#we didn't really see her thought process from her pov
yusiyomogi · 27 days
mithrun as a character doesn't have his own pov in the story, and i think this is the main reason why interpretations of his actions may differ so much. it was a conscious choice to write him that way, we're supposed to see him as a bit of a mystery and figure out what's going on with him. but i think it's fascinating how it also makes him a divisive character.
there are only a few instances where we get a brief look into his mind. one of my favorites is in the gift exchange extra with this short but interesting narration:
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it's not really canon or anything, but kui is very consistent in how she writes her characters, even in silly extras like this. and here we can see a bit of a mithrun's thought process and it's surprisingly revealing. he participates in the event and even wants to buy a book token, which is a simple but reasonable gift. but when he learns that he can't get them anymore, instead of trying to think about another gift, he simply puts some money in the envelope. the same idea in his mind probably, you can still buy a book with money of course. or maybe he simply gave up. rin, who gets that envelope as a gift, see this as extremely lazy and callous, since from her pov he didn't think about gift at all.
and i think a lot of mithrun's actions in the main story have the same effect on the readers, because we never see his pov. in some instances, it's obvious that he tries, despite his condition. in some instances, it doesn't look like he tries at all. in some instances, it's not obvious that he tries, but he still tries.
i think, the way every reader looks at those moments eventually determines how they will perceive mithrun as a character, including his personality and morality.
case 1. mithrun ruthlessly fights a bunch of guys who want to kill his squad and kabru. he teleports them all into walls, leaving only stone statues behind. while the narrative doesn't put focus on this, the shapes of those statues reveal that mithrun left each person's face unobstructed, so they can breathe even while being stuck in a wall. why would he do it like that? surely it requires a lot of precision to teleport people like that. was he following some orders, maybe to not kill civilians or was it his own decision?
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case 2. as a giant mushroom attacks a crowd of adventurers, filling the air with mind-numbing spores, mithrun declines any help from his squad. he attacks the mushroom himself and, surprisingly, teleports it on another level completely, into the water instead of stone. all the water he teleported as a replacement washes over the crowd and we can see that some of the people start gaining consciousness again. canaries laugh at his unexpected move. why would he waste mana on this? was it necessary to drown the mushroom or did he actually want to get all that water? was it just a part of his plan to find thistle or did he try to help those adventurers?
case 3. this one is something most interpretations agree on, so i won't focus on this too much. mithrun always tries to negotiate with other dungeon lords instead of killing them immediately, even though it's more dangerous. mithrun isn't particularly good at talking, but he says what he believes they need to hear. it's something that even kabru found surprising the first time it happened. was it something that mithrun had to do as part of his job? or was it something he personally wanted to do? why he always tries but gives up so quickly and attacks them anyway? is he being lazy and callous?
case 4. after chimera falin attacks him, mithrun teleports a stone above her head and it hits her. then he starts calmly talking to her, holding his hand on another stone, basically threatening to kill her if she doesn't move. even people from his own squad are unsure what his plan was: did he miss on accident or was it intentional? why would he want to keep her alive? was he simply afraid she's gonna crush thistle or did he actually see her as a person and didn't wanna kill her?
case 5. after spending a few days with kabru, mithrun goes from using him as an improvised projectile against monsters to putting himself between kabru and monsters. was this just a coincidence or mithrun started to care about his companion?
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case 6. when laios becomes dungeon lord and everything seems to fall apart, kabru loses his composure and starts questioning if it was all his fault and what was even the purpose of his survival. mithrun interrupts him by slapping his face. after a few moments he continues to attack him and it turns into a small fight. what was the purpose of this slap? did mithrun genuinely want to interrupt kabru's panic episode? why would mithrun then attack him again? was he still angry at kabru for stopping him and making him trust laios or was he angry that kabru didn't follow his plan?
i could probably find other examples like this, but pretty much every scene with him can be interpreted at least in two different ways. in the end, your choice to see his personality in positive or negative light depends on how you read those moments. mithrun's main symbol throughout the story is the mirror and i think it's interesting that until chapter 94 what every reader see in him is basically a reflection of their own ideas. you can't really look through the mirror, you can only see yourself. and only chapter 94 finally gives us a clear look through that mirror and it certainly doesn't answer every question.
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wosoimagines · 3 months
Ausenals - Matildas/Reader
prompt: second part to You Didn't Know? but this time we see R with the Matildas after her move to Arsenal.
warnings: none
words: 2312
To preference again, I am not deaf or hard of hearing so if there is anything that I’ve gotten wrong, please let me know so that I can fix it (I tried to do as much research as I could). Anything that represents sign langue is in continuous italics.
I also ended up changing this prompt up quite a bit. It went from R talking about being born deaf to seeing R interact with the Matildas (and mostly the other Ausenals) while they're at national team camp.
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"Sit!” Steph finally snapped once I wrapped Kyra in a headlock. We both briefly froze as our eyes darted to Steph, who was glaring at us. “Both of you. Now!” 
I let go of Kyra as she gave me a small shove before we both scurried to sit down next to each other on Caitlin’s left side so we didn’t have to sit next to Steph who would surely ruin our fun. 
I whined as Steph pointed to the seat on her right. I wanted to sit by Kyra so we could at least play a game with each other to pass the time. 
I sighed as my shoulders slumped forward, but I shuffled to sit next to Steph instead. I started to scuff my shoes against the floor. I knew the squeaking sound would drive Steph up a wall. Steph lightly swatted my arm causing me to look at her. Before she could say anything though, I pulled my processing units off so that I wouldn’t be able to hear her. I could see Kyra trying to stifle her laughter behind Caitlin as I gave Steph a triumphant grin.  
I was sure that it was a sight to see considering my processing units would just be hanging from my head since I didn’t pull the magnets away from my head while Steph was just glaring at me. 
I, however, wasn’t expecting Steph to sign to tell me to stop. I froze as I furrowed my brow because I didn’t realize that Steph knew Auslan. 
I grumbled as I leaned back in my seat. It didn’t take long before I crossed my arms and let my head roll back. This was going to be the longest layover ever. Maybe Steph would let me go get snacks. I perked up at that thought as I turned to look at Steph. 
I pointed over my shoulder where I knew that the little side stores were. Steph glanced over my shoulder before she shook her head as she said something. I deflated as I slid down in my seat again. 
I closed my eyes as I tilted my head back. Steph was starting to grate my nerves. Not only did she make us all leave early, but now that Kyra and I were awake, she wouldn’t even let us mess around. And now I couldn’t go get a snack. 
I didn’t open my eyes again until I felt a tap against my foot. I only cracked my eyes open to make sure that it was either someone other than Steph or our flight was boarding. It was Sam, who was standing in front of me. I glanced over at Steph who was already reaching to take the M&Ms that Sam was offering me. I, however, was faster as I snatched the handful from Sam and shoved them into my mouth. 
I only sent a triumphant grin at Steph before closing my eyes and signing, “I can’t hear you.” 
It wasn’t long before my foot was tapped again. I cracked an eye open again. I didn’t trust the others not to leave me behind. But it was just Sam who was sitting in the floor. She tapped at her ears when she saw me peeking. I raised an eyebrow at that but put my processors back into place. 
“You know, you could come join us on the better side of the North West of London. We won’t even mother you there.” 
I rolled my eyes at that, and it seemed that I wasn’t the only one who heard the comment. Steph had whirled to glare at Sam. 
“Oh, right! Like she doesn’t need someone to keep her in line,” Steph started. I had been forced to move in with Steph after the others on the team found out that I still hadn’t found a place to live. Steph had really taken on that role. “Wait for a few days after camp and then see if you still want to take her.” 
Sam’s eyes turned to me as Steph quickly delved into the mischief that I had been getting up to with Kyra lately now that my ear infection had cleared. I sent a smirk to Sam as I pulled my processors off again so that I didn’t have to listen as Steph lectured Sam. 
“I’m good,” I signed to Sam, who tilted her head, “You don’t have pretty Italians on the team.” 
I knew she wouldn’t understand but my eyes did catch the goalie who was sitting across from me. I didn’t miss the way Mackenzie’s eyebrows raised either. If there were any of my teammates who would understand me, it would be Mackenzie. She had proven that during the World Cup when she had found Theo and I having a conversation in Auslan and joined in. 
“Pretty Italians, huh?” 
I ducked my head at that. I had found myself spending a lot of time around Kyra, which meant spending time around Alessia and Vic. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
Mackenize held her hands up in surrender. 
Kyra reached for my cup again causing me to slap her hands away. 
“Leave it alone,” I snapped at Kyra. She stuck her tongue out at me. “Kyra, stop it.” 
Steph moved in between us as she sent us both a glare. I turned my head before she started lecturing either of us to wave at the camera as we started up the stairs to the pitch. While I was, Kyra took my cup of water from me. My smile immediately turned into a frown as I followed behind Steph and Kyra.  
As we were getting near the sideline, Kyra stopped to take a drink causing Steph and I to stop with her. I reached out for my cup as Kyra pulled it away from her mouth. 
I huffed as Kyra hesitated to give me the cup before she pulled it back to herself and acted as if she was gonna spit the water back into the cup. I pouted as I took a hold of the cup. Steph slapped Kyra’s arm as the other girl finally swallowed the water in her mouth. I sent the camera a grin. 
Steph’s warning fell on deaf ears though as I threw the rest of the water onto Kyra. Kyra froze as she blinked in shock. It gave me plenty of time to get a head start as I immediately headed for Caitlin. 
“Cait! Cait!” I yelled out when I realized that Kyra had finally moved to chase after me. While I knew that Mini would be the safer bet with the national team, Caitlin and Katie had been the ones to take Kyra under their wing. “Caitlin!” 
The other forward turned to look at me as I ran behind her. Caitlin held out her arms as Kyra rushed into her. I kept myself an arm’s length behind Caitlin as the forward didn’t allow Kyra to get to me. 
“What is going on?” 
“She threw water on me!” 
“She’s being a pest!” 
I was sure that was all Caitlin got from either of us as we both started to talk over each other. 
“Okay. Okay!” Caitlin yelled over us. Kyra and I immediately quieted down. Caitlin pointed at Kyra. “You, stop being a pest.” I stuck my tongue out at Kyra in victory. “And you,” Caitlin whirled around to look at me, “good job throwing water on the pest. But next time go to Mini or just deal with her yourself.” 
Caitlin started to move away from us, but I didn’t miss the glare Kyra was sending toward me, so I was quick to stay by Caitlin’s side. I didn’t miss how Mackenzie’s eyes caught mine. 
“No pretty Italian to save you?” 
I could only scowl at the keeper in response. 
I grinned as I wrapped up the interview before I headed to the locker room. I had already made my rounds to see the fans.  
However, going to the locker room might have been a bad decision considering water was immediately dumped onto me the second I walked in the door by both Kyra and Charli. Once the initial shock wore off, I shoved the two away from me. 
“Hey, we just had to cool you off after that performance,” Kyra snickered. 
“Assholes,” I muttered under my breath. 
Most of the team congratulated me as I moved to my cubby. I couldn’t help but grin as I finally checked my phone. I hadn’t been completely surprised by the text from Alessia considering we had been texting since the start of camp. I sent Alessia a text back asking if she liked my airplane arms before tossing my phone back into my bag. 
I turned once I felt something hit my back. My eyes quickly found Mackenzie’s. 
“Had to put on a show for the pretty Italian, huh?” 
I rolled my eyes at the question but shrugged. 
“Can you blame me?” I signed back to her. “You’ve seen her. Pretty isn’t enough to describe her.” 
Mackenzie shook her head at me causing me to chuckle at her. But I couldn’t help it. As I moved to change, Kyra joined me.  
“What does this mean?” Kyra asked, drawing my attention to her hands. “I’ve seen you and Mackenzie talking about it since the airport.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” I brushed Kyra off. I knew that if she kept learning Auslan she would probably eventually figure it out, but I was in no rush to tell her. “It’s nothing bad. Just an inside thing.” 
“You sure?” Kyra asked. 
I raised an eyebrow at that as I studied her. She didn’t look too worried, just curious. 
“Ky, if anything bad happens, I’ll let you know,” I assured her. I pointed my thumb over my shoulder where I knew Steph would still be. “Someone has to help you keep Steph on her toes.” 
“Maybe she’ll start calling you a pest too.” 
I nodded along with the thought that brought a smile back to Kyra’s face. I didn’t really think that Steph would call me a pest. At least, not around Kyra. Not since we knew it drove her up a wall to think that no one thought I was as annoying as she was. 
“So, you’re staying at Arsenal for pretty Italians?” 
I let my fork drop to my plate as I froze at the question. My eyes darted up to look at the person who had asked the question. Of course, it was Kyra. 
Once everyone else at the table had gotten over their surprise of the question, they turned to me. 
“Wonder how that would go if said Italian was told? I guess we’ll find out as soon as Alessia texts me back.” 
I didn’t miss the way Steph and Caitlin had tensed on each of my sides. They couldn’t be faulted, especially considering I shoved my plate away and tried to lunge over the table. I would have been successful too if the two hadn’t grabbed ahold of me.  
“I’m gonna kill you.” 
Kyra stuck her tongue out at me as she leaned back in her chair. 
“You, calm down,” Steph said, as she pointed at me. She took a deep breath before turning to look at Kyra. “And you, I really hope you didn’t text Alessia to tell her about (Y/N)’s feelings.” 
Kyra just slumped in the seat but didn’t say anything. She also decided to avoid all of our eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I quietly said under my breath. I was well aware that most of the team was already looking at us due to my own display. I didn’t need the rest of them knowing about my crush either. “Forget it. I’m never going back.” 
“What?” Kyra cut Steph off. “It’s not like it’s a lie. I saw her and Mackenzie both signing about it. So, I asked Theo what the signs meant because (Y/N) wouldn’t say.” Kyra had to have been paying attention to Mackenzie and me in the airport and yesterday at practice. “She gets to throw water on me and get away with it? But I just text a teammate and I’m in trouble?” 
“You didn’t just text a teammate, Kyra,” Caitlin scolded this time. Kyra’s eyes turned to Caitlin. Caitlin’s grip on me loosened as I leaned my elbows against the table so I could hold my head in my hands. “You broke the trust of a teammate.” 
“It’s just a joke.” 
“Kyra, it isn’t just a joke. (Y/N) didn’t even tell you—” 
“I didn’t even text her.” 
I slowly lifted my head to look at Kyra. This was all some stupid prank? 
“I just wanted to get back at (Y/N). So, I thought telling her that her crush knew about her feelings would be harmless.” 
I had a heart attack for nothing? 
“Is everything okay here?” 
I didn’t have to look over at Mini who had made her way to our table. I knew that she had the most experience with Kyra, so it didn’t surprise me that she came to check on her. 
“Yeah. Everything’s fine,” I assured Mini. Kyra finally looked up to meet my eyes as I slowly started to nod, my own plan forming. “Kyra’s just being a pest.” 
“I don’t think everything’s fine,” Kyra shook her head as she turned to Mini. 
My own eyes didn’t leave Kyra’s. But I waited until Kyra went to get up before I lunged over the table. This time I was successful as neither Caitlin or Steph had seemed to think that I would possibly make a move to get to Kyra again. But, honestly, they’d quickly figure out that I wasn’t one to let things go so easily. Especially when I was trying to get back at someone that I considered family. 
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velocesainz · 10 months
You're mine
F1 masterlist | main masterlist | Taglist
Summary: Lando joins you in the motogp paddock to support you but overhears some of the other drivers talking about wanting you to ditch Lando for them. What is his reaction?
Warnings: smut, degradation, minors dni
Pairing: Lando x motogp!racer!reader
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Lando POV:
I walked into the moto gp paddock in Valencia. Since us, f1 drivers, had winter break I decided to join my girlfriend y/n to support her.
"Lando I have to go for the PR meeting, shouldn't take more than an hour. You can hang around the paddock and explore if you want" y/n told me awaiting an answer.
"Yea of course, I know how to take care of myself you know" I replied slightly amused by how worried she was to leave me alone.
"That's debatable but anyways, see you later babe" y/n said and skipped away.
Damn. I really love her.
I was walking around the paddock when I stumbled outside the Ducati hospitality noticing y/n's friends, Augusto and Fabio, why not say hi?
As I got closer I guess they didn't notice me, they seemed too engrossed in their own conversation.
When I got to hearing distance I caught a glimpse of what they were talking about.
"I know right she's so hot! I wonder why she's single" I heard Fabio say.
Who were they talking about?
"Y/n's not single dipshit, she's with that landi, landa- whatever his name is" Augusto corrected.
"I honestly don't understand what she sees in him. He sounds like a chipmunk and looks like a kid trying to look cool growing a goatee. Look at us! We're literally like god's compared to him" Fabio laughed.
"Honestly though, she's the hottest girl I've seen in my life, and on top of that she races in motogp? Oh! she has my heart. I bet I could satisfy her needs much better than he could. I bet he's like 3" Augusto adding smiling.
"You know, seeing her winning and smiling around the paddock I just want to grab her and just take her right then and there. She's just so irresistible. Did you see her Calvin Klein shoot? I swear I use some of those photos to masturbate" Fabio replied.
"Such a pity. She is so fucking beautiful. Maybe in the future we can share her after stealing her from that dumb spoiled brat boyfriend of hers. Really wish we could stop pretending to not want her every second" Augusto laughed, Fabio laughing with him.
I had heard enough. How could they say that? I thought they were supportive of our relationship. I thought they respected y/n.
