#we love our precious bbs
Charlie: What do you have there, Angel?
Angel: Oh, it's just a to-do list
Charlie: That's great! I should do one for myself as w-
Charlie: This list just says "Husk" and it has a heart drawn beside it
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wulfhalls · 6 months
they put my tiny baby boy to sleep today. they took him away from me he was my whole wide world and more without him I'd have killed myself thrice over in the last 8 years he was my everything he was so good and loving and sometimes so endearingly stupid and headstrong and lazy he loved his little boxies and scratches behind his ears and he let me hold his paw but hated when I did it to his tiny feeties he is the very best boy there ever was and idk how to exist in a world without him in it he used to follow me from room to room like a dumb idiot tiny dog and even when I was so depressed I didn't think I'd get out of bed he was always there always making me feel not alone and now he's gone. those are the last pictures I took of my idiot baby boy in his boxy. I just wanted someone to know that I love him more than the whole wide world and I'll never not miss him and that i love him and love him and love and everywhere I look is a place he isn't anymore and it makes me wanna end it all. I love you so much forever
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
Well I’m 7 chapters in and all hell has broken loose… this feels like final chapters of a final book not first introductions to a three more book series… things are gonna be crazy aren’t they… here we go Empire of Storms
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estrella-etoile · 11 months
HuaLian Are So Bad at Flirting They're Good
Oh my god. How can we not fall completely and entirely in love with Season 2 of the donghua?
Why do I say I adore it so much? Because of just how cringe HuaLian are with one another. It's so embarrassingly endearing seeing these two complete love failures try to figure out how to flirt (and do it terribly for anyone not named the other).
Let us start with our sweet lonely old man Xie Lian. He feels his loneliness so hard at Pu Qi shrine it hurts. He clutches a ring and the second Ling Wen reaches out he hides that ring under his robes, guarding it like a precious secret. And yet... does he think "hmm, I had a wonderful time with San Lang! I hope he had a wonderful time with me, maybe I should try to figure out how to get in touch to "try" to return this ring (but really to see him.)
Good thing Jun Wu tried to drive a wedge between them by sending XL to Ghost City to find out (for the first time in his life) that it was Hua Cheng's territory.
Then XL is in Ghost City. And he's trying not to swoon when he sees that his handsome San Lang maxed out peak hotness and is letting him win and touching him. "He's teasing me." (He let you bet a god for a half-eaten mantou and played fake rounds until he'd rubbed enough of his luck onto you to lose gracefully. SIGH) Yet instead of going "wow I wonder if San Lang likes me?" he watches an indirect kiss and a smirk and runs away.
You would think that this would make XL the biggest dork? And at episode 2, you would be right.
But my dear San Lang. My lovely precious ghost king BB goes so far into the cringe the next episode that he grabs the prize from XL.
We start with the try to be cool "gege pretended not to know me and then did not come find me!" while accidentally leaving the impression he was headed to a brothel (which... given XL's first three minutes in Ghost City... not entirely impossible). So yeah. Off to a great start ghost king.
He did at least look okay with the discussion of a home versus a residence (and scored himself a perma-invite to Pu Qi... because XL was looking for any possible opening to make that clear too.) And a pretty good explanation of why he's in charge of the city of sin. Then the trying to take care of gege during a PTSD flashback, yes! Go San Lang Go!
And then... the armory. It was adorable watching XL fangirl over the weapons. And seeing him smile and talk about how great they all were.
But babygirl HC... don't just smile smoothly and say "I will give you the whole armory." Yes yes, we all know you feel this way, but... not on the first date. When XL also politely refused (because that's kind of a HUGE offer to him), don't double down with "then you can have this room and visit any time you want! OH! I can help you with upkeep!"
XL has not really even come to terms with the fact that there is this person who enjoys his company yet. He's really really confused about the whole why the world's most handsome ghost king wants to be around him. You're just going to confuse him way way too much by trying to give him an arsenal of spiritual weapons.
But here's the thing. It worked. Sort of. Not because XL accepted the swords, but because he accepted the affection and the friendship. He doesn't want HC's status or his wealth. He wants to pet HC's uber-weapon and talk about sacred swords with someone. He wants HC's company. And maybe because HC's existence has pointed out that most relationships are transactions, he starts his approach using that mentality, even though his love and affection for XL is the opposite of transactional.
HC doesn't need to wine and dine XL. He needs to visit Pu Qi shrine as much as he wants.
Neither of these precious beans understand what a normal relationship looks like. So it's not a surprise that what they both want is the same: a genuine and unconditional connection. They have it already, so even when they both attempt to flirt with each other in ways that would make Pei Ming have an aneurysm, they still eventually triumph.
Because below the surface attempts is something so sincere and deep that they'll get there, and even find those silly cringe surface things hilarious when they sort it all out together.
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dreamsofg0ld · 2 months
The Beatrice Letters (LS to BB #5)
How I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way
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Dusk My dearest darling,
…Always. Continuously. With increasing apprehension, and decreasing hope.
I will love you with no regard to the actions of our enemies or the jealousies of actors. I will love you with no regard to the outrage of certain parents or the boredom of certain friends. I will love you no matter what is served in the world’s cafeterias or what game is played at each and every recess. I will love you no matter how many fire drills we are all forced to endure, and no matter what is drawn upon the blackboard in a blurring, boring chalk. I will love you no matter how many mistakes I make when trying to reduce fractions, and no matter how difficult it is to memorize the periodic table. I will love you no matter what your locker combination was, or how you decided to spend your time during study hall. I will love you no matter how your soccer team performed in the tournament or how many stains I received on my cheerleading uniform. I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday.
I will love you if you cut your hair and I will love you if you cut the hair of others. I will love you if you abandon your baticeering, and I will love you if you retire from the theater to take up some other, less dangerous occupation. I will love you if you drop your raincoat on the floor instead of hanging it up and I will love you if you betray your father. I will love you even if you announce that the poetry of Edgar Guest is the best in the world and even if you announce that the work of Zilpha Keatley Snyder is unbearably tedious. I will love you if you abandon the theremin and take up the harmonica and I will love you if you donate your marmosets to the zoo and your tree frogs to M.
