#we cut our hair super short (it grows very fast so it's already looking like the Curly Haired Tiktok Boy cut)
t4tdanvis · 10 months
I transmasc’d too hard and I can’t decide how much length to leave on my hair.
On one hand I like putting my hair into a ponytail but on the other. The evil little frog in my brain is going “!!! Boy time” and making me want to cut it super short.
suggestion: buy a wig maybe?
0 notes
harryspet · 4 years
painted with bruises | bucky barnes
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[Warnings] severe domestic violence, bucky barnes x reader, dark!steve rogers x reader, mafia!bucky, officer!steve, oral sex (female recieving), kidnapping, bondage, extreme violence, torture, so much angst, steve is a suuuper bad person in this haha
[A/N] This is a super last minute entry into @tilltheendwilliwrite ‘s 7.7K Follower (Covid Sucks) Celebration! so I hope you enjoy.
In which Bucky kidnaps you in order to get close to his enemy, Steve, but realizes that Steve isn’t the hero he used to be.
word count: 3.5k
taglist: @cherienymphe​ @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckybarney @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet @what-is-your-wish @brattypeony @hermayone @buckysugar  @nsfwsebbie  @mandiiblanche
main masterlist
He twirled his knife through his fingers, passing the time, as he waited for you to finally come to. He’d seen a million pictures of you but, seeing you so close in person, Bucky couldn’t help but think that your pictures didn’t do you justice. You were a mostly a ghost to society and, as someone who’s only family was Steve and someone who lived comfortably in his shadow, you had no one to truly gaze upon your beauty.
You were a hidden gem and Bucky understood a little more why Steve kept you so close to him. No matter how much you trained and proved your strength, you were still a prize. A very useful prize though. Bucky leaned back in the wooden chair, the furniture still wrapped in its protective plastic, knife still in hand as he watched your head start to move. The floor creaked beneath you, sound traveled eerily through the abandoned home. 
Motion traveled through your body as each of your limbs tried to free and stretch themselves. Bucky’s men informed him that you put up a good fight when they picked you up from the grocery store parking deck. Clint even came back with a broken pinky and a wounded ego. 
You sat in a chair only five feet away from him, your hands tightly handcuffed behind you, and your ankles cuffed to the legs of the chair. The home was beginning to smell like mildew and the smell invaded your senses as your eyes blinked open. Surprisingly, it wasn’t your restraints that triggered your initial sense of pain but your ribs.
When you finally gazed upon him, both of your faces were stoic. Two predators stared back at each other. You noted the two men standing a few feet behind him, their clothes dark and their faces hard. You recognized the one who’s pinky you’d roughly bent back when they had grabbed you. 
The room was illuminated by a flickering chandelier and you realized you were sitting in the dining room of some boarded-up house. By the furniture and wallpaper, you would’ve guessed it used to be a pretty, luxurious home. 
“Good evening, Mrs. Rogers.”
It took you a few short seconds but you placed who the man before you was. Brown leather jacket, dark beard, and a black glove covering up his left hand. You knew what was hidden beneath it, his arm being just as notorious as he was. 
“Bucky Barnes,” Your eyes narrowed at him, “You’ve … gotten old.”
Bucky didn’t smile but his slight amusement was evident, “Rikers Island will do that to you.”
His hands folded together and you tried to read the state of emotions. You imagined that he was doing the same to you, “Seems you’re lucky that you’re not there, rotting away right now.”
“Not so lucky for you or Steve though, right?”
“I guess not,” You spoke blankly.
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed, “You’re not going to ask why you’re here? No pleading? No threats of violence?”
You hadn’t realized that you hadn’t. Perhaps because you had experienced much worse than anything this mobster could ever inflict upon you, “I know this is because of Steve because he’s the one who put you in prison. I know you probably want to hurt me in order to get back at him.”
Bucky leaned forward, his eyes locked on yours, “And this doesn’t scare you?”
There was fear in your heart but you weren’t sure if it was from a fear that you’d be hurt, “I know he’s looking for me. Half of the NYPD is probably looking for me right now. They’ll find you …”
“That may be true but you probably know how much of a selfish bastard he is. If he ran to his colleagues, he’d get taken off the case because he’s too close to it. I think Steve would want to kill me himself … hunt me down himself,” Your heart began to race as you listened to his words. You trusted Steve or at least a fantasy of Steve that you created, but Bucky’s words had a brutal truth to them. “What do you think, Mrs. Rogers?”
“I think you end up dead either way,” You stated, trying to keep your lip from shaking. 
“And what about you?”
“Steve... Steve will find me.”
“Sure,” You watched the knife twist in his hands, “But does he find you before or after I kill you is the question? … I think I’d want to see his face when I take away what he loves the most. But if you die, it’ll probably only make the public give him more sympathy. Our mayor loves charity cases and Steve would get promoted to chief of police in no time.”
You swallowed, “But you won’t let that happen. You’d kill him before you let that happen.”
Bucky sighed, “You got me, Mrs. Rogers. You know, you would’ve made a great detective. It’s a shame that you left the force after only three years,” Your eyes widened at his statement. Though the information was a google click away, you hadn’t thought about your past in so long that it had startled you, “It makes me wonder what made you quick.”
“You’re trying to make small talk with me while I’m handcuffed to a chair?” You scowled but he chuckled. 
“Fine, no small talk. Clint,” Bucky lifted his knife up, the handle facing up. The older man, his light brown hair slicked up and shaved at the sides, moved forward and grabbed the knife from Bucky. He used the hand that wasn’t bandaged up and moved towards you, “How about a little photo shoot so we can keep Mr. Rogers updated.”
Uselessly, you started to pull at your restraint. The man kneeled down by your feet, taking the knife and starting to cut away at the fabric of your black leggings, “What are you doing?” Bucky found it strange that you were now finally panicking. You had managed to act like your life wasn’t in danger this entire time. 
Now your eyes were blinking fast and the discomfort in your face was evident. Bucky didn’t answer you, only stared as he watched the fabric rip away, “I-I left because of Steve!” You rushed out, “I didn’t have to work because Steve was going to take care of us.”
“Clint,” Bucky stopped the man from continuing, your bottom leg already exposed. Clint stood and stepped away from you causing you to let out a breath that you hadn’t realized you were holding, “He was going to take care of you? But you spent so long getting your GED, training and you worked hard to get that job.”
“He was my fiance then and … I thought it would be good for us. If I didn’t have to work then I shouldn't have to. Besides, he didn’t want me to be stressed from work while we were trying for a baby.”
“How long have you been trying?” He seemed genuinely interested but you kept talking hoping it would keep the knife away. 
“Two years…” Your voice trembled as his question triggered bad memories.
“Steve always wanted a family,” Bucky said like your answer triggered his own memory, “He’d probably do anything to get that …”
Part of you felt like you were betraying Steve by revealing so much information. You knew that Bucky and Steve went back all the way to elementary school and that their path had divulged into two very different roads. 
“He will have it,” You said, suddenly growing angry. You felt anger at Bucky as well as yourself, “When he finds me and kills you. And you’ll never experience anything like that.”
Bucky’s facial expression darkened at your words. He raised a hand, gesturing to Clint to continue. Clint went back to tearing away at your clothes and you started to struggle wildly, almost tipping the chair over in the process. 
Bucky straightened his jacket, trying to seem phased by the tears welling in your eyes. Clint tore away at your leggings and Bucky gestured to Sam to start taking pictures. The goal was to get Steve to think that you were being tortured in more ways than one. 
“Don’t. P-Please, don’t!”
All the men seemed to hesitate at the same time. Clint had paused as he watched the front of your shirt slip away to the sides and Sam’s finger hovered over the camera button. The beauty of your face was still there, tears in all, but your body told a completely different story. 
Bucky had never seen someone so purple and blue. The bruises covered your stomach, your thighs, and your arms which had been covered by long sleeves. There was a huge bandage on your stomach, bloody gauze stuck behind it. Bucky stood. 
Even in all his time in the most brutal jail in the world, he hadn’t seen anything like this, especially not done to a woman. Your knees snapped together and you turned your head, trying to hide away. 
“Who did this?” Bucky asked, his voice smaller than it had been during the entire encounter. 
You breathed heavily like you were being suffocated by the attention, “Y-Your men manhandled me!” You forced out, “What do you mean? Did you forget that you kidnapped me?”
Bucky looked to Clint and Sam, “Get out.”
As they left the room, Bucky removed his jacket, exposing the protruding biceps beneath his black shirt. He placed the jacket over as he began to undo your restraints one by one, “I gave them strict orders not to hurt you. And these … these bruises … some look much older than others,” You were a rainbow of color, signifying that each mark had a different date of impact. Bucky looked up at you, from his place kneeling at your feet, and something remarkable had changed in his face, “Don’t tell me …”
As your wrists were free, you brought your hands together, rubbing them together as they began to shake, “I had an accident … “
“Steve did this,” His voice had gone from strong and commanding to what is what now, weak and unsure. You shook your head, shutting your eyes tight, “I’m sorry … I’m so sorry about all of this.”
“You think you’re different from him?” You spoke, your tone venomous. 
“I know I am,” This time he was sure of his words yet he seemed a bit hurt, “And he’s going to pay for what he’s done.”
“He won’t,” That much you did know, “And you’re a fool just like me.”
“Ma’am,” You looked up from the bubbles, your bruised figure beneath the warm water, as you heard a maid call for you, “I left a robe for you on the counter and some clothes for you on the bed. Mr. Barnes wants you to join him for breakfast but he understands if you’d still like your time alone. He’ll send up your food if that’s what you wish.”
You didn’t respond, though she sounded like a kind lady, you had resorted to silence ever since your world came crashing down around you yesterday. 
You refused to see a Doctor which Bucky respected, probably knowing how much he had violated you yesterday and wanting to continue to play the good guy. 
When you heard her footsteps pitter-patter away, you sunk back down into the bubbles. It had been a long while since you “relaxed” in this way. Despite the fact that you were home most of the day, you never felt peace or relaxation living with Steve. 
Even when you organized his clothes perfectly, cooked his favorite dinner, or wore that red lingerie thing he liked, he was never really satisfied. Even when he pretended he was happy and you fell for his charm, his tone always changed.  
And now it felt like the relationship you had worked so hard to maintain was more useless than you originally thought. You had no baby and no happy family to show for it. You were behind enemy lines probably destined to die because of Steve. 
Though it did cross your mind that you were being abnormally pampered for a hostage. Bucky’s penthouse was high up, looking over the darker side of the city. A view of luxury from the wrong side of the tracks. 
You ate your breakfast alone from your room, spending most of the day staring up at the ceiling. When the servant returned that evening, you assumed that she was here to invite you to dinner with Mr. Barnes. She’d probably expect you to say no and to depressingly roll over in bed. 
Instead, she found you dressed and ready for something- anything. You’d pick out something from the fineries in the closet, a tight red dress that hugged your curves, and let more parts of your body show then you were normally comfortable with. 
“Ma’am,” The woman tried to keep eye contact and not let her eyes wander over your rainbow skin, “Mr. Rogers … Mr. Rogers is here.”
You took a deep, uncertain breath before your lips pressed into a thin smile, “Good.”
“You don’t want to eat here?” She asked, sounding concerned.
“Mr. Barnes wants me to eat with him, right?” You were already walking past her, your heels clicking against the marble floors. She was baffled as she followed after her. Bucky’s home was regal and, walking it in for the first time, you thought the man must’ve seen way too many mafia movies from the seventies. 
You approached a landing with a view of the massive living room, a grand staircase leading down to the event that you’d just interrupted. At least ten men were gathered, a black tarp laid out as a hunched over man sat there on his knees, and one man paced by the first. Steve and Bucky. 
They hadn’t noticed you and you took the opportunity to listen in.
“This good guy persona … you’ve really lied to yourself so much that you’ve convinced yourself it's true,” Bucky’s tone was incredulous and you could tell the amusement in his voice was only a facade, “You forgot how you even climbed the ranks so fast. Without my connections, without my intel, you’d still be working security at the mall.”
“I turned myself around…” His voice was weaker than usual and, as you moved towards the stairs, you realized the blood soaking through the back of his shirt, “I tried to help you, Buck.”
“You threw me in prison for something that I did for you. I help you lock up one of my enemies, you get the praise and I make more money,” You started to put things together as you listened, thinking back to when you thought Steve was a hero and that this city was lucky to not have to deal with Bucky Barnes anymore, “Except you couldn’t help yourself from wanting more, old friend.”
“Oh, cut the fucking bullshit!” You felt your heart began to race at the sound of his growing anger but you kept moving forward. As you finally started to descend the stairs, your eyes connected with your kidnapper, “Where is she?”
Steve scared you to death but you had decided that you weren’t afraid of your final days anymore.
“I’m right here, sweetheart,” You couldn’t exactly read Bucky’s expression but you knew exactly what Steve was thinking when he turned his head towards the bottom of the staircase. It was initially a look of relief, of thankfulness that he could lay eyes on his beautiful, obedient, and stupid wife. Then it turned to that anger you knew so well, that look he gave you and you knew immediately that you probably would be able to get out of bed the next day because of how in pain you’d be. 
Painted with bruises, you crossed the room and took your place beside Bucky. 
“Y/N … I’m taking you home, I promise,” He stated, trying to mask that fury with a smile that had charmed you many times before. 
You gazed at Bucky who seemed a bit unsure of your intentions but was entranced by you nonetheless, “That’s not a home,” You stated, trying your best to keep eye contact. Even now, you found your knees weak despite the fact that his hands were restrained behind his back and he was the one on his knees now, “A-And …” You cleared your throat, taking a deep breath, “And it’s over.”
“What’s over, baby?” His voice raised and his eyes narrowed angrily, causing you to take a step back but you felt a calm hand on the small of your back. It was a reminder that this was all a manipulative strategy and he was trying to hold onto his control by scaring you. 
“Us,” You stated as calmly as possible. 
“Did you fuck him?” 
“Answer me! Did you fuck him?” You were shaking now but not in fear. 
You turned towards Bucky, and before he could even know what you were planning, you were reaching towards his waistband. He didn’t panic, surprisingly, but easily let you grab the gun strapped to his waist. Even knowing you could turn it on him, he let you do it. To Steve’s surprise, this wasn’t a big charade in order to disarm Bucky and set the two of you free. 
You pointed it at your kneeling, former lover, “Y/N, what are you-”
“Who I fuck from now on should be the least of your worries. you jealous, fucking prick,” Twisting the knife, he was now red with anger. In an attempt to get to his feet, you thought he might charge at you but your aim was good, and, gripping the gun tightly, you fired a bullet into his thigh. 
“Fuck!” He cursed, falling back down, and whaling in excruciating pain, “You fucking bitch! You’re nothing without me!”
He’d saved you. He’d kept you from choosing a life of crime, of falling into a broken system, and he’d encourage you to follow dreams. Then he’d hurt you like the monster he actually was in an attempt to break you to his will. 
You raised the gun up, your eyes concentrating on the space on his forehead. You hadn’t noticed how badly you were shaking until you felt that same hand on your back. He placed his other hand on top of the barrel, “You don’t have to make it painless for him,” Were his words and you lowered the gun, letting Bucky carefully take it from you. 
“I want him to suffer,” You seethed, watching Steve clutch his thigh in pain. 
“Take him to the garage,” Bucky ordered his men, “Leave him unrecognizable.”
Steve went kicking and screaming but you found yourself unafraid of him anymore. You thought of him as this powerful entity that could never be taken down. Now you saw him as a petulant child that would probably beg for his mother on his way out. 
You turned to him but you didn’t have words yet. “How do you feel?” He asked, probably unsure of what to say to you. 
“Why do they say revenge is never the answer?” You asked, “I feel … fucking exhilarated.”
Bucky’s lip turned into a smirk, “They say that cathartic feeling won’t last … something tells me this is different.”
You nodded, your lips tugging into a smile, “Yeah, this is different,” You stepped forward, closing the gap between you. With hesitant hands, he grabbed your waist but you threw your arms around his neck. You pulled him down towards you, smashing your lips against his. 
Your lips didn’t stop tasting one another, as your bodies began crumbling down towards the carpet. The heat of the fire fanned your flames and you found yourselves desperately tugging at each other’s clothes. 
You swallowed that feeling that told you this was wrong, you swallowed that guilt you might have felt and you decided to do what you wanted for the first time in a long time. Bucky’s hands roamed over your skin but he never grabbed at you and you could tell he was trying to be gentle. With your back against the carpet, he hovered over you, “You’re beautiful,” He said, his blue eyes sparkling in the firelight. 
You liked the look in his eyes because he didn’t feel sorry for you. He meant those words. 
He kissed the side of your mouth and then down your chin. As his lips touched your scars, it was like he was acknowledging them and also accepting them at the same time. He kissed down your body, over your breast. He moved down, sliding your panties to the side as his head dipped down. He kissed your sensitive bud, teasing you as he looked back into your eyes, “Your aim is quite good, I think you could have a place here, Y/N.”
Your cheeks were warm and not because of the fire, “I won’t belong to anyone else ever again.”
“Of course not,” He smiled a wicked smile, “You’re in control … and your wish would be my command.”
His head finally dipped down again and, as you’d never been touched before, Bucky left you convulsing in pleasure for the rest of the long night. 
The Persephone to his Hades, you knew then that the underworld may have been where you belonged all along.
I hope you enjoyed this one! Please lmk what you think :)
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altsvu · 3 years
left in the dark
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pairing: jj x kate callahan x bau!fem!reader, aaron hotchner x bau!fem!reader
wc: 1.6k
summary: you find out you’re pregnant with Hotch’s baby (in the most unexpected way) and you go to JJ and Kate about it since they’re also pregnant, but their only advice is to tell Hotch about it.
tw: pregnancy, fluff, mentions of blood/injury, breeding kink??
a/n: at first this was super hard for me to write, mostly because this is different than what i’m used to, but i think it turned out okay! enjoy my lovelies!!
criminal minds masterlist! ✯ taglist!
“JJ! When were you gonna tell me?”
“I don’t know, I just wanted to wait till things played out.”
You smiled. “Well, I’m super happy for you regardless.”
“Thank you.” JJ smiled, pulling you into a hug. “So, how are things going with you and Hotch?”
You bit your lip. Hotch was the sweetest to you. He took you to romantic dates on off days and you always checked up on each via text messages and FaceTime when one of you were away.
Not to mention that your sex life was immaculate.
“Things are going pretty well, to be honest. We’re actually going to rent out the AMC movie theater in Arlington this weekend and watch our favorite throwback movies.”
“Oh, that sounds super romantic, I’m actually super glad that you two finally decided to get together after he was pining for you for years.”
You snorted. “We were both pining for each other. For a very very long time.”
“Yeah, the team had their suspicions.” JJ agreed. “You ready to head to the jet?”
You nodded and followed JJ out to the tarmac.
You and Hotch had to go check out the crime scene, and it was a gruesome one. A family of 5 were bludgeoned in their home late at night, and the wife... well she had multiple knife cuts on her abdomen.
Out of nowhere, you felt sick to your stomach. This was unusual, especially for you since you got used to seeing many different types of crime scenes. You tried your hardest to breathe calmly but you felt yourself about to throw up.
“... he hurts them before finally killing them. Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just probably ate something bad-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence when you found yourself running outside and throwing up. You wiped your mouth and took deep breaths, trying to process what just happened.
“Sweetheart?” Hotch whispered. You turned around and he held you by your arms. “What’s going on? This is very unlike you.”
“I- I don’t know what’s going on.” you replied. “This never happens.”
He pulled you into a hug. “Do you want me to take you back to the field office?” He murmured into your hair.
“No, you don’t have to. I’ll be okay.”
You caught Hotch still staring you down with a concerned look on his face.
“Damn it Aaron. Don’t worry about me. I don’t want to be the reason we don’t find this unsub in a timely manner.”
“Okay, you’re right. But can you please let me know if you don’t feel well?”
“Yes sir.” You smiled, pressing a kiss on his cheek and walking back to the crime scene.
When you got back to the field office, Hotch had to talk to the field agent on the case in his office, and you had to go to the conference room to look over some case files.
Hunger then struck over you, so you headed to the vending machine you noticed earlier to find a snack to hold you over until lunch. The options that were there weren’t appealing to you, so it looked like you weren’t gonna be eating for about a few more hours. To your luck, Kate and JJ were in the conference room when you got back.
“Girls, I swear I’m gonna die if I don’t have anything in my system.”
“You want some saltines? It’s all I have.” JJ asked.
“Oh yes, please.” You nodded. JJ handed you a fresh pack.
You were so indulged in them that you almost finished the pack. JJ and Kate caught on
extremely fast.
“Are you pregnant too?” Spencer asked, walking in.
“What? What makes you think I’m pregnant?”
Kate sat next to you. “Well, for starters, you’re eating saltines.”
“Because I didn’t want anything at the vending machine.”
“There’s a pattern here. Kate ate saltines, I caught JJ eating saltines, and now you’re eating them.”
You sighed, putting the rest of the pack down. “Look, pretty boy, I think I would know if I were pregnant.”
“If you say so,” Reid answered with a smile on his face.
The rest of the team came in, and all thoughts of you being pregnant dissipated.
Over the next few days, you had some of the same symptoms and you started to wonder if you were actually pregnant. You wanted to buy a test but it would be hard to do so when your job came first.
Soon enough, the case was closed and you were heading back home. Everyone on the jet was asleep except you and Hotch.
“Hey,” he said softly. “How you feeling?”
“Like eating a 5 course meal and throwing it back up.” you moaned, curling up closer to him for comfort.
“I’ll take you home and cook you a nice meal, okay?”
You nodded, mumbling “I love you” and he kissed your lips in response.
Finally getting home, Hotch did as he promised and you spent the night cuddling and comforting each other.
The next morning you felt yourself throwing up again so you decided it was time to get a pregnancy test. Hotch had already left to go back to Quantico to do some paperwork but the rest of the team was off. You dragged yourself to a nearby store to get a test and took it immediately.
Two lines.
How would Hotch react?
He always talked about having kids, in fact he almost got turned on at the thought of you with a baby bump. But the only thing was that he wanted things to be planned out.
You figured he was pretty busy at the moment so you called JJ and Kate and asked to come over to one of their homes. Ultimately, JJ invited you and Kate over.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Kate asked when you arrived.
“I’m pregnant.” You whispered. Both of the women hugged you and congratulated you. They then sat you down at JJ’s dining room table.
“Does Hotch know?”
You bit your lip. “That’s the thing. He doesn’t really know yet. I don’t really know what to do.”
“Well I think the best thing to do is tell him. There’s no way that he would get mad. He loves you too much.” JJ suggested.
You nodded in agreement.
“Also, he’s gonna find out soon enough, so it would be better to just let him know so he expects it,” Kate added.
“You ladies are so right. I’ll let you know how things go!”
When you got back home, Hotch was at the couch watching a show, but it looked more like he was about to fall asleep.
“Hi baby,” you murmured against his skin after ridding yourself of your outerwear and shoes.
“Y/N...” he whispered. He sat up and held you by your waist. “I missed you when I came in.”
“Yeah, I just went over JJ’s for a bit.”
Hotch nodded. There was a bit of silence between you two.
“You look like there’s something bothering you.” he then said.
You shut your eyes, trying to think of the right way to tell him. “Aaron, I’m pregnant.” you said so very quietly.
His eyes widened in excitement. “Y/N! Oh my gosh, I’m ecstatic! This is amazing!”
You smiled and laughed in joy with him as one of his hands sneaked under your shirt and rubbed your belly. He was now sitting upright with you on his lap.
“God, I don’t think you know how long I’ve thought about this.” Hotch hummed, kissing your bare skin. “All those times filling you up with my seed in the bedroom paid off big time. I can’t wait to see your belly grow and grow.”
You leaned down and kissed his lips. “Mmm, I can’t wait either.”
It was just a matter of time before the rest of the team found out. You did not hear the end of it from Spencer when he figured that he was right the whole time.
Hotch, on the other hand, didn’t waste any time serenading and whispering sweet nothings about how you looked so beautiful with your ever growing baby bump to you every day after work, even sometimes during work too. He’d always say that he was just super excited that you were pregnant with his baby every time you asked.
Your pregnancy was so special to the team that Kate and JJ threw a surprise baby shower, in which everyone found out you and Hotch were having a little girl.
In a few short months, your due date was inching closer and closer, and Hotch was there by your side through everything, from when your water broke in the briefing room to when you were being rushed to a hospital room to have the baby delivered.