I guess not. They clearly wanted her for themselves, they were so disrespectful. How could they say such vile things about their fellow driver?
I left the Ducati hospitality walking back to the Yamaha hospitality to wait for y/n to get back, but in complete fury.
Y/n POV:
I got back from the PR meeting and the rest of my media duties for today were finally done.
I can now spend time with Lando. Poor thing must've waited so long.
I made my way back to the hospitality to find my boyfriend sitting on a chair with his head in his hands. That's odd.
"Hey babe, you ok?" I asked cautiously, maybe he was sleeping? Lando is known after all to sleep in the most random places in the most random positions.
He looked up at me and I saw an almost unrecognisable emotion. Anger, rage mixed with lust?
He grabbed my hand harshly and took me straight to my driver's room.
I saw Fabio and Augusto right next to my room as they were chatting, I waved at them and they waved back giving me a weird look.
Lando threw me into the room and closed the door locking it in the process.
"What is wrong with you Lando?" I asked confused, what had gotten into him all of a sudden?
"Take your clothes off. Right now." He demanded in a cold tone. That was really hot but I wanted to find out what was wrong with him.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong" I said adamant.
"God you're so stubborn. I guess I'll have to do it myself then." He said as he came closer and pinned me to the wall.
He roughly started taking my clothes off "You wanna know what happened? Your so called "friends" who are standing outside this room, were saying absolutely disgusting things about you like how they would take care of you better than I could, how they wished you were their little slut, so they could use you. Let's get you to scream out loud so they can hear how much I satisfy you so don't hold those noises back love" he purred into my ear
At this point my panties were completely soaked, and he noticed
"Already so wet huh? Hearing that her friends want to fuck her so bad makes the slut so needy" he whispered into my ear making my knees go weak.
He took off all of my clothing and proceeded to take off his as well, his body is just so sexy I can't stop looking at it.
"I don't think I can wait for any foreplay. Let's cut to the chase yeah bitch?" Lando said as he kissed me.
All I could do was nod feverishly, not being able to form any words.
He quickly aligned his cock with my pussy and bottomed out in one harsh thrust causing me to let out one of the largest moans I've ever let out in my life.
He keeps thrusting hard and fast into as curses and moans keep leaving my mouth.
"Such a dirty little bitch, showing everyone how much I please you. Beg to cum little whore." Lando whispered.
I just couldn't resist his touch
"Oh Lando please give me your big, fat cock, please please let me cum!" I begged with the most innocent look on my face.
"Such a good whore. Cum, cum with me" Said Lando satisfied with my begging as he continued to thrust into me hard and fast as we both reached our highs.
He groaned lowly and I nearly screamed as we both came together.
I heard shuffling outside
"That ought to tell them who can please you and who can't eh?" Lando said in a husky voice
"You're mine, love, only mine."
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bonebabbles · 20 days
Ivypool's Heart: Finished
Just completed reading the new super edition! I'm pleasantly surprised by this one. Overall, this was a very good book, MUCH better than the past 3 which were some of the most boring and unnecessary entries to the entire franchise.
If you were on the fence about this one, I'd recommend it. Just take this warning; it does the Warrior Cats thing where it harps pretty strong on parenthood and nuclear families being a borderline essential part of life, including a ton of bashing on how uniquely horrible this makes the Sisters.
If you can get past that, it's a pretty solid story about grief that makes some really fun additions to the WC lore, including the wildcats, StormClan, and a broad expansion to the afterlife system.
Meandering thoughts below the cut;
One of IPH's biggest flaws is pacing, but it's not nearly as bad as the past 3 SEs.
Not to mention, this is a pretty small SE. If you're ever bored, it won't last long.
Before the book introduces the Wildcats, it REALLY meanders. It'll pick up, but you will have to wade through relatively uninteresting scenes of the cats traveling and talking about their feelings unprompted.
A lot of "quicktime events" happen out of nowhere to fill pages with cats running away from random bullshit.
There's a horse carriage, an apple picker, dogs, weasels, foxes, a storm, traffic, humans, boats, sandwhiches. It's endless. My eyes glazed over during most of these scenes.
I know a lot of people were dreading Ivypool being nasty and unreasonable during this book, but honestly? I was hoping for it and didn't really receive it.
I find her most compelling when she's holding a grudge, acting on her anger, and generally working through messy issues. But aside from her just thinking about being annoyed or angry, she's really not snappy at all.
I feel like there could have been a lot more interesting and organic conflict between Icewing, Dovewing, and Ivypool's personalities instead of boring Quicktime Events. In fact, I felt like Icewing and Dovewing were kind of underutilized.
The conversations often feel quite stiff, especially in the first half. Everyone is very understanding of each other, respect boundaries and knows not to push too far, resolve their personal issues very easily, etc. It's kinda... unnatural.
Personally, I found that disappointing because I WANTED to see the cats actually process their grief over the course of the book. Watch them act out, maybe get in an fight or two and resolve it for the sake of the mission, have them come to a greater understanding of each other, etc.
Because Icewing and Dovewing are both so motherly and gentle and we're in Ivypool's POV, we don't really get to see them process their grief because of that.
They're not TOTALLY neglected though! I just... wanted more from this group.
However. I wanted LESS Rootspring.
I understand he's there to process the loss of Bristlefrost with Ivypool but god, every time he was on screen I wanted to push him aside and talk to Icewing lmao.
Stop trying to sell me "cool, mellowed from grief" Rootspring. He's a silly little hyperactive man and you will never be able to convince me otherwise.
As a silly little hyperactive semi-manthing myself, it would have been a lot more cathartic to see a clown like me going through grief. Not to mention just generally make for better chemistry with the group.
Between Ice and Dove who are already quite chill as characters, Whistle could have used someone more goofy to bounce off of.
I REALLY didn't like the whole implication that Rootspring is going to move on from Bristlefrost and "find a mother" for the kittens he wants so badly, though.
Erins PLEASE remember that adoption exists. He does not need a wife to be a dad. I'm beaming myself directly into your brains and telepathy-ing directions to the nearest cat adoption agency
aaaaaand on that note.... yeah. I did not like the way that this book leaned so hard on the whole "nuclear family" dynamic. Ivypool has had like two major interactions with her husband and one JUST happened in this book.
It especially bugged me that they leaned into Ivypool having been a very active mother, when we saw very little of that in the ACTUAL book. It wasn't even mentioned that Fernsong was allegedly the primary parent of the kittens when they were young.
But... I was able to look past it and just accept the book in a vacuum. There's a lot of good here.
Like the wildcats.
While I'm still wary of these being Scottish Wildcats and reserve my misgivings about the misuse of species that are very unlike domestic cats... I LOOOOVEEE the culture they've set up for them
I LOVEE the way that individual spirits reach out to the kits, guiding them through life
I LOVE the connection to StormClan
I LOVE their idea of the elements and general spirituality
And I LOVED the fact that a big part of Ivypool coming to terms with her grief was the expansion of her worldview. The way that she realized the religion she was raised with is quite small, and that there is an immense beauty in coming to understand other cultures, accept their advice, and see the world as they do.
I just wish the book had been able to tie that to a flaw that Ivypool has expressed since her very introduction back in OotS-- that she's smallminded.
It would have been a FANTASTIC way to really tackle and address that flaw, and pay off literal decades of set up. I really wish she had been messier in this book because of that!
But, digressing.
I'm over the moon that the team's actually playing with the series' spirituality! After such a long time of them outright avoiding some of the weirder elements in the series, like Rock and Midnight, it's exciting that they're finding some freedom in making new magic lore for themselves.
Hopefully, in the next few super editions, we'll be able to get some more insight to StormClan and the Wildcats.
The book really hits its stride in the second half because of this, and the ending chapters are actually fantastic. Some of the best stuff that's come out of the series (on purpose) in a loooong time.
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yourjughead · 9 months
Boyfriend Part 2
Sweet Pea X Reader
Sweet Pea pov
I made the short walk, well in my rage, the short run to Jugheads trailer. Lights out no body's home. Hm. Where would the usual spot for him and yn be, the thought making me feel sick. Whyte Wyrm? Nah Jughead was rarely there. If I was a horrible human being where would I go hmmmmm. Ah that diner on the Northside!
3rd Person 
You crossed the threshold of the Whyte Wyrm as quickly as you could, still processing what just happened to you. Arriving at the bar top, Toni sailed over to you smiling. 
"Hey YN, How'd the rekindling of the romance go?"
"It didn't, pass me one of the spare burners would ya". Toni reached into a large ceramic jar on one of the top shelves of the bar, retrieved a phone with a sim taped to back and tossed it to you. You gave a small smile in thanks and began to set it up. 
"Am I allowed to ask what happened or...."
"Ugh Toni what a mess, he thinks I'm dating Jughead" 
"Well aren't you?" 
"Yeah aren't you?" The sound of your father's voice joinging the conversation startled the two of you. Toni took a rag from the bar top and quickly exited the conversation to grab your father a replacement drink.
"Yeah Dad, of course" you tried to give a smile, barely convincing him. 
"Right well the two of you together is the Serpent dream. Me and FP are delighted, you settled with one person who's right for you and Jones kept away from that busybody blonde girl" your father gave you a wink before taking his drink from Toni.
"Speaking of which, I gotta go meet him" you nodded to the both as your new phone lit up to life. 
~ Simultaneously across town Sweet Pea POV
I raced across the old bridge on my motorbike, not fully knowing where I was going but closely following the trail of picket fences. What a sad existence this truly is. I finally came across the neon sign of Pop's Dinner through the torrential rain. 
From outside I could see Jughead and the outline of the back of her, seeminly wearing a hat. He looked so happy. Fuck him. I could see the two shake with laughter. I really messed up. I mean sure it hurts but we were never really exclusive and besides we could never be public like this. She deserves someone she can publicly love. I should just disappear. 
I went to push off again but then stopped as watch Jones lean across the table to kiss her. This is really the end. Her hat fell to the floor as he moved from her. Then it caught my eye. A long slicked back almost glowing blonde ponytail. That's not YN. I couldn't help but smile so wide. Thank God it's not YN! Wait.....thats not YN. Holy shit that's not YN! He's cheating on YN! 
3rd person 
Sweet Pea leapt from the bike so fast it nearly came crashing to the soaked gravel. Launching himself through the doors of the almost deserted diner has the few eyes that were there lock onto him. Including Jugheads. 
Jughead leapt from his chair, immediately putting his hands up in truce but it was too late. Sweet Pea had moved quickly across the diner to catch Jughead by the collar and push him into the back wall, all while leaving the blonde screaming. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you Jones?! You're gonna chest on YN?! I swear I'm gonna kill you?!" Sweet Pea barked as Jughead was losing colour in his face, the blonde girl trying as she best she could to seperate the two, failing greatly.
"You-dont-under-stand" Jughead choked out. Pop's ran for the phone to call the police as Sweet Pea glared deep within Jugheads eyes, overcome with grief and anger. 
From outside you could see what was happening, bolting in off your own bike and straight down to the bottom of the diner. 
"Sweet Pea stop!" You screamed, managing to wiggle between the two. Sweet Peas grip completly released from Jughead, sending him to the ground, Betty quickly tending to him.
"YN he's cheating on you with her!" 
"YN I thought you were gonna tell him?" Betty looked up at you both with pleading eyes. 
"Tell me what?" Confusion painted Sweet Peas face. "Tell me what?!" He tried again, banging his hand off the wall he just had Jughead against. 
"Me and Jughead -" you were cut off by the sound of sirens filling the car park. Both you and Sweet Pea gave panicked glances to one another, neither could afford another trip to the station.
You grabbed Sweet Peas hand, pulling him through to the girls bathroom. You went to grab anything to break through the window but turned to the crash of the glass from Sweet Peas fist. He groaned as his hand began to instantly swell with blood. You couldn't help but roll your eyes before carefully passing through the window, Sweet Pea trying his best to follow you without adding to the collection of cuts. 
You ran through the drenched woods behind the diner, down the banks and beneath the trees before arriving at the bridge between the two worlds. 
"They have the bikes, they'll go straight to the trailer park" Sweet Pea breathed out from beneath the shelter of the bridge. 
"I don't have plates on mine" you glanced out checking if anyone followed. 
"- and when they search yours it'll register to Greendale" Sweet Pea couldn't help but laugh at that, the Serpents think of it all. 
"Show me your hand" you took his bleeding extremity from his side to examine it under the above street lights. Little shards of glass shone out as you gently removed the larger pieces.
"That's all I can do without the kit, we'll sort it when we're home" he nodded at you thankfully before sliding down the wall of the bridge to the dirt, you following suit. 
"I hope FP doesn't find out about this, he's not gonna take it well that you went for his son"
"I don't care, he had it coming"
"Sweet Pea -" 
"He can't take you from me and then cheat on you YN" he cut across you, staring at the stream of water parallel to your feet. 
"Sweets I tried to tell you tonight, I tried to tell you before battle Royale broke out" 
"I'm sorry I flew off the handle....tell me what? You knew he was cheating on you?"
"We'd have to be actually dating for him to cheat on me" you looked worriedly over at the increasingly confused face of your partner in crime. 
"Jughead and I are just faking, he wants to keep dating the Betty girl and I want to keep being with you, it's just to keep our parents off of our backs" 
"No that's not true" Sweet Pea stood and began pacing. 
"I told you he has a gift for making up stories, this is one of them. Our dads were getting more and more on us about why we weren't together, this way it would stop them from asking questions. I wanted to tell you sooner but Jughead said we needed you to believe it first, to help Dad believe it" you stood to look at him.
"No no no no this isn't happening because that would mean I over reacted for nothing" 
"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you over reacted, I'm sorry I lied" he stopped pacing at these words. The rain continued to almost bubble off of the rocks surrounding you both. 
"I'm sorry I got so angry and that I smashed your phone" 
"I'm sorry you ended up pinning Jughead to a wall" 
"Yeah I'm not sorry about that" you hit him playfullly into the chest at his jesting. Silence wrapped around the bridge again, the rain slowly easing. You put out your arms in truce and Sweet Pea happy wrapped his around your waist, holding you into his chest. 
"Sweets, Jughead and I have to keep pretending for awhile, just until it's believable that our break up would have no turning back" 
"Do you have to call him boyfriend though?" you gave a small smile at Sweet Peas evident insecurity. 
"Yeah but it's only pretend, you're the one I want to be with. Let's start walking home, I'm sure those cops are half way to Greendale by now" Sweet Pea gave a small nodd to your voice before taking your hand and pulling you up the bank and to the bridge. You dropped it then. 
"I can't risk being seen with you like that, I'm sorry" 
"It's okay YN, you can make it up to me at home" He winked and you were happy to see the playfulness return to him .
"By the way you owe me a new phone" 
"Have your boyfriend pay for one"
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wands-natsthing · 12 days
Not Enough Pt2
This story was on my old acct @wandanatsthings I made a new one (aka this one) which will be the acct I use from now on.
Hey guys I'm so sorry this took so long to get out I hope you all haven’t lost interest lol. I wanted to take my time with this one because I just felt like my writing could be a lot better and I really feel like with this little one-shot or imagine or whatever you call it it has improved and I’d rather you guys wait a while for a more well written piece than to most more frequent and it be shit but anyways I hope you enjoy this I kinda just went all over the place with it so please let me know what you think. 
"Not Enough pt 1
Disclaimer: I used  “A few weeks” a lot to measure time in this but to give a little bit of an idea  it’s been a few months since Piet died (so like 5 months) and like 3 months maybe since reader and Wanda broke up. Also the age gap between Nat and Wanda is like 5 years. I cannot remember if I mentioned that or not. Okie I think that's it. 
P.S: I love it when you guys comment so if ya wanna I’d love to read them and If you have any questions about this fic like my thought process while writing please ask them!!
Warnings: Mentions past character death, grief, cheating, mentions of sex but not descriptive, angst, mental illness, break downs, lying. I think that’s please let me know if you see anymore. 
Relationships: WandaxNatasha, Wanda/ reader, platonic Bruce x Natasha, Platonic Bruce x Wanda
Summary: Not Enough Pt 2 
Word count: 4.1k (My longest fic as of rn) 
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Y/N Pov
It had been a few weeks since you and Wanda broke up. You had moved all of your stuff out of your shared room into a guess not being able to stand being in there after everything that had happened.
You weren't doing well. You couldn't sleep, you couldn't eat, all you could think about was Wanda.
All you wanted was her. It was still hard for you to grasp. You couldn't believe she had cheated. It still just didn’t seem like something she would do. Your sweet Wanda. The one who always made sure you knew how much she loved you no matter what.
The Wanda that never let you both go to bed angry, The one that would always tell you she loved you before going to sleep, Or on the rare occasions when you left the house without one another. So to say you were distraught that she did something like this was an understatement.
Either way, you didn’t want to see her. You had been avoiding her at all costs. You were doing a good job until you saw her in the common area of the compound hanging out with Natasha.
You had mixed feelings about the woman.
Yes, she was the woman that your girlfriend had cheated on you with, but you felt there was something off.
Natasha was a bit older than Wanda, not by much, only 5 years but still, you couldn’t help but think maybe the older woman had taken advantage of Wanda’s vulnerable state.
You didn't put much thought into it though.
you decided that you were no longer interested in hanging out in the common room after spotting the couple. In a hurry, you turned and went back to your room, completely oblivious to the fact that the younger redhead had noticed you. You missed the longing and regretful look that she had in her eyes.
