#watari dating hc
asuyaka · 7 months
Hear me out on this,
HCS for Misa and L from Death Note(separately) with a detective s/o who's like Ranpo from Bougon Stray Dogs✋
★ - eeeee!!! Deathnote req!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)!!
☆ - Misa Amane & L Lawliet x Super Detective! Reader!
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She loves you so much, but goodness (!!!) your smarts are going to be the death of her (literally and figuratively) 
It’s a miracle how you haven’t found out she’s the Second Kira (you have, but you’re conflicted if you should rat out your girlfriend for the sake of justice) but she’s glad!
She is so confused about your addiction to snacks because ???? why do you need that much?
She’s an idol, so she has money to back you up — not all the time, but most of the time she lets you run free. She always reminds you that too many snacks aren’t healthy, but you need snacks to function, so it goes from one ear and out the other.
She tries her best not to let you and Light meet, as much as Kira needs you dead for interefering with his plans, she can’t bring herself to give you —her boyfriend who she loves so much despite your weird snack obsession— to the man who savd her life, no matter how grateful she is for that.
"Misa....!" You groan, lying down on a couch as you watch someone put makeup on her for her next photoshoot. 
You've run out of cases that interest you, you're hungry, and you need something to do other than look at your perfect, amazing, charming, beautiful, pretty, stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous, captivating, alluring, attractive girlfriend.
You watch her in the mirror as the person places lipstick on her. Her light-brown eyes catch yours as she sends you a playful wink.
...Yeah, you lied, you could definitely keep staring at her more. 
Your thoughts wander to the Kira case. You've solved it already, despite the dead ends and plot twists Ligh— Kira kept throwing at you, but you can't find it in yourself to turn it in to the police.
You're smart (obviously). If you turn in Light, Misa will become a prime suspect for the Second Kira, they'll arrest her under suspicion, and she'll eventually break or Light will manipulate her situation in a way so that they'll free him and keep Misa. 
You still don't know how they kill, it's one of the few plot holes that bug you at night, but you're on the track to figure that out— you hope so at least.
Misa's face is above yours, a small smile on her face as she kisses your cheek. "I'll be done soon, then we can go out, okay?" 
Her smile is so warm. Even after dating for so long, it still brings butterflies in your stomach. "Yeah," you breathe out, hands squeezing Misa's slightly. "Have fun, okay? I love you."
Misa giggles—you love her laugh, it's airy and tugs a smile on your face every single damn time you hear it— squeezing your arm as she makes her way out of the room. "I love you too!"
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Snack runs, snack runs, and did I already say snack runs?
The two top detectives are also lovers?? It sounds like the plot of a cheesy rom-com, but it is, in fact, the life of you and your beloved, sleep-deprived boyfriend!
You two work best when you're together. You don't even have to be touching (a lie) being in the same room working on cases is enough for the both of you.
Watari provides food (desserts and snacks, upon snacks, upon snacks) when you two are working on especially time-consuming cases.
Whenever you don't feel like working or the case you are working on doesn't interest you anymore, you cling to L's back, hide your face in the crook of his neck, and either sleep or give small feedback on the cases he works on.
The amount of money you two spend on food is not healthy, you're both very aware of that, but if you think you never gain weight so... who cares?
L has a hard time expressing his feelings, you're very aware of that, so you two have little signals whenever he wants something!
Pulling on your thumb whenever he wants a hug (he quickly discovered he adores physical touch), having Watari hand you cookies 'n creme pocky whenever he needed some form of intimate physical touch (kisses, hand holding [only when you two are alone], or particularly... engaging kisses.)
You were half-asleep, a chocolate wafer in your mouth as you lay on the floor, papers scattered around your body like faux snow.
You were bored, unbelievably so. Most of L's time was spent on the Kira case, in which he wouldn't let you participate for the sake of 'your safety' or something you didn't care enough to remember.
You think that was the first serious fight you and your boyfriend had in the three years you've been together. You didn't understand why he wouldn't let you do this, you two were great and reliable detectives. 
His argument of "keeping you safe" didn't make any sense either, because if he dies because of this god-awful and annoying case, you'll end up joining the investigation anyway— by force if you have to.
The sound of a door creaking open slightly catches your attention. The pattern of bare feet coming closer to your figure as a hand gently pulls your thumb.
"I'm mad at you, you know?" You huff, eating the wafer and turning your body away from the black-haired man.
A small noise of frustration comes from behind you as L pulls on your thumb harder. "Hug." 
"Go hug that Yagami boy since you like spending time with him so much." You're being petty, you know, but you can't help it.
You know L loves you, and you love him too but fuck if the Kira case situation didn't get under your skin, you'd be a liar. 
A very bad one too.
The tugs get harder and there's less pause between each one. L is very persistent, you don't know why you thought he'd leave you alone after denying him the first time.
"[Name]. Hug."
A beat of silence passed as your free hand pushed past the papers of evidence for a case you were working on, trying to find a snack.
You felt a tug in your heart when L's grip slightly faltered. With a sigh, you hastily rolled over. Encasing him in your arms and rolling back the other way, the two of you finally look at one another eye to eye.
"Happy now?" You ask in feigning annoyance as you watch your boyfriend's lips slowly curl into a smile, a small dust of red tinting his pale skin.
Sighing dramatically, you let him stay in the crook of your neck, legs intertwined as the sleep slowly falls over your body.
You can be mad at him another time.
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mguvmii · 1 year
HIIIII can i pretty please have L with a s/o that is totally the opposite of him? Like more childish dense clumsy and all that stuff
Please delete/ignore if you won’t do it thank you! <3
-> 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: 𝗁𝗂 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀! 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝖺 𝗆𝗂𝗑 𝗈𝖿 𝗁𝖼 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀. 𝖤𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒!
-> 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒: 𝖼𝗅𝗎𝗆𝗌𝗒 & 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝗂𝗌𝗁 𝗀𝗇 𝗌/𝗈, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗍, 𝗇𝗈 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝗌𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽.
🪷 𝐋 𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐓 • ୨ ࣪ ✶
- I would just like to start off by saying no one would know about L's and yours relationship. It's for safety reasons and L doesn't want people to gawk at him.
- Now , IF the task force somehow DID find out about your secret relationship , their first question is: how the hell did you manage to attract L?
- It's not in a bad way! It's just...well... you're the exact opposite of him , in every way. Whereas L is calm and mature , you're more scattered and child-like.
- your behavior is not like Misa's. It doesn't annoy people , but you find humor in every situation , you makes jokes and laugh at the dumbest things because it brings you joy. Not only that , but you're so oblivious and dense sometimes it makes L sigh.
- yes this includes being clumsy. You have two left feet and can practically trip on air most of the time. It's gotten to the point where L doesn't try to catch you everytime now. Instead he reminds you to be careful. He’s had to have Watari and himself patch you up a lot. 
- despite being total opposites, L is fond of you. 
(side note: Most people hc him as aromantic and not capable of love, but I don’t think so. I believe that while he’s not an ideal lover, he’s not incapable of loving someone else. He’s not the type to take you on dates or romance you. He won’t kiss you a lot. Rather, his way of showing love is act of service and quality time. His work comes first too, but he has room to make for you - he had to learn to balance work and you. He won’t tell you he loves you, but you just know from the way he does things for you.) 
- Generally, a person like you won’t be L’s exact type I don’t think, but somehow you’ve managed to win him over. He finds your child-like wonder and humor refreshing. In a workplace where everyone is mature and responsible, it can get pretty dull which is why he loves you so much. 
- You’re not afraid to make a joke, or chuckle whenever someone says something and you take it out of context. It makes L smile from time to time. Now, you weren’t childish all the time, not at all. When time called for it, you were just as mature and responsible as everyone else in the room, a trait L also loves you for. You balance it out well. 
- If and when he’s in a good mood, he will indulge you in your childish behavior- making a few jokes with you , or making a funny thing out of food to show you just so he’d hear you laugh. In a way, L is also childish so it’s not hard to adapt to your behavior. You kind of feed into his childish side and vice versa. 
- You pull pranks on Matsuda with L’s help. The both of you find it funny and it breaks the tension. 
_ When it comes to other things though, you are so dense it hurts. There was one time where no one knew you and L were in a relationship, so Matsuda tried to hit on you and asked you out. It didn’t go well at all. 
“So a/n! (alias name) I was...just wondering since I’m free and have nothing to do, you’d like to do something with me?” 
“hm? do what? Why don’t you do something with someone else?” 
“...A/n I-I’m trying to say I like you.” 
“Thank you Matsuda. I like you too!” 
“Yes I like everyone on the task force.” 
“...” (cue L smirking behind some papers) 
- So yes, you are dense, and oblivious.  
- Though you can protect yourself, L feels the need to protect you himself, especially with Kira and Light being with him. 
- It’s subtle too so the other doesn’t catch on- being the barrier between you and Light when you three walk together, brushing his hand against your waist to hold you steady etc...
- so yes despite being opposites , L loves you and all of your childish tendencies. 
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valfeathers · 1 year
OMG YOUR ART IS SO GOOD! Gonna go on a reblog spree tomorrow or something <3<3<3
Anywho, care to share some (more) of your opinions on Wammy's House? Saw a few text posts and they caught my interest 👀
Like, how do you think L feels about his successors or something. Or just rant about why you hate Watari and Roger (omg or more BB talk LOVE that). I dunno I can just ell your opinions/takes are *chef's kiss*
i'm so sorry this took so long but!! i had no idea where to start lmao
i spend so much time just thinking about L in any capacity,, i mean it, he occupies a scary amount of my waking thoughts (blame the autism)
so for starters, as much as i shit on wammy's and its terrible negligence, i find myself putting L & the successors into little found family scenarios & i often draw them all together
(eg. here's some older sketches of L & the kids)
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now i know that canonically they probably (definitely) weren't like this but,, i want them all to be loved
i can understand why/how other people would have a different interpretation of their dynamic, but portraying L as a mentor/brother/father figure is very near & dear to my heart :'))
(this is also partly projection as i'm an eldest son who loves their sibling & wants the best for them, who also deeply relates to L so do with that what you will haha)
most of my wammy family art is for comfort! and maybe it can comfort other people too :')))
maybe one day i'll come back & explain the extent of my hcs about this dynamic but i'm not confident in my ability to like. word my thoughts coherently yet so !! for now u get art & some surface level stuff :)
but anyways, sometimes i question what being at the centre of a program like that must feel like. i try not to overanalyse L's backstory and dictate what he must have thought because i know that he's a complicated character and a lot of his morality/actions are up for debate but like,,,
having your guardians look for a replacement for you while you're still alive? that's like saying 'we're just waiting for you to die/mess up/become useless to us and then when that happens, we can instantly replace you with a new & improved version'
even if they were trying to do a classic 'heir' system where a person inherits L's position and this wasn't meant to send that kind of message,, the environment that was produced is still incredibly toxic. that still isn't good. they used children. malleable, vulnerable orphans. that's no coincidence.
and idk that's a little messed up to me.
i don't really know how else to word my thoughts on this situation rn? i just acknowledge that that's no way to treat a person and move on bc,, what else can i say? :'/ it's a terrible situation for everybody involved and watari (& roger) are fucked up for creating a cycle of abuse and putting L right in the centre of it.
and a prime example of how damaging this system was is B. he wasn't born hateful and vindictive and violent, something made him that way. we are all products of our environments, and his was inhumane by definition.
this post is getting long as fuck, jesus,,, okok i'll wrap this up by saying that i'll expand on B at a later date
and reminding u that this is my interpretation and you're free to disagree! we all read into characters & their relationships differently
but yeah a lot of my thoughts about them tend to be really sad so i pad it out with sweeter stuff like above!
