#we literally help mod an endo friendly server
sophieinwonderland · 6 months
circ is such 4 hypocrite. they cl4im to be pro endo 4nd then keep being friends with bigots (they're besties with J4S 4nd other people who've h4r4ssed you so its not surprising). even more recently they c4me out 4nd reve4led themselves to be one of the mods of the 4nti endo 4nd bigoted sysbox tumblr blog 4nd its so fucking dis4ppointed. i never re4lly liked them bec4use of how much they h4r4ss tulp4s but their recent post on th4t blog is such 4 new low. THEY H4VE SUCH PICK ME ENERGY. they're liter4lly joking 4bout being better 4nd more 'civil' th4n most pro endos 4nd endos (you know the people they SUPPOSEDLY support so much), which re-enforces stereotypes 4bout endo systems. they literally do not give 4 shit 4bout us or our rights 4nd i wish more plur4l collectives fucking stopped supporting them just bec4use they make 're4lly nice and friendly sysmed cdd system' their whole br4nd. they're like those people who 4spire to be 4 model minority. they dont c4re. they h4ve never c4red. they only c4re about their own 4cceptance and getting popul4rity but dont c4re 4bout the rest of the community. im so 4ngry. my littles who used to find their blog comforting 4re fucking he4rtbroken. i knew they were shit but im so 4ngry 4t myself for not being 4ble to protect my system. im so 4ngry on beh4lf of my system and on beh4lf of the whole plur4l community. we deserve better
i hope this is ok4y to send. im just re4lly angry and your blog h4s 4lw4ys been 4 s4fe sp4ce for us. th4nk you for everything you do btw. despite the h4te, you 4lw4ys keep posting 4nd fighting for our rights. my system 4dmires you [ ^-^] <3
I'm sorry you feel hurt and betrayed.
It's terrible to put your trust in someone and find out they aren't who you thought they were. But for what it's worth, I don't think you let your system down.
Life is about making mistakes and learning. You can't refuse to trust anyone just because you get burned in the past. Maybe it hurts now, but I don't think any lasting damage was done.
Personally, learning this... I find myself largely indifferent. I'm not at all surprised at this, knowing them. They've modded anti-endo discord servers, so why not an anti-endo sysbox blog?
My own feelings on Circ are complicated. I do not consider Circ safe for endogenic systems given their reblogs and support of anti-endos, and frequent parroting of anti-endo talking points.
At the same time, I actually do think their presence in anti-endo spaces has been a net positive for our goals in those communities. Circ has bragged a few times about making their anti-endo friends more pro-endo. And while I wouldn't say those friends became allies to the pro-endo community, many did switch to more neutral stances which I do think helped reduce hate against endogenic and pro endo systems in those spaces, and that seems like a good thing for me.
So I guess, while I don't care much for Circ as a person due to history there, I can acknowledge that their influence in anti-endo spaces ultimately serves my goals.
Besides, it's really upsetting some anti-endos so that's fun to watch! 😁
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And you know, they have a point.
Like, if I was following a pro-endo blog and learned that one of the mods was anti-endo... and an anti-endo who bragged about making pro-endos more anti-leaning, I would be very suspicious of not just that one anti-endo but all the mods on that blog they were friends with.
How can you trust that your anti-endo sysbox mods haven't already been converted to the other side and aren't just lying to you about their syscourse stance???
Now you might think I'm just intentionally trying to spread mistrust and division among anti-endos by saying this... get them to turn on each other and tear themselves apart from the inside. And you'd be absolutely right! But that doesn't mean I'm wrong, and it doesn't mean me stating my motives aloud will make it any less likely to work!
And I would even like to say that I do appreciate the mod team on that blog being able to look past an alleged pro-endo's syscourse stance. Even if it's only for this one kind-of-hypocritical exception since they still refuse to interact with any other pro-endos.
Yes, I SophieInWonderland, endogenic tulpa, support sysboxes for having a pro-endo-identifying mod!
And since antiendovents crossposted in the inclusive plural tag, this is going straight into the anti-endo tags so the entire anti-endo community can see me expressing this support that I'm sure won't create any waves at all. 😈
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Anonymous asked: mpc please stop engaging in syscourse 😭 if a [words]
party note All of this is goofy and irritating dont read this unless you personally sent this message. I'm... Ah hem. For your own good. Shh. Keep scrolling, nothing of value is here, no honor found buried, it's just goddamn, brown mousie, etc etc.
I will when people 1) read the fucking promo rules page and blog rules page and 2) stop fucking send this to me like you are. Stop shitting in your own pants and complaining that it smells. You have no idea what this conversation is about and it's greatly apparent from this:
Anonymous asked: [snipped] (also, the original thing you had said was wrong and invalidating because, )
I was talking about fictionkin ppl who say their server is welcome to systems and then do nothing about ableism towards specific types of systems. Because that's literally what the server in question was. A kin server that advertised it was friendly to systems. Hell, even all the tags on their promo post are only for fictotypes, not even a mention of systems members, like [source]fictive or [source]introject.
There was never a mention of anti endo sentiment for that promo until that other anon said something in my inbox. So. There you go. Please consider reading the entire conversation before offering input. You look foolish and ignorant in front of everyone because you are.
Also lmao well. From their promo post
"-No drama! If you have an issue with someone keep it to DMs or message a mod. This includes no -phobia, racism, and just generally be kind to one another! We aim for this to be a nice little community for [source]kins"
They never said 'no ableism' so I guess ableism is ok in their server teehee??
Also lastly those two other mods never responded on discord on in my DMs. Cool, great work. Hit the showers everyone. Longcat help me.
Also lastly for real this time. This is a non issue. I could stop promoting anything on this blog and it would not matter. You could still post in whatever tags you want and find members for your blogs and servers. A promo from this blog is not necessary to make or break a long lasting blog or server. Does it help to have a promo to 5k people? Sure, but whether a blog or server survives depends on how frequently it's used, not that one blog shared a single post.
Connie / mod party cat
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brinesystem · 2 years
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