#wax and herbal t
itsdakineme · 9 months
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forlorn-crows · 4 days
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 30: 𝒃𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 / 𝒅𝒂𝒚 19: 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
pairing(s): swiss/aeon words: 1314 notes: they/them aeon (cock/dick for their anatomy, only implied here). a present for dottie: happy birthday @coffeeghoulie 💙
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Aeon looks around, nose leading his head in an almost bird-like manner as he takes in the state of the bedroom. There’s twenty or so candles of various sizes and burn stages placed around the room, the walls and furniture cast in a warm amber. All dark wax: navy blues, midnight blacks, and deep crimsons grouped together in trios of moody hues. A dying joint sits in the ashtray on the nightstand—it’s the only scent in the room aside from Swiss’ own. Something light, not too strong; pleasantly heady and herbal. 
“What’s with all the candles?” 
Swiss chuckles. He shuts the door behind them and loosely crosses his arms. “It’s called ‘setting the mood’,” he lilts.
They raise their eyebrows. “Hm.” Aeon looks him up and down, not-so-subtly lingering on his forearms. “You wanted to play with fire.”
“These things aren’t mutually exclusive, baby.” Swiss flashes his thousand-watt smile, and Aeon can’t help but roll their eyes and drift into him. They slip into his arms and wrap theirs around his waist. Leaning back their head into the cradle of Swiss’ hands when they come up to the back of their neck. 
Aeon hums. Smiles lazily. “I have something else you can play with,” they say softly, picking the hem of his t-shirt out of his jeans and slipping their hands underneath. They sway their hips a little too, just for good measure. Swiss rumbles, sultry. The quint ghoul runs their knobby fingers over the softness of his lower back, then slides one of their hands to his front. Palm flat against his stomach and drifting upwards. 
“Oh, I bet you do,” the multi ghoul says huskily. He grins, pulling Aeon in until their lips meet, half a kiss and half a shared, breathless laugh. 
Swiss’ mouth is warm, inviting—he always makes it too easy for them to open up immediately, tongues gliding out to greet the other in the space between their eager lips. Aeon tastes the weed lingering in his mouth. His natural mint and whiskey flavor. They never tire of it, no matter how many times they’ve tasted each other by now.
Swiss drops one hand to their waist instead, pulling them flush to his own body. Aeon groans approvingly and brings that hand on his tummy higher, higher. Fingers curling into his chest hair and thigh slotting between his legs.
The multi ghoul huffs. “Make me crazy, baby,” he breathes into their mouth. “So fuckin’ crazy.”
“Yeah?” Aeon teases. They trail kisses down his jawline, his neck. Hand dragging back down his torso until they’re palming the tent in Swiss’ jeans, earning them a hiss. “Gonna show me how crazy?” they mumble into his pulsepoint. 
“Fuck.” Swiss’ head dips back as he grinds into Aeon’s hand. They curl their fingers, pressing them deeper, groping him through the denim. His scent turns spicy and sweet all at once. Flooding their senses with nothing but a potent cloud of Swiss. They throb between their legs when his hands start to roam, chubbing up as he digs his those thick fingers into their waist, their back, petting over the nape of their neck and pawing at their ass. 
When the multi ghoul pulls them into a heated kiss, it’s Aeon’s turn to swear. “Shit—want you,” they pant. 
Swiss laughs breathlessly. “Didn’t even get to any romance yet.”
“Don’t have to—can have me however you want.”
The room spins.
The statement steals the breath from Swiss’ lungs, twisting it into a devastated groan. He grips Aeon tighter. Anchoring them both to the spot and resting their foreheads together. His heart’s pounding against his ribs, and he’s sure the quint can probably hear it—probably feel it against that skinny chest of theirs. 
“Baby,” he says slowly. His voice breaks with the surge of want that rushes up from his core, but it’s the nerves that he chokes on. Swiss swallows in poor effort to shove it all down. He cradles their cheeks in his hands, thumbs grazing over their cheekbones. Specks of ultraviolet in their otherwise charcoal gray eyes flash in the candlelight as they gaze up at him with parted lips and furrowed brow. Concerned despite the obvious arousal between them. 
Swiss takes a full breath. “Aeon,” he says softly. Their eyebrows raise a centimeter. “My beautiful bug.” They light up at the word ‘my’, chirping quietly. 
Lucifer, he can’t keep it in any longer. “I love you.”
Aeon’s eyes go wide. They stare at him for a painfully long moment, eyes flitting all over his face. Five, six, seven . . .The silence is maddening, but Swiss doesn’t dare break it by accidentally saying something stupid. Their fingers curl into his shirt a few seconds later and they force out: “Oh, the candles . . .”
He sighs, tension between his shoulders dissipating. “Yeah, the candles,” Swiss laughs. “Hopeless romantic, you know me. But ya kinda jumped me before I had the chance to be sappy.”
“Sorry,” they say, mouth scrunching to the side as they hold back a smile. “Could have stopped me.”
“Like hell I was gonna stop you.”
Aeon shrugs. “Fair.” But they smile big then, pulling Swiss into a hug. The multi ghoul wraps them up easily, resting his cheek against the top of their head. They smell like Dew’s shampoo and the electric zing of oncoming storms. Metallic and clear and apple-y. They blow a great big sigh into his chest, and it’s all wonderfully domestic. Something about them not realizing he had wanted to craft a certain ambiance and just falling into their usual, casual routine makes him smile. It’s just so them. He isn’t even bothered by Aeon not saying it back; he just needed to say it, lest it tumble from his lips at a random moment before his brain could stop his mouth from uttering the three words. 
Swiss sways them a little in the short span of silence, gaze lost in the flickering flames off to his right. That lingering feeling of arousal creeps back up, but he’s just as content to preserve this little bubble of warmth for as long as Aeon will let him. 
It’s not much longer though, the quint ghoul soon pulling his head out from their embrace. Their face has a little color to it, a slight purple hue over their otherwise deep gray complexion. Swiss can’t help but grin at how cute it makes them. 
“What are you smiling at?”
Swiss grins wider. “Just you. My cute little bug.”
Aeon shakes their head, amused. “You know that I love you, too, right?” 
A flash of giddiness surges through his chest, the entire cavity of it filling with affection. “You love me, too.” It’s a statement, not a question. Swiss fights his cheeks hard from dimpling with delight. 
“Yes? That’s what I just—mmpf!”
Swiss dives in and captures them in a kiss, cutting off the rest of their sentence. The ‘yes’ was more than enough for him. He kisses them like he hasn’t seen them in a hundred years—hands curled in their hair, mouths slotted perfectly together, and love seeping from every possible pore. Aeon melts so easily for him, humming contentedly when he licks over their top lip. Where it was heated and fervid before, it’s deep and tender now: a slow meeting and parting of their mouths, over and over without any intent of stopping. 
“Fuck, Swiss,” Aeon mumbles against his lips after who knows how many kisses. He takes it as an invitation to lick into their mouth, leaning into the hand that’s started skirting back under his shirt. “Please.”
Pleasure coils hot in his stomach. Renewed enthusiasm taking over as they start getting needy again. “Anything,” Swiss rumbles, grabbing at their waist. Pulling them in until they’re flush against him once more, until he can feel them throb through their pants. 
“Take me,” Aeon breathes. “Make me yours.”
please consider reblogging ♡ divider by @ghuleh-recs
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puppypawprintce · 3 months
1740 words - gen
snily friendship, nightmares, severus loving potions class, angst
cw: self loathing
ao3 link if you'd prefer ♡
One, two, three, four - four ounces of Moondew, the herbal green fluid joining its brethren of finely pulverized Unicorn Horn, Syrup of Hellebore, and Stewed Mandrake. The greenish blue substance simmers in the cauldron. Severus couldn't be more focused if he tried, his careful hand stirs its contents while slowly adding in 12 ounces of Honeywater. It beginning to shift to a much warmer shade of amber. The sweat beads by his brow and the steam emanating makes his skin feel false, like wax paper, disgusting.
There are an abysmal amount of ways to screw up an elixir, and he'll be damned if any of the infinite creep up on him today.
When he woke up this morning he'd been excited-an immensely rare sight for the student-to work on his potion of anti-paralysis. Something about it all intrigued him, and he knew he'd wanna pocket some bottles for safe keeping.
Professor Slughorn had begun giving him heads up on what his class had in store, often lending extra books and indulging in the boy's curiosity.
"You could be a great Potions master one day you know." And Severus had known, being one of the only people to carry around tiny bottles of his own creation was somewhat of an ego booster. All the more fun in Herbology and all the more easy to take care of himself.
Maybe just 4 this time.
Other students in the room seem bored, not meeting much a reason to be brewing such a potion in the first place. It must be nice to walk in for the grade alone; Severus finishes pouring his honey-like antidote and runs his fingers through his hair. Everything always feels so sticky around cauldrons, his wrists hurt.
"Okay everyone, clean up for today." Slughorn's voice flits past Severus' ears, crackly and friendly as ever. "Keep this recipe in your repertoire.. Never know when Petrificus Totalus may sneak up on you."
What an understatement. Severus wouldn't be leaving Slytherin Dungeon on Sunday unless absolutely necessary, He wrings his hands and envisions a peaceful evening ahead of him, Saturdays bringing a sense of calm. It's just a trek back to his room and he can finally fall to his pillow and take a nap.
"Hey Sev." Lily's velvet voice acts as an invisible wall he walks into. Her eyes meet his as he takes a second to really catch up in his mind, and Lily's hands fall on his shoulders like knocking over old books. She just barely exceeds him in height, her freckles highlighted by the scattered warmth in her cheeks. "You look exhausted! Did you sleep at all?"
"I slept." He answers, voice croaking like he hadn't been awake the past hour. "Not enough though. I've been planning a long nap all day."
The arms of a warm floral cinnamon hold him tight and it's oh–so familiar. Everytime Lily hugs him, Severus doesn't quite know what to do. Does he hold her back? Would it be embarrassing for her if his hands grazed her hair and does she ever stop to think that it may ruin her reputation to be seen with whatever he is—so close to her lungs and– Why can't he just live in the moment? She always sees right through him in a way that no one else does. Perhaps it's because they've known each other for so long.. Perhaps he's just not the best at hiding his shadow. It's so easy to know a terrible person when Heaven on Earth stands directly next to you.