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yeonban · 14 days
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@effigist asked: hi chris <3 when you have a second can u mayhaps spare some tobias bday hcs / rambling? liiike. what are his thoughts on this day? does he tell people? does it bring up any certain feelings? etc!!! 🎤
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About the birthday itself:
As you'd expect, his parents never celebrated birthdays nor holidays, much less Tobias', so for the greater part of his early childhood he didn't know what a birthday is, why anyone would want to celebrate it, nor when his own birthday was. The first time Tobias learned about the concept and saw what the celebrations entailed was at Wammy's House, during one of the other orphans' birthday. Safe to say, he was extremely confused about why someone's day of birth mattered and why it'd matter so much that they'd receive a variety of things (gifts, cake, birthday wishes) for free because of it. It took him several months to grow used to the idea of telling others happy birthday (he was not a fan of it, and didn't gaf about whether they had a good one or not!) and even longer (YEARS) to wrap his head around why he should care about it at all. Thankfully though, as with many other so-called dubious social customs he's come across that his parents never taught him about, he's made sure to adapt to it, both when offering and when receiving birthday gifts/wishes.
Since Tobias didn't know when his birthday was and refused to tell anyone what his real name is or anything else about his identity outside of the fact that he's "legally dead" (which would've helped Watari find out more about him before deleting his identity from the government's archives), Wammy's House chose his first day at the orphanage as his birthday. Every orphan from his generation as well as every staff member knows/knew his birthday as that date.
The celebrations themselves weren't anything spectacular at Wammy's - a cake and a few gifts from the staff, but for the longest time Tobias wasn't comfortable with even that. Since he couldn't wrap his head around why someone being born was such an important event, he always felt on edge when his "birthday" came around (even though after the first few years he started masking it) because of what these free things would mean for him in the future; what he may have to give back in return since in his eyes nothing was ever free. He only became comfortable with his birthday celebrations when he was 14, on the year he found out why Watari saved him (+ the rest of the orphans). It now made sense - what Wammy's House wanted from him in return for all of their good will was for him to give his life for their cause. Knowing that, he started loosening up and eventually opted to continue the birthday 'custom' even after leaving the orphanage.
Watari did eventually find Tobias' previous identity after a long period of searching, and after deleting every trace of Thomas having ever existed, he secretly told Tobias (and only him) his actual date of birth. Tobias chose not to change the date of celebrations during his time at Wammy's though, and so for the majority of the other orphans, his real birthday is still unknown.
It's only after Watari died and Tobias left the orphanage that he decided to "tell" people his real birthday. The effect was exactly the one he wanted: doubt. Tobias has never been someone willing to give out relevant information about himself, so everyone who knew him figured he was trying to use a different birthday for each of the different identities he possesses. Likewise, people from the underground tried to find his roots by verifying documents from all over the world for people with his characteristics (at first to see if there were any family members they could take hostage/advantage of, and later to see if they could find his real name and give it to Kira so he could dispose of Tobias for them) but no results ever matched since nothing of his previous life exists anymore. This has led the underground to assume that it's a fake birthday as well, and Tobias enjoys the existence of this rumour: he even hoped to create it. He finds it hilarious that for once he's actually telling the truth and no one believes it because it's coming from his mouth, and he was also heavily amused when various mafias sacrificed their time and money in vain because of him. Plus, he thinks this is exactly as things should go: he will tell those he wholeheartedly trusts that it is his real birthday and celebrate it as such with them alone, while the oblivious others will never bat an eye when he receives a happy birthday on the day of because they think he's upholding a facade and that the people wishing him a happy birthday are none the wiser about the facade in question.
How he celebrates it:
When it comes to how Tobias celebrates his birthday, it's usually done via a morning til late afternoon party or other large-scale celebration that anyone and their family tree can attend, not unlike how nobles used to celebrate theirs in the old days (except far less oppressive, there's no need for stuck-up habits at his parties, and typically they aren't balls either; they're moreso bars-styled). Everyone present at these yearly parties is either an important ally of his or trying to get into Tobias' good graces, which is why he tends to receive heaps upon heaps of birthday gifts. It's also the most opportune moment for those who wish to ask for his help because by offering him a birthday gift, they can later declare that it's only fair he does something for them in return. Still, there are many influential people he invites to these parties even though he's not on good terms with them whatsoever, specifically because he enjoys observing their faces when they have to bring themselves to wish him well and offer him gifts when he knows just how badly they want him to die on the spot underneath the smiles.
After the party (so, during the evening and at night), he has time reserved for himself which resembles a regular birthday more than anything else that happens during the day. He does whatever he pleases (generally whatever he feels like doing at the time, typically not something he's planned ahead of time) and he tries to spend it with the people he actually likes and wants to be around. Whereas party Tobias has a hundred masks on and uses the celebrations to either strike deals or satisfy his sadistic tendencies, follow-up Tobias has very few masks in place and it's at times like these that his age actually shows. He might be hanging out with friends at a bar or in a shady alleyway, invite them to his home/go to theirs to eat a pizza and watch or play something together, or he might be running from the authorities because he chose to act like a rebellious youth on that night instead of using his reputation to get himself out of trouble as per usual. The people he tends to spend his after-party birthday with are Elijah (when he's not away on a mission) or various people he's taken a genuine liking to. These few people are the only ones who really get to see a piece or two of the carefree Tobias instead of the usual scheming Tobias.
How he feels about it:
As for how Tobias feels about his birthday... it's a bit complicated. He has no bad memories associated with it, but he also fails to comprehend why anyone would be genuinely happy he's alive simply because, which is why he tends to view it as a business opportunity to mingle with others moreso than a get-together with people he likes and who like him back. He understands why Wammy's celebrated it - he's a tool to them, so the longer he lives the better. He understands why the people he's helped or is allied with celebrate it - he's a savior or important partner to them, so the longer he lives the better. But what he doesn't understand is the people who care to celebrate it just because, without asking for anything in return (kind of like Elijah, who did benefit from Tobias' presence in his life but who also suffered plenty from it, and who despite that is still authentically happy to tell him happy birthday and pray for Tobias to live to celebrate his next birthday yearly).
Here intervenes a difference in how he reacts to the gifts he receives too. For those who ask something of him (or those he perceives as having an ulterior motive), he expects the fanciest gifts they can possibly afford, and depending on who it is he may even decide on a poor reaction to the gift (for example; intentionally but "playfully" degrading the 'low quality' of the gifts he's received from leaders who want him dead even though the gifts in question were something expensive/rare/etc in order to pour salt in their wounds and tarnish their reputation in front of prominent names). Meanwhile, if he likes the person he's spending time with, he'll even accept a rock as a gift. A random dirty rock they've picked up from the side of the street on the way to tell him a happy birthday. Hell, if he really likes them he might go out of his way to ask them to spend some time with him, entirely on his money. No gift necessary. If anything, let him gift them something in exchange for their time. Doesn't matter that it's HIS birthday and that HE should be the one on the receiving end.
Since he doesn't understand why people would celebrate his birthday beyond ulterior motives, he is surprised whenever they do. His first thought to a "happy birthday" is wondering what they're going to ask for next, and if they don't ask for anything he basically walks around with a question mark over his head. Especially if the person is someone he knows doesn't take advantage of others. In cases like these, which are EXTREMELY rare since his entourage mainly consists of people he has transactional relations with, it'd be relatively easy to tell he doesn't have a clue how to respond. He knows he needs to say thank you, and typically jokingly tells them he'll repay them for it because he knows that's what they're in for, but if that's obviously not the case he'll say thank you and then stare at either them or the gift in confusion because he was never taught how to properly react to that. Who even still has a heart in the underground. At least with Elijah he's grown used to it since he believes Elijah is a weirdo anyway, but with people besides him... good luck to both parties involved!
Also a bonus for how he reacts to others' birthdays since it kind of relates to the aforementioned points:
Similarly to everything written above, Tobias perceives most people's birthdays as a day to take advantage of in some shape or form, so he showers them in the best gifts they've ever seen in order to cultivate a better transactional relationship with them. At least, this is the case for 99.9% of his acquaintances.
If he actually likes the person though, the gift will (ironically enough) be less fancy. He'll allow them to use his credit card for anything they want during the entire 24h of their birthday, but the gifts he'll personally hand over to them won't be as dazzling as those he'd gift to someone he wants to remain on the good side of. That's because if he likes them, he wants to have a personal relationship with them rather than a practical/business one, and that can't happen if the foundation is shallow. That's why to the people he likes, he'll gift bouquets of flowers that remind him of them, gifts that are expensive/top tier quality but not necessarily fancy (i.e: if you told him once in passing 6 months earlier that you wanted x item but didn't have the money for it, even simply as an off-handed rant than as a hint for him to get it for you, then better believe he got it for you along with 10 other spares just in case) and also gifts that are more on the goofy side, the sort friends tend to buy each other to make fun of one another or to have inside jokes about. Obviously, the latter will never be the only gift they'll receive on their birthday, but rather it'd be a supplementary one for shits and giggles. Additionally, if he likes someone, they'll be able to tell because he'll actively try to make their birthday a good one. Whereas he'd only give the gift to those he wants as work partners and then call it a day, he'd stick around for the entire birthday when it comes to those he likes, and he'd make sure they get everything they desire on that day; whether it's material gifts or something else (i.e: a trip to y country, a day without worries from anyone, a meeting with a person they haven't seen in years etc - nothing is off-limits on their birthday and Tobias will make certain it all happens according to plan).
Frankly however... Tobias has never felt grateful someone in his life exists/is alive simply because. Not at this point in time at least. He has people he'd mind dying because they're relevant to his schemes, but none he'd mind dying only because it'd make his heart ache. For the grand majority of humankind, he wouldn't bat an eye if they died on that same day, so his birthday wishes to them are customary at best, which is why he believes it's always the same when it's the other way around too. Elijah comes closest to a person he'd mind dying for reasons other than personal plans, but even with Elijah... work is part of the reason why he'd mind it. He would miss Elijah's constant presence in his life, obviously, but he would also be bothered by the loss of a fantastic work partner. I could see the possibility of Tobias eventually growing fond enough of someone he doesn't perceive as a tool at all to finally understand why regular people wish their dear ones a happy birthday, but until then... 😬! For example Mello had SOME potential but well. they barely found the time to interact again after they left Wammy's House and before Mello was murdered, and besides... with Mello wanting to be the best detective in the would I'm sure Tobias would've eventually grown to think of him partly as someone he could get constant intel from, which again! work related. I also don't know if Tobias would ever want to grow fond of someone from Wammy's because he knows clear as day how unlikely it is for any of them to live past their 20s, so the unspoken requirements here are already bad enough, never mind the ACTUAL process! Good luck as always @ Tobias on the never-ending journey of understanding what normal people found out by age six.
