#we could’ve had a dozen set it ups
justfandomwritings · 2 years
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orangekittyenergy · 2 months
On Tails and Horns
NSFW Rolan Fic
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Tags: NSFW, 18+ only, tail touching, horn stroking, dry humping, first kiss, touch starved Rolan, she/her Female Tav, mostly sexy flirting but with smut at the end, basically all angst and anticipation really, I guess subRolan
Words: 6000 (once again this got completely out of hand)
Summary: Tav finally goes to visit Rolan in his new tower after a hard couple weeks of cleanup. Rolan is so delighted to see her and pent up with frustration and feelings that the lightest of touches is enough to make him lose all sense of himself.
A/N update: Holy hells thank you fine folk so much for the love on this one. I'm gonna go have a cry for real❤️😭
Read below or direct on AO3
Tav and Rolan sat in his sitting room for tea, perched together, far closer than Rolan had intended, on the plush couch. The velvet couch was one of the many opulent vestiges from the previous owner. Books and scrolls aside, it certainly didn’t hurt to now occupy a fully furnished tower. The large vaulted windows were flung open wide, letting in a soft breeze and low hum from the movements of the city far below.
Rolan had been delighted when she came to visit. Tav had been so busy with helping the issues in the damaged city he hadn’t been quite sure when he would see her again. But he couldn’t deny the way his heart sang when she strolled through the doors over an hour ago, hoping to catch up with him now that she had a moment to breathe. Him, of all people.
But now here they sat; having discussed the details of both of their new lives, how life in the tower and store were going, the efforts to clean up the city, and the question of what lay next seemed to hover in the air.
Tav set her cup down on the side table and gave him a soft look.
“Thank you for taking time for me. I know you’ve been busy. But I really needed this.” She said and shot him what looked like an almost shy smile. Rolan blinked hard at her, surprised at her words as much as the look on her face.
“Thank...hah! I should be thanking you. Consistently and forever.” He set his own empty cup down as well. “I would have nothing were it not for you.”
“Oh, don’t pretend to be modest. You know you were amazing in the courtyard at that battle; I don’t know if we could’ve made it through without your help.” Tav reminded him.
Rolan cocked his head, looking away a moment in thought.
“Yes, I suppose I was rather amazing. I guess Cal and Lia helped some but my spells really sealed the fate of those wretched mind-flayers.” He mused with a slight smile. Tav always knew how to stroke his ego.
“But...really...thank you, Rolan. I’ve been meaning to visit sooner. I’m still staying at the Elfsong. Maybe we can do this again? Maybe dinner perhaps?” She said, almost casually. Just tossing asking him to dinner out there as if it was nothing. 
His breath caught in his throat. Dinner. His mind rang with the word as it seeped into every corner of his brain; trying to wrap his head around what that could possibly mean. Was she asking him out? That couldn’t be so. It was casual. Two friends catching up. But still, his mind immediately pictured the scene; dinner and wine at the Elfsong. He’d love to see her in something more dressy. No, that was ridiculous. She must have dozens of suitors.
"Ahem...dinner, yes. That... would be a fine idea..” He spoke haltingly, trying to fill the silence with words, any words, while he was still trying to work through the idea in his head, a thousand different scenarios crashing together at once.
As he struggled with this concept; it seemed the deepest part of his desires to be close to her, to get to know her in possibly more than a friendly setting, that he has previously pushed away, had bubbled up again and his body decided to act for him.
Tav felt a movement on her leg and shivered.
She looked down to see Rolan’s tail curled gently but insistently around her leg just above her knee, the tip trailing down to rest on her calf. He followed her gaze and his eyes widened with shock at the impudence and betrayal of his own tail. Before he could utter out the immediate string of curses and apologies that flew into his head, in that split second of fear that gripped him, Tav moved quicker and he froze.
She raised her hand from her thigh and gently placed it on the exposed section of tail atop her leg. All thoughts fled from Rolan’s head as a hiss and a full body shudder rolled through him at her whisper light touch.
The shiver extended all the way through his tail and Tav immediately raised her hand off it as if she had been shocked, looking up to meet his eyes.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I should've asked first-"
She started as he spoke at the same time.
"I am very sorry about that damn tail, I -" he paused, her words finally reaching his muddled brain. "Ask?" The word almost caught in his throat as he choked it out, incredulous. He caught her eyes flutter down to the offending tail, still around her leg, then back up to his meet his eyes with a blush. A blush? What did she have to blush about? It was his tail that got him into this predicament.
"Yes, sorry. I'm so sorry Rolan, I've heard tails can be sensitive...I should've asked first...it was just...it was right there." She gave a nervous chuckle and glanced away.
Wonderful, now I've done and mucked everything up, Rolan thought. The mere mention of dinner from her lips had left him already in shambles, unable to even control his own cursed tail. He frowned and cleared his throat, trying to still the building throbbing in his chest and regain his usual demeanor.
"No. I mean, yes, you should have." He said brusquely at first. Her eyes flickered away again and he quickly added. "They...uh...can be sensitive in some areas, yes." He swallowed thickly suddenly quite unsure of what to say. Tav met his eyes for a brief moment then looked back down. Rolan followed her gaze, already knowing full well what he would find and saw his damned tail, somehow wrapped, so it seemed, even tighter around her leg. He cleared his throat again but made no attempt to move it despite his nerves screaming at him.
"So, can I?" Tav spoke, pulling his attention back to her face. It was tilted down but her eyes peered up at him in what seemed to be a deliberately maddening pose.
"Can you....?" He hesitated, he was sure she couldn't be asking what he thought she was asking.
"Can I touch your tail?" She finished boldly. Rolan eyed her a moment, and swallowed thickly, his brain swirling with a million thoughts and his hands starting to tremble. He crossed his arms and tried to seem nonchalant about the entire situation and realized he was failing miserably.
"Sure. Yes. You may." He uttered, hoping his voice didn't waver.
Tav reached back out, hand tentative but confident and placed her palm again on the flesh of his tail where it rested on her leg.
The sensation was like a blaze of fire through his already burning hot veins. He bit down on his tongue, hard, to avoid another offending shiver and felt his eyelids flutter, betrayal of his own self control.
Thankfully, Tav’s eyes remained fixed on his tail, not noticing the immediate and dramatic way it affected him. Or, he realized, she might be tactful enough to be avoiding his face. Her touch became more firm as she well and truly let the full weight of her hand fall on it.
A sharp hiss of air escaped his clenched teeth as her hand moved slightly and her eyes finally returned to his.
"Is this okay?" She asked. Her voice was hushed, almost...he struggled to place her tone...reverent?
"Yes, yes it's fine." He breathed out, forcing himself to let the tension in his jaw relax. She began to ease her hand up slightly, tracing the bumps and ridges with her fingertips, digits gently paving the path for her palm to follow.
Rolan felt himself flush and wondered if Tav could tell the difference between his usual ruddy hue and the deeper scarlet of his blushes.
"Does it feel....good?"
His eyes had purposefully wandered but now snapped back to hers and narrowed slightly. Her expression was unreadable and even as her haunting words echoed in his ears he, again, couldn't sense the meaning behind her tone. Did she want it to feel good? Or was it pure curiosity that caused her to ask such a charged question?
And what’s more; how should he answer?
"It...does. The tail...my tail...seems to get more sensitive the higher up it goes." He tried to answer factually, logically even. It was true after all, but as quickly as the words left his mouth he realized the possible connotation of them. An invitation even. The corners of Tav’s lips flickered with a smile and her brow raised almost imperceptibly.
"Hmmm." Was the only response she gave. But her hand continued it's ascending exploration of his tail. It was now beyond the section just on her leg and was continuing on to where it dipped down a touch by his own legs.
Leaning forward slightly to extend her reach, she continued her careful mapping of the ridges, which were getting more and more pronounced as his tail progressed. She touched him as if she wished to memorize every single bump and pore; with a tenderness he couldn’t recall ever feeling before. The feeling was indescribable, but undeniably sensual. 
Rolan felt another shudder roll through him and couldn't contain this one. He felt it vibrate through his whole body all the way through and to the very tip of his tail and it gave a little flicker of movement against her calf. He couldn't tell if he was thankful or not that this one, as it trembled it's way down through his tail, didn't scare her hand away.
He stared at her hard, suddenly frustrated at her tender movements. Did she know how good it felt? Was she teasing him on purpose? To what bloody end? It was one thing to be touched so tenderly after so long, it was quite another to have his once detested bumps and ridges being the subject of such adoration. It was altogether brutal to have it be by someone that he wasn't even sure had further intentions with him. Other than being some...strange creature to fascinate over.
He squeezed his eyes shut. No matter how good it felt, how long he had wanted this, how soft her touch was, he had to stop this.
"I think-" he popped open his eyes intending on telling her to cease her activity but found that she had shifted while he battled internally and was now right beside him, her hips almost brushing against his own, her eyes firmly locked on his, watching his reactions carefully.
He wasn't just a subject of curiosity for her. He didn't know what she thought or what the intent was, but the burning in her eyes told him that it was far more than pure detached curiosity. He swallowed away his angry words, the frustration leaving him immediately, burned away by the heat of her gaze.
Her arm was now stretched out as far as it could go, ending just where his tail dipped down beside his thigh, before it would continue back up in a curve to reach the base. Incidentally, she had reached the point right where it started to become truly sensitive. It would've been positively indecent to let her continue.
His heart drummed hard in his chest, so loud he was certain she could hear it. He should end this, for decency’s sake alone. But couldn’t bring himself to conjure the words. A larger part of him was also so very desperate for her to continue; to see how far her boldness would take her. Take them. The two battling halves of his mind fought internally against each other. His mind fractured behind too many carefully crafted layers of strict composure.
He didn't have to struggle long. With a scoot of her hips again, her thighs well and truly pressed against his now, her arm bent at the elbow, giving her room to continue should she wish.
Rolan sucked in a sharp hiss of air at this development and stared at her carefully. Her eyes never left his. Her hand still firmly in place. The very air between them felt electric as if there was some magic from an unspoken spell being cast.
"Can I keep going?" She asked with a breath. His chest ached and again it took him a moment to register something. His need and eagerness for her touch along with his conflicting thoughts at the budding situation had made his senses dull. But as her words rang in his ears he heard something unmistakable. A nervous waver. In her voice. The slightest quiver. Of excitement or nerves; it could be either but he would take it. She was usually so, confident. Commanding even. To hear even a hint of a nerve in her voice at this situation stirred his insides and dispelled his doubts.
"Yes." He answered simply before he could stop himself with too much thinking. His chest hitched as her arm extended, stroking up his tail further, still using careful attention to the now more prominent peaks of cartilage. His jaw fell open slightly. The sensation of her hand almost too much to bear as another large shudder, stemming from her hand this time and rolling up his spine all the way to his scalp took him over.
She leaned forward further, her chest now dangerously close to touching his own. As her fingertips edged ever closer to the base of his tail he felt an unmistakable groan escape his lips. Her hand froze and he clamped his mouth shut with a snap both in the same moment.
His eyes darted away from hers, embarrassment welling up inside of him.
After an aching pause, his eyes still diverted, he felt Tav remove her hand and lean back away slightly. If the touch of her skin had lit a pleasant warm fire until under his skin, the sudden absence of it was a sharp painful sting of ice. Leaving him with a longing for contact that felt worse than if she hadn't touched him at all.
He finally pulled himself back to face her and was surprised to see her looking rather abashed. Her hands were sat back firmly on her thighs, gripping the fabric, a slight blush on her face, but... he could swear…was there a hint of a smile on her pink lips? Her confounding beautiful lips. 
Rolan opened his mouth to speak but once again words failed him. What could he say that wouldn't sound needy and desperate? How could he begin to ask her to continue to touch him without begging?
"Your tail felt very nice. Very soft. Sorry if I...went too far." Tav once again came to his rescue. This time rescuing him from the aching void of silence between them. Rolan blinked hard at her words. No one ever in the history of his knowledge had call his or anyone else’s tail nice or soft. As he absorbed her judgement of his tail, he realized she was staring at him expectantly.
"No, it was fine. It felt... good." A sudden surge of his own boldness possessed him, born of the sheer desire at having her hands on him again. To feel her touch him; somewhere. Anywhere. He started speaking before he knew what he was saying. "The...horns, if you were curious about them as well, also have a certain level of sensitivity... Not necessarily at the tips, but the base..." He couldn't even believe the words coming out of his own mouth. Desire had driven him absolutely mad.
Before he could begin to second guess himself he saw that the spark that flared up in her eyes was immediate. Her hint of a smile grew into a full fledged one.
Tav leaned forward slightly again and her eyes darted up to his horns.
"May I?" She asked, raising her hands up from her thighs until they hovered just over his own. He gave a gentle nod, not trusting his own voice at the prospect of being touched again.
Without hesitation now her hands raised to each place her fingertips at the point of each horn. Rolan dipped his head forward slightly to give her better access, practically bowing towards her. His own reverence at her caring touches.
She placed her fingers gently on the tips of his horns, again tracing across the thicker bumps and ridges, feeling her way around every groove as she explored. After just a moment there, she gently slid further down from the tips, lower and lower until they were thick enough to wrap a hand around. As she did so Rolan sucked a sharp gasp of air in through taut lips. Not so much at the sensation; it was altogether different than the soft flesh of his tail, but at her willingness to touch him again.
The feeling of hands on his horns was more akin to someone brushing his hair, not that he would know what that felt like; but it was more about the way it trickled down to his actual flesh that gave him shivers. But the feeling of her so close to him again, her desire to touch him again, her tender soft hands on the harshest parts of him; that was what truly drove his senses wild and made his insides coil with hunger. The feeling of her hands gently caressing his horns sent shooting sparks of sweet sensation across his scalp and he found himself clamping his mouth shut hard again to avoid making another wanton noise.
Heeding his words she seemed to move quicker down than with his tail, but as she reached the midpoint of his horns she slowed, her grip growing more delicate and exploratory again. As her hands slid across the grooves with care the sensation, the pulsing in his skin, grew stronger and stronger until his breath hitched and his breathing grew heavy once more. He stared down at her lap, trying in vain not to look directly at her chest.
His own hands, which had been absurdly useless thus far, clutched hard against the fabric of his robe at his thighs, as another shiver rolled down his spine. He felt it flow all the way down through his tail again. His eyes shot down at it. His tail. His damned tail that started this whole thing, still carefully curled around her leg, seemed to tighten involuntarily at the shudder. He wasn’t sure if he should be blessing or cursing that it seemed to have a mind of its own; operating purely on base instinct betraying his deepest thoughts and desires.
Her hands finally reached the base of his horns and tenderly traced the bumps from where they erupted from his skin, bringing forth another unintended deep groan of pleasure from the depths of his chest. At the noise his eyes darted back up to meet hers and he found her watching him intently, her lips parted slightly.
Thankfully, her hands didn't stray, undisturbed by his obvious, even lewd enjoyment of this. They stayed; soft, tender, and so caring on his flushed burning skin.
As her hands seemed to finish their careful explorations of the flesh at the base of his horns, he still had almost half-expected her to pull away. The game complete. The research done. A dark thought rolled through him before he could stop it that this was just a bit of fun for her. Teasing him like this.
But her hands lingered. He once again found her eyes, meeting them with a deep gaze as she slid her hands down, away from his horns until she was gently cupping his cheeks. Sparks shot through his entire body and his chest heaved, almost painfully so. The moment lingered, his fear and doubt still too deeply etched into his own skin in invisible scars to make a move first. A few weeks of comfort and a few moments of tender touching couldn’t erase a lifetime of hardships and disappointments.
Thankfully, Tav, was still the more bold of the two of them. Her eyes darted obviously down to his slightly parted lips then back up to meet his as she licked her lips.
“Rolan?” She breathed out softly.
He couldn’t trust that his voice wouldn’t shake. Couldn’t trust that any possible utterance of words would snap this beautiful fantasy in two and she would dissolve. Couldn’t trust that any noise he made would break whatever spell she was under and cause her to lean away. But she lingered, unwilling to move without word from him. He swallowed thickly again and replied.
“Yes?” He finally managed to eke out with a small gasp.
“Can I kiss you?”
All of the air seemed to leave the room. She spoke so freely. So honestly. A slight hush in her words but only the tiniest hint of a quiver in her voice.
It contrasted so starkly with the tremble that coursed through his body. Of course he wanted her to kiss him. What kind of a question was that? He wanted it more than he needed to breathe. But somehow, the words out there, the possibility at hand, filled him with a deeper fear than he knew existed. A fear that threatened to overtake even his desire for her. A lingering voice that scolded him; ‘you will never quite be good enough.’
She licked her lips again and Rolan finally found the courage to quell the voice once and for all. She gave him courage. She always had. She had been there for him when no one else was; not even himself. It had always been within him, the confidence, the desires; but she had been patient enough to slowly ease it out.
“Yes, please…” He croaked out.
She leaned forward, hands still on his cheeks and placed a tender lingering kiss on his lips. The sensation of her caressing his tail was nothing compared to this. To the soft, slightly moist feeling of her warm lips pressed against his.
It sent another surge of confidence and unleashed passion coursing through his body. He could already feel his tail tightening around her leg again. His hands, trembling with anticipation and desire before, useless on his lap, now reached forward, reaching for her, eager to pull her close.
The kiss deepened, spurred on by his reaction; Tav opened her mouth, welcoming him in and leaned in further. His hands found her waist, gripping it tight as her own tongue replied to his, dancing carefully over and around his pointed teeth.
Rolan couldn’t help but groan slightly as his body lit up with sparks, every sensation he had ever felt, good or bad, seemed to pale in comparison to this divine moment. Her mouth hot against his, their breath mingling. He found his stomach was flipping over, and there was a deep aching stir in the very core of his body. Tav leaned even closer, practically in his lap now even though her hips still firmly sat on the couch beneath them.
He struggled to keep up with her tongue at first. Hers was so careful and precise and he felt sloppy and careless, sweeping along her lips and occasionally fumbling out of them as he struggled to keep up and simultaneously rushed to catch up; kissing her like it was his first and last kiss. All messy and nervous and wet and eager.
Patient as ever, Tav slowed, giving them both a moment to find the right flow, adjusting her head to tip it to the side so they could lock lips fully. He breathed out a pleased sigh into her mouth as they found a pleasant connection, leaving their awkward tongues behind.
Confidence again surging, he tugged at her hips with a new found greedy need. Greedy. He once teased her with that very word, but now very much felt the acute actuality of the word itself. He was greedy for her. He needed more of her. Now that he had been given a taste, he felt practically insatiable.
Catching note of his eager tugs, without question or request now, Tav lifted up her legs and straddled his lap, letting his body adjust to sit back against the couch. The new position allowed a new level of closeness. Her body pressed fully against his now, his pulse pounding hard between them.
Rolan felt positively dizzy. Giddy even; and that was not a word he felt he had ever used or thought of using before. He wrapped his arms fully around her back now, taking advantage of the closeness to run his hands up and down her clothed spine. His tail had released her leg at her movement and now joined his hands at her waist, resting almost scandalously against the swell of her ass. Her own hands drifted down from his face, resting on his shoulders and gently playing with the edges of his hair that rested there.
He released another shuddering moan into the kiss, feeling her body sink deeper onto his, his body still lighting up in sensations he felt he never knew before. As his mind hurried to catch up to the evolving situation and new desires continued blooming within, one thing quickly became achingly clear. Much as his tail betrayed him before, he now felt a throbbing hardness hidden under the layer of his robes and pants. He had felt it pulse and twitch earlier at her careful caresses, but now with her intentions laid bare, the situation far from friendly, and her body pressed against his, there was no denying it as the blood rushed ever further down into his groin.
For a brief moment he felt as if he was almost searching for new things to fear to ignore the comfort and passion of their kisses. As perceptive as ever, Tav seemed to notice this new wave of nerves. That, or he realized, she couldn’t help but feel his erection pressed against her due to their proximity. She finally eased her mouth away from his, allowing them both to suck in a few much needed gulps of air.
Catching his eye and leaning her forehead close to his, he felt her adjust and give a long slow roll of her hips against his hardness.
Even through the many layers of fabric the sensation of pure pleasure that tore through him was undeniable. An unmistakably vulgar groan fell from his lips before he could quell it and he felt his eyelids flutter. Tav simply smiled, and repeated the motion, spreading her knees as wide as they could go to push her hips further against him.
Rolan trembled with delight; his mind once again racing to catch up to this new development. But as his mind looked for ways to worry about this, he found himself coming up blank. The unrelenting lust and passion of the situation finally staking claim on all of his senses. It felt so good. Too good to ignore or deny further.
Another roll of her hips had his heart racing at the unimaginable level of pleasure just the mere friction of her body pressing against his made him feel. She moved more purposefully now, without pause or hesitation, grinding her very core, her own heat, against him. Her goal it seemed, lay in far more carnal pleasures than just simply driving him mad.
He dipped a hand under the edge of her loose tunic as she continued to writhe against him, and he splayed his hand across her naked back. Savoring again the feeling of her flesh against his.
It was miraculous. It was indecent. It was passionate. It was lewd. But most importantly in his head, above all else – it just felt so fucking good.
“Tav…” He groaned, unable and now finally unafraid of holding back his vocal enjoyment at this point. “If you keep going...I...I’m going...to…” Each word came out punctuated by a heavy gasping breath. He was fully panting now, the sheer ecstasy at feeling her rut against him, at the friction rubbing against his hard cock, at the entire situation really – all already so close to pushing him over the edge.
Her response was immediate. She paused her rocking and pulled back a touch to look him square in the eye. There was not a trace of annoyance in her face; just pure care for him. For his comfort.
“Do you want me to stop?” She asked, a little breathless. His throat burned. The immediacy of her response to him. Her unfaltering care for his feelings. The genuine and absolute respect. It struck him hard in the chest and felt almost as painful as the sudden loss of her delicious movements.
His eyes met hers. Part of him realized how improper this all was. He should be lavishing her with flowers and gifts. He supposed. He didn’t have much experience with it, but came to understand that was the thing to do during proper courtships. But a deeper part of him didn’t care. The city was in crumbles around them. They had defeated an army of mind-flayers and he himself had been to hell and back. To the hells with what was proper. He had tied his life to being stifled and composed; there was a time and place for it and now was neither.