And finally.
You welcomed a baby girl into the world.
“She’s so beautiful. Just like you.” Hotch smiled and kissed your lips after you were able to hold your baby again.
You nodded in agreement, tears escaping your eyes. You thought about what your life was going to be like now, since you had a precious little one to take care of.
During your maternity leave, each member of the team came to visit you at home, some bearing small gifts for your baby.
“Hey,” Hotch came up to you one night after putting your baby to bed. He tucked your hair behind your ear and kissed the skin behind it. “Can I tell you something?”
“Mhmm, anything.”
“I’m really glad that we have a baby to take care of. I’ve wanted this for such a long time, and having it with you just makes it even better.”
You smiled in response. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah. I love you so much, Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
taglist: @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen @virgo-gf @mstrinnyb @mrshadeelgibson @ssahotchswifemain @anxiousblanketqueen @hotchsbabygirl @willowrose99 @ssa-sarahsunshine @deiondraaa
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 4 years
✾A.J.- Like a Teen Again?☼✶
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Master list
Words: 2968
Warnings: masturbation, overstim, bit o’ begging, smut
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki x FEM!reader
Summary: Tamaki gets hit with some sort of mood enhancement quirk, and it’s effects are questionable 
You weren't totally caught up on Tamaki's situation, but you did know his predicament revolved around a mood type quirk. You didn't know what to expect when you arrived at the hospital he was in. Apparently he was in great physical condition, which didn't really shock you. It also didn't shock you when Tamaki was leaning his forehead against the hospital wall, and you had to reassure the nurses that this was normal.
He was let out soon after you arrived, and the doctor filled in more of the details.
"This quirk isn't powerful," the doctor explained, "Just enhances Amajiki-kun's emotions; his moods are that of a fifteen year-old boy, basically."
You nodded along, not worrying too much about Tamaki. He would just be a bit more nervous and worrisome than usual; he'd have to take a few days off to recuperate. The doctor prescribed some medication if it got really bad.
"—typical teens have sudden waves of depression, so if he shows any serious symptoms he should take one of these in the morning. You shouldn't need to use them, but it's better to be safe than sorry," the doctor smiled, handing you a small vile of what you assumed to be anti-depressants.
You thanked the doctor, and Tamaki just gave a stiff nod as he followed you out of the building.
"I-I don't feel particularly different..." Tamaki stuttered, curling his pinky with yours.
"You just seem a bit off, is all," you flashed him a smile.
"Uh- hn," he stammered, his face flushing a bright pink. You didn't think much of it when you hopped into the car with Tamaki, but you did have to help him with his seatbelt because his hands were shaking.
"Why are you so shaky, Tami?" You placed your hand on his, and his eyes widened and he seemed to freeze.
"—uh, um. Ghn," Tamaki sputtered, his cheeks becoming impossibly redder. "S-so... so... you're so hot!"
Your jaw hit the floor, and you analyzed his terrified expression. He didn't mean to say that, you realized. Was he.. really like a teenage boy right now?
"I- oh my g-god. I didn't- I, I'm so sorry," Tamaki whimpered quietly, tears forming in his eyes.
"Oh butterfly, don't cry!" You leaned forward and cupped his face in your hands. "It's ok for you to say that, I'm your girlfriend, bub."
You bit your lip trying to think of what Tamaki was like in his first year of UA. How should you comfort him? Has he always been like this?
"O-ok," he gulped, wiping away his tears.
He was silent the rest of the way home, staring out of the window and probably overthinking what he did two minutes ago. His cape surrounded him like a blanket, and his face was hidden in his hood. Damn, was he really like this all the time? You wondered.
Tamaki practically ran out of the car when you finally got to the apartment, hardly waiting for you as he strode up the stairs to your guys' room. You caught up to him a few moments later, and he stood at the door waiting for you to unlock it.
"I would ask 'what has gotten into you?', but I already know," you said as you let him in.
"Y-you do?!" Tamaki sweat dropped, and he looked as though he was going to faint.
"Tami," you deadpanned, hanging up your coat, "not twenty minutes ago did the doctor explain to me your state of mind."
"Oh, r-right," Tamaki whispered, scratching the back of his neck. "I-I'll just be in o-our room."
You watched, flabbergasted, as he disappeared into your room, not quite closing the door behind him. Aaaalrighty then.
After you started prepping dinner, you realized that you probably shouldn't leave Tamaki alone for too long, incase something happened. You quickly finished chopping the carrots, and put down the knife. You hung up your apron and opened the door to your room a crack. Your eyes nearly popped out of your skull; there Tamaki was in all his glory, hero outfit stripped to the floor, sprawled out on the bed with his hand on his cock.
"B-bunny~ p-please, oh you feel so good," he whimpered, eyes scrunched tightly shut.
Oh. Now this was a rare sight. Tamaki was usually very careful to not masturbate with you in the house, fearing that you would be disappointed that he didn't just come to you instead, (Only when you walked in on him and he started crying did you realize how he felt; integrating mutual masturbation into your sex life made him feel better about doing it).
"Oh fuck, y/n," Tamaki stumbled, his toes curling. "S-so good~ your hands— so.. good."
You couldn't help but walk in and close the door behind you. The sound of your arrival startled Tamaki, and his face reddened yet again, "I-I... uh.."
"It's ok Tami," you purred, edging closer to the bed. "Do you want me to... touch you?"
Tamaki could only nod, shock still in his eyes. He gulped as you crawled towards him on the bed, taking off your shirt and reaching out your hand to his cock. His head threw back once you teased a finger along his length, fisting the bedsheets under him, "I-I'm close."
You didn't tease Tamaki, instead you encouraged him, "c'mon, Butterfly. Come for me."
You gripped him loosely, using your other hand to gently rake your nails up and down his chest. His breath quickened, and his eyes hid behind his hair, trying to conceal his desperate state. You flicked your wrist in the way you knew he liked, and he came with a long groan. You licked his cum off your hand and his chest, not breaking eye contact with his awed expression.
"I'm sorry!" Tamaki squeaked, sitting up and pressing his knees to his chest. "I didn't— I just— I c-came super fast, a-and that was r-really weird and e-embarrassing-."
"Tama, baby, it's alright," you comforted, scooting closer to rest a hand on his exposed knee. "I'm always honoured whenever I make you cum. Doesn't matter how quick."
Tamaki peeked up at you through his hair, and gave you a shaky smile, face heating up considerably. You saw his eyes widen, and you knew immediately that he was getting hard again. Tamaki squeezed his legs closer together, attempting to hide his growing erection.
You leaned down to whisper in his ear, "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night."
Tamaki's breath hitched softly, and he gave you a slight nod, gulping down his nerves. You rubbed his knee before standing up and walking towards the bedroom door. He let out a hefty sigh once you closed the door as you left, relaxing his legs and running his fingers through his hair.
He couldn't help but feel guilty. He was the horniest he'd been since high school, and he didn't know how to cope. It was so sudden, and his body was so overwhelmed with feeling. He tried to relax and close his eyes, waiting for you to be done with dinner.
Tamaki padded down the short hallway, now clothed with sweatpants and a T-shirt, to eat with you. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, the short nap he had taken made him feel a tad bit better.
"Hey, Butterfly!" You cheered from the sink, a dishcloth on your shoulder, "dinner is just on the table. I'll be there in a sec."
"Thank you, Bunny," Tamaki blushed, pulling out a chair to sit in. "I-It smells really good."
You hung up your cloth and smiled at him brightly, "of course, Tama-chan!"
You steered over to the table, (hair askew, and) some flour on your cheek. Tamaki couldn't help but admire your slightly disheveled appearance; he felt wrong to think of such lewd things at your flushed face. He felt his own cheeks heat up again, and bowed his head down to his meal.
Tamaki listened to you ramble about your day, a small smile adorning his face at your enthusiasm. He couldn't finish his food, too flustered about what was to come later. "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night." He shuttered at your words, sort of restless and impatient.
You giggled at your spot by the sink, watching Tamaki drown in his thoughts as you slowly started to undress. He hadn't even realized that you took his plate from him, chopsticks still in his hand. Once you were completely naked, you tied the apron back on and continued cleaning the dishes.
A clatter from Tamaki's chopsticks sounded a few minutes later, and you assumed that he had finally come back to his senses, "can you pass me your cup and chopsticks please, Tami?"
You could practically feel the heat radiating off of Tamaki from behind you, his utensils being placed beside you on the counter. You took a few more minutes to clean up, enjoying the tension in the air. When you finally turned around to face Tamaki, it was like he'd hardly moved. He was leaning against the table, cheeks completely red, head bowed to the floor, and a raging hard-on in his pants.
"Don't you have room for a little dessert, Tama?" You teased, leaning your forearms behind you on the countertop.
You saw him visibly gulp, and nervously look up to you. His knuckles were white, still gripping the edge of the table. Usually he wouldn't be too scared to step closer and engage in a kiss, but tonight was different. You had to initiate. You slowly walked towards him, reaching out a hand to lay on his shoulder. He was tense under your gaze, and looked to the floor again.
"B-bunny, I-I-," Tamaki shook. "I'm s-so overwhelmed. I'm so- t-turned.. on. I can barely function."
"Just try and relax, Butterfly," you cooed, stroking his cheek. "How about we start off here, by the table, hmm?"
Tamaki's eyes met yours, wide and dilated. He gave a stout nod, and swallowed harshly. You guided your hands to his hips, signalling him to sit on the table. He did as he was told, now around the same hight as you. You grasped his shirt with one hand and leaned in to kiss him, causing Tamaki to let out a muffled sob. A little bit of sanity came back to him and he wrapped his arms around you, eagerly deepening the kiss.
Your hand inched lower, hovering over his sweatpants' strings. Tamaki chirped when you grazed over his cock, bucking his hips up in an attempt to get more friction. You could feel him begin to pull away, prepared to apologize, but your other hand came up and fisted the back of his head, forcing him to stay put. Tamaki whined loudly, his crotch bucking up continuously to make contact with your hand. With another rut of his hips he let out a glut of groans and whimpers, desperately clinging to your figure.
You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath, and you peered down to examine Tamaki's stained pants.
"Oh Bu-Bunny~" Tamaki said in a daze, head lolling to the side.
"Second time today, huh?" You ribbed, patting the wet spot with the pad of your finger.
"N-no," Tamaki shook his head. "Third time. I-I had a wet dream after you left and I took a n-nap."
You grinned at him, marvelling at the afterglow on his flushed face, "hm, maybe we won't even need to continue~."
"W-wait," Tamaki's eyes widened desperately, "I- I can go a few m-more rounds. Please."
You bit your lip at his puppy-dog eyes, pretending to think about his plea, "well, I don't see why not. You do have tomorrow off..."
"Thank y-you, Bunny," Tamaki cracked a wobbly smile, "I love you..."
"I love you too, my little Butterfly~," you kissed the tip of his nose, "y'think you can come to the bedroom with me?"
Tamaki nodded, hungrily licking his lips. You guided him to your room, hand interlocked with his, and lay him down on the bed. He was already semi-hard again, grasping the sheets beside him. He looked at you longingly as you slowly unraveled your apron, taking care to fold it neatly and setting it on your dresser.
Even though you stood butt naked in front of him, you still felt powerful from his zealous gaze. You took a slow turn, walking towards the dresser and pulling out a tube of lube. You placed it on the bedside table and went back to Tamaki. His chest rose and fell unevenly, elated from his past orgasms. His wide eyes watched as you slowly dragged down his soiled sweatpants, stuttering nonsense when you saw that he wasn't wearing any underwear.
"I-it was just, um. I, uh— well, y'see.." Tamaki rambled.
"S' ok, Butterfly," you soothed, throwing his pants in the laundry basket. "I was wondering why you looked so much more delicious this evening."
Tamaki whined when you gripped his tumescent cock, gleaming with leftover cum, "I-I'm so sensitive. It almost hurts, b-but I want more. So, so b-bad, bunny."
"Hm, how about I fuck you real good? How's that sound?" You asked, picking up the pace of your pumps.
Tamaki nodded eagerly, "yesyesyesyesyess pl-please."
You sat up and positioned yourself above his twitching cock, eager for his gorgeous moans and whines. You slowly dropped your hips, quickly adjusting to his size, and bottomed out.
"F-fuck, bunny," Tamaki cried, throwing his head back against his pillow. "You feel so-ho good!"
Tamaki's indigo halo of hair was spread out; sheening with his sweat. He looked dazed, his body sprawled out on the bed, and his thighs slightly sticky with cum. He sobbed in pleasure as he watched you bounce on his cock, his hands were too weak to even grip the sheets underneath him. He rubbed his hands along your thighs and waist, squeaking out moans and jumbled sentences.
"You look so pretty like this, Butterfly," you lulled, swaying your hips in teasing motions, "you're doing so well, baby. I love you."
"Iloveyoutoo~!" Tamaki griped in reply, hardly able to decipher your words. He felt like he was wrapped in a cocoon of clouds and pleasure. Is that what they mean by 'cloud 9'? He didn't have enough brainpower to think about that; or much of anything, really.
You reached over and grabbed your vibrator, having a feeling that you wouldn't be able to come from the slow pace you were set at for Tamaki. Soft buzzing filled the room as you pressed the button a few times, and you pressed it to your clit.
"Feels so good, Tama," you moaned deeply, trying to egg him on.
He seemed to stir, eyebrows scrunching up, and letting out a small whimper. Tamaki honestly felt like he was dreaming, or maybe even in Heaven. He squinted his eyes open, gazing at your blurry figure riding him. He weakly bucked his hips up, wanting you to bounce harder.
"Please," he whispered, "h-hard— harder."
You did as he wished, laying the vibrator on his stomach so you could get more leverage. Your pussy clenched deliciously around Tamaki's cock whenever your clit made contact with the vibrator, practically forcing groans and whimpers out of Tamaki.
He felt his abs clench once again, alerting him that he was close. Again. His abs were sore as hell, but he still wanted more. He wanted you to absolutely ruin him, ride him into oblivion, and milk him completely dry of his cum. Your pussy felt so good, and he thought he could feel his tongue lull out of his mouth. So... good...
A long keen left your lips as you watched Tamaki's face contort in pleasure. He was so fucked out, babbling pleads and whines. You scrambled for your phone, still riding him, and snapped a few pictures. Your little Butterfly was so hot.
You gripped the vibrator again, pressing it against your delicate clit, desperately chasing the upcoming high. "You're being so good for me, Tama. Come again with me. You can do it."
Even though your voice was muffled, your words urged him on. Tamaki nodded helplessly, not sure whether he was sobbing or moaning, (probably both).
"Please, Bunny," he tried to call. "Cum. Want you to cum on m-my cock."
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, rocking your hips faster. "Oh fuck, Tamaki. So good, so good~"
Tamaki couldn't tell if he was coming once again, or if he was just feeling really good. He heaved out a sharp whine, squirming and bucking up from under you. Yeah, he was coming again.
"Yes!" You hollered, eyes rolling back and legs uncontrollably shaking. "Yesyesyesyesssss~ Ta-ma-kiiiiii."
"Thank you thank you thank you," he pleaded, vision turning white and fuzzy. "I- cum- I came so h-ard."
You switched off the vibrator, and tossed it on the bed. You weakly lifted yourself off of Tamaki's now soft dick, a few glops of cum falling onto his stomach. Tamaki was a trembling mess, whimpering 'thank you''s, and 'let me come one more time'. You sneakily snapped a picture before rushing off to grab a warm soapy cloth.
"How are you feeling, Butterfly?" You soothed the cloth carefully around his pelvic area, cleaning up dried cum and sweat.
"A-again?" He mumbled weakly. "Please?"
"No, not until you rest up. You're over your limit and you're way too out of it to be thinking clearly," you explained, wiping his face clean of drool and sweat, "I'll get you some water and then we can cuddle."
He nodded weakly as you left for the kitchen, and you made a mental note to phone the doctor that you were pretty sure this wasn't any normal mood quirk Tamaki was hit with.
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p0gue420 · 4 years
!Too Young To Feel Numb! (Kie x Reader)
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ATTENTION!! There are a lot of trigger warnings in this one! Including: drinking, drugs, talks of feeling alone, depression.
Summary: Y/n started smoking weed at the age of 8, It’s all she’d known; She grew up around it so it was normal for her to start super young, she told herself that’s the farthest she’d go...only smoking weed..never any hard drugs. She thought she could learn from her parent's mistakes, guess not. 
pairing: Kie x female!reader, Rafe x Platonic! reader, JJ x Sister figure! reader
Warnings: Substance abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, marijuana Underage drinking,(reader is 15),
A/N: Alot of grammar errors because i dont feel like checking it so sorry....not really,hehe
I use to think people were crazy for even thinking about doing anything harder than weed. Yeah...I was like 7 so it doesn’t count.”Yo you gonna babysit that shit or pass it, I mean...I have all day but  would love to do something besides wait for you to pass the blunt.” I rolled my eyes waiting for JJ to hand it to me.”Chill, what’s up your ass today?”
He finally passes it, after what felt like hours. I take a long hit before seeing he’s actually wanting me to answer his question.”Nothin. man, I’ve just got places to be.” I mumbled out hoping he wouldn’t start asking any further questions. He stares blankly awaiting me to pass it back, knowing I don’t share my feelings so he simply lays off. “Hey. You trynna go surfing today….whenever you’re done with your….things..?”
“Uhh, yeah text me and-” I’m cut off by the sound of my phone vibrating...Barry.
Meet in twenty? I got extra today
I look up from my phone stuttering my words, and fumbling.“Uhm, I gotta go do something, but I’ll text you later to surf, yeah?” I say nodding towards JJ as I began walking out.”Uhm yea sure, hey-” I was already out the door.”-be safe.” he muttered to himself left wondering why I left so fast. On the way to my bike, I ran into Kie and Pope laughing about something before Kie began to make her way over towards me.
“Hey, Y/n! Heading out so fast, are we?”Kie pouted her lip out mimicking a whimpering sound.” heh, yeah sorry bub. I gotta go handle some things and I’ll be back later.” I peck her lips in a swift movement as well as pull up the front of her crop top, covering her exposed cleavage.”Those are my love,keep them covered” I wink at her. She laughs and heads inside after blowing me a kiss,that I catch and pretend to place in my heart..Wow im so whipped.
My thoughts cut off by a loud vibrating noise.
You coming?
Read: 46 sec.ago
Omw now!
Read: just now
I hop on my bike heading over to Barry’s place knowing a shortcut I found a few days ago.
It only takes 10 minutes before i’m in front of his house walking up the steps of the porch.My clean oxygen is immediately replaced by the smell of cigarettes,weed,and...Is that burnt hair?I scrunch my face in disgust at the awful smells.”Aye look who it is!” Barry calls out after seeing my face, He’s standing beside..Rafe cameron.
Now...I’m not friends with Rafe but i also don’t exactly despise him.I babysat wheezie all summer last year,most the time he’d join..keep me company;I don’t think he knew i was with Kie but he’s not all bad.He’s helped me more times than I can count,only because i've done the same for him though.
“Yo waddup.I didn’t expect to see you here.” I share a short handshake with Barry and side hug Rafe,he seems unprepared for it so he stumbles a bit but eventually hugs back quickly.”uh yeah.just doing some..business” Rafe says avoiding eye contact,looking everywhere except my face.”anyway i'm gonna head out, i'll catch you guys later.” Rafe walks towards,im guessing his bike;I head inside following barry so i didn’t really catch what he drove in.
“So like I said I've got your usual ,and then I got a little extra something I thought you may like.”He continues on but I'm so wrapped up in the fact that I want to consume something soon,anything;I don’t know exactly what he's saying.”Sound good?” He asked “Uh what?sorry I zoned out a bit.”I shook my head pushing my long hair out of my eyes.”Look,Usually altogether this would be alot of money but considering I stole the pills,I'll spare you the oxy,wadda yuh say?”, “Yeah sure,80$?”
He nods his head holding his hand out as i hand him the money.He hands you a bag full of coke in a plastic baggy, along with the pills in its original container it was prescribed. “Ight,thanks man.Ill see you later next week!” I wave goodbye as I show myself out, shoving the ‘things’ I had bought into my bag and swinging it back on my back.
~Incoming call from:Bubbs<3
I instantly pick up not wanting to worry her.
I instantly hear the boys laughing and playing in the background,but wait for her to say something.”Hey baby, you heading back yet?” Kie questioned sounding bored of the childish boys we spend our time with.”Not yet,i promise im almost done,ask the boys if there's drinks at the chateau please.”She turns her head away from the boys asking what there is to drink besides sink water.
I hear a chorus of “We just stocked up”,”All good momma bird.” and other sayings coming from the overly hyper boys.”Did you hear that,or need me to repeat?” She hesitantly says, making sure I’m still listening ”Gotcha,I'm headed your way now,see you there” I say quickly hanging up without giving her time to respond.
I hop on my bike and drive towards…...the opposite of the chateau,instead deciding to go to the Camerons.I drive,stuck in thought of what ill do when i get there,not quite sure why i decided to come.I had been so lost in thought I didn’t realise I was suddenly at the Cameron residence. I park my bike and began walking up to the door,but before I can knock,Rafe walks up behind me.
“Y/n?” I swiftly turn around being scared for a minute before realizing who it was.”Oh!uhm. yeah...hey” I ‘smoothly’ say”what are you doing here?” he asks..The whole conversation was a blur and before I knew it I was walking up to his room to hang out.I sit on the bed laying back asking about what he wants to do.”I don't know,you came here,what'd you have in mind?” He asked curiously.”I'm not sure.” I snorted at my inability to maintain a conversation.
I dig into my bag as he starts up about how he broke his bed frame the other day, because he put too many boxes on the bed while getting rid of some old things. I finally found what I was looking for,the baggy of white powder.I lifted it up smiling widely.”Can I do this here or no?”I question,feeling my body begin to sweat at the thought of getting to snort the white powder.
“Uh,I mean.. yea sure,didn't know you did that kind of thing.. but I mean go ahead.” He rambles. He stares into space as I do a few lines, my eyes opening wide at the sensation of sudden adrenaline;I look over to see him trying not to stare.”Oh my bad,You want some?” I ask holding up the dollar folded into a cylinder shape , gesturing to the lines of coke spread on the dresser.
Hours go by,giggling,cracking jokes with rafe as well as doing oxy and maybe overdoing it with the coke seeing as the bag was almost gone.Rafe hasn't done much.I on the other hand was feeling VERY shaky and everything was just so hilarious..until it wasnt.My high started to get bad and overall scary.I must've did too much in such a limited amount of time.I look at my phone .
17 missed calls from Bubbs<3
8 missed calls from John B:)
9 missed calls from Popey boi
11 missed calls from JJ
Incoming call from Bubbs<3
“He-h-hello ,hi,hey.”
“DON'T ‘HI’ ME!” Kie instantly began screaming into the phone making me move my face away from it as Rafe looked at me with a worried expression on his face.
“Y/n,Where have you been! I’ve been so worried! I’ve-” I Blanked out again not in the mood to be yelled at.”Yeah,hey I nee-need,will-can youcomeandpickme up” I say jumbling all my words together. “Are you okay?Why are you talking like that?''She ask worried about my state of mind.
“Yeah am- I fine,Yes” I say yet again struggling to sound normal. I guess I was on speaker because JJ immediately began yelling into the phone asking about where I was.”Rafes house” Rafe sat silently waiting for them to break out into hysterics about me being with him.The phone went silent for a moment before the call ended.”So does that mean they not-....Vodka” was all i said before heading downstairs Rafe was sober enough to be able to notice what i was doing.I quickly went downstair searching through the freezer.
“Yessss.”I exclaimed before chugging the vodka.”Rafe continuously asking me to give him the bottle.I chugg at least half the pint bottle before having to give it up because Sarah comes down the stairs.”Y/n what're you doing here?” She asks excitedly until she saw me tripping over my own feet walking towards her,”Woah!” she caught me just before I hit the floor.
She turned to the door hearing someone pull up.Kie.”Rafe what did you do to her?” Sarah asked, holding me up scared of how out of it I was.”SHE BROUGHT COKE HERE,i did a bit with her, but she did A LOT. I legit did nothing this time I swear on everything!”He trailed back up the stairs not caring about the situation now that Sarah was there to take care of you. 
