#we don’t see shit like this visualized out in the comic bc i think it would divert focus too much
fefairys · 1 year
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welcome to me using jett ash blood shadow as an avenue to make comics abt my experiences as a system. probably not the last time this will happen
hey read the webcomic this dude is from we're working really hard on it!
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marshmallsy · 3 years
the things from The Batman (2022) that made me go fucking ballistic in theatres
a long, long, long rant bc i can’t stop thinking about this movie that feels like it was made SPECIFICALLY for me. spoilers under the cut of course!
the entire intro sequence with the monologue that felt like it was lifted straight out of the comics. the perfect visual representation of the batman being the shadows, the way seeing his emblem in the sky is enough for bad guys all across gotham to get scared and think twice, think they see batman in every dark hallway. like it literally felt like the live action embodiment of THIS:
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the little details like how the new initiate in the gang (SHOUTOUT TO TIM DRAKE’S ACTOR IN THE TITANS SHOW I GUESS) only has half the face paint, both to distinguish him from the others as perhaps not a full member of the gang just yet but also to show his humanity that the others have covered up. 
also the fact that this batman hasn’t established himself yet, so the people he saves are still terrified he might hurt him, and all the cops distrust him and think he’s involved in crimes too.
i’ve been gushing about this forever but FINALLY we get a good depiction of gotham since, like, batman returns. the city is just as much a character in the batman mythos as anyone else and portraying it as just another generic metropolis will always be such a missed opportunity. so much loving detail was put into this movie, from the rich wood and wallpaper of victorian-styled old money mansions, to the graffiti-covered subways, to the cobblestone streets mixed with Times Square-esque billboards. the moody atmosphere perfectly merges the neon gothic city architecture with bruce’s absolutely batshit looking genuinely gothic manor in a way where it all makes sense.
also, my absolute favourite small detail is the fact that all the downpours and rain makes sense. like yes, it helps make gotham feel moody and noir with all the umbrellas and hazy neon signs and all that, but it also means that the flooding in the climax doesn’t come out of nowhere. we just watched like 2 and a half hours of scenes in the rain, of course the riddler could so easily flood the city.
rpatt just KILLED it as batman. i love the nolan trilogy as much as the next batman fan, but christain bale’s batman felt composed and collected right from the start. he had shit basically planned out the moment he got back to gotham, and he figured out his gear and his tactics pretty quick. rpatt’s batman isn’t like that. he doesn’t get everything perfect, he makes mistakes that ends up with bad guys getting a hit in, half of his fights feel like he’s just letting his anger take over and force him through the pain. he’s clearly so much angrier and traumatized, he’s emotionally withdrawn and disconnected from everybody, and the way he’s just such a silent batman works so well in showing just how intimidating and off-putting he is to everyone. and it’s GOOD! the scene where he’s finally showing vulnerability to alfred is so poignant and bruce can’t even look at alfred as he says it, it felt so raw and real to me!
speaking of batman being silent, i looooved that first scene where gordon takes him to the crime scene. the way he’s putting together all the evidence on his own without saying a word, but he does it so slowly and deliberately that forensics eventually start following him so they can take pictures of the right clues. like, yeah he’ll help them out, but fuck you if you think he’s gonna sherlock-style spell it out for you.
honestly i don’t think i even have to say too much about zoe as selina kyle, she OBVIOUSLY was incredible. she channeled year one comic!selina perfectly and her origin story here felt so grounded while also leaving enough room for her to become the antihero thief we all know and love.
paul dano as the riddler was great too! i’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for cory michael smith’s absolutely perfect campy egomaniacal riddler from the gotham tv series (JUST LET HIM WEAR THE STUPID GREEN SUITS AND BE FRUITY), but this version of the riddler as a completely unstable zodiac killer was great as this more detective-like batman’s first rogue’s gallery enemy and imo still leaves enough room for the riddler persona to evolve further. this was also an origin story of sorts for him too, after all. 
(and to quote barry keoghan’s cameo ((who was gonna fuckin tell me they got druig from the eternals to sneak in a lil joker moment??? i nearly screamed in the theatre??!!)) everyone loves a comeback story.) 
also they got the point of batman. they UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT. batman’s quest for vengeance did teach bad guys fear, but it also served to inspire dangerous ppl on their own quests for vengeance. the way he was going only continued the cycle of violence in gotham. when he falls into the water it felt almost like a biblical death, and when he re-emerges he becomes a hero, a literal light guiding the most thematically important gothamites (a little boy who obviously reminds him of himself and an honest leader who’s genuinely trying to change gotham for the better) to safety. they so beautifully demonstrated his growth as a person, and seeing him in full daylight helping civilians evacuate and seeing them put their trust in him for the first time was so fucking moving, and that’s always the best version of batman anyone can create.
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thatsparrow · 3 years
just got back from the theater, post-let there be carnage thoughts
shit fuck man I missed going to the movies so much I missed going to the movies SO MUCH I know this isn’t specific to let there be carnage but genuinely movie theaters dark rooms overpriced popcorn overwhelming sound levels my beloveds
truly an incredible amount of romance in the movie. fully leans into the premise that these two are in a relationship together in a way that is jokey at the surface but is clearly working from a genuine emotional place
the end scene…the beach…the toes in the sand…”did you say you love me?” like!!!
for a movie called ‘let there be carnage’ there was. shockingly little actual carnage
I get that’s what happens with a pg13 rating (is that what explains the uh very vivid ‘carnage suffocates a man by literally shoving his tongue into his lungs’ scene bc there wasn’t as much visual gore involved?) but it did feel odd that we only got hints/promises of carnage’s violent potential without really exploring it (even him just going on a violent rampage for the fun of it. like all of his superpower uses were very goal-oriented as opposed to carnage for carnage’s sake)
absolutely a+ usage of their one allotted ‘fuck’
the hinting-at notion of carnage also applies to cletus when he’s just in his woody harrelson form, too. yes, they give details about the violence in his youth, but for a first act that leans so heavily into cletus’ past as a serial killer to set up the chain of events, we hear/learn very very little about what he actually did
the sequence where venom goes on his break-up spiral though…bedecked in glow sticks…gets up on stage to prove how much better he is without eddie…the very mournful “I wish eddie could see me”…truly boyfriends in love with terrible communication skills
I would have happily seen SO much more of venom!michelle williams
don’t get me wrong, I like a movie that can tell its story in 100min, but the actual plot did feel pretty thin
buck WILD to introduce shriek—a character whose abilities are fundamentally at odds with a symbiote’s existence—and not have her introduce any consequences to cletus/carnage beyond hinting at the divide between the two of them
that said, the scene where venom’s like ‘we need sound’ then looks at shriek meaningfully before. fucking bodyslamming her into grace cathedral’s bell to start it ringing KILLED me
I like that they gave dan something to do! I’m a fan of the trend (also see ant man and the wasp) of our male hero recognizing his ex has a healthy relationship with someone else and not resenting her new partner
although…..fucking speaking of the cathedral scene…….”they’re not symbiotic, we are” let there be carnage really said “eddie and venom are soulmates” like!!!
sonny and cher my beloveds
of course I’m annoyed with the post-credits scene but I think the thing that annoys me the most is trying to make the hard pivot into venom being a villain for holland!spider-man
like he looks at peter and instantly goes “gotta eat that boy” inexplicably! absolutely nothing prompts this except wanting to adhere to the comics!!
you could have extended the ‘venom on his own’ storyline and fleshed out the plot a little further by having venom (while possessing random san franciscans) actually eat somebody now that eddie isn’t keeping him in check, foreshadowing that those impulses are just as present and just as powerful
BUT it’s so much more meaningful to have venom—away from eddie, able to act out and go full praying mantis re: head biting—to curb that impulse! even when eddie isn’t around, his voice is in venom’s head! at some level, venom doesn’t want to disappoint eddie even when eddie would never know!!
which is sort of the whole problem with introducing hardy!venom into the holland!spider-man storyline (excepting the much larger, disney is consuming everything please make it stop problem) which is you can’t spend two movies setting up venom as a heroic character (imperfect, admittedly, but still driven by heroic-ish impulses) only to then have him go into some sort of rabid villainous state when he sees holland!spider-man because??? he hates spiders or something I don’t know
i want to end on a high note so woody harrelson’s hawaiian shirt/blazer combination was an absolute look
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nochiquinn · 3 years
legend of vox machina episode 7: scanbo OR it’s only comic relief until it stops being funny
I got so excited when I saw the title of this episode
all the reactors I've seen thought stonefell was anders on account of the weird cut/camera focus when percy was talking about them
yes your honor I would die for cassandra de rolo
she does sound moderately like a fable npc
mala: that was an assassination attempt
anders is built like a pear on a barbecue fork
like okay. he's not wrong about the baby de rolos being pampered b u t that's not THEIR fault. kids are never responsible for the situation they were born or brought into, only with what they do with it once they're old enough to develop agency. he's just lashing out at them bc they're easy targets. and papa de rolo is right, it's NOT his job, and if it's not an urgent "everything's gonna blow up if we don't do this" matter he shouldn't have kept pushing. also don't bitch about your students' parents in front of them, let alone directly TO them.
okay I'm done now we can continue
I did NOT see the nails holding keyleth's effigy's antlers in place until mica pointed it out and for the record: I hate it
"I assure you, I'm in control" press x to doubt
his hair is getting a lot fluffier/less coiffed as time goes on (good)
"if you turn that thing on any of us again, I will not hesitate, I will kill you"
imagine knowing what percy's guns can do, even if you don't know what they are, and seeing him use them brutally and mercilessly on two prone, helpless people in two days (never mind what they all knew stonefell was and what he did), and now he's leaking smoke and his eyes are black from corner to corner and he's pointing it at you. and if he'll point it at you, his teammate (you'd like to think friend), who won't he point it at? vex? keyleth? and the only way you know to stop him is to put him down.
there's gonna be a lot of meta/fic in these next few recaps and I refuse to apologize
this means he kept the de rolo crest buttons this whole time
I love how they visualized this. just this whole sequence with the hammers and the barrel clicking
how'd he get a forge tho
mala pointed out this is how early scanlan deals with dark shit, is to make a joke out of it, but has no filter on when it's appropriate to say it out loud
pours one out for matthew mccoughnatree
this is a really nice sequence tho
when keyleth's ambition outstrips her control
"who's the sixth barrel for?" props to whoever it was caught percy's shadow
I wasn't sure ale would put out a fire instead of dousing it but it probably has a pretty low alcohol content compared to like vodka
it's like dousing a fire with natty light
vax actively countering vex instead of just sniping at her
"this is bigger than all your personal shite" I mean yes but I would like more of the personal shite
s c a n l a n
like he has one job and that's fucking with everyone but. scanlan.
can archie like. wipe his face. it wasn't bothering me until mala pointed it out.
"let. me. be. ANNOYING." huge tiktok audio potential
me: oh no is this a musical episode mala: it was threatened
this was INTENSELY unneccesary
CrItIcAl RoLe WaS nEvEr ThIs CrAsS
I'm sorry, they're clearly playing bunions and flagons
blink? I assume?
"how would this ever help?" idk if you needed to get inside a dragon
nut check WITH the gauntlet
I remember the fire breath being much more controlled in the stream, I am probably remembering wrong.
scanlan: literally a thirteen year old
yes. YES. the triceratops is LOOSE.
doors: the only thing to stop a charging triceratops
"who let that sex-crazed gnome do this solo?" "uh...you?" "never listen to me again."
"excellent plan, vox machina" "I mean that is what we're known for" rank lies
"I was dead yesterday, remember? can only improve from here."
tbf the DOOR wasn't trapped. just the everything else.
I just love how bigby's scanlan's hand has been used in the show, much more versatile than I remember it being in the stream
(or it was just so ubiquitious in the stream I stopped appreciating it properly)
you have activated GrogRage™
"oh man, they are fucked now"
mala pointed out vex and keyleth still work together in battle, regardless of their personal squabbles. they can hate each other later when they're still alive.
(also probably helps that keyleth actually has no beef with vex, and is likely absolutely bewildered at the way vex has been treating her lately)
no! double-tap! confirm the kill!
"good show, scanlan."