“No, please don’t stop.” He finally breathed out. She grinned and leaned back in for another sweeping kiss, immediately resuming the pulsing and rocking of her hips against his. His entire body filled to the brim with burning fire again and another loud moan fell from his lips and the return of the sensation that was bringing him to the brink.
Tav was moaning too, he realized, soft breathy sounds, her breath hot against his ears. Provoked by the idea that she was possibly getting even a tiniest bit of the same level of pleasure from this that he was, he sat up slightly. He wrapped his arms fully around her, drawing her closer and holding her tight.
All last thoughts of maintaining composure well and fully gone, he thrust his groin up in time with her own movements. It took him a moment to find the right rhythm, the practice of movements such as this not in his natural repertoire. But before long they synced up in unison and increased the pace.
“Yes. Tav. Please. Tav. Please. Yes.” Words spilled from his lips with each jerking movement as the sensation within him built to a feverish peak. As the tingling feeling crested within him, at the last moments, all words seem to fail. Only moans and salacious grunts remained.
His grip tightened around her waist, one clawed hand grasping at her shirt, the other leaving scratches on her bare back as his body begin to coil and tense. It was the moment just before a spell releases, that last uttered syllable as it traveled from throat to teeth to air, bringing forth all kinds of magic into existence. He met her eyes again and she was that moment.
Her face was flush from her exertions, her pupils blown wide, staring at him with pure desire, her absolute and incessant need to take care of him. Him.
A last roll of her hips and he was done. He cried out obscenely as his tension released and he came so hard that his head spun. His cock pulsed, pressed hard between them, spilling his seed in his pants beneath his robe. As waves of his orgasm crested and rolled through his shaking and sputtering body, he felt his whole body begin to release in a way he didn’t think was possible. He tossed his head back to lean on the back of the couch it seemed like every muscle in his body went limp at once. He indeed thought he might pass out with the way his heart pounded in his chest and he sucked in deep gasps of air; thinking he might never catch his breath.
Somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind he thought of the mess he had made, in his own clothes no less, but it was quickly overtaken by the feeling of Tav leaning close, looking to close the gap he had created by sinking into the couch.
She placed a wet kiss against the throbbing pulse of his neck and nuzzled her face there while he rode out the high of his own selfish, greedy pleasure.
After a moment of deep breathing and bliss, his heart started to calm and points of panic and fear started to creep back into his mind one by one. He adjusted his head slightly to sit up, needing to face her. Feeling him move, Tav sat up further as well to meet his eyes, but made no move to climb down off his lap.
“Can I still take you to dinner?” He asked quickly as their eyes met, addressing the most pressing of his concerns; that this was just a little fling. He pulled his hand back out of her shirt, wanting this to feel as formal and romantic as possible now, given the situation. Tav smiled brightly and gave an eager nod, leaning in for a quick, and rather chaste, kiss.
“I would be a little offended if you didn’t.” She raised a brow at him. “How about tonight?” She suggested and he once again reveled in her boldness. A quality, he quite felt, that was rubbing off on him.
Rolan cleared his throat; it would be next to impossible to regain full composure after what they had done, but he still tried.
“Yes. Grand. Wonderful. Great. We shall...um… have dinner tonight then.” He said, sounding almost curt in his attempt to seem collected.
Tav was utterly unfazed by his tone and gave him another smile and a tender kiss on his lips before starting to try and disentangle herself from his hands and tail, intending on standing up.
Despite the embarrassing mess in his pants, despite the awkwardness of the situation, despite her trying to start to pull away; he found himself pulling her back. His whole body, not just his tail this time, speaking for him and refusing to let her go. He pulled her back in tightly and pressed his cheek to hers, letting his eyes shut with a soft sigh as her warm body enveloped his.
Tav paused a moment before giving in and wrapped her arms around his neck, relaxing herself back into his arms.
“Can we just…stay like this a moment more?” He whispered softly into her neck before he lost the courage to do so. He found himself struck with a deep fear at letting her go. It overtook any apprehension he felt about actually giving his feelings a voice. What if she didn’t come back? What if something happened to her? What it what if what it. But, most striking among his worry, was the ache he could already feel at lack of contact. Now that he had felt her touch he didn’t think he could survive without it.
“As long as you like.” Tav whispered back with a smile against his cheek.
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wannabeschyulersister · 4 months
where’s that man who’d throw blankets over my barbed wire?
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*another angsty carmy fic coming right up*
“Ma’am? I’m sorry but we will need the table if your guest hasn’t arrived yet,” the waiter told you. You could tell he felt embarrassed to have to practically kick you out after being stood up.
You set the nice white napkin that had been on your lap on the empty plate in front of you, “I understand. Thanks for keeping me company.”
The waiter helped you put your coat back on and you placed a nice tip on the table before walking out. It felt so humiliating to sit at that table for the past hour alone.
Carmen forgot your anniversary.
You had been perfectly fine celebrating your two year anniversary with him in your nice apartment but he was the one that wanted to go all out. He chose the fancy French restaurant and made the reservation.
He was also the one that didn’t show up.
At first, you began to panic, thinking that something had happened to him on his way to the restaurant. You must’ve texted him a dozen times. When you checked his location, you saw that he was at The Bear.
There’s no way that he would forget your anniversary. Right?
Well, he did.
You walked until you were able to find a cab. Part of you wanted to confront Carmen at The Bear but you didn’t want to make a scene. Despite how mad you were at him, you respected his place of business.
Instead of going there, you went to the apartment that you shared with Carmen to wait for him. You didn’t even bother changing out of the red dress that specifically bought for that evening when you made it home. Taking off your coat, you placed it on the hook and sat on the couch.
It was an hour later when you heard the jingle of keys and the front door open and close. “Babe? You here?”
You didn’t answer him as he walked into the living room.
He set his phone and keys down on the coffee table in front of you, “Hey, what are you all dressed up for?”
“Our anniversary dinner that was two hours ago.” You answered coldly.
Carmen froze as it dawned on him that he forgot, “Fuck. Babe, I’m so fuckin’ sorry. Things have been so hectic at the restaurant these last few days and it totally slipped my mind. My phone died a few hours ago. I’m so sorry.”
He sat down next to you and tried to grab your hand. You moved it out of his grasp. “I waited for you for an hour, Carmen. It was so embarrassing. The waiter made me leave because they needed the table. How could you forget?”
“I told you. It seemed like everything that could go wrong did today. We had three waitstaff out with the flu-“
You cut him off, “Syd could’ve taken care of things for one night so that you could go out with your girlfriend! Aren’t I important too?”
Carmen looked like that question pissed him off, “Are you seriously askin’ me that fuckin’ question?”
You stood up from the couch needing some space from him, “Yes, I am because this isn’t the first time! How many times have you had to reschedule our plans? How many days do I barely see you? We’ve been together for two years, Carmen and I feel like we are just two strangers at this point.”
“Why haven’t you said anything then if you feel that way?”
“I’ve tried to have date nights and I’ve even stopped by The Bear to see if you can go on a coffee break. You always turn me down because something more important is pressing.” You’d been dying to have this conversation with him for some time now.
After countless times of letting things go, you were blurting out everything that you’d want to tell him. It had all been weighing so heavily on you lately. You could feel it draining you.
“(Y/n), I inherited a mess from Michael. I had to look after everyone’s jobs and-“
You interrupted him again, “I’m not saying that you have to choose me or the restaurant, Carmen. That would be incredibly selfish of me. But…. it’s like you’re out building this life for yourself and I’m just here hoping that you give me an ounce of attention.”
“You’re making it sound like our relationship is horrible. I thought that we were doing good.”
That almost hurt you more than being stood up on your anniversary. He thought that things were good? He hadn’t noticed that the two of you were so incredibly distant?
“Things haven’t been good in a long time. When we first started dating, you were present and it seemed like you’d do anything to spend time with me.”
“That was before we remodeled the restaurant. I had more time but now-“
“Now, you’re too busy for me.”
He shook his head, “I’m not, (Y/n). I just had more time back then. Now, it’s all on me. I’m stressed out.”
“I don’t want to add to your stress, Carmen.”
“Wh-what are you trying to say?” He stood up and made his way closer to you. You could tell that he was anxious about where the direction of this conversation was going.
“I’m not happy. I haven’t been for a while. I’ve tried to make things better but I can’t do it alone. I deserve to be with someone who I don’t have to beg to want to be with me.”
“(Y/n), I don’t want to be without you. I’ll start coming home earlier and I’ll uh have Sydney and Marcus start taking some more responsibility. I will-“
“And in a month when things are super crazy at The Bear because of the holidays? We’re back in this situation again. What kind of promises will you make then?”
Carmen seemed confused, “Do you not want to work on things?”
“A month ago, hell even a few weeks ago, I would’ve said yes, but I’m tired, Carmen. Tonight felt like it was the last straw. Sitting alone, you not answering your phone, it was embarrassing and so painful. I love you so much. But I think for the both of us, it’ll be better if we weren’t together.”
“I don’t want us to break up, (Y/n). I love you.” Carmen said softly.
You pulled him closer. He rested his head against your shoulder, “We can both focus on ourselves. I’m so proud of everything that you’ve done. You deserve all of the praise that is coming your way.”
You wanted to appear strong but on the inside you were breaking as well. There was a point in time where you imagined spending the rest of your life with Carmen Berzatto.
Now, there was a strong possibility that he wouldn’t be in your future. Were you making the right decision?
It might’ve felt like you weren’t in the moment. You just wanted to feel wanted and happy and with someone who couldn’t get enough of you. Carmen was that man at first. Things changed for the better and for the worse.
“I hate that I took you for granted. I will regret it for the rest of my life.” You felt him kiss your neck softly.
“I’ll still be here if you need me. You know that right?”
He nodded as you both stood there wrapped around each other saying your goodbyes without words.
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ukulelekatie · 2 years
I’m sure this has been discussed at length already but covid finally got me and I have some Thoughts™. And those thoughts, aside from the most obvious “aaaaah I can’t believe we’re still dealing with this 2 and a half years later”, are that I’m really disappointed that the pandemic hasn’t caused a widespread cultural shift around how we look at illness in general (at least from what I’ve observed in my area—I know masking when sick has been prevalent in many cultures for a long time and let me just say I’m jealous). I was really hoping we’d see more sick people masking in public and staying home when possible regardless of what illness they have.
I’m not just talking about people who refuse to mask or get vaccinated at all—I’m talking specifically about people who go out maskless when they’re visibly sick and say “oh don’t worry, I took a test, it’s not covid :)” while coughing and sneezing everywhere. First of all, I don’t care if it’s not covid, I don’t want whatever germs you do have. And second of all, a negative rapid test shouldn’t be taken as the end all be all when false negatives are so common.
Yesterday morning, I took a rapid test and despite having several of the hallmark covid symptoms, there wasn’t even a hint of a second line. But when I re-tested this morning, I didn’t even bother to set my 15-minute timer because that double line had shown up in deep red within 30 seconds. I could’ve just taken that first negative test, chalked up my cough and sore throat as my allergies acting up, and went on my merry way, unknowingly spreading the virus to dozens of people, including those for whom covid and other illnesses pose a much greater risk.
It makes me sad that many people who label themselves as “covid cautious” are cautious only about confirmed covid cases, when that’s only going to go so far. I don’t understand how we can have the tools to prevent the spread of germs right in front of us and then not use them. It’s like we learned nothing after all this time, and that’s so frustrating.
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ghost-buddies · 1 month
ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴇx!ʙꜰ ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ….
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ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡ. In which your ex, Gojo Satoru, shows up at your front door.
ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ɪɴɢʀᴇᴅɪᴇɴᴛꜱ. Angst :: hurt/comfort :: self indulgent :: sfw :: cursing
ʟᴏꜱᴛ ꜱᴘɪʀɪᴛꜱ. Gojo Satoru :: Ieiri Shoko :: mentions of Geto Suguru
ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ. Should I do some other characters? Ooo maybe Geto next ʕ•͡-•ʔ Or just continue this ohohohoh
There’s uneven knocking at the door. You rub your eyes, exhausted. Turning to your clock, you squint as you make out the blocky numbers: it’s 2:47 am. Shit, you think. Who’s at the door so late?
Still bleary-eyed, you pad your way to your door. Peer through the little peephole.
Gojo Satoru peers right back through. He’s smirking a little, as if he knew that you were looking at him. His hair is mussed and he looks tired. His blindfold looks loose on his face and he’s a little slumped. Something’s wrong.
You open the door a crack, barely letting any light through. “What do you want, Gojo?”
His face falls, and he’s swaying a little bit. “I told-d you not to c-call me by my last na-ame, babe.”
He’s drunk. Of course.
You sigh. The lightweight wasn’t so lightweight anymore, Shoko had informed you. “Goj— I mean, Satoru. Go home. You’re drunk—”
“N-nooo, baby, take me back-k.” He leans onto the door for support, hiccuping. “I don’t even know why we broke u-up. S-Suguru would never leave me.”
“I’m going to call Shoko to get you. You’re clearly not in your right mind right now.” You rub your temples. “Im not going to have this conversation with you. I broke up with you because of this. I’m not a replacement for Geto.”
Satoru blinks slowly, obviously hurt. Maybe you were a little harsh, you think, as you text Shoko.
“She’ll be here in a few minutes,” you tell him softly.
“I want you back, baby.” Satoru’s blindfold slips a little, his right eye becoming visible from the little crack of light your door has created. His eye, although cloudy and unfocused, pierce you again.
“I s-still love you. I never regretted us.” His voice is small and slowly paced. He’s serious.
You shake your head, exhausted. You check your phone again - Shoko should be here right now - and look back at your ex. “Satoru, you’re not in the right headspace—”
“Baby, l-let me win you back-k. I’ll get you— f-fuck, I’ll get you flowers a-an’ chocolates and l-lunch. You’re not like Suguru, I’ll prove it to you—”
Shoko magically appears and begins to haul Satoru away. She looks over her shoulder and grins, a cigarette in her mouth. “Sorry for being a lil late! I’ll take him off your hands now.”
And with that, she’s whisked Satoru away, sluggish and putty-like in her arms.
You yawn again and sink your way back to bed. A selfish part of you wants Satoru to win you back, while the other warns that him gaining your forgiveness would never work out.
You sigh. You’ll see him tomorrow anyways. To find out if he remembers anything. You close your eyes and drift into a dreamless sleep.
That morning, you open the door to see a white wicker basket. Dozens of your favorite flowers, sets of mini chocolates and snacks you adore, and… was that a note?
Wish I could’ve delivered this in person but you were out asleep.
I want to make good on my promise. Lunch with me at your favorite place, 3 pm?
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sokkadora · 6 months
vanishing grace — mizu x fem!spider!reader
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summary: breaking into to fowler’s castle wasn’t as easy as you’d originally thought, neither was the idea of being able to come out unscathed.
a/n: girl help! i cannot stop drawing my spidersona with mizu!!! also i think this is the longest fic ive ever written for a oneshot 💀 also this is not proofread so if there are mistakes forgive me 😭
wc: 3.9k
warning(s): guns, gunshot wound, being stabbed, slight angst if you squint, FOWLERS HEADASS, mizu being sad
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
︿︿︿︿︿︿ ✎ᝰ . . . .
You followed silently behind Mizu as she carefully counted the paces to the far entrance to Fowler’s Castle, making sure to place your feet in the dents in the snow where her feet had stepped.
The silence surrounding you two since everything that happened at Madame Kaji’s was tense. You were upset with her. Of course you were. She let Akemi get taken back into captivity and Ringo had left because of her actions.
You could understand where she was coming from, in a way. You can’t save everyone. It’s a hard truth you’d learned in your years as Spider-Woman, but you can’t help but feel like you could’ve done something.
Right before your face could make contact with Mizu’s back, your steps abruptly stopped thanks to your sixth sense. She used her naginata to brush the snow off the covered grate in the ground.
Mizu silently handed you your mask after slicing it open, and you took it from her hand softly. Could she tell you were upset with her? And if she could, did she even care? You shook it off, tugging on your mask.
She dropped down into the tunnel, water splashing beneath her feet softly upon impact. She glanced around quickly before turning back to you, holding up her arms to help you down.
You let her, trying to get ahold of yourself as her hands gripped your waist and gently set you down before she closed the grate with her weapon. 
The tunnel darkened significantly and Mizu made a sudden move to keep your hand in hers as you made your way further in. She eventually found a dry enough piece of wood, wrapping a cloth around the top, lighting the cloth on fire to make a torch.
There was loud squeaking coming from your feet, and the two of you looked down to find around 5 rats staring up at you. Mizu killed one, and the rest scattered.
The two of you continued until you came across dozens of skeletons, children’s skeletons, and that was the only other pause you took in the tunnels.
“Oh my god,” You whispered, placing a hand over your mouth at the sight of a woman’s skeleton with her arms wrapped around the child’s far smaller one. You gripped Mizu’s hand tighter as she seethed, dragging you down through the tunnels.
She stopped just before the two of you could run into a door, and let go of your hand. She tried opening it with no luck. Then she leaned her weapon against the doorframe to take off her pack. She handed you the torch, and you glanced around the tunnel nervously.
“What’s the plan, Mizu?” You asked, your hands beginning to shake. Was it fear? Adrenaline? You didn’t know. But every fiber of your body was screaming at you like this was a bad idea, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“Don’t really have one,” She shrugged, picking up her lock picking equipment and kneeling in front of the lock. Your heart pounded at her dry and casual admission that she didn’t have a plan to get through this death house, but you took a deep breath to compose yourself. It was already tense enough. “You’re kind of my secret weapon if everything goes to shit.”
“We should’ve talked about this on the way here,” You grumbled as the lock finally clicked. You took it as good news for a moment before the tunnels behind you began rumbling. 
They burst full with water, and you pushed the torch back into her hands. You rushed to the door handle, and began to yank on it with all your strength. It was heavy. You could easily throw a shipping container, and this was hard and rusted for you to open.
It squeezed open a crack, but it was too late. Mizu and you were quickly knocked out as the rushing water slammed you both against the door harshly, and everything went black.
You recovered a bit quicker than Mizu did, but quickly swam back over to the door to continue your work while praying that you wouldn’t drown. It already felt as if your mask was waterboarding you, even though you chose that fabric that wouldn’t do that when you made it (if you got back home to your time, you were contacting the seller). You broke the lock after a brief moment of suffocation, pulling the door open and pushing Mizu through before following after her.
There was finally a place for you both to surface, right under a grate in what you guessed was a supply room. The both of you hacked water out your lungs, catching your breath.
You pushed the grate off, pulling yourself up with aching limbs before holding out your hand and pulling Mizu up with ease. The two of you panted for another minute before she turned to you, her usually cold, narrow eyes more round and almost puppy like.
“You okay?” She asked softly as you tugged off your mask and rung it out.
“Besides being practically waterboarded in this mask?” You coughed up some more water, and she patted your back. “Just peachy.”
She didn’t respond, opting to take off her roll and check what supplies she’d lost in the process of the water slammed into her. She’d lost a lot, still panting before she wiped the water off her face with the back of her hand. She rolled her pack back up and helped you to your feet.
Making your way up the floors of the castle proved to be more physically taxing than you’d originally expected. Although, Mizu could firmly admit now that she was jealous of your acrobatic skills after you flipped and dodged through the corridor after getting stabbed through the ankle at the last second.
Finally, the dust from that flower had worn off for you and you heard grunting coming from a cell farther back in the dungeon. You quickly made your way over with Mizu behind you, gasping at the sight of Taigen. He was beaten to a pulp, a heavily swollen eye, and skin pale. The most frail you’ve ever seen him.
You stayed on your feet to keep watch as Mizu kneeled down to check on him.
“Taigen.” She sighed in relief, a small smile on her face. 
He grunts, bringing his hand up to brush against the wrapping on her neck. “That's...” He groans, “That's my scarf.” 
“Are you real?”She asks quietly, and he raises a brow to the best of his ability. 
“I think so.” 
You kneel on the other side of Taigen, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Can you walk?” Taigen grunts as you help him sit up. 
“Might be slow.”He grumbles, allowing you to sling his arm around your shoulders and haul him up. He was far lighter than the last time you’d seen him after leaving him in the forest, and the hero part of you couldn’t help but worry.
“Better than you being dead,” You huffed, shaking your head at Mizu when she tried to help. She had to focus. You could handle taking care of Taigen. 
You help him hobble out of the cell, turning left to follow Mizu further down the corridor to the next door and flight of stairs. 
The large man that had sought Mizu out for Heiji Shindo was looming in before the door at the other end of the hall at the top of the stairs, and you could only sit with Taigen and watch as she fought the man. You webbed up Taigen’s wounds as some form of pressure as Mizu launched herself back after stabbed the explosive into the man’s neck.
She landed a few feet away from you before the explosive activated, killing the man and knocking all of you out.
When you came to, you were acutely aware of the fact you were slowly sliding off the remaining rubble hanging over the edge of where a wall once was. 
Coughing, you propped yourself up on your elbow as Mizu began to stir awake and took in your new surroundings. A sharp pain on the left side of your torso hit you, and you hissed in pain before looking down to see a large scrape that managed to tear some of your suit.
You attention quickly turned to your right when a groan rang out, you turned your head to see Taigen slowly falling off the ledge. 
Before you could lunge for him yourself, she grabbed his wrist and slid off with him, not having the strength to keep them both on the ground.
“Mizu!” You shouted, more than ready to dive off the side to catch both of them. When you peered over the ledge, you almost let out a sob from the relief at the sight of Mizu dangling from her sword that was stabbed into the side of the building, holding Taigen in her other hand before pulling him onto her back.
You rolled off the ledge, crawling down the wall to them as Mizu gained her footing and gripped onto the crevices in the stone and yanked her sword out.
“Give me your hand,” She seemed reluctant, not wanting to put more physical stress onto you. Your eyes seemed rounded, almost puppy like as you asked again. “Please, Mizu. I can carry the both of you.”
She reluctantly placed her tired hand into your own, surprised by your strength as you easily lifted both of them onto your back the same way Mizu had done to Taigen. You gingerly took her sword, biting the dull end to hold it in your mouth, almost snarling as you scaled up the side of the castle.
Mizu watched in admiration, and almost adoringly at how tenacious and adamant you were. You were easily scaling the building with two bodies dangling from your shoulders, and you were doing all of it just to help her. No one had ever been there for her the way you have (besides sword father), in just a few months as well.
