#we are supposed to point and laugh at the homeless look how they failed they deserve to be where they are. and so many of you believe that
wittyworm · 4 months
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officially in my anarchy era i cant fuckin take this anymore lol
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.6
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
ch.5 - ch.7 (finale)
The air was still quite nippy and crisp, but the afternoon sun sparkled on the white snow and made the atmosphere pleasant to stand in if the Main Sequence Star was shining directly on a living organism, like it was on Stan from where he stood on the porch. He sighed tiredly as he dug into his hoodie’s pocket for a fresh cigar and lit it with his Zippo-style lighter. He knew he probably shouldn’t smoke with a kid in the house, but after the few days he’s had, he needed and had well earned a smoke-break.
The door opened and Stan hid his cigar by his side, his right arm glued to his hip to hide the newcomer on his left, but when he saw it was an adult, he relaxed and took another puff. “M’trying to quit.” He mumbled.
Ford snickered. “Yeah, it looks like you’re trying really hard.”
“Don’t be shitty.” Stan said casually.
“Mind if I lend one? I can replenish you in a few minutes.”
Stan stared at his goody two-shoes of a twin and handed him a cigar and the lighter. “You smoke?”
“Not often. For a celebration or after a long day.” Ford answered as he lit his borrowed cigar. “Maybe twice a month. Thrice?”
Ford looked down at the lighter in his hand, and he was surprised when he recognized it. He can clearly remember seeing the tiny silver box in a store and thinking Stanley would like it as a Only One More Year of High-School present. “I gave this to you.”
Stan smiled as he took it back and pocketed it. “Yeah, it’s a good lighter. Only needed to change the flint a few times.”
“Hey guys!” A small voice called from inside the house. “Do you like vanilla or chocolate?”
The twins looked at each other, smiled, and called back. “Both. Both is good!”
“Both it is!”
Stan chuckled and shook his head. “Knucklehead… I knew she had to be family just by looking at her!” He bragged proudly.
“I suppose I was too distracted by the fact that a cold girl was at my doorstep to recognize the family resemblance.” Ford reasoned, shrugging. “I wanted to make sure I did the right thing. I didn’t exactly feel like getting arrested for kidnapping.”
Stan barked a laugh. “Yeah, you got a good point.” The conman yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “Guess I’ll head out tomorrow.” He mentioned offhandedly.
Ford stared at him, a little saddened and disheartened by this fact that was news to him. “You’re leaving?”
“I mean, yeah?” Stan equally stared at his brother, confused and not daring to be hopeful, but still. “What?”
“I just…” Ford hesitated and busied his mouth by taking a hit of his cigar. With everything that has been said and how well he and Stan have been communicating, he really didn’t feel like ruining it now. He relaxed his shoulders and said with his eyes on the snowy woods. “I was really hoping you would stay.”
Stan looked dumbfounded, like a child discovering candy for the first time, but he looked away and down at the porch floor. “Oh.”
“I’ll of course be taking care of Mabel until Dipper comes back in time for her…”
“He might not.”
“We got over our grudges. They can do the same.” Ford said firmly. “Still, you have a point. Dipper might not be able to come back. Regardless, whether it’s for a short time, a long time, or for the rest of my life, I will take care of her. I might not be the best for her, I can acknowledge that…”
“C’mon, Sixer, don’t be like that.” Stan scolded lightly, giving a sympathetic look to the nerd. “What else can you do, y’know? There’s no way in hell you’re gonna give her up, I’ll kidnap her and run away to Canada before I let you…”
Ford laughed and waved a hand as he smiled. “No no, I promise I won’t.”
“The point is, she loves you. Clearly. And it takes two, and I’ll be busy with my research, especially once the snow melts and the anomalies become more active in the spring and summer, but…” Ford bit his lip. This was a bad idea. If he makes it seem that the only reason why Stan needs to be here is because of Mabel, if or when she’s gone, then Stan will have no reason to stay. And there were many reasons why Ford wanted Stan to stay.
Despite how much of a social-cripple Ford was, he knew that Stan was homeless. His frequent traveling and how full his car was right now was enough proof of that. And Ford hated that for his brother.
But there was another, bigger reason why Ford wanted Stan to stay. So he better just say it.
“Do you know why I went to Backupsmore?” Ford asked.
Stan’s facial expression darkened as he looked away and he shrugged. “Cuz I fucked up your project?”
“No,” Ford answered plainly. “I may not have been accepted into West Coast Tech, but there were so many other colleges that wanted me. I could apply to Yale or Harvard or any college from New York to California and instantly be accepted.
“But I didn’t.” The author added grimly. “Stanley, when you left… When you were gone, I was a mess. So many days I just lied in bed without meals or sleep. Ma was hysterical. I failed most of my exams and only barely scraped a C in the ones I didn’t fail. My GPA dropped significantly and I even lost my Honor Roll. Thankfully my past grades were enough to let me graduate with a 3.2, but my clean record was stained and a lot of prestigious colleges didn’t want me.
“All I wanted at that point was to get as far away from Glass Shard as possible. Luckily there was a small college outside of San Francisco that practically accepted everyone and had a wide range of studies to offer, so I applied and was accepted by graduation day.”
“Good for you.” Stan grunted.
“No! The point is, I…” Ford groaned, feeling like he was failing, but he had to try. “I understand if you don’t want to stay. I understand you have your own life and things you want to do, and I can live without you again if I have to, but… I really, really don’t want to. Yes, I know that part of growing up is going in different directions and being independent and all the other bells and whistles, but it doesn’t have to be. So, if you can tolerate living under the same roof as me again, and if you’re okay with it, I want to offer you a job.”
Stan raised an eyebrow at the six-fingered man. “What kinda job?”
“The committee gives me monthly boosts so I can continue my research. As long as I prove to them once a year that progress is being made, I have a good income coming in. It is a big job, exploring the large woods, climbing mountains and waterfalls, combing the lake, mapping the Enchanted Forest, and hunting down monsters and anomalies to learn more about them. I’ve always managed to make it out of trouble alright, but… I need a partner, and I want to keep it in the family.” Ford smiled at the last sentence.
“What are you saying?” Stan sneered, not daring to believe, not daring to hope, but that stupid smile Ford had…
“I’m saying I want you to do this with me, Stanley.” Ford said matter-of-factly. “I can share the grant with you after bills are paid and groceries are purchased. We can renovate the small room on the ground floor to be Mabel’s bedroom and you can have the entire attic as your own space.
“I know it’s not sailing around the world, but… Please. Will you give me another chance?” Ford pleaded with a soft smile.
Stan grinned and shook his head. “Shit, Sixer, you’re a better salesman than me.” He looked him in the eyes. “Okay. Yes. I’ll stay.”
Ford’s cheeks puffed with happiness as he smiled, his lips pressed together, and he looked ahead, happily daydreaming his future. Being surrounded by weirdness for a living was amazing by itself; doing it with his twin and raising their niece together on top of it was better than anything he could have imagined.
Stan was watching him and laughed good-naturedly, then held out a hand to him. Ford blinked at it like a startled owl, but then returned the smile and sealed the deal with a high-six.
Both brothers stood contently outside with their cigars for a minute, but then heard a bowl clatter on the floor. Mabel must be making a mess in the kitchen, which was fine.
What wasn’t fine was the sound that followed of a body falling on the floor.
Ford raised an eyebrow and called calmly, “Mabel, are you alright?”
They both expected a quick “yeah, sorry, I’m okay,” and maybe an explanation to follow, like she tripped getting down from a chair or something. But there was no reply.
“Mabel, sweetie?” Stan hollered, trying not to sound mad or scared or anything but cool-under-pressure, but this voice trembled with fear.
Still no answer.
Ford and Stan quickly discarded their cigars and bolted inside. Racing like children for cookies, they soon stood at the doorway of the kitchen and were horrified to find Mabel sprawled on the floor on her front, her hair scattered over her face to hide her expression, and her legs and bottom-half of her body slowly fading.
Literally. Fading. Mabel was fading away. She was disappearing like a stain on cloth.
“MABEL!” The men screamed and were immediately on their knees beside her. Ford scooped her up into his arms and felt her pulse and looked over her.
“What happened to her?!” Stan cried out. “Pumpkin, what’s wrong?!”
Ford’s eyes widened in panic as a horrifying realization slapped him in the face. “Mabel… You changed history.”
The tired girl nodded with her eyes closed. “If… If you guys had a fight… and never made up… in my timeline, then I guess…” Mabel paused to yawn tiredly. It didn’t hurt, but she was really sleepy now.“I guess that timeline doesn’t exist anymore, huh? I guess I don’t exist anymore.”
“WHAT?!” Stan yelled and took Mabel’s hand and squeezed it. “We have to do something! You’re family! You’re… We can’t just let you d- not exist!”
Ford held Mabel tighter and closer to his warm chest, making her smile. She swore she could hear his heartbeat. It was too fast. She would have to fix that. Poor Ford was also shaking like a leaf. Mabel could fix that, too.
“I’ll exist.” She smiled up at her uncles. “In a few years.”
Ford bit his lip. He shouldn’t ask this, it was probably dangerous to learn about the future, but the worst was already happening. What else could possibly happen that was worse than losing his girl? Ford couldn’t help but ask, “When?”
“August 31st, 1999.” Mabel’s eyes dazzled. “You’ll meet Dipper, too.” She shifted her eyes to only Stan and whispered, “Did you know you were there? You came to see us when we were born?”
Stan’s eyes watered as he smiled at the new piece of information. “I did?”
“You did. I came out first. You were so proud when I kicked the doctor in the jaw.”
Stan made a watery chuckle and wiped at his eye. “That’s my girl.”
“Dipper came next. He was blue. Umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.”
“Was he okay?” Stan asked.
“He was fine. You knew he would be. You never doubted.”
“I never will, pumpkin. I swear.”
The fading is now much worse. It was spreading over Mabel like a virus. Her legs were hardly visible to the naked eye, and even her shoulders were losing color. This Mabel is almost completely gone. 
Ford, pressed for time, bit his lip as tears flooded his eyes and he cupped Mabel’s cheek and cradled her. “I… I can’t let you go! We just started to become a real family! Wh-What am I going to do without you?!”
Mabel smiled and used the free hand not holding Stan’s trembling hand to caress Ford’s jaw and lower cheek, then cupping his face so her fingertips grazed his sideburn. “It’s okay, really. I’ll see you again, and next time it’ll be when both of you come to see us. Totally worth it.” 
Ford held his breath, and shut his eyes, a tear escaping from each eye and sitting comfortably in the corners of his windows to his soul. Stan hiccuped a laugh and rubbed her hand between both of his. Both of them were doing everything in their power not to cry. 
To that, Mabel laughed and said, “Boys are stupid. It’s okay to cry.”
The cursed power of Mabel. Making people be honest and breaking dams.
Ford curled into his niece, his face sloe to her heart, and cried gently. He wasn’t ready, but he didn’t think he could ever be ready for this.
Stan laughed with tears streaming down his face and he kissed Mabel’s tiny fingers trapped in his hold, then held their hands close to his bowed forehead and just focused on feeling her pulse between his palms.
It only lasted another minute.
Ford was mortified when his chest sank and his arms were empty. He threw himself back and stared at his lap and felt sick to his stomach to find his little girl missing.
Stan’s hands also clasped together and he squeezed tightly, his fists against his trembling lips as he cried.
The genius who always seemed to know what to do didn’t have a damn clue what to do with himself. He growled in his throat, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth, then let out a painful howl and moan that most definitely disturbed birds and made a deer or two gallop farther away.
Ford removed his glasses and held his knees, sobbing his heart out. Stan blinked his tears off his eyes, resulting in them rolling down his face, as he watched his brother completely shatter to pieces. He had seen him upset before, sure; all those years of bullying, of Pa’s outbursts and sometimes physical punishments, hopelessness that he was actually worth something. You don’t spend seventeen years with a person and not see them break every so often, granted the blessing to help them put themselves back together again.
But Ford didn’t need Stan to swoop in and fix it. There were no bullies to punch or parents to stand against or jokes to crack that would make this okay. All Stan could do was throw his arms around him and bury his face into Ford’s shoulder and cry, too. 
So that’s what they did on the kitchen floor for over an hour.
Dipper blinked to try to see, but all he saw around him was inky blackness for miles. His heart raced as he looked around for his sister. “Mabel? Mabel! Mabel, answer me!”
The boy scrambled and collapsed out of a portable potty at the fair. He blinked his eyes rapidly to adjust to the sunlight, scurrying off his hands and knees, clutching the warm time-machine in his hands. Wendy was still admiring her price and Robbie was still sulking, and Waddles was still trying to get away from Pacifica.
That didn’t matter! Mabel was stranded back in time! But how far back?! When was Mabel?! Dipper started jamming the button, but the machine wasn’t working, and it was soon swiped from him by a black-gloved hand.
“Mason Pines,” A gruff voice commanded above him and Dipper looked up to find two new guys with that Blendin guy. The two other guys were muscular and guarded with high-tech armor. 
“You are under arrest for violating the Time-Traveler's Code of Conduct and for jeopardizing the timestream.” The man labeled as Dundgren stated as serious as death.
“Do you have any idea how many rules you just broke?!” Blendin squawked. “I’m asking. I wasn’t there with you. It was probably a lot, right?”
“Wait, wait please!” Dipper begged as the two members of the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadrent each grabbed the boy by an arm. “My sister! She’s still back there! We have to get her!”
“You have the right to remain silent.” The man labeled as Lolph informed robotically. “Anything you say can and already has been used in the Court of Time-Law.”
“Let me go, Mabel needs-...” And Dipper and the three time-travelers were blasted forward in time.
In the endless space of time, Dipper was levitated off the ground by a giant baby using the power of his forehead-hourglass to trap him in a baby-blue field. Members of the the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadrent circled the two, and Blendin stood with his arms crossed over his chest and smiling smugly as the kid who caused so much trouble was getting what he deserved.
“You and your sister have broken the eternal laws of space-time.”
“I’m sorry!” Dipper cried out, trying to fight the energy circling him, but it was futile. “I’m sorry! Do what you want to me, just help my sister!”
“Your sister does not require help, nor do you require punishment.” Time Baby informed as he held his feet. “You are lucky the events that occurred do not change anything drastically. However, your timeline has shifted and therefore this reality’s version of you and your sister are no longer viable and will cease to exist.”
“What?!” Dipper squeaked and looked down at his body to find his legs disappearing. “No no NO! What’s happening to me?!”
“You and your twin sister will be born again on August 31st, 1999, but too many things are different in your timeline for this version of you to continue to exist.”
“W-W-What did I do wrong?! What did I change?!” Dipper cried out as his whole body was drained of color. “What changed in our timeline?!”
“Your uncles have amended their bond thirty-four years ahead of schedule. As unfortunate as this is, your sister miraculously delayed the plans of Bill Cipher by an entire millennia.”
“What uncles?!” Dipper asked, panicked as the fading reached his neck. “Who’s Bill Cipher?!”
“If you wanted the answers you sought out, you should have been patient.” Time Baby scolded. “We all get the answers we seek… in time.”
“P-P-Please!” Dipper begged as he appeared as a ghost. “Please! What did Mabel do?!”
Time Baby cruelly stayed silent, testing Dipper’s strengths, but he was dying, anyways. Might as well.
“She met the Author of the Journals. Your missing uncle.”
Dipper’s eyes widened. “Mabel…” He rasped, and then he ceased to exist.
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getawayaccount · 3 years
they were roommates 2
Jay Halstead walked out of his brother’s building more confused and annoyed than he had been in quite some time. Today was his rest day and, if he believed Will’s latest text, the doctor wasn’t working either, also the detective had gotten ready and driven to his brother’s place to hang out or something. Except an exhausted - and clearly irritated - college student had opened the door of Will’s apartment before swiftly closing it back in Jay’s face, right after thrusting a pile of mails addressed to Will into his hands. 
Jay was boiling. He knew Will had money problems and had been looking for a roommate. However, his brother had failed to mention he was on the verge of homelessness… which in retrospect wasn’t that surprising, considering how proud and stubborn Will could be. 
Jay tried to call his brother but Will didn’t answer, also the detective drove to the only place he could think of: Med’s Emergency Departement. He was greeted by Maggie who confirmed it was Will’s rest day and that she hadn’t seen him since the previous evening.
“You wouldn’t know where I could find him, would you?”, Jay asked, not expecting much. After all, if Will hadn’t told him about his situation, it was unlikely he had told anyone at Med. And yet.
Maggie pinched her lips together before looking around as if to make sure no one was eavesdropping before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. Jay frowned as she quickly scribbled something before looking up and back at him. She held out the paper before taking it out of his reach and he opened his mouth to protest, annoyed, but she shut him up with a look:
“I’m not supposed to give you this, also you have to promise me you won’t make a scene, am I clear?” Maggie warned him.
“Sure, whatever,” Jay answered. “I just want to know where he is.”
Maggie studied him for a moment longer before handing him the piece of paper. It was an address. An address in the Loop neighborhood, which made absolutely no sense considering how expensive the area was. Still, Jay thanked Maggie and walked back to his car.
The drive itself was a pain but he eventually made it to the front of some fancy-looking building that there was no way in hell his brother could afford to live in… unless he had found a questionable way to pay off his debts. Nonetheless, Jay walked in and up to the condo indicated by Maggie, ringing the bell and then knocking forcefully on the door as he had very little patience left in him.
Again, his brother did not open the door. Instead, Jay found himself face to face with Doctor Connor Rhodes:
“You aren’t the pizza guy,” Rhodes said.
His expression was annoyingly unreadable while Jay knew he must have looked pissed by that point.
“Is my brother here?”
Rhodes studied him for another second before he nodded and opened the door wider for Jay to enter. The place had this cozy-minimalist vibe going only rich people could afford… as well as some of Will stuffs laying around. But why? Why would Will move in with Rhodes out of all people? Why would he not tell Jay? Why -
“Will, your brother is here,” Rhodes called out.
There was a bang and Jay heard his brother swearing and a shower being turned off. 
“Can I offer you something? Coffee? A beer?”, Rhodes added, turning back to Jay. “Whisky?”
The detective shook his head, still trying to understand what was happening here. And then Will walked into the living room, a simple towel around his middle section, and still dripping water from his shower onto the - definitely expensive - wooden floor.
“Jay?” Will started, visibly startled. “ What - What are you doing here?”
“Are you serious right now?” Jay shot back.
“Hm. I think I’m gonna leave you two to it,” Rhodes said, retreating towards what had to be a bedroom. However, he stopped on his way to push a dollar bill against Will’s chest. “For the pizza. If it ever shows up,” was all he added before patting Will’s shoulder encouragingly. 
“I didn’t know how to tell you,” Will tried once Rhodes was out of sight and Jay just rolled his eyes. 
“Bullshit, Will,” he said.
“I mean... one minute we are being civil and having a drink at Molly’s and the next he is asking if I want to move in and I just -” Will trailed off.
And, wait, what? Wasn’t this about his brother’s money problems? Was this about Rhodes? Was this what Maggie was referring to when she told Jay to not make a scene? Were Will and Rhodes actually living together as in... seriously dating one another? Was this was that was about? Had Will not told him he was moving because he was moving in with a boyfriend? 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Jay started, holding up his hands in a placating manner. “I thought… God, Will, don’t you trust me at all? Do you really think you couldn’t tell me? I’m your brother, no matter what, and I love you -”
Jay’s heartfelt tirade was interrupted by a snort and he looked away from Will’s uneasy and somewhat confused expression to glare at Rhodes, who had walked back into the room to pick up his phone.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Rhodes said. However, his tone betrayed his words as he was clearly trying - and failing - not to laugh. “It’s just, I think you got the wrong idea here,” he added, before catching Will’s gaze. “He is giving you the Talk.”
“What?” Will asked.
“The it’s-okay-if-you-are-gay-I-still-love-you talk,” Rhodes explained.
“I’m not gay,” Will protested, looking back at Jay as he was insane for suggesting such a thing. And really, the detective wouldn’t have bet his life on his brother’s heterosexuality.  “We are not dating. We can barely stand each other.”
“You live together, Will,” Jay deadpanned.
“Yeah, call it pity,” Rhodes pipped in again.
“Fuck you,” Will shot back immediately. 
“I thought we had established that wasn’t happening,” Rhodes concluded.
He had a way too innocent look on his face and Jay was so done with whatever this was.
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yonkimint · 3 years
So Show Me, I’ll Show You
Part 28.1
This part has written parts with pictures in between.
Previous — Masterlist — Next
TAGLIST (send me an ask or leave a reply if you want to be added!): @esteemedsalt @halesandy @historicalgigi @seaoffangirling @secretlycrazyhummingbird @kiwimash12 @aviwasabi21 @sehun096rainbow @darkskin-buttercup @rainfallingfromthesky @yoongiofmine @lucedelsole97 @pleasegivemearemedyyy @kim-jias-den @unadulteratedlyunique @thesweetest-peas​ @joyfullyobsessed​ @irishhbamb ​​​
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When the door to your hospital room swings open, you groan in relief. Finally Jimin was here to jailbreak you. It was great having Lauren, Heeji, and Luna here but they are dutiful bulldogs and you can’t blame them. Your last visit to the hospital had left them pretty traumatized.
Your hopes fall when a man in scrubs steps into the room instead. You had seen him once or twice but you had never exchanged words. In fact, the only reason you remember him at all is because he is white and you thought that was odd, considering you were in a Korean hospital.
“Oh hi,” you say, uncomfortable, when he just stands at the foot of your bed. His head is bowed so you can’t study his face too closely but his presence puts you on edge. He doesn’t respond to your greeting so you push on, trying to keep your tone nonchalant, “The nurses just did their rotations and I’m doing fine. Did you need to check something?”
He laughs. A low throaty laugh that has haunted all of your nightmares. Your hands fist around hospital sheets as a cold chill runs up your spine. Swallowing around the lump rising in your throat, you peer closer at him.Mark’s hair is black. This orderly’s is ash blonde. But everything else… you suck in a sharp breath.
“Hello, y/n, did you get my flowers?”
He lifts his head and all his sharp features suddenly come into focus. He has been here the whole time watching you try to recover from injuries that he perpetuated. He looks pleased. And his pleasure makes you want to claw his face off.
“Go to hell, asshole.” You try to sound menacing, to hiss these words like poison, but they only come out a weak, fearful wheeze. Mark clucks his tongue at you.
“Look at you, y/n, trying to be brave when you’re really nothing but a weakling. A cowardly little girl. You would be nothing without me and you know it. You don’t really think you’re going to fight me, do you?”
There’s a glimmer in his eye and it makes you so angry. But the part of you that has endured his abuse for years is still the stronger part and you feel your anger give way to hopelessness. Mark is right. You won’t fight him.
“Good girl. Now, we are going to go on a little field trip, okay?”
You shudder as he steps around the bed and traces the IV still in your arm. You had been waiting until the last second to remove it so the nurses wouldn’t suspect anything if they walked in but now you regret that choice. Mark has no intentions of being gentle with you.
He presses a palm against your mouth, smiling vindictively as the fingers of his other hand loop around the tubes that have been delivering your medicine and fluid for the last few days and yanks the whole thing loose. You whimper into his skin as blood splashes from your open vein.
“How are we supposed to go on a field trip when any camera is going to catch you dragging me out of this room?” you ask him, hoping fleetingly that he hasn’t thought of this. But he’s been here for who knows how long. 
“My little writer,” he coos, snatching your phone from your lap and slipping it into his scrubs pocket, “You really do try to think of everything that can happen, don’t you?”
You glare at him. You have taken abuse from him all these years and still, it’s the patronizing that sets you off every time. And he knows he’s pushed the right button too because he laughs and pats your cheek gently.
“Oh my sweet little y/n, the field trip is right here in the hospital. I’m going to roll you out of here in that wheelchair,” he says, pausing to point to the wheelchair that sits in the corner of your room, “and we’re going to go down the hall. And you’ll do exactly what I tell you to because you know that I have your phone which means I can either let you say goodbye to your friends or make them think that you never want to see them again. Your choice!”
This is so cliche, you think, hobbling out of bed when he gestures for you to get up, like something out of a stupid soap opera. Disguises himself as an orderly and kidnaps me right under everyone’s noses. God damnit. 
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Your field trip brings you to a supply closet on the third floor of the hospital which, conveniently, is under renovation. You can’t help but think that Mark is following this cliched script just to piss off the writer in you.
Now that you’re out of sight of the cameras, he has tied your limbs to the chair so you can’t run away. A gag sits roughly in your mouth and cuts against the corners of your lips. Mark is circling you as if deciding where he should start.
Lauren told you that he threatened to do so much worse than put you in the hospital next time he found you and you let your eyes flutter shut in defeat. 
You choose not to think about that. Instead, you let your memories play like old movie reels on the backs of your eyelids. Heeji’s art galleries. Lauren’s photo shoots. And Luna’s ridiculous seances every full moon. 
You stifle a chuckle. No need to bring on Mark’s wrath any sooner than necessary.
And then, newer memories begin to play and a lump rises in your throat. These ones aren’t supposed to be tinged with melancholy. These are supposed to be the memories of starting over. The memories from after you are safe.
You swallow hard.
The flight had already taken a lot out of you. This was just the cherry on top of a totally stressful, life changing ice cream sundae. At least this coffee shop seemed safe and warm while you tried to figure out if you were going to be homeless or not. 
