#we can see how he was just “intriguate by traveler” at first and now traveler becomes his sweet dreams
genderfluid-insomniac · 13 hours
Hello! How was your day? I hope it's been good.
Could I request Zhongli, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley finding out their lover had been gushing over them to random people?
Zhongli, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley x gushing!reader
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The ex-archon as usual goes for his daily work break for lunch and tea where Iron Tongue Tian told stories, sitting down and looking around to see one of the staff talking excitedly with another couple of patrons before seeing him. They seemed to light up upon seeing him and bid goodbye to the others, coming over to him and clapping their hands together. “So you’re the handsome man that Name’s been gushing about. Zhongli isn’t it? I’ve seen you around here often.” they said with a smile and noted down his order, waving their hands and assuring him they knew it was usual.
This was news to him. He hadn’t suspected that there’d be any reason for them to gush about him since to him it seemed it should be the opposite. “Hm, I have to say this is the first time I have heard this. “ he said and thoughtfully hummed. Color him intrigued. “Why don’t you sit here with me and have some tea as well? I would very much like to discuss more about what Name says about me,” he said with a smile and if someone looked close enough they could see the slyness behind it.
The worker immediately smiled and nodded, rushing off to get his tea and what he assumed was theirs as well. “Well, I can assure you they’ve never said anything but good things. If anything I’m not sure I have heard anything but praises and compliments about how great of a lover you are. They always talk about how kind and caring you are whenever they’re uncomfortable or feeling down. Another thing they really gush about besides how in their words you’re “sculpted like an archon attractive figure” is how you actually listen to them and hear what they have to say.” he was unfortunately surprised when they emphasized that he actually listened to them which must’ve meant that others didn’t in the past.
Zhongli was aware that some men weren’t the best but he didn’t think it was that bad and if Name hadn’t mentioned it then he wasn’t one to bring it up since he trusted them to come to him with any issues. It was comedically ironic that his lover had said he was handsome like he was made by the gods but he suspected that it was a cover partially for keeping his ex-divine status. Nevertheless, this was great information that he’d found out and he would let you bring it up if you chose to or more likely if they brought it up to you.
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Everyone knows that the melusines see Neuvillette as a sort of father and so when you both started dating or “courting” as your boyfriend put it the adorable group of beings started thinking of you as their mom of sorts. Since they were guards and workers scattered around the city of Fontaine, greeting you whenever they’d see you and having small chats. Many of which you’d gush and rave about all the great things about your boyfriend and how he was so sweet and caring.
Word travels fast but it travels faster among the melusines so when Neuvillette walked the Palais Mermonia to overview a big court case coming up he was welcomed by a joyful group of melusines who started talking all at once. He could roughly understand parts of what they were saying and how they were talking about his partner. “Slow down, slow down. Let’s go to my office first,” he said and ushered them all in, closing the doors and thankful they could talk about this in private. “Now, what is it that you want to tell me?” he asked and sighed tiredly. It was already 10 in the morning and already there was something urgently needing his attention.
Canotila came up to him with her hands clasped together and a wide happy smile on her face. “We are just so happy to hear that Name loves you so much! We knew you were such a kind and devoted person to both Fontaine and its people but we didn’t know how caring you really were. It’s truly admirable Monsieur Neuvillette!” she gushed and joined several others to say affirmations of what Canotila had said. The Iudex knew his lover loved every part of him even the parts he was reluctant to share with them but he hadn’t known they had been gushing about how great of a boyfriend he was.
To be completely honest seeing Neuvillette display any strong emotional expression was rare and the bright red blush spreading over his cheeks was a treat to see. He was extremely touched that you praised him to others for what you adored about him. He would talk to you later to possibly not tell others and strangers about the more intimate details of your relationship because of a few reasons.
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To some of the veteran residents, it wasn’t a surprise to hear that the Duke Wriothesley had a lover and there were very rare times when he’d freely be able to visit you as often as he’d like but you’d often come to the prison when you both wanted to spend time together and couldn’t wait. So the guards knew you well as well as the senior residents and greeted you in addition to also making sure no one else fucked with you if they saw you since you never treated them anything but kindness.
So it wasn’t surprising when one of the guards informed him that one of the prisoners he was particularly close to asked to speak to him and came in with a smile. “I’m letting ya know that your lover is here but I think you wanna hear when I overhead them telling one of the guards,” he said and waited for Wriothesley to let him continue if he wished which he did. “Well, seems like you’re quite the 5-star boyfriend which doesn’t surprise me since I’ve known you since you were once in here but Name wasn’t it?” he clarified and continued.
“They kept going on and on about how well you remember all of their favorite things even the littlest details like how they like their tea or favorite dessert. I feel like it’s not a surprise to hear that another major part of what I heard was about them going on and on about how doting and loyal you are not to mention how attractive you and your personality are.” he hummed with an amused smile and held his hands up, getting up and saying his goodbyes to the Duke.
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erabu-san · 1 month
I just start a new account, doing the archon quest again, And I FINALLY See it.
Xiao x Traveler?
YES !!!! 😭😭😭 there are so wholesome i love them sm
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thehighladywrites · 3 months
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ᡣ𐭩 summary: you prank them based on this | prank link
ᡣ𐭩 warnings: nsfw in cassian’s, crack
ᡣ𐭩 amara’s note: help this was so fun to make thank you for the req anon | based on this request
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"Rhys, come here! I'm making a cute video of us."
He practically runs to you, ensuring his clothes are smoothed out and his hair is laid to perfection.
You step back when you press the record button and then get closer to him, putting your hand on his abs.
"You see this man?" you say with an extra dose of possessiveness in your voice. "Yeah, if you wanna get to him, you have to go through me first."
Rhys looks down at you with a smirk, nodding proudly at the fact that you're claiming him for everyone to see.
Your hands travel from his abs to his neck as you bring him down for a long, sweet kiss.
He grabs your hips, pulling you closer for a heated makeout session, but you pull back before he can take it further
“He’s the best big brother ever in this world.”
Rhys immediately lets go of you, taking a step back with a horrified look before he desperately looks into the camera, then back to you, who can't keep from laughing.
"Out of all your practical jokes, this has got to be the worst one ever," Rhys protests, shaking his head. "No, I'm not her brother. We're mated, and what we do is very far away from sibling stuff."
He says the last bit to the camera with a broad smile, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"What should I say, sweetheart?" Azriel asks
"Nothing, Az. Just stand there and let me do the work," you reply affectionately.
"I've heard that one before," he says with a cocky grin.
You roll your eyes, suppressing a smile, as you press the record button.
He immediately draws closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. You smile up at him, mischief hidden behind your eyes.
“This man is mine, and if you want to get to him, you gotta go through me first, right?”
Azriel is filled with cringe and makes this face😲
“Oh! Um, yeah. That’s right.” he says, voice too high
Listen, he loves you but he is wondering how the fuck you’re not criniging out rn too. Like are you serious?
You squish his cheeks together and plant a dramatic, loud kiss on his lips.
“He is the best big brother ever.”
Azriel smiles, leaning in to kiss you again while casting a glance at the camera.
“No, she’s the best little sister ever.”
Your jaw drops at the sudden twist; he has stolen your prank.
“Damn it Az, you can’t let me have one thing?”
He shrugs, “Says the one with the incest prank.”
“Cassie, just stand there, i’m going to record us. You don’t have to do anything, okay?”
“Alright, baby.”
You see Cassian behind you checking out your ass through the camera as you press record, backing into him
“Just a PSA, this is my man and if you wanna get to him, you gotta go through me first.” you said exaggerated with your hands on your hips before kissing him deeply
He smirked suspiciously before soaking up your posessivness. But before you could say your other line, he picked you up with one arm, throwing you over his sturdy shoulder as he walked over to your bed
“Wha- Cassian, we were recording!”
“Okay, we can keep recording. Make a fun little video, just the two of us.” he said with a low, lustfilled voice.
You didn’t even bother continuing the prank as you nodded, intrigued by making a whole different sort of video
You just prank him another time, right now you need big dick hot guy general massive wingspan big tattooed arms deep voice nice abs pullable hair daddy cassian (real asf)
He already knows what you’re going to do but he plays along
You tug him to stand infront of your camera
The way he looks at you, makes you want to laugh but you bite your tongue
You pull him in closer by his forearm, holding him as you look into the camera
“This is my man so if you want him you will have to go though me first.”
Lucien supresses his smile at your attempt at a joke
“Yeah, you heard her,” he nods determined at the screen
You then pull him down and just as you’re about to kiss him you burst out laughing
Lucien tilts his down at you in mock confusion
“Is something funny? I thought i was the best brother ever, laughing at me isn’t very nice.”
Your eyes widen at him, jaw dropped. “No way, Luc, you knew?”
“Baby, i’m as chronically online as you are.”
“What is this for?”
“For me, please just stand there and we’ll be good to go.”
He is a bit skeptical but listens nonetheless
“Very well. Go on, love.”
You press record and start the prank
“Hi guys, i just wanted to let you know that this is my man and if you ever wanna get to him you gotta go through me first.”
Eris looks at you a bit weird. He can’t take you seriously. The epitome of this face 😬
You grab his face and press a kiss to his lips. Eris warms at the action, smiling at you before his smile drop instantly
“He’s the best big brother ever.”
His entire face sours, a look of absolute disgust portraying his face.
“That right there is some Night Court shit.”
With that he simply leaves but not before scrunching his face in disbelief, sighing in disappointment
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🏷️: @artists-ally @thelov3lybookworm @riddlesb1tch @berryzxx @clairebear08 @cupidojenphrodite @redbleedingrose @fell-in-luvs
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yougotthatbilly · 1 year
romanée-conti (m)
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→ member: jung jaehyun → genre: sugar daddy!jaehyun | slowburn | smut → playlist: alone with you x alina baraz, break the ice x britney spears → word count: 24k → warnings: LEGAL age gap, praise, oral; giving & receiving, unprotected sex (be smart pls), jaehyun likes her head to toe (literally), ‘do/can i call you daddy now?’ jokingly, one real ‘daddy’ (comes with the territory lol), petnames; baby, thumb in butt, probably more ↳summary: Having a sugarless- sugar daddy is proving to be more difficult than planned.
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Dark brown eyes resting above prominent eye bags that look like they came from either genetics or lack of sleep—possibly both—are the first thing your eyes zone in on when you approach the table the owner of said eyes is sitting at, waiting for your arrival. As soon as he noticed your presence and looked up from his phone, it was hard to pay attention to anything else. 
Until he smiled. 
The curve of his lips and flash of his teeth are friendly and welcoming, with the slightest hint of shyness, and you truly see that pictures don’t always do people the justice they deserve. Faint crows feet appear due to his smile reaching his eyes, and somehow, they only add onto his appeal.
“Hey,” his gentle, deep voice pushes through your thoughts. He stands and your eyes travel up to follow his face before flashing downward at the sight of his hand being presented to you, and back up to his eyes. “I’m glad you could make it,” he says as he shakes your hand softly, letting go soon after to motion for you to sit across from him with both hands. 
“Me, too,” you softly smile back, setting your purse beside you. 
You finally look away from him to take in your surroundings. When you walked in, you barely paid attention to anything, only having the mind to scan people’s faces until you found one you recognized. Now, after greetings and the initial shock of just how gorgeous this man is, you can take in how this is a pretty nice place; everyone dressed in business casual attire, like this is where businessmen and women come after a long day or week to unwind. Dark, sleek wooden surfaces and furniture paired with deep red decorations that give the place a simple and mature feel.
Taeyong catches your eye from the bar nearby and he quirks a brow in question. You blink once and look away.
“I knew from your photos that you were pretty, but you’re much more beautiful in person,” is said when it’s clear you’re done observing the place. Under the dim, artificial lighting of the overhead lamp above your table, the softest pink flush on his ears is clear as he compliments you, and it leaves you both intrigued and confused.
“And you’re much more handsome,” you compliment right back. There was a fear of him being a catfish or using a picture from when he was younger to reel you and others in, and you’re pleasantly surprised and thankful the man waiting for you is actually the one from the photos. The angles of his face are soft and so are his features; gentle yet mysterious eyes and a pouty bottom lip that’s caught in between his teeth because of your words.
His fingers drum against the wooden tabletop before he pulls his hand into his lap. “Would you like some wine?”
He raises his hand, pointer finger lazily lifted. In no time a pretty server is at your table, setting wine glasses in front of the both of you. 
“Red or white, sir?” she asks, and you guess he’s a regular here. 
“Whatever she wants.”
Both pairs of eyes land on you and make you blink.
She’s gone and back in the blink of an eye when you choose red, carefully pouring the wine of your choice into the glasses before she disappears again.
“If you don’t like it, let me know and we can get you something else.”
You gently swirl the deep, pretty colored liquid around a few times then sip.
Oh. This is nice.
“How was your day?” he asks.
Long. Extensive. “It was good,” you say instead. “Pretty productive and eventful. How about yours?”
“Productive but not quite eventful,” he laughs softly. He relaxes into the cushion behind him, and you note that his shoulders are broad even when they’re not up to his ears in a tense manner. His black button-up looks nice on him, stretching across his shoulders and chest in a snug fit. “Is it alright if we talk a little before getting into things?”
“Of course,” you nod. There hasn’t been a conversation since he asked you for your number a week ago other than when tonight’s date was planned, so you don’t quite know him. You’re someone who relies heavily on your gut feeling and right now there are no warning bells going off in your head, but chatting for a while will definitely give you a better feel of things. 
“Tell me a little about yourself?”
You tell him what you’re sure he already knows from your bio; your name and age, where you’re from and a few of your hobbies, in addition to your occupation. He listens intently, eyes taking in your features as he nods along to the information he’s receiving, drink never too far from his mouth. And when you can’t think of any other description of yourself that’s appropriate for a first meeting, you drink a little more.
“How about you?”
He hums, visibly racking his mind for something to tell you.
“Well,” he says a moment later. “I’m Jaehyun, I recently turned thirty-eight, and I’m from Seoul.”
And when he stops there, his face showing he doesn’t know what to continue with, you realize he isn’t very social. The pretty much awkward atmosphere, the shyness of his smiles and fidgeting of his fingers make you wonder if this is also his first time doing something like this, if he’s just shy overall, or both. This is nothing like what you thought it would be. You expected to be asked a lot of personal questions from the jump. You expected to get an earful of how great and successful he is, to get an earful of all the things he could do for you in exchange for whatever he wanted. You didn’t expect a socially awkward sugar-daddy-to-be.
Luckily, you’re a great conversationalist.
“So what brings you to New York?” 
“My father owns a few businesses and I chose to run the one here.”
“Do you like it here in the states?”
His eyes squint in thought before answering with, “I’m not sure,” and when your head tilts to silently ask him to elaborate, his explanation is: “I lived in Connecticut for a little when I was younger and I don’t remember much about it, and I’ve been here for a few years but I only go to work, cafes, business events and home if I’m not traveling.”
“You travel a lot?”
He rubs his lips together and tilts his head side to side with a pondering hum. “You could say that.”
“So how often would we meet?”
Jaehyunhyun blinks at your question. 
“Sorry,” you chuckle, looking past his shoulder and meeting your cousin’s gaze once again. “We haven’t even gotten into that territory yet.”
“No, you’re fine. I’m just glad you’re still considering it.”
Well, things are going well in your opinion, and even though he’s socially awkward, as far as you can tell, he’s good company. You’re good with conversation and take pride in brightening situations, so this arrangement could go well. He’s a busy guy so you wouldn’t see him often, which means there won’t be any major changes in your lifestyle, and that’s perfect. You have no complaints so far.
The last of your wine is sipped and you eye the last small drop that sticks to the bottom of the glass, almost tempted to ask for a refill just because it’s the weekend, but you know Taeyong will chew your head off and you’d rather not hear that on the way back to your place.
“Everything is ultimately up to you, Jaehyun,” you shrug. “I’m down if you are.”
His arm is up again and in seconds the server is back with the bottle of wine in tow. She moves to pour more into your glass but you stop her with your hand. “I’m okay, thank you.”
Jaehyun squints as his glass gets filled half-way.
“You didn’t really like it, did you?”
A smile teases at the corner of your mouth. You’re amused and touched that he actually cares about what you like already. 
“I promise I did,” you laugh, resting a gentle hand on the back on his own that found the table again. He doesn’t flinch at the contact but his eyes grow in size for a split second. “I’m a bit of a lightweight and I do have to drive home.”
When he’s convinced, you bring your hand back in front of you.
“Mind me asking how you found yourself looking for a… companion?” you ask him, grinning at the way his dimple makes an appearance at your choice of words.
“It was suggested, actually,” Jaehyun responds. “I said something about always being left alone at business events because all of my partners are either in relationships, married, or like to sleep around. Plus, all I do is work, so a friend told me about the website and here we are now.” You nod along, imagining being left alone to just drink and talk business while his business partners disperse with their romantic partners. It must be boring. “What about you?”
“Also suggested,” you chuckle. “I love my job and I live pretty comfortably, but I have goals I’m working on and I’d like to do so without having to think about a bill or getting another job. My best friend successfully found a perfect match so she was sure I would, as well.”
“Before anything,” he clears his throat, looking down at his glass and watching the deep red slosh in circles due to the movement of his hand. “I want you to know I meant what I said about no special favors. I truly don’t want anything other than your company… maybe a few times a month?” he glances back up at you with flushed cheeks. Cute. “Would that work for you?”
“That’s perfect. Do I call you Daddy now?” 
He chokes on the sip he was in the middle of taking and you have to bite the inside of your lips to stop a giggle from coming out. “I’m kidding.”
He blinks at you a couple of times before shaking his head. “You’re funny.”
“Thanks,” you wink.
“If it’s alright with you, we could discuss all the paperwork the next time we meet. I wanted the both of us to get a feel of one another before we made any legal decisions.”
“That’s fine with me.” 
“I want you to do something for me.” At the rise of your brow–which was only out of curiosity and to prompt him to continue--he backtracks. “That sounded really suggestive, I apolo—”
“Jaehyun,” you call, biting back another laugh. The panic in his eyes goes away at your touch. “we already discussed there would be no sugar given, it’s okay. What do you want me to do?”
“Think of a price if you haven’t already.”
It’s up to you? 
“Really?” You ask. He nods. “You’re not going to decide? I thought that was how this worked?” You’re comfortable showing your naivety in this situation because it’s quite obvious he’s no pro at this either.
Jaehyun frowns at your words and sets his glass down, leaning forward. “Just like in any healthy or ethical relationship, business or personal, this works both ways. So with anything from this point on, if you want something or have concerns about anything you have to let me know immediately, alright?”
You nod, taken aback. “Got it.”
You’re getting the vibe that he’s serious about every move he makes, every word he says, and you can see why he’s probably such a successful businessman. He hasn’t said much but he doesn’t beat around the bush, and the transition in his aura from having small talk to talking about business, the way he just laid down the law, admittedly sparked something in your gut.
“Think about it and we’ll discuss it next time.”
“When will ‘next time’ be?”
“Let me check,” he mumbles, digging for his phone in his pocket. 
At the duck of his head, a waving hand from behind him catches your attention. Taeyong’s brows are raised, his fingers forming the okay sign. You blink a single time once more.
“I fly back in on Wednesday next week,” Jaehyun says. “Does Wednesday afternoon work for you?”
“Sounds good,” you nod.
He glances back down at his phone. “I don’t mean to rush things I’ve got an early meeting tomorrow,” Jaehyun nibbles on his bottom lip. “Was there anything else you wanted to discuss tonight?”
You look up as if you’re thinking, and when Taeyong meets your eye, you subtly tilt your head in the direction of the door and naturally blink three times. “I think we covered everything so far.”
Taeyong finishes his beer and pays for it out of the corner of your eye.
“Okay then,” Jaehyun slides out of the booth and stands to your side, extending his hand for you to grab.
Add gentleman to the list of characteristics.
You grab your clutch in one hand then his own hand with your other and scoot yourself out of the booth with his assistance. He doesn’t let go, his grip loose but warm.
“It was really nice meeting you.”
You cut your eyes at your cousin as you buckle your seatbelt.
“Can we get out of the parking lot before he comes out and before you start questioning me?”
Taeyong grumbles something under his breath but backs out of the parking space nonetheless. And as soon as you’re on the main road he repeats himself.
“He’s nice,” you hum, leaning forward to undo the clasps around your ankles, wiggling your heels off with a sigh. “I like him. He’s cute.”
Taeyong scoffs. “I can’t believe you’re really doing this.”
He wasn’t onboard with it one bit, which is why he immediately agreed to be your backup just in case. The whole ride to the bar consisted of him making sure you had the signals down packed; blink once if things are peachy, blink twice if you feel uncomfortable, and blink three times (he said thrice but that word rubs you the wrong way) when it’s time to go. Oh, and repeating that you didn’t need to do this. You appreciate him and his worries but it’s not like he’s going to help you with your debt.
You’re young, confident in your looks, confident in your personality. Nine times out of ten, you have no trouble getting what you want, so why not get a sugar daddy that doesn’t have sex as a requirement?
When Sooyoung told you about getting a couple grand a date from her guy—more if she threw in a hand- or blowjob—and she has well over enough money to blow after paying bills and saving, you were intrigued. You’re no prude or anything but you knew you wouldn’t want to jump in offering ass to almost sixty-year-old men, so when she told you that you can make it clear that you weren’t down for special flavors and that some relationships are innocent, you thought why the hell not. 
Plus, you’ve been bored and wanted to do something new, something exciting.
“Well believe it because we’re meeting again Wednesday,” you lilt. “He’s a sweetheart, really. You know how I am with catching vibes.”
“Pft. It could be an act,” he grumbles. You sigh and dig your phone out of your clutch, going to your music app. “What if he’s a narc—”
Thank god for bluetooth.
Taeyong glares at you when you turn the volume up and your favorite song blasts from his speakers, but he doesn’t try to carry on the conversation, instead singing along because you’ve played it too many times for him to not know the lyrics and because he finally caught the hint.
And when you get a message an hour later asking if you’ve made it home safely, you trust your gut a little more.
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Today you woke up late and your outfit and hair definitely showed it when you first arrived at work, but thankfully you keep a travel-sized stash of makeup and hair tools in your desk and you were able to get yourself presentable before your first-period students piled in and took their seats. 
Being behind on grading tests and homework from last week with another pile of tests from yesterday you need to get done in time for your students to be able to see their mistakes and retest before break in a few weeks, potential sugar daddies have definitely not been on your mind.
Not until you get a message around two-thirty while you’re halfway through the homework pile.
[2:15pm] Jaehyun: Good afternoon, I will be landing shortly. Do you still want to meet today?
You completely forgot Jisung was staying after to retake a test from weeks ago. But from the looks of it, he’s done and just chilling on his phone. A glance at your desk lets you know he’s already gotten up, walked over to your desk and put his test down in the corner. This is exactly why you shouldn’t stay up until three in the morning lesson planning and only getting three hours of sleep. 
“Hey,” you beckon him over to the seat next to yours. “Wanna help me?”
“Do I get extra credit for this?” he asks as he eyes the pile of work and the answer key you give him.
You’ll probably give him a donut or something tomorrow.
[2:17pm] you: Hey! I’m finishing up at work right now so just let me know when you’ve arrived.
After Jisung finishes his pile and you’re almost done with the new pile you started, your phone starts buzzing.
“Hello?” you answer, making sure to turn the volume down because Jisung is a nosy little thing.
“Hey,” oh, you forgot how smooth his voice is. “I’m at this cafe a couple of blocks away from the bar we last met. Would you like to meet me here and then maybe find something else?”
You take in the few tests and homework assignments left to grade. “Yeah, that’s perfect. Send me the address and I can be there in about twenty.”
“Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“Did you start dating?”
You ruffle Jisung’s hair. Absolutely not telling him just so he can tell his partner in crime. You wouldn’t hear the end of it tomorrow if you did.
“Thanks for helping, hun. Am I taking you home?”
You barely make the twenty minute mark from the time Jaehyun sent you the address and you have to stop yourself from running inside of the cafe like a mad woman. Dropping Jisung off was no issue, his house was on the way. Your eyebags, smeared eyeliner, and dry ass lips were the problem (how some of your students can manage to fancy you when you’ve occasionally gone to school looking like a mess is beyond you). An extra five minutes or so in the parking lot of your destination resulted in you looking far better, but not nearly as good as you did the first night.
Not nearly as good as Jaehyun does sitting there waiting for you with a small mug in his hand while he holds a newspaper with the other. He’s just barely slouched, a white button-down covering his upper body this time. He looks photoshoot ready and you’re grateful you took the time to fix yourself up.
“Hey,” you greet quietly as you sit in the chair across from him, hooking your purse onto the back of it. “Sorry I’m late. I had to give one of my students a ride home.”
Jaehyun puts the newspaper down after folding it in half. “You’re not late, no worries.”
He looks tired. His bags look like how yours did before the second layer of concealer for the day, his eyes low in comparison to the last time you saw them. You wonder how far he traveled. 
“How was your flight?”
“Twelve hours too long,” he sighs. When he makes a move to take another sip of his coffee, he pouts at the realization his cup is empty. “I could barely sleep.”
“We could’ve met another day, you know?”
“I know. I wanted to see you.” He’s not flirty, but upfront. You like it. “Did you think of anything to do?”
“Well, you look like you could fall out any minute now,” you half stall, half voice genuine concern. “Maybe we should wait until your next free day to actually do something?” You’re more than fine with just sitting here for a while longer and having a collection of brief conversations with him and looking at each other until he gets too sleepy or has to leave because of another early meeting in the morning.
“Are you sure?”
You’ve been speaking all day. This is a nice wind-down from repeating yourself and having to raise your voice.
“Yeah. I can’t remember the last time I sat in a cafe and just chilled,” you sigh, taking another glance at your surroundings. 
“I’m getting another cup. Do you want anything?”
A thousand a date seems… excessive. Sooyoung is high maintenance so it makes sense for her to want that much as a minimum, especially when she goes on a date once a week. But for you, that amount is a lot when meetups with Jaehyun are going to be really chill. So when he suggests two grand every week since you still couldn’t think of a price for your possible relationship, choking on the sip of tea you just took is a reasonable reaction.
“I mean, anything less wouldn’t make much sense to me. You’re a teacher so you probably don’t make that much when student loans are involved, right?”
You blink stupidly at his bluntness. “Well, yes. But--”
“Do you have someone to help pay your bills?”
