#we all nort together
nortsauce · 2 months
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(And i’ll be typing the rest here because there are too many slides so read bellow)
My LONG ASS rant on how MHA (among other things) fails to present its ab*se victims in a good way,
Starring the todoroki family
So, i know literally no one cares but i feel like it needed to be said: but MHA has a BIG issue with victims of abuse being treated kinda shittily, to making whole arcs about their abusers.
This isn’t a HUGE thing, as the lack of sympathy for Hawk’s abusers was definitely there, but they still were portrayed in a semi-sympathetic light. This is not the main focus however.
I’m sure many could go on and on about Bakugou and Midoriya’s relationship, but thats not what i’m focusing on.
I’m focusing on the most OVERLOOKED and ABHORRENTLY handled dynamic of the Todoroki family
I will be going over each of the characters and why they suck in some way, but as a whole i have to talk about this: Each one of the characters of the family are all victims of abuse in some way, and represent the different ways that trauma affects the victim, i understand that.
All in all, they do a good job of portraying the different ways in which the people handle abuse,
Endeavor being one who never dealt with his past egotistical superiority complex and threw his baggage onto his family/children to live vicariously
Rei being the one who is emotionally/physically damaged to the point of a mental break
Touya being the ex-golden child, and the one who continued the cycle of violence (and misogyny but thats another topic for another paper)
Fuyumi being the one who holds onto an idealized version of a family that possibly only existed in her dreams, being codependent and longing/working to get those “happy times” back with her family, clinging onto smth that was possibly never there
Natsuo being the one who is (justifiably) angry at his abusers, cuts his family off and goes to pursue his own life/dreams
and finally shoto
the one who realizes his role as the golden child is only for his parents to live vicariously, breaks his cycle and is trying to figure out who he is.
These are all great representations of how people cope/handle trauma, and i believe that was on purpose, considering that it also speaks on abuse of children on baselines of being in a famous family.
However, certain aspects are clearly not handled properly; allow me to explain.
Shoto, the youngest of the family, is often seen as the architect of the abuse, as the family was actually quite “fine-living” (i’ll come back to this) before shoto was born.
There were obviously cracks in their family from the beginning, Touya being the golden child despite not being able to physically handle his own power without hurting himself (an allegory i’ll discuss), the fact that Enji (endeavor) basically bought his way into marrying Rei, and of course enji’s complex of being less than All-might.
However, many characters seem to blame the birth of Shoto for breaking the camel’s back, and starting the domestic violence that had already threatened to spill through.
It’s shown through the anime that shoto has a kind heart and never liked enji, due to the fact that he would harm him, his siblings, and his mother,
but for being the tritagonist of this show, we never get to see how he really feels. In all of this, perhaps we could see him feeling guilt for being the reason his family is broken, the possible resentment yet dependency he has for his father, the thoughts on how he feels conflicted yet guilty about his mother and continues to blame himself.
Its interesting how he never stops blaming his father, but regardless we only get his apathetic views on his father and no one else. Its saddening to see the sideline of the victim of abuse while his abuser gets a whole arc. But i’m not there yet.
Moving on we have Natsuo and Fuyumi. I grouped them together because they both have opposite ways of dealing with their trauma, as Aforementioned: Natsuo tries to cut all ties while Fuyumi tries to be a “normal” family with her remaining members.
Both of them have valid ways to why they act this way, and its tragic, however, the way they deal with their youngest sibling, shoto, is disheartening to say the least.
Both of them understand how Shoto was physically abused since he was 5, and neglect to form any sort of connection with him despite his better efforts in natsuo’s case, using him as leverage against his father and nothing more, while in fuyumi’s case, basically presents him in her fantastical version of him in their fantastical “perfect” family life, causing him to have multiple meetings with his abuser and forcing him to relive the trauma so she can have peace of mind.
In hindsight, this is all interesting heavy topics to explore in a character, and i was honestly curious to see how it would be handled
however it all faltered as soon as I saw the hospital scene.
After Dabi’s Dance, the todoroki family comes to visit Shoto and Endeavor in the hospital, both of whom are heavily bandaged and bed-ridden.
Despite this all, Rei, Fuyumi, and Natsuo force todoroki, who is burnt and recovering his voice, to get up and walk over to his father’s ward to speak to him.
Shoto, despite being unable to form full sentences, makes it FULLY CLEAR he does not want to be there, by closing the door to his ward, and attempting to leave. Despite his clear efforts, his family makes him go in to talk to him.
this 16 year old boy being forced out of RECOVERING, fully bandaged and barely able to talk, forced to visit his abuser to hear him cry about not being able to fight his own son, depsite also being his son and physically harmed by him since childhood.
In my opinion that wasn’t a good move on any of the family’s part.
Rei is a difficult subject to discuss. She is clearly a victim and has been for. while. She is mentally distant after being harmed for so long and spent time in a psyche-ward to handle herself.
Saying that she was a bad mother would be too far in my opinion, as she did her best to provide a nice life for her kids as well as defend them from her husband.
Not much is said about her, but from what we can tell she loved her kids very much, until the abuse started.
I feel the blame for shoto began with her, not being able to face her own son after the “death” of her first and the fact that his face reminded her of the abuse she’s faced from endeavor.
Her character is honestly an interesting one, but she is not safe from my scrutiny of the hospital scene. She was very brave for facing her abuser like this, however, she did not have to drag her bedridden youngest into the fray.
She is the DIRECT reason shoto has a scar on her face, (indirectly endeavor’s fault)
But i will never blame her for the abuse she faced for her children, by her husband and to an extent, her own son touya, which leads me into my next point
Touya, aka Dabi, is the “Late” eldest brother who was originally Endeavor’s ticket into living vicariously to defeat all-might and be the number 1 hero.
I could go into the psychology of his character but he is ultimately very interesting. In all honesty the way he is presented as being the consequences of endeavor’s actions is palpable and honestly quite raw. At a young age, he was handling the pressure of being his father’s perfect creation, and the fame and fortune that followed as he sought his father’s approval. Soon, his quirk began to burn him every time he used it, a fact that endeavor ignored to pursue his goal. Touya’s power became self-harm at some point, an allegory for his disregard for his own life and well-being for his father’s dream which ultimately (literally) exploded on itself.
Touya’s story is interesting, from his abuse causing him to act like his father craving his approval, which lead him to act put against his mother and shoto, while laying his baggage onto his younger siblings, to losing his mind and realizing that he wanted his father dead and continuing the cycle of abuse further.
This is all a deep and interesting way to look at abuse and how the abused may become an abuser, HOWEVER.
MY critique here, is how sidelined his whole arc is, as his story is more portrayed of Endeavor’s past coming to haunt him, all for the watcher to sympathize with endeavor rather than understand how the abuse endeavor put onto touya made dabi. This whole arc was framed to be sympathetic towards endeavor, and to fear Dabi. Don’t even get me started on how Shoto’s feelings meant nothing in this arc, as well as being immediately cut off by a surprise cameo of a character that possibly discredited Dabi’s expose video on his abuser.
Finally, we get to talk about the elephant in the room: Enji Todoroki, endeavor himself.
What is there not to say about this man.
I feel I should start eith the obvious:
The forgiveness/sympathy arc for endeavor was quite possibly the worst thing to ever happen in the anime, and this is not subjective.
The whole arc is based around how Endeavor is a victim of his own mind and is trying his hardest to make up for being a terrible person.
Personally, i love to see character arcs of villains becoming a better person, but thats the very thing: Endeavor is trying to ask for forgiveness from his family, who he abused for 15 YEARS. This is no exaggeration as Shoto is now 16, and his cracks started forming as soon as he was born.
