#we dated when i was 18-21... i'm 34 now... shit's crazy
miss-anthropyxx · 7 months
it's been 13 years, and i've been with an amazing guy since then, yet i still have nightmares about my ex at least like once a week. i've had a few in the last week though.
i often feel like my mental/emotional abuse was not even close to the same caliber as what many people deal with with physical abuse but then also i realize things like this... not equal but just different i guess. but i could have a teenager with the amount of time it's been over and my heart still drops into my ass whenever i see anyone even closely resembling him, especially from behind or something when i'm not sure if it's him or not (and even when i do realize it's not him, i still don't like them lol). thinking of the headspace that had been cultivated in me at that time makes me feel so small and hopeless and worthless and all of it just makes me fucking nauseous.
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writing0305 · 10 months
“If you tell me what happened I can fix it. Whatever it is.”
2. "This cake reeks of resentment and bitterness." - "When we get to the party I'm going to need you to stop talking like that."
3. "Nothing could ever change how I feel for you."
4."I think I might love you."
5. "I can hear your heart beating, relax."
6. “Can… can I have a hug? Please?”
7. “Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.” 
8. "I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me"
9. "You know, ever since I saw you that day, I haven't stop thinking about you."
10. "Everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
11. "Glad to see that you decided to show up." - "I knew you'd be bored without me here."
12. "This may not mean much to you, but I have your back."
13. "There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you."
14. "You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply."
15. "Your jacket smells like you." - "Is that a good thing?" - "It’s… It’s comforting."
16. "I trust you. More than anyone else."
17. "I would do anything to keep her safe."
18. "You put a blanket over me when I was sleeping? What are we, an old married couple?"
"The only thing about you that never disappoints, is your ability to disappoint."
2. "You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Yeah, right back to me."
3. “Holy shit… that’s a lot of blood...”
4. “Are you okay? does anything hurt? who did this to you?!”
5. "I don't want to see you!" "You can't be serious."
6. "You don't answer my texts or calls, how could I not be suspicious?" "No, you just don't trust me enough!"
7. “Who was that?”
8. “Just a friend, huh?”
9. “You two are so close, it’s adorable.”
10. "You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down"
11. “Please, tell me this isn't your blood.”
12. “You were never going to tell me, were you?”
13. "I get everything I want"
14. "Get the fuck away from me."
15. "I don't know why I am upset about this so much. I never even liked him!"
16. "You know what's the saddest part? There was a time that I would've forgiven you if you just showed a little remorse. No more, though. I'm no longer a fool."
17. “Don’t you dare touch me.”
18. "... who did this to you?"
19. "...who's this?"
20. "What. the. fuck. is going on in here?"
21. "I need answers and I need them now."
22. "So, what's going on between you and [name] recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden."
23. "Why are you so worked up?" "Because they wouldn't stop fucking staring at you like they wanted to eat you."
24. “I can’t leave you alone for one second without you hurting yourself, can I?” - “I mean, I’m fine so it’s okay—” - “No, it’s not okay. Not when I feel like I’m going to go batshit fucking crazy, thinking you’ve hurt yourself.“
25. "You lied to me. was i just a pawn in your game? the easiest one you can sacrifice ?"
26. “Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
27. “You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”
28. “I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” 
29. "You have no idea what I'm capable of. "
30. "I wouldn't do that if i were you. "
31. “They would be so mad if they found out.” “fuck ‘em”
32. "You have no morals, you know that?" - "Morals will get you killed someday, dear.”
33. “Have you ever cared about anyone other than yourself?”
34. “How did you do that?”
35. ”Where were you last night?”
36. “He deserves to die after what he did to you. And I’ll bring it to him.”
37. “She's my date. Fuck off.”
38. “Why was he talking to you?”
39. “You won't go anywhere with him.”
40. “He touches you again and I won't guarantee you I won't kill him immediately.”
41. “You go near him ever again and I'll kill him.”
42. “Whether you like it or not, you're safest with me.”
43. “Yeah, I killed him! He used to hit you! What did you expect me to do?! Leave him alone?”
44. "I didn’t know where else to go. "
45. "Clean yourself up. You're getting blood all over the place."
46. "Why are you avoiding me?"
“Our babies would be so cute.” - “Oh, yeah?”
2. “Wait- we’re having a baby?”
3. “Heartbeats? Plural? There’s more than one?!”
4. “That baby is lucky to have you as a mother.”
5. “Your child has been kicking me all day.”
6. “You’re doing so well sweetheart. Just a few more weeks. My superwoman.”
7. “Go easy. You are carrying my child.”
8. "Of course I'm pregnant! Can't you see that?" - "Well, I didn't want to assume and be rude."
9. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
10. "Well, we both made that baby." - "Don't remind me."
11. “I have a kid?”
12. “He/she’s mine too.”
13. “Anyone fucking hurts my kid again, I’ll kill them.”
14. “I have a right to be in my kids life.”
15. “How could you hide this from me?”
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sessakag · 2 years
Don't hate me but I want to know your answer to all these:
Get to know my Shipping Preferences & Ships!
Made an ask meme ^ ^
Send me a number!
1. List 3 shipping tropes you love
2. List 3 shipping tropes you don’t love
3. One emotional aspect of a ship that always gets you
4. One physical aspect of a ship that always gets you
5. Multiship or Monoship?
6. Rare pairs or Mainstream?
7. Polyamory or Monogamy?
8. If the ship is physical, reversible or not?
9. Do you always have romantic ships for fandoms?
10. How important is the sexual part (if any) of your ship?
11. Opinion on platonic ships?
12. List 3 ships you currently love
13. List 5 OTPs from past fandoms
14. Opinion on the importance of marriage?
15. Opinion on kids?
NOW, about ONE ship (ships I’ll answer for in the tags!):
16. One thing one character likes about their partner(s).
17. Now one thing that the other character(s) likes about the first chara.
18. Who confessed?
19. How long did they know each other before getting together?
20. Who’s the ship’s biggest in-universe supporter?
21. Any rivals for the ship?
22. Any mutual friends?
23. Have they met each other’s families?
24. What’s ONE conflict they’ve had.
25. What’s ONE way they’ve resolved a conflict?
26. What’s ONE location that’s important to them?
27. What’s ONE object that’s important to them?
28. What’s ONE food/beverage that’s important to them?
29. What’s ONE thing they do in their free time together?
30. What’s ONE thing they do in their free time APART?
31. What’s ONE thing character A might gift their partner?
32. What’s ONE thing character A’s partner(s) might gift back?
33. How would they react to long distance?
34. How would they react to an ex showing up?
35. Describe one date.
36. Describe one example of comforting after a bad day.
37. Describe one reunion after time apart.
38. Describe their ideal home.
39. Describe their first kiss (if any).
40. Describe their first time (if any).
41. Would they have any pets? If so, describe.
42. Would they get married? If so, describe their wedding.
43. Would they have any kids? If so, describe.
44. Give each character a color.
45. Give each character an element.
46. Give each character a Pokemon.
47. Give each character a Hogwarts house.
48. Give each character a super power.
49. Give each character an rpg class.
50. Imagine each character as an animal.
Obvs, some of these I already know your answer but just...please? 😁
Alright! Here we go! 😤
List 3 shipping tropes you love
Trope One: The one night stand that leads to: "oh no I'm pregnant now!". The chaos that follows, the angst and the crazy situation of having to get to know your baby daddy or baby mama a few months before the actual kid pops out is just soooo entertaining to me. Trope Two: Age gaps, preferably older man/younger woman. I am a sucker for an authoritative male, yes there can be younger man that have that Dom energy, but there's just something ridiculously sexy attractive about man a couple years older taking the reins 😤 Trope Three: Toxic relationships/Dark (that may or may not get better). I get tired of reading stories that are all sprinkles and rainbows all the time, sometimes I just want to read some fucked up, dysfunctional shit that can engage the darker emotions rather than one that's continuously reaching for sainthood. I love delicious emotional angst.
Trope One: Gender Bender. No thank you, kindly. Not my thing at all. I've tried them and its like putting my foot in the wrong shoe, lol. I can't immerse myself in the story. Trope Two: Idiots in Love. Now I have a love hate relationship with this, if done right, I enjoy it, but when it gets to the point where its dragging on and on and on, and they're dancing around to the point where I'm getting irritated, yeah, lol, I'm exiting the story. Unfortunately a lot of stories overemphasize the idiots part 😅and omg when it gets to the end and they get a paragraph of actually being together before the story ends 🤬Trope Three: Strong!(insert normally sweet character) This one falls heavily on the strong!Hinata trope. She is usually just turned into a clone Sakura(one of my least fav characters) or RTN Hinata(who I cannot stand!) omg this really irks my soul. For some reason many people think strength = violent, nasty tempers and attitude. That characters, especially female characters, can't be strong without being unnecessarily aggressive and mean. Literally you don't have to do all of that, and it turns me off so freaking quick its not even funny! If you want to develop Hinata's shinobi abilities, do that, you don't have to make her awful to accomplish it.
Angst! For example, confrontations in which one or both characters admit to some wrong doing in the relationship and they have this emotional scene where they either blow up or work through the situation. I live for that!
Usually I'm reading about NaruHina so the physical aspect for me would be Naruto finally getting to experience constant physical contact with another person(Hinata), hugs and kisses, caresses and lovemaking. That gets me every time since he was so deprived growing up. He's not used to that treatment and I love it when he gets absolutely spoiled with physical contact!
This is kind of hard, lol. My core has always been monoship of NaruHina, but that NaruHinaSasu just refuses to leave me be. So I'd say I'm a multiship but with very strict with it. Definitely not a 'anyone can get it' type shipper. Sasuke I can put him with a very select few ladies, but Naruto and Hinata, they get each other and Sasuke, there's no SasuHina only or NaruSasu only, if that makes sense, lol. And putting them with anyone but Sasuke is a hard no. NaruHina, NaruHinaSasu or I don't want it.
I lean more into the mainstream pairings I suppose, most of my ships usually come to fruition, luckily. Though I go hard for the rare pairs of NaruHinaSasu and SessKag.
Polyamory! NaruHinaSasu only. I love my three babies together. If I have to choose a monogamous pairing, it'll always be NaruHina though.
Not really sure what number 8 is asking to be honest 😅 can someone clarify and I'll answer later.