“And you said you have goals. I want to help invest in those. Are you opposed to that?”
“Not at all.”
“So what’s the problem?” If he partakes in the debating and persuading at work, you’re sure deals end with additional zeros in his bank account. He has you stumped and you’re almost positive he proved his point with little to no thinking process required. “I was actually going to suggest more, but I figured we’d start off small. Do you just feel uncomfortable with that amount?”
It’s interesting yet almost frustrating how he’s kept the straightest face this whole discussion. Just sipping on his coffee and never breaking eye contact. You need to take notes so that your higher ups take you seriously when you address an issue. 
“No, it’s not that.”
“So,” he clears his throat, sliding a piece of paper and pen closer to you, “do we have a deal?”
“I guess we do.” You sign the contract (that you’ve already looked over a couple times) and shake his hand when he presents it in front of you. “You’re intimidating when you talk business, you know.”
His smile is wide as he shakes his head, telling you he’s been told once or twice. 
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Big, excited brown eyes stare down at you as you hold Nala up in the air and softly wiggle her. Her tail wags wildly when the click and push of your front door resonates throughout your home.
“In here!” you call, still giving your baby your undivided attention.
Sooyoung walks in the living room, leather pants and a fur coat adorning her figure. She tsks at the way you’re laid out on your couch, completely neglecting the powerpoints and Kahoots you were making a while ago. “Procrastination at its finest.”
Nala is taken out of your grasp and Sooyoung gives her the same treatment you just were, so you take the time to stand and stretch. “You shouldn’t have asked me out while I was in my zone. Now I’m not touching that until tomorrow,” you wave in the general direction of your Macbook.
She snorts and sits down while you go to your room to get ready for your date.
The two of you walk into a bar with R&B Hip Hop playing at the perfect volume some time later. The lights are dim and set the perfect mood for drinking and catching up. She leads you to sit at the bar and orders the both of you something that won’t exactly get you fucked up, seeing that the both of you have jobs to attend to in the morning. 
“So,” Sooyoung spins towards you, crossing her legs dramatically. 
“Jaehyun. Tell me about him. How are things going?”
You learned from the first few times of being with Jaehyun that you’ll be doing most of the talking, but he always responds and asks a question or two, genuinely interested if the tick of his eyebrow means anything. It’s nice to have someone new to share stories with, especially since your schedule clashes with your best friend’s. Also because within the last couple of years, most of your experiences with guys have been the same: mostly physical attraction from both sides and it turning into a relationship where you get the shit end of the stick and get hurt. When it comes to Jaehyun, yes the physical attraction is there, but though you don’t know much about each other, you enjoy the platonic bond that’s building… as well as your growing savings account. You don’t text unless someone sends a simple have a great day at work or good night text (and when it’s sent to you, you usually find yourself smiling before getting out of bed or falling asleep). You never talk about anything deep like your past, dreams for the future (aside from briefly discussing the business you want to start up eventually), or theories about life, but the trivial conversations you have about work and the news and whatever else is always enough. 
“He’s kind of awkward but it’s nothing unbearable,” you begin, eyes wandering as you think of ways to describe him. “He’s tall, fine as hell for him to be almost twice my age, and…” you trail off, head tilting as you think.
She looks at you impatiently. “And what?”
“He’s such a gentleman,” you finally come up with. “I get to do whatever I want with no complaints, he makes sure my fridge and pantry are stocked, and doesn’t require a lot of my time. I can’t complain at all. Especially when he’s investing in me.”
“Show me what he looks like again.”
You pull up a picture you took with him during your museum date and hand her the phone. 
“You look good together,” she compliments after a while of observing the photo. 
You agree. 
“You sure you wanna keep up your abstinence when he’s your sugar daddy?”
You scoff lightheartedly, taking your phone back. “Is that all you think about?”
“I mean, no, but,” She gestures weirdly with her hands. “He looks like that. And he clearly treats you amazing. I would’ve been busted it open for him.”
“We both agreed on sugarless interactions,” you humph proudly. “But if this lasts a while, I would consider it.”
No point in bullshitting her when she’s known you for over a decade. You’ve been abstinent since your last relationship because you don’t like the thought or feeling of sharing such intimate energy with someone who doesn’t give a fuck about you or wouldn’t even come to the rescue if you caught a flat on the side of the road. Your last few situations with men haven’t been the best and you’ve chosen to focus on healing and growing, and most times than not, sex has interrupted that healing and growing. You don’t want to repeat the same lessons after learning them.
“Is someone crushing on their sugar daddy?” she practically sings around her straw, eyes full of mischief.
“I can’t talk well about someone without having a crush on them?”
“‘He’s such a gentleman,’” Sooyoung repeats in an exaggerated dreamy voice, topping off her performance by dramatically fitting her chin in the hand that’s propped up by her elbow on the bartop. “You already knew he wasn’t going to act like guys our age but you’re still gushing over him and considering fucking him.”
“Crush is too strong of a word,” you roll your eyes at the knowing smile she gives you. “He’s kind, attractive, successful, respectful, and helps me out financially in addition to expanding and stocking my wine collection. How else am I supposed to feel?”
“Sure, Jan.”
“Plus, he’s pretty...” you trail off to find the right word. “Guarded. We only talk about me or surface level things. Kinda hard to really like someone you hardly know.”
“Don’t act like you’re not into the mysterious type,” Sooyoung says flatly before sipping. “There was Sehun, Hyungwon, H–”
“How’s Yuta been treating you?” 
And that’s all it takes to direct the conversation to her life and stop coming for yours. She gives too many explicit details but you can’t find it in you to complain because her stories are always interesting as fuck and you aren’t getting any action. She doesn’t exactly have feelings for him, only caring about how great the sex is and the amount of money that goes into her bank account, so she can’t quite relate to the very slow building fondness you feel for Jaehyun. She was right, though. The concoction of his attractiveness, success, and mysteriousness has definitely made you develop a crush. You have other things to worry about, so you don’t exactly think too much of it and just enjoy your time with him a few times a month. 
You call it a night after one more drink, and on your way out your phone vibrates. 
[10:50pm] Jaehyun: Brunch tomorrow? 
[10:51pm] you: Sounds good
[10:56pm] Jaehyun: I’ll pick you up at 11:30. 
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You can’t help but smile at the image of Jaehyun in his work attire, sitting in the booth with a grease-stained menu in his hands as he figures out what he wants to order. Brunch didn’t go quite as planned with the work you had to finish, but dinner worked perfectly for the both of you.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?”
Your smile only widens. “Didn’t expect you to be the hole-in -the-wall burger joint type, is all.”
“I’m treating myself,” he explains. “Yesterday was a successful day and what better way to treat myself than a greasy meal and your company?”
Your brows shoot up at his last couple of words. “My company, huh?”
He nods, averting his attention to the menu again. Though you want to press the situation a little more, you drop it, but you’re now smiling for a different reason. 
“So you said yesterday was successful?”
“Mhm. I closed an important deal and it was finalized yesterday.”
 “Congratulations. Our ideas of treating ourselves are certainly different, but I’m glad to be your treat,” You wink, having one more jab at him. And the color of his ears deepen. 
Somewhere in the midst of ordering and having small talk, the topic of stocks and investment comes up. 
“One of the smartest things I’ve ever done for the company was to invest in Bitcoin and that’s basically why I got the opportunity to run the office here,” he tells you.
“I kind of understand the concept, but I don’t understand the benefits and all that.”
This prompts Jaehyun to go on a lengthy explanation of how it works. He explains something called Blockchain then how the rapper 50 Cent accidentally got a lot of money because he invested in it when a fan of his wanted to buy an album and that was their only form of payment. You prop your elbow up and rest your chin in your palm, his words go straight over your head. In the middle of explaining how Blackbear got rich off of it and that’s why he makes terrible music now, he pauses and blinks.
“I didn’t mean to go on a tangent, I’m sorry.”
“No.” You shake your head. “Don’t apologize, I wanna hear more.”
He looks at you skeptically, so you slip your foot in between his calves and look at him expectantly. You don’t understand the details but you appreciate the topic because it’s something he’s interested in and it’s the first time you’ve seen him talk about something with this much passion. His eyes were shiny and everything. 
You raise your eyebrows and blink until he picks the conversation back up. 
The glint in his eyes comes back while the two of you eat. Yeah, definitely crushing. 
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You open your front door after a loud, sudden knock resounded throughout your apartment to find no one, but instead a few boxes and a bag waiting for you on your door mat. You tilt your head to the side and think for a moment. You didn’t order anything. 
Looking into the red bag to see if there’s a sign or clue of who these came from, you find a white envelope with your name written in cursive on it. With another glance around you, you decide to open everything inside instead. It’s cold. The packages range in size, so you pick up the smaller packages and kick the biggest one inside of your apartment. 
Seated at your dining table, you open the envelope and pull the card out. 
Saw these and thought of you. I hope you like everything. -Jaehyun 
You fight the smile that wants to take over your face. You figured it was him or Sooyoung. Your best friend likes to send you random things when she comes across something she knows you’d like but wouldn’t buy yourself. 
Actually looking at the bag, Cartier is written across it, and your eyes widen. Inside, there are two different sized boxes. The smaller one is their love ring, and the bigger one is the matching bracelet, both in yellow gold. With a grin, you nibble on your lower lip and read the card that comes with the jewelry. 
Too excited to wait until you look at the other packages, you slip the ring on your middle finger. It doesn’t go past your second knuckle, so you try your ring finger, and it fits perfectly. Next is the bracelet, which is a bit loose, but you’re sure that’s an easy fix. 
Grabbing your phone, you take a picture of the jewelry on you and send it to your sugar daddy.
[1:23pm] you: Thank you so much, Jaehyun. I love them.
His reply comes a lot quicker than you’d expected.
[1:24pm] Jaehyun: Of course. How do they fit?
[1:26pm] you: I could size down on the bracelet but the ring is perfect. 
[1:27pm] Jaehyun: We’ll get that fixed soon. Did you get everything else I sent?
Oh yeah. There is more. You put the jewelry back in the respective boxes and move on to the biggest box, which turns out to be a blender and juicer in one. This actually brings the smile out. The last time the two of you were together, you’d said in passing that you want to start making your own juices and smoothies and stuff instead of buying the processed ones from stores. 
The next box is a few bottles of Domaine de la Romanee-Conti and now your teeth are showing with how much bigger your smile gets. 
[1:35pm] you: Yes I just opened them! I appreciate everything, thank you Jae.
[1:40pm] Jaehyun: Anytime, beautiful. Remember, you can ask me for anything you want and I’ll get it, okay? [1:41pm] Jaehyun: I want you to actually tell me when you want or need something [1:41pm] Jaehyun: And we’re still good for Saturday, right? I want to pamper you a little. 
He’d mentioned it the last couple of dates, that he’d like you to send him pictures and screenshots of things you’d want and need when you come across them, to not worry about spending your own money when you’ve got him. 
[1:45pm] you: Yes sir. And I’m all yours Saturday. 
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The moment you step into the nail salon, an older woman at the front greets you with a genuine smile and welcomes Jaehyun back.
“The usual?” she asks Jaehyun, to which he nods and returns her smile. “And what about you, honey?”
“A full set with gel polish, please.”
She grabs a basket of the gel polish swatches and hands it to you. “When you’re ready you can go to seat three.”
You eye the colors, but the same few colors you always gravitate towards catch your eye. 
“Hey,” you call quietly to get Jaehyun’s attention. “Can you pick a color for me?”
Not only would you like a change, you’re also curious about his taste. He wears nothing but neutral colors, as far as you know, so you wonder if it’s just for the job or if he is really just that simple of a man. 
The lady on the other side of desk three smiles brightly at you as you put your purse on the hook next to you. “Did you pick a color yet?”
You point to Jaehyun, “I let him decide for me today.”
Her eyebrows slowly rise. “He’s finally gotten himself a girlfriend?” she asks the woman beside her. They just exchange a look that you don’t quite understand or care enough to try to understand.
Right as she begins prepping your second hand, Jaehyun sits down beside you at desk two and sets his chosen color beside you.
A neutral pink. Fitting for the season, but a color you definitely would’ve chosen yourself. 
“This with the white tips. I like that look,” he explains. Good taste. You haven’t had french tips in a while. 
He watches the nail technician he was assigned to as she works, the two having small talk and you take a wild guess that she’s the woman who usually, if not always, does his manicures, meanwhile you watch the tv above your tech’s head. This compilation of aesthetically pleasing videos is playing and it’s admittedly hard to take your eyes off of it. 
The video plus getting pampered has you relaxed in your seat, the stress from the school week that just ended melting away. Your nail technician is so gentle with you, you could doze off. She eventually asks a few questions like if you’re from around the area, if you know there’s a bruise on the middle finger of your dominant hand (from holding pens/pencils all damn day) and more all in a gentle voice, and before you know it she’s done with the structure of the acrylic and the filing, sending you off to rinse your hands off well.
You come back to the sight of Jaehyun stifling a big yawn behind his free hand, shaking his head as if to gather himself right after. Once again, instead of getting some rest after a long flight, he’s out with you. This is the third time. A big part of you is flattered, really, because you enjoy being with him and the feeling is clearly mutual. But, you’re sure he didn’t get proper rest last night or today.
You stick your right hand out for the tech to start on and place your free hand on his bicep to gain his attention. He blinks at you, confused, and you ignore the sudden warmth that spreads in your chest at the adorable look on his face. 
“Why do you keep postponing sleep to take me out?” you ask.
The blinking continues, taken aback at getting called out. “Because I look forward to being with you after business trips?” he asks more than states, and you just continue to admire his straightforwardness. 
“Do you trust me to drive back?” You caress his blushing cheek with your thumb because you can’t help yourself when the color fades in, and he doesn’t move away. If anything, he leans into the touch, much to your surprise. “You look like you could fall out any second.”
He nods slowly and you return the gesture with a smile, muttering out a soft ‘okay’ before putting your hand back in front of you. 
“I’m glad to see you’ve found someone that can deal with your busy schedule,” his nail tech says, sighing like a relative that’s been waiting for him to get married for the longest. “You two are a lovely couple.”
The two of you thank her, both glancing at one another. 
“Speaking of schedules,” Jaehyun says as if just remembering something. “Are you busy on Saturday?”
“Not if you need me.” Saturday was just going to be spent reviewing lesson plans and doing self-care with Bella.
His dimples appear at your response. “We have a business event to attend to.”
“Ah,” You nod and squint in mock suspicion. “You’re buttering me up to surround me with a whole bunch of men talking about boring business stuff. Got it.”
“It’s not even like that,” he chuckles deeply. “You know I need you by my side.”
And yeah, that is in the contract, but the tone of his voice and look in his eyes make you believe that your agreement isn’t the only reason for his words. Now you’re the one with a warm face.
Back in the front of the salon, after Jaehyun has paid, he gently grabs your hand and lifts it up to look at your nails. He nods, satisfied with how they look, clasping your hands together to lead you out of the salon. Not before thanking and saying goodbye to the staff.
Jaehyun opens the door of the driver’s side with his free hand and gestures for you to get in. When you just stand there, he says: “You said you’d drive, right?”
“You’re one hundred percent sure?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Your initial thought is why would you be because even Taeyong doesn’t let you drive his baby, but you don’t question him further. You just slip into the car and he’s fighting a smile at the way all of your teeth are showing due to your excitement. He closes the door and makes his way into the passenger seat. 
You’ve never felt so giddy to adjust mirrors and the seat of a car before. 
“Where to?” you ask, seatbelt on and ready to go.
“The mall we passed on the way here. I saw something I thought you might like.”
You absolutely adore the matching Saint Laurent bag and heels; black with gold accents. 
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“Oh wow.”
Jaehyun’s reaction to you opening your front door is enough to let you know he thinks you look as good as you feel, if not better. Admittedly, the heels are the most uncomfortable pair you’ve ever walked in, but when they look this pretty, paired with the sleek, tight emerald dress that you were gifted a couple days ago with a note reminding you of tonight’s events, who really cares about comfort? You’ll likely be sitting down most of the night, anyway. 
You smile slyly at his lack of words. “Hey, handsome. Come in, I’m almost done.”
“You smell good,” is what he says as he walks past you and into your home, and you’ll take it. You did bring out your favorite scent tonight after all. 
“Thank you,” you chuckle. “I’ll be right back.”
Maybe you walk a tad bit slower than usual because you have a great feeling he’s watching you as you disappear into your room. You grab your purse and trench coat, check your lip gloss, then make your way back to where you left Jaehyun. 
“Sorry,” he begins as you walk up to him, prompting you to raise a brow. “Good evening. You look amazing and I was lost for words for a moment.”
“Thank you,” you repeat. You fix the flap of his tuxedo jacket as you return the compliment. “And thanks for the dress. You have a weirdly good eye for what looks good on me.”
“When I saw the dress I just knew,” Jaehyun shrugs, eyes definitely on what the neckline exposes before they move up to your eyes. “Ready?”
On the way to the event, Jaehyun gives you a small rundown of what to expect. 
“Most of the people you’ll meet are cool, they may talk your head off, though.”
“Nothing I’m not used to,” you shrug. Being a teacher calls for lengthy conversations you’d rather not participate in. “‘Most,’ though?”
“There are a few guys I’m personally not fond of and wouldn’t be working with them if it weren’t for my father’s connection.”
You nod. “I’m sure I can make interactions a little more digestible for you. I mean, that is why I’m here.”
“Just let me know if it becomes too much. I’m not opposed to leaving early.”
You’re sure you’ll be fine, but you hum in affirmation.
“Where are we going?” you ask. 
“My restaurant.” Of course he owns a restaurant. “When we have special occasions I shut it down to the public and we have our events there.” 
You lightly hit his shoulder. “You’ve had a restaurant this whole time but let me struggle to pick somewhere to eat for the last couple of months?”
He grins, grabbing the hand that hit him to kiss your knuckles apologetically. 
“It’s cute to watch,” he admits, laughing at the glare you send him. 
It’s almost as if Jaehyun turns into a different person when the two of you step into the restaurant. Instead of the shy smiles you’re used to, you’re met with the sight of his grin and lidded eyes as he returns the greetings he gets while you walk past the bar where most of the men are seated and standing around to wherever he leads you, left hand on the small of your back. Even the smile he gives a few that show all his teeth don’t give you the usual feeling you’ve grown accustomed to. The usual warmth in your chest travels down to your abdomen as you witness him in his element, around his employees, business partners, and others. You smile and follow Jaehyun’s lead perfectly, but in the breaks between speaking to random people you catch yourself looking at him from the corner of your eye.
Yeah, you like this side of him.
You’re led to a table and Jaehyun pulls a seat out for you to settle down in. 
“What do you want to drink?” he asks, hands still on the back of your seat from pushing it in, bent down to your level. And your body decides to become hyper aware of his proximity, of his minty breath fanning against your ear. You turn to catch his gaze, and he licks his lips. 
“What are my options?”
His response is a deep hum, followed by: “I’m sure I’ve got whatever you have a taste for.”
You squint a little, observing him.
“Yeah?” you ask. And the grin you receive in return confirms your suspicions. He’s flirting. 
“Whatever you’re getting is fine.” 
“I’ll be back. No one should bother you,” he promises before he’s off to the bar.
No one is apparently a tall man with long, black hair that’s pushed back and an undercut. And a smile you can’t decipher. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, beautiful,” is the first thing he says, leaning his weight onto the hands he sets on the table. “I’m John.”
You look him up and down. “Nice to meet you, John.”
You’re stuck on introducing yourself, unsure if he really knows who you are. You remember his face when vague introductions were made, but he’s the only one that has done more than just stare and smile at you. You briefly look in the direction Jaehyun left to and he has a flute in each hand, caught up talking to an older man.
“I’m not trying to get at you,” he reassures you with a laugh. “I take it you’ve never heard of me and I’m hurt, honestly. I’m Jaehyun’s best friend.”
That explains a lot. 
“John.” Champagne is set down in front of you, but before you can thank him, he’s speaking to your new acquaintance. “Let’s not do that thing you like to do.”
“Am I not important to you?” Johnny asks dramatically after they give each other a hug. Jaehyun ignores him as he sits down beside you “You’d think after all these years I’d come up in conversation with your–”
“You’re doing the thing,” Jaehyun interrupts. “I’ll see you later, yeah?”
John’s smile is slick but he leaves without another word. But not without a wink that makes Jaehyun’s face somehow get straighter. 
“He’s your best friend?” you ask before taking a sip of your drink. It’s dry going down, and you make a mental note to get something else once you’ve finished this flute. 
“I question myself on it, too.” The drink goes down smoother for Jaehyun. “I don’t know what I’d do without him, though.”
“You’re a big question mark,” you laugh lightheartedly. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I just don’t know much about you.”
There’s a moment of silence as he slowly nods his head, and you almost regret saying anything. While your best friend was right about mysterious guys being your type, you’d think after being in each other’s company for so long you’d know a little more about him than just the basics and his everyday life. With the tiny crush you’ve acquired, your curiosity has increased, but you’ve never brought the matter up because you almost feel as if it isn’t your place to. 
“What do you want to know about me?” he finally asks. His flute is set on top of the table and he leans into you, giving you his full attention.
“Whatever you’re comfortable sharing. Nothing crazy like your childhood trauma or anything but I’m just interested in you as a person.”
You enjoy the small details you learn about him each time you meet, you just want to go a little deeper than the surface. You’ve gotten the chance to hear about his family and his relationship with them a little, but you’d like more. 
You don’t think you’re doing this sugar baby thing correctly. You probably shouldn’t be so invested in who Jaehyun is as a person outside of his status and money wiring. You definitely shouldn’t be liking him to the extent that you do. 
The man beside you hums, rolling his lips together like everything you’ve said since John left requires extra processing, which leads you to down more of the dry drink anxiously. 
He ends up scooting his chair closer to yours. 
“I’ve been told I’m boring,” he confesses.
“Quiet, maybe,” you correct him. “But I doubt you’re boring.”
“Ask me whatever you’re interested in knowing about and I guess I’ll let you be the judge. Does that sound good to you?”
Nervousness transmutes into excitement that you have to bite down, literally biting your lip to stop yourself from smiling at this little breakthrough. 
“Sounds great.”
“You have to reciprocate, though,” is Jaehyun’s condition. “I definitely want to get to know more about you, too.”
More of Jaehyun’s close friends and the employees that aren’t afraid to walk up to him and speak about something other than work come by the pair of you, and you’re perfectly content with mostly just sitting on the sidelines and observing. Dinner won’t actually start for another half hour, apparently, so now is when everyone is mingling. Comments have been made about how the two of you look good together, even some separate compliments about you, but mainly directed at him. 
An older man puts a hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder, making his presence known and stealing his attention away from the conversation Jaehyun is having with an intern that so clearly looks up to him. One glance up tells you all you need to know about this man. Jaehyun’s smile turns fake. 
“Mr. Park,” he greets politely, nodding to the intern to silently tell him they’ll talk later while standing, hovering over the elder. 
“I just wanted to congratulate you on the big deal again,” Mr. Park says, gaze trailing down to you. You throw him a polite smile. “And to say hello to the beautiful woman you’ve been hiding from us.”
And there it is. The compliment is completely different from the one John indirectly gave you, his tone enough to create an uncomfortable atmosphere. You slowly rise to your feet anyway, extending your hand towards him to shake. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Park.”
“And she’s got manners,” he continues. Your hand is grasped, but lifted up to his mouth, and he plants a kiss onto your knuckles. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
As you pull your hand away, you introduce yourself. You discretely wipe your hand off onto your dress and intertwine your fingers with Jaehyun’s. 
“A gorgeous name for a gorgeous woman.” The line is as outdated as he is but you keep a pleasant expression on, thanking him. “Why is this my first time seeing you?”
“Conflicting schedules,” you say. “But I had to come and celebrate with him this time.”
“You’ve caught a good one,” the elder man winks. “Better keep her close. Never know who’d want to take your place.”
His laugh annoys you. The sound is high pitched and almost taunting. 
“Very unlikely they’d get the chance to, but thank you for the compliment.” You lift your hand to caress the nape of Jaehyun’s neck, getting him to look down at you. “He’s perfect, how could anyone else even compare?”
And there’s the shy smile you’re familiar with. 
“Yeah?” Jaehyun asks, so you continue to milk your performance for Mr. Park. 
“Mhm,” you nod, letting your hand rub down his chest, intensifying your gaze. Nothing but solid muscle is felt beneath the fabric of his shirt. “You know how good you make me feel.”
Jaehyun doesn’t have a comeback, but his smile widens as he lets go of your hand to slide it to the small of your back, pulling you even closer to him—he smells so good. He cranes his neck down until his nose brushes your own. Having him this close, his breath fanning over your mouth, your own breathing gets heavier. At the corner of your eye, the older man continues to watch the interaction, and when you lift your chin just a little to brush your glossy lips against Jaehyun’s, your audience finally takes the hint, telling you it was nice to meet you and congratulating your date before briskly walking off. 
“Was that too much?” you whisper when it’s just the two of you. “Did I make you uncomfortable?” 
Jaehyun laughs, more to himself, caressing your exposed back with his thumb. “Not at all.”
“I don’t like him,” you confess, hand still on his chest. Peeling your body from his own isn’t an appealing thought right now. He doesn’t make a move to do so, either. “He made me uncomfortable so I had to return the feeling. I hope he enjoyed the show.”
“So I’m perfect, huh?” The brunet prompts, a teasing smile playing on his lips. 
“As far as I’m concerned, you’re the perfect package,” you say matter of factly. “You’re kind, respectful, successful, and handsome with a great head on your shoulders…” The sight of his tongue swiping over his lower lip–licking over your peach flavored gloss– momentarily distracts you. 
“Even though you don’t know much about me, you still think so highly of me?” Did his voice get even deeper somehow? 
“I’m sure you’ve got your fair share of skeletons in your closet but who doesn’t? And after seeing you interact with everyone I can see why half of them look up to you.”
You can’t get your eyes off of the lower half of his face, can’t find it within you to care that he’s definitely noticed by now. Especially when he smiles, the skin around his nose creating what looks like whiskers. 
“I guess I know who to go to whenever I doubt myself now, huh?”
Smoothing your hand back up to the nape of his neck, you hum. “I like to think I’m good at making people feel good.”
His tongue peeks out to wet his lips again before he clears his throat, hand slipping to your waist as he takes his time detaching from you. Your own hand drops pathetically. “Do you want another drink?” 
“Just water, please.”