I will love you as the starfish loves a coral reef and as kudzu loves trees, even if the oceans turn to sawdust and the trees fall in the forest without anyone around to hear them. I will love you as the pesto loves the fetuccini and as the horseradish loves the miyagi, as the tempura loves the ikura and the pepperoni loves the pizza. I will love you as the manatee loves the head of lettuce and as the dark spot loves the leopard, as the leech loves the ankle of a wader and as a corpse loves the beak of the vulture. I will love you as the doctor loves his sickest patient and a lake loves its thirstiest swimmer. I will love you as the beard loves the chin, and the crumbs love the beard, and the damp napkin loves the crumbs, and the precious document loves the dampness in the napkin, and the squinting eye of the reader loves the smudged print of the document, and the tears of sadness love the squinting eye as it misreads what is written. I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship, and the passengers love the lifeboat, and the lifeboat loves the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms. I will love you as a child loves to overhear the conversations of its parents, and the parents love the sound of their own arguing voices, and as the pen loves to write down the words these voices utter in a notebook for safekeeping.
I will love you as a shingle loves falling off a house on a windy day and striking a grumpy person across the chin, and as an oven loves malfunctioning in the middle of roasting a turkey. I will love you as an airplane loves to fall from a clear blue sky and as an escalator loves to entangle expensive scarves in its mechanisms. I will love you as a wet paper towel loves to be crumpled into a ball and thrown at a bathroom ceiling and an eraser loves to leave dust in the hairdos of the people who talk too much. I will love you as a cufflink loves to drop from its shirt and explore the party for itself and as a pair of white gloves loves to slip delicately into the punchbowl.
I will love you as a thief loves a gallery and as a crow loves a murder, as a cloud loves bats and as a range loves braes. I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong. I will love you as a battlefield loves young men and as peppermints love your allergies, and I will love you as the banana peel loves the shoe of a man who was just struck by a shingle falling off a house. I will love you as a volunteer fire department loves rushing into burning buildings and as burning buildings love to chase them back out, and as a parachute loves to leave a blimp and as a blimp operator loves to chase after it. I will love you as a dagger loves a certain person’s back, and as a certain person loves to wear daggerproof tunics, and as a daggerproof tunic loves to go to a certain dry cleaning facility, and how a certain employee of a dry cleaning facility loves to stay up late with a pair of binoculars, watching a dagger factory for hours in the hopes of catching a burglar, and as a burglar loves sneaking up behind people with binoculars, suddenly realizing that she has left her dagger at home.
I will love you as a drawer loves a secret compartment, and as a secret compartment loves a secret, and as a secret loves to make a person gasp, and as a gasping person loves a glass of brandy to calm their nerves, and as a glass of brandy loves to shatter on the floor, and as the noise of glass shattering loves to make someone else gasp, and as someone else gasping loves a nearby desk to lean against, even if leaning against it presses a lever that loves to open a drawer and reveal a secret compartment. I will love you until all such compartments are discovered and opened, and until all the secrets have gone gasping into the world. I will love you until all the codes and hearts have been broken and until every anagram and egg has been unscrambled.
I will love you until every fire is extinguished and until every home is rebuilt form the handsomest and most susceptible of woods, and until every criminal is handcuffed by the laziest of policemen. I will love you until M. hates snakes and J. hates grammar, and I will love you until C. realizes S. is not worthy of his love and N. realizes he is not worthy of the V. I will love you until the bird hates a nest and the worm hates an apple, and until the apple hates a tree and the tree hates a nest, and until a bird hates a tree and an apple hates a nest, although honestly I cannot imagine that last occurrence no matter how hard I try.
I will love you as we grow older, which has just happened, and has happened again, and happened several days ago, continuously, and then several years before that, and will continue to happen as the spinning hands of every clock and the flipping pages of every calendar mark the passage of time, except for the clocks that people have forgotten to wind and the calendars that people have forgotten to place in a highly visible area. I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively. I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from skim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog, and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by the memorized memory of a foggy fog.
I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, no matter where you avoid and who you don’t see, and no matter who sees you avoiding where you go. I will love you no matter what happens to you, and no matter how I discover what happens to you, and no matter what happens to me as I discover this, and no matter how I am discovered after what happens to me happens to me as I am discovering this.
I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else — your co-star, perhaps, or Y., or even O., or anyone Z. through A., even R. — although sadly I believe it will be quite some time before two women can be allowed to marry — and I will love you if you have a child, and I will love you if you have two children, or three children, or even more, although I personally think three is plenty, and I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that on late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned.
That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.
…I miss you. Who knows when I will see you?
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laurenkmyers · 2 months
you’re so sweet. thank you so much!! i’ve watched love in the air. i know boss but i didn’t know his partners name. i’ve also watched:
dead friend forever (it was so fun; tan was right and he should’ve been able to kill all of em. except my sweet sunshine bby white who didn’t deserve anything bad to happen to him ever)
two worlds (loved it)
cutie pie 1&2 (eh),
naughty babe (loved but i think i love the pairing),
not me (chefs kiss),
kinnporsche (the volume in which i screamed cousin fuckers and then sung sweet home alabama, 10/10 would recommend to a friend),
the sign (so ridiculous but like in a great fun way; i like police procedurals and i like fantasy)
only friends (i wish i had a toxic dramatic friend group :/),
between us (that jaw thing mr blond did was oddly attractive; can’t wait to see the pair in the vampire show!),
last twilight (my heart ached and baked and was made into a cake. that means i loved it),
kiseki: dear to me (ai di owns my heart forever; i like his big puppy chen yi too. i couldn’t get into the main pairing tbh),
together with me 1&2 (it was okay)
love in translation (cuuute)
do you have any more recs???
First of all can, this list is immaculate (bar cutie pie, did not vibe with that one bit)
Secondly, I see you with your insane taste in ships. Maxnat from Two Worlds/Naughty Babe? This is top tier shit. I found Naughty Babe awful and mostly unwatchable (I'm not domundi's- the company who produced naughty babe and cutie pie- biggest fan) but MAXNAT??? That pairing have me wrapped round their fingers. Especially Max. Goddamn.
Thirdly, did you like love in the air? Thoughts on the second half of the show in particular? Because the other main couple (fort and peat) are my precious fucking baby angels and I would die for them. And if you liked them then my first recommedation is the currently airing Love Sea the series, because they're tearing me limb from limb. Every week they do something that thrills, excites, and terrifies me all in equal standing.
In terms of other recs, I can definitely give you a few I enjoyed, because your list is very good already and I'm seeing that we have quite similar taste.
