#we must protect this bunny child
ckret2 · 8 months
Chapter 36 of human Bill Cipher is on death row in the Mystery Shack and would rather not be, featuring: the author being pissed as hell after spending all day drawing eight pictures for a comic oh my god it really took all day, and then discovering that the Internet connection is so shitty the images won't upload, so y'all have to pretend that I included eight pictures here and cheer and clap and applaud for them.
Insert colorful pictures here. 💦 Use your imagination. 🚗 I'm so tired.
But more importantly: Mabel makes Bill do community service.
EDIT FEB 8: i finally got around to uploading the art lmao
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I don't know why I thought all that effort was a good idea. Please appreciate the hell out of it.
Two blue- and orange-haired girls trailed after a pink-haired girl as she furiously stormed into the stark white control room. Each wore the same uniform—a skintight space suit with a pleated skirt and heart-shaped patches that matched their hair colors on their sleeves—but the pink-haired girl had taken off her helmet and ripped the patches off her sleeves. "Please, Momoko-chan," the blue-haired girl said, "don't do it. What if you make the director angry—?"
"That devil can't feel a human emotion like that," Momoko snapped, making the blue-haired girl gasp in horror. "I've made up my mind, Aoko-chan! Are you joining me or not?"
Aoko bit her lip, pressing one hand worriedly over her chest. "I can't."
"What about you, Orenjiko-chan?"
The orange-haired girl shook her head, her curly corkscrew locks bouncing inside her helmet.
"Fine! Then I'll just do it myself." Momoko stomped into the aisle between the computer consoles and looked up at a shadowy figure at a desk, overseeing the control center from a mezzanine level high above. "Hey, Director!" She threw her heart-shaped patches to the ground. "I quit!"
The shadowy figure didn't flinch. A cold, emotionless voice said, "Is that so."
"I've had enough of your lies! You told me my anger was just me tapping into the righteous fury I needed to protect humanity—but it isn't! These battles are... doing something to me!" She held her hands in front of her face, watching as they trembled. "Every time I'm on the battlefield, my berserker rage keeps getting stronger and stronger. The last time I lost control, I turned on my own friends and nearly killed..." She looked guiltily at the cast on Aoko's broken arm. "I won't do it again. I want out."
"It's too late for that." The director leaned forward into the light. A small floppy-eared albino bunny in a navy blue suit sat on the desk, the reflection on its sunglasses hiding its cruel pink eyes, its fuzzy white paws pressed together in front of its face. "We made a deal, Momoko-chan. I gave you your wish, and you gave us your heart." A wall lit up behind the bunny, displaying a dozen glass terrariums. Each one contained a live, beating human heart. "The battery we replaced your heart with must be running low. You'll need to recharge it, whether you want to or not."
Momoko flinched. She reached into a breast pocket and pulled out a heart-shaped crystal on a chain like she was retrieving a pocket watch. It faintly glowed a hot pink, but even as she looked at it, it faded closer and closer to black.
She frowned and stuffed the crystal back in her pocket. "Then I want to trade back."
"My heart for my wish."
"You can't," the bunny said. "That wish is the only thing protecting your friends! If I reverse it—"
"That's just it," Momoko said. "When I made that wish, I thought my friends needed me to protect them! But now, having fought alongside them..." She looked to Aoko, and then Orenjiko. "I know the truth. And it's that they never needed me to save them! They were always strong enough to save themselves. I just needed to have faith in them."
Aoko's eyes watered up. Orenjiko said, "Oh, Momoko-chan—"
The bunny pounded a soft paw on its desk, calling the girls' attention back. "When will you learn, child! Once you've made a choice, there's no way to undo it! None of your mistakes will ever be erased—and no matter how you grovel, God will not forgive you! So will you die in shame like a worm? Or will you shoulder the burden of your sins and carry on into the future?"
The bunny sat back and looked at a photo in a cracked picture frame on its desk. It showed another bunny in an apron with big golden hoop earrings, holding a tinier bunny that was sucking on a pacifier. A tear rolled down the bunny's fuzzy cheek, hidden from the girls behind its paws.
"We must all live with the consequences of our choices," the bunny said. "Now you must live with yours."
Aoko and Orenjiko frowned and looked away from the bunny, afraid to meet their director's steely gaze. Even Momoko's scowl wavered with doubt.
The bunny adjusted its sunglasses, reasserting its cool, detached demeanor. "The next angel attack will reach Retro Tokyo at midnight. And if I'm not mistaken, you have less than 24 hours until your batteries run dry. You'll need to be in your cockpits to recharge them. You might as well fight."
Aoko's shoulders sagged in defeat. Orenjiko murmured, "Yes, sir." They meekly crept out of the control center.
Only Momoko remained, glaring up at the director. It glared down, unmoved. Momoko grit her teeth and growled at it.
"Enough foolishness. You know what you have to do," the bunny said. "Get in the Fukuin robot, Momoko."
"Dang it!" She stamped her foot with an angry grunt and trudged out of the room.
The shot closed in on the bunny's face as it murmured, "Someday, you'll understand," and then the screen went black. The words Neon Crisis Revelations Angry Cute Girl: Annihilation! Episode 23: The Dark Heart of the White Rabbit! flashed on screen as the ending theme played.
Soos said, "If you ask me, that's one of this season's best episodes. It's often forgotten for the lack of spectacular mecha combat Annihilation is known for, but I find the emotionally-driven episodes give me more to think about later, and we couldn't have gotten this kind of character development out of Momoko in a more action-packed episode. Plus, it gave Director Bunbun some much-needed depth. It doesn't excuse its actions, but it explains them."
"This is exactly why Bunbun's my favorite character," Melody said. "It feels so bad for its mistakes, but all it knows how to do is double down on them. I just wanna give it a hug."
"As much as you want Bunbun to stand down, it's clear why it thinks it can't. It's a textbook example of the sunk cost fallacy," Ford said thoughtfully.
As the episode credits played, Fiddleford leaned over to whisper to Ford, "I think I might've figured out a way to synthesize that paradox element we're needing."
"Did you? Fiddleford, that's amazing—"
"Don't get too excited just yet, I only might've figured it. Usually, I'd want to run a lot more calculations to confirm it—but considering the dire circumstances, we might just need to run the experiment and see what happens."
Ford stared at him. "Skipping calculations? Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
"Heh! You hush. It ain't dangerous, I just don't know if it'll work. We'll have to pull a fast one on the universe."
Ford was dying to know what that meant; but before he could ask, the credits ended and Momoko's voice actor perkily announced, "Next time on Neon Crisis Revelations Angry Cute Girl: Annihilation!"
A school exploded. A bright orange combat mech as tall as a skyscraper exploded. A steel grey warship exploded.
Director Bunbun's voice said, "Remember, Momoko, your true enemy isn't the angels, but entropy itself. We are fighting to save the universe from a cold grave. If God wants to kill us, we'll just have to kill God first!"
A giant one-eyed mechanical angel spread out four white-hot arms and six wings with metal feathers like enormous knives. It threw back its inhuman head and trumpeted toward the heavens. And then it exploded.
Tate pointed at the exploding angel, pointed at his father, and said, "Don't even think about it, Dad."
"I wasn't! I ain't got enough beards to run all them arms." Between episodes, Fiddleford hissed to Ford, "I'll explain tomorrow. Come over with Stanley and Soos. I'll need all y'all's help to pull this off."
Ford nodded. He'd have to tell Stan in the morning. He just hoped whatever Fiddleford had in mind would work.
As soon as the vending machine opened, Ford could hear Mabel in the living room: "Checkmate! You owe me a soda."
"That's what yooou thiiink," Bill said, voice sing-song. "Congratulations on cornering my king's body double."
"Aw, man! I hate when you do that."
"Good luck finding him amongst all my pawns!"
They were up this early? Ford had thought he'd have to wake the kids. (He'd hoped he would get to them before Bill was up.) He leaned into the living room to see what they were up to.
Bill and Mabel were sitting at the table, playing chess. He recognized some of Mabel's "fairy chess" pieces on the board. They were obviously well into their current game; each had claimed about half the other's pieces.
(It was eerie how much more Bill looked like Bill these days; he'd somehow found a top hat to add to his ensemble, and now when Ford saw him from behind—yellow hair blending into his yellow hoodie, with the eye on his hood laying flat on his back—for a split second, he nearly looked like himself again.)
Mabel waved. "Good morning, Grunkle Ford!" (Bill glanced back at Ford over his shoulder, and the illusion was shattered.) "You're up early!"
"Good morning. So are you." He nodded toward Bill with a disapproving frown. "You do know he cheats, right?"
Mabel gushed, "I know! It's so fun!"
"She's a worse cheat than I am," Bill announced proudly.
"It's not cheating when I do it, I'm a senator!" Mabel leaned across the table, snatched the top hat off Bill's head, and proudly set it on her own. "I can legalize anything I want!"
"Well oh-kay, Miss Senator." Bill stole the hat back. "We're still monarchists on this side of the board."
Ford took a few steps closer to inspect their game more closely. "Why are there sandwich cookies on the chessboard?"
Bill said, "Mabel's got the knights all cozy in the horse stable," he pointed at the "nest" Mabel had made by folding the bottom of her sweater up, "so I'm trying to coax mine back out with delicious treats."
"It'll never work!" Mabel crowed. "The horses are too cozy!"
"I'll get them eventually! Even the loneliest monkey goes to Wire Mother to feed!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
Ford said, "He's referring to an important psychology experiment where baby monkeys were..." He caught sight of Bill's face, looking right at him and grinning oh so brightly, and mumbled, "Never mind." He cleared his throat. "Anyway—Mabel, when you've finished your game, could you head downstairs? I need to discuss something with you."
"Oh. Okay, sure," Mabel said, giving him a questioning look.
"How come?" Bill's exposed eye was locked onto Ford like a laser. "Is it about the Mysteries?"
The what? Before Ford could ask, Mabel quickly said, "I haven't told Bill anything about the Mysteries, I promise!" She winked at Ford.
Hmm. Ford looked at Bill and said coolly, "I don't think the Mysteries are any of your business, Cipher." He had no idea what game he'd just been roped into, but he was gratified by how quickly Bill scowled.
"I'll be back downstairs in a few minutes," Ford said; and then left to pass the same message on to Dipper and Stan.
Ford woke Dipper; told him, like he'd told Stan, not to go through the living room to reach the elevator so Bill wouldn't notice how many people were congregating downstairs; and then headed back down. Stan was out of bed by now, drinking coffee and still in his underwear as he spectated the chess game from the doorway. Stan nodded, "Morning."
"Morning." Ford paused to watch alongside him.
Over thirty years ago, Ford's chess games with Bill had been minor acts of psychological torture. In their first meeting, after flattering the dickens out of Ford's intelligence, Bill had set up a game of "interdimensional" chess; Ford had quickly figured out from Bill's moves that some rules of interdimensional chess were different from Earth's chess; and then, afraid of looking ignorant in front of this strange, friendly muse, Ford had decided to try to pick up the rules of interdimensional chess based on what Bill did rather than ask for an explanation.
The challenge of figuring out the new rules might have been fun, if he hadn't lived in fear of making a fool of himself in front of an interstellar angel. As it was, though, he constantly fell into traps he didn't know were there ("Rookie mistake, by using your bishop to check me you activated my wormhole!"); he never seemed to remember all the things the pieces could do ("Sure, I upgraded my queen to ricochet off the edges squares—I'm surprised you haven't yet!"); and more often than not, when he tried to emulate Bill's moves, Bill gently "reminded" him that it wasn't the right time or place for Ford to do that; and Ford, humiliated and sheepish, had "corrected" his error. He won rarely, but not often.
It took years for Ford to learn there was no such devil as "interdimensional chess." Bill had used the name as a ruse to make up whatever rules he wanted. And on top of that, Ford had it from several reliable sources that Bill wasn't even that good at chess.
Now here Bill was pulling the same con on Mabel with "fairy chess"—and when he tried to tell her it didn't matter that she'd taken out his (disguised) king because the queen was co-regent, she told him that her pieces had democratized and Bill couldn't win until he'd defeated all of them. He not only allowed her this rule; he actually seemed thrilled. Proud.
It was so different from the cordial, half-interested way he'd played chess with Ford.
Ford was sure Bill had just decided this was the best way to keep Mabel's attention; she would have seen secret rules as an unfair imbalance rather than a mental challenge, she had no doubt asked Bill to explain how "fairy chess" worked rather than stupidly tried to guess herself, and if she noticed her opponent was disinterested she'd probably lose interest too rather than try harder. Obviously, Bill had to handle Mabel differently than Ford.
But a small part of Ford wondered: if he'd ever looked Bill dead in the eye, moved a rook like it was a bishop, and confidently informed him that the board had slipped into a mirror universe—would Bill have laughed in delight and congratulated him on figuring out the game?
Stan nudged Ford. "Hey. You look like you could bite through a chair leg," he murmured. "Are you alright?"
Ford snapped, "No, of course I'm not."
Stan gave him a surprised look. "What?"
"What?" Ford shook his head. "Sorry—I misheard you. I thought you asked if I was jealous. Of course I'm not jealous; and yes, I'm alright." He cleared his throat. "What was I—? The study. Right." He clasped his hands behind his back and marched across the living room, nodded to Mabel as he passed, ignored Bill, and swept into the gift shop.
Stan stared after him, stared into the living room trying to figure out what the heck Ford could possibly be jealous over—Bill and Mabel were cracking up over a rook Mabel had turned upside-down and debating the mechanics of a reverse-gravity chess variant—then shook his head and headed back to the kitchen.
Mabel took out one of Bill's bishops and snuck two sandwich cookies off the board to eat without him noticing. He was only half focusing on the game now, distracted by the sound of the most beautiful word in the English language ringing in his head: jealous, jealous, jealous.
Stan was the first down, followed by Mabel—"Grunkle Ford, just so you know, I told Bill you gave me that clear pyramid because you inducted me into the Mysteries! He's been going cuckoo trying to find out what that means!"—and then Dipper, hair still disheveled from sleep. Ford nodded. "Good. Everyone's here."
"Great," Stan said, "now what's going on? What's with the whole cloak-and-dagger act?"
"Yesterday, Fiddleford informed me that he may be on the verge of a scientific breakthrough—but he needs some assistance. Stanley, he specifically said it's crucial that both of us and Soos help."
Stan groaned, rolling his eyes. "If this is another one of his cockamamie giant robots..." (Mabel laughed, "Cockamamie.")
"It isn't," Ford said seriously. "Soos is already prepared to go. But if the three of us are at the Northwest estate..."
Stan nodded in comprehension. "And Mrs. Ramirez is out visiting family today." He looked at Dipper and Mabel. "So it'll be just the two of you in the shack with the demon today."
Mabel nodded. Dipper frowned; he'd had an investigation he wanted to go on today. "So, this scientific breakthrough—is it...?"
Ford paused. "Too soon to tell. But, if everything goes stupendously well... it could be, yes."
"What are the odds of it going that well?" Stan asked.
"At a loose, uneducated guess? 20%. But I'd give only 20% odds that it will end in complete failure, too. Far more likely, what we do today will just bring us one step closer to... to." He shrugged. "To the end of everything."
There was a split second too long of silence as everyone tried not to look at Mabel to see how she took that. But she just nodded again.
Ford took in a deep breath and nodded. "So. Dipper, Mabel, you've got Soos's number in case of emergency," he said. "I know you've dealt with Bill yourselves a few times, but—are you both confident you can handle him entirely alone today?"