At his lack of presence, you sit back down, blinking in disbelief. Jaehyun’s a smart man. He has to know how him touching you like that—holding you like that—affected you. Every interaction makes you fall for him a little more, makes you desire him a lot more. 
You close your eyes and sigh. “I like to think I’m good at making people feel good,” you mock yourself under your breath. 
When you peek at Jaehyun while he’s at the bar, you notice he takes a moment to himself to take a deep breath, laughs to himself, and shakes his head before proceeding to get two glasses of the water you requested.
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Spring break. 
A week without having to wake up at the asscrack of dawn, without three periods of high schoolers getting on your damn nerves, in addition to a few teachers having sticks so far up their asses and other unorganized, difficult staff and faculty. Not as long as winter break but the weather is nicer and you can go to the beach to relax and unwind this year.
Taeyong’s girlfriend has a beach house that she told him to invite you to because she knows with your profession you’d highly appreciate the peace and quiet, and you agreed immediately, your bags packed containing mostly bathing suits and sundresses. A week at the beach where you don’t have to put much effort into doing your hair and makeup unless someone decides they want to go out for dinner? Perfect. 
Taeyong appears a few seconds after his greeting, holding up an untouched smoothie in one hand and a brown bag you’re sure has a muffin in it in the other one. Bless his soul.
He has a big smile on his face and the black rimmed sunglasses with red lenses that you got him for his birthday and a sweatsuit similar to the one you’ve got on. 
“Aw, you wanna be like me.”
He rolls his eyes once he sees what you’re talking about. “Are you ready?”
You scan your bed. Toiletry bag, chargers and hair products and tools inside of your suitcase, check. Shoe bag, check. Accessories, check.
“Ready,” you nod, finishing up by zipping up your suitcase and shoe bag.
When he’s by your side he bumps your hip with his, telling you he’s got your bags and to just take what’s in his hands.
“I know you haven’t eaten yet,” he gives you a parental look and effortlessly picks your heavy ass suitcase up to settle it on the floor and extend the handle. “so I got you something small because Seulgi is cooking for us right now.”
You hum a thanks, slipping your slides on.
“Be good while I’m gone, okay?” you coo to Nala as you pick her up and hold her out in front of you. She lets out a tiny bark. “I’ll miss you too, sweetie.”
A kiss to the top of her furry little head before she’s free to roam around as she pleases.
“Don’t forget the alarm.”
“Yes, mother,” you mock, and when his mouth opens to ask another question you quickly add, “I texted Jisung the code and Nala’s schedule. Now go.”
When your music starts playing in the car, Taeyong side eyes you.
“You listen to the same three songs, Tae,” you deadpan.
He doesn’t even try to deny it, instead, starting up a conversation on what you’re not going to do to embarrass him since it’s your first time meeting his girlfriend.
Taeyong gently sets down all of the bags at the front door, then beckons you to follow him quietly. 
Music is blasting and a feminine voice is singing along. When you two round the corner you’re greeted with the sight of hips moving side to side, her back to the two of you as she cooks.
There’s already plates set up at the table on the other side of the kitchen, and in the middle of the wooden tabletop, there’s a variety of sides, a bottle of wine that has recently become your favorite, and another bottle of sparkling water.
You stay put at the entrance of the kitchen while Taeyong sneaks up behind her, hands behind his back as he leans close to say something you can’t hear in her ear. Her voice cracks when she screams, body turning around to immediately fight him, fists positioned until she sees it’s just her boyfriend. She calls him a jerk and pouts, but then her arms are around his neck for a quick hug and kiss, eyes widening at something else he says before her attention snaps to you. A big smile takes over her face and she all but pushes him away to make a beeline for you.
“Will you be uncomfortable if I hug you right now?”
You blink. “No?”
She wastes no time to do just that, rocking you side to side with a sigh. “I’ve been waiting to meet you. Taeyong’s told me so much about you,” she laughs, giving you a big squeeze before letting you go. “Hi, I’m Seulgi. I asked Taeyong what you like to eat but he’s no help and he wouldn’t give me your number,” she rolls her eyes. “He said something about you being embarrassing.”
Not only is her beach house lovely, with a beautiful view of the beach that you haven’t even fully gotten to see yet, she’s gorgeous and kind. You like her already.
“I’m not picky,” you wave dismissively, Taeyong snorting, “nor am I embarrassing,” you direct a glare at your cousin when he passes on his way to get the luggage.
It would’ve been nice to have a chat or two with her before officially meeting.
“Let me show you your room.”
Seulgi grabs your hand softly and leads you up the stairs, makes a right then opens the second door on the left.
Huge bed with black and white sheets and a white comforter, huge tv on a black wooden dresser that matches the nightstand beside the bed.
“Sorry for how dark it is, my sister decorated it.”
Taeyong comes in and sets your bags in front of the bed, then he’s got an arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders.
“Closet is right there,” Seulgi points to a door on the right side of the main door, “bathroom is here,” her finger flies to the other side of the room. “If you need a nice bath you’re free to use the one in our room, just let me know so we can get out of your way. Any questions or concerns?”
“Nope,” you take another glance around the room. “I’m good. Thank you for letting me stay here.”
She gently swats a perfectly manicured hand at you. “Please, if you ever need to get away from the city for a couple of days just let me know, you’re always welcome to stay.”
You might be looking at her the same way Taeyong is right now. Completely enamored.
A timer sounds from downstairs, Seulgi perking up.
“Food’s done. Come down whenever you’re ready,” she says to you and Taeyong, patting him on the back before heading downstairs.
“I love her.”
Taeyong laughs with a nod, taking a seat at the foot of your bed. “Yeah, me too. I knew the two of you would hit it off but I was still nervous.”
“When you fuck up I’m snatching her,” you say with a wide smile as you walk out of the room.
Lunch goes amazingly. There’s endless conversation filled with learning about each other and you only try to embarrass your cousin once just because of the lecture in the car, to which you earned a flick on the forehead for, but Seulgi pinched his arm for you. You get both sides of the story on how they met at the gym, your cheek in your palm as you watch the couple reminisce with banter and heart eyes, appreciating the display of love.
Clothes get changed into bathing suits and then the three of you are walking barefoot in the sand, headed closer to the ocean. The walk is short, and only a couple of minutes later towels and lounge chairs are spread out, the cooler filled with water bottles and wine coolers is set down somewhere in between, and all of you are lying down under the sun.
The star is blazing and you’ll never admit it to him, but you’re thankful Taeyong asked if you applied sunblock before you stepped outside (“I’m a responsible adult, Taeyong. Of course I did.”). The breeze against your skin is pleasant combined with the bright, hot sun. 
Conversation naturally slips into silence, Seulgi on her stomach to tan her back, Taeyong up and becoming one with the ocean because he takes astrology seriously now. You check the texts Jisung sent less than an hour ago, updating you on how the walk with Nala went and that he ate all of your grapes with a smiling emoji. Your eyes roll when you tell him to eat all he wants.
A soft call of your name takes your attention off of your phone and directs it to the woman the voice came from.
“Are you in a relationship?”
You snort. “I’m very single.”
An intrusive thought of Jaehyun surfaces, but you push it out just as fast as it arrived.
She frowns.
“I’ll try to keep down the affection with Taeyong in front of you. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
Even with her invitation, you’re the one that’s kind of interrupting a romantic vacation, whether they view it that way or not. Your plan is to be a ghost, chill on the beach and read as much as you can and let the couple do all of their couple activities without the thought of you being here until it’s time for dinner or any other group event.
“Don’t worry about me,” you smile, adjusting your sunglasses. “I don’t mind PDA.”
“Just let us know if we’re being gross, okay?”
You nod, but you doubt you’ll catch them being gross often with how you’ve planned your visit.
An hour after Taeyong snatched your phone out of your hand and dropped it in the sand beside you to throw you over his shoulder and bring you into the water with him, you’re exhausted and smell like salt. You don’t know if a shower has ever felt this good before. The water’s temperature is just right, the pressure is great, the loofah that was waiting for you is perfect, and it could also be the many wine coolers and shots you downed, but you feel amazing. The more it sinks in that you don’t have to deal with fifteen through eighteen-year-olds nor do you have to plan anything for them for the next six days because you already lost sleep making sure you had papers printed and powerpoints made a week in advance, but your students do have homework and study guides complete before Monday, the lighter your body feels. Oh, you’re going to sleep amazingly tonight.
A long swipe of your hand across the foggy mirror shows you an image of you looking the most content you’ve seen yourself in a while. Your skin is a little darker than when you first arrived and glowing, Eyes heavy from the drinks and sleepiness, the smallest of smiles playing on your lips. 
Tightening your towel around you, you get to work combing your drenched hair out. There’s music playing from the speakers around the house, faint but loud enough to recognize the beat, your hips moving along to it. You squeeze some product into your hand then smooth it throughout the detangled half of your head before doing the same on the other side. 
The calm atmosphere is ruined by your name getting called by a familiar yet unexpected voice and your body jumps because of it. The mirror has cleared up for the most part and when you lift your eyes from the reflection of your fingers in your hair to the reflection on the man in dark clothing you scream, bringing your hand to the secured knot that’s  keeping your towel and turning around. 
What the actual fuck.
“Shit, Jaehyun,” you place your free hand over your heart, exhaling loudly.
A loud call of your name from your cousin sounds from downstairs but you’re too busy staring at the man in front of you dumbly. He’s looking at you the same way. Heavy footsteps up the stairs end when two concerned faces pop up behind him before you can open your mouth and ask how the hell the two of you are in the same place right now.
“Oh,” Seulgi says, wide eyes moving back and forth between the two of you before she pushes Jaehyun into the room that you now know is behind the extra door you peeped before getting into the shower and her voice goes out as she asks, “when did you even get here?”
The look on Taeyong’s face shows he’s waiting for his girlfriend to be far enough away for him to ask, “Isn’t that-”
You nod. “Yep.”
“Come downstairs when you’re done?” Seulgi asks, popping her head back into the bathroom. Once you nod again, she pulls Taeyong away with her and shuts the door. 
You finish up your hair and get dressed quickly. You don’t understand how the hell you ended up in this kind of coincidence, but your buzzed mind doesn’t bother to try to put any pieces together, especially since you’re on the way downstairs to get answers. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were on the way?” Seulgi asks from the kitchen.
“You knew I was coming…” Jaehyun’s deadpan voice makes you smile, but you straighten your face when you round the corner and get into their line of sight. You make your way beside Taeyong, whose eyebrows are pulled in as he stares at the side of the newcomer’s face. A touch of your hand on his arm relaxes his tense form and breaks his one-sided stare off, eyes soft when they land on you. Soon everyone’s attention is on you. Jaehyun doesn’t seem surprised anymore. More like he’s just taking in your reaction to everything, seeing how he should regard you.
“So I forgot to mention my cousin would be here,,” Seulgi starts with an awkward, apologetic smile. “And I forgot to mention you were coming,” she says, looking and pointing at you. She proceeds to introduce you and Taeyong to Jaehyun and vice versa.
You push yourself off the table and walk up to him, hand presented between you two for him to shake. “Nice to meet you, Jaehyun.”
His lips go thin before he lets out an amused breath through his nose. He grabs your hand and gingerly shakes it. “Likewise.”
A knock on the half-closed door grants you access to the view of Jaehyun slowly sitting up on his bed, one hand caressing his chin while the other holds his phone. 
“So,” you hum, leaning against the doorframe. “Looks like we’re together this week after all.”
The other day he told you he’d be on vacation for a week so he couldn’t meet up with you, which was perfect because you were in the same situation, and now look at you. The cousin of the love of Taeyong’s life is the man you meet up with weekly. the man that adds money into your bank account weekly. You’ve sobered up since the bathroom incident and honestly, you’re pretty happy to spend more than a few hours at a time with him. 
“All week, at that.”
“I’m excited,” you admit. “If it storms, your bed is fair game, right?”
Jaehyun shakes his head with a smile, but responds with: “I’ll keep the doors unlocked.”
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When you knock on Jaehyun’s door the next day around noon, it takes a moment for him to grant your entrance, and when you open it he’s on his laptop. 
“Is this not a vacation for you?” you tsk after catching a glimpse of the screen.
He lets out a deep chuckle. “It is, but-”
“No buts,” you interrupt him. “If it isn’t detrimental, I’d like your company on the beach.”
“So we’re not pretending we don’t know each other?”
You take a seat next to him on the edge of his bed. 
“Taeyong was there the first night we met,” you admit, to which Jaehyun nods. 
“You came prepared.”
“You could’ve been a creepy seventy-something year old man trying to get his dick wet,” you say, and he chuckles, nodding again. “I don’t think he’d say anything to Seulgi, honestly. But even if he did, we’re grown.” You shrug. 
Jaehyun saves a document and exits out of it, closing his laptop to put it to the side. He finally looks at you for more than a quick second, and his gaze lingers on the bikini and the see-through cover up you have on. 
“That’s a pretty color on you,” he compliments before getting up and walking to his suitcase. 
“Thank you.” You watch him as he squats down to open his luggage, rummaging through his clothes until he pulls out a pair of swim trunks. In your internal excitement that you’ve successfully pulled him away from work to come to the beach with you, you fail to decipher what the expectant yet amused look on his handsome face translates to when he’s back to his full height. 
“Are you comfortable?” Jaehyun asks, the corner of his mouth lifted. You open your mouth to question what he means but when he slowly lifts his shirt off, you understand. You nibble on the inside of your lip.
How bold do you want to be? 
You’re on vacation with your sugar daddy, even if that wasn’t the original plan. In a beach house, alone—the couple went out to get more groceries because Seulgi got carried away yesterday in the kitchen. You know exactly how you feel about the man before you, and even though he’s still hard to read, his glances and touches either give you an idea of how he might feel, or they just make you delusional. You doubt it's delusion, though, if you’re being honest. 
The contract, though. 
“I’ll wait for you downstairs,” you finally say after a long moment of silently staring at one another. “Want me to pack any drinks for you?”
“It’s only noon.”
“You’re on vacation,” you counter, hand lingering on the door under the guise you’re just still having conversation. All of those hours in the gym have done him well. 
“A couple of beers wouldn’t hurt, I guess.” He shrugs. 
“There ya go,” you lilt, smiling widely, finally taking your leave. 
You’re definitely going to make the most of this trip. 
With only sunglasses and black swim trunks, Jaehyun makes his way towards you on the beach after a while. You’re in the midst of putting on sunscreen, struggling to reach the middle of your back.
“Do you need help?” he asks, sitting next to you on your lounge chair instead of the one you set up for him a couple of feet away. 
“Please,” you exasperate. You hand him the bottle and turn your back towards him. He rubs the lotion onto your back with the perfect pressure, starting from your shoulders and gradually making his way down to your lower back. Head tilting to the side, you let out a hum of appreciation. “I just know you give good massages.”
“I’ve only given one or two,” Jaehyun admits, hands still going even though he’s covered basically every inch of your back. His fingers slip under the horizontal strap, spreading outward and grazing over the side of your breasts. “Always been on the receiving end.”
“Well,” you sigh, enjoying his lingering touch. “I’ll gladly be your test dummy. I’ve got some knots in the back of my neck and my feet could definitely use some TLC.”
Jaehyun chuckles, adjusting your bathing suit strings before handing you the bottle. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Do you need me to put some on your back?” you ask, happy to return the favor. 
He thinks about it for a moment before he nods and turns. You shake the bottle and pop the cap open before squeezing the sunscreen onto the palm of your hand, throw the bottle to the side and rub your hands together before running them up his back. 
“You talk about me,” Jaehyun laughs breathily when he shivers a bit at your touch. You hum in question, working your fingers into his shoulders, feeling the tense muscles and having the need to release some of the tension while you’re here. You appreciate how his muscles feel under his smooth skin. “Might have to start going to you for my bi-weekly massages instead of the spa.”
You enjoy spending time with him. You enjoy learning new things about him. You really enjoy the intimate moments the two of you share.
“I think that’s something we could arrange.”
Finishing up, you rub the residual sunscreen on your hands down his arms and give a squeeze, signaling the end of his impromptu massage. 
“What’s the plan for the day?” Jaehyun asks once the two of you are laying side by side in the chairs. 
“Sit in the sun for a while, get in the water for a while, drink until I feel like I’m one with the ocean, and leave once I’m burnt out,” you list for him. “You down?”
He nods. “I am.”
And when it’s time to get in the ocean, the waves are stronger than you thought they’d be. Nothing crazy, but with how deep you wanted to go, the water smacks into your face sometimes.
“Come here,” Jaehyun finally says after laughing at your cute struggle. He grabs your waist and tugs you into his body, and after you place your hands on his shoulders, he lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. 
The added height and being pressed against his toned body make the experience even better. 
The rest of the time spent in the water goes by like this, not many words exchanged, but you lightly clinging onto him, his hold on you strong but not restricting, and the two of you just enjoy the surprisingly almost empty beach together. You leave when both of you are raisined, and come back to the beach house to Taeyong finishing preparing lunch. 
You can’t remember the last time you were in a jacuzzi. 
Taeyong urged you to get in because he wanted to spend some alone time with Seulgi while they cooked dinner for everyone and you had no qualms. You made sure to grab a bottle of wine and a wine glass before getting kicked out, though. 
You’re in the middle of pouring your second glass when you hear the sliding door open and close, then Jaehyun is walking towards you with a towel slung over his shoulder and blue swim trunks sitting low on his hips.
Is he genuinely this oblivious to how captivating he is?
“I got kicked out,” he tells you, kicking his flip flops off. 
“Join the club.” You raise your glass towards him before taking a sip. 
You watch him as he climbs in, settling down on the opposite side of where you’re sitting, arms spread out to his sides. There’s a still moment where you observe one another, a slight smile on his face while you continue to drink from your glass.
“I’m surprised you’re not sick of that wine by now.”
“It’s been my favorite since the night we met,” you admit, hiding a shy smile behind the rim of your glass. “I’m almost out of the stock you gave me.”
“I’ll send you some more when we get back,” Jaehyun promises. “Have you tried the white?”
You shake your head. “I didn’t want to open a bottle and waste it if I didn’t like it.”
“I want you to try it. It’s my favorite.“ He stands up and climbs back out of the hot tub. 
Jaehyun disappears and he’s in and out quickly with the bottle, bottle opener, and glass in hand, this time sitting closer to you when he’s back in the water. He fills up half of his glass before holding it out to you. Setting your own down, you grab Jaehyun’s and take a sip, swishing it around in your mouth to get rid of the other wine’s taste and swallowing before taking another to really taste it. 
“I like it.” You nod.
“Clearly not as much as the red,” Jaehyun laughs, taking the glass back to drink it himself. 
You don’t, but you might also just like it because he took it upon himself to get out of the jacuzzi when he’d only been sitting in it for a couple of minutes just to go back into where he got kicked out of, just so you can taste his favorite wine. Granted, Jaehyun is drinking it himself, but your mind focuses on how he possibly just got softly chewed out for going back in for you. 
“Why are you still single?” you practically sigh, not quite understanding how a man of his status, with his looks, kindness, and personality hasn’t been swept up and married by now. 
Jaehyun’s brow raises mid-sip.
“I could ask you the same,” he retorts instead of giving a real answer. You’ve known him long enough to know he won’t just give you the information you’re searching for, you’ve got to give him a piece of you before he returns the gesture. And you have no qualms.
“Well,” you start, turning towards him more, kicking your feet up so your heels rest upon his lap. He doesn’t even blink at the change of position. “I’m taking the time to build myself and the life I desire without too many distractions. I’ve had ideas and goals for myself and my future for years, but when I’d get into a relationship I always ended up slacking and pushing those goals aside for later. I’m now at a place in my life where I love myself enough to not let me sweep my goals under the rug for the love of someone else. I’m still young, I have time to find love after I’ve established myself to an extent that I’m more than content with.”
Jaehyun hums, setting his now empty glass aside before your foot is in his hands with his thumbs digging into your sole firmly. 
“Do you not think it’s possible to establish yourself and find love in the process?” he prompts.
“That hasn’t been the case thus far,” you chuckle, the sound trailing into a quiet groan. Whatever pressure point he just pressed into feels like heaven. “You sure you’ve never given a massage?”
The brunet flashes you a satisfied smile, shaking his head softly. “Sounds like your previous partners were distractions rather than supporters.”
“My taste in men was terrible,” you agree instantly. “I was always the one to love more and make more sacrifices for love while I got gaslit and mediocre sex in return.”
You’re saying more than you’d intended to, and you definitely blame your slight intoxication, but it’s actually nice to talk about this with someone who isn’t your cousin or your best friend. You don’t mind opening up to Jaehyun at all. His presence has been warm, inviting since day one, and he doesn’t give the impression to be one to judge. 
Jaehyun lifts your leg to dig into your calf muscle, resting your foot on his chest. “You have pretty feet.”
You laugh at his compliment, raising a teasing brow. “A foot fetish, huh?”
The corners of his mouth fight to not lift. “When was your last relationship?” 
“About a year and a half ago.” You set your glass next to his and fit your cheek into your propped up hand. “I’ve been abstinent since.”
Jaehyun’s eyes grow big. “Really?”
“It’s not that hard.” You shrug. “Definitely gets boring, though. But that discipline has allowed me to get further with my passions than ever before. Well, the discipline plus you.”
Jaehyun’s pretty fingers just so happen to find another spot, this time in your calf, that makes you practically whimper from the pleasurable pain. The moment of eye contact that comes right after lets you know you didn’t bite it down enough to mute the sound, as well as the way his movements falter. 
Clearing his throat, he asks, “From funding?”
“Mostly, yeah. But you’re a really disciplined person who many look up to. You even work on vacation,” you tsk lightheartedly. “The energy has rubbed off on me a little.”
“Being around you has definitely made me cut back on how much time I put into work.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
He shakes his head. “Not at all. I’ve gotten to actually spend uninterrupted time with Seulgi. And bond with Taeyong for the first time in what? Three years?” 
Now that he’s mentioned it, you realize just how much more frequent your meetups are in comparison to when you’d first met. You see him every week, and while every date isn’t full of long conversations and massages, he rarely checks his emails or ends nights sooner than expected because of early mornings ahead. 
“So basically I was a great addition to your life.” You nod, wiggling your leg out of his grasp then presenting your untouched foot for him to start working on. “Okay–your turn to talk.”
He sighs deeply, gaze dropping from your face to the task at hand. 
“I’m similar to you, in regards to being the one that loves more than being loved. I’ve always tried to be cautious because I’m a bit of an easy target.”
“How so?”
“I come from generational wealth and I love giving,” Jaehyun elaborates for you, glancing up at you briefly before watching his fingers knead into your calf. “Even with being cautious, I ended up falling for women who pretended to love me to reap the benefits of being associated with me.”
You hum, frowning a little. You’ve dealt with similar situations, only instead of being used for your money, you were used for your body and loyalty. 
“I was really in love with my ex, even Seulgi befriended her. One day Seulgi overheard her talking to someone on the phone, making plans to get flown out by some professional athlete. I don’t even know the whole story but I broke up with her and blocked her on everything before she could try to explain.”
The situation still hurts him, it’s evident by the sadness that washes over his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Jae.” You pout. “You didn’t deserve that.”
Jaehyun gives you a small smile. “In hindsight, it was obvious she didn’t actually like me. I just liked her too much to leave without a reason, I guess.”
Story of your life. 
“How’d you get into this business then?” you ask, gesturing between the two of you.
“Like I said, I love giving. I love spoiling someone, typically only one person at a time, though.” Not that you ever really questioned or even thought about it before this very moment, a wave of warmth passes through your chest at knowing you’re the only one that gets to have these moments with Jaehyun. “And my friend has had a few babies and recommended it. I get to spoil someone–you, without having to assume you love me for me and not just my money and without getting my heart broken. Plus the benefits of having someone by my side at events.”
“Am I your baby?” you lilt, cheesing at the way the male fights a stupid grin.
“Yes,” he agrees easily. “You are my baby and I think we got lucky for this to be our first time.” 
You pull out of his hold to sit beside him, propping your elbow up to fit your cheek into your palm, and face him with a grin that tells him you’re about to drag this. “So I can actually call you daddy now? Because I really like how you just called me your baby.”
“If that’s what you want to do,” he laughs it off, moving to pour himself another half glass. “I’m not opposed.”
Your brows lift in surprise. 
“So you have a foot fetish and a daddy kink?” you tease.
“How much have you drunk tonight?”
“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”
He scoffs behind his glass and mumbles, “I enjoy it more than I probably should.”
You let your grin reach your eyes as you just watch him take gulps instead of his usual sips. You’re getting somewhere now and there’s no way you’re going to let the moment slip through your fingers.
“There’s a lot more to enjoy,” you tell him, taking the glass out of his hand to finish the little amount of liquid inside. You like the flavor a little more than before.
Brown eyes follow the trail of your tongue as you lick off a droplet of wine from your bottom lip, and you know you’ve got him right where you want him. 
“Is that so?”
“It’s up to you if you want to find out,” you tell him, still giving him time to reject your advances. Being so close to finally getting a taste of what you’d been wanting has your heart beating faster than before, and the only thing on your mind is finally crossing this line you’ve been straddling. 
“Maybe a preview.”
You sit up to lean into him, hooking a hand behind his neck to pull him down to your level. Testing the waters, you press a soft kiss to his lips, but when he presses back with no hesitation, you easily slot your lips with his. They’re soft and careful, just like the hand that comes up to your side to pull you even closer. 
You almost sigh into the kiss after watching his mouth as he spoke for the last couple of months, tilting your head to deepen it. Jaehyun easily follows, letting you lead the pace and intensity. 
After backing away a couple inches and observing him, Jaehyun’s eyes flutter open and show that he’d definitely be okay with continuing, but with your building desire for him, you don’t trust yourself to lean back in and end the exchange with just an innocent kiss. You did sign a contract after all. 
So you get up, carefully stepping out of the hot tub, grabbing the towel you brought out. You wrap the white cotton around your body and head to the back door, slide it open and walk inside. It smells good, and you let the couple know as much when you’re walking past the kitchen to make it upstairs quickly before you get fussed at. 
A cold shower ought to do it. 
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Maybe you and Jaehyun should talk about what happened in the jacuzzi last night. 
You didn’t trust yourself to carry on a conversation after the moment you shared, with his eyes all lidded and lips red and just waiting for you to lean back in a repeat the action. At the dinner table there were silent glances, mostly his eyes zooming in on your mouth as you spoke then meeting your eye when he got caught. 