Yes! There is not a fandom that I don't have a romantic ship for. I get bored without romance.
Very! Sexuality is very important to me in general, its like a love language you can only hear through your body, and it reveals hidden away pieces of yourself that only your lover knows about and experiences(in regards to my interpretation of it, I know the world is different) so having them take that step means a lot to me!
They can be fun! I personally ship Hinata/Ino as platonic girlfriends! 🥰I ship NaruSasu as a couple and as platonic ride or die besties for life.
NaruHina. NaruHinaSasu. HinaIno (platonic).
SessKag, EdWin, IchHime, DomonRain, KenshinKarou
I love for my OTP to get married, it's like closing the chapter and starting a new one. Nothing religious or societal norm pressure, just genuinely love seeing a big ass celebration and the exchanging of last names 💞It's so cute seeing the Mrs and Mr. Whatever.
Lots! Fill the whole house up with those little buggers!!
Naruto likes Hinata's kindness! 🥰he really hasn't had anyone that just showered him with kindness until Hina (imo) I love that he has some that wouldn't beat on him, insult him, call him names or make him feel less than in anyway and I know he's got to love that!
Hinata likes Naruto's determination. That guy gets something in his head and he goes for it with everything he's got and then some! He pushes and pushes and moves mountains! Hard not to admire him!🥰
Hinata then Naruto.
Think it was around 15 years-ish? Think in the Last Naruto was 19 and they met when they were like 4 or 5 I think? It was before they went to the Academy, Hinata got lost during Hizashi's memorial and Naruto led her back home.
Sakura. In the Last she was encouraging Hinata a lot and helped talk Naruto through his feelings. That really kick started me tolerating Sakura better. She really was a nice person in the Last, and I liked her a bit during it.
Nope. Not even close.
Konoha 12.
No. Unfortunately. Minato and Kushina would have loved Hinata to pieces though!
Hinata got kidnapped by Toneri.
Naruto beat tf out Toneri for stealing his girl, and Hinata ripped his eyeballs out for messing with her lil sis🥰
Ichiraku Ramen Stand! It was one of the first places that accepted Naruto as a child and it's where he took Hinata on their first date! And though I LOATHE the Boruto series, I did catch a snippet on youtube of him reminissing about their first date happily while out with his brat son Boruto🥰
The Red Scarf! The scarf Hinata made for Naruto was incredibly important to both of them, Naruto especially, he wanted it even though it'd been blown to shreds.
Make beautiful babies 😂still waiting for that third redhead child.
Shippuden wise, they train. idk what Boruto got going on.
Something hand made. Hinata's pretty crafty and she's caring enough to make him something no matter how time consuming.
Flowers. Naruto's unpredictable, but him knowing she likes to press flowers, I can see him doing that.
Fine. They're shinobi after all, they understand that duty calls them away from time to time.
Naruto would act a damn fool 😂mean muggin, poutin and shit. Wrapping himself around Hinata like a damn boa constrictor. He would not be happy and everyone would know it. Jealous Naruto don't gaf. Hinata would probably feel a bit insecure. She's always had low self esteem thanks to daddy dearest, but I think as long as the ex didn't overstep she'd be fine and cordial.
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
The Destiel Folder: Season 8
[Season 4; Season 5; Season 6; Season 7]
Oooohhh this is where things start getting JUICY
Episode 1:
Again, Dean copes with the idea of Cas not being there by lying to himself
Parallel from S6: Dean behaves exactly like he was while looking for Lisa and Ben, looking for Cas. "Where's the angel!" (16:57)
Dean clearly states he won't leave PurGAYtory without Cas (22:45)
Episode 2:
Since Dean has come back, he has been snappy with Sam and Crowley about Cas, but every time he remembers PurGAYtory, he is either looking for Cas or with him, and that's all he thinks of
Again with the paraparallels with Lisa and Ben (12:21), also "You'll find your angel there." (13:19) ICWAW, come on, do I have to point that out?
"There are some in Heaven who still believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place [...] I think... too much heart was always Castiel's problem." (22:25) Samandriel says all of this while looking directly at Dean
Look at that hug. Have we ever seen Dean hug Cas before? The gring on Dean's face. [This is so fucking funny too me, the "Nice peach fuzz" reaction to Cas' beard VS the Sam's "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!" reaction in season 14] (23:21)
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"I prayed to you, Cas, every night!" (24:37) Cas once again chose to leave/hurt Dean in order to protect him, even tho he really doesn't want to leave him. "There've been things hunting me. [...] I've a price on my head and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them to... to keep them away from you." (24:54) Those fucking eyes kill me
Dean is willing to risk it all to get Cas out with him. "Cas, buddy... I need you." [yeah, let's see how well that ages on episode 17], also the little "Dean... " after that... BABIES (25:33)
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That smile, those eyes... LOOK AT HIM. This is such a "You and me against everything" moment that, ICWAW, would be considered HELLA ROMANTIC
"I'm not leaving here without you. Understand?" (25:51) for fucking finally, also 12 seconds of STARE + LICK of the LIPS action. Oooohhh ICWAW... just imagine
Let us remember that all of this ⬆️, Dean remembers after Samandriel told him "too much heart bla bla bla"
"... [Kevin] thinks people I don't need anymore, they end up dead." (40:36) 'you', Dean? Only you? That's so much guilt you are packing. And immediately after he thinks about trying to save Cas from PurGAYtory and failing... Alrighty then
Episode 5:
I get why some people ship Dean and Benny, but they really do struck me as a bromance. When they call each other "brother", I believe that. With Cas, Dean pulls the "brother card" whenever he's opening his heart to him, basically "no-homo"ing it at the end. Weird right? (12:03)
Benny bitches about Cas being a danger to them because of the attraction monsters have to him, and Cas himself tries convincing Dean he has to leave him behind for his own good, but Dean is having none of that shit and is ready to die trying to save him (12:56)
FUCK MY LIFE we are getting flashbacks from both Sam and Dean, Sam about the time he spent with Amelia, and Dean about looking for, finding and trying to save Cas. I MEAN??!!! ICWAW you BET this would be seen as a ROMANTIC PARALLEL
"He's a friend." "A friend? Dean, you don't have any- all your friends are dead." "That's not what I called to talk about!!" Ouch (25:27)
Episode 6:
"I was in Purgatory." "Like 'purgatory' Purgatory?" "No, the one in Miami." ... that's a gay bar, Dean, how would you know? (11:23)
Dean's lying to himself about Cas letting go (35:32)
Episode 7:
Parallel to S1 Sam seeing Jess while in the car (2:31). Kill me. Also Dean allucinates Cas just like Sam did with Jess (10:15) band tries coping with it by repeating to himself that he didn't leave Cas behind
Every scene in Purgatory where Cas tries to reassure Dean that, if he doesn't make it, it's just the way it is, and Dean insisting he won't leave without him. "I'm just saying... if it doesn't work.. Thank you. For everything." (12:50) I'm dying
Cas comes back and all Dean does for the first few moments is check him out (16:16-16:21) He says he kept trying to reach for the boys, but wasn't at full power, tho somehow Dean was the only one who could see him. And Dean's eyes looking back at Cas (17:58) End me now
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LOOK AT HIM!! He's checking him out, making THAT face and SHIFTING IN HIS SEAT WHILE PRESSING A HAND TO HIS CROTCH. THAT'S A BONER SHIFT. Look at Sam and then at Dean (20:44) One is a friendly fond reaction, one ISN'T.
ICWAW, we wouldn't even be QUESTIONING it!
The amount of checking out in this episode is crazy. Look at Dean checking out Cas. Look at his face! THE EYES (24:08) ICWA- OH COME ON DO I HAVE TO POINT THAT OUT?!
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"Did you not trust me?" "Dean..." "I did everything I could to get you out. Everything! ... I did not leave you." "... So you think this was your fault?" OH MY GOD SO FUCKING #MARRIED LOOK AT CAS' EYES (28:06) ICWA- I'm not even trying anymore
So many soft shoulder touches (34:42) also HOT SCENE I don't know why "I'm going in." "Cas, no. You're not strong enough." (35:15) precious babies
"You could've gotten yourself killed. Why didn't you wait for me?" "Well, I didn't get killed, and it worked." "And if it didn't?!" "It would have been my problem." "Well, it's not the way I see it!" (37:36) #MARRIED they're SO MARRIED
Dean keeps blaming himself for Cas not getting out "I don't need to feel like hell for failing you like I've failed every other godforsaken thing I care about." SEE??! (38:16) Dean preferred believing he had let Cas down, something he is used to, than he had sacrified himself for him (38:48). Dean can't believe Cas thought he deserved to stay in Purgatory. Also THE WAY THEY'RE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER (39:38) And Dean's deeply hurt by the fact that Cas would leave him to safety and remain in Purgatory as self punishment for what Dean had painted as all Cas' fault. And he is full of regret (41:30)
Episode 8:
[How fucking cute is it that Cas wants to become a hunter. I'M SQUEELING]
They are so #MARRIED my heart ACHES (5:02) and the way Dean looks at Cas is so fucking SOFT. And 6 seconds of just staring and... well, Cas in general (5:13)
"What? I was being bad cop." "No, you were being bad everything!" (9:12) #MARRIED (12:04) I'm dying, they're so cute
"I don't sleep." "Okay, well, I need my 4 hours, so-" "I'll watch over you *puppy eyes*" (12:52)
"Hey, can you lift this?" sure, Dean, every excuse is valid to have Cas be hot by effortlessly moving an anvil. And see how Cas looks at Dean, like "Really? You even had to ask? I'll fucking show you I can lift this shit". Look at how he looks back side-eyes at Dean here (14:16), like he's making sure Dean is watching him being hot. I'm dead
This is such a fucking sweet moment [I mean, kinda looked like the begging of a porn at first] (16:01). Dean can sense Cas is not okay, and gets him to open up about his feelings. And when Cas admits being suicidal, Dean is speechless, not even being able to imagine such an outcome. Anyway, it is so fucking sweet that they're always able to show themselves vulnerable to each other
Shut up. Look at this scene (18:51-18:53). Mute the video and just look. This is Sam marrying Cas and Dean. PERIODT.
