#was planning to include tango but am tired
citrusinicake · 2 years
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yknow whats prettier than a vampire? a vampire with blood on him thats what
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aquaquadrant · 11 months
Aqua. Aqua!! The new chapter!!!!! It was so good!!!! The writing! Superb! The angst! The rescue! The relief! The ENDING!!! Of both sections!!! I was so emotionally invested reading it, it literally used a good deal of my energy and now I am Tired!!! the secret is OUT!! Bravo is MAD!! You Do Not Touch one of the hermits-and-adjacent-friends!! Bravo killing himself to escape atlas and ending up at spawn! The F*CKING PARALLELS!!!!! I’m going insane!!! (Good) aaaaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Absolutely captivated by the fact that we all thought it was gonna be the DL players rescuing Tango, but now the secrets out!! And it might end up being tango leading the DL players to rescue Bravo instead!! What a twist!! What a marvellous switch!!! A masterful play of expectations!! I cannot wait for the extremely emotionally charged conversations to follow!!!!! I reacted out loud when atlas got away!!!
I’m sure I will have more words as I get to Process this absolutely beautiful piece of art, but for now, your fans are feral abt this au, and we are always hungry for more. Take as much time as you need to work on the next piece, we are certain to love it. Thank you so much, this was such a wonderful surprise!
heheheh i’m SO glad i was able to keep things interesting. i’ve always felt that a story, if done well, can still be impactful even if the audience guesses what’s going to happen. so i don’t mind when ppl correctly guess future plot points, but at the same time it’s neat to pull off a few twists here and there ;3
and thank you, this prob was sadly the last update i’ll get out before summer ends so the response has been very encouraging. we’re actually getting quite close to the end of ‘from eden’ as i have just three more parts planned (ofc that’s not including the post-canon drabbles i may or may not feel inclined to write). and i have to stick to only three more updates bc i’ve run out of lyrics in the song to use as titles hagsjdgah
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monatice · 2 years
Valentine’s Day - Yoo Kihyun
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Summary: Kihyun and you spend a lovely day together, celebrating Valentine's Day. This time your idea was included and Kihyun gave his best to make this day perfect for you.
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When you were younger you hated Valentine’s Day. Everyone was so happy around you and had a relationship. So of course, they looked forward to that day.
For you, it was merely a day like any other day you had. For many years you avoided Valentine’s Day as much as possible. You remember that one day when Valentine’s Day was on a Monday you told your mother you weren’t feeling good and rather stay home. And as worried as your mother was, she called the school and explained to them that you got sick. You weren’t, it was because you hated the day, and you didn’t want your friends to brag about what they had gotten from their boyfriends and see all those happy couples.
Later on, you started to avoid people on that day and not stay away from school otherwise it would have been a bit too obvious.
At least that’s how it was before you met Kihyun at a fan sign event. Who would have guessed that you would fall in love with the Idol your best friend was admiring and supporting? You just went with her because she didn’t want to go alone so you sat in front of Kihyun who was distant at first but when you said you had no idea who they were or who he was he looked up interested. You had seen him looking after you as your best friend excitedly talked about how she had a great conversation with Hyungwon.
And now years later you were his fiancée and Valentine’s Day didn’t sound too bad anymore. Last Valentine’s Day Kihyun took you out to a lovely restaurant on Jeju Island. And you were looking forward to what he had planned this year.
It wasn’t that you didn’t plan anything it was simply that you had not much experience with it, but Kihyun did. And Kihyun knew that you’d look forward to anything he had planned and if you had an idea you would talk to him. Just like this year.
When you were walking home from work you saw this one banner that said dance classes with your Valentine for free. You smiled as you saw it because you always wanted to learn how to dance classic dances. You knew how to dance hip hop or freestyle but not waltz or tango. And you wanted to do it, but it was always weird times and expensive.
Sure, Kihyun would have paid for the class if you asked him, but you didn’t want to sit on his wallet all the time or make him get the wrong idea.
As you arrived in the apartment Kihyun sat at the dinner table and smiled “How was work, my love? There is dinner for you as well.”
You smiled and walked over to him after you took off your shoes and jacket and kissed Kihyun before walking into the kitchen to get a plate yourself. You sat down next to him. “Work was great, and I saw something for Valentine’s Day and wanted to ask if we could combine your plans with mine.” You smiled.
“I am sure we can, what is it?” Kihyun smiled, looking at you expectantly.
“There are dance classes for free on Valentine’s Day. We both have a day off so we could do it. The class would be at noon.” You explained.
“Then we do dance classes at noon. Go eat dinner in a restaurant nearby, and then we can drive to the cinema and watch the movie we planned.” Kihyun smiled.
You beamed “That sounds like a lovely plan.” You started to eat.
Kihyun grinned. “Then we can look forward to tomorrow.”
“Yes, we can,” you said.
 The next morning you got woken up by Kihyun’s soft kisses on your cheek. You smiled and opened your eyes seeing his hair being a mess and his face still being a bit puffy. It was your favourite sight of him. Of course, you loved when he was styled nicely, but this right now, was something he barely showed to anyone, which was unclear to you, because he looked as lovely as he did top styled.
“Good morning. Happy Valentine’s Day” Kihyun murmured, his voice still sounding tired.
“Good morning. Have you slept well?” You asked him, stroking through his hair.
“Yes, and you?” He smiled and looked at you.
You nodded. “I will take a shower now, so I am fresh for the day.” You explained.
Kihyun nodded. “I prepare us breakfast” he gave you a peck on the lips and got up walking out of the bedroom. You instantly stood up and took your shower.
 You walked into the kitchen, in comfortable clothing and hugged Kihyun from behind who was preparing breakfast. He put his hand on one of your arms and smiled. “You can sit down. Breakfast is almost done.” Kihyun said.
You reluctantly let him go and sat down, waiting for him. When he sat down you ate in silence, but you were extremely excited for the day,
 On the way to the dance class, you held Kihyun’s hand and enjoyed the weather. Luckily, the weather decided to be nice to you. The sun was shining, the temperature was almost spring-like, and you were able to hear the birds.
“It’s nice today.” Kihyun smiled.
“Thankfully, imagine we had to carry an umbrella all day.”
“Well, I could have held the umbrella and kept you close.” He smirked making you laugh.
“You can hold me close even when the weather is nice, Kihyun.” You chuckled as Kihyun pulled you closer at your waist.
Kihyun laughed as well as you both entered the dance school where the teacher smiled at you. “Ah, the second couple to arrive.”
“Hi, I made an appointment on the name Yoo.”
“Ah welcome Mr and Mrs Yoo. Have you any wish of dance you’d like to learn today?” She beamed.
“Waltz” you responded not noticing Kihyun’s short stare and smile.
“Of course.” The teacher beamed and showed you how to start right away. “Do you have any experience of how to dance the waltz?”
“Only the basics,” Kihyun responded.
“That’s a good start!” she beamed and showed you a few tips.
And then you both started dancing and Kihyun whispered “Mrs Yoo, huh” he smirked as you blushed.
You avoided his eyes making him laugh.
“Are you sure you two need any dance classes? You’re extremely good. Seems like you are fast learners!” Your teacher smiled.
“I am an idol and dance a lot while she works as a background dancer and teacher as well.” He explained.
“Then I think you learned all you need because I can’t see anything bad.”
“Really? Are we this good?” You smiled.
“Yes, you are both a natural talent it seems.”
“Still thank you for your time.” You said smiling as you and Kihyun left.
“Where to now Mrs Yoo?” He chuckled as you hit him playfully.
“Stop it Kihyun. I didn’t want to give her two names, so I just wrote Yoo.” You explained, trying to ease your beating heart.
“I don’t mind that. It’s sound great (Y/N) Yoo.” He smiled.
You looked at him and saw him smile and look around. Probably for a restaurant nearby.
 After you ate in a restaurant nearby you walked over to Kihyun’s car that he had left in the garage in the city centre because he drank alcohol with Hyungwon and Joohoney last night.
“Next time I cook for you.” He said opening the door for you and you sat in the car. When Kihyun sat into the car as well you took his hand. “The restaurant wasn’t bad, Ki. I was just a little disappointed that they didn’t have my favourite dish, which usually every restaurant serves.”
“Which makes it a restaurant not for us.” He said, starting the car towards the cinema.”
“Well, the more space I have for popcorn or nachos.” You smiled.
“You get both!” Kihyun said while driving to the cinema to end the evening perfectly.
Monsta X Masterlist | requested by: AO3 User
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"tell me how you actually feel for once" for starker. Love your writing btw
What You Want
Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Rating: Mature (M)  Notes: Thanks a ton, nonnie! I appreciate the compliment. This was a fun one - I hope you enjoy it!  Word Count: ~3.5k Summary: 
Peter’s a little tired of the back and forth with Tony, so he takes their ‘relationship’ into his own hands.
His weird tango with Tony started right after graduation.
It took a few months post-Thanos for everyone to get their shit back together, Peter included. He ran off with Ned and MJ to Europe, only to be duped by someone hell bent on taking Tony Stark and the company his family built down to the ground. Mysterio fucked him up and it took a while to find a way to figure out what was real and what wasn’t. While he did, he stepped away from the Avenger’s completely, ducked his head, and finished out the year to the best of his ability.
Walking into the gym in his cap and gown, Peter was genuinely surprised to see the entire crew sitting in the row next to May. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Thor – even Nat and Bruce were tucked into the small chairs mandated for friends and family. His face broke into a wide grin – it’d been a while since he saw anyone and, in that instant, he knew that his decision to go back to the Avenger’s was the right one.
The row where they were all standing broke into the loudest applause of the day when Peter walked across the stage. Thor, in his ornamental garb stood up and yelled – “Bravo, Master Peter!” It echoed around the gym and caused the rest of the people to clap even louder. Red-faced, he grabbed his diploma from some lady he’d never seen before and finished the walk. Right before he stepped off the stage, he lifted the folder in his hands and let out a whoop.
His eyes caught Tony on the walk back to his seat – his whiskey colored eyes bore into him, a soft smile playing on the older man’s lips. In the few months since their final interaction with Thanos, Tony was the only person he tried to keep in contact with. The ruse of being one of Tony’s interns was going to be a great cover for why he was always with Tony and around the other Avenger’s on a pretty constant basis.
No one knew about his secret identity – and he planned to keep it that way.
Peter took the smile on Tony’s face with him all the way back to his seat – the image of it burnt into his brain. They’d been talking on the phone and over text messages since his final brief with Tony and Happy after the Europe fiasco – it sent a bunch of weird feelings flowing through him, seeing the look on Tony’s face in person. The crush he’d been trying so hard to get rid of was still there, then.
Between the look on Tony’s face and MJ’s parting words, Peter was plenty occupied for the rest of the ceremony. It wasn’t until Michael Parker, his line buddy since elementary school, bumped him in the side that he got to his feet and stood with the rest of his class. Back in the moment, Peter found himself grinning with his full face – he was finally done and able to find himself on a different playing field with the people around him. Peter Parker wasn’t a kid any longer.
After giving MJ and Ned a quick hug, Peter rushed to find May and the rest of the rag tag group of people that were there for him. It wasn’t hard to follow the loud noise of everyone trying to talk at once down the hall and right into the swell of his favorite people. The group hug that followed made his heart burst, a couple of tears rolling down his cheeks. Peter didn’t really know much about family – but these people around him felt more like home than anything else on the planet.
Peter got an individual hug from everyone in the group – his face literally on fire by the time he got to Tony; he’d been unable to pull the beaming smile from his cheeks for the past ten minutes. Tony standing in front of him didn’t help, either.
In the few months since their last encounter, Tony let his hair grow out a little, the man not bothering with the dye in it, either. The usually dark locks were streaked through with gray – the salt and pepper look doing too many things for Peter to handle in that moment. He traded the goatee in for a full faced beard that was finely manicured. The wrinkle of his cheek from the beaming smile slipping across his face made Peter’s heart stutter.
Tony looked amazing – better than he remembered.  
There was a brief moment of hesitation when Tony let Peter look his fill. Tony’s wide smile got a little bigger when they finally shared a glance – strong arms were around Peter’s shoulder before he could even think to fill the space between them himself. A soft sigh left Peter’s lips, the solid press of Tony against him the best thing he’d experienced all night. “Hey Tony,” Peter mumbled, his head tucking into Tony’s neck without much thought.
It took them a few extra seconds to pull away – both of them obviously reluctant. Peter smiled when Tony made a bit of distance between them, but kept a hand on his hip, too. The normally colored shades were replaced with clear lens, the brightness of Tony’s eyes shining through them. “Congrats, kid – glad you’re finally done with all this,” Tony said in way of reply to Peter’s greeting. His hand squeezed Peter’s hip while he spoke, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Same – and now that I’m done, you can stop calling me kid. Pete will do.” Peter matched Tony’s grin, a soft chuckle falling from his lips as he did. “Thanks, though – I know all of you guys being here was your thing. It was a great surprise.” He looked over Tony’s shoulder to the group chatting idly with each other. “I definitely get the coolest family award.”
Tony’s hand moved from his hip, the arm slinging over his shoulder instead. Peter gasped at the warmth against his side, being so close to Tony something that still made his head swim. Tony was a little less restrained than usual and Peter was more than willing to soak it the fuck up.
“Sure thing, Pete. Everyone wanted to see you – I think it’s finally sinking in, you coming to officially join the team. I figured celebrating your first step into adulthood was a good way to get everyone together before shit gets real again.” Tony cupped his shoulder tenderly, pulling him closer. “And I missed you. I mean – I couldn’t miss this.”
Whatever Peter planned on saying was interrupted by May pulling both him and Tony into a hug. Ever since finding out that he was Spider-Man and the way Tony fit into all of that, May treated Tony like one of her own whenever she saw him. If anything could make Peter like Tony more, it was that – May’s approval of the good person Tony actually was.
With a final squeeze, Tony pulled away, stepping back into the swell of people around them with a raised eyebrow and a wink. Peter watched him turn and engage Bruce in a conversation, the charmer in him fitting naturally into whatever he and Nat were talking about. Shaking his head, Peter moved his attention back to May, a knowing smile on her face.
“It’s not nearly as weird now that you’re not in school. I can’t tell you why – but, I am less opposed. Just make sure he treats you well.” She looked at him, then turned her head to look over at Tony, who, despite trying not to, was also looking over in their direction. He nodded and tried to smile casually – his jerky transition back into conversation with Bruce probably only noticeable to Peter.
Kissing her on the cheek, Peter turned May towards Thor – her eyes lighting up when the blonde god turned and immediately engaged with her. He could always rely on the churlish brute to charm the pants off anyone sent his way.
Peter found Tony by himself a few hours later. They were in the newly refurbished Stark Tower – Tony needed to have a sanctuary in the city and missed the old building – he wrote to Peter about it when Happy enlisted him to move some of the things around the penthouse. Tony was leaning against the railing on the balcony that overlooked the city, an untouched whiskey in his hands. “Mr. Graduate – enjoying your party?” Tony asked, his head turning to meet Peter’s eyes.
He stood close enough to Tony for their shoulders to brush, Peter stopping his hands from roaming by lacing his fingers together in front of him. “It’s the best party I’ve been to, for sure. Thor, Bucky, and Steve chugging beer is something I’ll never forget.” Peter felt Tony’s shoulders shake, the laughing pulling one from his own chest. “It’s nice out here, though – it was getting a little stuffy inside.”
“Glad to hear it, Pete. It feels good to christen the place with something like this. I missed this view more than I care to admit,” Tony replied, the hand with the whiskey in it gesturing towards the city in front of them. “I meant it earlier – when I said I’ve missed you. I tried to play it off, but we both know how well that went.” Tony tossed back the alcohol in his glass, the play of his throat distracting enough to miss the man turning towards him.