"I've been having some nightmares. Not too many, but some." His shoulders stay tense. There's never enough time with her, even if he were capable of simply standing here with more confidence he'd still have that voice in the back of his head screaming into the canal that connects his ear and up to his eyes and through every vein that reaches his brain. Spilling acid of it's disgusting to be seen and you ruin everything you touch. It's a shame really, his work in class shows otherwise. Good wizard, bad person. Nothing can change that.
She squeezes him ever so slightly, her fingers going to pet his hair before she brings him back to an arms length apart. There's a face of worry; he hates when she looks at him like that.
"I'm sorry." It's not fair, sleeping is supposed to be a time to rest. The one time when nothing else matters except just laying there unmoving, and trying not to go crazy when the loneliness veers its ugly claws. "Mind if i ask what about?"
Severus shakes his head. It's not like he has to hide this sort of stuff from her.
"It's just mum. She's much busier now, I never know when I'll see her. If it's for one month or one minute." Chest rising and falling, he doesn't expect to feel his throat tighten. He only cries when he's tired. "Sorry I need to go."
Please take care of yourself.
He nods and whispers a quiet "see you later" before quickly finding his way around the Hogwarts corridors. It always feels empty when he runs away from her, and whenever she says goodbye. He's always hoping for something better to come up, but he knows it's not logical to think that way. To wish and wish for anything to become perfect, for his life to grow into something he's not and will never be, for things to be different.
Reaching the common room, Severus doesn't say a word to anyone. He heads straight past leather sofas and flickering lamps, through the diamond-shaped door. He lands in the carpet of his room and the way his body hits his mattress feels like a rolling pin grading on his bones 10 times over. He'd exerted himself today, and it hadn't even been a full day's worth of classes.
Counting to 112, his hands grip the 2 layers of blanket he's buried himself in and the world around fades to a depressing gray, warm but far from inviting. Sometimes he wishes for a cat to accompany him with soft paws and a gentle purr.
Other times he just wants to stay asleep 'til Christmas comes.
Waves and waves of saltwater fight to pull him under, stinging his eyes and blocking his breath but he can't let them win. It's not a choice, but a responsibility, his long sleeves make it exceedingly hard to move and when he reaches this small puppy in front of him he's counting to 100 hoping they'll reach the shoreline before his lungs and limbs give out. She's shaking, and all he can do is wonder where his mother is.
Eileen had been in the water too, the fury of nature's pool hoisting uncertainty in every direction. Severus looks around, running past several people he can't recognize and it's starting to frighten him. Where'd she go? Is the beating heart he's carrying in his arms meant to be here? It's all a haze, a dreary haze.
They're all suddenly together, Severus ripping the paper wrapper off his straw and their waitress brings in a rack of many books. Eileen doesn't seem to even see Severus, she chatters and laughs but doesn't quite look at him, his brain hammers and drills and he just wants her to say 'I've missed you.'
You don't want to be here do you?
It hurts, hurts more than the water pulling him under and the times he's fallen down the stairs when wanting to skip out on Church and she still won't look at him. It's only when they're in his room and he runs into her arms that her voice is aimed directly at him, the small form she can barely hold on to.
"Why do you wish to be around me when I've been so wrong?"
Severus can't stop crying.
"I miss you. It doesn't matter what you've done, I still miss you."
This hug feels like he's fallen into their burning fireplace in the dead of Winter. He knows she's slipping away. She's always slipping away.
"I can't.."
His head pounds. The feeling of chills play through his shoulders and up his neck, it's a wonder that he's still submerged in fabric of green and silver. He can feel his eyes straining with remnants of salt when he opens them and it's only a little shocking when a rough palm collides with his forehead.
"You haven't got a fever, at least I don't think.."
Regulus has no sense of personal space.
"I'm not sick," Severus responds in such a way, he doesn't know if it's even audible. "Head.. hurts."
As if he were struck by lightning Regulus flings his entire arm back to then hang by his waist, presumably what he'd be doing if he hadn't gone to check Sev's temp status. His place next to his roommate's bed is awkward, and Severus is too wracked with leftover pain and confusion to care.
"Is it 7 already?"
"Nuh uh. Still 5:30." Regulus checks his wrist as if he remembered to bring his watch to school this term.
"More sleep."
And then Severus is out again, the tension in his forehead fading once he's breathing steadily and Regulus can't help but stare for longer than any normal person would. Disgust rises in himself because he doesn't feel like he should bear witness - he sighs out with thoughts racing. It'd be so easy to tease him for everything, but easy isn't what he's about. It's not like he's out to start wars. Only out to finish them.
Everburning candles lead the way out of the room in their spot on the small coffee table, almost like a glowing sign pointing him out. No one else is in here, though that shouldn't surprise him. Leave it to Severus to be the only Slytherin avoiding everyone else like the plague.
Once he can't justify standing around any longer, Regulus picks up a small book from under his bed and snakes his way back out from whence he came. A grimace forms on his face when the door has the audacity to screech and his head whips back to make sure it hadn't been a disturbance. Pangs of empathy, it's not something he knows yet. But maybe one day it'll make sense. And maybe someday it won't feel weird, weird that he stared with not much reason.
He's gotta write this all down.
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notasdriedapricots · 4 months
Spell your url with song titles
thank you for the tag, @ariendiel! 💗
I tried to choose songs I haven't used in any previous music ask, AND I didn't allow the regular offenders like Jamie Cullum, Vulfpeck (and adjacent projects/related people), Sammy Rae & the Friends, Busty and the Bass, Gregory Porter, Lake Street Dive, Scary Pockets, Lous and the Yakuza... I and even with all that some were so hard.
ALSO Just in case, I'm a vibes girlie, not a lyrics girlie. I'm not responsible for how silly some of this songs' lyrics are, and to be honest I probably don't even know what half of them say because I never paid much attention lol Also also, my playlist is currently at 45 hours, I do not pay attention to most of the words in there. God bless the language barrier...
Nickel & Dime, by Nic Hanson
On The Back Foot, by Ryan Prewett and Tyler Flowers
Take It Up a Notch, by Lack Of Afro, Wax and Herbal T
Adelphia, by The Cat Empire
Solitude, by Lila Iké
Dr. Funk, by The Main Squeeze
Real Good, by Outasight
I'm Leavin' (The Na-Na Song), by Couch and Ella Galvin
Extra Extra, by Michael Shynes
downBAD, by Stop Light Observations
Arty Boy - Tennyson Remix, by Flight Facilities, Emma Louise, and Tennyson
Planet X, by Calimossa
Read Receipts, by Kyle Thornton & The Company
It's Your Voodoo Working, by Hugh Coltman
Cabaret, by Luiz Henrique and Walter Wanderley
Over It, by Dux and Raquel Rodriguez
The Thrill, by Yam Haus
Side Eyes, by Awfbeat (give me some credit for not putting September here, because you know I would have... But I only had two Ss and I wanted to mix things up a bit. Also this is great, I mean the bridge)
I'm late, as usual, but I'm tagging @definitelynotagentm @sailorpleiades @moderarato @justtuesdays and @mp3minded
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saratogaroadwrites · 10 months
For King and Country (14/122)
For King and Country | saratogaroad rating: T total wordcount:  280,466 characters: Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane, Aranella, Batu, Tani, Lofty, Leander Aristidies, Bracken Meadows relationships: Roland Crane & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Aranella & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane & Aranella, Batu & Tani, Batu & Evan, Tani & Evan, Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum & Lofty, Rolander other tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Son Relationship, Place Slowly Becomes Home People Slowly Become Family, Found Family, For Want of A Nail warnings: none
Pulled from his world by mysterious powers, former president Roland Crane finds himself caught in the middle of a coup meant to take the life of the young King Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum. Joining forces with Aranella, the pair of them set out to aid Evan in making his dream of a kingdom where everyone can live happily ever after a reality.
But the road to peace is a long and treacherous one and there is no promise of success in a world where darkness spreads ever thicker with each passing day. If they are to stand a chance, they must stand together, for king and for country.
(A retelling.)
"’Ere, lad.” Batu said in an oddly gentle voice, passing Roland a waxed paper cup full of something steaming. “Nothin’ better than Sheermint for headaches.”
“Thanks,” Roland responded in an equally quiet tone, holding the cup close as Batu shifted the sleeping Tani off of Roland’s lap and into his own arms. She, like Evan whom Roland still held close, had fallen asleep some hours ago. Their early evening arrival had passed into the wee hours of the morning waiting outside the Dispellery. Eyes itchy with exhaustion, Roland took a sip of his tea. Minty, vaguely herbal, and he would have loved a strong coffee instead, but at this moment in time he would take what he could get. The pounding at the back of his skull was really getting to him.
“Any news?” Batu asked once he had Tani cradled close, her head on his shoulder. “I see Lofty ain’t with ye.”
“He hasn’t come out yet,” Roland replied, looking sidelong at Evan. He’d cried himself to sleep in Roland’s arms, and he didn’t have the heart to wake him without any news. Best to let him get what sleep he could before anything else happened. Just thinking about the anguish in Evan’s cries made his chest ache all over again. He stared into his tea. “I’m banking on no news is good news this time.”
“Aye.” Batu said, then sighed and looked at the door to the dispellery. The two of them fell into an uneasy silence, unsure of both one another and the situation at hand. Eventually it became too much for Batu and he shook his head again. “But Miss Aranella’s a strong sort. She’ll pull through.”
“I hope so.” Roland replied. “Evan still needs her.” He took another sip of his tea. It was helping, a little. How odd that this headache had come on so suddenly, and so soon before Aranella had collapsed. There was something up with that. Maybe it had something to do with the odd, heavy feeling in the air. Taking another sip, he looked sideways as he felt Batu’s eyes on him.
“Ye’re awful calm for yer missus being like this,” Batu said with a frown. “Ye estranged or somethin’?”
By nature, Roland was a calm, quiet, and humble man. He’d always been, and he’d seen too much arrogance ruin too many lives to let himself go down the road of arrogance, but one thing he was proud of was his poker face. Learned through ten years in law and nearly twenty in politics, his ability to keep a politely straight face had seen him through over-aggressive prosecutors and heel-dragging senators alike.
