#we were the kings ad the queues
scorpion-flower · 5 months
If you have an issue with fake yawns but not with genocide, you must seek the help of a professional.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
If Cosmere Characters Were on Tumblr...
Sure, we blog about Cosmere characters. But what if they were here, blogging for themselves? Here is what I think it might be like...
1. Dalinar: Never changes the default icon
He gets blocked a lot.
Dalinar: How odd. No matter how many blogs I follow, my “dashboard” remains empty.
Renarin: I think they all blocked you because they think you’re a bot.
Dalinar: A bot? But I took your advice and chose a unique blog name: Big_D9762.
Renarin: ...
Dalinar: What?
2. Jasnah: Acts like Neil Gaiman
She comes on tumblr as a break from doing research and ruling, answers a few questions, and leaves again.
Anonymous asked: I love your work breaking down gender barriers in Alethkar by being queen and stuff! Do you plan to further erode unnecessary gender distinctions, like by letting women eat spicy food and show both hands?
Jasnah-Kholin: Wait and See.
3. Vin: Reblogs a thousand things in a mad fury and then disappears for days
She does not use the queue function.
Vin: Yeah...I don’t fuck with the the queue function. If you see me, you see me.
Elend: Hey Vin, did you reblog the crab rave like 15 times in a row?
Vin: I was feeling it.
4. Elend: Has a carefully curated queue
His “queue” tag is “Vin is a queue-T.”
Elend: The only exception I make are donation posts and political ones, since those need to be reblogged immediately.
Elend: But otherwise, the queue function is great for lovely, regular content!
5. Adolin: Runs a fashion blog
He has ALL of the Rosharan runways.
Adolin: It’s easy to let Alethi fashion dominate, but a REAL fashion blogger makes sure to have a wide variety of nations and fashions.
6. Shallan: Posts her art
And she tries not to be frustrated when her quick Kaladin sketch gets tons more notes than her very detailed sketch of the chasmfiend.
Shallan: It’s like, I get it--Kaladin fan art is ALWAYS popular.
Shallan: But that chasmfiend was very detailed!
Adolin: Maybe you should draw Kaladin riding it.
Adolin: Shirtless.
Shallan: ...
Shallan: I’ll take my three notes, thank you very much.
7. Tien: Always reblogs no-note art posts
And he always leaves a nice comment too!
Tien: The colors in this are so lovely!!
8. Navani: Considers herself a tumblr patron
She’s one of those bloggers who, if she reblogs your post, you know you’re about to make it big.
Navani: I don’t really make original posts, of course. I’m not a real blogger.
Navani: I just find other people’s clever posts and help promote them!
Navani (typing): "This...has...10,000...notes...to...me...”
Navani: You know they’re happy when they just respond “PLEASE NO”
9. Kelsier: Stirs up his followers with so. much. discourse.
Especially about Hoid.
Kelsier: Friendly reminder that Hoid (1) will let a planet burn to get what he wants; (2) beat up an innocent ghost (me) once; (3) is dating someone WAY younger than he is; (4) insults women.
Hoid: I insulted men too. I was the King’s Wit.
Kelsier: I’m adding you to my DNI.
10. Szeth: Very popular for his “shit posts”
Szeth, of course, is 100% sincere the entire time.
Szeth: It is odd.
Szeth: The vent post I made that simply said “my talking sword is a bad conversationalist” has like a million notes.
Szeth: ...
Szeth: Tumblr is a strange place.  
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
'anla - part seven
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Series Masterlist Summary: The next generation is getting ready to complete their Iknimaya. Ao'nung and Y/n aren't exactly hiding, but people are finally noticing. Pairing: Ao'nung/Fem!Na'vi!Sully Reader Warnings: Mature language, overprotective parent, heated arguments, heated gazes (in a sexy way), fluff, coming of age, mentions of mating, mentions of drowning and death, etc posted on ao3 Word Count: 8k+ Tag: #'anla ao'nung fic Na'vi Words: Marui - house/pod, ilu - plesiosaur like animal, tulkun - whale like animal, skxawng - moron, akula - shark like animal, olo'eyktan - clan leader, ma'yawntu - my love, paskalin - honey, syulang - flower, tìyawn - love, tsahik - spiritual leader, tswin/kuru - queue braid, tsakarem - tsahik in training, tsurak - skimwing, ikran - mountain banshee, tsaheylu - the bond, swoa - intoxicating beverage, oel ngati kameie - I See you, ma'yawntutsyìp - my darling, nantang - viperwolf, ma'ite - my daughter, taronyu - hunter Taglist (bold indicates "could not tag"): @bangtanxberm @aonungmyaddiction @lv9su @aisselasstuff @yourusername1 @amortencjja @king-julian6201 @gg-trini @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @mikeyswifie @heart-an0n @iloveavatar @urdads-gf  @kentfisherswifee6 @sakurayuki8655-blog @ken-zah @nilrilie @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r @iovemoonyy @sopluto @frvv A/N: Two chapters in just two days??? Anyway, like I said the last chapter, I had to split my writing into two parts since it was getting to be over 10,000 words, so here is the next part!
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The trip back to the village was a quiet one, Y/n's mind still reeling about her conversation with Neteyam. Jake thankfully didn't ask and acted as a pillar of strength when they returned home. He made one look at Neytiri and she opted out of saying anything, gladly letting her husband and her daughter return to the marui but not before she held them both in her arms out of relief that things would be alright between them. Y/n went to bed early, exhausted from all of the events of the day that resulted in the grief come bouncing back. If she woke up in the middle of the night to find herself in a cuddle pile of both Na'vi and human siblings, she didn't mention it, and none of the Sullys made any comments the following morning. Everyone was just happy that bonds were mending and hearts were healing. They were one step closer to feeling like a family again.
Lo'ak was visibly more comfortable walking beside Y/n that morning, knowing that she and their father had talked, and was happy to no longer walk on eggshells around either of them. Y/n appeared more relaxed as well, despite receiving some odd-looking glares from nearby Metkayina girls. To ignore the stares and lighten the mood a little more, Y/n shoved her little brother into the water before he could even blink. The resulting splash sent Y/n laughing and Lo'ak sputtering when his resurfaced, vowing revenge. It was then that Ao'nung and Rotxo showed up, grinning down at Lo'ak's predicament while standing beside Y/n.
"Quit messing around, Lo'ak," Ao'nung teased good-naturedly, "We got work to do today."
Lo'ak frowned, slightly embarrassed but summoned an ilu for himself. The other teens do the same and they head out to work, all the while Rotxo explains today's task to the Sully children, "When training to be a warrior among the Metkayina, you have to ride an ilu to chase away predators that threaten the young."
"Bro, we used ilu to rescue a tulkun and fought against Sky People," Lo'ak retorts, "I think that should count."
"He's got a point," Y/n added, "I think we rescued plenty of our young doing that."
Lo'ak squints his eyes in his sister's direction, "I couldn't tell if that was sarcastic or not."
"Figure it out, skxawng."
"It is all about tradition," Ao'nung explained, "I am sure the Elders would appreciate us keeping up with old traditions despite we have done enough to become warriors ten times over already despite our young age."
"So we're only doing this to impress a bunch of old people?" Lo'ak questioned with an added groan, getting splashed by Y/n in the process.
"Lo, for someone who just tries to fit in--"
"I know, I know," he waved her off half-heartedly.
"I'd like to see you talk that way to Grandmother."
A bit of color drains from Lo'ak's face, but otherwise he says nothing. Ao'nung laughed as they leisurely swayed in the water, leaning over in Lo'ak's direction, "They say that the Elders see and hear all. I would watch my back if I were you, Lo'ak te Suli. Maybe make a necklace for them as an apology."
Y/n laughs while Rotxo's smile slowly turns up into a mischievous grin, eyeing Ao'nung while opening his mouth, his eyes all-knowing, "Speaking of necklaces, that is a very nice arrowhead, Y/n. Akula?"
Ao'nung spun to glare at Rotxo in warning while Y/n briefly pressed a finger to the arrowhead she had yet to take off. She quickly retracts her touch and pointedly doesn't look at Rotxo, "Yes, thank you."
By now, Lo'ak is also staring at the necklace, eyes widening each time his brain puts another piece of the puzzle together, head tilting to Ao'nung, then Y/n, then back again. Rotxo could see Lo'ak's realization slowly dawning on his face and decided not to let up for the sake of teasing his friend, "Did you make it? Or was it given to you?"
"The necklace is mine... the tooth was a gift."
"Oh? From who?" Rotxo's big eyes practically sparkle with mirth, staring directly at Lo'ak as he adds, "You know, speaking of tradition, usually when a Na'vi gifts another something as special as that, it means they are courting--"
"I think we should split up on our patrol," Lo'ak abruptly states, briefly glaring daggers at Ao'nung while urging his ilu forward to swim beside Rotxo, "As I am about ready to strangle both of you, I will be going with Rotxo."
"Sure," Ao'nung shrugged, "Meet back here around midday?"
"Alright. See ya then."
Ao'nung and Y/n watch Lo'ak and Rotxo speed their ilu up and swim away, jumping in and out of the water before disappearing on the horizon. The pair waits until they are completely alone before Y/n flashes a side-eye glance in Ao'nung's direction, "You told Rotxo?"
"I didn't tell him anything," he defends, "But practically everyone has been asking. They all probably know."
"Yeah... 'Teyam used to tease me about it." She smiled sadly at the memory.
"Did he? I was so sure he would have killed me."
"No, he was the brother you didn't have to worry about," she huffed a small laugh, "Lo'ak and Spider on the other hand... well, you've been punched by the one before, and Spider might be more level-headed but you have never seen him truly angry."
A small glimmer flashed in Ao'nung's eyes, a wave of respect for the human boy washing over him, "That's intriguing."
She snorts quietly, her eyes returning to the spot where the other pair of teenagers disappeared, "I'm pretty sure Lo'ak has known about us for a while, maybe before I even knew there was an 'us.' So I wouldn't worry about him. He's just acting like a child."
She raises an eyebrow when Ao'nung emits a small growl, "Maybe your brother should worry about me if what I heard about him and Tsireya is true."
"Oh, please. They have been fond of each other since the day they met, don't act like you didn't notice." Y/n rolled her eyes.
"I am going to kill him."
"You will do no such thing if you know what's good for you," she glared dangerously back, though Ao'nung noted that it was not as heated or as threatening as her usual glares, "You cannot hate him for seeing your sister and then turn around to see his. Besides, I think your mother doesn't mind it after she and I talked that one time we were foraging. She heard my side of things and I think she actually approves of Lo'ak and Tsireya now."
Ao'nung goes back to that day when he found Y/n and his mother walking out of the forest together, his ears sheepishly pinning back against his skull when he remembered what had happened after Y/n had left, "My mother asked about you."
Y/n's eyes widened, "She did?"
"And she tells my father everything, so..."
"Same here. I think our sisters know, but they are not saying anything. They would take it to their grave if we asked them." Y/n smiles to herself.
"It wouldn't matter. This whole village is full of spinsters," Ao'nung snidely comments, "Everyone's business is everyone's business."
He watched as the gears openly turned in Y/n's head, her eyes looking to the sky while she asked, "... Is that why there were girls staring at me down by the docks this morning?"
"I do not know," initially, he shrugs, but she watches as Ao'nung's eyes slowly start to sparkle as his teasing grin reemerges, "Maybe they are jealous."
"Of course," he flaunts dramatically, "Jealous that a forest girl from a faraway place managed to steal the future olo'eyktan out from under their noses."
Her scowl immediately pitches into a laugh when he reaches over and briefly grabs her tail. Y/n pulled away from him before he could do it again, still laughing while trying to evade his hand.
They urge their ilu to swim a bit more after that, chasing one another playfully until they get to their next spot for patrol. By the time they got there, Ao'nung noticed that Y/n was staring off into space and looking a little unsure of herself, "What is it?"