Everyone did their own thing today for the most part. Taeyong woke you up and you all had breakfast as a group, but after that, your cousin and his girlfriend said they’d be back later and walked out of the house. They came back when it was about to be dark.
Jaehyun claimed he had some work that he actually couldn’t wait until getting back into the office to do and disappeared into his room, leaving you to enjoy your second to last full day at the beach house by yourself. You sat out on the beach for hours until the sun exhausted you, finished your book, had a long FaceTime call with Sooyoung as you cooked and ate lunch, then took a nap until Taeyong and Seulgi got back in. 
You’d caught maybe two glimpses of your sugar daddy throughout the day before dinner, and while he conversed with you all, there was still something off. 
A loud crack of lightning jolts you out of your thoughts as you lay on your back in bed. Followed by thunder a few seconds later. You blink up, practically glaring at the sky like you could see it through the white ceiling. 
Heavy rainfall begins. 
You sigh deeply, but then the dramatic exhale is cut short when you remember the short interaction you had with the man on the other side of the bathroom your first night here. You slip your robe onto your body, slide into your slippers and grab your phone before walking through the bathroom and knocking on the door opposite of yours. 
It’s silent on the other end, even after another round of knocks, but the door gives in when you twist the knob experimentally. The sight of Jaehyun with his back against his headboard and laptop on his lap in dim lighting isn’t a shocking one. He’s got AirPods in, nodding his head to the beat of whatever song is playing, and you guess they’re on noise cancellation mode when you call out his name.
In your best attempt to not startle Jaehyun since his peripheral vision is blocked by his glasses, you pat the bed to get his attention, and that does the trick. His head quickly turns in your direction, and when he catches your gaze, he plucks one of his AirPods out. 
You point to the window to his right. “It’s storming.”
“It is,” he says matter-of-factly with a nod. After a moment of silence, his facial expression morphs into one of understanding. “Oh. It is. ”
“Is your bed still fair game?” you ask, nervous around him for the first time since you two met. “I won’t interrupt,” you gesture at his laptop.
“I was just finishing up, actually.” 
You take that as a yes. 
He saves whatever he was working on before shutting the technology down and tucking in under his bed. His glasses come off and are set on his nightstand. You kick your slippers off as he does so, shrugging off your robe to drape it over the chair at the desk in the corner. 
When you turn back towards the bed, Jaehyun’s giving your short, silky pajama set a onceover, averting his gaze when he realizes you’ve noticed and flipping the corner of the comforter over as an invitation for you to make yourself comfortable. And you do just that. 
“Not judging,” Jaehyun disclaims. “But you’re genuinely afraid of storms?”
Pausing in the midst of snuggling under his covers, you check to see if he is judging or not. His expression is neutral, so you’ll take his word. 
“Yep.” You pop the ‘p’, getting back to getting comfortable. “Just the loud ones like tonight.”
All Jaehyun does is nod in understanding. 
The two of you have had your fair share of silence while together, but up until right now, the silence has never been loud. He’s not acting standoffish or anything, but his lack of eye contact is something you’re not used to. And his body language is similar to when you’d first met.
You know you should say something because you know it’s about last night and you were the one who initiated the kiss, but now that you’re here, in his bed beside him, you kind of just want to pretend like it didn’t happen if he isn’t going to mention it himself. Is that the right thing to do? You doubt it. 
But is that exactly what you’re about to do? Absolutely. 
“When’s the last time you shared a bed with a woman?” you ask, turning towards his still seated up body with perfect posture. 
“Some months,” he confirms your suspicions. 
“Do you snore?”
He shakes his head. “I do not.”
Another bout of silence. 
“Are you uncomfortable with me in your bed?” you finally prompt. And when Jaehyun looks at you in confusion, you gesture at the clear difference in how the two of you are positioned. “Or are you just not ready to go to sleep yet?”
“No you’re fine,” Jaehyun reassures you, standing up in the process. “I just haven’t gotten ready for bed yet.”
You nod towards the bathroom. “I’ll be here.” 
A good ten minutes later Jaehyun’s back in his room, jeans and t-shirt gone and now shirtless with loose shorts on. You put your phone down on the nightstand and turn towards his side of the bed in time with him slipping under the covers. 
“Do you need me to keep the light on?”
You shake your head. “You can turn it off.”
Then it’s pitch black, not even the moonlight peeking through the blinds or curtains. And a loud crash of lightning sounds, making your body convulse. 
You laugh it off, though unable to see the worried expression you’re being given.
“How can I make this less scary for you?” Jaehyun prompts after a moment, voice low and hesitant. 
“How tired are you?”
“Distractions always work,” you supply. Usually you’d put noise cancellation headphones in when you’re alone because this is kind of an embarrassing fear to have so no one really knows about it. Taeyong was aware when you were kids, but as far as you know, he thinks you’ve outgrown the fear. You used the storm as an excuse to come see Jaehyun and get rid of the air between the two of you but you’d only thought as far as just being in the same room as him. 
“Which kind?”
You shrug. “We can talk. Watch a movie or something. Being held always helps, too.”
“We can touch on what happened last night.”
You’re actually surprised he brought it up himself.
“What about last night, exactly?” 
Jaehyun lets out an unamused exhale through his nose. “Let’s not play dumb.”
The tone you just received is new and it admittedly does something to you. 
Here you are, comfortable in bed with the man of your desires, who’s only clad in shorts. There’s really nothing to talk about, in your opinion. You both wanted what happened last night and you want it again. Right now. 
You scoot closer to his warm body, your knees gently colliding with his thighs. Jaehyun stays still, even when you reach out, using the slight sight of his silhouette as a guide to run a hand down his shoulder to his defined chest, your fingertips brushing against his nipple. 
“I’m not,” you tell him, letting your hand continue down his torso. “A few things took place last night.”
“But you know–”
“I remember you calling me your baby,” you interrupt. Your digits stop when they get to the waistband of his bottoms. “Which I enjoyed. A lot.”
Jaehyun’s resolve starts to crumble. He doesn’t say anything, allowing you to continue your recall of last night’s events along with your light touches, which are now going back up his stomach. 
“And then I gave you something to enjoy. Is that what you want to talk about?” You curl your hand around the side of his neck, playing with the hairs at his nape. Jaehyun relaxes more into your touch, but you receive no answer to your question. “We could pretend it never happened, if you want.”
“I don’t,” he finally says, and you assume he’s responding to the suggestion.
“Or it could happen again.” You finish the thought, moving your thumb to brush it against his pouty bottom lip. “But I don’t think there’s much more to talk about, Jae.”
A strong hand pulls you into his body by your back before lips crash into yours. You smile as you let him control the kiss, satisfied with breaking him enough for him to initiate it. Your fingers go back into Jaehyun’s hair, nails lightly scraping his scalp as you open your mouth for his searching tongue. His mouth nor his hold are rough, just firm, and you practically melt into him.
His kisses are noisy, the sound of his lips smacking against yours practically echoing in the spacious room. The rainfall is still heavy but the crashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder sound further away than before.
He lets out a stuttered breath at the tug of his scalp, nipping your bottom lip in retaliation as his hand leisurely slips down to the back of your knee to hike your leg up around his waist. 
You tilt your head up to catch your breath and Jaehyun uses the opportunity to use his nose to guide him down to your neck before pressing open mouthed kisses over a sensitive pulse point. And when you quietly moan, it only spurs him on to circle his tongue around it.
Whimpering out his name, you pull him flush against you by your leg and the hand in his hair. He continues to focus on that spot on your neck, nipping and sucking lightly but with enough bite to have your silk begin sticking to the apex of your thighs. And it’s almost like he can tell, with how his hand slides across the smooth fabric over your hips to rest on your ass, the tips of his fingers centimeters away from the mess he’s creating. 
Using his hair, you guide his lips back up to yours for a slower, wetter kiss that you lead this time. And Jaehyun just follows, letting you suck on his tongue as he gropes you, unintentionally rubbing over right where you want him and pulling a gasp out your mouth. You push back to feel more and this time it’s intentional on both of your parts, the tip of his finger shallowly dipping into your silk clad entrance. 
Your moan brings him back to reality, it seems, because soon his hand is slowly retracting, finding the side of your face to give you a couple more kisses that clearly signal the end of the moment. You want to pull him back in when his body starts to retract, want to settle on top of him and go further, but you don’t. 
You can’t.
There’s some rummaging and the light of the television screen ahead illuminates the room as you wrap your head around the moment that just passed.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Jaehyun asks in a rough voice that makes your stomach turn. His body turned so that he’s laying on his back, one arm behind his head while the other scrolls through streaming services.
“Uh.” You clear your throat. “Something funny, I guess.”
He chooses a romantic comedy from the early 2000s and pulls you back into him, wrapping an arm around you so you can rest your head on his chest. 
The storm has calmed down by now, but your mind is anything but calm.
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Your eyes slowly flutter open and it takes a moment to realize your surroundings are different from what you’ve gotten used to this past week. And then you’re aware of a weight draped over your waist, and you remember the storm, the kiss, and the cuddling.
The digital clock on the nightstand reads 10:40 a.m and from a glance behind you, Jaehyun is still asleep. You’re usually awake and downstairs an hour earlier than this, and he’s always drinking a cup of coffee when you make it to the kitchen. 
You do feel well rested.
It’s easy to slip out of his hold and get your day–your last full day here– started. You take a shower, throw on a matching short set and head downstairs, meeting Taeyong and Seulgi in the kitchen. 
“Sleep well?” Taeyong asks, handing you a mug. 
“I did.” You nod. You pour some coffee into the ceramic, followed by creamer and agave. “The storm put me to sleep.”
Your cousin eyes you for a moment and you sip from your mug, raising a brow. 
“You wanna join me on the beach today?” Seulgi prompts, cutting the silent communication off and turning your attention to her. “Let the guys bond while we have our own day?”
Jaehyun rounds the corner and enters the kitchen at that moment, brow raised at his cousin’s last words. Taeyong also hands him a mug, the mug Jaehyun’s used every morning, to which the brunet thanks him for. 
“Is that okay with you?” you ask, momentarily distracted by your sugar daddy sleepily rubbing his bare chest as he fills his cup with coffee. You figure she’d already run this plan by Taeyong. Jaehyun nods, sending you a gentle smile.
You return the nod and give your attention back to Seulgi. “Sounds perfect. What do you have planned?” 
The pair of you end up walking along the shore, picking up the prettiest seashells you can find. It’s nice to bond with her without anyone else around, though it was quiet at first.
“Has Jaehyun been treating you well?” she asks, catching you off guard. 
You’re not sure if she means during your stay here or in general, if Taeyong eventually let her know, so you just nod and answer as vaguely as possible. “He has. He’s very kind.”
“I was a bit nervous he’d be his usual uninterested self but I had hope he’d be a good host to you,” Seulgi admits with a relieved laugh. “He’s not the most social, though he does seem to talk to you pretty easily.”
“It’s my charm.” You flip your hair playfully. “Working with kids, you’ve got to be likable and easy to talk to. But yeah, he’s been great company.”
You bend down at the sight of a really pretty shell with pink on it, dusting it off to examine if it’s worth taking back with you before putting it in your little bag. 
“I know you mentioned not dating anyone, but are you interested? Like, are you going out on dates and stuff or just not feeling it at all right now?”
“I’m going on dates,” you tell her. You technically go on dates with Jaehyun, “but I’m not looking to be in a relationship just yet. If it happens organically I’m not opposed, but it’s not exactly high on my list at the moment.”
She hums in understanding and nods, then changes the subject to how she doesn’t know where her mental health would be without this beach house because it’s her happy place. 
Tonight is your last night of freedom. The only connection you’ve had to your work life for the last week is Jisung with his updates. He’s decided to send you daily pictures of your baby and they make you miss her a little more. 
The men took it upon themselves to make dinner and it was ready by the time you and Seulgi got back in, the sun almost completely set. You appreciate how almost every meal you’ve eaten since being here has been as a group at the table, barely any phone usage (Jaehyun stopped checking his notifications so often, deciding to wait until everyone was done in the kitchen–all it took was a stern look from you when he grabbed it as soon as it pinged one night), just conversation and laughter.
It’s planned for you all to come back during your next break from work, which will be during the summer, and it works out perfectly for everyone else. 
You don’t live close enough to a body of water you could submerge into, so on this last night, you’re taking advantage of the jacuzzi again. 
The couple went upstairs soon after dinner to watch a movie, taking popcorn with them and all. They invited you and Jaehyun, but you told them your plan for the night and Jaehyun just declined. 
He’s probably doing last minute work or just watching something on tv or his phone, but you’d prefer his company right now. So you grab your phone off of the side table and scroll to his message thread. 
[10:01pm] you: Come join me in the jacuzzi?
You wait for a response for a couple of minutes, but when you don’t get one, you just put your phone back with a small sigh. But then you get bored and pick your phone back up to scroll through your explore page. 
A few minutes into scrolling, the back door slides open and closed, and Jaehyun’s making his way towards you with swim trunks and a towel when you take a look behind you. 
“I thought you might not join me tonight,” you admit, putting your phone aside, for good this time. 
He shakes his head, dropping his towel and phone on the table before stepping inside the jacuzzi. 
“When have I ever not given you what you wanted?” 
At your silence, Jaehyun chuckles, settling down at a distance that isn’t far but far enough in your opinion. Especially after how close you two got last night. 
That’s actually your answer to his question that you guess was supposed to be rhetorical. 
“Last night.”
His brows furrow, genuinely confused. 
And it’s not like you asked him for what you wanted. You didn’t tell him you wanted to go further than the kisses you shared. Didn’t ask him to stick his hand in your shorts and relieve you of what you’ve been missing for what didn’t feel like a long time until you were that close to him. 
“You didn’t give me what I wanted last night,” you explain with a shrug. “But it’s nothing, really.”
Giving Jaehyun the time to make sense of your vague explanation, you extend your legs and flutter them in the water. You’re going to miss this place. You love your kids, but it’s so peaceful and lighthearted here. Well, for the most part. 
“I don’t want to assume you’re alluding to what I think you are, but–” His voice is deeper than you’ve heard yet, almost strained.
“I am,” you hum. You’ve been shown that he wants you in similar ways that you want him. Last night was too much yet not nearly enough. “I know what I want and I’m almost positive you want the same thing.”
“You also know we signed a contract.”
“We’re also two consenting adults,” you remind him.
“Who signed a contract that states there won’t be a sexual relationship between us,” Jaehyun retorts. It’s been a while since you’ve seen such a stern, serious facial expression on his face. “A kiss or two is one thing but–”
“While I don’t think you’d try to blackmail me or send me to court for anything,” he interrupts right back, and you sigh as you listen to the rest of his statement, “a breach in the contract would allow for that and I have too much to lose.”
You take a steadying breath, understanding where he’s coming from and not taking his words personally. Of course you wouldn’t do that to him, you hadn’t even thought of that scenario until he just brought it up. All you know is he is the first man in over a year to make you want to break your abstinence and if there is a way around this you’ll take it. 
“Answer this with a simple yes or no: is the feeling mutual?”
His pretty lips part to say something other than one of the two word options you gave him, getting him a pointed look. 
He scrubs his face and sighs. “Yes.”
You didn’t think it would stress him out this much. You didn’t forget about or ignore the agreement between the two of you. You just wanted to let him know you’re definitely down for a revision. 
“You can record me giving my consent, then we can make a new contract,” you suggest. He looks at you for a moment, like he’s processing. “If you want this to happen, get your phone. If you don’t, this conversation never happened.”
Jaehyun reaches behind him for his phone, taps the screen a few times before aiming the mic towards you. You state your first and last name, the date, and your consent while maintaining eye contact with him so he knows you do care about his career and reputation and your desires are sexual, even a little emotional. But not manipulative. 
He stops the recording then puts the device back where he got it from. His body language is less tense than before, the air lighter between the pair of you. Jaehyun’s worries are gone, and that’s all you wanted.
“Any more qualms, Mr. Jung?”
By the way he licks his lips, you’re going to assume he likes being addressed as such. 
“Just one,” Jaehyun begins, grabbing your calf to bring your foot to his lap, giving it the same treatment from the other night, digging his thumbs into the sole. You lift a brow, not actually expecting another issue. “Your abstinence.”
Bless him for caring about you and not just getting his dick wet. It only makes your desire for him grow.
His thumb presses into the arch of your foot and your back almost arches, a muted airy noise leaving your mouth. And by the glint in his eyes, he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
“I already told you,” you exhale, relaxing your head back even more. “I know what I want. I can break it whenever I’d like.”
“You think I’m worth it?”
You do. You really do. 
“I think you should show me that you are.” 
Smiling that stupidly attractive half smile of his, Jaehyun pushes into that pressure point again, loving the way you visibly hold back a sound of pleasure, before your leg is lifted higher and higher, until his lips make contact with your heel in a sweet kiss. 
“You think so?”
He just continues to kiss upward as you watch him in anticipation and desire. 
“I knew it.” Your voice is a lot more airy than accusatory than you’d intended, Jaehyun’s brow lifting in response since his mouth is occupied with shallowly sucking your big toe into his mouth. “Knew you had a thing for feet.”
Jaehyun laughs, watching you just as closely as you watch him. His tongue swirls around the tip and your teeth worry at your bottom lip. There’s already a dark look in his eyes.
“I don’t.” He sets your foot down gently and his arms fall to his sides after one last peck to your arch, body language open and inviting. “I just have a thing for you.”
“Honest,” Jaehyun counters. “Come here.”
You sit up carefully and make your way to his side of the tub. You settle on his lap, stomach twisting. Images of your first meeting with him flash through your mind, and you almost laugh at how much has changed between the two of you since that night.
A strong grip on your hips pulls you out of your thoughts when they pull you in, aligning your hips and settling your core right atop his semi. 
“Do you know how hard it was to pull away from you last night?” His deep voice is like velvet so close to your ears as he guides your hands up to rest on his shoulders. 
“It broke my heart when you did.” 
You wanted nothing more than his fingers knuckle deep in you when he brushed over your core, and now, with the position you’re in, you just want him inside of you. 
Apologetic hands caress your hips and waist, up and down. “I know, baby.” You lick your lips, eyes getting heavy at how easily the term of endearment rolls off his tongue and how nice it sounds to be on the receiving end. “I had to, though.”
“I know,” you sigh.
He nudges your nose with his own before he slants his lips over yours. There’s more passion, more desperation in this kiss now that there are no hindrances. His tongue laps against your bottom lip before it licks your own, pulling a low whine out of you as the wet muscles circle around each other slowly, filthily. His hands aren’t hesitant, simply caressing as they please.
“You want me to make it up to you?”
He’s already forgiven, but you nod anyway. “How will you?”
“I’m going to Bali in two weeks and I could fly you out to meet me,” Jaehyun suggests, peppering open mouthed kisses down your neck. “You can get massages, eat fresh fruit off of platters in the pool, do yoga with baby goats–” he lists and you hum at the plan and the delicate way his lips and tongue caress your skin. “And whatever else you want while I’m in meetings then we’ll go out once I’m done. I’ll show you my favorite spots and we can go anywhere you’re interested in.”
You wouldn’t mind missing a few days of work for that. 
“And what else?”
 An amused smile spreads against your skin before Jaehyun nips at your neck, laving his tongue over the bite. “I’ll add more money for the next few weeks.”
“What else?” you pant, gripping his locks. 
The knot keeping your bikini top together is slowly pulled apart until the man underneath you can peel it off of you and set it to the side, taking a quick moment to appreciate the sight of your breasts before he dips down to run his tongue over your nipple. The tip of his wet muscle circles the nub a few times, then it’s sucked into his mouth and your grip gets even tighter. The hand that isn’t pressing into the middle of your back to keep you close to his mouth comes up to the unoccupied side of your chest to squeeze and pull at.
It’s been so long since you’ve been touched like this, your hips slowly grind down against his hardening dick, trying to relieve the ache that’s only getting more intense the longer your breasts are fondled and sucked. You think you might actually come from this alone. 
Jaehyun switches sides of your chest, repeating the same attention and affection. His tongue, lips, teeth, and fingers bringing increasing pleasure to your body. 
“Jae–” you whimper desperately, grinding harder, the water surrounding your bodies splashing more intensely. 
He hums, sliding his hand down your back and around to your hip, gripping the soft flesh to halt the movement of your lower half. He unlatches from your chest and lightly pushes you off of his lap and you blindly follow his lead as he guides you to turn and bend over the edge of the jacuzzi. 
It’s quiet for a while after you bend over, so you look behind you to catch Jaehyun admiring the shape of your ass and hips and how easily you get into position for him. His hands grasp both cheeks, a low growl rumbling from his chest. Glancing down his body, you see his dick straining against the front of his swim trunks.
“I can make it up to you right here,” Jaehyun offers, breaking the tunnel vision he had on your shape to catch your eye. “Or we can go upstairs.”
A bed would be more comfortable and convenient, so you give it a moment of thought while the man behind you continues to trace the curves of your body. All he has to do is untie your bikini bottoms or push them to the side right now. Walking upstairs seems like too long of a process.
“Here,” you decide. 
And that’s all you needed to say for him to pull the strings on both sides of your hips to unravel the bows you tied earlier. The soaked bottoms get discarder right along with your top. Two fingertips glide up and down your wet slit a couple of times before they draw slow, wide circles over your clit. 
“You wanted me so bad you couldn’t wait long enough to go back inside?” Jaehyun’s guttural voice asks close to your ear, his body towering over your own, his chest against your back. He hardly gives you a chance to respond before the same fingers plunge into your pussy.
“Shit,” you hiss, nodding at his question. “Wanted you so bad.”
Wet kisses trail down your spine as his hand picks up a steady pace. It feels so good to have his thicker, longer fingers deep inside of you when your own digits don’t fill you up as well or hit the same spots.
The coil in your stomach tightens embarrassingly fast and your moans get harder to suppress when his speed and force increase. Your head hangs forward, eyes closed as you focus on the feeling Jaehyun is bringing you with your bottom lip caught between your teeth. It’s unlikely the couple will hear you out here, or anyone since there is a lot of space in between the beach houses. You just don’t want to chance it. 
But when he carefully sinks a third finger into your cunt, it’s not as easy to control your volume.
“Oh, fuck,” you whine, body going tense. 
“Too much?” Jaehyun asks, attentive yet still distracted by the way you suck his digits in. You shake your head. He starts back up slowly, giving you time to adjust and for the discomfort to pass before speeding up again when you moan in pleasure. “Need you to come around my fingers, okay baby?”
Jaehyun hums in content at how your lower half practically chases him when he barely pulls away. He reaches around with his other hand to find your clit, rubbing tight circles with a pressure that’s perfect, and he gets what he wants. 
Your breath stutters when you feel the wave of intense pleasure wash over you, and you reach your first climax in a low groan, the noise swallowed by the jets in the hottub and the squelching of Jaehyun’s digits as they move up and down since the vice grip your walls have on them leave little room for him to thrust them in and out of you at this point. Your legs shake and your fingers fail to grip the slippery edge of the jacuzzi. 
When you begin to come back down, sighs of content leaving your mouth, Jaehyun slowly retracts his hands and gives you a moment. There’s rustling behind you, and you sneak a glance back. 
He’s naked and spreading your essence up and down his shaft, his bottom lip hanging in pleasure. He’s long and thick, but not in an intimidating way. You make a move to turn around, wanting to replace his hand with your own and your mouth, but his free hand stops you. 
“I wanna suck your dick,” you tell him, yet still get back into position with your ass stuck out for him and your upper body supported by your forearms. 
“Think you can wait until I’m about to come?”  Jaehyun asks, rubbing his thumb over your entrance, catching the essence that drips from your fluttering hole. “Really wanna be inside you now.”
You nod again, fine with going with whatever he wants to do and how he wants to do it. You have no complaints about him being inside of you even sooner. 
He pushes in slowly, enjoying the gasp you let out as well as the view of him disappearing into you inch by inch. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.”
“You okay?”
“Perfect,” you say weakly, licking your dry lips. 
Jaehyun grabs your hips, both to keep you in place and give him leverage, then begins slowly pulling out and thrusting back in until your walls have engulfed him fully. 
He lets out a deep exhale, head tipped back, and gives you a moment to adjust to him. The way he fills you up is unlike anything you’ve felt before and you don’t want to wait any longer. 
“Move.” You push back to emphasize that you’re ready. “Please.”
His movements are fluid yet careful, not too lost in his own pleasure with how snug and wet your walls are around him, but Jaehyun watches and listens so he can make sure you feel nothing but pleasure and enjoy every moment. 
Your head hangs low as you get accustomed to the delicious stretch, the friction. 
“Lift your knee up for me, baby,” Jaehyun gently commands, tapping the back of your thigh. 
You settle your knee beside your elbow, and that’s when he hits that spot within you that makes your arch back even more. 
“Oh. Fuck,” you cry, to which Jaehyun hums at. 
“Right there?” he asks, a groan threatening to slip out at how your walls flutter around his cock deliciously. 
You nod your head aggressively, squeezing your fists together since you’ve failed to grip the edge of the tub with your slippery hands. 
“Everything about you is just so pretty,” he compliments, sounding like he’s in awe as he gives you even slower, deeper strokes, keeping the angle that keeps you keening. “Pretty pussy,” A thick droplet of spit lands on your asshole then his thumb traces your rim a few times, catching your reaction before the tip breaches the surface. “Pretty body.”
“Oh—shit,” you moan brokenly. “Yes.”
“And you make such pretty sounds for me.”
His thumb pushes further into you and your face contorts in pleasure. 
“What the fuck, Jaehyun?” you whine, the pleasure almost becoming too much at this point. His thick, long dick hitting all the places you need, his thumb lazily wiggling inside of your ass, his velvety voice. You’re so close it almost hurts.
He just laughs under his breath, using his grip on your waist to pull you back, silently telling you to move. 
Your hips meet his strokes halfway, your eyes closed and practically rolled back as you match his rhythm to get you closer to coming around him then having him in your mouth.
“You feel so good, baby.” His compliments only urge you to fuck back harder, the drop of your hips creating a loud slapping noise that only turns you on even more. Jaehyun lets you take over for the most part, thrusts lacking the power behind them so he can focus on caressing your ass, hip, and waist with his head dropped back and eyes closed. “Just like that.”
You transfer most of your weight to one arm, starting with tight, quick circle against your clit. Your breath quickens and you bite your lip to stop the sounds that want to come out.
