#was having a conversation with the family earlier and my mother seemed concerned about why i remember these things in concerning detail-
teabutmakeitazure · 4 months
fellas is it psychopathic behaviour to remember in great detail who wronged/wrongly treated my mother during the lowest time in our lives and made her cry and such and how they did so to my family even though I have no other memories from those years and it's a massive hole in my memory and life and to have made a mental list of all those people and extended family members so that I know who to help and who to fuck over when the time is right?
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takenbypeter · 8 months
Can I make a request for Willy Wonka I know in the movie he can't read and the situation could be where reader has a letter from a family member and is busy and asks Willy to read it out to her but he embarrassingly admits he can't read and reader is understanding and comforts him plz
Letters From A to Z
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 960
I feel like you wanted more angst and this wasn’t really angsty 🫣 I hope you still enjoy reading it!
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Oh how the months fly.
One moment you’re with your mother, living your regular routine day to day life as the weeks pass you by. And the next you’re living independently, making something of yourself in a unique and lovely town.
Along with this new environment came a new job of course, new friends, and an unexpected new beau.
But after some time spent away from your origins you have to admit you were growing slightly homesick. Which is why you’ve decided to write your mother.
You wrote a quick note, telling her about the good and bad parts of your current job along with Willy Wonka, your sudden suitor.
Two weeks went by and although initially eager to get a response, your mind completely forgot about the letter once you returned to your weekly dues.
That was until one day, when Willy stopped by after retrieving your mail for you.
Hands currently occupied with a frying pan, you instructed him to place the letters on the counter.
But as Willy did so, he noticed an envelope that looked different than the rest.
Its font was not as professionally done and it was a beautiful pastel color. “What about this one?” He asked, picking it up.
Instantly recognizing the color your face lit up. “That’s from my mother! Open it, open it,” you ushered.
“Your mother?”
“Yes, I sent her a letter earlier this month, you know about how things are going, about you…”
The chocolatier raised a brow at this, prompting you to add, “all good things, I promise. But go on,” you repeated.
He looked quizzically at the envelope then back at you, “I don’t know it seems very personal to do that.”
“Are you kidding? I want you to read it, go on now.”
You waited patiently, eyes glued to your food while you heard him breathe out a quiet, “…alright.”
You hear the crinkle of the envelope as he breaks it open with his finger.
He holds out a, “hmm,” for an unusual amount of time causing you to turn to him. His eyes were squinted and his eyebrows were forced down with the crease in the center deepening as he held the paper in both of his hands.
You mirrored his expression confused by what was going on?
Does it say something weird? Is it bad news?
“What? What is it?” You ask, growing anxious by the moment. Finally he closes the letter, placing it back on the counter.
“There’s something I should probably tell you. Or maybe something I should’ve told you about before. Well frankly it’s not that important,” he brushed off, “although others tell me otherwise,” he runs on, beginning to converse with himself near the end.
“Willy,” you turn the stove handle on low for a moment, leaving your food and focusing your attention and your body on the boy, now concerned, “what’s going on?”
You watched him press his lips together with an embarrassed smile creeping onto his face. This was unlike him, he rarely gets bashful at least not in front of you.
But then he spat it out, “Actually I…don’t know how to read.”
Your eyebrow muscles pull down while your nose scrunches, “you don’t know how to read?”
“No…” you looked at him waiting for him to explain more and he seemed to understand your lack of words, “I devoted all of my education to chocolate.”
“But reading is sort of important.”
“I’m beginning to notice that around here, yes.”
You stand, face still expressing shock, and you can tell he’s ready to move further. “I don’t know how to read, okay.”
You suck in a breath before releasing it realizing that maybe your reaction was not the most rational.
“I’m sorry Willy. I’ll admit that wasn’t the best response, I was just surprised that’s all.”
You two mull in silence for a moment as you try to formulate your next thoughts but he seems to have thoughts of his own.
“Does it feel strange for you to be with a man who can’t read?”
You shake your head in a second, “of course not! It doesn’t feel strange at all. Although it can be rare, there are some people, even older, who never learned how to read. I’m actually impressed by how much success you’ve gained without the skill.”
Willy’s ears perked up as you expressed admiration.
But still you knew how important the skill was around here.
“It’s fine if the answer is no, but I’m curious, have you ever considered learning?”
“Initially no,” he explains, “but as I found out how unusual it is, I’m starting to believe that I should.”
“Hm. Well If you truly wanted to learn, I could always teach you.”
Finishing your meal up, you split it, placing it on two plates nearby before bringing it over to him and setting one plate in front of him then placing the other in your spot.
One side of his lip tugged slightly, “wouldn’t that be odd?”
“Odd? Maybe. But I think it could be fun!”
He grins at your optimism that he usually displayed. “I guess, we could give it a go.”
You clasp your hands together in contentment. “Terrific! We can start tomorrow,” you beam at him and his expression finally mirrors your enthusiasm before it turns to remembering.
“Oh here,” he hands you the letter that started this whole discussion, “read it.”
You take the letter and instead of reading it you position yourself beside him, “here how about I read it and you follow along with where my finger is so you can see where I’m reading.”
He nods l in agreement while you begin and he follows along as you delve into the writings from your mother.
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0daylighthours0 · 6 months
My Mother's Unbiased Byler + Milkvan Opinions - Viewing ST for the 1st Time!
My Mama has now witnessed Stranger Things in its entirety. Her favourite season was the third, her favourite characters Hopper and Joyce, her favourite pairing would be those guys too, and her most disliked pairing? Can only assume.
I wanted to write out her thoughts on the second to last episode previously, as she'd held many, but before I knew it we'd finished the whole show and I was forced to an income of NEW opinions which ruled out my memory of any old ones. Shucks. But boy did this lady have much to say. The only way I can break it down is by providing a sample of quotes she'd delivered, in order, a day after having finished the series.
All are just things she said about milkvan and byler, as they're this post's main focus. There's simply much to say about these relationships too, being so up in the air over where they ought be expected to turn out. These are all direct quotes too (as I typed as she talked, unkown to her) so you'll have to excuse the natural way in which some lines come off as unfocused, being written after real time conversations. Let's get into it:
Ok I really don't know whether she likes Mike very much. She actively disliked the guy earlier on, and now her feelings appear to be more mixed. A lot of her discussion was solely around this guy's actions.
"It's almost like he's [Mike] forcing himself like- ok Hopper he was kind of very passionate and kissing, you know he sort of instantly- with Mike, from being obsessed and spending so much time with her [El], suddenly he starts cooling off more and more and suddenly- they even separated right? I mean yeah that was out of his control but he, but he didn't really seem like he missed her you know it's like he just got on with it."
This point caught me off guard. I don't know how much I agree with my mother on this. It made me realize that during Mike and El's separation, there weren't many quiet Mike moments in which he expressed worry for her, beyond a couple that blend into him simply having breakup concerns. Any time Mike mentions distress for her whilst she's away, his talk evolves into him simply anxious over the state of their relationship. As a group, everyone in our Cali gang clearly wanted to save Eleven, but Mike really should have gotten more heartfelt moments in solitude (that means without Will you suffer bros) in which it is demonstrated to the audience that he really does miss her, as someone who is in love. Her being away shouldn't simply come off as a writing excuse for him to vent to Will. There wasn't enough of that tenderness milkvan desperately needs, and if anything I watched was an attempt then it really wasn't translated well - never trumping everyone else's familial or close frienship-like fret for El, never showcasing his concern to come from a more personal place. I mean how hard is it to have him in her room, staring longingly at a photo of hers, with a background composed of soft music. Then literally leaving it at that. I mean that is it. No Will rushing in there to insist, "you can tell her that thing when you see her k? It'll all work out trust me ight, you're the heart you're the HEART!" que affectionate gazes, constructs a byler scene for no reason I guess .
"I mean how do we know that he missed Will? He articulated it. Why didn't he articulate this the same way to El?"
True. I mean the fact that I can't remember a moment after they find El in which milkvan ask oneanother how they are, and communicate how much they missed eachother, does indeed say something. They shared a hug and touch when they first reunited, which was gladly interrupted by Will. That pineapple + pizza thing was not long enough, or sensitive enough, to be their moment. There was clear bonding, but it didn't breach a level of romance and chemistry nearly decently. It's good that they got at least that, I mean we need to know that these guys are at LEAST really close friends. And then the camera just felt like panning over to Will about to burst into tears in a corner. Like huh? Bruv you've now made it so that milkvan's pizza bit leaves a bad taste in our mouths. If I were a milkvan I'd be furious.
"You know what, I think it's done purposefully to create that sort of cold, distant, confused, you know they wanted to make people say he's [Mike] bisexual. For people to question. They want to get people to think that."
My Mama believes writers intentionally soured milkvan for viewers to "confuse" audiences, build up anticipation, make them question milkvan's relationship and wonder if our main man will spin to Will. I agree. They want that good ol' triangle comeuppance.
"They really are trying to bring that across- so that people start thinking Mike, you know he doesn't love El, he loves Will. They're really trying to, make people think that. Giving them [milkvan] a really nitty gritty relationship."
"When you're gay. Coming out like that it's- it's terrifying. You have to be very careful. And Will could, he could tell. You know when someone is attracted to you. I think, things became sort of- sort of complicated. And Will sensed, he could feel that Mike is attracted to him. And that's why he could open up like that. Because you can always tell. You know, you just know, so that's why Will was able to confess these things to him [she sees painting scene as a confession, whether Mike realized it or not, and so do I]."
Well damn Mama. And there you have it folks. My.. I'm not gonna call her the h word but.. my- notabigfanofgaythingsandwouldbehappytopretendtheydon'texist mother, perceives Mike as a homosexual kid, and just that. Well bloomin heck that's all the confirmation I need.
I didn't expect this as a turnout, I mean so particularly. My Mama actually didn't like byler - I think. Well. Bloomin heck. She actually enjoyed Vickie x Robin, and this shocked me to my core. I don't know whether this is simply due to her being a fan of Vickie's actress (recognizing her from Anne With an 'E'), but I do know that my mother has a bias in gay relationships and sees ones involving females as more "pure" than that of two males. So her language when describing Will has changed since her realization that he loves Mike for sure (which became undeniable in the van scene). She describes him as being 'obsessed' with Mike, and says writers really wanted to get that obsession across. I agree with Will having been one note during season 4, him hopefully having more time to shine in the approaching season, but I thoroughly disagree with him coming off as obsessive. I suppose our camera man displayed the guy's little glances at Mike so often that my Mama felt it was overdone, and unable to be ignored. I also think she's just avoiding use of the word 'love' when describing anything homosexual.
She still doesn't think Mike demonstrates how much he loves El enough to leave no room for debate. According to her, his moments with her seem surface level. Just as a reminder she does not know my thoughts. She watched that entire 'I love you' thing and still isn't secure in any genuineness of the guy. I believe she supposes that we're intended to acknowledge milkvan's romance, but also probe it.
I now wonder whether my Mama was good enough representation for the average audience, because she actually does own a bias - this being that she usually actively dislikes gay things. So I puzzle over whether her brain overanalyzed any of the boys' highlights, wanting to "expose" their homo intentions. At first things were up in the air, but it became clear that Mike did not pass her gaydar, he was simply too intimate with Will to make that pass. And this wasn't the case in other seasons, she never questioned their friendship til now. She also hasn't acknowledged any supposedly queer relationships besides rickie (vobin?) and byler, meaning that other fan favourites such as elmax, steddie, ronance and such else didn't stand out as gay to her. This doesn't signify those other relationships to not have a chance, I'm elmax's personal cheersquad, it's plainly clear that my mother didn't have a tendency to point at every same sex relationship and yell suspicious. Byler was purely undeniable. You can thank Will's love being canoned for this, otherwise noone would have a need to read into Mike.
I don't know whether she supposes byler to have a chance moreso than the milk in the van, even with Mike's ambiguity. It would seem that as of right now her guess is that watchers are intended to second guess both relationships in order to build up interest. However, she doesn't know how unlikely Will's love life is to turn out negatively seeing as those damn writers manipulated crowds into consistently sympathizing for him. Dunno about the rest of you but that sounds like good news to me.
I have no idea how to close this analysis. Is it an analysis? There's much more I want to say, much more she said, but I fear this to be too jam-packed and aimless as is. I'm writing a third part to my most recent milkthevan failing relationship deep dive, and that'll possibly consist of thoughts I wish to input after gathering so much data from my mother.
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laurasblogs-stuff · 5 months
(Peeta’s version)
In loving memory of this song being removed from The Eras Tour set list, I'm publishing this little thing I just finished to write. It is technically set after the 74th Hunger Games and during the victory tour, and from Peeta's point of view. Let me know what you think about it, be kind because it's the first time that i write something not in my first language :)
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I sit and watch you reading with your head low
We’re in the living room.
I don’t even know why I came here, I just wanted to bring your family bread, but I should have said no when Prim asked me to stay for dinner.
It isn’t right to have dinner with your family and forcing you to see me when you don’t have to.
Well, I guess it won’t be a problem, you barely lifted your head when I walked in.
You looked at me behind the book you’re pretending to read for half a second, you couldn’t manage to hold the eye contact even while mumbling ‘hi’.
Now I’m sitting on the opposite side of the couch; you’re just staring at the book in your hands and it’s so obvious that you would want to be anywhere but here right now.
I feel like throwing up.
I should have said no.
I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed
I take in a breath so violently that it seems like I was drowning.
I was, in my dream at least. I was underwater, I couldn’t breathe or speak, but the water was so clear that I could see you being mauled by mutts near the lake in the arena. I was trying to scream so hard, to distract them from you, but nothing came out.
I try to not let the tears that are flooding my eyes fall, attempt to adjust my respiration but managing to take just some shaky pathetic breaths.
I feel a weight on my chest: looking down I realize that is your head.
You’re sleeping so peacefully, and I realize you didn’t wake up this night yet.
The thought that I can help you do that makes me want to cry.
Instead, I try to focus on your steady breaths, on your hand that is slowly and involuntarily caressing my rib and on the little smile that is forming on your face.
I sit and watch you
And notice everything you do or don't do
You're so much older and wiser and I
We’re in district three. The last stop at the Capitol is getting closer and tonight you’ve barely eaten anything. I’m watching you dissecting your duck, without even faking to stab it with the fork. Considering that you would never waste food, it is very concerning.
I tentatively tap your knee, thinking I can comfort you, but you shove my hand away.
A fat man with green hair engages me in a conversation and I try to contain my tears while he’s going on about how cute we are together.
Half an hour later, I’m standing in a corner with some red wine in my right hand when I feel a tentative touch on my left wrist.
“Can we sneak out?”
I should say no, I should be mad at you for shutting me out earlier.
I’m resolute to do so, but then I look into your eyes and see pure desperation.
I’m taking too much time to answer, you’ve noticed I’m struggling, and I can see that your bottom lip is starting to tremble, even if slightly.
You’re slowly retracting your hand from my wrist and I really should say no, because I know what sneaking out means with you.
Instead, I grab your hand and lead you away from the crowd.
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid
I feel so stupid waiting here. You always make me wait, don’t you?
Maybe it’s because you know that you will always find me right here.
I know that tonight wasn’t easy for you, we’re just one day away from the Capitol and I shouldn’t blame you for how you’re treating me.
I take a glance at my watch and notice it’s almost midnight.
I feel like that time I was five, maybe four, waiting outside my mother’s room to give her a drawing. I hoped that would make her forgive me for not being able to carry the pans. I remember standing there for hours, with the piece of paper in my right hand and a burning cheek; she never opened the door.
Just as I’m starting to feel my eyes burning, probably because of the lack of sleep, I can hear your footsteps approaching the door.
Use my best colors for your portrait
I know you hate them.
I saw that in your eyes when I showed you my paintings.
I know it was mostly because they reminded you of the arena and your nightmares, but I can say almost for sure that you were not happy about the fact that you were in almost all of them.
I’m perfectly aware that you would hate what I’m working on right now, and I promised myself to never let you see it.
But I can’t help searching for the best colors to use for your hair, trying to imagine what they would look like outside, in the sun.
What colors your eyes would have if you smiled at me as if you really meant it.
Lay the table with the fancy shit
And watch you tolerate it
I’m really trying to make this dinner pleasant for you, I really am.
I know that you hate all of this: this enormous table, the stupid pink cloth on top of it, the unnecessary gold cutlery.
You’re clenching your fist around the knife while some lady with blue hair is explaining to me how they make jewelry here, and I’m listening along just so she won’t bother you.
She’s quite old, and she’s insistent while making me feel her necklace that is sitting just a little too low on her exposed cleavage.
I’m assuming that you’re not even aware of what’s happening when you let the gleaming knife drop on the plate.
The blue haired woman immediately drops my hand while directing her stunned look towards the source of disturbance, but you’re already standing up and dragging me with you on the dancefloor.
While we’re swinging on some soft notes, I brush your hair to the side and put my mouth close to your ear.
“What was that earlier? If you wanted to dance, you could just go.”
My tone is playful, but your expression isn’t when you look up at me. It’s clear that you’re hesitant about what to say, and your cheeks start to veer toward a light red while your brain is searching for the right words to use.
I begin to think that it decided to use no words at all, when I feel your hand slightly brushing my hair before answering me.
“I wanted you just for me.”
I feel the words tickle my neck, and they seem to give me a little more air to breath.
You look up at me just for a millisecond before diverting your eyes again.
“At least for a little while.”
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lyledebeast · 6 months
Captain Vidal vs Colonel Tavington
Long ago, I rewatched Pan's Labyrinth (2006) with the intention of comparing its villain with from The Patriot's. Then and also in last week's rewatch, I was surprised to find even more similarities than I expected. In no particular order, some things these two men have in common: rooting out rebel forces, child-killing, torturing, speech-making, and shaving. So, why is it that Vidal is the most terrifying movie villain I've encountered in my adult life while Tavington is my babygirl? There are three reasons.
Vidal is crueler to his enemies than Tavington.
Captain Vidal (Sergi Lopez) sees the rebels as vermin to be exterminated. Within about ten minutes of his first appearance he brutally and unexpectedly murders a young man with a wine bottle in front of his father for having Communist propaganda, and then murders the father. He seems to relish torturing rebels and attempts to do so on two occasions. In the first scene, Vidal addresses the man in a conversational tone while showing him the implements of torture he plans to use to get him to talk and explaining the effects he believe they will have. He taunts the man, who suffers from a speech impediment, that he will let him go if he can count to three without stuttering. He also makes a speech to Mercedes, but it is interrupted when she attacks him with the knife we saw her sew into her apron earlier. Although Vidal views the rebel man with contempt, he faces him during his speech. Mercedes is only able to escape because Vidal is so little concerned about her as a threat that he makes the whole speech with his back to her. Like Tavington, running his mouth gets him into trouble.
Colonel Tavington (Jason Isaacs), in spite of claiming to find "real pleasure" in his victim's suffering, is prepared to ride away from his first encounter with the Martin family without killing anyone. He metes out Martin's punishment for having aided rebel soldiers, threatens him and his children with his pistol, and seems content until Thomas ignores the warning and rushes to free his brother. After one rebel dies under torture, Tavington offers his companion a chance at more riches to add to his stolen ones if he gives up the information. I think Tavington is lying here and would kill this man even if he had accepted the offer, but that he is trying to get out of torturing him too provides a sharp contrast to Vidal, who is clearly mixing business with pleasure.
2. Vidal is crueler to those close to him than Tavington.
Vidal's men are as rattled by his murder of the farmer and his son as the audience, and yet he lays the blame for his actions at their door: "Let this teach you to search these fools before you come bothering me." He berates them similarly throughout other scenes. Tavington is clearly annoyed that the lieutenant he replaces as the highest ranking officer at the Martin farm does not know who carried the dispatches handed directly to Tavington in spite of having arrived two whole minutes before him, but he does not reprimand him. Tavington's second in command shows signs of being afraid of him both during his interview with the wounded soldier and after the first tortured militaman dies, but Tavington never behaves towards Bordon in ways that justify that fear. After Tavington's men follow him into Martin's trap, he does make some attempt to stop the charge and mitigate the damage he caused.