I want to throw the show Manner of Death at you. You've seen Together With Me, and if you liked our boys Max and Tul and managed to wade your way through that show plus it's sequel, based on their chemistry alone, then Manner Of Death will be refeshing change for you. Because their chemistry is even better and the story line actually has a very clever and exciting narrative. Plus, its a lot more mature than your average highschool drama bl.
Tale of 1000 Stars is another show I really enjoyed. Its bl pairing is Earth and Mix, they have fantastic chemistry and the show has a really interesting plot that kept me hooked. It's a bit more typical thai bl in certain aspects, and the intimate nc scenes are next to none, but their relationship is one I was hooked on and I enjoyed the story a lot.
I have also enjoyed: 4 Minutes is only one episode in, but I can already tell it's going to be a favourite, which says a lot. But I am also very biased towards the lead male, Bible Wichapas aka Vegas from Kinnporsche. Man Suang is a movie, not series, but its on Netflix and its Mileapo from Kinnporsche. It's historical, gritty, heart-hitting, and just generally very fucking well produced. Moonlight Chicken (the side couple had me hooked immediately) Ingredients (cute af mini series with a Jeff Satur-Kim from KP) My Stand-In (I endjoyed it for what it was, it was a bit ridiculous) Vice-Versa (If you liked JimmySea you'll probably enjoy this) Bad Buddy (Great chemistry between the main characters) And a Taiwanese bl I liked was: History 3: Trapped.
(Your kinnporsche review is EVERYTHING. No notes.
The Mr Blonde jaw thing had me chuckling. I too, very much enjoyed the jaw thing. Hope the vampire show is directed well. Bounprem deserve it.
Tan absolutely should have slain them all. Apart from bb White. Agreed. Wholeheartedly.
Ai Di x Chen Yi were the only reason I was watching that show. For real.
Last Twilight was fantastic. I just didn't vibe with the ending. If it had ended on that rock cliff? Perfection. Stunning. Show-stopping.)
I hope you enjoy some of these! Sorry this got SO LONG.
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madraleen · 4 months
Genshin Impact - Cyno’s Second Story Quest A Fond Commentary
(*from a Cynonari shipper)
-ASJFNJDFK, we’ve grown so close to Cyno over time, he’s so soft compared to when we first met him, he calls us friends, he invites us along, I cry. I remember thinking in his first quest, “We’ll win you over, we’ll win you over,” and now look at us :”).
-The fact that that man raised Cyno is hilarious to me. Their vibes are so different, it’s delightful.
-ASDKNDFS, “Bring Tighnari along too.” CYRUS!! Feed me, Cyrus!! The parental figure approves!!
-The fam is eating with Cyrus, I cry. Also, wdym they were both students together, you’re blurring the timeline again, argh!
-Yes, we have some “us time” with Cyno, Tighnari and Collei, ily. Wtf is happening, they’re taking us camping?? Hoyo, you feed me so well!
-We’re all so happy, are we gonna get murdered or something
-I can’t believe we’re seeing Cyno jokes in an actual quest and not just in events, is this real?! Are we really getting soft Cyno, soft Cynonari, what is this, is this reality?! I’m so happy!
-Ahahaha, “it looks like we’ll get told off” and Tighnari’s face omg, I love this fam.
-Dude, this is so fun. And Hoyo knows exactly what they’re doing with the “three tents,” you can’t change my mind. Who shares?
-Cyno smiles at us, my heart, I cannot (*Cyno smiles a lot in this quest :’))))
-Kaveh and Alhaitham. Hoyo knows. 
-Everyone’s so domestic, thank you Hoyo, thank you. Kaveh and Alhaitham actually having calm conversations, calmly living together and putting their minds together, Kaveh sitting on the table, it’s so nice.
-Cyno: “Don’t come after me.” Literally everyone: “Yeah, so, anyway, how do we find him?” <333 Like, they don't even discuss if they should, Kaveh just goes "typical Cyno" and they move to action. What a great little extended fam, Cynonari, Collei, Kaveh and Alhaitham (and later Candace and Dehya, and Faruzan. What a great little found fam).
-Tighnari is coming to the desert himself??? For Cyno??? I cry. (Yeah yeah and for Cyrus. Would he be coming along if Cyno wasn’t involved? I don’t think so.)
-We’re meeting Naphis!!! What is this blessing of a quest!
-Like, I love intrigue and mystery and so on, but our bonds in Sumeru are just so pure and precious to me. This clear-cut “We’re transparent, we have each others’ back, and that’s that” of the Sumeru cast, I love it. And I love that it’s an ensemble cast quest, it’s so long since we’ve seen everyone together.
-Like, Tighnari could leave this to us, or to Kaveh, but no, absolutely not, he wants to PERSONALLY be with Cyno in this, like??? Tighnari ily???
-Sethos!!! Hi, bb, whoever you are <3.
-Sethos is a medium model, right? He looks so much smaller than Aether, Cyno and Tighnari. Younger even, even though he’s around the latter two’s age.
-I love that Cyno and Tighnari are equally clueless and are learning about Cyno’s past together. I always wondered - is the Temple of Silence thing something that Cyno hides? Does Tighnari know? Why do his character stories say so little on that, is it a secret? Turns out no, he’s just as clueless as everyone.
-Cyno’s parents essentially sold him…??? Huh?! I wasn’t expecting that!!!
-No, you didn’t borrow the Ba Fragment “for a decade or so,” Cyrus, don’t blur the timeline ffs! Unless we’re talking until Cyno became of age or something, or unless that "or so" is a big understatement.
-Everyone is tense and dramatic and “power this, fragment that” and Tighnari is like, “Sumanai, but u dumb.”
-Doctor Tighnari strikes again!
-Such a beautiful temple and it’ll just disappear after the quest?
-Lmfao, what is that pose before the duel, are we “the challengers” preparing to drop an album ahahaha
-Oh eff off, Cyno saying “I am more than a warrior. I am my own person,” and cutting to Tighnari saying “...Exactly”. That was SO UNNECESSARY! HOYO YOU FEED ME WELL
-Looove how Cyno won via polearm and not via Hermanubis or vision. Also lil Sethos is one of those multi-weapon users, huh
-Oh that’s such a nice conclusion, Cyno and Sethos not being enemies and now the Academiya and the Temple can be partners again. I like Sethos, I'm looking forward to us seeing him again and him making connections in Sumeru. Hopefully we'll get a hang-out next patch?
