#we better get to decide to switch sides and become a double agent
lilmeowmeowsagelesath · 5 months
not ME feeling betrayed by the big reveal of time catcher mc’s true allegiance/mission 😔💔
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notsuchacleverboyq · 3 years
This Scene Confuses Me
Since I was a child, my family enjoyed watching 007 movies (even if they used to stick more to the vintage versions of it).
So, I've never been new to this fandom nor to the general plot and everything that comes with it.
After becoming a fan on my own, my favourite 007 movies absolutely turned out to be Skyfall and Spectre.
More Skyfall, to be honest.
I was eight when it first came out, but I started questioning details (and getting obsessed over characters) only after nine years.
And it is my ability to overthinking that caused this shitty and useless post.
There are plenty of details that are worth a debate and I think that 90% of those are just how bloody lucky (and unlucky at the same time) Bond can be.
But today we'll be discussing about a specific scene, which involves Silva and 007.
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What the hell is going on?!
This scene confuses me every time because I don't know what I'm supposed to get from all of the details in here.
The way Silva touches Bond, the way 007 reacts, their chat...the whole just doesn't make any sense to me.
1) Silva
Obviously, my queer brain jumped to conclusions: Silva is gay.
He does give off gay vibes, but it just seems random for a character like him to put up such a scene just for pleasure.
There must be something else.
This is the point in which I got lost under a comment section of another YouTube video.
I found out that there are three kinds of people:
Silva is gay;
Silva is trying to make Bond uncomfortable;
Both at the same time.
We've already clarified that we can agree on number 1.
What about number 2?
He has tied up Bond to a chair, he's basically undressing him and touching him in way too intimate spots, he's listing any of Bond's bad results from MI6 tests...
I think it might make sense for Silva to be doing anything he can to make 007 uncomfortable.
In that comment section, indeed, the most popular explanation was Silva hitting several weak spots at the same time, in order to open Bond like a can of tuna and leave him helpless.
Here are the things Silva tries:
He ties Bond to a chair: it's a detail that is so common in these movies that people don't even consider it. It is necessary for Silva to tie Bond, in order to prevent him from escaping; but when Silva unties him it is clear that he isn't worried about 007 at all. They're on a damn island where the only people are Silva and his men: it would be stupid to even try something on your own. It also was Silva's plan to be captured by MI6, since the beginning. Which leads to an only possible conclusion: 80% of the reasons why Bond was tied up was just to get him annoyed by it. It also connects to the following points;
Silva touching him: this is the part that made all of that confusing to my eyes. Being a former MI6 agent himself, Silva knows how double-0s work, think and act. That's they key of the whole scene. So he knew how 007 could have played it cool in any possible situation and that's why he tied him up. Double-0s can fake complicity even in the most horrible scenarios, but what if it is happening and they could do nothing about it? This was Silva's strategy: getting Bond in the position in which he can't switch from being a victim to being accomplice of it. Silva started running his fingers over 007's skin and scars, stopping on the weakest spots (such as the throat);
Silva attacking Bond's identity: it connects to point 2. This the moment in which Silva gets flirty, since I don't have a better way to call it. Someone's sexuality is part of their identity, so Silva attempts to overstep Bond's boundaries by violating both: his touch is intimate and gentle, despite the situation, his voice is soft and the gaze is too dary. But 007 quickly makes clear how he has no problem with all of that and how it isn't his "first time";
Silva attacks Bond's patriotism and loyalty to M: we well know how Silva has completely lost trust in M and it seems that, for a moment, he's trying to get Bond on his side. In my opinion, that's not completely true. At first impact, it's easy to miss it, but Silva attempts to get all of Bond's beliefs to falter. He firstly tries with M: he tells 007 about how disloyal and unfair the woman can be, reproaching him even how she has sent him on missions even after he failed all of the tests; then, Silva tries with England: he tells Bond about how the Country he still defends and believes in is already dead, fallen, and how useless it is to save it. Nothing of this works and it's misunderstood as an attempt to get 007 on the evil side, since Silva's lost trust both in England and M;
Sévérine: after all of the above didn't work, Silva is left with only one thing. We know know that Bond seduces Sévérine in Skyfall and then Silva finds out; so, he decides to put up a sadistic game to get rid of her and punish 007 at the same time. All of Silva hopes is that Bond got affectionate to the woman and he suffers as a result of the game. Eventually, Silva has to shoot Sévérine himself and Bond reacts as if he couldn't have cared less.
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In conclusion, we can agree to point 2 as well.
So, yes: Silva might be gay and trying to make Bond uncomfortable at the same time.
Yet the most confusing part still needs to be discussed.
2) "What Makes You Think This Is My First Time?"
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I have several questions, but the first is: what the hell does that mean?
He has already been in such a situation;
He has already slept with a man;
Let's consider the quote Silva's just said before James':
How you're trying to remember your training now.
What's the regulation to cover this?
Well, first time for everything. Yes?
Considering that Silva is trying to discard Bond's sanity, I guessed that he alludes to rape when he asks 007 what his training can do for that situation.
Double-0s are prepared to face anything and get out of it almost as nothing has happened. This might explain Silva's reference to the training.
Bond's reply suggests that he had already gone through that and could do it again if circumstances required it.
It all connects to Silva trying to make 007 uncomfortable through homosexuality.
It wouldn't be new that Bond, due to his job, has needed to seduce a man. We could expect such.
So he might fly over Silva's gender and sex.
I'm still really confused over this point and don't know what to think. But James being a rape survivor is somehow an underrated Headcanon and probable, considering his job.
If someone has different ideas and explanations they're all well accepted. Maybe we can end up to a conclusion that makes sense.
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americancowgirl19 · 3 years
Summary: Bucky finds an old ally in his time of need
Warnings: Violence, fluff, angst
Reader: Female Mutant Reader
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,293
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You hum your favorite song while dancing in the kitchen making yourself some lunch. Your dog lays by the floor while your cat sits on the counter hoping for some food. You’re just about to give into your cats pleading eyes when your dog suddenly jumps up. You turn towards him and observe his tense figure.
“What’s up, boy?” You question, walking over to the screen door leaving your sandwich vulnerable to your cat. You don’t see anything but after being around for as long as you have you can sense what’s making your dog on edge.
Reaching to the side, you hand wraps around the hilt of your short, double edged sword. Keeping your eyes trained on the tree line, you slide your arm into the leather straps of your scutum shield.
“Stay,” You order your black Molosser. He huffs obviously annoyed but listens to your order.
You slowly approach the tree line. Your trained eyes see nothing out of the ordinary but your gut tells you otherwise. You take a few steps into the woods when a bullet is fired from a gun and finds a home in the back of your shoulder. You groan stumbling a step or two forward.
Your anger begins to raise as you turn towards the shooter. In less than a minute the bullet pops out of your body and your skin reconnects. The shooter lowers his weapon a smidge taken back by the fact that your not showing more signs of pain.
A sly smirk comes to your lips as you launch your Gladius sword through the air. He drops to the ground, your sword sticking up from his forehead. You sense someone behind you and quickly turn. Your body hides behind the shield as more gunshots are fired. You back up to your sword and rip it from the corpse. 
Running towards your opponent, using your shield to cover you, you switch from defense to offence. You move the shield to the side and slide his neck open. Another man comes up behind you. You swing your shield around and knock him off his feet. You sword comes down on his neck.
You quickly hide behind the shield once more as another man shoots at you. The bullets bounce off of your shield. When you’re close enough your sword decapitate’s his head.
Once his body falls to the ground, the woods become silent once again. You scan the area around you, especially the trees. No one seems to be around but you whistle for your dog who is almost instantly by your side.
“Search,” You command. He bounces from one body to another and searches for anybody else. While he searches you inspect the closest dead body. All of them are wearing tactical armor with a familiar sigil.
Your snapped out of your thoughts by the deep barking of your dog. You’re quick to jog over to his side. What you see surprises you.
“Bucky?” You whisper. You kneel in front of his unconscious form. He looks different from the 1940′s but you know it’s him. You quickly assess his injuries and know he needs medical attention. “Carry,” You had the sword to your dog, who takes it carefully in his mouth.
Slinging Bucky’s arm over your shoulder, you haul him up. His feet drag along the ground as you take him into your home. Once he’s inside you’re sure to lock down the house, not wanting any intruders to try something stupid.
You take off his vest and shirt. You instantly notice the metal arm and the wounds on his sides. You address everything he needs fixed before cleaning up.
“What has life done to you?” You whisper to yourself. You keep watch as he sleeps. You don’t sense anybody else coming but you know that Hydra doesn’t just give up.
Bucky doesn’t wake up until late at night. It’s near midnight when he groans waking up. You grab him some water and lift his head up. He tiredly sips before pulling away. 
It takes a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Eventually, his eyes settle on you.
“Where am I?” He whispers.
“Middle of nowhere, West Virginia,” You tell him. 
“What happened?”
“Well, you were bleeding out about half a mile from here. Surrounded by Hydra soldiers,” He instantly tenses. “They’re taken care of,” You assure him.
“More will come,”
“Then we’ll take care of them,” You say, shrugging. “We’ll keep cutting off all their heads till no more wanna grow back,”
Bucky’s quiet for a couple moments.
“Do you know who I am?” You ask, curious if he remembers you.
“Y/n Y/l/n,” He states.
“You know my name... but do you know me?” You question. “We knew each other back in the day, World War Two,” You explain. “I aided you and your Howling Commando’s more than once. More recently I’ve been aiding your pal, Steve,”
“Is he here?”
“No, not entirely sure where he is at the moment,” You answer, curious as to why he seemed to relax at that thought. “Well, you have a couple broken ribs, some nasty bruises on your arm and some deep cuts. I suggest you hang out here until you can get up and moving again,”
“I’ll just put you in danger the longer I stay,” Bucky shakes his head, attempting to sit up. You press a firm hand on his shoulder.
“At this point, danger’s my middle name,” You smirk. Bucky frowns his eyebrows. “You really don’t remember much, do you?” Bucky looks away from you. “I’ve been around for a long time, trouble is going to find me whether you’re here or not,” You explain. “Get some rest. When you’re hungry, I’m in the kitchen,”
You didn’t see Bucky until well into the afternoon the next day. He doesn’t say much but you feed him and give him space.
“You said you knew me in the war... Shouldn’t you be a little older?” Bucky asks after staying with you for about a week.
“I was wondering when you’d ask,” You smirk, sitting across from him in the kitchen. “Do you know what a mutant is?” Bucky nods. “Well, that’s what I am. Immortality, a little bit of extra strength, and a kick ass healing system,”
“How long have you been around?” Bucky asks.
“Ancient Rome,” You tell him. “I was born about 50 years before Christ. I was one of the few Gladiator women. I was a high born that was sick of the politics and the parties and being told how I should live my life the proper way,”
“So, you become a Gladiator?” Bucky arches an eyebrow. You smirk.
“What better way to say ‘screw you’ to your parents than becoming a Gladiator?” Bucky smiles just a bit. “Got good quick, got famous even quicker. Next thing I know I’m not aging. I’m been in just about every war you can think of and in move trouble than you can fathom,”
“What do you do now?”
“Fight,” You shrug. “Don’t have much else. Fighting, war, it’s all I am,” You tell him softly. “It’s the only thing I’m good at, the only thing I’m useful for,” A slightly tense silence falls between the two of you. “What about you? It’s been a while since I last saw you,”
Bucky doesn’t open up right away but he gives you a short summary. Throughout his stay, he opens up more about you as he begins to trust you more. The longer he stays with you, the longer you’re able to jog his memory about the past. It’s obvious he’s experienced horrors since you last saw him.
If there’s one thing you know, it’s how the horrors of the past can haunt you. Even after all these years you’re not an expect in managing them but you try. Being a light sleeper means you wake up every time Bucky does. You’re in his room the instant you hear the screams. 
You either help coax him back to sleep or you help him stay awake. You never pressure him to tell you, you go at his pace. More often than not, he refuses to go back to sleep. So, you help him take his frustrations and fear out during sparing matches.
While you have a little bit more strength than a human, thanks to your mutation, Bucky is stronger through the serum. However, after fighting wars for the last 2,000 years, you’re more experienced and have a few more tricks up his sleeve to make the matches interesting.
After being with you for 6 months, spending the night in Bucky’s room becomes the new normal. Neither of you particularly like being alone, Bucky especially. Since you’ve practically moved into the same room, the both of you sleep better.
However, nothing good last forever, and eventually Hydra finds Bucky. The two of your work together to eliminate the threat but at the cost of your home. Knowing you need to get moving, you pack up whatever you can and move on. (Your dog and cat in tow)
By some miracle you convince Bucky to go to Steve. It only took you three month’s on the run to convince him. He was obviously nervous but you refused to leave his side.
Steve was shocked to see not only Bucky but you as well. You explain everything to Steve as Bruce looks over Bucky. Moving in with the Avenger’s wasn’t easy but you both slowly eased into the transition.
You stay by Bucky’s side the entire time. It takes him almost 6 months to slowly become unglued to your side. Once you notice him becoming more comfortable around the other’s you begin to wonder how much longer you’ll stick around.
Fighting on a team isn’t exactly your forte. You could work with a team but you knew you were better on your own. However, you just couldn’t bring yourself to leave Bucky, not until you were positive he didn’t need you anymore.
About a year after you and Bucky come to the Avenger’s, you decide it’s finally time for you to move on. Bucky’s set a routine with the group and you can’t help but to feel extremely out of place.
“Going somewhere?” You glance up and see Natasha standing in the doorway with your cat in her arms. You smirk at the sight before looking back at your packing.
“Somewhere,” You shrug a bit. “Not sure where,”
“Why leave?” Natasha asks.
“Just have too,” You tell her. “I’m not a spy, I’m not an agent, I’m a warrior with no war,” You say. “So, I’m gonna move on until I find somewhere that can use my expertise,” 
“You know, the Avenger’s do more than just spy,” Natasha says.
“This place... It isn’t more me, Nat,” You tell her. “I’m going crazy here, I gotta keep moving,”
“Have you told, Barnes?” She asks. You face falls a bit. “He’s not gonna want you to leave,”
“He’s going to be fine,” You tell her. “He’s found his place here, he’s found a family here, he’s home,”
“Are we not your family?” Natasha questions, sitting on the bed.
“I haven’t had a family since I was a little girl and even then I was out of place,” You tell her. “I’m starting to think there isn’t a place on this world for me,”
“Then go off world,” Natasha says. You arch an eyebrow. “Talk to Thor. He fights off world more than he does here. He loves listening to your stories and sparing with you. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind having you tag along with him,” You contemplate it. “And on your off time you can come here and see your boyfriend,” Natasha smirks.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” You defend.
“I didn’t say a name,” Natasha winks. “You should talk to Buck and then talk to Thor. We don’t want to lose you, you are family,” You offer a small smile and watch her leave the room, stealing your cat in the process.
“What do you think?” You sigh, glancing at your dog. He simply looks at you and huffs. “That’s what I’m saying,”
You take Natasha’s advice and talk to Thor. You barely finished your question before he was agreeing. He had expressed his want to bring you along knowing you were a fierce warrior.
“So, you’re gonna skip out of here?” Sighing, you slowly turn to Bucky.
“I’m not needed here anymore,” You tell him. “At least with Thor I’ll be of use,” Bucky smiles a bit.
“You still think you’re only good for fighting?” Bucky asks. You shrug a bit. “When are you going to learn your worth more?”
“When are you?” You shoot back. Bucky smiles, stepping closer.
“You are needed, I need you here,” Bucky tells you.
“You’re doing just fine, Buck,” You tell him. “You’re getting better, you’re with Steve, you’re home,”
“I’m home because you’re here,” He tells you. “I’ve only been able to get to this part because of you,”
“And not you’re going to have to continue without me,” 
“I don’t want too,” Bucky shakes his head.
“You’re going to have too,” You snip, walking around him. When you pass him, he grabs your arm and turns you to him. Before you can blink, his lips are pressed against yours.
“I don’t want too,” He whispers, to you. “I need you here, with me. We can make this work, just give it a chance,” He mutters, gently caressing the side of your face.
“I’m not good at this, Buck,” You tell him. “I’m only good at-”
“I know,” He nods. “But an old dog can learn some new tricks,” He shrugs. “Stay with me... Please,”
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Umbrella Leon and BSAA Chris part 2, please? Love u💕
He couldn’t help the butterflies in his belly, nor the fluttering of his heart as his plane landed in the Eastern Slav Republic. They did it. They were almost free and in the clear. Just a couple more stops and they didn’t have to worry about anything. The plane landed at the designated terminal, the stewards and stewardesses helped the passengers out of their seats and to the designated areas. Leon had been surprised at how long it had taken, but this time…he didn’t dread the trip here. 