I began to sweat, tears running down my face. scared of what's happening to me.John b and Kie rush through the front doors asking where I am.”IN HERE GUYS!” Sarah screamed for them to hear her.My eyes rolling to the back of my head as I went in and out of consciousness.
“BABYYYY!!!” i exclaimed making grabby hands at Kie as i started crying harder
Sarah helped me stand up shakingly as I tried to walk to my girlfriend,She came running towards me with a concerned look on her face. She grabs my face pecking my lips,”Bub. I need you to listen to me, okay?” I nodd in awe of the gorgeous girl in front of me.”John B is gonna take you to the van,we need you to tell us everything you took to get in this state, okay?” I drowsily  nodded,growing tired.
Just as she said,the tall boy picked me up bridal style carrying me out to the twinkie.
I take notice to seating arrangement so i can close my eyes and know whos talking ,JJ being in the passenger seat,Pope watching From the bench behind the driver's seat.Kie stepped up into the van sitting on the floor of the vehicle waiting for John B to place me down beside her.As he did I sat up enough to lean my back against her chest.
JJ was surprisingly silent.Too silent.Pope looked so worried at my sweating body and dripping wet hair from  sweat,tears,and vodka mixture.”Okay,Y/n,What did you take?” my girlfriend sits grabbing my face turning me to face her, my legs straddling her thighs on the floor as I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck,but she pushes my head up making me pout but not being able to maintain due to the dizziness. “I took a few oxy,uhm when I -then i did a few lines of coke,and…..i chugged half a pint of vodka..” i said tears filling my eyes trying to not look into anyone's eyes,
Silent JJ was no more .”Are you fucking kidding me.Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n.You’re not supposed to take oxy and drink alcohol together.much less do oxy or coke at all.ARE YOU DUMB!” JJ began turning around. A Quiet ‘im sorry’ came from my mouth.John B finally pulled into the chateau.
Kie carried me while my face stayed nuzzled in her neck still crying due to my,still,VERY high state.she sat me down on the couch out on the porch as everyone except her,went to get a few things.Pope came back with water and a wet rag to place on my head.JJ brought a blanket,John B came back empty handed because he only went inside to pee.
“Kie?” I whispered scared she was mad.”Yes baby?” 
“Are you mad at me?” I questioned hiding my face in her shoulder due to the amount of dizziness being insured. She leaned her head on mine with an unknown amount of emotions,not quite sure of how to fully answer. “No I- I just don’t know what you were thinking I just- Well I figured you wouldn’t ever do anything like this considering what we talked about-and -and what you went through with your parents..” 
“I know-I wanted to feel better tho..I just feel like i have no one-”
Shortly realising the guys were still in on the conversation as Pope cut in.
“Y/n, you have,and always will have us..” I lift my head from the girls shoulder  before slowly looking at Pope in his sad worried eyes.
“I guess, I like-I dont know guys what you want me to say..Im trying to be better for myself for everybody,but nothing was working and i ran into barry one day and we talked and he offered a way to help,of course i was hesitant but its really not that bad...Im actually fine!” I said standing up as John b followed me.
“y/n, you were just saying you need help,so what the fuck are we supposed to do ,one minute you need help and having to be ushered here so you dont die! And-and-the next thing you’re yelling at us about how your fine,you’re not fine and you know it!” I stopped as I watched the long haired boy fight back tears trying to explain how all of them feel.
“Fuck you guys honestly,Im not a child i know how i feel,this is all just bullshit!” I yelled at them all, I ran to the spare bedroom covered in sweat,tears,and vodka; I slowly sink into the bed as tears fall down my face crying myself to sleep,what i didn’t know was that my bestfriend’s and girlfriend were all huddled up outside the door awaiting me to fall asleep so that they could come in and cuddle me to make me feel better.Sometimes things get better, but i dont think this is one of those times atleast for now anyway..
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helenarlett-rex · 3 years
So for a while now I’ve had a problem with the landlord of the two duplexes next door to my house. You see, When I bought the house I’m living in, the two duplexes next to me were empty and abandoned. Then a year later some rich prick bought them and started renting them out. And as soon as he did he started harassing Violet and myself about our yard. Specifically, about our grass not being cut. Only here’s the thing... We do cut our grass. But this guy is a psychopath who hires a lawn maintenance crew to come out and cut the grass on his properties twice a week! He’s even sent them out to cut the grass at night! I don’t know what his fucking obsession is with grass but it’s far beyond the norms of lawn maintenance. And he doesn’t seem to like the fact that my yard isn’t being obsessed over and cut as frequently as his is.
We first started having problems with him a while back when he approached Violet one day as she was leaving to go to work. He walked up to her and started complaining about how our yard looked horrible and we needed to mow it. At the time the yard was NOT that bad. It hadn’t been cut in a week but that was all. Just one week since the last time we mowed it. Violet informed him that she was leaving for work, but she would mow the law as soon as she had the opportunity to do so. Violet did not inform me of this encounter.
Cut to a week later... It has rained all week so there has not been any opportunity to cut the grass. This puts my yard at only two weeks since it was last mowed. It’s getting kind of long at this point, but it’s not HORRIBLE yet. I’m fully aware that it needs to be cut but I have to wait for the yard to dry because my mower doesn’t work under water. And yeah... when it rains enough, we have puddles of standing water in the yard. So does he, by the way... I hear a knock on the door and I go to check. It’s the same guy. Who at this point I have never met and am still unaware of his conversation with my wife. As soon as I open the door he just looks at me and says, “I’m here to check the status of the yard.”
Naturally I’m just kind of like, “What...? Who are you?”
And he instantly starts getting aggravated and aggressive, telling me that he’s already talked to me about this and he wants to know why I haven’t cut the grass yet. And I actually have to explain to this man that this is the first time I’ve ever met him before and I have no clue who he is or what he’s talking about. Apparently he had me mistaken for Violet, which is really something considering Violet is about a foot and a half taller than me, twice my weight, and has a head full of thick, curly hair while I have a super short buzz-cut. He starts to calm down slightly when he realizes his mistake but I’m already standing there thinking, how full of yourself do you have to be to first come barging onto my property, announcing you’re there to check the status of the yard as if you own the place, and then you can’t even be bothered to realize I’m not the same person you talked to before when me and that other person look nothing alike? And then instead of trying to make things better he tells me, “Well I talked to whoever drives... this... thing...” gesturing to my car (which Violet and I were sharing at the time) and I’m like, now you’re insulting my car too? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with my car. I’m sorry it’s not the oversized, gas guzzling, I’m compensating for the size of my penis pickup truck you’re driving, but it’s a perfectly fine car in good condition. But after insulting my car he goes on to start yelling at me about how my yard looks horrible and it’s bringing down the value of his property and if I don’t cut the grass he’s going to call the city and report me, and I’m just like... what the fuck, dude?! It’s rained all week! You can still see the water in the yard! I’ll cut it as soon as I am able to.
That was the first and last time I ever spoke to the man. I saw him occasionally here and there after that. Usually when I was leaving for work and he was in the drive way of the duplexes doing... I don’t even know what... And every time that happened he would just stand there giving me dirty looks as he watched me drive away. But I didn’t really care because I cut my grass. I don’t cut it twice a week like some kind of insane person, but I keep it at a reasonable length.
Then lawn maintenance people started knocking on my door asking me if I would like to hire them to take care of my lawn. And I’m like, what...? No... Thank you, but I take care of it myself. And at first I wasn’t sure why all of these random lawn crews kept knocking on my door, but then I remembered when I talked to the neighbor’s landlord one of the things he yelled at me was that if I couldn’t keep on top of it myself I should just hire his lawn crew. So I’m pretty sure he was sending them over because I’ve never had this happen before. First of all... Fuck you. I’m not paying someone just to keep my grass the exact same length as yours just to keep you happy. And second of all... I can’t afford that anyways. Take a look at where your duplexes are located. You’re in the poor neighborhood my man. You are the only person here who can afford a lawn crew. I have a feeling if you can’t keep people in your duplexes (which he can’t, by the way) it’s not because the neighbor’s grass is too tall... It’s probably because you bought a pair of run down duplexes in the slums and are trying to charge people like they are renting in a nice neighborhood. Everyone who moves into your duplexes moves back out in less than six months. I’m pretty sure that’s not because I only mow my lawn once a week instead of twice a week...
But as annoying as it was having people knocking on my door asking if I wanted to hire them, I didn’t worry too much about it... And then one day as I was looking out the window, wondering why his lawn crew was out there cutting the grass only a day after they had just cut it... I noticed one of the guys pull out his phone and take a picture of the line between his yard and mine. And I thought... Hmm... That’s suspicious... He sent them back out here to re-cut what they had just cut the day before and then take pictures of the difference between the lengths of our grass? Okay... what are you planning to do?
And I found out today, when while I was at work I get a text from Violet saying that a city property inspector showed up to inspect our property because he got a complaint.
But you know the funny thing about it...? My yard hasn’t been mowed since last Saturday and the first thing the property inspector did was look at it and say, “Well your grass is okay.” Yeah... It’s been a week since I cut it and it’s still within city codes. Next he inspected the trees growing by the power lines (which I’m assuming was also a complaint he received) and said, “Well those are getting a little too close to the power lines but that’s not your responsibility and I see the city has already marked them to be trimmed down, so that’s all good.” The only thing he saw that was even the slightest bit of a problem was that the fence in our backyard was leaning a bit and he asked us to fix it. Violet fixed it within the hour and had him come back out to take pictures. (Which impressed him because he’s never had anyone comply with anything that fast before.) So in the end the property inspector was like, yeah, you’re all fine here. I see no problems at all. Which means the neighbor’s landlord wasted Violet’s time, and the property inspector’s time, by sending the guy out here to harass us for no reason.
This was kind of the last straw for Violet though. She was already pissed off when the guy came over here onto our property and started yelling at me. (She’s very protective of me.) And pissed off again when I caught the lawn crew taking pictures of our yard. But after having a property inspector show up at our door when there was no problem...? She has decided if this guy wants to complain about our yard then she’s going to give him a reason to complain. And checked with the property inspector to make sure there were no city codes against her new plan.
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She ordered 50 of them... This is going to be my yard in a few weeks... And I... kind of love it...
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 2, Episode 1: Omega (Part One)
Welcome to Season 2 bitches! This one’s gonna be fun 😉 Here’s the masterlist for the series if you wanna catch up!
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader
Notes: thanks everyone for the encouragement to continue!! every single one of your messages made my heart so happy! this is more of a filler chapter to catch us up but hopefully you guys still like it! I’m super excited for this season and have lots of good stuff planned 😏
I love feedback so let me know what you think!
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“Oh my God, Stiles. Just do it already.”
I huffed out an impatient breath and watched as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. We were sitting in the middle of his bed, my crossed legs only an inch away from his.
“Hey, I’m the anchor here. Alright?” His honey eyes twitched at me as one of his hands hovered above mine. “Let me do my thing.”
It was always hit or miss, whether Stiles’ touch would help calm my abilities or set them off. We’d been practicing the last couple days, trying to figure out how I could regain some control.
Most of the time, I felt like I was completely losing my mind. My thoughts were constantly racing. I was hearing and seeing things that weren’t actually there and showing up in random places again. None of it made sense. Peter had done something when he bit me, dialed my senses up to a hundred, and I had no idea how to fix it.
I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt a gentle touch on the top of my hand. My eyes flickered down to my lap, where Stiles was hesitantly running his fingers along my skin.
“Anything?” My gaze flickered up to meet his, my heart fluttering at the intense concern shining back at me. He hadn’t stopped worrying since I woke up in the hospital, so now I was growing concerned about his mental state.
“No.” A small smile twitched at my lips as I realized my senses had calmed significantly. The dull hum that had become a constant in my mind since I was bitten was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief, relishing in the few moments of silence. “Nothing.”
“Okay. So hand on hand...good. Hand on arm...bad.” Stiles’ eyes narrowed as he nodded to himself, referring to yesterday when he’d barely brushed against me and I’d practically passed out.
I glowered at him and slid my hands out from under his. “I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that we had any idea how this works.” He quipped with a swivel of his head, his eyebrows raising incredulously.
“I think it has more to do with....” I trailed off with a sigh, realizing that I actually had no idea what I was talking about. “Yeah, no. I’m at a loss.”
A frown pulled at his lips as he took one of my hands again and dragged his fingers along my skin, moving up my arm inch by inch. I let out content breath when he reached my shoulder and squeezed it gently. A moment later his hand cupped the side of my neck, his fingers tangling in my hair as his thumb rubbed soothingly at my jaw.
I watched his eyes as they followed each of his movements, seemingly waiting for something bad to happen. When they flickered up to meet mine, I practically melted into a puddle. They were rounded gently, glimmering a bright golden color as a ray of sunlight snuck in through his blinds, perfectly illuminating his freckled skin.
I couldn’t help but lean forward to capture his lips with mine, my eyes fluttering closed in the process. He stiffened for a split second, as if caught off guard, before relaxing into the kiss. His fingers twitched against my face, but he was otherwise completely still in front of me.
When my tongue tentatively swept along his bottom lip, a quick image flashed in my mind. I grimaced involuntarily, whatever it was disappearing too fast to decipher. 
“What is it?” Stiles pulled away from me with a jerk, his eyes wide as they jumped around my face.
I shook my head, hoping that would somehow clear everything away, and sent him a tight lipped smile. “Nothing. Promise.”
His eyes narrowed for a split second in disbelief, but he seemed to think better of arguing as he pulled me back to him with the hand that still rested against my face. I wasn’t exactly lying to him, but he was already worried enough. He didn’t need to know every single time something weird happened to me.
I didn’t even realize we were slowly drifting toward the mattress until my back pressed against it lightly. I brought my hands up to the sides of his face, momentarily forgetting that his hair was too short to run my fingers through. The spiky buzz cut poked at my skin as I ran my fingers along the back of his head. His free hand squeezed at my hip gently as he leaned over me.
I pulled away fractionally to catch my breath, giggling slightly at his timid nature. “Stiles...”
“Mmm?” He hummed against my lips and leaned forward, trying to reconnect them.
“I’m not going to break.” My voice was barely above a whisper as I slid one hand down to push against his chest, creating enough distance between us so that I could catch his eyes.
He let out a sigh, gaze flickering around my face in question. Since the day I was bitten, he’d been treating me like a porcelain doll. It was almost like he as afraid to touch me, which was honestly understandable because half the time when he did I lost my mind, but I needed him to cut it the fuck out if we were going to be together.
He nodded slightly before reaching down to grip my hand. His mouth met mine again as he tangled our fingers together and gently pressed my arm into the mattress beside my head. My lips twitched into a small smile against his as our tongues danced languidly. An idea suddenly popped into my mind and I pressed against him until he let me roll him onto his back.
I landed on top of him, my legs on either side of his hips. I pulled back and dragged my lips along his jaw, lightly pressing kisses against his smooth skin as I continued down his neck. He let out a shuddering breath and suddenly wrapped an arm around my waist, flipping me onto my back. He used a little more force than necessary, sending us clumsily tumbling off the side of the bed. 
I yelped as we crashed onto the floor, Stiles managing to turn at the last second so that he took the brunt of the fall. He grunted in pain, his eyes pinching shut as he grimaced beneath me. I winced, pushing myself up onto my elbows to remove some of the weight from him. 
His eyes popped open and we stared at each other for a long moment before erupting in a fit of giggles. I let my head fall against his chest, feeling my worries drift away in the comfort of his arms.
“That was so your fault.”
I huffed out an annoyed breath as I climbed into the Jeep, shutting the passenger door behind me with a slam. I pressed my back against the leather seat and rubbed the scratchy material I’d just stolen between my fingers.
“Did you get it?”
My eyes narrowed into a glare before sweeping toward Stiles as I held up the fabric in my hands. Clearly, he wasn’t very observant at the moment. “This is stupid.”
“Just shove the thing in his face and let’s find her.” His hand, which rested on the back of our seats, gestured behind us.
I hesitated, pursing my lips tightly. “If my mom gets fired because of this—”
“There’s no way anything’s gonna go wrong, Y/N.” Scott spoke up from the backseat as he reached forward and snatched the hospital gown from my lap.
I whipped around to glare at him. “You do realize that’s exactly what people say before everything goes horribly wrong?”
He just rolled his eyes and brought the gown up to his nose, ignoring my jab. After several unsuccessful days of Stiles and I trying to figure out how my personal brand of crazy works, Scott had the ridiculous idea to find Lydia by scent. There was no way it was going to work. 
At this point, she’s been missing for five days. It was honestly impressive, in a terrible way, that no one had been able to find her yet. I was beginning to worry that she wasn’t even in Beacon Hills anymore. I couldn’t help but think, if she were still here, that we should’ve come across something by now.
Stiles started the Jeep from beside me, instantly jumping in surprise as the headlights illuminated a familiar thin figure. “Jesus Christ...”
Allison narrowed her eyes at him before rushing over to the passenger window. 
“What are you doing here? Someone’s gonna see us.” Scott squished me against my seat as he leaned forward to peer out the window.
I pressed my shoulder into his chest to give myself more room, but he didn’t even budge an inch. I huffed in annoyance, watching as his wide eyes flickered around the dimly lit parking lot of the hospital before meeting hers again.
The two of them had been sneaking around for the last week, after Allison’s dad caught them making out in her car and nearly killed him on the spot. In exchange for his life, she’d promised to stay away from him. That lasted about an hour—which was honestly impressive given how obsessive they are—before he was sneaking into her house again.
“I don’t care. She’s my best friend and we need to find her before they do.” Allison insisted, completely ignoring my existence as she looked into Scott’s eyes pleadingly.
I squirmed uncomfortably under his weight, but quickly gave up on getting free. I sagged back in my seat with a sigh, knowing I wouldn’t be moving until he did.
“I can find her before the cops do.” His brows furrowed in offense as he probably assumed she was doubting his werewolf abilities.
“What about before my father?” Her voice rose with worry, and I shoved against Scott once again as my heart skipped a beat in alarm.
“He knows?” My question was slightly muffled behind him, until he finally leaned back with a grimace in my direction.
“Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs.” Allison’s eyes flickered between the two of us, wide with concern.
Well, shit. That couldn’t mean anything good. If her dad and other men were out looking for Lydia, our timeline was easily just cut in half. Maybe they wanted to kill her, or just catch her, but we couldn’t sit by and let either happen.
“A search party?” A spark of hope rose in my chest, although I knew it was a long shot.
“More like a hunting party.” She sighed, her eyes shining with guilt as if it were somehow her fault.
I popped the passenger door open quickly, scooting closer to Stiles to give her some room. Clearly, she wanted to come with us, and I wasn’t about to turn away extra help. “Get in.”
We drove in tense silence for a few minutes, all of us lost in our own thoughts. I was stuck on the same fear I’d had since the dance. It was highly unlikely that Lydia wasn’t a werewolf. I mean, if she wasn’t, she must be dead by now, and that wasn’t something I could even begin to entertain.
Then there was the fact that she would not handle being a werewolf well. I dreaded the idea of chaining her up on full moons, or dealing with extra moodiness on top of her usual attitude. It wouldn’t be pretty for any of us.
“Alright.” Stiles suddenly spoke up, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel anxiously. “If she’s turning, would they actually kill her?”
Allison’s eyes met his in the rear view mirror from beside me. I’d switched places with Scott when she got into the car, putting him up front with Stiles.
“I don’t know. They won’t tell me anything. All they say is ‘we’ll talk after Kate’s funeral, when the others get here.’”
“Others? What others?” My head snapped in her direction, my stomach twisting uncomfortably. This situation was quickly going from bad to worse, especially if they were calling in more hunters.
She sighed dejectedly and avoided my eyes. “I don’t know. They won’t tell me that, either.”
“Okay. Your family has some serious communication issues to work on. Scott, are we going the right way?” Stiles glanced toward the passenger side expectantly.
Scott nodded, his head sticking out the window as he tried to catch a scent. I rolled my eyes and dropped my head against the back of our seat. This whole thing was completely ridiculous. He may have hightened senses, but that didn’t mean he was a fucking search dog.
Even I could admit that we were desperate. We were taking things into our own hands as best we could. Scott was really our only hope at this point, which was pretty sad. He directed us all the way to the preserve, where we got out to continue on foot.
“She came here? Are you sure?” Stiles squinted his eyes at the Hale house a few minutes later as we approached it cautiously.
None of us had been here since the night Kate and Peter died, and I think it was safe to say that it wasn’t high on our list of places to visit. I’d be more than happy to never come here again.
Just the sight of the withering structure had my heart racing in my chest. Allison only glanced at the house fleetingly before crossing her arms and ducking her head away. It was probably harder for her to be here than any of us. Even though her aunt was a crazy bitch, she was still grieving as anyone would.
“This is where the scent leads.” Scott confirmed, his brows furrowed in confusion.
Dried leaves crunched beneath our feet as we slowly made our way toward the house. All of us were on high alert, waiting for something terrible to happen. Honestly, it was still hard for me to believe that Peter was actually dead. There was just something off about the whole thing, but I couldn’t place it for the life of me.
“Alright. But has Lydia ever been here?” Stiles turned around expectantly as he lead us up the small hill in their yard.
“Not with me.” Allison frowned, still refusing to look at the house.
Scott and I shook our heads as his eyes flickered over us. He sighed heavily before facing forward again and letting his hands smack against his thighs. He was a natural born detective, and it was killing him that he couldn’t figure this out. Despite our best efforts with my abilities and all the information we could get out of his dad, it didn’t feel like we were any closer to finding her.
“Maybe she came here on instinct, like she was looking for Derek?” Allison leaned toward me and mumbled the theory, as if she didn’t want to admit that Lydia could actually be a werewolf.
“You mean...looking for an alpha?” Scott sighed, easily hearing her with his heightened senses, and looking very troubled by the idea.
“Wolves need a pack, right?” She pressed, playing with the material of her sweater’s sleeve nervously.
“Not all of them.” Scott muttered, his eyes trained on the house in front of us as if waiting for something to jump out.
She let out a huff in annoyance at his cryptic answer. “But would she have been drawn to an alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?”
“Yeah,” His lips pulled into a knowing frown. “Were stronger in packs.”
“Like strength in numbers.” I muttered, more to myself than anyone else. It made sense. Wolves were pack animals in the wild, after all.
Scott suddenly came to a stop and glanced between Allison and I, his eyes . “No, like literally stronger. Faster. Better in every way.”
That must’ve been why Peter was so hellbent on turning as many people as he could. He was a power hungry monster—even as a human—add in all the werewolf shit and it’s no wonder he went insane.
“Whoa, hey. Look at this. You guys see this?” Stiles’ voice rose in concern from behind me and I turned to see him crouched near the ground.
I hadn’t even realized that he was rummaging through the leaves around us, too caught up in my own thoughts. I quickly made my way to his side, my eyes widening when I caught sight of a thin wire tied tightly between two trees.
“I think it’s a—” My breath caught, the words dying on my lips as Stiles tugged on it, some rustling and a grunt instantly sounding behind us.
“Uh. Stiles...” Scott’s voice was breathless.
“Yeah, buddy?”
I peered at him over my shoulder, wincing as my eyes landed on his he upside down frame, the wire wrapped tightly around one of his ankles.
Stiles spun on his heel beside me, his face falling into a grimace at the sight. “Oh.”
“Next time you see a tripwire, don’t trip it.” Scott shrugged, his voice light with amusement.
“Noted.” Stiles nodded quickly, moving forward to inspect the wire in an effort to release him.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of this situation. We couldn’t get through a single mission without something going wrong, no matter how small. Allison joined my side as we made our way toward Scott, but we only made it a few steps before his eyes widened in alarm and he held his hands out to stop us.
“Wait, wait, wait!” He started swinging as he jerked his arms frantically. “Someone’s coming.”
My heart skipped a beat as panic surged through me at his words. I could only assume that the trap was left by hunters, which meant he was as good as dead if we left him hanging there.
“Go!” He snapped when none of us moved, causing Allison to bolt away instantly.
I hesitated, wishing there was something I could do. Realistically, I knew I’d be no match for literally anyone who tried attacking me—let alone trained hunters—and Scott could easily defend himself. I’d seen it several times when he fought Derek, and then Peter. But there was no telling how many there would be, and he was at a serious disadvantage.
Stiles gripped my arm and dragged me along with him, only stopping once we were safely hidden behind a nearby tree. I squinted through the darkness as four men emerged from the distance. When I saw that one of them was Allison’s dad, I couldn’t help but glance her way. Her eyes were firmly planted on Scott, though, her brows pinched with worry.