You had found a small, wider ledge to pull yourself onto. You placed your elbow on the ledge and pulled yourself up, panting softly as you gazed in through the window. A small army of guards was grouped behind a door, waiting for the three of you, you guessed. Your spider sense rang in your ears and you grunted, turning your head back to Mizu.
“Hold on,” You grunted, shooting a hand out to spray a web to the top of the window. You yanked yourself up the web, internally thinking about how easily you did this back home. But you made it over the window just as a guard looked back, seeming to have heard you, but not seeing anything.
After finally reaching the room that Fowler resided in, the both of you watched from below a window as one of the lords stood in front of it. Mizu gingerly removed her sword from her mouth, raising her arm to throw it.
“After he starts to drop, throw Taigen in.” She rasped in your ear, and you nodded, not being able to stop the goosebumps that quickly covered your body from the warm breath on your neck.
It all happened quicker than you could really comprehend; Mizu stabbing the lord, throwing Taigen into the room, and launching her from your shoulders into the room. You followed after quickly, the sight of your spider-suit earning strange glares from the lords.
“Abijah Fowler!” Mizu shouted, holding her sword out and ready. “Where is he?” She wandered over to the table with you right behind her, gazing down at a sheet of paper with what seemed to be a war plan and a map of Edo.
Mizu quickly turned as one of the lords struck his sword at her, backing up into you to make sure you weren’t hit. When she struck back, the dull edge of her blade resting against the fat of his neck before lifting her leg up and kicking him back. He landed on the wooden floor with a harsh thud, making you wince.
The click of a gun cocking and the trigger being pulled registered in your head before she could notice it.
You launched yourself over the table at the much larger body; Fowler. Shooting a web on either side of him, you yanked yourself at him as he fired. You let out a shout as your foot made solid contact with his cheek, knocking him back as Mizu’s blade broke, the bullet tearing through her shoulder.
You scrambled onto your feet to sprint back to Mizu as Fowler lifted his head, rubbing his jaw with an unnerving smile.
“Now, what are you?”
Mizu whimpered as she held the shoulder where the bullet entered before looking at her broken blade mournfully. You quickly moved her hands, checking the other side of her shoulder to see if the bullet went through; you really didn’t want to dig one out of her. Thankfully it did, and you quickly webbed up the injury as Abijah stood, grabbed a brush to shove down the barrel of his gun.
“You see?” He states to Heiji, using his gun to push the man’s sword down as they watched you and Mizu. “No one murders so well as the British. It’s our number one export.”
Mizu growled at the man before lunging at him with her broken blade, but he quickly raises his gun and wacks her back, throwing her into the wall. Your breath hitched before you raised your eyes to face him, a rage bubbling in your stomach that hadn’t ever been before. It was new, and foreign, and dark.
But Mizu said you shouldn’t run from the dark.
“Look at you..” Abijah mocked, “No ones ever made it up half this far before.”
You let out a cry as you sprinted forward. He tried to pull the same move on you but you ducked under, kicking him square in the chest and sending him a few feet back. He kept his footing as he rose again, looking square into your eyes. Your nose scrunched under the mask.
“And you,” He squinted, watching as your shoulders rose and fell heavily with your pants. “I’ve never seen one like you…what are you?” He noticed the spider emblem on your suit and smiled in amusement. “Little spider?”
You remained silent before charging again as Mizu regained herself, and you were too caught up in your anger and attacking the man to notice his large hand coming up to grip your neck.
He dangled you off the ground, watching with a smile as you became more panic. It quickly stilled your movements, your hands beginning to shake as you clawed at his hand. His hand squeezed your throat tighter and you wheezed in his grip.
He wriggled a thumb under your mask and ripped it off, scoffing in amusement.
“Strong little thing, aren’t ya?” He commented, running his thumb over your jawline.
You spit in his face, mustering up the harshest glare you could must as his expression turned to anger.
“Fuck you,”
“Oh, darling,” He laughed, and before you could really process, his gun raised to your stomach and he shot you in the side.
Mizu watched in terror as you screamed. It was nightmarish. The most gut wrenching scream she’d ever heard, and she was sure it was just tattooed onto the inner most parts of her brain. She had been told of your past injuries when she helped you bind your chest, her hand gently running all your scars, but she never imagined that she’d be responsible for another one. Even if it wasn’t by her hands.
He tossed you over near Taigen like you were a rag doll, making your vision spotty as Mizu shouted again, but it barely registered in your head as a fight broke out and he began pummeling Mizu. Taigen had jumped in what you heard, and Fowler was beating him to a pulp above you.
Before you knew it, the three of you were soaring — no… falling, out of the window you’d arrived in, into the freezing water dozens of stories below.
You felt warm.
Were you home?
No… the bedding beneath you was too stiff.
Groaning, you attempted to come to a sitting position before the familiar touch of a stub came to rest on your chest.
“Stay down,”
You opened your eyes softly, letting a smile rest on your lips at the sight of Ringo hovering above you with a wet rag. When he turned back to place the rag on your stomach, he noticed your smile, and returned it with a brighter one.
“I’m glad you’re alright,” You smiled up at him, wincing at the sharp pain as the ragged soaked the water through your wound. “Did you get the bullet out?”
“Mizu did,” He replied, his smile dropping at the topic of your mutual friend. Well, once mutual friend. “It was hard for her though. Almost made me feel bad.”
You raised an eyebrow before sighing, “Let’s not talk about that right now, ‘kay?” You raised a hand and pinched the bridge of your nose. Their beef was not yours, and while you did want them to talk it out and at least make up, you weren’t going to stick your nose where it didn’t belong. He nodded hesitantly, helping you sit up and tie on a haori over your chest bindings. “Where are we?” You asked, looking around the room.
“Master Eiji’s.”
“This is the place?” You glanced around more attentively now, after finding out you were in the house of the man that had taken Mizu under his wing. You had a weird urge to hug him, but you knew that was probably inappropriate. “Huh..”
“I made you medicine,” He interrupted your thoughts and handed you a warm bowl and rose to his feet. “I’ll be just outside. Call if you need me.”
You nodded, not bothering to watch him leave before digging in. You were starving. You probably ate it faster than you were supposed to, but it tasted good and helped you feel good. You crawled over to where the other dirty dishes were stacked, placing your bowl on top. You figured you’d ask Ringo to help wash them once you found Mizu.
It was nearing the middle of the day when you stepped outside, squinting at the sudden bright light before you began wandering into the forest. If she wasn’t at Eiji’s, she was probably doing something out there. You were surprised to see her stacking rocks atop each other from the edge of the clearing, but didn’t hesitate to keep approaching.
“What are you making?”
Mizu jumped at the sound of your voice, clearly too in the zone to notice that your footsteps were loud enough for her to hear for once. At the sight of you, she dropped the rock she gripped tightly in her hands in favor of running over to you and engulfing you in a hug.
You were stunned. Sure, skinship had become a common occurrence in your relationship with Mizu, but it’d never gotten to hugging. 'Figures. Only I’d have a situationship where we’ve kissed each other before hugging,’ You thought to yourself as you gripped onto the back of Mizu’s haori while she silently cried into your hair, holding the back of your head and shoulders like you could slip away at any second.
“Don’t ever do that again,” She scolded while pulling away, placing her hands on either side of your face. She squished your face, causing you to chuckle softly before looking up at her.
Her eyes were soft, round… she’d never looked at you this softly. At least, not while you were looking according to Taigen and Ringo. She almost looked like a kicked puppy from the amount of guilt in her eyes.
“I never should have brought you with,” She whispered, letting one hand fall to your shoulder while the other rested over the gunshot wound on your stomach with a featherlight touch. She was almost scared that she’d break you if she was any more rough. “Then you would’ve been safe with Ringo and…” She sighed shakily, dropping to her knees and resting her forehead against your navel.
Your breath hitched as her hands slid down your sides to grip the tops of your hips with shaky hands.
“and you wouldn’t have almost died because of me. You wouldn’t have another scar because of me.” She almost whimpered it out, hands gripping your hips tighter as she looked up at you. “I can’t lose you.”
Her stunning eyes held the words she couldn’t muster up the courage to say herself, and your cheeks heated up immensely before you kneeled with her, your hands coming to rest on her arms. As you gently caressed the taut muscles, you swallowed the lump in your throat as your hands came to rest on either side of her face.
“You won’t,” You whisper surely, thumbs coming up to catch her tears before they could trail down her cheeks. “I won’t let that happen, and neither will you. We’re too stubborn to die.” You smile, watching her mouth as she does the same. “And I’m too stubborn to let you push me away when I know you feel the same now.”
Mizu huffs out a soft laugh, “Was I that obvious?”
“Eh,” You shrugged, doing a so-so hand motion. “I heard it all the time from Ringo and the bozo, but never really believed it until now. Your eyes are very expressive.”
Mizu chuckles, but it’s cut off when you pull her lips down to yours. Her eyes widen before she lets herself melt into you and your sweet lips, a smile tugging on her lips as her hands grip your haori and pull her closer. You gasped at the sudden gentle yank, and she took her opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth.
Reluctantly, after a few more moments you pulled away with a grin, running a thumb over her now swollen lower lip. Your attention turned behind you to what seemed to be a firepit. 
“What are you making?”
Mizu turns her head to see where you’re looking before standing, helping you up to your feet again. Her hand doesn’t leave yours as she begins explaining, and you’re glad. You don’t want to let go of her.
She explains that she’s going to attempt to melt and reforge her sword, since sword father had no steel for her. You listen attentively, barely willing to let her go as she goes over to pick up the rock she dropped and place it in the right spot on the growing wall. She seems optimistic, in a sense as you cross your arms over your chest and watch her work.
“It’ll work,” She grumbles, mostly to herself, as if she’s trying to convince herself – to will it into existence, but there’s still doubt there. You catch it, frowning before taking a stone off the cart to help her. When you place it down, she looks up at you with a surprised expression.
“It’ll work,” You smile, “And I’ll be here to help with whatever you need.”
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OMG OMG OMG OMG OKAY IMREALLY EXCITED NOW!!! HERE WE GO BINGO: Dark Fic with Jimmy Keene with "Oh my darling girl, I have to mark you -- I need to show everyone who you belong to."
For the quick description I was thinking maybe Jimmy's girl is the type of girl that always turns heads and attracts ppl so one time when they're out (could be a party/bar/club) and Jimmy sees some guy talking to the reader and laughing then he gets jealous and yknow...😩 gets all possessive and shows her she's his
—𓆩[give me the word]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Jimmy Keene x Fem! Girlfriend! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 2.8K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Everyone knew you were Jimmy’s girl, everyone. It didn’t stop them from trying to steal you away, though, not that it ever worked. Besides, tonight was the opening of a new club, you both might as well give everyone something to look at - right?
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - in this, I am only writing Jimmy as a rich boy who runs with the wrong crowd. The only reason I am attracted to this man is because of Taron Egerton and nothing else, and it is not set in the universe as Black Bird but the character of Jimmy Keene as Taron Egerton. || I do not remember the names of his friends, so I made them up- || cursing and foul language || sub! reader || girly reader || reader wears makeup and exposing clothing || kinda whiny reader || definitely a dom/sub dynamic || breeding kink || raw sex || multiple rounds || multiple orgasms ||
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“What about this for tonight?”
James had been watching you come in and out of your walk-in closet for hours, trying on dozens of different outfits that all did the same thing — to show off your amazing body. He didn’t care what you wore, you would walk in under his arm tonight and no matter how many people looked and ogled, you were his.
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“It’s nice.” He was way too focused trying to control his dick rather than pay attention to what he’d say about your outfits.
You looked beautiful in all of them, he didn’t care what you wore because in all honesty, it’d be off in a matter of seconds. His friend was opening a new club downtown, and it was the grand opening, so of course you had to go all out.
“For fucks sake, James, you’ve been saying the exact same thing for every outfit! You know what, how about I just don’t go, huh?! Nothing in my closet seems to satisfy you, bastard!” You sobbed, stomping into the closet and slamming the door.
“Fuck- Y/N!” He was quick to stand, fixing his cock as he tried to open the door, the lock making him groan. “Y/N, honey, let me in!”
“No! I don’t want to see you!” Your voice was muffled, but he could hear your sobs. Oh you were so over dramatic, but he loved it.
James groaned, leaning his head on the door. “Baby, come on! I think all of them were really nice!”
“Yeah, I know! That’s all you were saying, I don’t want to look nice, I want to look perfect, hot, amazing- anything other than just nice!” You sobbed even louder, wailing as you pressed your face into your hands.
Why was he so short? Why did he keep saying the same damn things over and over again? For fucks sake, he could’ve said something else besides, ‘It’s nice’ for every single damn outfit!
“Oh baby, I didn’t mean it like that! Come on, how about I buy you a new outfit, hm? I’ll take you to that shop you love so much, does that sound good?” He could hear your sobs pause, smiling. You always loved it whenever he took you shopping, this would be no different.
You whimper, his smile widening. “As many outfits as I want?”
He laughed, nodding. “As many as you want.”
“And some lingerie?”
“How could I forget the lingerie, baby?”
“And perfume?”
You were going to make him go broke, but he didn’t care. Not when everything he was about to splurge on was for you.
“How about two perfumes?”
He didn’t even notice the door opening, quickly catching himself before he fell and you ran into his chest with a loud sob. “Don’t ever tell me I look just nice again!”
James laughed, nodding as he stroked your cheeks. “Whatever you say, my love. Do you want to wear that to the store?”
You paused, looking down at your black dress that was way too short but James loved, a smile on his lips as you bent your leg back, looking down at the bottom of your Louboutins. “Yes.”
It makes him laugh again as you walk out, your strut perfectly swinging your hips from side to side before you stop and look back. “Are you coming?”
“Yes ma’am.”
He followed you out the door of your shared room, stepping over the mess of clothes you had made trying to figure out outfits, smiling as you reached back and grabbed his hand. “I’m hungry. Get me some food too?”
“Whatever you want, baby. From the food court or the way back?” It was a simple question, but you pouted like it was the biggest decision on earth.
“I don’t know. They have that really good place at the food court, but I’ve been craving that restaurant too… Can we decide later?” You lead him down the stairs making James nod, smiling.
He could never stop smiling around you, it was impossible. “You just tell me what you want me to do, baby, I’ll pick up whatever you want.”
“How about both?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“That’s what I want! Now come on, we have to go!” You giggled as you pulled him out the door, groaning as you tried to tug on his hand to get him to go faster as he locked the door. “Come on, Jimmy!”
It didn’t take you both to get to the shopping center, James lounging on one of the expensive futons while you changed in the dressing room. “Jimmy, are you ready?!”
“Yes, love!” He sits up, smiling as you walk out of the dressing room onto the platform, the entire dressing room like your own personal runway.
You walked down toward him, showing off the black dress that he was sure you had just tried on earlier back home. “Darling, as beautiful as you looked, didn’t you just try that one?”
You started giggling, nodding. “You passed the test! I wanted to make sure you were paying attention.”
“How could I not when your tits look so good in that dress baby?” He begins to stand, already walking toward you before you pressed a foot to his chest.
“Behave, James, I’m not done with my fashion show. I still have to find an outfit for tonight.” You giggled, pressing your foot against his chest to push him back into the futon. “I’m thinking red.”
“Oh, I don’t care what color it is, as long as I can take it off of you quickly.” He winked up at you, watching as you giggled and strutted back into the dressing room. “Still love that dress, baby!”
In the end, you did settle on a red dress, and he loved it. Oh, he loved it.
As soon as the both of you walked into the club, he squeezed your ass firmly and pressed a kiss to your temple. You were already swaying your hips to the music, giggling as you looked around at the strippers on the pole like how you were looking around at the clothing store.
“Oh, they’re so pretty! James, do you have some bills?” You looked over at him making him nod, not even looking at the women. He was sure they were beautiful, but no one compared to how pretty you were. So instead, he watched as he handed you a lot more hundred dollar bills than he expected and watched as you giggled. “Thank you, baby! I love you!”
“I love you too, darling.” He pressed a firm kiss to your temple and watched as you ran off to join your friends. He slipped through the crowds easily, quickly going up to the main pavilion where everyone was, quickly getting a drink and sitting right on the edge where he watched you throw money – both his and your own – at the very pretty dancers before being dragged to the dance floor with your friends.
He smiled, already taking a sip of his drink before Shawn sat down next to him, letting out a loud cheer that made you look up. He could practically hear your giggle as you waved up at him, James softly kissing his hand as you smiled widely before starting to dance again.
“Oh for fucks sake, Jimmy, you’re fucking whipped.”
James rolls his eyes in annoyance, scoffing. “Yeah, I’d rather be whipped than be getting STDs-”
“Oi, keep it down!” Shawn laughs, leaning over as he takes the next two drinks offered by a server. “Want a drink?”
“I’m good.” James raises his own, shrugging. He didn’t trust Shawn enough to take a drink from him, even if he invited him to the opening. “Can you blame me though? Look at her.”
He watched as you threw your head back, mouth open as you laughed and smoothed down the sides of your dress. Your friends were dancing with each other, one behind you before someone tugged you away making James shoot up.
“Hey, calm down!” Shawn laughs, looking up at James. “That’s Kingsley, man, you know him. He’s a trust fund kid. You can’t do shit to him.”
“Fucking watch me.”
James was already basically running down the stairs, shoving past everyone to get to where you were, yelling at the guy to keep his hands off of you.
“Hey, don’t you fucking hear her?! Get your hands off!” James shoved him, pulling you behind him not even a minute afterwards as Kingsley stumbled. “Get your fucking hands off my girl, you fucking bastard.”
“Oh, hey Jimmy,” Kingsley laughed, pushing his hair back. “Didn’t know this was your girl, she’s prettier than the last time I saw her. You don’t know the meaning of sharing, Keene, come on- fuck!”
Jimmy really couldn’t have been happier when searing-hot pain developed from his knuckles, watching as Kingsley fell back and you yelped loudly. “Jimmy-!”
“Come on,” Jamese grabbed your hand, pulling you back toward the private rooms as you gasped. “Come on, baby, let’s go.”
“Where are we going? Jimmy, what if someone calls the cops-”
“You think I care about some cops?” James walked into the first room with no ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, pulling you into the room with a smile. “Gonna make sure everyone in the club knows your mine.”
You whimpered as he easily lifted you up, hands holding your ass that was basically falling out of your dress, your hot cunt grinding against his cock as the two of you fell back against the bed. He laughed, his hands groping the fat of your ass as he fixed himself.
“Fuck, darling, you’re already so desperate. What, were you getting wet on the dance floor?” He could feel the wet patch developing on his slacks, hands shaping your thighs as you roll your hips against nothing.
“N-No, no of course not!” It was embarrassing how wet you got just from him punching Kingsley, but it was so fucking hot.
“So when did you get this wet, hm baby? Tell me.” His thick fingers slide up and down your slit, his open mouth sucking and biting against your neck, your mind already blurring as you bucked into his digits.
You weren’t even able to speak at this point, whimpering loudly with his fingers the only thing on your mind. Why hadn’t he pushed them in yet, why wasn’t he fucking you?
“You think you’re still stretched out from last night?”
Well for fucks sake, you were about to find out.
He merely pulled your underwear to the side, his mouth never stopping its assault on your neck, continuing to bite and lick and suck marks all over your skin. Your body was hot, hips bucking uncontrollably as his thumb starts to rub firmly against your clit and his cock slides up and down your slit.
“Y-Your… you’ve already covered my entire neck, J-James, it hurts,” you whisper, gasping as his hot tongue delicately trails over the hickies and bite marks as he slammed his hips forward. It makes your vision go white, a gasp falling from your lips as he groans loudly. “J-Jimmy!”
“Oh my darling girl, I have to mark you — I need to show everyone who you belong to. So that no mother fucker like that ever gets near you again, so everyone knows you’re mine.” He basically growled against your skin, his hips rolling slightly to get his cock deeper inside of you, his balls sliding against the bottom of your cunt, smearing your arousal. “Maybe I should do some more things to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
“What, like putting a baby in me?” Your voice was strong now, your hands rubbing against his chest as you slipped open his shirt by undoing the buttons. “You want to have kids while being a drug lord?”
“And I’ll spoil that kid fucking rotten,” he whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours as he sighed. “I’ll spoil you and that kid fuckin’ rotten. Just give me the word and I’ll give you that baby.”
“Y-Yes,” you whisper, ducking down to press a kiss against that mole on his neck. “Yes baby, yes. Give me that baby, get me pregnant.”
That was all he needed to pull out of you before slamming back in, just that one thrust making your mind blur and a loud moan fall from your lips, your first orgasm of the night coming quicker than you thought it would. “F-Fuck Jimmy!”
“Did you-” he paused, staring down at your cunt as he felt you clench around him, over and over again as your hips rutted upwards into his own. “Did you just cum?”
“I-I did, I did, please be gentle-!” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he flipped you easily onto your stomach, straddling your lower thighs as he held the back of your head, thrusting into you from behind. He was humping against your butt, the pubes on his pelvis rubbing against the globe of your ass as he held your hips to help you stay kneeling upward for him. “Fuck, James!”
“Come on baby, I haven’t even cum once and you're already so sensitive? Fuck, you’re always so desperate for me darling, so fucking desperate for me,” he groaned against your shoulder, his other hand that wasn’t holding your hip going up to intertwine with your own. “How would I not get you pregnant, baby? What would keep you from not getting pregnant from the amount of times I’m about to cum in you?”
His large hand held your hips, his pointer and middle finger rubbing against your swollen clit, his dirty words making your stomach twist. Or maybe it was the amount of times his tip was ramming into your cervix, his cock fucking you like a fleshlight. You could feel sparks running up your back, his hot breath fanning against your skin making everything just feel so much more.
You could feel every stutter of his hips, every sharp breath he took as he groaned against your skin, the sharp thrust that finally concluded his first climax of the night. It wasn’t like he was done yet, though, gently settling your body against the bed and slipping a pillow under your body to help support you.
You could feel the soft material of the pillow case against your puffy clit, your hands digging into the bed as he hoisted your red, two piece dress higher up your body and stared at the movements he made your body do. He watched your knuckles turn white as you gripped onto the sheets, your body bouncing with every thrust as he moved both hands to intertwine his fingers through yours.
