a strategic buffer against the Nirojanni. Some Konogiri mistrust ALTO and share cynicism about their membership with non-Konogiri critics -- they argue that it is not their species’ job to protect the rest of ALTO when they were locked out for so long. Most Konogiri, however, realize the value of ALTO membership is less about military alliances and more about being part of a galactic community where peaceful diplomacy, scientific inquiry, and exploration, as opposed to expansion, are paramount concerns.
Their history has left their various cultures with a shared expectation that “life is difficult” and they tend to universally share values that are akin to what we might call pragmatism or stoicis. Konogiri are slow to do anything and their relative balance of temperament and absence of grudges or personal vendettas are thought to make them ideal security officers and LEOs.
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We're a monoconscious median system, and we've been considering forming a tulpa/thoughtform (we can't figure out which term to use) because we'd like to have someone.. fully seperate from us? if that makes sense? But we have ADHD and struggle to complete tasks, especially if we dont see progress, and we feel guilty about starting to form a thoughtform and stopping because we our brain wont let us. Do you know anything that we could do, or the morality of starting to form a thoughtform if we're not sure we can keep it up?
Hiya! Hmm, this seems tricky! We’re traumagenic and don’t have any non trauma-formed members in our system, so we can’t really speak to the process of paromancy and how to go about creating a paro/thoughtform!
But we do have this resource post for questioning systems, which has quite a few paromancy (referred to by the websites as tulpamancy) resources! :3
Our wife is a successful paromancer and she has ADHD! We took the liberty to ask her a bit about her process and this is what she had to say:
For me, it was important to not rush or force the process. As soon as working with Nevetien started feeling like work or a chore, it was easy to disengage and lose hope that we’d ever be able to work as a system. So learning to just roll with it, acknowledging her when I felt her presence, and not stressing too much when I didn’t, that was really important for us.
Um… we feel like there shouldn’t be any pressure to hold yourself to a standard that your disability won’t allow… If this means starting out with a character or an imaginary friend and building them up from there, that’s okay! There’s no one right way to be a system, and that includes being a created or paromancy system!
It’s okay to forget about your paro (forgetting is a NEUTRAL trait!) as long as, once you remember them, you don’t blame yourself or them for forgetting them and move ahead with a positive attitude. However! It might help you to remember them and remember to keep up with them if you leave yourself notes, reminders, and alarms to check in on them every once in a while.
We’re also thinking… why is it so important for y’all to have a headmate fully separate from you? Would you be accepting of this potential thoughtform if they turned out to be part of your monoconsciousness like the rest of your system? Are you creating this paro because you’re interested in having a new headmate who will last your lifetime, or more because you’re curious about what it would be like to have someone separate from you in your system? Intentions are everything, and it’s probably a bad idea to create a headmate for the wrong reasons! >_<”
We’d like to open this up to our followers who have successfully created headmates! If any of y’all have ADHD, how did you succeed in creating a paro or thoughtform? Any advice for our lovely anon?
We hope this helps! Best of luck to y’all with this - we know going about creating a thoughtform is probably not an easy endeavor! >w<
💚 Ralsei and 🐢 Kip
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daydadahlias · 1 month
Hi I just finished made in magnolia for like the 5th time, it’s truly so fantastic and one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Was just wondering would you ever consider writing some scenes from Ashton’s POV (like for example their first kiss or the scene with cal wearing makeup)?
(Btw I hope you know I’m not sending this to pressure you I’m just genuinely curious and would obvs eat up anything set in this universe, much love )
hi!! thank u so much for reading MiM this many times <3 it's truly so sweet and it really means the world to me that this can be the kind of story someone can reread again and again and also that you'd consider it !! one of the best fics !! that's so sweet !! mwah <3
as for writing scenes from Ashton's POV, because I had the prologue in Ashton's POV, I do also have an epilogue from him (that took place at muke's wedding) that I planned to post but never did. I'm def not AGAINST posting it, I just haven't ever finished it and now it feels too late to add it on lol.