Wanda’s Pov
I watched you as you went back to what I assumed to be your room. Even though I was the one to break up with you. I missed you, being with Natasha was no longer making me as happy as I thought. Especially after I found out she had lied to me about what happened during the mission when Pietro died.
It was a few weeks before You and I had broken up when she approached me in the kitchen after not leaving what was our shared bedroom for days.
FLASHBACK (of Natasha telling what “Happened”)
We had just finished watching my favorite sitcom, which Pietro and I used to watch all the time. You were doing everything you could to make me feel better, and even though I might not have been showing it, you were helping. I had finally felt well enough to sit in the kitchen for a while and have a snack, which was something I had been struggling to do. So Progress was being made.
As I was eating my snack of apples and peanut butter, Natasha approached me. We didn't talk often, but we weren't strangers to each other. I was quite fond of the fellow avenger. "Hey, how are you doing?" she asked as she took a seat next to me. "I'm doing better," I replied, smiling slightly, looking up at her.
"That's good. And how are you and y/n doing?" I found it odd that she was asking about our relationship, but I answered her anyway. "Um, I mean we're okay. We could be doing better, but considering the circumstances, I'd say we're doing pretty well," I said wearily. She looked at me and nodded.
"That's good. Knowing she killed your brother and all." she claimed with what I now know to be a look of “evil” on her face. What she said shocked me.
“Wait what? What are you talking about y/n didn’t kill him? It was an accident, she told me what happened.” I replied getting defensive not liking what she was trying to accuse you of.
“Yeah, but I saw it. Whatever she told you is a lie.”
“Well, what did you see?” I asked, curious to know what she had seen.
She then goes on to tell me how she saw you and Pietro that day in the field fighting bots. For the most part, she told me the same thing you did. Until she added the part where you started fighting each other. “And then they just started fighting each other, I don’t know why. Maybe Y/n got hit in the head or something and started to think that Piet was one of the bots. He tried to knock some sense into her but it just didn’t work and eventually, she pulled out her gun and shot him. I guessed he just wasn’t quick enough to dodge it.” She revealed.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“Oh my goodness, Why wouldn't she tell me that? Why would she lie?” I cried looking for some sort of answers.
“I mean I don't know, think about it. Would you want to tell your girlfriend you killed her brother?”
What she said made sense to me, I could understand why you wouldn’t tell me but that wasn’t the relationship we had created. We were always very honest with each other from the beginning no matter what the circumstances were.
Heartbroken with the new knowledge I had just learned I still had one question.
“What were you doing? Why didn’t you stop them or help? Or something?” I desperately questioned.
Natasha shuffled in her seat a little before she answered me.
“I tried but I was busy fighting and helping get civilians to safety myself.”
I nodded at that understanding her reasoning.
After our talk that day we continued getting to know each other more and more and I was drawing myself farther and farther away from you. I did feel bad about it but not bad enough to stop. I wanted you to feel the same pain that I felt when I thought you lied about what happened.
It wasn't until a few days after we broke up that Natasha's true colors started to show.
At the beginning of our relationship, Natasha tried to make me happy in her own way, much like you did. However, while you focused on letting me know that it was okay to feel my emotions and cry, Natasha often brushed me off and tried to distract me with sex. When I declined, saying that I wasn't in the mood, she would get irritable and act off for the rest of the day.
That’s what happened the day I found out that you were telling the truth about what happened during the mission.
I was having a bad day, which was as expected every once in a while. I knew some would be harder than others, but I had been improving and not struggling with basic tasks every day, today was an exception though.
All I wanted to do was stay in bed and watch the old sitcoms Piet and I used to but Natasha wasn’t having that.
All she wanted to do was have a beep. She kept begging me all day and getting pissy every time I would say no.
I was getting tired of it so I thought as a distraction now would be a good time to finally get my mission report done for that mission.
I had been given some grace given everything that happened but I wasn’t excluded completely.
I made my way down the hall to the conference room where everyone does their mission reports or papers of the same sort.
When I got there I saw a few pens and other unfinished reports scattered on the rectangular wooden table. I was going to let them be until I saw Natasha's report sitting there among the others. Curious about what she had written, I decided to read it.
Reading other people's reports wasn't forbidden but it was considered as an invasion of privacy, so I knew I shouldn't do it but I just couldn't help myself for some reason.
While I was reading the report, I realized that some information was missing.
None of the things she had told me that day were mentioned in the report. I was sure that it wasn't because she had not finished it yet. She never left the room until it was completed, and I knew that she would never lie in a report. That only meant one thing.
she had lied to me.
I was confused as to why she would lie to me, knowing that it would break us up. I knew the only way to know the truth was to ask her. So, I left the room with her report in my hands, forgetting about my report that needed to be completed.
I headed towards the training room, knowing that's where she would be. Before I approached her, I hid her report behind my back, not wanting her to know that I had read it just yet.
When I walked in, she was bench pressing. "Hey, can we talk?" I asked with urgency. "Can it wait? I'm in the middle of a set," she said, breathing hard. "No, it needs to be now, it's important," I replied, losing my patience.
She re-racked the bar, sat up, and wiped the sweat from her face. "What's up?" I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm, not wanting to cause a scene. "Can you tell me what happened that day on the mission when Piet died again?" She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I've already told you what happened, why do you want to keep hearing it?" She asked, sounding annoyed. "Because I just want to know the truth," I replied. "Well, I already told you the truth," she answered. I nodded, "That's funny, so what would this be then?" I asked as I pulled the mission report out from behind my back.
The look on her face was priceless," I thought to myself. "Where did you find that?" she asked with a look of guilt on her face. "It doesn't matter where I found it, what matters is why you lied to me!" I cried, hitting her chest with my hands.
She gently grabbed my hands to stop my attack and took a deep breath before explaining something I never thought would be her reasoning. "I lied because I wanted to break the two of you up. You both seemed so happy, even with everything, and I wanted to experience that for myself. I wanted to feel special. And I knew that if I lied, you would believe me because people who are grieving are more likely to believe a lie than people who are not."
I was shocked by what I heard and even more so to see her crying, something I had never seen her do in the year I had been living here. Even though what she did was severely messed up, I could understand why she would do it. We had similar life experiences, and in our lifestyle, what you and I had was rare.
While I could understand, I was still very upset that she would even do something like that and that I would even believe you would lie to me. All that was on my mind at this moment was you. I had to get to you and explain everything, even if you didn’t believe me and never wanted to speak with me again. It was important to me that you knew the truth.
“I have to go,” I sobbed, taking my hands out of her embrace. “I need to explain everything to y/n.” However, that thought was short-lived.
“No, NO! Please don’t leave me,” she begged as she walked me back into a wall. “I need you. I'll do better at anything. Everything, just please don’t leave me.”
I could feel her emotions through me, and they almost became too much. It felt so weird to see her like this. One of the most powerful Avengers, who I looked up to, was begging me on her knees to stay with her. It showed how you could have everything in the world, but if you didn’t have anyone to love or be loved by, you were absolutely nothing.
Feeling for her I decide to comfort her now and talk about everything else later. “Okay, okay I'll stay, I won’t leave I promise.”
"I had been dealing with this for a couple of weeks.
Whenever I confronted her, she would break down and plead with me not to leave her. But after seeing the sorrowful look in your eyes as you walked past the common room, I couldn't bear the thought of you not knowing what happened any longer. So, I decided to talk to you. I got up, leaving Natasha sitting on the couch, and told her that I was going to the bathroom.
As I made my way to your room, I could feel my heart beating loudly in my chest, and my hands were sweaty. When I arrived, I took a deep breath and knocked on your door."
Y/n Pov
I had just returned to my room when I heard a knock at my door. Even though I didn't feel like being bothered, I had to get up and answer it. To my surprise, Wanda was standing there, looking anxious. I was unsure of what she wanted, and even though I didn't particularly want to see her, it was nice to have her there. However, I didn't want to reveal that to her.
“Um, hi. What do you want?" I asked, curious about why she had come to my room. She looked down at her hands and fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habit of hers that I had always found endearing. Smiling at the memory, I waited for her response. "Hi, I was wondering if we could talk?" she finally replied, her voice shaking a little. "Why now? You haven't wanted to talk all this time, what's changed?" I asked, confused by her sudden request. "I know, but I need to speak with you. If after you hear me out, you don't want to speak to me again, I completely understand. I'll leave you alone. But please, I need you to hear me out," she pleaded, taking hold of my hands.
I decided to hear her out and stepped aside to let her in. As she passed by me, I caught a whiff of her flowery perfume and took a deep breath, remembering how her scent used to linger on my pillowcases. I gestured towards the chair in the corner for her to sit while I took the end of my bed. We sat in silence for a while until she finally spoke.
Wanda’s Pov
I was lucky enough to have you let me in. Now, it was time for me to tell you everything. I was so nervous. Despite having rehearsed everything that I wanted to say, I found myself at a loss for words now that I finally had the chance to.
Eventually, I decided to recount everything that had happened from the very beginning. I started with how Natasha approached me in the kitchen, and then to describe how she treated me and how I found out that she had lied, along with the reason behind it. I was afraid to hear what you would say.
"That’s everything that happened. I know that nothing can excuse what I did to you, but I need you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said to you that day when I told you that you weren't enough. It wasn't true, and I regret believing her instead of you. I know there's probably nothing I can say to fix this, but I just need you to know that." I said with tears in my eyes.
You looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t read. What you did next surprised me though.
Y/n Pov
After hearing everything you had to say. I felt as if everything made sense. I was saddened to know that my assumption from earlier about the older woman had been mostly correct but glad to know that the woman whom I fell in love with was exactly who I thought she was. My sweet Wanda.
I got up and walked over to the chair she was sitting in and took her face in my hands. Whipping away some of the tears that had fallen from her green orbits. I looked into her eyes and said, “I forgive you.” By the look on her face, I could tell she wasn’t expecting that she quickly jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck.
I creased her back as I felt her body shake with sobs. I continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear to calm her down. After a few moments, she was calm enough to have a conversation and I had some questions to ask her.
“I have some questions to ask you but first I want you to know that I’m glad you told me everything and that I don’t want you to blame yourself for what happened. Anyone would’ve been vulnerable and confused in your situation. You did the best that you could and I’m so proud of you for how far you’ve come since a few months ago and I want you to know what she did to you is not okay.” I didn’t expect a vocal reply out of her, however, I did feel her nuzzle her nose into my neck.
I continued with my little speech. “Now time for the questions,” I said while taking her chin in my hands to get her to look at me. “Did she ever force you to do anything you didn’t want to? You can just nod your head yes or no.” I asked, raising my eyebrow so she would know what I was implying. I see her shake her head at me. “Okay good, that’s good. Do you know what you want to do yet?”
She moved out of my embrace a little to sit up so she could answer. “Yes, I don’t want to be with her anymore but every time I try to have a conversation with her she breaks down like she did in the gym.” She cried. I thought for a few seconds before I answered her. “I have an idea but it’s going to be a lot, are you up for it?” She looked up at me and nodded.
Over the next few days, we talked over and over about what would be the best way to go about it. When we finally got it it was time to execute it.
Wanda’s Pov
Your plan had been brilliant, It was the best thing for everyone involved although not to get hurt but that still didn’t make this any easier. Even after everything that Natasha had done I still cared for the woman but this was the best thing for her. All I had to do was get her to Bruce and he would pretty much do the rest since you had caught him up on everything that had happened. Natasha was sitting in the kitchen drinking a protein shake when I approached her. “Hey, Tasha, I was wondering if you would come down to the lab with me. I need to grab something from Tony. He said it was something about “New and improved armor.” I asked, leaning against the counter trying to not show my nerves. “Yeah sure I'll come with you.” She answered, grabbing her protein drink off the counter to take with her.
When we got to the lab she opened the door for me. I walked in and my eyes met with Bruce. I searched his emotionless eyes with my nervous ones hoping that he could give me some kind of reassurance that this was the right thing to do.
As we walked in farther Bruce walked up to us with a blank look on his face. Natasha was the first one to speak. “Hey, Bruce. Tony said he had some new armor for Wanda?” I grabbed her hand to get her to look at me thinking I should be the one to break the news. “Um, actually Nat we’re not here for that, Bruce wanted to speak with you,” I explained gently, trying to keep her as calm as possible. “Speak to me? Speak to me about what?”
She was a little cautious about what was going on. I looked to Bruce for help, thinking he would know how to answer her better than I would. “I just want to talk, you know, checking in with how you're doing.” He answered her. “Well, I’m doing fine. I need to know what this is about and I need to know now.”
Not wanting to upset her more than I already have, I decided to just tell her. “Listen,” I said, taking her hands in mine. “I want you to know that there’s nothing wrong with accepting help. Even the strongest people fall sometimes.” She looked at me with worry in her voice and asked. “I- I what are you talking about?” “I spoke with him about what you told me in the gym and about everything,” I replied, almost holding my breath. I worried about what the outcome of this would be. “And he thinks that he has some things that can help you.” She looked at me with wide eyes before stating. “What I’m not crazy…I’m not crazy.” I quickly reassured her and said, “No one said you are not like I said it's okay to need help sometimes,” hoping that she would understand.
It seemed like she did as she took a deep breath and surprisingly agreed to hear Bruce out as long as I sat there and listened with her, I agreed to do that seeing as I did just surprise her out of nowhere with this. After we listened to Bruce talk about what would be her treatment plan. She seemed to be more comfortable with the idea.
When we were walking out of the lab she stopped. I turned around to see what was the hold up when she said something that I wasn’t expecting. “I’m sorry for what I did, Really sorry.” She said looking down at her feet. “And I want you to be happy, You deserve to be happy and I know that you aren’t that with me but you were with y/n and if you need me to explain everything to her I will but you deserve to be happy and be with someone who is just as amazing as you are.” She continued this time looking me in the eyes. I was shocked as to what I was hearing but not wanting to leave her hanging I replied. “Thank you for apologizing and I accept your apology. I do not need you to talk to Y/n but I do appreciate the gesture.” She nodded at me. “So I guess this is it?” You looked at her and gave a sad smile. “Yes it is, but I will be here if you need to talk and I want to be updated on how your treatment is going.” She smiled back at you and replied “I will keep you updated. Bye, Wanda.” “Goodbye,” I said as I walked away from her feeling sad but excited to go and see you.
When I finally found you, you were in your room reading some book that I couldn't see the name of. I ran into the room and jumped on your bed. You giggled and put the book down, then said, “I'm guessing it went well?” I nodded my head, smiling. “It went a lot better than I was expecting. Your plan worked,” I said. You looked at me, smiling, “I told you it would,” you said while scooting over to make room for me. As I was getting comfortable, I felt you staring at me. I looked up at you and asked, “What?” You blushed and replied, “Nothing, you're just really beautiful.” I surprised myself and started leaning up to kiss you. I went slow, not the perfect knowing if you were ready yet, but letting you know that I was. I soon knew that you were when I felt your lips on mine. I smiled softly as I broke away from the kiss. I then snuggled up in your arms, not certain of what we were in the moment, but sure of one thing: you are enough for me.
Feedback is absolutely loved!!!
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deadpool15 · 1 year
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Mommy duties
Cassie's POV
I woke up this morning, still tired as hell. Only to look to my left side and see an empty ass bed. "Great way to start a morning sweetie", Cassie says sarcastically. Hitting and kicking and kicking my feet up like that will make this woman magically appear. After a while, I stopped thinking this would be a great time to get in some extra rest." Yes, Cass, look on the bright side, and today will be a great day." I turned her head when I heard a very loud whine, then I opened my eyes clearly and stared at the door hoping and praying it would stop. "And now I have to pee".
I walk outside my bedroom and bend down and see our 3 year old son, Corey. The naming process was a bit much to think about it. With me being American and Bada being korean. I didn't really care about whether the name is korean or american. As long as I could pronounce it, I was fine. Know what you're thinking? You're a terrible mother if you sit there and listen to your son crying and do nothing. I look up and see the cameraman set up with everything, "Don't judge my parenting skills if you don't have kids, you freaks."
Once my precious little Corey looks up and sees me, he gets all happy and jumpy. He starts tapping my leg and bouncing up and down, letting me know he wants to be picked up. Of course, any other time, I would big my big baby up with a smile on my face, but in my current condition, everything is either aching or swollen. "Hello everyone, or good morning, I guess. I'm Cassie Lee. Or wait, last name first, so Lee Cassie. "And this little man," I say as I bend down despite my back pain and pick my son up. "This is Corey Lee, I know I just contradicted myself with the last name again, but it's sounds better like that, yea. I'm the mother, and it's my way or no way. " I say while laughing.
"So, today, we won't really be doing anything to be honest, just like a day in life with us." I look behind me to realize that Corey is hiding behind my leg. I just laugh softly. "You would think with whom his parents are, he would be used to the camera. Welp, I guess not, huh?" I turn around to go my morning routine. I'm brushing my teeth, then having to get Corey ready for the day. As I'm putting him in his outfit, we choose for the day a member of the crew says, "Had you and Bada ever thought of bringing little Corey to daycare, Mrs. Lee". I just chuckle and stare at my son for a minute and then continue. " It's a common thing to put babies in daycare, so it was suggested to us, you know, some women said was good. It would give us a bit of a break. But in my family, daycare wasn't a thing. In fact, the women in my family look down upon them, to be honest. " I said while laughing. They view as mothers trying to get away from their children. I think it's reasonable. Parents go through a lot. I mean me and Bada I just became parents to Corey, so I don't look down upon it like my family. But I can say that for me, I have extreme separation anxiety from my son. Sleeping in separate rooms is like a lot for me. It's hard on Bada to, though, with her working. "
I finish putting on his pants and start kissing all over his face and making my way to the kitchen to feed him. I fix him some rice. It's weirdly his favorite. And eggs with apple slices. "Corey eats some weird combinations, but hey, he is happy, so that's all that matter". I say, turning to the camera and smiling. After a while, he looks around and starts getting crying. "There goes a happy day. He is used to Bada feeding him in the morning." I try to do the train thing she usually does, but he starts crying louder. "Mama... Noo....Mama, "Corey says while trying to get out of his high chair. Yea, this isn't working. As soon as he starts speaking, I realize he doesn't want me, but Bada. He calls me Mommy, and Bada is Mama or Eomma. He does it so he doesn't get confused, I think.