“Fuck baby, I’m going to cum inside of you so much, it’s going to leave a damn bulge. There’s no fuckin’ way you won’t get pregnant after this.” He groaned against your skin, gasping as your cunt fluttered around his shaft.
Were you going to cum again? You had felt your stomach tighten so many times, so many fucking times, which orgasm was this? How many times had you cum around his cock?
“F-Fuck!” You screamed out as he thrusted forward, groaning as he rutted against your ass, the both of you cumming at the same time for the first time that night, even though it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
He groaned against your skin as he kissed up your neck to your ear, humming softly. “I’m going to cum inside of you so much that when you walk out of this club, my cum’s going to run down your thighs. Does that sound nice baby?”
“Y-Yes, fuck, yes.”
“Good fucking girl.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪 𓆩[@theonetheonly-mee]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪 𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪 𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪   𓆩[@wenvierismycomfort]𓆪   𓆩[@copypastedaphne]𓆪   𓆩[@f-aggotry]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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moriwood · 8 months
One More Shot — l.hs
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lee heeseung x male reader angst (heavy?) 1k words
Your best friend Heeseung bursts into your apartment with soju after breaking up with his nth girlfriend of the year. A few bottles later and the true meaning of your relationship with him is put into question.
includes: drinking and crying, bros being homos(?), cringy dramatic lines warning: toxic relationships, blood and violence? (very very minor, like 2 sentences max)
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“Get in,” you sigh, beckoning your best friend Heeseung into your apartment. In his hands were heavy plastic bags, one full of liquor and the other snacks. He trudges past you, dropping himself and his items on your couch before staring at you wistfully.
“She broke up with me,” he hesitates, “said I had someone else in my mind or something, whatever excuse that was.”
You lean against the doorframe. “Well, do you?”
Heeseung scrunches his face in disgust. “No, dude. I suck at relationships but I don’t cheat.”
You take the bags from him and set the bottles of Yakult and soju on your coffee table. “The Yakult’s for you, wimp,” Heeseung weakly smiles.
“What’s up then?” you mumble, opening two bottles of soju. Heeseung immediately grabs a bottle and chugs it down.
“That bad?” you ask. “Three weeks of that girl got you that bad?”
Heeseung laughs.
“Exactly, dude! Three weeks, fucking three weeks. I can’t make these relationships last.”
You wish you knew. Heeseung has practically thrown himself to any woman who showed him interest for the past year, and a delusional version of you would love to link this phenomenon to something that you said a year ago.
It’s not like Heeseung is a bad guy, he really isn’t. He’s a romanticist, he likes bouquets of flowers, the arm around the shoulder, the subtle kisses to the nape… A part of you wishes you could’ve been one of the dozen women instead, but you knew where your place was.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Heeseung,” you chuckle, “it’s not like I’ve dated anyone yet.”
You grab yourself a bottle of soju, taking a glance at the pack of Yakult to the side. Maybe not tonight. You could drink soju by itself anyway, you think.
“No Yakult? ‘Lil bro trying to man up?”
You shrug. Heeseung stares at you oddly before grabbing another bottle to drink. The two of you sit in silence, trading snacks in between sips of soju. You’ve always been satisfied with this ritual of yours with him, just the warmth between the two of you equating to a hundred unspoken sentences. Yet, this one feels different. The television’s off, no video games are being played, and there is an invisible wall dividing you from leaning on him. Heeseung is on edge, distant, as if holding back. 
As you both drink the silence away, you slowly slip into a different space of inebriation.
“Sometimes, I wonder,” Heeseung seems to think over the next words in his mind, “why you’re still friends with me.”
So that’s what he really wanted to talk about.
“I don’t know,” you answered truthfully. You really don’t know.
“All these women come and go but you’re still here.”
“They were girlfriends. I’m your best friend,” you reason, hoping that it’s enough to cut the conversation off without delving into something else.
“But you liked me, didn’t you?”
Maybe Heeseung is actually not that good of a person. Perhaps, you’ve just gotten used to him, standing right there beside him, a fallback for when things go awry. A convenience store receipt crumples beneath your feet, reminding you that you sent him money for your drinks and snacks tonight.
“We don’t have to talk about that anymore, Heeseung,” you warn him, “it was a year ago.”
“It still hasn’t changed though, right?”
You open another bottle of soju for yourself but Heeseung only snatches it away. He chugs it all down again, before standing and clasping his clammy hands on your shoulders. He was pinning you down to your couch.
“Answer me.”
You close your eyes and breathe deeply. “What do you want me to say, Heeseung?”
“You know, she always felt off whenever you were with me. You hovered around us, clinging onto me like some fucking lost kid. God, I swear you’ve made this year so miserable for me.”
You’re trembling. Your room starts to stink of liquor as Heeseung continues to breathe down on you.
“Are you trying to blame me for you being a shitty boyfriend?” you whisper as you stare directly into his rage-filled eyes. Then you shove his hands away, standing up to meet his height.
“You shouldn't have said anything. You should’ve just kept it all to yourself. Now, my mind's all messed up. I don't know how to approach you, I don't know how to approach all of this bullshit!”
“I told you I'd understand if you wanted to end the friendship, Heeseung! I’m not the one who crawled back here weeks later pretending nothing happened,” you exasperate, accidentally knocking a bottle off the floor with your foot, causing it to shatter and spill over your wooden floor.
Heeseung attempts to pull you away from the shards but you push his hand away. He insists, shoving you to a dry side of your couch. He pins you again but now he rests his head on your shoulder.
“Fuck, it’s all coming out wrong,” Heeseung says under his breath, speech slightly slurred with drunkenness. The sleeve of your shirt gets wet as Heeseung begins to sob.
“I should’ve given you the chance,” he finally says. “I shouldn’t have rejected you back then.”
Your hands find their way to Heeseung’s back, attempting to soothe him as he slowly embraces you tightly.
“I’m so sorry,” he repeats between hiccups. “It was so hard for me to admit it but I think I like you too.”
The thought has been prodding at the back of your head since that moment from a year ago, that there must be a reason why Heeseung chose to remain friends with you despite your confession. There must be a reason why there became a palpable tension between the two of you each time you met since then. You’re giddy with the feeling of your repressed feelings finally being reciprocated, and the liquor in your system only rouses you further.
“I’m not too late, am I?”
You feel pain spike up your leg, noticing a slit on your foot bleeding, mixing with the spilled soju. Let the brain run later as the heart decides to beat what it wants. 
“No, you’re not, Heeseung, you’re not. You’re right on time.”  
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author's note: this is my first fic! very new to this platform (in terms of posting) so please be gentle if it sucks jk. feels like i could flesh this out more ngl aioksaozkasd i decided to start posting cuz of my friend hehet~ now somebody please tell me what to do next 💀 (sorry for rambling)
— moriwood.
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novacqnes · 1 year
still a fool to want you // abby anderson [pt 2]
summary:…you didn’t learn your lesson the first time? college is still a scam but luckily abigail anderson is relentless in her pursuit of you.
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**part 1 :) **
warning: college!au, angst, mentions of alcohol & drinking, very very brief mention of vomit (not in a sexual way) smut; oral (fem receiving)
word count: 5.1k
pairing: abby anderson x fem reader
a/n: i know, i know, this took me a really long time. but she’s finally done so let’s celebrate that. also this is not proofread but i will circle back to do that later (clap for me please)
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abby was on a sex hiatus. 
although a sex drought would be the more appropriate term. it was intense, bordering on restrictive as it drained every ounce of self-restraint from the inside out. thus, she wouldn’t allow herself to look at anyone. small and speedy glances were somewhat sufficient enough to satiate her massive appetite. she wouldn’t allow herself to talk to anyone. long and usually suggestively driven conversations ended in sex, and she refused to even entertain it. but most important of all abigail anderson wouldn’t allow herself to touch anyone. 
she hadn’t felt the warmth of another woman since that night. the memory of it was fond, lingering at the forefront of her mind as she reminisced from dusk till dawn. she could still smell you, the familiar musk that emitted from your body, so subtle yet infectious. abby remembered the warmth, vehement and keen it buzzed through spreading to all parts of your body. it grew with riveting intensity brimming along the surface of your skin. distinctly she could almost recall that layer of sweat that followed suit, coating parts of you she’d only dreamed of touching.  
in many ways abby found herself yearning for it over and over again. reliving each moan, cry and whimper down to the very last. she could’ve found another girl and attempted to recreate it, although the lack of intensity would be too apparent to even bring it in comparison. no, no, abigail anderson wanted you. not some half-assed one-night stand to help her cling to the memory, or a bitter ex waiting to drag it down. it was a strange feeling, abby almost couldn’t recognize herself. she’d never longed for someone this much, especially not enough to commit to abstinence. but for you? she did it without question. 
however, despite her adamance, it did nothing in terms of progression. the semblance of trust you’d managed to foster that night had completely vanished. you hadn’t spoken to— let alone looked in abby’s direction in weeks. every attempt to avoid the woman was taken and it was evident by the amount of flowers piling up at your door. like clockwork, the first knock came, it was firm but soon followed by a second, more hesitant knock. abby lingered by the door for a few moments more before placing the next set of flowers at your step. eagerly you peered through the peephole silently watching as she walked back towards her room. you pushed the door open, reaching for the bright fuchsia bouquet.
it was routine. you brought the flowers to your nose, inhaling the sweet fragrance that filled the air around you. it mixed pleasantly with the aroma of dozens of other flowers around your room— all from abby. you couldn’t bring yourself to throw them away so you fixated on them. subconsciously counting down the minutes until a new one arrived. you refused to open the door, yet you stood as close to it as possible. hoping to catch even the slightest glimpses of her. it was something that no matter how hard you tried, you simply couldn’t contain. the wanting— more like yearning for something you shouldn’t want. it was untamable, and the gaping rift between the two of you only worsened it. 
“you ever gonna tell me what really happened between the two of you?” dina plopped down beside you, plucking the bouquet from your hands.
you shrugged, “told you everything already. we slept together, met her girlfriend— end of the story.” dina’s brows furrowed in response as her eyes drew back into narrow slits. she didn’t do anything, at least not verbally. her gaze felt intrusive, prodding at all corners of your being. she could see straight through you, and the thought alone only amplified the embarrassment.
“so that’s it?” she slipped a single flower from the bouquet, rubbing it in between her fingertips, “you don’t feel anything for her?”
“i can’t.”
“you didn’t answer the question.” the light thump of your heart began to pick up speed. rapidly slamming itself against the walls of your chest for some semblance of relief. slowly the rampant, heavy pump made it difficult to think, clouding your already frantic thoughts.
“i don’t know what i feel. i think it’s anger— or at least i want it to be. she had me right where she wanted and i fucking let her have it,” you sputtered, allowing the venom to fall from your tongue. the butterflies that once danced at the pit of your stomach hardened, becoming more frenzied with each movement. they transformed into raging bees feeding into the anger you fought to contain. it was a constant losing battle. one in which abby was left with absolute control over you, manipulating your emotions like a skilled puppeteer. 
dina pushed even further, tearing an olive green petal from the stem, “so you do have feelings for her.”
“she made a fool of me,” you spat, cheeks burning with sharp fervor. the disdainful memory was practically branded into the depths of your mind. how quickly you’d allowed yourself to trust her, surrendering yourself in ways that you couldn’t have possibly dreamed of— all for abby to destroy it in one breath. just like that you could feel the same emotions of humiliation and vulnerability creeping back in, except this time it was laced with an emotion much more treacherous— revenge. slowly but surely dina was egging you on. she reached for yet another bouquet tossing it in your lap. 
“i’m not denying that. but if you hate her so much, why does our room look like a depressed garden? just get rid of the flowers. better yet, destroy them,” she said calmly. 
“i’m serious, cut ‘em up and dump them at her door. she just left which gives us a nice window before she gets back—“
you shook your head, “i’m not doing that.” protectively, you clutched the old bouquet in your hands gazing at the dozens that decorated the entirety of your room. some were in vases while others were still wrapped. you’d nurtured them for weeks, and in several ways, they’d become part of you— despite the growing void in your heart. yet the white card in each served as a grim reminder, those flowers were an extension of abby. the thought alone left a bitter, rancid taste in your mouth. one that made your grip on the poor plant tighten until the viridescent stems began to cave in.
“looks like you already are,” she smirked, placing a pair of scissors in your palm, “that’ll just help even out the score.”
a balmy warmth crept along your spine upon the first twist of the doorknob. neither of you had expected it to be open, yet the fact that it was only amplified the rush of adrenaline through your body. dina led the way as you followed suit, venturing further into the room. it was weirdly reminiscent as the candles from the night remained, filling the air with the same sweet vanilla aroma. 
your eyes fell on her neatly made bed as you sauntered over to it, dragging your fingers along the hem of the clean sheet. it looked as if no one had slept in it since that night. which brought you immense comfort that you couldn’t even begin to describe. it made you feel special, different almost. that somehow it wasn’t all just a fucked up game. somehow there was a sliver of truth in the way she kissed you. or in the way that she held you, prioritizing your pleasure before all else. 
abigail anderson had a way of doing that. catapulting even the smallest people into the depths of oblivion— yet you weren’t sure when you’d ever come down. standing there, it all felt so tangible as if it was more than a depraved memory in your head. you could see the slight curves of her muscles against the fabric, hear the light rasp in her voice— and most certainly feel striking warmth emitting from her body. but in addition to that you could hear the grating voice of the mystery woman in the midst of it all. 
the world alone provided ample fuel necessary to make the first cut above abby’s bed, sending the first round of purple lilacs across the expanse. after the first any semblance of guilt you might’ve felt had completely vanished. this was your retribution— although small it was personal, cutting deep where abby would feel it the most. you didn’t want her to think about the dozens of sexscapades she’d had in her bed or the abundance of people she’d shared it with. you wanted her to think about you. regardless of whether or not it was voluntary— the entire room had to be stained with the memory of you. 
by the end of it, abby’s room was scattered with bright shades of amber, fuschia, and tangerine. thousands of fragmented flower pieces littered the wooden floors and the surface of her bed. you stood back as dina threw the last of the bouquet up in the air. silently watching as the wisps of petals joined the rest at your feet. it was a sight to behold but it wasn’t enough. the fire deep inside you still burned with fury and being here only made it worse. 
dina joined your side, slipping an arm around your shoulders, “how do you feel now?” 
“angry,” you muttered, clutching the scissors in your hand. it was the truth, you wanted to do more— you wanted to hurt her. but a large, overwhelming part of you still ached for her. getting rid of the flowers was supposed to symbolize something— disposing of abby, you supposed. that’s what all this was for, it was to help you move on. but there was only a regression. this room? it only forced you to face the very emotions you’d been running from all along. it induced a reckoning, one in which you recognized and embraced the magnitude of abigail anderson’s control over you. hence it was much more than just sex, it was visceral— occupying every aspect of your being. 
“good…i’m just gonna take this from you,” dina chuckled nervously, pulling scissors from your grip, “there’s another dozen of them back in our room. if we hurry we can fi—“
“y/n?” a loud, familiar voice rang out as the door crept open, soon accompanied by heavy footsteps against the wood. both you and dina whipped around to find abby standing at the entrance of the door. her eyes briefly took in the mess before settling on you. your body went rigid as you gazed back, seemingly caught in a trance. 
dina’s eyes darted back and forth between the two of you, “shit— abby right?” 
“that’s me,” her voice was rich and dulcet, filling your ears sweetly. abby’s presence was strong, and very quickly it shifted the atmosphere to something much more volatile. several weeks had passed since you’d been this close to her. yet the same painstakingly intimate warmth lingered, growing more prominent the longer you remained. you detested every waking second of it. the frantic butterflies, lining the pit of your stomach. the infectious heat that warmed your cheeks. it was nauseating— rendering you powerless to her once again. being around abby mimicked the feeling of falling, except there was no end in sight. you detested it just as much as you craved it. 
“we’re just leavin—“
she stepped forward, “how are you?” genuine concern etched into her features, nearly startling you. it wasn’t true to the abby you thought you knew. that abby was brazen and held little regard for anything besides sex. she didn’t concern herself with muddled emotions, especially the kind that belonged to others. yet everything that she was displaying now was contradictory to that. and it only enraged you further. 
“fuck you,” you spat storming past her. fervent heat radiated from your body as you continued down the hallway, overcome with adrenaline. streams of blood pumped vigorously through your veins, fueled by the rapid thump of your heart. disorderly thoughts brimmed at the forefront of your mind, following you all the way into your room. it was impossible to think straight with the newfound cloud looming over your head at every turn. thus you weren’t sure of much, besides the fact that a part of you was almost excited to see her again. 
hours passed and there was no immediate retaliation or reaction. you didn’t know what to expect but you wanted her to be as angry as you. even for just a little while. yet abby wasn’t experiencing any feelings of rage in the slightest— in all honesty, she wasn’t exactly certain of what it was. the messy array of petals spread across the room didn’t hurt her as you’d intended. oddly enough, abby felt like she was walking on air. for weeks she’d endured the wrath of your silence and constant avoiding. oftentimes she found herself longing to be close to you again. thus it didn’t really matter if you were still angry with her, she’d take it over being iced out any day.
with a newfound sense of courage, abby mustered up enough confidence to approach your door. in a way— she was almost unrecognizable. the abby you knew was never without confidence. it oozed from her in abundance as it was a skill craved by many. yet there was no sweet-talking to be done with you. the two of you were miles past that point and it would ultimately amount to nothing— she knew this. before she could knock the door swung open, revealing you on the opposite side. with one brief glance at her, you went to shut the door when abby finally spoke.
“two seconds, just give me two seconds.”
you stepped out into the hallway, slowly closing the door as you crossed your arms over your chest. a thick— palpable wall of tension slowly stacked between you in the process. there was no protest but your expression was completely unreadable. nevertheless abby continued, subtly pushing the invisible boundary.
“i got your message with the flowers…i missed you.”
she missed you. abby missed you.
her words rang in your ears, forcing your heart to race in response. simultaneously the air was knocked from your lungs entirely as your breathing grew more labored. your body felt like a lifeless vessel, one which you couldn’t fully control. slowly you became a victim to it. rather than embracing the effect she had, you ran from it. she shouldn’t have this effect on you.
“you don’t even know me.”
“i want to,” she pleaded, “i get it, you don’t trust me right now but i’m gonna make it up to you.” the remorse was glaringly apparent in abby’s tone. her once cocky demeanor had completely vanished. in its place was an honest more vulnerable version of abby. she shifted from one foot to the other anxiously awaiting your response. you watched as she fidgeted with her fingers, blue eyes darting between yours.
“i don’t know….” 
she took a step closer, “you don’t believe me?”
“you expect me to believe you?” you whispered, averting her heavy gaze, “abby i didn’t ask you to do any of it, the flowers, the compliments— you chased after me. and like an idiot, i fell for it.” anguish crept into your voice leaving your throat raw. the hall soon fell silent as abby took another step forward, instinctively sending you backward. the surface of the door was cold against the fabric of your shirt. it served as another reminder— there was no escaping this. 
“i meant it— all of it. y/n, look at me.” her voice was firm and pointed. against your wishes you obeyed, craning your neck to meet her eyes. she continued pushing the boundary until there were mere inches between you. now it was impossible to look away as a fervent, profound heat stirred in the midst. you could feel it gradually taking shape, weakening your knees and any voices of protest in your head. 
“stop— stop doing that,” you muttered weakly, caving into her alluring touch. her lips brushed against the sensitive skin of your neck, working their way down to your clavicle. a deep shiver crept up your spine as abby hovered there for a while refusing to give in just yet. she placed her hands on your hips, pulling away as she looked down at you. 
“doing what? this?” she cooed, placing another kiss on your soft skin. a light moan fell from your lips as she tightened her grip, feeding into the mounting tension. you clutched onto her arms desperately sinking your nails into them. crimson red crescents decorated the sharp curves of her muscles in addition to her freckles. throughout it all you ushered her closer until there was no room left between you. the scene was an endless cycle that you found yourself infatuated with. from the way her smell pervaded your nostrils to the coarseness of her skin against yours. you adored every second of it. 
….and like clockwork, there it was. 
“i’ve always wanted you.”
her words— the promises hurdled you from euphoria, they didn’t mean anything, “you’re a fucking liar.” you nudged her away, leaning against the door for security. you didn’t know where the truth stood with abby. in fact, she’d yet to explain the blonde that so proudly announced herself as her girlfriend. 
“i swear y/n, it’s the truth. since that very first day in chem? you showed up late wearing that blue dress. i can’t even really remember what the lecture was about… i just kept staring at you. you looked so beautiful and smart—“
“what about your girlfriend?”
“she’s not— she’s not my girlfriend, anymore.” abby stammered, hints of insecurity creeping into her voice. 
you cocked an eyebrow, “anymore?” the word offered you the slightest bit of hope. it allowed you the possibility to imagine— even for a short while that abby could be yours. that somehow this screwed-up game of back-and-forth would actually amount to something. although there was a part of you that still doubted abby’s intentions altogether. 
“i promise to explain everything tonight…there’s a party to close out the semester at one of the frats. i was hoping you would let me take you out. i really wanna make it up to you.” her eyes pierced yours, slight glimpses of silver peering through them. you hadn’t realized just how beautiful they were. gradually drawing you in as you gazed back. an overpowering wave of silence swept over the hall as you got lost in them, nearly forgetting to respond. 
“….what happens if i say no?”