The sharpest contrast, though, lies in Vidal, unlike Tavington, having members of his own family on hand to mistreat. Initially, he seems to show some concern for Carmen, his wife and Ofelia's mother, but it quickly becomes clear that this is only a facade. When Dr. Ferreiro tells him that Carmen should not have traveled so near her due date, Vidal responds, "a son should be born where his father is," and when she falls dangerously ill, he tells the doctor to save his son, even at the expense of his mother. Vidal is indirectly responsible for Carmen's death, and, of course, very directly responsible for Ofelia's, but one particular incident of cruelty really resonated with me on this last rewatch. At the dinner party Vidal hosts, one of the officers' wives asks Carmen how she and Vidal met, and she explains that her late husband had made his uniforms. Vidal apologizes for her and says, "My wife is uneducated, and she believes these kinds of silly stories are interesting to people." If he is embarrassed at having married is deceased tailor's wife, perhaps he should not have married his deceased tailor's wife? Embarrassed or not, he saw a polite exchange between two women and said, "What in the fuck is that? I hate it!" Carmen is not a wife to him but a broodmare, and Ofelia is simply a nuisance. The only person he really cares for is his son, though even that care is questionable.
3. Vidal's evil actions are backed by evil principles
While Guillermo del Toro's heroes in this film are communists, the film is so much presenting communism in a favorable light as it is absolutely skewering fascism and the kind of masculinity that goes with it. Tavington and Vidal's attention to personal grooming initially appears to be a similarity, but closer inspection reveals the differences. The scene where Tavington shaves in the creek sets him apart from his own men, who are socializing with each other, but also the more rugged militiamen who cannot be bothered with such superficial concerns (and yet remain barefaced nonetheless . . . somehow). Vidal, though, is shown shaving on several occasions. And shining his boots. And cleaning his watch. As any second wave feminist can tell you, it's not about the final effect but the work it takes to produce it. Vidal is reproducing a rigid, militaristic masculinity like it's his job, which in some respects it certainly is. It is also a family legacy.
Both films provide stories about the villain's fathers, but while Tavington's is told by him in a scene of surprising emotional honesty given his usual propensity for lying his ass off, Vidal's is told by an unnamed man at the aforementioned dinner party. When he describes General Vidal breaking his watch in battle so his son would know at what time he died, Vidal replies, "That's ridiculous. My father never owned a watch." If you want to dispel a rumor, telling an even more ridiculous lie is not the way to do it. It is not a rumor, though, and Vidal confirms that when he hands his son to Mercedes at the end of the film and holds up his watch, saying, "Tell my son when his father died." In his eyes, this child is less a child than a replica.
Vidal's masculinity is one rooted in violent domination of both women and men that he sees as less than himself. He wants to pass these traits on to his son. As he explains to Ferreiro, "That boy will carry my name and my father's." Tavington also seeks to subjugate the local population, but like his shaving, this does not set him apart from the film's heroes in the ways the filmmakers intended. Vidal is evil because he's a patriarchal fascist in a feminist fantasy/drama. Tavington is evil because he's British in an American nationalist propaganda piece. I would argue that Vidal "works" better as a villain simply because Pan's Labyrinth is a better-written, smarter story than The Patriot. Of all the insights comparing these films has brought me, my favorite has to do with fatherhood. While Roland Emmerich sets it up as a virtue in and of itself. del Toro reminds the audience that being a father does not necessarily have to do with being selfless and caring. On the contrary, it can be narcissistic. Caring for one's own children carries little weight if it does not also entail caring for other people's children, as Mercedes does when she takes Vidal's son from his arms and when she tries to protect Ofelia from him. She breaks the patriarchal cycle when she responds to Vidal's final demand with, "No. [Your son] won't even know your name."
Indeed, it has been a real struggle to write this post without digressing onto the topic of how well-written and amazing the heroes of Pan's Labyrinth are in comparison to The Patriot's, but that's another post!
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Some totally random questions:
How does Hayley feel when the new babies are finally brought home and she actually has siblings in her house now?
Mickey and Maggie vs decorating a nursery and assembling the crib, are they good at this or is there Chaos?
Are Mickey and/or Hayley there when the babies first start kicking? How do they react?
lmao you can tell we were having this conversation at like 1am because i did not even realize you had send this to my inbox 😂 but my brain is firing on a much higher level now anyway so i am going to answer. all of these
with twins Maggie starts feeling the kicks earlier than she expected... they're actually having a family beach weekend in July and the cold smoothie Maggie has is exciting to the babies apparently because that's the first time she feels them moving
it surprises her and so Mickey and Hayley can tell something's happening, ironically Hayley is the one who is concerned at first until Maggie explains
Mickey asks if he can feel and Maggie says she doubts he'll be able to but he's all over her anyway
Hayley forgets about being worried because it's her duty as a 15yo to remind her parents that they're being embarrassing and also that this is kind of weird if you really think about it and mom is it weird?? it seems like it would feel weird
(Maggie says yes, but it was weirder the first time around. Mickey jumps on this by proclaiming that Hayley has always been a weird one. Hayley rolls her eyes and heads back into the water and Mickey decides this is an invitation to a splash fight)
("daaaaad you're buying my next box of hair dye if the salt water washes out the pink!" "well it would stay better if i got you a salon appointment wouldn't it?" [maggie from shore] "michael haller what are you promising her now??")
for most of July Maggie and Mickey both are still reeling from getting the news about twins (and work stuff I guess. Mickey did have quite a lot to deal with after the Trammel murder trial. it's probably better that she's arrested and hates him than walking free and obsessed with him and aware of his family??)
by the time Hayley is going back to school though they Need to start preparing and decorating
there was a moment where Maggie wanted to move; Mickey's place is pretty much a bachelor pad
but Mickey points out that they have the space and moving would be too much stress
Hayley seals the deal; she loooooves the house in the hills and the view and totally flexes the whole place when she has her friends over
Mickey claims that his gift to Maggie for agreeing to stay in place is letting her have full creative control over the nursery plans. she thinks he would've done that anyway
Maggie picks an intense jewel tone green because she says a bright color will make it easier to leave the walls solid and focus their decorating in other areas
Mickey enlists Hayley to paint with him so they don't have to hire anybody
(they could do that easily. but he has it in his head that this is excellent father-daughter bonding)
it goes well for them until he accidentally trips over a paint pan and spills it all over them both. Hayley's new jeans are ruined and she doesn't speak to him for 48 hours
("mija if you didn't want paint on those jeans why didn't you change?? hey, quit slamming doors, your mother is resting!!")
a few days later Hayley comes home from school with her jeans covered in even more paint
("yeah Luna stole a bunch of fabric paint from the art closet because the teacher is obsessed with her and even gave her her own key. And then while I was telling her and Dante what happened they both offered to come help paint. And Julia just didn't want to go back home right after school")
Mickey establishes that all four of them are in good painting clothes and then leads his new train of teenagers straight to work
Maggie is watching all this go down from the kitchen like "I have two arraignments tomorrow I'm not cooking I hope you all like takeout"
all working together, they finish the rest of the painting that night. and Hayley declares those are still her favorite jeans
this was sort of. 1.5 of the three questions here? but i think i will save maggie and mickey putting furniture together for maybe actually in the fic,,,, and other than that i do have to make food now. but thank you for the inspirationnnn
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Hello! It's Winter! I hope everyone is doing well. This story is about Brigitte and Emmanuel's hotness. Enjoy!
The Perfect Match
She watched her husband hold their newest grandchild lovingly in his arms. He was bottle-feeding the baby with such ease that one would have assumed he was a father himself. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He had no biological children or grandchildren of his own. 
Emmanuel caught sight of his wife watching him. He winked at her before handing the baby back to its mother. “The little boy is fed and burped, courtesy of daddy!” He proudly announced. 
Now, it was time for the adults and other children to eat.  
Brigitte sat quietly through lunch, her bright blue eyes laser-focused on the man (her man) sitting across from her. She grew emotionally overwhelmed just thinking about everything that had led up to this moment.
“Excuse me,” Brigitte stood up. “I’ll be right back.” 
Leaving in the middle of a meal wasn’t a common thing in their family. Rightfully so, everyone around the table grew concerned. “Maman, what’s wrong? Is the food not good?” Tiphaine asked, worried she had ruined lunch by trying a new recipe. 
She shook her head, “No, I just need to use the washroom.” 
When Brigitte was no longer in earshot, Emmanuel turned to the concerned children. “I’ll see what’s wrong with your mother. Please excuse me.” 
He found his wife in a bedroom, staring out the window. “What happened?” Emmanuel approached with caution. “Why did you leave us?” 
Sometimes she couldn’t believe this perfect man was hers. He was so caring and attentive, not to mention extremely good-looking. Brigitte turned to face him. “When you were holding the baby, I …” 
Emmanuel interrupted: “Is this about me not having my own children? Because Brigitte, those wonderful people are my family! Those are my kids and grandkids sitting around that table. We don’t need to keep having this discussion.” 
In the early stages of their relationship, the topic of him not having his own children was a reoccurring conversation. Every single time, he assured her that he was blissfully happy with the life they shared. Sometimes he felt he was closer to his wife’s family than his own. Blood wasn’t always the most important thing.
Brigitte affectionately rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t going to say that. I know where you stand on the topic of biological children.” 
He was confused. “So, why are you hiding in our grandchild’s nursery while the rest of the family eats lunch?”  
She turned to face the window, hoping he wouldn’t see her blushing cheeks. 
“Hey, hey, talk to me.” Emmanuel gently grabbed her shoulders. “I’m your husband. Why are you acting shy all of a sudden?”
“It’s embarrassing,” she admitted, looking at the floor and not at her man. 
“Just tell me,” he urged. “I won’t leave this room until you come clean.” 
Brigitte took a deep breath. “Earlier, when you were feeding the baby, you looked sexy… extremely sexy. I was really turned on. And then during lunch, you rolled up your sleeves and it was too much for me. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t concentrate on anything besides you lately. I might be obsessed with you.” She joked.  
Emmanuel cocked his head to the side and smiled, “I understand. This has happened to me many times, Chérie."
Her eyes lit up, “Really? When?” 
“Remember last week when my parents were over and I left the room? You were wearing that ridiculously tight white sweater and the spandex jeans” 
She nodded, remembering it all very well. 
“Where do you think I went? What do you think I was doing?” 
“Really? Oh my God! That’s why you were gone so long in the bathroom?” Brigitte laughed out loud. Everything was finally making sense. Up until the moment he excused himself, she had noticed how flushed his face was (and how tight the crotch area of his pants looked).
Emmanuel wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her hard on the mouth. “See! We’re a perfect match. We can’t seem to get enough of each other.”
“I never doubted it for a second. Now, let’s go back and join the family. I’m sure our lunch is getting cold.” Brigitte said, slipping her hand into his. 
“Okay, fine. But tonight you're on the menu for dinner. And baby, I have a very healthy appetite.” Emmanuel knew he would pay for that comment later. 😉
Hellooo Winter! ❤️
Emmanuel and Brigitte feeling the hots for each in situations like that is not 🔥 And yes, Emmanuel with a baby in his arms and with rolled up sleeves is hot hot hot 🥵🤤
But I laughed that innocent Emmanuel thought it was because of the biological children thing and Brigitte was just feeling... well, you know 🤭😂
That dinner promises to be hella hot... for both of them... will you also write about it or you will leave it to our imaginations? 🤭
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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whump-ventures · 2 years
First Meeting Storyline: Zinjiq. Part 1- The Ten-Year War Main OCs: Rahim and Sajia
I don’t want to marry a monster.
Her protests fall on deaf ears, not a soul caring for her own desires. As much as she’s begged her father “Don’t make me do this”, all he has ever said in response is that it is her duty as a noblewoman. Her mother has no sympathy either. Her fears are not important. Her family just wants the power from this marriage.
She’s a pawn to them. As she has been since day one.
“Mother, please…” Sajia tries once more, pouring all her desperation into the plea. “You have heard what kind of a man His Majesty is. Why would you agree to marry me-”
“Sajia, I will hear no more of this.” Her mother snaps, interrupting her. “You are a noblewoman of Khurzan, and you should consider it an honor that you were chosen to marry the emperor himself. Promised since birth. Many women would kill to be in your position.”
Sajia shakes her head, ignoring the hiss of frustration as her mother continues to work on her hair. “And what if he harms me?” The real fear starts to creep up, imagining his hands on her, grabbing her, pinning her down… “What if he believes that I-”
“I said that is enough, daughter.” The last word is said without any feeling and makes her heart sink. Her mother pulls hard on her hair, twisting another ornament into it, the softer touch she was working with earlier all but gone. “Not another word about this, do you understand me?”
Sajia swallows hard. She nearly nods her head in response before remembering that she is supposed to be holding still. “Yes, ma’am.” Her voice is barely audible.
“Good.” Another ornament is twisted in and her mother’s voice is slightly more pleased when she speaks next. “Let’s take a break there before finishing up and getting you dressed. Do try to find some gratitude in your heart while I’m gone.”
The servants bow to her mother as she sweeps out of the room, half of them following Lady Aziz. The other few stay nearby. One young girl bows and with a quiet voice murmurs, “Is there anything I can do for you, My Lady?”
Sajia smiles politely at her, hoping that the poor girl wasn’t upset watching the two nobles argue in front of her. “I’m just fine, thank you. Why don’t you all go take a break? I would like the room to myself for a bit.”
Her maids excuse themselves, and Sajia gets to her feet. She twists her hands together, trying to stop them from shaking. It’s normal to be afraid, she tries to tell herself. Everything that she heard about Rahim is just… rumors. Maybe he won’t be anything like what she fears.
Sajia has heard her family speak of the battle on the border of Sakhta many years before she was even born. A powerful region, with trade cities, and many resources. The Emperor Zuhayr of Khurzan attacked the region in a bid to expand his own kingdom. He was successful. That’s why her marriage is so important- why it was decided before she was even born. It’s her region’s way of recognizing the Khurzanese rulers as their own. It’s her family line turning its back on Sakhta and forming an alliance with the emperor’s family. 
Zuhayr is the true monster here. Maybe Rahim was right to drive his father away: Exile him and take over. Maybe the young ruler has a kinder heart than she expected. Maybe she needs to go for a walk, get out of her head, and breathe. It’s normal to be frightened. But she can not allow herself to become neurotic.
The knock on the door makes her jump.
With a sigh, Sajia walks over. Her maids- bless their hearts- are too concerned for her mental state to leave her alone right now, and she’s preparing to let them in for a polite conversation. But when she opens the door, she’s left blinking in surprise at the sight that greets her.
It’s a young man- her age- standing in the doorway. He has dark skin like her, and curly black hair that goes just past his chin. He seems polished and dignified, broad shouldered and well-muscled. His black eyes are sparking with a playful curiosity and they match his slightly lopsided grin and the few curls that have sprung out of place. To her surprise, he’s not much taller than her. There are a couple scars on his face that draw her attention, and she tries not to study them too closely.
“Hey there, sorry if I’m interrupting-”
“Who are you?” She blurts out the question without meaning to, and almost immediately regrets interrupting. Whoever this man is, he’s clearly a noble of some sorts, and it’s beyond rude for a woman to cut him off mid speech.
He doesn’t seem offended by her interruption, if anything, his eyes seem to sparkle more as he looks at her. “Well, I was about to introduce myself if you would have given me more than two seconds.” She’s notes that his tone matches his appearance- kind and teasing, and surprisingly not even a slight of anger over her disrespect. “My name is Rahim Al Khalil. There’s a rumor going around that we’re getting married today.”
Sajia steps back immediately when he reveals who he is, not sure what to say or do at the revalation. The young emperor isn’t nearly as intimidating as she thought he would be, but there’s still the urge to sink into a bow and beg him for forgiveness for her earlier rudeness. Her hands go to the door handle, still staring at the young man in shock. “I- I don’t believe you’re supposed to see me before the ceremony, Your Majesty.”
He shrugs, but doesn’t move from his spot in the doorway. He’s leaning up against the doorframe now, arms crossed. There's a recent wound that looks to be a deep sword cut, and she remembers hearing about the infamous duel between the former emperor and the new one standing right in front of her. “I don’t really get along with rules. I thought it would be vastly more polite to introduce myself beforehand. If we are to get married, I would love to get to know you as soon as possible.”
“Oh.” Sajia swallows the lump in her throat. His scanning eyes are starting to make her uncomfortable now. Is he looking forward to what comes after the festivities? Does he believe that his kindness now may make up for what she must sacrifice later? “Well, I’m Sajia. Sajia Al Aziz. But I’m guessing you already knew that, considering that- that I- we-” She’s tripping over her words now, and Sajia breaks off, shaking her head. “Forgive me, Your Majesty, it’s just-”
His eyes soften to something akin to concern, but it only serves to make her more uncomfortable. “You can call me Rahim, if you wish. I am to be your husband, not your emperor. My goal is to work with you, not have you be merely a pretty face standing next to me.”
Sajia looks down and away at that. “I’m sorry to be so dismissive, your Majesty- Rahim.” His name feels foreign on her lips, too informal to belong there. “But I really should continue getting ready.”
“In theory, I should do that too. But I doubt they can make me any more handsome than what I already am.”
Sajia laughs softly at his playful arrogance, feeling a little lighter than before when their eyes meet for a second time. Sajia notices first, and she quickly looks away again, starting to fiddle with her bracelet as a distraction.
“Well I must be the luckiest man alive.” He still hasn’t left, and when she looks up, his smile returns. “I was told I was marrying for political reasons, and yet I get to marry the prettiest woman in all of Zinjiq.”
The compliment catches her off guard- like everything else His Majesty has been doing since he first arrived in her room. She smiles back at him- it’s a genuine smile at the compliment. She’s been told that before, but never in a way that seemed so… sincere. Her head ducks slightly in embarrassment before she speaks again. “Thank you, You- Rahim. Your words are kind.”
He looks at her for a moment longer before laughing, almost nervous, and brushing a curl behind his ear. It pops right back out of place. “I promise I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable.” Is he just now realizing her discomfort? Men really are blind. “I just meant that… you really are beautiful, and I am hoping I can find a way to make you happy.” There’s a new seriousness to his tone that wasn’t there before, along with a new awkwardness like he’s suddenly ventured into a path that he’s uncertain of. “I wish to give you the best life possible, Lady Aziz, and I will strive to be the greatest husband I can be for you.”
He bows to her, a gesture that seems wildly out of place considering his status. “It is truly an honor to meet you.” His words sound like a farewell now. “I’ll see you in a few hours- and don’t worry.” That playful gleam is back as he winks at her. “I’ll pretend to be surprised when I see your beauty for the first time.”
Sajia can feel another soft smile flicker across her face at that, a laugh nearly escaping. He hesitates for just a brief moment, as if he has more to say, but then he turns and leaves, closing the door gently behind him. His footsteps fade away into the distance, and Sajia is surprised at the disappointment that strikes her when they’re gone completely.
How did he manage that? How did the man that she’s so scared of manage to make her smile, to make her laugh? Are her perceptions about the man he is that off? Or is he simply that good of an actor?
She moves to sit back down in the chair, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair is only halfway finished, the bronze and diamond ornaments only adorning one side of her head thus far. Her makeup isn’t on yet, and she’s wearing simple robes, not her elaborate wedding gown. What did he see in her? Why did he call her beautiful when she looks like a mess?
All that Sajia knows is that the strange interaction with her future husband has left her more confused than ever before.
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lovinkiri · 1 year
Undercover Wild Cat, Chapter Twenty
Author's Thoughts: Definitely thought I'd cover much more in this chapter, but looks like we're still going. The series is almost done though 😭
Description: They find a mysterious building, but find out that although Bakugou isn't here, the building houses something more terrifying. Despite all that, they end up with Bakugou in their sights, in the worst situation possible. And Sasha finds herself in the presence of the man who tore her family apart.
Warning: Cussing, Violence, Death Mention, Harassment, Etc.
Art Credit: @.jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
<<< ♡ >>>
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As Sasha walked with her friends, she couldn’t help but think more about her suspicions. She didn’t want to believe the commission would turn its back on her so easily. It was true, she’d never felt a particular bond or closeness with anyone in the organization. Most of the agents kept to themselves, and the ones who did approach Sasha were slimy scumbags, disgusting people who used their jobs and positions to do sick things. Still, they wouldn’t betray her, would they?
The more she thought about it, the more she realized just how much she hated the commission. She tried not to think about it too much. To save her mother and avenge her father, she could live with the painful training sessions and the intense studying. Being beaten until she was numb until she could defend herself. Reading and learning until her nose bled and she fell unconscious. None of it mattered when her mother’s life was on the line, that was all that mattered. It didn’t matter if she liked her job or not, so she just didn’t think about it.
But now that she had people other than Naomasa that cared for her so much, she started thinking about herself more. Unconsciously, she’d started to care for herself as they made her slowly realize her worth. Now, her conversations with Hawks were different. Was she really going to stay with the commission after this? Would she really let the chance of being a normal student pass her by? Furthermore, would her mother have wanted this for her? If they had treated her mother the same way they’d treated her, then she already knew the answer to that.