“Scott.” He greeted curtly, crouching down to meet him face to face. “How are you doing?”
Scott let out a nervous breath, his skin turning pink from all the blood rushing to his head. “Mr. Argent. Good. You know, just hangin’ out. This one of yours? It’s, uh, good. Nice design. Very constricting.”
I let my eyes fall closed and internally cringed at his nervous rambling. Stiles let out a sigh from beside me, probably thinking the same thing. Technically, we were trespassing on private property, and he wasn’t building a very good case for his innocence.
“What are you doing out here, Scott?” Mr. Argent’s voice was hard, disapproving almost, as his eyes flickered over his dangling body.
“Looking for my friend.” He said quickly, surprising me with his honesty.
“Ah, that’s right. Lydia’s in your group now, isn’t she? Part of the clique? Is that the word you use? Or is there another word for it?” Mr. Argent’s gaze was unrelenting as he stared Scott down. My jaw clenched at his threatening tone. I didn’t like what he was implying. “Part of your pack?”
“Actually, clique sounds about right to me.” Scott’s voice hardened as all traces of amusement left his face, instantly in full protective mode.
“I hope so. ‘Cause I know she’s a friend of Allison’s, and one special circumstance—like yourself—one, I can handle. Not two.”
I heard Allison’s sharp intake of breath from the tree beside us, and let my attention flicker toward her. She was staring at her dad with wide eyes and parted lips, as if she couldn’t believe what he was saying. Although he wasn’t being explicit, it was obvious what he meant.
If they find her, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill her.
“Scott, do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?” Mr. Argent drawled, still kneeling on the damp ground in front of Scott.
He threw his arms out, looking completely over this conversation and being upside down. “I have a feeling I don’t want to.”
“Medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. Cutting them in half. Takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that.” As he spoke, one of his hands came up to swipe across Scott’s abdomen. “Let’s hope a demonstration never becomes necessary.”
With that, he slowly rose to his feet and walked away. The three men that had come with him followed suit wordlessly, disappearing into the darkness a moment later. We all instantly rushed to Scott’s side, Allison bending over to look into his eyes anxiously.
“Are you okay?” She fanned her hands over him, as if trying to help but not sure what to do.
“Yeah. Fine. Just another life threatening conversation with your dad.” He scoffed humorlessly, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
He’d been “threatening” Scott’s life for weeks now, but hadn’t actually done anything. It was obvious that he was looking out for him, since we hadn’t had any more encounters—other than tonight—with hunters. It seemed to me that he had a soft spot for Scott, but had to keep up appearances since his daughter dating a werewolf would probably hurt his reputation.
I walked toward the tree where the tripwire was tied, turning back to Stiles expectantly. “A little help?”
He jogged my way with a huff, his breath condensing into a small cloud in front of his lips. Before we could even begin strategizing how to untie the thing, a snap sounded from behind us. I spun around quickly, thinking something was wrong, but let out a breath of relief when I saw that Scott was back on his feet.
The corner of his lips twitched into a smirk as he somehow retracted his claws back into his fingertips—which was honestly weird as fuck—and gestured toward the house. “You guys comin’?”
We followed his lead, continuing on our search for the night. We only stopped a few hours later, completely exhausted and nearly frostbitten, when Allison forced us to go home.
Tomorrow was my first day back at school since being bitten, and they were all way more concerned than necessary. At this point, that was the least of my worries. Our failed efforts tonight made me feel ten times worse, because we still didn’t find a single trace of Lydia.
My hope was dwindling by the minute, right along with her chances of survival.
Season 1, Episode 12 Episode 1, Part Two
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keigoloveminty · 4 years
Plot: The party was super fancy and new to you, until it wasnt. A very questionable and scary experience for you.
Pairing/s: Hawks x Reader, Izuku x reader, Todoroki x reader, Shinsou x reader, Dabi x reader, Shigaraki x reader, Genten x reader, Aizawa x reader
All characters are aged up to 25+
Warning: Mafia Au, LOV crew is soft to reader,(No Yandere’s just jealous and angry exes :>), Partyy in the houseee, (Please dont at me-- I'm just making this up as I go--)
ALSO ALSSOOO please enjoyyyy :’3
Chapter 2
You squealed as you held the seatbelt tightly as Dabi steps on the pedal,”D-DABI! SLOW DOWN YOUR GOING MAKE ME SPILL MY GUTS OUT-”, you screamed trying to hold onto something tight. Dabi grunts as he speeds up and suddenly turns right, the car screeches while you you shut your eyes tightly now holding and the door. A few minutes of you being pushed from left to right and then your breath almost getting knocked out from Dabi speeding up again,’W-wont we get chased down by a police-- DABI IS GOING TO KILL ME--’, your mind was screaming for you to get out of the car but you weren't stupid enough to do that. Dabi slowed down just a bit as you both entered the Highway,”By the looks of things I guess we’ll be there just on time for the opening ceremony ends..”, Dabi looks to your side to see your eyes wide while breathing heavily. He moves on hand to grab your hand tightening it slightly,”You okay? you seemed stunned..”
You looked back at him with a ‘Are you serious?’ expression, how could he not feel like jelly when he just literally just blasted through the streets and still feel fine, you were here beyond stunned,’H-how can he just say that unfazed?! Is he secretly a top Race driver?! He literally turn me into jelly--’, you sighed trying to calm your beating heart. You squeezed his hand as you leaned back into the seat, you closed your eyes trying to regain and steady your breath. A few moments later you looked back at Dabi with your eyebrows furrowed,”You could've warned me, Dabi!”, He just rolled his eyes focusing using one hand on the stirring wheel while holding your hand in the other,”I’m as fast as my car can take me doll, I'm trying to get us there on time. Sorry about that Doll”, you sighed and turned your head to look at him. Dabi grumbles,”Sorry about that Doll”, You sighed and muttered out ‘Its fine’ as you starred at him with starry eyes, you didn't had time to look at how he fully looked nice you were rushing with time since you only focussed on how his suit looked great.
The lights from the outside framed his face as he drives, the way his hair was styled just a tad bit, still in a messy but in a stylish way. You had a feeling he wouldn't cover his scars but since this was a fancy party you had a feeling he would,’So breath taking... .. I’m almost jealous, hpmh’, you puffed your cheeks as you looked at him,’How did you get so handsome.. I feel like I'm missing out on something-- wait’, you squint your eyes and leaned closer to him. His jaw looks defined, sharper nose-- wait are those three silver piercings on his nose,”You got piercings again? How could I not see that..”, Dabi gives you a side glance for a moment only to look back at the road,”Yeah I did and maybe its because you’re short?”, you huffed and looked away from him. 
“Meanie.. . we haven’t seen each other for awhile and you’re already being mean”
“You’re just too easy doll.. .. that's why I have to look out for you a lot”
You turned your head back to look at him,”Did your say something or was I hearing things?”, Dabi just shrugs turning the steering wheel,”You’re probably still shaken up by my driving, why dont you just rest for a bit we’re almost there..”, he says. You let out a soft ‘hmm’ your eyelids slowy fluttering to close letting you get a short nap,’I swear he said something... . but he was too quiet--’, you immediately dozed off as soon as you closed your eyes.
.. ..
Dabi looks at you for a second,’Knocked out cold maybe inviting her to this party was a mistake’, he looks back to the road, he gently squeezed your hands as he looks at the road. Shigaraki was supposed to invite you but decided against it which Dabi didnt like but he knows why you weren’t supposed to be invited to this party. This party could literally kill you which is why Dabi will stick to your side like a glue, literally. He sighs again feeling a bit nervous but excited, you get to at least take a breather from that nasty break up, maybe he could make his move on
He scoffs when his mind drifted to how Shigaraki might turn him to dust,’Thats not happening, not when that decay bastard has his eyes on you too’, he rolls his eyes still keeping his eye on the road. You both were almost there, just a bit more and you’ll both arrive at the venue. Dabi mind was filled with thoughts about what could happen tonight, this party isn't open to all and only few are invited to even get a glimpse of the growing Paranormal Liberation’s new leader, Shigaraki. Dabi never intended to let get your there on time since he didn’t want you to hear that speech that could literally spill everything of what job Shigaraki has, the people that were going to attend that party was strictly for business proposes. They don’t just throw some stupid party with no meaning to it other than to flaunt their power, as much as possible they needed more loyal people-- as if it wasn’t enough-- to join their side.
It was all to show to those people who decided to make an enemy of them will be completely wiped out and also to scout more people to add to their power and ranks. But all of the higher ranks are taken by the original LOV crew, they didn’t have much to worry about other than those who dare to go against them in a false partnership and tried to act like they were smart but they didn’t think their plan through enough which ultimately led to their demise. 
Or in short, sweet death 
 Dabi eyed the mask that sat right in front of his steering wheel, it was a half face mask that was ironically shape like a demons mouth, it was a “disguise” that his group picked out, told him it suits him since demon breath out fire which in return earned them a punch to the head. He didn’t want to wear the mask cause it wasn’t his taste also it was tacky and didn’t like that he wasted at least half of his money to buy a suit to match the mask. But he didn’t complain one bit since he convinced Shigaraki invite you which he and the group had to try and bribe him, they all missed you.
“This party is just for show, we're here to scout potential clients and loyal follower. We might get uninvited guests so make sure to stay sharp on your designated posts, got it?”, Shigaraki says as he went over to memorised his opening lines for the party, Dabi had his arms on top of the couch looking straight at the ceiling starring directly the chandelier. Toga was talking with Magne on what to wear to the party, Mr. Compress was talking to the chefs through the phone on what to serve in the party. Twice was being twice as always and Genten was polishing his gun.
Dabi was waiting for the right time to ask Shigaraki,’Why the hell isn't he bringing up about y/n.. .’, he squints his eyes from starring too much at the light and looks back at Shigaraki’s back. Just as Dabi was about to open his mouth, Toga beat him to it,”So are we inviting n/n-chan?”, the whole room turns to Toga as she puts down a bright red dress. Shigaraki stops mumbling his lines and looks at Toga, she turns around and grins,”I’m not going to cooperate unless n/n-chan comes annddd I'm not going to enjoy this party, Tomuraaaa”, she whines and pouts.
Shigaraki grumbles out turning his attention to Toga,”As much as we want too we can’t risk---”, Dabi cuts him off,”We can just get more security inside and outside the area, I'm pretty sure we have enough power to do that”, Dabi stands up from the couch and walked towards to the kitchen where Mr. Compress is. Genten turns the gun to look at the other side and wipes the dirt off,”We have the support if Destros himself.. ... only half though since some half of his men are doing other jobs like searching for those who raided our clients products just last week, sending invitations to small and big businesses and lastly tracking down Hawks group that also stole half of our goods”, Genten says as he places the now polished gun in its case.
He stretches his arms and yawns,”Besides, I miss Y/n and thanks to you putting me on duty-- outside the venue”, harshly pointing out that he isn't slightly pleased at all being assigned when there's going to be party,”Make me mad that I want to ice you but since you’re my boss I can’t do that and you might not agree to let Y/n come...”, he slumps down in the couch, furrowing both of his eyebrows, displeased that he has to be on duty. Shigaraki throws his index card down a near by table and scratches his neck, Shigaraki does want to invite you but due to his rivals around Japan— much less the people going to this party, he couldn't risk them knowing he had a friend outside his work, its too dangerous for them to know.
Knowing it’s you they might be after, Shigaraki doesn't want to trap you-- or hide you from the world, you didn't deserve that after what happened to you when you lost your parents.
                 Shigaraki will not allow it 
Shigaraki sighs heavily rubbing his eyes with his gloved finger,’This idiots can’t be serious.. although the people who are attending this party are selected there’s always going to be that one person who’s going to ruin it all and all of them are highclass criminals and Mafia’s’, he ruffles his hair, his mind in conflict on whether or not he will invite you. Dabi sees this and takes this opportunity to negotiate,”What if I'll be the one to escort her to the venue, I'll stick to her like glue--”
“That's not going to work, they know exactly who you are, Dabi. You could put Y/n on their lists of target and none of us want that”
He holds his tongue not wanting to fight as it could lower his chances of getting Shigaraki to say ‘yes’ into inviting you,”Not if I have some sort of disguise to cover up this fucking scars, come on shit face”, at this point Dabi might as well throw all those ‘Y/n’ cards to bribe him. He looks at Genten, he tilts his head to Shigaraki,’Help me out you ice freak--’ he mouths to Genten, Genten looks at him with a lazy expression.
‘Trust me, we all want to see Y/n’
Genten quickly tries to think of something in order to help Dabi,”Imagine how happy would Y/n look if she saw us all--”
“Your on outside duty have you already forgotten? You might as well greet her outside the gate and thats it.”, Shigraki with a monotone voice. This time it was Toga’s turn to try and bribe Shigaraki,”Oh! Oh! Think about how she’ll look super cute all dressed up!! You wouldn't miss that for the world now do you Tomuraa”, she grins trying to imagine how you would look like all dolled up.
“Yeah! I wanna see the precious Diamond too!! She'll look sexy walking down the floors!!”, Twice adds while squealing with Toga. Mr. Compress puts his phone on mute and looks at Shigaraki,”Shigaraki-san, the Violet squad has returned from their assignment and will be helping out in terms of security and look out as well. They have claim to have also wiped out some of Todoroki’s men and came out with minor injuries”, he returns to the phone calls while jotting down on a piece of paper. Shigaraki still not fully convinced crosses his arms and gestures them to keep trying,”Like I said before, I can find a disguise to cover my scars, I promise to stick by her side”, Dabi looks at Shigraki with a serious expression.
“I’ll take my outside duty serious”
“I’ll make sure to cooperate nicely too!!”
“I’ll make a lot of doubles to scout the area out!! They won't ruin this party, no sir!”
“Silence, all of you”, they all shut their mouths. The room intense as Shigaraki turns his back and walk towards the huge window that shows the whole city from below. Shigaraki thinks carefully on how many things may happen, if they do break he needs to know where you’ll escape. But he can't let that happen, every corner must be covered in security-- the roof as well. None of them had a warp gate like they do to transport things carefully but he knows how skilled some of them are working in the shadows, he stares at the lights from below with a straight face,’Y/n-san.... .. we haven't seen each other in awhile, back up has come but.. .’
His mind is filled with a lot of thoughts of what could and would happen, Hawks group is a sneaky bunch along with his partner, Tsukoyomi, who they know has a quirk that works well in the dark. That paired along with Hawks quirk which they recently been told by a spy they sent to get inside information, is able to pick up sounds, control each individual feather as well as sharpen them. Unfortunately, their group has yet to acquire a healer but that was temporarily solved by the professors healing capsules, they get three each on a mission and it takes a few minutes for the healing to take effect. It’s only good for minor injuries, it can heal injuries like big cuts but as for gun shots, not so much as its takes even longer to heal if you don't get the bullet out.
Whats more annoying is that not only that they also have other skilled members that even more annoying to deal with,’Professor has yet to create a nomu that for us or the scouting group that sensei set to find a skilled healer.. we have enough power on our side with our connections but still--’, Shigaraki clenches his fists. He really wants to invite you and get your mind off your breakup, he never really asked what your lovers looked like or even asked to meet them since you never tried to introduce your partners to them and because you know that they would be too busy and they usually their free-time just time to catch up with what you were doing with your life.
He knew he wasn't supposed to have a weakness when sensei told him he was going to be the next heir to the business but for you he made an exception, it was your kindness that made him melt down all his walls. Whenever he was going through something tough, just a little encouragement from you or just a small talk with you made him feel better. What hurts him the most is when he cant be there on time to comfort you when you need it, he didn't want to keep his night job a secret from you but he knows you’re bound to find out one way or another.
You aren't some dumb person, you just choose not to and just keep quiet about it to not get in trouble
And that's what scares him the most to the point where he couldn't sleep properly for somedays, he doesn’t know if you’ve figured it out yet
He shakes his head and tries to remove those thoughts from his head,’No.. thats not going to happen, not on my fucking watch’, if he was going to let you go to this party--that he knows is going to attract there attention-- he needs to make sure that once there's a security breach, he's already telling Dabi or whoever is going to escort you out of the venue-- together you out fast and quiet. He’ll make sure Kurogiri is on his com to make sure as soon as he sends a signal he’ll have his portal up in second straight to your home, send more people to secure the place. As much he doesn't want to tarnish his reputation but when it involves you, he wouldn't give a shit but its not like a little security breach is going to affect his reputation-- maybe his partnerships with other leaders but who's to say they would turn away from him, knowing the power he holds.
This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn’t for his childish choices to just jump in to try and take out his rivals but ultimately failed and losing half of his men but as the months went on he learned to be more smarter and move smarter. Taking out people that are associated with his rival-- U.A corporations-- no matter how big or small they are of a threat, if they are associated with them in anyway, they take them out or if they have potential they kidnap them for information, steal their quirk or get turned into nomu’s. 
Shigaraki reaches to rub his eyes but stops when he hears you scolding in his head
“Don’t rub them Tomura-chan! You’ll irritate it more!” 
        It’s itchy, what do you want me to do about it?
“Stop stop!! Don’t rub it anymore!!!”
       Then scratch it for me then if you don’t want me scratching it
“Your bleeding again Tomura, didn’t I told you not to scratch them... . I just finished rubbing some ointment on too...”
      Right, sorry about that... .
“Don’t pick on your lips either also put some lip balm on it occasionally-- its not girly!! I want to make sure you look good when you kiss a girl!!”
     Who am I going to fucking kiss anyways? I'm not going to kiss anyone if its not you...
Shigaraki smiles unconsciously when he hears you scolding him so he didn’t rub his too hard,’Even when you aren’t physically here, you're still scolding me. Telling me to stop rubbing and picking at my skin.. the things you do to me Y/n...’,he sighs heavily and looks back at the groups who was still waiting for him to give his finally thought in inviting you. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at their boss,”Fine.. she can come--”, Toga grins and raises her arms up. Twice and his other self talked in what to wear to the party, Mr. Compress tips his hat, Geten nods, Dabi mumbles out a quite “Yes!”
“On one condition..”
.. ..
Dabi slows down the car as he enters the road that had thick trees that covered his view,’Had to pick a venue thats waayyy out there, talk about protective..’, he scoffs. He remembers vividly how Shigaraki sent his men to give out last minute changes about the new location for the party to the guests and recall how he asked Professor to personally borrow three of his high ends to which he agreed to. His teacher didn’t mind as long as they get to hold to the party and find new people to add to their assets. 
The new venue that he had picked out what way out of the city-- in cases of.. well, possible collateral damage considering the quirks they have and to not worry about causing too much damage that may have a dent on their name, not that anyone would come after them for destroying property unless they want to die. Its on a mountain and it takes a while to get there since there's a lot of curves and it also possible intruders to make their escape a bit hard if they decided to get lost in the thick forest.
‘This curves are making me sick-- I think we’re almost there, I can see those lights’
A few minutes later, you both finally reached the venue after half an hour on the road he notices a lot of fancy cars that were parked up on the outdoor parking lot, all places almost filled up. He grabs his ear piece that allowed him to talk with his group,”Genten, tell them to open the gates... .. I’ve arrived with Y/n safety”, he talks through the earpiece. His earpiece sends a static with made him scrunch his face and almost pulled it off his ear,”Told the guards to open the gate for you, just drive up to the front ”,the static cuts stops. 
Dabi drives up to the gate, he gave the guard a side look and just gave a short nod and looked at his buddy to open up the gate. He drives inside and goes straight to the back part of the venue, where the important people get to park their cars, he turns the wheel slowly and quickly finds a spot. He backs up his car, sets his breaks to park and turns off the car, he looks back at your sleeping figure and admires you just for a little while.
‘Sleeps like a true doll... how cute’
He rubs his thumb on your hand that was still laced in yours from the whole ride to the venue,”Doll wake up, we’re here now”, he says and squeezes your hand, he reaches out to cup your cheek with his hand that was on the steering wheel. He caresses it softly watching you finally stirring awake,”5 more minutes...pleaseee”, you whined trying to get a little more sleep. Dabi shakes his head and looks at his watch,”Don’t you want to see Shigaraki and the others?”, you slowly got up and Dabi lets his hand that was on your cheek to rest on his legs.
You rubbed your eyes softly as to not ruin your makeup that your spent little time to put on,”Wait let me do a quick retouch on my make up, I don’t want to look like I just took a long nap”, you leg go of his hand and quickly reach for your small clutch bag that carried your makeup, phone and credit card. Dabi lets out a short ‘hm’, trying hard not to lace his fingers back to your hand, he reaches for the face mask and puts it on the lower part of his face and clicks the belt in.
You opened your clutch bag  and reach for the small pocket mirror and red lipstick, you swipe just softly to not make it a harsh since you went for a soft gradient look. You puckered your lips to spread the lipstick just a bit then grabbed your blusher to just touch up the faint blush, flicked your up eyelash softly. You turned your head to see if you looked alright, you smiled and out everything back to in your clutch bag. You turned back to Dabi and gave him a short nod while smiling excitedly,”Lets go?”
Dabi ties the black scarf over his eyes to cover up the patchwork under his eyes, which you didn't like the idea of it but you guess it was necessary as to not catch attention--much to your distaste,’Dabi looks cool with is scars, people are just judgemental, hpmh!’, he tightens the scarf just a bit and tugging some parts down. He looks back at you through the scarf and nods, you held in a laugh and covered you mouth,”Whats up with that disguise? Did Shigaraki told you to wear that?”, you asked while tilting your head slightly.
He sighs and rubs his neck looking the other way,”Yeah, apparently he doesn't want the guests to stare at me or make them feel uncomfortable”, he says with a quiet voice. You nod with empathy,”Well I think your scars are cool, especially with your quirk, when you’re not going overboard to hurt yourself”, you say with a nervous laugh. Dabi scoffs playfully at this and shakes his head,”We should probably go, the opening ceremony is probably finished”, you nod and open the door and step out of the car.
Dabi reaches for his back pocket and grabs the black leather gloves, he slips his hands into the gloves, he fixes his hair a bit and once he was done he got out of the car. The night was cold enough to make you shiver as soon as you stepped out of the car first, you fiddles with your small bag and turned your attention to Dabi once he stepped out of the car. Dabi closed the door and locks it with his car keys, he turns to look at your and holds out a hand,”Shall we, doll?”, you smiled and reached for his hand.
You hooked your arms around his arm, humming at the warmth coming off from him, you both walked up to the venue. You looked at the people who were dressed for the occasion, some ladies in red dresses, some in cocktail, beige, black, dark blue. Men in suit and tie all in dark colours but you know none of them stand a slight chance with Dabi, you realised that there also some in masks which made you a bit happy that Dabi wasn't the only on but you know that mask is going to cause some to stare a bit longer.
You both walked up the stairs, Dabi by your side all the way helping you get up the stairs cause heels aren't really your thing. You both reached the entrance of the huge venue and as soon as you looked up you were in awe at how big it is,”Woah... .just how well known is Shigaraki's Family Business is?”, you asked as you both walked up towards the large door. Dabi looks at you for a moment,”More famous than some people would know..he’s kind of a big deal around so parts”, he says.
You gave a short hum and turned your face away from him, you both entered and the person in the front greeted you both,”Welcome, please enjoy your night here at this exquisite party by thee Shigaraki”, you bowed repectfully at the man while Dabi just gave him a small nod. You walked inside the main hall where all the people were all at mingling with other people, you don’t recognise any faces here since you never really cared for famous people anyways.
So you sticked to Dabi’s side for now and try not to get lost in the sea of people,”Soo wheres the others? They should be around here right?”, you asked him. Dabi turns his head to look at you,”Yeah they should be around here.. somewhere but lets just find—“
“Ah, if it isnt Dabi. Fancy meeting you here, care for a short talk?”
A man that looks way too old is accompanied with two other girls that had their makeup way to caked on and dress thats way too skimpy, Dabi lets out a low groan and looks back at you,”Walk the right and you’ll find a table full of food, I’ll talk to this man for a bit..”, you nod and removed your arms from him and walked towards to where Dabi pointed at.
Dabi watches you leave and turns back to the old man,”So who’s the pretty lady?”, he asks making Dabi roll his eyes,”None of your goddamn concern, she isnt interested in old shits like you”, the man laughs heavily ans blows on his cigar. Dabi absolutely hates people who has a stick far up their ass,”Now now dont get too possessive now, she’s quite the gem that dress looks eye-catching—“, the girls that were sticked to him like glue whined.