“then i’ll keep trying,” abby smirked, turning sharply on her heel. you stood by as she walked back to her room, silently contemplating the offer. undoubtedly the answer was yes— both you and abby knew this. yet there was a certain jubilance that lay in being chased by her. the determination in her pursuit, only made you want her more in spite of all that had occurred. however, you refused to surrender yourself as easily as you did the first time— abby needed to earn it. 
frat parties were never really your thing. they were loud and obnoxious, filled with equally as loud and obnoxious people. bright lights beamed down on the drunken party-goers as a sea of people formed at the entrance. abby clasped your hand in hers as you maneuvered through it, narrowly missing a shattered beer bottle glass just a few feet away. music boomed in your ears as the two of you ventured in further. the party was more abby’s scene which was evident by the number of people that came up to greet her. it made you feel out of place. thus you took it upon yourself to explore, branching away for abby’s side.
dozens of bodies were caught in a colorful moving mass, most of them moving to the rhythm of the song. cup in hand you made your way over to them completely unsure of what to do. you began moving to beat, downing what was left of the drink before tossing the red cup aside. the bitter taste of the alcohol lingered, providing the extra kick necessary to let loose. across the room, you briefly made eye contact with a dark-haired woman. her gaze was fixated on you despite your awkward movements. after a while she sauntered over, maintaining her distance at first before approaching you. 
she whispered her name although you were much too drunk to register it. spurred by the alcohol permeating your system you reached for her hands bringing them to your body. the mystery woman slipped behind you, allowing her hands to roam across the expanse of your clothes. yet despite the way it looked, you paid little attention to the person dancing with you. you felt the way she moved against you, hips driven by fervor however the same sentiments weren’t shared. this dance meant absolutely nothing to you. nevertheless being drunk provided enough space for you to at least pretend it was abby. although the apparent lack of muscle and warmth made it difficult.
as the music grew louder you felt a second pair of hands on you, replacing the dark-haired woman’s touch. this one was protective and reminiscent of abby’s. their hands were calloused and large traveling up and down your spine. you leaned into it humming as they eased you back around, there you were met with an unmistakably familiar gaze.
abby cooed, “hey, you disappeared on me….what was that about?” 
“you’re not my girlfriend— i can dance with whoever i want.” you hoped to provoke some sort of reaction from her but she simply stared, eyes flickering back and forth between yours. her lips pressed into a thin line as she observed you. you leaned onto her for full support, and a glazed film veiled both of your eyes. it was clear that she was holding her liquor much better than you were. however, there seemed to be some authenticity behind the affliction in your tone.
“you trying to punish me or something?”
you rolled your eyes, “i want you to start talking.”
“i—i’ve been trying to—fuck— let’s go somewhere quieter alright?” abby could hardly make anything out. the noises from the fraternity coupled with the music from the booming speakers drowned the both of you out entirely. she laced her fingers in yours pulling you towards an empty bathroom before shutting the door. there she helped you onto a stool, taking a seat right beside you.
“her name is jamie. we dated freshman year. she dropped out towards the end but by then our relationship wasn’t doing too well. i never got a chance to properly break it off, that’s why i texted her. i didn’t know she was gonna show up right then.” veracity practically oozed from abby’s voice as she turned towards you, offering more vulnerability than either of you ever had. she brought a hand to yours gently caressing it as you gazed back. this feeling…it was unfamiliar although you weren’t afraid to embrace it. her thumb lightly traced over your fingertips as you sat in silence reeling from her words.
“so you guys aren’t together?”
“no, i broke it off the night you and i had sex. but we were pretty much over before then.”
your voice cracked slightly, “then you weren’t just playing me? you actually want to be with me?” abby rose from her seat, resituating herself so that she was right in front of her you. she slipped a finger under your chin, tilting it upward so that you had ample view of her face. her features were drawn back, and in them lay an emotional plea that beckoned you closer. it urged you near, diminishing the distance that lay between you. and at that moment, despite all of your clothes remaining you’d never felt closer to her. 
“y/n that’s what all this has been for. i’ve been trying to win you over since the moment i first saw you,” she purred, crouching down until she was on her knees. abby gazed at you fiercely as if her entire world lay in tiny hints of gleam in your pupils. you refused to look away, finally welcoming the whirlwind effect that abigail anderson had over you. this was visceral, and it left you unable to muster up enough strength for even one coherent sentence. 
“….you still don’t believe me?”
“no— no i believe you i just….” heat rushed to your cheeks as abby moved closer, a slight smirk tugging the corners of her lips.
“what is it?” she whispered, breath fanning the lobe of your ear. she knew what it was. she had to have known. the cocky grin slapped across her face and practically gave it away. although in her defense it sounded much more prettier coming from your mouth.
“i want you to be mine, no bullshit.”
abby smirked, “i already am sweetheart.”
“….i want you to prove it. right here.” the words fell from your tongue so sweetly, abby almost collapsed right then and there. she couldn’t even remember the last time someone had this kind of effect on her. yet she was ready at your beck and call. her hands found their way to your face, smashing them against yours. the sweet and sharp taste of alcohol swirled in your mouth as the kiss deepened, growing with white heat. abby quickly flung your clothes off leaving you in nothing but your bare underwear. her hands traveled south, gently lifting you from the stool. she continued until the surface of your skin was pressed against the cool tiled wall. 
she hooked a finger around the hem of your panties, sliding them down your legs, her mouth found your tits. feverishly, she sucked one nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the sensitive flesh. high pitched cries fell from your clips as she attacked your chest, exposing your pussy to the chill air. you flung your hands to her hair, sinking your fingers deep into the strands. abby continued working her way down your body, pressing every inch of hard muscle against your skin. thousands of small hairs all over your skin came alive as abby left no part of you untouched. slowly she released weeks of pent-up aggression, nipping at your neck and shoulders. 
once she reached your stomach she dropped to her knees, locking her eyes with you as she made her first move. her tongue was hot against your clit, drawing slow tentative circles on the nub. she hummed as the taste of you seeped into her mouth, lining her tastebuds with your fluids. you shook violently against her, desperately trying to suppress the moans that spilled from your mouth.  
“i wanna hear it all baby…don’t hide from me,” abby coed, pressing herself further into your dripping pussy. she flicked her tongue along your entrance, fueled by the sharp whines that escaped from you. wet squelching sounds pervaded the air as she suckled along your folds, inviting the warmth into her mouth. tears soon brimmed the rims of your eyelids, obscuring your vision entirely. abby quickly morphed into a blurry blob before you as you clutched her even harder. 
“yes, yes, yes— fuck abby….” your cries grew more ardent, picking up speed with abby’s movements. she buried herself completely in your core, deriving the utmost pleasure as you shook against her tongue sloppily moving your hips in response. abby allowed herself to surrender to it, moving where your body ushered her to go. she could feel you…with each flick, you were closer to an earth-shattering high and she refused to stand in the way. bordering on frantic, your movements came to a screeching halt as you sank your fingers into abby’s dirty blonde hair. simultaneously dozens of shockwaves rippled through your body, sending you straight onto the floor. 
as you came down from your high abby joined your side, gently caressing you. she placed soft kisses on your forehead, allowing you time before moving. tears stained your cheeks and your eyes were coated with a deep shade of red. if it wasn’t for the orgasm then the alcohol would’ve most definitely caught up to you. hence round two needed to wait for another day, yet you didn’t get the memo initially. 
shakily you lifted yourself from abby’s body, reaching for her belt, “okay…now it’s your turn.”
“i don’t know if that’s a good idea, you don’t look too good—“ immediately you doubled over, clutching your hands to your mouth. your stomach began to stir, the bile slowly mounting inside you. you felt it creeping up your throat and in a matter of seconds you were bent over the toilet, heaving up whatever was left of your stomach contents. abby’s hand found its way to your back and she rubbed, while also using the other to hold back your hair. once you were done she reached for a towel, gently bringing it to your face as she tended to you for the first time since being together. during this you caught a glimpse of your disheveled appearance in the mirroring, quickly glancing away.
“i look gross,” you sighed, falling back against the wall.
abby brought the towel down on your face one last time, grinning at the pout plastered across your face, “i think you look beautiful.”
“you’re just saying that.”
“it’s kinda my job now, you know as your girlfriend and all…” her voice was cheery and it filled your stomach with those same butterflies. except for this time, there was no doubt, or looming regret to cloud every decision. it would take time to build your trust with abby yet it was something you were ready to embark on. you could already picture it, finally being able to find out who she was. without the guise that blurred the lines between a persona and the real abby. abigail anderson, who tended to girls in the bathroom and was a complete hopeless romantic. 
“can we go back to your room?” you asked, slipping your clothes back onto your body.
abby slid her arms under your legs, easing you back on your feet, “yeah but it's still a mess from earlier.”
“mmh even better…” you hummed, nuzzling into her side, “lead the way?”
her eyes darted back and forth between yours before pressing one last kiss to your forehead. when you looked up a small grin tugged at the corners of her lips, “yes ma’am.”
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celandeline · 2 months
If You Never Shoot, You Never Know
Carl Grimes X Reader, Part 1 [previous part | next part]
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All you want to do is eat. 
You’re almost dead on your feet, exhausted after a day-long supply run with Daryl. For all your trouble, it had turned into a bit of a shitshow in the end, really, how were either of you supposed to know that there had been two dozen walkers in the basement? But you’re alive, and you’re back behind the walls of Alexandria, and Rick had seemed grateful for what supplies you had managed to scrounge up. So you feel entitled to treating yourself to grilled cheese. 
You relax back against the island of your kitchen as you flip on the stove, dropping some butter in your frying pan to begin to melt. The delicious smell of frying butter begins to fill the room, and you close your eyes, savoring the scent. God, you’re starving. 
A knock at your door interrupts the pleasant, buttery thoughts in your head, and you groan, trudging out of the kitchen. You already know who it is - no doubt the moment he saw you get home, he started over…
You whip open the door and lean against the frame, looking down at the boy on your porch. “What?”
Carl Grimes, with a bouquet of wildflowers clutched in his fist, smiles at you. “Brought you flowers.” He says, holding them out to you. 
He’s been doing this for months now. Purposefully volunteering for work that he knows you’re doing, making up any excuse to spend time at your house, going out of his way to bring you things - your favorite snacks, a ring with your favorite color stone in it, a shirt for a band that you like, now also flowers. It’s cute, this little crush he has on you. But turning him down is getting a little tedious. 
You sigh. “Carl, we’ve got to stop doing this.” Still, you hold your hand out for the flowers. 
“Dunno what you mean.” He says even though he definitely does. He hands you the bouquet. “Can I come in?”
You hesitate for a minute, examining the flowers he’d brought. All pretty, all in shades of your favorite color. “Your dad know where you are? Or is he gonna come busting down my door looking for you again?”
His cheeks redden as you reference the worst afternoon of both of your lives. “I told him.”
“Sure then.” You say, holding the door open so that he can slip inside. “‘M making dinner if you’re hungry. Grilled cheese.”
“If you don’t mind.” He says, wiping his boots on your rug before stepping inside. Always the gentleman. 
You look at him, exasperated. “When have I ever minded?” You ask, shutting the door and heading back into the kitchen, flowers in hand. 
“Just trying to be polite.” He says, following after you. 
You set the bouquet of flowers down on the island before turning back to your pan, dropping four slices of bread into the bubbling butter to begin frying. Carl makes himself comfortable on one of your barstools, watching as you pull a tall cracked glass out of one of your cabinets and fill it with water before dropping the flowers in. You set the makeshift vase in the center of the island with a smile. “Thanks.” You say. “They’re pretty.”
He grins. “They made me think of you.” He says. “Thought you might like them.”
You say nothing, ignoring how his little flirtatious comment makes you feel and instead focusing on the sandwiches. For a moment, the only sound in the kitchen is that of sizzling butter as you flip the slices of bread, until Carl speaks again. 
“How was your day?” He asks. 
“Alright.” You sigh. “Not as good as it could’ve been, but there’s always tomorrow. Now that Daryl and I know what we’re getting into, it should be easier to handle. And we can always bring more people with us.”
“I could come.” He offers immediately. 
You shake your head. “You’ve got your own jobs. Plus,” You joke. “I don’t need you distracting me while I’m trying to kick walker ass.”
He tilts his head, a little smirk at the corner of his lips. “Do I distract you?”
“You wish.” You say.
“I do.” He shoots back, unashamed. 
It’s annoying, how good he is at this. Makes it all the harder to keep reminding yourself why you can’t just give in to his advances. You’re three years older than him - which wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t freshly eighteen, but he is. And you’re already on Rick’s shit list when it comes to Carl - he’d almost throttled you when he found out Carl had asked you to sneak him some alcohol the next time you went on a run. He’d been furious, that day he was pounding on your door demanding to know where his son was - said he didn’t want him hanging around you, that you were ‘corrupting’ him. You can’t imagine what he’d do to you if you actually were to corrupt his boy, as he’d put it. 
“Carl.” You sigh, flipping the bread again, making sure all the sides are a delicious golden brown. 
“Sorry.” He says, not sounding sorry at all. “I know.”
And he does know - you’ve talked about it a lot, why this could never work. But the logic doesn’t seem to have deterred him at all. 
“You’ve gotta drop it.” You say, folding some slices of cheese into the bread, two fully formed sandwiches sliding around the buttery pan now. You have to swallow to stop your mouth from watering. 
“But you like it.” He says. 
You roll your eyes. 
“C’mon, you do.” He says, grinning as he gestures to the bouquet on display. “You would’ve actually told me to fuck off if you didn’t.” His icy blue eyes find yours. “If you tell me to fuck off, I will, you know that.”
You do know. But selfishly, you don’t want to tell him to go, even though you should. It’s silly to keep doing this when Rick will never ever let it happen, but he’s wormed his way into your affections. You like him. He’s sweet, and funny, and a great shot, and has the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen. And you like that he likes you, for whatever reason. 
You scoop the sandwiches out of the pan and onto a plate before flipping the stove off. Coming around the island, you slide onto the barstool next to him, placing the plate between the two of you. You don’t bother waiting for him before you grab one for yourself, digging in. You swallow with a satisfied sigh. “God, I was starving.”
Carl bites into his own sandwich with a smile. “Thanks.” He says around a mouthful. “‘S good.”
“Welcome.” You say around another mouthful.
The kitchen is largely silent as you and Carl eat, until there’s nothing but crumbs left on the plate. Your stomach no longer threatening to start devouring your insides, you sink into the barstool, the exhaustion from your run finally catching up to you. You sigh, contentedly, and Carl smiles.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asks, his voice taking on that nervous tone that means he’s going to ask some mushy romantic stuff. 
Even though you shouldn’t keep entertaining this, you say, “Sure.”
His gaze set on the marble countertop, he idly rolls a crumb between two fingers, contemplative. “If my dad wasn’t in the equation, would you let me date you?” His eyes shift under his hat, glancing quickly over to you. 
You should say no, even if it’s not the truth. If Rick wasn’t part of the equation - or even if you were in his good graces - you’d let Carl date you. Of course you would. But that’s not how things are - as is, Rick would mount your head on a spike. You should say no. But when those icy blue eyes are boring into your soul, it’s hard to be dishonest. “Yeah.” You say, playing it off with a shrug. “Seems like the only way to get you to stop pestering me with flowers and whatnot.”
Carl grins, the kind of smile that only comes from getting exactly what you want. “Follow up question,” He starts, grin turning mischievous. “If we just didn’t tell my dad anything, would you-”
“Absolutely not, no.” You laugh. “You want to fool around in secret? That would make everything a thousand times worse, what are you thinking? If Rick ever found out-”
Carl turns in his seat to face you, sliding a hand across the marble countertop to interlace his fingers with yours. “Please.” He says. “You already said that if getting in trouble with my dad wasn’t a problem you’d be okay with us being a thing. If he never finds out, what’s the problem?”
You shove down the feeling that shoots through you when he laces his fingers together with yours. “I’m still older than you. You’re barely an adult, I mean, have you ever even had a girlfriend before?”
His cheeks redden. “No.”
“I can’t be the first. I can’t set the standard for all of your relationships after this one. You should date someone your own age, I’m sure there’s plenty of girls around here that have crushes on you-”
“I don’t want to date someone my own age.” Carl says. “The people my age here have been sheltered in Alexandria almost their whole lives. They don’t know what it’s like outside these walls. Talking to them feels like talking to middle schoolers.” He squeezes your hand. “But you know what it’s like out there, you’re out there with the groups going on supply runs all the time. You know how to defend yourself, and you’re not afraid of the walkers. I can actually talk to you about that stuff. And if anything were to ever happen, if walkers were to get in the walls again, I know you’d be able to take care of yourself.”
The way he looks at you with such admiration makes your heart do a funny flip in your chest. “You make this very hard, you know.” You tease, trying to ignore the urge to kiss him. 
“It doesn’t have to be.” He says. “I don’t care that my dad thinks you’re a bad influence, and I don’t care that you’re older than me. I like you because you’re strong, and you’re pretty, and you’re the funniest person I know. It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”
You tilt your head and sigh, squeezing his hand back. “You’re right. It shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks.” You say. “But unfortunately it does. Your dad calls the shots around here, and it’s bad enough that he already doesn’t like me. I don’t want to make it worse.”
“What if I talk to him?” Carl asks. “It’s not really your fault that he doesn’t like you, I’m the one who asked you to sneak me alcohol, I could explain-”
“It’s already a done deal.” You say. “And I don’t blame Rick for being pissed with me for that, I should have had the wherewithal to tell you no.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m glad you didn’t.” He says. 
“Yeah, I’m sure you are.” You say. Your gaze shifts to the window above the sink, the orange sun sinking below the horizon outside. “You should probably go home. It’s getting dark.”
Carl’s gaze follows yours, and he sighs. “Probably should.” He agrees sullenly. Slowly, he rises from his seat. “Thanks for the grilled cheese. And for talking to me.”
“You know you’re welcome anytime.” You say, standing up from your seat as well, despite your protesting muscles. 
You walk him to the door, holding it open as he steps out onto the porch. He turns back to look at you, that mischievous glint in his eye again. “Can I do something?” He asks, voice low. 
“Do what?” You shoot back, skeptical. 
He doesn’t answer, instead just stepping closer to you, his eye darting down to your lips for a second before meeting your gaze again. He approaches slow, giving you plenty of time to back away if you want to, but you don’t even though you should. The image of Rick standing on his porch across the street flares in your mind, but you still don’t pull away, and let Carl’s lips meet yours in a tender embrace. 
This kiss only lasts for a short moment before he’s pulling back, grinning like the cat who got the cream. “G’night.” He says.
“Night.” You return, stepping back through the threshold of your doorway before you do something stupid like kiss him again. You watch him retreat down your porch steps, catching the last grin he throws over his shoulder before he darts across the street, back home. 
Closing your door, you sigh hopelessly into the silence of your home. He’s going to be the death of you, one way or another.
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jeneseoquoi · 11 months
nct 127 | maknae line + fluff
♡ fluffy scenarios with our chil maknaes ♡
(note: this is part two to the random fluff i posted with the hyung line last week. hope you enjoy. not as long as the other post, at least i don’t think, but most is still under the cut.)
jaehyun: you giggled, pecking his nose for the third time. you knew he was awake, but he refused to open his eyes, opting to pull you even further into him.
“we’re eventually going to have to get up, you know.” you say eliciting a groan from him.
“just ten more minutes.” he grumbled.
the thing is he already said that over thirty minutes ago. you laughed, knowing that when you tried to get him to get up again in the next ten minutes, he would just tell you the same thing. it was the first time ever that you had spent the night at jae’s house, and if anyone had told you that the same person who seduced you to go home with him after your first date, would be this same clingy cutie in the morning, you would’ve laughed. yet here you were, wrapped tightly in his arms, wondering if but hoping he wouldn’t let you go anytime soon. you softly stroked his hair, trying to pass the time, but it wasn’t long before you drifted off back to sleep. when you woke up, jaehyun was no longer in the bed. you could hear water running in the bathroom and thought to yourself that maybe he was finally ready for you to go home. you climbed out of his bed, searching for the clothes you wore to your date scattered on the floor.
“going somewhere?” you heard a deep, still groggy voice ask.
you panicked, standing straight up. “well…i wasn’t sure if maybe…”
he gave you a confused look, before climbing back into his bed and opening his arms. “you don’t have to go, you know. unless you want to.”
you stuttered this time, “are you sure?”
he shook his head, laughing shortly, “are you really gonna force me to ask you to stay?”
you smiled down at him, shaking your head no, before putting down your clothes and snuggling back into his warm, comfy arms. 
jungwoo: you weren’t really much of a shopaholic, but your boyfriend insisted on going to mall for a shopping spree on a random saturday morning. hand in hand, you walked up and down, in and out of the dozens of stores in the mall. jungwoo kept picking out outfits and shoes for you to try on and buying every single one of the ones you (and he) liked. you guys stopped in the food court for a little break, and you couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling in your chest seeing just how happy he looked getting to spend time with you doing normal couple things.
“are you having a good time?” you ask, taking a fry from the basket you guys were sharing.
he nods, biting into his sandwich, “of course. i love getting to spend time with you.”
you laugh, “you know we could’ve spent time at home together.”
“yeah but, i wanted to spoil you for a change.” he shrugged.
and spoiling you he was. you guys finished your food, heading toward the exit of the mall with all your shopping bags before he stops you.
“let’s go in here really quick.” he points toward a small, but luxury looking jewelry store. you follow him in as you guys browse around the shop. it was then that you saw the prettiest ring you’d ever seen in your life. he noticed you stopped, following your gaze to where it stopped.
he smiled to himself, “that’s really pretty. do you like it?”
you nodded, looking up at him “it’s so gorgeous. i love it.”
“me too.” he laughed. “come on, let’s go home.”
he tugged on your hand, getting you away from the ring and any thoughts that were circling in your head. little did you know he was only days away from giving you that same ring and making you the happiest person alive. 
mark: you set down the picnic basket as mark laid the blanket out on the grassy area you picked. you lowered your toddler down as you settled onto the blanket while your husband unpacked the goodies from the basket. it was family day and mark just happened to have the day off from his otherwise overpacked schedule, so you guys decided to spend it like a “normal” family. the sun peeked through the leaves of the trees, highlighting the matching brown hues of your husband and toddler’s hair. you smiled as he attempted to feed the young child who was too preoccupied playing with the toy mark got them for their third birthday a couple of months ago. he sighs, putting down the carrots on the plate and looking up at you.
“i should’ve never bought them that toy.” he shakes his head, making you laugh.
“now you know how i feel.”
he moves the child from his lap to the middle of the blanket, so he can get up and reposition himself so that he’s sitting behind you now. he wraps his arms around your waist, setting his chin on your shoulder as you both watch your child playing with his favorite toy. their nose crinkles up every time he laughs, and their eyes widen as their mouth makes an “o” shape any time they’re surprised, just like your husband’s. you were lost in thought until mark broke the silence.
“this is nice.” he whispers lowly.
you hum in agreement, “these are my favorite days. when we get to just spend time together like a family.”
he giggles, moving his arms so he can interlace your fingers together. “mine too.”
haechan: it was already late when you came over to haechan’s after he got back from dance practice. you had been there for over two hours now and the most attention he had given you was a quick kiss when he let you in. you were kind of annoyed that he invited you over just to ignore you to play games with his friends so you finally decided to leave and see him another time. somehow he heard you get up though.