And yet, somehow, all of that experience was useless in the face of Batu’s innocent question. He almost choked on the tea, coughing as it went half down the wrong pipe. Evan stirred and he tried to hold back the rest of his coughs, but the boy slept on as Roland caught his breath and wheezed, “Aranella isn’t my wife!”
“No?” Batu raised an eyebrow as if Roland hadn’t just nearly choked from shock. “She’s certainly Evan’s mum. He ain’t yours?”
As if his coloring alone couldn’t say that no, he wasn’t. But looking down at the slumbering boy in the crook of his shoulder, Roland found that single word catching in his throat, refusing to come up. For a moment, his thoughts turned to Trevor. Guilt and grief dug in like thorns as he sighed heavily. Alex would have laughed at him for all of this, he thought, his reactions and twisting thoughts. That’s my Roland,, she’d say, A heart big enough for the world. The thought of her was an odd mix of comfort and pain.
“It’s…complicated,” He rasped finally, clearing his throat. Damned tea. Now his head really hurt!
“Aye, lad,” Batu said in that oddly quiet tone again, his expression pensive. “Family usually is.”
Wasn’t that the truth. Roland sat back on the bench with a sigh, swirling the last of his tea in the cup. At least most of the vendors had closed up for the night. It had gotten much quieter than when they’d arrived.
“Can I ask ye a question, Roland?”
Well. Mostly quieter. He closed his eyes.
“How old are ye, lad?”
Shoot. Probably older than you, Roland thought but didn’t say. That was a can of worms he wasn’t ready to open just yet. Maybe he’d never be ready. It was easier to try and shove it in a box, focus on things here. Harder to think of the life he’d left behind.
“Twenty,” He said a few seconds later, long past feeling embarrassed for his attempts at looking cool all those decades ago. At least he’d avoided the out of style mullet of his late teens. “Why?”
“Just wonderin’ what makes a baby faced lad like you have so much experience with the youngins,” Batu said, raising an eyebrow. Roland struggled to keep his face clear of aggravation. The sneak had boxed him into a corner! If Roland didn’t answer, he’d appear to be dodging the question. But if he lied and that came out…he looked away. One of Evan’s ears twitched against his neck.
“I…used to babysit for my neighbor,” he said, scrambling for anything that would stick. And it wasn’t entirely a lie; he had looked after his neighbor’s toddler a few times in his last years of schooling. “When I was younger.”
“In Dell?” Batu asked, and got a nod in return. Better to stick with that story. “Explains ye bein’ in the castle. Royals always need hands.” Roland cracked an eye open, but Batu was glancing at Evan’s still slumbering form. “And the lad could do much worse.”
And a lot better. Roland looked away again. There was no love lost between him and Batu, not after their captivity in the canyon, but…how old was he, again? It was damn well time to act it.
“…Batu, I…” He took a breath and swallowed his pride. “I owe you an apology.”
“Ye what?”
Roland jerked his head towards Tani then said, “When the Wyverns had her. I said some unkind things. I was out of line. I’m sorry.”
Batu was silent for a long few moments. Roland didn’t breach the silence, content to let it hang there and wait, but then.
“No. Ye weren’t.” Batu said with a sigh. Roland snapped his eyes to the other man. “Ye were defendin’ yer charge as best ye could in a right mess. In yer place, I’d have said much worse. And…” He glanced down at his daughter. With a gentle touch, he brushed hair from her face; she didn’t even stir. Batu was an old hand at that, Roland thought. “Ye were right, lad. She’s got twice as much reason as any of me men, and the sense to use it. To think I almost lost that…” He cleared his throat. “…I owe ye and Evan a debt I can never repay. A few harsh words are nothin’.”
Nothing compared to the horror that came with the thought of losing a child. It was one that Roland knew intimately well. Over the years in and out of hospitals, he’d become almost used to the knots in the pit of his stomach, but they had never failed to tighten at thoughts of Trevor. Even now, they strangled his insides.
“…But thank ye, Roland,” Batu said, “For apologizing. Ye’re a good man.”
A smile flickered across Roland’s face. A good man? How many times had he heard that one before. He wasn’t in the mood for denying it tonight, didn’t have the energy to fight it. So he hummed rather than say anything, eyes still closed. Peace returned, the silence between them lighter even as the air hung thick and sticky in the city. His head still pounded, a distant drumbeat growing closer with each passing minute.
Then, suddenly, it began to lift.
“Cor,” Lofty said, startling Roland into opening his eyes. The little kingmaker was wobbling out of the Dispellery, swiping an arm across his face and heaving a massive sigh. “That was a tough one!”
Roland sat up, tightening his grip on Evan to keep him from tumbling. The boy burrowed his face in the crook of Roland’s shoulder as he said, “Aranella?”
Lofty puffed out his chest. “Going to be weak as a newborn babe for a few days,” he said with a stern expression that belied how proud he actually was, “But she’ll live. And she’s a tough old girl for doin’ that; that curse near reached her heart!”
“But it’s all gone now?” Batu asked, “Ye done away with the blighted thing?”
“Of course, mun.” Lofty said, but then he deflated and frowned. “But it'd be proper tidy to know where the bloody thing came from. Magic that strong ‘en’t something to be playin’ around with and—”
“Lofty,” Roland said, levering himself up on stiff legs. “Can it wait for morning? We all need to get some rest.”
Lofty clicked his jaw shut. He looked at Evan, still in Roland’s arms, and then at Tani asleep in her father’s lap. Heaving a gusty sigh, the kingmaker nodded.
“Aye,” he said, “Aye, it can wait. Let’s get the kidlings to a proper bed, eh? Come back in the mornin’.”
And that, Roland thought, was the best thing he'd heard all day.
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sabezy · 1 year
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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and if you are looking for affordable yet meaningful gifts for your significant other, then you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re shopping for a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, we have rounded up 10 gift ideas that are sure to please. And the best part? All of these gifts can be found on Sabezy.com and come with free shipping.
Gifts for Him:
1. Men’s Shirts:
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A stylish shirt is a great gift for any man who wants to look sharp and put-together. At Sabezy, you’ll find a wide variety of men’s shirts that are perfect for the office, date night, or casual wear.
2. Men’s T-Shirts and Polos:
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If your man is more of a casual dresser, then a comfortable t-shirt or polo is a great choice. These versatile pieces are perfect for lounging, working out, or running errands.
3. Copper Bottle for Drinking Purposes:
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A copper bottle is a unique and practical gift for the health-conscious man. Copper has many health benefits and is believed to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity. This beautiful copper bottle is perfect for storing water, tea, or any other beverage and is sure to become a staple in your guy’s routine.
4. Protein Powder Supplements:
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For the gym-goer, a protein powder supplement is a great gift. This product is a great way to help build muscle, recover after a workout, and maintain a healthy diet. Sabezy offers 100% natural plant protein powder that is vegan and gluten-free, making it a great option for everyone.
5. Energy Drink for Stamina:
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If your guy is always on the go, then he’ll love this energy drink. It’s designed to provide a quick boost of energy and help improve stamina, making it perfect for busy days or a workout session.
Gifts for Her:
1. T-Shirts for Women:
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A comfortable t-shirt is a classic gift that every woman will love. Whether she’s running errands or lounging at home, a soft, cozy t-shirt is always appreciated.
2.  Beauty Products:
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From skincare to makeup, beauty products are a great gift for the woman who loves to pamper herself. Sabezy offers a wide range of beauty products that are affordable and high-quality.
3.  Skin-Care Products:
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If your woman is all about taking care of her skin, then she’ll love a gift from Sabezy’s skin-care selection. From face wash to moisturizer, you’ll find everything she needs to keep her skin looking and feeling its best.
4. Bags:
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Every woman needs a great bag, and Sabezy has a wide range of affordable options to choose from. From work bags to weekend bags, you’re sure to find something she’ll love.
5. Nail Care Products:
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For the woman who loves a good mani-pedi, nail care products are a great gift. From nail polish to cuticle oil, you’ll find everything she needs to keep her nails looking their best.
6. Combo Gift Sets:
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If you’re looking for a gift that combines the best of beauty and wellness, then Sabezy’s combo gift sets are a great choice. From herbal oil and soy wax candles to premium loose-leaf tea and soy wax candle gift box we have got you covered,
7. Women’s Ethnic Wear :
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Give her a touch of elegance and tradition with stunning ethnic wear. Sabezy.com has a variety of options ranging from beautiful sarees to stunning salwar suits. You can choose from a wide range of styles, designs, and colors to find the perfect outfit for her. The quality of the fabric is top-notch, and the prices are also very reasonable.
Combo Gift Sets for both Men & Women
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If you’re not sure what to gift your lady love, a combo gift set might just be the answer. Sabezy.com offers several combo gift sets that cater to different interests, such as wellness, beauty, and skincare. For example, the Urbaano Herbal Camphor Onion Essential Oil combo set is perfect for someone who loves natural and organic products, while the Jivisa Premium Loose-Leaf Tea and Soy Wax Candle Gift Box is perfect for someone who loves to unwind with a cup of tea.
In conclusion, these gift ideas are perfect for anyone looking for a meaningful and affordable way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re shopping for your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend, these gifts are sure to make your loved one feel special and appreciated. So, visit Sabezy.com today and pick the perfect gift for your Valentine’s Day celebration. Don’t forget to take advantage of their free shipping offer to make your shopping experience even more enjoyable!
This blog was originally published at Sabezy
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gennie123 · 1 year
Affordable Gift Ideas For Valentines Day
 Valentine's Day is just around the corner and if you are looking for affordable yet meaningful gifts for your significant other, then you've come to the right place. Whether you're shopping for a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, we have rounded up 10 gift ideas that are sure to please. And the best part? All of these gifts can be found on Sabezy.com and come with free shipping.
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Gifts for Him:
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1. Men's Shirts:
A stylish shirt is a great gift for any man who wants to look sharp and put-together. At Sabezy, you'll find a wide variety of men's shirts that are perfect for the office, date night, or casual wear.
2. Men's T-shirts and Polos: If your man is more of a casual dresser, then a comfortable t-shirt or polo is a great choice. These versatile pieces are perfect for lounging, working out, or running errands.