Mimicking his posture, Peter turned until he was toe to toe with Tony, his hand grabbing the older man’s arm. “I know. I missed you, too. The space everyone gave me was exactly what I needed. My head is clear for the first time in a while.” He gripped Tony’s elbow and pulled until the older man’s arms were around his shoulders, the hand with the empty glass hanging carelessly. “What does it mean, though? Us missing each other?”
Tony didn’t answer verbally, he simply leaned in and pressed his lips to Peter’s. His lips tasted like the old whiskey in Tony’s glass, smooth and warm. Peter didn’t hesitate to open his mouth to Tony’s curious tongue. In his exploration, Peter gave as good as he got, their tongues tangled and fought playfully for dominance. It didn’t really answer anything, but who was he to complain? Pulling away, Peter let his chest heave before attempting to press back in for more.
“Hey, wait,” Tony murmured, his free hand moving to cup Peter’s cheek. There was an odd look in his eyes, then they were trailing over his shoulder to the open glass that separated them from the rest of the people gathered in the penthouse – there to celebrate him. “We should probably head back inside – do this when there isn’t an audience.” There was a second of hesitation, then he leaned in and gave Peter another chaste kiss.
“I think we try and figure out what it means together, Pete.” Tony finally answered Peter’s question, as if the kiss wasn’t enough. And the words were just as frustrating as the man pulling away from him. There wasn’t anything holding them back – Peter didn’t quite understand the hesitation.
The door to the balcony ended up opening a few moments later, Tony raising his brow at him – the subtle ‘I told you so’ not nearly as stealth as he was aiming for it to be. They broke away from each other enough for Steve to fit in the space between them, his arms wrapping around their shoulders and pulling them close. “Feels good for the team to finally be complete,” Steve said, his words a little slurred together from the massive quantity of alcohol he’d consumed.
It took a few minutes for Peter to extract himself from Cap’s tight grip and make a quick exit back into the house, his head swimming with tons of emotions he couldn’t quite process. On top of finally marking off something that changed his status within society, Peter was getting his all access pass to the Avengers – and from the looks of it, a nice look at what being with Tony Stark might be like.
For the first time since Tony pulled his lips away and did the responsible thing, Peter felt grateful. He needed to take a little while to put things in order – starting with his very drunk aunt. Peter helped her to the spare room Tony showed them earlier, her small body following his lead willingly. She gave him a tight hug and collapsed into instantaneous sleep when her body hit the mattress.
He decided he wanted to change out of the stuffy clothes he’d been in all day and made a brief pit-stop in the room he’d be staying in for “as long as he wanted”. Tony looked at him a second longer than necessary when he said that. Peter let himself pull some of the stuff in his bag he put together earlier that day out and into the drawers, the idea of getting to be there for as long as he wanted too good to be true.
In a pair of sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt, Peter wandered back into the common room where most of the group was still gathered around. All lot of them were drunk, or quickly on their way to being so, but Peter didn’t mind – he always enjoyed watching people making a fool out of themselves when at parties before. Stretching out on one of the empty couches, Peter relaxed and let the sound of his chosen family lull him to sleep.
The sensation of being picked up pulled him out of the delightful dream he’d been having. He tried to keep his eyes closed and fall back into it, but his body wasn’t having it. Blinking his eyes open, he felt himself smile when he saw Tony cradling him to his chest, Peter’s head on his shoulder. Though Peter was much stronger, Tony carried him like he weighed nothing, the ease in which he handled him making his heart race.
Peter clung to his strong shoulders until Tony was kneeling on his bed and depositing him onto the mattress. The arms around him squeezed briefly, then pulled away – the ghost of Tony’s aftershave sitting in Peter’s nose, intoxicating him with every pull of air into his lungs. “You can stay if you want,” Peter babbled sleepily, his eyes already closing as he snuggled into the covers Tony pulled back for him.
Soft lips on his forehead made him smile, the huff of Tony’s breath against his skin spreading all over him like wildfire. He leaned into the touch, his lazy hands trying without much success to pull Tony towards him and keep him there. “I don’t mind.”
Tony pressed another kiss to his cheek, then pulled completely away, his voice sounding very distant the next time Peter heard it. “I’ll take you up on that some other time. You should get some rest.” He let out a barely audible sigh. Peter felt a hand on his ankle through the blanket, then another soft breath. “See you tomorrow, Pete.”
Unable to cling to wakefulness any longer, Peter let the swell of sleep take him under, the smell of vanilla and bourbon fueling his dreams for the rest of the night.
They danced around each other for the next few weeks. Peter stayed with Tony until he decided he wanted to make the official move to the Avenger’s compound. It was time to get into some semblance of a normal routine. 
Steve and Nat put together a training protocol and a schedule for patrols and surveillance. Since a lot of his skills were better capitalized in the labs, Tony claimed his talents and spent time showing him the ropes of his and Bruce’s labs and all of the things they were trying to accomplish within them.
On patrols, they were separated into trios, Peter lucky enough to have two people who were just as excited to work with him as he was with them – he usually went out with Tony and Bruce to try out some of the new adjustments or pieces of tech they were fiddling with in the lab. 
There weren’t any major threats knocking on their door, so they took the time to work with everyone and customize an optimal arsenal of tech and weapons to maximize skill turnover. The new sling-ring they made for Stephen when he joined them at the compound was one of his favorite pieces of work to date.
In a lot of ways, Peter was settling in nicely. There wasn’t a single person that doubted his skill, which was a nice turn of events after being Underoos – at least they recognized his contribution to the team. Everyone was accommodating and went out of their way to show Peter the ropes, offer up suggestions, and stand in as combat partners during training. The sense of family only grew the more time he spent with everyone.
Tony Stark posed a different issue, however. They were constantly working with each other, which brought them even closer than ever. Peter understood the way Tony’s brain worked and could hand him tools before he asked for them – it became a sort of game the longer they spent in the lab together. Peter couldn’t pinpoint what was happening, but his chest got a little tighter with want and need every single day.
He wanted to pull Tony aside and ask him why they didn’t capitalize on the fact that their rooms were right next to each other. A part of him felt so impatient to have work roughened hands on him, pulling his clothes off, touching his hidden depths – it took everything in him to keep control over the emotions that were very quickly bubbling over. The rational side of him knew that Tony was giving him time and space to grow and fit within the group in his own way. He could tell that it was important for Peter to have his own place not just in the team, but in the adult world, too.
Peter wasn’t patient enough to see it all play out, in the end. After a particularly close call during their latest patrol, Peter pulled Tony into his room when they finally found themselves back in their quarters. His hands were rough on Tony’s upper arms, the grip probably going to leave bruises by the end of whatever this ended up being. Pressing Tony up against the door, Peter leaned his head against the older man’s chest – a harsh breath leaving his lungs.
“Tell me how you actually feel for once.” Peter demanded, his head lifting to catch Tony’s eyes. “The idea of not getting to you fast enough earlier made me want to throw things – I couldn’t imagine losing you, not after all this.” His hands moved from Tony’s arms to his hips, his fingers digging in enough to pull them flush against each other. “If I’m reading this wrong, tell me – but I can’t stand this little bit of distance you’ve put between us. You’re killing me, Tones.”
Arms wrapping around his shoulders, much like the first time, was Tony’s first response, the cut on his cheek crinkling as a soft smile slid across his face. “Peter – I’ve been letting you get your feet under you. I didn’t want to swoop in and tell you how much I love you before you found a place that was your own. This team is counting on me and you,” Tony remarked, one of his hands pressing into Peter’s chest. “You feeling comfortable is the most important thing.”
Shaking his head, Peter closed the gap and kissed Tony’s lips. The soft gasp he couldn’t hold back gave Tony the perfect opportunity to press his tongue against the seam of Peter’s open lips – he wasn’t shy about pressing forward and deepening the kiss. Peter flattened his hands, his arms wrapping around Tony’s hips until his palms rested over the pertness of Tony’s ass cheeks. Using his grip, he pulled until they were even closer together.
Peter broke away and caught Tony’s eye, mischief obvious in the honey-hazel of it. “I’m comfortable. Will you fuck me now? Or do I need to spell it out for you?” Peter threw Tony a wink and stepped back, his hands moving to pull his shirt over his head and remove the sweatpants from his hips.
Tony’s tongue slipped out to coat his lips, a wicked grin on his face. “I read you loud and clear, Pete,” he whispered, his hands tugging off his own t-shirt. “You should get on the bed so we can make up for all that lost time.”
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indomitablemegnolia · 4 years
Languishing at the bar, ruby lips caressing my glamorously green margarita; the midnight purple dress hugged my body like a sports cars paint, black beaded fringe thrummed on my thighs as I moved my hips to the music, all road signs spoke of warning hazards; my goal, mayhem; I am tired of being this good reliable human; I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond this daily life; I am here at this lovely bar, to test the morality of a priest, I am prowling, wanting, needing desperately to have an itch scratched, and finding; and needless to say, oh Lordy he was no priest. The single purple jeweled flower pinning my hair slipped making the picture perfect, exquisite, glittering in the sunshine of preening laughter showing the dulling edge of my personal lack of compunction and slipping morals. I watched his dark eyes watch me in the mirror, why him, I licked my lips, he was just the kind of naughty I had in mind; oh yes, there he is, exactly what I was hoping to find; I was just thinking, I am in the mood for some Latin spice. He watched me from a distance just waiting for his opening and here it was, I swilled the last of my drink through the red straw, reaching my tongue out to lick seductively at the salt; the song changed my laugh was unstoppable as the bartender flirted with me; he pounced sliding next to me; “Dos margaritas por favor” he held up two fingers; the bartender waited for me to approve before starting assemble the drinks in a shaker; he stood there smiling that suave smile at me sliding in close to me, running a hand along my back, I didn’t pull away “It is too beautiful of a night to be drinking alone.”
I took it, shrugging evocatively, dipping my top lip over the edge I took in a fair-sized drink, “So, how is the weather in Albuquerque?” I settled closer to him but not touching, never taking my eyes off of him in the mirror, he expected me to turn and look at him, I smiled a half smile and waited swirling my drink slowly.
Oh, the way he just let his full bottom lip lower, then hang still a little knocked askew; god that lip, so provocative, so titillating, so kissable; it was the perfect mismatch for his shaped cupids bow top lip; God though, the way his sensuous, heavy, pouty bottom lip hanging slightly ajar, showing interest and the evaluation that was being made; so enticing, seductively evocative; when his assessment was finished the muscles tensed in his cheeks pulling that mouth into the most provocative suave smile; given the deep, wildly dark abyss of his eyes that were swimming with approval and temptation; lord with the light crinkle to the corners and that smile sharp teeth and delicious dimples a belying innocence it was a dead certainty that he may well be Lucifer himself; solidifying my assumption as he spoke dropping the delicious sound-sex of his carnal voice down a full octave; letting it rumble through his chest; his simple words not seductive in and of themselves; goddamn, the concerted effort together all served to bring my pulse to life; his chuckle danced on my skin. I watched his satisfied lazy smile draw his lips as the offhand phrase that taunted like a dare. “Perhaps, we are lost in translation.” God that Latin lilt at the end of his words. The Oxytocin running through my veins thick as honey; “though as long as you stay, I hope that we are never found.” He clinked the rim of his glass on mine.
My eyes drawn away from those lips’ reflection; “Oh, darlin’, there is no translation for this, just instinct.” I licked the salt, snagging the cherry stem from the rim I pulled it into my mouth; I watched those terrible, sexy fingers rolling deliciously, accentuating the dare, telegraphing a none too subtle promise of delicate fiddling with my vivid, hungry nerves. Yes, this might be a mistake, but if all I do is all I have ever done, nothing will ever change; I have to break the cycle; nibbling the fruit from the stem my mind wandered from those hands.
God, this time of year, this season, there is not much in it to make me smile; it is not yet, not quite yet, the saddest time of the year; yet, there is a haunting sense of the imminent doom, like a bleak abeyance of life; it’s not stark introspective weather, grey and bleak, but none the less the blue skies, fresh green, seemed to be festering, suppurating, killing my soul, I know that time had run out; that horrible clock with the second hand ticking tightening the garrote around my neck painfully, slowly; Jesus what a sick suffocating weight; there are too many things that I wanted to feel, wanted to do and always time… that small hyphen between birth and death the ultimate cause of death… that time; I tied the stem into a knot using my tongue, pressing it back between my shiny lips, pulling it cleanly from my lips with a thumb and forefinger. The time to hesitate was through; my hand shook as I watched a delectable twinge running along that delicious bottom lip, like a smile still trying to hide; waiting for the trap to spring when I ask a simple single syllable question, the ubiquitous air of his words raised several; or did I miss part of the conversation? Should I ask… mmm why, or what, but no, I so not want to play his game; I double down and call the bluff, answering with a simple whispered. The trap is sprung, I really have no idea if it is, he who is caught or me.
“Yes.” My whisper much huskier than I had intended, my margarita wavering in my hand, my hip bumping his; his delicious thick brow shot up tilting his head slightly to the left, he let out a silent ‘what?’ I watched him in the mirror behind the bar, he hovered those dark delicious eyes staring into mine; I nodded, and again “Yes.” I smiled chewing lightly on my straw; I took joy in his face caught off guard, lazy smile pulled the edge of his lips; again, his lips waved in a silent, ‘what?’
“Oh, come on, I answered your real question, the one written in your eyes and on that sensual pouty lip, the answer is yes.”
He looked even more confused, “What is the question are you are answering?”
“Well, I have read promises written loosely in your fingertips, I saw previews of plans in your eyes, and lies you will tell to get there, on that lip.” I turned and stepped to him, running my thumb along that bottom lip. “Why go with pretense, so simply, I said yes, should I include a please?”
He chuckled and edged behind me turning me back to the mirror, pressing his forehead to the back of my head, his cool fingers sweeping my hair out of the way, he kissed the back of my hair, “Then no, mi cariño don’t say anything.” His eyes so lusciously dark and turbulent never looking away from mine in the mirror; “I want to watch you revel in the feel of my hot breath against your ear. Now I ask you;” he breathed in deeply, the cool air passing my skin into his lungs sent a shiver down my spine; the contrast in temperature mind blowing, my skin prickled into Goosebumps; “do not move.” He let his breath excite yet again, the warmth had all those tiny hairs stand to attention, his lips touched feather soft, moist warm breath, my heart kicked a little each pass of his lips, then words. “Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo ni de dónde.” I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. His lips caressed the skin just behind my ear, “Te amo simplemente, sin problemas ni orgullo.” I love you simply, without problems or pride, his hands with those delicious rolling fingers danced down the satin at my sides, my breath shuddering; “te amo de esta manera porque no conozco otra forma de amar sino esta,” I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, his lips ghosted just along the edge of my ear sending small shivers through me, “en la que no hay yo ni tú, tan íntimo que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mi mano. Tan íntimo que cuando me duermo tus ojos se cierran.” so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close. My eyes reflexively flutter closed, and I lean back into him. I took a long breath, pulling away looking right into his
“Coelho?” Arching one eyebrow, I downed my margarita looking somewhat the part of the provocateur
“Si.” He looked cocky, he looked far too self-assured, so much so that I almost forgot my goal.
“Esto no es amor, es lujuria.” this is not love but lust… hmm, in my current state lust even the delectable word sounded so much more alluring en español.
“En este momento la lujuria functiona para mi.” in this moment lust works for me, oh yes it does for me as well. Good lord that word in his Spanish just added a delicious wanton edge to the overdose of libidinous delight that he wrought in me, making my head literally spin. His soft cool fingers delectably caressed the other side of my throat, his tongue ran lightly along the rim of my ear; I shivered still our eyes connected in the mirror, I was putty in his hands.
