#Charlie: ahahaha no reason
Charlie: What do you have there, Angel?
Angel: Oh, it's just a to-do list
Charlie: That's great! I should do one for myself as w-
Charlie: This list just says "Husk" and it has a heart drawn beside it
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ghost-bard · 2 years
Im genuinely so confused as to why the new slmccl video (specifically his Dead Space Remake video) is age restricted like. I watched it w my dad and even he was confused.
And i even went and checked 4 other ppl playing dead space, specifically their 1st part, and none of them were age restricted?
I checked Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, MKIceAndFire, and Indeimaus
Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are 2 of the most well known youtubers, and MKIceAndFire has a larger amount of followers (3.33 mil vs 1.84 mil) but they seem to have about the same reach in terms of viewership, at least for their dead space videos.
I’d also like to point out that MKIceAndFire’s Dead Space Remake video showcases the whole game, and was seemingly sent the game early? If I remember correctly, unlike Charlie Slimecicle, both Markiplier and Jacksepticeye have a cloak brand collab with Dead Space Remake.
So afterwards I went to Indeimaus’s video which was released roughly a day or 2 ago as of writing this, so about a week an 1/2 after Charlies video was released, they don’t seem to have any collaboration with the Dead Space Remake or EA or whoever. And yet their video (last time i checked) was also not age restricted.
So. What was so wrong about Charlie’s video that it deserves to be age restricted?
Pls no one ask why i decided to do this im just genuinely befuddled by this and decided to do some (very basic imo) “research” because he even asked on twitter why it was age restricted and youtube™️ said that after looking it over it was going to stay that way and then didnt say why which.
Honestly it just goes to show how flawed youtube is because this makes 0 sense lmao. And the fact they didnt even tell him why was just. Anyway
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
Highlights from the Mod Chat pt 3.
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[ID: discord message from a capricious and willful god, reading: shoutout to the fact that the quackity and etho girlies still seem to be deciding to ship them now love whatever was happening over there with that alliance. godbless]
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[ID: discord message from LITTLE FRAUD JOCKEY, reading: I might do a little joe fraud but at most i'll do like. 20 votes. me: wow I wish I had the dedication to sit down and force myself to do a task also me, from 330am to 8am this morning: I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love foter fraud I love voter fraud it has been reacted to nine times with the pushpin emoji]
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[ID: discord message from [binarual + bisexual] I love everyone in the notes like "oh no I voted for them both how could they be in the same poll now!" Well, you see.]
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[ID: discord conversation, reading: SAD GAYISMS for SEXYLAMPNAP: yeah but tumblr/4chan was more popular as a hateship Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: there's a sentence]
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[ID: discord message from [binarual + bisexual], reading: Twitter is so good at reading]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahha no you may quote me on that if you wish]
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[ID: discord message from gay for infographics, reading: No and the reason is big number make me happy to put on the infographic]
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[ID: Discord message from VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE, reading: Scar would approve of the fraud]
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[ID: discord message, reading: anon: like, do we have... any other plans for when the poll ends? Erotic Mushroom Indoctrination: ...nap? a capricious and willful god: yeah nap classically trained drabbler: an adult beverage (this message has been reacted to ten times with the Clap emoji) undercover weeb: pizza VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE: Buying discount love candy after work (this message has been reacted to nine times with the elmo fire emoji)]
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[ID: discord message from gay for infographics, reading: New nickname thanks to ma sœur! Now if there's ever another mod chat post and I have said a funny thing, my name doesnt have to be censored ahahaha this message has been reacted to four times with the Laugh emoji]
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[ID: discord conversation, reading: Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: I think it either has to be defaults or "recognized sexist skin" and my brain is just too slow to pick out what that means alone, right now fake GeorgeNotFound fan: beautiful typo Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: oh no]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: god bless ren and martyn's open homoeroticism it has been reacted to 3 times with the pushpin emoji]
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[ID: discord message from charlie slimecicile enoyer, reading: i think it'd be funny to let the blog collect dust for a few years to recover and then out of nowhere on a completely different, unrelated date, drop a series of polls where the only option for all of them is ethoslab and also one for pix. It has been reacted to 3 times with the 100 emojij]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: "get your head in the game" is a very normal sportsball phrase that did not originate in high school musical y'all are just loser ners how am i a sports expert here]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: also voter fraud makes autism brain go brr too good]
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[ID: discord message reading: literally who the fuck is joe hills but I AM seriously considering doing it for the bit this has been reacted to with the Handshake emoji three times]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: Just had to explain both tumblr and Minecraft to my doctor]
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dididi11 · 2 months
I dont plan to get back into HH, but here are some things that have triggered me and that ik sure alot of people can agree on:
1. I feel like Charlie's idea of redemption can be seen through alot of perspectives. HOWEVER- what she specifically wants is to redeem EVERY soul. Now there's a reason to why hell exists, it's made for people who have done terrible things in their life, which is why they get banished to Hell in the first place. We may not know when a soul is actually pure enough to get redeemed- BUT we do know what you would have to be to end up in Hell. Murderers, RÆpists, Cannibals, Paedophiles- just all of those in the horrible category most definitely DON'T deserve a second chance. And even if they somehow did get redeemed, how would the victims in Heaven feel? Heaven is the place where they're supposed to feel safe- So how the hell do you expect to put them in the same place together without any conflicts? If you truly want to get the right people into Heaven, then you should background check every single Sinner throughly.
2. Adam- We all love love him and hate him, but there is one person to blame for when it comes to his Character: Vivziepop. I feel like she used the "Annoying Villain who doesn't care about anything that the protagonist has to say and is just downright badly written" trope way to often. He could've had so much potential to be a good written Character that would actually explain to Charlie why sinners just can't be redeemed. It just felt unnecessary to only let him be a douchebag, sing his song (which was banger don't get me wrong-) and shorten their time by 6 months for the next extermination to cause Charlie another COMPLETELY unnecessary problem. And all that for NO reason, "Yeah, but that's because he's a douch-" And that's exactly my point, why waste your time and effort on a basic ahh character if he's going to be a just an ordinary douche anyway? The first Season would've been so much more interesting if we actually had a logical explanation to why others are against of Charlie's idea. But no, instead all we get is "ahahaha, Sinners are stupid. They deserve Hell." Also why the Hell did Adam shorten the time for the extermination by 6 months?? It felt so unnecessary, They probably felt like the first Season would've been boring without any Action- and I'm pretty sure they could've made a different Scene that was also Epic without it not making sense.
2. ADAM AGAIN- I don't want this to be just about Adam, but since he is dead (BY FUCKING NIFFTY I HATE HER) and maybe wont come back- since we don't know if he'll get respawned..what kind of punishment will Lucifer specifically receive? To clarify things, Lucifer had disobeyed the rules of Heaven and Hell, he helped his daughter and her friends kill off half of the exorcists and even threatened them to retreat. And the worst part of all of this is that he would've killed Adam if Charlie hadn't stopped him. Even though Adam was killed by NIFFTY, I'm pretty sure the blame would be put on Lucifer instead of some Sinner. So what will happen if they try to communicate with Heaven again? They literally killed the first human of mankind created by God himself. Honestly at that point it would be a pretty huge deal and Charlie's redemption idea wouldn't even be looked into.
2. Emily and Charlie- I hate how none of the Characters genuinely understand the ACTUAL purpose of the extermination. It's to prevent Hell from gaining to much power, that's why they need to make sure to kill off half of the population. It was never about the redemption of Sinners, so Charlie shouldn't even think about canceling off the extermination. I also get why Emily is mad at Sera for lying to her, but the fact that she immediately joined Charlie's side without even thinking trough the entire thing is just downright dumb.