Seoyun, the barista, had been kind enough to give you the WiFi password so looking up your address shouldn’t be too difficult. Still, you lowered your head down on the table with a sigh of defeat. Seoul was so confusing. 
“Oh, I know that look,” a voice sounds above you. Your head snaps up, eyes narrowing, already distrustful of a friendly stranger in the heart of South Korea. He smiles at you and his perfect rows of white teeth are so familiar, you already feel your tense muscles uncoiling. He presses on, “it’s not your first day in Seoul, is it?”
You glance at your luggage and back at him, remembering Lauren’s texts to go find BTS. As if the butt of some cosmic joke, it seems that they have found you instead.
You roll your eyes at him, “what gave it away?”
He glances down at your luggage too and laughs. You study his face carefully so you see the exact moment he makes a decision that will alter the course of both your lives. 
His hands are full with two trays of coffee and he shoves them down on your table without asking. You raise an eyebrow at him, not really surprised by his boldness but somehow taken aback all the same, but he only flashes his brilliant smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling with the force of it. He sits down. 
“You look like you don’t trust yourself to breathe. Like you’re trapped in your own brain or something,” he comments. 
You lean forward, reminding yourself to calm the flare of annoyance rising in your chest before you speak. “Jimin,” you say evenly, “do you think you can just sit here with a complete stranger, flirt with her a little bit, and she’ll open up with her whole life story?”
“It’s always worked before,” he chirps back, batting his eyes, that same heart melting grin never wavering. But you see it there behind his gaze. No one has ever called him out on this before and you smile.
“I sincerely doubt that…” you say, trailing off as his hand darts out for the phone you’ve left on the table. You gasp, your reflexes too slow to catch him now, and he giggles swiping through as many un-password protected screens as he can.
“Well, I sincerely doubt that you know where you’re going since you’re sitting in a random coffee shop with all your luggage so, out of the kindness of my heart, I’ve decided to help you find your way,” he says, handing the phone back and gesturing for you to unlock it for him.
Your insides are screaming not to do it. You have to keep a low profile or starting over is going to fail but the earnest look in his eye has you wavering. With a sigh, you unlock the phone and you feel it deep in your gut, everything is over before it’s even begun.
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It didn’t really matter what Mark was doing to torture you, just that he was and the pain was excruciating. You had heard a rumor once that after a certain point, the body would stop responding to pain but you were sure now that that was a lie. This was endless.
Your eyes start to roll back when Mark claps in front of your face again. You blink back into focus and your whole body is screaming for relief. He’s looking at you like you should say something to him but you can’t speak, the gag still firmly in your mouth, muffling all your screams.
“Can’t have you dozing off, my favorite little writer, you’ll miss the best part!”
You quirk an eyebrow, inviting him to give his little villain’s speech. He obviously wants to follow the soap opera script so you might as well let him follow it to its natural conclusion. He grins, tracing your jaw line with something icy cold. A knife?
No, you tell yourself, don’t think about that.
“You’re probably thinking how cliche this all must be. The hospital disguise. The hiding in plain sight. You’re probably even thinking that since we stayed in the hospital, it’s inevitable that I will get caught. Which is true. The question is if it will happen before or after I kill you,” he says, “And maybe the more important question is this: why did Mark do this to the thing that makes him all his money?”
The thing? You would spit on him if there weren’t a gag in your mouth.
He leans close, his eyes boring into yours. “And the answer is really quite simple. You disgust me. You think you’re so talented and so clever. Everyone adores you and bends over backwards to care for you and what do you really need protection from? Your big, bad manager and publisher?”
He’s going to keep ranting, you know it, and you don’t want the short time you have left to be spent listening to this tirade. They say it’s normal to disassociate under trauma and so you do, falling into your memories again.
Namjoon had warned you about Yoongi before you even stepped foot in the studio. It still wasn’t enough to stop the way your heart dropped down into your stomach when you caught a glimpse of him in the hallway. 
You had told him after the fact that you didn’t remember this moment but the truth of the matter was, it was impossible to erase this memory from your mind. With all the steel you could muster, you met his gaze. Dark, critical eyes stared back at you, soft pink lips pressed into a thin, annoyed line. 
You offered a gentle smile like it was an olive branch, your knees wobbling while you waited for him to roll his eyes or storm away. But his eyes only widened, those annoyed lips parting in a small ‘o’, color rushing up to dust his round cheeks. 
It made your knees knock together and you ducked your head. What was that? Forget it. If he was going to refuse to meet you, you weren’t going to waste feelings over it.
The next memory spills into recollection almost on top of this one. 
Would it be okay if I came and listened to what you’re working on? you texted Namjoon. 
Jungkook and Hobi were arguing about who got to be Luigi in the next race. You chuckled to yourself, amazed for the billionth time that you had somehow been invited to hang out with these boys again. You had already known they were incredible but actually interacting with them was overwhelming. They were as wonderful as they had always seemed from afar. 
Even, you thought, Yoongi. He had extended a truce but he was still frustrating to no end. What did he mean you could never be friends? He was obviously capable of being friendly and you knew the way he cared for and protected his group members. It shouldn’t sting so much that he didn’t want to be YOUR friend but what could you do?
“Y/n, I curated a meme just for you,” Tae whispers from his place beside you on the couch and you startle when he pushes his phone into your hands. 
“What the hell, Tae?” you burst out laughing, trying to make sense of the chaotic picture before you. He starts laughing too, satisfied by your reaction and takes his phone back. You punch his arm lightly and mutter, “you’re so weird.”
Let me ask Yoongi, your phone chimes. Your stomach surges with some feeling you don’t understand. You remind yourself that you’re just going to hang out with Joon. This has nothing to do with Yoongi and yet…
How is he supposed to become your friend if you let him keep avoiding you?
He says you can’t talk but you can come in.
You’re out of your seat before you have time to think about it more. The boys look up at you in surprise and you announce that you’re gonna hang out with Namjoon a bit before you challenge them to Mario Kart. The look of fear in Jungkook’s eyes sends you into another fit of laughter and you pat his shoulder. 
“Don’t worry, Kookie, winning isn’t everything!”
“Yes it is!” he groans as you walk away.
In the studio, your stomach starts to dance again. Yoongi doesn’t look up from the scratch paper he’s scribbling on but you can see the way his fingers tighten around his pen. He is as aware of your presence as you are of his. When Namjoon points to the spot on the couch beside him, it takes all your concentration not to trip over your own feet. 
You scold yourself for this silly behavior. There are more adoring members of this kpop group to be mooning over. Mooning over? You are NOT mooning over Yoongi. Who said that? Not you.
Anyway, whatever it is you’re feeling, Yoongi has done nothing to deserve it. So why do your eyes keep landing on him as you survey the room?
“I don’t like that lyric there,” Namjoon says, “maybe we should move it down into the second verse.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes but it’s softened by the small smile playing at his lips. He and Namjoon must have been going back and forth over these lines for quite some time. You watch as he scribbles out the words and moves them lower down the page. 
His eyes meet yours and the hairs rise on the back of your arms. He doesn’t look upset that you’re there and that’s almost more unsettling than him insulting you. You press your lips together and search for anywhere in the room to look but him. 
The phone in your lap will have to provide distraction enough. You pick it up and fiddle around between home screens but there’s nothing as interesting there as what’s happening before you so you listen in on the lyrics they’re crafting while you pretend to text the girls. 
Of course, when you find out the song is for E.L. Penn, you spiral. You knew your worlds were going to collide if you stuck around long enough. It’s never been a secret to you that Namjoon was a fan of her work — your work — or that they would have worked with her on the movie if she hadn’t gone on hiatus. 
But you are just an English teacher in Seoul and not the recipient of this song that is making your heart hurt. You can’t believe Mark would hack into your Twitter account just to set this in motion without you. He’s trying to push your buttons and it’s working. 
So you do the only thing you can. You call Lauren. 
When you return to the studio, Namjoon is gone. You knew he would be since he passed you in the hall while you were still on the phone. Yoongi looks up at you in surprise but you only offer a curt nod before beelining for your spot on the couch.
The tears spill out before you can help it and your phone buzzes with a text from Yoongi. You feel stupid as you read his stupid question through blurred vision. You respond sardonically and toss your phone onto the couch. 
When he tells you you’re killing the vibe, you almost launch to your feet and run out of the room but Yoongi stops you. You stare at him, mouth gaping open like a fish. 
“You want to what?” you ask, wondering if he’ll scold you for talking out loud to him. 
He reaches for his guitar instead, a sleek, black stained acoustic that you’ve seen in several lives from before you actually knew him. He strums the chords lightly, the sweet sounds discordant in the small space. You blink at him. 
“It’s something I’ve been working on,” he says vaguely, “I’m just curious what you think.”
“Why me?” you ask, confused. He frowns at you, his lips puckering and little dimples appearing in the corners of his cheeks. 
“Just be quiet and listen, okay?” he asks it like a question but you know he’s giving a command.
You smile at him a little too sweetly and then settle back into the couch, pulling your legs up to your chest, so you can rest your chin on your knees as he starts to strum. He rolls his eyes at you but there’s a smile in them that you’ve never seen directed at you before. 
Your stomach makes that weird lurch again and you finally resign yourself to what you are feeling. Butterflies. Min Yoongi is giving you butterflies.
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unlocktxt · 3 years
in the darkness of tomorrow | c.yj
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choi yeonjun x female reader
series masterlist :
prologue | part one | part two
genre: royal au, fluff, angst
description: the selection is happening once more to find a wife for prince yeonjun. y/n swears to hate the royal family, but when it’s time for the prince to choose a wife, she gets tied up in the mess.
note: this is inspired from the book the selection by kiera cass, however even though i use some of the ideas there are major differences.
word count: 3.3k
warnings: mentions being whipped and starved
tag list: @binniebutter @nshitae
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this was the first time you had ever felt heartbreak. your heart has been a constant reminder that daniel ended things days ago. it haunted you, even as you passed by all of the bright faces in the city.
it seemed like heartbreak wasn’t enough for you. the world had to punish you some more by the announcement made yesterday. the news spread fast around town that day, “the selection application was required for all women of a given age.” you happened to be a part of that age group.
you doubted that the prince would choose you to even be considered as one of the options, but what if’s filled your mind. you still weren’t ready to let go of daniel. right now you wished you would’ve stayed to hear what he wanted to say, but now it was impossible.
you did anything to get your mind off of his frozen blue eyes, including thinking of the prince. unlike everyone else, you thought that prince yeonjun felt a little too entitled. single, willing women weren’t enough for him so he had to make those whose hearts belonged to someone else apply. unlike all the bright faces hoping to be picked, you didn’t want to be one of his little playthings.
they say that the selection was unbiased, but most people knew that wasn’t true. many girls who were unfortunate enough to be in castes five and lower, where they could hardly or not even make ends meet, rarely ever got picked and they were the ones who needed it most. you could stay a four and bake pastries all your life if it meant the people in castes lower than you could afford food.
besides, you had seen first hand what this kingdom has done and you didn’t agree. you would be caught dead before you ever bowed to their spoiled and corrupt system.
“hey mom!” you put on a small smile to please her worried eyes when you walked into the bakery. her small streaks of grey hair added to her beauty.
“i’m so sorry sweetie. i know how much you didn’t want to apply.” her shoulders relaxed, but she continued to place out new baked goods.
you let out a sigh, “yeah well... it doesn’t matter. it’s not like i’ll get picked.” you smiled at the thought. it was all just a waste of time.
your mom stopped, placing the basket of bread on the counter. “it’s supposed to be random... we never know.”
you furrowed your brows and laughed a bit, while giving your mom a look that said “really?” she smiled, shaking her head to acknowledge that you were probably right.
“anyways... where’s dad and taehyun?” you didn’t see or hear them in the bakery.
your mom looked up at you and for a moment she looked distant before returning to her warm demeanor. you caught the change but decided not to bring it up.
“going on an errand,” she responded simply before filling the basket of bread with a few cakes.
she wasn’t going to give you the chance to ask, but you didn’t mind. you knew she’d tell you later.
“so... this arranged engagement with taehyun.” you looked to the side while preparing your face for a whistle.
“you know he’s a great boy and he’s a doctor... a three. he also helps to manage the orphanage with the eights. he’s a great boy y/n.” your mom looked disappointed when you looked back at her.
“it’s just... when does a four ever get put in an arranged marriage. plus...” you looked down at your hands where your fingers were playing with each other, “what if... i could love someone else.” your eyes glistened at the thought of daniel always waiting for you on that tree branch. you didn’t know what caste he was in... even if he was an eight you’d be willing to be homeless with him... although now he’d be a two... all because of the draft.
your mom sighed as your little sister, seoyeon walked in. “that’s enough for now y/n. take this basket to the orphanage.”
seoyeon was all muddy, indicating how she came inside after playing around in the dirt. you grabbed the basket harshly, trying to show your mom that this was not over.
“can i go with?” seoyeon asked, looking at mom. your mom slightly nodded, so you took seoyeon’s hand in yours. you resisted the urge to glare at your mom before smiling at seoyeon.
“okay... we have to get to the orphanage... what’s the best route?” you asked your sister who wore a sly grin before pulling you out of the door.
seoyeon rushed towards the river as she pulled you along. it was your little secret space that no one visited. the two of you had been running for quite a while, slowly passing by fewer and fewer people.
once the two of you made it to the river, seoyeon balanced on the thin makeshift bridge with her arms sticking out. she wobbled here and there but made it over. you followed soon after, carrying the basket in your hand and making sure to avoid any wet slippery spots on the bridge. seoyeon laughed as you made your way over to her.
“hurry slowpoke!” she called before running off into the field.
you shook your head before fastening your pace. once you got off the bridge you took off into a sprint. by the time you caught up to her she was already at the orphanage and you were panting. that was one thing about seoyeon, for small legs she could sure as hell run.
“it’s about time.” she giggled as she took in your bent-over body. “i was starting to think i should’ve carried the basket.”
you rolled your eyes, waving her off before you straightened up. seoyeon had already run off to play with the kids her age. when you walked in there were a few kids and teenagers around your age sitting towards the entrance.
“are taehyun and jihyun around?” you asked, looking around to see if you had missed them in the small orphanage. all you could see at the moment was how it needed to be remodeled, like many things in this area.
“taehyun left a long while ago, but you could probably find jihyun upstairs if you like.” one of the teenage girls, who you knew to be yui, spoke. you nodded before moving towards the kitchen area to place to basket down, with a little note not to eat more than one.
you knew how hard it was for taehyun and jihyun to keep this orphanage up and running. it was hard to get everyone here a proper meal. taehyun nearly passed out from exhaustion when he came to visit your family. he had given up plenty of food just so those who were sick could eat enough.
you made sure to get the plates and napkins out to remind them not to leave the bread lying in unsanitary areas. once you felt your job had been done, you went upstairs to their office. unlike most days the door was closed. you knew something was wrong and the sniffling coming from the room only confirmed your suspicions.
you hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door and letting yourself in. jihyun’s sorrowful eyes burned through yours, making your heart drop.
“y/n thank god you’re here.” she cried before attacking you in a hug. you rubbed circles on her back to try and get her to calm down.
“what happened?” you asked softly, scared this question might break her.
she sniffled, “o-one of the boys-” she let out a sob and you continued to try and soothe her.
“it’s okay you don’t have to say anything.” at this point you moved one of your hands to her head and rested it there.
“n-no he... he stole some meat and they’re going to whip him y/n. they’re going to whip him. he’s only seven!” she cried looking at you in your eyes. she was pleading, pleading for you to do anything. you weren’t sure you could.
“where’s taehyun?” you asked looking around, maybe he went to help. maybe that’s what he and your dad were doing.
“i don’t know.” she finally calmed a bit, hiccuping here and there. “he left before we received the news.”
you were left to wonder what the two were doing, but you didn’t have time for that.
“i promise i’ll go help the boy.” you gave jihyun a determined look. “what’s his name?” you asked halfway out the door.
“hak hyunwoo.” she barely whispered it, probably ashamed. you gave her a reassuring smile before leaving and finding seoyeon.
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by the time you had arrived back home they already were gathering people around the city to witness the poor boys' punishment.
“what is your name boy?” the masked man shouted more to the crowd than to the boy. you had been struggling to get closer to the wooden post.
“hak hyunwoo.” he was crying, his tears wouldn’t stop flooding. he had nobody to watch out for him.
“and what is your crime?” the masked man yelled out once more.
hyunwoo was silent before speaking. “theft.” it was quiet.
“your punishment will be...” he waited to see if the crowd of people would react. only a few weren’t excited, it was disgusting how many people were cheering. everyone was just sitting back... watching.
“thirty strikes to the back!” there was a roar in the crowd, but the noise died out in your mind. that was way too much...
you pushed even harder, “stop!” you screamed, but no one could hear you over the crowd. you saw them grabbing the whip, only making you lunge forward, forgetting about hurting the people in the crowd. you stumbled forward after reaching the front. it didn’t matter if he was an eight, you had to help him.
“wait!” you screamed, now where the two in charge of this could hear. the guards were watching you with cautious eyes.
“miss you can’t intervene.” one man standing to the side had said.
you took a deep breath. “this boy did nothing wrong. can’t you see he’s malnourished? the kingdom failed this poor boy... they’re the ones at fault.” you had to try anything. everyone gasped as you accused the royal family of this boy's actions.
“if you must punish someone. punish me, but theft does not deserve thirty strikes to the back.” everyone's eyes were on you, making you nervous. you never really asked for attention, but here you were gaining it.
the masked man was staring at you, no doubt glaring. “fine. get up here.” he nearly threw kyunwoo off of the tiny stage.
you were surprised that worked, you were just desperate, but now you would have to face the consequences. as you walked past the little boy you told him to run home, which he did. that gave you a little comfort.
“what is your name?” the masked man was seething.
“kim y/n.” you tried to sound brave and strong, but you couldn’t help the waver in your voice.
before he could do anything else, more soldiers rushed toward the tiny wooden stage.
“you mustn’t hurt this young lady. she’s been selected and the prince would like to see her now.”
you weren’t sure which guard had said it. you were stricken with shock. tears threatened to fall and you didn’t know whether it was from the relief of not getting whipped or because you’d have to leave everyone to be a plaything for prince yeonjun.
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guards had escorted you back home. you were still in a daze from the information, even as your little sister cheered for you. your mom was the only one to snap you out of the trance.
“i’m sorry sweetie... just know that we will all be waiting and ready for anything that happens. we will support you no matter what.” she rubbed your shoulder as you stared at all of the paperwork in front of you.
there had been a palace worker standing beside you stating the rules and how the caste systems worked as if you didn’t know.
ones were royalty and family of royals. twos were celebrities, soldiers, and politicians. threes were people who worked pretty stable jobs like teaching and nursing. fours were business owners. fives were musicians and entertainers. sixes were those who helped others with jobs. sevens were mainly outdoor workers. then there were eights... these people were mainly cast out of society.
staring at the paper only made you even more frustrated. you were practically signing your life away for the possibility of being a three or one if you’re “lucky.”
everyone had to be virgins, single, and if caught in a relationship could be met with death. you rolled your eyes once more thinking about how it wasn’t optional this year. you guess it was a good thing daniel never asked you out and ended things.
then the man said that it’d be ill-advised to refuse anything the prince asked. that confirmed your suspicions, you were practically being sold off to a spoiled brat. the only one who could send you home was the prince himself and no one got a say in what the prince did.
of course, everyone had to be civil and not fight, but you had to wear what the palace gave you, nothing else. one of the worst things was that you couldn’t leave the palace on your own accord. you’d be trapped and watched for the entertainment of the show.
there was one last thing about being one of the last 10. it meant you were the elite, but you doubted that would ever be you. with that... you signed your love away.
your mom was the one to give the signed paper to the man at the front door who had been waiting to take your paper to the palace. she was going to see you off because your dad still wasn’t back yet.
“wait y/n!” seoyeon ran towards you, hugging your legs tightly. “are you going to be a princess?” her eyes lit up when she asked. you couldn’t crush her.
“maybe... that’s up to the prince.” and that was the truth. you didn’t have a choice, but you’d do everything in your power to leave.
it seemed every choice was being made for you as you followed the palace worker, the guards following behind.
the ride to the palace was slow and lonely. you were forced to look longingly at the forest, regretting not saying goodbye to daniel. you thought of all the things you wanted to say to him.
i’ll wait for you because i love you.
we can get through this.
please don’t leave me.
i can’t live without you.
be safe.
at that moment all you knew was that you had to find him somehow and he’d be in the palace. maybe staying for just a little bit wouldn’t be that bad if you could find him.
when you saw the large palace nausea rested in your throat and stomach. you don’t know why he called you here this early, but it couldn’t be good. all the other girls would be arriving tomorrow morning as they had announced.
it was weird being escorted in, but your nerves were exploding within you. you weren’t ready to see royalty. you vowed to die before you bowed before them, but here you were walking straight in and scanning the area. all you managed to see were maids and soldiers around, giving you another few moments of the pride you were willing to die for.
you were passed off to three maids who had been waiting for you.
“it’s amazing to meet you lady y/n.” the title made your face crunch with distaste.
“please... just call me y/n.” your voice was quiet, not allowing yourself to be comfortable in an unknown area.
“we can’t do that miss.” the shortest of the three informed, making you close your eyes and pray to the heavens that you would be able to survive this.
“okay then... may i know your names?” the three of them looked at each other before the one who led the path spoke up.
“i’m aeri, she's isuel, and that’s minsuh” aeri pointed at each of them. you noted that the shortest one, issue, was probably the youngest. you only nodded in response as they led you further into the palace, upstairs, and down long hallways.
“this will be your room,” aeri announced, opening the door to reveal a large room with many small details on the furniture. it was a bit much, but you didn’t expect anything less from people at the top of the caste system.
“we have to get you dressed because the prince will be seeing you soon.” minsuh rushed over towards the large wardrobe, that when opened revealed many different dresses. all of them... dresses.
“i say we should put you in the pink one!” iseul shouted, excited. the other two nodded enthusiastically, but you were too defeated to protest.
it was almost as if prince yeonjun had been waiting the whole time because as soon as they zipped you up, a knock came from the door. all of the maids ran to the door, leaving your pleading eyes behind.
“your majesty.” was all you heard before a few mumbling and giggling. they rushed out immediately and prince yeonjun replaced them. his hair was dyed pink now, making you wish you protested the dress’s color. your maids were sly.
your heart was pacing, scared from the uncertainty.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you lady y/n.” there it was again. the title you wanted to get away from.
“the pleasure is all mine.” you tried to hide the sarcasm in your voice as you stood strong in front of him. don’t you dare waver.
“i heard you got into some trouble today... i’d like to discuss that.” he was calm, every word held a hidden strength behind it. this was why he called you here early.
“i’d hardly call it trouble.” you stopped to watch him step closer to you. you wanted to tell him to stay away, not get close to touching you, but you kept quiet.
“oh really? you don’t call asking to be punished for someone else’s crimes trouble?” he was standing right in front of you now, but he was relaxed and wore a soft smile. he found this humoring. it was anything but.
“i call that two innocent people paying for a kingdoms failure.” the words slipped out before you could hold them back, but you didn’t regret them. not when you saw how prince yeonjun backed away, looking to the side.
“innocent? he was a thief.” yeonjun looked back at you, determined and unwavering. two could play at that game.
you walked towards him this time. a power move. “the world is not all black and white. he was a young boy, an orphan that was placed as an eight. your rules are the reason he was starving, leaving no option but stealing.” you were glaring now, trying to ignore the fact you had to look up at him.
he didn’t seem to want to back down either. “yet if we let one person steal something what’s stopping others?” he leaned his face closer to yours, noses only inches apart.
don’t you dare give in.
“if higher castes can pay their way out of punishment, why don’t the lower castes get a chance?” at this point, you couldn’t move any closer, but you could spit on him. that was only a passing thought to entertain you.
prince yeonjun was quiet after that, staring into your eyes as if he was trying to search through every part of your life. it felt interrogating. he hadn’t responded, so you took that as his loss and back away.
“is that all you wanted to discuss?” your voice was quieter now, not accusatory.
“for now... but you might want to learn some respect.” and then he left you to be swallowed in your anger.
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part 2 sneak peak:
the castle had been dark for a while. all day today you were looking around for a familiar face, one that didn’t seem to show.
the creaking of your door alerting you of a new presence. you swore you told everyone you’d like to sleep peacefully tonight, but here they were interrupting you.
“i heard you’ve been looking for me.” you could recognize that voice anywhere. the playfulness in his tone lit your heart on fire.
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squishycheekanon · 3 years
It’s just Business - three
Werewolf Steve Rodgers x reader
Warnings for the series: fluffness, Bucky and Sam bickering like five year olds, smutty smut, bad language.
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After coming back from my ruined peaceful walk, I didn’t have the motivation to do anything other than just sitting and reading. I spent most of the afternoon and evening doing that too. It kind of brought back the serene feeling from this morning but not the same. By the time dinner and then sleep rolled around I felt unproductive.
Making a mental note to talk to Bash tomorrow, I pulled back the covers ready to get into bed when I heard a howl just like the night before. The noise caused my breath to hitch in my throat, my hands to grip the sheets. Like a siren call I walked towards the glass door in a daze. Standing out on the balcony now, I heard the howl again but it was closer this time.