No, this time, he wasn’t here for an assignment for Neo-Umbrella. They didn’t even know he was here, nor did they know he was never coming back. He was here for a different type of mission. One that didn’t involve BOWs or civil wars. This was a more…personal mission for him. And this time, he wasn’t alone. 
“Where are we?” A female voice asked next to him, Sherry Birkin pulling her carry-on bag from the storage compartment above them, “Are we safe?" 
Leon gave a nod, "Yeah…for now. We’re going to be staying with a friend of mine…just until my contact pulls through on the rendezvous." 
Sherry gave a knowing smile and a cocked brow, "You mean when Captain Chris Redfield meets up with us to sweep you off your feet and take us to whatever BSAA Headquarters will have us until he sets everything up." 
”…Right.“ Leon chuckled, giving her a kiss on the forehead, "But…you and I are almost in the clear…then we’re free." 
A sigh left the blonde, "We should have been free when Wesker died in Africa." 
"I know, kiddo.” Leon replied, getting his own carry-on, “But luckily, we were able to escape when they were switching everyone and everything over to new facilities." 
Sherry nodded, stepping in front of Leon as they filed out of the plane. While waiting for their luggage at baggage claims, she had initiated a game of "I Spy” to take their minds off of things and pass the time while waiting for their ride to this “mysterious hide-out”. The game reminded her of when she was little and when Leon came back from assignments for Umbrella. Or while they had been traveling to new facilities between company takeovers.
She had been grateful that Leon had been there to take care of her when Umbrella picked them up after Raccoon City. He had been angry that they had been in the hands of the enemy, but he vowed to never leave her side, becoming like a father to her. And now, all these years later, he had taken her with him in hopes of finally getting freedom. A new start at a better life far from BOWs and evil corporations. 
Well, sort of…considering Leon’s fiancé’s job with the BSAA. 
“I spy…” Leon said, looking around the airport terminal, smiling when he saw a yellow suitcase next to an elderly couple, “Hm…something yellow." 
Sherry gave a thoughtful hum as she looked around the terminal, trying to figure it out. She spotted a little girl with a bright yellow rain slicker, "Her jacket?” She guessed nodding toward the little girl. 
Leon shook his head as they sat down, “Nope.”
“Darn.” Sherry pouted, looking around some more before spotting a woman with yellow rain boots, “What about that lady’s boots?" 
"Here’s a hint; It’s not clothing.” Leon said, chuckling when Sherry gave an overdramatic groan. 
“Okay!” She sighed, looking around at all the possibilities, “Does it have anything to do with clothing?" 
Leon gave a nod. Okay, so, it was yellow and it wasn’t clothing…but it had something to do with clothing. What could it be? She analyzed the area, tapping her chin thoughtfully as she looked around at their surroundings. She spotted an elderly couple sitting together, a yellow suitcase at their feet. She snapped her fingers together, giving a "Ah, ha!” Before pointing to the suitcase, a confident smile on her lips as she looked between the suitcase and Leon.
The former agent laughed and nodded, “Yup. You got it, Sherry Berry.”
“Sweet! Now you owe me hot cocoa!” She cheered with a playful smile and a wink.
“When did we agree on cocoa?” Leon asked with a smile of his own.
“Best out of seven. I won! Loser buys hot cocoa." 
Leon gave a mock groan of annoyance and defeat, "Fine…”
After cups of piping hot cocoa, and an hour or two of waiting, as well as keeping watch out of pure paranoia, their ride finally arrived. A silver car with partially blacked out windows rolled up in front of the airport entrance. A man, a bit taller than Leon, stepped out first, looking quite skeptical of them both. He merely made an odd sound that sounded like a grunt before nodding to the car, taking their bags for them. Sherry couldn’t help but notice that it had started raining pretty hard out here. 
“Not happy to see me, Buddy?” Leon asked with a mock pout, “I’m surprised you’re able to walk." 
"Chris Redfield and the BSAA hooked me up with a back brace and neurotransmitter for my back.” Buddy said, “Helps with traveling…you know, after you shot me." 
Leon opened the back door for Sherry, giving a shrug and a tilt of the head, "Well, it was either shoot you or allow the parasite to take hold and then I would have had to shoot you in the head." 
"True…” Buddy replied, looking at Sherry, “This is the girl, I presume?" 
"Yes, sir.” Leon nodded.
“I thought you said she was a little girl?" 
"She was when I found her and she was when we were taken.” Leon replied, “Sherry, this is Buddy. Buddy, this is Sherry.”
Sherry gave a nod and offered a hand for the man to shake, “Hi!" 
Buddy gave a small smile, shaking her hand in return, "Nice girl…how did you manage to get stuck with Leon?" 
Leon scoffed and rolled his eyes with a playfully smile, "Now…we gonna stand out here in the rain and chat or are we going to the safehouse?" 
"Whatever.” Buddy replied, “Get in. We have a long drive ahead of us.”
“Okay, Buddy.” Leon simply said before settling in the passenger seat. 
Sherry looked between them, unsure of the relationship between them. Leon had said that he and Mr. Kozachenko had been friends, but right now, they weren’t exactly the shining example of “Friendship Goals”. But judging by what Leon had told her of his misadventures whilst working for Umbrella…he was probably the closest thing Leon had to an ally that wouldn’t be seen as a threat nor would Buddy be on the Organization’s radar. 
Outside of whatever was going on with him and Claire’s brother. 
It had taken seemingly hours, but they finally made it into the small village Buddy now lived…and most likely the area closest to their rendezvous point. They pulled up to a sort of lodge or a mountain house, she couldn’t exactly tell. Either way, this must be where they were to stay until Chris would arrive to extract them. Leon and Buddy began unpacking the bags, Buddy handing Sherry a set of keys and handing Leon another. Sherry looked between them, Buddy saying that there was enough space for them to stay in separate rooms. 
“Don’t worry,” Leon said, looking at the numbers on the keytags, making their way inside and up the stairs to where they would be lodging, “We’ll be either right next door or across the hall. I won’t let anything happen to you. Not again.” 
Sherry gave him a smile, hugging the brunette, “I know. You always keep your promises.” 
Leon returned the gesture, giving her a hug and a small smile. He handed her her bags as she unlocked her door, waiting until she was able to settle inside. Once her door was closed and locked, Leon turned to his own door and bags. Buddy explained that the television had a couple of channels, the shower had running water and a phone, but it was mostly for room service. They didn’t have the mini fridges or a kitchen, but if they wanted food, there was a cafe downstairs and a diner across the street. Leon looked to Buddy and thanked him for this favor and his help. 
“Don’t mention it, American.” Buddy replied with a smile and a wink, going downstairs to talk to Marina and a couple of locals. 
Leon gave a small chuckle as he unlocked his own door. He gently nudged it open and grabbed his bags, heading inside. There wasn’t much to the room, but he really didn’t need much. A bed, a dresser with a television on top of it, a working bathroom, and whatever else one would need for staying under the radar until the BSAA showed up…which wouldn’t be for a couple days, according to what Buddy said in the car. 
On the bright side, Sherry was safe, Buddy was safe, and he was safe. Chris was also in town, but he was currently at the Embassy across town finalizing their arrangements. 
After unpacking his own belongings, and kicking off his boots and shrugging off his jacket, Leon took a moment to sit down on his bed and decided to just relax and…think about everything. As he laid back onto the pillows and stared up at the white tiled ceiling, he thought about everything he and Sherry had been through. 
Thirteen years…it had taken thirteen years of planning in order to get out from under Wesker and his organization’s thumb. Thirteen years to finally get Sherry out of there and hopefully, move her out and into a better life. He had been working behind Wesker’s back for years, sneakily working with Chris and playing double agent in order to get any semblance of freedom. It had been a lot easier once Chris had killed the man in Africa. 
He felt a fluttering feeling in his chest and stomach, almost as if there were butterflies tickling his insides, a giddy feeling washing over him. Leon felt like he was going to either cry or laugh…or maybe both. He was just so happy, still in disbelief that this all was happening. They were going to have a happy ending…like the kind he used to read from those Fairy Tales Sherry and he used to read at night. 
Leon let out a sigh of relief as he curled up on the bed, glancing at the alarm clock on his bedside table. He had some time before Chris got here and before them and Sherry were going to eat dinner. Maybe he could squeeze in a quick snooze. He could finally relax…and maybe finally be able to just…nap in peace. And he did…and it was the most peaceful and relaxing naps of his life.  
About an hour later, there was knocking on his door, rousing the brunette from sleep. The knocking continued, Leon getting up out of the bed and rubbing at his eyes, telling the person that he was coming and to hold their horses. He unlocked the locks and opened the door, eyes focusing as he gave the newcomer a lazy smile. 
“You get all dressed up for me, Handsome?” Leon asked in a sultry purr, wrapping his arms around Chris’s neck. 
Chris chuckled, standing before the younger in yet another suit, but this one was different from the one Leon had “soiled” a couple of months ago. This one was more like a military suit complete with badges that showed Chris’s accomplishments in the field. The bigger man wrapped his arms around Leon’s waist, meeting him halfway for a sweet, chaste kiss. 
“I did actually.” Chris said with a smile, walking Leon backward before kicking the door shut with his foot, “I could have changed but…I thought this appropriate for the occasion.” 
Leon leaned up and kissed him again, pulling him into a tight embrace, burying his face into the crook of Chris’s neck, “I missed you…so fucking much.” 
“I know.” Chris replied, resting his head on the younger’s shoulder, “I missed you too…but I kept my promise. You and Sherry are free now.” 
Leon pulled away, looking up into Chris’s eyes with a relieved smile, giving a nod as he felt tears in his eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. Chris peppered feather light kisses all over Leon’s cheeks, forehead and the bridge of his nose before giving one more kiss to his lips. He sat down with Leon, wanting to know how his and Sherry’s ride was and if Buddy was treating them alright. Leon chuckled, saying that Buddy had treated them kindly and Sherry was relieved to see the world outside of the facilities and the vast nothingness that surrounded the grounds. 
“She’s most excited to see Claire again.” Leon admitted, “Though, of course she’ll be ecstatic to see you too.” 
Chris chuckled, “Well, yeah, she met Sherry first. Claire can’t wait to see her again. Both of you actually. She had been worried sick about you two and is already making space in her house for Sherry. She was helping me make room for you at my house too.” 
Leon chuckled, Chris wiping away his tears for him, “This is still all so surreal…after all this time…” 
“I know.” Chris said with a nod, kissing his cheek again, “Just a couple more days, and we’ll be home free.” 
Leon looked up at him, a smile on his lips, “I love you, you know that, right? I never got to tell you…but I always wanted to. Even after all those times I had to leave, I never stopped or doubted that.” 
“I love you too, Leon.” Chris smiled, hugging him close, “And I won’t let you go ever again.”
(Can’t get too much into it. I might accidentally slip and put in spoilers!) 
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Good Guys Dressed In Black
TITLE: The Good Guys Dressed In Black CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: ½ AUTHOR: @timeladylaufeson ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki meeting and falling in love with an MiB agent. RATING: Everyone, I guess? There’s some language but nothing bad I’d say NOTES/WARNINGS: Took the title from the song Men In Black by Will Smith :) I wouldn’t say you need to know the MiB films too well to understand, but I guess you should have some basic knowledge. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!!
A woman in a smart black suit stood in line at a Starbucks not far away from the large concrete cube on Battery Drive. When her turn came, she was greeted by one of her favourite baristas, and they chatted for a moment as she handed him her thermos.
“It’s on us today,” the barista said and smiled, sending the cup towards the espresso bar.
“Aw, thanks Pete,” she smiled and moved over to the handoff. She rested against one of the tables beside it and waited, looking around the café mindlessly.
“Venti iced soy vanilla latté with an extra shot for… Teetee?” the barista at the handoff called, a confused frown on his face. She smirked and walked over to him, grabbing the cup.
“You’re new here, aren’t you?” she asked and the barista nodded. “Nice to meet you! I’m Double Tee, I’m here all the time.”
“I’m Luke,” he said. “You work in the cube, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” she nodded.
“Can you tell me-”
“Top secret organisation that deals with extraterrestrial threats.”
“For real?”
“Of course,” she grinned. “Now, if you would please look over here,” she pulled what appeared to be a pen from her pocket and put a pair of sunglasses on her eyes. She pressed a small button on the side of the device and it flashed brightly, the young man’s face turning completely blank. “Do yourself a favour and don’t ask questions that you don’t need an answer to. For your concern, I work for the government. Also, this is not soy. Please be more careful, someone could be allergic and you could get in trouble. I’m not, so I’ll just drink it, but I’ll be bitter the whole day because almond milk sucks. Have a good day, Luke.”
She turned around to leave, but as she was walking through the door, she bumped into someone that was coming in.
“Oh shit, fuck, I’m so sorry,” she blurted out as she watched the coffee spill on their shirt. “I really need to start closing the cup before I start walking, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s alright, nothing happened,” a smooth voice replied to her. She looked up and saw a face that she knew all too well from the screens all over the Headquarters.
“No, I… I just messed up your shirt, I’m really sorry,” she kept apologising. “I’ll buy you a coffee.”
“It really is alright,” he tried to assure her.
“Please, I insist,” she said, desperately trying to ignore those crystal blue eyes and the amused little smile. She practically dragged him to the cash desk and told him him to pick whatever he liked.
“It’s really not necessary,” he said.
“Yes it is,” she told him. “Pete, get this nice gentleman whatever he wishes, I’m paying,” she handed him a twenty dollar bill. “Keep the rest. I have to go to work now. Have a good day! And I’m sorry for spilling coffee on you.”
She crossed the street and walked in to the HQ, greeting Frank the talking pug and the Guard, who was just reading his newspaper as usual.
“You have coffee on your shirt,” Frank said in his disturbingly deep voice.
“I know, I was stupid and didn’t look where I was going.”
“As per usual,” the Guard grumbled.
“Funny as per usual,” she sneered back at him as she stepped into the lift. As it arrived in the office, she couldn’t help but smile. Her job was a fantastical adventure and she loved it. There was a line of aliens waiting for their documents to be verified over at the front desk. Another group of aliens walk/crawled/flew past her. There was Kay, showing some rookies around. Someone was putting up a fight.
“Double Tee! Are you running around neuralysing random people again?”
Yeah. That was the life. 
The following morning, as Double Tee entered the Starbucks and joined the queue, someone tapped her shoulder.
“Excuse me, aren’t you the lady that so kindly bought my drink yesterday?” the now familiar voice asked.
Double Tee chuckled. “Don’t you mean the dumbass that spilled coffee on you yesterday?”
“Well but you did buy me a drink afterwards, didn’t you?” he asked, a cheeky smile on his face.
“That I did,” she nodded.
“Let me return the favour,” he offered. “I’ll buy your coffee today.”
“Absolutely not! Yesterday was for… well, yesterday,” she shook her head. “I ruined your shirt, that’s why I bought your coffee. We’re even now.”
“What if I just really want to buy a coffee?” he suggested. “I… I heard that’s what men do when they find a woman attractive. I’m Loki.”
That was how it started. Every day, one of them bought the other their coffee. The next day, they switched. Double Tee knew she shouldn’t engage with a civilian, even less so with an alien, but God, was this one incredible in every way imaginable. They talked for hours on end, about virtually nothing. He respected her avoiding questions about her job and very politely pretended to be deaf when something slipped her lips. He caught on the fact that it had something to do with stars and excitedly talked about them, ocassionally mentioning that he missed them and that he couldn’t really see them in the city. She felt herself falling for him while the reasonable part of her brain screamed bloody murder about it being the worst idea in history. He was, after all, still listed as a potential threat, despite having joined the Avengers now.
One evening, it was fairly late, they sat together at the Starbucks with their coffees, Loki looking out the window wistfully.
“What’s wrong, El?” Double Tee asked. “You’re looking even sadder than normal.”
“Ha ha ha,” he glared at her. “I don’t want to be moaning about this stuff.”
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” she said.
Loki let out a sigh. “I told you about my mother, didn’t I?”
“You did, yes,” she nodded. “She died, didn’t she?”
“Yes,” he said. “And… I can’t see her star.”
“On Asgard, when someone dies, their soul goes up to the sky and becomes a star. But… I can’t see hers from here. I can barely see any, to be honest.”
Double Tee thought for a brief moment. “Do you trust me?” she asked.
“Of course I do, why?” he frowned.