-Lol, Sethos granting us access to the Temple, catch Alhaitham moving in here smh
-Faru :”). All the familiar faces, I miss them :’)
-THEY HAVE A SIGNAL! CYNO AND COLLEI HAVE A SIGNAL! HELP!!! Pity that Collei had to be sacrificed for the sake of her guardians.
-HELP, they have their own code words as a family, they are so soft, they are so adorable, they are my favorite genshin fam, my favorite genshin ensemble cast, i love them so much. Like, Hoyo didn’t have to go that hard on the intimacy of it all AND YET! THEY DELIVERED! Also, pls, the timeline, wdym you were in school with Cyno when in Tighnari’s stories it says that student Tighnari attracted the attention of General Mahamatra Cyno, omggggg. Unless you’re saying that Cyno was simultaneously a student and the General Mahamatra at some point, OR that Cyno had the General Mahamatra mentality as a student and conducted his own investigations.
-I’ve seen too much fanart to believe that you’ll just “put the books back” in the House of Daena, Kaveh and Alhaitham. I know exactly what you’re gonna do there. We all know. -CYNO HAS A SECRET PLACE AND TIGHNARI KNOWS IT AND NOW WE KNOW IT THIS QUEST IS SO SOFT ASKJSFDNK
-BABY CYNO OMGGG SMOL. And them talking about Lisa, so sooooft :”)
-Color me elated.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
okay okay i wanna hear your opinion on pedro boys and what monsters they would be !!!!
LETS START SPOOKY SUMMER OFF RIGHT AND IM SO GLAD ITS WITH YOU BB thank you for sending this amazing ask in 🥺🎃 ✨
Okay…this is something I know we’ve talked about many times in our deep discussions but now that I think about the other boys I’m like “…oh shit” so here we GO LOL
Javi P: a type of were-creature, I love the idea of Javi having the ties to a Texas and Latino based monster and as someone who’s great tia swore she saw the chupacabra and then knowing there’s a monster/beast I’ve heard legend about living in the hill country, theres something familiar and close knit tradition about were-creatures based in local and cultural urban legends that fits Javi’s vibes about being so connected to his home
Pero T: yes he is a peak werewolf but I will say this until I write the fic but he is a lake monster, creature from the black lagoon style, he lurks likes his isolation and is aware to his surroundings. He would do perfect as a lake monster simply surviving as a grumpy hiding monster under the waves
Marcus Pike: DRAGON!!! Grand beautiful majestic creatures that hoard precious things? Marcus is all about the arts and seeing the beauty in everything, those vibes just make me think of him as this beautiful grand dragon that hoards art until he finds you his most precious treasure
Dave York: something demonic, he always reminds me of the Lucifer figure - this perfect soldier who followed orders until he questioned his existence and is now disillusioned and corrupt living on his own terms now
Frankie: my sweet werewolf boy, loyal big and forever protective and will bare his fangs whenever he feels threatens and has a bit of a temper, also can you imagine how COZY HE WOULD BE??
Din: ghost, he’s a ghost that’s simply living in this strange beskar armor but his spirit is so strong and righteous that it stays alive and haunts his armor. But he is tender and speaks with the softest whispers in the wind, like a echo you wonder if you even heard in the first place
Joel: a ghost like Din but a much scarier version, like a spirit of vengeance that is violent and fierce, powerful in its rage but a known protector that watches over anyone who walks home alone at night, he sits in the trees with eyes that are so dark they blend with the night
Jack: Vampire, suave a bit extravagant and luxurious and I only am doing this cause I want him to make all the stupid vampire puns and even has fake vampire plastic teeth he playfully uses from time to time, also can you imagine him slick gelled hair back super classic Dracula style?? 😮‍💨
Dieter: shapeshifter, he’s a man of many faces and many roles that you wonder if he even knows what his true self looks like anymore, goes into how he’s an actor and I think there’s so many layers to dieter that he keeps up to make sure no one truly knows him
Ezra: eldritch space creature, has many eyes speaks in many voices that seem out of this realm but he is kind and moves very gently. He is wise beyond his years and is interested in all things human, but like any eldritch creature it can be tricky and turn on a whim when need be
Javi G: Mothman!! Super sweet and chattery and is kind of an odd ball but simply wants to be left alone in the woods but remains curious about the world around him, holds a certain charm to him but is still a dangerous creature underneath it all
Wow I ramble away with these I’m SORRY
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doubledyke · 9 months
3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 20, 21, 26, and 30 for Ed please!!
thanks for sending me these asks guys lol it's nice to have something to occupy my gay and stupid time
3. a song that reminds me of him: i realized that i forgot to put DG on my ed playlist and i could kick myself for that.
this song is what i imagine the inside of ed's head sounds like.
and then any primus song.
7. a quote of his that i remember: BRO i'm a fucking child and this one always stands out
also when jimmy is dressed as a bird and falls out of a tree and ed goes "awwww it is twitching.."
8. my favorite outfit of his: ed looks adorable in everything tbh
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i always forget that s6 was a thing so i forgot to include his winter outfit on my tier list but it's an easy A. i love his collection of trapper hats lol.
11. what's the first thing i think about when i think of ed: hmm i guess our shared interest in all things grotesque and horror themed. i'm not super into the comics or movies myself, but i think ed would appreciate a good void meme and he'd for sure be a creepy pasta kid. the type of guy to have halloween decorations up all year. and i'm not talkin about kitschy little pumpkins and black cats. he is without hesitation dropping hundreds and more likely thousands of dollars on life size animatronics of regan macneil and the pale man from pan's labyrinth, etc.
12. sexuality hc: i can definitely see ed being aroace, but i also like to pair him with may because it's cute and fun. i don't think gender plays a role in his attraction to anyone. or anything?
14. best story line he had: rock-a-bye ed is kinda dark so i like that one. the day the ed stood still is really fun and funny. and of course little ed blue is a great episode.
20. a weird headcanon: i'm so annoying lol all i do is think and talk about these dorks and when someone asks a question i'm like "uhhhhhhhhhhhh"... idk it's not that weird for ed but i see him being a bit of a conspiracy theorist. like he might end up being a prepper later in life lmfao. ed as a flat earther? ed as a moon landing truther? idk if i'd go that far but it would be funny to see him and edd arguing about those things the same way they did about a chunk of cheese. edd would have to be put on oxygen afterwards.