“I thought we were more cuter Sir!”
“Yeah, what she said!”
The man laughs and tries to calm down both jealous girls down,’This fucking whores.. i swear to fucking god’, he did not like the idea of talking to his possible business partner, maybe an enemy or his victim but he couldnt kill him right now. That could cause an uproar and lots of eyes turning to stare at them plus he just go here and most importantly.
You are at this party
Thats what stopping him from charring this man to ashes but he could always save that for later,”Fuck off old fart you better state your business with me or I’ll burn you to bits”, he raises his hands just on his waist level making the man step back just a bit. He clears his throat while the girls fix his tie and dust off the none existent dirty,”A-ahem right business— erm right where was I”, the man spits out whatever offer he has to say.
Dabi puts both of his hands in his pocket clearly half listening to what he has to say,”—my men has a few things to offer you for your leaders ever growing business! I heard you were looking for a skilled healer and have more than enough to offer you some in exchange for something”, His thoughts were cut off when he recalls Shigaraki saying they needed a healer.
“A skilled healer huh.. I’m listening but if this is a joke,—“, Dabi removes his right glove and reaches for the mans tie,”I’m taking you out and might as well rob your fucking business out with it, old shit”, and burns the mans tie just a bit.
While that was happening you were far from where Dabi was and finally reaching the long table that had bite sized food,”Dabi wasn’t joking when he said a table full of food, it really is!”, you looked at all the food that was diplayed on separate trays. Eclairs, sushi, creampuffs, shucked oysters—probably really fresh but a lot of people are grabbing it, bites sizes cakes, a tower of macarons and many more that you couldnt name
‘What to eat first— eh whatever i reach first I’ll eat it!’,you grabbed a toothpick and reach for a small bite sized sushi and took a whole bite out of it. You hum savoring the rish flavor,”This taste so good!”, you turned to scan what to pick next. Since you started with something raw maybe you should eat a few more raw dishes, you ate a few salmon sashimi then tuna sashimi then— whatever raw fish you ate.
You didnt at too much of it since you needed space for dessert,”Wine, maam?”, a waiter asks you. You shook you head and he nods and walks away, you reached for the glass of water and took a sip to clear your palette. You moved on to desserts now,”Okay.. what to choose first!”, you eyes the various desserts laid in front of you like pieces of jewelry.
“I guess I’ll start with you first!”, you reached for the chocolate ganache cube, you smiled at the velvety texture and lovely taste. You reached for one more and moved on with the next, you eyed the tower of macarons, your eyes sparkled as you looked at each tier. Each their had its own flavour and colour you decided to start with the first tier, you grabbed the pink macaron and took a a small bite, as you chew on it and shiver at the sweet taste,’It’s a raspberry flavour, the raspberry red cream in the middle surrounded in a sweet white cream. I love it!’, you smiled at the taste. 
You eat the whole macaron, thankful its a mini macaron, you moved the next tier which was a slightly off colour white and had a caramelised glazed on top,’I bet this is crem brûlée!’, you took a small bite of it. You swoon at the taste taking your time to savour the taste, you held your cheek and sigh happily,”This tastes so good... if I've known Shigaraki held this kind of parties I wouldn't hesitate to dress up in fancy clothes and eat fancy food!”, you joked to yourself.
You ate the remaining macaron in a heartbeat,”I should slow down.. that also reminds me”, you turned to look behind you trying to find a certain someone. That certain someone was Dabi, you felt like he was still talking to that man that had those two girls clinging on to him,’He’s probably still chatting with that man.. of maybe he is being bombarded with people who want to talk to him?’, you sighed feeling a little bit left out.
The party was filled with unknown faces that made you want to shrink, since you didn't really care for famous faces to begin with you felt like you did not belong here. I mean you had to no like, social status what so ever and your weren't really good in talking to strangers since you always kept to yourself.
Considering the society you live and all the danger thats probably lurking around...
You sighed you realising you lost an appetite to keep eating so you just stare at the food instead deciding to look at it like art displayed on the long table but of course picking up a food that caught your eyes and just moved along. You walked to the right side of the table thats seems to be never ending, your eyes scanned the food as you walked at a slow pace,’I wonder wheres Dabi, he seems to be taking his sweet time--’ 
“Hey now ladies! I’m sure there's more of me to go around”
You stopped walking eyes going wide, you knew that voice-- you knew that voice so well, you used to hear that voice everyday and love it but now you wanted nothing more to forget everything when he dumped you. You turned your head to look behind you, made up excuses in your head that maybe it wasn't him, you were proven wrong when your eyes meet a blonde tuffs of hair, he didn’t have his huge red wings behind him, you guessed he hid them seeing as it was too eye-catching. Your face, now in a frown, scrunched into a disgusted expression when you saw him, surrounded by thirsty women.
The old you would've probably blushed and covered her face trying to look away but sneaked a small peek at him, you scoffed and decided to just walk away from him and all the woman that flaunt their body all over him. A small part of you was pissed, angry and betrayed, if you would've known he was just a heartbreaker you wouldn't have gave everything to him so willingly, and for two years.
‘Ugh.. what a jerk..’
You spat in your mind seemingly to lose interest in staying near the table,”Hmph! Whatever.. he’s just a jerk..”, You turned your face away from him and walked away.
@anxiousgoddest @thegalxe
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Humans are Space Orcs, “An Invitation.”
So this story totally went right off left field from what I was expecting. I honestly surprised myself like I am sure I will surprise some of you. Don’t worry I feel the same way. I am thinking about making this the end of this arc, though I know some of you were hoping for it to go in a different direction. I still think the ending is super surprising and very interesting, so I hope you like it anyway. 
He stood by the shuttle ramp back straight hands clasped behind his back. His knuckles were bandaged to the point where he could barely bend his fingers, but the dull throbbing in his hands was easy to ignore.
A cold wind whipped past him tugging at the stiff fabric of his uniform and threatening to rip the cap right off his head. Since leaving the hybrid facility, he had changed clothes, gotten some rest, received medical attention, and cut his hair into a very short buzz-cut. The hair was still blue, but he could hide that under a cap if he needed too, and the earrings had been easy to remove. Sunny had likely had less fun than him considering she needed about a gallon of nail polish remover to clean herself off.
All around him, the ground was swarming with military and GA personnel. The facility was massive, and no one was entirely sure how extensive the operation went on. He glanced over his shoulder, and into the shuttle where Glados Hal Cortana and Vicky were curled up around each other and fast asleep.
They had refused to leave him since the incident which was only mildly inconvenient, and he didn’t really have time to do anything other than let them have their way.
Engines rumbled off in the distance, and he turned his head to watch as the next shuttle descended from the sky not a few hundred feet away from him. A sharp wind whipped up around him, and he had to hold his bap in place as the shuttle settled against the landing strip.
The doors hissed open and two figures stepped out in accompaniment of at least a dozen other assistants and clerks.
He walked in that direction, meeting the GA chairwoman and the Admiral with a salute.
“You’ve been busy, commander.” The admiral pointed out, turning his head towards the swarming building before looking back “I don’t suppose it would do any good to remind you that it’s usually the job of lower ranking individuals to do undercover work, and that you are generally in a purely command capacity?”
He didn’t allow his expression to change remaining just as serious as the admiral, “Ma’am, Find I prefer to lead from the front, however in the case of this particular mission it was only logical for e to take lead. I am friends with a Drev aboard the ship to a point where we could reasonably fool almost everyone on a short term basis.” he motioned towards the building, “It worked a little better than expected since I was simply attempting to gather information.”
“I see… and what exactly did you find.”
He motioned the two to walk with him noting how uncomfortable the chairwoman looked now that she was exposed to the near freezing air around them. He led them into the building, “My crew has been working for the past day or so to try and figure out just exactly what was going on here. From what I immediately gathered while inside the facility myself, and from what some of the hybrids told me-”
“Wait, you have spoken to the hybrids?”
“Forgive me, I misspoke. I have spoken with one of the hybrids.”
“How are any of them capable of speaking. Considering the facility can’t have been more than a year or two old.”
The door hissed shut behind them, “Genetic tampering, or so she says. Anyway upon entering the facility Sunny and I discovered that they were, in fact, doing what we assumed, and that is offering the hybridization of different species to couples who cannot have their own naturally. If you go through those doors there you will find the nursery where y crew is attempting to take care of the remaining hybrids, though it remains to be seen what can be done with them once this is all over.” He continued on down the hall, “We discussed the genetic sequencing process, and some other details, but when we were brought down onto the floor, I had an opportunity to explore some of the more restricted areas of the facility, and when I did,  found the  reason for their success where the prodigum had failed.”
He walked down the stairs.
“Adaptids. Apparently, somewhere, and somehow one of these scientists determined the action of the hybrid splicing gene, though they were not able to recreate it naturally. In order to mix two species  it is imperative that you have adaptid DNA to preform the action, otherwise the integration of the different genetic material is not seamless. From what we have  gathered, they were harvesting Adaptid genetic material as part of their growing process.”
Stepping out onto the floor he motioned around with a wide sweep of his hand. The chairwoman and the admiral stopped dead in their tracks staring in wide-eyed bewilderment at the lines of test tubes being watched over by scientists on his crew. The room was dark, but you could still see the strange redish glow emanating from the partially grown fetuses suspended inside the tubes .
“These hybrids must be fed constantly with adaptid DNA in order tow work, not only that but the hybridization process requires command computer input in order to give the correct amount of genetic material when ordered. As I am told, a fifty/fifty split hybrid is not viable, so the creature must lean towards one or the other.”
The admiral was shaking her head as the rundi chairwoman turned in circles, “Whan is even the point of all this, surely the money they were making couldn't be equal to all the research and time that was put into this.”
He nodded, “Yes that is also rue, however, I think they were only responding to a niche market while they did their real work on the side.”
“And what is that?”
“The creation of super soldiers, or at least superior genetic creations designed to have special abilities or durability.”
The group went silent staring at him like he was insane as he spoke, “And you are sure about this?” The admiral said in incredulity.
“Yes I am positive, their greatest creation is the reason that we are here right now. She has taken control of the facility, and seems interested in facilitating the relocation of the hybrids to better homes and locations, but after that she says that the knowledge must be destroyed at all costs.”
“You do understand what this might do for edical science?”
“I do, but I also understand that we have not proven ourselves capable of possessing hat knowledge without corrupting it. Furthermore, I am not keen on getting in the way of Eris. I have a feeling that she is a force I am not interested in reckoning with.”
“Who is-”
Just then the hybrid starborn floated from the nearby room. At some point during the investigation she had taken a leaf from Conn’s book and acquired a gravity belt. In this way she made an ethereal otherworldly figure as she floated onto the floor. Her long dark hair billowed an undulated about her head, while the hundreds of flowing white ribbons swirled at her back.
The admiral stepped back and the commander averted his gaze.
“Good evening Chairwoman, Admiral Kelly.”
The two of them stepped back again. The admiral held a hand to her head looking around as if trying to find the source of the voice.
“Do not be alarmed, unfortunately my physical body is mute, so I will be forced to communicate in this manner.”
“What are you?”
“I am the first successful human starborn hybrid, and the oldest hybrid of this facility though my genetics were tampered with to make me age at an accelerated rate.”
“And you speak for the hybrids?”
“I do.”
“And what is it that you want.” 
The admiral looked very, very nervous. She seemed to understand the power of this person? Creature? She was a human alien hybrid that could read minds. No secrets were unavailable to her.. All the secrets in this room were hers if she really wanted them, all she had to do was ask a question and wait for the answer to pop unbidden into the minds of her speaking companions.
She was the most powerful thing in this room, and everyone knew it.
“I want one thing above all else, and that is for the hybrids to be taken care of. The ones that are already in the nursery should find good loving homes, the ones being grown in these tubes should be treated likewise, those of us who do not possess sentience should be released into an environment that suits, or at least kept somewhere that they might remain happy for the time being. Those of us who do possess sentience, but are not conventionally adoptable might request a place to live out our lives freely with the same rights as the rest of you, and then when this is all over, I wish that this entire facility and every ounce of hybrid knowledge inside it be destroyed.”
“Destroyed.” The two protested, “But You don’t understand, the application to medical science is to great to simply destroy it.”
Eris’s mouth twisted downwards into a frown, and the commander shivered under her scathing black gaze, “You are not ready for that knowledge, since you have been proven to be incapable of treating it correctly. If you do not destroy the knowledge, I vow to destroy you….. Is that understood.”
“Are you threatening us?”
“You are threatening yourselves. I simply want to live my life in peace and tranquility, but if my hand is forced, than I will be in my rights to act accordingly. You have no idea what kind of pain and misery this knowledge has caused us and you will never find out ever again if I have anything to do with it. I do not care how any medical applications that you might find for it. Your medicine is far along enough, that you can find other ways of meeting your ends rather than using he DNA of some poor creatures to chase power and immortality.”
They were just about to continue protesting when the sound of footsteps interrupted.
The three of them turned to watch as a grim faced scientist made his way up the isle.
“I am sorry to interrupt, but we have some news you aren’t going to like.”
The commander sighed, “What now?”
Eris tilted her head, “Very interesting.”
“Ell sir, we were combing through the databases tying to determine where the original hybrid DNA was sourced from. And as far as we can tell some of the originals were taken simply from random individuals off the streets.”
“Like we expected.”
“Yes sir, but… it seems that they too a shortcut when it came to gathering the human DNA….”
The admiral tapped her foot on the floor, “Well go on, spit it out.
The man grimaced and turned towards the commander, “Sir, the original human DNA… well.”
Eris was staring at him.
Everyone was staring at him
“They sequenced it form…. From the adaptid.”
It didn’t click at first because he was originally struck by just how long Vicky had been imprisoned here if she was the original sequence. Almost one and a half years…. It was terrible to think about, also terrible to consider Eris had never had any sort of childhood.
The room was silent.
Everyone was staring at him.
He didn’t entirely understand, “I’m sorry, and how does this affect-” He paused the realization coming slowly.
He turned in place to look at Eris who stared back at him with her wide black eyes, and her flowing dark hair. His sister had hair like that…
“Mother Fuck.” He muttered 
Was he just imagining things, or did he sense a bit of a resemblance in her face, the lines of the nose, or the height of the cheekbones.
He turned away from the group staring at the ceiling, “Mother fuck.” He repeated 
“Commander, are you alright.”
A hand dropped to rest on his shoulder.
He was feeling just a little dizzy.
“Commander do you need to sit down?”
He tried to shake himself taking a deep breath as he raised his head and waved them off, “No, no I’m alright.”
He turned around to look at Eris who was staring at him with a rather bemused expression, “how very interesting.” She said 
He took a deep breath and straightened up, “Well if this is the case, than I take responsibility for what happens to the original hybrids, and I demand that any and all information gained using my DNA be destroyed immediately, I don’t care what kind of applications it may or may not have, my ruling on the issue is final.”
His hands had gone cold under the bandages as blood began pulsing through the rest of his body.
He was more than angry at the Tesraki. He almost wished he had killed them, snapped their necks with his bare hands like he should have done originally, and now because of all of this, he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. He was lost and confused and, didn’t know if he should feel responsibility for them.
It was his DNA, but he had no choice in the matter.
It was quiet for a very long few minutes until  the chairwoman and the admiral stepped away to give him some time to think. He was grateful for that at least though he couldn't imagining it being of so much help.
“You are very confused.”
He turned to look at the Dark haired starborn her head tilted just slightly to the right, “You do not have to feel responsible for us.”
“I don’t have to, but I do.”
“It is in your nature.” She mused hair billowing about her head.
He looked down at the floor and sighed before looking up again straightening his back, “I…. I wish there was more I could do for you, but-”
She smiled and held up a hand, “I can hardly blame you. You were an unwilling DNA donor, and have opted to adopt the entire universe, which must be a strenuous and taxing burden sometimes.”
He opened his mouth then closed it, “if i was a better man, I would still try.”
“I will be fine, Commander. I think with some freedom, I will do just well for myself.” 
They stood there awkwardly in silence for a while. He shuffled his feet trying to figure out what to say. “You look a lot like my sister when she was younger.” He wasn’t entirely sure why he said that but Eris smiled, so he supposed it had been the right thing.
“May I visit you, commander, on occasion?”
“Yes , of course, I would…. Be honored by your company.” 
She smiled outwardly, but inwardly he could hear her laugh. IT was a nice sound, he hoped she could find it in her to do it a little more. She turned to float away.
He held out a hand, “Eris I-”
She turned to look at him, a smile still playing over her face, “I know, call you Adam.” 
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Left for Dead (1/2)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 1,803
Warnings: mentions to bombs and mission stuff, mentions to past torture
A/N: a lil two parter! I'm def a shorter writer so I split up reader’s first mission as opposed to posting like a 5k one shot (unless y'all dig that better for the future???) I’m gonna queue the second part to post on Friday idk what time but otherwise we all know id forget... so. enjoy!
It was finally time for your first mission. The night before, F.R.I.D.A.Y. prompted you with the fact that there would be a briefing this morning at 8 A.M. You’d figured the superheroes weren’t the type to sleep in.
As much as you’d been enjoying the return of your clothes, you figured it’d be safest to keep the black-on-black outfit for these briefings and anything else you’d be involved in. Attention is not necessarily something you’d want to draw on yourself right now.
You finally find the room you’re supposed to be in and find about eighty other agents. A wave of anxiety rushes through you and you feel your stomach churn. You want to look around and find someone you recognize but Sam is the only one you see; you don’t know anybody. You’re scared to talk to new people, to have small talk, you’re scared of what they’ll say to you, if they’ll remember your face from the news.
You see near the front a blonde head of hair - Sharon. You haven’t spoken to her, but she’d be the safest bet, except there’s no empty seat on either side of her. She’s conversing with a woman with ginger hair to her left and a large body with short brown hair occupies the seat to her right - Bucky!
You notice there’s an empty seat next to him and quickly make your way over before your luck diminishes and someone takes it.
Bucky registers somebody take a seat next to him, which surprises him because most of the agents are still a little scared of him after spending seven weeks training with him. He certainly doesn’t treat them like shit, but he doesn’t baby them, either. He almost doesn’t notice it’s you when he glances up; he forgot you’ve changed your look a bit.
The tattoo on your next is covered with makeup, the angry face too much of an identifying feature. He knows you hate it and were planning on getting it covered anyway. You’ve removed all of your piercings and all of the tiny holes remain empty along your ears. You’ve managed to keep the tiny stud in your nose, though. Your hair is a jet black color now and it shines in the light. How has your hair survived that many dye jobs? Stupid rules for this job; no brightly colored hair or large body modifications, excluding tattoos. Draws too much attention.
He can sense your anxiety next to him; your heart is beating a mile a minute and you’re super tense. He wants to say something, do something to make you feel a bit better, put you at ease, but he can’t think of anything before Sam calls the attention of the room.
“Morning, everyone. NCIS has requested our help with finding a bomb on a Navy ship and figuring out the identity of the woman who told them about said bomb,”
Images flash up behind him projecting pictures of said woman, looking scared with a bloodied bandage on her forehead. She has a fluffy pixie-cut style dark hair and pale skin, or perhaps her skin is pale in comparison to the caked blood matted on her head. Her eyes are a bright green with minimal wrinkles adorning the outer corners. She couldn’t be older than thirty-five.
“A citizen driving by saw her wandering about the street next to a forest and when he approached her she claimed she was buried alive and couldn’t provide any information about herself; not her name, age, where she came from, or who buried her. All she kept repeating was something about a bomb on a Navy ship that was going to kill a lot of people.” Sam continues.
“I’ll be sending some of you out to Rock Creek Park to scope out the scene and some of you to Georgetown University Hospital to talk to Jane Doe. You’re dismissed but await further instruction and be prepared to ship out.” Sam finishes and everyone begins to stand, engaging in small conversations as they exit the room.
You begin to stand and follow suit but a metal hand reaches out in front of you to encourage you to take your seat once more. You throw a confused look over at Bucky, but he’s not looking at you. You glance over to Sharon, who’s staring down at her phone, and to Sam who is flicking through the file in his hands. The four of you, you notice, are the only ones still in their seats, and you quickly make the connection that you’re supposed to wait until the rest of the agents leave after a briefing.
Maybe they’re gonna haze you, newbie. You roll your eyes at that little voice as the door shut and hear it lock audibly.
The three of them glance up and stare at you expectantly. You glance between all three of them before you give up on figuring out what exactly they’re waiting for.
“Are you guys gonna haze me?”
Sharon smirks and Bucky full on chuckles at your question as Sam clarifies, “Do you see anything?”
“Oh! Oh, right, right. Uhm… It kind of doesn't work like - um, I’ll try. I’ll try and concentrate.” You excuse, and close your eyes to force yourself into that mindset.
Most of your visions happen unexpectedly and randomly, otherwise you need to put yourself in a kind of entranced state of concentration in order to, essentially, force a vision. Forcing it is usually what causes you to get the most emotional and frazzled, but nothing you can’t handle.
You feel your face heat up at the shyness your abilities are presenting right now; “Um, can we turn the lights off?” You ask quietly.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” Sam speaks up.
The lights dim and you try to slow your breathing.
She’s covered in leaves and wet from humidity, the stickiness feeling unbearable on her skin. Her skin? Whose skin is that?
“It-It’s a shallow grave, and - and there’s leaves, um -” All you see and feel is pure confusion. You don’t know anything. “Why is it so shallow? They bury people six feet because - because that’s the depth where animals can’t smell dead, rotting flesh - except - except polar bears because they -” Your rambling is cut short at the sound of Bucky’s soft voice and his warm hand engulfing your shaking, clammy one.
“Sweetheart, try and focus on the Navy ship she was talking about, the bomb on the Navy ship.” He tries to get you back on track.
“Right, right, sorry,” You take a deep, shaky breath in and let out with force to calm yourself a bit.
It’s all quick white flashes, so fast and so bright that can’t see the images in between. All you get are feelings of fear and guilt -
“Do you know if she set the bomb?” A deep voice interrupts.
“Sam,” A feminine one scolds.
“What? There’s only one person that seems to know about this bomb and we’re not going to consider her a suspect?”
“She doesn’t even know who she is,”
“But -”
“She didn’t set the bomb!” You exclaim, everything becoming incredibly overwhelming all at once.
“How do you know?” Bucky asks, his calm demeanor influencing your own as you rub your face to somewhat pull yourself together.
“I - I - I just do! I don’t know! I - I keep seeing bomben hersteller, what - what is that?” You ask.
“That’s bomb fabricator in German.” Bucky translates.
“Okay, let’s stop for a second.” Sharon says, “This is a lot of new information, we should wait and see what evidence and samples come back from the crime scene and see what we can get out of her when the agents interview her at the hospital, maybe her condition’s changed and she remembers something, yeah?” You quickly realize that Sharon is the piece of mind between the dynamic of her and Sam while he strategizes the plans. They work extremely well together.
“Okay, okay. Agent, you did very well. Good job.” Sam praises before leaving to exit the conference room, you assume to go give the agents their orders. Sharon sends you a sweet smile before following Sam out.
You look back at Bucky and he’s already looking at you, smile on his face. “You did really good.” He tells you.
“Thanks.” You respond, feeling a lot calmer.
The two of you are sitting awfully close to each other, you notice, bodies turned to face each other in the rolling chairs you sit in. Bucky’s leaning closer towards you than you are him, his forearm pushing on the armrest and you find yourself pulling your eyes away from his and they travel around his face.
Bucky has beautifully long eyelashes and tiny sunspots and freckles that decorate his skin; skin that’s had over a hundred years of wear. He’s kept his hair short but has been growing out his beard, not to an uncomfortable burly length, but enough to leave quite the dark shadow. His tongue pokes out to wet his lips and your eyes flash down there.
You don’t even remember the last time you kissed someone, let alone someone you actually wanted to kiss, not a kiss that was forced upon you. Is he actually about to fucking kiss me right now?
Panic quickly rises through your body and you clear your throat and look away, “Uh, now what?”
“Well, I can’t go out on missions or anything, so do I, uh, just wait to be summoned, I guess?” Summoned? Why are you so awkward?
“Pretty much, yeah. I’ll, uh, be sticking around, too. Sometimes for ongoing missions I stick around in one of the spare rooms until the case is over.” He softly tells you, unmoving from how close he’s sitting next to you and voice still low and smooth, not looking away from you. Can he tell how nervous and awkwardly attracted to him you feel right now?