3. I feel like there's more to talk about, I just don't know what.
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- some things that were planned that they didnt get to see:
the carnival itself had a place in the initiative order (environment would have shifted and changed etc)
bizly assumed they were going to kill the groundskeeper- if that were the case, 3 more of the exact same guy would have showed up (to push the fear factor/show just how powerful things are in the spirit world. they wouldve kept multiplying until there was an army of them AND the environment would have been actively working against them etc. that fight couldve been sooooo much worse)
they got REALLY lucky with the hall of mirrors: if they wouldve failed the save their fears wouldve started attacking them (they could each only see their own fears, so to the others it would just look like they were swinging at nothing if they tried to fight back)
- charlies only complaint about this episode was "you need to beat the shit out of us more" LMAO
- condi, about ashe: im really looking forward to a situation where you have to use the full extent of these powers (<< referring to the book)
bizly, in Scary DM Voice: im really looking forward to a situation where you have to Use! These! Powers! aha. ahahaha. ahaha (<< monotone scary laughter, cue everyone else being like "um what the fuck")
- yakko: ohhhh i just had an absolute revelation about my character but i cant say it because tou guys dont know my lore i cant SAY IT
bizly: NO I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN, *DO NOT* SAY ANYTHING (<< i like giving you these. putting some sprinkles of fear into your heart <3)
- charlie, out of character, mostly knows what happened to william/why he has his powers. william, in character, *does not know anything about his own powers or what happened to him* which is part of the reason hes so scared of them
- william doesnt consider himself a superhero. he considers dakota the most heroic out of all of them. this is a recurring theme <3
- "any hints from yakko about some fun plans for his character?"
bizly: "NO."
- yakko: okay heres one thing. i want to have a scene where hes in a fight and just puts on his headphones and cranks up the music i think that would be cool
charlie: i want ashe to be put into a situation where the three of us are incapacitated somehow and he has to do something to save us
HI HI IM BACK GOOD MORNING <3 oh man the carnival itself MOVING????? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO FUCKING COOL. ohhh man that would have been so sick!!!! absolutely awful for them bc i can only imagine how hard that fight would have been but oh my god that would be so cool <3
WIWI DOESN'T CONSIDER HIMSELF A HEROOOOO ok. explodes. king ur so a hero king please. pls. wiwi i love u
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What if Bella got possessed by a demon in Twilight? Like pretty standard, The Exorcist type of stuff.
A lot of you anons should just head on to Ao3 instead of my inbox because whereever you went with this fic idea, I’m sure it’d be delightful. Lulzy, but an absolute delight.
Since you say Twilight, I’ll just set the timeline to the beginning of the series, when Bella has just arrived in Forks. She got possessed just before leaving, as Renée wanted to try an ouija board.
So, for the purposes of this ask, demons are real within the Twilight universe. They have to be very few and far in between, though, since humans don’t know about them and they presumably don’t care about following the Volturi law.
Bella is Reagan and the demon Pazuzu has taken up residence within her.
As happened in The Exorcist, this isn’t very noticeable at first. Bella starts saying some messed up things, yes, enough so that the other kids at school avoid her and the teachers give Charlie a call, but she’s not running down the stairs like a spider. Charlie is worried about her behavior and calls Renée about this, but he’s not dialing up any priests just yet.
Well, Bella gets worse.
Edward, for the record, was interested in this delicious smelling girl with the mystery box brain up until she started spouting profanities in the hallways at other students. Not being able to read her mind, he assumes Bella Swan is just like that. There’s no challenge, no reward, nothing to keeping her alive, his only real reason for not eating her at this point is Carlisle. Though his sheer distaste at that vulgar human who dares to tempt him so makes him resistent to drinking her blood, just out of spite. She’s not his perfect damsel with the delicious blood, and that ruins a lot of the appeal. Not all, mind, because that blood is still delicious.
Though it does help when she’s pulled out of school. Edward can pretend vulgar hamburger doesn’t exist, even as he ruffles through her wardrobe for sweaters to huff.
Back to Charlie, whose daughter is now running down the stairs like the spider.
He sends her to every shrink he can afford, has all the doctors in Forks look at her, and none of them give him an answer he can believe. He’s at his wit’s end.
And this affliction, whatever it is, that’s affecting Bella, it doesn’t seem natural, not human. She speaks in tongues, sexually assaults herself (yes, this happens in the movie), growls and hisses like an animal, in every way acts like- well, whatever it is, Charlie’s ability to deny that this his daughter’s affliction is supernatural in origin is growing thin.
But none of the shrinks can help him with that, and Charlie is a “lapsed Lutheran”, so I doubt priests is something he’ll consider all that seriously. He needs occult help, yes, but from someone who will actually help Bella.
His mind turns towards Carlisle Cullen and his children, and how Billy reacted when they moved into town.
Charlie laughed off his friends’ fears then, thought it was ridiculous to believe the Cullens could ever be anything but human. He dismissed their unusual looks as just that, unusual looks, their too-good-to-be-true cover story as them being that wonderful, and was quite happy about it.
That was then, now his daughter is fast becoming proof that the occult is indeed real.
And Dr. Cullen is so very kind, excellent in his work as a doctor and above all knowledgeable.
Say that Billy was right, that these guys aren’t as human as they appear. Well, that makes them the only people in the world, in Charlie’s world anyhow, who might be able to help.
Which is how Carlisle has the town chief walk into his office, tell him his daughter is possessed by a demon, and that Carlisle has to come over and have a look at her.
Now, as I think demons would be extremely rare, we’ll allow that Carlisle with all likelihood hasn��t seen any of these before. Quite the contrary, he was once a man who persecuted women suspected of witchcraft. He understands Charlie a little too well, but is also not touching this exorcism quest with a ten-foot pole.
Except, the chief seems convinced that Carlisle himself isn’t entirely human.
What would a human doctor do?
Carlisle really has no choice here but to come with Charlie. Besides, no matter how one looks at it what Charlie said about Bella is highly disturbing, the girl obviously needs medical attention.
So Carlisle has a look at Bella, and his “ahahaha we’re all human in here” smile quickly stiffens as he finds that whatever’s going on with Bella, it is indeed not human. She’s spitting green goo, talking Latin backwards, inhumanly strong, impersonating Carlisle’s father, and depending on how closely we follow Pazuzu’s actions in The Exorcist she may have killed a man. There’s scars on her body spelling out pleas for help.
It becomes clear to Carlisle that this girl really does need an exorcism. Or something, anyway, this is terrifying new territory for him.
But he has neither any clue nor the authority to perform an exorcism, and he lacks the network to get his hands on a human priest who’ll do this. More, even if humans could help (and considering how misinformed they are about vampires, the odds of that are extremely slim), involving more humans than have already been pulled into this would not make the Volturi happy.
There’s really only one place to go where someone will have the resources to help this suffering human, and that’s Volterra.
There’s a risk that demons are like immortal children and Aro will kill her on the spot, but Carlisle, still spooked from father Cullen’s voice coming out of this 17-year-old girl in the 21st century, has no other recourse.
So he tells Charlie he’s taking Bella somewhere Charlie can’t follow, and it’s likely they’ll never see each other again, even if Bella is saved. Charlie is devastated, but the promise that his daughter could get better means he can’t refuse. Just the fact that Carlisle isn’t entirely human yet benign makes him the best help Charlie is able to get her.
Carlisle takes Bella to Volterra, where Aro puts on his best Max von Sydow impression and says “Ah, demons... I’ve seen this once before, in the memories of a merchant from Ur...”
Knowing Aro while not knowing the lore of The Exorcist well enough to know what to do about a demon possession if you don’t have a Catholic priest on hand, I imagine Aro dresses up in whatever it is that Sumerian priests wore thousands of years ago (he always told Caius those bedazzled costumes would come in handy someday, and look who was right! VINDICATION) and tricks Pazuzu into possessing one of the humans Heidi brought in instead. This human is promptly killed. Ta-da, Aro smiles to Carlisle, he solved the problem!
Bella wakes up surrounded by insanely beautiful people in an underground palace in Italy and remembers nothing. Carlisle gets the honor of explaining to this human girl that she was possessed by a demon, Charlie asked Carlisle to fix it, and now the nice man who makes jingling noises whenever he moves because he’s dressed head to toe in gold wants her to be a different kind of demon because he can’t read her mind.
Bella caught maybe half of that.