I legitimately loved vax running in ahead to find anders (and percy beating the shit out of him for it later) but this does make more narrative sense
"let her go and we can discuss a future where you're still breathing."
hey show what the fuck
hey show what the Fuck
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oodlyenough · 3 years
life is strange true colours review
the non spoilery part: i LOVED this game, my personal fave game this year and the first franchise entry since the original that has really resonated with or moved me.
it's a life is strange game through and through, so if you don't like slice of life episodes or bonding with NPCs, it's not gonna be for you. but if you like the franchise, or even if you liked the first game but haven't been interested in/liked the other two instalments, i recommend giving this one a chance. i think it got closer to figuring out the formula while still doing something new and interesting.
more detailed spoilers and opinions:
holy shit i love alex? bisexual chad... my darling... i'm gonna be real, a lot of the trailers and promo for this game made me worried she'd be kind of a dull wallflower Soft Girl character, but she's not! she's so funny, and even parts of her characterization i initially thought were maybe a bit of a stretch ended up making sense as i learned more about her. she stole the show. i straight up forgot how much loving the protag helps enjoyment of these kinds of games lmao ... finally a reason to click on everything in the room: to hear what alex will say about it.
i thought her backstory exploration in ep 5 especially was wonderful and emotive and great. broke my heart and explained so much about her :( baby girl
i loved the mystery. i don't think it was quite as Mysterious as the mystery in lis1, but that was okay, i was still invested in solving it. i also got invested enough in the NPCs around the town to make all the exploration bits really fun. i loved eavesdropping on the sagas of the random NPCs like bald man and ice cream couple... just fun little touches and narratives to follow that i enjoyed.
i really appreciated this script not being afraid to shy away from some messier emotions, even if in some cases i wish we spent more time on them. for example: alex feeling a bit jealous of the other people in town that got to know gabe better than her/spend more time with him than she did. or charlotte hating ethan!!! my jaw dropped, i thought that was so good, what a messy but realistic response.
I'm not entirely sure what all the ramifications of different choices are at this point, fresh off my first play. i ended up getting only part of the council to stand with me (eleanor & duckie) while losing pike and charlotte.
i do wish we saw a bit more fallout or exploration of what taking away emotion DOES. i took charlotte's anger, and obviously it meant she didn't stand up for me in the council meeting, but where does she go from there? does she like... ever return to feeling emotions lmao... I also think we probably should've had the opportunity to do that another time, instead of just 2 isolated events -- I think Diane would've been a good candidate.
the romance
i romanced steph, ofc, but i was surprised during the game how drawn i was to ryan too -- i really liked that Drama of him being the one who cut Gabe free, as well as later the drama of him being Jed's son. UNTIL HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME... that made me mad lmfao, i have to learn what to do to make him believe me before i play a Ryan route bc i'll kill him lmfao.
the steph/alex romance was sweet... it didn't really, like, Consume Me as a ship, but by the end of the game I was still "aww"ing at their moments in the flashforward. steph was more rounded and flawed than i thought she might be, which i really appreciated! i was worried they'd just make her perfect idealized gf, but she has a bit of a temper and is kind of tempestuous and stuff... liked it. loved her standing up for alex so fiercely and immediately at the council meeting <3 and my main reservation about her in ep 4 was that i wanted alex to stay in haven, so when she offered to stay i was thrilled LOL
one semi-complaint i had was that something i loved so much about lis1 was how max and chloe's relationship was central to the entire game and story, it wasn't some extra thing on the side, it WAS the game... whereas here, the romance routes, especially steph's, felt like sidequests. I wish they'd found a way to incorporate those relationships a bit more into the main goings-on. I also wanted to spend more time with either romance option to feel like I knew them better -- splitting the time between Steph and Ryan means that I came away feeling like I didn't get quite as much of either of them as I would've liked, vs spending almost the entire game with Chloe lol.
however, this ended up not really bothering me too much because I DID really like the core mystery and themes, the exploration of grief and Emotion, etc.
other characters
considering everyone knew going into the game that gabe was going to die, i was impressed with how they did it, and how they managed to get me attached to gabe in a mere single episode. it's a tall order to introduce a character designed to die, who your audience KNOWS is going to die, and still make them work.
i thought this supporting cast was ... maybe the strongest in the franchise? or at least, they created scenarios where i felt invested in multiple people in the town, and was genuinely trying to build decent relationships with most of them. duckie cracked me tf up, i liked eleanor and riley, even diane and jeb were good for their roles. (fuck pike. i signed ur stupid thing and left your emotions alone and you still won't do shit? ACAB!!!) the choice to stay in haven or leave was a little harder than i expected honestly, considering how quickly i let arcadia bay burn to the ground lmfao.
also i know the whole internet has been dunking on "empathy" as a super power since the game was announced, and i get that it sounds corny and looks corny in the trailers, but i thought how they did it was really cool. i wish they'd branded it "Mindreading" more than empathy tbh because a lot of the cooler elements of it are more along those lines... using her power to manipulate people, potentially taking people's emotions away and what that does to them... very interesting imo!
i really liked the memory feature!!! cool way to give us character exposition and inform the story while encouraging exploration. finally a collectible that like, expands the story, instead of chloe drawing butts on the wall and sean taking 10 years to draw something.
it's definitely the most evolved-feeling LIS game, which it should be, given it's the newest. graphics looked really nice, loved getting to see the characters actually emote, even if there are still some scenes that were a lil comically blank-faced -- usually NPCs. i actually noticed this with Jed the most, which in retrospect maybe was somewhat intentional?
i had a number of visual glitches, nothing major but a little silly, like T-posing Alex, npcs t-posing in the windows, etc. i'm sure they'll get patched out soon.
anyway... i rly liked this game, i'm excited for the steph dlc and finally feel like i have reason to be optimistic about future LIS instalments. hooray!
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
... All right, let’s do this. 
Under the cut bc there’s SO MANY images, and I’m sorry, and I know the cut is worthless to mobile users but, well, here we are. Please don’t unfollow me for this post specifically. 
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^^ I can’t decide if this woman holding the Tesseract is impressive or not bc, I mean, she’s wearing a glove - but, Red Skull probably was, too? Also the TVA are obviously not humans, so “impressive” may be generous. On the other hand, “only beings of enormous power” can wield the Tesseract/infinity stones, so. 
Loki looks pissed. 
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“I know what this place is.” I like this, bc it provides us with some narrative evidence that Loki has always known much more about the universe and How Things Work than anyone cared to realize. Loki’s always known what’s going on; that he isn’t ignorant to the existence or inner functions of the TVA feels in-character. 
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Why does every shot of the TVA’s headquarters look like the inside of a poorly-lit DMV? Though I guess it fits with the “timelessness” of it all as, after all, time ceases to exist or have meaning once you enter the DMV. 
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But I digress. 
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I’ve already remarked on the “I’m smart” comment, but I do like this shot. 
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I really love what Loki’s hair is doing here, I don’t even care. For better or for worse, his hair’s doing it’s own all-natural thing and I dig it. Let it move, let it dance, let it fall into his face and obscure his features as fanfic has allowed so many times. 
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I’m not a fan of the exaggerated jump or “wtf” expression along with “this is absurd” but THIS moment? Classic Loki. He looks 500% done and we’re only 51 seconds in. Also, I refuse to believe that stack of papers is everything Loki’s ever said. I know we all complained about the “you love to talk” line but, I mean, certainly he’s said more than approximately the total sum of Ulysses in his 1000 years of existence. 
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Here’s what I want to know: 
1. How does Loki taking the Tesseract result in so many new timeline branches? Surely he’s only responsible for one new timeline? I really, really hope they address that this is all the Avengers’ fault. 
2. What timeline is WandaVision and TFatWS taking place in? The main one, I presume? How do we know it’s not one of these alternate ones? 
3. Which timeline is Agents of SHIELD in and will they be addressed? Bc they got up to all kinds of Time Shenanigans in seasons 5, 6, and 7 to the point where I’m pretty sure they split off into their own universe (which is why they weren’t affected by the Snap or that whole thing, or so I’ve heard). If Loki crosses paths with Coulson & crew, I may pee my pants.
4. So where does Jessica Jo - ah, forget it, I’m not even going to ask. 
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I wonder what it is about this “unique Loki perspective” that Mobius is interested in recruiting. (Incidentally, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Owen Wilson in, like, a real role - wherein he’s not playing some version of Owen Wilson, that is. He’s got a costume and everything here. Fun to see!) 
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This is a bamf shot, okay. The way it’s framed is pretty intimidating. 
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“You listen well, brother -” 
“I’m listening.” 
^^ I figured out what kind of energy this moment has, lmao. 
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“It’s adorable that you think you can manipulate me.” I mean, do I even have to comment? I am here for narratively validating the “Loki is ten steps ahead” (heh, and I quote) canon. Here’s another place where I feel like Tom was involved, since I’m pretty sure that somewhere, he’s literally said “Loki’s always ten steps ahead of everyone else.” 
That said, I’m not crazy about the delivery of this line; the over-confident tone of it smacks of “here’s someone about to get knocked the fuck off their pedestal” and I’m not here for that. 
That said, these next scenes - 
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- not only show Loki with the upper hand but, also, it’s clear that Loki goes rogue at some point, possibly early on, and I do like that. Drag me if you will, but I want to see Loki scheming and being manipulative, in his own interests. 
I think that Loki being the protagonist will allow them to portray his manipulation in a way that the audience is on his side. I don’t think that the TVA is being framed as the “reliable narrator” through which the audience should view Loki, or “good guys” at all; I think that maybe they’re not evil, but there’s probably a lot of morally-grey shenanigans and goings-on. 
I also think Loki is capable of outwitting them; Loki, being ten steps ahead, has probably figured out something that the TVA has not even thought of yet, so he’s going to fix things his own way, according to his own plan. And I want to see that, because I think that this will give the narrative room to really explore both how Loki thinks and what he does when his plans go awry (as I’m sure they’re bound to do); like, how will he fix it and still remain on top in the end?
So, I mean, I’m pretty intrigued (and still cautiously optimistic). 
Lots of action shots happening, I won’t add even more images to this post, but this magic is still giving me life. 
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What is this, a food court? (Speaking of which , what’s up with all the action in the mall earlier?) 
“I’ve studied almost every moment of your life” 
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(^^ Missed opportunity)
“and you’ve literally stabbed people in the back like 50 times.” 
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Receipts or it didn’t happen, and that’s all I’m gonna say about that line right now. 
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Thanks, I hate it. This is all wrong, this whole thing - just awful, scrap it, toss it out. Tom, I love you, but this was the wrong delivery and an all-around bad acting decision. It’s too over-the-top, too earnestly “well I never!”, too comical (as in, feels like it belongs in a comic with a speech bubble as opposed to funny). 
Once more, with feeling. From the top! 
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I like that we get to see Loki doing a wardrobe change, as I don’t think we’ve gotten to see that before. He always just shows up in a new outfit or illusions one on. 
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That’s one ugly ass outfit, but you make it look passable, Loki. You’re beautiful, in case no one’s told you that today. 
The remaining shots are very visually pleasing and action-y and I dig them, except the volcano one (stop posing with your arms outstretched every five seconds, Loki, it’s kinda cringe. In the above still, it works; in front of a volcano, it’s just tonally off. I say this with love, don’t @ me). 
Overall, I think I maintain my 7/10 rating. I think that the trailer hints at a lot of potential in the story that I will enjoy seeing, and I think that the nature of it being a trailer means that it’s a little tonally hyperbolic (this is kinda the format for Disney shit; show the flashy bits, the funny (”funny”) bits, to draw in the casual viewer. Save the story bits for the show. (Case in point: there’s a lot of great material in TFatWS that happened just before or after the one-liners shown in the trailer.) 
So, yes. Sorry this is such a mammoth post, I just needed to explode my feels. If you think the trailer’s awesome, kudos and I love you. If you’re disappointed and upset, I’m sorry and I love you. If you’re hovering in the middle, still in cautiously optimistic territory, pull up a seat and have some popcorn with me. 
That is all. 
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cecelianonymous22 · 4 years
Creep | Expensive Headphones Full Comic + commentary
Just click on the panels if you don’t wanna see all the commentary.
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This was actually the first time I did a perspective like this. I found a reference for hoodies and used a back-facing one similar to the panel
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First time I’ve done this pose. I got the reference from here. Also look at that crushing man!
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I honestly don’t know where I was going with the angel wings. Like- I thought I was gonna add more visuals like that but I kinda..didn’t?
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Kinda don’t like this bc it looks wonky. But yeah, point is, bullies succ
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I have a thing where like- my side profiles are inconsistent to my normal style?? Idk, its fuckin stupid sometimes but im working on it.
Also I kept forgetting Michael’s headphones hA-
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This one was kind of a pain in the ass tbh. Bc I didn’t copy and past anything like I should’ve. And also because I had an inefficient way of using the bucket tool so i had to fill in all the edges
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This wasn’t an original idea but I can’t find the original post. All I know is that it’s somewhere on Tumblr
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Sorry, I love her lmao. My friend Evan created this specific design for Rich’s mom/Squip and I kinda took it as gospel because it just Makes sense
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ft. me remembering that Rich has tattoos 
(btw! the undercut and the natural hair are slightly different colors. fun trivia for ya)
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Lmao I hated the hand in the last frame so I just kinda..cut it out..
Also I had drawn the spark thing as green for some reason. The reason it’s a slightly different blue than Ashley is bc i was too lazy to go back over it so i just changed the hue
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I know this looks like ass but I never really draw with perspective like this
Like, the podium looks good
But RIch? Eh...