and, in terms of rewriting scenes that already exist in the fic, I don't really Like doing that kind of thing tbh. I think it's super cool (and I actually did used to do it a LOT in my old writing for other fandoms bc i was obsessed w/ dual pov) but now I don't enjoy it as much because it doesn't give you - as the writer - a lot of room to play around and do new things because all the dialogue has to stay the same. You have to make sure all the actions/dialogue/motivations are consistent and the same as the first scene which is fairly difficult, especially when it's been so long since I wrote MiM now. I don't really have the same connection w/ the characters that I did during the writing process anymore (like, to be honest with you, if u were to ask me a trivia question about MiM, I probably wouldn't be able to answer it). So, like, I don't think I would write a very good scene if I were to write it now.
so i do really appreciate the question and also the interest <3 but I don't really have any interest in doing that unfortunately. i would like to, ideally, finish the epilogue at some point but I do battle a little internally w/ wanting to post it because I really enjoy MiM as the finished body of work it already is :)
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frostfall-matches · 2 months
[ matchmaking... ]
@imjustabeanie : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Jade Leech
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-> Jade is absolutely not daunted by your brutal honesty, often finding it amusing instead. He is much more about subtlety himself - not the type to lie, per se, but he does leave things rather vague, simply letting people make their own assumptions (whether good or bad). He doesn’t see anything wrong with someone naturally being more straightforward, though. Many people are afraid to truly speak their minds in social situations, preferring general politeness and not wanting to hurt feelings, so he finds types like you to be so refreshing and funny. Initially, when the two of you don’t know each other very well, he really likes seeing how you react to him. A lot of students are wary of him, if not flat out terrified, so a lot of them stutter and stammer through excuses or beating around the bush. Jade doesn’t get too fussed about it, but when you come around and say what’s really on your mind towards him, he can’t help but laugh. On the plus side, he does make an effort to be more upfront with you in return, out of appreciation.
-> He is not someone who you’d really be able to rile up. Ever calm with an easy smile, Jade simply doesn’t crack in the face of pressure, mocking, or insults. He doesn’t even seem bothered by them. And depending on the type of person, his cool-headedness and pleasant smile will just rile up the one trying to goad him. Jade doesn’t exactly come across as the competitive type to most, but he actually finds competition and challenges quite enjoyable and interesting. He’s perceptive enough to pick up on the fact that you’re the competitive type, even though you try to hide it. He’ll casually challenge you to something, making it seem like a low-stakes fun pastime, only to not go easy on you whatsoever. He always acts like he has the upper hand and just grins at whatever taunting or teasing you throw his way - and he loves taunting you back, his words intentionally timed for the maximum irritation. It’s like a form of flirting, for him.
-> Jade loves your curiosity and the fact that you indulge in it freely and often. He is of the mindset that knowledge is a very powerful, useful tool, which seems to be in line with the way you view knowledge and learning. (He just has more nefarious uses for his knowledge, especially when it comes to other people that either he or the Mostro Lounge could make use of…) All that aside, your preferred area of interest leans a bit more towards space, but if you ever want to dig deeper into the sea, he’s happy to share some of his own insights with you considering the fact that he literally grew up in the Coral Sea. Any questions you might have, especially ones concerning the logistics of being an ocean dweller, he’ll answer to the best of his ability - and his answers tend to be quite thorough, wanting to sate your ever-present curiosity.
-> On a similar note, he’s a great conversation partner when it comes to debates or philosophical topics. Jade is never one to shame you for morbid curiosity or dubious ideas, and he’s happy to explore those topics with you. There’s a lot going on inside that head of his, hidden behind that smiling poker face. He’s smart and skilled, and won’t shy away from talking about difficult topics. These are really good opportunities for you to learn a bit more about him! You’re able to figure out what his stances are on certain topics (he’s pretty morally gray and self-interested… but also doesn’t mock ideas that keep the greater good in mind, either), as well as how he thinks and processes information. He’s good at playing devil’s advocate, so you’re able to really pick apart different ideas and concepts, trying to see things from as many different perspectives as possible.