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eeclare · 1 year
Haikyuu Fic Master List pt. 2
Part 1 is just FULL of IwaOi so if that’s what you’re looking for click here
Part 3 is KuroKen and AsaNoya. If you’re interested, click here
We started off strong with part 1, and while there may not be as many for future pairings that I will rec for, trust that there will be a lot.
Hanamaki Takahiro x Matsukawa Issei
Kiss Cam (Pull Me In)
Word count: 4,327
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed
Summary: they sit together in the stands and watch the argentina vs japan match and curse everyone who didnt introduce them earlier because holy fuck
It’s so funny to me that Iwa and Oikawa wouldn’t let Maki and Matsun meet. Great start to this portion of the list.
Would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek <3
Word count: 3,943
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: au where matsukawa issei joins seijou a couple years late and falls in love at first sight. it's much the same on the other end. it takes hanamaki a while to admit it though
This one is love at first sight, fluff, and just cute. It is a common rec if you’re looking for MatsuHana but yeah. Def recommend.
Boyfriend jacket <3
Word count: 3,835
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Matsukawa Issei, self-proclaimed fashion critic, hates the Aoba Johsai school uniform with a burning passion.
The beginning of the punk Matsun hc
face the sun
Word count: 3,317
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki cashes in his ice cream date with Matsukawa and it's better than he expected.
Short and sweet, not much more to say about this
Something of a disaster
Word count: 1,405
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “This is the part where you make a wish and blow.” “Now, let’s not get too hasty—“ “I meant the candles you bastard.”
Cute lil bday fic. I like it and I think you will too :)
Try Before You Buy
Word count: 11,373
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Matsukawa took a deep breath to steady his nerves as he approached, the casual calm façade falling quickly into place as he crossed over the border of Hanamaki’s personal space, planting a ‘friendly’ kiss on his cheek. “Hi there, sweetheart.” He greeted teasingly, a smile appearing on his face as Hanamaki made a soft and rather fake squealing noise and held both hands to his faintly blushing cheeks.“Mattsun, stop, people will see us…!” Hanamaki looked away into the crowd and swatted Matsukawa’s chest with the folded magazine, the open page full of stylishly decorated cakes and sweets.
This one is sooooo good. It’s another one that’s recommended often enough, but this one contains a few and far between bottom Matsun which makes ur better.
who tops? <3
Word count: 1,904
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: neither of them want to admit that they are more submissive than the other so they make out to force each other to admit that they're the more dominant one
Mature cuz it gets just a lil steamy but this is a really good one and one that I reread often.
Wingman Watari <3
Word count: 22,481
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: It begins as an accident. Watari never planned on setting up all the members of his volleyball team, but, for some reason, it turns out he's the perfect matchmaker.
This is not just Maki and Matsun, there are a couple different pairings listed in the tags, but Maki and Matsun are the main pairing (technically speaking). This fic is so funny and cute and I love the Watari rep :D
Word count: 2,308
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Nobody likes to talk about how Hanamaki and Matsukawa met, which is a shame, because they both think it's the funniest fucking thing to ever happen to either of them.
This fic is SO funny. They truly are an iconic duo.
If You Do
Word count: 9,104
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Issei consults the internet for steadily worsening proposal ideas, Hajime has had enough, Tooru is surprisingly the most helpful in the most roundabout way, and Takahiro—well, actually, nobody really knows what Takahiro is thinking right now.
Maki and Matsun are known at this point for their funny fics and this one is no exception. I love their dynamic and the way Iwa and Oiks try to help but fail miserably lmao
This is getting Annoying Fast, Maki
Word count: 2,372
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki disease: for an unknown amount of time, Hanamaki Takahiro must go “eyyyy” whenever someone locks eyes with their crush. Thus, of course, it’s going to be pretty damn awkward for Sejioh’s volleyball team.
If most MatsuHana fics are funny, this one is Hilarious. Do yourself and favour and read this one!
Stolen Kisses <3
Word count: 2,649
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "What brute would steal a maiden's first kiss?" "I'm pretty sure you're not a maiden and that definitely wasn't your first kiss," Iwaizumi deadpanned.
This one is funny! I love it! And it’s cute!
Long Time, No See <3
Word count: 10,000
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 3/3
Summary: Hanamaki and Matsukawa broke up just before graduating Aobajousai, and haven't spoken since. A drunken call he doesn't remember, and suddenly the face that haunts him is there once again.
Heavy angst, you know, because it’s a break up/ getting back together AU.
three strikes, you’re out <3
Word count: 1,527
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "bro, is our entire team gay?" *muffled laughter* "bro" but mattsun and makki fail to realize that they themselves are gay, too
This one is super funny and fun to read! Truly the meme lords being oblivious idiots.
Break A Leg
Word count: 3,681
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Hanamaki thinks he might have a thing for legs (for a certain middle blocker’s legs, apparently).
I really have nothing to say other than it’s short kinda funny, and I like it lol
Foolish Mortals Welcome
Word count: 12,389
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki visits a club catering to those that are...hungry for something more.
This one is well written and monster(ish) porn. It’s lovely.
Boiled Frogs <3
Word count: 91,500
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 13/13
Summary: They've always been really close friends, but Hanamaki begins to question how close when Matsukawa begins dating someone else - someone else that doesn't treat him well. When he suspects that Matsukawa may be in an abusive relationship, Hanamaki realizes that opening his best friend's eyes to his situation may be harder than he had ever anticipated.
This is a fic that I’ve only been able to read once. It’s really upsetting as it features Matsukawa in an abusive relationship with an OC and it’s just really hard to read. But this IS a cult classic, which MatsuHana doesn’t get ever, so I think it’s a must read if it’s not too triggering. I also want to say that even though the rating is explicit, all the sex featured is completely consensual. Again, this is a sad fic but it’s so well written and incredibly well done. I really do love it.
Get a Lick of This
Word count: 3,064
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki's face pinches in obvious irritation before he opens his mouth. Right there, sitting in the middle of his swollen tongue, is a plain silver bead. The reactions vary greatly: Oikawa gives an awed little woah, Iwaizumi goes a little pale, and Matsukawa...Matsukawa is trying to figure out why he's suddenly sporting an erection.
This one is reallllly good. I do have a thing for piercing AUs tho..
Rated M for
Word count: 10,692
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Excuse me,” Hanamaki starts, raising a pen in the air while staring blankly at the packet in his free hand. “Just to clarify, you want me to record a boy's love CD with Matsukawa?”
Voice actor AU? Enemies to lovers? Hilarity? Yes. Good god, read this.
Kiss me Cause you Want to
Word count: 3,216
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “My ass is a lot of things, and you are definitely not thinking about how heavy it is right now.” Matsu cursed Makki for being 100% correct. “For real though, did you think I couldn’t feel you stare almost every single day during practise?” Hanamaki’s hand moved higher and tangled in Matsu’s soft, slightly spiky hair, ruffling the strands playfully before gripping it lightly. “Can you honestly say you’ve never thought about bending me over and just, I dunno, fucking me into tomorrow?”
It’s alright. I enjoyed it but I’m not as into it as most people were :) well written though
A Cat Brought Good Luck
Word count: 6,575
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: the one where Matsukawa's cat finds itself in Hanamaki's apartment and a love story unfurls because of that
This one is so cute! Pls read it, I’m a sucker for these kinds of fics
This isn’t exactly how I thought I’d be spending my adult years <3
Word count: 7,522
Rating: N/A
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "I didn't sneeze." The guy looks a bit surprised. "What?" "I coughed." "So?" "Who the fuck says bless you when someone coughs?"
Hilarity ensues. I love this fic with my whole heart.
on the anatomy of crushes
Word count: 2,350
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: A part-by-part dissection of their relationship. Medical school AU.
Med students Maki and Matsun meet on the bus on the way to school. This one feels like there’s a lot of unresolved stuff going on between them by the time it ends but it’s a good fic :)
By the Time We Realized
Word count: 3,531
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: How Hanamaki Takahiro doesn't realize he's a little in love with his best friend until they're already kissing.
Companion piece to an IwaOi fic, this is really just good. I’ve read it a few times and I really enjoy it! There are sexual references in it but other than that the fic is literally just them making out
Morning Glory
Word count: 3,725
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: On their days off, Hanamaki and Matsukawa's mornings follow a sort of routine.
This one’s a pretty common smut fic among MatsuHana fans. If you’re into smut, I recommend!
There’s a Lot of Love in this Place <3
Word count: 3,464
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It’s not love at first sight. It rarely is. Three (awkward, ridiculous, absurd) times Matsukawa and Hanamaki encounters each other during the semester before something like love actually happens.
Ugh this one is so cute and absurd I love it
What I Like About You
Word count: 3,051
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: I’ll give a bit of a synopsis; Maki enlists Matsukawa to help him confess to the person he likes (it’s Matsun)
[obnoxious clucking noises]
Word count: 3,481
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: On the last night of their last training camp together, Oikawa has a bad idea, Hanamaki goes along with it, Iwaizumi sort of wishes he had better friends, and Matsukawa proves himself to be particularly adept at intimidation tactics.
CLASSIC MatsuHana fic
Texting (with a capital S)
Word count: 2,119
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki breaks his No Texting In Class rule, and it's all downhill from there.
Same author as the last one, this person really just knows how to write Maki and Matsun’s characters.
a life time of chemistry
Word count: 1,195
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki doesn't like chemistry for different reasons - but loves it if only for his lab partner.
Short and sweet
Rainbow Mittens <3
Word count: 1,344
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “I can’t believe you, you’re a fashion disaster,” Matsukawa huffed, eyeing the yellow monstrosity that was his best friend out of the corner of his eye. “I’m the peak of fashion, Issei,” Hanamaki hummed, sticking his tongue out in response.
I want to own Maki’s rainbow mittens
Parallel Lines <3
Word count: 16,298
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Yesterday night, Matsukawa had told his parents that he was joining math club, which lead to several confused smiles from them as they tried to figure out his change of heart.“Didn’t you say you were allergic to competitive math?” His mom had asked. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’re very supportive of your decision, but-” Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, they’d let it go because no sane parent prevents their child from joining math team, which is intellectually beneficial and looks very nice on college applications. This, in turn, prevents Matsukawa from having to explain that he’s joining- dear god- because of a crush.
Ugh so damn good. You better love it as much as I do.
call me maybe
Word count: 33,689
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 14/14
Summary: Hanamaki texts the wrong number when trying to extort tips out of Oikawa in order to defeat Iwaizumi in arm wrestling, and then continues to text the witty stranger who had answered.
Love wrong number AUs
True Ending <3
Word count: 12,856
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: He never really questioned the handsy nature of their friendship, it was just something that felt normal after falling asleep on a tiny couch while watching movies too many times. Who was Hanamaki to say no to cuddles with someone he considered his best friend? The fact that Matsukawa was always a bit cute in the wee hours of the morning was just something Hanamaki would have to file away in the back of his mind…
Omg this one’s so good. Another classic for this pairing it’s just so good
Something in the Water
Word count: 3,794
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki went for the sting rays and came out with the sting ray caretaker.
This one’s cute but also has smut
vodka coke <3
Word count: 8,236
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed: chapters 1/1
Summary: He only ever expected one night of sex with one (1) hot as fuck piercing artist. And yes, he got that, but along with it, he got so, so much more.
This is SO good. I literally love it. Omg
Deal with a Devil
Word count: 12,921
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 5/5
Summary: Matsukawa will do anything to pass his classes. Up to and including making a contract with a devil.