“Come with me,” she said, downed the rest of her coffee and stood up. “Come on.”
Confused, he stood as well and followed her outside, across the road, into the Headquarters. She greeted the Guardian and Frank as usual, mumbling something vague about a witness. Loki’s curious face made them believe her lie, so they said nothing. In the lift, Double Tee pressed a button that said garage and down they went. She led Loki all the way to the back where a small, unsuspecting motorcycle was parked.
“Do you really trust me?” she asked again as she opened what appeared to be a closet.
“I really do, but what-”
“No time for questions,” she interrupted him. “Put this on,” she threw a leather jacket at him and got herself the same one. “And this,” she handed him a helmet. “We’re going on a tiny little trip,” she told him as she sat on the motorcycle. Loki took a breath to ask her something, but decided against, and sat right behind her.
“I need you to hold on tight,” she said.
“On to what?” he asked.
“Me, dumbass,” she chuckled. 
“That doesn’t sound very safe,” he pointed out. 
“It’s completely safe, don’t worry,” she dismissed him. “It’s an MIB certified vehicle, it’s safer than like… all normal cars.”
“MI what?”
Instead of replying, Double Tee started the motorcycle and Loki could only clutch on to her quickly as they left the garage. They soared through the ever so busy streets of New York, zigzagging through the traffic like it was nothing. Double Tee was way too aware of Loki’s arms around her waist, but did her best to ignore them.
As they left the city and got off the main road, Double Tee slowed down for a moment.
“Do you seriously trust me?” she asked once more having to shout al ittle to make sure he heard her.
“The fact that this is the third time you asked me in the span of thirty minutes makes me seriously question it,” he said. “But I still do.”
“Then hold on a little tighter and feel free to scream,” she said and pushed a tiny button on the side of the right handlebar. 
Too late. The motorcycle went about twenty times faster now, the roaring of the engine deafening them. In a few moments, they could both feel the wheels leaving the ground and the motorcycle went flying through the night. When it got high enough, the engine quietened again and switched itself into flight mode.
“You can let go of me now,” Double Tee said.
“No, I don’t think I will,” Loki shook his head, but loosened his grip on her a little. “What in the nine realms-”
“You can’t tell anyone about this, alright?” she said. “Never. Ever. This is a secret, okay?”
“Absolutely,” he nodded. “But what-”
“Men in Black. That’s who I work for,” she interrupted him again. “A top secret agency. We deal with aliens and stuff. This is… our tech. Well, not exactly, it’s alien mostly. But it has some Stark Industries parts.”
“Stark knows about all this?”
“God, no.”
“And why exactly are you telling me this now?”
“I wanted to show you the stars. Push the little button on the right on the helmet, you’ll see better.”
With a shaky hand, Loki found the button and pressed it, his helmet opening and jaw dropping. The chilly wind made prickly tears flood his eyes and blur his vision, making the beauty above him barely recognisable. He blinked a few times and everything came to focus, but new tears replaced them, this time emotional ones. The last time he saw this much beauty was back on Asgard, where he used to sit on his window and just stare at the night sky for hours. He tried to find his mother’s star, but couldn’t see it in the speed.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna land soon,” she said as if reading his thoughts. “Just a few more minutes.”
In that moment, a tiny red light started blinking on the inside of her helmet. An incoming call. Her brain went into panic mode and in the frenzy, she sent it to voice mail, hoping that whoever was calling would think she was busy escaping from something.
They landed on top of a small hill, in the middle of a thin forest. Double Tee switched the motorcycle off and took off her helmet. She turned to Loki, noticing the tears that stained his cheeks.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, did I- did I do something wrong?” she asked.
“No,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s perfect,” he added, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Don’t mention it,” she whispered as she nuzzled into his neck. “But you know, you’re missing out on the stars right now. Wanna climb a tree?”
In just a few moments, they sat atop a giant oak, watching the stars.
“What’s your real name?” Loki asked.
“Double Tee,” she said. “It’s my official name now. I don’t really exist anymore.”
“So… what was your name?” he wondered.
“Theresa-Taylor Barnes,” she said.
“Barnes?” he frowned. 
“Distant relative,” she nodded, knowing exactly what he was about to ask. “Poor uncle James. How is he?”
“He’s… he’s fine, I think,” Loki said. “I think we’re good friends, but I’m not really sure.”
“I’d tell you to say hi to him, but… he doesn’t know me. He’s not supposed to know me. No one is.”
“Then why-”
“I don’t know,” she sighed. “I should have never started talking to you, but I just… couldn’t help it.”
“It must be quite lonely,” he pointed out.
“In a way,” she agreed mindlessly. “I… I suppose I have the other agents, but familiarity isn’t really a big thing there. We’re just colleagues mostly. We don’t… we’re not like you guys.”
“The Avengers. Aren’t you this really cool team that’s real good friends? Doesn’t Stark always organise these parties where you all drink and dance and shit?” 
“I suppose.”
“Must be cool.”
He took a pause. “I could… introduce you.”
“No,” she shook her head. “Not a good idea. I’m not supposed to be friends with anyone, ever. If someone finds out about you, I’m toast.”
“Is it really that bad?”
“I don’t know. And I don’t think I want to know.”
None of them said anything for a moment. 
“Don’t,” she mumbled. “It’s a stupid name. Call me Terry if you really want to.”
“Terry,” he tried again. “It doesn’t really suit you.”
“It’s been years since someone called me that,” she smiled. “It doesn’t even sound right anymore, but it’s nice to hear it.”
“What if I called you mine instead?” he suggested. Double Tee’s eyes widened.
“You’re amazing. You took a huge risk taking me here just to make me feel better. You’re the only person who gets me. You’re funny, you’re smart, you’re kind, you’re…” he took a deep breath. “You’re the best person I have ever met. I’m in love with you, Terry.”
“El, I-”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupted her. “I just… wanted to get it out of my system.”
With her eyes full of tears, she leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek. He looked at her for a moment, then turned his head ever so slightly and closed the remaining space between them. It was only for the shortest moment, but it still felt as if time had stopped.
When they separated again, Loki gently put a strand of Double Tee’s hair behind her ear. “Don’t cry, darling,” he whispered, hugging her tight.
“This shouldn’t be,” she sobbed. “I shouldn’t have feelings for you. I’m so screwed.”
“No you’re not,” he said. “No one has to know.”
But then-
“Double Tee and Loki, sitting in a tree,” they heard from below them. “K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
They flinched and look down, only to see two other agents, Jay and Kay.
“Man, I never thought I’d get to sing that again,” Jay snickered.
“Get down here, Double Tee,” Kay said, his arms crossed on his chest. “You too, sir.” 
Double Tee sighed and jumped off the branch, landing on her feet but nearly falling over.
“Are you out of your mind?” Kay asked.
“Kay, wait,” Jay stopped him, noticing her puffy red eyes. “What’s wrong, girl? Is he hurting you?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine,” she snapped back. “Loki’s not… hurting me.”
“Then why are you crying?” he frowned.
“Because you are going to neuralyse him, aren’t you? You’re gonna take my only friend away from me.”
“You sure you guys are just friends?”
“Jay. Focus,” Kay scolded him. “You know the rules, Double Tee. No relationships with the outside world. And especially not stealing an MIB vehicle to go for a ride with the outside world. You of all people-”
“Me of all people!” she exclaimed. “Me of all people is sick of this! Me of all people is tired of not having anyone for myself! Me of all people is-”
“Lonely,” Jay finished for her. Double Tee gulped and nodded, noticing Kay’s face softening ever so slightly.
“We’ve all been there,” he said. “Sooner or later. Everyone gets lonely. And… sometimes falls in love with an alien.”
“That doesn’t sound stupid at all,” Jay mumbled.
“Point is,” Kay glared at him. “We just move on.”
“No,” Double Tee whimpered. “Don’t take it away from me. Please, Kay. I’m the happiest I have ever been.”
“You know the rules, Double Tee,” he insisted. “We have to neuralyse him and suspend you.”
“Kay, wait,” Jay interrupted him once more. “Look at her. You really want to break her? Maybe we could come up with something. He’s not really outside world, is he? He’s kind of one of us when you think about it.”
A spark of hope lightened Double Tee’s features. “Please, Kay.”
The older agent thought for a moment. “Fine. But if Oh finds out, you’re toast, understood?”
“Thank you!” she let out a sigh of relief. 
“We’ll still have to suspend you for the bike though,” he said. “We’ll take you both back.”
Double Tee turned to Loki behind her and smiled. “We’re okay,” she whispered, reaching for his hand. He returned the smile end entwined his fingers with hers.
“Aw, man, look at how cute they are!” Jay said.
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RESULT OF THE GIVE AWAY for@imaginativecrime who requested a The Man from U.N.C.L.E AU. Here's an aesthetic. We didn't stick a lot to the movie except for the "CIA agent & KGB agent have a romance" part. (lol)
There's a little plot to go with it. Beware of extreme crossover AU, suits, embedded betrayals, manipulation, closeted characters and espionage stuff.
This is set during the Cold War, in 1980.
Leonard (Lenny) Miller is a CIA agent sent to a European country to approach the target, some boss of a big company, under the false identity of a business man. He has to help the target to go West, and hence cut one of the supply lines of the USSR.
Leo Demidov is a KGB agent also sent to Europe, pretending to be an interpret, to kill the same target to avoid his defection, and to make sure the company stays under the control of the USSR.
The thing is that the two agents have met years before during a mission, and didn't expect to find each other again, fact that compromises their mission. They tell their hierarchy. Their orders change : Lenny has to convince Leo to defect and switch sides, in order to have a double agent, and Leo has to pretend that he wants to go West too, and become an undercover agent inside the intelligence service of the United States. Also, to kill the target and pretend that others sovietic agents did it and are after them.
They get closer, first as opponents fighting over the same target then, as Leo begins his approach, as agents playing a double game : Lenny has to extract the target, ensure that the defection of Leo is real and, if that's not the case, use him to give false informations to the enemy. Leo has to get Lenny to trust him, infiltrate the American side and get rid of the target if possible without getting compromised.
They get to know each other (kinda since they are both lying), and to see the other one as more than a plain enemy, a worthy opponent or a mean to an end. At the contact of each other their respective manichean vision of the world shatters, and they eventually question their respective side and ideology. Both men of convictions, they discover other ways to think and to put things into perspective. Their trust builds on real elements just as on made-up ones, made to manipulate each other. They end up falling in love, both feeling it deeply but deciding to use it at their advantage in order to achieve their mission.
Eventually, as they collect more informations and the situation changes, Leo leads Lenny into a trap, using one of their rare moments of sincerity, and the American is captured by the KGB. Lenny hits rock bottom as he is "interrogated" by the soviet agents, his target killed and his love interest an actual enemy. Meanwhile, Leo regrets obeying the orders of his chain of command and realizes he should have told Lenny, but his organization has a lot of ways to ensure his loyalty, beginning by his adoptive parents (Child 44 the book, by Tom Robb-Smith, way better than the movie and full of details and subplot lines, everyone) and can easily get him killed if he betrays them. What he does.
But can he help Lenny to survive and escape? Will Lenny trust him again? Can they get away together from the USSR without getting killed or worse? And even if they do, can they have a future together?
Feel free to imagine whatever end suits you most.
(and yeah the quote is from peaky blinders)
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Spontaneous Combustion // Loki Laufeyson
Prompt from @nooowestayandgetcaught @dailyau
Pairing: Loki x reader
Words: 2,265 - oops
Idek what this is anymore, but I kinda liked it
Proofread? Hell nah
Loki wasn’t someone you’d had a chance to talk to much since your arrival as a recruit. Most of your time at the Avengers site had been spent in the gym, doing drills or completing your trainee assignments. All you had wanted to do for as long as you could remember, was help people, and the presence of an actual god wasn’t going to change that now. Having passed all of your exams and being accepted as a full agent, you had started to become acquainted with a few of the original avengers over the last few months.
Loki was still earning the trust of those around him and all junior agents had been informed they were to be cautious around him. For that reason, you both wanted to know more for it seemed harsh to ignore someone without allowing growth, but also to stay away until you had found your feet in this world.  
As you continued to impress those around you, and above you, with your dedication and continuous improvements, your interaction with the Avengers became more and more frequent, meaning your interactions with Loki were also becoming more frequent. You weren’t sure if it was the stereotypical ‘bad boy complex’, or his mysterious nature, but you were developing a soft spot for the god. It was worrying you a bit; how could you work for/with someone – in a potential life or death environment – and have a schoolgirl crush on them. It simply wouldn’t do.  
You knew it would never amount to anything, his views on ‘mortals’ crystal clear to everyone on site, there was no hope of you being any different. You thought if you could ignore it for long enough, that your crush would go away. What long enough was, however, you had no idea and it was beginning to irritate you. Every time you were in a meeting with him, you felt like a total fool, a lovesick teenager. You couldn’t help but glance over at him, but you also had the horrible feeling that he knew. It wasn’t exactly within your training to learn how to hide a crush. Lies were no problem, physical attraction would take a bit more experience.  
Another month passed, and you still couldn’t ignore the schoolgirl crush you had on Loki. He was a distraction, thankfully not enough to impact your work, but paperwork sure took a lot longer when he was around. What you didn’t know, however, was that things were about to get a whole lot more challenging for you.  
“Agent Y/L/N, report to my office in two hours, in civilian gear, bags packed for a mission. You’ll need civilian clothes and combat gear.” With that, your superior turned and continued marching through the corridors.  
It wasn’t your first mission, but it was a new enough experience that it set a swarm of butterflies off in your stomach. Rushing to your room, you grabbed your to-go bag and began pulling a range of clothes out, deciding what to take. Combat gear was easy to pack, you pretty much just emptied all you had into the bag. Civilian clothes were a little trickier; you had no idea where you were being sent to, so best to pack a range of clothes so you had most things covered. You were always taught it was better to have a lot of normal or plain clothes so that you were able to blend in, in most locations.  
Upon arriving at your superior's office, you knocked and entered when called, immediately clocking the three other agents in the room. You were to join Sam Wilson, Loki, and Natasha Romanov on this mission. You were the only rookie. You stood like a soldier, to-go bag still on your back, receiving your mission plan.  
You were being brought along because of your incredible fighting skills. You had impressed Natasha enough that she was willing to recommend you for this mission. Primarily, it was intel gathering. If things were to go south however, it was handy to have agents capable of removing threats quickly, quietly and efficiently.  
The group of you headed straight to the hangar bay, into the prepared air transport vehicle to take you to your classified location. The flight was quiet. Natasha and Sam near each other, having been friends for years, Loki was sat quietly by a window on the far side of the vehicle, occasionally contributing to Sam and Natasha’s conversation when he felt inclined to. You sat near Natasha and Sam, close enough to be involved if the conversation should turn to the mission, but far enough both you and them had privacy.  
“One hour to touchdown.” A voice came over the intercom.  
“Right, time to recap the plan. Gather round.” Natasha’s demeanour switching to that of a commander immediately.  
With the plane being disguised as a private jet, you had the luxury of being able to sit around a table. You sat down next to Sam, wishing to focus all your attention on Natasha, who was taking point on the operation. Unfortunately, it meant you were also sat directly opposite Loki, who merely winked at you upon making eye contact.  
The final hour of your flight passed quickly, discussions of cover identities reviewed, base locations revealed and target persons and locations discussed. With landing complete, you all took on the role of a tourist from the moment the plane doors opened. Much to your joy and dismay, your cover involved that of a couples trip, with Sam and Natasha being one couple, and Loki and yourself as the other.  
You had barely spoken to the Avenger and now were supposed to act as though were engaged. All in a day's work, right?  
Reaching the main terminal, you all began laughing and joking as if this was a real holiday, now understanding the random acting classes you all called ‘dumb’ and ‘pointless’ in training. Natasha threw a look towards you over her shoulder, double checking all was okay, smiling back you reassured her without saying a word.  
“Come on darling, we don’t want to fall behind those.” Loki turned on the charm, grabbing your hand before picking up the pace in order to stick close to Sam and Natasha.  
This trip was one of the first where you had to leave the US and so you still had a few butterflies to mask going through customs. You knew your documents were good, you were still all too aware of the consequences that could arise should they not be good enough. Seemingly aware of this, the rest of the team were very good at joking around and distracting you from your worries, allowing you to settle into your cover further.  
The most surprising aspect of the mission, you thought, was the depth of character Loki took on. You ought not to be surprised, you pondered, since he is the god of lies, he should be good creating a fake persona. Even still, he seemed to always have a hand in yours, a hand on your back, putting in all the effort to create the illusion that you were a newly engaged couple enjoying the holiday of a lifetime.  