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"You're so pretty, Charles. [...] You were quite the bounder." DEAN'S FACE (20:27) He's so in love, and immediately after he LICKS HIS LIPS
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While Sam talks about running away from your problems (referring to Amelia), and having to wake up in order not to destroy everything, the pan focuses on Cas (35:33) Subtext, gentlethem, subtext. CAS, FACE YOUR FEELINGS. SOON
Dean's face when Cas says he's not coming back with them (38:16-39:21)
Episode 10:
I now this scene is supposed to be funny, but the way Cas looks at Dean AAAWWW (6:53-7:01) Also do you really have to walk so close to Cas, Dean? Do you? While CHECKING HIM OUT nonetheless?! (7:54)
Remember when in 7x01 Dean was totally comfortable watching porn in front of his brother? Well, Dean goes on and on about Cas being a "brother", but his fucking reaction to Cas being in the same room as him with porn on his computer, is BY FAR the same he has with Sam, hell he even keeps watching with Sam! (8:05) Is it because the last time he, porn and Cas were in the same room, Cas popped a BONER?
Random guy @ Dean: "Are you serious?" Cas: "*leans in to look at Dean* That's his serious face, yes." And Dean's reaction (12:59) SO FUCKING #MARRIED
Dean, that's not the way you look at a friend, or a BROTHER (13:38)
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LOOK!! I swear to GOD ICWAW that would be seen as nothing other than CHECKING OUT YOUR CRUSH
"Hey, how about we say, if this doesn't pan out, we had back to that beer and bacon happy hour a mile back, huh?" Translation: "Since I'm starting to realize I might feel something more for you, let me take you on what is totally not a date unless you want it to be" (16:58)
(24:02) #MARRIED
Dean, will you stop checking out Cas during missions? (25:06) Same goes for you, Cas, don't check if your husband's got a boner for you being the hero here (25:08)
Since the start of this season, we've been getting parallels between Sam & Amelia and Dean & Cas. The flashbacks, the guilt for leaving the other half behind, and now Dean tells Sam he's jealous he got a chance at being happy with Amelia (37:32)!!! I MEAN- and fuck my life when I tell you there are parallels with the whole Sam-Amelia-Don & Cas-Dean-Benny thing. I'M TELLING YOU
Episode 11:
"Trust me, this life... you can't afford attachments. You just gotta... let go." "... Are we still talking about Sam, or did you break up with someone too?" (21:17) CHARLIE KNOWS. TELL HIM CHARLIE
Episode 13:
Bitch... Dean's reaction to getting publicly hit on by a dude, so not the one a straight guy, confident in his sexuality and masculinity, "no-homo bro" would have (15:36). Just saying, we have seen Dean turn down what he thought were avances, and other implications regarding his sexuality, with either sarcasm/humor or anger... this is new. Progress?! [Wait till we get to 15x7]
Episode 16:
[Keep in mind how Dean's bedroom looks. Trust me]
Episode 17: OOOOHHH BOI
Cas has been tortured, mind-fucked, obligated to kill fake Deans over 1K times, in order to be ready to kill the real one. Let that sink in
Dean prayed to Cas, I'm sure almost every night, and can already sense something is not right with him ever since he came back from Purgatory (11:31), but when Sam questions his prayers to Cas, Dean doesn't know how to respond. Like, what, do I need a reason to try and contact my crush?
"There has to be another way. [...] This isn't right! [...] I won't hurt Dean!" (29:51-31:00) "Cas, fight this! This is not you! FIGHT IT!" and he does. Cas fights it. [and as soon as Cas starts fighting back, Heaven tints with BI COLOURS! LOOK AT THEM WINDOW THINGY (31:16) OF ALL COLOURS]
Dean is on the verge of tears, kneeling in front of Cas, telling him "This isn't you!", and to fight. He is pleading. And by the end, bloody, hopeless, "Cas... it's me! We're family. We need you... I need you." and Cas stops. (33:13)
Cas breaks the connection Naomi had installed in him. Once again, when presented with the choice, he chooses Dean over Heaven. All of this because Dean needed him. And let's not forget Dean was originally ment to say "I love you.", and that would've been the reason Cas snapped out of the control. I MEAN ICWAW THIS WOULD FUCKING BE CANON
Dean, thinking Cas is going to kill him, clutches onto the coat's sleeve for dear life, to the memory of his Cas (34:21) KILL ME
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"What broke the connection?" The look in Cas' eyes... "I don't know." OH YES YOU DO (36:15) and Dean's face when Cas says he needs to protect the angel tablet. Dean knows he's gonna leave again (36:23). ICWAW, this whole scene would be the UMPTEENTH CONFESSION
Episode 18:
"I'm fine. Are you okay?" "Me?" "Yeah. Cass dinged you up pretty good." "... and?" "And I just wanted to make sure you're okay." "...What, like, my feelings?!" "If that's what you wanna talk about, sure." Dean gets pissy pretty easily when talking about Cas, who left once again, and his feelings. Also, Sam knows, and he ships it. He's president of the Destiel Company (4:02)
Episode 19:
The thing with the Deanny relationship is: Dean is naturally affectionate towards Sam, and he expresses the same towards Benny. His relationship with the both of them is very very similar, while see Dean showing affection towards Cas [same as he does with Sam] only during extreme emotional moments. Dean is known for repressing his feelings, and having a tendency to maintaining a "macho" exterior. He shows himself vulnerable in front of Cas, but not enough for him to think less of Dean. So, think about it
Episode 20:
Charlie, a lesbian, who has only ever heard of Castiel through Dean, describes him as seeming "dreamy" while talking to Dean... GAYDAR ANYONE??!!! (9:16)
Episode 21:
"In the words of a good friend... 'bite me'." Cas is quoting Dean, and if I remember correctly, Dean will quote Cas' "ass-butt" later on (16:"10)
Episode 22:
I hate when Dean treats Cas poorly, badly, because he can't deal with his feelings. In the heat of the moment, Dean is always forgiving, helpful and caring, but as soon As things cool down, he goes back to being cold, bitchy and snappy, like nothing ever happened. Repressed mother fucker
The small flash of hurt on Cas' face when Dean ignores his "Good morning" (3:33) fighting coupleTM. "Dean, I can go with you. *is ignored* Dean... I'm sorry. [LOOK AT THAT FACE]" "For what?" "For everything." "Everything? Like ignoring us?" #MARRIED
Cas is buying porn, beer and pie to make amends to Dean. "Where's the pie?" "I think we're out." "*grabs store clerk* You don't understand. I need pie!" (14:50) they are so fucking #MARRIED
Episode 23:
This is such a sweet moment. Cas is about to close the doors to his old home behind himself forever, while risking getting killed by his own kind, and Dean is worried about him. They are sharing drinks while longingly staring into each other's eyes. This is so sweet. Also, Dean warned Sam he might not be coming back. Why? Cuz he would probably die while trying to protect Cas from other angels. To them, they are probably spending their last moments together, while looking at each other like THAT (22:38) And 5 seconds of STARES (23:10)
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In love. Fucking fools in love, that's what they are.
This is so stupid but they have just witnessed a cupid matching up two dudes, after all of the above⬆️ (23:53) AND IT'S JUST FUNNY!! Dean is stunned and all, while Cas is complitely fine and professional (24:04-24:17-24:21) DEAN'S FACE
"Talk first, stab later." (26:21) Cas is like "Bitch, you talking? That was our first date!" #MARRIED
[I'll just leave this here (37:00)]
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Now shit's getting real
[Season 9>>]
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Miah’s 1K Celebration
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welcome to the mess that is my 1k celebration cause i’m unable to make simple choices and can’t stand the thought of letting people down
as you can see, i’m perfectly normal
the literal 1005 people following me would disagree on that but heyyy details
so anyway
one thousand
one bloody thousand people following me
my inicial reaction is whyyyy??? i’m just a bisexual disaster who sometimes writes a half decent fanfic but you deemed me worthy of your follow?
then i started crying cause yk
but bottomline is, i love you all, you’re the bestest people in the whole entire world, so i’m gonna make both a sleepover and a writing challenge
sleepover cause i like answering questions
writing challenge cause it gives me a chance to show you all other artists and discover other artists myself cause we all need them and they deserve more recognition
special shoutout to my mutuals who i’ll tag at the end for always being there for me and supporting me through every high and every low, y’all are the real heroes here
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Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: December 20th 2020
Who can participate: everyone, anon or not! no need to be following me either
send me asks for:
✨ my opinion on...
🌻 cast my mutuals as...
🎵 i'll put my playlist on shuffle and give you a song
🍉 random fact about me
🦔 what's my favorite...
🍀 i'll give you advice (or just listen to you rant, if you want)
💬 last text [insert person] sent me
💌 handwritten letter
🎬 movie rec
📖 fic or blog rec
📘 inspiration behind [insert fic name], how i came up with it or if you have questions about it
🖋 line from one of my WIPs (tell me if you want fluff or angst, i won't tell you the pairing or anything, that's no fun)
💋 kiss, date, marry [insert people]
🎤 give me a song an i'll do a mini cover of it (it will be 1min long tops cause that's all tumblr can take lmao)
📷 random picture from my camera roll (you can request a theme if you want, like pictures from my childhood or awkward pics or something)
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• Open to anyone (don't have to be following me)
• Send me a DM or ask with the prompt(s) you want (two people tops per work) and who you're writing about
• Smut is allowed but make sure to put it in the warnings
• I will accept works for any Marvel character or cast member, part of the Holland clan, 1D member or affiliated, Teen Wolf characters or cast member, Maze Runner character or cast member
• Can be reader inserts or not, but please specify it in your DM/ask too
• Tag me when you're done
• All works will be rebloged under #Miah's 1k writing challenge and put in a masterlist that will be specifically created for this writing challenge
Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: January 11th 2020
Prompt list:
1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
3. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
4. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
5. “Can you just please hold me?”
6. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
7. “Can I stay here tonight?”
8. “You’re really warm.”
9. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
10. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
11. “You are crushing me right now.”
12. “Darling I love you and all, but please get out of my kitchen.”
13. "I leave you alone for five minutes and this happens."
14. "I didn't fall. The floor looked lonely so I wanted to hug it." "Then why are you crying?" "It was an emotional reunion."
15. "There's no such thing as too many fairy lights."
16. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
17. “I love you.” “No you don’t”
18. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
19. “I miss the old you.”
20. “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
21. “Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
22. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
23. "It's okay. It's not your fault that I couldn't be enough."
24. "Please don't leave me."
25. "You have the emotional range of a teaspoon."
26. "Will you shut up for once in your life?"
27. "This isn't about us."
28. "I will shove a christmas tree so far up your ass that when you open your mouth we'll see the fairy lights."
29. "I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating"
30. "Is that blood?" "Yes, but it's not mine." "Is that supposed to make it better?"
31. "I’ll drink to that.” “You drink to everything.” “Cheers!”
32. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
33. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?"
34. "I can explain!" "Then explain." "Okay, I can't explain."
35. "Get out of here with your facts. Just because you're accurate does not mean you're interesting."
36. "How many hearts did you break while trying to keep yours intact?"
37. "I know everything. It's in the job description."
38. "One more word out of you and I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."
39. "Do you listen to girl in red?"
40. "Is that code for something or am I just paranoid?"
41. "With how things have been going, I might as well start working at a circus."
42. "I love (him/her/them)." "Then why did you give up?" "Cause (he/she/they) deserved better."
43. "I want to ask but something tells me the answer will be more disturbing than anything I can think of."
44. "Do you think he's... *flicks wrist*?"
45. "Do I look like an idiot to you?" "Do you want me to answer that honestly or politely?"
46. "Just how clumsy are you?"
47. "So... the weather?"
48. "Just leave."
49. "Don't you fucking dare!"
50. "You don't have to talk right now. But whenever you're ready, if you're ever ready, I'll be here to listen."
tagging and complimenting my amazing mutuals cause y’all deserve it
@parkersbliss​ thank you for marrying me, first of all, and for being the most amazing wife one could ask. i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you and i will never stop ebing thankful for your existence
@peterspideyy​ thank you for listening to my rants along with grace and supporting me during all my simping, you’re the sweetest thing existing since powdered sugar
@theamazingtomholland​ thank you for always putting a smile on my face, reminding me that i’m loved everyday and just being you, cause it’s the best thing you could be
@lozzypoz321​ thank you for listening to me rant abt my fics and how much i hate writing and then motivating me to write again or do basic things like get out of bed lmao (we still have the best taste in music)
@everything-is-alrightt​ kenzie lovely, thank you for being the pure little ball of unfiltered joy that you are cause even thinking about you and the jump shit your brothers get up to makes me smile like crazy, you’re amazing and don’t you dare forget it
@spider-trash​ thank you for being my brother, going alon with my ridiculous schemes for corrupting posie and making me laugh out loud every time you come up with something even worse, you’re the coolest bro i could ask for
and finally, thank you @fallinfortom​ for inspiring me to write in the first place, being an amazing mum to us, an actual good role model for me to have and for your random appearances in my dreams and the fun english teacher who makes us read tom holland fics instead of english literature. you’re amazing and i’m incredibly thankful to know you
love you all to the ends of the universe and back again, Miah
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devilbat · 6 years
800 😱
I made it to 800 followers. Wow thank you. So here is a dialogue prompt. Not going to lie I’m excited for these prompts. I’m a Loki fan so most of my stuff if Loki/Tom Hiddleston. But if you want someone different let me know and I will try my best. Just drop and ask with numbers you want, the character you want, and fluff smut or/and angst. And any other details you want me to add or if you don’t mind on whatever I come up with. Also I won’t do smut for Peter Parker Spider-Man. Fluff and angst is fine for him. Please note that I do work a full time Chef job so It May take longer then a day to get to your request but I will get to them. Thank you
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1. you’ve already invaded my personal space we might as well keep going “
2. Can we do something romantic, like plan a murder or something?”
3. Oh dear, that happens to be my idiot, isn’t it?”
4. This is not how you’re suppose to cook that recipe, here, let me help you.”
5. “I can’t believe I put on a bra for this.”
6. Hey, I’m not jealous. It just bothers me that he/she won’t stop flirting with you because we are dating.”
7. "I knew there were perks to dating you.”
8. "Will you stop avoiding me for five minutes, please
9. “I thought you forgot about me.”
10. You're so ridiculously attractive it hurts."
11. You knocked on my door at 1 in the morning, to cuddle?”
12. Because I love you god damn it!”
13. “I told you this would happen.
14. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me”
15. I’m in love…shit”
16. "I always want to come home to you.”
17. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to touch your butt.”
18. “I think I know how to use a bed.”
19. “You're an asshole” .. "Yeah but I'm your asshole."
20. “Stop stealing my things”
21. “Go home, you're drunk”
22. “Were they flirting with you?"
23. “I'm trying to protect you! Why can't you see that?"
24. “You're cute when you're mad”
25. “Are you wearing lipstick?”
26. “I can't do this anymore”
27. Oh, just digging myself a nice grave, you?"
28. “Hey, can I hold your boobs for a sec?"
29. “The washing machine broke, I almost lost my keys, the car got dented, and a wasp got into the house and hijacked the bedroom for four days! Four. Days."
30. “So uh. I noticed you're kinda naked. Is that intentional, or... ?”
31. “They mixed up our reservations. One room. One bed."
32. “You know if you just wanted to have sex you could have just asked but HERE WE ARE, making out, against the-” *smooch* “wall” 
33. “Please stop yelling at me, I’m sensitive.”
34. “I don’t think my stomach can handle anymore of your cooking”
35. “Are you crying over t.v. show characters again?”
36. “Are you flirting with me?"
37. “Is there a reason you're trying to kiss 38. “my ass right now?"
39. “Elope with me?"
40. "What were you dreaming about?"
41. “Please don’t leave me here with them”
42. “If you’re trying to seduce me, it’s working”
43. “The crush I’ve had on you for the past several months has become incredibly inconvenient to me”
44. “What do you mean you’re in the hospital?”
45. “Are you crazy I can't date them. I can't even talk to them without sounding stupid"
46. “I'm trying to come up with a smooth way to ask for your number but I'm coming up short"
47. “Why is everyone giving me nasty stares?”
48. “This town wasn’t even on the map.”
49. “I have a Master degree in rolling my eyes.”
50. “Is there a reason why your naked in my bed?”
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aphroditeurl · 7 years
If I'm doing all the asks then so are you.
>.> fineeee
1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
Play video games, I’m not gonna lie about that. 
2. What’s your favourite piece of clothing you own/owned?
I have a black dress I bought for myself a couple years ago that makes me look like a badass Bond villain. And I look sexy as all hell in it. 
3. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
I want to make custom dolls idk
4. What would your perfect room look like?
PINK i’m a fucking girly girl
5. How often do you play sports?
Never...I am not into sports. Watching others though is fun
6. What fictional place would you most like to go?
Diagon Alley
7. What job would you be terrible at?
Anything involving math. So I would make an awful accountant.
8. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for?
Being sick apparently...nah I’m pretty good at graphic design I think
9. When was the last time you climbed a tree?
I am afraid of heights so never
10. What is the most annoying habit other people have?
loud chewing, I will want to murder you I Promise
11. What job do you think you’d be good at?
Anything with animals, I have a passion for them
12. What skill would you like to master?
A different language. Being bi-lingual would be cool. I hate English. 
13. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?
Oh fuck I want to travel. Even to places considered “dangerous”. I want to go everywhere, I have A NEED. I’m a sucker for those exploration videos on youtube. 
14. If you had unlimited funds to build a house that you would live in for the rest of your life, what would the finished house look like?
Firstly it would be a beach house because I love water and beaches. Secondly, it’d have at least four bedrooms, maybe six. And a full sized basement. I want it to look Magical As Fuck. For reasons. There will be an aquarium in it.
15. What’s your favourite drink?
Coke. The drink.
16. What state or country do you never want to go back to?
I miss Michigan a lot. I loved it there. 
17. What songs have you completely memorized?
A lot?? too vague
18. What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?
STARDEW VALLEY. Sustainable farming is sexy. 
19. What do you consider to be your best friend?
20. Are you usually early or late?
Early. Like twenty minutes early. Anxiety fuels me.
21. What pets did you have while you were growing up?
A lot of cats, a few dogs, hamsters, and a couple bunnies. I love animals.
22. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
Relationship advice
23. What takes up too much of your time?
24. What do you wish you knew more about?
Space law. Which is weird. The concept of space really scares me but it’s also a little fascinating. 
25. What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
“is my cat ok?”
26. What are some small things that make your day better? 
Getting random texts from ppl. 
27. Who’s your go to band or artist when you cannot decide on something to listen to?
Rihanna or Halsey 
28. What’s the best way to start the day?
By sleeping in a little longer
29. What shows are you into?
Anything that’s paranormal, pretty much anything on TLC, Gordon Ramsey is Good
30. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?
@floating-in-the-dark for being a good bean 
31. What age do you wish you could permanently be?
18. That was a fun age dude. 
32. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?
13 Reasons Why, Game of Thrones, I’m petty 
33. What would be your ideal way to spent the weekend?
Video games, ice cream, kissing, things of that nature, maybe going to the movies, exploring a haunted abandoned hospital, casual things you know
34. What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don’t think you could live without?
My phone
35. What’s your claim to fame?
Idk what this means???
36. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
Dating. I’m sort of a cliche geek ok. 
37. What’s your favourite genre of book or movie?
Horror for movie and fantasy for books
38. What have you only recently formed an opinion about?
God phoning. Non-pagans won’t get this. 
39. What’s the best single day on the calendar?
The first of every month because it feels sorta refreshing
40. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of?
Sexual education 
that’s a joke but I am also serious
41. How do you relax after a hard day of work?
I watch youtube videos and play some games, or RP
42. What was the best book or series that you’ve ever read?
The Maze Runner. Sorta corny but it was enjoyable. 
43. What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home?
California. 10/10 would go back. 
44. What is the most heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen?
“I would blink” out of context this makes no sense but it meant a lot to me in context 
45. What is the most annoying question people ask you?
“Are you SURE you’re __ age?” I am small, I sound 12, but yes I promise I AM TWENTY
46. What could you give a 30-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
Harry Potter at any given moment. Esp Draco Malfoy. 
47. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Tbh??? Move away to a completely new place that you have no connections in. That sounds crazy stupid but really, it was the best choice I ever made. 