Endeavor had illegally married a woman that he basically bought his way into,
was illegally “breeding” (eugh) for quirk benefits,
Treated one of his son’s like a vicarious version of himself
Physically abused his son (age 5+) his wife, and verbally abused the rest of his children
isolated his son
treated his son like a weapon
and finally felt too prideful for any sort of meaningful apology.
This all adds up to a character who only felt sorry for his actions after the consequences started hitting him in the face, as he only felt remorseful when Shoto refused to be associated with him.
Now, some of you may be thinking: “A lot of characters are forgiven for more, why would he be the exception? It’s fictional why do you care?”
There are several reasons to why I care but i’ll speak in terms of framing for now. This show is highly influential to not only kids (as it is a KIDS SHOW) but to adults as well. May i direct your attention to the man who saved a woman from a murderous ex-boyfriend by blocking his machete hits all because My Hero Academia inspired him to take action and be a hero?
Or how about a murder that took place because the accused was inspired by an invader zim episode (the dark harvest)
Whether you like it or not, fiction HAS an affect on reality. Yes, we can determine what is real and what is fake, but you cannot deny that a lot of what media we consume helps us be who we are.
If the show promotes more sympathy towards an abuser than their victims, then people may find themselves sympathizing real world abusers over the voices of victims.
I wont speak on delicate subjects but I can already see affects of this happening, as people rally to defend famous people accused of being abusers rather than listen and provide support to the alleged victims.
In conclusion, These topics are definitely not easy to write, and I, for one, am NO expert and my word should not be used as gospel truth or a guideline on how to write these characters.
This is all simply my opinion on how the bias towards abusers in the show leads for the message to be skewed and marred in action.
I understand that no one is perfect, but if we only reward and sympathize with those who only seek redemption after they face scrutiny, then we lose the meaning of what makes someone worthy of forgiveness.
These topics are deep and interesting, but the way they are handled in this show is simply bad writing.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk and again: no shade towards the writers. Just critiques!
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mysticstronomy · 2 months
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024.
Welcome back,
All the fundamental forces of the universe are known to follow the laws of quantum mechanics, save one: gravity. Finding a way to fit gravity into quantum mechanics would bring scientists a giant leap closer to a “theory of everything” that could entirely explain the workings of the cosmos from first principles. A crucial first step in this quest to know whether gravity is quantum is to detect the long-postulated elementary particle of gravity, the graviton.
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In search of the graviton, physicists are now turning to experiments involving microscopic superconductors, free-falling crystals and the afterglow of the big bang.
Quantum mechanics suggests everything is made of quanta, or packets of energy, that can behave like both a particle and a wave—for instance, quanta of light are called photons. Detecting gravitons, the hypothetical quanta of gravity, would prove gravity is quantum. The problem is that gravity is extraordinarily weak.
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To directly observe the minuscule effects a graviton would have on matter, physicist Freeman Dyson famously noted, a graviton detector would have to be so massive that it collapses on itself to form a black hole.
“One of the issues with theories of quantum gravity is that their predictions are usually nearly impossible to experimentally test,” says quantum physicist Richard Norte of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. “This is the main reason why there exist so many competing theories and why we haven’t been successful in understanding how it actually works.”
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In 2015, however, theoretical physicist James Quach, now at the University of Adelaide in Australia, suggested a way to detect gravitons by taking advantage of their quantum nature. Quantum mechanics suggests the universe is inherently fuzzy—for instance, one can never absolutely know a particle's position and momentum at the same time. One consequence of this uncertainty is that a vacuum is never completely empty, but instead buzzes with a “quantum foam” of so-called virtual particles that constantly pop in and out of existence.
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These ghostly entities may be any kind of quanta, including gravitons.
Decades ago, scientists found that virtual particles can generate detectable forces. For example, the Casimir effect is the attraction or repulsion seen between two mirrors placed close together in vacuum. These reflective surfaces move due to the force generated by virtual photons winking in and out of existence.
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Previous research suggested that superconductors might reflect gravitons more strongly than normal matter, so Quach calculated that looking for interactions between two thin superconducting sheets in vacuum could reveal a gravitational Casimir effect. The resulting force could be roughly 10 times stronger than that expected from the standard virtual-photon-based Casimir effect.
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Recently, Norte and his colleagues developed a microchip to perform this experiment. This chip held two microscopic aluminum-coated plates that were cooled almost to absolute zero so that they became superconducting. One plate was attached to a movable mirror, and a laser was fired at that mirror. If the plates moved because of a gravitational Casimir effect, the frequency of light reflecting off the mirror would measurably shift. As detailed online July 20 in Physical Review Letters, the scientists failed to see any gravitational Casimir effect.
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This null result does not necessarily rule out the existence of gravitons—and thus gravity’s quantum nature. Rather, it may simply mean that gravitons do not interact with superconductors as strongly as prior work estimated, says quantum physicist and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who did not participate in this study and was unsurprised by its null results. Even so, Quach says, this was a courageous attempt to detect gravitons.”
Originally published on https://www.scientificamerican.com
(Saturday, April 6th, 2024)
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flipppyflopp · 8 months
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“Just a little longer, and I will finally be rid of those abominations. Then we will be free. I shall bring peace to everyone!” 🔥
The Glorious Masquerade is underway! This event has been so much fun and I absolutely love all the Hunchback of Norte Dame references, so I decided to draw a reference of my own. I can just picture Rollo planning out his scheme with his diorama and figures, then his Vice President walking in and the silence being deafening 🤡
I have another piece planned for the Glorious Masquerade featuring Silver and Sebek referencing a moment from the Kingdom Hearts franchise…that’s all I’ll say for now. I’m also working on putting together my next twst oc post, so look forward to that as well!✨
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thenewausten · 4 months
Quackity realising he's in love with a brazilian streamer HC's! 🇧🇷
Everything started when he invited you to join the QSMP server with Cellbit, Felps and TazerCraft, you were a brazilian streamer and youtuber and just like the others you played a bunch of weird games (and Minecraft as well). The first time he saw your face he thought you were so beautiful and even got a little nervous to send you a message on Instagram (lmao) but he did and you answer, being super attentive to him and of course accepting being part of the server!
You and Alex became friends very fast, always being chaotic together on the server and always flirting as a joke (you'd ask him if he wants to marry you so he could be the first one to get married on the server).
In real life, I can imagine you guys being awake until late night talking about your life's, thoughts, feelings and experiences. As a brazilian myself I think we have a lot in common with his mexican culture so you guys would talk for hours about your cultures, he'd show you mexican songs or bands like Los Tigres del Norte and you'd show him Mamonas Assassinas* (I'd give anything to see him reacting to this band). Also, he'd teach you how to do guacamole and you'd teach him how to do brigadeiro* as well!
I think he'd fall in love with you first and would realise it while streaming your both wedding on the QSMP, listening to your voice as you say how much you love and care for him, or even better, for q!quackity. He'd think he's confusing his feelings with the feelings of his character but his heart would be pounding so fast in his chest as you both talked later off-stream he thought he could have an anxiety attack. "Hmm, hey... I need to go, I have to work on the next event of QSMP, sorry..." He'd say to you, looking at your face on the screen of his phone. "Oh, sure. It's okay! Bye, husband!" You'd joke around calling him husband and he'd be dead for the rest of the night and the next day, thinking he was so fucked up to fall in love with someone who just wanted his friendship and lived so far away from him.
Alex didn't know you felt the same, after a couple weeks you'd realise the way you've been reacting when you talk to him. Something was different. Just like him, you thought you'd be confusing your feelings because all of the marriage lore on the server but why would you blush every damn time he'd say you are beautiful and not only that but an amazing person as well?!