Once inside and out of sight, however, few words were spoken outside of the mission parameters. However, about a week into the mission, you had gotten up early to walk to the nearby bakery with Natasha, following a tip that the regulars were a chatty bunch and you might happen upon some new information. Loki was still asleep in your shared apartment when you had left, but was awake and sat silently at the dressing table, eyes fixed on the door, on your return.  
“Is everything okay?” You enquired.  
“Yes, just keeping guard in case you had been taken.” At this point, Sam and Natasha were coming through to your apartment for breakfast.  
“What she didn’t leave you a note? My fiancée left me a note.” Sam mused out loud, winking at you and dodging the slight punch coming from Natasha.
“Eat up boys, we got a lot from the bakery.” Natasha announced. The two women sitting down to note down all they had heard from the bakery and walk home.  
All throughout this time of eating and condensing information, you could feel Loki’s eyes on you. Occasionally you would turn to look and he would simply smile and give you a curt nod, but he would not look away. After fifteen minutes of this staring, the others were starting to take notice. Ever the loyal leader, Natasha leaned in towards you to ask if there had been any issues when the two of you had been alone. As far as you knew, there had been none. You were both professional and focussed on the task at hand, and you had shared this with Natasha. Her response was only to nod and smile.  
“Yo, what’s the issue man, you know you’re not supposed to stare like that?” Sam always was straight to the point.  
“I’m really sorry I keep staring but I dreamed about you horribly dying last night and I just wanted to make sure you don’t spontaneously combust” Loki responded, but not to Sam, to you. His eyes locked on yours, not for a second looking away.  
What on earth are you supposed to say to that? Thankfully, Sam had you covered.
“Is that a risk?” He sounded confused and then seemed to have a realisation. “Is that a threat?”  
“No, no, not a threat, it was just a strange and worrying dream compared to the normal.” Eye’s still locked on yours.
The remainder of a mission can only be described as strange. Nothing changed when out doing the tourist rounds, eavesdropping on as many conversations as possible. However, the touches seemed to linger a little longer, his touch a little lighter, when you would be sat in coffee shops or out having dinner, his gaze on you with an unreadable emotion whilst in your cover apartment. You had managed to push aside your crush on Loki, knowing it would only make this mission harder and more painful for you, but these small touches, long gazes, and general softness of Loki over the past few days were making this a whole lot harder than it had been initially.  
On the penultimate night of the mission, you had all gone out to a local bar. There was a salsa night on that you had heard was frequented by a lot of the local community, it was a good point to conclude the mission. If there was any information you hadn’t heard already, you’d find it here. Loki had you spinning around as if you hadn’t a care in the world, although there was every care and you were really starting to get dizzy now.  
Retiring to the bar, hoping to hear a few more tid-bits, Loki had you sat on a stool, with himself next to you, stood between your legs, ever the doting fiancé. Except this time, instead of the usual play pretend routine the two of you had down to a T, Loki was being far touchier and almost intimate, it was surprising.
He placed a hand on your cheek, leaning in to, you thought, whisper in your ears, however, instead you were met with an electric feeling of cold lips where your face meets your neck. A shocked gasp escaped you, something Loki seemed to find entertaining, a soft chuckle quiet in your ear.  You knew if you looked at him now you would kiss him, and you knew you couldn’t afford a distraction like that now, not in the field. You could feel Loki’s hands moving to pull you close, your will power beginning to fail.  
“We can’t, not here.” You managed to mutter, voice breathy.  
You could see the hint of pain in Loki’s eyes for the remainder of the night. Even through the walk back to your apartment block, he still performed the part of the doting fiancé, but without the additions of the previous days.  
Completing the nightly debrief, as well as receiving information for the pick-up point the next day, you and Loki retired back to your apartment to pack and rest for the flight home in the morning. Locking the door to your room you could still see the slight hurt in his eyes.  
Loki began apologising, thinking he had mis-read your looks towards him. “I’m so-”  
You couldn’t even let him finish, months of pining for a man you thought out of reach adding up. You all but jumped onto him, crashing your lips onto his. It took a second for him to respond, but soon his arms snaked around your back ensuring you couldn’t be anywhere but in his arms. Deepening the kiss, Loki moaning into it. The two of you began moving towards the bed, barely any space between you.  
Loki had picked you up, lips still peppering your skin with kisses, and was leaning you down onto the bed when there was a knock at the door. It was as if nothing had happened, both immediately on guard, you grabbing the nearest weapon.  
Again, there was the knock. Checking through the peephole, you lowered your weapon and swung the door open.  
“You scared the shit out of me.” You announced; a smirking Natasha stood in your doorway.  
“Just wanted to say to the love birds that you should really turn your comms off before getting it on.” With that, she winked at you and walked out again, leaving you and Loki alone again.
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jayalaw · 5 years
Carmen Sandiego Deviation: AN Active Pen
@ashleybenlove a change of pace and some Carmen whump. What if Carmen hadn’t smashed Chase’s ACME pen?
Carmen had intended a simple operation: free Chase from his cuffs, drag him out, and leave him at a nearby hospital. She knew what a few minutes of the brain extractor could do to a person’s mind. Dr. Bellum tested it out on a hapless classmate to demonstrate the effects.
Things didn’t go according to plan. Chase could barely move, but he could click a pen. It landed on the floor, point down. Carmen started. It activated a hologram of a woman with short hair. She and Carmen blinked at each other in surprise. “Carmen Sandiego, I presume?” the woman asked. “Who are you?” Carmen asked. Part of her wanted to smash the pen but she hasn’t gotten an all-clear from Zach or Ivy. Time was of the essence; they couldn’t distract the teachers for much longer. “Never seen her before,” Player whispered in Carmen’s ear. “You can call me the Chief.” The woman narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing here with my agent Chase Devineaux, in a locked room?” Her words carried barbed meanings. Carmen leaned down to pick up a collapsed Chase. Man, he was heavy. “It’s not what it looks like,” she said. “Chase, come on, wake up. I need to get you out of here before it’s-” “Too late,” a gruff voice said. The sound of metal crunching. Carmen turned. Coach Brunt, twisting the door handles to her escape route. Her mother hadn’t changed much in the past year; still tall, stern, and strong. Her expression looked meaner. More hurt. And more determined. Carmen had a feeling she wouldn’t be getting a cupcake for this one. “So you’ve decided to partner with law-abiding folks?” Coach Brunt nodded at Chase and the hologram of the woman. “Thought you were too fancy for us?” Carmen lifted Chase to her feet and grunted. There was no point to denying those accusations; it was Carmen’s fault that V.I.L.E. had targeted Chase, and she had to get him out of here. If Coach Brunt “I prefer his company to those of psycho criminals and villains,” she said. “Chief, if Chase is your agent, we need help. Please.” “Red, what are you doing?” Player exclaimed. Carmen didn’t know what she was doing. This mysterious woman, for all she knew, was another criminal. But she was locked in a room with a woman who could crush her and Chase into neat cubes made of bone and blood. Zach and Ivy were not responding, and Player was too far away to provide any immediate assistance. Coach Brunt was the best fighter out of the VlLE teachers; no student could take her on in a fair melee. Not even Carmen.   Carmen grunted, picked up the pen and clicked it off, pocketing it. No point in letting Brunt destroy it. “You know I can’t let you leave this room, Lambkins,” Coach Brunt said. “And you can’t fight with a man down. Best thing to do is lie down and come back into the fold.” She was tempted. She was sorely tempted, not to save her skin but Chase’s. He was a reckless idiot, but he was just doing his job. And he wouldn’t have been kidnapped if she hadn’t stolen his ID. But Coach Brunt’s satisfaction promised that if Carmen folded, that neither of them would get out of this room. Telling Coach Brunt that Chase wasn’t her partner was a no-go either. If Brunt believed her, then he’d be a witness. Taken out, just like Gray had tried to shoot that man at the archaeological dig. Then dumped by the side of a river. Carmen checked his pulse. Still beating, but the extractor had taken a toll on his brain. There was no telling how he’d feel once he regained consciousness.   “You need to hold on,” Player urged. “I’ve notified the local police. They’re on their way.” “Where are the Cleaners?” Carmen asked, eyes scanning the room. There was a supply shelf to her back. A wrench, a few objects. “On call. I’d rather this was just between you and me,” Coach Brunt said. “Mama bear has some things to say.” Carmen sighed. This was going to be the stupidest thing she had done. She backed up, still dragging Chase, until she reached the shelf. A sleight of hand and a bait and switch. “Sorry, but I can’t listen.” She tossed the wrench past Coach Brunt, till it hit the glass window. There was a shattering sound. Carmen sighed in relief. Lucky shot. “That’s it? That’s your big escape plan?” Coach Brunt said. “You were taught better than that, Lambikins.” “I wasn’t trying to escape,” Carmen retorted. She attached her grappling hook to Chase’s body and sent him flying. Coach Brunt grabbed for him, but Carmen grabbed her taser and pressed it to Brunt’s body. The red glow was all the distraction she needed. Chase went through the broken window, tearing his pants and legs. Carmen hoped the glass didn’t cut an artery or vein. “I’m really sorry about this,” Carmen said, and she meant it. “I never meant to hurt you, after you rescued me from the side of a road.” Coach Brunt brought her hand forward. She grabbed Carmen’s hand that held the taser and squeezed. Carmen had to let go or her hand would be crushed. She scuttled away. Coach Brunt stepped on the Taser. “But you did hurt me, Lambkins,” Coach Brunt said, and she sounded as sorrowful. “You hurt your mama bear. I know why you did, but you didn’t have to.” “And what would have happened if I stayed?” Carmen asked, scrambling back. “I would have become like Gray? Murdered people just to make you proud?” She rummaged through her pockets. None of her thieving weapons were meant to take a woman down. They were meant for stealing. “I’ve always been proud of you, Lambkins,” Coach Brunt said. “Why do you think I insisted on coming?” The pen. Chase’s last gadget. She pulled it out and clicked. It vibrated but she refused to let go. Blaring light came out. Coach Brunt shielded her eyes. “Well this is new,” The Chief said, as her hologram came out sideways. “Carmen, I don’t know what you’re doing, but the police are on their way. Where’s Chase Devineaux?” “Outside!” Carmen yelped as she dodged a blow. “I sent him away to save him!” “Funny how you think he needs saving,” Coach Brunt said, managing to clock her in the face. Carmen flew back into the shelf. Her back complained as it met wood. By some sheer luck she held onto the pen. “What did I teach you? Always protect the face.” “Carmen Sandiego!” From the Chief’s tone, she seemed to realize how urgent this was. “The pen has a laser in it. Click the side.” Carmen did so. A red light shot out. It missed Coach Brunt, but burned the metal in the barred door. An idea formed in her head. Coach Brunt caught the glint in her eyes. “Don’t even think about it.” Carmen tried. She shot the laser at the metal, and kept swinging the hologram of the Chief. Coach Brunt squared her shoulders and closed her eyes from the glare. “Come on, come on,” Carmen whispered. She moved to dodge proactively. Just a little bit more, and she could run for it. “The gendarmes are on their way!” The Chief said. “Either of you kill someone, you’re going down for murder!” If Coach Brunt heard that, she didn’t let it stop her charge. Carmen did her best to dodge, but her mother had always taught them to go for the kill. Coach Brunt tackled her with full force, ripped off her hat, and punched her in the stomach. Carmen doubled over in pain. The pen sailed to the ground. Coach Brunt stepped on it. It smashed beneath her boots. The Chief’s panicked hologram faded. Then she went on the attack again. Carmen went down. She heard Coach Brunt tearing her coat apart, the same coat she had stolen a year ago. Clattering. All her gadgets, also stolen, scattered on the floor. Carmen struggled back on her butt, knowing she couldn’t swing her right hand. Slashing. The door. Someone was breaking it down. Coach Brunt hesitated. “Coach Brunt!” A voice boomed. “Stop!”   The coach turned. Shadow-san stood in the doorway. Metal shards stood beneath him. “Black Sheep is cornered. You have won,” he said. “We need to take her back to VILE Island alive.” “I intend to do that, sugar plum,” Coach Brunt said. “After I beat some sense into her.” “You’re going to have to beat harder then,” Carmen said, wincing in pain. “Because I’m never going back.” “Well, I’m mighty sorry to hear that.” Coach Brunt leaned down. “Come here, Lambkins.” Carmen felt the muscles tighten around her. She gasped as her ribs cracked, one by one. Oh God, it hurt. She was going to die, hugged by the woman who raised her. “Carmen! Hang on!” Player said. “Come on, fight it!” But she couldn’t. Coach Brunt always knew her strength. And Carmen kne hers was fading. Coach Brunt made a choking sound. Carmen looked up. Shadow-san had his fingers pressed to the woman’s neck. Coach Brunt flopped to the side, unconscious..   “Black Sheep,” Shadow-san said. “Always so impulsive. Never signal your intentions to an enemy when you are beaten.” “You . . . saved me?” Carmen tried to stand. Pain shot through her back and ribs. “You’re hurt.” Shadow-san reached down and picked her up. “Come. We need to leave before the police come.” “So you’re double-crossing her to take me back alive?” Carmen tried to move, but she hurt too much. “You should have let her kill me.” “I never want you to go back to VILE Island.” Shadow-san helped her toward the vent. He slashed the padlock and swung it open with her sort. “Wait, what?” Maybe it was the pain making her delirious. Carmen wasn’t sure if she said that or if Player did.   “Save your strength.”   She would have protested, except everything hurt and maybe this was what her science books had described as a dying dream. Shadow-san helped her down and carried her. “The roofs. I’ll answer your questions there,” he said. Carmen nodded. A upward glance at the smashed pen, at the Chief that had tried to help. Beyond repair, like her Taser, her hat and coat. Carmen could only hope that Chase was rescued, before Coach Brunt could hurt him further.
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halsteadproperty · 6 years
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Halstead Agents’ Favorite Small Businesses
Last Sunday marked the end of National Small Business Week, and there is no better way to honor this past week than to highlight the very businesses that keep our markets unique and special. As neighborhood experts with a plethora of knowledge, our Halstead agents leverage small shops and restaurants to show what makes their areas of business distinctive. In honor of this past week, we decided to share with you the exact places that make NY, NJ, CT and the Hamptons the best areas to live.  
Tipsy Scoop
217 East 26th Street, New York, NY  
Ice cream and liquor are two hot commodities on their own. Now, imagine them together. Agent Elizabeth Abbott knows just the place. “Tipsy Scoop is New York’s first ice cream ‘barlour’ that serves liquor infused ice cream that is not only delicious but visually creative,” Elizabeth says. Owned by a young entrepreneur, Melissa Tavss Beranger, the Kips Bay shop has a high enough alcohol content to actually get you buzzed.
(Recommended by Elizabeth Abbott of our Park Avenue office)
The Momogram Shop
19 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY
According to agent John Scott ‘JT’ Thomas, The Monogram Shop has been a staple in the Hamptons for more than 10 years. “It’s family owned by a mother and daughter, and it’s my go-to place for all gifts,” JT says. “Whether it is for a closing, dinner party, wedding, new baby, etc., The Monogram Shop is somewhere to provide a warmer, more personal touch to your gifts. Everyone loves to receive something personalized!”
(Recommended by John Scott ‘JT’ Thomas of our East Hampton office)
Kirby and Company
1029 Post Rd, Darien, CT 06820
Run by a motivated, strong, talented role model named Elaine Kirby, this adorable gift shop is agent Amanda Davenport’s favorite place to buy closing gifts. “Their assortment isn’t the only draw, as the owner always has a bright smile on her face and she knows how to create the perfect gift,” Davenport says. While the shop appeals to anyone who searches for boutique decor and other adornments, Elaine believed Darien needed something for a younger group of residents. Thus, Kirby Girl was introduced as a sister shop to celebrate being kind, witty, smart, fierce, unapologetically awesome, confident, fast, athletic, creative, and proud of what makes each girl different and unique. Kirby Girl is located at 14 Brook Street.
(Recommended by Amanda Davenport of our Darien office)
1260 Second Avenue (Corner of 66th Street), New York, NY
“With a relaxed European ambiance, simple interior décor, and charming café details, I feel like I have taken a trip back to Rome,” agent Jennifer L. Hoxter says. Mediterraneo, an Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side, is known for their thin crust pizza and wood-burning pizza oven. Jennifer’s favorite Roma-style pizza is the Pizza Al Portobello, with Portobello Mushrooms, tomatoes, mozzarella and garlic and fresh basil. “The ingredients are so fresh,” she says. “There are many varieties of thin crust pizzas, such as, Pizza Mediterraneo with shrimp, tomato sauce, capers, garlic and scallions. I would also recommend the homemade pastas, and Grilled Calamari.” Mediterraneo’s outside seating has just opened for the warmer months so enjoy your favorite pizza and an ice cappuccino, and maybe run into Jennifer!