“Let me hear you.” Jaehyun says. “Need to hear how pretty you sound when you come.”
Your fingers work faster, to the point of just swiping the bundle of nerves back and forth and cries tumble from your lips, pleas and curses mixed in. 
“I’m gonna–” you begin to confess, but the pleasure heightens ten-fold and you let out a dry sob.
“Go ahead,” Jaehyun encourages, putting more effort into his thrusts again, moving his thumb in and out of you. 
You have to quickly catch yourself and hold your body up with both arms again when the feeling overcomes you. You’re doing your best to stay up when your body starts to vibrate, especially when your walls become more sensitive to his thrusts. Your walls spasm around his cock and there’s a harmony of voiced pleasure. 
Jaehyun pulls out when your hand starts pushing at his lower abdomen, starting to feel over stimulated. His hand slowly strokes his length to maintain his pleasure, watching you sink to your knees and he gives you the time you need to catch your breath and come back to the moment with him. 
“You feeling okay?” he asks in a gentle voice, helping you turn towards him with his free hand. He cups your chin, looking down at you with blown out eyes. You nod, head still fuzzy from your climax, wrapping your hands around the back of his thighs to pull him in closer, mouth cracking open to finally have him in your mouth. Jaehyun groans at the sight and taps the tip on your flattened tongue a couple times before you wrap your lips around him. He tastes like you and an underlying musk that makes you lave your tongue around the underside of his cock, caressing that vein that has him sighing. 
You wrap your hand around the base, moving his own hand out of the way, and start pumping your fist. Your attention is mostly at his tip, sucking and licking and moaning around him because you want him to come, too. 
Looking up at him, his lip is caught in between his teeth and he’s looking down at you with so much desire in his eyes. 
“Shit,” Jaehyun says to himself, breathlessly. You bob your head back and forth, sinking further and further down his shaft until his tip causes the back of your throat to flutter. “Just like that, baby. Fuck.”
His hips shallowly thrust forward, enjoying the feeling of your throat spasming around his cock too much to not chase it, and before you know it, both of his hands are gently holding your head in place and his grunts are turning into moans. He doesn’t fuck your face, though you absolutely wouldn’t have minded, but he picks up his pace. You massage the bottom of his shaft with your tongue and pull him in even closer by his thighs. 
“You want me to pull out?” he asks while he can still think straight. You shake your head no the best you can with him in your mouth, and that’s all he needs. His hips still, then ropes of cum land on the back of your tongue. 
Your hand comes back to milk the rest of his cum out, your mouth sucks until his shaft gets too sensitive and Jaehyun has to pull out. As he catches his breath, grip loosening to the point of his hands dropping, you swallow your mouthful and wipe the excess fluids off your mouth and chin. 
Jaehyun helps you back up to your feet and guides you to sit on the ledge, observing your fucked-out expression that mirrors his own. You look up at him with a content smile that lets him know he was definitely worth it. He gets your towel to wipe what your hands couldn’t get off of your face, smiling at the way you close your eyes and lift your chin up with a sigh. 
“Worth it?” he asks softly, now caressing your lips with his thumb. 
You hum, nodding. 
“Do you want to stay here a little longer or are you ready to go upstairs?” 
“I’m ready.” 
He passes you your towel and you thank him. You wrap the cotton around your body and he wraps his around his waist before you both grab your belongings and make your way back inside. 
“You can take your shower first,” Jaehyun says when you make it upstairs, about to pass your door. You nod, still not all the way in the present, twisting the doorknob. “And we can watch a movie in my room when we’re both clean.”
You smile up at him, nodding a little harder. He hesitates for a split second before he dips down to give you a lingering kiss, then he’s on his way to his room. 
After your long, hot shower, hygiene and skincare routine, you lightly knock on Jaehyun’s door before entering. He’s seated at his desk, scrolling on his phone until he looks up at you and stands, grabbing another towel. 
“Pick out a movie for us?” 
The door shuts behind him and you make yourself at home and get comfortable on the same side of the bed you were on last night. You scroll through Netflix and Hulu only to end up having to choose between a psychological thriller you heard a lot of good reviews on and another romantic comedy. You’ll let him choose when he comes back because you don’t know which one is more his taste. 
He ends up choosing the psychological thriller because apparently he’s actually been meaning to watch it but just hadn’t found the time yet.
The rest of the night is spent watching the movie, trying to understand it and bounce ideas off of each other on the meaning of certain scenes, then when you can’t control your yawns and how heavy your lids are, you call it a night. Lights and the tv are turned off before Jaehyun pulls you in for chaste kiss that lingers, and you fall asleep with your head on his chest. 
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For the second morning in a row, you wake up in the loose hold of Jaehyun. You know you slept in again, you don’t even have to look at the time. But you do anyway, because you and Taeyong are meant to be on the road no later than one this afternoon. 
It’s only a little past ten, and anything you don’t need to use today is already packed. You have a little more time to enjoy the moment. 
Jaehyun stirs awake behind you, asking you what time it is. He’s set to leave a little later than you, so when you tell him, he hums and pulls you into his chest more.
“They’re gonna wonder where we are,” you tell him, even though you really don’t care. The warmth of his chest on your back and being so close to the man you’ve desired for the last month is enough to keep you here a little longer.
“Seulgi’s been trying to set us up,” Jaehyun informs you huskily. “She’s fine.”
You blink. “She’s been what?” 
“Why do you think we’ve been left alone as much as we have?”
Now certain conversations make more sense. Her ploy may not have worked in the exact way she thought it would, but it definitely worked. And now that you think about it, Taeyong’s been giving you looks the last couple of days too, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he was in on it after a while. 
“Oh, she’s good.”
“Not really,” he laughs. “I saw right through her. I don’t know how you didn’t.”
“My attention was elsewhere.”
“You’re right.” He tightens his arm around you even more, now so close that you can feel a hardness poke the back of your thigh. “It was on seducing me.”
You suck your teeth and roll your eyes, though he’s technically correct.
“And it worked.” You wiggle back into his arousal, enjoying his hum of appreciation.
“Baby it worked before you even started trying.” He takes hold of your hip to pull your ass back again. “This trip just made it obvious you wanted me and gave me peace of mind to go through with it.”
You love how much more comfortable he is with his words and affection towards you. The pet names, the cuddling. The directness of his desires. 
“When’s our next date?” you ask, wondering how long it’ll be before you could possibly be in this position again. 
“Probably Saturday. I have a busy week ahead since someone wouldn’t let me work.”
You scoff. He had plenty of time the other day to get his work done. “Are you complaining?” 
Laughing, he presses a less than innocent kiss to the junction between your neck and shoulder. “Not at all.” 
“Taeyong’s gonna kill me if I’m late,” you sigh after a while of enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin, but your words don’t match your actions, your hand coming up to the back of his head to feel more of his opened mouth kisses. “I should probably start getting ready.”
“Probably,” Jaehyun agrees. But he continues his ministrations on your neck, slipping a hand under your shirt and up to your breast, groping the mound. “Is that what you want to do, though?”
“Not really,” you sigh, failing to stop yourself from arching into his touch. “But I’d hate to be inconsiderate.”
It pains you to slowly pull yourself out of his hold, but Taeyong is the last person you want to get chewed out and lectured by. With a small stretch, you get out of his bed and sneak a glance behind you to see him looking at you with desire and a cute pout. 
“Are you staying in bed or are you gonna get ready with me?” 
You still want to spend more time with him regardless of what the two of you are doing. 
He follows you into the bathroom and the two of you stand side by side, brushing your teeth in a comfortable silence. Jaehyun finishes his morning routine quicker than you, and takes the opportunity to stand behind you and fit his chin in the crook of your neck, arms sliding forward to encircle your waist. He simply watches you pat your face dry with a paper towel, sending you a closed-lip smile when you lift a curious brow at him. This extent of affection from him is new, and you’re not too sure how you expected your dynamic to change after crossing the line last night, but this wasn’t quite it. 
Not that you’re complaining. 
But when he straightens up some, his hard chest pressing against your back, you’re reminded of his morning wood, and everything makes a little more sense. 
“Did all of your self control die last night?” you joke, twisting the top of your serum off. 
He chuckles, and surprisingly nods. Burying his face into your neck now, he’s back to pressing tempting kisses on your skin, paying closer attention to the spot that made your breath audibly hitch. 
“Would you like me to stop?”
“No.” You shake your head. You sit the bottle in your hand back down on the countertop and lean back into his touch. You suddenly don’t have the mind to continue your skincare routine. “I like it.”
“I don’t know,” Jaehyun lilts, though one of his hands creeps under your shirt. He pinches your nipple, eliciting a tiny moan from you. “Maybe I should stop. Wouldn’t want to be inconsiderate.”
You hum in discontent. “Please don’t.” Gently grabbing his hair, you pull him out of your neck so you can kiss him. Arousal stirs in your abdomen all over again and you want nothing more than for him to continue kissing you, touching you. “I want you.”
“Yeah?” He voices his surprise. It really didn’t take much. “Are you sure you want to keep him waiting?”
Even though you’ll most likely be seeing him again in less than a week, it’s just so tempting to stay in this bubble with Jaehyun a little longer. To get your fix of what you’d finally indulged in last night. And honestly, being a little late won’t hurt anyone. 
“We can make it quick?” you ask more than state, turning around in his hold to look up at him with inquisitive eyes. Taking steps forward, he follows your lead and walks backwards back into his room. 
“I can try,” he finally says after you’ve stripped your clothes off, eyeing your body. You move to his shorts next and he allows you to pull them down before taking over to kick them off his ankles. “Lay down for me.”
He crawls over you, knees in between your legs as he hovers over you, putting his weight on one forearm beside your head. The kiss you share is languid yet sloppy, your tongues colliding and twirling around one another’s as his free hand immediately finds its way in between your legs, his middle finger running down your slit before sliding inside of you. 
You break away from the kiss to catch your breath, chest already heaving up and down and it draws his attention, his mouth attaching to your nipple. Jaehyun sucks and nibbles on your nubs, inserting his ring finger in your pussy and pulling out a whine from your throat. His mouth continues to travel south until he reaches the apex of your thighs, taking a moment to watch the way your walls stretch around his fingers before sucking your clit into his mouth, giving it kitten licks. 
You know you asked him to make it quick, but when he starts to pull away too soon, you push his head back in between your thighs and start rolling your hips, mouth agape with the smallest of moans and praise spewing out as you try to keep your volume down. You’re already so close, and by the way your walls flutter around his digits, Jaehyun understands as much and licks and sucks at your clit with more intent, stretching you out even more with his pointer finger. 
Your orgasm is quiet, your fist blocking the sounds that threaten to come out of your mouth, lower body shaking. He lets you ride the feeling, lazily lapping at the wetness that gushes out past his fingers, circling the tip of his tongue against your clit before carefully pulling his digits out. 
Wiping your essence on the comforter, Jaehyun comes back up to eye level with you, grinning down at your dazed expression, pecking your lips. He lines his tip up with your hole and studies you as he breaches your entrance, drinking up the furrow in your brows and lewd grimace that washes over your face. The pace he sets once he’s bottomed out is so different from last night, his thrusts quicker, more shallow, but still reaching all the right places. 
You whine, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Oh, my God.” Breasts bouncing from the force of his hips clashing into yours, you just take the onslaught of pleasure. “Fuck, Jaehyun.”
“Love how you say my name, baby,” Jaehyun hums, dipping down to scatter kisses and nibbles on your jaw. His voice is too stable and he’s so composed you compared to you and you already feel your second orgasm approaching. You need him to come with you. 
Your leg is lifted to drape over his shoulder and your breath stops for a second.
“Daddy,” you moan wantonly, eyes rolling back before you can see the way his eyes get darker and his control weakens. But you definitely feel how much harder he fucks you, how his movements lose a little finesse. “So good. Feels so fucking good. I’m gonna come,” you ramble in his ear, hips bucking up to meet his thrusts. 
“Yeah?” he grunts, out of breath now. Fingertips find your clit and rub quick, tight circles. “Gonna come all over my dick?”
You nod violently. “Yes. Yes yes yes,” you cry as quietly as possible, grabbing his hair to center you, trying not to pull too hard. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” you chant as your walls flutter around his dick, body tensing before shuddering. 
“Fuck,” Jaehyun groans. He grips your hip tight enough to bruise, but the pain hardly registers when he kissing you hungrily and your walls start becoming progressively more sensitive to the way his thick cock drags against them. It only takes a few more intense thrusts for him to bottom out harshly and release inside of you with the deepest moan that you swallow, that makes you clench around him. 
Heavy breathing is all that’s heard for a while. He gradually softens inside of you as you catch your breath. Jaehyun’s head falls into your neck, his hand gently bringing your leg back down to the bed. 
“Quick enough?”
Seulgi has a wide smile taking up half of her face when she walks into the kitchen. 
“What?” Taeyong asks, suspicious. 
She points up and remains silent so he can hear the tell tale sound of skin slapping and muffled pleasure. “They’re definitely fucking.”
He immediately regrets asking.
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:) v self indulgent. but look at me posting a little more consistently. i hope you all enjoy, feedback is always accepted and appreciated (you could always buy me kofi too uwu ily) <3
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nathaslosthershit · 3 months
Trips to See the In-Laws (LS2)
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Summary: In order to save his teammate from an interviewer with not so innocent thoughts, Alex has to reveal that his thought-to-be-single friend, Logan, is actually in a long term relationship.
“Alex, Logan, so wonderful to have you both here with me today. Now that we are rapidly approaching the first race of the season, how are you both feeling? How was both your breaks?”
“Well firstly, thank you for having us. It has honestly been crazy. Break has gone by fast and with all the training we’ve been doing, I honestly feel ready to just jump in the car and start back up.” Logan replies.
It was no secret that Logan Sargeant had been training much more during the off season, everyone had seen how much he had changed. The way the interviewer was staring at him though, as if he was their next meal, was making him shift uncomfortably in the seat. 
Alex, being as perceptive as ever, immediately saw the change in Logan’s demeanor. He was confused by it until he saw how the interviewer shifted closer to Logan, eyeing him up and down in a very flirtatious manner. He then chimed in to try and alleviate the tension. “Yeah, busy break but we have been putting in the work and I think we are both ready for this upcoming season.”
“You both look very different from the start of last year. Alex with your hair and Logan has gotten very, very fit.” Dammit, this interviewer really wasn’t going to let it go, Alex thought.
“Um yeah, we are both pretty different looks wise.” Alex weakly responded. What was he supposed to say, the interviewer didn’t exactly ask a question.
“I was in a pretty bad state at the end of last season, both mentally and physically. I worked really hard this off season to improve both of those things and gained 5 kilos. I feel much better now that I am at a more healthy weight and I think it just cements how much more learning and growing I needed last year.” God, how can the interviewer continue to try and eye fuck Logan while he gives such a sincere and vulnerable answer, Alex wonders. He knew he needed to help his teammate and friend in some way, but the idea that came to mind might have some consequences. But surely it was better than the alternative of letting Logan get harassed.
“Well Logan, you took some time to travel a bit since being here in New York” Alex teased.
“Ohhh, where did you go Logan?” the interviewer asked, intrigued at the blush on Logan’s face that had appeared as he picked up on where Alex was trying to go with this.
“Well actually, my girlfriend is originally from New york and still has family that live outside the city so they very kindly invited me to visit them and watch the Superbowl. She wasn’t too happy that I got to see her family while she is stuck in London but also was ecstatic that they clearly like me enough to invite me to visit even when she isn’t with me. It was sweet and such a kind gesture, definitely beats spending that night watching the game in a hotel room alone.”
“Hey, I would have watched with you. You wouldn't have been alone” Alex said, offended.
“Mate, you did not have any actual interest in watching the game.” Logan responded.
“But I still would have kept you company.” 
Before the two could continue their fight, the interviewer bursted out a very aggressively asked “Girlfriend?”
The two were quiet then, not knowing what to say. The interviewer wasn’t looking at Logan like a piece of meat anymore, but now he had to deal with this sudden hard launch of his relationship.
“Uh yeah, I have been in a relationship for a while now. Met my girlfriend when I moved to London. We lived in the same apartment and had moved in around the same time. Insane luck, I guess.” Logan answered, still blushing.
“Leave it to Logan to find the one other American in his apartment complex and immediately start dating her.” Alex teased.
“Hey! It was a coincidence and she is from New York while I’m from Florida, they are practically two different countries.”
“Yeah whatever.” Alex rolled his eyes playfully.
The interviewer, now upset at practically getting rejected, stopped asking questions and just watched as the two Willaims drivers took over the interview, rambling, and teasing each other, till it was time to end it.
The interview had immediately gained popularity once it had been posted. Not many drivers hard launch the way Logan did and while Logan hadn't anticipated that this was how his relationship was found out, he did have to thank Alex for getting him out of that situation.
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liked by alex_albon, williamsracing, and 73,355 others
logansargeant My favorite New Yorker 💙
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idkfitememate · 6 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could write another part for Otter creator! Like maybe them with Furina and Neuvillette having a tea party or something! (Possibly Wriothesley[?]!!), and they start realising more! (If Wriothesley’s there he should be oblivious for a bit!)
“Tea party, hooray!” It was easy to see that Furina was excited.
Because today was the day for your first REAL tea party. Not just locked in a room with her for a day.
And yes you meant a literal day. Like a whole ass day.
Her and Neuvillette were going to FINALLY take you to meet Wriothesley! Yay! It was just a date to take about some royal officiant bullshit you couldn’t bring yourself to care about, but as per usual, they refused to take you out of their sights.
So here you were, getting all dolled up in Lady Furina’s lap. A new bow tie, a fancier hat, and somehow Otter friendly makeup.
Where they found it? You don’t know. Did they make it? You’re 99.9% sure they had it commissioned. Do you look good with cate eye eyeliner? Hell yes.
You were now being carried in the Otter Pack™️ (a rather large and plush satchel that Neuvillette carried around, filled with lush blankets and pillows and only the FINEST toys for you to play with) with your head sticking out of the top, your fur freshly combed and oiled. Neuvillette’s fingers curled through what wasn’t covered by the hat.
Hell, you even had on some adorable golden and lapis embedded clip on earrings - they wouldn’t dare pierce your ears for fear of hurting you and damaging your hearing.
People cooed at you in your Otter Pack™️ and you sucked that shit up, you were basically drowning in sparkles!~ All the while Furina and Neuvillette spoke above you.
“Are we sure we should bring mon preux chevalier? I mean, naturally we should share their beauty with the world but… in a place filled with criminals..?” Furina spoke in a hushed tone, not wanting you to hear her.
“I understand my Lady, but there is no one to trust to take care of them. Who will give them their favorite treats? Shine their coat? Scratch their tummy? No can do it the way we can, Lady Furina. Besides, we are here for only a Tea Party, it should only last around two hours with the matter we must discuss. Three hours at the latest.” Neuvillette replied. Though in truth, he had just as many issues with the whole situation.
It truly was a shame no one was as capable to take care of their darling Otter as them. *Dramatic sigh in French*
Arriving at the entrance to the Fortress of Meropide, the duo were ushered inside and directly into Wriothesley’s office.
“Lady Furina! Monsieur Neuvillette! How nice it is to have you in humble prison. Please, follow me.” Wriothesley smoothly opened the conversation, leading the duo to his tea table. Finally, he noticed the Otter Pack™️.
“*Ahem* I see we have a… guest?” Wriothesley mused. See he hadn’t been on the surface for a bit, and news travels slow beneath the waves, so had had no clue of the big hydro duo’s new friend.
“Yea. This is Le superviseur officiel du jury du palais de justice de Fontaine. La Loutre de l'Opéra Eclipse*.” Neuvillette responded curtly. You chittered happily at the title you had just been given as off the last trial held. And Wriothesley only sweated at the long title.
“I… see. Anyway, if we are ready to begin…” And with that you stopped listening.
You had been here for barely a few minutes and you were already bored. See, usually with Furina, something would be happening. Something spectacular! Or intriguing! Never had you seen her in such a… boring environment. Hell, you could tell she was bored but you supposed that being an Archon came with other bullshit jobs other than being pretty and revered.
You hopped out of the Otter Pack™️ and snuggled up in Neuvillette’s lap, and noticed the extra teacup in front of you. Chittering, you sniffed and licked at it, then curled up once more.
You were trying to hide your boredom, but seemed to be failing as you felt Neuvillette’s fingers comb through the fur on your back. You basically purred at the affection, before sighing. Furina turned to you and called out to you.
“Mon ange? Are you bored? Well I, Furina, have just the cure!~” She said in a sing-songy tune. After, she waved her hand and in a puff of hydro, Gentilhomme Usher, Surintendante Chevalmarin and Mademoiselle Crabaletta were summoned.
You jumped up, messing up your hat and allowing Neuvillette to fix it, before the four of you jumped up to play. The three swam around you in the air while you followed quickly on the floor, causing the three to laugh. Though, Neuvillette noticed something.
Now, already he and Furina noticed you were smarter than other Otters, being able to understand human speech. You could solve puzzles, and once you had even helped solve a rather hard case! But this was… something else.
Gentilhomme Usher, Surintendante Chevalmarin and Mademoiselle Crabaletta and even Singer of Many Waters could speak… kind of. They had their own little babbly language that only Furina could only understand sometimes, and even then it was rocky. That’s why they mostly acted out their wants and needs with over the top gestures… but you.
An otter.
Could understand them perfectly.
You weren’t the only otter they had been summoned around, but then those otter would run away or stay around in curiosity.
But you could understand everything.
You could understand what a god couldn’t.
And that’s when something inside the Dragon Sovereign clicked.
He had been an avid follower of The Creator. The one Above all. Listening gently to all their false promises of bringing his brethren back. If fixing this world of its problems. He would watch as they only cared for themselves. As they punished anyone who went against them. Punished the innocent. As they lavished in the foods and clothes and jewels bestowed upon them by their followers.
Yet the flowers wouldn’t bloom in their presence. The wind wouldn’t blow gently through their hair. The ground and earth wouldn’t stop its quakes. The water would calm its waves. The lightning wouldn’t slow its descent. The fires wouldn’t lower their flames. The ice wouldn’t smooth over and slow the snow.
In fact, flowers would wilt when around them. The wind would whip into windstorms and the earth would rumble with ferocity. Water would rise to heights uncharted and lightning would strike behind their heels. Flame would rise higher and higher and fill the air with ash and snow would turn to hail, ice turning to sharp points around them.
It was the opposite with their darling Otter. He knew something was… not quite right with them. They always had this feel about them.
The melusine would act weirdly about them. Giving them wider smiles and now that he was thinking about it truly… they seemed to always know what they wanted. Even the Clockwork Meka would bow in their presence. When they swam it was always as though the current would work with them, and fish and other creatures of the sea would always surround them, following behind them… almost like…
A veil.
A veil that matched the one their creator always had on in every art of them.
On any statue.
In any painting.
In any description in every book.
They always had a veil.
And glancing at their beloved otter?
Their blue tuff of fur? They lined their back? Combined with the flowing fabrics of their top hat?
Created a veil.
“Excuse me Wriothesley, me Lady Furina must go discuss something. Please keep an eye on ma moitié for us please.” Neuvillette spoke quickly, gently gripping Furina’s arm as she protested, and they both left the room.
You and the three summons looked at the closing office door, then at Wriothesley. He stared back.
“Uhm… hello there, little otter.”
You only chittered in response.
And as Neuvillette and Furina rounded a corner, the Sovereign pressed a hand to her complaining lips.
“My Lady, firstly, my sincerest apologies for dragging you out here. Secondly, I believe I have made a… shocking discovery about our ˈbābē…” Neuvillette’s voice was hushed, making Furina nervous.
“What.. what do you think you found..?” She asked.
“I believe… our darling Otter… is the true Creator…”
Hehehehe… How will Furina react to this knowledge? What with Neuvillette do with this information? And will Wriothesley ever get over seeing an Otter so close to his Archon? Tune in next week to find out!~
Anyway, I love this and where it’s going! I haven’t had to write any angst and I feel it coming now! Hehehe ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
* The official Jury Supervisor of the Courthouse of Fontaine . The Otter of the Opera Eclipse
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shima-draws · 8 months
OOUGHHH been thinking about Grovyle lately and how much I just *clenches fists* love him. Listen to me. Listen,
He is the character of all time. He’s introduced as a wanted criminal stealing something SO forbidden that even the worst Pokemon criminals won’t even touch. That immediately shoots his coolness factor through the ROOF. And the fact that nobody is able to catch him;; AND we see that he’s ridiculously clever and smart and can worm his way out of just about any situation with a bit of quick thinking. And he’s always surrounded in this air of mystery and intrigue and you’re set up to think well yeah he’s stealing Time Gears and stopping time everywhere OBVIOUSLY he has to be an asshole. Except during your first encounter with him he’s very calm and collected and shockingly polite, and even apologizes when he attacks you?? Basically just the opposite of what you’d expect from a criminal. And then to top it off you find out he’s from the FUTURE?? Which is SO sick. And he’s got some secret history with Dusknoir. And when he’s finally captured and being brought into Treasure Town all tied up he doesn’t even act out UNTIL Dusknoir mentions the planet’s paralysis. Which is the first hint you get that things are a leetle sus.
And when you get taken to the future and are about to be executed…he helps you? He has literally zero obligation to do so, esp since you’ve attacked him before. And there’s another subtle hint that maybe deep down he’s got a soft side, that he’s actually not a bad person. And it’s heartbreaking bc he finally knows someone else who is a common enemy of Dusknoir, and he clearly wants to team up with you, bc all this time he’d been by himself in the past and having people he can trust would make things so much easier (and it’s startling how easy he trusts others, too, especially considering everything he’s been through). But your partner isn’t having it and you can FEEL the disappointment he feels that he’s not able to convince you, that you aren’t going to work together, that he can’t have someone else to rely on besides himself. But that little spark, that glimmer of hope comes back when you catch up to him and you’re like yeah we’re going to decide for ourselves what we think about all this. And you find out from Celebi that Grovyle’s always been hasty, always hurrying ahead to try and achieve his goals, and it’s admirable but also regrettable bc he doesn’t ever have time for anything else.