You'd talk with Cellbit about it, not knowing Quackity did the same. Cellbit would say you should talk to him about it and said the same to Alex before (he's our Rodrigo Faro*).
Quackity decided he'd open his heart to you in the QSMP meeting in Brazil, he'd have to wait a couple weeks but it didn't matter, he loved you so he'd wait to see your face in real life even if you didn't love him back in this way.
Part 2???
I decided to write Quackity with a brazilian girl because I don't see a lot in here and there's a lot of brazilian's out there, so this is for all my brazilian people <3
If you're not brazilian, here's the explanation of what I marked with the *:
Mamonas Assassinas was an iconic brazilian band in 1995-1996, their music changed Brazil in that time, bringing happiness, laughter and excitement in a time where all the brazilian's needed it. They did what was never done before in Brazil and they did something someone could never do again. Unfortunately, in March of 1996 they passed away in a plane crash bringing sadness to all of our people. However, they're gone but not forgotten, they live in our hearts <3
Brigadeiro is a typical brazilian candy, it's made with chocolate, condensed milk and butter (it's very good, btw).
Rodrigo Faro is a TV presenter, in his program there's a thing called "Vai dar namoro" ("Will date" is the literal traducion of that) and people go there to meet other people so they can go on a date, lol.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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ms-lirio · 1 month
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"You hurted yourself. Again."
"I guess I should say: I am deeply sorry."
"Do not act so reckless, Alfred."
"—Promise. And you should take a rest, you look tired."
"I am fine. Do not worry about me."
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I have MANY pending books to read, whether diaries, reports, story books, Brazilian Pracinhas and Nurses and much more.  But to save time, I decided to just read a few quick articles to prepare this post.
All pointed here is in a historical view.
Brazil was officially the only South American country to send troops to the conflict under its flag.
Historically, Brazil's actions prevailed in Italy.  It was where Brazil sent its troops, and its participation in the war was delayed as Brazil wanted to maintain its relations with both sides and remain neutral throughout the conflict.  After German and Italian attacks suffered by Brazilian ships, Brazil gave up its neutrality, siding with the Allies.
American military bases were built in the Northeast region of Brazil and Brazilian troops received American training.
"In 1939, with the beginning of the Second World War, Brazil remained neutral, in continuation of President Getúlio Vargas' policy of not defining itself by any of the great powers, only trying to take advantage of the advantages offered by them. Such "pragmatism " was interrupted at the beginning of 1942, when the United States and the Brazilian government agreed to transfer air bases on the island of Fernando de Noronha and along the north-northeast Brazilian coast to receive American military bases (if negotiations had not result, with Vargas and the military insisting on maintaining neutrality, the US had plans to invade the Brazilian northeast, codenamed Plan Rubber).”  (WIKIPEDIA)
"Natal, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in northeastern Brazil, has a very important strategic global geographic position. This fact made the city host the two main American military bases during the Second World War: the Naval Base and Parnamirim Field – at the time it was the largest US Air Force base on foreign territory.”  (WIKIPEDIA)
// Getúlio Vargas flirted with the Fascist ideology even tho, he went to ALLIES' side. 💀
HCs: (don't take them too seriously)
⚠️ Remembering the following content: we are still talking about Hetalia, so my HCs and lore are not absolute truth, but my perception of my oc's participation during the conflict.  Even though it has a historical basis behind it.  And also, this is historical fiction (ofc, it's hetalia).  WWII is an extremely sensitive topic to many. I ask for caution, I will be careful with what I have to say.
— Alfred used his charm and charisma to make Mayara fight alongside him (Good Neighbor Policy). What worked and they formed an alliance based on a mutual exchange of interests.
— Mayara had developed a strange feeling that intensified for Alfred (something between admiration and wanting to be like him, a complex feeling, which perhaps was confused with platonic love and which sought certain privileges in that alliance), even if she was reluctant to give end her neutral stance towards the conflict (something similar to what happened in WWI).  She would later do this after torpedoing of vessels by German and Italian submarines, retaliation due to Brazil's accession to the Atlantic Charter;  thus, she broke ties with the AXIS and declared war on Italy and Germany.
— In my universe, Mayara also served as a nurse, and spent most of her time with Alfred, often tending to his wounds.  Sometimes just chitchatting together or learning about militarism and things like that. He trained her. He was the one who supported her.
— I changed my conception of another topic, which was May's direct participation on the battlefield.  I think that Mayara, in addition to serving as a nurse, also fought on the front line when necessary (due to the fact that she was the representative of Brazil) and needed to be on the front line.  In my former HC she didn't go to the front. (I disagree with the 2021 me xd).
—  I don't believe that Alfred reciprocated any kind of feelings for May. She was an important piece for him, and so he courted her, to secure a new ally.  It was a benefits relationship.
— Besides Alfred.  There were FEW times where dialogues with England took place, this was due to the participation of Anglo-Brazilians on the English side (if I'm not wrong, in the area of ​​aviation, but I need to delve deeper into the topic).  An almost tiny interaction compared to the prevalence of Alfred's actions, which was immensely greater and also generated impacts.
PS: I don't ship BrAme/AmeBra, they are just friends.  However, Mayara, as I said, had strange feelings for him at some moments in history (I was reading an article about diplomacy 🇧🇷-🇺🇸, I realized that Brazil had a greater interest in getting closer to the USA for economic and regional power, that is, an admiration that aimed for benefits/just as the US aimed for strategic support/Mayara would support Alfred in anything, as she thought she would get support in return).
I used the word "courtship" as it was stated in this old History book (which I no longer have).  Alfred... used his charm against May. Lol.
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Evidence of a strange obsession with Alfred:
Meet the United States of Brazil:
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(I showed this damn flag to my dad he got disgusted lmfao)
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sirenjose · 7 months
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A few random thoughts/questions about Ashes of Memory
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Frederick…? Was he going after Alice because of whatever Orpheus whispered to him…?
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Alice’s diary (right page): “Those referred to as Hunters and those strange events are far beyond reason, but the records do reveal a frightening truth. Perhaps I can only find out what they experienced by experiencing it for myself.”
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Wu Chang’s umbrella disappears at night
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Reflection of actual (survivor) Norton (dragging a pickaxe).
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Hunter Norton (smile).
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Looks like Orpheus based on the coat. I wonder if he either A) didn’t expect to find her in the basement and thus had to run, or B) he purposefully led her into a trap to knock her out? Or bother...?
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The guy with the monocle looks like Orpheus. And if Alice is being experimented on, I wonder if the guy with the wig is Vilhelm Lamb, who we know experimented on her. Then… maybe if Orpheus is there, the guy with the brown hair and glasses is Sam? Sam does work for Orpheus.
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Norton down in the cellar.
Orpheus should’ve said the comment about dosage and the experiment supposed to be stable.
Usually only Orpheus knows about the drugs. If Norton is giving Alice hydra, and Orpheus is talking to him as he does so, does Norton work for Orpheus?
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So Orpheus was the person to hire Norton to assassinate a female, which is Alice?
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I love him. Now I really wanna see him with Naib. They both eat like they’ve been starving (which considering their pasts could’ve happened) and like they’re afraid if they don’t eat fast enough, someone might steal their food from them (which I could also imagine happening).
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Seriously though, what is this for? With the tools in that cabinet, and what looks like a cell, was there any experimentation down here ;/ ?
Considering the similar aesthetic in the cellar, I wonder if there’s any chance they could be connected (even potentially physically?)