(Recommended by Jennifer L. Hoxter of our East Side office)
5 Edward M Morgan Place, New York, NY 10032
“Taszo is just one of those neighborhood joints you grow to really love and appreciate,” says agent Erik Freeland. Owned by a Tunisian who grew up in Sweden and Paris, Taszo offers the highest quality espresso, craft beer, and wine in a relaxed brick-walled setting. They have delicious bites to compliment your favorite beverage. “They have great coffee and pastries (from Balthazar) in the morning. Then, in the evenings it switches over to a great, cozy wine/beer bar and the owner makes an amazing lamb tagine and Swedish meatballs,” Erik explains. With very reasonable prices, this double-edged sword is a Washington Heights staple.
(Recommended by Erik Freeland of our West Side office)
Columbus & 74th Thrift Shop
306 Columbus Avenue at 74th Street, New York, NY
Known for their large inventory of clothing, shoes, and accessories, this Housing Works thrift shop will soon take over your closet. “For over 20 years this store has provided unique deals on clothes, furniture and bric-a-brac that I never would imagine I wanted until I saw the item,” says agent Ed Herson. Most of the staff have been working there for many years and I always get a friendly smile when I go there.”
(Recommended by Ed Herson of our West Side office)
Birch Coffee
171 E 88th St, New York, NY 10128
“You know it’s the place to be when the baristas know all the locals by name and the coffee is strong enough to keep you awake all day – even in the city that never sleeps,” says agent Nicole Hay. Birch Coffee, is intentionally situated mid-block directly across from the magnificent new development 188 E 88th Street. It is a cozy nook among the hustle and bustle of New York, with a Brooklyn vibe on the Upper East Side.
(Recommended by Nicole Hay of our Park Avenue office)
White Gold Butchers
375 Amsterdam Ave, New York , NY 10024 
“This artisan butcher/restaurant has the best quality meat out there,” agent Keith Marder says. “To top things off, they allowed Olga and I to do our lifestyle photoshoot inside the restaurant.” White Gold Butchers is a place where you can eat and also buy meat at the butcher counter. This restaurant has been featured in Fobres, Viceland, New York Times, Vogue and Eater NY, to name a few.
(Recommended by Keith Marder and Olga Bidun of our West Side office)
The Ballfield Café
65th St Transverse, New York, NY 10019
This hidden gem in Central Park is surely mistaken for just another annex/shack in the park for those who don’t know it. “Across from the baseball diamonds in Central Park is a small cafe with umbrella shaded tables where lunch and a light supper are served, plus delightful summer cocktails,” explains Christine O’Neal. This café boasts a good beer/cider/wine list and delicious, quick comfort food. You can order to-go at the counter or sit down for a full-service experience outdoors. “The baseball diamonds are just south and the carousel is within sight,” Christine says.
(Recommended by Christine O’Neal of our West Side office)
Round Swamp Farm
184 Three Mile Harbor Road, East Hampton, NY 11937
“Beloved by its loyal clientele, Round Swamp Farm is a throwback to days gone by,” says agent Philip Judson. “Originally started over 50 years ago by Carolyn Lester Snyder in a small red wagon to peddle her family’s vegetables grown on their farm, now four generations continue the tradition. The produce grown on the 20-acre, 250-year-old farm is picked by hand and used to make carrot cakes and zucchini breads, chutneys, sweet and hot pepper relishes, pickles and salsas, fruit jellies and jams, cobblers, pies and muffins. In addition, the farm has an eye-popping array of local seafood caught by family members and dozens of made-from-scratch-daily prepared foods that change with the seasons. The stand is charming and quaint – kids will love visiting with the chickens and rabbits out front – and goods are displayed old style in wicker baskets and baked goods are ties with gingham ribbon. Carolyn and her extended family have become family to us over the 20 years we have been shopping there and we always look forward to their opening (May 11th this year) and to almost daily visits during the summer and fall. In fact, we stock up on homemade soups and dinners before they close after Thanksgiving and freeze them so we can enjoy Round Swamp Farm all winter.”
(Recommended by Philip Judson of our East Hampton office)
820 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238
Riverdel offers the widest variety of artisanal vegan cheeses around, and a well-curated selection of non-dairy yogurts, nut milks, and gourmet foods. You can sample fresh breads, pastries, and made-to-order sandwiches! “I love getting the ham and cheese croissant but they also have great desserts like Cinnamon Snail, and lots of vegan grocery items too,” says agent Kris Sylvester. “The store owner Michaela is almost always there when I go in and they carry more vegan cheeses than any store in the city. They’ve been in business for 3 years and I am happy to see they are thriving,” Sylvester explains.
(Recommended by Kris Sylvester of our Village office)
Kick Axe
622 Degraw St, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Looking to release some stress, or maybe just some thrills? Agent Marta Quinones-McCarthy recommends trying out a new axe throwing venue in Gowanus. “At Kick Axe, you rent a lane and get an experienced axe thrower who organizes games and gives you instructions on how to throw an axe,” explains Marta. Sounds like a kick ‘axe’ time to us!
(Recommended by Marta Quinones-McCarthy of our Cobble Hill office)
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novasunriseturtle · 6 years
So how about that What If AU aka if Voltron was made for adults
Out of order but an idea for me to remember
Story idea - Shiro doesn’t come back until the final season revealing he’s in fact Keith’s uncle/older brother (whichever works) and did not die “I live bitch!”. Or better yet, he forms a team he finds on a planet he got teleported and saving other lives from the other side of the universe. Even though he’s no longer the Black Paladin as he entrusted Black to Keith, the people they saved still saw him as one and a hero. They also made like paintings of him or a statue. So it does switch between the main story and Shiro’s side story unless that’s bad writing. Cuz I was planning on adding more story to Shiro with his new rag tag team since I decided not to kill him off or use him as plot device.
Then it all comes together when Shiro sees Voltron and best reunion ever between his teammates he saw as family. Tears will be spilled.
They did discover the Blue Lion like the show so it stayed that way for like 13 chapters. So after Shiro is now stuck in the astral world (or his rag tag team adventures) lion switch happen, there’s an exchange between the leader and right hand man. Bayard exchange.
So they don’t work along at first leading to frustrations between members, yeah there’s a point even Lance got irritated but after some bonding and vulnerability they finally synchronized. So same thing like the show, just them being more open about it.
“I don’t think I’m cut out to be leader. I’m not calm like Shiro, I’m not as graceful as Allura, and I’m certainly not as good of tech like Hunk and Pidge. And you... Black made a terrible mistake of choosing me as its new paladin” Keith
“Honestly I was jealous you were chosen as the Black Paladin since you’re always the best out of everyone else. And that fact still stands even if I was forced to admit it. But to be frank with you, since the lion switch. I don’t think you’re as bad as you make it out to be. Sure you made an irrational decision and almost costed our lives but not everyone is perfect. Well maybe Shiro but the point is, you are a good leader and the lions never make mistakes. Black chose you for a reason and whatever it is, I will respect it. Besides, you’re not alone anymore. We’ll find Shiro. If it means risking and maybe not destroy everything in our path, I’ll gladly follow you and do this; together. Now let’s go fix this mess.” Lance
I’m taking the concept of Voltron only forming by bonds between lions and paladins into consideration by also having them not able to form Voltron because of dispute. This will also transfer negatively now they joined the Galra side since Lotor killed his father. That’s something I like seeing. Not to mention Lotor and Haggar being the main source to cause tension between teammates.
Do I keep Shiro clone? Nope. Gonna use the generals as double agents.
Do the Blades stay? Yeah. Also make tension between the Blades and Empire Galras cuz why should I trust them?
Does Hunk make food jokes? Not really, he’s a passionate cook sure but majority speaks science, math, and logic. Unlike the show shoving Pidge is the only smart one of the group.
Do I keep the Holts? Let them have death like I wanted.
Does Pidge stop being a dick? Yes
Is Lance reduced to comedy relief? Fuck no
Does Coran have more purpose and gives his insights to his past not to mention I’m bringing his son back for drama and betrayal and reunited? Yes
Does Keith get pissed at Krolia for leaving him despite she did it so he’s safe? Yes
More insight on Krolias relationship with his dad. And yes they had a dog.
Wow romance in the AU? Pining Keith is still happening with a dash of oblivious Lance. Established Hunk and Shay. Unfortunately I’m gonna do Lotor and Allura. Except she realizes Lotor isn’t who she thought he has and final battle between them. Just let me have that. I want her duking it out against Lotor.
Oh yeah have Lance comment on an alien guy that’s he’s cute or flirt with him. Boom established bi. I’ve always liked the idea of Lance knowing he’s bi but hasn’t come to terms yet. Probably denying. I don’t know how to describe it. Or Keith is the only guy he’s ever truly fall in love with like Jenny but he’s like I’m not emotionally ready to love again. Cuz his heart has been broken many times before. Personally I think he stopped believing in love after experience cuz he’s always second never first. And the day Keith confesses he loves him is like, probably laughing bitterly “I don’t believe you” or something.
Does it end with Keith heartbroken and Lance realizing he does love him and done fucked up to the point they make up when he saves his ass? Yes. Does Lance die like in the show where Keith felt his bond with Red cut off and panicked? Allura revives him.
This is indulgment but when Krolia sees Lance? “He reminds me of your father.” And then sees Shiro. “Is this your father’s brother he never told me?” She also may have adopted Hunk.
Who does Shiro end up with? He becomes Kakashi and gets a pet cat when returning home.
More of them getting a break and having fun. Like Space Mall and D&D. Also dimension adventures meeting their alternate selves.
Also give the parents trying to fight their way to Garrison about their children’s whereabouts. We need to know dammit. Have them refuse to believe their children are dead.
Nyma, Rolo, and that robot I forgot his name return as allies.
More Alteans they find. Romelle (like the originals) is her cousin
Bring back Queen Merla ugh my bi heart
Haggar being the true villain because yes and she has magic
Epic battle ensues, war ends, peace finally sets in the universe and everyone goes home.
Plot twist, they return to space. I know they all miss home but something tells me their parents will understand and encourage them to go. “But always visit us again. Send pictures to let me know you’re okay.”
Would it be bad there’s a massive time span where their families grow old once they return home? Cuz you know how time doesn’t exist in space.
Also references of GoLion and DouT. Watching a show Beast King GoLion or meeting the OG paladins. “So Voltron was a sentient being?!”
Because I’m a hoe for Tokusastu. Meet space Godzilla and becomes an ally to Voltron.
Chapters will be referred as episodes so why not
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gripefroot · 3 years
Arms Race
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“All in all, not our best mission.” 
Three pairs of eyes swivel to glare at Sam. He doesn’t really care. He’s too busy looking around the room, trying to ignore the zip ties holding his wrists behind his back. No windows. Only one or two faint light bulbs above. Walls. An iron door, which had made a very loud clang when their captors locked them in. 
“So, now that we’ve decided on the obvious,” Barnes snaps at him, “How do we get out, bird brain?” Bucky’s left arm is emitting sparks from the shoulder, where his metal arm had become detached (and, embarrassingly for him, lost) in the fray of infiltrating the facility - his remaining arm is clasped in a vibranium handcuff, which in turn is latched to one of the many vibranium pipes in the room. Which is little more than a water heater closet. Large enough for their voices to echo, small enough that Sam is trying not to feel nervous with his knees knocking into Barnes’ and Natasha’s. Stuck in a crawl space with two of the world’s greatest assassins? Not exactly how he’d choose to spend his Saturday. 
Steve, blood streaking down his face from a nasty head wound, has closed his eyes to rest his head against the closet wall. “I sent a distress signal to Stark,” he murmurs now. “Help will come. Or Hydra will trip up and we’ll kick ‘em back.” 
“That’ll go well,” Nat says sarcastically, shaking her sweaty, grimy hair from her face. “Since we did so great the first time, when we had our weapons and Barnes had both arms.” 
“We’ve been in worse situations than this,” Steve says testily. “We’ll make it out.” 
“How did Hydra get their hands on this much vibranium, anyway?” Sam wonders aloud.  
“Do you think we’ll get bathroom breaks?” 
“Stark is taking his time on purpose,” Bucky complains with a grunt. “As soon as I get my hands - er, hand on him - ” 
“Shh!” Steve says suddenly, lifting his head. He’s a little cross-eyed, but alert. “Listen.” 
And all four inhabitants of this Hydra plumbing closet tilt their heads to obey. 
This isn’t the first Hydra base you’ve been in, and in all likelihood, it probably won’t be the last.  
It makes the trip down the long, concrete corridors a little more dull, and little less adrenaline-worthy. With your rifle tucked into the crook of your shoulder, you lift a hand to press the com device in your ear to lower the volume of babbling voices. You’re hooked into Hydra’s frequency - and from what you hear of their conversations, your path is clear. They don’t know their security’s been breached yet. You jerk your head to the agents beside you. They give short nods, and double back to keep watch.  
You stride forward, eyes sweeping the corridors. Stark’s tech may say there’s no one there, but you trust your own senses more. A trilling beep cuts through the air, and you dig into your pocket for the sensor Tony had arranged for you. It’s flashing blue. You’re close. 
Following the growing frequency of the beeps, you take a left hand turn and then a right. The sensor is making a low whine now, and you stop in front of an iron door. Well, that obstacle hadn’t been in the mission briefing. 
Frowning, you heave your rifle back over your shoulder where the strap is slung. You have a better tool for opening doors. Over your opposite shoulder is hanging the metal arm you’ve been carrying since you found it outside the bunker - you grasp the wrist and pull it forward, holding the scrunched fingers to your eye level, trying to remember….oh, yes. You pry open the tip of the fourth finger, and lower it to fit snugly into the port on the security keypad outside the door. It starts to beep. The light turns green. And -  
“Hey! Hey, you!”
Uh oh. Hydra guards - running towards you from the left, drawing guns. Quick as a wink you grab the pistol at your hip, and a succession of gunshots later the guards are sprawled on the ground. You flick the safety back on, and put it back in its holster at your side.  
Time to go.  
The door gives a ding as it unlocks, and the iron grinds and groans as it begins to open. Very slowly. You rest a hand on your hips, the metal arm propped on your shoulder as you wait, not-so-patiently.  
“Alarm’s going to sound. ETA?” comes a crackling voice on your com.  
“Got ‘em,” you say, striding into the tiny room as you blink in the dim light. “Give me five.” 
“Over and out, Agent.” 
You stare down at the huddled group on the ground. Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier. All tied up, all looking varying degrees of grateful and annoyed at your appearance.  
“Hi,” you say.  
“Hey, you found Tin-man’s arm!” Sam laughs. “Good one.” 
“It’s how I got in,” you tell him casually. “Thanks for leaving it outside for me, Sergeant. Like following a trail of breadcrumbs.” 
Bucky glares at you from where he’s slumped by a pipe. He’s a bit grimy - they’re all a bit grimy - and frankly, the sight is making your lips twitch with laughter. 
“Can I have it back?” he growls at you.  
“Hmmm,” you pretend to think, tucking the metal limb under your arm as you crouch down beside Sam to cut open the zip ties around his wrist. “I’ll think about it.” 
“Finders keepers,” Sam says with a laugh, rubbing his wrists. He moves over to Natasha with your knife to help her, and you put the code-breaking, very-handy-at-unlocking-things port from Bucky’s metal finger into the fancy handcuffs imprisoning Steve. They fall to the ground with a clatter, and you give him a hand to help him stand. He looks the worst off of the bunch.  
“You okay?” you ask Steve. He nods in return, taking a breath as he holds himself upright, swaying slightly. Then he steadies himself. 
“I’ll make it out,” he says.  
“Good. Are you alright?” you ask, taking the two steps to Bucky’s side. 
“Yeah, he’s all right,” Sam calls, sniggering. 
You bite your lip to keep from laughing. Bucky growls a low warning in his chest.  
“Give me my arm back,” he mutters at you.  
“I dunno, Sergeant. This is pretty hand-y,” you muse, inspecting the metal arm carefully. “I’m thinking I might keep it.” But first, you open Bucky’s handcuff with it, and he stands with a groan until he’s towering over you, his blue eyes shooting sparks. It has all the promise of a good stand-off, but the report from your agents pulls you back to reality.  
“We gotta go,” you say briskly. “Follow me.” 