(Btw, i used a thing call 3D viewer on my laptop to figure out the podium)
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I would just like to note that there’s a little scene transition between this panel and the next one.
I just
Didn’t realize how it would look together
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ft. me remembering Michael’s headphones
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Funky silhouettes  
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Funky backgrounds
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This looked way worse than I originally had planned
But hey, look at that hand! The expressions are garbage but that hand!
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ft. my art cooperating with me for once (minus Michael’s hand smh)
Btw, this whole scene is after Michael’s breakdown, which is why he’s trying to get out in the last panel
In this panel, Rich is pretty much just trying to persuade Michael
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now kith
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the arm sucks but yeah thats a lighter
also i probably mentioned this in the part i posted it in but
i highkey kinda hc that they hooked up in this time frame
and thats how Rich stole Michael’s lighter
but im not fucking drawing that so
just know ig
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ew inconsistent side perspectives
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ew inconsistent door
ft. hickeys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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The most detailed panel of the entire comic
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yo look at that
a side perspective thats not ASS
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fun fact
Jeremy and Michael’s hair are both messed up for the same reason ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Except in Jeremy’s situation it wasnt exactly consensual but..go off ig..
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lowkey dont like this but yk
it works
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back at it again with the bad side views
btw i almost forgot his burns! 
or well
i did forget and then went back to edit them in
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bisexual epiphany
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ft. Michael overhearing and getting flustered bc Halloween
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Alright that’s all the boyfs content yall are getting, sorry /lh, g
Oh but this was a first too! For hugs n shit. Here’s the reference I used
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ft. me getting better with expressions!!
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this little scene is honestly just, Michael cracking a joke or some kinda comment and Rich being all :)) about it
happy bois
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starting to catch a little bit of feels
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and the get well soon bear :))
But there you have it! There’s my comic
I’m really happy that I was able to finish it! Especially considering I started it in August, I think
Normally I lose motivation for that kinda shit but nope! Not this time! :))
Also I just think we need to overthrow the Boyfs supremacy so
I’m trying to do that with Expensive Headphones content 
But yeah! Thanks to everyone who enjoys this comic! You all make my day!
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gladiatortale · 4 years
My DEPRESSION BEATING, fandom obsessing, shit-tastic FANTASTIC year in review!
TL;DR: I’m fixing my mental health and figuring out WHO THE FUCK I AM one fandom filled day at a time! Thank you to everyone who’s been there for me along the way. xoxo
what’s up HEATHENS.
stating the goddamn obvious here, it’s been a HELLUVA YEAR. One emotional rollercoaster after another but we’re ALMOST DONE. I know things aren’t gonna magically get better the second it flips to 00:01 on January first, but I’m excited to put this year behind me, and (SHOCKINGLY) a bit sad to see it go.
It was a year where the whole world completely stopped, we realized what is really important, what is really worth fighting for, and took a GODDAMN SECOND to just breathe.
For me personally, the year (which I’m counting off from November 1st) started out UNBELIEVABLY SHIT. I had just been kicked out of the country I called home for the last four years (thank you Brexit), I had ZERO job prospects, my depression was the WORST it had ever been, and I just didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And in the beginning, the pandemic felt like salt in the wound, an extra kick in the teeth to my early twenties that had already “failed to launch.”
But I tried to embrace the madness, really take advantage of the world (that I always thought moved to fast) properly slowing down, and take time to try and become myself again. I wanted to figure out what I loved and try and become a bit more like the person I was before my depression got so bad.
I often say I became that Manic Trash Planet Lady™ you see in sci-fi adventure films; a bit zany to say the least, with a million ideas and a very eclectic fashion sense, but embracing the insanity as it comes...
*cough cough* audrey, get to the goddamn point!
Right. lol. THE POINT IS! 
I’m not 100% “healed”, I’m not sure if I think depression is a “oh look you’re officially cured! hooray!” type of disease, but this year I let myself ENJOY SHIT for the first time in god knows how long. I still don’t know “wHaT i WaNt To dO WiTh mY LiFe”, but I’ve got a better idea and I’m heading in (what feels like) the right direction. And most of all, I can look back and say I am better than where I was a year ago.
So I wanted to say T H A N K Y O U to the mad lads on this website that introduced me to the fandoms, shows, movies, fics... THE SHIT that made me happy this year and were there to be one (BIG) piece in my healing journey.
AND SO, with out further rambling ADO! Here are the highlights of the year marked by my ridiculous hyper-fixations and OBSESSIONS. Thanks for putting up with me ya fiends, xoxox
November 2019  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
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I had just gotten home and I was in a LOOOOOOW place. Randomly decided to download this app when it came up and it proceeded to ruin my life (and my bank account...) for pretty much the rest of the year. It was exactly what I needed to get me through a tough time and I was thoroughly, horse-blinders-up-to-the-rest-of-the-world, OBSESSED. These gorgeous magical fiends ruined me and all I could say was thank you.
Joined the fandom: November 2019 Obsession peaked: Late November Obsession faded: December 2019; I started a new job AND my bank statement came in and I realized I had accidentally spent over SIXTY BUCKS on this stupid app. No ragrets, but I definitely started to phase out at that point. Fandom friends: Velma, (@lanavxds on insta) miss you girlie xx Fanfics you NEED to read: ‘Second Mistake’ by DeathBelle on AO3, because DAAAAAYUM SON. Favourite moments: Basically the whole of the Julian arc. That gangly himbo OWNED my ass for a month.
December 2019 Hazbin Hotel (TV Series)
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Y’ALL okay here me out. Am I proud of this one? No. Is the show crass as hell? OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH. Did my angsty ass love it at the end of last year? DAMN STRAIGHT IT DID. Goes without saying, but this is NOT FOR EVERYBODY, but it definitely helped me along the way to becoming more comfortable with myself and being open about being the massive geek that I always was, and watching things I enjoy regardless of what people say about it.
Joined the fandom: December 2019 Obsession peaked: Shortly there after. Fandom friends: None. Dipped one toe in fandom discourse and then promptly YEETED the fuck outta there. Obsession faded: January 2019. Still curious to see the full series if A24 actually ever does produce the whole thing, but I have def moved away from it. Fanfics you NEED to read: Haven’t read any. Maybe I’m a pussy baby piece-o-shit, but I DID NOT want to go down that rabbit hole, NO MA’AM. Favourite moments:
Discovering the Hunicast podcast. These guys are a riot and Ashley is a flustered GEM. Even if you don’t watch the show, go watch an episode of these fucking LADS just dicking about and your day will get better.
Watching the first episode with my partner and watching him realize his girlfriend is a total freak.
January 2020 Lore Olympus (Webtoon Comic)
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*Officially* discovered this one thanksgiving weekend in 2019, but my Arcana phase was still raging pretty strong at that point so I didn’t really get in to it until later. EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER NEEDS TO READ IT. It has everything and handles the reality sexual assault and it’s aftermath EXTREMELY well.
Joined the fandom: Late November 2019 Obsession peaked: January 2020 Fandom friends: KELLEY. MA GIRL XOXOXO Obsession faded: June-ish 2020. I’m like 10 chapters behind now, but I still love this story so much. Fanfics you NEED to read: SO MANY ON MY ‘MARKED FOR LATER’ LIST AAAAAH. I have to get to that... NEW YEARS RESOLUTION lol Favourite moments: Having a drunk conversation on New Years Eve in 2019 with one of my oldest friends from high school about how much she loved it too. Helped me see how popular fandom and fandoms, are especially after feeling like I needed to hide my enthusiasm through high school and uni. (THAT WAS A MISTAKE BUT I’LL GET THERE IN A MINUTE).
February 2020 Versailles (TV Series)
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SO FUCKING GAY Y’ALL. Oh my god everyone in this show is so gay. Even when they’re not they still are a little bit. AND BEST OF ALL!! it’s very historically accurate (except for the demon satanic nonsense in season 3, what was that???)
Joined the fandom: February 2020 Obsession peaked: Like??? The SECOND I finished episode one. Fandom friends: none... WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU??? Obsession faded: March 2020. It was a fast and passionate love affair, what can I say? Fanfics you NEED to read: IF YOU HAVE RECS, GIVE ‘EM TO MEEEEE. Favourite moments: 
Showing the first episode to a friend of mine and the *ungodly GASP* that came out of her throat was... PRICELESS.
The ENTIRE throuple(???) relationship between the Chevalier, Philipe, and Palatine. PLATONIC/ ROMANTIC LOVE G O A L S.
March 2020 Yuri!!! On Ice (TV Series)
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*deep breath* ...y’all knew this one was coming.
Was I ready for this show to ruin my fucking life? No.  Am I so glad it happened??? FUCK YEAH.
NEVER IN MY LIFE have I fallen off the deep end so quickly with a fandom. HOLY SHIT. This blog didn’t have much of an “identity” before, but I you said that this is a Yuri On Ice blog now I wouldn’t even be mad (nor could I really defend myself to the contrary... bc??? like??? just go LOOK at my archive). Craziest thing is I watched the first two episodes like?? a solid TWO YEARS ago, but I didn’t continue watching because I was just not in the right head space for all the love and silliness and positivity.
I could do a whole separate post about how much this show and how this fandom has changed my life (DON’T TEMPT ME I JUST MIGHT). But I’ll stick with the highlights for now ;)
Joined the fandom: March 2020  Obsession peaked: Has it peaked?? Went straight up and it still going lol Fandom friends: Sandra, my mentor, my queen @aeriamamaduck, my fandom ride-or-die. Thank you for taking this internet bby under your wing. RACHEL @idancewiththefairies I TRAPPED YOU HERE. MUAHAHAHA xxx Obsession faded: ON GOING. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP. Fanfics you NEED to read: jfc, SO MANY.
‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ and ‘Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts’ by Reiya @kazliin​ -- Rivals AU companion pieces. Longest fics I’ve ever read and JESUS CHRIST these two fucking SENT ME. Most popular YOI fics on AO3 for a REASON.
‘Tell Me Where Your Love Lies’ by @aeriamamaduck -- Royalty AU, trope-breaking ABO. Ah sweet, TMWYLL, how you’ve killed me over and over again. This BEAUTIFUL wip has SUCH amazing world-building idk where to start (Congrats on passing 50,000 hits!) EVERYONE GO READ IT.
‘Blackbird’ by sixpences -- WWII/Coldwar Spy Fic. I don’t have enough words to describe how amazing this is. It’s elevated to a higher plane beyond fanfic. Just go read it. Thank me later.
‘Zanka’ by rinsled05 @dreaming-fireflies -- The geisha fic that ruined me. *deep breath* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *gasp* I’m fine. lol I sooooo not ready for this fic. Holy hell, Aoyagi had my heart in his hands from the first chapter. “’Please’ [...] ‘Don’t give me hope.’“ FUUUUCK.
‘Echoes’ by Reiya @kazliin -- Future fic. First fic I cried at... BOI. I was NOT ready for this. Shouldn’t be surprised given the author, but MAN. “‘A love like that, a love like what they had together, it never leaves completely.’ Yuri spoke again, eyes still staring out onto the ice, lost in memory. ‘There are always echoes.’” JUST FUCK ME UP.
Favourite moments: Oh good lord, where do I begin??
Having two (count ‘em TWO) main characters with mental health issues (Yuuri and his anxiety and Victor with burn out and depression) and NOT MAKING IT THE ONLY ASPECT OF THEIR PERSONALITY. CLAPS FOR KUBO AND YAMAMOTO!!
Everything about Yurio (ESPECIALLY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH YUUKO AND HIS GRANDPA), that tsundere motherfucker is too pure for this world.
This fandom *properly* introducing me to smut on AO3...
Thinking I was going to get Rachel to like the show... NOT being prepared for her to fall off the deep end and START LIKING REAL SKATING TOO!!
Staying up waaaaaay too late waaaaaay too often to plan out plot points for TMWYLL with Sandra. Love ya dearie.
The warm fuzzy feeling I get every time I think about Victor and Yuuri.
April 2020 Bungou Stray Dogs (TV Series)
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I had a hunch I was gonna like this show considering ALL of the characters are based off of famous classic authors from around the world... what I was NOT prepared for was just HOW MUCH I was going to love it. HOLY SHIT. The art style? Love it. The plot?? Bonkers, but so fun. THE VOICE CAST??? AMAZING. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to get in to anime, great place to start.
Joined the fandom: April 2020 Obsession peaked: Probably this summer? But we have DEF plateaued in a VERY high place. Fandom friends: FIJI. MA BOIIIII @lil-1nsane  Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Hope it doesn’t Fanfics you NEED to read: So so so many. The smut in this fandom is *chef’s kiss*, but here are a few...