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So. We we see Orpheus running from Alice, then soon after she encounters Norton, who chases her towards Orpheus who knocks her out, then we see Norton in the cellar with secret drugs he shouldn’t know about and hear Orpheus talking with him about his whole experiment…
It really seems like Norton and Orpheus are working together… Which would explain Orfeo… or Survivor Norton’s showroom… or other things… I don’t know how to feel.
Norton knows about Orpheus’ secret basement, his secret drugs, the experiments he’s been carrying out at the manor with all his games, and appears before he’s announced to have arrived at the manor. I mean, it’s really feeling like he’s helping him with how much Nort knows… Well. Suspicious how much he knows vs how much a normal participant knows, like we see in normal games/others letters.
I mean, he knew about the cellar/drugs before he’d even officially “arrived”. That has to mean Orpheus told him about all this ahead of time or Norton already knew.
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completemessash · 1 year
Impatient - Part 1 (a.i.)
notes: i started this the night before 5sos' perfomance at pal norte so that's where it takes place :)
Warnings: SMUT, Ashton x reader, blowjob, cum, well in this part only talking about those things, dirty talk and a horny drummer
“Ash, you need to get on stage soon”
“I know”, he mumbled against your skin, “But you’re so hot. Why would you wear this tiny outfit when you know I have to perform?”
“It’s not tiny at all”, you laughed, while half heartedly trying to push his head away from where he kept nipping at your neck and the top of your cleavage. And it really wasn’t all that tiny, you were wearing a dark pair of jeans and a crop top. Which was admittedly quite low cut and maybe you had chosen that top on purpose because you knew he couldn’t resist you, but it was nothing that you would count as ‘tiny’.
“I can’t help myself when you look like this, babe”
“Well, it’s a good thing you’re sitting behind a drum kit, isn’t it?”, you smiled, feeling the hardness against your leg.
“Mhm”, his answer was distracted. His hands were pushing under the top, cupping your boobs into his hands and squeezing them. You were thankful that they all had individual backstage rooms this time, even though all of them – except Ashton – had probably already ended up in one together.
“Ash”, you laughed again, which turned into a small whine when he bit the skin on your collarbone, “How old are you? You’re acting like you’ve never seen a pair of boobs in your life”
He stopped, pouting up at you. “I’m offended”, he complained, “And besides, I’m not seeing any boobs right now”
“You have like then minutes-“
“Plenty of time”, he argued and you gave in. Not that you would have declined this, but it was fun to tease him when he got a little desperate.
In no time, he had gotten your top of, unclasping your bra with practiced fingers, lips searching your flesh as soon as it had fallen to the floor.
“You’re such a boob guy”
He stopped again, that offended look on his face again. “Why do you have to insult me so much today?”
“I’m not insulting you”, you grinned, “Simply stating facts.”
“Do you want my cum on your boobs or not?”, he asked, yup, he was impatient today.
But you weren’t done teasing him yet: “Oh, so I’m not even getting anything? Probably have to jerk you off, too, huh?”
“Well uh-“
“It’s okay, babe, we only have ten minutes, you can always promise to get me off once we’re back at the hotel”
He nodded eagerly, then mumbled something about only having eight or seven minutes now and fumbled to open his pants.
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firestorm09890 · 9 months
The combo of Ienzo and Vanitas right next to each other in the bottom left corner of the kh 20th anniversary art is so fucking funny to me. like it’s clear Nomura attempted to group together characters in a way that made sense, but the fact of the matter is that there are so many characters in kh and the web of connections is so complicated, and we already know he was doing this at the last minute, so I think he just gave up and dropped anyone he didn’t know what to do with in that corner
like the top half is for the heroes and the bottom half is for the ✨ Evil Gang ✨, with the right side being members from the og organization who were active in kh3, the middle being Nort club, and the left side being the trio of og org members who came back only to pull some traitor shit. and also Ienzo and Vanitas
yeah you could group Ienzo in with the three traitors except he. isn’t one of those. he was in the organization and then he wasn’t and that was that, he didn’t take part in that sneaky double-crossing (ironically enough lmao). he isn’t close enough to any of the protagonists™️ for it to make sense to put him on the top half, but also his identity in the series as Ienzo is so strong at this point that it wouldn’t make sense to put Zexion in the art, and? everyone else he was associated with in kh3? aren’t even represented in the piece so we’ve got one (1) guy wearing white amongst a sea of edgelords. looks weird, doesn’t it? that’s why he’s off in the very corner
and then poor Vanitas really had nowhere to go at all. his closest connection is to Ventus (which was NOT happening) and then after that is Xehanort, who gets to hang out with his fellow norts, so, fuck. in the corner he goes too
and honestly while I’m here I wanna shout out Saïx, who’s so divorced from Lea that he had to be on the complete opposite edge of the piece; Vexen, who’s super tiny and far away compared to everyone else on the bottom half and doesn’t have anyone to mirror him; and Demyx, who. idk. just completes this I think.
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world’s worst friend group
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mintytealfox · 6 months
So we have Survivor Nort Decucts... And now we have Hunter Nort deducts... Put them together and what do we get?
You get a hella tragic story oh my GOSHHHH 😭😭😭😭
The set up will be: 1-Surv!Norton 1-Hunt!Norton -Then my thoughts 😏
1-Kindness: Is that an Olive Branch you just threw or... (A Good Deed: Norton, a Miner, Always visited the hospice and cared for all of the homeless old miners) 1-Shrewd 'Each step requires long-term planning' (Shrewd: An old, folded letter: Yellow and brittle. It was once abandoned in a dust corner. Signed, Benny.) -This is interesting 👀 These are both the first which automatically makes me think they are connected. I wonder if the Olive Branch thrown is from Benny? Or if its from Norton with the helping out with the people around Benny? Either way Benny ends up sending a letter to Norton. Maybe it saying something like 'want to meet up? I have stuff that might interest you' or something. Which adds to my -squinting- at Benny. Sounds like Norton was alone even though Benny was around all that time? hmmm
2-Diligence: The more effort, the more rewards? (Work Record: Norton Campbell is always the first to go down into the mines and the last to leave it.) 2-Lonely: 'The loneliness of separation must be endured on the climb up' (A coin: Stained by ash, footprints, tears, and dirt from the slums.) -Brings up the whole 'he had nobody' not even Benny vibe again -squints- Where was Benny during all of this? Seems like Norton would work and work and work so he couldn't feel or notice how alone he is. Like work was his only constant and 'friend' to keep himself from going nutty, but in the hours where work couldn't be used as a distraction he was miserable 😿Crying as he clings to what little he has...my gosh. That coin was so important to him man, I wonder if it was the last thing he got from his dad or something, cause he takes it everywhere and it pops up all the time in the trailer orz which means he never spent it just held onto it enough where you see TEAR STAINS ON IT! I CANNOT-- 😭😭😭😭
3-Efficiency: We need more trials. (A stack of Recommendation Letters: It can be seen that every one of Norton's previous employers appreciated his hard work and expressed their regret at being unable to keep him for long.) 3-Sophisticated 'wear a mask for the sake of survival' (A note on the back: What a detestable Person! Wagging his tail like a dog in front of the overseer!) -This one I can’t quite grasp yet -squints- is this referring to the back of the letter from Benny? Why write that there? Is Benny talking smack about Norton being so good at wearing a mask and pleasing the employers? Or is Norton talking smack about himself? Or is Norton pissed about others doing what he is doing? Wearing a mask to just survive or what the heck? 🤣 This one is still baffling me fr fr Oh wait a min....Seems like he had to jump job from job cause employers kept needing to fire workers, unable to keep him on as an employee. Likely becoming more jaded that him working hard and being good isn't working much for him since he keeps getting let go. Then seeing some fresh faced bushy tailed worker beside him would likely piss him off lol 'Why are you acting like that we are all getting fired anyways' Yea I super don't know with this one, I am juggling so many possibilities for this one.