And THEN you discover the truth…that he’s been your partner all along…and he speaks of you so fondly and has such faith in you that he’s totally fine leaving things to you and letting himself get captured because he trusts you SO much. And the despair right after when he finds out you’ve been traveling alongside him the entire time. His precious partner is also going to get captured and executed and the world is doomed to fall into disrepair. But then your partner ignites that spark of hope again and it’s enough, and you make it back to the past, and suddenly things are different but in a good way because Grovyle suddenly has someone to rely on again, even without a memory to go with it. But he can also tell that because of your amnesia he’s no longer important to you, not by choice of course, but you’ve found someone else, a partner suited for you that brings out the best in you. And that’s fucking heartbreaking because everything the two of you shared is gone now, and you’ve moved on, and even though you’re THERE you’re also so far away and so different from the person he once knew. But he knows he has to let you go, had to from the start anyway, because of the sacrifice you were prepared to make. That BOTH of you were prepared to make. And despite the fact that you have no memory he still. Trusts you. Completely. Enough to sacrifice himself to take Dusknoir back to the future. And believe that you’ll follow through with the vow you made and prevent the planet’s paralysis. And he KNOWS you will so he doesn’t know how much time he has left but it doesn’t matter because he’s been prepared to disappear, to die knowing that he’s saved the future, that he made his mark and was able to shine in his finest moments. He can leave this world knowing he did what he set out to do and he made a difference and things will be better for everyone he’s leaving behind. Shut up. Shut UP. I care about him so much I am GOING to explode. THE character ever. You don’t understand,
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
Request: Steve being a hidden nerd in certain ways (ei: sports, camping, outdoor stuff like camping & vegetation/botony, bugs, animals & shit) the kids losing their collective mind as Steve tells them about it. Maybe on a camping trip or something???? I especially want Hop to be impressed.
This is maybe my first request that didn't have some kind of romantic relationship Steddie. They do have a little flirty moment, but beyond that, I liked the idea of just everyone loving Steve and being so intrigued by his knowledge of all of this random nature stuff. Also, no research was done here. Like, zero. I don't know what is true and what isn't so assume none of it is. This is fiction based on fiction and we're here for a good time. I've never been to Yosemite, but it is on the list for me and Liam to go! - Mickala ❤️
No one expected Steve to actually want to go camping. Sure, he wanted an RV, wanted to go to National Parks and see mountains and lakes and rivers, but they assumed he’d just want to stay in the RV.
They hadn’t expected him to bring tents.
They hadn’t expected him to suggest sleeping in the tents.
“But…we have an RV,” Mike said, suddenly no longer interested in their trip to Yosemite.
“To travel in. But we won’t all comfortably sleep in it. It’s made for five people at most.”
And that was that. The only people sleeping in the RV were Hopper and Joyce and Max and El, and everyone else was sleeping in tents.
The entire drive there was filled with arguments over music, arguing over who got to sit where, and Steve’s “fun facts” about the land they would be staying on.
He had apparently done quite a bit of research, or he had been hiding a whole wealth of knowledge from everyone.
His fun facts were actually interesting, and everyone quickly tuned in when he started telling them about how the mountains could be dated because of the type and color of the rocks, and how much of the sequoias had been destroyed over the last couple of decades and what they were doing to preserve what was left.
When they arrived, everyone stared in wonder at the meadow in front of them, the mountains as the backdrop to a beautiful sunset.
It would still be light for close to two hours, so they didn’t rush to set up the tents. They went on a short walk along the road they took to the campsite, Steve pointing out different types of plants and birds as they went.
Everyone was in awe of his information, but no one was as surprised as Hopper.
“Where did you learn all this?” he asked on the way back to the campsite as the kids raced each other ahead.
“I went to camp once when I was seven and then I was obsessed with nature. My parents wouldn’t let me go back to camp, but they let me get books and movies about plants and animals. In high school, I took geology and almost had a perfect grade. I just like this stuff,” Steve shrugged.
“So you only went to camp once? Is this your way of going to camp?” Hopper asked casually.
He didn’t usually ask questions that didn’t tell him something he absolutely needed to know.
“I guess. And to spend time with everyone. I like when we can all be together without hell surrounding us, ya know?” Steve admitted.
Hopper’s hand rested on his shoulder and squeezed in silent agreement.
Putting the tents up had been relatively easy, especially when Steve managed to show them a trick he taught himself when he was young and wanted to set up a tent in his backyard but never had anyone there to help him.
No one commented on how sad it was, but Steve realized it after he said it.
As everyone got their sleeping bags and lamps set up in their tents, Steve found a large rock along the edge of the creek in the meadow and sat on it, watching as the sun finally sank behind the mountains.
“Hey,” a voice startled Steve.
He relaxed when he turned to see that it was Eddie.
“Mind if I sit with you for a minute? Kids are being a bit too much right now.”
“Go ahead,” Steve gestured to the spot next to him. “Not exactly a comfy seat, but the view can’t be beat.”
“Oh, so you’re rhyming now?” Eddie teased as he nudged Steve’s shoulder.
“Not on purpose,” Steve laughed. “It’s pretty great out here, though.”
“Yeah it is. You did good, Stevie.”
Steve looked over to see Eddie already smiling fondly at him.
“Yeah. And, for what it’s worth, I think it’s pretty fucking cool that you love nature so much. Nature isn’t really a good friend of mine, but it’s pretty nice to hear about it from you.”
“I’ll make an explorer out of you yet, Eds.”
Eddie looked at him with a look he hadn’t seen on anyone before, at least not towards him.
“Maybe you will, Stevie.”
Eddie only sat there for another minute before excusing himself to check that none of the kids touched his brand new acoustic guitar.
Steve sat there until it was completely dark around him, watching the land in front of him shift ever so slightly as the breeze picked up and the cicadas started their nightly song.
Robin sat down next to him, rested her head against his shoulder and sat with him in silence for a few minutes.
“It’s good to be out here. I don’t think Max ever expected to see mountains like this. She keeps asking when she can climb them,” Robin whispered.
“She does remember her legs aren’t at 100% yet still, right?” Steve asked.
“I think she’s willing to give it a go anyway. What’s the point of being here and surviving everything if you can’t even try?”
Steve nodded.
“Wanna come tell us more about the trail we’re taking tomorrow?”
“You guys wanna hear about it now?”
“Yeah. We like that you’re passionate about it.”
Steve felt his cheeks heat up at the words.
“Okay then. If you guys don’t mind. There’s supposed to be a specific type of rabbit who burrows along this specific trail during the summer and they can grow to be nearly two feet long.”
“That sounds terrifying. Come tell everyone about it,” Robin said as she got up and offered him a hand.
He took it and made his way back to the group.
Everyone listened to him talk about their plan for tomorrow, not interrupting when he got sidetracking talking about the type of trees they would see and what kind of flowers tended to bloom during this particular time of year.
When Steve and Eddie slipped into their tent an hour or so later, they could have stayed in their respective sleeping bags.
But Steve was still too eager to talk about things, so Eddie sidled up next to him in his sleeping bag and held his hand while he talked for another hour about the waterfall they’d be seeing and the type of fish that would most likely be in the river.
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fatuismooches · 2 years
With the release of Scara's drip marketing, I cant help but imagine him just wandering Teyvat and keeping his lover's letter with him. When he found it, the ending implied that he wanted to ascend to godhood so he can forsake his mortal emotions. However, after it didnt work out as he hoped and he gains an anemo vision, I wonder how he would feel about it all now? You also implied reincarnation au so what if after decades of wandering, the star-crossed lovers finally meet again??
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Related to this piece and this piece…
Scaramouche fidgets with his Anemo vision more often than not, placed over his heart, a reminder of something that was finally his. More importantly, your final letter is kept carefully tucked underneath the vision as well. Sometimes, during the night he carefully reopens the letter to read it, the fold marks deeply imprinted at this point, yet there is no other damage to it. It seems that the letter has been painstakingly taken care of. 
He thinks back to how he tried to erase his past, to erase you. He was foolish to do so (something the God of Dendro reaffirmed) but the pain of your early departure threw all reason out the window.  You deserve an apology, he thinks. But you were no longer here for him to do so, something that he is all too aware of, as the nightmares still cut him open some days.
(But, while Scaramouche was under Nahida's care, she blessed him with sweet dreams whenever he had nightmares. She did not know who or what he dreamed of, but she assumed it must be someone he holds very dear, from the fact his face became peaceful in an instant.)
Often times he also wonders how you’d react to his Anemo vision. It would be so much easier for you to travel - he would just hold you and control the wind to levitate. Scaramouche imagines the wind blowing your hair all crazily as you gasp down at how high the two of you were up. He would summon a gust of air to throw all of your wet clothes into the air to dry and then make you beg for him to release them. He would-
He quickly sat up and began to get ready for the day again. Going down that path of longing again wasn’t going to be any good for him. He had been wandering Teyvat for decades, experiencing what every nation had to offer, indulging in his freedom. The traveler had been long gone from this world, so he did not have many close connections anymore.
Though, as much as he hated to admit it, the Dendro Archon had become… somewhat of a familial figure to him. So when she sent him a letter, beckoning him to come back to Sumeru for a visit, he was inclined to listen. What’s more, he was intrigued by the last sentence - ‘There’s someone here I think you’d want to meet.’
Port Ormos was still lively, the hustle and bustle had become somewhat comforting to him. He walked through the city, drinking in the familiar scent of delicious cuisine, and the rhythmic footsteps of dancers and singers. Scaramouche made his way to where Nahida was, more interested than ever to see what she wanted.
“Oh, I see you made it, Wanderer!” Her soft and welcoming voice did not change even after all the years. “How has your travel been? Eye-opening, I hope?”
The two chatted for a bit before Nahida smiled at him. “The person I told you about is about to come. But, you have to promise me you won’t do anything rash, okay?”
Scaramouche looked at her with a mixture of confusion and suspicion but agreed nonetheless. A soft knock on the door drew his attention. But what made him become still was the familiar voice that resonated from beyond the door.
No. No. It couldn’t be. Nahida glanced at him. “Come in!”
And there you were. The same curl of your lips when you were smiling nervously, the habit of yours to flip your eyes to his face and then the floor.
“Um… hello there. Lesser Lord Kusanali has informed me that you’ll be my partner for the daycare that’s recently been built. I hope we can get to know each other better!”
For the first time in archons knows when the surprise he felt was hard to shake. His chest started to pulse as emotion twisted up inside of him.
“Ah, sorry about that. He’s just a little out of it today. Could you wait outside for a bit? He’ll come to meet you there.”
“O-oh. Of course, Lesser Lord Kusanali,” you nodded your head and quickly scurried out of the room.
“That… that was, they’re really… back. They’re here,” the miracle had the puppet choked up. Tears began to well up and he stubbornly rubbed them away. He had somewhat grown to accept this feeling. After all, you were the only person who could invoke it now.
Nahida rubbed his back and comforted him. “I know. As soon as I heard of them, I knew it was the one you loved from so long ago. Please, spend as much time as you want here and with them. You deserve it.”
He quietly thanked her and got up to find you. The feeling that he had once forsaken, the one that made his face warm and chest stir, began to rise within him again…
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rayroseu · 7 months
The Origin of Gao Gao Dragon-kun might be the Land of the Red Dragon
This just came to me as a speculation, there's not much proof about this but it is intriguing for the tamagotchi to originate from the country that Lilia is retiring to. 😭
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• I think TWST Tamagotchi so far only has Dragons with it hence its name- So it probably matches that it'll be from the Land of Red Dragons because that's the only country right now specific to a dragon...
• Every TWST Country has their trademark product like Harveston with their apples, Briar Valley with their magic, etc. So, maybe the Land of Red Dragons has Gao Gao Dragon-kun as their trademark product?
I think Book 7 implies that they're a "traditional and faraway nation" with little technology, so for an outdated game to originate from this country is fitting imo.
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Also, Malleus' tamagotchi must be ~18 yrs old now (based on the fact Lilia bought it when Silver was just a baby) Malleus received this when he's probably a grown man... idk its just cute to think Malleus... in all his 202cm magnificence crying to Lilia about his missing pet...😭💖💖
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• Additionally, Lilia has said that he got this tamagotchi as a souvenir for Malleus which meant he went to another country just for this.
Lilia also said that he has been on the Land of Dragons. He implied that the last time he visited "you can only go through a broom or a boat". But now you can book a flight-
Which maybe means he visited about a decade or so??? Which is enough time for it to be a proof that he purchased Gao Gao Dragon-kun at the Land of the Red Dragon.
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Also if this had the chance to be true... Then is it?? A stretch for the creator of Gao Gao Dragon-kun to be Levan Draconia himself???
After all, we know that Lilia travels a lot but its suspicious how out of all the countries he visited, he settles on the Land of the Red Dragon, which heavily implies that he's searching for Levan.
Lilia's unique magic allows him to see the memories of any object, what if by picking this tamagotchi at first, he saw Levan, that's why he's desperate to search for him in that land now???
Also gonna cry if this has any truth... It means!! that Lilia desperately attempts for Malleus to have any remnants of Meleanor and Levan... He never saw himself as Malleus' parent... even when Meleanor already told him his love can make Malleus hatch like their parental love too😭💔💔
© cymr on yt for translation
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A drabble of Tfp Prime switching place with his Tfa counterpart over a bridge mishap?
Optimus had experienced his fair share of odd situations throughout his life. That was only natural when you were the leader of the autobots and had lived as long as he had. He had battled space monsters, shapeshifters, old gods, undead.
But he had to admit that interdimensional travel was a first for him.
At least he could feel at ease knowing that he had landed among friends, even if they were a tad different from the versions he knew.
"You're so tall!" the human girl, Sari, exclaimed with awe, eyes shining as she craned her neck to look at him. With her pigtails and excited personality she reminded Optimus a lot of Miko.
The Bumblebee of this dimension did not appear as impressed. He crossed his arms with a humpf and glared at Optimus with critical optics. "Well, he's probably super slow, slower than a snail!"
"I bet he's super strong too..." Other Bulkhead murmured, decidedly more impressed. He stared at Optimus' arms dreamily.
"He's got a strong spiritual presence, that's for sure," the two-wheeler designated Prowl commented. His optics focused on Optimus chestplates, leaning in closer. "And there's something else. It almost feels like-"
"Would people get out of my medbay!?" Ratchet, who appeared to be just as high strung as the one in his own dimension, interrupted. He waved around a datapad like Wheeljack with one of his swords. "We don't know what kind of viruses his world have and if we're susceptible to them! We could have a potential pandemic on our servos!"
"Viruses!?" Bumblebee stomped his pede and pointed an accusing digit at Optimus. "You guys see? This bot is nothing but trouble! I say we send him back to wherever he came from as soon as possible and get our own Optimus back!"
Bulkhead piped up. "That might be more difficult than you think, Bumblebee. You see, he portal that brought him here was due to a space bridge malfunction that quite frankly had a one in 3 billion chance of happening and even if we were to find a way to replicate this we'd also have to find a way to get his dimension do the same thing on their end."
Optimus cocked his head, intrigued. "Do you know a lot about space bridge technology, Bulkhead?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess I know some things," he responded, meekly. He fidgeted with his servos, not quite daring to look Optimus in the optics.
Ratchet interjected. "Don't sell yourself short now," he chided, giving Bulkhead a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Bulkhead here is the foremost expert of space bridge technology. Ain't no bot that knows more about the stuff than he does."
Hearing this, Optimus smiled. "That's incredible! While the Bulkhead I know is a brilliant mech in his own right he does not possess such expertise in space bridges. How brilliant!"
At this, Bulkhead finally managed to meet Optimus' optics. There was a faint blush on his faceplates. "Really? I'm not really all that- Uh, I mean, what's your Bulkhead like?"
Optimus' smile grew fonder. "He's one of the bravest mechs I've ever had the honor of knowing. The only thing that can compare to his immense strength is his kindness." Gazing down at the young bot in front of him, he placed his servo on the his shoulder. "The two of you are appear very much alike, in that regard."
Bulkhead's blush grew in intensity, his optics becoming round like saucers, flickering from Optimus' face to where his servo was on his shoulder back to his face. "Oh geez, I don't know what to, oh stars-"
"What about Bumblebee?" Sari suddenly asked, clambering on top of some barrels to be seen. "When you first appeared you said you had a Bumblebee in your universe as well, right?"
Bumblebee, this universe's version, crossed his arms again. "Whatever kind of person he is, he can't be faster, or more handsome, than me!" He paused. "But yeah, what about him?"
Optimus laughed. "There's no way I can praise him enough. Bumblebee is a true hero, through and through, and he's saved my life more times than I can count."
At this, Bumblebee visibly preened. "Oh yeah? Sounds kinda like me then. You know, I've also saved our Optimus' life a couple of times already." He jabbed a thumb at his chest. "Some call me a hero too."
"I don't doubt it," Optimus replied and somehow Bumblebee managed to puff out his chest even more.
"Yeah, well, why don't you tell me some more about my other dimensional counterpart and my- I mean his, heroic deeds? Just so we can compare notes."
Ratched sighed loudly and dragged a palm down his face. "Great, just what we need, Bumblebee getting yet another ego boost."
Prowl leaned in closer to the medic. "At least he's not openly hostile towards our visitor anymore." The corner of his mouth twitched. "He got so mad when this Optimus asked him if he wasn't too young to be an autobot when they first met."
Ratchet couldn't help but snort. "That alone made all of this worth it. Sigh, I just hope our Optimus is alright."
---------In another dimension---------
"What do you mean I'm the leader of the autobots? Ultra Magnus is right there! What even is a Matrix? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M THE CHOSEN OF GOD?????"
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otakuworks · 1 year
❛ 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑. reborn au
feat. Zhongli x Reincarnated!GN!Reader | FINALE | wc. 5.1K
Based on 'See You In My 19th Life' | overview. this webtoon follows the story of a woman who somehow can remember all her past lives.
sum. there's always a factor chaining you from falling in love, usually you can never be bothered, but with Zhongli in your life you may have to pin down the source of your hesitation and possibly unlock new secrets from the consultant
cw. spoilers for the recent 3.4 update and intended inaccuracy of the lore
note. tumblr is so high it auto posted this on January💀💀
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main m.list genshin.mlist
PART I < PART II < PART III (finale)
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Strange, Zhongli really is the epitome of an oddity. You don't know if he was previously a magician or he simply knows how to make Mora appear out of thin air. Either way, you get freebie whenever he accompanies you in your untimely stroll
Though every freebie means a reward for saving his ass from getting scammed. The amount of times he hands off Mora to a person, who clearly has insidious motives, without second thought pales in comparison to the age of the late Archon.
You thought being friends with Hu Tao has taught him something, but clearly he's an airhead at heart when it comes to money.
Then came a particular day when you and Zhongli stroll in the streets of Liyue, you both passby a travelling storyteller who's halfway of retelling the tale of the lone warrior who sacrificed their life to save a Goddess.
". . .they were heavily guarded and fought neither for the Seven Seats nor to survive. Lady Guizhong also wrote in her tale that they were buried somewhere in the Guili Plains to commemorate the Lone Warrior's good deeds."
Eons of living can grant you insurmountable patience and restraint from spitting unfiltered comments that a person may take umbrage, you thoroughly believed you've mastered those skills long ago, if you slip a crack then you'd almost be an oxymoron.
. . .You are a moron, after all.
You gained an immediate reaction from the consultant beside you who perched an eyebrow, seemingly intrigued.
You cough between your fist, "I don't intend to vilify Liyue's folklore, but that was straight up flawed."
Coming out as a bumptious person is the last thing you want now that you've gotten a new ally, but they were talking about you, more precisely about your past life as a swordsman.
Who knows someone better than themselves? And for Achon's sake why do they have to dub you as the Lone Warrior? Ugh, now you can sympathize what Diluc feels being called Darknight Hero. Yes, you know about his alter ego, can't fool a master disguiser.
"Why do you believe otherwise?"
"Huh?" When you gaze up at him, you saw the same intensity in his eyes when you first met him as he reiterated the question.
"O-Oh. . . sorry, I just didn't expect you to be open-minded when I literally called a famous Liyue story bullcrap."
The corners of his lips tugged up in a curious smile, "Let's assume we share the same thoughts, and I want to hear yours."
You didn't understand what he meant but his compelling voice made you speak your innermost knowledge of history without a shred of a doubt, "Most content of the tale is accurate since it was written by the Goddess herself, from the description of their appearance, their background, and deeds before the spark of the Archon war, it's all veridical. However, the part where the Warrior is buried somewhere in the Guili Plains is what makes it erroneous."
"How so?" Zhongli queried almost immediately when you paused for a second to construct the proper words without offending the anyone who opposed your opinions.
"First and foremost, the Lone Warrior was never buried in the first place, for their body was nowhere to be found amongst the corpse of the warpath. Instead of saying they were buried, Lady Guizhong built a stone slab in the Guili Plains to commemorate the Warrior however, due to the circumstances of the Karmic Dept, the slab is most likely destroyed from the uncontrolled rampage of a Yaksha."
As far as you can reckon, the Yaksha who destroyed the slab must have died feeling guilty for eradicating the one memoir of the Lone Warrior. At that time, it was all a speculation from you who knows what the Yaksha must be feeling, but now all of it don't matter.
Saving Guizhong is a choice you've never regretted, Morax felt happy and contented in her presence, it's enough to suffice everything. A simple stone slab won't change your standpoint, even without one you'd gladly do it for the second time.
"What about you, Zhongli? You said we. . ."
Your voice slowly fades away with the wind to carry out amongst the trees and may Barbatos hears this conversation to let him know he had found his Y/N.
He had always imagine what sort of interaction happens between two bards, given the fact you've once told him you play the lyre when you were a child, he's eager to see you in action.
"Hmm, as I thought, we do share commonity in the matter."
That piqued your interest, "Pray tell."
You've never met anyone who's well versed in history like you do.
"I also believe the Lone Warrior never had their deserved burial, but Guizhong made it possible to tell the tale of the mortal who made saved her life. While I personally think they're righteous, it still baffles me why would they sacrifice themselves for someone they're not well acquainted with."
You awkwardly laugh at his astute observation, feeling the perspiration forming on your forehead. Historians often ask the same inquiry; why did they save Guizhong? The tale itself didn't hold any answer for that, and a handful of Liyue citizens doubt the honor of the Lone Warrior because of this— Zhongli is one of them.
"Regardless of their intention, the Lone Warrior has my respect, for their sacrifice has led for another woman's salvation, it is nothing to be easily disregarded." Zhongli added, taking a few steps ahead.
"I've noticed how you accolade the people of the past, especially their noble hearts and their contribution to Liyue. It almost sounds like it's what you do to your. . . umm, deceased loved ones."
His eyes bleaked, for a moment you thought you crossed a line, but he spoke in a solemn voice, "I have actually, I've lost so many good people over the years, but I've learned to move on and look back in the past with a smile."
Yeah, you definitely crossed a line just there.
Your eyes find purchase on your shoes, "You're a strong man, Zhongli. I can only imagine how you managed to do that. Is that one of the factors you decided to become a consultant?"
He seemed to hesitate to answer, as if contemplating his thoughts first, ". . .I wouldn't say it's a defining factor, but yes."
"Do you ever look back to your loved ones without. . . hurting as much as it did on the first time?"
"It's a good thing to remember someone who meant a lot to you, but if the memory of that person is making you suffer, you need to let them go. You might feel guilty at first, but after a while you'll be able to think of them again without hurting nor feeling guilty."
Just then, a fierce wind struck and swept through their bodies. The dry leaves that hung from the branches rustled loudly as moonlight illuminated. Zhongli, who silently looked towards the clamoring branches, murmured in a low voice only for your ears.
"Do not rush yourself to move on, everyone has different pace. It might take you years or decades, even centuries and I'll still be with you, so do not worry about going through this alone."
Did you hear that? It's the sound of your heart thundering.
Before you know it, you were giggling to yourself.
Your laughter bubbles up from between your lips like a clear spring, unrestrained peals of genuine amusement. The sound is so mellifluous, he almost can’t find it in him to comprehend that it came at his expense. It makes him feel special.
"It makes me think how old you really are, you sound like you've been living for thousands of years." You jested. "You're not wrong." He promptly followed. What...? That must've been a joke, eh?
"You sure do know how to do your job. I felt better after hearing that. Thank you, Zhongli."
One moment you were facing him, the next you're suddenly squashed against his chest as he cages you in his arms protectively. Not a good position to be in when your heart began to pump rapidly as his scent rubbed on you.
You were about to ask him what was the matter when you heard an audible and heavy thump behind you followed by a burst of the Geo element. Zhongli looked down on you.
"I apologize for my action, but your life was on the line, so I acted out of instinct." Yet he doesn't make any indication to let you go any time sooner, his hold on you only tightens.
You hid your flushed cheeks by coughing, "I'm not made out of glass, I can handle myself perfectly fine." Yet you didn't move from where you are and held onto his clothes.
"Correct, a few slimes are no big deal, but I can't take any compromises when it's comes to you, Y/N."
"I-If you have time to flirt then just get on with the slimes." You demanded with a huff. You should've seen how he had looked like a lost puppy, "But I wasn't flirting with you, I'm merely expressing my thoughts regarding about you."
"That's even worse!" You exclaim, having no courage to look at him.
That night felt like some distant memory, some dream too far for him to grasp. He thought of your eyes, shimmering in the light of the moon, of your laugh, loud and joyous.
He could picture you perfectly, the warm orange of the lanterns lighting half of your face while the cool light of the moon illuminating the other side.
And it's not a secret he's enamored with you. Even Xiao can deduce the subtle smile everytime your name is mentioned. He hasn't seen an ardor look on him for hundreds of years, it felt anomalous to see him blush like a teenager.
The Traveler and the floating emergency food didn't seem to mind the two, but Paimon has been really curious about it.
If Zhongli likes you then can't he just straight up confess that in your face? Life would've been so simple if people are straightforward🙄
Rough representation;
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There's no concrete answer for it yet, liking Zhongli more than what you two are amidst the process of your healing would seem like he's taken you out of pity.
You don't want that type of relationship. You opt to sort yourself before consulting your mixed feelings you have with the consultant.
And by that literally means;
"You want to accompany the traveler in Jueyun Karst?" You responded with a resigned sigh.
Each day spent with him only shows a fraction of how ridiculous you probably sound to a youthful man.
Everyone in Liyue knows no mortal can get in Jueyun Karst, even if they did there would be no merit to achieve unless you're seeking for a beautiful view of the clouds.
"Yes, the adepti Ganyu had gone missing for days, the traveler asked me if I know the shortest way to Jueyun Karst, and I proposed to be their guide."
The traveler is capable of navigating their way to Jueyun Karst.