“What about Alpine?” You whisper back.
“What?” His eyes are the ones drifting down to your lips, now. Soft looking lips that look like they could kiss him silly and unconscious.
“Oh, uh, she stays with my, uh, my neighbor. This little old lady next door to me.” Great, now I’m thinking about my old lady neighbor. You’re biting that lip now and he thinks he might start drooling when you stand suddenly.
“I, uh, just remembered. I have to… clean! I have to clean up, so. I’ll see you.” You push out before finally exiting the room and making your way down the hallway.
You release a frustrated, “Fuck…” as the elevator doors close in front of you.
Meanwhile, Bucky lets out his own groan of frustration in the conference room, hands pushed against his eyes rubbing harshly, “Fuck…”
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amaya-chwan · 4 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game: Restart Chapter 10
Hello all! We’re back at it again with chapter 10! That’s right, 10 chapters of pure Shizuma and Minato goodness! My gosh, it’s gone by so fast! ❤️💛
Hinohara-sensei left us with quite the cliffhanger in the last chapter, but it wraps up BEAUTIFULLY in this one! 🥰
As always, here are our takeaways for this chapter:
AHHH POOR MINATO! So patient and so strong, I’m proud of you! 😭
I am pleasantly surprised that he has a sweet tooth for some strange reason? 🤔🤣
Onodera really has some problems of her own, and honestly they’re really relatable. I hope she continues to grow as a person because she deserves some happiness!
Shizuma, you really are a “super darling”! ❤️
Honestly, I love how much Minato has grown and tries to understand what Shizuma goes through. It’s so refreshing to see, and I love that Shizuma reciprocates it in kind. Wholesome relationship goals!
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! For a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! I tried to make it a little easier to read, so the summary might be a little different than usual. As always, I promise there is a little surprise (or 2, or more?) in these summaries!  😉✨
Our chapter begins with a flashback from Minato’s childhood. He overhears and sees his mother, who is all dressed up prepared to go out, talking to her husband on the phone. She is upset that he is once again not coming home on time/is late, but tells him she understands since it’s work and that can’t be helped sometimes. She keeps telling him “It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll be waiting for you. Good luck with work. It’s okay, it’s fine...” while grasping onto her clothes tightly.
Back to the present, Minato is woken up from this dream by the cafe staff member. Minato is told it’s 6:30pm, 4.5 hours after he was supposed to meet up with Shizuma. Visibly annoyed and unable to smoke in the cafe to calm down, he orders a parfait and a cup of coffee.
While eating his food, he curses at Shizuma, saying Shizuma’s got some nerve to break his promise and not make it for the house tour after suggesting and persuading Minato to live together and getting him (Minato) all excited for it.
When he’s about to give up on the idea of living with Shizuma, Minato overhears the couple behind him. The man apologises to the woman for being late as his train was delayed. She tells him she thought he wouldn’t be coming to meet her, but now that he’s there, she excitedly tells him they should hurry to the movie theatre.
Minato, who is still annoyed, relaxes a little and becomes more visibly upset, wondering what his “liar” of a boyfriend is doing. Knowing Shizuma wouldn’t break his promise and be late for no reason (especially since he works at the clinic and has crazy work hours), Minato still can’t help but feel a bit down. He then looks up if there have been any traffic accidents near by, worried that Shizuma might have gotten into an accident.
As he frantically scrolls through the news, Minato continues to remember what happened to his mother (see Therapy Game for that info), and sighs, knowing Shizuma wouldn’t disappear like his mother did. He then blames his dream AND Shizuma (who broke his promise) for his current feelings. Minato thinks to himself that he’s in a good place now and doesn’t want all these memories coming back to haunt him again.
The cafe owner approaches Minato again, asking if he’s waiting for his girlfriend and if he’d like another cup of coffee while he waits. Looking at the now closed real estate agency, he refuses and says he’ll be leaving.
We change scenes to Shizuma’s workplace where he’s now giving an update on Hana-chan’s operation to her owners. In short, the 2nd and 3rd puppies couldn’t be delivered naturally, so Hana-chan had to have a caesarean. It was successful and she’s now still a little loopy on the anaesthetic. She can produce her own milk, feed her babies, and can be discharged in 3 days. Overjoyed, the owners thanks Shizuma profusely, even though he tells them it was because of Onodera.
As Shizuma goes to the locker room to change out of his scrubs, he is very relieved that the surgery went well, but he also realises he’s super late for his appointment with Minato, afraid that Minato will give up on the idea all together. He is afraid to check his phone.
Onodera then enters the room and thanks Shizuma for working outside of his work hours, saying she couldn’t have done it without him. She also thanks Shizuma for showing her a how to interact with people since he was able to calm the owners down and help them. Shizuma, being very humble and modest, said he stepped out of line speaking like that as he only wanted to change their minds about Onodera performing the surgery.
Onodera goes on say that she lacks the ability to converse and interact with humans as she just doesn’t have the skills for social interaction, which then affects her ability to help her animal patients despite having the medical skills and qualifications to do so.
She continues to talk about how people can’t “read” what she’s thinking or feeling and that she wouldn’t have been a vet if it wasn’t a request from her father, but is interupted when the microwave isn’t working. She apologises to Shizuma for a downer of a conversation, but he tells her that he made the right choice working with her. He goes on the tell her that he’s been able to help out at the clinic now and for her to use him more.
Shizuma gives her a bit of a pep talk, telling her that she’s got her awkward and unfriendly colleagues as well as Shizuma by her side if people won’t trust in her abilities and work. He also says compared to her colleagues, he finds Onodera to be more adorable/endearing.
Shizuma fixes the microwave--the button just needed to be pushed a little harder. Just as he does that, Onodera’s brother comes in and apologises for being late. Shizuma informs him of everything that’s happened, and Onodera praises Shizuma, telling her brother to let him help out more. Shizuma is surprised by this sudden praise, and Onodera’s brother is thankful for the extra set of hands to help him out!
During this conversation, Onodera called Shizuma “Iijima-sensei” once again, but this time Shizuma corrects her, telling her that the first step to building a good relationship with others is to remember their name. Shizuma then excuses himself and leaves.
Onodera and her brother talk. We find out that Onodera’s brother is Shizuma’s professor and seems to have placed Shizuma at her clinic since he is a “go-getting” and very motivated student, the type Onodera doesn’t seem to get on with. However, things seemed to have worked out this time and Onodera’s brother is glad he introduced Shizuma to her. Their scene ends with her brother telling her that she should see their father, and that she’d probably be told off for her hair again. She tells him he’s spoiled the mood.
We then see Shizuma walking the streets in the rain, checking his phone. Surprised that Minato hasn’t contacted him, he fears Minato is infuriated with him. As he tries to call Minato, he thinks to himself and isn’t surprised that Minato would be mad, especially since he persuaded Minato into living together. Wondering if Minato is at the cafe or has gone home, Shizuma is adament on seeing Minato today, even if Minato doesn’t want to see him. Just as Shizuma thinks that, Minato picks up the phone and responds to Shizuma with just a simple “what.”
Frantically trying to find out where Minato is, Shizuma bumps into a pedestrian and apologises profusely while Minato is still on the call. Minato tells Shizuma not to worry and that hurrying to see him wouldn’t change anything anyway since the real estate agency is already closed. Shizuma keeps asking Minato where he is because Shizuma still wants to see him. Minato keeps telling him not to hurry. Just as Shizuma reaches the parking lot to go to his car, we see that Minato is already waiting for him there.
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Minato, with his nose a little red and looking slightly annoyed, tells a very surprised Shizuma that he is very late.
Completely flabbergasted, Shizuma asks Minato why he’s waiting at his (Shizuma’s) car since he though Minato would have gone home already. Minato tells him that he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t get to hit Shizuma, but then proceeds to sneeze. Worried, Shizuma cups his palm on Minato’s cold face and asks how long he’s been waiting in the rain. Shizuma also tells Minato that he could’ve waited at the cafe or the hospital instead. Minato, shifting his gaze away from Shizuma, tells him he’s being too noisy and that guys who break their promises are the worst. Minato holds onto Shizuma’s hand and closes his eyes. Seeing and hearing this, Shizuma embraces Minato under his (Minato’s) umbrella.
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Shizuma agrees with what Minato said and apologises for breaking his promise, saying “it must’ve been cold (waiting for me in the rain).” Minato then falls deeper into the embrace, saying it’s (now) warm. He then says he’s relieved that Shizuma is alive (after having worried earlier in the chapter). Since the rain drowned out what Minato was saying, Shizuma doesn’t hear it and asks him to repeat what he said. Minato looks at Shizuma and smiles, saying it’s wasn’t anything important anyway, and that it’s okay.
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And that’s it for this chapter! It wrapped up really nicely! AHHHHHH my feelings! There’s something about resolutions in the rain that really get me right in the heart. 🥰😭
I hope you enjoyed the manga panels integrated in the summary--I think it helps visualise the story a little better. Let me know what you think about this! 😊
Again, THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 📢  As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books and CDs! 📢 Just another reminder that this issue did have a Therapy Game Mini Drama CD, and might I just say, it was very adorable! Worth purchasing, I promise!
There won’t be a new chapter in the next issue of Dear+ BUT there will be a special interview with the cast regarding the release of the Therapy Game+ Play More Drama CD! 🎉 🎉 
I may or may not get around to translating that, but in any case, I shall see you next time for our next set of takeaways. As always, stay safe during these turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜  
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eleven-times-lively · 4 years
I’ve Always Been There
Hi, if you’re talking requests I would like to request a Harry x reader where he’s crushing super hard on a very popular girl above his year and his friends tease him about it. Thank you!
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I love!! I wasn’t sure if you wanted the reader to be one of his friends or the popular girl, so I interpreted/changed it up a bit, hope you don’t mind. Let me know!
Summary: Harry was too busy pining after an older student to notice that you’d always been there Word Count: 1383 Note: I couldn’t seem to write this week...oops. Enjoy!💕
“Oi! Potter! Over here, mate!” Ron called from within the pitched Weasley tent. It was the quidditch world cup, and the entire Weasley family, plus a few friends, were in attendance. “What were you looking at?”
“Oh I bet it was Matilda…” Fred exclaimed, sauntering by with a stack of team apparel.
“Matilda?” you questioned, stopping Fred in his tracks.
“Oh, just this sixth year who Harry’s been smitten with.” Fred’s comment earned a spread of low ‘ooohhs’ from the group. Trying to mask your disappointment, you joined in.
“Think she’s a little old for you, Har,” you joked as you followed Fred outside.
School had started a few weeks ago, and Harry had walked into the dining hall for breakfast, a bit more flustered than normal. Harry was a chaotic being - having gotten used to waking up just a minute too late and having to rush himself into robes and to breakfast - thus he always entered the hall in a hurricane of energy. However today he was slower in his way. Still energetic, yes, but slow and concentrated, as if asked a life-changing question at the doors. His cheeks donned a light blush and his mouth crept up in the corners. 
“What’s up with you?” you questioned, pointing your melon-adorned fork at the boy.
“I-”, but before he had a chance to answer Hermione cut in.
“By the looks of him he probably saw Miss Matilda Fey in the hallway.” 
“Ooohh Harry! A little morning treat before breakfast!” Ron exclaimed through his mouth of toast and pumpkin juice.
“Think about how you sound, Weasley…” you chided before turning back to Harry, “glad to see something’s got you all fired up. Haven’t seen you this cheeky since the topless painting in the staircases blew you a kiss.” The table cracked up laughing while Harry flushed a deep, embarrassed red, giving you a soft kick on the leg.
“So tell us about her, Harry” Hermione perked, cocking an eyebrow at the boy. She’d made a mistake in asking.
“Oh! So she’s a sixth year Ravenclaw. Pureblood and popular. She was the one that hexed the Slytherin common room door last year so they all got zapped when they touched the door handle. Chaser in quidditch, and wow is she good at it. Her favorite flowers are petunias, I always see her out in the back fields near the owlery where the wildflowers grow. She has a pet tabby cat and, wow you’ll never believe this, she can cast a full patronus! A horse! How amazing is that! Oh! And her mom is an animagus! I mean, not to sound rash, but I think we may be soulmates.” Harry was out of breath from speaking so fast. He just stopped, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide staring at the three of you. “Well? What do you think? Isn’t she lovely?”
“Very… interesting.” Hermione quickly added as to not upset Harry as you all got up from the breakfast table.
Later at quidditch practice it was Gryffindor’s turn to host a practice match against Ravenclaw. The practice matches were a rarity, as the students could never quite control themselves, forgetting it’s only practice. It was your first year as a chaser for the team, and you were very good at it, but you’d never played a match before. Not only that, but Matilda would be your direct opposition. She was all smiles and giggles with her teammates, exchanging high-fives and long practiced and kept secret handshakes as the brooms were raised. You only stared, as if into her soul to find the very bit that Harry found magnetic. You were so engrossed that you hadn’t heard Harry call over your shoulder.
“Hmm? Oh! Harry! Good luck, mate!” You flashed a warm smile at the boy.
“You too, dear. First match! You’ll kill it!”
You weren’t sure if it was the nickname or the very comment that made you want to melt more.
“Hi Matilda!” Harry called across the pitch at the girl.
“Harry there is no way she could have--” you started when she responded.
“Harry! Good luck, mate… but not too much!” She waved at the boy before twirling a strand of her short, perfectly curled platinum hair. She let out an airy giggle before returning to the confused glances from teammates.
“Wait… you actually know her?”
“Oh… a bit I suppose. Isn’t my first year in quidditch.”
You gave a knowing, albeit heavy, nod as the balls were released into the air and the whistle was blown. Ignoring the quaffle, you went straight for Matilda. Whizzing past at near top speed, you gave her a good nudge with her elbow, and doubled back with a swift push of your foot on the other side.
“Y/n!” she exclaimed, rather angrily, “the bloody ball isn’t even near us! Watch out!”
You immediately regretted your actions, but wouldn’t give up so easily.  If you couldn’t take her out, you could at least help to win the game.
You played the hardest you ever had. Swerving and dashing, scoring six goals in total before Harry caught the snitch. The whistle was blown, but the brooms weren’t lowered. An older Gryffindor was still set on launching the bludger one last time, seeking revenge on the Ravenclaw who had stolen a goal from you earlier in the game. However, his plan didn’t quite work out. Rather than hitting the Ravenclaw keeper, the bludger hit Matilda square in the stomach, and she came tumbling down towards the pitch floor. 
“Matilda!” Harry and the entire Ravenclaw team screamed at once, all of the brooms lowering. 
The Ravenclaw team surrounded Matilda, and Harry tried to join the group.
“Harry! Wait up!” you hollered, running after him.
“Y/n? Is it important? Matilda is hurt!”
“No I know, and her team is there and Pomfrey just arrived, she’ll be okay. And our beater is now suspended. Can we talk?”
“Yeah, but later…” he trailed off, still trying to head for Matilda. 
“Harry!” you exclaimed a bit too loudly as you grabbed his arm a bit too hard.
“Y/n!” he exclaimed right back in the same manner, “What’s gotten into you? I like her, and I need to be there right now if I want to show her I care!”
“For Merlin’s sake, Harry, she bloody knows!”
“She’s a gorgeous, brilliant, popular sixth year. It’s not going to happen!”
The pitch had cleared out except for the two of you, and Harry looked genuinely hurt.
“How could you say that?”
“Because I know what it looks like when someone likes you. To have reciprocated feelings, or at least to have someone liking you for once. It’s not hard to spot from an outside view, and I don’t see it.” You both took a seat in the grass.
“And how do you suppose you know all this?” “Cause I’m here right now watching it. And I’ve always been there, Harry. Through every high and low moment these past four years, we’ve been together. It hurts, knowing I’m here unconditionally, then you go off and pour your heart into an older girl who wouldn’t even know you if it weren’t for quidditch.”
“No, I know it’s crazy, I do, I’m absolutely looney, but I had to say that before it was improper… more than it already is.”
“Bloody hell, y/n I like you too.”
“Sorry, pardon?”
“On and off since the moment I laid eyes on you in the great hall during sorting. I remember feeling so excited when you were sorted Gryffindor. Those same feelings when you aced exams, cast your first patronus, and finally made the team. I’ve always been there for you, even if you didn’t notice. I gave up the end of last year cause I figured it was never going to happen.”
There was nothing left to do but embrace, everything unspoken suddenly understood. 
The next morning, you were able to walk into the dining hall hand-in-hand.
“In Merlin’s name what is this?” Ron questioned, not even hiding his surprise.
“Something that’s been waiting to happen for a long time.” Hermione added, a warm smile spreading between the group as you and Harry sat down - this time united as a couple.
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cynicallystiles · 4 years
Seasons of Love: The One with How They Met
Disclaimer: Moodboard made by me. Pictures found on Google!
Author: @cynicallystiles
Request: @itrocksmysocks​ basically requested this by making me obsessed with the triplets a year ago.
Warning: Swearing maybe.
Notes: The long awaited series is here! The whole thing still isn’t finished ahead of time like I wanted. So, we’ll see if I actually stay on schedule with this one. Credit to @thotmendes​ for imagining the triplets into existence about a year ago! Thanks for your patience! Please COMMENT/REBLOG if you enjoy it!
Pairing: Kallie Hayes (OC) x Mendes Triplets
Masterlist Series Masterlist
SOL Teaser Chapter Two
Words: ~3.5k
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Anais Nin once said, "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
The first encounter Kallie had with the triplets was a memorable one. This could be because she didn't know they were triplets. She had just moved to town with her family and started her first day in the middle of October.
Kallie was just eight or nine years old, but she was nervous about starting a new school way behind the other kids. Once her parents dropped her off with the principal, she was led to a small classroom. The teacher smiled brightly as he welcomed her in.
"Hello! It's very nice to meet you..." he trailed off, expecting her to reply. Her gaze was anxiously flitting around to all the other students staring at her curiously. So, he cleared his throat.
With a slight jump, she whipped her head back to him. "Kallie, sir." She held out her little hand and gave him a firm shake. Well, as firm as an eight-year-old could give an old person with hands the size of baseball gloves.
"You're very polite! I can't wait to meet your parents," he beamed at her, not noticing the small flinch of her eye. Things don't always go nicely when her parents come to school. It's why she's always on her best behavior. "Well, I'm Mr. Flannigan."
He stood up straight and turned toward the class with a smile that was bright against his tan skin. "Class...this is Kalliope Hayes." So, he already knew her full name before she came into the room?
There was a pause as the students ceremoniously said, "Hi, Kalliope!"
Mr. Flannigan nodded as if the response was what he wanted. "Kalliope, why don't you tell us three fun things about yourself, and then we'll go into the lesson plan for today?"
Funny. He phrased it as if it were a question. But, when adults ask questions like that, they're more likely strong suggestions. So, she took one step forward and cleared her throat.
"Hi," she squeaked out. "My full name is Kalliope but I like Kallie better. Three things about me are..." She stalled a moment, forgetting every single fun thing about her. "Uh...I like bike riding...I'm really good at holding my breath!...and...I've never ice skated?"
Her green eyes look up to the teacher for approval as everyone claps politely. He's about to point to her seat when a small voice cuts him off. "How long??"
"Huh?" She asks as she scans the other kids for the voice.
The boy in the last row, second from her right and wearing a forest green hoodie peers past the rest of the students. "You said you're really good at holding your breath! How long?"
"Um, like, thirty-five seconds? I think," she responds uncertainly. It's been a while since the last time she had her sister time her. His brown eyes stare at her for a moment longer.
Then, he nods. "Nice." He grins at her in approval. She smiles a little wider in response and Mr. Flannigan tells her to take the only open seat left.
She walks toward the back, finding the open seat next to the kid who had questioned her breath-holding skills. As Mr. Flannigan starts the lesson plan, the boy leans over and offers his hand.
"I'm Shawn!" The eagerness of his voice makes her relax. Maybe she just made her first friend here. She takes his hand and shakes it a little. "Let's make up a secret handshake later at recess, okay?" She nods enthusiastically before they turn forward in their seats to pay attention.
Later at recess, Shawn and Kallie are standing under one of the shady trees on the playground, mixing an unnecessary amount of steps to their secret friendship handshake.
"Hey, Shawn! Come play tag!" Some other kids begin to call him to play games with them.
He looks over at Kallie. "Wanna come play?"
"No, thanks," she shakes her head causing her light brown hair to rustle in the wind, "I don't really like tag." He shrugs and squints at her a little, but accepts her answer before running off to join the game.
She decides to take a stroll along the fence to see if she could find some cool rocks to take home for the new garden her parents were gonna plant. As she does, she sees a boy crouched down with his hands cupped around something. He's wearing a jean jacket over his white T-shirt.
As she approaches, she calls out excitedly, "Watchya got in your hand?" The boy startles, his hands opening to let a frog jump out. He hurriedly reaches out and catches it again as Kallie takes a step back. She notes how carefully he cups his hand around it.
"A frog," he says plainly and he sounds slightly similar to...who does he sound like?
Her face contorts in minor disgust. "Why?" Is all she asks. When he turns to look at her, her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "I thought you went to play tag!"
"What?" He asks in genuine ignorance.
She looks him over and her brows come even closer together. "How did you change your clothes so fast, Shawn?"
"I'm not Shawn," he rolls his eyes with a sigh.
"What do you mean? You said your name was Shawn in class today," she reminds him.
He silently sticks his tiny closed fist through the fence to release the frog toward its home. Standing up, he wipes his hand on his jeans. "That's my brother. I'm Raul." He sticks out his frog contaminated hand.
"Oh, so you're like twins?" She swallows her squeamishness and shakes his hand quickly, then wipes it on the back of her shorts.
He shrugs. "You could say that." With that, he walks past her without another word. She turns and watches him run to another group of kids who are playing on the monkey bars.
She heads back to the tree, collapsing against its bark to enjoy the rest of recess. Her relaxing doesn't last long as something drops into her lap from above. "Ow!" She exclaims and opens her eyes to find a notebook in her lap.
"Sorry!" A voice calls out from above. She looks up quickly and finds an increasingly familiar face looking down at her.
His puppy dog eyes match his apologetic smile. Kallie sighs deeply. "Now, when did you get up there??" She was seriously starting to think she'd never woken up this morning.
"I've been here all recess!" He replies with an adorable smile. "Can you hand that back to me?" He asks, laying on his stomach to reach down.
She stands, stretching on her tiptoes to hand it back. Kallie then sees that he's wearing neither a green hoodie nor a jean jacket. Instead, he's wearing a blue, plaid button-up shirt. She frowns. "Don't tell me there's another one of you?"
"Huh?" He quirks his eyebrow for a moment. "Oh! You mean my brothers! Shawn and Raul?" She nods, but in her mind, she hopes it stops at three. Already, she could tell she'd never be able to tell them apart. "I'm Peter!"
"Why are you in a tree with a notebook?"
"It keeps me from getting hit by the dodgeballs while I'm trying to draw." He scrunches up his face like it's obvious. "Duh," he adds on.
The apparent obviousness of the statement makes her giggle. "What are you drawing?" She asks curiously.
He pauses for a long moment, sizing her up. Then, an adorable grin spreads across his lips. "Climb up here, and I'll show you," he half-invites, half-challenges her.
"Okay!" Without hesitation, she rolls the sleeves up on her Princess Belle shirt and scales the tree with only minimal effort.
Peter watches her settle in on the branch next to him in awe. "That was really fast!"
"Thanks!" She beams at him. "My sister can't climb so when she chases me with gross stuff I had to find somewhere to hide," she informs him happily.
He laughs and scoots next to her as he opens his notebook across both of their laps. Slowly, he flips through the pages to show her the different drawings. "These are really good!" She compliments him.
"Really?" He asks shyly. Kallie nods vigorously and continues to marvel at the sketches. Peter smiles and watches her admire his work for a few minutes more.
But, they're not alone for much longer. "Kallie? Where'd you go?" She looks over the notebook below them. Shawn is looking around the base of the tree.
"Up here!" She giggles. His head turns toward the sound of her voice. "Peter was showing me some drawings!"
Shawn covers the urge to frown with a bright smile. "Come down! We gotta finish our super-secret handshake before recess is over," he reminds her.
"One second!" She calls down and turns to Peter. "I gotta go. Thanks for letting me see your notebook!" Then, she carefully climbs down the tree.