4-Persistence: People won't be unlucky forever, right? (1-Page Note: There are 13 items listed. The first 12 appear to be names of places, and the last one is crossed out.) 4-Willful 'Those who persist will encounter more opportunities' (A page from a diary: I found that old man's notes. Now, it belongs to the one who lives long.) -He doesn’t sound all that fond of Benny pff like there is a hint of a dig there and/or him trying to convince himself that he is going to break out of here and live. Did he decide to set a plan in motion after getting the letter from Benny? Or was it after meeting with Benny?
5-Patience: Next time... (Diary: Tomorrow, I will go to the last place recorded by the old man. If there's still nothing, then I hope he...) 5-Gloomy 'The other side of Kindness and affability' (Abandoned junk: A tattered quilt, a chisel, an unsent letter, and a small piece of wrapped and hardened white bread) -This one I don't see much of a connection other than reference to old man and then there is that QUILT that could have possibly been the one Benny had made for Norton when the Dad was still alive. 'Then I hope he...' sounds hella ominous now lol -squints- Then Is this stuff found with Benny or was it found where Norton abandoned everything? Did Norton not send a letter? Maybe he meant to go back to get his things but never got to cause of the damage the explosion deed had on his mind ah. This one also gives me more questions than answers lol
6-Courage: The more dangers, the more opportunities. (A Geological Report: Part of the tunnel had been blocked by an unidentified object. One small mistake could cause the inner structure of the mine to collapse.) 6-Greedy 'Merely retaking what the heavens owe' (A map: Several crossed-out mines and a red circle.) -I am thinking Greedy and Gloomy should switch here cause Greedy goes well with the Patience with reference to 'go to the last place recorded' BUT what the frig is that 'unidentified object' -squints- Did Norton set that up?? Was that in the red circled mine? Was the place just found like that and Norton was like -cough cough- "whatever nothing is stopping me". Is this all just setting up how Norton was willing to go anywhere to find what he is looking for? hmmmm Willing to go where no man has gone before. Smash Greed and Courage together and ya thats what you get lol A desperate dude that has nothing to loose and only to gain if this all goes right. aahh
7-Alert: You need to be more cautious. (News: Due to the use of gunpowder and detonators, the era of simple rock drilling is coming to an end. 7-Arrogant 'Only by being bolder can you challenge destiny' (Torn paper: Record the blasting's depth, distance between holes… and the amount of explosives used.) -He uhhhhh, yea he definitely ends up using explosives lol. And its interesting that he made sure that everything was measured and counted in every way. Bro knew what he was doing 1000%. He had it all down to the second, the inch! He was careful alright, careful to make sure this goes perfect AH
8-Share: You need more helpers. (Mining Precautions: Theft of explosives is illegal and will be reported to the police once discovered.) 8-Hypocrite 'Important moments must be witnessed by companions' (A memo: Two bottles of the cheapest whine for those drunkards to wet their throats. And toss some fatty meat to the guard dog.) -BRO STOLE THE HELL OUTTA THEM EXPLOSIVES LOOOOOOOL AND HE DID IT IN THE MOST CLICHE WAY EVER AND IT WORKED IIMMMMM--LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Like How many laws did he end up breaking by the end of all this?? LIKE GEEZZ And people are so used to him being kind and caring, none were the wiser! This Duddddeeeee!! He played the LONG GAME GOLLY
9-Wisdom: Smart people know when to hold on and when to let go. (An Accident Report: An explosion collapsed a mine on the outskirts of the city. It's suspected that the miners had mishandled the explosives, and the police expressed that there's little chance for anyone to survive) 9-Ruthless 'Exploding from deep within like an ignited explosive' (A page from a diary: Those journalists and policemen are gone. So it's just that simple?) -Bro played everything! The people, the system, the science, the math?? LIKE DUDE! If it was an accident, he wouldn't have survived. Norton had this planned to the T! Every 'i' was dotted and ever 't' was crossed, he knew he was surviving that explosion if everything went perfect like he was planning for OH MY GOSH. Bro playing chess while everyone else was LEARNING CHECKERS
10-Luck: That's only because the rest are just unlucky. (1-Page Case: Moderate burns to the face. Suspected to have been caused by direct exposure to excessive temperatures) 10-Numb 'Forget them and stay away from the dark underground' (A magnet: "Maybe it can keep me away from misfortune and darkness.") -He really didn't get much out of this did he. Like, all he got was trauma, burnt up, and a magnet. And boi is he clinging to that magnet with is all. His new coin; his new thing to cling to orz He really lies to himself a lot 😿He keeps finding out far too late that what he thought would change everything just made everything worse 🙃like yes everything changed, but changed for the worst. That tunnel vision hitting him so hard he never stops to go 'huh, this is a horrible idea, how would this possibly change my fate??' Its like he is trying so hard to convince himself that it was all worth it cause he got this crazy magnet orz gooooossshhhhhhhhhhhh Instead of using this as a wake up call it seems he is pressing on that sigma grind. Nothing like a plague doctor bird man monster to set things right LOOOOL
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
May I please have some of the organization members reacting to them coming home to an asleep s/o in either their shirt or an extra organization cloak since the s/o missed them so much and couldn't sleep without them home? Thank you in advance 🤗😊
You got it!! I'm gonna go with the Nort brothers for now
Nort Brothers reacting to you sleeping with their shirt
Warnings: Slightly spicy (like microscopic size) but mainly fluff
Rating: SFW
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Honestly, this man overworks himself so it's a miracle that he even made it to your guys' shared bed.
When he sees you wearing his shirt, he's confused.
Like, why would you wear his shirt? You have tons of clothes yourself.
But he finds it adorable, nonetheless.
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Like Xemnas, he overworks himself, but not as much as his twin though
Now, we know this man barely wears a shirt, but he does own a few turtlenecks (he wears them in the winter)
So, after a long day of research and making sure the Twilight Trio were asleep, he headed to you to have some spicy time together
Only to find you asleep in one of his turtlenecks.
When I tell you this man MELTS!!!!! He'll just wrap you in his arms and the two of you will sleep like that till morning.
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Xeha loves it when you wear his stuff. It's like a signal saying that you're his and his alone.
And when you wear his shirt to bed, he fucking loves it.
He does get a little turned on but nothing too crazy.
Sometimes, he's just too tired to take care of it, and sometimes you are too. Other times, it just leads to soft, sleepy sex
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Okay, we all know that Vanitas wears that somewhat ugly suit but for the sake of this fic, we're gonna give him some actual clothes
Like Xeha, he loves it when you wear his clothes.
And yes, he does get turned on when he sees you in them.
And when you wear his shirt as pj's, you best believe his going to pound town
And, yeah. You're gonna be wearing his shirt more often for bed
Let me know if you want a part two with the other members!
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dailytomlinson · 2 months
Alone with Louis Tomlinson in Chile: "What I miss most about One Direction is the camaraderie"
In his brief visit to the country, Louis Tomlinson received BioBioChile weeks after his return to the national stage and days after a talked-about show in Mexico, a country to which this year he will bring his own festival, “Away from home." "I want to bring it wherever they want to have me. To be honest, it was a talking point today (in Chile)," the former One Direction confessed.
After an explosive time in Mexico, where he was one of the headliners of the Pal Norte festival, Louis Tomlinson went down through South America to Chile in advance of what will be an imminent reunion with local fans, who in the country alone number in the thousands.
The former One Direction will present the “Faith In The Future World Tour 2024” on May 24 at the Estadio Bicentenario La Florida , almost a year after the start of the world tour and almost two years after its successful debut in Chile, when in 2022 sold out three shows months in advance.