48. Would you rather go hang gliding or whitewater rafting?
Whitewater rafting
49. What’s your dream car?
1967 Thunderbird bitches 
50. What’s worth spending more on to get the best?
Make-up, and bath stuff 
51. What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of?
Game of Thrones lmao
52. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?
School. I can’t wait to start college in the fall. 
53. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
UP Michigan 
54. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to it?
There are lot of ways to answer this. 
I want to try a ghost pepper lmao
55. What’s the best thing that happened to you last week?
I started talking to someone really sweet
56. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind so that you could experience for the first time again?
Undertale tbh
57. If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?
I’d work at a graveyard no joke
58. What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to see?
Absolutely nothing my dudes
59. How different was your life one year ago?
Extremely different and I sorta miss it
60. What quirks do you have?
I wiggle my mouth from side to side when I am in thought, I tend to rub my nose randomly, I walk on the balls of my feet
61. What would you rate 10/10?
62. What fad or trend do you hope comes back?
I!! Want!! 90s!! Fashion!! Back!!
63. What’s the most interesting piece of art you’ve seen?
anything @floating-in-the-dark has done
64. What kind of art do you enjoy most?
See above answer
65. What do you hope never changes?
Most of my friendships
66. What city would you most like to live in?
67. What movie title best describes your life?
The Boss Baby 
68. What did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
69. What’s the best way a person can spend their time?
Being kind to others
70. If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make?
Some really weird shit dude 
71. Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
UP Michigan lol
72. What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you?
Meeting my best friend 
73. Where would you rather be from?
74. What are some things you’ve had to unlearn?
My temper, some bad habits that were formed from anxiety
75. What are you looking forward to in the coming months?
School, getting a puppy, summer
76. What website do you usually go on when you have time off?
77. Where would you spend all your time if you could?
Japannnnn or South Korea
78. What is special about the place you grew up?
Everyone was a community. We all supported each other. 
79. What age do you want to live to?
100+ cause I fear death a lot
80. What are you most likely to become famous for?
The Biggest Baby Award
81. What are you absolutely determined to do?
Finish school and become a zoologist cause that’s the dream
82. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?
I can code and shit????? idk
83. What do you wish you knew more about?
Space law
84. What question would you most like to know the answer to?
“will I ever be successful at anything” 
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sstarkiid · 7 years
do all of the lovesick asks bitch. expose urself
wow, ok.
read more thing bc this is long and embarrassing
1: Do you have a current crush?
Two actually but who's counting
2: How long has your crush lasted?
Uhh a few months n then the other one is weird i can't answer that lmao
3: 5 songs that you have associated with your crush?
I'm……..not that sappy I can give u like one
Ice prince : Runaways by ATL
Space boy : Stars by Fun.
4: Do you think they've ever liked you back?
I mean. It's very likely.
5: Will you ever reveal your feelings to them?
Yea probably
6: What’s holding you back from making a move?
It's not that I haven't made a move but like. I am Fear.
7: Are you frightened by your feelings for them?
A lil
8: Do you think they could ever love you?
Maybe???? but i’m kind of an optimist
9: Do you love them?
Lol next question
10: Have you ever had a crush on someone you really shouldn't?
11: Do you think anyone currently has a crush on you
12: Ever had a crush on what you thought was a platonic friend?
Hi Jared
13: What would you do if your crush revealed they felt the same?
I'd probably need a second to process it but like probably hug ‘em idfk
14: Has your crush ever hurt you?
15: Have they made you cry by breaking your heart?
16: Why do you like them?
Ice prince is fun to tease idk we go back n forth a lot but he's also a softie n listen he's dramatic enough to keep up w/ me
Space boy tells u like it is and he seems kinda scary or not,, nice at first maybe but he's actually also soft !!
They're also both hot as hell oh my god
17: Do you think you'll ever get over them?
I mean. If I had to I would but...  I don't WANT TO.
18: Do you have 1 specific song that is strongly associated with a certain memory or interaction with them?
Mmm not really?? Not yet?? It'll happen dw
19: The moment you knew you had feelings for them?
We both got scared of the firework finale on the 4th and I squeaked and he like held onto me n it was really funny n cute n I was just like “ok this is a thing now great”
Uhh I was doing the typical girl thing where I send screenshots of a conversation to a friend only the friend is his sister so………..i blame her it’s literally all her fault
20: What would they have to do for you to stop liking them?
Murder someone probably
Or y'know
Something equally as shitty n illegal
21: Have you ever fallen asleep with them?
Yea. Both. Napping is cool.
22: Held their hand?
Mmhm! Both but like that's not that weird
23: Kissed their cheek?
Yup. Both.
24: Kissed them on the lips?
Yeah. Both. Actually.
25: Gone down on them/ they've gone down on you?
26: Had sex with them?
27: Where on your body have they touched you?
This is…. A weird question I don't like it
28: Does their touch set your skin on fire?
Ice prince.
29: Do you get butterflies when they touch you?
Ok maybe
30: Do they make you smile like no one else can?
Y e a
31: Does their presence calm you?
32: Does it make you go crazy being around them and not 'being with' them?
Not… until recently but---
33: Are you friends with your crush?
Both of ‘em!
34: Have you always been friends?
Uhh I guess w/ Ice prince yes but not the other one
35: Last thing they messaged you about?
One was abt a dog, other one was abt coming over to hang out
36: Best phone call with them?
Hands down any call when I've been driving so I make my brother talk to them instead those are always fun
37: Last time you hung out with them?
I. I literally started answering this in one of their houses.
38: Ever been drunk together?
39: Fondest memory of them?
The fireworks show n then probs a few days ago when we just drove around n talked abt stuff
40: Ever made a mistake with them?
Mistake??????????? i don’t make those
41: Regretted not making a move?
Every day of my life but also I have literally kissed both of them so which is the truth
42: If you could go back in time to that moment, what would you do?
Nothing ‘cause I'm a big baby
43: Do you think that would change your current relationship with them?
44: If you could get a 100% honest answer from them, what 3 questions would you ask?
Ice prince
Do u. Actually wanna date or am I just the most gullible person ever
.......................so how do you feel about polyamory
Do u actually hate the puns or do u secretly enjoy them I need to know.
Space boy
Are you aware that you can literally text me for anything at any time?? Bc u should be
Were you ever afraid to talk to me?
Will you promise to talk to me before doing stupid shit so that at the very least i can tell u that ur an idiot,,, but like. affectionately.
45: Did they wish you Happy Birthday on your birthday?
My birthday is in like another month and I didn't know either of them really last year so they better
46: Have they ever tried to make a move?
Idk tbh
47: If so why did you miss it?
‘Cause I'm clueless as hell
48: Have they ever been infatuated with a friend of yours?
Don't think so
49: Are they single?
Lol yeah they're definitely single
50: Where were you when you felt the most for them?
IT'S ALWAYS WHEN THEY'RE SLEEPING they both just look so cute n peaceful n I get all mushy n wanna protect them but I'm weak as hell so
51: Any specific place you associate with them?
Mmmm not really
52: Films that make you think about them?
Disney films in general
Marvel movies for Ice prince bc NERD
53: Have you picked up a habit because of them?
I don't think so but it's also not unlikely
54: What was your first impression of them?
Ice prince seemed antisocial and idk abt space boy we were like 5 yrs old technically so who knows man
55: Has it altered since then?
56: Do you remember the first thing you talked about?
Probably musicals bc I can't shut up ever and he was confused
And uhhh no unless u mean like when we started hanging out bc it was candy
57: First time they touched you?
And I'm 99% certain I made him high five me before we ever spoke bc I'm a nuisance
58: Have they ever lied to you?
Not that I know of
59: What are their eyes like?
Ohhhhh my GOD
really......clear?? that’s not like. a good way to describe em but u know when u look up at the sky and it’s like. wow there are no clouds!! n then u feel the breeze and it’s kinda cold but it’s not unpleasant it’s?? p nice??? like. that.
cool as FRICK like what the hell i’m actually jealous they’re a rly pretty nice shade n then suddenly it’s!!! different!!!! and it’s like!!!!!!!!!!!!! a surprise a v good surprise which is fitting u just gotta look a lil and he’s full of lil surprises
60: What are you most attracted to about them?
well,, for one they’re both hot as hell, so. that. in general.
if u know anything abt me i’m a sucker for pretty eyes
i also like the “soft but pretends to not be” because i think it’s cute they’re also really good to cuddle with
61: Can you see a future with them?
well i can’t see one without ‘em so something’s gotta give here right?
62: Have you sabotaged things between you two?
i freaking hope not
63: Why? What were you afraid of achieving? Love? Happiness? Content? Disappointment?
why does this thing assume you said yes to the above question that’s kinda rude
64: Could they make you happy?
already do
65: Do you dream about them?
if we’re friends and you haven’t appeared in one of my dreams and done smth weird or random are we actually friends??
side note does daydreaming count LOL
66: What's something that only you two do?
i don’t think i “gently bully” anyone nearly as much as i do ice prince also the only one who actually can cuddle w/ me properly in the summer i’m js
uuuummmm go on random drives in the middle of the night so tht zoe can make out w/ ppl instead of texting our sorry asses
67: Does liking them make you feel vulnerable?
you. have. no idea.
68: Have they ever given you anything?
food has definitely been exchanged and shared. i’ve stolen sweaters. uh.
69: Have they ever used you?
.........not that i’m aware of??
70: Have they abused and manipulated you due to your feelings for them?
71: Have you ever spent quite literally all day and night thinking about them?
that’s......a bit much i might be pathetic and somewhat desperate but like i do kinda have a life
72: Have you ever accidentally nearly walked into moving traffic cause you were thinking about them?
no but i’ve walked into walls because i was tired and thinking abt stuff so that’s a thing i probably have done
73: Ever worn anything knowing it would draw their attention to you?
YEAH LMAO I DO THAT ALL THE TIME IN GENERAL i like attention fight me
74: Have they ever made you feel so safe and content everything else slips away?
y e ah
75: Ever held you so close you could feel their heartbeat?
76: Truthfully do you think you belong together right now?
[taylor swift’s you belong with me playing in the distance]
77: Have they ever seen you completely vulnerable?
um. no.