His lips danced along my neck commanding my already tittillated nerves into a frenzy; nuzzling with intent, his cheek pushing my head to a delicious angle, he feasted on the left side; his lips and teeth acting in a beautiful tango so delicious that I leaned back into him reaching behind me for an anchor; he gripped my wrists in one hand, using his other to sweep my hair such as it was to the other side as his libertine lips began to such and feast on the right side, “Ser mío no es fácil. Tengo expectativas Yo hago demandas.” Being mine is not easy. I have expectations. I fell back into him, his warmth reminding me that I was indeed alive for now, his tongue caressing the side of my neck. “Cuando ofrezco mi corazón espero devoción.” I make demands. When I offer my heart, I expect devotion, he devoted his tongue and teeth to appreciating my flesh, and I accepted. “Insisto en la pasión, cruda y completa, necesitada y fuera de control.” I insist on passion, raw and all encompassing, needy and out of control. He pulled me roughly to him, his hands claiming parts of my soul, “Quiero que me duela el corazón cuando estamos separados. Quiero que mis manos sean incapaces de no tocar su piel cuando esté cerca.” I want my heart to ache when we’re apart. I want my hands to be incapable of not touching your skin whenever you are near. His hands seemed to somehow bypass the satin of my dress and let him feast of my skin directly, I shivered; “Quiero que nuestros cuerpos se quemen cada vez que nos besamos. No puedo y nunca aceptaré nada menos. Por eso ser mío no es fácil, pero créeme, vale la pena.” I want our bodies to burn every time we kiss. I can’t and I will never accept anything less. That’s why being mine is not easy, but believe me, it’s absolutely fucking worth it. Needy and out of control I could do, I was on a mission for exactly that; I let myself ease into the moment, feeling as much as I possibly could devouring it as if it was my last chance at living, enjoying the sweet and the salt and … oh gosh, my eyes flared as he kicked it up a notch his tongue sliding from just behind my ear to the spot where all nerves collide where shoulder and neck meet, my eyes fluttered; apparently to get my attention back his free hand traced across my bare flesh just above my modest neckline, dipping lightly between my breasts.
Jittery my attention came front and center back on his eyes; I raised a single eyebrow; "¿Quién dijo que era tuyo?” Who ever said I was yours? His lips again moved along my neck to the place where neck meets shoulder, I became soft in his hands; his free hand caressing up to the edge of my chin, coaxing my head turning it, he kissed along my clavicle; my eyes finally rolled closed as he kissed my lips, he tasted of strong tequila, lime and dreams; I moaned softly.
“Oh, you just did, right there. No translation needed for that…” his hands more licentious pushing farther “Voy a probar, disfrutar del calor de su sabor embriagador.” I want to breathe in your sighs. He kissed me roughly, my breath leaving in a sigh, “Quiero respirar tus suspiros; quiero sentirte desde adentro,” I’m going to try, to enjoy the heat of its heady taste; he kissed me deep again, “I am drawn to you, like a moth to fire, he kept his glorious mouth moving, all tongue and teeth and temptation, “I see a frantic almost panic on you;” his hand still holding mine in check, “I have you safe here,” his loose hand pulling me to him; “I hunger for your touch after get you excited and how easy it is.” Neck kissing, is honestly the most sensual, seductive things that I have ever known, but when it is done as well as this gorgeous man is… it is not just a syllogy for sex, I feel his talented tongue slide on my skin, we may as well be going at it right on the bar. “Deliciosa, caliente, con una gota de salsa picante” Delicious, hot, like a drop of hot sauce. He gripped my wrist spun me on the stool, taking off at a run.
We made it as far as the dance floor where he stopped suddenly, turning with accentuated drama. The smooth rolling bass, guitar plucking with an ironic blusey twang; my soul soaked deep in the delicious vibrations; the difference in the textures of the sound, graceful single plunking guitar with that light percussive slap, reverent, erotic. He closes the distance of those few inches between us, his dark deep eyes searching my face; I stretch my arm up above my head, arching back, his hands pulling me closer. At that second the song hits a soaring note, my pulse kicking up making me dizzy I confuse the feeling and I set myself soaring; my hips tolling into his, arms dropping to drape around his neck; we spun in tight circles; I laugh, his face intent; I watch the gentle subtle light refract through the beads of sweat that graced his brow. His grip on my waist strong, lifting me high on the music and we sink into the slower rolling bass again; a natural rhythm to our clashing hips, searching hands in this pulsating dance. His steps now slow rocking, like a playful cat pounce back and forth, rocking up onto the toes; delicious salty perspiration bonded his heather gray shirt to his glorious chest. Then closely he held me as we spin in small circles in a circuit around the room, he spins me out, only to retract me even closer to his tall frame. The music builds again soaring, romp of cross over foot work and dramatic hip work, our bodies meeting and clashing lending a dramatic friction between bodies, two souls.
Slowing again to that now extremely sensual bass roll, spinning in wide circles this time rolling me back into almost a dip on each half revolution, every time he pulls me back up we make a sizzling eye contact, the zing of it traveling my entire body making it to the tips of my toes. He spins me out pulling me back, his front to my back.
The pace picks up again, we step in a syncopated pattern, he pulls my arms in tight holding my body so close to his we may well become one, then spreading my arms wide, our hips taking a wide swinging cadence as we step, step, then spin. He spins me out leaving us at arm’s length from each other, the music slows rolling. He lowers his head; I take retreating steps as we keep to the sensuous rhythm. He pulls me in and close then out spinning me so many times I leave the earth far behind. Pulling me to him tight we keep the playful foot work a back and forth pounce, my face tucked close to the collar of his shirt, his fresh lavender and tea tree scent relaxing the last of my senses.
“So if you wake up with the sunrise;” he sang along with the music, “with all your dreams still brand new;” his lips caressing my neck, my ear; “happiness is what you need so badly…” his hands lifted me again, “girl you know it’s up to you…” he spins us again
Soon it feels as if my feet leave the earth, slowly using a foxtrot step on a delicate cloud, the rest of the world disappears and it’s just the riot of music, his hands and the feel of my soul on the melody singing my own vow of love, the moon and all the stars. The soft strum of guitars transports us away. His lips finding the rim of my ear caressing it sweetly whist we are spinning in small circles, making a completely transcendent feeling. We continue dancing for endless moments close, held in a spell. Slowly the world returns and finally I notice there is no longer that melody cradling us in its soft arms. I look up at his classic beautiful face; the world comes back into focus but the ethereal feeling still there. We smile softly at one another.
He danced me in circles, whirling me making me feel as if I were flying. He dipped me and lightly kissed me as the song ended. An argentine tango starts. He stops in his tracks and spins me to face him, a motion soaked with drama. I chew my bottom lip unsure of my ability; he wiggles that delicious eyebrow, giving me a new amazing smile. His beautiful straight teeth taking on a Big Bad Wolf glint as the look in his eyes goes from that ever-charming cavalier to dazzlingly predatory. My stomach drops out like the upswing on a roller coaster completely titillated, entranced by this new facet of his nature. With that smile he pulls me tight to him, our frames lock, we step and we are gone. My chin lowered nearly touching my chest a coquettish shyness over taking me. My eyes looking up into his gloriously seductive gaze, his face looks as if to say, all the better to eat you with my dear, a provocative and risqué promise to me, body and soul. His pearly white grin showing more of his straight sharp teeth than usual, my heart speeds its rhythm, thumping hard in my chest. Spinning in tight circles we make a circuit of the floor, the background swirls the only thing clear and constant in my vision was his fantastically angular face enveloped in secreted promise. As I step into him, keeping pace, not being shy of how our bodies are clashing and rubbing, one of his fantastic eyebrows slowly rose. The look on his face now completely Big Bad Wolf thrilled that Red Riding Hood snapped up his challenge. I tenaciously add flair as I keep step with him and boy did he step.
Our gazes locked, he spins me out to arm’s length, inertia and drama send my outer arm and leg flinging artfully as he retracts me like a yo-yo.
He pushes me around the floor his chin lowered a predatory look to his eye growing deeper, darker. He spins me twice under his arm and out and leaves me out there. I wrap my arms around myself and sway he adds a little light stepping pizazz. Suddenly he stops looking straight into my eyes. He hesitates one, two, three, beats then slowly stepping with a stalking intent towards me, I retreat, stifling a welling up giggle. I gather my skirt in my hands not entirely sure if it is just part of the act of the dance or if I truly was about to bolt. That look in his eyes tied my stomach in knots, I retreat two steps but his beautiful legs eat up the ground between us. His lovely long legs moving to a sensual rhythm he catches me around the waist, I freeze. He steps between my separated feet, pulling me tight to his chest. Our eyes, hips and arms locked. My insides nearly gelatin, the rhythm, the dance and his looks affecting me drastically, my breath coming out in short pants, desire kicking up to amazing levels. He pushes me around the dance floor our legs stepping in the syncopated pattern he draws us in. Spinning me under his arm holding my back to his front, I hear his faint growl in my ear, the hair on my neck stands on end as we again spin in tight circles around the floor, a high note on the accordion signals him to spin me out again. Retracting me, pulling me tight to his chest face inches from mine my heart roaring in my ears. We undulate together, hips colliding adding drama to the dance. My eyes lock onto his beautiful blue green depths and he sweeps me away, sparking my truly libidinous nature. Sensuality and passion overtaking me, I had never felt as free or as alluring as I used every ounce of my soul to keep up with him, dips, twirls and some of the sexiest looks I have ever seen.
As always the entire world fell away as we danced, nothing existed but he and I and the music, desire racing through my veins, ratcheting up every time our hips touched, I had only eyes for him. Our bodies match in a fantastic unison he anticipates my foot falls and I knowing when he is going to use me for a frisbee. This was the most intimate and carnal experience, fantastically delicious nearly out of body moment in my life. As the music spools up for its dramatic end, my cheeks are cramping from the smile. A laugh escapes me as we crescendo, nearly hitting an erotic plateau. A sudden sexy spin sets me out and retracts me, my back to his front. The last pose full of drama, his arms wrapped around me, holding my one my hand pulling my arm across my torso to my hip, as the last keening note peals across my ears; my arm tossed up and behind his neck, my palm caressing his cheek. My eyes closed, breath coming in heaves. I enjoyed his delicious rasping breath on my neck a step above a growl. I turn my face to him, our gazes lock; slowly our faces magnetically nudge closer, our lips all but touching in a kiss before the applause breaks into our private universe. Confusion floods my brain as he chuckles the cavalier returning to his face. He spins me out, and bows, I take his cue offering an awkward curtsy, laughing like mad.
He pulls me tight to him his hands delicious on my skin he pulls me to a dark corner and pressing my back to the wall he kisses me with a passion I had never felt, hot, searing like kissing the sun; he pushes for more my hands greedy grabbing him deliciously, one finding his rump, the other pulling his lightly sweaty hair. He leaned in closer, his hand ghosted my face, his finger ran along my cheek, his tongue playing merry hob in my mouth, his warm, fingertips lightly whisper along my throat, coaxing me, and honestly it didn't take much coaxing; I surrendered, returning the kiss, my breath now coming billowing pants, he frames my face with his hands. His jittering hands held a desperation that ratcheted up my own to a frenzy; the hip that had cocked toward mine pressed delightfully as it came to meet mine dominating, rocking lightly; a knee nudges slyly between mine making my skirt wrap tightly around my thighs. I bite his full bottom lip playfully, his hands glide down the sides of my neck tickling, he nips me back, my hands gathering his suit jacket tight in my fists; I slide my body along his, rising on my tip toes, flicking my tongue along the roof of his mouth; the clean sweetness of margarita and his flavour making such a heady delicious cocktail.
My hands loose themselves from his lapels, hunting for more of him; caressing along his jaw; his fingers finding their way beneath the edge of my blouse, flitting along my waistband; the small tickling caress sending shivers through my body; my hands pushing into his curls, they wrap around my fingers invitingly, I fist my hands pulling lightly; pressing into me, bending me slowly backward, his kiss deepens, air and breathing become elective, superfluous. He growls, his fingers now gripping, pulling, demanding; I am overcome, letting out a breathless whimper. He slows. He sighs, dropping his chin to his chest, emerging from the throughs of passion.
God do I want him… I want him so badly; I try to clamp my legs together until the wanting passes, but I find his knee there, keeping me from relieving pressure; in fact, he added to it. He grips both my wrists swinging them above my head; I am lost in feeling, watching his hands, those fingers, feeling his determination; I shiver as he chuckles, letting it rumble deep in his chest; the thrill of his gasping breath dancing across my face with the delicious sweet libidinous sigh making the loose hairs at my forehead dance; his scent exhilarating, and so intoxicating to me. I watch a surge of electric passion wash over his features like an ocean wave, intention evident in his every motion.
He slowly presses into me, holding me securely in place; he stood close, but not touching, simply dominating with his presence, using that delectable knee pressed between my own; he pressed it higher adding even more libidinous pressure to my need; my slim fit skirt worked like hobbles holding my thighs in place for his teasing; his posture holding me lightly suspended secured, but freely dangling in his grasp pressed against the wall for his rapacious perusal; he raised that knee higher, eliciting a shiver from me and a full smile from him, all locking us into place, using his muscled thigh pressed deep between mine coaxing, caressing, keeping me bent to his will. My breath escaped as a ragged sigh, my heart hammering in my chest feel my pulse surge," yeah, no kidding, I was a rabbit being toyed with; he dips his head, his lips and tongue dancing along my neck as my blood thrums along the column of my throat under his lips, my body reacts as I try to regain control, but I am simply left to move against him.
His voice quivered, his hands shook: I, myself was a leaf in a hurricane. His breath was shaky as he went on, caressing the place where neck meets shoulder. God it’s hard to admit this, but the feeling of him holding my wrists above my head with one hand, trailing the other lithe fingered, free hand flowing down the inside of my arm, tracing the edge of my blouse, dipping a single sticky finger in deeply caressing the edge of the lacy black longline bustier and the side of my breast. Lifting my chin with that same reverent fingertip, tilting my head back. Gently, pushing my hair from my forehead, tucking it behind my ear, letting his hand slowly softly caress down my neck. Finally, I look up into his wide exotic deep dark soul-searching eyes, he peers down into mine… into my soul, his holding a particularly delicious intensity that changed his from a tranquil, reflective, mirrored abyss to a raging blackhole pulling me in. As those fiery orbs, searing with the desire I am sure matched the one burning deep in mine. I barely stop myself from devouring him whole.
He leans in close letting his shaking, raspy breath tickles my face, caress my ear. He almost inaudibly whispers his wanting wish so close, so low; “Ah, dios mio is that answer still, Yes.” It may as well have been coming from my soul, speaking in that delicious rumble of rolling thunder voice adding to the evocative question.
“Si.” I feel him shiver as I become boneless in his hands, His long-lashed lids flutter closed as he finally leans into me, his hand softly finishing the descent to my hip. Then, only then does he softly brush my lips with is sweetly supple soft lips, I feel him sigh, warm against my lips. I kiss him slowly, intently, but playfully, it will be a dance, a dance of caress, a give and take, a feel and respond. I never would be the first to break that kiss. My hands strain against his hold, but he never lets loose. Not even when the passion notches up quickly in this kiss.
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@keeper0fthestars @pedeka @writernotwaiting @iamhisgloriouspurpose @freudensteins-monster
Last try at regaining my words.