21. when do i think he was at his happiest: probably in the day the ed stood still... and any time he gets to be around his friends. summer in general is probably the time that he's happiest because he doesn't have to worry about the oppressive institution that is public education.
26. when do i think he was being himself the most: .....the day the ed stood still?? haha. i don't think ed really hides who he is beyond refraining from kidnapping kids and sticking them to his wall with coagulated cereal and saliva most days. that's what makes him great, and different from the other eds. the very first time we meet ed, he's in his basement surrounded by filth, watching movies with a big doofy smile.
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that's ed and he's precious.
30. funniest scene he had: it's hard to name an entire/specific scene. i tend to remember little snippets that make me laugh to myself when i think of them. i do get a kick out of the way that in so many scenes edd will be falling to pieces, eddy's getting curb stomped...and you look at ed in the background and without fail he's just standing there like 😀
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otomeblcass · 1 year
Nu:Carnival Character Headcanons:
⚛》》》Favorite Wines《《《⚛
~Quick note~ My entire week has consisted of me making this list that no one ever asked for, or the probably ever thought about. For some further context, I work as a wine specialist at a giant liquor store, and I have way too much time on my hands where I read a lot about wine and sake. I've added images of one of my favorite wine references, Wine Folly, and highly recommend their website and books if you're curious about wine. Without further a do, if you don't mind a long post, I have combined some of my obsessions: Nu:Carnival and what wines I think suit each character.
Port, like all the way, he wants something sweet and Hella strong. Considered a fortified wine, put simply a wine that has been given additional alcohol, Port comes in many styles, but most are sweet. Eiden specifically loves the chocolate and nutty flavors that these wines have. Also this wine can be a hit or miss for people, so Eiden gets a great laugh out of seeing others' reactions to his favorite wine. Give this baby a bottle of Port and he can talk for hours on end about the crazy stories he’s collected after some wild nights with this wine.
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Petite Sirah, Aster would want a wine that is very full in body (aka something that really coats the mouth, similar to blood) and powerful bold flavors, he’s an extremely experienced wine connoisseur, or “wine snob” as Morvay would say, but regardless Aster knows his wines. He loves showing off his personal cellar, explaining the areas they come from, and he especially enjoys bragging about the cost of the wines he’s collected. 
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It’s taken Morvay quite some time to get into wine. For many years he’s been firm in his statement that he doesn’t like wine like that shitty-little-vampire does. Most of the red wines Aster has made him try are far too bitter, and the white wines are sour as hell. He’s finally realized dessert styled wines exist, such as Muscat of Alexandria, and can be caught sometimes at night sipping this wine with some biscotti as a treat.
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Yakumo at first glance comes across as someone who would not be into a “dry red wine” so it’s really interesting to think that his favorite wine would be a Malbec. There has been many occasions where he was served a much sweeter wine than he would personally like, but obviously it’s Yakumo, poor baby is too nervous to let someone know they got his order wrong. Much like Eiden’s favorite wine Port, Malbec has similar rich dark fruit flavors and a smooth chocolatey finish, these wines are a lot dryer in comparison, but not too bitter. It is a wonderful balance for the precious chef Yakumo. (This is one of my favorites too, let's go Yakumo bb)
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Vidal Blanc is not only a bougie sounding wine, but it goes exceptionally well with fresh fruits and desserts. This wine is an elegant off-dry style white wine that can be used to flaunt floral and fruity flavors without being too sweet or childish. As we know Edmond has his sweet tooth, so he would really enjoy the Ice wine style this grape can be used to make. Ice wines are as sweet as dessert wines can go and they take a lot of time and effort to make just a small amount. It’s a perfect pairing for our perfectionist and hardworking captain.
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Every winemaking area has established a sparkling wine (I’m somewhat imagining what wines would correspond to the different Klein regions) Olivine is very curious to try anything new, so when traveling and discussing things with nobles he has grown very fond of a particular sparkling wine, Prosecco. He always has gravitated towards a gentle sweetness and slightly acidic flavors and this wine has a perfect balance. As per Eiden’s recommendation, Olivine has discovered this wine makes amazing cocktails such as mimosas, so every now and then Olivine enjoys making those for a relaxing brunch with the clan members. 
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An interesting thing we've learned about Quincy during this current Rainy Season event is that his favorite foods include honey, jerky, and dried fish, very natural and raw focused foods that absolutely suit him. A unique wine that has a unique flavor profile of earthy fruits, herbs, and meat is one called Pinotage. Quincy, much like all our wood territory babes, is highly skilled in the winemaking trade. Pinotage is a wine that is very challenging to produce and Quincy has practically mastered it. So much so Quincy doesn’t really drink the wine, but prefers to keep it stored away. He’s positive that the right time will come to enjoy this wine, perhaps with a special individual, right when it’s aging duration has peaked. 
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Umeshu or Japanese Plum wine, this is a tricky one because it technically is fermented ume fruit with the addition of distilled alcohol, aka this is a liqueur not a wine at all. Kuya is known for being a trickster though, so it’s a perfect match for him. Umeshu can be made at home, though it does take a lot of time to infuse, it makes the occasions when Kuya drinks this a real treat. The flavors of Umeshu are a mix of sweet and sour fruits like plums or apricots with a lingering alcohol burn. Kuya takes a lot of pride in homemade Umeshu and will lure others (Eiden) into drinking this delicious and sneakily strong beverage with him. (Another personal favorite of mine ♡)
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Favorable of all things delicious and mostly edible, Garu and Karu are foodies willing to try anything at least once. They’re super new to trying alcoholic drinks and can’t really handle the smell and taste of something with a strong alcohol content. Concord is a classic beginner wine and it has a very distinguishable grape flavor, let’s think like a traditional grape juice or jelly. Depending on how it’s made, this wine can range from non-alcoholic all the way to higher percentages, Garu and Karu are big fans of having this sweet wine with snacks. Who knew that a wolf yokai would be obsessed with concord grape wine with a pb&j sandwich!