Carlisle refuses to elaborate on the “possessed by a demon” part. No, Bella, you did nothing embarrassing, no one thought you were weird. We hardly noticed you were possessed at all!
But he was serious about that last part, Aro noticed she has a special ability so he’d like for her to become a vampire.
Bella, still, overwhelmed, makes a phone call to Charlie explaining nothing at all but assuring him that the demon is gone. She is then made a vampire.
Edward arrives too late to the party, so late that the party is in fact over, as he didn’t believe Carlisle when he said hamburger was possessed by a demon. Now it turns out that the disgusting, vulgar girl was in fact a delicate flower and a damsel in distress this whole time. Except, now she’s a vampire. Woe! Theirs is a love that never bloomed.
Bella has no idea who this guy is, and asks Renata to make him go away.
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Inception: Chapter 5
"Pft! I-Ahahaha!"  You were doubled over the table trying to stop yourself from choking on your food while Ajax crinkled his nose in disdain.  The two of you were at Xinyue Kiosk for a late-night dinner that he had insisted was his treat.  You've only ate at fancy food places like this every once in awhile; these meals were so freaking expensive! Your initial hesitance to join Ajax on the basis of money was soon overshadowed by the entertaining sight sitting across the table.
"Tch...tsk..." With every effort, he grew more impatient and frustrated.  It didn't help that you were watching and laughing at his incompetent efforts to use chopsticks!  "Ugh! Forget it!"  He gave up and stabbed one of his sushi rolls rather violently before shoving it into his mouth with a pout.  Ajax turned away from you as his face grew redder and redder, but he couldn't help glancing back to see the smile on your face and the tears of joy rolling down your cheeks.  Well, as long as this brought you joy...at his own expense...He let out a huff before reaching for his drink.  At least whatever bitterness you held towards him last week seemed to disappear.
"I-I can't believe you...! I can't take it!" At long last your laughing fit died down enough so you could breathe, and you reached up to wipe your tears away.  "Pft...! I'm sorry, but this is too funny!"
"Yeah yeah," Ajax sighed yet again, his confidence deflating like a balloon and his posture slouching.  What a way to impress a girl.  He should've went for the fork first!
Noticing his sudden change of attitude, you slipped out of your seat and joined his side, leaning over him.  "Here," you swiped the chopsticks off of his plate and placed them in his hand once again, this time so they were in the correct positions.  "Now you've got the right hold on them."  Your fingers were still draped over his while you guided the sticks to another piece of sushi.  
Contrary to your concentration on helping, Ajax was a bit more flustered than usual and it wasn't because of the chopsticks.  For some reason his heart fluttered at the sudden lack of distance between the two of you, just like that night under the light of the Mingxiao lantern.  'You think I'm in love with childhood friend?  My my my, Mr. Zhongli, perhaps you've finally lost your marbles after spending so much time with mortals,' he recollected.  No...there's no way Zhongli's right about this.  This is all a fluke!  But your hand was so warm, no doubt because of your pyro vision...how long had it been since he felt such gentleness from another person?  The closest he's ever come to human contact was by beating his foes senseless!  And when was the last time he had a genuine hug?  It's been years, he realized, since before the inception of my Fatui status.
"There, see?  You'll get the hang of it."  He snapped back to the present when your hand quickly left his.  Whatever light had begun to gleam in his eyes faded just like the heat from your touch, and he watched you sit back down at your end of the table.  "You're not completely hopeless at chopsticks," you smirked.
"You're right, ojou-chan.  One day I'll surpass you when it comes to these cursed utensils!"  He hid his feelings by attempting to put your lesson to use, but failed drastically again and again.  It was obvious he didn't pay attention to a single thing you had told him to do! The boyish desire to one-up his best friend made you giggle again.
Somewhere behind the decorated divider that made up your private dining space sat the eyes and ears of the wolf.  Following Master Childe around proved to be fruitful just as expected; while the harbinger often held private meetings and dinners to get closer to clients, this one felt different based on all the others that Charlie had followed him to.  There was a distinct familiarity--one that Childe was definitely not faking for the sake of deceit and was shared with the mysterious girl sitting at the other end of the table.
I see, thought Charlie while his ears strained to pick up the other noncoherent whispers on the other side of the screen.  He'd been following Childe around all week and had quickly picked up on the harbinger's avoidance of his own men so that he could spend time with you.  Clearly, this woman must hold a special place in Childe's heart--an old flame, maybe?  Regardless of the specifics of your relationship with him, it would make the most sense for you to be the vigilante Childe has neglected to capture; the merciless blood-thirsty harbinger would've gone in for the kill if it were any other person, but since it's you...you'd be protected. Sheltered.  Allowed to get away with tormenting the Fatui since you're so close to Childe.  You're untouchable.
Of course, this was all just a theory.  To properly identify you as the vigilante Master seeks, he'd have to follow you around instead.
A chill ran down Childe's back out of nowhere; something's wrong.  While he continued to struggle with the remainder of the sushi, his gaze darted to every which-way to identify anything out of the ordinary.  He was sure the two of you weren't followed, and he had made every effort possible to avoid his subordinates on the way here, even setting up a private room that isn't too common in the Kiosk.  Still, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. You noticed the sudden tension in the air around him, and stared until he noticed.
"What's wrong?"
"Hm? Oh, nothing," his voice lower than a minute ago, "Please excuse me, ojou-chan.  I need to use the restroom."  He slipped out between two of the dividers and froze once he was out of your sight.  The remainder of the room was deserted. How odd...the tension in his shoulders slowly faded as he was put at ease.  
"Excuse me," a petite voice drug him out of his thoughts and he was greeted by the waitress.  She held a silver platter with a pair of matching deserts on it.  "Oh, have you changed your mind on desert after all?"
"No, not at all.  Please, allow me."  He took the tray from her and watched her exit the room.  With one final skeptical glance around the room, he returned to the inside of the dividers.
"Oh, and before I forget," Childe began to dig into a delicious chocolate desert you didn't remember the name of but seemed to be some sort of cake.  "I have a business trip coming up at the end of this week in Mondstat."
"Oh really?  That sounds fun.  How long will you be gone?"
"For a few days at the least.  Actually, I was wondering if you'd join me."
Your forkful of chocolate-something froze in midair.  "...Join...you...?  But I don't have anything to do with your company...I'd be a distraction, don't you think? Plus there's my business with the funeral parlor and I don't think I can request days off on such short--"
"I've already spoken to Zhongli about it.  He and Hu Tao cleared you as of last night.  So, what do you say?  Wouldn't this also give you the chance to visit some of your friends there anyway?"
"Well...yes..." you mumbled with a slight blush.
"What do you have to lose?  Think of it as a much-needed vacation.  You work too hard from what I've heard from Zhongli!  Besides, we can use this opportunity to learn more about each other, don't you think?"  Seeing your hesitation, he let out a defeated chuckle and shrugged.  "Of course, that's if you want to come with me.  If not, I understand."
"I..."  Well if my superiors approved, then I guess there's nothing wrong with taking a trip, right?  "Okay, I'll come with you."
The quiet peacefulness of Liyuan wilderness was disrupted by an exhausted groan and the dragging of feet.  "Ugh, since when was it ever this hot in Liyue?"  Your clothes were soaked in sweat from the summer-like heat despite your vision granting you resistance, but Childe appeared mostly unbothered--mostly.  He didn't show it, but when you'd look elsewhere he'd often pull at his collar and reminisce of the harsh winters of the Motherland.  "Thank the archons that the sun is finally setting."
"We've already passed Wangshu Inn, but it's not too late to turn back and spend the night there.  Are you sure you want to sleep in the woods, Reed?  You'd be passing up the chance to cuddle me, you know."  He reveled in your half-disgusted, half-flustered reaction while you struggled to fully comprehend his words.
"Q-Quit it!  Like I've said before, this wouldn't be my first trip to Mond.  I have no problem lying on the ground!  Or are you saying you can't handle it?"  Flipping the subject onto him did no good at hiding your flushing skin; the arrogant smirk on his face proved it.  "...Why don't we stay here?  There's the creek nearby, and a clearing up ahead."