I try to grab him and sooth him by whispering in his ear and rubbing his back, but nothing seems to be working. "Come on, baby, I know, but Mama is at work right now. We can't just cry, though. " I wanna call her, but I know she will be busy on and won't be able to answer. After a while, I just give up, "Corey wanna go see Mama." He finally stops crying to look at me and starts to calm down. Ok, then let's get your shoes on. we are going to go see Mama. He starts running or attempting to run with him being so excited that it seems hard. He brings his shoes and smiles with his big puffy cheeks. "What am I gonna do with you?"
I put on his shoes. And then go put on my dress. Many people expect pregnant women to dress like nuns. And I refuse to do that. I come out fully ready in my dress, showing off my 5-month bump with pride. " I was that bitch before I was pregnant and I still am at 5 months what does that tell you ladies and gentlemen. I've just been that bitch." I say while covering Corey's ears. Then I grab his hand and his bag, making sure to grab a couple of toys. Then I go in the kitchen to pack up his breakfast in a container to give to him when we get there. "Well, let's go, baby".
I walk outside in my sandels cause my feet just aren't made for it anymore. Then I pick up Corey and place his bag in the Corey and then move to scrap him up in his car seat. Then I get in the driver's seat after making sure he is secure. "My mom is always saying he is a toddler now. A big boy needs a booster seat not a car seat. I just let her say whatever and move on. Corey is a small baby I and he likes his car seat. So he shall stay fully secure and safe inside of the seat. I then start driving.
I always get lost when it's time to come to this set. "She has told me a million times where this place is, but I always get lost when I right around the corner." I looked up and saw the exit and finally remembered the area I'm in. "See, my sense of direction just never been there. In my defense, I grew up in New York, and almost no one drives a car there. With how crowded the city is, no one wants to. " I said, looking at the camera. Then, I look up and see the MNET building. "We are finally here. The literal pain I had to go through this morning all for some breakfast is crazy. I said while pulling into the parking lot.
While trying to park, I realized I had to parallel park. "See, I knew getting here was too easy. This whole process seemed way easier than it usually is. Shit. " I turn around and see Corey giggling. "That's a no, no word ok. Don't say that word, baby. " I struggle, then eventually I am able to park the car, without hitting anything. "Funny thing is I didn't know how to drive until I came to Korea. Bada actually taught me, and the driving lessons paid off because I really didn't wanna hit anything. This isn't my car it's hers. So yea. "
I go to get out of the car while making sure to grab my babies bag, of course. Then I reach in the back seat and start to unbuckle Corey from his car seat. And he is smiling all happy. "Yall see the sudden mood change. It's actually quite crazy. He remembers the building now. " I say while smiling back at him and putting him on my hip. Not before reaching the front of the car to grab my water bottle. "We are on the way to see Mama, yay, right?" I started singing with Corey as we make it to the entrance of the building.
The woman at the front desk looks at me and bows. I try to bow as well until she looks down and sees my stomach and starts apologizing. "No, it's fine. I understand. Who exactly are you here to see? Do you have an appointment? "She says while smiling at me and Corey. "He is very adorable ma'am". I look at her smiling and thank her. Corey gets shy and tries to hide in my neck. " I'm here to see Bada Lee. She should be on set right now," she stares at her computer and starts typing before telling me to give her a moment. I nod and wait, and then she looks down at my hand and giggles, "She said her wife might be coming in one of these days." I look at her and laugh. "I don't exactly know if they are filming right now, though Mrs. Lee. Would you like me to inform her? " I just shake my head.
"No, she doesn't know we are here right now. I wanted it to be a little work surprise. " She nods and gets up to show me the way to the set. "We are almost there to see Mama," I say to my son while being so ready to put him down. He gets really clingy with me when he is around strangers. I guess that's my fault. "And here we are, just right there is team BEBE's room. I believe they are still filming. And then they should be making their way to their room right after. " She tells me before smiling and walking away. I bow as much as I can and place down Corey's bag. "We will wait a little while they should be done soon baby".
Bada's POV
After filming my no-respect battle with Redy, I sat down. I just knew she was going to pick me. We have had some tension since we got here. Or at least we do on her part, it seems. We were once a part of a dance crew called Cupcakes together. Then problems happened, and we all went our separate ways. Some of us grew as dancers and others as I could see still carrying those conflicts with them. If she felt I certain type of way, I didn't mean to give her that impression. But I felt better after winning the battle. I sat down and watched Tatter, Lusher, and my other members get into their own no-respect battles. I was proud of them. Ever since we got her, the other crews have been insulting us by saying that the only reason we are famous is because of me. How we have no talent besides me and simply a crew with my talents. Which has been pissing me off, we are all talented, and I'm glad people are seeing that.
After a few more battles, Daniel announced that we would be taking a break, which is much needed right now. I just feel like the teams need a break. Or a stretch, I low-key wanna go home. I miss my wife and my son. Right before I left, I made sure to go inside his room and hug him, which wasn't nearly enough time, in my opinion. Eventually, the cameras turned off for a moment, and everyone stopped with all the fake beefing and started talking with their crews and other crew. "You all were good out there ok, don't overthink. Or think about anything these people are saying you're good dancers and we just have to keep showing them what you all are made of. " I look at my crew while smiling until I hear a bunch of people mumbling about something. Then I see all the crews going to be nosy. I get up and see Halo of Wolf'lo and Mina of Deep N' Dap all excited. The rest of the crews start to gather around.
I make my way over to the circle people with BEBE following right behind me. Then ask Babysleek, "What's going on?" She looks at me and smiles someone on set, brought a cute baby here." I stare at her, trying to figure who's kid is she talking about. Then I look to the side and hear, "O, she is a foreigner. Do you think she speaks Korean. I don't know, probably not. The baby looks like it could be part korean, though. Maybe she is here to visit her husband. Do foreigners always show off their pregnancy? Yea, i think it's not a korean thing for sure. Well, whoever he is, that man is lucky she is gorgeous".
As soon as I hear about a foreigner walking around with her belly showing, I smile. They think she is married to a man, funny. Too bad for the guys here she is mine. Eventually, the crowd moves around, and I see my son. I wait for a while to see if he will spot me before I reach out to him. Then he looks up at everyone smiling, and the crowd starts to have a heart attack. Amazing what babies can do, am I right? He turns over and looks at finally spots me. He starts running towards me, yelling. "Mama, Mama, is here." He says while running towards me. The crowd turns and looks around confused due to his mother being right next to him the whole time, trying to find out who he is calling Mama. Then, when he grabs my leg, everyone looks around, shocked before laughing and gushing at the baby. I hear JJ yelling, "She is actually MOTHER, OMG, I CAN'T TAKE THIS."
I laugh at her before grabbing my son and picking him up. And hugging him while kissing all over his face. He starts giggling and keeps saying Mamma. Then I look over to my wife and say, "What are you doing here, my love?" She stares at me at smiling while holding her hips. "We were waiting for you in the crew room, but I guess Corey got bored." She says while staring at me, biting her lips. I know that look on her face all too well. Then I move towards her and grab her waist, and kiss her. I've never been afraid of PDA, especially when you are married to a woman with curves to spare at this point. I hear everyone start cheering me on as I kiss her. She looks at me and says, "Corey didn't wanna eat because his mamma wasn't there to feed him, like she usually is." I look at her, then glance down at her outfit and start to bite my lips.
I grab her hand while still carrying Corey, and we make our way towards the crew room. We then sit down, and Corey jumps out of my arms and starts to play with his toys. I then turned around to grab her hips before she could make her way to sit on the couch. "You caused a whole show out there, didn't you, baby?" She looks at me and smiles." I was trying to wait for you to help with our parent duties, or did you forget Ma'am?" I squeezed her hips while kissing her neck. "Yes, of course I remember Mrs. Lee, you look way to good in this dress baby". She laughs at me and tries to back up before I grab her again. "What do you have a pregnancy kink or something?". I grab her neck and continue kissing her.
"No, but I definitely have a you kink. Walking around looking so good. The entire set got a glance at you before me, I don't know how to feel about that baby. You just look too good to be seen by anyone other than me. " She finally managed to push me off of her and says "I would like you to tend to you to our son, and maybe, just maybe Mama will get an award. " I look at her nodding and smirking. "I'm getting that sweetheart. Just know that. That dress is the reason you're gonna be crying later. Just wanna warn you, baby. " I say while picking up Corey, getting ready to feed him.
"Yea, yea, whatever, Mrs. Lee, "she says before smiling at me and sitting in a chair while slowly opening her legs and showing me she isn't wearing any underwear. I hold onto our son a little tighter before chuckling, "Yea, you're going to get it. I'm gonna make you beg me to stop".
"I guess we'll see, won't we Mrs. Lee". She says as I continue to feed Corey. "Yes, we will, Mrs. Lee. We surely fucking will".
(Just in case yall were confused, Cassie was filming for one of those korean parents' shows, that's why the camera was following her and her son)
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cwritesforfun · 4 months
Art Donaldson x Fem!Reader: In Love
Y/N = Your Name
*** I do not own the Challengers characters or plot or anything from the movie ***
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You play tennis at Stanford and it’s great. You got a full-ride scholarship to play. You study management with a focus on Human Resources as well. It’s interesting to you.
You were Tashi Duncan's designated partner for practice until she got injured. She knocked on your door one late night and told you to win it all for her since she couldn't. It was intense, but you thanked her for her words. Once Tashi got injured, you were suddenly the one everyone watched on and off the court. It was terrifying because, until this point, you didn't even know if you wanted to play professionally. This changed everything and you were determined to make everyone proud.
You're sitting in the dining hall with your chicken wrap reading when you hear, "Hey Y/N. Could I join you for lunch?" You see Art Donaldson standing there smiling with his food and you say, "Sure, Art. Please sit." He smiles at you before sitting down and says, "So uh the College Championships are this weekend, are you nervous?" You answer, "Of course, why wouldn't I be? We all thought it would be Tashi taking the win and now all eyes are on me. I want to make everyone proud. It's nerve-wracking." He replies, "But you also have to make yourself proud in the process or it's not worth it." You nod and reply, "I know, but I think this season has just been very crazy and it hasn't set in for me, I still feel like this isn't my real life. Are you excited for the Championships?" He nods and answers, "I am, but I'm nervous. I know I've been improving a lot this year, but there's always room to grow." You reply, "On your backhand for example?" His eyes widen and he asks, "Are you serious?" You answer, "Yeah... if you want, we can practice together. I could use the extra practice." He replies, "Then you're on, Y/N."
You fall into an easy conversation with Art before exchanging numbers. You both practice together and it goes really well.
On the way to the Championships, you slide into your seat on the team bus and look out the window. You hear Art ask, "Hey, is this seat taken?" You shake your head and you reply, "Please join me." Art smiles and says, "I think you'll kill it today. I hope you know that I'm proud of you. I've seen how far you've come from the beginning to get to where we are now. You've come so far and grown into an amazing player. Not that you weren't before, but uh... everyone can always improve." You laugh and reply, "Thanks, Art. You know you have really pretty eyes." His face blushes bright pink and you ask, "Omg, are you blushing? That's so cute." He replies, "I think you're really cute and pretty too, for the record." You smile.
Art cheers loudly for you when you win your first match and even more when you win the Women's College Tennis Championship. The game ended and you could not be more shocked. You ran to hug your friends including, Art. They were all so excited for you. You all celebrate at the winner's party. Art even dances with you and makes sure you eat + drink lots of water. He's so sweet.
You and Art go on your first date then you go on weekly dates... you also practice together when you can.
You graduate college and you go professional in tennis. You call Art all the time and you try to visit him at least once a month or every two months depending on both of your schedules. You're both still happy and you realize you love him. You've fallen so in love with Art and you need to tell him. You plan out a practice schedule with your Coach and you start your drive to see him.
You arrive on campus and call Tashi who tells you that Art is headed to the dining hall for lunch right now. You park off campus since it's free and you run to the dining hall. You notice Art ordering food so you slide into the booth where you two first hit it off. It quickly became your booth together every time you ate together at the dining hall last year. You watch Art turn around, do a double take, and then run with his food to the booth. He sets his food down before you stand and hug him. He presses a kiss to the side of your head and says, "Oh I've missed you so much. I can't believe you're real and here. Wait why are you here?" He pulls away and you answer, "I missed you and needed to see you. I wanted to tell you something." He asks, "What's up? Should I be worried? Usually needing to talk is bad." You answer, "No, it's not bad. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. Yeah, I love Art Donaldson. It's okay if you can't say it back yet, but I wanted you to know it." He smiles widely and exclaims, "Baby of course I love you back." You smile and you both kiss. He then asks, "Do you want something to eat? I can grab you the chicken wrap that you love from here. It will only take a minute." You nod and answer, "Pretty please, that sounds great." He kisses you on the side of the head again before going to grab you food.
You drive to Art's apartment after lunch and you show him your practice schedule. You decide to go with Art to practice tomorrow to surprise the teams. You want to see your old Coach and old team. You missed their energy and support.
As you lay in bed, Art exclaims, "I haven't been sleeping as well without you. I need your arms cuddling me to sleep." You ask, "Is that your way of asking if I want to cuddle?" He shrugs and says, "Please." You laugh and you wrap your arms around him. He rests his head next to yours and asks, "How did you know you loved me?" You answer, "Umm I've been falling in love with you the whole time we've been dating, but I realized I loved you like yesterday. I knew when you were texting me checking in with how I was and how attentive you were during our calls. I knew I needed to tell you in person because I missed you too." He replies, "I'm really glad you came to visit me. I've missed you so much. How long can you stay?" You answer, "I'm all yours for one week, baby." He smiles and you see him blushing. You ask, "When did you know you loved me?" He answers, "This is kind of embarrassing, but I've always fallen in love very fast. I started falling for you as soon as you told me that my eyes were pretty before the college championships you won." You smile and reply, "I remember that. It was so cute. I really wanted to tell you that I liked you right then, but I didn't know if would mess with our minds before the matches." He replies, "I would've dedicated the match to you and asked you out right then if you had. I really liked you after our first conversation." You reply, "I really liked you too. I thought you were into Tashi at first, which is why I also didn't say something sooner." He replies, "My Tashi phase was very short compared to my Y/N phase. I think I'll forever be in my Y/N phase." You reply, "Good to know. Good to know. I'm in my Art Donaldson forever phase too." He leans up and kisses you.
Art goes professional and graduates within the next year. You both move in together and try to attend as many matches as you can in the same tournaments. You support each other publicly and it gains a lot of attention from brands. You become a brand ambassador for a sportswear brand and a dress brand. It's very exciting for you. Life is good.
Art supports you when you quit tennis 3 years later ... when he asks why, you have to tell him that you're pregnant... he starts crying happy tears.
You start a job at a management agency and you use your time off to attend some of Art's matches. He is excited for you to be working and he treats you like a Princess anytime he's around you. You find out you're having a girl and he helps you design the bedroom.
You're both currently visiting Stanford ... Art wouldn't tell you why. It was weird. He just told you to request time off for 3 days and you both drove to Stanford. You walk into the dining hall and you see flowers on the table you both used to sit at. Art picks them up and exclaims, "Y/N, this table is where we both started liking each other and where we both said I love you for the first time. I felt it was the only place to do this... Y/N I've loved you for 5 years and I want more of them with you. With you and our future baby girl by my side, I know I can do anything. You make me feel loved and understood. You radiate such joy and positivity that I adore. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." He kneels on the ground and asks, "Y/N, will you marry me?" You feel the tears on your face and smile. He's literally perfect. You exclaim, "Yes I'll marry you, Art." You both kiss.
You get married at a courthouse on one of your free weekends because Art said he couldn't wait to be with you forever. Your family was sad but also so happy. You reassured them that you'd have a fun summer gathering with both families to celebrate.
BRB...writing some for Patrick and Tashi too... maybe more Art... let me know... I can tag you, lmk that too... teehee thanks for reading
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pandorasprongs · 1 year
CHAPTER FOUR | come home to my heart.
'it's nice to have a friend' fic masterlist + playlist | previous chapter
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: jamie tries to get reader to forgive him.
WARNINGS: language
A/N: hello! sorry for such a long wait, i've been on vacation. i also haven't been able to proofread huhu but hopefully the interlude prepped ya'll for this moment because a good chunk of this one is from jamie's pov! don't have much to say because i don't want to spoil much hehe but enjoy jamie's comeback!
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Losing Jamie for a second time felt the exact same: like absolute shit. Except this time, you were an adult and couldn't sulk in your room all day. So for the next few weeks, — aside from said crying sessions — you've been dragging yourself to all of your lectures and powering through office hours as if nothing happened.