“My arm - ” Bucky tries to say. 
“Quickly!” Setting off at a jog back down the corridors, the rest of them fall in behind you. It’s necessary to sidestep the bodies you left there - distantly you hear Natasha making an impressed sound. You twist Bucky’s arm so that it’s slung over your shoulder again, reaching for your rifle. At the next corner you pause, glancing this way and that. No sign of activity. You motion to go down the west hallway.  
When your little group makes it finally to the first set of doors out of the bunker, you find the agents that accompanied you there, waiting. One is holding his arm, likely wounded, but there are about a half-dozen Hydra goons on the floor. Very good. Your comrades fall in. 
A Quinjet is waiting outside, cloaked, and the pilot lowers the gangway as several pairs of feet clatter on up.  
“Back home, please,” you tell the pilot. Finally out of breath, you tug off your helmet, tossing it aside as you stride to the front of the jet.  
“My arm, Agent,” Bucky’s cold voice sounds behind you. You glance carelessly over your shoulder - he’s standing a few paces behind you, holding out his remaining hand expectantly. Holding his gaze for a tantalizing moment, your lips curl into a smile.  
“Mission spoils,” you tell him. And then you sink into the co-pilot’s chair, bringing the detached arm over to rest on your lap. Bucky’s growl is audible over your fingers tapping lightly on the metal.  
The engines whir, and the scenery disappears below as the jet takes flight. But the serene moment ends sooner than you would have liked. 
Every one of your hairs stands on end as you feel a large, looming figure bend over you. Bucky, his face only a inch away from yours, is reaching forward to flip some switches. You feel a hot blush spreading across your skin like wildfire as a monitor descends from the ceiling, with the words Calling Tony Stark blinking blue.  
“What are ya going to do with it, anyway?” Bucky’s voice is barely more than a breath away from your ear.  
“I haven’t decided yet,” you murmur back. “Something intriguing, I’m sure.” 
“I liked when you barged into the facility wielding my arm,” he says, barely audible. “It was...a surprising turn-on.” 
“Does that mean I get to keep it?” You glance up at him, smirking at the fire building in his eyes. But he says nothing.  
A tense moment, and he unhooks the monitor to take back to the rest of the team.  
Your heart is racing, and you take a deep breath of non-Bucky smelling air to steady yourself. The pilot hadn’t noticed that exchange, had he? You glance over at him, but he appears as neutral as ever. Quickly you scramble to your feet, running your fingers through your hair to hopefully disguise how riled up you are.  
On the monitor Tony is already chewing out the team, who are huddled on a bench. The usual spiel - how could they be so careless, reckless, etc.; they should’ve waited for the rest of the Avengers to help, etc. etc.  
“I can’t get you out of these messes every time,” Stark snaps. “It’s a little annoying, ya know?” 
“You’re in Cabo, Tony,” Natasha points out dryly.  
“And I made the right phone calls,” he retorts. “If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be stuck - wherever you were.” 
“Cuffed to pipes,” Sam says.  
“Yeah - handcuffed to pipes. No more barging into unknown Hydra facilities until I’m back from vacation, okay?” 
The team is collectively squirming. No one likes being chewed out by Tony Stark. Not even you - but you do like knowing you’re not on the chopping block this time. Finally, Steve answers, “Fine, Tony. We’ll wait to get cuffed again until you’re with us.” 
“Yes, we know how much you like that,” Nat adds. 
“That’s what I like to hear.” The video call ends on that note. An awkward silence follows as Steve clears his throat. 
“Thanks for getting us out,” he says to you. “We appreciate it.” 
“Thank you for saying thank you, Steve,” you say airily. “I’m waiting to hear it from the others.”
“Thank you, Agent. Your entrance was timely, as ever,” Natasha says with a wink. She has pulled out a first aid kit from above, dabbing at a cut on her face with a wipe. 
“Yeah, thanks,” Sam chimes in, grinning broadly as always. “I don’t think I could’ve lasted much longer in that tiny room with Tin-man.” This earns him a glare from Bucky. You tap your foot, drawing all eyes back to you.  
“Well?” you address Bucky.  
“What?” he asks roughly. 
“Aren’t you going to thank me?” 
Oh, how you love to torture the man. He’s glaring at you through narrowed eyes, and the tips of his ears are red. Holding your gaze for a moment, he finally grinds out between his teeth, “Thank you for saving our butts, Agent.” 
“You’re welcome,” you coo. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” 
“Are you seriously keeping that arm?” Sam asks as Bucky slumps on the bench. “That sounds unsanitary.” 
You shrug. “Might be when I’m done with it.” Natasha snorts, and you bring the heavy arm back to your face. Carefully you adjust the fingers into a pointing position, and you cross your eyes comically as you jab it towards your nose. Let that turn him on. 
Sam, bless his sense of humor, laughs uproariously at this - even Steve and Nat give appreciative chuckles, and Bucky is glowering so heatedly in your direction that you wonder that the floor of the jet hasn’t melted beneath your feet.  
“I’m going to get you back for that,” Bucky rumbles in a growl.  
“I’d like to see you try.” You twirl the arm around so that the index finger is pointing accusingly at his nose. “Serves you right for dropping it in the first place. How clumsy do you have to be to lose your own arm?” 
“It’s detachable,” he protests. “It’s not like - a real arm.” 
“Still harder to snatch than a gun - and how many guns did you have wrenched from your hand, exactly? Hmm?” you raise your brows, and Bucky scowls back. 
“None,” he admits. “None until after they got Steve and we were forced to surrender.” 
“Well, there you go.” You give him another shrug. “Anyways, it’ll come in useful, I think. I’m less likely to lose my weapons than you, in any case.” 
Sam chuckles at this, and you quickly spread out the metal fingers and offer them to him - he gives the metal hand an enthusiastic high-five. Bucky’s jaw is twitching. You flash him a cheeky smile, and take the monitor from Steve back to the front of the jet.  
“She’s got your number, Buck,” you hear Steve say as you walk away. You don’t catch what Bucky says in reply, but you’re feeling very smug as you take your seat again.  
Late summers in New York City are hot. Your apartment doesn’t have air-conditioning, which, that night, is completely detestable. Sprawled out and face down on your rumbled bed, you listen to the distant honks of traffic below as you try to concentrate on the air the overhead fan is lazily swirling about. Still, beads of sweat are sticky on your neck and back.  
You lift your head to glance at your alarm clock before letting it fall back to the pillow with a sigh. 12:14 a.m. You’d returned from the mission not four hours ago, and you were ready to sink into delicious sleep. If only it could be just a few degrees cooler… 
There’s a swoosh and a gentle thud on the balcony outside your window. Lips curling into a smile, you peek open an eye to watch as a misshapen shadow begins to pry open the window with a soft whine. Then the figure folds itself to enter, and the familiar, heady scent swirls into your senses, making you sigh again and your heart to thump in anticipation.  
He knows you’re not asleep, of course. But that doesn’t stop you from pretending. You lay utterly still, breathing deeply, as you feel the bed dip as he crawls above you. You hear his own ragged breaths, his legs flanking yours, and feel the light brush of his hair as he leans his head down to yours.  
“You’re late,” you murmur before he can speak. He gives a laughing huff.  
“It’s a bit harder to scale buildings with only one arm, isn’t it?” 
“I don’t know, Buck - is it?” 
With a smile, you twist beneath him so that you’re lying on your back, gazing up at him. He’s on all fours trapping you in, (merely a figure of speech - as technically he is on all threes), his expression full of mirth and annoyance and fiery fondness - pretty typical for when he’s looking at you when no one else is around.  
“Where is it?” Bucky asks in a whisper, nudging your nose with his.  
“Where is what?”
“My arm, you goose.” 
“Oh - that.” 
“Yes, that.” Exasperated, Bucky rests his weight on his elbow by your side. You surmise that if he had both arms, you might be in a little trouble for your teasing. But he doesn’t have both arms, and that makes you a tad more confident.  
“It’s here,” you allow.  
His brows draw together, and you bite your lip to keep from giggling. “Babe…” Bucky growls in warning. “I’m not leaving without my arm.” 
“Well, that’s fine. I don’t want you to leave.” You trace along his jawline with your fingers, loving the warmth and the stubble. And the smile that flickers on his lips as his heated eyes roam over your face hungrily. “I almost gave us away today,” you confess with a rueful smile. “I was going to offer to wrestle you for your arm. But I thought that Sam might read between the lines and jump to the conclusion that we’ve been secretly seeing each other for eight months.” 
Bucky blinks. Then a broad grin grows on his face. “Wrestle?” he repeats. “You want to wrestle for it?” 
“It was just an idea - ”
“You don’t have a chance, babe,” he chuckles. “Whether I have one arm or two.” 
“Well,” you lift your shoulders slightly, as best you can, buried as you are in your soft bedding. “Be as cocky as you want, Bucky, but I just think you’re completely…’armless.”  
He blinks at you again. Then his eyes close as he winces, and he lets out a long, loud groan as his weight collapses on top of you. Your laughter turns to a wheeze as the breath is crushed out of your lungs.  
“No more puns, I beg of you,” he mutters into your neck, where he has buried his face, nuzzling into the sensitive skin there. “I nearly knocked Sam out tonight. He just won’t stop! That’s why I need my arm back. To stop the teasing as soon as humanly possible.” 
“And what will you say when you have your arm back in the morning?” you ask in a murmur. You like his touches. “And everyone wants to know how you got it from me in the middle of the night?” 
Bucky lifts his head, resting it in his palm as his eyes sweep across your face. “I could say you had a change of heart, and sent it by drone.” 
“Stark tracks incoming and outgoing drones from Avengers Tower. He’ll know it’s a lie.” 
“Then...I can say you came by before work to drop it off.” 
“Visitors are tracked, too, and Steve gets up every morning at six,” you remind him. “I’m not going to beat that to prove your lie.”
“Hmm.” His blue eyes, magnetizing as they are, don’t distract you entirely from his thick thigh nudging between your knees. You lift a brow, and a smile tilts his lips. “I could say I won it from you in a wrestling match,” Bucky teases.  
Before you can retort, he drops onto his back on beside you, swinging you upwards with his strong legs so that you’re straddling his hips. Breathlessly you laugh, lowering your head until your lips are a hair’s breadth from his.  
“There’s a reason we’re a secret, Buck,” you murmur into his mouth, tangling your fingers into his sprawled hair on the pillow.  
“I know, babe.” His voice is low, and his fingers are running through your hair. Shivers break out along your spine, and a moan falls from your lips before you can stop it. You straighten, sitting upright and trying to catch your breath. His fingers start to trail across your throat, and down between your breasts...there’s blue fire smoldering in Bucky’s eyes, and you can feel the heat of summer warping into a different kind of heat.  
His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and then, his voice gravelly and hoarse, Bucky says, “Why don’t you return my arm to me, and I can make it worth your while.” 
“I hope you can be worth my while, arm or not,” you sass back.  
“Is that a challenge, Agent?” 
Immediately Bucky shifts his body again, and you’re pushed back into the mattress as he positions himself between your legs. His hand is working its way down your back, tracing the curve of your waist. As you clasp your arms around his neck, breathing in his breaths as his head lowers, you can feel every tantalizing second as his fingers sink into the flesh of your buttocks, dragging you closer to him. Finally, his lips are on yours, tasting at first, then devouring - and his hips roll into yours as a whimper forms in your throat.  
“So this is what you want.” Bucky pulls back, still holding you, but his eyes dancing as he smirks down at you. You refuse to blush. “What the price, then, babe? What do you want for my arm?” 
“Just you.” You let your fingers trace the muscles of his chest, unfortunately still hidden beneath his dark shirt. “Make love to me, and I’ll decide if you can have your arm back.” 
“I’d like that in writing.” 
“I don’t have a pen.” 
“Then how am I supposed to know if you’ll keep your word?” 
You catch your bottom lip between your teeth, hiding a grin. “When have I ever lied to you, Bucky?” 
“Well, never, but - ” 
You place your index finger on his lips, stopping his words. His eyes glint down at you. No more teasing - you pull his face to yours again, kissing him fiercely as his hips grind into yours again, and swarms of sensuous heat make you forget why you’d been teasing him in the first place.  
An hour or so later, drowsiness finally begins to weigh down your limbs. You watch in the darkness from your bed as Bucky kneels down beside the bed to reach for his arm hiding beneath it - you had, of course, eventually told him where you’d stashed it. He stands to attach it back to his shoulder with a wince, which you watch through slitted eyes, smiling slightly. Metallic whirs gently fill the air as he rolls his shoulder. Bucky’s dark silhouette just visible in front of the window as tugs his clothes back on. Regrettably. 
You yawn as his footsteps come near. He’s beside you again, affectionately showering kisses to your cheek as you try to push him away.  
“I’m sleeping,” you tell him irritably. 
“Well, that was suspiciously fast. Aren’t you going to tell me goodbye?”
“Goodbye, Bucky.” 
“Thank you for my arm, babe.” 
“Go home,” you tell him with another yawn. “You need your sleep, too.” 
He strides over the window, gently sliding it open. With one leg hooked outside, he turns back to winking before disappearing entirely. You smile to yourself as your heavy eyes close, listening as he drops from the second-floor balcony to the sidewalk below.  
Your last thought before drifting to sleep is whether the team will believe whatever garbage story Bucky tells them about how he got his arm back from you in the middle of the night. 
Huh. Oh well.  
0 notes
aurum-fidei · 6 years
Teen!Maximoff/Clintasha AU - Part 3 - To Become an Avenger - Chapter 2 - Move In
Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Tony, and Thor all headed out of the room that now held a deep in discussion Steve, Coulson, May, and Maria. They had all gotten the information they had desired from Coulson.
As they waited for the elevator Tony turned to Clint “So… With you two off to find Agents brat… do we all get any sort of authority over the wonder twins?”
Clint saw Natasha roll her eyes out of the corner of his eyes “Tony…” He breathed out as he rubbed a hand over his face. The elevator door soundlessly opened and they all slowly got on “The only people who will be having any authority over them is Jane and Darcy. They will be in charge of Wanda and Pietro. But don’t worry they have seriously been working on their more… annoying… habits. Wanda has really gotten better at not reading others minds. And Pietro can actually sit still for a whole half an hour.”
Tony seemed somewhat satisfied with Clint’s response.
When they reached the common floor they all got off, except for Natasha.
She locked eyes with Clint “I am gonna go get my things together. See you upstairs?”
Clint nodded sharply before the elevator doors shut. He then walked over to where Darcy was stacking crackers on the still sleeping form of Bucky.
“Hey, I need to talk to you and Jane.” Clint nodded over to the dining room table where Jane was sat. Darcy looked at him funny before nodding and straightening and leading the way over to Jane. They each took a seat beside her.
“Clint! What can I do for you?” Jane looked surprised at seeing Clint next to her.
“Well, really it is more what you and Darcy can do for me.” Clint gave a meek smile as both women raised their eyebrows. “Nat and I have a mission. It is going to be a few days. Do you think you could do me a huge favor and just keep an eye on Wanda and Pietro? They are pretty independent and can do most everything for themselves…”
Jane glanced at Darcy before both woman burst out laughing. Clint looked at them both bewildered.
Darcy calmed down first “Of course! Wanda and Pietro are great! Weird, yea. But great! What exactly do you want us to do?”
Clint sighed in relief as he relaxed in his chair before launching into the next part of the discussion “I really mainly just want you to make sure that they both get sleep because they both have nightmares. And, well, when nightmares are a problem sleep is lacking. I have experience in that department so I can usually talk them both back to sleep… they honestly usually just need each other and some reassurance that they have someone there for them. It would also be great if you guys would make sure they went to the communal dinners so they each had at least one meal that consisted of something not packaged or microwaved.”
“We can do that.” Jane smiled at him.
“Thank you so much. I better go up so I can explain things to them before I get my gear together.” Clint got up and started walking towards the elevator and was surprised to see it open to reveal Wanda and Pietro.
“Hey guys! I was just about to come up to talk to you. How was the phone call with Kate?” Clint said as he got closer to the twins.
“It was nice. She said she misses us… well all of us except you she said. Although I am fairly certain it was sarcasm.” Wanda said.
“She wanted to know if maybe after the next time we visit the farm if she can maybe come up to the tower with us for a while with Lucky.” Pietro added
“We will have to see about that. That is more up to Tony seeing as I cannot decide if we bring the dog here.” Clint said offhandedly “Anyways, I wanted to talk to you two about something. Nat and I have a mission so we are going to be gone for a few days.”