-> Jade finds a kindred spirit in you, in the way that you encourage “bad ideas” and chaos. He hates “organized harmony” - finding such peace dull and boring. A core part of him wants life to be as entertaining and fun as possible, though his definition of entertaining is a bit loose and self-centered. He really likes planting poor choices in people’s heads and waiting for the inevitable chaos and fallout. He won’t participate in any reckless ideas himself (he’s just a touch too pragmatic for that), but he can usually convince someone else to do it. And knowing that you’re also the type to hype up your friends when it comes to their stupid, dangerous ideas? Well, that’s even better! He now has a partner in crime, the two of you watching from the sidelines as some poor fool you’ve encouraged goes and risks their pride and/or safety. You two are a pair of menaces in your friends’ eyes.
-> Moody? No problem! Jade is used to Floyd, so he doesn’t take it personally. If there’s something going on that’s troubling you specifically, he’s happy to suggest or even enact solutions on your behalf - just let him know if that’s something you’re interested in, because he won’t step in without you saying so. Otherwise, he’ll leave you be, figuring that you know how to manage your own emotions. That being said, he does like to leave a little gift for you on days that you’re really struggling. It’s often just one of your favorite snacks, but there are a few times he’ll leave you a nice bracelet or set of earrings. Nothing too crazy expensive or lavish! It tends to be either sea or spaced themed (a nod to your interests, but the sea themed jewelry he gets you are often from the Coral Sea. He hopes you consider them thoughtful, comforting gifts, and he really likes when he sees you wearing them!).
-> Baking becomes a hobby that the both of you indulge in. Besides the fact that Jade is overly competent in practically everything, he has a special fondness for cooking and baking. Even when he’s stuck working in the Mostro Lounge kitchen on a daily basis, he likes the freedom of cooking something that suits his own tastes… or experimenting with weird recipes. He likes going all-out on baking dates with you, and you each take turns picking the recipe. When you two first start baking together, he picks recipes that are more on the tame side, but then they progressively get more eccentric and unique. Other times he might just half-follow a recipe and then just start experimenting with the last half of it. At least you seem to be the type that’s willing to mess around and see if it’s something tasty or edible! All in all, he ends up truly enjoying the domesticity of spending this time with you, even though he’s not typically the type to fall too deeply into comforting, relaxed routines.
-> You two make a rather enigmatic couple. Both to outsiders, and to each other. It takes you a long time to open up, and you refuse to share your trauma or troubles even to those close to you. Jade likes to keep his cards close to his chest, never fully letting his guard down and being vulnerable. It may feel like a weird dynamic sometimes due to this perceived distance, but at the same time it can be rather comfortable. You both understand each other’s reluctance to bare your inner world and emotions, so there isn’t a strong pressure from either of you to do so. You can each take things at your own pace without feeling guilty. Sometimes the relationship may feel a bit stagnant because of this, since there’s this hesitance with emotional intimacy… but that makes those moments where one of you decides to take a step forward all the sweeter.
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panzershrike-pretz · 5 months
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Well, it's not that I don't like, it's more like: I only ever heard probably 3 songs. That would be The Beatles; I never got really interested in their music, they're not my vibe really
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I have many, but one of them was when I was maybe 6? and I went with my dad to the bank deposit money. He found a friend of his and started talking to him, while I picked up some pigeon and turtledove feathers up off the ground. That friend was deaf, but he could still speak a little and he congratulated me on the feathers then gave me a pat on the head (he was strong as fuck??)
Least favorite animal and why:
Any insect, but ESPECIALLY cockroaches. I'm so fucking scared, you have no idea 💀
Hot fandom take:
Scourge is one of my favorite characters from Warriors, I don't care if he's an edgy bitch. My man clawesd open Tigerstar'sbelly and made him loose all 9 lives at once???? Scourge is very fucking cool (also purple collar is the real collar. But I like rainbow)
Do you were any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I have a pair of gold earings! When I was born, my ears were pierced and I got those. I only ever changed them once (boughr a pair that's a little bigger, but my baby earings are still here). I can't use any other kind of earing or jewelry on the ears or else I'll have an allergic reaction 🤡
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
How To Train Your Dragon 3 (actually, did anyone like that??) I don't like the Light Fury and it feels so wrong having Toothless leave Hiccup 😭😭😭 It's a damn pretty movie but I still consider itto be non-canon <3
Three things you love about yourself:
My sense of humor, my eyes and my hair
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Paleontological digging site. I know I'll visit it with my college, but!! I can't wait!!