You already told Liv about it the morning after, and after seeing your bloated face and the fact that you had a massive hangover, she decided to withhold her 'I told you so' speech, much to your relief. 
It was unraveling the exact same way as last time and the cherry on top was the fact that Jamie wasn't reaching out in any way, shape, or fucking form. No texts, calls, or anything. 
Every now and then, you'd think about reaching out yourself. It was you who yelled at him that night and told him to leave, but you would shake your head every time. No, if Jamie really wanted to preserve your relationship, he would have to be the one to reach out. You got to say your piece and that's it.
And maybe you were being a little petty, taking down all your photos with him from the shelf and stuffing them in a box with all the tokens from Jamie that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw away, but at least it stopped you from nearly breaking down every time you passed your hallway.
Jamie wasn't taking it so well either, despite what you assumed.
After that night, he had this sinking feeling in him. He knew he fucked up, — ghosting you and treating you like a complete stranger at the pub in front of his teammates, — but it hurt even more hearing you shout and tell him how badly it fucked you up.
To this day, he doesn't know why he did it, really. Maybe it was the fact that he felt guilty for never talking to you after you left. Or maybe you were right; he cared too much about what his teammates thought that he ended up hurting you in the process. But no matter the reason, he ruined one of his most important relationships that night.
So what was he going to do? What he always did. Ignore it. Focus on the season, despite the fact that Richmond has been on a losing streak since the West Ham game. While Jamie might be off his game because of you, he wasn't going to acknowledge that. Just bury it and hope it disappears.
It wasn't until after the fifth match in the losing streak that he got a message from an unknown number he was forced to confront it. 
Hi Jamie. I'm Liv. I'm not sure if (Y/N)'s mentioned me, but I'm one of her friends and I got your number from her phone. I was hoping to talk to you soon when you're free.
So now, he was sitting in a white office like he was waiting for some test results. It didn't help that the person sitting in front of him was in a lab coat, either.
"Sorry, I know it's weird we had to do this in an office." Liv started and Jamie straightened up in the chair. "I thought you'd want somewhere private to talk."
"Yeah, so you're probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you. Uhm, (Y/N)'s been a little off recently. She told me about what happened, which I honestly saw from a mile away, but that's not the point." Liv sighs before continuing. "The last time this happened, back in uni, she practically quarantined herself in her room till her parents came and picked her up. She barely ate, and barely talked to anyone. It was terrible. And I can tell that she's on the way to that again."
Jamie's eyes widened, filled with guilt once again, but he said nothing.
Something about his reaction just triggered something in Liv. "Right, so I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but what the fuck are you doing, man?" The footballer moved back in his chair, but Liv wasn't dismayed. "Why haven't you called her? Or even texted or something."
"I," Jamie's completely at a loss for words. "I thought that she didn't want to talk."
"What gave you that idea?"
"She told me to leave that night so harshly, so I thought..." Jamie trails off, realizing how terrible that reasoning is after saying it out loud.
Liv is thinking the exact same thing, causing her to roll her eyes. "Come on, Jamie! You can't actually think she wants nothing to do with you now. She won't ever say it, but do you know how many times I've caught her checking your contact to see if you've sent anything? She misses you and seeing how shit you've been playing these past few matches, I think it's safe to assume that you miss her too."
Despite this woman being a complete stranger to Jamie, he's suddenly compelled to admit, "Just because she misses me doesn't mean that she wants me back in her life. And I don't think I should be, to be honest." She's better off without me. 
Liv's expression finally softens and she looks down at her desk before saying, "She at least deserves an apology."
It had been a few days since then, which Jamie had been using to think it over. He knew Liv was right; he needed to apologize. He just didn't know how. And of course, he had to talk to the most emotional man he knew.
"Jamie! What brings you here?" Ted who, despite the team losing yet another game, greeted quite cheerfully. It almost made the football player turn right back around because he wasn't sure if he was in the mood for his coach's relentless optimism.
But he knew there wasn't anyone else he could go to, seeing as you were obviously unavailable, Keeley was way swamped with her new company, and telling his mum would be indirectly telling your parents too. He shuts the door behind him and moves to Ted's side of the office. "Right, um, I was hoping to talk to you about something."
His coach seems to pick up on Jamie's uneasy demeanor and leans forward with a sympathetic look on his face. "What's up, buttercup? Should I gather the diamond dogs for this?"
Jamie, recalling the name that the coaches and Higgins called themselves, was quick to reject the idea. "No, no, I'd rather not have them find out about this. Uhm, look, I know I haven't been doing my best recently,—"
"Oh, we'll get a win soon bud, don't worry." Ted is quick to reassure the player and while Jamie appreciates it, he shakes his head.
"No, I know, but that's not it." Jamie takes a deep breath before continuing. "It's just, I've been a bit distracted recently."
"Is this about a girl perhaps?"
"No," though Jamie thinks about it for a second. “Yes, but no?" Seeing the slight look of confusion on his coach's face, he explains, "A while back, I reconnected with an old friend. She was my best friend actually, back in Manchester. We didn't exactly end on the best of terms and it was my fault. But when we met again, she told me that I didn't need to apologize."
Jamie continued to recount the past few months to his coach, from his blind date to the Bones & Honey incident, along with what he did to you in the pub all those years ago. 
"So now, I don't know what to do. Her best friend said I should apologize, but I don't really know how. I'm not really the best with these types of things." Both of them still remembered how long it took for Jamie to get the team to forgive him when he first came back.
Ted takes a second before responding, trying to figure out the best thing to say in this situation. "You know Jamie, I've always thought the simplest ways are sometimes the best ones. Overthinking things tends to complicate them more. You want to apologize right? How'd you used to do it when you were kids and you threw your little tantrums at each other?"
"Coach, I don't think bringing her chocolate is gonna work this time around." Jamie gets flashbacks to your first-ever argument as kids. Jamie accidentally ate the last slice of chocolate cake that you had unofficially saved and you stormed out and locked yourself in your room for an hour. 
All it took was Jamie sliding a bar of chocolate through the bottom of the door, explaining that he got hungry, and promising to save her a slice of cake the next time they had a party. You ended up sharing the bar with Jamie.
"Probably not. But in all the times you fought, what were the things that got her to forgive you? What did you say that made her understand your side and know that you actually were sorry for what you did? And how did you prove to her that you weren't going to do that to her again?" Maybe if Jamie thought about this advice later tonight, it'll make more sense, but right now, only one question was occupying his mind.
"D'you think she'll forgive me?" He thinks out loud.
"I honestly don't know Jamie, I don't even know who she is. But if you show her how much you care like how you're showing me right now, I'm sure things will be fine." Ted, now standing, offers a comforting pat on the back.
Without looking up, Jamie whispers, "I never meant to do this to her. To hurt her like that."
"We rarely ever mean to hurt the people we love." Ted offers.
Love. Yeah, Jamie thought, he did love you, even after all these years. Especially after all these years. What, with all the 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' bullshit.
"All we can do after is try to atone for our mistakes and hope they forgive us. And even if they don't, at least you leave knowing you tried." Jamie nods his head and thanks his coach for the advice.
As he got into his car to leave the clubhouse, he pulled out his phone. Hi, are you free tonight? I was hoping we could talk. 
He anxiously waited for your reply and started listing all the places he had to pass by before heading to your place if you even answered. But before Jamie even left the car park, you already replied, Sure.
Maybe you had been hoping for Jamie's message more than you thought. You were in the middle of the lecture when you got his message, so while your class passed the handouts around, you took the chance to grab your phone and reply.
So now, you were anxiously waiting in your flat, still unsure of how you were meant to feel about all this. You knew there was still anger there, but you weren't sure if exploding on him relieved that feeling or made it worse. A part of you also felt guilty for it too, for not even giving him a chance to apologize in the first place. Maybe instead of awkwardly letting him inside later, you would've been having yet another movie night together.
That's what he was going to do now right? Apologize? You didn't really press on for my details when he messaged you earlier. You just hoped that seeing him again will trigger the right response to whatever he had planned.
You heard the doorbell ring and suddenly, it felt like your heartbeat quickened. You take careful steps towards the door and after mentally preparing yourself for whatever this was going to be, turn the doorknob.
"Hi," Jamie greeted, in the most awkward way possible for a guy as confident as he could. You notice him holding a box of LEGO flowers under his left arm and a pack of chocolate nuggets in his right hand.
In an attempt to lighten the mood, you jokingly ask, "Is your apology just going to be flowers and chocolate?" though it may have come across as harsher than you intended.
"No, but uh, in case you changed your mind about talking to me when you saw me, I thought this would at least get me through the door," Jamie explained and you slowly nodded your head.
"Well, you were right." You take the things from his hand and let him inside. 
You had already cleaned up the place before he came over and hidden all the messy catalogs and test papers in your room for the time being. Its current condition could honestly pass as one of those display sets in department stores.
You placed the items on your dining table before turning back to Jamie who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the living room.
You didn't want to delay this any further. "So, why'd you want to talk?"
"Right," Jamie started, still unable to look you in the eye. "I wanted to say sorry for not messaging you these past few weeks. I've just been busy and Richmond's been on a losing streak too,—"
"Is that really all you wanted to say?" Your tone was soft, but even you knew you were being blunt. You just couldn't handle the sinking feeling of anxiety in your chest anymore and while you might be rushing him, you just wanted to get this over with.
"No, it's not." Jamie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He moves towards you and starts looking at you intently. "I'm sorry. For everything. You deserved an apology and an explanation a long time ago and I can't go back in time, so I want to do it now."
He pauses for a moment, and when you realize he's waiting for you to say something, you respond, "Go ahead, Jamie."
He nods his head and almost looks like he's psyching himself up before a match. He takes another deep breath before continuing.
"I wanted to start from when I started to get distant. I never told you, but after I started at Man City, dad came back into the picture."
"He did?" Your voice was barely a whisper, and you're unsure if he even heard it because he keeps talking.
"You know how he is, right?" Of course, you did. 
Growing up, you knew the exact times his dad would be coming over. There’d be some beat up car in their driveway and if you looked out your window, Jamie’s window blinds would be down. During the early years, you’d ask your mom to call their house, but after the first time and about a ten-minute call with Georgie, she started telling you they were busy. It was only after that outlying car in their driveway disappeared that Jamie would come knocking at your door, asking to play. He'd have this air of discomfort the first few days, but you were so happy being able to see him again that you’d end up ignoring it.
"Anyway, he was on my arse that whole time. He always had something to say after every match about how I fucked up or, how shit I'd been. Even if I was just sitting on the bench, he still had something to say. It was exhausting," You could tell that Jamie was starting to get angry at the reminder of his father, and without thinking, you reach out to hold his hand. Jamie seems to relax at your touch and when he seems to have composed himself, you let go.
"He would go on about the same things. Don't be soft, it's the fucking Premier League and shit like that. I just, I wanted it to stop. And I thought that toughening up would stop him from him getting under my skin. That meant removing everything that did make me soft, vulnerable. One of those things was you, but I realized now that it was in a good way. As in, I only ever felt comfortable and safe when I was with you." Your eyes widened at his confession and you felt tears threatening to fall.
"But fuck, Dad was really in my head back then. I thought that you were making me weak. And I hated the thought of him calling me that. So I stopped picking up your calls and messages. I just blocked you out.
"But when I started to realize I was becoming a prick, I thought you'd never want to talk to me again. That you'd hate me and it wasn't worth trying to get you to forgive me. Plus, Mum always had great stories about you, so I thought you were better off without me. I guess that's why I was such a prick back in the pub, pretending I didn’t know you. Might as well lean into it if I already lost you." At this point, you were resisting the urge to envelop Jamie in a hug and never let go, but you knew he wanted to finish his piece.
"And I know that it doesn't change the fact that it was a shitty way to treat someone I loved, but it's the best explanation I can give you. I really am sorry." Jamie held your eyes, emphasizing how genuine he was being. Someone I loved, did he really just say that? But he starts again before you can even consider what that meant.
"And, I really am trying to be better. I want to be worthy of staying in your life, if you'll let me. This time, I promise I'll never leave you like that ever again."
You were processing his words and couldn't answer immediately, so Jamie added, "And if you decide that you don't want anything to do with me, then you'll never have to see me again. But I promise to keep trying to be better even then."
You continued to stay silent and Jamie took that as your answer. "Right, so that's all I had to say, so I'll be out of—"
You wrap your arms around him, stopping him mid-sentence. The footballer is slow to reciprocate it, but when he does, you're transported back in time. It feels like you're eight again, and Jamie's football team just won the finals. It feels like you're fifteen again, and you've made up during a midnight run to the grocery after a stupid argument. It feels like you're seventeen again, saying goodbye to the only boy you've ever loved.
"I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you yet, Jamie. To go back to how it was before." You finally answer, and if you're being honest, you don't think you ever could go back. "But I want to be able to," you whisper and you feel him relax even more in your arms. "Just, don't fuck it up and leave again. Because I'd really love to have you in my life again."
"I promise I won't." And this time, you believe him.
A/N: and there you go! the angst is over! (or is it? muahaha) some cameos from liv and ted to help snap jamie out of it :) i had written jamie's apology monologue the same time i wrote reader's angry monologue from chapter three with some slight revisions when i put them in their respective chapters, so hopefully it matches up well stay tuned for the next chapter!!
TAGLIST: @moonflowersandsparkles @faith-alons26 @rexorangecouny @aiyaiy @thegirlthatwantedtowrite @giggling-sewer-ginger @katdahlali @higherthanheroes @guccilongboard @alipap3 @rockchickrebel @ellietartt @shineforever19 @skewedcherries @jamietarttdodo @meg-ro @deepdarkvelvet @taytaylala12 @scaramou @rae4725 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo (couldn't tag you for some reason?)
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genshin-impacted · 2 years
Exchange of Rings 
(Alhaitham x Reader - 1/?) 
Alhaitham never thought he would marry. The idea of knowing someone well enough to be in a long-term relationship and then committing himself to them was so far out of the picture, he never would have imagined that he would set up a matchmaking profile and meet you.  -or- You've always wanted to fall in love. Arranged marriages mean the two of you will work to make it work. If love happens, then it happens, though if falling in love is the end goal, you may as well almost be at the finish line.
Word Count: ~2.6k 
Notes: afab!reader, second person pov “you”, switches pov with Alhaitham, modern au, arranged marriage, fall first/fall harder, mentions of sex, slow burn(?)
Meeting the family is pleasant enough. The house of your made match is a two-story in a well-off neighborhood, so you already know what type of luxury to expect. But you've come prepared today, a gift basket of fruits in your hand as you walk past the pretty porch and stand on the tweed welcome mat.
The one who greets you at the front door after you ring it is who you presume to be his mother, who opens the door and welcomes you in eagerly. Your 'suitor,' for a lack of better words, is Alhaitham. You had to search up its origin to see that it's a Persian name, but his last name is a dead giveaway to his other Caucasian half. His mother must be the Persian half, skin sun-kissed to bronze with her light lavender hijab wrapping her upper half, and a bright smile as she takes your gift basket and tells you that you didn't have to and that you are so polite!
You tell her the kumquats are from your house, and she tells you that she loves them; she makes drinks that her husband adores that doesn't raise his blood pressure. A tall white man with graying hair-- a silver fox that you can see the resemblance in your suitor almost immediately-- comes in from what you think is the kitchen and holds out a hand for you to shake. His handshake is firm and warm, much like his wife's welcome. 
"Well, please, make yourselves at home," the mother tells you, ushering you into the dining room. You peek over into the kitchen and see a marble island. "I can't tell you how excited we are to finally meet you. We've heard- or," she laughs, "we've read good things about you."
"And I've read good things about your son. The feeling's mutual," you reply. You aren't quite sure what else to say; you don't know him at all aside from all the things that were written on his profile when it was sent to you. 
You would like to think the two of you are compatible enough, considering that the two of you technically "chose" each other through the matchmaking process, but you suppose you never really know until you meet him. Speaking of– that's exactly what will happen after you meet his parents. So far so good, you think. His parents are really, honestly lovely. It's evident that the two of them love their son and love each other, which is not a requirement by any means. It's not as though you'll marry the family (just the son), but it is nice to know that they've set the precedence to a loving couple– something you hope to end up as, despite it all. 
To think that it was years ago you heard about arranged marriages or matchmaking in the modern day. That you would end up in one today is something you didn't think you would have ever thought you would decide to do. In its simplest definition, it's when two people are put together to make a relationship work. It's practical, but funnily enough, when you think of it like that, you find it to be a little romantic.
You hope your suitor doesn't mind that side of you.
"Speaking of which..." The father sticks his head out into the hall. "Alhaitham! Your future fiancé is here!" He turns back to wink at you as you feel a shy smile worm its way out at the words. "Or so we hope!"
You hear steady footsteps from the staircases, and you don't mean to, but your heart skips, quickening as you wait to see your match in person. The first thing you notice is his height. It's hard not to with how short you are; everyone ends up towering over you, and Alhaitham is no different. The second thing is his hair. He does not seem like the type of person who dyes it-- or so you think-- so the silver must be natural. The third is his eyes: blue or green; you think you'll have to take a closer look to decide, but they are pretty regardless. 
You flash a smile at him before you forget to. He looks at his father and on cue, his father introduces the two of us. 
"Alhaitham, this is…" He says your name, and he looks back at you with a slight frown. "I am pronouncing it right, yes?"
To your delight, he is. You smile up at him, genuine and easy. "Yes, that's right. Thank you."