Garu & Karu:
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He really enjoys the sweet and lightly sparkling version of this grape varietal, Moscato D’Asti. They have a full assortment of fruit aromas and flavors like peaches and honey, and they have a low ABV making them super easy to drink. Blade describes this wine as “Cute Juice” hence that’s his first response to describing the effervescence. He’s an even bigger fan of being able to use his e-droid abilities to analyze the many fruit flavors in this wine and he’s always excited to share the flavors whenever his darling is ready to try them. *wink wink*
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A great leader must also know great wines, and it seems super likely that Soleria would make bright red fruit focused wines with lots of herbs and spices. Sangiovese is an extremely versatile grape that can be blended and aged into numerous wine styles; it goes even better with savory and spiced foods. Dante is very intelligent when it comes to wine and is even more impressive when he guides others through a proper wine tasting. Even though Dante has a fierce way of showing it, deep down he really just wants others to appreciate wine the way he does.
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Rei really enjoys all of the genetic mutations of the Pinot Noir grape, like Pinot Gris or Pinot Blanc, coming from a scientific perspective. More often than not though, the complex red wine Pinot Noir is his favorite to consume, especially during his late night studies and experimentations. Depending on where this wine is grown the flavors can be very misconstrued, quite often it is thought to be a fruity and slightly sweet, but it takes people by surprise by being tart and dry. Rei really likes a lighter bodied red wine that has a slight bite of sassy acidity just like him. 
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Thank you for reading! I spent way too long thinking about and writing this. I'd love to know what others think and what your favorite wine is if you have one! I also just realized I never thought of wines for Rin or Huey, but I really am not super sure what I'd pick for them.
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mythicalartistx · 1 year
Soriku Moments in the novel Part 1 - Dark Meridian
I love it when I find random snipers of the novels online so I can scream about the random scenes I found...
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
So here are some various (really cute scenes) between Sora and Riku
Even without us, the worlds will be okay, he thought as he gazed at the horizon.
I don't mind becoming part of the darkness, if I'm with Riku.
I love the fact that if they're together, if they're in darkness it's okay cause they have the other— cause Sora is with Riku.
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They both gazed absently up at the starless heavens. There was no telling what time of day or not it might be here— they couldn't be sure what light on the horizon was. The humid breeze from the ocean brought a hint of a chill.
And yet they felt completely content to be here— because they were together.
Sora quietly closed his eyes, and then Riku did too
I wanted to find this scene for so long and I finally had, it's one of my favorites in the whole series— just them in the dark realm together at the end of kh2. I indented and bolded parts that stuck out to me.
It was implied they were okay to be in the darkness because they had the other, but the novels directed state this and confirm it and it's just so cute.
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I always looked up to him. He was only a year older than me, only a bit taller, but he was better at sword fighting, and always looked cool, and I practically worshipped him. My best friend Riku.
The truth is, I wanted to be just like him.
He thinks this right after telling him I got my own problems too, like wanting to be like you. And it's just so cute that he always looked up to him and wants to be him. I mean it's a given he copied his mannerism if you look at their BBS selves to their present selves.
"Having you for a friend."
A bit bashful, Sora turned to the horizon again. "Then I guess... I'm okay the way I am. I've got something you could never imitate, too," he said, glad for it, and raised his eyes to the gloomy sky.
Riku has something I can never imitate. And he can never imitate what I have. Somehow that lifted his spirits.
I love these scenes and they're closely said in the game/novel and is just a good moment to actually talk about the things that happened. Also Sora being bashful because of Riku is the cutest thing.
....he looked off beyond the horizon, at the moon shining faintly in the sky — at the world where we would meet our end.
We both had our own things that the other couldn't do. Our hearts, each just like the other, were both filled to the brim with happy feelings at that moment.
Another scene at the dark realm, this is just so cute how their hearts were happy to be with the other and they content because they were both good at different things and weren't the same.
They kept trying to be better than the other but they both good at different things. When Riku found out Sora wanted to be like him, it made him sad. Riku wanted him to realize Sora is precious and important the way he is, so he said the I got something you could never imitate, having you for a friend, line
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garoujo · 1 year
T____T hi baby im back again with more nagi thoughts… not surprising since hes been the only person on my mind recently :(( but anyway.. here r some things i think sei r into (nsfw and sfw hehe) and some of these ive picked up as the general consensus amongst the bllk writers on the blr hehe..
1. somno. both giving and receiving (altho i must say ive never seen a somno fic where nagi’s the one that’s receiving.. hehe thoughts are being thunk) omg please everytime i read anything abt somno w nagi i die abit inside… want him so bad !!! and it’s so in line with everything our resident sleepy boy likes (u n sleeping) 😴😴
2. dacryphilia… ive seen a few writers on here incorporate it into his fics and im obsessed omg… just like how he’s obsessed with seeing u absolutely bawl from taking his fat cock inside u T___T
3. skinship !!!!!!! generally just being as close to h as possible… leaving zero space between u & him.. this can be seen in both nsfw n sfw context he just wants to hold u and be held ALLLLL the time… precious baby!!! cant get enough of ur arms around him or laying his head on ur chest
4. SPEAKING OF CHEST… sei boobs man confirmed. ive never seen such an overwhelming agreement that a character is a boobs man but im convinced now. when he can just lay in ur lap and suck on ur nips all day long… playing his game w ur hand in his hair… that’s his lifelong dream me thinks. he’s just a big big baby :(
5. omg thigh riding w sei. the author didnt give him thick thick thighs for nothing !!!!!! and sometimes hes just so lazy n tired to do anything else… watching u get off on his thighs while all he has to do is occasionally flex them or bounce u up and down… the perfect way to end his night tbh hehe.. he’d be sooo good too.. praising u n making sure ure feeling good .. maybe even helping u rub ur clit so u can cum faster ☹️ im so in love w him omg
6. AAAAA COCKWARMING! omg almost missed this out. honestly theres no need to even elaborate or explain this one. the amt of cockwarming nagi fics there r out there on tumblr just proves how perfect the combo is. cockwarming sei while he plays his games.. while he’s watching football clips.. while he’s sleeping… it’s so perfect for him i could cry !!! pls sei give me once chance :(
n that’s all for now…!! i also love how we all agree his nickname is sei hehe… so cute and lovely just like him 🥰 hope u had a good day wherever u are bb and i hope my nagi thoughts reach u safely!!! sending love <3
- happy trail anon hehe
aaaaaa welcome back my love !!! me knowing i’ve literally written a somno nagi receiving thirst: ໒꒰ྀི⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝꒱ྀི১ lmaooakaka but fank u so much for all the thoughts these were soooo super fun to read & so real ! yes yes sei is literally the cutest name ever but i love calling him seishiro too . . it just seems v intimate imo to use his full name <3 hope u hav an amaze day also bbie ! fank u for blessing me . . sending loads of luv right back !