Childe eyed the surrounding area and set his pack down.  "If the lady insists."  The pleasant aroma of packed food filled the two of you with delight.  "Shall I begin cooking dinner?"
"I wouldn't mind," you practically drooled.  Ajax's cooking was amazing! After that initial dinner when both of you reunited, he would sometimes surprise you with homecooked meals to take home and man were you excited for the next time he offered.  A toy seller and a cook...his younger siblings must live a luxury!  "I'll get some water!"
The creek wasn't too far away--perhaps some fifty feet or so.  The crystalline waters murmured quietly over the pebbles and stones, some spaces louder, others quieter where the fish gathered.  If it wasn't getting darker by the minute and the threat of hilichurls wasn't so prominent, you could've stayed here much longer.  Not that hilichurls posed that much of a threat to someone acquainted with your fighting skills, but you've only come across them once or twice, and the giant ones could easily bulldoze through you if given the chance.
Once the pot of water was full you rose to walk back to your little makeshift camp.  Ajax had insisted on bringing fresh produce since the trip to Mondstat wasn't a particularly long one and the trip was rather straightforward.  Maybe he was going to make stew?  Whatever he chose, you just hoped none of the food spoiled from the sun beating down on the packs all day.
By the time you got back, Ajax had already managed to start a fire and was humming some unknown tune while preparing the produce.  You couldn't help but raise a brow and tighten your hold on the pot.  "Um...really?"
"Hm?"  His eyes slid to you, then back to the fire.  "Oh! Sorry, I wasn't thinking.  Don't worry, Reed.  It won't bite you."
"I'm not coming close enough to feel the heat on my skin.  Here," you thrust the pot towards him and he made sure to grab it before the water spilled over.  Your light footsteps got quieter the further you strayed from Ajax and the fire, taking shelter beneath one of the far trees where your packs lay.  
"Relax, ojou-chan.  I won't let it hurt you."  A small chuckle escaped him before he resumed his humming session without a second thought or noticing your silence.  
You really don't remember...You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.  What did they do to you, Ajax?
Your silence carried on until the crickets duetted with the occasional hoots of a nearby owl and the crackling of the fire weighed heavily on your mind.  "I'm sorry, ojou-chan."  
"Mm?"  He had stopped rambling about some disagreement he and a coworker had about communication and was now looking directly at you.  
"I'll put out the fire," he moved.
"No, you need to stay warm."
"I wouldn't say that."  He drug out a blanket from his pack and laid it in the space between where he sat by the fire and you, who sat at the tree behind him.  "Here.  You'll lay on that side, I'll lay next to the fire."
Your eyes narrowed at the flickering flames behind him.  "Is that even safe?"
"Well if the fire ever gets out of control, you or I can put it out," he reasoned and pat the spot next to him until you reluctantly obliged.  He didn't lay down until you were settled in with your back facing him.  Silence befell the campsite until he took a deep breath.  "What's on your mind, Reed?"
It took a few minutes for the answer to come out.  "Do you not remember our last encounter  before my mother and I left Snezhnaya?"
"Now that you mention it, not really."  He remembered a vague goodbye, but nothing else about it.  It was sometime right after he returned from the abyss if he got his timeline correct.  Feeling a tad nervous for whatever reason now, he let out a small laugh.  "Could you possibly enlighten--" You rolled around so you faced him and met his gaze with tears. That's when his memory came rushing back.
"Ajax!  Ajax!"  You ran at him full speed with hot tears spilling down your cheeks until you collided with him in a tight embrace.  "I--I thought they got you too!" He seemed to freeze under your touch, so you pulled away to look him over.  He appeared tired and wild for lack of a better term, with eyes as wide as saucers like a snow leopard meeting a human for the first time.  He was different, but you couldn't put your finger on how.
"The Fatui," you sobbed.  "A day after you went missing, my house...my daddy..."
His words came out as harsh as the cold with not a hint of his kind demeanor shining through. "Spit it out."
"You know how my daddy fights against the Fatui in my town? They burned my house down and...and daddy..." Was your face red from crying all day or from the cold?  "...he burned with it."  Ajax didn't seem injured, so some of the stress weighing your shoulders down dissipated a bit now that you knew your dear friend wasn't hurt.
But instead of Ajax explaining where he was or consoling you for the loss of your father, a horrid giggle pierced through the snowscape.  It was inhuman, what with its pitch sending an icy chill down your spine and instantly replacing your expression of sorrow to one of confusion and horror.  "Ha...Hahahaha! Hahahahah!"
"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny!"
"Ahahaha!  Silly Reed," he chided and pat your head like one consoles a younger sibling, "in this world, only the strong survive.  Your father wasn't strong enough." The girl before him trembled at his words.  "He was too weak if he died like that."
"Th--This isn't funny, Ajax! Cut it--OW!"  You were shoved into the snow with an unfamiliar strength.  Ajax never raised a hand at you, even when you two played together.  What was he--
A dangerous glint danced in his eyes like the fire that consumed your house two days ago. "No, you cut it out!  You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep acting weak.  The world has no mercy on people like us.  It's kill or be killed.  Do you understand that, Reed?"
"Why are you...What is the matter with you?!  Don't you care? What did the Fatui do to you?!  Who even are you?"  Hot tears rolled down your cheeks until the cold froze them in their tracks.  Yet the boy that stared down at you was uncaring, cruel, and held no life in his eyes.
"It wasn't the Fatui," he muttered to himself.  "Hurry up and get on with it already.  What was really so important that you needed to tell me your dad died?"
"My mama and I...we're leaving tomorrow.  I came to make sure you were okay and to say goodbye.  We won't see each other again, Ajax," you finally rose to your feet and clenched your fists.  "But you don't care, do you?"
"No.  I don't.  Leave me alone already."
"I..." Ajax blinked several times as he processed his long-forgotten memory.  "I'm so sorry, Reed."
"If you're so sorry, then tell me what happened.  What did the Fatui do to you?" Even in the dark, you could see a hint of sadness in the depths of his eyes.  "If they hurt you too I swear...I swear I'll make every single one of them pay."  Heat radiated from your body at the thought.  "I promise." Yet even as you said this, there was another, darker, more bittersweet emotion in his expression.
"I...fell into the Abyss."  Those were the only words he muttered before rolling onto his other side, facing away from you.  And though you didn't really understand what he meant, his empty tone struck a cord within you.  Warm arms gently wrapped around his torso with a heat softer than the campfire that lulled him to sleep.
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yuurilly · 2 years
istg i don't know shit about f1 but the things you reblog about it are the funniest shit ever. also i am kinda emotionally attached to that french guy charlie because his smile is literally so bright like wow. he's a little prince. please never stop those rb's 💍
Ahahaha you're so cute!!!! 💕 Stay on the fringes of f1 baby. If you let it take you, you will go insane. Chuck is so unbelievably cute I can't believe him sometimes!! They call him the Prince of Monaco too, so yes definitely little prince ☺️
This is my favourite pic of him atm it makes me go bananas for many reasons but mainly because it makes him look like a renaissance painting
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arinlangdon · 3 years
reactions again. i have a lot to say and there’s nowhere better to dump it all than my online blog which i treat as a stream-of-consciousness public diary/liveblog of my love affair with this fictional character.
episode 7
ah yes, the memory headaches are back, sooner than ever. i hope this means FMC will be regaining her memories sooner in this route too. i think it would be more interesting to see her navigate a route while remembering everything about her life from before, for multiple reasons. after all, every route ended with that, so far, and we didn’t explore much about what that means. the route that centers on 2/3 of the triad seems like the perfect opportunity to do so.