The mother pulls you aside with a sly smile that makes her crows feet appear at the sides of her eyes. "He made sure to search up the pronunciation before you came. Kept practicing it to get it right." 
"My wife spilling the beans aside," he says, huffing, "this is our son, Alhaitham. I'm assuming the two of you have lots to talk about so we'll be on our way. Feel free to eat anything on the table! We left it for you two."
"Sure thing," you say, waving at them as they walk up the stairs. "Thank you!" and then you turn toward Alhaitham who has yet to say a word.
"Feel free to sit down," he tells you, and you try not to smile at the fact that you think his voice is as attractive as the rest of him. "We might be in for the long haul for this conversation..." 
Alhaitham never thought he would marry. 
It's not as if he thinks he's undeserving of love or anything of the like. He just never thought about spending his life with someone like that, mostly out of disdain for the general population he's had the misfortune of interacting with. It isn't as horrible as it was in his earlier life; once people began to be able to make sound(er) judgment and make smarter decisions, he found them a little more bearable to interact with and eventually made companions with like-minded people. Begrudgingly. 
(His friends are known to be 'geniuses' though, and with genius comes a little bit of insanity, so he isn't sure what that means for him.)
Matter of fact is, he's gone through most of his life without needless social interaction and has done pretty well for himself, so he thinks that's a testament to how unnecessary socializing is to live the life he wants. So marriage-- the idea of knowing someone well enough to be in a long-term relationship and then committing himself to them was so far out of the picture, he never would have imagined that he would set up a matchmaking profile…
All at the behest of his grandmother. 
His parents have always wanted him to find someone once he graduated from university. His excuse of 'school comes first' stopped working the moment he got a job, and from then on it was mild concern on whether he was too alone or lonely. He's grateful for his parents for never really forcing him to do anything, but their well-meaning suggestions are still something that floats in the background, distracting him. But both his parents and him both know that any relationship with him would fail, simply because he would not put any effort into it. 
He did try. Once. The person he last tried dating ended up splitting up with him because he seemed emotionally distant. The fact Alhaitham didn't seem very bothered when (to him) the inevitable happened only seemed to prove them right. But what was he to do– pretend to be attached to someone when he hardly knew who they were? If dating is the fast track, then he'd prefer to be on the right most lane or, even better, not be on the tracks at all.
It wasn't until his grandmother spoke to him about arranged marriages, how it was similar to a contracted deal, vetting suitors until he could choose exactly who he wanted with what conditions, that he finally considered it again.
It's true that the idea appealed to him because of his parent's insistence and it seemed like a logical way to deal with the idea of marriage. It's certainly skipping a few steps he wouldn't miss, but it's the in-depth selection period that appeals to him the most. And a little bit, though he will not admit it, is for his grandmother, to ease her mind. Alhaitham knows she has always wanted him to live a peaceful life and though a partner is not necessary (his grandmother is proof of that), having someone he can turn to when she is gone is something that worries her.
So hopefully when you come to meet him, he can see whether or not the two of you can live out that life of peace together. It would certainly solve a lot of his problems. For one, his friends would finally stop trying to set him up with people with the worst possible compatibility.
When the day arrives when he meets you, his grandmother asks him if he's nervous. He tells her no, which only makes her laugh and look at him knowingly. (He really isn’t nervous, and receiving such a familiar look from his grandmother makes him feel like she knows something he doesn’t.) She pats her weathered and dearly worn hands on his arm. "This is not just for your parents or me, habibi, but for you as well." She tells him, "To be seen is a wonderfully unique thing. I hope you will get to experience it.
He doesn't quite understand, but he knows his grandmother will refuse to give him the answers if she thinks it's something he needs to discover on his own. Regardless, Alhaitham dryly tells her to not get her hopes up, and she laughs again before pinching his cheeks till they hurt, like she always does.
First things first, the two of you start addressing any possible red flags or dealbreakers between the two of you. He asks you if you snore-- you say no. He tells you that whichever residence the two of you take, he has to have room for his books-- you shrug and say why not. And now you think you should have gone first because the first thing out of your mouth is the same as his-- he does not snore-- and whether or not he finds you attractive.
To his credit, he doesn't raise his brows or look confused. Instead, Alhaitham finally takes a good look at you, and you try not to squirm under the scrutiny. 
"Yes," he tells you simply, and the tension in your body is released all at once. And the next few questions, despite how important they are, don't seem to faze you as much as your questions did.
"I'd like to sign a prenup. Is that agreeable?"
"Yeah, I was thinking of the same."
"How do you feel about a joint bank account?"
"Maybe down the line? But not now."
"Do you want kids?"
"If it feels like we can raise them properly, yes."
"What kind of wedding do you want?"
"A big wedding, but only because my extended family is pretty big."
This turns out to be the first contention between the two of you, and his brows furrow slightly. "You want a small wedding, huh?" you ask. Before he can say anything, you continue, "I'm willing to make it a little smaller and limit the amount of people coming but family is really important to me, so I'd like them to be there." 
A moment's pause, and then a nod. "Alright. that sounds agreeable. I'm not very interested in the details of the wedding, so-"
"Honestly, I'll probably have some of my friends help out," you say. "I'll always make the final decision after talking it out with you." 
Alhaitham nods again, and then he's onto the next topic already. You don't see a note or paper anywhere with all these questions so you wonder if he's coming up with them all now or if he's already prepared it in his head. You try to think of any other questions other than the ones you listed, but they seem miniscule compared to the ones already asked. Nothing else seems to be a dealbreaker for you.
"You don't have any other questions?" he asks you, and it feels as though he's gauging you with this one like his previous ones. 
"Well, not really. the important ones are gone. 'Do you love your family?' I think that's pretty evident..." You put your hand on your chin in thought. "Well, I-" A question pops into your head and you think of it more like an unwelcome thought than anything. 
Not to miss a detail, as you have come to learn already, Alhaitham jumps on the opportunity to ask. "You have one?"
"Well," you say, hesitating. "I was wondering what you were looking to find in this arrangement. Between the two of us."
"We won't just be roommates, if that's what you're asking," Alhaitham says, and your hopeless romantic heart skips a beat. "We're both adults. We can work out an agreement on our boundaries and comforts. I'm assuming this question means you want sex to be on the table?"
You sputter. You don't mean to do something so unattractive but it's hard to stay calm when he just says things like that when you're thinking of something a little more innocent. Embarrassingly innocent, now that he's brought up the more lustful side of it all.
"I- I mean, yeah. That would be great," you stammer, "but I guess I was thinking more of the romance. You know..." you trail off, feeling your face warm as Alhaitham looks at you without a word to help continue your train of thought. 
I want the both of us to fall in love, you think helplessly. The both of you fall into silence.
"...The agreement is to live together for a year and plan a date if the both of us agree to it," Alhaitham says finally. You don't think he means to, but his steady logic calms you down from any wandering anxious thoughts. "There's still time for us to back out if we really wanted to. Nothing is set in stone yet. So whatever outcome happens at the end of it and you're not satisfied, you can leave."
To the point. "And the same goes for you too," you say, and when he nods, you try not to hold onto too much hope that it'll all work out.
You do, a little, anyway.
You've always wanted to fall in love. So deeply in love that it changes you. If bodies are a temple, then yours must be a gated community, with only the right people with the passcode to enter. The fast-paced dating game is not for you; the people available are not of your pace-- you date for love and for marriage, not for fun. 
You think of this almost like a last resort, but at the same time, it isn't. Especially with these conditions, you think this is your one chance to do romance your way. You have one year with a man who is so attractive it hurts, but with hobbies and personality that you think might be so misaligned that it hurts too. (When was the last time you read a book for leisure, not counting fan fictional works?) Arranged marriages mean the two of you will work to make it work. If he thinks you are worth it, then it will happen. 
But if the goal of it all is to fall in love at the end of it, you think you're almost done on your end. 
It does not take much for you to fall in love.
You think you’re nearly there when Alhaitham brings out the rings– plain, matching silver wedding bands– for the two of you to wear.
They fit perfectly.
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guccifrog · 7 months
chris sturniolo × f!reader
summary: where a silly dare leads to a lot of unexpected events
soz y'all i fell asleep yesterday but here is your fic :3
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part1 part2 part3 part4
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
Mama's boy- Dominic fike
0:09 ━●────────── 3:47
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
y/n's pov ☆
The gymnasium echoed with the dull thuds of sneakers and the occasional huff of exertion. It was just another day at school, and I was sitting on the bench, alone, watching everyone play basketball. My eyes wandered to the clock, counting down the minutes until I could be free from this hellhole. I didn't feel like playing today so I lied to the teacher and said I had a sore muscle. It was actually true, but I didn't want to be here either.
I huffed out a sigh, as my eyes scanned the room watching as everyone was doing their thing, a girl who I recognized as Alahna was showing off her new haircut, Dylan was trying to impress Amber, and Amber was just being Amber. My gaze shifted to a certain group of people in the corner, Cassie being one of them.
Her hair was pulled back in a perfect ponytail, and she was wearing a simple white shirt and black shorts, but she still managed to look gorgeous. Just looking at her for some reason made my blood boil. She was everything I wasn't, and she had the perfect life. But something about it seems fake like she's hiding something. I don't know, maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
"ugh she's such a bitch," I heard a voice say from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see it was Nick, he's been hanging out a lot with our group lately, and even though I'm still terrified of him finding out about that night, it's a little less awkward now that we got to know him a little more.
"Yeah she is," I agreed, not really wanting to say too much. Nick shrugged and moved closer to me on the bench, "I don't understand why Dylan keeps hanging out with her. She sounds so fake every time she's with us."I sighed.
"No cause my brother is literally whipped. He's been head over heels for her ever since they started hanging out. I don't get it. I mean, she's nice and all, but she's not that great. He's better than that," Nick shrugged his shoulders, disappointment coating his voice.
wait. Brother? which one is he talking about?
I frowned, trying to place which brother he could be talking about. "Wait, which brother are you talking about?" I asked, curiosity finally getting the better of me.
Nick frowned his eyebrows, a disgusted look placed on his face " Chris. He's been chasing her like a dog ever since she gave him a small amount of attention. It's pathetic really. I just don't get it, she's not even that pretty. Plus I heard she has something going on with Dylan already " He glanced over at Dylan and Amber, who were standing close together, laughing at something.
"wait really? I thought he was down bad for Amber," I admitted, not really paying attention before. Nick snorted, "Yeah, that didn't last long. Amber said something about her being into girls I think. I don't know, maybe it was just a rumor. But yeah." I raised an eyebrow, "So, she's into girls?" Nick shrugged.
there was so much going on, that it was hard to keep track of everything.
"Wait, why didn't anyone tell me?" I said, feeling a little shocked. I had known Amber since middle school, and even though we weren't friends til this year, I thought she'd at least tell me something like that.
"I dunno, maybe you never asked or something, and they thought you knew" Nick suggested.
"yeah, you're right I guess" I muttered, still trying to process this new information. Chris and Dylan are down bad for Cassie. Chris wants Cassie's attention but she's more into Dylan. Amber and Dylan aren't a thing like I thought, and Amber is apparently for the girls.
I glanced over at Cassie again, she was laughing at something Alahna said, just where the hell was I when all of this was happening? It's like everything is happening around me, but I'm just not there.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, breaking me out of my thoughts. I pulled it out and saw that it was my mom calling me. I sighed in frustration, knowing that I'd have to deal with her nagging voice. I waved at Nick and headed over to the lockers, I sat down on the cold, metal floor resting my back against one of the lockers, and picked up.
"So you finally decided to pick up?" She asked sarcastically.
"Mom I was in cla-"
"Don't give me that excuse, you've been in the same classroom for hours."
I sighed. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I've just been busy with stuff."
"What kind of stuff?" my mom asked suspiciously.
"Just stuff, you know…school stuff, homework, exams…" I trailed off.
"Don't give me that crap, you're grades are dropping. You've been hanging out with that crowd again, haven't you?" she demanded.
I paused for a moment, I hate this. I hate how she's always so…involved in my life. It's like she can't just let me live. "no Mom I'm not hanging out with them" I lied rolling my eyes.
"Then what's going on, huh?" she pressed.
"Mom, I'm fine. I just need some time to myself. Can't you fucking understand that?"
"Hey! Watch your mouth kid!" my mom yelled. I winced at the sharp tone of her voice. "I'm just trying to look out for you, but you're acting like a spoiled brat! You think you're too old for me to discipline you, is that it?"
I wasn't gonna do this again, not right now. Not when I was feeling this frustrated. "I'm going to go now. I'll talk to you later. Okay?" I said, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
"you're grounded. No going out this weekend. You're going to stay home and study. Understood? me and your dad will be back next week" my mom yelled before hanging up the phone. I stared at the phone screen, feeling anger boiling up inside me more and more. I got up, kicked the locker behind me aggressively, and stormed out of the school, not even bothering to head back to the gymnasium.
I sighed throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I had just finished practice and was walking down the hallway to my locker. I let out a small yawn, rubbing my tired eyes.
"Mom, I'm fine. I just need some time to myself. Can't you fucking understand that?"I froze my eyes wide.
Peeking from the corner, I recognized the person, it was the stalker. She was sat on the floor, phone in hand and her back against a locker. My locker.
I wasn't sure if I hate this girl or despise her more, something about her just annoys the fuck out of me. Maybe it's the way she's always trying to be mysterious and shit or just her whole existence is irritating. Whatever it is, I can't stand being around her for more than five minutes without wanting to punch something. But what I don't understand is why I haven't confronted her about that one night. It's like some part of me is too ashamed or something.
"I'm going to go now. I'll talk to you later. Okay?"I watched her sigh, her voice laced with frustration, as she waited for who I assumed to be her mom to answer.
A few minutes later she hung up and sat down for a while on the floor just looking at her phone, before getting up and aggressively kicking my locker.
What the fuck?
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taglist ☆@mattestrella @chrisfavoritepepsi @sunsetsturniolos @littlebookworm803 @sturniozo @sturniolooooo @athaliahxoxo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ev3rgreenxtrees @nonamegirlxsturniolo @crybabycat1 @mooniethesimp31 @ducksturniolo @ifilwtmfc @pepsiimaxx @sleepysturnss @lustfulslxt @ilovemattsworld @hrt-attack @flowerxbunnie @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @secret-sturniolo @that-general-simp @swangelss @familynotfandom @fuckshitslover @styles-sturniolo @lvr-111 @opheliaofficial07 @kiarastromboli @hearts4chriss @braindead4l @sturniolosreads @mattsturnzzz09 @itssophiasstuff @mayhem-72 @b2cute @buckys-celestes @4iriss @graceciesiels22 @urmom2bitch @junnniiieee07 @breeloveschris @b2cute @1horrormoviewhore1 @kqyslyho3 @whicked-hazlatwhore @ilovechrissturniolo1
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vinny hong x jo!reader
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 6
part 5 | part 7
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part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, jo!reader (jay is reader's 1 year older brother, but they're in the same class), second person's pov (you, you're, your), wb main story SPOILERS
Vinny has never looked back twice at a person before. Not at least before you.
Vinny’s eyes have been glued to the resin charm you gave him all afternoon. A cat tomato. A tomato cat. Whatever. Meanwhile, his bespectacled friend, Sung, was already itching to ask about it beside him. He never thought of you after the incident—that’s what you thought. After everything, you expect him to just erase his memory of you? Yeah, you probably thought he doesn't remember you, but oh, he does.
All too well.
He still has so many questions. Why were you in that alley? Were you experienced with fighting like how he concludes? Why were you so mysterious? 
He tries to shrug the thought of you in his head, but he fails. He panned his head slightly at Sung, who was observing him closely from the seat beside him. 
Vinny's face crumpled. “What're you looking at?”
That was Sung’s cue to finally open his mouth and stand up to stand behind him. “You’ve been fidgeting that thing for a while now, where is that even from?” He stood up and knocked on the resin charm with a fingernail from behind Vinny.
Vinny swatted his hand away, enclosed the charm inside his fist, and put it back inside his pocket.
“A girl gave you that.” Sung nodded slowly. It wasn’t a question, it’s a statement. It’s as if he knows.
“Shut up.”
His defensiveness of himself only made Sung chuckle in confirmation, which made the crease on Vinny’s forehead more prominent, as Sung laughs about how he didn’t even bother denying it. 
“I’m right, am I? You’re not one to acquire that for yourself. And you have beef with every man on earth, so only a woman could've given you that. Look at you getting really popular with the ladies. Isn’t Miss Suturing expert, one rainy Saturday night enough? Who gave you that resin charm? Someone important? Do I know her? I’m your friend, tell me! Tell me everything!” Sung's mouth kept yapping, not even giving Vinny a chance to cut in.
If only Sung knew the woman he stupidly dubbed as Miss Suturing expert was also the one who gave him the charm.
Vinny looked elsewhere. “Speaking of her, still nothing?”
Sung shook his head. “Nah, unfortunately. Just visit her in the hospital and find out. Or just join Minu's new crew and ask him.” Suddenly Sung’s smug face in Vinny’s point of view looked too punchable.
“I’ll kill you.” Vinny’s frown crumpled his whole face this time.
“Honestly, based on her personality, sounds like she's sheltered. Model student, eh? I told you to ask Minu. I think she’ll be hard to find.”
“Not so hard.” He thought he wouldn't meet you again, too.
“What?” Sung almost jumped back on his seat when he quickly went back. He was waiting for Vinny to confirm if his interpretation was right.