The noise made my chest tighten. A pricking sensation familiar to how you’d prick your finger when learning to sow. It got stronger and stronger, almost like something was getting closer and closer.
“Alex?” I jumped screaming when a hand placed itself on my back.
“Oh Bash, sorry, you scared me. I didn’t hear you come in.” I explained.
“I haven’t scared you in years. Last time I did we were little. You seemed to be the one scaring me now.” He grinned, a smile slipping onto my face too.
“Seems that way doesn’t it?” He eyed the lake and trees with a suspicious eye.
“Do you like it here?” He asked coming to stand next to me on the balcony.
“I love it. It’s so freeing.” I stared out at the view.
“I’m sorry for what Dad had done. And, well I’m sorry for leaving you in that house to begin with.” He cleared his throat, I reached out a patted his back. I knew it was hard for him to admit his wrong doings, even if technically he didn’t do anything wrong here.
“It’s not your fault. Mother and Father would have never let it happen. And besides maybe being away from them for eight months will be good for me.” I let out a dry chuckle at the thought. Eight parent free months. Sounded amazing.
“When I was your age, that would have sounded like heaven to me.” He poked my side with a laugh.
“Bash, I spent four months trying to do this task, and I’ve already failed. How did you and JJ complete it in under a month?” I asked astonished, more about JJ than Bash really.
“When Father set us the task, I thought it was easy. And applied to every college in the world, a lot of people wanted the ‘Mayor’s Son’ on their campus, but two sons that was like a dream to them and their scouts. So when I finally picked the college I wanted, they asked if JJ would be joining me. Which he did.” Bash shook his head remembering the trouble JJ caused that university.
“Nobody wants me for my title or my grades. They just want money. How am I supposed to do this? The task is to get into a college without financial help. So far getting a scholarship from every place in the world has failed. Because they said and I quote ‘your parents have too much money’.” I pushed and hand through my hair angrily.
“I have a friend at Hitchend Uni, I called and asked if he could do something. He said he’d see what he could do and call back soon.” Bash looked over to me seeing my sad eyes. “Little sister.”
“I just wish my life wasn’t like this. I wish it were different. That I didn’t have to worry about this stupid task or the fact that if I fail they’re going to kick me out without any financial support. They won’t even let me get a job to support myself, so what money will I have to fall back on?” I tried to relax staring out at the lake. A howl sounded over to the left of the forest.
“You know that Lara and I will take you in. We could never let you be homeless.” He placed a hand on my shoulder.
“Thankyou Sebastian.”
“Ooo using my full name. You must be serious.” He chuckled pulling me into a hug. I gladly accepted the warmth.
“Now come on time for bed.” He encouraged me inside and I listened. Slipping under the covers as he shut and locked the door.
“Goodnight little sister.”
“Goodnight big brother.” He smiled and closed the door. I rested a little easier that night, knowing that when everything goes to shit I have someone to turn to. I’m not alone.
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Two more days. Today and tomorrow and then the freedom is gone. My head started to hurt more and more, the closer it got to leaving. New worries hitting me at every point throughout the day. I couldn’t stop thinking about all different kinds of problems that could happen. Soon enough, the last day rolled around.
A knock on the door had Bash’s head flicking in the noises direction. We were in the middle of breakfast, I was far too busy chowing down my Frosties to care who was at the door until I heard who Bash was talking to. He’d gone to get the door and now was conversing with whoever was there.
“Of course man, come in. We’re just having breakfast.” I went to leave, for now I was beyond pissed.
“Alex.” Lara shook her head at me, but I didn’t listen. Getting up from my seat only to run right into the person I wanted to avoid.
“Good morning Alexandra.” His voice was like honey, his sweet smile pushing me to stay. Dark blue graced his upper body again. Mustering up the best glare I could and sending it his way. I left, going back to my temporary room upstairs. Only a few seconds later he was stood in the door way.
“I want there to be no misunderstanding Alexandra. I no way want you to dislike me or be uncomfortable. However we will be spending the next eight months together and I have specific instructions from your father in terms of a schedule. It would be best if we got along don’t you agree?”
He had some fucking nerve. I grit my teeth taking a deep breath before turning to him and speaking.
“And I want there to be no misunderstanding when I say I have one more day left of freedom. And I would very much prefer to spend it without you, errand boy.” I wasn’t going to be told what to do by my father’s errand boy. Well, man.
The clench of his jaw, the raise of the eyebrow, the spark in his eyes gave me a sense of pride. I had just managed to rile up a grown man and he couldn’t do anything about it. It was in that moment I decided to spend the next eight months making his life as hellish as mine.
He left the room quickly, I couldn’t help the grin that grew with each passing second. For some reason, I didn’t know what that reason was but, I really liked getting him riled up and I couldn’t wait to see what happens when I push him too far and he snaps. I wonder what it is that he’ll do.
I felt my entire body heat up, I figured it was just the adrenaline rush that came with the situation rush. But the longer I stood and pondered, I felt like I was yearning for something? Heat shot through me again, it felt like when you get too hot and the waves of hotness just keep coming until you take off your jacket.
Shaking the feeling off, I made myself determined to go back to being normal for a day. That was ultimately the goal until Mr rugged showed up at the front door. Wonder if he’s still here? I tilted my head with the thought, trying to listen and see if I could hear any talking downstairs.
“Yeah, you idiot.” Lara laughed.
“Ah my loving wife, how ever did I deserve such a glorious mate that showers me with affection daily.” Bash’s sarcasm dripped with each word he spoke.
“Eww sloppy kisses!” Lara scream playfully.
That’s a new one. Never heard someone refer to their partner as a mate before. Strange but with my family stranger things happen every day. Not wanting to take my chances that he hadn’t left I stayed in my room for the rest of the day.
“Wish I could stay.” I huffed flopping down on my bed. Tomorrow was the day I left and I wasn’t ready.
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This is it. No. It can’t be.
It is. Pulling the sheet above my head, I let out a groan at the thought.
“I’m leaving today.” I said to myself, as if trying to ready myself for the journey ahead.
I got dressed and packed as slowly as possible. Didn’t have the appetite to eat anything. Felt like my stomach would lurch if I did. Couldn’t bare the thought of going away from the first place that had made me feel peaceful.
“Love you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots.” Lara repeated hugging me tightly.
“Okay Lara, let my baby sister breath.” Bash chuckled.
“Our sister.” She glared not letting go.
“Love you too” I smiled pulling away and walking to Bash. He enveloped me in a hug.
“You can do this.” He whispered, squeezing me before letting me go.
I got in the car that had pulled up twenty minutes ago. I didn’t mind making him wait. I waved goodbye to the happily married couple, mustering up the best smile I could. The gorgeous fir trees passed by not helping my solemn mood. Soon the mountains came into view, seeing a few houses dotted here and there on a few of them.
The car passed by the big village. Strings of houses here and there. There was a huge house in the middle of it. People walking about, looking my way, kids playing outside and others farming the land. We pulled up to a house that was slightly away from the village and a bit bigger than the other houses. The driver opened my door for me, smiling in thanks.
“Rustic.” I quipped looking at the house.
“Thanks.” My head snapped to Steve who had been walking my way, behind him was a trail going into the forest that I assumed led up to the mountains.
“Welcome to your new home for the next eight months.” He smiled and somehow, it seemed sincere.
Oh joy.
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Hello there. I have a question (more like a thesis): What would have happened if Cas told the Truth anywhere between season 7 and 15? Do you think it would have had the same impact on Dean? Logically speaking Cas could have told him anytime.
Oh gosh, yes. I mean Dean’s reaction in season 15 is still the best it could have been really :P He was in the best place and most accepting of himself and he still had a BSOD for a moment and then Cas had to shove him away so he could go die... (Assuming you take the on screen boring presentation of what happened as canon and not throw in the reciprocation, tears, pull in for a kiss, etc that we know exists either in our hearts or on Jackles’ phone.)
I’ve been thinking about this and the parameters we’d have to apply if we were gonna get something like the show being self-healing back to its self as we know it but we were allowed a confession. Also the show has to be as punishing as ever. So these are my personal theses on each season... 
Season 7 the confession would have to be after Cas comes back, and everything in 7x17 that looked like Dean was jealous of Daphne and Meg textually was meant to be read that way in the set up for the confession. To make it the most painful obviously we still get Cas exactly as he was all through to the end of the season and he never really says anything too different but then right when they’re having the “cursed or not” discussion he’d bust out of nowhere that he supposes it is inevitable Dean would talk him into going on this dangerous mission to get Dick because obviously Cas loves him. And Dean, who is in a weirdly zen sort of place in the remaining minutes of season 7 after Bobby’s send off and final words that helped him go make up with Cas, is in a similarly season 15 oddly okay spot, mental health wise. At least. COMPARED TO ALL THE REST OF SEASON 7. But I still personally have always read it as a genuinely good place for him that could have endured much longer if not for *gestures everything that happened after stabbing Dick* and obviously making up with Cas was step one and a huge part of his process. 
(idk if you’ve noticed but 7x23 pretty much has no Sam and Dean interaction after Bobby’s send off, and their last good broments are really scarce; it feels sort of natural for abrupt calamity and no time for teary farewells in a season with a strong commentary on grief, which also hyperfocuses the attention on Dean n Cas there.)
So I think Dean would maybe be stunned but maybe quirk a sceptical smile like “He can’t mean it like that and anyway he’s currently coo-coo, this doesn’t mean anything hahaha oh Cas :)))” and then idk shake his head and move the story on and Cas just turns one longing look after him like “dammit that didn’t work out like planned” 
Anyway then the exact plot beats of 7x23 follow, exactly as seen on your screens, but we’re left going into season 8 and Carver era with Dean far far more messed up about Cas and it can force clarification in 8x02 in Purgatory where Cas is entirely adamant he meant what he meant and furious at Dean for being mad at him and Dean’s mad at Cas for all the season 8 reasons so they continue angsting at each other but Benny’s reaction shots are just 10x funnier. This is followed by Dean’s reciprocation of “I love you” instead of “I need you” in the crypt scene in 8x17 and from there honestly it’s been built up into canon in such a way that the emotional arc of the show has to go off the wheels and I can’t keep to the self-healing model to continue following the “real” plot and contain this much raw power.
Coincidentally, if the first confession is in season 8, it would be “what broke the connection” after a season 8 where nothing was different up until that point. Cas flaps off while Dean is still processing that the answer was “You. I love you.” and Dean is left yelling at the empty crypt like “What the hell, Cas?!” 
Then he’s as mad at him as he was in canon except instead of being borderline a really bad overreaction into his anger phase which we have to weather as miserable fans tethered to this ship who know sometimes Dean gets mad and yells at Cas for no reason, he’s reacting proportionately. It’s always seemed like 8x22 only makes sense if Dean is furious at Cas for confessing and fleeing except, obviously, in our “”real”” canon, it can only be like Cas confessed and Dean took it that way and also felt embarrassed how far he went with his own feelings only for Cas to run. 
This would make the bar scene with the cupids in 8x23 make a lot more sense too, and after they get the cupid bow Dean’s going to turn to Cas and give him a nervous smile, and then - Naomi flaps in like she does and distracts them away from reciprocation. 
I think this one could go long - maybe even season 13 Cas being dead and Dean being like “FUCK I never got a chance to work things out with him” and 13x06 onwards is where we get any actual work on the ship, because Carver era was so determined to be emotionally gruelling and unsatisfying and relentless from one issue to the next. And the confessions are so bound up specifically in the moments of miscommunication or failed attempts, cut off conversations etc that whether Destiel is canon or not, they’re never gonna get to talk it out under those conditions. Cas is only explicitly the grieving wife and jealous ex to Crowley’s smug take over of Dean’s affections rather than subtextually. 
The season 9 confession... I feel like we’d come perilously close to the Monkey Paw curse we once envisioned of Buckleming making it canon because they love jumping the gun on plot points and making them too obvious. So the end of 9x03, Cas is really blatantly angling to come in with a big “Hey I’m human can I live in the Bunker look at me I learned to do The Sex can we do it now” kind of vibe. All the enthusiasm he was giving to eating that burrito in the background while “Zeke” was trying to get him kicked out, but with lusting over Dean :P 
If we avoid that we can leap to Mr Bobo Berens and his first episode, and have this thing handled by a pro, as it’s already very much about Cas as a homeless queer man with a bad ex he still loves rolling into town where he’s just trying to make a new life and play straight - I mean human - for his own survival. I suspect the confrontation with Iphraim would make it really obvious that Cas didn’t just want to live as a human but had an eye for living as a human with Dean, and then he’d attempt a confession right before Dean would accidentally talk over, like, the L in “love” honestly, to tell him that sorry things do still stand that you can’t come back with me. Leaves Cas utterly devastated but Dean is none the wiser and he drives off and Cas pines piningly at the pine trees in his Gas n Sip. 
Again the end of season probably would force the real confession, since there’s a ready made moment in 9x22 where Hannah tries to force Cas to kill Dean and he gives it all up for one man. Cas can just lower that knife and be like, “No, I love him,” talking to his shoes and Hannah rather than meeting Dean’s eyes. Mark of Cain Dean is fuuuucked up at that point but we still get the moment where Dean carries Cas’s bag into the bunker and sits down with him and tries to care about his health and now also this confession. Sussing out what the heck is up with Cas, and maybe he looks like he’s playing it cool and is still so messed up but Cas is vulnerable, and finally Dean starts to reach across the library table for his hand, and it’s a moment where maybe things could have started to go better for them...... Cue Gadreel walking into the library, Dean going feral, blah blah demon!Dean, blah blah explicitly stated Drowley, blah blah muuuch healing and Cas giving Dean a wide berth for a lil while. Though, in this scenario, 10x22 is far worse but has the reverse crypt scene moment, so Dean can be more obviously unable to kill Cas because he loves him, and then he walks out, followed by season 11 and Cas being returned to them. Unfortunately. Yep. Another finger curls on the Monkey Paw... 11x03 by Buckleming would absolutely be where Destiel goes undeniably canon as it is their first real interactions post Mark of Cain. Our only consolation - directed by Jensen Ackles.
Season 10 confession, hm. Poor Cas. He has the option of 10x03, of confessing and then immediately apologising and walking off to handle stuff with Hannah (thanks Buckleming!) or the Burger Date, where Dean may be slightly less stunned stupid but still likely to laugh it off and not believe it. There’s not much heavy tension between them most of the season so it’s possible that the only time Cas would really get is to confess in 10x22 while telling Dean that he would have to watch him murder the world, and that would suck because I love you. At which point the story dictates that Dean beats Cas to paste so it’s a very bad look. Season 10 destiel confession is the worst. 
Season 11 may be better because Cas has options to be jealous of Crowley and Dean’s connection to Amara multiple times and then Casifer happens and that can really play up things in a season where a confession is coming. 
I think the Beer Run in 11x23 might be the only viable place, where Dean grabs Cas and takes him out for that drive for last drinks before the end of the world. Cas gets the “you’re our brother” thing and just lays into Dean with the certainty of someone who knows this is it - now or nothing - with “You know that’s crap, Dean. You wait until the end of the world and you can’t even say it. Well I can; I love you.” 
Cue awkward tension, well-placed interrupting Moose, and then the world very much not ending so that when Dean n Cas hug and kiss in front of Mary in 12x01. Well. There’s even more explaining to do to her. Since we’ve made it to Dabb era, I believe any confessions from this point onwards can just slot into the show as we got it from there since it’s entirely compatible to start season 12 assuming Dean n Cas are literally married and never be contradicted by the text in their behaviour. But since we’ve had canon Destiel since whenever, obviously the final episodes are good instead of. That.
Season 12... Going to have to go with the first sniff of true canon coming in Lily Sunder with just a few lines leaning even further in the Cas’s Angel Family Are Homophobic Assholes metaphor, leaving Cas’s relationship with Dean even more live wire exposed. Followed by The Mixtape Scene where Cas is going to confess to Dean and get him startled up out of his seat, accidentally knocking the mixtape to the floor and for a moment it’s like, did he throw it is he mad? but then he’s smooching Cas, fade to black, return to scheduled programming but the whole line about Cas stealing the Colt from under Dean’s pillow makes fuckin sense, as well as the fall out argument and how mad Dean was at Cas followed by how devastated he was at Cas’s death. This just means Dabb era continues as planned except we get a kiss in 13x06 under that big glowy cross, and some more smooching here and there when things are good from then on. 
Season 13... Hm. Cas has to do the confessing and I don’t think he’d throw that at Dean on return from death so unlike if Dean was the one who was being made to confess obviously the aforementioned glowy cross scene obviously would be it for him... Cas could keep that bottled up much longer, especially as he has so much to do with Jack this season. It’s entirely possible we go through the whole season and then Cas lobs it at Dean as a final card when he’s making his Michael decision and we actually see the scene that we didn’t get, where Cas has to watch Dean getting possessed. Except Dean is like, tearful and furious like why would you tell me that now, and anyway i’m doing this for you as well dumbass but fuck you but also how dare you anyway I need to be an archangel now and save our - your - son, bye. Cue Cas sitting there not just in total horror at what happened but also kicking himself for fucking up the moment :P I guess this way at least we can have that moment where Dean is un-Michaeled and tells Cas he’s going to shower and finger guns at him, and now we can have Cas wordlessly and furiously follow him. 
Season 14, we get Cas at Rocky’s bar confessing to Dean while figment!Pamela cheers the whole thing on. If there was EVER a time to use the power of love to snap Dean out of it, Cas upsetting his cosy routine with “this isn’t real, I’M NOT HERE IN YOUR FANTASY” is absolutely the time to pull a reverse crypt scene which has such low stakes in terms of neither of them needing to punch each other when Michael is an external aggressor.
My ONLY issue with this is that Sam has to witness the whole thing and we would get reaction shots and I am a weak mortal who will start cackling at them when I’m supposed to be having the transcendent moment of canon and the whole thing would be ruined just because of the way Jared gurns when doing reactions to dean n cas interacting. Wow thanks. Thanks a lot. 
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Physical Fatality Part 5- Proud
18+ Hawks x fem, pro hero!reader
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
Warnings for minor manga spoilers, oral sex (giving and receiving), facefucking, dom/sub themes
“You need better concealer Katsuki, whatever brand you’re using now is shit,” you comment by way of greeting as you meet Bakugo in front of the agency for patrol.
“The fuck are you on about idiot?” Bakugo scowls. “I can still see the hickeys Red Riot left on your neck,” you grin as you begin walking. His face goes bright red as he catches up to you. “These aren’t-“ he begins but you cut him off rolling your eyes. “Don’t bother, we both know whatever lie you try to come up with won’t be a good one. May I suggest trying Fenty brand concealer out before you have your next rendezvous.” “Whatever, keep talking shit if you wanna keep living on Deku’s couch forever.” “What does your shitty job at covering up hickeys have to do with my technically being homeless?” “I might’ve found you a new place but the more you open your trap the less inclined I am to tell you about it.” “Have I ever told you you’re my best friend in the whole wide world and I love you so much?” Bakugo rolls his eyes so hard it’s a wonder they don’t fall out or get stuck. “Look Kirishima’s got a friend who went to high school with us, Mina Ashido. If you paid any attention to the charts you might recognize her as the acid hero Pinky,” he explains. “Ohh I know her! I follow her on Insta,” you say. “I… y’know what? Sure. Great. Well, her roommate is moving out and Kiri says she’s looking for a new one.” “Aww, so he’s Kiri now?” “I swear to god (y/n) do you want the room or not?” “Right! Yes, I totally want the room! Thanks so much Katsuki!” you beam at him. “You’re lucky I find you entertaining dumbass. Here’s Mina’s number,” he sighs as he pulls out his phone and texts over her contact details. “Seriously though, I owe you one. I’ll give her a call later today,” you tell him. “Whatever, let’s just get on with patrol,” Bakugo scoffs. You know he appreciates your thanks anyway.
You love patrolling with Bakugo because the two of you are equally competitive. Sure, on bigger takedowns you both know how to reign it in and focus, but on days like today where all you get is a small time robbery or two both of you let yourselves go a little bit. It’s all about who can round up the most villains in the least amount of time. These competitions were a large part in why you earned Bakugo’s respect and had been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, not that he would ever call it that. Your favorite tradition of you and Bakugo’s patrols, however, was the race back. Once you guys neared the end of your route, you would pause, do a short countdown and then you were off. First one back to the agency wins, the only rule was that you couldn’t do anything that could draw a bad headline i.e. destroying property or getting civilians caught in the crossfire. It was such a staple of the two of you’s patrol that many people had come to know them and you’d get the occasional group of spectators to watch you and the explosive blonde racing. The current record is 112-113 in Bakugo’s favor but you’re determined to fix that now. The two of you finally reach your usual starting point and both of you get a grin of anticipation. “Ready to watch me widen that lead?” Bakugo asks. “No way in hell, I’m tying it back up,” you fire back. You both look at each other and together countdown
You’re both sprinting forward careful to avoid any pedestrians. You see a clear path starting to open up ahead of Bakugo and quickly scan for an obstacle you can throw in his way last minute. Your eyes land on a mailbox so you reach out with your quirk and then wait to time it until just before he’s about to blast himself forward. Right as he’s surging forward, the finish line in sight and his hands sparking, you jerk the mailbox in front of him so he barrels directly into it. You give him a wink before sprinting the last bit inside, using your quirk to shove the doors open and slide into home as he is just getting back up off the ground. He runs inside shortly after you and you crow out your victory. “Eat shit, Katsuki! It’s 113 all now,” you laugh out of breath, panting as you bend over with your hands on your knees. “Can’t believe you hit me with a fucking mailbox,” he huffs back. “It’s not destruction of property so it’s valid,” you point out. You stand back up straight, chest still heaving with exertion and sweaty from the run only to look towards the elevators and see Hawks staring at you. You belatedly realize that Shoto is with him and also giving you a curious look and it only occurs to you then what an odd picture you and Bakugo must’ve made rushing into the agency like that. “We, uh, we race,” you pant out by way of explanation as you and Bakugo finally start to catch your breath and make your way towards the elevators.
As the four of you get into the elevator Bakugo asks “What brings you guys here?” “Apparently All Might and Father want us to get started on the investigation into the attempted terror attack at the gala last week. We finally got access to security camera footage, personnel interviews, stuff like that, so we should be able to make at least a little head way. Tokoyami and Midoriya are already upstairs getting started,” Shoto explains. Hawks is still fucking staring at you and you can’t figure out why but it’s borderline making you sweat again. Since that night in Shoto’s basement Hawks had been doing his best to woo you. He had sent not-so-anonymous notes and flowers to your desk signed off only as “From your mystery man” to avoid the potential scandal of you having a fling from the enemy agency. Even still you could tell that the lower ranking heroes were starting to whisper and wonder about who your new suitor is.
As the elevator reaches your floor and everyone steps out you’re keenly aware that you need to change back into your civilian clothes if you’re about to comb through security data and interviews for hours. “I’m gonna take a shower then I’ll join you guys,” you explain, jerking a finger towards the women’s locker room, before using your quirk to grab a duffel bag from your desk. “We’ll fill you in on anything we find,” Bakugo assures you and you nod before heading to the locker room. Once you’ve disappeared into the locker room Bakugo turns to Hawks and asks “Well? Aren’t you going to go after her?” “What?” Hawks asks as he’s finally snapped out of the trance you’d put him in from the moment he’d seen you sweaty and laughing, looking impossibly sexy in your hero costume. Shoto rolls his eyes. “You weren’t subtle. Something tells me you’d be too distracted to help right now anyway,” Shoto adds in.
Hawks tries not to look too eager as he follows after you but fails. He rushes to the locker room and locks the door behind him. It seems as if the top floor is pretty much reserved to you, Bakugo, and Midoriya but better safe than sorry. You’re already in the shower by the time Hawks arrives, the hot water rinsing away the sweat you’d worked up on patrol and any muscle aches that had been threatening to make an appearance. You hear footsteps approaching and immediately have a pretty good guess for who it is. “So that’s what all the staring was about,” you tease as you turn around to find Hawks leaning against the boundary between the showers and the drier part of the room where the actual lockers are. “How else did you expect me to react when you were looking so hot all sweaty and with that bright, beautiful smile of yours?” Hawks flirts. “Do you have an off button or?” you ask. “Aren’t you going to invite me in? We are a little pressed for time you know,” Hawks replies by way of an answer. You pretend to think for a moment but the reality is you knew and were hoping for this exact outcome the moment you heard the door open again. “Well, hurry up and get in here then,” you tell him. He’s all too eager to oblige.
