#we love you kazuya-san
kiriyama-san · 8 months
I like the idea of Kazuya getting better at controlling his emotions and being open and comfortable with those he trusts and becoming a better person due to the love and kindness he's shown in return. while Jun stands beside him, being with him all the way till the end, together.
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songsofadelaide · 10 months
Asleep Among Endives
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Chapter 2 — The Sun
In the summer of 1997, the fledgling clan head of the superpower Gojo Clan fancied you a playmate, one headstrong enough to disregard the warnings about befriending a little god who might ensnare you with a curse. When you first met the young Satoru, everything around you turned a lovely sky blue. Little did you know that the very same thing happened to him, and you painted his life in shining gold-like sunlight.
[A Gojo Satoru x Reader fic, ongoing]
cw/tw: childhood trauma, implied/referenced child abuse, naoya being a little creep wc: 10.2k. ✾ Fic Masterlist ✾ Chapter 1 ✾ Chapter 3 ✾ ~Interlude~ — In the Quiet
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— The Sun.
~ 1997.
It is said in the old times that a child is assumed to be a person of God until they reach the age of seven. By then, a little one should have a foundation of their soul and a heart of a human. Why was it that you only had a faith shaken by the very person who raised you and a heart hardened by your strange circumstances? 
About a month before your seventh birthday, Lady Suzuna tasked Kazuya and Chiemi to extend invitations to the children and young heirs and heiresses of the different sorcerer families. Seven was the perfect age to make friends and create lasting bonds, the most perfect opportunity to connect with other sorcerer children with similar experiences. It was an auspicious day for a birthday celebration as well, and what better way to commemorate your birth than formally announcing you as the official heir to the Koganei Clan leadership?
A day before the celebration, every servant in every corner of the ancient traditional home was busy preparing the Koganei Estate for the ingress of guests from sorcerer families and the clan's business partners alike. Everyone seemed to be in a constant state of movement while you and your mother leisurely walked around your home, the softness of your padded footsteps seemingly fading into the background of your family's busyness. 
"This tree was a gift to the city from our family back in the 1920s. It's grown remarkably well over time, but it is different from the rest of the ginkgo that line Meiji Jingu Gaien. The leaves of the trees outside fall and grow according to the season while ours remains the same all year round. I suppose we can attribute it to our cursed energy. Unlike other sorcerers, we make use of our power by healing, not so much exorcising," Suzuna stated, your smaller hand in hers as you took your time to walk around the estate's private gardens. The perennial aged ginkgo tree that has been there for as long as you can remember towered over your forms. Summer, spring, autumn, winter— regardless of the season, this tree remained alive and flourishing, its golden leaves constantly raining on this particular part of the estate. The tree has seen the coming and passing of former clan leaders, and you had no doubt in your mind that it will surely still be here by the time you pass away as well. "It's beautiful but resilient."
The afternoon breeze was cool against your ankles, the wind gently blowing through your striped yukata as you took measured steps beside your mother in this sectioned-off area of the garden. There was a sacredness to the tree's age now, and the family gardeners probably didn't want guests and strangers wandering in here and causing any hurt or damage to it.
"Otome, tomorrow is your birthday. I know you would have wanted to celebrate the day of your birth with your family— your real family… Which is why I asked Kanade-san to assist with tomorrow's preparations. She and I will help dress you in your celebratory clothes."
"Oh…" Your grip on the older woman's hand tightened, though you tried to hold your calm expression. "Th-Thank you very much for your consideration, okaa-sama."
"What did I tell you about your emotions, my girl?" The older woman shook her head, a slight tsk leaving her lips. "Your eyes are shining. I can tell you're about to cry tears of joy."
"I'm sorry," came your only response. Lying to her was never a good idea when the truth is already blatantly obvious to her. 
"I'll forgive you just this once since it's your birthday," Suzuna stated, a small smile gracing her painted lips now. "Ah, here she is."
Her comment made you look up from your path, and you felt her slowly turn you the other way, a kind hand on your back as she eventually let go of you. From across the garden stood your mother— the one who gave birth to you— in a muted mustard yukata, the family's standard servants' attire. 
"Good day to you, ojou-sama," came your birth mother's greeting as she bowed before you and the lady of the house. "And to the madam as well." 
"You may approach," came Suzuna's soft command. She gave you a gentle push toward the other woman. "And you may greet your mother." 
You tried desperately not to let the excitement show in your steps, but your sprint betrayed you as you happily hurled yourself into your mother's open arms. "Okaa-chan!"
The two women couldn't blame you for your reaction. You were only a child, still so clueless about the weight of the crown about to rest on your little head. And yet there was a certain maturity now evident on your face, the warmest of smiles on your lips as you hugged your birth mother. You happily buried your face in her chest, feeling the beat of her heart against your cheek. 
"Oh, how you've grown, my little love…" Mustard sleeves enveloped you in a warm embrace, but you did not cry even though you wanted to. You couldn't bring yourself to, even though her words were so similar to what your… stepmother— I suppose I could call Suzuna that— said mere moments ago. "Strong and lovely, just like our ginkgo tree."
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Summer nights were like a spell itself. Something about the balmy weather and the trilling of the cicadas often drew people into some kind of trance. You were no different from those under summer's thrall even though you were born in this season. In fact, summer's magic seemed to be even more potent now than ever. On the night before your birthday celebrations, you found your little feet walking towards your family's secluded garden, the one where the ancestral ginkgo tree stood, towering over the still and silent estate. 
You had no idea what time it was, but you were awakened by the sound of soft crying coming from the foot of the tree. It was strange that no one else could hear it except you, even more so now that you were face to face with the weeping figure. 
It was a woman, one you haven't seen in the estate before. She did not wear the standard servants' attire but instead donned a lovely kimono in the shades of bamboo and sunrise. Something about her felt otherworldly as she paid no mind to your approach, her face concealed in the sleeves of her dress. 
"Are you all right? Why are you crying?" You asked her, though she did not respond. "Please don't be sad…"
The phantasm stilled at the sound of your concerned yet inquisitive voice, her arms slowly dropping to reveal her face to you. 
"You can see her?" Came a voice that was very much real this time you nearly jumped from your spot in shock. 
Still in her sleepwear similar to yours, Suzuna approached you, mere steps away from the base of the tree where the crying woman stood. "Answer my question, daughter." 
Spirit sight is the most basic technique a child can develop before being able to fully harness cursed energy. At the same time, it is the most important skill a sorcerer requires in order to be able to harness cursed energy. 
"Yes… I-I only came here because I heard her, okaa-sama. No one else but you came to see her, too…"
"There is no need to be so nervous, daughter," Suzuna stated as she placed a hand on your head and gently ruffled your hair. "Do you know who she is?"
And children from sorcerer families who lack the most common ability that should be known to all sorcerers are no better than the average person. 
You shook your head in response to her question. 
"You and I descended from a pathetic man. We come from a long line of desperate people who wanted nothing but to prove their worth, even if it meant breaking the hearts of their loved ones," she said softly, holding the crying woman's gaze as she took your smaller hand in hers once more. "Uesugi Karui married for love and received nothing but heartache in return when she couldn't give birth to a child with Koganei Masahito's gift."
Uesugi Karui… You've heard that name before from one of your mother Kanade's bedtime stories. Karui was the first wife of the clan founder who bore him many children, all of whom he cast aside in favour of bastards who were fortunate enough to inherit his prized reverse cursed technique. Masahito's bloodline branched off into numerous families, and even Suzuna herself couldn't determine from which one she originated, even though she was certainly born into the main family. 
She could not relate to Karui's plight. How could she? When she herself decided to take a lover apart from her own husband out of sheer desperation. She sighed to herself, prompting you to look up at her. "I suppose I'm no different from that man, too." 
Karui's presence, after lying dormant for so long, only seemed to solidify the theory that she was here to curse the existing Koganei Clan, even though it has been hundreds of years since she last possessed the name. Suzuna last saw her when she was just a child herself and she had no guiding hand before like you did now.
"I know we aren't the only ones who can see you, but we are the only ones brave enough to ask," she told the unmoving phantasm, still rooted in her position at the base of the ginkgo tree. "Are you here to curse us? To curse… this child?" 
The spirit of the weeping woman moved ever so slightly, her approach toward you blocked by your stepmother. Suzuna shielded you from Karui by taking a step forward, hiding you behind her skirts. "If you're going to curse someone, curse me instead. This child is…"
Karui slowly shook her head in response to the other woman's statement. She moved to touch your forehead, smiling as you laughed at the ticklish cold that was her cursed energy. "It's true that I married for love, and even if I were to return to those days, I would not have it any other way."
Uesugi Karui was not at all a vengeful spirit, but simply a ghost still in unrest. 
"There are things you regret, Suzuna. Some of which are already far too late to take back," the lovely phantasm stated, the sadness in her eyes softening to a rueful expression. "However, it is not too late for her."
"I…" Suzuna's voice cracked. "I did what I had to do, as did you…"
"But did you do it out of love? Your obsession with duty will drive you to your grave early," Karui told her. "I am not a vengeful spirit, but there is a greater chance of that happening to you if you do not temper your expectations." 
Your mother's hold on you tightened ever so slightly. 
"I lived for many more years even after danna-sama passed away, and though my children and I were looked down on because none of them possessed their father's gift, I made sure to fill our home with so much love that they had no time to pay attention to every terrible thing being said about us," the phantasm stated, holding her hand out to you. You looked up at Suzuna once more, who only nodded at you in response. "I do not pass on any curse to you, young Koganei born with the gift. All I ask is for you to live your life with so much love that you have no room in your heart to curse anyone else. Not even your mother who gave you away, not even this mother of yours who has been cruel to you, not even your sister who wishes for your unhappiness, and not even those who wish to possess you for themselves." 
Karui's hand was cold as ice, yet there was a gentleness to her touch when she spoke to you, lulling you to sleepiness. You could not recall how you found your way back to your bed that night. When you awoke the following morning, your fingertips were freezing even though it was a rather warm day. 
"Good morning, ojou-sama," came an even warmer greeting. You smiled as you felt a gentle hand over your forehead, brushing away the hair that fell over your eyes. "Happy birthday to you."
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The servants weren't any less busy despite all the preparations made yesterday. When the day of your seventh year finally came, it was time for the main family to do their job— welcoming and receiving their guests. While the Lady Suzuna was busy ensuring you were dressed in your very best for this day, it was her family who became the face and front of the clan, and she relied on her husband to hold the fort while she was still away.
Kazuya's father, Kaminari Kyouya, is the second-born son of his own sorcerer clan, one rich in magicians who practised lightning sorcery. He and Suzuna were childhood friends and he chose to marry into the Koganei Clan out of his great love for her. In fact, he loved his wife so much that he was willing to look the other way when she decided to have a child with another man. 
Kyouya and his children stood dutifully just outside the estate's genkan, warmly welcoming every guest that arrived with presents and blessings in tow for the heir's birthday. While Kazuya imitated his father's mild demeanour, Chiemi was growing tired of having to greet people she didn't know. She tugged at the older man's forest green hakama, looking up at him with wide and innocent eyes. 
"Papa, can you carry me?" She asked him, punctuating her question with a very sweet-sounding, "Please?"
He knew that this child wasn't his, yet he loved her all the same. How could he not? She had the very same eyes as her mother, the same ones he first fell in love with so long ago. He scooped up the little girl in her pink kimono and nuzzled her cheek as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Of course, my little Chi. Are you tired? We only have to do this for a bit more, then we can go back inside." 
Suzuna stepped out of the genkan to join her family in welcoming their guests. She wore an elegant kimono the same shade of forest green as her husband's attire. "Kyou, you ought to stop spoiling Chiemi. She's already five."
"Mama's being mean again, papa…" Chiemi buried her face deeper into the crook of her father's neck.
"I know, Chi. Don't worry about her," Kyouya murmured in reply to the girl with a pleased smile on his face. Perhaps five was already a bit too old to be carried, but he couldn't resist his daughter's pleading adoration. "We've been standing out here for quite some time now, Suzu. Besides, I don't mind holding my girl for a little while."
"That's not the point," Suzuna tried arguing. "Chiemi, you—"
"Oh, hush, you. Guests are arriving, so let's not argue here, please," he said with a chuckle even though he wanted to silence his wife. "Smile, Suzu. Here come the representatives from the Tokyo Saenome Clan."
And she did so, equally amused and equally annoyed at her husband's dismissal of their exchange. She greeted their guests pleasantly and it took her some time to realise there were only three of them by the entrance. "Now where did Kazuya run off to?"
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The clever boy slipped away in the middle of his parents' bantering. Kazuya paid no mind to the servants bowing before him as he passed by them, his steps on the redwood engawa loud and impatient. He was eager to find you before any of the other guests did and was more than pleased to find you just about to step out of your room.
The shoji slid open, and you walked out with a measured step, not at all used to the weight of your outfit for the day— a crimson kimono embroidered with hundreds and hundreds of golden ginkgo leaves being blown by the wind.  
"Oh, Kazu-nii!" You happily greeted the older boy in the same forest green hakama as his father. 
"Happy birthday, Otome. May you always be blessed with good health and happiness all your days." 
"Thank you very much, Kazu-nii," you replied to him with a bow, remembering your stepmother's instructions from earlier today. Bow with gratitude. 
"This is for you," the boy handed you a gold-coloured omamori you recognised as something from the Meiji Shrine near your home. "A present, for good fortune." 
"Oh, thank you! I promise to treasure this," you stated rather excitedly before safely tucking the amulet into your obi, making it another accessory in your already intricate outfit for the day. 
"Bocchan, it's time for Otome-sama to see her guests," said the servant who assisted in dressing you. He recognised her as your birth mother. She wasn't in the standard servants' attire this time but in a kimono the colour of sunrise, the image of an aged tree with falling golden leaves printed on its front folds. 