‘He Works Hard For the Money’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- Sugar Daddy AU. FUCK MAN. I was not expecting to like this one, but bloody hell. This fic grabbed me by the throat and WOULD NOT let me go. Praying for chapter 16! But the author is working on another STELLAR fic so I’m okay for now.
‘Everything or Nothing’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- University AU. FUCK THIS FIC. Started reading it as I was waiting for HWHFTM to update and BOI, this fic ROCKS. The alternating POV fits so well with the enemies/idiots-to-lovers vibe. Solid 10 outta 10.
‘The City Where Wind Blows’ by @raven-rein​ -- Cancer Death fic. *pained shriek* AAAAAAGUUUUUUUHHHH *gasp* aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, FUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKK MEEEEE. THIS FIC. Only the second fic I’ve ever cried to but I BAWLED MY GODDAMN EYES OUT. FUUUUUUUCK. I was not ready, never would have been ready. This is so tremendously well done, it killed me so beautifully, 
‘Haunted by Hatred’ by DeathBelle -- Canon compliant Soukoku. It is a CRIME that DeathBelle doesn’t have more BSD fics on her page, but this one is still brilliant.
Favourite moments:
The first three episodes. Soooo many break neck plot twists.
Every insane hypothetical conversation with Fiji.
Every time Atsushi or Tanizaki is on screen bc I LOVE THESE LIL BEANS.
June 2020 Trash Taste (Podcast)
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Goddamn I love these chaotic lads so much.
As I became more and more comfortable with myself and my love for anime I stumbled upon these three goons, -- Joey, Connor, and Garnt, -- best known for there SUPER successful (mostly) anime YouTube channels. Even if you don’t watch anime, WATCH/LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. The focus is mostly on their lives and the overall expat/immigrant experience, with a bit of anecdotal anime references sprinkled in. 
This show is both wholesome and heathenous in equal measure, and after having lived abroad for a significant portion of my (admittedly still quite short) life, it was such a breath of fresh air to hear people talk so openly about how living outside your home country is both wonderful and terrifying. They’re wonderfully candid about the fact that even if you love a place dearly, no where is perfect, and you WILL hate somethings about your new home even if the majority of the experience is fantastic. I cannot rate this show highly enough.
Joined the fandom: June 5th 2020, loved it from the first episode. Obsession peaked: July maybe? I was RELIGIOUS about watching the episodes as soon as they came out. Still watch every week, but less “on time.” Fandom friends: None :( but I have tricked my partner in to listening several times :) Obsession faded: It’s dimmed from where it was, but still going strong. Fanfics you NEED to read: NONE. NEVER PLAN TO. Hard and fast rule, I don’t read fics about real people. Characters played by real people, even that’s a maybe for me. But real-real people? FUCK NO. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Any time Garnt and Connor get into a big-brain-monkey-brain argument and Joey is just LOSING his GODDAMN MIND in the corner.
Bringing a retired Japanese porn star in the show for an honest conversation about consensual sex work and showing people can have more than one career in life.
Everything about the, ‘Are Online Friends Real Friends?’ episode. GO WATCH IT, it’s brilliant.
Garnt making “chotto-THE-FUCKING-matte” an expression
August 2020 Great Pretender (TV Series)
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Spent most of the summer marinating in my BSD and YOI bubbles, until THIS BAD BOI came up on my Netflix recommendations. HOOOO BOI. This is some Anime Of The Year shit right here. Has a pretty original concept (Catch Me If You Can by way of Oceans 11-ish) but generally starts out like most other shounen (sans the super powers). AND THEN EPISODE FIVE HAPPENS. Not gonna spoil it but they TOOK THAT SHIT UP A NOTCH. Brilliant, even with a bit of an insane ending. GO WATCH THIS ONE.
Joined the fandom: August 2020 Obsession peaked: Pretty much as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: What’s up Fiji ;) @lil-1nsane Obsession faded: Naturally faded, but so glad I watched Fanfics you NEED to read: None so far! Little scared about this one, heard mixed reviews, but maybe someday. Favourite moments:
Edamame’s “madness arc” at the end of season 2. HOOOO BOY.
Laurent getting fucking WRECKED when Edamame punches him mid way through season 2, kills me every time.
Introducing my partner to anime with this show.
October 2020 Attack on Titan (TV Series)
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In my quest to find an anime that I can watch with my partner, I turned on season 1 of this bad boi. Holy hell I forgot how much I loved this show, NO WONDER everyone lost their goddamn minds when this show first aired. I NEED to catch up before all the season four spoilers come to get me...
Joined the fandom: Winter 2016 Obsession peaked: Basically as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: None yet, but I know you’re out there... Obsession faded: 2017, JUST BEFORE SEASON TWO... I should have stuck around longer I know, but it’s slowly coming back. Reeeeeally need to catch up on seasons two, three, and four. Fanfics you NEED to read: GIVE ME YOUR RECS HEATHENS. Favourite moments:
Watching my partner FREAK OUT about Eren’s “death.”
Getting in a conversation with a die hard fan after I hadn’t watched it in three years and saying... “Who’s that blond bitch that cries all the time?”/ “Armin?”/ “THAT’S THE ONE!”
November 2020... kind of. Figure Skating (Sport)
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Okay this one is a bit hard to explain. 
I have been a DIE HARD figure skating for A LOOOOOONG time. My grandmother got me a hat from the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City and I remember watching even then. But I first became consciously aware of different skaters, my faves, etc. from about 2010. I vividly remember watching Plushenko skating in 2014 while on a school trip to Hawaii, and my friends laughing at me as I yelled at the TV.
But I didn’t TRULY get involved in the fandom side of it until this year. I had all this knowledge bottled up, but didn’t have any skating friends to talk to... UNTIL NOW. Super ironic that this happened in a year with almost NO skating, but I’ll take what I can get ;) Also did I stay up until FOUR-GODDAMN-THIRTY IN THE MORNING a few nights ago to stream Japanese Nationals on my phone??? YOU BET I DID.
Joined the fandom: Three times; 2002, 2010, and 2020. Obsession peaked: 2014? 2018? Idk it peaks any time someone does something amazing. Fandom friends: Rachel, my girl @idancewiththefairies​, WHY DIDN’T I INTRODUCE YOU TO THIS SOONER??? Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Won’t. lol Fanfics you NEED to read: NOPE. NONE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. No fanfics about real people. Never gonna change that. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir doing THAT routine at the 2018 Olympics.
Rachel​ sheepishly admitting to me that Shoma may have replaced Yuzu as her favourite, and me being SO DAMN PROUD of her for growing and developing her own skating opinions apart from me.
Yuzu’s 2012 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ routine and Worlds. THE RAW FUCKING POWER OF THAT SKATE.
Plushenko, cheeky bastard, changing his 2014 Team Event routine AS IT WAS HAPPENING.
The worlds friendliest rivalry between Yuzu and Nathan.
Any thing the Shibutani’s do, and all they do to break up the stereotype that all of Ice Dancing has to be rOmAnTiC and SeNsUaL to be good.
Watching my early faves become coaches and the D R A M A.
Honorable Mentions:
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Coco (Film): I watched this the weekend I came home and I owe this movie a lot. It is so sweet an heartwarming, and it a roundabout way it brought me back to Tumblr (needed somewhere to vent my feelings considering I watched the movie a solid THREE YEARS after it came out, Tumblr seemed like the place to go lol). Watched in again in 2020 and it’s just as amazing.
Jekyll and Hyde (All media): Loved this book from the first time I read it in my first year of uni. But in December 2019, my fandom understanding reached its PEAK. The musical?? The comic?? YOOOOOO.
Dear Evan Hansen (Musical): I have BARELY engaged in fandom discourse, but the MUSIC. She fucking SLAPS.
Sirius the Jaeger (TV Series): This show is such an underrated gem. It literally has so much; "dead” family drama? Eclectic international group of monster hunters? Cowboys and vampires?? Yes, yes, and YES. And the main character has the same Japanese voice actor as Atsushi from BSD!
Studio Ghilbi (Films): My love affair with Ghibli goes back to when I was about 5 and BEGGED my mom to take me to the library so we could rent Kiki’s Delivery Service on DVD. But that love has been FULLY rejuvenated this year when I went to the Ghibli Film Festival in New York City (ironically in the last week in February). If you haven’t seen them, go watch From Up On Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart, and The Wind Rises. Spoilers, you’re probably gonna cry.
If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU FOR READING! 
And thank you to all the amazing people that made my 2020 not so horrible. Good riddance 2020, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
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vanityloves · 4 years
Storm and ivy + medic
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@septemberlove i have. no excuse for how late these are but uh. thank you for sending these in 💕.
[word count: 1.8k+ with the longest 'authors note' bc im mentally ill]
sfw, mmm comfy cozy, general sick hcs,
storm - what are cozy days in with your f/o like?
Whenever I think of cozy days, my brain immediately goes to rainy/chilly weather where we can cuddle up together and my brain short fuses. I'm gonna assume this is just like a day off or something though!
How I visual them together vs how I write them is odd because they technically don't act or accept they're 'together' until after the comics but I always write them like they're in a Steady Relationship while on base. I'm always writing a slight AU if you will. Or maybe it's after they get their jobs back at Mann co - I should highkey adjust that but No ♥️. No more thinking, just content based off my idealized universe.
There's definitely a point in their relationship where it's like 'I think I have to put in a little more work here'. I'm not saying either party is slacking but they're slacking ♥️. Neither of them really take action. Chef doesn't blame him or really complain about it because that's their nature, plus they don't know how romantic relationships really work or flow, especially with a person like him. Medic doesn't see an issue with anything and continues on with his normal business. 
What I mean by slacking is, there's not a lot of quality time being spent together which would be fine if it wasn't both of their strongest Love Languages, which could help them strengthen their relationship. It's odd because they're 'romantically involved' but they don't spend a lot of time together for either of them to consider it romantic, simply because it's on company time. 
Medic goes to bed pretty late and wakes up at a fairly early hour. Chef is a late sleeper and forced to be an early riser because their Actual Job is to make at least 2 or 3 meals a day (if they want something else, they're on their own but hate when anyone messes up the kitchen and will honestly, stand there and watch said person).
There's minimal time they can spend together if they want to do their own activities - for Medic, it's tinkering around with organs or in Engie's garage, for Chef, they're typically meal prepping or trying to tend to an animal or plant of some sort.
Medic is actually more direct about wanting attention and it's never been a problem because he's cautious about it. Chef is more emotionally inclined and willing to drop hints that they want more attention. 
Chef probably has one day off where it's a complete free for all, for the rest of the team, which would be the perfect time to spend with Medic - If he wanted to stop working, that is. Just don't picture it but, Chef will literally sit in the medbay for hours just to be near the guy, but it isn't bad? The drone of machinery or the scratching of his pen is relaxing, or having his doves nearby is always sweet! Plus, he's prone to talking their ear off when he finds something interesting, so they'll chime in and have some back and forth.
But, yknow - sometimes having someone's undivided attention is nice and Chef is pretty dense when it comes to that and wonders why they feel so upset.
They swallow their pride and ask Medic if they sleep in his room one night and Medic's not as dense as Chef, he understands that they'd never ask for something so out of the blue for no reason and he promises to finish up his work early so they could head to bed together. Chef had nothing planned, they literally just needed that affection and closeness - since it was their day off Medic takes the hint and puts his work aside for the time being.
They'd probably sleep in and stay in bed a while longer before getting ready together - no uniform required. Chef isn't so talkative in the mornings, Medic's noticed, but they were happily fiddling with his buttons and tie, humming in thought before answering his questions. Medic's seen them out of uniform of course, but it's always funny seeing them in just a button up and jeans like … mom on the go vibes. Medic leaves his coat behind before making his way to the kitchen with Chef. 
The kitchen usually has a couple people loitering around, grabbing their coffee or honestly, waiting around for Chef because they always make extra and these bitches are lazy. But the kitchen has now become A Medic Supremacy Zone and he has first dibs - the benefits of being w/ Chef I guess. The two would work as if the others weren't there, keeping their conversation between each other even if that means Medic tilting his head down while Chef leans in closer to reply. There's a high possibility the other have left them to their own devices, seeing as the couple was ignoring them / knows they won't be getting anything. Breakfast isn't extraordinary but it feels special since they actually get to sit across each other and share the morning today.
It's possible that they'd go out and run some errands today, but it's a cover to window shop and walk around. I'll be honest, they probably haven't had proper dates so it's refreshing. You could ask Chef what they liked the most and they're just like :] Yes. 
Other times, they like to curl up and catch up with some reading (well, Medic at least) while Chef rests against him and skim over the words. They're not too invested in what he's reading but likes to have some idea of what he's talking about so they don't ask too many questions. (Very 'these words are big and english/german is not my first language + I can't read as fast as you can so I got lost 7 pages ago). Medic likes to watch Chef garden and tries to help them tend to whatever they're able to grow in the goddamn desert. He overwaters a cactus and looks away if it dies. Chef talks ab how they're growing mint and how it really took off while Medic's standing there like :] Oh, lets make tea with that. Because they're Old People (read: Medic is old)
ivy - how do you take care of each other when you’re sick?