Once she hops onto the ground, Shawn slings an arm around her shoulders as he leads her away. "Our handshake is gonna be so awesome! And it'll be just for us! You know what else? You can come with me and my family to our lake house to ice skate in the winter since you've never been!" He chatters happily as he leads her further away from Peter.
From that day on, the two of them were inseparable. That day was the first time the boys had gotten jealous or competitive over Kallie. But, it wasn't the last.
It was disorienting at first, never knowing who was who. Except for Shawn, of course. Kallie could always tell which one was Shawn because out of the three, those two were the ones joined at the hip. Not to say that she didn't grow close with the rest of the boys. Just that Shawn was who she was close with first.
Throughout the years, they were like the Four Musketeers. Getting into all kinds of trouble and mischief. They enjoyed the best of their times throughout the year at the Mendes' cabin in the Muskoka Lake District. Since the very first year they became friends, their parents were kind enough to bring her along on all of their little trips.
Occasionally, her parents and sister came along. Which was nice because a majority of the other parents didn't take kindly to hers. She loved that they were so kind and included them in their trips. That cabin became like a lifeline to them as the years wore on.
They shared every holiday, celebrated every event, and recovered from unexpected hard times at that cabin. Christmas time? They went to the cabin. Someone's birthday? The cabin was there. The worst time of their lives? The cabin saw that too.
The four of them could never imagine not having that cabin, or each other to get through life. Which is why it hurt all the more when they got the news. After graduating high school, the four of them went on to university. Together.
While they all had different majors, it was hard to find time for each other at first. So, they made it a rule to have dinner every Saturday night at one of their dorms. Rotating between them as hosts to the gathering. Which became easier when they all moved in together after the first two years of having to live in the dorms. They were now coming off of their third year of university with one left to go.
As the four of them piled into Shawn's Jeep for the trip home with their bags stuffed in the back, excitement floated through the air to finally be able to relax for a time before heading back to Toronto for the most important year of schoolwork.
"Shotgun!" Kallie, Peter, and Raul call at the same time as they race toward the front seat.
The three slam into the side of the vehicle with laughter. Looking to Shawn to be the referee, he rolls his eyes. "Kallie got there first," he chuckles.
"C'mon!" Peter groans.
"You always let her have it," Raul mumbles as he slides into the backseat.
"My Jeep, my rules," Shawn shrugs and buckles into the driver's seat with a chuckle.
Kallie happily hops into the front seat, smiling at Shawn before turning to grab her seatbelt. "Thank you!" As she buckles it, she exchanges a secret glance with Shawn and he winks at her.
"Anytime," he responds as she bites her bottom lip to contain her laugh.
With that, the four set off toward home. Well, more like toward the cabin. They were planning on stopping at their houses to see their families first and then spend the rest of the summer in Muskoka.
Half an hour later, the boys drop Kallie off at her parents' house before heading down the street to theirs. "Dinner at ours at six?" Peter confirms as she grabs her bags out of the back.
"Mhm," she replies and walks around to his window, while Raul gets out and gets in the front seat. "And then breakfast at mine at ten tomorrow?"
He nods with a grin. "We'll be here!" She mumbles a 'perfect' and leans through the window to kiss his cheek and he kisses hers at the same time, something they've gotten in the habit of doing when they part ways. Shawn shifts his grip on the steering wheel as he watches them in the mirror.
"See you tonight!" Raul calls as his eyes trail after her, lower than they should be when she disappears into her house. Shawn reaches over and slaps the back of his head. "Ow!!" He rubs the new sore spot with a chuckle as Shawn pulls away from the curb.
Later, as promised, she enters the Mendes household as if she lives there. She's right on time for dinner, but it's unusually quiet around the house. "Hello?"
"In here!" Someone calls after a long moment of silence.
Kallie makes her way into the living room where the brothers are seated on the couch. "Hey! What's going on? Why is it so quiet?" She questions as she sits in between Shawn and Peter's legs, stretching her own across Peter's lap and resting her feet in Raul's.
"Mom has news," Shawn says surprisingly seriously. It's then that Kallie notices the shock on their faces and that Karen is sitting in one of the other chairs.
She leans her torso back into Shawn and shrugs. "What is it? Bad news?" They nod and she looks at Karen as she takes a deep breath.
"Well, sweetie," she begins sweetly. "As I've just finished telling the boys..." she pauses, gathering the strength to tell her. "We've decided to sell the cabin."
Kallie's expression falls into the same shock that the boys wear and she feels like her whole body goes numb. "Wh-no. H-how...why-no!" She finally stutters out.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I know how much that cabin means to you all," she sighs. "But...we just can't afford to keep up with it year-round anymore. Especially, since we haven't been back since you all were in high school."
Her eyebrows furrow together in confusion. "Wha..." she breathes out, unable to think straight. To stop her mind from spinning, she focuses on the things around her.
Like the feel of Shawn's heartbeat against her back and the rhythm of his breathing. Like the goosebumps on her legs caused by Peter lightly tracing his fingers over her knees. Like the cold metal of Raul's rings as he squeezes her ankles comfortingly.
"When are you selling it?" Raul asks, taking charge of the situation. It's something he tends to do as the oldest of the three brothers. When things get tough, he steps in to steady everyone.
Karen shrugs. "We haven't found a buyer yet."
"Well," he sighs. "Then, we're still gonna go out for the summer. And every chance we get until you sell it. We can clean and pack up stuff along the way."
She smiles gratefully at him. "Thank you, honey. I hope you all enjoy the summer there...you deserve it before your last year at university!" She smiles, the tension slightly diffused but not dissipated. "Dinner will be ready soon."
Then, she silently heads to the kitchen to leave the four of them alone. Kallie shifts her body to stand up and face the boys. One hand goes to her hip as her eyes train on the carpet. With the other, she pushes some loose strands of hair behind her ear.
"I'm gonna..." she trails off, not having any words. "I'll be outside," she whispers and immediately exits the room.
Shawn leans forward to stand up. "I'll get her-"
"No. Lemme handle it," Raul interrupts and follows her without another word.
Sitting back down defeatedly, Shawn looks at Peter. "The hell was that about? Thought I was her best friend..." he grumbles.
"We're all best friends," Peter reminds him. "Besides...they have been closer since the twelfth grade." He shrugs and pulls his sketchbook out of his bag.
Shawn's brows crease together and then rise on his forehead. "You don't think they're-" He stops himself short because he doesn't even want to go there.
"What?" Peter looks up from the sketch he's working on. His face falls flat when he sees Shawn's panicked look. "Oh my god! They're not. Raul isn't even Kallie's type," he scoffs and focuses on the bright green irises he's drawing, only slightly concerned that Shawn may be right.
Shawn twists his features into an offended sort of confusion. "Her type? We all have the same face!"
"Yeah, but none of us are dating her...are we?" Peter scoffs dismissively.
"No," Shawn grumbles as he sinks further into the couch and crosses his arms grumpily.
Raul steps out onto the porch, barely squinting his eyes at the now-setting sun. Kallie's ash brown hair catches the light stunningly, almost as if it were milk chocolate silk. The red undertones give her hair a cinnamon-like shine you can only see under the sun. He sits next to her on the top step as she hugs her knees to her chest and rests her chin there.
He doesn't say anything as he leans back, letting his palms press into the wood. Time ticks by and he doesn't talk. She doesn't talk. Her body just slowly tips toward Raul until she's collapsed into his side. He feels her sigh heavily and he scoots closer to circle his arm around her waist.
"This isn't the end of the world," he promises like he always does when she gets like this. She huffs, annoyed that he seems to always downplay her sadness at first. "I'm serious."
She sits up, turning on the step to stare at him direly. "Oh, are you? I couldn't tell," she deadpans. "I know it's not the end of the world, Raul...that doesn't mean this all still doesn't suck," she murmurs as her hands move to her words.
"Life's allowed to suck," he chuckles. She watches the light dance in his hazel eyes and sighs. "You're even allowed to wallow about it," he continues.
She throws herself into his lap dramatically. "Then, let me wallowwww," she whines playfully. He rests his arm across her torso.
"No...no buts," she begs as she turns her face into his stomach to hide. She curls her legs up until she's almost in a ball on her side.
Raul gently strokes her back. "But," he says pointedly, "you're not allowed to wallow forever. Eventually, you have to pull on your big girl pants and show life who it's messing with."
"You're so lame," she laughs and ventures a peek up at him.
He tilts his head and smiles smugly. "Got you to laugh didn't I?" She nods slightly. "I know how much the cabin means to you. It means that much to all of us," he soothes her.
"I somehow always forget that you guys feel it too," she whispers.
Raul moves his hand to brush her hair out of her face. "I'll make you a deal," he begins. Her attention peaks because he always offers her the same deal and she'd never pass it up. No matter what it is. "Suck it up for now. You can wallow when the place is actually sold."
"What do I get for pulling on my big girl pants?" She challenges.
He scrunches up his face in obvious sarcasm. "What do you always get?"
"Prom night?" She replies hopefully.
"Prom night," he confirms mischievously.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
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(a/n: I do sometimes daddy!jaehyun moodbords for the time I struggle with inspiration and ideas. For new year, I want to share one of them with you)
daddy jaehyun
ii.xxi. happy new year!!!
"Wait, hold Sunoh again." You stood with your whole family in the hallway and you were on the way to Doyoung's New Year's Eve Party. It was a premiere because Jaehyun agreed to go. But only because Doyoung introduced his new girlfriend tonight. "Stop it. You are straightening your dress for the hundredth time. You look great." Jaehyun turned to you with Miga and rolled his eyes. As a result of your pregnancy, your stomach was bloated all the time and you are now starting to gain weight again, although you are still breastfeeding. "No, I'm totally fat." You sigh and try to straighten your dress without Jaehyun's help. "Hihi Mummy is fat." Miga giggled and leaned against her father's leg. "No, she's not and we don't say that about people. Y/N you are beautiful and now come." Jaehyun was clearly already annoyed because you had several nervous breakdowns in front of your closet because everything was too tight for you again. But it didn't is important anyway. Jaehyun was already at Doyoung's apartment door with Miga. You come quickly with Sunoh and your husband rings the doorbell. "Hi." Doyoung grinned broadly as he opened the door. Jaehyun smiled and it was the first time in a long time that they are dealing with each other were quite natural again. You entered the apartment and next to Doyoung was his new girlfriend. "Hi, Hayoung." Jaehyun greeted her and seemed to know her. You look at him confused. "Hi, Jaehyun." She smiles lightly and shakes his hand. Did they know each other? Somehow that surprised you. "Hi, I'm Y/N." You introduce yourself and she also greeted you kindly. "And that's our daughter Miga and our son Sunoh." Miga suddenly became shy and hid behind her father. Hayoung smiled gently and tried to greet Miga, but she was still not in the mood. Doyoung and Hayoung left you alone so that you could undress in peace. Miga emerged from behind her father again and he put her on the bench to take off her shoes. "Since when you been shy?" He laughed and opened her jacket. Miga shrugged and kicked her little feet. "How do you know Hayoung?" You were surprised that Jaehyun had said nothing. "She's an idol too. She's from Apink." Jaehyun didn't turn to you but continued to open his daughter's shoes. You just take it that way and take your son's jacket off too. Then you went into the room and there were already some people. You greeted everyone, but Miga was still shy. Since Mark wasn't there yet, she clung to her father all the time. Jaehyun couldn't be without her for a second, so he ended up carrying her around all the time. Johnny and his fiancée were here too. Johanna was wearing a tight dress and you could already see a round belly. "Wow, someone is already growing quite fast." You look at Johanna with a smile and hold your palm on her stomach. "I can say that of you too." She laughed and put her arms against her hips. You look over at her in surprise and didn't know what she means. Yes, you got a little belly. Your body was already so expanded that your small ball quickly formed again. But you try to hide it all the time. "I mean your baby." She laughed and pointed to Sunoh, who was lying over your shoulder and sleeping. "Oh yes. He’s so big. And he's going to be heavy too." You stroke your son's back and smile with satisfaction. Miga was a lot smaller around this time, you were always afraid to hurt her, but maybe Sunoh will be a lot bigger than her. You talk to Johanna for a while and Hayoung came to you as well. It was nice to get to know her because you liked her straight away. She was very excited about Sunoh and she took him from you for a short time. You start looking for Jaehyun, but he was busy with Mark, who was now here, and Miga. You then go into the kitchen and meet Doyoung, who was just preparing something to eat. "May I help you?" You ask him while you are standing next to him. "Yes, can you cut the bread?" He smiled and you take a board and a knife. "Hayoung is nice. I like her." You smile and start slicing the bread. "Yes, she is really great. Now that you all start to get families, I also want to settle down now." Doyoung took the smoked salmon and put it on your pre-cut bread. "Maybe we can finally be friends again." You smile and hope that Jaehyun can now get his jealousy under control. "I hope but I just didn't tell Hayoung about us." He sighed and looked a little worried. "Didn't you?" You were surprised because somehow you hoped he had told her. "There was nothing between us." He shrugged and continued to take care of the food. He was right, but you were still not quite comfortable with it. Doyoung looked at you and knew exactly what you were thinking. "Look Y/N, I really really like Hayoung. I didn't love anyone so much after you." He smiled and you were glad that he had finally found someone. "You are clearly in love. You look really happy too." You lightly bump your shoulder against his and you both giggle. "But you too. I mean the whole thing with Suji is still running and yet you have such a glow. As if you were pregnant." He smiled gently and now put the last piece of bread on the plate. "What? How do you come up with that?" You smile uncertainty because you were totally scared inside. He couldn't have known. It was only you and Jaehyun who knew it. But Doyoung just shrugged. "I don't know. You always had a glow like that when you were pregnant. You looked so happy at this time and now you look the same." He laughed but didn't go further. Apparently, your pregnancy already appears you in the outside. "I'm glad if we can finally finish all of this now. I really missed you as a friend." Doyoung changed the subject on his own and he suddenly became so serious. He was right, you always got along well. Doyoung was over you and Jaehyun must finally get it. "I am very happy too." You smile and hug him. It was good to know to have a good friend in your life again. But when everything seemed fine, you hear someone clearing his throat. Jaehyun suddenly stood in the kitchen and stared at you and Doyoung. You knew this was not okay for him and you knew there was going to be a drama now. "I'm going to go." You briefly stroke Doyoung over the shoulder to go straight to your husband. You don't say anything and just walk past him. He followed you and grabbed you by the hand. He pulled you in a room that turns out to be a bedroom and pressed you against the wall. He pinned your hands over your head and started kissing your neck. "Jaehyun stop." You try to break free and Jaehyun gave in, but his hands were now around your waist and he continued kissing you. "What's wrong with you? You don't really want to sleep with me here now?" You push him away and look into his horrifying eyes. You knew what that was, he wanted to show his dominance. He only did that when he was jealous. "You just look so good tonight." He groaned and wanted to kiss you again, but you stop him. "I can't believe you're still jealous of Doyoung." You sigh annoyed and take a step away from the wall. Jaehyun sat on the bed and sighed. He couldn't say anything and that was always when he struggled with his emotions. You walk up to him and put his palms on your stomach. "Jaehyun, I just want you. I'm carrying your third child. How much evidence do you need?" You smile and stroke his hair. He looks up at you but still has his hands on your stomach. "I'm an idiot right?" Jaehyuns sighed and looked at your belly again. "A little bit." You smile and Jaehyun kissed your baby bump. The next moment someone knocked on the door and you can hear Taeyong's voice who asked if he can come in. The last time he caught you having sex was enough for him and he was more careful now. "Don't worry Taeyong, we're just talking." Jaehyun laughed and Taeyong now dared to walk into the room. "Sorry to bother you, but Sunoh woke up and he doesn't stop crying." Taeyong looked at you worriedly, but you knew that he was probably just hungry and needed to breastfeed again. 
A few minutes before the New Year, you all go up to the roof of Doyoung's apartment complex. Miga was firmly attached to her father again and you held Sunoh in your arms. He was tightly wrapped up because it was so cold. You had a wonderful view of the city from here and you stand close to your husband. You look into his eyes and smile. The year was so intense, so impressive. Sunoh was born and you got pregnant again. You look forward to the next year, as a family of five then. Johnny and Johanna would also get their child and you knew that everything would be fine. "10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5..." The countdown ran and Jaehyun and you just stood there and you look at each other. "4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Happy New Year!" Everyone celebrated, the first fireworks started and Jaehyun's lips were on yours. You feel his warm breath, his tongue danced with yours and his lips were super soft. "NOOOO!" Miga pressed her small palm on her father's cheek, indicating that you two should stop kissing. Jaehyun laughed and turned his head to his daughter. "Do you want a kiss too?" Miga nodded and Jaehyun also gave her a little kiss. "Do I get one too?" You bend over to your daughter and she pursed her lips and kiss you too. "And Sunoh." Miga pointed to her little brother and she kissed him as well. You had to laugh because it was really cute. But at that moment, Jaehyun turned back to you and with his free hand pulled you a little bit towards you. "Happy New Year." His voice was very calm and he looked deep into your eyes. "Happy New Year. I love you." And another kiss seals your love.
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asrogyptinc · 4 years
I made what I imagined would be the Tokka fanfic “Choices” ending
Hello and welcome. Yes it is I, a not very well known person that likes to write who has decided to take it upon herself to write what I believe the ending of the tokka fanfic would go. It’s quite long, so settle in. This is just for fun! I don't own the previous storyline or characters. I’m also not nearly as talented as @3holmes Hope you all enjoy! 
"Sokka!" Lord Zuko shouted, drawing his and Suki's attention away from each other.
As Zuko and Mai approached the couple with open arms. After a few hugs and shoulder pats, the women returned to their significant other's side.
"It's been too long! I hear a congratulations is in order for you two?" Zuko says, earning a smile from Suki and Sokka.
"Thanks man. And yeah! We're both super excited." Sokka answers, taking hold of Suki's hand with pride.
"I'm happy for you both. Even after your brief fling with Toph, I knew you and Suki would find your way back together like always. Truly fated, don't ya think?" Mai says, but her words stir up tension.
Sokka's grip on Suki's hand falters. "What do you mean? Toph and I have always been best friends, nothing more than that."
Mai's eyes widen slightly. She turns and shares a look of trouble with Zuko before gazing back at the pair.
"Suki would you mind going to get a drink?" Sokka said almost blankly.
Hesitantly, Suki nods and makes her way to the refreshment tables.
Sokka takes a step towards the pair. "What did you mean, Mai?"
Surely this is all one big misunderstanding that will easily be cleared up. Sokka would surely remember if he and his best friend had ever been interested in one another.. right?
"The night of our wedding, Sokka. Mai and I both saw you and Toph by the ocean. We lost sight of you two after you hurried for the corridor." Zuko said in a hushed tone, looking over his shoulder to make sure Suki was still gone.
"You do remember that, don't you?" Mai questioned.
No. No that can't be true. Sokka would absolutely remember something like that.
"You must be mistaken. Are you sure it was me?"
They nodded, sharing another look.
"Maybe me and you should go talk somewhere more private." Zuko offered, glancing at Suki's nearing presence.
"I'll talk to Suki and make an excuse. You two go." Mai said, turning to meet Suki half way as the men dispersed to a quiet room.
Sokka was pacing back and forth, raking his fingers through his hair. This wasn't good, because this means the dream..
No. Damnit, no. This means the dream Sokka had been so keen to rule off as missing his Suki, was real. The touching and rough yet gentle handling of his best friend had been reality.
"I thought it was a dream.." Sokka spoke in a broken tone.
"You had your fair share of cactus juice that night. Don't be too hard on yourself." Zuko said awkwardly, trying to console his confused friend.
Sokka shook his head. "No, Zuko, you don't get it."
"Well then talk to me. You need to talk to someone."
Sokka froze in place. Yes, Sokka had been under the influence, but if his foggy memory served him right, Toph hadn't been nearly as inebriated as he was. Possibly not at all.
"I've spent years thinking that event was a dream, but now you say it was real?"
Zuko nodded carefully.
Tears begin to form in Sokka's eyes as the events play in his mind on repeat.
"I was so rough with her." His words sound broken, almost defeated. "I was so convinced that it was a dream that I didn't think to care in the moment. I took it for what it was and did everything based on my drunken thoughts."
Zuko stayed quiet, allowing Sokka to get it all out.
"She never protested though. Never told me to stop or that she was uncomfortable. In fact, she seemed to want it as much as I did, but.. I woke up alone so that confirmed in my mind that I had only just had a very intense dream about my friend."
Why did she never bring it up? Why wouldn't she confront me about it? As he thought harder about it, another disgusting fact came into mind.
"She wasn't even 16 yet." And with those words, Sokka lost it.
He sobbed into his hands thinking about how he possibly ruined her innocence. Was this why she was being so cold to him?
"Sokka.." Zuko tried to interject, but Sokka cut him off.
"She barely lets me touch her now. Not anything weird, but I guess I've only just put the pieces together. Ever since that night she's been so distant towards me. She did such a good job at making it seem normal that I never thought that maybe, I was making her uncomfortable because of that night."
After a long pause of silence, Zuko spoke up again.
"You should talk to her. If you thought it was a dream, then maybe she did too."
Sokka nodded and wiped his face. "Thank you for telling me and talking with me about it. I'm going to find her."
And with that, Sokka left to find answers.
Toph listened to the music that was booming throughout the room as Aang and Katara danced their hearts out. She smiled fondly as the couple, remembering when Aang had been pining for her when they were younger.
Her reminiscing thoughts were cut short when she felt Sokka's rigid presence beside her. His hand clutched her shoulder firmly before turning her to face him.
"We need to talk."
Between his course stance and the urgency behind his voice, she knew something was up.
"Sure, but can it wait until later? Aang and Katara are having their first dan-"
"Now, Toph." Sokka's icy words cut her off and through her into her thoughts.
What was his deal?
"Yeah.. okay. I'll follow you." She answered quietly.
Sokka led her to the room him and Zuko had just occupied, finding it once again empty and far enough away from the party that no one should come stumbling in on this conversation.
Toph had grown nervous and impatient at Sokka. What was so urgent that it couldn't have waited until after their friend's ceremony?
"Sokka what the hell is up with you?" Toph snaps, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Do you remember that night?" Sokka asked softly.
Toph went pale. Her heart started beating so hard and fast she could've swore it was going to rip out of her chest. Surely he doesn't remember. Surely se can play this off to find out he meant some other time.
"W-what do you mean?" She asked, stating to shake with fear and worry and anticipation.
This can't be happening right now.
"I think you and I both know what I'm talking about, Toph." Sokka snapped, fed up with her lying already.
Those words, though she doesn't understand why, caused Toph's annoyance to grow heavily. She swirled around to face Sokka with looks ready to kill.
"We are NOT talking about this right now. It's Aang and Katara's wedding. Today isn't about us, it's about them. Drop it." Toph growled, making her way to the door.
Sokka scoffed, "You seemed to feel different about it on Zuko and Mai's wedding day."
Toph's motions halted. Her entire body felt hot. The memory was flowing through her head clearer than day. His hands, body, and warmth. The forbidden words he had spoke and the gasps and grunts. Everything was hitting her like a truck, and it left her unable to move.
"Toph I don't want to argue about this. I jut want to talk, and ask why you never talked to me." Sokka spoke softly, making his way over the the blind girl and reaching for her wrist.
Toph snatched her hand away and spun around to face his direction.
"What is there to talk about, Sokka? You weren't all there and I was foolish. As far as both of us should be concerned, it never happened." She shouted.
This through Sokka off, but stirred his growing anger.
"Are you kidding me Toph? Up until an hour ago I believed that entire situation to be a dream." Sokka shouts back.
"It should have stayed that way. I hoped you didn't remember at all." Toph snapped again, lowering her head.
"But you did. This entire time I've been talking about Suki and getting married and you didn't once think to tell me?"
"What difference would it make? It was clearly a mistake. I wanted to just forget about it and move on." Toph shouts.
Toph wished Sokka would just drop it and they could rejoin the wedding like nothing happened. She never dreamed of having this talk with him.
Sokka fell quiet, staring down at Toph who had began to form tears in the clouded seafoam green eyes he had only recently paid such attention to.
"Please Sokka. Just drop it." Begged Toph.
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Sokka pushed, reaching for her hand again only to be denied coldly.
"Sokka." Toph warned, feeling the tears leaking down her pale cheeks.
Her mind was now fully clouded by the bittersweet memories. She needed to get the hell out of this room. Toph made a move for the door, but Sokka was quick to catch her, grabbing her wrists and spinning her around to then pin her against the door lightly. She struggled to get away from him, but Sokka's grip was relentless.