He quickly strips out of his hero costume before coming to join you under the shower’s warm spray. He’s already half hard, and getting harder by the moment, as he presses you close to him and draws you in for a kiss. It’s slow and needy and addicting because he kisses you like you’re something precious. His hands slowly skate up your rib cage before moving to massage your breasts. You’re about to wrap a hand around his now achingly hard dick but before you can he’s pulling away from your kiss and giving you a devilish look. You’re about to ask why when suddenly he’s sinking to his knees in front of you and you wonder if there’s ever been a hotter sight. “Spread those legs for me Artemis.” There’s something about the way he says your hero name that makes it sound like absolute sin. So you do as told and spread your legs as his hands find their home at your waist but he doesn’t go straight to the main attraction. No, first he leaves open mouthed kisses along your inner thighs. So close to what you truly want but not quite. “What happened to being short on time?” you groan, desperate to have his mouth on you. He chuckles and you can feel his breath ghost against your sex. The feeling makes you shudder. “So impatient little dove,” he smirks but regardless he finally licks along the folds of your labia. You have to grab the wall for balance as his tongue begins to circle your clit before he pulls the nub into his mouth to gently suck on it. “Oh god,” you cry out as one hand instinctively goes to tangle in his hair and you can feel him smirk against you, the cocky bastard, but can’t find it in you to really care when his tongue is now sliding inside you. He eats you out like it’s his job and Christ does he deserve a promotion. He slides one hand down from your waist to provide extra stimulation to your sensitive clit and that’s all it takes to send you over the edge with a cry of his name. His real name.
He stands with a self-satisfied look on his face as you reel him in for a kiss. “Job well done I take it?” he asks. “Very well done. I think I ought to return the favor,” you reply and now it’s Hawks’ turn to watch in wonder as you sink to your knees in front of him. He curses above you just at the sight alone but then you’re taking him into your mouth and he already knows this isn’t going to last long. You take him in slowly, inch by aching inch, until you can feel the head of his cock kiss the back of your throat and the moan he makes as you hollow out your cheeks is music to your ears. You pull back enough so he sits more comfortably in your mouth and use your hand to work the remaining length as you begin to bob your head up and down along his shaft. You feel his hand tangle into your hair and hold on for dear life and he’s trying so hard to resist the urge to move his hips. You pull off and smirk up at him and he almost whines at the loss. “You’re being so good trying not to fuck into my mouth Keigo,” you say and while he wants to be indignant about the tone you’re using there’s no denying it makes his dick twitch. “So good I think you’ve earned a reward,” you continue and god Keigo just knows you’re going to be the death of him at this rate. “You want to fuck my face Kei?” you ask and it’s a miracle he doesn’t explode right there. “Fuck (y/n), yes. God, yes,” he pants out. “Then do it, I give you permission,” you grin before taking him back in. You don’t have to tell him twice. He fucks into the wet heat of your mouth like his life depends on it, tightly gripping your hair to hold you in place as he chases his orgasm. He tugs on your hair in warning that he’s close, so close. You tighten your grip on his hips to let him know it’s ok. Soon after his hips stutter as he begins spilling his seed down your throat with a groan. You take it all, swallowing every drop until he’s finally spent.
As you stand back up Keigo immediately pulls you in for a bruising kiss, still able to taste himself on your tongue, and it’s so possessive and demanding that in any other situation you may have gone another round. But you both have already been gone from the meeting too long so instead he pulls away and practically growls, “I’ll get you back for that mouth of yours later.” “Promise?” you tease. “Tonight. I’ll take you somewhere proper with no reporters,” he tells you before pressing a quick but rough kiss to your lips and then exiting the shower to go dry off and get redressed. Fuck, he’s going to be the death of you. You take another few moments in the shower before you step out to get dressed as well and find Hawks has already left the locker room, presumably to join the others in the meeting. After putting back on your civilian clothes you exit the locker room and head over to the conference room designated for the task force. Bakugo gives you a smirk as you walk in and you flip him off in return. Finally you take your seat and tune into the conversation, fully shifting into work mode.
By the end of the meeting you’ve managed to rule out the league of villains and most of the remaining yakuza groups out there but haven’t got much else. “There’s some similarities with a case I’ve been looking into from a month or so back. It was kicked lower down the food chain but I still have notes and I can probably get the files I’ll just have to swing back by Endeavor’s,” Hawks sighs. “Let’s deal with those tomorrow morning. Meet back here same time?” Midoriya asks. Everyone nods their agreement before rising to leave the conference room. “I should probably still grab those files tonight,” Hawks admits as you all walk out. “That’s cool, I’ll just roll with. No worries,” you shrug. “You’re the best you know that?” he grins. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing. Let me grab my shit real quick and then we can head out,” you tell him before running off to do just that. Shortly afterward Tokoyami walks up to Hawks. “I’m proud of you, Hawks,” he says and Hawks gives him an odd look. “What’re you talking about?” Hawks asks. “I was worried you’d freak out when you found out she worked for All Might. You know how Endeavor gets, still buying into the whole dumb feud thing. I’m glad you didn’t let that stop you though,” Tokoyami explains. “I mean yea Endeavor’s no fan of the guy, but he wouldn’t actually care about me seeing someone from All Might’s agency... right?” Hawks replies. Tokoyami’s eyes widen briefly but he coughs to cover up his reaction. “No, no, yea you’re probably right. Anyway, she’s good for you I feel like. I’m glad you two found each other,” Tokoyami finally says. Before Hawks can press any further you reappear in front of him and ask “Ready to go?” “Yea, I’m ready,” he says, throwing one last look at Tokoyami before shaking it off and following you back to the elevator.
Hawks is sort of quiet on the way over to Endeavor’s agency but you figure he must be thinking over the case still. It’s late so when you arrive at the office building the lobby is all but deserted except for one woman standing off to the side looking uncomfortable and lost. She’s older with thick hair and looks to have had a rough go of life if you had to guess. You notice her before Hawks does so you walk over to see if she’s ok. After all if she’s hanging out in the lobby of a hero agency this late at night she must be in trouble right? “Excuse me ma’am are you ok?” you ask the woman gently. She turns to you and the look in her eyes is almost distant. “I’m looking for my son,” she says mildly. You’re about to ask for more information on her son, like a physical description or where she’d lost him, when suddenly Hawks is right behind you. “What are you doing here?” he asks and his voice is cold in a way you’ve never heard before. You’re about to chastise him but stop short. You look from his face back to the woman’s. It can’t be. Can it? “Is that anyway to talk to your mother?” the woman asks and you have to resist the temptation to gasp audibly. Hawks grits his teeth, looking frustrated and you can’t help but let your eyes wander to the agency doors that any number of heroes could walk through at any second. You’re not sure Hawks would appreciate you showing him any kind of physical affection in front of his mom so you instead reach out with your quirk, giving his wrist a quick, hopefully reassuring squeeze. “Why don’t we take this upstairs, yeah? Hawks you can get that file you need and you two can talk with a little more privacy,” you suggest. The woman gives you an almost detached look but nods and Hawks sighs “yea sure,” before turning to go up the elevator.
The top floor is blissfully empty. You wish you could appreciate being in Endeavor’s agency a bit more but you’re more concerned for Keigo and the woman who is apparently his mother. She goes to take a seat at one of the desks and sits there quietly. “I’m sorry. I promised you a proper night out,” Keigo sighs and it breaks your heart a little seeing him like this. “It’s ok Kei, we can take a rain check,” you promise giving him a small smile before turning to leave and give him privacy. “Wait,” he says suddenly as he lurches forward to grab hold of your wrist. You turn back to look at him and find desperation so clear in his golden eyes.
“Of course.”
He gives a relieved sigh before steeling himself and turning back to face his mother. “What do you need?” he asks, and the simple act of asking seems to be draining for him. “The commission money is running out. I didn’t know how to contact you so I waited until everyone had gone and came here. I figure being number two and all you could help me out?” she asks. “How much?” “Just enough to last me until I get a job.” “You’re not even looking for a job.” “I am.” “Stop lying.” “Fine then I just need enough to pay for food for awhile. You and the HPSC got me in that big, fancy house, the food is all I really need.” Hawks somehow doubts that’s true. “Fine, I’ll deposit some money into your account. Here’s my number too. Just call next time,” he tells her as one of his feathers unearths a business card from his desk and puts it on the desk she’s sitting at. For a moment she stares at the little card as if unable to register what it is, but eventually she does take it off the desk hesitantly, as if afraid it may disappear. “Thank you. Goodbye Keigo,” she says before standing and heading to the elevator. She’s about to walk out when she suddenly stops. “I am proud of you by the way,” she confesses but before Keigo can respond she steps into the elevator and then she’s gone. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” Keigo sighs. “Don’t apologize,” you assure him. “I ruined our evening. I think that warrants an apology,” he scoffs and you hate the self deprecating undertone you can hear in it. “Tell you what, why don’t you grab that file we need and then I’ll take you some place,” you offer. He gives you an odd look but nods all the same. You try to convince yourself this isn’t a horrible idea.
A cemetery. The place you had taken him was a cemetery. Hawks isn’t sure what to think but he can tell this isn’t necessarily easy for you as you lead him through the tombstones. You finally stop at a marker and sit down in front of it. Hawks joins you, eyes scanning your face before finally drifting to the tombstone. He freezes when he recognizes your last name at the top. There’s one name engraved below that, a woman’s, and Keigo finally puts the pieces together. “My dad was a big gambler,” you start to explain, “but he wasn’t very good at it. He was constantly betting big and losing it all. My mom would work long hours all day every day just trying to get food on the table and he would blow it all in a night or two. It wasn’t sustainable, obviously, so he started getting into shady shit to make up the extra funds. I guess eventually he screwed over the wrong person, they came to the house to settle the score so to speak but he was gone so my mom paid the price for him. I was on my way home from school at the time so, um, I ended up being the one to find her.” Keigo reaches over to gently take your hand but doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t need to. “My dad was arrested about a year or so after my debut as a hero, just when I was starting to gain momentum at All Might’s. The press ate that shit up, it was all over the news. I think that’s why they’re so hard on me now. They’re just waiting for me to prove I’m no better than the situation I grew up in,” you finish. “Maybe your dad and mine are sharing a cell,” Keigo offers and it’s far more than you ever expected from him. “That’s why your real name is a secret.” Keigo nods. “It was a deal my mother struck with the HPSC. She gave them me, they gave her a fuck ton of money and both of us a fresh start. The Takami name was wiped from both our records,” he explains. “How old were you?” “Six or seven.” “That’s hard.” “Yea.” The two of you briefly lapse back into silence before you finally clear your throat, forcing back any tears that were threatening to fall. “Anyway, I didn’t bring you here to tell you how shit my dad was. I, um, like to come here sometimes to talk to her. I figured it was only fair that you meet my mom since I met yours,” you explain, “if you’re comfortable with it, that is.” “I’d love to meet your mom,” Keigo says, giving your hand a tight squeeze. You respond with a watery smile before turning back to the tombstone. “Hey Mom. I know it’s been a minute since my last visit, work has been kinda crazy. Midoriya and Bakugo are doing well! I think Midoriya is going to propose soon and Bakugo finally got his act together with Kirishima. That’s Red Riot’s real name. I don’t remember if I told you that last time. Anyway, there’s someone here I want you to meet,” you say before turning expectantly to Keigo. “Hey Mrs. (y/l/n), it’s really great to meet you. I’m Keigo, your daughter’s new friend,” he introduces himself and it warms your heart to hear him do it with his real name and not his hero one. “You raised a pretty amazing woman ma’am. I hope you’re proud of her,” he finishes.
The two of you stay at the gravestone trading stories with each other and to your mom late into the night. There’s something freeing about it and when the two of you finally do take your leave, one thought sticks out to you amongst the rest: Against all odds, you’re in love with Keigo Takami.
Author’s Note: THIS CHAPTER WOW. First of all I really be hurtin my own damn feelings 🥲 but also as y’all can tell I very much was inspired by the backstory we got from the latest manga chapter. I’m sure the FBI agent monitoring me was very confused why I was googling what Japanese cemeteries look like but here we are. This is one of very few parts in this series that isn’t directly linked to a song off the album so it was a little harder to write but we finally got there
Taglist [open]: @akkaso @cathy8taffy @eeppff @iikillerkitteh
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lilblog-asatreat · 3 years
Prompt: Clock maker; pocket mirror; uninvited guest arrives
(Prompt from Roll-A-Prompt Writing Journal Boxed Set)
(Also, got a couple of names from the fantasy name generator)
Dusk falls over Raven's Roost as the last rays of sunlight give way to the oncoming darkness of night. The shadows of buildings grow longer and darker across the quiet stone streets of the Craftsmen's Corridor, and they hide a few people with gaunt faces and dirty rag clothing as they scurry out of sight between buildings, hoping to find a place to rest outside of the watchful eye of the militia. Apart from them and a single militia wagon that slowly passes by, there is no one out on the street tonight. No one except a tall, muscular human man with sideburns longer than his beard who steps out from under a shadow and cautiously creeps his way up the street. He makes it to a little shop with a worn sign on the front proclaiming the establishment to be called Shadowpeak's Timekeep, and he knocks softly on the door.
When no one answers the door, the man knocks a little louder and more insistently. A few moments later, the door opens, revealing a short gnomish man with a long, graying beard and a sour look on his face. He shakes his head irritatedly and ushers the man inside before closing and locking the door behind him.
The shop is full of different styles and structures of clocks left out on display, ranging from tall, grand grandfather clocks to simple, humble wall clocks to goofy looking cuckoo clocks and everything in between. A small broom leans against a short, messy desk with different gears and screws and other odds and ends scattered next to a till that has seen better days. The gnome walks to the desk and leans against it, and he crosses his arms and stares intensely at his uninvited guest.
"Well, Burnsides, is there a reason your risking both mine and your neck for being here after curfew?"
"Yeah, uh, actually, there is, Xalver. I need to talk to you about something important and hopefully get your help with something I'm working on." The man identified as Burnsides says.
Xalver pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "Magnus... Look. I may not get out much anymore, but word does still get around and gets to me, and I'm sorry, but I can't join whatever little revolution you've got cooking up with some of the other folks around here. I just can't, and honestly, you need to disband this notion that it's going to work before you get yourself and whoever few other people you've got backing you up killed. It's not worth it."
Magnus crosses his arms. "If we don't do something, people will die anyway. People are dying. Right now. Because of Governor Kalen and his friends and his policies. I just walked past at least five people on the street who are homeless and starving, and I bet you at least three of them will get caught after curfew in the next week and will be incarcerated. The only people we are allowed to see when we are sick or dying are Kalen's rich as fuck friends who he has designated as the 'only qualified healers' in town who don't do shit and charge an arm and a leg for it. Every month, debt collectors come knocking on our doors asking for even more money than before because of some new tax law, and our businesses are going under. Me, Julia, and Steven are barely keeping ourselves afloat with Steven's savings, Julia just reported that Annie's quilting business officially went under yesterday, and I saw you arguing with the debt collector last month because you weren't going to have enough money to feed your family." Xalver winces at that and looks away. "This has to stop. We have to do something. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. I'm not saying it isn't going to be risky. But we are all miserable and starving and losing our homes and livelihoods for some buttwipe who thinks he can have it all and then some."
Xalver looks back at Magnus. "Yeah, ok, shit sucks right now. Believe me, I get that. But what the hell do you think you're going to be able to do about that? Are you going to kill Governor Kalen? Are you going to teach him a lesson ghost of Candlenights past style about the true meaning of love and how to care about people? What the fuck is it that you think you're going to do to make his reign of terror come to an end?"
Magnus smiles. "We'll run him and his friends out of town! If we make enough hell for them, they're eventually going to leave because it wouldn't be worth trying to stay here if, say, the Governor's manor burns down and if we jail break all of the prisoners and start a riot and start chasing him and his lackeys through the streets-"
"The militia will kill you," Xalver says flatly.
Magnus' smile falters. "Yeah, that's why we're going to have people who can fight back. Like I said, this isn't going to be easy, but with enough people supporting us... we outnumber them! Everyone in Raven's Roost, if we can get the majority of the people on board, we can win this!"
"If you get the majority of the people on board to die? To risk their and their family's lives? Over something with no guarentee will actually work?" Xalver grabs his broom and storms behind the counter. He shoves it in a corner before starting on scooping up the stuff on his desk and stuffing it into various drawers.
Magnus sighs and moves to stand by the desk. "Did you miss the part where I said we are dying anyway?" Xalver stops momentarily to glare at him before going back to stuffing his drawers more forcefully than before. "Look. If we don't do anything about it, Kalen is going to continue stepping all over us, and he's going to end up wiping out all of the sick and the poor first. Then he's going to go after all of the people he's made bankrupt, and he's going to make them work directly under him and work them into the ground. And there's no chance of stopping him and potentially saving the lives of our neighbors or the next generation. If we do do something about it, there is a chance of us failing and all of that still happening, but there's also a chance that we'll succeed. Realistically, we won't be able to save everyone, but we can very well try, and the community as a whole will be better off for it."
Xalver slams a drawer closed so hard, it rattles the desk, and a small, silver, circular device falls. Magnus quickly catches it before it hits the ground and examines it closely. The outside is intricately designed with a stylized L on the front with a backdrop of gears and wires. He opens the clasp, and there's a mirror on the inside of the top half. The bottom half looks like there might have been a mirror there too at one point, but it was taken out and in it's place is a picture of a gnomish woman standing next to a young gnomish girl with one hand on her shoulder. The girl looks a lot like the older gnome behind her and a bit like Xalver.
Magnus closes the pocket mirror and hands it to Xalver who takes it and places it back on the desk. "That's Loriza's, right?" Magnus asks softly.
Xalver rubs his eyes tiredly and groans. "Yeah, she must have left it out here on accident."
"How old is she now?"
"Seventeen. She was supposed to start at this prestigious artificing school in Neverwinter next year, but..."
"You no longer have the money," Magnus finished for him.
Xalver picks up the pocket mirror again and opens it, staring at the picture hidden within it. He thumbs over it gently and sighs. "I don't want to die on her and leave her alone in this mess, Magnus. When her mother passed... It was so sudden and unexpected, and for the longest time, she was paranoid that I would kick it too and she'd be alone. I'm the only one she has, and... I'm failing her. I can't give her the life that she deserves. I-" he lets out a short sad laugh. "I haven't even told her yet that I don't have the means to send her to school. This is one of the things she's wanted the most out of her life, to study at this school and become a world renowned artificer. And I've saved up as much as I could, but I've had to dip into that savings time and time again just to keep us alive and to keep the business running, and... I can't do it anymore."
Magnus walks around the desk to stand next to the smaller man, and he squeezes his shoulder gently. "We can still make her dream happen. We can fight to give her a chance at a better life, and I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure you get to still come home to her, but I need your help. Please." He adds softly.
Xalver stares at the picture for a few moments longer before he sighs and closes the mirror. He sets it back down on his desk and turns to face the taller man. "Ok. What do you need me to do?"
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justatiredghost · 3 years
Living for the Moment Ch19
A series of glimpses at Klaus’ life if he’d met Dave in his mid 20s. His life isn’t magically transformed, love can’t fix either of them when they’re both homeless and in a bad place. They’re not even really ready for a relationship yet. But maybe a supportive friendship can set them on a better path, the two of them inspiring each other to take care of themselves. It’s going to be a long and bumpy ride, and the question is, when will they actually admit to themselves that they have feelings for each other? Read More AO3
The problem with coming to a sudden stop after burning himself up the way Klaus had been lately was the loss of adrenaline. That had really been the only thing keeping him going. Well, that and the drugs. Thankfully he still had some of those in his system so the ghosts were leaving him alone, because the inevitable crash wiped him out completely. He didn’t have the strength to keep his eyes open anymore let alone enough to hunt down another contact to resupply.
There were a lot of things Dave had said that he wanted to comment on, mostly to ask what was wrong with him, but he just couldn’t right now. None of this felt real. He’d never had someone so determined to stay in his life, and all he could do was wonder how long until he came to his senses. But that was a problem for future him. As most things were. Right now, Klaus just wanted to sleep.
Not that he got much before they were both jolted awake by a car backfiring. The early commuters were likely out, so they had to leave, but Klaus felt so much worse than he had before. The exhaustion, the aches and pains, the ugly bruise welling up on the side of his face where he’d been punched, and to top it all off, he was pretty sure he had a fever.
“Hey, you okay?” Dave asked when he noticed, and of course he had to be all sweet, rubbing his back and everything.
“Oh yeah, sure, all good here,” Klaus said, trying to suppress a violent shiver at the early morning wind icy cold now that Dave wasn’t pressed up against his side.
“Shit, I didn’t give you my cold, did I?”
“What can I say? Petty theft is one of my charms,” Klaus joked, because he didn’t like how worried he looked.
“I wish I could repay the favor and find a place for you to warm up and sleep it off, but— hang on, I have an idea. Come with me?”
Dave stood and offered his hand, and Klaus considered it. He thought about trying to ditch him again, or just refusing to move. But he was too tired to be stubborn and petty, so he decided it would be easier just to go along and he let himself get pulled to his feet.
Usually, Klaus would be more nosey about this, but when Dave left him outside the shitty motel, he just stood there and waited while he went inside to talk with someone. He surprised himself, honestly. He must be really bad off. At least Dave didn’t keep him waiting long.
“Wow, you really do look like shit,” Dave said when he returned, actually able to get a good look at him now that the early morning sun was starting to make its appearance.
“Still hot though, right?” Klaus said.
“Mmm, feverish and attractive,” Dave joked. “You might be overdoing it a little, might want to tone it down a bit.”
“Have you met me?” Klaus replied.
“Well,” Dave continued, unlocking one of the motel room doors on the first floor. “The good news is, a buddy here owes me a favor. She said we can have this room, but gotta be out of here by tomorrow evening.”
“She is a saint,” Klaus said, stumbling inside after him. “I am going to take a 6 hour long bath, so if you need to pee, you better do it now.”
“No, go ahead,” Dave laughed. “I’m actually going to step out for a bit. I have some other stuff I need to take care of. But I look forward to seeing what you look like all pruny.”
Klaus waved him off with an annoyed sound. He turned on the water as hot as it would go and was ready to soak up all that warmth and wash away the grime. By the time he finally climbed out of the bath, he didn’t feel so frozen. Sure, he still felt like shit, but it was better than nothing.
For once, Klaus slept like a rock, so he wasn’t all that surprised when he came to, desperate for a glass of water, to discover Dave was asleep in the other bed by the door. On the way back from the bathroom with a cup, he had the sudden impulse to crawl into Dave’s bed and join him, but tried to block that out and just go back to sleep.
The next time he woke up, it was to hear the shower running. Dave was no longer in the other bed. A midnight shower wasn’t all that strange, though, so he let himself fall back to sleep. But when he woke up again a little over an hour later and the shower was still going, Dave still missing, he started to get a little worried.
Well, more curious than worried. Yes, this definitely wasn’t worry. These types of places weren’t really known for having unlimited hot water and he actually wondered if Dave had been the one to ditch him this time. Curiosity getting the better of him, he stumbled out of bed, pausing at the bathroom door to knock.
“Dave? You alive in there?” he called, but didn’t get a response. “I’m coming in. I swear I’m not doing this just to check you out naked.”
As he slowly opened the door, he noticed that there wasn’t as much steam as he thought there would be. The mirror wasn’t even fogged up. When he turned to the tub, the curtain was pulled back just enough that he could see Dave sitting there, letting the water fall over him, still wearing boxers and a t-shirt. His arms were raised as if to protect his head, fingers digging into his hair.
“Dave,” Klaus called again, concerned now.
Dave flinched as soon as he spotted him, but at least he relaxed when he realized it was just Klaus. Then, he scrambled to turn the water off before sitting back, out of breath and just trying to regain his bearings.
“Hi,” Dave said guiltily. Then, he looked down at himself and sighed heavily, picking at the way his shirt stuck to him uncomfortably. “Aw, man. We have got to stop meeting like this.”
“Would it help if I also got in with my clothes on?” Klaus offered.
“No, no, it’s fine,” Dave sighed, not completely able to stop himself from smiling despite everything.
“Your loss,” Klaus said with a shrug. “I’m not exactly one to judge, I was in here for a criminally long time earlier, but typically I don’t think showers are supposed to last very long. I’m surprised you haven’t run out of hot water.”
“Ah,” Dave said, looking away. “I think I may have, actually.”
“May have what?”
“Run out of hot water,” Dave said, and as if to prove his point, a particularly violent shiver ran through him.
“What the hell?” Klaus said. “You should probably get out of there. Only one of us is allowed to be sick at a time, and I already called dibs.”
He passed Dave a towel as he clambered out of the tub. Then, he left him so he could have a little privacy to change while Klaus wandered around the room in search of any extra blankets stashed away. Dave was already back in his bed when he returned, so he unceremoniously dropped his spoils on top of him before selecting one to unravel sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I swear I don’t take all my showers clothed,” Dave said, forcing a chuckle as he followed suit, no doubt trying to lighten the mood.
“Hey, whatever does it for you,” Klaus shrugged, and Dave smacked him playfully with one of the folded blankets.
“I really am sorry about all this,” Dave groaned after they finished with their work, burrowing deeper into the pile of blankets, still shivering.
“What, hogging all the blankets? I guess I can forgive you.”
“Well, yeah, I guess there’s that now, too,” Dave chuckled. “But I more meant, just, all of this-- my little breakdown. It doesn’t happen as often as it used to, but I still get flashbacks and nightmares sometimes. Showers help, they can kinda ground me I guess, this one was just particularly bad, I guess.”
“Oh,” Klaus said dumbly, not really sure what to do with all that openness. Except run, but he’d already tried that and failed.
This all hit a little too close to home; the nightmares and the flashbacks, the whispered confessions in a moment of vulnerability. In Klaus’ experience, it never went well. He knew Dave was just like this, so much more open than Klaus could ever imagine being, but it still sent a chill through him.