Ah, the boy thought to himself. The older woman's dress was more similar to yours than his family's ensemble, even though you were part of his family. Then again, it was no secret to jujutsu society that you were not Koganei Suzuna's blood-born child, but one from the branch family. 
Kanade smiled at him. "Would you be willing to escort her to the audience hall?"
"O-Of course, Kanade-san!" Kazuya replied, an embarrassed expression on his face as he turned to meet your expectant eyes. He feigned a cough into his fist and offered you an elbow. "Shall we, then, my sister?" 
"Mm! Let's go!" 
You were aware that the celebration was by no means a simple one, but a grand honouring of your birth and your role as the future leader of your sorcerer clan. However, you couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the large number of guests that arrived to personally greet you today. The estate shoin was filled to the brim with unfamiliar people both young and old in more traditional attire in various colours and degrees of formality, and they rose to their feet to clap for you as you stepped into the audience hall in your brother's arm. 
The rumbling applause gradually died down as you took your place in the centre of the hall, surrounded by your immediate family— Suzuna, Kyouya, Kazuya, Chiemi, and your birth mother, Kanade. The two women each gave you a kiss on your cheek, while Kyouya gently placed an ornate glass kanzashi on your head. 
"Many happy returns of the day, Otome-chan," the older man greeted you with a smile, to which you replied with another. 
"Thank you very much, otou-sama."
The Koganei servants started to bring in the food and drink, allowing the older and elderly guests their meal as the children lined up before you, smiles on their faces and gifts in hand as they prepared to greet you. You felt no different from the hina dolls that adorned your family home, visitors paying you homage like a tiny goddess reborn from so long ago.
You sat seiza right in the middle, the sleeves of your crimson kimono reaching the golden tatami floor as you remained perfectly still, giving your newfound friends the occasional bow of gratitude as they approached in a neat line. You thanked each one who presented their gift to you, each decision made with great consideration for your person— Porcelain tea sets, freshly-made ichigo daifuku, a calligraphy set with a bottle of golden ink, a rose-coloured kinchaku, a tortoiseshell kanzashi— the presents piled up by the minute, but the line was disrupted by a dark-haired boy with the sharpest brown eyes, closely followed by a family attendant with a large ornate box in hand. 
"Happy Birthday, young lady of the Koganei house," he said with a smile. The boy wore a pressed white dress shirt underneath his navy blue kimono, and he effectively blocked your line of sight to ensure he had your full attention. "I am Zenin Naoya, son of Zenin Naobito. It is with great honour that I present to you a gift from our family."
The boy you only knew from your mother's narrative has finally made himself known. He was only a few months older than you, but he spoke with the eloquence of an elderly man with the hint of an old accent that slightly irked you. 
"Thank you very much, Zenin Naoya-sama," you stated with the same measured bow you gave everyone as you received the present from his servant. You were about to set it aside when he spoke again. 
"I would like for you to open it before everyone."
His statement prompted you to turn to Suzuna, who only nodded at you from across the room. Seeing her confirmation and the fact that she was still keeping an eye on your conduct reassured you, so you delicately unwrapped the present before the boy. It was a beautiful silk kimono the colour of flint, and finely embroidered with bright orange thread were the detailed feathers of a bird— which at first you thought was Suzaku, but upon closer inspection was something else entirely.
"That is Nue, one of the shikigami of our family's Ten Shadows Technique," Naoya stated rather proudly. "While I don't possess the technique and I am unable to summon it, that won't stop me from appreciating its beauty and said ferocity."
Talkative was the first impression the Zenin child left upon you. He was evidently proud of his heritage, but what good is all of that showmanship if he's rude to everyone else?
"It's beautiful, indeed. You have my gratitude for such a lovely present. I understand you took time off your day to visit me on my birthday and you wish to speak with me more, but it would be rude of me to hold the line even longer when every other guest here did the same as you," you replied to him with a pleasant smile that visibly flustered him. You lowered your head to a bow as Naoya slowly stepped away from you, cheeks flaming red in both embarrassment and infatuation, not that you were aware of the latter. 
"Huh. So he really was a brat," Suzuna murmured to herself as she watched from afar how you handled the very entitled Zenin child and put him in his place. She had her drink in hand as she sat across her husband and son, who were conversing about something else. A small hand gently tugged at her sleeve. 
"Did you say something, mama?" Asked Chiemi, who looked up to her with a measured head tilt that anyone would find adorable. 
"Nothing at all, Chiemi," the older woman replied, smiling as she tucked away a lock of her daughter's curly hair behind her ear. "Have you… greeted your sister a happy birthday today?"
"…Do I still have to? So many people are here for her already!" The little girl said with a pout. 
"I'm sure your greeting would mean a lot to her, Chi-chan," Kazuya piped in on his sister's conversation with their mother. "Look, Otome's about to take a step outside for a bit. Why don't we go see her?"
"I don't wanna!" 
Chiemi was fine left alone in a corner, Kazuya knew that much. Though he knew jealousy played a part, he still had a difficult time fully understanding why his sister felt that way about you. Whatever you had was given to her as well, even though you did not ask for any of it yourself. There were times Chiemi was given more, but it did not matter at all to you. You were happy to see that she was happy, and that seemed to incense her even more. 
Today was the only day you were given more than her and she tried to be on her best behaviour… Yet even after receiving the harshest scolding of her life about a month ago, nothing could stop Chiemi's ever-growing rage over her own family's preference for a daughter who shared no immediate blood ties with them.  
"Fine. I'll greet her. I'll greet her so you can shut up about it, onii."
There was little Kazuya could do except follow his little sister with haste as she got up and hurriedly trailed you out of the audience hall, the look on her face foreboding chaos.
You were already a bit spent to notice the younger girl's approach. It wasn't at all easy sitting perfectly still and you overestimated your capability to remain in the same position for the rest of the day. As you stepped out of the hall and into the redwood engawa to take a moment to breathe and stretch your tired legs, you found yourself suddenly pushed from behind and falling off the edge of the walkway, the speed of your descent only quickened due to the weight of your outfit.
"Ojou-sama!" Came the panicked cry of your mother, who hurriedly tried to reach for you as you tipped off the engawa. 
"Chiemi, no!" Kazuya exclaimed as he eventually caught up with the girl in the pink kimono, encasing her in his arms to prevent her from acting any further. He was moments too late, however, as he found your figure lying face down on the ground. 
The fall wasn't that far, but it still hurt. You tried to make sense of things as they were unfolding at the moment, not at all letting your sister's actions affect your judgement. You expected her to pull a stunt like this today and you were right to think of your reaction thoroughly beforehand. "Okaa-chan, please take her away before people start to notice." 
"Haa?! Who do you think you are ordering people to— A-And don't you dare touch me, you—" 
The sound of Chiemi's shrieking complaints was drowned out when an unfamiliar voice asked you, "Are you okay?" 
You raised your head and found a slender hand outstretched to you. You grasped it and allowed this person to help you up on your feet again despite not knowing who they were. "I'm fine. Thank you very much."
It was a boy with eyes as blue as the clear ocean and hair like starlight. He held your gaze long enough for you to forget what just transpired, the intense and ethereal look in his eyes taking you someplace else— It felt like you were standing in the middle of the ocean, frigid snow blowing across your face yet it didn't hurt. More than anything, the sound of the waves and tides was comforting—
"You have some dirt on your face," he said, his voice pulling you back to reality and the incident that just occurred between you and your siblings. He brought the sleeve of his pale blue yukata to your cheek. "Ne, Kazuya, if this girl truly is as important as you say she is, why are you letting that kid smack her around?"
The unnamed boy's remark seemed to anger Chiemi even further, and she thrashed in her brother's arms. "I-I'm not just some kid! I am Koganei Chiemi! Koganei Suzuna's true daughter, the beauty—"
"Blah, blah, blah. Is that it? You expect people to bend over backwards for you just because you're pretty?" He rolled his eyes at the younger girl. "I'm not into whiny little brats like you."
"W-Wait, Satoru," came Kazuya's sudden plea. "Please don't—"
"I'll pretend I never saw anything here, but I suggest you keep the feral animals in their cages," stated Satoru, the boy in the blue yukata. He pulled something from out of his sleeves and handed it over to you. "This is for you, Koganei girl. Happy birthday."
He found his way up to the audience hall and eventually disappeared into the crowd. You opened the slender box in your hands, evidently mystified as you laid eyes on his gift: a set of prayer beads the colour of the clear ocean.
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The Lady Suzuna patiently waited until evening, until all the guests have been sent off, to handle the incident that occurred between you and Chiemi earlier in the day. Other family members knew better than to get in the way of the matriarch's warzone-like discipline. 
"How many times must I tell you, Chiemi? You speak out of turn and expect everyone to be gracious with you, is that it?" She stated, her voice calm and firm even as her daughter squirmed away from her grasp. "You're fortunate Otome made the right choice to send you away rather than stoop down to your level of immaturity."
You begged for lenience for the younger girl but were faced with the older woman's fury just as much as she was angry with her own daughter.   
"Okaa-sama, please… This… solves nothing. You said it yourself. She'll just keep on hating me…" You pleaded, writhing in agony as you clutched your stomach after being kicked away. You were not able to defend yourself well this time. "I promised to never curse anyone, not even her…"
"I will beat the anger out of Chiemi until she understands that she is not the only daughter I have," the older woman said, her palm landing angrily on the younger girl's bottom. "I asked her to behave herself for one day—"
"Koganei-sama," came the voice of an elderly servant from outside the room. "My apologies for interrupting… There is a messenger from the Gojo Clan waiting for you."
"What?!" Suzuna hissed. Why the Gojo Clan of all people? She had no answers and only grew even angrier at the thought of you misbehaving yourself before the son of the prominent clan. "Otome! Did you do anyth—"
"I-I didn't—!"
"If I may, my lady," the servant continued. "It seems their young master has taken an interest in Otome-ojou. Satoru-sama is inviting her to the G—" 
Satoru wants to see me again? But why?
"Leave us!" The older woman commanded, to which the servant replied with a faint acknowledgement and the scurrying away of padded feet. She slumped to the floor, dropping Chiemi in the process. She was obviously at her wit's end now and she needed answers. "You spoke to him?"
You sat up and straightened your back, taking a deep breath before responding to her question. "Yes, okaa-sama. He— Gojo-sama— helped me to my feet when I… fell off the step earlier." 
"That child is not your ordinary boy. His birth changed the balance of the jujutsu world. He is like a little god," Suzuna stated, a sigh of exhaustion leaving her painted lips. "And you, a little goddess in his midst."
This wasn't news to her. Gojo Satoru isn't the first boy to show an interest in her heir. However, she had no idea whether or not this invitation was truly from the little god himself or if it was the working of other elements. 
"Normally, you would be allowed to visit another clan's residence, but we're talking about one of the Great Three Sorcerer Clans here…" she started. You sat quietly as the older woman rattled out fact after fact. You were so focused on self-preservation that neither of you noticed Kazuya slip into the room to take Chiemi away again. "…And not to mention that bounty on the boy's head… Then again, the Gojo Clan is said to live in an impregnable fortress."
No matter how silly or boyish that whim may be, it would be foolish to send her there on her own, Suzuna thought to herself, long and hard before she eventually turned to you. 
"I told you before that I tire of making all the decisions here. That's why I'm asking you now— What do you want, Otome? Do you wish to see that boy again?" 
But you knew it wasn't just a matter of wanting to see him again— though admittedly, you actually did. So you answer her question truthfully. "I would like to meet him again, if that is all right with you, okaa-sama." 
It was a surprisingly wise answer, proof that you still considered her word above your own desires. She beckons you to approach, her hand gently gliding through the hair over your forehead in order to push it upward. "Then I suppose we do as the little god requests." 
Yet an epiphany washes over her all of a sudden as she holds you in her arms. Who does that child think he is? Asking for my heir, of all things… "…Or maybe not."  
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The shoreline was covered with a carpet of freshly fallen snow. It wasn't at all cold, though, as you traversed through the snowscape, your feet sinking deep with every step you took. There was someone walking a few steps ahead of you, a hand reaching out for yours. 
"Ngh…" You groaned to yourself as the sunlight of the new day filtered through the shoji leading to the garden just outside your bedroom. 
The little god that was Gojo Satoru was in your dreams that same night for some odd reason— he and his hair like snow and starlight and those eyes that seemed to see right through you— 
"Hey, are you awake already?" 
Huh. He sounds so real here, too… No, I could have sworn I was awake— "Huh?…"
"It's rude to keep your guest waiting, you know."
Wait, what?
You bolted up from your futon, your comfortable sleep cut short by the quiet arrival of the boy that was in your dreams mere moments ago. "Y-You—!"
"Hello, Koganei girl," said the boy who was seated on the tatami right beside your bed. He was very much here and very much present in your bedroom right now. "Good morning! I thought you'd never wake up!"
"Wh-What are you…" You stammered at him, rubbing your eyes until stars appeared and blinking— "You're really here!"
The shoji slid open, with Kazuya storming into your bedroom. It was only then you realised they were in matching white gi, which could only mean— "Satoru! You said you'd train with me first thing in the morning!"
"Whoops! I did say that, didn't I?" Satoru stated before eventually shrugging at the other boy. "But you knew I came here for her first and foremost, Kazuya."
"That's beside the point! I— Oh, good morning, Otome!" Your older brother paused from his declaration when he saw you finally up. "You remember Satoru, right? He'll be staying here for a week."
"That's because your mom didn't allow you to visit me," the silver-haired boy said with a pout. "But I'm here now. Aren't you glad?" 
"Huh? Oh, uh…" 
Kazuya's impatient huffing prompted the other boy to rise from his seat. He moved toward you slightly, as though he wanted to reach for your hand but decided against it. Instead, he beamed at you rather confidently before eventually declaring, "Let's talk later. I'm just gonna wipe the floor with you brother so he'll leave me alone."  