Her eyes and ears lower, gaze pointedly staring down at her hands, "We mentioned honoring tradition earlier, then just now you reminded me of your stature. Maybe the Elders wouldn't appreciate the chief's son choosing a forest girl over one of their own."
Ao'nung scoffed, "The Elders don't care about that sort of thing. You are Na'vi. That's all that matters to them."
"But even you didn't think we were true Na'vi," her eyes flick up to his and his blood turned cold under her stare, "Not when we first arrived."
He slouched, ears drooping while his eyes softened into regret, fingers twitching with the need to reach out to her, but remained in his lap, "I was wrong."
"Maybe. But there are others who still think the same way you did. They still look at me, Lo'ak, and Kiri and think we are freaks. I am pretty sure even Tuk has more friends than us because she at least looks Na'vi."
"That is not why she has more friends," Ao'nung tries to smile, "Tuk is Tuk."
Y/n hums to herself, feeling one corner of her mouth twitch at the fond thought of her baby sister, "That's true."
"You..." Her eyes flick back up to Ao'nung when his voice didn't sound very confident. He wouldn't look her in the eyes, clearly feeling out of his comfort zone. She patiently waited for him to speak, occupying herself by watching drips of water fall off his brow or glisten in his hair, the sun reflecting off his wet braids like diamonds. Y/n's chest squeezed, but it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling. It was warm and it was spreading over her like a comforting blanket that her mother would leave beside the fire. Her thoughts are disrupted when Ao'nung finally finds the courage to look up, "You have never once doubted yourself like that. Lo'ak and Kiri sometimes still look at themselves and hate what they see, but not you. You've never doubted yourself, Y/n, so why start now?"
"It doesn't matter whether or not I despise how I look," she carefully answers, feeling small and scrutinized under his disbelieving gaze, "It matters what everyone else would think if they knew you were courting a deformed freak."
"You are not deformed."
"No?" She bitterly questioned, frowning as she lifted up her hand to him, purposely wiggling her pinky finger, "This doesn't freak you out? It is alien."
"So what?" He reached out for her hand, "An extra finger just means there is more of you to hold."
The response stuns her to the point she didn't react when Ao'nung slipped his hand into hers. Looking down, she stared at their joined hands, fingers wrapped around one another in an ornament of two different colors. Looking back, their skin tones complimented each other beautifully together, and the contrast just made sense. Y/n was still amazed about how big Ao'nung's hand was compared to hers, despite being the same age. Once those thoughts vanish, all that's left are Ao'nung's smooth words and the color slowly rising in her ears.
Y/n scoffs, trying to play it off, "Do you think yourself charming?"
Ao'nung grinned, "Only for you, ma'yawntu."
The term of endearment surprises her out of a laugh, playfully horrified, "Eywa, no."
"Please, you are embarrassing."
"I got all day, tìyawn." Ao'nung laughed, "What would you like me to call you?"
"How about my name?" She asked sarcastically.
His smile was wide, bright, and downright beautiful. It took all of Y/n's willpower not to melt right then and there, "Of course, Forest Girl. It's what I prefer anyway."
"I'm sure it is, Seaweed Brain."
Ronal's baby was born in the traditional way, in a water birth ceremony called the First Breath, where the whole clan gathers around in shallow water to celebrate. Now, normally the tsahik would help the mother guide her newborn to the surface to take its first breath, but seeing as Ronal was the one expecting, one village healer and Tsireya were chosen to help her. This was a new kind of ceremony for the Sullys so they hadn't fully participated until after the baby was born, then they proceeded to celebrate with the rest of the Metkayina.
Kailani was a beautiful baby girl and everyone adored her. Nearly everyone wanted to see her and hold her. As the newest baby in the village, she had earned herself a lot of attention and was loved by all, especially her older brother and sister. Ao'nung was little enough that he couldn't remember when Tsireya was born, and Tsireya had always been the youngest, so this was the first time either of the chief's children experienced what it was like to have a new baby in the family... and it showed.
This became obvious a month into Kailani's life when Tuk came out of nowhere and started to drag Y/n and Kiri by their hands toward Ronal and Tonowari's marui, "Come on, come on! I wanna see the baby!"
The teen girls reluctantly follow their little sister, smiling fondly at Tuk's excitement. It was adorable to see that Tuk didn't have much experience with babies either. Approaching the pod, it was obvious neither tsahik nor olo'eyktan was home, and yet there were soft cries coming out of the marui. Tuk drops her sisters' hands and runs in while Y/n and Kiri dutifully follow. Walking inside, they find Tsireya and Ao'nung sitting close together, appearing a little worried and exhausted while looking down at the small baby lying in her big brother's arms. Both of the reef teenagers looked up when they heard someone enter, and Tsireya waved them over, "Have either of you seen our mother?"
Kiri and Y/n exchange a look before the former responds, "She's in the healer's hut. A warrior came in all scraped up from getting thrown against the coral reef."
"What is wrong?" Y/n asked.
"She won't stop crying," Tsireya admits shamefully, looking a little distraught, "We do not know why. We fed and changed her, but--"
"Have my sisters help," Tuk confidently offers without missing a beat, proud at her idea, "They know about babies. They helped Mama take care of me when I was little."
Tsireya and Ao'nung pointedly look up at the older Sully sisters, their eyes desperately pleading. Kiri was initially going to scoff at Tuk for her idea before Y/n wordlessly stepped forward and knelt down in front of Ao'nung. One look and she could tell why Kailani was so upset. Her tiny body wasn't exactly held close to Ao'nung's body but was instead held in his arms and in his lap. It didn't look comfortable and Y/n pitied the child.
"Here," Y/n offered, leaning over and helping Ao'nung adjust his hold on his baby sister, having him lift Kailani up from his lap and making sure he kept supporting her neck, "Babies need a lot of skin-to-skin contact at the beginning of their lives. It helps them bond with their mothers and other members of their family."
Y/n helps Ao'nung lift Kai until she's nestled snugly against his chest, her face protected in the crook of his neck. Almost immediately, the baby calms down, trying to bury her cold little nose into her brother's warm skin. Ao'nung is unable to speak or look away from Y/n, his ears only perking up as a sign he is listening when she keeps on explaining, "Try not to pinch her tswin. Without any hair to protect it yet, the tswin can be extra sensitive."
Kiri smiled softly to herself as Y/n continued to list several things Tsireya and Ao'nung could do, both of them listening with intense determination, all the while Kiri could only think about her older sister. It really was a shame that Y/n didn't want to take on the role of tsakarem, instead passing it along to Kiri when her adopted sister had shown an interest. Y/n still remembered a thing or two about healing from when Mo'at had begun to teach her, but from what Kiri understood, Y/n would get easily distracted and would beg their grandmother to dismiss her so she could go find Neteyam and train alongside him to become a warrior. Mo'at eventually gave in, fondly stating how Y/n was just like her mother, then proceeded to name Kiri her successor.
While Y/n may not like the method of healing and preferred hunting, she was still pretty knowledgeable when it was needed, and as Tuk said, she and Kiri remembered what it was like having a new baby in the family. Tsireya and Ao'nung appeared incredibly grateful for Y/n... but Kiri couldn't help but grin under her hand while looking at the way Ao'nung was staring at her older sister. The way his mouth formed such a secretive smile without the intention of showing it, his eyes subtly falling from Y/n's eyes to watch her lips as she spoke before flicking back up to her eyes before anyone would notice. But Kiri noticed, and she eventually had to look away because she felt as though she was intruding on something so intimate.
Rotxo had told Kiri and Spider about the mysterious arrowhead-shaped tooth that suddenly appeared around Y/n's neck one day, but the adopted Sullys didn't want to believe it. Lo'ak had scoffed, rolling his eyes and refusing to talk about it, but Neytiri had overheard and had this all-knowing smile on her face as she cooked over the hearth when her children walked back into the marui after bidding Rotxo goodnight. Jake and Tuk were none the wiser but Kiri had a feeling that her father was like Lo'ak, trying to ignore that something was clearly going on between Ao'nung and Y/n. Now, it was more obvious than ever.
While Y/n had not been able to complete all of her rites of passage alongside Rotxo and Ao'nung, she and the other Sully children still cheered them on and celebrated alongside them, especially after watching in amazement to see how a young Metkayina must finish certain challenges alongside their bonded tulkun brother or sister. After finishing those trials, along with taming their own skimwings, Ao'nung and Rotxo were gifted a special article of clothing, their first tattoo as warriors of the clan, and three beads for their songcords. Everyone was proud of the reef boys, now celebrated as young men among their People.
Next was going to be Y/n. She was determined to follow suit, as were Lo'ak and Kiri. They went out to practice for their trials every day, playfully competing with one another. Whilst Kiri was planning on becoming a healer in the tribe, she still wanted to tame a tsurak as her rite of passage and receive a Metkayina tattoo meant to signify healing. Jake and Neytiri were not sure how to feel about three of their children rushing toward adulthood, but they were supportive either way. The older Sully children tried very hard not to exclude Spider in the many training exercises, but he goodnaturedly shooed them away and told them to have fun and train hard. He may not be able to follow them, but he will still cheer them on from the sidelines, being there in spirit.
Lo'ak passed his trial with Payakan with flying colors, and now he and his sisters would move on to taming their own tsurak. Kiri did so with ease, her attachment to Eywa helping her befriend the mighty skimwing instead of mastering it. All of her siblings cheered for her from the docks, watching her disappear to wander with her new friend beyond the sea wall. Lo'ak was determined to go next, and while it looked a little rocky at times, he too, mastered his own warrior's mount, and Jake yelped and whooped proudly for his son. Lo'ak also left the safety of the lagoon to explore with his new friend and likely introduce him to Payakan.
When it was Y/n's turn to go tame a skimwing, Ao'nung approached her and spoke quietly under his breath, "Remember. The tsurak are temperamental creatures. Much like an ikran, you have to work hard to form a strong and loyal bond with them."
"Got it," Y/n nodded in acknowledgment, wrapping leather around her knuckles per her father's advice. Speaking of whom, Jake was approaching his daughter so Ao'nung simply nodded his head toward Toruk Makto and walked away to stand beside his own father.
Jake narrowed his eyes as he watched Ao'nung leave before softening his gaze and speaking down to his firstborn, "You're your mother's daughter. That makes you the best flyer and hunter on an ikran, so this will be a cakewalk for you. Tonowari told me that the ikran and the tsurak share a distant ancestor, so it's easy to see where they get their stubbornness from. You know how to tame stubbornness. You'll be a pro at this."
Y/n tried her very best not to visibly shrink up under her father's advice and praise. She wants to stand tall and proud under his words of affirmation now that they're starting to see eye-to-eye, but it is still a work in progress. She's not used to her father being so encouraging as of late, due to him stressing out over the war, moving away, and losing a son, so it was still a big step that needed adjusting. So, Y/n instead smiled widely up at her father and whispered a small thank you before rushing over to get the tsahik and olo'eyktan's blessing.
Ronal and Tonowari bid Y/n good luck with their own hidden smiles while Tsireya shared her confidence for her friend and lifted Kailani's arm up to wave at the Sully girl for encouragement. Ao'nung flashed his forest girl his own secret smile and a small nod, barely noticeable to the naked eye. Y/n practically beamed and with a new wave of confidence, turned and ran down the long dock to the very end, diving gracefully into the water.
All forms of sealife greet her underwater, her breath held as she forced herself not to get distracted. Since that fateful day against the Sky People, Y/n had been training herself to hold her breath longer, hoping to never have to worry anyone over her drowning ever again, not wanting to be a burden. Without wasting any time, she called out for a skimwing to approach her.