There's also this wildlife reserve-park thingy on the way to the state of Paraná called Vila Velha (Old Village) that I NEED to visit one day. It's such a pretty view from the road, I swear 😭
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I know nothing about famous people, so I don't care for their lives. I have my own problems, no time to bother with theirs :3
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
The fuck is with people shipping Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) with everyone. He's canonically aroace, get a grip fellas 😭😭 (yes aroace people can still have any kind of relationship but fuck. Alastor? He very clearly is NOT in the game for a ship,,,,,, and when I finally find a lil' scrap of representation, people want to strip that from the character??? Nuh-uh, I hate Alastor ships. Leave him be!!)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
.........Dream SMP 💀 *explodes and dies*
List three things you find beautiful about life:
Being able to hear birds singing (and see them flying), snuggling together with my dog when I'm feeling down and long walks on the beach with said dog.
Any dreams for the future?
I have a big big BIG interest in falconry (although it's a very odd thing for Brazil 😭) and, obviously, i can't wait to learn taxidermy. I know it's a stinky and slow process to learn and mount stuff, but I can't wait to start learning and hopefully have my first bird piece done!
How are you really feeling today?
I just woke up to a pair of chacalacas (why the fuck araquã in English is like this?) screaming like crazy, so I haven't had the time to feel anything xD
Damn this got big-
Tagging (no pressure!): @onehelluvamarine (do your version >:3) @xxluckystrike @blueberry-ovaries @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @executethyself35 (and whoever else wants to join!)
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theomnicode · 1 year
Burning fever
Archive of our own
Heroes all around the cities are falling mysteriously ill to the ever present flu. No one is certain what kind of viral infection would affect just the heroes. Some intelligent monsters have been scouting around and seen that there’s far less heroes to actually handle them than usual, so they’ve begun to attack people en masse. Even the fabled Q-city seems to be overrun by monsters. Genos attempts to pull triple duty by taking down as many monsters as possible, as he is not affected by the mysterious viral infection.
One monster, while not a dragon level threat, manages to incapacitate Genos with electromagnetic pulses. Genos internally berates himself for not thinking about protecting himself from electromagnetism. What a massive oversight on his part. 
However, when the monster attempts to finish him off, Saitama jumps into the fray in pyjamas and punches it sluggishly, exploding it into copper and wire particles on the spot. 
“Man, can you guys make less noise right outside my house…I can’t sleep with all that ruckus,” Saitama complains, nose stuffed and looking feverish. “Especially when my head feels so fuzzy…”
Genos looks at Saitama’s sweating form with concern. “I’m very sorry, Saitama-sensei, I was not prepared for the enemy to have electromagnetism. I will—”
Saitama starts to wave off Genos’ long winded apology, but coughs hard instead, almost bowling Genos over in the process and shivers so much that the pavement cracks apart.
“Man, it’s so hot and cold at the same time,” he holds himself as he shivers, “I don’t remember ever feeling this awful…” 
Saitama wavers, trying to stand upright but failing miserably. “Now I feel even worse after I punched it, I wonder why…” he manages to utter out, then faints on the spot.
Genos catches him onto his arms quickly before Saitama can actually fall down flat on his face on the pavement and takes note of his actual temperature, noting with distress that it's dangerously high and that Saitama-sensei must’ve exerted himself too much, despite it not being even miniscule amount of effort he normally needs to dispose such monsters. Genos curses the circumstances once more, for inadvertently putting his sensei in danger and begins to rush him to the nearest hospital.