“The experiences I have had, being quite young, have always been quite good here. So I am very excited to be able to bring “Faith in the Future”, and I feel very lucky to be able to do this alone,” he commented in dialogue with BioBioChile when remembering his first visit with One Direction , also in May but 2014. 10 years ago.
Since then, subsequent visits to Chile by the group's former members have repeated the frenzy of their alma mater. This week, the flash arrival of Louis Tomlinson caused crowds outside the Mandarin Hotel, and spontaneous attempts to follow his route to Santiago.
“I think it's vitally important (not to forget the fans). It's as simple as if no one buys the album and no one comes to the tour shows, we can't do what we do. It is vitally important to make people feel represented from all sides. I've always had a good relationship with the fans, and I've always been incredibly grateful to have the fanbase that I do. So it's a lot of love and gratitude that I can give you. They are always important to me,” he acknowledged.
During his time at the Pal Norte festival, Tomlinson made a gesture that caught the attention of his followers: he took a Mexican flag and posed with it for the audience . A very unusual maneuver in his presentations that the Dancaster native takes today with humor.
“I saw that fans were talking about it online and I think I've only done it once before, and I think it was in Mexico too. Those shows are usually where they are very excited and euphoric, there is no other reason. At that moment I take the flag and wrap it around myself. Which is very cool,” she commented on the code that his fans deciphered.
For “Faith In The Future” , the Englishman worked and collaborated with important names in the international industry, such as Theo Hutchcraft (Hurts) and producer Mike Crossey (The 1975, Wolf Alice), as well as Nico Rebscher (Alice Merton) and Joe Cross, among others.
After the success of “Walls” in 2020 (whose tour brought together more than 500,000 people in more than 80 concerts around the world), the singer was satisfied with the result of his successor album, where he shows another facet.
“Yes, I am very proud of this album. When I reflect on 'Walls,' there are things that with hindsight I would have done slightly differently, and that comes from a place of trust. But when I think about 'Faith in the Future', I think the proof is in the live shows. That album is designed for live performances, and from the experiences I've had on tour with Faith in the Future, it feels very special to have that for the fans. So yes, I am very satisfied,” he commented.
Tomlinson, who in less than two years suffered the death of his mother Johannah Deakin from leukemia and his sister Felicité from an overdose, shows in “Faith in the Future” part of his own family heritage: optimism .
“I would say that (that optimism) comes from the family; It's what I've always known: seeing the glass half full. Optimism, yes, comes naturally to me in the way my mother raised me, of trying to see the good. I wanted to bring that out on this album, and I hope you can feel a little bit of that.
(Q): In “Common People” you made a tribute to Doncaster, your hometown. Tell us about it.
(A): I'm very proud to come from a place like Doncaster, although I don't spend much time there anymore because I live in London, I go when I see my family. But there are great people, I have a lot to thank Doncaster for who I am today, so it still has a very special place in my heart.
(Q): Are you working on a new album?
(A): I have written a couple of songs, but when I was writing them I wasn't thinking that they would be for a new album, they were so I could write and not put pressure on those songs. But I think I will start writing work for a new album at the end of this year.
(Q): In addition to being a musical star, you are a festival producer…
(A): Yes! I like that, it sounds good.
(Q): You recently announced the arrival of “Away from home”, your festival, to Mexico, after a successful time in Spain. Is there any possibility of bringing that show to Chile or South America?
(A): I would love to. I want to bring it where they want to have me. To be honest, it was a talking point today. And the shows have had incredible energy, so it would be an incredible place to bring the festival.
(Q): What does Louis Tomlinson listen to in his headphones during his trips and tours around the world?
(A): I have to push myself a lot to listen to new things, like everyone else I stay in a loop of continuing to listen to the things I grew up with or I get stuck with an album and only listen to that. The last album I've been listening to a lot is the new one by Paolo Nutini , he is perhaps my favorite male singer, he is an incredible vocalist and incredible composer.
(Q): You are a very active artist, who travels a lot during the year. Would you like to spend more time at home, in England or in Doncaster?
(A): Yes, that's almost the only thing I've known in my adult life, certainly. So yes, of course I would like to be able to spend more time in Doncaster. But since I don't, every time I go there it feels very special. So currently I have a very nice relationship with my home.
What do you miss most about your time in One Direction? Do you miss anything from those days?
(A): Yes, definitely. I think what I miss most is the camaraderie, navigating the music industry together. It's a very immersive experience, and being able to navigate with people who are going through the same thing is definitely a good feeling. Or even lose sometimes, but do it collectively. But I will say that as a solo artist, I've said it before, there is more stress, but I think the reward is greater. But there is a difference. That was it, and now it's something else.
(Q): What are your plans for this year?
(A): I have a lot of touring, I'm seeing people play at a lot of festivals, which is exciting because it's something new for me. I'm very excited about that, Mexico was a great experience. So more touring and then at the end of the year is when I'll start writing the album.
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bookclub4m · 8 months
31 Recent Horror Books by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here. You can also listen to our episode on Horror fiction.
This list features horror fiction by BIPOC authors published within the last 3 years.
Jackal by Erin E. Adams
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas
The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro
The Spite House by Johnny Compton
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due
And Then She Fell by Alicia Elliott
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, translated by Megan McDowell
Piñata by Leopoldo Gout
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda
Lone Women by Victor LaValle
Sisters of the Lost Nation by Nick Medina
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Morena-Garcia 
This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno
Green Fuse Burning by Tiffany Morris
Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror edited by Jordan Peele
Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn
Manmade Monsters by Andrea L. Rogers
Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
Chlorine by Jade Song
Midnight Storm Moonless Sky: Indigenous Horror Stories by Alex Soop
There's No Way I'd Die First by Lisa Springer
She Is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran
Tell Me Pleasant Things about Immortality: Stories by Lindsay Wong
White Horse by Erika T. Wurth
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ozimagines · 2 months
Any thoughts on Chico being a parent?
I have a couple, thanks for asking😂 I love the idea of Chico as a dad, and have played around with it in fanfiction. He loves hard. That’s gotta mean something, right?
Chico Guerra as a Parent would include…
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He’s not exactly the classic “fatherly” type
He never really saw himself with kids and a family
Mostly because he never thought he could
(I write Chico with an older brother, Roberto (Bobby), who joined El Norte before him on the outside and when his older brother was killed in a gang war, he just stayed because that’s all he’s ever known. This is important for how I view him)
He’s reckless and wild
But he’s kind to kids, always
Even before he has ones of his own
He was always the “cool cousin” at family functions
There are lines even criminals don’t cross
His stomach turns when he heard about Beecher’s son
He’s up every night for a week wondering how terrified that little boy must have been up until the end
Breaks his heart💔
When he gets a chance for kids, adopted or biological, he surprises everyone at how he is with them
He’s not necessarily a perfect dad, but he’s a loving dad
Chico likes to get on his knees to talk to his kids
His friends think it’s “fruity” but the kids really like someone meeting them at their level
He always makes it seem like they’re getting away with something
“Here’s three dollars, don’t tell mom/dad.”
“Can you keep a secret? I always wanted to be an astronaut. Shhhhh…”
*making chocolate chip pancakes* “and now we add extra chocolate and don’t tell anyone about it.”