She had managed to find a school of fish Ao'nung told her was the tsurak's favorite snack, so she swam close to the fish and continued to call out, her heart singing when her strategy worked and a familiar beast gradually glided toward her, its powerful, scaled body creating a disturbance in the water. Looking like a Terran gharial, the tsurak approached with purpose and demanded to be respected, other small fish species quickly scattering to avoid it. With its long, sword-like snout, it gave itself personal space, and with its beady, soulless eyes, it analyzed Y/n. For an animal that was nearly domesticated with the Metkayina, Y/n wasn't worried about whether or not the creature deemed her as a threat, but then again, she looked different compared to all the other Na'vi the tsurak likely grew up with, and it was possible the skimwing could smell the part of her that descends from demons.
Y/n didn't take the kind and befriending approach as Kiri did. That form of taming only works for someone as Eywa-blessed at Y/n's adopted sister. Instead, she kept herself between the beast and its likely prey, the schoolfish behind her. The threat was clear. If it wanted to eat, the tsurak would have to go through her first.
The reptilian-looking fish didn't appear insulted by the threat and leisurely swayed side to side, jaw gradually opening and closing to breathe while stuck in place, showing off its small rows of razor-sharp teeth while staring Y/n down and waiting for the right opening to strike. Y/n slowly and carefully pulled her kuru braid over her shoulder all the while keeping her eyes locked on the tsurak. As they continued with this ocean version of a standoff, Y/n gradually began to inch forward, only moving in small, very slow strokes of water.
When she got too close, the tsurak opened its jaws and snapped down, quick as lightning, but Y/n was prepared for it. Much like taming an ikran, she quickly moved out of the way before the creature could bite her head off and, using her knuckles and palms now wrapped in leather, clamped down on the jaws of the creature, keeping it shut with as much muscle she could muster while using her newly found momentum to quickly swim onto the skimwing's back, never letting go. Knowing she would only have a second before the creature was no longer stunned, Y/n let go of the jaw with one hand and quickly grabbed her braid, immediately forming the tsaheylu.
The beast wiggled and then paused, swaying calmly back and forth as the connection was made. With her lungs slightly beginning to burn, Y/n didn't panic but also didn't hesitate to give the creature the order to resurface, now letting her other hand let go of the tsurak's snout in good faith. She promises to let the tsurak eat, later, if he swam up for air.
As quick as a bullet, the tsurak follows its new rider's order, shooting up through the water at great speed. Y/n nearly forgot to hang on tight, clamping her thighs down on the creature's back as tight as she could, her ears beginning to pop at the very sudden water pressure as they rose higher toward the surface. Sunlight was coming in fast and, before she knew it, Y/n was out of the water, leaping through the air, and plunging back into the ocean, all while still holding on tightly to the back of her very own tsurak. The beast resurfaces more gently this time and stays leisurely swimming above the water, giving Y/n much-needed time to breathe. She smiles when she can hear scattered cheering from the beach and docks but keeps on task, trying to stay focused. She has yet to fly with her new ride.
Adjusting her grip on the creature, she gives her new order, clenching her thighs again while preparing for the powerful beast's ascent. The tsurak begins to speed up, faster and faster until it's zipping through the water like a ship. Eventually, it gains enough momentum and the creature lets out its wings, extending them until they begin to catch air, and then the body rises out of the water. Y/n hangs on tight, stamping down the anxiety in her gut, sharing her determination and willpower through her new bond so the skimwing knows she means business. There is no room for failure.
The tsurak doesn't stumble, doesn't break, and doesn't lose focus. As they sail, the pair sails gracefully without a single wiggle or wobble. Y/n can faintly hear cheering in the distance but doesn't let it phase her. One more test. She gives the order and holds her breath, immediately bending down and pressing her body tightly against the creature's back.
The tsurak retracts its wings and points its snout down, briefly falling through the air before diving straight into the water below. The impact and mighty force of it all was much more powerful than riding an ilu, and Y/n had to hold on for dear life. Water rushed through her ears and she squinted her eyes in order to see better, but she held on and she held firmly. She would rather get her arm pulled off than let go, so she held on tighter, her leather wraps doing the trick to give her a better grip. One last order and Y/n feels the pair of them shooting back up through the water and into the air again, and this time, Y/n hoots triumphantly at the top of her lungs, hanging on tightly with one hand but throwing her other fist in the air, her trial complete.
Several people are cheering with her on the beach and in the water. Spider, Tuk, and Jake are whooping and hollering like party animals, ecstatic for their daughter and sister. Ao'nung and Rotxo are cheering alongside them, along with several other Metkayina watching the event. Y/n beams proudly at all of them from a distance, then proceeds to follow Kiri and Lo'ak's lead and head for open waters.
Ao'nung is smiling just as proudly from the beach, and once Y/n takes off, so does he. The chief's son immediately breaks into a sprint down the side of the beach, diving into the water before another word can be said. Once below the surface, he calls for his own skimwing and takes off after the Sully girl.
The only one who appeared to notice Ao'nung slip away was Neytiri, but she appeared to be smiling as she watched the reef boy chase after her daughter. A brief wave of déjà vu washed over her as she watched until she couldn't see either tsurak anymore. She smiled fondly, proud and filled with unimaginable joy as she had witnessed history repeat itself, much like it had with her when she first chased after Jake on their ikran.
The new warriors do not stay out for long. When eclipse comes, Y/n, Ao'nung, Lo'ak, and Kiri return for the Sully children's ceremony. The sunlight disappears and it's replaced with a bioluminescent glow everywhere, as far as the eyes could see. Lo'ak, Y/n, and Kiri stand before Ronal and Tonowari as they are presented with their rewards, their article of clothing, and the beads for their songcords to signify this triumphant milestone of adulthood. The Na'vi believe that every person is born twice and the second time is when a Na'vi finds his or her place among the People forever.
Once Ronal and Tonowari bestow the three Sullys their first tattoos, they were officially one with the Metkayina, marked with warrior and healer ink. Everyone gathered around the new young adults and congratulated them, making room for the parents to squeeze their way through the crowd and finally gather their children up. Neytiri held her children against her, joyous tears in her eyes even as her heart broke, mourning their childhoods but celebrating their futures. Jake held his children just as tightly but didn't make a sound, afraid of what would come out if he tried to talk.
The ceremony gave way to celebration, large bonfires lining up and down the beach, the flames rising high into the night sky, embers blinking down on Eywa's children along with the stars above. The Metkayina dance together in wide circles around the fires, conjoined in several different rings, moving in opposite directions as they sang, talked, laughed, ate, and drank to their hearts' content.  
Y/n found herself dancing around a fire that was shared by most of the newest warriors of the tribe, people around her own age, and her brother and Kiri. There were so many fires along the beach, however, so it would be nearly impossible to find out which ones her other family members were socializing at, hidden among the chaotic crowds of flailing limbs and boisterous songs. She allowed herself to let loose and cared little about what others thought of her, letting the swoa warm her stomach and the fire her skin. She stuck close to Kiri and Tsireya for a short while before the chief's daughter ran off to find Lo'ak. Y/n and Kiri playfully rolled their eyes before the latter decided to turn in for the night-- which is just code for she was going to keep Spider company so their adopted brother didn't feel left out. Y/n let her sister go without complaint, giving her a brief hug and voicing how proud she was of her. Kiri smiled brightly under the praise and took off, leaving Y/n's heart feeling warm as well. Getting roped back into dancing, Y/n danced without a care in the world, not bothered by whether or not she looked bad, and sang with the others until she was breathless. The celebration was getting to be too disorderly with everyone having so much fun that faces had begun to blur and sometimes when people danced, they were spinning too fast to figure out their bearings. 
But Y/n let her feet carry her to her intended destination, and that was right into Ao'nung's arms. With her family elsewhere and other Metkayina having too much fun to otherwise gape at the sight, Y/n danced with the chief's son for practically the whole night, tired and out of breath, but never wanting to stop. She couldn't help it. With the fire lighting one side of his face and the bioluminescent ocean lighting the other, Ao'nung looked ethereal, and Y/n couldn't stop her rapidly beating heart even if she wanted to.  
Ao'nung only looked at her, never caring about who saw them, his smile gentle and eyes proud, not helping the flips Y/n's stomach was taking. Her body felt like it was on fire in the best way possible under his gaze, and maybe it was the lighting, maybe it was the liquid courage, or maybe it was the way he was looking at her, but her mind was open and her voice was knocked loose from her throat as she pulled her reef boy close to her and whispered so only he could hear the words that she knew, deep down, were only meant for him, "Ao'nung. Oel ngati kameie."
Ao'nung's eyes briefly widened, mouth falling open in shock, yet he couldn't take a breath in. The fire didn't help the blooming fire in the forest girl's yellow eyes, piercing up at his and leaving him breathless, unable to come up for air. She didn't look afraid or even bothered by his reaction, instead, she smiled, a little cheekily, as if she could see just how much she affected him. Slowly, he comes back to his senses, a smile slowly creeping up his lips once more. His hands gently cup both sides of her face, marveling at how her entire head fit perfectly in his palms, while her reasonably smaller hands move to hold his sides, keeping his body close to hers. Ao'nung leans in, taking a small breath in through his nose, memorizing her scent before he gently fits his lips against hers, to which she responds in kind. The kiss tasted like sea salt and swoa, but neither complained, closing their eyes and reveling in their closeness.
Despite her lessons, Y/n regrettably needed to pull away for air, and when the kiss broke, her soft pants ghosted across Ao'nung's skin, hot and prickly, and when her eyes opened, she stared up at him through her eyelashes, cheeks slightly flushed. It took a tremendous amount of willpower to relax his body, his heart racing to the tempo of drums playing somewhere in the crowd. Eventually, his mind clears and he manages to find words again, leaning his forehead into his forest girl's.
"Ma'yawntutsyìp Y/n. Oel ngati kameie."
Neytiri sees everything when it comes to her children, especially her firstborn daughter. That girl is a spitting image of the mother who birthed her, except for the little human features she inherited from her father, so Neytiri often knew what was going on in Y/n's head because she had been in her daughter's footsteps. Neytiri was young once. She knew what it was like to be in love.
Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite had seen the lingering glances, the stares when the other wasn't looking, and the smiles that were only shared between each other. Furthermore, Neytiri had noticed the arrowhead on Y/n's necklace the second she came home that day, and then the mother noticed Ao'nung anxiously waiting to get out there and chase her daughter into the sea astride their tsurak. And of course, even in the vast crowds lining the beach the night of Y/n's ceremony, Neytiri could see the young pair kissing, unbothered by the amount of people around them. It felt as though no one had seen them but her. 
And yet, she had not said a word. Much like Y/n and Ao'nung's sisters, Neytiri intended to take their secret to the grave if it meant seeing her eldest daughter smile again. Sure, Neytiri was fiercely protective of her children, but she would never refuse her child when it came to whatever made them happy... especially after she had lost Neteyam.
So Neytiri kept quiet and just watched from a distance. Now that three of her children were seen as adults among the Metkayina, their tattoos a physical sign as such, she wasn't gonna go around telling them what to do anymore and just enjoyed their company while it lasted. After all, soon they will choose men or women to be with... and not long after that, Neytiri will find her marui emptier than the day before.
One fateful day, Neytiri found herself alone with Y/n in their family pod, cooking some fish over the fire to prepare meals for the rest of the Sullys to take with them throughout the day. It was a quiet and comfortable morning until Ao'nung showed up, respectfully greeting Neytiri before asking Y/n if she would like to join the other warriors on a hunt that afternoon.
Y/n perked up at the offer, her smile brightening under Ao'nung's gaze. Wordlessly, she nudges Neytiri's shoulder with her forehead, and her mother leans into the touch before the daughter draws away and stands up. Y/n briefly grabs Ao'nung's arm before diving into the water with the intention of having him follow her. Ao'nung stayed a second longer, lingering in the doorway of Neytiri's home when he noticed the woman staring at him. Despite wanting her daughter's happiness, Neytiri also wants her daughter to be safe, so she briefly glares at the chief's son before simply looking back down at her task, "If she gets hurt, I pluck your eyes out."
For some reason, he knew she wasn't talking about the hunting party.