As irrational as it was, he didn’t want Dave to learn the same way he had. At least Klaus didn’t have any plans to betray him, so he might as well encourage him to let it all out now.
“Do you, like, what to talk about it or something?” he said uncertainly. “I heard it’s supposed to help. I mean, I know that’s rich, coming from me of all people.”
“It’s nothing, it’s stupid,” Dave said quickly, waving a hand dismissively. “You’ll laugh at me.”
“Okay, well, now you have to tell me,” Klaus said, climbing onto the bed so he was laying on his stomach, leaning on his elbows, head in his hands.
“I, uh, went to talk to someone today,” Dave said slowly. “About getting support. For vets.”
“That’s good, right?” Klaus said, trying to be encouraging.
“I guess,” he said, eyes sliding to the side, avoiding Klaus’ gaze. “It’s just frustrating, it feels like admitting defeat. But I can’t even hold down a job, something’s gotta change.”
“That’s the spirit?” Klaus said uncertainly. It wasn’t like self-improvement was his specialty. But he could definitely understand the guilt that went with asking for help. Which is why he never did.
“Unfortunately, it’s bringing up a few too many memories. And, when I’m stressed, I have nightmares, so that doesn’t help,” Dave added lamely, trying to laugh a little.
“There, there,” Klaus said, sitting up so he could reach out and pat his shoulder. Taken by surprise, Dave burst out laughing and Klaus couldn’t help but grin, pleased he could still make him laugh, even when he was upset. “If it helps, wearing clothes in the shower is nowhere near the top 10 weirdest things I’ve found people doing in the bathroom,” Klaus said unhelpfully.
“Still,” Dave said, before changing the subject. “But enough about me, how are you feeling? Sorry again for giving you my cold.”
“I might learn to forgive you one day,” Klaus said dramatically, hand on his forehead.
“Hey,” Dave said. “I was thinking, and I realized that I just kinda made you come with me here, sorry about that, too.”
“Yes,” Klaus said, again playing it up. “How dare you force me to sleep in a proper bed for a change?”
“You know what I mean,” Dave said with a weak smile. But then his voice turned serious. “I know I was probably a bit too much before, probably creepy too, tracking you down like that. I just want you to know that, if you really don’t want to be here, I’d understand.”
“What’s the matter, starting to have second thoughts?” Klaus asked. “I am a handful. Being friends with me is gonna be a nightmare”
“Seriously,” Dave persisted. “How about we meet up in a few days and talk it out? I’ll have at least a few more answers once the VA get back to me. I know everything feels impossible right now, but being your friend is worth it, to me. But if all of this has put you off, then feel free to make a break for it. I’ll leave you alone.”
“Sure,” Klaus said distractedly.
Dave nodded and turned away, pulling the blankets up nearly over his head.
Klaus had never been told he was worth it before. He’s never been worth anything and he didn’t know how to feel about all of this. He thought he could feel something melting in his core, a warmth reaching him that he never expected to feel. But there was guilt, too. So much guilt.
How was this even happening? Dave was a pretty smart guy, but he just seemed to be ignoring all the warning signs. Maybe Klaus had tricked him into this somehow. He was very good at manipulating people. But, for some reason, Dave kept coming back, there was no denying that. He wanted to trust him, to believe in Dave even if he couldn’t believe in himself, but he knew how dangerous that was.
Klaus felt cold, again, when he went back to his own bed, moving automatically. Mostly he just felt numb, completely drained. And he was more lost than ever. Maybe he was just too sober, maybe drugs would wipe it all away and remind him who he was. Or, maybe it wouldn’t, and he’d wake up one day and hate himself, wondering what would have been.
Hating himself wasn’t anything new, but when he glanced over his shoulder to see Dave’s curly hair sticking out between blanket and pillow, he so desperately wanted to give hope a try.
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finleyfray · 3 years
Bittersweet Memories part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Huge thanks to @captain-josslett for helping me.
TW: some past abuse, mention of suicide, smut(ish) just a little, laguage
Finley sat on their bed looking at the door. She was mad at her girlfriends. She didn’t want them to know, not like that, she was not ready yet. Her past was fucked up, and she has spent previous years trying to forget about it. No need to touch these memories when she was doing okay now.
But now Alex knows and Maggie too.
God knows what Alex saw in her head. She felt so exposed. She knows she has to tell them at some point, that she can’t run from it forever. Especially while her girlfriends told her about their past.
How Maggie’s father threw her out and she had to live with her aunt. How she tried to make it work between them, but he just couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that his daughter was gay.
How Alex’s father passed away, or at least that was what they were told, then two years ago he came back, turned out that he was a traitor working for Cadmus. It had happened early in their relationship. Alex was officially dating Maggie at the time, and they weren’t out as polyamorous yet.
The redhead was devastated and they both held her close while she cried.
“Finley can we please talk?” There was a knock on the door and Maggie opened it. “Please, we need to talk this through.” She came to sit beside Fin, and Alex followed her, sitting on the other side of her girlfriend.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone into your head like that.” Alex begins. “But hear me out. After they disconnected you from the ventilator, you were technically supposed to wake up. But then the days went by, and you were still asleep. We were starting to become hopeless. And one day Brainy comes in and says that you’re deep in your dreams, and he can help us wake you up. The only way for that was to go to your mind. And once I was in your mind, I had zero control, your memories were just flowing by. Until I found you, and tried to wake you up. But that somehow ended bad and we almost lost you... Again.” Alex looked at Maggie, they both had tears in their eyes.
“We can’t lose you...” Finley hugged her crying girlfriends and sighed.
They were right. If she ever was in this situation, she would do exactly the same. Finley feels bad now. She yelled at them, but they were just taking the chance to wake her up.
“I’m sorry I yelled. I just wished you didn’t have to see that. And it’s not like I didn’t want to tell you. It’s more like, I don’t want to think about it that much.”
“You can still tell us...” Maggie whispered. “Alex refused to tell me anything after she was taken out of your mind. She had a huge panic attack, it took me an hour to calm her down. But she just said that she wants you to tell us. Whenever you’re ready.” Her girlfriend kissed her cheek. “I hate how I’m the only one missing this.”
“All right.” Finley sighed. “I’ll keep it short though, if you don’t mind, I really don’t like getting into the details. When my mom died, my father began drinking. He became more and more aggressive, he used to yell at me a lot, and always ended up beating me. One day, after he hit me, police knocked on our door. They took me to the orphanage. And I was actually happy, I thought it’s going to be better now. But orphanage wasn’t fun. Everyone kept to themselves, trying to survive as the workers there didn’t give a shit about us, we just often walked around hungry and dirty. Because of that, school was also hard, dealing with bullies that claimed to be better cause they had parents. But the years just flew by, and when I became eighteen they kicked me out. I was homeless for a while, but finally I was allowed into University, and they gave me a place to live and offered a job. It was really a miracle, I applied there with the last money I had, and just passed their exam with 100%. But it was hard. I had to pay for my room and all the bills, work and go to classes every day. Sometimes I didn’t have enough money to eat and that’s why I just often forget to do that. What makes you mad is something that made me survive for so long.” Finley stopped for a second, wiped her tears, she was tearing up, she needed to speed this up, otherwise she won’t finish. “And just, you know, I finished college, but then couldn’t find any work, it was hard to find something considering my past. And one time I just wanted to end it all. But then out of nowhere J’onn appeared, offered me a chance so I took it. Yeah, so the rest you already know.” She sobs as her girlfriends hold her close.
It was hard telling them about her past. But she’s glad she did. Cause now she feels as if some weight has been lifted off her shoulders.
She feels safe. And that’s what she dreamed about her whole life.
Alex wakes up to knocking on their door. She sleepily looks around seeing her girlfriends still asleep so she went to open the door.
“Mom! Hi.” She frowns, she forgot her mother was coming for breakfast. “Shit, we overslept.” The redhead yawns and leads her mom to their apartment.
“And Merry Christmas to you.” Eliza chuckles but then looks at her daughter. “Alex, are you okay sweetie? Is everything alright? You look like you’ve been crying all night. Is Finley okay?” Alex sobs and goes to hug her mother.
Maybe they didn’t have the best relationship in the past, but hearing everything from Fin made her really appreciate her mother.
“Oh, okay.” Eliza hugs her daughter in surprise. “Honey talk to me, I’m worried.”
“Finley’s all right. Physically. We’re good. I’m just happy I have you. Love you mom.” The older woman smiles at her daughter.
“Love you too sweetie. What brought this?”
“I just... We talked yesterday about Finley’s time at the orphanage. And I am just really grateful I had you. Even after dad disappeared, you still took care of Kara and I. And Finley told us how her father became violent after her mom died. Just I’m glad you didn’t.” The redhead wipes her tears and looks at her mom.
“Oh sweetie, I would never hurt you.” Eliza gently grabs her cheek and wipes her tears away. She kisses the redhead forehead. “Go wake your sleepyheads up. I’ll make breakfast.”
“Thank you mom.” Alex beams and goes to wake her girlfriends up. She gently lay beside Fin and placed small kisses on her face until she opened her eyes.
“Merry Christmas baby.” She smiles as Finley sleepily greets her back. She looks into her girlfriend's blue eyes and kisses her softly. The younger woman smiles into the kiss and embraces Alex in a hug.
Maggie turns around and hugs them too. She looks at her girlfriends with a huge grin.
“Merry Christmas baby.” The redhead smiles at her and reaches over Finley to kiss her.
“Your boob’s on my face.” Fin laughs.
“I fail to see a problem with that.” The raven-haired woman remarks.
“Well... It’s still clothed.”
“Dorks, stop. Mom’s here. We overslept.” Alex stands up. “I’m going to shower.”
“Can I...” Maggie began, only to be interrupted.
“No. We all know how that ends.” The raven-haired woman pouts. Finley laughs and kisses her as the redhead leaves the room.
Later that day Finley was sitting on the couch with Alex. Maggie was out to get her Aunt from the airport, and Eliza decided to take a nap in the guest room. They didn’t mind and decided to watch some TV.
Finley thought about how she met her girlfriends.
After J’onn offered her a job she gladly took it. He told her he’ll pick her up next Monday, to show her around and begin training her. What surprised her, and she soon learned that it also was a shock for all her new co-workers, the man decided to train her himself. As her apartment was being sold, she was offered a room in the DEO. Each day she arrived punctually for her training. They trained all day which Fin loved. It gave Fin no time to think about her life, being so exhausted from it all. About a week after arriving, she met Alex. Fin thought Alex was the most beautiful human being she ever met.
Sadly Fin soon learned that the agent was taken. That was until she had the chance to meet her girlfriend, Maggie. Finley then decided Alex and Maggie were both the most beautiful women ever. It was a shock, she didn’t ever have time to think about any relationship in her life, she was simply too busy to. And now not only had she had a crush on a woman, but on two. It took her a lot of time and research to figure it out.
Nevertheless the fact that she had a crush on these two women, Finley never thought that they could like her.
That was until one day they approached her and asked her out for dinner. One became two, and after the third date, they talked about their relationship. It took them a bit of time to come out to their friends and family but Finley was patient. It took her a long time to figure this out, so she gave them their time too. It was adventurous, sneaking around to give each other kisses. She felt like a teenager being in love for the first time.
“You okay? You zoned out.” The redhead asks, looking at her. The shorter woman smiles and guided the redhead to sit on her lap. She would rather sit on Alex’s, but her plaster was making that impossible.
“I’m okay. I was just thinking about how it all began. The day you asked me on a date.” She smiles and kisses the redhead. Her girlfriend kisses her back and Finley slips her tongue in Alex’s mouth. The woman on her moans quietly.
“Hi... Oh Rao, I’m sorry.” They part and look at Kara and Lena as they stand in the doorway. “T...the door was unlocked!” The superhero cheeks were as red as he cape.
Finley begins laughing and all three of them look at her surprised.
“I just remembered the first time this happened.”
Alex, Maggie and Finley had been sitting on the couch watching ‘Avengers’. They were enjoying their free evening as they weren’t out as polyamorous yet, so that excluded any attention outside their apartment.
Finley was sitting between them, her head on the raven-haired woman lap, and her legs tangled with redheads. Her girlfriends learned pretty soon that the youngest woman was touch deprived.
They didn’t mind that seeing how even small touches of Finley’s hand made her smile like the happiest being on earth. They made sure to give her a lot of cuddles. Maggie bended her head to give her black-haired woman a kiss.
“I’m going to grab us some drinks. You mind moving?” Finley pouted and gently bit her girlfriend's lip. The raven-haired woman gasped.
“Fin...” she looked at her with a playful smirk.
“Whatcha gonna do bout it?”
“I’m just...” Maggie smiled and lifted her girlfriend up, making her sit in Alex’s lap. “Here. Stay there.” She winked at Alex as the red head embraced Finley in a strong hug.
Fin took her chance and decided to kiss the redhead. Her girlfriend was very enthusiastic about it. Alex slipped her tongue in Finley’s mouth and placed her hands on her hips and guided her to move back and forth.
Finley broke the kiss and moaned suddenly feeling hot. Her red-haired girlfriend took off her shirt and tossed it in the corner. She kissed Fin’s neck, sucking it hard.
“Alex...! Oh RAO, I’M SO SORRY!” They heard Kara yell and jumped from each other. They were breathing hard, looking at the blonde who had her eyes covered. “Wait a second...” She looked at them in shock. “Alex! That ain’t Maggie!!” Kara yelled.
“Hi, little Danvers!” Maggie came with their drinks and looked at the scene before her.
Finley was standing there with only her bra on and Alex was standing next to her. Both her girlfriends looked uncomfortable, their cheeks were red, and they were breathing hard. Well they had been busy.
Then there was Kara. Standing there looking at them and then at Maggie, she was confused and flustered.
“Kara it is not what it looks like" Alex rushed to grab a sheet and covered Finley with it. “I didn’t cheat on Maggie, we’re in a polyamorous relationship!”
“Maggie! They were kissing.”
“Yeah, I know that.” The Detective laughed. “What’s the problem?”
“Oh...” The blonde became more confused, but nodded her head. “Alright I’m going to go...” She flew away and Maggie laughed hard.
“Oh God...” Alex whined.
“She flew to me after that and asked what’s a polyamorous relationship. I almost had a heart attack. It was as if a toddler came up to me and asked how kids are made.” Lena laughs looking at her fiancé, who turns her head away embarrassed.
“How was I supposed to know that! I thought Alex was cheating on Maggie.” She stutters.
“Don’t worry little Danvers. We weren’t doing anything nasty this time. Just kissing. I’m sure you can handle that.” Finley laughs.
Alex stands up from her girlfriend and looks at her sister in disbelief.
“I would never cheat on Maggie. Or Fin. But I understand your confusion. We should’ve talked with you about it sooner.” She admits. “I would say that I’ll make sure of it next time, but there wouldn’t be one. Staying with these two forever.”
After the Christmas dinner, Alex, Maggie, Kara and Lena decided to go for a walk. They wanted to take Finley along, but she said that wheeling around is not a walk, so she’s going to pass and help Eliza in the kitchen. Vivian went to unpack her things in the guest room. After that they sat by the dinner table, Eliza made them coffee and Finley put the sweets on the table.
“Can I ask you both something?” Fin begins looking hesitantly at both women. She specifically chose to sit against them to be able to see both their reactions.
“Of course darling.” Vivian smiles at her. Even though she was Maggie’s aunt, they both looked very alike. Both had brown hairs and brown eyes. They even had the same dimpled smile.
Finley looked at Eliza and the older woman nodded her head encouraging her to continue.
“Well before the accident I was planning something... And I know it isn’t possible yet, and we don’t even know if it’ll ever be, but I just wanted to, and I…” Finley spoke really fast, she was stressed.
‘This was a stupid idea. What if they laugh. What if they say no?!’
“Take a deep breath sweetie.” Eliza gently squeezes her hand, making her calm down. “Tell us slowly what’s going on.” Finley took a deep breath.
‘It’s now or never.’
“I love your daughters very much. I want to propose to them soon. And I know it’s not possible yet to marry them legally. But when the possibility will come, I want them to be my wives. And I wanted to ask you both for permission.” She looks at them scared.
“Ohh, Finley.” Eliza stands up and goes to hug her. “Of course you have my permission to marry Alex. I could never imagine better wives for her. You three are so amazing together.” She smiles and kisses Finley on the forehead. She pulls away and Vivian takes her place.
“I agree with Eliza. I couldn’t imagine anyone that could make my girl happier than you and Alex. You have my blessing, darling.” She hugs her and Finley beams.
“Thank you. This means so much to me. I can’t even imagine my life without them, so I have to make sure they stick around as long as it’s possible. Now I just need to have a fully working leg to get down on one knee” She jokes. Things are going perfect right now. **
Later that evening as their family left and Vivian went to the guest room to rest, Finley was lying comfortably with her girlfriends.
“We met J’onn earlier.” Alex begins. “He asked about you. We told him that Maggie takes care of you. He didn’t know Maggie resigned.”
“Oh?” Fin looked at the redhead. “You didn’t tell him?”
“I kind of forgot. And since he’s afraid to read my mind anymore...”
“That’s cause you're a pervert.” Maggie laughs. “Thinking bout the nasty 24/7”
“Hey! Don’t mind me, those are my thoughts, can’t do anything about it!” Alex pouts.
“Well back to the main point, he offered me a job at the DEO.” The raven-haired woman said, looking at Finley. “Starting January 2nd.” “That’s amazing!” Fin hugs her girlfriend. “Congrats baby, you can work with us now.”
“She didn’t accept it yet.” Alex murmured.
“Wait why?” The black-haired woman frowned. It was an amazing opportunity, why didn’t Maggie say yes?
“I want to take care of you.” The raven-haired woman kissed her girlfriend.
“I’m not a baby. I can take care of myself! They are taking my plaster off soon and replacing it with the brace. I’m really better. You need to accept the job darling.” She looked into her girlfriend's eyes. “Accept it.”
“No buts. Accept it. I’ll be perfectly fine.”
“Okay.” Maggie sighs. She wanted the job, but also wanted to look after her still healing girlfriend.
“But we’ll need some ground rules. Like you calling us every hour. And if something is wrong, you’ll tell us immediately. And you take care of yourself, taking your medicine, eating and drinking. And you’ll take it easy.”
“I promise. I’ll be fine.” Finley smiles and kisses her. “You okay with it?” She turned to look at Alex.
“Well, I think so. But also if it won’t work out I know that J’onn will just give us days off.”
“That won’t be needed.” Fin kisses the redhead. “I’ll be just fine.” She snuggles into her girlfriend's arm and was soon sleeping.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Memories // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
Sixth blurb request! For @paniconthepitch Requests are still open!
I know this was suppose to be a blurb, but I got carried away soooo :) enjoy that.
I really like this one guys
Summary - Readers boyfriend breaks up with her and she heads to Matthews house, where she recalls all the times she knew she was in love with Matthew.
Word Count - 2.7k
Prompts - "Just shut up and kiss me." & "I need a place to stay."
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You know those days where you think they are going so well, and suddenly, the worst possible outcome of the day happens?
That was today for me.
After such a great date night, I didn't quite imagine myself walking down my boyfriends street crying.
Or should I say ex-boyfriend.
I trudged down the road, my fists clenched at my sides and head held as low as it could physically go without detaching from my body. I knew that moving in with him was a risky move, but I didn't have much choice. I had been kind of couch surfing for a while and he offered to let me stay at his house. A stable roof over my head.
Or so I thought.
Now here I was, heading in no particular direction with only a small suitcase dragging behind me, a wallet in my hand and a phone in my pocket. I had been walking for about 20 minutes. Turning down random streets, not really paying attention to what was happening. Here's another question for ya.
Have you ever heard of the saying, 'When it rains it pours.'?
Well I have. And I am currently experiencing it. Just as I turned onto what seemed to be the first familiar street I had seen in the past 20 minutes, it started *raining*. But not just sprinkling, no, I wasn't that lucky. It was a total downpour.
I looked up at the green sign above me.
*Oakland Street*
That was Matthew's street!
See, Matthew and I had been friends for a long time. I considered him family. His mom and my mom were great friends, and still are. She visits Marilyn still. But I rarely see him anymore, he's always busy filming which is completely understandable. And now your probably thinking.
*If he was such a good friend, why didn't you ask him for help when you were couch surfing?*
Well the short answer is that I was embarrassed of being basically homeless. I look up to him and I didn't want him thinking I was a lost cause or helpless little girl.
But I had no choice now.
I trudged up to his door in my now soaked clothes. I was still crying, despite me *really* trying to hold it together.
It was 9:38 and I was hoping he was still up. Chances are he was, judging by the many sleepovers we had in the past where he would stay up until 4 am. I knocked softly on the door, backing up a few steps from it. I wiped my face a little, trying to dry it from tears and raindrops, but miserably failing.
The door opened slowly to reveal Matthew in plaid pajama pants and a white tee. As expected, he was holding a cup of coffee, which he quickly set down on a table near the door.
"Y/n?" He tilted his head, not coming out of the doorway. I was sure I looked like quite the mess right now. Soaked clothes, flushed face, messy hair, exactly what I *didn't* want him to see.
"I need a place to stay." I was now looking down, tears welling up in my eyes again from sheer embarrassment. I could feel my fists clenching together, nails sure to leave bruises in my hand.
"Come in, come in." He waved me in. I kept my head down as I walked through his door. "Are you alright? What happened?" I had a problem with Matthew where I just couldn't lie to him, it had been like that all our lives. He was so hard to keep things from, whether it was because he was my best friend or because it was so hard to look into those soft brown eyes and tell a lie.
"I've been living with Ben for a while, because I haven't exactly had enough money to keep up with rent payments... But he just broke up with me." I looked up to see pity written across his face. "Please don't look at me like that. I know it's pitiful." I leaned my head all the way back on his couch, staring at the ceiling.
"I'm not trying to show pity y/n, I'm just worried about you. Why didn't you tell me you were having troubles?" He put his hand on my knee, shaking it for an answer.
"Because I knew you would look at me like that!" I waved my hands around his face.
"Whatever you say. Just tell me what happened." As soon as I got a few words out, I was tearing up again.
*"I just don't understand Ben! I want to understand! You never talk to me anymore." I was gesturing wildly with my hands, something I had picked up from Matthew at a young age. I was trying to get my point across.*
*"I feel like I'm taking care of you y/n! I don't need a child I need a girlfriend!" His eyes held so much hate, much different from the soft green ones I had fallen for a few months ago.*
*"What are you even talking about? I just got a job Ben. I clean the house every week. I cook dinner for you, and I'm paying part of the rent! What more do you want from me?" I felt so confused and defeated, the longer I talked the quieter my words became. "If you want me to leave I will. Is this some sick, twisted way to say you don't love me anymore?" He went silent for a moment.*
*"I don't love you anymore." His arms hung heavy at his side. Are you kidding me?*
*"Did I do something wrong?"*
*"You're just, you're hard to love y/n." What the fuck is that suppose to mean?*
*"Fuck you Ben! I did nothing to you." I ran to our shared room, packing my suitcase and grabbing my charger and wallett from the side table. "You are a real piece of work." I could feel my body aching from mental exhaustion. "I'll be back to get the rest of my stuff another day." I stood by the door, grabbing the handle. "Hopefully if I'm so hard to love, I won't be so hard to get over."*
"And that was the last thing I said to him." Matthews thumb wiped a tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry, I'm such a mess."
"You don't have to apoligize for having emotions y/n. I'm here for you, always." He had first said this to me when we were in middle school, I thought that was the sweetest thing a teenage boy could say. "You can stay here as long as you want, I miss seeing you around anyway." He smiled, pushing some hair behind my ear. I set my head on his shoulder. It was really hard talking to him about this stuff. I think the real reason it was so hard to lie to him, was because it's hard to lie to someone you are *so* in love with.
Matthew seemed to be out of reach my whole life. It wasn't that he was massively popular, or that we were part of different cliques. It was really just because I thought he could never see me as anything more than a friend.
When I was 13, that's when I fell in love with him. I just didn't know it at the time.
*"Y/n this is so great! I can't believe I got the lead!" Spencer was spinning in my swivel chair that sat at my desk.*
* "I've always told you that you we're good at acting. Maybe you'll be an actor?"*
*No way! I'm gonna be a lawyer or something." He nearly fell from the chair laughing, as if the proposition of being an actor was so out of this world. There was a sparkle in his eye that I had never seen before. It was so refreshingly different from the days he had come to me after school, telling me that some assholes were pushing him around.*
*"I'm so happy for you, you're gonna do amazing! You better not leave me when you're famous." I shoved his shoulder playfully. That was truly a joke, but I could feel, deep in my subconscious, I was afraid that maybe he would.*
*"I would never!" And he didn't.*
But I couldn't do anything about how I felt.
"I don't wanna be a burden on you." I had stopped crying, but I was still slumped on the couch like a wet rag, *literally*.
"You could never be a burden on me. Here." He handed me a picture frame from his side table. It was of me and him when were were 22, it was a surprise party I threw for him. "Do you remember this?"
"How could I forget the first time I got you drunk?" And the night I realized I was in love with you *for sure*.