Chef is easier to take care of when they're sick. They continue working until they're pretty beat but once they feel sick and a break doesn't work, they'll try to finish up what they can before turning in early. They see themselves to bed and inform whoever's near that they won't ne there at dinner and if they really cant figure it out, then come get them - other than that, they're barricading themselves in their room.
When they're sick they're REALLY sick but recovery time is usually a few days (depending on how bad it is). They basically hibernate and don't like being disturbed. They're used to not fending for themselves since they've been on their own for a while but really appreciate all the check ins Medic does w/ them, especially when they're all better. 
Medic, being...their Medic, he definitely gives them a check up when they first begin showing symptoms and he can be a stickler when it comes to drinking fluids and eating properly. Chef usually has a  finicky stomach as it is so Medic really urges them to drink soups and easy foods like bread and crackers. He checks in on them A LOT, even if that's just peeking in to see if they're asleep or not. He backs off when Chef gives him a cold stare from under the covers and minimizes his intrusions/tries to be more sneaky about it. He has colder hands and they let out a sigh when he puts his hand to their cheek or forehead to check their temperature. 
Chef doesn't hesitate to take any medication he has for them, mostly bc they aren't fully coherent but they also don't have energy to care, in fact they have the thought that if he accidentally kills them, maybe respawn will cure them. Unfortunately, Medic debunks this before they can even muster up the energy to ask.
Overall 7.5/10, very good patient. Will refuse to get up and accidently falls asleep in the shower which scares the shit out of him.
Medic on the other hand is very stubborn and doesn't like to stop working unless there's something that physically stops him (ex: vomiting, serious injuries [unlikely bc medigun], etc). If he tricked the Devil, surely the man can beat the common cold or flu! Unfortunately he gets those full body shivers and feels terrible. He can be pretty dramatic when he's sick and everyone's subjected to his bad attitude. 
It's Chefs turn to play doctor - they can tell by looks alone that he's under the weather. His face is flushed and he's a bit sloppily put together, which isn't *too uncommon* but his tie isn't tied and his glasses lamely slide down his nose. They tsk a bit while taking his temperature just to keep track of it before ushering him to his room.
He can be dragged to bed if persistent enough. Chef's firm hold on his arm is enough for him to get off his chair and have them tug him along. He doesn't have any room to argue with them as they look up at him, so he relents, stating that a short break would definitely do him good, but he'll be up and at em by tomorrow. 
Chef is doting and becomes a bit of a helicopter parent when checking on him. This mostly consists of peeking their head in but not really stepping in the room. Every so often they'll wake him up to drink water and either hand him an ice pack or offer a cold towel and move to dab at his forehead and neck.
Medic hasn't been too keen on having others taking care of him bc that's HIS job, and he often tries to shoo Chef away by saying he's more than alright now. Sometimes he's caught sitting up in bed doing work or taking notes on something bc he's a bit restless when he's sick and stationary for too long.
But he's right. He's very good at taking care of himself - when Chef offers him food he'll force himself to eat some of it and he's drinks plenty of fluids without needing reminders. He kinda bosses Chef around, telling them to grab certain medications from the Medbay. They trust his judgment on his own health and bring him what he asks for but Chef keeps a mental note of what he takes and when. Don't need the doctor accidentally taking too many pills today!
Overall 6.5/10. It's hard to get him into bed and becomes restless fairly easily. He is persistent that he's ok after one day of rest only to be found sneezing himself away in the Medbay. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
[drumming] BEAST WARRRS
wow, me and ruth watching MORE transformers stuff?? its more likely than you think
sooo yeah we started watching beast wars. which seems like the logical next step after reading the comics and watching tfa, tfp, (some of) g1, cyberverse, even the live action movies back in the day...
however ruth and I have always ruthlessly bullied beast wars bc of how outdated the cgi looks, stating that no matter how good everyone says it is, we can never watch it bc its so ugly 
we watched a couple clips, even, including the fight scene from ep2 which is SO funny I'm sorry and we were like ‘yea we cant watch this lol’ BUT LO AND BEHOLD...HERE WE ARE....
so yah this was probably inevitable but yea, ill probably write a few of these post just giving my scattered thoughts
so! so far we’ve watched like 8 eps and I gotta say....I like it a lot so far
as ruth says, ‘it feels like an actual show’ (as opposed to g1 which imo feels more like an extended-toy-commercial-slash-acid-trip)
like, even in the first couple eps, its clear there's actual plot and characters
the bad cgi is admittedly distracting at time, similar to the animation errors in g1 
in terms of the plot, I find it to be really interesting - I like the explanations for the beast forms w/the energon making their robot forms short out
the premise is like, so wild to me, in a meta sense - like, this was basically the followup to g1 (ignoring g2, and all the japanese stuff like headmasters and victory), and its SO wildly different than g1 - premise-wise, beast wars feels like something you'd get 20 years down the line in the franchise when they're trying to go at the source material from a new, fresh angle
instead its the follow-up to g1, bc I guess being able to sell toys that transform into animals rather than cars is a good market 
oh man is this show 90s. like, it came out in ‘96, so obviously its gonna be 90s, but sometimes it just slaps you in the face w/it 
like...the music. lmao like the guitar riffs that play sometimes are so hilariously 90s that I feel myself regressing into an infant (the state I was in irl during the 90s)
plus the dialogue...like half of what cheetor says is just. so very 90s. like Cool Epic Teenz 90s sometimes, which is hilarious and out of date now 
speaking of cheetor I love my boy. I already love him from cyberverse but this is og cheetor and I love him here too. he;s just a great kid appeal yellow character and I luv him. he has freckles that's soooo cuteee my boiiii
as for the characters in general...I like how they all have pretty solid characterizations but also undergo character development. and I like how we don't get all too much exposition about them/their backstories so we get to learn things as we go along 
optimus primal is cool, and interesting when compared to other optimuses (optimii?)...he seems like a Leader™, but he’s kinda frustrated/done with this shit, especially compared to like, g1 op, who was very patient, and tfa op, who felt very young. this op feels very experienced but also doesn't always wanna be here
who else is there...rhinox! he is great, he seems like the only one w/a brain cell. he seems v levelheaded and cool, I like him a lot. he hasn't gotten much spotlight but I'm interested to see what he’ll do. I like his voice
rattrap omg...ruth hates him bc he’s annoying which, fair, but I like him bc he’s hilarious. he’s a rat from new jersey, and joisey rats are just Like That okay
dinobot...omg...I love him. he’s just dramatic and gay. and also a dinosaur. I think its cool that he has a SWORD bc everyone else has guns (kinda boring), and also he has laser eyes. he is cool and interesting and also he and optimus are dating tyvm 
as for the predacons...beast wars megatron oh my goddd....I love him so much he’s SO entertaining lmao...yesssssss....he’s so Shakespearian? idek how else to describe it. he’s very eloquent and he really feels like a high-class play actor who could also rip your face off if he wanted to. he says ‘yessssss’ SO much its so funny. he’s very like, over the top and kinda hammy, but in a completely different way than g1 megs, who could be described similarly but is a very different vibe 
bw megatron is basically the polar opposite of tfp megatron
as for the rest of the predacons, we haven't gotten as much character stuff for them but I'm interested in them for sure
tarantulas.....I wanna see more of him, he’s just so entertaining to me idk. gay little spider man
scorponok omfg he’s such a loser in this hvbajkdsfbwkhdsf I cant get over how completely lame and unthreatening he is lmaoooo he’s such a lil bitch. I could cough on him and he’d explode probably. hilarious
terrorsaur is like the starscream of this show from what I can tell so far since he’s already tried to take over the predacons twice. ruth and I hate the weird bird dinosaur noises he makes. actually we hate when any of the characters make animal noises honestly hbvkjdnsfaksl
waspinator sure is here. he hasn't done much but he’s definitely present! and makes some weird terrible bug noises
blackarachnia just got here and then immediately left, which is hilarious. she saw everyone fighting and was like ‘actually fuck this’ and bounced, which is super valid 
ok I gotta talk abt the animation again vhbahkjsdfhbkjsf its...really painful...I mean it looks great for being 1996, but since its cgi it does NOT hold up at all (compared to 2d animation, which tends to hold up better - tho low-budget stuff like g1 doesn't hold up great, but it looks bad in a much different way than bad old cgi does)
like, I mentioned it above but that fight scene in ep2...there are just so many moments that weren't supposed to be funny but were hilarious due to the animation. like when the two sides run at each other and clash, when they hit each other half of them just fly offscreen like plastic toys vbahsudfbajskdf its SO visually hilarious I rewound it to watch it again lmao 
also anytime they do closeups I cringe so hard, especially on optimus, he just looks so plastic...in general the beast modes looks pretty janky, like cheetors limbs (mostly around the shoulders/hips) look weird af...I feel like rattraps beast mode looks the least wack. beast mode tarantulas also looks weird as hell but I think that's partially bc his colors are so garish lmao
I'm soooo excited to see the stuff that connects beast wars to g1, I know a few things about how its connected thanks to my reading of the g1 tfwiki pages, and I cant wait to see it all unfold
I'm really not spoiled for much, surprisingly...I might know a couple character deaths, and a few other things, but for the most part I have no clue what's going to happen which is really cool actually. I'm excited to see things!!!
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winternimbus · 5 years
friendly reminder about roxy and their character
with the new homestuck^2 upd8 giving a canon design to transmasc roxy, i would like to remind y’all that roxy is one of the most unintentionally transfemme-coded characters in the comic. there is definitely going to be people that are going to debate me about this, but i am going off my personal experience as a trans woman here. im gonna be real hussie does not have the brain cells to properly write a trans character (or hell like even handling LGBTQ+ characters well, this is a callout post to his formspring), but roxy is a really good example of unintentional transfemme coding that's done very well imo. to her interests (programming, video games, etc.) that line up w/ alot of common interests that transfemme people have, to her overperformed femininity that trans women commonly have, to her isolation that rlly fits the lonely trans girl trope, and hell like even her name and the genetic hinting that it had in comic! not to mention like roxy was The Character that trans women and transfemme peeps (myself included) rlly self-projected and attached to, and was widely headcanoned and theorized to be transfemme bc of that stuff and her unintentional rlly good transfemme coding too so like, it really doesn't sit well with me that transmasc roxy was basically canonized in the epilogues and hs^2, because of how the epilogues were intentionally written to cause drama and start shit for the sake of starting shit, and like? there's no way that hussie and the schmucks working on the epilogues weren't NOT aware of how widely popular the transfemme roxy headcanon was on top of all that plus like, why would you canonize the most transfemme coded character in the comic as transmasc, despite the fact that both dave and dirk were widely headcanoned to be transmasc? it really comes off as a deliberatley hostile move towards transfemme homestuck fans, especially considering that they also twisted jade into a very harmful and transphobic trope that fetishizes trans women and gets trans women killed and getting into the meat of transmasc roxy in the epilogues (no pun intended), they really just sorta threw out what made roxy interesting and memorable as a character along w/ alot of their defining traits just to make them "yeah they're Dave But Pink now, that's it", and just playing it up for jokes--especially considering they also basically made dirk a transphobe redditor too (and i will fistfight whoever is responsible for that). it just really comes off as a deliberately hostile move against transfemme homestuck fans, and i wouldn't be surprised if it was confirmed to be one--considering that the epilogues were intentionally written to upset people for the sake of upsetting people too. and it really upsets me that like hs^2 is a direct continuation of the epilogues too, the epilogues had the factor that it was just in text--which helped make shit somewhat bearable and more easy to brush off, but now that hs^2 is both in text and visual just, it terrifies me to see transmasc roxy essentially set in stone and there's Nothing that i can do about it, and considering that the eps/hs^2 are canon despite the fact that it tries to pull "it's not canon! i swear!" all the way home but it knows and we know that it's canon. another reason why transmasc roxy is very upsetting and a trigger to me is alot of the reaction that people had to them, and how pretentiously aggressive people got when it came to defending them after the epilogues dropped (i'm talking shit like "if you use she/her for roxy you're a transphobe!!" being all over the roxy tag on tumblr and twitter, and how roxy's mspawiki page was straight-up a warzone), and how people just relentlessly talked over transfemme people that were genuinely hurt and upset over transmasc roxy being canonized i should say that while i personally don't care for it, i don't have any issues w/ transmasc roxy as a headcanon, as i think there's room for it to be genuinely interesting and unique if done properly as a headcanon. it's just transmasc roxy in the epilogues i can't see in a good light, and i honestly think it's a deliberate act of aggression against transfemme homestuck fans bc "oh? you have this character that was heavily coded and headcanoned to be transfemme? guess what babey they're transmasc now i guess we rlly subverted your expectations hahaha" i also think that like, even if transfemme roxy was confirmed in the epilogues, there's no way that it would've been done properly and not played up as a joke--especially considering Redditor Dirk, and how they made jade a walking transphobic trope that fetishizes trans women and gets trans women killed and played it up as a joke (which i mentioned earlier) imo just, i honestly think the epilogues should've kept the identities of the characters ambigious and open to the reader's interpretation and headcanons, but that's just me
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BNHA/MHA First Watch-Through Notes
these are... stupid... and... a mess. bc I am stupid and a mess. you have had your warning. I didn’t even go back and skim through this when I was done I’m just releasing these little bastard thoughts into the void they’re not my problem now
I’m watching dubbed btw
I know, I know... it’s the only one I have access to rn tho
I... do not know how to feel about funimation’s new intro?
well I guess it’s not really new but
listen I haven’t watched anything of funimation’s since the og fruits basket ok I’m used to the DUN-DUN *funimation* ((....you should be watching))
he is. babie. green babie.
but also why do these small children have such wild hair colors
I mean I’m here for it
I just wasn’t expecting it
so this is the famous deku
I’m guessing this is like a flashback or memory or something?