"Is that so?" Your brother responded with a laugh as they exited your room, their boisterous, boyish laughter filling the still-quiet halls of the estate. You rose from your futon and opened the shoji leading outside to the garden, where you were greeted by the glare of the morning sun and your family's perennial ginkgo tree.  
You weren't brought to the little god's home like he expected. That wouldn't stop him from seeing you again, though. So instead, he came to yours. 
The estate became a hive of activity once more after Suzuna agreed to play host to the young heir of the Gojo Clan not long after your very first encounter. It was no surprise that the boy was spoiled rotten by his own family and the Koganei tried its best to keep up with his every wild and wily demand. Fortunately, Satoru did not ask for much apart from time with you. 
A lot of time, to be precise. 
Satoru agreed to stay over at the Koganei Estate on the condition that he trains with Kazuya every morning and follows his exact same daily routine. Kyouya remarked that he was a surprisingly diligent pupil despite his mischievous overtone. 
He had the most attentive eye on you when the two of you shared lunch in the dining hall that day. 
"G-Gojo-sama, is something—" You nervously started as you sat across from him. He cut you off as soon as he heard the way you addressed him.
"Satoru," he stated plainly. "That's my name. Don't call me Gojo-sama because it's like you're referring to my father or some other old fart."
The boy sat across from you, happily helping himself to a bowl of piping hot rice and carefully deep-fried golden brown tiger prawn tempura. The yukata he wore now had a pattern of navy blue seigaiha, reminiscent of the tides and waves in your dreams.
"Koganei girl—" 
It was your turn to interrupt him. "My name is actually…" 
You gave him your name. It embarrassed you how easily it rolled out of his mouth, like he's known it all his life. 
"Your hairpin," he said, pointing to your head. "Did you know that it's a tsukumogami?" 
Your stepfather's gift to you was a delicate glass-blown kanzashi. When you pulled it out of your hair to inspect it more closely, you saw the fine craftsmanship and the intricate azure blue beads and gold trimmings that adorned it. Though you were certain you were holding it carefully, the hairpin fell to the tatami floor, followed by a gentle stream of cursed energy that seemed to emanate from it. It didn't take long for the object to finish its gradual morphing, taking on its human form as the legends say. 
A woman in an elegant azure kimono now sat before you, a tender smile on her face as she met your curious gaze. "You're friends with a very shrewd boy, child of Suzaku. Though I suppose nothing can get past those mystic eyes of his." 
"You may call me Marin. I have served your family for time immemorial as a guardian spirit of sorts. My presence has been restored for this very purpose: to serve as your protector in times when your family cannot," she stated, prostrating herself before you. "It would be an honour to accompany you on your life's journey, aruji-sama."  
"I… I'd like to know this first," you started, trying to hide the quell in your voice. "You called yourself a guardian spirit. I've never heard of you before, though…"
Marin raised her head, the same kind smile on her face even as you questioned her. "That is because I was sealed away, only to be awakened once my master awakens as well. And it has been… three hundred years since I last saw my master, the one who possesses Suzaku." 
"Otome is not the same master you served before, tsukumogami. She might possess the same ability as your old master, but she is a different person altogether," Satoru interjected. 
"I am well aware of that fact, little godling of the Gojo family," the woman stated. "That is why I wish to accompany her on her life's work— in order for us to have a better understanding of each other, and for me to glean more knowledge about the world at present… If she will have me, of course."
"Of… Of course, Marin-san! I… I would be honoured to have you as well!" You told her, taking her hands in yours. The guardian spirit was evidently touched by your trust. It was pure and child-like, a currency in itself that is absolutely priceless. 
"I thank you, aruji-sama. Remember you have only but to call me and I will be there," she replied, lifting your hands to her lips in reverence. "For now, I bid you farewell. I am only an arm's length away from you. Always."
Marin's cursed energy condensed itself once more, housing itself in the elegant hairpin until nary a trace of her human form remained. Satoru lifted it from the tatami and scooted over to your side, pinning it back to your pulled-up hair. 
"Thank you…"
"Huh. You're really like the sun," he said. You couldn't help but cock your head in confusion at his statement, earning yourself another one of his boyish grins. "You know that sorcerers like us have different kinds of energies, right? We can see and even sense traces of it… but it's different when you touch. I… don't normally let other people touch me, so I was surprised when I held your hand and saw that instead." 
"It was said that when you touch someone and you see colours, you're touching that person's very soul." 
What? "Really?"
"When I held your hand yesterday… It felt like I was looking at numerous rays of the sun. It was all golden! But my eyes didn't hurt at all."
He suddenly raised a hand to his nape, a sheepish expression gracing his features. "Did you… see any colours when we held hands?" 
"I saw the sea… and snow," you told him truthfully. "Like a splash of blue." 
There was a curious twinkle in his eyes when you spoke of the vision from yesterday. He looked… rather pleased with himself.
"I'm glad that's the case!" He stated, his confidence returning as he happily rocked back and forth, not at all making an effort to mask his giddiness. "I'm really glad I came here! Even though I have to spend most of my mornings with Kazuya…" 
So he came seeking answers, you thought to yourself. Satoru grew surprisingly warm and comfortable around you afterwards. He remained a diligent student to your stepfather for the rest of his stay as well. He gladly sparred with Kazuya now and even let him win on occasions, though he took no pleasure in going easy on him. Satoru was a prodigious child and Kazuya soon came to realise that even if he mastered Raiden and his inherited Lightning Rod Sorcery, he can never best a little god born perfect. 
On the other hand, Satoru wanted nothing to do with your sister, even though she insisted that they started off on the wrong foot. 
"That boy is so… enamoured with you, my girl. It's rather strange," Suzuna absentmindedly commented as she permitted you to exit the room through the shoji leading to the garden, where the silver-haired boy spent most of the afternoons waiting for you to conclude your basic studies with your mother and governess, his excitement not at all waning as the days passed. 
On his final evening at the Koganei Estate, Satoru slipped past the night patrol and hurriedly made his way to your bedroom, his mischievous, catlike smile glimmering in the dark of the night.
"Shh," the boy with hair like starlight raised an index finger to his lips. "Let me stay here tonight." 
And he spoke. Even as the moon hung high in the night sky, he spoke about anything and everything that came to his mind, even though you had no idea what he was talking about. Despite his sheltered existence, Satoru was intelligent and worldly, and he spoke of things you had yet to see outside your gated home, things he wanted you to see with your own eyes, things he wanted to see with you— to experience with you. You. 
"Do you want me to come back for you when we're older?" He asked, no longer embarrassed by the yawn that left his mouth. He lied down beside you just outside your futon, your small hands slightly touching. 
"Or maybe I'll find you," you replied with a small smile on your face. You were sleepy, but the thought of him leaving tomorrow gave you the strength to fight back the urge to drift off into a dream. 
"Fine by me," the boy nodded, a grin on his face that eventually widened into another yawn. 
Satoru fell asleep first. The only thing that mattered to you was the fact that he was there— the one who touched your soul and saw sunbeams. Perhaps he was waiting to meet you in the space between dreams and the waking world. When you reached for his hand, a tender wave of calmness washed over you, just enough to lull you to sleep as well. 
When morning came, neither of you was bothered by the sound of thundering footsteps through the estate halls, the panicked whispers of "where could he be" being passed around by family members, sorcerers, and servants alike. 
It amused Suzuna, who knew exactly where the little god was— unbothered and sound asleep right next to her child, the one who touched his soul and saw the sea and the sky— their tiny fingers warm and intertwined. 
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~ 2004.
Your life as the young heir of the leadership of the Koganei Clan was composed of many hours of learning and training from your mother and family elders, as well as a series of encounters and misencounters with the different children of the numerous sorcerer clans both major and minor. Many grew to respect you and your presence at gatherings, saying you earned the right to sit at that table with all the hard work you've put into becoming a worthy heir, while others remained ambivalent that a girl would be a clan leader. When you turned fourteen, Lady Suzuna started taking you with her to clan leader gatherings. The invitations to such meetings never ceased and became a part of your life as well, earning you allies and opportunities to continue proving your mettle.
When wintertime rolls in, signifying the start of the new year, the venue for clan leader gatherings is reset, and the representatives of sorcerer families near and far converge to Kyoto— the heartland of jujutsu society— to the fortress-like estate of the esteemed Zenin Clan. 
Zenin Naobito inherited leadership of the Zenin Clan from his elder brother in 1999, shocking onlookers that the role was passed down to a sibling and not to offspring. But upon closer examination of their circumstances, it only made sense for the leadership to be passed on to someone who excelled in sorcery and had a knack for politicking. 
Naobito's nephews— the rugged and apathetic Jinichi, and Toji— did not fit those qualifications at all. Toji, most especially, since he was known to have been born with no cursed energy at all, making him an anomaly in his own family. He seemed to exist outside the cycle of cursed energy and his senses made up for his lack of it. 
Toji has since left the Zenin Clan on his own accord. Whatever is known about him now is considered lore— and most of the time, fiction. 
Esteemed as they were in the eyes of everyone in jujutsu society, none of their living family members have inherited their most prized Ten Shadows Technique. Naobito was said to have conceived his youngest son, Naoya, as a final attempt to manifest their family's truest hope of regaining their power from ages ago. Alas, that was not the case at all, for his son inherited a form of sorcery so ghastly similar to his that it felt a bit like mockery. 
If it was any consolation, Naoya was exceedingly intelligent and gifted in his own right, perhaps even more talented than his older brothers. Naobito saw in him a strength that reflected his own— and the smarts to go with it. It was too bad his own pride and entitlement spoiled whatever personality he had. His ongoing infatuation with the girl who possessed Suzaku did not help his moral argument, either. 
It was never his character to patiently wait, but he did so with you. Naoya tried to mask his elation with anything other than that when he saw you enter the shoin with your mother. 
Ah, the strange thing you did to his silly little heart. His uncle Jinichi chuckled at how motionless he stood next to his father. He followed the boy's line of sight and—
"Don't look at her, you dirty old man," Naoya hissed at his uncle. He couldn't blame the older man, though. The way you carried yourself now was even more refined than ever— to think that you could improve even more from that time you put him in his place— and that sprig of gladiolus tucked in your hair… 
Naoya imagined himself backing you into a corner, the sheen of your gold kimono dissipating as you fell into the shadows of the more quiet parts of their estate—
"Does your father know you're a horny little shit?" Came his uncle's remark, followed by a low and rumbling chuckle. It was a joke meant to sound like an insult, but the boy's enraged expression only meant that Jinichi was spot on. 
You could sense eyes on you from across the grand audience hall, and you were greeted by Naoya with a smile, one you hadn't seen in a long while. He looked surprisingly antsy in his spot beside his father and uncles, turning in your direction every once in a while. The meeting was an exchange of views between leaders and was meant to be boring for the youngsters. All of it will make sense in the future, Suzuna whispered to you earlier. 
A recess was called and you took that as an opportunity to stand up and stretch your legs. And perhaps encounter someone… 
That someone you had in mind was not Naoya. 
He greeted you with the same eloquence and warmth so akin to his father that it felt like you were talking to an older man. "Hello, Otome-san." 
"Naoya-sama," you replied to him with a low bow. "It's good to see you again." 
"It certainly is. And seein' you here is such a delight because you are definitely a sight for sore eyes," he stated. 
"Oh, um… I'm glad to know I brighten up the room if that's what you mean." 
Pretty, pretty, pretty— For Naoya, you were so devastatingly pretty that it killed him inside not to have you to himself. He wanted to hold you. "That is entirely true and exactly what I meant. You… Has anyone ever told you that you'd look so nice as a bride? Not now, exactly, but…"
"E-Excuse me?" 
"You're fortunate to have a brother capable of handling things in your family in case you must leave in order to marry," Naoya continued with his seemingly half-brained monologue, only for it to be cut short by your sharp interjection. 
"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen at all," you replied to him, correcting his misconception about your presence there today. "I stand here before you as your equal, an heir to a house of sorcery." 
You tempered your emotions, keeping them in check in hopes they won't show on your face. However, it got the better of you when Naoya tried to reach for your hand and you suddenly took a step back. He recognised that look on your face as one of horror and disgust. 
Disgust, of all things. One single look made him feel entirely pathetic and hurt and his bruised ego wanted to make you feel just as bad. 
"I see. So that's how it is. You do know the entire reason why yer family still exists is because of your mother's a sycophant. In case you didn't know what that means, it—"
But you had the same sharp look in your eyes, not at all deterred by the fact he veiled his comment with an insult. "I know what that means, Naoya-sama." 
"Everyone in his meeting is aware of what kind of person your mother is, you know. She'd have done everyone a favour by handing over the reins to her husband or her son. It won't be long 'til your family is driven to its own ruin by her own making, and I'll be there when she puts you up for bidding— the heir of a family no better than that of insects—" 
It was a strange feeling. You did not punch him in the face with your dominant hand yet he was sent two steps back. 
"You called me the bride of a family of insects yet you can't seem to get me out of your mind," you said, the adrenaline pumping through your body as you seized the collar of his dress shirt. "If this is how you intended to win me over, you are pathetically naive."
You pushed him off the engawa and jumped at him while he was down, preventing him from thrashing away from you. 
The unearthly shriek that the other youths heard from the outside of the shoin prompted them to rush outside, everyone present surprised by the scuffle that was ensuing between the girl in the golden kimono and the young master of the house.
The boy had a hand in your now-messy hair as you sat atop his finely-clothed figure, driving your fists into his face in a blind rage. You were hardly an image of gracefulness right now but you were too incensed to give a fuck. 