That same night, during communal dinner, Neytiri could see just how obvious Ao'nung and Y/n looked. Instead of sitting with her family, Y/n sat with his, conversing between him and Tsireya without a care in the world. Occasionally, the chief's son would try to sneak a kiss on the forest girl's cheek, hiding it by pretending to whisper in her ear. Y/n would smile shyly, her pinky finger subtly reaching out for his hand whilst she talked to his sister.
This time, Neytiri wasn't the only one who noticed, and she cursed herself for not trying to distract her husband sooner instead of openly gawking at the young pair with him. The moment Ao'nung reached for Y/n's pinky finger, Neytiri could feel her husband tense up beside her. Immediately, she knew what was about her happen once her mate quickly stood up and she was helpless to stop it. 
"Jake--" She had gotten up as well but it was too late. Her mate had already stormed off in the direction of their daughter. Several eyes throughout the communal meal turned in their direction and Neytiri could feel their stares prickling along her back, her other children now aware of something wrong when she stood.
"Mama?" Tuk asked.
The older Sully children immediately clock the situation once they follow their mother's gaze, seeing their father clearly out for blood as he beelines for the chief's family. Spider immediately scrambles to his feet, "Shit--"
Neytiri didn't know whether to hiss at or agree with Spider's observation, her feet taking her to where Jake was going, the rest of her children now standing up to follow her as well, abandoning their meals. Neytiri would not make it in time, but even from where she was, she could hear the commotion already starting when Jake reached down and grabbed Y/n's arm, pulling her to her feet and away from Ao'nung, "Alright, young lady. Time to talk."
"Dad, what--"
Ao'nung immediately rose to his feet without thinking. Neytiri almost pitied him, "Sir--"
Jake's glare fell on Ao'nung, his voice dropping low to a tone only the military side of him could produce, "And you, boy. Did you mate with my daughter?"
Y/n's exclamation further drew the attention of the tsahik and olo'eyktan, along with even more Metkayina sitting around the growing commotion. Neytiri could see Ronal and Tonowari stand up as well, their eyes only on Jake and their son, dread forming in her gut at the idea of what might happen next. Ronal handed Kailani over to Tsireya and marched with her mate over to the confrontation as Jake continued to talk down to her son. 
"And whatever you say better be the answer I'm hoping for, young man. So choose your words wisely."
Neytiri finally reached her husband and grabbed his arm, opening her mouth to try and get him to calm down while the rest of their children stood around them and simply observed with worried glances. Ao'nung glared only at Jake, his shoulders squared back, and stepped up no doubt to defiantly say something stupid before Y/n stopped him from where she stood behind her father.
"Ao'nung," she warned loudly, to which his eyes flicked to hers at the sound of her voice.
Time stilled as everyone turned to Y/n, waiting to hear what she had to say, even her father. She didn't look at anyone else other than her lover. All Y/n had to do was flatten her ears and just ever so slightly tilt her head, eyes locked on his the whole time for Ao'nung to get the message, loud and clear. His shoulders lower and visibly calms himself under her stare, and in response, Ao'nung merely nods. The young Metkayina backed down, stepping away from Toruk Makto and glancing off to the side, eyes and ears lowered like an injured nantang pup. Jake's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, glancing between Ao'nung and his daughter, trying to figure out what had just happened.
From beside Lo'ak, Kiri silently gasps behind her hand as she whispers to the younger brother, "Oh, my Eywa. He's so whipped for her."
"Bro-- shut up," Lo'ak hissed back, glaring at his sister's tiny amused smile while Spider laughed under his breath.
Jake didn't have time to berate his other children as he shook off his confusion and his wife's arm, letting go of Y/n's bicep but keeping her frozen to the spot under his cold, scrutinizing glare, "Look at me, young lady," she refused at first, eyes flicking elsewhere in shame and fear, "Look at me."
Her frown twitches just as the fear dissipates, her usual distaste for authority returning. Her eyes harden as she purposely and slowly glares up at her father through her eyebrows, her entire posture now defiant and standing strong against him.
Either Jake didn't notice this subtle change in body language or he didn't care, glaring right back at her, "Tell me the truth. It's a simple yes or no. Did you mate with him?"
She flashed her fangs, grinding out her response between her teeth, "No, sir."
"Do you plan on it?"
"I do not see how that is any of your business anymore."
"Y/n, where I'm from, you're still too young to have a family," he points back to Ao'nung without ever taking his eyes off his daughter, "And he is the chief's son--"
"You can't tell me who I can or cannot be with when Mom went against everyone and everything she believed in to be with you," her tone was strong and accusatory, throwing Jake into a state of shock as he nearly stumbles back. Y/n stood strong against her father, her words bold and as destructive as a tsunami wave, "I would not exist if you hadn't gone off and mated with the chief's daughter so don't you dare try to sound as if you are above such scandal." 
"Oh, snap," Spider muttered, earning an elbow to his chest from Lo'ak.
The entire commotion had been driven to silence, everyone waiting with bated breath as to what would happen next. Neytiri felt both fear and pride for her daughter, again, feeling history repeat itself through the eyes of her child. Tonowari finally broke the silence and the stand-off by stepping between Jake and Y/n and placing a comforting hand on Toruk Makto's shoulder, all the while pointedly staring at each and every Na'vi who was openly watching the family feud, "I think it is time for everyone to return to their meals."
Ronal backs up her mate's demand by glaring at all the bystanders, "Go on."
The Metkayina scatter, either to return to their seats or avert their eyes back to their food, the silence now filled with casual mumbling among the People. Jake's ears droop when he realizes the size of the audience he attracted by his outburst and he has the decency to look ashamed. He peers back to his family and mutters, "Lo'ak. Spider. Take the girls home."
"I can walk myself home, thank you very much," Y/n snarled dangerously, stepping around Tonowari and her father and stomping through the parting sea of Na'vi who dared to get in her way.
Tuk pouted and stomped her foot defiantly, "So can I!"
Kiri sighs in mental exhaustion toward her baby sister, "Tuk..." 
Once the other Sully kids gathered and vanished from the meal, Tonowari glanced between Ao'nung and Jake, "Let us return to my home to further discuss this."
Ronal gestured Neytiri over to her before looking over her shoulder to address Tsireya, "Stay here, ma'ite."
Tsireya nodded appropriately, keeping Kailani close to her chest as she flashed a small look of encouragement to Ao'nung. She watched her parents and brother walk out of the community marui, the Sullys following suit. Neytiri walks out into the night with her husband's hand in hers, squeezing his fingers in encouragement.
Once the group was safe inside Ronal and Tonowari's home, Jake immediately apologized, "Brother, forgive me for my actions against your family. I was out of line and your son did not deserve my behavior toward him."
Tonowari raised his hand to gently silence him, "I will not fault a father for just trying to protect his child. There is nothing to forgive. Ao'nung is still young and has much to learn. Before he began to court your daughter, he should have gone to you for your blessing immediately."
Ao'nung, clearly embarrassed, kept his head down while he quietly whined, "Father, please--"
"You are the one who wishes to court Toruk Makto's daughter, boy," Tonowari directed his gaze to his son, eyes darkening but not as a threat, but in disappointment, "As the future of our clan, you should have done what tradition demands."
Jake took pity on Ao'nung, watching the way a father looked down on his son, immediately thrown back to the past when he, too, looked down on Neteyam and Lo'ak, and instantly knew he had to speak up this time, "No. I don't blame your son for not coming to me. I don't deserve that sort of respect. Y/n is strong-willed and she knows I don't deserve the respect of being her father or any traditions that require me to be so. If anything, she would much rather have Ao'nung ask for my sons' blessings over my own because her brothers respect her as an individual who can make her own decisions... unlike me."
Tonowari nods, looking back to meet eyes with his mate. Ronal shares a silent conversation with him before the chief turns back to the Sullys, "If it is any consultation, Jakesully, Ronal and I have approved of this match a long time ago."
Ao'nung's head perks up with interest, "You did?"
Jake's question echoed Ao'nung's, equally shocked, "You did?"
The chief explains with a distant look in his eyes, "I was much like my son at that age. Arrogant, crude, and desperate to please the other reef boys around me. All it took was to find Ma Ronal to get my head back on straight. From that day on, I only ever ran after her." 
Ronal pointedly looks at Neytiri, her chin held high, "Even though he is destined to be olo'eyktan one day, my son has never shown interest in a mate. Never. Not once. That is... until he met your daughter."
Neytiri took Ronal's stare as an opening for her to add to the discussion, raising her hand to gently take her husband's arm to grab his attention, "Jake. I already knew."
Jake turned back to her, still shocked and sounding like a broken record, "You did?"
"Everyone did," she nodded, smiling slightly, "Apart from you. Why do you think none of us have said anything before now? It is because we have accepted it and even approved of the match. We all would have said something sooner if we were against it. Y/n is taronyu now and she does not need our permission to live her life anymore. She never had."
Jake takes a moment to collect his thoughts, breathing deeply in and out slowly through his nose. He stared off into space, conflicted with a war going on in his head before Neytiri simply squeezed his arm and he returned to the present. Jake looked back at his wife before raising his white flag, turning his gaze onto Ao'nung with an expression of guilt.
"I am sorry, Ao'nung. I shouldn't have accused you of anything. I know Y/n is capable of taking care of herself and I know she wouldn't have given you the time of day if she didn't think you were a good man," Ao'nung stands up straighter, appearing grateful and nodding to Jake before the former marine turned to Tonowari, "We'll take our leave now. I apologize for interrupting your supper."
Jake takes Neytiri's hand again and they walk home, speaking as they walk so their conversation is kept private before they would have to face their children, "Does he have to court her now? They're too young."
Neytiri hums in agreement, "Courting sometimes takes years, Ma Jake."
"It wasn't with us."
She hums again, only it was full of fond amusement, "If I recall, you never courted me."
A small grin played on his lips, a little drained from tonight's events, but it was genuine all the same as he playfully spoke, "No, but if I recall, you knew exactly what you were doing taking me out there to the Tree of Voices, alone, wearing your hair like that and wearing that lovely top--"
"Ma Jake!" Neytiri gasped in astonishment, gently slapping his chest and laughing as they finally made it home.
The parents quiet their amusement before they walk into the marui, instantly met with five pairs of eyes, four yellow and one brown. While the rest of their children stared expectedly at them, Y/n immediately looked away, ears pulled back in embarrassment and tucking her knees up to her chest.
Jake immediately beelines for Y/n, slowly sitting down beside her as he wraps an arm around her shoulders, "I'm sorry."
Conflict flashes over her face. It felt as though she and her father were back at square one, fighting as though they hadn't already sorted out their issues. Then again, this wasn't Neteyam, or the war, or Y/n's depression. Jake was just trying to be the classic overprotective parent he was always meant to be. He wasn't acting as a soldier. He was acting as a father, and that's all Y/n had ever wanted from him. Slowly, she melts into her father's embrace and sighs, "I know. You were just being my father. That is not something I'll ever blame you for. Just... don't be so embarrassing next time."
Jake and the rest of the children laugh while he just holds Y/n close. Neytiri smiles at the scene, trying to memorize it as best as she can so she can share it with Neteyam the next time she visits her son. After all, Y/n was one step closer to moving out of their family marui and wouldn't be able to hug her father like this as often as they used to. As sad as that made Neytiri feel, she was comforted by the fact that Ao'nung was kind and good to her daughter, and she would never be alone again.
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A/N: The next part will be the final! Basically, I wrote everything that I wanted for this story, and the rest of it can be told in just one more chapter, so I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have!
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m0chisenpai · 2 years
Just Around The Riverbend
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Pre-Avatar Way of the Water
Jake Sully x daughter!reader
I feel like we can all agree that Jake is THE king of girl dads.
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Jake liked to give each of his children his time as they grew up. One thing he never wanted to make the mistake of was neglecting any of his children. He wanted each and every one of them to have a day of his undivided attention. Whether it was flying his ikran with Lo’ak, hunting with his eldest. Letting his girls lead him on an exploration through Pandora’s forests there was something unique, something special that he always made sure to treasure with his children. 