Stan laughed, breaking some of the tension in the room. "Of course they can handle him! Have you seen 'em? Mabel's got that monster doing anything she says!"
"Oh, come on," Mabel said, waving off the compliment but grinning. "I just get how he thinks, that's all."
"Yeah, and that makes you the only one!"
Dipper gritted his teeth. It stung that only Mabel was getting a vote of confidence—what, did they not think he could handle Bill, too? But he supposed he couldn't argue with it. Mabel was the expert on Bill. Dipper couldn't even have a full conversation with him without getting tangled up in weird haunting metaphors about caves and shadows.
Ford nudged Stan. "But they still need to keep their guard up around him." To Dipper and Mabel, he said, "Do not tell him we're gone, so he can't try to take advantage of the adults being missing. And don't leave him unsupervised. We should be back by dinner."
"Got it," Dipper said.
Mabel snapped off a salute and said, "You can count on us!"
Mabel burst into the living room, made a beeline for Bill lying down on the couch, and flung herself across his stomach. "Hey Bill! If you don't tell anyone that I told you that the adults are gone, I'll take you outside to do something fun!"
Bill grinned and tossed aside the Gold Chains For Old Men issue he'd picked up. "Deal!"
"This is such a bad idea," Dipper told Mabel as she collected buckets and towels. "You don't trust him that much, do you?"
"It's fine. We have an understanding now," Mabel said. "We speak the same language!"
Dipper grimaced. "I don't really think..."
From the entryway, Bill called, "Found the bracelets! They were hanging on the coat rack." He ducked into the kitchen, already wearing one half of the enchanted bracelets. "Ready?"
"Ready!" Mabel grabbed her half as she ran by, and they were out the door.
Dipper reluctantly followed.
On Summerween, some kids had gone at Stan's car with eggs, toilet paper, and—by the looks of the damage—probably also several rocks, keys, and the scratchiest branches they could find. Stan had already washed off what damage he could; but there were still some bits of egg stuck in the seams of the car, and the paint job was a tragic scraped-up disaster, capped off by the giant phrase "TRICK-OR-CHEATER" scratched across the driver's side doors.
Mabel led them to the car and set down her buckets. "Wait here, I've gotta get the hose."
Bill studied the contents of the buckets—cleaning brushes, towels, various liquid soaps. "So, what are we doing?" He emptied one bucket's supplies. "Adding to the damage?" He lifted the metal bucket over his head, prepared to throw it down on the car's hood.
He laughed, "I'm messing with you!" He set the bucket back down.
Mabel returned with a running hose and started filling the buckets. "Grunkle Stan was complaining about how hard it is to repair a classic car like this," she said. "So, I thought we could surprise him by fixing it while he's gone. And you can show everyone how much nicer you're getting by helping!"
"Aw, what?" Bill planted his hands on his hips. "You took me outside to do community service?"
"Bill." Mabel grabbed his arms. "I think it's really important that you show everyone how much nicer you're getting. Really."
Bill swallowed down the urge to scoff. "Sure—but by doing chores for Stan? I'll be nice, but I won't be boring."
"We can play with the hose, too!"
Bill thought that over. "Okay, I'm in." It was an opportunity to get some sunshine, at least.
"Good!" Mabel grinned evilly, lifted the hose, and sprayed it at Bill's face.
He ducked just in time for the stream to miss his head and knock off his hat (which Mabel had generously permitted Bill to hold onto, since she'd forgotten she owned it). He snatched up a brush and a towel like a sword and shield and backed away from Mabel. "Ha! You'll have to do better than that, kid! I can see every possible future branching out from this moment—you'll never land a surprise attack on me!"
"You can see the future, but can you see... this?" Mabel yanked on the hose. It pulled taut behind Bill's ankles.
He tripped, yelped, and landed on his back. "No," he said, staring at the sky. "Apparently I can't."
Mabel sprayed the hose in his face.
Within a couple of minutes, they were on opposite sides of the car, lobbing soggy soapy sponges and towels back and forth at each other—and, in the process, accidentally managing to get the car a tiny bit cleaner as their projectiles drizzled soap over it. Bill had thus far successfully dodged nearly all of Mabel's projectiles—his lower legs and sleeves were more soaked than the rest of him, and mainly from preparing his attacks—while Mabel was quickly drenched and accusing Bill of cheating. Waddles, who had been allowed outside (and, Bill noted, not required to wear a leash), elected not to join the battle, but was quite content to bask in the mud puddle expanding around the car.
And Dipper, meanwhile, sat on the porch, his journal open and ignored in his lap, glaring at Bill and Mabel, disapproving of this scene as hard as he could.
"Okay, truce!" Mabel shouted. "Time out! Pause! Sto—" A soaked towel landed on her face as Bill cackled. She pulled it off. "My bucket's empty, I've gotta refill it."
"You think I'd show mercy just for that?"
"Seriously, Bill!" She ran over to the porch with her bucket and hose.
"Coward!" Bill called; and then, bereft of any targets to attack, entertained himself by picking up a sponge and actually starting to clean the car.
Dipper leaned over toward Mabel. "This is such a bad idea," he muttered.
"No it's not, it's great. Look, he's already helping."
"I'm serious. His aim's getting too good, he could throw a bucket over the top of the car and knock you out or something—"
"But he won't," Mabel insisted.
"How do you know?"
"Because..." Mabel attempted to convey her knowledge by swinging her arms emphatically. "Because he won't, okay? Bill's gonna do community service today and nothing's gonna go wrong!"
Dipper glared toward Bill—just to see that he was looking straight at them, not even trying to hide that he was listening in. He flipped up his eye patch to wink at Dipper.
"Fine." Dipper slammed his journal shut and got to his feet. "But I'm not sticking around."
Mabel gave him a surprised look. "Dipper? What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong!" Just Mabel thinking washing a car would make Bill worthy of coming off of death row—which meant she wasn't taking the threat he posed seriously. Which apparently she didn't need to, because she understood him so well—everyone said so—while Dipper, official junior paranormal investigator, somehow wasn't the one who understood the alien demon, and now Mabel kept spending all her free time around Bill because they got each other so well—but Dipper didn't care. Why would he care? There was like a 20% chance Bill could be dead by the end of the day. Which wasn't big, but it was something. "I just don't wanna sit around watching you wash the car, okay?"
"Oh," Mabel said, shifting awkwardly. "You could help out?"
"No he can't!" Bill yelled.
Dipper ground his teeth and tried to ignore him. "I've got other stuff to do. I have a paranormal investigation to go on. It's what I wanted to do today until we got stuck on triangle-sitting duty. So if you're so sure you've got the situation under control, I can just go ahead and do that anyway." Under his breath, he muttered, "I thought we could do it together, but if you'd rather hang out with Bill..."
Mabel bristled. "Well—fine, then! I do have it under control. Thanks for noticing." A tad guardedly, she asked, "So... what's today's big investigation?"
Dipper hesitated, trying to decide how irritated he really was; but if Mabel had extended an olive branch, so should he. He flipped through his journal. "You know about all the recent nighttime burglaries?" He showed Mabel a page where he'd glued a printed-out photo of a long-legged, armless, ghostlike creature, and next to it paperclipped an article cut out from the Gravity Falls Gossiper. "Something's been stealing jeans from every clothing store in town. Based on the surveillance footage, I bet that it's a mysterious, little-known creature called—"
"The Fremont Nightwigglers?" Bill cut in. "Yeah, this is about the time of year their migratory route should take them through Oregon. You oughta check the dumpsters in town. They flock in parking lots at night, but during the day they tend to nest together in half-empty dumpsters."
Dipper stared at Bill.
"You're welcome!" Bill said.
Dipper couldn't even enjoy a good old-fashioned monster hunt without Bill stealing half the thrill of discovery. "Great," Dipper grumbled. He'd better get out of here—before Bill also spoiled what planet the Nightwigglers were from. "I'll see you later, Mabel." He trudged off to find his bike, angrily kicking a patch of grass as he went.
Mabel watched him go, half considering chasing after him.
And then Bill very carefully lobbed a soaking sponge straight at the back of her head.
Mabel squealed—"Bill!"—and charged back into battle.
It took them the better part of the morning to finish washing the car—in part because the growing mud puddle kept undoing their work. When they were done, Mabel stepped back and announced, "Okay, great work! Now it's time for... part two! Covering up the scratches." She whipped out two aerosol cans, "With spray paint!" She rattled the cans like underwhelming maracas. 
"Whoa, and you didn't even bring me safety goggles?"
Mabel stared at him. "Since when do you use safety anything?"
"I'm just saying. I'm not sure I trust you wielding spray paint near me."
Mabel thought it was still too soon to be cracking jokes about anything that happened in the Fearamid; but she punched his arm and said, "You'll be fine as long as you don't try to kill me. Here!" She handed him a third can.
He accepted it and shook it up. (Mabel felt like he was just doing it to hear the little ball rattling, too.) "So what's the plan?"
"Grunkle Stan said usually, car dents are... hammered out? Somehow?"
Bill nodded. "Intriguingly counterintuitive."
"But I don't know how to do that," Mabel said. "But! I saw this great makeup tutorial that explains contouring! You use makeup a little lighter and darker than your skin to make fake shadows so your face looks like a different shape!" She held up her cans next to Bill's; his was as near to the same color as the car as Mabel could find, while the other two were a bit lighter and darker. "So I thought, maybe we can use different shades of red to contour the dents and make them disappear? If we spray the shadowy parts with light red and spray the pokey-outie parts with dark red?"
Bill looked at the car thoughtfully. "Yeah, that makes perfect sense! I mean, what's 'three-dimensional' vision anyway?" He set his can on the ground so he could hold his arms out, forming a rectangle between his thumbs and forefingers, framing the car in between like it was a picture. "It's just a two-dimensional view that you take on faith is three-dimensional, because your mind's learned that highlights and shadows are the curvature being revealed by sunlight!"
Mabel had never considered that her vision of the world was a 2D view that looked 3D; but she had taken a lot of art classes, and the first lesson of a new art class was always drawing a circle and carefully shading it in pencil so that it looked like shadows being cast on a ball, so she kinda sorta figured she got it. "Yeah! Exactly like that."
"So you're absolutely right: shadowing the highlights and highlighting the shadows will just cancel out that curvature and make it look perfectly flat," Bill said. "You're an art genius, Shooting Star. We'll have this car looking good as new in no time."
Thirty minutes later, they had a scratched, dented car covered in terrible-looking mismatched blobs of red. They actually made the dents stand out more.
Mabel and Bill surveyed their masterpiece silently.
"I've figured out our problem," Bill said. "We forgot to account for Earth's rotation. As the planet turns, the sun casts shadows at different angles, so the dents' shadows will look slightly different."
"Ah. Yeah," Mabel said. "That's gotta be it."
"When I take over this town again, I'll freeze time and we can paint this thing properly."
Mabel wondered if there was a way to briefly freeze time with the time tape they'd confiscated, before quickly remembering exactly what she'd been trying to do when she'd started Weirdmageddon in the first place. "Let's come up with a plan that doesn't involve messing with the fabric of spacetime."
"Hm." Bill planted his hands on his hips thoughtfully. "I have a great idea. What if we cover up the dents with something cooler. Like—flames. Or lightning—"
Mabel gasped, "Or a wizard!"
Bill gave her a puzzled look. "Where are we going to find a wizard—? Oh, right, painting a wizard."
"Bill, that's perfect. We could give Grunkle Stan the airbrushed wizard van of his dreams!"
"Oooh. Oh yeah. I love that." Bill nodded appreciatively. "I've always thought Stanley was more of an 'airbrushed hot babe' guy, though."
"We can put a hot wizard babe on the other side," Mabel said. "And the wizard could be fighting a unicorn! Because that's awesome! And the unicorn probably deserves it. Grunkle Stan would totally fight a unicorn if he ever met one."
"I think we've got a plan."
They retrieved a wider variety of spray paint cans from inside the shack. Mabel took over the majority of the art duties—she was the only one of the two of them who could draw wizards or unicorns—and she left the little details (stars and lasers and so forth) to Bill. He got sidetracked several times drawing multiple copies of his own face around the battle scene, until Mabel pointed out Stan would get arrested driving around with those so they'd just have to cover them up.
Mabel had finished the first mural and was working on the hot wizard babe (it was riding a dolphin) when Bill called from the other side of the car, "Head's up, we're out of orange."
"That's the fourth color you've run out of. What are you doing?" Mabel circled around to the other side of the car to see his work. He'd added some graffiti across the windows in an alien alphabet—Mabel recognized some of the letters from when he'd left coded messages in Dipper's journal—and between the wizard and the unicorn...
Mabel wrinkled her nose. There was an immense multicolored blob stretching between the two figures, scribbled over multiple times in random patterns with every color they had. Well, now she knew why Bill was running out of colors. "Bill, what is that?"
"It's the wizard's magic rainbow laser! The one he's shooting at the unicorn."
"It's too many colors," Mabel said.
Bill gave her a shocked, deeply offended look. "Too many—? Who are you and what did you do with the real Mabel?"
"You can't use every color. For a laser like this, it's gotta be three or four colors."
"And they need to be straight! If it's scribbled like that, it looks like a blob."
"It's more realistic that way! Wild magical powers don't go in a straight line—the more powerful it is, the more chaotic it gets!" Bill gestured insistently at the blob. "I'm doing a perspective thing, here—the colors layering over each other shows how they're all weaving together and wrapping around each other! See?"
Mabel studied the blob more closely. She shook her head. "Sorry Bill. It's just a mess."
Bill threw the empty orange can on the ground and flung his hands in the air. "I can't believe you of all people don't appreciate my art."
"The stars look nice," Mabel said. "And the alien text. It looks like magic wizard runes."
Bill grunted.
Maybe they needed a break. "I think we need to buy some replacement colors before we can finish," Mabel said.
"Yeah, sure," Bill said. "Pop open the car door for me, I can drive us to the hardware store—"
"Nope!" Mabel didn't trust him that much. "You're staying here. We'd get in too much trouble if anyone finds out I let you drive."
"You worry too much about getting in trouble," Bill said; but now that the conversation had moved on from the blob, he already sounded less irritated.
"Sorry, but you've gotta wait here while I get supplies. I'll just bike to the hardware store." She pointed at the house. "Back inside!"
Bill considered the command like he thought he had a choice in it; then nodded in approval. "Fine. Just help me get lunch outta the fridge before you go."
Surely he could find some way to entertain himself, all alone in the Mystery Shack, completely unsupervised.
(This chapter was a nonstop train of the most ridiculous scenes I could think of, I hope y'all enjoyed. If you did, I'd love a comment—some of my favorite jokes and character moments so far are in this chapter and I wanna know what y'all liked. Also after spending 9 hours on a comic my internet is too shitty for me to post I could really use some nice comments, thank you, I suffer so much for my art)
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doki-doki-imagines · 2 months
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Shidou loves summer festivals. The streets are lightened by chochin and the overall happiness coming from each booth.
He also loves wearing his shocking pink haori and black nagagi, while enjoying a popsicle and fanning himself with his embroidered soft pink fan. Shidou arrived way earlier to the date, excitement over the moon, that soon waned when he understood that he had to wait for another hour. That's why he is now leaning on a wooden bench while his pink irises dart arounds, full of curiosity for what could possibly happen around them, some blonde and pink strands already sticking to his face due to sweat.