so Arin used to have panic attacks, confirmed? precious anxiety baby
love the Humpty Dumpty bit
i love how they reference giving her the moon again. “I gave it to you, and it’ll ground you” and it’s a secret between her and them how they did it. augh, too romantic. (also, blush count for this set: 1)
“Yikes, do you even sleep?” i ask myself this every day, Jackie. does Arin ever use that plush-looking bed? a mystery for the ages. she’s right though, Arin is far too busy for their own good. they know everything except for the meaning of the word “relaxation”
i see we’re speaking in code now. i love Ever After Academy, the series where frogs are really head librarians and rabbits are actually cat-dog-rabbit-dragon-things, and men named Wolf aren’t actually werewolves
“Arin constantly skips meals due to being too busy” headcanon regretfully confirmed. Arin nO
“FMC is always trying weird new flavors of desserts” headcanon also confirmed lol. this girl, always so adventurous. but also, “better than getting the same thing every time”? it’s true, novelty is necessary. a woman after my own heart.
oh yes, now i can check “heart scene where you help Arin relax and have fun” off my wish list. right above that is “pluck the coffee right out of their hands, march them straight to bed and tuck them in, and maybe cuddle a bit”, and right below it is “plan a special date where you block off a full 24 hours of free time for Arin so you can spend the whole day together”. (Voltage, i have great ideas, hire me now)
Arin blush count: 2. oh look at these two shy idiots who can only dance around their feelings. surely they have to have some clue that their feelings are mutual? they keep trying to stop themselves from kissing the other. it’s driving me nuts. these fools! i push them together like a child pretending to make their dolls kiss.
episode 8
i’m sure they wrote in the explanation for the terrarium as it’s a holdover from Ezra’s route, but i think it’s funny to think that the siblings kept the terrarium all these years and Arin never knew about it. Arin ur not the only one with secrets
again, i do like how Arin keeps referencing the moon. moon rabbit. moon rabbit!!
oh here comes the angst from Arin keeping secrets from FMC for good reasons but not even being able to tell her the reasons. we all saw this coming from a mile away, but it still hurts. :(
wow i cannot wait to find out all of Arin’s secrets :D including their personal ones. (does that make me sound creepy? oops)
more dragon lore, and a debate between Nora and Lucas about dragons? yes please.
as an aside: i can’t believe it’s taken me this long to mention it, but i’m peeved at how the writing in this route keeps referring to Arin as “themselves” when they’re singular. “themself” may not be a familiar word, but it feels the most correct when referring to an individual. “herselves” and “himselves” isn’t a thing.
“Arin is a terrible singer” headcanon confirmed. Arin has a lovely voice but is a rubbish singer, i love it. keep the doors coming, Charlie, i’m on a roll today.
oh god, more embarrassing Arin stories, i am living for this. Arin blush count: 3, maybe 4. what exactly did they wind up on top of, FMC? do tell.
i cannot believe Arin has early 2000s boy band music on their phone. is this the real life? lmao this is probably the most surprising fact i’ve learned about them in this entire set, if not the whole route so far. Arin’s dignity: dropping like a stone. this is hilarious, i love it. god. seriously though, which song was it—
episode 9
can’t help but try to read ulterior motives into Jackie’s every move, and failing because we don’t know enough yet. trying to book a tutoring session with Arin, peeping into FMC’s house’s window, tipping off FMC about Darla’s scheming, being overly invested in the fairytale friends’ well-being? she’s the prime suspect for being the Big Bad of this route, and possibly the Queen of Hearts from the Alice duology, yet she hasn’t done anything outright villainous yet. she’s actually been fairly friendly and helpful. Jackie, what is your deal
Arin blush count: 5. wow careful Arin, your face will get stuck like that and you’ll pass out from lack of blood flow to the rest of your body
it’s still hard getting used to the knowledge that Arin is and was FMC’s best friend. it boggles my mind.
but also i want to imagine them as kiddos hanging out in her room and having fun. adorable. teen flashbacks when :’(
“you’re special to me” wow surefire arrow to my heart oof. Arin blush count: 6.
oh no, again with the holding back, you clods. you lovestruck idiots. you silly dumdums. being a 20-something and having feelings for your best friend is hard. it’s hard and nobody understands. :( when are they going to talk about this? when are they going to come out and say something?? normally FMC is much more straightforward than this, but i guess when it comes to a friendship you’ve cultivated for years, even the bravest people hesitate to rock the boat. but it’ll be all the more satisfying when they actually reach that point.
watching Arin put up the walls again, i can just hear them thinking “conceal, don’t feel”. “remove all magic, but leave the fun” ahahaha alright that’s enough
it’s nice to see FMC seeking out the company and advice of the fairytale trio in this route, especially Nora. those girls, always so close. she really is the only female friend FMC has, until Darla becomes her friend.
so much for hiding magic from MMC! cat’s out the bag sooner than i thought, and Arin’s not going to be happy about it. now they’re going to be pulling double duty trying to keep both siblings from a-sploding their heads by accident. poor Arin
did FMC explain the plan for making things right (whatever “things” are) and restoring their memories? or did she just leave them to wait it out indefinitely? oh no
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powerwordcum · 4 years
Ask game!
Tagged by: @daboboy
Instructions: tag ten followers you want to get to know better
Name: Charlie ( rats )
Gender: I am
Sign: Pisces babeyyy
Height: like barely 5'6 if I stand up super straight
Sexuality: demi. Everyone is pretty though.
Hogwarts house: GRYFINDOR. I have more merch than all the houses combined AHAHAHA
Favorite animal: My cat Nora
Average hours of sleep: around seven to twelve. Varies depending on the day.
Current time: 4:06 pm
Dog or cat person: yes
Blankets I sleep with: I sleep in a sleeping bag. In the winter I also have a weighted blanket.
Dream trip: Alaska, to see the wilderness and the stars
Dream job: getting to make comics and cartoons with my friends! Currently working on that now actually
When I made my blog: may thirty-first, twenty nineteen. Pretty new here.
Followers: from both of my blogs it's , but separately, this one has , and my art blog ( the better one ) has
Why I made my Tumblr: because people on Instagram are terrifying. Also because of the memes.
Reason behind my URL: apophany is a pretty obscure word, it's means having a sudden, incorrect, assumption. I think.
Tagging: @memes-and-anger @maripr @absolutegaywreck @anxietypickle @psuedomonas-aeruginosa @maelstromdeparture
And anyone else who wants to do this!
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cr-scribbles · 5 years
Oh no what's this? It's back again? Yup! Welcome back! It's me the judy, back here with another review! This time you think it's gonna be easier, buT NOPE IT JUST HURTS MORE! The second chapter is my favorite so far just because I get so much feels from these heckies! The third chapter was also good, but I will get there once we're finished with this one. Here is the link to the first part along with the second one too! > https://cr-incorrect-quotes.tumblr.com/post/190279246139/cr-incorrect-quotes-hello-welcome-to-my-first
This post will most likely be the same due to there being so many pages that I want to talk about to the point of not being able to fit everything into one so yeah! Expect a part 2 for Chapter 2! If you want to read the comic, here it is > http://children-rekindled.top/?c=1&p=1 Let's start!
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Oh no we all know what this means that little heck is finally back and I was already screaming because of course I would be?? I missed him so much y'all- ALSO DANIEL SOUNDS SO CONFUSED AND THAT HURT CAUSE I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS COMING AND I DON'T WANNA READ IT AGAIN, but surprise! Bon made it worse this time!! I'll get to that later-
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EW EW E W EW When I was first reading this and even now, iT'S SO DISGUSTING?? The visual of a soul just having to come out of a mouth of a corpse is gross in all ways omg I wonder if there is a reason behind Freddy having no eyes in the first panel though?? Apart from the fact that it is just creepy, it doesn't show up anymore. Instead, on the same page, it just goes back to the normal eyes. It was probably just a creepy factor put into it to make it look more morbid, but sometimes creators have reasons!
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Sometimes I sit here, glad nothing else was shown because I would rather not have to see him climb out of there. aLSO SAMMY HELPS HIM OUT AND THAT MAKES ME UWU! he really needs all the help he can get and I'm glad someone is there for him. Y'all don't know how much I love this blind babey boy
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BABEY NOOO IM COMING TO HELP YOUUU This panel is good, bUT SO SAD OMG I WANNA HELP HIM CAUSE HE'S IN A LOT OF PAIN QMQ I don't even wanna know his thoughts right now and how confused he is internally. Does he even consider how he would still be moving around even when suffering this really bad pain? He's probably just in too much shock and denial to wrap his head around it.