For you, it was the water. On especially warm days you’d beg your father to take you down to the waters when he wasn’t leading a hunting party. And how could he say no? You’d pout your lips and look up at him with those big beautiful eyes you’d inherited from your mother and he was like putty in your hands. 
Your fathers hand pressed into your stomach gently as the pa’li languidly trotted through the thickets of the forest. 
You whined silent and pressed back into your father looking up at him. And though he didn’t look down he could see the pout on your lips and the impatient look in your eyes. “Are we close yet?” He knew for certain your impatience was directly from him. 
But he wouldn’t fall prey to those pouty eyes again. “Not yet, what does mommy say?”
“Be patient,” and you settled back into your father deciding to busy yourself with your hair which you twirled and pinched at the braids that silently clinked together. Mommy braided it similar to her own adding the pretty beads you would twirl with as she held you in her arms. While your father indulges in your explorations you prefer the comfort of your home in your mothers arms together. 
In the brightness of the night in the home tree on the branches with a view of the stars, your mother would tenderly braid your hair. Slowly she’d twist and plait while her songs filled the night air lulling you into a near slumber. And on some nights you’d join in having memorized them by heart. Your mother would coo and praise you, telling you one day you’d sing for the people. 
Your daydreaming unbeknownst to you was enough to keep you distracted for the remainder of the journey. When you felt your father finally slowing down you perked up. A beautiful fall filled with small creatures led down a ways. The sounds of the water and animals were peaceful, and the beauty of it all left you in awe. 
Your father disconnected his queue and helped you down, but as soon as you feet touched the grass you shot like a bullet into the water. 
And Jake watched on huffing with a smile as he watched your face light up with every splash you made. It was like Eywa was smiling down on you with how the sunlight beamed so beautifully down onto you. No matter how many times he took you to fly or ride out into the forests, you were always left amazed by the beauties of Pandora.
You looked like a princess out of a fairy tale.
“Daddy come in!” Your squeals shook Jake out of his thoughts and he led the pa’li down a way to drink from the waters before sitting along the grass, plunging his feet into the cool waters. You pouted and swam toward your father grabbing his ankle and pulling as hard as you could. But you’d need at least ten more of you if you wanted to pull your father into the water!
And so you pulled again letting out a low growl that your fathers ears picked up on, “oh? Is that a naughty nantang I hear?” You giggled letting out more of your scary growls this time playfully nipping your fathers hands that attempted to pry you away. “Oh and this one bites too! Well…” Your father let out a mighty roar and in one quick move scooped you into his arms twirling the both of you into the water.
Your squeals and giggles were like music to his ears as he held you high above and then brought you down to blow a big raspberry into the side of your face. Your hands pushed against your father's face pleading with him to stop. When you were finally left breathless he let you down to hold you into his side, he smoothed your wet braids out from your face to get a good look at your face. 
“Has the naughty nantang learned its lesson?” Your bubbling giggles were enough for him to know that you were far from done. 
You would spend the entirety of that afternoon splashing in the waters with your father. You’d swim together down the lazy rivers and race your father back to the waterfall. He claims it was a tie but you let your father win because he wasn’t the strongest swimmer like you were. The naughty nantang came back for revenge but the mighty Toruk Makto tamed the beast in an instant. 
And just as the sun slowly began to disappear from the sky Jake brought out Neteyam’s old bow and arrows. Your fathers eyes latched onto a plump fish that was attempting to hide away between the rocks. 
“Right there,” you whispered to the breeze, allowing your fathers hands to adjust your stance. 
“Careful. Breath through here.” He pressed onto your stomach which flexed from the deep breath you took and then, “release.” the bow shot out right into the fish. You waded into the water and scooped the flopping fish up holding it up to your father who praised you and asked if you wanted to try again. 
You’d caught three others lying in a pile next to the two of you as you watched the sun slowly eclipse, eating berries you had snuck from your grandmother. In actuality she knew you had a taste for them and always left them out in a place that was easy enough for you to pocket.
Your feet slowly kicked through the waters as your head lay on your fathers arm. You quietly hummed into the silence of the oncoming night. A sweet song of thanks. And so with your eyes closed you focused on your silent prayer. You thanked Eywa for the fish you caught, for this day with your father and for your father who looked down at you with a sweet love in his eyes at your swaying. 
“What are you singing babygirl?” 
Your eyes remained pressed shut in focus but in just barely a whisper you answered, “to the great mother, I wanted to thank her.”
“Oh, what are you thanking her for?” He knows you liked to practice the thanks to Eywa that hunters whispered, but you recited it perfectly with him for the fish you’d caught. 
“You daddy.” You didn’t see the lone tear that Jake failed to contain, but he didn’t care. He would weep for days at the love that filled his heart for you. And so he leaned down and pressed his forehead to your own gently as to not interrupt your singing and whispered, “yeah, and I thank her for you too babygirl.”
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
TECHNICAL FOUL! | Part 1 - Jump Ball
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Pairing: Basketball Coach!Jin x Teacher!Fem. Reader
Rating: 16+
Genre: Enemies to ???, Coworker AU, fluff, angst, implied intimacy
Summary: When one of your best students in class failed his mid-term exams, you only had one person to blame- Coach Jin. He thinks he's the king of the world-tall, handsome, brooding, borderline arrogant and seems to be always getting things done his way, but you are adamant to give him a piece of your mind. The only problem is that you easily get tongue-tied in his presence.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @jinsquishes @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @btsstan12 @bts-reveries @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @pinkseokchim @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
Jump Ball — noun. when two opposing players jump for a basketball that was tossed into the air by a referee; also a way to award possession after two opposing players simultaneously gain possession of a ball.
“Columns C to K… Average… hmmn…” you mumbled to yourself as you reviewed the source of the pivot table you’re working on. “Something’s not adding up.”
“Are you okay over there?” Jimin’s head popped up on the cubicle wall that divided your workspace and his. “I kept on hearing you talking to yourself. Jungkook is rubbing off on you already.” As if on queue, you overheard your friend and a co-teacher apologize to the coffee maker in the break room, earning a laugh from both you and Jimin. “See?”
“I feel like I’m missing something on this spreadsheet.” You sigh. “One of my top students’ final grade for the mid-term is not adding up. He falls short on the homework and the mid-term exams.”
“Do you have all the grades from the other subject teachers already?” Jimin asked, making his way to your desk and crouching down to take a peek at your monitor.
“I do, yes,” you blew a puff of air to the strand of hair that fell in front of your eyes. “I guess I’ll just have to look at their files one by one. I didn’t see anything wrong with my formula.”
“Which student are we talking about? Jungkook walked over and sat on your desk while sipping his coffee. “Soobin?”
“Yeah…” You quickly pulled up his records and zeroed in on his Science final grade– Jungkook’s subject. “Here, look,” you turned the monitor to the side a bit so Jungkook could take a closer look. “His first and second terms were averaging ninety-four eighty-two and ninety-six percent respectively. Then suddenly, it dipped down to ninety-one twenty-six for this term.” You leaned back on your seat, observing the way Jungkook scrutinized the file. “All his subjects dipped this term. I may have to speak with his parents soon.”
“He failed two quizzes and failed to submit one homework for me,” Jungkook lightly tapped the monitor. “He’s not usually like that. Check the case with the other subject teachers, and yes, you should definitely speak to the parents.”
“It’s probably why you think your final numbers are not adding up,” Jimin added.
“You’re right. I’m gonna schedule a meeting with the parents,” you saved your file and turned your computer off. “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it. I have another class in ten minutes. See you both in a bit!”
You hate going to the principal’s office– no, not hate. More than that. Loathe. You were a good student growing up! You never experienced getting summoned at the principal’s office. Why now? On a Monday too. Your heels clacked against the hardwood floor of the principal’s office as you approached his desk. He lifted his head from a pile of papers he’s leafing through, specs falling along his nose bridge in the process, before smiling warmly at you.
“Good morning, Mr. Min,” you greeted him politely with a bow.
“Good morning, Ms. ________.” He stood up and made his way to the lounge area a few steps away from his desk. “Please have a seat,” Mr. Min gestured to one of the cushioned seats. “Let’s wait for Mr. Kim for a bit,” he looked at his watch. “He should be here soon.”
Your brain started whirring. Which Mr. Kim? Kim Namjoon, the gorgeous Vice Principal with the cute dimples? Kim Taehyung, the eccentric Arts teacher who’s a part-time influencer and has been modeling for magazines? Kim Mingyu, the new PE teacher who gets a lot of stares from the student’s parents, mothers and fathers alike? Kim Seokjin, the world-according-to-me manchild, arrogant and conceited basketball coach who labels himself as Worldwide Handsome and –
“Coffee?” Yoongi interrupted your thoughts with his offer.
“No, I’m good. Thanks for offering, Mr. Min.” You took a seat, careful not to crumple your dress, and fiddled with the pendant of your necklace– a tell that you’re a little anxious about the situation. “May I know why you called us though? Is it something serious?”
Before the principal even processed your questions, the door to his office flew open and in came Kim Seokjin, dressed in a coordinated lavender sweatpants and hoodie. “Ahh Yoongi-ah!” His booming voice echoed in the spacious room. “This better not be just about your—” and then, he noticed you. “Oh, teacher. Sorry, sorry,” he bowed his head in apology. “Good morning, Ms. ______. Was I too loud?”
“Hyung, how dare you call me by my first name in front of Ms. _____? We’re at work! Do you wanna get written up, huh?” Mr. Min— well, Yoongi— scolded the basketball coach, with a hint of playfulness.
“How dare you call me Hyung? We’re at work!”
“Gentlemen, I do have my next class in an hour, so if you don’t mind… Mr. Min, why are we here?”
“Right,” Yoongi rolled the sleeves of his black dress shirt up his arms before sitting across from you, gesturing to Seokjin to sit down too. “Mrs. Han called and asked about his son’s grades. She said she found some unfinished homeworks and failed quizzes in her son’s room, and she’s worried that he’s not able to balance his academic activities and his extracurricular activities.”
“Han Soobin?” Seokjin quirked his eyebrows at Yoongi. “He’s one of the top students, right? The kid’s got a good grip too.”
“I’ve actually been meaning to talk to his parents about that,” you said, concern lacing your features. “I’ve been reviewing the grades for this term and his trend is not looking so good. I have spoken with Mr. Jeon and Mr. Park and they both said Soobin has been lacking in their classes, which is totally unlike him.”
“Has he been skipping classes?”
“No, he’s always present in class.”
“Has he been skipping practice?” The question intended for Seokjin.
“No, he’s always early. Sometimes he comes to the court even without practice scheduled… Oh.” Seokjin’s gaze flitted between you and Yoongi. “I see, there must be where the problem lies, huh,” he tongued his cheeks.
What the fuck? What is he so hot for?
“So him practicing out of schedule could be the reason why he’s failing his classes,” you turned to Seokjin. “Mr. Kim, can we do something about this? This kid is one of our top students and is a potential candidate for Valedictorian next year.”
“Ms. _______, did it ever occur to you that the kid could be overworked and stressed out with all the classworks, and homeworks, and basketball is the only thing that makes him feel like a kid instead of a machine?”
“Mr. Kim, you don’t want to assume such situations. Soobin is a smart, vibrant child, and he is performing well academically. If there’s any signs of distress, he hasn’t shown it. If there is, we are always in constant communication with the parents and we work hand in hand with them to go through that.”
“Ms. ________, do you only step—”
“Okay, okay, enough…” Yoongi interrupted. “Ms. ______, why don’t you talk to the child one on one? Find out if he’s struggling in any of his subjects.” Yoongi nodded. “I’d love to set up a meeting with the parents, but let’s find out what the child feels first, okay?”
“Yep, sounds good.” You agreed. “What are you gonna do about the unscheduled basketball practice?” You directed the question at Seokjin.