This one makes me giggle
Stranger Things <3
Word count: 10,218
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In 2012, the men’s national volleyball team took home the bronze at the Asian Cup. Tokyo Skytree opened to the public. Also, the dashing Hanamaki Takahiro and painfully cool Matsukawa Issei started a radio show out of Aoba Johsai’s abandoned A/V room and accidentally became the two most popular guys in school.
HOLY FUCK is this one amazing. It’s a classic and I promise you will LOVE it. It’s genuinely just so fucking incredible don’t doubt a word I say. It’s a bittersweet fic but at the end of the day, it’s beautiful
party hardy
Word count: 3,012
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: in which Makki and Mattsun think it's a good idea to sneak into their captain's house when his parents aren't home.
This is the funniest fic in the entire world it literally makes me squeal and kick my feet
My Pace <3
Word count: 1,281
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Matsukawa always thought his life would go a certain way. However, his life changed the minute he met Oikawa Tooru, who introduced him to Hanamaki Takahiro. Who knew Makki would be his better half?
AWWH A/B/O MatsuHana fic? Yes please
Just Drop the ‘B’ Already
Word count: 2,220
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Issei needed a date to his sister’s engagement party, so he asked Hanamaki. As a friend. He thinks.
This one’s sweet and silly
Word count: 5,135
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Beginning university brings a lot of changes with it. As Iwaizumi and Oikawa deal with going to different universities, Hanamaki thinks about his own relationship with Matsukawa.
Explores their relationship after high school. Really nice and interesting
In Your Dreams <3
Word count: 1,080
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It is said that you share dreams with your soulmate. Matsukawa Issei dreams of volleyball for the first time when he's ten years old, and he knows that it's someone else's dream.
Oh my god??? This is… so good???
Word count: 1,270
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Hanamaki realises that Matsukawa is a werewolf, and has a few other realisations while he's at it.
Monster porn. Again lol. Love werewolf issei
Hang Out, Fall in Love
Word count: 5,689
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Hanamaki's humble medical practice is threatened by an intractable asshole a witch doctor who's just moved into the shop down the street. Medical/Witchcraft AU.
This one is so damn funny. I’m sure if you’re big into Maki and Matsun as a pairing you’ve already read this but if not, it’s totally worth the read!
That’s it for Maki and Matsun! Love this pairing so much! They’re not big characters in the actual anime so a lot of their perceived personalities are fanon instead of canon, but I just think that they’re so funny and such a sweet couple to read about :)
Ennoshita Chikara x Tanaka Ryuunosuke
(not) a protagonist
Word count: 1,436
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Ennoshita and Tanaka go to the cinema. It's not supposed to be a date, but then...
I’ll be honest here, while I love Kiyoko and Tanaka together and am so happy that they become a couple by the end of the anime, but I have a hard time finding fics for them that are actually compelling and well written and Tanaka is my favourite character in the entire show, so this pairing was my next best option. This fic is super sweet and just a cute lil fanfic
Word count: 1,412
Rating: General Audience
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: They both agreed they wanted to tell their teammates they were an item, but Ennoshita was not expecting what Tanaka had in store for the big reveal.
This one is cute and very in character for Tanaka’s personality
Word count: 1,458
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The morning after is not as fun as Ennoshita had hoped.
This one is about the morning after sex and I quite enjoy it. We get to see Tanaka’s softer side and I love it
A World for Two
Word count: 2,191
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Their eyes meet and the feeling gets stronger, and Ryuu watches as those gorgeous brown eyes widen a little. He pauses in whatever it is he’s saying before he goes back to his conversation, though he doesn’t quite turn away. Ryuu takes a step forward, completely intent on introducing himself, ready to start down the path of getting to know his soulmate.
Ahhh I love soulmate AUs and this one is so sweet
question for you
Word count: 3,474
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Even Nishinoya passed, who couldn’t care less and ticked the first answer at every question,” Ennoshita comments. His hands flatten on top of the table, on each sides of Ryuu’s failed mid-term test. They look so pale, almost as white as the paper between them. They could flatten across a back. “You say that in a way that it feels like an insult,” Ryuu protests, voice weak in his throat. Ennoshita’s fingers dip in, nails scratching the surface of the table. “Good. Feel insulted,” Ennoshita huffs, annoyance thick in his voice. “I know you could pass if you paid attention in class, so do tell, what distracted you so much that you couldn’t tell the correct dates for the second world war?!”
The way this one is written is just, wow. So we’ll written, the characters are in character which is wonderful and even though it’s smutty I just really enjoy it!
Tunnel Vision
Word count: 2,582
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Chikara falls into a pothole while ogling his new neighbour. Instead of taking the hit to his pride, he decides to declare a war on potholes, wherever they may be, using unorthodox methods.
This one is super funny!
Where Tanaka Fucked Up
Word count: 2,905
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Thinking back on it, Tanaka knew exactly where he fucked up. It was probably when Ennoshita stood in front of the club, Kinoshita and Narita on either side, and came out as gay. Like, absolutely terrified, looked a little pale, and Tanaka was kinda worried he might throw up. “So, um, I hope that won’t be a problem for any of you,” he concluded, as if that was the important part. So what if their new captain was gay?
Very light angst, and this one does the characters very well
Just Once I’ll Let Go (because I want to fly)
Word count: 11,476
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Chikara has told his parents that he would introduce his boyfriend the next time he visits them, but his boyfriend breaks up with him before he can do so. With only five days to find a replacement, he ends up hiring a boyfriend for rent. To Chikara's surprise, his fake boyfriend turns out to be the man of his dreams (aka Tanaka Ryuunosuke).
This one is SO well done and a classic in the rarepair community of EnnoTana
Hey it’s OK <3
Word count: 6,946
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: Chikara is trying to hide his relationship and sexuality from his parents, but his boyfriend's bentos complicate everything.
A lot of EnnoTana fics center around Ennoshita being insecure or having trouble coming to terms with his sexuality, and tbh this one’s the epitome of those tropes lol
Practice Makes Perfect <3
Word count: 1,850
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Ennoshita Chikara has had a few confessions, but this one takes the cake.
Ennoshita the gay Yoda. This one is SO popular??? Like I never thought in a million years that an EnnoTana fic would have this many hits and kudos lmao
Close your Eyes and Kiss Me <3
Word count: 7,334
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: Ennoshita has a crush on Tanaka and is trying to figure out how to deal with it, while also trying to be a good senpai and captain for the rest of the team.
Hey it’s OK is basically the sequel to this one, but both fics can be read on their own. This one is significantly less angsty than Hey it’s OK, at least in my opinion.
And the Words Just Spilled Right Out
Word count: 1,260
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “What? No!” Tanaka protests, “Obviously I was in love before that but I only just figured it out!"
This one is quite good. Short and sweet.
Here we Are Again
Word count: 8,990
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Ennoshita drops a bomb and Tanaka tries to deal.
This one isn’t bad. I like it :)
I’ve Been Right in Front of You (This Whole Time)
Word count: 1,577
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: When Tanaka receives a letter in his shoe locker, from a girl, confessing her feelings, he is over the moon about it (even though he doesn't even recognize the name of the girl in question). When it turns out that the letter wasn’t meant for him at all, he’s crushed. Meanwhile Ennoshita decides that it’s time to get it over with and tell Tanaka how he feels
Ahhh this one’s adorable and a total classic!
And Call Me in the Morning
Word count: 1,617
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: 'Your moaning sounds like you’re getting slaughtered and now that I’ve made sure you’re not actually dead I could help you with that' au
This one’s just a lil silly goofy
The Naked Apron Dilemma <3
Word count: 1,085
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Ryuu's spent too much time dreaming about his (eventual) relationship, and now that spring has finally sprung, he finds that all of the scripts he thought to rely on are mostly useless.
This one so SO funny guys I def recommend
Definitely Interesting
Word count: 2,101
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Drunken college shenanigans and Narita being Captain Obvious might just give Tanaka the push Ennoshita’s been not so secretly hoping for.
Narita is a sassy wingman
Surprises all Around
Word count: 2,082
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It's Ennoshita's birthday and Tanaka will make sure that it's the best day ever.
Mpreg is mentioned, this is an A/B/O fic lol
Point of View
Word count: 1,483
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Chikara spends a lot of time looking at Tanaka.
This one is so good and so damn cute
Absolutely, Yes <3
Word count: 3,819
Rating Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Send help ASAP, because Tanaka Ryuunosuke has the biggest, stupidest crush and he just doesn't know what to do.
This one is really sweet and funny and cute and I love Tanaka
Learning Us
Word count: 42,778
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 20/20
Summary: Tanaka Ryuunosuke had a lot to learn - about himself, about Ennoshita Chikara, and that "happily ever after" is rarely a direct path.
This is probably the longest EnnoTana fic that I will recommend, mostly because there aren’t a lot of slow burn EnnoTana fics. I love this one, it’s angsty, it’s slow burn, it’s amazing.
He’ll Never Love You <3
Word count: 11,065
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Tanaka was supposed to be rooming with Noya. That was her plan, anyways, because obviously she wanted to room with her best friend when they all went off to college. And as far as she was aware, Noya was totally on board! But then, out of fuck-all nowhere, Noya suddenly declares she’ll be living with her girlfriend Asahi instead. Seriously, where did that come from?
Teeny tiny lil gender bend fic for the soul. It’s been a while, but I remember really liking this fic.
one step, two step <3
Word count: 5,113
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Tanaka's made enough of a mess trying to confess to Ennoshita, he doesn't need his attention-hungry kitten getting in the mix too.
This is it for part two y’all. I hope you all read and enjoy these! I’m starting pt 3 as we speak so sit tight!
15 notes · View notes
laraplisetski · 3 years
Dating Shinji Watari
A/n: I really enjoyed writing this and I was really eager to write this because I actually mixed a request with this. Also sorry if the points are a little choppy and unorganized, sorry for any mistakes as well. 
List of people left from the dating headcanons series.
Yūtarō Kindaichi #12 Akira Kunimi #13 Kentarō Kyōtani #16
Words: 910+
Request by @anviiex​-
Hey, I have a request for Haikyuu!! Watari Shinji from Aoba Johsai/ Seijoh. Do anything you would like to. ^^
Tags: @anviiex​, @imthatchishiyasimp​, @kekozume​
Tumblr media
I found this so funny, I stg.
So he would walk by this street everyday and he would always see this one person feeding this cat (Nekoma? Is that you?). You were also known in school for being very kind and helpful towards others. 
One time you accidentally bumped into him in the hallways and knocked over his things.
You helped him pick them all back up (which isn't a lot since it was only a backpack and volleyball).
But you were so kind and had like a warm aura and he just fell in love right there.
After that he talked to you a little and confessed after a long time because Yahaba wouldn't let him off the hook until he did.
You accepted his confession and you two started dating.
P.s imma add the first kiss here cause why not.
You guys would be sitting under a tree reading a book in the shade and you would just straight up kiss him out nowhere and this babie would be so surprised and all blushy and just ✨🥰✨
Watari would definitely think he would enjoy farming so one time you two went out in the fields.
But as you two went out and started he soon realized that this wasn't for him.
But normally he would love to spend time outdoors with you. 
Going on picnics or walking in parks is like his favorite thing to do with you.