78: Do you trust them?
i would trust all of my friends with my life
79: When you see them what feelings are strongest?
i just get?? really happy n i turn into a little kid i swear to god how does he put up with me
n he makes me feel really calm n content n just. good. u know.
80: Are they in love or interested in someone else?
d e a r l o r d i h o p e n o t
81: If they asked you to kiss them, would you?
in a heartbeat
82: Will they be in your life a year from now?
83: A moment where you so nearly gave into your feelings for them and did something about it?
i have literally kissed both of them and not because of dares what kind of,,
84: Do they know you have feelings for them?
i’m not exactly,,, subtle
85: Do you have a favourite picture with them?
no but i have favorite pictures of them
86: Your ideal date with them?
hey. concept. a double date. but like. instead of 2 couples it’s just me w/ both of them wow
87: What's their name?
it’s rly obvious that i’m talking about porter and connor fuck you
88: Have you ever been in their room?
i’ve been in connor’s but porter n i mostly chill other places
89: Shared a secret with them?
yeah but it’s not a secret if i tell the internet now is it?
90: Have they ever made you a promise and broken it?
don’t think so
91: Have they ever disappointed you?
92: Whats the most problematic thing about them, which you overlook due to your feelings for them?
uh. idk. porter’s kinda closed off to other people at first i guess that could be problematic. i’m patient w/ that shit so it doesn’t bug me as much idk
general relationships or lack thereof w/ other ppl tbh for both of them i think 
93: Have you ever had to compete for their affection?
94: For as long as they're in your life could you handle just being friends?
that’s what i do with p much everyone else but another way to approach this is if u couldn’t be together would u shut them out and the answer is no?? bc that’s kinda shitty
so yes
95: Ever looked for a sign to make a move?
every?? single second of every day but once again i have literally kissed both of them uh
96: What's standing in your way from being with them?
general anxiety
a single conversation
97: Would you let them use you for sex?
this implies that,, they don’t care abt me and only themselves n they’re not really?? like that so?? it wouldn’t happen like that??
realistically knowing myself i wanna say no but i probably would which is Not Good i know
98: Ever had a bad feeling about them that's screaming for you to get out while you still can?
no. like. literally the opposite. wtf
99: If you could go back in time, would you avoid ever meeting them?
100: You have 1 wish about them, what would you wish for?
that porter finds someone who makes him feel warm n fuzzy on the inside even if it’s not me
n for connor that one day everything is stable and everything is ok
anyway hey jared U SUCK
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13flowersandfoxes · 8 years
1-169 because I saw your tag and I'm a reasonable man
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?Idk I like being tall until there are no tall guys who want to date me 
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)Does that include realistically? Cause I'd love to have a fox or a snow leopard but foxes are expensive and there's no domestic snow leopards I've heard of. 
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?I just wear what strikes me. I'm kinda all over the place style wise but I'm very true to myself. 
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?Soul Calibur II
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:My best friend, my cat, food?
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?Crazy bitch approach with caution
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]I don't remember these well enough to say
9: Are you ticklish?... 
10: Are you allergic to anything?Morphine 
11: What’s your sexuality?Bi
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?Not coffee
13: Are you a cat or dog person?Both
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?Elf. Especially a Tolkien elf. 
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?Not really
16: How tall are you?5'11
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?Billie
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]250
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?In a way yes
20: Do you like space or the ocean more?Ocean. But both scare me in a way 
21: Are you religious?Yes
22: Pet peeves?People chewing loud or leaving cabinets open
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?Nocturnal 
24: Favorite constellation?Orion
25: Favorite star?Betelgeuse 
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?No
27: Any phobias or fears?Being alone
28: Do you think global warming is real?Believe pollution is an issue. But not sure I trust politicians and scientists with an agenda when other scientists are saying they are wrong. And they're trying to say they're stupid or crazy or should be killed for disagreeing. I just have a hard time trusting that people who do that are actually right. 
29: Do you believe in reincarnation?No
30: Favorite movie??
31: Do you get scared easily?No
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?3
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]7
34: What is a color that calms you?Green 
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?Germany 
36: Where were you born?California 
37: What is your eye color?Green
38: Introvert or extrovert?Introvert
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?No but I think they're harmless fun. I don't get why some people freak out like they're so bad to talk about hypothetically. I just think it's fun. 
40: Hugs or kisses?Both. Both is good
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?My cat and my best friend(s). And that's gonna be happening soon as I'm on the plane right now. 
42: Who is someone you love deeply?My cat :P
43: Any piercings you want?Not really. Maybe my lobes. 
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?Not excessively. But I love beautiful pieces of art and can really appreciate the art that goes into both. 
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so?No
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!Ugh he's a writer loves cats one of my best friends, a little eccentric, and he's genuinely understanding. We've both gone through some hard shit and we trust each other in that
47: What is a sound you really hate?Coughing. People talking obnoxiously loud in public places that are generally quiet. I can't think of anything more specific okay I'm on a plane right now. 
48: A sound you really love?My cat. Also my aunts cat cause he can't meow right he sounds like a dying squeaky toy and I can't stop laughing
49: Can you do a backflip?No
50: Can you do the splits?Almost
51: Favorite actor and/or actress?Dunno. Like Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie to name a couple random ones. 
52: Favorite movie?Too manyyyy
53: How are you feeling right now?Tired and a little dizzy. I have a headache right now :(
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?I'm happy with it being red. I'd like it to look slightly more orange though
55: When did you feel happiest?I'm not sure. Happy things seem tainted now. 
56: Something that calms you down?Animals 
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]Bpd, possibly along with bipolar type 2 as suspected by my psychiatrist. 
58: What does your URL mean?I feel like I was something that had potential to be beautiful and good but it's just broken and painful now. 
59: What three words describe you the most?Crazy. Weird. Catlike. 
60: Do you believe in evolution?Yes. 
61: What makes you unfollow a blog?Being constantly douchey, or just annoying the shit out of me. I'm pretty nice though generally, I follow all sorts of people and I tend to like having variety in who I follow so I don't feel like I'm hearing the same shit over and over. It's a bit dull
62: What makes you follow a blog?Interesting content. Seems nice. Especially if they follow me first 
63: Favorite kind of person:Idk someone nice and funny that I can talk to easily. 
64: Favorite animal(s):I've said this so many times lol
65: Name three of your favorite blogs.Kellyann Saint Louis???
66: Favorite emoticon:💜💜💜💜 or 😊😊
67: Favorite meme:I miss the bad audition songs one. But I do have a special place in my heart for screencaps+tumblr posts/onion articles 
68: What is your MBTI personality type?Infj
69: What is your star sign?Sagittarius 
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?Nope. She can sit and that's about it. She's not very bright. 
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?Jeans and floral/sheer top
72: Post a selfie or two?Make separate post
73: Do you have platform shoes?Yeah
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?I have webbed toes
75: Can you do a front flip?No
76: Do you like birds?To look at, but I probably wouldn't ever have one as a pet
77: Do you like to swim?Yes
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?Swimming cause I'm very new to ice skating I've done it twice and once was on crappy skates that really hurt my feet. The other time I was doing circles okay following the wall
79: Something you wish didn’t exist:The dark shit I've seen on here
80: Some thing you wish did exist:A special hell for people who do that shit
81: Piercings you have?My daiths
82: Something you really enjoy doing:Cooking sometimes
83: Favorite person to talk to:My best friend 
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?Well I remember in middle school when it was brand new everyone was getting one and I tried it and I was just like How the Fuck do I do anything then the next time I had heard Things and knew somewhat what to expect 
85: How many followers do you have?280 ish
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Lol no
87: Do your socks always match?I'm wearing one sock with cats and one black sock. Does that answer that well enough for you? Lol
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?I think so I don't remember 
89: What are your birthstones?Topaz
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?My friend used to say I'm part cat. Maybe fox cause they're basically half cat half dog. 
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?Orchid
92: A store you hate?Torrid cause I spend way too much shopping there I can't walk in without buying something 
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?0
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?Fly
95: Do you like to wear camo?No
96: Winter or summer?Winter
97: How long can you hold your breath for??
98: Least favorite person?This nightmarish girl who was homeschooled and was like a fundie Christian Mormon afraid of doctors and lesbians and gum and Twinkies (im literally not exaggerating) and was just loud and obnoxious and annoying in high school. 
99: Someone you look up to:Not sure. 
100: A store you love?Torrid
101: Favorite type of shoesOxfords
102: Where do you live?Utah
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?No
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?Amethyst. Also there's this green stone I have somewhere in my house I got from a roadside shop in Zion it's so pretty it's like quartz looking. I can't remember what it was. But it's pretty 
105: Do you drink milk?Not really
106: Do you like bugs?Not particularly 
107: Do you like spiders?^^^^
108: Something you get paranoid about?People hating me/being bothered by me
109: Can you draw:No
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?Got an anon once I deleted asking my favorite things to do when I'm having sex. That was probably it that wasn't called for. 
111: A question you hate being asked?"Are you working or in school right now?"
112: Ever been bitten by a spider?Maybe. Woken up with lots of bug bites in my day, most all of them mosquitoes but some not
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?Yeah
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?Cloudy
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:Idk
116: Favorite cloud type:? I just like clouds
117: What color do you wish the sky was?Idk I'm fine with it being blue but I like purple sunsets
118: Do you have freckles?No :(
119: Favorite thing about a person:Eyes or the sort of things they find funny
120: Fruits or vegetables?Fruits
121: Something you want to do right now:See my damn cat
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?Yes
123: Sweet or sour foods?Spicy
124: Bright or dim lights?Depends 
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?No
126: Something you hate about Tumblr:People
127: Something you love about Tumblr:People
128: What do you think about the least?? If I thought about it then it wouldn't be thought of least
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?Not sure. I'm tempted to go with something morbid like memento mori just to be a little shit forever
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?Idk
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?My boobs
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?I try not to. But I end up looking angry
133: Computer or TV?Both
134: Do you like roller coasters?Yeah
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?Yes
136: Are your ears lobed or attached?Lobed
137: Do you believe in karma?No
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?5
139: What nicknames do you have/have had?I have one friend who used to call me Hanukkah, then brosef calls me hanners 
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?No
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?Lol yes
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?Idk I try to be a good influence but some people's parents have said I'm bad .... so idk
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?Both!