Eijirou gently bumped his shoulder into hers, pulling her from her upsetting thoughts. When she looked up at him, he was watching her, a concerned look on his face. “You okay, Sash? Are you still thinking about earlier?” He asked, referring to when they’d heard that announcement from UA and Sasha had begun to question the commission’s loyalty to her. She’d been almost silent for the rest of the walk, in her own world it seemed. It was a world he wanted her to let him inside of now that the truth was all out in the open. Putting an arm around her shoulder, he asked her, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
She leaned into his side, finding comfort in his warmth. “... I shouldn’t be talking about myself. We’re here for Bakugou.” She said softly, looking at the four students in front of them. They seemed to be in their own conversations about the rescue mission they were about to go on. “He’s our priority.”
“I know I can’t fix everything,” Eijirou said with a frown. He could see where she was coming from, but he could tell she was trying to bury her feelings. “But I can still be here for you. We’re going to get Bakugou back, I know that. You telling me how you feel won’t stop that. You’re allowed to be upset. And even with everything going on, I still care.”
She was surprised by how much it seemed like she needed to hear that. He hadn’t said much, but it was enough to have her eyes watering. Closing them, she took a deep breath and sighed. “Well… I’m feeling a lot honestly. But more than anything, I feel confused. Would the commission really turn things on me so quickly? I remember having heroes and the police scold me for my actions, and I understand why. I deserved it. But no one’s come out to speak against the commission.”
Eijirou nodded, letting her words sink in. He hoped he’d be able to be of help to her in this conversation. Other than when she’d told her story back at the hospital, he had never seen her this vulnerable. “I mean, if word gets out that you’re an agent, they’ll have to speak out right?” He looked away thoughtfully. 
That question piqued her interest because he was right. There was a big chance that she’d be mentioned in the media, and the commission would be forced to speak out. Not only would they be exposed for having children work as their agents, but they’d have to explain her presence at UA. “You’re right about that. What do you think they’d say?” She asked, meeting his eyes again.
“I’ve never worked with them, but if they’re really the good guys, they’ll tell the truth.” He said with a nod, sure of his words. That seemed like something the good guy would do, own up to their actions.
Sasha nodded back, but she was unsure if “good” was the right word to use for the commission. Children soldiers never sounded good, but was it good when they fought for the right side? She didn’t think so. “What if they aren’t good?” She asked softly, “What will I do?”
He leaned down and nuzzled the top of her head. “Whatever you want. And I’ll be there.” He said, smiling a bit as she nuzzled him back, her tail swaying happily. “You’re not just an agent, Sash. You’re a person, my favorite person. When all gets bad, I’ll work hard with you to make it good again.” 
She smiled softly at his sweet declaration. “Thank you, Ei.” She said quietly. She didn’t open up often, so she was used to not talking about work. She tried not to talk about work with Naomasa, knowing she’d worry him. But being able to share something so personal with someone she cared about so much felt good. It felt like a weight taken off her shoulders. 
The beeping of Momo’s tracker started getting louder, too loud for them to not take notice, and they gathered at the corner of the street. Momo peered around it, looking at a building. “This building… This is where the tracker is broadcasting from. We found it.” She confirmed Sasha’s thoughts.
She and Eijirou took a look for themselves, looking at the little rundown building before them. It wasn’t a location she recognized, but that made sense since she was a traitor now. She could tell Eijirou was getting a little nervous, but she knew he wasn’t going to back out. Despite the fact that the building could have been full of villains, they couldn’t leave. Knowing that Bakugou could have been in that building, that he could possibly be in pain, that conquered any fear they might have.
“That’s their hide-out then? Not the worst, I guess.” Eijirou commented under his breath, Sasha nodding. He was right, it wasn’t particularly impressive, but that seemed to be the point. It was so small, so old-looking, it drew no one’s attention. Perfect for a group of villains, from her knowledge and experience.
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. The tracker says the villain hasn’t left this place for a while now.” Momo sighed, looking at the groups. Everyone stood in a small circle to discuss their next step further. She continued, “The villain could be the only person here though. Bakugou could be in another location. Because we’re going into this blind, we need to proceed with caution.”
“I don’t like this one bit,” Iida said, crossing his arms. He was worried about his classmates, that they’d get hurt and Bakugou wouldn’t be there. That their mission would be for nothing. Not only that, but he was worried about what they’d do if Bakugou wasn't there. “None of us are any good at sneaking around, like Jiro or Hagakure. If I see that this is getting even a little dangerous, I’m calling this off. I won’t hesitate to call the police either, especially if it ensures everyone’s safety.” 
“Don’t worry about stealth, that’s a strong suit of mine,” Sasha said, glad that no one noticed how she didn’t nod or agree, knowing that she’d do anything to get Bakugou back. Even if it meant taking risks. The way she saw it, this was already dangerous, and she was technically law enforcement in a way.  If anyone here was qualified to be in this situation, it was her. 
“So what can we do with what’s in front of us?” Izuku asked aloud before beginning to mumble to himself. As her classmates spoke about how it’d been a while since they’d seen him like that, Sasha herself began thinking too. 
After working as a spy, she was used to retrieval missions. The first thing she had to do was assess the dangers. She turned away from the distracted group, taking a whiff of the air. They were outside, so her conclusion could have been a bit off, but she could tell there were multiple people in the building. She couldn’t find the smell of Bakugou, meaning he wasn’t there, but it was their only lead. What she did smell forced her face to contort into a look of disdain. She wasn’t able to place it, but it was familiar. It smelled almost like a person, but she could tell it wasn’t. It was nothing she had ever encountered before, but it was a strong smell, so there were a lot of… Something on there.
Once she knew there were multiple “people” in the building, she had to plan how they’d get in. That meant checking the place out a bit. She turned to her friends. “Hey, guys.” She said, gaining their attention. “We should look around a little, see if we can find anything useful. Maybe we’ll see someone through a window or even a room with the lights on. An open window could be what determines how we do this, after all.”
Izuku nodded, seemingly on the same page. “That's what I was thinking. Sasha, could you use any of your senses to help with gathering info?” He asked curiously, tilting his head.
She smiled at how similar their thinking was. She began thinking about how  Izuku would have made a good spy, but she quickly dismissed the thought. She wouldn’t want that for her friend. “Already started. I’m pretty sure Bakugou isn’t here, but something definitely is. A few things, actually. We should be careful. But we need to get closer if I want to hear anything.”
Iida furrowed his eyebrows. “That many villains? That’s way too dangerous, especially since Bakugou isn’t here.” He said, looking at her sternly. She knew that the both of them hadn’t been seeing eye to eye this entire time, and anyone else would think they were starting to hate each other. The truth was they were just worried for each other, but they held different priorities. He wanted everyone to be safe, but she was fine getting hurt as long as everyone got away safe, and with Bakugou preferably.
She sighed, looking back at him, a determined glint in her eyes. “At least give us a chance to scope out the place. We aren’t rushing into anything, just give us a chance to think of a safe strategy.” She pleaded, knowing it was important to their mission that the police not show up there. She was under strict orders to go on leave, so the commission would surely punish her for being here. She couldn’t have that happen before saving Bakugou, or at least gathering some information on his whereabouts.
He stared at her in thought before giving a hesitant nod. “Okay, we’ll look around and try to figure something out. I suppose we aren’t exactly in danger right now anyway. Let’s just be careful.”
She nodded, that was something she could agree with. “Alright. I’ve scoped plenty of places out before, so follow my lead. I’ll make sure this goes smoothly.” She said, impressing her classmates. It was weirdly easy to forget that she was an agent. That just went to show how well she fit in with them.
Just as she said, she took the lead in investigating the building. Her friends followed her with no hesitation, trusting her judgment. She kept her distance at first, then began moving closer and closer. She wasn’t surprised when she began getting asked questions. 
“So this is a part of your job?” Shoto asked curiously, trailing a few paces behind her. She glanced at him, surprised to hear him asking her questions. He wasn’t very talkative towards her, after all. She supposed it was a good thing she was getting asked questions, it gave her a chance to be open and honest.
“Well, yeah. I’ve done retrieval missions before, far more dangerous ones in more dangerous places.” She said, remembering all of the times she’d had to sneak through buildings that were practically towers full of villains and enemies. “Still, the league isn’t to be taken lightly. Their members are strong, dangerous.”
“Can you tell us about them?” Izuku felt it was important to have a clear idea of whoever was in that building. He promised Iida things wouldn’t get that far and intended to keep that promise. He figured they couldn’t be too safe though.
She nodded, agreeing it was best that they knew. “I met the main members of the league, but that’s about it. Dabi is the blue flame user. Then there’s Toga, the blonde girl who attacked the girls in the forest. She uses the blood of her victims to take their form. Kurogiri, he’s the purple, smokey warp man. Spinner, the lizard man with all the weapons, is a skilled swordsman. Then there’s Magne, whose quirk is Magnetism—finally, Shigaraki, the leader. Izuku, you ran into him in the mall. His quirk is decay, whatever he touches with all fingers crumbles to nothing.”
The more she spoke, the more nervous Iida became. Still, Eijirou believed they’d be okay. They all had each other, and he trusted Iida and Momo to stop them when things started looking bad. With Sasha leading their investigation, he believed they’d be okay. He trusted her, after all.
Sasha took into account everything she found out about the building.The only area they hadn’t checked out was the back of it. Bakugou was definitely not there, she couldn’t hear him. Suddenly, she was grateful for his loud nature, it made confirming where he was a lot easier for her. She could hear sounds being made, machines, and grunting. 
They distanced themselves a bit, gathering around a couple of vending machines and sharing what information they had. As worrying as some of the information was, she knew it was best to be completely honest to ensure everyone knew what they were dealing with.
“Something is obviously in there, I can hear and smell them. But other than that, there are no outward signs that people are in there.” She said, crossing her arms as she looked at the building. Eijirou nodded, agreeing with her. “Yeah, not a single light on or an open window.”
“And the weeds under the front entrance are undisturbed. There has to be another way in.” Izuku pointed out, glancing at the door thoughtfully. Sasha looked over and noticed what he was talking about.
“Woah, you’re right, Izuku.” She said, surprised at how he took notice of such a tiny detail. She knew he was smart, but he always surprised her with his intelligence. “But where?” She asked herself, looking at her feet. The only other options were an underground entrance or an entrance on the roof, maybe the back. They hadn’t missed a door hidden among moss and vines, right?
Then it dawned on her what was most likely. She hit her fist against her palm and looked at the group again. “It must be Kurogiri and his warp quirk. That means that whatever is in there, Kurogiri probably brought it here. We should definitely investigate. Maybe we’ll see or overhear something important.”
The group quickly turned to see who was talking to them, coming face to face with two men. They were obviously drunk, their faces a bright pink, and you didn’t need Sasha’s heightened senses to smell the alcohol on them. The smell of both the men before her and whatever was in the building was enough to make her hold back a gag.
The men focused on her and Momo, grins on their faces. “You sweet things wanna come hang out with a couple of real men?” The shorter one of them offered, looking them up and down. “Why don’t you come drink with us?”
Momo quickly shot them down, taking a step back behind Iida’s defensive form. Before Sasha could speak, Eijirou pulled her into his side by the waist. She blushed, glancing down at his arm as she covered her nose. When she looked at him, he was narrowing his eyes at the men protectively. “Not interested, man!” He exclaimed.
The taller man smacked the other on the back, laughing. “Come one, man! Don’t go starting fights!” He said gleefully, obviously finding the situation funny.
“Let’s get out of here, everyone,” Shoto said, walking away. The rest followed, but Sasha could feel the man’s gaze on her. She turned to look at him and growled, making him jump back. Eijiro laughed and looked down at her, smiling a bit. “You okay?” He asked.
She nodded, huffing through her nose and leaning into Eijirou’s side. “Those guys are creeps. I can still hear them.” She mumbled, trying to distract herself from the lecherous comments she was still hearing about herself and her fellow classmates. Then she looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you, that was nice… What you did back there.”
She couldn’t deny how good it felt seeing Eijirou get so protective. She lived most of her life protecting others, it felt nice being protected for the first time in so long. She liked that she could depend on Eijirou, that he’d jump to protect her honor, even though he knew she could do it. He just cared so much that he couldn’t help it.
He blushed and looked away bashfully. He hadn’t thought before he reacted, but that was best in his opinion. Thanks to that, he’d been able to react quickly. “I didn’t like how he was looking at you and talking to you. It wasn’t manly at all, he had no respect.” He sighed, going on to mutter how he hated when people treated others like that. 
Sasha hummed softly, looking forward. Eijirou was so respectful and so sweet. She knew her parents would have loved him. Who knew she had such good taste in guys?
They gathered under a streetlight, and Shoto sighed. “It’s not crowded, but there are still people around.” He pointed out, looking at Sasha and Momo. “Are you guys okay?” He asked, earning nods.
“I think we’re okay. But we should be more careful.” Momo said, letting out a relieved sigh, just happy to be out of that situation. Sasha couldn’t blame her. “Especially with drunk, nosy people like that walking around.” She added to Momo’s opinion.
“I think we should check out the back. It might be the only chance we have at gathering solid intel.” Izuku suggested, looking at the building again. Though they had moved, they didn’t move too far.  They still wanted to keep an eye on the building, after all.
Sasha looked at him, smiling a bit. “You’re starting to sound like me on missions, Izuku.” She said, watching him scratch the back of his head, a humble look on his face. He couldn’t help but feel honored that a professional would say something like that. Sasha might not have been a pro hero, but she was close enough to one. 
Making their way over to the building, they started to sneak their way to the back. It was a tight fit, them having to squeeze between the wall of the building and the wall of the stone gate that surrounded it. Momo commented on how narrow their path was, saying that she felt she could get stuck and Izuku encouraged them to move forward. Sasha had crawled through plenty of narrow passages, such as vents and crawl spaces. She was more or less used to situations like this, maneuvering through with ease.
“We just have to see what’s happening inside. Thankfully, this wall means we won’t be seen.” Sasha said quietly. Seemingly at the same time, both she and Izuku noticed a barred window. It was a high reach, but she knew she’d be able to reach it using her claws. “Do you see that guys?” She asked, directing everyone else’s attention to the window.
“We’ll be blind in the darkness,” Shoto said, looking at Sasha. “Well, Sasha won’t. I’m assuming you have night vision?” He asked her. She nodded, it was another perk to her job and it was why she usually worked at night.
Momo offered to make a pair of night vision binoculars but was stopped by Eijirou who held up his own. “I bought a pair myself.” He said, surprising everyone. He looked down at the binoculars with a frown. “When I thought about what we’d have to do, I figured we might need it.”
“Yeah, but isn’t that model super expensive? I did my own search when I was designing my costume, those binoculars are like 50,000, right?” Izuku said, making Sasha’s eyes widen. Eijirou must have bought them with money he’d been saving up for a while. She wasn’t surprised to hear that Eijirou had spent that much money if it meant saving Bakugou, but she was a bit surprised to hear him shut down the conversation so quickly. She gave a quick smile, silently telling him that it was okay if he didn’t want to talk about it. The smile he returned showed that he completely understood what she was trying to tell him.
It was decided that Sasha and Eijirou would be the scouts. Izuku offered to lift Sasha, but she politely declined. She let her claws out and they sunk into the cement wall. She began climbing up and Eijirou gave her a lovesick glance as Iida lifted him. He loved how amazing and independent she was.
“The place is pretty trashed.” Eijirou said, looking through the binoculars. Suddenly he gasped, moving back so fast that he almost fell. Everyone looked at him with concern and fear, Shoto asking if he was spotted. 
“Are you alright, Eij? What happened?” She asked, the look on his face worried her. He told her to look at the back left, in a corner. His voice shook as he spoke, she couldn’t imagine what he must have seen for it to have shaken him up so badly. She looked through the window, where Eijriou told her to look, and quietly gasped, her mouth falling agape. “N-No way.. Are those…?”
Her classmates urged her to tell them what she was seeing, and she swallowed nervously. “I-It’s a bunch of Nomus.” She said quietly. She’d been an agent for a while, but even she feared the Nomus. They were so strong, they put up a fight against All Might himself. She knew she couldn’t stand a chance against one, so seeing so many was terrifying. She understood Eijirou’s reaction now. The thought of these things roaming free scared her.
Suddenly, she turned her head to a sound that had alerted her. Everyone looked too, already on edge. Something large and purple was lifting a truck into the air. Sasha noted that the purple thing looked almost like a foot. She realized quickly what was going on, but it was too late. 
Mt. Lady quickly brought her foot down on the building, crashing into the roof. They weren’t hit, but the impact was so strong that they were nearly blown away by the wind. Sasha made a strangled, cat-like noise, holding on for dear life. Eijirou wrapped her arms around her waist, shouting in surprise with the others. When the noise died down, Sasha could hear a man saying that the Nomus were neutralized.
They remained there confused and dazed for a moment. They had no idea what had just happened and were trying to make sense of it. Sasha was trying to adjust back from the sudden noise. She hadn’t expected the crash, so she wasn’t able to adjust her hearing aids. Because of that, the sound had a huge impact on her hearing, also leaving her with a migraine. 
“I think… Mt. Lady is here…” She murmured, holding her head. If there was ever a time to go, it was now. They weren’t going to get any more information, and things had gotten unexpectedly dangerous. “Who knew they’d make a move after that press conference? I wasn’t even told anything.” She chuckled weakly, Eijirou helping her stand.
Sasha climbed up the gate while Eijirou and Momo were lifted again. “Woah.. Gang Orca and Best Jeanist are here too!” Eijirou said, surprised to see so many heroes. Momo nodded. “And Mr. Tiger too!”
“It seems like they’re collecting the Nomus.” She sighed, happy to see them getting taken care of. She wouldn’t have to go against them at any point, and that alone made her happy. “Thank God…” 
“Everything is fine, seems like the heroes were on this before we were. Let’s get home. At least then, we won’t have to explain ourselves.” Iida said, smiling at them. Izuku seemed hesitant to leave, though Momo and Iida insisted that if All Might was on the scene, everything would be fine. Sasha hesitated with Izuku, agreeing that something didn’t feel right.
“I’m sorry, Tiger. But Ragdoll’s quirk was so useful, I had to take it for myself. How could I not?”
Sasha completely stopped, her eyes going wide. Something was drawing her to the sound of this new voice. As Orca and Tiger questioned the voice, Sasha moved toward the voice. She wanted to know what the vice meant by taking the quirk. They were still in a narrow area, so her friends couldn’t notice her dragging behind if they didn’t purposely turn back. 
“Since my body was mostly destroyed, I haven’t been able to stock up on quirks.” 
She continued to slink away from the group. She was sure this was All For One, the man she had been trying to confront for years. But if this was him, it was best that her classmates didn’t follow. This was a dangerous individual, but she wouldn’t pass up this opportunity. After years of waiting, years of training, and years of mourning, he was right here. She had to see him. The man who had killed her father. The man who had forced her mother to leave her.
By the time she’d gotten closer, Jeanist had him restrained. She looked at his scarred face and began shaking with many emotions. Anger, fear, frustration, despair. “That bastard…” She choked out quietly, not wanting to catch their attention quite yet. She could hear Eijirou calling for her.
Suddenly, All For One was out of his restraints and was attacking Best Jeanist. It happened quickly, and before she knew it, Best Jeanist was lying on the ground with a stomach injury and the other heroes were out too. She wanted to run out, but that was too dangerous right now. After what she just saw, she knew she’d be taken down in an instant. Just like her parents.
She could hear her friend’s shaky breaths, letting her know how terrified they were. Closing her eyes, she took a few deep breaths. She couldn’t be too reckless with her friends still here. But if they could leave, they would have done so already. She figured they were petrified, frozen with fear. She would be too if she weren’t a trained agent.
“What the hell?” She suddenly heard Bakugou cough. Her eyes went wide and she returned her gaze to All For One, watching from her hiding spot. Bakugou was hunched over in front of the man, coughing. She couldn’t believe her eyes, couldn’t believe he was right there in front of her after so long. He seemed to be fine, thankfully, she didn’t smell any blood. She wouldn’t be satisfied until she actually looked him over though, just to confirm.
“My apologies, Bakugou.” All For One said with portals opened around them, members of the league falling out of them. Sasha watched with wide eyes as everything seemed to fall apart. The league wasn’t contained, and neither were the Nomus, Bakugou was now surrounded by villains, and the three heroes on the scene were down. What happened to All Might? Where was he?