The kids love it, they feel like he really sees them
He loves kids; they say the weirdest stuff
“You think spinach tastes like horse feet? Ok. Explain.” 😂
Big fan of putting his kids on his shoulders or neck
They always get the best views at all shows and parades
Fuck the people behind him tho
Only the best for his kids
Sees them as an extension of Bobby; giving them the life his brother never had
He is SHIT in the kitchen… but literally anytime his kids are hungry, he’s on his feet asking what they want…
even though he knows fuck all about kid tastes
“Ok… an afterschool snack…” *rifles past the beer and cornflakes* “umm…”
His significant other comes home to find the kitchen a mess but some very happy children eating what Chico calls “sugar seizure bagels”
(Bagels with jelly, marshmallows, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles)
Likes to toy with his kids
“Ok… we have spicy lobster and squishy peas or… cosmic brownie?”
“Hmmmm okay, if you’re sure…”😂
Chico’s in charge of the pantry
Comic brownies, devil dogs, roll ups and gushers… looks like a fallout shelter for a five year old millionaire.
Makes breakfast every Sunday; egg bagel sandwiches he personalizes for each kid.
Keeps trying to add stuff to show off for his kids
Doesn’t realize they think it’s perfect with just a little cheese lol
Kids watch cartoons while dad cooks
Dad making comments from the kitchen
“Y’think he’s ever gonna get that mouse?”
“Wish my car worked just sticking my feet out of it…”
“No. You cannot call me papa Smurf. Please.”
Likes it when the kids take naps on his chest afterwards
That’s something he’d miss terribly as they grew up
Until one day after a fight his teenager, seeing him reclining on the couch, just goes and sits next to them, watching tv until they both fall asleep, Chico pulling his kid close.
Chico lets his kids paint his nails but he draws the line at wearing it out.
Though he quite liked the black polish…👀
If you’ve ever watched Liar Liar with “the claw”, Chico has something similar with his kids; the Tickle Police
“Scuse me, ma’am/sir, you know how cute you were going just then? That’s a write up.”🥹
Insists on tucking them in
Will tell stories that may or may not be kid appropriate…
“Then Prince Carlos threw his… drink… at the officer.”
Is INCREDIBLY supportive
Tolerant and Chico Guerra don’t automatically go together… but he wants his kids to have what Bobby didn’t.
“You want to be an engineer? No one’s got a better head than you, kid.”
“A surgeon? I’d go to you if you were my doc. Wouldn’t trust anyone else.”
“You want to be an interpretive dancer… that’s… pretty cool.”😂
No one ever told Chico Guerra that he could do anything
So he wants his kids to know the world is theirs.
When they’re sick, he treats them like royalty
He’ll take off work and stay home with the them, watching movies and refilling their Gatorade.
He never hesitates to cuddle them when they’re sick, often resulting in him getting sick himself.
Chico used to be a huge baby when he got sick
With kids, he wants them to see him as Superman, so he always makes it seem less bad than it is
“Nah kid *blows nose* I’m fine, Daddy’s fine.”
If anyone bullies his kids, he genuinely will not know how to cope
He doesn’t want his kids fighting everyone like he did
But damn does it boil his blood when they get home crying.
He sits with them and talks, listens to what the other kids said or did
“You’re not gonna take this. Next time they fuck with you… *gets look from S/O* *sigh* go tell a grown up.”
He’s trying really hard to be a positive influence
He doesn’t want his kids to had the life he did
When his kids are old enough to learn about gangs in the neighborhood, Chico tries to explain.
“They’re gonna pretend they’re your friends and they’re not. I’m saving twenty years of your life here, kid.”
When some of his old “friends” talk about recruiting his boy, Chico almost breaks parole.
“Let me make this painfully clear…”
Every day he tries to protect his kids from men like him, and it changes his view of life.
If his kids are happy, he decides, then his life won’t have been a waste
And when you ask family friends and onlookers, Chico Guerra has some happy fucking kids.
Bonus: the movie Inside Out made him cry. He watches a lot of movies with his kids but that movie just quirked something inside of him. He loves that fucking movie.
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nicedracula · 2 years
I mean let’s be honest about this possibility, Saix most likely went up to Xemnas and Xigbar to tell them about repressed ”feelings” for Axel and his distain for Roxas and Xion for “changing his friend”. He wouldn’t tell his bosses his plans, but he would tell them that he’s salty because his friend left to raise 3 kids that ”aren’t real.” Then Xemnas and Xigbar realize: ”Oh shit, he’s feeling again. We gotta nort em fast.”
YEA I do love the concept of the three of them gossiping and bitching about things together(all while being very emphatic about not having feelings, but GOD DAMN does so-and-so drive me insane). And the fact that all three of them have secret agendas against each other while they all think they secretly have the upper hand against the other.
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wawamouse · 4 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S2E06: Strange Bedfellows
Happy Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year! Haha, Sister and I watched a movie and ate hotpot and then for “dessert”, watched Oz. There was a lot of action in this episode. In the words of Sister, “Two guys got dethroned, another guy learned that boys can love boys, and LL Cool J was there too for some reason”. I don't really have too much to say about this episode. All things considered, it's an fun watch! Well, "fun" probably isn't the right word to use, but I didn't feel that much frustration with anything that happens here. There were less short story beats this episode and more longer stories, which is nice when the stories are actually intriguing (GILES...).
Said continues to help Schillinger with his case; Diane and McManus are deposed by Said, during which they both lie. Afterwards, Said steps off the case
Mini: Adebisi and Bellinger communicate through notes
Peter Schibetta recovers from his poisoning and tries to get revenge, failing notably
El Norte starts to waver under Miguel’s hesitance to go to war; El Cid arrives
Jiggy Walker arrives at Em City, spinning tall tales; having abandoned Schillinger, Said adopts his fourth project for season 2 (which also ends in failure lol)
Giles -_- (he gets some toothpaste, and we can finally say we’ve seen the last of him for a bit)
Cyril O’Reily is caught for the murder of Preston Nathan
Beecher realises he’s in love with Keller; they kiss; Beecher’s alcoholism relapses
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Sister: She’s been hanging out with the Sopranos too much! Me: ??? Sister: [shrugging] I saw a clip...
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Sister: And that’s your favorite? The guy who gets punched and wants to go to war with everyone and looks like the chihuahua from Lady and the Tramp? Me: 😭 He's funny...
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Sister: Shannon!!! [proceeds to talk for 5 minutes about how O'Reily doesn't deserve Shannon]
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Sister: Hmm… what would you change a swastika into? A cross with a little box around it? Me: Like a window?
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Sister: I’m surprised he’s such an educated guy and yet doesn’t know the ways of the Greek…? I thought lawyer people loved the Classics… Has he never read The Symposium?
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Me: Is that what you were thinking about?! Sister: I MEAN... I was thinking something a little more decorative… Maybe like a little windmill or something.
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Sister: EEEE! What did he say?! Me: He said it’s so cute. Sister: What did he say?! Me: He said it’s so cute.
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Sister: Hm. He shaved off his face-defining facial hair. Hm.
Stray Thoughts:
Sister (once again failing to realize a Schibetta is basically out of the picture): … Maybe Little Nino and Miguel work together now that they’ve both been dethroned?
Peter asking Burrano not to tell Nino about his rape is always so sad to me. It's interesting, though, that Nino's influence continues on for so long in the show. I seem to recall in later seasons when Pancamo is in the hospital, he also apologises to Nino in his delirium, presumably for failing to protect Peter in Oz.
It’s so disappointing that Jiggy Walker turns out to be lying lol… you want to see Devlin go down soooo bad, and then he doesn’t.
Giles time weirdness: they make it seem like Giles has been insane in solitary for years, but then it turns out he had the cell next to Augustus Hill’s in Unit B before Emerald City opened, which means Giles has been in Solitary for at most 3 years. Or maybe I'm misremembering something.
Dr Prestopnik is so funny. I wish we got more of him throughout the show.