In fact, they already left this morning and it's noon as you speak.
You only used that excuse to skedaddle your way out of the dilemma you got yourself into. You need the cortisol to die down. And that won't happen if the said dilemma is with you (e.t. Zhongli)
"Hmm. . . so, you've been in Liyue before yet you still accepted my offer to give you a tour." His statement gives off an accusatory tone, but his lopsided grin tells you otherwise.
You shot him a sheepish smile. "How can I let the opportunity of conversing with a handsome man go to waste? There's a reason why I'm an adventurer, Zhongli."
He shakes his head, "How long you'll be away?"
"Not that long, I'd say only a few hours. Why? Are you going to miss me?"
You only meant it as a joke, you didn't think he'd take it seriously.
You see, this is the reason why you want to avoid him.
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Hah! In the end, you found yourself winded up somewhere in Yujing Terrace. You heard Glaze Lillies bloom in this area, it reminded you of My. Tianheng where a field of Glaze Lillies can be found everywhere.
"Another flower is blooming, such a beautiful sight, if only life can be as beautiful as these Glaze Lillies." You nearly yelp at the sudden voice speaking near your ear and reeled back.
"Oh, dear. I'm sorry if I had scared you." An aged lady with her gray hair tucked in a low bun spoke. "I'm fine. . ."
"Call me Madame Ping. You look quite familiar to me, child. Are you perhaps the adventurer the Wangsheng consultant was talking about?" You crane your neck at her question.
"U-Uh. . . if you're talking about Y/N L/N then yes, that would be me. May I ask what made you so certain it's me?"
"Ah! He hasn't stopped talking about you since he visited this place. That man is so stoic looking, but when he hears your name it looks like he's a different man all of a sudden."
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply through your nose in any attempt to bring your nerves down. You had heard those words on multiple occasions— that Zhongli was different around you, that he cared for you like he cared for no one else. There had been a few times where that statement rang true. Some that don't.
Zhongli felt like a breath of fresh air, a sunshine on a cloudy day, a tall mountain summit from afar. You loved the way he listens to your beliefs, you loved the way he trusts you with his secrets and experiences, you loved the way he deeply cares to others, you love the way he seemed to brighten up every room he walked into.
Goddamn you love everything about that man!
Even his stupidity to pecuniary is lovable.
Somehow he managed to bring joy to the same place you always associated with agony— every corner of the place was happier with him around.
It's no wonder you feel something that can only be named as infatuation— a feeling you once harbored towards Morax, but failed to realize it until your death.
But that had been so long ago, back when you were a little kid determined to become an adult. Now you're an adventurer with a thousand adventures under your belt. Now you were strong and experienced and prepared. And yet, you're still hesitating. Why?
"What seems to cause your inner turmoil, child?"
Your breath hitched and your intake became shallow, it feels like being reborn again. An advantageous thing about reincarnation is that you get to experience love in many forms, mainly familial love.
It was your gateway from the gripping anxiety you feel whenever you overhear hearsay in your town about Morax.
But not once did a family ever asked you for your problems, it's not their fault being unaware of your curse and if they did ask you would've probably non the wiser— it was because they don't share the same sentiment having to live for thousand years.
With Madame Ping, you feel so inclined to relay your thoughts as if you're indeed a child ranting problems with your mom, something about her just puts your mind at ease. And you only just met her not too long ago.
You took a deep breath and tore your gaze from the Glaze Lillies, "There's this man that I fostered feelings for, since I started liking him. . . I always felt like I'm standing over burning charcoal. Do you know what that feels like? Not being able to stop my feet from moving even for a moment. I can't run. I want to, but there's something holding me back."
"Hmm, that sounds too complex," she sighs, "then again, being young has many complexities just as we adults have. With the way you're describing it, I won't say it's holding you back, child."
You lifted your gaze at her, confusion now painted your features.
"If I were to put it, you're simply tangled up in your past."
"And you need closure if you want to face your feelings head on."
A closure? Is that what I'm missing? Should I vent my pent up feelings? Ugh. . . Will that really help?
Sensing your dubious demeanor, Madame Ping smiled, "You do not need to heed my words. I'm simply offering a suggestion."
"No, I'll consider it. In fact, I think it's the best course to deal with this. Thank you, Madame Ping!"
And so you dash from the place in search of something.
You run pass the vast greenery of viridescent grasses and colorful wildflowers— a meadow, where you'd usually go for meandering while accompanied by the evening breeze or gilding sunlight. It was perfect setting of tranquility for a maladaptive daydreamer like yourself. You'd imagine yourself laying down and naming the constellations that coincidentally appear in the sky, or count the exotic birds that flew by, or hum a tune that's been lost in history.
Looking at you now versus your past self equates for hypocrisy.
An amalgamation of both morose and agitated countenance now marred your features. Any person who sees you would imagine how tumultuous your life has been, it's nowhere near nirvana.
Trembling as you arrived at your destination, you stand in front of Morax's statue and traces the meticulous handwork with the pads of your fingers. The entire place feels like him, as though you’re with him at arms reach, but too far to actually hold him.
"It's really pathetic how I try so hard to move on, only to come back to you when something is amiss in my life," you murmured, "but I'm not here to endlessly whine about every misfortune in life, I want to release this feeling in order for me to be appeased."
You heaved a deep breath.
"I love you, Morax. I still do. No amount of flowery apologies can fix the damage I made for stalling my confession to you. I was young and had a plethora of uncertainties that made me second-guess myself. I guess. . . the guilt of leaving you pushed me to the brink of watching over you throughout my consecutive reincarnations, I wanted to make sure you were happy. And now, I want to be happy too. I feel happy with Zhongli and I don't want to make the same mistake of hesitating then later regret on it."
Some days your sadness was a mild lisp. It barely scratched the surface of your voice, but today melancholy had waged a full scale assault on your vocal chords.
"I've decided I'll confess to him, not today, I still need to build the courage to face him. I'm thankful for the time we spent our earliest days together, truly I am, but it's time for me to move on. One day I will look back on our childhood and say 'I love you' once more without the lingering ache in my heart. I'll never stop coming back to you, Morax. . . so, instead of bidding farewell, I'll see you later."
It felt good to vent your feelings out that you nearly cried that day as you walk back in Wangshu Inn and now you're ready to confess your feelings to the consultant whenever you're ready. And whether he'll accept it or not is entirely up to him.
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"Are you free this , Y/N?" A strange look obscured the consultant's face, what's even more strange is the fact he's not even looking you directly.
"Yes. . .?" Something tells you he's not in a good mood.
Crap. . . someone give him Mora! ASAP!
"I wish to speak with you alone. Will you come with me in Mt. Tianheng?" Asked the consultant who seemed a bit on edge this evening after you came back. His spurious stone cold expression obnubilated akin to the look of a man who's gearing up for war.
His ominous mien warranted your logic to say no to him, but you're too far on the line of sanity to even refuse the man you like. "Sure."
>> TIMESKIP. . .
You thought not confessing early to Morax before your death was the worst decision you've ever made. Think again, 'cuz this is most definitely the worst, baddest and stupidest decision ever.
You never made it a point to come back to this place— it brought back a storm of memories, some of which were more comfortable being shoved to the recesses of your mind and be kept there for eternity. But for whatever reason, you feel inclined to follow him and disregard the uneasiness of returning in Mt. Tianheng.
Zhongli has been strangely quiet all the way here, at this point he'd be randomly stating facts, not be a complete mute-walking pillar.
Thus, you suck up your inner turmoil and deal with it instead of fleeing right off the bat.
"You're strong for keeping your head up this far." He accolades suddenly to particularly no one, except if he was referring to you.
He comes to an abrupt stop and finally, FINALLY faces you. And shit do his visage screams he's not playing around. He's not here to be buddy-buddy with you. He looks genuinely distress.
About what though?
. . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . .
Oh. . .
Oh no!
Did he see through your lies earlier? That you're supposed to be with the traveler in Jueyun Karst? Double shit! Not good!
A thin sheen of sweat accumulated on your forehead as you try to come up with an excuse, "U-Uh. . ." but came up with nothing.
You mentally prepared yourself for a parade of admonishing words from Zhongli, you genuinely thought he's going to nitpick on why you shouldn't have lied to him and probably question the motives behind your action. At least that's what you thought.
"This guilt is unbearable even for an immortal."
"Yes, I know I lied about going with the traveler in—. . . Huh?"
His eyes seemed to shine brighter than the stars as he stares deeply into yours. You sense an underlying promise in those determined orbs, it instilled the feeling of anticipation and anxiety.
"I am Morax."
The air suddenly became suffocating for YOU. Breathing gets hard. There’s this feeling in your chest that’s gnawing through your body, affecting your every movement.
Conflagrated flames and scalding ice, the physical feeling tied up in all the emotions that seem to leak from ZHONGLI'S features— fear, hope and adoration churned his guts.
An unkempt strand of your hair overshadowed your eyes from Zhongli's standpoint. It seems as though he made the decision that'll compromise the friendship he had built with you.
Being the bearer of the knowledge of your reincarnation didn't come easy for an immortal who's supposed to be imposing as a mortal.
Ever since he saw you paying respect for his passing, his instinct is blaring at him to tell you his true identity. Though he has to admit it's not entirely his gut-feel that added a major factor of what he had done now— it was his selfishness, yet again.
He had gone through multiple scenarios of what your reaction may be; Would you laugh at his face? Are you going to dismiss his claims and think it's a prank? Will you run away from him?
Not like it matters to him.
You can do all of those and he'd still want to be with you.
Heck! He knew you were telling a fib about your involvement in the Traveler's quest and it didn't change his feelings for you.
". . ."
As crickets filled his ears, he takes a feeble step forward and spoke in a solemm voice, "You must have a lot of questions, I can guarantee to answer all of them but know that it was never my intention to prolong your suffering by hiding my identity."
He knows.
He GODDAMN knows!
Your words broke up and all you could mutter were stuttering sounds. Hot tears streamed down your face, and squeezed your eyelids shut in the hope the tears would stop. Your choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for quite some time as stand there unmoving. What else is there to say?
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Before you know it, both of your shoulders were grasped in a firm but gentle grip of gloved hands. There's so many mixed feelings stirring in a boiling pot, and you can't make out a definite conclusion until you arrive in some sort of resulting point.
Are you angry for his decision to play dead? Betrayed he kept this from you? Pained that he didn't trust you? Relieved that he's really alive in the flesh? Happy that he knows it's you and you don't have to pretend around him? Which is it?
Amidst all the chaotic thoughts, you still feel safe in the presence of Zhongli— Yes, Zhongli. You hate how it feels so warm, you hate how you want to bask in his embrace, you hate the solace you find yourself in when he's around even in your worst time. Just then, similarly back in Inazuma, the sky shed tears to empathize your mourning heart. The heavens really find your suffering amusing.
In your haze vision, he was moving his lips but the words fell on deaf ears, your sense of hearing refuse to comprehend the meaning behind his statement. It's probably for the best.
Zhongli, the ever so keen who promptly took notice, snaked his arms around your shoulders and pulled you in a somber embrace and gently placed your head in his chest— an act of shielding you from the dangers of the world and offers you a safe haven.
The veil dropped and walls crumbled.
Your feeble hands grasped his flaunting waistcoat like a helping hand. Your scream synchronises with the thundering and the minimum space between you muffled the cries. Your undecipherable emotions echoes with the storm like a reflection on the mirror.
And everything leads to the man desperately clinging to your bare fingers on the cliffside of a bottomless pit you dug yourself into.
"Look at me."
Compelled to do so, you lifted your blurry gaze. A Geo Archon known for his wisdom and strength, is standing in his barest version. The version of a man who weeps only in the presence of whom he loves and trusts.
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[ source: Pinterest. please comment if you know the artist so I can credit ]
"Z-Zhongli. . ."
A single index finger met your quivering lips, "Shh. . . The rain isn't stemmed from sadness. So get drenched, and be refreshed. I hope it washes away the hot bitterness felt by your heart. When that hurt washes away, let's return home together."
". . . Together? It sounds surreal. . . I don't want to believe it."
"May I kiss you for proof?"
You're too absorbed in the heat of moment that every rational decision flew out the window, but maybe the most rational thing to do is to indulge yourself.
You nodded, with your permission Zhongli has never been the happiest till this day.
His lips descended on yours with fervor, immediately you can feel his desperation, his love, his determination, his grief— it's overwhelming it almost knocked you on your feet. Quite fortunate he has his hand on your back to keep you steady while the other is on your cheek as he drowns you in his presence.
You feel hot, it's unusual during the rain shower, but the hypnotic intimacy he applies in his action takes your breath away.
Heat pooled in your stomach, the prospect of kissing Zhongli is something you didn't know you'd be craving for more and your heart skipped a few beats.
Your whole body tingled, the feel of his towering frame leaning on you as he encased you in his arms felt like you're ascending to Celestia.
Albeit slowly, you felt yourself gradually being pulled up to the surface accompanied by the hands of your savior.
It still wasn't clear if he's dreaming this moment, but there was raw emotion in the way you weave your fingers through his free tresses and caress his scalp. Zhongli kept his eyes half open, sneaking a guilty glance at you every time he comes back for air to assure himself this isn't a product of his imagination.
He doubts the authenticity of it all. He's not sure if nature rooted for this moment or if Celestia tricked him into this perfect present to appease his guilt, but every passing second makes him want to stay in this illusion and for the first time in eons, he felt like a little dragon discovering new treasures— he discovered you yet again.
Slowly, the pull apart, chest heaving and face flustered.
Zhongli suddenly felt more guilt, he had acted out of the line and kissed without properly courting you, not so gentlemanly. The smile on your face, however, eased the guilt in his heart and subconsciously mirrored your smile, it was simply contagious.
"It's really you, huh? I can't believe I didn't realize it was you." You placed your palm on his cheek as to reassure your sanity, in response he leaned impossibly closer to your hand.
"Words cannot describe how much I want to expose myself to you, and how apologetic I am for staging my death. Had I've been aware of your existence and your knowledge of the past, I would have come up a different solution and not cause you more pain."
Yeah, it really is him. No other man can look after your feelings like he does, and there's no other man lovable as him.
"I really want to ask how did you know, not only of my reincarnation, but also my awareness of my previous life. Is it because you were a former Archon?"
Heaving a deep sigh, he pressed his forehead on yours, his fingers traverse down the corner of your lips until it wipes away from what it looks like the remnants of your tears.
"I don't need to be an Archon to know it's you. Your kindness, compassion and everything beautiful will always attract me no matter what form you may take. No other being can impersonate someone so precious as you, Y/N. It's why I knew it was you the moment you wear your heart on your sleeve."
Times like this always reminds you why you fell for him so hard.
"As for your memories of the past. . . you weren't exactly being cautious of your words when you were speaking to my statue. No normal mortal has ever called me Morax other than you."
Oh. . . you were rather grateful for it.
"So, you're saying I'm not normal to you?"
"Y/N, reincarnating while retaining your memories is not exactly a trait of a standard normal mortal." He does have a point.
"Hey, look. The rain has stopped."
Hands adorned of scars, bruises and wounds that once grasped the pointed end of every sharp edged rocks are now held by the calloused hands of another fighter.
You watch as the lustrous moon rose up the sky, pride was balm from its full fledged form, exuding sufficient fulguration for the inky night and the prodigious number of stars turned into extraordinary bright white hued after the rain. For the first time, the deepest somber night just came out of its humble abode.
He kept his eyes on you and his forehead glued on yours, it looks like he's not planning on letting you go any time sooner, "Indeed, it seems like your heart has eased up too."
"Yes, and I have you thank for that." You gently grabbed the wrist caressing your face and rubbed figures of eight. "Thank you for having the courage of revealing your true self, it have me the right to courage to fess up what's on my mind."
You pulled away from his embrace and took his hand on yours, you can feel his burning eyes fixated on your actions, "I never got the chance to confess everything when I was dying in your arms. I thought it was for the best, but I'll say it now."
Watching you straighten your spine, Zhongli couldn't hide his anticipation. He has vague idea what you mean, but he didn't want to keep his hopes up, so he remained calm and let you continue.
"I love you. Whether you're known as Morax, Rex Lapis, Zhongli or any other names, I'm hopelessly in love with you because to me you're the dragon who kept me safe from the dangers and prioritize me over your own happiness. You're my first friend, my first confidant, my first partner in crime, my first protector, my first crush and most importantly, you're my first love. You're my every first, and you'll be my very last."
Every joyful feeling known to man hit Zhongli like a meteor and he couldn't help himself to claim your lips once again. This time he was more gentler and more on conveying his overjoyed expression. The kiss was brief as he pulled away immediately.
"I have always adored you, Y/N. Your death nor your lack of reciprocation doesn't make my feelings any different. Do you remember the promise I made? I will take you at the highest peak of the sky, I meant it literally that time, I'm more willing to fulfill that promise both literally and figuratively.bI'm grateful to have met you in my life, and I'm more grateful that you feel the same as I do. I will do my best to keep you happy, Y/N."
"Dummy! I should be the one saying that." Your eyes began to feel moisture yet again. "Would you look at us. It took us a couple thousands of years before getting to this point, it's almost laughable and I— ACHOO!"
". . ."
". . ."
"Let's head back. It almost slip my mind humans are quite fragile even just a few drops of rain, and your drenched clothes are not helping."
"Aren't you the one who told me to get drenched and be refreshed?" You replied sardonically, though the lovesick smile on your face betrays you.
He chuckled, "Let's continue this back home."
Home with him. It sent the elephants stomping in your stomach. Forget the fluttering butterflies!
He intertwined your fingers with his as you both walk back with goofy smiles, "Yeah, let's head home."
An idyllic hilly meadow greeted your sight as you stand tall after an arduous journey. Beside you is the prize worth of every gems in the world. As your blood-soaked hand held his, the two of you embarked a new journey towards tomorrow.
And this this time, you won't be alone. Mazes may seperate you two along the way, you'll always find your way back to each other's arms. A farewell between star crossed lovers doesn't exist, for they will meet later on at the end.
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─ 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃. werp that will wrap up this series, I'll be working on with all of your requests and if I can insert the Xiao version of this then it's considered lucky. thank you everyone for supporting this fic, for encouraging me to continue more than one part and sharing your thoughts about it. i value comments more than anything so pls tell me what you think, I don't reply to all comments but I read all of them 💙💜
─ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. @itsyourgirlria @shizunxie @elsoleil @cherlynono @slzaar @katsuissus @tikitsune @useless-potatho @chimsblogg @lemonlimesocks @multifandomvoyage @malt-rants-and-stuff @jameineliebe @angelkazusstuff @eissaaaa @beezgobuzzbuzz @towos @atsukawolfcat @sunflowers1970 @avery-needs-more-fics @angstylittleb1tch @bigcandlesmolbrain @lxmine @imk1ra @chihawari @bishishbored @yuuki4646 @sunsethw4 @princeabomination @alexiris @chocolateneapolitan @ayra2452008 @ittosoneandoniwife @alatus2716 @thetwinkims @sweetbills @nanami-s-tie @rain-and-a-nice-nap @a-rose-byanothername @swirrley @lasignoramybeloved @magicalnaturenerd @boundedbyfate @extremelytoastybread @vvyeislazzy @dear-dairiess @crowleysthings @imafatpug @tjjjrsj + kokomisimppp alice4wonderland2184 quereespf haru-tofuu vv3ntii and others that I can't tag for sum reason tumblr won't explain •_•
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Gleberman's podcast, take 2: the video edition
I volunteered to take one for the team, again, this time watching (or trying to, at least) the video version of Gleberman's infamous podcast on Youtube (if you are a masochist, like me, feel free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_md73Ws2O4&t=303s). You see, I was so intrigued by the OTT praise that I wanted to see the live reactions. To do so, I even watched it at a 0,25 reduced speed ratio, just to catch up those pesky, spontaneous facial expressions he couldn't possibly hide.
Let's start with what we all know: in 10 years, S is much, much better at hiding his game and almost proficient at mastering the poker face. But if you really pay attention (and I did), you might still notice some interesting things: after all, we aren't robots and we can't calibrate or control everything. So, here's my take on what I saw, with screencaps, and covering only the bits I quoted in my first post (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/733285180488450048/and-kia-ora-to-new-zealand-like-youve )- the rest was really beyond my patience and goodwill abilities, to be honest.
A word and a question on the staging of this podcast, before anything else. I am always paying great attention to the outfits of the people who participate, because I believe they are an integral part of the show itself. While Gleberman's was, to be honest, unacceptably sloppy, S was right on point the message he wanted to convey, with the short-sleeved (?) khaki shirt that spelled three things: Bachelor. Traveler/Explorer. Tropical Chic. As a side note, I wish he'd been dressed like that in the Nevis resort suite snippet: not the usual Peter Panesque/Marty McFly/boyz in da hood outfit. But hey, that's just me, what do I know, after all, maybe the boy really feels more relaxed in those. Brand-wise, however, I will never cease to drum up the urgent need to step up the outfit game and start aligning it with the real age.
The other thing that intrigued me is common to S and C: their love of cupboards and hallways when it comes to playing the show/not show game on podcasts 'from home'. Because they know we watch and because they know, by now, we are probably worse than the MI-6, we're left with... eh... nothing. He apparently found the perfect solution with that sort of a connecting space he is always showing us, lately. Seriously, though, who the hell places himself in front of an opening (sliding door?) to a bigger room, except when wanting to block both the view and any other interpretation? Heh. Things that make one go 🤔.
Anyways. Let's have a look at some reactions I have screencapped:
Gleberman: 'same sweetest person and like an amazing human being'.
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Translation: I am pursing my lips and bracing myself for the rest of the #silly compliment. I can't possibly express how much this annoys and embarrasses the bejesus out of me. But hey, Monica, have at it and let's be done already with this circus.
Gleberman: '...and friend to talk to and I just love you.'
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Translation: I close my eyes because I don't want to hear the OTT crap this woman is shamelessly peddling around. I cross my arms defensively, because this is the best I can do. I really pray internally she'd immediately stop it, somehow (though I am fully aware she won't and this is just the beginning). She definitely overstepped a red line and I don't want to be a part of it.
S: '.I think there's...there's a lot of smoke and mirrors, this is ALL fake.'
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Translation: I am talking with my hands to make a point (and also to show off the damn rings - oh, Lord, let them talk about these to oblivion, on socials). I am also covering my face with a gesture evocative of a smoke curtain, because ultimately I feel the need to protect myself from the smiling entity on the other side of my screen and because, at the same time, I know exactly what I did here. Oops, I just unleashed another half-in-jest zeppelin, that people could pretzel exactly how they see fit. However, it's true: my public persona is a carefully curated lie. Peekaboo, underneath I know very well what my committed truth is.
S: ' I am the double'.
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Translation: I am opening my arms and I am puffing out my chest. There, I've said it. Ha! I am in full defiant mode, now. I meant every single word I just said and damn the consequences.
I wish I'd had the patience to watch it all. But I think I've managed to analyze the most interesting part of it. Overall, there was quite a bit of stress involved on S's side (lots of chin grabbing, etc), the only one I was interested in. She was simply not worth my attention and I doubt she, unlike many other people in the media, 'knows stuff'. If anything, that only served to validate my first impressions.
And yes, always look for the presence of the teeny-tiny abnormal detail. Sometimes (not always) it can prove rewarding.
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Happy Wednesday! I’m on spring break and blissfully alone at a cafe writing for a few hours this morning. The weather is just starting to turn nice (though its supposed to rain tomorrow) but I can feel spring coming properly, which makes me happy. I hope y’all are getting some nicer weather soon, too.
I’m plugging away on my new WIP. I previously mentioned I’m tentatively titling it Back and Back and Back. I also quite like Start at the End, though I’m not sure if that description will end up strictly accurate, so might not work. We shall see.
I’m going to go ahead and share the premise now (or rather, the inspiration) because why not? I was reading through @carryonprompts and found this one and quite liked the idea. I started daydreaming about it in earnest right away. This was the first thing I wrote:
BAZ age 6, 2003
When I get home from school, Vera always makes me a snack. After that, I’m supposed to do my homework before I’m allowed to go outside and play. There’s always pages and pages of it, and it’s horrid, because it’s so easy, it makes me want to rip it to pieces, or hide it under my bed. And if I have to read one more book about Dick and Jane, I think I might scream. (I’ve read every one of the books in my Beatrix Potter collections. Doesn’t my teacher know that if I can read words like presently, I shouldn’t need to read these baby primers?)
Even though I could do this stuff in my sleep, it’s going to have to wait because today he is here.
Or at least, I think he is. I only saw a flash of red out beyond the trees, but that’s as good a sign as any. I don’t want to make him wait, because I don’t know how long he’ll have to visit today, so I have to plan my escape quite quickly.
I don’t imagine this holding too closely to the book/movie. I’m taking inspiration from parts I liked (and can remember 15 years later lol) but shaping this to be a Watford-era, canon divergent fic with some time traveling/soul mate/destiny elements. It feels very ambitious for me to try writing time travel because it hurts my brain to even consume time travel media sometimes 🤣 and I am much more of a pantser than a planner when I write. Then again, the prospect of pulling off this sort of challenge intrigues me. Wish me luck!
Tags/hello/hope you are well 😘
@fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @moodandmist @mooncello @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @valeffelees @shrekgogurt @iamamythologicalcreature @youarenevertooold @brilla-brilla-estrellita @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @larkral @leithillustration @messofthejess @captain-aralias @nightimedreamersworld @wellbelesbian @run-for-chamo-miles @roomwithanopenfire @raenestee @rimeswithpurple @theimpossibledemon @theearlgreymage @whogaveyoupermission @monbons @noblecorgi @emeryhall @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ileadacharmedlife @that-disabled-princess @blackberrysummerblog @prettygoododds @ic3-que3n @hushed-chorus @orange-peony @alexalexinii @angelsfalling16 @arthurkko @letraspal @supercutedinosaurs
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michelleleewise · 1 year
Blue Dhalia
Pairing: Avenger Loki x jotun female reader
Warnings: crying, minor angst, mentions of memory loss, mentions of torture, first kiss, loss of virginity, soft smut (love making), smut (mildly graphic), p in v smut, fingering, mentions of injuries, malnourishment, dehydration.
Summary: you begin your new life, with your new family
A/n- Aaahhhh!!! We're at the end!!! I can't thank you all enough for all the love and support you guys gave me!!! I've loved every comment, reblog, everything!! You guys are amazing!!! And thank you again!!! Graphics by @harlequin-hangout. And now....the conclusion.....