"Hey Shidou!" Ahhh, it's you. The person that never leaves his mind, not even when Shidou falls asleep. The same person that told him more than once that he has no chance with them, but however, go out with him because they hate being alone.
The blonde has to be honest, when his obession over you started he may have "investigated" your life, found out about your strenghts and more importantly your weaknesses, like your friends all getting a partner and leaving you more or less always alone.
You take small steps, the wooden sandal and tight cloth don't give you much leg movement. You stop right in front of him, in between his wide open legs looking down on him.
His irises take you in immediately, absorbing every detail of your body, every little different shade the lights and the moon paints on your face.
"No words from you? What happened? Is all your blood gone to your dick for how good I look?" You chuckle, and finally, Shidou breaks from his daze, popsicle breaking and luckily ending on the bench instead of on his haori.
He looks up at you again, after brushing to the ground what remained of the popsicle. The patter of your yukata is so cute and so you; the love you harbor for bunnies evident in the embroideries of the yukata you are wearing, the gold moon, made with gold lamè enlighten your entire figure.
"So, aren't I beautiful?" You smile down at him, your right hand gently scratching the back of his head, where blonde babyhair escaped the gel he so like to use.
"You look divine." He groans, lips soon forming a smile that show his shiny teeth. There is no weird undertone in his voice, and Shidou notices the surprise on your face, already so used to his wicked mind. But you also know he has no filter, so he must be saying the truth.
There is no other word to describe you, small hair framing your face, light makeup enhancing your features with an elegance, so different from the graphic eyeliner he loves so much to wear, that takes his breath away.
"Oh-" You gasp when you feel his strong hands sliding from the back of your knees to your thighs, groping the fat protected under the cloth. Shidou feels his mouth watering, fingers still digging into your fat, but his eyes never leave yours, trying to capture your every expression like a camera.
Your hand grips the base of his head before relaxing again, understanding he won't move his hands an inch more. His hands open, caressing the back of your yukata, now full of wrinkles for how tightly he held it.
You look relaxed, and he feels like groping again your thighs, imagining how soft they must look without all that stuff covering them. Shidou breaks eyes contact for a moment, head more or less at the level of the apex of your leg.
He'd love to have his head crushed between them, cheeks squeezed by the warm fa-
"Can we go Shidou? Or you wanna feel the quality of my yukata some more?" He finally breaks from his daze, again, to look back at you. He sees the reflection of his face in your irises; a fucking idiot. A child that just discovered a room full of candies and chocolate, that's how he'd describe his face right now. The blonde gulp down loudly, saliva accumulating each time he just glance at you.
You take one of his hand to pull him up from the bench, and Shidou let you do that, body maneuverable like a doll.
"You'd be better than any candy" He mutters, voice guttural. The hand that was still laying on your thigh now is positioned on your back, not too low, stroking your spine without touching the cute bow of your white obi.
"You want to eat candies? I saw one booth with them while coming here, let's go there!" You smile at him, fingers now laced together to pull him towards the centre of the festival.
He gulps again, his heart skip again a beat after seeing your smile.
Something is changing.
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Honesty
I am back! Mostly because I got time and I feel like it.
Am I going through the ideas I have for prompts/drabbles quickly? Yes. Very. The idea pile is getting low but I don't feel like pacing them out. What is the fun in that?
Anyway. Lets continue where we left off... shall we? @spotaus as promised your daily tag!
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We going! And we are still with Cross <3
Cross watches from their nest as Dust just remains rolled up around Nightmare. Still not moving or talking at all. Nightmare himself doesn't seem bothered as he clearly is unwilling to let go of Dust either.
Cross remains where he is now. Watching over the two as Killer finishes up with the police people and Horror stalks around their area. Making sure it is still clean.
Cross feels the exhaustion creep back up but he refuses to rest. He isn't going to rest! Not as long as his mates and their child-
Cross feels himself blush as he shakes his skull. Trying to ban the thought. Focus! No need for useless and wishful daydreaming. It is especially not the time to think about those things now!
Horror enters the house before Killer and joins them. He looks at him and Cross makes sure to smile back. Horror is already stressed himself. No need to add to it. Cross has no doubt that Horror is also exhausted after all that happened.
Horror gives his nice and handsome half smile before sitting with Dust, he doesn't touch right away "Bunny??"
Dust doesn't speak but Cross can see him turn his skull a tiny bit.
Horror must have seen it too "Can I see Nightmare?" Horror's hand is slightly shaking. clearly worried.
Dust remains still but nods as he forces himself to turn. Moving so slow and careful.
Cross had once asked Dust what it felt like. To have so much power and magic. Dust had shrugged and said that it sometimes made it hard to control how he moved or how he used his magic.
Cross wonders if the slow movements and slow turns is now Dust's magic being overactive to try and protect Nightmare... or it are his parental instincts... Maybe even both? Cross still can't get over that Dust just controls it. Now with the lightning too! It is so powerful and wild and Dust just sits down and breaths through it... Cross is still unsure how anyone in the multiverse could messure up to that! Cross still remembers how it had felt to really see Dust use his magic and powers for the first time. all that time ago... Cross knows form that moment that this was going to cause issues for him as he still remembers it and could not stop thinking about it. And now he just got more powerful?! With the same calm control even if it no doubt only got harder to control? Cross is in trouble... such deep trouble.
Cross focusses on Horror and that may have been a mistake on its own. Horror smiles so painfully soft at Dust and Nightmare nad Cross feels his soul do that little flip again. Horror's devotion and care is so obvious. It is open and honest and Cross always feels unsure if it is aimed at him. Worried he will do something that makes it so painfully obvious of what he wants. Cross doesn't want that. He can't deal with them not wanting him like he wants them. Them not loving him like he does them.
He is content like this. Seeing them together and happy and safe.
Horror has managed to get Dust to uncurl again and accept being moved back into his arms. Horror seems to be gently checking Nightmar enad his magic.
He huffs unhappily "His magic is unsettled."
Cross feels deep fear as he leans closer. "What does that mean?" Was he too slow after all?! He should have been faster and just broken him out and-
Horror looks at him and reaches for him. a moment later his hand is on his shoulder and Cross can't help but lean into the touch a bit. His shoudlers relax a little bit as Horror rubs and massages the shoulder slightly.
Hroror speaks calmly "Calm down. I think... probably trauma and fear response. Just means his magic and mana is all concentrated around his soul. a protection kinda... Just means his magic needs to settle first before he can eat again." again Horror looks deeply unhappy.
Cross feels intense relieve before feeling like scum. Horror is terrified of food shortage and someone going hungry... This must be terrible to Horror to know Nightmare can't have any food for a while.
Cross searches for the right words "euh... how long... does it usually take... and can't we give him small things? maybe just something to drink? A smoothie could maybe work?"
Horror sighs as he gently rubs Nightmare's side and belly as Dust holds their tiny babybones close again. muttering soft reassurances again. Horror looks at him and thinks. Cross feels a bit bad for asking exact numbers. Horror said numbers often leave him confused after what happened.
Horror manages to push through though, he always does... it is one of those things that is amazing about him, and Horror answers his question "usual? Day... two max... and for the food it is a hard no. It can upset his magic and his magic will start expelling anything not the same. meaning he would just... lose more magic as he vomits it up." a sad but resigned look.
Cross frowns and nods "not even soup? that is liquid adn stuff..."
Horror shakes his skull "Still too heavy and sitll not like his own body and his own magic."
Cross frowns and tries to give him a reassuring smile "Well... We will just need to keep some fruits and yogurt ready. For when his magic settles a bit." Horror usually gives Nightmare that when Nightmare's magic can't absorb a lot of food.
Horror considers it before nodding his own agreement.
Cross takes a moment to lean back and relax. just a moment. Just because he can enjoy the sight of Horror having Dust in his lap and Nightmare comfortable and safe in their combined arms. It is nice. Cross loves seeing these moments. Being part of them is just as amazing!
The door opens and Cross turns quickly and waits. the sound of a lock turning and moments later Killer walks into the room. looking slightly done but he gives them a thumbs up "We should be good. Gave them the rundown and talked them into the right direction."
Horror nods as he gives his own small rundown on Nightmare's health.
Dust sighs and mutters "Talking about health... He needs a bath..." Nightmare nods but doesn't pull away from the hug.
Cross smiles and nods "Good idea! YOu can take Nightmare and get him comfortable and I will guard you guys as Killer and Horror get ready for bed too!" then after all of them are comfortable Cross will quickly get ready for bed and join them and just get to enjoy feeling them all near.
Killer steps in "Actually. Horror you mind helping Dust with Nighty?" Horror already shakes his shoulder as he gets up. Taking both Dust and Nightmare towards the bathroom.
Cross frowns and turns to Killer.
Oh. He is mad.
Furious even.
Killer glares but still has that smile on his face "We need to talk." and he grabs his hand and pulls him along. Cross doesnt'fight it as they end up in their green house.
It is gorgeous in here. Especially at night as the moon light shines in through the glass panes and reflects of everything in here. These plants are already full grown and some are starting to bare fruit again. All the plants in here are magical in nature to help them get food that they actually need in their diet.
Killer glares at him full force and Cross can't help but think he fits in perfectly. He is just as pretty if not even more.
Damnit Cross. Skull in the game. Not the moment.
Killer glares at him and hisses "Waht were you thinking?"
Cross glares back "I was getting Nightmare out and to safety. Sorry I wasn't sneaky enough or caused issues with the police!"
Killer groans as he rubs his face "I don't give a flying fuck about the police Cross! You think I care? No! I will fly through my teeth and think of a solution. I can deal with that! YOu know what I can't deal with? You going to fight a threat on your own! Alone! One we don't know!"
Cross glares "There was no other option."
Killer glares back "There was! We could have moved as a team Cross!"
Cross throws up his arms "Not fast enough! And I was fine! THose assholes didn't even come close to hurting me!"
Killer groans and grabs him by the skull and pulls him down to glare at him fully "How can I get it through to you that you stop treating yourself as expandable?!"
Cross stops and mtuters "what?"
Killer glares at him "of course we were going to go after him as soon as we could! Of course we were going to cause trouble! Of course we were going to hurt those who did it and make sure they never did it again! We all would have! But you! You going out on your own and going to confront a threat on your own?! One we don't even know? Damnit Cross it could have been someone form the multiverse! Someone who COULD actually hurt us!" He glares at him "When are you finally going to believe we don't want you to get hurt either?!"
Cross can't think. It has been such a long day and he was so afraid of having done stuff wrong or be too slow or made a mistake... and the only thing he did wrong was... get himself in danger? to not take backup? Cross blinks "what..?" he is so tired and Killer is there.
Killer's anger seems to disappear as he just looks desperate "Why do you still think we don't want to help you? Why do you still think your hurt matters less than ours?"
Cross can't answer. because answering means... means... They are everything to him. They are the world and Cross just wants them to be happy... Is that so bad?
Killer frowns as he removes one of his hands from his skull and Cross wants it back. then the hand rubs under his sockets and oh... he is crying. damnit. Cross hates the fact he cries quickly.
Killer frowns and speaks softer "Hey... I get it... emotions ran high and all that stuff... I.... I am mad but just becuase you could have been hurt... you know?" Killer looks to the side.
Cross nods as he watching Killer. It is just still so rare for Cross to see Killer as anything but confident or smug... Killer looks almost awkward like this... it is cute.
Killer sighs but gives agrin "We are on the same page now? No needly sacrificing! Even no needed sacrificing!"
Cross mutters a yes. too afraid that moving will remove the hands holding his skull.
Killer grins widely "good! Then we can go to the others and I will remind you of this conversation if you start slipping again and-"
They are kissing.
Cross isn't even sure how this happened. But Cross is 99% sure it is his fault.
Cross opens his sockets and sees Killer just staring at him. Frozen. Cross pulls back right away "I shouldn't have done that..." shit. shit shit shit shit shit-
Killer's hands got a lot tighter and he pulls him close and.... they are kissing again.
How does this keep happening?!
Killer pulls away and grins "there! Now we both did it! problem solved!" he looks so nervous.
Cross blinks and can't help but mutter again "Really shouldn't have done that..." he is a fucking idiot and selfish and-
Killer's hold gets almost painfully tight "why not?" it isn't a shout. Not even normal volume. it sounds quiet and... sad... Killer then snorts and winks "Not interested after all?" Cross would have beleived him if he couldn't still see the very light grey eye lights in his normally dark sockets.
Cross shakes his skull then nods then groans "it isn't... it isn't that.. I lo-like! Like you a lot! And I like this! But. It is unfair because i don't just love you! I love Dust... I love horror. It is unfair to start something when... when part of me isn't in it! Isn't all here for it and... and... I am sorry... I really shouldn't have and... and..." and they are kissing again. fuck this keeps happening and Cross just wants more each time.
Killer pulls away with a grin "Well... first... that solves the issue as I also very much want to date both Horror and Dust. So i am sure we can figure something out!"
Cross blinks "You cna just do that? Date multiple people?"
killer stares at him for a moment "Right... I keep forgetting that you were stuck in a universe that was pretty much a cult."
Cross glares at Killer "Stop calling XTale a cult."
Killer raises a brow "Fine. Just because we got more important stuff to talk about... Yes you can dat emultiple people as long as everyone connected to this dating situation is okay with it. it means you are in a polyamory relationship." he grins "probably makes you poly too! That you want a relationship with multiple people and stuff."
Cross blinks and shrugs "i dunno about that... I found many people attractive but well... I only ever really wanted to be with you three..." he feels hismelf blush and looks tot he side.
Killer laughs adn gives him a soft and short kiss on the teeth before backing off. He gives him a grin and nods to the door "We should get back to the others..."
Cross rubs his arm as he glances at the door "Waht about... this?" us? Them? all of them? together? Cross hadn't known that was an option! This is like the perfect solution!
Killer laughs before grinning "We will have to see if they are interested... But first we need a moment to wind down... it has been one fucking hellish day and I jsut want to hug our baby and sleep."
Cross feels the exhaustion all over again and he sighs "I agree..."
They walk out of the greenhouse together and get dressed for bed quickly. Cross does sneak a few glances at Killer. No longer feeling bad for sneaking looks and admiring one of them now. Now that it is okay. At least wiht Killer.
They will have to dicuss with Horror and Dust what this means for them and what is even possible and what everyone is comfortable with.
But first? Time to sleep with their child and relax. They need it... and Cross thinks they deserved it too.
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lifes-line · 3 months
So I’m rewatching Rise of the Guardians and I wanna say something - a theory I have about the movie that is never verbally theorized or communicated but heavily implied,,, or they just made a mistake
SO- the scene I’m talking about is in the movie, when they’re all at Easter island or Bunny’s realm, Jack has to take Sophie back home.
Now for context; rise of the guardians is a movie about how Jack Frost becomes the guardian of fun and to protect that child immaturity or fun they have.
The other guardians include Sand man(guardian of dreams), Santa(guardians of wonder), tooth fairy(guardian of memories?, and the Easter bunny(guardian of hope)
Pitch Black isn’t a guardian but he is like a myth like the other guys and he’s the villain.
Jack Frost started out the same way all the guardians do and as Pitch Black does; unbelieved in. And when no one believes in you; you are both physically weak and no one can touch you or see you and the guardians cannot physically touch any humans either.
This is important. No one can see Jack Frost- so when we see him in action in the beginning of the movie with the kids and Jamie asks “who is Jack Frost?” It’s evident enough there, no one has heard of this dude.