“where are you going?” he questions, hearing you get up from his bed.
“home. you’re not even paying attention to me.”
he tells his teammates to hold on, taking off his headphones and swiveling around in his chair so he’s facing you.
“C’mere.” he opens his arms, calling for you.
you roll your eyes, making your way over and sitting in his lap. he wraps one arm around your back, as his other comes up to move a loose hair that was falling over your eye.
“i promise after this round, i’m all yours. so please don’t go, when i’m done, we can do whatever you want.”
you raise your brow suggestively, “anything i want?”
his eyes lower to your lips before coming back up to meet yours, “anything.”
“okay fine.” you smiled, attempting to get up from his lap, but he pulls you back down with both hands.
“no. just stay here, i’ll be done in like thirty minutes.” he says, spinning you both around in the chair and putting back on his headphones so he can finish the game. 
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close to home | chapter twenty
close to home | chapter twenty
plot: the reader, Carol, and Tyreese struggle on the road to Terminus
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 2,025 Warnings: violence, blood, injury A/N: thanks for reading!
He wasn't thrilled about finding the group of men Daryl now walked with. He didn’t care about any of them, and after the altercation with Len about the damn rabbit, he wanted to disappear. But he knew how dangerous it was to be alone and couldn’t stomach the idea.
When Joe started asking about his plan, his only thought was of you. Even though you were only friends, his plans always revolved around you. Early morning hunting trips, going out on runs, keeping each other company during watch. Watching you play with Tora in the cell block when you didn’t know he was looking. His plan was his family, and you were a part of that. But now that was gone, and he had no plans anymore. 
“Are you a cat person, Daryl?” Joe asked him. 
His words froze Daryl, and he looked up at Joe. They had just finished taking down a few walkers after finding a place to settle in for the night. 
“I am,” Joe continued, “Loved ‘em since I was three years old. Vicious creatures. Anyway, I’ll tell you, and this is true. Ain’t nothing sadder than an outdoor cat that thinks he’s an indoor cat.” Joe said. 
Daryl thought about that for a second, ignoring how it made him feel, before saying, “Yeah, I can tell you’re a cat person.”
Joe turned back and looked at him. “How so?” He laughed. 
“You can just tell who’s a cat person.”
Since leaving the house, you managed to walk another mile before needing Carol’s help. They wanted to take a break, but you didn’t allow that; you just wanted to get to Terminus. You wanted to be safe. 
You were only about a mile out when a walker appeared, and Tyreese took Judith from Carol before she went to handle the problem. Nearly as soon as the walker dropped, you heard the sound of dozens more. Your eyes widened at the amount approaching you, and Carol jogged towards you guys. 
You scooped up Tora, and then after passing Judith to Carol, Tyreese picked you up. You groaned at the pain in your side and squeezed Tora, making sure she didn’t run away. 
The idea of Tyreese carrying you made you want to cry. You felt like a problem to them, and more importantly, you didn’t want to get them killed. But Tyreese held you tightly and didn’t seem to stall at the extra weight. 
Carol led you guys around a bend where you hid. Tyreese set you down and crouched around the corner, watching with Carol. You couldn’t see a thing, but you held tightly to Tora and breathed deeply, hoping the small herd would pass. 
You glanced at them, wincing when it looked like they were about to start running, when gunshots echoed in the distance. Tora chirruped, and you squeezed her as she struggled to escape your arms. You were used to fighting the cat and keeping her where she was. 
After a few long, quiet minutes, the herd had passed, and they helped you up and back to the tracks. 
“That gunfire, it could’ve been to Terminus,” You said, balancing on one foot to keep the weight off your side. Tyreese had his arm around you and was holding you steady. 
“Someone was attacking them,” Carol said, “Or they were attacking someone.”
“Do we even want to find out?” Tyreese asked, looking between you two. 
Carol was the one to speak, bouncing Judith on her hip. Your bow and arrow were slung around her. “Yeah. There’s another track due east that’ll get us there. We’ll be real careful. We’ll get answers.”
With the silent agreement between the three of you, you started to head to the other track. But you winced after a few steps, and Tyreese made you pause. He had you put Tora in his bag, carefully zipping it so she had enough air to breathe but couldn’t escape, and then picked you up. 
“I’m okay…” You said, though, it was fruitless. “Thank you. I’m sorry.” 
Tyreese only shook his head. “We’re family. If you could, I’m sure you’d do this for me.” Then he smiled, and you laughed too. “I’m sure you’d try.”
An hour later, you were leaning against a tree with Judith and watching Tyreese and Carol approach a guy outside the small building you found. You anxiously bit on your fingernail as you watched them hold a gun to your head. You weren’t close enough to hear what they were saying, but after a minute, they were tying him up and giving you a signal to come over. 
You limped over to them, Tora leading the way. Judith fussed on your hip, and you handed her off to Tyreese when you got to the building. 
“They got Michonne and Carl,” Tyreese said to you quietly, “That’s all we know.”
You let out a shaky breath and blinked back a few tears. Michonne and Carl. They were alive. That was the best news you had heard all day. You took a deep breath and finally smiled, looking at Tyreese. He returned his own. 
Carol already had a plan going, and she walked out the door. You limped after her, and Tyreese was half in and half out. 
“Carol, I want to go with you.” You said, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I wanna help. That’s Carl and Michonne. Who knows if anyone else made it.”
She turned around and looked at you, then at Tyreese. “(Y/N), you have to stay here. You are still healing, and there are going to be walkers everywhere. You can’t.”
You tried to think of another excuse, another way to go with her. But you couldn’t think of anything. You knew you’d slow her down, and that would be dangerous. As much as you wanted to help, as much as you were dying to help, you knew it was better to stay here.
“Okay, okay,” You finally nodded. “Good luck.”
Carol was gone in a second, and Tyreese grabbed your arm to help you back into the building. He sat you on the floor, then put Judith down, checking your stitches. There was some blood, but as you looked the best you could, there was no sign of infection. 
“You did good,” You told him. “Finding the medicine. You probably saved my life.” 
Tyreese smiled at you as the man spoke from across the room. “She got a name?” He nodded toward the baby. 
“Judith,” Tyreese said. 
You watched carefully as they spoke. Your hand is tight around the machete. You assessed the guy as an asshole, and if you were feeling better, you would’ve killed him for taunting Tyreese the way he was. But you were in a lot of pain after all the walking, and you could barely stand. 
You were vaguely aware of gunfire, explosion, and then the sound of walkers outside. Tyreese ran to the other side of the room, and you attempted to sit up and watch him, to try and see outside the window. 
Everything happened at once. You knew the man moved as quickly as he wrapped his arms around your throat, pulling you backward by the neck. You screamed in pain as you felt your stitches tear. You tried reaching for your machete, but he kicked it away and held you tighter. Your bow and arrow were too far out of reach.
You tried to speak, but your air was cut off, and you grabbed his arms, trying to pull him off. Judith started crying in the background, but you couldn’t see her.
“Back off!” He yelled when Tyreese approached. “She’s already almost out of air, you want me to kill her?”
You tried to tell Tyreese not to back off, not to listen, but you couldn't form the words. Each movement of your body caused a burning sensation in your side, but you kept trying to wiggle yourself free. 
“Put your weapons on the ground and kick them over right now,” The man said, squeezing your throat tighter. You cried out in pain. 
Tyreese did as he asked.
“Please, don’t hurt her,” Tyreese said. 
“Go outside,” The man said. You tried to yell out no, but it came out in gasps. “Go outside!” He yelled. 
Tyreese backed up to the door and you watched in horror as he disappeared behind the door. Tears burned your eyes as the man moved away, grabbing the knife and cutting himself free. You turned on your side, coughing and spitting up bile as the air hit your lungs. Your vision was blurry, and you felt like passing out. 
The sound of Tyreese fighting and Judith crying was the only noise filling your mind, and you tried to reach for the gun still on the floor. The man quickly spotted you and kicked it away before turning to you, kicking you in the face.
You grunted in pain when your head slammed against the hardwood floor, and you felt blood pour out from your nose. Your eyes were wet with tears, and your mouth filled with blood. You tried to pull yourself up, and another blow knocked you down again. Luckily it was the side that wasn’t stabbed, but it sent your body into a frenzy, and you felt like you were going to pass out. 
Then the sound of Tyreese fighting stopped, and you couldn’t help but cry out in fear that he was taken down. You looked towards the door, fully accepting that these were your last moments, when it flew open, and Tyreese slammed himself into the man. 
The sound of bone crunching and Tyreese screaming caused you to wince and curl yourself away from the sound. There was so much screaming and blood that you couldn’t tell if the man was dead. You were too exhausted and delirious to notice whether he was dead. But Tyreese was gentle when he turned to you, softly pushing your hair back. You saw his eyes were wet, and blood coated his face. 
“(Y/N),” He said, “I’m so sorry.”
You cried harder as he checked your stitches, swearing under his breath. Bruises were already beginning to form on your throat, your nose was still bleeding, and you had a split lip. Your eye was looking swollen too. 
Tyreese ransacked the bags until he found the guy’s medkit and quickly patched you up. But there were only a few gauze pads, and he needed something more sturdy. 
“You need to p-put pressure on it,” You said, grabbing his arm. “To try and stop the bleeding.” 
“Not all the stitches ripped. This will hurt,” Tyreese said before putting pressure on the wound. 
Your scream pierced the room, and Judith started crying harder. You grabbed Tyreese’s arm as you sobbed. Everything hurt in your body, and you knew it was your time. 
“You need to go,” You said through clenched teeth. “Take Judith and get out of here. You can’t protect us both.” 
“I’m not leaving you!” Tyreese yelled, putting more weight on you. You cried harder, screaming in pain. He apologized over and over again. 
After what seemed like forever, the bleeding started to slow. He quickly wrapped gauze and bandages around your stomach. Then he stood and went to check by the window. “(Y/N).”
You choked out another sob and tried to lean up, but Tyreese quickly came over to you. He helped you to your feet, and while you were a little unsteady, you could stand with his help. He grabbed Judith and then came over to you, helping you walk slowly. 
You were fully expecting to see the road full of walkers, and you were ready to try and sacrifice yourself so Tyreese could get away. But when you stepped out into the hot summer air,  blood still dripping from your body, it wasn’t walkers headed towards you. It was your family. 
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wolfjackle-creates · 6 months
The Two Ghost Motel
So, as I mentioned, I joined the DP Ecto-Implosion Event this past month and it's Posting Week now! So I get to finally share with you the first chapter of my fic. Still working on editing the second half of the fic, but it's fully written as of this time.
For those who don't know, for the Ecto-Implosion event, artists drew/animated/composed some piece of art and writers then went in and wrote fics based off their art.
I was lucky enough to be paired with the super talented @i-think-in-metaphors who made this gorgeous artwork:
You can read on AO3 here (this fic is not locked to AO3 users only).
And for those of you who prefer to read on Tumblr:
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Minor Original Character Death (not in this chapter)
Fandom: DPxDC (though no knowledge of DC is necessary for this fic. I use a single character and he has amnesia, it takes place in an original setting or Amity)
Danny is tired. Endless ghost fights with too many responsibilities and too little time; he barely passed sophomore year. When Ember visits town for a bit of fun, she mentions the Two Ghost Motel, a place of peace and refuge for restless ghosts who aren't ready to cross over. “I’m fine, Ember.” Danny’s got a home and friends. He’s fine, really. But when his parents begin experimenting with electricity to destabilize ghosts, it’s too much for Danny. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Tucker can host him for the night and he’s left wandering in the night, alone. Then he sees it: The Two Ghost Motel. He checks in. “Welcome.”
Danny wasn’t sure when he first saw the neon sign. Honestly, he didn’t even realize it was something ghostly when he did. He just thought it was one more ghost-themed business that had come to Amity since the portal opened.
But when he mentioned the motel to Sam and Tucker, they looked at him like he was crazy.
“I’ve never heard of any Two Ghost Motel,” said Sam. “Where’d you see it?”
Tucker was typing into his PDA. “Nothing’s coming up online, either.”
“Oh come on, you’re pulling my leg. We’ve passed it at least a half dozen times. Last night when we were leaving Nasty Burger for one! And I think, what, three nights before that? On patrol? Where were we?”
“Dude, that night we were near the library. No where near Nasty Burger. No way you could’ve seen the same place both nights,” said Tucker.
“Danny, when was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” Sam’s brow was knit in concern.
Danny waved off her concern. “Whatever. I know I’ve seen it. The sign is bright pink and orange with blue ghosts on it.”
Sam just shrugged and shook her head. “Point it out next time you see it.”
Before Danny could reply, his ghost sense went off and he groaned. “Ugh, looks like someone’s around. I’m too tired for this.” Danny glanced around. They were in the park and no humans were nearby so he let his transformation wash over him.
He flew into the air and tried to listen past the sound of his breaths echoing through his mask. Even though he didn’t breathe when transformed, something about the hazmat suit remembered and the sound was inescapable.
A guitar chord played behind him and Danny instinctively threw up a shield and fell ten feet right as a blast from Ember’s instrument headed his way.
“Hey there, baby-pop!” she called. “I was sitting around, bored out of my mind, when I remembered I could just come here to have some fun!”
Danny turned to face her. “Come on, Ember.” His voice always sounded so robotic when filtered through the mask. “I’m tired.”
“Too bad. I’m not.” She grinned at him and strummed a few notes, sending more attacks his way.
Danny dodged, only to have to watch one of the blasts hit a bench and destroy it. He flew higher, hoping her next attacks wouldn’t cause more collateral that would be blamed on him.
“What, you just gonna dance around like that? Come on, attack back!”
“My moves not good enough for you?”
“You need to step it up if you want to be my back up dancer.”
Danny couldn’t help but laugh and when she sent her next blast his way, he avoided it by doing a backwards dive towards the ground only to circle back up until he was facing her. “How’s that?”
“Better, but you’re still not there. Your moves have to match the music!” She played a tune with a fast beat and Danny dodged and spun. And if he added some flair to his movements, well, he deserved the chance to have a little fun.
Another blast his way, and he twisted his hips. Matching Ember’s beat, he sent a few ectoblasts back at her.
Ember laughed. “Now you’re catching on!”
Danny allowed himself a quick glance down where he saw Sam and Tucker not even trying to hide. Tucker was filming them.
Which, of course, is when it all had to be ruined by the unmistakable sounds of the GAV driving cross-country.
“Through the park?” he moaned. “Seriously?”
“Shit, that’s your folks, isn’t it.”
“Yeah. C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
“You’ve got it, babypop. I came here for fun, not to mess with them.”
The GAV came to a stop and Danny saw his mom rush out of the passenger side with one of their new, long-distance guns. He tacked Ember, only just getting her out of the way of the blast.
Without any discussion, both turned invisible and flew out of the park. Danny didn’t let them stop until they were in a forest out of range of his parents’ trackers. Exhaustion set back in as soon as he realized they were safe, and he just plopped down on the ground and leaned against a tree.
“Ready to resume your dancing lessons?” asked Ember.
Danny groaned and rested his head against the rough bark. It was probably stupid, but he let his eyes close. “Maybe next time. I meant it when I said I’m tired.”
She didn’t say anything as one, two, three breaths sounded from his mask. And then he heard some leaves rustle. He cracked open an eye to see Ember making herself comfortable on the ground a few feet away.
“You really are tired, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Yeah. Finals are coming up and if I don’t do well, I’m going to fail sophomore year.”
“Y’know, I’ve heard of a place…”
Danny waited for her to continue, but when she didn’t, he hummed. “A place?”
“Yeah. Haven’t been there myself. But, there’s this place. It’s for ghosts who aren’t ready to move on from Earth just yet. Ghosts who live only on Earth without ever going the Zone get tired and weak. There’s just not enough ectoplasm around. Except for here, of course.”
“So what’s this place do?”
“Gives you somewhere to rest. And recharge. It’s not really on Earth. It’s a sort of in between place. Called the Two Ghost Motel. Might be worth checking in for a night if you ever don’t want to be at home for one reason or another.”
Danny hummed. “I’ve seen it around. Thought it was just a regular motel, but Sam and Tucker didn’t know what I was talking about.”
Ember picked out a tune on her guitar, but this time no attacks emanated from it. “It’s not a place for the living from what I’ve heard. Just the dead.”
Danny looked up at the stars through the tree branches, but he shook his head. “I’m fine, Ember. Just need to get some sleep.”
“Whatever you say, baby-pop.”
After that conversation with Ember, the motel began basically haunting him. Every night, as soon as dusk started to fall, he’d see it. Always a few streets away, just sitting there calling to him; it’s sign bright in the dark.
Sam and Tucker couldn’t see it, no matter how often he pointed it out to him. Jazz could sometimes see something out of the corner of her eye, but when she looked on more directly, it was never there.
Danny never approached. He was fine. He had a home and friends. There was no reason to go to some random motel.
Finals came and went. He managed to scrape by with at least Cs in everything. His parents, especially his mom, had not been happy with those grades, but Danny was just glad to have passed.
Didn’t stop him from being grounded and forced to help out more in the lab. One afternoon, he was in his room playing Doomed with Sam and Tucker when he got a message from his parents calling him back down to help them out.
“Ugh, I’ve got to go down to the lab.”
“Seriously?” complained Tucker. “Again?”
“Yeah,” agreed Sam. “Seems you’re always off helping them lately. Can’t you say no?”
“It’s this or having my phone and computer taken away. I’ll take the lab work.” He saved his progress. “Will you guys be on later?”
“Can’t,” said Sam. “My parents are forcing me to go to a fancy dinner somewhere. And they’re not giving me any more information than that to keep me from planning anything disruptive.”
“And mine have declared we’re having a tech-free family bonding night,” said Tucker, rolling his eyes. “With board games! Who plays board games in this day and age?”
Danny laughed. “I’ll see you both tomorrow, then. Later.”
Danny signed off and went downstairs. The hazmat suits were kept in a closet right next to the door to the lab, and Danny went through the process of pulling it all on. The mask that came with it was even more annoying in human form than ghost. The filtered air always tasted strange, but he’d given up complaining about that years ago.
He unlocked the lab door and went down to the lab.
“Dan-o!” called his dad as soon as he saw him. “Come here! You’re job will be to control the current!”
“Uh, current?” asked Danny.
“We’re trying to figure out how to disrupt the electrical signal in ectoplasm that gives ghosts their shape,” explained his mom. She had a bowl of ectoplasm in a glass terrarium and was arranging two metal probes so they dipped into it.
“Exactly!” agreed his dad. “So you’re going to sit at this computer”—he pulled out a chair before one of the lab computers and gestured for Danny to sit—“and adjust the frequency and voltage.”
Danny took a seat and stared at the program that was loaded on the screen. At least he wouldn’t be anywhere near the probes? A glance at the puddle of ectoplasm had him holding back a shudder.
“First we’re going to try and force the ectoplasm to form a shape,” continued his mom. “We’re going to do that with probe A. You’re going to start with a low frequency and voltage and slowly increase it while your father and I mark down how it affects the ectoplasm. We have some hypotheses about when it’ll start to form a shape.”
“And once it forms a shape,” said his dad, “you’ll use probe B to send a contrary electrical signal to destabilize it!”
“And then no more ghost!”
Suddenly Danny was glad his suit had a face mask. His parents were going to do what? Figure out how to use electricity to destabilize ghosts? It wasn’t possible. There was no way it could work. Right? He had to stay and prove to himself they were talking crazy.
“What—” His mouth was dry and he had to try again. “How should I start?”
“The settings are already loaded,” said his mom. She grabbed a tablet and sat down in front of the terrarium.
Dad sat next to her, grinning widely. “Go ahead, Dan-o!”
Danny’s hand shook as he placed it on the mouse. He sat on the other to hide it. Then he turned on the probe.
At first, nothing happened. The ectoplasm stayed a puddle and there was no visible change in it. But as he adjusted the current, it began to ripple. His parents loudly exclaimed over every change as they shouted instructions back to him.
Each change had Danny’s heart beating harder in his chest.
Two hours in is when it happened. The ectoplasm started to form a ball that rose up out of the bowl. Danny could feel something cold in the back of his throat. Not his ghost sense, but something close.
“This is it!” yelled his dad. “Danny, what’re the settings?”
Once more, Danny was glad for the way the mask muffled his voice just enough to mask how horrified he was by the thing that was forming. His parents’ theories about electrical currents couldn’t be true. They couldn’t.
“Now for us to try disrupting the current!” The glee in his mom’s voice made bile rise in Danny’s throat. But when she told him to turn on probe B, he did.
It only took twenty minutes to find the settings that made the ectoplasm fall apart back into a puddle.
Danny was up on his feet, chair toppled, in an instant. He held a gloved hand to his masked face as if he could keep from throwing up with the motion alone. It had looked so much like Ellie when she was destabilizing.
“Danny?” asked his mom, tablet forgotten on her chair as she rushed over to him. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I… I’m feeling a bit sick. Can I, can I go? Bathroom?”
His mom reached out to brush a hand over his covered forehead as if to check his temperature. “Oh sweetie, of course you can. You should’ve told us you weren’t feeling well. There’s some soup in the fridge if you think you can eat that.”
“I— yeah. Thanks.” He didn’t wait to hear anything else she had to say and just ran up the stairs. He shed his gear in record time and ran all the way up to his room. He slammed the door shut and grabbed his backpack from where it hung on his desk chair.
With shaking hands, he took out everything in the main compartment. Then he ran to his dresser and grabbed a change of clothes and something to sleep in. He couldn’t stay here right now. He just couldn’t.
From the bathroom, he grabbed some toiletries and added those.
Less than fifteen minutes after leaving the lab, he was out the front door and walking down the street. It was late, dusk starting to fall.
He considered going to Nasty Burger to get some dinner, but then he remembered the way the ball of ectoplasm had melted and he changed directions. Eventually his wandering brought him to the park where he found a bench in an empty area and sat down, dropping his backpack at his feet.
Danny buried his face in his hands as he forced himself to just breathe. He and Tucker could mess with the results from these experiments just like they had so many times in the past. It was going to be fine.
His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out.