3. Copper Bottle for Drinking Purpose: A copper bottle is a unique and practical gift for the health-conscious man. Copper has many health benefits and is believed to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity. This beautiful copper bottle is perfect for storing water, tea, or any other beverage and is sure to become a staple in your guy's routine.
4. Protein Powder Supplements: For the gym-goer, a protein powder supplement is a great gift. This product is a great way to help build muscle, recover after a workout, and maintain a healthy diet. Sabezy offers 100% natural plant protein powder that is vegan and gluten-free, making it a great option for everyone.
5. Energy Drink for Stamina: If your guy is always on the go, then he'll love this energy drink. It's designed to provide a quick boost of energy and help improve stamina, making it perfect for busy days or a workout session.
Gifts for Her:
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1. T-Shirts for Women:
 A comfortable t-shirt is a classic gift that every woman will love. Whether she's running errands or lounging at home, a soft, cozy t-shirt is always appreciated.
2.  Beauty Products: From skincare to makeup, beauty products are a great gift for the woman who loves to pamper herself. Sabezy offers a wide range of beauty products that are affordable and high-quality.
3.  Skin-Care Products:
If your woman is all about taking care of her skin, then she'll love a gift from Sabezy's skin-care selection. From face wash to moisturizer, you'll find everything she needs to keep her skin looking and feeling its best.
4. Bags: Every woman needs a great bag, and Sabezy has a wide range of affordable options to choose from. From work bags to weekend bags, you're sure to find something she'll love.
5. Women's Ethnic Wear: If your woman loves traditional and ethnic wear, then she'll love Sabezy's selection of women's ethnic wear. From sarees to Kurtis, you'll find something that will make her feel beautiful and special.
6. Nail Care Products:
For the woman who loves a good mani-pedi, nail care products are a great gift. From nail polish to cuticle oil, you'll find everything she needs to keep her nails looking their best.
7. Combo Gift Sets: If you're looking for a gift that combines the best of beauty and wellness, then Sabezy's combo gift sets are a great choice. From herbal oil and soy wax candles to premium loose-leaf tea and soy wax candle gift box we have got you covered,
8. Women’s Ethnic Wear : Give her a touch of elegance and tradition with a stunning ethnic wear. Sabezy.com has a variety of options ranging from beautiful sarees to stunning salwar suits. You can choose from a wide range of styles, designs, and colors to find the perfect outfit for her. The quality of the fabric is top-notch, and the prices are also very reasonable.
Combo Gift Sets for both Men & Women
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If you’re not sure what to gift your lady love, a combo gift set might just be the answer. Sabezy.com offers several combo gift sets that cater to different interests, such as wellness, beauty, and skincare. For example, the Urbaano Herbal Camphor Onion Essential Oil combo set is perfect for someone who loves natural and organic products, while the Jivisa Premium Loose-Leaf Tea and Soy Wax Candle Gift Box is perfect for someone who loves to unwind with a cup of tea.
In conclusion, these ten gift ideas are perfect for anyone looking for a meaningful and affordable way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re shopping for your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend, these gifts are sure to make your loved one feel special and appreciated. So, visit Sabezy.com today and pick the perfect gift for your Valentine’s Day celebration. Don’t forget to take advantage of their free shipping offer to make your shopping experience even more enjoyable!
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riverstonepottery · 1 year
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Back in stock, Fresh wellness candles. Each RiverStone candle is hand poured using 100% soy wax. . As part of my spa wellness line, Sage & Cypress is made with a complex yet clean herbal mix. It gives a cleansing relaxing vibe starting with notes of spruce and bergamot, then has crisp mind clearing notes of sage and cypress, and finishes with a deep herbal base of palo santo, patchouli, dark musk, and smoke. . Made from renewable and sustainable materials grown by American farmers. • 100% soy wax • cotton wick • 8oz • r i v e r s t o n e s t u d i o (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXzIyNutfS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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emissionmiracle · 1 year
Best Pure & Organic Honey Brands in India – We Tested 5 Top Brands Bee Honey
Bee Honey is one of nature's most exquisite food creations, and you don't have to be Winnie the Pooh to appreciate it. It belongs everywhere, from spooned into a straightforward cup of tea to drizzled over exorbitantly priced cheeses on the fanciest charcuterie platter. It is sweet, smooth, and full of warm taste
5 Best Honey Brands You don't have to be Winnie the Pooh to appreciate one of nature's finest food manifestations: Bee Honey. Sweet, silky, and full of warm flavor, it belongs everywhere, from spooned into a simple cup of tea to drizzled atop wildly expensive cheeses on the fanciest charcuterie board.
Honey is deeply embedded in one of the loveliest life cycles to be found in the natural world. Flowers, not only colorful and aromatic, are highly practical — downright do-or-die — a hardworking Bee Honey seeks nectar for survival. The bee fills its honey sac as it buzzes from around 50 to 100 flowers. After this labor of love, the bee returns to its hive and deposits the precious cargo into wax cells we all know as honeycombs. And that's it. No, really, that's it. You can eat the honey right out of the combs, then and there, like a big old black bear. And a wise consumer knows that this purest form of honey, raw and unfiltered, is absolutely the way to go for the best-tasting experience. For a deeper look at the honey production process, check out the National Honey Board.
To reduce the risk of bee stings, we chose to gather a range of raw honey from different grocery stores and taste test it. Check out our list of the worst to best brands of raw honey if you're looking for the sweetest honey available.
1. Madhupushp Honey Chyawanprash
Best Chyawanprash is a traditional herbal jam from India that is created from a mixture of amla fruit, ghee, honey, and different herbs and spices. It is frequently taken as a daily supplement since it is thought to provide a variety of health advantages, such as enhancing immunity and digestion. is typically taken orally and consumed as a paste or jam. A tablespoon of chyawanprash should be taken every day, either on its own or combined with warm milk or water. It is considered to have a variety of advantages, including supporting the immune system, enhancing digestion, and encouraging healthy skin and hair. It is traditionally used to enhance overall health and well-being.
2.Madhupushp Honey Organic Ghee
There is a dairy product called ghee clarified butter that contains 98.9% lipids, 0.3% water, and less than 0.9% nonfat solids. The majority of lipids, or fatty acids, make up 85.1% of buffalo and 83.65% of cty.ow ghee, respectively. The hue of the vegetable ghee should range from creamy white to yellow. The substance ought to be transparent when it has melted. The material's clarity will be determined by the absence of turbidity after heating the sample to 70 0.5 oC and maintaining it at this temperature for 1 hour.
3, Madhupushp Honey Amala Ka Muraba
Amala Ka Muraba is a sweet pickle made from desi khaand and amla (Indian gooseberry) that has been grown organically. It can be paired with regular meals as a side dish. It can also be kept for a longer time in storage. This murabba is exceptionally good in all types of food and is fresh, flavorful, and unique. For an amazing burst of royalty, eat it with your theplas or add a spoonful to falafel sandwiches! Spread out on toast with butter rather than jam, this is a tasty and generally healthy snack for kids. This one is a treasured gift from the wise people throughout the ages.
4. Madhupushp Honey’s Pure Multifloral Honey
Nectar from numerous plant species, including medicinal and herb plants found in deep woodlands in less polluted locations, is used to make Multifloral Honey Bee Products. Vitamins B and C, antioxidants, flavonoids, probiotic enzymes, pollen, and other nutrients are all abundant in this honey.
A sort of honey called multifloral Bee Honey products is made from the nectar of many different kinds of flowers as opposed to only one kind of flower. It is produced by bees, which forage on a variety of plants and flowers, depending on the area and the season.
5.Madhupushp Honey Gulkand
Rose petals and Bee Honey are combined to create the delectable preserve known as Premium Quality Honey Gulkand. It has historically been employed in Ayurvedic treatment and is said to offer a number of health advantages.
The process for making it involves soaking rose petals in honey for several weeks or months, or until the petals are completely covered with honey. The liquid is frequently boiled down to a thicker consistency once the combination has been filtered.
With a sweet, floral flavour, honey gulkand is frequently used as a filling for sweets and candies or as a topping for desserts. Additionally, it can be utilised as a natural sweetener in beverages and other food
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gaurihubblogs · 2 years
Why do people choose herbal products for the skin?
People are currently being bombarded with tons of ads from industry giants trying to convince them that their synthetic formulas will do wonders for their skin.
Many non-natural beauty products on the market today contain a huge amount of terrible chemicals. Regular lotion can contain a toxic mixture of parabens (cancer-causing chemicals) to formaldehyde and petroleum waxes.
Would you like to save your skin from exposure to harmful chemicals? Start using Oriflame Milk & Honey Cream for soft and supple skin.
Why are herbal products better?
If you follow a healthy lifestyle, choosing herbal products is a priority.Herbal products are based on handicraft production of creams and cosmetics and herbal extracts of plant origin.
Herbal products like Oriflame Milk & Honey Soap cleanse, tone, exfoliate and hydrate skin without the use of any harmful artificial chemicals or additives. Natural skin and body care products work with your skin instead of against it.
Here are some more reasons to choose organic beauty products like Avon Rose & Pearl Cleanser for naturally beautiful skin.
Herbal products are better for your skin and your health
What gets on your skin ends up in your body. If you apply soaps, lotions, and chemical creams to your skin, your body will absorb these toxins. This means that common man-made chemicals in conventional beauty products, such as phthalates, parabens, petroleum waxes, and others, go directly into your body.
Natural health and beauty products contain natural ingredients such as olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, and tea tree oil, which have their own cosmetic properties. Don’t look further; buy Avon T-tree Cleanser online to cleanse and exfoliate your skin and make it soft and nourished.
Herbal products do not contain synthetic fragrances.
Artificial fragrances are designed to mask the smell of other chemicals used in traditional health and beauty products. The chemical smell can cause headaches in many people.
Natural health such as Oriflame Very me smells like natural ingredients, not a cocktail of chemicals. Natural health and beauty products use natural preservatives that are harmless to the body.
Herbal products work better!
Natural products work best simply because they are made from the finest natural ingredients. Instead of their usual counterparts that contain unnecessary fillers or irritants. Are you looking for natural products to give your lips the care of nature they deserve? Try Avon Lip Balm.
It's like cooking. A great dish probably has no artificial flavors or fake processed foods. Instead, it's most likely made from pure, fresh, and simple ingredients. Cosmetic products work in exactly the same way. Better ingredients mean better results. Those with sensitive skin benefit especially from natural beauty products containing high-quality ingredients that do not aggravate or worsen the skin condition.