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I really like the floating bunk bed set pieces from Hill's monologues this episode
They do an interesting "freeze frame" kind of thing with the crime flashbacks this episode where the actors freeze and the camera moves through the scene. I feel like this is new and that they don't really do it again in later episodes, but I'll have to pay attention in the future and see. There are also not really "crime flashbacks" in this episode so much as there are "crime intros".
Sister: They keep throwing moral lessons at Said like he’s in a children’s show…. This episode it was “Oh, don’t trust gossip without proof; you’ll get egg on your face!”, and before that, it was “sometimes you’re going to help someone and they’re still going to do drugs” and before that, “some battles you just can’t win; you gotta know the law to use the law”. And then before that it was “sometimes you just gotta take your blood pressure medication”....
Final Thoughts:
Sister: Oh NO… They (Beecher and Keller) still have to do their Liar Reveal scene!!! [rolls around in despair]
Me: Any thoughts on Miguel this episode? Sister: -_- Me: ...What could he have done to avoid this fate? Sister: [cackling] Well, the first mistake he made was that he didn’t have a plan. He should’ve given the other guys an outline for his criteria on what a worthy cause for going to war was, because his problem is basically that he isn’t really explaining why he won’t go to war, and that's hurting the other guy's (Chico's) feelings. So he needs to get a bullet point list or something to hand out and make sure they’re all on the same page. And then he needs to get a spray tan. Me: ??? Sister: Because that guy said he was too white.
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screechthemighty · 1 year
Didn't wait for an answer, here's a selection of the funniest random observations I made while reading a terrifying amount of Moon Knight last year:
Werewolf by Night #32:
I shouldn't be shocked seeing how I'm starting on the 32nd issue of an obscure comics character but I have. Zero clue what's going on.
"I've never been celibate when it comes to curiosity" why would you phrase it like that.
"Out to do my job and collect my bread" *thinks of the meme and tries not to scream-laugh in public*
Marvel Spotlight #28
This dude is really calling himself Conquer Lord and has an alligator pit, comics are WILD
Marvel Two-in-One #52
...he...he tried to kill me with a forklift...
Moon Knight #1
Marlene get it together damn
Okay no but actually Marc immediately getting up, rambling cryptic nonsense, stealing a cloak off a statue, and then running to kill a guy is so on brand.
Moon Knight #4:
"The flash blinded me!!" smug matt murdock laughter
Moon Knight 6:
"I don't much like Marc Spector" the more things change etc. etc. etc.
"Kill the Americans" *frenchie voice* EXCUSE YOU-
Moon Knight 7:
"Speaking of your precious pretty boy millionaire" JAKE PLEASE LMAOOO
Moon Knight 10:
Ah yes, a mental breakdown while soaking wet...classic.
"Emotionally turbulent public chauffeur" I am ONLY calling Jake that from now on
Moon Knight 12:
What in the Russian Sleep Experiment is going on here on this day
Moon Knight 16:
Invoking Diana and Charles aged very badly lmao
Moon Knight 22:
How many car crashes has Frenchie been in this run?? Like three or four by now????
Moon Knight 27:
"What's the going price for a cop" JACOB LOCKLEY LMAO
"The Kingpin can wait until another day" *muffled matt voice* NO PLEASE HE'S YOUR PROBLEM NOW COME BACK
Moon Knight 28:
"If you're lucky, you don't wake for a week" PRETTY sure that's called a coma
"You both deserve a kiss" I can promise you, Khonshu does not
Moon Knight 34:
0/10 they made Gena cry
Moon Knight 35:
"The man's determination is both inspiring and frightening." That's it, that's the system.
Moon Knight 37:
"Bottled up hostility and fists, fists, fists." That's why you're not allowed to hang out with Daredevil
Fist of Khonshu 4:
I hate that this version of the mask has lips
Fist of Khonshu 6:
This run was kind of ass, full offense.
West Coast Avengers Collection:
Wait why are they putting Tony in a special tank for the suit...just take the suit???
Moon Knight doesn't show up until almost 80% of the way through, I want my money back.
"Time has split in seven" please stop splitting time...
West Coast Avengers 31-37:
Marc voice: sorry babe, just dissociating and chatting with my moon god
I'm sorry, Doctor Doom Norted a boy?????
Marc: I have a plan *immediately gets beamed in the head by a mace* Tigra: Is...is that the plan?????
Everyone: wow, ain't love grand Bobbi: I'm divorcing Clint
Marc Spector: Moon Knight 9
Okay as much as I like unkillable Marc, it is a little funny when he's walking around complaining about his ribs
Amazing Spider-Man 353-358
Midnight really does look like Eren Jaegar and it's distracting
Did Frank. Did Frank really just risk blowing his cover to make a pun.
Daken: Dark Wolverine 15:
"The fact that I may collapse any second from blood loss begs to differ" Marc I am begging you to get to a hospital.
Moon Knight (2014) - Wood Edition:
Marc showing up looking homeless with a dusting of his own blood = SO ON BRAND
Moon Knight (2016) - Lemire Edition:
I'm sorry but the fact that this IS all in Marc's head and he's remember his friends with such fondness is...I'm emo...
"I'm nothing without my friends, Gena" screaming crying frothing at the mouth etc.
"Maybe my job was just to get us here. Give you a chance to rest." SCREAMING. CRYING. ETC. ETC.
Absolutely hate that his "dying" thoughts are of his friends, Lemire I'm coming for you personally
"I'll see Gena. She'll know what to do." tries not to scream in public
"That's a very specific lead, Crawley" all of his leads are like that my dude
Steven just watching Anput bite that dude's throat like "oof sucks for that guy. anyway-"
Moon Knight (2017) - Suffering in the Bemis Run:
Oh she is about to make this so much worse.
"The inspector holmes of kung fu madmen" what am I READING, what YEAR IS IT???
"Marc Spector can be overly confident" that's the first correct thing you've said all issue, dude
I don't like the use of "psychopath" as an insult but someone (presumably Steven or Jake but MAYBE Khonshu) putting Marlene in his phone as "let it go" IS pretty funny [Note from present me: My theory for this is that it was Steven, since as of the Mackay run only Marc and Jake still seem to have strong feelings for her.]
Kicking his flaming pants onto Sun King was definitely not beneath him. That's extremely on brand.
Guys I'm tired...
Doctor Strange Damnation:
"In, but out of his mind" oh this is already gonna get exhausting
Avengers: Age of Khonshu (oh boy):
Thor with baby! Thor with baby!!
"Consorting with moon wizards" STILL NOT THE WEIRDEST THING HE'S EVER DONE
"quivering chicken-god" HEY only we're allowed to call him that! (there is something weirdly wholesome about Marc taking the lead, though)
I've only had Robbie Reyes for five seconds but I'd commit a felony for him
Okay update, I guess Thor can arrest Khonshu. I hope they go for the punishment of having Loki throw birdseed at him for the next couple thousand years.
T'Challa: You should join up with us now that we're done fighting. Marc, thinking about how everyone called him crazy BEFORE he did some dumb boneheaded shit, and how much worse it'll be now that he beat up Thor: Y'know what i'm GOOD, THANKS-
Moon Knight - MacKay Edition:
Man, Marc is just trying to turn a new leaf, help some people, and people REALLY CANNOT JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE, HUH...militant atheists on one hand, religious extremists on the other, my dude needs a NAP
"You lost me at 'destroy our enemies' but I appreciate the effort" Reese I'd die for you I hope you know that
"And that makes us brothers" Marc this is why you've gotta start hanging out with Jake and Steven again, every other brother you've had has sucked lmao
"You know I can see in the dark, right?" "You know I can't, right?" D&D parties with the token human be like-
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