Jazz: Hey, Danny. Mom said you weren’t feeling well? Jazz: Where’d you go? You’re not in your room. Danny: Sorry, Jazz. I had to get out of the house. Danny: Ask mom and dad about today’s experiments. Danny: You’ll understand why. I’m gonna spend the night at Tuck’s. Jazz: Okay. See you tomorrow? Danny: Yeah. I’ll be back tomorrow. Jazz: Love you.
Of course, Tucker was having a family night. He couldn’t crash that. And Sam’s parents had banned him from their house. Where would he spend the night?
And then he noticed it. Right outside the park glowed the sign: Two Ghost Motel.
He was on his feet and walking there before he’d even consciously made the decision to go. A glance around showed he was alone, that night had fully fallen on Amity so he let his transformation wash over him.
He reached the street and, for the first time, was staring directly at the motel rather than catching glimpses from a block or two away. The parking lot had a few cars in it, the oldest looking like it might’ve been from the twenties with the newest looking like it was ten or fifteen years old.
A glance in either direction showed no cars coming, so Danny crossed the street.
As soon as he stepped off the sidewalk and into the parking lot, Danny could feel a change in the air. It was nothing obvious, but something integral was different. The sounds of the city were muffled, the sense of life dulled. The air felt lighter and the door seemed to call to him. Most importantly, it was easier to push away the memories from his afternoon in the lab.
The sign, when he reached it, buzzed softly in the night. He held a hand up towards it and felt an echoing buzz under his skin.
He stared at the lights for a moment more before continuing towards the building at the other end of the lot. It hadn’t been repaved in ages and was riddled with cracks. But the plants that grew up through them weren’t the normal grasses and dandelions. He wished Sam were with him to help him identify them.
Instead he knelt down and pulled out his phone to take a picture. They glowed slightly in the night, their stems ectoplasm-green with blue leaves and red bulbs. Danny reached out to touch one, only for the bulb to open and snap at his finger.
Danny laughed in surprise as he pulled his hand away. Something inside him relaxed. A night away would do him good and maybe he’d see other cool things besides the flowers.
The motel itself was a long, two-story building. The main entrance was smack in the middle of the building with rows of rooms extending to either side. Next to the office, a passageway through the building led to the back side of the building and had stairs leading up to the second level. It was clearly old, worn in the way only time could do.
The office door wasn’t automatic and the handle stuck slightly under his hand when he tried to turn it. But just a little bit of force had it opening.
Inside, the carpet was worn, beaten down and dull in the middle. The walls were covered in floral wallpaper rather than paint. Against one wall buzzed an ice machine and against the other sat a vending machine. A man with slicked back hair and a cane stared at the vending machine without moving. A two-seater couch was next to the vending machine with a wooden coffee table in front of it. Two women sat side-by-side on it: one in modern jeans and a windbreaker, the other in an old-fashioned dress that looked like it may have come from the sixties. They were holding magazines, but in the time it took Danny to look around, neither had flipped a page.
Cutting off the back of the room was a long desk, behind which sat a closed door. A woman sat behind the desk. Her blonde hair was cut shoulder length and curled inward. She wore bright red lipstick and heavy eye shadow. But strangest of all, she wasn’t moving. Her chest didn’t raise with her breathing, she didn’t shift in her seat. The women on the couch, at least, made the little movements people make when they’re engrossed in their reading. And the man at the vending machine was tapping his fingers on his cane as he tried to decide what to get.
But the woman at the counter was utterly still.
“Evening.” Danny’s voice was loud in the small room.
The woman in modern clothes cocked her head slightly as if trying to hear a distant noise.
“What are you reading?” Danny asked her.
She just shook her head slightly and looked back at her magazine. Slowly, she turned a page.
“Oh-kay,” said Danny to himself. He walked past them as he made his way to the desk.
As soon as he reached it, the woman came to life. She turned and smiled broadly at him and her finger started tapping on a paper log book that sat in front of her. “Well hello there. Welcome to the Two Ghost Motel!” She had a slight southern accent. “What can I do you for?”
“Uh, well. I heard you might have a room I could rent for the night.”
“Sure do,” she agreed with a nod. “Can certainly set you up with one of those.” She looked him up and down then nodded to herself. “Ah, yes. We knew you might need a place soon so we made sure you’d be able to find us. Glad to see you finally stopped in.”
“What, uh, what do you know about me?”
“Same as we know about any of our potential patrons, sweetie. That you’re a restless spirit that isn’t ready to pass on yet. Two Ghost was set up to give you a place to rest while you’re still on Earth.”
“How much would it cost for one night?”
The receptionist threw back her head and laughed. Her teeth were sharper than a normal human’s. Behind him, another voice joined in the laughter. Danny turned to see the modern-dressed woman was finally looking at him, though it was only to laugh at him.
Danny rubbed the back of his neck and smiled self-consciously. “I take it that was a stupid question?”
“Honey, there’s no charge for spending the night. Wouldn’t be much of a place to rest if we forced y’all to pay when no dead has money.”
“Right. So do you want anything in exchange? I’m pretty good at fixing things up.”
“All we want is for you to have a good night’s rest.” She turned the log book around. “I’ll just need you to put down your name here and I’ll give you your key.” She waved her hand to indicate a pen that was chained to the desk.
Danny grabbed it and hesitated just a moment before signing “Phantom” on the page. The ink was ectoplasm-green.
She took the book back and made her own marks before smiling at him. “Well that’s all in order. Now just to get you your room key.” She opened a drawer which was filled with a number of small envelopes, each with a handwritten number on them. She flipped through a few before stopping on one, seemingly at random, and pulling it out. “You’ll be in room 214. Leave the office, take a right. You can’t miss the stairs. Climb ‘em, continue to the back side of the motel, and take a right.”
Danny took the envelope from her. On it, the numbers 214 were written, with Two Ghost Motel in cursive below it. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“Enjoy your stay at Two Ghost,” she smiled one more time at him, then looked down at her logbook and froze exactly as she had been when he’d first entered.
“I appreciate your help. You sure there’s nothing I can do in exchange for the room?”
But the woman didn’t stir again. Danny shifted from foot to foot. Should he try and wake her? Was she hurt? Was this a normal ghost thing? He tapped on the desk again.
No response.
Danny looked down at his key and back at the woman. Hesitantly, he turned towards the door, but he couldn’t help looking back frequently. He paused by the women on the couch, but neither looked up from their magazines. At the vending machine, he peered around the man.
“Do they have anything that looks good?” he asked.
The man didn’t move, so Danny shifted until he was standing right next to him and could look inside the machine.
The bottom two rows were filled with drinks, water and Gatorade took up space right next to shots of ectoplasm. And were those beers? What? Above those were a few types of nuts and candy bars and chips. Danny only recognized half the brands.
Then he noticed the package of bottle caps. “Oh man, been ages since I’ve had some bottle caps. Mind if I grab those if you haven’t decided yet?”
The man hummed and moved to the side so Danny could get to the bill input and number pad.
“Thanks, sir! Appreciate it.” He pressed the numbers for the candy to see the price, but the machine whirled to life and it was dropped down without requiring Danny to put in a single cent. “Oh, shit, did I just use your money? What do you like? I’ll get it for you as an apology.”
“I don’t… I don’t remember,” said the man. His voice was very quiet, but clear. Danny couldn’t place his accent.
“Are you looking for a snack or a drink? Sweet or savory?”
“My son always pretended he didn’t like sweets. I was going back to him. How did I end up here?”
“Dunno, sir. But if you like candy, I’d recommend the skittles if you want chewy, m&m’s if you want basic chocolate.” He opened his own package. “Hold out your hand, I’ll give you a few of these so you can see if you like them.”
The man did and looked at his own hand as if he’d never seen it before. Danny turned his package so a few bottlecaps fell out. “Thank you,” said the man.
“Sure thing. Hope you enjoy!”
The man stared at his hand a moment longer before bringing one to his mouth and chewing the candy with a pensive look on his face. “I think I remember these, but it’s been so long. Thank you.”
“Anytime. My name’s Phantom; I’m in room 214 if you need anything.”
“Phantom. Pleasure to meet you. I’m Tom.”
“Well, Mr. Tom, hope you find something to eat that you like.”
Tom hummed and turned back to look at the vending machine. Danny took one last look at the receptionist, still entirely frozen, before slipping out the door. He slipped the package of bottlecaps into his pocket; he’d eat them in his room when he could take his mask off. In the passageway to the back of the motel, two boys played jacks under a flood light.
Danny couldn’t help but pause to watch them. He’d tried playing a few times when he was younger, but Tucker wasn’t into the game and none of the other kids had been willing to spend enough time with the weird ghost-hunter’s kid to teach him.
He waited until the kid who’d been picking up the jacks tossed them back on the ground before asking, “So, who’s winning?”
Both boys looked up at him with the same blank expression. The one on the right was a red-head while the one on the left was brown haired. They were about the same age, maybe ten years old and Danny wondered what happened to bring them here.
“I never learned to play,” Danny admitted, waving a hand to indicate their game. “So I don’t know how to tell. Or, is there even a winner in jacks? I might be completely off the mark.”
The red-head raised his hand. “I’m wining. I’m on the foursies round. Alan is only on twosies.”
“Matt cheated and made me drop my jacks.”
“It wasn’t cheating, just strategy,” protested Matt.
“Cheating,” repeated Alan.
“Prove it by beating your threesies round perfectly this time.”
Danny smiled to himself as the boys returned to their game and ignored his presence entirely.
“How’d you do that?” asked someone behind him.
Danny spun around to see a boy around his own age on the stairs leaning over the railing. He had dark hair and light eyes and was dressed in modern jeans and a t-shirt.
“Do what?” asked Danny.
“Get them to talk to you. Everyone ignores me entirely.”
Danny glanced back at the two boys who were entirely absorbed in their game and not paying Danny or the stranger any attention. “They’re mostly ignoring me, too.”
The kid rolled his eyes. “But they still talked to you. I haven’t even gotten that much.”
Danny shrugged. “I just asked them about their game.”
He groaned and kicked at the railing. “I’ve tried that. Who’re you, anyway?”
“I’m Phantom. Staying here for the night because, well, just because. Who’re you?”
Danny cocked his head. “Like the bird?”
Jay’s eyes widened in surprise, then he grinned back. “That’s it! I knew I was forgetting something. I’m a bird. Thanks, Phantom.”
Danny laughed. “Sure thing, birdie.” He adjusted his backpack. “Let me put this down. I’m in room 214. What’s there to do in this motel?”
Jay shrugged. “More if you can get the other people to talk to us. But the TV always has your favorite show or movie on and the vending machine in the office always has your favorite snacks.”
As Danny made his way up the stairs, Jay fell in step besides him. “What’s your favorite movie?” he asked.
Jay shrugged again. “Dunno. But every time I turn on the TV it’s playing.”
“What did you watch last, then?”
Jay hesitated a moment and when Danny looked at him, he was frowning. “I don’t…” He shook his head. “I don’t forget things. My d— Someone made sure I could give accurate reports. But I don’t remember.” He looked at Danny with his brow furrowed. “Why don’t I remember?”
Danny shrugged. “Well, when we get to my room, we can turn on the TV and see what comes on.”
Jay brightened immediately at the suggestion. “Duh! That’ll remind me. Thanks, Phantom! Come on, your room’s this way. We’re neighbors; I’m in 215.” He jogged the rest of the way up the stairs so Danny had to speed up, too.
At the top of the stairs, Jay took a right and Danny’s door was several down.
“Home sweet home,” he said, gesturing to the door.
Danny laughed as he unlocked it. “So how long have you been here?” He pushed open his door and took in the space. The carpet looked like it hadn’t been upgraded since the seventies. A double bed sat against one wall covered by a faded, green paisley quilt. A low dresser and box TV against the opposite wall. Most of the wall facing the walkway was taken up with a large window, though the closed blinds kept it private.
It wasn’t until Danny stepped in and dropped his bags on the bed that he realized Jay had neither responded nor followed him in.
“Birdie? Jay? You okay?”
Jay was frozen outside the door staring out into the distance away from the motel. The back of the motel had very few lights, and the night made it seem like there was nothing out there but endless black. When Danny called out, Jay shook himself and grinned as he entered the room and sat down on Danny’s bed with enough force to bounce. “Course I’m okay! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You spaced out there for a minute.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “No I didn’t. Where’s your remote?” Before Danny could do anything, Jay was already standing and picking it up from the dresser. He turned on the TV. “Oooh, the Godfather! Told you it always has your favorite movie.”
“So The Godfather is your favorite?”
“Of course.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it all the way through.”
“Then you’re in for a treat! Come on, sit next to me. I’ll make sure you notice all the good parts.”
Danny did as told. Which is when he remembered he still had the candy. Wordlessly, he held it out to Jay who grinned as he took a few to snack on.
Chapter 2
Hope you enjoyed chapter 1! This was so much fun to write. I loved taking part in the event so much. Please consider checking out the rest of the art and fics from this event because there are so many talented people who took part. (My reading list is gonna be filled for at least the rest of the year, no lie.)
Just search the tag #ectoimplosion2023 to see what I mean.
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sixeyescurseuser · 6 months
Thinking about Satosugu in Gojo’s bed fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle, exchanging slow kisses. It could’ve been a few minutes or a few hours; time passes differently when they’re so lost in each other.
Gently, Geto pulls back, eyes fond as he stares into Gojo’s soul. 
“I have to go back to my room. We have an early class tomorrow,” Geto says, voice raspy with fatigue from the day. Gojo hums, then scoots closer to further tangle their legs. He ghosts soft lips over Geto’s adam’s apple.
“Satoru, I’m serious.”
“I heard you, I heard you,” Gojo grumbles. Geto doesn’t have to look down at him to know he’s pouting. “One more?”
The moment Gojo taps his own lips for a kiss, Geto is already swooping down to press their lips together. The wet sounds of their lips smacking fill the air, along with the rustling of sheets as Gojo lazily rolls over to half-pin Geto down.
Geto’s hair is messily strewn across Gojo’s pillow. Gojo can’t help but dig his fingers into the silky strands. Geto’s hands have found their way to Gojo’s waist, simply holding him. By the time they finally pull back, both of them pant heavily - synched in even the smallest thing.
Gojo gazes down at Geto, half-lidded, ocean-blue eyes impossibly bright in the dark room. A few seconds pass before he lifts his weight off.
“Okay. You can…you can go.”
Geto blinks. With a squeeze to Gojo’s hips, he exhales heavily.
Geto sits up, which Gojo takes as a signal to shuffle back. Except before he can make it even an inch back, Gojo feels the world turn upside down as he's hauled onto his back, and Geto’s lips crash into his once more.
This time, the kiss is much more heated. Geto doesn’t give Gojo time to breathe as he devours Gojo’s mouth, licking in obscenely. 
“S-suguru, you a-asshole-!” Gojo whines, but they both know he’s secretly delighted at Geto’s lack of control. Geto pulls back, smiling with mirth.
“Sorry, you’re just too pretty. I can’t help but want to gobble you up,” he says. 
Gojo preens at that.
More kisses from his insanely hot and warm and most favorite person in the entire world? Gojo doesn’t need to be asked twice before he’s wrapping his legs around Geto’s waist and pulling him closer, silently asking for more.
Geto obliges, dipping down to meet Gojo in the middle.
In the late hours of the night, they end up falling asleep.
And nearly oversleep if not for the alarm Geto had strategically set the night before.
Cue Geto jumping out of bed to get changed but he ends up tripping over their clothes that are scattered on the floor. Gojo, even in his half-asleep daze, cackles loudly at the sight.
Without turning back, Geto quickly gets dressed, throws his middle finger up, and exits the room with a dozen dark, hickeys lining his neck. 
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vladajwrites · 1 year
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Razor’s Edge
Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven
Summary; Reader moves to Woodsboro for her senior year of high school. This story take place in the setting of the Scream 4 movie. This story is dedicated to all of the girls living through the current Rory Culkin revival. I love and see you. <3
Also available to be read on AO3 here
It's imperative for me to mention MAJOR trigger warnings for this story; blood, violence, sexual content, alcohol usage, and mentions of abusive situations and suicide. I will add and edit tw's as needed.
WC; 5499
Notes; no major notes for this chapter! hope you enjoy reading <3 much much love!!
(Not Beta Read)
You woke the next morning to about a dozen missed calls and text messages.
You sat up instantly, wiping the sleep from your eyes. Kirby had texted you nearly 10 times on her own.
“Are you okay?” “Please let me know if you’re safe.”
Your eyes widened as you scanned through her messages. She must have heard about the fight, you felt absolutely terrible, truly hoped it didn’t ruin the rest of the party.
You even had a text message from Jill. Hers held a surprising sentiment to Kirby’s original one.
You found that you also had a missed call from Charlie. He was the first one you decided to respond to. Maybe he could shed some light onto what was unfolding.
The phone rang a few times before Charlie picked up the other line.
“Are you feeling okay today?” Charlie spoke, his voice broke a bit at his words.
“I’m okay. How are you feeling?” You responded, nodding to yourself.
“I could be far worse, he hardly had the chance to touch me.”
“Well, that’s good then.” You responded softly.
The line was silent for a moment.
“Have you heard the news?” Charlie asked. News? Oh God, you hoped he wasn’t in any trouble.
“No, what’s going on Charlie?” You picked at your lip, anxiously waiting for a response. Your head was pounding, you weren’t sure if your nerves, or the alcohol from the night before, were making you so completely sick to your stomach.
Charlie stumbled over his own words for a moment before giving you a proper answer.
“This morning… The police found two students dead. Everyone is saying they were murdered.” He spoke just loud enough to be heard.
You choked back your own shock. Nothing could’ve prepared you for this sort of news. How was this possible? Did you know the students? The thought made your heart sink.
“Do they know-?” You began.
“No, they haven’t released much information. I don’t think they have any suspects yet, too soon to tell.” Charlie was quick to cut you off.
You sighed. The news of this was quick to sober you from your impending hangover.
You spoke a bit more, only briefly, before ending the call.
Irina found you in your bedroom a few moments later, relaying the same information.
“I’m supposed to leave for another work seminar on Monday and wouldn’t be returning until the following week. But I’m not going, I can’t leave you here…” Her words trailed off a bit at the end. She was nervously picking at a loose thread on your duvet cover, something she never did.
You reached up carefully to her hand, urging her to face you again. “No, go. Please, I’ll be okay. I promise.”
“It’s all just so much like times before,” you could see the tears well in her eyes. You immediately knew what she was speaking about. This possibility that this was all connected to the murders that had taken place in Woodboro in 1996 had already crossed your mind. You refused to let yourself dwell on it.
“Go, I’ll be okay. We don’t know anything for certain yet.” You tried your best to reassure her. You secretly wished she’d stay, but you didn’t want this to interfere with anything pertaining to her career.
“Okay,” she nodded, standing up. She stopped in your doorway, turning to face you one more time. “Just, if things get worse in any way. I’ll come home. I promise.”
“Okay.” You replied softly.
You made sure to keep your doors and windows locked that night before bed.
You said your goodbyes to Irina that Monday morning before school, reassuring her that things would be okay.
You arrived at school, welcomed by a bleak sight unfolding in front of you.
News vans were parked as close to the curb as they could be. Students stood around the entrance of the building with sullen and grim expressions. It was horrible, truly a terrible sight.
You wished you could’ve just sat back in your car and made the decision to drive home, lock yourself in your house and bedroom. You had to press on though.
You did your very best to pull your emotions together, keep it all inside for the time being. You pushed your way through news crews and hoards of students, careful to avoid the path of any cameras.
“This all happened the day Sidney Prescott decided to return to Woodsboro.” You heard one of the female newscasters speak behind you.
The pit in your stomach grew at her words.
How could this all be happening? Were you safe? Would Charlie or Kirby be safe? The dread was quick to consume you.
You sat quickly in your first period class, nudging Jill to turn and face you.
“Thank you for checking in on me.” You stated.
She turned to face you sharply, looking you over. “Well Sidney Prescott is my aunt, you know? Of course I’d be worried about anyone close to me.”
You were taken back a bit by her answer. Close to her? You never believed you were, to be completely honest. It still meant something to you though, that she believed you were. You were also surprised to find out that Sidney was her aunt, you hadn’t made that connection before.You couldn’t imagine what she must be feeling during all of this.
“Oh, I truly hope that you and your aunt are able to stay safe.” You answered as earnestly as possible.
She gave you a half smile, giving you a once over again before turning to rejoin her conversation with Kirby.
This was all too inconceivable, too terrible.
You just wanted Charlie, counted the minutes until you knew you’d see him again. You’d be safe with him.
As the clock ran on, more speculation and details came to light. The two girls who were murdered were named Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall. Your heart sunk impossibly lower as you realized you knew both girls, even if only in passing in the classes you shared.
They were both stabbed, brutally murdered.
It grew increasingly difficult to not connect their murders to previous patterns of torment that plagued Woodsboro’s history.
You stared mindlessly out the window, watching the newscasters gather again outside. You almost entirely missed the bell that rang, releasing students for lunch.
The dread was eating you up from the inside out. Would Charlie be okay? Kirby and Irina? Would you?
How could you possibly know? What could you possibly do?
You had nowhere to run, nowhere to go. You were quick to decide you’d never flee, even if the option were present. You could never bring yourself to leave your loved ones behind.
Your body worked itself up and onward, moving you through muscle memory out towards the exit of the building. Your mind was somewhere, off very far away.
A hand slid across your back to rest on your shoulder. The sudden touch made you jump.
You snapped your head to the left sharply. You were met by Charlie. He was walking along with you, saying something to Robbie who was on the other side of him. You hadn’t even noticed them near you.
“You scared me, Charlie.” You huffed, exhaling the breath that you seemed to have been holding since learning the news that morning.
Charlie turned to look at you then, his expression fell for a second as his eyes darted across your face.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He replied sincerely. His hand slipped from your shoulder for a moment. You were quick to grab his wrist, letting him wrap around you again.
You tried your best to relax your expression a bit more. “Just on edge, it’s okay. I should’ve been paying better attention.”
He studied you for another moment before nodding, pulling you closer into him.
Robbie cleared his throat awkwardly. You and Charlie both turned back to face him after seemingly forgetting there was a third party still nearby.
Your lips twitched upwards into a half smile as you took in the sight of the clunky glasses Robbie now wore.