He admires your drive and determination to keep going forward. He himself knows it's not an easy task so he really admires that about you. 
He also admires you as a person and how kind and modest you are.
He loves your sense of fashion and how you seem to pull off any outfit.
He loves how you are kind to a fault. Although sometimes he worries about you taking advantage of you because you can't say no, he knows that you are a responsible person and can take care of yourself.
He also loves when you fiddle around with the hem of your shirt when you're flustered and how you get this cute blush on your face when he kisses you-
This is getting too fluffy. I'm crying.
Watari seems like the guy to have lots of younger siblings, even if he doesn't have any, he still takes care of the first and second years around him. 
He would struggle to comfort you in the beginning of the relationship but after some time he would find out what you're comfortable with and try to help you with that information in mind.
Watari would be the type of guy to take you on dinner dates on anniversaries and give you things like a promise ring or a silver necklace.
(I'm sorry, I'm a little lost in this area cause my boyfie and I don't really give each other things.)
Watari would also like shower you in affection and would like call you nicknames.
His favorites are honey, sweetie and baby
Also everyone on the team absolutely cringes at his choice of Pda and nicknames.
Even Oikawa which is a feat.
Bro everyone on the team literally hates both of you because you just don't stop with the nicknames and like it's so disgustingly cute they wanna puke.
Ngl he seems like a person who really enjoys physical affection, that means cuddles!!!
He just loves sitting on the couch and just pressing kisses to your collarbone.
He just basks in your presence on most days and falls asleep while cuddling next to you.
Also as I said nicknames go a long way in your relationship so the team thinks you guys are gross. 
You guys also seem to really enjoy kissing the back of each other's hand randomly and it's just ✨
And the teams just like 🤦‍♂️
Also the forehead kisses everyone.
Like the tall one gives a kiss one the other one's forehead. 
But aside from that the team thinks that Watari became more expressive and now he can smack Kyotani’s head more freely. 
Rip Kyotani’s head lol.
I have this personal headcanon that Watari is like a masterchef class cook.
Like he makes such good fucking food.
Anything you like he’ll perfect the recipe and make it for you.
I personally think he wouldn't like anyone to disturb him when he's cooking but he loves to bake with you instead.
Like in the middle of mixing all the ingredients you two just take flour on your hand and blow it on the other person. 
And it's just a whole mess.
Plus point.
As a libero he has good reflexes so if you fall or accidentally drop something he'll be quick to act.
One time you were about to fall and Watari like dove to like catch you but instinctively he made his platform.
Lmao you made fun of him for weeks after that.
(Something like this happened to me when my boyfie and me were building like a pillow fort and he took a pillow out of the cabinet and threw it towards me so I could catch it, instead of catching it I instinctively made a platform and received it instead, enough story time though)
I talked about this in my flower prompts as well but Watari seems like a sleeper who turns around a lot and is more likely to kick you than any other person. 
As like a random headcanon I was about to write that when he goes to nationals he misses you but then I realized Seijoh never made it past Shiratorizawa.
And i oop-
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eclairia-monarch · 2 years
Being Seijoh’s manager HC
bruh OVA broke me (will write for it on a later date, maybe?)
warning: long HC because I can.
Haikyuu Masterlist | Haikyuu Series Masterlist
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a group of certified simps. (n˘v˘•)b starting to believe that is one of the criteria
whatever you do, they are there to say you did a good job and treat you like the rightful princess of the blue castle
you first joined Seijoh boy's VBC as the manager in your first year after being nicely approached by a third year, saying they really require a manager because the club was getting so big and they needed someone to actually assist their coaches in wrangling the more energetic bunch
the entire club just loves how well you pay attention to each and every member, regular or not. you even went and pick up basic medical skills for their sake
but it's because you know how it feels when no one pays attention to you so you did your best for your new friends
in turn, they took care of you to the best of their abilities
hungry? the captain orders his guys to buy food for you
cold? best believe you get a handful of jackets on top of your own
someone made you sad? volleyball club has now become a fight club. just say the name, princess [y/n]! ||☆FIGHT☆||´Д`*)9
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Matsukawa, Hanamaki and yourself became inseparable. they are your FOC bodyguards knights
every year, the current captain would express their gratitude for sticking around for so long and forced the next group of boys to listen to you well
pls, for the love of god, don't leave. no one is able to do as much of a good job at being a manager aside from you because all they got were applicants from fans of Oikawa every time
you were amazing at handling the fan girls and most respected you enough to try and be quiet so as to not disturb the training because you will dead-ass throw them out if they annoyed any of the players
by the time you became a third year, they were practically lovestruck and in love with you. like in L O V E
they listen to you so well and never question you in any way because you do everything in their best interest
oh and the volleyball fight club tradition continues. but because the regulars are always training, the fight club is now being taken care of by the other third years like Shido and Yuda ( 。+ ・`ω・´)
yes, even they will fight those who wronged you
similar to Karasuno, the team doesn't necessary worry about guys hitting on you when they went for matches because the words "AOBA JOHSAI" protect you very well.
like guys can only stare and remain 3 metres away from you
but they still assign a bodyguard or 10 when you head off anywhere
usually it would be Shido or Watari. y'know, the normal ones?
overdramatic captain's order
firstly is Oikawa. he's always lingering around you. the usual flirtatious nature never works on you since you guys are classmates. he figures you just like him as is and he slowly fell in love with you because you two shared a genuine bond
doesn't realised he is in love with you for the longest time though because all these while, he dated other girls just because they were ♡( ◡‿◡ ) pretty. and they confessed first so he just accepts.
"because i am ✨nice✨" he claims
you are the one that cheers him up after every break up and he is quick to get back on his feet with just a few words and a comforting hug
when he finally realised it, he never made the first move BECAUSE HE'S NEVER HAD TO
remained quiet about his feelings for you because he was afraid of losing you, and just grew more and more needy for attention
loves your head pats, it energised him the entire day
turns into a whole puppy when you gift him anything
loves to call you "princess" or "my [y/n]" over other nicknames
chooses you over any other girls any time of the day! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
just pout, he’ll come running
he doesn't like it when you speak to other guys in a friendlier manner than you do with him
will hide his jealousy with strong teasing, using it as an excuse to hug you or just have you in his arms
he is very observant of you and even from a mile away, he knows exactly what you need
before you could even feel your tummy growling, he is already dangling your favourite light snack in your face
an obvious simp who thinks he is slick
as for Iwaizumi, the ace is always flustered by you, having developed a crush on you since the first year but similar to Oikawa, he never confesses to you because he just wants to maintain this comfortable space between you two right now
totally will confess out of the blue if his heart is going to explode tho 川 ̄д ̄川
pls stop being so precious for his poor heart sake, [y/n] dear
super protective of you and will make make sure you are always dressed warmly. even walks you home after practice since both of you stay a few streets away
any guys touching you will think twice the moment they saw Iwaizumi's arms around you with that menacing glare
won't hesitate to throw hands
but you always hold his hands back and reminded him that his pretty hands are precious and needs to be taken care of to play volleyball well
iwaizumi.exe has stopped working ◘_◘
he loves it when you gently pat the top of his head, and you love it too - because it is surprisingly soft - even if it meant you have to tip toe to do so, 'cause why is he 179 cm???
if you ever need a hug when you are just in a bad mood? he is the one! will bring you out for Agedashi Tofu ˘ڡ˘ and ramen after practice!
will always remind the team to not make things difficult for you, especially Oikawa
always has a smile on his face whenever he speaks to you for some reason, even when he is boiling with anger
never lashes out on you, ever
he takes it out on Oikawa, even if that brunette is innocent
a whipped, husband material simp
Hanamaki looks out for you but most of the time he teases you to no end just to watch you have a tiny adorable implosion and chase him around
jokes on him 'cause Mattsun is a two face traitor and will capture him for his crush, aka, you
“kick him where the sun don’t shine, [y/n]!”
“no- wait- MATTSUN LET ME GO-”
“On it!”
you just give a light jab to Maki’s chest, no serious physical harm
harm to their hearts, maybe (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
these two will randomly pick you up by your biceps and just
S W I N G S you in circles just to hear you panic shriek
will you kill them? no but you will most definitely pretend to be upset and stomp off
Mattsun and Maki will treat you to something nice, don't worry
will totally take tons of selfies with you and send it to Oikawa because he has to babysit Takeru whilst these two get to hang out with you
will give playful kisses on your cheeks or the back of your hand, especially in front of Oikawa and Iwaizumi just to rile them out
but Mattsun and Maki both secretly enjoy your shock face too
ey can't blame them for your mochi cheeks okay (@•ω•@)
plus Mattsun secretly loves that he got to kiss you the most
Maki totally supports his bestest bro, but that’s doesn’t mean Maki will stop teasing you so be prepared
monthly sleepover at yours and have fort building contests
Oikawa vs you guys 90% of the time
this year's first years are chill and listen to you very well because they were all ✨STARSTRUCK✨ with your dazzling smile
at the beginning, Kindaichi was so shy with you around at the start because he never had to worry about impressing a female when playing
"yes! no!" is the usual respond to you so good luck deciphering that
he is just so kind and offers to help with anything! need help folding towels? need help filling up dozens of water bottles? need help carrying the gym bags? he will do it without any complains!
you warn him not to learn bad things from Yahaba. need to look out for your little prince y'know
you accidentally made him cried once because you said "you are a kind child" and boi broke down and told you about his middle school days because he was guilty about what happened between him and Kageyama
Kunimi became your favourite junior because he just look like a docile cat. he also likes you the best out of the entire club and will train just a tad harder if you say so
in return, he wants you to give him a loooooooong head pat
he also smiles a lot around you. just sitting next to you is enough for this boi
he will bring you your favourite snacks or beverage along with Kindaichi because he knows you use a lot of energy for their sake
if he really exerts himself, you just let him rest on your lap whilst you tally up your notes
here comes Oikawa whining about how you show favouritism to Kunimi and wants to fight for your lap
Iwaizumi will spike Oikawa in the head and drag him away by his collar because Kunimi legit fell asleep (boi worked extra hard that day for you)
now the second year that you are the closest to is Watari because he is the most normal of the bunch
you need normalcy in life to function in this club okay
Yahaba? that shallow guy? yeah he is fun to talk to but sometimes you just have to laugh him off when he tries too hard to get your attention
but that doesn't mean he isn't serious about having feelings for you. still, he wouldn't fight over a girl with his seniors
Yahaba is the most attentive to you out of the entire second year cohort, and will chase away any unwanted guys in school if you aren't with any of his upperclassmen
just give him that head pat he is so envious of, he will be eternally grateful
now the problem laid with Kyotani
when he first joined, you could already tell he was going to be the toughest to work with
you did your best to get him to work better with the team but no matter how much hard work you put in, nothing seemed to work
and he just suddenly stopped showing up
you felt so unmotivated the next day. the dark energy around you brought down the team's mood too and they got worried
the team thought you were so shattered to the point of quitting when you didn't show up the next day, and caused Oikawa to commence pandemonium and wide spread panic before you showed up an hour later with a smile
you promised Kyotani to not exposed that he was doing self training elsewhere, so that secret was safe all the way until he came back
he was a little grateful for that, but it didn't mean he was happy to see you were still around when he finally came back
"what's this? the third years' still around? i figured they'd be gone by now after losing in the interhigh prelims."