Sasha silently began sneaking back over the wall to her friends. When she saw them, they were frozen just as she thought they’d be. Only Iida was gripping onto Shoto and Izuku as if trying to make sure they wouldn’t move. They must have reacted when they heard Bakugou’s voice. She couldn’t blame them, it took everything in her not to jump into action, especially with both him and All For One right there.
Suddenly All Might came from the sky, seemingly from out of nowhere. He threw his fists forward, meeting his palms with his fists. “I’ll have you return my student, All For One!” He shouted, glaring at the man before him.
Sasha found herself by Eijirou’s side. He was looking forward, and his face was stricken with panic and terror. Taking his face, she gently turned him to look at her. She pulled him close, pressing her head against him. She started taking deep breaths, hoping he’d follow suit. It only took a second or so for him to understand what she was doing, and he joined her, syncing his breathing with hers. 
They needed a plan, a careful one at that. But they’d need to calm down first. She didn’t know how to calm the others, but she had faith that she could help Eijirou. She gently rubbed her thumbs against his cheeks, whispering softly, “Deep breaths. We’ll figure this out, but we need to get it together first, okay?”
She just hoped she Could follow her own advice this time. With her father’s killer in arm’s reach, it was difficult not to make a move. She knew she couldn’t let him get away again. No, not just couldn’t, she wouldn’t.
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fdcbug · 4 months
Arranged chapter 1
I sit on the bed of the room I was brought to, to get prepared dress already on. I’m waiting for the institutions of what to do next. This was not the way I expected a day like this to go, I feel no joy although it should be a special day.
* Three months ago*
“Margarida why are you sitting there doing nothing,” asks my grandmother coming into the living room.
“I finished all my chores and was just resting a bit.“
“I see, well that doesn’t matter right now I called your parents to come join us, I have an announcement to make.”
As if on cue my parents enter the room and go sit on one of the couches. My grandmother remains standing at the front.
“I have something important to share, I found someone willing to marry Margarida even with her shameful life.”
I flinch at the comment ducking my head. My parents seem chocked looking at each other before my mother talks:”Mother we didn’t agree to this and how did you even find someone willing to put up with her? She has brought enough disgrace to the family as is we don’t need to taint another family.”
“What she needs is a strong hand watching over her and I found exactly that. The ones who agreed to the marriage amongst all the families I wrote too was the Castro family. The grandson of the current head is in need of a wife, they are the same age only one week apart. The reputation of the family is known to all even you will not dare to dishonour them if you know what’s good for you.”
“Yes grandma I will do as you demand and behave.”
After hearing which family it was even my parents agreed to the marriage. I would not get a say in this my life was sealed without my consent.
*the same morning at an earlier hour*
Loud steps coming closer to the living room interrupt my reading, making me look up just when both my grandparents and mother enter the room.
“Nuno I just came off the phone with the matriarch of the Oliveira family. She tells me she is searching for a husband for her granddaughter, the other families also on the call refused immediately I told her I would talk to you first. You are a week apart from each other in age, you are not interested in searching for a young woman to tie yourself to, if you agree she would be a decent match. The family is desperate allegedly she dishonoured the family and needs someone to watch her. At least that’s what I was told.”
He throws a paper in my lap and they all wait. I close my book and put it on the coffee table before taking the paper. It was the copy of a picture probably faxed over, on it a young woman with long gold-blond hair and very light emerald eyes. She was objectively beautiful but what draws my attention is the emotionlessness in her eyes. I put it down and nod my head.
“Fine I’ll marry her but I want a presencial meeting to sort the details and see what exactly she did.”
“Are you sure you have no reason to rush a marriage we can wait.” My mother looked rather concerned but I paid it no mind and nodded my agreement to the arrangement. With this they left the room again to deal with the situation.
Now a two days later we are sitting in the living room of the Oliveira family, my grandfather in heated conversation about this marriage with the grandmother of my future wife. Said person was sitting in front of me with her head down as quiet as a mouse. She is in fact very pretty, making me wonder why no one wants her.
“We can agree on most of the important things but before we give the final agreement what has she done, how is she dishonoured you?”
The words let the tension rise in the room.
“My granddaughter is undisciplined, dishonourable. She- she is not intact, she is fertile we are it confirmed but she is impure.”
That was all, all this drama over this simple thing. Most people are not virgins when they marry it’s no big deal. The bigger deal is the fact that they are trying to sell her as a baby machine and the way she reacted to the news. The girl had flinched and ducked further in shame, something was fishy, I could feel it. Everyone looked at me for the decision and I just gave a bored nod.
He nodded, he accepted regardless, if he had refused I would have been in so much trouble. Though I’m not sure if this is a blessing or a curse. Apart from the patriarch’s wife they all looked ginormous, broad shouldered and tall with serious angry expressions. The guy I’m supposed to now marry doesn’t spare me a glance. Maybe I should just be thankful being ignored and making some babies is not a bad life. They settle on three months from now for the wedding, until then I will meet the groom’s family regularly for preparations.
*the present*
And so we ended up here at this wedding, my wedding.
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yourflowersfirst · 5 months
day 1,400
pages 167-173
dentists’ offices really freaked me out. i picked at the skin around my nails, watching tiny dots of blood form, my nails brittle and chipped like hell. my sister was scrolling instagram, the pics she liked were very 2016-esque. lots of bold brow makeup and a crazy amount of starbucks frappuccinos. she nudged me every time she saw something funny. an occasional fidget spinner, a lot of laughing crying emojis plastered on prank videos. i rolled my eyes at her.
i heard my mom and my dentist walk out from the dentist… room? i never knew what to call it. the room where your teeth were actually cleaned, mouth forced open (don’t think about it, don’t think about it, just shut up) and sprayed with water, cleaner, and picked at with a metal tool. whatever that's called. metal still rang in my jaw. they left, as my whole family was there that day. it was one of the few days that summer i didn’t have marching band practice. the humidity was so bad that you could feel it through building walls. i’d been done for about 30 minutes, my mom was the last one to be seen, and the waiting room still made me anxious despite already being finished.
so, they walked out, conversation quiet but audible if you paid attention. which i did. “… how are her teeth?”
“the oldest? or your youngest?”
“yes, the oldest. how are they? any sign of decay, cavities?”
decay? what the fuck?
“well, there was something. she had some bruising in the back of her throat. some more plaque than when i last saw her. nothing too concerning for now, i advised her to brush and floss more.”
i leaned forward even more, my mothers brow scrunched. “oh, okay. i only ask because she’s… you know.”
“well, is everything okay?”
“she’s been having some… problems. she has eating disorders. bulimia and anorexia.”
my skin suddenly turned ice cold. “oh. i’m sorry to hear that. her teeth are alright, for now…”
the rest of my dentist’s words were lost. my ears rang deaf, my body slumped in the waiting room chair, arms crossed in a teenage girl sort of way. after my dad paid the copay, the four of us piled back into the van, teeth slimy and minty fresh from the cleaner.
“mom,” i started, as she was driving home from cemetery road. “why did you tell dr tau that stuff about me? that’s personal, it made me feel so awkward. plus i’m not even sick like that. i’m fine. you exaggerated to her and i don't like it.” the way she spoke about me to strangers crawled under my skin and bones, settled there, and always left me feeling itchy and uncomfortable. clearly.
“i’m not starting this again with you,” my mom was already irritated. “you are sick, that’s why we go to children’s hospital every week, and it’s why you drain my bank account with your therapy and psychiatry. either way, dr tau needed to know exactly what was going on. i wanted to make sure you’re not ruining your teeth, too.”
my mouth just hung open for a while, unable to form a reply to all that. my dad and sister were silent. i finally said, “well, okay then. forget i said anything.” 
my mom stared back at me in the mirror, but didn’t respond, feeling like she’d won. later that night, i purged (out of spite or hatred for my body? i don’t know to this day). just a bit. i examined my teeth after: no new plaque. i was fine. why was it such a big deal, why did anyone give a shit? 
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
2 years earlier, i’d been a freshman in high school. my hair was shorter, nails more brittle, skin always dappled with bruises no one ever seemed to notice. i’d frequent the dying mall 15 minutes away from town with my friends- all who also happened to be in band with me. because... of course.
we went one warm april friday afternoon. my mom drove us and waited in the food court, nursing a chik fil a frosted lemonade and a soft smile at me. first the 4 of us went to hot topic and spencer’s, giggling over the funny shirts and dildos stashed in the back of the latters’ store. then it was fye to gush over the anime memorabilia, and finally, we decided to go to victoria’s secret. as a joke, obviously.
“aedan, you’re a guy, so you can’t go in,” one of my girl friends said. 
“yeah, you should wait outside and only look at the ground,” i added. we cackled. strangely enough, aedan agreed. my other 2 friends and i- girls- trotted in, immature and silly about the big titted mannequins. we gushed over the cute frilly bras, turned red in the face when we saw the thongs. one bra in particular caught my eye immediately- one boasting about adding 2 cup sizes to whoever wears it.
“um, excuse me,” i nervously approached a worker with a measuring tape around her neck. “could i get measured for, um, a bra? i've only ever worn sports ones.”
she smiled at me, so kind. “of course, let me look with my tape here…” she wrapped it around me in 3 separate places. “okay, you’re a 32AA. we don’t have a ton of styles in that size…”
“uh, what about the one that adds 2 cups?”
“actually, yeah, that one should come in your size!” she looked around the drawers and eventually pointed out the options for a 32AA. one in light blue, one in black, one in grey polka dots. i thanked her and got a fitting room. my friends were howling with laughter but not teasing, as they were looking to try on bras too. a formative experience for a 14 (almost 15!) year old girl.
in the fitting room, i tried to fight off the typical nausea that came with me seeing my body in the mirror, and the dizziness from so much walking around the stores prior. i was 87 pounds soaking wet but i still felt like a mammoth- especially in such a store. once that comically padded push up bra was on, though, i smiled a little. the first time i’d done so in years at seeing my reflection.
i put my huge band tshirt on over the bra, the outline of boobs visible on me for the first time ever. i looked at my wallet, the $40 my mom gave me for shopping staring back at me. the bra was $35. 
10 minutes later, i was waiting in the checkout line, the bra clasped tightly in my hands. a new lifeline. another new way to fight how i look.
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acidicadhd · 1 year
Chapter Four
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She's not ready."
"She's been here three weeks."
"Yes, and she's only been awake for less than 24hr's."
Recovery girl folded her arms, glaring up at Aizawa. "We know almost nothing about her. We can't just--"
He held up a hand, cutting her off. "We can. So, she doesn't have a quirk. So what? There's a reason why she was being kept like that. We need to find out why."
"Not only does she not have a quirk, but she also doesn't seem to know what they even are!" Recovery girl frowned, touching her fingers together, counting as she continued. 
"She doesn't know where she is. She doesn't seem to understand anything modern. She said she has no family. We can't match her DNA in any system. And she doesn't have a quirk!" Recovery girl looked to All-might exasperated, "a little help please?"
All-might rubbed his chin, "I agree with Aizawa."
Recovery girl threw up her hands, "what is wrong with you all?!"
"Chiyo." All-Might cleared his throat, "we aren't going to hurt the girl. But, keeping her in here is not helping her. She's young, she can't be stuck in a hospital room all day." He lowered his head, "I'm sure she's been stuck in enough rooms already." 
He looked back to Recovery girl; "You said she is perfectly healthy, yes?"
Recovery girl pressed her lips together in a fine line, "technically, yes. She's in perfect condition physically." She looked up again to Aizawa, "though she did try to have a conversation with the monitor earlier. She thought because it beeped it was alive. She also was extremely confused about why we had a bath indoors."
Aizawa coughed hard, his fist half-heartedly covering the smile on his face. "She will be fine. She was released into mine and All-mights care. This is our decision."
Recovery girl rolled her eyes, "fine. But, don't say I didn't warn you."
Aizawa ignored her and walked over to the curtain, grabbing the edge of it before stopping. "Kokyū, may I come in?"
It was silent for a moment before a small voice spoke, "you may."
The curtain was pulled back to reveal the girl, her head turned away from them and towards the window. Aizawa walked closer to the bed, All-might coming to stand at the end of it. He cleared his throat, causing the girl to flinch. He frowned: Poor thing. She's so skittish. I hope this is the right choice, Aizawa. 
"Young lady, are you sure there is no one we can call for you? A mother? Father? Anyone at all?"
The girl looked at her hands, rubbing her thumbs together. "No. Not anymore."
"In that case-" Aizawa took a step forward, "how would you like to get out of this room?"
The girl looked up at him, a small smile tugging at the edge of her lips. "I would like that very much. I would like to learn more about my new surroundings."
"All right listen up."
All heads turned to the front of the room where Aizawa stood, "Quiet down. We have something very important to discuss."
The 1-A students slowly moved back to their assigned seats as he continued;
"Today, you'll be getting a new classmate."
"But, sir--" Ida spoke up, "The school year has already begun. This is highly irregular even for an average school. And as class rep, I am concerned about this student's ability to get up to speed with us. The said student will be very behind on the current curriculum, not to mention--"
Aizawa cut him off, "That is the least of my concerns right now." He sighed deeply, "we've decided that this student needs to be around others her age. So, I am placing her here with all of you."
"It's a girl!" Mineta shouted his eyes growing wide as he began to stand up in his seat. "Thank god. A new opportunity! I really hope she's hot."
"Enough!" Aizawa snapped, causing Mineta to drop back into his seat quickly. Aizawa glared over his students;                                                                                                                                                          "this girl has been through a lot. She has been released into my and All-Might's care as she has no family. And nowhere to go. We know little about her. We're hoping that if she is around others her age, it will make her more willing to open up. I expect you all to be on your best behavior, or else."
He walked towards the door, pausing and pulling his hand back from the door knob. He turned to face the class again, "Another thing, she is not familiar with anything modern. So, try not to push her."
"How can you not be familiar with anything modern?" Kaminari asked, "does that mean like, she doesn't know what a cellphone is?"
"Maybe it means we need to be worried about her running into poles?" Mina touched a finger to her chin, "Or something with mirrors?" 
"Just...go easy on her." Aizawa cleared his throat, "And-" He blinked slowly, pushing his hair out of his face. "We have concluded that she has no quirk."
Momo gasped, her hands covering her mouth quickly. The other students sharing looks around the room of both concern and confusion.
"How is she supposed to be part of the hero track if she has no quirk?" Kirishima said.
"Pathetic," Bakugo mumbled, glaring back at the back of Midoriya whose eyes stared hard at his desk. "She'll get along great with the other losers in this class."
"Bakugo." Aizawa warned, "watch it. That's no way to talk to a fellow classmate. Especially," He reached for the doorknob, "since you and Midoriya saved her."
Bakugo straightened abruptly and Midoriya's eyes shot up as the door was pulled open, Aizawa motioning with his head. "C'mon."
A girl slowly stepped into the room, her eyes fixated on the ground as she followed Aizawa toward the front of the class. She stood beside him, her long blue hair swaying as she fiddled back and forth, it reaching well past her knees. Aizawa looked her up and down before turning his attention back to the students. "Class, this is Kokyū, your new classmate."
No one spoke, the only noise coming from Mineta who seemed to be choking on his own soul. 
Midoriya stared at her. Is that really her? He thought. He couldn't quite tell. 
She looks so...awake. And she doesn't have a scratch on her. Besides those...markings? Tattoos? She's got to be my age there's no way she's old enough for tattoos. Scars maybe? No, scars wouldn't be colored like that.
Behind him, he could hear Bakugo's nails scratching hard into his desk. Midoriya knew he was holding back some serious rage. He'd been practically silent about the entire event with everyone besides the basics to the teachers and authorities. Midoriya knew he was struggling. The whole thing must've really shaken him to the core. Midoriya shuddered at the memory. 
Kokyū's head slowly lifted upwards, and her eyes scanned the room, stopping on Midoriya. The two locked eyes and her eyebrows shot up and she took off toward him, reaching to embrace him before freezing mid-motion. Her arms hung halfway around his shoulders for a moment before she slowly lowered them and took a step back, placing her hands together in front of her and bowing. "Thank you, for rescuing me. I can never repay you."
Midoriya waved his hands frantically, his face turning a deep shade of red. "Oh, it was no problem at all. Really, it's what we're supposed to do. You don't have to thank me anyone would have done it--"
He continued muttering as Kokyū turned in Bakugo's direction, meeting his hard gaze. She placed her hands in front of her again and bowed; "I owe you my thanks as well. For breaking down that wall, and for rescuing me."
Bakugou scoffed and released his grip on the desk, his cheeks turning the faintest shade of pink. "Whatever."
Kokyū pursed her lips but turned away, walking back toward the front of the class. She paused in front of Mr. Aizawa, repeating the same hand gesture and bowing; "I'm sorry for my impromptu and inappropriate actions. I meant no disrespect, Sifu Aizawa."
Several of the students snickered and covered their mouths as Aizawa glared at them. 
Aizawa waved a hand at her, "You don't need to be so formal. Mr. Aizawa is fine. Look--" He pointed back towards the new desk that had been placed between MoMo and Todoroki. "That's your desk, go take a seat and we'll begin class."
**Authors Notes**
Hey guys, so I'll be publishing panels whenever I get the chance to make them. I'm working on commissions and my own graphic novel rn so it's a little crazy :)
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A Grim in Devildom ch. 7
Chapter 1 Chapter 6
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
The next day Cassandra and Kieran were instructed to attend a student council meeting.
"Well, it seems everyone's here. Shall we get started Lucifer?" Diavolo said with his usual smile.
"All right, I'm going to go ahead and call this officers' meeting to order. To start things off, Lord Diavolo has an announcement." Lucifer said and everyone went quiet.
"Yes. I'm planning an exchange party between demons, angels, and humans to be held at my castle." Diavolo said looking excited but Lucifer didn't seem to share this sentiment.
"Nothing like this has ever happened before has it?" Asmo looked startled as he started up a Diavolo with wide amber eyes.
"No, indeed not. But there has to be a first time for everything. And you all are going to be present to witness this particular first. I'll let Lucifer give you a run down of the events." Diavolo nodded to Lucifer.
"The exchange party will be held at the demon lord's Castle. In addition to spending the night there, you'll be attending several events, including a dinner party and a formal dance." Beel smiled when he mentioned a dinner party.
"A formal dance?" Cassandra said, feeling her mouth go dry. She had nothing to wear.
"Yes! I assume you're concerned about having nothing to wear, Cassandra. But don't worry! Barbatos will help you get ready, I already talked it over with him." Diavolo enthusiastically answered her question.
"Um, that's ok I guess." She said not quite sure how to take his response. She exchanged glances with Kieran as the brothers continued talking, asking Diavolo and Lucifer questions.
That night she and Kieran went up to see Belphegor up in the attic after dinner.
"I made a pact with Beel." She said as he greeted them at the top of the stairs.
He looked surprised for a moment then smiled. "You did? You know I really didn't think you were going to help me so I didn't get my hopes up but you seem to be gaining their trust. You're already halfway to our goal. Did Lucifer say anything about the attic?"
She told him about the spell he had cast on the stairway and how he was certain she hadn't met him.
"Since this is Lucifer we're talking about, I assumed he would've put some sort of spell on this room as well, like the staircase..." Belphegor paused to look at her with renewed interest.
"So then, what's going on here? How is it that you two can see this room?" He glanced down at Kieran.
Cassandra took a step back. She figured the reason why she could see through the magic veil was because of her heritage. The Grimm family had been intermingling with all sorts of spirits and fairy's over the centuries. This gave them special magic abilities, but they still were just human enough to be considered human. She got her fire magic from her grandmother who was an Ifrit, a type of jinn.
But it was at this moment she realized that this didn't explain why Kieran could see the door. He had always claimed to be human, but perhaps he had some fay background like her.
Belphegor watched her nervous reaction before continuing. "...Well, I guess it doesn't matter. Either way, it's good news for both of us since Lucifer doesn't know you're in contact with me. Not to mention I've learned something interesting about you." His violet eyes glittered as he looked at her.
"Well, I better be getting back before someone comes looking for us." She said and left, he had kind of creeped her out.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs she looked down at Kieran. She was thinking about what she had realized earlier.
"Kieran... Are you really human? I mean are you mixed like I am? How can you see the room?" She inadvertently bombarded him with questions.
Kieran sighed. "I figured we'd have this conversation someday. I'm a half-blood. My father was an elf and my mother was human."
"Wh-what?! Why did you always say you were human?!" She stammered in shock as she struggled to keep her voice down as they made their way back to her room.