*Matthew had refused to get drunk on his 21st birthday. He was so responsible that it was nearly infuriating. So when he texted me telling me that someone came up to him on the street and offered him a modelling job, I knew I had to throw a party. Just me him and some of our friends.*
*I led him into my house with 4 of our other friends there. There was a seemingly illegal amount of liquor on my dining room table.*
*"Oh no! Y/n no, you're not gonna get me drunk!" He looked down at me disapprovingly. I stuck my bottom lip out, and gave him puppy dog eyes.*
*"Please Matthew? Just one time? I wanna know what kind of drunk you are." My puppy face turned into a slightly mischievous one.*
*"What kind of drunk I am?"*
*"Yeah! Like sad drunk, funny drunk, angry drunk, sleepy, reckless, philosophical. I wanna know!" I giggled, dragging him over to the table and already pouring him a shot.*
*"Fine, just one time."*
*And I did find out what kind of drunk he was.*
*A lovey drunk.*
*"Brian. You are the coolest person I know!" Matthew slurred, leaning over to our mutual friend. "And Katie is the funniest." He pointed to Katie. "And you! You are my favorite person in the whole world, you know that?" He was now laying in my lap, his head looking up at me.*
*"You are a mess." I laughed, patting his cheek.*
*"I am not a mess! I'm totally coherent! I love you so much! Look at you!" He sat up, kissing my cheek. I'm glad he was drunk because I didn't want him to remember the dark shade of red my cheeks turned afterward.*
*I loved this man, and it was kicking me in the ass.*
"A lovey drunk you called me." He chuckled as I gripped the frame.
"Do you remember all the things you said that night?" I half smiled, remembering the kiss om my cheek.
"Not really, to this day I live in blissful ignorance."
"Well today is the day you know." I giggled, crossing my legs on the couch and facing him.
"Wait! Before you tell me of all the dumb things I did that night, let me get you some dry clothes." He stood from the couch, heading to his room.
"Thank you!"
He came back holding and NYU hoodie and some sweatpants. I snatched them from his arms with a big smile and headed to the bathroom to change.
The only time before that I had worn his clothes was freshman year after an asshole from school pushed me in the mud while we were on our way to study at Matthew's.
*Matthew and I were walking side by side on the walkway, talking about random things.*
*"If you do get a cat, what are you gonna name it?" Matthew asked, keeping his eyes forward.*
*"I think I would name it Leo. After Leonardo DiCaprio, he's a dreamboat." He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.*
*"Really? That dork?"*
*"Says you! You're a huge dork!" I nudged him into the road with a laugh.*
*Just then I heard loud and fast footsteps coming from behind us. Suddenly large hands were shoving me into the nearest mud puddle. I gasped at the cold liquid that was soaking through my jeans and yellow shirt.*
*"Nice outfit y/n!" The asshole laughed, running down the sidewalk.*
*"Fuck you Ricky!" Matthew threw up his middle finger and helped me out of the mud. "Come on, I'll give you some clothes at my house."*
*When we arrived he handed me sweatpants and a Nirvana shirt. I changed into it and Matthew probably laughed for 10 minutes straight. I was pretty short around that time, and Matthew had just had his growth spurt. To make a long story short, I was swimming in those clothes.*
I was now staring at myself in the mirror, wishing I had the chance to get use to the feeling of wearing his clothes.
"Okay! Time to remember an embarrassing night Gube!" I shouted, feeling far better now that I was in warm clothes. I plopped onto the seat, scooting next to Matthew. "Alright. Now what do you wanna know first?" I set my chin in the palm of my hand.
"So, what exactly is your definition of a lovey drunk?" He mimicked my position.
"A drunk who is very kind. They are constantly complimenting everyone around them and expressing their love and fondness. Can even turn a sad or angry drunk to a happy one." I shrugged.
"Okay, fair enough. What did I say that night?" I smiled evily.
"Ok, well, you told Brian that he was the coolest person ever. And Katie was labelled the funniest ever. You gave Mallory ten bucks for all the advice she had given you in the past. And you hugged Alex for around 5 minutes straight." The image of Matthew swaying with Alex was clear in my memory like it happened yesterday. He threw his head back him laughter, his face reddening with slight embarrassment.
"Did I say anything to you?" He stared into my eyes like he was going to find the words there before they came from my mouth. I rubbed my hands together.
"Uh, yeah. You told me that I was your favorite person in the whole world." He smiled at that. "And then I told you that you were a mess. But you informed me, so graciously, that you were *not a mess* and *totally coherent*. Then proceeded to say 'I love you so much! Look at you!' And you kissed my cheek." I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, I was now looking down at my hands.
"Well you are my favorite person in the world," He tilted my chin up with his hand. "still. Maybe I'm an honest drunk."
"What's that suppose to mean?" I cocked my head to the side.
"Maybe I'm an honest drunk who was just sober enough to be too nervous to kiss you on the lips?" It came out as a question, I wasn't sure if he was genuinly asking a question or he was saying that that is *exactly* what happened. I'm hoping for the latter.
"What do you-" I was interrupted by his hand grabbing my chin.
"Just shut up and kiss me." He brought my lips to his, and of course I didn't hesitate at all to kiss back.
I ran my hands through those curls that I loved so much. His hands gripped my hips as I leaned into him more, I was so afraid that this was going to be a dream.
Like it was so many other times.
As he pulled away I kept my eyes closed, still hoping that it actually happened.
"Hey, are you okay?" He patted the side of my face lightly.
"Yeah, more than okay. How long?"
"Since we were 20. You?"
"Sometime in middle school." I snickered.
"Well either way, far too long." He put his finger under my chin again, bringing me into another kiss.
*Thanks Ben*
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New Dynasty Chapter 31
“Seriously?” Wade asked looking at the wheelchair.
[Just where did a wheelchair come from?]
{Forget the wheelchair. I wanna know where the fake legs came from.}
Tony sighed and Arachne, in Peter’s arms, flinched. She’d been twitchy around Tony since Wade made that comment about how Tony got a little too enthusiastic in training. She also hadn’t spoken since, and it worried him because he’d gotten used to the sound of her voice.
[Is she just not going to talk in front of Tony, or is she avoiding us as well?]
{Black Widow looks pissed as hell.}
Deadpool turned to see the Black Widow, a.k.a. Natasha Romanov behind him. She did not look pleased—but then she never did. “This was not her fault,” Natasha said coldly. “She was emotionally blackmailed into it.” She grimaced. “I’m trying to get them to understand why that’s wrong.”
“Well,” said Peter as he rolled the wheelchair over to Wade, “I’m sure none of us thought raising children would be easy.” He helped the grumbling mercenary into the chair.
[No, but it is scary as Hell.]
{Is she sucking her thumb again? Should we tell her to stop?}
Deadpool reached up and gently pat the girl’s leg. She looked down with wide, frightened amber eyes, eerily reminiscent of the time they saved her from the lab. “It’s okay,” he said vaguely.
[How are we supposed to comfort a frightened child?]
{It’s easier when what’s left of our bottom half doesn’t look like mangled meat from a grinder.}
“Please don’t forget to explain why it’s wrong to explore past locked doors in this Tower,” Peter added. She grimaced.
“I’d like someone to explain the purpose of these,” Deadpool growled as he glared at the fake legs.
“We don’t want to give random passers by a heart attack Deadpool,” Tony said firmly.
“If they don’t have a heart attack from Deadpool dancing in the middle of the street,” Wade grumbled, “then they shouldn’t at this.”
Tony opened his mouth, but Pepper interrupted. “We dug these out for you to go home—and yes, we want you to rest a few days as well Peter.” Tony made a noise and Pepper glared at him before turning back to Peter. “In the meantime, we would appreciate it if you kept these things in good shape Deadpool; we borrowed the legs from a medic training facility and they would like them back in one piece.”
[What about the wheelchair? Can we blow up the wheelchair?]
{Probably not. There’s a sad lack of things going boom here.}
“All right,” said Peter. He propped the fake legs into the footrests of the chair, covered the lap with a blanket, and then put Arachne on top of the whole thing. She was still sucking her thumb, and she clutched Wade like a lifeline.
[That was low, Peter. Real low.]
{How are we supposed to kick these things off the wheelchair in the middle of the street if she’s on top of them like this?}
I think that’s the point. It bothered Wade a little that Peter was willing to play along, but he could also sense the other man’s nervous energy and eagerness to leave. “All right children,” called Deadpool. “Toodles!” Peter firmly wheeled him out of the building, across the street, and into their condo. When they were inside the door the girl didn’t move and still sat there holding him as she shook.
[She’s CRYING!]
{Why isn’t she making any noise? That’s disturbing.}
[Forget that, she’s CRYING! We need to make her feel better NOW!]
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Wade asked as he gently pushed her away from his chest so that he could see her face. Tears fell in silent streams down her cheeks and Peter was crouching there next to the chair.
“You’re hurt,” she said.
“Yeah,” admitted Wade, “but I’ll heal.”
“But it still hurts,” she said, still crying.
[How is she doing that?]
{This seems deeper than us just being hurt.}
“And it’s all my fault!” she wailed.
{How is this her fault? She wasn’t even there!}
Peter reached over and gently wiped the tears away. “Arachne,” he said gently, “why do you think it’s your fault Wade got hurt?”
“Be—because it—it’s al—always my fault,” she sobbed. “It was my fault back at the Bad Place, and I tried—tried to be good, but they were going to fail 27-IM, and I had—to—to try to save him!” she began sobbing incoherently and Deadpool hugged as Peter rubbed her back. The two looked at each other as they realized what she was saying.
Every time those bastards at the lab had thought that Arachne was “misbehaving” they’d torture one of the other children. Wade wanted to hunt them all down and kill them. Hell, he wanted to bring that bitch he did kill back to life so he could take her apart piece by piece.
[Do you think she thinks we got hurt because she helped the others break out of the floor Pepper left them on?]
{Oh, we’ve got to fix this! We can’t have her blaming herself every time we get hurt!}
[It happens way too much.]
“Hey,” Peter said softly as he pet the girl’s hair. “Listen, it’s not your fault that Wade got hurt.”
“Probably mine,” Wade said thoughtfully. “I did tell Rusty Iron to pull that stick out of his ass.”
“And no one was expecting the suit to malfunction,” Peter continued. “It’s not your fault.” She looked up and at Peter and Wade felt his heart start to break at the sight of the child’s face.
“And hey,” said Wade, “you know what?” She turned to look at him. “You did save him. You saved all of them.”
She shook her head. “No I didn’t,” she said softly. “You did. All of you did.”
“But if you hadn’t been there, in that elevator,” Peter added, “we never would have known about the lab downstairs. It never would have occurred to us to even look. You saved them.”
The tears, thankfully, stopped. “I saved them,” she repeated.
Peter smiled. “Yes you did. And you know what?” he asked as he wiped more tears off her face. “It doesn’t matter that they don’t realize that. What’s important is that you saved them.”
“I saved them,” she said wonderingly. She looked down at her hands, still holding the ball of webbing she’d pulled out of the valve. “I did.” She tossed the ball towards the garbage can only to have it bounce off the wall behind it and off another few surfaces before it rolled to a stop in the floor. “I didn’t know they could do that!” she said.
Peter and Wade laughed.
Later that night Wade stared at the ceiling from his bed. Hey author.
Yes Wade?
What would have happened to her in the other story you stole her from?
She would have escaped that night you found her, gotten taken in by a group of homeless people who took care of her until she was caught as a truant child at sixteen, placed in a home, and then drafted into the army to fight against the others in the lab that didn’t escape and were being used as emotionless soldiers.
Wade’s breath hitched at the bleak description.
She would have ended up in battle where she recognized one of the others as a child that she’d lived with, been unable to kill him, and been killed as the emotionless doll that used to be a person stepped over her corpse without recognition to continue his mission.
That’s horrible!
Yeah, I didn’t like it either. This story is much better.
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Move Along
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For opulenceradiance and mcurhodeytony as they requested. (with slight tweaks but overall I think I got the requests down)
Warnings: nonconsent sex (oral, fingering, intercourse) mentions of death and grieving, kidnapping.
This is dark!Steve and dark!Thor and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: After the snap, Steve and Thor look for a new purpose.
Note: Alright, yes, I know I’m not writing what you want me to but I am trying y’all. Here’s another request I finally finished. Hope you all enjoy and thanks for all your patience and support.
Please let me know your thoughts and reblog/like <3
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It was a blur. Time floated by like dust in the wind. The sky was greyer, the streets grimmer. The city had never been friendly, but now it was heartless. No one said hello, no one looked at each, they only carried on. The world passed by as its citizens stood still.
You could still see it. You couldn't help but think of it. That day. Over and over in your head. In your dreams. Your sister sat at the table as you poured the wine. She was recounting her last disastrous date. You turned to laugh and all at once she was gone. A heap of ashes in her chair. You choked on your giggle. The wine spilled across the tile as the glass shattered at your feet.
It wasn’t just her. It was millions of people. Billions. Half the world just disappeared. And no one knew what to do next. How to move on. How to live. Everyone wanted to forget, yet they couldn’t help but cling to the memories. 
You would write her name down. And your mother’s. They wouldn’t be forgotten. You weren’t the only one. The facility was quiet even as the crowds filled the airy arena. Stark Industries had funded a program to record those who disappeared. Plaques would be made and placed in Central Park. In other cities, there were more; at YMCAs and city halls.
It took you a week to find the strength. The courage. It meant acceptance. Resignation. They were gone and you were alone. Everyone handled grief differently. And now, everyone handed it on their own. No one wanted to talk. Or listen. They just wanted to be left alone.
The lines were long despite the desolation of the city. It took an hour of waiting to get inside the compound. The queue moved a step at a time. You could see the tables ahead of you. Only a few words passed as people moved along. 
“Write the names. Take this. Move along.”
You recognized the man as he handed you the pen. It was your turn. He looked much unlike the posters that displayed the valiant Captain America. He looked tired. Defeated. “Name, or names.” He pointed to the list. “You can include their birthday if you like. Or an epitaph.”
You stared at him. The pen slipped from your hand. Your fingers were shaky as you felt around for it. He grabbed it and gave it back to you. You bent over the folder and steadied your hand. It felt like an eternity. The ink stained the page in rigid lines. They were more than that. More than names.
You finished and dropped the pen again. You stood straight and blinked as you looked around. “Miss,” The voice was distant as you glanced around at the strangers. Those still alive. Why were they here? Why were you? “Miss. Are you okay?”
You snapped back. Your vision cleared and you blinked at the golden-haired avenger. You nodded and sniffed. “Y-yeah, I’m...fine.”
You slowly moved on. The next person stepped up. He took the pen and handed it to them but he watched you go. You turned and wandered away. Blind to the crowd around you. Lost in a sudden fog.
You were stopped as you collided with a wall. You grumbled and backed up. It wasn’t a wall at all. It was man. As familiar as the last. Another Avenger. The Asgardian king. He looked angry. Unimpressed by your disturbance as he stared down at you.
“Excuse me, sorry,” You backed away. “I wasn’t looking…”
“It’s fine,” He crossed his arms as he narrowed his eyes. “Worse things have occured.”
He brushed you off and walked away. You turned to watch him go. He went to the table where the others sat. He dropped heavily into a chair and opened a folder. He handed a pen wordlessly to another mournful New Yorker. He scowled as the pen scratched across the paper.
The table was lined with those who were supposed to save you from disaster. Those who had failed to keep half the world from extinction. Natasha Romanoff, better known as the Black Widow, rubbed her eyes and yawned. The three of them looked worse than you felt. The beacons of humanity extinguished.
You tucked your hands in your pocket and weaved through the crowd. It was over. This was the new world, though it felt like the end. The hordes of dead mourning those who had lived.
Steve watched the woman go. She was no different from the hundreds he had seen that day so he couldn't explain why he noticed her. Why he checked the list after she went. Why his eyes followed her aimless path through the crowd.
He only knew that he noticed her and that for whatever reason, he couldn't stop thinking about her. All through the day and the lines of people come to mourn. As they cleaned up the tables and chairs, he caught himself trying to picture her face. The look in her eyes. He repeated the names she had left in ink.
When they finished up, he went back to his room and ate alone. The compound was quiet now. There were a few of them left; Steve, Thor, Nat, and Bruce. Tony left to live his life and a few of the others suggested they'd do the same. Steve had no idea what 'a life' would mean for him.
He laid awake; restless. He thought of her again. It was odd to think that everyone in the world felt the same as him now. Displaced, empty, lost. It was even comforting. He rolled over and rubbed his eyes. She was just another stranger.
The next day he typed the names in. He shouldn't have but he couldn't help it. Her mother and sister. He found her information with theirs. She looked tired in her photo. The typical DMV grimace found on one's license. She wasn't anything remarkable. He wouldn't pick her out of a crowd. Forgettable. Easily missed.
He took out the small notebook he kept in his jacket pocket. He scrawled down her address and that of her workplace. She worked in a municipal office. Easy enough to find. With his clearance, he could even access the cameras.
He would start simple. He'd watched her from afar. Figure out her routine. Her route to and from work, when she woke up, when she went to bed, what she did in between. She was easy enough to track. Careless, even.
On the weekends, she'd go to a cafe near her building. She'd sit on the patio and read. He watched from across the street. He sat on the steps outside a realtor that was never open outside the work week. He was just another loiterer.
He wrote down the time under the day's date, what she wore, where she sat. He tucked away the notebook and leaned his elbows on his knees. He'd gone to the cafe once. She didn't notice him as she sat in the corner and hunched over her mug. Good.
He sighed and rubbed his cheek. He wasn't sure what to do next. He'd been watching her for weeks. Autumn was quickly coming to an end and he did not like the thought of sitting out in the snow. He wasn't ready yet.
"Hey," Steve looked up in surprise at the familiar voice.
He hadn't seen Thor much. The Asgardian had been distracted as he tended to his homeless kingdom. His time in the compound was spent arguing with a woman called Valkyrie. Steve didn't see much of anyone. But her.
"Uh, hey," Steve stood suddenly. "What are you--hey."
"Just...walking around." Thor said evenly. He shrugged and looked down the gritty pavement. "Wandering."
"Oh, yeah. Me too." Steve lied. "I get a bit claustrophobic in the compound."
"Mmm," Thor nodded. "I know what you mean." He squinted as he considered Steve. "Well, guess I'll leave you be."
"Yeah, see ya." Steve tried to smile and glanced across the street. She was leaving. She slung her purse across her chest and left her empty mug for the busser.
Thor grumbled and carried on. Steve barely noticed him go as he kept his attention on her. She took her usual route. She'd pass by the antiques shop and look through the window at the wares. He kept to the other side of the street though he doubted she'd notice if he were right behind her.
He watched her walk up the steps of her building as he stood by the mouth of an alley. He was spooked again as he sensed a shadow behind him. He frowned as he turned and found Thor nearing. The god's blue eyes were aimed across the street.
"You following me?" Steve accused and bristled.
"Nah," The god answered casually and looked to Steve. "But I think we might be following the same person."
"I'm not…I'm just walking." Steve stammered.
"She's oblivious." Thor ignored his fib. "Almost as much as you. She might not have caught on, but you're not hard to figure out."
He gulped. He didn't know what to say. How to explain what he was doing. What was he doing?
"Wait...what do you mean...following the same person?" Steve asked.
Thor chuckled. "Didn't realize until a week ago we had the same idea. Saw you watching her. I left real quick thinking you'd see me first."
"How long have you--"
"Two months, roughly. She's...easy." He carefully chose his words. "Same streets, same times. She thinks she's invisible. She may as well be. In this world, another person missing…"
"Missing?" Steve echoed. "What do you mean?"
"You're not following her just to watch." He grinned. "Although...if you're into that, I've something interesting to show you."
"What...you want to...I mean, what were you gonna do?" Steve sputtered.
"Eh, it'll be better if we work together. More efficient. Don't you think?"
"You're saying we should…" Steve blinked and his cheeks burned. He had dreamed of it but he just couldn't find the courage to do it. Not yet.
"The basement of the compound. Tony built all those chambers for the trainees. Well, it's not happening now is it? No one ever goes down there but it's all still there." Thor clapped Steve's shoulder as his eyes gleamed. "Come on. We've a lot to catch up on."
Thor led Steve into the room in the basement. He had left most of it as he'd found it. The walls were thick and soundproof and none would be close enough to hear an activity as it was. Each room was designed to house a single person. A kitchenette, a bathroom, a bed. It was perfect.
He closed the door as Steve entered and hit the lights. He neared the small table beside the kitchenette and sat. He waved Steve over and hit power on the laptop. He'd become quite accustomed to Midgard technology. He had to as Valkyrie called quite frequently to report on New Asgard.
"Sit." He pointed to the other chair at the table. "Oh, perfect," He moved his fingers on the pad as Steve pulled the chair up. "Look."
He sat back and watched the footage on the screen. The woman pulled her shirt off and shoved her jeans down. She moved around in her underwear and grabbed a towel from the cupboard just out of frame. He could feel his cock twitch.
"How?" Steve wondered.
"Just outside her window. I thought of sneaking in but... it's good enough for now." Thor explained proudly. "Spends most her time in here. Reading, watching television... doesn't sleep much."
Steve looked at him. Thor boomed in laughter at the shock on his face.
"I've still got some work to do. Could use the extra hands." He said. "So?"
"You want to...share her?" Steve asked.
"In a manner of speaking." He stood and Steve leaned in to look closer at the screen. Thor walked around the room and sighed. "The door needs a lock on the outside. A proper one. Straps on the bed. Maybe cuffs... She's a little thing but I think she might have more fight to her than it looks."
"Straps? Cuffs?" Steve turned in the chair.
"Just in case. A precaution. I don't want to hurt her…" He neared and switched windows. "I've set up cameras in here already. Got some books for her. Some clothes."
Steve's mouth fell open. Thor could see his thoughts behind his blue eyes. It wasn't judgement, it was curiosity. Excitement.
"It's a small world now and not so many are eager to rebuild it," Thor said. "She could be a start to rebuilding."
Steve nodded and his lips parted in realization. A small smile rose to the surface and he stood. "Yeah, I think she could."
There weren’t as many people to help these days. The lines were much shorter at the municipal offices than before. However, there was also less people left to do the work. And you no longer just dealt with the living; there were thousands of records to purge from your systems. Many more death certificates than birth certificates.
Your job had never been particularly fun but now the office felt lifeless. The people who waited for their number and came to your window were glum. No small talk, no courteous half-smiles, they said their purpose and you processed them as quickly as you could. 
It reminded you of those lined up to record the names of the lost. You wondered if you shared the same hopeless expression that had sombered the faces of the defeated Avengers. You photocopied, faxed, and stamped. It was mindless work. You were glad for it. You didn’t have to think. You could just be.
The days passed in a grey blur. The autumn sun faded to early winter clouds. You spent your weekend inside or ventured down to the cafe on the corner to indulge in a specialty brew. You rarely tasted it. Merely enjoyed the nostalgia of the place. Almost as if all was normal. The lines remained there. People always needed their fix.
As snows threatened, the cafe closed their patio. No chairs left to sit and stare up into the void. It was a Sunday. The city was silent. You took your cinnamon latte and walked until you found a park. The cold grass was littered with dead leaves and muddied pinecones. Barren branches crested the trails and beckoned to the grieving populace.
You sat on a stone bench and pressed your cold palms to the warm cup. You looked around. A few birds here and there. The flocks were smaller now; the squirrels even more timid. There were others there. Silent, hands in their pocket, eyes glued to the ground. Most were alone.
You sipped from your paper cup and leaned back as you crossed your legs. You wished you had thought to bring your headphones. You hated the silence. You chewed on the rim of the cup as you stared into the street. The cars passed just outside the entrance. The city no longer trapped in eternal deadlock.
It was easier to be a New Yorker now. Easier to ignore others on the subway and avoid human interaction on the street. You were all complicit in the new world order. Keep your head down, your mouth shut, and move along.
The sky shifted and you glanced over as a shadow flickered in your peripheral. Just another pedestrian. Hoodie pulled low as he dragged his feet along the paved trail. Another man sat by the stream and threw rocks into the water. 
You looked back to your cup. What remained of your drink was cold and bitter. You stood and tossed it in the bin next to the bench. Leaves swirled around your legs and the clouds darkened. 
A drop of rain splattered on the ground before you. And another. Then another. It was cold enough for snow but the rain fell in bountiful orbs and shattered against the pavement. You ducked your head down and shivered. Your wool jacket would soon be soaked through.
You got home from the park and shed your sopping wool coat. The rain poured down harder and harder the closer you got to home. As you hung the dripping coat in your shower, a crack of thunder made you jump.
You rushed into the main room of your apartment and lightning flashed. The windows shuddered as the rain hammered against them. It was unusual for a thunderstorm to rise so close to winter. Weirder things had happened.
You changed into a nightshirt and a pair of cotton panties. You grabbed your phone and flopped onto your bed. You'd order take out and hope the driver made it through the storm. Your stomach grumbled and you echoed it. Another grim day.
You spent the night in bed as you usually did. The Chinese food was wholly unsatisfying but it was better than nothing. You settled in to watch pointless DIYs on Youtube and yawned through the ads.
The storm quieted and you sank into a lull. Your eyes closed but your mind never really stopped. You floated atop the mattress and the dark shrouded you in its arms. The television flickered through your eyelids, its speakers faded to a buzz in your head.