And while some unnatural products may seem more effective at first, in the long run, the harmful chemicals that make your skin clearer or your hair smoother can actually be harmful.Natural skin and body cosmetics work with your skin and body, not against it.
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underground-hiphop · 2 months
Wax, Herbal T, and Andy Frasco and the U.N. impromptu green room "IN MY ...
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weaselle · 5 years
YOOO Herbal T’s verse at 2:30 tho idk, sometimes you gotta go back and listen to a few songs from the previous decade, amirite?
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itsmoonphobic · 3 years
Dream SMP characters and my interpretation of them:
-Techno: The smell of Dirt and soil,blood,wine and old books. Silk pillowcases,golden jewelry,mosaics,stained fingertips, grand staircases,scented candles,storyteller,lazy smiles, secretive,slow dancing,sad resting face,elegant language,cold weather,confident,doubts himself,philosophy, messy braids,glowdust flakes, poetry,graceful movements,neat and cursive handwriting, greek mythology, oriental music,pale skin,libraries,sarcasm, long-lasting friendships,quotes,frosted windows,layering clothes, know-it-all,rude but endearing,pile of papers,cherry blossoms,muted colors,overthinks everything,devotion,logical thinking,insomniac,scattered mind,castle walls,laid back,tired eyes,long debates,show over tell,lingering touches,rulebreaker, dirty palms,old movies freezing feet,old habits,late nights studying,early riser,skips meals,eye bags,tea with milk,velvet jackets,dimly lit by streetlights,ancient wood floors,flowy curtains,art museums, gravely morning voice,echos in the middle of nowhere,sleepy whispers,nostalgia everywhere,red lipstick stains,loves animal more than people,calm and quiet, healing stones,parked car conversations,sharp jaw,obsessed with memes,violins,doves, doves,floats instead of walks,unbroken promises,twisting and winding hair around fingers,nail biting, repeating phrases,mist secret scars,rumors,always wearing earphones,metaphorical, emotions fragile as a flower, speaks with his eyes,fluttery eyelashes,dog lover,forehead kisses,calligraphy,pretty knives,cares too much,lopsided grins,messy desks,talks for hours no,rolling his eyes all the time,powerful strides,wants to conquer the world,slender hands,good grades, dusty book covers,wax stamped envelopes,vintage mirrors
-Phil: The smell of cold air,pine trees and sandalwood.Dead birds and mothballs,stops on the sidewalk to make sure nobody is left behind,morning person,herbal teas,crows,eats breakfast outside,constellations,family portraits on walls, chirping and whistling,crime documentaries,cool father figure, graveyards,weeping angels,meteor shower,many friends but only a single close one,contagious laugh,fragile teacups,fog, early mornings,fuzzy blankets,springs of thyme,bare feet, empty streets,rosemary stems,flickering lanterns,burnt wood bowls,feather collector,antique silverware,a sky full of stars, skylights,torn pages,overstuffed bookshelves,makes you feel comfortable whenever you talk to him,organized,full of ideas, believes in magic,gives the best advice,lost in his own way, warm hugs,scrapbooks and bullet journals,old cars,soft features,daydreaming,bright eyes,getting lost in the woods,moonlight,self knitted sweaters, stargazing on tailgates,the universe,hand in hand with wandering hearts, garage sales,questioning life but feeling at peace,attic bedrooms and haylofts,pursuing science and desiring art, photo albums,hopeless romantic,dark chocolate,open windows and quirky morning rituals,actually knows what brunch is, succulents,a kind-hearted loner,free-spirit,plaid button-ups, always ready to let you rant,abandons projects quickly, complicated past,bold moves,goes with the flow,aims for things that seem unachievable,lives in extremes,knowing smiles,constantly busy with something new,soft touches,love at first sight,naps alot,subsequent tea stains,sparkly eyes, abandoned barns,handwritten notes,feather quills,fascination with the sky,whispering secrets to the wind,great with kids, takes a backpack everywhere,hugs trees,big winter coats,road trips,knows tons of medical info,bites his nails,comforting presence,lost souls,city lights from a high rise
-Wilbur: The smell of fire,smoke,caramel and coffee. Stands up for people who can't for themselves,emotional wreck,loves his family too much but still yells at them,soft turtlenecks,sits in different spots every time he eats dinner,chipped nailpolish, songwriter,probably depressed,wakes up in the middle of the night to write down random thoughts,heartbroken teenager songs,dark psychology and deep meanings,globes and maps, wants to travel and make lots of memories,curls of steam, earbuds in,spattered ink,good singer,keeps to himself,old music and dusty vinyl,the type of person that you could stare at for hours,loud laugh,ride or die,dreams about his future, believes in fresh starts and new beginnings, messy and tangled hair,summer nights,soft features,deep thinker and dimples, having crushes,musicals and theater, half finished diaries and laptop stickers,mixtapes,quirky love notes, secretly kinda insane,always ready for coffee,thrift shops, beachy waves, bonfires,probably drives too fast,cutoff jeans, cream and sugar,nude colors,always creating new problems for himself, fights for equality,long debates and tired eyes, tapping a rhythm and humming quietly,spends all his time on social media,beanie galore,trench coats,foggy glasses,cozy sweaters, dancing around his room to the Beatles,looking out the window when the sun is setting,birkenstocks,guitar strumming on a warm summer evening,bells and chimes,subtle sadness, the feeling of diving into a deep pool,perfect proportions,too many playlists,holding hands,pretty boy,sew on patches and bomber jackets,candid photos,warm sun on bare skin,dancing silhouettes on the sunsets,beach walks at midnight,messy but cozy room,different mood every minute,singing his favorite song at the top of his lungs,sharp grins,haunted houses, paranormal stuff,late night snack runs with friends,explores creeks and lakes,double checks everything he does,walking through hot sand,backyard campfires,acoustic songs,photo booths,train platforms at night,s'mores,sun bleached arbors
-Tommy: The smell of plastic,fresh cut grass and musk. Does the bare minimum at School,unless genuinely interested in a topic,doodles on the side of his paper,movie marathons,empty coca cola bottles everywhere,rope swings,glossy nailpolish,lots of energy,life of the party, kidcore ,can always make you laugh,loves photography,eyestrain and bright colors,bruised knees and untied shoelaces,paperballs in class,brand new red converse,denim jackets,pins and clips,chalk drawings in the middle of the road,every text contains emojis, garden sprinklers,graffiti,wreck this journal,vibrant dyed hair, scribbles and highlighter pens,carnivals,involed in many things, watermelon flavored anything,loves to climb trees,screaming on playgrounds,oversized t-shirts,stained glass windows, anklets,skateboards and hula hoops,milkshakes on the front porch,social butterfly,always in a hurry,pinkie promises,tangled headphones,melted crayons and gummy bears,bean bags and hummingbirds,spinning around till he gets dizzy,chaotic and crazy yet so fun to be around,rushing into things too quickly, roller coasters and derbies,doesn't get knocked back by criticism,cans of fizzy drinks and neon lights,skips school,tye dye shirts and nitendo games,impulse and class clown,sticks stickers on stranger's things,pickpockets his close friends,has to carry a walkie-talkie around with him at all times,sleepovers and sneaking out through windows,pockets full of change and random buttons,stands out in crowds and makes friends easily, pretends to be fearless but is scared of the littlest things,trips and rips his jeans daily,uno cards,social butterfly,music discs, fights with his family but would actually kill for them,broken handwriting,flannels and jerseys around his waist
-Tubbo: The smell of honey,fresh bread and citrus. Lowkey soft, hugging a teddy bear,pressed flowers,eats alot of bread,big hoodies,fairy lights and blanket forts,prank calls while holding in your laughter,beeswax candles,sidewalk dandelions,gentle cuddles on the couch,pastel yellow and cute doodles,flower crowns and diasy chains,plays the ukulele,fascinated by bees and supports local coffee shops,outdoorsy sunshine addict, sparklers and iced lemonade,festivals with fireworks and fireflies in mason jars,homework done as soon as its assigned, watercolor paintings,giggling uncontrollably,long hugs and lazy cartoon afternoons,park dates and forehead kisses,cutting pants into shorts,messy wild hair and pear lollipops,has tiny random braids decorated with golden yarn,hearing the crinkle of leaves underfoot,suprise piggy back rides,adult swim shows and lip gloss stains,being goofy without meaning to,bounces in his step and stops to pet stray animals,baked bread and washi tape bracelets,bike rides and summer picnics,rolling down a hill in the spring and bringing home grass stains on his jeans, waving at someone across a crowded room,spontaneous hang outs and self made clay rings,sitting in the warm sunlit grass on early spring mornings,rock painting and hiding them for other people to find,picking apples from trees but needing to be held up in order to reach one
-Ranboo: The smell of peppermint tea,denim and rain. Is there for everyone but never themselves,regrets things they said but can never find the nerves to apologize,clumps of mascara and winged eyeliner,writes down every tiny thing in notebooks, loves children and their friends,forgetting that they already grabbed a waterbottle,drawing on condensation windows,rainy days and puddles,always on the edge of a breakdown,elevator music and long limbs,old tape recordings and cassettes,moss covered ruins and greenhouses,wanting to be in multiple places at the same time,different colored socks,long hugs and head pats,reading under the covers,collages and spray paint,record players and walks alone through the woods,loves playing by creeks and collecting stones,always wondering and worrying about things they shouldn't,vivid dreams and leather jackets, silver necklaces and piercings,snoozing their alarm clock, seeing the moon in the early morning,blurry photographs and windswept hair,downpours and comfortable silence,wrapping gifts and handing them over with shaking hands,sitting on a rooftop and spontaneous plans,lofi sounds and long train roads,deja vu moments,randomly dissapears and sipping tea, cold concrete and city parks,tickets and brochures from places they visited,dusty parchment and desperately trying to be a good person,wikipedia articles and lace-up boots,often loses track of time while talking to people they love,sings to the radio and avoids conflict if possible,can't sit still for five minutes, perpetually in an emo phase and knows more than they let on, hawaiian shirts,henna tattoos and sparkling water,sleeping in complete darkness and the relief of falling into bed,midnight thunderstorms and anticipation for the coming day,lucky charms and the sound of rain hitting the windows
-Dream: The smell of apples,eucalyptus,vanilla and green tea. Freckles and smiley faces,glow sticks and wrinkled linen, probably a really good singer,wild laughter and jellyfish, popular,tanned skin and cruising with the top down,doesn't take shit from anyone,analytical and self assured,beachy waves and dreamy sunsets,running barefoot,likes being active and on the go at all times,sassy and dramatic as fuck,dream catchers and hammocks,glow in the dark stickers on his phonecase, feisty and a sense of danger,brought home stray cats when he was a child,falling in love with strangers,waking up early and continue laying on the bed,golden hours and 4pm naps,soft aching hands burried in messy hair,center of attention,static and heavy breathing,old percy jackson books under the bed, throwing pebbles at the closed windows of his friends' room, retro diners at 2am,adrenaline junkie and nighttime thriver,will go insane if cooped up indoors for too long,deadlines till last minute,oversleeping and coming home past midnight,naturally a really good surfer,hugs from behind and neck kisses,checking the fridge at 1am,ice cream in bed and cat cuddles,always picks up over facetime
Might make more parts for some of the other guys :)
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in-my-wndrlnd-blog · 3 years
Let me start off with apologizing that I’m so sorry this is long!!!!! 