“New glasses?” You asked, gesturing up at Robbie.
He nodded in response. His hands fumbled around a bit as he took them off and handed them over to you to examine.
You flipped them around, noticing a small camera attached awkwardly to one of the frames.
Robbie mumbled out an explanation for the new gadget. “…and if these murders are connected to the original Stab murders, I want to be the one to catch any real life footage. Ya’ know? Make my own movie.”
You could feel Charlie instantly stiffen up and roll his shoulders back beside you.
Your expression dropped as you handed the glasses back over.
“That’s morbid Robbie.” You replied, shaking your head.
Before he could respond, you felt your phone ring in your back pocket. You pulled it out, looking over the caller ID. Irina’s name flashed on the screen. She was surely just calling to let you know she’d made it to her destination and to check up on you again.
You excused yourself from the group, telling Charlie you’d see him back in class.
The rest of your lunch break passed by as well as it could have after your quick conversation with Irina. You did your best to avoid the spectacle in front of and around the school. It was more difficult to ignore the whispers and constant conversations passed between students about the killings.
In your last period class an announcement played over the speakers. “All extracurricular activities will be disbanded after school today.” The statement was repeated once more before going off the air.
You sighed, sinking further in your seat. There’d be no film club after class today. You peaked slightly behind you to try and catch Charlie’s attention. He was intently scribbling what appeared to be a mess of things on a loose piece of lined paper.
You hadn’t truly realized until that moment just how badly you didn’t want to have to go home and be all alone.
You reached for your phone, composing a text message to Charlie under your desk. “Come over later?”
You sent the message, setting the phone down in your lap.
A loud text tone ringer sounded in the nearly silent classroom. All heads turned to face Charlie who was now fumbling with his phone to switch off the source of the sound.
“Walker, phones on silent please.” The teacher spoke sternly from behind their desk.
You snapped your head back forward, biting back a smile.
A few moments later you felt your phone buzz silently in your lap.
“Yeah, 5pm?” Charlie’s message read.
“Works for me. Sorry about the noise.” You replied.
“Swear you must’ve done it on purpose.” He responded.
You turned back slightly to face him. He had a small smile across his lips as he looked you over.
You smiled back, melting a bit into your seat.
The rest of the school day wrapped up shortly after.
As you returned home, you double and triple checked that your windows and doors were locked. It was only a short amount of time before 5pm. You rushed downstairs once you heard a knock on the door.
Charlie stood on the porch, one hand in his pocket the other was held down casually at his side.
“Come on.” You smiled, motioning him through the door.
Once up in your bedroom you held out your arms to him. He returned the gesture, holding you close against himself.
You inhaled deeply, taking in the familiar scent of him. You walked backwards carefully until you hit your bed frame, you both promptly fell back into bed.
“Thank you for coming over.” You said softly, fixing yourself on his chest.
He kissed the top of your head, “Of course, thank you for having me over.”
You hummed and nodded, playfully reaching over him for the television remote. He picked it up off your nightstand and handed it to you.
You scrolled through the cable channels until landing on daytime production of the original Halloween. You didn’t mind that it had already played halfway through. You had seen the movie twice in its entirety by now.
It was nice and quiet for a few moments. Neither of you really paid any attention to what was being played on the television. It was time to decompress. If even just for a moment, you were able to set aside the horrible thoughts that had been racing through your mind during the entirety of the day.
You had exchanged small talk and conversations about the movie as it played through. It wasn’t until the end credits rolled that you sat up and fixed yourself in bed. The sun had long begun to set. You felt wracked with exhaustion, your mind was beginning to run all over again.
You tried to hold back a yawn when Charlie spoke up.
“Hey, I can leave, let you get some sleep.” He spoke softly, sitting up beside you.
You fervently shook your head no. “No, please don’t go. I don’t want to be alone.” Your lips twitched downward.
He studied your face for a moment, not wanting to overstep. He hadn't spent the night with you since the first time you were alone with him. But, the thought of spending the night completely alone terrified you. You felt the current situation extenuated the circumstances.
He sucked in a breath, nodding. “Of course.” He promptly adjusted himself so that you could lay back down on his chest.
He mindlessly ran his fingers over your face and through your hair as you spoke to him.
“I’m terrified, Charlie.” You said just above a whisper.
“Don’t be, doll.” He replied earnestly.
“How could I not be?” You continued. “I’m so scared. What if something were to happen to you or me? And beyond the murders… What happens with Anderson when he returns to school? As if we didn’t already have so much to worry about…”
Charlie halted his movements. You looked up at him, something was so clearly troubling him. You knew he couldn’t really secure yours or his own safety. Still, just having the reassurance from him meant the world to you.
He composed himself again. “I promise you, I’ll take care of it.” He responded, holding out his pinky to swear.
You returned his smile, pulling on your bravest front as well before returning the gesture, hooking your pinky finger within his own.
That night was spent safely and soundly in his arms amidst a mess of heavy limbs and blankets. Your bedroom window was opened a fraction of the way, allowing the early fall breeze into your room.
There was nowhere safer to you than with him by your side. You couldn’t explain it, it was just an intimate and visceral feeling.
The next night was spent that way as well. The following school day had happened about the same way the last had gone by. There was an unsteady and nervous blanket that had covered the town of Woodsboro and you were not immune to the impending feeling of dread. Still no suspects, only very minimal details were slowly released.
Anderson had also still not shown his face that entire Tuesday. You had hated yourself for even looking for him in the crowded hallways at school but you just couldn’t help it. You wished that whatever confrontation that was sure to come from him would just be over with and done already.
It wasn’t until the next day on Wednesday when he finally showed face. He was badly bruised, poorly attempting to conceal a large black eye. You noticed him first while passing between your first and second period. He noticed you shortly after. Your breath caught in your through as your eyes connected. He held such malcontent and anger in his expression. It made your skin absolutely crawl.
You made sure to stay in extra close proximity to Charlie that day.
When Charlie arrived after school at your home for the third day in a row, you made sure to tell him about your interaction with Scotty.
“Did he say anything to you?” Charlie asked.
“No, no. He just looked at me. But,” You shook your head, your face falling towards the ground.
Charlie reached a hand over on your thigh, waiting patiently for you to continue.
“I don’t know. It’s silly to even be worried about it. It’s just, there’s so much going on.” You continued, looking up to meet his eyes again.
Charlie wrapped you gently in his arms, kissing the top of your head.
“It will be alright,” He replied. “I love you.”
You smiled then, nodding. “I love you, too.”
As the sun began to set, you slowly became more sure of yourself. There was no point in worrying so much about things that were entirely out of your control. You had a much welcomed distraction in front of you to keep the thoughts at bay.
It was a bit past 7pm, you were growing hungry and restless.
“Would you like to come downstairs while I make dinner?” You asked, looking over at Charlie.
“Yeah, of course.” He answered.
You climbed over him out of bed, making the split decision to change into something more comfortable.
You threw on an oversized shirt and slid out of the pants you wore leaving you in nothing but your panties underneath. You took careful and slow actions in your movements, taking time to show your body as innocently as you could as you heard Charlie clear his throat and stand up behind you.
You motioned over your shoulder at him to follow you downstairs, his eyes drifted over your legs and upwards to meet your gaze.
You still found his shyness endearing. After all this time, you could still make him squirm so easily.
Dinner was prepared quickly, something simple you had learned to make from your aunt.
There was a labored silence that swept through the kitchen and dining room as you let him help you prepare the meal. You stole touches and long glances when you could, he did the same.
By the time you had both sat down to eat, a familiar tension had set in between the two of you.
You sat closely to him, kicking your feet up into his lap. He sucked in a sharp breath, nearly dropping his fork onto the table as you adjusted yourself into a more comfortable position.
It was so simple, yet entirely perfect. You imagined you’d be happy like this, doing this same thing over and over again with him.
By the time you had cleared the table and gotten the kitchen back in order with his help, a knot in your stomach had begun to grow.
Something about seeing him in such a domesticated position made your heart swell and your internal temperature rise.
You got ready for bed quickly, he followed suit.
As you changed the record over on your player, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander to that first night you had spent with him alone.
There wouldn’t be a better distraction, a better way to relieve the stress from the past few days, than with his hands against your body. You could give yourself this. Besides, it was hard to not notice the way he had grown more handsy with you in his sleep.
You heard him kick out of his jeans and undress down to his boxers, wearing what he usually wore to bed.
You knew he wouldn’t initiate anything, knew he was too nervous to try. But if you just have him a push-
You dropped the needle onto the record before turning to face him. He was already in bed, the duvet was pulled up just past his waist. He had a smile on his face that met his eyes, his hand was held out to you to help you into bed.
He just looked so stunning like this.
You inhaled deeply, reaching out your hand to him. You carefully climbed into bed, halting your movements once you were straddling his waist.
His eyes widened a bit as he tried to make out the intentions behind your expression.
You steadied yourself, hooking your fingers under the hem of your shirt before promptly pulling it over your head and dropping it down onto the floor.
“Fuck…” He murmured. His eyes traced over the frame of your body as his hands carefully slid up the curves of your waist.
The heat of his hands and the calluses that laced through his palms and fingers made you shiver under his touch.
You dropped your head down, moving your hair behind your ears as his hands cupped around your breasts.
You met his lips harshly, letting your hands rest on either side of his shoulders.
He doubled your neediness, bucking up his hips and kicking down the duvet until you rested flush against the growing bulge of his boxers.
You rolled your hips back, drinking in the whimpering mess that fell from his lips.
You pulled back slightly, pouting your lips. “I want you Charlie.”
“Yeah?” He questioned, searching for your lips again.
You rolled your hips again, letting your fingers slide through his hair. “Mhm.” You replied, sucking in his bottom lip.
His eyes shut tightly before reopening, his expression was dark, nearly tearing into you.
“How bad do you want me?” His voice was rough, and strained. His right hand came up to hold around the back of your neck, willing you to look at him directly.
You smiled at him as sweetly as possible. You wanted to show him- would show him, just how badly you wanted him..
Your lips worked to kiss a steady trail down his neck and chest, making sure to stop and suck at the spots you knew he liked the most.
Your fingers carefully and slowly slid his boxers down his hips until he took over, hastily kicking out of them.
The full length of him still somehow surprised you, regardless of the clear memory you had of that first night you had seen him.
You couldn’t bring yourself to waste anymore time. You quickly took him into your hand, letting your thumb trace his tip. You collected the precum that had already begun to spill out of him.
He shuddered and groaned as you took him into your mouth, letting your hand work around the parts of him you couldn’t push down your throat.
He quickly began to fall apart, you watched him carefully as his steady breathing grew labored and uneven. The sounds that came out of him were so entirely beautiful. His chorus of praise quickened your movements. You pushed him down your throat even further until you were choking and sputtering around him.
His hips raised in an unsteady pattern. His movements only quickened as the tears and spit ran down your face.
“You look so perfect like this doll.” He sighed out. His words made your heart swell. You just wanted to do a good job for him, show him how much you loved him.
He quickly wrapped his arms around your chest and back, pulling you up and under himself so that your head rested comfortably on the pillow at your head board.
You whined in response, you hadn’t had the chance to make him finish yet.
The sudden quickness and strength of his actions caught you slightly off guard. You had no time to process it though, he was already down at your waist, sliding your panties down your hips, leaving a trail of kisses down your legs as he took them completely off.
His lips and tongue were at your entrance and against your clit in an instant. You cried out, arching your back up into him. He gripped your frame steadily, holding you down perfectly for him. His shoulders kept your legs open as wide for him as possible.
It didn’t take long until your eyes welled with tears again, you were seeing stars. The entire room spun around you.
It somehow felt so much better than the first time. You figured it was certainly because you both had to be so much more comfortable with one another.
You had nearly begun to come undone against him when his tongue slowed its movements. You could feel the fingers of his free hand slide carefully through your folds before gently pushing past your entrance.
You cried out his name, letting your hands wildly mess and pull at his hair.
He groaned as you began to shutter and tighten around him.
You felt so incredibly full, it was almost too much- too blinding. Yet, you needed more of him, it didn’t matter if it hurt you, you wanted more of him inside of you, needed him to move faster- tear through you.
As though he could read your thoughts, he slipped another finger inside of you, his tongue worked in quicker paced circles.
The additional pressure sent you crashing over the edge. The tears began to fall down your face as your legs shook uncontrollably. He didn’t stop his movements until your cum dripped down your legs and his face and you were begging him to slow down.
He sat up, making his way up the bed to kiss you again. A wide smirk was plastered across his lips.
You kissed him fervently, lapping up the taste of you against his mouth. The fire was quick to build inside of you again.
You just needed more, wanted more of him so desperately.
You were mindless, drunk on him alone.
You reached down as he held himself above you. You carefully wrapped your fingers around his cock, urging him closer.
You were ready to take the next step, needed to desperately.
He let out a sudden string of expletives, nearly dropping down onto his forearms, as you slid the head of his cock through the folds of your slick cunt.
Your eyes were wide as you looked up at him. You held an expression of innocence in your expression, you knew this all must be driving him mad.
“Are you sure?” His face looked so serious for a moment as he studied your expression.
“Yes, please Charlie. I need it.” You practically begged.
“Christ,” He hazily mumbled out as he met your lips again.
He sat back, better adjusting him in front of you. You could tell he was trying to give him a second to compose himself a bit more.
You smiled up at him, giving him an ounce more reassurance. Maybe you needed a bit more as well.
“I- I don’t have a condom.” His face fell for a second at the sudden realization.
You laughed, pulling his hands forward to rest on either side of your shoulders. You arched upwards, tracing a few kisses up his arms before dropping back into the bed.
“I’m on the pill, Charlie. It’s okay, promise.” You replied. Although you had really only started it quite recently, you were certain it must all be working by now.
He nodded, dropping down to kiss you again. He let his arm slide down to take himself in his hand. The muscles in his stomach flexed and contracted as he lined himself up at your entrance.
“I’ll go slow, princess.” He spoke just above a whisper.
You bit your lip and nodded up at him.
Time seemed to impossibly stop as he held your gaze.
You sucked in a sharp breath as he began to slowly push forward. Your mouths fell open in unison as he reached about a third of himself inside of you.
The initial pressure was nearly blinding. The string of moans and whimpers that spilled from both of your mouths fell on your nearly deaf ears.
He steadied himself, dipping his head down to carefully trail soft kisses across your jaw. He stayed that way until your labored breathing grew a bit more steady as you willed yourself to adjust around the size of him.
“More, please.” You choked out. You nodded your head as he looked you over, making sure that you were okay.
He pushed forward in the same tortuously slow pace until you could feel his waist flush against you.
“Is this okay? Are you doing okay?” He could hardly get the words out of himself.
“Mhm,” you sighed out. You relaxed your body as best you could. He rocked carefully in and out of you, helping you relax further into the bed.
The pain slowly melted away, the pressure morphed into a biting pleasure that built from deep within you. It was so different from anything you had felt before. You just needed to feel more of it, wanted him to feel just as good.
“You feel so good, so fucking wet for me.” Charlie sighed as his movements grew quicker and more drawn out.
You met his eyes, him in this state above you nearly had you ready to come undone for him again. You wanted to draw out this moment as long as you possibly could. It was perfect- entirely too perfect.
You arched yourself up into him, the new position led him to hit a different place inside of you. You cried out, nails dragging deeply up his stomach.
“Just like that, please. You’re doing so good for me.” You babbled out. Your eyes screwed back inside your head as his movements grew more erratic and sloppy.
Your praise willed him to find that same spot again. He quickly wrapped his arm around your right thigh before pulling your leg up over his shoulder.
You cried out at the new depth. You met his eyes again, your line of sight was blinded by tears. It was so beautifully painful. He was biting down hard on his pointer finger in an attempt to hold himself together. You could tell he was so incredibly close.
From this new position, Charlie was able to hit the spot you needed over and over again.
You reached around him, leaving scratches down his back that would surely welt over. Neither of you cared. Charlie reacted so well to the pain.
“Fuck, please cum for me. I can’t- I’m going to,” Charlie pleaded.
His words were the catalyst that sent you coming undone under him. The pure pleasure came from deep within you. It was more perfect than anything you had experienced before. You felt it spread within you, from the top of your head to your hands and feet that were alternating between digging into the mattress and grasping into Charlie. Every nerve ending in your body was shot at once.
Your thoughts spun as your eyes blurred further and ears rang out around you. It was only him that could anchor you back to earth.
He fucked you through your high until you were a tearful, babbling mess. The only word that could properly come from your mouth was his own name.
Your vision cleared as you watched him take his turn and fall apart in front of you. You ran your fingers up his arms as his movements stuttered and halted. You could feel the warmth spill from him inside of you. The new feeling almost sent you coming again around him. The sounds that came from him were better than any music you could wish to hear.
It was almost as if you saw the rest of your life with him at that very moment. The look in his eyes as he nearly collapsed down on top of you told you he experienced the exact same thing.
You grabbed him in your arms, kissing him along the top of his head. He lazily wrapped his arms underneath you, pulling you even closer.
You both stayed there in silence for another moment, him still deep inside of you as you pulsed and fluttered around him.
“I love you so much.” He breathed out as the air regained a steady movement in and out of you both.
You pulled his face up to meet your eyes. “I love you even more.” You replied, smiling down at him.
He huffed out a labored laugh, rolling off of you into his back.
He stood up a moment later on unsteady legs, going to grab the towel that hung in your room.
“Not possible.” He smirked as he made his way back to the bed.
He took great care in cleaning you up first before getting himself together. He threw the towel into your laundry hamper before climbing back into bed.
Your eyes felt impossibly heavier than your body as he helped pull you onto his chest.
He prayed a gentle string of praises and ‘I love you’s’ until your eyes fluttered closed and you began to drift off into a deep and much needed peaceful night of sleep.
You were safe at his side. There was truly nowhere else in the world you’d rather be.
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faramirsonofgondor · 18 days
they're adults having a casual, light hearted conversation about their past traumas. bucks sexuality has been treated with nothing but respect. this is honestly the first hint of buck and tommys sex life that we've even seen ? its telling that the minute they reference sex, dozens of fans are quick to call it 'disturbing'. "well if it were me-" AH but it wasn't, it didn't happen to you, it happened to buck and he laughed at his cute boyfriends flirty joke. so. idk maybe calm down and go talk gay people in real life and realize joking about a possible daddy kink is not indicative of an abusive relationship or whatever the fuck
When did I ever call Tommy abusive?? And like I said my main issue isn’t with their sex life or them talking about it. I don’t have any issues with people who have daddy/mommy kinks either because I have them too??? Also I’m literally gay and have conversations with many different types of queer people all the time so I honestly don’t know what you’re on about. My main issue isn’t even with Tommy himself it’s with the writers and show-runners and how they’ve framed this relationship. Just because their relationship isn’t abusive doesn’t make it a good relationship. Just because Buck smiles/laughs doesn’t mean he’s actually okay with the way he’s being treated. Throughout the show, time and time again, we have seen that Buck lets people walk over him and his feelings, especially in his romantic relationships.
When I say they’ve fetishized Buck’s sexuality, I’m not talking about them making jokes about Bucks sex life or whatever, I’m talking about how they only seem to show Buck & Tommy having chemistry in a sexual setting. There’s nothing with Buck & Tommy wanting to have sex with each other but the way they frame it makes seem like Buck and Tommy have no use for each other besides making out and having sex. I think it’s wrong that they’re portraying their relationship this way. Even in Buck’s other romantic relationships, despite how disastrous most of them ended up, they still had actual emotional chemistry with each other and it was clear that they were fond of each other for the majority of their relationship.
In the very short amount of screen time Buck & Tommy’s relationship gets this season, the majority of it is spent with Tommy being snide and rude to Buck, disregarding his feelings, or them kissing and making out with each other. Buck may be totally with that in the show, but I think it’s a disturbing way to portray Buck’s first MLM relationship, especially in comparison to Bucks other relationships. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth that none of the writers can have Tommy spend at least one minute of time to comfort Buck or be gentle with him - the closest we got to that was at the restaurant when Tommy said “I guess it’s just me that makes you nervous”.
I think it’s reasonable for people to be upset that the writers are basically reducing their relationship down to sexual tension and snide/rude remarks and I think that it has negative implications on the way that they and other people view MLM relationships. Like are they trying to say that all that MLM relationships are is just being bitchy, smiling at each other, and getting sexual??? I don’t understand what they’re trying to do or portray with this relationship but it doesn’t come across well.
Furthermore what you said about it “it being telling” that people are calling disturbing is completely discounting most of what I said in my previous post. Because it’s not about their sex life. It’s about the timing and framing of their relationship. I don’t think many people would view it as “casual” or “lighthearted” and it’s not really about “past traumas” when Buck was bringing up the fact that Bobby literally just died and was resuscitated?? Buck saying Bobby was the father he never had was him opening up and being vulnerable (even if it may have been said in a lighter tone), and they could’ve have Tommy say something like “Well tonight must’ve been really hard for you.” or “This must be really stressful for you.” Instead they essentially had him say “well your actual dad is still alive so”. Which is not a healthy response to that kind of comment.
And again, just because Buck laughed at Tommy’s joke doesn’t mean that Tommy constantly brushing Bucks feelings aside is okay. Being happy in a relationship does not make it a healthy or good one. Buck was happy with all his previous exes and yet the majority of the fandom calls them toxic, disgusting, rude, disrespectful, etc. It’s weird to me that Buck can’t even open up to Tommy without him making a thoughtless or snide remark.
When I said “I would’ve done…” in last post it was to demonstrate what a healthy conversation and setting boundaries should like in a relationship, and that the writers could’ve taken a healthier approach to Buck and Tommy’s relationship. Like I said, I think it’s weird that the writers decided to portray Bucks first MLM relationship with no emotional chemistry and only sexual chemistry. I don’t think they’ve handled this storyline respectfully at all, especially considering all of Bucks previous relationships had scenes where they actually built on their relationship together and we never get that with Buck & Tommy’s. Their relationship had the potential to develop with around the same amount of screen-time as Abby & Bucks but the writers didn’t go that direction. Buck and Tommy’s relationship had potential to be good and healthy but the writers haven’t done anything to show that it is. Everything good in their relationship is “implied” or happens off screen and I think that’s a really shitty way to develop a relationship, so excuse me if I don’t “calm down” about this.
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