You didn't know how long it was before you woke. The television still glowed in the dark and your eyes were blurry as you felt around for your phone. You grabbed it and stopped the stream. You hit the power button on the remote and fell back on your pillows.
In the silence, you heard a creak, the whistle of the wind, and shadows swirled through the dim. You rolled onto your back and sighed as your drowsiness began to slake awake. You didn't have a chance to scream as the spectre sat beside you and a hand clapped across your mouth.
You grabbed at the hand as you struggled and a prick in your neck made your eyes water. Your limbs turned to lead and went limp as the black closed in to a pinpoint. A final flash of light before it all turned to dust.
When you woke next, your head was heavy and your muscles were stiff. Your vision cleared and revealed a ceiling not your own. You tried to sit up but found your arms and legs restrained. You looked around at the small room. 
You dropped your head back to the pillow and groaned. Whatever you'd been knocked out with was potent. You felt weak. Even more vulnerable as the straps held you down. The door opened and you closed your eyes. You trembled as footsteps neared the bed.
"Please, I don't know who you are." You croaked through your dry throat. "I haven't seen you. I don't know where we are. Y-you can still let me go."
"Oh, but you do know who I am." The voice was barely familiar. Not immediately at least. He had an accent but it wasn't telling. A weight dipped the side of the bed as the stranger sat beside you. "You can open your eyes."
"I-I-I don't want to." You stuttered.
"You can refuse to but it won't get you out of here. I'm afraid…there is no way out of here. For your good and ours." He said. "And I must advise you that your disobedience will do you no favours."
"Ours?" Your voice cracked. "What do you mean 'ours'?"
"We'll get to that but first I want you to open your eyes." He spoke calmly but there was malice in his tone. "If you are good, I might untie you. Give you some food, if you're hungry."
You gulped. You bit down and pulled against the straps. You sighed and let your eyes flutter open. You slowly looked to him and your lips parted in shock. You did know him. Or you at least knew of him. An Avenger. A hero. It was truly a new world.
"Good." Thor ran his fingers along your side and smiled down at you. "It will be some time before I can untie you. I must await my associate." He stood and you shivered as the shadow of his touch remained. "Be patient, little one, and it will not be too long."
He turned and walked to the door. You lifted your head to watch his broad shoulders. "Wait, please." You whimpered. "Why are you doing this?"
He stopped and looked over his shoulder as his hand rested on the handle. "Patience." With that he left you and the click of the door echoed in your head. Your head fell back to the pillow and you sobbed. What the fuck?
In the time you were left to dread Thor's return, you stared at the white ceiling and tried to clear your head. Looking around the room made the pit in your stomach deeper. The kitchenette, the small door slightly ajar, the bed, every inch was designed for your occupation. One which could last forever.
When the handle turned next you didn't bother looking up. The blood coursed through your veins and your heart raced. There were two sets of footsteps. You trembled and fought to keep from hyperventilating.
"You should untie her." Another voice rose and Thor grumbled. "I think we can handle her."
A sigh and Thor appeared beside the bed. He unstrapped your wrists and ankles and stepped back. "Better you don't try anything." He warned.
You watched him retreat and sat up numbly. You were just as stunned to lay eyes on the other man in the room. Steve Rogers stared at you. His fingers twitched at his side as you pulled your knees up to your chest. You still wore the nightshirt and plain panties.
"You gone over rules?" He asked. Thor shook his head and sat in one of the chairs at the round table. Steve crossed his arms and neared the end of the bed. "You know who we are."
You nodded. It wasn't really a question. You knew them and they apparently knew you.
"But you don't know why you're here." You stared and he continued. "Right, before we get into that, there is the most important rule. When you are spoken to, you are to reply. 'Yes, sir' will do just fine but Captain works as well." He stopped at the foot of the mattress. "Your majesty for my friend, I guess."
"My king, your highness, what have you." Thor said casually.
"Understood?" Steve stared at you.
"Yes...sir." You forced out. Even if there wasn't a locked door, you had no hope against the two of them.
"Good." Steve dropped his arms, his hands decisively on his hips. "The world is much smaller than it used to be. So many lives lost. It's sad but we are still here. There is still a world left. A world we can rebuild. Replenish."
"Just say it, Steve," Thor growled and looked over at you. "We need people. And in such a state, no one's fucking anymore. So... we've got a dozen rooms down here and time to spare."
"Thor, come on," Steve chided.
"You're the first. Hopefully not the last. We're merely testing the waters here." Thor smirked. "You should be honoured. A concubine to two great men. Men of title."
"Why…" You looked between them fearfully. "Why me?"
"You're young enough and you won't be noticed." Thor said. "Besides you've got that lost look in your eyes. You need the distraction. A sense of purpose."
"We're gonna take care of you. Everything you need. The only thing you need to do is do as you're told." Steve explained. "Easy enough, right?"
You frowned. Your body was numb, as if it wasn't yours. You shivered and forced your voice to rise. "Yes, sir."
Steve smiled and Thor leaned on the table. He picked at the wood and huffed.
"You hungry?" Steve asked.
You shook your head and quickly corrected yourself. "No, sir."
"Okay. Well, you should get up and walk around. Get your blood flowing. We'll go over the rules." Steve backed away and paced the room.
"Yes, sir." You mumbled and shyly crawled across the bed. You stood unsteadily and glanced around.
"You need something, you ask. Please and thank you. We will provide whatever you need within reason." Steve began and Thor nodded as he leaned his chin in his hand. "You wear what we give you. If it's nothing at all, so be it. You do everything we say, no argument. Got it?"
You took a few steps and stopped. "Yes, sir." What else could you say?
"Great. So, you will get cleaned up." Steve crossed to the dresser and pulled out a pair of lace panties and a matching bra. Neither was practical. He gathered them and turned to near you. "Take a shower, do your hair, freshen up." He handed you the lingerie. "Everything you need should be in there." His fingers brushed yours and you winced. "Let's make the first time special."
You looked down at the lace. Floral patterns decorated the delicate fabric. Steve backed away and crossed the room to push the small door to the left of the kitchenette entirely open. Thor tilted his head as he watched your hesitation and you made yourself move.
You passed Steve and entered the small bathroom. He closed the door behind you. You turned in the tight space and shuddered. Everything was so carefully prepared. 
You set down the underwear on the counter and took stock of the place. A new toothbrush and a tube of paste. You opened the cupboard to find a hair brush, dryer, straightener, a zip-up case of cosmetics, razors, lotion...more than you needed.
You looked into the mirror. A post-it attached to its face. You sniffed and grabbed it. A list; brush teeth, shower, shave, moisturize, dry hair, style, light makeup only, dress. Shit. 
There was no window. You guessed this place was underground. The way sound was airtight. They'd be smart enough for that. They had seemingly thought of everything. Everything to keep you.
You followed the list. After so long being numb you felt everything at once and it had you in shock. All the despair, all the anger, all the fear, left a fragment of a person. There was not enough left to fight. 
The bathroom walls seemed to shift and close in tighter. You dried your hair and checked off each bullet point in your head. You hadn't bothered with anything more than the basics since the snap. Brush your teeth, comb your hair, dress, and out the door. The bare minimum. The standard of the new world.
The bra pinched you with its underwire and the panties threatened to ride up. Neither offered modesty. You could see it all. The flowers along the white lace did little to distract from your nipples or the vee of your pelvis.
You gripped the edge of the counter and exhaled. Your chest felt as if it would cave in. A tear pricked at your eye and you sniffed it back. You didn't want your mascara to run. You feared what they'd do if you weren't perfect. The straps across the bed loomed in your mind.
A knock came at the door. You jumped and your lip trembled dangerously. Don't cry. Stop. Just keep your head down, your mouth shut, and move along.
"You okay?" Steve asked through the wood.
What were you supposed to say? You weren't okay. You were trapped down here. Expected to…
You turned to the door and opened it. He stepped back and his eyes widened as they took in all of you. You held onto the door as your legs threatened to crumple beneath you. You heard the scrape of the chair and Thor's shadow appeared in your sights.
You felt his gaze too. You tried not to look at either of them. You stared at the floor and stood in the doorway.
"Come on," Steve offered his hand. "You look...amazing."
"Thank you, sir," You murmured and took his hand. 
You shook and he squeezed your hand as if to comfort you. But it was him that you feared. Both of them. He guided you away from the bathroom as Thor moved along your peripheral.
"Good girl," Steve praised as he let you go to in the middle of the room. 
You stood and watched as Thor revealed a bar from the narrow closet on the other side of the room. Your breath caught in your chest as you realized what it was; metal cuffs at either end. He turned to you and you dashed to the thick metal door and clawed at the handle.
"Please, let me out. You can't do this. Please." You cried as the door wouldn't budge. You felt a presence beside you and were dragged back as strong hands gripped your arms.
"Shhh, it's okay. Don't make this harder than it needs to be." Steve coaxed. 
"I told you we should've just left her on the bed." Thor growled. "Easier."
"Just help me," Steve demanded as you tried to wriggle free.
He turned you and Thor caught your foot as you kicked out. He hooked one end of the bar to your ankle and you exclaimed. Steve held you from behind as you struggled to keep your other foot from Thor's grasp. He grabbed your leg roughly and forced the other cuff around your ankle.
Your legs were kept apart by the long bar and you leaned precariously against Steve. You tried to free yourself from him but he clung to you. "I let go and you're gonna mess up that pretty little face so let's not be stupid here. Yeah?"
Thor went back to closet and pulled out a chest. He stirred around in it and turned back with a roll of black tape. 
"What did I say about answering me?" Steve snarled.
"Y-yes, sir." You rasped. "Please, don't let him-- You don't have to do this. Let me go, please."
Thor laughed as he neared and grabbed your left wrist. You struggled but he was much too strong. He tugged you forward so that you bent and Steve's hands fell to your hips to keep you from falling. 
Thor pressed your wrist to your ankle and taped it there. He did the same to your other as every muscle strained in the awkward position. Thor stood and Steve brought you back so that your ass was against his crotch. He wiggled his hips and you felt his erection.
"Deal's a deal," Steve huffed. "You get her first."
You could hear the rustle of clothing and Thor's heavy footfalls. You gulped and wobbled on your feet as Steve held you in place. 
"You better hurry the fuck up." Steve urged. 
Thor growled and Steve moved out from behind you. Thor replaced him and a thicker hand gripped your hip. His other crawled along your panties and pushed them aside to dip his fingers between your folds.
"Take her mouth," He growled. "She's not wet enough."
You couldn’t move. You’d fall over if you got free and his hold on you was much too tight. 
You whimpered as you sensed Steve near and Thor kept his fingers on your pussy. He played around with your bud as you tried not to feel it. You heard a zipper and Steve grabbed your head and pulled it back as far as it could go. His cock stood above his open fly and your eyes rounded. 
He bent his knees and poked his tip along your lips. You tried to shake your head but he held you in place and Thor pushed against your ass to urge you closer. Steve tightened his grip on your head until you opened your mouth and he slid inside. You choked as he hit the back of your throat but he didn’t stop.
Thor’s fingers sped up and you quaked as you fought to resist the sudden tingle spreading through you. You gurgled around Steve’s cock as you felt Thor’s prod your ass. You didn’t realize he was naked. You rocked helpless between them and Thor continued to toy with you as Steve guided your mouth.
Thor slipped his fingers back and shoved two inside of you roughly. They were thick and stretched you more than you expected. He slid them in and out as your arousal spread along his hand and your pussy. You closed your eyes in shame as your body betrayed you. You gagged as Steve’s motion didn’t waver and he groaned loudly with each thrust.
Thor pressed his thumb to your clit as he continued to work his fingers inside you. Your eyes rolled back at the sensation that rose from his touch. Sparks radiated from your core and flowed through you as he pushed you to your edge. You struggled to breath around Steve’s cock and the sound of your wetness mingled with his sighs. 
You came with a quiver. Thor chuckled as he eased you through your climax. “She’s ready now.” Thor announced. “Very responsive.” He removed his slick fingers and wiped them along your ass. “Hurry up and cum so I can fuck her.”
“In her mouth? It’d be a waste,” Steve panted but didn’t stop.
“In her mouth. We agreed. Me first.” Thor slapped your ass and kneaded the flesh.
Steve grunted and sank to the back of your throat. You choked and he pulled back only to slam back in. He gave long thrusts as his fingers spread across the sides of your head. He groaned and you felt the sudden gush of warmth. He stilled as his cum filled your mouth and trickled down your throat. He rocked his hips and purred before he pulled out. You gasped as spit and semen dripped from your lips.
He caressed your cheek and backed away. “Go on then.” He said to Thor.
You hung your head and wrapped your fingers around your ankles to steady yourself. Your throat was ragged and your shoulders ached. Thor shifted you back as he bent his knees and pulled on the lace panties until they tore. You shook your head and held back as sob as he leaned in and wetted his cock along your folds. 
You braced yourself as he aligned himself with your entrance. He filled you in one quick thrust. You cried out at the pain. His length stretched you terrible and the force of his intrusion added to the strain. Your legs buckled but the bar kept you from collapsing.
“Fuck, take it easy on her,” Steve sneered. “Don’t wanna break the poor girl.”
Thor growled but didn’t respond as he pulled back and slammed back into you. He jolted your entire body as he did and you bit your lip to keep from screaming. He kept his thrusts sharp, deliberate, and hard. His heavy breaths punctuated his deep groans and your weak whimpers. 
He lifted you so that your feet were off the floor and he snapped his hips against your ass. You mewled as another orgasm began to build through the torture. Your pussy clung to his cock and quivered around him as you came. Another wave of shame. You sniffed and bid yourself not to cry.
“Gods,” Thor growled and your feet were back on the floor as he rutted against you. “Ah, fuck.” 
His thrusts turned wild, frantic even. You felt his cum spill inside of you but he did not stop. He filled you and fucked you until you could feel the mix of your juices seeping out around his cock. When he pulled out, the mess gushed from you and trickled down your thighs.
He let go and you tipped forward. You were caught before you could crash into the hardwood and Steve held you up by your shoulders. He was naked. His blue eyes burned over your shoulder as he watched Thor retreat. 
“Hey, what the fuck?” He hissed.
“She’s fine,” Thor retorted. “Go on then. Your turn.”
Steve shook his head and turned his attention to you. He steadied you and reached to rip away the tape. With your hands free, you balanced yourself with palms on the floor and Steve moved around you. He was behind you on his knees as he unlocked the cuffs and tossed the key to Thor who lingered out of sight.
He helped you stand and you touched your aching back. He snaked his arm around your waist and led you towards the bed. You felt disgusting already. Your face and pussy slick with cum and spit. You tried to plant your feet before you came upon the foot board but Steve kept you moving.
“I don’t want to tie you up,” He said quietly. “But I will. It’s better you start co-operating.”
You looked at him with revulsion. His gaze turned dangerous and you glanced over at Thor as he hovered along the sidelines. His eyes watched you as his softening cock began to twitch. “Yes, sir,” You gulped and lowered your eyes.
“Alright, get on the bed.” Steve ordered. “On your back.”
You pursed your lips and climbed up wordlessly. You fell back and shuddered. He followed and pushed your legs apart as he knelt between them. You turned your head and stared at the wall. You were surprised as his hand cupped your tits and he bent over you. He slid the bra down your arms and buried his face in your chest.
He nibbled along your skin and played with your nipples until they were hard. He covered one with his mouth and suckled as his other hand crawled along your vee. He delved between your lips and you flinched as his finger brushed over your clit.
He angled his cock as he moved his hips and poked his fingers inside as he felt around. He pulled them out and spread your pussy as he aligned his tip against your entrance. He slid inside of you slowly and sank his teeth into your breast. You squeaked in surprise.
He brought himself to his limit and lifted his head. His golden hair fell across his forehead as he began to rock his hips. He sat back and held your thighs apart as he thrust into you. He watched his cock glide in and out and his lips parted hungrily.
You dug your fingers into the duvet as he fucked you. The springs bounced beneath you and added to frenzy of his hips. He grabbed your wrists and forced your hands up beside your head. He sped up as he kept your hands pinned and his groans turned ferocious.
You gulped and gasped and moaned. You came again but barely noticed as it all blurred to a haze. He fucked you harder and harder. He didn't let up until your voice rose louder and louder; overwrought and desperate.
He gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on your wrists. He snapped his hips forward and sighed. He came with a series of jerky thrusts and eased himself to a stop. He breathed shakily and sat up. He watched his cock slide out of you and spread his cum along your pussy with the tip.
"Mmmm," He licked his lips and his shoulders slumped. 
Thor came up beside the bed and you pathetically crossed your arms to cover yourself. Then men looked to each other and smirked. Steve carefully crawled out from between your legs and Thor replaced him.
"What a good little pet," He pinched your thigh as he stroked his cock. "One day, you will carry a god. What a glorious purpose."
"A god?" Steve scoffed as he lingered at the side of the bed. "We'll see about that."
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utopianvoices · 4 years
fortuite | k.hongjoong
∞ genre: roommates au; fluff
∞ word count: 5.36k
∞ description: Something had been bugging you for quite some time now—and no, it wasn’t the bug infestation in your room.
∞ a/n: happy birthday to the sweetest, prettiest and bestest friend, @curanonemu​! i’m sorry for being a lazy ass and not posting this earlier but i hope you like it, darling :’) i love u so much hehe! x
∞ warnings: explicit language
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There were very few things that could ruin your day; you believed that patience and endurance was the key to living a happy life. So other than the occasional bad grade or last minute assignments, you were sure nothing else would upset you. 
That’s what you thought; until you walked into your shared apartment, just to see half the things missing. More specifically, your roommate’s things. 
With confusion taking over your mind, you walk around your apartment slowly, trying to find for any explanation of what was going on when you reach your fridge, noticing a bright pink post-it that definitely was not there when you grabbed your breakfast that morning.
Peeling it off the cold surface, your eyes scan over the piece of paper in your hand, covered in a messy scribble that definitely belonged to your roommate. You’re not sure why, but your heartbeat picks up its pace as you take in a deep breath before reading. 
You’re not sure what was happening, but you sure were smart enough to figure out that it was nothing good.
Dear Y/n, 
I’m sorry for leaving without a word, but my parents have called me back to stay with them during the semester break. I would have waited for you to get back, but my flight was in the morning and you weren’t in so I had to leave. Sorry, love! Hope you aren’t too surprised >< I’ve left my share for this month’s rent in the envelope on the counter, so don’t worry about that! Hope you aren’t too upset with me <3
Love, Haeun
Staring blankly at the piece of paper in your hands, your mind tries to process what you just read, when it all comes crashing down on you in three mere seconds.
You had just been abandoned by your roommate for the next few months or so, without any prior notice. 
Firstly, you hated living alone. Everyone knew this. Even the cat a few blocks down knew this. Secondly, and most importantly, you were definitely not going to be able to afford your weekly rent alone.
Thoughts of being homeless flashes through your mind as you stare at the paper in your hands, when you notice something written at the back of your post-it. Just as you turn over the post-it in your hand to read what was written, your doorbell rings, causing you to whip your head up towards the door.
Maybe it’s your roommate, coming back to say that this was all the end-of-semester prank and that you’re not going to be stranded all alone.
Opening the door with high expectations, you feel your world crashing down around you when you’re met with an unfamiliar face. 
“Sorry, I’m not interested in buying your products,” you recite monotonously, shutting the door before the boy could finish his sentence. You aren’t usually this rude; most of the time you throw them a sweet smile and say that you’re broke and can’t afford their products. But this wasn’t any other day. 
Taking a few steps away from the door, you finally read the little extra note at the back of the post-it, horror filling you up as the words register in your brain. 
P.S. I know you can’t live alone and the rent is too expensive, so I’ve found a replacement roommate for you for the time being! His name’s Kim Hongjoong and he studies in the music department. He’ll be coming around 3 to move in!
Great. So now, on top of your roommate moving out, you’re going to have to deal with a whole new dude that you’ve never even seen, who’s supposedly coming at 3pm, who’s not here even though it’s 3:05pm- Wait a moment.
You slowly look up towards the door that you had just shut a few moments ago, deeming the guy on the other side of it to be a poor salesman, and take slow steps towards it. 
Grabbing the handle with shaking hands, you slowly open the door to reveal the same guy you had shut the door on. Except now, he was scrolling through his phone seated on one of the many boxes you had failed to notice earlier.
At the sound of the door opening, he looks up from his phone, immediately scrambling up and rushing towards the door.
“H-hey don’t close the door on me, I’m not here to sell anything! My friend, Haeun, told me that I would be moving in here since my roommate was leaving during the break and I couldn’t afford the whole rent!” he went on rambling, not even stopping for a breath in fear that you would shut the door on him again and he’d be left stranded.
You feel the embarrassment rise up to your cheeks as you fight the urge to run into your room and never come out, but you will yourself to say something to the poor boy you had just shut out a few minutes ago. 
“Are you Kim Hongjoong?” your voice comes out hoarse and barely above a whisper, and you feel the embarrassment reaching the top of your head. Clearing your throat, you repeat the question again, somewhat glad that you didn’t sound like a dying frog anymore. 
He nods his head at your question and throws you a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head as he looks around the corridor in embarrassment, allowing you some time to take in the boy in front of you—who happened to be very cute, to your horror.
Your brain was never going to let you live this down—the fact that you had just slammed the door in this extremely cute boy’s face. Another thing to add to your ever-growing list of “Embarrassing moments that make you want to kill yourself”.
“Do you need help with the boxes?” you ask, wanting to do anything that would distract you from the very cute face in front of you.
“Huh? Oh, yeah sure! Thanks!” he says, seemingly snapping out of his own reverie as he shifts around to get to the first box. 
Both of you work in silence, walking in and out of the apartment till all his boxes were in his room, as the awkward tensions remains. You stand around the kitchen counter fiddling with your thumbs while he sits on the sofa looking around the apartment for the tenth time. Anything to keep you occupied. 
Letting out a sigh, you finally decide to be the first one to break the silence. 
“I’m sorry for slamming the door on you earlier,” you start, feeling the need to apologise. “Haeun left without telling me and I started freaking out about what I was going to do without a roommate because I’m broke.”
As if he was waiting for you to initiate a conversation, Hongjoong looks up almost immediately, shaking his head before starting to speak.
“No, no it’s fine! I can understand how stressful it must have been,” is what he says, laughing slightly at the end of his sentence, thinking of the shit he’d been through when his roommate left. “I was a mess when my roommate left too. I started calling around to check if anyone was willing to be my roommate when I heard from Haeun that she needed someone to move in with you. Of course, I accepted right away.”
You giggle at his words, unconsciously nodding along as the conversation starts flowing between the two of you. It was like someone had flipped a switch, and now you weren’t two awkward strangers. Instead, you were two potential friends (and roommates), having a conversation. 
“Well, I hope that we can make the most out of being roommates!” you say, clapping your hands together, content with the fact that you wouldn’t have to live for the next few months alone. “Need a hand unpacking your things?”
And you’re sure the sun would pale in comparison to the smile you just received from the boy sitting across you, perfect teeth in full display as he shoots you the most breathtaking smile you’ve ever seen. 
“I would love that, roommate.”
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“Joong, we’re going to be late!” you shout out into the apartment, hopping around on one foot trying to keep your balance as you put on your shoes. “Get your ass out right this instant!”
“I’m coming!” you hear faintly from Hongjoong’s room, and soon after you see your roommate rushing out in one of his many reformed shirts, looking handsome as ever. “What time’s the movie starting?” 
“It’s only four right now.”
He looks at you incredulously, unable to understand why you had to be two hours early for a movie that was playing just a few blocks down. 
You, on the other hand, had very different views. 
“Look here, it takes us 20 minutes to get there. And then we’d have to queue to get tickets and snacks, which might take us long considering the fact that it’s semester break and all the dumbasses that go to our college will want to go to that one specific theatre. And then of course, we have to take some mandatory time playing at the arcade before the movie starts because that’s what you’re supposed to do.”
“I’m going to make you rap over one of my tracks one day.” He stares at you in awe, wondering how you can ramble on without even stopping for a breath. “I can’t believe I’ve heard you do that almost everyday for exactly three months.”
“Shut up and let’s get moving.” You threaten him, trying to hold in your own laughter as you point your fingers at him in a makeshift gun, triggering a chuckle from him as he plays along and puts up his hands in surrender .
“Okay Ma’am.”
He’s known you for three months and he should be used to your antics—but it still never ceases to surprise him. In a very good way, of course.
When you slammed the door on him three months ago, there were many things running through your mind. The murder of your roommate, how you were going to manage without a roommate, the murder of your roommate, how you hated being alone, and the murder of your roommate. 
But never would you, in a million years, have thought that you’d find one of your closest friends through that little mishap. Thinking back on it, even though your introductions weren’t through the best, most ideal way, it was natural—almost as natural as the flow of time. Never stopping for anyone, but at the same time filling you up with memories you would forever be grateful for. 
It was the perfect weather outside, you note, as you walk along the stone pavement.
The sun was shining brightly, but not too brightly that it made you want to turn back home and down a few ice cubes to neutralise the heat. The cool breeze that accompanied the sun made it the kind of weather people would kill for when on a date.
And you were the lucky few who got to experience that weather. With the guy you had a humongous crush on. 
It was all too cliché, actually. Falling for your roommate who was handsome, kind, caring, thoughtful and smart? Absolutely unoriginal. 