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hestzhyen · 5 months
What Can Kairi Do Now?
KH Brainrot has completely taken over so let me yeet these thoughts into the uncaring abyss. In the off chance anyone reads this... I like Kairi. I related to her struggle a lot as a kid; it was reassuring to see a character resist change when so many are written to embrace it. She's not my favorite KH character but she's definitely up there. Poor girl's been not much more than a plot device for her entire series so far. Friend to be rescued in KH1, forgotten memory in CoM, side-quest rescue mission in 2, completely absent in Coded despite it being a KH1 retelling, absent in DDD, important but not proactive in 3, present but not effectual in MoM... it's tough out there for Kairi fans. Most of this, I think, is because she's not meant to be important to the narrative beyond her relationship to Sora. I've felt for a long time that Nomura just wasn't very interested in writing about her as an independent character. She's there for Sora as a friend, a love interest, and as a McGuffin. Makes sense since she's supposed to represent friends drifting apart- she's the comfort and stability that Sora so badly wants to return to for most of the series. And yet, over and over again, he's getting called away from her side. Star-crossed and separated from each other despite how badly Kairi wants him to stay with her forever. So now that Sora's gone to the Other Side of reality itself and her left behind again... where does that leave Kairi?
Well, this could be her time to shine! FOR REAL! No cap, as the kids say. I mean it.
Kairi has so far been inseparable from Sora's character. Everything she's been shown to be so far is about him- Sora don't change, Sora I'll wait for you, Sora I'll protect you. Sora, Sora, Sora. Every scene of her relates back to him in some way, except the one in BBS when she had yet to meet him... which actually still leads to Sora since that's where Aqua placed the spell on Kairi's necklace that enabled her heart to take refuge in his during KH1. It's only the precious few scenes we see of her apart from Sora that we see her growth. She decides waiting isn't good enough in KH2, then decides she's going all-in on wielding a Keyblade so she can protect him in KH3- decisions made only in his absence. So the problem is pretty clear: for Kairi to grow, she needs to be separated from Sora. And oh hey guess what, MoM went out of it's way to do exactly that when it really didn't have to.
So what could we see our sweet girl doing going forward? There are two things that come to mind for me. First, by choosing to train under Aqua, she can forge strong bonds outside of Sora and Riku. Second, she can take charge of one of the subplots dangling around. I'm under no illusion that she'll ever be as imporant as Sora is to the narrative, but it's not unreasonable for her to step up and protect their home until he comes back. Deciding to take control of her own fate at the end of MoM set a solid foundation for her to grow separately from Sora in a natural, realistic way. And this would be the best thing possible for her character.
KH3, re:mind, and MoM all point to the end of the status quo for the relationship between Kairi and Sora. Nothing stopped him from fading away, after all. She tried everything and came up short when it mattered again. So Kairi seems to finally be accepting that she can't be strong enough to stand with Sora if she's only doing things for his sake. She needs to find her own inner strength. Deciding to train on her own terms, without mentioning Sora even once, is letting us know that Kairi's primed for her own arc for realsies this time. Will it come to be? Maybe!
There's a bit more I could say about Kairi but... well, I just want to wait and see. We know so little about what to expect in KH4 that I don't want to go full-on theorizing mode into this empty chasm. Especially since every time Kairi's been set up for growth it just hasn't happened. There's a big enough difference between this situation and all the previous ones that lets me have some room for hope at least. Thanks for listening to this ramble, internet void.
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
EoS Part 2 FireHeart
Random (contextless-hot-mess) Thoughts “Round Up” Rambling:
*Spoiler warning up to Chapter 52, I have not read further so please avoid spoilers after pg. 484, thank you!*
— Will write more on these random notes later but for now:
She (Elide) is playing a Fortune Teller right as Aelin is freaking out over seeing the future? Or is she playing an ACOTAR type of character?
Elorcan is for sure a thing, they have the HoF ending vibes of Rowaelin with the whole “they don’t want to leave each other” piece now.
Thank goodness for hidden carriage compartments; I REALLY hate the Ilken
Grrrrreeeeaaaaattttt more self doubt for all the traumatized children of Terrasen
She outsmarted him with assumption and I love her for it. Let’s go Queen Elide!
Wow she just leveled up by deciding about another Queen when she meets her (yesss girl; also noooooo Lorcan just calm down bruh)
What the hell are we doing Lorcan? YOU TELL ME!
Another life debt, that should come in handy; though wow is she being cold… why? Maybe the Rowan thing? A few pacing’s here are just a little off but maybe it’s perspective or plan? Idk that just felt off for Aelin or maybe… more Celaena?
“Fussy Fae males” and their love for their (what I’m calling because let’s be real they practically are) wives😂🥹
Abraxos found somewhere safe🥹 it was with Dorian😭he knew😭
“Cunning cruelty” yasssssss Elise descriptions (I love a classic 2-3 word description by Maas)
Why this way? Why not that way? What does it mean? Why can’t you go the right direction? I DON’T TRUST ANYONE!
Is it just me or do I also love Fenrys now?
“Witchling” & “Princeling” otherwise known as QUEEN AND KING
Okay so Dorian just did the same Rowan “nothing to me line” only this time it was flirty & not heartbreaking— INTERESTING (plus if it reminds me of Rowaelin it’s a good sign cause come on talk about OTP)
How does the shifter sea dragon thing work? A few chapters ago Aedion was saying it drained her too much? Yet it seems pretty constant? Is she also immortal? How does the human power thing work? Further same question with Dorian and his… shadow hands? —(Idk I’dhave to ask Azriel😂)
Finally YAS Elide let’s full circle this loop girlie (GO FIND AELIN NOW) — DAMMIT NO LORCAN BAD LORCAN DON’T KILL THE QUEEN CAUSE YOU MISS UR BRO — ughhhhhhhh😩 (thank the Wyrd god I can trust in Elide😅😂😭 like babe you have a place in this court; it’s called THE ONLY VOICE OF SANITY & Lysandra is trying but babe she wasn’t built to be the sane one she is a lion for Pete’s sake let the girl be wild too but Elide mommy we need you )
No one else I’d rather have at my back — thank you Dorian for once again healing everything
All the home metaphors for Rowan🥹😭🫶 I LOVE THEM
Where do we go now that we’re “stuck” on a boat with our “enemy” who we happen to think is cute shirtless and we’ll follow to the depths of Morath and say things like always cause it’s super casual totall who knows? Your just “his WIFE”😂
Okay Aelin’s note wins her extra points😘😘
The nightmares… fuck… are they “just nightmares”?