"Who the hell do you think you are?! Do you think you can just call my family trash and get away with it?! I'm not just a pretty face like you say I am, you piece of—"
You were quickly pulled away from the dark-haired boy by your fellow young ladies, who struggled to pull you back as you tried to rip away from their hold with nothing but fury boiling your blood. The young Zenin boy got on his feet, seething as he was held back by his clansmen from approaching you again.
"This isn't over, Koganei!"
"Grow a fucking backbone, Zenin!"
The scolding you received when you arrived back home at the Koganei Estate was unlike any other. Princess as you were in the eyes of your clansmen, Suzuna considered your recent actions as inappropriate for a future clan head and had you punished for it. The ripped and dirtied kimono from this morning's incident was taken off of you and cast into a fire despite your protests. 
Suzuna was tired. It had been far too long since she last admonished you for something. You were doing so well, after all, following her example and learning from her firsthand. She knew within herself that any corporal punishment she would mete out to you will only embolden you further. 
The two of you sat quietly in her den, the very same place where she would often discipline you as a child. She ordered not to be disturbed by anyone in order to fully understand what was running through your head that afternoon when you decided to smack Zenin Naoya in the face. 
"I have no words for what I just saw, Otome," she stated. "What… What exactly happened back then? Why on earth did you punch Zenin Naobito's heir, of all people?" 
You sat seiza, silent and dignified like she always instructed. Your lip was split open and you could taste salt and dried blood on the tip of your tongue even though you did not open your mouth to speak. 
"You don't deserve the prestige that comes with the position if you're going around acting like a wild boar!" 
"I know you've said time and again to accept everything thrown at us with grace, but I cannot! I will not… I will defend our family's honour even with my bare hands! I…" You shouted back, fists shaking as you tried desperately to swallow the lump in your throat. You have mastered the art of holding back your tears out of fear of upsetting this woman, your mother— Lady Suzuna, but the rage that made your blood boil spilled carelessly in your words. "Zenin Naoya told me that a family led by a woman will only be driven to its own ruin, that we're only fortunate enough to still be standing because of your own pandering to the elders of jujutsu society! He called the Koganei trash! He— How dare he discredit what you've done for this family!…"
Once again, you amaze your mother with your quick wit, though she expected you to act more wisely. The fact that you were defending your clan's honour was not lost to her, but that mattered little now after the tussle that transpired. "That was nothing to lose your patience over, Otome. I told you that getting upset over trivial things is—"
You looked at her with furrowed brows and disbelief. "It wasn't trivial to me, okaa-sama! He insulted you! To that extent, he's insulted our whole family! Why are you being so nonchalant about this?!"
Suzuna wanted to implode. Seeing your untapped rage finally reach its tipping point forced her to evaluate you as her heir, but more importantly, as a person. Your progress— who you are now— is exactly who she wanted you to be. You had better control of your emotions now, a firmer grasp and understanding of the power of your tears, yet she wished you handled your anger better than just throwing your hands at other people. 
And other people happened to be the honoured son of one of the Great Three Sorcerer Clans. 
"Because at the end of the day, we small, insignificant clans are powerless against those giant madhouses. They don't like seeing difference,  anything out of the ordinary— they most certainly do not like seeing women fighting back. No matter how skilled you grow…  Those— Those men can crush us, Otome."
The tremble in Suzuna's voice broke your spirit. Did she not defend this family in her own way? If your self-preservation meant pandering to those above her, she still did so with grace and poise, embodying the beauty and resilience of the ginkgo tree your family takes so much pride in.
She sighed in exhaustion, both physically and mentally. "That brat was obviously infatuated with you. I could tell from the way his eyes followed your every movement. You could have just accepted his compliments…"
You prostrated yourself before her, lowering your head until it touched the tatami. "I'm truly sorry, okaa-sama. I thought I defended our honour but all I did was tarnish it with my rashness. I will accept any punishment doled out to me as you see fit." 
"That won't be necessary. You… did what you thought was right. It wasn't, but you believe yourself to be entirely justified. Keep that conviction of yours, Otome. You have that thing you said that brat didn't," Suzuna shook her head in defeat, a small smile gracing her face despite knowing you were in deep shit. "A backbone."
In the morning that followed, as you were having breakfast in the dining hall with your family, a message of apology and a single box of delectable Royce' Nama Chocolates were delivered by a Zenin messenger. You awaited retribution but all you received was a sweet and a sorry. 
"Naobito-sama sends his regards— and his apologies for Naoya-sama's poor treatment of the young lady Koganei," said the Zenin messenger as they handed over the box of candy to a Koganei servant. "In line with this, Naoya-sama is inviting the young lady Koganei back to Kyoto—"
"No," you stated plainly.
Suzuna nearly jumped from her spot as you conversed with the messenger at the genkan. "O-Otome! What are you saying?!"
Oddly enough, the more you rebuffed Naoya, the more he seemed desperate to ensnare you.
"If Naoya-sama truly wishes to apologise to me and mend our strained relationship, he will come here to the Koganei Estate in person to see me," you told the confused Zenin messenger. "That is all." 
They left in haste carrying nothing but your response to their master's measly excuse of an apology. 
Chiemi couldn't believe her eyes. You were never one to make demands of anyone and it annoyed her to see you acting so audaciously. To see you acting just like her mother, fitting into your role as heir like a snug mitten.
"You've grown awfully confident with yourself, onee-sama. Naoya-sama has done nothing but woo you for the last few years and yet you still punched him in the face," she piped in. "I take it he said some awful things about our family, but he was definitely just teasing you. I suppose you think you're above him now—"
"…t up…"
"What?" She asked, her nose crinkling at your inaudible response. "See? That's the thing with women like you. You always forget your place…"
You couldn't bear to listen to her droning until she said something that made your blood boil once more. 
"Oh, I know! Why don't I go to Kyoto in your stead? We are sisters, after all, and Naoya-sama might find my company more pleasant than you—"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! For once in your life, shut up, Chiemi!" You screamed at the other girl's face, shaking her shoulders so hard that she dropped to her knees in total shock. All those years of tormenting you and you finally snapped at her. "You can hate me all you want now, but you will thank me eventually! I'd never marry that man even if Suzaku himself commanded me to! And I'm not about to let you waltz into your misery, either!"
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Author's notes: — I am once again apologising for this chapter's length. I wanted to keep on expanding and expanding this universe further and accidentally hit 10.2k words. — I think Naoya being a little creepy in the final part of this chapter is pretty on-brand. Don't get me wrong, I love him a lot. I just happened to love Gojo more. We will see more of Naoya in the coming chapters and continue breaking his teeny little heart more. This is a work in progress, one which I am very happy to be writing! This is also my first time actually posting a full fic here, so please let me know if there's anything odd. You can get in touch with me on Twitter or here at Tumblr @SongsOfAdelaide if you wanna drop me a line or something! ~ Mari / SongsOfAdelaide ♡ ♡ tag list: @woozzz
✦ Asleep Among Endives Masterlist ✦
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mofffun · 8 months
Takamina on King-Ohger finale
~01:14:10 Takamina ep35.5 Space
(kmh = Kamihoriuchi Kazuya, head director; tkm = Takano Minato, writer)
kmh: In the end, Takamina-san, can I ask you a question for all the audience? 
tkm: What is it?
kmh: It's a bit of a grey area, we might get told off by [producer] Oomori-san, but, we're entering talks of the finale. You don't have to tell me the plot yet, but just please tell us what kind of determination are you bringing to the script?
tkm: Ah, we are at this point already? *more stalling* OK. Happy Ending. I will work hard to write a happy ending that the audience is glad they watched our show. "They all died. How sad." I'm not going to do that.
kmh: I see, I see. Keep your promise, Takamina.
tkm: Recently I've been seen as someone who doesn't write that... That's not true. The defeat is just temporary, it's gonna be alright! Are you ready too, Kamihori-san?
kmh: I'm ready to film everything exactly as your script ordered.
tkm: Liar! I'm already prepared for it. (note: Kamihoriuchi often adds/changes things on set)
kmh: Then I will wait for the first draft that will make me cry the moment I open the page.
tkm: It won't turn out like that for sure >v< But that's why King-Ohger is a collaborative effort.
kmh: Yeah, let's work together to create a finale the audience will love.
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mangoisms · 1 year
like the part of the song where it falls masterlist
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pairing: miyuki kazuya x f!reader
In which you get hit by Miyuki Kazuya's winning home-run of the World Series and things get a little… weird.
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full summary: It is just your luck that you get knocked out (and consequently concussed) by the winning home-run of the World Series.
Bottom of the ninth, the sky dark, the floodlights on, the atmosphere of Petco Park absolutely electric.
You’re just trying to get a good shot of the field with your camera and then boom.
Baseball, meet face.
But the San Diego Padres won at least, right? That home-run broke the 4-4 tie. Their first World Series win ever and their first World Series appearance since, like, the 80s or something.
In no small part due to their trailblazer of a catcher, a foreign player, actually, the only Japanese starting catcher in the Majors currently — Miyuki Kazuya.
Good for them. Good for him!
Even if he is the guy to (technically) blame for concussing you.
contains: meet-ugly, mutual pining, light angst, not actually unrequited love
ao3 | wattpad | fic playlist | story tag | kazuya x reader tag
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⚾️ chapter index
part one. rough as a thousand sharpened nails
part two. like a hinge, like a wing, like the part of the song where it falls
part three. also i wanted to be able to love. and we all know how that one goes, don’t we?
part four. mostly, i want to be kind
part five. and probably, if they don’t waste time looking for an easier world, they can do it
part six. dogfish
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famousfoxkingdom · 3 months
Order of the black horse
2nd part to my fanfic about the bsd lovechild that the lovely @anntriccs came up with, now with a dive on my bsd lovechild. koishi's ability! Dazai's POV
"They certainly have the balls to attempt to hurt one of the member of the order of the black horse." Koishi grumbled in annoyance as the set her sword back into it's sheath, rolling her eyes at the interuption. "They've been troublemakers since my day. The genes just became worse overtime." I answered, chuckling as I saw my son's jaw drop. "Ho...How is she not. Well you know." Kazuya gasped out, earning a small scoff from Lenore who had chucked her lolipop at her crow. "All the light we cannot see. It allows the user to conjur up illusions that can trick even the best killer. She can also summon other items out of thin air.Combat based." The teen recited as if it was common knowldge. "Good job. in deducing that part of my ability.As for starters, Order of the black horse is an orginastion meant to protect the future childreen of the mafia, decetives and the decay."Koishi mused, a smile dancing on her lips and she took of her signaure red coat. "I see, Well you have my gratitue from saving me from the blade of Yujiro. And for my name..." "Kazuya is it not? I heard from your other father about your stunt with the weretiger." She answered, producing a check from her vast pocket. Kazuya POV I cocked my head in some confusion as the well dressed Koishi handed the check to me. "For your bravery. Yujiro is on of the worst out there to tackle, and you standing in the face ot death, you're earned a spot as a co-leader." I must have looked a sight as the office then burst out laughing "You've done it this time Kazuya-I san, you don't get a spot that easily"Lenore mused, "Her entrance exams are notorious. you tackling Yasushi in the full moon was one. Remeber that school camp?" I nodded. How could I forget that night? Terribly wild, as the teachers said. "Welcome to the rants. Dress code isn't a joking matter. I don't like my members showing up unarmed to a tight, so please do dress well and bring your weapons,'' with that, she picked up her coat and Waltzed out of the office, "Twenty thoused and yen as your pay? Bless her," my dad chuck, putting me on my shoulder, "Mhm. Looks like I just found my next job."
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akkivee · 6 months
i am a little embarrassed to say i didn’t pay much attention to stage posse but still!!!!!:
stage ramuda is an entire menace lmao
like both the anime and stage’s takes on ramuda is a cutesy snarky young man who will tear everything and everyone down when provoked in a certain manner and it’s valid!!!!! doesn’t mean i particularly care for it tho lol
i love track 4 tho for showing off ramuda’s ability to manipulate and even tho he’s the antagonist of that play, he was provoked by jakurai so if you ask me, sensei was the true antagonist of that track and that’s the sort of writing that makes the stage so interesting lmao
there was a flavour of falseness sekoguchi-san’s ramuda had, like a deep seated mask over his emotions and interactions and it SLAPPED he played ramuda’s early self conflicts very well
i don’t listen to stage posse’s first songs at all anymore (i esp despise trap of fling gomen lol) but there was a time i’d listen to stage songs with yasui-san’s ramuda and get sad it didn’t hit the same as sekoguchi-san’s lol
now it’s not a problem lol yasui-san has a wonderful ramuda as well and it was an easy transition because i think sekoguchi-san and yasui-san have similar takes on ramuda
we don’t talk about stage gentaro’s first actor lol but he played a very fruity gencha and i always appreciate that lol
sakata-san’s gentaro i felt embraced more of gentaro’s weirdness which i like to see more of in my gentaro LOL
i always think about that final bop2023 encore talk where he pretended to cry bc everything was ending, but it was a just a big ol’ uso desu yo joke, much to his teammates chagrin lol. stage dice must have been still giving him a look or something because gentaro returned his gaze and did this half shrug with a 😌😏 expression that kills me tbh lmao
speaking of stage dice!!!!!!!!!!
takizawa-san……………. takiryo…………….. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu……………………………..
when ramuda got recast, it taught me the fear of my faves leaving and i begged that takiryo would never leave the role of dice lmao
his dancing??????????????? FLAWLESS
his rap?????????? FANTASTIC
his face???????? PHEW 😮‍💨
*collapses* and he’s charming too i always think about this one report i read where he and doshiro’s stage actor iirc were doing a rewatch of sorts of track two, and before it started they were playing asakusa bounce in the bg so takiryo was singing the chorus, ‘SEIYA!!!! SOIYA!!!!!! ASAKUSA!!!!!’
except he was getting the order wrong and kazuya-san had to gently correct him and takiryo fell out of his chair laughing at himself and UGH 😭💛😭💛😭💛😭💛😭💛😭💛
takiryo’s daisu absolutely put the ‘king’ in daisu lol like he was brutally cool
the way yasui-san and sakata-san tended to look towards him and occasionally acted around him like he was their leader helped drive that home too lol
stage dice was insane btw lmao i still can’t believe he said this lol
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i think the stage play leaned into a young master kinda dice, to show what kind of upbringing dice came from in absence of the women’s presence in the plays. i think it’s a bit of a disservice to dice personally, but i wasn’t unwilling to see such a side of him explored lol
before fp vs mtc happened, he and byrnes-san tried to fit dice and rio’s relationship in wherever they happened to be together and i *clenches fist* thank them for that lmao
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1150: The Devil's Sister (?) (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Tekken)
3:23 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Dining Halls.......