*cue the third years ready to fight*
"and this weak-will manager is still around? you can't even get them to win, shouldn't you go study for your damn college or something?"
*cue the first and second year holding the third years back"
you never took it to heart, fully expected words of hostility when Kyotani returns so it spooked him when you smiled at him, just like how he was wary of Oikawa
but do you know how Kyotani became obedient?
well it all began like this...
spring high was approaching in just a few weeks time so the team was putting in extra effort in their spikes and block for today's training
as usual, you were off to the side with your notebook, jotting down what else needs to be improved but because you were so lost in your own world, the stray canon spike that Kyotani executed slammed into your head
ever felt a cannonball fired into your face? ask Luffy to fire one in your face from Merry yeah, now you know
the bloody screams from the gym, i tell ya, B E D L A M
Oikawa was screaming at the top of his lungs about how Kyotani needed to be returned to the pound like??? hello??
Iwaizumi was already yelling and threatening Kyotani's regular position for hurting you with such an uncontrolled spike
Mattsun and Maki ran up to you like sonic, turning pale at the sight of crimson blood pouring out both side of your nostrils and seeping into your shirt
looked like you got stabbed, if they had to be honest about how messed up you looked
the coaches quelled the fuss and scolded every one for acting like it was the end of the world - they didn't want you to get stressed out by looking at this unneeded chaos
you were mildly shocked, of course, since in your entire career managing the volleyball team, not even one ball flew your direction. the team always made sure to stop when you were close by
you assured the team that you were fine because it wasn't the first time you had nose bleed, not realising you had actually hit your head against the wall
Matsukawa immediately carried you to the infirmary
safe to say you weren't allow back into the gym and was sent back home by the other third years
ever since that incident, Kyotani made sure he was a set amount of distance away from you and whenever he practice his spikes, he had to consciously look around
might grumble a thanks to you when you hand him his bottle and a clean towel
will never admit it but you are actually very pretty up close. the fact that you are so forgiving about him hurting you causes fluttering in his stomach
will growl at any guys that walk too close to you, including Oikawa
when the third years finally step down, the amount of gifts you received from everyone was immeseaurable
like you carried a mountain back home
a giant handwritten card with everyone's heartfelt messages and thanks to you, and praying that you will get into the next school of your choice
overall, you are a manager that manages to win over anyone and everyone with enough time because a charming princess will always have her way (✿◠ᴗ◠)
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deathnotescenarios · 2 years
~Death Note~
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♕ random hc's of wammy boys & light w/ s/o
♕ near anniversary dinner
♕ wammy boys & light jealousy headcannons
♕ dating near headcannons
♕ wammy boys & light w/ singer s/o
♕ wammy boys & light @ disney world
♕ watari on vacation
♕ Anything For You - reader x Wammy Boys part 1
♕ wammy boys & light & beyond on taskmaster
♕ l x reader turned to light x reader
♕ light w/ a s/o who doesn't know he's kira
♕ dating L headcannons
♕ songs that remind me of death note characters
♕ wammy boys w/ a s/o who gets scared easily
♕ toxic or healthy relationship? wammy boys, light, misa, mikami
♕ wammy boys w/ s/o who wants them to work out together
♕ light comforting his s/o
♕ wammy boys with a s/o who likes knives
♕ light, mikami, matsuda, beyond birthday w/ writer s/o
♕ l x chess playing reader
♕ wammy boys & mikami & light w/ card/knife loving s/o
♕ wammy boys initiating a kiss
♕ l x intellectually equal s/o
♕ Anything for You part 2
♕ Light confessing his feelings
♕ wammy boys playing dnd
♕ matsuda x powerful s/o
♕ wammy boys w/ s/o who's good with kids
♕ !!NSFW!! giving matt head
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
seijoh hcs <333
kindaichi had a small puppy crush on yahaba for all of five minutes before yahaba turned around and picked a fight and kindaichi realized that was way above his pay grade
yahaba's aggression and fearlessness is bc he's an overlooked middle child who was never properly supervised growing up
and on the team he's STILL an overlooked middle child!!!!!!
okay no scratch that all the second years are just basically overlooked middle children and THAT'S why the entire second year gen is complete and utter chaos
makki photoshopped kunimi's ':3' face onto the smug knife cat photo and uses it as a reaction pic
makki has, at some point, photoshopped everyone's faces onto an equivalent meme pic
on mattsun's and yahaba's birthdays the team puts all the presents for them into one big pile and have them unwrap each one by one and guess who the present is for based on what it is
so far they've got: a skincare set + facewash headband with bunny ears (mattsun), an oversized hoodie with an embroidered knife in the center captioned "try me" (yahaba), a clip-on bunny tail (mattsun - "to go with the headband," makki had explained quite seriously, while watari lost his shit and kunimi put his hands over kindaichi's eyes), and 2 concert tickets for Full Throttle4, who are punk and goth and emo and make pop punk rock (yahaba, obviously)
(yahaba, who doesn't realize he has a type: "i appreciate these, really, but if all of you can't go - " oikawa: "oh no, none of us are free that day anyways! except kyouken-chan :))" kyoutani: "i'm WHAT now")
also. SO many jokes about iwaizumi going to be a surfer boy when he tells them about california.
iwaizumi: "for the LAST time, i'm not even going to LA! i'm going to irvine!" mattsun, who has Zero Knowledge about ca geography and just likes fucking with iwa: "that's so cowabunga, my dude. make sure you hang ten when you're out there"
(that physically HURT to write oh my god)
kyoutani and watari are gossip buddies. watari is the type who knows all and sees all. kyoutani is just skulking in the background and ppl are too terrified to ask him to leave so he usually ends up overhearing all the juicy shit LMAO
they know about aaaaaaall the third-year drama that not even their upperclassmen know about
during one of kyoutani's and yahaba's arguments watari blasted "true love" by p!nk and it was REALLY fucking funny watching them go at it with "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE, BUT I LOVE YOU" in the background
(they didn't even notice until makki showed them a recording)
when kyoutani and yahaba go to the concert they both get really fucking nervous to the point where five minutes in they end up arguing over whether it counts as a date
yahaba: "you know it's not a date unless the two people going want it to be a date, right?" kyoutani: "i do want it to be a date!" yahaba: "what" kyoutani: "what"
at some point they hold hands bc "too many people, we don't want to get separated" and then they just. never let go for the rest of the night LMAO
(and at the end, yahaba asks kyoutani if he really meant it. if kyoutani really wanted this to be a date. and kyoutani grumbles and scowls but he finally goes "yeah, why do you think?" and yahaba laughs and pulls him in closer)
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
hi! first of all - anonymous asks are closed, and second of all! could i request some HCs for just,,, dating l lawliet + dates/date ideas w him? he's a huge comfort for me and one of my favorite characters lately :0 !!
L Lawliet Dating Headcanon:
First of all, thanks for telling me about the anon asks. Secondly, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it! :)
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
If you guys are dating, then you're going to be the first one to ask him out. He knows you like him, but he doesn't know why exactly? He isn't oblivious to his state, you know. He knows he isn't exactly normal or what people consider attractive. So he'll be a bit cautious at first, trying to figure out if there's an ulterior motive. But once you're in the clear, he'll fall for you hard.
He doesn't let his inexperience with love get in the way of you having a good time. L has money, so at first, he'll take you to really fancy places for dates and all. But once you tell him that its not fun if he isn't comfortable or that fancy places aren't your cup of tea, you'll both be planning your dates together.
Walks in the park or city or anywhere are something you both enjoy. It gives him time to think about his cases and about you. If you guys aren't talking, then the comfortable silence that settles doesn't bother either of you.
I think the perfect date for you guys would either be a late night long drive or having a picnic while star gazing. The calm and quiet is soothing for you both.
L likes to get you gifts. They could be anything. He just likes the way your face lights up when you get them.
Extremely touch starved boy. So when you guys started dating, he's hesitant to touch you. So you'll have to be one to initiate them. But once you do, he'll be so soft. Always so gentle when he reaches for you. Hand holding, caressing your cheeks, running his fingers through your hands, starts to bring him peace of mind.
Dont rely on his stoic face, this boy LOVES cuddling. His favourite positions are when he places his face in the crook of your neck, or when you tuck your head under his chin, arms wrapped around each other and legs intertwined.
L is very playful. He doesn't have a lot of energy, but he will muster some of it when he's with you alone. Likes to do puzzles with you, sometimes slowing himself down so that you can figure it out by yourself. If you have any hobbies that you're passionate about, he'll gladly take part in it or cheer you on.
If you have a sweet tooth like him, I think he'll start believing in "soul mates". You guys will go to a lot of dessert shops for your dates. He will find out whats your favourite sweet, and he'll make sure to always get it for you, especially when you're having a bad day. If you make him his favourite desserts, he would seriously consider marrying you.
Likes it when you become involved in his cases, giving your thoughts or theories. He would note them down if they're of value but if they're wrong, he'd politely tell you the facts. He'd never insult your intelligence. He knows that you're just trying to help him so he can get some sleep. And he won't tell you, but he sleeps better when you're next to him.
Also loves it when he's working on his desk and you just crawl up into his arms and sleep right there, not even bothering to tell him to go to bed with you because you know he's busy. He'll hold you in his lap as he's working, occasionally looking at your peaceful face, brushing the hair out of your face, rubbing your back before finally deciding to take you to bed with him.
You'll also be the first to initiate kisses. He loves all kinds of kisses. On the lips, cheeks, nose, everything. A kiss on the cheek will make him blush, a small smile on his face for the rest of the day. He might even find himself asking for more. If you're having a bad day, and if you need some sort of intimacy, then he'll help you. His kisses are always soft, sweet, and full of love. They always convey some sort of message, mostly I'll always be here for you.
Whenever you guys are out, he likes to either hold your hands or puts his arms around you; not because he's jealous. No, he's trusts you. He just likes to have you near him.
If something is causing you distress, he probably already knows it, but still waits for you to open up about it. Then he can comfort you and eliminate whatever is bothering you.
L is extremely protective of you. If someone is hurting you, he will not hesitate to beat them up. You don't realise how important you've become for him.
When the Kira case comes up, his main concern is you. How does he keep you safe while he's solving this case? He eventually realises that the best solution is to break up with you. And as much as it breaks his heart, he knows he has to do it. But he can't. Because when he tries to, you see right through him. You make him understand that you would still be in danger if you're not with him. L then thinks that it'd be best if people don't know they're together, and he makes you get fake names and disguises when you guys do meet. He'll make you go to Watari, so that he knows that at least you're somewhere safe.
If he's troubled by the case, then he'd come visit you. Just hold him. He needs it.
L will realise early in the relationship that he's in love with you, but won't say the words until he's sure that you feel the same way. Then when you're least expecting it, he'll look you in the eyes with nothing but pure adoration, and say "I love you. More than anything. Thanks for being with me."