I missed the bully’s name
speaking of the bullies, they changed order? It was wings, fire, stretchy hands, but now it’s fire, stretchy hands, wings. I know that they probably wanted to show the “leader” closest and that’s why but,,
also wtf?? these are kids. like bullies should not be a thing, I think we can all agree on that, but yeah, it’s gonna happen. but these kids are, what? eight? nine? maybe their powers (’quirks,’ whatever) aren’t super powerful yet, but this blonde kid has fire powers. has nobody talked to them about just how dangerous this is? forget roughing the other two up or intimidating them or giving them a hard time, this could genuinely escalate and get way out of hand super fast, and someone could get seriously injured.
oof. boy is dead.
this eight year old (purple hair) sounds like he’s a thirty yo new teacher trying to sound hip and cool but also wise and knowing to his class who Does Not Care
that wasn’t purple kid?? that was current deku???
then this fourteen year old sounds like he’s a thirty yo new teacher trying to sound hip and cool but also wise and knowing to his class who Does Not Care
also they were four?
jeepers heckin criminey who starts beating people up at four years old
have to say though, I loved that sky-to-puddle transition
jiminey fucking crickets I’m not even a minute into the episode these notes are going to be stupidly long I’m sorry
!! I love his little skipping-dance thing when he’s impatient at the crosswalk!
alright... I’ll admit it... his character design is pretty adorable
also tf is that thing
it looks half shark half poorly drawn dog
I mean I get it’s probably a person and that’s their quirk or whatever but
did this kid just run all the way across the city just to watch this guy start shit at the station so he could see the heroes take him down??
I mean respect tbh but also priorities kid
also I really appreciate that the cops are just kind of calmly directing everyone and everyone else is just kind of chillin like “oh. another villain. that’s too bad.” like tbh that’s one of the things that always kind of annoys me about movies and shows like this where there’s like repeatedly villain attacks because yes they are scary, especially when you’re caught up in them, but if you’re just kind of there and not directly in the action or being directly threatened, then why are you freaking out? you’ve lived in this city for how long? there’s an attack every, what, two days? this isn’t routine for you by now?
I started this like 15 min ago and am only like a minute and a half into the ep smh
ngl this intro kinda pops off
that hero guy seemed... kind of evil lookin tho
love the animation oml
also the lyrics to this are great???
“and they were narrative foils” “oh my god they were narrative foils”
k ngl rewinding real quick bc I missed some of the intro and there’s always so much fun stuff to see and unpack in those
also I wanna read all the lyrics
k so I was wondering this before but I’m just gonna say it... why does the hero guy have rabbit ears
alright character designs lookin p fire so far
last guy I keep missing but he kind of looks like steven universe?? idk I still have to watch that show too tbh so,,,
does the big hero guy turn into a giant bird?
oh that intro got me excited for this
these characters look so lit!!
“the first incident?” so this isn’t just like a natural factor of their world? it hasn’t always been going on? there was, like, a definitive start to it all? was that kid really the first incident or the first one they noticed? was that actually the first incident or is it just like the commonly told first incident, like an old myth/legend/folktale/old wive’s tale?
interesting that it started with a baby and then moved to people of all ages?
oh they don’t know the cause of the quirks? interesting
((why do I feel like finding out the answer to that is gonna be like A Big Thing™ at some point in the series))
I really like the visuals they put with this exposition?? idk why it’s just,,, very appealing
also his voice is very nice to listen to tbh, so that’s a definite plus
I hate it when the main character’s voice is super annoying
but like how long ago was it that this started? he just said “before long”
I like that in this universe they actually acknowledge that hey comic books are a thing and this whole superheroes/villains/powers thing is kind of ridiculous bc it’s legit like playing out scenes straight from those comic books but also this is real life and it’s actually happening and really does pose a lot of danger and complications to a lot of people, so we’re going to treat it as something real and serious and affecting us
I might’ve spoken too soon but I really hope they don’t blow that mindset
I feel like too often superhero shows/movies just either completely gloss over the effects this stuff has on society as a whole, or it’s like a completely new thing for them, like there’s never been the concept of a fictional superhero or a comic book there before.
“was an age of heroes”??? oh no what happens
k but why is this guy dressed like the ‘do not cross’ lines
kind of a lame hero costume tbh :/
why. does he have. sleeves. but no shirt.
edna mode would never do you like that honey go see her
“Death Arms”?? what kind of alias is that?? also wouldn’t it make more sense for arms to be uncovered than his chest, then??
“The Punching Hero”
I’m sorry I Cannot take this guy seriously
asdkfdls idk why but this firehose guy really reminds me of that one alchemist from fmab with the top hat and the monocle and the peg leg that spun like a top and Scar murked
“rescue specialist” see?? that makes sense!! it makes me so happy that they’re actually thinking more about the worldbuilding and how dangerous scenarios would work if 80% of the population had powers of different kinds, beyond “big bad guy meet big good guy. punch punch good guy wins”
also dear god thank you for putting someone on crowd control I know I was just saying it was great these people weren’t really treating this like the end of the world and it is good that they were mostly staying back by themselves but. they were still standing very close to an ongoing fight. priorities, people. self preservation. they are things. that I do not believe most people in superhero universes have in the slightest.
aww he’s too short
(but is he shorter than edward elric)
((do we know))
(((somebody please tell me if this information is available)))
alsdfkj l;a that guy calling in late bc the train got held up by the villain... do you think that’s another equivalent of “oh...I’m...sick... yeah, totally, I’m sick” and “my dog ate my homework” to them? “there was a villain attack” or “some idiot on my block decided to show off their quirk and it got out of hand”
ope Big Hero™ is here
...why am I surprised that they have fans?? I mean I guess that makes sense they’re basically celebrities and public figures right?
okay Big Hero™ is Kamui got it
wait no that is not the Big Hero™
but they are another hero and their name is Kamui got it
“Kamui Woods” ok that’s actually helpful I was gonna ask what his skin was supposed to be bc I didn’t think it was scales and it does look kind of like bark... Now going to take that as permission to assume it’s the latter
kamui kind of reminds me of some pokemon but I’m not sure which one?? I’m sorry idk pokemon v well but thy def remind me of one of them
“...a fAnBOY” he looks and sounds like he just tricked someone into confessing to murder why is he so smug about that smh
you know what. speaking of. I don’t get why everyone views being a fan of something/someone as something to be embarrassed or ashamed about?? why do people make fun of other people for it? why do we treat it like some big dark secret we try to hide? when did liking something become a bad thing? like?? sorry I have hobbies and interests and you don’t? sorry I think this person is talented? sorry I thought this book was life-changing? sorry I listen to this album so much because it’s good? sorry this show made me laugh during a really rough time? like goddamn it’s nobody’s business what you like unless you’re trying to force it on you when you’ve asked them to stop or it’s hurting someone? if they’re being safe and respectful about it for everyone involved then there shouldn’t be a problem? stop making people feel like freaks or be scared to enjoy something just a little too much? just let people have good things in life and consume the media that makes them happy? it has little to no effect on you? I don’t get why it’s you’re problem?? sorry to get all soapboxy this is something that’s always really annoyed me
does kamui have flowers on their belt
k but isn’t wood like... really easy to break tho
I mean... comparatively speaking?
“illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic” alsfjsadlkf
wait so he’s listing charges for the guy, does that mean heroes are officially licensed here and can actually arrest people? and... actually work with law enforcement?? gasp no wait but I thought that was impossible except for The One Officer On The Inside That The Hero Has Convinced Of Their Cause™
hold up... “assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic... you are the incarnation of evil” ...bro chill lmao
I mean those aren’t good things but,,,, buddy “evil” can get so much worse holy shit sunflower child has no idea what’s in store for them
the show can do a hell of a lot even if they decide not to go that dark
well deku did say he was new
also off topic but I just looked it up and DEKU IS HALF A FOOT TALLER THAN ED
he’d probably get along well w al though so ed would have to like him anyways
ok but back to bnha
ope kamui just got upstaged
but honestly?? he was actin a lil cocky and she seems like a queen so I ain’t mad about it
oh great creeps are everywhere apparently
just. more worldbuilding that I appreciate.
jfc they muzzled him?
ok i wasn’t that mad about kamui being upstaged (idk why I kinda like the guy) but now she’s acting a little too cocky for me and I feel kind of bad for Death Arms and Backdraft (?) because they definitely do deserve at least a little credit
yes. official. overseen by the government. I’m not saying it’s necessarily a good idea bc I’m not getting into the whole mess the MCU basically did regarding that, but it really does add to the worldbuilding and making it seem more realistic/draw you in a little more because you can bet that would be a thing that would actually happen in some capacity if such a large percentage of the population had superpowers, and crime was at an all-time high at the same time, with normal methods without powers likely not doing much to combat that, and it being even harder because everyone’s is different
wow so they really do have roles similar to celebrities huh?
I actually love how he’s analyzing the new hero
that’s!! the good!!! nerdery!!!!
ngl thought that guy was gonna be like “well that’s never gonna happen” lmao glad he didn’t turn out to be an asshole
this guy’s hair and his sweater need an upgrade
I’m sorry honey it’s just not a Look™
I mean ngl I’d probably wear it but also I am the absolute last person to look to for a good idea of fashion so
wow we hate asshole teachers
this kid’s hair grows wtf
they seriously just break out their quirks when they get annoyed?? I mean me too probably but
oh wait he’s not totally an asshole
but that still is kind of a dick move because even if it seems really really likely that most of them do, a lot of them probably feel like that’s just what’s expected of them or that that’s their best bet at an ok life, or they don’t think they’ll actually be able to get a career as a hero, and he has to know that there are kids (or at least one) in his class who don’t have powers and who will probably be shut down at every turn on that career track??
also what is it with the absurd number of people whose hair grows/flys/whatever and whose hands change chape and/or elongate
the girl who just throws up the rock n roll sign is my favorite
also why does this teacher remind me of gilderoy lockhart
I get that his eye thing is part of his quirk... but does he face no consequences health-wise from putting his grubby fingers all over his eyeballs?? you don’t know where your hands have been
the famed bakugo
we finally meet
you seem like a cocky asshole and if I remember correctly you have firepowers
you know who else seemed like cocky assholes and one point or another and had firepowers??
roy mustang and zuko
and one of those guys is an awkward, angry turtleduck, and the other one is a rightly smug bastard who succeeded in pulling a coup on the government who was surveilling him and holding half his team hostage
so yeah I have a feeling I’m gonna like this guy
at some point
it might take a while
“the only place worthy of me” oh dear
All Might!! Big Hero™ has a name!!
oh being a hero solely bc you want to be rich and popular? lame
aklsdfsjaslkfd teach just callin deku out in front of everyone
it was nice having you as a main character for eight whole minutes I’m sorry you have to face death-by-embarrassment you deserved better
bakugo doesn’t want anyone stealin his thunder
lemme guess deku is also his Main Rival™ or at least will be
awwwww poor guy
how much you wanna bet he gets the highest scores in all the exams bc he studies the heroes so much and that’s how he gets in
that lady got forcefields for her quirk? damn she lucked out
“this cash is mine” *drops cash*
are all the heroes like fine mt. lady can deal w the guy she keeps stealing all our credit anyway so there’s no point??