Now an important fact with contributes to my theory- his mom is the one who mentions Jack Frost and she says that as she takes Sophie back inside.
But focusing on Jack - in this Easter realm part of the movie, Sophie has snuck into the Easter realm and plays with the guardians until she eventually falls asleep, now they must discuss who can take her back home.
Jack says he’ll do it - already not possible because still in this moment even with the other guardians, no one believes in him. YET. SOMEHOW.
Jack is physically able to touch and carry Sophie all the way back home.
So at that point in the movie or PRIOR; someone started believing in Jack Frost.
The working theory is; Jamie’s mom or even Sophie at the beginning of the movie believed in Jack Frost.
Obviously the mom doesn’t because she can’t see him - but after she mentions Jack Frost we no longer see Sophie on screen anymore.
This is interesting later when she sees everyone in the Easter realm- she ONLY addresses the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy. Not caring at all for Jack Frost or Santa. Not because she can’t see them, but because she’s a little girl who likes cute things; like bunnies and fairies.
She also has to believe in Jack Frost if he is able to carry her back home.
This is also important because as I established; it’s the children’s belief in the guardians that makes them strong.
That’s why bunny shrinks near the end of the movie, Santa’s age catches up to him, tooth can’t fly etc
But in the fight scene where Pitch Black defeats Sand man; Jack retaliates with a very strong ice attack and defeats Pitch Black - Jack isn’t sure how he was capable of doing something so powerful and I believe it was after the interaction he’s had with the kids-
Sophie heard her mom say something about a Jack Frost “nipping at your nose” and now that child associates Jack Frost with snow or frostbite - and you know how kids believe anything they’re told, even if it’s not to them.
So; final theory.
Jack was able to carry Sophie and be this strong because SOPHIE believed in him in the beginning of the movie.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
You know, at the beginning of the story, Connie says that she has probably a total bad score to the exams "like always". If she had very bad (or the worse) results since a while, then his shippement days was decided for a while, since she has been shipped two weeks after her birthday. And Isabella knews who will be the next shippement three or four months before it happens. She knew that Connie was the next. She knew, when Connie reached 6, that she had only 2 weeks to live. And then, she took the time to make a plushie for Connie's birthday. And Little Bunny isn't a little plushie, it is kinda big. Isabella created a big toy for a kid who was going to enjoy it for only 15 days.
She wanted to make her happy, to give her joy for the little time that she still had. She wanted Connie to live those days in happiness. And i'm sure that she did that for any kids who was going to be shipped. (a lot of kids receive a gift for their 6 years old, the goods as the bads but maybe it's for cover why the bad scores kids has spoiled this famous day)
It's the biggest proof that she loves all her kids (even Ray, even if she has more mixed feelings toward him). She can't do anything to save them or she would be the next dinner and with no garantee that the woman who will replace her will be as loving then her. She is as much captive than the kids (even more, because she knows and she has the cheap in her heart.)
She had to see them die every time. Clearly she is still here after Connie's death so she has witnessed everything. She has seen so much of her kids diying while being unable to protect them because nothing could have been do, except make their too short lifes as much happy than possible.
(I'm sure that she was suffering with the idea to shipp the Full Score Trio soon (very soon for Ray, some months for Norman and in a little more of half a year for Emma), even Ray, and she was probably in denial about her son)
I think that Norman and Emma were too betrayed and angry to really understand that her affection was geniune and real. It's only thank to the distance, during 2 years, that they were able to think about it. For Ray, i think that a part of him knew that she really loved them but still sees her as the ones who sacrified his siblings. A part of him must have been in denial for a while about it too (like mother, like son).
The distance was good for everyone. The kids were able to understand that Isabella loved them for real, Ray was able to be willing to forgive her and eventually start over (realizing that he loved her too), Isabella realized that she loved her son.
And then came that asshole demon
Obnoxious pedantry but Conny's birthday is the third of September (@just-like-playing-tag put together an invaluable birthday chart here. September is one of the busier months with five birthdays in it.) So she had a bit more time with Little Bunny, but it's negligible in the grand scheme of things. There were two years' worth of low scores sealing her fate.
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Based on that, this answer in the mystic code book, and all the toys we see in her hidden office in chapter 17/S1 episode 6, it's a safe bet she either made or had gifts delivered from headquarters for each of the children. The demons wouldn't question it as an easily justifiable and paltry expense to further cultivate a positive environment for the children's development, and with them not caring what became of the presents afterward even if a child packed it with them in their suitcase when they were shipped out, Isabella could keep them as mementos of all the children she raised.
It's the biggest proof that she loves all her kids
This I think depends on an individual's definition of love though, and whether Isabella could truly, fully love her children in such an oppressive framework.
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(S1 Episode 8 | S1 Episode 10)
I will always come back to and obsess over the sequences of Isabella silently smiling as Ray struggles against her before locking him in Krone's old room and Ray looking completely disillusioned and despondent as Isabella walks off and smirks that they added into the anime. No one else is around who would be cognizant enough to notice. She doesn't have to put up an act to maintain a sense of calm and normalcy for anyone.
Yet here she is, quietly relishing in having seemingly defeated the children's plan to upset the status quo and her lifestyle. It's entirely for herself.
During this era of the story, she loves the children in her charge, but only to the point that they don’t inconvenience her; only to the point where they don’t impede her goal of survival ("longer than anyone"). It's impossible to live under such an oppressive, violent, monotonous, stagnating system and not have it fundamentally alter your perception of the world around you and how you interact with it to some degree. She even makes the distinction herself in one of her most memorable quotes.
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(Chapter 37)
To love them normally, as opposed to the love that would always be tainted as long as it was within the confines of the farm system where she justified walking at least sixty children to their deaths over the course of her tenure to maintain her sense of cognitive dissonance.
To quote @nullaby, who phrases it very poignantly in this post:
 for  as  much  as  isabella   did   love  her  kids,      as  nice  as  it  would’ve  been  to  just  raise  them  all  like  a  normal  mother  should,       the  backbone  of  her  character  journey     &.    ultimate  redemption  was  laid  out  plain  and  clear  right  to  ray’s  face  that  everything,     including  his  birth,      was  all  just  collateral  damage  of  isabella’s  desire  to  survive  in  this  world  as  according  to  the  demon’s  rules,        longer  than  most  ever  could,        and  find  some  sort  of   meaning   to  all  this  sacrifice  in  the  only  option  that’d  ever  been  available  to  cattle  like  them.      the  tragedy  is  that  the  prioritizing  of  her  own  position  trumps  that  love  of  a  mother  more  times  that  it  ever  didn’t,        and   that’s   the  mom  that  ray  was  left  with.  
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(Chapter 7 | Chapter 16)
Even if she found herself slipping into the illusion that had been crafted throughout the rest of the day, on days where there were no shipments and everything was fine, maybe even great, every night she would be reminded of reality. That she was ultimately a pawn. A caged, useful dog, if you want to have what she says to Ray in chapter 24/S1 episode 8 be her projecting her self-loathing of what she's stooped to onto him (and then going further, making his affirmation of his humanity in choosing his death an incensed retort back at her as much as the demons).
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Ray is the living, breathing reminder of one of the worst acts of violence the farm system inflected on her. For a six years, she may have been able to push aside any memories and thoughts of the child she bore, but on his sixth birthday (his false birthday; if she doesn't think of it in the moment, then surely afterward when they're celebrating it at the house), he "robbed Isabella of that easy, blissful delusion," to again quote nullaby. Such potent, aggrieved anger mixed with relishing her dominance over him bleeding into her tone and body language and tinging the framework of this scene; I really love how Cloverworks adapted it with their budgetary constraints.
I think that Norman and Emma were too betrayed and angry to really understand that her affection was genuine and real. It's only thank to the distance, during 2 years, that they were able to think about it. For Ray, i think that a part of him knew that she really loved them but still sees her as the ones who sacrificed his siblings. A part of him must have been in denial for a while about it too (like mother, like son). The distance was good for everyone. The kids were able to understand that Isabella loved them for real, Ray was able to be willing to forgive her and eventually start over (realizing that he loved her too), Isabella realized that she loved her son.
I do agree that being free of the suffocating environment of Grace Field would give everyone different perspectives on their relationship with their mother, with Emma being the most understanding of Isabella's circumstances and accepting her in her totality; the kindness and love she was always capable of just as much as the violence and cruelties she inflicted to maintain the status quo.
For Norman, the utter chaos his nervous system was in as he was walking to the gate, fully believing he was about to die only to be handed off to another cage and subjected to experiments as his mother sent him off with one last gentle hug, would heighten his senses and emotions and in turn make this a visceral core memory for him.
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(S2 Episode 8)
He undoubtedly dwelled on it during his fifteen months at Lambda, grappling with coming to logically understanding her circumstances more over time with that distance, his stark morality, and, no matter how much he might try to squash down his feelings to avoid confronting his own vulnerability during such a precarious period, how deeply her betrayal hurt him. I don't know if he'd ever be able to fully let that go, even if his immediate reaction to her death was one of sadness due to how sudden it was and being robbed of the chance to see what kind of relationship with her would be possible.
Similar to Norman, Ray can logically understand her circumstances, and I do believe deep down there was a part of him that desperately desired a normal, loving relationship with her, as much as he also tried to squash it down. It's part of why he's so confident she wouldn't throw him away, why he looks so devastated when she cuts him off,
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(S1 Episode 5 | S1 Episode 8)
I was doing a good job. To you, I’m…
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(Even after all this time…you still can't find it in your heart to love me as the child you gave birth to. | Chapter 181.1)
and why even after all of that pain and loss, he still hums the lullaby she sang to him in the womb as a way of consoling himself before his attempted suicide (because it's the only way he believes he can atone for what he's done).
Ray's vast library of knowledge comes from his research. His memory is one of his most powerful assets; his blessing and his burden. Isabella had proven time and time again to him that she was willing to sacrifice children for her own survival.
And yet there was still some selfish part of him that hoped maybe, just maybe, she would have carved out a little niche in her heart for him after spending all that time together, after sharing the burden of the secret of the house with him, after finding out about their shared blood. That all of that had to mean something to her.
But tragically all they shared engendered a unique ire toward him instead, born from a deep self-loathing that, once she replaced her own mother as Grandma, she allowed herself to reflect upon more thoroughly and came to deeply regret.
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(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 9; Isabella being an unreliable narrator and forcing a mental wedge between her and Ray as both a child in her charge in general and specifically as her biological son. She "held no particular maternal feelings for Ray" being as much a denial of any love for him as being a moment where she tries to place herself above the petty anger and resentment she has for him | Chapter 181.3; the framing of the bottom right panel confirming she did view all the birthday gifts she gave her children as treasures)
The damage was done though, between that and losing Norman, one of the two most precious people in his life he spent six years bearing the pain of loneliness and sorrow for. Even with Norman proving to be alive, like him I think it would be hard for Ray to untangle logically, pragmatically understanding Isabella's circumstances from the abuse he endured.
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(Chapter 169; the conflicting feelings he held for her even two years after escaping Grace Field)
People aren't their trauma, but it would be disingenuous to say it didn't shape him. A learned response and association with her etched into his mind that I don't believe would be shed so easily. He wasn't by Isabella's side as she made her two-year journey of redemption as Grandma. He only saw the final result weighed against years of memories of her calculating iron woman persona, of every happy one his siblings had tinged with the knowledge that she would eventually set them up for slaughter.
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(Chapter 174)
To quote nullaby for a third time:
there’s  a  whole  big  thing  about  late  story  isabella,     how  she  interprets  ray’s  address  as  forgiveness,      but    .    .    .         it’s  maybe  just  more  speaking  to  how  their  worst  qualities  are  the  ones  that  they  share.     not  as  much  a      “  you’re  my  mom  and  i  forgive  you   ”         as  it  is  a         “   i  get  it,     i’m   there  too,     it  doesn’t  matter  anymore  anyway,    stop  feeling  sorry  for  yourself    ”        and  it  just.     tapers  off  into  something  impersonal,      something  more  like just  a  person  speaking  to  a  person  than  a  son  to  his  mother.
He can acknowledge the love she held for her children, acknowledge that she changed and wanted to do better by them, but that doesn't equate to reconciliation and letting go of all those painful memories at the drop of a hat.
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(Chapter 177 | Sunny's post)
The mental scars she left on him would be with him for years—potentially forever—and had she lived I don’t think he’d ever have a relationship with her in the way Emma might, but in that moment, he desperately wished for just the opportunity to try, even if it ended in failure or an impasse. And yet again fate left him without any say or control in the situation to determine his own path of healing.
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party-9 · 5 months
Yandere prince x destined for another reader
Imagine the crown prince of your continent, a childhood friend of yours, absolutely upset that the prophet destined you to the grand Duke's son, prophesied to be the hero.
Disclaimer: MDNI, yandere stuff, angst, mayor character death, not a happy ending.
Prince's POV
This day was like every other day with my sweet and charming friend, they were so radiant that even Forest critters stare at them in awe, they have been introduced to me, as part of the treaty between the royal family and the temple, and even if I didn't exactly like them at first, I've grown fond of them after experiencing their neverending kindness.
Reader: Today is a very special day, my future spouse will be prophesied, and whoever that is, will save the kingdom from monsters lurking at the black forest.
Prince: Oh that's wonderful to hear bunny
Oh~ I was extatic, besides having them as a spouse, I'll be the hero of my country, making my rule safe from any competition.
We both prepared, they wore a baby blue tunic, dressed in gold to the ceremony and I wore my best robes, very confident that I'll be the object of the prophesy.
There we stood in front of the prophet, and I assured my bunny that their spouse will never mistreat then, quite sure I never will and just as everyone was in position and I waited to hear my name called to be my bunny's spouse...Another name is called, what? How is this possible?
Me and bunny are meant to be together, I don't wanna see them with that damn brat! Apparently, my future spouse was destined to the Grand Duke's heir? Who does he THINK he is, my bunny is mine and MINE ALONE !!!
My bunny turned to look at him, seemingly happy with the news(because that bastard was quite attractive) and after seeing them so exited, I could hardly contain my rage!
But I didn't wanted to rain on their parade, so I masked my emotions the best I could and I congratulated then half heartlely...
Afterwards things changed, I thought I could deal with the situation, even if it hurt me deeply, but my bunny enjoyed? Spending time with that rat, si much so that they didn't visit me as much as before and when they did... When they did they talked about how happy they felt for their outcome! Ahh!
Don't they realize we were meant to be together!!? That prophet must have brainwashed them after I left to control my rage!
I felt a pang in my heart, and the whole intention to separate that bastard from my darling bunny! Fortunately, as the crown prince, I've been trained to control my emotions, and that I did, for years, while MY bunny growed closer to that cry baby of a man, each day, the darkness in my heart growing, seeing them get further and further away from me.
It got to a breaking point after the beast started to raid villages under our protection, all while the supposed "hero" was still under training, all he has done is robbing me of my bunny apparently! Not even doing what he was destined to do. My bunny advised me to have faith in their spouse, that they are the destined hero, but I just couldn't bear it anymore, and that night, I had a strange dream...
I knew it was a dream, since I couldn't hear see anything other than darkness, and from the darkness I felt a voice talking to me.
Mysterious voice: Oh my~ ain't your story so sad~ Your "future spouse" taken from you by a useless child~.
I gripped my sword and called
Prince: Who are you!? Show yourself !!
As I started in disbelief as the black fog turned into a tall androgynous individual, with heeled boots, as well as a tail and horns.