So my husband and I had done or herbal incense sexual ritual that we usually do I just randomly a couple times a week not saying that’s the only time we have sex but you know whatever. We do it for other purposes to add to our sex Magick.
So we but LaurieCabots midnight sex magic spell because we had seen it all over the place and it was on sale. First mistake!
So it required a candle and I added an extra candle because I like to add my own things to my rituals and we followed it to a T , it even required some blood it from both of us , which was not normal for what we usually do but OK…
Second mistake!
So we burn our herbal incense and you know everything starts happening everything‘s going great all of a sudden the candle I guess was hollow inside or something and collapsed and melted and infused with the other candle. 
When we started the two candles were very separated and far from each other about two finger widths. 
As an empath I suddenly felt like something was wrong and I said to my husband I said is everything OK and he was like yeah and then everything went to shit so I have taken some pictures of the candles and the wax so if anyone can shed some light on what you think may have happened or what went wrong or anything any advice about what happened that would be great because we still can’t figure it out.
Now it says to keep the herbs and put them under your mattress but after this I really don’t think I want to so if there’s anything that you can think of a way that I can properly dispose of this or if I should just do what it says or I really honestly don’t know at this point it was just very strange we’ve never had any issues any other time doing our normal Ritual I just thought I would add something to spice it up more.
Thank you in advance.

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sensei-aishitemasu · 5 years
2019 Black-Owned Gift Guide!
It’s that time again! This Black Friday, try and support a Black-owned business for all your gift-giving needs. For last years gift guide, click here. For the 2017 gift guide, here. For the 2016 gift guide, click here. For the 2015 gift guide, click here. (This is the FIFTH annual gift guide! Time flies!) 
Similar to 2018, I kept every individual item listed under $100! Click on the links to be taken to the websites in order to peruse more yourselves. Every item and brand has been hand selected and curated. Sustainability has been increasingly on my mind, especially when it comes to fashion; as such, several brands on this list are ethically and sustainably sourced. Several also include donations from your purchase being made to philanthropic causes. 
[And as always, this guide has been split into categories to make it easier to get through, but feel free to mix and match for the person in your life that fits all of (or none of!) these categories!]
Gift Guide 2019 Items
For the Homebody:
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eLo ‘Gloria’ Cotton Spray, $30
Shea Shea Bakery Candy Cane Candle, $22
Shea Shea Bakery Coffe Mug Candle, $12
Shea Shea Bakery Bowl of O’s Signature Candle, $20 
Shea Shea Bakery Milk & Cookies Bath Set, $16
Shea Shea Bakery Bath Whip - Confetti Cake, $12
Shea Shea Bakery Honey Bear Bubble Bath, $6
Shea Shea Bakery Milk Mates - Salts + Bubble Bath, $16
Shea Shea Bakery Milk + Honey + Syrup Bubble Bath Set, $22
Shea Shea Bakery Cast Iron Skillet Wax Burner, $22
Shea Shea Bakery Sweet Mini-Melt Cinnamon Bun Wax, $10
Shea Shea Bakery Sweet Mini-Melt Peanut Butter Cups, $10
228 Grant Street Candle Co. Amber + Sandalwood Apothecary Jar, $30 (pictured)
228 Grant Street Candle Co. Oakmoss + Amber Jar, $20
228 Grant Street Candle Co. Botanical Garden Gold Travel Tin, $10 
Kicky Mats ‘Don’t Bother, We’re Broke’ Doormat, $50 (pictured)
Jeffrey Manning “You Are” Art Print, $55
Jeffrey Manning “Mellow Bliss” Art Print, $40
Duchess 365 ‘When I Get Home’ Art Print, $23.99 (pictured)
Tactile Matter ‘Safe Space’ Art Print, $45 (pictured)
Tactile Matter ‘Peaches & Coffee’ Art Print, $45
Galerie.la Small Market Basket, $28
Galerie.la Botanica Medium Candle Harvest, $24
Galerie.la Relaxation Rituals Box, $44.95
Galerie.la Botanica Large Candle Nirvana, $32
Galerie.la Rooted Incense Holder In Gray, $68
Galeria.la Calma Herbal Salt Soaks, $20
‘Hypnotic’ Quilt Set by Justina Blakeney, $100 (pictured)
Brass Bette Planter by Justina Blakeney, $ 75
Ida Mirror by Justina Blakeney, $70
Kahelo Black and Gray Rug by Justina Blakeney, $89
Kashmir.VIII ‘The Party’ Pillow, $50 (pictured)
Cards For All People “Angry Moms” Card Game, $17.99
Cards For All People “Black Card Revoked” Card Game, $17.99 (pictured)
Trading Races Card Game, $24.99 (pictured)
Winsults Card Game, $25 (pictured)
For the Foodie:
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Zach & Zoe Wildflower Honey, $12  Zach & Zoe Wildflower Honey - Lavender, $15
Zach & Zoe Wildflower Honey - Raspberry, $15 (pictured)
Zach & Zoe Honey with Ginger Root, $15
Soul Fit Grill Assorted Spices, $55.99 (pictured)
Raw Cells Mind Fudge, $15 (pictured)
Raw Cells Calm Cookie, $8
Raw Cells Brain Brownie, $5
Raw Cells Bliss Bar, $7 (pictured)
Chris Cardi ‘H Street’ Apron, $25.03
Cultured Kombucha ‘Flight Glass’ Set of 4, $35 (pictured)
Cultured Kombucha ‘Cultured’ Tote, $15 (pictured)
Kashmir.VIII ‘Ms. Hill’ Mug, $16
Kashmir.VIII ‘Easin’ Mug, $16
Kashmir.VIII ‘We Did It First’ Mug, $16 (pictured)
Kashmir.VIII ‘The Black Power Mixtape’ Coaster Sets, $35 (pictured)
Botanicals on Blush Kitchen Tea Towels by Justina Blakeney, $28 (pictured)
‘B. Smith Cooks Southern-Style’ by B. Smith, $29.99
For the Beauty Guru:
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Oui The People ‘The Single’ Rose Gold Single-Blade Razor, $75 (pictured)
Oui The People ‘Sugarcoat’ Shave Gel-To-Milk, $64 (pictured)
Galerie.la Rose Quartz Facial Roller, $28
Galerie.la Jade Mask, $42
Galerie.la Base Coat Nail Polish Vault, $20
Galerie.la Base Coat Nail Polish The Simon Collective, $20
Galerie.la ‘The Makeup Bag’ (Navy), $59
Galerie.la ‘The Makeup Bag’ (Yellow), $59
Galerie.la Mermaid Milk Superfood Moisturizer, $42
Shea Shea Bakery Buttered Pound Cake Body Mist, $5 (pictured)
Shea Shea Bakery Glazed Donut Body Butter, $25
Shea Shea Bakery Detoxifying Charcoal Cleanser, $15
Shea Shea Bakery Antibacterial Apple Cider Toner, $6
Shea Shea Bakery Almond Milk + Chocolate Peppermint Moisturizer, $6
Shea Shea Bakery Scar Healing Serum, $23
Shea Shea Bakery Gentle Foaming Cleanser, $8
Shea Shea Bakery Chocolate Coffee Bean Scrub, $12
Shea Shea Bakery Rose Garden Soap Bar, $5 (pictured)
Monie Squared Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Soap, $8
Monie Squared Brown Sugar Fig Goat Milk Soap, $7
Monie Squared Warm Vanilla Sugar Goat Milk Soap, $7
Monie Squared Leave-In Detangling Conditioner in Blood Orange, $16
Camille Rose Naturals Algae Renew Deep Conditioner, $20
Camille Rose Youth Burst Anti-Aging Night Time Elixir, $18 (pictured)
Camille Rose Seedless Skin Pore-Perfecting Facial Exfoliator, $19
Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade, $13.99
Oyin Handmade Boing! All-In-One Coil Styler, $14.99
Oyin Handmade No Ash At All Lotion, $9.99
Hunny Bunny Boutique Hunny Lavender Face Bar, $9
Hunny Bunny Boutique Rose Clay Facial Mask, $8
Bejia Flor Naturals Acai Mango Lotion, $22
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Seven’ Aromatherapy Roller, $18
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Mellow’ Aromatherapy Roller, $18
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Faith’ Aromatherapy Roller, $18
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Tisane’ Body + Bath Oil, $25
Jade & Fox Co. Liquid Gold Facial Cleanser, $15 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Neptune Hyaluronic Face Mist, $15
Jade & Fox Co. Flower Power Toner, $18 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Fineapple Face Mask, $22
Jade & Fox Co. Maui Wowie Serum, $17 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Angel Eyes Under Eye Cream, $24
Jade & Fox Co. Crushed Velvet Butter, $26
Jade & Fox Co. Honeysuckle Spray, $14
Jade & Fox Co. Lust Oil, $15
Jade & Fox Co. Crush Body Oil, $17
Jade & Fox Co. Vixen Oil, $15
Jade & Fox Co. ‘Show Girl’ Body Oil, $17
Jade & Fox Co. Siren Highlighter, $18 (pictured)
Makeup/Beauty/Hair Brands:
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Plain Jane Beauty (pictured)
Mented Cosmetics (pictured) 
Beauty Bakerie 
Bovanti Cosmetics 
Colour U Cosmetics
Hue Noir 
Gold Label Cosmetics 
Lamik Beauty
Lip Addyct 
Magnolia Makeup 
Lotus Moon Skincare
The Lip Bar (pictured)
Ginger + Liz Nail Polish
Foxie Cosmetics
Blac Minerals Cosmetics (pictured)
Danessa Lyrics Beauty
Lena Lashes
AJ Crimson Beauty
KSquared Nail Paint
Kinky Curly Yaki
Heat Free Hair Movement
Big Chop Hair
Princess Hair Shop
Haute Kinky Hair
Private Stock Kair
Catface Hair
Mischo Beauty (pictured)
Brown Butter Beauty (pictured)
Her Muse Studio
Elo Lipcare (pictured)
Glam Goth Beauty (pictured)
For The Fashion Conscious:
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Galerie.la Abbot Corduroy Knit Robe Berry, $98
Galerie.la Denim Crop Bra, $35