Zelda: (Sighs While Crossing her Arms and Walking Along with Mewtwo and Ganondorf) For the last time, Ganon, Mewwy and I are not interested in joining your little heist tonight.
Ganondorf: Oh come now, you two, it'll only be one night and the obtaining the sacred jew will be twice as short and less time restraint than originally planned with your assistance around and about.
Mewtwo: But everyone else in the League will take part in this too, right? Couldn't you have one play the distraction role instead?
Ganondorf: I already assigned everyone to their roles ages ago and even then, I can't really say I trust either of them with this task in question. Bowser and Ridley wouldn't be able keep their mouths shut for the likes of them, Dark Samus' shape-shifting abilities would rise suspension, and the Devil Brat-
The trio's eyes begins to widened as they see Kazuya repeatedly banging his head on the table while everyone else present watching him and Hades chuckling maniacally at the scene itself.
Ganondorf: (Raises his Eyebrow in Confusion) Is not currently banging his head on the table like a madman, what's going on here?
Mewtwo: (Notices a Young Woman Sporting a Purple Colored Tips Faded into her Black Hair, Standing Behind Kazuya with a Smirk on her Face) And who's this?
Hades: (Gets Up From his Seat) Ohohoo! You three are in for a helluva treat right now! Princess, gentlemen, allow me to introduce you Reina Mishima.
Reina: (Causally Waves at the Three) 'Sup.
Zelda: Wait, Mishima? Does that mean you're-
Reina: (Smiles Brightly) That's right!~ I just so happen to be Kazuya's baby sister~ (Was About Ruffle The Top of Kazuya's Head Until....)
Kazuya: (Angrily Points at his "Sister") DON'T!....Touch me.
Reina: (Moves her Hand Away From Kazuya) Fine. Whatever you say, Onee-san~
Ganondorf: Okay, I'm confused. (Turns to Kazuya) You have a sibling this entire time?
Reina: Make that "siblings" actually. There's many of us around believe or not.
Mewtwo: (Raises an Eyebrow) How many are we talking exactly?
Reina: Oh I dunno~ Nine....Eighteen.....Maybe twenty-five of us perhaps~
Everyone: TWENTY FIVE!?
Hades: Yeeeeeeup!~ And none of them belongs to Kazumi either. Old Hachi-Boy might've gotten over that train wreck real quick that day cause he was getting BUSY in these past few years!
Bowser: Oh God the Child Support Payment must've been off the roof for the guy. (Eyes Suddenly Starts to Widened) Does even PAID Child Support to begin with?
Sephiroth: Given the the history we were given about him so far, I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be the case.
Pichu: (Nodded in Agreement) Pi.
Reina: Nah I wouldn't say that's the case entirely. The old fart never activately been around in any of our lives, bit he has provided all of us the funds and resources we needed to survive in the outside world. Well.....(Smirks Down at a Severely Pissed Off Kazuya) Almost all of us.
Zelda: (Still Surpised at What is Happening Right Now) This is all so much to process at once.....I need something to snack on ASAP!
Mewtwo: Got it. (Summons a Bag of Chips in Front of Zelda With a Snap of his Finger)
Zelda: (Catches the Bag Before Letting Out a Loud Gasps and Pulling her Best Friend into a Very Loving Hug) Mewwy, I love you with every fiber of my soul!~ Let's go!~ (Grabs Mewtwo by the Hand and Rushes Over to the Leagues of Villains' Table to Having a Much Better Viewing Experience)
Ganondorf: So....Given that you're Heihachi's daughter, have you learned a thing or two about his family fighting style as well?
Reina: For the most part. I took a few lessons from his training guide videos a while back and it's been proven beneficial so far. (Let Out a Bit of a Chuckle) A few of peers would usually go on and on saying that learning Martial Arts is a waste of time, but I dunno. It feels nice to fight your own battles for once. (Wiggles her Fingers a Little Before Balling her Fist Up, Creating a Small Purple Electricity Around the Knuckles) It's also satisfying to crush any weak, small fry that tries to get in my way.
Ganondorf: Assertive dominance and power hungry.....(Forms an Evil Smirk on his Face) Not bad. Ever thought about joining our League-
Kazuya: NO! NO! NO! She is NOT joining our group!
Ganondorf: (Casually Shrugs) Don't see why? We ARE in need of new recruits.
Ridley: Plus, she does seems to fit the qualifications of a villain so far, so-
A Devil Beam starts coming towards Space Pirate's direction before quickly dodging it completely.
Ridley: (Glares at Kazuya) What the hell, man!? I was just saying!
Kazuya: (Glares Back at Ridley) And you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut, bird!!
Ridley: Hey, don't get pissy at me for stating the obvious! And I'm a freaking dragon!....I think?....
Reina: Oh come now, Kazu, there's no need for you get so mad~ I personally don't see anything wrong with us working together from time to time.
Kazuya: (Turns to Reina) I do not associate myself with snot-nosed brats. Let alone one who doesn't seem to know her PLACE!
Reina: No need to get so hostile. Your crew mates here were only presenting me an offer I have no reason to refuse.
Kazuya: And I decline you from EVER joining our ranks!!
Bowser: (Nervously Raise Up his Finger) I don't really think you have a say in the matt-
Kazuya: SHUT UP!
Kazuya angrily shoots another Devil Beam at Bowser, whom quickly dodges it as well.
Reina: ('Sigh') Honestly. Have you always throw hissy fits whenever things don't go your way? At your own age nonetheless?
Mewtwo: You think that's immature? You should've seen all the times him and his subordinates drinking celebrating around your father's grave every chance they get.
Reina: Really?....Can't tell if that's sad or pathetic.
Mewtwo: I say it's the latter.
Kazuya shoots yet another Devil Beam at Mewtwo, only for Zelda to stop it from hitting him by using her manipulation power with the palm of her hand
Zelda: (Glares at Kazuya While Slowly Erasing the Beam Entirely) Don't. Even.
Reina: (Gives Zelda a Impressed Smile on her Face) Gotta say, that's some nifty telekinesis powers you got there, princess.
Zelda: (Turns to Reina with a Bright Smile on her Face) Thanks!~ Mewwy's been teaching me a thing or two on how to use them more fluently
Reina: (Chuckles Lightly While Pointing at Mewtwo) This cutie suppose to be your teacher or something?
Zelda: Not just that. (Happily Hugs Mewtwo Again) This cutie is also my bestest friend in the whole wide world!~
Mewtwo: (Looks Away While Blushing) Nothing about me screams cute, Zelda......
Reina: Intellect and cool collected. (Turns Back to her Shakingly Enraged Older Brother) You should learn a few things from him, Kazu. Maybe then you wouldn't be deemed as a failure to the Mishima Family's name. (Casually Shrugs) Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if your mother thought the same way too before she di-
Before Reina could even finish the rest of her sentence, Kazuya delivers a powerful, electric surging punch towards her face, only for the young woman to catch it at the last second woth an iron grip, much to everyone's surprise.
Bowser: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat) Oh shit!
Ridley: Another escalation happening here, people!
Sephiroth: (Rolls his Eyes) No surprise there.
Hades: And the sparks begins to fly at long last!
Ganondorf: (Smirk Grew Wider) Excellent.
Reina: Well, would you look at that!~ (Forms an Evil, Cocky Smirk on her Face While Still Holdong onto Kazuya's Fist) We're actually getting somewhere here.
Kazuya: (Tries His Very Hardest to Power Through Reina's Grip While Grunting) Sister......or not.....I WILL kill you.....With my own BARE HANDS!!!
Reina: You're more than welcome to try. But I must warn you though.....I never take my punches lightly....nor do I take lightly to those who are all talk....So unless you wanna know what it feels like to grovel on a solid floor, cut the bullshit, try your hardest, and push me towards my. Absolute. Limit.
Kazuya: Gladly.
Kazuya uses his other fist to try and punch Reina for the second time and-
Kazuya's eyes suddenly starts to widen as he turns to see a ghost of his own mother, Kazumi, stand beside him, silently shaking her head at in disappointment. It was long for only son take a deep breath and loosen the force of his punch.
Kazuya: No. I won't kill you. Not yet anyways.
Reina: (Raises an Eyebrow as She Slowly Starts to Losen her Grip) Really? You're giving up just like that? Pretty disappointing if you ask me-
Kazuya: Quiet, you insufferable brat! That's not what I'm doing! I'm only putting this on hold for now. But the next time I see you, I won't be so merciful.
Reina: (Stares at Kazuya Fore a Brief Second Before Sighing in Defeat) Fine. Whatever you say, Kazuya. (Finally Let's Go of Kazuya's Hand) I have a busy schedule on my hands already. (Properly Bows to Everyone Else at the Table) So I must bid ypu all adieu for now.
Ganondorf: (Walks Up to Reina) Wait. Before you go anywhere, here. (Gives Reina the Leagues of Villains Business Card) The offer still stands for you to join our League if you like.
Reina: (Smiles Brightly at Ganondorf) Why, thank you very much, Senpai!~ (Place the Business Card in her Jackey Pocket) I'll be sure to keep you all in touch going forward. In the meantime, I'll actually take my leave for real this time. (Walks Away Before Suddenly Stopping in her Tracks) Oh and......Onee-Chan? If you still wanna try and kill me with your own bare hands, you know where to find me. (Turns Back to Kazuya One Last Time With an Evil Grin on her Face) And I'll be sure show not to show you any form of mercy on my end either. (Turns Away Before Walking Away, Waving Goodbye to Everyone)
Zelda: (Happily Waves Goodbye to the New Girl Along With Almost Everyone Else) Byeeee, Reina!~ It was nice meeting you!~
Hades: Come back amd humble Kazu-boy anytime you want!~
Sephiroth: Till we meet again I suppose.
Pichu: Pi-chuuuu!~
Ganondorf: (Let's Out a Satisfied Sigh) Well now. I suppose an agreement is in order. All in favor letting Reina join the League: Say 'Aye'! (Raises his Hand Up)
Everyone: (Raises Their Hands Up as Well) Aye!/Pi!
Kazuya: (Angrily Transform into his Devil Form) ('GRAAAAAAAA') FUCK IT! I'm going out for fresh air and you all can kiss the stone cold part of my ass!!
Kazuya sky rockets himself out of the mansion, breaking parts of the ceiling as it falls down on the table.
Ganondorf: ('Sigh') Great. The devil brat's tantrum destroyed the ceiling again. All in favor in telling the ladies what happened- Not it!
Bowser: Not it!
Zelda: Not it!
Mewtwo: Not it.
Hades: Not itttt!~
Sephiroth: Not it.
Pichu: Pichu!~
Dark Samus: Not it....
Ridley: Not it- Ahhh Damnit! Again with this!?
Bowser: (Shrugs) Sorry, man. Rules are rules.
Dark Samus: I'll miss you~
Ridley: (Sighs in Defeat While Getting Up From his Seat) Yeah, yeah, I'll miss you too, babe. (Starts Walking Off) I swear, I can't have anything good in this place.....
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peachmuses · 1 year
sociieties asked: alright fuckers, grab your shit, we’re going on vacation. kazuya’s up and taken his friends to ishigaki, out to a vacation home his family owns, which he hadn’t been to in years and now that he’s here, he doesn’t remember anything about the layout od the house outside of the fact that there’s a massive pool in the backyard. he’s the first to walk in and while everyone else piles in, og lingers outside on the porch. “ tatsu and i get the master room. ” because it’s his place, clearly. “ there’s three other rooms, so mako and shuu get to share. momoi-chan, you can either get your own, or you can share with yo-yo, i don’t really care. ” while he says this, makoto’s off to look for the kitchen. kazuya continues, looks back towards the front door, “ either way, you’re not rooming with og. there will be no baby-making here, you hear me, love? ” he’s mostly joking, but also mostly serious. “ other than that, don’t burn the place down or anything and we should be good? if you break something, it’s fine, it can be replaced. ”
momoi blinks - as ya-chan all but bursts into the room where her, og, and yo-chan are talking about something or the other / and then she's told they're all going on vacation - and yo-chan had grabbed onto og and her, and now -- they're here. ( it all happened so fast / them in the room, then at the airport where nijimura-senpai had all but passed out and himuro-kun explained that he had drugged him to get him here. she nodded - that made perfect sense to her when she was lost amongst everything else. she still remembers hawaii with him and the others after all. / someone had carried him / and then now. here they are. ) she's walking next to yo-chan, as ya-chan begins to explain how the room system works and her arm goes through yo-chan's. nijimura-san leans against himuro-kun, and momoi's eyes goes back to ya-chan when he speaks to her. " i'm sharing with yo-chan. " she says, and ryou pats her on the hand, nodding. ( momoi-chan is not terrified of all the people in this house, ryou however is somewhat uncomfortable. he likes the others well enough / ha-chan is his best friend in the entire universe and yet he feels like he's intruding into something despite being invited. ) her mouth opens as he continues, " ya-chan ! " she's scandalized ! what kind of girl does he take her for ? " what if i wanted to make a baby huh ? " nijimura-san's eyes go to her, brow quirking for a bit, amused, " yo-chan won't give me one, " who shakes his head frantically, " momoi-chan, no. " momoi continues, " we've talked about it before. yo-chan said he wants to be the wine aunt if i ever have kids. besides, i wouldn't get pregnant, i'm very safe. what if i have a baby making mood ? what then ? " " momoi-chan, you'd make a terrible mother. you can't even cook. " " i don't need to cook, i'm beautiful and smart. i'll get by. " ryou sighs as he looks up to the ceiling, " gods help us all. "
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metalandmagi · 2 years
The Real Anime Awards of 2022
Last year, I made my own categories for the Crunchyroll Anime Awards (including worst girl, prettiest protagonist, and biggest disappointment, among others), and it was so much fun, I decided to do it again this year, but with different categories. So without further ado, here are the nominees for the real anime awards of 2022.