Mysterious voice: Your people tend to call me demon lord~ But you'll call me "My lord" after going under my command ~
Prince: I don't care what you offer, I'll never let you ruin my country and my people!
Demon lord: Oh I don't wanna ruin anything ~ I'll just rule over you as I see fit and... Well that's a shame~
Prince: What is?
Demon lord: Without my help, your darling "bunny" will never look your way~ can you honestly tell me you'll forget about them and peacefully let another person take them~?
Prince: What?
Demon lord: You have me~
Prince:I... Of course not!! But what choose do I have!?
Demon lord: I'll make them be bound to you~ what's a prophesy in front of my power~
Prince:...What are your conditions to give my bunny back to me?
Demon lord: Oh just ten years of your live~ I'll take controll of your body for ten years and then I'll give it back to you, with your darling being bound to you~ how about it~?
Prince: As long as you promise not to kill my people indiscriminately, I accept
Demon lord:Sure thing, now~ I'll see you in ten years.
Time skip~
I awoke, with my darling bunny at my feet, a bit confused, but happy to see them by my side
Prince:Bunny~! Can you give me a resumen of the last ten years?
I wasn't scared of the consequences, whatever that demon lord had done, was useful to bring my bunny to my side, but bunny ... Avoided my gaze and began to do as I asked, giving me a rundown of the last ten years.
My country was in a dire situation, full of famine and infections, as my stopping of the wall building, allowed more monsters to get in, their spouse completely exhausted from all the monster killing due to my legislation, instituted after I was crowned king, their marriage was broken after 9 years without a heir, and I snatched them for myself under imperial law, my people hated me, and the court was full of corruption.
I knew the demon lord would allow monsters to be rampant, but it's nothing I can't change on the future, the thing that worried me the most, was that my darling didn't look at me anymore, and when I asked them why, they responded they are tired, so I let them go rest, can't have them tired and working hard, that's my responsibility.
After my darling went to the bedroom, I took care of some paperwork and went to the Kings bedroom, now considered mine and I saw my darling...with their wrist slit!
I wailled into the sky and blamed myself!
Whatever that demon had done, it was I that put my beloved and my people in danger by accepting his temptation, if I could go back I would!!!!
Later, after assigning a capable court member as my stand in, I began looking for ways to get my bunny back, going to dark magicians and spending a lot of the Treasury, when everything failed, I gave in to alcohol, while the country situation was getting worse and worse with no one to lead, finally after a coup d'etat leadered by the hero, I was buried alive, right next to my darling fortunately, while the hero was expected to pick up my mess, I didn't care, as I spent as much time as I could with my darling, before succumbing to asphyxiation after the air ran out, I just wished I hadn't been so selfish, so my darling bunny and everyone else could have lived better lived... So that my darling wouldn't have to left in such a gruesome manner, thanks to my actions, I wished and wished, but as if disgusted, my goddess never answered and the demon lord didn't either, probably amused at my reaction, I withered like that, after taking everything from my bunny, long after they had decomposed, since I was a coward and couldn't follow then right away after their death.
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soullikethesea · 5 days
Visiting old T.
I'm going to need more time to digest all of this. Here are just some of my initial thoughts.
Oof. That was more painful than I anticipated. I'm really glad that I got there a bit early and went to a toy shop. I ended up getting a bunny and it's already a big comfort - together with the garden cat.
I honestly felt a little shaky when I left old T and I still feel a bit shaky. Some things stood out to me and I don't think I'm being very kind in these observations. Old T deserves better, but still I want to share them because it's helpful to have a place to put them.
I felt like she was quite judgmental... some undertones here and there. Maybe I never really noticed before. She wasn't necessarily or just judgmental towards me, more in general. But the thing I did notice and in turn remembered was her attitude regarding Mae. She said that she remembers me from back then as an oppositional teenager and that I "threw" my emotions at her. I remember how misunderstood Mae felt back then and I could feel the lack of empathy again/still. Ouch!
Old T said that she worked so so so hard and it was difficult that we didn't really get anywhere. I agree that she (and I) worked very very hard AND that it was too much too soon, but I don't think that we never got anywhere at all. I think that she was relieved when I said that.
She said that looking back, she would have referred me out much sooner. I do agree that things have been much better with my current T. It was like a breath of fresh air. Sometimes things are outside of the scope of competency you have and I think she realized that in the end.
The first thing she said was that it was difficult to stop doing therapy with people (she's retired now) because you don't get that reward anymore of people looking up to you and being grateful to you. I think this is a very honest answer, but also one of the problems we had in treatment. If your expectation as a therapist is that you will get those things and then you end up way in over your head, that's tricky business.
I think she really wanted to help me and she got bitter over time when it was so difficult. Also, I don't think I am an impossible person - not even back then. I think believing that would be selling myself short. I actually think that both of us fell into a trap of thinking we could rush through trauma work without establishing safety in daily life first. Newsflash: would not recommend.
When I said that I can't yet work *with* a therapist on trauma stuff, more in the periphery of it or at home, she said saying "can't" is a bad thing and I should say that i don't "want" to do that. Which is totally not true!!! So I felt inner resistance with a vengence when she said that. :') I get why Mae wanted to protect us.
She did remember a lot about me and she said that my treatment still comes up in her thoughts quite a bit, where she wonders what she could have done differently, etc. I think she must have cared so much. Kind of like me with the autism kid that I still think about so much and know I couldn't do enough for.
One of the main things that is different from when I saw old T is that now I feel like I have my own back. I can see T and the trouble we had, and still feel that at the end of the day, I'm here. I've got my back. I'm going to be okay. The bunny was a good reminder of that. We love Mae. Current T also welcomes her, with all of her passion and fire. All parts are welcome now, not specific ones. I know how to welcome them. There is fire inside and it is what kept me going from when I was a child. When T said that I was such an oppositional teenager, I said that it is a coping style (of Mae) and in that moment I already had seas more empathy than she had, I could just tell. I'm sorry she got hurt. I'm sorry that I got hurt.
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crazycoke-addict · 7 months
In Poppy Playtime, the first we get is a VHS tape of a vintage poppy commercial with a hidden message and a letter that tells the player to go back to their old job Playtime Co to investigate what happened there.
If you read the letter, you'll notice that there are a few grammar errors. Many fans believe that a child or a toy possessed by a child wrote this letter. I think I remember somebody saying it was Poppy, but it can't be the Poppy that we know because she was locked in the case and appears to be in a deep sleep.
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However, one thing that I do wanna bring up is how we know that this was a child or a toy being possessed by a child. How are we 100% sure that this isn't an adult or a teen. Just because there are grammar errors.
There is subtle evidence that the kids may have survived the hour of joy and are hiding underground. The first evidence we see is when the hour of joy was happening, it's heavily implied that the toys were influenced by 1006, aka the prototype to attack and kill any employee they come across. Doesn't matter whether or not they knew. In the surveillance camera, we see a bunch of Miss Delights chasing a man in a room.
During the school area, the player collects a bunch of papers that tell them how somebody locked the door and they were trapped in there. The Miss Delight that we encountered was one who survived because she ate the other Miss Delight. It's revealed that it was catnap who locked her in.
The reasoning was that she and the other Miss Delights wouldn't attack and kill the children. According to Ollie, Catnap treats the prototype like a good and even one VHS tape when Leith Pierre checks up on Catnap/Theo Gamble. Catnap says the prototype will save them. If anyone is going to obey the prototype, it's going to be Catnap.
There's a poster where it appears to mommy long legs hugging huggy wuggy and 3 children. In the corner, there appears to be a message. It says, "Everyone must do their part. Any child between the ages of 2 months and 16 years is eligible for entry into the playtime Co foster and adoptive care initiative."
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This is likely this is the age that the kids/babies/teens are suitable to be adopted. However, since we know that the game station was used to see which kid is suitable for their compatible bigger body toys. The game musical memory appears to be testing the children based on their ability to remember. Musical memory is suitable for kids at the age of 7 to adulthood. We can also see the same with the other games. So, when a kid turns 7, they start the testing.
The reason why this is important is because Mommy Long Legs is located in the game station. In the transfer forms, it says that Mommy Long Legs is hostile towards the staff but is motherly and protective towards the experiments. Many believe the experiments are toys themselves. However, if you win a game and find the exit. You hear noises. It's mommy long legs killing Bunzo Bunny and the little wuggies. If she's so protective of the experiments, then why is she hostile towards them? Because the experiments are actually what I believe they call the children. In the transfer form, it's revealed that Mommy Long Legs is possessed by a little girl named Marie Payne. Marie and one of the caretakers Patty Hall have a mother/daughter relationship. While the toys appeared to not remember when they were human. It's appears they at least remember the lessons. Marie Payne, aka mommy long legs, is motherly towards the other experiments, aka the children, because she would've had remembering of motherly love.
The reason why is important is because it shows that the toys never wanted to harm the children since the children did nothing to them. You see, in one video, we hear that a long-time employee, Thomas Clarke, volunteers to have his subconscious be moved into a toy. After it was finished and he was put in the storage unit where he is attacked by the other toys because they sense something off.
The prototype may have influenced them to do these awful things, but when it comes to their knowledge about who should be trusted, that's all on them. It appears that there are subtle evidence of them not murdering the children and maybe hiding somewhere deeper underground. It is like that one of the kids, which is probably teens or adults, wrote the letter to the player. They may have done copies just in case. How they manage to get it to the outside world is up to be debate, but it's likely a toy is helping them.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝐿𝐼𝒯𝒯𝐿𝐸 𝐹𝒜𝑀𝐼𝐿𝒴 - 𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐍𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 [𝐬𝐟𝐰 + 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰]
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If you thought you've seen Napoleon at his most caring and affectionate, you have to wait until you make him a father...
Not that the events prior didn't bring out that side of him to light - no, in your life as a married couple spend in the neat little house not far from the mansion, you've seen a lot of that. But his dedication to being the model papa is simply fascinating you.
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"Papa, tell me that story again! The one where you defeated an army of bunnies!"
You've just returned home after working overtime now that your maternity leave was over, and it seemed like it was bedtime for the kids. The request made by your four-year-old echoed through the house and you decided to tiptoe to the room where your husband was putting her to bed.
Picking up the scattered toys along the way, you felt the weariness of a long day spent at work slowly dissipate the more you indulged yourself in a little harmless eavesdrop. You knew that crossing the threshold now meant putting your husband's efforts to waste - no doubt your little girl would have her eyes wide open as soon as she sees you back home.
The sweetness of the scene aside, you raised a brow at the mentioned story of defeating a bunny army. In the years of knowing Napoleon, you've heard of an experience somewhat along those lines - but not quite like that.
"Alright Lucianna, but you're sleeping after this one. See how quickly your brother fell asleep?"
Couching down next to the door with your back rested against the wall, you had no clue about the wide smile you were sporting at the moment. The image in your head was clear as day, Napoleon tends to keep your son in an improvised baby wrap - just a trick pulled out from your 21st century head - as you discovered it's the most efficient for the toddler to sleep soundly, even if he's growing too big for it already.
"Because he's baby and I'm not a baby!"
Napoleon swiftly deescalates the fit of stubbornness with a theatrical opening to the story, and Lucianna's interest is piqued, so is yours. You listen to your husband retelling the story of being attacked by a horde of rabbits - decorated with some fairy-tale-like exaggerations, and most importantly, with a changed ending. Only you know of the humiliating defeat Napoleon suffered in the summer of 1807, not by the hand of a long-sworn enemy, but by the furry little feet of hundreds of rabbits originally released for hunting. But this is papa Napoleon's bedtime story, and he must be the hero...
"And afterwards, we welcomed the bunnies in our kingdom and we all lived happily ever after as friends. The end. Goodnight, mon petit lapin. "
The small smooching sound was barely heard under the giggles of the little girl, now content and hopefully ready to enter the land of dreams. You hardly held in your laughter, doing your best not get found out.
But your ever-so-perceptive husband will undoubtedly find out for himself as soon as he catches a sight of your expression, so you promise yourself not to tease him too much about it for the rest of the night...
You know for a fact that Napoleon has a lot of other grandiose adventure stories where this one came from - but being a professional at putting the children to bed without a fuss is just one of the many skills he possesses.
You should've guessed he's good with kids - how many siblings did he have, again?! Being the second child out of 8 has surely secured some experience of taking care of little ones behind his back.
But even without that piece of information, you've witnessed his skill in action countless times while at the école to see for yourself. Secretly, it was then that you first thought of Napoleon as a dad.
Watching him teach them how to fight and protect themselves was one thing, but it was the way he taught them to treat the other as an equal, to be able to say the word 'sorry', to hold out a hand first; the way he would carefully listen to what is bothering them and work out a solution, the way he would praise them and ruffle their hair...
Yes, you then concluded, Napoleon certainly IS dad material.
In the course of the following years of growing your family together, you were only able to confirm that.
For starters, the image of his sleeping face is slowly erased from your mind - and this is the infamous Monsieur of the Naps we're talking about! - as Napoleon gets in bed after you and wakes up before. Suppressing some of his bad habits for the sake of his family is not beyond him.
When it comes to naming the children, Napoleon wants you to have the last word no matter what. You pick a name in his mother language which holds the meaning of light for your firstborn - Lucianna. Napoleon's love for ancient roman culture and names shows when picking a name for your son later on, and you enthusiastically agree with naming him Junius, "born in June", which also has a very youthful ring to it. The shortened "Luci" and "Juni" are quickly adapted by everyone in the household.
Being a demi-vampire himself, Napoleon was prepared for the chance of his offspring inheriting his non-human nature, even if minimal. Both his kids turn out to be human, even if it's not impossible for the sighs to come later on. Both you and Napoleon are prepared to do your best in teaching your kids all they need to know about their dad and the mansion's residents, once they're old enough to understand.
Napoleon loves reading biographies, but you've noticed that he'd swapped those from the shelf with various child-rearing books, likely borrowed from the mansion's rich library.
He loves the fact that he has more stomachs to feed now, a chance to put his cooking skills to work. His little helpers often make the kitchen a mess, but he can't stay mad at them for long.
Sometimes he plays restaurant with them, letting them order whatever their crafty little minds come to - even if it's something like pasta with jam and a side of chocolate - which can turn into a good learning experience that some food combos won't work together just because they're your favorite things mashed together. They also discover new (and actually good!) family recipes that way, some of which might run in the Bonaparte family for centuries to come!
Napoleon is not exactly too full of himself about his cooking abilities, but his pride is always a little hurt by not being able to live up to his son's rather picky tendencies.
He's very good at multitasking, and often thinks of ways to include the kids in the chores around the house so that they can have fun and be under his supervision while he's doing what he has to do.
It's good for burning off their seemingly limitless energy, too. When helping papa with the laundry turns into a chase between the lines and little Junius trips and falls face-first into the mud and starts crying, Napoleon is quick to turn the laundry washing tub into a makeshift kiddie bathtub under the sun's rays. Peace is restored in due seconds, and somehow the white sheets don't end up with small muddy handprints on them either.
Attending Luci's tea parties is a must, even if he sympathizes with Junius for being dragged into them, along with four teddy bears, two stuffed bunnies and one stuffed lion. He usually ends up with mama's make up products on his face (he'll need to buy new ones before she notices) or with an interesting hairstyle.
That's on the occasions where his daughter doesn't bring a wooden sword in the picture and the theme of their playtime gets a sudden unexpected turn.
"Papa, when are you going to teach me hold to fight with a foil like you?"