Genos can't for the life of him believe that feverish man in his arms is his master, the same man he deemed invincible, downed by a mere cold. It shouldn't be happening, logically there is no way Saitama-sensei would be able to get sick like this but here he is, carrying his prone, vulnerable master to the hospital for treatment. Perhaps he miscalculated somewhere, maybe common sickness can still affect even the strongest man on earth, but it still feels surreal...
He looks down at the man in his arms and distractedly notes Saitama-sensei is trying to grasp at his clothes weakly, delirious but coherent enough to realize he's being carried at fast speed and his hearing registers sensei mumbling his name. Genos tries to keep calm when he re-scans for elevated heart rate, sensei’s dangerously high temperature and the shivers–-correction, muscle tremors that rock his body. He's lucky that his stabilizers correct his grip, else Saitama-sensei would tremble right out of his arms.
“Do not worry sensei, I am en route towards the nearest hospital for urgent care. I have notified the staff of an incoming patient,” Genos' voice is serious, but soothing. He would carry Saitama-sensei to a proper treatment facility asap.
“Do I...really need hospital? That bad, huh…” Saitama croaks and violently sneezes, which Genos angles away from his head but an unfortunate lamp post still bends from the air pressure.
“Yes sensei, your body temperature is dangerously high for humans and you're experiencing muscle spasms, dehydration and elevated heart rate,” Genos recites his medical condition at a fast rate. “Hyperpyrexia is considered medical emergency, as it may indicate serious underlying condition or lead to severe morbidity or to—”
A sudden finger on his chin and his lower lip interrupts his rambling.
“20 words or less, Genos…”
“Yes sensei. I am sorry, I will stop rambling now. What I mean is, you need urgent medical attention for your extremely high fever.”
“Ok…” Saitama mumbles quietly. “I’m tired, ‘m gonna sleep…” He mutters weakly, then goes out like a light.
Genos starts running even faster.
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youmeyaxleyfc · 7 months
A mini history lesson...
How did a blog and podcast on Yaxley FC end so suddenly before a bit of a comeback?
Also, why wasn't this writer still the Editor of the official club website rather than creating his own content? ...
Well... grab a drink and settle down !
I think its fair to say that in order to move forward there needs to be a big of navel gazing historically.
I (never tire of telling people that I) won an award for Yaxleyfc.com back in 2015/2016 with so much content, all self created and edited, really working hard to push the narrative to people of the village that there 100% was (and is) a team worth backing.
However I started missing matches at this time due to the tiny children I had at home. It was harder to generate the content needed to keep the level of success going and I grew more frustrated.
By 2018 we had moved across town to Deeping and I was relying on others to do match reports for me.
When one was published with some unintentionally incorrect information there was no need for a member of the committee to take great glee on social media in pointing it out.I just stopped updating the offical site it there and then.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any football club and should be beyond criticism in my eyes.
My Dad, my Mums Cousin, a great Uncle were all still going to matches at Leading Drove but were not happy with the official website as it was missing fixtures, results and news as it was unmanned.
I created this site primarily to help them get the information on when the Cuckoos were playing and against whom.
The link got shared round quite a bit and for a while I was enjoying reporting on the matches I was at and not feeling pressure to create a word count on those I wasn't.
The club was really successful on the park at this time and I will always fondly remember the days in the Southern League. I had dreamt of watching Yaxley in that competition for decades.
The podcast came off the back of that and in Dan Cotton, Aaron Butcher, Dan Tortoise etc. we had guests who were all able to share their passion about the club.
Again though my content on the Cuckoos stopped overnight with the sacking of Seb Hayes last January.
So much has been said about this but its worth repeating that my loyalty is and was with Seb as a long term friend of the family.
Nothing will 100% put that right but water has passed under the bridge and I don't want to be boycotting the team I have watched since the late 1970s over this. I think after chatting to all involved in the whole matter I have moved on, but its certainly not forgotten.
It's most certainly not the fault of Simon Roberts or the current crop of players who are wearing the badge with a real sense of pride and passion. And I love that. I am backing to spending time lost in my thoughts wondering what it will take to unlock the potential of the club and get people down to watch.