Galerie.la Golden Organic Cotton Crop Bra, $35 (pictured)
Galerie.la Recycled Cotton Baby Tee Black, $39
Galerie.la Alicia Crossbody Brown Bag, $85 (pictured)
Galerie.la Stacking Rings Brass, $25 (pictured)
Galerie.la Diamond Stacking Ring, $25
Galerie.la Petite Arch Earrings Brass, $34
Galerie.la Thelma Top Mauve, $48
Galerie.la Silver Hashtag Earrings, $58
Galerie.la Cascade Dress Charcoal, $59
Galerie.la Petra Jumpsuit Charcoal, $65 (pictured)
Galerie.la Sabbath Cocoon Tunic, $98
Galerie.la Flap Wallet Mustard, $79
Galerie.la Zipper Wallet Blush, $69
Glam Goth ‘Goon’ Beanie (red), $25
Glam Goth ‘Goon’ Beanie (black), $25
Glam Goth ‘Goth’ Cap, $30 (pictured)
Glam Goth ‘The Young Angel’ T-Shirt, $20
Instant Vintage - Azul by Giancarlo Bolero, $55
Instant Vintage - Merlot Veiled Hat, $30
Instant Vintage - Turquoise Velvet Bow with Headband, $45
Instant Vintage - Sweetheart Floral Dress, $48 (pictured)
Sir and Madame Striped Wool Split Back Shirt, $75
Sir and Madame Logo T-Shirt, $40
Sir and Madame 'Madame’ Cropped Tank, $28
Sir and Madame 70′s Script T-Shirt, $45
Sir and Madame “A Better Tomorrow” T-Shirt, $40
Sir and Madame Red Wing Engineer Boot, $75
Sir and Madame Jungle Camo Woven Shirt, $45
A Life Well Dressed ‘Artsy’ Statement Cap, $16 (pictured)
A Life Well Dressed ‘Create’ Statement T-Shirt, $20
Gregory Sylvia ‘Farrah’ Watch, $95
Gregory Sylvia ‘Chandler’ Watch, $78 (pictured)
Gregory Sylvia ‘Rosen’ Watch, $105 (slightly over budget but a beautiful watch!)
Gregory Sylvia ‘Crimson Crave’ Wallet, $69
Tree Fairfax Lois Belt, $40
Tree Fairfax Distressed Wrap Clutch/Wallet, $54
Chris Cardi ‘H St. Nostalgia’ Tee, $30.03
Chris Cardi ‘Bastards’ Tee, $30.03
Sole Rebels ‘The Surge’ Shoe, $90
Sole Rebels ‘The Exodus Ahhh’ Shoe, $100
Sole Rebels ‘The StepUP’ Shoe, $95
Sole Rebels ‘The Exodus RIFF’ Shoe, $100 (pictured)
Sole Rebels ‘TooTOOS Holees’ Shoe, $85
Enbois ‘Jafari’ Watch (Zebra), $85
For the Bookworm:
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‘The Water Dancer’ by Ta-Nehisi Coates, $28 (pictured)
‘Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland, $18.99 (pictured)
‘Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner’ by Geneva Smitherman, $6.38 (pictured)
‘Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America’ by Geneva Smitherman, $7.77 (pictured)
‘White Negroes: When Cornrows Were in Vogue ... and Other Thoughts on Cultural Appropriation’ by Lauren Michele Jackson, $23.49
‘Mules and Men’ by Zora Neale Hurston, $15.99 (pictured)
‘The Black Book’ edited by Toni Morrison, $35
‘Bloodchild and Other Stories’ by Octavia Butler, $14
‘Rebel’ by Beverly Jenkins, $7.99
‘B. Smith: Rituals & Celebrations’ by B. Smith, $35 (pictured)
Rayo & Honey ‘Eat Words, Drink Stars’ Pin, $12 (pictured)
Rayo & Honey ‘Read More, Writer Better’ Banner, $50 (pictured)
Rayo & Honey ‘Books Change Your Mind’ Banner, $55
Rayo & Honey ‘Hundreds of Books Under My Skin’ Bookmark, $8 (pictured)
For the Kids:
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Yinibini Baby ‘Trunk of Hearts’ Elephant One-Piece, $29.50
Yinibini Baby ‘My Neighborhood in DC’ Tee, $26.00 (pictured)
Jade & Fox Co. Fantasy Body Lotion for Babies, $16
Duchess365 Framed Art Print [Ladybug], $57.99
Duchess365 Throw Pillow [Lollipop], $29.99 (pictured)
Duchess365 Framed Art Pillow, $47.99 (pictured)
Herbaceutikals Talc Free Baby Organic Baby Powder, $14.25 (pictured)
‘Party, A Mystery’ by Jamaica Kincaid, $17.95 (pictured)
‘The Last Last-Day-of-Summer’ by Lamar Giles, $8.49
‘Puppy Truck’ by Brian Pinkney, $11.38 (pictured)
‘Libba: The Magnificent Musical Life of Elizabeth Cotten)’ by Laura Veirs, $17.99
‘Little Melba and Her Big Trombone’ by Katheryn Russell-Brown, $18.95 (pictured)
Vee + Co. Apothecary ‘Mamatoto’ Aromatherapy Roller, $12
KaAn’s Designs ‘Living The Dream’ Denim Jacket, $40 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Kids Pullover, $55
Amina Abdul Jillil Kids Velvet Sneaker, $89 (pictured)
For the Masculine:
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Gregory Sylvia ‘Durham’ Watch, $78 (pictured)
Gregory Sylvia ‘Grayson’ Watch, $95
Gregory Sylvia ‘Fullerton’ Watch, $95.00
A Life Well Dressed ‘Create’ Sweater, $34
A Life Well Dressed ‘District of Champions’ Sweater, $48
Sir & Madame Scratch Goods Beard Oil, $24 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Shirt (Blue), $40 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir Shirt (Orange), $40
Sir & Madame Classic Logo Beanie (Gray), $40
Sir & Madame Classic Logo Beanie (Orange), $40 (pictured)
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Long Sleeve Black Shirt, $55
Sir & Madame ‘Sir’ Lapel Pin, $10
Instant Vintage - Pink and Blue Plaid Pants, $50 (pictured)
Instant Vintage - Camel Leather Blazer, $90
Instant Vintage - Tan Trench Coat, $60
Enbois ‘The Weekend’ Bag, $60 (pictured)
Enbois ‘Cocoa Collection’ Bracelets, $50 (pictured)
Enbois ‘Garvey’ Watch (Black), $70 (pictured)
Vee + Co. Beard Mist, $12
Vee + Co. Beard Oil, $20
Vee + Co. Beard Wash Shampoo + Conditioner, $18
Mr. Blackmans Bergamot & Spice Beard Balm, $11.99
Scotch Porter Nourish & Repair Hair Conditioner, $24.99
Scotch Porter Hydrating Hair Wash, $24.99
Scotch Porter Charcoal & Licorice Moisture Defend Face Lotion, $19.99
Levi Fisher Balm Diggity Softening Beard Butter, $12.99
Levi Fisher Smooth Operator Detangling & Conditioning Beard Serum, $9.99
Levi Fisher Go Tea Herbal Grooming Spray for Short Hair and Beards, $9.99
Sole Rebels ‘exodus Traveller ‘Shoes, $100
Sole Rebels ‘stepUP Ed. 2′ Shoes, $95 (pictured)
Sole Rebels ‘the SURGE any’ Shoes, $90
For The Technologically Savvy:
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Enbois Case iPhone 7/7plus/8/8plus/iPhone X/iPhone XS/iPhone XR, $12 (pictured)
Enbois Walnut Case iPhone 6/7/8, $8
Enbois Rosewood Case iPhone 6/7/8, $8
Enbois Power Bank, $15 (pictured)
Enbois Grip Socket, $3 (pictured)
Embrii Shop Iridescent Macbook Case, $49
Embrii Shop Matte Gold Messenger Laptop Sleeve, $39
Embrii Shop Champagne Gold Glitter Macbook Case, $49
Embrii Shop Emerald Tartan MacBook Case, $49
Chic Geeks Black Faux Crocodile MacBook Case, $78
Chic Geeks Emerald Faux Crocodile MacBook Case, $78
Chic Geeks Grey Marble MacBook Case, $68 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Rose Gold Keyboard Cover, $12 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Space Gray Ombre Keyboard Cover, $12
Chic Geeks Emerald Faux Crocodile iPad Case, $78 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Unicorn Sparkle iPad Case, $68 (pictured)
Chic Geeks Emerald Glitter MacBook Case, $58
Chic Geeks Black Marble MacBook Case, $68
Chic Geeks Gray Marble iPad Case, $58
Puku G8 Earphones, $29 (pictured)
Khristian A. Howell Fig Life Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99 (pictured)
Khristian A. Howell Deuces Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99
Khristian A. Howell Buffalo Plaid Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99
Cards, Stationery and Gift Wrap:
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Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus Candy Canes & Trees Gift Wrap, $7.50 (pictured)
Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus ‘HOHOHO’ Gift Wrap, $7.50 (pictured)
Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus Close Up Gift Wrap, $7.50 
Greentop Gifts Clarence Claus Gift Bag, $4.50
Sweet Potato Paper Red Plaid Gift Wrap, $9.95
Sweet Potato Paper Yellow Triangles Gift Wrap, $9.95
Sweet Potato Paper ‘Can Swim’ Gift Wrap, $9.95 (pictured)
Sweet Potato Paper ‘No Worries’ Notecards, $10.50
Sweet Potato Paper ‘Sunny Thanks’ Thank You Cards, $1.25 per card 
Sweet Potato Paper ‘Audio Thanks’ Thank You Cards, $1.25 per card (pictured)
Sweet Potato Paper Blotting Paper, $1.25 per sheet 
The DynaSmiles Stationery & Gifts Assorted Christmas Cards Bundle, $28
The DynaSmiles "Fro La La" 4x6 Sticker Sheet, $3.50 (pictured)
The DynaSmiles "Santa's Beard" Christmas Collectible Mug, $20 (pictured)
Addie Rawr ‘A Room Full of Dolls’ Adult Coloring Book, $15
Addie Rawr Fall Dolls Stickers (Die Cut & Sticker Sheets), $6.50
Midnight Reflections Melanin Prima Ballerina Ceramic Ornaments, $15.99 (pictured)
Midnight Reflections Kwanzaa Wrapping Paper Kit, $15.99
Midnight Reflections Black Santa Gift Bag Kit, $18.99
Midnight Reflections Black Angel Wrapping Paper Kit, $8.99 (pictured)
Midnight Reflections Black Santa with Snow Flakes Wrapping Paper Kit, $8.99 
Khristian A. Howell Rosey Holiday Gift Wrap, $8.99
Khristian A. Howell Rosy Twinkle Gift Wrap, $8.99
Khristian A. Howell Ansley Park Gift Wrap, $8.99
Kashmir.VIII ‘Maya’ Notebook, $11 (pictured)
Kashmir.VIII ‘The Marathon Continues’ Sticker, $9-$20
385 notes · View notes
carelessgraces · 3 years
modern magic
NOTES —  This system of magic is an adapted form of the magic found in The Vampire Diaries & The Originals, as well as that found in The Elementalists, with adjustments based in research into modern witchcraft & magical traditions, and historical witchcraft & magic. My research is, primarily, focused around European medieval and early modern history, and I’d be happy to share reading suggestions! 