....is that all might?
k but... y’all should be taking notes on the heroes too if you want a better chance at that career and better schools for it? I know they’re probably making fun of it bc he doesn’t have a quirk but still
also I find it really interesting that the kids all act like the quirks are absolutely everything but at that scene on the street earlier people were complaining about missing the days they didn’t have to worry about “every rando w a quirk” or something... like maybe it’s because the kids grew up w it? Idk just the difference in mindset between (presumably) generations seems cool to look into
wow we love bullies so much
no we don’t pls stop you’re not as cool as you think you are
alright bakugo you’ve definitely moved onto my shitlist for the moment
don’t stay there
well you know what they say about greatness... some people are destined for it, yeah, but some become it, and some have it thrust upon them
cliches are there for a reason buddy
and either way... I could be wrong but... there doesn’t seem like anything great or heroic about bullying people... I mean idk that’s just my opinion but
god I hope they eat bakugo alive at ua
deku I know you’re a sunshine child but you have to get in now. you have to. out of pure spite. please.
yeah, friend 1b is right buddy...
destroy him deku
oh suicide jokes huh
bakugo you’re on thin fucking ice you’ve just moved way up in my shit list
wow I hate him <3
I hate it when shows have someone make a suicide joke like that and just? no one addresses it?? or the characters don’t seem to realize that it needs addressing, at least to themselves??? so this is refreshing
voiced my thoughts exactly
he really is an idiot
he really is a jerk deku you’re right
awww little deku is so cute
alright I’m gonna make a prediction
this is his mom right
is this gonna be
dead anime mom?
and lemme guess she always told him she was sure he’d be a hero/she knew he’d become one, and then she died, and that’s why he’s so set on it
probably not
but just... placing my bets now
w h a t  is this child doing
he’s a hair’s breadth away from head-desking
are we... just gonna... ignore that robbery that was happening on the street a few minutes ago
alsdkjf;lsjk I feel bad for him but also,,, that transition was gold
but also the face his mom made before he started laughing... she knew he probably wouldn’t get one didn’t she
but why do they assume it won’t happen if they don’t get it by a certain age? they said after that baby people all around the world were getting powers, and showed people of all different ages when they said so. that implies that they got those powers at those ages, after the baby was born but not when they were children themselves? like yeah there’s probably some point where you’d consider them “aged out” and therefore less likely to get a quirk but... she just said he’s in kindergarten.
fourth generation? so the appearance of quirks isn’t a super recent thing then
they can tell if someone is going to manifest a quirk or is starting to by looking at x-rays?
also I know I’m seriously overusing the word “interesting” but
maybe I’m reading too far into this but it’s also kind of interesting that his father and his (current) main antagonist have such similar powers?
OH!!!! lore drop!! kind of!!! that’s a really interesting (wow there it is again) thing they chose to be an indicator for that kind of thing in this universe
*cue izuku contemplating chopping off his pinky toes*
I feel like... all might’s... not gonna be that great....
also ngl when little deku’s eyes are wide and he doesn’t move he looks really creepy and kind of like a child-sized doll
like pinocchio
how sure are we that deku isn’t made of wood
hmmmmmmmmm I do love this animation
ah Internal Angst™
the fuck is that laughter??
skin suit? no thanks
but guess we aren’t ignoring that earlier scene
yeah all might’s in the city alright
he’s gonna break this up isn’t he
yepppppp that’s him
idk I think alex louise armstrong did it better sorry bud :/
“texas smash”??
he just... punched liquid apart
this kid’s still gonna go flying and hit the ground hard buddy thanks for your help
oh he stuck around
and he’s not hurt too bad
he’s using the city’s sewer system being difficult to navigate as his excuse for why he wasn’t paying attention to keeping bystanders safe like he “usually” does?
the armstrongs do the sparkle better
a;ldkfsdlfls this is really funny to watch ngl
“that’s... a pretty good point.” yeah no shit lmao
I love how he’s just. awkwardly patting deku.
yeah he’s gonna end up accidentally adopting this kid isn’t he
is he hurt?? or did the other guy actually take him over while deku was unconscious??
nah I think he’s just hurt I’m p sure he really did get the guy
but still
that was... a big boom.... that’s not good
he’s just.... abandoning this kid on the rooftop??
but also he probably really does have to go if blood is coming out of his mouth
do heroes in this universe have secret identities?
I feel like yes but also no??
watch as this guy’s like “I don’t have a quirk either” and he’s just. like. an armstrong or something
that or he’s gonna crush this kid’s dreams and be like “no, it’s not possible” and I will be forced to ensure deku becomes the most successful hero ever out of Even More Pure Spite™ even if he idolizes the guy
oh yeah he’s gonna get his dreams crushed
hmm this outro kinda slaps too
overall feelin good, like it so far, definitely think I won’t have trouble continuing watching at least for now
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thatsparrow · 3 years
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#one isn't necessarily better than the other in terms of personal enjoyment but i do think the d20 method is better suited to entertainment
My Top Posts in 2021
just got back from the theater, post-let there be carnage thoughts
shit fuck man I missed going to the movies so much I missed going to the movies SO MUCH I know this isn’t specific to let there be carnage but genuinely movie theaters dark rooms overpriced popcorn overwhelming sound levels my beloveds
truly an incredible amount of romance in the movie. fully leans into the premise that these two are in a relationship together in a way that is jokey at the surface but is clearly working from a genuine emotional place
the end scene...the beach...the toes in the sand...”did you say you love me?” like!!!
for a movie called ‘let there be carnage’ there was. shockingly little actual carnage
I get that’s what happens with a pg13 rating (is that what explains the uh very vivid ‘carnage suffocates a man by literally shoving his tongue into his lungs’ scene bc there wasn’t as much visual gore involved?) but it did feel odd that we only got hints/promises of carnage’s violent potential without really exploring it (even him just going on a violent rampage for the fun of it. like all of his superpower uses were very goal-oriented as opposed to carnage for carnage’s sake)
absolutely a+ usage of their one allotted ‘fuck’
the hinting-at notion of carnage also applies to cletus when he’s just in his woody harrelson form, too. yes, they give details about the violence in his youth, but for a first act that leans so heavily into cletus’ past as a serial killer to set up the chain of events, we hear/learn very very little about what he actually did
the sequence where venom goes on his break-up spiral though...bedecked in glow sticks...gets up on stage to prove how much better he is without eddie...the very mournful “I wish eddie could see me”...truly boyfriends in love with terrible communication skills
I would have happily seen SO much more of venom!michelle williams
don’t get me wrong, I like a movie that can tell its story in 100min, but the actual plot did feel pretty thin
buck WILD to introduce shriek—a character whose abilities are fundamentally at odds with a symbiote’s existence—and not have her introduce any consequences to cletus/carnage beyond hinting at the divide between the two of them
that said, the scene where venom’s like ‘we need sound’ then looks at shriek meaningfully before. fucking bodyslamming her into grace cathedral’s bell to start it ringing KILLED me
I like that they gave dan something to do! I’m a fan of the trend (also see ant man and the wasp) of our male hero recognizing his ex has a healthy relationship with someone else and not resenting her new partner
although.....fucking speaking of the cathedral scene.......”they’re not symbiotic, we are” let there be carnage really said “eddie and venom are soulmates” like!!!
sonny and cher my beloveds
of course I’m annoyed with the post-credits scene but I think the thing that annoys me the most is trying to make the hard pivot into venom being a villain for holland!spider-man
like he looks at peter and instantly goes “gotta eat that boy” inexplicably! absolutely nothing prompts this except wanting to adhere to the comics!!
you could have extended the ‘venom on his own’ storyline and fleshed out the plot a little further by having venom (while possessing random san franciscans) actually eat somebody now that eddie isn’t keeping him in check, foreshadowing that those impulses are just as present and just as powerful
BUT it’s so much more meaningful to have venom—away from eddie, able to act out and go full praying mantis re: head biting—to curb that impulse! even when eddie isn’t around, his voice is in venom’s head! at some level, venom doesn’t want to disappoint eddie even when eddie would never know!!
which is sort of the whole problem with introducing hardy!venom into the holland!spider-man storyline (excepting the much larger, disney is consuming everything please make it stop problem) which is you can’t spend two movies setting up venom as a heroic character (imperfect, admittedly, but still driven by heroic-ish impulses) only to then have him go into some sort of rabid villainous state when he sees holland!spider-man because??? he hates spiders or something I don’t know
i want to end on a high note so woody harrelson’s hawaiian shirt/blazer combination was an absolute look
143 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 03:54:57 GMT
look you cannot introduce lars as the bodyperson/roommate for sylvester and not immediately expect me to get ideas
186 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 00:52:41 GMT
the sleeveless turtleneck and coat….the boots….the slicked-back undercut….jacob drawfee really said “hot york rights” and I love that both for him and me
282 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 17:59:34 GMT
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305 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 16:32:10 GMT
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main takeaway from cr3e02
748 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 06:45:33 GMT
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sweetest-honeybee · 5 years
I’m writing a thing
Okay, so as a young teenager (Because I didn’t start actually using the internet until I was 12 or 13) I was imaginative. I would fantasize and think up new scenarios involving my favorite YouTubers. Wow, cringey, I know. But listen. 
There’s a story that’s been a reoccurring idea in my mind for nearly two or three years, maybe even four. It was this idea that some kind of alien race would come to Earth and just...abduct people. And among those people included my internet faves. (Omg, wow, so cool, so awesome, woohoo)
So we know where this is going, right? They get kidnapped, they get tortured or maybe they get recruited. Something happens, yes? Good. 
Now, over time this idea has evolved. I’ve been thinking about this idea knowing I wanted to write something or draw a comic for it but because of how those ideas were ‘cringey’ I never did anything with it except re-imagine it over and over in my head every single day until I go in a direction I liked. 
Now, here’s the point of this post. 
I’ve finally gotten to a point where I liked it and now I want to write it out. 
You: Cool, and?
AND I wondered if anyone was interested in reading it or being tagged if and when I post it? I wondered if you guys may like it! 
Here’s what goes down in the story: And it’s a LOT, and I mean a LOOOTTT of information bc a bunch of shit goes down
Aliens, called Galians, invade the Earth with a specific goal in mind, They want to capture and use influencers across the globe to their advantage to take over other planets across billions of galaxies. 
Knowing that internet influencers are among some to the largest groups of those people, they decide to pick a day when VidCon is happening (In 2020) and coincidentally for the sake of the plot, several known YouTubers have come to talk on stage and boom, a lot of them are already in one place making it easier for the Galians. 
So, they invade, take the YouTubers including Thomas Sanders, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye (All three of which play a large role in the plot) and several others. They even take music artists, visual artists, directors, actors, whoever they can get their hands on long with nearly twenty (20) million other people just to experiment with. 
They have a mentality that they can somehow ‘extract’ the human ability to influence such a large audience and cause other planets to “Follow” and “Subscribe” to them and use that to take over those other planets. 
So, with that being said they have also done some research on these influencers, mostly the YouTubers, and come across how Thomas, Mark, and Sean use these ‘Egos’ or ‘Sides’ to reach a larger audience. Knowing this, they decide that oh hey, we can clone them and kinda influence them ourselves to meet the aspects of these personalities that they’ve been given. 
Buutttt, nobody except the Galians know that this is happening and they keep the clones in a much lower part of the ship away from everyone to avoid conflict. 
So, most of them are created. All of the sides are created, all of sean’s egos are created (yes, including anti. no, not including robbie), and only dark, wilford, the host, google, dr iplier, and bim are created of the iplier egos. 
But after they’re created, they immediately have hints of their personalities. It’s odd, but less work for the Galians. However, some are much more aggressive than others and they’re all just super confused as to what’s going on. They don’t have any memories, they don’t know their names, they don’t know who Thomas, Mark, and Sean are. They don’t know anything. They don’t even know how to read or write or talk. They’re essentially just children. 
Sadly, when the Galians realize that they don’t hardly know anything, they get angry and take it out on all of them. They stop caring for them, not keeping them healthy and stuff, barely do anything for them and after a while either lock them in there for weeks at a time or use them for....*ahem*.....other purposes. 
But at some point there’s a race called the Avians (Yes, winged people woohoo) and they don’t like the Galians. They know that the Galians have millions of people on their ship that they’re holding captive and they wanna help everyone on the ship. They do, and they evacuate everyone on it and either kill or lock up several of the Galian people on the ship. 
They put everyone somewhere safer (it will be said that they’re going to be put in several camps, but it’s not a bad one, don’t worry) and then with further investigation see that there’s three people on the ship who have had different circumstances than everyone else for some odd reason. Three men named Thomas, Mark, and Sean. SO, they take them to this huge lab and really, they’re all terrified because it’s yet another alien race and they’re being taken to a lab again and probably gonna be put through the same thing again. 
That’s not the case! 
They keep them there, give them food, water, some clothes, and a space to sleep like everyone else of the 20 million-well at least who was still alive among the now 14 million people that they found. Still, they did some questioning, and had intent to learn some more about them. 
So they stayed there for a while but sadly were just not into anything because i mean they had none of their friends, family, or significant others and no pets or anything. 