Papa Napoleon sighs and curses his own blood for running into Luci's veins vigorously like that. It has been just this morning when he had to say no to her as she wanted to ride on his horse by herself.
"When you grow bigger, mon bébé. Though, will that ever happen the way you refuse to drink your milk, hmm?"
Ah, it seems that maman's genes are present too, in the way she pouts and frowns to no end when teased. He needs to be more careful with his girls but it's beyond him.
It's a little farfetched from riding an actual horse, but neither Luci nor Juni refuse a good piggy ride, and it's sooo fortunate that Napoleon's back is not aging.
He foresees a lot of headaches in the future, as protective as he tends to be... He doesn't even want to imagine how it's gonna be when his beautiful daughter grows up to be a beautiful young woman.
Napoleon is lucky to have you as his wife, as you know best how to pull him out of his worrisome thoughts.
In the early days of being a new parent, Napoleon used to be more uptight than you. He'd lie about not feeling tired, leading to you finding emptied rouge vials when he fell asleep without disposing of them.
Once you successfully persuade Napoleon into opening up to you, you learn of some old wounds, with yellow-burned corners from the passage of time.
You come to understand that this, too, is his second chance at making it right, and the pressure he put upon himself is colossal.
A much-needed slap on his cheeks and a promise later, you're ready to face a new page with Napoleon - one that belongs to both of you. You'll have to make sure that Napoleon understands that last part well.
After some time passes and with enough encouragements of doing a fantastic job, he gradually gets more relaxed about it. Sometimes seemingly too relaxed...
"And I say," He shoots you a lax, brazen gaze over the glass of wine he's currently filling for you. "It would be stupid to have twelve babysitters at our service and not to take advantage once in a while."
"They're NOT our babysitters! Gods, some of them even need babysitters themselves—"
With the kids dropped at the mansion and Napoleon's proficient ways of spoiling his wife to a dinner for two put in action, you can hardly argue for too long. His dates never lost their creativity, and you feel his affection for you running as deep as ever - his attraction, all the same. Sometimes it can be just the two of you and you discover you both need those moments.
Speaking about the twelve babysitters.
Okay, maybe Napoleon has a point and taking advantage of them IS okay sometimes - but for other reasons. Those men are some of the most intelligent ones that history has ever known! They also happen to love the little ones to no end.
Piano lessons, painting, languages, violin, science, you name it - the loving uncles are ready to give out free lessons.
And Sebastian has a big soft spot for them - those are Monsieur Napoleon's children, after all! (oh, and yours too, his dear ex-coworker) - but that doesn't come in his way of being the strict parent figure that you and Napoleon sometimes fail to be. It gives you flashbacks and you want to cover the little ones' foreheads with your hands and protect them from the incoming forehead flicks, but you know that a scolding is necessary sometimes.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, as Uncle Isaac would teach soon, and for Sebastian's rightful strictness, Comte's generous spoiling comes to oppose. You're now having flashbacks of being taken on shopping trips across Paris' most chic boutiques in your early days in the mansion - only, now it's Luci being taken on shopping trips across Paris' best toy shops.
You end up having to help her name her dolls because she ran out of names, and you're running out of names too. And you're yet to see how Juni's end of the toy shopping trip went!
Junius loves being at the mansion because of his love for animals. Jupiter, Napoleon's pet eagle, is protective of him and his older sister, and can often be spotted soaring in the skies above when they're playing out in the garden. But Juni loves the more social pets that belong to his uncles, such as Arthur's Vic and Theo's King, and is quickly learning how to play with them in a safe and respective way.
Plus, being around their owners means more ears to listen to his toddler-typical babbling, as he makes fervent attempts to converse with his uncles, picking up new words every day.
Yes, Uncle Leonardo does make them hand-made toys. What's more, he grins like they got a barely hidden rivalry with Comte going on, when the kids end up liking his toys more than the expensive ones Comte buys them.
You and Napoleon frequently have to interfere and put an end to it before it gets too embarrassing - you can provide for the kids well enough on your own, after all! - but not without an exchanged look accompanied by a sigh and a chuckle. You should've expected shenanigans to occur when introducing two kids to a mansion full of, erm, eccentric adults.
With all the chaos that's been happening in your married life, you and Napoleon are hardly able to catch your breath and remember that besides parents, you're lovers too. But in the moments that you can indulge in refreshing your memory...
[ NSFT AHEAD. warnings for: fluffy smut; brief mentions of pregnancy/pregnancy scars; massages; body worship; cunnilingus; quickies; handjobs; morning sex ]
You can count on Napoleon to make the world around you slow down when everything's been so, so busy.
Oh, he's getting better with the massages... you can simply leave yourself fully in his capable hands and let the blissful moment take over your senses.
For Napoleon, this is just an opportunity to admire your body - besides, you're too relaxed to attempt making him close his mouth when he begins spilling praise in quiet whispers.
You're not sure if he caught you lingering a little longer in front of the mirror after the pregnancies, or he simply read your thoughts like he tends to do. He shoo-es all your insecurities away with little effort, making you feel absolutely worshiped: loved; admired; beautiful.
Though, he prefers showing you via actions.
With his hands touching all over your naked form, his lips are quick to follow. He commits to naming every part of you that he finds stunning, but soon words are forgotten in favor of putting his mouth to better use between your thighs.
When he goes too soft on you, you're quick to remind him how you love him most. As long as you can take it, Napoleon is quick to give you that devilish grin and take you to poundtown. You're not sure what to blame it on, but you've growing more honest of your desires in the bedroom, feeling more bonded with Napoleon than ever.
Quickies are starting to grow on both of you, and not just for the sake of practicality.
Between doing this and that, being swept off your feet and thrown on the bed after a mere lust-loaded gaze you threw Napoleon is... unexpectedly, utterly, awfully hot. When his hand claws at your backside to move the damned material of your underwear aside, it's like electricity shooting through you.
He's always that perfect mix of primal and calculated, pounding at you harsh and fast, but promising to take you nice and slow once he gets the time to.
You love your Monsieur de Wahaha and his sleeping habits, but you can't help but indulge in his altered sleeping schedule. Sometimes you're both up before the sun rises and before the world needs you up on your feet. It would be nice to catch some more shut-eye... but, sometimes, it's nicer reminding Napoleon how much you love the mornings with him.
Before he can exit the warm covers to get started with breakfast, you pull him in, locking your arms and legs around his frame. His chuckles disappear only when he finds out about your not-so-innocent intentions. You keep clinging to him in a rare moment of being the big spoon, and your hand wanders downwards until you grasp his morning wood.
You might get called a Nunuche for it, but spoiling him with a handjob first thing in the morning feels like a good start of the day to you too. What's so wrong about feeling happy and warm inside from giving pleasure to your partner? You learned this from him, after all.
Okay, maybe the "warm inside" feeling has something to do with getting work up by how much of a hot sight he was while in the receiving end of things. If he catches up on that, you're up for a couple of additional minutes spend in bed...
All in all, the changes in your life as a couple not only didn't let the spark die, but gave fuel to the intimacy between you in new and exciting ways.
One of the blissful moments shared with your husband sees you relaxing in the bathtub, using his broad chest as a personal cushion for your heaving head.
"... But as a whole, I do say myself that I'm managing alright with two."
You hum lazily, barely able to follow on what he's saying with the warm embrace of the water and the one of the man behind you working hard to turn off your thoughts. Napoleon rests his strong arms on each side of the bathtub, and behind the thin slits of your half-lidded eyes, you admire the shape of his muscles highlighted by the hot steam. Ah, yes, you've asked him if the anxiety of being a dad has finally started to lessen...
You definitely have a praise or two for him to hold up to that positive report, but before you could say anything, a sudden thought cuts through the lethargic bliss until your mind clears out. With a smile on your lips, you try to keep the excitement out of your tone.
"So, you think that three would be too much to handle?"
"Three? Psh, I got the hang of it. We're doing fine, aren't we, Nunuche?"
He receives no answer. His own eyelids are starting to feel heavy, he sees why you're replying to him with delay.
Then something clicks.
"Nunuche? Are you saying that...?"
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fractualized · 7 months
Don't really consume original batman comics, can't have acess to this things but I started to read and watch batjokes stuff. I'll say that I consume from the dark and reflecting to the wholesome peak, and one of that keeps heartwarming me is Telltale batjokes. Love how John can go from scary smiling creature to a precious sweetheart. Also like to see different versions of Joker interactions with the batfam in the various fancomics and fanfics. What makes think how I don't see many fics about John Doe with the batfam. Of course I see that is because the Telltale universe doesn't have the Bruce's kids, what is really sad because I think that "collision" could give us some truly great things.
What scenarios do you think it could be treated on these stories that you haven't saw being made yet?
Also, I saw once a post a person made talking how they'd like about John exploring more his sexuality. Like, that would focus more in the John's experiences out of Arkham BEFORE meeting Bruce again. Trying new clothes, talking with new people, discovering makeup (that I think he wouldn't get acess in Arkham). Do you have any thoughts about that too?
Recently I watched some videos that talk about John's possible disorders. How looks like he keeps switching from 'John' to 'Joker' and how he was way more "Joker" in Arkham, maybe having a kind of personality disorder. Sure, must be in that way because they wanted a different John from the one that we have in season one, but we can dream about this a little bit, can we?
That was long. Sorry for the errors, english it's not my language. Like your fics btw. The more I read some things, more I like the whole fan creation stuff and understand better too.
Thank you for the message, and for enjoying my fic! No worries about the length. I'll take your questions one by one:
John Doe and the Batfam
I think one of the reasons not a lot of people (including me) have incorporated the batfam into Telltale fic is that a big selling point for writing it is that the Telltale-verse is its own thing. There's much, much less history to complicate matters if you want to write a canon-compliant story, which includes there being no children to distract Bruce from his relationship with John, which a lot of fic focuses on. The batjokes is certainly what I enjoy! I don't have anything against the batfam (and I'm actually trying to read a little more about at least some of them), but since that interest has never been super high, my fic ideas never went in that direction.
If I do think about bringing in batfam, well, I get a little stuck.
While John is a lighter flavor of Joker, he's still a Joker, and Joker is not a parental person. In the comics he has had some interesting nonviolent interactions with kids, indulging or even protecting them, but that's not the same as being responsible for them. And one of the stronger Joker characteristics John has is his obsession with Bruce and wanting his attention. I don't think John would go all "Death of the Family" on a kid brought into the manor, but he would be wildly jealous. Like, my first plot bunny is John getting a visit from Bruce, who tells him about witnessing this tragic accident at the circus that left a poor child acrobat orphaned, and wanting to help him. Then over more visits, we get a story of little Dick Grayson insisting on investigating his parents murder, so intently that he becomes Bruce's vigilante partner. And John, who's been gnawing on his jealousy over Bruce spending all this time with some kid, loses his shit that an 8-year-old is a better vigilante than he ever was. Just spiraling about how Bruce is forgetting about him. He breaks out, insisting he can help, but just gets thrown back in again. A tragedy!
Okay, let's try one with John out of Arkham, and let's go non-chronological this time and say Bruce meets Jason Todd first. Jason's trying to steal the batmobile's tires, of course, but he's also a witness to a murder or something, so Bruce brings him home. This time John directly witnesses Bruce bonding with a troubled kid, and the jealousy is worse because John recognizes all the ways Bruce calms him down. John and Jason don't get along at all because John is constantly trying to get Bruce to shuttle this kid off to a nice foster home, but similar to the scenario above, Jason's moxy earns him a Robin spot. Then a twist! Jason has leaned into Bruce's mentoring because he wants to find his mother, who he's sure is alive! And John is like, well dang, I'll help you find her if it gets you out of my house. And in some eerie parallels to Jason's comic death, they end up overseas and find Sheila Haywood, who it turns out is defrauding the aid organization she works for. On being discovered, the men she's working with attack Jason, and John has this terrible opportunity to take his jealousy past the brink and let whatever happens to Jason happen-- but he doesn't. He saves Jason instead, not just because he knows Bruce would be wrecked but because he sees parts of himself reflected in Jason. There, that's sort of nicer! I still don't think John would be parental after that, but it would be nicer??
John's Self-Exploration
See, the thing with John having new experiences after getting out of Arkham is that they have to be limited, because that's key to what happens with his character in the game. He's really struggling with finding who he is, because he keeps trying to emulate other people rather than figure out what he personally wants to do with this life. (Which would be understandable even if he was the average person. It's easier to model yourself after somebody else than to put yourself out there again and again to figure out what works for you.) Before Bruce reappears, John is focused on being who he thinks Harley wants him to be and having a place with the gang. It ties into his hatred for Riddler, who just outright disdained of him instead of simply tolerating him like, say, Freeze.
He still naturally does some exploration, of course. He has to dress himself outside of Arkham, and he's a talkative guy so he managed to find, uh, acquaintances outside of the Pact at the Stacked Deck. It probably would have helped him a lot if he'd done more of that, but as much as he seems to act independently in the game, all too often it's in service of impressing Harley or then Bruce. If I were to write about John's exploration, it would probably be about restraint. He would be full of curiosity about the ways other people express themselves, and he'd stifle it because he's not sure if that's what Harley would want. Makeup would be a big curiosity for sure, but I can see John not indulging either because he doesn't see a lot of other guys wear it or because he asked Harley if he could try her kit and she decided to psych him out about it because she could.
Is it too drastic to say that a John who had even trepidatious confidence for self-exploration might have found more balance and avoided his fate in the game? Maybe, but I have to wonder.
John In Arkham Versus Outside Arkham
Personally I tread lightly when it comes to assigning specific disorders to John. It's one thing if someone recognizes their own diagnosis in him and uses that to inform a fic. When it comes to the writing in the game, as far as I can tell, it was just working off characteristics common to the Joker: impulsive, manipulative, self-important, and infatuated with violence, with a poor sense of boundaries and an inappropriate sense of humor. Those traits may be consistent with certain disorders, but there aren't that many fic scenarios where I would feel the need to specify what applies to John, and in those cases I would be extremely careful. When it comes to pure speculation? I'm just not qualified. Heck, I have a fic where I gave John a heart diagnosis and I'm still hoping I wasn't super off-base.
As for the shift from "Joker" to "John," I ascribe to the fish-out-of-water explanation (which, yeah, papers over how Telltale simply needed to change his character for the story). John learned a more aggressive way to navigate life when he was incarcerated in a corrupt asylum, and when the rules he lived by there did not apply outside of it, he had to re-map. Not only did he have to learn different ways to behave, but he had to do it while feeling more off-kilter than usual, exposed and vulnerable. Make a mistake when living in Arkham, you just get put in a deeper hole in Arkham. Make a mistake outside of Arkham, you lose all your newfound freedom and get thrown back behind bars. I don't see a "switch" in John, just him reverting to more aggressive behavior at times, especially when he's under stress.
Well, I hope my thoughts were… interesting? I feel like I pushed back on most of your starting points and that's probably annoying. Sorry!
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leaderpinhead · 1 year
Azul - Family Discourse
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“I know this is a difficult time for us all, but you must remember one thing: mommy and daddy loves you very much, and that will never change.” 
Azul rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. “Must you sound so...dramatic?’ 
Yuu shot him a brief glare. “Do you want our child to question our affection?” 
“It’s not our child.” 
“I’m sorry. Does child support mean nothing to you?” 