"I didn't exactly get along with my father alright? He left before I was born so I've always thought of myself as more human." He huffed as she pushed open her door.
She was about to respond when she realized Mammon and Levi were in her room.
"Oh, hey Cassandra. We were wondering where ya were. I thought ya might be on the roof again." Mammon smiled at her as she walked in.
"Wait... The roof?!" Levi looked at him confused.
"We went for a walk." Cassandra said curtly as she closed the door.
"Wha? Ya should've told me! I would've come along, ya know to protect ya an stuff!" Mammon said blushing slightly.
"I can handle myself just fine. Anyways what are you guys doing in my room?" She crossed her arms and glared at them.
"I thought you'd want to watch this anime with me! It's one of my favorites, you have to see it! I mean someone's gotta introduce you to otaku culture." Levi excitedly held up a DVD case, his amber eyes sparkling.
"Levi couldn't find ya so he came to me. So I thought ya might be on the roof again, ignoring my texts." Mammon put his hands on his hips and glared at her. She realized her phone had been on silent since she had gone up to the attic. Pulling out her phone, she saw that Mammon had indeed been texting her.
"Oh... Sorry. My phone was on silent." She gave Mammon an apologetic look then turned to Levi. "Sure Levi I'll watch your show with you."
"Awesome! I'll start it now!" Levi went over to her tv and started setting up the disk.
She went over to the couch and sat down. To her surprise, Mammon sat next to her.
"Oh? You don't have any poker games to attend tonight?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"I just happen to be free tonight. So shad up and enjoy the presence of the Great Mammon!" He shot her a look and turned his head away from her to hide his blush.
"Hmph. Whatever you say." Kieran flicked him with his tail in a teasing gesture and jumped onto the armrest of the couch on her other side.
The anime started and Levi came over and sat on the other side of the couch. The starting titles flew across the screen, lighting up the room as an exciting opening song played.
"Hey what kind of anime is this anyway?" She glanced over at Levi who was staring at the screen entranced.
"Hm? Oh, it's an isekai. It's about a demon who gets sent to the human world and falls in love with a human." Levi said with an excited grin. She didn't really know what the word isekai meant but the plot seemed interesting enough. She didn't usually watch romances but it was a welcome change of pace.
About halfway through the second episode, there was a romantic scene between the two main characters. She noticed Mammon glancing at her briefly before stretching his arms. He settled back down this time with one of his arms over her shoulders.
She stiffened slightly, but then relaxed, finding his touch oddly soothing. Levi didn't seem to notice, his eyes glued to the screen. Kieran simply rolled his eyes and shook his head.
The heady scent of his Cologne wafted around her and after a while she found herself leaning towards him. She caught herself and straighten up. She realized the time and looked over a Levi.
"Levi it's getting late. We'd better go to bed since the retreat is tomorrow and Lucifer will probably make us leave ridiculously early." She stood up, catching Mammon's disappointed look when she moved away.
"Yeah, I guess your right. This is the end of this series anyway." Levi got up and retrieved the disk. "We'll have to watch the next series later!" He grinned at her and said good night before leaving.
"Ugh. Your right, Lucifer probably is gonna rush us in the morning. He's always bendin' over backwards for Diavolo." Mammon grumbled as he stood up. He wished her goodnight as well before he went back to his room.
The next morning she put all her things into a small bag. She didn't have much, her overnight bag could almost be mistaken for a purse. She didn't mind though, she was used to traveling lightly.
She and Kieran headed out into the hall where most of the brothers had already gathered. They were chatting excitedly when she walked over to them.
"So, Cassandra! Are you pumped or what?!" Mammon shouted excitedly when he saw her.
She shrugged, "I mean, I guess?" She pretended to be indifferent. In reality, she was quite nervous. She'd never been at a formal dance before.
"Hey now, come on, let's hear some more excitement, eh!" Mammon grinned nudging her with his elbow.
"Mammon you're being really loud." Levi gave him a sour look as he stood among his pile of luggage.
"Aw, what's wrong with you Levi? Get that grumpy look off your face killjoy!" Mammon teased.
"You're like... Too excited right now, Mammon and it's really annoying." Levi gave him an exasperated look.
"Mammon being annoying is nothing new, but yeah... This morning he's ESPECIALLY annoying." Satan agreed with Levi, setting down his bags.
"Ah shut up both of you. Sure I thought it was gonna be a real drag, but now it's actually time to go I'm excited! Anything wrong with that, huh?!" He huffed blushing slightly with embarrassment.
Just then Asmo joined them hauling an insane amount of luggage behind him. She wasn't sure how he was even able to carry it all.
"Good morning, everyone! My, you're all early!" He said cheerfully.
Asmo frowned and reached up to grab a lock of his light brown hair. "Ugh. I just couldn't decide how I wanted to do my hair this morning you know? It took so much time..." He looked at his hair fretting.
"...Asmodeus. WHY do you have so much luggage?" Satan said looking at his suitcases.
"Yeah. It's only for two nights, ya know? You think you're heading off on a tour of the three worlds or somethin'?" Mammon chimed in.
"This is actually quite a bit less than I wanted to bring." He glared at them and put his hands on his hips.
He turned away from them and looked at her. "Where's your luggage, Cassandra?" He seemed to be looking for her suitcase.
Cassandra held up her bag. "This is it. I don't need a bunch of stuff weighing me down."
"Wha?! I thought that was your purse!" Asmo looked shocked, putting a hand to his face.
"I'm used to traveling lightly." She said with a shrug.
"Yeah, it's not like you can fit much on the motorcycle anyways." Kieran pointed out with a flick of his tail.
"You know it's a shame you're such a tomboy. You've got such a pretty face." Asmo shook his head in disappointment and she blushed.
"Whatever." She crossed her arms and looked away.
Lucifer finally walked up taking a look at everyone in the room. "It looks like everyone's here. It won't do to keep Diavolo waiting. We should head over to the Demon Lord's castle right now. I want to get there before the angels and Solomon do." He already seemed antsy.
Mammon gave her a somewhat worried look. "I hope you're ready, Cassandra 'cause there ain't no guarantee you'll come back from this alive ya know?"
She opened her mouth to retort but Satan beat her to it. "I know you want Cassandra to be interested in you, but you do realize it sounds like you're trying to scare someone, don't you Mammon?"
Mammon blushed furiously and shook his head. "What?! Whaddya mean?! Pfft why would I want Cassandra to be interested in me, huh?!"
Kieran let out a laugh. "Well if you're trying to scare her you're going to have to try a lot harder than that. She's quite hard to scare."
"Quit standing around and get going!" Lucifer lost his patience and snapped at them.
When they arrived at the castle, Lord Diavolo and Barbatos greeted them at the entrance. The entryway was massive and looked like it was also used as a ballroom. It looked just like something out of a fairy tale.
"Well, good morning. I must say I couldn't wait for you to arrive!" Diavolo beamed when he saw them.
"Welcome to the Demon Lords Castle. It's a pleasure to have you here." Barbatos smiled politely next to Diavolo.
"Well, it seems that neither Solomon nor the angels have arrived yet, have they?" Lucifer looked around the room with a satisfied smile.
"I didn't realize a race was one of the events." Kieran grumbled, perched on her shoulder. He hadn't been able to keep up at Lucifer's pace, fortunately, her shoulders were broad enough to support him.
"Yeah! Listen to you pretendin' like you didn't hurry over here, all frantic to get here before Solomon and the angels could." Mammon joined in with a glance at Kieran.
"Hm? Did you say something Mammon?" Lucifer grinned as he stomped on Mammon's foot.
"D'AAAAAAHHH OW OW OW! My foot! You're stepping on MY FOOT, Lucifer!... Lucifer sir!" Mammon howled in pain and jerked his foot away.
Barbatos looked up past them. "Ah, speaking of our other guests they've just arrived."
Solomon, Simeon, and Luke came in, all carrying their luggage.
"Hello, and good morning! We've already got quite the crowd here don't we?" Simeon smiled waving at them.
"You demons sure know how to get an early start." Solomon commented looking at the brothers.
Luke's eyes went wide when he saw her. He dropped his luggage and ran to her. "...Cassandra!" He hugged her tightly.
"Whoa! Hey!" Kieran lost his balance and jumped down looking miffed.
"What the...! HEY! What's the big idea runnin' up and huggin' her like that?!" Mammon gave Luke a sharp look.
"It's alright Mammon." She smiled and hugged Luke back. It was a little awkward since he was only about two inches shorter than her.
"Cassandra, I'm SO happy you're alright...! So, SO HAPPY! There aren't even words...!" He squeezed her tighter.
"I'm so, so sorry. It was all my fault. I know I already called and apologized but it's such a relief to see you safe and sound. I was beside myself with worry." He let her go looking guilty.
She remembered he had practically blown her phone up with texts after she'd woken up. The next morning when she spoke with him on the phone he'd cried into the receiver while she had tried to reassure him.
"It's all right, Luke. I'm totally fine see? I bounce back from that kind of stuff all the time." She reassured him again.
"Are you actually an angel? Is that it? An angel disguised as a human?" Luke smiled at her innocently and she felt her blood run cold.
Angels don't kill people. She thought as she looked away.
"N-no. I wouldn't say that Luke." She shook her head.
"You know, Luke mentioned your predicament, Kieran. But I couldn't believe it until I saw for myself. What on earth did you do?" Solomon stepped forward looking down at Kieran who glared back at him.
"Wouldn't you like to know!" Kieran hissed back at him, his fur bristling.
"Oh? Do you two know each other?" Diavolo looked at them surprised.
"I suppose you can say we're acquainted. We've crossed paths several times, but I've never seen him like this." Solomon chuckled placing his hand over his mouth.
Kieran growled and flatten his ears. Lord Diavolo quickly changed the subject.
"All right then. Now that we're all here, perhaps we should go ahead and explain how this retreat is going to work."
"Certainly my Lord." Barbatos nodded and stepped forward. "The aim of this retreat is for demons, angels, and humans to intermingle so that each may gain a better understanding of each other."
"Well, as we're stayin' the night, I say the best way to intermingle is by havin' a pillow fight!" Mammon interrupted excitedly.
"Now then, I'll begin by explaining what we have planned for each day of the retreat." Barbatos continued ignoring Mammon.
"Wha... So you're just gonna ignore me?!" Mammon said looking dejected and Levi let out a laugh.
"After you've taken your belongings to your rooms, we'll begin with a tour of the castle where you'll have a chance to learn about Devildom history. We'll be serving Devildom cuisine for dinner tonight, and I've taken the liberty of volunteering to prepare tonight's dinner myself."
Beel looked excited when Barbatos said this. "Mmmm, Barbatos's authentic Devildom cuisine..." He said drooling slightly.
"Tomorrow we'll be having a scavenger hunt. Each day, we plan on having a representative from each world prepare a meal for us. So tomorrow Luke will be making food from the celestial realm. I'm sure it will be quite a treat."
"Remember Luke, you're making DINNER. Which means more than just sweets, understand?" Simeon said gently as he put his hand on Luke's shoulder.
"Awww...o-okay." Luke looked disappointed.
"Incidentally, there will also be a dance following dinner tomorrow. Then on day three- the final day- we'll get to enjoy food from the human world for lunch, which Cassandra will be preparing for us."
"Wait, what?! Nobody said anything about that!" She said completely blindsided.
Barbatos's green eyes went wide. "I did send notice regarding our plans."
She gave Lucifer a questioning look.
Lucifer sighed and glared at Mammon. "Mammon, I believe I told you to let Cassandra know about this?"
Mammon shifted nervously when everyone looked at him. "H-huh? W-wait a minute, didn't I, um, mention that?... No? Well, THAT'S weird...ahaha..." He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced around.
"Ooh, make some jambalaya. I've been craving your cooking." Kieran purred and licked his lips.
She had learned to cook at an early age, her grandfather's cooking was comparable to eating charcoal. He had always said her grandmother loved his cooking but she had always found this questionable.
"Alright fine. It's not a problem." She sighed.
"Well then, why don't we move on to room assignments. Lord Diavolo will be sharing a room with Lucifer." Barbatos said and Lucifer turned to Diavolo with a surprised look.
"You have your own bedroom here. Why share a room with me?" Lucifer asked him.
"Why do you think? Because this is a retreat of course!" Diavolo laughed, grinning at Lucifer.
Lucifer sighed and crossed his arms. "You certainly seem to be looking forward to this."
"Luke, Beelzebub, Leviathan, you will be sharing a room." Barbatos said and Luke looked concerned.
"I have a really, really bad feeling about this..." Luke frowned at his two roommates.
"Simeon, Asmodeus, Cassandra, Kieran, you'll be sharing a room." She glanced nervously at Asmo. She wasn't sure how she felt about sharing a room with him. But she did find some comfort in sharing a room with Simeon, he seemed trustworthy, and he was an angel after all.
"Wh...?!" Mammon appeared upset, his eyes flickered between her and Asmo.
"And Solomon, Mammon, Satan, you'll be sharing a room as well. And that covers everyone." Barbatos finished.
"...Yo Asmodeus. Switch rooms with me." Mammon demanded looking at Asmo.
"...What? Why?" Asmo looked taken aback at his demand.
"Because, um... Y'know... Solomon looks like he snores, and Satan's feet probably stink..." Mammon desperately tried to come up with an excuse.
"Well, that's an awfully rude thing to accuse me of. And it's not true." Solomon glared at Mammon.
"My feet don't smell Mammon. The truth is that you want to be in the same room as Cassandra, don't you?" Satan shook his head glaring at Mammon.
"Wh?! You idi...! N-no I don't! Why would I want to share a room with Cassandra?! I mean... A human?!" He sputtered blushing. "When you sleep in the same room as a human the smell ends up rubbin' off on ya. So you should be grateful I'm even willin' to trade with ya! You should be HONORED actually!"
"It's only been 30 seconds and he's already made both his roommates mad." Kieran shook his head while Levi laughed.
"Look how hard he's trying to deny it." Levi chuckled.
Asmo grinned at Mammon. "Ah... I see. So that's why you want to switch rooms, is it? Well, in that case, the answer is no. Too bad!" Asmo said with a smug expression.
"WHY NOT?!" Mammon shouted in frustration clenching his fists.
"Maybe because I enjoy seeing that bitter frustrated look on your face?" Asmo laughed as Mammon growled at him.
"How long do you plan on goofing around? Come on let's go." Lucifer grabbed Mammon by the ear and pulled him away. Mammon yowled in protest as he was dragged away.
Cassandra, Asmo, Simeon, and Kieran all went up to their room and put away their things. They chatted for a bit before Satan came to get them for the tour.
Diavolo greeted them this time accompanied by a small round black creature. It was wearing a small hat perched between two yellow horns. It had bright yellow eyes and sharp teeth.
"Hello there, I'm little D No. 2! Ah, but call me Number Two if you would, mkay?" The small creature introduced itself with a friendly wave.
"Wh-what is THAT?! A tiny demon...?" Luke took a step back, gawking at the strange creature.
"You all know about the little D's don't you? Barbatos had some student council business to attend to, so I thought I'd ask Number Two here to be our tour guide." Lord Diavolo explained to them, calming Luke.
"Okie Dokie then, I'll go ahead and give a quick rundown of what we're going to be seeing on our tour. The history of the Demon Lord's Castle is the history of the Devildom! We're going to be viewing all sorts of historical artifacts and works of art here in the castle. And in the process, you'll learn all about the Devildom!" Number Two said it sounded like this wasn't his first time giving a tour.
"Boring..." Mammon groaned, his shoulders slumping.
Number 2 led them around giving detailed histories of every art piece and artifact in each room. While some of what he was saying was interesting, Mammon's comment had been correct. It was terribly dull.
Beel was complaining about being hungry and Levi was posting about how boring it all was when suddenly a scream rang out through the room.
The scream caused her to practically jump into Solomon's arms.
"Whoa! Are you alright?" Solomon said holding her steady.
"W-what was that?!" Luke said looking around wildly.
"It sounded like a woman screaming?" Simeon said looking confused.
Cassandra quickly pulled herself out of Solomon's grasp. "I'm fine Solomon, thanks." She blushed, self-consciously brushing herself off.
"...what was that? Someone just screamed..." Satan came over to them frowning as he looked at her.
"It wasn't me!" She huffed crossing her arms.
"But it did make you jump into my arms." Solomon chuckled as she glared at him.
"Wait a minute. I feel like I've heard that scream somewhere before..." Asmo said his gaze turning to a portrait of a woman hanging on the wall.
"How could you... HOW COULD YOU...?! Asmodeus... This is all your fault!" The woman in the portrait screamed at him.
"Helene here was once known far and wide as a witch of unparalleled beauty! Countless humans, demons, and angels alike fell under her spell. But then Asmodeus came along and seduced her, leading her to betray her lover at the time. War erupted, and as a result, it ended up destroying an entire country. And Helene was derided as a horrible wicked woman who sold her soul to a demon. What she had to endure was awful...!" Number Two explained Helene's backstory.
"Helene I never expected to run into you here of all places! I mean what are the chances?! So whatcha up to these days?" Asmodeus gave the woman in the portrait a flirty smile.
Helene glared down at him in disgust. "...After what happened, I incurred the wrath of the nephew of my former lover, who was a sorcerer. He sealed me inside this painting."
Asmo's eyes went wide and he threw up his hands in surprise. "Are you talking about Demetrios? Why didn't you tell me? I would have come straight over to help. Ugh, Helene, you're so stubborn you know that?" He teased playfully, making her even angrier.
"Asmodeus... You haven't changed one bit! You're still the same awful womanizer you've always been. Not a day has passed that I haven't thought of how much I hate you! NOT A SINGLE DAY! " She spat at him, her face twisted in rage.
Asmo smiled as if he hadn't heard her. "Mhmm, thank you. I missed you too you know?"
Mammon shook his head. "Maaan, she's not getting through to him AT ALL!" He stared at his brother in disbelief.
"I may be imprisoned inside this portrait, but I haven't lost my power. Oh no... In fact, I still have enough power to capture you!" Helene grinned wickedly as a powerful wind started dragging everyone toward the portrait.
Number Two darted away. "Oh dear! Everyone be careful mkay?! It just so happens that Helene's portrait is known to drag people inside!"
"D'AAAAAAAHH! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING EARLIER!" Mammon yelled as he was pulled in. He grabbed onto Levi in vain, Cassandra watched in horror as Mammon, Levi, and Beel were pulled inside.
Solomon was also being pulled in, with a determined look he grabbed onto Asmodeus.
"Hey, Solomon? Why are you holding onto my arm?" Asmo asked him surprised.
"Because this is all your fault. So if I'm going in so are you." Solomon glared at him as they were dragged towards the painting.
Asmo smiled and twisted around, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Well in that case I'm pulling in Cassandra along with us!"
"LET GO OF ME!" She yelled trying to smack his hands away but his grip was too strong.
"CASSANDRA!" Kieran yelled, bracing himself on Satan's leg to avoid being pulled. Satan reached out to grab her, his hand almost reaching hers but it was too late. Everyone in front of her vanished as she was pulled in.
"... Cassandra... Cassandra." Someone was calling her name and gently shaking her shoulder.
Her eyes flew open to see Solomon crouching over her. He smiled when she opened her eyes. They were in a dark hallway lit by torches. She sat up and looked around but they were the only ones there.
"Where is everyone?" She asked as Solomon helped her to her feet.
Solomon shook his head. "Good question. I know they were sucked into the painting with us...but we're the only ones in the immediate vicinity as far as I can see."
She took a few steps forward and pulled back her hair that was covering her ears. She usually kept her ears covered since they were slightly pointed revealing that she wasn't entirely human. However, Solomon was probably already ready aware of this fact so she didn't bother hiding them from him. She listened intently for a moment. She thought she could hear some shuffling off in the distance but it was too faint to tell.
"I think a hear something off in the distance but it's pretty far off. No telling what it could be." She turned back to him to see his amused expression.
"Oh? My what cute ears you have." He chuckled and she scowled at him before covering her ears again.
"Well, two humans- or almost human, alone together in an unfamiliar area of the Devildom... This isn't safe." His expression turned serious. "I'd better go ahead and call Asmodeus over."
"Oh? You're going to summon him?" She asked raising an eyebrow. Asmo was the last person she wanted to see right now.
"Yes. Seeing as your seal is preventing you from using your pacts, we need a demon escort." He stepped forward and started to summon. "...Hear me denizens of the darkness you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command! I, Solomon call upon you to send forth one of your number! I summon the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus!"
There was a flash of light and Asmo appeared with a yelp. "...Ow... That hurt... Solomon how many times have I told you to be more gentle when summoning me? What if I had injured my face, hm?" Asmo glared at him as he dusted himself off.