The shift of Rowan into fae but her telling him she just loves him and nothing else, and showing more of that side, and their powers, yet there still them, and just lovely😭 Break my heart again Rowan with your whole I didn’t know if I could get you back schpiel — wait she’ll always come back to him — ROWAELIN I CAN’T😭
I see you & I AM NOT AFRAID
crying cause he doesn’t know how to get her back from the gods but he’d go to hell with wyrdkeys if he had to but things are getting scary and I just want my babies okay
Aww Rowan just wants to be worthy of her, precious bb, you already are!
You’re all I need — see, I TOLD YOU ROWAN
You can’t hurt me — well you sure can hurt me
Rowan Pretty words Whitethorn😊
lol the two assassins retiring — yes please🫶
The “Yielding” … interesting… this feels bad… but cool?
The speed of certain ships is either due to soulmates, lack of perspective, or perhaps wreckless personality. It doesn’t bug me when I think on it (honestly I’m a bad judge after all these Rowaelin pining books) but I am curious about it.
“Courting death” the Manorian romance novel😂
The rest of them watching Rowaelin spar and pretending to ignore them even though they are a “storm” lol
She kept her friend and words to herself she’s growing and you can give the girl some points Dorian
I’m with ya Manon not until I have no choice! EVERYTHING IS FINE! To whatever end😭🖤
The 13 are fine. I agree. I am with Manon; until proven otherwise. That ilken knew nothing😅 because it’s just messing with her🥲 nevermind the fact no one knew that about Asterin🫥 or the Matron is off wreaking havoc🫠 she thinks Manon’s dead that’s gotta help right😭 MY GODS RIGHT😩 ITS NOT TRUE THERES NO FUCKING WAY THEY WOULD DO THAT TO ME LIKE THAT NONE AT ALL
If they friggin kill Fenrys five seconds after me being like well hello sir —
Why did the powers stop??? Why did both Aelin and Rowan’s powers stop? THATS NOT NORMAL!
Okay is her power water or healing or one in the same?
Umm… Is she preggers? … … … why did she call Lysandra? Rowan bud are you okay? Is it the vision — what was the vision?
Elide is giving Mob wife energy 💅🏻 😂 *hey google play “please please please” by Sabrina Carpenter*
NOOOO NOW ITS The Prophecy for Aelin
THE KEY I KNEW IT I KNEW IT (still think it’s a lock though)?
“Uncle kitty” I AM CACKLING
“She asked for him” I love Aedion and Aelin
More stars lines more breaking my heart great another quote time
Elide Lochan remaining a lovely human “not a monster” despite 10 years of trauma
How did Manon know that? OH GOODNESS ITS A REAL PROPHECY? Is it the Valg - witch connection? How’s that work with her Crochan blood?
Oh my gods IS SHE PREGNANT?!
Okay well at least I’m not crazy Maas did make us go there
Not to be that person but also like they should’ve talked about that one BEFORE😂 or at least recently… and I kinda hate that the “marriage & babies” is all “a queen is only good for” kinda mentality is getting into her head and not becoming a full talk with Rowan; where I feel like Maasverse already has a tendency to do messy pregnancy plots (there’s nothing wrong if she wants to get married and have kids: I’m just saying this time when stating it, it did not sound like she wanted kids; as much as “an heir” in “preparation for her inevitable doom” that she’s way too easily accepting)
Let’s have an adventure lol WRONG PEOPLE GUYS, THAT WAS CHAOLS LINE lol …also the line “Don’t leave”🥹 so many feels… and also A lot of repeated phrases either by intention or trope but I’m curious to see which it will be…
The more I think on it the Husband lie was quite genius as Elide always is
Who was it that they knew? … Whats up with the shape shifting Ilken?
The key is talking to Elide now (great🙄 that never goes wrong)? — Does it only talk to magic and witches? — HOW DOES IT WORK? (Also can my girls please stop wearing them so closely like literally on their hearts HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF A HORCRUX — BE CAREFUL GIRLIES)
Blaming her — AGAIN?! — REALLY??? … WHY?!?
The goodbye with Abraxos😭😭😭
The marsh… sure… nothing bad ever happens in creepy swamps… 😅😅🙃
The King of Adarlan and Queen of Terrasen (okay I see you boo’s)
The cloak turned into a single ribbon🖤
Where to now???
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pancakehouse · 1 year
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@colgatebluemintygel - my dearest minty toothpaste, my fellow sleepy remus truther, lover of almond croissants, and incompetent middle sister… my kindred spirit and most bosom of friends… i cannot express how endlessly happy i am to know you bb!!!!! i love reading your words, i love hearing your voice and seeing your face and academicslay fits, i love giggling at your messages, and i love the entirety of your sillygorgeouswhimsicalmischevious being !!!!
our convos are such a bright spot in all of my days. so grateful for our friendship, our shared giggles and wickedness, and to know the incredibly strange delight that is YOU <3 love u 5ever my diana my anne my matthew, i hope your day is filled with birds and cake and green trees and magic HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS<333
p.s. playing you a song on my fiddle as we speak … dance my precious tp…. dance…
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jacen-tenelka · 2 years
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  In 2016, I started this journal as a way to celebrate a pairing in the Star Wars: Expanded Universe (or Legends) that I felt never got enough love. The fact that there are still fanworks and feelings and everything re: them circulating to this day is such a joy -- even after the discontinuation of the EU and the decanonization of pretty much everything relating to them. So if you’re a fan of the relationship between Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo (and their precious bb Allana) and are following this blog I want to thank you for being awesome and still loving this otp after so frickin’ long.
  If you’re a fan who hasn’t joined us, we’d love to have you! We’d also love to see any fanworks you’ve created relating to them! Fic, art, cosplay, edits, playlists -- anything! We follow the Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo tags on here so as long as at least one of them is tagged we’ll see it! (Also, it doesn’t have to be the pairing exactly -- it can also be something related to one or the other. Things we won't reblog can be found here.) And our draft folder is huge so we have lots to come -- reblogs and original stuff!
  Basically, thank you for joining me this long and welcome if you’re just joining now! Also, Happy Holidays & Happy New Year! 💙
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