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SOBBING SOUNDS Daniel freaking out over this hurts me every time omg I just want to hug him?? He just wants to go home and we all know that at this point, he can't even do that anymore.
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BIANCAAAAAAAA What was she even doing?? Unlike Daniel, she had somehow already gotten out, but was just staring at the ground?? Was she confused about something and just lost in thought to the point of completely zoning out till Daniel realized she was there? Maybe she wasn't even there for long. She could have been still processing all of this pain(?) ALSO DANIEL'S REALIZATION THAT HIS NAME WAS SAID MAKES ME SOB I LOVE HIM SM
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can Bianca hug me like that??? Please???? I want someone to hug me like that one day I'm gonna beg- SHE'S HECKIEING CRYING AND THAT HURTS A LOT IM QWQ I mean of course she would be?? She saw Daniel die right in front of her. Bianca being so worried yet not even questioning how he isn't just dead already due to the severe blood loss makes me really wonder how much denial they are going through at the moment. Although who would wanna think they died and became a ghost? For people who don't even believe in that stuff, it would be hard to even accept. If you're a ghost, that means you're dead. There's no going back. ALSO THE PUPPET STARES INTO MY SOUL AND IS TERRIFYING- everyone thank bon for giving us another terrifying image
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AHAHA N E C C the smol good girl is coming very soon and I'm so excited!! I love her sm,,why is she hiding though?? Did she get scared due to all of the screaming and sounds going on around that she just decided to hide behind this big animatronic that could protect her from the dangers out there?
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THANKS FOR CALLING HER OUT CAUSE SHE'S SMALL BIANCA- Well Charlie's design is definitely a lot different than the one in the original! She still looks heckieing red and burned up, but doesn't have that weird mouth like last time.
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OH NO OH NO NO NO SAMMY WHAT HAVE U DONE- Charlie is already starting to freak out and that hurts. I love the different reactions we get here because Charlie is just in denial, hoping it is a dream while Daniel doesn't even look like he has proceeded it all fully yet till the next page where he is basically having a complete mental breakdown. I really want to know how Bianca feels about this entire thing too.
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THERE IS A LOT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT HERE! For one, it might be one of my favorite pages that really hit me hard to the point of being my emotional mess of a self- I feel as though Bon really portrayed them reacting to being dead rather well? Or at least he did with Daniel and it hit in the feels right enough. Being someone who would die for Daniel, it hurt reading this for the first time because I'm sure we all want to do what Bianca does and just give him a tight hug. Did them freaking out happen in the original? I don't remember actually? from what I remember, Bianca was the one reacting the most to all of it- Bianca just crying over how Daniel is having this mental breakdown really hurt because she wants him to be okay and realizing they aren't would just hurt to the point of actually going and comforting him. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HOW SHE FEELS WITH THE SITUATION- Was her breaking down because of Daniel being all sad mixed with her just reacting to the entire thing?? It's also shown in Chapter 3, but Bianca is really caring towards Daniel and most of the time wants to make him feel better in certain situations. If she wasn't able to save or even help him before, this is her chance now.
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Like I said before, the difference in reactions towards all of this is great. It's obvious that he was emotional about it too, but instead of having some sort of mental breakdown, he just "accepted" it and tried to figure out what they can do. It's understandable cause what else are they supposed to do when in front of reality??
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OMG POOR BOYO!! HOW IS HE EVEN STANDING AIAUFIAKF for a while, I just thought his side got slashed and he bled out, nOT THAT HIS ENTIRE SIDE JUST GOT RIPPED OUT LIKE WOW OK THAT MUST HURT LIKE HELL- honestly Francis feeling really sorry about not being able to save Charlie just hurts sm?? THESE KIDDOS FEEL BAD CAUSE THEY WEREN'T ABLE TO SAVE ONE ANOTHER AND IT JUST HHH 
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OH NO NOT THIS AGAIN DAMMIT- At least this time it's not coming out of a mouth of a corpse, but jeez Sammy pls chill- I love how the black substance just goes along with the mouth so it looks like the inside of the Puppet's mouth is just oil or some black liquid. Speaking of that, I also love how the blood is black!! I forgot the reason for that, but it gives them a cool look!
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sammy please chill
they don't even know him yet and he's acting like a complete psychopath. If I was logical, I would think he is! Being there for who knows how long would do something to someone! Especially something would could easily be hinted at here through his insanity even when just getting out. 
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I don't trust his cute face, but dammit I love him so much already?? Like he was just acting all crazy a pAGE BEFORE, AND NOW HE LOOKS LIKE A SMOL SQUOFT??? It really shows how much he can switch between personalities. I fear for the future after this experience. 
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"Oh, you noticed. Heh." UH YEAH OF COURSE?? IT'S A KNIFE IN YOUR CHEST???
Honestly I feel bad for Daniel because all of this stuff is going on and he can't even see anything?? Like if something really bad just suddenly happened, he would have no idea because all he can get from the situation are the reactions from his friends. I wonder how terrifying it would be when there's so much sound around like during the day?? Big hugs for Daniel y'all 
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wow possession! That's really cool, bUT WHAT IS GOING ON NOW OH NO- 
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OH HECKIEING BEES THAT'S NOT GOOD- Michael's design was heavily changed from last time, but honestly I adore this design sm?? There is a lot less wires so yay he isn't just a bloody mess like last time!! Okay but I wonder if Michael could still take off his head like last time?? Last time, that was shown through some anger from Francis, but this time it's different and that's not shown!! I wonder if it will ever be though.
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MICHAEL NO THAT'S NO WHAT A SANE PERSON SAYS- although I mean?? He does have a point! Even though being dead is a huge hit in general and idk how that would even feel, actually being with friends could have a huge impact on the situation. Imagine if only one died and was stuck there? That would have a completely different impact. I don't think Michael should brush off the fact that they are all dead now, but I do understand why he even mentions that. Trying to stay positive, but maybe try a bit differently babey-
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The part I feared the most, but actually turned out really good? Around the beginning at least! In this version, Francis has much more of a reason for actively being really upset at Michael especially due to what he just said. Although maybe he should chill a bit because some things he says are really eh?? Michael never meant it like that and Francis is just freaking out and yelling at him, but like I said, he actually has a reason and I can't stay that mad. I would hate this entire thing too, although I would be a lot more emotional than angry 
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shyficwriter · 6 years
Quit Moping, Dude!
Supernatural Fanfic | Charlie X Reader, guest starring Sam & Dean Summary: You are sad and mopey because Sam and Dean are gone. Charlie thinks you need cheering up.
Word Count: 2,297
You are lying down on your stomach on a couch in the bunker, not really doing anything, just being bored and kind sad that Sam and Dean are still gone. They had went on a hunt in Oregon, a two day drive at least, a job that had something to do with some sea monster at seal rocks and people going missing. They wouldn't take you or Charlie and they've been gone for 5 days now. Your thoughts were interrupted by Charlie throwing a wadded up piece of paper which hit you in the back of the head. "Hey! What gives?" you give her an irritated look. "Quit moping, dude, if I can't, you can't." she laughs. "I'm not moping." you argue, with an unfourtunate aire of sulk in your voice that you failed to hide. "I'm just worried about them."  Charlie smiles and tells you not to worry. You hear her walk over to the couch and next thing you know she is climbing onto the couch with you and straddling your back. "Hey!" you protest. She laughs in response and tells you that you need to relax as she slides her fingers into your hair and begins gently scratching at your scalp. You were about to tell her to knock it off before you realized that it actually felt pretty good.  No, it felt wonderful. "This always used to relax me when I was a kid." explains the red head. You close you eyes as she switched to a scalp massage. You nearly moan as she moves to press her thumbs to the base of your skull. "Well it's working." you sigh with content.  This was simply marvelous. "Shall I continue then?" she giggles. You groan out an affirmative and she laughs, working down to your shoulders and working out the knots. You let out a sigh of content. "Geeze, you're so tense!" she exclaims. "Yeah, well this hunting stuff is stressful." you say matter-of-factly. "I can't argue with you there." Charlie replies, continuing to work over your back. It doesn't take long before you are back in a state of euphoria, relaxed nearly to the point of falling asleep. And that's when Charlie starts being a little shit.