Azul rolled his eyes even harder and added a sigh for emphasis. He adjusted the sheet protecting the tank from direct sunlight. He would have preferred no light—or at the very least, very dim light—but the large dust bunny protecting the wardrobe on the other side of the room was already disturbingly focused on him. Yuu’s insistence on keeping the oversized, magical vermin alive was just as disturbing. Azul had never even heard of a dust bunny colony the size of the one living in the Ramshackle Dorm. 
Yuu, completely oblivious to Azul actively avoiding eye contact with the dust bunnies, cooed in front of the tank. The tiny, neon pink cuddler octopus energetically swam circles in front of her. Yuu clapped as if the small creature had achieved some amazing feat. “Look at you swim! You’re so happy here. Much happier than in that dark, scary cave.” 
Azul aborted a snort by nudging his glasses higher up his nose. “I’m sure it was completely content in that cavern. Cuddler octopi are more comfortable when they have a place to hide, which is why I insisted on having ornaments large enough for it to comfortably hide away in.” 
Yuu lightly tapped the glass. The pink cuddler twirled closer. “Your father is so thoughtful, isn’t he, Pinku?” 
Azul couldn’t hide his snort this time. “Pinku? Is that really the name you insist on giving it? And I thought your insistence of maintaining the name Space Mostro Lounge for our second location was simply a fluke.” 
“Your father is jealous of my naming skills,” Yuu said. She never once turned away from the tank. “This is why mommy and daddy have to live apart. Octavinelle might seem like a fantastic place to live, but one day you will understand living with mommy is much better for your emotional development.” 
A light chuckle came from the direction of the doorway. Jade ducked back around the doorframe when Azul’s head snapped in his direction. Floyd loudly complained from the hallway, reminding Azul of his actual reasons for being in Ramshackle Dorm. “Now that we have finished with the tank, I need to measure the space in the attic to—.” 
Yuu’s squeal cut off Azul. “Look at her! She wants to give me a hug!” 
Yuu sprang to her full height. Before Azul could stop her, she stuck her entire forearm into the tank. Pinku—a name Azul would forever insist was incredibly plain—didn't hesitate latching onto Yuu’s pinky. Yuu’s girlish giggles didn’t match her usual deadpan demeanor. “She’s so adorable!” 
“Yes.” A light cough from the doorway made Azul shoot Jade a pointed glare. Floyd wasn’t so subtle, leaning on the doorframe in full view with a bored expression. “Sticking your entire forearm into the tank is not a great idea. It could potentially throw off the pH level of the water.” Another pointed cough made Azul second guess bringing the twins with him. “She also shouldn’t develop the habit of clinging to you.” 
“Why not?” With her arm still in the water, Yuu blinked at Azul with unmistakable inquisitiveness. “You didn’t say anything about it when we were swimming in the Coral Sea.” 
Azul sputtered a bit. There wasn’t anything really wrong with the behavior. It was why most children in the Coral Sea wanted cuddlers before the novelty of them wore off. Still, Azul felt the need to double down on his statement. “Do you want her to develop an unhealthy sense of separation anxiety? If you allow Pinku to cling to you constantly then there is a high probability she will become extremely stressed when she’s left alone.” 
“That settles it then. We will have another child.” 
Azul’s sputter was thankfully covered by Floyd’s sudden cackling. “You wanna go for another swim, Shrimpy? I know all the best grottos to find more squishies!” 
“You will need to install a much bigger tank,” Jade added. He looked absolutely overjoyed by the glare Azul shot him. “Should we hold a baby shower in advance? I’ve read in a few magazines those are highly popular amongst those living on land.” 
“It’s weird you would even suggest that.” Jade simply chuckled. Yuu slowly withdrew her arm from the tank. Pinku didn’t release her until she wiggled her pinky right beneath the surface of the water. Azul felt a bit of pride when the cuddler ducked into the hollowed driftwood tunnel he had specifically ordered. “But I agree with your first statement. We need a bigger tank for our growing family.” 
“We need to assess the attic,” Azul interjected with extra emphasis. “If we are to meet our scheduled launch date, then we will need to begin—.” 
“We should find a yellow squishy!” 
“I think a subtle green will fit nicely with Pinku’s bright shade.” 
“I will love my children no matter what color they are.” 
Azul huffed and made no attempt to hide his displeasure at being ignored. They continued to ignore him, Yuu and Floyd going so far as to leave the room, happily discussing their next trip to the Coral Sea. Jade lightly chuckled. “It would seem as if the prefect’s priorities have significantly changed since becoming a parent. It reminds me of another person who insisted on raising a plethora of cuddlers in our youth.” 
Azul didn’t bother rising to Jade’s bait, and it didn’t take long for the Leech brother to leave him with another chuckle. Azul sighed and glanced down into the tank. Pinku had emerged from the driftwood and now floated around the tank without a care for larger predators. 
Azul crouched to be at face level with the inside of the tank. Pinku twirled closer to the glass, like she could see him on the other side. A small smile twitched across his lips. “You have no reason to fear anymore. Predators like eels and larger fish can’t get you here.” 
An exaggerated cough made Azul twist too quickly on the balls of his feet, resulting in him falling over. Grim watched from the door with half-lidded eyes. A small entourage of dust bunnies half his height stared into the room with him. “Are you going to be weird and talk to all the animals too? Because I'll tell you right now, Sir Eviscerator over there only takes baby talk from Yuu.” 
Azul glanced at the giant dust bunny. The dust bunny—Sir Eviscerator—still stared at him judgmentally. Azul cleared his throat and climbed to his feet. He dusted off the back of his pants. “Don’t be ridiculous. I was merely assessing if she was comfortable in her new habitat. Now, excuse me while I go intersect Floyd before he makes his escape with the prefect.” 
Grim snorted with obvious disbelief. Azul completely ignored him and left the room with his chin held high. The cuddler was simply a pet he had helped the prefect obtain to keep her cooperation. 
Checking on Pinku before returning to Octavinelle Dorm was simply to ensure the cuddler hadn’t injured herself on anything in the tank. And perhaps to measure the empty corner for a sunken ship ornament he happened to see while checking the Mostro Lounge’s official Magicam. That big tank, he thought to himself, did have the potential to give her an extreme sense of loneliness. 
It would behoove him, if he was to humor the prefect’s farce of co-parenting, to think of finding a companion for Pinku. 
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lolotheparagon · 8 months
Sofia the First Season 1 in a Nutshell
Gonna rapidfire review each Sofia the First episode in one paragraph cos I wanna gush about this show. Might do this with some other shows
Once Upon a Princess - 4/10
Local village girl Sofia becomes a princess cos her mum married the king and now has to deal with being part of the monarchy. Her half sister Amber goes into jealous bitch mode and makes Sofia's day a living hell then Cinderella literally appears out of the aether to gaslight Sofia into giving Amber a second chance. Not a great start, show.
Just One of the Princes - 7/10
Sofia learns about the inherent misogyny in Royal Prep regarding the flying horse derby and immediately goes lol fuck you im gonna fly a horse and win the race cos I can. Bluebell princess is best princess
The Big Sleepover - 9/10
Sofia invites her old besties from the village for a sleepover while Amber invites her own princess friends and Sofia legit thought that 3 snobby princesses and some village girls could get along.
Let the Good Times Troll - 8/10
Sofia befriends a bunch of trolls who quite literally cause panic on the dancefloor. They also perform a jazz musical number that fucking slaps
Cedric's Apprentice - 10/10
Hapless sorceror Cedric tries to take over the kingdom by getting Sofia's amulet but cant bring himself to do it cos Sofia is too baby must protect. One surefire way to make a villain sympathetic is make them completely incapable of hurting a child's feelings
A Royal Mess - 5/10
James destroys a stained glass window cos he played ball in the castle when THERES A COURTYARD JUST OUTSIDE
The Shy Princess - 10/10
Sofia befriends the class introvert and end up having the most adorable musical number together. In this house, we approve of the baby gays
Blue Ribbon Bunny - 4/10
Okay fuck off, Sofia would never replace her fave bunny Clover for a show rabbit just cos Amber suggested it.
The Princess Test - 8/10
Sofia having major insecurities over being a worthy princess while she's unknowingly flexing on every other princess in school by being her kindhearted self.
Baileywick's Day Off - 2/10
Baileywick finally gets a well deserved break. The royal family immediately proceed to bother him for help every 2 minutes cos they cant even tie their shoelaces without him. Oh but its okay cos they gave him a party at the end of the day.
The Tri-Kingdom Picnic - 5/10
Ooo, a tri-kingdom episode? Surely this'll be a great way to teach kids about different cultures and how it relates to the charac- oh wait its a James episode...great.
The Little Witch - 9/10
Sofia befriends the wicked witch who's pulling pranks on everyone. Turns out she's actually a little witch whos lonely cos everyone fears her so they work together to change her reputation. Awww
Takes Two to Tangu - 6/10
Amber and Sofia get lost in Arabia and the former is slowly losing her mind. Oh and Princess Jasmine's there.
Finding Clover - 7/10
Finally, a good Clover episode. This time, Sofia is travelling across the entire kingdom to search for him cos this kid is willing to trek through the Nine Circles of Hell to get her bunny back
The Amulet of Avalor - 10/10
This is just an extended Scooby Doo chase scene but with an amulet and I fucking love it
The Buttercups - 4/10
I find it really insulting that Baileywick is coddling poor Sofia from doing her outdoor Girl Scouts activities cos the king was being needlessly overprotective over her and Sofia just has to deal with it the majority of the episode
Make Way for Miss Nettle - 8/10
So the show's recurring villain is also a spiteful ex-member of the Sleeping Beauty fairies? And she's voiced by Megan Mullally? OH THIS IS GONNA BE FUN
The Amulet and the Anthem - -3/10
Remember, kids. Its good to have confidence in your achievements BUT DONT YOU DARE BOAST ABOUT THEM. And by boasting, we mean talking about your achievements for more than a minute. So we're gonna curse you until you apologise and we'll have PRINCESS BELLE OF ALL PEOPLE tell Sofia to make an effort to be a better person when she wasn't even that boastful to begin with (especially compared to Amber's boasting) like why is Belle here why couldnt Sofia's mother tell her that WHAT IS THIS EPISODE
Tea for Too Many - 5/10
Amber takes over Sofia's tea party because of her obsession with decadence and the inability to shut up. Sofia, you really need to stop being a pushover
Princess Butterfly - 10/10
A wonderful lesson about cheaters never prosper and that its wrong for to get someone else to give up something to fix your own mistakes. The first time Amber gets some proper development
Great Aunt-Venture - 7/10
Well, Roland's sister is an absolute delight. I sure do hope she wont become a boring quest-giver to Sofia later on!
The Baker King - 6/10
King Roland commanding a cow to make milk is the highlight of the whole episode. No, you will not get context for that.
The Floating Palace - -3/10
Sofia befriends a mermaid named Oona but the merpeople have this racial prejudice against humans so they hate Sofia because she's human but dont worry its all fixed by the end, Cedric wants Oona's comb cos apparently thats more powerful than Sofia's amulet??? so he turns into a sea monster and captures Oona so Sofia doesnt have any allies to help her but her family Oh and Sofia doesnt recognise Cedric in sea monster form EVEN THOUGH HE AINT EVEN HIDING HIS VOICE OH MY GOD THIS EP'S A MESS
Holiday in Enchancia - 7/10
Its a typical Christmas episode but its a very low-key, cosy one. The fact the royals are spending the holiday with a peasant family and giving them all their presents is so sweet. Like this is just pure serotonin
Four's a Crowd - 9/10
We see Sofia's jealous side conflicting with her happiness to see Amber getting along with her own friends, which is really interesting. Also its nice to see Amber being friends with characters who aren't royalty.
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soulsoffairlight · 6 months
1: Anime girls are not real people, they are drawings, they are costume ideas. Since there is no real minor to protect, it is that character's LIKENESS that anime-Karens are trying to restrict. To restrict her likeness in that way means we are forbidden from being attracted to anyone that even looks like her.
1.5: Calling everyone "pedophile" willy nilly only makes the word lose it's status. Pedos are supposed to be the most despised minority, even the scummiest criminals hate pedos. But when 9/10 of the population can be labeled pedos over stupid reasons like anime girls, pubic hair, 18-year-olds, young-looking adults, etc then that word will mean nothing.
2: Anime girls do not age like us. We get older but they don't. Most of these "underage" drawings would be well over 18 if you added the # of years since their show came out. So if a character is permanently underage that means nobody is ever allowed to have the hots for her? Nobody can even age her up?
2.5: If I find a drawing of a beautiful girl attractive, that is a compliment to the artist's skills, not a condemnation of my character. If someone like Komi or Shirahoshi is SUPPOSED to look super-attractive & we fall for her, that means the animators did a great job.
3: They resemble adults. In anime for every loli, there's a girl under 18 who looks like an adult (Komi, Momo, Evergarden, Eliz Liones). So if an artist draws a beautiful naked woman & a bunch of horny straight guys find it hot, they become pedophiles the moment the artist decides she's under 18? Isn't that a form of entrapment? If a drawing resembles an adult, she should be treated as such.
3.5: What real 16-year-old girl has natural pink hair & pink eyes? or green hair + green eyes? These are shows where Japanese people look like Nordic white people. Stop taking it so seriously.
4: If having the hots for underage heart-throbs like Reimi, Momo, Komi, or Nagatoro makes them a "Pedophile", then by the exact same logic, anyone with the hots for anthro girls like Lola from Space Jam, Gadget from C&D R.R, or Amy Rose from Sonic MUST be labeled as Zoophiles. "Buh Lola looks human enough so it's not beastality" Then these anime minors look adult enough so it's not pedophilia.
5: Anyone crying "pedo" over barely-underage drawings would have a heart attack if they went to an anime convention. Vendors there openly sell pillow covers & obscene mouse pads of young characters. By their logic, every vendor selling any sexual merch of non-adult characters is equal to a child trafficker.
5.5: Is it pedophilia for an adult woman to cosplay an underage character? Or for a man to be attracted to an adult woman while she's dressed like an underage character? Most popular cosplayers have done sexy cosplays of Asuka, Sailor Moon, Bunny Bulma, Jinx, & other fictional minors. How about the dub voice actresses? Many VAs have signed or sold sensual drawings of underage girls they've voiced. If a VA is cool with men calling her (16 yo) character a waifu is she a pedo accomplice?
6: The ones screaming "pedo" CANNOT DEBATE IN GOOD FAITH. Don't let these bullies fool you. Anyone screaming "pedo" over mature anime girls is 100% doing it for corrupt power-hungry reasons. These people are lowlife abusers, they just wanna pick on someone. They are WEAPONIZING the ages of these drawings, they see Momo's age as a free pass to bully anyone who thinks she's hot. If they truly thought you were a danger to kids, they wouldn't be talking shit to you at all, they'd be quietly gathering evidence or calling the police. If you debate them as to why simping for waifus is not pedophilia, they will pull every dirty trick from the narcissist handbook to paint you as bad as possible.
7: There is no correlation between real life pedophilia & anime """pedophilia"""". Anime Karens/Antis have argued that normalizing the sexualization of fictional minors will lead to the normalization of real life pedophilia. This is EXACTLY like the argument that violent videogames will lead to more shootings. You know what else is normalized in anime? Training & exercise! Yet alot of anime fans are still morbidly obese or horribly out of shape. Anyways people know murder is wrong, even when it's depicted in fiction, so the same logic applies to fictional teens being sexualized. Most sane people know the difference between a fictional minor being sexualized & real kids being sexually exploited. If someone doesn't know that, they were already a creep, just like how if a gamer doesn't know that violence is wrong irl, they already had issues. There is no "can kinda blur the line between real & fake." Most people know the difference between real & fake. The human brain isn't gonna start finding real kids attractive because it enjoyed Highschool DXD or Cat Planet Cuties.