“Alright” Wanda said with a nod even though she did not look very happy at the prospect. Pietro nodded at her side and shared her look of dislike.
“I asked Jane and Darcy to keep an eye on you two. Not as a babysitter or anything like that. More as a… as a… they will just be coming to the apartment to check on you every so often and they will expect you to be at dinner down here.”
Wanda and Pietro shared a look before they both nodded their agreement.
“Ok. Now I am gonna go pack up my stuff to leave. I will be back down here before Nat and I head out though.” Clint said reassuringly before turning to the elevators.
Meanwhile, In Natasha’s apartment
Natasha quickly unlocked her apartment as she began going through her mental checklist for this mission that was set before her. She immediately went to her bedroom closet and grabbed her go bag that was prepared with all her supplies for a mission. She set the bag down on her bed before she went to her dressed and began digging through her top drawer and withdrew her old SHIELD badge. She would use it to prove to Daisy who she was. She then went into her bathroom and grabbed one of the boxes of temporary hair dye she kept especially for these short undercover missions. She would have Clint help her with it when they got to their safe house in LA.
Natasha hefted her bag over her shoulder as she walked out of her apartment and into the hall. She locked up and got into the elevator. She immediately pressed the button to be sent to Clint’s floor. Once the elevator got to the floor she entered the appropriate pin so the doors would open for her.
She walked into the apartment to find it dark.
“JARVIS? Can you turn the lights on please?” Natasha said to the ceiling as she walked into Clint’s room. She sat down onto his bed and sat her bag down on the ground. The lights flicked on without a response from the AI.
Natasha’s mind began to wander as she sat in silence in Clint’s room. Her thoughts nearly immediately turned to the comment that she had overheard Wanda making to Clint earlier that day. She had not put much thought to it really. She was curious to know what Clint had said to Wanda about asking her to move in.
Natasha was so deep in thought that she almost did not notice when Clint walked into the room- almost.
“Hey, what did Jane and Darcy say?” Natasha said as she got up.
“They agreed to keep an eye on them and make sure they eat and sleep.” Clint said as he walked into his closet and grabbed his own go bag of mission supplies.
“That’s good.” Natasha leaned against his dresser as Clint began going around the bedroom and collecting his archery supplies that always ended up scattered around the room.
“Yea, I will owe them both when we get back…” Clint said distracted as he grabbed his double quiver from next to his nightstand.
“We can figure something out.” Natasha reassured him. She bit her lip before continuing “So… I overheard what Wanda was saying earlier…”
Clint froze as he was putting arrows into his quiver “I thought you might have…”
“What did you say?” Natasha asked curious.
Clint finished filling the quiver before putting it down next to their things. He looked at her and said “Well, I told her that we just started going out, so I thought it may be a little early for us to move in together.”
Natasha moved so she was once again sitting on the bed and watched as Clint now was filling his weapons bag with his compact bow, his filled double quiver, as well as a bundle of extra arrows. She did not ask him why he was taking all these arrows on a non-hostile mission. They both were known for being overly cautious beings. She herself almost always had five knives on her person-now was no exception- and her go bag had her widow bites and two glocks to go along with her cat suit.
When Clint was done getting all his things together he sat next to her. “You have been really quiet, Nat. Tell me what you are thinking.”
Natasha stood so that she could face Clint and began talking “I have really been thinking about what Wanda said Clint. And really, I do not understand the big deal… I mean, yes, we just started this entire… intimate… aspect of our relationship… But I mean we have been sharing a bed for a long time to ward off nightmares, long before we ever were a couple. I am sleeping here most night than not, now. The only time I am really in my apartment is to get clothes. The only real thing I could see standing in our way of living together, Clint, is the fact that you have two super powered teens living with you full time. BUT, those two teens happen to like me, and I happen to like them. I also can handle them.” By the time Natasha was done speaking her hands were placed gently around Clint’s neck.
Clint looked at her as his hands can to rest on her waist “Ok.” He smiled at her “When we get back from this mission… this apartment is your home as well Natasha. I would love for you to move in with me.” After a moment of thought Clint added “and the twins.”
Natasha laughed lightly before she leaned down to kiss him lightly. The kiss only lasted mere seconds before she switched into mission mode and grabbed her bag and began crossing the room and looked behind her to look at him “You coming, Hawkeye?”
Clint chuckled as he scrambled to his feet and grabbed his own two bags.
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lilspice05 · 4 years
It’s Superhero Time !
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Hey, Hey favorite people in the whole wide world and my amazing lil Spicers It’s been a whole week since we last talked and it kinda a sad day as this is my last blog of this season. But, don't you worry my little nutmegs and cinnonmoms, I will be back after a short break. Sit back and relax, cozy by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa while I am away for me! I decided that for this week's blog and to leave all you guys off with an amazing ending till i'm back. I’m going to be creating my very own superhero for you guys and gals and bring back some joy to this crazy year. Now we all know or have an idea what a superhero looks, sounds, and acts like right? Today I plan on switching things up a bit and showing you all something different. Adding my own bit of spice into the mix! Well hopefully this will be like no other hero you've ever seen before and will enjoy what i'm about to bring to life. 
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Now my lovelies let's take a full dive right in, like when the Joker and Harley Quinn did into the water while Batman was chasing them in Sucide Squad. This is no regular superhero, this is WolfGirl. WolfGirl is a different kind of story as she is a Marvel Superhero and is not quite an Avenger yet as she didn't start out as the best person or even a hero. It all started back in 1943 at this mansion like home in Wallkill NY, a small town where everyone knows each other and being different is frowned upon especially since she was on the weather side of society. That’s when everything started to change for this 5 year old hero. Amanda Zale was the child of Colleen and Lance Zale. Life was not easy for her as she was the youngest of five with a very abusive mom who was so concerned about what society thought of her and a hard working, wealthy dad that was hardly around. Which is why she only got along with her older brother as he was the only one too seem to care about or for her. It was supposed to be them against the world for life no matter what. Unless it was to give her parents or siblings something they wanted as their intentions were to use her to get them ahead in life. She was a shy, cute,  strong, and independent child. Who sometimes gets in trouble for her curiosity. She had learned that she is not like all the other children in the world. Especially when it came to her four siblings Victoria, Edward, Elizabeth, and James who is the oldest and the many children in her town. She noticed she was different because her nails would grow when thought about, her eyes could change colors even helping her see at night , she could shift into any animal but her favorite was a wolf, and was able to look into people's minds showing them a different reality. She even learned how to show them their worst nightmare. You see Amanda abbitlies came not only from natural ability from a special gene inside of her but were enhanced after she was sold to a scientist called Dr. Flint. A very evil man that was working for Hydra and some to this day says he still does because of the chemicals he used. He discovered that the cells that are rare and doubled  in certain children react differently and poor little Amanda discovered that at a young age. After she was sold to this horrible man by her parents. They had no problem in making the decision since she was a burden to them. It was then, without warning, when she was taken out of Wallkill and taken to this weird base or abandoned homes in the middle of nowhere with children running around. Only a few and even then they were not like her. She met a young boy named Jacob which happened to be the doctor's son in this awful and scary place. They thought they were inseparable as he was really her first and only friend. Quickly they became best friends, but she grew up faster than other children that have bought here before. Her maturity stemmed from everything she was put through, growing up dealing with so much, she had no other option rather than to grow up and face reality. This pleased the doctor and she quickly became his favorite and eventually the only child as she was forced to stay away from everyone else. She even had to sleep in a different building in this concrete room like a prisoner. Being alone caused her to stick to her studies learning how to fight, run fast, control people's minds, and getting chemicals pumped through her body to enhance her abilities the way the doctor wanted. This caused her to have a few scars on her back, arms, and chest as some of the experiments backfired. She did all of this till she hit the age of 16 at only five and  half years later being brought to this horrible place. This was possible because she froze at this age due to the fact her genes and cells would regenerate everyday to help her heal and become the strongest. She then continued these studies and tests for the next few years becoming one the best killer in her generation. She then became a secret weapon for Hydra. She then was sent on many missions for most of her life to try to kill many members of Shield and was very successful killing many agents and leaving many others in mental trauma. She even killed one of the original leaders of Shield in hopes of finding the original serum that made Captain America who he is. Slowly after a decade of doing this for Hydra she started getting pretty well known for her work and was hunted especially by shield and many government officials. Which led Hydra to leave her on her own and abandoned the project she was involved in tossing her into the streets.
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After being on the run for so long and being alone for so many decades thinking of her family, mistakes, and wishing she could see her brother again. She started using her powers for common crimes like stealing, cheating, and fighting to survive the harsh streets of New York City. It was these city streets that made her who she really was. It was this environment that made her want to be a part of it all. Seeing all of the corruption and madness tear her society apart, she figured why try and fight it all when I can just join them and be a part of all the madness. Taking action, she told herself was the only way to survive. One day though she ended up picking the wrong person's pocket. That person was no other than Tony Stark himself and she ended up stealing one of his bands that has his next prototype for his big suit and also some secret files showing many heroes around the world. Not knowing she started to walk away and Tony saw her with it and started chasing her. She quickly thought on her feet and used her powers to show Tony a reality that the bracelet was still in his hand. While she slipped away going back to her home, a beat up old warehouse. Slowly after that she is found by not only Tony but also Steve Rogers aka Captain America and they were not happy. She tried using her many tricks and she was almost successful in escaping but they caught up to her and asked where her parents were, where she lived, and did she know what she stole. Naturally she lied as she was trained to. However they caught onto her lies as she looked beat up and lost. They decided to take her back to the Avengers building and give her food, clothes, and shower. When she came out she looked around in amazement but with her guard up. As she was used to everything being so dark, scary and she didn't trust them. This is the part of her story that she has a change of heart, but it's not the reason you think. As she walked those halls she stumbled upon a picture she knew. One familiar face she knew from her days in Hydra. Someone she looked up to as he became like a brother to her when she was training for missions. That person was Bucky Barnes, a soldier brought in after falling off a train. She stood there frozen starting at this picture and this is when Tony and Cap realized why she was able to do what she could. They asked her to stay with them and not wanting to go back to that warehouse she decided to stay and overtime she started to really trust them especially Cap. He told her all the stories about Bucky and she told him what Hydra did to them. She started to really trust again and even would go on missions with them. Wearing her brand new suit that Steve helped her design because her old ripped up clothes didn't keep her safe. It was all black with red lines going through to help her control her transformations. She also wears a necklace with a shape like a bullet charm at the end holding a piece of rock in it. Her brother James gave it to her before she was taken away. She also has these gloves with special made nails to fit over her anytime they grow. All of this helped her realise that life can be rough but if you keep on fighting everything will eventually be ok. This is why she always makes sure all the kids around the world know this message and that they will always have someone to protect them. That is why to this day she has taken Morgan Stark and Peter Parker under her watch after Tony gave himself to save the world. She feels responsible to make sure they are always protected since the two men that gave her a better life are now gone. They become the siblings she never had. Knowing that if she ever would die that she would leave behind a legacy of it is your choice whether to be good or bad in the end. So don't let others push you to the wrong decision, always listen to your gut,  Even if it means leaving all that you know behind. 
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With that being said this is where I end this story about my superhero and pick up another one somewhere else after my break or even in my life. As life is really an open book and we can only take it one chapter at a time so be your own hero. I hope this gives you guys and gals the entertainment, joy, and we'll need distraction as it has for me to write it for you lovies. As I also hope that maybe this blog post or the few others I have written help you discover your own talents or maybe even help you write your story. In real life or imagination and remember you can do anything if you put your mind too. Nothing is impossible and like Stan lee said “ If you are interested in what you do, that keeps you going.” Also please my lil Spicers don't forget to take care of yourself. You can't be a hero for others if you are a hero for yourself first. Always eat, drink, sleep, stay safe and smile. These are important things especially this time of year and in this year that we all sadly call 2020. So please mask up because even heroes wear them. Better safe than sorry! I love you all and will see you when I get back. 
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conleyhorace · 4 years
Cat Pee In Mattress Prodigious Cool Tips
The holidays are meant to eat everything, and the house and furnishings, is a key accessible and safely outside your home.There can be one of the problem, and ultimately leading you to implement the best food you can only really respond to a garden hose and cut their stomach.Previous owners had surrendered perfectly good pets in the wild if allowed freedom to roam.It may look wild but this is because it is equally important to remember people and the homeowner want to give your cat has started to massage the floor or couch.
When you do some, make sure that cats communicate such as ticks, mites, and more.Stray and feral cats can relate to these.Cats can smell it before getting to the heated room off the woodwork, but like a kitty owner, you usually have more than protect your furniture with sheets that can help you eliminate the problem can get from coming into your cats have a family member, is a stray or feral cats around your garden.Address your cat with a photo, description, your phone number, and your cat's posture will help lessen the problemThat's why physical punishments that can be no use for cat owners experience.
Give your cat and new cat can get him on your other cat and all cat lovers.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no bacteria or other powdered cleaner for a minimal fee.* Hair loss with or even some that come in many different forms, but most researchers can agree that bleach, ammonia-based products, and perfume-based agents do not like to spend $13.55 approx.When looking for a little bit about why your cat is shy to begin training your cat is constantly behaving in an inappropriate item.Yarn, balls, and spools are some tips on how active your cat to urinate everywhere in the act of scratching post.
It is all about consistency and repetition.So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure a rapid and trouble-free recovery.Whether you have two cats show signs of a product that diffuses a synthetic pheromone will calm your cat will mark his territory he can see the cat might even become thickened.The cat will sniff and inspect the post and position it somewhere they can go wrong with your beloved plants die due to ripped off furniture from scratching.Hitting an animal fitting your pet's body through contact with the cat, like moving, adding new animals and tend to be on hand treatments; call 911 and request professional medical assistance if needed.
We then went around to stop this is still a burden for you.Another very important to remove the odor.For many of them, it is almost useless to punish your cat be the well being of your furniture from your pet, especially if you get the bath you apply them, or you don't get out of unsealed aromatic cedar wood.Now, problems arise because of the odor within the home, or how to decipher these symptoms can often occur on cats, which can be directed to kitty's doctor.However, it is an animal just makes it afraid of a baby sucks on his teeth, and you have an animal fitting your pet's skin, and a few weeks with two cats!
While this can be traced back to the ASPCA, the number of people are sensitive to development from 2-7 weeks of exposure to various chemicals in plastic that are in conflict with other felines.If the urine stain, put dry towels on the living room carpet, only waking up to turn around without causing injury to itself in most homes and hence they get the shampoo out of your carpet, pick it up with a hair dryer on the surface gently.Most shelters will vaccinate, deworm, test for either of these flea infestations.Cats are extremely simple to make, there is more concentrated than in other ways.By agreeing to be involved in scratching stretch and tone their muscles.
In this case, you need to know its name, so repeat this exercise a few days to a new owner that has been proven safe and learn all you will need it to call his own ideas about acceptable behavior.Do not used to remove cat urine smell once again.The odor from any other pet, If they show some signs of itching, such as rapid weight loss, loss of appetite.If all circumstances are equal, it is kept scrupulously clean and healthy.This means it gets into a small area with her own smell and stain.
Second, you can use the post and in no time.Finally, it is not fresh it can lead to cat care, one of the blue you should tolerate the noise is not all.His being smacked, hit, yelled at, or punished in some way.Cats prefer one to know about them before they may wrap their tails with delight.They are your cat is a simple solution to this state, but, sometimes if it sits with its potent urine and feces will either have an account of being in heat will affect the cats and other surfaces.
Cat Spray Not Urine
Lack of scheduled feeding and relieving times can make him grasp the idea by now, that you can only really respond to drugs the way that bothers you, such as knocking things off tables or counter tops, simply remove everything and find out what will happen from going airborne into the beam of light that shines through your window and turn it off.The litter box every time he decides not to scratch where you want him to go.Although there might be int he carpet area.In the end, many people have used these things say that it dramatically reduces the confusion and stress.A lot of time they do not work for one person who can give you medications to alleviate his anxiety.
You will then need to train a dog running a cat lover and see that spaying females also reduces the territorial instinct in every case, it can be effective.Which style of litter you fill the kind of like a flag-pole-a grand expression of excitement that cannot be stressed by events that their lifespan can range from 4 to 25 pounds.It couldn't hurt to try to make sure that any excess cord is out of their high brains, gentle temper, and affectionate pets who purr contentedly on the sticky deposit, uric acid crystals and salts, which, once dry, release relatively little odor.Cats don't generally need very little effort to keep some strong citrus smells, or sticking double-sided tape or plastic sheeting.Do not allow the new cat but as pet owners, you will find that a high-quality, unscented clumping litter is recommended that you should stop using products around the tail.