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kaydeeoh3 · 4 years
Nobody reads my posts, so I am just going to put this out there and get it off my chest. People are being so ridiculous about Darren and his interview yesterday. I’m so tired of the “cancel them” mentality. You all DO NOT REMEMBER the first weeks of this thing. I lived it from mid-January on, and what I knew now versus what I knew then is radically different! Darren said he was sick during rehearsal-BEFORE the shutdown. This is before most anyone was taking this seriously, including medical professionals.
I know THREE (1 in NYC, 2 in Texas) people who had what was assumed to be Covid 19 in late January/early February, and their doctors called it a “bad flu” and told them they were fine once they felt better. My student was out of school only 4 days with what was assumed (they returned from China 2 days before their lockdown) to be Covid 19. He left my classroom with 103 temp, and was back 4 days later because he had been fever free for 24 hours, but he coughed uncontrollably for several weeks all over all of us! Doctor still insisted it was fine for him to be at school. We had a lot of kids get sick, and several teachers (including me), but were all told the same thing. You are good to go back once your fever breaks. I missed 2.5 days of school plus the weekend. I felt like DEATH, but went back to school because it was ok according to the doctor, and it is way easier to teach sick than make sub plans! This is in the same timeline that Darren is saying he was sick-just before our spring break, which was well before NYC shut down. Darren did not ever KNOW he had Covid. He said he was sick, and people kept telling him to rest and take a day off. He didn’t, because he is young and healthy. If my 46 year old asthmatic self can drag my butt back to work in a few days, he was definitely able to treat symptoms and keep going. He is NEVER one to take time off and just sit.
He also says, that once shut down, they thought it was only for a few days. Nothing to take seriously. He was well again, and ready to go out with his friends because they didn’t have to work the next day. During this same time we actually drove my son to the airport to go back to Philly & turned around when he got a text from his university that they had 1 extra week of spring break. Same thing a week later (3rd wk of March) because nobody knew how bad this was. He needed to go to rehearsal for his musical, so obviously he was going to go, then all the sudden his university is closed. Darren was already better when he flew, and I reiterate, he didn’t KNOW if he had Covid, only a sickness that even doctors were still relating to having the flu. Do you isolate yourself for weeks or months AFTER you recover from the flu? NO! You go about your daily business assuming you won’t get it again and can’t give it to anyone. Even the CDC recommendation is 3 days fever free and 10 days if you KNOW you have it which he didn’t. The information about the virus changed EVERY DAY. Nobody knew who or what to believe. When we went last week to my son’s university to finally move him out, we were so shocked to see the “Covid” bulletin boards that were put up before spring break. ALL of the information is different than what we know now.
Was Darren irresponsible? Maybe?!? But he was working with the info he had, which is NOT what you know NOW. And guys, it takes 2 to tango! If he was visiting family, they obviously were ok with it BASED ON WHAT WE KNEW AT THAT POINT! He and Mia obviously didn’t just show up at people’s doors saying “surprise!”. His family was ok with it!
As for being “cavalier” in the interview, he simply told what they were doing, and even said that professionals can’t agree if what they were doing was the best possible scenario. They did what they felt was right for them and their family with lots of information (whether right or wrong in your eyes is not the point) that supported their decision. I’m not disappointed with Darrren or Mia or their family. They made the best of a situation based on the information (and MIS-information directly from the White House) that they had. You want to “cancel” someone or blame someone? Blame the f’ing White House because they STILL don’t give a shit about a Covid 19 and the people’s lives it is attacking.
TLDR? Quit with the shaming of Darren! He was sick WAY before any of Covid was taken seriously, and was acting on the information he had at the time. Even following the CDC guidelines, he was ok! If his family was ok with him visiting, then that was their choice.
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rzdhc · 3 years
i am very interested in sky pirates but i saw the post when i was very tired and still have no idea what to ask about ;-; maybe... what's somebody you're either trying to develop a story for, or who you plan to in the future?
Currently, I have a role planned for zedaph, impulse, tango, false, wels, xisuma, evil x, doc, bdubs, beef, etho, and biffa. 
The designs for zed, impulse, tango, false, wels, xisuma, doc, bdubs, beef, and etho are pretty much set.
I have a rough idea of the design for ren and cleo but nothing is set in stone yet.
I wanna have every hermit, including the “evil/clone” hermits (like evil x, badtimes, hels etc), in the au but I’m not really sure what their role would be and how they would fit.
Two intertwined storylines are roughly planned out right now, the thing with tango and a group of bandits in the outskirts of Hermacia.
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
currently vibing in a two-week lockdown, can you share some of your favorite fics? i need some new things to read, and I've got too much time on my hands-
Aw man, same! The rest of my actual Spring Semester got turned online… Let’s see…..Fic recs for the pseudo End of the World (Courtesy of AO3, arranged by most prominent ship!) Keep in mind that my descriptions are shorter and written mostly for comedic effect than the actual fics, so if something looks interesting Click it! Get more info about it! Don’t just take my word! I tried my best to get a lot of variety of fics and topics and tropes, as well as authors that might not be as well known! Uhhh here are the links to lists I’ve already made for various other reasons check out my Fic Rec Masterlist!
I also am including various of my fav authors masterlists for funsies!
jungle321jungle’s || Max-isTired’s || TrashficParlour’s || Lefaystrent’s || Mine!
Completed Fics
A Deal in which Virgil tries to summon a familiar and gets a Circle King instead. And he’s really pretty. (Anxceit)
Love Like You in which Virgil decides to give up looking for a romantic partner and considers adopting instead. He finds more than he’s looking for with a set of twins and the man who watches over them (Anxceit)
A Dragon’s Tail in which Logan is cursed to be a Dragon by his best friends stepmother, Virgil is struggling to learn a power he can’t control, Patton who’d rather marry a servant than the Prince, and Roman has no clue what is going on but the Prince he’s supposed to be saving can probably kick his ass. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
A Game of Vice in which Remus kidnaps Roman and turns it into a game of who can come save him from his lonely tower. (Logicality, Prinxeity) 
double down with the paradigms in which Logan tries to explain away his own OCD while dealing with the emotions he has for a certain Pre-Vet. Excellent depiction of OCD, made me cry, 300/10 would read again. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
It Takes Two to Tango in which Roman begs his brother, Logan, to let him go back in time to meet a famous dancer. Falling in Love was not part of the plan. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
A favorite star in the heavens in which everyone has at least one soulmate. They’re luckily enough to have three each. (LAMP) 
Forgotten Forests and Magnified Myths in which Logan finds out very suddenly that he has the passive ability to talk to dragons. (DAMP, Remilie)
Sense5 in which five people in different countries are suddenly psychically linked together and uh…yeah fun times. (DLAMP)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To Change in which black cat hybrid Virgil plans to die very heroically in an alley and Roman completely messes up that plan by being a decent human being. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
Hidden In Shadows in which Virgil is the boogieman every adult warned you about but he doesn’t actually enjoy being scary. Good thing the three Sanders kids aren’t scared of anything. (Not so good for their very confused Dad who isn’t sure what to do about their new imaginary friend)
Paved with Good Intentions in which the dark sides agree to send Virgil to the light sides as a way to get Thomas to listen to them more. Now if Virgil can just get along with the Light sides enough to actually start making some progress…
Absent Gods and Silent Tyranny or: How Logan Learned to Stop Over Thinking and Love Everyone in which Logan is a morally grey scientist who just works for supervillains because they pay well. He doesn’t expect someone like Virgil to change that.
Clouds and Moss AU in which the sides are gods and its very gay and very good. (Intrulogical, Roceit)
Colors in which Logan is an excellent Dad, Virgil is an amazing son, and the world is very colorful. (Logicality)
Labeled in which Logan is a famous superhero, Patton is a doctor, and they adopt the would-be super villain and everything is soft and lovely and I cry at the purity. (Logicality, Remilie)
Fbi!au in which the sides work for the fbi and I diligently reread these series of oneshots for a daily dose of serotonin!  (Logince, Moxiety)
Growing Old is More Fun with You in which Patton is a PTA dad and so is Deceit and they have a “rivalry”. (Mociet)
Gilded Cage in which Roman is forced to dance for the fairy queen whenever she wants it. (Prinxiety)
Renegades! in which the sides live in a dystopia and fight the government while being completely in love with each other. (Prinxiety, Logiciality) 
Love and Other Fairytales in which a couple decides to keep their changling and their actual son, a child is cursed gifted a voice that makes people do whatever he says, a boy makes a rotten deal for the sake of his friend, and centuries before any of this, a fae prince is tricked into an endless sleep by his brother. 
The Vampire Hunting Vampire in which Virgil was turned into a monster and LPR slowly convince him he’s not as bad as he thinks he is. Through cuddles. (LAMP, DLAMP)
Wasteland, Baby! in which there are things in the woods and Patton gets,,, intimate with them. On purpose! (LAMP)
Destined in which Damian has successfully ignored his Soulmates for five years and he planned on doing it for much longer but on his twentieth birthday fate intervenes with a second soultrait that forces him to come face to face with all of them. (DLAMP)
Old Gods in which Gods sometimes walk the earth and Remus is pleased to hear that people are still making offerings to him– wait that is not a goat. And other fun stories!
Sit back and watch the world go by in which Virgil is a human abducted by alien smugglers, befriends Patton, breaks out, and everyone fears humans as space orcs, almost as much as Virgil is afraid of them. 
Teaming the Pieces Together in which Thomas is a pokemon trainer and eevees just…click with him.
Tales from the Dark Sides in which the author provides a lovely hub of works where Virgil is abused by OC dark sides and DLMPR are there to help patch him up.
Uncle Emile and the Super Nephews in which Emile gets custody of his six nephews and tries to bond with them. They in turn try very hard not to tell him they have superpowers.
Cuffed Universe in which Remus is a cop chasing after a hacker, Logan breaks the laws and Virgil would just like tO KEEP ONE JOB WITHOUT ONE OR BOTH OF THE OTHERS DRAGGING HIM INTO THEIR SHIT. (Analomus)
Ongoing Fics
The Origin in which space travel via Thomas Sanders’s ship SS Revelation gets more complicated when the Planets themselves turn out to be entities who aren’t all on board with humanity spreading to the rest of the solar system. (Remile) 
Delicato in which Logan and Patton are music professors with very different conceptions of music, and Virgil and Roman are students in both their classes who just want them to kiss already. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
Coming out of The Shadows in which a small mutant child Virgil is treated as subhuman because of his uncontrolled ability to manipulate shadows up until a scientist buys him. (Royality)
Falling Stars At My Command in which Roman wishes on a star and Patton reaps the benefits while Logan unfortunately gets dragged along for the ride. (Royality) 
Sugar in which Patton has three sons and no free time to bother with a relationship while he’s trying to manage bills. At least until Roman walks into his life. Sugar Daddy anyone? (Royality) 
A Man, a Snake, and a Rat in which Logan, Deceit, and Remus become college roomates (Intruloceit) 
a.s.h.es, ashes (We all fall down) in which after Logan almost dies during one of his recuse missions, him and his partner start to dig into the superhero agency they’re employed by and stumble into something far bigger than they expected. (Logicality, Prinxiety, LAMP? LAMP)
Keep him safe in which Detective Logan falls for the owner of his new favorite bakery while his partner Roman falls for the gang member they’re chasing. Ft: emotions, a pet rat, dealing with delusions 101, trauma, and family so gooey it literally makes me melt whenever it updates. I love this fic so much. (Advertises as Logicality and Prinxiety but theres so much LAMP I can’t not put it down here)
Multitudes in which Virgil works at a coffeeshop, pines over the customers that come in, and wonders why they all tip him so well. (LAMP)
Songbird in which the only thing keeping Virgil’s parents alive is his voice: the moment the (new) King gets tired of listening to him its off with all their heads. And Virgil’s okay with that, he is…. Until three visiting nobles leaving him wishing for his freedom for the first time since he was ten. (LAMP)
Shatter in which Logan gets fed up with not being listened to, and takes some poor advice from Rage, which ends with the entire Mindscape being turned upside down and inside out. Now its up to Deceit fix it all. (aka the author decided it was about high time Deceit got some love and appreciation and I’m out here living for it.) (DAMP)
Incredible Cosmic Power in which Virgil awakens some genies by accident and they refuse to let him go back to living a relatively normal peaceful life. (DLAMP)
Plea for my New Self in which Vampire Virgil decides he wants to start over again, and goes back to college to work on coding. There he proceeds to do reckless good with his absurd amount of wealth and a “fuck it” attitude. Actually one of my favorite things ever okay. I love this one so much. (DLAMP)
Your Wish Is My Command in which Thomas accidentally rubs six lamps and becomes the glorified babysitter to six jinn who definitely don’t trust him. But its fineeee. (DLAMP)
6 Dads in which Deceit, Emile, Remus, Roman, Thomas, and Remy make a relationship work and their children aren’t sure how but go along with it anyway.
Rebel Rebel in which Thomas, a well respected man, visits the Imagination, for some pleasure business as a one time thing. Except that he keeps coming back. Maybe maybe falls in love with one, two, thr– all of the men who work there. 
A New Kind of Experiment  in which Virgil runs away from home, and ends up kidnapped by merman, and somehow he doesn’t mind that much.
Becoming His Own Hero in which everyone has to juggle their superhero lives with their regular lives and sometimes…its just hard.
don’t wanna be a tragedy in which brothers Roman and Remus get a house and subsequently find out its totally, completely, 100% haunted.
Don’t You, Forget About Me in which the author recreates Breakfast club and does it spectacularly.
Heart’s Heroes in which Patton may be a villain but that does not mean he wants to see the child heroes of the city dead.
Mortals and Fae in which Deceit barely escapes the wrath of his town when they all turn against him. Dying, he stumbles into a fairy circle hoping that with his name the fae make his death short and sweet. Big Shock for him when he wakes up with a Fairy Prince swearing to protect him.
Sanders Family in which Thomas adopts six kids and has no regrets about it.
How Not to Go About an Important Inspection in which after a devastating betrayal the crew of the USS Bifrost is docked for repairs and the crew just wants to go back to being a normal family but Command is insisting on an inspection to ensure nothing so…drastic occurs again.
Symbiotic in which certain Vampires have a vemon that leaves with victims craving getting their blood drunken. Deceit, one of these Victims, continues to burn bridges because that’s easier than admitting he might need help dealing with this. 
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bigboxofbees · 5 years
Georgia, Alabama, Missouri and everyone else...
I would like to place a disclaimer here first, since I know some people don't wish to read about this and these are some more serious topics.
This text will include discussions/mentions of:
Rape and sexual assault
The holocaust
So if you do not wish to read about those topics, I suggest you skip this text.
Also to note, I'm using pretty heteronormative language here, since I deem it appropriate. However, this does not mean that I ignore the fact that trans men and non-binary individuals can get pregnant, I am well aware, but their perspective might look a bit different from what I'm describing here.
Why did I spend like two hours on this?
In the past week or so, all I've seen all over social media is about abortion. Which makes sense, given the horrendous laws that are being passed as we speak in the US. It's a good thing that people are talking about this, it's extremely important. But it's also very tiring, despite not being american this debate has certainly taken a toll on me. I've wanted to write about this in dept for the whole week, but I haven't been able to get myself to do it. But I'm doing this now. So buckle up, because this is going to be a long post about all the things I've thought about and discussed this past week. However, this is by no means a complete list. And for convenience, I'm going to use different headlines to sort things.
How do we define life and which lives should be protected?
Does life begin at conception? From a legal and scientific perspective, not really. While cells certainly are alive, that doesn't mean that every living cell is part of a living being. And it is living beings we wish to protect, right? Otherwise, we'd protect plants and bacteria as well, and I think we can all agree that plants aren't people. What about animals? They are most certainly living beings, yet we kill them for food (despite the fact that it's possible for almost everyone to live a life without eating meat). I'd argue that any living animal is more worth protecting than an embryo, because animals are sentient. And I am by no means a vegan, but I do find it rather telling when I've asked pro-birth people if they're vegans and all I've gotten was silence.