"Hehe-HEY!" you giggle as you feel her fingers start to wiggle in your sides. "Well I relaxed you, now it's time to cheer you up!" she laughs, moving her fingers up towards your ribs and wiggling between the spaces. "Thahahahat's not n-necessaryhehehe!" you try to reason. You try reaching back to grab Charlie's hands but all you succeed in doing is opening up your underarms for attack. "Nohoho! Charliehehehe!" you squeal. "Oh it's completely necessary, you've been moping since the day they left!" she takes one hand to tickle your neck while keeping the other wiggling in your armpit. "N-No I ha-haven't AHAHAHA!" you whine, craning your neck to the side to try and trap her fingers. "Yes, and you are going to admit it or I'll just have to keep tickling you!" Charlie teased, now squeezing your sides. "Charlie plehehehehahaha! Dohohon't!" you beg, starting to go mad with the ticklish sensations. "Admit you were moping." "NOHOHO HAHAHA! I W-WASN'T HEHEHEHE" "Dude, you so were, just admit it and I'll quit." "CharliHEHEHE!" "You are going to make me go for it, aren't you?" "Goho for whahat?" you ask, trying to play dumb. You hope that she's bluffing and that she didn't remember the spot. You hear Charlie start to speak when you hear someone clear their throat, making Charlie pause her onslaught and you to look in the direction it came from. "Dean!" you exclaim. "Yeah it's me." he laughs, "You two having fun there?" he drops his bag to the floor and makes his way in your direction. "Our friend," Charlie pokes you in the sides, making you jump, she still had not moved from her position sitting on top of you, "was moping and needed cheering up." she squeezed your sides making you squeal as you tried to deny it. "What's the matter? You miss me?" He laughed. You ignore him. "Charlie! Get off!" you whine. "A little help here, Dean?" Just then Sam comes walking in. "Hey Sammy, looks like Pipsqueak needs our help." you give him an indignant look, you hated that nickname. "Help with what?" Sam asks as he sets down his bag. You think you are finally going to get Charlie off. "Well, Charlie was trying to cheer Pipsqueak here up, and it doesn't look like it worked." You didn't like the look of the grin on Dean's face right now, not at all. "What do you say? should we help?" Sammy dons a eerily similar grin to Dean's as he agrees to help and then all of a sudden they were at you.  Charlie had moved off your back and Sammy flipped you on your back and pulled your arms above your head where Charlie then took hold of them. Sam then moved down to your feet and places them in his lap. You tried to wrench yourself away to curl in a ball but you weren't quick enough before Dean flattened you back out and sat beside you, his hands pinning your hips down. You didn't have time to protest and barely enough time to think to yourself 'Oh CRAP!' before they all started in at once. Charlie was working on your underarms, occasionally moving to your neck, and Sammy was scribbling at your toes.  The were being gentle though, because they knew Dean was going to be evil and go straight for the kill --your hips, as he almost always does. "NAHAHAHA!!! PLEHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!!!" you squeal and buck, unable to beg properly because you couldn't form decent words.  Your hips were "the spot" and everyone in the bunker knew it.  They were almost as bad as Dean's, if not equally as bad. In fact, it wouldn't be unusual for Charlie or Sam to walk in on you and Dean having a tickle fight to settle an argument (usually resulting from Dean teasing you) to find you both simultaneously attacking each other's hips because you both knew it was the other's weakest point.  Dean, however, usually won just because he was stronger and could manage to overpower you, pinning your arms above your head and attacking your hips until you begged for mercy and agreed to do whatever he wanted. "STAHAHAHAP! Y-YOHOHO AHAHAHA YOU'RE GUNNAHAHA MHAHAKE ME PEEHEHE!" You weren’t really, but if it got him to stop... "Nice try, brat. You say that every time and it never happens." Damn. Apparently you used that excuse too many times.
"JUST PLEHEHEHESESE STAHAHP!! I-I CAN'T TAHAHAKE IT!" You beg. "Agree to wash Baby and I'll consider it." Dean said in a teasing tone. "ANYTHIHIHING! JUST STAHAHAP!!" You squeal. "Well if you're taking offers..." Charlie giggled. "Then wash my clothes for a week." She punctuates her demand by digging in harder into your underarms, making you scream in ticklish agony. "And pay for tonight's dinner!" Sam quickly tosses in. "COHOHME OHOHON!" You whine. "Agree or I don't stop." Dean warns with a laugh. "DAHAHAMMIT! FINE!" You cry.  Dean stops and you curl into a ball. "You cheered up yet?" Charlie teased. "No." You mutter. "Do we need a round-two then?" Sammy jeers as he starts tickling your feet again. You jerk back with a yelp. "NO! I'm cheered up! I'm cheered up! No round-two please!" The others laugh. You are so worn out you can't hardly keep your eyes open. Dean toussels your hair. "Night, Pipsqueak." "Not a pipsqueak..." you mutter. Dean pokes you in the side and laughs as you swat him away. "Fine then, have a nice nap, Munchkin." He toussels you hair again with a smile as you groan at the new nickname.   You fall asleep with a grin that night.  Revenge will be sweet.
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batgirl-87 · 6 years
I’ve seen some zodiac/astrology traits posts for HPHM MCs which I’ve enjoyed and also really wanted to do myself so... 
Adeyln-Keira Black: February 11, 1973 - Aquarius
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Color: Light-Blue, Silver
Day: Saturday
Ruler: Uranus, Saturn
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius – Jacob is a Leo, Bill and Charlie are Sagittarius (Idk when anyone else’s birthdays are)
Lucky Numbers: 4, 7, 11, 22, 29 – Her birthday is the 11 (anniversary had been planned for Jan 29)
Date range: January 20 - February 18
Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof – ahahaha the accuracy of running from emotional expression! Yeah, she’s pretty stubborn and likes to be right
Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener – literally yes to all of this
Aquarius dislikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them – she actually likes her alone time but being alone and being lonely are technically different things so… sure? (Oh there’s more below that proves this!); Yeah she likes to be right
Aquarius-born are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems.
Although they can easily adapt to the energy that surrounds them, Aquarius-born have a deep need to be some time alone and away from everything, in order to restore power. People born under the Aquarius sign, look at the world as a place full of possibilities.- Idk about that, especially at the moment with Jacob and everything, pretty pessimistic
Aquarius is an air sign, and as such, uses his mind at every opportunity. If there is no mental stimulation, they are bored and lack a motivation to achieve the best result.
The ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus has a timid, abrupt and sometimes aggressive nature, but it also gives Aquarius visionary quality. They are capable of perceiving the future and they know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years from now. – she will cut a bitch and punch you in the throat!
Uranus also gave them the power of quick and easy transformation (animagus? =p), so they are known as thinkers, progressives and humanists. They feel good in a group or a community, so they constantly strive to be surrounded by other people. 
The biggest problem for Aquarius-born is the feeling that they are limited or constrained. Because of the desire for freedom and equality for all, they will always strive to ensure freedom of speech and movement. Aquarius-born have a reputation for being cold and insensitive persons, but this is just their defense mechanism against premature intimacy. They need to learn to trust others and express their emotions in a healthy way. – Call out to my MC!
Intellectual stimulation is by far the greatest aphrodisiac for Aquarius. There's nothing that can attract an Aquarius more than an interesting conversation with a person. Openness, communication, imagination and willingness to risk are the qualities that fit well in the perspective of life of this zodiac sign. Their compatibility with other signs can be complex, Integrity and honesty are essential for anyone who wants a long-term relationship with this dynamic person. In love, they are loyal, committed and not at all possessive - they give independence to their partners and consider them as equals. – She may be a bit possessive though… maybe protective is a better word for it?
Although Aquarius-born are communicative, they need time to get close to people. Considering that they are highly sensitive people, closeness to them means vulnerability.