144: What makes you angryIdk just bullshit lol
145: How many languages do you speak fluently?1
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?Boys
147: Are you androgynous?Nope
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:Eyes or lips
149: Favorite thing about your personality:Idk I'm friendly
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.My best friend, my girl best friend, and ?? My sister maybe
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?I can't choooooose
152: Do you like BuzzFeed?For dumb little shit like dog stuff or "boys try this" yeah I think it's fun but if you think it's actually journalism you're sorely mistaken
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?No. cheeks yes. 
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?Yes
156: What embarrasses you?Lots of things. 
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:Talking to people. 
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:Idk
159: How many people are you following?700 ish
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?Idk
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)??
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?Idk
163: Last time you cried and why:Idk
164: Do you have long or short hair?It's medium but I wants it to be long again I miss it being long even if it's a lot of work
165: Longest your hair has ever been:past my chest
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?I say if something helps people and doesn't harm others in their lives let them. 
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?Not that much TBH
168: Do you like to wear makeup?Yes
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?Never tried but probably not
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thel0stw1tch · 7 years
100 Questions - 100 Answers pt.3 100 questions because I'm bored edition
I see people post these all the time and I thought they would be fun to answer. So if you wanna learn about yours truly here it is.
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life? - Yeah man everyone has many boys girls non binary etc. people in their life .
  2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? - Depends on what kind of hurt.
  3: What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” - My cats
  4: What’s something you really want right now? - Stability and confidence.
  5: Are you afraid of falling in love? - Very much so.
  6: Do you like the beach? - I love it with all my heart.
  7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? - Yeah when I was younger
  8: What’s the background on your cell? - My lock screen is a picture I took at the beach
  9: Name the last four beds you were sat on? - What? Like whose beds have I been sitting on? Mine and my brothers. I can only think of two.
  10: Do you like your phone? - I do. She’s an older model but I she’s still good.
  11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned? - Oh fuck no.
  12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? - Jon.
  13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? - Neither? I like dogs but poodles are high maintenance and I don’t think I would be able to take care of one properly. As for Rottweilers, I have a minor childhood trauma associated with a rottie so I’m not sure if I could ever own one.
  14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? - Emotional
  15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? - Art museum.
  16: Are you tired? - Usually.
  17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact? - My entire life.
  18: Are they a relative? - Yes, it’s my Dad.
  19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? - No. Some of them hurt me in ways I can never forgive and others I have realized I care about them deeply on a platonic level.  Either way I have no romantic interest in any of my exes
  20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? - The last person I kiss kissed is my now ex back when we were dating a few months ago. Last time I kissed them was sometime in August, last time he texted me was early September.  
  21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? - No. I’m 19 I don’t wanna marry anyone right now.
  22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - No. Hell no. Maybe if someone gave me million dollars and told me I could slap him after lol.
  23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? - Just my fit bit. I’m not a huge bracelet person.
  24: Is there a certain quote you live by? - I have a few kinda. One is a poem by Max Ehrmann called Desiderata. Link: http://mwkworks.com/desiderata.html
  25: What’s on your mind? - C H R I S T M A S
  26: Do you have any tattoos? - Yes, only one but I want more.
  27: What is your favorite color? - I like blues and purples.
  28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? - Well shucks I don’t know. Whenever the situation arises?
  29: Who are you texting? - The last person I sent a text to was Jon.
  30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? - Yeah.
  31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? - All the time.
  32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? - I am female, one of my best friends is male.
  33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you? - Feelings is a broad term so yes I believe many people have all different feelings towards me.
  34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? - I get that a lot actually.
  35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? - I would feel bad for whoever was kissing that shitty slimeball.
  36: Were you single on Valentine’s Day? - Not last Valentine’s Day but it felt like I was because he didn’t do shit for me.
  37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed? - Fuck no.
  38: What do your friends call you? - Depends on the friend. I have a lot of people that still use my dead name but most call me Rose. I have a couple high school friends that call me Crazy.
  39: Has anyone upset you in the last week? - My mom.
  40: Have you ever cried over a text? - Yep.
  41: Where’s your last bruise located? - My wrist.
  42: What is it from? - No clue.
  43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? - A few nights ago I was in my bed and I would have drained my bank account and killed a man to be at the beach. Does that count?
  44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with? - My last phone call was with my Pop-pop
  45: Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? - I like my fake ugg boots but my fave is a pair of 6 ½ inch grey acid washed sparkly denim chunky heels that have work boot treads. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
  46: Do you wear hats if you’re having a bad hair day? - No.
  47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style? - N E V E R
  48: Do you make supper for your family? - Sometimes
  49: Does your bedroom have a door? - Yes
  50: Top 3 web-pages? - Youtube Kongregate Facebook
  51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping? - Not off the top of my head
  52: Does anything on your body hurt? - My ankle and my eyes.
  53: Are goodbyes hard for you? - It depends on the goodbye...
  54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? - Water.
  55: How is your hair? - My hair is long and amazing.
  56: What do you usually do first in the morning? - Look at my phone,
  57: Do you think two people can last forever? - As long as they are the right two people, yeah.
  58: Think back to January 2007, were you single? - Uhhh I was like 8 so yeah.
  59: Green or purple grapes? - Green.
  60: When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug? - Prolly later today when my dad comes home.
  61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? - Yeah.
  62: When will be the next time you text someone? - .2 seconds
  63: Where will you be 5 hours from now? - In bed or at my desk.
  64: What were you doing at 8 this morning? - Sleeping.
  65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked? - My ex.
  66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? - Yeah.
  67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today? - I hugged my brother and someone at work.
  68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? - Uhh I don’t know.
  69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? - YEP.
  70: How many windows are open on your computer? - I’m typing this in word 1, I have cookie clicker and Tumblr open 2&3, discord 4, steam 5. Five.
  71: How many fingers do you have? - 10.
  72: What is your ringtone? - Bad Connection by Yazoo
  73: How old will you be in 5 months? - 20.
  74: Where is your Mum right now? - In her car.
  75: Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? - Because I was a fool and that “love” wasn’t real, they weren’t who I thought they were..
  76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? - No.
  77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? I have two friends that I was friends with two years ago.
  78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? - Yep lol.
  79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike? - I know a few. One of my Supervisors at work is named Mike.
  80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? - Yes.
  81: How many people have you liked in the past three months? - Two. One I liked for a little over 48 hours and then that was like NAH. The other well. nextquestion.
  82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? - Just me myself and I.
  83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? - Yep.
  84: You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? - I would never be in that situation.
  85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? - Yes. I would care a lot.
  86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? - The most eventful time I tried to see a movie in the theatre was when I tried to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens with my best friend and the theatre lost power. I still have never seen that movie.
  87: Who was your last received call from? - My mom.
  88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? - No. I would feel too guilty.
  89: What is something you wish you had more of? - Money.
  90: Have you ever trusted someone too much? - yes..
  91: Do you sleep with your window open? - FUCK NO
  92: Do you get along with girls? - I guess?
  93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? - Nope
  94: Does sex mean love? - No. People have sex with people they don’t love all the time. Also real love exists without sex.
  95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? - Yes. Big time.
  96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? - No.
  97: Did you sleep alone this week? - Yes
  98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? - Of course.
  99: Do you believe in love at first sight? - No.
  100: Who was the last person that you pinky promise? - One of my best friends.