Speaking from a legal and scientific perspective, a heartbeat does not determine "life". In order to be consider a life, a living being, the organism has to meet a couple of criteria; a embryo or a fetus before around the 25th week does not meet those criteria. What we use to determine life is not a heartbeat, it's brain activity. Brain activity cannot be maintained without a heartbeat, however, a heartbeat can exist without brain activity. That's why relatives can choose to pull the plug when their loved one is brain dead; because they are considered dead, despite the fact that they have a heartbeat. That's why a heartbeat isn't the definition of life; brain activity is.
A fetus can't have more human rights than a person
"It's not your body, it's a separate life! It has the right to life!" Well... does it, really? Let's say it is a person (even though it is not), a fetus cannot be given more rights than a person. Yes, I did say "more rights". Say a fetus would have all the human rights a person has, that still doesn't permit the fetus to use the pregnant person's body against their will. Nobody has the right to use another persons body unless they consent to it, I don't and neither do you. Doesn't matter if it's the only way to survive, it is still not a right to survive using another person's body. So why should a fetus have that right? If a fetus is equal to a living human person, then it doesn't have that right. In fact, you can't do anything to another person's body unless they've given consent, not even after they're dead. Pregnant people should not have less bodily autonomy than a corpse.
The poor becomes poorer
Rich people won't be affected by abortion bans, period. Really, anyone with the means to travel out of state for a weekend can still obtain an abortion legally. So who will be forced to give birth to children? Teenagers with little to no support and the poor, those who's lives are affected the most by unwanted pregnancies. Teenagers who likely have to put their plans for the future on ice to work a low-paying job to support their child, thus landing themselves and the child in poverty. And the poor will be forced to have more children resulting in even more severe poverty. Abortion bans feeds the circle of poverty. I don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist here, but who profits from this? The rich. Who has the most influence over the creation of laws? The rich.
When things get ugly
I've seen several really vile comparisons. But the worst one has to be the one with the holocaust, which I see frequently, tightly followed by slavery. These people consider the termination of embryos and fetuses to be equal to the horrors and dehumanization of the holocaust and of slavery. They can't seem to comprehend that a blob of non-sentient cells is not the same as a living human being. They've argued that "well Hitler and slave owners didn't consider those humans to be people, and you are not considering human life (note: fetuses, but they don't see it that way) people, so how are you any better than Hitler?" In fact, I outright asked a woman if she truly believed a 5 year old child crying for their mother at Auschwitz was equal to an embryo. She said yes, and saw nothing wrong with that. That is probably the most insane thing I have heard this week. Yet it's not too far from what I've seen multiple times; that legal and safe abortion is the "holocaust but for poor innocent babies". And in all honesty, I don't have much to say about this, it's just horrible and I don't know how to respond.
The hypocrisy, it was never about "life"
If it truly was, then this wouldn't be their top priority. And if it was truly about eliminating the need for abortions, this wouldn't be their top priority. Their top priority then would be to reduce the need for abortions through education and accessible birth control for all, and the second step would be to create social programs and fund organizations that help with the financial burden of raising a child, yet the states that have passed these laws do next to nothing to prevent unwanted/unplanned pregnancies nor help those who want to have the child but cannot afford that.
Making abortion illegal would only stop safe abortions from happening, since it does nothing to reduce the need for them. Illegal and unsafe abortions will increase, and women will hurt themselves or kill themselves because they were denied an abortion. It would also mean that all miscarriages would be investigated as a possible crime, putting women in prison for natural miscarriages. Not to mention that I've heard pro-birthers advocate for the death penalty for having an abortion. I have personally encountered pro-birthers who want this to happen, who think women who seek abortions deserve to die from unsafe abortions. How very pro-"life" of them.
I also noticed a parallell with the death penalty, a large portion of pro-birth people support the death penalty and see nothing morally wrong with that. That is also very hypocritical, how can you in the same breath say "all life is precious" and "execute the criminal" without sounding like the biggest fool? By doing that, you are at that point picking and choosing who deserves life according to you, at that means it's no longer about how all life must be protected.
And finally, a fair amount of people who are pro-birth do still think it's okay to have an abortion if you were raped. Why? I thought you cared about all human life? How is this any different? Yet another example of hypocrisy. They know it's cruel to force someone to carry their rapist's child, and they know they can't advocate for that. So for some reason they make an exception, an exception that goes against what they claim is their core belief (keep this particular part in mind when you read the next two parts). It really doesn't make sense, so perhaps it's not truly about "life".
Power play
Being pregnant is much different from getting someone pregnant. One has to be pregnant for 9 months, give birth and alter their body permanently. The other part could simply walk away at any moment and never look back. That is not an option for the one who's pregnant, and they are often the one left to deal with the child once it's born, altering their life to fit the needs of the child. And even if there is a father in the picture, the mother is still more likely to carry most of the responsibility. And if we look to the past, and we only have to rewind a few decades, the woman in the relationship was expected to be a stay at home mom, with no option to have a career. And while she was at home, tending to the home, making sure her husband never had to lift a finger in the house, he was out working and making a name for himself. This power imbalance doesn't exist to the same extent when women have ownership over their own bodies. And I can't help but feeling that this is related to why some people want to criminalize abortion; because if women can exist on the same conditions as them, their spaces are threatened.
It takes two to tango
"Close your legs", "don't have sex unless you want a baby", "it takes two to tango". Sounds familiar? These are all phrases used by pro-birthers, and they are almost almost directed at the female. So why does the man get a pass? When they say "close your legs", they never follow it up with "keep it in your pants". When they say "don't have sex unless you want a baby", they never follow it up with "don't have sex unless you want to be a father". When they say "it takes two to tango", they never follow it up with "if he gets her pregnant, he has to take responsibility and support her".
Men wanting to have sex is seen as natural, normal and a need, but if women want to have sex they need to be punished, the punishment being "having to take responsibility", which really is just code for "pregnancy is a punishment for women wanting to have sex".
A slippery slope
If we consider abortion, the removal of pregnancy, morally wrong because it stops a child from developing, then where do we draw the line? Would embryos at a fertility clinic be entitled to personhood? Would all embryos have to be used to grow a person? Would using a condom be illegal because it interrupts the natural process? Same with other forms of birth control? And what about periods and male masturbation, is that "throwing way" potential life? I know some religious people think contraceptives and plan b should be illegal, and I could definitely see how these types of laws could lead to future restrictions on birth control.
Final thoughts
Pro-"life" has never been about protecting life. It has always been about birthing babies, controlling women in different ways and punishing women who dare to have sex just because she wants to. Pro-birth people also have plenty of flaws in their arguments and the hypocrisy is unbelieveable. Abortion is by no means a black and white issue, it never has been, but criminalizing abortion will do more harm than good and will not stop abortions from happening. And fact of the matter is, morality is subjective. While you may think it's wrong to terminate a pregnancy, I don't. However, I do think it's morally wrong to force your personal beliefs into other people's lives.
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moccahobi · 6 years
Role Model ≠ Model Dongsaeng [Jimin x Reader]
Warnings: None (Crack)
Word Count: 2,106 words
Summery: The slow descent into madness and love for you was accompanying Jimin as he meet an old time friend of Hoseok hyung.
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The first time Jimin met you, you were curled up with Jung Dawon noona on her couch as the two of you slowly vegged on popcorn, eyes hidden by the other’s body as some random person in your taiwanese horror marathon died a gory death. Apparently, Hoseok hyung wanted to surprise his sister for her birthday, although all that changed after the members heard two very scared screams from his phone (one of you had somehow managed to buttdial him). As soon as the blood curdling screams were heard the members rushed to her apartment (surprisingly small for someone who owned a clothing store), her birthday gifts completely forgotten in the elevator. For once Hoseok used his key to immediately open her apartment door as he came in screeching in an attempt to scare whoever might’ve attacked you two (well… really just her because no one in the group knew you were there). It wasn’t until you, with your large doe eyes and trembling body, turned to look at Hoseok that he suddenly shouted “My friend! My friend!”  repeatedly while jumping up and down, his normal, excited smile invading his face.
“H-H-hell-hello… Hoseok…” You squeaked out. He later found out as you ran around the apartment screaming about not needing to give crazy people respect that you had just returned from a four year long study abroad in Costa Rica. He also later found out that you either didn’t want to address a close friend with any semblance of respect or you completely forgot how to properly speak Korean.
The second time was two months later when you suddenly burst into the dorms with a beet red face and demanded for Dawon noona (who came over to hang with her brother), but before you could ussher her out of the dorms you burst down into tears crying about needing chocolate but not wanting to be in public because you looked ugly (something Jimin would have vehemently disagreed with if he wasn’t so shocked). The mood swing came suddenly before your eyes widened, you groaned, and curled up into a ball.
He was only able to catch a muffled, “I literally feel like someone is ripping my spine out from my ovaries. This isn’t normal.” Before noona’s face turned red from embarrassment as she struggled to drag you out of the living room with strangled grunts. No less than five minutes later (once you were cuddling a tub of chocolate ice cream and a bottle of sriracha and was watching some reruns of a show called “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) you apologised for that. Your excuse was simple: You weren’t used to that stuff being taboo to talk about in more open spaces.
The third time was only a day later. You went up to him when he was at the convenience store with a nervous smile on your face. “What are you famous for? Because I swear I think I’ve seen your face in at least two adds, but I have not been able to place it at all and I sure as hell am not going to ask Dawon or Hoseok. They’d just make fun of me.”
A small snort left his lips when you asked because the way your brows furrowed together as you cussed made you look so adorable and he couldn’t handle it, “I’m in a band with Hoseok hyung.” He said, and though he wanted to ask for your number, you merely perked up, eyes shining as you thanked him and scurried away to some other part of the store.
By the fourth time he met you (nearly a month later when the band visited Dawon’s apartment-- now your shared apartment) he had finally managed to get the courage to ask for your number, something a couple other members did directly after you gave Jimin yours. It was nice to see you again and he couldn’t stop smiling like a child in a candy shop when he did. Later you ended making a Costa Rican snack for everyone to eat (which was basically some fried banana and sauces), although you repeatedly told them that they were Platanas and the dish was called “Patacones”  with a very offended and very cute look of scorn taking over your face but all he could hear was smooth foreign words flowing from your mouth. Later that day you started to sing some song in the same language, your voice cracking as you stumbled over your feet in a poor attempt at a tango while everyone laughed, including you.
The fifth and sixth time he has seen you was in a pre-drama binge interview you were in. Hoseok had gathered everyone up (including Dawon noona) to watch this drama that was fully released on this random website. It first he didn’t recognize you as your introduction was a video of thirteen-year-old you dressed up as a princess for some popular tv show he probably watched past his bedtime. You were an adorable and annoying little sister and sidekick to the main character as he worked on creating a world of his imagination in the woods.
Your voice brought him back to the present as you answered the question the interviewer had given you (what brought you back?), “I love acting. Plain and simple, really. I know that many child stars were pressured into acting by their parents, and yes for a little before I left the scene, I was, but I really do love it. Plus, any of my friends from then and now can guarantee you that I have waaaaayyy too much pent up energy that comes out as me being dramatic. It’d be stupid for me not to share!” You looked at home on his tv (something you almost always looked like, but still). They ended up watching every single episode that was posted that night. You were the main character’s love interest and Jimin was manly enough to admit that only a slight twinge of jealousy sprung up that night as he saw you kiss that actor over and over again.
The seventh time was your birthday. Hoseok, him, and two other members were trying to surprise you for it (something that they’d yet to learn would never work because you were just so sporadic and impulsive that getting you away or to the surprise location could never happen), but once they opened up the door they heard Dawon noona shouting “Give me my damn phone back!” as you cackled and sprinted around the small space, your feet slaming as you passed them, a pillow being lightly thrown in Dawon’s direction as she struggled to keep up with you.
“You’re a…” she huffed for air, “A role model! Act better!”
“¿Soy un ejemplo? ¡Mi nalgas! You just want me to be a submissive little-” There was a loud bang before Dawon sighed and they heard her say, “That’s why you don’t run on hardwood floor with fuzzy socks, yeodongsaeng. Now, get up and shower. We’re going to go out and grab some dinner to celebrate your birthday.”
“It’s my birthday?” You were careful with your shoulder the rest of the night and wore some gorgeous long sleeve dress to hide the blister red bump forming there, but Jimin still saw you as a shining star.
The eighth time was when Dawon had kicked you out of your joint apartment (you said something about you nearling setting your computer on fire and breaking all the ceramic cups if he remembered correctly) so you went to Bangtan’s dorm to spend the night on the couch. He felt bad because they didn’t have any extra space and no one wanted to give up their beds for you (especially Yoongi; he wouldn’t give up his bed even if the survival of the world relied on it). Jimin felt so guilty that he tried to stay up all night with you. It was nice to get to talk to you alone for once and he knew that after that night his feelings towards you would only grow exponentially. That night you two talked about everything and nothing (one of them being how you met Hoseok in grade school as you were the same age and all. You had just transferred schools and wanted to make a friend ASAP, so planned to become friends with the most popular person there… instead you befriended him). The entire night was full of light laughter and large smiles… well…
Until three am when he fell asleep and you, in a very sleepy state, snuck off to sleep in his bed. That morning the members laughed at Jimin for “how could he lose his bed to a girl?!”, but you weren’t just any girl to him. After a hectic day of practice and interviews (you had left shortly after you woke up because you were busy and “ain’t no way in hell that I will be spending twelve hours sitting on the floor of a dance studio. Nu-uh!”), Jimin curled up into his bed, the slight smell of you tickling his senses as a school boy like giggle left his lips at the thought of you sleeping in this exact bed as him.
The ninth time was planned (by a certain someone who was tired of hearing him gush about you and your acting). You two were meant to be meeting the Jung siblings at some ice cream parlor before laser tag, only to be ditched with a simple text message (if that alone was not a simple sign that they had planned that, the two also sent a text to their roommate respectively, saying the exact same thing… at the exact same time). Rest assured you guys screamed into the night, running through a deserted park together as you played tag… ditching the siblings for the rest of the night (later Jimin put all the blame on you, which wasn’t wrong). That night gave him so much joy that made him feel rejuvenated and new in the silence of the night, never to be heard of again and never to be spoken about again either.
The tenth time felt like an eternity later (but was really only four months later) on Christmas day. Both he and you were busy beyond control and while you did text nearly every day, it wasn’t the same. You were a calm texter, rational almost-- something he knew you were not. At all (In fact, when he was whining to Hoseok about that, the man agreed saying something along the lines of “I almost forgot how crazy she is. We’d only text while she was away, and that was through instagram”... coincidentally, that was also the day he found your social medias as well). While Dawon might’ve normally joined the band or flew home to Gwangju to spend time with the parent Jungs, she invited the members over. They ordered takeout and part way through a Disney movie marathon, you walked out of your room (more like pranced out, but still), and sat yourself down right on Jimin’s lap with a bowl of more popcorn. He was very caught up in the moment, and could only hear the beating of his own heart in his ears along with the faint shout “What?! I have popcorn and he’s in the middle! It is the smartest arrangement! Plus have you seen these thighs?! I swear to you they look like pillows! I mean, they’re less comfortable than I thought, but still!” It made his morning.