Their immediacy behavior combined with their strong views, makes them a challenge to meet. Aquarius will do anything for a loved one to the point of self-sacrifice if necessary.
Their friends should possess these three qualities: creativity, intellect and integrity. When it comes to family, their expectations are nothing less. Although they have a sense of duty to relatives, they will not maintain close ties if the same expectations as in friendship are not fulfilled.
Aquarius – Fixed Quality
The sign of Aquarius belongs to the element of Air, and its fixed quality is probably the most difficult to understand. It comes with the middle of winter and stands for the coldest time of year. In a way, this is a combination that speaks of hibernation and preparation to wake up from a long sleep. This might be the best image to depict an Aquarius. Air never stops, it moves quicker than anyone else, and when it is fixed, it seems to be trapped in its movements without the ability to ever stop. This explains the stress and limit breaking of all Aquarians, as well as their need to fight the system and anything that takes control over their activities.
And because I find Birthday Horoscopes interesting…
February 11th Persona Profile
People born specifically on the 11th of February are believed to have a charismatic, bright and authoritative temperament. This sits alongside the wonderful typical Aquarian imagination and friendliness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is the Moon giving you evenly balanced views and priorities. If you have this birthday the ability to harmonize your life without losing focus of your ambitions and responsibilities will be strong. – She’s going to find her brother, be Quidditch Captain, win a World Cup, become Prefect, and graduate with high marks!
You are also quite competitive and socially aware for a water bearer and will generally take life's little disappointments with much resilience. Your lightheartedness is just the right amount to offset your sometimes too serious nature. Individuals with a February the eleventh birthday are friendly, warm, loyal and hardworking with a good sense of direction. Although you are fairly instinctive in your approach to life this perception does not always extend to emotional situations. – Idk about friendly, she comes off as pretty cold before getting to know her and getting close; not sure about a good sense of direction, she has no idea what to do after Hogwarts; but very competitive and has a good sense of humor to balance out her also serious, and admittedly dramatic, nature.
February 11th Personal Relationships
For an Aquarian, the person born on the eleventh day of February is not unusual in their partner preferences of both a friend and a lover. You will ordinarily get bored very quickly with any personal relationship that is mostly physical. (– Doesn’t care much for physical contact.) To you, especially when you are younger, romance is often regarded in second place to your other objectives. (– Absolutely!) A single status seems to suit you for quite a while as you enjoy its freedoms but you will eventually long for the security of a long term love union. In a soul mate you seek someone who can fulfill your ideals of an ultimate body and mind closeness and trust. They must be understanding of your ambitious motivations and be able to appeal to, and reason with, your intellectual side. Committing to a romantic partnership may be difficult but you do it wholeheartedly and will be totally devoted once betrothed to another.
February 11th Strengths and Weaknesses
The strongest parts of your character are probably in your inventive thought, helpfulness and humble appreciation. These strengths make you a popular individual who appears to be highly resourceful (hello, Slytherin!) and admirably equal in their give and take allocation. Identifiable personality weaknesses for those born on February 11th are your tendencies to be occasionally excessive or insensitive. These negative idiosyncrasies occur most often when you are completely absorbed in something. You are also likely to get rather grumpy if you are distracted during one of your periods of creative thought as it disrupts the flow. – Don’t throw off her groove!
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a-simple-lee · 6 years
Please will you do “It’s three in the morning.” For Sam and Dean x little sister!reader??
Hoi there anon! Hope this is alright! It seems a lil longer than my other two requests, whoopsie XD - maybe I just get a bit carried away writing SPN? Idk ahaha
“We’re not watching another one, Y/N!”
“No! It’s three in the morning!”
“But I’m not tired!”
“Dean- help me out here!” Sam ran a hand through his hair, sitting back on the couch to seek support from your brother.
“What can I say?” He smirked, swirling the last drop of beer around in its bottle as he spoke. “She’s not wrong. They’re good…but…”
“But what?” You prompted, bending down from the cushions to deposit your empty popcorn bowl on the floor. The three of you had spent more than a healthy amount of time marathoning Game of Thrones - if asked why, you'd would point to Charlie -  but Sam was attempting to bring the night to a close.
“We should probably call it. We’ve got a case tomorrow.” Dean reasoned, your face contorting into a frown as he did so.
“So?” You snorted, pulling the abundance of blankets strewn across the sofa closer.
“So, I don’t want you napping in the Wendigo lair, sleepyhead.”
“It was one time-”
“Doesn’t matter. My point is, you’re gonna randomly conk out if you don’t sleep tonight.”
“Technically it’s early morning-”
“Don’t change the subject!” Sam cut in, giving you a knowing look. You just laughed.
“I’m not tired though!”
“‘I’m not tired!’ What are you? Five?!” Dean mimicked.
“Yeah.” You giggled, lobbing a pillow at Dean’s head. It hit his face, and he scowled at you.
“Alright,” Sam relented, grinning somewhat. “You wanna be a kid? We’ll treat you like a kid.” With that, you found yourself being tackled by six-foot-four of plaid; you yelped, taken by surprise. You tried to fight back, but within a couple of seconds, Sam had managed to gain the advantage, keeping you trapped against the arm of the couch. Not giving you a chance to protest, he wriggled his fingers into your sides, causing you to kick out in protest.
No reaction. Instead, your older brother turned to Dean.
“Hey, you wanna help? She needs tiring out.”
“I dohohon’t need- DEAN!” You cried out as Dean lunged his hands towards your ribs before drawing back at the last second, eliciting an embarrassing shriek and a series of giggles you’d never admit to producing. Both of your siblings targeted your worst spots ruthlessly, with the experience only years of experience could bring. Sam’s hands had moved to pinch lightly around your stomach, whilst Dean had managed to snake his fingers under your arms, driving you halfway to insanity.
“Ahahaha! ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I GIHIHIHIVE!” It was annoying to hand Sam and Dean their victory so quickly, but you weren’t sure how much more of their tickling you could take. Much to your relief, they pulled back, ruffling your hair despite your scowling.
“Ihi’m not talking to you.”
“You just did.” Sam teased, giving you a final poke to the side. You glared at him.
“Whatever. I’m bringing your laptop on our case though. I will not abandon Netflix for a Wendigo.”
“Sure, if Sam lets you get near the damn thing. Now go to bed.” Dean had started clearing the empty bowls and bottles away - his back was to you, but you could sense the smug grin seeping off of him.
“Ugh, fine.”
“‘Night.” Sam smiled as you clambered off the couch, headed to bed. Tomorrow’s case would be about as exciting as a milk-run, but at least your brothers would be there to keep you company.
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AHAHAHA a day off work for the veggie patch. That's so cute and hilarious. And yes I have indeed been reading through old prompts. Just finished the veggie patch one. So sweet.
That’s the point that Owen is like ‘you’re overdoing it, babe, it’s a veggie patch. You’re smothering it.’ But Claire is defiant and determined to pour her heart and soul into it. I can’t remember what glued me to the idea in the first place, I think I saw Claire out in the yard, baby Charlie in a bouncer next to her but I haven’t used it all that much in that universe. Claire needs a hobby and for some reason, that is what she found. Which works for outdoorsman Owen, he probably opens up the back roller door of the garage while he’s working on his bike and they just quietly do their own little hobbies in the same space. 
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eddiemunscns · 7 years
Cast your mutuals as the Supernatural cast! BACK TO YOU BEEB
Okok shit this is hard…
Dean- @cassiehackett13 because she likes pie and burgers and beer and whiskey and I always say she’s like the Dean to my Sam
Sam- @babylevines you!! you just give me major Sammy vibes for some reason? Idk, man it’s early and I’m not fully awake yet aha
Castiel- am I allowed to say myself? Because Cas is like loyal af and I’m a goddamn Hufflepuff and am loyal af too, and we’re both super awkward even though it doesn’t really come off that way on here? Like I’m literally so awkward in my person when I first meet someone
Charlie- @lil-ass-kicker Cause she’s like my little sister, and she just like reminds me so much of Charlie oh my god
That’s all I’m going to do cause this was way harder than I thought ahahaha 
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