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Hope you all liked this! Requests are open! :)
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kkusuka · 3 years
seijoh hc’s but make them horny
oikawa has a picture of you in his gym bad, but the picture is of you in the middle of an orgasm
kindaichi gets you angry so he can eat you out, aka he likes to pretend to tame you
yahaba talks about you all the time, mostly about how good you suck him off
kyotani was fucking you in the locker rooms once and iwaizumi had to come in and tell you guys to calm down
kunimi has all of your nudes on a private Instagram account that he let kageyama follow, and now he can’t look you in the eye
matsukawa wears a ring on his pointer finger that he likes to see the imprint of on your thigh
hanamaki knows that kindaichi wants to fuck you, so he leaves your nudes around for him to see
iwaizumi once smacked your ass so hard in the hallway that you fell over
kunimi gets bursts of energy sometimes and he just pounds you to the moon
oikawa has gotten caught masturbating to a video of you and iwa that he sent himself when iwa wasn’t looking
iwa stole a bottle of one of your perfumes and he sprays it on a pillow then matsurbates to the smell
hanamaki has a recording of you moaning his name, so he made it his ringtone. then asks people to call him in class
watari likes to fake wrestle with you so he can try and motorboat you
matsukawa leans down, like far down, and tries to suck your nipples through your shirt, in literally any social setting
kunimi fingers you on the metro
kindaichi has walked in on you fucking kunimi, like four times
kyotani never got over the fact that you can make him cum just by grinding on his lap
iwaizumi gave kyotani a “lesson on pleasure”, using you as a prop
oikawa has no sense of time, to he’s always late to practice because he wanted to fuck
matsukawa likes watching you matsurbate
iwaizumi’s lock screen was you sucking his dick, until coach told him that he had to change it
when kunimi cums in your mouth he makes you hold your mouth open until he can tell you that you’re allowed to swallow
hanamaki bites your ass, like leaves teeth marks bites
kindaichi holds your head down when he cums in your throat
iwa had let oikawa take out some pent up energy, that just mean he lets tooru fuck you for hours at a time while iwa watches
if you moan in oikawa’s ear he’ll immediately get hard
matsukawa and hanamaki share pictures of you in bed with them, to the other
kindaichi watched you suck kunimi off and didn’t say anything about it until a team sleepover
speaking of the team sleepover, oikawa was dare to have phone sex with you while they were all there, and he never told you
yahaba likes fucking you in windows
if you are dating any of the third years, they all have pictures and videos of you
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 + 𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚.
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; how their teams react to the scratch marks on their backs (obviously provoked by you)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; suggestive, few curse words, mentions of sex??
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; crack (??? im not sure
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; i love this hcs and wanted to do it for by best boys and my best teams. also no one ever mentions kawanishi and that's so sad bc i love him 😞
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— 𝚒𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚖𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚎.
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-> i swear it's not that he's rough.
-> i mean he is but sometimes he just want to have some good old vanilla sex and cuddle yk.
-> and last night was one of those times.
-> but my man is just– HE'S ROUGH EVEN IF HE DOESN'T TRY.
-> so he usually have scratches marks after you do it, although he is pretty careful about it.
-> he doesn't want the team to tease you and that's your intimate sex life like he's trying to protect you ok.
-> also he knows matsukawa and makki WON'T let it go and oikawa is not better.
-> but this time he just forgot.
-> he has a lot in mind and when he arrives to the lockers and starts changing the last thing he thinks about is last night.
-> he is a little thrown off by how silent everything is.
-> kindaichi, who usually speaks a lot to kunimi while changing, is dead quiet.
-> since iwaizumi's face is facing the wall, he can't see how everyone there is watching beholding his back.
-> sure, mattsun, makki and oikawa knew you had sex.
-> and the rest kinda knew too?? but ignored it??
-> but that was some EXPLICIT CONTENT.
-> "ohmygod y/n that poor thing" makki is the first one to talk.
-> iwa just stands there like ???????wdym
-> "is that– is that blood?" that one is watari.
-> "IS IT OKAY FOR US TO TALK ABOUT Y/N-SENPAI THIS WAY????" and this one is kindaichi, who is in all shades of red.
-> and then it hits iwa. just as oikawa walks in.
-> iwaizumi can't even react he just puts on his shirt and (・_・;)
-> he doesn't even leave the locker he's just standing there, all red.
-> yahaba would be so jealous, but act cool, like he had done it a thousand times already pack it up virgin
-> kyoutani kinda doesn't care?? but he stares and secretly thinks he HAS to have more scratches whenever he does the deed.
-> watari is still trying to get over the initial shock.
-> and kunimi left the locker room like five minutes ago bc he doesn't care fr.
-> one of the few times he teams with makki and mattsun.
-> "my iwa-chan, such a big boy" "should we check on y/n?" "i really thought you were vanilla"
-> hajime just takes the jokes like a champ, he knows they won't stop so he just gotta smile and nod.
-> but when you arrive to the gym, looking for him to walk home together, and oikawa teases you???
-> somehow iwa manages to throw like three volleyballs at him at the same time because NO ONE'S FUCKING WITH YOU.
-> you get it?? bc he did that last night but he didn't let oikawa mock u–
-> that was the day he became daddy iwa for the third years 😛
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— 𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒.
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-> he is massive, ok?? massive.
-> homeboy doesn't even know how massive he is.
-> not until probably tendou pointed it out, and ushi would just be like:
-> "huh 😕"
-> so yeah, scratch marks are pretty common.
-> the thing is, he doesn't have a high libido, so you don't do it that often.
-> hence to why, he never had to worry about it.
-> he was a little shocked the first time you did it and he looked at his back after and ????you used it as a fucking canvas.
-> his only concern is wether you are okay tbh.
-> he's always the first one to arrive to the locker room, until goshiki appeared and started to arrive earlier to show he's more committed than ushijima.
-> tendou and wakatoshi are like go off girl.
-> the rest arrive a few seconds later, and ushijima proceeds to take off his shirt.
-> lemme tell you, goshiki STARES at his body.
-> scratches or not, he (●__●) at his abs, his shoulders, his back, his arms, EVERYTHING.
-> who wouldn't tho.
-> so he's the first one to notice.
-> does he has to have sex if he's the ace??? does he needs scratches???? looks like it hurt, but if ushijima-senpai can do it, then he can to 😤
-> "uh..." says reon, elbowing kawanishi at his side who elbows semi who elbows yamagata and they are not shocked but waiting for the kouhais' reactions.
-> "oh my sweet lord i knew this would happen"
-> ushijima genuinely doesn't understand what everybody's talking about, but he never does so he just stands there and listen trying to comprehend.
-> shirabu is a mix between disgust and amazement because his captain's back is sO marked, it's even a little swollen.
-> was he..... was he that big?
-> that's when shirabu starts thinking about what could you have done, like, in details.
-> his face suddenly becomes RED OH FUCK THAT'S Y/N-SENPAI HE'S THINKING ABOUT
-> semi has to do his best effort to hide his laugh but every now and then he lets out a giggle which leads to kawanishi laughing too.
-> "are you okay ushijima-senpai?"
-> someone protect this child please.
-> wakatoshi is kinda thrown off by the question but he is feeling alright.
-> semi can't hold back and just burst in laugh.
-> shirabu is so distressed and yells "DON'T LAUGH HE'LL REALIZE"
-> ushi: 🤨
-> "did you have a fun night, wakatoshi?" asks tendou, a smirk on his face, shouting glances at his teammates.
-> "i did, i took y/n on a date, we had dinner and then..." he can't say what you did next.
-> "then...?" follows semi, gaining a hit from reon.
-> "i don't think y/n would want me to talk about this"
-> "we know, wakatoshi" that's tendou. and he slaps ushijima's back, a little too hard.
-> it's when he feels a subtle burning feeling he remembers.
-> "oh, yes, i have scratches on my back"
-> everyone's like who would've guessed 🧐
-> goshiki thought he was going to explain??? maybe give some advice???
-> anyways, shirabu STARES at you the next time he sees you and goshiki can't look at you without turning red.
-> kawanishi and semi TEASE and reon literally asks you if you're okay.
-> tendou is so surprised because he knew wakatoshi had to be rough but expectations WAY surpassed.
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haikyuuphilia · 4 years
Yay! I was wondering, then, if you could do hcs for Seijoh with a manager who's just an absolute Ball Magnet. Like no matter how careful they and the rest of the team are, manager takes at least one ball to the face per practice 😂
seijoh having a manager who’s a ball magnet
with aoba johsai // gn!reader, no warnings apply // fluff and crack ?
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when you were first introduced as their potential manager, all of seijoh’s team was so excited
because FINALLY they get a cute manager just like all the other big teams
for the first few practices, though, something’s a little strange
you keep getting by volleyballs all the time
whether it’s a spike from iwaizumi, a monster serve from oikawa, a save from watari, you name it
if there’s a ball flying, you’re taking it to the face
the entire seijoh team would immediately stop playing and rush to see if you’re hurt
most of the time, you laugh it off and say you’re fine
iwaizumi will insist that you get an ice pack or try to walk you to the nurse
tbh all the third years get SO protective of you
like one eye’s on the ball, one eye’s on you just to make sure you haven’t been hit
if you start tearing up or your nose starts bleeding, they freak out
tears are not their forte
kunimi even suggests that you take a break from being their manager because he’s like This Is a Problem
but they can’t function without a manager anymore, and you love helping out the team, so you stay despite getting hit by a ball every day
once he makes sure you’re okay, oikawa will think it’s hilarious
oikawa: y/n-chan could make a great libero, they’re always getting the ball
the rest of seijoh: ........ b r o, N O 
anyway, when you go to a real tournament with other teams, you all find out that the balls that hit you aren’t limited just to seijoh
during matches with karasuno, shiratorizawa, and date tech, any ball that gets hit at a weird trajectory will come hurtling towards you, the manager, sitting at the bench
even the referee and crowd are concerned there’s foul play involved lmao
“why do the opposing team’s balls keep on going to seijoh’s manager... is this a new tactic to win or something??”
you become pretty well known among high school volleyball teams in miyagi because 1) you’re seijoh’s manager, 2) you’re hella cute, and 3) any volleyball within a 10 yard radius can and will hit you
if you do get hit and injured badly, oikawa is getting his coach to call a timeout just for you
hanamaki makes jokes to distract you and matsukawa’s trying to see if you have a concussion
basically they just fuss over you a lot because they care about you!
they’re so grateful that you’re their manager, ball magnet and all <3
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ahh the situation sounds hilarious, and it was so much fun to write! i hope i did this right -- it’s my first time writing for a whole team. hope you enjoy, and thanks for sending in a headcanon request <33
x rue
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trans-l-lawliet · 3 years
I don’t know if you still do headcanons anymore but for old times’ sake, do you have any for transmasc L, the lad who remains my favorite character even after all this time? I missed this fandom 😭
I haven't written any Death Note hcs in many moons, but let's see if we can make this old machine work...
Around teenage years L tried to cut and style his own hair into different styles including the first Karen 'I wanna speak to your manager' haircut we've all got at some point.
His favourite one was when he shaved most of it off at sixteen, leaving just an unruly mop on top, his most masculine hair to date, which started to make him think about how comfortable and right it felt to be 'confused' for a boy.
He would've kept it, but it was way too itchy and it felt wrong under his hands, so he more or less let it grow back after that to the style we all got to know,
Not too long people would automatically assume he was a girl, not too short to be uncomfortable for him.
Got his first binder when he was seventeen, but only used it when he was on his own, his boney fingers tracing his shirt over and over, fascinated and terrified at the positive feelings it gave him to see a flat chest.
When he was eighteen, they needed to dress fancy to blend into a party while investigating a case, and since he was still unsure about his gender, he decided to test out a theory.