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I'm  a new imagines blog! I am open for requests. 1.“Do you want me to leave?” 2,“You are not going without me.” 3.“I can’t believe you!” 4.“I swear it won’t happen again.” 5.“What did you say?” 6.“I’m not jealous.” 7.“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” 8.“We can’t keep doing this.” 9.“Isn’t this amazing?” 10.“I’m going to take care of you, okay?” 11.“Stay the night. Please.” 12.“You can’t die. Please don’t die.” 13.“Run away with me.” 14.“You did WHAT?” 15.“Quit whining.” 16.“Get outta my sight!” 17.“Why are you so annoying?” 18.“Were you ever going to tell me?” 19.“Never in a million years.” 20.“Don’t ask me that…” 21.“I might have had a few shots.” 22.“What’s with the box?” 23.“W- What are you doing?” 24.“Say it!” 25.“I could kiss you right now!” 26.“Are you done with that?” 27.“What’s going on here?” 28.“Stop pinning this on me! You started it!” 29.“It’s your fault we’re in this mess.” 30.“Did you do this on purpose?!” 31.“Kiss me.” 32.“Are you still awake..?” 33.“Excuse you?” 34.“This is all your fault!” 35.“Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!” 36.“I shouldn’t be in love with you!” 37.“It’s not fair!” 38.“I could kill you right now!” 39.“Knock it off!” 40.“Screw you!” 41.“I can’t be in love with you!” 42.“Make me.” 43.“Don’t tempt me.” 44.“I hate you.” 45.“You are infuriating!” 46.“Just shut up already.” 47.“That doesn’t even make sense.” 48.“Just admit I’m right.” 49.“Just admit you’re wrong.” 50.“You are being ridiculous!” 51.“That’s irrational.” 52.“Listen to me!” 53.“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” 54.“Don’t yell at me.” 55.“That’s it. End of discussion.” 56.“I don’t believe you.” 57,“You shouldn’t have said that.” 58.“Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.” 59.“How dare you?” 60.“I dare you!” 61.“It’s you, it’s always been you.” 62.“Well this is awkward…” 63.“Just pretend to be my date”. 64.“Are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?” 65.“You think I’m dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?” 66.“When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 67.“I think I’ve been holding myself back from falling in love with you all over again.” 68.“You know we’re supposed to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. I know you do.” 69.“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” 70.“I’m not going to apologize for this. Not anymore.” 71.“That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.” 72.“Could I sit here? All the other tables are full.” 73.“You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!” 74.“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 75.“This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.“ 76.“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.” 77.“It’s midnight, what do you want?” 78.“I think I know how to use a bed.” 79.“I have something to tell you…” 80.“I think I’m pregnant.” 81.“No, no, no, no, no, we aren’t ready… We aren’t ready for kids yet!” 82.“Your hair is so soft…” 83.“You’re so cute when you pout like that!” 84.“Just relax, I’ll wash your hair for you.” 85.“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” 86.“What, does that feel good?” 87.“Are you wearing my shirt?” 88.“You are ridiculously comfortable…” 89.“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…” 90.“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…” 91.“You’re beautiful, you know that?” 92.“Aren’t they beautiful?” 93.“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.” 94.“Shooting star, make a wish.” 5.“It’s actually a comet, but I’ll still make one.” 96.“Imagine if it could always be this way, even in the city.” 97.“Wow, you’re hot.” 98.“Keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.” 99.“Take off your clothes.” 100.“Tell all those other guys/girls you don’t need them ‘cause you got me.” 101.“Don’t give me that face, it’s so cute I might not be able to hold back.” 102.“After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?” 103.“Are you drunk?” 104.“Are you hitting on her for me?” 105.“Are you kidding me? We’re not ‘fine’!” 106.“Are you okay?” “Why do you ask?” “You’re wearing two different shoes.” 107.“Are you really taking his side against me?”   108.“At what point did you think that was a good idea?” 109.“Come over here and make me.” 110.“Come with me.” 111.“Could you be happy here with me?” 112.“Can I kiss you?” 113.“Come back to bed.” 114.“Be my wife.” 115.“Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” 116.“Damn. You clean up good.” 117.“Did I just say that out loud?” 118.“Did I stutter?” 119.“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” 120.“Did you hear that?” 121.“Do you ever think we should just stop this?” 122.“Don’t say that. Not now.” 123.“Do you think she could have loved me?” 124.“Don’t say you love me.” 125.“Don’t you ever do that again!” 126.“Either ask her out or I will do it for you!” 127.“Excuse me, I’m terribly lost. Can you help me?” 128.“Everyone deserves a second chance.” 129.“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 130.“For some reason I’m attracted to you.” 131.“Frankly, I couldn’t care less.” 132.“Go on then, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.” 133.“Go then, leave! See if I care!” 134.“H-How long have you been standing there?” 135.“Have I ever lied to you?” 136.“Have you lost your damn mind?” 137.“Hey, have you seen the…? Oh…” 138.“Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” 139.“His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.” 140.“Hold me back!” 141.“How dare you?” 142.“How could anyone be that cruel?” 143.“How long has it been?” 144.“I almost lost you!” 145.“I am not losing you again!” 146.“I came here to explain what happened, and I’m not leaving until you listen.” 147.“I can manage on my own.” 148.“I can’t… I can’t lose you.” 149.“I can’t get you out of my head.” 150.“I can’t let you do that.” 151.“I can’t start over again.” 152.“I can’t stop thinking about you.” 153.“I choose you!” 154.“I could never leave you, I love you too much!” 155.“I didn’t ask for any of this!” 156.“I didn’t realize I needed your permission.” 157.“I don’t care what he said, it doesn’t mean jack squat.” 158.“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” 159.“I don’t know why I’m crying.” 160.“I didn’t want to hurt you.” 161.“I don’t want to let you down.” 162.“I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 163.“I had to see you again.” 164.“I hate you!”  “No, you don’t.” 165.“I just need you to do this one thing for me.” 166.“I just really need to have you here right now.” 167.“I just want this.” 168.“I just want to be alone right now.” 169.“I just wanted you to know that when I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” 170.“I know, but I love him… You can’t give up on someone you love.” 171.“I love you.”   “I know.” 172.“I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you and – Oh, screw it!” 173.“I love you for you! Don’t you dare think otherwise!” 174.“I love you more than anything in this world… which is why you have to stay here.” 175.“I made a mistake.” 176.“I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot.” 177.“I need you to forgive me.” 178.“I never meant for anyone to get hurt.” 179.“I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” 180.“I think I’m in love with you and that scares me to death.” 181.“I think we need to talk.” 182.“I thought you were dead…” 183.“I trusted you!” 184.“I waited and waited, but you never came back!” 185.“I wasn’t planning on asking you, but I’ve come to realize that life is short. Will you marry me?” 186.“I won’t give up if you won’t.” 187.“I-I can’t trust you anymore…” 188.“I’ll be right over.” 189.“I’m flirting with you.” 190.“I’m not good enough for you.” 191.“I’m not the only one who thinks that.” 192.“I’m sick of being USELESS.” 193.“I’m so happy you’re alive!” 194.“I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.” 195.“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” 196.“I’m sorry, run that by me again.” 197.“I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” 198.“I’m tired of being your secret.” 199.“I’m up to the challenge.” 200.“I’m yours.” 201.“I’ve been in love with you my entire life. Ever since I met you.” 202.“I’ve moved on.” 203.“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before… and it scares the shit out of me.” 204.“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” 205.“If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!” 206.“If you die, I’m gonna kill you!” 207.“If you keep looking at me like that, we won’t make it to the bed.” 208.“If you walk out right now, it’s over for us.” 209.“Is it really you?” 210.“Is that a challenge?” 211.“Is that an apology?” 212.“Is there a problem?” 213.“Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?” 214.“Is there something you want to tell me?” 215.“It could be worse.” 216.“It made a difference to me.” 217.“It was just a dream.” 218.“It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” 219.“It’s all my fault.” 220.“It’s okay, I’m here for you.” 221.“It’s okay to cry…” 222.“Just leave me ALONE.” 223.“Just talk to me.” 224.“Kiss me.” 225.“Let me buy you a drink?” 226.“Look at me – just breathe, okay?” 227.“Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.” 228.“May I have this dance?” 229.“Meet me at midnight. Alone.” 230.“Meet me on the bridge in an hour.” 231.“No one needs to know.” 232.“No one will ever hurt you again.” 233.“None of that matters now.” 234.“Oh, my God! You’re in love with her!” 235.“Please don’t cry.” 236.“Please don’t do this.” 237.“Please don’t leave…” 238.“Please listen to me…” 239.“Please say something…” 240.“Promise me you won’t let anything happen to him.” 241.“Promise me you’ll stay.” 242.“Shit, are you bleeding?” 243.“Shut up and kiss me?” 244.“Somebody’s in love!” 245.“Sorry, I thought I was alone…” 246.“Stop talking about love for a minute and help me with this bullet wound.” 247.“Tell me a secret.” 248.“That came out wrong.” 249.“That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.” 250.“The way you flirt is shameful.” 251.“There are plenty of people out there who love you.”   “Yeah, like who?”  “Like me.” 252.“There’s something I need to tell you.” 253.“Things don’t always turn out how they should.” 254.“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” 255.“Wait a minute… Are you jealous?” 256.“Wake up! Please, please wake up!” 257.“Wanna dance?” 258.“We could be amazing!” 259.“Well, don’t keep me waiting!” 260.“Well, this is awkward…” 261.“Well, this is where I live.” 262.“We finish it the same way we started… together.” 263.“What are you afraid of?” 264.“What were you thinking? Were you trying to get yourself killed?” 265.“When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 266.“Where did you learn to dance?” 267.“Where were you? Do you have any idea as to how worried I was?” 268.“Who gave you that black eye?” 269.“Why are you lying?” 270.“Why are you up so early?” 271.“Why can’t you see what you’re doing to me?” 272.“Why choose me?” 273.“Why don’t you just kiss me already?” 274.“You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 275.“You deserve so much better.” 276.“You did this all for me?” 277.“You DID WHAT?” 278.“You don’t have to stay.” 279.“You don’t know you the way I do.” 280.“You don’t need to protect me.” 281.“You fainted… straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” 282.“You have the most amazing eyes.” 283.“You have to make a choice.” 284.“You have to remember!” 285.“You heard me. Take. It. Off.” 286.“You know, it’s okay to cry…” 287.“You lied to me!” 288.“You look beautiful!” 289.“You make me feel like I’m not good enough.” 290.“You need to leave. Right now.” 291.“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” 292.“You shouldn’t have even been there!” 293.“You walked away. Not me.” 294.“You weren’t supposed to hear that…” 295.“You’ll be the death of me.” 296.“You’re not alone.” 297.“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 298.“You’re the only one I trust to do this.” 299.“You’re too good for me.” 300.“You’ve got to be kidding me!” 301.“Have you lost your damn mind?” 302.“Please, don’t leave.” 303.“Come over here and make me.” 304.“Wait a minute… Are you jealous?” 305.“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” 306.“I almost lost you.” 307.“Wanna bet?” 308.“Teach me how to play?” 309.“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…” 310.“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” 311.“Just once.” 312.“I can’t believe you talked me into this.” 313.“I got you a present.” 314.“It’s not what it looks like…” 315.“Hey! I was gonna eat that!” 316.“I swear it was an accident.” 317.“Knowing you has made me a better person.” 318.“Just hold me.” 319.“I think I love you.” 320.“I’ve loved you for years.” 321.“Kiss me.” 322.“You’re the best part of me.” 323.“You keep me going.” 324.“You mean everything to me.” 325.“I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without you.” 326.“You’re perfect to me.” 327.“I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.” 328.“We’re best when we’re together.” 329.“I can’t stop thinking about you.” 330.“Can I hold your hand?” 331.“Do you want to stay over tonight?” 332.“You’re adorable.” 333.“Everything has been different since I fell in love with you.” 334.“I didn’t think it was possible to love a person as much as I love you.” 335.“I didn’t think love existed until I started loving you.” 336.“Let’s move in together.” 337.“Do you want me to leave?” 338.“You are not going without me.” 339.“I swear it won’t happen again.” 340.“What did you say?” 341.“I’m not jealous!” 342.“We can’t keep doing this.” 343.“Isn’t this amazing?” 344.“I’m going to take care of you, okay?” 345.“Stay the night. Please.” 346.“You can’t die. Please don’t die.” 347.“Run away with me.” 348.“Quit whining. It’s just a bullet.” 349.“Knowing you has made me a better person.” 350.“Just hold me.” 351.“I think I love you.” 352.“I’ve loved you for years.” 353.“Kiss me.” 354.“You’re the best part of me.” 355.“You keep me going.” 356.“You mean everything to me.” 357.“I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without you.“ 358."You’re perfect to me.” 359.“I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.” 360.“We’re best when we’re together.” 361.“I can’t stop thinking about you.” 362.“Can I hold your hand?” 363.“Do you want to stay over tonight?” 364.“You’re adorable.” 365.“Everything has been different since I fell in love with you.” 366.“I didn’t think it was possible to love a person as much as I love you.” 367.“I didn’t think love existed until I started loving you.” 368.“Let’s move in together.” 369.“Let’s strip down to our socks
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