"Damnit, Sokka! Let me go!" Toph shouted, cursing the turning in her stomach of the proximity of them.
"Talk to me!" He pressed.
If this was going to be a fight, he wouldn't easily surrender.
"Stop it!" Toph shouted, still fighting his grip.
This position was an unkind reminder of what they were fighting about. She remembered how safe she felt with him. How loved she felt in those moments.
"Sokka, just give up."
"No, Toph. Talk to me. You weren't even a fifth as intoxicated as I was and you made moves too."
Toph squeezed her eyes shut. Just drop it, Sokka. Please just let it disappear.
"What happened, Toph? You should have stopped me, but you didn't. You let it go on and on."
She stopped fighting and stayed quiet, because what happens when it's talked about? Nothing. Absolutely nothing will change, and maybe that's why she's so reluctant. Toph shook the thought from her mind. Sokka is her best friend. She shouldn't want anything to change. He's happy.
"Why wouldn't you tell me to stop? Why would you let me take advantage of you?"
That last question snapped Toph from her thoughts. "You didn't take advantage of me. I-"
She stopped short, fearful of what she may admit. Sokka's eyes widened with realization, and his grip loosened barely on her writsts.
"You.. You didn't want me to stop?" Sokka asked quietly, sounding slightly bewildered.
Toph stayed silent as more tears fell down her cheeks and off her chin. This can't be happening right now.
"Toph?" Sokka beckoned for a response but fell short with questions.
He had come to the very bold conclusion that Toph had wanted everything that happened that night. Maybe even more.
Toph was frightened and both metaphorically and physically cornered. As much as she hated this conversation, she knew there was no more avoiding it.
"I fell in love with you a long time ago, Sokka. Even before everything, I had a crush on you for so long. I never opened up because Suki has always been in the picture. As much as I hated it, I wanted you to be happy."
Sokka stood dumbfounded. How could he have been so oblivious?
"I didn't start it, and I could have ended it, but I didn't. I guess deep down I knew it was the only chance I had. I wanted you so bad and had no idea what I was doing. I was foolish and wasn't thinking clearly because the only thing I knew was that in that moment, you wanted me too."
"Is this why you've been so distant?" Sokka asked, staring into her eyes as if she could look back.
"Yes and no." She answered quietly.
"Then why? Because I've been so confused, and it kind of hurts when you act so cold to me."
Toph stayed quiet to gather her thoughts. How does she explain that every time he touches her, all she wants is for that night's events to replay.
"Yes because I knew you didn't remember and I did, but no because... when I'm around you, it's all I can think about. That, and how you're marrying Suki." Toph whispered.
Sokka couldn't think straight with all the new information he had obtained. Not only did him and Toph have this shared memory, but she loved him. He wasn't exactly sure how to process everything.
Taking Sokka's current state as a distraction, Toph broke free from his grasp and took off while tears streamed down her face. All Sokka could do was watch as the earthbending goddess, he had always considered to be his best friend, ran away in hysterics.
Once Toph was sure Sokka hadn't followed her, she removed her shoes and took off towards the door.
"Toph!" Katara shouted, causing Toph to stop and sigh.
"Where are you heading in such a hurry?" Katara asked as she approached the frantic girl.
It was then that she saw Toph had been crying.
"Woah, what happened? Are you okay?" Katara asked with worry lacing her tone.
Toph slowly shook her head. "Sokka knows everything. I'm sorry to put a damper on your's and Aang's day, but I have to go."
Katara nodded, allowing Toph to leave before seeing Sokka round the corner. He was looking for Toph. Katara walked right up to her brother and flicked him on the forehead.
"Ow! Hey, what the hell was that for?" Sokka whined, rubbing the small mark.
"Whatever you did to Toph better be resolved before tomorrow. She left here in tears."
"She left? Do you know where she went?" Sokka asked, hoping to talk more.
"No, and if I were you, I wouldn't go looking for her right now. She's in need of space clearly." Katara snapped. "What happened?"
Sokka sighed. "Did you know? About the night of Zuko and Mai's wedding?"
Katara gasped. "I know something happened but Toph never told me, and she swore she would never bring it up to you. Is that what this is about?"
Sokka pinched the bridge of his nose. The pair was cut off by Aang embracing his newly made bride from behind.
"Am I interrupting something?" Aang asked, noting the tension between the siblings.
"No. I'm going to find Suki. Congratulations again you two."
And with that, Sokka disappeared in the crowd. Except he wouldn't be finding Suki right now. As much as she had a right to know, Sokka needed a minute to think. With that thought, he headed for the nearest door and made his way into the moonlit night.
I fell in love with you a long time ago, Sokka
Toph's worded replayed again and again in his mind. Toph was in love with him, and he never noticed.
He had said those three words that night. That drunken, blissful, passion filled night. He said it twice, and now he was starting to question whether or not he meant it in the way he did then.
Toph had always been his person. The person he told everything to. The person he confided in. The person he had always been so protective of. He thought back on the times he had seen her with another man, and the hate he felt for those men. His constant need to protect her. Wasn't that normal to feel for her? A brotherly love he felt for her?
Everything was so unclear for Sokka. As much as he hated thinking of what he was so sure was a dream, it was all he could think of in this moment. How perfect she seemed in those moments. How much he wanted.. no, needed. How much he needed her. The noises she emitted were only for his ears. No one had ever held or touched her like that before.
Sokka felt like shit. Not only had they done that when he was intoxicated, but he couldn't even remember everything clearly. Damn that cactus juice.
"I feel like such an idiot." Sokka whispered, burying his face in his hands.
The only thing I knew was that in that moment, you wanted me too
She was right. Sokka wanted her as much as she wanted him it seemed, but that didn't make it right. He's with Suki now. He loves her and is devoted to her, but what if he wants Toph too? What if he loves Toph more?
As if on cue, Suki sat beside Sokka and marveled at the view of the moon's reflection on the ocean. She reached for her lovers hand, only for him to retract his hand quickly.
"Are you ready to talk?" Suki asked, never taking her eyes off the ocean.
"About?" Sokka asked quietly.
"You and Toph?"
Sokka went rigid. "There's nothing to talk about."
Suki chuckled and shook her head. "I know you better than that, Sokka."
The young man bit his tongue.
"Mai mentioned a few years ago that she had seen you with Toph on her wedding night. She asked if I knew anything about it."
Sokka grimaced. Everyone knew before him and he didn't know what to say or do.
"That was why I said no before, to marrying you. I didn't bring it up to you thinking that maybe it was just one huge mistake, and I said yes this time thinking it had been taken care of. I thought I had nothing to worry about, but I was wrong, wasn't I?" Suki's words shocked Sokka.
"What? No! Suki, I love you and I want to marry you." Sokka rebuttled, grabbing Suki's hands frightfully.
Suki finally looked at her fiance, and smiled calmly. "But you're in love with her too, aren't you Sokka?"
Sokka retracted his hands slowly and began to fidget. "I don't know."
Suki nodded, reaching behind her neck and removing the necklace Sokka had given her only hours prior.
"Wait, Suki please-"
"Go to her, Sokka. You need to talk to her about how you feel." She says, placing the neckace beside him and rising to her feet. "I'm not mad. I want you to be happy. If your choice ends up being me after you two settle this, I'll be waiting, but you and I both know that's not going to happen."
And just as she had appeared, Suki was gone without another word. Sokka laid back in the snow, looking at the necklace blankly. As much as he hated it, Suki was right.
Sokka had mindlessly fallen for his best friend.
Toph was angry, or maybe just sad or heartbroken. She didn't know. Boulders were flying all over the place, busting against trees and the ground. Her face hadn't dried any since she left, in fact now that she was alone, the tears were coming more furosiously than before.
Stupid night. crash. Stupid love. bang. Stupid-
"Toph? Toph, are you here?"
Sokka. The boulder Toph had ready to throw fell to the ground, crumbling to pieces.
As Sokka rounded the corner, Toph's heart stopped. How had she not felt him approaching? She looked ridiculous, no doubt.
"There you are."
"What do you want?" Toph asked, taking a step away from the approaching presence.
"We need to talk." Sokka stated, but Toph shook her head.
"We already talked."
"No, you talked about how you felt, but we never got to discuss how I felt."
Toph felt her hands shaking as she held back her tears. Why did Sokka have to keep pushing this?
Sokka noticed Toph's hands and unsteady stance. He reached out for her, causing her to flinch. He continued though, taking her hands in his unsure one's.
"Are you okay, Toph?" Sokka asked sincerely, which made Toph's stomach churn.
"Honestly?" Toph asked quietly, earning a nod from Sokka.
"No, I'm not okay. I spent all this time trying to keep this a secret. Trying to push it so far from my mind that I eventually forget, but it's all I see when I think about you, and it's killing me."
Sokka fell quiet again, something he had recently become good at. The reason for her recent actions had been because she had feelings for him that she was never able to express or talk about. Not to him, or Katara, or anyone. She had been left all alone with this memory and those feelings.
Deciding to use the small amount of bravery he had right now, Sokka pulled Toph into a tight embrace, refusing to release her small hands from his. There was no protest this time. Toph knew there was no point, and she had no where else she'd rather be in this moment. She rested her cheek against Sokka chest, listening to his sporadic heart beat nearly as wildly as her's. She was safe with Sokka.
"I'm so sorry for any pain I caused during or after the... encounter." Sokka spoke quietly, squeezing her ever so tighter in remource.
Toph's hands moved from his and grasped his shirt in one fluid motion. She pressed further into his chest as she shook her head.
"No. You didn't hurt me nor do you have anything to apologize for. I really did enjoy every moment of it." Toph countered, never wanting him to feel guilty about one of the most intimate night of her life.
"You were gone before I woke up and played it off like it never happened." Sokka added.
Toph pushed away, stood on her tip toes, and got right in Sokka's face to show her real emotions.
"I was terrified of what you would say when you woke up. I was naked with you on top of me and I was terrified. You thought it was a dream, and never brought it up, so what was I going to wake up to? I didn't want to see the regret and guilt on your face so I left."
Sokka's eyes were wider than the moon. Sure he would be a little confused upon waking up, but did she really think he would look at her in basically disgust? Before all this, Sokka saw Toph's beauty for sure, but the age gap was odd then, and Suki was in the picture. The distant foggy memory was true to him in the sense that he believed Toph looked particularly gorgeous that night, and from then on. He had such an infatuation with her after that 'dream' that left him gawking at her even when other's could clearly see him.
"Toph, I think you're beautiful. I'm just worried because I remember being.. uhm.. a-aggressive and I just, I don't know. I just wanted to make sure I didn't scare you or anything." Sokka said awkwardly.
Toph's cheeks turned bright red.
"Oh uh.. I'm okay. You were, uhm, gentle." She coughed, sweating slightly from embarrassment.
Sokka nodded, and suddenly the pair became very aware of how close they were. Before Toph could react, Sokka swiftly brought his hands up to her hips and held her still in front of him. Toph's knees buckled at the familiar feeling of his hands being on her body.
"You're with Suki." Toph whispered as she lightly pushed at his chest.
"I'm not. She knew before I did. She told me to come here and talk to you and make a decision." Sokka replied.
Toph stopped pushing and arched a playful eyebrow at him. "Make a decision?"
Sokka smirked. "Yeah. Choose which of you I want to be with."
She nods, "And what if I don't want to be with you?"
Sokka chuckled, "Guess Suki gets this necklace back."
The pair had progressively moved closer, smiling softly as they did so. Toph was still freaking out a little. She couldn't decide whether this was smart or not. The other part of her was trying to go for it, but what if this should've stayed a dream?
"Sokka." Toph whispered, hesitance leaking from her voice.
What if he backs out? What if Suki is who he ends up with regardless? Sokka could see on her face how uncomfortable she was. He really hoped he hadn't crossed a line.
"Kiss me." Toph finally answered, smile inching on her face.
Sokka really thought he misheard her. Had she really asked him to kiss her?
"Are you sure?" He asked out of respect, but every fiber of his being was begging her to say yes.
Toph leaned in and covered his warm lips with her icy ones. She was still frightened, but it was clear to her that he was the right path when he kissed her and she felt at home. Once he kissed her back, he knew he never wanted to go back.
They melded so well together, as if somehow made for one another. Toph's arms swung around Sokka's neck and his grip on her hips tightened. Her heart was racing and she was hot underneath his touch. Their tongues met wildly. Every move they made was filled with want and need.
Sokka reluctantly pulled away, wishing he could spend the rest of the night like this. "We really should go back to the wedding."
Toph nodded, catching her breath. "Do we go together or?"
Sokka thought for a second. "I don't want to hide you, but I want you to be comfortable."
This earned a smile from the blind girl. Toph moved a hand to gingerly rub his cheek and placed a light kiss to his lips.
"I don't want to hide you either, but I'm kind of worried how people will react. And Suki.." Toph trailed off thinking of how that would play out.
"Hey," Sokka start, leaning into her hand. "Everything is going to be okay."
He took her hand off his cheek and pressed his lips to her fingers. Toph nodded, deciding she isn't going to be scared while Sokka is beside her.
Arriving back to the wedding hand in hand allowed nerves to rise. Toph could feel that she wasn’t the only one that was nervous, but neither wanted to back out. They walked inside just before the final song played. Sokka thanked the spirits they didn't miss this.
"Dance with me." He asked, raising Toph's hand in his own with a smile.
"I already told you, I don't know how to dance." Toph blushed, ready to knock him out should he try to embarrass her.
"Just trust me." He said.
Before she knew it, Sokka had pulled her into the circle of people slow dancing. Toph could feel everyone's eyes on them, even Aang and Katara. Her breathing was beginning to come unsteady, and Sokka immediately noticed. He moved her hands around his neck and took hold of her waist.
Pulling their bodies together, he leaned down to her ear and whispered, "Focus on me."
This pulled Toph from her thoughts, noticing how she was swaying with him. Sokka kissed the side of her head and leaned his cheek against her's.
"I love you, Toph."
Her heart swelled at his words. Hours ago she wanted to get as far away from him as possible and he was thinking of his wedding with Suki, but now?
"I love you too, Sokka."
They were home.
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Hey Max, can I request a group party (christmas or Thanksgiving or similar) and they're all having fun, except they all get food poisoning from the pie? You can pick whoever you want there, I just want the group! (And maybe some Kota/bee...) 😏 Please?
This was a fun challenge to write! I hope it’s good :) 
It was a miracle that everyone was home for the holidays. Normally Madix brought Riley to his family’s house for thanksgiving, but those plans changed when Dakota and Blair were actually staying in the city instead of going to see Blair’s family. As you can imagine, the four of them took advantage of the opportunity.
Since Riley was doing most of the cooking, they planned to have dinner at his and Madix’s place. Like most thanksgiving, everyone was eager to start eating, so by around 4 o’clock they had already begun digging into the classic thanksgiving dishes. There was turkey, mashes potatoes, stuffing, and a creamy peach pie. Riley was most proud of the pie because it was a super simple recipe that required no baking, and it was topped with freshly cut peaches.
Making the entire meal was a challenge even with Madix helping him because the kitchen was so tiny. The space got squishy and dirty fast. The counters were piled high with dirty cutting boards and utensils. The mess was thankfully worth it when everybody said that the meal was delicious. Riley didn’t say this out loud, but he felt like a proper adult for cooking his own thanksgiving dinner. As for the experimental pie, he was definitely going to save the recipe because everybody loved it – well everybody but Dakota who didn’t like peaches. That was fine; more for the rest of them.
When the meal was finished and everybody’s stomachs were stuffed like a turkey, Madix collected all the dishes and piled them in the kitchen. He sighed, seeing that once again the kitchen was a disaster. He started to put all the leftovers in containers before anything would go bad when Riley came up behind him and gave him a hug.
“I’m so glad we got to do this,” he mumbled into Madix’s back. “I hope I did the meal justice.”  
Madix turned around and wrapped his arms around Riley. “Are you kidding? I think I prefer this to my family’s thanksgivings.”
“Definitely,” Madix said as he continued to clean up the kitchen. “Plus, there’s less drama.” He smiled while throwing away all the scraps of food.
Riley beamed and practically skipped away. Before he went to rejoin Dakota and Blair, he turned back to Madix and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “This is your family’s thanksgiving.”
For the rest of the afternoon and evening, the four of them spent the time sitting outside in the brisk fall air. Blair sat in Dakota’s lap, saying it was to keep warm, but Madix guessed they just wanted to be touching. He couldn’t blame them, having scooted his own chair closer to Riley so they could hold hands under the table. It was thanksgiving after all and what better way to remind yourself of your blessings than to held them in your arms. Dakota was doing literally just that.
“It’s too bad Alexi and Micah couldn’t make it,” Dakota said while he leaned back and sniffed the smoke-filled air. Someone was having a campfire and it made him want to have smores.
Riley nodded, “Micah said they had this trip planned for ages.”
“We should do that sometime,” Dakota said as Blair fidgeted on top of him. He winced when her elbows dug into his chest. She really couldn’t sit still. “Go on a trip, I mean. The four of us.”
“Where?” Madix asked but immediately started to zone out again.
“Blair’s always wanted to go to Australia.” Dakota said, hopping to get his girlfriend more involved in the conversation, but she just sat there silently.
Her head was curled up by his neck with her eyes occasionally closed. He kept watching her while he spoke, but she never pipped up. In fact, Dakota felt like he was carrying the whole conversation by himself. Madix and Riley also looked sleepy and distracted. Eventually, he stopped talking and they sat in peaceful silence. Dakota thought it was peaceful anyway.
Blair started to shift around uncomfortably again. She moaned and buried her face in Dakota’s sweater. Dakota was going to ask her to get off because his legs were falling asleep and his body couldn’t take another attack, but then he heard her belly gurgle. It didn’t sound very pleasant to Dakota, not like hunger. Besides, Blair was tiny. There was no way she was hungry again.
He bounced his knee once, just to get her attention, but that made her moan again and warp her arms around her body as if she were cold. “You feeling okay, bee?” he whispered.
Blair shook her head. “…my stomach’s upset,” she mumbled back.
Madix looked to his friend, seeing that they were talking quietly to each other. “You guys okay over there?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dakota stammered while helping Blair off his lap. They both stood up, Dakota grabbing her waist as they walked away from the table. “We’ll just be a minute.”
“Everything alright?” Riley asked weakly.
“Yes,” Dakota lied. He knew Riley didn’t like when people were sick, so he decided to keep this to himself. Judging by the greyish tint to Blair’s face, she looked exactly like someone Riley would want to stay away from. Obviously, Dakota didn’t notice the greyish tint to all their faces.
As soon as Dakota and Blair went inside the house, Madix stood up from his chair. He exhaled heavily while rubbing his stomach. Being upright had the immediate effect of causing a burp to rumble up from his chest. A long sigh came next, unfortunately the relief he felt was short-lived.
Madix paced around the patio furniture, hoping that movement would help with the nausea. He hadn’t wanted to say anything with everyone there, but his stomach was roiling. When he looked own, his hands were shaking from the intense queasiness. For some reason, dinner was just not sitting well, and he realized that vomiting was a very real possibility at this point. Maybe he had eaten too much or perhaps he was just sick. Either way he had to tell Riley.
He stopped pacing because that wasn’t helping, and leaned against the back of a chair. He breathed out slowly, trying to get his nausea under control. “Ry…” His voice was shaky. “I have to tell you something.”
To Madix’s surprise, Riley answered by spreading apart his legs and vomiting on the spot. A huge gush of brownish sick splattered between his feet just as another retch tore up his throat.
Madix held back a gag and somehow swallowed his nausea enough to go to Riley. While breathing through his nose, he rubbed his boyfriend’s back through another round of heaving. “Oh love, I know, I know.”
“Ugh,” Riley groaned with his head between his knees. “I don’t –” He tired to speak but he kept gagging.
“Don’t speak yet. Just get it all up first,” Madix said while tracing circles onto his back. He couldn’t watch though. He had to look away as torrents of barely digested food fell out of Riley’s mouth. But averting his gaze wasn’t enough. He could still feel the muscles in Riley’s back spasm whenever his shoulders rolled forward. And the smell was too much to handle for his own sour stomach. Madix leaned away and gagged into his elbow.
When Riley came up for air, he heard Madix gagging behind him and felt awful. Madix wasn’t usually a sympathetic puker, so this made him feel like crap. “I’m sorry. I’m being so gross.”
“It’s okay. It’s – hic – not our fault,” Madix said in between retches. He had neither the energy nor the desire to reconsider that sentence. He didn’t have the will power to keep comforting Riley anymore either because his stomach decided time was up. He walked away from his boyfriend as his own belly sent up his dinner. He pitched forward and covered the grass with a thick brown gush.
“Madix!” Riley called out. He somehow found the motivation to stand up, and step around the puddle of sick at his feet. It was always easier for him to deal with people throwing up if he was also sick. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but at least it allowed him to go to Madix. “Oh gosh, okay.”
Madix seemed like a running faucet that simply never found peace. He could hardly catch his breath in between waves and each heave sounded like it was destroying his throat. Riley patted his back, growing increasingly worse about the whole situation. This was bad. Madix was really sick. This wasn’t just from sympathy.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry,” Riley said once Madix stopped actively being sick. There were two puddles of vomit, two very nauseous people, and only one logical explanation. “It’s the food, it has to be.”
“Most likely,” Madix agreed while spitting on the grass. “Please don’t blame yourself though.”
“How can I not? I poisoned us all!”
“You don’t know that. It could have been handled wrong.”  
“I guess,” Riley admitted while rubbing the back of his neck.
“Dammit,” Madix mumbled as he walked back into the house, “I’m going to go check on Dakota and Blair.” As he left, Madix heard Riley curse under his breath.
It was fairly obvious what Madix was going to find in the house. He didn’t even waste time and went straight to the bathroom. As he expected, the door was closed and the light was on. He knocked lightly.
Dakota and Blair’s night had gone quite similarly, with one major difference.
Blair was curled up around the toilet, puking her guts up while Dakota held her hair back. It wasn’t long after sneaking away from Madix and Riley, that Blair found herself on the bathroom floor. She had told Dakota that she felt like she was going to be sick, and they were locked in the bathroom ever since.
“I’m sorry, babe,” Dakota cooed while kissing her shoulder.
Blair wiped her mouth and leaned back against the bathtub. “I don’t know what happened.”
Dakota touch the back of his hand to her forehead and frowned. “You don’t feel warm.”
Later, a light knock came at the door once Blair was done being sick for the fourth time in a row. They both looked at each other, knowing that they’d been gone far too long.
Blair sighed. “I ruined the night.”
“You didn’t ruin anything,” Dakota assured her as he stood up from the floor to open the door. “They’ll understand.”
Dakota opened the door just enough to let himself out, and he shut it again to give Blair privacy. He joined Madix in the hallway and leaned against the wall. Madix looked concerned, and kinda awful, Dakota thought.
Madix’s expression twisted to confusion when Dakota came out looking pretty normal actually. “Are you guys okay?”
“Not really,” Dakota admitted. “Blair must have caught something because she’s throwing up.”
Dakota didn’t understand his friend’s reaction. Madix nodded like he was expecting that answer.
“And how about you? Are you feeling okay?” Madix asked.
“Yes?” Dakota answered hesitantly. He wasn’t sure what Madix was getting at, but then he noticed the way he was hugging his stomach. “Are you?”  
“No.” He shook his head. “Riley and I also threw up. I’m surprised you’re not sick.”
Everything made a lot more sense to Dakota now. And then it immediately didn’t. Madix was right. Why wasn’t he sick? They all ate the same dinner. He should be just as miserable as Blair right now, but he wasn’t for some reason.
As both boys wandered into the kitchen that reason became apparent. They all ate the same dinner, but not the same dessert. The half-eaten pie was still on the counter, with its freshly cut peaches adorning the top. “Did Riley make this today?” Dakota asked, gesturing to the dessert.
Understanding was already beginning to show in Madix’s bloodshot eyes. “Yes.”
“At the same time that he prepared the frozen turkey?”
“Did he use the same cutting board?”
Madix hesitated before answering…probably for dramatic effect… “Yes.”
Dakota felt like a detective, then he very quickly felt like a nurse. Madix’s face was growing pale again. “How many bathrooms are in this house again?”
Madix looked sicker just thinking about it. “Two.”
Impending sarcasm tainted Dakota’s smile. “Well, this is going to be a fun night.”
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