Biggest Chad
    Shikimori (Shikimori’s not just a cutie)
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    Tengen Uzui (Demon Slayer-Entertainment district arc)
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    Marin Kitagawa (My Dress Up Darling)
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    Najimi (Komi Can’t Communicate)
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    Aileen Dautriche (I’m The Villainess, So I’m Taming The Final Boss)...girl really said “fuck the rest of the harem game, I’m marrying the demon lord him
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    Ranko (Akiba Maid War)
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Show With The Most Drip:
Rent A Girlfriend season 2
My Dress Up Darling
Ya Boy Kongming
Vanitas No Carte season 2
Shadows House season 2
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
Best Trash:
    Rent A Girlfriend season 2
    That one harem sex slave isekai, idk I didn’t watch it
    World’s End Harem
    A Couple of Cuckoos
    The Rising of the Shield Hero season 2
    Love Flops (Yes, I know about the twist. No, that doesn’t stop it from being an amazing dumpster fire.)
Best CONCEPT For An Isekai:
    The Executioner And Her Way Of Life
    Isekai Ojisan
    I’m The Villainess, So I’m Taming The Final Boss
    Reincarnated As A Sword
    Life With an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated Into A Total Fantasy Knockout
    Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs
Anime whose OP Goes The Hardest FOR NO REASON:
    Gunjou no Fanfare (”Move The Soul”- JO1) ...this is a show about horse racing...
    Teppen (”Top of the Laugh”- Teppen All Stars)...this is a show about stand up comedy...
    Isekai Ojisan (“Story”-Mayu Maeshima)
    Akiba Maid War (“Maid Daikaiten”- Ton Tokoton Staff)
    Golden Kamuy season 4 (”ALI”-Never Say Goodbye feat. Mummy-D) Yes, it’s technically a drama, so the OP fits it, but we all know it’s more of a comedy. Half the time they’ll be telling a dick joke, and it will cut to this OP.
    Call of the Night (“Daten”-Creepy Nuts) Seriously, think about it. Why does this OP go so hard? The show is about a guy walking around at night. They didn’t have to come for us like this, but they did, and I love it.
Best Couple: I know this used to be a Crunchyroll category, but I’m bringing it back anyway.
Sasaki and Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano)
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Yor and Loid (Spy x Family)
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Desumi and Fudo (Love After World Domination)
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Kaguya and Shirogane (Kaguya-sama Love Is War season 3)
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Tsukasa and Hinata (Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout)
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*This is technically a spoiler, since the show doesn’t start as a romance...so just fyi* Aharen and Raido (Aharen-san is Indecipherable) 
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Biggest Surprise
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ story
Ya Boy Kongming
Shinobi no Ittoki
Akiba Maid War
Romantic Killer
Akebi’s Sailor Uniform (went in expecting a cute slice of life…got an uncomfortable nightmare)
Smartest OP:
    Chainsaw Man
    Chainsaw Man
    Chainsaw Man
    Chainsaw Man
    Mob Psycho 100 season 3
    To Your Eternity season 2
Most dunked on protagonist:
    Nagomu Irino (Deaimon)
    Kabe-Taijin (Ya Boy Kongming)
    Izumi (Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie)
    Kazuya (Rent A Girlfriend)
    Ataru Moroboshi (Urusei Yatsura)
    Mikoto Shiratori (Ryman’s Club)
Most Ridiculous Concept For A Sports Anime That Actually Works:
    Birdie Wing: Golf Girl’s Story
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    Ryman’s Club
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    Gunjou no Fanfare
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    Tribe Nine
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    Blue Lock
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But who cares what I think? What categories would you make for your own anime awards?
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Narcism in anime and representations
In general, in anime we see a lot of narcissist, but when u think about it, most of them get a revelations and change because of it.
-Shibuya Kazuya: protagonist of Ghost Hunt
The entire time he is on the screen, he believes he is the only one who can do the job, he doesn’t trust nobody else, and he realize too late, when Mai (the protagonist too) is in serious danger because he fail to listen to the others, and he will need it, and has to change, so he can save her.
-Ryo Asuka: protagonist of Devilman crybaby
His story is literally around him being so selfish that he doesn’t understand he loves someone until it’s too late. This story, represents how our protagonist, Lucifer, makes the world goes to ruin, because he converts a innocent human in a demon. *SPOILER AHEAD* He was so self-center that he believes he only loves himself, until he kills Akira Food (the innocent human) and realize that he actually loves him, and it’s too late.
-Shisutu Naruse: Komi-san
His name is literally narcissist, a stereotype of this. When he is sad, he looks himself on the mirror to feel better. He believes everyone looks at him, think about him, but the reality is that nobody cares.
That’s something I learn about budaism, is that there’s redemption and they make you change, I like the idea that we should not let the bad things reign who you are, and that see the positive side actually has benefits
Camila Sánchez Sepulveda
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jameui · 3 years
🧁 Fluff
🌶️ Angst
🍋 Smut
💀 Horror
[not available yet. please wait until further notice]
[not available yet. please wait until further notice]
Violet/Lee Chaolan
Sergei Dragonuv
Lars Alexandersson
Kazuya Mishima
Jin Kazama
Forest Law
Geese Howard
Eddy Gordo
Claudio Serafino
Steve Fox
Lee Jongsuk
Jung Haein
Yoo Jingoo
Lee Dohyeon
Song Kang
Kim Soohyun
Kim Seonho
Lee Dongwook
Ahn Hyoseop
Woo Dohwan
Hwang Inyeop
Lee Jaewook
Bae Hyunsung
Kim Hongjoong
NUDES {🌶️|🧁|🥭} (2 Parts)
Park Seonghwa
Jeong Yunho
Kang Yeosang
Choi San
Song Mingi
MY BELOVED ANGEL {🌶️|🧁} (2 Parts)
Jung Wooyoung
Choi Jongho
Bang Chan
Lee Minho
MISCHIEVOUS {🧁|🌶️|🍋} (? parts)
Seo Changbin
Hwang Hyunjin
MOVIE DATE {🌶️ |🧁}
Han Jisung
Lee Felix
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Lee Taeyong
Jeong Yoonoh/Jaehyun
SPECIAL PRESENT {🧁|🍋} (3 Parts)
Dong Sicheng/Winwin
Kim Jungwoo
Wong Yukhei/Lucas
ANGEL [🌶️|🧁]
Lee Min Hyung/Mark
Xiao Dejun/Xiaojun
Huang Guanheng/Hendery
Lee Jeno
Na Jaemin
Liu Yangyang
Choi Yeonjun
Choi Soobin
Choi Beomgyu
Kang Taehyun
Huening Kai
Lee Heeseung
ALL NIGHTER {🍋|🌶️|🧁}
MA BOY {🌶️|🧁}
Park Jongseong/Jay
COOKIES {🧁|🌶️}
BEGIN AGAIN {🌶️|🧁|🍋}
Sim Jaeyun/Jake
BOYS, BOYS, BOYS {🧁|🌶️|💀}
HERO {🌶️|🧁|🍋}
Park Sunghoon
Kim Sunwoo/Sunoo
Yang Jungwon
Nishimura Riki/Niki
THIS IS MY STORY ENDING (SFAH CENTER) {🌶️|🧁} [Thoma x Male Reader]
MY LITTLE SUNSHINE (SFAH CENTER) {🌶️|🧁} [Sundrop/Moondrop x Male Reader]
DISASTROUS {🌶️} [Multi Fanfiction]
* will be updated soon
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miyuwuki · 3 years
coach kataoka with wife mc hc, and can it include her relationship with the team as well if its not too much? she will be the unofficial mother of the team, especially for someone like kazuya since he is the captain, main catcher and if she know about his past like rei-chan... wish you an amazing day, you've been spoiling us so much i can't thank you enough♡
OMG A KATAOKA REQUEST,,? GIRL <3 and i love giving you guys lots to read :) ily
warnings: none
kataoka tesshin x adult!reader
the parents of seido
kataoka, as scary as he is, is the softest with you
literally treats you like a queen
would cook you breakfast, prepare your materials for the next day, and even go as far as buying you flowers every week
the way he talks to the baseball team would never be heard when it comes to you
he would often tell you how much he appreciates you for being so patient with him since he’s quite busy
he would be the type to take you out on fancy dinners :)
would also share his thoughts to you as a coach
“miyuki would be a fit captain for the team..”
anyways you also work at seido as a teacher
you and him would eat lunch together that you’ve made and sometimes rei would join
you love rei and rei loves you just as much
“i love your wife more” she would say
you and her have such a cute friendship, like a mentor mentee type of bond
and you know what else
you have a great relationship with seido’s prestigious baseball team!
sawamura calls you “MS BOSS” or “MOTHER”
kataoka be like “who are you calling mother?”
you have a good relationship with miyuki since he’s so close to your husband and he’s the captain/main catcher
“you look lovely today, y/n-san” he would say, “but coach looks better”
you’re usually helping the managers make food, clean, all that stuff and treat them like your own daughters
“haru, be careful next time okay?” cus she tripped
essentially you’re the complete opposite of kataoka when it comes to the team; very soft hearted and kind and less strict
you wouldn’t be in the dugout when the team has playoffs but you’ll definitely be on the first benches of the bleachers
you’d cheer to your hearts content
you bake cakes for them when there’s a special occasion (birthdays, christmas, etc)
one point the first year trio were your students and you always had to wake sawamura and furuya up
“sawamura-kun, furuya-kun.. if you guys don’t ace this test, you’ll never wear the number 1”
they instantly jolt awake (haruichi is already a good student)
oh! another thing is that after practice you do stretching exercises with them— making the managers do it too (they also work hard for the team :D)
when they make it to nationals, they throw a huge party for you and kataoka the next day
“without you guys we wouldn’t have done it” kuramochi would laugh
tears form in your eyes with your husband— they’re like your own kids
seeing them graduate gives you a bittersweet feeling but you know they’ll visit you and coach <3
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naniwa-archive · 3 years
ViVi November Issue (Snow Man cover)
Solo Q/A interview
Nishihata Daigo
Q. What do you think about sharing clothes with your significant other?
A. Wonderful, absolutely amazing! Since I am not as tall that's why it might be a bit difficult but, I want her to nervously say “this is too big”. I guess it's a nice feeling for your significant other to wearing your own clothes? Well, I am not sure since I don't have any experience in dating (laughs)
Q. Have you actually shared clothes with someone?
A. Only with my father. With members, rather than sharing, we have matching outfits more. Just the other day I copied and wore the same t-shirt as that of Michieda-kun, I also have matching rings, t-shirt and bags with Ohashi-kun. Good things are good afterall.
Q. At what situation with what kind of girl would you like to share clothes?
A. The first thing that came in my mind is, at home date. I want to do classic things, something like, my girlfriend saying “this is a bit big~” while wearing my sweatshirt (shy). If a girl who is usually calm and caring let's herself be spoiled only by me it'll definitely make my heart race. Also since I am from Kansai, I want to joke around with my lover. Is the hurdle too high? Its totally fine even if she can't make a come back (to my jokes). As long she laughs at my jokes!
Q. Can you straightforwardly tell “cute” to your lover?
A. Of course! I can even say things that'd make one feel shy with no problem. That's why on the contrary, if it's someone who isn't good with this kind of thing, it might be a problem. Is this what they call occupational disease?
Onishi Ryusei
Q. What do you think about sharing clothes with your significant other?
A. I completely love the idea. Getting caught by “Isn't it your boyfriend's?”. It looks cute when the girl takes the clothes to wear. I adore conversations that goes “Ah, please lend me that clothes” “Sure~”.
Q. What is good about girls wearing men's clothes?
A. The little loose creates a relaxed vibe. You get to be fashionable even without being too fancy.
Q. Where would you go for date with your girlfriend who is wearing your clothes?
A. Park! I want to go to a park. I have an image that we will be in a relax mode as that of living at home, while eating home made bento we will have a laid-back conversation. We will also bring our dog. Uwaa~ That'd be so nice~.
Q. Would you borrow your girlfriend's clothes?
A. If I were to go out wearing girlfriend's clothes, in case I feel her smell on them, I might get excited (laughs)
Q. Do you have a type you are interested in?
A. Someone who likes to exchange meaningless texts, I guess? If I receive texts with dumb contents at random hours, I might think it as cute.
Q. With which Naniwa member would you like to share clothes with?
A. Ohashi-kun. Because his clothes usually have a calming smell to them (laughs). Also he is quite particular about shoulder width or size in general. He is a fashionable person who has a lot of oversized clothes. I want to wear Ohashi-kun's clothes ♡
Nagao Kento
Q. What do you think about sharing clothes with your significant other?
A. If my girlfriend says “I wanna wear it” then it's completely fine but, I won't recommend her anything by myself. Ah, but if my girlfriend is complimented when wearing my clothes then I'll go “You're welcome”. Since I prefer ladies pants more than the normal ones, if I try then I might also be able to borrow my girlfriend's clothes. As I am a man who has plaid skirt, heel boots and such, I absolutely have nothing that I don't like!