Part Eight -- Part Nine (finale)-
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You drift in and out, hovering between asleep and awake. Your eyelids heavy as you try to open them, the brightness overwhelms you as the pain in your head returns. You close them again, drifting off feeling a hand on yours, something brushing through your hair making your scalp tingle as the darkness swallows you again, opening your eyes sometime later seeing the room dark...quiet. you turn your head to the window seeing the sun had gone down.
You turned your head back, looking up at the white ceiling, it wasn't a dream, they came...loki came for you. You felt a tear stream across your face at the feeling, you were free. You tried to lift your hand, feeling a weight on it you looked down seeing a large hand covering yours. Your eyes traveled further seeing a head of dark curls resting on the bed next to you, his other arm propped under his head as he slept. You couldn't pull your eyes away, in the time you had known him he had kept this part of himself secret, hidden under pale skin and green eyes. He was beautiful that way, but this...this was different.
The deep blue of his skin accentuated his sharp sheek bones, the lines traveling his skin intrigued you as you reached your other hand up gently brushing his dark hair back. He looked so different but also the same. You had no words to describe him in this form, but you were drawn to him...enthralled by him as your eyes followed the lines down his neck until they went under his shirt. You secretly wished he would stay this way, his true self but in a way you understood. A small groan pulled you from your trance as you felt him shift, his eyes slowly opening revealing his deep red eyes, rubies shining bright against a blue sea.
"Y/n..your awake. How are you feeling?" He asked sitting up, but not letting go of your hand. "I..I'm ok, how long was I asleep?" You asked rubbing your eyes "about a week, give or take." He said stretching his back. "A week...and you..." you started looking down "no, I have not left. I wanted to make sure you were ok." He said sheepishly pulling his hand back, instantly missing the weight of it you looked up at him seeing the pale skin traveling across him...hiding him. You smiled looking down fidgeting with the blanket. "What is it?" He asked leaning forward "nothing...I just." You trailed off as the door opened "y/n! Your awake." Bruce said walking in "are you feeling ok?" He asked stepping next to the bed. "Yes, just...tired." you said looking up at him.
"That's to be expected, your body temperature was off the charts when we found you, I would have to say extreme heat exhaustion even for a human." He said looking at some papers "you were also severely dehydrated and malnourished, not to mention the injuries you sustained." He said setting the papers down as you nodded. "May I take a look at them, make sure your beginning to heal?" He asked as you nodded. "Loki, you can wait out there or..." you interrupted "c..can he stay...please?" You asked looking between them "if you wish it, I will stay." Loki said standing up.
He walked closer to the bed as Bruce pulled the blanket down, grabbing the bottom of your gown "I'm only going to look at your stomach ok? That's where the worst of it was." Bruce said. You nodded, looking up to the ceiling feeling the cold air hit your stomach, feeling his fingers gently poking you, Loki making a noise next to you making you look at him, seeing his eyebrows furrowed, his jaw clenching as he kept his eyes on Bruce. "Ok great, it seems your starting to heal just fine, we'll keep an eye on them just in case but I think your ok to go back to your room." He said stepping back. "Here, Nat brought you some clothes, let me just get all of this off and you can change." He said pulling the tubes and wires from you. "You get dressed y/n, I'll be right outside and then I'll take you upstairs." Loki said patting your hand as they both walked out.
You pulled the blankets back, slowly sliding your feet to the floor you put your weight on your legs as you knees tried to buckle. Bracing against the bed you took small steps to the end, grabbing the clothes Bruce left. Sliding the gown off you carefully stepped into the pants pulling them up, grabbing the shirt you looked at the collar, making sure the the tag was in the back you pulled it over your head before sitting down slipping the socks on. You didn't see your gloves, remembering you had them on when....a shiver shot down your spine as you wrapped your arms around your middle just don't touch anyone you said to yourself as you walked to the door, opening it seeing Loki and Bruce talking "ready y/n?" Loki asked holding his hand out "i...my gloves were taken." You said looking down when he stepped closer, towering over you bringing his hand closer. You looked up seeing him smile as you reached out placing your hand in his as he looped it around his arm "Thank you Bruce, for everything. My lady.." he said nodding his head towards the elevator making you smile as he guided you to your room...home...
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You walked into the kitchen, setting the kettle on the stove you pulled a cup down dropping a tea bag in as you jumped onto the counter. It had been almost about threw months since you had been back and you felt a little better each day. Peter and Mantis had to leave, asking again if you wanted to join them. You politely told them no and hugged them as they promised to come visit when they could. Thor and Steve had made a point of checking on you nearly everyday to make sure you were ok and apologize even though you told them everytime they didn't need to but you understood.
Thor had introduced you to his favorite treat, pop tarts he called them. Loki hated them, but If you were honest they weren't that bad, your favorite being the s'more ones. Steve had offered to help you train, he even said you could use his shield which based on everyone's reaction wasn't a common occurrence. You told him you would let him know. The rest of the time was spent here, in your shared living area with Loki. He had cooked for you, helped you get around in the beginning, checked on you often. He even sat with you helping you with some of his more advanced books. Your face heated at the memories, him sat on the couch next to you, his knee brushing yours, his arm outstretched behind your head as he leaned over you explaining a certain part, but whenever you looked up at him, his face so close to yours he would look away, clearing his throat before scooting to the other end making you frown.
Everytime you saw him, smelled him, was in the same room as him you felt this twinge in your stomach. You knew you were attracted to him, cared for him a great deal, but you were unsure of what this new feeling was. When his face was next to yours and you looked at his soft lips you wanted to run your fingers along them...feel them with yours. You had joined everyone for movie nights and were intrigued when the man pressed his lips to the woman's. You wondered how it felt, wanted to experience it but the only one you wanted to do that with was Loki, but the wau he kept his distance, never seeming to want you pushed the thought away and tried to forget about it. "Morning y/n." You heard behind you, turning seeing Loki walk in, his chest bare while his pants hung low on his hips. You couldn't help looking at the small patch of hair that traveled down his stomach to the hem of his pants.
"What are your plans today?" He asked stepping closer pulling another cup down "oh..um nothing i know of." You stuttered looking down to your gloved hands. "Are you ok? You look a bit pale." He said stepping closer "yes! Yes I'm fine, just thinking." You said smiling. "Oh? About what?" He asked grabbing a tea bag "n..nothing important, just...that movie we watched last night." You said "Mm, that sappy love story my brother picked, did you like it?" He asked leaning on the counter "I guess, I mean...I don't know, I've never felt that before." You said quietly as the kettle went off. You both tried grabbing it at the same time, your fingers touching as you looked up at him. "You know you do not have to wear those around me y/n, you can't hurt me." He said looking down at you, something shifting in his eyes. "I know, I just..." you started when he gently grabbed your hand, pulling the kettle off he stepped in between your parted legs grabbing your other hand.
He looked into your eyes as he slowly slid your glove off setting it on the counter before pulling the other one off. Setting it down he linked his fingers with yours, his eyes not leaving yours "y/n, may i ask you something?" He asked gripping your hand tighter, your eyes traveling to his lips as you nodded "have you ever...what i meant is do you..." he started when your self control broke down, leaning forward your pressed your lips to his feeling him stiffen as you pulled back quickly seeing his eyes wide. "I..I'm sorry Loki, i...I don't know what came over me." You rushed out trying to move off the counter when he grabbed your hips. "Y/n, w..was that...your first kiss?" He asked watching you intently "umm...yeah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to." You started feeling his finger on your lips. "May I give you a proper first kiss?" He asked smiling.
You stared up at him, your stomach twisting as his hand traveled to your cheek, his thumb rubbing it "i...umm y..yes, I would like that but..." you said looking down "I don't know what to do." You said quietly as he tilted your head back up "just relax, follow my lead." He whispered leaning closer, closing your eyes feeling his soft lips gently press against yours. Tilting your head you moved your lips against his, hearing him moan as you felt his tongue swipe against your lip. "Open your mouth." He whispered against your lips. You did as he said, parting your lips you felt his tongue gently press into your mouth, moving against yours as he sealed his lips over yours. You felt his hands move down your legs pulling you closer as you wrapped your arms around his middle, pulling him to your as the kiss grew more heated, his teeth nipping your lip as he pulled back, pressing his forehead to yours leaving you both panting.
"Norns...I have wanted you so badly." He breathed digging his fingers into your thighs. "I..I want you too Loki." You said looking up at him. "But...are you..." he stuttered "I have never, what was it called...made love? If that is what you mean." You said feeling him tense. "No one has ever touched me that way, but..I find myself wanting you to...only you." You said feeling his hands slide up to your hips "a..are you certain? I mean..." he started when you leaned up pecking his lips "yes...I am certain, with you I always am." You whispered against his lips as he wrapped his hand around the back of your head, kissing you deeply, his tongue dominating yours when you felt a wetness between your thighs making you shift. "Wrap your legs around me." He panted pulling back as he lifted your hips off the counter.
You locked your ankles around his middle, as he walked towards the hall, placing kisses down your neck as your fingers dug into his hair, smiling at how soft it was. "Your room or mine?" He growled, his teeth grazing your collar bone "y..yours...please." You panted as he walked in, kicking the door closed behind him. You looked around seeing daggers displayed on the walls, large paintings spread across the room as he walked you towards the bedroom, his lips never leaving your skin as he leaned forward gently laying you down, looking over seeing the dark green blanket that looked as soft as his hair. Your eyes traveled back to him as he leaned back, his hands on your knees as he looked down at you just now realizing he was in his natural form, shivering seeing something wild in his bright red eyes.
"You are certain this is what you want?" He asked again making you smile "yes Loki, I am sure. I trust you." You said as he leaned forward, settling between your parted legs holding himself up on his elbows "you are so beautiful....my dhalia." He whispered placing a soft kiss on your neck. "W..what.. ahh is that?" You asked feeling his teeth on your neck "it is a flower. Soft....delicate..." he breathed against your skin as he pulled back to look at you "and when it blossoms it is the most vibrant blue." He smiled brushing your hair back "will you blossom for me?" He purred pecking your lips "only for you...my Loki." You breathed as you lifted your head meeting his lips with yours, taking control you pressed your tongue past his lips licking into his mouth hearing him groan.
"I think you are going to be very good at that." He smiled pulling back "I have a good teacher." You panted grabbing his head to kiss him again, his lips unbelievably soft, you never wanted to stop. "Is it ok if I remove your clothes?" He asked looking down at you. "Y..yes..." you panted feeling a warmth spread over you looking down seeing both of your clothes gone. "This will hurt a bit when we begin, but I will try to be as careful as possible." He groaned feeling his hand slowly travel down your side "open your petals for me my love." He whispered feeling his fingers slowly slide down between your thighs you gasped at the feeling as he slid his fingers through your folds spreading you open. "How does that feel?" He moaned moving his fingers up hitting a spot that made you jerk "aah....g..good..." you said digging your nails into his back.
"For a woman, this..." he said rubbing circles around the small spot making you arch into him "is an immense source of pleasure." He smiled moving his fingers faster, feeling a tightness in your stomach. "I...ahh....l..loki wha...." you moaned, squeezing your eyes shut "its ok love, let it take you." He purred when you felt your muscles tense, your nerves felt like they were on fire, squeezing his sides with your legs seeing stars. "There it is...you are ethereal when you come undone." He said slowing his pace "that was your first orgasm, let's see if we can get another." He smiled, his eyes dark as he shifted. "Ok, take a deep breath, I will go slow." He said as you closed your eyes bracing yourself. "Open your eyes love, I want to see you." He breathed feeling him press against your entrance.
You looked up into his eyes as he slowly pushed into you making you gasp. You had read books, and seen movies with the others but this...nothing could compare to this as he inched into you slowly pulling out a bit before pushing back in. "That's is love...mmm fuck....just relax." He groaned, his jaw clenching feeling him stretching you around him, gritting your teeth as your walls were pushed beyond their limit feeling him stop "a..are you still ok?" He asked looking into your eyes "y..yes, I'm ok. It's hurts a bit but I'm ok." You smiled up at him "ok, after this part the worst will be over." He said as he pushed his hips forward, digging your nails hard into his back feeling a sharp pain as he bottomed out, you both panting as he stilled, letting you adjust. "Are you ready for me to move love?" He asked watching you "yes, i...I think so." You said wiggling your hips feeling the pain ease.
He slowly pulled his hips back, almost all the way out as he pushed back in, hitting a soft spot inside you making you moan. "Mm...those sounds are going to....aahh shit....drive me mad." He panted, pulling back out, pushing in hitting it again. G..god.....loki...." you moaned, the pain subsiding into something more...something intense. "Do you feel it love...the way your walls are squeezing me..." he groaned, wrapping his arm under your head he sped up, placing his other hand on your hip he held you in place as his thrusts became faster...harder. "y....yes Loki....ahhh......it feels...." you moaned gripping his back as he thrust hard into you "s..so good..." you panted biting your lip. You felt the tightness in your stomach again, more then before as his stomach pressed to yours, his hand gripping your shoulder feeling his fingers dig into your hip.
"C..come for me love....fucking hell....I need to feel it...to feel you..." he moaned snapped his hips hard into yours feeling yourself tighten around him you screwed your eyes shut holding onto him "that's it...mmmm fuck....t..take everything...." he growled, his words throwing you over the abyss "L..loki...aahh!!" You yelled, clenching hard around him seeing stars behind your eyelids when you felt him twitch inside you. "Aahh....jeg elsker deg ... min dhalia" He growled, thrusting his hips hard against you feeling him release inside you sending a shiver down your spine. He slowly rocked back and forth a few times before he stilled, panting into your shoulder as you held him.
He slowly pulled out of you, laying next to you looking into your eyes "y/n, I do not have the words to express what you mean to me." He said running his fingers through your hair. "There is so much I hated about myself, about my heritage.." he trailed off linking his fingers with yours "but you, my dear dhalia, have helped me see it is not something to hate, but something to embrace." He smiled kissing your nose "I have never felt so free in my long life, you have given me that." He said. "I am yours y/n..my heart, my body..." he said gripping your hand tighter "will you be mine?" He asked searching your eyes, you could see the nervousnessin his as you cupped his cheek "Loki, as long as I can spend the rest of my days with you, I would do anything." You said smiling back at him as he pulled you forward wrapping his arms around you. "You will always have me my sweet dhalia, now and to Valhalla I will be by your side." He whispered into your ear as he cradled you to his chest.
In that moment, you know wherever Loki was, you were home.....
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jeg elsker deg ... min dhalia-i love you...my dhalia
@vbecker10 @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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lavendertales · 2 years
shut up & listen—Eddie Munson x f!reader**
summary: weeks worth of tension, accumulated throughout your blossoming romance with Eddie, finally blow up one evening.
word count: 2.4k
WARNINGS: friends to lovers, piv (safe), cunnilingus, fingering, slight male masturbation, Eddie likes to tease you. song inspo.
A/N: well, you asked, and you shall receive! this is part 2 of Tongue twister, but it can be read as a standalone as well. thank you so much for all the love you’ve shown the first part, it’s insane! hope you enjoy this one as well 😌
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gif: @nowadayz​ 
Nervous doesn’t even begin to cover what goes through your body right now.
Though unspoken, the tension burning in between you and Eddie had been raised to a boiling point tonight. The date had been utterly beautiful: you spent the whole afternoon at a carnival, playing all those silly games that you can never win at—and yet somehow he managed to win you a stuffed bear— eating corndogs and laughing at all the cheesy couples over there. You didn’t say a damn word about you low-key wanting that same thing with Eddie.
But neither did he.
It’s not like he wants to keep things from you. Not even in the slightest. He’s simply afraid to come on too strong and screw things up with you. There are plenty of things swirling inside his head, some real and serious, and others less than decent.
He doesn’t tell you that his mouth nearly waters every time he sees you, or smells you. He doesn’t tell you that he wants to take the hand that holds yours and bury it in between your legs in hopes of releasing the sweetest, sheet-clutching moans he could think of.
Not yet.
Truth is, he’s not sure how much more of this inner torment he can handle. He would never do anything out of pocket, anything that might hurt you in any way and he’s glad neither of you rushed into anything physical. But Jesus Christ, each time he saw you, he reminisced of that night when you talked about your feelings and made out as you straddled his lap, and he could get hard on command.
And tonight is no exception. You’re wearing a cute skirt and a relatively tight top, and he’s doing his very best to be the perfect gentleman and leave his own little fantasies abandoned in some corner of his mind. He drives you home in that rusty truck that belonged to Wayne, and electricity prickles your skin. You steal side glances at Eddie handling the steering wheel with one hand and you gulp, feeling heat travel all the way to your nether region, and you try to shake off the near loud gasp you let out.
When you arrive, Eddie takes a big, deep breath and looks at you.
“Here we are,” he says with a wicked smile.
“I’d invite you in, but then I’d have to introduce you to my family as my boyfriend and I feel like neither of us is ready for that.”
“Yeah, let’s not put ourselves through that just yet.”
You both giggle, and you clutch tighter onto the teddy bear as you glare lovingly at him.
“It’s still pretty early,” you say. “We could… do something else.”
“Yeah? What you have in mind?”
The simple way he says that, so smooth and yet so intrigued already, lets you know he’s up to no good. One might argue that neither are you.
“Maybe a nightcap in your trailer… some music… and then—“
Your voice dies down as desire takes over, but luckily, Eddie can pretty much tell where all this is headed. He smiles reassuringly, taking your hand in his.
“Sounds amazing,” he says.
You smile brightly. “I’d still need to be home before midnight.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll do you, and then make sure you get home safe.”
This time you laugh wholeheartedly, stroking his hand.
“You’re terrible,” you tell him.
“So I’ve been told.”
Oh, but he’s a sucker for you. He’s simply incapable of doing anything less than pleasing you—however that may be. Though right now, that desire to please manifests itself in an almost cruel form. It feels downright painful to spend any more time away from you.
So he drives back to the trailer park, truck now resting in front of his home. His heart lies in his throat still, but the more he glances over at you, the more relaxed and ready he feels.
“Alright,” he announces. “Home sweet home!”
You don’t say anything; you enter the trailer first as he holds the door open for you, and you look around, thinking of all the nights you’ve spent there, getting high and listening to Eddie play his guitar. You can’t help but think tonight will be much different memory to behold once it’ll be done with.
“So, what’s your poison of choice?” he asks you.
You’re not really there, in all honesty. You can’t stop staring at every feature visible on him, eyes landing inevitably on his plush lips as you bite on your own.
“You,” you boldly answer.
That earns a naughty chuckle from Eddie’s side. He inches closer to you, hand trailing down your arm and landing on your hips, pulling you in. Then, he takes another deep breath, eyeing you up and down.
“Oh, sweetheart. You don’t know half the things I have on my mind right about now,” he mutters.
“Yeah. The things I wanna do…”
“Instead of talking, why don’t you show your work?”
Playfulness sips through your smooth voice, and it gets Eddie’s motor running.
“I sure will, don’t you worry about that,” he smiles and kisses you.
His mouth practically devours yours and his body grinds into yours. Your hands cup his face, a few locks of his curly hair entangled in between your fingers and you chuckle into the kiss. The sound reverberates throughout his whole body, setting it afire at the same time.
Music is long forgotten, and so is the teddy bear Eddie won for you that evening; there are nothing but your breaths to fill the room, the sound of fabric rubbing against fabric, the warm bodies beneath them longing to be discovered by the other.
Every nerve in your body simply boils alive when the kiss deepens, getting sloppier with each passing second. Your body bounces against the mattress, with Eddie’s atop of you. His lips pepper the same sloppy kisses down your jaw and neck, stopping only to steal another glance at you. A smile erupts from the corners of his lips, one of those wicked ones that you simply could never get enough of.
“You’re the prettiest girl in this godforsaken town,” he says, leaning over to undress you.
“And you’re a pretty good liar.”
He tsks, and you giggle. “You’re so pretty, too.”
He lifts his head again from in between your breasts.
“You think I’m pretty?” he asks, astounded by your confession.
You both smile as your hands run eager on each other’s bodies, removing the fabrics standing in the way of utter pleasure. There’s a brief pause in between ministrations, Eddie’s eyes gone dark by now, driven with lust. Then, his hands part your legs, causing you to tremble with excitement. You gasp, already in a spiral of frenzy, but when he buries his head there and you feel his tongue circle around your clit, you moan out loud.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie smiles. He’s long craved to taste you in the most intimate way he knew of, and now, he’s like a kid loose in the candy store. He needs to scoop up every ounce of sweet arousal he can get out of you, like he can’t breathe otherwise.
You moan brokenly, on a loop, and he coos you gently. To no avail, though; you can’t stop the sounds emerging from your throat for the life of you. Especially not when Eddie adds a finger to his filthy torment. It nearly causes you to black out, this combination of his tongue’s slurping sounds on your clit and his index pumping in and out of you.
“Eddie—oh God—“
He hums something against your folds, God knows what, but you don’t really care. You start to feel the impending buildup in your belly, threatening to burst at any given point, yet Eddie doesn’t stop. Not even when you grab a handful of his thick locks of hair, pulling him in as much as you can. He eats you out relentlessly, hungrily, the main cause of the obscenely glib sounds from your cunt.
You grunt, almost on the verge of tears at how intensely you can feel every flick of his tongue. It’s only now that Eddie stops. You see him fleetingly licking his lips and staring at you with those big, dark eyes, looking you over in the most hungry, yet oddly appreciative way.
“Shit, you taste so good,” he smirks.
“Why did you stop?” you complain.
Eddie cocks his head to the right, his hands reaching to unzip his jeans and strip out of his clothes. He doesn’t break eye contact with you for even a second, as if he fears he might lose you completely.
He could never, though.
“Because I wanna feel you when I make you come,” he replies.
No argument there, you think.
You swallow harshly around the knot in your throat as Eddie stands before you, finally naked, carefully yet somehow eagerly at the same time taking out a condom to place on his erection. You watch intently, and he catches your eyes just as he strokes himself twice. A smile breaks from his mouth, repeating the motions as he inches closer to you, holding back his own grunts.
“You like watching me do this?” he cheekily asks.
You nod, speechless from the previous overstimulation. You’re watching him jerk off with slow, precise motions, stuck in a trance as you feel yourself get even wetter—if possible. It felt like he was drinking straight from you mere seconds ago, soaking up every ounce of arousal you got for him, and now you’re all wet again.
“You like seeing how hard you make me, huh, sweetheart?”
You could easily cry out from the overstimulation and the anticipation, so you cup his cheeks and pull him down, one leg curled around his waist. Eddie nearly goes ballistic for that particular move: he groans in your mouth, so hard by this point that it hurts to even touch himself. He does it anyway, merely to guide himself to your opening.
You moan in tandem at that first push of his cock through your walls; the rush you both get is simply electric, delicious in its minimalism and almost enough to tip you over the edge. Almost.
Eddie could’ve came right then and there, just sheathed around your warm, tight walls. He takes a breather, locks of curly hair covering his face, but you reach to kiss him again, thus encouraging him to move.
“Fucking hell,” he cusses under his breath. “Fucking hell, you—you’re so warm and—and so—“
“You’re so fucking pretty, Eddie Munson,” you whisper, all in one breath.
He smiles so widely your heart could stop, and he starts to roll his hips against yours. You reward him with moans and breathless encouragements that you know he needs, nay, craves. You know he’s weak for any saccharine words from your side, so you give him—and yourself—exactly what you want.
“You’re the pretty one,” he retorts.
You smile as well, body rocked under the weight of Eddie’s. His pace is slightly disordered, curtesy of your leg curled around his waist to allow him to reach deeper inside you. Your cunt aches for more of him—though you’re aware that that’s physically impossible—even as his thrusts are faster and a little rougher, too. The movements are bred out of pure love and trust, but mostly, an ardent desire to simply have each other.
“Shhh,” he shushes you again, though neither of you has spoken for a while. “Do you hear that?”
You only hear your and his erratic breaths, alongside the hot, squelching sounds emerging from in between your legs. You moan brokenly again, the concoction of sounds creating another pleasure wave that hits your body unexpectedly.
“So wet, baby,” he chuckles—deep, nearly manic and even cocky—and gives you a particularly deep thrust.
“For you,” you coo. “Always—just you.”
There’s jealousy nested inside of Eddie as well. Who would’ve thought?
Maybe he didn’t have a proper reason to be jealous until you entered his life.
You dig your fingernails into the flesh of his arms, and Eddie pushes forward and backward, on and on till he feels that familiar burn in his belly, the one he’s been longing for so long.
But he decides to hold back as much as he can. He needs to feel you come first. He just needs to feel that tightness pulsating around his cock before anything else.
“Eddie—ohhh—Eddie, please, pleasepleaseplease—“
“Please what, sweetheart? Hm? What do you want?”
“Shit, I just—“
“I got you—I got you, c’mon—be a good girl and come for me, hm?”
He’s losing his breath and nearly his consciousness too, but he powers through, struggling to ignore how badly he needs to come. He can tell you’re close, just as he thrusts faster, reaching some hidden spot inside of you that makes you see stars.
The sweet release builds in your belly, then it’s detonated in your cunt as you finally come with a loud moan and the shout of his name staining your lips. The tight feeling of your fluttering walls around him is too much to handle—Eddie comes almost simultaneously with you. His whole body seizes up, and he allows himself to be wrapped in the intoxicating sweetness of you and the pleasure you inevitably bring to him.
You feel like he leaves your heat far too soon, though in reality it must’ve only been like a few seconds. You make a sound to let your complaint be known while Eddie disposes of the condom and chuckles mischievously in your direction. Then he crawls back in bed with you, and you hold your breath. It suddenly hits you: this is the most intimate you’ve ever seen him, and he looks so damn beautiful with his lit up face, completely spent and fucked out. He’s simply mesmerizing.
You bite down on your tongue to prevent the words that threaten to leave your mouth so unprompted, it scares even you. Then you shake your head, thus prompting him to not ask any further questions.
He only stares at you, a goofy smile on his face. He says your name, and your heart skips a beat.
“I am… stupidly in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since we met.”
Your heart stops altogether. Your chest feels tight with plenty of emotions that you try to prevent from blasting all at once.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you ask instead.
Eddie shrugs. “I may not be the bravest guy on earth. Call me a coward if you must.”
“I would never.”
You chuckle as he pecks your lips, nose and forehead, and you cuddle at his chest. Eddie smiles; he knows you love him, too.
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