Are there still lots of issues at Yaxley FC that need resolving for that to happen on a consistent basis?
For sure. But certainly where I can I am helping. And if you are in Yaxley and love football you should conside helping as well.
The ownership and management of Leading Drove remains something that needs a long term and clear resolution for YFC to grow and develop.
I think we can all agree that is a lengthy, bottom up process that will take time.
Trust can take a lifetime to build and a second to shatter, especially in the non-league football.
The club needs support now as much as ever as it approaches that 125th anniversary in just over a years time.
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RWBY: Ice Queendom Ep 4 Semi-Review/ Thoughts
That was a wild episode. I could go as far to say it’s like a wild fever dream.
But damn, I didn’t expect Ruby to be the first to enter a danger like this. (Actually, screw that. She does want to face danger head-on no matter the risk.)
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I wish I could explain more in-depth of my thoughts but for now, it’s just gonna be me saying straight up nonsense of whatever I have in mind, but goddamn this episode was one hell of a hype.
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So a new piece of information, regarding to Shion, is that the coins Ruby uses to communicate to Shion or use as a means of transport or decoy, it uses her aura? Now correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t an individual’s aura a means of an external shield? I mean, we’ve come to known that the point of an individual’s aura exists by the awakening of their semblance, and by using their semblance more and more, the individual’s aura strengthens; at least that’s what I primarily know what of it. Or does the logic of coin usage from Shion also apply to Jaune’s healing semblance? 
Unless this is telling us that is is another ability that an individual could do to their aura for who knows how. Was it ever stated or mentioned of Shion’s semblance? Is it dreams? I’m feeling dumb now haha.
As stated from the last episode, this Nightmare grim feeds off of an individual’s level of aura by their amount of negativity. In Jaune’s case, his aura was weak despite the weight of his family’s legacy and (in Jaune’s view) their pessimistic perception of Jaune himself thus his team members were able to find the Grim easily and fend it off.
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But for Weiss all her life she was trained from the very best, even with her sister Winter, to become a different type of Schnee while maintaining a sense of legacy for her family name. Weiss is a person torn between a responsibility of finding her own path to be herself and finding a sense of respect or attention of herself towards her family, especially towards her father; Jacques Schnee. Yeah, Jacques is really an asshole for saying he’s the one who, for lack of a better term, uplifted the Schnee family name thus its legacy.
Weiss, although portrayed as aloof and self-centered towards her teammates, has been struggling throughout her life trying to fit into a circle of expectations, high expectations, to be the very best; to be perfect amongst all her peers. To be perfect towards her father. And when things don’t seem to go through her desired wants, she essentially shatters. Even while talking to Professor Port about considering what’s a leader and a teammate, she twists the vision of being a ‘good teammate’ to a role based on a test of hierarchy. If she continues to mask herself as a good teammate, she thinks she might get a higher sense of respect, attention, even a sense of authority.
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Yet at the same time, Weiss does have moments to ponder to herself if this vision of herself is even the self she wants to be. Weiss is not a bad person and we can see that in this episode. When she saw Ruby, Weiss seemed to be concerned of her presence within this nightmare empire. From this one instance, we can see a part of Weiss care for others even when she does not want to admit it. However, she’s scolded from Jacques. Despite her concern, she must act by her fathers’ will because really, throughout her terrible childhood, she’s been prepared to be like one of her family.
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I really resonated a lot with Weiss in this episode, and although my points seem to come out as confusing, Weiss is struggling to become what makes Team RWBY, Team RWBY. As a person who’s the eldest in my family, you’re weighted with a lot of responsibility that often makes you wonder, “Is this really for me? Is this what I want to be?” Same goes for Weiss. We know this is a Nightmare grim feeding Weiss the pressure of expectation the perception her father wants her to be. She’s acting the role of what her father wants, but she needs to put her true desires astray, which in the process hurts her.