“We bumped into each other. She got stabbed.” Vinny reclined on his seat, mentioned like it was a normal occurence to be stabbed and to see someone get stabbed on an average Friday night.
“One more what and I’ll bust your jaw, Kwon Sung.”
Sung had to stare into space for a while to process that information. What the actual fuck? “You only told me she knew Minu, but you didn't tell me you met her again! Why? What happened to her? Why was she stabbed? How did it happen?”
“I didn’t see what happened.”
“Is she doing well, though?”
“‘Dunno. You ask her.” Vinny nonchalantly replied.
Sung’s face soured at Vinny refusing to elaborate. Plus, he doesn't even know you personally and he haven't seen you yet, yet he’s worried for you, while this dickhead with his feigned nonchalance says he isn’t! 
“Fucker! Not even man up to check on a girl that you witnessed almost at death’s door, how cruel. That’s why you don’t have a girlfriend!”
“I don’t want one!” Vinny defensively sneered as he thought of smashing the hardbound book on Sung’s face. He really makes Vinny’s blood pressure skyrocket.
“You sure you weren’t only dreaming because of your abstinence and unsuppressable yearn?” Sung tilted his head.
“My what…” Vinny scoffed in irritation while pronouncing the last syllable of his words, and cringed hard, yet he didn’t see any point to even bother further pointing out Sung’s... unsettling choice of words.
“S’not that I’m doubting you, but how do you know you really saw her and it wasn’t a hallucination?”
Vinny rolled his eyes in annoyance and raised the tomato cat resin charm—as if indirectly saying it’s proof of their encounter. Sung’s face looked puzzled for a moment until he realized what his friend meant. He was taken aback as it slowly sunk in. 
“Wow, well played. I’m proud of you.” Sung slow-claps.
“This one’s another.” His hand whipped out another object. Glasses. They were eyeglasses. He clicked his tongue. “That woman doesn’t care about her belongings.”
“Well for one, she just got stabbed for God’s sake. For sure she’s shaken to even double-back for her belongings.”
“That’s the thing—she didn’t look shook, not one bit. She even grabs any chance she has to joke around.”
“In other words, you got bullied by her? You don’t say.” Sung could not contain his laugh anymore, imagining his socially awkward friend being bullied by a girl.
Vinny's tried his best to conceal his embarrassment that was growing even more every second.
“Fuck you.” 
“You know, even if you don’t give a direct answer, you’re too obvious.” Sung bit the insides of his cheek to contain a mischievous grin, this time he really tried. Vinny might actually put his head on a stick. “But the woman really is something else. I understand why you like her.”
Vinny flung a ballpoint pen at Sung—which he dodged. Sung made his way outside to go to the restroom, his laugh still audible from where Vinny was sitting.
After a moment of silence, Vinny lightly touched the clothed scar he got from when he got stabbed. The one you stitched. For someone who magically just vanished, you sure did leave a lot of souvenirs.
When Sung came back from the restroom a while later, he came straight to Vinny again. “So what’s your plan? The glasses were prescription ones and graded. Knew from one look from afar. She's basically blind right now because you took her eyeglasses with you. I’d know.” Sung adjusted his own glasses, imagining the pain of a shit eyesight without glasses.
“I didn’t take it on purpose, fucker. She left it.”
“Whatever. I do hope you see her again, though.”
“Just to return her glasses.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.”
That was the last time he mentioned you to someone, a week ago. And now you're standing here in front of him, not even fazed of his presence. Your eyes flung to him for a moment, but you immediately looked away like your eyes passed by a blank wall. He knew he'd meet you at some time after your last encounter after you revealed your relationship with Minu and coerced him to join Hummingbird, but now you're really here.
Just what on earth is happening?
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2023, don't forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
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An Americano, Please? Part 3
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Word count: 1.3K A/N: Just an FYI, I don't usually upload twice a day, I just felt particularly inspired today. As always, italics in quotation marks signify the speaking is using romanian dialect.
Y/N's POV:
I gotta admit. It hurt when Jenna didn't send me a text immediately. It's been two days, and still nothing.
Maybe it was a meaningless banter. Oh well. I guess I just really thought something could come out of it.
"What are you sulking about?" Nessa asks me one day after our shift. 
"I'm not sulking, I'm just a little sad because I didn't get a text from someone," I explain, "It's not like she owed me a text or anything, but I don't have to be ecstatic over the fact that she hasn't done so."
"Oh my god, you're into the American one," Nessa exclaims, "I knew it! I mean, she's gorgeous. Like if I were into girls I would definitely be into her." I take a sip of my cortado (half espresso, half milk) as I listen.
"Well in any case, she's probably not interested."
"Stop sulking, Y/N," Nessa scolds me, "Let's do something fun. Gotta get your mind off of this girl."
Since our shift just ended, and we have a whole afternoon ahead of us, Nessa and I take her car to Predeal, the closest thing to a modern city we have around here.
It's about seven miles, so about twenty minute drive. The town's mostly filled with ski resorts, but there's a few fun places to shop.
A great deal of the afternoon is spent sitting outside a store judging the tourists. 
"Oh my god she's probably saying something stupid like, 'I know it's winter but my husband will love this hawaiian T-shirt I bought in Romania,'" Nessa mimics the normal thought process of the typical tourist.
"This guy's even worse though,"  I stifle a laugh, mocking his actions.
After a thorough mockery of all of the Predeal tourists, we head back to our town, content with our afternoon.
I still haven't stopped thinking about Jenna, though. I wish I could have gotten to know her better. It's so nice to finally have someone I can talk to in English.
All I can do is hope that she comes back to the shop. Even then though, she probably won't want much to do with me.
Nessa drops me off at my apartment, waving goodbye. Almost instantly, I shed my winter coat, relieved by the warmth of the building.
The first thing I do is turn on the TV and open Netflix. A new baking show just dropped, and I'm not the type to turn down new entertainment.
The show turns out to be a combination of baking and engineering. It seems cool, but it's hard to tell from the first episode.
My phone lights up with a bright reminder Remember to feed Cupid!
Sighing, I get up from the couch and grab my fish flakes.
Cupid is my purple betta fish. She's about a year old and as of yet hasn't had too many health issues, which is super lucky for both of us. She's at the point where she recognizes my face. So when I go up to the tank, fish feed in hand, she eagerly swims up to the glass.
"Hey Cupid," I laugh, sprinkling some food into the tank.
After feeding her, I head back to the couch, where I continue watching my cooking show. Before I know it, I'm five episodes in and the sun is starting to set. I look out of the window, trying to gauge the temperature and weather condition.
It's a fairly clear twilight right now. There's a good chance I'll get to see stars tonight. Actually, I've decided I will see stars tonight.
I don my winter coat and make my way down the apartment complex stairs. One of the perks of not living in a huge city is that I can see the night sky beautifully.
One of my favorite places in town is on the outer edges of it. At this point, all of the buildings are housing, be it apartments or actual houses. The long stretches of pavement are perfect for strolling down while admiring the night. 
Not a lot of people choose to come out here late at night, which is honestly their loss. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm super into nature and the great outdoors, but when I am outside, I can find an appreciation for my surroundings.
So that's how I found myself strolling the streets of Bușteni Romania, not looking at the cement in front of me.
BAM! I find myself crashing into another person, almost knocking both of us over.
"Fuck, I am so sorry," I find myself defaulting to english, "I- I mean, I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Y/N?" A familiar voice asks.
"Jenna?" It may be dark, but I can just barely see the details of her face. God I hope she's not mad.
"Yep, it's me," I hear her faintly laugh.
"Are you okay? I almost knocked you over."
"I'm okay, just a little rattled."
"Sorry for that again," I apologize, "I should have been watching where I was going." 
"You could make it up to me by walking me to my apartment?" she offers.
"I'd like nothing more," I laugh, linking my arm with hers and we start to walk.
"So, Y/N, tell me about yourself," she starts the conversation.
"Well, my name's Y/N L/N, I work at a coffee shop. I speak English and Romanian, which is useful for when people like you come to the shop."
"I know that stuff," she interrupts me, "what do you like to do outside of work?"
"You know, the normal things, be around the people I care about, watch shows, I read sometimes, listen to music, that kind of stuff. What about you?"
"Well for starters, I'm Jenna Ortega, I also love to read and listen to music," she tells me, "I also like to write though, I have like, twenty scripts and stories sitting in my FinalDraft™ folder."
"Damn, you must really like writing," I respond, "that's pretty awesome."
"I guess so," she shrugs.
"Have you ever considered publishing your work?" I ask.
"Yeah, I actually published a book called It's All Love," she answers proudly.
"That's like, the coolest thing anyone's said to me all day," I tell her.
"I guess I'm just a cool person," she jokes, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, only an arrogant person would say that."
"No, you have reason to say, it. You're a published author, the lead in a TV show, and fun to talk to. Don't discredit your own awesome-ness." 
She laughs, "thanks for saying that."
"Sure thing." 
"So, does your offer to take me around town sometime still stand?" she changes the subject.
"I'm a woman of my word, Jenna, if you still want a tour, you have my number," I remind her, trying to sound kind and cool at the same time. Which is kind of challenging.
"Oh my god, I forgot to text you, didn't I," she gasps, "I'm so so sorry, Y/N. I've just had so much going on." She starts to talk herself into a panic, "I have work for like, eight hours a day, plus cello lessons, plus german and fencing, it's just so much." If I had known how busy she was I never would have felt so hurt. That must be so overwhelming.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm not mad about it." Which is true. 
"That's such a relief," she exhales, "again, I'm so sorry."
"Hey, Jenna, it's okay. How about the next time you have a day off, we get in touch and I take you around town."
"Well, conveniently enough, my next day off is tomorrow, so how about I see you then?" she offers.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that," I smile, doing my best to hide how excited I am for this.
"Well this is my place," she announces, "thank you for walking me home." 
"Anytime," I reply, sad to know the night is ending. She heads through the door to her apartment, leaving me to walk the short five minutes to my apartment alone.
As soon as I get home, I dash to my bedroom, putting on pyjamas and getting ready for bed. I'm tired from the day. At at the same time, I'm so happy I got to see Jenna. I'm so excited that she wants to see me again, maybe tomorrow! I can't wait to get to know her better.
My phone lights up with a text from a new number
                       +1 ***-***-****
Does 11 AM tomorrow work for you?
I smile, quickly texting back 
                               Sure thing, see ya then :)
I can hardly wait.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 6 months
This Is Where You Stand With Me (part 4)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: none
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part 3 here
Y/N's pov
I walked into my room furious. I sat on the bed crying my eyes out trying to figure out why I let this get to me so much. What else could I expect from a guy who is clearly dissatisfied with himself and therefore has the need to vent on others. For a moment I wanted to run away from all of this and go back home. I don't want to let someone humiliate me like that for no reason. I've been through such things with my ex and when I said I would never let anyone do that again, I really meant it.
However, as I closed my eyes I started having flashbacks of that time in the apartment when Charles and I locked eyes and when he was gently squeezing my leg.
And that time on the yacht when he was holding my hair.
And that time when I gave him the bracelet.
I couldn't get him off my mind, and I blamed it on nothing else but the intoxication of alcohol.
"Then why weren't you there for me instead of her if you wished to?" I start thinking about this question of his. What did he mean by that? Did he want me to be there for him? Did he want me next to him then? Or did he say that just to confuse me and play with me.
My thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected knock on the door. At first I got scared and looked at my phone to see what time it was and it showed 3:45 a.m. I didn't want to open the door instead I kept silent so that whoever knocked would leave, but the knocking continued so I decided to gather my courage and approach the door.
"Who is it?" I ask. My heart was about to jump out of my chest with fear.
"It's me. Open, please." A great sense of relief comes over me when I hear Charles' voice. Without thinking, I open the door and put my hand over my chest breathing deeply.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?" Charles asks noticing me shaking a little.
"Nothing, you scared me. I thought it was, I don't know, I don't know who I thought it was at this hour." I say closing the door as he entered my room. "What do you want? Why are you here?"
"I came to apologize. I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean that." This is something I have heard too many times in my life.
"If you didn't mean it, you wouldn't have said it, so your apology means nothing to me. It's obvious from your behavior what you think of me and I'm done with you."
"What do you mean you're done with me?"
"It means I don't want to talk to you anymore or be around you unless it's work related." I say confidently standing my ground.
"Do you really think I would be here now in your hotel room at almost 4 in the morning if I wasn't sorry?" He asks taking a step closer to me.
"I never know where I stand with you, whether we are good or not, that's why I don't know why you are here now." Just as the words leave my mouth he puts his hands on my cheeks pulling me towards him and crashing his lips against mine. The kiss catches me completely off-guard, but I don't reject it, I give in to it.
He slowly pulls away resting his forehead against mine still holding my cheeks between his hands.
"This is where you stand with me." He whispers looking at my lips.
"Charles..what are you doing? Are you out of your mind..? " I say quietly still trying to process what just happened between us.
"I know, I know it's wrong. It's just, I've been wanting to do this ever since that time in the apartment. I really wanted to kiss you." He confesses and Sophie's words instantly come to my mind when she said 'It was so obvious, he didn't know where to look'. He was nervous because of me.
I lift up my head to look into his green eyes that were constantly glancing at my lips. "Just out of curiosity, if Sophie and Carlos hadn't come back, would you have kissed me?"
"I don't know. I know I wanted to, I still do." He says. "Did you want to kiss me?" I stammer at his question because I don't know the answer myself.
"You can't tell me you have never thought about it." He says putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. I look away not wanting to admit that it has crossed my mind once or twice.
"I haven't.."
"You're lying. I can feel it." He makes me look at him by lifting my chin up with his index finger and gently kissing me again.
"Charles, stop. We can't do this." I say pulling away from the kiss.
"I know." He sighs.
"Please leave." I fight within myself to tell him to stay that I don't want him to go. I turn away from him and after a few seconds of him standing behind me I hear the door open and closes.
I woke up exactly at noon. As soon as I opened my eyes, of course, I immediately started thinking about everything that happened between me and Charles just a few hours earlier. I mean, I wasn't the one who kissed him, he kissed me, so I don't need to feel guilty.. Although, I didn't refuse the kiss either. Maybe I secretly wanted it to last a little longer. And just like that suddenly I was overwhelmed by an immense sense of guilt.
I take a look at my phone and see three missed calls from Sophie, 2 missed calls from Lando and one text message from Charles that he sent 10 minutes ago. I ignore everything but Charles' message for a moment. I quickly sit up in my bed mentally preparing myself before opening it.
*Can I just come to your room for a moment, please? We need to talk.*
*Okay.* I reply.
I know it's not smart for him to come, but I also know that we have to talk about what happened between us because we still work together and meet all the time and we can't pretend that nothing happened.
I rush out of bed before he comes and quickly wash my teeth and face. I get out of my pajamas and put on black tights and a loose, cropped white t-shirt. Since my hair smells terribly of club smoke, I decide to just put it up in a bun. A few minutes later and there is a knock on the door. I was really nervous so I took a deep breath before opening it. As soon as I open the door, Charles quickly comes inside and closes them.
"Hey." He says, the nervousness is clearly heard in his voice.
"I just came to tell you that I'm sorry for what happened this morning. It shouldn't have happened. It was obviously a mistake and I don't know what came over me." He says avoiding to look me in the eyes. "I love Ava and I just..I don't know what I was thinking." His words feel as if someone stabbed me in the stomach with a fork. I don't know why they hurt when they shouldn't. Of course I didn't think he would come and declare his love for me, but..what did I expect anyway? I don't even know myself. I am confused as never before.
"So anyway, can we please forget about the kiss and move on from this like it never happened?" He asks as he looks into my eyes for the first time since he came.
"Yeah, it meant nothing so it will be as if nothing happened. Don't worry." I bite the inside of my cheek and look away. Neither do I want anyone to know about that kiss because I don't want to destroy anyone's relationship, nor do I want everyone to look at me as the one who ruined someone's life. So I guess this works for both of us.
"Okay. Thank you." He reaches for the lock and turns before opening the door. "I'm sorry, y/n." I say nothing back to him just look at him while waiting for him to leave and he does, leaving me in complete chaos of my emotions.
The last GP before a slightly longer break of a month was in Belgium at the end of July.
Honestly, I'm really looking forward to this one-month break because I have to admit, I got tired of traveling. I missed Sophie's apartment and lounging around all day without any pressure. I even missed some kind of 'normal' everyday life that includes cooking and cleaning while my music is turned up to the limit and I'm flying around the apartment in my pajamas and a bun.
I missed being in one place, so as soon as we got back I holed up in the apartment and didn't go out for the first 3 days at all and I really enjoyed being all by myself.
And while others are getting engaged, getting pregnant and planning their lives, there's me sitting on the couch in front of the TV and waiting for the delivery man to call me that he's here and hand me all the packages I ordered while I was away and that currently is the greatest excitement in my life and I'm totally fine with that.
Just as I was thinking about whether one of the packages will arrive today, my phone rings and I instantly answer it.
"Hello? Miss y/l/n, are you home? I've got some packages for you." The delivery man says.
"Hello, yes I am. The apartment is on the fourth-"
"Could I ask you to come down in front of the building to get the packages because I'm really in a big hurry, it's almost the end of my working hours and I still have a lot of work to do, so I'd really appreciate it if you could come down in front of the building. I'll be there in 5 minutes." He politely asks.
"Of course, no problem, see you there."
I quickly put on my converse and take the apartment keys. I remember that on the way I could take out the trash, but also take a look at the lasagna that I put in the oven to bake. For a second I leave my phone and keys on the kitchen counter so that I can take the trash from the bin and then the phone starts ringing again.