The tailored suit he asked Watari for felt tighter than he was used to, especially since he was wearing his binder when measurements took place, and wearing it before going out had given him unexpected anxiety.
L had never cared that much about other people's perceptions of him, but as he finished dressing up, he thought he looked awkward, weird, it definitely wasn't going to fool anyone, it was a stupid idea...
All swirling thoughts came to a stop when he saw himself in the mirror.
He looked so different, yet it was still him, but he looked almost... handsome? Was that a word he could use? Was it the right word?
As he stared at himself, at the young man on the other side of the mirror, he let himself stand tall and smile, something else overpowering the anxious feelings curling inside him.
Watari came to get him, catching his eyes in the reflection, not missing the quickly vanishing smile that was replaced for a look of determination.
"Watari... I think I might be a man."
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personwithausername · 2 years
Haikyuu!!! Character Headcanons (LGBT Edition)
Okay I've been meaning to do this for ages so here we go woo !!
Also before we start I'd like to say I'm probably biased bc of my ships and also projecting lmfao
Sorry if you think I'm pushing identities onto characters too !! they're just hcs and it's entirely possible i went too far lmfao
I hope I haven't stolen other people's headcanons though so if I did I'm sorry
Also sorry for all the stuff in brackets lmfao
Schools: Karasuno, Nekoma, Aoba Johsai (Seijoh), Fukurodani, Inarizaki
Hinata Shouyou - pansexual (I think he'd just date who he wants to date tbh) also maybe trans, he/him pronouns
Kageyama Tobio - gay and demiromantic (he probably never thought about romance bc he never felt attracted to anyone that way but then he forms an emotional bond with someone and woo), he/him
Tsukishima Kei - gay and demisexual (I feel like he'd think he's ace but then he'd realize that he's demi ??), he/him
Yamaguchi Tadashi - bisexual (he gives such bisexual energy I don't think anyone disagrees) also he/they pronouns
Yachi Hitoka - raging lesbian and also probably demigirl, she/they pronouns
Nishinoya Yuu - definition of bisexual disaster lbr, also probably aceflux and a demiboy (but he'd use he/him pronouns i feel ??)
Tanaka Ryuunosuke - token straight. need i say more (he/him)
Ennoshita Chikara - i feel like he wouldn't label himself, like he just likes who he likes,,, either that or he's gay so i'm not quite sure, he/him
Kinoshita Hisashi - polysexual (maybe also polyamourous ??) and nonbinary, they/them pronouns
Narita Kazuhito - other token straight, he/him
Azumane Asahi - i'm sorry i get bi arospec acespec vibes from him, he/him
Sugawara Koushi - definitely gay (ik people usually say bi but idk i get this vibe from him) also trans he/they but they still wear skirts and shit because fuck you that's why (his makeup is always on point and they teach kageyama to do eyeliner)
Sawamura Daichi - i doubt he'd label himself, he probably knows he likes more than one gender but i doubt he really cares for labels, he/him
Kiyoko Shimizu - bi but she prefers girls i think ?? also trans with gorgeous long legs, she/her
{I added coaches for Karasuno but I probably won't for the other schools </3}
Keishin Ukai - omnisexual probably, he/him
Ittetsu Takeda - gayest man alive have you seen him, he/him
Kuroo Tetsurou - gay (ik a lot of people hc him as bi but idk giving very homosexual energy imo), he/him
Kenma Kozume - gay and bigender, he/she/they pronouns and their eyeliner is always on point, hasn't believed in gendered clothing since he was 4
Yaku Morisuke - honestly pansexual vibes, trans he/they
Kai Nobuyuki - bi but prefers girls, he/him
Yamamoto Taketora - token straight (shoulda seen this coming w tanaka also being token straight)
Fukunaga Shouhei - ceterosexual (attracted to nb folks) also nb themself, they/xe pronouns
Inuoka Sou - panromantic and asexual, he/him
Teshiro Tamahiko - straight (but not token), nb they/he
Haiba Lev - bisexual disaster, he/him
Shibayama Yuuki - gay have you seen this fellow, he/she pronouns
Oikawa Tooru - bisexual (i promise i'm not trying to go with the flirty bi boy stereotype okay), nonbinary they/he/she pronouns but they prefer they and he
Iwaizumi Hajime - gay asf but he looks very straight, he/him
Matsukawa Issei - bisexual and greyromantic, genderfluid he/xe (also maybe polyamourous)
Hanamaki Takahiro - gay arospec ace he/they
Yahaba Shigeru - asexual and panromantic, he/him
Watari Shinji - aromantic and asexual, he/him
Kindaichi Yuutarou - unlabeled i feel, he/him
Kunimi Akira - omni ace he/they and absolutely unbothered
Kyoutani Kentarou - gay. transmasc they/he pronouns also
Bokuto Koutarou - pansexual !!! but really, like hinata i think he'd just like who he likes (ahem akaashi) he/him
Akaashi Keiji - gay tbh i can't see him liking women, he/they or they/he depending on how they're feeling
Onaga Wataru - straight he/him woo
Komi Haruki - romance favourable aroflux (or maybe i'm just projecting) unlabeled when it comes to what gender he likes, he/him
Sarukui Yamato - omni he/xe vibes tbh
Washio Tatsuki - hetero asexual he/him
Kita Shinsuke - doesn't really label his romantic orientation but he is ace so !! woo ( i just don't personally see him as someone who'd be interested in sex) trans he/him
Oomimi Ren - aromantic heterosexual what a Chad, he/him
Ojiro Aran - bisexual he/him
Ginjima Hitoshi - polysexual nb, they/them
Kosaku Yuuto - cishet he/him token straight woo
Riseki Heisuke - disaster pansexual, demiboy he/they
Akagi Michinari - hetero ace, they/he
Miya Osamu - gay disaster, he/him
Miya Atsumu - bi disaster, also he/him (the twins probably had their gay awakenings around the same time)
Suna Rintarou - pansexual (and maybe acespec ???) transmasc he/they (difficult to argue against imo)
and that's it for now !! i'll maybe do a part 2 if i'm feeling up to it later (that'll probably include shiratorizawa, dateko, itachiyama and johzenji - maybe nohebi)
hope this is alright !!
drink water <3
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kimium · 2 years
In the spirit of the season, Valentine Headcannons for LawLight?
Oh! How fun!!! I'd love to talk about this! Thanks for the ask, friend! I'm also including general Valentine/February HC. Rest is under the cut!
-L is both easy and hard to buy for. Easy because obviously he wants chocolates. Hard because they have to be a specific kind of chocolate. While L will eat any sweet he's spoiled and only wants expensive chocolates from exclusive shops that do exclusive orders but you need to order in advance. We're talking months or even a year in advance for a normal order. But for Valentine's Day?? Yeah, Light has his work cut out for him. Thankfully with Watari's help and a lot of money (which is pocket change to L) Light will get the chocolates for L.
-Mello is the King(TM) of Valentine's Day chocolate advice. Light is very begrudging of this fact and hates going to Mello for help. Mello is very gleeful and a little smug but he'll never lie about chocolate so his recommendations are always spot on.
-Sayu smartly asks one year why Light doesn't just, you know, make the chocolates himself. For someone who is supposed to be a genius Sayu's suggestion takes Light by surprise.
Sayu: Must be nice having so much money you forgot about how us poor peons operate in the real world.
Light: For starters that's not my money it's L's money.
Sayu: Oh, my bad. How awful it must be to have a wealthy boyfriend. Fate really has it out for you, Light.
Light: Sayu...
Sayu, laying her hand dramatically on a chocolate making book she bought: Oh no, don't mind me. Go order your expensive chocolates from some French chocolate shop whose name I cannot pronounce. I'll just be here slaving away in the kitchen making a homemade gift. I'd do it better than you anyways.
Light: Give me that book.
Thus, Light ends up making chocolates for L that year. His first batch are never spoken about again. (For the price of a hefty bribe for Sayu and Ryuk.) But in the end his chocolates end up fantastic because he's a Perfectionist. Sayu sort of regrets teasing Light into making them but alternatively she gets to eat the "failures", so...
-Light on the other hand is harder to buy for. He's never been into the commercialization of Valentine's Day and most traditional gifts are a "waste of time" in his words. Stuffed animals? He hasn't had one since he was five. Chocolates? Uh, those are for L. Flowers? People can buy flowers all year round so why suddenly are they considered so special? Jewelry? He doesn't wear any?? Kinky gifts? Look, L and Light have a robust sex life (some would say too robust) so gifts of that nature are an all year round thing.
But L isn't a genius for nothing and somehow every year he manages to buy Light a gift he genuinely likes AND is useful. Practicality is the key to buying for Light.
-Both L and Light aren't into "romantic" gestures during Valentine's Day. It's just another day within the 365 days of a year. So they're not doing things like going to a restaurant (Watari cooks better than most restaurants anyways. Also L just wants to eat desserts) nor planning any other "special" outing.
-Not to say the two don't like going out on dates (you can only spend so much time at a computer doing work). They just don't like going out ON Valentine's Day. Any other day they'll go for walks to a local café and try the desserts or Light will take L to a traditional Japanese sweet shop. Light also strikes me as a museum/art gallery sort of person so they visit local exhibitions if one catches his eye. That being said one year Light casually said he liked a painting and L was ready to buy the piece for Light on the spot. Light had to frantically convince L to not do that.
-But just because L and Light aren't into "romantic" gestures doesn't mean they're not taking the night off a bit too early than usual and disappear into their bedroom 👀👀. Yeah, no one wants to be within two floors of their bedroom on Valentine's Day. Watari always gets a Very Nice Gift the next day and is treated Extra Special for the rest of the week.
-The only other person (besides L, Light, and Watari) who gets a gift on Valentine's Day from the couple is Sayu. Because she holds a lot of blackmail and Light is Not Taking any chances. L knows why and is amused but follows along regardless.
-L and Light's secret pleasure during the month of February is watching trashy Hallmark movies and poking fun of all the plot holes/storylines/terrible writing. Ryuk joins them and it's a blast.
-Once one Valentine's Day some criminal organization was going around disturbing shipping orders and that affected L's chocolate order arrival time. L beat his own record for solving and arresting the criminals. Light just sat there with a raised eyebrow and said Nothing.
-That record was promptly beaten the following year when another group tried the same thing and it disrupted both L AND Mello's chocolate orders. That organization is Very Lucky they're alive and their punishment is jail time.
-Ryuk saw the heart motifs around town and genuinely thought Valentine's Day was some sort of "dark human ritual" involving "hearts". Light nearly choked on his coffee and had to explain the holiday. Ryuk was very saddened that his version was not the real version.
-The year Sayu has an actual date on Valentine's Day, Light and L put their Very Important case on Hold to hack cameras so they could Keep an Eye out for her. They also find every scrap of information about her date and say they're keeping it "for safe keeping". She naturally finds out and complains to Mello (who I like to believe she's befriended). Mello just shrugs and very casually texts Matt to make sure their own investigation on her date is hidden. Near witnesses Matt scramble to do the job and Sighs. (But he's not above it because he too has done research.)
Also Mello cannot relate to "bringing a date" home because he's high key dating Matt (and maybe Near??? Because I'm trash for that OT3). L and Watari have always known who he's been with. Sayu's a little salty but what can either of them do?
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