Solomon let out a light chuckle at Asmo's protests. "Stop complaining, Asmo. This is your fault... Anyway, where are we?"
Asmo frowned as he looked around anxiously. "Don't ask me! From the looks of it, I'm guessing we're in that underground labyrinth or whatever that's supposed to be under the Demon Lord's Castle."
"So all Helene did was pull us into the basement..." Cassandra looked around again.
"What happened to the others?" Solomon pressed Asmo further.
Asmo shook his head. "How should I know? But I'll tell you this much: we'd better find Beel before he gets REALLY hungry. We have to get him out of here or we'll have a real problem on our hands." Asmo looked worried as he looked down the dark passage.
Solomon sighed and looked at her. "I assume we should start by finding Mammon and Leviathan. Cassandra, you said you heard something earlier?"
"Yeah, it was coming from straight ahead, somewhere in the distance. Though if this is a labyrinth then all the twists and turns might make it difficult to get there." She frowned and placed her hand on her chin.
"Well, it's all we have to go on for now." He said leading the way down the corridor.
After about five minutes of walking, Asmo groaned. "...Solomoooon, how far does this labyrinth go? Are you even sure we're going the right way?"
Solomon glanced at Cassandra. "Can you hear anything else? Are we getting closer?"
She listened intently again, brushing her hair behind her ear. She could definitely make out three sets of footsteps, but they were still distant.
"It's definitely them, but they're still a good ways away." She said looking back at them.
"Cassandra you have awful good hearing for a human. Even I can't hear anything and by the way, what's up with your-" Solomon cut Asmo off before he could ask about her ears.
"Quiet Asmo. You're the reason we're in this mess to begin with." Solomon shot him a glare.
Asmo looked offended placing a hand on his chest dramatically. "Meee? It's not like I did anything wrong. Cassandra, you agree with me don't you?"
Cassandra glared at him, not bothering to recover her ears. "Um, no. You should apologize to Helene."
Asmo looked confused by her response. "Apologize? Me? I'm sorry, but I'm not sure why'd you'd want me to do that. I mean-" Asmo continued to talk however a distant shout caught her attention. Her ear twitched as she noticed the footsteps getting closer rapidly. There was also a strange sliding sound as well.
"HEY! Are you even listening to me?!" Asmo snapped at her and she blinked realizing he had gotten closer to her.
"As I was saying, I wonder who you desire Cassandra? What secrets are you hiding?" He reached up and tried to touch her ear but she jerked away.
"Wh-what?! Look you guys I think they're running from something!" She stepped away from him and they all turned to look down the corridor.
Mammon, Levi, and Beel bolted around the corner, fear etched on their faces. Behind them, she could see what appeared to be an incredibly large snake slithering after them.
"...Wait, what's that thing chasing them?" Asmo said throwing his hands up in surprise.
"It's a snake and a really big one at that." Solomon said keeping his composure.
The trio ran towards them screaming and shouting. Mammon reached them first. "Hey, how bout you stop talkin and HELP!" He said reaching her side, Beel was right on his heels. "I am a fan of eating, not being eaten." He grumbled as Levi skidded to a halt gasping for breath.
Solomon let out an exasperated sigh. "As if we didn't already have enough problems as it is, they had to go and bring us another one. We'd better get out of here."
Cassandra wasn't really listening though, she was too focused on the snake slithering towards them. She was watching how it moved, trying to figure out the best attack strategy. She started to lean down to grab her boot knife but Solomon grabbed her shoulder snapping her out of her trace.
"It's best to retreat for now. We can strategize later." He said reading her thoughts. She let out a hiss of frustration, she hated having to run away from an enemy.
"Cassandra! What the hell are ya doing?! WE NEED TO GO!" Mammon yelled, confused that she hadn't followed him when he started running.
She swiftly reached down and grabbed a handful of dirt and flung it at the snake's face, aiming for the eyes. The snake recoiled and hissed as it was momentarily blinded. She then took off with the rest of the group.
They ran into a different corridor, this one appeared to function as some sort of dungeon, it was lined with cells fitted with iron bars.
"... Looks like we managed to lose it thanks to Cassandra." Asmo said giving her an impressed look.
She let out a chuckle. "Well I have to say, this is a lot more entertaining than that tour."
"Are ya crazy?! That snake was tryin to eat us!" Mammon said shocked at how casual she was being.
Cassandra shrugged. "Look Mammon, this may be hard for you to believe but I've dealt with things a lot scarier than that snake. I was trained to." She reached down and pulled out her boot knife as Mammon stuttered in surprise. "I don't have my sword or machete so I won't be able to behead it but I imagine stabbing it at the base of the skull will finish it off." She said twirling the knife in her fingers.
"NO! YOU CAN'T! THAT'S HENRY 1.0!" Levi shouted staring at her in horror.
They all turned to look at him. "What...?" Asmo said what they were all thinking.
"Henry...? Wait you mean THAT Henry?" Mammon's eyes widened as he exchanged a glance with Beel.
"Are you sure?" Beel said frowning at Levi.
"I know Henry when I see him. And that is Henry, no doubt about it. I can't believe I'd find him here of all places..." Levi trailed off wistfully as he looked down the corridor they had come from.
Cassandra sighed and put her hand to her forehead. "Are ya saying I can't kill the snake? Because that makes things a lot harder." She put away her knife.
"You can't hurt him!" Levi glared at her.
"Henry was Levi's pet snake. Every time he gets a new pet he names it Henry." Beel explained to her.
"I kept Henry 1.0 in his glass case and took really good care of him, but one day he disappeared. How many years has it been I wonder...?" Levi said trailing off sadly but then he smiled letting out a light-hearted laugh. "I don't believe it. I never thought I'd see him again...! But here he is alive and well- and he's gotten so BIG! Oh, it's such a relief. I'm glad he's alright."
" Well, I sure ain't. " Mammon grumbled looking at her, his blue eyes burned with questions. She knew he was going to ask her questions later, and perhaps it was time she told him what she did.
"If he used to be your pet, do you think you could pacify him?" Solomon asked looking at Levi hopefully.
Levi shook his head. "Nope. No way. He looked like he'd completely forgotten me."
"Okay then, what SHOULD we do? If we don't do somethin about that snake, we're never gonna get outta here." Mammon gritted his teeth in frustration as he looked at Levi.
"We don't necessarily need to hurt Henry to get out of here. There's another way." Solomon grinned looking at Asmo.
"... Really? There is?" Levi smiled in relief.
"Oh Solomon, I knew you'd come up with something! Not only are you good-looking, you're smart too." Asmo fluttered his eyelashes as he clasped his hand together.
"Thanks. Alright, I'll be counting on you to make this work Asmodeus." He smiled at Asmo before he turned to her. "Cassandra I could also use your expertise as well."
"Are you thinking of using Asmo to charm the snake?" Beel raised his eyebrows.
Solomon nodded. "Exactly. We should make use of Asmodeus's natural charm. If he can manage to tame Henry and win him over, then maybe he'd be willing to show us the way out." He turned to her. "Cassandra it will take me a moment to cast my spell, so you will have to slow him down. I'm sure a professional like you will have no problem with that." He grinned at her.
"Hey Cassandra, you sure about this? I mean that snake is like twice your size!" Mammon frowned looking concerned.
"I'll be fine, Mammon." She said giving him a reassuring smile.
"... Yikes." Beel's eyes went wide as he stared past them into the corridor. They all turned to look in the direction he was looking and saw that Henry had caught up to them. He was slithering down the hall towards them, his eyes glowing. The torchlight gave his black scales an iridescent gleam.
"My dear Henry 1.0...!" Levi cried as the large snake picked up the pace, coming at them even faster.
"Asmo, get ready!" Solomon shouted before he began to cast his spell.
As he was casting Cassandra charged forward, making eye contact with the snake. The snake drew back its head to strike her head-on.
" Cassandra! " Mammon yelled behind her, there was a scuffling sound like he was being held back.
Henry's head snapped forward but she shot to the side, dodging the strike. She heard the snake's jaws snap shut in the spot where she had just been. She spun around and grabbed the back of the snake's head and threw herself forward, using her body weight to pin Henry down as she straddled the large snake between her thighs.
"Ooh my! I'm so turned on right now!" Asmo said, watching her wrestle the giant snake with a lustful gaze.
"HURRY UP!" She snapped at him, squeezing the snake tighter and forcing its head to face Asmo.
"That's right Henry. Look me in the eyes... Yes, that's a good boy." Asmo smiled at the snake, his amber eyes seemed to glow.
Henry stopped thrashing under her and went still. She released him and hopped off.
Asmo leaned forward looking into Henry's eyes. "... What's that now?... Well, how about that. He says he'll show us the way out of the labyrinth!" Asmo turned back to them with a triumphant smile.
"Nice job, Asmo!" Solomon praised him as she dusted herself off.
"Cassandra! Are ya alright?!" Mammon looked her up and down only to see that she was unscathed.
"Yes, Mammon. I told you I'd be fine remember?" She grinned at him, his eyes stopped at her ears.
"Your ears! Have they always been like that?!" He gasped getting everyone's attention.
"No way! Cassandra, you have elf ears, just like Seraphina!" Levi stared at her in awe and she blushed.
"H-hey let's get going. Asmo you said he'd lead us out right?" She tussled her hair covering her ears.
Asmo turned back to Henry. "Ok Henry lead the way, we're right behind you." Asmo winked at him and the snake started slithering down the hall.
They walked for a few minutes, their footsteps echoing off the walls. The brothers keep stealing glances at her, wanting to ask her all sorts of questions. Beel was the one who finally broke the silence.
"You said you were trained to deal with these things. What did you mean by that? Does it have to do with your work?" Beel tilted his head down, looking curious.
She sighed. "I suppose after everything that just happened I should go ahead and tell you guys. My family lineage goes way back, several thousand years. Over the years we became known for keeping the order between humans and the supernatural. Whether it was making sure a werewolf didn't wreak havoc on a village or helping protect nature spirits from angry villagers it's always been our job to handle these types of situations. I was trained to handle situations with combat training like you just saw since my magic is sealed." A stunned silence followed.
"...But it's just you left?" Beel frowned looking concerned.
"Yes, I'm the last in the family line." She nodded solemnly.
"Whoa, your life sounds like your are the main character in your own video game!" Levi said looking excited as he smiled at her.
"Your family's been doing a little more than just keeping order with the supernatural." Solomon said suggestively looking at her out of the corner of his eye, making her blush.
"Ooooh! Is this headed where I think it's headed?!" Asmo gasped looking back at her with excitement.
She glared at him angry because he was right in this case. "Ugh. Asmo. Yes alright! Since my family often dealt with the supernatural, they often... Mingled with the fay and spirits."
"Wait hold up. So you're sayin' you're not even human?!" Mammon gawked at her his eyes wide.
"I'm still human. Just not entirely. My senses are sharper than average humans, I can move faster and I'm a little stronger too but I'm still considered a human." She explained shaking her head.
"So, are you part elf? Is that why your ears are pointed?" Levi leaned in trying to get a closer look at her.
She blinked not really sure. "Well I don't really know. I only know a couple of things I'm mixed with for sure. My grandfather's mother was a rose nymph and my grandmother was an ifrit."
Solomon turned to her with a surprised look. "An ifrit? Are you sure? I've never heard of them taking interest in a human before. They tend to despise humans."
"Wait what's an ifrit? I ain't ever heard of it." Mammon frowned his eyes flickering between her and Solomon.
"It's a type of Jinn. They are known for their powerful fire magic." Solomon explained.
Mammon's eyes sparkled as he turned to her. "Does that mean you can grant wishes?!"
She laughed and shook her head. "Um no. My magic is sealed remember? Besides I don't think that's how it actually works."
"Hey I think I see a light up ahead!" Asmo said pointing to a doorway a few feet away.
"That must be the exit. Come on." Solomon said leading the way.
0 notes
walkerwords · 3 years
“For The Love of a Daughter” Final Part - Negan & Daughter!Reader
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Summary: When Negan decides to meet you on your terms, you have hope for a resolution that doesn't involve more bloodshed. Only not everything goes according to plan...
Word Count: 6832
Warning: Swearing, Violence, Blood, References to Suicide
Song I Wrote To: “Saturn” by Sleeping at Last
Note: Final part. I never thought I would finish this but I don't like to leave things open-ended.
You had left the others to have a private conversation much to Sasha’s dismay.
You knew why she distrusted you and you didn’t fault her for any of it. If you had been in her situation, trust also would have been something that was thinning by the hour.
Deciding on one of the watch posts, Jesus dismissed the guard and stayed nearby to dissuade anyone from approaching the ladder. He never once asked you what your plan was but you knew that was the diplomat in him.
“How’s the expecting mother?” your father’s voice crackled along the radio channel.
“She’s fine,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “Though, Abraham’s girlfriend is about to build her own atomic bomb to drop on your community.”
“Which one was that?” he asked and you tightened your grip on the radio.
“Are you done with the concerned bullshit?” you asked and he chuckled.
“I figured I could get away with more casual banter without you punching me in the face,” Negan said. “How is your hand by the way?” You looked down at your red and purple hand, courtesy of the right hook you have given him in the RV.
“A little bruised skin is not going to kill me,” you said. “Do you know what I’m doing right now?”
“Brewing in hatred?”
“I am looking at an entire community of people who would love to see your head on a pike.”
“Alexandria is that hardcore, huh?”
“I’m not at Alexandria,” you said, watching as the sun crested the trees. Hilltop began to glow with the promise of a new day. This time without one of their allies.
“You could be here,” Negan offered. “The Sanctuary is safe.”
“Sanctuary,” you repeated. “Where did you get that name? I never pegged you for religious type.”
“I never pegged you for someone capable of killing someone with your bare hands and yet, here we are.” Anger threatened to rise from your gut again but you pushed it down.
You had yelled enough. You were hurt, angry, and in pure disbelief of what you had witnessed in the clearing and then what he had said to you in the RV. You always knew that there would be the Before and the After when it came to the world. You were now in the After, but the Before was feeling lightyears in the past. You knew your father’s face, but other than that he felt like a stranger.
“I’ve killed people,” you began again after a few moments of silence. “I’ve killed a lot of people, but I don’t tend to let my emotions take over when I'm angry. My reaction earlier was not who I am anymore, do you understand?”
“Are you trying to tell me you’re some kind of sociopath now, kid? ‘Cause I hate to break it to you, Darlin’ but you don’t exactly give me Dahmer vibes.” Sighing, you ran a hand over your head.
“You killed someone very important to me,” you said. “He…he saved my life once. They all have.”
“They murdered my men in their sleep, (Y/N). Those men had girlfriends, they had families. Are you telling me I should have let it go? You think I should have just turned a blind fucking eye?”
“No,” you said and you meant it. Once you realized what had happened at the Satellite Station, you knew there would be eventual consequences. “I’m not saying that what you did was worse than what we did, but you enjoyed it.” Tears were pricking at your eyes as frustration rose inside you. “You smiled, laughed, and didn’t seem to care that a kid was watching. I haven’t known this group for long, but I’ve heard stories and from what I can tell, Rick and his people don’t tend to leave survivors.”
“There is a first time for everything, kid,” Negan said.
“They want to kill you, and I don’t…” you trailed off, trying to find the nerve to say it. The words were there, stuck in your throat.
“You don’t what?” he asked and you could hear a challenge in his voice. The same tone of voice he would use with your grandfather when he would overstep around your mother.
“I don’t disagree,” you finally said and this time, Negan was quiet.
“So there it is, huh? You want to kill me because I killed one man when your people killed twenty-four!” You didn’t flinch at the loud tone but it did gain attention from Jesus who looked up before looking away again. “Not to mention the men your little buddy with the crossbow killed with a fucking bazooka! You don’t see me dropping bombs on your little suburban paradise, now do you, (Y/N)?”
“I am not here to argue morals,” you snapped back. “I am trying to stop more bloodshed!”
“Too late, sweetheart,” Negan said. “The way I see it, you either come here or I come there and get you. Either way, I am not letting you stay with those fuckers another moment.”
“You don’t get to make demands when it comes to me. I may be your daughter but I am not some fucking child you can whistle at and I’ll come running home when the streetlights come on.”
“I’m not going to stop.”
“I know,” you said, wiping the tears that had finally fallen. “I have a counter offer.”
“This is not some kind of fucking debate, kid.”
“It’s either you listen to me or I disappear and if you want to see me again, you can get through my 'little buddy with the crossbow’.” Negan was quiet but you could practically see his reaction. Whenever he was mad, he got quiet and that’s when you knew he wasn’t just mad but he was going to make sure you damn well knew what he was thinking.
“What’s the offer?”
“It’s something we need to discuss face to face. Not at Alexandria or Hilltop or your damn Sanctuary. You and me, alone, on neutral ground. Only then will I tell you my terms and how we can fix this without going to war or more people dying.”
“And how do I know you’re not just trying to get me out in the open so one of those pissed-off girlfriends can take a shot at me?”
“Because they trust me and if I ask them to stand down for one meeting, they will. Rick knows that if our groups fight only more people will die. While he’s not opposed to killing, they’ve lost enough.”
“What does the little weasel of Hilltop think?”
“I don’t give two shits what happens to Gregory, but if you agree to see me, you cannot move in on Hilltop or anyone community you currently have under your boot.” He was silent again, but you had given him enough to think about.
The problem was, you didn’t have a counter offer. You had no idea how to fix this issue without giving yourself over to your father. Even if that was acceptable to Negan, you knew Daryl and Rick would never allow it. There would be a war regardless. Finally, Negan’s voice came back over the radio.
“You’re walking into a trap,” Rosita said as you pulled your jacket on.
“He’s not going to hurt me,” you explained. It took a few days to figure everything out, but eventually, you settled on a place to meet your father. It was going to be in an old strip mall about halfway between the Sanctuary and Alexandria. While Rosita was sure that you were walking into a trap, the truth was, you were the one setting the snare.
Everyone wanted revenge for Abraham, but you were able to get them to calm down long enough for you to propose something else. You knew that Negan wasn’t going to stop even after his warning in the clearing. He wanted you with him and while you weren’t thrilled by the idea of being in his clutches, if your idea didn’t work, that would be something you would have to come to terms with.
“If I can negotiate some sort of deal where the Saviors leave Alexandria alone, then it will be worth it,” you explained.
“He said he wasn’t going to do anything unless we messed with them again,” Gabriel said.
“And you believe him?” Daryl asked, shaking his head.
“Look,” you continued, “even if he won’t take my offer, then he at least has to tell me to my face he’s going to try to kill more of my people. That alone may make him hesitate.”
“And if he grabs you and tries to haul your ass back to the Sanctuary?” Daryl countered.
“He won’t do anything that would put me in danger. That includes having his men attack me.”
“You haven’t been around him for years, kid,” Daryl continued. “He don’t exactly seem like father of the year right now and I don’t trust him.”
“Then trust me,” you said as you slid a gun into a holster under your jacket. “Because if you don’t, more people are going to die.” Daryl stared at you before turning away and huffing.
“We do trust you,” Rick said.
“Good, then do as I say and stay here. Negan gave me his word he’d be alone and that is the one thing I trust is that he doesn’t lie, at least not to me.”
“Keep the radio on,” Rosita said with a sigh. Taking it you hooked it onto your belt before swinging your leg over Daryl’s motorcycle. You had never learned to drive a car but Daryl had insisted on teaching you how to handle a bike.
“If you don’t hear from me by nightfall, something has gone wrong. I’ll call in when I get there. Do not do anything stupid,” you warned. Rick gave your shoulder a squeeze before you kick-started the bike and Aaron opened the gate. He gave you a nod as you passed and you knew all of this was bothering him the most. He had known you the longest and he had seen what Negan was capable of the night in the clearing.
Ignoring the lump in your throat, you drove from Alexandria and hoped Negan had indeed kept his word.
You had made it to the mall before your father did.
The front of the bike was covered in Walker blood as you ran through a group on the way into the city. You plucked some brains off your shoulder in disgust before leaning against the storefront once again. Considering the tall fences and razor wire, you figured the mall had once been either a shelter or a small community before its inhabitants had moved on. Luckily, they had locked up before evacuating.
A lone Walker stumbled around the corner and immediately set its sights on you through the bars of the fence. You watched it, the creature growling and stumbling over debris in the parking lot. When they weren’t actively trying to kill you, you began to feel bad for them. This one especially looked as if it had been stuck out in the hot sun longer than others. Its skin was like paper and one arm was almost completely skeletal from where the flesh had been torn off.