This system of magic is in use not only for my own character, but for Draco over at @potterstillstinks, and the system was designed by myself and Marta.
Magic is innate. While there are some theorists who speculate that all humans have the potential for magic, and therefore magic relies on one’s ability to access that magic, it is widely accepted that only some human beings have magic at all, and that while magic is often linked to certain families, magic can remain dormant in a family line indefinitely, and can appear without warning and after generations without magic. 
     Anyone without magic, often referred to within magical communities as mundane, can theoretically draw from magic stored in enchanted objects. This is distinct from the practice of siphoning, in which a siphoner draws magic from a living source without that source choosing to share their magic. Not all mundanes know how to draw magic from an enchanted object, and many require the assistance of a witch to do so. Witches can also choose to share their power with mundanes, though this is a dangerous practice, as an oversaturation of magic can and often will kill a mundane user. 
     There are three major schools of magic: celestial magic ( in which magical energy and power are drawn from, and enhanced by, celestial events and bodies ); nature magic ( in which magical energy and power are drawn from, and enhanced by, nature ); and blood magic ( in which magical energy and power are drawn from one’s own blood and life force, or, more dangerously, someone else’s ). It is common for witches to shift between the schools of magic as necessary.
     There is a fourth school of magic, infrequently used, called expression, in which magic is fueled by willpower alone. This type of magic is by far the most dangerous, due to its intense volatility and unpredictability, and often ends with the user dead.
SCHOOLS OF MAGIC Celestial Magic
Anchors of power: Celestial events & bodies.
Moon phases, eclipses, the presence and visibility of constellations, astrological seasons, planets in retrograde, etc. Minor magic draws from celestial power in the everyday ( sun-, moon-, or starlight ), but major spells must be bound to an event and can typically only be undone when that event repeats.
Limits of power: Time and location.
Spells bound to celestial events are bound to those events in terms of time as well as power, and typically cannot be undone until the event repeats. Spells bound to the phase of the moon will wax and wane in power and effectiveness appropriately. Location can also change the efficacy of a spell: for instance, if a constellation was visible at the location where a spell was cast, but the enchanted object or person is moved to a place where the constellation is no longer visible, the spell may become less effective. 
Common uses: Long-term curses and enchantments, summonings, emotional manipulation.
Nature Magic
Anchors of power: Nature and elements.
Power is drawn from the elements themselves. Spells are typically most powerful when the anchor and the end result engage with the same element. Spells must typically be directly or indirectly in service of nature — preserving or restoring the balance, as magical energy cannot be created or destroyed, merely redistributed. 
Limits of power: Access of elemental resources, balance.
Spells are most effective when fueled by appropriate ingredients — access to air, water, crystals, fire, dirt, or plants (often herbs) are necessary. Substitutions are often unreliable. A spell bound to one element must be undone by the opposite element. Nothing can be created; things can only be transformed. Power cannot be increased or grown, but only accessed and borrowed. Nature magic operates under a strict principle of balance, and throwing that balance off has dire consequences.
Common uses: Domestic magic (household and kitchen magic), herbal remedies, environmental manipulations.
Blood Magic
Anchors of power: Blood, flesh, life.
The life force, both material and energetic, of either the casting witch, or another donor, is used to fuel magic. This is one of the most difficult, and dangerous, kinds of magic; performing a spell incorrectly when the spell uses blood as its anchor could prove deadly.
Limits of power: Access of resources, societal views and restrictions.
There are very few restrictions on blood magic, as blood replenishes itself with time; utilizing the power of someone’s blood to heal small wound, or to slow the aging process, uses only a small amount. Larger spells, such as healing major wounds, placing someone under the caster’s control, or temporarily crossing the veil between life and death require a great deal more, and can prove deadly. Some covens also consider blood magic inherently evil, as blood magic can be used to control a victim and place them under a thrall, and many covens have restrictions, or outright bans, on blood magic. 
Common uses: Healing, psychological & physical control over another (placing them ‘under a thrall’), extending the caster’s own lifespan. 
Anchors of power: Willpower.
In the school of expression, magic is fueled by the willpower of the caster, and that willpower alone. No additional anchors or ingredients are used, and magical energy is created, apparently from nothing, which causes potentially immense damage to the witch’s surroundings, and the witch’s own body. Because expression is so painful to use, some theorize that expression is actually fueled by the casting witch’s own pain. 
Limits of power: Immense damage done to the body and psyche, societal views and restrictions.
The witch’s body can only withstand so much. Most witches experiment with expression in small ways throughout their lifetime; this always results in some permanent damage done, whether in the form of scars, loss of sensation, or loss of magical potential and ability. The damage is usually equivalent to the amount of magic done. Expression is also physically extremely painful. Due to the dangers inherent in expression, not only to the casting witch but to the witch’s surroundings, expression is universally outlawed by covens around the world. First offenses usually result in brief banishments, limitations on power, or other minor restrictions; further offenses often result in permanent exile, and in some cases, execution.
Common uses: Extremely rare. Can be used for anything.
Collections of spells and rituals. While celestial witches’ grimoires are often passed down through family lines and added to, not unlike a family recipe book, nature witches often start their own from scratch, if they don’t have a family member with magic who is willing to share. Grimoires are personal, but covens often share with at least limited communal access. They are very powerful magical objects, the destruction or theft of which is considered a serious offense and acceptable reason for the injured party to murder the thief. Grimoires are carefully guarded and contain not only spells, but a coven’s history, instructions for undoing a spell or breaking a curse, and notes on other magical objects in a coven’s possession. Most witches own several grimoires, all of them of great practical and sentimental value.
Magical objects
Objects that have been enchanted, deliberately or inadvertently, to act as magical banks and to store power. They often have specific purposes ( i.e. Hands of Glory, invisibility cloaks and caps, wands, tarot cards, spirit boards ), but the magic in the object can be drawn from, or drained entirely. Drawing power from such objects is difficult and often dangerous, but this power, when reached, offers a witch a significant increase in their own magical strength.
Magical objects which act as magical amplifiers. Some covens choose to consecrate their dead, whether in designated cemeteries or in reliquaries, and the descendants of those dead rely upon proximity to these cemeteries, or to reliquaries, to enhance their own power. Born of the Catholic practice of consecrating saints and holding their bodies in sacred reliquaries, witches who choose to be consecrated after death are considered odd and old-fashioned, as the practice has somewhat fallen out of favor for many. 
Witches born in possession of the potential for magic but not the ability to produce their own, who can only draw magic from other witches or from enchanted objects but can do so instinctively and independently. These are the only witches who can become vampires without losing access to their magic, as vampirism was created by witchcraft and is therefore an inherently magical process. Siphoners can, and often do, kill the witches they draw from — a fate that can be avoided only through extensive practice, which itself often results in deaths. Many covens either kill or abandon siphoners when this mutation in their magic is discovered, for the safety of the coven as a whole.
The philosophy of magic, and its study. Thaumaturgists examine the various schools of magic to better understand how they function, and to determine the laws of magic; thaumaturgists also work to develop new schools of magic, or new spells within various schools. A common practice of modern thaumaturgists is to try and better understand expression and blood magic. 
These forms of witchcraft are not religious beliefs and are compatible with many forms of worship. An example of such compatibility is Catholic witchcraft: saints are treated as either ancestors from whom celestial witches can draw power ( the source of the limited popularization of reliquaries ) or spirits whose guidance and influence nature witches might follow. Many witches practice some form of Wicca or neopaganism.
Witchcraft is not incompatible with science. In fact, many witches find their practice strengthened by knowledge and understanding of science, and many marry the two whenever possible (as in alchemy).
The “Witch-Craze”
The European witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ( sometimes called the “burning times” by Wiccans ) involved very few legitimate witches. This was not an organized practice of oppression or genocide of witches; it was an attempt by various states in the process of centralizing to further their power by creating new scapegoats (i.e. the poor, women, the disabled, religious minorities). This practice did not target female healers or folk practitioners en masse. This is historical fact.
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