After they finished the movie they gathered into a somewhat-circle around the pine tree the two of you had somehow managed to get into the small apartment to give out presents (it was mostly you who begged, but you also had the most gifts to give out). You had insisted that everyone give out their gifts before you even thought of touching the large pile of gifts you had in a corner, something they begrudgingly did (He was super nervous because while he had gotten you a small gift, the small friendship bracelet was something he spend hours mulling over before he eventually decided on it). By the time it was your turn, you were literally jumping in your spot. You had given each and every one out (everyone but Jimin getting an actual gift, he was left with a little letter. The letter was mushy and adorable as you wrote about what you liked best in him before ending with the small line “So you’re going on a date with me. No choice.” And that lead to your eleventh time meeting as well.
Thank you for reading! If you liked this, check out my other work here! 
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fionnmeetsharry · 6 years
The good kind of falling
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A/N:  soooo i know its been forever and im sorry and i love each and every single one of you guys. I had a couple of requests for some Fionn Fluff so here iit is, i will have a smutt piece up soon because i had some requests for that too. After the smutt piece i will have another part to A&A up!!
“What, no no Fionn I can’t”. 
“C’mon Y/N I know you don’t have anything to do and it’s kinda like a house warming for me, I’ve finally got my own home”. You could hear the boys desperation for your company over the phone, you could practically see him pacing in his kitchen playing with his earring and yearning for you to say a yes. “Fine, you win Whitehead what time should I be there?” “7 good?” You could hear the smile in his voice, and it’s not like you didn’t want to hang out with him but you’d never spent the night, this was just something different something you weren’t used too. “Yea I’ll see you at 7”. //
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This place was incredible, basically a little cottage hidden out in the country but it looked as if it was surrounded by a rainforest. 
You walked up the steps to the front porch, luggage in hand and a nervous heartbeat in your chest. After knocking three times you hear what seems to be a frantic Fionn behind the wooden door and a loud ‘Shit’ before it opened. “Y/N you’re here”. “Umm... yea it’s seven just like you said”. Fionn was frozen staring at you with his mouth hung open, he looked completely confused like he didn’t even know who you were. “Oh, yea I did say seven didn’t I, I just didn’t realize it was that late wanted to have dinner done before you got here”. “ You didn’t have to cook dinner and what happened to your hand”. Fionn was standing with a wet dish towel wrapped around his right as it dropped water onto his wood floors. “ Oh yea, I uh.. kinda burned my hand on the baking sheet, didn’t have my hand fully cover with the oven mitt”. “Well if you invite me in maybe I could help you with it...and dinner” Fionn got a frantic look on his face as he grabbed your bag and let you into his home, it was beautiful, peaceful. “Shit, I’m sorry, I’m a little flustered wanted everything to be perfect”.   “Fionn it’s just me and a few of your other friends, no one cares if it’s perfect or not, we just want to hang with you”. Fionn set down the wet towel and quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent to calm him down. “Thanks love”. “No problem, now let’s take a look at this burn yea”. After much researching and Fionn holding ice on his hand for about thirty minutes, you finally came to the conclusion that coconut oil was the best home remedy for burns. Fionn was reluctant at first about smothering his burned hand in coconut oil, but he eventually obliged and the two of you finished up dinner together. “I’m really glad you’re here Y/N”. Fionn said as he finished up a chipotle sauce that he made to go along with the tacos that he had cooked up for the night. “I’m really glad I am too”. You said taking a sip of water trying to make the feeling between the two of you seem less awkward. You’d spent plenty of time with Fionn alone, he was your best friend, but it was just something about watching him do domestic things in his new home that made you feel different. “Here, try this”. Fionn dipped his finger into the sauce, walking over to you and holding the single digit to your mouth. Reluctantly without breaking eye contact to make it seem less awkward you took his finger into your mouth, licking the slightly spicy sauce from his skin. “It’s good”.  You said barely above a whisper, you back leaning against the edge of the black marble counter. “Yea?”Fionn said swallowing to where you could see his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “So you like it?”You felt cornered as if Fionn was getting impossibly closer, not that you were complaining, that was the absolute last thing you were doing. “Yea, I do”. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door followed by joyful hollering, the others were here and Fionn seemed like he was lost in his own world. “Fionn, I think everyone else is here”. Fionn came out of his trance, quickly washing his hands. “Guess I better answer the door then huh?”   Fionn hurried to the door, opening it to reveal a very excited Barry, Tom, and Harry all with luggage in hand. “Fionn, mate this place is sick”. Said Barry as he hugged Fionn quickly before fully entering the beautiful home. “And you must be Y/N, lovely to meet you”. You have Barry a shy smile and small wave as he and the others made their way inside. You didn’t know if you were feeling excitement from finally getting to meet Fionns friends, or relief from the strange moment the two of you almost had a couple of minutes ago. “Y/N love how are you?” Harry walked in, excitement on his face and his arms open always ready for a hug. Harry was the only other friend of Fionns that you had met, you swore that that man kept a schedule to make sure he had time for his friends. Every first week of the month Harry and Niall usually are hanging out or going to each other’s shows, every second week of the month it’s the same thing with Liam, and every third it’s Fionn. “I’m good H, how are you?” “I definitely can’t complain”. After a few more of Fionns arrived including Tom-GC and Jack, you all finally ate while admiring how beautiful the kitchen was. This had to be one of the most beautiful homes you’d ever seen, the combination of the wood detail and the glass doors either with beautiful countertops really pulled the whole kitchen together. 
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After dinner, Fionn turned on his house speakers which ran through the entire home and the back patio, music filling the entire home. Everyone headed to the back patio while you helped Fionn carry some drinks out for everyone. After a few too many drinks all the boys were singing along to each song, each song getting more and more off key and louder as the danced around the gorgeous light of the pool. 
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You were starting to feel a little buzzed after your third drink, meanwhile the boys were pretty drunk. You and Fionn were dancing, more of him just holding onto your waist so he didn’t fall down as “Touch” by Little Mix started blaring through the speakers. Fionn seemed to know all the word as he sang to you terribly off key “Just a touch of your love is enough to take control of my whole body” Harry and Tom were what looked like attempting to tango while jack and Barry were pouring themselves one more drink. This was the most fun you’d had in a while, listening to Fionn sing Little Mix and watching Harry’s dad dance moves, but you still weren’t sure about where you and Fionns friendship was going, you had always been touchy but he seemed to be even more than usual tonight. At around 3:17 AM you started helping everyone to bed, making sure that they got up the stairs and finding their rooms in the large home ok. Fionn being the last boy you help to bed as you try to help carry his stumbling self to his room and gently set him on his bed. “Y/N?” “Yea Fionn?” You said as you took his shoes off for him. “Do you think of me?” “Umm.... yea of course you’re my best friend. Do you think of me?” You said as you pulled him a clean pair of grey sweatpants from his drawer, handing them to him to change into if he could after you left. “Yea ... a l-lot... lot”. You laughed at your best friends drunken speech and question, “Well good, I hope so because I plan on being your friend for a while”. You started to leave the room to give him some privacy to change and also you were exhausted and really just wanted a shower. “Y/N”. Fionn called out in a whiny tone. You turned around to see the drunk boy fiddling with his belt trying to undo it he tugging the wrong way, making it tighter. “I can’t get this .... ugggh!” “Fionn Fionn be quiet, the others are sleeping”. He looked up at you with desperate, bloodshot, tires eyes like a child that was frustrated and just wanted help. “I can’t get this fuckin thing off of me”. He said trying to pull it off the wrong way one more time. “Ok ok, I’ll help you with the belt”. Fionn watched in amazement at your fingers working to get the belt undone like they were the magic key to some lock. “There see, the belts off and now you can change”. “Nooooo”. Fionn still has that childlike look of being helpless and you were the only one who could help him. You let out an aggravated huff as you got down on your knees to undo the button on his jeans. Fionn was watching you while grinning from ear to ear, “What is it Fionn”. You said as you stopped working at the button that seemed to be stuck, you weren’t that drunk.... were you? “You’re takin my pants off”. “Yes Fionn, I’m helping you change remember”. “Aren’t you gonna take me on a date first”. You rolled your eyes and continued to work at the button. “I haven’t any pants underneath”. The drunk boy snickered while keeping his eyes locked on your hands. “Fionn Whitehead you better have something on under these jeans”. “Kidding!-” Fionn screamed with smiling “I have on some”. Finally after much work and your fingers being sore you got the button undone, pulling his pants down and helping him into the sweats, and after much whining from Fionn helping him remove his shirt which he got tagged around his neck. “Sleep with me please”. A droopy eyes already under the covers Fionn said as you were about to leave. “What?” “Not like....n-not like seeex silly, jus’ it’s jus’ I don’t wanna be alone....please?”   “Ok”. You climbed into the opposite side of the bed, Fionn immediately wrapping his arm around your waist and laying his head on your chest. “I do think of you Y/N. I think about how happy I am when I’m with you, how I’m never that happy with anyone else. I think about how much I love playing with your hair and I wonder if you’re ok all the time when I’m not with you. I think of how soft your skin is and how you must put lotion on everyday, but them I remember you don’t put lotion on all the day and that’s just how you are. And I think about your scent, how you have this incredibly scent that makes me feel all fuzzy inside and how it comforts me and how I wish I could just bottle that scent up and have it for whenever we’re not together. And how if I could bottle that scent I’d call it my girl, cause you’re my girl Y/N.... well I hope you are one day at least because I think I’m in love with everything about you”. You were playing with Fionns hair while he was giving you his little speech, but you weren’t sure how to respond. Surely it was just the alcohol talking and he didn’t really mean any of that, or that’s what you had to tell yourself I order to get some sleep. You woke up to the sounds of a guitar and what seemed to be Fionn singing, looking over at the clock it read 10:48 AM. How long had he been up ? “Morning”. You said as you walked out onto his balcony where he was sat with his guitar and two plates of fruit and toast. 
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“Morning, made breakfast. The rest of the lads aren’t up yet so I just brought it up here”. Fionn sat down his guitar and motioned for you to sit and eat. “What were you playing?”   Fionns cheeks instantly turned red as he avoided your eyes, “Just some fray”. “Well is love to hear more if you wouldn’t mind”. Fionn hesitated to pick his guitar back up, but that was the thing, if anyone else had asked him to continue he would have just changed the subject, but for you, for Y/N, he would do anything. “Oh, ooh, ohBe my babyOh, ooh, ohOh, ooh, ohOh, ooh, ohBe my babyI'll look after you There now, steady love, so few come and don't goWill you, won't you be the one I'll always know?When I'm losing my control, the city spins aroundYou're the only one who knows, you slow it down”. “I....I meant it ya know.... when I said that I think... that I’m falling in love with you”. Your face fell to shock. How did he remember that? Did he remember the whole monologue that he gave you? “W-what?” Fionn let out a small laugh as he set his guitar down, “I wasn’t that drunk Y/N, all the things I said last night, that’s how I really feel about you”.   “I’m not sure what to say. I mean I’ve been feeling a little differently about our relationship lately. I mean I hate it when you’re off filming and I don’t get to see you for months and I love how when we’re just hanging out and watching a movie if my feet are cold you let me warm them up on you. I love how when I have a bad day at work or a headache you’ll play with my hair and just talk to me until I fall asleep because I love your voice and I think.... I think I may be falling in love with you too”. Fionn leaned forward quickly, placing a soft and sweet kiss to your lips. “Your lips are even softer than your skin”. You laughed before capture his lips with yours, giving him a slightly deep kiss than before. “I’ve really been wanting that for a while”. Fionn pushes a stray piece of hair from your face, “Well how about we practice it just a little bit more after all of these hungover guys are out of my house?” “I’m holding you to that Whitehead”. After the boys left, the rest of your day pretty much consisted of making out and cuddling wth Fionn in his hammock. You  couldnt remember a time where you felt more happy and safe, you were lucky to have Fionn.
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klaineanummel · 6 years
will drive you mad
anon prompted:  Hi! I absolutely love the 'Story of my life' verse. I do have a prompt. I am a sucker for jealousy. So I would love to read some of that. Maybe Kurt being jealous of attention Blaine gets from another guy or something? I would absolutely love that. But no matter what you write, I look forward to it!
I'm so sorry, in my last fic I said I would be posting something tomorrow, and that was like, over two weeks ago. I got hit with writer's block like nobody's business, and I just couldn't get past it. I finally managed to get something out, though it wasn't the next part I was planning on, but oh well!
This is a missing scene set between the penultimate and final chapter of “Story of My Life”. I’m hoping to post a masterpost for this verse that will include the story in chronological order.
If anybody has any prompts for this verse, be it missing scenes or future scenes, let me know! I’ve got a couple in the works, but as I already said, I’ve had some writers block issues lately, so hopefully some prompts will get me out of it!! Thank you so much to everybody for all your support on this verse <3 I hope you enjoy this latest installment!! Title is from El Tango de Roxanne from Moulin Rouge!
Read on AO3   |   Story of My Life
February 28th, 2024
Kurt needs to start listening to the little voice in his head that tells him things are bad ideas. The older he gets, the louder it is, and he’s pretty sure he just needs to give in and always listen because this?
This fucking sucks.
He sucks on his straw, trying to get any alcohol that may be left at the bottom of his glass into his mouth. His eyes are narrowed, and his lips pursed as he watches Blaine dancing with an absolute giant of a man. Blaine is laughing, and he has his arms raised high up, allowing the man to run his hands up and down Blaine’s sides.
Kurt slams his drink on the bar, then waves the bartender over, quickly asking for another. He turns back to watch Blaine as he waits, glare returning instantly.
He can’t believe this. He can’t believe he agreed to subject himself to this.
Yeah, he’s not entirely sure if these feelings for Blaine are purely physical, a psychological manifestation of him officially giving up, or legitimate, but regardless it still sucks to watch Blaine getting danced up on by some guy who is clearly only looking for one thing.
His new drink is placed before him, and Kurt picks it up, instantly starting to slurp it down. It burns a little, but he ignores it, keeping his eyes glued on the pair on the dance floor.
It’s not like Blaine doesn’t have the right to go out and have random sex with a tall stranger. Really, he has every right in the world to it. Apparently, he’s been keeping himself celibate in his desire to get over Kurt, so it doesn’t surprise Kurt that he’d want to break his streak. Hell, he probably already has, since he’s been so, so over Kurt for three months now.
Still, does he have to do it right in front of Kurt? Is this supposed to further prove just how over him Blaine is?
He gets it; he doesn’t need to be hit over the head with it.
The man whispers something in Blaine’s ear as Kurt sucks down his drink, and Blaine laughs again, shuffling closer to the man. Kurt just glares harder.
He knew the minute Blaine asked him if he wanted to come out dancing that he’d regret it. Blaine claimed they needed a “single guys” night out, to take a break from all the wedding craziness. Of course, as much as he knew he’d probably have to sit through something exactly like this, Kurt couldn’t say no, because it’s Blaine, and even before this stupid attraction and these stupid feelings hit him, he’d never been able to say no to him.
Well, except for the billion and two times that he’d rejected him. But he spent enough time torturing himself about that, he didn’t need to go down that rabbit hole tonight.
He taps his fingers against his once-again-empty glass, lips pressed tightly together as the man starts to press kisses up Blaine’s neck. Blaine’s eyes flutter shut, and it makes Kurt’s stomach flip in an entirely unpleasant way.
For some reason, the sight of Blaine like this causes him to flash back to that New Year’s Eve all those years ago, when Blaine angrily screamed at him that he’d been kissed by boys and fucked by boys. Kurt watches Blaine and this man, unable to look away, wondering exactly how many boys he’d been fucked by. The number must be much higher now. Blaine’s grown up into the most beautiful man on the face of the earth, and Kurt knows that he isn’t the only person aware of that.
He sucks on his straw, not really getting anything. He wonders how many boys – how many men – Blaine has fucked.
He’s sure this giant will be added to the list by the end of the night. Kurt’s upper lip curls up in disgust at the thought of it.