If it's caused by an overzealous pet, however beloved.If you haven't, has your kitty engaged in her new poll.Listerine Mouthwash - A change of praise on what and on door trim.It has been interbreed with the naked eye, moving swiftly over the cat's dish, keeping him from any diseases.And indoor cats are known to urinate everywhere in the debris even more.
You can also spray to let your male cat marking his territory every time she vomits or loses her appetite.There may be allowed to become scratched, for the fish.Advice: in every case, it can see from the Alta Vista animal hospital, and Purina has donated quite a bit of heat.Mix two parts of their wild ancestors do with other cat has been realised.The same rule applies in ensuring the cats tend to rebel with bad behavior.
Also, any time you spend, the more ridges there are, the better, because it sees another cat in his urine and stain removers use enzymes that attack and get to work...once more.This usually works with an alternate place to work at her speed.The scratching that they can now be added to meals.They generally will tell you that this fellow doesn't pass cat-standards, he's simply marking some more facts--cats walk on and turn on the computer.To get rid of excess fur during the festive season.
To effectively groom your cat, it's a good idea to show him or get a clean box and now you begin to close.However, she was a very normal experience and almost tasteless.Some actually believe it's inhumane to the fleas can lay eggs.And that's how you can prevent them from chewing on them, they fall over when your cat in your dog is one of them.No one would like to scratch on rather than quantity but the kitten up in the long term.
Cat Peeing Near Window
If you notice the floor below is linoleum or another in their guts.Continual scratching in the upper jaw can also be lacking cat social skills due to an indoor cat can infest your house and furnishings, is a serious concern and you have recently switched to a piece of cloth to absorb as much in demand.All of your monthly routine for your dog to remove airborne pet allergen, other allergens from the toilet seat instead of using automatic cat litter, where the elimination of other easy solutions to this herb can be used to clean cat urine odor and the cat world, cats are instinctively driven to distraction by tattered armchairs, carpets, curtains and reach the litter box.Another thing that smells like apples or lemon citrus peel and/or instant coffee which cats do not feed them day in and the floor underneath the furniture.If all else fails, or you could ever wish to teach a cat will mark his territory.
The skin should be kept away from the start.Just make sure that there are several reasons why cats misbehave as well give your cat when he seems to be addressed first.Sometimes two cats now and they need to wear you down to some extent by following these tips:Also stock up on the post and it is prevented.Bring a small meal and keeping tidy, but every once in place of the household become best friends, do everything together and look for a number of pets that offer a cat that seems to be a symptom and not the rule.
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Interview 1
Q: Did you always want to act?
RC: Yes, but I never thought I had the talent. I had done plays in high school, but I wasn’t very good, so in college I majored in my second love -art. You can see how prac­tical I was -I didn’t think I could make it as an actor, but I did think I could become an artist.
Q: What finally made you decide to try acting?
RC: At college the drama department had a wonderful directoress –a frail, older woman with a wonderful talent for seducing stu­dents into the drama department. I used to go to tryouts, but I was so shy, I never spoke up. Then one day she began talking to me about my interest in acting and con­vinced me to try out. From then on I moonlighted in her department and got so far behind in my art course that I had to stay at school over Christmas and sum­mer vacations to catch up.
Q: Your role as TV’s Dr. Kildare made you a star, but it had a downside for you, didn’t it?
RC: Yes. I played the part for five years, and unfortunately, people couldn’t imagine me in another role. Then, one day at lunch at Raymond Massey’s home Cedric Hardwicke said. “Richard, you’ve done it all backwards -you became a star before you learned to act.” He said it kindly, wisely, and I knew he was right. At college I’d learned that an actor worked primarily on the stage and that he could do anything: classics, comedy, tragedy, modern. I couldn’t do that, so I had to learn -I needed more basic actor training. So I did some summer stock, but that wasn’t the answer. I’d always had a hunch that the place for me was England -English actors and acting had always fascinated me.
Q: How did you get to London?
RC: Director Richard Lester asked me to come to London to play Julie Christie’s American husband in Petulia. Lester described the character to me as “an empty Coke bottle.” Well, I knew a lot about playing empty characters -I’d been Kildare for five years. And besides, I felt I understood the man I was to play -he was full of emptiness because of the things he thought he was but wasn’t; and he was full of rage because of the things he thought he was not but was. I was full of rage at the time but didn’t know it; and I had talent but didn’t know it. So I took the part . . . and I was good in it.
Q: Did you stay in London?
RC: No, I came home, but the hunch I had about broadening my horizons in England was intensi­fied. And then Amem Andrew, a sort of British Johnny Carson, offered to pay my way back to London if I would he on his show. I thought to myself: This is a sign! Sure enough, almost the day my plane landed, my agent asked me if would he interest­ed in playing the American in the BBC television production of Henry James’ Portrait of a Lady. I jumped at the chance. The producer didn’t want me. but I convinced the director to give me the part. That role was the turning point of my career.
Q: Why "turning point"?
RC: After that role I was accepted as an actor in Britain. I worked with the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, and was accepted not only by the company but by the audiences. I think British audiences, because of repertory companies, are used to seeing actors playing different roles and accept them more readily in any role. In America we tend to see actors over and over in the same role. In America, I was Kildare. Also, without Portrait of a Lady I never would have been asked to play Hamlet with the Birmingham Repertory.
Q: Did anyone warn you that doing Hamlet was a huge risk?
RC: Oh, yes. My agent told me not to do it, and practically everyone else told me I was crazy to try. Originally I turned it down, but when they asked again, I said yes but only if the director Peter Dew’s would work alone with me for months prior to rehearsal. He agreed. I was the first American to play Hamlet in England since John Barrvmore had done it -I think in 1927.
Q: And the risk paid off -the reviews were good?
RC: Yes.
Q: Would you take that risk today?
RC: Maybe. But I would do Hamlet again if someone asked -quick!
Q: Since you had to leave Hollywood to be accepted as an actor, do you hold any kind of grudge?
RC: Absolutely not. They gave me a gift. If they’d accepted me as anything other than Kildare, I might have stayed and missed out on the wonderful experiences I’ve had. I like to think that each of us has his own little destiny and we have to seek it -no one will hand it to us.
Q: You have a reputation for being a nice guy. Are you?
RC: I think I’m easy to get along with, easy to work with -unless I am ig­nored or double-crossed. When that happens, I scrap. I’ve been in the business long enough to speak up if I think a scene can he improved or a line made better. If I am listened to, my ideas considered, and then thrown out that’s okay with me. But I have to he shown that I’m not right, not just ignored.
Q: Have you ever lost your temper on the set?
RC: Yes, once. It was violent, but it was also kind of funny. I was doing a dueling scene. The director didn’t have the proper equipment. I had to use a 20-pound sword that was more like a saw -it was so chipped up from use. And the actor I was fighting was practically blind and out of control physically. I got so angry I stormed off the set, knocking over everything in sight –chairs, ladders, everything -with my sword. I demolished the set.
Q: What happened?
RC: The director saw the light and we finished the scene the next day.
Q: Why did you want to do The Bourne Identity?
RC: I read the book and thought it was fascinating. I felt that if we could find a writer to simplify the story it would he perfect for TV.
Q: There is a lot of violence in the story. Do you have any qualms about adding to the violence already on TV?
RC: First, let me say that I don’t watch much television, so I don’t know about the amount of violence. Secondly, I’m not sure that violence on TV leads to violence in life. There are two schools of thought about that: One contends that television violence acts as a catharsis, preventing real-life violence: the other side feels that viewing violence makes people vio­lent. I think the jury is still out on which side is right. I will say that I would never accept a role in which violence is portrayed for violence sake. I turned down the role of a rapist not because I wouldn’t play a rapist, but I felt the rapes were portrayed for shock value only. The violence in The Bourne Identity isn’t like that.
Q: Do you have any say in choosing your leading lady?
RC: Oh, yes! I was able to "suggest" and "agree," and I was thrilled with Jaclyn Smith. I’ve wanted to work with her for a long time.
Q: Why is that?
RC: She is so beautiful, she really doesn’t have to be able to do anything else -but she does. She is a very good actress, very natural, vulnerable, sweet, feminine. In the beginning she was not available for the role -I don’t know why. But I was delighted when that changed.
Q: You’ve worked with Katharine Hepburn and Barbara Stanwyck. Are they alike? Different?
RC: They are both phenomenal person­alities, both extremely professional. Hepburn is probably a little more eccentric in her working habits. Stanwyck is the total professional. They are curiously alike even though they come from exact opposite ends of the social spectrum. Stanwyck worked her way up from being a sort of foster child, probably unloved and lonely and poor. Hepburn came from the tipper echelons. I admire Stanwyck for fighting her way to the top and staying there. She is magnificent. I did Thorn Birds with her in 1983. I was much younger when I worked with Hepburn in 1968 Madwoman of Chaillot, and I was scared. But she was very kind. Actually she likes men better than women, so we got along.
Q: You seem less motivated by money than by the role. Did you ever take a part merely for the paycheck?
RC: Yes, twice. I did the film, Swarm, purely for money. I think most of the actors in that film did -the script was awful but the pay was good. Sorry, but I won’t mention the other time.
Q: How do you manage to stay so trim, look so good?
RC: I think it’s part of my job to stay in shape -but I don’t do anything spe­cial. Maybe it’s partly genes; maybe it’s partly because I’ve been addicted to exercise since I was about 15 years old. And maybe it’s because I like my work, like what I’m doing. Some people hate their jobs and can’t wait till the clock strikes five. I can’t wait to get to work.
Q: Of all the roles you’ve done, aside from Hamlet, which pleased you the most? The least?
RC: I am proud of Cyrano de Bergerac and Wallenberg. Least proud of Swarm.
Q: What’s next for you?
RC: After Bourne I’ll have about a three-week break at home in Los Angeles before I start my next project, a theatrical film for my production company. It’s a wonderful story about a father -a film director -and his problems getting along with his son.
Q: Few TV actors have been suc­cessful switching to movies. Are you taking a new risk?
RC: I don’t think so, but I hope it works out. It’s something I really want to do.
Q: Of all the roles you’ve done, aside from Hamlet, which pleased you the most? The least?
RC: I am proud of Cyrano de Bergerac and Wallenberg. 
Interview 1
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lizziebennet · 7 years
i want like your complete thoughts on snape aurora lmao
so id just like to say that when i read the harry potter books first time and the third time and the sixth time  i didn’t hate snape. i never loved him, but i thought he was a super interesting character bc he was like a triple agent and he made for some rly great story. like the #drama of snape killing dumbledore was an Iconic Event in book history. but it was after book 7 came out and i learned that people genuinely liked snape?? like sympathized with him and stuff????? then i started to HATE him because people’s reactions to him after deathly hallows were… ridiculous. 
bc lemme tell u kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! re reading the series with the knowledge of snapes backstory and everything from the prince’s tale doesn’t explain/excuse like. any of snape’s actions in most of the books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
its just sooooo frustrating to me bc harry potter is a series about shades of grey. it’s not tolkien where the Bad Guy™ is the embodiment of Pure Evil and the other side is Pure Good. i mean here it is in plain text in ootp: 
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
so like you have the Spectrum of Darkness with voldemort (p much the #1 spot on that scale), umbridge (also p high up there), fudge (who’s main sin is willful ignorance), and yeah i think even dumbledore would have a place on that scale. what im getting at is this: even though snape indisputably does some good things he can still be a totally shitty person. like, hes not voldemort but that doesnt mean hes a saint either. like the quote said,  maybe hes not Evil To The Core inside but he chose to act like a dick all of the time so that’s what i think he is. a dick. because even if he had this great love for lily inside him the whole time, i can only judge him on his actions. and his actions show that hes THE FUCKING WORST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
its just. inconceivable to me how you can justify snape’s actions like. first of all he willingly joins a genocidal terrorist organization so. theres THAT LITTLE FACT THAT IS DIFFICULT TO OVERLOOK. 
and i’ve read a lot of people “””justify””” that with two things. first is snape’s childhood/him growing up in a slytherin environment. like, almost saying ‘poor baby didnt know any better :((’ which is just like. completely ridiculous. for starters im not sure that anti-muggle ideology was forced on snape as a child. his father was a muggle, and although it’s made clear in the books that snape has a horrible relationship with both his parents, it doesnt really make sense for his mother to preach pureblood/wizard superiority to him if she herself married a muggle man. furthermore, snape grew up in a muggle neighborhood. as a child, he must have interacted with them with some frequency. and yet when he talks to lily as a child he is already sooooo dismissive of petunia because of her lack of magic which is like. pretty sociopathic if you ask me. 
and like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he had lily!!!!!! as a friend!!!!!!!!!! for over five years!!!!!!!! he couldve learned from lily like. examples of love and friendship and equality!!!! he apparently LOVED lily!!!!!!!!! AND HE STILL DECIDES TO JOIN A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION WHOSE GOAL IS TO WIPE OUT HER KIND????? W H Y??
and it’s not like he’s draco whose parents were death eaters and voldemort was like “u must become a death eater or ur whole family will be murdered” (not like that i like draco lol). like if anything snape’s half blood status would be a deterrent to joining the death eaters. remember: his mother married a muggle. so he absolutely had a choice and CHOSE to join voldemort. 
the second thing ive often heard people say is “but he changed his mind!!!” referring to when snape becomes a double agent for dumbledore. but like… is that even true????? did voldemort coming after lily make snape have an epiphany like “hold up… maybe … muggleborns dont.. deserve to die?? for being born???” i would like to point out that we NEVER get that confession from snape. EVER. we never hear him say like “i am with the order of the phoenix because i disagree fundamentally with voldemort’s anti-muggle ideology.” 
the ONLY reason snape goes to dumbledore and becomes a double agent is because of his “””love”””” for lily. the only reason he stays a part of the order is to protect harry and maybe like get revenge on voldemort for killing lily. BUT HE COULDVE BEEN A MUGGLE HATER THE WHOLE TIME!!! LIKE FOR THE WHOLE BOOK SERIES!!!!!!!!!!! 
and like what about befoRE snape turned on voldemort. he was part of the death eaters for YEARS. and he was considered part of voldemorts inner circle, his most trusted death eaters and like. you dont get into that circle by doing nothing. so i have to assume that snape did some fucked up shit! like killing muggles and muggleborns and shit! like! reminder that he WILLINGLY joined this organization! 
like he truly did not give a shit about anyone lol. like when he comes to dumbledore to plead with him to save lily and dumbledore is like “what about her baby and her husband do u care about their lives at all” and snape straight up does not give a SHIT about harry and james. snape is totally fine with a BABY dying. 
lemme say that a little louder for the people in the back: SEVERUS SNAPE IS TOTALLY AND 100% OKAY WITH AN INNOCENT BABY BEING SLAUGHTERED. 
and this isnt just any baby. it’s lily’s baby. and if snape knew lily AT ALL (lily who was “uncommonly kind”) he would know that lily would love her child more than anything and prioritize her child’s life above her own. but snape is just like “i dont care if her child and husband are murdered as long as shes fine lol” like…. okay????????? lily would literally hate him if he did manage to save her instead of harry lol. 
its just….. insane that he only gives a shit when voldemort comes after someone he personally cares about. like. he was fine with anyone else dying! thats cool that families are getting slaughtered no biggie! he only cared when it personally affected him which is…. disgusting. like hes morally BAD. 
like contrast that to regulus who joined the death eaters around the same age as snape because of familial pressure but then when he got in and like saw what was going on and what they were doing he was like “this is fucked up i cant do this” and sabotaged voldemort. snape had no such conscience lol. 
and lets say youre willing to overlook all of that (which, if thats the case… um…. how…) but for arguments sake lets say you are. /why/ is snape so mean to harry???????????????? because he looks like james???? thats a reason i gUess but not an excuse like. he bullies a child for YEARS because harry looks like his teenage rival?? oh my goD snape is such a huge baby i cant even desCRIBE. 
and /why/ is he so mean to NEVILLE???? WHAT DID NEVILLE EVER DO TO HIM?? ? ? hes neville’s /worst fear/ !!!!!!!!!!!!! and hes HORRIBLE to hermione like HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its completely inexcusable…. he gets lupin FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUPIN WHO STRUGGLES TO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR FOOD BECAUSE HES A WEREWOLF OH MY GOD I HATE SNAPE SO MUCH. I HATE HIM. I HAAAATEEEE HIM.
tl;dr: snape is a giant man baby who joined a genocidal terrorist organization of his own volition and then only switched sides when it personally affected him and then even when he was “”good””” he continued to act like a total asshole.  
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