Womp womp keep crying I'm not reading allat. Go outside
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shantismurf · 1 year
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CLICK HERE TO VOTE! Only one day to vote!
We are playing a new game and need your help!
Participants in the game have submitted plot bunnies which will be voted on anonymously. The chosen author will run the development of the story that we will then brainstorm and write as a group. Assigned scenes will be about 300-500 words each, written in their own style but in continuity with the rest of the story and picking up where the previous writer left off. It will hopefully be very fun and informal!
If you'd like to watch, or play with us next time, join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/Gyt2EtSv6. We talk about Bagginshield. A LOT.
Round One Plot Summaries:
The Little Burglar: A Dwarven King frees a city from Goblin rule. After the castle is purged, slaves of all fae races are found, fed, and treated for their wounds. The King stumbles upon one that is smaller and more fragile than the rest. At first, they think it a male child of Man or Elf, but upon further scrutiny it is discovered he is actually a mature Hobbit. He doesn’t speak, and no one knows whether he understands their language, but it is clear he plans to do as he pleases now that he’s free. He seems to vanish at will and steals all kinds of things from under anyone’s nose. The little nuisance also seems to be following the King around, appearing only when the King is alone. Determined to gain the Hobbit's trust, the King tries to find ways to coax the little creature out of hiding.
Western - Settlers are heading West, looking for wide open spaces and a new place to call home. Many are settling in the new town of Erebor and word quickly spreads of the vast number of opportunities there. It is new, it is unique, and it is exciting. The trouble is getting there. Travel by train only goes halfway. The rest must either be by foot or by wagon if one can afford it and aren't afraid of being attacked by natives or bandits. If a family is lucky and survive the trip, they will no doubt prosper and be under the watchful eye of Marshall Thorin Durin and his Deputy Marshall Frerin Durin. They are brothers who have sworn to protect the people in this new community from a band of outlaws led by the gunslinger Azog the Defiler. BIlbo Baggins is a school teacher who is looking for an adventure. He accepts a teaching position in the West and buys a train ticket to Erebor. Bonus pts for death of a minor character (Frerin) and the appearance of Dis and Gandalf.
Tangled AU - Stolen from his family as a baby by the evil wizard Saruman, Bilbo is raised alone in the tower of Elostirion, in the mountains west of the Shire. He is never allowed to cut his hair which glows like "ten thousand sparks of white radiance, shot with glints of the rainbow," possessing strange powers that the wizard guards jealously. With only his books to keep him company, Bilbo dreams of adventure and the outside world, though he's been raised to believe that the world is dangerous and all races would covet his magic hair, to his ruin. One day a Dwarrow Prince scales his tower, and Bilbo promptly knocks him out with a frying pan.
Bonus: Thorin tries to braid Bilbo's ridiculous amount of hair but it's so much that he has to have Fili and Kili help him. The dwarves all lose their mind a little over so much sparkly beautiful hair the color of living mithril, but when it's lost they see it as a battle scar and respect him even more.
Journalist!Bilbo/Vigilante!Thorin - Bilbo’s major is in investigative journalism and he follows up on a dangerous lead only to land himself in hot water. He is saved by some gun wielding manic in the nick of time, but it is really weird how his savior kind of looks like his new roommate...
Kidnapping Adventure - While passing through the Shire, Thorin is abducted by orcs. Bilbo was camping nearby and tried to help him, but was taken along. They manage to escape, but they don't know where they are, and given Thorin's sense of direction, and Bilbo's lack of experience out of the Shire, they take a very meandering path trying to find their way home. One of the central themes of the fic would be understanding people who are very different from you, whether it's the cultural differences between dwarves and hobbits, but also between them and the people and creatures they encounter like ents, mushroomlings, and other more fantastical creatures usually not featured in Tolkiens' legendarium.
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1010ninetynine · 14 days
a masterpost of what i consider gay subtext in Uramichi Onii San - the Manga
not the Anime quite yet. no offense Touko Machida but I simply do not want to deal with two interpretations of the work at this point in time.
Generally Kinda Romantic Subtext Between Certain Characters that I Think Can Be Interpreted Either Way
Uramichi and Usahara I cite this for the near telepathic communication. Say what you will - married couples are known for this shit - and while it's definitely not anywhere close to confirmed that these two characters have strong feelings for each other, imo this was pretty gay of them. But to put it one way - are you really friends if people don't mistake you for a gay couple at times? imo not really.
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additionally, while it might be just beginning chapter art...tell me where our favorite bunny is looking? Is he being respectful?
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(honestly i do think usahara is straight but yk...this mangaka likes his gay men pathetic methinks so there is a chance!)
2. Uramichi and Iketeru
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back when iketeru was in hs and uramichi's age isn't given - but i think they're the same age? anyway the lyrics over this scene are just...gay as hell. And they're helping a child find their mom. That is married couple behavior.
(obviously could just be a joke/not intended. their relationship is literally a gag on not understanding each other because iketeru is too happy for uramichi)
3. Kumatani and Iketeru
there's also some somewhat strong subtext between kumatani and iketeru. Like first, kumatani was the first guy who got the weird shirt iketeru found.
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and next, the constant protection of iketeru from alcohol is courtesy of kumatani our mvp
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he even protects him from our favorite loser
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while not as extreme as his protection of HACHITA THE BABY it is still noticeable that Iketeru is someone he cares about.
and both kumatani and iketeru hid their love life from the camera (as did the whole cast hehe). Kumatani literally says his love life isn't family friendly - which can mean a lot of things, including that he's homosexual. Iketeru says it's too beautiful to be shared - which can mean anything really, even that he's straight and had a normal love life that he ain't willing to share.
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Imo this sequence of behaviors can be read one of two ways. First of all, you'd have to be blind to not see the obvious resemblance between Iketeru and Hachita, so the affection and thus acceptance of strange gifts due to their similarity is natural. But also...gay? Hmmmmmmmmmm
4. Uramichi and Kumatani
They kind of just hang out a lot, and Kumatani regularly reads more positivity in Uramichi than is probably there. Not really as showstoppingly romantic as the other three examples of subtext, but imo still quite a nice bit of fun in its own right. They're probably the ship easiest to imagine writing besides kumatani and iketeru and my personal favorite but before we get to that...
The Predatory Gay Man I Must Mention For The Completionist In Me
ok look. homophobic caricature he may be. but i said I would catalog all gay subtext in uramichi and imo on this website gay subtext include gay text (hxh moment) and capellini furitsuke is in fact. gay. and a horrible predatory man the likes of which rival your worst coworker. And probably beat him.
he torments the men around him and forces them to engage in behavior they're not interested in. i cite here usahara and saito's mistreatment but there might be more I missed.
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like you can't describe capellini's behavior as anything but horrid and disgusting. i'll call uramichi onii san many things - particularly pro-lgbt in terms of rep isn't close. Still love it in general - and I'm pretty sure the author himself is gay given the ludicrous amount of male character thirst traps he draws - but i don't think he likes that about himself tbqh. But I don't really know him - just go on his twitter now and then.
Finally, the moment I've been waiting for but you all don't realize is coming maybe idk
Uramichi and Kikaku - a mostly one sided love story
This relationship isn't so much implied as it is easily ignorable yet true: it is obviously intended to be read as a love story of sorts, whether it be a gag about how lonely uramichi is and how he needs some emotional connection, or just plain 'he's gay'. This is literally the only guy who gets the door to Uramichi's heart regularly attempting to open treatment, let alone the fact that when Kikaku begs Uramichi to help him out with work he always agrees...maybe more so due to fear than genuine care but still.
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there's probably more examples, but these are enough to prove my point imho
he also invites Kikaku to the first end of year party (there aren't any others at the time of writing, specifying in the case of a reader from the future)...or attempts to. Not to Saito Uebu or any other staff member - perhaps because he expects the ones he's closer to already be there, but still - specifically the guy who's only ever bothered him to help complete his work. It's what being horrifically lonely and dick brained does to you (i would know that best).
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so uh yeah. uramichi's constant giving in to kikaku i think makes more sense if we consider the (slight) romantic inclination he ""might"" have for him.
BONUS: Uramichi and Utano had a moment that was pretty cute but not enough to qualify as subtext in my eyes because they kind of have no chemistry in canon so i still get to title this gay subtext but I also like them
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emeraldties · 2 years
Are you Happy? Cour 2 Review:
This is fine. We're fine.
I'm a changed man after all this I'll tell you that. This is gonna be kinda long so... read at your own peril lol
Chronologically, this is a mess but whatever. I need to get this out there before I explode and accidentally spoil this for my friend.
We're starting off positive because we're making a sandwich right now and I really did enjoy this season. It definitely took a turn that I did NOT expect in a million years.
Fire Emblem. I loved their characterization in the Rising and this season in particular. That scene where they are talking to Keith about their suits was *chef's kiss*. How, despite amassing a successful company, when they became a hero they worried about what it took to be a hero. To have people look to you for protection, to feel safe in your company. It lends credence to the eventual conclusion Kotetsu comes to at the end of the season about what being a hero is. I loved every conversation between FireSky.
I want to know the source of Barnaby's new disability. I just wanna know. Phantom pain? Hundred power putting stain on a weakened knee. I MUST KNOW.
Oh, how the tables have turned. It's Kotetsu's turn to bridal carry Bunny.
Mattia... really had me going there was a second. Jesus Christ. I was sweating. Not again. Not again, please.
Blue Rose. I also really enjoyed her characterization this season especially. We meet her in season one as a hot-headed kid who just wanted to be a pop star, and now, we get to see her become an amazing hero. My little girl has grown up brooooo I'm so proud.
She's become so mature and her outlook on life has broadened in a lot of ways, specifically regarding her crush on Kotetsu (which I think we all, as kids, have had crushes on adults. It's up to those adults to not take advantage of those feelings if they do notice... which Kotetsu doesn't, not that he would ever do anything if he did). She let her feelings wash over her, and made healthy friendships with the other heroes to the point where her feelings for Kotetsu became something in the background. She didn't stop liking Kotetsu, she just accepted that it wouldn't happen. And I don't think season 1 Karina would have accepted that conclusion... you know with the whole "how to bag single dads" thing lol.
Golden Ryan? I'll kiss your boots any day
Kid. I love her. She's my child. It's whatever. Adoption papers signed. Shion hairclip is given. Been my kid for 7 years.
Origami and Bison's relationship is just so funny to me. I don't know why. It just is. They're stupid. They're too smart for their own good. They're buddy heroes.
Me and the homies know the real villains of this season were the Mayor and the police. Ouroboros just played their cards right.
Fuck you Mayor whatever and your approval ratings. Your son's a NEXT but I bet he didn't get shoved into a dingy little camp now did he? Segregation? I can't believe I'm saying this, but if Maverick were here this would have never happened. He had that man's balls in a chokehold. Sorry. Rant over.
I love you Doc Saito and your crowded little coffin of a lab.
Bunny, Tiger, and Lunatic teaming up? When I tell you I screamed. I fucking SCREAMED.
Yuri Petrov deserved better. I don't know what else to say. But also I knew that his arc would either end in death or reformation. I just wish it was the latter. I probably have more to say, but I haven't fully articulated it yet. But I'm sad.
The Nemochild's (I forgot her name) motive was a bit... lackluster. Hotness can't make up for everything I suppose.
I wish we had more work put into her in Cour 1, like Mugan and Fugan and Brahe, then maybe I wouldn't have felt nothing when she died.
Now, this is the Taibani nitpicker within me, so it's not a genuine criticism, more of a wish than anything else. I wish Kotetsu had gotten his hands on Mattia's drug in the middle of the fight and injected himself with it to save Barnaby. I think that would have been more dramatic and it would have made more sense why he lost his powers in the end. Because the drug would have unforeseen consequences, instead of the All Might "I used up all my reserves of power" moment.
Also, I'm gonna need some answers on this segregation thing. Conclusion? Please?
No drinks? No dinner? I've been robbed. And so has Kotetsu.
Not enough Ben. That's the real fatal flaw of this season. 0/10.
I said this was a sandwich so back to the POSITIVES:
I'm really interested in the way Tiger and Bunny depict abusive parents.
I think we see that with Yuri, Barnaby, and Cat. There is a bittersweetness. A soft underbelly to these incredibly strong characters. Despite all that their respective parents have put them through, there is still the ghost of fondness there. A refusal to treat their parents with the same flippancy toward their feelings their parents had all their lives.
Barnaby still keeps a picture of Maverick on his table, he got what he wanted. His parents' killer is dead. But that doesn't change the fact that Maverick had been his only pillar of support for so many years. Even if it was all fake. It's a trophy of a pyrrhic victory that he can't bear to give up or look at.
I was struck by how gently Yuri treated his mother. In season one, there is love there, but also betrayal in both parts. She blames her son for protecting her, and he blames her for not protecting him or herself. He regards her with coldness and resentment.
In this season, he seemed to have lost his fight. He brushes her hair, he doesn't argue, he agrees with whatever she says, he's attentive. In a lot of ways, he's forgiven her in a way she will never forgive him. But he hasn't forgotten. But he's gentle.
His relationship with his father is different. It's tainted. There's guilt. Grief. Sadness. Relief. Resentment. Love. It's a lot. I'm sure my heartbroken Yuri stans can articulate this better than I can.
Cat, she's the only one with an abusive parent who is alive, but she has shown tremendous strength. For the most part, she talks to a brick wall. Her mom doesn't take no for an answer. She pushed her daughter into a job that is made for adults but continuously treats her like an infant. She is a weird amalgamation of a helicopter parent and a negligent one... she's a beauty pageant mom. except with more guns and life-threatening situations.
Cat exerts her autonomy, she branches away from her mother and rebels against the very ideals that she had tried to instill in her. at the end of the day, your child is not a mini you, don't treat them like they are. And Cat's arc wasn't about admitting her mom was wrong for treating her that way, it was about telling her, putting her foot down, and standing up for herself. No take-backs, no backpedaling. Which is sometimes the hardest thing you can do, especially as a kid.
(still, her mom had every right to insist that she come along with her child to a CAMP filled with random people. She's still 13.)
Tiger found out about Mr. Legend. TIGER FOUND OUT ABOUT MR. LEGEND. And got a bit pissy about the fact that Yuri insinuated that he was anything like his father, and honestly, I think that was a really in-character response from both of them. Kotetsu wasn't tactful, and Yuri was accusatory. I really liked that conversation because it wasn't perfect, in a lot of ways they didn't say the "right" thing. And that made it all the more well-written.
Barnaby is. That goes in positives. I just wish they animated Barnaby's tears because we've established that Kotetsu can really discern Barnaby's emotions with his eyes. It isn't a season end without a few blubbery tears and a bridal carry.
WHEW. I'm done. Holy shit. I feel like I haven't scratched the surface of what I think but I guess that's what ao3 is for.
There are a lot of loose ends, and I don't know if they will be tied. Crossing my fingers for a season 3 or a movie because I think they really have introduced a lot of cool concepts that I would like to see explored.
At the end of the day, I've just got a genuine love for all these characters, and I've loved this show since I was 13. Now I'm older, and a little nostalgia addled. And maybe that makes me see things through some rose-tinted cat frame glasses. But I gotta ask you guys;
Are you happy?
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