“Nothing,” he stood up and shrugged nonchalantly. “As far as I know, my basketball sessions have no problems, whatsoever.” He made a beeline to the door. “See you later, Mr. Min… Ms. ______,” he winked at you before stepping out and closing the door behind him.
A/N — This was supposed to go up yesterday on his birthday, but I really just spent the entire day in bed, watching some unresolved crime documentaries on Netflix, trying to forget the fact that it’s gonna be Seokjin’s last birthday celebration with us before he leaves for his military enlistment. 🥺 Anyway, I’m gonna try my best to inject life into this baby series. I hope you like it!
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treesap-blogs · 2 years
Happy Saturday, everyone! Review of “The Lost Dreamer” by Lizz Hurta!
Hello, Tumblrians! My apologies for the sheer number of reviews last week, I was trying to clear all of my reading queue before I read The Wicked Bargain :). (Review won’t be in a while though, I didn’t wanna have a reading void and as a result restocked my reading queue for the next two weeks oops.) (Eh, it’s fine, it’s mostly fun!!) I’ll be changing up my format a bit, too! Although this is purely for fun, I’m not a fan of how I don’t sound qualified or put-together a lot of the time.
(No epic Story Discovery Backstory for this review! I just stumbled across it during a trip to the library closest to my house.)
Published in 2022(most of my reads are very recent), The Lost Dreamer is a YA fantasy novel taking place in ancient mesoamerica, following two perspectives, Indir and Saya. We don’t really know how the two perspectives are connected, besides them being in the same world and both characters being Dreamers at some point, until the last quarter of the book. (Dreaming being a practice where people essentially connect themselves to the spirit realm, almost always to prophesize, it’s rare for a Dreamer to actually interact with a spirit inside. It’s mainly done to observe the fates of their home/land and anyone they know.) Indir’s a Dreamer who works for the Fire Temple, and lost her ability to Dream after Dreaming for the former king before he died, while Saya’s a Dreamer who goes around village to village with her mom while she tries to pass her abilities off as her own. I was intrigued by the premise of this, it seemed very unique and I appreciated the added bonus of the dual perspectives! (That was something I liked in Hunted By The Sky, I was looking forward to it here too once I put that together.)
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It took me a while to get through this book, though, literally due to the fact that its pacing was very slow. I saw complaints about that in the reviews, but I thought “it’s only 380 pages or so! How bad can it be?” and ugh I definitely underestimated that. Now, while I get that not all stories have to be fast-paced(Our Wives Under The Sea is a different genre/demographic but fits that pacing), and authors have different ways of fleshing out their worlds and introducing their lore(see: Dune), this book seemed to just be a standalone? A standalone that ends on a cliffhanger, granted, but a one-and-done thing nonetheless. Needless to say, I found that frustrating and it made this a tedious read.
Also! This is nitpicky, sorry, but I thought the perspectives were also confusing in the context of trying to connect them together. I was unsure if Indir’s events were affecting Saya(or vice-versa??? I thought from the Lost Dreamer talk Indir would find her on her journey initially), if they were unintentionally following each other, that kind of thing. It was explained by the end, though, which I thought was..strange, but explained the timeline of the perspectives, so.
SPOILER SECTION’S BACK, BABEY!!! (end of it will be listed ^^) seriously tho huge spoilers
So it turns out, Indir and Saya’s stories are not happening at the same time. Indir’s is years behind Saya’s and, essentially, history to her. Indir is revealed to be Saya’s actual mother; the one that paraded around Saya until she ran off to go on her journey was one of Indir’s former friends until she kidnapped an infant Saya. Indir figured out somehow that her daughter was going to be the Lost Dreamer, and was trying to find her all this time.
What the fuck????
Not to say that the twist came totally out of nowhere because there’s bits and pieces where you might be like “Celay might not be her real mom because she’s been relentlessly cruel this whole time and lies about everything!”, “when the spirits mentioned Saya’s mom making sure she was safe, it could be a different person because Saya doesn’t really address Celay as her mother anymore”, and I thought the second thing actually, but I was thinking it would be like a..chosen family thing? Not that route.
 I don’t know what else to rant about in the spoiler section, sorry y’all 😭literally just wanted an excuse to be like “the ending was weird what was that”.
And then we get some kind of tease that they’ll go back for the first time since The ChaosTM that left a scar in Indir’s childhood, but the story ends. It’s like sequel bait but with no sequel???!!
END OF SPOILER SECTION!! I did not have a lot to ramble on about, actually. I am running out of ammo. I am drained as I write this.
Basically, for those who didn’t read the spoiler section, I just said the ending was weird and I didn’t like it lol.
Do I think this is a bad book? No. I do not think so. It just wasn’t my cup of tea, although I can see why other people may enjoy it because it has an interesting plot and background to it. It felt like it was mediocrely executed for something that had a lot of potential, and I’m pretty bummed about that. I’m worried I might be too harsh on it, though, as this is just Lizz Huerta’s debut book, so I’ll allow her some space to hone her craft before judging her as an author. 
Book Rating: ⭐️⭐️½ or ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars. 
-Paz, signing off!
(Book trigger/content warnings: Childbirth scene, verbal and some physical abuse from a parent, mentions of kidnapping, animal cruelty, violence.)
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grumpygreenwitch · 2 years
The Fairy and the Prince #5
Part 1 - Part 2 - Parts 3 & 4 - Part 5 - Part 6, 7 & 8 - Part 9 & 10 - Part 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 - Part 17, 18, & 19 - Part 20, 21 & 22 - Part 23, 24, 25 & 26 - Part 27, 28, 29 & 30 - Part 31, 32, 33 & 34 - Part 35, 36 & 37 - Part 38, 39, 40 & 41 - Part 42 & 43 - Part 44 & 45 - Part 46 & 47 - Part 48, 49, 50 & 51 - Part, 52, 53 & 54 - Part 55 & 56 - Part 57, 58, 59 & 60 - Part 61, 62, 63, 64 & 65 - Part 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 & 72
So a coupla nights back I nearly had a moment of terror because I thought I’d mucked up the updates, until I realized it was Monday, not Wednesday, and the update was on track. I probably was too tired to be mucking up with the queue, but here we are. In any case. Because the word count at this point has escalated to 60K+, I’m moving updates to once a week. I’ll just stuff ser Lyrian into a different day when I start posting his story.
Spring fought its way onto the world. Oliver left, and was not replaced. On the first bright, sunny day, cheeks chapped pink by an exceptionally cold and gusty breeze, Adam renewed his agreement with the two boys, and took off over the rooftops. He greeted every water-spout like a long-lost friend, and asked after Linden; their voices were just a little stronger than a whisper with all the snowmelt, and they were just as glad to see Adam, but they had not seen the young wildling with the shattered eyes. Adam went to the stork nest, but it was still empty; he pocketed a fragile half eggshell and raced to the cisterns, asking the fish. He braved a few early finches, who were exceptionally suspicious of the unruly young boy but could be appeased with courtesy.
No one had seen Linden.
He flopped face down on a steep tiled roof, breathing hard and thoroughly put out. He went through the Royal Gardens, where workers were busy making ponds and paths and adding flower beds and hedges, and into the woods where the nobility coursed and hawked and hunted and sometimes disappeared. There, in the dark shadows where snow still lingered, he shouted Linden's name and listened for an answer. But there were only the trees, whispering with their young green leaves, and it wasn't nearly as fun to fight pirates and barbarians alone. He climbed up a stately, elderly linden tree, the fragrant flowers still nothing but buds on its branches, and sighed, feeling abandoned yet again.
The next day he went as far as the river, where Beli and Dane hid under the old stone bridge to fish and talk, and startled the two boys by his presence. Rain chased them all back to the palace, and for nothing else to do Adam gave his old homework journal to the younger boy, and tried to teach Dane some fisticuffs. A king, he'd been taught, should always bear in mind the strengths of the people around him.
He ended up going to the lessons Leminy had snuck into his afternoons, lessons he'd been skipping to look for Linden. For all of a week they held his interest before he slipped away through the back of the kitchen, buying the silence of the chickens in the yard with a heel of bread and a handful of dry cherries. It was harder to sneak out three people but he managed and was quite proud of it, even as he immediately abandoned Beli and Dane and ran into the woods. He found them, that day, draped in dark and heavy fog; by the time caution brought him to a halt he could scarce see the path under his boots. When he cried out Linden's name, it echoed at him from every direction, as if other voices were taunting him with it. The whisper of the trees seemed almost a fretful warning.
He launched himself up the old linden tree, hoping if he could climb over the fog he'd be able to see something, but while the tree was easy enough to find, nothing around it looked familiar anymore. Adam almost felt as if the tree were closing its young spring foliage around him, shielding him, hiding him. From what, he couldn't have said. But he knew, as everyone did, that sometimes people went into the woods and didn't come back. Sometimes something almost like them did.
Beli and Dane came looking for him with torches, with sunset threatening and suppertime long past. They all got punishment details, but they were all fine with it, glad and relieved simply to have made it back to the palace, knowing without having to be told that it had been, perhaps, a very close thing.
Caution kept Adam to his lessons for another three days before he launched himself up to the palace rooftops. From the very highest point he could see everything around him; in the woods, far below, he could even make out the pale white smudges of the linden trees in bloom.
"You didn't fall this time!" the familiar voice cried out gladly.
"Linden!" Adam crushed his one true friend in a hug, found himself hugged just as tightly. "Wait, don't squeeze so hard, I've a present for you and you'll smush it."
"A present!"
"Yes, of course a present. That's how you tell people who've left you're glad they've come back."
"Oh, is it only when you leave and come back?" Linden sounded disappointed.
"Well, no, you can give presents any time you like, but it's good manners to have a reason. Else it feels more like an obligation and less like a gift." From a pocket Adam drew his handkerchief, and unwrapped it to reveal the half-shell of a stork egg, dry and gone nearly as fragile as one of the Dowager's teacups.
"That makes so much sense now," Linden admitted, and then gasped. "Is it a dragon's eggshell?"
"Nuh-uh." Adam shook his head, and whispered, "Basilisk."
They hunted said basilisk over the rooftops and under the eaves all that golden, merry afternoon, and not a few afternoons after. They went into the woods and sailed their ship into unknown oceans, the dead and fallen giant oak rotting so slowly that their slight weight hardly made a dent. The fog didn't return, but still sometimes Adam merely climbed into the boughs of the linden tree and lingered there, Linden perched close by, kicking bare feet into the green and sweet air. "Do the trees really speak to you?"
"Everything speaks, Adam," Linden replied, examining a bee that had meandered onto their fingers. "Like the fish and the toads and the wriggle-wriggle lizards. The trees just speak quieter. I don't know why you can't hear them, they're louder than the water-spouts."
"Well, yes, but the water-spouts have names and faces and mouths," Adam protested. He was resting against a branch and staring up at the sky as the leaves swayed in the breeze. "I suppose it's harder because I can't see which part is speaking."
"Is it that important, to see a face? It's just a face. I could make a face out of mud and twigs and grass."
Adam grimaced; he knew Linden had a point, and he knew his explanation wasn't one, but for once he couldn't find the words. He was, after all, only ten. "It's a hard question, Linden. Can you ask it later, when I know more things? I'll think on it, I promise."
"Psh, you don't have to." Restless fingers played with his hair. "I can tell you what they say."
"What, like now? Do they speak all the time?"
Linden nodded as Adam straightened up. "They fuss." The bee was thrown into the breeze, to go back to its bee business. "Get down, you're too high. Be quieter, you're too loud. You move too much. You don't drink enough."
"Sounds like a right pack of nannies," Adam couldn't help but grin.
"Right? We're not babies." Linden frowned. "But you did get caught out here on a hunting night. So I suppose maybe they're a little right to fret."
"A hunting night? You mean the fog?" Linden nodded, and Adam sat straddling the branch. "No one talks about that much. Sometimes people go into the woods and they just don't come back out. Or don't come back right."