Q. The fashionable Nagao-san, are girls who are into fashion your type?
A. No No, there's nothing like that. If we have common interests and hobbies the conversation might extend, but it's okay even if it doesn't match my taste. Rather, I might apologize for being obsessed with my own fashion while not paying any attention to the other person's clothes  (laughs). At the end, it's all about self satisfaction. As for the significant other, I would like her to cherish her own colors.
Q. Do you talk about clothes with the members?
A. Not really. I talk with my clothes loving friends from my hometown. I also often talk with salespersons of clothing shops with whom I'm close with about release information of new clothes, new brands and such. On top of that, I am the type who doesn't want to match outfits with the members. Yet it troubles me as I would often match with them! If my favourite pair of sneakers matched with anyone then my excitement would go down like “Ah..”. I don't mean this in a negative way. I mean, when you go and hang out with the members if you see someone wearing the same outfit as you, won't it ruin your mood? No matter how close you are! kinda (laughs)
Michieda Shunsuke
Q. What do you think about sharing clothes with your significant other?
A. I think it's really good! The little oversized-ness is cute, also whenever my girlfriend would try to borrow my clothes in my absence I want to tell her things like “What are you doing, geez~”. I want to fool around while feeling all fluffy inside (laughs). Imagining it alone is fun!
Q. Have you actually shared clothes with someone of the opposite sex?
A. As a child I once wore my sister's clothes without her permission, that time she was quite mad at me, so now we no longer share. On the other hand, now when my sister wears my clothes I really can't think of that as cute (laughs).
Q. If you get a girlfriend would you prefer thing to her way or your way?
A. Since I will not hold my partner, if she prefers to wear the things she likes the. I guess I'm fine with it. But if she's not really careful about wearing clothes that are quite revealing then my eyes might have trouble figuring out where to look at! If I receive requests from my significant other like “I want you to wear this kind of clothes” then I'll try my best to respond to her request.
Q. Finally, what is your type?
A. If we are talking about appearance, a girl with natural makeup and bob to semi long hair. As for what's inside (personality), someone who is able to attract elegant people with her soft atmosphere. Also, If I make any mistakes or there is anything wromg in that case I want her to tell that clearly to me. On the other hand, I dislike girls who likes to control. It's fine to act all cutesy to be perceived as cute but as we can't see her true intentions so that's still a bit... Though personally I can't usually recognise such actions at all. Amongst the members, not only is my score low in terms of love, I think I'm quite simple as a person (laughs)
Nishihata and Nagao: Micchi sure is naive!
Takahashi Kyohei
Q. What do you think about girls who wears men's or unisex clothings?
A. It's my first time hearing that girls wear men's clothes! There has been times when I wore slender ladies pants but, there's an opposite pattern as well... Eh, you don't mean room wear, right? Well~ that's something unknown to me (laughs)
Q. What if your girlfriend asks you to lend your clothes?
A. I am sorry but, I wouldn't prefer it. I would constantly think if my clothes have weird smell to it. I'm totally fine with matching though.
Q. What kind of fashion do you like on girls?
A. Something that's pretty in general. Style like, tucked in t-shirt with flare pants, I like outfits that have a refreshing silhouette to them (laughs). Especially flare denims are the best. Previously I used to like skinny pants but, I graduated from them when I became an adult.
Q. What is your ideal personality type?
A. Someone who's funny. Not funny like actual comedians, for example, someone who is really pretty but has a weird laugh, has a strong tone when speaking, if someone who has a gap that you wouldn't think of would really make me interested in them.
Q. What if your significant other requests “I want you to wear this”?
A. If my significant other dresses as per my ideal form then I would do the same. Anything is fine but I don't like showing navel! Even then if there's a request to show muscles, I will say “sure, at the beach” (laughs).
Fujiwara Joichiro
Q. What if your girlfriend asks you to lend your clothes?
A. I'd totally lend them to her. It'll have this “In return lend me something too” kind of feeling (laughs). Doing things like, lining up all the clothes on bed, like how they do in drama and saying things like, “What should I wear today?” “How is this one?” “Ah that's no good” kinda. Isn't that super good? (laughs)
Q. What do you think about girls who wears men's outfits?
A. Normally, when a girl who usually wears ladies outfit wears men's clothes then the form and atmosphere in general will change, right? That change compared to usual will make men's heart flutter. It's the contrast after all, you know? (laughs)
Q. Where would you go for date with your girlfriend who is wearing your clothes?
A. It's a place that is particularly really admired by the people of Kansai but I want to go to a cafe in Yokohama (laughs). We will take pictures there which are different from our usual ones. Later when we will look at the pictures, I want to talk about memories like, “We did it that time. That was the first time when we exchanged clothes!” (shy)
Q. Do you have any ideal type for girls' fashion or make up?
A. Instead of black hair, I prefer girls with dyed hair. Your eyes will follow the girl who has an  intriguing hair color, like “What's up with that color!?” kinda.
Q. What is your ideal personality type?
A. The type who prepares food first, suddenly buys present saying “This looked nice” even though it isn't their partner's birthday. Someone who expresses their kindness casually through surprises, someone like that is nice.
Ohashi Kazuya
Q. If you get a special person, would you share your clothes with them?
A. I really want to do that!  I want to share my closet completely like, “It's fine to wear any of my clothes”. If we are at home, then I'd have her wear my hoodie like an one piece, something like, it's an appearance that only I know about ♡ When going outside though, as I'm worried/concerned, I'd have her wear pants (laughs).
Q. What kind of fashion do you like on girls?
A. Street fashion. Something like a big top with loose wide pants, and a knit cap to along with it! If I spot a girl like that in the middle of the road, then I will follow her with my eyes.
Q. What is your ideal personality type?
A. Someone being with whom would calm me down I guess. If I were to refer to a member then.. Nope, there's no one (laughs). I like slightly modest type of girl who is generally seen wearing glasses while studying in the classroom. Along with that if she's actually really strong in fighting then I might give into her gap.
Q. Have you actually shared clothes with a girl?
A. I have! It's with my almost 50 years old mom though (laughs)
Q. Is it true that you have a lot of clothing items that match with the members?
A. There's a lot. The most is probably with Daigo. Micchi often imitates my hats, with Jo-kun it's the pants, with Kyohei we match rings and down pieces, like t-shirt and such.
Kyohei: It's because Ohashi-kun would invite me to shopping saying “Let's match”
No, it's you who invites me! I am sorry, this kid here is a tsundere (laughs).
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Mind giving us some more Yuuki Mishima content?
Fists of Purpose - 2
~Ten Years Ago~
*Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu stand in a doorway, looking in on a five year old boy hesitantly playing with blocks as though he's never seen anything like them before*
Jin: There's no doubt?
Xiaoyu: None. I'm- I'm sorry Jin.
Jin: Damnit, how the Hell does something like this even happen!?
Xiaoyu: ...Jin, with everything we've been through... is that even a serious question?
Jin: Point. It's just... I swore...
Xiaoyu: You swore that the Devil Gene would end with you. I guess these guys had other ideas.
Jin: How did Umbrella Corporation even get ahold of my DNA?
Xiaoyu: It's hard to say. As the Gaming Multiverse gets bigger threats can come from any angle.
*Jin stares at the little boy like he's looking at a ghost*
Jin: Well... just... get rid of it. Put it up for adoption and get it out of my face.
Xiaoyu: Jin!
Jin, turning to leave: It's too dangerous to be kept around me. Get rid of it!
Xiaoyu, grabbing him by the arm: Jin, this isn't some company you can buy off! This is your son!
Jin, wheeling on her: I never wanted to have it!
Xiaoyu: Well he's here!
*silence reigns between them for a moment before Xiaoyu puts a gentle hand on his shoulder*
Xiaoyu: Jin... you could never be Kazuya.
Jin, laughing bitterly: Can I not? It's always the same with us Mishima men.
Xiaoyu: I thought you were Kazama?
Jin: Kazama may be my name, but it's Mishima blood in my veins. You know how it goes for us, how we screw things like this up.
Xiaoyu: But it doesn't have to be Jin. You could break the cycle. Right here and now.
Jin: I- I don't know how.
Xiaoyu: Be for him what your mother was for you.
*Jin stares a the child for a long moment. He takes a hesitant step forward. Then another. Then he is crouching beside the child.*
Jin: ...Hello.
*The Child just stares at him.*
Jin: Do... uh... do you have a name?
The Child: Mishima.
Jin: *winces* No, uh, that is your surname. What is your name.
The Child: Mishima.
Jin: You do now have a name?
*The Child shakes his head*
Jin: Would... would you like one?
*The child hesitates but nods*
Jin: ... ..Yuuki. Do you like that name?
Yuuki: Yuu-ki. Yuuki. Yuuki Mishima. *he smiles for what is perhaps the first time* I like that.
Jin: I am glad.
Yuuki: And who are you?
Jin: I am- I- I am... *he summons up his courage* I am your father.
~Present Day~
*A black limousine pulls up to Ryu's dojo and Jin gets out. He approaches Ryu, who is meditating on the porch.*
Ryu: Jin.
Jin: Ryu.
Ryu: Yuuki is in town with that... talking... cat... thing.
Jin: Good. *He sits across from Ryu* I am here for an update on his progress.
Ryu: I see. *he finally opens his eyes* Would you like some tea as we talk?
Jin: No. Just talk.
Ryu: *snorts* Very well.
Jin: Don't get smart with me, hobo.
Ryu: No matter how the wind howls. the mountain cannot bow to it.
Jin: Just. Tell. Me.
Ryu: Very well. Your son is making great strides in the basics of the Ansatsuken and we are beginning to move into more advanced forms and techniques.
Jin: And?
Ryu: And?
Jin: The Devil Gene you bumbling bufoon!
Ryu, unshaken We have not activated it as of yet. He requires more self-discipline before we venture into that territory.
Jin: And how, pray tell, will he get that.
Ryu: With Time and Dedication. I provide the first and he provides the second.
Jin: And how long do you think that will take?
Ryu: That depends.
Jin: On?
Ryu: On how soon he can find a true purpo- *Ryu starts as though he's been struck*
Jin: What the- *Ryu suddenly stands*
Ryu: The Dark Hadao... he is here.
*In town*
Yuuki, finishing his sushi: Ahh, gomen. That was lovely Mona-san
Morgana: Heh, don't mention it kid. Good food makes any situation better.
*There's a buzzing from Yuuki's pocket*
Yuuki: Eh? Ah. *he pulls out his phone* An update on the Phan-site.
Morgana: Yer still runnin' that thing?
Yuuki: Yeah! Ever since the Galeem Cataclysm the Phantom Thieves have become celebrities and the Phan-site has been going off.
Morgana: Oh yeah. Joker and his pals have been real frustrated they can't use any of that fame without unmasking.
Yuuki: Yeah... I hope I can join them once I master my Devil-
???: Mishima-san?
*Yuuki starts at the familiar voice and turns to them*
Yuuki: S- Suzui-san?
*Sure enough, Shiho Suzui stands before him at the entrance to the Sushi Bar*
Yuuki: Shiho- I mean- Suzui-san! I- uh- I didn't know you were- Hi!
Shiho: You may call me Shiho, Mishima-san.
Yuuki: I- uh- okay. But only if you call me Yuuki!
Shiho, nodding politely: Very well, Yuuki.
*There's an awkward silence*
Yuuki: Uh... would you like some sushi, Suzu- Shiho?
Shiho: I- I wouldn't want to impose.
Yuuki: It wouldn't be! I- I mean. It's fine. Mona's paying!
Morgana: I'yam?!
Shiho: I- well- *her stomach gurgles at that very moment* I suppose I am hungry. *she sits beside them*
Yuuki: So, uh, what are you doing out here, Shiho?
Shiho: Mother thought It would be good for me to get out of the city after- after everything.
Yuuki: Oh. Yeah. That, uh, that makes sense. How- uh, how's that been going?
Shiho, actually smiling a little: Well, actually. I like it out here. And my therapist has been very helpful.
Yuuki: Cool.
Shiho: Is... is that why you're out here?
Yuuki: Oh, uh, kinda. I'm actually training at Ryu-sensei's dojo up in the forest.
Shiho: Really?
Yuuki: Yeah. I- I wnated to learn how to protect myself after, you know, everything.
Shiho: Right... I keep forgetting... Kamoshida had many victims.
Yuuki: ... Your... uh... your mom sounds great!
Shiho: She is. She's been wonderful through all this.
Yuuki: Wish I knew who my mom was. And if she was half as cool as yours.
Shiho: Still, I'd kinda like a father who's one of the richest men in the world.
*They both laugh and some of the tension is eased*
Yuuki: Uh... Shiho... would, uh. Would you like to... walk to the river once we're done here?
*Morgana get's up*
Morgana: Eh-heh. I getcha. I'll give you two some space. *he lays a credit card on the bar* Put whatever they get on there.
Shushi Chef, in a very tired voice: Whatever you say, talking cat.
*Morgana leaves*
Shiho: Well, actually, that sounds lovely.
~Across the street~
*On a bench across the street, Akuma sits, pretending to read a newspaper*
Akuma, mentally: He is truly new at this, if he cannot sense me this close. Perfect to be molded.
*He watches Yuuki and Shiho finish their sushi and walk away. After a moment, he follows them*
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coldflame96 · 3 years
So stay with me and I’ll have it made
Summary: For Kyo Week. Prompt 5; Rain 
Rating: G
Also found on AO3
This is just ridiculously self-indulgent fluff. 
Kyo woke up and saw that Tohru's side of the bed was empty, neatly made, which hinted she's been gone for quite a while. He vaguely recalled her telling him she was going somewhere and then kissing his forehead, but it was hazy. She always was an early riser, and normally he was too, but today he felt...lethargic. Even just sitting up was a struggle, limbs heavy with fatigue, and he had a headache. Was he getting sick? He heard the gentle patter of something hitting the roof and looked out the window.