"I'm coming!" I say into the phone, take the trash and quickly head downstairs.
After the man kindly handed me my three packages and after I threw out the trash, I excitedly ran back to the apartment. Everything was fine until I got to the door.
"No, no...no!!!" Here comes the shock when I realize I left the keys on the kitchen counter.
"No y/n no!! Fuck!" I drop the packages onto the floor and start cursing myself for being so stupid and locking myself out of the apartment. I stop for a second to think what should I do next. Who to call? Luckily I brought my phone with me otherwise I would have sat down and cried in front of the door. In a state of panic, the first number I dial is Sophie's and after a few rings she answers.
"Hi y/n!"
"Sophie..I'm stupid. I'm so stupid, please help me. I don't know what to do."
"What? What happened?" She asks worriedly.
"I locked myself out of the apartment. Please don't ask how, just tell me if anyone has a key to your apartment besides me and you to come unlock it for me?" I ask desperately, but stay hopeful.
"Oh y/n..Okay, I thought something happened to you. You scared me. There's another key, but it's in Carlos' apartment."
"Oh that's just great..Oh my God Soph what do I do?" I start panicking again.
"Let me see with Carlos and then I'll get back to you okay? Give me a minute." She says hanging up the phone. I slide down the door putting my hands over my face. I pray to God that none of the neighbors come by and see me crouching in front of the door. Stupid stupid girl.
After about 5 minutes my phone buzzes and it shows a text from Sophie.
*Charles has the keys from Carlos' apartment. He's on his way.*
last part Lovers here
a/n: okay so after this part comes Lovers actually where after all these "events" y/n locks herself out of the apartment and who other than Charles comes to the rescue! With that I stopped writing the fanfic because I got bored..so that's all! Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Bye!
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valenschmidt · 11 days
I'm finding this seasons promos and interviews very interesting in regards to Eddie and Buddie. I mean, like with Tim's recent interview.
Like, Tim, buddy, pal, bro, friend, man, WHAT DO YOU MEAN by "Eddie's going to be left out in the cold, so to speak" bc like, I get Buck is probably excited to learn about this new aspect of himself and delve into this whole other world of dating he didn't really know was for him. I also find it funny how now it seems Tim is reversing their (Buck and Eddie) roles; Eddie perhaps being the jealous one and Buck being, I guess the best word would be oblivious (it's okay, we love him anyway).
I also think it's going to be interesting because, like, Eddie doesn't have Chris to hide behind anymore. Chris was a shield he had learned to use to divulge his personal feelings, deflecting what he felt onto his son, even when chris didn't feel the same (?). He was quite good at that, and I think Chris gave him a way to not look too closely at some things in his life. Some things *cough cough* that might perhaps scare him.
But now that Chris is gone and Buck is dating and exploring new things and not around as much (which is what I gathered from Tim's interview), Eddie is going to have to sit with these thoughts and feelings that have plagued him for a long time, I think, and he's going to have to take a deeper look into who he is and what he wants and feels without having someone to hide behind. And I think some things having to do with that Catholic guilt too are going to come out full force and he's going to have to reevaluate some relationships in his life. *cough*
As the days for the premier draw closer, I can't help but feel that something is coming about Buck and Eddie's friendship and the dynamic they have is going to change drastically. It might be worse for an ep or 2 - one might pull away from the other so much the team gets involved. But I have hope yet!
Hi there nonnie!!!! That is a very interesting and awesome observation you did there and I SO agree with you
I really believe this season Tim is circling back to that 7x04 jealousy dynamic but this time not only from Eddie's pov but ALSO Tommy is a boyfriend that is coming between them, not just a new friend. The fact that Eddie will feel isolated and left behind is probably gonna be because of the same reason Buck felt it before, because Tommy is a man who is kind of replacing him in Buck's life (which had never happened with his previous girlfriends) which is kind of odd if you think about it because if you were never afraid of the women in Buck's life, why does a man who is in that same position as those ex girlfriends threaten you... well that is because their friendship is a very close knit tight, co-dependent one that is VERY similar to a relationship but they don't know it yet. That is why both of them feel replaced when there is man between them. Because them having other friends and taking some distance from eachother is completely healthy and normal but because they have this weird friendship that is more closer to a relationship than friendship itself they feel replaced by a man getting too close so I feel we will see that shift in their dynamic because of it
That second thing is something that I was just talking to my friend about... Eddie is now without Chris and (not quite but it feels that way to him) without Buck so he really will need to have to sit with his thoughts and feelings for a while and it is time for him to do so because he needs to process everything that has happened. He needs to ask himself why he did what he did, why is he so attached to Shannon, his dead wife who literally was going to DIVORCE him right before she died and why does he keep their previous relationship so idealized... the reason??? Well Shannon is the only woman he has ever managed to have feelings for because she was his best friend, he cared about her and so he loved her. But he hasn't managed to replicate that feeling with any woman no matter how hard he tries...
And that is gonna mix with the fact that he's gonna be missing Buck and he'll realize how attached he is to him and maybe begin to connect the dots together and say "Oh. I think I'm in love with my best friend" because he is. Completely in love with Buck... he has been since the will scene at least, but he hasn't realized it because Buck isn't a woman. He hasn't realized that Buck literally has every quality that he looks for in a girlfriend (someone who loves Chris, who has his back, who understands him, etc.) And when he realizes it's gonna be HUGE
And then we will get everything about his sexuality realization, his introspection to every action he's ever done in his life and realizing the explanation to many of the things he's done and felt.
To finish, I think that the dynamic change you talk about it's probably gonna be cause by those feelings Eddie will have about Buck spending time with Tommy. He's gonna feel jealous, threatened, and when he's threatened he becomes petty and mean and that could make him say something that could drive Buck away (which he wasn't before with Eddie but he will be after he gets upset)
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Wow that was a lot of talking 🤣
Thank you for sharing your thoughts anon!!!! Feel free to send them any time!!!
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fanficsformyfaves · 1 year
I Found Love Where It Wasn't Supposed To Be
Stu Macher x Fem Ex!Reader
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WARNING: ANGST, Commitment Issues
PREFACE: Reader and Stu dated during freshman year, when he seemingly dumped her out of nowhere. She moved out of Woodsboro shortly after, but returned for her Senior Year
A/N: Flashback in Italics!
Different POVs are in Colored and in Bold!
Tatum and Stu aren't together and Stu is not a killer in this A/U!
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It's been two years since I'd left Woodsboro. I couldn't just stay there after what happened with Stu, so when my parents divorced and my mom decided to move to the City, it was the perfect escape route.
The night we broke up, he invited me over to his house and sat me down in his living room.
"Stu, I can't be out past six on a school night. My dad's gonna freak"
"Alright then, I'll make this quick" he says,
As I nod.
"We're done"
His words making my heart sink in my chest.
"Look, you're a sweet girl and all, but, we're just too...different", he explained,
"But Stu, we've been going out for months"
I could feel the tears in my eyes begin to gather and threaten to spill.
"Yeah, but, things change and so did I", he replied apathetically,
I scoff and get off the couch.
"You are unbelievable", I snap,
Making my way back to the front door.
"No, wait!", he calls out,
Leaping from the couch and following after me.
"(Y/N), I don't want you to hate me-"
"Too fucking late, dipshit", I spit,
Opening the door and letting myself out, before slamming it behind me.
That was the last time I ever saw him. That was the last time I saw anyone from that school actually. When I moved, I lost contact with all my friends. Sidney, Tatum, Billy and Randy would reach out every now and then, but that was about it.
Eventually, during my senior year, I was forced to go back, when my mom got a job offer in London.
"Mom, can I just go with you?"
"Honey, you can't just keep running away from your problems"
I sigh, flopping down on the couch.
"And you know what? I think it'll be good for you to see your old friends", she says,
Rounding the couch and sitting beside me.
"Plus, you father misses you", she adds,
"I know", I replied reluctantly,
"Good, I'll get everything sorted out"
It was the morning of my first day back and I'd barely gotten any sleep.
I mean, how could I? Even just the thought of seeing him again sent me into a spiral of dread and worry. What was I supposed to do if I ran into him? Pretend not to remember who he was? Walk past him like I didn't notice? Yell and scream? Too many questions and not enough time to even begin processing possible answers.
Once I finished my breakfast, I bid my father goodbye and made my way to the car. Within the next ten minutes of driving through town, I reach the parking lot and got out. Even just the sight of the school building knocked the air out of my lungs.
I hesitantly picked up my backpack, locked the doors and started walking towards the main entrance.
"No fucking way", I hear a girl's voice coming from the water fountain.
I turn to see who it was and there they were. My old group of friends.
"(Y/N)!", she greets,
Running up and pulling me into a tight squeeze.
"Oh my god! When the hell did you get back?", she asks,
Pulling away.
"A week ago. I moved back since my mom got a job offer in London"
"And you didn't tell me?!"
She laughs and pulls me back into another hug. Just then, I see the rest of the group approaching us. Their eyes wide like they'd just seen a ghost.
"Woah!", Randy exclaimned,
Catching my attention.
"I guess the city really does do a person good", he joked,
Looking me up and down.
"Hi, Randy", I chuckle,
Giving him a hug.
"Sid, Billy", I greet,
Pulling them into a joint embrace. All that was left was-
"(Y/N)...it's been a while"
"Yeah", I nervously exhale,
Seeing him felt like someone plunging a knife into my chest and twisting it in to make it hurt. How could he be so okay, when I was still trying to recover from what happened?
"You look great", he compliments,
As I nod. What was I supposed to say to that?
Thankfully, by the grace of some god watching over me, we heard the first bell ring.
"I should get to English Lit"
"I have the class too, come on", Sidney let me know,
"Yeah sure, see you guys at lunch", I bid goodbye,
Before giving Stu one last look.
I didn't what to do. I obviously wasn't over what happened, but it's far too late to do anything about it now. I should be over it.
And it's not like he was thinking about it either. I was more than certain of that with how he ended things. So casual and cold, but...I couldn't help but think about how he looked at me today. Maybe I was just imagining things-
"(Y/N)", Sidney pulls me out of my thoughts,
"Sorry, what?"
"I was asking you about the assignment. Are you okay? You were totally spaced out", she questions,
"I'm just a little tired. I didn't get that much sleep"
"Something on you mind?"
Well, I was still not over my ex, who so happens to be apart of our very close-knit friend group and I don't think I ever will be, which’ll probably over-complicate things later down the road...but obviously I couldn't just spew all of that on her.
"I guess I just miss my mom, you know? She's might as well be on the god-damn moon", I tried to play off,
"Yeah, I get that feeling", she says,
Causing my eyebrows to quirk in confusion.
"Oh, you didn't hear"
"Hear what?"
"My mom passed. Cancer", she says,
As her eyes begin to weld with tears.
"Sid, I'm so sorry"
"You didn't know, it's fine", she reassured,
"Wow, I really did miss a lot", I say to myself,
"Yeah, but!", she takes my hands into hers.
"You're here now! We'll make new memories"
It was really weird seeing her again. Not like a bad weird, just...kinda caught me off guard.
She was just as, if not more, beautiful than I remembered. Everything from the top of her head to the soles of her feet were nothing short of perfect.
God, I really screwed that up. I knew I brought this upon myself, so I had no right to blame anyone else, but of course it still sucked. There was so much I could've said and even more I should've said, but I didn't have the guts. I mean, how could I? After what I did?
Just as I was about to start spiraling, I was hit in the face with a crumpled up piece of paper.
"Don't dude me, you were thinking about (Y/N)"
"I wasn't"
"Don't give me that shit, you totally were", Billy calls out my bluff,
Making me sigh to myself.
"Thought you said you ended things with her?", he emphasized,
"I did"
"So? Why the emotional blue balls, then?"
Thankfully, the lunch bell saved me from any more of Billy's harassment.
"Look, just drop it, alright? I'm fine", I played off,
Grabbing my bag and heading out, with Billy trailing close behind me.
"No, you're not fine"
"Well, if you're such an expert on how I really feel, then why don't you just spell it out for me?"
"My theory? You lied about why you ended things"
The moment he said that, I felt my heart drop to my stomach.
"Yeah, sure"
"Come on, Stu. Things were going so great and you just pulled a whole one eighty. If you ain't gonna tell me, then who will you tell?", he questions,
Just as we were about to reach the table where the gang was.
"Shhh, shut the fuck up", I warned,
Taking a seat.
"So, remember the guy I was spilling about?", Tatum asked,
Taking a bite of her pizza slice.
"You mean Dave?", Sid questioned,
"I thought you were talking about Ethan", I say,
With confusion laced in my words. As we saw one of Tate's eyebrows raise, it triggered the realization to sink in.
"Nice!", I encouraged,
Causing Tate to chuckle at me. Before we could delve any deeper into Tatum's rollercoaster love life, the guys take a seat right across from us.
"Hey girls"
"Hi, Randy", we all greet in unison,
"Billy, Stu", Tate addresses on our behalf.
To call this whole interaction awkward would've been the understatement of the millennium.
I go to grab a napkin and as I did, I felt a familiar hand brush against mine. It brought me right back to freshman year, when Stu first asked me out.
I was eating lunch, while doing my assignments, when a particularly tall shadow blocks the cafeteria's light, causing me to look up.
"Hey, Macher, what's up?", I ask,
"Nothin much, this seat taken?"
"Um, no. Go ahead", I gesture to the empty bench across from me.
"So, we've never really spoken outside of Chem"
"We have not"
"Why is that?', he questions,
"Uh...", I wondered,
Looking around.
"I don't actually know", I chuckle nervously,
"Well, I just wanted to let you know that they're showing Return Of The Living Dead 3 on Friday and word around the hallways says you're kind of a horror movies connoisseur, so-"
"Are you asking me out on a date?", I squinted suspiciously,
"I mean, yeah", he confirmed,
Making him laugh to himself.
"Why not?", he questioned after calming down,
"I mean, you're cute and sweet and...you gave me the answers to the math quiz last week", he added,
As I scoffed.
"So, this is a pity ask?", I challenged.
His eyes go wide in shock.
"No no no no no, this isn't...I didn't mean to make it seem that way, I was kidding-", he rambled nervously,
Before I cut him off with a laugh.
"I'm messing with you, Macher. I know what you meant", I reassured,
Watching him sigh in relief.
"You have a twisted sense of humor"
"Oh, you don't know the half of it"
He laughs and takes my hand.
"So...whatta ya say?"
I rip my hand away, standing up.
"I need to go", I rushed,
Taking my backpack and practically sprinting out of the cafeteria.
"(Y/N)!", Tatum called out,
Going to follow me, when Stu stops her.
"I'll go"
"I have to do this", he tells Billy,
Before chasing after me. I made it down the hallway, about to reach the front doors, when I hear him.
"(Y/N)!", he yells,
Causing me to stop in my tracks. It was getting harder and harder to fight against the tears that were threatening to spill.
"Can we please talk?", he pleaded,
Whilst I turned to face him.
"What do you want?"
"I came to make sure you were ok-"
"No, Stu, what do you want? From me?", I emphasized.
His eyebrows knitting in confusion as a result.
"Look, I never got to say what I wanted to back then, but I'm saying it now. You fucking hurt me", I spit bitterly,
As the tears began to stream down my face.
"Okay? You break up with me like it was nothing and what? Expected me to just be fine?"
"No! You don't get to talk!", I yell.
He takes a step back and keeps his eyes on the ground.
"I thought you cared about me"
"I did"
"No, you didn't"
"I did-"
"You didn't! Someone who cares about me would never fucking do that!", I sobbed,
"I'm so sorry", he whispered,
As I shake my head, angrily wiping my tears away.
"I was a coward"
"Yeah, no shit"
"Please...just...hear me out", he begged,
"And if you still want nothing to do with me after what I have to say...I'll leave you alone"
Just wanting to get this over with, I give in and cross my arms.
"I know I hurt you and for that, I'm sorry", he mumbles,
"But there's something I never told you. The reason why I did what I did"
What could he possibly say to change my mind?
"I loved you", he admitted.
It felt like my heart stopped. He'd never said those words to me before, so to hear them in past tense only added insult to injury.
"I never thought I'd feel that way about someone, so when I did, it scared the hell outta me. I didn't know what to do, so I did the only thing I knew how to. I ran", he added,
Had I known, I wouldn't have felt so blindsided.
"Why didn't you say anything?", I sniffled,
"What was I supposed to say? That I was afraid to love you?"
"Yes! God, it would've been better than just leaving me out to dry! Stu, I loved you too! We could've talked about it, we could've done something!"
My voice echoed through the hallways.
"You loved me?", his words coming out as a surprised mutter,
"So fucking much", I answered.
Just then, Tatum, Sidney, Billy and Randy came around the corner. I could see Tatum trying to make her way to me and Billy blocking her from doing so.
"And seeing you again just...reopened all those old wounds"
"(Y/N)", he says,
Cupping my face.
As hard as it was for me to admit, him holding me like this made my heart skip a beat.
"I can't change what happened...but what I can do is this"
He leans in and presses his lips against mine.
The world disappeared around us and time came to a screeching halt. Was this all just a dream? Was I gonna wake up in my bed, disappointed that none of this ever happened? Or had the weight of carrying this pain around finally crush me? I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around what was happening, much less answer all the questions I had.
He eventually pulls away and those baby blues eyes poured into mine with a new found need.
"I let you go once...I can't do that again", he whispers.
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