"They don't," Linden replied, staring at their muddy toes. "I mean, sometimes their skin goes back, but what's inside isn't them anymore. It's..." They flapped a hand towards the heart of the woods. "It's of the Court."
Adam paused. The trees were whispering in the breeze, and he couldn't help but feel as he had that afternoon, when the linden had shielded him against something he could neither name nor comprehend, whispering warnings he couldn't understand. "Why?"
Linden shrugged. "It's payment of some sort. Like blood from a stone or bones from a grave. But I don't like the Court. They still think I'm silly, and I don't like people who think me silly."
"Oh, them." The immediate disdain in Adam's tone made Linden grin.
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head-post · 1 day
Oktoberfest tightens security measures after Solingen stabbing
Germany tightened security measures at Oktoberfest after a stabbing in Solingen, with queues for entry expected to be longer as metal detectors will be installed for the first time in the 189-year history of the Bavarian beer festival, according to AP News.
Authorities say there are no specific threats to Oktoberfest, which begins on Saturday with the traditional opening of the barrel in Munich and runs until 6 October. Around 6 million people are expected to attend the event, many of whom dressed in traditional lederhosen and dirndl dresses.
Heightened security measures were put in place following the 23 August attack in Solingen that left three people dead and eight injured. A 26-year-old suspect from Syria was due to be deported to Bulgaria last year, but he disappeared and avoided deportation.
The violence shook Germany and put immigration back at the top of the country’s political agenda. In response, the Interior Ministry extended temporary border controls to all nine of its borders this week. The checks will last six months, threatening to test European unity.
The effects of the terrorist attack in Solingen and other recent violence across Germany will also be felt at Oktoberfest. For the first time, hand-held metal detectors will be used, which police and security officials will use on a random basis or after suspicious activity. Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter stated:
We have had to react to the fact that attacks with knives have increased in recent weeks and months. We will do everything we can to ensure that nobody comes to Oktoberfest with a knife or other dangerous weapons.
Enhanced measures
In addition to about 600 police officers and 2,000 security personnel, more than 50 cameras will be installed on the festival grounds. Visitors to the festival are also banned from bringing knives, glass bottles and rucksacks.
Peter Neumann, professor of security studies at King’s College London, claimed Oktoberfest organisers were taking a sensible approach to security against the backdrop of Solingen, as well as other recent uncovered plots across Europe. Extremists and groups such as Islamic State were keen that an attack could “cause a lot of terror,” he added.
These are all global events where you can expect to cause a lot of attention.
French authorities say they have foiled three plots against the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris and other cities hosting summer events. Austrian authorities last month arrested a 19-year-old who allegedly planned to attack cancelled Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna and kill tens of thousands of fans.
Oktoberfest is a challenging event to police, although authorities say there have been no specific threats to the festival.
It’s an iconic event and this is exactly the kind of event that they’d want to strike. But with millions of people – drunk people to be honest – running around, it’s really difficult to control every movement.
Festival organiser Clemens Baumgärtner pledged that the 16 days of Oktoberfest would provide “the safest place in Germany.”
Read more HERE
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nerdsworld · 1 month
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Why should only comic book and science fiction nerds have all of the conventions?
Sport Fans deserve one too!
Ask and you shall receive.
But should you have received this one?
Let's discuss.
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First of its kind,CEO and Founder of Fanatics Michael Rubin sporting gear ($31 Billion Dollar Sports Merchandise and Collectibles) along with (wait for it) former Reedpop (NYCC and Star Wars Celebration) CEO/President Lance Fensterman.
Lance left Reedpop I think during the height of the pandemic and now is CEO of "events" at Fanatics,where he is working to create a global network of live events for sports fans.
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I purchased a three day badge which came up to $156.00 with tax and only because this is the inaugural for this event and they are forever adding, cancelling and moving around guests/panels.
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Would I pay for another three days badge for this type of event?
I didn't go today because there was nothing on the schedule that interested me but I will be going tomorrow (Sunday) because I'm getting my WWE Drew McIntyre Funko Pop autographed.
1)They only utilized one level of the Jacob Javitz Center giving me Anime NYC vibes.
2) Squeezing autographs and photo ops towards the back (small food vendors would be for NYCC) causing a massive pedestrian/fan nightmare for the area for the autographs.
3) Area where the lesser known vendors are usually assigned to during NYCC was filled to the rim with trading cards companies with very little traffic (this is for the die hard sports card collector). That area could have been used for the autographs if they didn't want to pay to utilize the downstairs area.
But,your (general admission) still had to queue up downstairs to get into "The Theater" for panels.
4) Inform your workers that ADA does not stand on the queue line with general admission and per Fanatics Fest website. ADA goes in the same entrance with the VIP badge holders.
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5) The Theater where the larger panels were held,ADA attendees were designated to the far right corner,the worst area to be seated in and to get a good view of the stage especially if you were hard of hearing and needed to see the sign language staff member during the panel.
Character Counts was an excellent panel featuring H.O.F New York Yankees Derek Jeter and H.O.F Boston Red Sox David Ortiz,we were allowed in around 9:30 am as the panel was to start at 10:30am.
But,that didn't go as planned and it started closer to 11:00am,as the host informed us that David Ortiz was running late.
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After the panel,I was able to walk the showroom floor three times over and probably faster than I did at last year's New York Comic Con (no studio vendors or panels due to the actors strike).
I left the convention at 1:00pm.
I arrived at the convention at 8:30 am and waited on line (Character Counts panel) until we were allowed to take our seats.
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CBS Morning News Gayle King was in attendance for the Character Counts panel.
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Triple H -Terminator Outfit on display.
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Full Album for event follow the link below.👇🏾
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bristolianbackpacker · 4 months
Day 44 - Rome - City Centre & St Peter’s Basilica
After our usual B&B breakfast we start the day a little later than yesterday. We take the metro a few stops and start exploring the heart of Rome. It’s quieter on the metro at this time so no pick pocketing worries today. Our day begins at the Spanish Steps. We use our audio guide again to get more information on what we see as we go along. From here we work our way to the Trevi Fountain (via the Column of the Immaculate Conception and some Roman aqueduct remains (yes I really do love drainage that much that I find this interesting)).
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We were prepared for the Trevi Fountain to be heaving with people which is good because it’s not quite as crazy as we had expected.
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Next stop Piazza Colonna where there is a 2nd century column besides a building that is the residence of the Italian PM. There was a big police frenzy when we arrived and we wonder if we might have just missed the PM…who even is the PM these days?! 🤔
The we walk over to the Italian lower chamber of parliament that has an Egyptian obelisk outside. The oblelisk was taken from Egypt and brought to Rome and is one of the only columns that did not get a Christian statue added to the top.
We wander over to the Pantheon. We have a tip to use the cash ticket office inside so that saves us a lot of queuing in the sun and we pretty much walk straight in. It’s an amazing ancient feat of engineering and it’s quite surprising how decadent it is inside. We take a pew whilst we listen to our audioguide. It turns out Raphael’s tomb is very close to where we are sat - and we were admiring his paintings just 2 days ago at the Vatican. On the other side we see the tomb of Victor Emmanuel II (more on him later).
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We are still going - next up is Piazza Navona. This is supposed to be a nice place to sit and have a coffee but when we arrive it’s completely surrounded by hoardings. Did I mention that the entire city of Rome is under construction ATM? It’s the Catholic Jubilee in 2025 so many of the monuments have been boarded up for maintenance.
Up one of the side streets we stop for lunch - we share a caesar salad and a margarita pizza which I wash down with an aperol spritz.
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Ok we are slightly revived and take the bus to our next stop - the Victor Emmanuel II monument. He was King and united Italy and is known as the founding father. The monument is sooo huge (and so are the amount of steps we climb). We decide not to pay the entrance fee as we don’t really have time to spend at the museum but the monument itself is very impressive plus great views down from the top.
We hadn’t really planned to visit today but there is a bus that goes to St Peter’s so we take this to see how crazy the queues are.
Ok so the lines are crazy but we join just to see how fast they move. Next thing we get talking to the family in front of us from Boston, Massachusetts, New England, United States (jokes…they are really nice). By this point it’s 32° and peak afternoon sun and we have no cover but we stick with it and talk to our new American friends to pass the time. It takes an hour to get through the security and enter the church but it feels like a completely next level to any other church I’ve entered before. We figure that we must be too late to climb the dome (after getting a slightly confusing response from the guard) which is a little disappointing after such a long wait.
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Just as we are leaving Mum asks another guard and he tells us it is still open and sends us in the right direction (off to one side with a tiny sign)!! We opt for the elevator option for an additional €2 to save us 200 stairs (leaving >300 stairs to climb). It’s slightly claustrophobic climb but we make it albeit puffed. The view of Rome is incredible - St Peter’s square, the Vatican museums and Sistine chapel, the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, the river Tiber all visible. Chuffed, we descend taking the stairs all the way down as the elevator seems to have clocked off (of course as soon we start walking down we see it moving).
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We walk back to near our accomodation and stop off for a well deserved spritz at the same place we had our first on Monday.
Back home and time for our usual late afternoon coffee, tea and more importantly rest.
We are revived enough for our final dinner - we go to the restaurant we were heading for last night. I opt for the carbonara as I don’t think I can leave Rome without having one and Mum gets the cannelloni plus a bottle of house white. Both are really good but the pasta we had on Monday was better. Ok time to order the tiramisu to make up for the main again which does the trick. A total of €41.50 for two mains, two desserts and a bottle of wine - Italy doesn’t deserve its expensive reputation!
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Back to the B&B - time for some sleep 😴
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scorpion-flower · 5 months
Apparently, covering your head with your country's flag, is also 'flirting' with being eliminated from the 'competition' 🤡
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browneyesandhair · 4 months
Hey! It's ya girl! May Edition
I got no chill and a large obsession with a lot of things. So this year, I'm tracking it! Okay, so this year, is the year of recs! (you may have seen some of my posts, but I also have an extensive queue, so maybe not (check out the #recs on my page)). Actually on time since it's June (my birthday month! Here we go!)
Anyways, I've created a collection for this year overall and then also for each month! Let's check out May's stats -
Works read (&finished): 41
Fandoms (top 8):
1 - Harry Potter: 22
2 - Teen Wolf: 11
3 - Bridgerton: 4
4 - DCU: 1
5 - Star Trek: 1
6 - The Flash: 1
7 - Batman: 1
8- Young Justice: 1
The rest didn't make the first drop down section of AO3, so oh well! Let's check in on relationships (top 8):
1 - Harmony: 8
2 - Sterek: 8
3 - Dramione: 6
4- Polin: 4
5 - Tomione: 3
6 - Drarry: 2
7 - Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley: 2
8 - Stydia: 2
A little more than a handful of recs were reread/added to the list this month:
Harry Potter:
Turn by Saras_Girl
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
The Commoner's Guide to Bedding a Royal by olivieblake
Objectively speaking, Hermione Granger knows Britain has a monarchy, just as she knows Prince Draco (the grandson of the current King of England) is probably off somewhere living his royal life in total unrelation to hers. Seeing as she isn't delusional, she doesn't really expect to be his friend. She doesn't expect anything that comes after, either. Dramione, modern royalty AU. COMPLETE.
Teen Wolf:
Hemingway Can Suck It by orphan_account
“For those of you who just transferred into this class or simply decided that day one wasn’t important enough to attend, I’m Professor Hale. Welcome to English 346, The American Novel.” Stiles is pretty sure his mouth is hanging open right now and that his eyes are wide with shock, because holy fuck, he thinks he knows why his students transferred. Hell, if he was still an undergrad, he probably would have transferred, too. (Or: In which Stiles is a Biology professor and Derek thinks he's a student.) Note: French translation by the lovely enso-infinite now available (link inside)!
Safety in Silence by Survivah
It's perfectly understandable. Even Derek wouldn't want to be Derek's soulmate.