It’s raining. That explains it.
Learning that the rain still bothered him even after the cat spirit left him was...annoying, but he was used to it by now. He was sure that was probably the reason Tohru went wherever she was going on her own. He heard some shuffling from down the hall and groaned a bit at the thought of having to get up. Good thing it was a Sunday so he wasn’t obligated to be productive…
He stuck a leg out, mentally preparing to leave the comfort of his bed, and right as he did, his door flew open and Emika toddled in.
“Daddy?” She put her arms up for him to carry her. He smiled at her gently.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he hoisted her up, with effort because she wasn’t a tiny baby anymore and she was getting heavy. “What have you been doing?”
She didn’t answer, tugging at his shirt, holding out a large block. “Play!”
He grimaced. “I don’t know if Daddy has the energy for that today, honey. He’s not feeling too great.”
She cocked her head and he wondered how much of that she actually understood. She was still pretty little.
“No play?” Her huge, brown eyes practically inflated.
He wasn’t getting out of this, was he? But he really didn’t wanna get out of bed…
Hajime had only turned his back for one minute, and Emika was gone. Mom had asked him to watch over her while she went to the store since it was raining and Dad never did well with that. It’s not like he couldn’t read outside in the living room just as easily as he did on his bed.
Except that last chapter had been particularly intense and one minute, Emika was playing with her blocks and the next minute, she was gone.
And he had a pretty good idea of where she went.
He rolled his eyes, tucked his book under his arm, and headed towards the parents room.
He saw the door completely open and his suspicions were looking more and more likely. His parents always left the door cracked so they could still have their privacy while not locking Emika out since she was too small to reach the handle.
Sure enough...There she was, sitting on top of Dad’s lap handing him a small collection of blocks (How did she even carry all those?) and he sighed. So much for letting him rest.
They both turned to him at the same time. “Did you need something?” Dad asked.
His voice sounded groggy and Hajime felt a little guilty for not doing his job properly.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I was reading and I got distracted. I was supposed to keep her from bothering you.”
He frowned. “You guys don’t ever bother me.”
He averted his eyes. “Yeah, well, I still should’ve kept a closer eye on her since Mom asked me to.”
“Where's your mom?”
“At the store buying ingredients for dinner.”
Dad gave him a confused look. “We just went shopping the other day.”
He shrugged. “Maybe she wanted to do something special.”
Emika decided at that moment that Dad wasn’t paying enough attention to her and started tugging his shirt again, whining. “Daddy, play!”
“Alright, I’m sorry. Your brother distracted me.” He gave him a sly look, almost secretive.
Hajime rolled his eyes. “I can take her if you want. So you can rest.”
His dad raised an eyebrow. “It’s fine, Hajime. You’re not her parent, so she’s not really your responsibility anyway.”
That was...technically true, but the dismissive tone sort of made him feel a little spiteful. Leaving the room would make it seem like he failed. He tsked and sat on the other side of the bed, the made side, next to them, and leaned back on the pillow, opening his book. His dad looked amused.
“What are you doing?”
“Alright then.”
He was told to watch over his baby sister and if she was gonna be in here, then so was he.
Kazuya’s episode of his favorite cartoon had just finished and it was then that he noticed he was the only one left in the room. Where did Emi-chan and Nii-san go? They were in here just a second ago. Were they playing hide and seek? He jumped from his spot. Well, if they’re hiding, I’m gonna find them.
First place he checked was under the couch. Nothing.
He opened the closet door. Nope.
He saw that Mommy and Daddy’s room was open and cocked his head. Their door wasn't usually open and Daddy wasn’t feeling well. And like a lightbulb, it came to him. They’re hiding in the closet!
He pressed himself to the corner, prepared to sneak up on them, but then did a double take when he saw Nii-san sitting in Mommy’s spot reading, Daddy sleeping next to him.
“Why are you in here?” he asked curiously, and Nii-san jolted, glaring at him..
“Shh!” he pointed at Daddy next to him, and he only just noticed that Emi-chan was on top of him, also sleeping.
“Sorry,” he whispered. Just looking at how comfy they were made him feel sleepy.
He went to his brother’s side, hopping over his long legs to press himself next to Daddy.
“What are you doing?” Nii-san hissed. “If you wake them up, you’ll be sorry.”
He maneuvered his way under the covers, warm from Daddy being there, and gave his brother a triumphant look.
His daddy groaned and both of them froze, Nii-san getting that look he usually did before getting mad at him, but then Kazuya felt an arm around him, bringing him in closer to his dad’s side, and then nothing. He relaxed.
“Nii-san, you should nap with us too. It’s warm under here.”
His brother didn’t look up from his book. “No.”
He pouted. “Why not?”
“Because I’m not a baby and I don’t need a nap.”
“I’m not-” he yawned in the middle of his sentence, “I’m not a baby.”
And the sound of the rain mixed with the heat of the blanket knocked him right out.
Tohru sighed, carrying her bags for dinner. She’d been gone longer than she thought due to the market being surprisingly packed for a rainy Sunday.
She opened her door, putting the umbrella in.
“I’m home!” She called out. But there was no response.
Huh, that’s strange. In a house with three children and a husband, it normally wasn’t this quiet.
She put her perishables in the fridge and walked down the hallway. Where was everyone?
She was about to ask Kyo-kun if he knew anything or see if he even was still here, but paused in the doorway at the sight before her.
There was her husband, asleep to her lack of surprise, but the interesting part was all the kids around him, also asleep. Emi-chan was on his chest, Kazu-kun was burrowed under the covers next to him, gripping his shirt, and Hajime-kun was on top of the comforter on her side, pressed against his little brother, an open book in his hand, like he’d fallen asleep while reading.
They were all practically one pile and it was quite possibly one of the most precious things she’d ever seen in her life. She got her phone out to take a picture and moved closer so she wouldn’t have to zoom in. Oh, she was definitely sending this to Uo-chan.
“Don’t,” Kyo-kun grunted.
She pouted. “Oh, you’re awake?”
“Have been since you walked in.”
She knew he was always very in tune with her, but she never thought that extended to her just entering a room. She almost felt bad about waking him.
“Right.” She kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry for disturbing you then.”
She made to leave, but felt a yank on her arm as she fell onto the bed, her husband’s face now in front of her, looking tired but amused.
“Nah, you’re not going anywhere.”  
“Kyo-kun,” she huffed, “It’s Sunday.” Sunday was normally the day she caught up on her chores.
And he knew this and was being smug.
“Should’ve thought about that before coming in here.” His grip tightened. “Now you’re stuck with us.”
She sighed in defeat. She supposed there were worse ways to spend a Sunday than in her husband’s arms, surrounded by her family.
The chores could wait a couple hours.
Kyo blinked his eyes open, wincing a little at how bright it was. Why is it so hot? He was sweating. And his chest felt like there was a weight on it. His vision cleared and he saw his daughter on top of him, Tohru against his side, Kazuya and Hajime on the other side. He was completely trapped. He couldn’t get up even if he wanted to.
He saw the sun peeking in through the window. It had stopped raining at some point, but that was fine.
He wasn’t dealing with it alone anymore, holed up in his room and miserable. Now he was surrounded by the people he loved the most, his entire world.
It could rain forever for all he cared.
He was content.
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
1. Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa
*Both written and SMAU parts this epsiode*
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You hear the familiar sound as you open the door and look inside the gym. The Shiratorizawa campus is definitely impressive but nothing feels more familiar than walking into a strange gym filled with mostly strangers. Back home or a world away, volleyball is the same, perfect sport.
You're smiling wide before you even lock eyes with your favourite redhead. "Tendou!"
Your greeting is muffled in a bear hug to beat all bear hugs and you can't help but laugh as you wrap your arms around your cousin's best friend.
"I am glad you could make it." Toshi is standing behind Tendou with a small smile and you pull away to give him a hug too.
"Let us introduce you to coach first, and then you can meet the others."
"Sounds good!"
The three of you walk over to the side where a small elderly man is scowling at the players on the court and when Toshi introduces you, you follow what you know of polite customs here and bow at the waist in greeting, "Thank you for having me!"
"I hear you play as a setter for a premier league."
Yeah, Tendou and Toshi weren't lying about his intimidating demeanor, but you're unfazed. You've dealt with some like him and they're good leaders in their own way.
"Yes, sir."
"You're quite short for your age."
You blink. You're pretty sure you're the average height for girls your age. You're definitely on or above average in your league even though you're not as tall as your hitters. Okay, cheeky, it is.
"Yes, sir. I hear that sometimes from opponents before we play. Not so much after a game, however, if at all." Tendou starts chuckling only to muffle it when the coach's sharp gaze locks onto him for a moment before focusing back on the court.
"Is that so." He finally looks over, making eye contact and drawing out the silence for a few quiet seconds. "Well, height isn't critical for a setter, though it's an asset."
"Yes, sir." You have to bite the inside of your cheek so you don't push it. You're aware of his status and tenure, after all. To someone like him, kids your age with a little cheeky boldness and confidence can be surprising and impressive. Too much is disrespectful and you're still a guest here at the end of the day.
He looks back at the team and you do startle a bit when he barks out, "Did I say it was time for a break?!"
Looking over to the court, you finally realize the practice game has all but stopped. You meet several wide eyed, disbelieving stares before they jolt back into motion.
Tendou and Toshi leave you there to rejoin their teammates with a grimace and a nod, respectively. You just smile blandly and take a seat next to their coach.
By the time Coach Washijo blows the whistle for the end of their practice, you've got a clipboard on your lap with notes and the begrudging respect of the ornery man beside you. Yes, you know your shit when it comes to volleyball and you didn't hesitate to use your knowledge to impress. You have a feeling he'll be taking a look at the link you wrote down to your national games at some point given the observations you pointed out. Mission: Success.
As the boys are grabbing water and towels and gathering around, Coach locks eyes with you once again to study you as you smile politely back at him, waiting for what he's chewing over. "You can visit again."
And then he stands to address his team before heading over to his office and leave them to clean up.
You look away from his retreating figure and, oh my, that's a lot of eyes on you. Why do athletes look so pretty? You smile wider and stand to introduce yourself, "Hello. I'm L/n, Y/n, Toshi's cousin. Nice to meet you all and thank you for having me here for this practice."
You bow and they start stuttering and speaking over each other while Tendou laughs, knowing you're also teasing a little. They're clearly flustered so it takes the edge of your own nerves and your smile relaxes into something a little easier.
"Wow.. that was.. different. I've never seen anyone interact with Coach like that." You look over to an ash haired boy, oh hello- "I'm Eita Semi. Nice to meet you.”
He sounds a little brusque.. hmm. He's their setter and knowing Toshi and Tendou...
"Semi-san, your sets... they really show your love for volleyball."
His mouth drops, hopefully in surprise, but you also hope you didn't say anything too forward? You know it's pretty different here and some things like feelings aren't used as carelessly in conversation but.. he's blushing. Oh no.
You try to correct, just in case, "I mean, I hope it's not presumptuous or inappropriate to say! I'm lucky to call myself a setter too, so from one to another, I just wanted to say I can see how much fun you have and it's inspiring!"
Okay, now Tendou is literally dying of laughter, bent over grabbing his stomach but you can see his face and yeah, he literally looks like the emoji that's crying with laughter. And- what?! Even Toshi is smiling a little, he knows that under your calm and playful exterior there's an impulsive, reckless storm.
Semi raises his hand up to the back of his head and you swear he's full on blushing. Okay, yeah, no, you're good. It might sound cruel but when you see people more embarrassed or flustered than you, usually, you find your own equilibrium steadies in response.
"That's- uh- thanks! I hear you're incredible. I mean, as a setter. I- Thanks."
The rest of the team has been looking on and slowly amusement and excitement is like a wave that slides across their features. One of his teammates hits Semi across the back, knocking him forward a bit, while teasing him about compliments from a pretty girl. But you politely pretend not to hear and focus on some of the other members as they start asking you about yourself and answering your return questions about each of them.
I think we can call Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa a success, you think, happily satisfied with the people your dear cousin has to call his teammates and friends.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Toshi is not directly related to Y/n but they might as well be brother and sister for how close they are
-He’s actually her (bear with me, please) dad’s brother’s sister-in-law’s son : Her uncle’s wife is an Ushijima - so her aunt by marriage is sister to Toshi’s mom.. I’m sorry, am I making any sense?
-Their mutual cousins will appear in the story, you’ve already seen their profiles in Family Matters: Kazuya, Akira, and Akari
-Tendou has known Y/n as long as he’s known Toshi and treats her like a cross between best friend and older brother, which means he’s sometimes mean, always teasing, and he will smack, cut, bury a bitch if they hurt her
A/N: Two things.. 1) I absolutely love Ushijima, I find he's seriously underrated. Although I guess I’m guilty here too because he’s Y/n’s family instead of a love interest 😔 If anyone ever wants to see a Toshi fic, let me know, I’ll do my best to work on his characterization 2) CHARACTERIZATION... guys, I’ve wondered this with all the HQ characters I’ve incorporated so far, but.. I don’t know if I’m hitting anywhere close to what they might actually be like in the scenarios I put them in?? So I apologize in advance, and profusely, for all the HQ characters that turn out not quite.. the way they should lol. The writing kinda sorta maybe gets away from me all the time 😅
I lied, there's a third.. I know I've made several posts on days that I've posted so far, and while I do hope to be consistent with a steady couple posts a week (particularly concerning this fic, or rather, not including other fics and stuff I might decide to post as I get more comfortable here), I may not always be able to deliver the same amount of content as I a) am still slowly getting a handle on the social media aspect and how to smoothly deliver it; and b) catch up to where I'm at in the story. So I just want you all to know, I really appreciate your patience with me <3
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