You watched it for another moment before it turned away from you, its attention being drawn somewhere else. It was only a second later when its head exploded from a wire-wrapped baseball bat. Negan stepped into view as he flicked the brains from the bat.
“I think a knife would have worked just fine,” you said, your heart speeding up. Negan paused and then a smile spread across his face before he turned to look at you through the bars.
“Where’s the fun in that?” he said as he sat into one of his hips, a pure image of ease. “Always so punctual, huh kid?” he asked as he approached the gate. You beat him there, drawing your gun.
“Are you alone?” you asked, searching for the slimy face of Simon or the vacant sneer of Dwight. Jesus had spent time updating everyone on Negan’s right hands and you weren’t taking any chances.
“I told you I’d come alone, didn’t I?” he said and after scanning the area behind him, you finally unlatched the gate and let him in. “Thank you.” You rolled your eyes as he passed and closed up behind you again.
You both were silent and it was awkward. You didn’t quite know how to start. He was looking at you as if he had won a war that had started. However, there was also something else you recognized as love, something you hadn’t seen in some time. It was then that you remember that he wasn’t just your father, he was someone who protected you, someone who apparently still wanted to do that.
“Well, I’m here,” he said. “What is this counteroffer that you wish to bestow upon me, kiddo?”
“Come on,” you said and nodded towards the interior of the mall.
“Still don’t trust I don’t have men somewhere, huh?”
“I see you’re still capable of using your brain,” you shot back and he sighed.
“Always so snippy,” Negan said. “You get that from your mother, I’m afraid.”
“Don’t talk about her,” you said. “You don’t get to talk about her, you don’t get to talk about her to me or anyone else. She would be fucking ashamed of you.”
“Don’t do that,” he said as he grabbed you by the arm and spun you around to face him. His height made you look up at him, something you always hated. “She may have been your mother, but she was my wife. I loved her, too. I did everything I could to keep her safe. You are not the only one who lost her, (Y/N).”
“No, but I’m the only one who was there by her side. I was the one who had to reassure her that you were always going to come back. Me! Not you!” You shoved away from him.
“Is this why you fucking brought me out here? To tell me how much of a shit father I am? ‘Cause I know that already!” he bellowed. “Here I am trying to make up for the time we spent apart and you’re being…”
“I’m being what?” you challenged.
“Difficult,” he finished.
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s what you were going to say.”
“Kid, I swear to god…”
“What? What are you going to do?” you said. “I hate to break it to you, Dad, but I am not a child anymore. You cannot drag my ass home because I broke curfew. You talk about the new world order but did you ever stop to think that everything you have done since she died was wrong?”
“I killed one man!” he yelled. “One!”
“I don’t care about that!” you screamed and it was then you finally admitted the truth to yourself. Yes, you were hurt that Abraham was dead, but this was about more than one dead man. “I care that you became…this. I’ve killed people and yes, sometimes, I have even fucking liked it. My problem is that you fucking left and became some goddamn tyrant instead of trying to find me. I came here today to get my own answers! I’m not actually here to barter some fucking peace treaty! That’s just what I said so I could come alone because I know I cannot change your stubborn ass mind. This isn’t about Alexandria versus the Saviors, this is about me, Dad. I need answers!”
You were out of breath by the time you finished and Negan wasn’t looking at you. His attention was on the ground and his shoulders were up as if he was preparing for an attack. You braced yourself for the yelling, but then those same shoulders dropped and he finally looked at you and there were tears in his eyes. He went to say something before he shut his mouth again and shook his head.
“Now, you’re quiet?” you scoffed. “Unbelievable.”
“You…” he said before running a hand over his face. Worn out, you turned and walked away from him again. “(Y/N),” he called as he followed you but you just kept shaking your head.
“This was a mistake,” you said as you took a sharp right and pushed through a set of doors, and froze. “Shit.”
“What?” he asked when he reached you, and that’s when the noise finally reached both of your ears. “Shit,” he echoed.
“I guess they didn’t actually leave,” you said as you beheld a mass of Walkers milling around what might have been some sort of arcade or food establishment based on the decor. They were alerted to the two of you immediately. Spinning around, you were met with more Walkers who had come out of hiding, most likely from the yelling. Negan swung Lucille as you kicked out at Walker approaching you. Backing up, you knew you needed an escape plan but the old building had other ideas.
As the small horde pushed in, you stepped back onto the rotting floor and it gave out. Negan grabbed you just as it collapsed and you both went down, Walkers and debris following you down into the dark.
There was a lot of noise all at once and it was disorienting.
Someone was talking to you but it sounded muffled. “Daryl?” you asked, blinking away the dust but he didn’t answer instead deeper and more familiar voice reached your ears.
“Not this time, kiddo,” they said as you were hauled to your feet. Blinking again, you focused on his face.
“Dad?” you asked, trying to control the fogginess.
“We gotta move,” he said and it began to come back to you.
“Shit,” you said, regaining movement in your legs and remembering where you were. Blood was splashed on your face and your father's as he swung his bat to clear a path. Your hands were shaking too much to pull your gun so you kept close to your father as he pushed his way through the Dead that were shambling behind and in front of you.
Most of it was a blur from when you landed on the lower level to when Negan was pulling you into a room near the back of the sublevel, slamming the door behind the both of you. “We need a back way out of here,” he said as you braced your hands on an old desk, trying to regain full awareness.
“Is this a basement?” you asked.
“Yeah, but not a total dead end, I can see light through there,” Negan said pointing through a hole in a somewhat boarded-up window that lead to another sublevel office.
“Okay,” you said, finally standing up straight and pulling your gun. You clicked the safety off and rolled out your shoulders.
“Not sure how much that is going to help against all of those damn Biters,” he said, listening to the Dead press themselves against the door he was barricaded with furniture.
“It’s better than nothing,” you said as your hand continued to shake. You began taking inventory of your body, making sure nothing was actually broken and working off pure adrenaline.
“We just got lucky,” he said as he paced a bit before pressing on the walls, hoping to find anything to get out of the room unscathed. You watched him as your mind raced through possible outcomes as well. “What are you thinking about, kid?” he asked and you didn’t miss the concern in his tone which only made you more irritated.
“I’m thinking about putting a bullet in your head before Sasha does,” you bit out as your thumb ran along the barrel of your gun. “Or worse, Carl.”
“You would kill me?” he asked, his feet finally stopping making s dent in the rotting carpet.
“To me, you’ve been dead for years. Now, there would just be a body to bury,” you said.
“You don’t mean that,” he said and you didn’t but you didn't have the strength to tell him at that moment. You were still angry. You also didn't have the time as your radio sputtered to life and a familiar drawl reached your ears. Pulling the walkie, you waited for Daryl to speak again.
“You there?”
“Remember that time you told me you fell down a hill and impaled yourself on your own bolt?” you asked as you rubbed your back where you had landed on what you thought was a broken table.
“What did he do?” Daryl asked and Negan scoffed.
“Unbelievable,” Negan said. “As if I would fucking hurt you.”
“Nothing, Daryl,” you said. “The floor must have had water damage or something. We fell through in the arcade and now we got maybe one way out.”
“Not exactly my cup of tea, either,” you said.
“Are you hurt?”
“Bruised and a few scrapes, but nothing I’m not used to. I’ve had worse,” you said and Negan looked at you as if he could see scars or wounds from the past. You ignored him.
“I know,” Daryl said. “Alright, screw it. We’re coming to get you.”
“Daryl,” you warned.
“Nah, fuck this. I don’t care about a peace treaty. Nothin’s gets solved if ya become Walker food.”
“You’re not going to listen to me, are you?”
“No,” he said and you could hear muffled voices in the background. One of them sounded like Carl.
“Fine,” you said. “Look for the old gaming building with all the Dead and the smell of possible patricide.”
“Hey!” Negan said.
“On my way.”
You stowed the radio back in your jacket before clutching it closer to you. You couldn’t tell if you were shaking from adrenaline or the cold, but it was starting to get to you. Negan noticed as well as the next thing you knew he was shrugging out of his jacket and offering it to you. You hesitated, not wanting to touch anything of his.
“You’re shaking like a leaf, kid,” he said. With a sigh, you snatched the jacket and pulled it across your shoulders, careful not to breathe in any of its scents. Not that it would matter, you figured all you would smell would be blood and rot. “You and Daryl seem close,” Negan continued and you looked up at him.
“He’s a good man, a good friend,” you said.
“Is that all?” he asked and you grimaced.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” you asked, repulsed and Negan then realized what you thought he was inferring.
“God, no,” he backtracked. “I didn’t mean…fuck. No, I meant he seemed closer than a friend like family or a…father.”
“I told you they were my family,” you said.
“Right,” he said, placing his bat down and wiping the blood on his jeans.
“Daryl has lost enough people, I don’t plan to make him lose me, too,” you said.
“And you think that’s going to happen if you come with me?”
“I don’t think you’re going to kill me, if that is what you’re thinking,” you said.
“I wasn’t, but nice to know you don’t think I am capable of killing my only daughter.”
“You seem to be capable of a lot of things these days,” you muttered, moving to peer into the adjacent office that seemed to be boarded shut. The small hole only managed to give you some advantage.
“Are we going to talk about what you said up top? About you wanting answers?” he asked and you took a breath, ready to answer him when suddenly a hand, an arm, then a torse came bursting from the small hole in the glass and grabbed hold of your arm, its teeth aiming for your sleeve. In shock, you dropped your gun and tried to pull your arm away as the teeth snagged the leather.
Negan rushed at you, Lucille forgotten, as he ripped the Walker off of you, pressing it back with both of his hands. He shouted as you fell over from loss of contact. A second later, Negan had slammed the Walker’s head into the side of a shard of glass, killing the creature instantly.
“Fuck,” you panted. “How the fuck did we not hear that?”
“Throat was slit,” Negan said from behind you, his voice shaky from exertion. “Are you hurt?” he asked and you shook your head.
“Jacket stopped the teeth,” you said. “I’m fine.”
“That makes one of us,” Negan said quietly and you froze.
Gone was the confident tone of his voice. Gone was the anger and the stubbornness. Those five words sounded more like your father than anything else. Slowly, you turned to face him but all you saw was his back, his white t-shirt damp with sweat.
“Negan?” you asked, but he didn’t answer. “Dad?” you tried again and that was when he turned to you and something broke inside you. His right shoulder was slicked with blood and in the low light, you could see two half-moon shapes embedded in his skin. Your blood ran cold and the world tilted at the sight of the bite.
“I guess I spoke too soon about being lucky,” he said with an attempt at a laugh. “Rotten luck.” You were moving before you knew it, reaching for him. His hand found the collar of the jacket. “Always knew this thing was going to come in handy.”
“Oh my god,” you whispered, your hands fluttering over the bite, unsure what to do. “I-I need to find something. Do you have a knife, we have to move fast. We can…yes…we can…”
“Stop,” Negan said, grabbing your face with his left hand. “Stop.”
“No, the infection is spreading, we have to get it out.”
“It’s too high up and you know it. Cutting this off is not an option,” he said but you were shaking your head.
“Yes.” Negan tightened his grip on you as you kept your eyes on the bleeding bite. “This is how it happens, kiddo.”
“You’re giving up,” you said, still trying to comprehend.
“There’s nothing to do, sweetheart,” he said and that was when you looked up at him and saw his eyes. His sad eyes. “I always said I was going to go when I was damn good and ready. Next to my kid seems like the way to do it if any.”
“But—,” you said but he shook his head.
“Talk about karma, huh?” he said, leaning back against the wall. “Now nobody has to kill anyone. This is your mother’s doing, I just know it. From the grave that woman still has to have the last word,” he said, but the joke didn’t land. Negan slid down the wall as reality began to seep in. “I did all of it to survive, you know?” he said as you followed him to the floor.
“Don’t talk,” you said, your voice thick.
“No, you wanted answers. Good as time as any to give them,” he said. “I had to survive somehow. I felt like I owed it to you and I did. I had to keep going because that’s what you would have wanted.”
“I would have wanted you alive,” you said.
“You just said you wanted to put a bullet in my brain,” he said with a smirk.
“Kids say they want to kill their parents all the time,” you choked out. “It’s a rebellious thing.”
“I’m sure it is,” he said with a sigh. “You’re here though. You’re alive and you can keep living. For you and for your mother. God knows I didn’t exactly do anything to keep her memory alive. You were right to be pissed about the damn bat.”
“She would have hated it,” you said.
“I know,” he whispered.
“Does it hurt?” you asked, wondering if you should be adding pressure to it or not.
“Nah, just a pinch. Just like when we’d get those flu shots when you were little.”
“Those hurt,” you said.
“But you still got it done,” he said, reaching up to place a hand against your cheek. “Always brave, my girl.” You watched as he winced a couple of times and you began to count backward. Some people took a whole day to turn, others only hours depending on the kind of bite.
“I shouldn’t have brought you here. I should have gone to the Sanctuary,” you said.
“Don’t do that,” he said. “This is not your fault.”
“I caused this drama.”
“It’s in your DNA,” he said, attempting another joke. “You had to stick to your guns, kiddo. I admire that.”
“Dad, please,” you said.
“Nothing to do, Darlin’,” he said. “Hell, if there’s anyone out there immune, it’s definitely not me.” Negan was quiet for a moment before he began to laugh and you were worried hysteria was one of the symptoms. “Full circle though, huh?” he said.
“What?” you asked.
“The first time you killed a Walker, you were saving me. The last time I killed one, I was saving you. Ain’t we a pair?” he said. A tear rolled down your cheek.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to yell at him, maybe punch him again, get an explanation, and then move on. Maybe even offer to actually go with him if he left your family alone. Hell, even give Daryl time to think of a better plan, but not this.
Never this.
“The Sanctuary is going to need help,” he said, bringing you back into focus.
“Simon?” you asked but Negan was shaking his head.
“No, not Simon. He’s a fucking timebomb. He’s…fuck he’s unhinged. You have to promise to get rid of him or have Daryl do it. He can’t…he can’t be there without me to keep him in check.”
“He’s the one who killed the boy at Hilltop,” you blurted out. Negan sighed.
“I figured,” Negan said.
“I told them you would never kill a kid,” you whispered and his hand found yours. The growls of the dead seemed to get louder behind the door. Negan squeezed your hand tighter.
“You have to promise me not to let him get worse.”
“Okay, okay,” you said through another trickle of tears. He wiped them away with the back of his hand that was still joined with yours. Another thought occurred to you then. “They’ll think I killed you,” you whispered.
“No, they won’t,” he said firmly before lifting his right. “Give me the radio.” You handed it to him and he turned the dial a couple of times before lifting it to his mouth. “Frankie,” he said. After a moment, a woman’s voice came over the channel.
“What’s wrong?”
“Shit, girl, you sound concerned,” he said with a rasp and a smile.
“I get concerned when you sound like a normal person rather than a complete dick,” Frankie said. Negan was quiet then, his eyes flickering to yours. He had never mentioned a Frankie but Jesus had mentioned that your father had taken multiple wives. Or at least that was the rumor. Right now it was the last thing you were thinking about. You squeezed his hand again. “Negan?” Your father lifted the radio again.
“Time’s up, I’m afraid,” he said softly into the mic. “Son of a bitch world finally said fuck you right back at me.”
“Negan…” Frankie said, her voice low and quiet.
“It’s alright, Red. I got my girl with me,” he said as he looked at you. You weren’t hiding the tears this time. “She’s gonna take care of it. All of it. Her people…they’re good people.” You bowed your head over his hand, resting your chin on his knuckles.
“I can…” Frankie said, trying to come up with something to say, but Negan was shaking his head again.
“I should have listened to you earlier,” he said. “My fiery voice of reason.”
“I’m getting Dwight to you,” she said and Negan laughed.
“You do that, Red,” he said. “Just know that this wasn’t…this wasn’t anyone's fault.” Before she could respond, Negan changed the channel and dropped the radio before looking back at you. “No tears need to be shed for me, Darlin’,” he said.
“I’m not much of a crier these days,” you admitted.
“But regardless of what happened…I found you. I just found you again and you go and do this.”
“Do what?”
“Damn heroics,” you whispered.
“Look at me,” he ordered and you did. “That is what fathers do for their kids. You may think I died years ago and that I’m not your dad anymore but you never stopped being my kid. Do you understand me, (Y/N)?” You nodded as a sob escaped your throat.
“I should call Daryl or Rick,” you said, reaching for the radio but his hand stopped your wrist.
“Not yet. Just be here with me for a bit, okay?” You nodded and then sat next to him, leaning against his other shoulder.
Everything you had thought about since you saw him in that clearing, laughing and postering suddenly felt years in the past rather than days.
All you could see now was his face when he picked you up from kindergarten or when you beat your mother at Monopoly for the fourth time in a row. You could hear his voice as he sang horrible versions of rock songs in the car to and from your mom’s chemo treatments. A memory of you trying on his glasses which were too big for your face was at the forefront of your trip down memory lane.
“I don’t hate you,” you whispered. “I never did.” You immediately felt him relax next to you and when you looked up at him, his eyes were closed and tears were streaming down his cheeks. “Dad?” His eyes met yours and he smiled softly.
“That’s all I needed to hear, babygirl,” he said and then wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer as the Dead continued to fight their way to you. Sitting in that office as your father stroked your hair, the promise of Death on the horizon, you started to not care if they did manage to break through and end you as well.
When asked later, you couldn’t remember how much time had passed when you heard the unmistakable sound of rapid-fire gunfire.
Your father was still next to you, sweat on his brow as the fever began to set in, but he was still alive. “Lucille,” he said and you looked at him as his eyes were on the bat. Sitting up, you grabbed the bat off the desk and handed it to him, but he pushed it back into your hands as more gunfire echoed through the air.”
“I can’t,” you said.
“You can,” he said, his voice scratchy as it became harder to swallow. “She protected me, she’ll protect you.” Seeing as he wasn’t taking no for an answer, you gripped the bat before letting it fall to your side on the ground. Voices that sounded familiar were getting closer and you knew it was only a matter of time before your people or his got to you.
“Time’s up, baby girl, you gotta go,” he said and you choked as he reached up to take hold of your face again.
“I can make you more comfortable or something,” you offered.
“It's okay, I know how I’m going out,” he said as he rubbed his thumb under your eye. Crying again, you leaned over him and pressed your forehead against his just as he did when you were sick as a child. He claimed it was to better feel your temperature. “I should have looked harder for you.”
You sobbed again.
“I should have stuck around to wait,” you whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, kid.” Leaning back, you took a moment to remember his face as best as you could as Daryl’s deep voice reached you, calling your name.
“I love you,” you whispered and he smiled.
“I love you, too, kiddo. Always have.” You collapsed against him, listening to his heartbeat that would no longer echo in his chest soon. His arms encircled you, holding you as tight as he could. “I love you so much and I’m so sorry. You’re going to be okay. I know this because you never needed me, you always knew what to do, how to survive.”
“I always needed you,” you said and he rested his head on the top of your head. “Tell mom I miss her,” you managed to choke out and that was when he let out a quick sob as well.
“I will, Darlin’, I will.”
It was then that the door burst open and Daryl, Michonne, Rick, Carl, and a few Saviors you didn’t know finally managed to get into the room. They all froze at the sight before them. You, draped in your father’s jacket as you lay on his chest, your face streaked with tears as Negan tried to stay awake. Negan looked up and found Daryl. “Take her,” he said directly to the archer as he began to push you off of him. “Take her.”
Daryl moved forward as you tried to hold onto your father but Daryl managed to pry you off of him and that was when everyone saw the bite. Breaking out of Daryl's hold, you cried as you grabbed the bat and leaned over Negan, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
You wanted to say more but the words wouldn’t form. Instead, you pushed up your sleeve and placed your wrist in front of his face, showing him the Saturn charm you still had. He closed his eyes, sighing in relief.
Daryl was then keeping you on your feet as he pulled you from the room as your father asked for Laura and a blonde woman approached him. Daryl kept your back turned as he pushed you from the room, through the basement, and up the ladder that they had found. Carl and Michonne were behind you.
Exiting the arcade, more Saviors were out there, including Simon. Rosita, Jesus, and Aaron were there, too. Simon was staring at you and Lucille that was hanging from your hand. It was quiet for a few minutes as nobody moved before Simon finally lost it.
“What the fuck happened?” Simon demanded and Carl moved to your other side. Before he could ask again, Rick, Laura, and the other Saviors emerged. Simon looked to Laura and out of the corner of your eye, you saw her shake her head. Simon was fuming and he pointed a finger at you, his face reddening. “What did he say to you!” he demanded.