Star Trek:
Leave No Soul Behind By whochick
If you're Starfleet, you spend your whole life wishing you never see an EPAS uniform right up until the moment they become your only hope. Whether you're dying a slow, cold death in space, or a long painful one on some godforsaken planet, they're going to come for you. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. They leave no soul behind. EDIT: Amazing trailer made by Тигр Бумажный :http://youtu.be/9mn8Cxju070
Batman / Superman:
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat
Clark, in an attempt to make some spare cash, unintentionally stumbles into the world of superhero fanfiction, becomes a prolific writer for Gotham's OTP, and tries his best to fend off rival fans who want him to convert to superbat instead.
Alright, that's all folks (mostly), for fun, here are the top 8 additional tags from the stories that I read in May:
PWP: 7
Romance: 6
Smut: 6
AU: 5
AU - Canon Divergence: 5
Angst: 4
Time Travel: 4
Au - Soulmates: 4
And, that's all folks (for real this time)!
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chribuna · 10 months
Okay. SO. I was just sitting, thinking, and waiting (for my world of warcraft heroic alpha protocol queue((my first one :D)). And I was reflecting on the night I've spent in the company of my partners family. I've been here before, we're not strangers, and we've been here for a few days now because of the holiday.
I had an interesting conversation today that I think changed my perspective on writing, and enjoying literature. We were discussing the Wheel of Time series; specifically how I'm just starting it, as well as how my partner's brother is also just starting it. We both feel like we're seeing a lot of similarities between the WoT and the LoTR. Like how the Warder (I'm so sorry, I've been imbibing and can't recall his name and if I stop to look it up I'll lose my train of thought), has a lot of parallels with Aragorn, specifically the whole, secret king bit.
Now all of this made me dismiss the story as a whole, much like how I did with Eragon after noticing all of the similarities to the original Star Wars trilogy. But my conversation tonight made me realize how those similarities might be intentional, and obvious for a reason. Or, even if subconsciously or consciously, added by authors added with love, showing a shared interest in works that have come before. Something that could even be construed as an invitation to put your own spin on the story.
I've got a whole new view on my own writing. I'm going to try less hard to break troupes, and I'm going to try to instead make what troupes I can't avoid interesting and juicy.
Something for Tumblr specifically, I'm going to put a lot more serious thought into my own fanfics. I've never really put much thought into it, because I had this weird ingrained idea that all written content had to be from an absolute original place (in the context of fantasy), but I've been shown the error of my ways.
In a way it should have been obvious to me for a long time. I've read a TON of warhammer books and while the stories are original the whole IP is from someone who idk may be dead. I have no idea who to credit for the original warhammer. I'll look it up when I'm done writing. If I stop I won't find this train of thought again for sure. actually this is probably alright. I need to do some dungeons on WoW and I'll come back to this and re read it with a clearer head and hopefully figure out if I had a point or if I was just journaling finally
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/06/heathrow-security-staff-call-off-strikes
Heathrow security staff call off strikes
Getty Images
By Faarea Masud
Business reporter
Heathrow airport security staff have called off strikes after voting to accept a pay offer.
Around 2,000 members of the Unite union were due to strike on 29 days throughout summer.
Unite staff at the airport had already said they would postpone industrial action on 24 and 25 June.
The union said that workers had voted to accept a pay increase worth between 15.5% and 17.5% depending on their band.
A Heathrow spokesperson said: “We are pleased to confirm Unite members have voted to accept a two-year above-inflation pay deal, ending the current dispute and allowing the strikes to be called off.
“We can now move forward together and focus on delivering an excellent summer for our passengers.”
Strikes during the summer period when many UK schools are on a break would potentially have been disruptive and led to queues at airport security.
Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said it was a “hard won victory”.
The offer includes a 10% increase in pay – backdated to January – rising to 11.5% in October, and an increase in line with inflation in 2024, with a minimum uplift of 4%. Unite said that “spot rates, salary ranges and formal pay progression will increase when the pay increase is implemented”.
Unite added the deal also included improved maternity and paternity benefits.
Earlier in June, Heathrow security officers at Terminals 3 and 5 said they would walk out for 31 days in the summer after turning down a pay offer of 10.1%, which they said was “below inflation”.
Inflation as measured by the Consumer Prices Index is now at 8.7%, but another measure – the Retail Prices Index – stood at 11.3% in the year to May.
Workers in several industries across the UK have been taking industrial action, mainly over demands for pay to stay in line with the soaring cost of living.
Extensive walkouts by rail staff have continued since 2022, and industrial action has also led to walkouts by those including nurses, junior doctors, Border Force staff and civil servants.
Unite regional co-ordinating officer Wayne King said: “The solidarity and dedication of Unite’s reps and members was fundamental in ensuring HAL [Heathrow Airport] returned to the negotiating table with an improved offer”.
Heathrow security staff working at Terminal 5 had walked out for 10 days in April during the Easter holiday period, although the airport said it had suffered “minimal” disruption.
Related Topics
London Heathrow Airport
Cost of living
Strike action
More on this story
Heathrow workers call off first summer strikes
12 June
Heathrow security officers announce summer strikes
7 June
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rauhauser · 1 year
Straight Into Nonlinearity
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If you read the hardcore climate science news, say the stuff that appears on phys.org, you probably noticed the articles over the last few years that mentioned scientists fretting about things becoming “non-linear”. Last year seemed to me to be an inflection point; I began saying “2100 is here, 78 years early”. That was based on anecdotes piling up, things that had never happened before coming one after the other in quick succession. That graph is science.
We have to call it something. These are the early years of the Anthropocene, which could be conveniently dated to 1945, thanks to unnatural radioisotopes that started with the Trinity test. But these events of 2022/2023 have the same relationship to the Anthropocene that the Chixilub bolide had to the Paleogene. One is an event, the other a period of time.
I’m glad that’s settled. Welcome to the Nonlinearity.
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This is a recurring theme for me. First Dead Gods of Atacama in 2009, then Gamma Draconis Rising in 2017. They’re not precisely the dictionary definition of jeremiads, but I’m no Puritan.
The Book of Jeremiah prophesies the coming downfall of the Kingdom of Judah, and asserts that this is because its rulers have broken the covenant with the Lord. There’s a different covenant that forms the basis of my views – Thomas Covenant. His Wikipedia article describes him as “an embittered and cynical writer, afflicted with leprosy and shunned by society, and fated to become the heroic savior of the Land, an alternate world.”
I read the first two trilogies as they came out in junior high and high school. Donaldson took a twenty one year break between 1983’s White Gold Wielder and 2004’s The Runes of the Earth. Back in 2010 I read all 4,250 pages of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower over the summer. Given the condition of my reading queue I don’t see myself adding something the size of the final Covenent tetralogy, let alone revisiting the first two trilogies, and I wouldn’t read the tetralogy without that review.
Maybe it’s easier for you to sit and listen for a little over six minutes to a fifty year old song.
Some of them were angry At the way the earth was abused By the men who learned how to forge her beauty into power And they struggled to protect her from them Only to be confused By the magnitude of her fury in the final hour And when the sand was gone and the time arrived In the naked dawn only a few survived And in attempts to understand a thing So simple and so huge Believed that they were meant to live after the deluge
Twenty five years ago I stood on the fantail of a tour boat in Resurrection Bay, holding my infant son, watching a tower of ice a fifth of a mile tall come off the front of a tidewater glacier. More than half of the rest of the passengers were throwing up over the railings, having made the mistake of eating the smoked salmon on the buffet.
Today the salmon runs are fading and without the phosphorus they transported upstream the forests of the Pacific Northwest are nutrient starved. They'll burn, sooner rather than later, and the conditions under which they evolved are gone.
The tidewater glaciers of the Kenai Fjords still put on one of nature's greatest shows, but we stopped at the visitor center at the far end of the Turnigan Arm on our way to that cruise. The place where the visitors center stands was under a thousand feet of ice when my grandparents were born, right at the end of the 19th century.
I don't mention Last Of The Laurentide nearly so often as I do the other two essays I mentioned above, but today seems like a good time for that.
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inatelescopelens · 2 years
london 9th december
We remanded ourselves to the over-eager tourist brigade early again this morning, alighting at St James’s Park station and joining the queue outside Westminster Abbey which seemed to be mostly comprised of holidaying Italians. When it opened its doors for the half-past-nine slot of pre-booked tickets, we were some of the first inside. We began our trek around the familiar chapels and tombs, not bothering with the Abbey audioguide as we had on previous visits. There’s more than enough interest in simply walking about and taking in the history that presents itself around every corner. Again I spent a good deal of time parsing the Latin of various inscriptions, building a photobank of epitaphs I could sit down with properly to analyse when I had some peace and quiet and a good dictionary.
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As well as entrance to the Abbey we had paid the few extra pounds to climb its steps up to the galleries, where an exhibition of its historic treasures was being displayed in wings that overlooked the great hall. Many of these artefacts were very interesting—also a bit macabre in the case of the mannequin-like funeral effigies of Stuart kings—and I especially liked seeing their luridly illustrated prayer books created by the Abbey’s monks centuries ago. The real value of the exhibit though was its location, which gave the opportunity to take in that famous view down the heart of Westminster from above. Perhaps for the alleged health and safety reasons and perhaps partially to preserve the sanctity of this remarkable view, no photos were allowed, so it remains captured only in our memories and on several million postcards available where all good London souvenirs are sold.
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The sun had finally emerged from behind the clouds by the time we finished our tour, and we hurried away across the Thames onto the south bank just in time to escape a very large soviet of union strikers and socialists who were being bussed into the square for the day’s demonstration. It was by now lunchtime and we made our way to the shopping alley behind Waterloo Station to pick up something to eat. I finally had the chance to try a national staple that had occupied my fascination for a while—a Greggs sausage roll, by its own description Britain’s favourite. Conventional in appearance, it was certainly a step above an Australian service station stale offering: freshly baked in-store, with flaky buttery pastry and flavoursome filling. Costing just over a pound, it was easy to see what made this humble roll such a favourite with the working blokes and tradesmen of Britain on whose territory I rather felt I was trespassing as I waited in line for my turn to order.
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We then began a long and roundabout route home along Southbank, passing the Globe Theatre and a near-endless parade of cheap Christmas market stalls. For the first time in my life I stepped inside the towering industrial walls of the Tate Modern, and we spent a little time wandering the studio galleries which contain works of modern artists both iconic and emerging. I was surprised by how many of the artworks I recognised and connected to, though I know little about modern art. We plan to return to the Tate Modern later in our trip to see more, hopefully not too gallery-fatigued by then.
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Our passage across Tower Bridge to return to the Thames’ north shore and the direction of home was forestalled by the arrival of a navy ship—we think it may have been from the Netherlands. This spectacle involved the opening up of the bridge and a lot of people had gathered to witness it, only adding to the ensuing pedestrian traffic jam once the boatload of waving uniformed Dutchmen had carried on its way. Eventually we made it onto the opposite bank, walking in the shadow of the Tower of London as the sun began to disappear. Our last brief stop was a tiny, tucked away place of ruin in the heart of the busy district—the church garden of St Dunstan in the East, which grows within the empty walls of what was once a place of worship. Despite the winter bareness it was still very beautiful, and close to Monument from where we walked the underpass to Bank and took the Central line home.
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For dinner we ended up returning to much the same part of the city, eating at a vegetarian restaurant called Bubala in Spitalfields. They offered a simple and rich Middle-Eastern set menu—all good, but the highlights were the generous labneh and hummus plates with fresh flatbread, the crispy confit potato latkes and, for dessert, a scoop of date and tahini-flavoured ice cream. Their drinks were also so delicious, my favourite being the lemon and lavender spritz that was luxuriously light and sweet. It was a busy little spot more popular with a younger local crowd than tourist—a lucky find on my part, thanks to the influence of social media. We left and walked through the realm of energetic London nightlife late on a Friday to the walls of the Tower of London once more, where the Circle line train waited to take us on its roundabout route home in the dark.
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