Knowing this, and how it affected everyone else who was abducted, the Avians decided they try to contact Earth and ask for everyone to come to their planet (including that everyone who was abducted was either killed by Galians or survived long enough to be put into safe camps) and at first they can’t reach anyone. The second time, they reach some radio people listening for stuff in outer space ya know? And so they deliver their message (Yes, it’s translated, I’ve decided that they have like billions of languages stored into a translator device that they use while they speak) and when it’s delivered, they get a message back saying that they wanna send a select few people to come first. If all goes good, they’ll send some families. If all goes well afterwards, they’ll send all of the families and friends. If that goes well, well, they might even just send the whole planet population since Earth looks like shit anyway bc capitalism. 
That being said, do the Sides and Egos ever escape as well? Do they meet their Hosts? We’ll see! 
So if that sounds interesting and you wanna be tagged or smtn then pls tell me! With what I have in mind, I feel like this will be quite an interesting story :3 
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millennialzadr · 5 years
So this is a whole ass giant long post of me absolutely spewing my feelings of love for ZADR, it was the very first thing I wrote when I made this blog and I think it’s a nice, positive thing for my fellow shippers to inhale and enjoy 👌👌
it was originally a reply to mitarashiart’s post about why HE loves ZADR (link in replies) but I decided to delete that and make my own post since MY WHOLE ENTIRE TEXT WALL WAS SHOWN IN THE REPLIES and drowned out anyone else who was trying to talk (thanks tumblr mobile u fuckin idiot)
I had also posted a summary of an AU that I’m working on in the original post, but decided to remove it since it just about doubled the length (I’m thinking about posting it separately along with the wips I’ve been putting together, we’ll see 👀)
But ANYWAY, here is about a million reasons why I think ZADR is the fucking best, so if you like reading gushy gay ship feelings, please enjoy ❤️❤️❤️
SOOO, holy hell y’all my journey back into this fandom has been a wild and unique experience for me, i went from adding invader zim to my bookmarks on kisscartoon, rewatching the series, finding out theres a movie coming out, finding out there was a shitload of content i’d never seen before (commentaries, lost episode scripts and audios, panels, the COMIC, episodes i’d never seen because the dvd i used to watch was scratched!! and a FUCKLOAD of quality modern fan art like oh my GOD) and finally curiously googling ‘zadr’ (which i was way into when i was maybeee 13/14) to see if there was any interesting new art, and holy hell, mita (the artist above) singlehandedly THREW me down the hole into modern zadr hell, first with his absolutely stunning IZ art (all his art is dope tho check him out yo), then reading the above explanation put the final nail in the coffin like, 100%
so i wanted to add onto his post here on why this ship got me so fucked up, both for anyone who might be wondering why on earth i’m shipping two characters from a kid’s show (i’m very aware how weird that is at first glance trust me) and also so i can get some ideas down for possible future reference (will i ever draw them? maybe)
(first of all, a disclaimer, and this is not pleasant to write but it’s important to address for clarity’s sake: I have no interest in romantic or sexual relationships between minors, and do not ship zim and dib as they are presented canonically in the show (as children). what i’m interested in is the conceptualized relationship they may have as modern adults, and i view zadr more as taking the concepts of existing characters and experimenting with them with different interpretations, which i personally think is a constructive and fun creative outlet, especially if these characters hold personal significance for you (childhood faves of course). growing up together is an important facet of their relationship, and certainly they were important to each other even as children (see: mopiness of doom) but as an adult i’m personally curious about what kind of adults they might’ve become, and that’s the focus of my interest. i’ll still be reblogging regular IZ art because it’s dope but if you see shippy looking art of them as tiny lil beans its either friendship or chibis (and i personally headcanon zim as getting taller with dib but some people stick with his canonical height when drawing them as adults, which is super short. it still doesn’t mean he’s a kid). aaand i wish i didnt have to write this and it would just be obvious but we live in a sick sad world and it is sourced from a children’s cartoon so i feel its necessary. end of disclaimer)
- ok, first reason’s a bit obvious - the nostalgia. holy hell, the feeling of rediscovering a ship that was popular when i was a preteen during the mid 2000s and discovering a totally new perspective on it as an adult comes with an almost totally overwhelming sense of nostalgia and comfort, as well as inspiration!! the kind of art that seems so common for zadr, these sketch pages of scenes and expressions and visual gags where artists would just scribble every idea they had and LOVE doing it, this was exactly the kind of art that made me so passionate about drawing as a kid, and it still sparks such a powerful feeling of love and admiration for me to this day. fan content of iz and zadr is simultaneously achingly familiar and totally new and fascinating, and it just makes me SO damn happy to consume, it is most definitely my new comfort content. and just, GOD. THE ART!! SO GOOD. FUCK
- now for the characters themselves: for some reason i just really love the thought of a mid twenties, modern Dib?? lanky goth dork, disaster bi, depressed as shit, uses bad sweaters and memes to cope?? when i was a kid i didn’t even LIKE Dib, but now i totally sympathize with him! he’s just a hyper obsessive nerd wishing there was more to life than the situation he got stuck with, how wildly relatable. he was a pretty big asshole as a kid (even to people besides zim) but he was also totally isolated and constantly bullied, so there’s a lot of room for growth. i feel there’s a lot of juicy character development potential for that boy, and there’s always been a special place in my heart for characters who are totally sad and screwed and hopeless, but there’s one thing, or person, that means the world to them and could possibly save them…
- aliens. Zim. i love nonhuman characters, i love monsters, i love aliens, i love characters that don’t understand human shit (and thus have much less room for shame or fear bc theyre just totally oblivious the negatives of modern society) and need guidance (bonding!!) from their human. i also love morally grey characters and characters with skewed logic, they’re always really interesting, and Zim himself just has such a unique personality and set of mannerisms, he contradicts himself a lot and you can never quite expect how he’ll behave, and i love that in a character, it makes them super versatile and fun, especially since there’s so many different possibilities for their development. Also, Zim is a gremlin, a little shit, and a disaster. I also love those traits in a character. And don’t even get me started on his character design?? big sparkly eyes? expressive antennae? monster teeth? complimenting colors? he’s adorable.
- mutual obsession. for someone like Dib, who seems almost repulsed by how boring and slow the people around him are, Zim quite literally personifies Dib’s  escapist fantasies, both as an inhuman entity from beyond the stars, and as a person who’s knowledge, charisma and mystery far exceeds that of anyone Dib has met in his entire life. (so basically what i’m saying is that for a shunned, jaded misanthropist, an actual alien is terribly alluring, even if said alien is dangerous, stupid, and possibly insane). not to mention Zim vindicates Dib’s entire life passion, the supernatural! Even when their relationship is totally negative, there is not a single inch of room for Dib to get tired of Zim. as mita explained, they validate each other. for Zim, WHO AGAIN, IS TOTALLY SHUNNED, ISOLATED, AND HATED BY EVERYONE HE KNOWS, Dib is the only person in the universe who gives a single shit about him!! he gives Zim credit as a threat, a capable invader, which if you ask me is the sole thing Zim is after (he’s hellbent on his mission because it would win him the approval of the tallest, all he’s ever wanted is recognition from the people he thinks so highly of). He literally gets depressed when Dib isn’t around to pay attention to him, not even the tallest were enough to motivate him before Dib came back. these two have no one and nothing without each other, and while lifelong nemeses is fine and dandy, i personally prefer friendship, affection and love, cause i’m a softie like that. how could they possibly get there after years of actively trying to kill each other?? well, i think under just the right circumstances it could become a possibility after a long, long time.
- growth. i. love. me. some. good. character growth. especially for characters with trauma/mental illness, bc again, relatable. these boys have issues, and as mita mentioned, their canon stories are actually INCREDIBLY sad! but the happy thought is, they could recover! they could help each other recover, for little reason other than the two are the only source of happiness for each other. now of course this also opens the gate for angst lovers, but at the same time offers potential for comforting, uplifting content of the boys supporting and inspiring each other, maybe even to the point of becoming happy and healthy enough to create the lives they want for themselves (as in appreciating life and doing things that make them actually happy instead of the delusions of grandeur they both sought when they were younger). gimme that positive shit and let the poor beans be happy  щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
- LITTLE THINGS. LITTLE THINGS THAT ONLY COME WITH CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. WITH HUMAN/NONHUMAN. WITH THE SHOW’S WEIRD LOGIC. Zim being the person Dib knows best and vice versa. Zim having an involuntary respect/admiration for Dib because he’s tall. Learning each other’s needs, limits, and communication methods, both emotionally and biologically. Sensitive antennae. Affectionate bickering. Being less insecure bc your partner literally has no idea why you see your flaws as flaws. Laughing at the flaws they do notice because they make no sense. Zim only wanting to eat waffles and chow mein. Dib being forced to overcome his depression lethargy and stay hygienic/keep the apartment clean because Zim has a sharper sense of smell and is afraid of germs. Endless conversation about anything and everything because they’re from literally different worlds, and endless intrigue. TOUCHING. TALKING. DOING EVERYTHING LIKE ITS THE VERY FIRST TIME AND ALWAYS NEEDING THE OTHER TO GUIDE THEM. HOLY HELL THERE IS SO MUCH POSSIBILITY FOR TINY LITTLE MOMENTS THAT MEAN THE WORLD. FUCK. GOT ME FUCKED UP.
so that wraps up the why. fuck man. its just such a good ship. if you read this big ass text post, thank you for indulging me, i hope you enjoyed it! because i enjoy it very much 👀 so stick around if you’d like to for a shit load of IZ and zadr content on this blog, possibly (MAYBE) even from me!! come roll around in alien hell with me why dontcha ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ its a fun time! thanks for reading!!!
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botslayer · 5 years
Birds of pray: Fuck these designs.
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I haven’t seen this movie yet, don’t intend to because I’ve heard some bad shit and DC has established to me they can’t make movies for turkey gizzards. But something I can say as an outsider looking in is these costumes SUCK. I can’t tell who three of these characters are at a glance or like at all based on this image. Spoilers (kind of) ahead. Also, a nerd ranting about how ugly some suits in a movie are, so if that ain’t your speed, am-scray.  Harley, dead center, is obvious, but I will say: I always hated her “Pig tails” look and her being decked out in that much gold is just kind of an eyesore. Points for the daimonds though. Speaking of gold, however, the lady on the far right there? That’s Black Canary. BLACK. CANARY. The only thing they got right was the golden belt, otherwise, where are the fishnets? Why does she have a big honkin’ gold shirt instead of the distinct black-on-black that has basically become her thing? Okay, there are a couple of screencaps with her in the coat but the gold top throws the entire aesthetic of Black Canary out the window. 
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You wanna add some color to BC? Try what Injustice did. I take one look at this woman and I can say confidently that I’m looking at Black Canary. Her general aesthetic is still the black with yellow as highlights, yeah they got rid of the belt, but they achieve the belt’s point (Accent colors) with their own splashes of yellow on her Jacket and top. Plus they still kept the fishnets, which they wouldn’t have necessarily needed to. It’s just a nice visual touch that really helps sell the idea of Black Canary.  Getting off of Dinah, Who’s that girl between them in that first picture? Cassandra Cain. Casandra is okay because as I understand it, the context of the movie is she’s not a hero yet. This is her before any of that happens. The problem is that I wouldn’t be able to tell that was Cassandra if I didn’t spoil myself rotten. Cassandra in modern comics is called “Orphan” and she used to be a Batgirl. How is there NO Black on her (Save for her hair)? That thing that is prevalent in both her superhero personas? Why is there no visible yellow or Bronze? Subtle colors would help in movies like this. The only thing that might help people figure it out is her jacket having a hood, not that the damn thing is up all that much from what I’ve seen.  And to Harley’s left, we have Huntress... HUNTRESS. Her top is Purple... In the right light, at least. In a lot of pictures, it looks black. This is again, a character I would not be able to tell is who she’s supposed to be because she lacks Huntress’s vibes. The only time I know this is huntress is when I see her holding a fucking Crossbow. They got rid of the purple mask for some reason. It may not go with her new look but her new look is just so gob smashingly dull I’d have taken a smaller purple mask or more like the Huntress from Deadby Daylight, I think that might work, still being big and stuff but still at least a beat realistic.  And lastly, to the left of Huntress, we have Renee Montoya. She may not have the Question’s trademark No-face, but I could tell at least tell this confident and experienced if plain-ish looking woman with a gun was supposed to be Renee, so points for her I guess. She is the only character (Aside from Harley) that I could tell was who she was. Everyone else looks pretty much nothing like the iconic comic book characters they’re supposed to be, which is a godsdamned failure in my book. At least I knew who I was looking at for the most part in Suicide Squad, Dawn of Justice, Aquaman, Michael Bay’s TMNT, Any given Marvel movie, Thundercats Roar. FUCKING ROAR. Does better than this. I know how’s who at a glance, much as I hate that show.
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