Looking around at the graveyard of corpses that had been shot down, nothing felt real. Blood was dripping from the weapon in your hand and tears were stinging your skin. Your family and your father’s soldiers were all staring at you and nothing at that moment felt as if it was going to be okay.
“I’m talking to you!” Simon yelled again and you heard Rick tell him to back off as Laura explained that Negan had been bitten. Simon was ranting and the others were looking confused as if they had no direction now.
They didn’t.
They were all Negan and he was gone.
Negan was gone.
Your father was gone.
You slowly looked up at Simon then and walked up to him, sliding your hand inside your coat and withdrawing your gun. He looked over at you as if you were nothing.
“Did you know that a year on Saturn is more than twenty-nine Earth years?” you asked, your voice void of emotion. Simon fully faced you then.
“What—” The bullet left your gun as fast as possible, entering his skull and exiting out the back. The shot echoed for miles as you lowered the pistol. Simon’s body dropped to the group, blood and gore seeping out from the back of his head. Guns were pointed at you but Laura was barking our orders.
“That was on Negan’s orders,” Laura explained.
You watched as Simon’s lifeless eyes stared up at the darkening sky. Daryl was next to you then, taking the gun from your shaking hand. He tried to take your hand but you shook your head, not wanting to be touched or comforted. Turning away from him, you approached a redhead that could only be one person. Handing Frankie the radio, you said, “Take care of the Sanctuary,” before turning and walking away.
You kept walking, not even bothering with the bike. When a final gunshot reached your ears, you hefted Lucille onto your shoulder and you turned your face to the sun as it set beyond the trees finally knowing the answer to what you’d always wondered.
You really were your father’s daughter and you would survive.
A/N: Sorry if this wasn't what you expected but this whole story was to look at what he would do for his daughter. Even if it meant an unhappy ending. This story is officially complete.
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what’s so wrong about us? | kageyama tobio x reader
characters: nii-chan!kageyama tobio x reader
genre/warnings: smut, incest, degradation, blackmail, dubcon, slight exhibitionist kink, unprotected sex
words: 2.0k
summary: you and tobio-nii don’t have a typical brother-sister relationship. how far can you go without getting yourselves caught?
notes: please please read the warnings.
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“Haah…mhn…w-wait, we can’t! Mom and Dad are coming home tonight, we have to get ready.”
Your hands clutched at the sheets so hard that your knuckles were turning white. Kageyama pulled your lower half closer to him so that your ass hung over the edge of the bed, and kneeled between your legs, fucking you furiously with his fingers and tongue. You felt his hot breath fan over you as he removed his mouth.
“That’s exactly why we have to do it now. Let me taste you and get my fill.”
You cried out when he dragged a long digit against your sensitive spot and sucked your bud harshly, making you tighten around him and spray your release.
“Ah, not so rough! I’m still…ah, so-sore.”
Your older brother wiped his face with a towel and responded by spreading your quivering thighs even wider, drinking in the view of your glistening cunt.
“Well, looks like down here is really enjoying it. This slutty pussy wants more, doesn’t it?” He plunged his fingers back inside, fucking into you, filling the room with your wet noises. “Hear that? God, your cute pussy’s just dripping all over my hand. But you’d rather me stuff it full with something else, don’t you?”
You could only moan his name, too far gone to string together a coherent sentence. He was already edging you closer and closer to another orgasm. “Mmhn…yes…a-ah… Tobio.”
He frowned, stopped completely and took out his fingers, licking them clean of your juices. “Wrong name. Did you forget what to call me?”
“Sorry, Nii-chan…”
“Good.” He resumed his ministrations, slowly rubbing the inside of your walls. “Now, how do we ask for what we want?”
Kageyama shook his head. “You can do better. What happened to the good little whore from yesterday, huh? Begging so sweetly to cum from her Nii-chan’s cock?”
You whined in desperation. “Tobio-nii, please! Please stretch out my hole with your fat cock. Want Nii-chan to fill me up with his cum.”
He grinned and nodded approvingly. “Good girl,” he cooed, unzipping his jeans. “Time for my pretty cumslut to get her reward.”
You heard the jingling of keys and the front door unlocking.
Your eyed widened and your brother cursed. “Shit, they weren’t supposed to come back this early.”
Your mother called out first. “Kids! We’re home and we brought takeout! Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.”
“____, Daddy got you a souvenir on his business trip, come see what I have for you.”
“Really? Thanks Daddy! I’ll be down in a second, Tobio-nii’s uh…helping me with something.”
You rushed to put your skirt back on and made your bed while Tobio put on a large hoodie to hide his erection.
You took a sip of water, trying not to think about what you and your brother were just doing as you chatted over dinner. The conversation moved onto work-related matters, so you sat and ate quietly while your parents exchanged stories.
Kageyama leaned over to reach a dish on your side of the table. “____, give me a handjob,” he murmured in a low voice.
You quickly checked if your parents heard before whipping your head towards him. “No way in hell. It’s too risky,” you hissed.
“I didn’t get to cum and I’m hard again. It’s because of you, so take responsibility.”
“You’re not serious.”
“If you won’t do it, then I’m going to tell Mom and Dad everything we’ve been doing for the last few months,” he threatened.
You started getting nervous. “Nii-chan… you wouldn’t…”
Seeing your frightened expression, he started coaxing you more gently. “Come on, please? Help out your poor Nii-chan…he’s in so much pain. Be a good little sister for me, alright?”
You snuck a glance at your parents once more just to make sure they were still engrossed in their discussion before slipping a hand down his pants. Thankfully, the tablecloth is able to cover his lap. You felt his dick twitch in your palm as you gave him slow strokes.
“Tobio-nii, this is enough right? Let’s stop here.”
“Stop moving and I’ll lift up my hoodie and show them exactly what’s going on. You wouldn’t want to make Mom cry, do you?”
At that moment, the person in question piped up. “And what are you two whispering about?” She raised an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
Tobio flashed her a sheepish smile. “Actually, we were trying to figure out what to get you for your birthday. It’s coming up soon, isn’t it? You weren’t supposed to know, though.”
“Oh, how sweet! Well don’t let me ruin your surprise,” she replied, covering her ears. “I know nothing.”
She leaned her head on your father’s shoulder as he too, smiled at you both warmly. “We did a good job with our children, didn’t we?”
“Sure did, honey.”
If only they knew.
You felt so guilty.
The irony is, you would never want to do anything to jeopardise the happiness of your family.
You tried your best to act normal as your brother somehow managed to speak casually with your parents. You felt his length straining against his boxers—he was getting close.
You heard the clatter of a utensil on the floor. “Sorry ____, I dropped my spoon, would you mind picking it up for me?”
You crouched under the table and immediately felt him nudge your head towards his crotch. He forced the head of his shaft between your lips, muffling your startled exclamations. He gave a few shallow thrusts before finishing in your mouth, and you swallowed out of habit. Tobio peered down at you discreetly, smiling in satisfaction. “Good girl,” he mouthed, patting your head.
As you shakily rose from the ground, your mother gasped sharply.
You froze. Were you caught?
“____ ____! Is that a hickey on your neck? Did you invite a boy over while we were gone? Young lady, what did I say about having boys over while we were out of the house?”
You slapped a hand to your neck in realization. Tobio left a mark on you the previous night and you had forgotten it was there. Despite still being in hot water, you were relieved that your mother didn’t seem to have an inkling of suspicion that it was your brother’s doing.
You began to make up an excuse, but Tobio cut in. “No, it’s my fault for letting her out of my sight. Don’t worry Mom, I’ll discipline her accordingly. She won’t have any more chances to fool around with boys if I have anything to say about it.”
“At least ____ has a responsible older brother like you, Tobio,” she sighed.
“It’s my job, after all. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble.”
As if he wasn’t the one who almost revealed your dirty secret.
Your father chuckles. “Now honey, we were all at that age at one point. ____’s a big girl, she can handle herself and she knows what not to do.”
Except you apparently didn’t know not to have sex with your brother.
“Sweetie, you’re looking a little flushed, are you alright?” He cast you a concerned look.
Tobio took the opportunity to leave the table. There were other things he wanted to do anyways.
“Yeah Dad, now that you mention it, she doesn’t look very well. I’ll help her into her room.”
He guided you up the stairs and you slapped him away once you were out of earshot.
“Are you crazy? How could you do that with Mom and Dad sitting right across from us? You’re the worst. I hate having such a sick older brother like you!”
He feigns hurt but doesn’t take it to heart. He ushered you into your room and closed the door behind him. “Aw, princess, are you mad? I know I went a little too far but you enjoyed it too didn’t you? Don’t you love your Nii-chan?”
Tears began to prick at the back of your eyes. “This and that are different! You have no idea how terrible I felt when Mom talked about doing such a good job with us. We’re freaks. This…this is wrong,” you sniffled.
He caressed your waist softly and soothingly massaged your sides, rubbing circles into your skin with the pads of his thumbs, kissing away the tears that flowed down your cheeks.
“What’s so wrong about us? What’s so wrong about the way I feel, or the way you feel? Love is love, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
He backed you up slowly until you reached your bed, and laid you down, all the while continuing to whisper words of comfort in your ear.
He sat down beside you. “You’re moving out for college soon and you can come live with me. I’ll have a stable job. We’ll be free.”
You hiccupped and nodded. Your mood began to brighten when you thought about your future together. You just wanted to be with him.
After a few minutes, you felt a hand snaking up your legs to toy at the hem of your panties. You squeaked in protest, but Tobio shushed you.
“You know, I was impressed with your behaviour today, you were being such a good girl for me, weren’t you? Why’d you have to ruin that? Your words made Nii-chan so sad.”
He shifted from his position to trap you between his knees. You made an attempt to shove him off, but he took both your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head.
“You know that Nii-chan doesn’t like brats. Our parents are still here, but once they leave, you know that I’ll have to punish you, right?”
“Hold on, let me check something.” He dipped a finger into your folds and smirked. “Ah, I was right. You’re wet from playing with my cock earlier. You enjoyed that just as much as I did. My cute little sister loves me this much, huh? It makes me happy.”
Tobio pulled his pants down halfway, tugged your underwear to the side and started grinding his bulge against your core. Your breath hitched in your throat. You could hear the sound of the tv and your parents cleaning up.
“Tobio-nii…hn…. s-stop, Mom and Dad might hear us!”
“Not until you say ‘Nii-chan, I love you’.”
“You said you weren’t going to do anything!”
“When did I say that?” He groaned when he felt your pussy clench over his clothed dick. “Fuck, you’re getting my boxers all damp. You shameless whore, you’re actually getting turned on from this.”
You tried squirming from his touch but accidentally grazed your clit on his erection, causing you to let out a moan. A dark grin appeared on Kageyama’s face, and he stripped off his bottoms, rubbing you with his bare cock.
“Mnh…Nii-chan, I…ah! Love you!” You panted. “I-I said it, so let’s stop already!”
Your lips parted when you felt him ease his length into your entrance.
“I changed my mind. It feels way too good when your sopping cunt is squeezing me like this.”
Your juices dripped down his shaft as he rammed himself harder inside you, hitting all the right places. “You dirty fucking slut, you actually want to get caught, don’t you? You can’t wait to see their expressions as they watch their kids fucking, huh? You just want me to drag you downstairs and take you on the kitchen table, right in front of their eyes, don’t you?”
You couldn’t think rationally, it felt so good; you were already hurtling towards your climax. He captured your lips to prevent your noises from escaping.
When he let you go, you realized that his hand was no longer holding you down. You braced your hands on his firm shoulders and your hips moved to meet his thrusts. You spread your legs open to take him deeper and he cursed at the sensation. “Shit, say it again, say that you love me.”
“Mmn, fuck…love you. Nii-chan, I love you!”
He pounded into you even faster. “That’s right. What’s so wrong about us?” he repeated. “What’s so wrong about a darling sister loving her Nii-chan?”
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a/n: ngl it was damn hard to look my parents in the eye after writing this.
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thebadboyfanclub · 4 years
It’s Alright Darling (Sherlock x Reader)
Ok... Was this requested? No. Am I writing it cause anything Henry Cavill related makes me feel happy? Yes. Enjoy!
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Being Sherlock Holmes assistant was something a lot of people would kill for and that makes it even better if you think about the irony of it. However, since Sherlock wasn’t a normal person to mostly everything he did, he had decided to hire a woman as his assistant, Mycroft called him mad and unhinged almost every time he brought up her name. (Y/n) was one of the most intelligent people he had ever been around, combining that with a charming personality was the recipe to success.
“Well, well, well I see my brother is full of surprises”
“Hello there Mycroft is so nice to see you again as well”
She spoke in an clearly ironic tone as she took of her gloves, she was never a fan of hats other than the occasions she knew she would be under the sun for hours. As she walked in the living room area for what seemed like their childhood home, Sherlock had requested for (y/n) to arrive a day later than the brothers, knowing that her and his older brother were like oil and water he chose to “prepare the grounds” first.
“Where is the young little Holmes?”
“Inside, talking with miss Harrison”
“Alright... who is miss Harrison?”
“Miss Harrison is an excellent teacher and a friend of mine, come to think of it maybe you should go in and ask her to take you as well... you might be a bit old but I’m sure she can make an exception”
Mycroft found (y/n) intolerant, she was dismissive, unladylike, mouthy and a feminist, he still does not understand what asset do she brought to his younger brother. She only smiled while sitting at one of the chairs
“I will let you know I was an excellent student in all my academic achievements, although I suppose you were one as well that doesn’t really prove someone’s intelligence or manners, right mister Holmes?”
Sherlock let a laugh be heard at (y/n)’s quick response, even though he would never take sides and sometimes wanted them to get along, he had accepted that it would never happen and simply enjoyed the situation.
“Amused brother? Of course you are as mad as her since you didn’t only hire her, you kept her around and brought her in my home”
“Now Now mister Holmes, what type of gentleman would you be if you threaten to through out not just a lady but your younger brothers guest, unfortunately you are just further proving my point about our little quarrel”
Before he had the chance to respond a young girl walked in, wearing a white undergarment dress and looking disheveled. The girl who (y/n) could only assume was the infamous Enola didn’t even notice her being in this room.
“No, don’t do this to me. Let me remain happy, I am happy here”
“You are a young woman now Enola, you need an education”
“Test me, on anything you think I need to know in order to be sufficient for this world”
“If she taught you so well, you wouldn’t be standing in your undergarment in front of me”
Silence fell in the room for a quick second. His disgusting answer to his own sister made (Y/n) get on her feet, Enola quickly let her gaze fall on the young woman that was now in her house.
“Why is that a problem Mister Holmes? Undergarments are scandalous for the men when a woman they are interested in wears them, she is your underaged sister”
“This is a family matter, it does not- I repeat- does not concern you”
“Of course it does not concern me, but it does concern me when a young girl is being held accountable for walking in her home, to her brothers, completely covered and still being shamed for it”
Enola understood by that quick argument the lady was not here because of Mycroft, so it only meant she was Sherlocks company, she is not his wife since if not invited he would have at least informed their mother, so perhaps a girlfriend?
“Enola you have no hopes of making a husband out of your state, neither do you... miss (y/l/n)”
“I don’t want a husband”
Enola claimed, raising her voice at the ridiculous claim her brother made. Even though they haven’t been properly introduced they had developed a mutually liking for each other, at a brief look they seemed to have the same outlook on life.
“And that is another thing you need to have educated out of you”
At that Enola turned to look at her other brother, Sherlock, who had remained radio silent throughout this entire conversation. Enola kneeled in front of him, as Sherlock looked at her and then broke eye contact to look down at the book he was holding.
“Sherlock, Don’t let him do this to me”
“You are his ward”
“Make me yours. Guide me. Teach me. For him I am nuisance. For you-”
“Enola. I’m sorry, but it’s out of my hands”
“Just like his cruelty to our mother was out of your hands”
Cruelty to their mother? No, Sherlock would have never allowed his mother to go through anything, he is a man of honor... isn’t he? (Y/n) felt her stomach tighten as she saw this tragic scene unravel, she hoped Sherlock would have accepted and took her in.
“She is not dangerous. She is remarkable and always has been. And if you still can’t see that then shame on you both”
“So remarkable she left you in my care”
Mycroft shot back. (Y/n) could almost feel the pain the young girl felt, you could see it in her eyes how that was an arrow straight in her heart. (Y/n) decided to step up and try to help, she approached the young girl with a kind smile and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here to calm down. Seems like your brothers don’t share the same love and admiration you do for the woman that made them who they are”
“I am a self made successful man”
“but you wouldn’t be no man if the woman you frown upon had not broken her hips and went through hours of painful labor. Take that as some food for thought before you school me on my manners”
Sherlock looked at her in awe, as she stood proudly next to his sister and became the shield he should have been. Standing up for a girl you haven’t even spoken to or knew before this.
“Let’s go young Enola, seems like a woman’s presence is wanted here only when she does as she is told”
“Come in”
“Can I open this door and be promised that I will remain safe or are you holding a dagger and you are ready to take me out of this world?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, dagger you in your own household? I would probably wait to poison you a few days after we leave and write the paperwork of you firing me”
He smiled at her plan as he closed the door in her room. It was already nightfall and the only light here were a few candles, he had let her take a breather after the unfortunate event that had occurred previously. Even though he wasn’t the one that she went toe to toe with, his silence was as obnoxious to her as his brothers loud ignorance towards the female gender.
“You are upset”
“Of course not, why would I be? It’s not like you let that man embarrass his own sibling and talk down to his mother without her being in the room”
She had remained sited in the chair next to the table, a book open that seemed like she was writing on rather than reading it. He was aware she was holding a journal, he didn’t blame her for it, having a job like she did she was in desperate need of something to keep her sane.
“This is a very wary subject”
“I am aware of it, I just can’t seem to understand why not comfort her, try to change your brothers opinion, anything that will show you care for her, you do care for her, right Sherlock?”
“She is my baby sister (y/n), that’s a given”
She closed her book. She ran her hand through her  through her hair and got up from her sit, her hands going in front of her torso at a defensive demeanor, even when Sherlock should be cold or show his higher position to her, he couldn’t help but seek some type of truce with her, how could he not? She looked so beautiful even when she mad at him, the eyes he was so caught up in looked at him with fury, her delicate feature went harsh and she was dressed more... lightly now.
“I spoke with her earlier, she was in the garden”
“I know, I saw.”
“She asked me about you, asked me if you were my lady”
Her eyes went wide for a split second before regaining her composer and turned her back to him. She approached the window before she spoke.
“If you think of how she became familiar with me, she was probably certain I wasn’t even friends with your holier than God brother”
“You mustn't be angry at me”
“And why is that?”
“Because other than my sister and mother, I care for you and for your opinion about me”
She remained silent. Not only because she was caught off guard by his comment, she also didn’t know what he was talking about. Sherlock stepped closer to her, his steps making her heart flutter and her palms sweaty. He stopped when he was right behind her, he wanted to hug her, caress her, kiss her, still he was uncertain of how she would react.
“I still remember the night you got kidnapped”
Someone that Sherlock had helped uncover had escaped prison and kidnapped her. Luckily, she was retrieved safely yet again she was still shaken up by the scary experience, when Sherlock found her awake next to the fireplace she was so vulnerable and grateful to be alive she launched at him and kissed him passionately.
He shared his bed with her, in the middle of the night though she had gotten up and left, when morning came she acted like nothing had happened, barely even looked at him in the eyes for a week.
“Please Sherlock don’t pick at my brain”
“Why did you leave that night? Did you regret it that much”
“That night... was the most blissful I have ever been.... However you are still my boss Sherlock”
“That’s all I am to you? Your boss?”
(Y/n) turned to look at him, tears welling up in her eyes. Those eyes would be the death of him, it was with no doubt the window to her soul, that pure gentle soul of hers.
“What am I to you then Sherlock? This wasn’t just about me”
“You are.... what I never knew I needed”
His hands went up to her forearms instinctively, a soft caress that made her think his hands were made out of the finest silk, she felt goosebumps as he touched her. Her lips parted slightly as she took in a heavy breath, her eyes searching for a hint of a lie in his words.
“Shhhhh, It’s alright darling. You don’t have to say anything”
At that he slowly leaned in, his lips on top of hers at a shy and gentle kiss. Her hand went to his neck, bringing her torso to touch his as the kiss deepened, her entire body felt a rush go through it as they should the passion they held for each other with this kiss. As she pulled back her fingertips traveled to his face, taking in his attractive features
“I had almost forgotten how good of a kisser you are”
“Oh love, you will never forget it ever again”
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