I know there’s a lot more to discuss in this episode and you know what? I’m hyped to talk more about it. Overall, an amazing episode for sure! While I think episode 3 should stretch a little more screen time to show a bit of length between the feud of Weiss and Blake that could make a bit more sense for this episode, it’s great and I can’t wait for the next one haha.
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Yeah, for real Ruby. What kind of salute is that? xD
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wheneclipsefalls · 10 months
This 🥔 is the icon of ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🫂...
BABE—— Please, do not leave the credit to me only!!! Please know that you're one of the most amazing, talented, beautiful writer that I ever known!!! I honestly can't count the total of my fingers for how many times I've reread it again and again! Thank you so much for fulfilling my wish and desire to read an alpha x beta dynamic fiction work for Neteyam and readerreader❤🧡💛💚💙💜🫂
I'm not gonna lie. I was scared that you won't accept it at first. And here, I need to admit the hilariously long request of the first alpha Neteyam x beta reader is me too. I was about to dig my grave but, oh, your words lighten up me and part of my world. So, I decided, let me throw in another request that has more flexible for the writer, and thus, it came the great masterpiece of yours!!!
The fact there weren't many piece of alpha x beta dynamic in most of my favorite OTPs always left me sad. And I'm not a good writer to be honest, and I'm also not good with keeping tabs. So, there wasn't an official work of mine. Which is why I want to thank you so much for fulfilling a gal's dream🥺🥺
Speaking of which, I would like to gratitude my blissful happiness by writing a snippet of alpha Neteyam x beta reader (but different concept) I would likely throw in by still being 🥔 if you don't mind and would like to read it, it might take days, though.
Of all things happened, this made up my day when I thought it could be worse. Thank you for everything, Eclipse. And now, I can't wait more for the... Ma Neteyam series😌😎😏
By the way, since you probably be working it for a long time. I won't bother you in the very meantime, but I must tell you that I have one and another two tempting ideas that can be considered a second and third to alpha Neteyam x beta reader, but it won't surround to them (instead, it's Kiri x Ao'nung, Lo'ak x Tsireya), if you ever feel the desire to write so, just shout out to me. Sayyyy... 🥔!!! I'm saying this because you're the one I feel like possible to bring out this dynamic, and I trust you ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🫂. I would only briefly describe a bit of the concept too and the dynamic still totally goes with you❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Gosh, I'm seriously taking up to much space and words at this point. Even so, I sincerely wish you could feel my gratitude upon these messages. I'm not good with words, and there is probably grammar mistake, but it is all I want to tell you. Thank you so much for everything🫶🫶. And, do call me... 🥔 (honestly, it's the only thing that could never go wrong in any cookings and baking and snacking etc., unless it's in the wrong hands😱😱😱)
Bye, and have a nice day everyday. 😘😉🥰.
Oh my gosh HEY BABE IT'S YOU🥳! This makes me even happier that I was able to fulfill your request. Truly it was so much fun! I agree there really are not many alpha x beta stories in certain fandoms, but I guess that is true for omegaverse in general. I started writing omegaverse for Avatar just because I couldn't find many stories with the full dynamic and second gender stuff so it always makes me happy to see that I'm not the only one that enjoys it! (Honestly when I first posted Ma Neteyam I was worried people would find it so bizarre😅)
And YES! I would absolutely love to read whatever you write (but also do not feel pressured to do it just to make me happy)! You are seriously so adorable, bestie!😘 You're kind words are so greatly appreciated, they make me smile to big! Writing brings me so much joy and I'm just happy to get to share it with people 🥲, especially those that understand my Avatar obsession haha.
My request box is getting a little full and I do need to focus on Ma Neteyam for a week or so but you could always just throw it in there. It gives me time to let the idea stew and plot for it. Most of my creative process is me just daydreaming about different possibilities while I'm at work or school😂
(Your comment about potatoes has me literally cackling!🤣🤣 If I was told I have to pick one food only to eat for the rest of my life I would choose potatoes because there are a million ways to make them and EVERY SINGLE ONE is so freakin good!)
My inbox is always open for you, love <3 I hope you have the best day!
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