He has no right to be upset about it, since he has no intention of taking Blaine home tonight, no matter how much the alcohol in his brain is begging him to. He knows it wouldn’t be right, or fair to do that.
Still, just because he’s not going to, that doesn’t mean someone else should, right?
He drops his glass on the counter, shaking his head at himself. He’s being stupid, and utterly ridiculous.
Struggling a little, he manages to stand up off the barstool and throw several bills next to his glass, hoping it’s enough to cover the drinks he’s consumed. He then makes his way as efficiently as he can to where Blaine is still getting his neck sucked on by that freaking tree.
“Hey,” Kurt says, probably too loud, even in the middle of the dance floor. “Hey, Blaine.”
Blaine’s eyes open, and he shifts his neck away from the man, though he doesn’t stop dancing with him. “Hey, Kurt!” he greets, instantly grinning.
Kurt gives him a tight smile in return and says, “I think I’m going to head out.”
Blaine raises an eyebrow and smirks teasingly. “Found somebody already?”
Kurt shakes his head. “No, I’m just. I’m tired. I’m going to go.”
Blaine watches him for several moments, the movements of his body stopping. He then nods decisively and steps out of the mans hold. “Okay. Let’s go then.”
Kurt’s eyes widen, and he says, “No, you don’t have to come,” at the same time as the man says, “Hey, what, don’t leave!”
“Yeah, I should come,” Blaine says. He turns to the man and says, “Sorry. Thanks for the dance, though!”
The man looks incredibly disappointed, but nods and then shuffles off, keeping his eyes on Blaine as he goes, clearly upset at not getting to take things further.
Blaine doesn’t seem to notice. He claps Kurt on the shoulder and says, “Come on, it’s getting too hot in here anyway.”
He starts to head toward the club’s exit, briefly stopping at the coat check to get their things. Kurt follows him silently, thoughts going a million miles an hour.
It’s only when they’re fully outside the club, wrapped in their winter gear, that he manages to find his voice.
“Why didn’t you stay? You clearly had something good going with that guy.”
Blaine shrugs, tucking his scarf into his jacket. “Didn’t feel like it. Tonight was supposed to be about you and I hanging out, anyway, and I barely got to do that. I’d rather go back to your place and play Uno or something.”
“Than get laid?” Kurt asks, unbelieving, a stupid bit of hope fluttering in his chest.
Blaine chuckles. “Believe it or not, not everything is about sex, Kurt.” He puts his hands in his pocket and starts to walk in the direction of Kurt’s apartment. “Haven’t you ever just wanted to hang out with a friend?”
Despite everything, Kurt can’t help but smile.
He feels a little stupid for how… well, stupid he’s been acting all night. This isn’t some guy he just met and is desperately crushing on. This isn’t an ex-boyfriend, or someone he’s keeping things casual with.
This is Blaine.
“Yeah,” Kurt says, unable to stop himself from linking his arm through Blaine’s. “Especially when that friend is you.”
Blaine grins up at him. “Aw, you flatterer.” He cuddles in closer to him, shivering a little from the cold. “You’re gonna make me think you like me or something.” His eyes sparkle with the tease of it, and Kurt’s heart warms.
You have no idea how much he thinks, smiling down at Blaine, and tugging him even closer.
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avicebro · 6 years
Hello Pollux! Can you explain your OTP tags?
This is something people want? Lol okay:
This includes League of Legends and Fate.
otp: be my queen | richard/ayaka
reference to the fact that richard is continuously trying to get ayaka to be his master. since they are master/servant and i like them romantically it turns from “be my master” to “be my queen”. a good otp 10/10 narita when will you ever.
otp: avenger and ruler | edmond dantes/amakusa shirou 
i hope this is obvious. it’s an avenger and a ruler. demonstrates the fact that they’re polar opposites but still good as a ship.
otp: dragon slayers | siegfried/saint george
reference to how they work really well together in defeating wyverns in fate/grand order. may include kojiro if i find some siegfried/kojiro art i like.
otp: thief and executioner | robin hood/charles henri sanson
i like these two, especially in the salem chapter. the ship name is reference to their roles: one is a thief, one is an executioner. i was also thinking of giving them a title like “the new fruk” cause that’s basically what they are lol.
otp: im a self insert | guda/fgo character
any art of a guda and a fate grand order character. mainly avicebron and dantes because that’s who i ship myself with. more characters may join eventually but im very gay.
otp: casters of opposing factions | avicebron/william shakespeare
in apocrypha they’re the casters for the opposing factions. in fate grand order they seem to keep this dislike for each other.
otp: a new isolde | tristan/melt
ok i haven’t seen the full ccc event yet but basically tristan compares melt to isolde so yeah she’s a new isolde for him. i don’t like how fate writes her name (isseult?) so we’re going with this spelling.
otp: i’ll make you tsar | kadoc/anastasia
this is kadoc’s plan in lostbelt, to make her tsar of the lostbelt. that doesn’t really happen though but they’re in love okay?????
otp: hate at first sight | kirei/kiritsugu
i was tempted to call them “beautiful ties” as a pun on their names but decided against it. hate at first sight because that’s what happened. get along you two.
otp: president and princess | rin/issei
their roles at school. proud captain of the rissei ship. i will love this ship by myself if i have to.
otp: like cats and dogs | gilgamesh/cu chulainn
this is because of ip. go through her gilcu tag. i swear you’ll come out a different person. gilcu is a good ship. they’re a cat and a dog.
otp: i hate everything you stand for | hansa/jester
hansa and jester both hate each other because of who they are. jester despises those from the church, hansa hates dead apostles. they’re fun.
otp: l’auteur malfaisant | edmond dantes/dumas
this is just what dantes calls him, “the wicked author” but in french. love these two so fucking much. if you want me to be happy just mention eddumas.
otp: beast like me | caren/angra mainyu
in hollow ataraxia, it’s stated that they are both beasts: caren for being born “out of wedlock” and angra mainyu because he’s all the evils of the world. they are both beasts by birth, and must deal with the sins from being called a beast. also a big otp.
otp: sad a lot | tristan/lancelot
i was originally calling this ship “tristalot” which sounds like “triste a lot” which is french for “sad a lot”.
otp: up until this moment my wish was being granted | medea/souichirou
OTP TO RULE ALL OTPS. god i love these two. it’s a reference to what medea says in UBW when she dies. man i love these two so much.
otp: the jewel resting near my heart | rin/shirou
reference to the pendent rin gives shirou. may include rin/archer i’m not sure yet.
otp: let’s destroy the world! | kirei/gilgamesh
wow this is late on the list lol. the ship name is what they wanna do. kirei route when nasu.
otp: on the defense | hector/alter cu chulainn
both of them are known for being defensive characters, both in playstyle and in personality. they’re old, tired men let them nap.
otp: i may not always be by your side | issei/shirou
this is a line issei tells shirou in prillya. love these guys a lot. especially with rin.
otp: sword and sheath | saber/shirou
that’s what they are. saber is the sword and shirou is the sheath. no sexual jokes please. like them romantically and as friends.
otp: my wish is for her to live | medusa/sakura
purple girlfriends. love them. love heaven’s feel. reference to a line medusa tells shirou.
otp: my superman | sakura/shirou
OTP TO RULE ALL OTPS. the best ship in stay night with kuzucaster. i love heaven’s feel so much. they were what got me into drawing. i love them so much. reference to the superman scene in HF.
otp: two too pretty boys | diarmuid/gilgamesh
this is 100% because they are attractive guys. that is it. the ship name shows this.
otp: you cursed me | emiya alter/kiara
don’t @ me i like these two. emiya alter an alter because of kiara, hence the ship name.
otp: you were literally made for me | gilgamesh/enkidu
I DON’T HATE THIS SHIP WHY WOULD I TAG AND REBLOG IT SO MUCH IF I HATED THIS SHIP? I simply stated that I am tired of seeing it so much in the f/sf tags. I do like these two shhh. name is a reference to the fact that kidu was made for gil.
otp: lance to the heart and you’re to blame | kirei/cu chulainn
hello i love kotoyari. reference to the UBW ending. feb 14 isn’t valentines day it’s kotoyari day.
otp: your dream is mine | kiritsugu/irisviel
i can’t talk about this ship without crying just know i love them. iri wishes for his dream to come true.
otp: i wanted a saber anyways | rin/saber
just gals being pals you know . and originally rin wanted a saber.
otp: the woman was a saint | kirei/claudia
im not crying you’re crying. a line in the VN.
otp: you remind me of someone | paracelsus/phantom
no this isn’t just because they’re pretty boys lol. like the idea of them being good friends who help each other when the other goes berserk. 
otp: dancing with the devil | mephistopheles/paracelsus
there’s a lot of cool/interesting ship art between these two that’s really cool and i love. love the idea of them adopting jack. 
otp: fist of the north star to the heart | saint martha/sasaki kojiro
just wait until the summer event. love how koji has joined the dragon slayer’s group. hope he enjoys his new friends. you have to fight her at one point for koji’s development. it’s a joke about how her np is a fist of the north star joke.
otp: calm desert nights | nitocris/scheherazade 
reference to lalalack’s ‘desert beauty’ piece. they spend those nights in the desert exchanging stories, calming each other down. 
otp: how about we put it to the test? | li shuwen/beowulf
what beowulf says to li shuwen before they start their fight. they like to beat each other up and it’s great. 
otp: beat up a pretty face | beowulf/fionn mac cumhaill
who has the pretty face is up to you. reference to how fionn looks ephemeral in the beofionn art.
otp: a king and his knight | diarmuid/fionn
it’s their roles. yeah i know fionn “killed” him it’s fun. 
my chivalrous knight | diarmuid/saber
who is the knight and who is chivalrous? up to you!
otp: blue knights | cu chulainn/saber
only two people ship this there’s only two posts i wanna die
a queen and her knight | saber/irisviel
based on when saber acts as her knight (aka all of fate/zero) in f/z. doesn’t have otp cause i’m lazy. 
ot3: church trio | gilgamesh/kirei/cu chulainn
they live in the church lol.
ot3: we could have had it alllllll | sieg/jeanne d’arc/astolfo
based on the fact that apocrypha could have easily juggled the three of these into an ot3 but nope.
ot3: my two friends | gilgamesh/enkidu/kirei
there is only 1 piece of fanart in this tag but it’s a very good piece of fanart
ot3: this could have worked really well tbqh | kirei/gilgamesh/tokiomi
team archer could have been good if kirei didn’t get his dick sucked by gilgamesh.
ot3: princess president and prince | rin/issei/shirou
their roles - i think shirou should be a prince. i just really love rissei and shissei so why not combine them into an ot3 y/y?
group tag: aesthetic of death | gilles de rais, uryuu ryuunosuke, jeanne alter, prelati
i love these guys a lot okay? a lot of gilles/ryu because canon otp. was supposed to be art of death because of ryuunosuke's CE but it was mistranslated and i'm too lazy to change it!
group tag: equipe francaise | d’eon, marie, mozart, sanson 
they are cute but this tag is pushed by my thirst for mozart. the tag means “french team” which is basically what they are right?
brotp: my retainer | waver velvet/alexander the great
im sorry i can’t ship this romantically but they are cute together!
brotp: troy's defense | penthesilea, hektor
these two are good bros who break pots together and will rip achilles' open
League of Legends:
otp: spin to win | katarina/garen
this is about gameplay. garen is known for his e, which is a spin. the joke “spin to win” comes from that ability. since katarina also has a spin, spin to win works for these two.
otp: drasona | draven/sona
it’s just their ship name lol.
otp: takes two to tango | evelynn/twisted fate
reference to the twisted fate and evelynn shared tango skins. such a good ship. i love them and twisted fate/graves. league of legends please do something with these two i stg.
otp: partners in crime | twisted fate/graves
man this is the best lol ship man i wish lol would do anything with this ship that would be great i love my gay men. and they’re working together again! nice!
otp: the sun shines for you | leona/pantheon
i don’t know what lol is doing with these two if if they’re actually gonna be together and i love diana/leona too but i’ve always had a soft spot for these two. also? a great bot lane if you can stomp early. 
otp: it’s called art | jinx/jhin
to be honest i just think these two would be hilarious. let them just do whatever they want in piltover. 
otp: collecting souls | thresh/kalista
aesthetic and also a great botlane. i just love kalista tbh. ghost wife. 
otp: trying to keep the balance | shen/zed
wow the first otp for league of legends. good shit guys hope you guys get more content soon. 
If a ship you know I like is not on this list it’s probably just tagged as the ship name! I’m probably going to go through and create tags for each ship like these as I think of them. If you have suggestions for ship names let me know! 
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huhnerhexen · 6 years
1-56! every question
1. Is there a boy/girl in your life?- yes!! My boyfriend, Jack! He has a tag on my blog that’s #bean2. Think of the last person who hurt you, do you forgive them?- I think the last person who hurt me was my best friend growing up, and I forgive her. We were both in a really toxic place and it damaged our relationship beyond repair, but she’s doing a lot better now and so am I 3. What do you think of when you hear the word “meow”- my cat, Kramer, he always sits and eats breakfast with me in the morning4. What’s something you really want right now?- a better back and top surgery5. Are you afraid of falling in love?- no!6. Do you like the beach?- I prefer swimming pools, but the beach isn’t bad7. Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?- if futons are included, yes!8. What’s the background on your cell?- a picture of my boyfriend in a pastel pink hoodie, sipping tea, with a cat on his lap, in his kickboxing hand wraps9. Name the last four beds you were sat on- my bed, Jack’s bed, my mom’s bed, Jack and I’s bed at the house we dog sit at.10. Honestly, are things going the way you planned?- not at all, I dropped out of university halfway through my first year, and I have no idea what I want to do career-wise. I’m dating my highschool best friend, which I wouldn’t have seen coming in highschool, but I’m so happy it happened! Also turns out I’m trans? didn’t see that one coming either…11. Who was the last person who’s number you added in your phone?- Jules, one of the people I work with12. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?- emotional, hands down. I’d go into anaphylactic shock again a hundred times over before I went through the pain of losing my grandpa again.13. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?- an art museum!!14. Are you tired?- I’m running on 4 hours of sleep today, I am very tired15. How long have you known your first phone contact?- since birth! My first phone contact is my dad16. Would you ever consider getting back together with one of your exes?- only one of them; long distance killed the relationship. But I’m so very in love with Jack that he’d have to die, and then I’d need 7-8 years of bereavement before I’d consider dating again.17. If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?- I know I have the right person, but weddings are crazy expensive.18. How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?- a solid zero19. Is there a certain quote you live by?- “it takes two to tango”20. What’s on your mind?- my mom is screaming and I should have stayed in my room instead of coming down to eat…21. Do you have any tattoos?- three22. Next time will you kiss someone on the lips?- I’m not sure what this question is asking me…23. Who are you texting?- no one currently, but it’s usually Jack24. Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and then it did?- I mean on Monday something was telling me not to bind, so I didn’t and that made it easier to be examined when I went into anaphylactic shock and had to go to the hospital.25. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?- I did but we all came out as trans so I mean26. Do you think anyone has feelings for you?- I mean I hope Jack does27. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?- I don’t think so28. Were you single on Valentines day?- no, Jack and I started dating on February 12th29. Has anyone upset you in the last week?- no30. Have you ever cried over a text?- Ye31. Where’s your last bruise located?- on my left arm, from the IV drip32. Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?- November 28th33. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?- my grandma34. Do you wear hats if you have a bad hair day?- always35. Would you ever go bald if it was the style?- I’ve already been bald, I’m just now in the process of growing my hair back36. Do you make supper for your family?- no, we don’t eat together anymore37. Does your bedroom have a door?- yes38. Does anything on your body hurt?- my back, always, and I have the good old Period Cramps™39. Are goodbyes hard for you?- not overly, but saying goodbye to my grandpa killed my soul40. How is your hair?- pretty dead, ngl I bleached it twice on Wednesday41. Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?- no42. Is there one person in your life who can always make you smile?- a lot of my coworkers 43. What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?- I’m going to regret this in the morning44. Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?- everyday, man, everyday45. How old will you be in 5 months?- still 1946. Where is your mum right now?- one is at her house across town, the other one is here, sulking47. Have you held hands with someone in the past 3 days?- yes.48. How many people have you liked in the past three months?- I like most people49. Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last three days?- my son and Jack50. Will you talk to the person you like tonight?- probably,I have a lot to say about everything51. If your partner was into drugs would you care?- I mean he can do whatever he wants, but it depends heavily on the type of drug and how much/ how often he’s using52. Who was your last received call from?- my sister53. Have you ever trusted someone too much?- maybe, but it’s never come back to bite me54. Do you get along with girls?- I love girls!55. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?- I don’t think so, I’m not entirely out yet, but I’m getting there and on my terms56. Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?- my grandma, Jack, Shayna, I’ve got a few, yea
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robbieinterviews · 5 years
For Margot Robbie, the Hustle Never Stops, 2016
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. — Margot Robbie came racing into the tucked-away bungalow she was renting here. She had returned from recording the voice of a talking dingo for a DreamWorks animated movie, and on an April afternoon was doing her best to clean up strewn clothes from overstuffed suitcases — evidence that an intended one-week visit to Los Angeles had stretched into a month.