But it’s completely different when you’re in that position. You really can’t help the few beats your heart skips when he made you breakfast because you stayed up late finishing assignments the night before. Or that one time when you fell asleep on the couch watching How To Train Your Dragon and you woke up with a comfortable pillow under your head that saved you a lot of pain and a fluffy blanket that protected you from the cold—both of which were not there before.
It also definitely didn’t help your poor heart when Haeun announced that she had decided to move in with her boyfriend, after years of being together (and of course, after confirming that you and Hongjoong didn’t hate each other).
So here you are, stuck with an annoyingly handsome and sweet roommate, who didn’t do much to help the not so little crush you were harbouring. In fact, you’re sure that it grows bigger significantly every single day.
“What do you think about love?” Hongjoong asks, finally breaking the comfortable silence and putting a stop to your inner ramblings. 
It might’ve been weird to anybody else—if he were to suddenly ask that question—but you were used to these random questions, because that’s how he found inspiration for his songs. 
“Hm, I don’t really know,” you start, pondering over his question as you both take slow, matching steps beside one another, a sweet scent gracing your noses as you walk past a flower shop. “I guess it’s something that everyone needs. Whatever kind of love it may be. It shapes us as humans and helps us live a better and more content life, I guess. Love can save lives, and maybe that’s why I think it’s the strongest emotion anyone can feel.”
“You’re really wise, you know?” he states, giving you a soft smile as he stares at you, eyes twinkling under the brightest star. “I still can’t believe how lucky I am to score a friend and roommate like you.”
Your cheeks welcome the heat rushing into your cheeks as you hit your friend lightly on the arm, mouth agape as your mind blanks out and you’re unsure of what to say to his sudden confession. 
Through the months of knowing him, you’ve never heard Hongjoong say anything as direct as this. He had his moments of sweetness, always helping you out when you were having problems and listening to you rant no matter how late. But never once did he express his thoughts as explicitly as this. And you had no idea how to react. 
So you settle for your usual comeback, crossing your arms and avoiding his eyes, consequently missing the way he looked at you, eyes filled with love.
“Shut up, fucker.”
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“I can’t believe you made me watch that stupid movie,” you say, kicking off your shoes as you hear your favourite laugh ring in your ears. “You know I don’t like horror movies and yet to choose one. I couldn’t even get rid of the mental images during dinner!”
“I’m sorry but I just love to see your reactions every time we watch one.” He guffaws at your annoyance, clutching the table for support as tears escape his eyes. 
“Good night.”
You huff, walking into your room and slamming the door with a frown on your face, but not genuinely feeling the annoyance you were portraying. You knew you could never be mad at him. 
You hear a faint ‘good night’ from outside your door followed by a door shutting, indicating that it was the end of the day for the both of you. 
With a smile on your face, the day replays in your head and you settle in bed, laying wide awake as memories of you and Hongjoong plays in your mind one after another, like a self-directed movie. 
Everything’s fine, till you feel something crawling up your leg, triggering an immediate reaction from you as you jump out of bed flicking whatever it was, off your leg.
If you thought the horror movie you watched earlier was bad, this was a hundred times worse. 
Because right there, on your bed, you see three small cockroaches crawling around freely, claiming your bed as free real estate as they make themselves comfortable. 
Your first instinct is to walk a few metres down and bang on Hongjoong’s door to get him to help you, but you remember that he has an early class the next day and decide that you will deal with this issue on your own. 
You may be a coward, but you still were a good friend, and good friends don’t spoil their friend’s precious sleep. 
Grabbing the insecticide that you kept under the sink in your bathroom, you walk back to your bed to gas those little demons when you feel your heart drop.
The pests were nowhere to be found. 
Going through the ten stages of grief, you open your closet to grab the extra blanket you kept in there for emergencies, ready to spend your night on the couch when you feel your soul leaving your body for the third time that night. 
You’re not what people would call a hopeless coward. You definitely could kill the occasional cockroach without too much of a fuss. But there was no way you could handle the whole colony of cockroaches in front of you, because trying to gas them would just results in them crawling all over the place. 
So with not much choice, you rush towards Hongjoong’s room, knocking incessantly because there’s no way you were dealing with those satans alone.
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“One week? ONE WEEK?!” you shriek, clutching the ends of your hair as Hongjoong gets off the phone with the pest control centre. “I have to be out of my room for a week because some idiots couldn’t find anywhere else to lay their eggs?”
Stifling a laugh at your words, your roommate pats your shoulder trying to comfort you. “I can help you get your things out of your room if you want. And you can take my bed, and I’ll take the couch?”
You feel a bit better at his suggestion, thankful that you were not in this alone, but nevertheless tell him that you can handle yourself. 
“I can take the couch it’s fine. I’m not picky with where I sleep anyway.”
“We both know that’s a lie,” he deadpans, shooting you a knowing look. “You can’t fall asleep on the couch unless you’re dead tired because you’re so used to the bed.”
“Shut up.”
“Wow it’s almost like I’ve heard that a million times!”
“Shut up.”
“Million and one!”
You throw him a glare as he doesn’t bother controlling his laughter—something he seemed to be doing very often around you. 
“Here, I’ll make you some tea while you set up the couch properly so that you don’t sprain something while sleeping.” With that, he moves to the kitchen and takes out the necessary ingredients to make you your favourite cup of tea.
You felt guilty, of course you did. You felt guilty for every nice thing people did for you. 
But you couldn’t stop the way your heart swelled whenever he did these things for you. He had an early class tomorrow, and yet here he was, making your dumb ass a cup of tea at two in the morning.
If you knew better, you would’ve thought that he likes you. But you didn’t know better. 
Because Kim Hongjoong was head over heels in love with you.
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Tossing and turning, all you feel is the dull ache all over your body because of the couch’s hard and uncomfortable surface, and you know you’re in for a long night. The fact that you had an early class the next day didn’t help your desperation to fall asleep too. 
Maybe taking the couch wasn’t the brightest idea you’ve had. 
Snatching your phone from the table, you scroll through your music playlist, finding for songs to play to help set the mood for your sleep, when you remember something. Immediately, you exit the music app and press a few buttons, opening up a page with a single file. 
It was the first ever track Hongjoong had shared with you, coinciding perfectly with the day you realised your feelings for him. 
“Please please pleaseeeeee!” You whine, following your roommate around, hot on his heels as he continuously shakes his head, indicating a strong ‘no’. “Just one song!”
“No way!” 
“Fine! I’ll just sulk here until you show me a song,” you say, plopping down on the couch with crossed arms and a pout. 
“Sure. I don’t care.” 
His indifference lasted for a total of two minutes before he let out a defeated sigh, kneeling down in front of you, placing his hands on your knees.
“It’s not that I don’t want to show it to you. I’m just not confident enough…” he trails off, looking down at his hands. “What if you don’t like it?”
The frown on your face dissipates as you look at the boy in front of you, looking completely beat because of his worries, and you instinctively take his face in your hands, heart hammering against your ribcage the moment you make contact. 
“I won’t like it,” you start, seeing the hurt seep into his face, but you continue anyway. “I’ll love it—because whatever you put so much time and effort into will definitely turn out amazing. Plus you’re Kim Hongjoong. Producer of the century.”
He blinks at your kind expression, before slowly breaking into a small smile of his own. You stare at each other for what seems like eternity, before he puts out his hand, palm up. 
“Give me your phone.”
You look at him confused, but hand over your phone anyway, watching him almost run into the room.
A few minutes later, he returns with your phone and some headphones. Your eyes follow his figure as he returns to his original position of kneeling in front of you, as he places the headphones over your ears and taps play on your phone.
A subtle, soft tune surrounds you, goosebumps erupting all over your body as his voice embraces your ears. Before you know it, you’re closing your eyes and swaying slightly on your body’s own accord as the music takes over your mind. You’ve never felt this at peace before. 
And it was all because of his song. 
The last note plays, and you slowly take off the headphones, meeting Hongjoong’s expectant eyes. “How was it?”
You let out a slight chuckle, shaking your head slightly as you stare at your roommate. Something warm takes over your heart as you look upon him, making you shudder slightly at the sudden change in temperature. You feel the heat creeping up your body, but not finding it in you to break the eye contact. It was like a magnet—the way his eyes drew you in. 
“It was amazing.” You say gently, and the way his face lights up makes you realise two things. 
Kim Hongjoong was a fantastic producer. 
And you were in love with him.
The couch suddenly feels less burdensome as your favourite tune fills the empty living room, immediately relaxing your body as the song acts as a relaxant. Your eyes droop as you feel sleep welcome you, and you’re about to give in to it when something catches your subconscious mind’s attention. 
With your eyes closed, you hear the faint sound of footsteps growing louder every second, till you feel it stop right in front of you. The couch dips with the weight of someone’s elbows, but you still keep your eyes closed.
And you’re glad you did, because there was no way you could have handled what came next. 
“I really hope you’re sleeping.” Hongjoong’s voice is the last thing that fills your ears before you feel your hammering heart come to a complete stop. 
Something, a pair of lips to be exact, lands on your forehead, pressing against it in a soft kiss, and you feel your whole body on fire, which doesn’t extinguish even after he moves away from you. 
Waiting until you hear the sound of his door closing, you open your eyes wide and stare at the white ceiling above as you try to slow down your breathing. Yelping in pain, you confirm that you were not dreaming after pinching yourself. 
What just happened?
Safe to say, you didn’t sleep a wink that night.
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The next morning, you sit at the kitchen counter, stirring your tea lifelessly as you stare ahead, the previous night’s events playing over and over in your head like a broken cassette. 
“I hate to say this, but I told you so.” You jump at the very familiar voice, heart going wild as your mind controls start to fail. How were you going to face him without exposing the fact that he was all you were thinking about?
No, get your shit together. There’s no way he can find out. 
With some new conviction, you manage to look up at Hongjoong, already feeling the conviction melt away because of how stunning he looked, even at ungodly hours.
“You look like someone bashed you in the eyes, Y/n. Why didn’t you come sleep in my room?” he enquired further, taking a seat on the bar stool opposite you, munching on his bowl of cereal. He freezes halfway, as if coming to a realisation. “W-wait are you uncomfortable? Oh my god, if you’re uncomfortable with me asking this you don’t have to sleep with me- I mean, sleep in my room! Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on the signs I’m so dumb what am I-”
“Kim Hongjoong, shut up.”
“...... Million and two.”
You burst out laughing at his reply, immediately lightening the atmosphere that was weighed down by Hongjoong’s dumb worries. 
“I’m not uncomfortable, you idiot. I just don’t want to intrude! Plus, there’s no way I can let you sleep on that rock of a couch when you already get so little sleep from producing,” you explain, patting the top of his hand for extra reassurance. 
“Then sleep with me,” Hongjoong finalises, immediately stuttering when he catches your wide eyes. “I-I mean like not with me, I mean we can share my bed, yeah, that’s what I mean.”
You giggle quietly as you take in his rosy cheeks and quivering eyes, as he fumbles over his words to make sure that he doesn’t sound like an idiot, although it was too late for that. Though, he was the cutest idiot you ever had the pleashure of meeting.
“Okay, dumbhead.” You amuse, ignoring the sirens wailing in your head. 
Sharing a bed with your crush? Fate, what are you playing at?
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You’re very much surprised. 
Sharing a room with Hongjoong went way better than expected. But perhaps that was because you always fell asleep before him. He always stays up working on music till the sun rises, and there’s no way you have the strength to stay up. 
On your sixth night, however, things are a little bit different. 
You enter the room, calling out your roommate’s name when you cut yourself off as fast as you can as you take in the sight in front of you. 
Hongjoong was curled up on his side of the bed, his breathing even, indicating that he was fast asleep. Not wanting to wake him up, considering the fact that he must’ve been exhausted to fall asleep this early, you tiptoe around the room, grabbing whatever was necessary before slowly lowering yourself on your side of the bed. 
You plug your phone in before settling in, grabbing your side of the covers and pulling it over you. It was still pretty early, and you weren’t feeling tired enough to fall asleep, so you turn around in your spot to face Hongjoong, grabbing the opportunity to admire your friend without seeming like a creep. 
Your eyes travel from his hair, that looked like a bird’s nest with the number of times he had run his hands through it—a sign that he had been producing something before sleeping—to his lips that had landed on your forehead a few nights ago. 
Did he like you? Or was it seriously just a dream? Whatever the answer was, you knew there was no turning back with how strong your feelings were for him. He was imperfect, but in the most perfect way. He made up for his flaws with his beautiful heart, and you’re sure you must have saved a country in your previous life to be able to meet such a human. 
Looking at him, you’re filled with an overwhelming urge to do something. And you’re not sure what that something is, until your body moves on its own, getting closer to Hongjoong’s face, till your lips are barely a centimetre away from his cheek. 
But right before they make contact, Hongjoong turns his head, and your lips collide with his, causing your whole world to turn upside down.
You almost fall off the bed with how fast you move away from him, aghast at what just happened. There’s no way you’re going to be able to face him ever again. You’d rather sleep in that cockroach infested room than share a bed with your crush, whom you had just kissed on accident. 
Not even stopping to grab your phone, you’re almost off the bed when a hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you back onto the bed, your back flat against the bed as you look up and meet a certain pair of brown eyes. 
Uh oh. 
You’re sure your face is completely red as Hongjoong stares down at you, your hands pinned down by your head as he hovers above you, the intensity in his eyes making you look away at anything but him. 
“Y/n, look at me.” You hear him say, but you turn your head away even more, if even possible. “Please.” 
Maybe it’s the desperation in his voice, but your eyes slowly travel back to face him, not knowing what was going through his mind due to the blank look on his face.
This is it. This is how you lost your roommate. All because you couldn’t control your dumb crush. 
“I’ll move out tomorrow,” you offer, tears already welling up in your eyes at the thought of being away from Hongjoong. “I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to do it.” 
You’re about to pull your hands out of his loosened grip when his grip tightens again, and your vision is obstructed as he slowly leans in.
Your lips touch softly, before he presses against you a bit harder and you automatically respond, kissing him back. His lips mould against yours like it was meant to be there, perfect for each other, and you’re sure your soul was flying somewhere in the ninth cloud. 
You curse yourself for the disappointment you feel when he pulls away, unsure of what just happened. He rubs his nose against yours softly, before your eyes find each other, drinking in the image of the other. 
“Well, I definitely meant to do that,” he states matter-of-factly, before pecking your lips once more. “And I’ll mean it every single time I do it.”
You stare at him, shocked at the way things were unfolding. Never would you have expected this.
“You like me?”
“No, dumbhead, I love you.” He says it with such sincerity that you can’t help but look away, a smile finally gracing your features as his words ring in your head.
“Shut up.”
“Seriously, you’re going to hit two million at this rate.”
You both take one look at each other before bursting out in laughter, mostly in relief that the elephant in the room had been tackled. 
Hongjoong lets go of your hand before laying next to you, pulling you closer to him and wrapping his arms around your waist, as your head rests on his chest, enjoying the sound of his quickened heartbeat. 
“I love you, Y/n.”
“And I love you too.”
You get an idea; leaning upwards, you place a kiss on his forehead, lips lingering for longer than a second. 
“In return for the kiss you gave me the other night.”
And for the umpteenth time that night, you can’t help but laugh at the horrified expression on Hongjoong’s face, because he had just been caught.
“You were awake?!” 
“Of course! Who even falls asleep on that stupid couch?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
He shoots you a look, and you decide to stop teasing him, muttering a “Okay I’ll stop”, and snuggling closer to him as you thank your lucky stars mentally.
You really had the best roommate, crush, and now boyfriend.
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Strawberry Necklace Part 1 - Yungblud Fan Fiction
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Word Count: 2175
Warnings: None, for this part. Smut, fem-dom, and prostitution for the whole story.
Summary: Nova was right; Dom is more interested in her than he probably should be...just as she is in him.
Where else can you find this:  Ao3  |  Wattpad
Take It Easy, Boy  |  Part Two
"You have a last-minute appointment this evening." Robert poked his head around the door to Nova's dressing room, raising an eyebrow at her semi-dressed state: "I know it's a little late, but I didn't think you'd mind when you found out which client it was."
 Nova forwent getting ready for her next client entirely - even though she was technically already behind schedule - to twist in the mirrored vanity's chair to grin at Robert: "Is it my favourite little punk sweetheart?"
 Robert rolled his eyes: "You're the wrong side of thirty to be calling him that."
 "Rude." Nova pointed a French manicured nail at her friend: "Remember, we don't discuss ages, lest I remind you that I am the younger one of us."
 Robert flipped her off, laughing openly at her 'telling off': "Better hurry if you're going to be ready for your two o'clock."
   Nova laughed as Robert slipped away, his stockinged feet silent on the floors.
 As fun as it was to bicker with him, though, he was right - if she wanted to be ready on time, she would need to get a move on and stop being distracted. Which meant putting her favourite punk boy to the back of her mind for now.
 She deliberately didn't think about him as she slid into an ivory satin underwear set, garter belt, and nude stockings. She left the gauzy ivory robe off for now, hanging on the wardrobe door above the nine-inch crystal-encrusted stilettos, wandering around in the stockings and a fluffy dressing gown while she did her hair and make-up. Thankfully this particular client preferred a 'natural' look, so although she wore more make-up than he would ever realise, it didn't take her as long as some of her more elaborate looks, and her hair could be left how it was: wavy from where it had just been released from the braid she'd had it in over-night. A little hairspray and she was good to go, fifteen minutes early and now with plenty of time to go back to thinking about the person she was trying not to.
 She was failing. Miserably.
 Dominic Harrison was starting to take up residence in her mind quite a bit recently - so much she was considering starting to charge him rent, as well as what he paid for her services.
   He'd probably pay it too.
   It was sad, but true.
 Nova wasn't inexperienced - she knew how to read people, and Dom liked her a lot more than he should. Most of the time, when clients got like that, Nova gently pushed them out of her schedule until she didn't see them anymore, but not with Dom.
 Because she liked him more than she should, too.
   A lot more.
   If she was being fair to herself, Nova knew there was only so much she could help it. Dom was likable in almost everything she'd seen him in, swinging between enthusiastic and earnest all with so much love and passion it was hard not to be charmed - and that was even before she thought about their personal interactions. It wasn't even just the sex (although she couldn't deny his particular brand of eagerness didn't affect her a little more than other clients' did) it was literally everything about him.
 He was a genuine sweetheart - it was hard not to like him.
 Since he'd been coming around more often in the last few months, he’d really started to relax and open up to her about his life: the songs he was writing, the things his agents had booked for him, the places he was going. It was all a little bit vague (secrecy was important: Nova understood that perfectly), but even that vagueness couldn't hide how excited he was. It was clear that he enjoyed what he did, and it always made their conversations stand out to her.
 And he wasn’t the only one sharing. Even though she kept her own secrets just as Dom kept his, that didn't stop her from mentioning inconsequential things about herself like her favourite type of fruit or that, that foxes were her favourite animals, or the fact that outside of work she never wore rings (nothing he could use to ever link her to her real life; after all, secrecy was important)...and as if just having him listen wasn't enough to make Nova smile, every now and then he would bring her gifts that always seemed to be linked back to one of their conversations. That always tugged at Nova’s heartstrings.
Dom wasn’t the only client who brought her gifts - she had a few that were into financial domination, and even without them Nova had a room in her flat full of expensive clothes, shoes, and jewellery, perfumes, and just about everything she could think of, all bought for her by clients - but Dom’s presents were the only ones that were in any way personal to her.
A bottle of strawberry and cherry rosé - a lot cheaper than what she was used to, but all the more delicious because Dom had bought it because he thought she might like it after she mentioned she liked sweet wines, not to show off how much he could drop on a bottle of wine for a hooker. A punnet of nectarines, before he passed through a market on his way to their appointment, and they looked nice and ripe and colourful, and 'sweet like you are'. A bar of Cadbury’s ‘Marvellous Creations’, because apparently he’d recently tried chocolate with popping candy in for the first time, and wanted to share the revelation with her.
Small, but truly sweet presents. The kind of presents that people bought for people that actually gave a shit about, and that was the bit that bothered Nova - because that kind of thing never ended well.
 When she'd been young - and stupid - she'd fallen for a client that had fallen for her.
 It wasn't exactly unusual; sexual intimacy, especially on a regular basis, paired with supposed 'friendliness' that was really just good customer service, could often be misconstrued for romantic feelings, especially developing ones. Nova's client had made that mistake, and when he'd started caring about her, she'd made the mistake of caring back. It had gone from a business transaction where he paid her for sex, to him paying her for sex and bringing her presents he thought she would like, to her taking him home: her real home, not the flat she had been working out of. He'd stopped being a client, and became James.
 At first, it had been great...a year later she was alone, penniless, and homeless. James hadn't liked her, he'd just liked the idea of her, and once that illusion had been dispelled by the pair of them living together, and her dropping her 'Madam' persona, he'd lost interest and started resenting her for not being who he thought she was.
   Dom would be the same.
   Even if he wasn't...Nova wasn't the same naive - the stupid - girl she'd been at twenty-two. She wasn't going to risk going back to that hopeless position of broken, heartsick, and destitute, not even for someone as sweet as Dom. At the end of the day, he was a client, and when you stripped away all Nova's airs and graces, she was a prostitute.
 And just in case she ever forgot, she heard the doorbell ring, signalling her next client had arrived.
 Nova slipped out of the fluffy robe and slid into the gauzy, pearlescent one, before stepping into the diamanté shoes. She checked her hair in the mirror, and fixed her face into the contemptuous sneer this made this particular client so hot under the collar.
 It was time to go to work.
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      Nova climbed into the shower two hours later, fighting the urge to scream in frustration.
 In truth, she had no reason to be so dramatic. Her session had been an easy one; all she'd done was stalk around the dining room in her diamanté high heels, snarling and sneering while Mr Snow sat at the table with his phone, buying her all the expensive things she could think to command him to. Then he'd sat there while she put on the diamond necklace he'd bought her last time, making sure to touch the inner curves of her breasts plenty as she did it, stood next to him and propped one foot on the table so he could see the shoes he'd bought for on her feet, and spritzed herself with perfume he'd paid for, moaning dramatically as she did it.
 He'd come untouched, and thanked her for putting him in his place, before she told him he was disgusting and to get out of her sight. Mr Snow didn't like her breaking character; he was old fashioned that way, so even though Nova would've liked to have checked on him, she didn't. He was paying her to be a bitch so she'd forced him to leave without showering while she hid in the bathroom and tried not to feel like she was going mad.
 It was proving slightly difficult.
 Thinking about James had put her in a bad place, and comparing him to Dom had done her no favours, especially since he was constantly invading her thoughts. Now she couldn't think of the sweet way Dom smiled without seeing James' charming smile just behind it, and that was fucking with her.
 She wasn't hurt by what had happened with James anymore; it had been ten years ago, by now the hurt had faded and the confusion had cleared, leaving Nova with nothing but memories and the knowledge that he had been a prick and she had been an idiot. Now that relationship was a lesson - a warning not to get involved romantically with clients, no matter what a good idea it might seem.
 Even thinking about it was pointless.
 At the end of the day, she was a dominatrix, and Dom was a client: he paid her to indulge his kinks. Even if that wasn't the case, he was so young, and so painfully eager to please - more than just in the bedroom - and so inexperienced that Nova honestly wasn't sure she wouldn't be taking advantage of Dom if they started having anything other than a business transaction. Just like James had taken advantage of her.
 Nova never wanted to put someone in the position she had been put in. Especially not someone like Dom.
 Dom wasn't a bad person - far from it. He was just an enthusiastic and inexperienced kid who was in over his head when it came to their relationship - or, rather, the lack thereof. He thought just because they liked each other, that things could work out. That love would conquer all. Nova had seen it before, and she had no doubt she would see it again...but that didn't make it the truth. Love couldn't conquer everything, and sometimes it was better to just leave it alone.
 For his own good, and the sake of protecting her own heart, Nova needed to make sure that things remained professional...or she needed to stop seeing him. Anything else would just be unfair on both of them.
 Which meant no more moping around in the shower.
 Turning the hot water off, Nova twisted the excess water out of her hair and stepped out of the shower. Dom's preferred look was mildly complicated, allowing Nova to focus on drying her hair enough so it looked dry and she could pull it back into a perfect bun at the crown of her head, before going straight into doing her make-up. Red lipstick, neat black eye-liner, subtle contouring, no time to think about anything but what she was doing. She changed into another pair of nude stockings, a black pencil skirt and crisp white shirt, sliding her feet into the eight-inch Louboutins with the narrow strap around the ankle that Dom seemed to like so much, before looking at the clock.
   Six fifty-eight.
   Nova watched the second hand ticking away, until at seven on the dot the doorbell rang.
 She counted to sixty, keeping time with the second hand on the clock, before she rose from the chair in front of her dressing table and before heading out of the room, her eight-inch Louboutins clacking on the polished tile of the hallway.
   "Look at you, pretty boy, exactly on time." she teased: "Tell me, were you waiting on my doorstep for the clock to hit seven?"
   Dom blushed - but that was all the answer Nova needed to know she was right. And not just about him being waiting outside until it turned seven before he rang the doorbell. The look in his eyes wasn't just embarrassment; he was happy to see her. More than happy, even. He was overjoyed, and she had been right.
 He was in way over his head.
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