#was that interesting? Not at all
lenteur · 6 months
random thoughts about tell me that you love me, episode three
(the rest is under the cut because i'm worried about your eyes having to read ALL OF THAT and this post might contain spoilers)
So cha jin woo wasn't born deaf. His hearing disability was due to a sudden high fever when he was younger. I'm glad the drama told us about that and didn't let us guess for longer.
Seeing mo eun being curious about jin woo is beautiful to see. She's interested in "listening to" his story, a thing that not a lot of people leeting jin woo must do. I'm not entirely sure what motivated her in the beginning but I'm impressed to see her learn so many things for him. Witnessing little snippets of jin woo's life, she realizes how different both their lives are, and how the world is not really deaf people friendly.
I'm liking Yoon Johan in this episode. He's quirky and funny.
I don't know if I've said this enough times but I am enjoying the fact mo eun is trying to involve cha jin woo in as many hobbies as she can. Even when he says no, she tries to do something that he likes instead. It's very heartwarming to see that.
Seeing jin woo refuse to go with mo eun because he doesn't want her to "be with someone she has to be considerate towards" (quoted from the drama) makes me think of the conversation he had earlier (in the episode) with his friend. His friend thinks jin woo is not warmhearted, so then we see jin woo say that the people around him will feel cold. Maybe that's why he doesn't want people to get closer to him? In a sense I think jin woo is protecting himself because he doesn't want to have very deep feelings for someone (whether friendship or love). The closer he gets to someone, the more he risks of developing strong feelings and in return he's scared of becoming a burden. Ever since he was seven, jin woo has had to develop strategies to live his life despite his disability. We've seen so many examples: using his phone to communicate with others, keeping a distance from others on the street so he doesn't bump into them, etc. His eyes have become his ears (his alarm being a shining light, listening to people by reading their lips). I imagine this must have been very hard for him so, to add someone to his daily life seems like another mountain to move. He knows how hard it is to live with a disability (because he's lived with one for majority of his life) so he can imagine how much more difficult it could be to live (as in both in the same house and like being friends/sharing moments) with a disabled person. The most obvious obstacles being communication and the fear of becoming a burden. At first, it could be all good but then, as time passes, the able person could become increasingly annoyed at all the times they have to help the disabled person for any type of task (in the worst case scenario). Let's not forget the disabled people who want to live life with as little help as possible. Living is already hard enough on its own, let's not add being a burden to that. I do hope jin woo will ease off on the pressure and try to open his heart to love.
I'd just like to clarify the last sentence. I do know and agree with the fact that people can be happy without having a romantic partner. It's just that jin woo seems closed off to love because he doesn't want to be a bother. That's what makes me sad about that. I'm not against the idea of him finding love, but if he doesn't want to that's fine too.
Another fave character ji yu. Both her and johan are the funniest characters of the drama.
I knew the jaden thing was a hoax. But I still found ji yu's reaction hilarious lmao
Hearing mo eun reassure her mom that "she's been doing well lately" when in reality it's the opposite tore my heart. She was so excited to finally have a role with a line to recite... and then on shooting day, she learns someone else has the same role so she's not sure if she'll appear on screen. Standing there all day just to say her line, get splashed with alc*h*l and being slapped so many times she started to bruise. Hearing mo eun being on the verge of tears while on the phone with her mom makes me want to give her a big hug.
Mo eun crying behind jin woo's back... she doesn't want to appear weak in front of anyone.
This was one emotional episode.
I'm giving this one a 8.5/10
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