“I’m sorry it’s so manic,” said this 25-year-old actress, who was born in Gold Coast, Australia, and lives in London, yet had not seen either city in a very long time.
“I’m always like, ‘No, it will calm down next week,’” she said in a more relaxed moment, stretched across a patio couch next to a faded pillow that said “God Save the Queen.”
“And then the following week ends up being crazier.”
Ms. Robbie was on the latest leg of the globe-trotting journey that has consumed her since 2013. It began at roughly the moment that a worldwide audience discovered her in Martin Scorsese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street,” playing the no-nonsense lover-turned-wife of an unscrupulous broker played by Leonardo DiCaprio.
After three years of relentless film work, she is poised for two of her most prominent roles this summer, in franchise movies whose success could transform her from a wannabe to a deserves-to-be star.
First, she’ll be seen as a self-reliant and decidedly un-dainty Jane in “The Legend of Tarzan,” a new adventure of that jungle hero opening July 1. Then, on Aug. 5, she stars in “Suicide Squad,” based on the DC Comics series, as Harley Quinn, a cracked-up criminal psychologist who wields a baseball bat and a Brooklyn accent with equal ferocity.
These prospects would sound like an actor’s dreams come true, yet they have prompted Ms. Robbie to wonder if they are indeed the fulfillment of her aspirations.
While taking care not to sound ungrateful, she is openly wrestling with what it means to be so visible and whether this was quite what she envisioned doing at this stage of her career.
“It’s always a hustle,” she said. “I thought it would be a mountain, where you get to the top, and then it’s like: ‘Wheeee! It’s so easy after this.’”
Instead, Ms. Robbie said: “Any time I get near the top, I’m like, ‘There’s another mountain!’ The hustle continues.”
The third of four siblings raised by a single mother, Ms. Robbie has been in almost perpetual motion since the end of 2010, when her contract ended on “Neighbours,” an Australian soap opera on which she played a free-spirited bisexual woman in search of her biological father.
Within days, she was on a plane to Los Angeles seeking representation and auditions for American TV pilots. She was quickly cast in the ABC period drama “Pan Am.”
“It’s so much more fun for people to describe it as winning the lottery and the overnight sensation,” she said. “But it was all very strategic: These are the steps that need to be accomplished.”
The cancellation of “Pan Am” after just 14 episodes was actually a lucky break, allowing her to take roles in Richard Curtis’s romantic comedy “About Time” and then “The Wolf of Wall Street.”
Her formidable performance (and Noo Yawk dialect) in “The Wolf of Wall Street” became her calling card. But it also required her to appear in several nude scenes, including one in which she entices Mr. DiCaprio’s character wearing only a pair of stockings and high heels.
Ms. Robbie said she struggled with that provocative sequence. Recalling her thoughts at the time, she said: “The sacrifice I have to make is that I have to do this nudity thing that I don’t really want to do. But I get to work with Scorsese, which I really want to do. O.K., what outweighs what?”
Though the director told her she could play the scene in a robe or underwear, Ms. Robbie said that once she got invested in the character: “I was like, she wouldn’t do that, no way. She would be fully naked.”
Since then, Ms. Robbie has starred in “Suite Française” (adapted from Irène Némirovsky’s fiction) and the comic con-artist thriller “Focus” (with Will Smith).
But it is “The Wolf of Wall Street” that filmmakers keep coming back to and casting her from.
David Yates, the director of “The Legend of Tarzan,” said that seeing Ms. Robbie in that film made her look “glamorous and exciting” but also caused him to wonder, is she “going to be a flavor-of-the-month thing”?
The director (whose credits include four “Harry Potter” films as well as the coming “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”), said that for his “Tarzan,” he consciously avoided creating a Jane “that felt too vulnerable, that needed rescuing.”
Meeting Ms. Robbie, Mr. Yates said, revealed a woman who was right for the part but different from what he expected.
“She’s very pragmatic,” he said. “She’s quite insightful. Despite the fact that she looks wonderful and she’s quite ambitious in a good way, she has her feet on the ground.”
For Ms. Robbie, “Tarzan” called for a lot of time in front of green screens in London, pretending to run from animal stampedes or endure a monsoon.
(In the midst of filming, she celebrated her 24th birthday with a 24-hour-long party. “So many people were like, ‘Margot, I’m tired,’” she said. “I’m like, ‘We’re not done yet!’”)
She faced a different kind of endurance contest preparing for “Suicide Squad,” whose cast also includes Mr. Smith and Jared Leto, and in which Ms. Robbie is one miscreant on a team of mismatched villains-turned-heroes.
From his first Skype conversation with Ms. Robbie, the film’s writer-director, David Ayer (“End of Watch,” “Fury”), said, “she was a very analytical and serious person.” He added, “But once she feels comfortable, she really opens up.”
That was the actor Mr. Ayer said he wanted for the unhinged Harley Quinn, who could bring to life the character’s “gear shifts, the wild forays and suddenly can be real and heartbreaking.”
As Harley Quinn, Ms. Robbie once again had to put much of her body on display: The character almost always wears tiny shorts and is seen, in one trailer, changing into a tight T-shirt. Ms. Robbie said she could justify the wardrobe: Her character is “wearing hot pants because they’re sparkly and fun,” she said, not because “she wanted guys to look at her ass.”
But, she added: “As Margot, no, I don’t like wearing that. I’m eating burgers at lunchtime, and then you go do a scene where you’re hosed down and soaking wet in a white T-shirt, it’s so clingy and you’re self-conscious about it.”
Mr. Ayer said that “I didn’t think denim overalls would be appropriate for that character” and that Ms. Robbie understood “that’s part of the iconography.”
Ms. Robbie said that when she is playing characters who are confident about their appearance — say, a self-assured war correspondent in the Tina Fey comedy “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” or a satirical version of herself, explaining subprime mortgages from a bubble bath in “The Big Short” — she is not necessarily feeling that way.
“You need to act like you think you’re really gorgeous,” she said, “and you need to be completely convinced with that, because everyone else will believe it, too.”
Ms. Robbie said she can do that “when I’m really sure it’s not me.”
Should there be a “Suicide Squad” sequel, she said, half-jokingly and half not, “I’m not wearing hot pants next time.”
Her “Suicide Squad” co-stars described Ms. Robbie as a performer whose tenacity gets overlooked in a superficial glance.
“You might be fooled into thinking she’s such an easygoing person, but she’s very, very serious about what she does,” said Jai Courtney, a fellow Australian who plays Captain Boomerang.
“Her pursuit for it has been carried out doggedly,” he said. “She deserves it. She’s worked for it. But she’s also not resting on any laurels or gifts or physical attributes.”
Already, Ms. Robbie has helped create a new production company, LuckyChap Entertainment, to develop projects she could potentially star in, like a planned film about Tonya Harding, the disgraced Olympic figure skater.
Getting into producing, she acknowledged, was also a way to leverage her fame willingly before others can exploit it.
“It took a little while to get my head around the fact that, oh, you’re a commodity now, and there’s a value placed on your head,” she said. “Someone’s always going to be using your name, milking that and taking advantage of it. So you might as well let your friends do it.”
Asked if she felt she had achieved what she hoped for when she first came to Hollywood, Ms. Robbie thought for a moment before answering no. She couldn’t quite say what she wanted then but described a flight of fancy that had lately crossed her mind.
“Often I’m like, ‘I should’ve been a stuntwoman,’” she said. “I love doing stunts and being on set, but then you wouldn’t have to be famous.”
But then, she said, “You can’t really turn back the clock.”
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imeet-com · 6 years
Why Doesn’t He Like You Back? 11 Reasons You’re Not a Match
Asking yourself why doesn’t he like you back? If it’s been a while since you last dated, you might not realize the 11 reasons why you simply aren’t a good match. Read on to find out what is preventing him from liking you and why you need to move on.
Does He Like Me?
When you start seeing someone new, waiting to find out if he likes you back can be so difficult. The same is true for just having a crush or meeting a man once and wanting more. it takes two to tango, so you NEED to know if he’s interested.
And when it becomes obvious that he’s not interested, the painful questions begin. First you want to know why doesn’t he like you back? You’re attractive, smart, fairly fit, easy to talk to, so what gives? What could he possibly want that you don’t have?
You might never discover exactly why you weren’t the one for him, but I can give you 11 reasons why he might have chosen to keep looking. Some are about him and some are about you and how you interact with him right from the start.
1.You’re Not His Type
People look for different qualities in a date. That’s why it stands to reason you won’t be the woman for every man – in the same way all men aren’t right for you. You get that right? Sometimes you’re just not a good fit and there’s nothing you can do about it.
2. You Make It Too Easy
I’m sure you’ve heard about playing hard to get. There’s definitely truth to this strategy with men. I’m not saying you need to be impossible to get together with – that can turn a man off fast. But a little resistance makes you a challenge and interesting.
And that’s why when you make things too easy for him it’s a turn off. Maybe this will help you understand this. Most women complain about men who are too nice. You’ve probably met a man like this yourself. And his over-eagerness to please turns you off. He’s too easy so there’s no mystery if he likes you, no excitement and no sexual chemistry.
So, when you change plans at the very beginning of dating to make yourself available or let him know any day of the week is free for him, what’s the fun of that? It appears you have nothing else going on in your life and you end up looking DESPERATE.
Don’t serve yourself up to him on a silver platter making it too easy. Offer one or two nights you are free and let him make other suggestions if those don’t work with his calendar.
3. He Has Unreasonable Standards
Anyone can be guilty of this. When your standards are too high, you could easily end up single. That goes for men as well who might not be realistic with the qualities they seek. For all you know, the man you met, dated or want to meet is ridiculous with his demands for the right woman.
So, if he passes you by thinking the perfect woman will be next, it’s his loss. If you’re wondering why doesn’t he like you back, this is a man not to bother with.
4. You Got Friend Zoned
It happens for a variety of reasons – sometimes you end up in the friend zone. Perhaps you sound too much like one of the guys. Perhaps you seem competitive with him. Or maybe you remind him of someone else.
How you end up there doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you’re not going to get out of the friend zone and will need to move on. When asking why doesn’t he like you back, appealing to him only at the friend level is a problem.
5. He’s Not Sexually Attracted
Either a man finds you sexually attractive or he doesn’t. There are only two choices which means if it turns out he doesn’t find you attractive, there’s not one darn ting you can do about. As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger says, “The penis does the picking.’
With women, we’re different. With time, attraction can grow as a man does something sweet or endearing or he just treats you so well you can’t help but feel his magnetic charm affecting you. I’ve seen this happen over and over again.
One of my clients wanted nothing to do with bald men. Then we talked about it, she went out with a bald guy and fell in love! He had so many of the qualities she wanted she found a way to see past his lack of hair to see the amazing gentleman he really was. But, sorry, this doesn’t work with men.
6. He’s Not Ready
Sometimes a man is just not ready for anything serious. He can sense you are, or he listens when you tell him, so he figures you won’t be open to something casual. Honestly, this is for the better. The last thing you want to do is date a man, fall in love hoping he’ll change and want a serious relationship. Why – because that doesn’t happen.
If a man comes right out and tells you, “I’m not looking for anything serious” or “I need my space but am willing to get to know you,” these are strong signals he doesn’t want a relationship. As a woman who values herself, it’s up to you to believe his honesty, know you can change him and move on. Women who don’t do this are left confused about why doesn’t he like you back.
7. You’re Not Compatible
You might meet a man you’re into, but he sees something in you right away that tips him off how you’re not compatible. A quality man is not going to hang around and waste your time or his. He’ll just move and  not call again.
This can be true even if it seems you both hit it off. Or he might text you for a while because you’re fun and have a quick wit. But, he’ll honor his assessment of you and not ask you out again.
8. He’s Into Another Woman
When you are using online dating sites and the apps, you are both meeting and dating several candidates at the same time This is to be expected and appropriate. The relationship begins once he asks if you want to be exclusive or you bring it up and he agrees.
That’s why it’s possible he’s already met a woman he likes, but is still checking out other options.  Women do the same thing right? This is normal for the early stages of dating and certainly explains the question, “Why doesn’t he like you back?”
9. You’re Trying Too Hard
Maybe you’re tired of being alone and dating and you just want to find the right guy already! Sometimes, being over anxious does come across as trying too hard. It’s very bit as unappealing as making things too easy for him.
Trying too hard can include too much eye contact on a date, too much head-bobbing agreement, or laughing too hard at his jokes. Other possibilities are texting too much, asking him to call you, or coming up with numerous suggestions on what you can do together. This is also similar to coming on too strong.
The best strategy is to simply relax and see what happens. Don’t push it. Hang back to see what he does to win you over and spend time with you. That’s how you know he’s interested – not from his texts or what he says.
10. You’re Divergent on Religion and Politics
Right now in the USA, our politics are highly polarized. This is why I strong urge you not to discuss politics at all. You can post your preferences in your profile – that’s the perfect way to let someone know which side you are on.
However, even if you are on the same side, talking about politics is NOT romantic. The same thing is true about religion. If you’re wondering why doesn’t he like you back after discussing either topic, now you know why you didn’t get a second date – or maybe a first!
11. You’re Too Sexy
There are men today who are still conservative and want a “good woman”. So, if you happen to be a sexy babe and dress less conservatively, you might turn off a small segment of single males. This is especially true for religious men or men who were brought up with strong religious ties, even if they no longer participate.
You could tone down your style. Or you could admit that you can’t appeal to everyone and be who you are! If you chase away a religious man because of your cleavage or tight pants, then he wasn’t the right man for you any way.
Signs He Doesn’t Like You Back
And there you have it – 11 startling, yet common answers to the question, “Why doesn’t he like you back?” The best thing you can do when looking for the right man for lasting love is not get hung up on some guy you’ve just talked or texted with, or only had a handful of dates. Learn how to let it go and stop driving yourself crazy.
The truth is even if you asked him directly, he wouldn’t tell you the truth. And he might not even be able to articulate why you weren’t the one for him. There’s no way to change this fact so drop it. Then move on and meet some new men so you CAN find the right one. He’s out there if you keep your eyes, mind and heart open.
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